rice 15c. Price 15c. The Truth IN THE World War An Expose for Better Americanism by UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA BOOK CARD Please keep this card in book pocket THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ENDOWED BY THE DIALECTIC AND PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETIES UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00011076355 THE TRUTH IN THE WORLD WAR An Expos£_for Better Americanism bv August Schinderhans Delayed on account of U. S. Gag-law DALLAS, TEXAS, U. S. A, 1921 For Sale bv all News Dealers and Booksellers No fFar-history is complete without this pamphlet In exposing a world-wide bunco game it is necessarj^ to call a spade a spade and the reader will excuse the use of the short and ugly word in this treaty. For the results of this unprecedented lying are these: AT VERSAILLES The most dastardly peace in the world's history under the muz- zles of a thousand loaded cannon is signed. Germany gagged, bound and crippled, is made the vassal, slave and dependant of the rapacious janus-faced allies for generations to come. Germany v/as not defeated by the whole world, but by her own stupidity. Stupiditj^ imperial, bourgeois and socialistic. Germany used, as did the allies, all the modern weapons avail- i/ablc, but she fell short in the poisoned lie and blackguard calumny, J In no war before was the lie used, nor with such deadly effect \y^Q)\\ so many innocent people. iC Never before was lying protected by law and made a virtue as in the world war. Truly the pen is mightier than the sword, but it out-poisoned any poison gas and hung high the record of false witness ending in bloodshed and famine, Germany robbed of the last ounce of the babies' milk by the so-called peace-treaty, staggers for generations to come under a tax increase of 900 per cent. y Laboring for years as no nation has labored to keep from being •^neither beggar nor robber, she now labors and slaves for her vicious conquerors, who gleefully rub their hands and say, "It is a just peacj ;^ Well may the world shudder at the next "just peace." The ex- V(i inction of whole nations may be a necessary part of it. ? Germany Did Not Start the War is only a malicious and bigoted ignoramus, who says Germany stafted the world war! J You need not refer to the miscellaneous white, yellow, orange or red books. These are all clouted in the respective national prejudices they are written in. You need not quote the ambassadors of the different courts, for their evidence in all cases is biased and weak, Henry Morgenthau's hearsay evidence about the Kaiser's Potsdam conference on July 5, 1914, where manu- facturers, bankers and others were asked were they ready for war, is only typical of "alarm Fritz," as Wilhelm II. was dubbed quite early in his reign. The> adjourned and went on their vacations. James W. Gerard's book^^'My four years of spying in Germany, how well I was treated and how little I saw of war preparations," is pretty good proof alone that Germany is not guiltyT^He was there on the spot. Prejudiced, full of hate, unscrupulous, 'f^he Willy-Nicky letters pub- lished by Lenine and Trotzky prove that the Kaiser tried hard to keep Russia out of it or if possible prevent a world calamity, Poult- ney Bigelow in "Travel" for October, 1918, writes : "The Kaiser once assured me in a voice vibrant with conviction that never under any conceivable circumstances could he be induced to war upon Russia," And why should he? Germany and Russia since Adam's time had littl^war, their in- terests did not conflict except for the vile entente. /The entente or understanding among nations, the unholy conspiracy~to do up Ger- many, which the average literary liar so assiduously ignores, caused the war — started the warr7 Germany, excelling in the arts of peace, made two blades of grass^ grow where there was only one, enlight- ened the world in the arts and sciences, furnished cheaper and better merchandise, aroused the nations who had become great only through robbery. The entente was originated by an ugly-visaged Frenchman named Delcasse, who, thirsting for revenge, inveigled Russia in 1893. Englanld under Sir Edward Grey and Winston Churchill delightedly joined. Quickly the latter got Japan to join, and the triple entente grew into a quintuple and sextuple conspiracy, for Italy and Belgium had likewise secret understandings. And Germany toiled on. Wil- helm scratched his dome, wrote useless letters to Nicholas, appointed von Moltke chief of the staff, not because the General knew anything, but because he was related to the great von Moltke. Germany should have attacked the British navy when it was scattered, if Germany wanted to start a world war. But they could not think any further than Paris. Germany had no other plans than those of 1870. —3— THEY HAD NO PLANS Now, I ask, was this entente, alliance, understanding or con- spiracy to ward off any calamity that Germany was likely to bring, was it for defensive purposes? Was it for special high aims to en- lighten the world? Remember Russian depotism was in the bunch. What e-rievance did Japan have ? f^JA^hat grievance did any of them have r^ Was not the booty to eacnmember of the entente parceled out h6ng before the war started? Japan to get Kiau-Chou, France Alsace-Lorraine, England the German colonies, and plenty of ships and endless indemnities. The secret treaties were known. Even Italy, Roumania and Greece had their loot bargained and promised. Only the rankes t bigot ^ji,,d,eiiy_Lbis. Did not the whole arrangement from Aigeciras to Sarajebo look like a "progrom?" Germany for its victim^Was there a date set for the massacre of Germans to begin? No, ""apparently not. Any first handy opportunity would d^|^ Although in the fall of 1913 France called out almost her entire male population for military service, showing they were heading for a war. England likewise excited the populace with a possible invasion of England produced in moving pictures. In 1911 Germany sent a small gunboat, the Panther, to Agadir, on the Morocco coast, to guard her interests. At once the news- papers raised a cry of surprise. Why a Gerrnaji warship on the Morocco coast? Why, indeed, you ignoramii?CLt was to test up the vicious entente's plans, to show their handsT/They showed their teeth. Germany did not fight, but she got some information. Was Germany prepared to fight the entente? To a certain extent, yes. Like the property owner surrounded by robbers is armed, so was Germany to a certainextent prepared something like 25 per cent. England's navy was collected in June, 1914, no doubt to "Lord Nel- son" the German navy without any declaration of war. Now this collection of the British Navy from all quarters of the globe in June, 1914, just before the Sarajebo murder, is on record. Was it just a coincidence? Out on maneuvers? In the Baltic? On a friendly visit to Kiel? And James W. Gerard thinks it was a slip of the tongue when Prince Henry of Prussia, in his toast, said to the British Admiral, "We are sorry you are going and sorry you came." They were looking for the German Navy, but were shown plenty of sailing yachts. They departed without gaining anything. Then the Italian Ambassador Celere, let the cat out of the bag and put in a formal request for the British fleet not to disband, which meant that there was still hope of getting up a war on Germany, for if you don't succeed at first, try again. It shows plainly that Italy then early in July, 1914, had traitorously joined the entente. This was before any gun was fired. England did not mobilize any troops any more than is always mobilized. She depended entirely on her navy to get the lion's share in the partition of Germany. Russia and France could furnish the necessary cannon fodder. /Besides, Germany could easily be licked by any first-class power, wifich the entente thought they wcreTH -4— THE ENTENTE'S PLAN TO START WAR FROM THE EAST By not being prepared, Germany lost thousands of her merchant fleet. Germany should have had 1,000 submarines — she had only ten. She should have had millions of bales of cotton and other raw mate- rial like nickel, copper, oil and rubber, but apparently had only the 3iormal supply. She should have had poispn gas by the ton, but could not think of gas until April, 1915. /H,ad Germany threatened the liberty of any nation? Not that any^iar can prov'e^ You need not quote Treitzschke, von Bernhardi, Nitzsche or the Pan-German press, for these scribes were scarcely known until raked out by vicious, exaggerating entente scribes. These German writers only showed their utter incapacity to fathom the world scheme of the entente and were no match for the English and French Bernhardis or Nitzsches. Autocracy P^Remember all Europe i s a nest of Kings and Kingdoms iu^m the remotest times, with aristocracy and classes deeply rooted. /^The republics in Europe know nothing of personal libertyT}For a re"public to rail against German autocracy would be too near the pot calling the kettle black.^Did the shaky triple alliance, which Italy so shamefully betrayed, cause the conspiracy of nations known as the entente, afterwards the allies? Certainly not. The triple alliance was extremely modest and certainly not olTensive. Even "J'Accuse" says it was a sham. German autocracy never intimidated any nation before the war and stayed strictly within its own borders. All intimidation rested with the entente . The Berlin to Bagdad railroad was a civilizing undertaking and a natural sign of the onmarch of civilization. Ger- many among the conspirators was the only rightful nation to put this through. Germany averted the world war in th e Morocco affair. But in the Sarajebo murder — which may have been staged by the entente for war purposes — ^Russia was not going to let the opportunity go by. The Sukhomlinoff trial ampl y proved that Russia mobilized first and was bent on war. "And," writes Poultney Bigelow in true English literary backbiting style, "he (the Kaiser) impatiently refused every mediatory effort?" Did he? Could he? With the entente ready for the world's vilest progrom there was no time to parley? Russia would have been halfway to Berlin while German parleyed to please the robbe r entente. No doubt parleying was part of the entente's attack, throwing dust into Germany's and the world's eyes. In the book, "How the War Began," by J. M,. Kennedy (the Climax), it is plainly shown that the German Ambassador at Petrograd implored the Russian authorities at 2 a. m. on July 30, 1914, to stop mobiliza- tion. Emperor William telegraphed Czar Nicholas the night of July 31, 1914, for the same purpose. These are public records, which no liar can deny. When King Peter of Serbia rode in air oxcart through Monte- negro in utter defeat, he sent a telegram to St. Petersburg, holding the Czar's advisers responsible for his downfall. This was the most eloquent testimony to Russia's guilt. He did not accuse Austria. He knew that Serbia likewise fired the first shot?^-*"^ Did King Albert of Belgium likewise send a telegram to Great Britain on account of his defeat? If he did, the public does not know of it. Yet Great Britain was as much responsible for Belgium's defeat as Russia was for Serbia's. Belgium, like Luxembourg, could easily have permitted the German Army to pass through her terri- tory, made money, stayed happy and prosperous, but for the evil advice of Great Britain. Would have been unneutral? What was she when she joined the robber entente? True, she had a treaty with German for no trespass, which Germany tore up. The scrap of paper that the ente liars so loudlv quote. THE SCRAP OF PAPER That treaty was not a scrap of paper — it became Germany's death warrant. In the hour of last extremity anybody who can may tear his death warrant. Note that down, ye quibblers in international law. Germany's stupid diplomacy called it a scrap of paper, likewise a military necessity. There was a higher and holier reason ^the su- preme law of self-preservation. Five or more robbers attacked a workingman and the robbers testify they were attacked. What idiocy it would have been for Germany to walk into France and leave a fanatic hating little assassin country in its flank and rear. Yes, but how about the Lichnowsky testimony, the testimony of Dr. Muehlon, von Beerfelde, Harden and others? Well does their lying testimony corroborate any events of or previous to the war? JJoes it explain away the existence o£ the entente? Or will you say that the entente was a harmless Sunday school aggregation bent on benefitting Germany? The very alarming side of this aggregation precludes any idea of defensive purposes. Yes, says the professional literary liar: Nothing better proves the innocence of the entente than does the fact that they first met German armies on their own soil. This is a lie. Russia broke into Germany and did considerable damage before she was ejected. The French held their armies four or five miles from the frontier, ex- pecting Germany to be fool enough to attack prepared impregnable positions. Germany outwitted them and went through Belgium, rhe entente meant to start the war from the east, with the British Navy co-operating. The British Navy was several weeks too early or Russia too slow. The howl was not so much about poor Belgium, but that their plans miscarried. If Germany had started the war she would have been perfectly justified, even to frightfulness. A secret combination like the en- tente, menacing, scheming, threatening around any country would justify war of the most ferocious kind. The assertion of world dominion on the part of Germany is only used as a cloak to hide the sinister aims of the entente. Middle- Europe is not the whole world. Germany never before stole any territory that was not German. The false history liar cannot prove that Schleswig-Holstein is Danish or Alsace and Lorraine hV^j^ich. Even Kiau-Chou was only leased. Poland was given to her.^^fhe German Army was not used, like the British Navy, for annexing territories to obtain taxpayers to the British treasury*^ If there had been forming an entente against Great Britain or the United States^ihese countries would not have waited five minutes to declare war. Qiut what is right for any nation apparently is not right for Germany^ What about Alsace and Lorraine? Yes, not to be for- gotten. Cook at the map of Elsass and Lothringen. The names of the landscape there since Adam's time read M'uehlhausen, Pfaffen- heim, Harmanns-Weilerkopf, etc. There is absolutely no mixture of French in any of it. The language of the populace is German. Just because the French stole it once, they are entitled to it. Just be- cause a few soreheads loudly, and mostly for the sake of effect to please entente tourists, say "My language is German, but my heart is French," this strip of German territory must be given to the French. -6— THE FRENCH IN 1870 French mlitarism may be slightly easier than^russian militarism, but the latter is an outgrowth of the former. /France and England have been responsible for more wars than any other nations. Ger- many, being centrally located, unfortunately furnished the stamping grounc^ But Germany did not treat France right in 1870'. No! France got a well-deserved licking. Just as any country that willfully starts a war without cause, such as Italy, Roumania, Portugal or even Bel- gium, deserves a good sound licking. You need not quote that old gag about the Ems telegram. If there were a thousands Ems telegrams suppressed, it would not clear France of frivolously starting the war of 1870. You may shed large tears over the rape of Roumania. Well, did that country have a semblance of cause for war, or was it not just plain sharing in the, loot the entente hoped to capture? What an innocent, very much imposed upon nation France was. They forgot all at once their teeth-gnashing and shouting for revenge for forty years. Germany did not^tack where the fortified French Army was, but outwitted them. /Then poor France was attacke^,.,^ unprepared. Armed to the teeth for years, they were outgeneraled^J This called for a terrible amount of sympathy all over the world. If ever any nation earned its bread by the sweat of its brow, it was Germany. As Edison said: 'T saw more tall chimneys in Germany than any part of the world, hardly any in France." If France had ])een a country of labor and peace like Germany, the world war would not have happened. But they always hankered after loot and overran Europe under Napoleon. History tells the balance. She alone is responsible for militarism. Napoleon spread it all over Europe. Prus- sian militarism is not the only kind. Krupp's works in Essen are after all engaged more in the arts of peace than war. For the last twenty years the world has heard only the song of the French 75's and their superiority. That alone shows France worked for war. Unpre- pared? They were armed to the teeth and trained to the minute. It hurt their feelings that they could not overrun Europe as in Napo- leon's time; they wanted freedom — to rob and vandalize at leisure. But there was that odious German militarism. Hence the necessity for an entente. In August, 1917, Harper Leach, a Germanophobe scril)e, spread the cry: "Germany has lied about her census."' Trying lo excuse the failure of the entente in 1917 who, had they known the true German population, perhaps would not have started the war. —7— MESSAGES In September, 1918, Prince Lichnowsky published his lies thusly: "We (Germany) encouraged Count Berchthold to attack Serbia, al- though no German interest was involved, and the danger of a world war must have been known to us." Liar'nowsky, state exactly how Germany encouraged Count Berchthold, if by word, letter or telegram, etc. Germany is not in the habit of meddling in other people's affairs, neither in English or American style. There is nothing of encourage- ment on the records. Then, again, he says: "We (Germany) rejected the British proposals of mediation, although Serbia under Russian and British pressure had accepted almost the whole of the ultimatum." Exactly. It was not any of Great Britain's business to interfere in strictly Austrian affairs, even if Serbia had "almost" accepted the whole of the ultimatum and Russia was already marching. British mediation should have been directed to Russia, not Germany. Then, again, this liar says: "On July 31, 1914, we (Germany) declared war against the Russians, although the Czar pledged his word that he would not permit a single man to march as long as negotiations were going on." There were no negotiations going on, according to the records, not on July 31, 1914, unless in Sir Edward Grey's imagination. Read the records. They are all printed. Russia mobilizing against the Czar's will, the Czar's pledge could not be trusted. An army mobil- ized is an army ready to strike. In Europe no country can permit an enemy army near its borders. It always amounts to a declaration of war. As this is so, Russia insisted on war, and Germany could not help herself. Negotiations are at an end when arms are resorted to. If Russia did not want the war, why did she not countermand the mobili- zation? The border being wide and open, could Germany have acted otherwise? Put yourself into Germany's shoes before you accuse Germany of starting the war, but entente liars do not want to do that. If the entente did not insist on war, why did they not let Russia and Germany fight while the world looked on? But France would not give any guaranty of neutrality, and the English fleet was already out at sea. — H- RUSSIA THE AGGRESSOR While the London daily papers of July 31, August 1st and August 2d, 1914, headed their papers "The Mad Dog of Berlin Is at Large," thus craftily diverting the world opinion, yet this lie that Germany started the war is also traceable to a German traitor and sorehead, the anonymous, cowardly author of the book "J'Accuse." Of course, lie merely accuses, he merely exposes the amateurishness of the Ger- man military and diplomatic element, and proves very littie, but he furnished the seed for the Anglo-Saxon lies, which caused Gemiany's downfall. Ke-^ven lies and says Austria mobilized first and Russia afterwards./^ Russia mobilized the districts of Odessa, Kieff, Moscow and Kasan TTTTjuly 28, 1914. There was no other mobilization by any other power at that time. The Russian general mobilization followed afterward. This general mobilization, wholly unnecessary and uncalled for, was the overt act which precipitated the world war.^ 1 On November 25, 1918, Count Lerchenfeld's reports as Bavarian minister in Berlin were published in Munich to spite Prussia, and hailed in London as showing German duplicity at the start of the war. According to the report, the delivery of the ultimatum to Serbia was delayed until after President Poincare and Premier Viviani of France had gone to St. Petersburg, which would make it difficult for the entente nations to arrive at an understanding and take countermeas- ures. The report is dated July 14, 1914. Now, just imagine what busi- ness Poincare and Viviani had in far St. Petersburg in July, 1914, v^dien the British fleet from all parts of the earth was assembled and in the North Sea, nay the Baltic, unless to see that everything was ready in Russia for war, and that there should be no bungling, and Bavarian stupidity assumed that a delay in the ultimatum would make it diffi- cult for the entente. Austria no doubt hesitated in the delivery of the ultimatum, but played into the hands of the entente anyhow, like a bird into the fangs of an anaconda. All of it shows the superior craftiness of the entente. There was nothing omitted to make the attack on Germany successful. And British and American liars will say, 3'es, Germany prepared for this war for forty years. All prepara- tions were on the other side. -_Q_ CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE To sum up this circumstantial evidence: Since the Algeciras conference in 1906 proved that Germany had, with the exception of Austria, no friends; even the United States siding against her, and since the Panther incident in 1911 showed the entente meant fight under the slightest or any pretext, it would have been reasonable for Germany to think of defending herself. The first logical thing to do would have been to attack the British Navy and destroy it. This should have been done by halves or piece-meal, since the German Navy was the smaller of the two. This would have merely repeated the act of Great Britain, when she destroyed the Danish Navy in 1801, because Russia, Denmark and Sweden had formed an entente. But Germany did not do anything; but instead found the whole British Navy assembled in the North Sea, at the beginning of June, 1914, several days before the Sarajebo murder. In fact, according to James W. Gerard, British dreadnoughts were in the Kiel harbor when the Sarajebo murder was announced. Of course, with true Anglo-Saxon hypocrisy the British came as friends. Perhaps spying to be able to take Kiel at the right moment, or perhaps Winston Spencer Churchill was aiming at a friendly insult like the sending of the Maine to Plavana, or attack without any declaration of war, a la Nelson at Copenhagen. They had not thought of poor Belgium then, or mayl)e they knew that the entente was going to let something- happen. Germany pocketed the insult and avoided war by keeping her fleet under the heavy guns of the forts. Then the fact that the French President Poincare and Premier Viviani hurried to Et. Peters- burg at about the same time, evidently trying to let Russia do the starting of the war, since Russia was considered the stronger, and thereby keeping the Germans out of France. The above shows no overt acts on the part of the entente, but — until Russia started the ball rolling — a concerted war-like attitude con- cealed behind a consummate craftiness the like the world has never seen. Those two French high officials could have stayed at home and acted their foul conspiracy by telegraph, but it is safe to say that no documents in writing will ever be found implicating the entente. It shows likewise that France was schooled in Anglo-Saxon hypocrisy, to stay within her borders fully armed, waiting to be attacked while Russia raked the chestnuts out of the fire. The whole entente policy was a policy of tigerish waiting and stalking their prey. Then attack- ing in regular, prearranged fashion. First Russia, then France, then England, Japan, Italy, and little coyote states. -10- ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRESS CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE The above shows likewise the al^solute peaceful attitude of Ger- many before Russia attacked, and an utter want of comprehension of the evil designs of the entente from William II down to all the com- manders, and also the German press. Then, after the war started, even as early as September, 1914, after one month's war, Germany sought peace with France through Take Jonescu of Roumania, only to be rejected. For the eutente were after loot, and now openly for Germany's annihilation, y L et no fool think that Germany could have m^^de a different peace from what she got, or could have avoided this warTJ All the foregoing facts are not obtained from Berlin, or Pots- dam, or the Kaiser's secret portfolio or dished out by a German traito-, but are solely taken from the English and American press from July, 1914, to December, 1918,j^'id out of their own mouths they (the latter) prove themselves the most predatory, cold-blooded and bloodthirsty liars and criminal truth-suppressors the human race was ever afflicted witlTT} The six million dead of the world war are on the few heads of the robber-entente and the enslavement of toiling Germany is due to the lying scribes and pharisees of England and America. These cannot plead ignorance, for their own papers will convict them. "Murder will out. It seems now, according to R. C. Dasher, in Dearborn Independent for October 2nd, 1920, and reprinted in Lafol- lette's Magazine for October, 1920, a secret conference of newspaper men, bankers and British agents was held in Washington in 15'15, to bunco the United States into the world war on the entente side. Forty million dollars blood money was offered as a bribe by the entente." Since the above was written, Premier Viviani declared on January 31, 1919, in the Chaml^er of Deputies in Paris, France, "that on July 30, 1914, the French Army was ordered to retire eight or ten kilo- meters from the German frontier, having heard that the German troops were moving toward it." Now, German troops were notmobilized until August 1st, 1914, after Russia refused to demobilize. Evidently the traps were all laid before Germany had thought of mobilizing, and the French were ready two days before. Schooled in Anglo-Saxon hypocrisy, thinking to let Germany start the war. The same frog-eater, Viviani, on the same occasion commits him- self still further, and says that the abandonment of the Briey Valley had been decided on by the General (French) Staff in January, 1914. So the French were actually getting ready in January, 1914, six months before the war. Clearing the decks for action. All this was printed in American newspapers under date of Feb- ruary 1st, 1919. —11— BRITISH WHITEWASH In February, 1919, while the land and gold-hungry peace conclave was wrangling in Versailles, Professor Charles W. C. Oman, falsifier of history at the Oxford University, with the collaboration of A. J. Balfour and Earl Curzon, issued a book (the book may have been sup- pressed) to whitewash England. The whitewash of course does not stick very well, but this scribe mentions a telegram in the West minster Gazette on August 1st, 1914, dated Berlin, July 30, 1914, by von Bethman-Hollweg to the German Ambassador in Vienna, saying: "We must refuse to be drawn into a world conflagration through Austria- Hungary not respecting our advice." Professor Oman could not get around this telegram contradicting the lies of Lichnowsky and the whole British press at that time, so he calls it "a journalistic mystery." The same British history twister quotes likewise the British Ambassa- dor at Petrograd, saying: "The military authorities (in Russia) did make secret preparations for a general mobilization without the knowledge of the Czar, although General Soukhomlinoff (lyingly) denied this." This is British testimony, but in true Anglo-Saxon dup icitv this professor further says: "This general mobilization was justified because a few hours later it became clear that Germany was bent on war." Accent on "a few hours later." Could anybody put the cart before the horse any neater or change the effect for the cause any better? On July 22, 1919, Baboon Clemenceau, in the Chamber of Deputies, delivers himself thusly: "You wanted me to make war. I have made war. You wished me to make peace. I have made peace and gave France more than it hoped for." AS TO GERMANY'S MORAL GUILT OF THE WAR If Germany is guilty of keeping a scarecrow within her borders in the person of Emperor William II to keep off entente assassins, she had a perfect right to do so. If that scarecrow called itself a supreme war lord, when that war lord was woefully short of war knowledge, and as inquiry shows, very anxious for peace, Germany's accusers are subjects of hysterics and needless alarm. If the scarecrow acted a* a nightmare on them, and sober second thought will show thatCthc entente started the war for loot or, as American polite language puts it, for economic reasons^^ There were no high ideals as an incentive, but the lowest of passiorTs/v The Beast of Berlin, as ignorant and savage Americans have called William II, was very ambitious to shine in literature, art and music. His only c:'ime is mediocrity and incapacity to cope with the interna- tional bandits. All his councillors and advisers were of the same caliber, totally unable to comprehend the conspiracy openly hatched at Algeciras in 1906. The German people did not refute the accusations of their lying enemies because they did not nkow how they stood To them (the German people) the war came like a thunderbolt out of a blue sky. Defense is all they knew, and the scarecrow was no match for a world of liars. At least he never opened his mouth in defense. And he well might have nailed a proclamation to the intellectual ver- min of the earth on the gates of Europe, saying that Germany by nature is no disturber, no conqueror, as others are; that Kaisers and Czars are a necessity to the poor sapheads making up the proletariat in Europe; that hate, whether international or interstate, leads only to more hate, and not to construction, but destruction; that the blood of he dead and dying in this war would not be on the crovv^ned heads, but on the intellectual saj^heads. But^ he did nothing to this day. German Socialists tried liard to prove Germany guilty, Imt failed. BRITISH VIOLATE INTERNATIONAL LAW FIRST The world war having been duly launched by the entente, England promptly violated international law by using dum-dum bullets, of which there was ample proof. The next program was to set aside the declaration of London, which limits a blockade to the belligerents only, and does not include a blockade on neutrals, thereby intensifying the war on the civilian population of Germany and incidentally rifling- neutral mail. By violating intermitional law, the starving of women and children was made possible. ;JVote especially the war oiw:hildren. The first baby-killers were the British on a wholesale scale^ While the Germans in 1870 bombarded fortified Paris and the Boers later Ladysmith, the world never before saw such a monstrous attempt of murder of non-combatants, (j^nfant mortality in Berlin and other large cities, on account of malnutrition of mothers and scarcity of milk, mounted into tens of thousands. Not to say anything of. the evil effects of such enforced famine for the next generationT~7 In the Kai- serin Augusta Victoria Hospital in Berlin, 1916, accordiit§ to the head physician, 80,000 children died from lacJi-of food. Germany was forced to reprisals. What could she do? (Bombing British cities was her only chance. But when the first bombs laid buildings in England wide open, oh, what a howl went up about the German brutes violating international law and decency. .The howl went around the world. It was largely echoed in AmericaT^ "^ot a word of enlightenment on reprisals came from the German high command or from the German press. German stupidity supposed the world would have sense enough to see the justness of their course and the justness of their cause. The British blockade was on and Germany should have submitted. The German fleet having been undergunned, i. e., where there should have been 14-inch guns there were only 11-inch pieces on the German dreadnoughts, being built on the erroneous idea the lighter the gun the faster the firing speed, the battle of Jutland proved the uselessness of employing the German navy, and the German admiralty took to submarines as a last naval resort to counteract the blockade. CJThe submarine is a legal naval weapon. It will never be abolished. There is no international law on the submarine. Great Britain forgot to make one. The submarine is the weapon of the small nation. Always will be. The law of piracy does not apply to submarines. The sinking of merchantment by submarines without warning is neces- sar}^ when the former are armed. You cannot monkey iji__wartime If you do not get your adversary, your adversary gets you n w ■13— "OUR RIGHTS" AND SUBMARINES The armed merchant ship is a warship even to a limited extent. It don't take any supreme judge to decide that. The sinking- of un- armed merchantmen is likewise excusable as a reprisal for England's war on non-combatants through making the declaration of London a scrap of paper. So-called neutral countries supplied the entente and refused to supply Germany. Germany claimed that such ships were not neutral and their merchandise contraband and proceeded to sink them. Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Spain did not protest this very loudly. But America raised a howl of ,^acy, out- lawry, brutality and inhumanity in the press and officially.^^Murdering non-combatants in German}^ by degrees was perfectly correct, fur- nishing powder and lead for Germany's annihilation to the entente perfectly legal and moraUj JVesident Wilson being asked early in the war for an embargo on am-munition and foodstuffs from America for the sake of fair play replied: "We would be extremely un-neutral." He was probably right, according to British-made international law, which favors only those countries with large navies. Perhaps he was thinking then how he might take away the sugar bowl and meat from the American family to feed the robber-entente. Little did Germany say that he was assisting in slow murder and starvation of a hard- working and inoffensive people in Germany, who were attacked Ijy the ruffians of the earth. "Our rights," said Wilson, as the contraband freight sailed to destroy the most peaceful people in the world. The rights of the vulture to gormandize on disaster. The rights of the hyena to disembowel the bodies of honest working men fallen in self- defense and in view of the wan cheeks of millions of her widows and orphans, Germany must not sink a British Lusitania loaded with 6,000,000 rounds of ammunition. Must not drown the miserable brood that wear the white necktie of the christian, gleefully aiding in whole- sale murder of non-combatants. The United States in the world conflict were never neutral. A venomous, unbridled press took early sides with the robber-entente and vile epithets against everything German were the rule. Samuel Gompers, a Jew% a labor leader, although he probably never did a lick of work in his life, and Theodore Roosevelt, ex-President, imperialist and barbarian, were the vicious mouthpieces ranting against Germany. While among the Germanophobes appear such names as: Ochs, Acker- man, Morgenthau, Rosenwald, Kahn, mostly of the tribe of Judas Tscariot, the greatest venom is traceable to the English-American in THE ENGLISH SPARROW IN THE AMERICAN PRESS the press. This hyphenated individual called itself "American'' and like the English sparrow driving away all native, useful birds, soon had the German-American silenced or in jail. IJ^o be pro-German was made a sin early in the war and later a penitentiary offense^ A great competition of lying between the allied European and American press started. Lies like "Germany started the war," "Germany wants to conquer the world," "Germany respects no treaty," "The Rape of P.elgiunjiy stuck and probably never will be eradicated. No lecturer could attempt to speak against these lies; he was promptly howled down. —14— UNCLE SAM WOULD NOT ROB THE PAUPERS OF EUROPE Whether coached by the entente o" conscious that a l:)ig' piece of world robbery was planned, the American newspaper scribes recog- nized at once that the robber-entente must not l)e found out and all real facts on the war suppressed, and almost succeeded in proving the victim to be the robber. Barbarous and savage patriotism was worked as the handy tool. Loyalty made an excuse for the foulest crime. Germans in America became alarmed at the increasing lies and attempts were made to counteract them by literature, preaching, etc. No doubt some German money was spent to prevent a rupture. Read this: " i'o prevent a rupture,'' not to injure the U. S. But all in vain. The English- American was supreme. Take notice, ye people of the eart'i, this vile English biped could make ninety millions o" pjop.e n : ami kill the truth in a so-called free country, where free spcc''!. >va^ granted by a constitution. Yet the people in the U. S. did not want to join the world war. The whole west said plainly the Americans on the Lusitania had no business on a I'ritish ship in wartime carrying ammunition. Wilson was elected President for a second term because he seemed to l)e mo^t likely able to keep his country out of the war. Alas! He headed right for it as soon as elected. War was declared in April, 1917, just as Russia signed the armistice. The entente was dumfounded. Could not believe any nation would want to join the slaughter. They came the question, what loot would America want? But Wilson soon ex- plained that America wanted nothing out of this war, intimating that Uncle Sam was above robbing the paupers of Europe — no, he would not rob a blind man to make a few more millions — but would furnish good American money to make the progrom successful. This was new music in the diplomatic rogue's gallery of Europe. Germany must be guilty of something if such a lofty man is willing to make such sacrifices for the bandit's cause. In the alisence of a cause it was changed from humanity to democracy. Should have been to assist British rapacity. Think of the German women and children sufferin-Ji; the inhumanity of a slow death, think of a brave people, who hitherto had earned their l:»read by the sweat of their brows, fought off the robber-entente for almost three years, and here comes the mighty U. S. to help the robbers and finish the poor and honest victim. Prussian militarism must be crushed. Prussian militarism v/hich was so ignor- ant as to botch up the German fleet, laid out the war plans for Paris instead of Calais or the coast, employed old fogeys for Generals, and neglected to anihilate the British fleet in the harbor of Kiel with sul)- marines, Prussian militarism that put up with every insult from America in the Venezuela affair so that von Holleben died of chagrin and a broken heart, it certainly might be abolished. But why murder thousands of good Americans and Germans for a purpose that would abolish itself. It was like killing a fly on the brow of a friend with a thousand-pound club. The newspapers, Wall Street, a few represen- tatives and President Wilson are -esponsible for the U. S. joining the international bandits called the entente to rob Germany. Wilson, like most Americans, ignorant of the true history, firmly believed Germany had stolen Alsace and Lorraine from France and was going to steal more. Wall Street had he" eyes on the German ships in harbor, the New England States wanted to swipe German patents -a«d trade secrets. The motives of the war were the most sordid. (JThe high ideals of liberty, fairness and justice were plainly oiily_^ to deceive the American people- and help King George of Englancr"! —15— -^ It has been said before, the world is governed by very little sense. The fool public with the English sparrow shrieking its mightiest, were helpless. "I am American," shrieks the English sparrow, and woe unto him who doe snot shriek American. It looked like precon- certed action the way the vile press defended the entente. The least look or word against it was giving comfort to the enemy. Note that down, ye Maximillian Hardens and German socialists who rant con- tinuously and openly against the German Government during the war. "Giving comfort to the enemy" was in this democratic country a peni- tentiary offense. Free speech was promptly anihilated, more effec- tive than the worst Prussian militarism ever could hope. ROBERT M. LA FOLETTE Robert M. LaFolette, senator from Wisconsin, a most able Amer- ican, of the type of Thomas Paine. Benj. Franklin and the early type of Americans now extinct, of excellent presidential timber, a man who recognized the truth and the facts in the world war and who had the backbone to express his convictions, was howled down and effectively silenced. This is one of the darkest pages of American congressional history. The vile American Press refused to print Senato" LaFolette's speech in Congress against the war begining of April, 1917, by far the most able document in existence on the war in America. Yes, says Secretary David F. Houston, what would Thotnas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and George Washington have done? They would promptly have sided with LaFolette and not spent the Ame"ican peo- ple's blood and money in a European muddle started for robl:»ery and Germany's anihilation. America's great would never have joined in a vile "pogrom" to enslave laboring people, to put the world back a hundred years. When war was declared on April 6, 1917, the United States were practically put under martial law, at least some civil rights were denied. The first thing done was to instruct the press to coerce the people to support the war. Everybody not supporting the war to be called a traitor. Soon thousands of secret service men sprang up like from the ground, scoured the woods and prairies for "slackers" and disloyal ones like the Cossacks in Russia under the Czar by night and day. The spy-crazy French had nothing on the American. Search for spies was advocated in every newspaper. Hanging and lynching openly advocated. Get-man atrocity lies were worked to the limit. Four-minutes liars bawled in theaters and on street corners on week- days and pulpit liars in the churches on Sundays, Soon uprisings followed by the now war-crazy populace. School girls in one place whipped another school girl for disloyal remarks. One teacher was dismissed for saying the war would end soon. Whip- pings happened in Atkins, Ark. Tarring and feathering in Vicksburg, Miss., Oklahoma, etc. Otto Prager was murdered shamefully in Col- linsville, 111., without even being proved disloyal; the jury acquitted the murderers. Hestep Ivanoff and Joe Spring were murdered in Tulsa, Okla., as pro-Germans. Frederick Wagner, a German farmer living near Hot Springs, Ark., was ambushed and killed while working in the field with his six children for making mild pro-German re- marks. In this campaign of lying, without parallel in history, instigated only to hide the criminals propagating the war and give vent to tlie unbridled race-hatred, Germany was accused of almost anything from causing cyclones in Kansas to starting revolutions in Mexico, origi- nating Spanish influenza, or starting forest fires in Minnesota, firing ammuntion dumps or giving the baby the measles. —16— SAMPLES OF ATROCITY LIES While it is too great a task to brand all the war liars and mouth fighters separately, some certainly ought to be handed over to pos- terity, incidentally with the sincere hope of civilizing the American Press. And of all the abominable liars of German atrocities, Rev. Dr. New^ell Dw^ight Hillis takes the lead. He says in one of his lec- tures delivered about April 18, 1518, in the U. S.: "In Belgium a German officer bayonetted a little two-year-old girl with her blood st"eaming down over his shoulders, he marched through the ruined city." Liar Hiljis, let me tell you that German officers do not carry bayonets or rifles — it is against their caste — but swords and auto- matic pistols; their uniforms are kept scrupulously clean to keep the respect of their men. Blood trickling down the said officer's neck for the said officer's amusement is too crazy. Besides, no soldier marchig, w^eary and tired, enjoys to carry any extra load, not even a Belgian baby on a spear through a town. You lie about German soldiers cutting off women's breasts to keep other soldiers from ap- proaching them is equally crazy. The German is not French, English or American. xVor is he shot for contracting disease. Another lie comes through Dr. Sherman Davis of the Indiana University as quoted in the Dallas (Tex.) Dispatch of March 18, 1918. He says: "A young girl came to my office at Blooming, Ind., recently in great distress. She said that her brother, a student in Berlin, had written her some time ago that he saw the Kaiser every day. And she, realizing the danger of the letter, had written back: "If you see the Kaiser every day, why don't you do something?" The girl said she had not heard from her brother after that, until the day she was talking to me. That morning she had received from Germany a box containing her brother's two eyes." Now liar Davis, let me ask you: this little episode happened no doubt during the war. The Kaiser traveling from Potsdam to Kovno one day, Brussells or St. Quentin the next day, the girl's brother being in Berlin, how could he see the Kaiser every day? If he was interned, as he should have been, he could not have seen the Kaiser at all. If this happened before the entrance of America into the war, the girl's question, "why don't you do something?" would have been ignored by any German censor. If this happened after the American declaration of war then no correspondence or package de- livery was possible. Besides, malefactors in Germany are punished by due process of law. Gouging out eyes and shipping them off as souvenirs is not practiced. Your lying will have to be improved, even if the great American public believes all you say. Another couple of lie spreaders to be put on record is George Randolph Chester and Lillian Chester, copyrighted, 1918, dated Paris, Pel). 23, 1918, who write thusly: "Andre Fuelot has a l:)rother, Michel, who was a prisoner of the Germans and who escaped * * * who cannot tell about the hideous permanent injuries he received or unbelievably inhuman treatment which he endured, because his tongue was cut out. They did this to him because he asked for a driiik of water in French in place of German." This is a coarse hearsay lie sprung from ignorance. The common German — unlike the American or British — respects a foreign tongue and prides himself on knowing French; for the officers it is compul- sory to know French, to bother about cutting a Frenchman's tongue out, when with greater ease you might cut his head off is a French notion of knife-revenge. It is too un-German to stand the light of day. —17— ATROCITY LIES— (Continued) Still another liar, though not a scribe, is Capt. E. H. Saer of the Canadian Field Artillery, who lectured throughout the U. S., who stated publicly in Dallas, Texas, on October 9, 1917: "When I got to Paris I was taken into a tall building and entered a certain room, in which were 40 or 50 babies. They were pretty little chaps, brown eyed and curly haired, but suddenly I noticed that something was wrong. Ladies and gentlemen, none of those little tots had hands. It was the work of the German soldiers." Now this is the same lie about entente children's hands being chopped off that started in Bel- gium. Some hands chopped off were only right hands, others were totally chopped off and others hung only by a string. The Brycc commission conceals some likewise. Now liar Saer, if these children were in a tall building in Paris, France, why not name the building? No doubt it was a public building and as in New York, these are all known, or can be identified. It is strange that the French never said anything about these 40 or 50 ail babies; they would have raised a howl that could be heard from Dan to Bershaba. Did the Germans have a regular French baby round-up, for in Belgium the lia-s men- tioned them only in ones and twos. Oh, that the German soldiers who whittled wooden toys for the enemy children in the trenches, while their own tried to keep alive on potato peelings, sawdust and glue, could have known of these lies in battle. Not to be outdone by other liars, the Dallas (Texas) Dispatch on Aug. 3, 1918, prints a new and true atrocity story and says: "In the first months after the Germans took possession of northern France, a, group of little children were playing in the streets. The hun fiends threw some bundles wrapped like toys among them. The playthings were bombs which exploded as the children, laughing, snatched at them. Some of the les petites were killed, and those that lived never will play with toys again, for they have no hands." Sounds like a fourth of July story in the U. S. If it actually happened, probably those bombs were fulminate caps swiped. For no soldier is going to make little play-bombs to cripple children. The factory is always miles away. A third-rate liar is Brownlee B. Gould, probably from Plymouth, Mass., driving an ambulance near Rheims, states through the Associ- nted Fress bept. 3. 1917: "German airmen flying by night over a French town near Rheims dropped poisonous candy causing the death of many children." The poisoned candy lie is an oft repeated one. This one happened in the darkness of the night. Grownups did not sample the candy. It would not have sounded right, therefore, children only — in an unnamed town. When the people in the U. S. through receiving the daily German atrocity lies, became really war-craz-y, they began in numerous places to taste ground glass in their food. Of course it was Germans in the U. S. grinding up old bottles and putting glass in the food. Not one case was proved, but many a butcher, cook and baker kept the dust- pan away from the eats, and lying served at least this one good pur- pose — cleanliness. Ferdinand Gueldry, a Frenchman, is a canvas liar. He painted several artocity pictures, one of which represents three nude women transfixed on bayonets planted in the ground. Painted from reports of German atrocities at Neuvy I'Abessc, Sept. 7, 1914, especially for the French government, exhibited by Col. Cornelius Vanderbilt at 677 —18— ATROCITY LIES— (Continued) Fifth Avenue, New York. If there was a grain of truth in this a photograph would have been the proper thing. Although you can lie even with a camera. A clumsy liar is Joseph T. Buddelle steering Madame C. Guerrin and Robert Arbour for war propaganda through the U. S. He says : "Germans are innoculating French prisoners with tuberculosis serum." The French prisoners in Germany, unlike the British, made good workmen and helped considerably to raise something to eat. The German women treated them well, even so that a good many women had to be restrained and fined. The bulk of the lying seems to be confined to the western front, where an unlimited amount was demanded by the English and Amer- ican press to paint Germany black, so that the entente should loom up white. Yet about July 10, 1918, General Pershing sent a cablegram to Washington that the statements of an unnamed sergeant of the American Expeditionary forces, printed in a vSt. Louis newspaper, were without foundation whatever, based on any experiences the Americans have had, and the statements of this lying sergeant, ac- cording to General Pershing, were as follows : "That the Germans give poisoned candy to the children' to cat and hand grenades for them to play with. They show glee at the children's dying writhings and laugh aloud when the grenades ex- plode. I saw an American boy 17 years old, who had been captured by the Germans, come back to our trenches. He had cotton in and about his ears. I asked some one what the cotton was for. The Germans cut off his ears and sent him back to tell us they want to fight men. They feed Americans tuberculosis germs." This is repeated in the Dallas, Tex., News of Jul yll, 1918. According to General Pershing's order the above sargeant was to be returned immediately to France if quoted correctly. But the whole looks like a rehash of the standing lies with variations on the part of the lying scribe. Not daunted in the least by General Pershing's correction. Dr. P. H. Howard, member of the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, who had just returned from the front, reports Sergeant A. B. Cole, of East Liverpool, Ohio, crucified to the door of an old building and discovered after a battle by A. C. Cole, a private in the same company. This is dated New York, Aug. 25, 1918. There is no official report on this from General Pershing to date and never will be, Kansas City, Mo., papers on Aug. 24, 1918, quite unmindful of General Per- shing's announcement, printed post card photographs of dead children with their hearts cut out by the Germans. Of course they were fake photographs made upon the request of the English and American press' These were furnished by Sergeant Claude Cox, 13th Railway luigineers, who no doubt brought them ready made in France. When the French found out that lying pays or at the instigation of the Americans, they rigged up a railroad car, painted a large stork at the back door, planted several white rob^d sisters around — moving picture style — with a painted sign "Au bonheur des dames." This new style of circus train — they called it a train — was supposed to be wait- ing at the Swiss border for the arrival of French women, who had been prisoners in Germany, of course victims of German brutality. Now Frenchmen could not think of such vaudeville. The moral issue —19— ATROCITY LIES— (Continued) would never enter their noodles. But the American being such a moral bird put him up to that and had his picture "took." This pic- ture was widely quoted and published rather late, about April 27, 1918. They had not thought of it earlier. On Sept. 14, 1918, the Dallas (Tex.) Times-Herald printed the following by Corporal W. R. Jewell, Motor Company A., 117th Supply Train: "In the advance on the Marne I saw young women hung on nails and their nude bodies cut to shreds by German knives and bayo- nets. I have seen the dead bodies of American soldiers mutilated, stabbed, cut and slashed after they were killed." In this lie the Times-Herald helped out by heading it ''Women Crucified." So this is the first time women were crucified; before that it was always a man or a child. Private R. E. Simms of Chillicothe, O., wounded at Catigny in May, 1918, traveled through the U. S. in the interest of the fourth liberty loan and lied for the government as printed in miscellaneous papers thusly: "A German prisoner threw a ball of yarn on the ground. It did not explode. A Frenchman hit it with a long pole, yet it would not explode. Then he unwound the yarn cautiously. After many yards had been unwound the shameful secret was dis- closed a limp white baby's hand, white save for one splotch of dried blood, was found." The above He would have sounded better if liar Simms had said: The German prisoner's coat pockets fairly budged with babies' hands and you could smell them for blocks. From Metuchen, N. J., comes a new German atrocity. Second Lieut. David A. Abt says: "The Germans attached poison berries to clusters of growing fruit in the territory over which they retreated." Some job, this attaching berries to fruit trees; no doubt over a fifty- mile front on the run, needing several trainloads. In October, 1918, the Rev. Geo. A. Griffith of Baltimore as quoted in the Literary Digest, Great Divide, North American Review, etc., gives some hearsay lies as follows: "In a large room there were four Canadians crucified, one on each wall of the room." The Canadians evidently were the only ones of the allied assassins selected for crucifixion, but four in one room beats the single barn door lies. Again this Rev. liar, whom the North American Review denotes as G. A. G. chaplain, evidently afraid to hand his whole vile name to posterity, says: "The boches had taken young Belgian and French girls into their front line trenches, and tortured them until their screams made the Scotch and Canadians so crazed that they would go over into the machine gun nests, which the l)Oche had set up, using the women's screams as a decoy, and I have it on the word of a British officer that they have stood — the officers— with guns leveled at their men to keep them from going over when the women scream and being needlessly slaughtered." Accent on the needlessly slaughtered. The Germans had a sense of humor, there are plenty boys with soprano voices among them, who can imitate a midnight yell excellently. The idea of course was to invite an attack. But it just shows to what low level the English sparrow can sink in the art of vilification. In all these lies there is always the presumption that the German is like the Englishman or the American, that he gets drunk, del^auches and has to do some deviltry to feel happy. —20— ATROCITY LIES— (CcnimL^ed) If all the excesses of the (jorniaii sohliers <'i:-e boiled down, il no doubt will be found that they do not ecjual the criminal records of English or American soldiers in peace time at home. According to the entente press, when the German fights he is a l)rute, when he surrenders he has a streak of yellow, when he licks the allies it is always by superior numbers, notwithstanding that the allies mostly outnumbered him 5 to 1. When there is no other excuse for allied defeat, he does not fight fair. If the allied coyootcs wanted a fair fight, why did not they attack Germany single-handed? Not like a hungry pack of wolves attacking a sheep. On Nov. 13, 1918, after the armistice was signed, C. H. Robinson, of Glendo, Wyo., prints the following in the Great Divide of Denver, Colo.: "They (the Huns) have spread infantile paralysis, lockjaw, tu])erculosis and now are busy spreading pneumonia and influenza bacteria in the packing house meats. * * * And in due time if they are allowed this freedom they will come out with another l)rand of disease, more terrible than those thus far introduced. Down with tlie Hun." Of course this is the writing of one single American, of lhe variety known as "Jay" or among the Germans as "Kaffer," but it shows the spirit of a poor, deluded reptile. The Spanish influenza after all accounts seems to be introduced by the Allies from far Man- churia and China by shipping Chinese coolies for trench work into France. The Spanish influenza being the infatile stage of the Asiastic plague. So of all the sins of the allies, spreading the Spanish influ- enza is the worst, six million people having died from this disease according to the medical correspondent of the London Times of Dec. 20, 1918. In the killing business Germany is a perfect amateur if not a saint. The atrocity lying was carried on as late as the end of 1920, at county fairs, where through the Wortham Shows vile photograplis and a steel-studded club were exhil)ited, the latter labeled "For killing the wounded." —21— THE NEW YORKER STAATS-ZEITUNG You honest Germans who suffered the AYi years of a defensive war against greed and rapacit}^ you wonder about the mystery of the U. S. joining the robber-entente, you reached the conclusion that the people in the U. S. must be crazy, I recommend you to read the American newspaper files for the period of the war and for blackness of heart and vileness of spirit, there has been nothing to equal it since naked Christians were fed to the wild beasts in the Roman arenas. Crazy? Not by any means. The American nation's record for murder and homicide is the blackest of any nation on earth, the head hunters of New Guiena not excepted. Couple with that a glib, brilliant, narrow brained, unbridled press, who is totally unable to do any deeper thinking, devoid of all conscience ignorant of European conditions, immensely conceited, advocating war and a nation of nat- ural born meddlesom.e dupes would naturally break loose, looking with bloodshot eyes .^i huns. It is easy to get an excuse for war. Just skout patriotism and race hatred will mount sky-high. The German Press in America, like the Press in Germany, were too untalented to compete with the vicious American native article, b(?sides they were suppressed by law. Some even joined the liars. The New Yorker Staats Zeitung in August, 1918, in their debit and credit article on Gerlmany, says: "Four years ago, as Prince Lichnowssky has shown us, the German military party, by declaring war upon Russia brought on a catastrophe under which the world must suffer unspeakably." Now that Pole and traitor, Lichnowsky never revealed anything that any jury could construe into proof that Germany started the war, but here comes the New Yorker Staats Zeitung, licks spittel of the English American, and helps to kill a few more innocent Germans. This caused great rejoicing among the so-called pure American scribes and the article was widely quoted. It was so real American. In vain did the few intelligent Americans hope for explanations, elucidations and refutations of the lies heaped upon the German Army from the German Government. That Government either was unaware of the vilifications and slan- der going on, or too stupid to publish even a semblance of defense. When Edward Grey of England, first assistant instigator of the world war, suggested that before talking peace it would be better to find out which nation started the war, as if he did not know, the Ger- man Chancellor, Bethmann-Hollweg, merely pointed to Russia as the guilty one. He was correct, but his manner totally failed to convince the world. Perhaps Grey had some doubts about the world being suc- cessfully buncoed into the belief of Germany's guilt, and better put out a feeler. -22- THE GERMAN-AMERICANS NOT TO BLAME Later, in 1918, when the Germans were recoiling from the stall-fed Americans, von Kuhlman said Germany had no intention of world power, having Napoleon's failures too well before them. Von Hert- ling, in September, 1918, again blamed Russia for starting the war, and America laughed. American lies were too well rooted to be torn up by one assertion. Lying in America was done systematically. Every morning before breakfast the old lies repeated, new ones added and three times in the press. At night moving pictures and ribald songs, 365 days in the year. Any truthful page in the school text books torn out. Myers' General History suppressed altogether. In the public libraries all German literature suppressed. For the blacker Germany was painted the whiter the robber entente, which now in- cluded America, wold look in the eyes of the world. Ragamuffin countries, barely able to read and write, declared war on Germany and began to steal German ships under one pretense or another. I'razil even wanted to claim indemnities for mobilization. The German Government and the German press, the latter locked with military lockjaw for years, no doubt carry consider-able of the guilt of America's joining the war by their silence. If the first lies had been nailed promptly, other lies could not have increased and mul- tiplied. To accuse the German-American of negligence in this is wrong. His assertions could not carry the weight that the home article would. He was absolutely without support. . Just as Robespiere ruled with the guillotine in France, so the liars, jingoes, grafters, fire-eaters and German baiters ruled the United States under the guise of vigilantes, coiuT^ils of defense, protective security leagues, yellow-dog clubs, patriotic high-binders, etc. Any decent citizen would have to do their bidding, and not 1)e stingy with >^ his shekels. So successful were the lying newspapers that on Septem- ber 15, 1918, George Creel before the Chicago Association of Com- merce announced: "The struggle for public opinion of the world is won." This properly translated meant entente lies in the world are supreme. The United States and the world are successfully buncoed. You stupid German editors note what unison can do in vilification. The entente criminally started the war, yet Germany is publicly proved the criminal and the entente the saint, pocketing righteously the loot for the sake of liberty and fair dealing. In December, 1918, Captain G. B. Lester of the Army Intelligence Service testified bcfo"e the Senate committee investigating brewers and German propaganda that the Berlin Government on July 10, 1914, nearly a month before the war started, called into conference about 131 trained and educated German propargandists and sent them to all parts of the world with instructions to prepare for the world war, which was about to be pre- cipitated. An unnamed informant, now interned, is Captain Lester's source of supply of this fairy tale. For Germany did not know of any necessity for propaganda in 1914. The German newspaper defense, improperly called propaganda, became necessary when Amerncan lie factories became in full swing. Captain Lester, trot out this unnamed informant. The Kaiser won't hurt him. —23- WEAK GERMAN PROPAGANDA One sad feature about the German character is that the German is not patriotic. He is ready to join any other country and fight his own. Many of the great battles of the war were won by the allies upon information as to time and opportunity for attack from German soldiers. The socialists in Germany would gladly prove that Germany started the war if they could, and, like this unnamed interned inform- ant, lie to please their enemies. There is no nationality on earth that has this traitorious characterisitc. How different from the English sparrow. Did Germany do anything for a favorable world opinion? She only stamped the Lusitania medal. While this was a telling and clear way to show the world "what is right for any nation is not right for Germany, and that it is right to kill Germans, but not German haters," it could not compete with the dastardly English and American press. The medal, besides, was to osmall, while it no doubt will make an everlasting souvenir and live long after the vicious, lying newspapers are forgotten, the medal should have been distributed better. Then there is Belgium. Belgium became one of the entente, if she was not one right from the beginning. Now, the policy, that when five robbers attack you and you can get only hold of one, you bleed that one for the other four, did not pan out effectively. Belgium was the one robber got at- and bled by Germany, but the liars made an atrocity out of it and worked it to the limit. Instead of reacting on the entente it reacted on Germany, thanks to the English sparrow in the press. This is a victory the German press may well take to licart. Germany, studying the arts of peace, fell behind in the arts of war. Carrying on a war in biblical style was wrong. When the British burned the homes of the Boers and drove the women and children into concentration camps as in barbaric times, Germany should have set up a howl, but she did not. If Germany were to come to America and collect all the miscel- laneous newspaper, magazine and book liars and literary assassins, put them on mud scows loaded with other rubbish and nightsoil of the damned and sink them spurlos in midocean, no doubt it would be called an atrocity. But it would only be a blessing to mankind. There is no adequate punishment for the millions of murders of the entente and their assistants, the liars in the press of Great Britain and z\merica. About the early devastation of Belgium, it is perhaps best to read over again the newspapers, where in 1914 a Belgian boy of 14 killed 100 Boches, another a German General looking over his maps, and hundreds of other ambushes. These newspapers are ample proof that Germany was dealing with "Franctireurs" or civilian amigos by day and assassins by night. Euxemburg had no Franctireurs, no devasta- tion. —24— THE FRENCH IN 1870 French mlitarism may be slightly easier than Prussian militarism, but the latter is an outgrowth of the former. France and England have been responsible for rriore wars than any other nations, Ger- many, being centrally located, unfortunately furnished the stamping- ground. But Germany did not treat France right in 1870'. No! France got a well-deserved licking. Just as any country that willfully starts a war without cause, such as Italy, Roumania, Portugal or even Bel- gium, deserves a good sound licking. You need not quote that old gag ai)Out the Ems telegram. If there were a thousands Ems telegrams suppressed, it would not clear France of frivolously starting the war of 1870. You may shed large tears over the rape of Roumania. Well, did that country have a semblance of cause for war, or was it not just plain sharing in the; loot the entente hoped to capture? What an innocent, very much imposed upon nation France was. They forgot all at once their teeth-gnashing and shouting for revenge for forty years. Germany did not attack where the fortified French Army was, but outwitted them. Then poor France was attacked unprepared. Armed to the teeth for years, they were outgeneraled. This called for a terrible amount of sympathy all over the world. If ever any nation earned its bread by the sweat of its brow, it was Germany. As Edison said: 'T saw more tall chimneys in Germany than any part of the world, hardly any in France." If France had ])een a country of labor and peace like Germany, the world war would not have happened. But they always hankered after loot and overran Europe under Napoleon, History tells the balance. She alone is responsible for militarism. Napoleon spread it all over Europe. Prus- sian militarism is not the only kind. Krupp's works in Essen are after all engaged more in the arts of peace than war. For the last twenty years the world has heard only the song of the French 75's and their superiority. That alone shows France worked for war. Unpre- pared? They were armed to the teeth and trained to the minute. It hurt their feelings that they could not overrun Europe as in Napo- leon's time; they wanted freedom — to rob and vandalize at leisure. But there was that odious German militarism. Hence the necessity for an entente. In August, 1917, Harper Leach, a Germanophobe scribe, spread the cry: "Germany has lied about her census." Trying to excuse the failure of the entente in 1917 who, had they known the true German population, perhaps would not have started the war. MESSAGES In September, 1918, Prince Lichnowsky published his lies thusly: "We (Germany) encouraged Count Berchthold to attack Serbia, al- though no German interest was involved, and the danger of a world war must have been known to us," Liar'nowsky, state exactly how Germany encouraged Count Berchthold, if by word, letter or telegram, etc. Germany is not in the habit of meddling in other people's affairs, neither in English or American style. There is nothing of encourage- ment on the records. Then, again, he says: "We (Germany) rejected the British proposals of mediation, although Serbia under Russian and British pressure had accepted almost the whole of the ultimatum." Exactly. It was not any of Great Britain's business to interfere in strictly Austrian affairs, even if Serbia had "almost" accepted the whole of the ultimatum and Russia was already marching. British mediation should have been directed to Russia, not Germany. Then, again, this liar says: "On July 31, 1914, we (Germany) declared war against the Russians, although the Czar pledged his word that he would not permit a single man to march as long as negotiations were going on," There were no negotiations going on, according to the records, not on July 31, 1914, unless in Sir Edward Grey's imagination. Read the records. They are all printed, Russia mobilizing against the Czar's will, the Czar's pledge could not be trusted. An army mobil- ized is an army ready to strike. In Europe no country can permit an enemy army near its borders. It always amounts to a declaration of war. As this is so, Russia insisted on war, and Germany could not help herself. Negotiations are at an end when arms are resorted to. If Russia did not want the war, why did she not countermand the mobili- zation? The border being wide and open, could Germany have acted otherwise? Put yourself into Germany's shoes before you accuse Germany of starting the war, but entente liars do not want to do that. Jf the entente did not insist on war, why did they not let Russia and Germany fight while the world looked on? But France would not give any guaranty of neutrality, and the English fleet was already out at sea. —8- PARTIAL LIST OF CULPRIT PUBLICATIONS It is not convenient to give a sample and name of every lying news- paper guilty of advocating murder, but a few should be decorated with the crow de querre. The Wall Street Journal comes first. It was a prewar abuser of Germany. Then follow the Xew York Times, Springfield (Mass.) Republican, World's Work, Christian Science Monitor, Manufacturers' Record, Life, Leslie's Weekly, Detroit Free Press, New York Evening Post, Indianapolis News, Outlook, Popular Mechanics, Portland Oregonian, Great Divide, Scientific American, and hundreds of other smaller sheets. The Scientific American is a devout, religious publication that makes two-thirds of its living by copying German scientific articles. It rejoiced greatly at the robbing of Germany of her valuable patents. Every American patent signed with the United States seal was made at once a scrap of paper. Great Britain and France are both patent thieves. Howeveh, the patent thieves in some cases were too ignorant to understand the patent. Then this religious paper, on August 27, 1918. says: "The Ger- man judges others by himself. He knows that his fatherland is a robber nation, ever seeking how to prey upon the helpless." Yes, Germany stole Egypt, Gibraltar, most of Africa, India, etc. It is the complete absence of robbing propensities in Germany that makes for study and scientific investigation. When German scientists dis- covered indigo artificially, they released millions of acres of wheat in India. Making things cheaper is not robbery. Salvarsan is a dis- covery that is only equal to the redemption of the world. The auto- mobile industry was started by Godfriend Daemler, German goods being always firsts and not seconds, like that of the entente is not robbery. lb— TRADE ENVY Some of the unwarranted hate for everything German is mostly inexplicable, but the Hardware Age, a trade juornal, gives evidence of the crassest trade envy, and contrary to Wilson's admonition of no boycott or trade war after peace, prints, end of October, 1918, the following lies: The other night one of General Pershing's boys went into No Man's Land. He did not come back. Three hours later a searching party went out to find him. The boy had been killed, and his body hacked to bits. His comrades gathered up the remains and brought them back in a sack, chopped to pieces with German cutlery. Shall we be customers of these bloodstained butchers after the war? After six other atrocities this paper invites to boycott Ger- man surgical instruments, enameled ware, musical instruments, wire goods, aluminum goods, etc. According to Frank Willis, the Birmingham Age-Herald in Janu- ary, 1919, says: The lasting glory of America shall be that she went into the war with clean hands and a pure heart * * * and that the United States is not a country of money grubbers." No. Spending forty billions of dollars to help rob Germany of her forty years of savings is not money grubbing, neither is it clean hands or the senti- ment of a pure heart. It is about as black, dirty and unclean an action as can be. America had no business in this war except to help Ger- many, seeing that she was beset by the evil-doers of the earth ten to one. Germany, for the sake of friendship, would gladly have fired Kaiserism and installed Wilsonian dictatorship. England would not rule the world with ships as she does now. The seeds of a thousand future wars would not have been sown as they are now and Bolshevism would have been restrained by the strong hand of Germany. Says the Outlook in January, 1919, and this no doubt is about the general opinion of the whole satanic English and American press: "Germany broke into Belgium feloniously; she robbed, tortured and slew Belgians feloniously; she kidnapped and dragged into slavery Frenchmen and French girls feloniously; she destroyed crops and houses without militar}^ purpose; she pillaged right and left, contrary to her own military laws. She is an international felon, caught red- handed, overpowered by the world's police, about to be tried for mur- der and rapine and piracy, but there is not the slightest recognition of the fact that Germany has done wrong." Done wrong, ye Gods! Ger- many owes each and every one of the twenty-four nations sitting at the peace table waiting for loot, German gold or colonies, not a red cent, but a first-clas, righteous licking. What is there more felonious than the entente conspiring for destruction of German territory, trade industry and progress? World's police? World's hypocrites and world's assassins. Then what the entente could not accomplish with powder and shot, they accomplished with slander and calumny. If it was not for the saddest of world tragedies associated with it, the world war is also the greatest world bunco game of all history. —26- THE GERMAN THE ONLY GOOD COLONIST There are prol)ably some instances in history where the lirntal con- queror compelled the conquered to kiss the conqueror's foot, but for general indignities heaped upon Germany by the unscrupulous con- querors this war stands without parallel. From falsifying history to belittling the grandeur of Germany, the English and American press outstripped the felons of all nations. Shout these hypocrites in unison: "Germany cannot colonize." When Dom Pedro, erstwhile Emperor of Brazil, wanted to settle his vast vacant territories, he asked the wise guys of Europe which nation- ality would make the best settlers. He was promptly told the Ger- man, and results are the prosperous colonies of Rio Grande do Sul, vSanta Catarina and others in Brazil. He did not ask. for Italians. French, English or Americans. For they have not the same good record. The German works, develops the country, is a taxpayer, not a taxeater, and strictly sober even in a wine cellar, rational and has, what is entirely lacking in the French, Italian, Slav or American, the thing called jollity. There is no other nation that stands a com- parison with the German as a colonist. The valuable, stately improve- ments from Kiau Chou to the harbors of Dar es Salaam or Wind hock in Africa, are monuments to German skill and energy, and represent l)illions of dollars in outlay from the pockets of the Germans. The entente hungered for these possessions — which were once re- jected by them when not developed, as useless— but when the magic hand of Germany made the deserts bloom, here come the robbers and want them. And the immaculate United States made this robbery possible. Joined the war to make the world safe for democracy? Among the Wilsonian camouflage rhetoric is not there the wo^d "self-determination?" Did that mean self-determination limited to democracy? Tommy rot! America joined the war to save King- George, to make the sea safe for England. The Americans bled and died for pelf, plutocracy and snobocracy, to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. There is absolutely no proof that Germany had any designs on any part of America. Germany's alleged desire of world dominion is a myth. Little Germany, strong as a giant, almost a match to fight the whole world, had the least worldly possessions of any power. -27— AMERICA DID NOT WANT ANYTHING OUT OF THIS WAR No power can compare itself to Germany in any one direction. The United States of America, cramped into Germany would starve to death. Germany's international conduct has been blameless. No conspiracy, no secret treaties, no taking- advantage of inferior nations, no vilification and calumny. Keeping strictly to herself, her universi- ties, academies and great inventions benefiting mankind. Yet now, robbed, derided, enslaved by hypocritical monsters. Says President Wilson in his war message of April 2d, 1917: "We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominions. We seek no indemnities for ourselves. We are the sincere friend of the German people." And addressing Mexican editors in Washington again he says: "I look forward with pride to the time when we can give substantial evidence, not only that we do not want anything out of this war, but that we should not accept anything." Yet the American Government practically rifled the pockets of every German in the United States: "took over" the Becker Steel Com- pany of America at Charleston, W. Va., and with it stole the sec"et of "high-speed steel." "Took over," likewise, German woolen mills to the amount of a billion dollars, all German chemical companies; Beers, .Sondheimer & Co., the piers of Hamburg-American and North Ger- man Lloyd steamship lines, Lasalle Portland Cement Co., Gestendefer Bros.' paint firm, wiped out several German insurance companies and took their business; sold Stock Exchange seats of about a dozen Ger- mans, seized the royalties of famous German musical and dramatic productions; also books. Took millions of dollars worth of property of women of American birth, who had married German husbands. Took every patent in the United States issued to a German, and the sweetest morsel of all, took the German mercantile fleet in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, even taking German ships out of the harbor of Peru. No selfish ends! No, we just merely served the dirty allies to finish the "progrom" free of all evpense except for the little inciden- tals enumerated above. We actually paid eighty-five million dollars to Great Britain for transportation of American troops to Europe. —28- GOT MIT UNS This is a feat of generosity without parallel in international history. Says President Wilson to Wilhelm IT.: "Your word cannot he trusted." As if the German word was not the only word in this wide world that could he trusted, hut that the brazen deceivers of the fourteen points are fit for the hall of international fame for truth and veracity. Wilhelm IT is half English, which entitles him to l^c half a liar, besides he was sorely l^eset on all sides l)y forty-nine enemies, and his mentality certainly was overtaxed. In December, 1918, the Religious Rambler had a rambling article about "Gott mit uns," as if God had forsaken the Germans. God helped Germany considerable. He killed many a young hater and some old ones — like General Sir Frederick T'iolierts, England's only General — with typhoid and pneumonia. In Halifax he killed several thousand German haters with their own ammunit"on. punctured the hide of 5,000 more with flying glass, laid two-thirds of the city waste, then not satisfied he sent a snow and sleet blizzard howling through the open ruins of the houses and spared neither women nor children. In Houston, Texas, he dropped dead a lecturer on the platform as he was lying- against Germany; in Muehlhausen he dropped dead the Rev. Father Cotti. shouting welcome to the French troops, and no doubt he spread the Spanish influenza, especially among the German haters, so that a great amount of hate now lies unde- the sod. He killed Captain William Martin of the British trawler King Stephen slowly and by degrees and in misery for refusing to rescue the crew of Zeppelin L-19 in the North Sea. He blinded Sir Edward Grey, but somehow and mysteriously so far spared Winston Spencer Churchil] and M. Delcasse. And he (God) forsook Germany only when vSatan fetched up from America a new Christ and saviour of Europe. The son of a Presbyterian preacher, versed in bogus history, politics and prohibition. When God found out that William TI's mouth and his mouthpieces were no match for this new wo"ld deliverer, right tliere and then God forsook Germany. Die Dummlieit war zu gross. A GERMAN VICTORY WOULD HAVE MEANT PEACE /Vdadly would God have let Germany win the world war, for it woirnl have meant permanent peace in Europe and prosperity for all, while the Wilsonian peace means endless thousands of warsT^ Had Germany won the-e would have been at least partial freedom of the sea, but with the help of this new saviour the non-combatants of all countries are at the mercy of brutal, smirking, pious Albion and crazy France, the disturber of Europe, restless, merciless and fanatical, studying up new extortions. And with Czechs, Polacks and Slovaks turned loose, Europe now resembles a madhouse. For be it known Europe is not readv for any 'democracy, much less American de- mocracy. Tt all leads to Bolshevism and internal strife. It is a misfortune that the crowned heads of Europe are one and ^]] — like the American millionaire — not identified with any progress benefiting mankind. For that reason, and for that only is royalty to be condemned. A wise dictatorship or a wise autocracy would work wonders in Europe or America. —29- MIGHT MAKING RIGHT In June, 1919, the peace conference sent their final reply to the German peace delegates by Clemenceau, the baboon of France. In this letter, which is an exact counterpart of the writings of the New York Times, there occurs the following: "The allied and associated powers, therefore feel it necessary to begin their reply by a clear statement of the judgment of the world, which has been forged by practically the whole of civilized mankind." Answer: This judgment has been formed without regard of fact and evidence on lies and in the heart of criminals, with malice aforethought, aggression and assassination. Another passage of this Anglo-Saxon document of hypocrisy deliv- ered by a frog-eater, reads thusly: "The war which began on August 1st, 1914, was the greatest crime against humanity and freedom of the people that any nation calling itself civilized has ever committed." Answer: Note the letter does not mention Germany as beginning the war on August 1st, 1914, but a nation calling itself civilized. This is hedging, for there is no doubt that the war is the greatest crime ever committed by the entente, the allied powers and their associates. Another passage: "Germany educating their subjects that might was right." Answer: Is it not? The entente and associates forcing a peace of hate, wrong and injustice contrary to the fourteen points, is the worst sample of might making right the world has ever seen. But here is the proof of the Anglo-Saxon origin of the letter: "The allied and associated powers believe they would be false to those who have given their all to save the freedom of the world, if they consent to treat war on any other basis than as a crime against humanity." Answer: The blood and agony of those who have fallen in this war is on the heads of the hypocrites who started, who prolonged and en- larged it, and I deny that the sadly misguided victims lying in Flanders fields, except the German, died but for oppression and the vilest selfish passions, for jingoism, race hatred and to make Europe a worse country to live in. The highest ideal of the best among them was to enslave toiling Germany without cause. —30- THE REMEDIES No matter how much you justify and whitewash the entrance of the United States into the world's greatest crime, whether as unhappy coincidence or sad mistake, the damage is not beyond remedial effort. Sober consideration might bring repair. When America found out that the entente did not adhere to the ^ fourteen points promised, American guns should have been promptly turned on the allies (entente) and those hypocritical assassins made to keep their promises. This would have put the crimp on many future marauding wars. What is the remedy? 1st. As the greatest evil resulting from the war with the German fleet out of the way is the British control of the waters of the world, whereby they can and do make war on non-combatants, women and children through their inhuman blockade, terrorize and roi) ne.itra.s contrary to all international agreements, withhold raw material, rifle the mails of other nations, spy into trade secrets and tyrannize gen- erally, the United States should build immediately a large and power- ful navy to put a stop to this kind of .barbarity. O^ternational law cannot be relied on with Great Britai]TT7 To fraternize with Great Britain jjieans surrendering your pocketbook or be a j:ompanion in crime. [No true American could or should think of thatj 2d. As of all the h3^phens in the United States, the British-Ameri- can is the slowest to be assimilated and has for generations a greater regard for the United Kingdom than the United States, witness for instance a certain Woodrow Wilson and as the fo"ty billion war indebtedness, loss of human lives, high cost of living may well be laid to the door of the English element in the Unilied States, the insidious liritish propaganda in the United States should be curbed, no matter how loud he shouts T am American!' The Anglomaniac and Anglo- phile is more dangerous in the United States than any anarchist. They would sell this adopted country for a song. 3d. If the United States stands up for "freedom," and the French nation with the aid of the British, the vampire of the universe, made galley slaves of the whole German nation and intend to do so for generations to come, it becomes necessary to abrogate the diabolical treaty of Versailles. The more so, since the United States is not indebted to France, for the latter tried to put an Emperor on a throne in Mexico to antagonize the United States in 1855. If Germany ever made any unprovoked attack on France I want the liar to prove it. France wants Germany to disarm, so that she can collect a perpetual income and annuity from the German toilers. This is their idea of freedom, systematized robbery, formerly practiced only in the distant ages or the jungles of Africa. France is guilty of this war as all previous ones in which the French ever participated. The present league of nations is only meant to perpetuate the robber entente and to hold the loot, cash, colonies and trade the entente has secured through the aid of the United States. Disarmament is only for Ger- many. To make modern slavery of Germany possible. As to devasta- tion, the paricipants in any fight or brawl, waiving the cause, are equally responsible for destruction of property. The French guns did as much damage as the Germans. It is the duty of the bandit-allies to pay the fiddler. Germany does not ov^^e any debt to her assailants, let alone the impossible, unheard-of Inirden imposed upon her as a moral obligation. —31 — 4. Restore to Germany her colonies and establish real "self-deter- mination" to the people of Alsace and Lorraine, Posen, Danfzig, Ger- man-Austria, German Tyrol, the Saar Valley and Schleswig-Holstein. Put an end to allied military occupation of German territory at Ger- man expense, particularly the outrages of the French colonial (col- ored) troops. Permit Germany to arm herself like her bandit neigh- bors. Germany armed, alone can do wonders in establishing order. German arms are needed to stabilize Europe and end enormous vol- umes of misery and degradation. A league of nations cannot or will not do that. German arms have never been abused like those of the entente and its cohorts. No history liar can prove anything to the contrary. Restore the thousands of cattle and horses stolen from Germany through the iniquitous peace treaty of Versailles. Yes, but Germany stole those cattle from her enemies. You are a . The cows and draft animals were the first thing saved when allied schemes fi-"V-^ anc'' /;nded in retreat. 5. Put an end to the practice of the entente of cudgeling smaller powers into war on the entente side, as for instance Greece was coerced. This kind of tyranny is not consistent with liberty and jus- tice. The United States cannot stay out of world's affairs. Although the Wilson policy was a terrible and disgraceful mistake, such mis- takes need not to be repeated. United vStates influence for good can be had without war. While Wilsonian race hatred and war hydro- phobia may again break out with official sanction, making of the United States of America the United States uf the World is a possi- bility. Fellow American Citizens: While peace is declared, peace in the heart of the British-American is not wanted, not as evidenced in the sporad c outbreaks of the daily press. Germany is the fence rail in his craw now, just as before the war, and as the press one and all will.ignor- this pamphlet, so dear reader and lover of the truth, it becomes /our duty to pass this pamphlet along and letj^jame little light be c; st in the dark places of the twentieth century. [The disciples of Sate i are evidently at large in the clqa^ of British itrribes and pharisees arrying on a war with- out cannoiu Germany is paralyzed, dazed, si ;k unto death and help- less. Pas<^t along. Fresh lies and from».entirely different angle will appear daily or weekly in the press. ^H _are recognizable by the intense malice and hate glaring through then^] C^Pass the pamphlet along, reprint it and do not allow it to be suppressed, or humane reasons if no other^' THE AUTHOR. NO WAR HISTORY IS COMPLETE WITHOUT THIS PAMPHJET. -32- This book is due at the LOUIS R. WILSON LIBRARY on the 1 last date stamped under "Date Due." If not on hold it may be 1 renewed by bringing it to the library. 1 DATE „p,T, DUE ***"*• DATE 1 DUE ^^^ 1 JM' 1 ^ "W ^ iUL^l IM^ ' ' ■ :% >s-; ^ ,, -..^ K ■ . v » r '- m —M i IPf? n 911 - — Q »Q1 ^-ItB 2 I m. ■ . a/ DG 1 1 n 01 Form No. 5t3 iiH!:;;