wiZITmrfGFTFRicti J 865-66. HEDRIGK & Kf AN WHOLES \LE AND RETAIL PEALERS IN DF.T ©«*^ - -as & ^4fmM^ .JSUb IHA^I p BUSINESS CONDUC'rEI) ON THE 0«ie Fries Principle liiLruiLi«yii;iU'iTiil!Tf!(\LL. ^■'^'< '-. ) 5 a 7 North Front f^ \ -'amks u ^as ;^ JAMES Mccormick, ^^ MERCHANT TAILOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN REiDY-ME CLOTill, Cloths, Cassimeres, WMBTI Tailors' Trimmings, Ac, 2T MARKET STEEET, WILMIFGTOH. H C. m E. B. DUDLEY. R. C. DUDLEY. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE, DUDLEY (fc BRO., Agents, Are prepared to take risks against Fire, the perils of the sea, and Inland Transportation, and issue Policies in the following very reliable Companies : Insurance Companies, "^.^i^A r.Y THE UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY ;) m GLOBE LIFE INSORiCE COiPil OF NEW YORK: NEW ENGLAND Mutual Life Insurance Company, OF BOSTON; AND THE In E ^^ - Y O R K Accidental Insurance Co., OF NEW YORK CITY. Office No. 5 So. Water St., (up Stairs,) GEO. Z. FRENCH & CO., .(SXJGGiJSSORS TO CUTTER & FUENQH.) NO. 10 SOUTH FRONT STREET, DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, Wood & Willow Ware, '^ CROCKERY, GLASS WAEE. ID m\i ST Bought or received on consignment WILMINGTON DIEECTORY, INCLUDING A General and City Business DIRECTORY, COMPILED C ^■ :FI^J^Is^K:- id. sivrj^^w. u la- WILiVIINGTON, N. C. : PUBLISHED BY P. HEINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDEB AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTXJBEE, JOURNAL BUILDINGS. FULTON & PKICE, STEAM P0WI:E PRESS PRINTEBS : 1865. WILMINGTO^ DIREC' TORY,' JAMES S. TOPHAM & CO., No. 8 South Front Street, WILMISTGTOF, F. C, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign & Domestic Saddlery, HARDAV^^RE, &c. A large assortment of the following goods on hand, and constairtly being received : Double Harness, ^ Side Saddles. Single do. / Men's do. Cart and Dray Harness, < Boy's • do. Wagon do. /Gig do. Sole Leather Trunks, } Horse Collars, Ladies' do. S Mule do. Packing do. > Carriage, Riding and Cari Valises, < Whips, Bonnet Boxes, S Feather Dusters, Traveling Bags, / Sweeping, Paint, Whitewash Ladies' Satchels, \ and Horse Brushes, Pocket Books, 5 Cotton Cards, Portemonaies, c Plantation Hoes, Bridle Bits of gill kinds, V Harness, Bridle, Sole and En- l ameling Leather, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF AND EVERY THING IN THE SADDLERY BUSINESS HISTOBICAL SKETCH OF WILMINGTON, N. C: Nkw Haxovkjj Cocntv was f jrmed iu 172>^, and called, iu honor of the House of Hanover, then on the English throne. Wilmington, its capital, the most populous and commercial town in North Carolina, named in compliment of Spence Compton, Earl of Wilihington, is situated upon the East bank of Cape Fear. or Clarendon river in North latitude 34 d»»g 12 min., (48), longitude 77 deg 56 min. (IS) West It is below the confluence of the North East and North West branches The first runs up into the interior, in the direction of Duplin, and the latter past the town of Fayetteville, one hundred and twenty miles, t« Haywood, in Chatham county, where it first assumes the name of Cape Fe.\r, being formed by the junction of the Haw and Deep Rivers. Like many other places, its fortunes hare been fluctuating and its progress slow. The first settlements were made about one hundred and thirty-four years ago, and originally called Newtown, then New Liverpool, and finally Wilmixgton. France having declared war against England in 1744, a fort was ordered to be built by the Legislature of North Carolina, to mount twenty-four pieces of cannon, on the sea coast, -which was accordingly erected at what is now known as the village of Smith- yille, and called Johni-on, in honor of Gov. Gabriel Johnson. Upon the death of Governor Johnson, Rice succeeded to his authority, and upon his death in a very short time, Matthew Rowan, the senior counsellor, was qualified in his stead, in Wil- mington, on 1st February, 1754. About this time, Rowan received an express from Gov. Din- widdle, of Virginia, informing him of the alarming movements of the French on the Ohio, and that Geo. Washington had been sent there to examine and report, &c., and that he desired assistance from North Carolina. Rowan, accordingly, issued hi« proclamation for the Legislature 'to meet in Wilmington, on the 19th of February, 1754, which met -accordingly, and appropriated one thousand pounds for raising ■ and paying such troops as might be sent to Virginia. ^' Col. James Innbs, of New Hanover, marched at the head of a '■detachment, but no preparation having been made by Virginia for 3 WILMi; GTON DIRECTORY. supplies aid quartevuiaster's stores, Col. Inne< returned to North Carolina. A London Magazine of 17G1 reports that a storm occurred, in North Carolina, which began on Monday, the 20th of September, and continued until Friday, but raged with most violence on the 23d. Maiiy houses were thrown down, and all the vessels, except one, in Cape Fear river, driven ashore It forced open a new channel at a place called the Haul-Over, between the Cedar House and Bdld Head. This new channel was found on soundings to be eighteen feet at high water, and is near half a mile wide. In the town of Wilmington, in 1765, on the 3d of April, Wm. Tryon qualified a? Commander-in-Chief and Captain-General of the Province of North Carolina. Bred a soldier, and not destitute of mind, he was disposed to rule with an iron hand, and acquired in ■consequence of his despotic sway the soubriquet of the "Great Wolf of North Carolina " He would wheedle or cajole, whenever his interests were advanced by such conduct, or adopt an opposite policy when it conduced to his interests. He first met the General Assembly in the t.>'wn of Wilmington, on 3d of May, 1765, one hundred years ago. During this session, the Assembly was so much exureised on the subject of the Stamp Act, that Tryon pro- rogued it, upon the 18th May of the same year. " ; The Speaker of the House, John Ashe, told Gov. Tryon this act -would be resisted to the death. Accordingly, upon the arrival of the Diligence sloop.-of-war, in the Cape Fear river, Ashe, of New Hanover, and Col. Waddell, of Brunswick, marched at the head of the men of these counties to Brunswick, before which town the ship lay, pfeveiited the Captain from landing the stamped paper ; seized the sloop-of-war's boat, placed it on a cart, flew a flag from the mast-head and mirched in triumph to Wilmington, where, •at night, the town was illuminated. The next day they called upon the Governor and demanded that he would d'^sist from any attempt; to execute the Stamp Act, and to surrender to them James Houston, the Stamp Master, an inmate of Tryon's house. He at first refused, but ultimately yielded to the popular demand. In case of refusal, they threatened to burn the Palace and its inmates. Whereupon Houston was reluctantly surrendered to the popular de- mand, and then taken by them to the Market House, and there forced to take an oath not to execute the duties of Stamp Master. These acts were performed in open day, by well known persons, and yet they are " not of the few, the immortal names, that were not born to die." WILMINCiTnN 1)1 HKCTiiK V, "These are deeds which should not pass away, And names that must not witlver." In July, 1774, on the Boston Port Bill being enacted by Par- liament, the citizens of Wilmington met and declared : "the cause of Boston is the common cause of America," and Parker Quince was sent with a ship load of provisions to succour the Bostonians. On the 23d November, 1774, the citizens of Wilmington elected a Committee of Safety, of which Cornelius Harnett, John Quince, Francis Clayton, Wm Hooper, Robert Howb, John Ancrum, Arch. McLaine, John Robertson and John Walker were members. When Gov. Martin, the last of the royal Governors and Tryon's successor, summoned His Majesty's Council to attend him, on board the sloop-of-war in Cape Fear river, January, 1776, the Committee infyrmed the members, then on their way, they could not, consistent "with the safety of the eoimtry , permit them t» attend the Governor.'" Upon the 27th of February, 1776, the battle of Moore's Creek was fought, between the Scotch Tories, under Brigadier General McDonald, and the Whigs, under Lillington and Caswell, in which the Tories were badly defeated, with the loss of their military chest. This victory entirely thwarted the plan of Gov. Martin, which was to form a junction with Sir Peter Parker, and Maj. Gen SirH. Clinton, and thus to overrun the Southern country. Delayed by weather, the military and naval armament did not arrive in the Cape Fear until the 18th of April, 1776. The whole naval force- consisted of thirty-six ships. While here Gen. Clinton ravaged Kendall, the seat of General Rob't Howe. History avers that he and Cornwallis surrounded the dwelling, and after murdering three women, they marched to Orton, where military stores and provisions were deposited, but in- formation of their purpose having preceded them, they had been removed, and the buildings alone were sacrificed. The fleet sailed from the Cape Fear on the 1 st June, and arrived ofl" Charleston oe the 4th. In a proclamation of free pardon " to all such as shaE lay down their arms and submit to the laws," given on board the Pallas transport, by Sir Henry Clinton, on the 5th of May, 1^776^ Cornelius Harnett and Robert Howe were excluded from its benefits. The following flattering sketch of the manners and customs upon the Cape Fear, at the period of which we are speaking, is from the pen of Mr. A. M. Hooper, contained in his biography of his dis- WILMINCTON DIRECTORY. tinguished kinsman, the Hon. Wra. Hooper, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence' in 1776. The Hoopers hive always been a family of scholars : — , : f "Hospitality carried to the extreme, and excessive fondness for conviviality, Tvere the characteristics of those days. In fact, every class of society became infected by the example ; and munbers of old families, now reduced to comparative poverty, have reason to rue the prodigalUberaHty of their ancestors. " The British Governor Martin, having occasion to reply to an address of the inhabitants of Wilmington, presented by Mr Hoop- er, styled it " the region of pditeness and hospitality.''' Festive entertainments, balls, every species of amusement which song and dance could afford, were indulged in Everywhere, on the river Cape Fear, were men of fortune, related by blood, or connected by marriage. This general ease and prosperity was highly favorable to the cultivation of polite letters and to the development of talents of a certain kind. The state of manners tended to awaken a spirit of improvement, which pervaded the whole community. Every fam- ily possessed a collection of the best English authors, besides which there was a public library, supported by a society of gentlemen, and styled "The Cape Fear Library." Wit and humor, music and poetry, were drawn into action in social and convivial inter- course. Conversation was cultivated to a high degree. Emana- ting from letters or science, or growing out of the busy scenes of life, it always teemed with instruction and inipjarted delight. The point of honor was understood and recognized, and the slightest approach to indignity resented. In this cxe;rcise of colloquial tal- ent, the ladies participated and heightened the pleasures, ihen they were not, as now, as early instructed, or perhaps, not instruc- ted at all, in the rudiments of knowledge ; bU|t they derived from reading, and imbibed from an association with eminent persons of the opposite sex, a tincture of taste and elegance, and they had a softness, sentiment, grace, intelligence— every quality which in the female sex can inspire and exalt the enthusiasn) of romantic passion. ' ' ' , . ; In the hospitable conviviality of those times, allurements, to dis- sipation were greater than social life usually presents The actors were far above the cast of ordinary ton. vivants. x^mong those were Dr. Eustace, the correspondent of Sterne, who united wit and genius, and learning andMsqience; Harnett, who could boast a genius for music, and taste for letters ; Lloyd, gifted with talents WILMINGTON DIRECTOKY. and adorned with classical literature ; Pennington — (comptroller of the port, and afterwards Master of Cerenionies at Bath, England) — an elegant writer, admired for his wit and his highly polished itrbanity ; McLaine, whose criticisms on Shatspeare would, if they were published, give him fame and rank in the republic of letters ; Boyd, who, without pretensions to wit or humor, possessed the rare art of telling a story with spirit and grace, and whose elegiac num- bers aflForded a striking contrast to the vivid brilliancy of the scenes in which he figured; Judge Maurice Moore, endowed with versa- tile talents, and possessed of extensive information — as a wit, al- ways prompt in reply, as an orator always " daring the mercy of chance ;" Howe, whose imagination fascinated, whose repartee overpowered, and whose conversation was enlivened by strains of exquisite raillery. Wit and humor, and music and poetry, dis- played all their charms among the festive deities, and heightened the glow of delight. Is it to be wondered at, that the banquet was often carried to an " injurious excess ?" Mr. Hooper played his part among these distinguished wits, and shed a classic lustre over these refined revels, .. .i .;,..' 'io Blended with the history of the Cape Fear, at this period, is that of Flora McDonald, the fair and gentle, protectress of the fugitive Charles Edward. Encouraged by the representations of their countrymen, who had removed to the Cape Fear, McDonald of Kingsburg, and his wife Flora, arrived upon its banks in about 1775 or 1776. At the bat- tle of Moore's Creek, he having joined the royal standard, was ta- ken prisoner and confined in Halifax jail. Being finally released, he and Flora returned to Scotland. On the passage out, they be- came engaged with a French juan-of-war. Flora remained on deck during the action, encouraging the men by her presence and coun- sel. The enemy was beaten, but during the confusion of the fight Flora was thrown down and had an arm broken. She is said to, have remarked : " 1 have hazarded my life for the house of Stuart ^ anil for the house of Hanover, and I do not see that I am a great gainer by either." Dr. Samuel Johnson, who had been her giicst, says : " She is a little .woman, of a genteel appearance, and uncommonly mild and Well-bred." She died March 4th, 1790, and was buried, in & shroud made of the sheets in which Charles Edward had slept at Kiiigsburg. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS/ From the Borough of Wilmington, from 1774 to 1836, lohen the Borough representation was abolished by the Convention of 1835. 1774, Francis Clayton. 1819 to 1822, J D Jones. 1775, Cornelius Harnett. 11823 Mont W Campbell. 1776 to 1784, Wm Hooper. |1824 and 1825, Rob't H Cowan. 1783 to 1786, Arch McLaine. 1826 and 1827, Jos Alston Hill. 1787, Josh Potts. 11828 John Walker. 1788 to 1791, Edward Jones. 11829 and 1830, Jos A Hill. 1792 to 1809, Josh G Wright. |l831 and 1832, Dan'l Sherwood. 1810 to 1815, Wm W Jones. 1833 J D Jones. 1816 and 1817, Ed B Du Uey. 1834, Ed B Dudley. 1818 Wm B Meares. i Contemplating this array of representative men, we are struck by the combination of wit, humor, highly cultivated genius^ and refined culture with tact, talent, political sagacity and comprehen- sive statesmanship. Any constituency might be justly proud of such representatives, and should be careful to remember as their interests and fame : suffered no detriment while under their guardianship, their mem- ories should be kept ever fresh in the minds of the people. As some- thing is duo in life to death, so something is due from the living to the dead. We arc told by Diodorus Siculus that the ancient Ilomnns were in the habit of placing in the vestibules of their houses busts of the illustrious dead, so that, in passing in and out, their virtues and their example might become familiaf to their youth, thus early accustoming them to the contemplation of greatness and insensibljr implanting a desire to achieve it Let us profit by the sugges- tion. Among other sons, who have conferred honor upon our town, are Johnson Blakely, Col. Wm. McEee, Col. Wm. Gibbs MxjNeil. Col. Sam. McRee, Capt. Alex. J. Swift, Capt. J. H. K. Burgwin, and Lieut. Wm. H. Wright, all of whom, except Blakely, were eleves of West Point. Col. Wm. McRee is generally represented, by the army, as hay» . ing been the ablest and most profoundly accomplished soldier in all that pertains to his profession, who has ever belonged to the United States army. He is said to be the father of the corps oi WILMINGTON' Di&KCT^ft^i engineers, and served in the capacity of chief of that corps, upon the Northern frontier, during the war of 1812, upon the staff of Gen. Jacob Brown. At the close of the war, it was proposed by J. G. Cal- houn, on account of his pre-eminent abilities, to place him at the head of that department, but he declined the preferment because it would ovetslaugh a brother soldier. Gen. Armistead. and his sense of pro- fessional etiquette would not allow him to be a party to such an act of injustice. He shortly after resigned, in consequence, it is understood, of the Government conferring equal rank in his corps upon the French Gen. Bernard, who had recently arrived on this continent and entered our service. Muliee afterwards became en^; glneer in-chief of the State of Missouri,, and died of cholera,,, in, ^fr; Louis in 1831. ■.'''■ Gen. Wm. Gib^s McNeil belonged to tihe topographical corps, and was for a long while, before he left the army, engaged in civil service, in the State of Maryland, upon the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road, and afterwards in Massachusetts. After he left the service, be became the chief engineer of the Charleston and. Cincinnati Railroad. He possessed in an eminent degree what is known in^ the military profession as the coi/^) c^'o3t7. Swift and Burgwin were both martyrs to the war with Mexico. The former dying in New Orleans of disease contracted at Vera Gruz, and the latter fell a victim at Puebla de Taos, in obeying a senseless order to charge a stone church. Being assured in his expiring moments that justice should be done his memory, his dying utterance was, ' ' that justice should be done to his men." Wm. Henry Wright, an accomplished officer and soldier, was never in active service. The greater part of his life, after leaving West Point) was spent in the construction of Fort Warren, located in the harbor of Boston, Massachusetts. His chief reputa- tion, however, is based upon the publication of his work on mortars. Johnson Blakely emi^Tated with his father from Ireland, and arrived in Wilmington in 1783-84, aged about three years. It was not long before the father died, and Johnson became the pro- tege of Col. Edward Jones, who charged himself with the nurture and education of young Blakely, a duty which he faithfully dis- charged. In the fullness of time he was sent to the University, and soon after the completion of his course there, joined the United States Navy as Midshipman, and in 1800 he was ordered to the Mediterranean with Com. Preble, and soon, by attention to duty, and the propriety of his conduct, secured the confidence and regard of his commander, his officers and his men. Meeting with speedy 10 WILHINQ^PN I>I^C1?9J^Y, promotion, be was ordered to the Wasp, and sailed from Ports- mouth, N. H. In June, 1814, he fell in, off the English coast^ with His Ma- jesty's sloop-of-war Pteindeer, Capt. Manners. A sharp action ensued. Manners, the first lieutenant, and many of the crew were killed and the ship surrendered. Blakely writes the Department : " We fell in with, engaged, and after an action of nineteen min- utes, captured His Britanic Majesty's sloop-of-war Reindeer, Capt. Wm. Manners, commander." From the first to the fifteenth of August, he captured fifteen of the enemy's ships. In one of the&e he placed Lieut. Geisenger, as prize master, with dispatches for the G-overnment. Geisenger arrived safe in Savannah, 4th November, 1814, and brought the last authentic intelligence ever received of the gallant dead. Capt Blakely married in 1813 Ja,ne Hooper, and left an only daughter, Udney. In December, 1816, the Legislature of North Carolina resolved unanimously, that the child should be educated at the expense of the State, which was accordingly done. She acquired her educa- tion in Philadelphia, and shortly after married, and went to reside in the West Indies. Before leaving this country, however, she sent her portrait, as a token of kind remembrance, to the family of her father's early patron. .■ C Wo have already learned that Wi-mington entitled herself to a just renown in her struggles anterior to, pending, and succeeding to the revolution of 1776, during the wars of 1812 and also that with Mexico. How shall we characterize her conduct in the bloody drama which has been enacting from 1861 to 1865, and which may with truth be styled " the bloodiest picture in the book of time ■?" Let the blood of her sons which has soaked every battle field from Fisher 'to Sharpsburg, and whose bones- are feloiaching from Charleston to Gettysburg answer. . ' '' ; ' ;The number of men contributed could be easily computed, but the value of their services could not be so readily ascertained. The amount of munitions of war, quartermaster's and commissary's stores, and other advantages secured by the exports and. imports of the blockade running, it is alike difiiculttoestimaite., Theyrexceed many millions! V . !^' ,,'!",' , '-'',^ "^ .' . ."! In 1819 a great. fire occurred, which r consumed about two hun- dred buildings, and property valued at ^1,000,000, jPopulation in 1830, about 3,000; 1840, 4,744: 1850, 7,264, 1853, about 10,000 ; in 1865, about 15,,000. WILMIXGTON DIRECTORY. 11 COMMERCIAL STATISTICS. Sbipping of the district, June 30, 1854, according to Custom House returns, amounted to an aggregate of 10,684 tons register- ed, and 9,271 tons enrolled and licensed. The foreign and coast- wise arrivals in 1852, exclusive of Charleston steamers and North Carolina coasters, were V63. The following is the table of principal articles exported, coast- wise and foreign, in 1853-'54: 1853. '1854. Coashcise. Foreign. t'oasticise. Foreign. Spii-its Turpfntiiif. bblc 113,717 1,457 119,308 1,3H Orude " " 51,828 21,454 65,102 Koein. " 369,770 10,679 441,692 12,071 Tar, •' 21,609 4,521 32,919 11,603 Pitch. ■ 5,019 1,904 4,624 7,188 Flour, ■' 1,349 86 14,431 1,001 Timber, f(-.t. . 1,080,441 85,154 1,350,203 630 Lumber, " 25,646,792 12,511,158 20,003,958 206,915 Shinglee, 5,223,750 11,118,180 Staves, 154,783 5,128,259 Ground Peas, bushels, 69,624 87 91,807 133,819 Cotton, bales 7,515 10,328 32 " Sheeting, bales 2,320 . 1,689 " Yarn, ",.' 2,581 1,573 " Waste, " 317 206 " Warp, " 122 181 Paper, News, bundles, 2,120 „ 2,805 Wool, bales, 182 39 Rice, clean, casks 1,724 252^ 401, 164 " rouKb, bufhelH 102,917 137.672 1% WILMINGTON BIBECTORY. COMPARATIVE TABLE Of Exports from the Port of Wilmington, N. C, compiled from the reports oj the Daily Journal, for the first quarter of 18G1, compared with Ike first quar- ter qf .1860, ending 3lst March of each year. [■'■' 1860. 186 1. ' ! Goastvnse. Foreign. f'onst>nise. Foreign. Spirits Tiirppntiiio. bbls 27,13:? ?,,83(; 20,&43 728 Crude '• '^ 2), 100 3,577 U,987 2,020 Rosin, " .... 104,403 13,35*; 75,754 11,939 Tar, " .... 17,994 1,238 22,507 2,593 Pitch, " .... 1,838 514 1,000 185 Timber, Pitch I'itie, feet, .... e5,00{) Lumber " '■.... 980,347 2.803,750 1.555,008 3,087,131 Shingles, 14,000 514,500 1,859,000 Staves, 5,545 Pea Nuts, bushels 57,071 05,138 Flour, bbls...... 259 10 Cotton, balesv • ■ ■ l'^^?-'! -■^>'^24 713. /.' Sheetiug, bales 279 449 " Yarn, "' 430 239 " Waste, " " Warp, '^ Rice, rough, bushels 55,670 30,169 Rice, clean, casks, 1 5 30 Paper, News, bundles 509 Wool, bales 1 •2i> Wheat, bushels, .'. . . 230 MISCELLANEOUS — COASTWISE. Flaxseed. SlO'bushels; Empty Barrels. 73; do. Kegs, liMi: do. Hhds., 7; Soap Stone, 379 bbls.; Liquor, 52 bbls.: Merchandise, 226 packages; Dried Fruit, 10' boxes, 1,246 bags, 449 bbls.: Hides, 500; Fish, 5 bbls.; Old Iron 105 tons; Corn, bushels, 19,138; Tobacco, 9 boxes; Bones, 18 bags; Sugar, 3 hhds.; Copper Ore, 282 bbls.; Old Copper, 5 bbls.; Potatoes, 5 bbls.; Soap, .37 boxes; Juniper, 86 cords ; Beeswax, 1 bag, 20 bbls.; Oils, 30 bbls.; Bags, 30 V)ales; Tallow, 8 bbls.; Salts, 25 sacks; Eggs, 4 boxes, 8 bbls.; Fur, 10 boxes, 3 bags, lo bbls., 13 hhds.: Molasses, 76 hhds.; Hay, 61 bales. FOREIGN. Corn, bushels, 200; Peanuts, 40 bushels; Peas 94 bushels. We publish to-day our table of exports from the port of Wilming- ton, for the quarter ending March 31, 1861, as compared with those for the corresponding period of 1860. In Spirits Turpentine there is a falling ofY, as there is in every article of naval stores, with the single exception of Tar, which shows a slight increase. In Timber, Lumber, Shingles and Staves, there is an increase, especially in the foreign shipment. There is a slight gain in Pea- nuts, and a decided loss in Kough Rice, but the most marked fea- ture is in the increase in Cotton from 10,791 to 22,724 bales coast- wise, 713 foreign, this increase far more than making up for any falling oflf in naval stores. Owing to the short Wheat crop last year in our Middle and Western counties, there has been no shipments of breadstuffs from our port, and little of North Carolina produce from any port. irrLMixGTO:^ directory. 13 F. L. BETTER, M. M. KATZ, No. 23 Market Street, ^^ HOI^ESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FAWaY DEY CrOOT)§, SMS, MIMSOS, . feeWgh millineiy, EMBPtOIIfERIES, StfTIONS, , BlaL^GRM AND HOOP SKIRTS, DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SKIRTS, White Goods of every variety, MOURMING AND FANCY VEILS, m HATS AND CAPS, m o Xj o -OP n I r>j C3- , BOOTS m SHOES, MB FllMISHIM GOODS. CALL AND PRICE, AND YOU ARE SURE TO GET SUITED. 14 MILMIXurON UIUECTOUY. BROWN & ANDERSON, mrORTEliS AND DEALERS IN ,FIXE f iTCllES, CLOURS,, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, fffii ffli iiiif iifim. Pistols, Fancy A-rticles, &c. ^Concave and Convex Spectacles, to suit all ages. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIKED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. OCr-No. 37 Market Street, (Old Stand,) 4X) WILMINGTON, N. C. G. R. FRENCH & SON, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES m LEiTHER, i . . AND A GENERAL ASSORT]\IENT OF WILMINGTON, l/f. C. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 15 A. WEILL, (^- ROSENTHAL. A. WEILL & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DE.VLERS IN FOREIGN AND OOMESTIC ORY GOODS, CLOTHIlSrG-, mm numm goods, HOSIERY, CUTLERY, IJ-^BOOTSandSHOEaU^ HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, &c., NO. n MAjRKET STREET, Mr,7^o: WILMINGTON, N. O. 16 WILMINGTON DUIKCTOKY. C. M. VANORSDELL'S EXTENSIVE rHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, r No. 40J Market Street, . . Where ARTISTS' MATERIALS of every description are sold. FRAMES, ovajl and square, gilt and plain, oak and walnut, of all sizes and styles, at wholesale anifl retKil. PHOTOGKArHIC PORTEAITUEE, of every known style.— Photograplis enlarged from small pictures to any desired size, and beautifully colored in oil, pastel, water and India ink. .EIRE INSURANCE. '» IN THE PHGENiX COWIPANY. OF HAllTFbRD, CONN.: ^ |rT CITY FIRE COMPANY, OF IIAETFORD, CONN.; HOfVii INSURANCE CO., OF NEW HAVEN, CONN. A Jslf^aOO D COMPANIES. WM. L. SMITH, Agent, OmOE AT BANK OF WILMINGTON- WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. AB B REVIATIO N S : 111 the following 4)af?e.T r. stands for resilience; bdr^ for buaid.s : ht for iiotueen; cof for corner ; off for office ; opp for opposite ; e for east ; m for we^t : // (< impson, bds H Burr. Burtt, S, blacksmith, Mulberry, bt Front and 'V^'ater. r 4l]i, bt Market and Dock. Burtt, S, Jr, elk M M Katz, bds S Burtt. Burriss, Tho^ E, pilot, r Church, bt 4th and 5th. Burkhimer, Henry, tobacco, cigars, &c, 6thi Market, r S E cor 4th and Ann. Burkhimer, W, r Cottage Lane, bt 3d and 4th. Burkhead, Rev L S, pastor Front st ME Church, r cor 2d and Walnut Burnet, TLos B, hunter, r cor 5th and Queen. Bunting, S R, r 5th, bt Market and Dock. Bunting & Yopp, provision inspectors, 24 North Water, (up stairs.) Bunting, D E, of B & Yopp, r 3d, bt Red Cross and Campbell. Bulcken. J G, cleik Adrian & Vollers, r Orange, bt 4th and 5th. Burch, W F. r al, bt 2d and 3d. Bjrd, Martha, r al, bt 8th and 9th. C. Calder, R E, book-keeper Shackelford, Haas & Co, r cor Market and 6th. Calder, W, elk W & M R R, r cor Market and 6th. Caldwell, W J, printer Herald off, bds Market, bt 3d and 4th. Cantwell, Jno L, freight agent W & M R R, bds Mrs C K Price. Capps, A, mechanic. Hart & Bailey's, r cor 6th and Castle. Carpenter, A, salesman, J S Topham & Co, bds 5th, bt Dock and Orange. Carr, N, elk R F Evden, r 5th, bt Hanover and Brunswick. Carr, Thos B, dentist, 4^ Market, r same. Casey, JN, carpenter, r Walnut, bt 3d and 4tli. Cassidey, J, ship-builder, S Water, r Church, bt Front and Water. Cazaus, A D, commercial reporter Dispatch office, bds City Hotel. Chadbourn, Jas H & Co, commission merchants and steam saw mill, off Dock, bt Front and Water. 28 WILMIXOrON milKCTOUY- .1. I>. KV'I'TRVBERG. COHW $c RYTTEIl^BERG, WHOLESALE AXD RETAil, HEAl.ERS i\ ' # mm AND FANC! DR! 60Q0S, j| OIF J^TjXj IKZIa^HDS, MILLIllRY, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Wv Boots, Shoes, "gV Geiitlemeifs Fiiniishiiig (loods, 33 Market Street, \ VViLHf!38T0N, U. C, Smith's Corner, Fayette ville St., HALEICrH, .¥. G. Dealers will tiad ic the cheapest and best assorted and selected stock in the market. FRESH GOODS received by every steamor. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 29 Cliadbourn, Jas IT, of J H C & Co. r Orange, bt od and 4th. Chadbourn, Geo, of J H C & Oo, r Orange, bt 3d and 4tli. Charles, J Gr, printer Journal off, bds J F Legwin. Chesnut, G L, book-keeper, Cox, Kendall it Co. Cherry, F, tailor. City Hall, cor Princess and 3d. City Hotel, Frederick & Shemwell, proprietors, cor 2d and Market. Clark, .1 M, clerk Worth & Daniel, bds cor Front and Dock. Clark, Wm M, c-irpenter. r Chesnut, bt 4th and 5th. Cohn & Ryttenberg, dry goods and clothing, 43 Market. Corbin, L' deatistr Front, bt Market and Dock, r R Morris. Corbet, W J, clerk A R Storer, r Hanover, bt 2d and 3d. Corbett, Jas T, elk Herald office, bds 3d, bt Walnut and Red Gross. Cornehlsen, J H N, bds Jas Lumsden. Collins, James W, accountant A Oldham^ r cor 5th and Orange, Collison, W C, bds cor 3d and Red Cross. Colvillc, T L. foreman Hart & Bailey's, bds Mrs W G Milligan. Coney, John R, r od, bt Orange and Ann. Conner, David, carpenter, W & W R R, bds S G Northrop. Conoley, John J, special magistrate, r Market, bt 4th and 5th. Cook, Thos M & Co, proprietors Wilminfjton Herald, 36 Market. Cook, Thos M, of T M C & Co, r cor Dock and 2d. Cook, J C, store cor od and Nun, r same. Cooper, John, mechanic Hart k Bailey's, r 2d, bt Market and Dock. Copes, Mrs B F, r cor 6th and Chesnut, Copes, Geo S, cabinet maker, 2d bt Market and Princess, bds S W Roberts. Copes, B F, elk James Lumsden, bds same. Costin, A J, elk, bds Miles Costin. Costin, Mrs John, r Dock, bt 6th and 7th. Costin, W T, elk Wm Porter, bds Wm H Costin. Costin, Y/m H, brick mason, r cor 6th and Nun. Costin, Miles, cor 5th and Dock. County Jail, Princess, bt 3d and 4th. Court House, Princess, bt 2d and 3d. Cowan, Mrs Sarah, r cor 4th and Chesnut. Cowan, R H, President W, C & R R R. Cowan, Piatt D, elk Dispatch Office, bds Mrs S Cowan. Cowan, John, conductor W, C & R R R, bds Mrs S Cowan. Cowan, Mrs John, r cor Front and Mulberry. Cos, Kendall & Co, commission merchants and wholesale grocers, 23 N Water. 30 WILMINGTON DIKKCTOUr. ELIJAH WILLIS, DRUGGIST AiyD GHEIVilST, Drugs, Select Medicines, Engiisb. and German Chemicals, Fancy Articles. Perfumery, Seed, and Patent Medicines of all kinds. Market Street, Wilmington, N". O. N. B. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded. Pers'ons wishing medicines at night, will call ou Mr. Shaffer, one door West of the Journal office ALFRED IVIARTI Fl AND MANUFACTUuER OF ROem OIL, KAPTHA, PITCH SPIRITS TUHPBNTIFE AND ROSINj Office No. 5 South Water Su, mmmMMM Commission Mercliant, No. 6 South Water Street, WILMIMGTOF, N. G. ■W'K.MINGTON DIRKCTOF.Y. 31 Cox, J J, of C, Kendall & Co, r . Cox, John, printer Herald office, bds G Prigge. Cronly & Slorris, auctioneers and general agents, 6 S Water, up stairs. Cronly, Michael, of C k Morris, bds John A Taylor. Craig, J G-, guuf-niith A H Neff, r 8th, bt Mulberry and Walnut. Craft, Mrs T 0, r Princess, bt 8th and 9th. Craft, T C, Jr. elk D A Smith, bds mrs T C Craft. Craig, John B, tailor, r Princess, bt 4th and 5th. Craffy, M, gardener, E Kidder, r 4th, bt Dock and Orange. Custom House, N Water, bt Market and Princess. Cumming, James D, book-keeper J H Chadbourn & Co, r Orange, bt 4th and 5th. Cumming, Wm A. Currie, S A & Co, liv^ery stables, cor 2d and Princes". Gurrie, S A, of S A C & Co, r at stables. Currie, John K, r Market street continuation. Cutlar, F J, physician, off over Bank of Wilmington, r cor 2d and Walnut. Cutlar, DuBrutz. attorney at law, r 2d, bt Walnut and Red Cross. Cutts, A H, conductor W & W R R, bds City Hotel. D. Daggett, W T, salesman H C Elliott. Dahmer> J, store cor Water and Red Cross, r same. Dahmer, P, store Water, bt Red Cross and Walnut, r same. Daniel, N G, of Worth cc D, r cor 2d and Ann. Daniels, Thos, proprietor Mechanic's Hotel, r same. Darby, James, sup't Gas Light Co, r cor Church and Surry. David, Aaron & Co, clothing, 53 Market. Davis, J T, clerk Cohn & Ryttenberg, bds Mrs C C Whitney. Davis, James, clerk Harriss & HoweH, bds Mrs C C Whitney. Davis, John, tragedian and leading man Wilmington Theatre, bds City Hotel. ^ Dawson, John, dry goods and hardware, 19 and 21 Market. Dawson, John, mayor of city, r 2d, bt Market and Dock. Dawson, James, broker, 28 Market, r cor Front and Chesnut. Dawson, Geo, machinist W & W R R, bds . Daymon & Johnson, cabinet makeia and undertakers, cor 2d and Market, up stairs. Daymon, Jno C, of D & Johnson, r Castle, bt 5th and 6th. 32 WILMINGTON DIRECrOllT. D. G. WORTH. N. G. DANIEL. WORTH & DANIEL, COMMISSION and FOIIROI ^[fiCHflNIS,, BROWN'S WHARVES, South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. Will give strict pfersonal attention to sale or shipment of Cottoiij Naval Stores and General PrcducBj Also, to receiving and forwarding Goods : Agents for Cape Fear Line of River Steamers to Fayetteville, and Sail Lines to New Tork and Philadelphia. Dealers in Cotton, Bagging, Hope, Lime, Plaster, Guano, Ford's Pcrtilizer, Salt, .'Coal, kc. ISHAM PETERSON, WITH C. M. HALL, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, FUR, ^VOOL AND FELT IIA.TS, No^ 29 MARKiET BTBM'BT, (hedric'k a- eyan's old stand,) WILMINGTON, N. C. Countrj Merchants tfould do well to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Oj:der« promptlj attended t». WILMINGTON DIRKCTORY, Davis, Wm E, r Chesnut, bt 8th and 9th. Day ct Wright, drug store, 71 Market. Day, W E, of D & Wright, r IMarket bt 2d and 3d. Dean, Jas, book-keeper Kidder & Martin, r Ann, bt 2d and 3d. Delaney, D, tailor, r Market, bt 8th and 9th. DeBebian, Mrs — , boarding house, r 2d, bt Princess and Chesnut. DeRosset, A J, commission merchant, r cor 2d and Dock. Dellosset, A L, clerk internal revenue dep't, bds A J DeRosset. DeNeale, Mrs W H, r 47 Market, up stairs. DeNeale, Wm H, Jr, bds Mrs DeNeale. Deumeland, A, grocer, cor Dock and Water, r same. Dickinson, P K, r cor Front and Chesnut. Dicksey, J W, clerk W N Peden, bds N E Brickhouse. Dicksey, J J, r 4th, bt Nun and Church. Dienstbach, W, r Front, bt Market and Dock. Divine, John F. master machinist W & W R R, r 4th, n of R R. Donally, T, sup't Oakdale Cemetery, r cor Princess and 9th. Dodd, Wm, clerk S VanAmringe, bds 2d, bt Ann and Nun. Doughtery, P, clerk James McCormick, bds same. Drane, Henry M, sup't W k M R R, r cor 5th and Chesnut. DriscoU and Kerrigan, proprietors Wilmington House, Toomer's al, bt Front and 2d. Driscoll, D, of D & Kerrigan, r Wilmington House. Dudley ife Bro, general insurance agents, 5 s Water, up stairs. Dudley, Edward B, of D & Bro, r Market, bt 7th and 8tb. Dudley, Robert C, of D & Bro, r Market, bt 7th and 8th. Dudley, Guilford L, freight agent W & W R R, bds A Martin. Dunlap, W, works M Barry, bds same. Duse, Chas, store cor Water and Red Cross, r same. Dunden, Thos, clerk Geo Z French & Co. Dugid, W H, carpenter W & W R R, r 8th, bt Mulberry & Walnut. Dyer, Jno, cutter Baldwin, Munson & Co, r cor Market and 10th. Dymott, R E, gas fitter Hart & Bailey's, bds Jas H Mitchell. Dyer, S, elk G W Williams, bds same. E. Earpe, C, r Chesnut, bt 4th and 5tli. Eckel, H, grocer, cor Front and Dock, r same. Edmondson, W B, com merch, cor Front and Red Cross, r same. Egan, P & Co, groceries and liquors, 46 N Water. Egan, P, of P Egan & Co, bds Princegs, bt Front and Water. 34 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. L. FLANAGAN, FANCY AND VARIETY STORE, No 23 So. FRONT STREET (mrs. boyd's old stand,) DEALER IN MIUIRY. TDYS. IBIIITS. IfETIDffllES A.is^D f^:n^cy goods OF ALL KINDS. Keeps con^antly on hand a handsome and well assorted stock of everything usually found in a fancy store . The lady so well known to the public as Mrs. Boyd, is in charge of the Millinery department, where she will be pleased to attend to the wants of all her old friends and customers. HORACE M. BARRY, NORTH WATEK STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Groceries, ProTisioiis AND GENERAL PRODUCE. Cash advances made on consignments to Artuuk Leary, N. Y. _r.^.^ Agent for Steamships STARLIGHT and COMMANDER. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 35 Egan, E J, of P E & Co, bds cor 5tli and Princess. Eilers, H B, commission merchant and grocer, cor 3Iarket and S Water, r cor 5th and Orange. Eilers, W T, elk Hart & Bailey, bds H B Eilers. Eilers, E H, elk Worth & Daniel, bds H B Eilers. Ellis & Mitchell, grain dealers, 9 N Water. Ellis, C D, of E & Mitchell, bds Mrs Henry P Russell. Ellis, C S, of Russell & E, bds Mrs Henry P Russell. Ellis, A, r 2d, bt Orange and Ann. Ellis, James H, carpenter W & W R R, r cor 3d and Walnut. Elliot, H C, hardware and general merckandize, 7 Market. Elwell, Mrs Wm, r cor 3d and Walnut. Elwell, Eli, book-binder P Heinsberger, bds Mrs Wm Elwell. Empie, Adam, attorney at law, off Journal buildings, r Front, bt Ann and Nun. Episcopal Church, St. James', cor Market and 3d, Rev A A Wat- son, pastor. Episcopal Church, St. John's, cor 3d and Red Cross, Rev R H Terry, pastor. Episcopal Churchj' St. Paul's, cor 4th and Orange, Rev Geo Patter- sou, officiating. Ertkenker, I F, physician, cor Market and 2d, r 4th, bt Ann &Nun, Evans, J J, conductor W & M R R, r . Evans, Thos, book-keeper J R Blossom & Co. Evans, Henry C, elk G R French & Son. bds G R French. Everett, Mrs A M, r 7th, bt Chesnut and Mulberry. Everett, Jno A, elk Smith & Strauss, bds Mrs A M Everett. Eyden, F, store cor 5th and Walnut, r same. Fanning, P W, sign painter, Front, bt Orange and Ann, r same. Faulkner, J R & Co, proprietors Railroad Hotel, cor Front and Red Cross. Faulkner, J R, of J R F& Co, r Railroad Hotel. Farmers' House, Water, bt Mulberry and Walnut. Fees, George G, watchmaker F W Knohl, bds same. Fergus, Daniel, r 2d, bt Ann and Nun. Ferrand, Miss Sallie, transient boarding house, r 3d, bt Ann & Nun. Fitzgerald, John, butcher, r Princess, bt Water and Front. Fitzgerald M, clerk, . Re ! Gross, bt Front and 2 { . 36 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. WHOLESALE DEALER AND JOBBER ]l\ READY-MADE CLOTHING, FELT AND WOOL HATS, Boots and Shoes, Notions, (fcc, 33 and 35 Market Street, —JlSD— 2 and 4 Front Street, N. E. Corner. CONFINING OURSELVES STRICTLY TO THE And having the various departments -well stocked, Merchants will find it to their interest to call. GOODS sold at Nevr York market rates, with expenses added. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Finger. John F, clerk Kidder ct Martin's mill, r same. Filljaw, Mrs L, r 4th, bt Ha-net and Bladen. Flanner, AVm B, commission and forwarding merchant, and agent Murray's line sailing packets, r Front, bt Walnut and Red Cross Flanner, Henry Gr, clerk W B Flanner, bds same. Flanner, C, local reporter for Journal office, bds W B Flanner. Flanner, B, clerk Murray & Murchison, bds W B Flanner. Flanagan, L, variety store, 21 and 23 S Front, r same. Flanagan, Dennis, r Princess, bt Water and Front. Fleet, James, r cor 5th and Nun. Flowers, John, r Walnut, bt 7th and 8th. Foley, Terrence V, of T M Cook & Co, r 36 Market. Fox, Geo A, enginneer, r 6th, bt Chesnut and Mulberry. Forrest, John J, seaman, r cor 4th and Church. Fowler, W Gr, r cor Front and Ann. Fowler. N R, r Front, bt Church and Nun. Fowler, W G- Jr, bds N R Fowler. Fowler, N R, Jr, machinist, bds N R Fowler. Foyles, Mrs D M, r cor 7th and Dock. Freeman, William E, physician. Front, bt Chesnut and Mulberry, r same. Fremont, Col S L, sup't W & W R R, r cor Front and Walnut. French, Geo Z & Co, groceries and liquors, 10 S Front. French, Geo Z, of G Z F & Co, bds French, C H, salesman Geo Z French & Co. French, Wm R, clerk W, C & R R R, bds C E Burr. French, R S, of Person & French. French, Geo R & Son, boots and shoes, 11 Market. French, Geo R, of Geo R French & Son, r cor 4th' and Dock. French, Wm A, o#G R French & Son, r 4th, bt Dock & Orange. French, Geo R, Jr, clerk G R French .t Son, bds G R French, French, J McD, clerk G R French & Son, bds G R French. French, Chas B, bds G R French. Frederick & Shemwell, proprietors City Hotel . Fulton &: Price, proprietors AYilmington Journal, Journal Build- ings, Princess, bt Front and 2d. Fulton, Jas, of Fulton & Price, Editor Journal, r 4th, bt Princess and Chesnut. Fulton, Mrs C A, r 4th, bt Princess and Chesnut. Furlong, Walter, proprietor Wilmington ice house. Dock, bt Front and Water, r £d, bt Market and Princess. 38 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. HUSSELL & BAPPLEE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ALES, WINES, LIQUOES, Cigars and Tobacco, GROCEEIES, DRT GOODS AND FAl! GOOD.^, Buyers of Produce generally. i COMER OF WATER 11 MilLBERM STS., WSILlimCT ®M, Wo «o C. HUSSELL, G. P. BAPPLER •WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Gr. Gradsby, James H, elk S Kelley, bds J Meier. Gadsby, J E, city baggage express. Ganzer, C H, clerk H M Barry. Gardner, Junius D, Sr,. r Mulberry bt 4th and 5th. Gardner, T ]M, Custom House, r Market bt 6th and 7th. Gardner, J D, Jr, elk M Mclnnis, bds J W Collins. Gardner, Geo G, engineer W, C & R R R. Garrity, Jas H, moulder W & W R R, r N of R R. Gates, Geo W, machinist W & W R R. Gay, J J, shoemaker, cor 3d and Orange, r cor 3d and Walnut. Gerkin, H, store cor 6th and Mulberry, r same. Gerkin, N, grocer, Princess bt Front and Water, Gerguson, P, blacksmith Hart & Bailey, r Dock bt 7th and 8th. Gillespie, Geo S, com merchant, S Water, bds F C Singletary. Gilbert, Henry D, elk Custom House, r 5th bt Dock and Orange. Gilligan, Charles, r al, bt 8th and 9th. Goteberg, N, variety store 46 Market, r cor Princess and 2d. . Gorman, J W, elk H Webb, bds same. Goodman, S, elk S Bear & Bro. Grady. B F, exchange broker, cor Water and Princess, bds City Hotel. Grant, F, elk City Hotel, bds same. Grant, Rev Reuben, r 5th bt Ann and Nun. Grant, James, r cor Market and 7th. Grainger, IB, book-keeper James Dawson, bds same. Greene, Z H, commission merchant and grocer, 4 N Water. Green, James G, W & M R R, r cor Nun and 2d. Green, Samuel, bds Mrs J J Lippitt. Greenburg, R, salesman J Newman, bds same. Greer, David J, r 2d bt Orange and Ann. Greer, John, bds D J Greer. Greer, T C, telegraph operator, bds D J Greer. Griffith, John, assistant chief police, r cor 6th and Castle. Groetjen, Wm, grocer, cor Front and Church, r same. Groves, Mrs S A, r cor 7th and Mulberry. H. Haas, Sol, of Shackelford, Haas & Co, r . Hall, E D, r Front bt Market and Princess. Hall, Dr Wm H, r cor Market and 3d. 40 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY, S. D. WALLACE, J. B. SOUTHERLAXD. Wallace & Soiitlieiiaiid, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OFFICE M. 24, METH WATER STEEET, iMvinirffMiisiniT i! mm mt WILMINGTON, N. C, Will give prompt personal attention to all con- signments of ISTaval Stores, Cotton, SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN, TAR, PROVISIOMS, &c. &c., either for sale or shipment. Also, to forwarding merchandize, &c. Agents Greensboro' Mutual Insurance Company, WILMfXaTOX DIRECTORY. 4Jli Hall, A E, com mer, 22 N Water, r 5th bt Doclr and Orange. Hall, C M, dry goods, 29 Market, bds I Peterson. Hall, Watson, r Church bt Front and 2d. Hallett, B A, distillery opposite city, bds City Hotel. Hanchey, R, store cor Market and 7th. Hanchey, Henry, tailor Baldwin, Munson & Co, r Front bt Ches- nut and Mulberry. Hancock, E T, salesman N Jacobi & Co, bds City Hotel. Hannon, — , policeman, r Chesnut bt 5lh and 6th. Hansley^ E, r cor 7th and Walnut. Hartz, H, dry goods and clothing, 17 Market, rsame. Harrison, B P, elk Baldwin, Munson & Co, bds H H Munson. Harriss & Howell, com and forwarding merchants, N Water. Harriss, George, of H & Howell, r 2d bt Dock and Orange. Harriss, W W, of H & Howell, r 2d bt Princess and Chesnutt. Harriss, W M, elk Worth & Daniel, r Market bt 9th and 10th. Harris, K L, mechanic Hart & Bailey's, bds G M Altaffer. Hardwick, J M, of Larkins & H, r Princess bt 8th and 9th. Hartsfield, A A, r cor 7th and Market. Hartsfield, W B, coppersmith W & W R R, rcor 3d & Campbell. Hart, L A, of H & Bailey, r 3d bt Dock and Orange. Harrell, W H, elk F M Ajrostini, bds same. Harrell. E J, of King & 11, r Mulberry bt 8th and 9th. Hardy, Wm H, elk D A Smith, r cor 3d and Craig's al. Hashagen, H, store cor 4th and Walnut, r same. Hauft, C, shoemaker. Hawkins, John, carpenter Daymen & -Johnson, r 5th bt Castle and Queen. Hawkins, J J, boot and shoemaker, r 5th bt Dock and Orange. Hawes, C W, bds cor 4th and Princess. Hays, Wm M, printer Journal office, r Walnut bt 2d and 3d. Haynie, Wm, conductor W & M R R, bds City Hotel. Hebert, V A, book keeper Cohn & Rytenberg. Hedrick & Ryan, wholesale and retail dry goods, 5 and 7 N Front, next door South of Cape Fear Bank. Hedrick, John J, of H & Ryan, r Princess, bt Front and 2d. Heins, J F, groceries and liquors, 44 N Water, r same. Heinsberger, P, bookbinder and blank book manufacturer, .Jour- nal buildings, r F W Knohl. Heinsberger, Edward, elk J Newman, bds same. Henman, B P, elk Hopkins & Johnstone, bds Mrs Lewis. Henning, Robt, wood yard, Cassidey's wharf, bds Jas Gassidey. 42 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. WILLIAM PATTEN, BAKEEY, 4Az Market Street, Keeps constantly on hand a large supply of the best Fresh Breakfast Rolls, Tea Rolls, Bread, Cakes, Pies, FRESH SODA, BUTTER AND ARROW ROOT CRACKERS, All orders for CAKES, kc, for weddings and parties, will be executed in the most approved manner and at the shortest notice. CITY HOTEL, 1.1. \S^r£i2a^Siai2KfrC^^^^CS>S^a Si^^To FORWARDNIO HOUSE In Wilmington, and offer their services for the sale of COTTTON, NAVAL STORES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, TOBACCO, BACON, FLOUR, &c., &C., and to purchase for Merchants or others any goods sold in this marlcet. Consignments and orders respectfully solicited. , ^ , ^ We are receiving constantly from the manufacturers, small consignments of the best kind of 3sroE,Ts: o^I^OIJII^^J^ tobjlooo, Tliose kinds most snitnV)le for Country Merchants, Distillers and Turpentine Makers- We sell these lots at manufacturers' prices, and there is a clear profit to the retailer ol one hundred per cent, in buying them. Orders for any number of boxes filled. W. S. G. ANDREWS, B. H. BARDIN, Goiasboro\ jV. C. ' Brown's niiarf, Charleston. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 78 Sutton, Wm, blacksmith Cassidey's ship yard, r . Swann, Dr John, r cor 3d and Chesnut. Swann, F Ales, clerk, r Dr John Swann's. Swann & Clark, carpenters, cor 3d and Princess. Swann, Frank, of 8 & Clark, r Church bt 6th and 7th. Sweeney, H, moulder Hart & Bailey's, r 2d bt Ann and Nun. Sykes, Wm H, conductor W cSt M R R, r Dock bt 6th and 7th. T. Taylor, John A, r Market bt 4th and 5th. Taylor, John D, bds John A Taylor. Taylor, M P, civil engineer, bds Jno E Lippitt. Taylor, D, elk Post Office, bds Jno Bishop. Telegraph Office, S E cor Market and Front. Terry, Rev R E, pastor St. John's Church, (Episcopal,) r cor 8d and Red Cross. Thally, David, r cor 5th and Walnut. Thomas, W G-, physician, cor 4th and Market, r same. Thompson, J W, secretary and treasurer W & W R R, r 2d bt Walnut and Red Cross. Thompson, Mrs R M, r Market bt 5th and 6th. Thompson, Miss Susan, r Church bt 6th and 7th. Thomson, N, of Madison & T, r Chesnut bt 8th and 9th. Thorburn, R, Eagle Bakery, cor Front and Dock, r 3d bt Walnut and Red Cross. Thornton, John, r cor 5th and Harnett. Thornton, John, Jr, bds John Thornton. Thurston, W C, elk Kidder & Martin, r 4th bt Church and Castle. Thurston, W J Y, elk Kidder & Martin's mill, r same. Tierney, John C, mechanic, r Front bt Orange and Ann. Tilley, Fletcher, r cor 4th and Red Cross. Titien, C, store cor 3d and Orange, r same. Toohill, D F, r 5th bt Ann and Nun. Topham, Jas S & Co, saddlery, harness, trunks, &c, 8 S Front. Townsend, R S. mechanic, r od bt Walnut and Red Cross. Tracey, Mrs L P, dressmaker, r Cottage Lane bt 3d and 4th. Trask, W, engineer W & W R R, r Mulberry, bt 5th and 6th. Turner, Mrs Fannie A, transient boarding house, McRae bt Ches- nut and Mulberry. Turner, Miss Josephine, r Nun bt 2d and 3d. Tynan, M R, salesman H M Barry, bds 2d bt Market and Dock. 74 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. A. LESSMAN, BAKER! m CONfECflONERl No. II, South Second St., between Market and Dock, "W"ILMI¥GTO¥, ST. G. A LAEGE SUPPLY OF ffilSI BIMI CMIS, CBiCIiS, FIUI Mil FSFITS. OF ALL KINDS, .ALWAYS ON HAND. All orders for Cakes, plain and ornamental, and baking of all kinds for weddings, parties, &c., promptly executed at the lowest rates. S. D. ALEXANDER, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Brandies, "Wines, ^les, mmm whiskey, m, bum, um beer, DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, No. 10, NORTH FRONT STREET, A complete assortment of the best in market always on hand. WILMfNGTON DIRECTORY. 75 u. Ulrich, W, of Ileyer & U, r Front bt Dock and Orange. Valentine, R H C, printer Dispatch office, bds 3Iarket nr 3d. VanAmringe, Stacey, groceries and provisions, 61 Market, r cor Front and Nun. VanAmringe, Geo 0, Sr, r cor Front and Nun. ; "> VanAmringe, Geo 0, Jr, merchant, Dock, bt Front and Water, r cor Front and Nun. VanBokkelen, A H, commission and forwarding merchant and dis- tiller, 40J N Water, r Front, bt Princess and Chesnut. VanSickle, J, tobacco, cigars, &c., 12 Market,, r 2d, bt Walnut and Red Cross. VanOrsdellj C M, photographic gallery, 40J Market, r , VanSoelen, J N, store cor 4th and Red Cross, r same. Vick, Samuel, r cor 3d and Chesnut. Vincent, N B^ of C Polvogt & Co, r Princess, bt 4th and 5th. Vollers, L, grocer, 3 S 2d, r cor 2d and Mulberry. Vollers, H, of Adrian & Vollers, r cor Front and Dock. VonGlahn, H, r cor 5th and Princes.s. VonDerkammer, H, boot and shoe maker, 2d bt Mulberry and Walnut, r same. Voss, J G, boot and shoe maker, 25 S Front, r same. ^- Waddell, A M, attorney at law, off Market bt 2d and 3d, r 3d bt Dock and Orange. Wade, R W, printer Dispatch office, bds cor 2d and Orans^e. Waid, H, elk Express office, bds R W Blanej. Waldron & Wilkinson, dry goods, 34 Market. Waldron, E S, of W & Wilkinson, bds . Wallace^ J, baker Wm. Patten, bds same. Wallace, S D, of Wallace & Southerland, r cor 4th and Red Cross. Wallace & Southerland, commission merchants and agents Greens- borough Mutual Insurance Co, 24 N Water, (up stairs.) Walker, Asa K, cashier Commercial Bank of Wilmington, office cor Chesnut and N Water, (up stairs,") r cor 6th and Market. Walker, Wm A, secretary and treasurer W & M R R, r cor 6th and Market. 76 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. DAYID C. BRADLEY, CHEISTIAN WOEHLER. BRADLEY & WOEHLER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS, fj^^^^ AND AGENTS FROM NEW YORK TO WILMINGTON. North Water Street— West Side, [BETWEEN CHESNUT AND MULBERRY,] MD[L[}i:(]DK[]©T©KO, KOo ©c LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. ' WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 77 Walker, J C, physician, Princess, bt Front and 2d, r 3d, bt Ches- nut and Mulberry. Walker, James, contractor and builder, cor Front and Walnut, r cor Front and Dock, up stairs. Warton, R H, clerk U S Q M Department, r cor 2d and Orange. Warren, N G, r 5th, bt Princess and Chesnut. Ward, E R, carpenter, r cor 7th and Brunswick. Waterbury, T, clerk H M Barry, bds . Watson, Rev A A, pastor St James Church, (Episcopal,) r Market, bt 3d and 4th. Webb, Harry, saloon 20 Market, r same. Weill, A & Co, dry goods, shoes and clothing, 13 Market. Weill, A, of A Weill & Co, r Market, bt 2d and 3d. Wells, Henry, r Church, bt 4th and 5th. Welsh, John, ship carpenter, r cor Church and 2d. West, S M, auctioneer 6 S Water, r 3d, bt Princess and Chesnut. West, Isham, butcher Market house, r . Wescott, Ephraira, of Bate and Wescott, r . Wherry, R, baker J N VanSoelen, bds same. Whitaker, T S, books and stationery, 36 Market, r Market bt 5th and 6th. White, Benjamin, r Market continued. White, B F, paper hanger C Polvogt & Co, bds J W Zimmerman. White, B F, clerk H C Elliott, bds . White, P, grocer, 43 N Water, r cor 5th and Princess. White, John, foreman Journal Office, bds Mrs S Lippincott. White, B F, engineer W, C & R R R, bds . White, P W, store cor 4th and Princess, r same. White, John A, paper hanger C Polvogt & Co, bds W E Davis. White, Wm L, bds J W Zimmerman. Whitehead, Jame^ I, book-keeper Worth & Daniel^ bds Capt W B Whitehead Whitehead, Capt W B, r Front, bt Nun and Church. Whitman, James, r cor 8th and Market. Whitledge, S, r Church, bt 6tb and 7th. Whitney. :Mrs C C, r 5th, bt Dock and Orange. Wilson, James, harness, saddlery, hardware, &e, 5 Market, r ■ Wilson, AVm A, book-keeper H M Barry, r cor 2d and Nun. Wilson, James, moulder W & W R R, r 2d, bt Orange and Ann. Wilson, Walter A, machinist W & W R R, bds W Wilson. Wilson, W, r Red Cross, bt 3d and 4th. Wilson, Elias R, r Guthrie's alley, bt 2d and 3d. 78 -WILMINGTON DipECTORY. KIDDER & MARTIN, HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, PECENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, BROOKLYN, MERCHANT'S INSURANCE COMP'Y, HARTFORD, FIEE AND MARINE RISKS AT LOWEST RATES. Office 13 South Water Street, up stairs, WL[f^[IQ^(gT@[i^, m, ©a KIDDER & MARTIN, PROPRIETORS O O "XT^T -A. 3Xr STEAM SAW AMD PLAMl MILLS. WaiKllOK)(ETr®K), i. (S, E. KIDDEE, S. N. MAETIN. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 79 Wilson, William, luerchant. bds S Witcover, Willard, James A, commission merchant, — Water, r cor Sd and Mulberry. Willis, Elijah, druggist and chemist, 47 Market, r cor 5th and Mulberry Wilkinson & Co, brokers, 34 Market. Wilkinson, J, of W & Co, r cor Market and 7th Avenue. Wilkinson, G W, of Waldron & W, bds . Williams & Potter, groceries and provisions, 57 Market. Williams, T J, of W & Potter, r Dock bt 5th and 6th. Williams, Gertrude, r cor 2d and Craig's alley. Williams, Thos, elk Jas H Mitchell, bds same. Williams, George W, harbor master and keeper Seaman's Homo. r same. Williams, T D, bds T J Williams. Williams, Jos S, bds Rev A P Repiton. Williams, W H, salesman Kahnweiler & Bro, r 4th N of R R. Williams & Son, W A, commission and forwarding merchants, 7 S Water. Williams, W A, of W A W & Son, r cor 4th and Cottage Lane. Williams, Jno F, of W A Williams & Son, bds W A Williams. Williams, E D, printer Herald office, bds 6th bt Dock and Orange. Wilmington Journal, Princess bt Front and 2d, Fulton & Price, proprietors. Wilmington Dispatch, 42 Market, (up stairs,) Barry & Bernard, proprietors. Wilmington Herald, 36 Market, (up stairs,) Thos M Cook & Co, proprietors. Wilmington Gas Light Co, cor Castle and Surry, ColJno McRae, president. Wilmington Institute, cor 4th and Princess, L Meginney, principal. Wilmington Iron and Brass Foundry, 17 S Front, Hart & Bailey, proprietors. Wilmington House, Toomer's alley, bt Front and 2d, Driscoll & Kerrigan, proprietors. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, Hon R R Bridgers, president. Depot Front bt Red Cross and Campbell. Wilmington & Manchester Railroad, G Parsley, Sr, president. Transportation office West side N Water, bt Chesnut and Mul- berry. Depot West side Cape Fear river, opp Market dock. Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad, RHOowan, presi- dent. De,pot Nutt bt Bladen aad Harnett. 80 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. F. W. KNOHL, ,WATCHMAKEE, AND or E3 '\^S7' El X.1 E3 "FL , NO. 9, FRONT STREET, HAS ON HAND A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Je^welry and Clocks, •-'••= OF ALL 'D^ESCEIPTION AND PRICES. ';^^"Particular attention paid to repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. W. A. WELLL^MS, JOHN F. WILLLilVIS. W. A. WILLIAMS & SON, Coixiniissioii & For^varding MEECHANTS, Will give pers-onal and prompt attention to the sale and shipment of COTTON, NAVAL STOKES, and other produce. Liberal advan3es made on consignments. - OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH WATEE STREET, WILMINGXaN^JSI. e "' ' ''^ WILMINGTON DIKECTORV- 81 Wilmington Theatre, Princess bt Sd and 4th, H M Jenkins, lessee and Diauager. Winters, M L, elk C M Hall, bds I Peterson. Wise, James M, bds Mrs McCaleb. Withy, W H, mechanic A H Neff, bds . • ^ Witcover, S, dry goods and clothing, 15 Market, r 2d bt Market and Princess. Witcover, W, elk S Witcover, bds same. Woehler, Christian, of Bradley & W, bds Mrs DeBebian. Wolf, Wronski ct Co, clothing, 40 Market. Worth & Daniel, commission and forwarding merchants, S Water, bt Dock and Orange. Worth, D G-, of W & Daniel, r Front bt Nun and Church. Wortheim, W, elk S Witcover, bds same. Wood, John C, coroner, r 3d bt Nun and Church, Wood, Robert B, Jr, clerk county court, r 3d bt Orange and Ann. Wood, Thos F, physician, Princess bt Front and, 2d, y,.same. Wooster, John, r cor 3d and Dock; -pm ^ .lOlJOSiiO'i Wooster, John L, bds John Wooster. Wright, A E, physician, Market bt 2d and 3d, r cor 2d & Orange. Wright, Wm A, president Bank of Cape Fear, r 3d bt Market and Dock. Wright, J H, of Huff & W:"r 7th bt Princess and Clesnut. Wright, Wm E, carpenter, r 9th bt Princess atid Chesnut. Wright, Julius W, attorney at law, off Princess bt 2d and 3d, bds cor 6th and Market. Wright, S P, of Day & W, r Market bt 2d and 3d. Wronski, A,, of Wolf, W & Co, bds cor Tth^and Dock. Wyatt, L B, tailor, r 3d bt Chesnut and Mulberry. Y. Yopp, W J, of Banting & Yopp, r 5th, bt Princess and Chesnut. Yopp, A J, r 5th, bt Chesnut and Mulberry. Yopp, Frank, brick mason, r Chesnut, bt 8th and 9th. Yopp, Samuel L, carpenter W & W R R, r 8th, bt Mulberry and Walnut. Young, A D, r Market, bt 4th and 5th. Young, Rev. — , pastor Baptist Church, r Wm Larkins. E 82 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. B. F. GEADY, Exchange Broker and Banker, VVMIHGTOM, U. C, DEALER IN STOCKS AND BONDS, NORTHERN EXCHANGE, BMK NOTES, GOLD M'D SILVER COIN, &C. Collections made ; Deposits Eeceived. /^Office in the store of W. H. McRary & Co , at their old stand, corner of North Water and Princess Streets. W. H. McRAEY & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CORNER WATER AND PRINCESS STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale or shipment. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY, z. Zekind, Alexander, clerk A Weill & Co, bds . Zimmerman, J W, paper hanger D A Smith, r Market street continued. Zoeller, £ E, shoemaker H Shutte, bds same. 84 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. SHACKELFORD, HAAS & CO ^'?. A <: - .I'j^-io Commission Merchants, NO. 159 Front Street, New York, Nos. 31 & 32 J^orth Water St., Wilmington, N. 0. BUY AND SELL ON COMMISSION NAVAL STORES, OOTTO^, LUMBER, Cotton Yarns, &c. &c. Constantly on hand, in Wilmington, and for sale at wholesale, a large assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. SOLE AGENTS IN NORTH CAROLINA FOE THE SALE OF WHITTEMORE'S COTTON CARDS. REFER TO Messrs. J. STINEK & CO., 49 Vesey Street, ] ,.,„ ... Messrs. MOSES & SCHIFFER, 32 Broad Street, ) ^°^^ ^^^^^- WILMINGTON DIRECTOKY. 85 ___ . J , C. E. BURR, A. B. BURR. C. E. BURR & CO., HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, No. '33, South Front Street, (BETWEEN DOCK ANT) ORANGE,) ' W ilzrLizi.s;toi3., IN. O,; Keep constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of PAINTS, OILS, AETISTS' MATERIALS, &c. And are prepared to execute all orders intrusted to their care promptly and efficiently, and at the lowest rates. SI€N AND ORMMENTIL PMNflNG EXECUTED IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLE OF THE ART. An efficient force of the most skillful Painters to be procured, are always engaged. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. HEUxix XV. PExvIvIN, DEALEK IN \ EAETHEN-WAEE, Mil, GLISS AND STONE-WARE, Table Cutlery, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, AND HOUSE FUENISHIN& ARTICLES, No. 30 Market Street, X\7-IXj3VEIlSrGrT03Xr, 3\r. c. M. U. FINLAYSON, A. J. FINLAYSON. M. U. FINLAYSON t( BRO., COMMISSION and FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No 5 Nortli Water Street, (up Stairs,) Having established a general COMMISSION and FORWARD- INGr HOUSE in Wilmington, we oflfer our services for the sale of Cotton, Naval Stores, and Produce of all descriptions, and to purchase for country merchants or others who may favor us with a call. Consignments and orders respectfully folicited. .^^"Prompt personal attention paid to all business intrusted to our eare..^^y WILMINGiOX DIRECTORY. S7>, JOHN DAWSON. DE.ILER IN HARDWARE, DRY mom Agricultural Implements, &c., (OLD STAND,) Nos. 19 and 21 Market Street, -"^^ P. NEWMAN, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL - =^-^-'' €3- 3E1. O O KS 3HL ^ AND DEALER IN WINES, BRANDIES, AND LIQUORS, OF ALL KINDS. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, iiifl iiiiiii mifiiii AND GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, No. 33 North Water Street, (Corner Water & Chesnnt,] WILMINGTON BIRECTORY. WALTEB H. McRAE, B. H. GURGANUS. McBAE & 6URGANUS, Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C, SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OF moi Mvii mm & ciMm fhe bjiuy. Prompt personal attention given to sales of produce put in our hands. GLOBE SALOON, J. SHERMAN, Proprietor, NO. 1 GRANITE ROW, MOQ.[j^DK[]©T®K]g Mo ©3 A fine selection of choice WINES, ALE, CiaAES, &c., and LIQUORS of aU kinds. ]VIeals at all liours, le is always bountifully supplied with every 1 furnish. Si'OYSTEES IN SEASON.' The table is always bountifully supplied with every luxury the market can furnish. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 89 ELLIS & MITCHELL. WHOLES-\LE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CORN, PEAS, OATS, RYE, WHEAT, BRAN, HAY, FLOUR, Meal, Hominony, &c. cfec. No. 9 North Water Street, MDL5^DKfl©T(o)K], KQa ©a J. B. ORRELL, T. C. LEWIS. ORRELL & LEWIS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c., NO. 8 MARKET STREET, Keep constantly on hand every article necessary for family supplies. They have a full stock on hand and are constantly receiving fresh goods per steamers. They solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. 90 WILMINGTON DIKECTOUY. C. TIENKEN, JOHN G. BAUMAN. TIENKEN & BAUMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, ALE, WINES, BRANDY, WHISKEY, AND WQU0RS m ALI. EIISS. IM, IMS Mi IM! lii'lMlj WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. &c., Nos. 20 and 22 South Front Street, ■WILMI¥G-TO¥, F. G. WILMINGTON DIRCCTOKY. ^l Merchant s Exchange Hotel. FAY & RAFFERTY, Proprietors, NO. 51 MARKET STREET, There is attached to the house a first class S .A. Xj5 O O INJ , where will be kept always on hand a choice selection of the best , .t,.Al^,,„WINES, BRANDIES^ ;:r" AND LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, O IGrA. RS, &c. -»- %B OYSTERS in season. The table is always supplied with every luxury the market affords. BILLIA-RD ROOMS Open for the amusement of guests at all times. RATES OF BOARD THE LOWEST IN THE CITY. '92 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. A. H. YANBOKKELEN, Comiiiissioii & ForTsrarding MERCHANT, 41,^ North Water Street, HALL AND NUTT'S WHAKVES, (BETWEEN CHESNUT AND MULBERKY STREETS,) WQL[f^[][I^(gT@5^s, m, ©3 Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and other Southern pro- duce and manufactures solicited, and will fill orders for merchan- dize, all of which will receive his prompt personal attention. Merchandize and other articles forwarded to any Roint desired. Orders for the purchase of merchandize, and consignments of same for sale, solicited. G. H. W. RUNGE, J. H. G. KORDLANDER. RUNGE & KORDLANDER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GEOCERIES, PROVISIONS, ALES, WINES, BRANDIES, LAGER BEER, AND WiWiEs m AW Kills, MANUFACTURERS OP siisiFMiiii mil Fip, \m rat AND BOTTLERS OF ALE & PORTER, NO. 3 SOUTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON DIRECTOBY. 93 A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLERS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries and Liquors, • i : .: . IMPORTERS OF MAM AND GERIAH CIGARS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South-East Corner Front and Dock Streets, '''■ ^ %ILMINGTON, N. h'^^^ J^" Prompt personal attention given to the sale of Cotton, ISTaTal Stores, AND . .,:ic. ■" GENEEAL PEODUCE. CONSIGNMENTS EESPECTFULLY SOLICITEI>. 94 TIVILMINGTON DIRECTORY. WlLMIiNGTON iimi liii AND 9 JOURNAL BUILDINGS, PRINCESS STREET, Wilmington, N. C. Ledgers, Journals, AND ALL KINDS OF BLA^K BOOKS MADE TO ORDEB. ALSO, RULING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Repaired or bound in all the various styles, in the most durable manner. • Old Books of every description done at the shortest notice. P. HEINSBERGER. OITTT BUSINESS DIRECTORY, The following represents the principal merchants and business men in their respective branches : Insurance. Atkinson & Shepperson, Princess near Water, Agents Fiie, Marine and Life Insurance Companies of New York and Baltimore. Dudley & Bro., 5 South Water, up stairs, Agents Underwriters* Agency, New England, (of Boston,) Globe and New York Accidental Insurance Companies of New York city. George, E. P., office with Cronly & Morris, Agent Hartford, At- lantic, and Traveler's Accidental Insurance Companies. Harriss & Howell. North Water, Agents North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Kidder & Martin, corner Water and Dock, (up stairs,) Agents Home, Phoenix and Merchant's Insurance Companies. Smith, Wm. L., office at Bank of Wilmington, Agent Phanix Insurance Company of Hartford. Wallace & Southerland, 24 North Water, (up stairs,) Agents Greensboro' Mutual Insurance Company. Ocean Steamers. Bradley & Woehler, North Water, Agents Commercial Line Steam- ers W. P. Clyde and Fairbanks to New York. Barry, H M, North Water, Agent Steamers Starlight and Com- mander to New York. Harriss & Howell, North Water, Agents A. C. S. S. Line Steam- ers Euterpe and Twilight to New York. 95 96 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Sailing Packets. Flanner, Wm. B., North Water, Agent Murray's Line to New York. Harriss & Howell, North Water, Agents Keystone Line to Phila- delphia, and New York and Boston lines. Worth & Daniel, 20 South Water, Agents Union Line to New York and Southern Line to Philadelphia. River Steamers. Worth & Daniel, 20 South Water, Agents Cape Fear Line to Fay- ette ville. [There are several other lines to Fayetteville, all of which come to their owners. One new line is about being established, the agent of which cannot be ascertained.] Auctioneers. 'luC Cronly & Morris, office No. 6 South Water, (up stairs.) Poalk & Allen, No. 3 South Water, (up stairs.) Shackelford, James, No. 32 North Water, ' • West, S. M., No 6 South Water. Attorneys. Baker, John A., . Cutlar, DuBrutz, over Bank of Wilmington. Empie, A., Journal Buildings, Princess bt 2d and Front. Holmes, John L., Court House, Princess bt 2d and 3d. London, M, . Moore, B. R. , Journal Buildings, Princess bt Front and 2d. Person & French, corner Market and Water, (up stairs.) Poisson, Fred D., Princess bt 2d and 3d, opp Court Hoiise. Strange, R., Market bt 2d and 3d. ,,y j/[ }[ Waddell, A. M., Market bt 2d and 3d. - ' • Wright, Wm. A., 3d bt Market and Dock. Wright, Julius W., Princess bt 2d and 3d, opp Court House, WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 97 Blacksmiths Burtt, S, Mulberry bt Front and Water. Highsmith, Wm, 10th bt Princess and Market. Bakers. Thorburn, R, Eagle Bakery, cor Front and Dock. Lessman, A, 11 South 2d, bt Market and Dock. Patten, Wm, 44 Market. Banks Bank of Cape Fear, 9 Front, bt Market and Princess. Bank of Wilmington, 26 Front, bt Market and Princess. Commercial Bank, cor Water and Chesnut, (up stairs.) Savings Bank, Journal Buildings. Billiard Saloons. Verandah Saloon, 10 South Water. Fay & Rafferty, Merchant's Exchange Hotel, 51 Marketl Bo-wling Alley. Verandah Saloon, 10 South Water. Bookbindery. Heinsberger, P, Journal Buildings, Princess bt Front and 2d. Books and Stationery. Whitaker, T S, 36 Market. 98 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Brokers, (Exchange.) Dawson, James, 28 Market. Gradj, B F, corner Princess anl Water. Wilkinson, Jos, 34 Market. Boots and Shoes. Bradley, G & C, 41 J^arket. French, George R & Son, 11 Market. Butchers. Bishop, John, Market House. Johnson, T H & Bro, Market House. King, Jere J, Market House. iKing, John B, Market House. Millis & Savage. Market House. Petteway, James, Market House. Clothing. Aaron, Bavid & Co, 25 Market. Baldwin, Munson & Co, 38 Market. Bear, Sol & Bros, 18 Market. Bear, S & Co, 41 and 42 North Water. Cohn & Rytenberg, 43 Market. David, A & Co, 53 Market. Kahnweiler & Bro, S W cor Market and Front. Lyon, Jacob, N E cor Market and North Water. McCormick, James, 27 Market. Newman, P, 37 North Water. Simpson, S M, 33 and 35 Market. Samson, J & H, 45 Market. Weill, A & Co, 13 Market. yr^LmmTOii directqry. 99 Commission JMCerchants. Andrews & Bardin, 5 South Water, (up /stairs.) ,T Anderson, James & Co, 9 South Water. Atkinson & Shepperson, Princess, near Water, /[[ Adrian & VoUers, S E cor Front and Dock. ' •'' Bradley & Woehler, N Water, (West side,) bt Chesnut and Mul'- berry. Barry, Horace M, N Water, bt Chesnut and Mulberry. Blossom, Jos R & Co,. Dock, bt Front and Water. Chadbourn, Jas H & Co, Dock, bt Front and Water. Cox, Kendall & Co, 23 North Water. Eilers, H B, S E cor Market and Dock. FinlaysoD, M U & Bro, 5 North Water, (up stairs.) Planner, Wm B, North Water, bt Princess and Chesnut. ' Greene, Zeno H, 4 North Water. Hall, A E, 22 North Water. ''^ ^'Oili Harriss & Howell, North Water, bt Princess and Chesnut. Kidder & Martin, cor Dock and Water, (up stairs.) Keith, E A, 15i North Water, (up stairs.) Martin, Alfred, 5 South Water.' Mui-ray & Murchison, North Water, bt Princess j»nd|C,h6Snuti,,, ^ McRae & Gurganus, 3 North Water. • ^ • ,.o McRary, W H & Co, N E cor Princess and Water. Mastin, C H, 32 North Water. Moffitt, McNeill & Co, 4 South Water. Mclnnis, M, 16 North Water. Oldham, Alex, 6 South Water. Parsley, G & Co, 6 North Water. Poalk & Allen, 8 South Wateir, (upstairs.) ;; Petteway & Moore, Planner's building, North Walter. '''■ Russell & Ellis, 10 North Water. Shackelford, Haas & Co, SI and 32 North Water. Southerland, A, South Water, bt Dock and Orange. W "'^^ Sprunt, Alex, South Water, bt Dock and Orange. ■■-!'..; -'[ ' wir-if inWo/* 'directory . 0^ VanBokkelen, A H,' 41|^Nortli Water. Worth & Daniel, South AVater/bt Dock and Orange* Wallace k Southerland, 24 North Water,, (up, staiBS*,).. .;.-, ■ no^.aHiL Willard, James A. 29 North .Wffifcen'a iod 3 8 ,3iolIoV it aBiihk West, S M, 6 South Water. ",' ^ .■y^'s^TJ Y. .•ro'flooV?' J. -^^.-Al .J /.Cabinet Make]fii.,oO i. >j "■' '..-,; , , ■''' 'hld.P.\\' Daymen & Johnson, cor 2d and Market. * . „ , ., . Jenkins & Bro, Princess, bt Front and Water. ^ '^ ' , Civil Enginfeers. James & Brown, Princess bt Front and 2d, next West of Journsjl Buildings. , H^^2?.tnBH .__ , .....iiilfl A-xoJjbiil '.:■ : ,. , ''.IM ^Aa.iliiaZ Croch;^yV/ ib^.-a 5 ,yy\Mk .aiJixsK Perrin, Henry R, 30 Market. ■^^^^^;^"''^ .noaido-iiil^ :2> I^rniK Smith, D A, 26 and 28 South Front." " -'"'^ VanAmringe, S, 61 Market. -^iioS i' ,oO i(> ilioMoM /Jimol". Confectioneries.'^' ■ -^^ , i^tnloK Agostini, F M, 16 Market. •") O .Y9f8-i£>'I Flanagan, L, 21 and 23 South Front. ,jj^ iiilxjol Lessman, A, 11 South 2d, bt Market and Dock. , ^ ^m^^^l . i's j&nossjjii .0;^??^'?^^*°'^^^^^ Buildersf. ^ F.„,r,o,fto^ Post, James F, PrinoeSs'bt 2d and 3d, opp Court House. . - Walker, James, cor Front aiid Walnut. -f^-c WILMINGION DIRECTORY. JOi Drugs and Chemicals. Day & Wright, 71 Market. Lippitt, W H, 55 Market. McLin, Henry, N W cor Front and Market. Willis, Elijah, 47 Market. °,,- ...^ Dentists. Corbin, Lillington, rjID jjgovlu-.i! Carr, Dr Thos B, 45| Market, (up stairs.) ^.A. d .diiicBi Dry Goods, &c. Aaron, David, 25 Market. 'Bear, Sol & Bros, 18 Market. Bear, S & Co, 41 and 42 North Water. Blumenthal, S & Co, cor Market and Front. Bauer, F L, 23 Market. Cohn & Ryttenberg, 43 Market. Dawson, John, 19 and 21 Market. Davids, A & Co, 53 Market. Hedrick & Ryan, 5 and 7 North Front, next South of Cape Fear Bank. Hall, C M, 29 Market. Jacobi, N & Co, 9 Market. ,. ,, ^^,, „ Kahnweiler & Bro, S W cor Market and Froutir "tJ^",^""'^ Vt '^ "^"^ Lyon, Jacob, N E cor Market and North Water.', r ""'-j/V 'T^"*- Marcus &K^r 39 Ma^^ .,. ,^^^^^^ ^ ^ ,^ ^ Simpson, SM 33 and 35 Market. -, g, ,, ^ ^^^^^^^ _^^^ Samson, J & H, 45 Market. ,,„.,^ .^^ ^ ^ ^ ■ Weill, A & Co, 13 Market. ^ ^ " 'i^f ,, '^J^t Waldron, A, 34 Market. Witcover S, 15 Market. 0^^'- f52 WILMINGTON DIRECT^RyJ Adams Express Company, 3 Granite Row, Ja^ Blac'dm^er' A'getii. Southern Express Company, 3 Granite "KowV'Jam^s'^MactimM^ Agent. ^ _j -.^ ... , ., ^^, City Baggage Express, J E Gadsby, pro^rietbr,' S'^GraAit'e 'StH^J' Furniture. Poltogt, Chas & Co, cor Front and Princess. Smith, D A, 26 and 28, South Front. Grain Dealers. Ellis & Mitchell, 9 North Water. Oldham, Alex, cor North "Water and W^lw^, , , , , < • . I jl„'i; I,',, ox ,f,.i'iU1 South Water bt Queen and Castle. Tin Ware and Stoves. Neff, A H, 19 South Front. Policy, H N, Princess bt Water and Front. Turpentine Distillers. Blossom, Jos K & Co, Dock bt Front and Water. Bussell & Ellis, 10 North Water. TanBokkelen, A H, 41 J North Water bt Chesnut and Mulberry".' - Wines and Liquors. - Alexander, S D, 10 North Front. Adrian & Vollers, S E cor. Front and Dock. Bremer, H M, N E cor Front and Dock. Elliot, H C, 7 Market. Egan, P & Co, 46 North Water. French, George Z & Co, 10 South Front. Hussell & Bappler, S E cor North Water and Mulberry. Hopkins & Johnstone, 2 Grranite Row. ' ,^'- Myers, George, 11 and 13 South Front, Chas D Myers, Agent. Newman, P, N E cor North Water and Chesnut. Runge & Kordlander-, 3 South Front. Tienken & Bauman, 22 and 24 South Front. ^ r -r 8[ .sdoofili WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 109 H. MARCUS,' "^3.10 AUGUST KEHE. [PAROUS k ICEHfl, '" ,/ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, BENT'S FUENISHINS GOODS AM FANCY ARTICLES. NO. 39 MARKET STREET, WILM3NGTON, N. C. SURGICAL MB MECEArJICAL ^ de:n'tist, ^ '^> WILMINGTON, N^^r^ DENTISTS SUPPLIED WITH ARTIFICIAL TEETH AT PHILADELPHIA PRICES. ArraBgements will soon' be perfected , wliich' will' feliableime to send a To my friends in the country. - W^ifpi 110 WILMINGTON DIIIECTORY. PRICES OF GOLD FOR CONFEDERATE MONEI.,, COMPILED EV B. F. GRADY, EXCHANGE BEOKEH AND BANKEK, T,-1L3UXGT0N, N. C. 1861. - July 15 to November 15 10 per cent. November 15 to December 31 20 " 1862. January l,to Febniary 15 February 15 to April 15 April 15 to June 1 80 " June 1 to August 1 2 00 for one. August 1 to October 15 2 50 " October 15 to December 31 "3 00 " . IT Januaiy 1 to March 1 -> 8 ^- '^^^^ March 1 to June 1 .i.^-. . .., 5 00 *' Junelto July 1... .v.*^.^..,,, 7 00 July 1 to August 1. . .'..■•... . . /.{ . . .... . ..-...'. 15 00 August 1 to September 1 .■,.,.^.„^.. ,.,.,. 14. 0P-,.^„'.!„,_„ September 1 to November 15 15 00 _ " November 15 to December 31 .f |Oj^T " 1864. January 1 to March 1 ^^iA- J.^'-.- ^^ March 1 to September 15 20 00 " September 15 to December 15. . . .1 TT'^T. f^. ...... : 26 00 December 15 to Decei^ber .31 . , . , . .f.A.. lC ' 50 00\^ ,;j^'xJl /:i?EC.'3:53:a:ci^^''s:.:2a::: ,._ ^^ January 1 : 60 00 " JanuaiT 15. .'M J-l- U' 65 00 " February 1 50 00 " February 15 45 00 " « |{£ March 1 60 00 « Marchl5 60 00 " Aprill ..7000 " , AprU15 100 00 ^^' '- The above are the general rates at which Confederate money sold for as compared with Gold during the tdme specified, or during, the •war. WILMINGTON DIRECTOEY. ,1^(1 JOSEPH. B. BUSSELL, CHAELES S. ELLIS. RUSSELL & ELLIS, Commission Merchants, 10 NORTH WATER STREET, ^D[L[i^D[i^@T(Q)RQg ROo ©3 PROMPT PEESO^"AL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE S.\LE OF COTTON, NAVAL STORES, GRAIN, &c. &c. BALDWIN, MUNSON & CO., MERCHANT TAILOES, AND DEALERS IN TRUNKS, SHIRTS, HATS, PBRFMERIES, &C., No. 38 Market Street, MD[!=[BflOKi©ir©Kis ca. ©o 112 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. sol; bear & BROTHERS, 18 MARKET STREET, MAISTJFACTUEERS OF OX^OTX3:3:iNJC3r, AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Groods, Hats, Oaps,^ BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHS, CISSIMERES, UMX ARTICLES,:&C. MURRAY & MURCHISON, Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. E. MURRAY, ) Wilminpfnn N T I K- M- MURCHISON, / ^^ York. P. K. MURCHISON, \ Wilmington, N. C. [ j^ rj,_ MURRAY, [ ^*^^ ^°^^- WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. lid B. J. JACOBS, .MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HARNESS, SADDLERY, &c. &c. Bridles, Trunks, &c., MADE AND REPAIRED \yiTH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. o. 69 Market Street,- S. BEAE & CO, DEALERS IX STAPLE AND FANCY DBY GOODS, ' Ready-made Olotliiiig, mt% tm, iiif I mm, i mil VALISES, CAEPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, AND Nos. ^1 and 42 North Water Street, 114 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. JOHN G. VOSS, MAKEll OF U^Boots and Shoes^^ OF EVERY STYLE. 411 orders for Work executed promptly and etJicientl)". REP^IRIISTG COKE NFATLY AND WITH DISPATCH, AND AT THE LOWEST BATES. No. 25 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C, POALK & ALLEN, iNG and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 3 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. REFER TO HABEISS >'i: HOWELL. WAL M. HARPJSS, WM. B. PLANNER, J. SHACKELFORD. Jl^We also sell at AUCTION under license of J. Shackelford, who is concerned with us in this line of our business. WILMINGTON DIRECTORr. US HENRY SHUTTE, MANUFACTURER OP -HOOTS Al SHOES. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF SHOE STOCK, NO. 11 NORTH FRONT STREET, WllL!F»iDlM(§T@INl, IM. ©. KELLY S SALOON, m. 18 NORTH WATER STREET, WILMISTGTOF, F. G. Keeps constantly on hand a large and choice selection of fine IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LIQOORS OF ALL KINDS. ^^OYSTEES in their season.^^ HAVAIsTi^ OIGi^RS, &c. STEPHEN KELLY, Proprietor. (JENERAL DIRECTORY. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor, JOHN DAWSON. Commissioners. James Sbackelford Alfred Martin. John Gr. Bauraan. Stephen D. Wallace. Eli Murray Wm. t?. Anderson. Mayor's Court meets at 3 o'clock, P. M. City Clerk and Treasurer, T. W. Anderson. City Tax Cvllector Thomas H. Howey. City Surveyor. ..." Wm. H. James. City Police. Chief of Police, .-...Paul McGreal. Assistaut Chief of Police,. John GriflBth. / -..Chief of Nij^ht Police,... L. W. Hannon. .lili. Fire Department. Chief Engineer, James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer, James Macomber. FIRE WARDENS. Chief Fire Warden,. W. Burkhimer. 1!6 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 117 Assistant Fire Warden, A. H. Vanl3okk«l*a, Avon E. Hall, James H. Ryan. James McCormick. James G. Green. E. Schulken. Howard Fire Company. President, R. Bate. Treasurer, G, H. W. Rungo. Secretary, H. VoUers. Foreman, J. Spelman. Ist A ««'«*"»'* ^ ^ TlrPimer. 2 C RAIL ROADS. Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road. President, R. R. Bridgers. DIRECTORS. P. K. Dickinson .,, W. A. Wright. S. D. Wallace .'. Alfred Martin. A. H. VanBokkelen Eli Murray. Edward Kidder John Everett. W. D. Faircloth , John Norfleet. 118 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. OFFICERS. Engineer and Superintendent S. L. Fremont. Secretary and Treasurer, J. W. Thompson. Superintendent of Transportation, William Smith. General Ticket x\gent and Clerk, Wm. M. Poisson. General Freight Agent, G. L. Dudley. Master 'Mechanic, ...:...^;.'... ...John F. Divine. SCHEDULE OF TAcSENGER TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily at 4.00 P. M. Arrive at Weldon daily at 8.00 A. M. Leave Weldon daily at .;..... 2.00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington daily at.... 5.40 A. M. " Connects at Wilmingtou T-icn Wilmington & iVanchester Rail- road ; at Goldsboro' with North Carolina Railroad, and Atlantic & N. C. Railroad; at Weldon with trains to and from Petersburg by Gaston Ferry, and on direct to Norfolk and Washington. Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road. President, Oscar G. Parsley, Sr. DIRECTORS. John Dawson... .^., ..Henry Nutt. John A. Taylor '....N. N.Nixon. James G. Burr, Richard Bradley. J. EH Gregg Moore. Maj. Haynesworth. Wrr.MINGTON DrRUCTORY. 119- General Superintendent, Henry 31. Drau.-. Assistant Superintendent, ...v W. H, McDowell. Secretary and Treasurer, William A. Walker. General Freight Agent, .,.John L. Cantwell. SCHEDULE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave AYilmingtou daily at 6:00 A. M., Arrive at Florence at 6.30 P. M., Arrive at Kingsville at 1.25 A. M.^ Leave Kingsville dai'y at 7.35 P. M., Arrive at Florence at ....2.05 A. M.^ Arrive at Wilmington at 3.05 P. M. TABLE OF DISTANCE,? FROM WILMINGTON TO Flemiugton, 34 miles.. Florence, ,...107 niiles.i.ji'l Whiteville 44 " srimmonsville, 119 " . V. Fair Bluff, 63 " Lynchburg 127 " .:* Nichols', 72 " ;Mayesville, 137 ' " Mullins', 78 " Sumter...... 146 " .. Marion, 86 " Manchester, 157 " , Pee Dee,... 94 " Kingsville, 171 " Mar's Bluff, 101 " Connects at Florence with North Eastern Railroad, and Cheraw and Darlington Railroad ; at Kingsville with South Carolina Rail Road. Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road. President, Robert IT. Cowan. DIRECTORS. Samuel J. Person Joseph Green. John A. McDowell ...„. Robert S. French. Walter L. Steele : Stephen W. Cole. Samuel H. Walkup .E. Nye Hutchinson. Haywood W. Guion C. C. Henderson. ^ A. G. Logan. 120 wilming;on directory. Superintendent, , Roger P. Atkinson. Treasurer and Master of Transportation.... W. H. Allen. Master Mechanic, J. B. Gajle. Freight Agent I. T. Alderman. SCHEDULE. Leave Wilmington every Tuesday, Thursday & Sat'day, at 8 A. M. Arrive at Sand Hill on same days at 4 P. M. Leave Sand Hill every Monday, Wed'sday & Friday, at. .7 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington on same days at 3 P. M- TABLE OP DISTANCES FROM WILMINGTON TO Biverside 6 milesiMoss Neck 76 miles. North West, 15 Marlville, 26 Rosindale 38 Brown Marsh, 46 Bladenboro', 54 Lnmberton, 68 Red Banks, 84 Shoe Heel 89 iLaurinburg, 95 Laurel Hill, 101 ISandHill 110 BANKS. Bank of Cape Fear, JJfo. 9 North Front street, between Market and Frinceas. President— Wm. A. Wright. Cashier — James G. Burr. Book Keeper — Jos. McLaurin. MBKCTOBS. p. K. Dickinson. ■ » John Wooster. James Anderson Robert Strange. Daniel L. Russell Wm. B. Giles. Jesse H. Lindsay , Adam Empie. FICE. J D Poisson, Fostni'dnter. George W Pollock, D Taylor, Assistants. Office open from 9 A M to 5^ P M : Sundays 9 A M to 10 A M. Northern and Eastern Mail closes at 3 P M : Southern Mail closes at 5i P M : W, C <^ R R R closes ai 6 P M. Maj Gen Geo Crook, commanding dii-trict, headquarters 2d, bt Market and Princess. Col N Goff, Jr, commanding post, headquarters Front, bt Prin- cess and Chesnut. Capt H B Blackman, depot and post quartermaster, oflSce Post Office building, cor Front and Princess Capt E Jones, commissary, office Post Office building. Lieut J Lukens, ordnance officer, office Post Office building freedman's bureau. . Maj C J Wickersham, superintendent district, headquarters cor Front and Chefnut. Maj J C Mann, financial agent, ) eadquarters cor Front and Chesnut. Lieut R A Draker, superintendent sub district, headquarters opp Court House. Dr E Wynants, surgeon. ^PPEI^^DIX. Owing to unavoidable circumstances, the following names were omitted, with the exception of thos3 marked thus *, who hav3 made changes in their places of business or residence : Alexander, S D, wines and liquors, 10 North Front. Bradley, G & C, boots and shoes, 41 Market. Bachelder, Wra, picture gallery, Front, bt Market and Princess. *Cazaux, A D, bds Mrs H P Russell. Gassidey, Henry C, bds James Cassidey. Finlayson, M U & Bro, commission merchants, 5 South "Water, (up stairs.) Gilbert, C F, jeweller F W Knohl, bds Bailey's Hotel. Gurganus, B H, of McRae & Gurgauus, r Col John McRae. *Hall, Edward D, r Orange, bt 2d and 3d. Hill, Fred C, r W AWright. *Keith, E A, commission merchant, 15 North Water. Klein, John C, butcher Washington Market, 58 Market. Klein, David, r cor Mulberry and lOth. *McRae & Gurganus, commission merchants, 3 North Water. McLauchlin, B L, clerk Day & Wright. McLauchlin, J L, baggage master W & M R R. McAlister, W, at James & Brown. Strauss, John W, grocer 2d, bt Hanover and Brunswick, r same. Strauss, Wm H, store cor 4th and Hanover, bds John W StrauflS. Sullivan, Uriah, wood dealer, r Chesnut, bt Front and Water. Vonglabn, C, r 2d, bt Hanover and Brunswick. Zoehler, Charles, painter Fred Kling, r H Bremer. 128 WILMINGTON DIEECXORY. 1^;^ CHARLES POLVOGT, N. B. VINCENT. G. POLVOGT & GO., Upliolsterers & Paper Hangers,. AND WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALERS IN ' 'J PAPER HANGINGS; FEATHER BEDS, Hair, Sbnck and Spring Mattresses, BOLSTERS, PILLOWS. WINDOW SHADES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS, PICTURE FHAMBS, liillll llllllls llllis K K PICTURES FRAMED TO OROiR. Our stock is large and well selected, and consists of every variety of articles in our line All orders executed promptly and efficiently, at lowest rates. Upholsteringj repairing and vamisliing Furniture. HOTELS, STEAMBOATS and PRIVATE DWELLINGS furnished with neatness and dispatch. CORNER FRONT and PRINCESS STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1VILMINGT0N DIRECTORY. NATHANIEL JACOBI, GEORGE L. MARSTELLER. NATHANIEL JACOBI & CO., IMI'OETERS AND DEALERS IN , Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods, HATS, CAPS, TKUHliS, Fancy j^rticles, &c., WILMINGTON, N. C. E. F. EYDEH, Corner Second and Princess Streets, WILMINGTON, N. C, Will be tappy to meet his old friends and the public generally. WILL /J. WAYS BE SUrPLIED WITH THE BEST OF WINES AND LIQUORS. AN %^ OYSTER SALOON Q^ Is attached to the Bar, where the finest OYSTERS can at all times be procured, done up in any style. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 131 CLARENDON IRON WORKS, THOS. E. ROBERTS, Proprietor, ENGINEER AND SIACHINIST, IS TEEPARED TO FUKXISH ALL KINDS OF O -A. ^ '^ ^ ^ C3r ^»' Large and small, of BKASS and IRON"; also, will build SAW MILLS of any capacity ; GANG or CmCUL AK SAWS complete, with ENGINES and BOILERS of the most improved plan. Also, will make CAR and SMGIlfB WHEELS of various sizes, and re-build 3LOCOMOTIVS3 from the hook to the most improved links ; also, FREIG-riT andPASSE^' GER CARS, and will give personal attention to all orders. H. Von der KAMMER, Second, betv/een Mnlberry and Walnnt Streets, MAKER OF BOOTS & SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All work dane neatly, and with dispatch. s OF ALL KINDS EXECUTED PBOMPTLy. 132 WILMINGTON DIRKCTORY. GfEOR&E MYERS, (CHAS. D. MYEES, Agent,) i! AND 13 FRONT STREET, '^T^XX^J^/nXlSTG-rCOlST, 1ST. C-, iiEALEK IX Fine and Heavy Groceries, U^BOOTS &■ SHOES,]|W AaD F^ISrCY jN"OTIOI^S LOW CASH PEICES. JOHH W, HEWETT, BOOT ANB SHOE Corner Market and Second Streets, I UP KTAIES,) Havicg seourc-d the sei:vice,s' of experienced T77" o :n^ x^ z,z ^ ZT „ ■■'.. '^ He is prepared to execute ali w(irk in hi.s Hue with heattiess and dispatcii. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 133 WM. B. FLAHHEE, Sliippiiig and Oommissioii MERCHANT, NORTH WATER STREET, AGEXT FOE MNEW YORK PICRST LIM.^M^ Liljeral advances made on consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumber, &c. E. A. KEITH, Commission Merchant, AND AGENT FOE IK WIOM & BlLTIMOEi PACKETS J m. 15 NORTH WATER STREET^ '. 134 WILMINGION DIRECTORY. HENRY BURKHIMER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN TOBACCO3 Sf^OFF^ CIGARS, Sl €.. IMFOITED and EOMESTIO CIGARS. CigErs Manufactured to Order: -ILL OPtDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. 1^0. 6 Market Bt^ SIGN OF Tlin '■IXDL^^.• CI! I El-," "^UU'-llvTn. Ii3.g;t03a.y 1ST. O. PETER MALLET, Commission and Forwardinu No. 23 North Water Street, (Up Stairs,) Consignments of COTTON, NAVAL STORES, LUM- BER, and other PRODUCE, respectfully solicited. ,^^Orders accompanied -with cash promptly exe- cuted.. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Page. Aavon. David 60 Adrian & Vollers, 93 Alexander, S D, 74 Andrews & Bardin,.... 72 Atkinson & Shepperson,.... 62 Bailev, .James II,. 18 BarrfliM, 34 Barry (k^ Bernard, 56 Bate & Wescott, 52 Baldwin, Munson & Co ,... Ill Bear, Sol&Bro., 112 Bear, S& Co; 113 Bivens, W J & Co, 54 Blumentlial, S &Co, 58 Brown & Anderson, 14 Bradley & Woehler, 76 Burr, CE & Co, 85 Burkhimer, Henry, 134 Carr, Dr T B, 109 Cox, Kendall & Co, 64 Cook, Thos M ct Co 60 Cohn & Ryttenberg,.... 28 Cronly and Morris, 20 Daymon & .Johnson, 46 Dawson, John, 87 Driscoll & Kerrigan, 58 Dudley & Bro, 1 front fly. Eacan, P Sc Co.. 48 Ellis & Mitchell, 89 Eyden, R F 1,30 Faulkner. J E & Co, 50 Fay &: Eafiferty 91 Finlayson. M U & Bro, , 86 Planner, Wm B, 133 Flanagan. L, 34 French, G Z & Co,... 2 front flv. 136 i Page. ^French, Geo R & Son 14 Frederick & Shemwell, 42 Tulton & Price, 70 George, E P,. Inside back cover. Grady, B F, 82 Hall, A E, 54 Hall, CM 32 Hart & Bailey, 2 back fly., Harriss & Howell, 22 iHcdrick tcRyan, out. front cover Heinsberger, P, 94 Hewett, JW, 132 Hussell & Bappler, 38 .James & Brown, 50 Jenkins, H M, 62 •Jenkins & Bro, 48 Jacobs. B J, 113 ,Jacobi, N it Co 130 Katz, M M, 13 Keith, E A, 133 Kelly, Stephen, 115 Kidder & Martin,.... 78 Knohl, FW, 80 Larkins & Hardwick, . ., 66 Lessman, A. 74 Lippitt, W K, 18 Lyon, Jacob, 24 ■Martin, A, 30 Marcus & Kehr, 109 iMadison & Thomson, 24 Mallet, P 134 iMcCormick, J, inside front cover McRae & Gurganus, 88 McEary, Wm H & Co 82 Meier, J, 44 31itehcll, James H,..,l back fly. 136 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Page. Page. Murray & Murcbison, 112Sprunt, Alex, 64 Myers, George, ISOStorer, A R, 46 Neff, JosH, 66Thorburn,R, 68 Newman, P 87,Tienken & Bauman, 90 Oldham, Alex,. 20;Topham, Jos S & Co 2 Orrell & Lewis 89,VanBokkelen, A H, 92 Parsley, G & Co, 22"VanAmrmgc, S, outside back Patten, Wm 42| cover. Petteway & Moore, 68 VanOrsdell, C M,. 16 Perrin, Henry R, 86Voss, J G, 114 Polvof^t, Chas & Co, 129 Von der Kammer,H, 131 Poalk^ct Allen,... 114 Wallace & Southerland,... 40 Roberts, Thos E, 131 Weill, A & Co, 15 Runge & Kordlander, 92 West, S M, 30 Russell & Ellis, llliWebb, Harry, 52 Shackelford, Haas & Co,... 84 Whitake^ T S, 56 Sherman, J, Shutte, Henry, Simpson, S M, Smith; Wm L,:::::::.:::::.. the library of the UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA coisr p Wilmington, N. C... 3t Wilmington Directory,. 17 t( City Business Directory. 95 tc Prices of Gold for Confederati Money General Directory.... 116 to Municipal Government Railroads Banks '-. Churches.,. Oakdale Cemetery THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA CC971.^5" VVT4-wi GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, E. P. GEORGE, (OFFICE WITH ri;ONLY A- MORIIIS.) IN THIS OFFICE ARE REPRESENTED The Hartford Fire Insurance Comp'y, HAltTFOIil) CONN.: The Atlantic Fire Insurance Comp'y, BROOKLYN. N. Y.; THE TRifELER'S ACClDEiYI' IIDRINCE COMPANY, H.\I{TFORD. CONN.: Together with several others, includmg LIFE and MARINE, all of which are of the HIGHEST STANDING and EXTEN- SIVE POPULARITY, conducted by men of EMINENT ABILITY. • . ALL KINDS OF RISKS taken on MODERATE TERMS, and every facility afforded tor citizens to satisfy themselves as to the SOLVENCY of the several Companies represented. S. VANAMRINGE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEK IN Groceries, ProTisions, "»,I1L1IL ..., WOOD AND WIL-LOW-WARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. CAPS, ITMBRELLAS, TOYS. FANCT ARTICLES OF ALL HIS G E N K R A L M E K C H A N B I Z E . FAJIIIJES MTPUni AT THE L(|WPT ^1 lliy^f lUf Eli NO. 61 MARKET STREET. '