FROM WHITFIELD COBB, D. D. S. ; j WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. * J - u . -- . ■ 12 _13_14 __ *5 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 2 4 25 26 27 28 1 29 WATOHY OR AUTO EXPENSE TRAVELING EXPENSE OR. RfM. PIioo*. far's Co (uucnl AuuUflsr PROFESSIONAL BOOKS LITERATURE DR GENERAL EXPENSE BR INTERCST ANO TAXES OR. OTHER INCOME CR. MISCELLAN¬ EOUS RECEIPTS DR PCLIGIOUS CMA1. ITABl-C FDUCA nOTUL DOrtAT NS OR FOR MY PERSONAL USE OR LIFE INSUR¬ ANCE. INVEST¬ MENTS. SAV G» DR CR orers > makc Of BT3 PAIO me MISCELLANEOUS >4 crv^a Jr-.frroyr.-il CR. BALANCE ON HANDS IN BANK 1ST OF MONTH i * PURCHASEO CR RECEIPTS OR EXPENSE OE0IS OU Ml SC ELLA t ME aEOUS 1C VS t/" 2 9 nfc ' / 9 •gz 3D IS 3fc] LS itt go le £ 00 iSi l y ' 2 ? O 1 ?.oVrx. L 1 Cl S& f-rj-v. t TWxlli 3r Jv7 9 ooo IOO OO oo HO 00 q ioc O*. ivb 9*> !x> 1 s 1 tls. <5>ll> [• > c 'VaA.ei Js -/ t: ■ ISO oo 700 00 Ls 0(1 52 15 60 O OO HI la %qto OO /o I s lo % oo 10 oo 2-0 Oft H OO so OO 3 T 5 CO _ 33 IS 5T0 IV oc 2S l£»o OO 3000 OC IO OO 1 O oo 5 OO li 15 J i f 1- _ tz. S5 °1 v?_ 11° 00 fc5 oo to 00 5^5 S OO t>3 - i fc&jl5 7 "J fcs Z3 l‘> i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill A Little Essay On Better Bookkeeping For the Professional Man By WHITFIELD COBB, D. D. S. Copyright 1923 By WHITFIELD COBB HE purpose of this paper is to show how a professional man, whose income is derived from fees offset by necessary practice operating expenses, may easily obtain such in¬ formation as is necessary in making income tax returns , may know his Cost and Prof it, and may also have a clear knowledge of all his financial transactions. The writer, who was an experienced bookkeeper before taking up a profession, in order to have such information has designed COBB'S CASH-JOURNAL, which has been in use for several years, and which has now been perfected to give, with very little work, much val¬ uable information about the condition of one’s finances. The Cash-Journal itself has instructions printed on the inside cover page; but, in order to make the explanations even more clear, I have had photo-etchings made of sheets showing ac¬ tual entries of various kinds which might come up in practice. These cuts which follow are half the dimensions of the originals and illustrate perfectly the book and its use. The double entry idea is carried out, and it must be understood that (with the exception of Dailv Practice, column for which is to the extreme left of page), all items must show in two or more columns and the totals of the entries in the “Dr.” columns must equal the total of entries in the “Cr.” columns. To grasp the simplicity and value of the System, trace in both Dr. and Cr. columns on sheets marked "Specimen Entries” the following items: Mch. 29—Totals brought forward from foot of p-cording page. Mch. 30—Gross practice (for the day) ----- $47.00 Cash Practice - -- -- -- -- - 16.50 Deposit - -- -- -- -- 63.00 Mch. 31— Mrs. O. E. Davis paid bill ----- 27.00 Gross Practice - -- -- -- - 26.00 Cash Practice - -- -- -- - 19.50 Paid Banner Realty Co. office rent for March, check No. 565 - -- -- -- - 35.00 Twin City Dental Depot, for supplies, $20; repairs, $2.50; new equipment, $5.00; check No. 566 - - - - - - - - - - 27.50 Miss Mary Knox, balance salary office girl - 27.75 Mr. J. C. Reynolds paid $10 and was allowed frill credit for his account, $12-50, the bal¬ ance, $2.50, being charged to discounts (col¬ umn 10). Cash was paid as follows: 1 doz, towels, $3; laundry, .90; postage, $1 - - - - 4.90 Cash drawn out for personal use - - - 26.00 (Charged to Whitfield Cobb) The Motor Co. auto expense - - - - 48 62 These completing the entries of the month, the columns are then totaled, and these totals are used on Summary and Cost Ledger Sheets as explained later. The total of Column 3 is subtracted from total of Column 2; the remainder, repre¬ senting balance of cash on hand, is written down under date of April 1. Total of Column 6 is subtracted from total of Column 4, being balance in bank at end of month and is entered on same line with cash on hand under date of April 1. In order to carry out the double entry idea and make the balance automatic, these two balances are also shown in Cr. Column No. 29. Inserts A, B and C are explained later. Apr. 1—-Balance cash on hand ------ $ 53 .] 6 Balance in Bank ------- l]Q.59 Sou. Bell Telephone A- Teleg. Co., office, $5; home, $2.50; total ------- 7.50 Eureka Coal Co., coal for home - 27.50 Gross Practice (no cash practice or deposit that day) - -- -- -- -- 33 .00 Bought from The Office Equipment Co., equipment worth $700, on which was paid $ 100 , giving notes for the balance of $600 to to be paid monthly. Standard Accident Insurance Co., claim paid me ---------- 52.75 J. M. Jones paid me for rent on dwelling $65.00 G. P. Putnam Sons Co., books for office - 16.75 Apr. 2—Gross Practice ------- 53.25 Cash Practice, $38, less a discount of $6 to minister, leaving $32 cash received. Deposit.45.00 Apr. 3—Gross Practice - -- -- -- - 39.50 Cash Practice - -- -- -- - 28.50 Deposit - -- -- -- -- 35.00 Goldsmith Bros, paid me for amalgam scrap. 10.00 This amalgam having been charged originally to Materials (Column 7), the credit should be deducted from Column 7 and entry is made in red ink or in parenthesis to show item is to be subtracted. Apr. 4—Gross Practice - -- -- -- - 25.00 Cash Practice - -- -- -- - 19.00 Deposit - - 104.16 Paid in cash Church, $4; Smith Labora¬ tory, $10; total - - - - - - 14.00 Standard Building & Loan Association - 60.00 Of this, $40 was reducing loan and $20 interest. Paid J. C. Williams for repairs to Jones Street house which I rent to J. M. Jones - 20.00 N. Y. Life Ins. Co., premium _ - - - 50.00 Apr. 5—I have a bill against R. N. Pickett for $35 pro¬ fessional services; he has one against me for $33.75 groceries; he pays me $1.25, settling both accounts. E. C. Caldwell has bill against me for plumb¬ ing, $80, (office, $70, home, $10), I have bill against him for $20; I write him check for $60, settling both accounts. I borrow from Standard Building & Loan Asso¬ ciation $3,000. They write me two cheeks, one for $172, (which covers five months back pay¬ ments to date of loan, $150, interest $3.75, ex¬ pense of making loan, $18.25). This check I endorse and hand back to them. They then give me check for $2,828, net proceeds of loan, which I endorse to City Realty Co., this pay¬ ing interest of $62.07, and payment of $2,765.93 oh amount I owe them. All of these entries, or similar entries, have occurred in my practice, and are given here to show that COBB’S CASH- JOURNAL may be used to record any and all financial trans¬ actions of the professional man. Each page is totaled as indicated and footings carried for¬ ward until the end of the month. Inserts A, B and C are merely shown as memoranda, as A and C show on Summary form. B may be shown at the end of the month or on check stubs if used. S VYIN5 TOH-3ALt •p a C i ira u m - / C»,tft;‘u5 b7 COBB'S CASH JOURNAL WHITFIELD COBB, PUBLISHER winstoh-sauem. n. c. Cl> , * y ' eT, 5>‘ ov ‘s on tliii plate e*actl« hal-f s»?-e. Sheets Tilled i-«\ diitinitix c« CoUvint vidcd. F*V*€rr Imes not s V\ owti on thi» pi at e __ DAILY PRACTICE OA1 * NAME OF PATIENT OR CLIENT EXPLANATION Or OTHER tNTBlA |1 -37- CREDIT TO PATIENT OR CLIENT DR. ALL CASH RECEIVED CR. ALL CASH PAID OUT OR DEPOSITED DR DCPOSrTtb BANK NUMBER or oiecM CR AMOUNT or CHECR DR MATERIALS AND ■UPPLiCS DR REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS TO EQUIPMENT OPTIC* LAUMDRr DR RAD DEBTS DISCOUNTS. COLLECT COSTS LABORATORY ‘ifll So m rk, ?5 00 3 1 Trwo & 1 :' ,~L3ouu»js> (L 39 c>c *4 oo ?4 oo 3 ( PfLOLctetlL 19 5c 19 50 _ — 3 1 Co *OAoA.«iv) rvA/vx^fc %y Li 05 00 — 31 'Turax OiLck) ~j 3-5 _:_ 31 htnJ - Jp . CL • rva£dx> ft 1 ?. 50 IQ >4. ? So 3 > | dLtrir 4 (Lu^rv cLvi^ ** v/ *f QO 3 CO Qo .31 ^O*- nv*| Y^LbCT^g^ U>>g^ ^"TTvjl /TLo-t^rp- CLd , T>V^x/l^L- ? r 5 oo . 7 3 | 5 9l£ t. 2 , _ ks4 so / CrtojCL^ 9-5 4)00 ?9 51 "I u t5 1 5 1 510 92 55 t 1 He 1 r s-r z 50 10 ^5 591 io% 199 9 ” A Lj jrr 1 Cjz- <»tv. k.a^eL r (j-ajid S3 it 1 1 o Ul.|Lo 1 ' •’ -n .J! 1st ‘joo OO T 1 cL>Oll T- I jslJ&lO, . Co, ✓ 5 Lcj 1 5o 3 3 (UX. •L, JL . rr fi) ~/ b2th. So Clcb. 1 Lu-iu/oo- (.VmS CO). .5 9c ?1 ■50 | 5 J (i 5C 3300 \ J-p.OLet csj_ * ' < a*LUL >1 ^,T3 Lc i^Ct 95 1 1 Co - C cr»' tLWvt, s' s T« loo OO V :f- TU dt CJLj JL^ r^t att 95 - 1 StwLvucl, Co. At^>v -jp-^ > a/ (j 5 DO 1 J" J • ' (J ^ 1 ^ rv^ a ^S* r CJ3 Co- — ■^rcrCrjOo ✓ £ ^ 2 . 1 4 TS 532.5 Z “^~n,xx g i LlO a -fDO^J' (^tbtL f'Uniit*/ 3? OO s>z OO oo 15 00 L OO 39 50 ~T 5 f v_a_«JjL C_a_ ^ */ 7*1 50 ?-» 5C 35 oo 35 00 QoCX>ml^A° ~r^t-rT^ nym aC-q>L*Ti Vx*<>f ► */ 1 O oo — f ?/ c 19 09! l „ l 2 .S OO t U (J * %/ i 9 PO '9 oo R. lOf 1 (d l o*< r ■ ■ *♦ CJLSrrvctix, (L OLi^rr-tLtof-^ c/ 1 *♦ oo lo 00 a 3 larrvtliVLcL T 3 lul^*Lo T (LxtfnJ (JL^Vo • ✓ j ' L^ fed OO H ^.C- \ 0 J^A**\b- ^ KcjeCVC. V S 99 2 £. 00 T1 31. C-liO ?TLto Co y^nrAlAlyrr-y in Of) j5 7 * arcF - 4 U. ,is itUb ^ 71T 1 fnp,9rp*^^> caX L ,55 f >0 1 ? 5 ■pvj e.e 0 10 OO 5 9 5 6 c OO r 5 .’S tAA^LoA.^ 7J .♦'C . QjB* O • - JUiel favL 5 PH* •y| .Je> /V> w' i« rbi J OOO OO ZJJ, oc f 5 - Cit^Tli attL| C* i T^tHt t^45,p ✓ Zfit DO 150 05 ^atALficL -|cjfu>OAxl. 1*0 5c 3 rLt u 3 29 Y it 2.9995 ft / j^i I 5 ( I O J oo V' ✓ b 00 »0 00 DR auto rxpcNW THAVELINO LXPCNM OR. B—. rw lid Cu Lanta tualm PROFESSIONAL BOOKS LITERATURE DR GENERAL EXPENSE AS ■ DR INTEREST TAXES A? DR. EQUIPMENT PURCHASED ™ - ti - OTHER INCOME CR. MISCELLAN¬ EOUS RECEIPTS DR. ■ CLiatous out. gi ■ DR POR MT PERSONAL USE DR LIPE INSUR¬ ANCE. INVEST¬ MENTS. SAV GS - ^ OR DEBTS 1 PAT DEBTS DUE ME MISCELLANEOUS _ LL _- CR DEBT'S 1 MAKC DEBTS PAID ME MISCELLANEOUS ~bJ crr»xfi. frr^TOWOlrtt -£ _ CR BALANCE ON HAND* IN BANK irr OP MONTH CR. RECEIPTS OR EXPENSE -2^ — 1a < -3- £2. -!d kio. 13- 111 3t L5 eo 7.5 OO 7 9 O 1 ?0<* 4"S IV? 1 O r~ 1 OO OO 1- «#2 | . 3-5| OO _5 GO T ^ r ^ QO ?,S C|Cl £8 4? IV 4a 92 2< %> r 0 vz. % L 30 19 •ft 3 t OO 2 5 00 2 9 O 1 ?,Vf nff 1° IHO OO | OO 00 1/ 41ft 1 7 , ?s OO 110 i Q If k. h 0f)0 OO 40 OO < >tHiL O < ujvm -TV t 53 i 1 A » Q 21 15 5 00 M 3 t . 7H ^dMAjC. k> IOC OO Z 50 al III I^t cSk .a too => ' fk. T \i A.C-P 140 OO L f ' ( i/y '. tjl : *8 sfrin OO OO T 5? IS t>6 OO / f> 15 H 00 20 00 HO, <2Q 20 OO i .To HD 33 TO OO JO. DO. 3 I s itf 25 ISP OO 3 ccc 00 t? °3 2 ]fel) 5 OO I 5 */ * <85 vz 11° OO 45 OO to 00 52 i 5 OO t>3 15 fcfc 25 Z <)5i

fYl A Trtjffy F.qorleS -Totals dnal«nceA mont^ It Pi9or|€S "fioKin a»ic ces / EHonth Fi4utes lot a Is (a ixl eioim EritYi^ Tcta » 5 liala 0 n< it cl: 1 ce j H h -/ * T? - f rV' 1st c ( nOc.»\fcJ r \_. on 193 0£) 2,5 2lt /L03HC lUi -Co 3 tit, 2ft| 00 ynfi ^U OO y PWictiee. 4a of IV) 0 . 7 Lt 00 3o^l HO _ IS5 ,70 iVS.50 400 °1 4O0C.1 24 V QT 24 V Ol j E mail - T 1 < ils a"n3 SdppIi^ _ 25 • d, 3V, 45 1*V MS (- 20 _(.315 k \ li 5ii .40 sLL -E*)s or, W*nd E -2nco' r l?€PO»TS an<) ItWln cements T. Equipment % fn - Jtn 5V ■LV|o5 1 1 ! TCL toT^ 23 CO 7.3 00 20 1 1 K3.11 / / t ?o imT J L Ruto Exl enseToavefliSgt^ jpense-Pmfpssiona 1 1 ✓ f 1 l \ 7 17 Her\ t in CO I \ \ -25 no. 00 no JPKcJ ne F DO 5 nn i nr \ \ 5 1 H c ifrPTit. WdteT too l 1 / 1 vn ; ' 7 ?a 1 n 1 s AsJ / 7 2J. Off ce TceX&S ' / / ✓ 5 Vo 2 C 4? -Z 2 , Hi 3TAL OPERATING EXPENSE 23k oc Hilo 24 if 1 1 2V 5f 2 *fl Ilf \ ) M3 q.5 1 S5 2 21 2 145 5 1 23. Ef AC TICE PPOMTg^S* '"*■ 2 zJ f-C5 ocj of 33 2 ol zvs 2,1 b 2 l • 22 , / f 1 vo f ) 5 *tto 2 to q qcq ^1 25t QtK< llI ncome "Receipts 41 33 Mi 3*\ 5 2 f .1 ^>c 1 2 (d(d 3 Cl 23 ? 5 Less Dti ier Income Expense 11 Es n U 5l fcv .31 37 j I 451 L 2 J 1 0 THEf? INCOME NET 23 Em 2.3fcH 13 ufci f-15 ■0 /LOSS / r 15 c -< °7 2 .~i BeH :s 1 fDake Sri !<} 3? < f'l 1 fj 37 it VI 3t JiV i 1 / Vkqfci.? ZV Le_ii D ?bts 1 Pa y iLLhs iL tia Q < ( Hn plfl f14V«n — ^4 • IfirvcE owed bale 5ir| q 22. 195 2. V?k ' -iaTo,IV T7 4V 4 vc 30 Pcbbs t Lie. Oles /Y 1 iscclla ne.oeis V y 1 ot OO • - #1 100.00 \ 7 1 ftrOAC 31 Less Del tsTEiaAAe- •« « / V 77 1 00 r> f) ICOCC _ — 32- M LANCE DUE ML-MISCELLANEOUS * /[ —IO^90. : c V COBBS CASH JOURNAL \ V WHITFIELD COBB, PUBLISHER \ V WiNSTON-SALEM. N. C. \ •c 1 2 .1 4 5 \ (< 7 8 9 -7-" 10 0*1 brac y rice date 192_ - NAME OF PATIENT OR CLIENT EXPLANATION OF OTHER ENTRIES 5l CR CREDIT TO PATIENT OR CLIENT OP ALL C RICCI 5H * IED CR ALL CASH RAID OUT OR DEPOSITED OR DEPOSI BAN TED NUMBER or CHECH \ CH / ■MOUNT / » or / /CHECH / OR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES OR REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS TO EQU 1 PM ENT OTFICC LAUNOAT DR SAD DEBTS >iSCOUN»S L A ■ORATORY 3 1 Cost Ledqer Sheet IS •)OTfL^ C1\ <\T\ lot t| Ft >TV1 1 J>e mbfT hr ol t rltr jjnjrii ITU anc rf cc rs> P r% Trwl L>« and • rue TV a -Pc Tr ‘•1, rid 3s T r fl *V IS • no JrtteT / 22 51 23 51 hi Srq n. k 20 OC 330 ft 330 1*1 b rru'sct ll« ICCu s Taxes 1 1 to 1 1 IO 1 4 OC 25 1© v A 25 10 ? 45 108 ' h5 c rtt F b rc ha sed 3 14 3 is 9? z? r d ’.j on Hand First of’ Year O 1 1 i.9 —1 0J4. 1 ° 1 s H A 1 1 0 1 9 r; •J f 1 2 , Hf H * 1 c ) 1 • A l 00 1 >>^T lo?\ e Deprl rc»< ition of F<)Uiprrient Frsd erf Ytq>" (- 1 1 * 24 f Hell'l IOO i X>cti ,* I t aliens 31 1 Id 3tflt 31 >c ka Hi / / 11 13 25 4,™ 2 S 2 2 S Hi? IS vr> t 9 Wise Jla necus •• k” t _ 1 _ * 50 20 50 Vo h For r k Pens orial Use it* *42 it vls- 2 . 13? 31 _ 302 13. \ \ .131 9 2 / 9»T 99 / 9*F 39 — i Lt-fe Ins u trine e, ImestTnenCs, bawin—*- i t "T DT 1 DEBITS ip lift, A9 „|L 2 fcf) V. 2 1 S 2 . 41 1 — » \Zj i U ?rac lie TTvi T^it. IlintiSl oq 322 Ol tii / v t© lIa 400 31 V Oth« r h ICCTTl e Net C •• 2 -Ct r 1 Z3 U 2 H /A 15* > 01 f 1 co n*y w. n2 95 FS w 95 — T ( iTfl L CRCfr’tTS |< l^o C3 11.5 fc: 5 9 if it H 9F9 91 i ) / fv’.ft , ^5 tY 01 Hi ?(l ?9 o? T 2 ?v i / / 15 VO H 14 V, ' -~R^> w L : 39 Ik 2 i, Jfc .5.-1 30 M < V X li O 414 ol -A -! -5 19 oq) .9 LCl r-z 2 i z 12 . \\ fel j -19 > il ( A .. A j J z COBB'S CASH JOURNAL WHITFIELD COBB, PUBLISHER Winston-Salem. N. C. _._—---- - -*-,, ...... „ . " 12 3 4 D DAILY PRACTICE DATE 102 _ NAME OF PATIENT OR CLIENT EXPLANATION OF OTHER ENTRIES || CR. CREOIT lO PATIENT OR CLIENT DR ALL CASH RECEIVED ALL LASH PAID OUT OR DEPOSITED DEPOSITS BANK d ryvCdUiLCr. ■O cxf -f v/w arr^ CLCTd pox CTT 5 TJ JL 3LTI J t ) eof eiLr I oiq Fa ~rn_ai iLTU-CL^t) ClAv d- za OC C-CLi» Aj Cr>-\j M Q/rvO— 1 1 2 ZS Ccxv 252 30 SSuJ etc CC__ zLk OC JJrTto-t ' 1 ~C(jLX) JL ^ "4ncr>>^LrLi rt^-^ J . : occ oc H ” orTviTo Co rc 1 2.00 cc Sb-c LJtJ, Oc*'Lct>> &.S 2.5ol CO COT st-kvjCtTvFc- HOC oc u OTfT CavR- vuJl UUL. 55000 TOT.( -EJ\J>Crrv£j£Jc(Lu/v\j^^ ✓ — • 10775 27 ; (t ; i 1- ; TOT -3=k CAxjt - M y CTTV cL- 7*+ nfCrvSt TVd±i'JL 30 c CO Cllr-lIvcl. Cl. — 31 : oc ^5toy>.pX.A.cL T PL. CCuXjO. 4|coc Joe 3c6cc pt'H OC r -- TTtWX.I'.C <•' 'I tc . CL ofc -nj\j Ct, Cn^ltLoSI?? 31 7 52 •' 2.o5,l Crer-oxi 1 ! 2^53 i _ i— In order to know whether one is gaining or losing financially, it is well to make a statement of “Condition of Finances First of the Year,’ and compare these statments each year. This may be entered in the back of the Cash-Journal in a manner similar to the form shown. The form may be expanded or contracted to cover assets and liabilities of any volume. In these illustrations, small numbers are used purposely in most cases in order that the additions may be easily checked. These figures are also of value if the pro¬ fessional man wishes to make a summary and trial balance each month. See cuts marked “Summary and Cost Ledger Sheet ‘A’ ” and “Summary and Cost Ledger Sheet ‘B’. ” The “Figures on Opening Book ’ (Column 1) are taken from statement of Conditions of Finances First of Year.” The columns marked “Monthly Figures show the cost and other items for the month, while columns marked “Totals and Balances (also “Totals and Trial Balance”) show the to¬ tals and balances from the first of the year to the end of that particular month. (The figures in the second column each month may be written in red ink for contrast.) Cross additions are made on Sheet A on all lines except lines 1-3-5-29-32. The vertical additions of lines 6 to 21 show cost of practice. On Sheet B, cross additions are made on lines a-b-c-f-g-h-i-p-y. Other entries are as indicated. Where an item is put in parenthesis, this indicates that it is to be subtracted, not added. Red ink may be used instead to indicate this. Depreciation, bad debts and materials on hand are taken care of in closing entries at end of year, as indicated. In case the professional man tithes and wishes to keep track of his dues, this may be done as shown in brackets at bottom Sheet B. Of course a full double page should be allowed for each Summary Sheet and the column heads need then be written in o i the lines to the left only once to show a full year’s business. The “Total Debits” must balance the “Total Credits” each month, or an error has been made. Likewise “Balance Due Me From Practice End of Month”(Sheet A, line 5), must agree with total of ledger balances. TL' > is an automatic check on errors in bookkeeping, and such errors, if made, should be found and corrected. COBB’S CASH-JOURNAL may be used with any form of Ledger and any Appointment-Day Book which shows gross pract and cash practice for the day. It is designed for the use of physicians, dentists, occulists, lawyers, osteopaths, opticians—all p o fessional men depending upon fees, not, salary, for their income. Will be shipped by prepaid parcel post anywhere in the Unit..! States for $6.00, cash with order or C. O. D. Orders May Be Sent Direct to DR. WHITFIELD COBB, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. COBB'S SYSTEM OF DENTAL BOOKKEEPING COBB’S SYSTEM OF DENTAL BOOKKEEPING, which is the development of ten years of dental practice, consists o Cobb’s Cash-Journal (which has been explained in the preceding pages), Cobb’s Ledger for Dentists and Cobb’s Appointment-Day Book for Dentists, and covers fully all the bookkeeping needs of the dentists in general practice. The books may be used separately or together. See illustrations showing specimen entries in Appointment-Day Book and Ledger, and trace related entries of March 31 and April 3. PROPERTY OF HIGH POINT PUBLIC LIBRARY HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA These three books may be described briefly as follows: LEDGER—Loose leaf sheets are used in a binder of the simplest and most convenient form of construction. Each sheet has large, clear cuts of the teeth, temporary as well as permanent, on which intelligent drawing may be made of fillings. These sheets are ruled and printed on the front and ruled all across the back, giving about three times as much space for records as sheets ruled and printed on one side. There are columns for entering practical¬ ly every operation ordinarily met with in gen¬ eral practice, simply by inserting the number of the tooth and column for showing the time used, besides the usual ledger columns. Price $ 10 . 00 . APPOINTMENT-DAY BOOK—This is real- lv three books in one—a record of appoint¬ ments, a book for timing the operations and a record of daily operations, charges and cash practice. It has cuts of the teeth and columns for recording operations corresponding to those in Ledger, to facilitate posting The total time used, charge made, and cash practice for the day and for the month may be shown, enabling the dentist to realize what his productive time rv» n n o i n rv» ait 1^ mi a a Cv /A fl CASH-JOURNAL—This book is a cash book, journal and check register combined, and was designed with es¬ pecial reference to making Income Tax returns. Its proper use will show exactly xvhat practice is costing and profit. All receipts and all payments, whether by cash or check, are shown here, and distribution is made in columns to show the operating expense (with sub-di¬ visions), cost of equipment, amounts for personal use, credits to patients or clients, deposits and checks, in¬ vestments, donations, other income, etc. Price $6.00. My books ai*e used by such men as Drs. Robin Adair, Atlanta; Harry E. Kelsey, Baltimore; R. P. Taylor, Jacksonville, Fla.; W. R. Osmun, Elizabeth, N. J.; J. C. Watkins, Winston-Salem, N. C.; N. F. Hirtz, Los Angeles; B. F. Mann, Auburn, Maine; W. F. Lubahn, Mt. Clemens, Mich.; F. I). Burns, Denver, Colo.; Fred E. Hess, Fairmont, W. Va. Order now, and if not satisfied that they are Better Than Any Other at Any Price, you may return them in good condition in five days for full credit. =lj Detach and Use This Order Blank DR. WHITFIELD COBB, Winston-Salem, N T . C. Date 192 Please send me books I have checked: Cobb’s Cash-Journal (Enlarged) .$ 6.00 Cobb’s Appointment-Day Book _ 5.00 Cobb’s Loose Leaf Ledger 10.00 I am remitting full amount for books I have checked. Or, I herewith enclose $1.00 to apply on purchase price, send books C. O. D. for balance. Will return in good condition in 5 days if not satisfied, and payment will be refunded to me. ____ __ D. D. S. Address M •Vi' / «