G-81K, . .. h HEBREW POETRY. a SUNDAY AFTERNOON LECTURES BEFORE The Greensboro Law School, BY Hon. ROBERT P. DICK, U. S. District Jiidge. ^.A. MUSE <* Cq UHHAM, N.-O. GREENSBORO: C. F. Thomas, Book and Job Printer. 1883. Library of the University of North Carolina Endowed by the Dialectic and Philan- thropic Societies tfti. HEBREW POETRY. Sunday Afternoon Lectures BEFORE THE GREENSBORO LAW SCHOOL, BY Hon. ROBERT P. DICK, U. S. District Judge'. GREENSBORO: C. F. Thomas, Book and Job Printer. 1883. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by ROBERT P. DICK, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. LECTURE I. The Influence of Poetry on National Development. The Influence of the Bible on Modern Civilization. Poetry is an interesting and instructive part of a nation's history, as it is a production of the intellectual and moral faculties, feelings and sentiments of the people. These faculties, feelings and sentiments are awakened and intensified, in a great degree, by the spectacles of natural beauty and usefulness presented in the earth, seas and skies, which are produced by the wondrous combina- tions of physical laws and agencies everywhere evidencing a wisdom, power and goodness, higher, purer and vaster ,than human intellect and benevolence; and ever lifting the soul in love, adoration and praise to the great Creator and benefactor, and to the immortal life of a higher and more effulgent glory yet to come. In the poetry of a nation we can feel the pulse-throb of national life that shows its healthful development or decay. In the history of the past we find that a poetic spirit has existed in a more eminent degree in some nations than in others; but among all the higher types of mankind — those races which have exerted a marked influence upon human progress — poetic feeling and sentiment seem to have permeated the entire mass of the population. These feelings and sentiments were imperceptibly formed by the pure aspirations, affections and emotions of man's better nature. They were the spirit-voices of the true, the beautiful and the good which rose above the jarring dis- j cords of selfishness, passion, prejudice and strife that t> marred the happiness and beauty of everyday life, and to blended into the sweet harmonies of domestic joy and the noble amenities and gentle charities of social com- munion and brotherhood. The Samian philosopher, in studying the principles of music, and observing the order, regularity and harmony with which the celestial bodies moved through the heavens, formed the beautiful conception that the spheres of dif- ferent magnitudes and velocity, by striking against the ether, produced a music unheard by mortal ears, but ever swelling in glorious harmonies. Modern science, in dis- covering the universal power of gravitation which controls the motion of the planets as they roll in perfect harmony and beauty in the vast fields of immensity, has not entirely dispelled the old philosophic dream, and the imaginative mind still fancies that the morning stars have not ceased the song they sang at creation's dawn, when the "sons of God shouted for joy." How beautifully is this idea present- ed by Shakespeare in the Merchant of Venice. " Look how the floor of heaven Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold. There is not the smallest orb which thou beholdest But in his motion like an angel sings, Still quiring to the young-ey'd Cherubins; Such harmony is in immortal souls, % But whilst this muddy vesture of decay Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it." Science has made us acquainted with the existence and with some of the influences of gravitation, but we know very little of the source, nature and extent of that wondrous power that pervades the universe. As this incomprehensible force regulates and controls the motions and relations of the celestial bodies, so there are mysteri- ous and all-pervading influences which link the hearts of mankind with chords of kindred sympathies. From these interlinking and intermingling heart-chords many sponta- neous thoughts, feelings and emotions of the soul sound out and blend into the sweetest harmonies of life — just as the viewless winds wake soft molodies on yEolean harp- 5 strings. These soul harmonies give inspiration to genius. They form and color the ideal conceptions of the artist; they are heard in the music of the simple home song, the ballad of the minstrel, the enchanting opera, the sublime oritorio and the soul-thrilling anthem. The poet gives them sweet utterance in the musical elegance and pathos of the lyric, and the eloquent strains and flowing rhythm of epic verse. In. the infancy of nations, like in the time of childhood, we find the imaginative faculties more highly developed than the reasoning powers. The literary memorials .of nearly every people, in their first rude stages of develop- ment — the period of national childhood — are the songs of bards which give expression to earnest and impassioned popular thought, imagination and feeling in language glowing with enthusiasm and highly wrought imagery. In the more advanced stages of progress, experiment, education and other elements of civilization produce the profound maxims and truths of science and philosophy, and teach the more practical duties and destinies of life; but the poetic feelings and sentiments which influenced earlier generations are not destroyed, as they are deeply implanted in the human heart, and they are elevated and refined by the ennobling and expanding influences of the enlightened mind; and they waken and vibrate with harmony when the mystic strings of the heart are touched by some./naster hand of genius. The real and full history of a nation never has, and never can be written, as the various and minute causes and events which form and regulate national life pass away like the germs, the buds and blossoms of spring that change into the golden harvests of summer and the rich fruits of the autumn. We see grand social and political results, and in some degree comprehend the proximate causes which produced them, but we know very little of the minute original ele- ments which were silently and mysteriously combined to form such proximate causes. The little first elements of human development are fully known only to the Infinite Mind that mingled them together into creating and con- trolling powers. Thus it is in the natural world. We see some of the results of the tempest — hear the reverberat- ing thunder and are dazzled with the gleaming lightning, but we know little of when, where, how and why were formed the cloud-chariots in which the majestic storm moves in grandeur through the darkened skies. We see the rich landscape spread out in vernal beauty, but we are unable by any process of artistic analysis to tell with completeness and accuracy how its lights and shades and various objects were produced and skilfully blended into picturesque loveliness. We see the ever- rolling river as it moves grandly to the sea, widening and deepening as it flows, but we cannot trace its course back to the thousand springs that swell its volume as they trickle from mountain crags or with musical gladness gush from the bosom of the valleys. Thus it is with a nation's poetry. There were thous- ands of humble hearts that, in poverty and obscurity, throbbed with loves, hopes, joys and fears, and, almost unconsciously, produced thoughts and fancies of the finest poetry that mingled with a nation's literature; just like the perfume of flowers mingling into a balmy atmos- phere, or like tiny rippling rills swelling the currents of broad and sun-bright rivers, that flow with majestic harmony and join the sublime and ever-sounding sympho- nies of the seas. We cannot tell when and how God sows the seeds of the wild flowers, that steal into bloom and perfume and embellish the earth; how with sunshine, rain drops and gentle dews, and the various agencies in His wondrous laboratory, He changes the scattered grain of the husband- man into the golden harvests; how He keeps in perennial flow the limpid fountains that supply the singing rills 'that keep fresh the verdure of the hillsides and the valleys; and how He teaches the joyous birds to trill their glad- some notes of melody. God formed the earth as a beautiful home for man, and it was consecrated with His benediction and the songs of the angels. He also gave to man the faculties for per- ceiving and appreciating the true, the beautiful and the good, and enabled him to express his feelings and emo- tions of love, joy, hope and devotion in the rhythmic strains of poetry and the sweet, soft notes of melody. Poetry and music may well be considered as ministering angels which ever keep in living purity and freshness on earth some of the bliss of the sinless Eden. The poet who said "Let me write a nation's songs, and I care not who writes its laws," was, by no means, a visionary enthusiast, but he was a profound philosopher, who, by intuition, observation and experience, had learned some of the strong influences which mould a nation's life. The songs and poems of a nation are important elements in its history, and they furnish the words, thoughts and imagery that sparkle like jewels in its language and lit- erature. While the Welsh Bards lived their nation was uncon- querable. With rude minstrelsy they aroused the enthu- siastic patriotism of that brave and imaginative people who loved liberty and the craggy mountains and wild valleys that lie between the Severn and the sea. The simple songs which are sung in the cottages among the Hartz mountains and beside the Baltic, the Danube and the Rhine link even the self-exiled German to the memories and scenes of the Vaterland with ties of love and devotion which time and distance are powerless to break. The Ranz des Vaches is indeed to the Switzer a song of home, and when heard even in the fairest climes of the 8 earth causes tears of love to flow, and carries his heart * back again to the humble cottage where his mother nursed him in the Alpine glen. The Marseillais Hymn inspired French patriots with dauntless heroism in the early years of that grand revolu- tion which so long filled Europe with mourning and the horrors of strife and carnage, and resulted in misery and martial glory, but not freedom to France. "God Save the Queen" is intimately associated with England's greatness and renown, and keeps in glowing life the national love and loyalty of those brave and gal- lant sailors and soldiers whose reveille greets the rising sun as it gilds with morning light every clime of the earth. " The Star Spangled Banner " fills every patriotic Amer- ican heart with love and pride for that glorious land whose flag of stars is the emblem of freedom, and whose protec- tion and power are co-extensive with the globe. "Home Sweet Home" is one of the dearest and most touching domestic lyrics that human voice has ever sung, and is almost worthy of the lips of the sinless Seraphim. Its tender pathos causes the eyes to fill with tears and the bosom to swell with the holiest and purest emotions. " Old Hundred " makes us think of brave, noble and glorious old Luther, and it is one of the grandest te deums that ever rose from human hearts and swelled through ,the aisles and arches of the earthly temples of Jehovah. The grand events of the battlefield, the policies of rulers, and the laws of legislative assembliesformrenowned epochs in a nation's history, but they furnish little knowl- edge of its inner life, or those secret causes which silently and surely formed and developed its destiny. If we view only the few transactions preserved by the historic muse we will not possess a more accurate idea of the peculiar / characteristics of a nation than we would have of its geog- raphy and scenery by catching glimpses of the grand out- lines of its country through the hazy curtain of the distance. 9 How little would the traveler know of Scotland by standing upon the castle of Edenboro and gazing over "That land ot brown heath and shaggy wood, Land of the mountain and the flood." He would see Holyrood surrounded by the hallowed memories of Scotland's royalty. He would see the ivy- clad ruins of old baronial castles, where Wallace, the Bruce and Douglas fought for freedom; but he would know little "Of those hills of glorious deeds, Those streams renowned in song, The blithesome braes and meads, Our hearts have loved so long." He might see through the azure distance Ben Lomond and Ben Nevis, stern and wild, baring their rocky breasts to the storm as they had done for ages, but he would know nothing of Lock Katrine and Lock Lomond resting so placidly among the Highlands, and ever reflecting images of the beauties of nature that enchant their shores; or of the heathery hillsides where Roderick Dhu and MacGregor trod as lords, and were as free and fearless as the wild eagle of the mountains. He might see the gray Grampian and the Cheviot hills, the shimmering sunlight on the misty moorlands, the shining Forth and the lofty cliffs that mark the course of the distant Clyde, all blend- ing into landscapes of imposing grandeur and rural beauty; but he would know nothing of the humble kirks where, with earnest hearts, a noble and hardy yeomanry meet to worship God in their father's simple faith, and where are heard the mournful requiems of the shadowing elms be- neath whose quivering shades the hero martyrs of the Covenant sleep in hallowed graves. He would know nothing of the virtue, contentment and domestic bliss of the cotter's home; or the simple joys in the hamlets on the " Banks of Doon," where the Ploughman Poet sang his matchless lays; or of the IO musical rills and trysting trees in the shady glens where many a Highland Mary listened to the whispered vows of love. No one can know the history of Scotland, with all its thrilling incidents and sacred memories unless he has read her ballad minstrelsy and the matchless poems of her mighty sons of genius, who have invested her with the halo of song and old romance, made her a home of poesy, and enshrined her name in every heart that loves the true, the beautiful and the heave. On many pages of recorded history we find some evi- dence of the influence of poetry in the formation of national character. The age of Homer was the com- mencement of Grecian glory. His transcendent genius not only gave immortality to his country, but created classic literature. His wonderful poems kindled those fires of patriotism, freedom and love of glory in his na- tion's heart which in after times shone so brightly in the wisdom of her philosophers and law-givers, in the match- less productions of her painters and sculptors, in the immortal tragedies, epics and songs of her poets, in the indomitable valor of her heroes and in the thrilling elo- quence of her orators. His magic touch unsealed the fountains of Castalia and Hippocrene and made all the hills and vales of Greece the homes of the gods and the haunts of the Muses. Who can ever think of Greece, and forget the mighty bard who breathed the inspirations of genius into her national life. Her political power has passed away, her magnificent temples are now in ruins, the remnants of her art treasures are scattered over the civilized world, and the blood of the heroes of Marathon now flows in the veins of degenerate sons. The mourn- ful ^Egean among green isles and on rocky shores is ever murmuring a lament for the departed glory of old Hellas, but still the light of her poetry is as immortal as her starry skies and golden sunshine, and lingers around that II classic land and makes it a sacred shrine to every lover of freedom, art and letters. I will devote but a few moments in considering the history of the once proud mistress of the world and her nobly gifted sons of song. She drank deeply of the blood of carnage, revelled long amidst the spoils of conquest, and for centuries the great throbbings of her passionate heart were felt throughout the grandest empire of the ancient world. Her Catos, Scipios and Caesars are gone. Her Emperors who wielded an iron sceptre over the world are dust and ashes. Not one stone of the capitol is left upon another. The Coliseum is still a grand and glorious ruin. Where once sounded the eloquence of the Forum and Senate Chamber is now heard the plaintive cry of the beggar; and the Campus Martius where once victorious legions trod in the martial pomp and pride of the triumph, is now covered with the homes of poverty and the dens of infamy and crime. But her poets still live and will live forever. In their day they shed an im- mortal glory upon their country which survived her costly palaces, stately temples and imperial power, and sent gleams of intellectual light over the whelming deluge of Vandal invasion, and materially assisted in kindling the splendid dawn of the renaisance day. During the night time of the Middle Ages the voice of song never became silent, but cheered the heart and elevated the mind of ignorant, superstitious and oppressed humanity in the nations of Western Europe. The poems of Caedmon, the Saxon, stand first on the rich pages of English litera- ture. The songs of the Troubadours gave a cultured language and refined manners to Provence and Languedoc, and poetic literature was the pride and glory of the Oriental civilization of Southern Spain. Dante may well be regarded as the greatest pioneer in the cause of freedom and intellectual progress, and we cannot read the history of the revival of learning in 12 Europe without being impressed with the important influ- ence of his poetry, and of that of his brilliant successors, upon the progress of modern civilization. When we turn to the pages of English history to study the causes which produced the intellectual development and advancement of our own ancestors, we find that Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare and Milton led the van- guard of progress, and were amongst the greatest bene- factors of their race. The influence which they exerted will last as long as the English language is spoken, and will be as widespread as the rich beneficences of English institutions and literature. In this place I cannot dwell longer upon a theme so suggestive, so extensive, so diversified and so full of im- portant instruction; but I will now turn to Hebrew poetry and literature which will be the subject of my future lectures. This is the richest and most beautiful field of literature and philosophy ever presented to human contemplation. It is a field in which intellectual giants have wrought, whose lips were touched with hallowed fire and whose inspired genius uttered the most momentous truths, and waked the grandest and sweetest notes of immortal harps. Here our minds can be elevated and enriched with the profoundest wisdom, and our souls be enraptured with scenes of loftiest sublimity, and with prophetic visions il- lumined with supernatural splendors. Here we can some- times feel that we are beneath the shadow of the Al- mighty, and can almost hear the echo of the songs of the angels. Here in thought and fancy we can revisit the blissful Eden home where the fruitful trees of life by crystal rivers were growing, where the landscape was bright with golden light and emerald verdure, and the musical air was redolent with ambrosial odors from yel- low meads of asphodel and from amaranthine bowers. Hebrew literature must always be a subject of interest- 13 ing study and contemplation to the human mind, for it has exerted a wonderful and controlling influence upon the intellectual, moral and social development of man- kind. Hebrew poetry is also the great fountain of living waters, whose perennial currents have # irrigated the world of letters, and given life and beauty to so many of the bright and sweet flowers of genius that bloom in the rich and varied fields of human thought. The most acute, profound and enlightened minds, after long and laborious investigation, have not been able fully to comprehend the extent of the influence of the Bible upon the happiness and progress of mankind. It reaches over the whole course of human destiny. Unlike other histories the Bible presents no fabulous ages. With the Bible as a guide, we can trace the course of human pro- gress back through the darkness of oblivious centuries to the primal, sinless home in Eden, where God formed man in His own image and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul ; and we can go still further back to the time when in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and spoke those gloriously sublime words, " Let there be Light," heard only by the angels. I cannot pause to consider at any length the influence of the Bible upon the civilization of the various nations of antiquity. The Old Testament scattered rays of light that penetrated the surrounding darkness and illumined the minds of ancient sages, philosophers, law-givers and poets, and threw some gleams of brilliance upon the institutions which they formed, and upon the immortal literatures which they gave to mankind. Investigations upon this subject have been made by learned men of modern times, and the results of their labors are impres- sive and wonderful. Even the annals of profane history and literature teach us that the Bible is the source of most H of those high and noble thoughts, truths and principles which have illumined and beautified the moral and intel- lectual life of mankind and regulated correct human action. It has not only given religion, beneficent civil institutions and rich literatures to the nations of Christen- dom, but has contributed all that is elevating and valuable in the faith of Islam. It has not only affected the political destinies of States, but has permeated the whole structure of civilized society and shed its hallowing light over the loves, hopes and joys of domestic life. I propose, in this place, very briefly to refer to the influence of the Bible upon the literature and aesthetic culture of modern times. The Bible was the principal cause of the revival of letters in Europe, and controlled the various agencies that contributed to the production of Christian civilization. The dawn of the renaisance day was not produced by the sudden exercise of omnific power, like that which sent the light in kindling splendors over the face of chaos, but still it was tne result of the same Omnipotent direc- tion. The dark ages were not only times of disintegration and decay, but they were also times of recreation and development, in which were commingled and combined various causes to produce grand results. The tides of Vandal barbarism that swept over the provinces of Western Europe produced great moral and intellectual darkness, but Grecian literature shone with a feeble light on the shores of the Bosphorus, and Oriental culture illumined the capitals of the Califs and the Moorish cities of Spain. These elements of civilization were largely intro- duced into Western Europe by the crusades, and produced a reviving and enlightening influence. As the human mind became more enlightened it was prompted to inves- tigation and enquiry, and began to collect and concentrate the scattered rays of moral and intellectual light that existed in the surrounding gloom. There never was a 15 complete intellectual midnight in the nations of Christen- dom. Mankind became greatly corrupted by the de- moralizing influences of ignorance, superstition and hierarchal and feudal tyranny ; the public services of Christian worship degenerated to almost pagan idolatry, but still in many a secluded valley, obscure home and lonely cloister the Bible kept alive the light of Christian truth and faith in many a pious heart, and kindled hopes and aspirations for a higher and more glorious destiny for man. These obscure homes of Christianity were pure little fountains from which trickled many tiny intellectual and moral rills, that flowed onward, like the mystic river of Ezekiel's vision, and continued to widen and deepen their currents, receiving into their bosom and purifying the streams of classic civilization until the nations were refreshed into more vigorous life and rejoiced in their combined and vivifying beneficences. During the Middle Ages manuscript copies of the Bible were few and costly, and could be obtained only by the wealthy and great; and the policy of the Romish Church had made the Scriptures almost a sealed book to the multitude, but the poetry of old Israel dwelt in the hearts and memories of the people, and the paintings of Bible scenes, sketched by the rude limners of Christian art in the Catacombs and Churches of Mediaeval Europe kept alive the ardent faith and hopes of pure Christianity. While the winds, the earthquakes and the fires of God's retributive judgments swept over the face of Europe, the same "still small voice" that spoke to Elijah in the cave of Horeb, spoke again to many earnest and devout Christian men and sent them forth with all the zeal and energy of the old prophet to collect, cheer and comfort the scattered remnants of the spiritual Israel who would not bow the knee to Baal. During this dark period poetry an*d art were the principal conservators of Bible truth, which they taught to the multitude, and they were i6 used by an All-Wise Providence as important agents in producing modern civilization. They were the herald angels of the dawn that awoke the minds and hearts of Europe with songs of joy and visions of beauty. They inspired Dante when he struck his solemn lyre and thrilled mankind with new pulses of life, and^soon all the nations were filled with the sublime melodies of responsive harps. » Then Giotto, with the touch of genius, gave new inspira- tion and beauty to Christian art which was soon illumined by the glorious light shed by Da Vinci, Raphael and Angelo. Then music, with enchanting power, began to wake higher and sweeter strains — the prelude notes that after- wards swelled into the sublime oratorios of Handel, Mozart and Beethoven. Then the spirit of freedom, which had been entombed in the ruins of the past, began to stir the minds and hearts of men to break the chains of civil and religious bondage which had so long repressed free thought and intellectual energy. Soon the mighty influences of partially emancipated and enlightened thought exhibited their vivifying powers. The preaching of Wickliffe was heard on the banks of the Thames, like the voice of another forerunning prophet crying in the wilderness, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight." The tones of this grand message rang in echoing cadences among the hills of Bohemia as Huss and Jerome were marching to the stakes of martyrdom, and a century afterwards the evangel of Luther was heard in the Church of Wittenburg, sounding like the silver trumpet of the Jubilee, proclaiming universal freedom of thought, and then the grand march of the Reformation began which conducted mankind from the darkness of the past into the ever-brightening realms of the future. I will not so far forget the truths of history as to deny to classic learning its just claims in the intellectual regen- eration of mankind, but I insist that its influence was only i7 of secondary importance when compared with the elevat- ing, ennobling and enlightening power of the Bible Classic learning cultivated and refined the taste and intellect; the Bible educated the mind and heart by bringing out the highest thoughts and purest emotions and sympathies of man's better nature, and elevated the soul in its aspirations for a higher and nobler life in this world and in eternity. Classic learning has contributed to only a few of the branches of knowledge, while the Bible has poured its treasures of virtue, truth, wisdom and holiness into the whole structure of society. Even in the department of the fine arts the Bible has done more than antique models in inspiring artistic genius with those ideal conceptions of the grand and beautiful which have touched the heart and won the admiration of mankind. Most of modern sculpture was formed after antique models, while nearly all of the grandest paintings of the Old Masters were Bible scenes. The productions of the chisel are cold, colorless and lifeless; they charm the eye and cultivate the taste, but speak not to the heart, while the warm, glowing and life-like Bible pictures, around which the imagination throws a halo of sacred associations, fill the heart with high and holy emotions, give the pulses a quicker throb, make the tear drops start, and thrill the soul with the eloquent ecstacies of prayer. I will not dwell longer, in this place, upon the influence of the Bible in producing and controlling the civilization of Christendom, but may refer to the subject again in subsequent lectures. The Bible has a wonderful inherent power of self- preservation and protection. It has encountered and triumphed over the learning, philosophy, genius and prejudices of the most enlightened nations of the ancient world ; passed unharmed through the intensely heated furnaces of persecution ; been severely tried by the strong i8 opposition of principalities and powers ; the blasphemous criticisms of infidels ; the irrational cavils of learned and accomplished skeptics, and the incomplete discoveries and crude theories and conjectures of modern science. Like gold, it has been purified in the fire ; like the fabled Antaeus, it has been strengthened by apparent overthrow. Now enlightened science is becoming its strongest ally, and the sharp attrition of infidel intellect has been like the wheel of the lapidary polishing the diamond and bringing out its purest and brightest lustre. All persons, who, in any age, have carefully studied the Bible, with an honest and earnest purpose of obtaining the truth, have found, like Jacob wrestling with the angel, that they have received rich intellectual treasures and consoling spiritual hopes and blessings from the Most High. In the course of lectures which I purpose to deliver to you I will speak of some of the literary excellencies and beauties of the Bible, and of the peculiar character and genius of the people to whom it was delivered by its divine Author, with the sincere hope that my imperfect efforts may induce you to enter with earnest hearts and minds upon these rich and beautiful fields of history, philosophy and poetry. LECTURE II. Education, Character and Laws ot the Hebrews. In order to understand and properly appreciate the richness and beauty of the literature of the Hebrews the student should make himself familiar with their history and language; with the geography and scenery of their country; with their laws and civil and religious institu- tions; with their manners and customs, and other charac- teristics that distinguished their peculiar national life; so that in imagination he can transport himself back to the age in which they lived and catch some of the spirit that animated them while performing their part in the great drama of civilization. This information can, in some degree, be acquired and comprehended by a careful and devout study of the Bible, which is now the entire library of the history, literature and philosophy of that ancient and most wonderful nation of mankind. I feel sure that we lose much of the sublimitv and literary beauty of the Old Testament by not being able to read it in the original tongue. But few of us can find time in the midst of our professional pursuits to acquire a critical knowledge of the peculiar structure of." such a difficult, ancient and unspoken language, and we must content ourselves with the English translation, and with such imperfect information as to the spirit and genius of the original as may be derived from the treatises and commentaries of learned and accomplished Hebrew scholars. The English Bible, if thoroughly studied, will furnish. us with treasures of lofty thought and poetic imagery which will enrich our minds with the highest wisdom, and 20 fill our hearts with pure and elevated emotions, and give us a vivid conception of the glorious beauty of Hebrew literature. The history of the Hebrews is rich in thrilling incidents, and can be distinctly traced back through the dim and shadowy regions of the past to the genesis of the nation, and then onward through an unbroken genealogy of their ancestors to the childhood of the human race. No nation can boast of such a proud heraldry as the Hebrews, and they exerted an animating and controlling influence upon all the nations with whom they came in contact. This influence among the nations may well be compared with an ever-flowing stream, producing fertility and verdure in all lands touched by its refreshing waters. Although the sacred records of the Hebrews have much internal evidence of their truthfulness, still they are confirmed by impartial science which translates aright the language which God has written on the surface and the strata of the earth ; by the invaluable researches of comparative philology, which proves that the whole earth was of one race and one speech ; by the crumbling monuments of Egypt, and memorials dug from the graves of buried cities ; by the habits and customs of many neighboring nations which have remained unchanged for three decades of centuries ; and by the universal tradi- tions which have come down from pre-historic ages. The history and poetry of the Hebrews are so intimately commingled that their history glows with poetry and their poetry is full of history. Everywhere on the golden thread of narrative are strung the precious and priceless pearls and gems of poetic thought. The book of Genesis is the only authentic account which we have of the primeval history of mankind for twenty-five hundred years. The most recent writer in the Old Testament was contemporary with Herodotus, the father of profane history. More than a thousand years 21 intervened between Moses and Malachi, and although the sacred books of the Hebrews contain such a multiplicity of topics and variety of contents, and were the productions of various minds ; composed in different ages and under different circumstances, they exhibit a wonderful continuity of spirit, thought, style and purpose, and are evidently but parts of one book, emanating from one divine source. The Bible is an intellectual and moral phenomenon with- out a parallel in the worjd of letters. It stands in the fields of literature as a sublime original. It may be com- pared to the sun, which is ever shedding its inherent and unwasting warmth and brightness that fills the earth with beneficence and beauty, and kindles the twinkling radiance of planets and stars in the vast and deep bosom of im- mensity. From the earliest period of their national existence the Hebrews were far in advance of surrounding nations in intellectual and moral culture. Education occupied a prominent place in their civil and religious institutions. The fathers of families were strictly enjoined to instruct their children in the national laws, history and sacred literature. The system of educa- tion established by Moses and required by law to be observed, was general in its application, and tended to develop all the intellectual faculties and moral feelings of the nation. No child of genius was prevented by penury and neglect from drinking at the pure fountains of truth and learning. The gates of knowledge were ever open and accessible to all, and duty required everyone to enter and possess the rich fruits of accumulated wisdom, and contribute to the constantly increasing store. Every one from chilhood was taught the learning of the nation and the highest and noblest duties and responsibilities of life. Thus all the intellectual and moral faculties and energies of the nation were fully developed; and the day of Hebrew civilization continued to brighten until it reached 22 its noontide splendor in the age of Solomon ; when its light and glory was shed upon surrounding nations, and was transmitted to succeeding ages. Under the laws and institutions of Moses the priests and Levites had no inheritance, except the cities that were appropriated to them for residences, and they were sup- ported by tithes annually collected from the tribes. By divine direction they were set apart for religious services, and as instructors of the people. . They formed a sacerdotal order, but they had no means of acquiring large estates which would give them undue influence, and they could not obtain political power by operating upon the super- stitious fears of the people. They could make no united and concentrated effort to unduly control the political institutions of the State, as under the wise laws of Moses their prophetic destiny was accomplished, they were " divided in Jacob and scattered in Israel." They were made special guardians of the laws, and as their mainten- ance depended upon the existence and observance of the laws, self interest prompted them to oppose innovations and revolutions in the State. Thus they constituted a conservative and intelligent political element, ever active in preserving the peace and good order of society, and always contributing to the mental, moral and religious culture of the people. They occupied this important position during most of the period of the commonwealth, but in the days of Samuel many associations for a higher public education were formed, called Schools of the Prophets. These schools were attended by the young men of Israel, where they were taught the laws and literature of their country, and were instructed in sacred music. The teachers of these high schools occupied prominent positions in all legislative assemblies, and they gave public instruc- tions on the Sabbath and at the great national festivals. From these schools, in a subsequent age, God called most 23 of those inspired messengers who constituted "the goodly fellowship of the prophets," and who left such a glorious literature for the Hebrews and for all mankind. The moral, social and political character of the Hebrews has been the subject of much investigation and discussion, and I think that they have not always been treated with the fairness and liberality which have been accorded to other nations. The only history of the ancient Hebrews is contained in the Old Testament. This history is sternly truthful, and was written under the influence of divine in- spiration for the purpose of guidance and instruction to the nation in its future progress, and also for the benefit of all succeeding ages. No national pride and love of country influenced the prejudices and warped the judg- ments of the sacred historians and induced them to unduly panegyrize their countrymen and fill their annals with the highly wrought creations of fiction and fable. Their narratives are facts and not fancies, and they are filled with important truths and not moral and social theories. They were the stern censors of national vices and not the apologists of error and crime. They wrote not for self-fame, or to stimulate national vanity and ambition, and thus win popular applause. They wished to reform and regenerate their people by showing to them the heinousness and folly of sin and disobedience to Jehovah, and point out the true paths of individual and national prosperity and glory. In judging the character of the Hebrews by their history, we subject them to a sterner ordeal than is applied to any other nation. The historians and poets of Greece and Rome employed all the powers of their inventive faculties to win fame for themselves and to advance the glory of their nation; and their productions were filled with highly wrought eulogy and fascinating fables. Most of the events and incidents mentioned in the Iliad and ^Eneid are ingenious fictions, and the imagination of the 2 4 poets made heroes and demigods out of rapacious and cruel chieftains. Herodotus, Thucydides and Xenophon T Livy, Sallust and Tacitus did more for the renown of Greece and Rome by the partiality and brilliancy of their fancy than was achieved by the wisdom of philosophers and statesmen, and the real exploits of generals and consuls. In modern times we find the fame of nations and the character of races, in a great degree, dependent upon the partiality, patriotism and creative genius of historians and poets. In instituting a comparison between the Hebrews and other nations we should not forget this important fact, that the character of one is sternly and truthfully de- lineated by inspired penmen, while the character of other peoples are idealized by the partial pencils of human genius. We also do great injustice to the Hebrews by judging them according to the standard of our own times. They lived in an age of almost universal moral barbarism. They were not surrounded by nations of highly cultivated tastes, refined sensibilities and elevated sentiments, and could not, by social and commercial intercourse, receive the accumulated blessings of an advanced and rapidly expanding civilization. To them the oracles of divine truth were obscurely communicated by types and ceremonies of worship, and the symbolic teachings of priests and prophets. Their minds and hearts were not illumined, as ours have been, by the glorious light of the Gospel, and by the numerous manifestations of a Divine Providence for eighteen hundred years. We certainly would be unjust judges if we pro- nounce judgment of condemnation against the Hebrews because they do not come up to the present standard of Christian enlightenment and virtue. In forming our opinion of the character of the ancient 25 Hebrews our judgments are too much warped and preju- diced by supposing them to have been like the bigoted, fanatical and cruel Jews who rejected, persecuted and crucified our Saviour. We seem to forget the moral degeneracy of the race produced by centuries of dissension and discord, calamity and servitude; by the loss of the sacred symbols of the first Temple; their noble and in- spiring language; the voice of prophecy and the elevated spirituality of their religious faith, and also by the cor- rupting influence of pagan civilization with which they were brought into more immediate contact by the exten- sion of Persian, Grecian and Roman conquest. The Greeks of the time when St. Paul visited Athens were not like the Greeks who fought at Marathon and Salamis. The Romans who yielded a servile submission to Alaric were wholly unlike the citizens of republican Rome who, with heroic fortitude and dauntless valor,' sur- rounded theCapitol when they heard the tremendous tidings of Cannae. Why should we judge the Hebrews by a differ- ent standard ? Why should we reverse the orderof divine judgment and visit the sins of the children upon the fathers? If we will divest ourselves of the prejudices which have been engendered in the Christian world by the conduct of the Jews towards our Saviour, and calmly judge the ancient Hebrews by the age in which they lived, the circumstances by which they were surrounded, and the influences which they have exerted upon all subsequent times, we must come to the conclusion that the Chosen People of Jehovah were not only a great but a wonderful people. I will now briefly refer to the influence of the civil laws of Moses in forming the character of the ancient Hebrews, and in promoting the peace and prosperity of the nation by cementing the bonds of social and political union, and thus insuring a constantly progressive civilization. The subject is worthy of a more extended notice than the limits of this lecture will allow. 26 When we consider the antiquity of those laws, the moral darkness of the age in which they were promulgated, the ' consummate ability and extensive knowledge which they display, and the vivifying influences which they have so long exerted upon the destinies of mankind, we must feel that they were the productions of supernatural genius and wisdom and are worthy of our constant study and most devout veneration. The Hebrews were a nation pre-eminently governed by law. The books of the law not only regulated the political* social and domestic relations of the people, but were the text books of their education and culture, and penetrated and permeated their entire literature. The principles of those laws constituted an integral and important part in all historical, prophetical and poetical writings, and influ- enced the emotional and thought-life of the people. It is not my purpose critically to analyze those laws and point out their variousexcellencies. This subject has been fully considered and elaborated with much ability by Prof. Wines in his commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews. I will quote with approbation the concluding paragraph of the chapter on Fundamental Principles: " Such then, as T conceive, were the great ideas and fundamental principles which lay at the basis of the Hebrew State. The unity of God, the unity of the nation, civil liberty, political equality, an elective magistracy, the sovereignty of the people, the responsibility of public officers to their constituents, a prompt, cheap and impartial administration of justice, peace and fellowship with other nations, agriculture, universal industry, the inviolability of private property, the sacredness of the family relations, the sanctity of human life, universal education, social union, a well adjusted balance of powers, and an enlight- ened, dignified, venerable public opinion were the vital elements of the constitution of Moses. What better basis 27 of civil polity, what nobler maxims of political wisdom does the nineteenth century offer to our contemplation, despite its boast of social progress and reform. The institutions founded on these maxims tower up amid the barbaric darkness and despotism of antiquity, the great beacon light of the world; diffusing the radiance of a political philosophy, full of truth and wisdom, over all the ages which have succeeded that, in which they were first promulgated to mankind." We refer to this subject in this place only for the purpose of drawing the legitimate inference, that there must have existed a condition of high moral, social and intellectual advancement among the Hebrews after they had reached the Promised Land and become a well organized nation under the laws and institutions of Moses. Surely there can be no better evidence of the character and condition of a people than the system of laws which they reverence and cheerfully obey; for a system of laws is always regarded as the concentrated wisdom and expe- rience of a nation — an index of public virtue and intelli- gence and a standard of civilization. With such civil and political laws and institutions we cannot be surprised that the Hebrews have bestowed such rich intellectual and moral treasures upon mankind. In this respect they have partially fulfilled the promise which God made to Abraham as the reward of his sublime faith, "In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." Although the nations of modern times have received such manifold blessings from the Ancient Hebrews, they do not fully recognize the fact and gratefully acknowledge the obligation they owe to that God-chosen people. The rulers, statesmen, jurists and scholars who now control the destinies of nations and advance the progress of civilization, are disposed to regard the classic nations of antiquity as the primal sources of wisdom, knowledge and refined culture, when in truth those nations only dimly 28 reflected the intellectual light which emanated from the greater orb of truth and wisdom that shone over the land of Palestine. A candid, intelligent and industrious enquirer after truth, when he fully examines the history, laws, institu- tions, moral teachings, and the learning and literature of the ancient Hebrews, and then traces the benign influences which they exerted upon other ancient nations and then upon the Gospel dispensation and upon Christian civilization, will greatly admire and venerate that people whom God chose as the depositaries of His sacred oracles and as the pioneers of human progress. The Hebrews were indeed pioneers in the fields of moral and intellectual progress. They possessed a liter- ature abounding in the enlightened principles of jurispru- dence and social advancement, enriched with instructive historic truths and adorned with the highest strains of poetry before the keel of Cecrops broke the ALgean wave or Cadmus taught his alphabetic mystery to the rude warriors of Thebes. For the purpose of preparing the Chosen People for their great and distinctive destiny, God established among them peculiar laws and institutions which kept them from mingling with and being contaminated by the demoralizing influences of surrounding nations. Thus was generated a national pride and caste which prevented them from being imitators and copyists, to much extent, of the manners, customs and thoughts of other peoples. After their settlement in Palestine their literature became as distinctive and peculiar as their civil and religious institutions, and for several centuries re- mained comparatively free from the admixture of foreign elements, and was enlarged and enriched by the produc- tions of native genius. In their national seclusion they studied carefully the rich volume of nature presented in their fertile and beautiful land, and from thence they drew 2 9 many of their sublime thoughts and appropriate meta- phors. With poetic ardor they loved the sweet and quiet vales with murmering streams and gushing springs. To them the odorous breezes were musical as they whispered through olive groves and clustering vineyards, or gently waved the plumed palms; and their souls were filled with emotions of grandeur and sublimity when the fierce storm- king swept the cedar harps of the mountains. Their habits and occupations inclined them to poetic conceptions. Most of them were, in the early periods of their history, husbandmen, vinedressers and shepherds, dwelling -in pastoral simplicity in the humble homes for which they had a title from Jehovah. They were not then restless and greedy for gain, but in calm, rural repose, they trusted to the watchful guidance and care of their covenant-keep- ing God. In this condition of contentment and serenity their minds and hearts were prepared to receive vivid im- pressions of the beautiful. Day by day they witnessed the soft radiance of the dawn and breathed the fragrance of the morning, and when their pleasant labors were ended they gazed with rapture upon the golden glories of the evening skies. When the early and latter rains came they rejoiced at the prospects of plenty ; and at the time of the harvest and the vintage they went forth with glad- some songs to reap the golden sheaves and gather the purple clusters, rich and heavy, for the foaming wine-press. When they drove their bleating flocks to where the pastures were green and the cool waters were flowing, or wandered with their lowing herds upon the breezy hills, their eyes were filled with scenes of quiet beauty, and their minds with glorious thoughts, and these scenes and thoughts were softened and sanctified when the solemn stillness of the night was resting on the slumbering earth. When the silvery moonbeams softly glisten And all is hushed save the voice of the soul, And the silent stars gently wink and listen While heaven's eternal melodies roll. 30 We will not dwell in this place upon the scenery and natural beauties of the land of Palestine, but reserve the subject for consideration in a subsequent lecture. In our next lecture we will consider the noble language in which Hebrew thought was enshrined and transmitted as a precious and invaluable legacy to all succeeding ages. LECTURE III. The Hebrew as a Poetical Language. The poetry of the Hebrews was written in one of the oldest of human languages that has been preserved in a written literature. Some learned philologists were of the opinion that the Hebrew was the original language of man, and was directly communicated to Adam in Para- dise, and at the confusion of tongues was preserved by Divine Providence in the family of Heber, who did not engage in the impious work of the tower-builders of Babel. We have the highest authority for believing that there was once an age in which " the whole earth was of one language and of one speech." We also know that God confounded this common language of mankind, and did so for the purpose of scattering them as different peoples over the earth. We have no facts to induce the belief that the original language existed in its primal structure among any of the newly formed races, and there are many plausible conjectures which tend to show the truth of a contrary hypothesis. A common language was a strong bond of union that made the human race one people, and we are inclined to think that when the race was divided into different peoples by the confusion of their speech the original language ceased to have an entire and dis- tinctive existence. The verbal analogies and affinities which existed in all the primitive languages clearly show that they sprung from the same parent stock, which seems to have perished in furnishing vital sap to its various offshoots. Much careful investigation has been made, and many plausible theories have been suggested upon this subject, 32 but no conclusion has been reached entirely satisfactory to all learned philologists. I am of the opinion, from the very limited investigation which I have been able to make, that the Hebrew was a dialect of a language spoken by various ancient Shemitic nations of Western Asia, and was formed into a distinctive language, like other cultivated languages have been formed from grafts without and germs within, and grew with the increasing wants and intelligence of the people. I am also of the opinion that the antediluvians reached an advanced stage of civilization, which was transmitted by Noah and his family to the post-diluvian races. From this source the Assyrians and Egyptians derived much of that knowledge and culture which enabled them to exhibit such advancement in the arts and sciences at the earliest historic eras. The ancestors of Abraham, although idolaters, were not barbarians, and they possessed an organized language, and perhaps a written literature. This language was carried by Abraham into Canaan, and soon after that period of migration was enlarged and elevated in giving expression to the sublime monotheistic truths and glorious promises which Jehovah communicated to his chosen servant. It also received accessions from the cognate speech of the Canaanitish tribes among whom the Patriarchs dwelt so long in peaceful and familiar intercourse. The descendants of Jacob dwelt for several centuries among the Egyptians, who were the most highly civilized people of that early age, and their superior learn- ing and culture must have had some influence upon the language of the subject race. The tribes of Isreal cannot properly be considered as a nation until the time of the Exodus, when Moses, by a peculiar code of laws and novel institutions, gave them an independent and distinctive national existence. He was possessed of splendid genius and a strong, practical intel- lect, and was familiar with all the learning and literary 33 culture of his times; and was, moreover, divinely com- missioned and inspired for his great work of liberating his oppressed people, and preparing them to be a peculiar people unto the Lord. For the purpose of effecting this design we may well suppose that he made changes and modifications in the then existing language of his people, so as to suit the conditions of their new and peculiar national life. I believe that it is now generally agreed among scholars that the art of alphabetic writing existed long anterior to the age of Moses, and that many ancient nations of Asia possessed a written literature. The ancestors of Abraham lived in a land which was the starting point of civilization, and we know tliat the Hebrew Patriarchs, by their intelligence and force of character, occupied a distinguished position among their Canaanitish and Phoenician neighbors. We may well suppose that the chosen people, with their many advantages, were not destitute of the learning and arts which existed in their age in the country in which they sojourned, and in the immediate vicinity. For more than a century after their migration into Egypt they were in much favor with the kings and nobility of that highly civilized people. They must have had at least some memorials consisting of well defined traditions of ancestral history, earnest hymns cf thanksgiving and praise; and many important events must have been commemorated by ballads and songs, the voices of their intelligent thought-life and elevated affections and emotions. It requires no unreasonable stretch of fancy to suppose that such a people had made as great advancement as other nations with whom they were in constant association. Some scholars think that the book of Genesis contains portions of various smaller books which were the sacred literature of the Patriarchal Church, and were in the possession of the Hebrews while in Egypt, and were combined and enlarged by Moses 34 under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Upon this subject there is much contrariety of opinion among Biblical scholars, and I have not the space in a lecture, or the learning properly to discuss the matter. We believe that the Pentateuch in its present literary form is the work of Moses. We think we are sustained in this opinion by the internal evidence which the work affords, and by the uniform history and traditions of the Hebrew nation. We find the Pentateuch in a language of mature development in the earliest periods of Hebrew national history, and it was always regarded with sacred veneration by the nation, and as the standard of their literary culture. Some philologists suppose that Moses was the author of the written language of the Hebrews and formed it as a sacred language under the same divine influence which inspired him with supernatural wisdom in constructing his civil and religious institutions. In studying God's wondrous plan in developing human civilization, there is no necessity for supposing the exertion of His miraculous power, where results can be reasonably accounted for by natural causes and processes controlled by His usual providences. Be this as it may, the fact that such a sublime literature and language existed among the Hebrews at such > an early period of their national existence furnishes strong evidence that they were an intellectual people of considerable culture. They had been much demoralized by the oppressions of a hard bondage and by the corrupting influences of Egyptian society, and this literature was intended to produce a moral regeneration, and before the end of the long desert pilgrimage this object was, in some degree, accomplished. They frequently heard the reading of their history and laws; they witnessed the grand and awful manifestations at Sinai; the imposing services of the Tabernacle; the numerous beneficences of Jehovah, and His just and severe 35 chastisements. This discipline of the desert, and the wise instructions, the patient forbearance and paternal care of Moses greatly elevated the character of the Hebrews and prepared them for their noble destiny in the Promised Land. As we cannot read the Hebrew language, in speaking of its force, richness and beauty we can only express some of the opinions of scholars who have written upon the subject. This language is peculiar for the number of verbs and their derivatives that abound in its structure. In every language the verb is the animating power, the vital principle, that gives the force, energy and beauty of human thought and emotion. Herder says, "in the Hebrew the verb is almost the whole of the language. It is an abyss of verbs, a sea of billows, where motion, action rolls on without end." He makes the language speak and say, "I live, move and act. Tne senses and the passions, not abstract reasoners and philosophers, were my creators. Thus I am formed for poetry, nay, my whole essence is poetry." That eloquent poet and learned and accomplished Hebraist also remarks that the lan- guage is barren of mere abstract terms, but rich in words representing sentiment, passion, emotion and the various objects of nature. 'Tt is the very breath of the soul. It does not claim the beauty of sound like the Greek, but it breathes and lives. Such it is to us who are but partially acquainted with its pronunciation, and for whom its deep- er gutturals remain unuttered and unutterable. In those old times when the soul was unshackled, what fullness of emotion, what store of words that breathe must have inspired it. It was, to use an expression of its own," " The spirit of God that spake in it. The breath of the Almighty that gave it life." Such was the language in which the thoughts, feelings and emotions of the ancient Hebrews were enshrined and transmitted to succeeding ages. We have but little information as to the growth of 36 the Hebrew language during the commonwealth which existed for four hundred years. The books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth contain a short and fragmentary history of those times, but they were probably written in a subse- quent age. We know, however, from the writings which certainly existed before and after the commonwealth that no marked dialectical or idiomatic changes were made in the vocabulary or structure of the cultured and literary language. The Pentateuch possessed such inherent literary excel- lence, was so full of the highest wisdom, was so frequently read and studied and was so devoutly venerated by the people, that in the midst of so many national vicisitudes it preserved the literary language from any change but that of very gradual development. Although we have so few literary remains of those times we are well satisfied that the people did not live in a condition of intellectual sloth and barrenness. They often violated thei* covenant with Jehovah and were visited with the severe chastise- ments of His corrective providence, but they enjoyed long intervals of prosperity, peace and divine favor, and observed the laws and institutions established by Moses for the promotion of intellectual and moral culture. Toward the close of the commonwealth the Hebrews had reached such a condition of intelligence as "to require a more enlightened system of mental and religious instruc- tion than that afforded by the Priests and Levites, and to meet this requirement Samuel organized the Schools of the Prophets. Up to that time the Pentateuch was the library of their legal and religious literature and the chief repository of the vocabulary of their sacred and cultivated language, but the active and inventive intellect, and the highly imaginative and emotional nature of the people must have produced a rich and varied literature, the out- growth of their social and domestic condition, and ex- pressed in the popular dialect of common life. That was 37 the poetical and heroic age, and from the few glimpses which we have of its history we feel sure that it was full of scenes and events well calculated to arouse the emotions and inspire the genius of an earnest and imaginative race, and like other primitive peoples, they must have expressed their vivid conceptions and fervid emotions in the language of poetry and song. The Hebrews of subsequent times regarded the period of the commonwealth as a glorious era in their history, and with patriotic affection and pride they cherished the ballads, songs and traditions of their heroic ancestry. The Hebrew language reached its highest condition of culture in the age of David and Solomon, and from the time of Hezekiah it commenced to decline by the com- mixture of foreign elements, and almost ceased to be a spoken language during the Babylonish captivity. The Hebrews were in captivity only seventy years, and yet when a small portion of two of the tribes, called from about that time Jews, returned from exile, there were only a few of the most learned scribes who could write, trans- late or speak the noble language of their forefathers. The Jews never spoke or became familiar with the old language, and the Scriptures used in the synagogue worship were translated by interpreters into the Aramaic tongue until theSeptuagint version furnished the Scriptures in a rich and beautiful language, understood by all intelligent Jews who dwelt in the limits of the Alexandrian Empire. Among the educated Jews who dwelt in Palestine and Babylon the old Hebrew still remained as the language of literature and as it was used by the Rabbins and learned Doctors of the Law. The Hebrew never again be- came a vernacular speech. Portions of the Latin and Greek still exist as living elements in some of the languages of Modern Europe, but the old Hebrew as a vital speech no longer breathes from living lips, and its thoughts are alone embalmed in the hearts and memories of mankind. 3« Although we cannot fully, comprehend the accents and cadences of dead languages, they are well adapted for the preservation of the thoughts and characteristics of nations. They are stereotyped in form and are not subject to the changes and modifications of a living speech. They retain much of the force and brilliancy of national thought, but as they lose the rhythm, harmony and passionate energy of pronunciation they do not fully repre- sent the fervid emotions and affections that animated the hearts of the people. Although so many historic truths and literary treasures are embalmed in a dead language, still it is like a gallery of- painting and statuary. In the productions of the painter we see and admire skillful imitation and delicacy of finish, but we know that the copied scenes and objects do not equal the living and glowing beauties of nature which inspired the genius of the artist. The most perfect statue, wrought with exquisite and marvelous skill, and combining the beauties and excel- lences selected from various living forms by the quick discerning eye and cultivated taste of the artist, are inad- equate representations of the animated forms of symmetry and grace, which inspire the heart with purer and nobler emotions of the beautiful than the highest ideals of genius. Apelles, with matchless skill, painted Campaspe and won the favor and gold of Alexander, but he could not copy that inimitable beauty which inspired his heart with a love dearer to him than wealth and immortal fame. All the voices of the past are voices from the grave. Nations, although dead, still speak through their preserved literatures and teach us much valuable knowledge, but we cannot hear the glowing and thrilling eloquence and tender pathos of the living speech that once so intensely expressed their varied thoughts and emotions. In the natural world we can find many illustrations of the familiar truth which we have presented, but we will 39 make only one reference. A frozen stream may be as clear as crystal and sparkle and gleam in the sunlight, but it has none of the motion and melody of the living waters as they murmur among the rocks or ripple on the sandy shore. In one condition the stream is invested and surrounded by the brilliant but cold beauties of nature, while in the other it flows onward in musical tones amid the bloom, verdure and freshness of Spring and the golden richness of the Summer. The old Hebrew language has uttered no living voice for more than twenty centuries, and the most learned Hebraist of our times, after the deep silence of so many ages, cannot revive the cadences of its pronunciation, and thus form an adequate conception of the liquid flow and melody of those grand anthems, that, on the waves of music and song, swelled through the courts and porches of Solomon's "magnifical temple;" or feel the full force of those sublime and eloquent rhapsodies which Isaiah, with fervid heart and burning lip, once uttered to his rebellious and disobedient countrymen. We judge of the variety, extent and wealth of a nation's thought from the copiousness of language preserved in its literature. Language is a symbol of ideas, and is gradually formed and extended by the operation of the national mind. It is the embodiment of national thought, and enables us to feel, in some degree, the pulse throbs of the national heart. In the refined and cultivated language of a people we find their most elevated and matured thoughts, but their elegant literature does not contain much of the simple dialects which vividly express- ed the earnest feelings and sentiments of the common people in private life, and which often glowed with ex- quisite gems of poetry. Who can ever forget or undervalue the treasures which Burns has contributed to our literature by his matchless songs and poems written in the Doric dialect of humble 40 life, full of vivid pictures, and expressing, in such simple and tender pathos, the feelings and sentiments of his peasant countrymen. In his simple home songs beautiful thoughts and fancies sparkle and gleam around his rhyth- mic words like sunshine and dew drops upon the fresh flowers of the morning. The books of the Old Testament contain the remains of Hebrew literature produced during the period when the language was spoken. These books were written under divine inspiration and were intended principally for the specific purpose of developing the riligious life of the Chosen People. They furnish many domestic and social scenes of exquisite beauty, but they, by no means, contain the entire literature of the home life of the Hebrews. Nearly all of this literature has been lost, and with it much of the variety and richness of the language, thought and emotions of the nation. From the various translations of the Old Testament the learned philologist is enabled to make a comparative estimate of the richness and variety of the vocabulary of the original tongue. This experiment has been made by accomplished scholars, and they have found that in words expressing passionate energy, affection and the fervent emotions of the soul, and in giving distinctive descriptions of the various objects of nature the Hebrew has a more copious and appropriate vocabulary than the Greek, the Latin or the English. Such classes of words in every language are principally used by poets, and from these comparative estimates we may readily conclude that the Hebrews were endowed with higher poetic capacities and sensibilities than those refined and richly gifted nations whose immortal works of genius constitute the great mass of classical literature. Every literary production is deprived of much of its original power and beauty by translation, although it may be translated into a language of more extensive verbal 41 resources and higher culture. A little flower taken from an Alpine cliff and transplanted into a warm and fertile garden in the valley loses the delicate tints of coloring which adorned it while blooming amid eternal frosts on the verge of the avalanche. Every literary production was the outgrowth of popular taste and feeling, and exhibited its purest beauty and exerted its greatest influence among the people for whom it was originally intended. Translations of the rude ballads and war songs of the Scandinavian Scalds produce in us none of the enthusiasm and lofty courage with which they inspired the hearts of the old Vikings and their followers as they fought in bloody forays, or struggled with the cold storms and waves of the northern seas. Pope, one of the most gifted and accomplished of Eng- lish poets, spent many years in the laborious and careful translation of the Iliad. He gave a classic to literature which glitters with the wealth and rhythmic elegance of the English language, but it is wanting in that mystic power of genius with which the Blind Harper electrified the proud cities of Hellas and Ionia, and threw the halo of immortal fame around the valiant heroes who fought before the walls of Troy. An American audience of the highest classic culture would not listen with any degree of patience to the repetition in our language, by the most gifted and accom- plished histrionic artist, of those tragedies which once made the statesmen, warriors* philosophers, orators and poets of Athens weep for the misfortunes of the ill-fated CEdipus and the heroic Antigone, and listen with breathless awe to the story of the wronged, forsaken and revengeful Medea. Who can now feel the full force of that eloquence which once rang with sublime thoughts and rich cadences over the temple-crowned Acropolis, and which Phillip of Macedon dreaded more than all the armies of Greece ? 42 Who can now comprehend the magic power of that magnificent oratory by which the timid Tully controlled the destinies of war-loving Rome ? No translator can do full justice to the literature of an ancient and dead language, as he is incapable of catching the spirit and inherent beauties of the original. There are idiomatic peculiarities about the old Hebrew which present many difficulties to translators in obtaining the true spirit and rhythm of the original. It is very ancient, and there is no cognate contemporary literature with which it can be be compared, and which might aid in elucidating linguistic obscurities. The writers of the Old Testament were under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and translators cannot feel the divine afflatus whichinspired the hearts and genius of the old Hebrew prophets and bards. The Hebrew letters in present use date no further back than to the time of the captivity, and the vowel points and accents used in the connection of syllables, words and sentences, serve but to show. how the Jewish scholars of subsequent times expressed the Hebrew when these changes were introduced, and how they themselves under- stood the text. The ancient Hebrew, in which the Old Testament was originally written, was a pure consonantal text, and the consonants were so arranged as to indicate the appropriate vowel sounds to a reader familiar with the living language. The vowels were unseen, and circulated as the blood of the language. But after the old Hebrew lost the force and freedom of a living tongue these phonetic and fluent elements of speech could not be fully understood and properly applied so as to bring out its entire richness and melody. The sublimity of thought, the historical value and the credibility of the Old Testament still remained: — it lost only its original literary form to some extent. The notation of vowels and accents, made after the language ceased to be spoken, supplied, in some degree, its flexibility and elasticity, and made it utter 43 many of its ancient voices of emotion and melody which thrill the souls of mankind. The Old Testament has been remarkably well trans- lated into the English language. More than half of the words of our English version are Anglo-Saxon, a language eminent for its simplicity, terseness and power of expres- sion — some of the characteristics of the old Hebrew. The English Bible is the grandest and most beautiful book in our literature. It owes some of its literary excellence and form to the rich, forcible and rhythmic flow of the English tongue, but the grand thoughts and graphic pictures that illumine its pages are the products of the Hebrew mind, which have lost much of their force and exquisite literary excellence and beauty in passing into translation. The sunlight in passing through the camera depicts with accuracy and beauty the human face and the grand objects of nature, but the sketching sunbeams do not fasten the glow that beams around the objects which are copied. Thus our English Bible furnishes but a photographic picture of Hebrew life, and does not give the full literary force and beauty of the thoughts and eloquent utterances of the old Hebrew bards which awakened such thrilling emotions in the hearts of old Israel. All philologist agree that the etymology and structure of a language, its peculiar idioms and dialects, and the changes which it undergoes in the process of development, furnish important information as to the characteristics of a people. Language is the voice of the thought and emotional life of a nation, and is necessarily a valuable portion of its history. The old Hebrew, although imper- fectly understood, furnishes internal evidence that it was formed and spoken by a noble people of high mental and moral culture who lived in primeval times, in pastoral simplicity and in a beautiful land and clime. It is em- phatically a religious and emotional language, formed, 44 from infancy to mature development, as it were, in the presence of Jehovah and by His immediate tuition, and influenced by grand events and wondrous providences. The Aramaic, spoken by the Jews after their return from the exile in Babylon, plainly shows the intellectual and moral degeneracy produced by captivity, calamity and servitude. They had forgotten the noble language of their fathers and spoke in the rugged tongue of their heathen conquerors, and yet this language of slavery was glorified by the utterance of divine truths. It was the original language of the Sermon on the Mount and the beautiful and inimitable parables of our Saviour. The Greek, so soft, so sweet, so expressive, so rich in classic elegance and so harmonious in cadences, enables us to form an incomplete but still vivid conception of the acute, subtle, enlightened and imaginative race who lived in the refined age when Pericles ruled, when Callistratus reared and Phidias adorned the Parthenon. The sonorous and stately rhythm of the Latin shows that it was the language of a brave, aggressive and im- perial people, and it sounds like the martial music that regulated the measured tread of those invincible legions who carried their victorious eagles into every land. The Italian is the voice of that civilization which reared the splendid basilicas and gorgeous palaces of Catholic Rome, woke into melody the strings of Dante's and Petrarch's lyre, and guided the pencil and chisel of Raphael and Angelo as they formed those ideal creations which have been the matchless models of art. In the Spanish we can distinctly trace the commingled elements of Roman civilization and Gothic vigor, tinged with the Oriental culture of the Caliphs. The peculiar features of the language, and the stern, bigoted and re- lentless character of the Spaniard, were both formed in that long, fierce and bloody conflict of eight hundred years be- tween the Moore and the Goth— theCrescent and the Cross* 45 The French is as soft, as gay and as versatile as the brilliant women and accomplished courtiers who once bowed the knee to royalty in the gilded saloons of Ver- sailles; and it is filled with the accents of the rich and melodious speech of sunny Provence in which the Trouba- dours sang the songs of love, chivalry and old romance. The German is the remarkable language of a remarka- ble people. It has a rich and extensive vocabulary derived almost entirely from an original stock, and has less com- mixture of foreign elements than any other language of Europe. It has a wonderful capability of developing itself from its own substance. It seems to grow and expand like a giant oak that has been strengthened by the sun- shine and storms of centuries, deriving its sap from its ancient roots, and ever extending its branches covered with fresh, rich and living verdure and beauty. The Germans have preserved more than any other nation of Modern Europe the distinguishing characteristics of their remote ancestors. Although their country has so long been the battlefield of contending nations, they are still the truest representatives of the Teuton race. Their national progress seems to have been the result of inherent resources called into active and energizing life by the Reformation, and their language was solidified and en- riched by Luther's version of the Bible. They have wrought out for themselves a grand and distinctive liter- ature and now occupy one of the highest intellectual thrones among mankind. In the English we find the language of a free, progres- sive, world-impressing and world-embracing people. It has drawn treasures from nearly every literature and continues to expand in richness ^and fullness as the en- lightened mind achieves new conquests in the various realms of human thought. In the vocabulary of this language we can distinctly trace its origin back to that remarkable people, who, from the disintegrating elements 4 6 of ancient civilization, created the nations and the civil institutions of Modern Europe; and we can also readily distinguish the proportions and relations of the various races that were combined in the formation of the English people. The principle elements of the English language are derived from the Anglo Saxon and the Latin, the noble languages in which are enshrined the principles of freedom, justice and enlightened jurisprudence, and the highest intellectual achievements of mankind. If we had not reached the reasonable limits of this lecture we would be pleased to consider more fully than we have heretofore done the wonderful and controlling influences which the Hebrew Scriptures through various versions have exerted upon the languages, literatures and civilizations of all subsequent ages. We feel that it would be improper for us, in a brief and cursory manner to speak upon such a rich, important and extensive theme. God divided mankind into various races by the con- fusion of tongues at Babel, but His revealed word for centuries has been exerting a reverse influence in bringing different nations into closer connection and fellowship by establishing a common literature which is ever tending to a unification of all of the children of men. The invention of printing has, under divine providence, enabled the Christian Church to multiply copies of the Bible by mil- lions and in nearly all the languages of mankind. It now has the Pentecostal gift of the Holy Spirit and all the nations hear it speak to them in their own tongues the wonderful works of God. Withou entering into an extended argument to sustain our conclusion, we venture to express the belief that the English speaking peoples, with their enlightened laws and institutions of freedom; with their incomparable literature and with their rich, extensive, diversified and rapidly expanding language, all moulded and invigorated 47 by the Bible, are destined in the providence of God to be the leading actors in evangelizing and civilizing the world, and binding the various races of men in the bonds of Christian brotherhood. LECTURE IV. The Style of Hebrew Poetry. In judging of the beauties and excellencies of the style of Hebrew poetry we can gain but little assistance from the principles and rules of poetic art and criticism which have been established in other nations. It is so essen- tially different from all other poetry in its structure that we can hardly institute any comparison. The Greeks sought to regulate all of their fine arts by beauty and harmony of proportions and relations, and were as carefully artistic in their metrical arrangement of poetry as in the production of their elegant statuary and architecture. In their poetry we find the exquisite pro- ductions of linguistic and metrical art which have exerted a refining influence upon the poetry of subsequent ages. The use of rhyme in modern poetry has contributed to its harmony of diction, but fettered the bold, strong and sublime energies of creative genius. The origin of rhyme is involved in obscurity, but it certainly did not exist to much extent in the poetry of the Hebrews and of the classic productions of antiquity. Rhyme is a creation of modern art, while rhythm springs from the love which exists in the human soul for order, harmony and beauty, and spontaneously gushes out in music and song. Rhythm of language has existed in all ages, and among most of the civilized nations has been regulated by certain well defined technical rules which constitute the art of poetry. Hebrew poetry in the original language must have been full of rhythm, as this characteristic is not lost by translation into the rudest and most inharmonious speech. This rhythm existed both in words and thoughts, and is 49 so inherent and vital that the more literal any translation of Hebrew poetry the greater are the beauties and melo- dies which it transfuses into the foreign tongue. This peculiarity does not exist to the same extent in any other literature. Literal translations of ancient classic poetry into our language are always prosaic, and the affluent versatility of genius is required to give them the rhythm and spirit of poetry. The rhythm and poetry of the Old Testament Scriptures are not confined to the strictly poetical books, but sentences and verses of the finest poetry are found inter- spersed in rich profusion in all their legal and historical books. These poetic sentences and verses gleam like jewels encased in gold, and the prevalence of such an ele- ment in their didactic writings furnishes high evidence of the imaginative temperament and genius of the Hebrew people. Although Hebrew poetry is so full of rhythm and melody there is much doubt as to whether it was originally regulated by any fixed and invariable rules of metrical structure. This subject has called forth much ingenius discussion and elaborate investigation, and still no definite conclusions have been made which are entirely satisfactory to Biblical critics and scholars. The pronunciation of the language and its laws of syllabic quantity and accentuation have long been lost, and the rules of its metrical arrange- ment can never be correctly ascertained, as mankind can never again hear its living tones. Some writers have contended that the existence of such rules of metrical arrangement can reasonably be inferred from well established facts in Hebrew history. Music and poetry are twin sisters of art and exert an influence upon each other. The sacred writings frequently men- tion various kinds of musical instruments, and music and poetry were the subjects of study in the Schools of the Prophets. The Hebrews celebrated their domestic and So social festivals, their victories and parts of their religious services with songs, instrumental music and the sacred dance. From these well attested historical facts the argument has been made that a people so familiar with the melodies of sound and the graceful harmony of motion could not have failed to perceive and appreciate the pleasing rhythm and melody produced in language by the proper adjustment of words and sentences, and that this natural perception would necessarily have soon sug- gested and formed artificial rules of metrical structure. As we have no knowledge of the etymology and grammatical structure of the Hebrew language we are not qualified to express an opinion upon any internal evidence which it furnishes as to the artificial metrical arrangement of the Hebrew poetry. As translated in our English Bible we find that the Psalms need none of the rules of classic and modern versification to bring out their melody, beauty of imagery and sublimity of thought, and when chanted in the Church service they blend in sweet unison with the splendid harmonies of the organ. We know of no reason why Hebrew poetry should not have possessed the same natural capabilities in the original language when chanted in accompaniment to the instruments of music in the Temple service. When the Psalms were introduced into the liturgical services of the Temple they must have been so arranged and adapted to accompanying instruments of music as to be sung in unison by the Levitical choirs and the congrega- tion, but we are inclined to think that no fixed rules of art controlled the authors in their original composition. The Hebrew Bards were men of intense thoughts, emotions and purposes, and their minds and hearts were occupied in contemplating the grandest subjects. Their poems were not simply the products of the imagination, but were full of the solemn realities of eventful history and their own personal experiences and emotions; their 5* joys, their sorrows, their faith, their love for God and their devout ascriptions of thanksgiving and praise. They were poets born, not made, and the breathings of the Holy Spirit inspired their minds and animated their hearts, and they uttered great truths, not only for their own times, but for all the coming ages; and their earnest thoughts and intense emotions were expressed in appro- priate words, which were naturally arranged into rhythmic cadences. They were under the guidance of that Omnis- cience and Omnipotence which has filled the natural world in infinite variety with a melody, beauty and sublimity far surpassing the productions of the most exalted human genius. What were the hanging gardens of Babylon and the sumptuous palaces of Assyria, the massive pyramids and grand temples of Egypt when compared with the excellency of Carmel, the glory of Lebanon and the grandeur of Hermon crowned with eternal snow and yet robed in garments of verdure bright with flowers and sparkling with dews ? What are all the parks and gardens which human art has so elaborately arranged and beautified to gratify the pride and cultivated taste of the proud and great when compared with the majestic primeval forest intersected with noble rivers gleaming in sunshine or sparkling with the light of stars, and the wild gardens which God has planted on the fertile hillsides and in luxuriant valleys filled with exhuberant fruitfulness and picturesque loveliness. Nature needs none of the aids of human skill to regu- late her voices of melody. The birds know no rules of art as they sing their joyous lyrics. The winds and storms — those wild, mighty and mysterious singers — observe no certain metre when they hold their concerts among the woodlands and the hills. No mortal corypheus leads the choir of the jubilant rills, bounding cataracts and solemn flowing rivers as they rehearse their eternal hymns, and God alone touches the organ keys of the ocean and makes 52 the billows swell in glorious symphonies over the vasty deep and sound in sobbing tones or sublime anthems on every shore. The finite mind of man may not be able to comprehend and his heart to feel the divine harmonies of the vast orchestra of nature, but in the ear of the Infinite Leader of the choir of the universe they are ever rehearsing • aright a grand oratorio. With the exception of a few alphabetic and alliterative poems found in the Old Testament Scriptures, the traces of artificial metrical arrangement in Hebrew poetry are too variant and indistinct to form any definite and coher- ent system of poetic art. The Hebrew bards fully understood the energy and power of their language and also its capability of cadence and harmony, and the sublime truths and thoughts given and controlled by divine inspiration were expressed in vivid and appropriate words and imagery, attended with a thrilling rhythm of utterance which was natural and not artificial. They were profoundly conscious of the diverse emotions of the human soul and of the grandeur and varied beauties of nature, but they never indulged in glowing sentimentalism and extended picturesque descrip- tion, which have employed so much of the elegant diction of classic and modern poetic art. Their symbols and metaphors were not used as graceful figures of rhetoric, but as illustrations of divine attributes and to enforce the great truths that absorbed all their thoughts. Their enthusiasm was too intense and their conceptions too vivid to be trammelled by any rigid rules of art. They were nature's poets and God's messengers to mankind, and their messages were for all the ages and were expressed in language to touch the chords of every human heart. We will now consider briefly the most plausible system of rules which have been presented as to the artificial structure of Hebrew poetry. Since the delivery of the justly celebrated lectures of Bishop Lowth, the various 53 styles of Hebrew poetry have generally been included under the generic name of parallelism. It is insisted that such a poetic structure is not found to much extent in any other literature. He defines the term to mean a certain correspondence in words, sentences and thoughts in parallel lines. Subsequent critics and scholars have suggested additions and modifications to Bishop Lowth's system, and presented many illustrative examples, but all concede that there is an obvious rhythmical symmetry of words, thoughts and members. This symmetry in Hebrew poetry has been very appropriately styled "thought rhythm," as all the ideas conveyed are in har- monious accord, and in unison with the finest and purest affections, sentiments and feelings of man's moral and religious nature. It does not need the elaborate elegance and delicate finish of art to display its excellence, but with simple and inherent power it wakens a melody in the soul which words cannot fully express, but which is breathed in longing aspirations for a higher, holier and immortal life. The parallelistic arrangement certainly exists in the structure of Hebrew poetry. It may not be as pleasing to an artistic and cultivated taste as the euphony of rhyme or the modulated metre and musical flow of blank verse and the Classic hexameter, but its comparatively inartificial structure allowed greater free- dom in the use of words and sentences, and was thus better suited to express the grand and lofty conceptions and emotions of an earnest, impassioned, imaginative and primitive people. We have a very limited knowledge upon this subject, but it seems to us that too great a variety of species of parallelism have been presented to admit of any definite laws regulating their artificial structure. Bishop Lowth divides the parallelism into three dis- tinctive species, to which we will briefly refer, without giving his full definitions and illustrations. 54 The synonymous parallelism is more frequently used than any other, and consists in the repetition of the same sentiment in parallel lines in different but equivalent terms. In illustrating this species of parallelism, an English poet and critic finely remarked, ''In repeating the same idea in different words the Hebrew muse seems as if displaying a fine opal that discovers fresh beauty in every new light in which it is turned. Numerous and beautiful passages in the Old Testament might be cited as exam- ples of this kind of parallelism. The antithetic parallelism was also used by the Hebrew bards in their didactic and sententious poetry when any- thing was illustrated by its contrary being placed in opposition, thus, The heaven is my throne and The earth is my footstool, showing the importance and grandeur of one over the other. And again, as setting forth the greatness, majesty and glory of God, as compared with man. It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, And the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers. I am not able to form a clear and satisfactory concep- tion of the synthetic parallelism from the definition of Bishop Lowth. He says, in substance, that it consists only in the similar form of construction of sentences in which there is some correspondence and equality between different propositions. He also says: 'The degrees of the correspondence of the lines of this sort of parallels must, from the nature of it, be various. Sometimes the parallelism is more, sometimes less exact, sometimes hardly apparent." While there is some general resemblance between many of the illustrative examples given by writers on this subject, yet in nearly every instance there is some marked diversity. Most of such examples are highly 55 poetic in sentiment and diction, and may be classed to- gether on account of their general similitude, but they manifest no artistic intention of making them similar in literary structure. They may be compared to the moun- tains which God has constructed. Between the separate elevations of a mountain range there is a correspondence in form and nature, as they are all mountains rising from the valleys toward the heavens, and yet they all have many distinctive features, and together they form a grand and imposing prospect as they gleam with the beauty of the sunlight, or are dimly discovered through their misty veils, or are seen robed with the tranquil azure of the distance. Thus the elevated thoughts and feelings of the inspired bards were constructed into resembling forms of poetic language, rhythmical in cadences and glowing with truth and beauty, without any artistic intention in the choice of words and the structure of sentences. We often find the various species of parallelism so closely and intimately intermingled that they cannot be sep- arated without disturbing the harmony and beauty of the composition. In Isaiah's description of the coming golden age of the Messiah, we find, not only the three species of parallel- ism designated by Bishop Lovvth, but many other forms of Hebrew poetry. They were combined and blended into a magnificent synthetic poem, not by any rules of poetic art, but by the untrammelled power of divine inspiration and the highest genius. It is a splendid out- burst of poetic rapture, produced by the glorious scenes of the coming future that gleamed with celestial radiance upon the spiritual vision of the prophet bard. The lan- guage in which he pictured his vivid imagery, and express- ed his sublime thoughts, gushed from his mind and heart in spontaneous freedom, purity, beauty and liquid melody, just like the crystal, musical and leaping rills flow from the sides of Hermon to form the rolling and swelling Jordan. 56 V I will not refer to the other species of parallelism pointed out by learned Biblical critics and scholars. The diversity of species and examples which they present tend to show that the Hebrew bards were not controlled by fixed rules of art in the structure of the parallelism. The Hebrew parallelism, consisting of brief, sententious and simple propositions in parallel lines, was a natural and not an artificial arrangement of language, and was not metrical in its structure. Exactness, uniformity, regu- larity, skill, and strict carefulness are some of the prop- erties and rules of art in the construction of poetic com- position. The productions of the Hebrew bards seem to be the spontaneous outgushing of fervid thoughts and feelings glowing with imagery and rhythmical with natu- ral melodies. Nature seems to use the principle of the parallelism of resemblance, comparison or contrast in displaying many of her highest beauties and sublimest objects, but uses it in infinite variety, as did the Hebrew bards. The ocean rolling billow after billow on the shore and yet each billow having a slightly variant sound, produced by the diverse influences of the changeful winds and the ebbing and flowing tides, is a striking example of nature's synony- mous parallelism. We often see an antithetic parallelism in nature when a dark and stormy night is followed by a clear morning, and the tranquil skies are beautifully blue, and soft melodies are floating on the balmy air, and the sportive sunbeams are sparkling and glowing on the rich and dewy verdure of the landscape. The still vast night when the stars in serene and silvery brightness are moving through the dark fields of immen- sity in ceaseless and glorious march around a grand central and controlling orb in the far distant regions of the uni- verse, is a synthetic poem of wondrous beauty and im- pressive grandeur. The beauty and expressiveness of symbols, metaphors, 57 parables and allegories are in a great degree dependent upon the parallelism which they present. How often do we see in poetry and prose a parallelism between the sea- sons of the year and the different periods of human life. The Spring is youth with its brightness, freshness and hope; the Summer is manhood with its ardor, passionate energy and development of power; Autumn is the time of fruition, repose and gentle decline, and hoary Winter is the season of old age, decrepitude and death. The whole realm of nature and the departments of art are full of rich, varied and beautiful parallelisms which are sources of poetic inspiration and intellectual pleasures. We will not dwell longer upon the subject of parallelisms which are generally conceded to be characteristic pecul- airities of Hebrew poetry. We will not further consider the vexed question, whether Hebrew poetry in connection with the parallelism had any artificial rules of metrical arrangement. A knowledge of the rules of Hebrew metre, if any ever existed, might satisfy the eager curiosity of archaeologists but would not contribute much to the en- lightenment of mankind. The spirit of Hebrew poetry is immortal and its beauty of imagery and sublimity, its tearful pathos and its holy and blessed truths are trans- fused into every language in which the Bible has been translated. The style of the Hebrew bards is highly symbolic and metaphorical. Many of the symbols and metaphors were derived from familiar natural objects and the scenes and occurances of social and domestic life, which gave sim- plicity to their poetry and made it more pleasing and in- telligible to the popular mind. How frequent and how beautiful are the illustrations which they derived from the animal and vegetable kingdoms and from the broad fields of the earth and the skies. The rose, the lily, the vine, the figtree, the cedar and palm, and other trees and flowers, are interwoven in their garlands of song, fresh in 58 living" verdure, fragrant with rich perfumes and sparkling with dews. In referring to the rich fancy of the Hebrew poets in the natural world we may liken them to the Psalmists' discription of the dove, whose wings are 4< covered with silver and her feathers with yellow gold;" and they often mounted on wings as eagles and soared to the home of the thunder and storm and to the still higher regions of immensity and unclouded light; and on the wings of the morning they went to the uttermost parts of the sea, and everywhere found the majesty, the power, the goodness and the glory of God. The Hebrew poets also invested inanimate objects with the attributes of sentient life. To them the harmonious voices of the hills, woods and streams; the deep tones of the thunder, the tempest and restless sea were intelligible utterances and were translated into their poetry. To them the roar of the lion, the screams of the eagle, the songs of the birds and the chirps of insects were filled with poetic meaning. The description of the warhorse in Job is intensely poetical. It is more picturesque and glow- ing than a painting. The pen of inspired genius is far more graphic than the pencil of art. The Hebrew poets felt that they lived in a grand sanc- tified earthly temple, luminous with the presence of Jehovah, decorated with the beauties of nature which He had formed, and ever sounding with multitudinous tones of melody. Every object and living creature that sur- rounded them were animated with an intelligent and communing spirit, ever teaching the love and watchful care of an invisible but omnipotent Father. The Hebrew bards truly " looked through nature up to nature's God" and from him and the works of His hands received their sublime inspiration. They loved to hear the voices of nature and see her various beauties; and she taught them to modulate their melodies of language, and furnished their glorious imagery. They were also familiar with the 59 harmonies of the human heart when swelling with en- thusiasm, bounding with joy, sobbing with, sorrow or breathing out the earnest and reverential accents of thanksgiving and praise. Much of the Hebrew poetry was lyrical, and, even in our language, has a pleasing rhythmic flow which is easily adapted to elegant music. The book of Psalms, called in the Hebrew language " The Book of Praises," is a collection of sacred lyrics. The name given this book in the Septuagint version clearly shows that the Psalms were chanted in accompaniment to stringed instruments of music. The Word Psalm was derived from a Greek verb signifying "to touch or strike a chord." We have abundant evidence for believing that the Hebrews were fond of music and attained high excellence in that beautiful art. From various examples recorded in the Old Testament, and from the form of most of their lyrical productions we may properly conclude that their sacred hymns were from the earliest times chanted in re- sponsive melodies. This was the manner prescribed by David for the Temple service, and the Priests and Levites responded in alternate choirs. Isaiah describes the Sera- phim as chanting in the same manner the praises of Jehovah in the Heavenly Temple " Holy ! Holy ! Holy ! is the Lord ot Hosts The whole earth is tull of His glory." The antiphonal or responsive style of chanting sacred hymns was used by the Greeks and other ancient nations and was almost invariably adopted in the Christian Churhes of the patristic ages. Neither the Hebrews, the Greeks or any other nation of antiquity had a full knowledge of the delicacy, variety and richness of the harmony of sounds which have added so much to the glory of music in modern times. Among the ancients music was simply an art, now it may be re- garded as an elegant and complicated science. This ad- 6o vancement of music had its origin at an early age in the religious services of the Christian Church. Christian music exerted a refining and elevating influence, and to- gether with Christian art and poety greatly assisted in producing the splendid aesthetic culture of modern civili- zation. Music as a science combines melody and harmony. The technical signification of melody is an arrangement in succession of different sounds of the same voice or in- strument. Harmony is the result of the union of two or more concording musical sounds. When properly attuned musical strings of varying tones are struck in pleasing succession melody is produced. When two or more strings that are in unison are touched at the same time their sounds blend into harmony. There may be melody with- out harmony, but harmony is always the union of melodies. The varying notes of the bird, the diverse whisperings of the breezes and the continuous murmurings of the rills are full of melody, but such sounds are not in artistic harmony. The musical instruments of the ancient nations were rude and simple and not capable of much delicacy, variety and compass of accordant sounds. The skillful performer could produce the mazy running melodies of sound but could not waken many accordant notes and combine and blend them in sweet harmonies. We know, however that ancient music had an enlivening, stirring and even en- rapturing effect upon the hearers. How often in Grecian history and literature do we read of the magical influence of the Doric flute and the Lesbian lyre. The timbrels of Miriam and her maidens accompanying the chorus of the triumphal hymn of Moses, filled the hearts of rescued Israel with holy raptures; and the witchery of David's harp exorcised the evil spirit from the bosom of Saul. The effects of music depend in a great degree upon attendant circumstances and the feelings and tastes of the hearers. The sublime oratorios of Handel, Mozart and 6i Beethoven are universally admired by the Christian world, as they awaken in every mind and heart grand associations of thought and holy emotions. The elegant and complex opera may be highly appre- ciated by cultivated musical amateurs whose ears are at- tuned to delicate, various and nicely blending harmonies, but we find that the sweet melodies of the simple songs that are sung in solo always produce the encoring outburst of popular appreciation and applause. The wild Indian would listen with stolid indifference to the sublimest and most finished production of musical genius, when a rude war-song of the braves around the council fire* would arouse all the fierce and cruel passions of his savage nature and make him rush on danger without a single feeling of fear. The wonderful influences of the songs of the Scald, the lays of the minstrels and the home ballads of the peasant are so well attested in history that I will only refer to them by way of illustration. The precise character of Hebrew music is unknown, but we have abundant information as to the influence which it exerted on the popular mind and heart. From the nature of the instruments used in the Temple service the music must have been loud and shrill, but it was well adapted to the exultant and joyous Psalms of thanksgiving and praise that were chanted by the choirs of Levites and responded to by the great congregation of the people. As the choirs of Levites were numerous and well trained, and were composed of male and female singers we may well suppose that they had some knowledge of the prin- ciples of harmony, and that the various voices did not mingle discordant strains. Their glorious anthems may not have swelled through the courts and porches of the Temple in rich and varied harmonies, but we feel assured that to the devout Israelites they were as soul-stirring and heart-subduing as the sublime choruses of the Te Deurn and the weeping melodies of the Miserere as they swell 62 through the marble corridors, lengthened aisles and lofty- arches of St. Peter's, and hush in profound silence all but the sobbing voices from hearts of penitent worshipers. But all our conjectures are in vain. The Old Hebrew harps have been silent for twenty-five centuries. Since they were hung upon the willows of Babylon to catch the sighs of the moaning winds, no hand has waked their sweet and noble melodies; but the grand and glorious songs of Zion that thrilled the hearts of the old Hebrews in the age of their national pride and glory, have in after times carried messages of admonition, instruction, comfort and joyto the people of God, and they will in a coming age blend in the harmonies of the sublime anthem of universal worship as it arises from earth to heaven. LECTURE V. Some of the Events in the History of the Hebrews which Contributed to their Poetic Development. In comparing Hebrew poetry with the poetry of other nations any one will be impressed with the fact that the Hebrew bards expressed their sublime thoughts and intense moral and spiritual emotions with remarkable force, terseness and simplicity, and illustrated them with unusually vivid and appropriate imagery. Much of their sublimity of conception was derived from Divine inspira- tion, but there were many natural causes well calculated to give fertility, elevation and vividness to their genius. We will consider some of these causes in this and suc- ceeding lectures. The early history of a nation is one of the most fertile fields of poetic thought and imagery. The genius of poesy loves to linger among those remote scenes and events over which time has cast a misty veil, mellowing what was dark and terrible into grand and beautiful imagery; just as distance throws its hazy enchantment over the rugged features of nature and softens and blends the lights and shadows and various objects which form the pleasing landscape. In this respect the Hebrew bards possessed peculiar advantages, as they had a history extending far back into the misty regions of antiquity, and fuller of important events and thrilling incidents than the history of any other people that ever existed; and these events and incidents were continually presented to their minds with 6 4 wonderful distinctness and power in the yearly celebration of their national feasts and religious ordinances. The land in which they lived was almost as fertile and beautiful as the garden of Eden, and nearly every spot was hallowed by memories of divine blessings and by interesting historic associations. They were endowed with the warm and glowing fancy of the Orient, and were highly susceptible of grand and beautiful impressions. We will now rapidly refer to some of the great events which necessarily gave coloring and vividness to their fancy, and first of all stands forth the sublime scenes of creation. The first chapter of Genesis furnishes the grandest historic panorama ever presented to human con- templation. In every line it bears the impress of divinity. It is the oldest record of history and the only one that gives any definite account of the origin of the earth and the creation of man. Blot it out and these great events would ever be unfathomable mysteries to mankind. The wonderful, but still imperfect discoveries of physical science, as interpreted by infidel and undevout philoso- phers, have created in skeptical minds some speculative doubts as to the truthfulness of the Mosaic narrative; but no such doubts existed in the minds of the Hebrews. They were not acquainted with the "Records of the Rocks," and knew nothing of the teachings of Copernican astronomy. They looked upon the world as it appeared to their vision, and had entire confidence in the narrative of their great leader and lawgiver, who had afforded so many evidences of his supernatural wisdom and power, and his immediate converse with Jehovah. When they read or heard the account given in their sacred book of the marvelous events of creation, with fervent faith they formed vivid conceptions of that period, when, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of 65 God moved upon the face of the waters;" and their devout minds were filled with the noblest emotions by those sublime creative words, "And God said, Let there be light." What a magnificent scene was then presented, witnessed only by God and the angels, and revealed to Moses in glorious vision. Upon the utterance of those creative words the dark waters and thick clouds which curtained the pavilion of Jehovah's secret habitation were rent asunder, and light beamed from the eternal throne and cast a flood of celestial radiance over the turbid ocean of chaos and made it glitter and gleam with golden glory. The heart of a pious Hebrew must have been filled with feelings of the highest rapture when, with vivid mental vision, he saw, in grand succession, the unveiling scenes of the wondrous panorama of creation — when God covered Himself with light as with a garment, stretched out the heavens like a curtain, laid the beams of His chambers in the waters, made the clouds His chariots and walked upon the wings of the wind, attended by angel spirits and ministers like a flaming fire. What grand emotions must have thrilled his soul when his fancy pictured the earth as it was upheaved amid the receding waters and was covered in rapid succession with fresh verdure, bright and odoriferous flowers and with clustering vines and trees laden with luscious fruits; while the waters gathered into rushing rivers, gurgling streams, and "springs in the valleys that ran among the hills," or settled into broad and shining lakes and seas, or rolled in magnificent billows that chafed in angry murmurs on the ocean's shore, as if restive and impatient, even at Omnipotent control. We imagine that the fourth scene in the panorama of creation would have excited, in the highest degree, the impressible and enthusiastic nature of an Oriental. When the sun seemed to come out of the gorgeous chambers of the East and slowly moved in radiant splendors up the 66 blue arch of the firmament, dispelling the misty vapors, flooding the earth with golden light, giving a fresher verdure to grass and herb and tree, shedding richness of color and sweeter perfume upon the shining flowers, and glowing in quivering beams upon the living waters, and then, when his munificent course was run, casting a back- ward glance of iridescent glory upon the earth and skies which he had beautified and blessed. Then twilight moved with silent shadows over the slumberous earth, and from the gathering gloom of the coming night the little, timid, trembling stars peeped out like the twinkling eyes of the immortals from their celestial homes, and then the moon, in queenly beauty, attended by the shining planets, made the heavens "darkly, deeply and beautifully blue," and covered with soft, mellow and silvery light the objects which had just been glowing with the golden glories of the day, and then the balmy breezes and lull- ing voices of nature breathed their gentle and soothing melodies. We are not surprised that primeval man when he lost the knowledge of the true God should have bowed in worship to the sun and heavenly hosts, as they are grand objects and were well calculated to inspire the unenlightened child of nature with feelings of the highest adoration. To the Hebrews who had a correct knowledge of Him who placed the sun in the firmament and guided all the heavenly hosts in their unerring and shining courses, the daily and nightly scenes which they witnessed were but manifestations of divine goodness and mercy, and while they elevated their feelings of adoration for the great creator, they were not objects of idolatrous worship. The ideas and emotions which they inspired were sublimely poetical, and the grandest and most beautiful metaphors of the Hebrew bards were derived from the gorgeous skies of their Orient clime. We will not refer at any length to the other scenes 6; presented in the panorama of creation, although they are full of poetic suggestions and imagery. Then were created the monsters of the deep and the countless myriads of living creatures that moved in the waters. Then the wide expanded firmament and the vast forests of earth were filled with flying fowls, and with the singing birds that rejoiced in the instincts of life and poured forth their sweetest melodies. Then the hills and valleys were covered with numerous animals of various forms and na- tures that were wonderfully adapted for the purposes of their creation. Then man stood amidst the sinless bowers of Paradise, made in the image of God, but a little lower than the angels, and invested with power and dominion over every living creature of earth. Then came the Sabbath, especially sanctified by God for rest, holiness and worship. How exceedingly beautiful must that first Sabbath have been, when God in visible glory was present in the holy temple which He had just finished, and all created things were offering sinless adora-. tion and praise, and were listening with devout and pure raptures to the hymning harmonies of the angels. Earth was then but an outer court of the heavenly sanctuary, and life to man was fresh, joyous and immortal. No son of genius in his brightest dreams, no prophet in the hightest ecstacies of inspiration ever saw a vision of earth as gloriously beautiful as that first Sabbath which God blessed and hallowed when the work of creation was done. It will come no more to the sin-cursed earth, but will dawn again on the Millennial morning, and then brighten into the higher radiance and glory of the eternal day in Heaven. The fall of man which " Brought death into the world and all our woe, With loss of Eden," was one of the most important events in history. It was the beginning of 'man's sinful and sorrowful destiny. The 68 sacred record of this event is very short, but it must have been very impressive and suggestive to the Hebrews. It filled the mind of Milton with grander imagery and more eloquent and rhythmic thoughts than were ever conceived by any other uninspired genius. What a wonderful transi- tion for our first parents, from a condition of immortality, perfect purity, holiness and bliss, into a condition of sin, pain, labor, suffering and expectant death ! Can there ever be a scene of human sorrow so full of deep and thrill- ing pathos as the departure from the Eden home of love, light and joy ? When the streams, the trees, the flowers, the breezes and the pure angel spirits of Eden sent forth a melancholy chant of pity and farewell to Adam and Eve as with sorrowing hearts and weeping eyes they passed beneath the flaming sword of the Cherubim, into the dark world of exile, carrying with them none of the blessings of Eden, but human love, memories of joy and beauty and the blessed hope of Heaven through a Re- deemer. How sad and drear and lonely must have been the first days of their exile. No angel voices cheered their drooping hearts, or with etherial melodies soothed their troubled slumbers. No more could they gather the luscious fruits which their sinless lips had tasted, and they thirsted in vain for the crystal waters that flowed by the tree of life. The flowers that bloomed in amaranthine bowers no longer delighted their sight and made them breathe delicious perfumes. The birds still sang in the bramble and brake, and in the wild woodlands, but they had lost the joyous trill with which they had once joined in the choir of the angels. The animals once so tame, so gentle, so sportive and so loving had now become es- tranged from man and each other. The blood of the lamb was on the fangs of the wolf, and the down of the dove was on the beak of the vulture. With crested head and quivering tongue the poisonous basilisk coiled in the pathway, the eagle screamed from his eyrie as he swooped 69 for his prey, the fiery eye of the tiger gleamed from the jungle, and the angry roar of the lion made every living thing tremble with fear. Altnough man lost so much by the fall still God in His infinite goodness and mercy made earth a beautiful home, and watched with loving and tender care over his erring children. Adam and Eve were soothed in their sadness •by the blessed hope of redemption, and during their long and checkered lives had many days of brightness and joy, mingled with days of darkness and sorrow. These primal scenes in human history are full of beauty and poetry to us, but they must have been far more impressive to the earnest and religious Hebrews in the beautiful land which God had given to them for an inheritance. The^ short fragmentary history of the antediluvian age is very suggestive of poetical thoughts to an im- aginative mind. Adam was created in the image of His Maker, in the full perfection of manhood, and must have possessed extensive knowledge and wisdom, which his centuries of life enabled him to communicate to his descendants. The longevity of the antediluvian patri- archs afforded them ample time and opportunities to increase in knowledge, and improve the arts and sciences which contributed to the necessities, comforts and ele- gancesof life. They built cities and many of them "became mighty men which were of old men of renown." Then the "sons of God" loved and wooed the beautiful daughters of men, and lived with them in wedded bliss. Then Jabal and his children pitched their tents on the green hillsides and fertile valleys, and in the midst of flocks and herds, dwelt in the quiet contentment of plenty and repose. Then the tuneful sons of Jubal made their simple harps and pipes breathe forth sweet melodies to their astonished, delighted and rejoicing kindred. Then Tubal-Cain on his ringing anvil taught men how to form the sword and 7° spear for angry strife, and the plow-share and pruning- hook for peaceful husbandry. The fact is worthy of being noticed in this connection, that Lamech, the first poet of whom we have any history, was the father of Jabal, Jubal and Tubal-Cain, the in- ventors of the arts to which we have referred. Pastoral life and the arts have always been associated with poetry. The song which Lamech sang to his dis- tressed and weeping wives has been called the "song of the sword." It is the only extant antediluvian song, and was transmitted by tradition through many dark centuries and, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, was recorded by Moses. It seems to have been preserved because it was the prelude notes of the awful diapason of war and carnage, which, amid the wail of humanity, has resounded through succeeding ages. It was the first recorded song of sinful man, and recalls to our memory the facts that, at the creation of the sinless earth, "the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy," and the first song of the Gospel was the anthem of glory, peace and good will to men which the angels sang to the shepherds of Bethlehem. We will not dwell longer upon the antediluvian age. With the exception of the short narrative of Moses, it has no authentic history. It has ever been and will ever be a period of mystery and conjecture. No mortal hand will ever uncover the flood-buried annals of mankind. Many traditions and legends of this age must have existed among the Hebrews and filled up omissions in their fragmentary sacred history, and must have presented vivid pictures of antediluvian patriarchal life, and pro- duced many songs and poems which have been lost in the whelming tides of time. No event in the history of the world produced a more profound and lasting impression upon the ancient nations than the deluge. Traditions of this event, resembling in 7i many respects the Mosaic narrative, existed among the Chaldeans, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and other Oriental nations, and were also found among the American Indians, the Mexicans and Peruvians, upon a distant continent, unknown to the nations of the ancient world. These traditions mingled with the religious beliefs of these nations and constituted a large ingredient in their poetical literature. We may well conclude that an event so graphically recorded by Moses, and so implicitly believed by his people, and so suggestive of terror, power and immensity, must have highly excited the fervid imagina- tion, and stirred to the utmost depths the souls of the religious Hebrews. Even in this distant age, the short, simple and impressive narrative of Moses, enfeebled as it is by translation into our language, presents a vivid and sublime picture. We can form only a faint conception of the thoughts and emotions which must have filled the minds and hearts of Noah and his family when shut up in the ark by the hand of God, saddened with human sorrows, but in the tranquil confidence of faith, and in security and solemn repose, they passed unharmed through the great world drama. Universal night, as deep and dark as chaos, shrouded the earth, the windows of heaven were opened and forth came the rushing torrents and the howling storms. The fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the cruel hungry waters, in seething billows, gatheied around their shrieking and defenceless victims. Loud wails of agony sounded through the terrific gloom, rising above the roar of the tempests, and grew fainter and fainter in the continuous midnight. Then was heard "A solitary shriek, the bubbling- cry, Of some strong swimmer in his agony," and then all became still save the triumphant shouts of the winds and waves as they swept over that ocean 72 without a shore. Long they kept their wild revels over the vast watery grave of the sinful race, and then they became obedient to the Almighty power that sent them forth on their dread mission of devastation and death; and the winds were tamed into breezes and the subdued waters rolled in playful and musical billows over the bosom of the receding ocean. The raven messenger returned not from his unweared flight; the timid dove three times sent forth upon the restless winds, at last brought an emblem of peace and good will; the mountains rose into the serene heavens amid the sunlit air, and then the purged and renovated earth smiled in fresh verdure and beauty. The smoke of the sacrifice then ascended from Noah's rude altar, and then upon the astonished vision of the late flood-voyagers shone the bow of promise in motionless calm and glorious radiance, the effulgent and benignant light of the great eye of heaven glowing on the dark bosom of the receding storm. Some of the grandest poetry in every literature is derived from the contemplation of the ocean. Whether tortured into fury by the wintry storms or reposing in calm benignant glory beneath bright summer skies, the ocean is an emblem of vastness, dread magnificence and power, and fills the mind and heart with a sublimity of awe that is produced by no other object in the natural world. We feel that it is an image of eternity, a " glorious mirror where the Almighty's form" is almost visible, and it rolls on "fathomless and alone" ** Time writes no wrinkle on thine azure brow Such as creation's dawn beheld, thou rollest now." Yet man passes over its watery wildernesses, encounters its wild billows and reaches the safe harbors of commerce. He can measure its expanse, map out its currents, dive into its caverns and gather its hid treasures, and send the lightning bearing human thoughts over its submerged valleys and mountains. It was not so with the unknown, 73 the illimitable and fathomless oceans of Chaos and the Deluge. If the Atlantic and Pacific, as they mingle their waters and sweep round the globe, clap their hands in fierce joy and call to each other across the continent, produce such high poetic inspirations and furnish such magnificent imagery, we may somewhat conceive the in- fluence upon the minds and hearts of the Hebrews while contemplating in fervid thought that universal ocean that once rolled in darkness over the unformed world; or those shoreless and whelming tides upon which floated the solitary Ark bearing the remnant of the human race and moving without chart and compass under the guidance of an Omnipotent Pilot until safely anchored upon the top of lofty Ararat. The short post-diluvian history to the time of Abraham, showing the formation of the different nations and the re-peopling of the earth by various migrations, presented manv striking scenes which together with many traditions opened a wide field for the poetic fancy and speculative thought of the Hebrews. The divine call of Abraham, accompanied with the promise that he should be the father of a great nation and in him should all the families of the earth be blessed, was the most important event in early Hebrew history. It was the genesis of that peculiar and distinctive race, and all the attendant circumstances of tribal development were well calculated to fill the hearts of their posterity with pious, patriotic and poetic feelings. We know that primal events in the histories of other peoples were fruitful sources of poetic sentiment. The Phcenecian Cecrops founded the kingdom of Attica, and the mythic stories of those early days were immortalized in Grecian art, elo- quence and song. ^Eneas fleeing from the ruins of Troy, and after varied fortunes reaching the Lavinian shore and planting the germ of the Latin race, is the subject of Virgil's sublime epic. The landing of Hengist and Horsa 74 and their Saxon followers on the shores of Britain is an important and poetic era in English history. The simple annals of the Pilgrim Fathers and the Christian heroism which they displayed in laying the foundations of our free civil and religious institutions kindle the genius and patriotism of the American people, thrill and renovate the heart, and have produced some of the finest eloquence and poetry in our literature: ; No poet of ancient or modern times has ever drawn an ideal character equal to that of the God chosen Abraham, or in their brightest dreams of genius have conceived of scenes of pastoral quietude, contentment and repose comparable in simple beauty to those presented in the sacred history of that grand old nomadic chieftain dwell-' ing on the wolds of Canaan. He was so just and generous in all his intercourse with his neighbors. With tender and fatherly care he watched over his obedient family and instructed them in his sublime faith and wisdom. No dreams of ambition, no longings for temporal power, no cares and anxieties about earthly wealth ever marred the quietude of his repose or disturbed the serenity of his noble spirit. In his hospitable tents the poor and strangers found a cordial welcome, and angels were sometimes his guests. He was brave and unselfish and ever ready to succor the wronged and oppressed. He possessed and always exhibited the noblest traits of human character, and well deserved his glorious destiny, as the " Friend of God," the progenitor of a great nation and the spiritual father of the faithful in all coming ages. ' The histories of Isaac and Jacob, although written in simple prose, are full of the spirit and imagery of poetry. The story of Joseph is an idyl of incomparable pathos and beauty. It has won the admiration of every age, and no one who has any poetry in his soul can read it without feeling the sweetest and tenderest emotions, while his eyes are hazy with tears. 75 Now we come to the long sojourn in Egypt, the "land of cloudless clime and starry skies," the land of treasure, cities, pyramids, obelisks and gorgeous temples of the sun, the land of the figtree, the lotus and palm, and where the generous Nile, with its wealth of sweet waters, made a fertile garden in the desert. In the green pas- tures of Goshen the sons of Jacob dwelt as herdsmen and shepherds under the munificent care of their princely brother. Then came the hard bondage under the Pharaoh who knew not Joseph. Then a beautiful and wondrous child was placed by a pious mother, with love and faith, in a frail cradle upon the turbid river, and he was reared in the palaces of Egypt, and was instructed in all the wisdom of that highly cultured people. Then came the set time for Israel's deliverance. The sound of the cruel taskmaster's scourge and the supplicating cries and wails of anguish that had long ascended from the sweltering brick-fields and from the sorrowful homes of toiling and oppressed Israel, had been heard in heaven. A voice had spoken from the burning bush in Horeb, and the Midian shepherd, invested with divine power and wisdom, had returned from his mountain solitude to enter upon his mighty mission. Then commenced the grand drama of the exodus. Pharaoh would not let Israel go to serve their God, and nine times terrible judgments fell upon the people of that beautiful land. The Hebrews in their heaven-protected homes witnessed the terrific and won- drous scenes that were enacted around them. With ready obedience they consecrated their homes with the hyssop and blood of the lamb and prepared the Passover supper. With due preparation for journeying, they were eating in haste, when in the deep gloom of the midnight the startled air rang with the wild shrieks of a nation's agony, for the first-born in every Egyptian home was dead. Then came the command, "go forward," and on the desert pathway of the multitudinous host shone in blazing 7 6 radiance the moving pillar of fire. No people ever had such a commencement to their national destiny, and these initial scenes were but the beginning of wonders. Toil- worn and weary with three days' march they reached the sea. The rapid tread of Pharaoh's advancing hosts and the noise of the chariot wheels were heard behind, and before them were the rolling and leaping waters. Their hearts were filled with fear and their mouths with bitter murmurings, but their undaunted leader stretched forth his rod over the swelling waves, and a strong east wind, like a mighty hand, rolled up the billows into walls as firm as adamant, and timid Israel went down on dry ground into the bosom of the deep and received the bap- tism of the sea, and when the morning came they stood in safety and freedom on the farther shore, and the pur- suing Egyptians were swallowed by the waves returning in their strength. Jehovah "hath triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea." Then from millions of rejoicing hearts swelled out a grand song of triumph over the desert and wild waters, and was echoed by the timbrels and choruses of Miriam and the women of rescued Israel. This was the first day of Israel's accom- plished freedom, and the first act of their national life was a grand triumphal and thanksgiving song, which seemed to consecrate them as Jehovah's earthly musicians and poets. Then commenced the stern discipline of the desert to prepare them for their higher destiny as a religious na- tion — a nation of priests holy unto the Lord. They tasted the bitter waters of Marah and murmured. With glad hearts they pitched their tents by the wells and palm trees of Elim. With astonished gaze they looked upon the dewy manna gleaming in the morning light. Then they fought with Amalek under the banner of Jehovah - Nissi. Then they saw sweet waters gushing from the 77 rock of Horeb and in limpid coolness flowing along their hot and dusty desert pathway. Then, in the deep sub- limity of reverential awe, they stood beside trembling Sinai, and from its summit, mantled in thick clouds illumined with lightnings, they heard Jehovah pronounce His inexorable law. " The terrors of that awful day, though past, Have on the tide of time great glory cast." Every night when the Hebrews retired to rest they saw the pillar of fire blazing above the camp, and when they woke in the morning the first object that met their view was the pillar of cloud illumined with the roseate light of the dawn. In the midst of the encamping hosts stood the gorgeous Tabernacle, the dwelling place of Jehovah, cover- ing the Ark of the Covenant, the winged Cherubim and the fadeless Shechinah. The giving of the law and the conse- cration of the Tabernacle completed the organization of the nation, and we believe that the first act of their completed national life was the singing of the ninetieth Psalm — the song of Moses, " The Psalm of Eternity," the grand Te Deum, which through the ages has given consolation and joy to the living and the dying, and irradiated the memories and graves of the dead. We will not trace the history of the wilderness wanderings. After forty years of wondrous events Israel crossed the Jordan " dry shod" and pitched their tents in the beautiful land of Promise, their fore- fathers home. With such a varied and marvellous history gleaming with supernatural glory, and continued through eventful centuries, is it to be a matter of astonishment that Israel was a nation of bards, some of whose songs and sublime poems have so long thrilled the hearts of mankind and are destined to be the joy of the whole earth. LECTURE VI. Messianic Hopes. — Climate and Scenery o* Palestine. Although the Hebrews had a grand and glorious history they had national and religious hopes still more glorious. The golden age of the heathen poets was in the past, but the Hebrew bards, while not unmindful of the past, were inspired with brighter expectations of the future; and they eagerly longed for the coming glories of the expected morning when the Sun of Righteousness would arise with healing in His wings. The genius of the Greek and Roman poets was kindled by contemplating the myths and traditions of fabulous and heroic ages; but the souls of the Hebrew bards glowed with fervid enthu- siasm, as, with the vivid visions of prophetic hope, they looked through the long vista of the future and saw, surrounded with triumphal splendors, the glorious King who would rule His people Israel; who would establish His throne on Mount Zion, and have dominion over the whole earth. That then the haughty and cruel Assyrian and Chaldean would be trodden under the feet of the conqueror, and the wild sons of Ishmael and Edom would bring tribute to the children of Jacob. With what a glorious burst of lyric rapture did Isaiah picture the future of Jerusalem — the type of the Church of God, — "Arise, shine, for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light and kings to the brightness of thy rising." "Whereas, thou has been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee; I will make thee an eternal excellency; a joy of many generations." "The 79 sun no more shall be thy light by day; neither for bright- ness shall the moon give light unto thee, but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God, thy glory." Such thoughts, feelings and bright Messianic hopes must necessarily have given a rich and gorgeous coloring to the fancy of the Hebrews, as they entered into the faith and feelings of the entire nation. Tney stirred the languid blood and kindled with beaming light the eyes of the old patriarch as he sat at his tent door at even- tide and mused in holy contemplation upon the promised blessings of Jehovah, and watched the sun softly sinking behind the purple shadows of the hills to rise again and gild with glory the portals of the morning. Such thoughts and hopes were ever present with the Priests and Levites, and hallowed their ministrations; and made luminous with the light of faith all the mystic rites of the ceremonial service. They added a heavenly ra- diance to the smile of love which played upon the face of the young Hebrew mother as she soothed her beau- teous first-born son to quiet slumbers; and then the yearning hope for the Promised One made her bow, with almost adoration, beside the innocent and sleeping child. On the lonely Judean hill, when the midnight had hushed all nature in solemn stillness and repose, the de- vout shepherd, as he tended his sleeping flock, and, in holy contemplation, gazed upon the deep blue skies, glow- ing with the emblazonry of orient stars, often had a more glorious mental vision of a coming time when the Expected One would appear as the Great Shepherd of Israel, and gather His spiritual flocks into the secure folds of His love, guide them gently and safely through the dark and dangerous valleys of earth; and then lead them to the green pastures on the everlasting hills of heaven, to drink the crystal waters of the river of life. < The sublimest poetic raptures thrilled the hearts and il- 8o lumined the imagination of the ancient prophets when in vivid vision they saw " The Prince of Peace, The Won- derful, The Councellor;" and their rapt and inspired souls heard some of the symphonies of the Seraphim, as they poured forth magnificent anthems of celestial joy and praise. The expectation of the Messiah was coeval with the fall of man. It was awakened by the blessed promise that accompanied the primal curse of labor, sorrow and death. It existed among all the ancient nations as a dim and shadowy ideal conception, the yearning of the sad heart of humanity after some future good; some great deliverer from the ills and woes of life. With the Hebrews it was a real, vital and intense hope of individual happi- ness and national greatness and glory in the near future; and it cast a coruscating and consecrating glow upon all the proud achievements and memories of the past. It was a perpetual halo, shedding its light around their hearts and homes, and brightened all their ideas of the true, the beautiful and the good. We can scarcely be surprised to find that such a living hope greatly influenced Hebrew history, and is often found glowing in the highest strains of impassioned bards. We believe that it is generally conceded that the climate and scenery of a country have much influence in develop- ing the imaginative faculties of a poeple. There is no fact better established in the history of literature. There seems to be a peculiar combination of natural causes and objects necessary to produce the highest poetic inspira- tion. The genius of poesy seems to dwell only in lands where nature is wild, bright, joyous and beautiful; where she sings her jubilates on the sunny hills or in the shaded valleys, and the winds, storms and cataracts hymn their sublime te deums in mountain temples. The broad and fertile valleys of the Euphrates and Nile, although the birth-places of the arts, sciences and speculative philoso- 8i phies, and were covered with rich and splendid cities, the homes of a highly civilized people, gave no immortal poetry to the ancient world. While Greece, filled with picturesque mountains and vales, with whispering groves and musical streams, surrounded by sun-bright seas dotted with emerald isles, was the favorite home of the Muses. The same may be said of Italy, lying beneath the shadows of the Alps, interspersed with shining lakes, rushing streams and laughing rills, intersected with the forest-clad Apen- nines and washed on either shore by the blue and gleaming waters of the Mediterranean. We might present similiar parallels of countries in modern times, but the fact as to the influences of climate and scenery is so well established that it needs no further argument or illustration. The contemplation of nature in its grand and beautiful aspects seems to expand the soul and give boldness and vigor to the flights of the imagination. From the contemplation of the wonders and beauties of the natural world man, even without divine revelation, may form a vivid concep- tion of a Deity. In looking upon the world, full of so many objects of usefulness, goodness and beauty, so skillfully adjusted and arranged in order and harmony, all beaming in the mag- nificence of light, the human mind is filled with the grand idea that God is in His glorious temple and is worthy of the adoration and praise of His creatures. The ancient pagans could see in all the natural objects which sur- rounded them motion, activity, life, order, harmony and beauty, which they attributed to the influence of different divinities, and thus was formed their polytheistic belief, which was refined, elevated and beautified by the skillful production of the architect, painter and sculptor, but more than all by the creative genius of the poet. The Hebrews looked upon nature with the eye of a nobler faith. They did not understand the natural laws and principles which the investigations of modern scientists 82 have so largely discovered, but they believed that all the varied objects of nature were connected by a general plan and were under the constant control of an Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Being, the sovereign of their nation and their personal God. If we will take a rapid survey of the land of the He- brews we will find that it was possessed of that peculiar combination of natural objects and historic associations favorable to high poetic development. No where was there a country on the earth which had a more delightful climate and presented a scenery more grand, beautiful and picturesque than the ancient land of Palestine. Its mountains, hills and plains of different elevations, and its ravines and valleys gave it the diversity of temperature and the varied vegetation of nearly every clime, from perpetual winter to the luxuriance of tropical summer. In the time of the ancient Hebrews the country was exceedingly fertile, and was covered with forests and groves of cedar, olive, myrtle, palm, terebinth, oak and accacia and various other trees, furnishing cool and refresh- ing shades, and they were musical with birds of sweetest song and richest plumage, and were fragrant with breezes that bore on their odoriferous wings the balmy treasures of the East. The country was also in a state of high cultivation. Agriculture was not only the principle business of the people, but it was to them a delightful occupation. The fertile valleys, plains and hillsides smiled beneath the hand of careful and intelligent industry, and filled the barns and storehouses with plenty. Even rocky ridges and deep declivities were clothed with fruitfulness and verdure by the cheerful and diligent culture of the hus- bandman. In the midst of these rich fields, green pas- tures, blooming gardens and fruitful vineyards and olive groves, there were shady glens and picturesque ravines where nature reigned in undisturbed dominion, and dis- *3 played in varied forms her wild luxuriant beauties, inviting the toil-worn and weary to quietude and repose. Palestine was indeed a paradise land. It was surrounded by mountains, deserts and seas — the fortresses which Jehovah had placed as defences to guard the sacred herit- age. It also abounded with perennial springs and clear sweet brooks and rills that ran among the valleys and the hills, and it bloomed with many-colored wild flowers, those little but eloquent messengers of God, those gentle children of the morning light bearing fragrant censers jewelled with the sunshine and the dew. Natural causes produced an atmosphere more trans- parent than that of Italy, which gave a crysteline lustre to the azure skies and a clearer radiance to the orient sun, and at night made the stars appear like gleaming " isles of light" in " a deep blue ocean hung on high," or to the more spiritual fancy, like oriel windows in the sapphire dome of heaven, emitting the effulgence of the inner celestial glory. Although Palestine was so highly favored with the beauty, magnificence and rich bounty of nature, it was not exempt from those various natural causes which in other lands produce feelings of awe and terror and in- spire sublime poetic thoughts and imagery. The Hebrews often felt the convulsive throes of the earthquake, saw the fierce and glittering lightning and heard the deep-voiced thunder as it marshaled the dread cohorts of the storm. They witnessed the devastations of the whirlwinds and of the turbid torrents that rushed madly from the hills over the fertile valleys. Swarms of locusts desolated their vineyards and fruitful fields; beasts of prey prowled around the folds and pastures of their flocks and herds; and " the pestilence that walketh in darkness and wasteth at noonday" sometimes filled their homes with suffering and sorrow. On the Southwestern border of the land was the gloomy sea that ever reminded them of the sinful 8 4 cities of the plain and Jehovah's terrific judgment. Around it was a desolate wilderness, filled with overhanging precipices, rocky pinnacles and deep and dark gorges — fit symbols of the valley and shadow of death. We know that from such scenes, occurences and objects the Hebrew bards derived some of their sublimest thoughts and many of their most striking similes and metaphors. We will now briefly describe some of the most promi- nent features and scenes of the country which God selected, enriched and adorned as the home of His Chosen People. There was Mount Tabor, rising like a monarch among the fertile hills of Galilee, crowned with evergreen verdure and mantled with graceful vines. At its foot was Es- draelon, the battle-ground of nations, spreading like a vast embroidered carpet fresh from nature's loom, and sur- rounded with the amphitheatre of the blue mountains of Israel. To the north was Lebanon with its towering cedars, forming the pillared palaces of the storm, and down its rocky sides in continuous currents were flowing clear, cool and glittering streams from glacier fountains. Just beyond a deep, broad and fertile valley, filled with splendid cities and enriched by skillful cultivation, stood Mount Hermon, " Whose head in wintry grandeur towers, And whitens with eternal sleet, While summer, in a vale of flowers, Is sleeping rosy at his feet." From its summit were seen the giant structures of Hazor, the wild and rugged mountain pass of Hamath, and the far famed rivers of Damascus, beautifying and refreshing a garden plain resting like an island of verdure in an ocean desert. On the north-western border of Palestine was sweet and dear* Genesareth. With lavish beauty nature seemed to have adorned her for her hal- lowed history. Sometimes she reposed in waveless calm and brightly smiled as she received the warm, loving kiss of the sun, and with silver-like mirror reflected in mingled 85 tints of saphire, emerald and gold, images of the green mountains and blue unfathomable skies. Then her gently swelling billows joined in the sports of the playful winds, and then she writhed in agony and rage when her peaceful realms were invaded by the fierce legions of the tempest. Through her bosom flowed the sacred Jordan, so mem- orable in Hebrew history. It, too, had its varying moods. Sometimes swollen into a torrent by the melting snows of Hermon it swept in rolling tides over the adjacent valley, then in smooth and limpid current it glided in musical gladness beneath the shadowing palms and by the verdant and blooming shores, and then in joyous freedom rushed along the winding rapids and leaped in thundering cascades of foaming splendors. Beyond were the stately oaks and the extended pas- tures of Bashan; the prosperous cities and balmy groves of Gilead; the lofty summit of Nebo — the mount of glo- rious vision and the sepulchre of the great lawgiver, and there the dark, stern mountains of Moab stood like grim and relentless sentinels over the gloomy grave of the sinful cities of the plain. To the south the mountains of Edom, indented with their rocky peaks the blue rim of the horizon and overlooked that " great and terrible wilderness" which had been the scene of so many as- tounding miracles, and the place of Israel's long wander- ing and sufferings before they reached "the goodly land' of plenty and repose. In nearer vision and beautified by contrast were the hills and vales of Judah, undulating like the waves of ocean, clothed with the fruitfulness and verdure of a genial clime, covered with bleating flocks and lowing herds, where the lilies of the valley bloomed by perennial fountains, where grew in purple clusters the luscious grapes of Eshcol, and where the sweetest honey was ever dripping from the fissures of the rocks. Amidst these scenes of pastoral beauty and picturesque loveli- ness rose Jerusalem, " The Holy City," radiant with 86 architectural splendors, surrounded by blooming gardens and embowered in groves of the richest foliage, conse- crated by so many glorious memories and hopes, and encircled by the sacred mountains, the poetic emblems of Jehovah's protecting presence. To the west was the solemn-sounding and mysterious sea, spreading beneath cloudless skies far beyond the limits of vision, burnished with the golden light of the orient sun, and ever rolling its restless waves upon the shores where bloomed the "Roses of Sharon" and smiled the green pastures and rich gardens of Carmel. In every part of this beautiful, luxuriant and sacred land there were terraced slopes covered with thriving villages, towns and cities, and quiet hamlets and cottages nestled in fertile valleys beneath shadowy hills — all the happy homes of a people rejoicing in the blessings of health, plenty and freedom. This was the " Land of Promise," more beautiful than a poet's or painter's brightest dream, for it was blessed by the smile and hallowed by the special beneficence of Jehovah. What land so meet a nurse for poetic child? LECTURE VII. History and Traditions of Paradise. The Sab- bath. The Manners and Customs of the Hebrews. We concluded our last lecture with a brief description of the Land of Promise. From this subject the transition is easy and natural to the consideration of the influence exerted upon the Hebrews by the history and belief of Paradise. Among all the ancient pagan nations there existed a traditionary idea of a lost Paradise. This idea seemed to pervade the whole- earth like an invisible seraph from Eden, breathing sweet harmonies and filling the human heart with shadowy visions of the distant past, when pri- meval man lived in a condition of simplicity innocence, contentment and blissful repose; in a home of abounding plenty and exquisite picturesque beauty; always bright with serene summer skies and balmy with delicious odors; where existence required no toil, and life was unmarred by disappointment and sorrow, and was not darkened by ex- pectations of death and the gloom of the grave. This idea was largely intermingled with the early his- tory, traditions and religious beliefs of the various nations of antiquity, and was a fruitful germ of their poetry and art. It gave rise to the beautiful fables of the golden age, and of the gardens of the Hesperides, and numerous other myths with which genius enriched the immortal pages of classic literature. If we had no truthful history of Paradise we might readily conclude that an idea so universally prevalent was 88 derived from some reality which existed in prehistoric ages, and was not a mere ideal conception of the human mind. If, then, an idea transmitted by tradition through the revolutions of centuries and enveloped in the shadows of fable had such suggestive and creative influence upon the literature of so many different nations we may well imagine that the Mosaic account of the garden of Eden, which was implicitly believed by the Hebrews to be not only a truthful but a sacred narrative, must have highly excited and developed their imaginative faculties. They were truly Orientals, the descendants of Shem, and pos- sessed in a high degree the characteristics of that susceptible and imaginative race who sought habitations towards the rising sun, and who in idolatry worshiped the shining heavenly hosts. Sweet to the aged and care-worn man are the remem- brances of childhood days that awaken new pulses of life in his feebly throbbing heart and bring a light of joy to his eyes enfeebled with age and dimmed by tears. Sweet to the erring and friendless outcast are the bright visions that visit him in dreams and carry him back over sorrow- ing years to a happy home of innocence, purity and love. Sweet to the exile are memories of the fatherland from which he had wandered far away over the mountains and the seas. But sweeter, dearer, holier to the pious Hebrew were the memories of Eden, the beautiful and sacred land of purity, plenty and repose — the sinless home of his first parents, where they had dwelt in innocence and bliss in frequent communion with Jehovah and the angels. It was not only a source of holy memories, but it was a fountain of poetic inspiration, from which flowed a crystal Pactolus enriched with golden sands. To us the glories of the earthly Eden are dimmed by the more effulgent light that beams from the Gospel and gives us brighter faith visions of the heavely home. To the early Hebrews these sweet and hallowing memories of a lost Paradise, 8 9 together with the promise of a Messiah were only faintly suggestive of a future home of the soul. Although the teachings of the earlier books of the Old Testament on this subject are dim, shadowy and typical, yet the New Testament distinctly shows us how the ancient Hebrews understood their own sacred writings in regard to a future existence. With the aid of the New Testament we are able to comprehend the import of the ceremonial types and symbolic images of the Old Testa- ment dispensation, which prefigured the doctrines of the atonement, redemption, regeneration and a blessed im- mortality. At first these great truths were seen only in the dim twilight, and in the after days of the prophets and Psalmists they increased into the brighter radiance of the dawn, and then burst into the effulgent splendor of the morning, when Christ rose from the dead and " brought life and immortality to light" through the Gospel, which has irradiated the world with the glorious day of Christianity. Shadowy and dim as were the conceptions of the He- brews of that religion which beams in the fullness of light and purity from the New Testament, yet they were highly suggestive of poetic thought. They inspired Job with some of his sublimest rhapsodies, they were the themes of many of the most glorious Psalms, and often glowed with peculiar brightness in the lyric raptures of the prophets. They cheered the Israelites in captivity, and were the Shechinah glory of the second temple. They were carried by the Jews to all parts of the Alex- andrian empire, and influenced in some degree the literature, philosophy and even the religions of the an- cient nations. The doctrine of the immortality of the soul was taught in the schools of Athens, Alexandria and Antioch, and it was incorporated into the philosophy and sublime monotheistic faith of Zoroaster. Every- where and in every language it found a response in the go human soul and gave inspiration to the highest poetic genius. In this department of religious literature the minds and hearts of Christian poets have been illumined by the inspiration of Christian faith. In the whole range of human contemplation there is no subject so suggestive of beautiful thoughts and pure and holy emotions as the Christian hope of Heaven. Around this hope cluster all the pure joys of life, the sweet memories of the past, and the earnest aspirations of the soul. With this hope, life is not a continuity of sorrow and care, a dreary funeral march to the grave, but a solemn and pleasant pilgrimage to a better land, the home of unending love, unalloyed bliss, exceeding beauty and everlasting rest. There with friends and loved ones, with saints and martys, with Apostles, Prophets, Psalmists and Patriarchs, with Cher^ ubim and Seraphim, with Jesus and with God the Father, the redeemed souls can enter upon an eternal life of progressive development, where, ever beholding the glory of the Lord, they are changed into the same image from glory to glory. The v Sabbath is properly regarded as an earthly type of Heaven, and we will now proceed to consider the influence of that sacred institution upon Hebrew develop- ment. The holy observance of the Sabbath by the Hebrews contributed materially to their moral and intel- lectual advancement, and to the preservation and elevation of their national poetry. This institution was established in Eden when primeval man was sinless and perfect in physical and moral organization. Even then divine wis- dom and goodness deemed such an institution necessary for the welfare and happiness of man. It seems to have floated like a waif from that beautiful morning land of its birth down the dark stream of the ages, through the antediluvian period and the times of the patriarchal church. 9* When God selected and set apart a peculiar people as the special depositaries of His sacred oracles, and formed them into a nation, He reaffirmed this divine appoint- ment, and defined and imposed duties and obligations in the Decalogue proclaimed from Sinai. From that time to the present day the Sabbath has been more or less observed, and has conferred numberless civil, do- mestic and religious blessings upon mankind. Human experience has shown that one day in seven for repose and especial spiritual exercises is as essential for the healthful, physical, moral and intellectual development of man as food is necessary for the sustenance of the body. Individuals and nations who fail to enjoy this divine blessing, and to obey this imperative law of nature, are subject to sure demoralization and decline. • The Jews after the captivity became a nation of Puritans, and made the Sabbath a day of penance, self- denial and gloom by the ritualistic formulas and cere- monials required in its observance. Among the old Hebrews it was a cheerful and happy day, spent in physical rest from daily toil, in duties of charity and mercy, in joyous thanksgivings to God, and in the pleasant association of friends and neighbors. Those who were conveniently near witnessed the un- usually splendid and imposing services of the sanctuary, and those who were too remote for this high privilege gathered round the prophets and elders and heard recitals of the wondrous history and hopes of their nation. These assemblies were usually enlivened and cheered with instrumental music, songs and the sacred dance. All their observances of this sacred day tended to excite pleasing and elevating emotions that made melody in their hearts. Thus one day in seven their physical ener- gies were refreshed and their moral natures elevated and spiritualized, and they learned to associate ideas of the holy and the beautiful which formed the true spirit of poetry. 9 2 We may in some degree form an idea of the hallowing and elevating influence of the Sabbath upon this ancient and imaginative people by considering the effect which the Christian Sabbath has produced upon the advancement of modern civilization and the enjoyments of mankind. In the Apostolic age the first day of the week, the day of the Resurrection, was ordained as the Christian Sab- bath, and was righteously observed by the primitive Church in the time of its simplicity, purity and holiness. During the mediaeval apostasy of the Romish hierarchy the Sabbath was observed, not as a holy day, but as a holiday, and was generally spent in pompous displays and in festivity and mirth. Even the early Reformers did not regard the religious observance of the Sabbath as obligatory upon Christians, as they believed it to be an institution which had passed away with the Jewish dispensation. But the Puritans who gave civil and re- ligious liberty to England restored the sanctity of the Sabbath and established it as an institution indispensable to pure Christianity. The rigid and unnecessary ob- servances which they imposed have passed away before a more enlightened and spiritual faith. The Christian Sabbath since the days of the Long Parliament has moved on with English constitutional freedom and enlightenment in their rapid expansion and advancement, and it is now regarded by Protestants in Great Britain and the United States as a divine and beneficent institution. We feel the inspirations of the Sabbath consecrated by the holiest memories and associations and illumined with glorious hopes. The tones of the Church bells ring out so joyously, waking the softest and purest melodies of the heart, as they summon the old and the young, the rich and the poor, to enter the gates of the Lord's house with thanks- giving and His courts with praise, and there from holy altars re-kindle in their hearts the fires of faith, hope and charity. 93 The Sabbath sunshine seems to fall with soft and hal- lowing radiance upon the quiet churchyard where sleep the loved and pious dead, and glows like celestial light irradiating the tomb. It reminds the Christian heart of those bright hopes that make the grave the shining gate- way of heaven where welcoming angels receive the redeemed spirit and bear it to that blissful home " where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest." The Hebrew Sabbath was commemorative of the per- fected work of creation. The Christian Sabbath is com- memorative of a far grander event, the perfected work of redemption, when the bright hope of immortality was assured to man by the resurrection of our Saviour. One was especially sanctified for the adoration of sinless man in Eden, and was afterwards established as a day of rest and holiness for the chosen people. The other is an emblem of the day of everlasting rest and praise of the redeemed in heaven. In both we find elements sugges- tive of the sweetest and most sublime poetry. Among the Hebrews the Sabbath was not only a reli- gious institution but exerted a marked and peculiar influence upon their civil and political economy. It gave rise to other Sabbatical observances. Every seventh year the land had rest from culture and kept a " Sabbath for the Lord." During that year the spontaneous productions of the fields and vineyards were dedicated by law to the use of the poor and the sojourning stranger. Then all debts were suspended, all secular business discontinued and the beasts of burden and the slaves had release from toil. The unusual productiveness of the previous year filled their barns and storehouses with overflowing abund- ance, and every heart was made glad with the enjoyment of plenty, which was a special blessing from the Lord. The seventh sabbatical year was the great year of Jubilee, when freedom from debts and slavery was pro- claimed throughout the whole land, and every Hebrew 94 was restored to his patrimonial inheritance, and the exile returned with songs and rejoicing to the home which he had left in poverty and sorrow. This time was looked for with longing expectation and with the fondest and dearest hopes by all who were saddened by sorrow and misfortune, or oppressed with poverty and slavery. The Jubilee was the birth period of a new domestic, tribal and national life, and the whole year was spent in festivity and rejoic- ing. On the tenth day of the seventh month — the great Day of Atonement — the silver trumpets of the sanctuary were blown beside the brazen altar to proclaim the year of Jubilee. The sounds were heard by Levites placed at convenient distances on elevated positions, who also blew signal trumpets. Thus the clear and ringing notes of the trumpets of Jubilee, started from the sanctuary, and seemed to leap from hill top to hill top waking gladsome echos among the valleys and carrying a joyous message to every heart and home in Israel. I will not further con- sider the objects of this institution or the influences which it exerted upon the religious, social and political welfare of the people. It was designed by God for wise and beneficent purposes, and greatly promoted the perpetuity, prosperity and happiness of the people. It must have had great influence in developing the purest and noblest virtues. A year so full of blessings must have inspired feelings of the profoundest thankfulness and gratitude to God, and the highest love and devotion to country, and filled the mind with pleasing and elevated thoughts that often swelled into the glad and beautiful language of poetry. The sweetest and holiest emotions that ever thrill the heart are those that spring from love for God, for country and for home, and they have produced rich and immortal poetry in every literature. These influences and emotions operated powerfully upon the Hebrews, and the effects can be traced through their whole history to their latest posterity. 95 The manners and customs of the Hebrews in social and domestic life furnish strong evidence of their moral and intellectual advancement and poetic temperament. They were the most kindhearted, polite and accomplished people of their times. They were remarkably fond of social intercourse, and their manners were always frank, amiable and refined. Their domestic life was full of parental, filial and conjugal love and tenderness. The patriarchal customs of their ancestors which they ob- served, prepared them in early life for the faithful and affectionate observance of the fifth commandment of the Decalogue, and no people in any age more fully venerated the crown of gray hairs and honored the face of the old man. Like all oriental races they showed a courteous and liberal hospitality to strangers. They were kind and generous to the poor and friendless and exhibited the most sympathetic benevolence to widows and the father- less. They were lenient and humane to their servants and even their domestic animals were objects of their gentle and protecting care. In their ordinary home life they were frugal, cheerful and industrious, and not eager and grasping after gain and wealth. They were, however, fond of festive enjoyments and at such times were dis- posed to indulge in pomp and magnificence. The toilets of the Hebrew ladies on such occasions were especially costly and elegant, and this feminine taste had increased to such extravagance in the days of the prophets as to call forth their expostulations and severest censures. In this place I will refer only to the social and domestic festivals of the Hebrews in the course of ordinary life. A marriage was always celebrated with beautiful and appropriate ceremonies. The procession from the home of the bride to the house of the bridegroom was witnessed by a large crowd of kindred, friends and neighbors, and was peculiarly attractive and imposing. It was led by a band of well trained musicians who made the soft evening 96 air vibrate with the blended melodies of instrumental music and joyous song. The bridegroom was accom- panied by a number of companions of his own age, and all were dressed in princely elegance. Young and beau- tiful virgins, arrayed in costly wedding garments, sur- rounded the blushing bride, and bore in their hands brightly burning lamps filled with fragrant oil and shining like a halo of stars in the gathering twilight. The long flowing hair of the bride was surmounted by a nuptial crown — achapletof fresh evergreens and odorous flowers — arranged by a mother's hand. Her raiment of needle work was richly embroidered with threads of gold and pre- cious stones, was perfumed with myrrh, cassia and aloes, and was bound with a jeweled girdle. Overall hung in quivering translucent folds a snow white veil, enshrining in purity her graceful form and her youthful innocence and loveliness. As the procession approached the house of the bridegroom another company of virgins, adorned with rich festal costumes, came forth in the airy and graceful movements of the dance, bearing garlands of flowers and swinging newly trimmed and shining lamps, and with the gladsome songs of hail and welcome they mingled in the advancing train and entered into the brightly lighted hall of the marriage supper. Such a scene of joy and beauty must have charmed all beholders and made their hearts jubilant with tender emotions and melody. The marriage feast usually lasted for seven days, but its innocent gladness and merriment never resulted in sinful indulgences and exhausting dissipation. Marriage is often referred to by the Psalmists and the Prophets, and was the subject of the beautiful " song of songs," 'written by the wise king of Israel. In a subsequent age it was especially honored and sanctified by the first miracle of our Saviour, and furnished illustrations in several of His touching and instructive parables. The marriage union was used as an appropriate symbol to 97 represent the loving and tender union of Christ with His Church. The birth of children was always an occasion of festivity, but the birthday of the first-born son was usually cele- brated with the highest munificence and gladness, for the hearts of the parents were filled with thankfulness and holy joy, as the event was associated with glorious Messianic hopes. The enjoyments of the domestic fes- tivals of the Hebrews were not confined to the immediate kindred and friends of a family but were extended with a generous hospitality to all neighbors and even strangers. In the peaceful and prosperous days of the commonwealth and monarchy there was scarcely a week in any commu- nity that was not enlivened with some festive scene, and such exciting demonstrations of joyfulness must have inspired the imagination and produced songs of love and happiness which have passed away with those olden times. The festive scenes of primitive life contributed greatly to poetic development in other nations. They seem to have furnished the seed germs of poetry from which national literatures have sprung. These inspiring influ- ences can be distinctly traced in the literary remains of the Greeks and Romans; they still have a living power in Italy and Germany and sunny, joyous France, and they produced much of the ballad minstrelsy of Scotland. They have enshrined in song memories of the halcyon days of merry old England; and when we hear the sweet minstrel melodies of Erin that once sounded at festive boards and in cottage homes in that land of song and old romance, we can but regret that " The harp that once through Tara's halls The soul of music shed, Now hangs as mute on Tara's walls As if that soul were fled." The season of harvest, that lasted seven weeks, from the Passover to Pentecost, was a continuous festival in 9 8 the whole land. The joyous song's of cheerful reapers, merry maidens and gleeful children were heard in every field and filled the air with delightsome melody. The grateful poor gathered the corners of the fields and the gleanings among the sheaves, and with gladsome voices joined in the "Song of the Harvest Home." The dusty threshing floor presented a scene of hilarity and mirth, and even the unmuzzled ox, in the contentment of ap- peased appetite, with nimble tread performed his arduous labors. In the fall of the year came the vintage, which lasted about two months. The vineyards resounded with songs and instrumental music, and the cheerful laborers, without feelings of weariness, gathered the purple, clusters and trod the foaming winepresses. The times of the harvest and vintage were also seasons of universal thankfulness and gratitude to Jehovah for His bounties; and the hearts of the people, rejoicing at the prospects of plenty, over- flowed with love and kindness towards each other. I know that I need not refer to the abundant evidence furnished in the history of literature to show the influence which rural and pastoral scenes has exerted in developing the poetic genius of a people. Such scenes have ever been the fruitful sources of inspiration for the poet. I may here appropriately quote the language of Emmerson, addressed to the poet: "Wherever snow falls, or water flows, or birds fly; wherever day and night meet in the twilight; wherever the blue heaven is hung with clouds or sown with stars; wherever are forms with transparent boundaries; wherever are outlets in celestial space; wherever is danger and awe and love, there is beauty as plenteous as rain shed for thee, and though thou should walk the world over thou shall not be able to find a con- dition inopportune and ignoble." Many of the Hebrew people had their homes in walled towns and cities, that they might afford mutual protection 99 and have means of safe and ready defence against the predatory incursions of robbers and marauders from neighboring peoples. This condition of mutual depend- ence tended greatly to strengthen the bonds of social and political union, and furnished opportunities of frequent association which fostered the kindly feelings of brother- hood and increased general intelligence. In times of peace the entire population of every city met morning and evening at the gates. This was usually the time and place of social gatherings and of business transactions; and it was also the time and place when the ordinary city courts were held. The judges were always present and ready to hear, adjust and determine disputes and legal controversies between citizens. This convenient, cheap and speedy administration of justice prevented long, vexatious and expensive litigation, and preserved the harmony and good order of the community. On a cool, bright and balmy morning, as the refreshed, cheerful and industrious people went out of the gates to labor in the adjacent gardens, fields, vineyards and pasture grounds, they exchanged kindly greetings and many a pleasant look and word. In the evening, as they returned from their daily toil to seek the rest and refresh- ment of home, they paused at the gate to witness and often to participate in the pleasures of social intercourse. In that orient clime there was no time that was so full of calm joyousness and exquisite beauty as the evening, when the sun in regal splendor and with parting benisons was closing the portals of the day. The heat and burden of toil was ended, and man and all nature felt the soft and lulling influences of the mystic hour. Gorgeous skies were resting on the purple hills and the verdant landscape was burnished with golden light that was slowly fading into the mellow, then dim, then dusky twilight. Then the soft evening air, as it whispered lullabies in liquid melodies, was sweetly redolent with the breath of the IOO clustering vines; and the sleeping flowers and the wild thyme were giving out their fragrance to the dew. With gentle steps the bleating flocks and lowing herds were seeking their accustomed folds; the birds had sung their vesper hymns, and with twittering joy were nestling in their leafy homes; the plains and valleys, near and far, curtained with the mysteries of shadow, were sinking into solemn stillness and repose; and the timidly twinkling stars were marshaling for their serene march over the celestial fields, and were shedding their soft and tremulous light over the slumberous earth. There was no time when the heart would swell with sweeter, purer and holier emotions, and the mind be filled with higher thoughts and brighter fancies. The associations of the Hebrews at such times and under such circumstances must have greatly advanced their mental, moral and spiritual culture and developed their poetic genius. LECTURE VIII. Political Freedom. National Unity. The Religion of the Hebrews. The political freedom of the Hebrews may well be considered as an important element in their poetic devel- opment. The renowned freedom of Greece and Rome exerted a highly developing influence upon their literature and civilization, although it was only enjoyed by a small class of citizens, while the great mass of the people were sunk in poverty and slavery. Those nations never recog- nized the facts that personal freedom is the gift of God, the common birthright of all mankind, and that all just government is founded upon the consent of the governed. The government established by Moses was a theocratic republic, founded upon an express covenant freely made by the people with Jehovah; and all Hebrews were in- vested with equal civil and political rights, and had a representative voice in the enactment of laws regulating their civil policy. The several tribes were independent republics, and each had a local government with an execu- tive, legislative and judicial department, administered by officers freely chosen by the people. These independent republics were formed into a federal nation by a general government which regulated the duties and relations of the several tribes, and was paramount in its powers over all matters pertaining to the general welfare. The system of local and appellate courts established by Moses were remarkably well adapted for a convenient, cheap, speedy and impartial administration of justice. 102 The Hebrews were the first free nation of antiquity, and both in their commonwealth and monarchy established and observed those enlightened principles of civil liberty, constitutional government and social order which have entered so largely into the governments of modern Christian nations, and which have been so splendidly de- veloped in England and America by the Anglo-Saxon race. The Hebrews were not only freemen in whom rested the sovereignty of the State, but they were all landowners and freeholders, and their estates were so entailed as to descend in perpetual succession. Under the Mosaic laws lands could not be aliened for a longer time than the next ensuing year of Jubilee, and were then restored to the original owners or their heirs. This law of tenure prevented both extreme poverty and overgrown wealth, and greatly attached the people to the country in which they had permanent homes, associated with memories of their ancestors and with the hopes of their posterity, and made them interested in preserving public order and maintaining the supremacy of the laws of the State. On their small estates the people had to exercise fru- gality and industry to obtain a comfortable subsistence, and this general necessity tended to elevate the dignity of labor and give to every citizen the proud and ennobling feeling of personal independence. No system of laws upon this subject was ever devised by human wisdom so much in harmony with the general objects and purposes of the law-giver and better calculated to develop a free, enlightened, virtuous and patriotic people. The enjoyment of civil and religious liberty seems to inspire the noblest emotions of the human heart, to expand the intellect, to give breadth and grandeur to the imagination, and is the very life-spring of genius. The brightest pages in history are those which glow with the deeds and fame of the heroes and martyrs of intellectual, civil and religious freedom. They were the great leaders 103 of all progress in civilization, and but for the light which their spirits shed the world would still be in the darkness of ignorance, superstition and barbarism. The spirit of freedom kindled the fires of genius which have illumined the ages. It gave courage, endurance, energy and power to the heroes of Thermopylae, Marathon and Salamis. It guided the skilful chisel of the sculptor as he wrought the matchless and immortal productions of art. It woke the highest notes of the Grecian lyre and poured the splendors of eloquence around the Acropolis of Athens and the Senate Chamber and Forum of Rome. We will not follow the brilliant achievements of the spirit of freedom through the modern world, when, con- joined with the spirit of Christianity, they seemed to rise like a new sun from a dark moral and intellectual chaos, calling into life the slumbering energies of man, and rising slowly but surely to that zenith where it will cover the earth with the vivifying light of peace, liberty, love and holiness, even "as the waters cover the sea." The spirit of freedom existed in a remarkable degree among the ancient Hebrews, and was greatly intensified by their religious faith and their peculiar situation among the nations. They were surrounded by the great oriental despotism, were in the direct line of ancient war, conquest and commerce; and by actual observation and experience they were acquainted with the horrors and demoralizing influences of subjugation and slavery. They were in the times of their national power and freedom a remarkably brave people, and in many of their contests the odds were greatly against them, and the preservation of their nation- ality and free institutions for nearly a thousand years is one of the great miracles of history. They had, during the long period of their national existence, abundant cause to believe that the Everlasting Arms were around them, and that the flaming sword of the Cherubim guarded their hallowed land; and in their fervid imaginations they 104 could well call Jehovah their strength and shield and high tower. Great and glorious facts, and not fancies, were the sources of their love of freedom and country, and the inspirations of their sublime poetry. This love of freedom and country — the most striking political characteristic of the Hebrews — continued during the whole of their national existence. How beautifully was it exhibited, even in captivity, when they sang in words that glowed with patriotism and glittered with tears: " By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. ****** If I forget thee, O, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy." The Jews, from the time of the Babylonish captivity until finally subjugated by Roman power, never showed the humble and submissive spirits of slaves. Under Persian, Greek and Roman rule they were generally treated with more liberality and kindness than other conquered nations, and, with the exception of the oppressions of Antiochus Epiphanes, they were allowed to observe their ceremonial and national laws and customs. They were conservative in their natures, obedient to just laws, and opposed to revolutions for trivial causes. But the exercise of any despotic authority which threatened to overthrow or materially change their religious institutions, at once kindled into flame the smouldering embers of religious zeal, liberty and patriotism, and without counting odds or the consequences they rushed to arms and fought with desperate valor. No pages in human history are more brilliant with deeds of sublime endurance and heroic valor than those which record the struggles of the Maccabaean brothers for the altars and tenets of their religious faith and the land of their fathers. In the memorable seige of Jerusalem under Titus, and in the awful finale at Masada, the Jews exhibited a burning patriotism, lofty heroism and self-devotion never equalled 105 in terific sublimity in all the horrid tragedies of war and the overthrow of nations. The history of two centuries taught Hadrian that while their nation had an organized existence the Jews never could be made willing and sub- missive subjects to the despotism of the Caesars; and he determined upon their extermination or complete disper- sion. The sorrows, misfortunes and oppressions of twenty centuries have not destroyed their national characteristics. Their spirits have never been subdued to the abject condi- tion of slavery, but they have always manifested hatred and scorn for their oppressors, and have borne the agonies of torture and the contumely of contempt with the sub- lime courage and endurance of martyrs. They have passed through more terrible ordeals than any other people, and they have come forth from every fiery furnace of persecution without even the smell of the flames upon the unchanged and unconsumed garments of their ancient faith. Feelings so deeply implanted and so indestructible, either by force or time, must have glowed with the grandest intensity and energy in the age of their national pride, power and glory, and kindled the highest poetic inspirations. A spirit of national unity was a marked and distinguish- ing feature of the Hebrew nation. They were the chosen people of Jehovah, all the descendants of Abraham — the most venerable character in history — and were all heirs of the rich blessings and glorious hopes of that covenant which God made and so after reaffirmed to their great national fathers. They were continually reminded of this covenant by the rite of circumcision, and the dust of the earth and the sands of the seashore were emblems of their numerous posterity, and the glorious stars of heaven that every night shone above them symbolized the blessings which they were to shed over all the nations and races of coming ages. This covenant was the Magna Charta of their destiny, the vital principle of their civil and political ro6 institutions, mingled with all their history and illumined national and individual aspirations with the light of Messianic hope. In every subsequent age of their dis- persion this covenant made the Holy Land the sacred home of their hearts, and sustained their sorely tried and fainting spirts as they suffered centuries of wrong, oppres- sion, misfortune and disaster. This spirit of national unity was also kept in fresh and vigorous life by the requirements and observances of the ceremonial law. Three times in each year they were required to go up to the Sanctuary and participate in the celebration of the great national festivals. There they witnessed the solemn and imposing rites and ceremonies of their religious worship, and were forcibly reminded of the great events and scenes which illumined the annals of their race. These three great national festivals were peculiar to them as a people and were associated with ideas of liberty, prosperity and nationality under the care of an ever«watchfnl providence. The Passover was a memorial of the birthday of their freedom; the Pentecost celebrated the giving of the law, which organized them into a distinct and independent nation, and the Feast of Tabernacles reminded them of the blessings of liberty and kindly social intercourse which their forefathers enjoyed in the simple dwellings in the wilderness, which were ever beneath the light or shadow of Jehovah's presence. The Feast of Tabernacles was the last great annual festival. It came on the fifth day after the great Day of Atonement on which the sins of Israel were removed, and Covenant relations with God were restored. . It was also called the Feast of Ingathering, as it came at the end of the year, when all the harvests and fruits had bee'n gathered in. With a sense of pardoned sin and with the prospect of plenty, it was a good time to give thanks and sing. Some of the most joyous Psalms were written for this occasion and the days of this feast were the most gladsome of all the year. This feast was also regarded as typical of the greater feast which God was preparing for his people in heaven at the final harvest at the end of the world; when all the work of earth would be done; when the fruits of toil and care and obedience would all be gathered in, and all trials and sorrows and sufferings would be over in the home of everlasting joy and rest. These festivals were celebrated with various sacrificial observances, with songs, with music and the sacred dance; and such assemblages were well calculated to keep alive their national patriotism, the fraternal relationship of the tribes, and their confidence and trust in Jehovah; and their imaginations were excited and illumined by the solemn and imposing ceremonies of the sanctuary, which were memorials of a glorious past and types of a higher and nobler destiny. We know that the Olympic Games were strong bonds of union among the States of Greece, and had great influence in developing the courage and physical energies, and the intellect and genius of that gifted and brilliant people. Like influences and results were produced by like causes in other ancient and modern nations, but no nation has ever existed which was so thoroughly and so permanently nationalized as the Hebrews. The "Scattered Nation," and its wild, roaming kinsmen of the desert, are the only peoples who have endured the storms of centuries, as long as the pyramids. We will now refer to the piety of the Hebrews as another powerful element in elevating their national culture. They were by far the most devout people of the ancient world, and their religious belief was the life breath of their nationality. The dream of Jacob at Bethel was a type of Hebrew spiritual life, and to their fervid fancies the mystic ladder was never withdrawn. In ardent faith they felt that hosts of angels were encamped around io8 their dwellings and accompanied their journeyings, and sometimes they could hear divine footsteps in the mur- muring groves, and they believed that on the hills and mountains were horses and chariots of fire that guarded their sacred heritage. In all ages of the world and among all nations the idea of God has given the highest beauty and grandeur to human thought. This idea produced the splendid temples of antiquity, whose ruins still show the taste and elegance of the culture of the nations who reared them.. The human mind has ever sought after God, recognizing Him as the great first cause of the life and energy that pervades the universe and fills it with harmony, beauty and beneficence. The most grand and sublime conceptions of every people are to be found in their religious belief. In the studio of the artist his grandest ideals are in some way connected with the great First Cause of symmetry and beauty. The Gothic structures of Mediaeval Europe, and the magnificent temples of more modern times, with their elevated arches and lofty spires, are representations of the aspirations of man after God. The Great Spirit of the American Indian tribes is the source of their most beautiful legends and superstitions, and of their richest language. The most barbarous nations, sunk to the lowest condition of degredation and debasement, have some noble Conceptions of an unseen and powerful ruler. There seems to be an universal law of nature that prompts the human heart to seek to know something of the Infinite and to hold communion with Him in the language of poetry and prayer. The most beautiful authologies of the Greeks are their sacred songs, which glow with intense feelings and beautiful thought. Their mythology was the principle source of their poetry and art, which have so much refined the taste and enlarged and enriched the literary treasures of the world They had divinities for everything. The thunder was the angry voice of Jupiter on high Olympus, and the lightning the flash of his terrible thunderbolts. Their mountains were the thrones and their plains and valleys the council chambers, the battlefields and the habitations of the gods In every tree some Dryad was dwelling and Nymphs were ever pouring dew drops upon the flowers. On every stream the Naiads were singing and Apollo and the tuneful Muses were waking the echoes of every hill and vale with ethereal lyres. Far out on the shining seas the Nereids were giving music to the waves. The breath of yEolus was the storm that stirred into fury the seething billows which the Halcyones, with soft and soothing melodies, lulled into gentle slumbers. Every thing that was bright, joyous, musical and beautiful in nature was the gift or was under the care of some superhuman being in some way connected with the immortals. Every house- hold had its tutelary divinities that sanctified the hearth- stone, guarded the cradle of infancy, guided the wayward footsteps of maturer years, and whispered of Elysium and the Isles of the Blessed to the aged and the dying. The mythology of the Greeks, although in some respects so fascinating and beautiful, presented many disgusting and shameful scenes; and many of their deities were guilty of horrid crimes and enormities and the most beastly vices ever practiced by degraded man. How completely does the sensuous polytheism of the Greeks sink into nothingness when compared with the sublime spiritual monotheism of the Hebrews. An uncreated God, as unity of infinite wisdom, power and immaculate purity and holiness, existing from everlasting to everlasting seated upon a throne in the heavens high and lifted up; clothed in garments of resplendent light, and crowned with ineffable glory and majesty; surrounded by myriads of angels and archangels. Cherubim and Seraphim, doing His will with gladness, and with faces veiled with their wings ever singing to the music of golden harps the lofty songs of eternal praise. With omniscient i ro eye He read all the secrets of the present and the past and contemplated the coming events of the future; to Him even ages were not moments of time, and eternity but an unending now. He was also regarded as Omni- present and Omnipotent, not only dwelling in the heavens, but everwhere present and controlling every part of the illimitable universe and all created things, not as a pantheistic, animating and commingling element, but as a separate, independent, Supreme Creator and Governor. He spoke worlds into being by a word or the exercise of omnific will. He measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, meted out the heavens with the span, compre- hended the dust of the earth in a measure, weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance. He shook the earth on her deep foundations so that the pillars thereof trembled, and " He toucheth the hills and they smoke." He guided the heavenly hosts in their unerring orbits. "He telleth the number of the stars. He calleth them all by their names." And yet amidst the grandest displays of His wisdom and power, He manifested His holiness, truth justice and benevolence; and while He would " by no means clear the guilty," He was " merciful and gracious, long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth." With the providential care of an All-Wise Father He watched and blessed the humblest creatures and works of His hand. " They all wait upon Him and He giveth them their meat in due season." He sendeth the springs into the valleys which ran among the hills and gave drink to the beasts of the field to quench their thirst. " He watereth the hills from His chambers," and freshens the verdure of the pastures for the cattle. He giveth habitations to the birds, and teacheth them to build their nests and sing among the branches. He filleth the trees with sap and maketh them rejoice and clap their hands. He made a home for the leviathan in the deep, wide sea II I that he might play among the waters. He distilled the sparkling dew and perfumed the breath of the morning. He clothed the flowers with exquisite beauty. " He giveth snow like wool; He scattereth the hoar frost like ashes." He fed the young ravens when they cried.