yMiiia^u vC^lM ^v^ KEN^ MAI Devoted THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY THE WILMER COLLECTION OF CIVIL WAR NOVELS PRESENTED BY RICHARD H. WILMER, JR. This BOOK may be kept out TWO WELKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It was taken out on the day indicated below: ^"^'^^^^ 03 ^^7v T^M ^iLMER 'iiON I £ % J7^^>^^ J^ * object was known, proceeded, with all possible energy, to seize all the locomotives and cars found in the place. One engineer positively refused to yield. " ' We do not wish to hurt you, sir,' said Major Wintersmith to him in a tone which bespoke the decision of his heart, 'but we must have your locomotive and train, and it is useless for you to resist. We are armed, and determined to perform the work assigned us by our authorities.' "'Well, gentlemen,' replied the engineer, who was convinced of the propriety of acquiescence, 'I yield only to force, and I wish this distinctly understood.' "'Oh, certainly, sir,' replied the major, 'we compel you.' " ' Will you give me a certificate to this effect ?' 'Assuredly, sir.' "The certificate was written, and the engineer withdrew, leaving Major Wintersmith and his friends in possession of the t^^ain. " This was a most valuable acquisition — the locomotive being the finest on the road ; and moreover the cars were laden with such provisions as the Confederate troops most needed." "Bravo, bravo!" shouted the two hsteners, wild with the enthusiasm with which the major's success had inspired them. *• Three cheers for Wintersmith and Reed!" "And I do hope," added young Lawrence, " that the Confeder- ates may get every pound of the vast stores that for weeks have been accumulating at Elizabethtown. Father has a large quantity of bacon and flour there, and, in his name, I bid Buckner and his brave followers a hearty welcome to it all. Three times three for OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 11 the South !" he vociferated, as he took off his cap and waived it energetically in the air. "May she triumph on every battle-field, and whip the Yankees to death in every engagement. But resume your narrative, Fox," *' As soon asM.'ijor "Wintersmith had obtained full possession of all the rolling-stock, and so guarded it as to secure it against any attempt at recapture, he sent a locomotive and tender, with about twenty armed men, led by Colonel Reed and La Rue, towards the Junction, for the puri)ose of capturing the train from Lebanon to Louisville, and also the evening train from Louisville to Bowling Green. This undertaking was eminently successful in getting possession of both trains, but, unfortunately for the sortie, some wretch escaped from the train while it stood at the Junction, and ran about half a mile in advance, and tore up the rails; and when the train came dashing along at full speed, a few minutes after- wards, the front passenger car was thrown off the track, and precipitated some thirty or forty feet down a precipice. The next car, strange to say, was detached and fell directly across the road. '•' This, as you may well imagine, was a fearful situation for the expeditionists. Some two or three locomotives, together with a freight and construction train were behind the fallen car. This must be removed and the road repaired before there was any possibility of advancing towards their destination. They were momentarily expecting an attack from the Home Guard of that region, who, they had been informed, were assembling to capture them. And, to add to their troubles, night was rapidly approach- ing and the rain began to fall heavily. "But nothing daunted, the boys, led by Colonel Reed, threw oflf their coats and set about removing the car that blocked up the road. It was an arduous undertaking. They worked with right good-will, using fence-rails and whatever they could make available to expedite their work. The passengers, of whom none were killed, and only one man severely bruised, lent their assistance. They were mostly Southern men, and those who professed Union- ism were not so tenacious of their avowed principles as to prevent their participating in the novel and exciting work. But the task was a gigantic one, and it was near the morning before the car was hurled over the precipice to take position with its predecessor. This being at last done, it was the work of but a few minutes to replace the rails, bring back the locomotive, which had strangely leaped the gap and landed safely on the other side, attach it to the train, and drive at full speed to Elizabethtown. 12 RAIDS AND ROMANCE "Meanwhile Major Wintersmith had placed the town under martial law, sent out pickets and videttes, dispatched messengers to Bardstown and other points to collect together some companies which were in a state of partial organization, and bring them in, and made all necessary preparation to return to Bowling Green, where he was to meet General Buckner and the troops from Camps Boone and Trousdale." ''And what was the sum total of the expedition, Fox?" asked Charley. "■ The major and his friends must have gotten a rich booty." '* They took eight good locomotives; among the number that superior one I mentioned, which is by far the best in the West, about two hundred cars, fifty of these being construction cars, which are so much needed at Bowling Green, an immense amount of provisions of all kinds, which will be most acceptable to Bnck- ner's army, and all this without the loss of one life." ''Capital!" exclaimed young Lawrence, springing to his feet, and again tossing up his cap with cheers for Wintersmith and the Confederacy. " I heartily wish, boys, that they would come and take Louisville as easily." " But tell us, Fox, why did not General Buckner come to Louis- ville ?" '•'• I am not sure that he designed the occupation of our city. He wished, however, to possess Muldrough's Hill, and the day after he reached Bowling Green, he sent forward the Second Kentucky, Hanson's regiment, for this purpose. But, unfortunately, some vile Unionists had torn up the road, and the cars containing the men were precipitated from the track." "Anybody hurt?" interrupted Charley. '•Not a man. It was really providential that no life was lost. Before the road could be prepared, Rousseau had advanced, and thus General Buckner's designs were wholly frustrated." "How unfortunate!" exclaimed Charley. "This city would have been an easy prey, and General Buckner and his men would have been hailed as deliverers, benefactors, by a large portion of the citizens. Now, I fear, it is too late — too late. These hordes of blue-coated Abolitionists that daily pass through the streets, must necessarily impede his progress : I fear may prevent it altogether." " And this is why General Buckner did not come to Louisville," remarked Lawrence. " We could not tell why it was, but this explains it all. Rumor gave a thousand reasons, but you know OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 13 nothing can be credited in these days of falsehood and exaggera- tion." "Do you think, Fox, that Buckner will come soon?" asked Charley thoughtfully. " No't soon." '^And why?" '' Because of his want of men. He has but a small force, much j-'ss than persons suppose; but he is determined to remain in his present position. As to whether he will advance, that will depend entirely upon the reinforcements he shall receive and the force sent against him." "If he cannot come to us, John, we will go to Iiim. "We should not remain idle here while our cause is suffering for men to defend it. What say you, John, shall we not hazard every thing to reach Buckner?" " Yes, Charley, I shall go home and make arrangements to leave at the very earliest opportunity. When do you go back, Fox ?" " I leave to-night," " Could you not delay a few days in order to give Charley and me time to get ready ?" " I am under promise, and have made all my arrangements to set out at ten to-night, otherwise I would wait for you with pleasure. But you will find opportunities for getting through. Young men are constantly leaving this portion of the State to join Buckner. There is a camp near Bloomfield, where whole companies have several times rendezvoused and gone through. Your safest way would be to go there. But list, what does that music mean?" " Another abolition regiment wending its way to the Nashville depot, no doubt," replied young Lawrence. "My blood grows hot as I think of their polluted feet desecrating the streets of our city. It is hard to bear the sight, boys. And yet, where is the remedy ?" " It can be found only in throwing ourselves against them, John, and driving them back to their own homes. We are subjugated unless we can conquer." " True, true ; there is no other hope. And I for one will risk my life for freedom." The three arose and walked towards the city. At the corner of Broadway and Third-street they separated, each to enter upon active preparations for joining the army at Bowling Green. An hour afterwards, Charley and John encountered each other in front of the Gait House. 14 EAIDS AND KOMAXCE ''I shall leave to-morrow night, Lawrence. I have just seen young Ashmore, who tells me that my only hope is to g(j through Bloorafield', as suggested by Fox. He sets out to-night." " I will go with you, Charley." " Meet me, then, to-morrow night, at the first toll-gate on the Bardstown pike. 1 shall be in the city again to-morrow, but for fear I may not see you, I now will make this agreement." ♦^ Very well." Charley made some necessary purchases, and without delay drove homeward. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 1& CHAPTER II. THE PAUTINO. As Charley reached the stile, he saw his father approaching the house through the lawn. Securing the horse, he hastened to meet hiui and unfold to hiiu his purpose. The father was not surprised. For weeks he had observed the restless, thoughtful manner of his son, and had divined tfie cause. It had given him much anxious thought and many a heart- pang, for he was conscious the time was fast approaching when a final decision must be had. He could not forbid his son's going, yet he felt very averse at his im- mature age to yield him to the chances of a war which he already foresaw must be sanguinary and protracted. Therefore, when Charley broke his intentions to him, he en- deavored with all a father's yearning tenderness to dissuade him from his purpose. Charley listened to his father's arguments, but remained uncon- vinced. "I must go, father, and go now. It will not do for me to delay longer," he replied, with fixed determination, to his father's ob- jections. " To remain at home while the Southern cause is calling aloud for aid, would be- disgrace, infamy. You yourself, father, could not respect me, if I should hesitate, now that our own Ken- tucky is invaded by the dastard abolition foe." His face was flushed — his voice trembled with the depth of his emotion — his dark hazel eye glowed with patriotic fire. The father gazed upon his son — the opposition yielded. The noble ardor of his boy had conquered him. The two passed into the house. The family were made ac- quainted with the young man's resolve. Witheringly tlie intelli- gence fell on the fond mother's heart. Like the fiery shaft that suddenly darts from the surcliarged cloud, spreading death and desolation over the beautiful and glowing landscape, so came this terrible blow to sweep away in darkness and sadness every hope, every joy. She bowed her head in silence. No word escaped her lips, as she sat gazing on the smouldering embers in the grate. 16 RAIDS AND ROMANCE How could she give her boy, her eldest-born, her well -beloved son to the horrid fate of war? Her heart stood still before the appalling picture. "Oh, my son!" she exclaimed, after a few minutes' thought, *'I cannot let you go. It is more than I can bear. You are so young, so inexperienced. You cannot conceive of all you will have to undergo, even if you could get through safely. But this is impossible. Danger is on every side. The enemy is scattered on every hand, and the Home Guard, an undisciplined mob, are well armed and infest every town and cross-road. There is no way open for you." " I know it all, mother, and have fully considered all I shall have to undergo, but I would brave all this and tenfold more to strike for the right. I must go, and tha't immediately. These dangers that you speak of increase every hour." '' But how can you go^ my son ? You cannot make your way through the Federal lines. There is no way. We are hemmed in on all sides." '•There is a camp, mother, near Bloomfield, in Nelson county. I will make my way to it and get out with others. Men are con- stantly going to Buckner from this point." The mother could not give her consent. JSTeither could she further oppose the unalterable purpose of her son. "With that sad- ness which only a mother's heart can feel under a similar trial, she busied herself with the necessary preparation to secure a com- fortable outfit. Every thing was conducted quietly. Neighbors might betray, servants might tell tales. "Lu," said Charley to his sister, wBo sat beside him sewing away as fast as she could on some flannel under-garments for her brother, "you must go into the city to-morrow and bring out Mary Lawrence." " But she will not come, Charley. Yon know John is going to the army, too." "I will see John, and get him to come here with me. "We will leave together." "Oh, well, that will answer finely. I should like to see John once more before he turns soldier. He used to be one of my great friends. But I have not met him since his stay among the Yankees. I might not admire him so much now." " He is not changed, Lu, only improved. You would be charmed with him. He is so agreeable, so noble, and so hand- some." % .OF MOKGAN AND HIS MEN. 17 " Ah, don't speak his praises too rapturously. It miglit revive the old flame. You know we used to play sweetheart when we were children." '•Oh, yes, t;o you did, and who knows what may result from your meeting to-morrow? But you will bring Mary out, won't you ? And get her, Lu, to go to Elrod's and have her ambrotype Taken for me. She will not refuse." '* Very well. I shall do all I can to meet your requests." " Dearj kind sister you are," said Charley, throwing his arms around her neck and kissing her soft, white cheek. ^'I cannot go with you to-night, Charley," said his friend to him as they met the next day at Manderville's .clothing-store. "And why not, John?" asked Charley, surprised. "Mother is quite sick to-day. As soon as I told her last night of my arrangement to go out with you, she was seized with one of her old attacks, and Dr. Hardin told pa this morning that if I should persevere in my intention, it might cost her her life. You know slie has a disease of the heart, and is likely to die at any moment. I feel that I can scarcely relinquish my undertaking. I have made every preparation. See that large package of goods there. Pa got me a complete outfit, and, moreover, has bought me a splendid horse from Bacon's. But my duty to my mother, Charley, is beyond my duty to my country. And I feel that I must delay until I can gain her consent." "I regret this, John, deeply regret it. But you have decided rightly. Good-by, my friend, time presses me. I hope we shall soon meet again, where, with the brave hearts of the South, we can shoulder our arms in freedom's cause." They grasped each other's hands firmly, and with a hearty shake and a word of adieu the two friends parted. It was the sunset hour. Charley and Mary sat beside the open window, looking out upon the still, quiet scene beyond. The lawn with its carpet of green, and shaded here and there by clumps of irrand old forest tree.^, spread out before them.. Beyond it, in the distant horizon, was the dim hazy outline of the city. The rich mellow rays of the autumnal sun were flooding the western sky with radiant glory, such as we dream lights up the far away abode of the angels. It was a soft, sweet moment for love. The two young hearts sat there in silence, each pulsating with that fervent emotion. " What an age of anxious bliss we often live in a few moments !" The hand of the dial has scarcely moved over the horoscope of time, but we have, in these few fleeting IS RAIDS AND ROMANCE moments, added to our experience either of pleasure or pain, years of thought and feeling. Oh, these dashes of joy or of grief, how- far aduwn our life-path they throw their gladness and their gloom! Charley was lirst to break the silence. '' You will not forget me, Mary, when I am gone ? Years may ])ass before we meet again. Others will gather round you, and perhaps will strive to win your love. Will they succeed ? The thought is madness to me. You know I loved you, Mary, w^hen in our earliest yedrs we used to go with the Sabbath-school to our holiday pic-nics, or in winter-time meet with our schoolmates in our childish parties. I have loved you always, ever. My af- fection for you has never known change. And could I feel now that you could love another ; that while I am away, an exile from my home and friends, you should cease to think of me, forget to love me — Oh, the thought is anguish — but I will not doubt you, Mary. You have ever been true, even when far away. Shall I not rely on your constancy in the future as I have found it in the past?" Great tears stood in Mary's large blue eyes, as Charley's w^ords of doubt fell on her ear. She felt that her heart was wronged even by a suspicion of her faithfulness. The pearly drops gathered andjchased each other down her flushing cheeks. In a voice broken with emotion, she said : " How can you doubt me thus, Charley ? You do me wrong to dream that I could ever forget you. I have always been true. When we were separated for months, you had never a reason to suppose for a moment that I ceased to remember you. Why should you feel so now that I am older, and have loved you longer ?" "Oh, I do not doubt you, Mary," he answered, clasping the soft, dimpled hand in his, and pressing it to his lips. " Pardon me if my language seemed to betray a thought of change in your af- fection. You know love is jealous, apprehensive." "■ Oh, do not say so, Charley ; you pain my heart. Love should be without suspicion, trusting, confiding. I do not doubt you. I do not feel that any dark-eyed daughter of Dixie could ever sup- plant me in your love." " Never, never, Mary. In life and in death I shall prove faith- ful to you. And should I never return, should I fall unnoted, and no friend be near to bear my dying words to you, rest assured that as now your image shall dwell in my heart, and naught but the dread hand of death shall ever wrest it from its shrine." Mary looked upon him in her artless beauty. Tears were stream- OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 19 ing from her eyes, and her cohir came and went with the varying emotions of her lieart. Never had she appeared to Charley half so lovely. Her dark auburn curls were thrown back from the full sniootli brow, whose whiteness was that of the Parian mar- ble. And from the liquid depths of those large beautiful eyes, fringed with their long silken lashes, and now suffused with tears, spoke out the true loving soul of woman in all its ingenuous ten- derness and trust. She was about to break the silence that had succeeded Charley's impassioned avowal, when a buggy drove to the stile, and a gentleman sprang hastily from it, and throwing wide the gate entered the yard with a rapid step. "• Oh, it is John ! My mother ! my^other!" exclaimed Mary, liastening to meet her brother. Her conjecture was but too true. Mrs. Lawrence had grown suddenly much worse, and Dr. Hardin had requested that Mary, ■who was her mother's nurse in her attacks, should be sent for. In a few moments Mary was bonneted, ready to accompany her brother to the city. Charley waited for her in the hall. "The ambrotype, Mary. Did you not have it taken for me?" She drew the picture from her pocket, and handed it to him. As he received it he detained her hand a moment, and placed on it a beautiful diamond ring. "And yours, Charley — am I not to have it?" "Lu will give it you, Mary. I left it at the gallery to be fin- ished. "Write me. Miry, when I am gone." She sweetly smiled assent, a§ she turned those soft speaking eyes up to his. He led her to the stile, and kissing her burning cheek, assisted her into the buggy. The brother seated himself beside her. A look of love through the fast-falling tear-drops, answered by one which spoke far more eloquently than language could have done the deep passionate idolatry of Charley's soul, and the lov- ers parted to meet — when? Ah, when? Night drew on. The busy preparations were completed. The best horse was saddled, and brought to the door. The mother's burdened heart was well-nigh breaking. The father passed through the house with a bewildered, distracted air, like one seeking some object which his mind does not fully comprehend. Lu was grave to sadness. Tenderly she loved her brother, and sadly her heart was grieved at the thought of his leaving home. But her youth- ful imagination clothed even her sorrows with the bright-hued tints of hope. And in the future she already saw her brother receiving the honors and fame which the brave patriot merits. 20 KAIDS AND KOMANCE "God be with you, and shield you, my son, in the dread day of battle," sobbed the weeping motiier, as she pressed her son to her bosom in the parting embrace. She could add no more. Her heart was too full for words. She could only weep as she held him in her arms. Tiie father gave his blessing — " God be with you, Charley. Remember the cause for which you go forth to fight, my son, and may you be spared to return to us." Lu kissed him, weeping bitterly, as she threw her arras about his neck, while Lilly and Willie, the youngest-born, clung to him as if they would not let him go. It was a sad, solemn moment — one when the heart forgets the past sorrows for the present, and beats with fearful forebodings of the years to come. Charley alone, of all the group, looked out with hopeful eye on the path before him. Bidding them good-by, he mounted his horse, and turned from his home to seek his way to the Confederate army. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. SI CHAPTER III. FINDING THE CAMP. The soft stars of September studded.the heavens, shedding a pale dreamy light over the still earth. Tlie night air was chill. The evening breeze, which had now increased to a stiff north wind, swept southward from the river. But neither the chas- tened beauty of the one, nor the discomfort of the other, could serve to distract the thoughts of our young hero from the glowing visions that filled his mind. He was taking a look-out into the future, and with that hopefulness peculiar to the young, which all the accumulated experience of the world, taught in history, biog- raphy, homily, didactics, and the every-day life of all who are growing old, cannot school, warn, or overcome, his earnest soul was crowning that future with fame, honor, and enjoyment. All the wild and brilliant excitement of a soldier's life was before him, and his young heart bounded with rapturous exultation as in imagination he dashed on through victorious conflict towards the goal of his hopes. Alasl poor, inexperienced boy! He was revelling amid the rainbow tints of fancy. He saw not the labored march, the tent- less bivouac, the gore of the battle-field, the loathsome prison- house. He thought not of the home he had left; not of the kind mother who wjrs even then offering up a prayer for her boy's safe- ty ; not of the indulgent father, to whom the long night-watches were hours of restless, anxious fear; not of the loving sister whose tears of afiection were then bedewing her sleepless pillow; aye, even the image of the dark-haired, gentle Mary was momen- tarily obscured by these dazzling phantoms of war. On and on he rode, busy with his own inspiring thoughts. He met only a passing traveller on the journey. As day broke over the earth, wearv and chilled he neared Bloomfield, where he expected to find'Captain Jack Allen, with his men. He entered the town as the gray mists of morning were lifting themselves from the humid earth. As he approached the inn he saw crossing the highway two men, like himself, equipped for travel. He jSia KAID3 AXD ROMANCE glanced at their horses. They were jaded, evidencing a long and rapid ride. Without hesitation, he spurred his horse to their side. " For Captain Allen's camp ?" Startled, they looked at him — it was l^ut for a moment, they seemed to understand his mission as if by intuition — and bowed assent. '' Where is it situated ?" " We do not know," answered the elder of the two travellers, a man of forty years of age, and whom we shall call Mr. Bryant, *' nor have we dared to ask any one we have met." ''You do not live in the vicinity, then, gentlemen?'' ** We have come from Franklin county since yesterday evening, avoiding, as far as we could, all public roads, lest we might perchance fall into the hands of the Home Guard. These are dangerous times for Southern men to be travelling in the direction of Bowling Green. Have you no idea where the camp is ?" '' None." Just then the travellers passed a house by the road-side. The farmer was on the front porch. He looked for a moment at the strangers, stepped out and bowed, with a pleasant smile. Mr. Roberts had seen many such travellers in the last two weeks, and he full well understood their business. "He looks like a friend, gentlemen. I'll trust him," and Charley reined up in front of the stile. " We are seeking for Captain Jack Allen's camp, sir. Can you direct us to it?" '' Captain Allen anjd his men have gone to Dixie, my friend — left night before last." "■ Is it possible for us to overtake them, sir ?" interposed Mr. Bryant. " We wish to go through, but fear to set out alone." " Have you no guide, gentlemen ?" " Xone, sir." " And do nojt know the country ?" " Never have passed over a foot of the way." '* Then, sir, it would be attended with great danger to go alone There is a regiment of Lincolnites at Lebanon, another at New Haven, and I am told the Home Guard beyond are constantly seizing every one whom they suspect of attempting to make their •way to Buckner." " What shall we do ?" asked Charley, starting from his seat. ^ I must get through if it cost me my life." OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 23 ''Yon mnst all remaiu with me, gentlemen, for the present," responded Mr. Roberts. '' There will be some recruits here in a few days, I am told, a company of men from one of the adjoining counties. You can go through with thera." ''Is there no danger in doing this?" asked Mr. Bryant, hur- riedly. ^ " None in the world, sir. We are all right in this region. You may go where you please, and say and do what you please. No spies here in Dixie. Not a Lincoln man in the neighborhood." The men alighted, and at the kind invitation of their host seated themselves before a good suK^kiiig breakfast. Our young hero began to realize that there were dijfficnlties in the path to glory. But he was not a wiiit daunted. Naturally brave and enduring, with a love for the novel and exciting, the new-found trouble but heightened his zest and increased the interest of the undertaking. He chatted pleasantly of the risks that must everywhere beset their way, and reiterated his purpose to achieve his object or perish in the attempt. It was soon ascertained he was from Louisville, and many were the questions asked by his new friends relative to the state of affairs in that Eoted city. " How many troops have passed through Louisville, Mr. R., since Rousseau brought his 'Kentucky' regiment over from Jeffer- Bonville?" asked the host, as with his guests he assembled around the bright wood fire in the best room of the house. " I happened to be in the city at the time this quasi-Keutucky regiment marclied through on their way to Elizabethtown, and, really, if all of Lincoln's defenders are like that squad of jail-birds and wharf- rats, I think General Buckner can come to Louisville whenever he gets ready. They can offer but poor opposition. "Why, I tell you, gentlemen, there was scarcely a man in the regiment that could hold up his head." " Several regiments of Indianians have been sent forward since then to join Rousseau, and many of them were fine-looking men. They had the air of men who can and will fight. I fear, sir. General Buckner will have hard work to get to our city. Troops are now being sent forward daily." "Who is this Colonel Rousseau 1" asked the yofinger of the two men, who Uad hitherto taken but little part in the conversation ''He has been figuring in Frankfort for the past few months, as a member of the legislature. I have met him there frequently, and have several times heard him speak. He seems to me to be a 24: EAroS AND ROMANCE coarse, vulgar man, devoid of honesty and of patriotism ; destitute, indeed, of every thing but bombast and selfishness." " Why, sir," interposed Mr. Roberts, " he was one of the cap- tains in that distinguished Indiana regiment that ran so gloriously at Buena Vista. You remember Jeff. Davis called out to his men to open their ranks and let the flying Hoosiers pass, and then huz- zaed, ' Come on, my brave boys, let us retrieve the day.' The cowardly Hoosiers then vowed vengeance against Colonel Davis, and I suppose Rousseau thinks now is a fine time to pay off the old score ; but, I trow, he will have hard work to wipe out the disgrace of that day." "Do you know his standing in Louisville, Mr. R. ?" interrogated the young man. '' He commands but little respect, I believe, sir. I have no per- sonal acquaintance with him. Indeed, I did not know of his pres- ence in our city until his name was offered for the State senate. I have heard, since then, from those who knew his status at that time, that he was a pettifogger, noted for his impudence and coarseness; a hanger-on at the Police Court and around tlie Jail, making a penny wherever he could. If a low case was to be tried, Rousseau was sure to be connected with it; and would often, when engaged in a suit, delay trial from time to time, in order to extract money from his unfortunate opponent by way of compro- mise. I have heard it said he would suborn witnesses — creatures from the most wretched classes, whom he appeared to know well — and with these as his tools, together with his bluster and auda- city, would often succeed where a more honest and honorable man would have entirely failed." "But how was he elected to the State senate? — a man of such a character. "Was it not a disgrace to his constituents?" inquired the young man, who appeared from some unknown reason to feel either a deep interest in Rousseau, or an eager curiosity to ascer- tain his past history. " There was a vacancy in the State senate, caused by the death of one of its members, and it became necessary to elect a man to fill the unexpired term. Rousseau offered himself; there was no opponent. He was successful, and thus, for the first time in Ken- tucky, he found 4iimself in position. This occurred before the presidential election. The frequent called sessions of the legisla- ture, which became necessary from the distracted state of the country, and in which he has ever striven to make himself con- spicuous for 'loyalty,' have given him some notoriety. A few OF MOEGAN A^D HIS ilEX. t^o months ago, he solicited a coinmi.>5sion to raise a regiment. Of course lie had no difficulty in obtaining it, as he was introduced to Lincoln as 'Captain Kousseau,' who had fought gallantly in the Mexican war, and who was now a State senator from Kentucky. He bore, in addition to this, a letter of recommendation from old Prentice, with whom he is bosom friend at drinking saloons and wine parties. His zealous advocacy of 'The Government,' as the measures of the administration are now denominated, introduced liim to the j)resident as a fitting instrument to carry out his pur- poses in our State. With a colonel's commission in his pocket he returned to Louis- ville, and by ridding the cities of New Albany and Jeffersonville of the outcast and outlawed population, he has secured a force with which he hopes to add fresh laurels to his wreath in his pat- riotic endeavors to 'crush out this wicked rebellion.'" "And this is ^ColoneV Rousseau's history, is it!" exclaimed Mr. Roberts; "and it is just as I expected, gentlemen. I have always understood his character was doubtful, but I had not known how jnere circumstances had made him a hero. I tell you, sirs, that nine-tenths of these Kentucky Federal officers are of the same stamp with Rousseau — little men without one whit of merit — made great by the events of the hour, and — " A loud knock was heard at the door. Mr. Roberts arose to open it. As he did so, he encountered a man of medium height, dressed in a suit of dark jeans. Beside him was a youth of about twenty years of age. The strangers bowed, bidding him "Good- morning." " Walk in, gentlemen, walk in," said Mr. Roberts, throwing open the door and motioning them to the fire. They stepped forward, descried the three guests, and hesitated. Mr. R., divining their reason, whispered to them, "All right, no danger; these are friends." "I call, Mr. Roberts," said the elder of the two, before taking the proffered chair, "to ascertain where the rendezvous is in this neighborhood for Southern men, and whether there is any proba- bility of getting through to General Buckner from this point. I learned in Bloomfield that Captain Allen had left a few days since, but apprehensive that some difficulty might arise from further questioning on this subject, I did not make known to my inform- ant the object of my inquiry." Mr, Roberts, in a few words, gave the desired information to the gentleman, and again requested them to be seated. They were 2 26 , RAIDS AXD KOMANCE in the act of accepting his invitation, when another rap was heard at the door. The guests cast meaning glances at each other: sev- eral of them betrayed evident emotion. "Do not be alarmed, sirs," said Mr. Roberts, pleasantly, observ- ing the trepidation of some of his guests. " Friends, no doubt," and he opened the door and ushered in the three newly arrived strangers. "Good-morning, Captain Utterback!" exclaimed the eldest of the three, a man of about forty years of age, with a very pleasant countenance, a noble form, and a slight sprinkle of gray mid his black hair, as he approached the fireside, and grasped the hand of one of the men who rose to welcome him. " We have overtakeu you at last, after a weary ride over a dreadful road." Captain Utterback, after greeting his friends, and introducing them to the gentlemen present, called Mr. Roberts aside. After a few moments' conversation with the host, he returned to the room, and announced to his men his readiness to leave. Charley and his two friends understanding that the captain was going out in search of Camp Secret, decided to accompany him and his men. " Any danger of betrayal from our numbers, Mr. Roberts ?" in- quired the captain. "None, sir, none. You have no enemies in this region." The men mounted their horses and turned into the soad. As they did so, they saw approaching them from the direction of the town a group of four horsemen, followed by a buggy containing an elderly gentleman and a servant ; and yet a few paces in the rear, two others, whose horses looked jaded from travel. The party halted. Captain Utterback looked steadfastly at them for a moment. "For camp, gentlemen?" They answered in the affirmative. " We are just setting out for that point," pleasantly remarked the captain, " and if you will receive our escort we shall be most happy to give it you." The oftered favor was most gladly accepted, and the men wheel- ed into line. Our young hero was excited and cheered with the animated prospect. Already had he taken position beside the young friend of the captain. Tho party proceeded on the public road about two miles further west of Bloorafield, then suddenly turning to the right of the high- OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 27 way, tljey passed through a narrow lane, succeeded by an open fiehl, tlien across a tiinall stream, into a dense forest. As they were about t(^ enter, they were accosted by armed men. '• Who goes there?" ''Friends of the South," answered Captain Utterback. " Pass in, and follow the road, it will lead you to camp," was the response of the guard. The horsemen entered. Proceeding a few hundred yards, they came suddenly upon a large hollow, studded with small rail-pens, which were covered with straw. ''This is 'Camp Secret,' boys," said the captain, lifting his hat, and giving three cheers for the South. His example was lustily followed by the men, who made the old woods ring again with their shouts. A few moments more, and Charley and his friends found themselves " in camp," for the first time. They saw there a few armed men, whose business it was to guard the place. There were new arrivals throughout the day, of groups of two and three, sometimes more. Some were on horseback, some on foot, others in buggies. By evening, the camp presented a very animated scene; new acquaintances were made, adventures related, jokes passed — vengeance against the Lincolnites sworn by all. Baskets of nice, warm dinner mysteriously appeared in their midst. No one asked whence they came. It was enough to find them there, with their inviting content^, ready to appease the quickened appetites. The viands were spread and partaken of with right good zest ; toasts were drank to the downfall of the Yankees and the success of the South. '* Sleeping apartments" were selected for the night, straw couches arranged, with their covering of blankets and overcoats, and pillows of saddle-bags and carpet-sacks. *•' Why, how do you do, Mr. Simrall ?" said Charley, as a solo horseman rode through the guard, and approached where he was standing beside young Wicklifife, of Bardstown, the two engaged in earnest conversation, " Why, how do you do, Charley ? I did not expect to find you here. On your way to Dixie, I suppose." " Yes, sir; going out to fight for the South. Will you not join our company, Mr. Simrall?" "Oh, yes, Charley. I have set ray face towards the Sunny South, to link my destiny with hers, whether it be for weal or for woe." 28 RAIDS AIs'D ROMANCE Mr. Sirarall di.-^mounted, and leading his horse some paces from where the two young men were resting, secured him to a small ash-tree, then approaching a group of men who were standing in the iuclosure formed by rail-pens, he made some inquiries relative to the preparations necessary for the night, and the probable stay of the men at "Camp Secret." An hour afterwards, as Charley and young Wickliffe, wlio already found each other agreeable companions, were seated on an old log talking over the prospects before them, which spread out in fair enchanting colors to their youthful and now highly excited imagination, they observed four horsemen dash into camp. One was shghtly in advance of the others. He was about medium height, well-formed, and sat his horse with an elegance not often equalled even by the best riders. Every feature of his face bespoke daring and determination. Ilis mustache was trimmed with exquisite precision. The suit of dark jeans was fitted to his handsome form, and the immaculate shirt collar, turned over the narrow black neck-tie, contrasted well with the bosom of dark flannel. As he rode forward to the group he lifted his hat, and spoke. There was manly dignity, combined with graceful ease, in the movement. His manner fixed the attention of our young hero, who felt, he scarce knew why, an irresistible impulse to move forward towards the stranger. He did so, followed by Mr. Simrall and young Wicklifi"e. On approaching nearer,.Mr. Wickliffe recognized the stranger — it was John H. Morgan, of Lexington. OF MORGAN AND lUS MEN. 29 CUAPTER IV. FIRST CAPTURES. Vert soon after the arrival of Captain Morgan and his men in camp, young Wickhfte took liira aside, and the two engaged for eonie minutes in earnest conversation, *'An excellent idea, Mr. WicklitFe. The men will then all be well armed, and we will be more likely to cut our way through if attacked. You are familiar with the cross route, and will lead the expedition?" " Know every foot of the road, Captain Morgan. Have travelled it many a time when I was a boy, after rabbits and squirrels, and nothing would please me better than to capture the Home Guard, dastardly wretches! and give them safe lodgment in 'Camp Secret' for a few days. It would dissipate their patriotism, I tell you, sir." Several others, among them Captain Utterback, Basil Duke and Curd, who had accompanied Morgan from Lexington, and Captain Miner, were called, and the matter laid before them. The plan was highly approved by them all ; and another expedition, for a similar purpose, was set on foot, to be carried out by the Anderson county boys, headed by Duke and Curd. Twenty-five men were chosen for the dash upon Lawrenceburg, and thirty-five to accompany Crisp Wickliff'e, the latter undertaking beingVegarded as far more hazardous. Among this number was Charley, who was eager for an adventure. Every thing was as speedily and quietly arranged as it was possible. A strong spring wagon, which Captain Morgan's men had brought through from Lexington, was detailed for the enter- prise to Bardstown to bring into camp the captured guns. The expedition to Lawrenceburg was to go unarmed, with the excep- tion of a few good marksmen, and the men were to bring their trophies with them. Duke and his men set out as soon as the darkness of the night veiled their movements. About an hour and a half later, vount; 30 EAIDS AND ROMAXCE Wickliflfe, with liis thirty-five followers, armed to the teeth, left the camp and struck out into the country. On and on tliey went, through farms and lanes, as fast as tlie rough nature of the road would allow, until they reached the turnpike leading into the town,' a quarter of a mile from the place. It was midnight, and as dark as Erebus. Ko moon gave her light, and the stars were shut in by heavy black clouds. Not a sound was heard save that made by the tramping horsemen. " We must be as noiseless as the tomb," said young "Wickliflfe to Charley, who rode beside him. Every thing must be done with the utmost quiet, for if we are betrayed in this matter we shall be captured after we set out from Camp Secret." They proceeded in groups of four or five on the grass-grown paths by the roadside — the w\agon keeping a respectful distance in the rear — until they reached the edge of the town. The men were then halted, and Crisp Wickliflfe, with two others, dismounted and set out to reconnoitre. They proceeded very cautiously to the guard-house, where were deposited about one hundred Lincoln guns, which had been clandestinely introduced into the State. " Who goes there ?" called out the drowsy watchman, as the sound of approaching footsteps roused him from his unquiet slumbers. No answer was made. The men advanced. " Halt ! Who are you ?" cried the alarmed sentinel, as he seized his gun and presented it. '" A friend,"' answered Wickliflfe, disguising his voice. "I come ■with a command." The sentinel lowered his gun. Its clash on the pavement defined its position. Quick as thought young Wickliflfe seized it, while his companions took the man in charge. "Not a word, or your life pays the forfeit." The fellow hushed his breathing as he felt the muzzle of the pistol at his head. " Now tell me," demanded Wickliffe of his quaking prisoner, " how many guns are here, and how I can get them." The information was readily given, the man feeling that thereby he might purchase his life. The three, with their prisoner, returned to the men. Ten of the company, headed by Wicklitie and Charley, and followed by the wagon, returned to the guard-house, effected an entrance, secured the hundred guns, h)aded the wagon, and in triumph rejoined their companions. OF MOEGAN AND IIIS ME2s. 31 It was daylight when the victorious party retUMied to camp, bearing witli them their poor atf righted prisoner. A loud huzza went up as tliey rode in with their trophies. Young WickhtFe and his men were all heroes, and many a mess was enlivened that morning with a recital of their adventures. Tiie exj)edition to Lawreuceburg was equally successful, and in a little while the whole camp rang out in loud welcome as Duke's party entered, laden with their spoils. Each man had two, and some as many as three guns, the result of their daring. They had cai)tured sixty-five pieces, and the little camp found itself in pos- session of arms enough for all its unarmed men, and some to spare. Thus handsomely equipped, and each fearing that every moment's delay added to the hazard of the task before them, it was decided to make immediate arrangements for setting out to join Buckner. After a few minutes' consultation, it was unani- mously agreed, by both soldiers and civilians, that John H. Morgan should lead the expedition. The position was accorded, as if by intuition, to the young and gallant captain, and, the promptness of his acceptance, and the ease with which he at once assumed the responsible position, gave evidence that he was "born to com- mand." Throughout the day recruits were constantly coming in, until the number in camp was augmented to four hundred. Captain Morgan decided to set out that evening, about sundown, travel all night, and rest in some secluded spot through the next day, if it should be found impracticable to proceed on their journey. During the day, a Louisville journal was brought into camp by a friend from Bloomfield. The men gathered round to hear it read. They had been for two days shut in from the stirring events of the seething world without, "List, boys," called out Mr. Leach, as his eye ran down the news column. "■ Here is a striking morsel of intelligence for us." Pausing a moment for the noise of merriment to subside, he ele- vated his voice to its highest tone, and with great gravity read the following announcement in Prentice's own words: "Capture of John Mokgan. — John Morgan, captain of a lit- tle secession company at Lexington, Ky., with his men, was cap- tured by the Home Guard, on their way to Dixie, in search of their rights. They are now on their route to Frankfort, where we hope they will find their rights and enjoy them to the fullest ex- tent." 32 KATDS AND EOMANCE " Well, John, yonr ruse has succeeded admirably," said Dnke to the captain, slapping him on the shoulder, and breaking out into a hearty laugh, in which he was joined by all present. " Pren- tice is deceived this time, and we are safe. You could not have made a more capital hit." OF morgan; a^d his men. 33 CHAPTER V. SETTING OUT FROM CAMP SECRET. It was four o'clock in the evening of the 28th of September, 1861. The busy preparations for the march, which throughout the day had occupied the camp, were over. And the force which for four days had been quietly assembling at " Camp Secret," were in line, ready to move. They were about four hundred strong. Two-thirds of the number were mounted, the remainder on foot. But all were well armed. And there they stood, a band of noble patriots, headed by their brave and daring captain. Tliey were leaving home and friends — all that made life dear to them — to espouse a cause which the pop- ular voice pronounced infamous and hopeless. Branded as traitors by the Legislature of their own State, frowned upon by public sen- timent — doomed, in the event of failure, to the felon's cell— no roll of drum or stirring fife to nerve their hearts to martial deeds — no waving flag presented amid the cheers and loud acclaim of an excited multitude, to lead them on to glorious victory — no " God speeds" rung out on the tumultuous air from friends and fellow- countrymen — naught, naught, save the blessing and tears of kindly sympathy of the few females of the neighborhood, who had gath- ered to witness their departure. Their pathway was beset with direst danger. An armed foe before and around them, vigilant for their capture — a country to pass through almost impracticable to travel — no prospect of pay, rations, or clothing — the cause they sought feeble, struggling appa- rently hopeless — what had these men to nerve them to the un- dertaking? Simply this heaven-bestowed motive : they believed they icere right — their cause just ; and thus believing, they could do and dare, suffer and die, rather than be crushed beneath the fragments of a broken Constitution, rent by the hand of a vulgar despot. Say you such men can be conquered ? It is impossible. Fanat- icism and fiendishness mav hurl their wild and lawless hordes of 2* 34 RAIDS AXD eo:mance armed minions against them, but they will be scattered, blasted; and, like the mighty hosts of Egypt's proud monarch, perish in their heaven-doomed undertaking. The word of command was given, " Forward, march !" A gen- eral movement followed the command, and from the infantry a voice rang out in notes sweet and clear, " Cheer, boys, cheer ; we march away to battle." Voice after voice caught up the measure, until throughout the ranks there peeled one loud, harmonious strain. Handkerchiefs were waved in response from the group of weeping females, and silent prayers offered there for their success have found answer in a hundred victorious conflicts since. Slowly they crossed the silvery stream that bounded their camp in front. Casting one look of parting on this rendezvous of patri- otism, they defiled into the narrow lane that led into the main road. As the strains of the chorus died out, a voice caught up tho words, " Though to our homes we never may return, Ne'er clasp again our loved ones to our arms, O'er our lone grave some faithful heart will mourn : Then cheer, boys, cheer ; such death hath no alarms." In buggies and on horseback, in the rear of this band of true- hearted men, followed a number of citizens. Doomed for opinion's sake, by the tyrant at Washington, seconded by the treacherous sycophants of their own State, they were going out in sadness from the bosom of their families, preferring the sorrows of exile to the horrors of imprisonment, or the ignominy of a base oath extorted from them by cruel violence. Many a manly heart heaved with deep emotion, and many an eye all unused to weep was bedewed with tears as the thoughts of home, with its helpless inmates, soon to be the prey of a base foe, rose up before the mind of the father and brother. Did not the pitying eye of the Lord Jehovah look down upon. this brave band of patriots, and have not the wrongs these freemen then ^ndured come up before Him in remembrance, when defeat and panic and route have overtaken the insolent oppressor? Pickets had been thrown out on the Bardstown pike six miles ahead. The intervening country was friendly, and as the column moved on by th.e fev.- farm-houses that stood on their route, sunny- OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 35 faced cliiKlren, with smiling matrons, waved them a blessing, and loudly cheered for '^Jeff. Davis and Buckner." The column neared the Bardstown turnpike. It was expected that an encounter would take place with the Home Guard at this point. But when Captain Morgan reached the road, he found it in possession of his pickets, who reported the w^ay entirely clear. Falling into this road, they proceeded about a quarter of a raile, then suddenly debouched to the right, and entered upon what is known as the New Hope road. The folds of night gathered over them as they took up their line of march along this rough, broken route ; and, enveloped in the darkness of a starless night, they felt secure from all danger of the enemy. 36 RAIDS AND ROMANCE CHAPTER VI. THE FIRST NIGHT S TRAVEL. As we Lave said, it was rnyless darkness. Tiiick clouds covered the face of the heavens. The country was hilly, and, at every step of advance, the road grew more difficult. It was hard, rough work for these men, all unused to midnight marching. But their guide — "• Kit Carson," as he had dubbed himself — knew every step of the way, was fully acquainted with every turn, hill, and stream, and every point likely to be occupied by the Home Guard, and under his direction the column moved safely on. Captain Morgan was untiring in his endeavors to avoid difficulties and cheer the men, frequently passing along the entire lines to see that all was right. Charley had found a very agreeable companion in "Wood, of Nelson county, and the two youthful heroes whiled away the dark and chill night hours in hopeful lookouts into their future, and scathing comments on a perjured administration, which, under the name of '' the best government in the world," was rapidly sweeping away every bulwark of liberty. The road, which was scarcely more than a bridle-path, lined on either side by thick underbrush, interspersed with gigantic trees, was, in many parts, almost impassable. It was difficult for the mounted men. Those on foot often lost their way and strag- gled into the brush, while a buggy unfortunately veering to the right or left found itself suddenly brought to a stand-still by a tree or a clump of scraggy black-jacks, and the only alternative was for the footmen to lift the vehicle back into the narrow road. Then the way to the main road had to be felt, and there was no range in which to turn. There was a man of the party endeavoring to take through a lot of twenty-five mules. When day dawned, he found himself with only three of the pesky creatures left. There was an old man in company, Mr. Johnson, of Arkansas, who afi'orded great amusement to those in his immediate vicinity. He had been spending the summer in Kentucky, and delaying too OF MORGAN AXD IIIS MKN. 37 lonfr, had been cau^'ht by the blockade of the railroad, and was driven to seek his home by this dreadful route. The old gentle- man was out of health, impatient, and wicked. He was driven by his servant-man, Bob, a boy the old man })riz(.'d highly. Bob knew his master's peculiarities, and how to humor his tits of passicm. As the ditficulties increased, the old man grew more and more excited, then petulant, and then, unable to restrain his wrath longer, he burst forth into a most furious invective against all living flesh. Just at this juncture the horse made a misstep, the buggy struck a tremendous rock, the old man was unseated, and had not Bob caught him, he would have been dashed headlong from the vehicle. "I wish to God Jeff. Davis, Abe Lincoln, all the cussed politi- cians — yes, and the whole world, was miles deep in hell," he ex- claimed in the very fulness of his phrensy, " Oh, my dear sir, don't, I beseech you, place us in that horrid region," called out his fellow-traveller, in advance, highly amused at the fidgety old Southerner. "I have left a wife and children in Louisville, sir, and I do hope they will be spared this dreadful fate." The old man could not be appeased. He continued to pour anathema-maranathas on all creation. About midnight. Captain Morgan rode along the lines, announ- cing the approach to the Rolling Fork, a deep, and rocky stream, the passage of which would be attended with delay, perhaps with difficulty and danger. When old Mr. Johnson heard this, he seized the reins, drew himself up to the fullest height, and ''swore he would never die content until every man who had brought about this cussed state of affairs had had his head taken olf smack and smooth." "•Now, Bob, I tell you, boy," he said most emphatically, as he handed Bob the lines, ''if you do drown me, Bob, I'll shoot you — Do you hear me, Bob ? Hold^^your reins tight, and follow close to that buggy." *' Yes, sar — yes, sar, master : Til take you through safe, sar. If anybody can git you through. Bob can. Don't be skeered, mas- ter; I'll git you through, sar." The Rolling Fork is a branch of "old Salt River" — as it is gen- erally called — that stream so famed in Kentucky's annals, of which poets have sung and politicians jested. The "Fork^' is a deep and fearful current, and at the point 38 KAIDS AXD EOMANCE -where the column had to cross it, a high hill rises abruptly on the southern bank. Lights had been placed by friendly hands on each side of the stream to guide the men in their passage. The blazing pine-knots threw a vivid glare over the dark and sullen waters, and gave the outline of the frowning hill in front. " 'Halt !' rang out through the lines. Footmen were ordered to mount behind the men on horseback, that there might be no un- necessary delay. Captain Morgan rode to the rear to see that all was in readiness. Gaining the front, he ordered the guide to ad- vance. Kit Carson plunged into the stream and reached the op- posite bank. Captain Morgan and Lieutenant Dtike followed. "Advance!" and horseman following horseman dashed in and crossed over. Now came the buggies. Captain Morgan returned to the middle of the stream and remained there to direct their movements. At last old Mr. Johnson's time came. "With fierce and loud imprecations he essayed to follow. Midway the stream, his horse losing his footing, plunged furiously. "Oil! my God! I'm gone! I'm gone! Bob, if I am drov.ned I'll have you hung. Do you hear that, boy? Hold that horse, or we'll be at the bottom of this cussed creek in a minute. A loud peal of laughter rang from the shore as the old man, with these last words on his lips, emerged weezing and puffing from the " cussed creek." The road was so steep and rocky that horses had to be taken from the provision-wagons, and the wagons lifted by the men to the brow of the hill. Bob, with the assistance of others, succeeded in getting his master over all immediate difficulties, the old man screaming out all the time, " Now, Bob, if you do kill me, I'll have you hung, boy. Do you hear that, Bob ?" The road was worse now than ever. They had struck a spur of the ridge, of which Muldrough's Hill is the most noted. On thev went as fast as the nature of the route would admit, nothing of interest occurring until about three o'clock in the morning, when Captain Morgan dashed along the hnes bidding the men to be silent — not to speak above a whisper, as it was feared they were in the neighborhood of some Home Guard pickets. The column was halted, scouts were thrown in advance, headed by Captain Morgan and led by Kit Carson. After a hasty reconnoissance, they returned and reported "No danger." The way was now supposed clear of all obstacles, and, as the rond improved, they quickened their pace. OF MORGAN AKD HIS MEN. 39 At (Liylight they crossed the Lebanon branch of the railroad. It was expected to liave a skirmish here with the Guard, who had captured six of Cai)tain Jack Allen's company at this point a few days before. But not a soul was seen up and down the road as far as the eye could reach. In tliree hours more they were in the neighborhood of friends, vrhere they halted to refresh themselves and feed their horses. It was found that three men were missing from their number. What befell them could never be ascertained. The party was now be- yond the enemy's lines. Tiiat night they encamped near Uodgenville, in La Rue County. As this was a hostile section, they found great difficulty in })ro- curing food for themselves and horses. They succeeded in pur- chasing some corn-bread and meat, which, added to their stock on hand, served to stay their appetite for the night. E;irly the next morning (Monday) they set out for the Confeder- ate encampment on Green river, opposite Mumfordsville. And as they felt themselves freed from all apprehensions of attack, each one breathed more freely, and joke and laugh resounded along those ranks of weary yet determined men. Not knowing but that a force of the enemy might endeavor to cajiture him in the vicinity of Green river. Captain Morgan very wisely sent forward videttes to see that the route was clear. It had become known in the encampment that Morgan and his men would reach the river that evening, and it had been decided to send out an escort to conduct them in. Accordingly, Major Wintersmith, with two others, crossed the river and proceeded a few miles in the direction of the expected advance. They had rode but a short distance, before they perceived two men ap- proaching them. They were well mounted, and their guns were carelessly depending from their shoulder. "Halt!" cried out the major, as soon as he was sufficiently near to make himself heard. The men thus accosted reined in their horses, dropped their bridles, seized their guns, and in the twinkling of an eye were ready to fire upon their supposed enemy. ''Friends!" cried out the major, just in time to save himself and companion from the unerring bullet of the riflemen. •' We come to meet Captain Morgan." Instantly the guns Avere lowered, and the two rode forward. A moment more and the parties had alighted, hands were grasped in friendly greeting, and welcomes extended in the name of the 40 EAEDS AXD EOMAXCE Second Kentucky — Colonel Hanson's noted regiment — to Captain Morgan and his brave followers. An hour more and the whole force had crossed the river, and in a style at once dashing and impressive, rode into cam[). Loud and long and pealing were the shouts of welcome sent up by the Kentucky boys, as they beheld this large reinforcement to their numbers. Hats were flung high in the air, and their cheers for old Kentucky echoed and re-echoed along those grand old hills, while '* Cheer, boys, cheer" — their battle-song— burst in joyous notes from groups gathered around the newly arrived friends. There were stationed at this point, in addition to Colonel Hanson's regiment. Captain Jack Allen and his men, besides liundreds of others who had found their way thither from different parts of the State. Charley recognized in Colonel Hanson's regiment many of his old friends who had left Louisville some months before, for Camp Boone, among them Adjutant Frank Tryon, young Benedict and Delph, who hailed his arrival w'ith open arms. Our young hero, eager for an opportunity to serve his country's cause, soon enlisted in Company C, of the Second Kentucky, and entered immediately upon the duties of a soldier. Others joined the Second Kentucky, while most of the men found their way into the regiments of Colonels Hunt and Lewis. Captain Morgan and his company of forty men did not unite themselves to any command. Morgan wished to act as a partisan ranger, and addressed General Buckner a note, asking to be allowed to serve in this capacity. But it not being deemed prudent to grant the request, and Morgan not wishing to be a burden to the cause, moved his men to the north bank of the river, rented a vacant house for them, and provided for all their wants. TTith this as his headquarters, he made the country between Green river and Bacon creek the scene of many a daring exploit, which history will yet record to the honor of John Morgan, Kentucky's noblest chieftain. OF MOEGAN AXD HIS MEN. 41 CHAPTER VII. THE ESCAPE OP MORGAN AND HIS MEN FROM LEXINGTON, AS GIVEN BY ONE OF THE PARTV. Camp FIRES were blazing brightly. The cold and silent stars looked out from their far-off blue home in heaven upon the quiet scene. The soft moonlight kissed the cold earth and lay in silvery sheets of beauty on the bosom of the gently stealing river. Silence had thrown its deep spell on every object, only broken at long intervals by the low monotone of the watch-dog. Two men threw themselves beneath a large tree in front of a tent door, near one of the camp-tires. "1 will tell you, Will, the wiiole story," was the reply of the younger to the question of his friend. " We have had a hard time getting through to join this Southern cause, and I think with Morgan that we have a right to serve it as we think best. We had a company of sixty men, well drilled and well armed. John Morgan was our captain, and Basil Duke whom you have seen with us here, was first-lieutenant. Our intention was to serve our State, — to drive from her borders any foe that dared invade her soil. An order came to disarm the State Guard. We had long been objects of suspicion by blinded Union men, who had, in various epithets conferred upon us, spoken out their disapprobation of our course. The Home Guard, under a Captain Woodson Price, who was more distinguished for his artistic taste than good sense, had uttered base threats against us. This, of course, we did not hec-d. But when that infamous craven legislature at Frankfort invited Anderson into Kentucky, and placed Crittenden in com- mand of the militia of the State, we saw what awaited all Southern men. Our company, of course, disbanded to avoid suspicion. As soon as General Buckner reached Bowling Green, Captain Morgan decided to join him. He made his purpose known to as many as he could meet, and they to others. It was assented to by a largo •majority. Preparations for leaving were secretly made. Each man had secured his gun and determined never to yield it, though he should die for refusing to do so. 42 RAIDS AND EO-\rAXCE " We met at our secret rendezvous from night to night, and reported progress. It was deemed most prudent to leave the city in companies of two or three, at different hours and by different routes, thus avoiding suspicion. We assembled at Lawrenceburg. Our arrangements for provisions were intrusted to one of tiie company whom we knew to possess remarkable spirit ^nd tact. As we passed along the streets we could hear threats pronounced against John Morgan and his men, and it was said currently and believed, that the most prominent of us were to be arrested. This we determined to avoid. The day appointed for setting out at length came round. Captain Morgan found liynself narrowly watched, and was compelled to leave Lexington on foot, and meet a friend with his horse beyond the city limits. Others of us had to pretend we were going to Paris and Georgetown on business. "On departing, we could bring nothing with us that would jeopardize us, so we had to leave our baggage and gtins to our friends who were less suspected, and who were to come out at night. Some were to leave Wednesday, some that night, and others less noted not until Thursday. Our plan^succeeded ad- mirably. I believe not one, who set out for Camp Secret, has been arrested yet. "In the course of twenty-four hours after Morgan entered Law- renceburg, he found himself at the head of fifty men. We remain- ed there a few hours awaiting others whom he hoped would join us. Some of our bravest men are behind. But they had large families, and I suppose felt they could not leave them. At Law- renceburg, Morgan hired a man he could rely upon, and sent him to Louisville to inform old Prentice that he and his men had been captured." ''That was a happy ruse^ indeed," interrupted the eager listen- er. "I am convinced, after hearing your story, that Captain Morgan should be left to pursue his own course. He can aid the cause in Kentucky, perhaps, better than any other man. His family influence is extensive. He can command money, is ac- quainted with the State, and, above all, is a man of decision, en- ergy, and daring," Weeks passed by. Charley had become measurably inured to the duties of a soldier's life. He could stand on picket or guard, go scouting or foraging, make coffee or corn-bread. Prompt, obe- dient, kind, he won the respect of his officers, and the esteem of his fellow-soldiers, and his faithfulness and daring had obtained the favorable notice of his colonel. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 43 His letters to his friends at home were characterized by a sj)irit of clieerfiH endurance of present discipline, and heroic determina- tion to make good his cause in the field of conflict. Hopeful, buoyant, he gilded the future with the bright hues of joyous expectancy, yet he realized that the life he had chosen was one of labor and hardship. "We shall have to endure many trials, ^^ motlier, suffer many privations, make many sacrifices, but we shall ^m conquer, shall surely triumph; the justice of our cause insures success. There is not a man in our regiment that would not prefer death to submission." His letters to Mary breathed the same spirit of hope and confidence, tempered, liowever, by a feel- ing of sadness at their separation, and an earnest desire that their meeting migiit not be far distant. Poor Mary! Over her young loving heart there had crept a shadow. And she who through life had ever been so joyous, so happy, was now sad and thoughtful. Most of her time was passed with her mother, whose health grew daily more feeble, and who clung to her child with that feeling of dependence which the weak manifest towards the strong. Meanwhile the Lincoln hordes were pouring into Kentucky, possessing themselves of every point deemed important to their purpose of subjugation. The great heart of the State stood still before the unfoldings of the dread panorama. And those whose voice had been for ''Union" at the polls and in private, now began, with fearful forebodings, to ask themselves if the bayonet would accomplish the desired end. But what could be done ? They had courted the oppression of the tyrant ; had forged the fetters that enchained them. And now they stood helpless, hope- less, the victims of their own pusillanimity and avarice. While those who had ever opposed the coercion of free and sovereign States as the overthrow of civil liberty and constitutional right, robbed of their arms and of every privilege of freemen, denounced as traitors, watched in every word and act, realizing that any show of resistance would be sheer folly, suffered themselves to be borne along by the current, and even swept into the fearful vor- tex. Better far had they resisted in the outset, and driven the invader back from the banks of the Ohio. Poor degraded, subjugated Kentucky ! Thine is a sad story of vacillation and fear; of wrong and oppression. Tlie faithful chronicler of this wicked war must pen with shame and regret thy irresolution, and its ruinous results. While I write, as one of thy children, I weep as my thoughts go back to thee in thy deep 44 RAroS AXD KOMAXCE humiliation, and linger amid thj once lovely scenes — thy once free and happy sons and daughters, now so oppressed, so down- trodden. But thou wilt arise from thy fallen position. Even ■while I "weep, the glad tidings comes sweeping in the breeze, "Kentucky determines to be free!" And now, at the last hour, thou wilt break the chains that bind thee, and wilt stand ranged with thy Southern sisters, proudly free, determinedly defiant. A vote of a party legislature had invited Anderson, of Sumter notoriety, into the State to take charge of the troops within her borders'. This was a cunning pretext to open the way for the for- midable army that was soon to be thrown against Buckner at Bowling Green. The purpose of the Lincolnite dynasty had been served, and Anderson, the man of an hour, the fool of an unprin- cipled party, had been superseded by Buell, who was concentra- ting his force as rapidly as possible, in front of Bowling Green. His advance, under Rousseau, already extended beyond Elizabeth- town, and between that point and Louisville troops were being massed in numbers. Paducah, Smithland, and several interior towns were already in their possession. Major Breckinridge, having made his escape through the Federal lines, had reached Bowling Green, and there, in an address to tlie people of Kentucky, resigned his seat in the Federal congress, and announced himself ready to serve the Southern cause in what- ever position might be assigned him. He received the commis- sion of brigadier-general, and the Kentucky regiments were formed into a brigade, of which he was given the command. Hanson's force was recalled to Bowling Green, and General Hind- man thrown into position at Green river. It was proposed to establish a Provisional Government for Ken- tucky, that she might be represented in the Confederate congress. It was decided the Convention for that purpose should meet at Russellville. The Federal authorities heard of the movement, and declared the Convention should never assemble, and it was deter- mined to throw Crittenden's force so as to menace Russellville, and prevent the proposed meeting. General Buckner, learning the Federal programme, ordered Breckinridge to move from Bowling Green to Russellville. It was the middle of ]:s'ovember when Breckinridge and his command set out for Russellville. The weather was cold and damp, and the roads muddy. It was the first marching his troops had done; but his men bore it like veterans, and not a word of complaint was heard throughout the lines. OF MOKGAN AND HIS MEN. 45 Charley now began to experience something of the hardships of the campaign before him. As he threw himseU* on his bhinket, weary with the fatigne of the day's march, and looked up into the face of tiie bending heavens above him, thougiits of home and its comforts, of its loved ones whom he might never again behold, stirred the deep depths of his soul. Tears sprung to his eyes, and he wept like a child. It was not sorrow nor apprehension, but tender remembrances of the past that caused him Uius to grieve. There he lay thinking, his bosom heaving with varied emotions, his wearied frame stretched out on the hard ground, with no cover from the cold night air but his blanket wrapped around him, his knapsack for a pillow. As he dwelt on the wrongs inflicted on his State, the insolence of the oppressor, the sufferings that must necessarily follow in the train of horrid war, then turned to the insulted South, noble in her determination, heroic in her struggle, his iieart grew strong within him, his physical sufterings were for- gotten, he heeded not his cold, hard bed, thought not of his empty haversack, dreaded not the bloody battle-field. Jhe Convention assembled, protected by those gallant men who fully thwarted the plans of the Federals, keeping them at bay. About seventy counties were represented in the body. Resolu- tions were ad()i)ted, declaring that in view of the unconstitutional acts of the administration at Washington, and the belief that the war was one of usurpation and subjugation, Kentucky, as a sov- ereign State, had a right to withdraw herself from the Federal compact, and choose her own position. Oh the 19th of November, the Ordinance of Secession was passed. George W. Johnson was made Provisional Governor, and members to the Confederate congress were appointed from every district in the State represented in the Convention. The Assembly having adjourned, Breckinridge, with his forces, was ordered back to Bowling Green. After remaining there for some days, the order was given that they should go back to Roch- ester, a point on Green river, in Butler county, in order to pre vent a supposed flank movement of the Federals. * From Rochester they returned to Bowling Green, and proceed- ed to Cave City, where, after remaining for several weeks, they were dispatched to Glasgow, to intercept an anticipated move- ment of the enemy in that direction. The rain poured in torrents, freezing as it fell. The men were drenched through and through, as they ploughed through the dreadful roads, knee- deep in mud. On and on they trudged, over ma:ny a weary 4G EAIDS AND KOMAXCE mile, dripping with wet, shivering with cold, ready to sink with futigue. Tlie ahirm was false, and after they had proceeded one-third of the way, a courier came to countermand the order. Back the wh(tle force was turned, to retrace the miserable road. The men were sorely tried under this unnecessary experience, and thtir displeasure found vent in bitter murmurings. Many a "narrow house" at Bowling Green, all unmarked by love's kind hand, tells the sad tale of this dreadful march. And in many a quiet churchyard and family burying-ground through- out Kentucky, the stricken mourner bends over the quiet dust of the loved one lost, whose life was there sacrificed. Our young hero had a fine constitution, which had been well preserved and developed. But those drenching marches had sorely tried it, and its vigor and power had finally to succumb before the insidious advance of disease, which first manifested itself in a slight cold, and then rapidly developed itself into a severe attack of pneumonia. Now rose up before his fevered 'iinngination all the horrors of the hospital, with its tearful suffer- ings, its almost certain death. " Oh, do not take me there!" he said, pointing to the gloomy building that stood before him. "Leave me here to die." Through the exertions of Lieutenant Tryon, a bed was procured for him in a private house, to which he was borne, and where he was as carefully attended as circumstances would admit. There was a great deal of sickness in the army at Bowling Green, and every house was filled with the sufferers. Measles, fever, and pneumonia prevailed most fearfully. Charley grew rapidly worse. His symptoms were of the most alarming nature. His physician. Dr. Lindley, pronounced the case as one of a malignant character, and gave but little encourage- ment to hope for his recovery. A friend of Charley's, from Louisville, being informed of his situation, sought him our, that he might minister to his sufferings. This gentleman found him in a small unventilated room, where lay three other sick soldiers, two on the floor, one in the bed beside Charley. The air was foul with the fumes of tobacco, while the greatest untidiness and neglect were everywhere visibl«. Charley was wild with fever. He, of course, required the most profound quiet, and yet a band of musicians was quartered in the building, and ever at 'their ])lea?ure they made the air resonant with their martial rehearsals. The kind friend found be must certainly die if left to OF MORGAIT AND HIS SIEN. 47 remain in that dreadful condition, and determined to hazard his removal, despite the assertion of the physician, who declared im- peratively that such an act would be followed by certain death. An apartment was secured away from the noise and confusion of the town, and thither Charley was taken. A skilful nurse was procured, and after weeks of pain and feebleness, he so far re- covered MS to be pronounced beyond danger. It was a cold, bleak morning in December. The snow, wliich had fallen the i)revious night, covered the earth with its white mantle of purity. The sun shone brilliantly out from the cloudless heavens, and as his golden beams fell over the earth, they awoke to life a flood of glorious radiance most beautiful to behold. The majestic trees, draped in their robes immaculate, caught up the dazzling etfulgence, and sent it back in prismal loveliness over hill and plain and ice-clad brook. Charley sat, a convalescent, beside the hugely blazing log-fire, which, sparkling and crackling as if in merriment, sent its dancing flames, of fiery hue, here and there, up, across, athwart, as if in merry mimic of carnival holiday. His chair was so situated as to give him a full view of the scene without, through the window at his left, from which the red curtain had been lifted. There he sat, thinking, thinking. And of what could he be thinking but of home and M ary ? He sighed most deeply, and passed his hand slowly over his pale brow, as there came up before him the long, long, weary days since he had heard from the loved one whose image lived in his heart, whose soft sweet look was ever with him, whether in the weary march, or in the still deep hours of midnight he lay dreaming of the bliss to come. ''To seejier once again," he said to himself, as he leaned his head on his hand, " would be more to me than the elixir of life to Oriental magician. I should be well again, could I but look on her faultless form, gaze into the pure living depths of those soft blue eyes, and clasp that gentle hand in mine. But, ah me, many a day shall come and go before we meet. And it may be — yes, it may be — " He dared not complete the dread sentence. He shuddered with fear like one seized with a sudden chill — tears came to his eyes, and he bowed his head yet lower on his hand. Thus he sat for several minutes, thinking, fearing, feeling. Then rising, he walked feebly to a little dressing-stand on the other side of the fireplace, and took from its drawer a picture. Pweseatiug himself, he opened it, and gazed intently on the face before him. 48 RAIDS AND KOMAXCE His countenance wore tlie look of saddened love — his cheek was flushed, his hand trembled. A rap was heard at the door. Supposing it was his physician, whose hour it was to make his raorniug call, he hastily thrust the picture into his bosom (its usual resting-place), and wiping the tears from his eyes with his hand, he assumed, as far as he could, his wonted look of cheerfulness. The door opened. Charley turned to bid the physician good-morning. His eye rested on a strange form, muffled in overcoat and comforter to shut out the bleak winter air. Ciiarley bade the visitor " Good-morning," and requested liim to walk to the fire, pointing him to a chair which stood near the dressing-case. The stranger did not obey the invitation, but stood eyeing the invalid with a quizzical look. Charley's face colored deeply, and strange fancies began to fill his bewildered brain. The visitor threw off his cap, and hastily drew the comforter from his face. ''John!" ejaculated Charley, as he stretched out his thin, pale hand towards him. It was all he could say, for a moment. John Lawrence (for it was he), the brother of Mar}', and Charley's life- long friend, grasped the feeble hand and shook it most heartily. Then drawing the chair to Charley's side, he recounted to him all the incidents of his escape from Louisville, and the various adven- tures that had befallen him by the way. " And I have two letters for you, Charley." And the young man turned up the left leg of his pantaloons, and with his knife making an opening in the lining, drew forth two sheets of tissue paper, closely written, and tossed them into the invalid's lap. '*I tell you, my friend, they have had many a hair-breadth escape, and could they tell their own story, it would prove no uninterest- ing history, I assure you." Charley tore off the gauzy envelopes, and looked for the signa- tures. One was from his sister Lu, the other from Mary. What a smile of happiness overspread his wan face, giving to it an expression peculiarly interestiog, as eagerly his eye glanced over the contents of these dear missives. Like the breathings of the Angel of Life, stole the eloquent words of love into the innermost recesses of his soul, arousing to renewed vigor every animal functiou. The letters were read and laid aside for a reperusal, and conver- sation resumed, when the physician, piusing a moment after loor and approached his patient. OF MORGAN AND UIS MEN. 49 *' Ah, better to-day, Cliarley," said Dr. Lindley, pleasantly, as he turned from .vliukiii<,' young Lawrence's hand, and took the arm of his patient. *■' 1 lliink you will no longer need my care." After a few minutes' conversation, the physician rose to leave, telling Charley he would not call again, unless sent for, as he was now entirely free from danger, and only needed care to restore him to health. Young Lawrence, or John, as we shall most frequently stylo him in our future narrative, remained with his friend for several hours, and wlien he left to report himself, and obtain a position in C»)lonel Hanson's regiment, if possible, it was under promise to return as soon as this business could be arranged, Jolin was not only [daced in the desired regiment, but also in Company C, a vacancy having been made by the death of one of the members. Cliarley, as Dr. Lindley had said, grew rapidly well, and in the lapse of two weeks from the physician's last call, he was ready to join his regiment, and resume his duties as a soldier. Manyji familiar face was absent. Some lay on beds of linger- ing languor in the dreary hospitals. Others were quietly resting beneath the new-made earth in the soldiers' burying-ground. 3 50 KAIDS AND ROMANCE CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL BUCKNER ORDERED TO REINFORCE FORT DONELSON. Christmas came and passed. But little of a striking character connected with the Confederate army in Kentucky had yet trans-, pired. They had served for months to hold in clieck the immense Federal force that had been thrown into the State, and thus had rendered to the Confederacy most valuable service, by giving it time to expand and strengthen its resource55. It was the last days of January, 1861. The army had remained at Bowling Green since the 18th of September previous. Each day intelligence was received that the Yankees would very soon make an attack. Already had the gallant Terry fallen at Greea river. Already had all the troops been withdrawn from along the line of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, and concentrated behind the fortifications at Bowling Green, and their old encamp- ments were occupied by the advancing foe, who warily yet stead- fastly moved on towards the accomplishment of his purpose. It became evident to General A. S. Johnston that Bowhng Green must be evacuated, particularly as the enemy was now making extensive preparations to attack Forts Henry and Donel- son by water; but his determination was to hold out at the above mentioned place as long as possible, in order that the fortifications at Donelson might be made as strong as practicable. General Buckner had received orders from General Johnston to move with his division against the Federal General Crittenden, who with a considerable force was posted at Rochester, a small town in Butler county, of which mention has hitherto been made. In obedience to the command. General Buckner took with him eight regiments, numbering in all about seven thousand men, among them the Second Kentucky. Colonel Hanson, the Fourteenth Missis- sippi, Colonel Harper, and the Third Tennessee, Colonel Brown. General Floyd accompanied him with his Virginia troops, — the whole force amounting to about nine thousand. The command left Bowling Green for Rochester via Russellville. The rain commenced to pour in torrents on the first day of the march. OF MORGAN A^D IIIS MEN. 51 Reaching Russellville, it wus found impossible to proceed further, owing to the iinp^ussahle state of the roads. While thus detamed, orders came to Ge.R'ral lUickner to hasten to DonelsoD, for the purpose of reinforciui? the garrison there. Cl.arlev, seated on a camp-stool at the d.or of Ins tent, Ins paper re;ting on his knee, was busily writing a letter to Mary. The rain fell unceasing from the thick black clouds above The winter wind blew fiercely through the leafless branches of the old forest-teees, which stood like the grim sentinels of some enchant- ed land. Its voice sounded mournfully solenm as it swept onward •by the tent dt)or, over the dreary meadow-land, and lost itselt amid the thick undergrowth of the dark gloom of the dense t..rest beyond. To the ear of Charley, it seemed like the low plamtive dirge of a lost spirit. The scene was dreary and cheerless enough to oppress the stoutest heart with loathing disgust for the present, and dread apprehensions for the future, and, despite of all his endeavors to the contrary, Charley's words would breathe a true spirit of subdued thought very near akin to sadness The dark trials which were so soon to be realized by many a bold defiant heart, seemed to throw their shadows over the present, and to forewarn of coming defeat and humiliation - I know not why I thus feel, my dear Mary," wrote Charley, £fter speaking his fears and apprehensions. " It is so unusual tor me to be overcome by gloomy presentiments. But I cannot rid nivself of the feeling. Indeed, it reaches conviction, that there is sonow in store for us. I have never been so impressed before since I parted with you, and my dear, dear friends. It must be thi. miserable weather-this ever-continued dropping of the cold chill ruin, and mournful sighing of the bleak wind I mus not yield to such impressions ; they unfit me for duty, hfe, every thing. They will pass away, no doubt, with the sunshine, should that ever again return ; and then I shall be myself again." ^' Orders are to move immediately to Fort Donelson. Qmck, boys, be ready as soon as possible. Cars are in waiting to carry us to ClarksviUe. Not a moment must be lost." And the speaker leffthe door of the tent to deliver his commands elsewhere. Charley hastily added an explanation, enveloped and directed his letter, and requesting his friend John to attend to all prepara- tions, hastened to the post-office. All was energy and bustle throughout the encampment. In thirty minutes alter the issuance of the order, the Second Kentucky was marched on board the cars, which immediately conveyed them to ClarksviUe, d/i route to tort Oii KAIDS AND ROMANCE DoDelson. This was on Tuesday, February 11th. On Wednes- day they reached Donelson by boat. Thursday the attack was made on the fort by the land forces of the Federals, under Gen- eral Grant. It was now evident to the men that some 6ghting must be done ; they were now, for the first time, to meet the foe. Victory or death was their watch word, and nobly did they make it good throughout those memorable three days, when, from early, morn- ing until night, they repulsed, with su])erhuman energy, the hosts of the beleaguerers. OF MOKGAN AND UIS MKN. 53 CHAPTER IX. DONELSON — FIRST DAy's ATTACK. What varied emotions are c.illed into life at the mention of that name— Fort Donelson ! Emotions of sadness, as the mind recalls the sufferings, ])rivations, and defeat of those gallant men —those more than Spartan defenders— who, for three long weary davs of carnage, maintained the unequal contest against such fe-u-ful odds; and who at last yielded because nature, exhausted, could no longer obev the biddings of their unconquerable cour- age: emotions of unbounded admiration, as we think of the dar- in.T, endurance, patriotism, and nerve manifested by that devoted ba'iid, who, under circumstances the most trying, without food or adequate clothing, meeting and driving back through the day the countless hordes of the assailants, and at night, hungry and worn from the conflict, sleeping in trenches filled with mud and ice, till many were frozen, while the pitiless sleet beat furiously over them, vet, like veterans, like brave, patriotic men as they were, meeting all these horrors, enduring all this unparalleled hardship unmurmuriugly, and with firm, undaunted soul, rising with each rising morn to strike for freedom and for right. This dreadful war hath many a page all bright and glorious with the heroic daring, the patriotic fortitude, the brilliant victory of Southern freemen, but none can ever be more lustrous, can ever '^peak in words of more thrilling eloquence to the generations of all coming years, than that of Donelson, the synonym of all that is sublime in suffering, hen)ic in daring, and nobly triumphant in patriotism. On the 10th of February, General Pillow reached Donelson, and took command. Immediately every thing was in busy activity, to place the fort in a defensive condition against the expected attack by land and river. ''The space to be defended by the army was quadrangular in shape, being limited on the north by the Cumberland river, and on the east and west by small streams, now converted into deep sloughs by die high wflter, and on the south by our line of defence. 54 KATDS AND ROMANCE The river-line exceeded a mile in lengtli. The line of defence was about one mile and a half lonjr, and its distance from the river varied from one-fourth to three-fourths of a mile." The line of intrenchments, of a few logs rolled together, and but ^.lightly covered with earth, formed an insufficient protection even against field artillery. . Not more than a third of the line was completed on the morning of the 12th. It had been located near the crest of a series of ridges, which sloped backwards to the river, and which were again commanded in several places by the ridges at a still greater distance from the river. This chain of heights was intersected by deep valleys and ravines, which materially interfered with communications between differ- ent parts of the line. Between the village of Dover and the water batteries a broad and deep valley, extending back from the river, and flooded by the high water, intersected the quadrangular area occupied by the army, and almost completely isolated the right wing. There were but thirteen guns, and, on trial, it was found that only three of this number were effective against the gunboats. The garrison numbered only ''13,000 troops, all told." These consisted of Tennessee and Mississippi regiments, under General Pillow, General Floyd's brigade, and a portion of General Buck- ner's command from Bowling Green, wiiich did not reach the fort until the 12th, only the day before the attack, while General Floyd did not arrive until the morning of the 13th. The morning of the 13th of February rose bright and beautiful. Just as the first rays of the dawning sun, bursting through the fleecy clouds of the morning, fell over the earth, the loud booming of the cannon aroused the expectant garrison, and announced the beginning of that fierce conflict which was to last throughout three fearful days. The men sprang to arms, eager for the contest. Soon, under the direction of their ofiicers, they were formed into line of battle, and in a few brief moments the strife coiumenced on the right wing, commanded by Buckner, and raged in wildest fury. On and on came the moving lines of t})e foemen, encountering the well-directed fire of infantry and artillery. The massed col- umns wavered and fell back with fearful slaughter. Not a South- erner faltered. Officers displayed the most daring courage, riding np and down the ranks cheering their men, and inciting them to deeds of valor, while the rnen, fighting for homes and liberty, ri- valled each other in death-defying heroism. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 55 At 10 o'clock, tlie extreme right of General Buckner's line, un- der Colonel Hanson, was desperately attacked, the enemy advan- cing: in column, nianitesting a determination to take the position at all hazards. On came the serried hosts. " Wait, boys, until tiiey come within range of your guns," was the command. The gallant 2d Kentucky, fired with a desire to repulse the dark foe, could scarcely restrain their ardor. "Fire!'' The order ran swift along the line, and volley after volley of musketry, min- gling with the roar and bursting of shells and the crashing of artil- lery, poured into tlie ranks of the assailants. Ah, it was a fearful sight to witness the carnage and death that swept along that close, dense line. Like grain before the reaper's sickle, they fell, mowed down by bullet, shell, and shot. Affrigiited, they paused — 'twas but for a moment : rallying, they pressed forward. Again sped tl)e horrid missiles of death from the intrenchraents, and down went scores of the rash besiegers, mangled, torn, bleeding, writhing in the tortures of agony and death. Discomfited, the decimated regi- ments retire, to make room t\)r others, who dash on to tlie same dreadful fate. Thrice is the attack made on this point by fresh and heavy forces — thrice is the foe repulsed with dreadful slaugh- ter. The batteries of the Confederates, managed with precision and skill — each man performing his part with the greatest enthu- siasm — at every discharge, cut long lanes through the serried col- umns of the assailants. Repulsed, defeated at this point, the enemy, with fresh troops, turned his assault on the position beyond General Buckner's left, held by Colonel Heiman, and flanked by Grave's battery, which, from its location, swept with its deadly tire the valley through which the Federals had to advance. On they came, with firm, undaunted step, knowing not that they were marching to the death. With banners proudly waving, and officers splendidly uniformed, cheering their men to victory, they dash on — on — on ! All is silent on the part of the besieged. AVith a shout of triumph the armed forces press forward. Loud, as if a thousand thunders had leaped from their wild storm-cloud — reverberating through the valleys, and bounding against the liills, to be re-echoed in tenfold fury — burst upon the air the hideous bellowing of the wide-mouth cannon ; while the crash and hiss of shredding bullets which fell like the thick hail on the close lines, sweeping down in one wide welter, hundreds of stricken men, added to the loud, wild din, until the earth shook, and the air re- sounded with the terrible conflict. 56 BAIDS A2sD KOMANCE Louder and louder grew tlie mingling clash of arms : fiercer, and yet more fierce the dreadful struggle. But its fiendish fury lasted but for a few minutes. The assailants, unable to stand the leaden storm in front and the destructive flank fire from Grave's battery, like their comrades, faltered onward; then, as if broken by the hand of divine vengeance, atfrighted, panic-stricken, they turned and fled in wild confusion. Hundreds of their number lay mangled, wounded, torn, dying on the battle-field, trampled beneath the feet of their retreating comrades. Their guns had been silenced — many of their oflicers had fallen — yet, unwilling to yield the contest, they poured fresh trooj)S against the intrenchments, and the deadly strife went on. All through that long dread day, the battle raged most fearfully ; and as night closed in upon the sickening carnage, the enemy, re- pulsed, cut to pieces, slain in hundreds, was driven to seek his position of the morning, leaving the field covered with his dead and dying. Ah, it was a sad, sad sight to see them there, cut down in tlieir manhood's prime, in servile obedience to the behest of a tyrant. Many who, but a few hours before, had marched forth with strong hearts, and arms well nerved, now lay stifi^ and cold in death. Many weltered in their gore far away from all relief, send- ing out on the dead, dull ear of night, piteous moans and cries for help, which, alas, would never come; for when the morning rose and woke to life their comrades, they had passed away. On the bloody battle-field lay friend and foe in ghastly death en- wrapt. Everywhere were nringled, mangled forms of men and horses, and broken remains of guns and caissons. In some places the dead bodies lay piled several feet deep. In many instances, the wounded lay pinned to the moist, cold ground by the forms of dead comrades, ^yhose fixed and agonizing eyes looked out as if in search of the foe; while the shrieks of the suflfering and dying broke in horrid cries on the ears of those who could give them no aid. Faint and low was the plaintiv^e wail of some, as with the life-blood ebbing fast from their gaping wounds, they turned their wild, glaring eyes upward and vainly implored help. Ah, it was a sight fearfully appalling, that battle-field of Donel- son. For two miles the slain were thickly strewn, and in places where our artillery had mowed them down, they lay literally heap- ed, soddening in their gore. The morning had opened beautifully bright. Towards the afternoon a fierce wind swept from the north, bringing on its OF MOKGAN AND HIS MEN. 57 careering bosom rain, and .^lect, and snow. A more fearful nigiit could nt)t be conceived than that which rested over the blood- bathed battle-field after that first day's conflict. Those of the wounded who survived the horrors of that memorable night, had their clothes stiff frozen to their griping wounds, while the sleet and snow fell pitilessly over their [)rostrat6 forms writhing in tortures of helpless, hopeless agony. Those of the garrison who had fallen beyond the intrenchments shared tiie direful fate of the prostrate enemy. For so close were tlie two armies as they rested for the niglit, that neither dared to make an etibrt to alleviate the sufferings of their wounded. Our men, who had fought throughout the day, weary, worn, exhausted by their superhuman etf*)rts, threw themselves on their arms in the trenches to catch such repose as the shelling, which was kept up at intervals through the night by the enemy, would allow. "This is terrible," said Charley to John Lawrence, who lay beside him in the pit shivering with cold, while the freezing sleet dashed into their faces and fell in icy showers over their benumbed bodies, as ever and anon the bursting shells from the enemy's batteries came whizzing through the air on their errand of death. "Terrible! terrible!" replied his comrade. " We shall all bo frozen by morning; it is impossible to live through sucli a night as this, lying here in the mud and snow, without any protection. But we have whipped the Lincolnites most soundly, and this is some consolation, Charley, if we do freeze to death. The poor wretches, I wonder how they feel to-night after their drubbing. I pity them, foes as they are." At that moment a piercing moan was heard just outside the intrenchment, near where the two were lying, and a voice, in the accents of despair, gasped out, ''Water! water! for God's sake, boys, give me water! I am dying!" "That is one of our men," said Charley, rising to his knees. "Listen! don't you hear? he is near us. I must give the poor fellow water, if they kill me for it. I cannot let him lie there and die. Go with me, John, perhaps we can succeed in bringing him in!" '•They may shoot us, Charley, as they did those boys that went out just after dark to bring in our wounded. But we must risk it. I would sooner perish than listen to those pitiful groans. Have you any water in your canteen? Mine is empty." ''EnoUirh fur him." 58 EAIDS AND KOMANCE The two rose cautioiij;!}', and, guided by tlie sad, low moans, proceeded warily under cover of the trees to where the sufferer lay. " Water, boys, water," said the wounded man, as the noise of footsteps fell on his dull ear. *' I am dying — will no one give me a drop of water? Oh, for God's sake, a little water, Pm dying. Just a little w^ater, then Til die in peace." Bending low, and lifting the feeble head, Charley placed his canteen to the ftimished lips. The sufferer drank eagerly. "God bless you, boys! I was ready to perish, but you have saved me," he said, in low, faltering tones. " Could you take me from this place? I am freezing, dying. Ah, my poor wife, my dear children ! God in heaven pity them !" "Be quiet, friend, and we will do for you what we can," whispered Charley. ''If you make a noise we may all be shot. Where are you wounded ?" "There, in my ankle," and the man, with a desperate effort, struggled up and placed his hand upon the bleeding limb. As he did so, he shrieked with pain. "Be quiet," whispered Charley, "or the Yankees will shoot us." "The bone is shattered, and I am so faint I can't sit up," and the poor man relaxed his hold on young Lawrence's arm, and would have fallen backward to the ground had not Charley caught and supported him. "Lean on us, and we will bear you in." "God bless you, boys," said the wounded man, with something like animation in his voice. " I may yet live." With great effort the two bore him within the intrenchments, and securing a place of safety and comfort for him, called a sur- geon to dress his wounds. " AVe shall have hot work to-morrow, Charley," said Lawrence, as they resumed their places in the trenches. " These Lincolnites have a strong force, and they will bring their gunboats into the action." " We shall whip them for all that," was the heroic reply ; "that is, if we don't all freeze to-night. But, really, I don't believe I can live till morning in this condition." "I don't fear a thing but the boats, Charley. But I do quake a little at the thought of those monster balls whizzing round ray ears." "Soon get used to them, John. And if we die, we perish in a glorious cause. This is my doctrine, and I'm not going to let OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 59 lie their gunboats, or nnv thing else, sciire me. And after all, th balls fruni their gunboats will be directed against the water bat- teries, and can do us but little harm, I imagine. But their troops surprised me, John. They fought like men in earnest. I bad no idea they had so much spirit. Poor fellows, they were sadly cut to pieces. Their loss must be three or four times ours." '' Oh, these Western tnen are brave, Charley. It's all a mistake to say they are Yankee cowards. They can fight like wild- cats. But they are pretty well used up. I think they'll need some rest before they attack us again." '• But, doubtless, they will be heavily reinforced before they renew t'he attack," replied Charley. '' There's no end to the num- ber of these men. This is our only danger. If they can bring fresh troops against us to-morrow, I don't see how we can hold out. But Buckner is here, and I'll trust to hiin." '►Tes, indeed, I'll risk my fate in his hands. He'll bring us through, my word for that." Just then a shell came whizzing by, and exploded at no great distance from where they lay. It did no damage. '• They won't let us sleep a wink to-night, Charley. I do wish they would cease firing until daylight." "But I must sleep, John, if they do shell us, and so must you. We won't be able to fight to-morrow if we don't. We must take our chances— no use trying to escape." The two selected as comfortable a posture as was possible, and fell into a slumber, from which they were frequently aroused by the passage of a ball or shell, as it swept onward.^ The long and dreary night passed away, and uiorning came all too soon for those weary men, who, worn out with the fierce con- test, lay sleeping in the uncovered pits, while the sleet and snow- fell thick and fast upon them. ^ ^ , , i At the tap of the drum they sprang from their fitful sleep, and seized their arms. Their hearts were brave, and they longed again to meet the baffled foe. There he lay, with his gigantic numbers, within view of the fort, but as yet manifested no signs of renewing the attack. Our men, after vainly waiting some time for his advance, snatched a hasty meal, and immediately placed themselves again in line of battle. There they stood in the trenches, through the long, dread hours, the mud and ice-water up to their knees, expecting every moment the presence of tho foemen. But nothing was heard from him through the morning, save the shells which he unceasingly threw into the fort. CO RAIDS AND ROMAifCE But he was not idle. A plan for an attack by tlie gunboats ■was being arranged, and meanwhile large reinforcements were landed from transport.-, which everywhere lined the river below the fort. Their plans were fully comprehended by General Buckner, who, in a council of general officers called during the morning, advised that an immediate etfort should be made by the garrison to cut its way out, while the enemy, prostrated by the defeat of the previ- ous day, was comparjitively helpless, and before the reinforce- ments, fifteen tliousand strong, should disembark. The proposi- tion was assented to by all present. General Buckner proposed to cover the retreat of the army with -his division, in the event the attempt should prove a success. The tnjops were drawn out, and every preparation made, both by Generals Buckner and Pil- low, to execute the movement, when, to the surprise of the former general, the order was countermanded by General Floyd, influ- enced to the decision by the unwise council of General Pillow, who alleged the lateness of the hour as a reason for the aban- donment of the plan. Early in the afternoon the gunboats were observed to be advancing to attack the river batteries, and at three o'clock a vigorous fire was issued from five boats, approaching in echelon^ throwing shot into the fort as they moved slowly and majestically forward. The gunners waited until the advance boats were within effect- ive range of our guns. Then, at a signal, every gun, twelve in cumber, belched forth its missile of destruction and death. Still, amid the dreadful storm of shot and shell the defiant fleet moves on, confident in its strength, until it approaches within a few hundred yards of the fort. For a nioment the guns are silent; then, in tones louder than Vesuvius's dread voice, they pour forth their deafening roar, and the fiery death-weapons speed on their unerring course. Higher and higher swelled the tumult — dreadful and more dreadful grew the fierce conflict. The gi-ound shook as with the throes of an earthquake. The air resounded for miles with the bellowings of the death-dealing guns. The heavens were shut out by the clouds of dense, black smoke. Shells crossed and recrossed each other at every conceivable angle ; those of the fort plunging into the river with fearful rapidity, sending the white spray high in air, or striking against the iron sides of some vessel, would make it creak and quiver through every timber. OF M )UUAN AND HIS MEN. 61 Tlie five boats respond with equal energy ; and a sixth, some- what modestly in the rear of the others, sends her conical shot at rajjid intervals into the fort. Now the leaden conflict rages with renewed vigor ; shell and shot i)our like rain over every thing. See ! the Essex, mistress of the fleet, reels and plunges— she is struck, disabled. She pauses for a moment, then turning about, retires from the scene. The gunners of the fort point their guns with precision. Then bursts forth a wild and stunning explosion. Another boat is pierced in her iron casements, and her timbers creak and crash and splinter in the air. A few mf)ments later, and another is struck, which makes her metal sides ring. Her guns are silenced. She writhes and quivers like some dread monster in his death throes, and is withdrawn from the conflict. The remaining boats kept up a rapid tire. The batteries fail to respond. Ah, they are at last silenced. The foe has triumphed amid his destruction. But the delusion lasts but for a moment. A fearful shock rends the air, as a broadside from the fort pours into the two remaining boats, and sends them reeling and drifting down the stream. The foe is vanquished— his fleet crippled. Shout after shout, long, loud, victorious, rings forth on the cold winter air, as the men behold the haughty foe driven from his unholy undertaking. Two davs had passed, and yet the-^arrison, famished, freezing, overcome bv incessant duty, held out. Yea, far more ; they had repulsed the hosts of the enemy on Ijind, and shattered his mighty fleet. . , ., It was night, cold, freezing, rayless. The weary men again laid themselves down on their arms in the wet and muddy trenches, to snatch what sleep they could. At headquarters, Generals Floyd, Pillow, and Buckner sat in grave consultation. • The question was, '^ what should be done on the following day ?" Should the garrison remain in the intrench- ments, and attempt to vanquish the attacking foe, or should they endeavor to cut their way out, and fall back on Nashville? It was known that throughout the day heavy reinforcements had been received bv the enemv, and that he had so disposed himselt as even now to almost completely envelop the fort. His gunboats would command the river, thei-eby cutting off all reinforcements and supplies from Cumberland city. The question was a serious one,'and required grave consideration. The men were greatly exhausted through tighiing and loss ot sleep, and it was telt that 62 EAIDS AND KOMANCE unless they could be relieved by fre>h troops, it would be impos- sible for them to hold out more tluiri one day k)nger. The question was fully eers with those of their victorious comrades under General Pillow. Tiie enemy was defeated, driven back. The plan devised by the council of Confederate ofticers had succeeded admirably. A way of escape had been 0])ened for the brave and gallant garrison by its own noble achievements. Quadruple its own strength of fresh troops had been driven back by men "worn with watching, with labor, with fighting." Unfading laurels will ever wreath the brows of the henoes of that memorable 15th of February, 1861. General Buckner's division having driven back the entire force of OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 65 the enemy to llie riglit of the Wynu's Ferry roarl, leaving this route and ilie Forge road open for the egress of the garrison, were awaiting the arrival of their artillery and the reserves that had been left to hold the trenches, when General Bnckner received reiterated orders to fall back to the intrenchments on the extreme right. Surprised, shocked, stunned at such a command at such a time, and under such circumstances, he could not believe that it had emanated from the commanding general. To retire back to the intrenchments, and thus jdace themselves again in the power of the foe, and that, too, at the point when the object for which the men had fought desperately for seven Iiours was fully gained, seemed to him madness of the wildest nature. To fall back was the certain destruction of the entire Confederate force. To advance from their present safe position would be the salvation of the whole garrison. Galloping back to the lines, he encountered General Floyd, and made known to him the orders he had received. The command- ing general, surprised, astonished, pronounced it a mistake. '' Wait, general," replied General Floyd to General Buckner. ''Let me look into this. Remain in your present position until I can converse with General Pillow." In a very short time after this meeting, General Buckner re- ceived orders imperatively to repair as rapidly as he could to his former position on the extreme right. Nothing was left him but to obey, although he knew that he and his men were going back to certain death, or inevitable surrender. Two miles of retreat were trod by the weary and now dis- heartened men. On nearing their intrenchments they found the right of their position already occuf)ied by the enemy. A desper- ate fight ensued, in which the Confederates succeeded in keeping at bay about five times their number. Night closed the dreadful scene. The enemy occupied the Confederate works on General Buckner's right, ready to resume the attack with overwiielming force as soon as the morning should dawn. The fort was soon reinvested by the enemy with the fresh reinf(.rcements received, as was shown by a thorough recon- noiscance made by Colonel Forrest. And thus, after three days' hard fighting, hardships, privations, and sufferings, such as sol- diers have rarely ever been called on to endure, after having once extricated itself, through the want of prudence and generalship of 66 liAmS AND EOATANCE General Pillow, tiie heroic garrison was caught in the toils — doomed — sacrificed. A sad page in our country's history. Would it had never been written; Again the dreary night came down over the earth, wrap- ping in its folds of thick darkness that appalling scene of car- nage. In a tent, there sat the commanding oflBcers of the garrison, grave, sad, thoughtful. They liad essayed the daring effort of cutting their way out, but found themselves, after a successful effort, back again in their old posiiion, and again environed by the ■wily foe. Tiieir men had fought like heroes, but now they were exhausted, and could fight no longer. They could not escape secretly, for the enemy completely surrounded them, leaving no possible outlet. The command and position must be surrendered to the victorious foe — a sad, but only, alternative. Everywhere were the horrid witnesses to that fearful struggle, which, for nine dreadful hours, had raged in wildest fury. Men — dead, dying, mangled — horses, gun-carriages, broken muskets, cartridge-boxes, knapsacks — all the paraphernalia of war — lay scattered in one wild welter. Foe grasped foe for the death- struggle, and together fell clenched in each other's gripe, while their pallid faces wore the look of deadly hate which had filled their hearts in life. Three days of the most desperate fighting the world has ever known, had passed. The little garrison, completely overcome, lay asleep on the cold frozen earth. Men dropped from their position while standing, unable to bear up any longer under their dread exhaustion. Some of the little band had fallen on the ensanguined field, others were prostrated through fatigue and exposure. All weary and fainting, yet they never dreamed of yielding. They looked to the morrow for a renewal of the fight. Alas! they dreamed not of the humiliating fate that awaited them. Again in council sat the officers, this time more grave, more thoughtful than before. Death or surrender was now the choice. There was nothing else left them. Each of the three generals, Floyd, Pillow, and Buckner, had expressed his respective opinion. They were found to difi'er — General Pillow believing it yet possible to cut their way out — General Buckner demurring, regarding the project as one involv- ing extreme hazard and a useless sacrifice of life. Silence ensued. A scout was ushered in. OF MORGAN AND HIS MKN. 67 "The enemy reoccnpies the lines from wliich we drove liira during the day." *'I think the man must be mistaken," said General Pillow. " Send out another scout," " I am confident the enemy will attack my lines by light, and, owing to the condition of my men, 1 cannot hold them a half hour," said General Buckner. "Why so? Why so, general?" interrogated General Pillow, sharply. "Because I can bring into action not over four thousand men, and they demoralized by long and uninterrupted exposure and hard fighting, while he can bring large numbers of fresh troops to the attack." "I ditfer with you, general," responded Pillow, nervously. "I. think you can hold your lines. I think you can, sir." "I knoio my j)osition," firmly answered General Buckner. "I know the lines cannot be held by my troops, in their present con- dition." "Then," interposed General Floyd, "a capitulation is all that is left us." "I do not think so," was the quick response of General Pillow. " At any rate, we can cut our way out." "To cut our way out would cost us three-fourths of our men, even if we should succeed at all ; and I do not think any com- mander has a right to sacrifice three-fourths of his command to save one-fourth," responded the noble Buckner. The second scout entered the room. "The enemy completely surround us. Our works are fully invested." " Send out scouts to see if the back water can be passed by the army." The command was immediately obeyed, two of Colonel Forrest's cavalry being dispatched for that purpose. Soon they return, and report, " Cavalry can pass — infantry can- not." " Well, gentlemen, what are we to do ?" asked General Buckner, on the reception of this intelligence. "Understand me, gentlemen," responded General Pillow, "I am for holding out at least a day longer — getting boats, and crossing the command over the river. As for myself, I will never sur- render, I will die first." "Nor will I," interposed General Floyd. " I cannot and will 68 RAIDS AND KOMAXCE not surrender; but, I must confes?, personal reasons control me." " But such considerations should never control a general's ac- tions," responded the heroic Buckner. "I see nothing that can be done but to yield the command and the position. It is humil- iating, it is true, deeply humiliating, to be driven to surrender to such a foe ; but as we are, unfortunately, placed in a position where all the dictates of humanity require it, it is best, in my judgment, that it should be done." ''I shall never surrender. General Buckner," responded Gen- eral Pillow, warmly. " I go out from here a free man, or die where I stand. I shall surrender to Grant neither the command nor myself." General Buckner sat calm, grave, thoughtful. He had been overruled in his decision. Should he fall into the hands of the hated foe, he had more to meet, perhaps, than either of the other commanders. He knew the sword of vengeance had been whetted against him by his enemies at home, who stood ready, whenever he should fall into their power, to lead him to the block. He could hope for no clemency at their hands. They had denounced him as a " base traitor," a seducer of the young, a " felon, whose only doom should be the gallows." He knew that scorn and contempt would be heaped upon him : that he would be made the butt of ridicule and low jest; would be inveighed against by the press of his own city, and held up to his fellow-men as a wretch whose crime merited the most ignominious punishment. All this he knew, and as a brave, honorable man, he felt that to die would be naught compared with a fate like this. But there were his brave men around him. They had fought with a daring never surpassed. He thought of their wives and parents, many of whom were personally known to him. Must he sacrifice them to spare himself this deep abase- ment? No ! no! ! He would save his men from death, and share their fate. Thrice noble man! Among the honorable names which shall make the page of our history illustrious, there will stand none more glorious than that of the hero of Donelson — the truly brave, the sublimely heroic Buckner. "You have decided against me, gentlemen, and I do not wish to seem to oppose you; but my judgment is unalterably against your proposition. I cannot consent to sacrifice my men in this fearful experiment." ''Will you take command, General Buckner, and release us?" OF MORGAN AND UIS ME.V. 69 asked General Floyd of liini. ^'If yon decide to remain, find will surrender the tort, 1 will pass the coniniand to you tlirough Gen- eral Pillow. I am unyielding in my purpose to go out, let it cost what it may.'" General Buckncr exi)ressed his willingness to accept the com- mand. Geiieml Floyd said, '' I turn over the command." '•*I pass it. I will not surrender," responded General Pillow, quickly. General Buckner immediately called for {)en, ink, pai)er, and a bugler. " Well, general, will I be permitted to take my brigade out, if I can?" interrogated General Floyd. "Certainly ; if you can get them out before the terms of capitu-' lation are agreed on," was the reply. The two generals made what hurried preparations were neces- sary, and gatheyng together as many of their command as was possible, left the fort; and when daylight came they were beyond the reach of the enemy. General Buckner immediately sent a flag of truce to General Grant, bearing the following proposition: " Headquarters, Fokt Donelson, Feb. 16th, 1862. ''Sir : — In consideration of all the circumstances governing the present situation of affairs at this station, I propose to the com- manding officer of the Federal forces the appointment of commis- sioners to agree upon terms of capitulation of the forces and fort under my command, and ia that view suggest an armistice until 12 o'clock to-day." To which Grant replied in the following terms, alike unworthy of a gentleman and an officer: "Sib: — ^Yours of this date, proposing an armistice and appoint- ment of commissioners to settle terms of capitulation, is just re- ceived. "No terms, except unconditional and immediate surrender, can be accepted. I propose to move immediately on your works." To which General Buckner responded: 70 . EAEDS AND EOMANCE "Sir: — The distribution of the forces under my command, inci- dent to an unexpected change of commanders, and the overwhehn- ing force under your command, compel me, notwithstanding the brilliant success of the Confederate arms yesterday, to accept the ungenerous, unchivalrous terms which you propose." OF MOEGAN AND HIS MEN. CHAPTER XII. THE SURRENDER. Weary men slept on, all unconscious of the dreadful fate that awaited them. Tiiey were dreaming of the battle-field and of victory. Morning came. The black leaden clouds of winter hung like a dark funeral pall over the doomed fort. All was still as grim death, who held his dread and silent banquet over the gory battle- field. The reveille was sounded. Men arose from their death-like sleep and grasped their arms, to rush to the contest. But no sound of booming cannon met their ear, no warlike movements greeted their eye. What did all this mean ? Had the enemy, foiled in his attempt, withdrawn ? Surely this must be so, else why this silent apathy? They Io(»k out through the gray mists, and there, waving in the morning light, is the white Ji(tg of surrender. Soon the dreadful intelligence runs through the ranks. They are the prisoners of the hated foe. Never, never will they submit to this ignominy. Sooner shall their own swords drink their life-blood, than they become the scoflf and butt of Yankee vengeance. The whole gar- rison was moved as one man to oppose this shameful fate. S()me cursed the treachery of their commanders. Others swore to be re- venged on those who had sacrificed them. Some sat sad and de- jected, slupified by the stunning blow, while many a stout man wept like an infant, when he read his humiliating doom. Resistance was useless now. The die was cast. On came the Yankee conquerors. Strains of martial music heralded their ap- proach. Silent in his tent sat General Buckner. His tried and faithful statf were around him. Tiiey truly sympathized with him, but they knew the vanity of words in such a trial as this, and they attempted no consolation. Each fully npproved of his course in the surrender. They knew it was all he could do, and every man 72 RAIDS AND EOMANCE expressed himself ready to share his leader's fate, let it be what- ever it might. Every thing in the fort was taken possession of by the victors, even the private baggage of the soldiers. The Yankee general, Grant, issued orders to the garrison to be ready for transportation to Northern camps. Cliarley — as all of his Kentucky copatriots — had fought gal- lantly under the leadership of the daring Hanson. Exiiausied, trembling in every nerve with fatigue and cold, he and young Lawrence sat beside each other, stupified under the consci(jusness of being captives in the hands of the Yankees. Silently they ob- served the movements of the victors, as they passed from group to group, demanding the surrender of the prisoners' arms. *' I have fought for three days, John; I have slept in those muddy trenches, exposed to driving snow and sleet; have gone without a moutliful of food for twenty-four hours; my feet are frost-bitten, and my clothes are frozen on me, but I would rather endure all this a thousand times over than to go to one of those Yankee prisons." " And so would I, Charley. But what can we do? We cannot .help ourselves. It's all that is left us now. Look at that das- tardly pack of thieves. See, they are demanding Bob's n)oney. They have taken his arras from him, and now they will rob him. But he'll not give it up. Listen, he is cursing them ; and see, they cower before him — and two to one — and he a prisoner with- out arms."' " Let's break our guns, John. I can never yield mine to the ■wretches. I feel it would be an eternal disgrace." "Agreed, Charley. But we'll have to be quick about it. They'll be upon us directly." The two stepped behind a tent, and battering their arms as well as tiiey could, threw them into a ditch. "There," said John, as he -dashed his into the mud with all his might, " I am saved that humiliation, anyhow. And if one of the cowardly thieves dares to insult rae, TU knock hiin over, if he shoots me for it the next minute." " I could bear this thing better, John, if it were not for mother. You know how bitterly she opposed my coming to the army, and I know she will be frantic when she hears I am a prisoner. I believe I'll try to escape. It may be that I can overtake those men who w'ent out early this morning." " Good," answered John, " let's try it. We can get beyond the OF MORUA^' AND UIS MEN. 73 iutrenchinents and secrete oui>elves until the army leaves here, and Mwiybe we can reach some friendly house where we can get shelter until we rest and recruit. I don't believe I can live twenty-four hours longer in this condition." The two took from their haversacks the morsel of bread they contained, and, having carefully looked around them to see if danger was near, they, under cover of the tents, passed the lu.-t trench and set out on their proposed plan of escape. EAIDS AND BOMANCE CHAPTER XTII. REMOVAL TO PRISON. As stealthily as they could, avoiding every-appearance of dan- ger, the two young soldiers moved on until they had placed a slight elevation between their position and the fort. Just before them was some underbrush. If they could but reach it, they would be safe. They paused and looked around, to see if any one was in view. No one was near enough to watch tlieir move- ments. Quickening their pace into a run, they sprang forward towards the covert. Like men running for life, they bounded on- ward, every muscle strained for the race. They had almost gained it, when suddenly a coarse voice called out, " Halt, or I'll shoot you." At the same time a squad of Lin- coln soldiers appeared, emerging from the bushes. Resistance would have been folly ; they were outnumbered, four to one. To attempt to elude their captors was impossible. There was nothing left them but to obey the command. With loud oaths and fiendish imprecations they were immedi- ately marched back to the fort ; from thence to the river, where boats were in waiting to transport the prisoners to their destina- tion. Charley and his friend, young Lawrence, were placed on the same vessel with General Buckner, his staff, and tlie Kentucky oflacers. In this they regarded themselves most fortunate, for many of the Second Kentucky were hurried into other boats. The prisoners were taken from the fort to Cairo. From there they were shipped by river and railway to other points. Some were sent to St. Louis, others to Alton, some to Camp Douglas, some to Camp Butler, while others were forwarded by the Ohio river to Jeffersonville, on their route to Camp Chase. Subjected to every insult, treated as if they had been brutes, rather than men, these noble patriots, who had won for themselves imperish- able fame, were hurried by their vengeful captors to their various places of imprisonment. Wholly ununiformed, their clothes torn OF MORGAN AND lUS MEN. 75 ia the desperate light, and begrimed with imid and powder; their coverinjTs of every conceivable character— blankets of all colors, shawls (;f every variety, carpets of various patterns— these heroes of Dt)nel-ion indeeTl presented a sad and touching spectacle. And yet such w;ui the brutality and heartlessness— such the entire destitution of every emotion of humanity in the hearts of these vulgar, sunken wretches, that they jeered and scoffed, and with low and cruel mockery taunted their helpless prisoners. But helpless as they were in the hands of a base and inhuman foe, in garb looking worse by far than their slaves at home on their plant- ations, they nevertheless remembered they were born freemen, and on every occasion they hurled back with defiant scorn the ruthless jests of their coarse and ill-bred assailants. Never, perhaps, did the superior nobility of the Simthern char- acter sf)eak out in more striking contrast to tlie natural coarseness and heartlessness of their vulgar foe, than on this memorable oc- casion. General Buckner and staff, the officers and some of the men of the Second Kentucky, were sent from Paducah on board a steamer to Jefferson ville, Indiana. Among the privates who were forwarded by this route were Charley, young Lawrence, and another Keutuckian named Bob Reed. "I wonder if it is possible they will allow us to land at Louis- ville," said Charley to his friend, as the two stood shivering with cold on the upper deck of the boat. '"I^do believe they will be afraid to do so, lest there should be some demonstration in our favor." " Why, Charley, it is a loyal city. There are no traitors there to make any manifestation of sympathy for such poor^ miserable wretches as we are^^ replied young Lawrence, ironically. "Could the Southern men of Louisville once catch a glimpse of General Buckner, and know for a moment what shameful humili- ation he has to endure at the hands of these wretches, they would rescue him from their clutches, if it cost them their lives. I do hope they will land us there, if it be but for a few minutes. I know there will be crowds of friends to welcome and cheer us; but I fear our enemies will not be thus kind to us. It would de- light them to tantalize Buckner, Cassidy, Johnson, Colonel Han- son, and all of us, by giving us only a farewell glimpse of our be- loved city." As old memories, sacred and dear, rushed to Charley's mind, 76 RAIDS AJUfD KOMAXCE he wept. It was the first time he had shed a tear since he had fallen into the hands of the victors, '•I am unmanned," said Charley, recovering himself, after a few moments; " but I cannot help it, John. I dread the idea of im- prisonment for this war. I would a thousand times rather take my chance on the battle-field. And to think I shall pass so near my parents and sisters, and yet not be permitted to see them! It makes me a child, John." Ah, and there was another whose name our young hero dared not mention. What joy it would have given him could he have felt assured that even for one short moment he should behold that dear being — should catch from those cherished lips one word, or from those soft, blue eyes, so full of tender affection, one look of love. Great was the excitement in Louisville when it was known that the boat bearing General Buckner, his staff, and the Kentucky prisoners would reach the wharf that day. The "Daily Journal," in each issue since the fall of Donelson, had heaped upon General Buckner every abuse that its vindictive partisan editor could conceive. Every opprobrious epithet that the language could afford — oftentimes of the.most indelicate nature — had been employed to make, if possible, his honorable name odious. Every species of torture that the fiendish brain of Prentice could invent had been proposed to be inflicted upon him by the citizens of his own town. He had been called ''infamous wretch," "'vile seducer of the young men of Kentucky," "'hellish murderer of the husbands and sons of his neighbors," ''double-dyed traitor to his government and State," "fiend," ''assassin," "brute." This Con- necticut-reared editor had said he ought to suffer, if possible, a thousand deaths on the gallows, to expiate his crime. He also proposed that "he should be shown through the city in a cage, and that loyal men and women should torture him with red- hot pincers;" that he chould be doomed to a felon's cell, and there shut out from the light of day, be fed on bread and watep until death should come to end his "infamous life." As might be expected, such things had wrought on the fierce passions of the mob until it was wild with vengeance. Threats were everywhere uttered against the distinguished prisoner. But General Buckner had m;iny warm friends in Louisville, men of true courage and high-toned honor, who would at any moment have sacrificed their lives rather than he should have been sub- jected to public scorn. This the cowardly editor and the hireling OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 77 officials knew. And wluie lliey boasted greiit conteiiipi lor liio prisoner and his cause, tliey secretly fe.ired ihe intiuence of one and respecied the other. And while throuirh the medium of their perverted press they were deriding and abusing jjiin, in private cnucus, wheie the sulgect was seriously discu-sed, they decided it would nt»t be safe to suffer the boat to land, lest there should be some overwhelming manifestation of respect and admiration for tiie patriot and his fellow-prisoners. The boat was Hearing the city. It was believed, by those on board, that she would touch at the wharf. Their liearts leaped with wild emotion as lier turrets and spires, so familiar, shot up before their eager, longing gaze. The boat ploughed on again>t the current. Nearer and nearer they approached the city. With folded arms and proud and noble mien, General Buckner stood on deck, his staff around him. Never did men more bespeak the majesty of conscious right than did that silent group, as they stood there, triumphant in their defeat, sublimely strong in their appa- rent weakness. They were stigmatized by their deluded, vindic- tive countrymen as traitors; they had been the recipients of every abuse and insulr, the objects of malignant hate and contemptuous scorn. They were prisoners in the hands of a cruel and unprin- cipled foe. Tlieir doom they knew would be fearful — perhaps life- long imprisonment — perhaps a violent death. Should the cause they had espoused fail to succeed, in all future history their names would be handed down to posterity covered with infamy. This was the bitterest tliought of all. To an honorable man, disgrace is more dreadful far than direst pangs of dearh. Motionless and pale with anxiety, Charley stood leaning on the railing, lie was alone, busy with his own thoughts, which, to liira, were too sacred for tlie intrusion of his dearest friend. Port- laud was passed, and the lower wharf of the city reached, yet the boat kept steadily on her course. No signs of landing were to be observed. His heart beat wilaly with alternate hope and fear. He bent eagerly forward, and strained his gaze to catch a glimpse of old, familiar objects. The boat veered to the right, as if seek- ing the shore. Oh ! how his pulses leaped ! His heart quickened its throbbings; tears he could not suppress rushed to his eyes. If he could but see some dear, remembered face; grasp, even for a moment, some kindly hand ; hear the tones of some familiar voice; it would sweeten the bitter cup, gild the rayless gloom. It was a moment of torturing suspense. Street after street is passed, the wharf is in sight; yet the boat moves not from its forward 7S RAIDS AND KOMANCK course. The landing is filled with spectators of all classes, from the sad, sympathizing friend, to the vicious Yankee and idly-gaz- ing negro. His look strains itself as it wanders from group to group, searcliing for some one he knows. Will not some kindly eye see him ? shall he not receive some token of recognition ? Surely, there must be some one in that vast assemblage who knows him — some well-remembered lace that he will soon descry. But not a voice is heard, not a handkerchief waved. As fades away the brilliant mirage of the desert before the charmed gaze, and leaves behind but wild wastes and burning sands to mock the eye of the worn traveller, so died away the high and cherished hopes of the heart-sick soldier-boy, and naught remained to him but disappointment and bitter tears. The crowd stands motionless, gazing on the scene. The prisoners stand motionless, gazing on the crowd. The boat keeps on — on — the last faint hope is gone, and Charley's heart, strained with anxious desire almost to bursting, sinks, dies; and like the orphan child who sits itself down to weep under its crushing sense of loneliness, so the sad, disappointed prisoner, burying his face in Lis trembling hands, wept bitterly. The boat landed on the opposite shore, at Jeffersonville. The prisoners were hurried from the boat to the depot, where the cars were under steam to carry them to Columbus, Ohio. As they were driven along, friends from Kentucky line either side of the w^ay. Only a look of recognition, a low-spoken word of sympathy, perhaps a nervous shake of the hand, as some loving heart ejacu- lates a " God bless and protect you." This is all that is permitted. x\s Charley was waiting his turn to ascend the steps of the car, he heard his name pronounced in a soft, low voice. He started, and looked round. There stood Lu and Mary. He sprang towards them. The guard seized and drew him back to his position, not, however, before he had received the package which his sister held out to him. A moment more, and he was rudely thrust forward, and had gained the car. Through the open window he gazed into the seething mass before him. But vainly. Lu and Mary could not be seen. They were lost in the crowd. UV MORGAN AND DIS M1:N. 79 CHAPTER XIV. CAMP CHASE. What a thrill of horror seizes the soul as this dreadful naihe meets the earl Synonym of injustice, cruelty, and sutfering, how black will be thy calendar of crimes, when portrayed by the ])en of impartial history to the gaze of an astonished world I Thy record has gone up before the tribunal of eternal, immutable jus- tice, and fearful must be the doom that awaits the authors and abettors of thy deep, dark wrongs. The prisoners were marched immediately from Columbus to Camp Chase, a distance of six miles, without a moment's pause for rest, which they so greatly needed. Like herded swine, they were driven into this filthy inclosure, there to remain through long months of dreary suifering, deprived of every thing like com- fort or cleanliness, subjected to neglect and coarse insult, and in many instances to violent death at the hands of their brutal guard. The members of General Buckner's staff, and all the officers of Colonel Hanson's regiment, were detained here until arrangements could be completed to transfer them to Johnson's Island, in the bay of Sandusky. With studied cruelty the officers were proliibited from inter- course with their men, lest their influence might serve to cheer and console them under their horrible treatment. It was hoped that this measure might serve to intimidate the private soldiers, and finally force them to take the oath. But how mistaken were all such calculations! The men were actuated by the same high and patriotic principles that filled the b(isoms of their leaders, and were just as determined as they, to brave death rather than sub- mit to disgrace. It was a loathsome, disgusting place, unfit for the abode of the most wretched criminals. Filled with every species of offensive vermin, the mud knee-deep, in w^hich the men had to stand like beasts in the stall, with no room for exercise by day, and nothing 80 BATD8 AND KOMANOR but the bare floor of an open plank shanty, throngh which the bleak winds and driving snows had free acces.'^, to sleep on at night; their disgu^ting food doled out to them in such scant measure as wholly to fail to meet the actual demands of nature; without medicines or nurses for the sick; could it be expected that these weary, half-clad men could do otherwise than die by scores ? And, indeed, was not death a sweet relief to an honora- ble heart under such sad trials ? The men, in solemn vow, ])ledged themselves to stand by their oflScers and each other to the last extremity. Although separated from tlieir officers, and all conversation with them prohibited, they swore to avenge with their own blood any insult that might be offered to them. Men and officers were alike treated as if the}^ had been felons of the lowest grade, the steadiest watch exercised over them by the low, base minions of an unprincipled tyrant; subject at any moment to be shot or bayoneted by these infidel hirelings, yet they never for a moment lost the consciousness of their superiority, and of the righteousness of their cause, and never would they cower before insolence or insult. Such was their noble bearing, such their dignity, that even the stolid hearts of their guard were moved with respect and admiration. A few days passed, when suddenly, and wholly unexpected, Major Cassidy was taken sick. This officer, of General Buckner's staff, was a son of one of the oldest and most highly respectable citizens of Louisville. His father, having located in the place before it was yet fully redeemed from tlie swamps and malaria which made its first settlement so dangerous to life, had amassed a princely fortune. His sons had. from their earliest childhood, been the recipients of all the advantages of education and society that such immense wealth could afford. Major Cassidy was a husband and father, surrounded by all the tender endearments of )iome. But when the call came to Kentucky's noble sons to arm themselves in defence of liberty and right, l>e girded on his sword, and bidding farewell to loving wife, prattling children, and gray- haired sire, he nobly went forth to link himself with the cause of the South. He was with General Buckner while at Bowling Green, at Russellville, at Donelson. and in that fearful defeat decided to remain beside him, and share with him his captivity, rather than desert his general and his friend in the hour of overthrow and gloom. And now he was a prisoner, receiving with the others all the insult and trial that malice and fiendislmess could heap upon hiin. OF MORGAN AND HIS MlN. 81 Rapidly he grew worse. At the earnest solicitations of liis hrother officers, a »lis[)atch was sent to his friends in Louisville, .'l|)()ri^inJ^ them of his illness. But his disease quickly ran its course, and before his aged father and young and loving wife coidd reach hini, he was dead. This was the first death among the ofl[icers. Its suddenness and niysteriousness gave rise to suspicions of foul play. It was said he had died froin congestion, but there lurked in many a mind dark misgivings as to the truth of the statement. The body was j)laced in a metallic case. Few of the men were permitted to gaze on the noble form now still in death. They could only watch it frym afar, as it passed through the outer gate on its way to its last resting-place. Each day new accessions were made to the already large num- ber of prisoners from among the citizens of Kentucky who were susi)ected of Southern sympathies. No age noi: condition in life was free from tlie tyranny of arbitrary arrest. Old, gray-haired men with tottering limbs, borne down with the infirmities of age, without any accusation against thera save the general charge ot disloyalty, were snatched from their homes and families by a ruftianly soldiery, and without a moment's preparation — in many instances not even permitted to bid farewell to their wives and children — were hurried oflT, frequently at the hour of midnight, transferred across the river, and incarcerated in this noisome prison. Young men, on whom depended the support of their helpless families, as they went about their daily avocations, met the bayonet pointed to their bosoms, and found themselves pris- oners in the hands of ignorant Irish and Dutch Lincolnites, who cured no more about the Constitution and the laws, in whose name and by whose authority they claimed a right to practise their outrages, than did the perjured tyrants at Washington. No class of society was exempt. The learned and unlearned, old and young, the honorable and the obscure — even ministers of the gospel — all alike were the victims of relentless hate and cru- elty. Will there not be a day of reckoning for all these deep, dark wrongs, and will it not come si)eedily ? Already the throne of the tyrant begins to totter; already, too, his unprincipled and debased tools begin to feel the coming storm of wrath which most surely will sweep them before it to ruin — fearful, irremedia- ble. An oppressed and outraged people will rise to avenge the high- handed abuses that have been heaped upon them by a base abolition usurpation. And when this hoar comes, and come it 4* 82 KAlDrf AND li(.>MAMCE must, for justice, though long delayed, will surely overtake the transgressor, ah, will it not be one of fearful inonieut? After a few weeks more, in order to effectually remove the in- fluence of the officers from their men, the former were transferred to Johnson's Island. The men were left in their loathsome con- finement. The daily round of life was but little varied. Now a familiar face would be missed — a few days more, and a plain pine coffin bore the body to the burial-place. Then a fellow-prisoner, for some imagined offence to the guard, w:is shot down — before the eyes of his friends. Then would the demon of revenge take possession of the men's hearts, and solemn vows, muttered through clenched teeth, would go up before heaven, to wipe out the shame- ful crime. As the spring went by, the character of the prison ground, which was a low, wet swamp, somewhat improved, and the men, to relieve the tediousuess of the weary hours, would sometimes in- dulge in a game of ball, and other such athletic exercises as their limited space would allow. For two months Charley, with such of his companions as had survived the hardships and deprivations of tiiat horrid prison, had suffered on without one ray of hope. They saw nothing before them but years of close continemeut, with all its attendants of in- sult, want, and eruiuL The oppressive tedium was sometimes relieved by the presence of a visitor, sometimes by the reception of a letter from absent friends, at others, by the arrival of a me- mento of love and affection in the form of a box of nice clothes and delicacies. But, oh, it was an irksome existence to men of spirit and daring. It was in the middle of April. The sun shone brightly down from the clear blue heavens, as if in mockery of the wretched scene beneath. Charley, leaning against a tree that marked th© beat of the guard, stood reading a letter from home. He turned the page, and there met his eyes a pressed rose-bud, and written in his sister's own sweet hand, these words : "This is sent you by Mary, Charley." Our young hero's face brightened into a high flush as he read again and again the charmed line. His heart quickened its beat- ings, his eyes swam with tears. "Why, you appear distressed, Charley," said young Reed to him, as walking by he observed his deep emotion. " Is any thing wrong at home, my boy, or are you so glad to get a letter that you can't help shedding a tear over it ?" OF MORGAN AND lllS MEN. 83 "Nothing seriouji, Bob. It is a letter from my sister Lu. I am so overjoyed to liear from my friends, that I could not refrain a slight manifestation of w^eakness. It is the first I have Iiad for six weeks. And my sister writes, jestingly, of course, that we m:iy look for her soon to make us a vi>it." "Does she mention my sister, Charley?'' said John, who :it this moment joined the two. " I do wish she would come with Miss Lu." Ciiarley endeavored to conceal his deep feelings at the mention of Mary's name. He did not wish to prevaricate, and yet he felt unwilling, in the presence of Robert, to disclose the message. " Yes," he answered, after some hesitation, which seemed to arouse the young men's curiosity. ''Lu says perhaps your sister will accompany her. But, of course, John, the girls must be quizzing us. They cannot seriously contemplate such a thing." "■ Oh, if Mary has any such idea in her head, siie will as certainly make us a visit as that I shall shoot that cursed Dutchman yonder, if ever I have a chance. And you know, boys, that I have sworn b}' the eternal heavens to do this. I tell you, if my sister has made up her mind to it, she will carry it through at all risks. I do hope she has determined to come. I would rather see her than anybody in the world. You do not know her, Bob. I beUeve she is the sweetest creature living. Ain't she, Charley?" ''Certainly, John," replied the young soldier, with quite a flip- pant manner, that he might avoid suspicion. " Miss Mary is quite a charming young lady." "Three cheers for Kentucky and her lovely girls," and John took otf his ragged beaver and tossed it high up in the air. '■''Three times three," responded his friends. " Come, Charley, finish your letter, my boy, and give us all the neiprs. You are selfish. When I received the letter from Mary, I read it aloud to all the Kentucky boys, and they enjoyed it as much as I did. What's the matter? I do believe you have got some secret, you blush so. Well, Bob, we'll give him time to read his letter, while we walk round a little. We'll be back this way, after a few minutes, to hear the news. We mustn't be disap- pointed, you understand." The two passed on, and in a little while were back again. '•What news, Charley?" asked John, walking up and putting his arm in his for a stroll. " All well, I hope." " Yes. The only new^s item is the pro[)Osed visit of our sisters, and this is so vaguely expressed, that I am not sure I have rightly 84: RAIDS AND KOMANCE interpreted Lu's ambignous language. So we must not too san- gninelj anticipate the happiness." The three passed on. Charley was silent. They continued walking for some time to and fro in the space allotted for their exercise. ''Why are you so mum, Charley, ray boy?" said John, with- drawing his hand ;ind slapping him on the shoulder. "Some- thing's wrong with you. You act so mysteriously. Come, Bob, let's besiege him until we rally his sjjirits." "No need of that, John. Til tell you and Bob all about ir, but you must guard my secret as you would your own life, boys. Should I be betrayed, I dare not think of the result. We must speak low, the guard might overhear us. Come a.>ide by this house. We will be free from notice there." The three stepped aside, and reached a secluded spot. Seating liimself between them, Charley undertook to unfold iiis secret. "I have been thinking for several days of proposing to you to escape. I cannot stand this life much longer. I would rather die. And this letter from home, together with the shocking death of that young Virginian, has determined me in ray purpose. What say you, boys, will you risk it ?" *" Wasn't that a brutal murder," interrupted young Lawrence, *' to shoot that.poor fellow through the heart, just because he accidentally, and in play, crossed the beat? And that poor raan who was shot by that Dutch scoundrel last week, merely because he carelessly threw out his arm in the rascal's way. Oh ! I tell you, boys, I want to kill every one of them, from Abe Lincoln down to that old fool, Dick, that sw\sggers around here, with not sense enough to know how to carry his gun. Never mind; if I ever get out of this infernal place, I'll avenge all the murders that have been committed here. I here swear, boys, eternal hate^o the Yankees.*' "Amen and amen," responded his companions. " But, tell me, Charley," resumed his friend, " have you de- cided on any plan? Will you bribe the guard, or try to get out secretly ?" "Secretly, of course. I would never trust those wretches; and then, besides, I have no money. You know they robbed me of it, and they have never allowed me but two dollars at a time since, of all the money father has sent me." "They are nothing but thieves and murderers, the best of them, Charley. But never mind, the day will soon come when we'll OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 85 pay off the reckoning. I tell yon, I'll never be surrendered again. I do wish to get out of this internal place, if it is for nothing more than to shoot the Yankees. However, boys, we settled this sc(»re with them at Donelson. We swept them down there by hundreds. But tell us, wbat about gettiiig out? I will share your fate. If you cm grf, so can I. Bob, what say you? Are you willing to risk tiie thing?" '^ Yes, John, if the platj is at all feasible, I am ready to under- take it with you and Cliarley." "i iiave no settled plan, boys. Several have passed through my mind, but there are difficulties in the way of them all which I do' not know how to overcome. We must not go before our sis- ters come. But hush, boys; see that guard yonder? he's watch- ing us. We'll meet again." 8G KAIDS AND liuMAKCK \ CHAPTER XV. THE VISIT OF THE NUNS. Bust were the minds of the prisoners that niglit in their endeav- ors to hit upon some practicable method of escape. Long after the hour of midnight, Charley was canvassing tlie subject with deep and earnest tliought. No scheme suggested itself tliat was not attended with great difficulties. Even should they succeed in clearing the prison walls, what would they do in a strange and hostile country, with enemies on every side? And should they be overtaken, how greatly would their sufferings be increased ! But some risk must be run. Surely the object to be secured was worth the hazard. Tlius soliloquized Ciiarley to himself, as he tossed on bis hard plank bed. But after hours of feverish tliought he could decide upon no plan that appeared to him feasible. And he fell into a disturbed sleep, his brain haunted with visions of attempted escape, arrest, bayonets, and death. No opportunity presented itself during the following morning for consultation. The meeting must seem accidental, otherwise suspicion would be aroused. The boys w^ere several times to- gether, but always in presence of the guard, or their fellow-pris- oners. Charley and John were busily engaged in a game of ball near the entrance of the inclosure, when their attention was suddenly arrested by the appearance of two nuns, who, escorted by the captain of the guard, stood near tlie plank gateway. Each nun bore a basket on her arm, and a small package in her hand. Tiie players paused a moment to observe them, but as such visitors were by no means unusual, they resumed again the game. The oflBcer, after having shown the sisters in, left them to pursue their mission of charity unattended. The two females were clad in deep mourning. Their closely fitting bonnets completely shielded their faces. Timidly they moved along towards the play-ground. Bowing to the guard, and handing him a tract, they proceeded hesitatingly towards the prisoners in front of them. OF MOKOAN AND HIS MKN^ 87 As they approaclied, the ineii left otY their game to receive them. *'Some more of tlie sanctimonious sisters, with their little tracts," said John to a young Mississippian by his side. "They are very anxious indeed about our souls, the hypocrites. I wish they would manifest a more tender regard for our bodies. I think we have done penance enough since we came to this place to atone for all past sins. I don't see what more the veriest saint among them Could require at our hands. For my part, I am tired to death of their little books, and their holy advice, and I'll end the matter forthwith this time, by distributing the tracts myself. See liow gallantly I'll relieve them of their business, boys," and off the young man hastened on his self-imposed mission, to the great amusement of his comrades, who quit their play for the moment to note his success. As lie ueared where the two females stood, he observed the half- raised basket-lid fall from the hand of one of them, who fixed lier eyes intently upon him. He felt rather abashed to meet her ear- nest look, but he had undertaken his work, and would not be thwarted. He knew his companions were observing him. "Good-morning, ladies," he said, at the same time bowing very cavalierly, and tipping his ragged beaver. " Have you any re- ligious books for us poor sinners this morning? .We stand sadly in need of your tracts, good sisters, and are most happy to see that you take such an interest in our spiritual welfare. There are but few who seem to care for us poor rebels. But let me relieve you of the very unpleasant task of going round to distribute your books among all these graceless sinners. Just hand them to me. I assure you it will give me the greatest happiness to aid you in your good work," and he extended his hand to receive the pack- ages. One of the nuns grasped it nervously. He started back amazed. "John, don't you know me — Mary, your sister? But hush! for your life don't betray us ! We have risked every thing to see you." The boys, who had been remarking his gallant air, at this junc- ture burst into a merry laugh. "Served him right!" "served him right!" exclaimed several of them. "He should have left the holy sisters alone, to pursue their labor of- love. Wasn't he taken back ?" and a loud laugh rang out from the amused be- holders. Our hero stood for a few moments perfectly bewildered. Ho 88 Jl EAIDS AND EOMA^XE could not tell what to think of tliis strange incident. Could it really be Mary? or was some one trying to deceive him? The young nun looked hastily around at the guard, and seeing that he was intent on the tract she had just handed him, she stepped for- ward to the young man, lifted her bonnet, and threw back the snowy frill of her nmslin cap. The dark, auburn ringlets escaped from their hiding, and fell over tlie beautiful brow. John was convinced — petrified. He could scarcely credit his senses. '' Mary ! Mary !" he exclaimed. " How on earth came you liere ?" ''Hu.-h, John, hush, I tell you I We'll be arrested and sent away to a dungeon. Can't you take us to some spot where we won't be observed ?" ''Anywhere, so that we'll be removed from the eye of the guard. So here is Charley. He must come with you." " Where, is he — my brother ?" asked the sister nervously, speed- ing from tlie door. Quick as thought the prisoner comprehended the whole position. He must be calm, or every thing would be lost. The game must be played, and played successfully. Commanding himself, he took a tract from his sister Mary's basket, and slowly turned the leaves, as if closely examining the little work. '• Your brother is with that group to our right, Miss Lu, but you cannot speak to him now. Tlie prisoners must not know who you are. It might lead to trouble." ''But I can see him, can't I?" asked the young girl, eagerly. " I cannot leave this place until I do." " You shall see him, if possible.. But we shall have to be very careful. If you and Mary are discovered, you will certainly be arrested, and perhaps imprisoned." He mused for a moment, in deep thought, then looking up, he said : '* Do you see that house to the left ? You two pass on towards that, give pamphlets to the prisoners as you go, and I will get Charley and join you directly. There we will be safe to say what we please. But give me some tracts to hand to tlie boys here — that will divert their attention from us." The two nuns passed on as directed. John took his tracts and returned to the group. " Why didn't you relieve the sisters of their mission, John ?" the boys asked, laughing, and taunting at his failure. "Your gallantry died out in their presence." OF MORGAN AND HIS ME^ bS^ *'0h, they are rigliteou:? overinucli, boys — liope to get to hf'aven on llieir .good deeds — and attacli great virtue to distribu- ting their pamphlets. I soon saw tliey were bent on their pur- pose, and it was no use for me to offer service. But I succeeded in getting these. Come, poor rebels, learn to do riglit from these holy books," and saying this, he took tiie wrapper otF and handed them round. "Here, Charley, my boy, here is one that just suits our case. Tiirow down your bandy, and let's read it, I don't believe you want to learn your duty. Oh, what a wretched sinner you are!" '' I'm tired to death, John, of these Catholic books. I'm a Prot- estant, and don't believe one word in their holy water, and pen- ance, and purgatory, and saints. I am just as g(K)d as any of tliem, and I don't intend to bother my head with them any longer." " But this doesn't say a word about saints and crucifixes. It is an appeal to sinners, and you know you are one. Here, look at this first page," and John whispered a word into his ear as he stood beside him. "■ Are you not convinced? Come, let's go and read it," The two set out towards the low, wooden house. '' Hold there, buys," called out Bob, who supposed they were going apart for consultation ; '' wait, and I'll go with you, I'm a sinner, too, and may be your book will do me good." Joining his friends, he proceeded with them towards the house. He was hurriedly initiated into the secret as they passed along. The two nuns were overtaken just as they reached the door of the building, " Here, this door, Mary," and the two brothers entered quickly, followed by the sisters, while Bob lingered outside to look out for any danger. With ditRculty Charley mastered his emotion as he beheld the face of his sister and that of Mary. He scarcely knew how to con- duct himself, his surprise and joy were so great. But he must not yield to his emotions — the' time was short, and he had much to say. Mutual surprise and embarrassment were soon succeeded by pleasant and joyous conversation. Kind inquiries were made for friends and acquaintances, and many questions asked about the changes that had taken place in the city since the young men left it. The fight at Donelson was graphically described to the sisters, 90 Jl^ KAIDS AND RUMANCE and some of the horrors of their two months' imprisonment por- trayed to their shuddering hearts. " But, Ciiarley, why don't you get out of this wretched place?" asked his sister Lu, with tears streaming down her face. " 1 would rather die in the attempt to escape than remain longer here. I have heard of several prisoners who have succeeded. Can't you do so too ?" '• We have that very thing under consideration now, Lu — John, Bob, and I ; but we don't see how it is to be done. We were trying all last uiglit to decide upon some plan of escape ; but there are so many difficnhies in the way, it seems almost hopeless to make any attempt. John, did you come to any conclusion, or you. Bob ?" "■ None as to the loay. But I have made up my mind to go out. As Miss Lu says, better die trying than live here." " Can't you bribe the guards ?" said Mary, as she opened her basket, and turning up the tracts, drew forth a well-filled port- monnaie. "Here is enough for three, I should think." '' Hazardous experiment. Miss Mary. These creatures are so treacherous. One of the prisoners gave a sentinel a twenty-dollar gold piece to let him pass; the man, after agreeing to do it, fired his gun, and the poor fellow was retaken, placed in chains, and fed on bread and w^ater for days." "■Well, can't you climb over the wall, or dig out?" she asked, laughing. '' The latter is the only method that seems to me at all practi- cable, and I have decided to try it. The only obstacle is the dirt. I can't see what we will do with it. If left where it can be seen, it will create suspicion, and every inch around the inclosure would be thoroughly examined." "Why, the dirt — that's but a small matter, Charley. Put it in your hats and pockets until you get out," suggested Mary, laughingly. " Capital idea, Mary," exclaimed her brother, springing to his feet. '*That's just the thing. The way is open before us. We'll be free, Charley, won't we ?" " But once out, John, how are we to get through to Kentucky? There we would be safe. But how are we to pass through this abolition State without detection ?" *^That is a question, Charley, that must be met before we set out. Mary, can you and Miss Lu solve this difficulty for us ? Woman's wit is always ready for any emergency." OF MORGAN AKD HIS MEN. 91 " Charley, we Imve a relation, Cousin Sara Lightfoot, living near the railroad, about fifteen miles from Columbus. lie is as good a Southern nmn as you are, and I kn(»w he will be glad to assist jou. You can go there, and he will direct you how to get through." '"■Ah, Miss Lu, I felt sure you could devise some plan for us. If we can get that far out safely, we'll certainly make good our escape." As the quartette were thus busily engaged in comjdeting these arrangements. Bob suddenly thrust his head in at the door and called out, "' Guard." In a moment the two gay ones subsided into meek and quiet nuns, and with their books presented, were most earnestly urging on their silent listeners the necessity of giving heed to the things pertaining to the world to come. " I think these two young fellows are in a fair way to become religious," said Bob to the guard, who was an Irishman and a Catiiolic. " See how penitent they look, while tiiose two good sisters are telling them their duty. I have been reading one of their good little books myself," and he displayed the one John had left with him, '"and I do believe the Catholic church is the only true church, after all." '* To be sure it is, sir. It is, indade, the only thrue church, an' there ain't none beside it, at all, at all." The bait had taken. The man's ^ face lighted into a regular Irish smile. He looked pleasantly into the door, and without comment passed on. '' Here, my friend, you must read this most excellent work," said Bob, calling out to him as he walked off. "I know you'll be delighted with it." "No, no, thank ye, sir. Kape it yourself. I cannot rade." "And yet you are called loyal, you old fool, you, and are placed liere to guard me, when you know no more about constitution and law than the vile numsculls that put you here," muttered Bob between his teeth, as he looked after the ignorant old man, who, " clothed in a little brief authority," strutted on, as d la soldier as it was possible for one of his calibre to do. The mementoes of love, provided by the hand of affection at home, were given to the young men. Full arrangements for escape were made, hasty adieus given, and the two young girls, with bonnets drawn closely over their faces, sought the door. 92 BAIDS AND ROMANCE "We shall expect you at the appointed time. Success to your nnder taking," and witii meek, bowed mien the two nuns passed out, distributing their tracts as they went. Tiieir ruse had succeeded fully. Not a suspicion had been aroused, and the two girls returned to Columbus. OF MORGAN AND iilS MEN. 93 CHAPTER XV. now THE I'LAX OF ESCAPE SUCCEEDED. "We must begin our work to-night, Cliarley. By Saturday morning we are to be at your cousin\s. Tliis is Thursday, and if we are entirely successful, we cannot more than accomplish our purpose. But' we must tell Bob about it, and see if he approves of our plan." The young friend was called in, and the matter laid before him. He indorsed it fully, and coincided in the view of promptly be- ginning the work, '' But, boys, we cannot dig out to-night, and what are we to do with the hole to-morrow? We can carry the dirt in our pockets, as Mary suggested ; but who will take care of the opening?" "We can put our dirty clothes over it, John. Yt)U know it is our custom to throw them beside the fence to be washed. This, as it is usual, will create no suspicion." " Yes, I must have a pair of new pants and shoes ; and so must you, Charley. IIow would we look, my boy, in your cousin's par- lor, with this garb on? And, moreover, this will be a good way to save our money. Bob, there, appears quite like a gentleman, with his new suit from top to toe." "I was fortunate, you see, boys, in getting mine when I did. They still have twenty dollars of my money ; but that's a small matter. The rascals are welcome to it, if I can only be allowed to bid them an eternal farewell." The three young men separated — Charley and Bob returned to the playground, while John went to make application for the pants and shoes. Night came. Under cover of its thick darkness the three pris- oners' entered upon their hazardous undertaking. In breathless silence they pursued thejr work, using only their penknives and three sharp sticks which they had fashioned for the pur- pose. Not a word was spoken, as assiduously they labored on. 94 EAIDS AND ROMANCE The earth, as fast as removed, was carefully piled together, to be placed in tiieir liats and pockets when the night's work was over. It was a tedious process, but the three prisoners applied themselves like men determined to conquer. The ench>sure, embracing several acres of ground, was sur- rounded by a liigli, wooden fence, on top of which were placed planks, at regular intervals, where the guard kept watch, so as to have a view without, as well as within. As with bated breath the three young men worked on, the heavy tramp of the senti- nel overhead keeping his lonely watch was distinctly heard. At first his marked footstep struck terror to the hearts of the mid- night workmen ; but as hour after hour they toiled on, it became familiar music, and it was only its cessation that awoke fore- bod in.gs. The night was starless, which greatly favored their purpose, as it shielded them from discovery on every hand. Hour after hour they toiled on, never for a moment pausing in their undertaking. At three o'clock in the morning, as the first faint beams of the rising morn, struggling through the rifted clouds, began to light up tlie dark landscape, they carefully gathered ui) the new earth, filled their hats, pockets, shoes, socks, etc., threw the heap of soiled clothing over the opening, and stealthily crept away and secreted themselves until morning. Finding their weight of dirt burdensome, they deposited it under some loose planks in their sleeping-room. Early application was made for the new outfits that had been selected the previous evening. They were furnished during the afternoon. Immediately the old garments were doflfed in favor of their successful rivals. The remaining hours of the day were spent in sleep. It is ten o'clock at night. Most of the prisoners have retired to rest — some on the floor of their rude plank house; others, pre- ferring the open air to the noisome rooms, have thrown them- selves on th>e ground, with no covering save a blanket. The sen- tries are on duty. No sound is heard but the dead monotone of their heavy tramp. The stars are out to-night, but their radiance, Boft and mild, throws but a dreamy light over the scene. Noiselessly the prisoners arise from their pallets. Not a word is spoken as they pass on among tlieir sleepy companions. They gain the open air, and pause to look about them that they may be assured of their safety. Charley ventures first, the two follow, each several paces behind the other, so that if one shall be OF MOliGAN AND llIS MKN. \)o discovered it may not involve liis companions. Breathlessly they steal along like shadows iu the faint starlight. Charky is within a few paces of the outlet. The sentinel halts in his round and pauses to listen. Tiie prisoner crouches to tlie ground, and screens himself in the dark shadow of a house. His comrades mark his movement and follow his example. A moment more the sentry, reassured, resumes liis round. Charley glides back to where his friends are in their hiding-places, whispers to them the incident and his fears. Tiie tiiree crouch together near the house, and in low tones canvass the prospect he- fore them. It is at length decided to remain in their present position until the guard, weary with watching, shall slumber at his post. Eleven o'clock. They rise and stealthily approach the scene of their last night's labors. The sentinel no longer treads his weary beat; his eyes have become heavy with his night-watching, and lie leans upon his gun. Now is their time for action. In one hour, and the guard will be relieved. Before that time their work must be accom[)lished, if at all. The prisoners gain the spot, throw aside the heap of clothing, and ap|)ly themselves to the removal of the earth that intervenes between them and the world without. Tiiey work with silent desperation. A half hour more and the ta^k is accomplisiied. Who shall venture tirst ? The moments flee — there is no time f»>r parley. John shall lead, as he is smallest. With difficulty he makes his way through. But he is at last successful, and stands out- side the prison walls. The two within enlarge the opening with their sharp sticks. A few moments more, and they are beside their comrade. Novel position — they can scarcely realize it. Once more at liberty, beyond the pale of that high frowning wall, which, for two long weary months has shut them in from freedom. They pause a moment to assure themselves that they are not discovered. All is unbroken stillness. The sentinel sleeps on. Thank G«)fl, they are free ! '• Come, boys, profound silence, as you value your lives. Follow me," and Charley leads the way thnnigh the buildings without. They gain the open ground, and set out iu the direction of the railroad. 96 EAmS AND ROMANCE CHAPTER XVI. THE MEETING HOME VISIT. Rapidly as they could, and avoiding the city, the tliree soldiers made their onward way. A few miles passed, and they had reached the road. Following its track, they proceeded several miles at a quick pace, when, feeling that they were fully beyond the reach of danger, as their escape could not be discovered before the morning, they halted to rest. Hungry and weary were they, but they had nothing to eat, nor could they spare time to sleep. '' We must reach our destination before morning, boys. There may be Abolition enemies in the neighborhood, wlio would cer- tainly inform against us, if they knew we were there, and cause our arrest." "And then the girls are anxiously looking for us now, Cliarley," added John. "And I fancy we will not be averse to meeting them. We promised them, if we could get out, we would reach your cousins before morning. How happy they will be when they see we are safe !" After resting themselves a while they resumed their journey, beguiling the long dark hours with bright plans for the future. " We talk, boys, as if we were surely out of the reach of the lion's paw. For my part, I cannot see how we are to get from here to Louisville, and from there to our army," said Bob, whose usually hopeful nature seemed to have yielded to a certain degree of timidity, which prevented him from indulging in any bright anticipations. "Oh, if we can but reach the city. Bob, I do not fear beyond that. All southern Kentucky is right, and every man we meet will befriend us. We will have to trust ourselves to the ingenuity of the girls to provide for our safety to Louisville. I am sure they can manage the case for us. Don't you think so, Charley ?" " I am confident of it, John. I would not hesitate for a moment to trust them for a release from Fort Lafayette itself. Their visit to us proves them equal to any emergency. It was a novel affair, OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 97 really. Who wonld have tliought that those two demure-looking nuns, with their baskets of tracts, were our merry, timid sisters, come to plau our escape from prison ? If I were a writer I'd im- mortalize these heroines." '' Your sisters deserve immortality and fame, boys. I do believe we should now and forever have been in tliat miserable place if they had not encouraged us in our undertaking." '' You are right, Bob. And yet, what an easy matter it was af- ter all!" '^ And how sad a matter it would have been, Charley, if we had been discovered ! The fates were propitious, and the Dutchman was sleepy, so we made our way out ; and now we shall be bre- veted among our friends for gallant conduct and heroic daring, when really I do not believe our emotions ever rose a whit above selfishness." ' The three indulged in a hearty laugh over their success, and humming a verse or two of Dixie, they pursued their way cheeri- ly on. "Ihave been thinking, boys," said John, breaking the silence, " that if we could ])rocure a genteel coat and hat each, we might take the cars to-morrow for Cincinnati, and go from there to Lou- isville by boat. Wouldn't it be pleasant once more to act the gen- tleman and be in society?" " You are right, John. It would be deliglitful, indeed, to see ourselves acknowledged gentlemen, we have so long been treated as brutes. But getting the clothes is the rub. We are gentlemen now, forsooth, but unfortunately minus the cash ; and how to sup- ply this very sad need, I must acknowledge myself wholly inade- quate to suggest. Can you give me any light, boys?" *' Oh, leave that to the girls. Bob ; they will meet the case. I am sure they have discussed every possible plan, and I'll venture they have already selected the one most likely to succeed." The faint gleams of morning were just beginning to tinge the eastern sky. The pedestrians, weary and worn, were looking out with longing hearts for their destination, "That must be the house, boys, there to the left. Look! don't you see the light in the front windows? That was the signal the girls agreed upon, and surely we have come fifteen miles since we struck the railroad." Charley was right That was the house, and the two sisters, with Cousin Sam and his wife, were in tiie parlor awaiting them. Joyous was the meeting between the young girls and the «o- 5 98 EAIDS AND r.OMAXCE caped prisoners. Very little like nuns did the two glad young creatures look as they welcomed their brothers and their friend to liberty. A lunch had been prepared by the kind hostess, and never was food more enjoyed than by these three half-starved men. It had been many a month since they had enjoyed the lux- ury of a private table, and they declared that, in honor to their hostess and their own appetites, they must make amends for past neglect. It was very soon determined — for no time could be lost — that Charley, with the addition of a coat and hat to his toilet, should accompany the young ladies to Louisville, while his companions, under such directions as Mr. Lightfoot could give them, should make their way on foot to Cincinnati ; there cross the Ohio river into Boone county, where Bob had friends, who would provide them safe conduct to the city. Accordingly, the morning found the two young ladies, with their escort, looking quite a la mode^ seated in the cars bound for Cincinnati. The following night they were safely landed at Louisville. Here, to avoid any possibility of exposure, a hack was taken, and at that late hour the party drove out to Mr. R.'s. Words are powerless to express the joy in the homestead when Charley was welcomed back to its affection and comforts. The mother's heart overflowed with tenderness as she pressed him to her bosom, while great tears of joy streamed down her face ; and the father's soul swelled high with grateful pride as he clasped his noble boy in his arms, while the sisters and brother heaped upon him affectionate caresses, and were never weary of lingering near him to listen to the recital of his varied adventures. And our young hero, amid the happiness which surrounded him, forgot for the time the trials and sufferings of the past two months. Mary remained with the family to await the arrival of her brother, and her presence was to Charley as that of an angel visitant. Vows of love, long ago given, were renewed, to be consummated when independence and peace should bless the Southern Confed- eracy. There was but one shadow resting over the sunny scene. It was the sad thought, that hid itself away in the bosom of each, that soon — ah ! too soon — must come the bitter OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. CHAPTER XVII. THE PEDESTRIANS. Beneath the old oak-tree, whose bursting buds were unfolding tender leaves of green, sat Mary and Charley. It was the last evening of his stay at home. To-raorrow, ere the sun should be- gin its daily circuity he must bid farewell to loved ones, and go to seek a life of exile and danger. The evening sun, declining low in the west, threw its golden glo- ry in long lines of living light back upon the earth, now springing into life and beauty. Fleecy clouds of white floated lazily through the azure heavens, catching upon their western margins the radi- ant hues of the departing sun; and as the eye looked up into the rault above, the soul could fancy itself gazing up— up through the 4lue empyrean— beyond sun and moon and remotest star— into the glorious splendor of the New Jerusalem, whose sapphirine beauties beamed from out their far-otf heavenly home down upon the emerald earth. The evening wind swept gently by, kissing the grass-blades and the tender leaflets, and bearing the sweet breath of the lovely violet that nestled in its modest loneliness beside the field fence-row and at the foot of the giant forest-tree. Before them lay the city, its distant spires gleaming in the gor- geous rays of the setting sun, its busy hum falling on the listening ear like the dull monotone of a mournful dirge. Beyond it rose the dark blue outline of the hills which skirt the northern kink of the beautiful Ohio. It was a charming scene. One that might .invite the pencil of Claude Lorraine. The lovers had long been seated at the foot of the old familiar tree, talking over their pres- ent, past, and future, and sealing in words of love's own eloquent truth the vows long ago pledged. To their young and bursting hearts the coming years gave promise of joy and gladness. Yet over that radiant pathway there could be discovered, even by their inexperienced vision, the shadow — aye, the gloom. Why is it thus, that even in our most joyous moments the heart Is ever aware of these gathering clouds, which, though all 100 RAIDS A2xD ROMANCE unseen, throw their darkling shade over our life-path? Is it that the malediction pronounced upon our first parents, as they turned their weeping eyes for the last time upon their lost Eden, and bent their burdened step out into the unknown waste before them, has found lodgment in our fallen nature — is so burnt in upon the strug- gling soul of man, that he needs not bitter experience to teach him that the evil ever accompanies the good? As the dancing wind lifted the dark auburn ringlets from the passive brow of Mary, and kissed with its cooling breath her cheek, flushing with love's own holy kindlings, Charley gazed upon her with silent admiration. Tears started to his eyes, and his oppressed heart sighed heavily. Mary turned her eyes with a look of sorrow upward to his. " Why do you sigh, Charley ?" she asked in tones of tender- ness. " It is sad to part, but you know there is no safety here for you. They would take you from us, and put you in prison. We must bear this trial as heroically as we can. It is a deep, deep one, but there is no other hope." "I feel reproved, Mary," he replied, "by your words of truth and courage. It is not the parting — and God knows this is bitter enough — neither is it dread of the battle-field that thus oppresses me; but — " and he paused, as if unwilling to proceed; "but — Mary, pardon me, I would not do you injustice — you are young, you will be courted, flattered, tempted. I do not doubt your truth— heaven knows I do not — and yet — and yet — I cannot tell why, when I think on this, my brain burns, my heart throbs with the wildest torment. Young Morton — Mary, do not, I beseech you, trust him. He is made to win — and to deceive." • " Oh, Charley, Charley! how can you do me this great wrong? Why do you doubt me ? Have you not proved my love, and found it constant, undying? Am I younger now than when we last parted ? Did I prove faithless ? why should I now ?" And the young girl burst into a flood of tears. "Oh, forgive me, Mary," said Charley, tenderly, gently draw- ing her towards him, and kissing her burning cheek. " I do not doubt you, and yet — and yet my heart thrills with a strange emotion, when I think of the future. The form of Morton haunts me." "You need not torture yourself with apprehensions of him,' said Mary, looking confidingly up into her lover's face. ''Our love was merely the fancy of our childish hearts, a wild, foolish admiration for each other, because we called each other sweet- OF MORGAN AN!) HIS MEN. lUl hearts. I may never see him again. You know he is s[)eaking of joining the Federal army." " God grant he may," was Charley's earnest response. The two arose,, and walked towards the house. In the front yard tliey were met by Lu, whose saddened face told of the sorrow of her loving heart. " Mother has sent me to seek you two. She wishes Charley to supervise some little preparation she is making for him." Charley, resigning Mary to his sister, who conducted her to the parlor, passed to his mother's room to furnisli any necessary sug- gestions. An hour later, and the family, grouped in the parlor, were dis- cussing the probability of the recapture of the two young sol- diers, when a loud and hasty knock at the door interruj)ted the conversation for a moment. The servant announced two gentlc^- raen. They were shown into the parlor. Mr. R. rose, bowed poHtely, and asked them forward to the fire. The visitors return- ed the salutation without speaking, and advanced. "It is brother!" exclaimed Mar}^ springing from her seat on the sofa, and tlirowing her arms around the young man's neck. '' Why, John and Bob, can it be you ?" said Charley, seizing a hand of each. ''We were just speaking of you. Didn't know but that the Yankees had you again ; we were fearful we should never see you." The two heroes were heartily welcomed by all, and many were the congratulations offered on their safe arrival. *• Well, Jolin, if you and Mr. Kted had sutYered yourselves to be again taken by the Yankees, we should have left you to your fate. Wouldn't we, Lu ? Couldn't turn nun again, and run all the risk of being discovered a second time to effect an escape for you." And Mary laughed one of her sweet, merry laughs, while she looked archly first -at her brother, and then at her friend, whose cheeks were suffused with crimson blushes, "Indeed, Miss Mary, I do not think we should be deserted by the ladies in our misfortunes," replied young Reed. '• You know it would be no fault, of ours, if we were even now within the gloomy walls of Camp Chase, instead of being here in this most delectable society: and I feel assured that you would again, in the generousness of your heart, rush to our rescue. Don't you think so, Charley ?" and Reed looked quizzically at the young hjver, whose eyes were riveted on the bright, smiling face of Mary, 102 KAroS AND KOMANCE It was now Charley's time to blush, which he did deeply, not- withstanding his efforts to subdue his rising emotion. "Indeed, indeed, Mr. Reed, you are mistaken I" exclaimed Mary, animatedly, at the same time manifesting the embarrass- ment which seemed to be becoming general among the young members of the circle, "I advise you, gentlemen, to avoid, at all hazards, another introduction to a Federal prison, lest, unhappily, no angels of mercy should come to your rescue." "A word to the wise man is sufficient, Mr. Reed," interposed Lu, pleasantly, who had been silently listening to tlie badinage. " I am sure you will never again thus test our courage and kind- "But tell us, young gentlemen," said Mr. R., who was impa- tient to hear the young men's story, "how you succeeded in get- ting through to Kentucky. We have been in a most anxious state of mind, with regard to your welfare. I suppose you have had some adventures by the way — perhaps some narrow escapes from the Yankees." " "We feared that they had caught you," said Mrs. R., her kind, motherly face speaking more than her words the interest of her heart. "And Charley had decided to leave to-morrow, lest he should share the same fate." " How do you go, Charley?" asked young Lawrence. "I sup- pose you have some plan marked out for getting through ?" "None, John; I must 'trust to my wits. Several friends have suggested to me methods, but all of them are alike full of risk. I think I know enough of the country through which I am to pass, and enough of Yankee character, to make good my way to Colonel Morgan." "Ah, you intend to join Morgan, do you? John, that will be the idea for us. I am heartily tired of infantry life. And, more- over, we need the exercise and dash of cavalry-men to restore us to our former vigor. Do we not, young ladies ?" said Reed, with a polite bow to his fair listeners. "Most assuredly," they both replied. "Life with Morgan for health and fame." " But how do you propose to get through, gentlemen ?" asked Charley. "Now that you are so experienced in eluding the vigi- lance of the foe, doubtless, you can aid me on my way." " We go through like gentlemen, Charley," responded young Reed, laughing. "Do you not think we are entitled to this privi- lege, in virtue of these handsome new suits ?" he added, at the OF MUKGAN AXD HIS MEN. 103 same time rising fri»in his chiiir, and displ.-iyiiig his finished suit of bhick clothes. "Undoubtedly, you deserve all the privileges due to gentle- men," responded Charley, looking somewhat bewildered at young Reed's manner and remark, ''but I fear me you will find your new- suit of black but a poor safeguard against Yankee watchfulness and hate." "Oh, my friend, we by no means depend on our attire fon||(iss- port through tiie lines ; only look to it to secure us the civilities by the way due to Kentucky gentlemen. We take the boat to-mor- row or next day, provided these officials do not have us in the military prison before then, and shall depend on our permits to secure us safe transit to Dixie." " Permits, Bob ; what do you mean ?" and Charley's look of wonder and perplexity increased. '•Oh, we go out as cotton agents, duly authorized. Here, ex- amine our papers, and see if it is not so," and Reed took from his pocket and handed to Charley some papers, which the latter took and examined carefully ; then, with an expression of mingled surprise and doubt, gazed up into the face of his facetious friend, who, with young Lawrence, was highly enjoying Charley's entan- glement. This last remark of Reed's had aroused the inquisitive- ness of every one present, and a look of curious inquiry rested on each face. Charley opened the permits, and read thera a second time. '• Boys, are these genuine ?" he asked, after duly scrutinizing them again and again. " Or do you design to attempt to out- Herod Herod?" ''Genuine! of course," replied Reed, with an assumed air of insulted dignity, at this insinuation against his honor, and that of his friend. " Do you not see they are duly signed ?" " But, if genuine, how did you obtain them ? Certainly, you must have in some way imposed on somebody." " Why, Charley, my friend, have not James Safl:brd, Esq., and John Livingston, ditto, true and loyal men, who have endured long and dreary exile from home and friends beloved, because of theii^ardent devotion to this glorious ' Union,' 'the dear old flag,' and ' the best government in the world,' have not these patricfts, so distinguished for their sufferings, a right to the protection of that government, and a small share of its profits ?" This pseudo-panegyric on his own patriotism was delivered in such a farcical manner, that the whole company burst into laugh- 104 KAIDS A2fD EOMAlsXE ter. Charley shared the merriment, but with less zest than the others. "Well, boys," said he, ''you puzzle me more and more." "Do tell us the meaning of these oflBcial documents, and explain to us how they were procured." "Oh, do tell us the whole story," cried out several voice?. "We would hear all your adventures through Ohio and Kentucky to Louisville." " Our hegira from Camp Chase was attended by no incident3 worth the mention until we came to Cincinnati. We traveled on like two common workmen, avoiding every thing that looked sus- picious, stopping at night wherever darkness overtook us, behaving very much like poor men all unused to society — that is, playing mum on all subjects until we ascertained the sentiments of our host ; if adverse to ours, we declared lustily in favor of the glorious Union, tiraded aguinst the rebels, and after that played mum fur the remainder of the night. "If, however, we discovered that we were in congenial society, and this was our good fortune two nights out of four, we gave full rein to our powers of entertainment, related all our adventures, answered the many hundred questions propounded to us by our eager listeners, and in our turn gained all the intelligence we could about the Yankees and their movements. "Tuesday night, weary and worn with our tramp, we halted with an old avaricious Jew, just outside Cincinnati. We told him "we were from Tennessee. He immediately asked if we knew any thing about the cotton section. John caught his idea in a mo- ment, and, determining to make capital out of it, readily answered tliat we were well acquainted with all the cotton region of that State; that our fathers were heavy planters, and now had on hand a very large amount of that very desirable article. The bait had taken. The old man's eye flashed with delight under this in- tehigeuce, and he hinted his desire to buy cotton, intimating his fear to be found in Tennessee, lest he should be overtaken by the rebels. We cautiously proposed to act as his agents should he desire it, " His keen black eve twinkled with the joy that filled Ws bosom, aftd he unhesitatingly accepted our offer. He agreed to pay us a commission on delivery of the cotton at Cincinnati. We ac- ceded to this, and the contract was immediately drawn and duly signed. " The next morning he took us to headquarters in the city, pro- OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 105 cured for us permits and seeing we were in rather a sorry plight, opened his narrow Jewish heart sutHciently to give us a new hat and coat each, paid our passage to Louisville, and sent us out on our most lucrative agency. And here we are to prosecute our un- dertaking liitard foe. For several minutes not a word was spoken. The resolves of that fearful moment were never ft>rgotten. ^ The bell rang that summoned the prisoners to their wretched supper. In a few days the two met again. The conversation turned upon the feasibility of escape, and joining Colonel Morgan. '•I have heard of many wonderful feats performed by Colonel Morgan in the vicinity of this place," said Charley to his new- formed acquaintance, as the two seated themselves on some loose stones, beneath the shadow of the frowning wall. I suppose his daring is remarkable?" ''There is not, sir, a braver or more resolute man living. I have been with him in most of his adventures, and such courage, combined with foresight and caution, I have never in my life witnessed. On one occasion, very soon after the Yankees took ])()ssession of this place, few, about thirty in number, dressed in Federal uniform, under the direction of Colonel Morgan, swept round the city, and, obtaining a good position on the other side of the river, halted for a few minutes to plan an attack. Our object was to set fire to two boats which were above the fleet in the river, and send them enveloped in flames to communicate the fire to the others. As I remarked, we halted some little distance out from the city. Colonel Morgan then dispatched five of us into town to fire the boats. Uniformed like the Yankees, we passed along the streets unnoticed." "Did you do this during the day?" asked Charley, in sur- prise. " Oh, yes, it was early in the evening. Following Colonel Mor- gan's instructions, we crossed the river to this side, the boats being at the main landing, walked leisurely through the streets, en- countering everywhere Yankee soldiers and civilians, gained the y^oint nearest the lower boat, which stood out a little way in the river. It was an old aff'air, and was left in the possessicm of negroes and three Irish soldiers. Securing a yawl that was near, we put out for the boat. On reaching it, young Winfield, from Lexing- ton, took command of tlie arrangements. We boarded the boat, and ordered off to shore the three Irish soldiers and a portion of the negroes, with instructions that they should be landed and the yawl brought back to the boat. Winfield ordered every man remaining on board to get into the yawl. He then proceeded 114 RAIDS A5D ROMANCE alone to fire ihe boat at four difterent points. This done, he left the vessel, from whicii the flumes were already bursting, and jumping into the yawl, commanded the boatmen, at the peril of their lives, to row to, the opposite side. Before we reached the bank the boat, which was now slowly floating down the river, was discovered by the Yankees to be on fire. Great was the conster- nation in their ranks when this became known, as the fleet below contained many sick soldiers. We reached the bank, waved our hats at the afi'righted Yankees congregated on the opposite side, bade them adieu, and, finding our horses, returned safely to the command." "And did your plan succeed? It certainly was full of dar- ing." " We have learned from the Yankee papers that the boat was arrested in its downward course in time to save the other boats. What damage they suftered we did not learn. A few days after this, as Colonel Morgan was riding in advance of the body of his men, accompanied by only two others, he met a Yankee colonel and his staff" trotting along very leisurely. ' Halt,' said Mor- gan. "'I'll be d — d if I do,' was the reply; 'I have already been halted a half dozen times since I left Xashville, and I'll submit to it no longer. Who are you, any how ?' '"Morgan quickly drew out his pistol and presented it. 'Mor- gan,' he very quietly replied to the Yankee's interrogatory. ' And you are my prisoner.' " The Yankee made no further resistance. He and his escort, beside a considerable force which followed in the rear, were made prisoners by Morgan and his men. We were pursued by a heavy Federal force, and young Winfield, who was guiding the rear de- tachment, after having two horses shot under him, was taken Drisoner. The remainder escaped." "And where is he now ?" asked Charley. " In Camp Douglas. He was for a long time confined here, but they fearing he would be rescued finally sent him north. " On another occasion, about forty of us in number, headed by Morgan, dashed in upon their pickets one morning early, and cap- tured eighteen out of thirty. At another time, a few days after- wards, learning by some means that General McCook and staff would pass out on the Murfreesboro road, Colonel Morgan placed some fifty of us in ambush, at a point just beyond the toll-gate, to capture the Yankee general and Kis whole staff. The old gate- OF MORGAN AiiD HIS MEN. 115 keeper, who had observed our movements, informed A[cCook that there were about one hundred armed men in the woods aliead of tliem. McCook soon became convinced of the danger, and put- ting spurs to their horses, the whole party proceeded, at Gilpin speed, never for a moment halting, until they reached the city. The gate-keeper paid the penalty of his treachery. The boys seized upon him and hung him before Colonel Morgan could inter- fere in his behalf. " Not long after this, General Buell was accosted as he went out from dinner on the landing of tiie hotel by a wagoner, who in- formed him that the next day a squad of rebels was coming into his (the wagoner's) neighborhood to procure provisions, and that if the general would send out some cavalry the whole force might be captured. Buell asked the wagoner his name. He gave it, and told the Yankee general that he would keep him posted with regard to the movements of the secesh. Buell, suspecting there might be some trick in the matter, inquired into it. To his sur- prise, he was convinced it was a verity, as there was just such a man living in the designated neighborhood who was a wagoner, •well known to the community for his honesty and probity. ''The wagoner, who in reality was no other than Colonel Mor- gan, duly disguised, soon disa})peared from the hotel. After he had looked round the streets to his satisfaction, and heard all the Dews, he left one of our men behind to spy their movements and appwse him of the starting of the expedition, and regained the camp in safety. "The next evening the Lincolnites set out, highly elated with the glory and success that their enterprise promised. Just before they left Nashville, the man who had been keeping a strict watch over their movements, mounted his horse, and following the nearest route to our encampment, gave Colonel Morgan the information. " Immediately the colonel prepared for the capture of the whole force. The men were so arranged and instructed that the escape of the Yankees was impossible. On they came, dashing like mailed horsemen of the olden time, their clanking sabres and tramping hordes making the earth to resound with mighty rever- berations. When they were sufficiently ensnared, the signal was given, and we rushed upon their front and rear. Our success was complete. Out of eighty that came to our overthrow, there escaped but four or five to tell the tale of their surprise and defeat." 116 EAIDS AXD EOMAKCE "I cannot remain here in capdviU', while my comrades are cov- ering tliemselves with glory!" exclaimed Cliarley, his enthusiasm roused to the highest degree under the young man's thrilling re- cital. "I must go from here — go where I can raise my arm in my country's cause. But, alas! how can 1 get out from this loathsome place?" he added, sighing deeply. " There is but one way, my friend." '' And what is that ?" asked Charley, his face growing instantly animated at the bare mention of escape. "Take the oath. There is no other way to escape." "Take the oath !" lie exclaimed, starting from his seat. " Take that infamous oath ? Never — never ! Death, a thousand deaths, first!" "It is humiliating in one view of the case; but in this instance, I have decided ' to stoop to conquer,' and I sliall take the oath to- morrow. "Were there any other alternative, I would not resort to this means of escape. But there remains to me nothing but this or death. I choose the former." The guard approached where the two were sitting. It was the same who had so abruptly hushed the prisoner's song. The young man recognized him. His brow became dark and knitted, and his lips firmly compressed. He gazed a moment upon his foe and passed to another part of the iuclosure. " Have you decided the question of taking the oath ?" asked the young man, as he encountered Charley in the long, dark passage that led to the cell. " Oh, no, no — I cannot. I was ofiered my liberty when I came here, if I would but swear to its detestable requirements. I re- fused. I would rather perish than do it." "I appreciate your sentiments. They have been mine; but my views have clipnged. Of what avail will it be to me or my country, if I lie here and rot, merely to gratify the cruel hate of these wretches? I'll take their oath, and then go forth to slay them; and in so doing 1 shall not feel that I have sinned against God, or sacrificed my honor. It is this or death here. They force i»e to it. I take what appears to me the less of two evils. They have proved nothing against me. They will not bring me to trial, that I may have justice, and they shall not keep me here to die." "You speak truly," replied Charley; "we shall have no show of.justice. I know that I must take the vile oath or die here, amid wretchedness and filth. I cannot escape — they will never bring OF MOEGAN AND HIS MEN. 117 me to trial. And yet, in view of all this," he added, after a few raoineni's pause, '' I cannot see how I cun take that oath." " I do not advise you to act against yonr convictions of honor. You must decide for yourself. I have fully made up my mind, and shall take the oath to-morrow. I think it is the wisest thing you can do. But you mnst rely on your own judgment." The two separated, each to his noisome cell. 118 KAIDS AND K0:MA2sCE CHAPTER XX. THE REFLECTION AND ITS RESULTS. Charley lay in his dark and narrow cell that night, his mind perplexed with the question before him. Hour after hour passed on, the silence all unbroken, save by the dull tramp of the sentry, and yet the decision was not reached. His noble nature revolted at the idea of the humiliating act. How could he sacrifice his honor by pledging himself to do that which his soul detested? Hve City, when a dozen armed horsemen suddenly ap- pearing in front of the locomotive, called out " Halt !" accompany- ing the command with a wave of the hand, a signal to the engineer to stop. This functionary appearing but little inclined to obey the order — his movements indicating a determination to proceed — the com- mand was repeated, and at the same moment about thirty other horsemen, armed to the teeth, dashed in view, and dozens of bul- lets shredded the air, whizzing alarmingly about the ears of the frantic passengers. "Morgan! Morgan!" was uttered by a dozen voices. "Mor- gan! Morgan!" was caught up and re-echoed by all. Then fol- lowed a scene of the wildest confusion, which was at the same time both ludicrous and serious. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 135 The engineer now seeing the folly of attempting to proceed, quickly brought the cars to a stand-still. Some of the liorsemen immediately sprang from their saddles to obstruct tlio track with rails, lest he should reverse the cars, and endeavor to return to Elizabethtown. Others rode up to the side of the cars, and, with pistols presented, demanded a full^ surrender of all soldiers and freight belonging to the government. Wild was the tumult among the loyal ladies, profound the panic that had seized officers, politicians, and si)eculators. Each was endeavoring as best he could to secure his own safety and interest. Private purses rapidly passed from the hands of loyal men to those of disloyal ladies, in order to preserve them from the hands of the rebels. Amid the fright and confusion Colonel Morgan entered the ladies' car. As he stood for a moment, every eye was fixed upon him. *' Be quiet, ladies," said he, with a pleasant smile,, as their cries of terror fell upon his ear. '• Be quiet, none of you shall be hurt, I only want the blue-coated gentlemen." Instantly there was profound silence. His words acted like a spell in calming the tumult. He approached one of the " blue-coated gentry," whose wife sat beside him. "Oh, spare ray husband. Colonel Morgan! Don't take him from me,'' screamed out the frightened wife. " For God's sake, don't take him. Have mercy— mercy on me, colonel, and spare him to me. I appeal to you as a gentleman— to your clemency— your generosity— your kindness— for my sake, for God's sake, for the sake of mercy, don't take him away." " I do not wish to take your husband from you, madam," he replied, amused at the woman's importunity. ''Take him your- self, and teach him better behavior than to come down here to kill' Southern people. This is all I ask. Will you promise me this?" ^ ^ , The grateful woman, in the joy of her heart, grasped the knees of the noble benefactor, and thanked him in the most passionate strains. A low-browed Dutchman, who had been a music teacher in Lexington, Kentucky, but who now enjoyed the most impressive sobriquet of Major Helveti, was taken by some of the Louisville boys from the cars, mounted upon a shabby trotting mule, and spirited away under an escort in the direction of Dixie. 136 KATDS AND ROSIANCE " I have thirty thousand dollars in that safe," said the cotton agent of one of the large firms in Louisville, to Colonel Morgan, who was quietly examining Uncle Sam's treasures. '' It is private funds, colonel. I hope it will not be appropriated. Here is my receipt for its deposit from the agent, colonel." ''Give yourself no uneasiness, sir," was the quiet response, while Colonel Morgan continued his operations. " My men are not thieves. Be assured, not one cent of private property shall be touched." After making such disposition of government funds and stores as he deemed proper, Colonel Morgan surrendered the cars to the conductor, under strict orders to return to Louisville' without attempting to proceed to Bowling Green. Colonel Morgan, with his force, immediately dashed down the road to the depot below, to intercept the upward train, on board of which were his men, proceeding to Louisville. Unfortunately for his plan, a courier, unobserved by him, had left the scene of action during the meUe^ and reaching the nearest depot below, had telegraphed to the conductor, by all means, to return to Nashville, as Morgan and his men were awaiting the train to seize it. Sad were the hearts of tlie prisoners, as the cars reversed their movement, and steamed back to ISTashville. They understood it all in a moment, and felt that all escape by liberation at the hands of their noble chief was at an end. Their disappointment and chagrin were unspeakable. There was no hope left them now, save in their own skill and management. But they did not de- spair. They were determined on one thing — and that was, come life or death, they would never enter a Northern dungeon. How they succeeded in averting this detested fate remains to be seen. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 13' CHAPTER XXV. HOW THE PROPOSED PLAX SUCCEEDED. Plated out — played out, boys!" said Charley, despondinfjly. "No hope of rescue now — jn-ison or death — we must choose be- tween the two." "There, Charley, croaking again. Why, my boy, this is only a pleasing variety. What is life without diversity? Come, ciieer up! be a hero — with a heart for any fate. If Colonel Morgan doesn't rescue us, we'll rescue ourselves. That's all." " You are very hopeful, to be sure. You have had no experience in prison. Wait until you have groaned beneath their iron rule for a few months. Then we shall see if you regard it as a pleasing diversity." " But there's no use despairing, even in the face of the most unpromising circumstances. Be patient. My word on it, Morgan will outwit these Yankees yet. They will not dare to keep us here in Nashville. Why, they wouldn't even risk us in Louisville. Don't you know that these cowardly wretches believe that Mor- gan can do just what he pleases? PU wager they are trembling now for fear he will rush upon them and spirit us away. They will never feel safe until we are beyond the Ohio river." "But what does all tliis argue? Simply that they won't im- prison us here." • "And that they will have to ship us to Camp Chase. And yon know it's a long way from here to Cincinnati, and there will be many chances for us to escape. I, for one, will never see the in- side of one of their dens, take my word for that. Indeed, I have a great mind to dodge them right here in Nashville. But then, it would be so much trouble to get out of their lines; and, more- over, I shouldn't like to leave any of my friends behind me." "They will take us by boat now, I suppose," said Charley, his voice assuming a rather more cheerful tone. " Oh, yes ! that will be their plan. They will not try railroad shipment again, and they won't dare to keep us here; so you see there is no other alternative." 138 RAIDS AKD EOMANCE The prisoners were marched from the depot, and huddled to- gether in the close, damp jail for the night, without supper and without beds. The next day they were taken on board a small boat, lying at the wharf, to be sent to Clarksville, where they were to be trans- ferred to a large vessel, and forwarded immediately to Cincinnati. It was night — a soft May night. The young moon, from amid her throng of starry worshippers, beamed tenderly down on the sleeping eaj-th, w^hich lay reposing in her soft, warm rays like a glad babe on its mother's loving bosom. The radiant stars looked down with their spiritual eyes from out their far-off home in the blue vault above. And gentle breezes, wooed into life by the moon's soft kiss, sported caressingly among the fragrance-breathing flowers. It was the hour of midnight. Over the still bosom of the Cum- berland, the cliffs, with their wooded brows, threw a deep, dark shadow, here and there lighted up by the sparkhng moonbeams as they stole through the young and tender foliage of the over- hanging forests, and fell in streams of silver sheen on the rippling waters. No sound was heard, save the low, irregular splashing of the waters, as the wheel of the little boat drove the tiny craft along over the river's still, smooth bosom. "Now is our time," said Morgan, quickly, yet stealthily, ap- proaching the spot where young Irving and Charley were stand- ing on the guard, looking over into the river below. " Pass the signal ; let each man but do his part, and we are free. You and Charley will attend to disarming the drunken guard. You, Irving, pass the word." The signal was given. Quietly, yet with lightning-speed, the prisoners hastened to the work assigned them. The oflicers and boat-hands were seized, and before they could recover from their consternation, they were bound and put under guard. The sen- tinels, overcome by too deep libations from rebel bottles, lay sense- less on the guards. To relieve them of their arms, was but the work of a moment. It was a daring undertaking, — one that required great tact and adroitness. But the plan had been well arranged, and its denoue- ment was eminently successful. The captain plead to be released, offering to convey them to any point on the river, if they would only allow him to keep his boat. *'0n these conditions," said young Morgan, "you must surren- OF Morgan and uis men. 139 der to US all tlie arms you have; give us rations for two days; all the money you liave in your safe ; then land us above here, on the east bank of the river, and we will spare your life and release your boat. But as you value your head, captain, don't you at- tempt to trick us in any way. And another thing, you must go on to Clarksville, and remain there until we shall have time to get beyond danger. "Will you promise me this?" The captain, but too glad to save his head on any terms, readily assented to the proposition. " Swear hini," said Irving ; " swear him, Morgan, Excuse me, sir," he added, turning to the captain; "but you Yankess have such unreliable memories. The penalty for perjury un^er our oath is death at first sight. You'll remember ? Here, Charley, get out your Bible, and let the captain take the oath on that." The little pocket-book was produced, and the captain duly sworn. "Now, go with us, boss, and give directions to your engineer to wheel about and take us back a few miles ; after this, sir, we will attend to the pantry and money-box. Boys, keep a sharp look- out over your prisoners, and if these drunken soldiers dare to move, just throw them overboard." The necessary directions were given to the engineer. Tiie safe was then visited, and relieved of its treasures ; after which, Mor- gan, calling to his aid a number of the boys, stormed the pantry, and emptied it of its edibles. " Come, cook," said he to the mulatto, who liad stood beside him eyeing the movement with a look of wonder, mingled with admiration ; " come, be quick, get to work immediately, and fry these steaks and this ham, and make up all that flour and meal into bread. Here, boys, you that know how, fall to work and grind this coffee, slice tlie light-bread and butter it, and roll up sandwiches for yourselves — here's a nice cold ham. Each one take as much sugar and tea as he wants." "Come, steward, bring paper to these gentlemen." "None on board, sir, I believe," and the darkey trembled with fri^'ht at having to disobey orders. '' "Well, Well, never mind. Get your towels and tablecloths ; no matter what, so it will do to wrap up victuals in." The steward darted like lightning, and in a moment was back with the necessary articles. There was a general jubilee on board the boat. The boys laughed, and danced, and sung. They had not had such a merry time 140 EAIDS AND BOMANCE since the fated night at Lebanon. Morgan, Charley, and Irving took the management of affairs upon themselves;, and superintend- ed all the preparations. Every thing was carried forward with the greatest dispatch. The pilot was commanded to land them at the first safe point on the eastern bank of the river. Just as day was dawning over the earth, the boat was rounded to, and the boys, enforcing remembrance of their instructions on the captain and crew, equip- ped themselves with the few arms they had obtained, secured their edibles, and with one long, loud, ringing shout, sprang from the boat, and dashed into the woods. " Didn't I tell you that we would out-general these Yankees ?" said young Morgan to Charley, as he stepped up to his side, and slapped him on the shoulder. " But you wouldn't believe me. Did I not speak truly ?"' "You did. Your plan has succeeded well, and you deserve all praise. "We are once more free, thank God. Never let us again fall into the enemy's hands." *• Ah, we will never be caught napping again, Charley. Eter- nal vigilance is. the price of liberty these days. How would it do, Irving, for us all to vow that we will never be taken prisoners again? What say you, Charley?" " Amen, amen !" responded the two young men. " Come to a halt, Morgan," said Charley, " and let us all swear that the Yankees shall never again claim us as captives." The column was halted, the proposition submitted to the men, which was received with loud and protracted cheers, throughout the whole line. The oath was administered, Irv/ing holding up the small pocket- Bible, upon which each man was commanded to look, while he re- peated the form of words after young Morgan. " What do you say to breakfast now, boys, and a division of our money ? Come forward, treasurer, and disburse your funds per capital A young man stepped forward from the ranks, and drew forth from his pocket a roll of notes. "Two hundred and forty dollars — ^jnst three dollars apiece. Come forward, boys, and each one receive his quota." A council of war was then called to decide whether the com- pany should divide into squads, and thus endeavor to make their way to Colonel Morgan, or should, en masse^ proceed to join him. The subject was gravely discussed, pro and cob. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 141 " Most of us know every mile of this country," said Irving, the chief speaker. ''We Lave travelled over it often. It is inhabited only by friends. "We liave provisions enough to last us twenty- four hours, and if at the expiration of that time we shall find it expedient, in order to procure food, to divide out, we can do so." " But perhaps we shall encounter the Feds," suggested the treasurer, "and we have not arms enough to defend ourselves." "That is not at all probable, Carter. There are no Yankees in this section. You know that we have kept them too badly scared to venture out in small squads, and if they have thrown a large force anywhere near, we will soon learn it. Let us send out an advance whose duty it will be to apprise us of any danger ahead." ''Boys, all in favor of moving on together, call out aye," said he, leaving it to the decision of a vote. " Aye," rang out from every man. About an hour was spent in eating breakfast, which was greatly enlivened by the recital of many a laughable incident that occurred while taking possession of the boat. The old woods were reso- nant with their mirth and hilarity, as they ate of their fried ham and steaks, with the buttered light-bread and fresh biscuits. It was far superior fare to any they had enjoyed in a long while, and their heightened appetite did ample justice to its acknowledged merits. " Well, boys," said Irving, rising, and depositing the remainder of his roll in his pocket, " if we are through with breakfast, we'll take up our line of march. Our course is southeast. The Cum- berland may give us some trouble, but we will find friends who will assist us, and we shall soon make our way to Morgan. Three cheers for our colonel, boys!" and the speaker flourished his old white hat vigorously around his head. The example was followed by every man, and loud and lusty cheers went up from the mov- ing column, which were echoed and re-echoed among the leafy recesses of the forest until they gradually died away in the dis- tance. 142 RAIDS AND ROMANCE CHAPTER XXVI. FINDING MORGAN. The party travelled a day and a half before tliey could obtain any reliable intelligence of Colonel Morgan's whereabouts. They were then informed that he had a few days before passed within twenty miles of Carthage, going north. They could not learn whether he was accompanied by his whole force or not. The ru- mors were conflicting. One story said that he had certainly gone to Gallatin ; another, that he had undoubtedly proceeded to Ken- tucky. "If we cannot overtake Colonel Morgan," said Irving, after listening to the various contradictory rumors that met them on every side, " we must go where he can find us. Our present busi- ness is to get beyond the reach of the Federals. We can then w^ait until we can ascertain where he is. This done, our troubles are at an end." They marched on for two successive days. No certain intelli- gence of Morgan could be gained. Hearing of no enemy in that portion of the State, they decided to halt and establish a camp. A fine position was selected for this purpose in a skirt of woods, bounded by a beautiful stream. They purchased such necessary articles a^ their hmited means would allow\ The people in the neighborhood of the encampment generously assisted them with provisions and blankets. After remaining a few days here, and ascertaining nothing of Colonel Morgan, it was proposed to pro- cure some horses, and start a party in search of him. The propo- sition was favorably received by the whole encampment, and Irving, Charley, young Curd, and Johnson were selected to go, — Morgan remaining behind to look after the camp. He had already become quite popular in the neighborhood, partly because he was a brother of the favorite hero of the West, but quite as much on account of his agreeable manner and daring spirit. The project was made known to a few of the farmers, who readily furnished horses and every thing necessary for their equipment. The outfit was complete, and the four set forward on their search, under OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 143 the direction they had received. After a day'8 travel northward, they obtained sucli intelligence of Colonel Morgan^s recent move- ments as they could credit. Two days more, and tiiey had reach- ed his camp. , tt i i Information was given him of all that had occurred. He had heard, while passing through the country from Cave City to his headquarters via Knoxville, that his men had escaped. Immedi- ately he turned about, and sent up into the region of Clarksville, for the purpose of rendering them assistance ; but he was too late, and learned on reaching there that they had set out on foot to overtake him. He dispatched Irving, Curd, and others back to the camp for their comrades, with instructions for as many as could to join him immediately. 114 EAIDS AXD ROMANCE CHAPTER XXVII. THE DARK SHADOW. The morn'mg after the men reached Colonel Morgan's encamp- ment, Charley was very leisurely sauntering around ohjectles?, further than to indulge his general habit of activity, when, in pass- ing near a clump of undergrowth on the outskirts of the camp, his attention was arrested by the earnest voice of some one who seemed to be reading. As he neared the spot from whence the sound proceeded, he heard the speaker pronounce the name of Mary Lawrence. Suddenly he paused, as if transfixed to the spot. The blood mounted to his temples — his heart be§,t audibly — his frame grew rigid under the power of his strong emotion. A moment more, and the name of Arthur Morton reached his ear, and then the words "Federal officer," and "undivided attention." As one who is suddenly seized by some demoniac passion, he exclaimed, "Oh, my God!" and sprang forward. Then, as if im- pelled by the magic of an invisible power, he paused and strained his ears to listen. It was the voice of young Brent, who was evi- dently reading a letter from some friend in Louisville. As Charley stood breathless — trembling in every nerve, his hands clenched in the agony of dreadful apprehension, w^hile his face, which for a moment before was crimson, was now livid as death, his bloodless lips apart as one who listens with his soul as well as ears — these maddening words were plainly heard : "Rumor says they are to be married. I do not myself know, for I have not seen Mary in many weeks." He could bear no more. Frenzied, he turned and rushed away, walking as if pursued by a demon. " Where on earth are you going, at that break-neck speed, Char- ley ?" hallooed young Lawrence to him. as with great strides he pushed by the spot where a group had gathered around Captain Hawkins to hear him read a Louisville Journal^ which had found its way into the camp. Charley paused, and looked wildly around. " Come here, Charley," exclaimed a dozen voices. " Come, and OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 145 hear," added yoilng Lawrence, " what old Prentice says about our capture at Lebanon, lie gloats over the idea of our surprise and imprisonment. Little does the old wretch think we are iiere free as air, laughing over his fiendishness." Charley, as if incapable of exercising his own will, obeyed the summons, but it was as one who acts devoid of thougiit and object. He took his place amid the group, li»;tless ; as one in a strange, wild dream, he st(K>d, his eyes gazing out into vacuity — his face wearing that peculiarly sad expression which results from sudden grief; while his heart — ah, how can we describe its tumultuous lieavings ! "Look, boys, Charley lives the whole scene over again!" ex- claiiued young Morgan. " He is even now, in thought and feeling, th^ inmate of a Yankee prison. Indeed, Charley, my friend, you do not regard yourself safe from the clutches of the villains, do you*" and Morgan ^lapped him on the shoulder pleasantly. Come, tlii.* won't, do. You are as free as the bird of tiie wild wood — as safe, Charley, as though all the Yankees had been ferried over Styx by the good Charon, who of late must have been kept very busy at his work." • '' No, no, Cal., I have no fear of the Yankees. I have seen them too often, and am too familiar with their face," responded Char- ley, endeavoring to assume an air of cheerfulness. "Then why so melancholic? Disapi)oiuted that you did not get a letter from home, eh ?" "Yes, partly that; and partly indisposition." " Oh, you mustn't get sick, Charley," interposed young Law- rence. " We are going to make Louisville a visit soon." "Just at this point in the conversation. Captain Hawkins, who had been silently scanning the paper, read aloud one of Prentice's witticisms, which caused them all to break out in a fit of the most uproarious laughter. Charley essayed to join them; out what a mockery to laugh, when the heart is breaking ! His effort was fruitless — only a wan, ghastly smile was the resvilt. Attracted by the shouting. Brent and his cousin, young Arnold, to whom he had been reading his letter, came rushing to the group. Brent holding the yet open letter in his hand. As Charley looked towards the young men, who were advancing at full speed, crying out. "What's the joke? what's the joke? Do let us share it?" he perceived the unfolded sheet. His first im- pulse was to meet Brent, and ask him to permit him to read his V 146 EAIDS AND ROMANCE letter. But this would necessarily involve the betrayal of his secret, and, restraining himself, he simply said to young Brent, in passing, ''One of Prentice's lucky hits, that's all," and walked on in the direction of the woodland wliich flanked the encampment. Seeking its cool recesses, he seated himself upon an old log, around which the mushrooms had thickly grown, and burying his face in his hands, gave himself up to the tortures of the demon jealousy. And who that has felt his wasting tires, consuming, as it were, the very life of the soul, but can exclaim, "Death, death, give me death !" So felt Charley. The world to liim was one wide-spread void, over which rested the blackness of darkness. Despair, deep, fearful, had unfolded her sombrous wings over his heart, shutting out all hope — all joy. Gladly would he have lost his weary weight of anguish in that long sleep where dreams flo never come. He prayed for the fierce conflict, that he might yield Tip that life which in a few short hours had become to him only a meaningless existence. There are moments in life when the soul, bowed down beneath its weight of disappointment and despondence, fearfully strives to discern one gleam of hope, to find one promise of good, in all the vast universe spread out so inimitably around it. It turns to present, past, and future — but ah, how vainly! and the recoil upon itself is but the mightier for the effort made. In such moments, did the will but control the pulsations of the heart, what an array of self-murderers would stand in the last day before the final tribunal ! After remaining in this frenzied frame of raind, more intolerable than that which prompted the beautiful priestess of Venus to throw herself into the deep, dark sea, our hero arose, determined to seek out young Brent, obtain the letter, and if it confirmed his fearful apprehensions, to procure a furlough and leave immediately for Kentucky, and if his troth had been betrayed, to wipe out the wrong in the blood of the hated rival. He sought the camp. But, as he bent his steps thitherward, his resolution began to falter. He could not make known the secret of his love to another; and how could the letter be pro- cured without an explanation that must necessarily lead to dis- closure on this point? He racked his brain for a plan, but the knot could not be untied — he had not determination to cut it asunder. So, avoiding young Brent, whom he met midway the inclosure, he turned aside with agitated look, and passed on with rapid pace towards his own tent. OF MORGAN AXD HIS MEiN". 147 The evening and night were passed amid tlie tortures of jealousy and despair. Sleep visited not the restless, tossing frame, and the aching brain, racked with fearful thought, throbbed wildly, while tlie blood-sliot eyes looked out into the gloom of the rayless tent strainingly, as if the sinking soul sought to catch some ray of hope from the outer world. It was the small hours of the morning be- fore that exhaustii)n consequent upon i^uch intense and continued excitement of mind induced a fitful, feverish slumber; and this un- satisfying rest was haunted by fearful dreams, wherein specters of frightful form and fiercest mien unrelentingly pursued him through all the winding way, from whicii he saw on way of escape. He awoke to a realization of his wretchedness, and, springing to his feet, rushed frantically into the open air, and paced back and forth before his tent, goaded on by the increasing intensity of his emotion. The morning came, but morning brought no relief. Pale and dejected, he pursued his walk. "Why, Charley, you look sick to-day!" exclaimed his mess- mates, as he seated himself to attempt a breakfast. He made no reply, but, sipping his coffee listlessly, and scarcely partaking of the bread and fried ham before bim, he sat silently brooding over Lis grief. '^ Why, Charley, my friend, what is the matter with you?" re- marked young Lawrence, wfth manifest astonishment, as returning from guard he seated himself at the mess-table. " You look as i'f the Furies had been tormenting you. Are you suffering from the scorpion whip of conscience for not going to ciiurch yesterday?" "I slept but badly last niglit, and this morning my head aches violently. Altogether, I am not well," replied our hero, endeavor- ing to rally himself, so as to avoid renewed inquiry and remark; but the effort was futile— the smile too painfully sad. "Oh, indeed, you must rally. It will not do to get sick now. Eumor says we go into Kentucky in a few days. Come, let's go and see some pretty girls to-day ; that is, if we get permission. A sweet face is always a sovereign catholicon for the blues. Come, what say you? I saw several interesting demoiselles yesterday at the old country church, and two of them live near here. Hughes, there, fell in love with one, and Brent with the other." "Not in love at all, Charley. Lawrence is exaggerating. We admired the young ladies ; they were quite beautiful, I assure you ; bu^ for me, I must wed a Kentucky girl, or die a Benedict." "You are right, Hughes; I say so too. A Kentucky girl for me. They are the fairest and best of all earth's daughters, and 148 EAIDS AND EOMANCE oue of them for me or none," exclaimed Brent, accompanying the remark with a very enthusiastic gesticulation, which upset the cup of hot coffee on his knee, and imminently endangered the break- fast table, which was a camp-stool; and notwithstanding it boasted of four legs, instead of three, they were so unsteady as to jeopard- ize its uprightness under a sudden smart blow. The boys roared with laughter at poor Brent's plight, which was really not enviable, as the hot coffee was by no means a pleasant douche. Charley joined in the merriment, for a moment forgetting his woe, but it was like the fitful gleam of sunlight bursting through the slightly riven cloud. "Irving," said Charley to his friend, as soon as he could meet him after breakfast, "I wish you to take a walk with me; I have something to tell you." " I hope y(ju are not in trouble, Charley, though one to see you would imagine you had again fallen into the hands of the Yankees, you'look so grief-stricken. I will walk with you in a few minutes, iust as soon as I can deliver this note to Major Duke. Wait here," and Irving passed rapidly on, and in a very short time returned to rejoin Charley. The two walked towards the dense woodland which flanked the rear of the encampment. Seated on the old log, around which the mushrooms had gathered, with the sweet music of spring-birds gushing out from amid the dense overhanging foli- age, Charley unbosomed his grief to his friend. "I trust you, Irving, because I feel I can rely on your sympa- thy and finesse. I must obtain that letter from Brent, at all haz- ard. Would you undertake to procure it for me, pledging me to keep my secret most fiducially?" "I think so. Trust me, I will not betray you. If possible-, I will secure the letter this evening. Join me about four o'clock, and we will together find Brent; and if I succeed in my purpose, you can either read it, or hear it read." The two parted ; — Charley to attend to his daily duties, and find, as best he might, relief from his goading grief; while Irving, who had been intrusted Avith the secret of the expedition so soon to be undertaken, was busily engaged in such preparations as were necejs- sary for the purpose of carrying out the commands of the morning. Punctually, at the designated hour, Charley sought Irving. He found him earnestly engaged in a conversation with Hawkins, one of the command upon whom Colonel Morgan greatly relied in all matters that req'ui red energy and tact. Pausing beneath the shade of a tree against which he leaned OF MORGAN ANT> HIS MEN. 149 with the air of one aweary, Charley awaited his friend. A few minutes, and he was by his side, and the two set out to overtake Brent. Their search was for some time unrewarded. At leiigtli he was seen with Lawrence and Hughes, emerging from the lane which led from the encampment into the main road. ''We are just from seeing the* young ladies with whom these gallants fell in love yesterday," said Lawrence to Cliarley, as the two met, '' and I do wish you could have been there to have wit- nessed the gaucherie of these noble Kentuckians. It would have cured you of your blues eternally. It was serio-comic, I assure you." "J^o such thing, boys; Lawrence is exaggerating the whole affair. "We conducted ourselves right nobly, like gentlemen to the manor born. Didn't we, Hughes ?" " Undoubtedly. Lawrence embarrassed us by telling the ladies we had fallen most deeply in love with them at first sight, and W(;uld not wait longer than to-day to make a call, when really, as you know, Charley, we went at his most earnest persuasion. Didn't Brent and I declare this morning that none but a daughter of Kentucky should capture us?" "Oh, that vow, like woman's, 'was traced in sand.' Charley, you and Irvingwould so decide, could you have but seen the earnest, lov- ing looks, and heard the soft, tender words which were inflicted upon those two beautiful Tennessee damsels, by these amorous swains." "Come, Brent," said Irving, taking him by the arm, and lead- ing him off, " come with me. You must make confession. I chance to know, gentlemen, something of this gallant knight's lady love," said Irving, looking back over his shoulder, and addressing the trio, now heartily laughing at something said by Lawrence. " Your company, boys, if you please," and Charley left Hughes and Lawrence, and hastened to follow Irving and Brent, who were seek- ing a rude seat which the boys had constructed beneath a large oak tree, and to which they had given the name of ATy Lady's Bower. " Is she your sweetheart ?" were the words that met Charley, as he found himself beside Irving. It was an inquiry of surprise from Brent. " Oh, no," replied the young man ; '*not exactly a sweetheart, but a young lady in whom, from ray first acquaintance, I have felt a deep interest. I knew her in Lexington, and she is the sweetheart of one of my particular friends." "Is Morton, of Louisville, a friend of yours, Irving? Do you know he is now in the Federal army ? He and Aliss Lawrence are to be married soon." 150 RAIDS AND ROMANCE ''Married to young Morton, Brent! That cannot be. She is, undoubtedly, engaged to a young friend of mine. There must be some mistake. Wljere did you get your information ? Sarely, it can be nothing more tlian rumor." During this conversation, Ciiarley's face was flushed almost to crimson. His pulse throbbed violently. ''Oh, no; it is not mere rumor. A letter just received from my sister in Louisville, says the marriage is certainly to take place." Charley clutched young Irving's arm convulsively. "I should like to see the statement, Brent. As you may well conceive, I feel a deep interest for this friend of mine, who I know to have acted honorably and sincerely throughout. Would there be any impropriety in my reading here in the presence of our friend, Charley, as much of tlie letter as is pertinent to the subject 1" " None in the world. I will step to the tent and get the letter. You and Charley remain here." Charley had scarcely time to request his friend to read the paragraph carefully and a second time, before Brent returned and handed him the letter, pointing out the fearful passage. Irving took it, read it slowly to himself, and, shaking his head rather ominously, began to read aloud : ''Oh, I had almost neglected to mention," the young girl wrote to her brother, " the strangest item of news, and one that creates the greatest sensation among our young friends. It is said, and generally believed, that Mary Lawrence and Fred. Morton are to be married very soon. Lizzie Hutton told me yesterday there was no doubt of it. And you know Mary and Lizzie are old friends. Yet I scarcely know how to credit the statement, I have so often heard Mary declare she would not marry a Union man, if her life depended upon it. And Fred. Morton is now a Federal officer, dressed in his uniform. I met him on the street this morning. "We passed without speaking. You know I have no admiration for blue-coats, and so I dropped my veil as I approached him. I do not think he recognized me. I have not seen Mary myself for weeks. I have been out at sister Sue's for a long time, and have not, indeed, seen any of my friends. I shall go round this even- ing, and if there is any truth in the report, Mary will surely tell me. I cannot believe it unless she informs me of it herself, even if rumor does say it's a certainty." Irving folded the letter and returned it to Brent, remarking, " I do not understand this, surely there must be an error somewhere.'' Charley rose and walked away. OF MOEGAI?^ AlsD HIS MEN. 151 CHAPTER XXVm. IS SHE FAITHLESS? Before a large mirror, which reached from ceiling to floor, Mary Lawrence stood, while her maid fastened the last white rose-bud amid the rich auburn curls. A perfect picture of loveliness was she as she stood there, array- ed in that soft white silk muslin, threaded with silver, fitting so recherche her exquisitely moulded figure ; while the elegant point- lace herthe^ with its sprigs d'argent^ the late gift of the fond mother, graced so charmingly the full drooping shoulders, and fell in gauzy softness over the rounded arms, which Avere encircled by a pair of bracelets, carbuncles set with pearls. A sash of white, spotted with silver, to correspond with dress and hertlie, was fas- tened round the delicate waist by a simple naud to the left. A pair of white kid gloves, perfectly fitting the small plump hand, and a costly pearl fan, completed the toilet. A few half-blown rose-buds looked out from the rich luxuriance of the lustrous curls. The last bud was secured by the hand of the admiring waiting- maid, who stood motionless, gazing on the angelic vision before her. Mary took a survey of herself. The blood rushed to the roots of the soft, dark hair. She threw herself on the sofa, and buried her face in her hands, '' Oh, indeed, Miss Mary, you'll mash your dress and all, all to pieces," ejaculated the maid, with a look of horror. Do get up, and let me straighten it for you."' The young girl heeded not the request, but sat still as death, her head bowed in her hands. The door- bell rang. Mary sprang to her feet. ^'Go, Maria, see who it is," she said, nervously, to the girl, who stood gazing upon her with astonishment. ''It is Captain Morton, I'm sure, Miss Mary. See, it is nine o'clock. You know he was to be for you at that hour." ''Go, Maria," and she waved the servant to the door, who, with a feeling of curious wonder at her young mistress's strange mau- 152 KAIDS AND ROMANCE ner, descended the hall stairway, and, opening the front door, ush- ered the Federal officer into the parlor. "With rapid step Mary paced the floor for a few moments, her agitation constantly increasing. Thee, leaning her elbow on the dressing-stand, she toyed with the exquisite bouquet which stood in the vase before her, and which Captain Morton had sent with compliments but a few hours before. Maria returned, and announced Captain Morton. Murmuring some indistinct words to herself, while the color deepened in her cheek, Mary seized the fan from the stand, cast a hasty glance into the mirror, and beckoning to Maria, who stood holding her nubia, to follow her, with trembling she sought her mother's room. Bending over the couch of the pale invalid, she printed an affec- tionate kiss on the wan cheek. " You look worried to-night, my daughter. What is the matter with you?" asked the anxious parent, in a soft, tender tone. " Your face is flushed and feverish." " Oh, nothing, mother," replied the young girl. " Only excite- ment." And stooping over the low couch, she kissed her mother a second time, and passed to the parlor. "God shield my child!" murmured the mother, earnestly, as the form of her only, her darling daughter disappeared through the door. Then clasping her hands, the mother offered up for her child's safety such a prayer as only the heart of a mother could give utterance to. "With a sweet, affable smile, Mary bade the young captain good- evening, which was returned by him with a most gracious air. He was charmed to see her looking so beautiful, and he stood gazing upon her with an expression of fond delight. He observed she did not wear the flowers he had sent her. For a minute he felt chagrined, but in a moment the thought occurred to him, she regards them too highly to w^aste them on this evening. She keeps them in her room, that she may enjoy them. His ri>ing fears were subdued, his self-conceit highly flattered. " You are appearing most charmingly to-night. Miss Mary. Your color is unusually beautiful. Nature's own cosmetic. I am sure that you will be the cynosure of all eyes, and I the envied of all the beaux. The party is to be one of the largest ones we have had in the city since the war began ; indeed, I doubt whether we have ever had any thing that will excel it. The most costly and extensive preparations have been made, and all the elite are in- OF MORGAN AND HIS MKN. 153 vited. ''It is ratlier strange, is it not, that one who is generally known as a Southern man, should have invited so many of us olticers ? Almost every one I have seen is expected to attend." "Indeed! I had scarcely supposed this would be so. But then, Mr. and Mrs. II. lovo popularity. They would sacrifice a great deal to secure it. And they have succeeded well. Their names are on the lips of both parties. Everybody speaks approvingly of them, as generous, affable, polite. And yet, I doubt — " The young girl paused, and taking the nubia from the servant, threw it around her shoulders. " Doubt what. Miss Mary ?" ''I will not finish tlie sentence. I fear I might, perchance, do some one injustice." "Shall we go?" and the gallant captain, with all the air of one who has a position and feels it, offered his arm to escort the trem- bling girl to the carriage, which stood at the door awaiting them. It was a splendid scene. The gorgeously furnished rooms were brilliantly liglited, and thronged with the beauty and elegance of the city. Bright eyes flashed, and diamonds gleamed, and smile answered smile, and greeting and congratulations were every- where given and returned throughout that gay multitude, where each heart seemed to have forgotten forever all sorrow, where each face was radiant with smiles, and every tongue was voluble with utterances of joy and gladness. Near the door of the conservatory, where rich, rare flowers breathed out fragrant perfumes, and where a hundred lights threw a flood of dazzling splendor over these mute but eloquent repre- sentatives of every clime, stood Mary Lawrence, leaning on the arm of young Morton. He was speaking in a low but earnest tone, and his attitude and manner betrayed the depth of his feel- ing. With half-averted face, now flushed to crimson, and eyes bent to the ground, she listened to the fervent words. Her bosom heaved with deep emotion, her hand trembled as it clasped the fan which she vainly endeavored to use to cool her burning cheeks. She felt that the eyes of all who passed were fastened uppn her, and this served to increase her embarrassment. " What can be the matter with Mary Lawrence to-night?" asked Miss Whitmore of Lieutenant Dickinson, as the two stood in a position in the parlor that commanded a full view of the conser- vatory door. She appears so excited. I have never seen her half so gay as she seems this evening, nor yet half so beautiful. Is not she a perfect picture of loveliness, as she stands yonder beside that 7* 154 EATDS AND EOiMAXCE large orange-tree? She looks a fairy 'mid the flowers. Indeed, no idea that I have ever formed of the ancient goddesses could at all equal my realization of beauty in that form and face. I do not wonder Captain Morton worships her. Look how earnestly he bends to catch her slightest word, and how admiringly he gazes upon her! His soul is wrapt in devotion at tlie shrine of her charms.'' '•Busy-mouthed rumor says they are engaged to be married in September next. I know not whether the statement be true. I have heard it from various sources, and I ojjine no one who has observed his devotion to her to-night will for a moment doubt it. You regard the engagement as being a matter of certainty, do you not. Miss Lu?" said the lieutenant, turning to address Cbarley's sister,- who, but a few minutes before, in company with Miss Brent and two young gentlemen, had taken a position near Miss Whitmore and Lieutenant Dickinson, and who, interested in the officer's remarks, had turned to give him attention. '•Mr. Shirley and I were but a few minutes ago discussing that question," she replied, assuming as much calmness as she could command. " He took the affirmative. I ditfered in opinion." '• It is certainly so, Miss Lu!" exclaimed young Shirley. "Fred is one of my friends. I cannot be mistaken." '']^o one doubts it now," added Mr. Grayson. " The evidences are conclusive." "It has been believed for weeks," interposed Miss Brent. "Three weeks since the rumor was so rife, I felt justifiable in writing the report to my brother who is with Colonel Morgan, and since then I have had such frequent intimations of it that I have learned to regard it as a fixed fact." " He has scarcely left her side during the evening. I have ob- served several gentlemen endeavor to win her from him. I my- self thought to do so; but after using all the strategy that I could master, I had at last to acknowledge myself foiled." "Ah, Grayson! we unstarred, buttonless wights stand but a poor chance now in winning the hearts of the ladies fair. 'Our occupation's gone.' There is something about the stripes and tinsel that charms the girls, We shall have to don les •habits militaire^ or make up our minds to be Benedicts," said Shirley with an air of badinage, at the same time looking with an ex- pression of mock grief upon the three ladies present. "Come, come, Shirley, you do the ladies injustice," responded the lieutenant. " I appeal to the three present to support me in a OF MOEGAN AND HIS MEN. 155 denial of tlie charge. Say, ladic^s !•' there an attraction about the trappings of war to win your hearts and fix your atfections?" "By no means," responded Miss Wliitmore ; "if a man is a patriot, I care not whetiier he wears the insignia of the battle-field or not," and she smiled very complacently on the officer by her side. "There is a wide difference in our views of patriotism, lieu- tenant," replied Miss Brent, spiritedly, yet with no manifestation of unkind feeling. " I deem it far more noble, far more patriotic to oppose the wrong than to perpetrate it: to tight for freedom and liberty than for subjugation." "Oh, we will not argue this question now, Miss Brent. Our views are diverse, and I suppose irreconcilable," responded the Federal officer, reddening over the position in which the young lady's remarks placed him. A smile of satisfaction gleamed on the face of Grayson and Shirley at the embarrassment of the lieutenant. They were at heart Southern, and were only awaiting an opportunity to get through the lines to join Colonel Morgan. " Will it«ot be the Union of the white and red roses when Miss Lawrence and young Morton marry ?" remarked young Grayson to Miss Brent, as they withdrew to a position nearer the door which led out to the conservatory. " You know she was always regarded as one of our most patriotic Southern ladies. Indeed, it is said that she had a lover who was taken at Donelson. It is no other than our old friend, Charley K., and that she went in disguise of a nun to Camp Chase to visit him." "And so she did, though it is not generally known. Lou. R., Charley's sister, accompanied her, and she will not believe that Mary and Fred Morton will ever.be married. You see she will not be convinced. But certainly she is the only one that doubts. And she can no longer disbelieve after what she must have ob- served this evening." Supper was announced, and the guests were ushered into the large and brilliantly lighted dining-room, where tables, laden with every delicacy that could please the eye or tempt the palate, were spread out in luxurious bounty and elegance before the charmed eve; sparkling wines, every variety of confection, in style a la Parisi- enne, ices, sherbets, noyaus, jellies, cakes of magnificent size and proportion, with every variety of iced ornament that the imadrta- tion could conceive, with fruits of all climes, were arranged wirli such artistic taste and skill as to give an air of magic grandeur lo this splendid collation. 156 RAIDS AND ROMANCIC It SO chanced that at the table Lon. R. found lierself ris-a-vis to Miss Lawrence and the young captaio, wliile to her left stood Miss Brent with Mr. Spalding, an old friend of her brother Charley, and now a devoted admirer of Miss R. Mr. Spalding, a young man of twenty-seven, handsome and in- telligent, was the son of a wealthy farmer near Lebanon, Kentucky. Having met Miss R. during the winter while on a visit to her aunt, who resided in the vicinity of his father, he had formed a warm attachment for her, and during the spring and summer had become quite a frequent visitor at her fatlier's. Having been, from his earliest childhood, a great favorite with the family of Mr. H., with whom he was distantly connected, he ■was ever a guest in the house while visiting the city. As soon as he received his invitation to the party, he hastened to Louisville to secure the company of Lou. R., but found, on arriving, that Mr. Shirley, who was also an admirer of the young lady, had previ- ously engaged it. Opposed to Miss Brent and Mr. Spalding were Miss H., the daughter of the generous host, and young Quimby,* cousin of Captain Morton's, who had formerly been a lover of Miss Brent, but, owing to political differences, they had become estranged, and the young gentleman now vied with Lieutenant Dickinson in his attentions to Miss "Whitmore, one of the belles of the occasion. Conversation flowed freely between the friends across the table. Only young Quimby seemed averse to enjoy the dashes of witty and brilliant repartee which were giving zest to the charming viands. He was piqued at his proximity to Miss Brent, and as- sumed an expression of contempt for what he chose to denominate persiflage. Captain Morton appeared the very embodiment of happiness. He had a smile and bow for every one, and a satisfac- tory air which seemed to say I possess all my heart desires. Mary Lawrence was gay, unusually so, but her friend Lou. R. thought she discovered in her conduct something which pro- nounced her buoyancy an effort. There was an expression of suhduedness in her manner and on her face which, to the sister's eager searching interest, appeared the index of that soft and tender emotion, the consciousness of loving and being loved. And as the thought of her friend's falsity to her brother settled into a convic- tion in the sister's heart, she grew pale with the feeling of the deep wrong done that noble soul, of the agony and sorrow that must wring his heart with anguish unutterable. The remainder of the evening was passed by her in alte^nat^ OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 157 ler hope and fear. Every movement of Mary Lawrence received 1 searching scrutiny. But amid tiie whirl and excitement of the > moving multitude she could form no just conclusion. Often, as she passed amid the throng, her ear was greeted with the fearful announcement of tlie certainty of the approaching marriage. Once she thought to take Mary aside, and ask her if it could be true that she had deceived Charley. ]5ut why ask her, she said to herself; if she is false, will she not deny it ? I could not expect her to confess to me. Bewildered, chagrined, grieved, jealous of her brother's honor and happiness, and yet unwilling to inflict an injustice, even in thought, upon the friend of her childhood, Lou. R. left the gay as- semblage, at the close of the evening, with feelings to which she had hitherto been a stranger— feelings that she could not analyze. "You are sad to-night, Miss Lu," said Mr. Spalding to her, as he accompanied her and Mr. Shirley to the house of a friend on Broadway. "A perceptible change has passed over you in the last two hours. Miss Lu," interposed Mr. Shirley. ''Did you lose your heart in the gay throng of cavaliers, to-night ? I observed the admiring and very devoted manner of the gay Lothario from Lexington, Mr. Grigsby. Was he really successful in making an ineffaceable impression ?" " Oh, by no means, Mr. Shirley," she replied, with that frankness so characteristic of her heart. '' He is a pleasant, agreeable gen- tleman; but I shall have no remembrance of him beyond an evening acquaintance." *' I would not be bold or inquisitive, Miss Lu," said Spalding, in a serious tone, '' but I will dare to ask, as a friend, why it is you have been so sad for the last few hours ?" " What, have I been sad ? I fancied I was very glad and hapy)y. You gentlemen must be deceived. Have I not been full of smiles and laughter ?" " Rather of thought and sadness. It could be read in your face ; was echoed in your tone — spoke in every movement." '• All a mistake, gentlemen. Allow me to say to you, you have greatly deceived yourselves." '•Happy to hear you so declare. Miss Lu," replied Spaldino- "Better that we should be deceived than you gneved." " How very brilliant your friend Mtss Lawrence was to-night !" he added, after a pause. "And so beautiful ! I presume there is no doubt but that she is engaged to young Morton. His attentions 158 IIAIDS AND EOMANCE to her to-night were vexingly devoted, I but bowed to her. I bad desired to converse with her, for I wished to hear her describe her visit to Camp Chase. She is aufait in description. Captain Morton will secure a lovely and charming prize when he cluims her as his own." The young girl made no reply. "• He is a lucky fellow, indeed," interposed Shirley. " Miss Mary is one of the most beautiful girls of our city, and as good as she is beautiful." The party had reached the steps as Mr. Shirley concluded his remark. Waiting to see the young lady safely in, they bade her good-night, and left. To describe the sister's emotions, as she lay tiiinking over the strange, inexplicable question before her, would be impossible. Her soul was stirred to its depths at the thought of the deep injury her brotlier had received, and her indignation against the author of the crime changed her love to hatred. "■I will w^-ite to Ciiarley !" she exclaimed, as she lay tossing on her pillow. "I will tell him he has been deceived — wronged — cursed — in bestowing his wealth of love on this unworthy girl." OF M0RGA2^ AND HIS MEX. 159 CHAPTER XXIX. THE SURPRISE. It Lad for some time been the intention of Colonel Morgan to advance into Kentucky, for the purpose of recruiting his forces, and of harassing and damaging the enemy, by cutting off transpor- tation, capturing his detached Iroops, and destroying his stores at such points as he should find imperfectly protected. The sad disaster at Lebanon, Tennessee, had delayed the accomplishment of his plan, but though ])ostponed it had never been abandoned. His designs had been imparted to his staff, and their advice and co-operation solicited. They fully coincided in his views, deeming the undertaking one thAt, if properly conducted, would necessarily result in great benefit to the Confederate cause. His adjutant, Major Basil Duke, a man of cool judgment and undaunted courage, together with Colonel St. Leger Grenfel, an English officer, who had attached himself to Colonel Morgan, and who, from his experience and skill, was peculiarly fitted to accom- pany such an expedition, were his chief advisers. One of the objects of the expedition — indeed, the main one — was the destruction of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, upon which the enemy in Tennessee, owing to the low stage of the Cuujberland river, was ahnost wholly dependent for sujjplies, C(mld the road be effectually destroyed, it would necessarily greatly embarrass him for the present, and certainly retard his advance. After the return of the eighty prisoners, the first thing to be attended to was the arming and equipping of as many as it was possible to attend to under the circumstances. Most of them were veterans who could be relied on in any emergency. Many of them were natives of the State, perfectly famihar \yith its roads and streams, and consequently peculiarly fitted for an advance, and for reconnoitring. Colonel Morgan, after having matured his plan, and made such preparations as he deemed necessary, determined to move into 160 RAIDS AND KOMAXCE Kentucky. It was about the 4tli of July when he set out on his undertaking. Leaving his headquarters in the vicinity of Knoxville, he made a dash through Middle Tennessee, crossed the Cumberland river near Hartsville, and entered the State south of Scottsville, to wliich point he proceeded with the main body of his force, numbering about one thousand men. Meanwhile, he sent Colonel Stearnes, with a detachment of about two hundred and jBfty men, to capture Torapkinsville, and destroy what stores might be found there. There were stationed at this town four companies of a Pennsylvania cavalry rci^iment. Not supposing that the enemy was within hundreds of miles, the Yan- kees were completely surprised, and after a short and bloodless contest, were fully routed, with the loss of forty prisoners and as many horses and guns. It was an entire defeat to the Federals, and so rapid were the movements of the Confederates, that before the routed foe could recover from their consternation and rally reinforcements for an attack, the enemy had fled, they knew not whither. Colonel Morgan, at the head of his command, then dashed into Glasgow, where, after capturing the place and its provost-guard, and releasing some Southern men whom he ft)und imprisoned foi their opinions, he issued a proclamation explaining his object in invading the State, and called on all true Kentuckians, who re- garded freedom as a birthright, and were unwilling to bow the knee before usurpation and tyranny, to join his standard and assist in redeeming their beloved State from the vile thraldom under which she now groaned. A little incident occurred here worthy of notice, since it illus- trates the difference between the animus of Southern men and so- styled Union men. There was in Glasgow a Judge McFerrin, a prominent member of the ]3aptist Church, now an old man ; his head was whitened by age, his litheness and buoyancy were long since gone. When the question of Nortli and South was introduced into Kentucky, he took a very decided stand in favor of what he called " the Gov- ernment.'''' Some of his friends, more far-sighted than himself, endeavored to convince him of his error in supposing ah abo- lition administration ever was or ever could be the constitutional government of the United States. But the old man, never dis- tinguished for quick perception and correct conclusions, with his faculties blinded by years, could not be made to discriminate be- OF MOEGAN AND HIS MEN". 161 tvreen the two. And with a zeal all untempered by judgment, he espoused the " jmio/i ca vhich the deadly pallor of fear now spread itself. This violent denouncer of "■ traitors and rebels," like Felix, was seized with sudden trembling in view of his high misdemeanor. His ardent patriotism vaporized in a moment at the mere mention of the enemy's presence. Not waiting for any further assurance of danger, he cast one wild, blank look on his horror-stricken companions, and seizing his hat with the despera- tion of a man who seeks to free himself from impending destruc- tion, he rushed through the back door of his office, and with rapid strides sought his home. Reaching the house, he dashed frantically in, and exclaimed with gasping breath, "Morgan, Morgan, Mor- gan !" and without pausing to answer any of the many inquiries proposed by his affrighted family, he dashed out of the door through which he had entered, hastened down the street as if pursued by the vengeful Furies, never pausing a moment to look to the right or left until he reached the outskirts of the little town. He was making his way with all possible celerity to a field of corn which stood to the left of the main road, hoping to secrete himself therein until he could pass unobserved to the house of a friend two miles distant in the country. But, alas for his vision of escape, just as he gained the fence a voice cried out — "There he goes, boys; see him, see him ; catch him !" " Where, where V cried out a dozen voices at once. Like a death-knell the words fell on the ear of the old man, now vainly essaying to climb the fence. He was perched target-like on the topmost rail, his hair streaming out on the breeze (he had lost his hat in his desperate plunge at the fence), his face pale with aftVight, while he shook from head to foot with trepidation and alarm. "Where, where?" the boys repeated. "Yonder on that fence, behind that large tree. Don't you see him ?" and young Leslie, who knew the old man well, dashed on towards the spot, followed by his comrades, shouting like mad- men. '^ Our prisoner, judge," said he. as he sprang forward towards the old man. ''Turn about is fair play, you know. You have been persecuting our friends; we nmst now avenge their wrongs. Come with us, if you please." The old man was assisted from his perch, placed between two of the boys and marched back to town, or MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 163 his guard in tlie mean time preserving the greatest gravity, wliile the boys behind were convulsed with hiughter. "And tlie day of retribution has at hist come, and woe to the ofttiulers I tell you, boys. They must now endure something more than the lashings of conscience," responded Morgan in a solemn voice, at the same time looking most mischievously at Charley. "Ah! most fearful indeed must be their doom. Ours is the Draconian code — death by the law for every crime," added Charley impressively, catching in a moment young Morgan's meaning. Leslie and Irving, scarcely able to contain themselves, glanced round with an approving smile upon their companions, while the boys behind them laughed outright at tlie farce The boys knew that Colonel Morgan would release the old judge after scaring him a while, and they were determined to punish him a little on their own score. So Charley and }'oung Morgan, assisted by several others wlio crowded round the trembling culprit, continued their ominous remarks, preserving all the while a most serious tone. Tlie old judge looked nervously first on one side and then on the other, lie would have defended himself, but he could not think what to say. lie knew he was guilty of all the charges the boys so adroitly brought against "offenders," and he was left without one plea to argue in his own behalf. He was thinking, as well as the confused state of his mind would allow, of throwing himself on the clemency of Colonel Morgan, who he had often heard was full of magnanimity, when Charley remarked to the boys in a loud, distinct tone — "Our colonel is always ready to forgive a personal wrong, boys, you know; but when \\\s friends have suffered at the hands of Unit)n men, he never fails to redress their grievances in the most summary manner. The old man's heart sunk within him. His last hope was gone. His knees trembled violently — the deadly pallor of his face ii- creased — he stared wildly upon his tormentors. Soon he would be in the presence of his inexorable judge, to await his fearful sentence. '' ^yhat would that sentence be?" his fearful heart asked. What could it be but the severest punishment! " Oh, that I had but pursued a different course !" he said to him- self. " My country did not require all this at my hand<. Oh that I had minded my own business and left these matters ahme!" " There are Southern men in jail in this town now, I heai," re- 164 RAIDS AND ROMANCE plied Morgan, " placed here throngh the efforts of Union men. They must be avenged." " Some of our friends and relatives are in prison, Jones," said Leslie to one of the young men near him. '' Wk must see that they are released, and their persecutors sent down to Dixie to try the charms of imprisonment there." Tliese two young men were from the vicinity of Glasgow. Their relatives were all Southern in sentiment, and with others had shared the injustice of the mob. ''They will be fully avenged now, Leslie. Those who have placed them there will have to suffer for it. Colonel Morgan will ferret out the whole matter, and when he finds the guilty one, I tell you, woe be to him." *' It were better that a millstone were hung about his neck, and he cast into the depths of the Mississippi." " And it is but just that they should suffer," responded Charley, preserving his solemn air and impressive tone. '' Nothing but just. It is a crying sin, that sliould meet with the severest penalty, this thing of taking up a man and putting him in prison merely because he can't think as another man does. We don't imprison men for their opinions, and woe to the Union man when he falls into our hands who has been the cause of hunting out his Southern neighbors and putting them in jail." Thus regaling the ears of their conscience-stricken prisoner, the boys bore him along to the presence of Colonel Morgan. Leslie introduced the judge. "Judge McFerrin," observed the colonel, eyeing closely tlie trembling old man : " I think I have heard of you, judge. Not very friendly to us 'vile secesh,' I believe — have had something to do with arresting those gentlemen there whom I have just re- leased," said he, pointing to the five citizens of the place who had but a few minutes before stepped forth from the county jail. The old man could not reply. He stood as if spell-bound, lo-k- ing upon his accuser. "Take care of the judge, boys. I will attend to his case an- other time," and Colonel Morgan having very politely waved to the boys to remove the prisoner, it was done witli all possible solemnity. The old man, trembling from head to foot, was conducted to his ofiice, the door locked, and a guard stationed round the house. The boys, who had entered into the scene with great zeal, and OF MORGAN AND llIS MEN. 165 •who had derived no little merriment from the ludicrous fright of tiie old judge, determined not to release him until he was sworn to good behavior for the future. So after keeping him in prison for full three hours, dinnerless and quaking with alarm, they brought him forth and duly administered the oath of allegiance to the Southern Confederacy, to which the old judge, happy for any means of escape, subscribed, albeit his self-pride brought certain contortions to his face, which the boys, divining the cause, enjoyed most fully. "Go, sin no more. "We'll be round about here soon again, and Lope to have a good report from you," said Irving, taking upon liiinself the dignity of a magistrate. The old judge turned, and liastened away from this improvi:>ed court of justice a wiser if not a better man. In a few short hours fear had so far overcome his patriotism that he has never since manifested any lingering of his Jesuitical propensity. That evening Colonel Morgan, with his command, set out on a rapid march to central Kentucky. "I wonder," said Charley to young Lawrence, as the two rode on in the soft moonlight, "if we shall really reach Louis- ville?" The interrogatory was propounded in a tone so full of melan- choly that Lawrence looked up in surprise, and fixed his eyes full upon the face of his friend, which was plainly visible in the moon- light, its sadness deepened by the pale, soft light. "Indeed, I cannot tc'll,.Cliarley, but suppose we will if it is practicable. But one would think from your look that you would prefer death to a return to your old home. TVhat is the matter -with you, anyhow ? You have looked as if. Atlas-like, you had the whole world on your shoulders. I have noticed it ever since this expedition was projected. Surely you are not seriously opposed to a visit to our dear old city, if it does wear the gyves of the '.Old Baboon.'" " No, no, John ; of course I do not object to returning to Louis- ville." The lips uttered the words — the conscience questioned their truth. " If she is false," he exclaimed to himself, "why should I de- sire to return? Death — the cold, lone grave — eternity with all its dread uncertainties — any thing — any thing rather than see her — she, the light of my life, another's!" 166 KAIDS AND ROMANCE "Charley, you puzzle rue, old fellow. You act like one in a strange, wild dreara. I have noticed it for several days. Wiiat on earth can be the matter with you ? When we are all so delighted with the thought of being once more on old Kentucky soil, so wild with the hope of getting back to Louisville, to greet our friends and punish ^our foes; to find you sad and gloomy, is anomalous. I can't tell how to interpret it. You must liave something on your mind, that you liaven't told me of. Out with it. Jf it is a secret, I will keep it for you most masonically — that you know. If you have sins to atone for, let me be your father con- fessor. It will do you good to unbosom yourself. Ct)me, let's have it." The words of avowal struggled up to our young hero's ]]\)S. He was about to disclose his consuming grief. He paused a moment, choked down the words with a' mighty eftort, and replied, with as much nonchalance as his feelings would ad- mit — ''You must l^e mistaken, John. I am sure I act very naturally. I am not well, to be sure, and this no doubt affects me. Perhaps I do seem dull — I certainly feel so." "I am glad to hear that, my old boy. This trip will cure any indisposition you may have, I'll wager. Won't it be too fine, if we can pounce down on old Prentice, Jerry Boyle, and a few others of the same calibre, and whip them off to Dixie? But the cowards, they'll run. I'll venture old Prentice is already sleep- ing of nights in Jefferson ville or New Albany. We'll never get him, I'm afraid ; he will always manage to keep out of harm's way." Charley made no answer to his friend's remarks, but rode along silent and thoughtful. After several fruitless efforts to engage him in conversation, Lawrence desisted, and gave himself to humming snatches of Southern airs, and indulging in bright dreams — many of which, like the dreamings of us all, were never to be realized. About ten o'clock the column reached Barren river, where they halted for the night. Pickets were thrown out — scouts sent forward — every precaution was taken to avoid surprise by the foe. The remembrance of Lebanon, Tennessee, was yet fresh in their memories. Charley was required to do picket duty. The lonely hours of the night rolled wearily on, as sullenly he brooded over his great grief. How mockingly every sound fell on his ear I how mock- OP MOKGAJJ AND UIS MEN. Ig7 irigly every sight met l,is eye! TI.e moonbeam,, n„,>erinK in ..Iver sheen on the bosom of the quiet.movi„g river; ^the n , ,Ii„^ star of heaven; the ,Ieep, dark fores,; the breeze \hat Z s s.lenee orep, ; ,he h,w monotone of the cricket; the bayine of "Scenes that are brightest awhile may beguile Hearts that are Ii,.htest, and eyes that smile ; And o er them, above us, Nature n.ay beam- But, with none to love us, how dark they seem !>' 168 RAIDS AND KOMANCE CHAPTER XXX. LEBANON, KENTUCKY. It was Friday morning, July 11th, when Colonel Morgan, with about seven hundred men, set out for Lebanon, distant thirty-five miles from Barren river. The day was hot and dry ; the burning summer's sun looked down from the cloudless heavens above upon the parched earth, which reflected back his scorching beams into the heated air, until the breath of the Simoom seemed to sweep over the land. But the men, neither unnerved by scorching sun or winter's icy breath, rode cheerily on. And one, to have seen them with their coats off, carelessly hanging from the arm or thrown across the horse before them, while the}' jauntily sped along, and listened to their gay conversation and merry laughter, would have thought it a jocund hunting-party, rather than a band of soldiers, far away from friendly assistance, in the heart of an enemy's coun- try. Honor, all honor, to those brave men and their gallant chieftain, who thus boldly penetrated the lines of the foe, and carried terror and destruction throughout his borders ! Twenty-nine miles of the rough, weary road had been passed. Eleven o'clock at night found this handful of brave men at the New Market bridge, on Rolling Fork, six miles from Lebanon. Up to this point they had encountered no difficulty. The enemy had wisely withdrawn from their path. And here they were, hundreds of miles from any force that could give them relief — in a hostile country, surrounded on all sides by a vengeful foe — everywhere beset by those whose chief joy it would be to betray them into the hands of that foe — they braved danger in every form, encountered hardship in every phase, that they might serve the cause of right and human liberty. Lebanon, the county seat of Marion, is a well-located town, with a population of several hundreds. It is the terminus of a branch of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, and the thorough- fare for all the travel and produce from the large extent of coun- try surrounding it, which finds outlet at Louisville. It was re- garded as a point of great importance by the Federal government, OF MURGAN AND HIS MEN. 1C9 and wa.-=i one of the first places in Kentncky pernnanentlv occupied by their tiooj)s. Al the lime of which we write, they hurl con- centrated at this point a large ainonnt of stores of every de>crii)- tion. A coniinodiuus hospital had hcen erected near the to\tn, and the lartre -wagon-yards were filled with wagons, atnhnlances, and all vehicle para|thernalia. It was a tempting prize to the Confederates, and their hrave leader decided to secure it. Two companies of the Twenty-eighth Kentncky, under the Fed- eral officer, Lieutenant-colonel A. T. Johnston, held the place. So rapid had been the movements of Colonel Morgan since he entered the State, that but little respecting them could be ascertained with certainty. The excitement and indignation consequent on the occujiation of this town by the Federal troops, had subsided. All was n<»w l)eace and quiet — the villagers had grown accustomed to the *' blue-coated gentry," and those who detested them and the prin- ciples they represented, had learned to regard them with con- temptuous silence. Suddenly, on the 11th of July, the town was thrown into a state of the wildest confusion and alarm. Paimors S[)read through the streets that John Morgan and his men, having driven before them all the Federal forces in the southern part of the State, routing and slaying them at every point, were now marching rapidly on Lebanon. Every tongue caught up the fearful intelli- gence — from house to house the news was borne — each repetition giving a widely exaggerated margin, until the story was indeed one of fearful import. Shortly, a dispatch came — this was authentic ' — and never did questioner of oracular divinity wait with more eager fear the decisive response, than did the terrified crowd the unfolding of the lightning's message. Alas! it was but little cal- culated to still their consternation. About noon, the following dispatch was received — "John Morgan is twenty miles southwest of Lebanon, near the little village of ' Pinch 'Em Slyly,' and will take Lebanon to- night." This confirmation of their fears sped on the wings of the wind, and like the morning rumors was soon added to, and so highly colored, that the six hours' future became the fearful now. Every moment Morgan was expected to rush through the streets. "What was to follow his dehut, no one Icneic — each one imagined as suited his preconceived opinions and desires. 8 170 KAIDS AND KOMAKCE The military partook deeply of the fright. Runners were dis- paiclied here, there, everywhere, to warn the Home Guiirds to hold ihenjselves in readiness for a most fearful attack. One com- pany of the Twenty-eighth Kentucky was placed in position for oli'en^ive operation?, under command of Captaiu Barth. Dis- patclies were sent to Louisville and other points for reinforce- ments to be forwarded immediately; the town was but feebly defended, and unless assistance was received, it must certainly surrender. Evening came, but brought no reinforcements. The com- mander, Lieutenant-colonel Johnston, was in a sad dilemma. Every moment the dreaded toe was ex[)ected to bear down upon his fee- ble band with an overwhelming force of veterans. In the con- sternation, the bridge across the Rolling Fork was forgotten. It was a point of some importance, and migiit be defended. Some one mentioned its strength to the terrified conmiander. Immedi- ately a squadron of men, composed of volunteers and Home Guard, under young Lieutenant Vatlin, was sent out to guard the bridge. Pickets were stationed on all the roads leading into the town, for no one seemed to have the least idea from what direction Morgan would approach. Men, women, and children thronged the streets, hurrying to and fro with no definite object in view, except to hear the news. Stores, groceries, shops, all were closed — their alarmed proprietors swaying to and fro with the moving crowd. It is doubtful whether a drachm of medicine could have been secured for a dying man. Hour after hour of fearful suspense rolled by, and yet no enem^ came. Half-past eleven o'clock at night a man dashed into the town, saying Morgan was at the bridge, only six miles out. The guard had fired upon him, and he was in full retreat. This calmed the fears of the over-credulous, and some of the weary watchers ventured to retire. But the Federal commander had too high an appreciation of Colonel Morgan's courage to suppose that the force at the bridge could thus easily ])ut him to flight. So he ordered two men to accompany Lieutenant Fiddler to the bridge, and ascertain the true state of affairs and report immediately. This Lieutenant Fiddler, a pettifogging lawyer, who used to " fiddle" on every possible occasion in all matters, whether of church or State, finding his profession wholly unremunerative, *'had en- listed," to use his own words, '-under his country's glorious ban- OF MORGAJ^ AJND HIS MEN. 171 ner, to serve his country's glorious cause.'' He was of medium heiglit, slim, red-haired, and self-important. He had volunteered his services on this momentous occasion as aid to Colonel Johnston. Mounted upon his charger, -with a splendid navy pistol at his side, he da>hed otl' amid tiie darkness, accompanied hy his body- guard of two, to see how matters stood at the bridge. Inllated with a sense of Ids own imjjortance, lie spurred on at break-neck speed towards the accomplishment of his momentous mission. He, with his two aids clo^e beside him, was ascending a hill a few hundred yards from New Market, when the three were very unexpectedly ordered to halt by the advance guard of Morgan's brigade. The fiddling lieutenant debated not a moment. "Wheel- ing his horse about, he started out under whip and spur for Leba- non, followed by his panting attendants. Shots came whizzing around their ears. The clatter of the pursuing horsemen gresv every moment nearer. He strained his failing steed to the utmost. Already he was distanced by his body-guard, and solus he was urging on his fearful gallop, when two of the dreaded foe dashed by him and cut otf further retreat. Appropriating horse, equip- ments, and revolver, they gave him i)arole and left him to his fate. Two miles from this the Confederates encountered the pickets, -which were readily driven back upon the main body. Morgan sent forward scouts to ascertain tlie enemy's position and num- bers. They reported a small force drawn up in line of battle two miles ahead. Advancing, he dismounted and de[>loyed two com- panies to attack the enemy on the left and right. Rapidly, j'et silently, the men marched on. They were not dis- covered until they were within a few hundred yards of Johnston's comuiand, when they were fired upon by the Federals. They rushed forward and returned the fire with a well-directed volley, and at the same time the mounted men da-hed uj) in front. A general panic seized the enem}', and casting aside guns and every thing that could impede their race, they set out, pell-mell, in full retreat along the road, over fences, through fields and wood- lands, each one striving witii strained nerve to make the best time back to the town. Two of their men lay dead upon the field, others were wounded so severely that tliey had to be left. The Confederates pressed on after the fleeing enemy. In a few min- utes Colonel Johnston and sixty-five out of his force of eighty men were prisoners. Only thirteen escaped. Colonel Morgan, at the head of liis brigade, entered the town without further opposition. He was welcomed by many with evi- 172 EAIDS AND ROMANCE dent manifestations of joy. Taking immediate possession of the telegraph office, he learned tliat the 00th Indiana, under C<»l<»nel Owens, had been dispatched from the Junction to reinforce John- ston. An order was given to Mnjor Gano, of t))e Texas Rangers, to proceed with a company and destroy the railroad bridge on the Lebanon brand), thus preventing the troops from reaching the town. This was successfully accomplished by this young and daring officer. They were now fully secured from all attacks, and the few re- maining hours of the night were spent in rest. Early next morning Morgan threw out pickets on every road, and then proceeded to the work of inspecting the depots, with their stores of sugar, coffee, flour, bread, guns, caj)s, cartridges, powder, boots, shoes, hats, etc. Not wishing wilfully to sacritice tliese immense commissary stores, he made known to the people his in- tention to divide, among those that needed, such portions of the captured articles as they luight desire. Great was the rush to the depots from every quarter. Men, women, and children, with wheel- barrows, baskets, buckets, and every available means of transpor- tation, crowded the depot to receive a share of the general spoil. Sngar, coffee, and flour were distributed with a generous hand by the soldiers aj)pointed for the purpose. '■'■ Come, boys," said Colonel St. Ledger Grenfel, who was charged with V^ie burning of the depots ; ''come, we must do our work, the day passes. Get your torches. We are going to have a grand bonfire, of which Uncle Sam will pay the expenses. We have fed the hungry and administered to the wants of the needy, and now "we must commit this surplus to the flames. But first, boys, take for yourselves all you desire. You are entitled to it by right of capture. Come, boys, to work.'' The ordef was scarcely given, before the boys, eager ft)T the on- dertaking, rushed in and fired the building at a dozen points. "Now, Captain Koberts, you proceed with your men to the ordnance dei)artment, and do likewise.'* With alacrity the command followed their leader, and, after having secured such arms as the colonel had designated, for the arming of new recruits, the men da>hed into the depot, gathered up armfuls of guns, and proceeding with them to the nearest avail- able point, would batter them over rocks until they were bent double; others would pound them with heavy stones, thns render- ing the locks entirely useless. It was a scene of the greatest activ- OF MOEGAN AND UI3 MEN. 173 ity. The boys would clieer each other witli song: and jest, and kind- ly wonl, while the citizens, who grouped round them, joined in the meiTinient luid hiughtt-r, irrespective of old javjudices. Cartridge- boxes, kegs of powder, cases (»f caps and guns, were indiscrimi- nately thrown into a stream that run outside of the town, which precluded forever their recovery by the Yankees. It was laughable to see the many and ready transformations ef- fected by the boys, who, amid tl«e roaring of laughter, stepped forth metamorphosed into Lincoln soldiers. Every man who de- sired, provided iiimself with a full Yankee outfit — pants, coat, hat, bouts, and gun. All instructions having been obeyed, the order rang out, '*Now fire the buildings, boys." In aa instant, twenty men rushed in and applied the burning brand. A few moments more, and the flames, crackling and hissing, leaped from point to point, until the two large houses were wrap- ped in a glaring sheet of fire. As the boys stood gazing on the fearful and sublime scene, they sent up shout after shout of tri- ainph, their pealing voices rising high above the crashing noise of falling timbers and the hissing tongues of fiery flame. Colonel Morgan had reserved for himself the superintendence of the destructi(»n of tlie large hospital with jts stores. Taking with kim A detaciiment of picked men, among whom were Charley, Brent, Curd, Irving, and Hawkins, he proceeded to have removed to places of safety and comfort, the few Federal sick that there were contained in it. Gently, as a brother, he provided for their wants. He remembered that, though foes, they were helpless; though seeking to destroy his life, they were suffering human be- ings. When the last man was beyond danger, the hospital was fired. Simultaneously with this, tlie torch was applied to the wagons and ambulances, and the flames from these two points, combined with those from the burning depots, gave fb the scene an aspect of wild and terrible sublimity. Colonel Morgan remain- ed long enough to see tfiat iiis purposes were fully executed. Then, mounting his horse, he dashed out of the devoted town, followed by his jubilant command, and, lighted by the wild, red flames, pursued his way to Springfield. Cliarley obtained permission to pass the night with his aunt, Mrs. Payne, who resided a few miles fn)m Lebanon. There he met with young Spalding, who had ju-^t returned from Louisville. Tlie two being old. tried friends, having been educated together at Bardstou, were delighted to meet again.* Spalding, in the ingen- 174 EAIDS AND ROMANCE iiouj:nes9 of his soul, recited to Charley all the intelligence he possessed, giving a lengthy and most minute descrijjtion of the elegant party at Mr. IT.'s. Most of Charley's friends had been |)resent on that occasion, and the gay young man deemed he could select no topic of equal interest. When he dwelt on the increasing devotion of Captain Morton to Mary Lawrence, and the certainty of their speedy marriage, Charley's lieart ceased its beatings, his soul was pierced as with barbed arrows. '' And so you think they will be married, Ben ?" he asked, with a mighty effort to control himself, while he felt as one who asked for his own death-sentence. "No doubt of it, Charley. The city is full of the rumor; in- deed, it creates a great deal of gossip, as Miss Mary has hitherto been considered unalterably opposed to every thing Federal, even so stringent in her views, as to seek the middle of the street, ratlier than walk under the old flag. And then she has a brother John, her only brother — by the by, is he here with you ? — in the Confed- erate service. Her friends are astonished at her course, and some blame her in unsparing terms. But Morton is rich, you know, and a very fascinating fellow in his manner ; but, in my judgment, by no means worthy of Miss Lawrence. You know his habits are very loose, and no one gives him credit for patriotism in donning the Yankee uniform. He only desired to be important, the w^orld says." Charley made no reply to the remarks of his friend. He dare not trust himself with words. The last ray of hope was gone. Shipwrecked on life's sea, he was lost, forever lost. The future, rayless darkness; the present, a Pron:iethean fire; the past, a tan- talizing dream. Deceived, betrayed, wrecked by the beautiful idol of his soul, whom his pure, trusting heart had worshipped with more than earthly devotion, henceforth, the world to him must prove a cold, barren waste, life a weary weight, which must be borne as the prisoner does his galling, clanking chains. In torturing thought the night was spent. The following morn- ing found him in the saddle, ready to start forward to join the command. He waited not to bid adieu to his friends. He felt all earthly ties snapped forever. Henceforth, he would court death. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 175 CHAPTER XXXI. ONWARD MOVEMENTS. Captain Jack Allen hnd been dispatched from Barren river ■with three companies, to destroy the bridge over Salt river at Shepardsville. But, before reaching his destination, he was en- countered by a force that had been sent from the Lebancm Junc- tion to reinforce Johnston at Lebanon. After a sharp engagement, he was repulsed with the loss of one man killed, lie then pro- ceeded to Springfield, where he rejoined Cohmel Morgan, who had moved to this point after the capture of Lebanon. From liere Captain Allen advanced with a squad of men to Taylorsville, from whence he sent forward a small force under Captain Champ Fer- guson in the direction of Shelbyville, in order to menace Frank- fort, thereby preventing reinforcements being sent from this place to Lexington or Paris. At Shelbyville, when it became known that Morgan's men wero in the vicinity, the wildest confusion prevailed. Here, as at Le- banon, the most conflicting rumors ran riot through tiie streets. '^ Morgan is assuredly marching on Shelbyville," cried out one. ^'It is so, for a reliable gentleman has just seen bis men only a few miles from the town." ''He is coming from Taylorsville on the Mount Eden road, and no mistake," asserted another. A few minutes more, and a man, breathless with excitement, dashed into the town, declaring •' he himself had seen Morgan's men, and their horses' heads were set towards Shelbyville, and they would be there in a few minutes — half an hour at the outside." This time he was approaching from the direction of Louisville. '' He is on his way to Frankfort, and must necessarily pass through here," argued another. And thus it was settled, Shelby- ville, par necessite, must receive a visit from the dreaded chieftain. The funds were hastily extracted from the bank vault, and dispatched under strong escort to Louisville. The Home Guard were called upon to defend the place. In the most hurry-skurry manner that could be conceived, they hastened to arm themselves, 176 EATDS AJt faint-hearted Union ct>\vard. Out went the truce-bearers, followeil by tiie prayers and tears <»f the anxious multitude. On tliey rode, bearing high aloft their iniMi:iouI:ite ensign. Pursuing the route of the reported approach, they passed on, mile after mile; but no enemy appeared. Strange, wild stories met them at every step. But nothing could be credited. Feel- ing, at last, that they had pursued tho fleeing phantom far enough, they wheeled their horses, and galloped buck to town to relieve tiie fears of the friends who awaited their return in torturing suspense. Meanwhile, Colonel Morgan was quietly pursuing his way through Si»rin*gfield to Macksville, where he arrived late in the evening. Here he rested for a while, and here was attacked by the Hnme Guard, who, after the exchange of a few ^hots, were routed — not, however, until they had severely wounded one of his men, and taken two others prisoners. Mi)rgMn, finding two of his boys captives in the hands of the en- emy, determined not to leave the place until they were recovered. Seizing upon two of the most prominent Union men in the little town, he made it known that they should not be released until his men were restored. This had the expected effect, and early the next morning the two missing men found their way to camp. From Macksville a detachment was thrown across the country to the Lebanon pike, to threaten Danville from the southwest. '•Tliis looks but little like getting to Louisville," said Charley, despairingly, to Lawrence and Brent, as the three paused for a few minute>'' rest beneath the shade of an old sycamore-tree that stood by the roadside. He sighed deeply, while his expression grew noticeably sad. '' Oh, don't be so down-hearted," remonstrated Brent. " Why, Charley, you have grown to be the unhappiest of luckless wights. What has wrought such a change in you? You were formerly full of spirit and fun, but now you are spiritless, and full of sighs and sorrows. You haven't smiled half a dozen times since it wa3 known that we were turning back into Kentucky. You must be 8'»rry at the promise of getting home. Come, come, you must rally, my friend. Never mind the sweetheart now. We must whip the Yankees first, achieve our independence, and then woo and win the fair Desdemona." 178 RAIDS AND ROMANCE Charley paled, then reddened atxhe remarks of his friend. Did Brent know his secret? How could he have heard it? If not, wlij should he have spoken as he had just done ? He endeav- ored to reply, but could only stammer out a few incoherent words, while his color deepened, and his whole manner became con- fused. •• Caught, Charley, caught, my boy," exclaimed young Morgan, who, with Curd and Irving and two others, had joined the group under the tree. " You need not deny it. We all see you are in love, and desperately too. Xow make a clean breast of it, and tell us all about the fair one. We will sit here on this grass, and listen to your tale of love and trial, and perhaps we will all relate our stories." '•Capital suggestion, Cal. What say you, Charley?" called out young Curd, as he dismounted, and throwing his bridle rein over his horse's neck, seated himself on a projecting root of the tree. "I sympathize with you, Charley, for I too remember well a dark eyed girl of Lexington. Cal., you can't appropriately laugh at Charley. You are wild now to get back to see your lady- love. Remember your fancies, at Lebanon." " Come, Ed., you are not going to betray me. Don't you know yon are masonically bound to keep my love affairs secret?" '• Oh no, Cal., I'll not betray you ; but I have no idea of laugh- ing Charley out of his spurs, when I'd venture, if the truth was known, we are all in the same fix." '' Don't doubt," interposed Irving. '• I own up to the weak- ness." ''But, boys, you have the advantage of Charley and myself," interposed Lawrence. " Y"ou expect very soon to be at home, where you can enjoy the delectable society of your lady-loves, while we have not the most remote prospect of such happiness." "Oh, don't speak so discouragingly of our chances, Lawrence," ejaculated Brent, rising from his seat. "There is hope for us. What shall we do when we get to Frankfort, but sweep down on Louisville? The good people there will wake up some morning to the clatter of our horses' hoofs, as we dash along its sounding streets, and the cry will ring out from square to square, 'Louis- ville is fallen ! Louisville is fallen ! John Morgan and his men have sxot possession of us sinners !' " The boys shouted in wild merriment as young Brent closed his description. •'Come, boys, dismount^ and refresh yourselves in this grateful OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 179 Phafle. Wliy do you set perched up there on your liorses in that burning sun?" "Indeed, boys, we must hasten on," replied young Morgan, taking out his watch, and looking at the liour. '' You know we must pay our respects to tlie Danville Home Guard before diimer." TVitii'je^t and laughter the detachment of thirty sped along, little dreaming of the wild dread their approach was sending into the hearts of the good people of Danville. 180 KAIDS AND EOMANCK CHAPTER XXXII. DANVILLE AND ITS DEFENDERS. If the consternation of Lebanon anfl Shelbyville was great, what shall be said of Danville, that seething cauldron of Unionism? — the birthplace of Colonel Smith Fry, who, with brutal coarseness, boasted that " he killed Zollicoffer V and of General Jeremiah S. Boyle, who has publicly asserted that ''he would wade through the blood of his wife and children rather than this rebellion should succeed." Glorious patriots ! How approvingly humanity must laud your noble sentiments ! Colonel Morgan's de^ds at Lebanon had reached the anxious ears of the Danvilians, and filled their hearts with terror. They knew their guilt in oppressing the Southern men in their midst, and while, like the Babylonian king, they saw the handwriting on the wall, fear seized their souls. There was alarm, anxiety, consternation, depicted on every face. Fear and confusion charac- terized every movement. The cry went out for "help, help!" The captain of the Guard, who lived two miles out in the country, on receiving the frightful news of Morgan's approach, galloped into town with all the dignity befitting his position and the momentous crisis, al- though it required but a glance to perceive that he was quaking within. Runners were sent to and fro to inform the Home Guard to assemble immediately. Tlie money was taken from the bank, deposited in an express- wagon, placed in charge of Mr. Rice, a rabid old Unionist, who, mounting the seat, dashed oflT as fast as the horses could go to- wards Lexington, with instructions not to stop short of Cincinnati. Ladies gathered together their silver and other valuables, and boxing them up, dispatched them, post-haste, to a place oFsafety in the country. They buried their linen and bedding, and bidding a hurried adieu to their homes, jumped into carriages, wagons, and every available vehicle, and left for safer points. Old men, whose lieads were bleached by age, suddenly fired OF MOUGAN AND IIIS MEN. 1 8l "with patriotism, seized their iriins, and rushed out "to defend their homes from the lawle>s invader." Some \va<; facetiously named the lieroic hand of venerahle sires " The Silver Grays,'" and it was serio-comic to see them strutting around armed cap-a pie. Through the desperate exertions of the bustling captain, mat- ters at last assumed somewhat of form. About sixty men were assembled, armed, and ready ft)r the fray. Pickets were thrown tiirwanl on tlie Lebanon, Perry ville, and Harrodsburg roads. Morgan was advancing u|)on the city, no one knew from what point. Here, as at Shelbyville, the wildest and most contradic- tory rumors filled the streets. Finally, scouts were sent out to ascertain the truth of the matter. The one sent forward on the Lebanon ]>ike, came dashing into town after a half liour, in the highest degree of excitement, breathless with fear, his eyes start- ing from their sockets, and his whole appearance that of a madman. " He had seen Morgan, no doubt about it, and his men covered the whole face of the earth. No use trying to hold the town — men enough to take away every house, not to talk about people." When this most alarming intelligence was received, the town became frantic. Men hurried to and fro as if an evil deity had imposed on them this fearful penance to expiate some dreadful crime. Women, pale with affright, dashed through their houses, seizing on any thing that met their hands, to bear it off to some secure point, or stood hopelessly despairing at front doors and windows to hear the latest news. Ciiildren, following the example of the men and women, drove about like masqueraders at carnival. Hurried ccmsulfations were held at every corner of the streets, but no one could tell what was best to be done. At length, after much general debate, it was decided to move out the armed force to Dix River Cliffs, and there fortify. This point was six miles from the town, and in a direction dia- metrically opposite to the one from which Morgan was expected. Accordingly, this gallant land of patriots darted out pell-mell, some mounted, some on foot, to begin their all-important work of '■'fortifying Banrille^'^ six miles out, and fully twelve miles from the nearest advance of the enemy. During this last scene, to the ludicrousness of whicli no language could do justice, some Soutliern boys, who had been hugely en- joying the fright of their Union neighbors throughout the day, conceived the idea of heightening the effect of the^dinma. Understanding that the '" nolle defenders'"' vievQ to march out 182 KAIDS AND ROMANCE and begin nctive preparations for the erection of suitable fortifica- tions, they hired some negroes to follow after them at rapid pace with empty wagons. Then setting out before the armed heroes, the boys reached the Cliffs first, and secreted themselves where they could hear all that passed, without being themselves observed. On, amid the deepening twilight, at break-neck speed, the brave band moved towards the river, each one discoursing on the mo- mentous crisis that had overtaken them. Suddenly, as they were nearing their Thermopyla3, a strange and fearful sound met theii ears. What could it be? they asked each other in breathless anxiety. Were they pursued ? Was the dread enemy hard after them? It must be so. Dreadful thought! ''Hist! Hist, boys, be quiet; let me listen," said one of their number — Jack Webb, by name — a very important personage, in- deed, since he had been at the battle of Fishing Creek. "I know all these war sounds, and can tell in a minute tije noise of cannons, and horses, and infantry, and all such things. Stop, men, and be right still while I listen. I can soon tell whether it is the enemy or not." Every thing halted in breathless suspense. Jack stooped down and placed his ear close to the pike. It was a moment of fearful expectation. "Can't tell, boys, yet; sounds mighty like the enemy: wait a moment till it comes a little nearer." It was asking a great deal of these patriots to wait until the en- emy should get a little nearer, but they submitted most heroically. '' You stop here, boys, and I'll go back to the top of the hill yonder. Maybe I can hear better there." Jack had gone but a minute, when he came rushing wildly back, crying out at the top of his voice, "Enemy, boys — flying artillery — enemy upon us fast as they can dash ; no mistake !" Just then the report of several pistol-shots reverberated along the cliffs to their right. "The enemy is upon us — every man look out for himself!" was the order of tiie terrified captain. In a moment, the men were scattered in wild confusion, each one rushing for dear life along the road that led to Nicholasville, twenty miles distant; nor did they stop until that point was gain- ed. Never was there a more inglorious finale of warlike prepara- tion for defence. Surely the bards of Danville, through all com- ing time, will. delight to sing in stirring verse the heroic deeds of her brave defenders. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 183 CHAPTER XXXIII. A LOOK AT LOUISVILLE. " Father, father! do see here!" exclaimed Mary Lawrence, eagerly, as she rushed into the break fast- room, a fuw mornings after the party ^ Mr. H.'s. Her face was beaming with delight. The soft, auburn curls were thrown back from the blue-veined temples, her cheeks were of the brightest rose-hue, while her largo, blue eyes spoke out from their soft depths, as gladly as if the soul within had received a heavenly inspiration. With her bright, airy morning-wrapper, confined at the waist with a simple sash of blue ribbon, floating out on the breeze as she entered through the open door, she looked more like a Hebe than a child of human mould. '•'■ Here, father, here, do read that," and holding the paper before liim, while she threw an arm around his neck, she called his atten- tion to an editorial i)aragraph. Pausing a .moment for the father to read the announcement, she exclaimed, " Isn't that glorious news? John Morgan coming into Kentucky — coming right here to Louisville, and will bring brother and all our friends with him I Oh, I am wild with delight. What a blissful time we shall have!'* ""But, perhaps, Colonel Morgan will not reach Louisville, my child, even if he should come into the State." "Oh, yes he will, father. Don't you see old Prentice is scared out of his wits ; and that, you know, is a fine indication. I ara sure the Confederates will come to Louisville !" And Mary clapped her hands and commenced to waltz gracefully round the breakfast- table. '' Oh, my child, do not grow too ecstatic," said the mother, gaz- ing with a look of tender, reproachful love upon her beautiful daughter. '' It is scarcely possible that Colonel Morgan will reach Louisville. His force cannot be suflicient to take the city; and, moreover, there is nothing here to induce him to come. I judge the object of his visit to our State is to obtain recruits and horses, neither of which he would find here." An expression of sad disappointment, in a moment, overspread the young girl's face and manner. She threw herself into her ac- 184 EAEDS AXD ROMANCE cnstomed seat at her motlier's right, .and supporting her head with her hand, while her elbow rested on the table, looked inquiringly into her motlier's face. Mrs. Lawrence was a woman of most excellent judgment, and lier word had ever been law with her household, because every member of the family daily felt her superior wisdom and justice. She was one of the loveliest of women, gentle, kind, thoughtful, and, at the same time, firm, decided, even unyielding in a mutter oi right. She had been deeply pious from her earliest girlhood, and the Spirit of all grace in her heart, had moulded her manner and expression of face into sweet conformity to Its own gentle teach- ings. She had, for a long while, been a great sflFerer, her bodily infirmities increasing with each year, and now she was so enfeebled as scarcely to be able to leave her house. But, while thus slowly passing to the far-olF land, mid pain and weakness, she grew day by day strong in faith, and that abiding hope which irradiates with heavenly beauty the darkest path ever pressed by the weary feet of the earth-pilgrim. ''O, father, don't you think Colonel Morgan will come here? He has so many Louisville boys with him ; and then it would be such a satisfaction to us Southern people. He ought to come to release i>s from bondage, if nothing more. And there is old Pren- tice. Morgan ought to have him and ride him down to Dixie. A trip of this kind, I am skets, laden with the nicest edibles, were sent out in tiie great- est profusion. There was scarce a housekeeper in all the town who did not that day prepare some daint}^ for " Morgan's men." And an old Ufiion man, who had hitherto trembled at the very name of Morgan,' providing himself with a basket of the best his wife's pantry could afford, went in person to present it to the dreaded chieftain, who received it with such a pleasant smile and polite bow, as completely won the lifelong admiration of old Mr. Sa- vant. After having partaken of the kindly cheer of the good people of ^arrod^burg, Colonel Morgan set out for Lawrenceburg, twenty miles distant. In the mean time, he had sent forward a detach- ment to threaten Frankfort on the left, and another to menace Nicholasvilie on the rigiit. The whole country was in an uproar — Frankfort, Lexington, Niciiolasville, Lawrenceburg, Ver.-ailles, were all seriou.^ly menaced. Tiie Home Guard had fled in tiie wildest confusion from the minor towns, and concentrated in Lexington and Frankfort. At the latter point there was assembled a force of about three thousand Home Guards and regular troops. Nicholasville and Versailles were deserted. The shops were all closed, ^nd the citizens awaited in anxious suspense the approach of the formidable column. In Lexington the scene was widely different. Dispatches had been sent to Cincinnati for troops to assist in defending the place. All business was suspended — the stores shut up. Persons might be seen hurrying to and fro through the streets, as if bestirred by the fearful voice of an earthquake. Martial law was proclaimed, and every man found on the street was immediately placed under arms. It was more than a man's life was worth to whisper the name of Morgan. A citizens^ guard was organized, and authorized to arrest or shoot down any man found unarmed on the streets, so eager was their thirst for the blood of Southern sympathizers. Various rumors, wholly conflicting with each other, were caught up and repeated at every corner of the streets by men whose fa- naticism manifested it>elf alone in curiosity and excitement. '• Morgan was at Midway ! Moigan was at Nicliolasvilie ! Mor- gan was approaching the town from Versailles ! Morgan was en- tering Harrod.sburg ! Morgan was within ^ix miles of the city with ten thousand men !" OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 189 Then came tlie tlirilliiig tidiiijjs that tlie fight liad commenced at Frankfort. What should be (h)ne? Couhl troops he Jjpared for poor bt>iegfd Fianktort ? If men were sent, might not the uli(|ijitous Moig.in suddenly swoop down upon Lexington? The Eighty titfh Ohio, under Colonel Sowers, had ja>t reached the city from Camp Chase. It was decided to dispatch this regiment to the relief of Frankfort. But one company mutinied outright. It was more than they had bargained for. They had set out for Lex- ington, and would iu)t go a nule further. Tlie officers took the matter in hand, and after some coaxing, mixed with threats and curses, they succeeded in bringing the men to the point of ac- quiescence, and off the troops set, at railroad dash, for Frank- fort. All these movements being made known by telegraph in Louis- ville, that great city was thrown into a state of the most ludic- rous confusion. Troops were ordered over from Jeffersonville ; regiments were recalled from the Nashville road; bank vaults were robbed of their contents, which were inclosed in strong boxes for ready shipment across the river. Drays were kept la readiness for this purpose before the bank doors. The greater portion of the type of the daily press was packed up, and landed safely on Indiana soil. Armed men were rushing about, seemingly with no other object in view than to scare timid men and women out of their senses. Forces were hastened to the Lexington depot, but scarcely had they reached there before the order was coun- termanded, and they were marched back again. Headquarters were besieged by crowds of pale and anxious citizens, eager to catch one item of reliable information. The streets were literally blockaded by the rushing mass, all on the qui vive for intelligence from Morgan. Cavalry from Nashville dashed through the crowded streets, their headlong speed and clanging swords adding to the already wild furore. News came that Morgan was at Shelbyville, and would be at Louisville that night. Then ran along the seething multitude the rumor that martial law had been proclaimed, and every man capa- ble of bearing arms was to be called out in defence of the city. This soon silenced, to a great extent, the crowded streets. Many of the Union patriots were unwilling to risk themselves in the presence of Confederate bullets, and deemed it more prudent to retire to their own peaceful dwellings, and there keep as quiet as their excited nerves would permit them to do. 190 RAIDS AND ROMANCE During the grand melee Southern sympathizers looked on at the farce with inward saiisifaction. They did not tor a moment believe that Morgan would attack the city, but they were quite willing that their Union friends should think so. While this fearful panic was shaking Louisville, Frankfort, and Lexington to their centre, giving rise to numberless ridiculous scenes. Colonel Morgan was quietly pursuing his way, as we have said, from Macksville, through Harrodsburg to Lawrenceburg. Keaching this latter place Sunday night, Morgan remained until his scouts came in from Frankfort and other points. He then proceeded to Versailles, crossing the Kentucky river at Shryock's ferry. Here he found the boat sunken in the stream by the Home Guard as they moved ou in their ignominious flight to Lexington. About sunset on Monday evening Colonel Morgan, at the head of his command, entered the streets of Versailles, twelve miles distant from Lexington, and about as far from Georgetown. '' Here, boys, is a rich prize," said the colonel to his men, as dashing along the street he discovered about three hundred horses and mules belonging to the Federal government. "If any of you have sorry horses, here is a fine opportunity to exchange them for better ones. Help yourselves. Uncle Sam will not dare to enter a protest, I presume." The little band was now situated in the midst of the enemy. At Lexington, on their immediate right, and only twelve miles distant, there was a considerable force under the commandant of the post. Brigadier-general Ward. At Frankfort, about equi- distant on their left, were three times their number of men, some of them regular troops. Either point could be reinforced at a few hours' warning. Colonel Morgan fully appreciated the danger. He ordered pickets thrown out on every outlet from the town, and command- ed that his men should hold themselves in readiness for attack at any moment. The men sat sleeping on the pavements, tiieir bridles resting in their hand, their arms beside them, ready at a moment's warning to mount and meet the foe. But no foe came. He was glad enough to be left to act on the defensive. At dawn on the following morning, the command was ordered to be ready in an hour to set out for some other point. Promptly the command was obeyed, and as the sun, climbing up the sides of the morning, threw his first beams over the summer's land- scape, the wlBDle force set out at a brisk pace for their unknown OF MOKGAN AXD HIS MEN. 191 destination. The Lexington boys lioped to be led to their homes and friends; the Louisville boys turned their anxious, longing thou<;hts towards liiat city. '•Not to Lexington to-day, boys," said Captain Castloman, with a sigh, as the column advanced along the road leading to Midway. ''But, I do hope iwe siiall yet have an o[)portunity to look in on our friends and sweethearts before we leave tiiis part of the State." "Really, it doesn't look much as if we shall, Castleman," re- plielaces, they had precipitately fled to Lexington for safety. At Georgetown, as in Ilarrodsburg, shouts of welcome greeted the approach of tlie Confederates. Every preparation was made by the citizens to entertain them in a manner worthy of their chivalrous deeds and gallant daring. All knew and appreciated the brilliant record these noble men had made in defence of liberty and right, and they dared to mani- fest their approbation, though it might cost them their freedom and property. Union men were everywhere left unmolested. Many had fled, leaving their families behind them. Some remained, willing to trust the magnanimity of Colonel Morgan, whose conduct on all occasions had taught them that they had nothing to fear at the hands of Kentucky's noble son. OF MOEGAI^ AND HIS MEN. 193 CHAPTER XXXV. UNEXPECTED HAPi'INESS. As the troops were passing in column along the main street of the town, amid the glad cheers of the ladies and children who everywhere thronged the pavement, Ciiarley's attention was sud- denly arrested by hearing his name pronounced in soft, clear tones. He looked in the direction from whence the sound proceeded, and discovered a group of females standing on the front balcony of one of the houses to his right. One was slightly in advance of the others, leaning over the banister and waving a kandkerchief to the soldiers, as they slowly filed along. She was dressed in a simple white muslin, confined at the waist by a long sash of blue ribbon. A wreath of natural flowers gar- landed her soft auburn curls. Charley's heart stood still as his eye rested on this beautiful female figure, so like that of Mary. Bending forward, he gazed earnestly upon it. His eyes dilated to their fullest extent, and his lips paled with fearful anxiety. Could it be Mary? Ah, no — it was injpos^ible. Surely he was mistaken ! And yet so like — that form, those curls, that sweet, glad face. It must be — and yet how was it possible ? He gazed, and gazed, as one bewildered by some bright, fascinating object, which he could not comprehend, and yet from which he dare not turn. *' Charley, Charley ! don't you know me ?" spoke the same sweet tones. Ah, that voice — he could not mistake it. It must be Mary. It could be none other. His first impulse was to spring from his horse and clasp her to his bosom — his heart's own idol — the day-star of his destiny. But, with more than rush of Alpine torrent, came the frantic thought, "Perhaps she is already another's!"" and, turning in his saddle, without even a bow, or look of recognition, he passed on.» Ah, the anguish of that moment ! "What words can portray it? The hopelessness of despair crushes the human heart, and wraps in rayless gloom our human life; we sink — we fall — prostrate, wo 194 KAIDS A^D R(.]«:ANCE iie bleeding — but, ah, can the sufferer tell you what he feels? No human utterances can describe the weight i)f unutterable woe that chains the victim down to misery worse than death itself. As may be imagined, our young hero knew but little of what transpired after this. What to him was the gay pageant, the loud acclaim of the joyous multitude? "What to him that men, impelled by admiration for all that ennobles our nature, all that elicits true and undying praise, were now regarding him as hero-deliverer? No eulogy, not the battle-trump could have aroused him from his deep, dull apathy. He moved amid the living throng insensate to its tumultuous applause. Au hour later, and Charley lay outstretched on the college- green, as one haunted by a strange, wild dream. He looked out on the beautiful town spread out before him ; on the clear, siiiiling sky above; and then away on the charming landscape, bounded by its margin of green woodland that encircled the town. But none of these things gave him pleasure, or abated for a moment his deep, mental suffering. "Come, Ch.irley, come; what are you doing here? You look more dead than alive, my boy. What's the matter with you? Get up, get up. Mary says she wants to see you, as soon as you can get there." Charley gazed with an expression of perplexed inquiry up into his friend's face, as if he did not fully comprehend the meaning of his words. " Wants to see me, John ? Are you not mistaken ?" Thea, pausing a moment, he asked, slowly, '' Is your sister married ?" "Married, Charley !" and John burst into a loud laugh. "Pre- posterous, boy ! You are certainly crazy. Here, let me feel your pulse and forehead. You must have brain-fever, from your api)ear- ance. This July sun has been too hot for you. Come, get up, and take a refreshing bath at that spring yonder, and prepare as fast as you can to accompany me to see two of the most charm- ing girls in the world." Charley looked up again into the face of his friend with an expression of doubt and anxious inquiry. He made no effort to arise. " You are too weary to go, Charley. I will excuse you to Mary ; but I know she will be sorely disappointed in not seeing you." "Do you really think so, John ? Don't deceive me," said Char- ley, springing up as if animated by a new hfe. " I had thought OF MORGAN AND UI3 MEN. 195 yonr sister was engaged to be married, and would not care to see an old friend.'' '' Engaged to be married to whom ?" exclaimed the brother, in astonishment. ''To Fred Morton." "Fred Morton, Charley! that Lincoln sycophant. Do you think Mary Lawrence would thus disgrace her brother? Ah, I understand it all ; yes — yes," and young Lawrence shook his head knowingly; ''it's all plain to me now. But we won't stop to dis- cuss this subject, my boy. Rest assured, Mary wishes to see you — and I am sure she will never marry Fred Morton. Come, we have no time to lose. Time is fleeing, and the girls await us." Charley could not divest himself of the sad apprehension that, deepening into conviction, had so long hung like a deatli-pall over liis soul. And yet, with that readiness to seize upon the faintest promise of good, so inherent in the young heart, he suffered him- self to hope that liis friend's words were true, au(^ tliat Mary might yet be his own. Hastening to improve his friend's suggestions, he was soon transformed in appearance, and ready to set out to meet Mary at the residence of Mr. Johnson, whose daughters liad been her schoolmates and intimate associates. With trembling footsteps, and with conflicting emotions and thoughts filling his bosom and racking his brain, he ascended the steps of the front balcony, and stood before the door. What years of dread and misgiving he lived in the few moments that intervened between the ringing of the door-bell and the ap- pearance of the servant to usher them into the parlor! Char- ley deposited his cap on the hat-rack in the hall, and followed his friend to the room. There, on the divan before him, sat Mary, more beautiful than Peri of ancient Parsee faith. She was robed in a simple dress of white muslin, with a chaplet of roses and myrtle encircling her brow. As Charley entered tlie room, she sprang forward with all the love-look of old, heightened and in- tensified by the joy of meeting. The lover's doubts and fears were gone. It was the Mary of yore, the idol of his heart, that stood, in her purity and loveli- ness, before him. He could not be deceived. She was true to him — faithful and constant as when they two had sat together beneath the old elm-tree, and plighted their vows. The shadows suddenly lifted from his heart — his doubt and dread gone — his fearful apprehensions forever dead. 196 RAIDS AND ROMANCE His whole frame trembled with the intensity of his feelings. Happiness, such as the beings of a higher and brighter abode ex- perience, thrilled his soul, and awakened therein the most rap turous delight. How deeply he upbraided himself, as he sat beside her, and gazeS into that beautiful face, and felt his whole being stirred by the soft, sweet tones of that gentle voice, that he had ever, even for a mo- ment, indulged a suspicion of her truth ! He wondered at himself to think that he should have credited idle rumors, when he had received from her whom he had known from childhood vows of eternal faith. An hour later, and the lovers sat on the balcony, in the soft moonlight. Never were there two happier hearts. Not a shade intervened to cloud their joy. Mary had fully explained why it was she had received the attentions of Fred Mt)rton, the Federal captain. Tlieir mothers had been intimate friends from childhood. The young man was the nephew of her mother's physician, to whose solicitous care and tender watching she believed she ow^ed the possession of that inestimable boon, a mother's love. And, in addition to this, Mr. Morton, the father, had kindly aided her father at a time when, but for this opportune assistance, he would have failed in business and been hopelessly ruined. • " I never loved Fred Mroton, Charley, you know this ; but I have known him ever since I knew any one, and the considerations I have mentioned I deemed sufficiently binding upon me to compel me to courtesy in my demeanor towards the young gentleman. I know what the world said. I know my friends censured me. Your sister, Charley, whom I have ever loved as my sister, turns coldly from me. Often has my heart bled, often have I wept at being thus situated. But I did what I was convinced was my duty. But had I known — had I thought it possible that you, Charley, would have distrusted me for a moment, I would have hazarded all old family friendships, and rejected the attentions of Captain Morton. But I did not dream that you, Charley, could ever have cherished a doubt of me, — you who have known me so long and so well, to whom I have ever shown kindness and truth." The large tears that had been gathering in the liquid depths of those soft, blue eyes, rolled down the burning cheek and choked the young girl's utterance. " Forgive me, Mary ; forgive me that I have thus sinned against you," and Charley knelt before her, and clasped the soft, dimpled hand in his, while his broken words full well attested the strength OF MORGAN AND III3 MEN. 197 of his emotions. "I have wronged you, ray angel — my life : have doubted you, when I should have hurled from me the vile slanders on your pure fidelity : have blamed y(Ju, when I should have loved. Forgive me, Mary — oh, forgive me my folly, and remem- ber not against me this horrid weakness, this irreparable guilt." The fast-flowing tears fell on his hand. lie had but to read the sweet words {»f full forgiveness in that tear-dewed face, as the moonlight revealed it in all its living beaut}'. He clasped her in his arms, and pressed his lips to her flushing cheek. They were reconciled, f(jrever reconciled — full atonement had been made, and thenceforth there should never arise one thought to mar their perfect love. So felt those two young hearts, as they sat there wrapt in the bliss of confidence restored, of forgiveness granted. Ah, alas! how poorly did they understand their own hearts — how little appreciate the influences of time and circum- stances ! They forgot, while plucking the fair and blooming flowers of Eden, that "the trail of the serpent is over it all." For several moments both were silent. Each bosom was too filled with bliss to find language. '" But you did not tell me, Mary, how you chanced to be here in this little country town," said Charley, breaking the stillness. •' Why, in this wise, Charley," she replied, something of her wonted vivacity' speaking out in look and gesture. ''Convinced by father's arguments that it would be wholly impossible for Colonel Morgan to reach Louisville, I importuned mother to per- mit me to come to Frankfort, under the protection of my cousin. She consented, \yhen we reached Frankfort, we were persuaded, from the information we received there from Southern men, that you would certainly pass through this place, and cousin Frank took a carriage and brought me here." ''And where is he to-night, Mary?" "Oh, you know he has a sweetheart out in the country about three miles from town. Notwitiistanding we were hourly expect- ing you, he could not resist the magnet, and he is now with Miss Appleton, I look for him back every moment." "I thank God that we have met once more, Mary. Oh, you cann(it tell what unutterable anguish I have endured under the belief that another had won from me that love which I hold as above life itself. I have told you of Mary Brent's letter to her brother. This was the first intimation I received of the attentions of Captain Morton, and the consequent rumor that you were to 198 RAIDS AND ROMANCi: marry him. It came with such assurance of its trntli, thnt T could not — pardon me, Mary, I did you a great wrong, I know — could not doubt it. Love is jealous, you know, Mary, and the thouirht of another, a hated rival, coming in between me and the being of all others to me most dear, drove me to distraction. I sank as one suddenly overtaken by a fearful disease. Life lost all charms to me. I wandered as one demented, pursued by an evil spirit. The prospect of return to Kentucky gave me no joy, no hope. It was like saying to the criminal, — Come, walk and take the fresh air, we will go by the gallows whereon you must be executed on tiie rnorrow. I came, because it was unavoidable. When I reached Lebanon, Ben Spalding, all unconscious that he was thrusting ]!oisoned barbs into my very soul, repeated to me the rumor, as- serting on his own knowledge its trutlifulness. I rose, dressed myself, and fled the house, unable to rest a moment longer beneath a roof where I had endured such agony of mind. And when, three hours ago, I saw you standing on this balcony, and heard you cill my name, I looked coldly, distractedly upon you, and said to my- self, *' What is she to me? Even while I behold her, another may call her his own," and I resolved to die. I felt that I could not bear the insupportable burden of an existence that had been for- ever robbed of its light and joy. But, thank God, I now know that you are mine; that no image of another has ever, even for a mo- ment, enshrined itself in the temple of your affections. And now, Mary, I again beseech you to forgive and forget this deep, un- founded wrong done you by my black, my infamous suspicions, God forgive me, Mary — I feel that I have sinned against heaven in thus sinning against you!" " Forgive you, Charley ? My heart tells me tliat I should rather plead with you for forgiveness. I now see, that, while doing wMiat I believed to be a right, I did, all unnecessarily it is true, but, nevertheless, did surely lay the foundation of all your unliappi- ness; I have learned a lesson, sad and deep, which no coming time shall ever wear out from my heart." She paused, and looked up into Charley's face with an expression so pleading, so full of tenderness and truth, that — soldier as he was, all unused to tears — he could not restrain the big, burning drops that gushed to his eyes and rolled down his manly cheeks. He ])res.»ed her more closely to him. He was about to speak, when a footfall on the steps attracted their attention. It was Frank Car- ter, Mary's cousin, just returned from the country. "And Morgan has come, cousin I" he exclaimed, as soon as he 5* OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 199 canglit a glimpse of M:iry. " Wliere is John ? I am almost crazy to see him. I understood he was here." Charley stepped forward. Young Carter recognized him in stantly. '' Wh}', Charley, my friend, is this you? How do you do? I am so glad to see you !" and he stood shaking the young soldier hy both hands, looking him intently in the eye, his face beaming with the happiness the meeting with his old friend gave him. '* And where is John, Charley? Isn't he with y(jn ?" '" He acc()mj)anied Miss May to the ice-cream saloon a short time since, but will be back in a few minutes, I suppose." The three passed into the parlor. In a few minutes. Miss Jenny May and young Lawrence returned. Carter sprang from his seat, and clasped his cousin in his arms. They had been playmates in childhood, and the love of brothers characterized their whole life. "O. John, I am so glad to see you once more safely back in old Kentucky ! In the name of all the true hearts in our once proud, but now degraded State, I welcome you. May you be one of the . noble braves to drive the hordes of abolition invaders from her bo>v>m." ''Join us, Frank; we need strong, young arms and nerved souls, to aid us in our work." *•' Have you a gun for me. John ?" '•Yes; can give you a complete outfit. Will you accept it, and cast your lot with us V "With right good-will, John. I set out from home with that expectation, I have long desired a fitting opportunity to join you, and I am now ready. 1 go with you to-night." " And what will become of me, Frank? You know mother in- trusted me to you." " Oh, you will be taken care of. I shall assuredly provide for you." "Patriotism first, gallantry afterwards — first our country, then our sweethearts. This should be the motto now, Mary; uou't you think so, gentlemen?" asked Miss May. '•Our countrj' and our sweethearts, first and forever, Miss May, is the watchword of Kentucky soldiers. We fight for both, for both we die, but never yield either to the foe." The evening was spent most delightfully in song, music,and cheer- ful conversation. Southern songs were sung without restraint. ,No blue-coated spy paced the streets to search out '• treason.^'* 200 RAIDS AND ROMANCE Cliarley and Mary again found tlie balcony. Love seeks no jiociety save its own. Time sped by with nimble feet. Charley lingered. To-morrow he might be torn away for the rapid march or bloody skirmish. Sweet were the words of love interchanged by these two young, trusting hearts. How brightly, wreathed with the halo of hopeful promise and joy, did the future outspread before them! Love is a kaleidoscope which, however many new and rare combinations are presented, none are devoid of beautiful colors or symmetrical forms. '' Time for us to leave, isn't it, Charley ?" said young Lawrence, appearing on the balcony, accompanied by his cousin, Mr. Carter. " Can you guess the hour, my friend ?" *' Ten o'clock, I suppose,'' replied Charley, taking out his watch f(>r the first time during the evening. " Ten, o'clock, Charley !" cried Lawrence, laughing heartil}', '•Time must have passed pleasantly with you, truly. Wouldn't you think so. Miss Jenny and Frank? Charley says ten, my watch Fays five minutes to twelve. Charley has taken no note of time, the watch has measured every minute, so I suppose we shall have to take the testimony of the latter, and bid you ladies good-night.'' " We soldiers don't often have the pleasure of ladies' society,'' responded Charley to his friend's badinage. ''This must plead our apology for the present trespass. When we call again, we hope to be more thoughtful of your comfort and the prescribed forms of etiquette. Good-night, ladies," and, bowing politely, he de- scended the steps. His two friends, after promising to return on the morrow, " (/" circumstances would permit^'''' bade the young ladies good-night, a!;d followed his example. Descending the steps, and turning the corner of the street, they were soon lost to sight. OF MORGAN AND HIS MKX. 5^01 CHAPTER XXXYI. SUCCESS OF AN ATTEMI'T TO VISIT LEXINGTON. It hail been concerted by Curd, Irving, Castlernan, and young Moriran, to visit Lexington in disguise, if they could obtain leave of absence until the following evening. This done, tiie four dressed themselves up in a full suit 6t' Lincoln blue, and about nine o'clock they set out on their perilous undertaking. They knew every mile of the way, having often travelled it, and they were also fully acquainted with the sentiments of every individual on the road-side, so that they had nothing to apprehend on the score of falling into Union hands. Their only danger on the way was the Federal pickets, which mast, ^^ar necessite, be either evaded of deceived. But they also ran the further risk of being recognized by every individual whom they might meet in the city, and thereby be betrayed into Federal hands. But these young men were fond of adventure, and they cared not a whit how narrow the escape was, so they escaped. Indeed, the very danger they must be subject to throughout, only served to add zest to the scheme. The four, mounted on fleet horses and completely disguised, set out amid the shouts and cheers of their comrades, on their rather dubious expedition. Many were the wagers laid by the boys that they would be nabbed by the Yankees, and sent to the military prison at Louisville ; but the young adventurers, confident of suc- cess, in every instance doubled the sum that they would return the following night, with all the items of news known in the besieged city of Lexington. " Present our regards to our friends in the city," shouted a dozen voices, as, laying whip to their horses, the merry quartette dashed off on their excursion. They rode at a rapid pace for five or six miles, heeding neither toll-gate nor the groups of two and three Federal soldiers which they passed on their way. When within five miles of Lexington, they halted to discuss and decide npon the best plan to be pursued. Morgan and Curd were in favor of attempting to pass the pickets on horseback. Irving 202 KAIDS AVD IJfMAXC!; and CastleiTian thought it be^t to uisinount, leave their horses at the house of a friend, and, avoiding the pickets, enter the ciry by a by-path. " We can deceive them, Irving, rest assured we can," argued Morgan. "• They'll never suspect us. I'll give the Yankee twang so completely, they'll swear I am a regular Down-Easter, and no mistake." " But, Cal., is it not better to avoid them altogether? Then we shall certainly be safe." " But how can this be done, and where shall we leave our horses, Irving ? I would as soon the wretches would get me as my horse." " Ah, I can manage that, Cal. There is an old friend of mine, jnst across the way here, that will take good care of theru until we come back. Once in his hands, and I'll wager my head the Feds will never get them." " But how shall we avoid the pickets ? They are as thick about the city as leaves in Vallambrosa, no doubt." . " But certainly we can shun them better as pedestrians than we could on horseback." '' But in the latter case, if we could neither deceive nor shun them, we could eifect an escape; while if on foot, they might shoot us and we could make no effort to get away." " I will take the chances on foot, Cal. I am convinced it is the safer plan." " And I will trust to my ingenuity, blarney, and this good steed of mine to secure me a safe passage through, or a safe exit from the rascals." After a lengthy discussion on the subject it was finally agreed, as a test of the judgment of the respective parties, that Morgan and Curd should attempt the trip on horseback, while Irving and Castleman would essay it on foot. It was arranged tliat they should meet the next day, at two o'clock, to dine at Mrs. Morgan's, mother of the colonel, provided they succeeded in the attempt. Irving and Castleman turned through a gate to the right, to seek the house of the friend with whom the horses were to be left. Morgan and Curd, bidding them good-night, pursued their way along the pike. They rode on abi-ut a mile, planning their passage through the lines, when suddenly they came upon the pickets, v^even or eight strong. Morgan rode forward. "Halt!" called out a Hoosier, thrusting his bayonet across the road. •' Halt ! I tell you, or Fll blow out your brains in a minute !" OF MORGAN AND HIS IklEN. 203 *'Two of the 51st Ohio," answered Morgan, with the veritable Yankee drawl, " trying to escape from Morgan's men. Got caught out liere, and came within an ace of being made prisoners. Had a hard time to get ofi*. I tell you, these rebels are regular dare- devils. Bully fellows, they." *' Where's your pass? Let me see that." ''Pass, my friend? How do you suppose we could get a pass, when there was nobody to give us one? Our pass to-night were these two good steeds." Just at this juncture, four or live others, that had been sitting by the road-side, about half asleep, came up and joined the IIoo- sier, who explained the matter to them, and asked their advice. '' Our orders are to let no one pass in or out," spoke a red-hair- ed man, whom Morgan immediately recognized as Bill Green, of the Lexington Home Guard. " And we can't disobey orders, if Morgan's men do catch you," added another voice, perfectly fami- liar to his ear. He looked over the group. There were four there that knew him well — the least circumstance might betray him. What should he do? To attempt to deceive them was risking every thing. They might recognize him at any moment. And how gladly would they seize upon him. What a prize ! " Gal. Morgan, the brother of John Morgan!" All the papers in the hind would be filled with the glad intelligence. They debated but a moment. Giving Curd the signal, he wheel- ed his horse, and started off at full speed. "Rebels! rebels!" and a half dozen bullets shredded the air around their head. One passed through young Curd's Lincoln cap. One glanced by Morgan's right foot, but no damage was received by either, as they dashed on as rapidly as their horses could bear them, pursued by four of the picket-guard, who, mount- ing their steeds, set out to catch the rebels. The horses of the pursuers were fresh, and they were fast gain- ing on the two fugitives. "Fire, Curd," said Morgan. '• Maybe we can kill one of them This will put an end to the chase." Curd obeyed the bidding, and fired. The shot was harmless. It was immediately replied to. Morgan turned himself in his saddle, and aimed at the man nearest him. "Oh, God! I am shot — I'm killed!" cried out the Yankee. His companions halted. Morgan and Curd took advantage of the confusion, and spurring 204 RAIDS AND ROMANCE their horses forward to their fullest soppfl, dashed over the hill and out of sighr. Nor did they stop uutii they were assured they were beyond the guns of their enemies. There was high merriment in camp as they told over the story f»f their escape, and many a juke was perpetrated at their expense. It was one o'clock the following day. A young female, closely veiled, rang the door-bell of Mrs. Morgan's residence. A servant quickly appeared. *' Hand your mistress this card." In a few minutes Mrs. Morgan entered the parlor. " Is your son at home, Mrs. Morgan ?" asked the girl in a whis- per, as the two seated themselves on the t^ofa. " Which one, Belle? What do you mean ?" asked the old lady in a voice of surprise. *' Cal,, Mrs. Morgan." "No, my dear. You surprise me by your question. What do you mean ? You did not expect to tind him here, did you ?" ask- ed the old lady, trembling from head to foot. '' Get your bonnet, Mrs. Morgan, and go with me. My brother and young Irving are at my mother's, and want to see you, Ba quiet ; I'll tell you when we reach the carriage. Let me call the servant," added the young girl, as she saw the nervous state of Mrs. M., who, unable to control herself, stood leaning on the table. The young girl placed the bonnet and shawl on the trem- bling mother, and led her to the carriage, ordering the driver to take the most private way home. The young girl turned to Mrs. Morgan, and said, " My brother and Mr. Irving reached home this morning ab^ut three o'clock. They avoided the pickets, and got in without difSculty. Your son and — " " Which son, Belle?" gasped the agitated mother, seizing her arm. '' God grant John has not fallen into their bloody hands !" " No, no, Mrs. Morgan ; it was not Colonel Morgan, but your younger son, CaL It was agreed that he and Jack Curd should attempt to pass the Federal pickets in the dress of Lincoln sol- diers. They were on horseback. My brother and Mr. Irving set out on foot, and succeeded in getting safely through, and are now at my mother's. They were all to dine with you to-day ; this was the agreement when they parted. But brother thinks our house is watched, and he and Mr. Irving are afraid to leave. They sent me to see if your son and young Curd were with you, and if they were not, I was instructed to bring you home with me," •' Oh, my child, my poor son! I am afraid the Yankees have OF MORGAN AND HIS ME2s'. 205 got him. IK,\v shamefully they will use him. merely because he is a Morgan ! My cup of grief is full— it overtiow.s. Surelv, I am stricken— afflicted. Hut I must not falter. These are no times for fear and irresolution. My children fight for a just cause; I must trust them in the hands of God. Have you seen the morning paper, my child ? If they are captured, that, no doubt, contains the intelligence." " I have not, Mrs. Morgan. We do not take the Observer ; but there is a boy with some papers. I will call him, and get one." The carriage was stopped; the boy called; the pai)er pur- chased. Eagerly the young girl looked over its columns, while Mrs. M^organ sat in breathless suspense at her side. '•They were not caught, Mrs. Morgan. Here, listen bow nar- rowly they escaped. I know this must be the account of it," and the young girl read the description of the scene as it had occurred the night before. " They were dressed in Federal uniform, Mrs. Morgan. I know they were so; there can be no mistake about it. My brother and Mr. Irving are thus attired, and they told us your son and young Curd used the same means to avoid detection." "Thank God I my child is safe. I should be very glad to see him, but I would not have him risk his life to come to me. I have been trying all the morning to get a pass out of the city, but they would not grant me one. I feel I would risk every thing to see ray children ; but, with their brutal cruelty, they deny me this poor request, just because they know it almost breaks my heart." The ladies alighted at Mrs. Castleman's door. Mrs. Morgan was shown up stairs into a private room, where she was welcomed by the two soldiers, who sat enjoying themselves in the midst of friends of both sexes, and of all ages. The heroes soon related to Mrs. Morgan's anxious mind the whole story, and assured her that the statement in tlie morning paper must be correct, as the description of the two men accorded precisely with the appearance of her son and his friend. Most happily the evening passed to these two men, prisoners as they wore in the home of their birth; their rights as freemen trampled into the earth by a horde of Abolitionists, who had no more right on Kentucky soil than Caffres or Bushmen. Friend after friend called in, until the large room was filled with the yon ng, the old, tlie gay, the sober, all anxious to see old ac- quaintances who now enjoyed the high reputation of being Mor- gan's men. 206 RAIDS AND ROMANCE - Having seen their sweethearts and friends, and obtained all the infoirmation they could, the two set out to retrace their steps, and heroes they were dubbed, as at one o'clock that night they entered their camp at Georgetown, without a scratch or any such memenio of an affray with the Yankees. Ah, what lasting memories gather around that midnight ex- cursion ! MCiUGAN A^'D HIS MEN. CHAPTER XXXVII. STAY OF THE CONFKDERATKS IN GEORGETOWN. Colonel Morgan took possession of Georgetown on Tuesday- evening, July 16th. The same evening, he issued the following proclamation to the people of Kentucky : '•Kentuekians! I come to liberate you from the despotism of tyrannical fanaticism, and to rescue my native State from the hands of your oppressors. Everywhere the cowardly foes have fled from my avenging arms. My brave army is stigmatized as a band of guerillas and marauders. Believe it not. I point with pride to their deeds as a refutation of this foul assertion. '' We come not to molest peaceable individuals, nor to destroy private property, but guarantee absolute protection to all who are not in arms against us. We ask only to meet the hireling legions of Lincoln. The eyes of your brotliers of the South are upon you. Your gallant fellow-citizens are flocking to our standard. Our armies are rapidly advancing to your protection. Tiien greet them with the willing hands of fifty thousand of Kentucky's bravest t^ons. Their advance is already with you. Then, ' Strike for the green graves of your sires ! Strike for your altars and your fires ! God, and your native land !' " The citizens believed his words, and reinforcements assembled around his standard from Franklin, Scott, Trimble, Owen, and Bourbon counties. Brave hearts and strong arms rallied to swell the number of Kentucky's deliverers. On entering the town. Colonel Morgan immediately took pos- session of the press and telegraph office. The operator, a deep-dyed* Lincolnite, declared, on a demand being made for his apparatus, that it had all been packed up and sent to Cincinnati as soon as it was known the Confederates were inarching on the place. Colonel Morgan scanned the poor af- frighted felon from head to foot. He was a pretty good judge of men and circumstances, and feeling assured that the cixature was trying to deceive him, he in a very calm, decided tone, told him 208 RAIDS AND KOMANCE he could make his choice of two things : either produce the battery, etc., or take a trip with him South, to share the privileges of a Dixie prison. The man looked blank with astonishment. This fearful alter- native was wholly unexpected. His heart drew back in dread be- fore the horrid picture his excited fancy drew of the miseries of a Castle Thunder. He hesitated — looked confused — paled and red- dened by turns. How could he convict himself of falsehood ? He cast a furtive glance on the colonel, as he stood there calmly awaiting his decision. He saw the demand was imperative. Moving slowly towards the bed, he stooped down, and, with the look of a criminal, drew from its hiding-place all the missing ap- paratus. Colonel Morgan received it gracefully, at the same time ordering two of his men to take in charge the poor, trembhng operator until further directions. Situated as Morgan was, in such close proximity to the enemy now assembled in force at Frankfort, seventeen miles in his rear, and at Lexington, only twelve to his right, and also rapidly congregating at Paris in front of him, it became necessary to act with the greatest dispatch and caution. A company of men, under Captain McMillan, was immediately sent out to effectually destroy the railroad between Midway and Lexington, and Midway and Frankfort, tliereby preventing rein- forcements from being sent to Lexington. The boys performed this task with alacrity and success. They tore up the track, blew up the stone bridge, rendering the road whohy useless to the enemy, and returned in triumph to George- town. Scouts were also sent forward towards Paris, to ascertain the number and position of the troops at that point. The day following Morgan's entrance into Georgetown, as he ■was sitting in his office with Colonel St, Leger, Major Duke, and others, among whom were many of the tirst citizens of the place, an old man, of venerable appearance, was conducted in by two of his men, who informed the colonel that the visitor had intelligence of importance to communicate. The colonel rose, and received the old gentleman with a polite bow and pleasant smile, at the same time requesting him to be seated, which the visitor did with an air of simple modesty. CoF- onel Morgan scanned him closely from head to foot. He was a plain, unassuming farmer, dressed in homespun, and wearing a low- crowned beaver hat, which he now held in his hand. His conn- OF MORGAN AND HIS MKN. 209 tenance was open, and expressive of ingenuousness and truth. Col- onel Morgan was satisfied with the scrutiny. It was impossible for such a man to be guilty of a desire to deceive. Excusing himself to his friends, and leading the visitor into a small ante-room, Colonel Morgan questioned him respecting the int^ligence he bore. "1 come, coiontl.*' replied the old man, in a mild, respectful tone, which at once bespoke iiim a gentleman, '• to inform you with regard to a Federal force at Scamping Ground, about twelve miles from here, whicli I think, sir, you can easily capture, with all their accoutrements." Convinced that the old man's story was reliable. Colonel Morgan asked : " How many Yankees do you think there are in the force of which you speak ?" '' Only about seventy -five, sir. I myself have counted them twice, and both times I made that number." " Are they well armed, sir?" "Very well, colonel. First-rate guns, and every equipment necessary." " What have they besides their guns?" "Tents, wagons, and stores of every kind, which have been sent up recently from Fi-ankfort. x\nd, in addition to these, they have some boxes of guns which have not yet been opened." "Can they fight pretty well, and have t!iey a brave captain?" '• Can't answer for tlie men, colonel ; but their captain is as brave a man as ever lived." "Are they looking for my men, and have they made any prepa- ration to receive them; and if so, of what nature, and where?" " When I left there, late yesterday evening, they were all in confnsion, every moment looking for you to come down upon them. I judge, colonel, they are looking for you yet. They had no de- fence then, and I should think, from the scare they were in, that they have found no time for preparation of any kind ; your scouts could readily ascertain this, colonel. Any man there would tell them." Colonel Morgan thanked the old gentleman kindly, and desired him to dine with him at the hotel. But the old farmer declined. "All he desired was, to be permitted to shake hands with the men, and bid them God-speed in their glorious cause." A guide was appointed to show the old man to the camp and introdoce him to the boys. " Call Captain Hamilton," said Colonel Morgan, to one of his aids. 210 RAIDS AND EOMANCE ''Captain," said the colonel, as the young officer stood before him, "take with you one hundred men and proceed to Stumping Ground, break up the Federal encampment there, and capture all their store?, and report to me at this point." The dashing captain set out with his men about noon. The road was fine, and, after a ride of an hour and a half, they came upon the Federal pickets, who fled at their approach, giving to the encampment the fearful intelligence that Morgan's whole force was marching into the village. In vain their captain endeavored to rally them for a fight. He told them they could drive back tlirice their number. But his ar- guments could not convince the frightened men that they possess- ed this wonderful amount of courage. They seized their guns, but, further than this, they manifested no disposition to fight. They stood, fearful and irresolute. He assured them the enemy num- bered but about fifty men — that the pickets were scared, and did not remain to see how many there were ; plead with them to pro- tect their homes and families — to show themselves worthy sup- porters of the glorious old flag which their forefathers had so no- bly defended. After much persuasion, he induced thefii to follow him a few hundred yards from their encampment, where he formed them in line of battle. By this time the enemy could be distinctly heard, rapidly descending the hill into the village. The clattering of their horses' hoofs was fearful to the affrighted ears of the trembling men. A young man of the place rushed up and cried out that Morgan, at the head of at least five hundred men, was dashing on to attack thera. It was enough. The forces broke and ran, scattering in every direction. Each one sought safety where he thought it could best be secured. Some did not stop until they found themselves lost amid the high hills that bound the village on the north. Others secreted themselves in barns and houses, while others, finding escape im- possible, surrendered themselves and received their parole. Cap- tain Hamilton ordered his men to set fire to the tents, and destroy the guns and stores. They then returned to the village, and, amid the wonder of the gaping crowd, took possession of the medical and com- missary supplies, which soon shared the fate of the tents and guns. The victors remained awhile to rest and enjoy the hospitality of the friends who, as soon as they were relieved of the presence of the Lincolnites, hastened to surround them and congratulate them on their bloodless victory. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 211 Recruits, to tlie nnniber of seven or eight, joined them here, and were provided with guns taken from the Vanquished Lincolnites. A detachment was sent under Captain Castleman, brother to the one who had so successfully entered Lexington, to destroy the rail- road bridges between Paris and Lexington, Success liaving crowned all of Colonel Morgan's plans, the boys felt themselves safe in their present happy position, and gave them- selves up to enjoyment. •They dashed out into the country, visited tlie farm-houses, where they were kindly received and treated to Kentucky's best cheer; called to see the ladies; partook daily of the nicest provisions, which were sent in the greatest profusion into the camp ; laughed, danced, and sung. Colonel Morgan was waited upon by many of the best citizens of the place, who dared thus to speak out their sentiments, despite the dark scowls and bitter threats of the Union neighbors. Tliere was a physician in town, uncle to Majf)r Gano, of tlie Texas squadron. This gentleman had been a rabid Unionist from the beginning of the troubles, and was one of the first men in that community to advocate the formation and arming of a Home Guard company. In consideration of his active services in obtaining arms and enlistments, he had been selected as captain of the body, but with his men he had ingloriously fled to Lexington, having first sent his family to the country. His residence was in the suburbs of the town, and fronted by a most beautiful lawn. Into this Major Gant) marched his command and encamped. The Texas boys soon learned they were on the premises of one of their bitterest foes, and, fired at the thought, they vowed to destroy every thing before them. "Why should they protect the property of a man who was then under arms to kill them?" they argued, nnd with that spirit of "evil for evil" "which inhabits the human breast, they set out to begin their work of destruction. The major, hearing of their intention, forbade any man's touch- ing any thing on the premises, and placed a guard around the house. And, a few days after, when the possessor returned, he found every tldng in statu quo^ except some forage, which the men had been permitted to appropriate for their horses. The premises of other Union men were everywhere guarded with the same fidelity. And instead of the ravage and ruin which always characterize the progress t)f the Abolition hordes, they left behind them undisturbed homes and thankful, happy hearts. 212 KAEDS AND ROMANCE CHAPTER XXVIII. THE PARTING. It was the evening of the second day of Morgan's occupation of Georgetown. Orders had been given that on the following morn- ing the whole command must be ready to advance at an early hour. Busy preparations for a move were everywhere made throughout the ranks, for the men well knew what Colonel Mor- gan meant by an early hour. The dreamy twilight was gliding noiselessly over the earth. The sun declining behind the western horizon, had left in his golden way a flood of light, which fell in mellow radiance over the soft summer's landscape. The stars, one by one, stole out from behind their blue hidings above, and looked quietly down upon the green earth. The moon sent out her silvery beams to add to the heavenly beauty of the scene. The meek-eyed flowers lifted lovingly their tiny heads to catch the kiss of the cooling zephyr as it sported on airy wing across the tufted lawn and waving meadows. "With mingled emotions of joy and sorrow, Charley wended his way over the slope that intervened between the encampment and the town. Old memories rushed through his mind. The past, the present, the future, each crowded upon his thoughts with their promises, their sadness, until, bewildered, he could only feel — not think. To-night he should see Mary — perhaps for the last time. Should they meet ngain, it must be after years had run their weary round. Perhaps — and he shuddered at the thought — perhaps the Angel of Death might come and intervene his dark wing — and they should never again meet until they should together stand before the Great "White Throne above. He was passing through the beautiful lawn w^hich bounds that famous stream, the "Big Spring of Georgetown," when he heard a ringing laugh, which was all too familiar to be mistaken. Seek- ing the point from whence it issued, he found Mary, Jenny, and John reposing on the grassy mound, which rises like a throne OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 213 above the irnriclitic spring, the mossy haunt of tlie guardian naiad of these crystal waters. Charley approached tliem, and seating himself on the green car- pet beside the group, joined in the merry conversation, which was chiefly supported l)y Jenny and John. There was a want of inter- est in his words, and his air was that of one whose thouglits were far removed. Mary was silent and embarrassed. She, too, had essayed to join in the merry chat, but her words were without intere^^t, her sentences left uiifinislied. Her eyes, sought the ground, or looked listlessly out into vacuity ; while the varying shades that passed over her now thoughtful and saddened face told the changeful feelings that thronged- her bosom. Iler soul was burdened with a fearful sorrow. Afar off in the future she saw the shadow which now fell so ominously about her, deepening and deepening, until it became impenetrable gloom. Slie had parted once before with Charley, but then she felt no fear. All was bright and hopeful, and adown the opening vista she looked and beheld everywhere sunlight and joy. Why the change — this sad, this fearful change ? She could not tell. There was no cause in the present for this dark foreboding. Why should she borrow sombre clouds from the future? She asked herself the question, and her heart answered, " Coming events cast their shadows before." But she would be cheerful ; for Charley's sake she would cast away her despondency and be herself again. She made the #ndeavor, and for a few minutes succeeded in assuming her wonted gayety. But it was a desperate effort, and could not last. Charley observed the marked change in her manner, and it served to increase the sadness which was brooding so heavily over his own heart. He looked on that sweet face, usually so radiant with smiles, and its thoughtful, pensive cast, rendering it tenfold more beautiful, was as a barbed arrow to his soul. And those large, lustrous eyes, ever the home of gladness, now, despite herself, suffused with tears, spoke to his tremblmg, loving heart in tones of resistless eloquence the deep feeling that she was struggling to suppress. Charley led her slightly apart from the others, and seated her beneath the wide-spread boughs of an old oak-tree that crowned the summit of the gently rising slope. The moon stole through the overhanging arches, and fell in silvery shimmer on the smoothly shorn grass at their feet. 214: RAIDS AND ROMANCE For several nionients the two remained silent. Charley felt his heart bursting to tell her all he felt — all he hoped — all he feared — but he knew not where to begin. "Mary," he said, at length, "I go away from you to-m«»rr<>w. This is the last time I shall see you for months — perhaps for years — indeed, Mary, we may never meet again. You know the chances of war are uncertain ;" and he paused, unable to proceed. Sup- pressing his feelings, he resumed: "We may never meet again on earth, Mary ; but let me pledge you once more, here beneath these bending heavens, whose myriad beings witness the vow, that in death as in life my love shall be yours. I need not tell you of that love, Mary ; you know its depths — its constancy. But I felt, as I sat beside you on that mossy slope, that it was perhaps asking of you too great a sacrifice to remain pledged to me, when there seems to be so little promise of any consummation of our hai)pi- ness. And here, Mary, I would say — though it is like driving the cold steel through my own bosom — that if you prefer, I will re- lease you from an engagement which, under the present circum- stances, may prove unpleasant to you. She turned upon him those large soft eyes, now filled with tears, and her voice was low and tremulous. " Charley, do you doubt me ? Else why this proposal ?" The tears gushed from her eyes, and streamed over her sad face. '^ "Doubt you, Mary; doult you! No! no!" he replied, with deep earnestness ; and he threw his arm around her, and drew her to his bosom. "Doubt you I never, never, Mary U Sooner would I doubt the words of Holy Writ than the love which, amid change and time, has shown itself unchanging — steadfast as the founda- tions of the earth. I know your love is as true as the heavens themselves. But, Mary, you are young, beautiful, admired, court- ed, and is it not wrong — ask your own heart, is it not unjust to yourself — to bind yourself to one who has not now the remotest prospect of rendering you happy?" "If you do not doubt me, Charley, and will promise to love me always, I ask no more;" and she looked up into his face with such a sweet trusting smile, that Charley felt it to live the bliss of years in those few fleeting moments. "It is enough, Mary!" he exclaimed, while his tears fell thick and fast, "I ask no more. I shall go feeling in the depths of my soul that, come what may, you will prove constant and true. And I pledge yt)U here, before the Great Jehovah, whose eye looks now upon us, and the shining angels around His throne, that OF MORGAN ASD Hid MEN. 215 never, never, whil^ life lasts, shall your image pjiss from its sacred temple in my heart." lie drew forth a locket, and threw the cluiin about her neck. "Look at that, Mary, when I am gone, and remember always that I love you." lie pressed her to his bosom, and kissed her long and fervently. ** I go now, Mary. To remain, is but to torture both your heart and mine. God bless you— God blessyou !" He kissed her once more, and leading her back to her brother and friends, bade them farewell, and hastened away. 216 RAIDS AND ROMANCE CHAPTER XXXIX. THE TRAP— THE TABLES TURNED. On the velvet grass, beside tlie Big Spring at Georgetown, lay the manly form of Colonel Morgan, stretched out at full length, reading the Cincinnati and Louisville papers of the previous day. "The trap has been laid," said the Louisville e7fow, show me all your signals. Mind, no cheat. I will not be imposed on," said Ellsworth sternly, as the two reached the room and stood beside the desk. Had the operator thought for a moment of deception, the blood- thirsty look of the huge revolver which Ellsworth still held in his hand, would have dissipated any such intention in a moment. " Now, let me test the line to Nashville and Louisville." The Yankee, with a gracious smile, stepped aside. " O. K.," said Ellsworth ; " what is your earliest office hour ?" ''Seven-thirty minutes, sir," responded the operator, bowing obsequiously. 10* 226 RAIDS- AND EOM^INCE ' '' And it is now just five," said Ellsworth, taking out his watch and looking at the time; " two hours and a half before I can begin ray work." Ellsworth ordered breakfast for himself and prisoner, and tlie two sat down side by side to the steaming coffee and smoking rolls as if they had always been the veriest cronies. " Seven o'clock! we must to our work, sir!" and Ellsworth es- corted his new-found friend from the breakfast-table back to the oflSce. Placing Mr. Brooks outside the office under 'guard, Ellsworth entered and took possession, feeling that he sufficiently unde^rstood matters to communicate with any point. The signal was given at seven and ten minutes. It was from the depot office in Nashville. "Train left here for Louisville on time." Another signal, and the operator at Franklin, Kentucky, informed Gallatin that the train had left on time for the South. Ellsworth stepped to the door. " Tell Captain McCann I wish to see him at this place immedi- ately," he said to a Confederate soldier who was standing near. In a few minutes the captain rushed into the room. "Any trouble, Ellsworth ?" "The train from Franklin will be due, captain, in a very Uttle while. Had you not as well prepare to take charge of her ?" " Certainly, certainly, Ellsworth. I will do so with pleasure ;" and the captain dashed out, called together his men, and posted them in proper position for the proposed business. Soon the train came steaming on, all unconscious of danger. She had scarcely reached the water-tank, just outside the town, when the Confederates very politely made known their desire to take her in charge. This was readily assented to by the engineer and conductor, who saw that resistance or escape was not for a moment to be thought of. The train from Nashville was due, but there were no indications yet of her arrival. Ellsworth, seating himself, asked of the Nashville operator : " Train No. 6 not yet arrived. What can be the trouble with her V The reply soon came. " Guess Morgan's got her ; she left ou time with twenty -four cars, six loaded." Bowling Green called Gallatin. " Where is the Nashville train ? Heard any thing from her ?" OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 227 "Not yet arrived," responded Ellsworth. Bowling Green then called Nashville. " Gallatin says No. 6 Dot yet arrived; have you heard from it?" Nashville, in reply, said: ''No; they left on time." Bowling Green, quite perturbed and beginning to suspect foul play, called to Nashville: "Any rumors of the enemy between Nashville and Gallatin?" "Nary rumor!" was the laconic answer. Gallatin was then informed by Nashville that the passenger train had left on time, .bound North. Inquiry after inquiry was made of Gallatin with regard to the two trains, both by Nashville and Bowling Green. The invariable response of Gallatin was, "Not yet arrived." Eleven o'clock came. Nashville, as if aroused by some sudden fury, began to call on Gallatin with great earnestness. Ellsworth suspected the cause. The cars, having obtained in- formation of the occuf)aiicy of Gallatin by the Confederates, had suddenly put back to Nashville and given the alarnj. Questions were asked which Ellsworth did not dare to answer, for fear of betrayal. He stepped to the door and invited in the Federal operator, Mr. Brooks. "Now, sir," said Ellsworth to him, "I want you to answer Nashville in the most satisfjictory manner. I shall listen to your replies, and if there is any thing wroni;, it will have to be atoned for by a life during the war in a Dixie prison." "All shall be right, sir," responded the accommodating opera- tor, glad to be at his old work again. Nashville, with suspicions highly aroused, called to Gallatin : " "What w^as the name of that young lady you accompanied- to Major Foster's ?" : "Be careful," enjoined Ellsworth, leaning over the shoulder of the operator. " Give a correct reply !" "I don't remember of going to Major Foster's with any yourg lady," was the response. " What about that nitric acid I sent you the other day V asked Nashville. "You sent me no nitric acid." "Is that correct?" and Ellsworth eyed the operator sternly. "Correct, sir," Nashville, yet suspicious: "Mr, Marshall, the Superintendent of Eailroads, is not yet satisfied that you are not Morgan's operator, 228 BATDS A^a> ROMANCE and wishes you to tell him who you desired to take your place while you were gone on leave of absence, how long you wished to be gone, and where did you wish to go?" Gallatin responded: "Tell Mr. Marshall that I wished Mr. Clay- ton to take my place, while I got a week's leave to go to Cincin- nati." Nashville w^as convinced, and soon there came over the wirea the following order: '•To MrPwPHY, Conductor, Gallatin: " You will run to Edgefiel^t Junction to meet and pass trains Nos. 4 and 6, and pass them both at that point. Answer how you understand. B. Marshall." The answer was promptly returned, that the instructions would be obeyed. Nashville informed Ellsworth that "trains Nos. 4 and 6 had left again at eleven fifteen minutes." About four o'clock in the afternoon, Nashville again called lusti- ly on Gallatin: "Trains Nos. 4 and 6 are back again the second time. We have positive information that the enemy is in posses- sion of Gallatin. Where is Murphy ?" It was unnecessary to practise the deception further. The cars would not come. At five o'clock, Ellsworth sent the following to George D. Pren- tice: " Gallatin, Aug. 12, 1862. "Geokge D. Prentice, LonsviLLE, Kt. : "Your prediction, in yesterday's paper, regarding my where- abouts, is like most of the items from your pen. You had better go to Jeflfersonville to sleep to-night. "John H. Morgan, Commanding Brigade." A lady, beautiful and sprightly, accompanied by Captain Mc- Cann, and two other ladies, made her appearance in the oflfice, and was introduced to Mr. Ellsworth. "Will you, Mr. Ellsworth, send a message to Prentice for mel" she said, laughing. "Assuredly I will, with pleasure." 81)6 turned to the desk, and hurriedly wrote her dispatch: OF MOKGAX AlO) UIS MEN. 220 "Gallatin, Aug. 12, 1862. "George D. Prentice, Louisville, Ky, : '' Your friend. Colonel John II. Morgan, and his brave followers, are enjoying the hospitalities of this town, to-day. "Wouldn't you like to be here? The colonel has seen your $100,000 reward for his head, and offers $100,000 better for yours, at short range. " Wash. Morgan, whom you published in your paper some time ago, when he was in Knoxville, accompanies his cousin John, with four hundred Indians. He seeks no scalp but yours. # "A Secesh Lady." Mr. Brooks, who was now released from his military position, as prisoner, joined -in the conversation of the merry party, with as much zest as any one. He seemed to enjoy highly the whole day's proceedings, and even jested over his morning fright. The party repaired to the house of the lady, where, with the assembled fair of the good town of Gallatin, the lieroes of the day passed the evening with song and dance, and the graphic recital of thrilling adventure. Every manifestation of joy that the citi- zens of Gallatin could give at their release from Yankee thraldom, was displayed by all classes. Captains Desha and McCann, and their men, Were welcomed to the best cheer the town could offer — were feted and toasted — and smiled upon by bright eyes, until they were made to appreciate, in some degree, at least, the great favor they had bestowed on the grateful inhabitants. 230 EAmS AND ROMANCE CHAPTER XLT. GALLATIN ITS REVERSES. The great joy of the good people of Gallatin at being relieved from Federal domination, by^lie brilliant and successful attack of the Southrons, under Captains Desha and McCunn, was soon turn- ed to mourning, by the sudden reoccupation of tlie town by the enemy, Xashville was aroused when she heard that Boone and his men had been seized upon by the Confederates, and the Yankees were determined to be avenged for the loss, by repossessing Gallatin, capturing the hated Morgan and his men, if possible to do so, and, in the event of failure in this object, to wreak vengeance on the defenceless inhabitants of the town and country. Accordingly, an Indiana regiment, headed by one Colonel Hef- feren, set out from Jifashville to avenge the dignity of the Federal arms on the audacious rebels, who had dared to molest them in their fancied security. Tiie Federals proceeded to Gallatin, but found no Confederates upon whom to be revenged. But their insatiable cruelty must be gratified, and with that liendishness characteristic of the Yankee soldier, they sought out the aged and peaceful citizens, and drag- ged them from their homes, to incarcerate them in their wretched dungeons. From house to house these armed wretches proceeded, bursting open doors, rushing from room to room, using the most revolting language to unprotected females, dragging forth, with abuse and cruelty, old men whose only crime was daring to oppose such inhuman proceedings, and a government that would sanction and support them. Store doors were forced by this lawless mob, dressed in the uniform of United States soldiers; the owners were seized and placed under guard, and all their goods either appropriated or wantonly destroyed. A squad of fifteen of these armed rutfians, with demoniac yells and imprecations, rushed upon the Masonic Lodge, drove in the door, and with the fury of madmen, upset OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 231 and broke cliairs, table?, desks, daslied the fragments about tlie room, threw the Bible from the window, dragged forth the para- phernalia of the order, and scattered it wildly about the street. The astonished citizens stood aghast in mute horror as this fearful work of destruction progressed, not dai-ing to offer even a word of protest against the brutal outrage. Private property shared the same fate, and those who were known to the despera- does as Southern men and women, had to behold in silent despair their houses sacked, their valuables destroyed before their eyes, or taken otF by the despoilers. The work of lawless plunder ended, the unholy rioters set out to return to Nashville, carrying with them forty of the best citi- zens of the place. They proceeded on foot as far as Sandersville, at which place Colonel Morgan's men had burnt the railroad bridge, only a few days before. They had not advanced many miles on their way before Colo- nel Morgan, with twelve hundred men, appeared in the streets of Gallatin. His arrival was greeted with the joyous tears of the grateful citizens, who hailed him as the deliverer of their hus- bands, sons, and brothers. He needed not to be importuned to pursue the dastardly foe. Gaining a few points of information, he dashed out after him. He liad not gone fur before he overtook the retreating column, who, instead of giving biittle, fled precipitately in the direction of Nash- ville. The Confederates pursued the fleeing Indianians, killing about sixty and taking a large number prisoners. On they dashed, as if for dear life, the victorious troops driving them everywhere before them with dreadful carnage. At last, the remnant of the fugitives, breathless with affright, threw them- fielves behind a triangular stockade at the junction of the rail- roads, and here made a stand. The Confederates made a charge upon the ranks, but it was a strong position, and the few Yankees sheltered behind the walls would not repay for the trouble, so the colonel withdrew and retraced his way to Gallatin, bearing with Lim the released citizens, who had been rescued from a doom worse than death. The women rushed into the streets, wild with joy, as they saw the conquerors advance, bringing with them their husbands and sons. They clasped their benefactors in their arnis, tlKniked them ■with streaming faces, and invoked the blessing of Heaven on them 232 RAIDS AND ROMANCE in all their andertakings. Never was there a more affecting scene, and never before had Colonel Morgan and his men felt so grateful for triumph over the foe. Officers and men were alike welcomed into every house, where repasts were prepared for them with a lavishness that fully be- 8.)()ke the gratitude of generous hearts. The young ladies played a:id sang for the gallant heroes who had restored to them their fathers and brothers. A late hour in the night found the festivity and joy unabated. Early the next morning Colonel Morgan was informed that a large Federal cavalry force, led by R. R. Johnston, formerly a lawyer, of Paducah, Kentucky, who had been sent out for the express object of capturing him and his command, was rapidly marching on Gallatin. With his wonted quickness Colonel Morgan rallied his forces, and set out on the Hartsville road to encounter his sanguine pur- suers. With him were Major Duke, Colonel St. Grenfel, Major Gano, Captains Desha, McCann, Hamilton, Castleman, Harrison, etc., all of them tried men, whose courage and daring were everywhere known and acknowledged. The force of the enemy was reported as very heavy, well armed and equipped. Il^othing daunted by those rumors of superiority, the brave Southrons shouldered their guns, and, mounting their steeds, rushed out to the conflict. They had proceeded but a mile when the cry ran through the ranks, "The Yankees! the Yankees!" Instantly orders were given to halt and prepare for an engage- ment. Colonel Morgan formed his men as rapidly and as well as he could, and opened upon the advancing foe a heavy volley of musketry. The attack was furious ; the Yankees replied in a man- ner which told their determination to fight. Again and again, in rapid succession, were the Federal ranks as- sailed by a stunning shower of Minnie balls and bullets, while the men advanced nearer and nearer towards the serried ranks of the enemy. The sharp, quick fire of the guns, mingling with the low bass of the trampling horsemen, filled the air with strange, wild sounds. '^ They are determined to give ns close quarters," observed Col. Morgan to Major Duke at his side. '"See, they are advancing rapidly upon us !" " But see, colonel," said Duke, " they bring a flag of truce ; they OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 233 will surrender. Cowards!" added Duke, scowling, " thus to yield without a figiit." '' They surely will not do that," rejoined Morgan, keei)ing liis eye steadily fixed upon the approaching squad, who hore down upon them at a pretty lively pace, " They would brand themselves vith infamy forever to pursue such a course." The tiring ceased as soon as tlie flag had been observed, and the column, all ready for a renewal of the engagement, stood awaiting the issue of the parley. Colonel Morgan received the deputation with his usual dignity and grace. The note was presented, bearing the signature of the Federal colonel. It was a request for an armistice of several hours. John- ston stated that he was surprised ; hadn't his men together and was not prepared for battle. Colonel Morgan read the missive. "Tell your colonel," said he to the Yankee adjutant, "that he has been pursuing me from point to point, eager for a fight. I am now ready, and he can have it. If he can defeat me, very well." The officer dashed back to his colonel with the pithy reply, and in a few minutes hostilities were resumed. The Confederates, like men in earnest, pressed upon the foe, sending at every step a hail-storm of bullets into his irresolute ranks. The Federals made but a feeble reply. Onward drove the inspirited men — onward, onward to glorious victory. Again appeared the truce flag/ Johnston had surrendered ! Loud and long rose the shout from the joyous hosts of the victors. The air was rent with their wild acclamations. The Federals were surrounded and compelled to lay down their arms. Colonel Johnston, with six hundred of his men, were made prisoners. The remainder fled to the Cumberland. Believing themselves pursued, they had cast aside every thing that might re- tard their flight, and actuated by that strongest law of our nature, "self-preservation," had betaken themselves to the river by the shortest available route, thinking if they could but place that stream between them and the pursuing hosts, they had nothing to fear. On reaching the bank of the Cumberland, many deserted their horses and dashed into the stream to swim to the opposite shore. They were bootless, hatless, gunless, horseless — a parcel of poor affrighted men, running away as best they could, from the *' dreaded Morgan and his dare-devil crew." 23-i RAIDS AND ROMANCE Finding themselves on the south bank of the stream with their horses on the wrong side, unable to walk to Nashville, they fell to work to pre-^s into service every horse, mule, and vehicle they could find. And it was a rich, rare spectacle to see the motWy cavalcade under whip and spur, bound in hot liaste for that city of safety. " What's the matter friends ?" asked a traveller, as he encoun- tered them outside of Lebanon, driving on as fast as circumstances would allow towards Nashville. "Done for — done for," was the response of a little red-haired man, who sat astride a mule, on which there was not even so much as a blanket; "Morgan has cut us all to pieces, taken our colonel and all his men, and we only are left to tell the tale." *' Too bad, my friend ! Has Morgan whipped us again? But where did this occur?" interrogated the delighted Southerner, pre- serving a grave mien and solemn tone. "At Gallatin!" responded half a dozen voices, as if eager to proclaim their defeat. " ^yho commanded you, and how many strong?" " We were under Colonel Johnston, and numbered eleven hun- dred." "And did that desperado Morgan whip you with his handful of ragamuffins ?" " Oh! he had thousands — the earth was perfectly covered with his men. He did whip us, and I believe he can do it again. These Secesh seem to have the devil in them. They fight like the old scratch himself!" "Bad — bad!" exclaimed the traveller. "Something must be done to put this fellow Morgan out of the way." "Can't catch him ; he's here, and there, and everywhere. We were after him for days, and then met him where we didn't expect to find him. You can't head him ; it's no use trying !" The traveller bowed and rode on. As he passed along the Cf)l- umn, he asked several more the same question. All gave a like response. "Morgan had used them up !" Colonel Morgan again returned in triumph to Gallatin, bearing with him his long line of prisoners. The remainder of the day was occupied in giving them paroles. The next day Morgan and his men, followed by the blessings and prayers of the whole population of the little town, left Gallatin for earnest work else- where. But a few weeks elapsed, before the Yankees were again the OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 235 masters of the place, exceeding, if possible, tlieir former cruelty and coarseness. Tims, in the short space of a few weeks, this little town, with its population of true Southern hearts, was thrice in the posses- sion of the diabolical foe — twice relieved by the most opportune presence of Colonel Morgan and his men. Such are the chances of war. 236 EATDS AXD P.OMANCE CHAPTER XLn. NEWS FROM HOME. After the brilliant victory at Gallatin, the Confederates retired to their headquarters near Hartsviile, to wait another favorable op- portunity to pounce upon the Yankees. The defeat of Johnston had served to greatly heighten their fear of the invincible and ubiquitous Morgan, teaching them an increased degree of caution, ■which they evidenced by prudently keeping close to their base of operations. Xow and then, an ill-omened squad, venturing out too far, was caught up by the vigilant Southrons and placed be- yond the pale of further mischief. It was a time of activity with the Confederate army in Tennes- see. Bragg was busily engaged in preparations to move into Ken- tucky. Buell, understanding his designs, and desiring to thwart them, was slowly falling back from Deckherd. General Kirby Smith was advancing into Kentucky through Pound Gap, with an army destined to occupy the central portion of the State, and there act in conjunction with General Bragg, whose proposed route was through Glasgow, Mumfordsville, and Bardstown. Colonel Morgan, with a portion of his force, dashed once more into Glasgow, arrested th^provost-marshal of the place, and issued a proclamation, in which he told Union men of the punishment with which they were to be visited for their cruel treatment to his friends. Then returning into Tennessee, he consummated his arrange- ments to accompany, Bragg on his proposed ex'pedition. '* We are going into Kentucky again, boys," said Lawrence, as the mess sat around the table one morning soon after the return from Glasgow, " and we go this time to stay." " Three cheers for old Kentucky I" huzzahed a half dozen voices. " Three cheers for the noble old State ; may we win her from Yan- kee rule!" " Come, Charley, what are you doing there, moping in that cor- ner?" said young Brent to our hero, as he lay stretched out on his straw pallet, on one side of the tenr. " Come, don't you see break- OF MOKGAN AND HIS MEN. 237 fast is ready? uiid didn't you hear tliat glorious news? We are going back to old Kentucky to stay. Why, Charley, I should think you would jump over the table at that glorious announce- ment!" *'I am delighted, Brent, at the news, but my head aches so mis- erably, I don't believe I could sit up. John, are you sure this is true? "Where did you get your information?" "From headquarters, Charley. It's as true as the Bible, and no mistake. Major Duke told Cal. Morgan, and I had it from Cal. himself just a few minutes ago. Come, Charley, get up, boy, and drink this cup of cotfee. It's some of my own make, and it is most excellent — isn't it, boys?" "First-rate! first-t-ate, John!" answered all present. "Good enough to make a sick man well." " Here, Charley, drink this," said Brent, as he moved from the tabie to the side of the straw pallet with a tin cup of smoking cof- fee in his hand. " Drink it, and if it doesn't cure your head in ten minutes, I am no doctor." "Charley raised himself up on his elbow, and taking the cup from the soldier's hand, sipped a few drops, and handed it back to his friend. "Pshaw, Charley, you haven't taken any. You must drink it all. Two sips won't cure you! I do believe, boys," said Brent, turning to the mess, "that Charley has the heartache! Have you been hearing any bad news from Kentucky lately ? Come, make a good confession. Here, let me feel your pulse. Pshaw! just as slow and steady as an old clock. Not a bit of fever. Now put out your tongue, Charley. I must examine you thoroughly, and find out your symptoms, before I can prescribe." Charley, smiling, obeyed the bidding, and turning his face full to the light, thrust out his tongue for Brent's inspection. " Why, your tongue is a little coated, old fellow— but not much. A good cup of cofiee, and you will be well by dinner. No time to get sick now; we maybe off to Kentucky in less than twelve hours. When did you say we were to set out, John?" "In a few days, less than a week, I understand. But it may be to-morrow. You know Colonel Morgan gives us but short notice." " Here, Charley, you nmst indeed take this coffee, — nothing like it for headache and heartache; indeed, it will cure all kinds of aches. Drink it down, and think of the Kentucky girls, and, my word for it, you will be well in two hours." "No doubt of it, Charley," said John. 238 EAIDS AND KOMANCE " But, here," said Brent, " let me pour you another cup. That's cold." ''Don't put any sugar in it, John; t am sick at my stomach, and can't bear any thing sweet." The fresh coffee was handed, and Charley drank it down, wear- ing all tlie while a martyr look. "Now, be still a little while," said young Brent, feeling his pulse a second time with mock gravity, "and by dinner you may be up and preparing for your trip to Louisville." Breakfast being over, young Brent took it upon himself to clear away the table and arrange things generally. He could do this, he said, and at tlie same time attend to his patient. The other boys went out to learn the news of the day. They had not been gone more than half an hour, before John rushed back to the tent, his countenance bright with joy, exclaim- ing: "News from home, Charley — a letter, a letter! Come, my boy, this will make you well, and no mistake." Young Brent, who sat beside the open tent, motioned to him to be silent. "What's the matter. Brent?" inquired John, anxiously, as he reached his side and saw his grave expression of countenance. " Be still — Charley is asleep, and is really quite sick." "Oh, I hope not. Brent — nothing more than a nervous head- ache, I judge. You know he has done a great deal of hard work recently. No one fought more bravely at Gallatin than did he, and he has been kept quite busy since we came into camp." "It may pass oif without serious consequences, but I feel anx- ious. He has a very high fever. Here, look how red his face is, and he complains of severe pain in his side." . John approached the bedside, and stooped down to look at his friend. The sleeper's lips moved — "Water, water!" he muttered. " What will you have, Charley?" asked John, bending tenderly over him, and speaking as softly as a woman. The sound of his voice aroused the sleeper, who, starting, opened his eyes and looked wildly up. '•What did you sa}', Charley?" repeated John. "Is there any thing you want ?" "1 didn't say any thing, did I? I must have been dreaming. But I am intolerably thirsty. Can I have some water, Doctor Brent?" he said, casting a mischievous glance into that peraon- OF MORGAX AND HIS MEN. 239 Young Brent hastened to procure him a cup of fresh water. "Charley, wliat for a letter from old Kentucky?" asked John, qnizzicallv. '•Oil, have you a letter, John?" And Charley pprang up in bed and g.ized beseechingly on his friend. '^ Is it from Louisville ? But you havt-n't got one, John," he added, despoudingly. "Why did you tantalize me S(.?" and he fell back upon his pallet with a sigh. "Oh, my head!" he exclaimed, a moment after, pressing his hands on his temples. " It .-loiies to bursting." ''I am sorry I excited vow sc, Charley; but here is a letter for you, and it is from Louisville, too," Charley stretched forth his hand eagerly, and grasped the ex- tended missive. "From Lu— my dear, dear sister. But how did you get it, John?" "A man came through direct from Louisville— young Mayner. He brought a large lot of letters for our men." "Did you get one from home, John?" inquired Charley, most earnestly. " Yes ; from Mary— a sweet, loving letter as ever a brother re- ceived. You shall read it, Charley, when you get through with yours. You will see Mary has not forgotten you. She mentions your name in every line. And she says, too, as you will see, that she has written you a long letter to be sent out with this. Per- haps it has not yet been distributed." " Where is Mayner now, John? Do tell him to come here im- mediately, if you please." " He is somewhere in camp. I will go directly and bring him here. But let's read our letters first." " Here is a good, cool drink of water, Charley ; I ran all the way from the spring," and Brent put the cup to his fevered lips. He swallowed tlie draught eagerly. " I must bathe your head, Charley." " Oh, wait. Brent, until I read my letter from home," and Char- lev hastily tore off the envelope. As he opened the letter, a neat- ly folded sheet of note paper, closely written, fell out. He toot it up and examined the signature. As his eyes rested upon it his face flushed crimson. " Ah, Cliarley will have no further need of my services now, John. That billet-doux will prove a sovereign panacea. Head- ache and heartache will now be cured. I'll leave you to your happiness, my most happy patient, and go and see if I can't hear 2i0 EALDS AND ROMANCE of a letter for myself. Surely some friend has remembered me." Brent stepped outside the tent, leaving Charley to peruse his sheet uninterrupted by his presence. John sat down beside the straw pallet, and the two read and re-read their letters, and talked of the dear friends at home, whom they hoped so soon to see, until Charley forgot his headache in the joy of glad thoughts and bright anticipations. ''How pleasant it would be, John, if we could but get to Louis- ville in time for Lu's marriage! It is strange Spalding told me nothing of this, when we met at Lebanon ; but then I left -^o ab- ruptly, and doubtless he had deferred it till morning. And Mary, too, she ought to have known of it." "She told me, Charley, that for some weeks previous to your sister's visit to Cincinnati — you know Miss Lu was there while we were in Kentucky — they had met only on the street. Lu fur some reason had avoided her. May not this account for her want of information?" With sparkling eyes and throbbing brain, Charley read over and over the letters. Great big tears gathered in his eyes and rolled down his burning cheeks, as he dwelt on the sweet words of love from her who was his heart's idol. '' All well, Charley ?" asked John, re-entering, after an absence of several minutes. "Very well," was the reply, while a happy smile lighted up the fevered face of the speaker. " Yes, that's it. How sad for us all that that miserably false report should obtain currency ! You know to what I allude, John ? It caused me such anguish as I could not describe, and produced that temporary estrangement between Mary and Lu — these two, who have been as sisters from their childhood." " Bad, bad — too bad. But it's all passed now, Charley, my boy, and we won't torment ourselves over it longer. You see, the two girls are reconciled, and I should think that you and Mary were friends again. And who knows, Charley, but we may yet be able to accept Miss Lu's invitation? Do you not know, my boy, that we are all going into Kentucky soon? I heard it just before I came to you ; but, in our joy over the letters, forgot to mention it. Yes, indeed, it's so. We go to stay this time, and, if I mistake not, I shall have the pleasure of attending more than one wed- ding," and John looked so significantly at his friend, that Charley, in spite of himself, blushed red, and betrayed deep embarrassment. OF MO KG AN AND HIS MEN. 241 '' Going into Kentucky ! when, John ?" and with tlie excitement of the thought, he sprang from liis straw pallet, on which he had been silting during the conversation, and placed himself on a sad- dle that stood nearby. "Can it be possible, John, that this \s true? Oil, what joy! But, then," and, sighing, he leaned his aciiing head on ids hand, ''J may not be well enough to go." "Oh, yes, you will, Charley. Why are you so despondent? All you need is a little rest. You have been overtaxed of late; in- deed, I don't think you have gotten over your trip to Kentucky. Come, now, you must lie down and be still; keep quiet, and you will soon be better. I'll go now and see if I can learn any thing respecting our movement." Charley threw himself on his low bed, in accordance with his friend'8 desire. But he could not rest. He endeavored to call in his thoughts and compose himself to sleep ; but the endeavor was a futile one — his mind would go out to live in the future. 11 242 EAIDS AND E03IANCE CHAPTER XLin. DISAPPOINTMENT. • *'When do we set out for Kentucky, Irving?" asked young Gray, a member of Charley's mess, as with a group of boys he stood under the wide-spread branches of a sycamore-tree, eagerly listening to Irving's recital of the joy and glory that awaited the command, when, as victors, they should repossess the soil wrench- ed from them by the oppressive foe. "Very soon, I understand. Preparations are now being made for the trip. Hawkins, here, thinks it will not be more than a week." "And it may be earlier than that, Irving. Major Duke told me this morning that we must hold ourselves in readiness to leave at any moment after to-day. I should not be the least astonished if we receive orders in less than an hour to set out to-morrow morn- ing." "What is that, Hawkins?" asked Lawrence, as he stepped up to the side of the speaker. " Is it certain we are going into Ken- tucky ?",- "No doubt of it, sir. "VTe are to accompany Bragg's army; that is, we are to move simultaneously with them." "And when will this be?" "We will leave this point very soon ; perhaps in less than twen- ty-four hours. There may be some work for us to do before we^ are ready for invasion." The old woods rang with loud acclaim, when the boys became assured that the rumor which had filled them with such anxious expectations, was really true. To Kentucky hearts, Kentucky is still dear. Her sons feel deep- ly the blighting disgrace under which she now rests, but they love her still; and with pity for what she is, and hope for what she yet may be, they stand ready to struggle, to fight, to pour out their best blood, to vindicate her rights and break the base, igno- ble shackles that now bind her to the most disgraced, ignominious despotism the world has known for ages. OF Moi:GAN AND lilS MEN. 2i3 Noon came. Charley was no better. His fever had increa.sed, and with it the pain in his head. The physician was sent for, but he had rode oft' to a neighboring farm-house, where one of the men lay ill with fever. Just at night Dr. Lapsley returned to camp. He was immediately called in to see Charley. After thoruuglily examining his symptoms, he prescribed medi- cine to be taken at intervals of four hours through the entire night. "What do you think of my case, doctor?" inquired Charley of him, most anxiously, as the physician sat holding his pulse. " I will be well enough to go to Kentucky, won't I?" ''Oh, I hope so, sir," responded the doctor, most encouragingly. "Your fever is pretty high at present. But I think a night's rest and the medicine I have left will greatly restore you. Who will take it upon himself to administer these powders, gentlemen? They must be given regularly." *-I," said John, promptly ; "just leave them with me, sir." "You understand directions?" John bowed assent. Next morning found our young friend much better. He had slept well through the night, and the medicine had produced a most happy efiect His head was measurably relieved, the pain from his side gone, and his fever quite abated. He spoke most hopefully of Kentucky, and, with the others of his mess, longed for the moment of departure to come. The doctor called early, pronounced him better, but advised quiet through the day. At noon, it was announced that the whole command must hold itself ready to leave the day after the morrow, Charley joyously set about preparations for the trip. When .evening came, he was weary and exhausted, and his fever quite burning. But he was determined to brave it out, and did not mention it to any one. He spent a restless, wakeful night, and the next morning found him unable to rise from his bed. Dr. Lapsley was again called in. He examined him and pro- nounced him worse. "Oh, can't I go, doctor?" asked Charley, in a most pleading voice. The doctor hesitated to answer. " I must be candid with you, Charley," he said, after some delay. " I think it will be impossi- ble. I fear you may have a serious attack of fever." Charley turned himself on his low bed, and burst into tears. 24^ RAIDS AND KOMANCE Brave, daring soldier as he was, he could not refrain from this ex- pression of his sore disappointment. The physician left directions and hastened away. "Brent," and Charley turned his face imploringly up to that of his faithful friend beside him, " I have a favor to ask of you. Will you write me a letter to-day, and take it witli you to Ken- tucky ? I feel I shall not go. I trust you as a friend. I know you will not betray me." ''Yes, Charley, I will do any thing I can for yon." " Here, sit down beside me, and I will tell you all." The young soldier did as he was requested, and Charley told him the story of his love. "I confide my secret to you, Brent, as I would to a brother. I know you will not deceive me. Now get the paper, and let me tell you what to write." Brent wiped tlie tears from his face, and obeying Charley's directions, got paper, pen, and ink. The letter, full of love and devotion, was penned. " Tell my friends, Brent, that if I live I will follow the army into Kentucky as soon as I am able." Dr. Lapsley looked in about noon, to order Charley to be moved to a neighboring house. He had been out and secured a place for him. %- The ambulance was provided, and stood ready to carry him to his new home. One by one his friends called to bid him good- by. It yfas an affecting scene to see those brave men, so unused to weep, wipe away the tears from their sun-burned faces, as one after another took leave of their sick comrade. ''I will stay with you, Charley," said John. "I feel it my duty. I cannot leave you in this condition." "Oh! no, John, I cannot ask it of you. The doctor informs me that the people where I am going have promised to nurse me, and he himself will board in the same family. No, no, go on, and may you be permitted to reach Louisville and see again all our dear friends there." John and Brent accompanied Charley, and saw him most com- fortably situated at farmer Johnson's. "Tell my friends all you know I would say, boys; I am too weak to talk now," said Charley to them, as they stood over him to bid him farewell. The boys shook his hand affectionately, wishing him a speedy recovery ; and dashing away their tears they hastened off to camp. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 245 CHAPTER XLIY. • THE MARRIAGE. The evening came gloriously down over the earth. Tlie day had been one of those soft, mellow days of early autumn, when the Spirit of Beauty, descending from her empyrean abode walks the earth in silent majesty, scattering from her celestial train enchant- ing loveliness to gladden the soul, permeating it with heavenly in- spirations and linking it in hope to the upper world, whose air is beauty and whose soul is infinite love. There is an intellectuality in the autumn which belongs to no other season of the year — a voice which speaks to man of the higher destiny that awaits him where, unclothed of the materiality that now fetters his thoughts and blinds his vision, he shall rise to the immortality of the just, and drink of the living fountain of knowledge and goodness that flows from the throne of the Infinite. Dressed^' the altar, the young girl stood amid her bridemaids the very personification of beauty. The natural grace and ele- gance of her form were charmingly manifested by the dress of rich white silk, with its point-lace flounces. A berthe of the same ma- terial fell from the tapering shoulders over the full bust. No or- nament, save the simple wreath of orange bloom which bound the bridal veil, decorated her person. On the stand beside her, in its soft case of white satin, lay a full and handsome set of pearls — the gift of her aflSanced, Mr. Spald- ing. Lu R. felt tempted to wear these superb jewels for his sake ; " But not to-night," she said in reply to Mary Lawrence's earnest request to be permitted to clasp them about her neck and arms. " Not to-night^ Mary dear; you know my fancy : no jewelry for a young bride. I feel he will not disapprove my taste. Nor do you, Mary ? — come, tell me truly. Do you not think it more befitting to dispense with jewels on such an occasion." " Yes, Lu ; but these are so handsome !" "And Mr. Spalding's gift," interposed Molly Brent, another at- tendant. "I'm sure they would be so becoming, Ln. You would look 24f> RAIDS AND KOMANCK like one of the princesses of Oriental story — so majestic, so elegant. I could almost wish you would wear them," added Evangeline Le- noir — a beautiful girl of French descent, who, in early life, had been left an orphan in charge of an uncle, a man of wealth and position. "Just let me try them on you, Lu. There, see how beautiful! Oh! are they not exquisite — perfect? But I see you •would rather not wear them to-night ; so I'll unclasp them and lay them gently back in their soft bed." " When will you icear them^ Lu ? I am almost dying to see them on you !" exclaimed Dolly Quitman, as she gazed on the beautiful ornaments. " Oh, how superb they are! I never saw any thing more magnificent. But I agree with you, Lu, in your taste; I am determined when I marry not to wear ornaments, even if they are diamonds themselves." " ifow the queen, and now the gentle girl-bride," said Evange- line, as she undid the clasps and placed the ornaments back in the ecrin, beside which lay two other sets — one of amethyst and pearls, the other a chaste turquoise. And there she stood, the " girl-bride," as beautiful as a poet's dream. No ornament needed she to enhance her loveliness. Her black hair parted over her forehead, swept back from the full white temples over the delicate ear, and was gathered into a large roll behind, confined by a comb of consummate workmanftp, and her face was partly shaded by the gossamer veil that fell sweeping like fancy frost-work over the chiselled shoulders and full bust until it reached the floor. " And there were roses on her cheeks That came and went like living things." And her lustrous dark eyes beamed bright with the hope and joy of her swelling bosom. Below in the large, elegant parlors, numerous guests were as- sembled, awaiting in breathless expectation the appearance' of the bride and bridegroom — for it is now the hour of ten. A moment more and the throng from the door falls back — a wfiy is open — and the attendants pass in and form themselves on the floor. Scarcely a moment for a glance at these four lovely creatures, all in virgin white, and their handsome escorts, before the manly form of the bridegroom, bearing on his arm his gentle, blushing bride, enters and fixes the gaze of all beholders. The minister ap- proaches, and standing before them, in a solemn and impressive ceremony unites for life the destiny of these two loving hearts. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 247 The prayer is ended and congratulations and kisses are showered on tlie happy pair, whose present is perfect happiness, and whose future now wears only the hue of the rose-tint. Ah ! well it is that at such moments one cannot look with un- clouded vision adown tlie way of life. For there must we behold the grief — the disappointment — the anguish — the parting — the pall — the bier — the narrow house which all must jneet, and our hearts, aweary with the contemplation, would sit down in silence and in gloom, heeding not the present good. What wisdom, then, that the veil of uncertainty is thrown before our eyes to shut out the ill that soon must come ! It was a joyous company. Ease and genuine hospitality char- acterized every movement of the kind host and hostess; and that freedom from restraint and mutual interchange of thought and feelings, which always distinguish wedding parties from all others, prevailed among the guests. There was but one cloud that threw its shadow over the bright and gladsome scene — it was the thought of the far-away loved ones. Many present had friends in the Southern army. Soon they must be exposed to the shock of battle; for it was fully known that General Bragg had taken up his march into Kentucky ; and the husbands, and brothers, and sons who accompanied him, with eyes fixed so strainingly on the old homes, and hearts bent so yearningly towards the loved ones there, might never again sit by the hearth-stone, or hold sweet converse with the cherished friends of yore. Ah, no ! but it might be that they would fall in the fierce conflict, and insatiate Death batten on their prostrate forms ; and amid the merry laugh and joyous conversation the heart would stand still at the dread picture which the imagination called up. The evening passed pleasantly: The entertainment throughout was marked by the finest taste and the utmost liberality. The table combined elegant profusion and most exquisite grace. The wines were of the finest flavor, the confections of the most choice kinds : while the polite and agreeable manner of Mr. and Mrs. E., served to heighten the pleasure of the whole. On the following morning, attended by numerous friends from the city, they proceeded to Lebanon, where several days were to be passed in festive enjoyments. Mary Lawrence was bonneted, all ready to take her seat in the carriage which was to convey the bride and groom to the railroad depot, when a note came sum- moning her to her mother's bedside. 248 BAIDS AND EOMANCE CHAPTER XLY. PARTING OF THE FRIENDS. It was the early morning. The first rays of the sun, struggling through the thin clouds that lay lazily floating in the east, threw a soft, uncertain hght over the earth, which was but just awaken- ing from its deep repose, and early morning birds, decking afresh their soft plumage, began to warble their matinal paeans to Him who feedeth the young sparrows and satisfieth the desires of every living creature. The hand of autumn was just beginning to touch with mellow dyes the rich foliage of the woodlands. Already her presence had hushed into holy stillness the roystering summer, and filled the soul of nature with cahn, contemplative thought. Beside the uncurtained window, Charley lay on his soft, clean bed, looking out into the gray dawn of the morning. The long, weary hours of the night in which fitful sleep brought only ghast- ly dreams, were passed at last, and as he cauglit the first faint beams of the opening day, he thanked God that the dreary night- watches were over. His head ached — oh, so severely; and his heart sadly — ah, so sadly ! Alone — alone ! His friends gone — and he in pain and suffering, amid strangers, away, far, far away from home and kindred. No mother to bend over him and soothe his throbbing brain ; no father's voice to bid him hope ; no sister's gentle hand to smooth his pillow or administer the cooling febri- fuge. Alone — alone ! Great, scalding tears rushed to his eyes, and chased each other down his face. He endeavored to disengage his mind from these sad contempla- tions, and, turning on liis pillow, he strained his gaze through the window, to find, if perchance he might, some object to distract his attention. He saw the uprising sun battling with the slothful clouds, sending his golden glory through the ridgy rifts, and heard the birds sing from amid the drooping boughs that came down over his open window, and he thought but the more of home — for often in his careless boyhood had he looked upon the same morn- OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 249 ing scene, and listened to the sweet songs of early birds. And the tears, a moment before wiped away, now streamed thick and fast. Just then the loud and ringing shouts of his happy comrades, as they broke up camp and set out on their homeward inarch, borne on the morning's breeze, came in througli the casement and fell on his ear. He sighed deep. "Gone — gone — to Kentucky!" he sadly murmured to himself. *'And I am here alone— left without a friend— perhaps to die! They go to meet with parents and sisters, and mingle with them in joy and gladness amid the haunts of olden times, while I, in sickness and pain, must linger here in a strange land, with strange faces around me, where no one will care for me— and all tlie kind- ness I. shall receive will be bestowed because I am a Southern sol- dier. Hard— hard fate ! Oh, the horrors of this dreadful strife ! When shall it end, and we be permitted to return to homes and friends in peace?" Just then a gentle rap was heard at his room door. He wiped away his tears, and, assuming as cheerful a tone as he could, re- plied, " Come in." Supposing it to be one of Mr. Johnson's family, he drew the light spread up so as to conceal his face. '' Good-morning, Charley. How do you do ? What, old fellow, here by yourself ? Where is Dr. Lapsley ? I thought he was go- ing to cure you immediately, so that you might go into Kentucky. Didn't know but that I might find you well enough to set out with us this morning. Came by to see. Say, my boy, can't you be off? I cannot bear the thought of leaving you behind. How do you feel, anyhow? Let me call the doctor; isn't he in the house? Perhaps he will agree for you to go. I don't know but a ride in the cool morning would do you good. You can rest in the heat of the day. I will stay with you, and we can travel when it is cool. What say you, Charley?" " Oh, John, I wish I could go. But I fear I am too sick. My liead aches dreadfully, and I feel feverish and full of pain. But I am tempted to risk it, anyhow. I had just as well die in the effort to return, as to lie here and waste away. I am sure it will kill me to remain after you are all gone. The boys have all left, I suppose ?" '' Yes ; started out but a little while ago. Didn't you hear their shouts? A force left this morning before daylight — an advance. All of our mess, except myself, and I obtained permission to re- main, to come over and see how you did this morning." 11* 250 RAIDS AND KOMANTE •'I am very glad you did, John," the sick man replied, looking gratefully up into the face of his friend. •' I have some little keepsakes I Tvish you to take home for me. I intended to mention it to you and Brent yesterday, but in the c-(jnfusion of the hour, I entirely forgot it. Look there, John, in tliat valise, you will find two rings and a breast-pin. Give the one with the three sets in it to my sister; the other, John, with the two hearts, to Mary. The pin I wish my mother to have. And here, John, take your knife, and cut off this lock of hair, and give it to them at home." ""Why, Charley, what do you mean?'' asked his friend, in astonishment. " You talk as if you were making yonr last will and testament. I shan't cut off your hair at all. Yon will be sure then to think you are going to die, and I shall not be able to persuade the home-folks that you are not dead and buried. No, no. You must make haste and get well, and carry your own love-tokens. When shall I tell them you are coming? I must see the doctor, where is he ? I hope he will decide to let you go, DOW." "John, I am in earnest. I know you will not refuse me this last request, before we part. I am very sick. I may die. I de- sire that those three articles may be given as I have said. They are my own work, made, as you know, at Camp Chase. If I should die, and I may, you know, John, they will be Httle me- mentoes that my friends will cherish for my sake; and if I should recover — why, it will all be right." " Oh, well, Charley, I will take them if you wish me to, you know. But there is no need of sending souvenirs home, that I can see. You will get there as soon as we do. We go to open the way for you, and there will be nothing left for you to do but fol- low on." John stepped to the valise, which stood in the corner of the room, under the stairway, and, unlocking it, drew forth the keep- sakes. "Kow, John, the hair," said Charley. "You know that is an item of the request." "Well, where will I cut it?" inquired John, assuming a gay .'iir, although he felt as if preparing his friend for the coffin. " It will gratify you, and the hair will do for the girls to make rings of, ;ind keep in their memory-boxes. You know all the ladies take a i"ck of Colonel Morgan's hair. I have seen them myself walk feiraight up to hira with a pair of scissors in hand and clip off a OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 251 bit without leave or license, and you, Charley, wish to be as re- nowned in this particular as the colonel. Ah, me, we are all am- bitious ! But tell me where I must take it oflf? Here, just behind the ear? It will show less than anywhere else." " It matters not, John ; wherever it suits your fancy." " See, here, I have i?ot a big lock : this is enough to give you renown throughout all Louisville. The ornamental hair-makers will have enough to do for weeks to manufacture it into charms, and rings, and guards, etc., etc. But where will I find the doc- tor, Cliarley ? I must see him before I go, and it is high time I was off. Tlie Yanks will catch me, if I don't look out pretty sharply." ''The doctor is up those stairs, John. I don't think he is out of bed yet." ''Well, he must get up and tell me just exactly how you are. That's what I came here for. I wnshed to know precisely how your case stands. Til go up and rouse him. It's high time he was out of bed, anyhow." Without further ceremony John sprang up the stairway, three steps at a time, and, approaching the doctor's bedside, shook him most violently. "I want to know just how Charley is, doctor, before I set out. His friends will be anxious to hear all the particulars. He is awake now." The doctor made a hasty toilet and descended to the sick man's room. He examined him closely, and shook his head. ''I must go. Charley," said John, bending over his bedside. " I hope you will soon be well enough to join us in old Kentucky. Don't give up ; you are not very sick. He will be well in a few days ; won't he, doctor ?" " I liope so, in the course of a week or ten days at the most," replied Dr. Lapsley. "My love to all Kentucky friends, John," said Charley, in a voice choked with emotion, while his bosom heaved, and his eyes became suffused with tears. "And shall tell them you will come as soon as you get well?" Charley bowed assent. "Good- by, Charley; keep in good spirits," and John shook his friend's hand most affectionately. Charley returned the kindiy grasp, but no words escaped his lips. He dared not trust himself with utterance. John wiped away the teai-s with his rough coak-sleeve, and 252 RAroS AND ROMANCE grasping again the outstretched hand, turned hastily away and passed out of the door. The doctor followed hira to the stile. "What do you think of Charley's case, doctor ?" asked John, as the two walked out. " He is not very sick, now; but I think, from all his symptoms, that he may have a serious spell. He is greatly threatened with typhoid fever." "• What shall I tell his parents when I see them ?" The doctor, looking down on the ground, hesitated for some time to answer. "Tell them," he said at length, "that he is quite sick, but not dangerously so. I will give him every attention, and, I think, with careful nursing, he may be up in the course of two weeks, at most." John shook the doctor's hand warmly, and, mounting his horse, galloped off at full speed to join his command. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 253 CHAPTER XLVL THE VISIT OB^ THE ANGEL OF DEATH. Low, in that still, dark chamber, the young girl bent over the wasted form of the patient sufferer, as she lay there on the soft, white couch, resignedly awaiting the summons of the messenger that should bear her to the mansion prepared above. Long had the tried soul looked calmly at death as one who sliould deliver her from the pain and sorrow of tliis present time, and anxiously had she desired his guidance into that '' world to come," whose heavenly glory from afur had shone in upon her longing spirit, giving it a foretaste of that fruition wliich awaits the humble child of God in His infinite presence. Day by day had the immortal being been purified, sublimated, and now yet a little while and it should cast off the last lingering remains of earth, and rise to live forever amid joy unspeakable and full of glory ! Faithfully, tenderly, had the daughter watched beside the be- loved mother. Gently had her hand smoothed the aching pillow, soothed the fevered temples, wiped the damps of disease from the white, transparent brow ; had administered with solicitude to each want, had anticipated every rising desire. Her form was that of an angel minister, her light foot-fall as sweetest music to the loving mother, whose dimming eye would rest with look of tenderest affection upon her darling child. And often would the mother's heavenly aspirations fall back to earth and linger there, as she thought that soon she should see no more with earthly vision this cherished one, who, bereft of a mother's affection and care, must walk the paths of life alone — no guiding hand to point out to her its hidden snares and pit-falls. They were together alone one evening — the mother and daugh- ter. The physician had just left, who had confirmed the opinion of Mrs. Lawrence, that a few hours more might end her sufferings. It was a soft, still, September evening. The golden rays of the depariing sun stole faintly in through the draped window, and rested on the couch of the dying woman, and then fretted oat in 254: -RAIDS AXD ROMANCE dreamy lines upon the dark carpet of the floor. A fire was flick- ering in the grate. The mantel clock, with its wonted stroke, measured off the last hours of the waning life. Mary, to whom Dr. Hardin's words were not unexpected, for her quick eye had perceived the change come on which marks mortality . for the tomb, but upon whose young and devoted heart the announce- ment of its certainty fell as the storm on the crushed flower — the death-knell on the ear of joy — sat weeping beside the bed, holding the cold, wasted hand in hers. Her heart was well-nigh break- ing, yet she endeavored to suppress her emotion, for she would not disturb, by her grief, the last moments of her beloved parent. The dying woman fixed her languid eyes, beaming in their wasted light with love to her child, upon the bowed form before her — then closed them — and the thin bloodless lips moved in prayer. "Mary, my child," she said — her voice was very feeble — ''God will protect you, my darling." The young girl sobbed aloud. " "Weep not, my child. I go to be forever at rest." She paused, for her breath came feebly up. ''And you — God will shield and protect you. You have given Him your heart. He will never leave nor forsake you." The eyes closed, and the sufferer lay silent, exhausted. Recovering, she attempted to proceed — it required great effort. " Trust in His promises, and seek his gui- dance. And your brother, Mary, should you ever see him again, tell him my last moments were spent in prayer to God that he might be saved. Urge upon him the necessity of turning to God. Comfort your father, my child. He will be lonely now. Weep not for me, Mary. 'Tis the Lord — He doeth what is right." The sobbing girl slid from her chair, and, kneeling beside the couch, buried her face in the clothes, and wept convulsively. The mother lifted her feeble hand and rested it amid the luxuriant curls that fell over the bowed face. '' God bless you, my child, and give you that consolation which He alone can impart. And be thou, O Eternal Father, her guide and strength through all the coming years of life !" The husband entered, and seated himself beside his dying wife and sobbing child. His heart was too full for utterance ; and as he realized the solemn scene, the tears gathered and swept down his furrowed face. The manly form was buried beneath the weight of anguish that pressed upon the chastened soul. The wife turned her look to his. Her breathing was growing each moment fainter and more faint. OF MOIIGAN AND HIS MEN. 255 *'I am going, my dear," she said, "but do not grieve for me. It's hard to part ^vith you and my dear cliildren, but God, who does all things well, calls me hence, and I must go." She paused for breath. Iler eyes drooped. For many minutes she was silent. Her breathing became more oppressed. The color appeared very faintly in the sunken cheek. She pressed her hand on her heart, and gasped as if struggling for breath. Some friends entered the room and apj)r()ached the bedside. ''Air, air!" gasped the sufferer. Mary sprang to her feet and threw open the window. ''Lift — me — uj)," she feebly uttered. Mr. Lawrence, with the assistance of Mrs. Douglas and her sis- ter, Mrs. Grant, raised her from the pillow, and, supported in an upright position, she motioned to be removed to the large chair in which she" had so often sat when suff^ing from this difficulty of respiration. Gently they bore her and placed her in it. She gazed feebly up, while a half-formed smile played round her lips, then closed her eyes, and her head sank on her bosom. Her breathing became more and mt^re labored : the pulse in the fallen hand less and less distinct. "Oh, the doctor! the doctor! Pam, Maria, for Dr. Hardin. Oh, mother, mother!" exclaimed Mary, convulsively, as she threw her arms wildly around the suffering form and pressed it to her bosom. " Oh, mother, mother ! can't you speak to me, your child ? One word, just one word !" The husband, trembling in every nerve, stood over his dying wife, bathing the pallid brow. Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Douglas rubbed the cold extremities. The anguished daughter could do nothing but cling to the loved form of her idolized parent, and give vent to the bursting grief of her heart. '* Oh, mother ! don't you know me — your own child, your Mary? Oh, mother, dear mother! speak one word to me — ^just one word, mother. Oh ! you are not dying — you will not leave us. Mother — mother!" and the poor, grief-stricken girl sunk to the floor and clasped her mother's knees, as if, in her frenzied madness, she felt a power to stay life's ebbing tide. The dying woman opened her eyes feebly, and made an effort to look up. The lids drooped again, the labored breath grew fainter, a short, quick gasp, and the mother's life was done! It was but a minute — so quickly passed — it was difficult to re- alize that death, in ghastly form, was in their midst. When the dread reality burst upon them, the father >ank on the bed, si-eech- 256 RAIDS AXD KOMANCE less with grief. Mary uttered one wild, piercing cry, and fell fainting to the floor. The physician entered. He read, in a moment, the fearful fact. Assisted by the servant, he placed the dead form of Mrs. Lawrence on the bed, and, turning to Mary, proceeded to restore her. It was some minutes before consciousness returned ; then, springing to the bedside, she threw herself on tlie cold, rigid form of her mother, and sobbed as if her heart would break. It was a sad, solemn scene. Death had come to claim his vic- tim, and though not without warning, it was hard to bow to his ^stern, relentless will. Oh, how it rends the throbbing heart, to stand and gaze on the cold motionless form of one who but a few moments before was with us — whose eyes looked fondly into our own — whose words of love fell on our ear as whisperings from the upper spheres! We gaze, and fear and wonder mingle with our grief, and the awe-filled soul asks itself,—" Is this death ?" Ah, what is this strange, dread power, whose fiat none can withstand? And the spirit — the life that we have loved, with which we have walked and held sweet converse — where has it fled, ah, whither gone ? — and shall we be permitted again to meet it and enjoy its companionship? How often along our pilgrim-path are our most clierished hopes, like the beautiful temple before the whirlwind's wrath, dashed to the earth by this invincible power! We spread out on the glow- ing canvass of the future our life-pictures, colored in roseate tints of expectancy and joy, and when the scene is complete in beauty, and happiness alone is breathed by every form ^nd feature, then Death comes, and with one bold master-stroke, dashes his pencil, dyed in darkness, over the picture, and with bowed head and break- ing heart we stand as in a maze, and gaze on the wrecked loveli- ness over which despair sits brooding. Ah, what can console the crushed soul under its poignant sorrow ? what impart light to it amid its rayless gloom ? Naught, naught, save that promise, all radiant with the beams of God's infinite mercy, which for eighteen hundred years of wailing and of gloom has come in tones of heav- enly tenderness to the hopeless spirit — " I am the Resurrection and the Life." Even when we weep over the grave of buried love, and in all the misgiving of. our contracted vision we ask, with the patriarch of old, "If a man die, can he live again?" there comes swelling up in tones of celestial harmony the response, "I am the Resur- OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 257 rection and the Life," and our feeble faith "lifts a wing with the angels," and anchors itself hard by the throne of God. The night wore by. I will not attempt to depict the grief of the stricken husband and orphaned daughter. Morning came. In the still, silent chamber, hung with the drapery of death, the lifeless form lay robed in the habiliments of the grave. Beside the open coffin the weeping daughter knelt alone with the dead. Through streams of blinding tears she gazed on the pule, rigid face, until the accumulated anguish of her soul burst forth in convulsive gasps. She bowed herself, and in the bitterness of her soul wept until exhausted, prostrated — her grief found vent only in sad, low moans. Rising, she smoothed the marble brow, placed a white rose on the pulseless bosom, then kissing and kissing again the icy lips, she took one long, lingering look, and turned away to weep. It was the daughter's farewell to the dead mother. Never again did she behold the sleeping form. Evening came. Slowly the long procession of mourners mov^ed through the streets, wending its way to the "City of the Dead." " Dust to dust, ashes to ashes," said the man of God, as the body was lowered into its narrow house. Then came the rattling of the clods on the coffin-lid. A few minutes of breathless silence, while the hearts of the spectators commune with death,' and the low tones of the minister rise in subdued notes to the throne of God for mercy on the dying congregation, which soon, one by one, must turn aside from life and come and take up their abode in the silent chamber of the grave. To their darkened home the father and daughter return. Oh, how sadly desolate] How fearfully void! The world, too, is dark, the heavens hung with gloom. Light, light! Ah, it is no- where to be seen. To the chambers of the soul enshrouded in despair, hope comes not ; nor is there a whispering of joy in all the music of the earth. Poor, oppressed mourners I naught save the voice of the Gospel can carry consolation and peace to your stricken bosoms. 258 EADDS AND EOMANCE CHAPTER XLYII. It were a work of supererogation to dwell leDgthily on the campaign into Kentucky. Every reader is familiar with its most trivial incidents. The battles of Big Hill and Richmond, in which our men drove the flying foe before tliem with most fearful slaugliter — the successful occupation of central Kentucky by General Kirby Smith's army — the victorious assault on the Fed- eral garrison at Mumfordsville by a portion of General Bragg's forces — the race between Bragg and Buell for Louisville, and the great excitement of both parties in Kentucky consequent on the relative movements of these two generals — the great rush of Fed- eral troops into the State to oppose and drive out the Southern army — the bloody battle of Perryville — the retreat of the Confed- erates — all these stirring circumstances of war are as household Words to every Southern heart. The invasion of Kentucky was a bold, a daring movement. Could it have been made earlier, before the hosts of Lincoln troops were ready for the battle-field, it doubtless would have, proved more of a success than it did. As it was, the forces tliat were sent against the Southern army, although not disciplined, were well armed, and overwhelming in numbers. The movement of the Confederates through the State was so rapid, as to make it an impossibility that large numbers of recruits should join tlieir ranks; and, while in this respect the campaign must be regarded as a failure, the want of success should be attributed to the un- ffivorableness of the circumstances, and not to the lack of devotion on the part of a large proportion of Kentuckians to the South.ern cause. Kentucky is to-day, if her intelligence and interest were allowed to speak out boldly, Southern, truly Southern. She has been duped, deceived, enslaved ; but, seeing the suicidal folly of her former course, she is now beginning to awake to a true sense of her position and her rights ; and she will yet, let us hope, stand OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN, 259 nobly forth in tlefence of tliome, father, come to the parlor ; Mary Lawrence is just out from the city — come on purpose to tell us all about it. There is no doubt of it — all the Union men believe it, and are scared out of their wits. Mary says they are dashing about the streets like crazy people." " And what is the news, Lu ?" asked the old man, rubbing his eyes to get them fairly open. . " Oh ! come, father, and let Mary tell you herself;" and Lu took his hand and led him along the darkened hall into the sitting-room. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 263 '•How do you do, Mary?" said the old man, smiling, and ex- tending his hand. '*■ What is all this wonderful news Lu has been trying to tell me about Bragg and Morgan coming into Kentucky, and taking Louisville ?" *' Oh ! Mr, R., it is all so, sir. Everybody believes it." '^ Believes what, Mary?" asked the old gentleman, smiling at his young friend's eager manner. *• Why, that General Smith has whipped the Lincolnites all to pieces at Richmond— that General Bill Nelson was killed in the fight,^aud Colonel Jacobs either killed or seriously wounded— that the Yankees are retreating us fast as they can to Louisville, and the Confederates have Lexington by this time. And General Bragg is coming into the State at the head of a powerful army, and the Southerners are going to hold Kentucky. It is true, Mr. R , that,General Kirby Smith has routed the Federals at Big Hill near Richmond, and is marching victoriously upon Lexington. This part of the story will admit of no doubt. Pa says all the Union men acknowledge it, and are half wild lest he should move on and take possession of Louisville before they can make any preparation for defence. "And do you think all this can be relied upon?" asked the old man, as much excited as any of the party. "Oh 1 there is no doubt of ir, sir. Pa had it from the most au- thentfc source. You know, Mr. R., pa is not a very excitable man, and by no means credulous. He has so often been disap- pointed about the Confederates coming to Louisville, that he is now afraid to believe any thing in our favor. But he thinks every word of this is true ; and you would too, Mr. R., if you could be in town half an hour and see the craziness of the Unionists. They are running hither and thither half the time, not knowing what they are about; but all agree in saying that their forces have been butchered— that is the term they use— at Big Hill and Richmond." "And, what is better than all," further interposed Lilly, who, np to this time, had been a silent but highly interested listener, "Morgan will be here and bring all our friends with him. Oh, won't that be a joyous time ! I am sure I shall be too happy. I am going right to work to-morrow morning to prepare for them. All the peaches, and preserves, and jellies that we kept so long last fall, waiting for Buckner's men to come, are nearly gone. I must get to work and bake dozens of big cakes, and make all the nice things I can think of, for brother Charley and his friends. Won't you stay and help me, Miss Mary ?" and Lilly sat down 264 RAIDS AND ROMANCE beside her visitor and grasped her hand imploringly. The ear- nestness of her soul spoke out in lier large gray eyes, and happy anticipation from every lineament of her face. " Can't stay to-nigli*, Lilly, but I will come out again to-mor- row, and we will then bake the cakes. Pa will look for me to return. He is lonely now," and a sad look stole over Mary's face as she thought of her great bereavement. " And then suppose, girls, the boys do not come ? You will have baked your cakes in vain." "Oh, but they will come, Mr. R. And if they don't— but I will not allow myself to think they will not. Lu, don't you intend to make some preparation for them ? and don't you, Mrs. R. ?" "Oh, indeed I will, Mary, if there is the least prospect of their getting here. I shall prepare every thing good I can think of," responded Mrs. R., with animation. She was quite, as enthi»sias- tic as the girls, and ready for any good work. "Indeed, Lulu, I think you and Miss Mary and Lilly had bet- ter prepare lint and bandages for the wounded. They cannot take Louisville without a severe battle, and many a-^poor fellow must fall before we can welcome our friends back to their homes again." i " That is too true, Mr. Spalding," responded Mary, thought- fully, "and I shall not forget your suggestion. Oh, my heart bleeds, when I think that perhaps friends may fall in the strife. Oh, that this horrid war could end without any further blood- shed ! But I must leave, it is growing late, Lilly. Get your hat and ride in with me. Your father can call for you to-morrow — can't you, Mr. R. ?" "I will bring you out after we receive the morning news." " Can't you remain with us tonight, Mary?" " Ko, thank you, Mrs. R, ; pa made me promise to be back to- night. He wants the carriage early in the morning for some pur- pose. I only came out to tell you the good news. I knew you would enjoy it so much. Mr. McKee would be almost tempted to church me, if he knew that I had been engaged in such 'unholy business.' Don't you think he would ? Come, Lilly, where is your hat ? We have just time to drive to the city before dark." Bidding the friends good-evening, the two girls entered the car- riage and drove rapidly to the city. OF MOKGA^f A_ND HIS MEN. 265 CIIArXER XLVIII. DEPARTURE. Lmmeuiatkly after tlie death of his wife, Mr. Lawrence gave ui» his establishment. Bereaved, saddened, he could no longer remain amid the scenes of his former joy and happiness, now so enveloped in gloom. He took boarding for himself and daughter with a friend, a distant relative of his, who had been left a widow about two years before. Uer only child was a boy of seventeen, and Mary finding but little companionship in the house, spent as much of her time as her duty to her father would allow with her friend Lu, who, though married, yet found a large place in her heart for the companion of her childhood. They already regarded each other as sisters, and Mary found a solace for her grief in un- bosoming lier sorrows and anticipations to one who could so readily sympathize with her. Mr. Lawrence's time was very much occupied in settling up his business, preparatory to moving South. As soon as it was known in Louisville that the Confederate forces, under General Smith, were assuredly moving into Kentucky, he determined, in the event they had to leave the State, to go out with them, and for this purpose he was daily making arrangements for a speedy de- parture from the city. When Mary reached his room, she found him sitting in his old arm-chair before the fire, his head resting on his hand, and ab- sorbed in thought. She was pained at the expression of his face, for in addition to its usual sadness, it wore a look of anxiety and gloom. She approaclied him, and throwing her arms about his neck, kissed him, and in a sweet, persuasive voice endeavored to win l)im from his sorrow. He replied tenderly to her caresses, and as he gazed upon her, the large tears started to his eyes and silently coursed down his cheeks. She wiped them away, and inquired the cause. Seating her on his knee, and throwing his arm around her, he proceeded to- unfold to her his plans. "I have been thinking, daughter, while you were out, that now 12 266 EAIDS A2^D r.OMANCE is my opportunity for throwing otf tliis galling slavery, by going into Confederate lines and remaining there." Mary looked up astonished. •' Why, father, why need you leave Louisville ? The Southern- ers will certainly take possession of this place. Tiiere is no doubt about it, pa. Just wait a little while, and you will see there will be no need for you to seek Confederate protection — it will come to you." " We cannot now know any thing with certainty respecting the permanent occupation of our State by the Coufederate^, my daughter, althougii every thing now looks so promising. They may be able to hold it, and they may not. If they remain, it will be an easy matter for me to return to Louisville; if they do not, 1 shall be safe in leaving." - Mary looked up earnestly into his face. She did not fully com- prehend his meaning. She waited a moment, hoping her father would explain himself. Jiendiug a sad look upon his daughter, Mr. Lawrence resumed : " The only obstacle in the way, Mary, is leaving you." *' Leaving me, pa!", she exclaimed, with surprise. "You surely wouldn't go and leave me behind? What would I do with- out you?" The father scarcely knew how to reply. There were difficulties in either case, which he hardly knew how to meet. After think- ing for some moments, during which time Mary gazed beseechingly upon him, he said : "If I stay h^'e, my daughter, I may be arrested at any moment, and sent to prison. If I go, I shall be free from this dreadful ap- prehension. If the Confederates remain in Kentucky, I can return to you again ; if not, I can send for you at any time. You will be safe here among your friends, in any event, and I may have an opportunity to send for you if the Confederates are driven back. For me to remain longer is to endanger my liberty. And as my preparations are nearly completed, I feel I had better set ou't the first suitable opportunity." " You are right, pa," said Mary, throwing her arms about her father. " I would rather you were safe in the Confederacy, than to have you remain here, all the time in fear. And then, as you say, they may arrest you and put you in prison, as they did last summer, when Morgan was here, and perhaps they would not re- lease you in years to come. But, pa, why can't I go with you ? You know I'm not afraid of danger." OF MORGAN AND 1J16 MhN. 267 "But, Mary, you had better wait until I can get through, and secure a home for you. I bhaii liave to go clandestinely ; tliey would not grant nie u pass, and 1 may have to walk half the way to Lexington. The roads are thronged, 1 suppose, with the Fed- erals retreating upon Louisville." " J)Ut when will you go, pa?'' '^ To-morrow evening, if 1 get all arrangements made. I will drive out to pr. Foree's, aud send the carriage back, dei)ending ou their kindness to convey me beyond danger. It is best that 1 should go, Mary," added the father, as he saw the flushing face of his child, and readily understood the mighty effort it required for her to suppress her tears. '• You understand it all, my child?" Mary buried her head without speaking. Her judgment ap- proved her father's suggestion — her feelings revolted against it. ''And you will send for me just as soon as you determine what is best to be done — won't you, pa?" she said, as cheerfully as she could. "Yes, my child; or come after you myself, if circumstances will allow." "1 must go to Lilly, now; I left her down stairs, with cousin Pauline. To-morrow, pa, I will arrange your clothes;" and kiss- ing her father again, she arose from his knee, and went dowu stairs in search of her friend. Exhausted from the excitement of the day, Mary sought her room at an early hour. After conversing for some time on the prospects before thenj, the two girls retired to bed. Lilly, young and free from all care, soon fell asleep ; but Mary, to whom the last year had taught many a sad lesson of anxiety and thought, lay, her mind distracted with doubt and apprehension, and many a slowly measured hour wore by before she could calm herself to sleep. She awoke with the early morning light from her unre- freshing slumbers, and, making a hasty toilet, applied herself to preparations for her father's departure. It was a heavy task for her poor breaking heart to accomplish, but amid her dark trial she had one consoling thought which she constantly whispered to herself: I shall soon get within Confederate lines, and then 1 shall see Charley and my brother ! " I cannot go with you this morning, Lilly, but I will be out late this afternoon or to-morrow. Meanwhile, you and Lu must begin your preparations. You see what Prentice says; and more- over, the whole Legislature from Frankfort reached here a few 268 RAIDS AND ROMANCE minutes ago, fleeing in liot liaste from tlie Confederate forces, who, it is said, are now in possession of Lexington." " Be sure to come tliis evening, Mary; we sliall look for you." "Lu said I mu^t not fail to bring you out this morning, Miss Mary," said Mr. Spalding, rising to meet them as they entered the parlor. " She is expecting you, and so is Mrs. R. They will be greatly disappointed if I fail to bring you. Come, get your hat; I cannot be denied." '•Thank you, Mr. Spalding; it is impossible for me to go out now. I have an engagement that will keep me in the city until late this evening. If I am well, I will drive out about sundown ; but, should I fail to do so, look for me to-morrow. Love to all." '^ To-night, Mary, we shall expect you," and Lilly kissed her friend and sprang into the carriage. "Don't let me look in vain, Miss Mary," said Mr. Spalding, shaking the delicate hand, "Lu is never so happy as when you are with us." " Ah ! Lu needs me not now, Mr. Spalding, to make her happy. You have stolen her from me, and I am left alone." "Soon to be disposed of in the same way, I judge, if the Con- federates reach Louisville," said Mr. Spalding, mischievously, as he seated himself beside Lilly. Mary blushed : the two, bidding her adieu, drove off. Mary accompanied her father to make a last visit to the grave of the mother, and place there some tokens of remembrance. Above the hallowed mound the two knelt and silently wept. Their grief was too sacred for words. The heart alone could indite voiceless petitions to the throne of the unseen Father for guidance and consolation. Ah ! what pen can describe, what pencil por- tray the grief of the crushed heart as it bows over the grave ol buried love ? A mourner on the waste of time, the sad soul wanders, and sees no promise of hope, save in the goal which death offers. Placing the mementoes of love on the newly made grave, the father and diiughter arose and silently wended their way bj^ck to the carriage. Moments there are in the life of every individual, when the heart, communing with itself, holds its joy or grief too holy to mention even to the dearest bosom friend. We would not clothe our emotions in words to whisper even to ourselves. Evening came. Arrangements were completed : Mr. Lawrence was ready to depart. OF MORGAN AND HIS ME.V. 2G9 "Good-by, my child! God bless you and keep you from all harm," he said, in broken accents, as he pressed Mary to his bosom and kissed her tear-bathed cheek. Tiie sobbing girl clung to her father in silent grief. Oh, how desolate she felt as she stood there leaning against the i)illar of the front portico, watching the car- riage bear away her loved parent — her last friend ! As it disap- peared fronriier view, she burst into a fresh paroxysm of tears, and turned to seek her chamber, that she might weep there alone free from the gaze of human eyes. There is a luxurious relief in tears, when the stricken soul can weep its fulness of sorrow away unmolested by prying curiosity, or cold, hollow words of sympathy. What can others understand of our grief? Even though another has felt what we now feel^ has not time measurably healed the anguish? The remembrance may remain — the poignancy is gone. And then, how sad a thing it is to feel ourselves alone in this hollow world! Alone! How like a death-knell falls this hollow word on the isolated heart ! To crowd our sympathies, loves, joys, sorrows, expectations, hopes, into our own bosoms, there to remain — for we are alone on the earth — what oppressive anguish ! How the poor burdened soul feels like bursting as it vainly seeks relief in tears and sighs ! We must have sympathy. Life without friendship is but a miserable groping mid the dark labyrinths of passion and despair. The nature with which God has endowed us requires that heart commune with heart; and the outer life can as well exist without its legitimate nourishment, as the inner lite without sympathy and love. Asceticism is an anomaly — a lusus naturce — the contemplation of which should till every well-poised mind with horror. Mary Lawrence, as she sat weeping in her chamber, felt the need of some congenial spirit to share with her the grief that wrapt her soul. Instinctively her thoughts turned to the friend of her child- hood.* Bathing her face so as to remove the traces of her bitter tears and cool her fevered brow, she threw on her hat and mantle, and calling the carriage, drove out to Mr. R.'a. "Why, Mary dear! what is the matter with you?" exclaimed Ln, as she threw her arms about the young girl and kissed her. " You look as if you had been weeping for hours. No bad news I hope. Do tell me, have you heard any bad intelligence?" Her voice was tremulous, and she grew ashen pale as she looked upon Mary, who had burst into a flood of tears. 270 KAIDS AND ROMANCE " Come into mother's room," she said, as, gently taking her hand, she led her along the hall to the family-room. '' Wli}', Mary, — Lu, — what is the matter with the girls?" said Mrs. R., as she sprang from her seat, and clasping Mary in her arms, partly bore her to a rocking-chair which stood beside the window, near the fire. The mother looked inquiringly at her daughter. Mrs. Spalding shook her head. " Oh, Mary, do tell me, ray child, why you weep ! Have you heard any bad news from the army ? Are any of our friends sick or dead?" Suppressing her emotion as well as she could, the sobbing girl ejaculated in broken sentences : "Xo — no — Mrs. R., not that. Pa has gone — gone — to the army." "Your father gone to the army, Mary I" exclaimed Mrs. R. and her daughter at the same moment, their voice and manner betray- ing the greatest surprise. "Yes, gone — gone — left this morning for Lexington." " To join General Smith ? Why, how can he get there, child ?" Mrs. R.. with the gentleness of a mother, removed Mary's hat and mantle, and by kind words endeavored to soothe her. After a few moments, she sufficiently recovered from her emo- tion to tell Mrs. R. the sad tale of her sorrow. The friends were greatly surprised to hear of Mr. Lawrence's sudden departure, but when the reasons were given, his course ap- peared one of wisdom. Mr. R. had returned from the city and brought with him the Bulletin and the Evening Xeics. The latest telegrams were filled with the success of the Confederates, their advance towards Louis- ville and Cincinnati, and the consequent panic and dismay of Union sympathizers and Yankee soldiery. It was asserted by Prentice, as a fact incontestable, that General Bragg was marching northward, with the avowed design of tak- ing permanent possession of Kentucky ; also, that Colonel John H. Morgan, at the head of a large cavalry force, had been dispatched to intercept the Federal General Morgan, in his retreat from Cum- berland Gap. The tone of the editorials was gloomy enough. Unionists were quaking with alarm. The entire State was threat- ened, a part of it already in the possession of the Confederates, who were daily extending their lines, and daily receiving acces- sions to their ranks. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. t^YI "Oh ! do you think, Mr. Spalding, that we shall be able to hold Kentucky?" said Mary, as she threw aside the paper, and leaned earnestly forward to catch his reply. " Old Prentice is evidently alarmed, and Ilarney too. I wonder why they didn't send Col- onel Morgan to take Louisville? I am afraid General Smith will wait until the Lincolnites are so strong here it will be difficult to do. They are coming in every day, and I see it is stated in nie ^eics that General Nelson will take command here in a few days. I thought he was severely wounded V "And so he was, Miss Mary, but it has been two weeks, you know, since the battle, and he has measurably recovered." "Mr. R., do you think the Southerners will hold Kentucky?" " Indeed, I cannot tell, Mary. That will depend greatly, yes, entirely, on General Bragg. It is impossible for General Smith to do so without assistance. There is a great contrariety of opinion respecting Bragg's intentions; some believing that he designs to remain here thn)Ugh the winter — others that he only wishes to force Buell from Tennessee, and regain Cumberland Gap, by for- cing General Morgan to abandon it. I confess, from the confused and contradictory statements of our papers, I am unable to form any just decision. No one can decide fully what will be the end of this mighty movement. "We can but hope that it may prove eminently successful ; but there are two to play the game, and some of the Unionists are sanguine that the whole thing will prove a failure." " On what do they base their hopes, Mr. R. ?" asked his wife. "On their numbers, and the hope that Buell, who is moving rapidly on Louisville, will reach here before Bragg. In which event, they feel confident that with nis own army, combined with the reinforcements that they can bring to this point from Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio, he will soon drive the Confederates South again." "I hope the Confederates will not attempt to come to Louisville now," interposed Mr. Spalding. " Oh ! do not say so. Why do you wish this ?" exclaimed Mrs. Spalding and Mary. "For thelied her friend, pleasantly. " Or, Lilly, if you can't go South, you could remain in Lexington or Georgetown until ihe railroad communication is established, and then return to the city." " That I could. And I'll ask pa to-morrow to let me go. Sis- ter Lu will be here to keep mother company, and I shan't go to school any more this fall. I expect, Mary, Evangeline Lenoir would be glad to go with us. You know her sweetheart, Hany Roberts, is with John Morgan ?" " Oh, my dear girl, you are mistaken. Ilarry used to be Evan- geline's sweetheart, but she has proved false to him. Don't you know she is engaged to Edward Lasley, of Bardstown ?" "Oh, I don't believe that, Mary. I have heard it. But, surely she would never think of giving up such a lover as Harry Roberts for young Lasley. Lasley has nothing to recommend him but his line appearance and his fortune, while Harry is noble, true, brave, one of the finest young men in all this city. " But Evangeline is assuredly engaged to Ed. Lasley. I know it, and the}- are to be married the IGth of next month. She wished me to be bridemaid ; but you know, even if I were going to remain here, I could not accept her invitation. I would not change my dress to be married myself." " Oh, is it possible ! How shameful in Evangeline to treat Harry so. He is one of the noblest young men in the world. She may live to repent her folly. Ed. Lasley is by no means steady in his habits." " But lie has money. Evangeline has none. And, moreover, she is fickle." ''Her aunt is wealthy, Mary, and has no children. Of course slie will inherit that fortune. She need not marry for money." " Oh, she is^so notional and inconsistent by nature. And what a pity, too ; she is so beautiful, so generous and kind. It will be a sad blow to Poor Harry, when he hears it, foe he idolizes her, and cannot see that she has a defect. Poor fellow ! it is hard. Biit then, perhaps she would not make him happy, and it may be for the best." " Oh, if she were married, I am sure she and Harry would be happy, she is so afi*ectionate. x\nd she loves him, 1 know." 274 EAIDS AND ROMANCFi: Just then a loud knock was lieard at the front door. " What can that mean, Lilly ?" said Mary, starting up with fright. The two girls stared at each other in breathless silence, their hearts beating audi hi}'. '^ Perhaps it is some drunken Lincolnite," whispered Lilly, aa sha moved close up beside Mary, and grasped her arm. " Perhaps we were mistaken, Lilly. It might have been some other noise. But didn't it sound very much like a rap at the door?" " Indeed it did ; but it might have been some of tlie servants hi the kitchen." The two girls stood breathless for a moment. Rap, rap, rap, went the door again, louder than before. The aifrighted girls hesitated no longer, but, seizing the lamp, hastened through the hall into Mrs. R.'s sleeping-room. " Father, father," said Lilly, in a whisper, at the same time shaking her father with all her power ; " father, there is somebody at the front door — we have heard them knock twice," " Oh, you must be mistaken, my daughter, no one could come here without arousing the dogs. Have they been barking ?" "No, sir, I have not heard them." " Well, then, you are mistaken, daughter. Go to bed. It's too late for you and Mary to be up," and Mr. R. turned over to com- pose himself again to sleep. " There it is again, father. Don't you hear it ?" The old gentleman sprang from his bed, and hastening to the window, called out in a stentorian voice : " Whose there, and what do you want at this hour of the night ?" The two girls stood trembling with fear, lest a bullet from some Lincoln gun should speed its way into the room. "Be still, girls ; let's hear what the man says," whispered Mrs. R., as her husband threw open the shutters. " Who are you?" repeated the old gentleman, as the visitor, forsaking the porch, approached and stood under the window. "A Southern soldier — one of Morgan's men," was the answer. "Charley — Charley!" shrieked Lilly, and rushed to the win- dow. Her father caught her and drew her back. "Charley!" slie exclaimed, "is that you, my brother — my brother?" "It is not your brother, but I bring news from him." " And where is he — oh, tell me, is my brother dead ?" " Be still, my daughter," said Mrs. R., as she drew the pale and trembling girl from the open casement. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 275 Mr. R., li.'iving prepared liiinself, went out, light in haiul, to ask the soldier in. " I have but a fow minutes to remain, sir. I must be off again to-night, or the Yankees may catch me," responded the young man to Mr. R.'s invitation to enter. • " But you will have time to come in and warm yourself, and take a hasty meal. It is several liours to day yet. Come in, sir; come in." The soldier followed Mr. R. into the sitting-room, wiiere the fire was still burning in the grate. " I have a letter for Miss Mary Lawrence. Is she with you, sir?" said the soldier, as he passed through the hall. At the mention of her name, the young girl, who stood within the door, stepped forward. The letter was handed her. She tore the envelope and glanced at the name. It was from Charley. "And is he dead?" she gasped convulsively. "This is wiit- ten in Tennessee, Where, oh, where is he now ?" " He is still there." " Oh, do not deceive me, I beseech you. Do not deceive mc— tell me truly, is he dead ?" and the young girl, unable longer to stand, sank on a sofa beside her, and with ghastly look gazed up into the young man's face. " Who, who ?" exclaimed the father, mother, and sister in one breath. " Who is dead ? your brother, or — " " Charley !" was the scarcely articulate reply. " Oh, no, no ! I assure you he is not dead," exclaimed yonnjy Brent, for it was he, faithfully executing the pledge intrusted to him. " He is not dead, sir ; I left him quite sick, as he writes there to Miss Lawrence ; but his physician assured me he would recover." The burdened hearts breathed more freely. " Thank God ! thank God !" exclaimed the mother, tears of grati tude streaming from her eyes. " Thank God ! my boy yet lives I" " Be seated, sir," said Mr. R., conducting the young man to the fire, and, drawing up a large arm-chair before its genial warmth, led him to it. At this moment Mr. and Mrs. Spalding, who, when aroused by the noise, had made a hasty toilet, descended the stairway and entered the room. "Why, how do you do, Mr. Brent?" said Mrs. Spalding, ad- vancing, and shaking the young man's hand. 276 , KALDS AKD EOMANCE '* How do you do, Miss Lu ?" said tlie young mtin, rising. " Let me introduce to you Mr. Spalding, Mr. Brent." " Happy to see you, Mr. Brent," said Mr. Spalding, shaking ftands with the soldier, who looked at him a moment surprised. "Ah me. Miss Lu, I understand. Yes, Charley told me you were to be married, and we had hoped to get to Louisville to the wedding." "And where is my brother, Mr. Brent? isn't he with you V '• He was not well enough to join the command when we left Tennessee, and we were forced to leave him behind." " Was he ill ?" she asked, quickly. " Quite sick ; but liis physician assured me he would recover. He had fever, and was unable to bear the fatigue of so long a trip." " Had he been long sick, Mr. Brent ?" asked the mother. " Only a few days, madam." "And was he confined to his bed ?" "Yes, madam. The physician thought he needed rest. He had been taking a great deal of exercise, and was pretty well worn out. Dr. Lapsley, who is a most excellent physician, will stay with him until he recovers." "And where is my brother, John Lawrence, now, sir?" said Mary, as she folded the letter she had just finished reading. " I left him with Colonel Duke, near Lexington." "And will he not come to Louisville ?" "Yes, if we take possession of it; but, otherwise, I think Col- onel Morgan's men will be retained around Lexington. It is rather a dangerous experiment for us to come alone into the city. Oi.e of our men was caught in the streets this evening, and sent to prison." " Who was this ?" asked Mr. Spalding. " Harry Roberts, sir, of Colonel Morgan's command. It seems Harry had a sweetheart that he was determined to see, so he came to Louisville at all hazards, and this evening some Union man recognized him on the streets, and he was immediately arrested. I took warning by his fate, and left for the coun- try." • Just at this juncture Mr. Pw. appeared, followed by a servant, bearing a large waiter of nice lunch, which was placed before the young man, who was pressed to eat. Mary stood all the while beside the lamp, reading and re-read ing the letter, the tears streaming down her cheeks, and all ua- OF MORGAJSr AJSfJ) HIS MKN. 277 conscious of the presence of others. Lilly stole to her side, and whispered : "Did you hear that, Mary, about poor Harry Roberts? Isn't it sad to think he should come to see Evangeline, and she engaged to be married to another ? And now lie is in prison — " '*■ In prison, Lilly, where — how ? I did not understand," said Mary, looking on Lilly abstractedly. " In prison here in Louisville. Came to see Evangeline, and was arrested." " Poor Harry !" ejaculated Mary. " Sad, sad fate !" ''I will go," said Mary to herself, as she folded the letter, and replaced it in the envelope. " Go where, Mary — to prison ?" asked Lilly, with surprise. "• Oh, nowhere, Lilly," she replied, coloring deeply. While young Brent was partaking of the timely cheer, he has- tily gave to his anxious listeners a brief outline of the Confederate movements in Kentucky since Colonel Morgan had joined General Smith at Lexington. *■'' I must go,^^ he said, rising to his feet. "I wish I could remain longer, but the hours are swiftly passing, the morning will soon be here, and it will not do for it to find me within danger." Messages were sent to friends. Thanking them for their kind- ness, he bade them adieu and departed. 278 EAIDS AND KOMANCE CHAPTER XLIX. UPBRAIDINGS. "Oh, Evaugeline ! Evaugeline! how could you thus deceive me!" "I loved liiin from my childhood, Edward," she sobbed, pas- sionately. " How could I do otherwise ?" "But you have promised me, Evangeline. Look at this, my to- ken of that pledge." " And I promised him long yeafs ago — when we were children," she replied, looking up through her streaming tears. "Oh! for- give me ; forgive me, Edward ! I did not mean to do so ! But, Harr}', you know I have loved him so long; and now he is in prison, how could I forsake him ?" "And do you mean, Evangeline, to prove false to me ? Must I understand that you no longer regard your plighted vows ?" "Oh, Edward ! do not ask me! You drive me mad with such questions! I am wild! wild! — my brain aches!" she exclaimed, looking frantically around her. "You must answer me, Evangeline ! Will you marry me as you have promised ? You know the day is appointed, and preparations are already commenced. Surely, you will not now decline? you cannot, for our position demands that you fulfil your engage- ment!" "Oh, public opinion is but a poor solace for a bleeding heart, Edward ! "When our hearts are breaking, of what matter is it what the world says ?" " But you do not mean to say, Evangeline, that you do not love me — that you hesitate to marry me ? Am 1 to tind in you the fickleness and unfaithfulness that characterize your nature. Re- member, you have given your word to be mine — have pledged yourself to marry me. This is known to the world, and what will the world say if you fail to keep your word ? It will upbraid you as inconstant — full of whim and caprice, and cover your name with reproach !" " Oh, I know it all, Edward ! Do not — do not talk to me OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 279 thus ! I know I will bo called foolish, and perhaps I ani. I may be taunted as inconstant, notional, heartless ; but God knows I have loved truly, faithfully. Why ! oh, why should I liave ever forgotten that love!" "You do not \o\eme^ then, Evan<,'eline ? You will not marry me ?" She did not answer, but, hiding her face in her hands, we])t bitterly. " Answer me, Evangeline ; I will not be thus trifled with !" and a dark scowl gathered over his face as he fixed his eyes on her bowed form. Ilis voice was severe even to harshness. She felt it, and shuddered as she did. ''You will not answer, Evangeline? Why do you treat me thus? I cannot submit to it; I will not longer endure it!" and he sprang from the sofa and paced the room with rapid strides. Evangeline still wept aloud. '"Great God !" he exclaimed, passionately, " am I to be mocked thus ? What have I done to deserve such a fate ? I will not bear this suspense ; she shall answer me!" and he stamped his foot in his rage; then strode on across the floor, his whole manner that of a madman. His wrath partially exhausted by his rapid exercise, he threw himself on the sofa beside her, and forcing her hands from her face, exclaimed: " Evangeline, you must tell me — and tell me now I" She started and struggled to free herself; but he held her tightly in his grasp. "Do not strive to go from me, Evangeline. This question must be settled now and forever." She looked at him fiercely, defiantly. "Loose me, Edward, loose me! I will not be forced!" All the passion of her nature spoke from her face. "Loose me, and I will tell you all ; but you cannot extort from me one syllable. I will not be driven !" The young man dared not disobey. The inferior one always yields to the superior. He relaxed his grasp, and sat eyeing her with a look of mingled wonder and sternness. Evangeline, nerving herself, drove back her tears, and looking him steadfastly in the face, said, with a degree of calmness quite surpriaing : "Edward, I have loved Harry Roberts from my childhood. I love him still. I thought when I promised to marry you that 1 bad forgotten him and loved you. I was mistaken. If I have wronged your heart — forgive me, oh, forgive me! but I cannot 280 KAIDS AND EOMANCE marry one I do not love ! I cannot forsake one to whom luy heart is wedded, now that he is in prison and suffering!" The noble sentiment of the noble girl fell idly on the ears of young Lasley. He understood but one thing — that Evangeline could not marry him. " Cannot marry me, Evangeline ! Is this your decision ? Do you forget that you are bound by a solemn promise to do so? You dare not break that promise; I cannot release you." " And why, Edward ? you do not love me ?" "Yes, but I do love you, and I intend to marry you. All the world knows we are engaged, and I do not choose to be trifled with thus. This passion for Roberts will soon pass aw\ay.' Yoa only feel sorry for him because he is in prison. A week hence you will feel and think differently. I will give you a week to de- cide, Evangeline," said he coldly, as he arose to leave. "Oh ! Edward, I want not a week — not a day. I am decided now. I tell you I cannot marry you while I love another! You ought not to wish me to do it! It would only be to render us both miserable forever. I tell you again I cannot marry you, Ed- ward Lasley !" "You shall never marry Roberts, then, Evangeline!" he said, while his face kindled under the dark working of his fierce pas- sion. "Then I'll never marry!" she replied determinedly. Scowling with the fury of a fiend upon the girl he professed to love, he replied in tones of bitter retaliation: " So let it be !" He paused a moment for a reply ; but with tlie same look of resolution, Evangeline sat silently gazing upon him. "Do we part forever, Evangeline?" he asked, as he read the meaning of her heart on her fixed, unmoved face. "Forever!" she answered. "Ah! say not so. There is a future for me. We will meet again, Evangeline. Then — then^ perhaps, you will understand me!" As he finished this ominous sentence he turned from her, and, passing out through the hall, left the house. Evangeline's heart stood still, and her cheek grew pale as those threatening words rang on her ear. She could meet the enraged man with boldness as he stood before her with his words of sarcastic reproach and bitter taunt, but she shuddered with fear, as a feeling of mysteri- ous dread took possession of her bosom. " AYhat can he mean?" she asked herself, as she revolved his OF MOKGAN AND HIS MEN. 281 menacing words iu her mind. "What does he intend to do? Surely he does not couteuiplate being revenged on Harry — and yet what else can it be? His words were so dark, and he looked so fierce as he spoke! But what harm can he do him? Harry is iu prison and beyond his reach. But he is a Union man, or professes to be one. Would he use this power against him? Ah ! it must be that! It can be nothing else. But what can he do?" she ask- ed herself. "Ue can have him sent to Catnp Chase, perhaps, and kept there. Surely, he cannot mean to take liis life; and if he did, how could he accomplish it? He could not shoot him— he would not dare do this. But, pei^iaps, he could hire the guard to do it. Men have been shot down iu that prison without provocation — one, merely because he looked out of the window and waved a handkerchief at some girls who were passing. Oh ! if he should do this, how horrid it would be! 'You shall never marry Roberts!' he said. He must mean by this to destroy either Harry or me. Fearful! fearful!" and so Evangeline trembled as she sat there alone on the sofa in the silent parlor. Long she pondered the last words of Lasley — " There is a future forme; we must nieet again, Evangeline. Then — iAdw, perhap.", you will understand me!" "Harry shall be saved!" she said, half aloud to herself, as she rose from the sofa and sought her own room. 282 KAEDS AND EOMANCE CHAPTER L. A VISIT TO PRISON. Under the auspices of a Union lady, a friend of her aunt, Evan- geline obtained permission to visit the prison where the Southern men were kept, on the day following the remarkable visit of Ed- ward Lasley. • It was ten o'clock in the morning. Evangeline, attired in a plain street suit of green, with a hat trimmed in black velvet, from which hung a veil of green that fully concealed her features, and bearing in her hand a basket of cakes and fruits, with a beautiful bouquet, set out witli Mrs. Hanna to vi>it the prison at the corner of Green and Fifth streets. This building had been, before our peaceful people had learned war, a medical college; but, at the commencement of hostilities it was not used for this purpose. The Abolitionists of Louisville, ready to do the bidding of their dicta- tor at Washington, decided it should be fitted up for prisoners, and accordingly men were engaged to put it in proper condition for this purpose. The whole building, with its small front yard fronting on Green-street, "was rapidly inclosed by a high plank fence, and barracks were erected along the west side for the ac- commodation of the guard. It was a novel sight to the people of Louisville to see such preparations in their midst. But, notwithstanding the opposition of tiie Southern people, who believed it an overthrow of all con- stitutional right to imprison men for opinion's sake, and the won- der of Unionists who had not yet grown altogether accustomed to the attempt to enslave freemen, the work went rapidly on to completion ; and the citizens saw in their midsUa large building set apart for the incarceration of men who dared to maintain the doctrine that the free people of a sovereign State had a right to decide on the course they, as a free and independent people, should pursue. As Evangeline pursued her way beside Mrs. Hanna, from Broadway, down Second street to Green, and thence to the prison, she found the streets thronged with men, discussing the OF MORGAN AND HIS MKN. 283 startling events of tlie day. As she passed tlie cnstom-house, on the corner of Third and Green streets, and slij)i)ed in to ask for a letter for herself and aunt, she heard a gentleman at the door ex- claim, with great emphasis: "Yes, Bragg will come; he has got the start of Buell, and is already on his way here, and we have no preparation to meet him. These fortifications they are erecting are mere child's play — only intended to deceive the people into a false idea of security." She started as the language fell on her ear, fearing lest some Soutliern man, in the gratification he felt, had so far forgotten himself as to utter '' treasonable sentiments.'''' She looked hur- riedly round, and found to her relief that the words had fallen from a known Union man; of course there was no treason there. As she passed out, she paused a moment to ask Mr. McAllister, the speaker, when General Bragg would reach Louisville. " Be here in a few days, 'Vangeline ; no help for it, and then the wretches will drive us all from our homes, and burn our prop- erty." ''Oh, I hope not, Mr. McAllister," she answered, pleasantly; " Southerners don't do such things, 1 believe." " Yes they do ; greatest outlaws the world has ever seen — full of revenge and the devil." Evangeline not deeming it proper to make any further remark to the excited old man, bowed and hastened to overtake Mrs. Hanna, who was a few paces in advance. '' What I do must be done quickly," she said to herself, as she walked rapidly on. *'' A few days delay, and all is lost." Overtaking Mrs. llanna, she repeated the remark of the old. gentleman. "What do you think, Mrs. Ilanna? Is it your opinion the Southern army will reach Louisville?" ''Never, never, Evangeline. They wouldn't dare to attempt the thing. Don't you know General- Nelson is fortifying every day, and fresh ^oops are arriving every hour. Old Mr. McAllis- ter is wild, he doesn't know what he is talking about — scared to death. I sup[»ose." " What am I to believe ?" asked Evangeline, mentally. "One tells me Bragg will certainly come. The next moment another says it is impossible. I will execute my plan, anyhow, and then I shall have nothing to fear." The two females reached the pris(;n gate, and were about to* i . 284: RAIDS AND ROMANCE enter, when the guard, a burly Pennsylvania Dutchman, presented his b;iyonet across the entrance. " Where is your pass ? You cannot go in witiiout a permit," he said, gruffly. Mrs. Hanna paused, felt in lier pocket, and produced a paper. The man turned it upside down, eyed it very earnestly for a few minutes, wearing all the while a look of great wisdom, and then returned it, saying: "All right, pass in." Mrs. Hanna smiled, as she replaced the remnant of a gas bill in her pocket, and Evangeline, who had caught a glimpse of it, and understood what it was, laughed outright. The guard looked amazed and somewhat suspicious, but either not fully understand- ing the cause of the ladies' merriment, or j^erhaps unwilling to admit his ignorance, allowed them to proceed without further interruption. At the door they encountered another armed man, who, bowing politely, asked them whom they wished to see. They replied they desired to see all the prisoners, but partic- ularly young Roberts. " You can see Roberts, ladies, and any other prisoner you may wish, if you will but name them; but you cannot be allowed to make a general visit." " We will see Mr. Roberts, and any otlier of Morgan's men that you may have here." The soldier called to one of the attendants of the prison, and instructed him to conduct the visitors up stairs and show them to young Roberts. The ladies followed the old man. On reaching the landing they found themselves in the presence of several men, all uniformed. .They could not tell whether or not they were Southerners. Evangeline thought they were, and eagerly strained her gaze to discover, if possible, young Roberts.' The search was fruitless. Only strange faces peered upon her. She looked round for her conductor — he was gone. There the two ladies stood uncertain what to do, wondering if amid that crowd they were to be left to meet the prisoner, Evangeline trembled at the thought, and the basket she held in her hand manifested her perturbation. At length, after a painful suspense, the old man returned. Evangeline looked up as she heard his voice. Behind him was a young man in prison garb. She thought at first glance it was Harry, aod was about to step forward to n)ake herself known. But looking again she encountered the face of a stranger, a hand- some man of about twenty-five years of age, who bowed and RAIDS AND ROMANCE 285 moved towards them, and stood a moment as if waiting to be ad- dressed. "Walk in there, hidies," said the conductor, pointing to a long room tilled with benches that opened on the landing. They did as directed, and found themselves in the midst of prisoners. The young man followed. Entering, tliey bowed. Evangeline knew in a moment that those before her were Confed- erates, and she lifted her veil, hoping that if she did not recognize Ilarr}^ lie might see her and come forward to her relief. " AVe wish to see Harry Koberts, one of ^[organ's men, who was put in prison a few days since," said Mrs. Ilanna, turning to the young gentleman who stood beside her. '' Excuse me, ladies," said the young man, bowing politely ; " my name is Robertson, and I was told some ladies wished to see me. ril speak with the guard, and have Roberts sent in." ''And so some ladies do wish to see you," said two females, stei>ping forward from their seats and confronting the prisoner. He looked at them steadily for a moment. "Aunt Jane and Cousin Flora!" exclaimed tlie young man sur- prised, at the same time grasping their extended hands with all the warmth of his ardent nature. "Why, how did you hear I was in prison ?" " Dr. Henly, of our neighborhood, was in the city when you were brought in, and saw you taken from the cars — he recognized you, having seen you when you were last on a visit to us. As soon as we heard it, we determined to come and see you ; but your Uncle James was taken sick the very day we had appointed to set out, and has been so indisposed ever since, that we could not leave him until yesterday." " And how is Uncle James now ?" "Better; we hope he will soon be well again. He sent you a great deal of love, as did all the children, and says, ' Don't despair, you are in a good cause,' " she added, in a whisper, as she discov- ered the eye of a Lincoln soldier lixed upon her. The man moved forward and took a nearer position. Mrs, Richey understood the meaning, and quickly changed the conversation to an inquiry for the young man's health. "Pretty good. Aunt Jane, and spirits fine; we have most excellent company, and as good fare as rebels deserve, I sup- pose." " I am gl;id to see you in such fine spirits, Samuel. It will de- light your Uncle James to know you bear your fate so heroically. 286 RAIDS AXD EOMANCE He lias been greatly distressed since lie heard you were here. You know you are his favorite nephew." "Tell uncle it is not so pleasant as meeting the enemy on the battle-field, but as a soldier I have made up my mind to take whatever chances befall me, and make the best of my fate." "How long do you expect to remain here, Samuel?" '' Oh, I suppose we shall soon be sent from here to Cainp Chase, and perhaps we shall remain there until the war ends. Can't tell; these things are so uncertain." Mrs. Richey looked up ; the guard had moved back to allow a young Confederate to proceed to the two ladies who were sitting beyond her. Seizing the opportune moment, she leaned forward as if to pick up her fallen handkerchief. " Take that, Mr. Richey sent it. Escape if you can, and come to our house." She slipped a roll into his hands, which the prisoner immediately placed in his pocket. The whole movement had escaped the eye of the guard. ''Harry!" "Evangeline!" It was all the two lovers could say, as their eyes met. Mrs. Hanna rose, - expecting Evangeline to introduce her. But the young girl sat still, overcome by her emotion. Her face was crimson, and she trembled violently. ]^o endeavor to be calm availed. Mrs. Hanna seeing Evangeline would not introduce her, intro- duced herself. "I am very glad to see you, Mr. Roberts," she said, endeavoring to reheve the young man's embarrassment. " Your mother and I were schoolmates, and although we did not meet in after life, I have always remembered our girlish associa- tion with pleasure, and I am happy to meet you for lier sake, though sad to see you in this place." At the mention of his mother's name the tears started to his eyes. Four years ago she had been laid to rest beneath the green sod in the family burying-ground in the country. Harry had idol- ized her, for she was to him the very embodiment of all goodness and loveliness. He had heard but the day before that his father had married a second time, and this thought seemed to touch- his heart the more deeply. " You are comfortable here, Mr. Roberts, I suppose?" remarked Mrs. Hanna, desiring to turn the current of his thoughts. " As well situated as I could expect in a prison, madam ; but it can scarcely be styled comfortable. However, I wish not to com- plain. Soldiers must take the chances of their profession." OF MOliGAN A:N'D HIS MEX. 2S7 " This is a sad and horrid war, Mr. Roberts, and untold suffer- injT must yet be endnred before it ends." *' Yes, madam, war is the most dreadful scourge tliat can be sent on a people, and this war of wars is to us the most dreadful. And it will become more and more so the longer it is protracted.' "Only in one way, Mrs. Ilanna." ''And what is that ?" '"Acknowledge the independence of the Confederacy!" "Oh, that will never be done, sir. Jt cannot be done, for it would never do to sever this great and glorious Union." ''The Union is dissolved already, Mrs. llanna, and force of arms will never reunite it. But it will not do .for me to discuss this subject. You know I am a ])risoner in the hands of my enemy — an enemy who thinks that to diflEer with him is a crime worthy of death." "How did you know, Evangeline, that I was here? I thought you had not heard it." ""Mary Lawrence told me, Harry. One of Colonel Morgan's men told her — young Brent, I believe. 1 heard it the morning after you were arrested, but they would not let me come until now." She spoke very low, so that the guard who stood by to overhear their conversation might not catch bur words: " Did Brent escape?" " Of course lie did, or he would be here." "Oh ! yes; he left that night, and I suppose got back safely, as we have heard nothing from him since." This conversation was conducted in a low tone, and as Harry had moved his seat beside Evangeline, Mrs. Hanna did not under- stand it. Observing that the two young people desired to inter- change some words privately, she engaged the guard by remark- ing: " Rather an unpleasant duty, sir, to watch here ; but it is a duty that some one ' must discharge.' " "Oh, yes, mum, as a soldier I have to obey commands; but I would a great deal rather be in the field than here. I don't like the confinement nor the business of keeping men in prison. But these are war times, madam, and the regular order of things is en- tirely changed." " Harry," said Evangeline, while this conversation was pending, " you must get out of this prison. Here is my purse — bribe the guard if you can!" As she said this, she drew out of her pocket a small purse filled with gold, and slipped it into Harry's hand. RAIDS AND ROMANCE Scarcely realizing what he did, sosurprised«was he at Evangeline's words and act, lie took the purse and hastily put it into his pocket. "In this bouquet, Harry, is a note. If you find you can carry out the plan, be at the second window on Third-street Sunday evening, at four o'clock, and give the signal mentioned. Be plain, distinct, so that I can understand you. I will attend to the rest. Understand, Harry ?" He nodded assent. "Be careful; don't betray yourself. You will be shot if you do!" Harry gazed at her in wonder. He had always known that she was resolute and fond of daring deeds, yet excitable and frequently overcome by her strong emotion. To beluHd her so calm, collect- ed, planning his escape from prison, wiis a manifestation so unex- pected he was filled with astonishment. " Don't look so surprised, Harry ; the guard will suspect you." " Here, Harry," she said, modestly, as she saw the eye of the guard fixed upon her, " is a bouquet of flowers. You allow the prisoner to receive flowers, sir, I suppose," she said, looking up at the man with one of her sweetest smiles. " Won't you have some fruit, sir?" and she extended the basket to him, while she handed the flowers to Harry. " Those apples and oranges are very nice; do take some !" The man, bowing politely, reached forward and took an apple. "Have an orange, sir?" "No, mum, I thank you ; tliis is sufiicient." " Won't you have an orange, Mrs. Hanna ?" The lady declined. '• Well, Harry, I am sure you will not refuse me." "Thank you," he said. "This young gentleman may have as much fruit as he pleases, sir! Good for his health." "Oh ! yes, mum ; we do not deny the prisoners any little thing to eat that their friends bring them." "W^ell, then, Harry, you shall have it all; take the basket!" As he was receiving it, she leaned forward and whispered, " Take the note from the bouquet ; it might fall out." Then turning to the guard, she asked, in order to distract his attention : "Do you admit ladies every day, sir?" " No, mum ; only on Thursday mornings." " And can any one come in then who desires to ? I have never been here before, and do not understand fully your regulations." OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 289 *'Any one who lias u permit can come; but onr orders are t^trict, and we cannot allow any one who has not a pass." Mr-;. Hauria K>oked at Evangeline and smiled. While the soldier was interesting himself to instruct Evangeline^ Harry had extracted the note from the bouquet and thrust it down into his pocket with the purse. His manner was nervous. Evan- geline observed it; the others, unacquainted with the young man's manner, did not. Relieved of her great anxiety, Evangeline regained her natural vivacity, and chatted with Harry and the guard with all the ease and naivete for which she was so remarkable. Mrs. Kichey and Flcfl-a rose to leave. Evangeline looked up as they did so. Recognizing the young girl, she rose to meet her. " Why, Flora! when did you get to the city? I had not heard you were here. Are you staying at your Auut Ludlow's, and will you be here long?" Flora answered her questions and then introduced Evangeline to her mother and cousin, young Peterson. Harry Roberts advanced to speak with her. *'Why, Mr. Roberts! is this you?" exclaimed Flora. ''I am surprised to see you here. I tliought you were with Colonel Mor- gan, near Lexington!" " And so I was, Miss Richey, and ought to be there now. But, anxious to see my friends in Louisville, I yielded to my desires and returned home, and, in an evil hour, I was betrayed by one whom I thought was a friend ; and now I am here en route to Camp Chase. You know ' the best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft aglay,' Miss Flora. What can't be avoided must be submitted to; and it is as much a part of a soldier's life to endure hardships as to tight. I have fought, and now I shall bear as best I can whatever is imposed upon me." '•That is true philosophy," replied the young girl, her face grow- ing animated under the expression of such sentiments. "No man is a hero without this element of character. We must learn to suflfer and to wait. It matters but little where we are, or how sit- uated, if we but serve the great cause of right." The guard standing nearest her scowled. Mrs. Richey touched her warningly on the shoulder. "Good-morning, Mr. Roberts. I hope a brighter fate awaits you.' ^Evangeline, come to see me; I shall be in the city but a few days longer." 13 EAIDS AND EOilANCE "If you will be in this afternoon at five, Flora, I will call then." "You will find me at home and glad to see you." Bidding farewell to the prisoner, and bowing to Mrs. Ilanna, Mrs. Richey and her daughter left the room. "Your half-hour has expired, mum," said the soldier to Evange- line, who was about to reseat herself beside Mrs. Il.inna. "Do you allow us only a half-hour to see a friend?" "Had you come earlier you could have remained longer, but our orders are to have no company for the prisoners after this hour." ""We will come earlier next Thursday, Mrs. Ilanna. It seems to me we have been here but a short time. But then, all is so novel to me, time has passed quickly by. •You will allow me to come in next visiting day, will you not, sir?" she said, turning and addressing the guard. "I shall wish to visit my cousin as often as possible before he goes to Camp Chase." " Oh, cejtainh', mum ; if you have a permit, you can come in. I may not be here at all then ; I am expecting every day to be called out to the field. You know the rebels are marching upon the city, and we shall all have to turn out to defend it." "Why, do you think General Bragg is coming to Louisville? lie will not be ra>h enough for that, will he?" "He'll come if he can, mum. It is our business to prevent him. I scarcely think he will get here; but these rebels are a determin- ed people, and no one can tell what they'll attempt." "'• Very true," responded Mrs. Ilanna, "but I do not think Bragg will ever reach Louisville. There are too many men to oppose him." "Good-by, Cousin Harry," said Evangeline, gayly. "Keep up your spirits — 'tis as well to be merry as sad. You know what un- cle always says," and she bent forward and whispered, "Remem- ber Sunday evening, before six o'clock — get out if possible, or you'll be sent to Camp Chase. Pretty good h)gic, isn't it, Harry?" "Oh, very fine, and it shall be my motto for the future. I shall, undoubtedly act upon it, let whatever will betide me, rest assured of that." Mrs. Hanna expressed her hope that the young man's imprison- ment might not be long, but that an exchange would soon be ef- fected in his behalf, adding, "I have a son in the Union army, Mr. Roberts, and, as a mother, I can feel for you. Good-morning, sir. I will call again and see you, and if there is any thing you desire, I will bear the request to your father." "Much obliged to you, madam. The superintendent, Captain OF MOKGAIJ AND HIS MEN. 291 Dillard, kindly furwnrded a nc»te for me to pa, yesterday, and al- thougli I have not yet liad an answer, I know my requests will be attended to." Mrs. Ilanna and Evangeline, accompanied by the guard, who seeijied to be quite pleased with the young girl's kind and fascinat- ing manner, passed out into the entry. On the landing, they en- countered Mr. Roberts, Harry's father, with Captain Dillard, the Prison Superintendent, and followed by a servant boy bearing a basket of clothing, which showed from its tumbled appearance that it had been very unceremoniou>ly examined by the sentinel. Evan- geline bowed to Mr. Roberts and passed on. Gaining the street, she bade Mrs. Ilanna good-morning, tliank- ing her for her kind escort, and engaging to accompany her to the prison on the following Thursday morning, and proceeding down Green-street, past the hospital, turned into Centre and pursued her way to Market-street. She walked up Market until slie reached the Brook-street market-house. Discovering here a Jew furnish- ing store, she entered and examined several suits of dark clothing. Finding one that answered her purpose, she drew forth a roll of Kentucky bills and paid for it: ordering the merchant to send it to Mr. Ludlow's at five o'clock that evening precisely, she turned to leave. "To whom must I direct it?" ''Miss Flora Richey," she replied promptly. "You know Mr. Ludlow's residence, do you ? near the corner of Chestnut and Sixth, north side." The man made a memorandum and placed it on the suit, which he had laid aside on the shelf. On her return home, Evangeline met Mary Lawrence. " I have just called to see you, Evangeline, and the girl told me you had gone to the prison to see Harry Roberts. Is that true ? You haven't been there, have you ? "What will Ed. Lasley say, when he hears you are visiting your old sweetheart in prison? AVon't it arouse his jealousy a little? You know he is a Union man, and it might be the means of embittering his feelings." *' Oh, Mr. Lasley must look out for himself. You know it is my duty — so aunt has always taught me — to visit the sick and those that are in prison." Her manner was so full of meaning, that her young friend could not conceal her surprise. '• Come, Mary, go back home with me, and I will tell you all. You know I was engaged to Lasley, and asked you to attend me ?" 292 RAIDS AND ROMANCE " Was engaged, Evangeline! ^Vliat do you mean? You have not broken your engagement, have you? He is iu town now. Took dinner with Mr. Spalding yesterday at Mr. R.'s. I was present. * He did not act like a rejected lover. Was gayer and more animated than when I met him befoi-e. Have you seen him since ?'' " Yes, I saw him last evening, and for the last time, Mary." '' Why, Evangeline, do explain yourself. Surely you are trying to hoax me. For the last time ? You haven't discarded him, have you V ''Hush, Mary, yonder he comes, now. I do not wish to meet him again. Look ! I do believe he reels. Come, quick, quick, into this store, and Til shut the door, so that he can't see us," The two girls stepped into Mrs. Le Compte's fancj' store, on Fourth-street, and immediately closed the door. Mrs. LeCompte looked up from behind her counter rather surprised. " What's the matter, Miss Evangeline, with you and Miss Law- rence this morning ?" asked the shopkeeper, looking out from under her nicely plaited French cap-border. " A drunken man, Mrs. Le Compte, and I am so afraid of drunken men," and the young girl held tightly to the door knob, at the same time peering curiously out into the street,^through the glass door. Just then young Lasley, leaning on the arm of a young man whom neither of the girls recognized, passed the door. His face was flushed, his eyes red, his hat slouched — his whole manner evi- denced his condition. It was with difficulty his friend could keep him steady. He was talking in an earnest tone, and Evangeline fancied she heard him say, "And I will be revenged, Nick, see if I ain't." The two young girls looked at each other in mute wonder. "• What was that he said, Mary ? did you hear him ?" whispered Evangeline. "Something about being revenged, I believe it was, I'could not hear distinctly." "I thought so, Mary. Ah, I know what he means. He is threatening Harry. I will tell you all when I get home. Look out, Mary, see if they have turned the corner of Market," "They have turned, but are walking out towards Main-street." " We can go then, I didn't know but that he had recognized me, and would wait until we came out." The two girls left, and pursued their way rapidly towards OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 293 Broadway. Reacliing the house of her aunt, Evnnirellne rang the bell, and ordering some lemonade, conducted Mary up stairs to her own room. Closing the door, and securing it so that there might be no in- trusion, the two girls seated themselves on the sofa, and Evange- line told Mary all that had occurred the evening before with young Lasley, and of his threat that she should never marry Harry Roberts. "I do not know, Mary, whether the threat was against me or Harry. He may take my lite if an opportunity should oflfer. I have already heard that he possessed a violent temper, and when once excited he is desperate. But I never realized how violent his temper was until I saw him last evening. Why, I tell you, he acted the madman. If I did not love Hany Roberts, I would uever marry him now. I would be afraid to do it." ** Well, Evangeline, this is all very strange to me, wholly unex- ])ected. When I met you this morning, I sujjposed you had been out making preparations for your wedding. You know everybody believes it is to take place on the 10th of next month. I have heard it half a dozen times since I came in this morning. Does your aunt know your decision V' " No one but yourself and Ed. Lasley, and he doesn't believe it. He said, among the last things before he left, that he would give me one week to decide. I fear to tell n)y aunt. This is the only dread I have on my mind. If she but knew it and was re- conciled to it, I would be so relieved. But my aunt, Mary, is so anxious that I should marry Ed. Lasley. He is rich, you know, and an only child, and will doubtless be the heir to his old maiden aunt's fortune. And my aunt wishes me to make what she calls *' a handsome establishment" when I marry. She never favored Harry Roberts, and now that he is a rebel, she would be more opposed to it than ever. Oh, I dread to tell her, and yet I must do it. I will never marry Lasley. I love Harry, have always loved him, and if he ever gets out of that prison, I will go to the ends of the earth to marry him. He is brave, noble, honorable, Mary, one that I could love if we had to live in a cottage. Wealth does not bring happiness, Mary. Look at Aunt Cecilia. What is there on earth that she desires, that she does not have, and yet where will you find a more wretched woman? Her fash- ionable friends think she is blessed beyond most human beings, and no doubt many of them envy her her position. But could they lift the curtain and see behind the scenes, how differently would they feel and judge 1" 294 RAIDS AND EOMAKCE "Your views are correct, Evangeline, and you talk quite like a pliilosopher. Bui have you considered this matter well ? Do you know all it involves?" "I have considered it this far, Mary ; I love Harry, and I do not love Lasley. I thought I did, but it was mere fancy. As soon as I heard Harry was here in prison, I felt I should die if I did not get to see him, and I have walked by that prison a hundred times in the last two days, hoping I might catch a glimpse of his form. I see that wealth does not purchase happiness, and I choose the latter. And besides, Harry will have a maintenance, and a hand- some one, too, if this war leaves Southern people with any thing; and if it does not, why I will love him still, and we will live in poverty." "You are decided, then, Evangeline?" "I am, Mary." "But do you not think it may be sympathy for Harry, rather than love, tliat has decided you thus? May you not change your views if he should be removed from you again?" "Oh! but I do not intend he shall be removed, Mary, unless they take him to Camp Ciiase. I am afraid to tell you what I have decided to do. I know you will think it so rash, so wild. But, Mary, you know I have but few in this world to love me ; no one*loves me as Harry does. Aunt Cecilia admires me because I afford her pleasure and draw around her young and gay society, of which she is very fond; and then, you know, she has no child of her own to bestow her caresses upon. This is the extent of her atfection for me. But Harry would lay down his life for me, Mary ; he is my best, my truest friend. Why should I not cling to him, even if I yield up every thing to do it? Will you betray me if I trust you? I have always told you every secret of my heart, but this is one more momentous than all others. Will you promise to hide it away in your own bosom and never speak of it to any one?" " Have I ever forgotten my trust, Evangeline ?" Just then the servant knocked at the door with a waiter of ice- cream and cakes. Evangeline rose to open the door. "No lemons, Miss Vangy, and Miss Cilia told me to bring you some cream and cakes." " Very well, Emily ; bring it in and put it on the stand, and tell aunt I am much obliged to her. You must not come again until I ring for you." OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 295 The girl passed out and closed the door. Evangeline, throwing off her hat and taking Mary's, resumed her seat besi^le her friend on the s<»ta, *'I have decided to do this, Mary: first, to effect Harry's es- cape; and then, if he luis to leave Kentucky, to go with hiui." *'But, Evangeline, how are you to accomplish these two haz- ardous undertakings? You cannot get Harry out of prison ; and if you did, how will you get through to the Confederate lines?" '*Mary, my belief is that any thing can be accomplished, if you only determine it shall be done. These are times when the very foundations of society are moved, and what would be regarded under ordinary circumstances as insanity, will pass current now for heroism. Many females in every age have dared every thing for their lovers' sake; why may not I do the same? If I can once get within the Confederate limits, I shall have nothing to fear." " But how is Harry to escape ?" " Oh ! I don't know that he will, Mary ; that is yet to be tested. His attempt may prove successful; it may not. But you know several have escaped from that as well as from other prisons. I do not see why he cannot do so too. He has promised me he will try." "You saw him then this inorning and mentioned it to him? How did you find an opportunity ? I have heard that all visitors are so closely watched by a guard stationed in the room for that purpose, that no private conversation at all can pass between them and their friends.'^ '' Oh, I whispered to Harry, who sat beside me, while the guard was talking to Mrs. Hanna. He looked suspiciously upon me once or twice, but I paid no attention to it. Moreover, I carried Harry a bouquet of flowers that had a note concealed in it, proposing a plan of my own, and this I gave him and in a few words explained the outline, so that when he had read it he would understand wh.-i I meant." " Why, Evangeline, you astonish me ! You are really a heroine. Who could have thought that you — always so thoughtless, so gay — would have ventured upon an experiment so full of danger and requiring so much thought and courage ?" ''Ah, Mary, love is a powerful incentive — a great teacher." " And did you consult no one, Evangeline ?" "Xo one, Mary; I have told no one but Harry and you. It 296 KAIDS AND ROMANCE most be kept very secret, or the whole thing may fail and Harry's life be the forfeit."' Mary sat a few moments absorbed in deep thought. Two or three times she looked at Evangeline as if she wished to tell her something she dared not communicate, and then, lowering her eyes, relapsed into thought again. "Evangeline," she said at length, looking up through her curls, ''you have confided in me; I will confide in you. I need not ask you to keep faithfully what I tell you from the ears of every human being. I know that under the present circumstances you could not divulge it. You know, Evangeline, that, like you, I am pretty much alone in the world. All my relations, save my father and some cousins, are in the South : and Charley R. is there, too, Evangeline — they left him sick in Tennessee. My father lias gone through to Lexington, and I am left alone." •'Has your father gone, Mary? How did he get through, and when did he leave? I had not heard a word of his going.*' " Of course it was best to keep it secret. He has been gone a week, and as I have heard nothing from him, lam led to hope that he has reached Lexington safely. He went from here to a friend's six miles out in the country, in a carriage ; from there he i)roposed to get forward as best he could. Did not know but that he would have to walk most of the way." Mary paused as if uncertain whether to proceed. " And do you propose to follow your tather in the event the Confederates do not come to Louisville?" asked Evangeline, un- derstanding the cause of her hesitation. '• Yes, Evangeline, thfit is my determination. I am now waiting to see what will be the issue of General Bragg's movements as re- gards this city, and also the permanent occupation of the State. This is all that keeps me here now. Pa said he would send for me just as soon as it was decided what the Confederates would do ; but I shall not wait for him to do this, if General Bragg passes into the interior of the State. If he does not come and take me, I will immediately make my way through, lest it be too late if I wait for pa to send some one for me." "Was Charley very sick, Mary? and how did you know it? and where is your brother? You, of course, have not seen him yet?';^ "I^o; John is with Colonel Duke at Lexington. Y(^ung Brent, who came to Louisville, left him the very night Harry Roberts was arrested and put in prison. He brought me a letter from OF MORGAN AMD UIS MEN. 297 Charley, and came all the way out to Mr. li.'s, where 1 was spend- ing a few days, to deliver it to me." ''And how was Charley when Brent left him V' " Quite sick ; had tyi)hoid fever, but his physician did not COQ- sider his case dangerous, lie was in Tennessee, not far from Knoxville, in a private house, where the family would take the tenderest care of him. The physician boarded in the house, so that he will need for nothing that kindness and medical skill can afford. But, oh ! Evangeline, you cannot tell how miserable I am ; I fancy all the time he is dead ; dream at night of his sufferings and death ! It is horrible, this agonizing suspense. I ftel at times I shall go mad. And I cannot hear from him! It will be weeks — perhaps months — before I know whether he is dead or liv- ing." "Oh, the horrors of this war, Mary! what tongue can describe them? I shudder when I think of the suffering we have yet to endure. Surely, a just God will punish these Northern fanatics for the misery and death they are spreading over the land ! Yes, a day of retribution must come when they shall be made to feel the curse of their own evil doings. I sometimes think I could rejoice if the earth would open and swallow them up, as it did those peo- ple of old that Mr. Young preached about two or three Sabbaths ago. But, Mary, if you have determined to go to your father, why cannot we go together?" "Oh! I would be so glad of your company, Evangeline, and we will go together if it is possible. But will you go out to the Con- federates if Harry is sent to Camp Chase?" "No, Mary; if he should fail to escape and be kept here, or be forwarded to any other Northern prison, I would remain here. You know I could but be miserable in the Confederacy where I should never hear from him. There is nothing to take me South but Harry." " How soon will you — can you — decide, Evangeline ?" " In a few days, Mary. I can let you know on Monday morn- ing. You will not leave before then, will you ?" " Oh, no ! General Bragg could not get here before that time. My going depends on his movements. I shall see you before Mon- day. I am coming to town again Saturday evening to stay all night; call and see me at my boarding-house." " Oh, come and stay with me, Mary ! Do not think of going to your room — so lonely, so cheerless it must be, now your father is gone!" 13* 298 RAIDS AND ROMANCE •'Thank you, Evangie; I ^hall be compelled to remain at home to make some preparations that will be necessary if I leave." "Then stay with me to day, Mary." ''Cannot to-day. I came in with Lu and Mrs. Spalding, and shall have to return with them. They leave at two ; it is now hnlf-past one," she said, looking at her watch. " We will meet at church — but you come to see me Saturday." '' Very well ; I'll do so." Throwing on her hat, Mary hastened to her friends at the ap- pointed place of meeting, and they had not yet arrived. Stepping into a store for a few moments to buy a mourning collar, she heard one of the cleiks remark to an elderly gentleman, who stood in front of the counter examining some cassimere, and whose face was turned from her so tliat she could not see it: " Will they not send our prisoners across the river before Bragg can get here ?" Slie did not hear the gentleman's reply distinctly. The words, " Harry, haste, and pantaloons," met lier ear, and she quickly con- cluded that it must be Mr. Roberts, who was anxious to get suit- able clothing prepared for his sou, before he should be sent to Camp Chase. Ordering one pair of pantaloons cut off and trimmed, the old gentleman then asked for some pocket-handkerchiefs. In turning to look after the clerk, who proceeded to the front of the store, Mary caught a glance of his features. It was, as she had supposed, Harry's father. Ah, how sad was that usually mild, genial face! AY hat an expression of sorrow haunted the deep, gray eyes and rested around the mouth I '• How do you do, Mr. Roberts?" said Mar}', as cheerfully as she could, advancing towards him and offering her hand. He looked at her a moment intently. " Why, I did not recognize you at first, Mary. How do you do? You look changed, my child, in your mourning dres>. How is your father? I have not seen him for several days. I used to meet him almost daily. I thought, perhaps, he had gone from the city." '•He has, Mr. Roberts," replied Mary, lowering her voice. "Pa left several days since to join the Confederates at Lexington." "He is not g<'ing into the army, child, an old man as he is!" exclaimed Mr. Roberts, in astonishment. ''Ko, sir; but he desires, in the event the Confederates have to leave Kentucky, to go out with them, and he felt the surest way OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 299 to secnre liis object was to get into their Hues while the army w;is stationary." '' Ail, I wisii I could go, Mary. But they have got poor Harry here in prison, and I could not leave hira. Too bad tliat he should have run So much risk to see us and be caught. "VTe did not get to see him before he was arrested. He had been in town but a' half Ijour when an old schoolmate of his, a Union spy, met him and recognized him, and had him immediately put in prison." "And haven't you seen him at all, Mr. Roberts?" "Yes, this morning for a siiort time, just long enough to ascer- tain wiiat he needs to make him comfortable. He left all his clothes at Lexington, putting on the worst he had to avoid detection. I am out trying to get him clothing ready before he is sent to Camp Chase." "Have they decided to send our men there ?" *' I don't know that they have; but of course they will do it if there is any certain promise that Bragg will get here. I would not be surprised if ihey were ordered otf to-morrow morning." Mary's heart beat quickly as she listened to these words. " Poor Evangeline — poor Harry!" she said to herself. "Wouldn't it be too dreadful if they should send him away! Oh, poor girl, her heart would break, she is so sanguine now of his escape. I wisii I could go and tell her what I have heard. But, then, what good would result from it? She could not communicate with Harry, even if she knew it, and the dread would only* be a source of mis- ery." "Have you been long waiting, Mary?" said Mrs. Spalding, en- tering the store and laying her hand on her shoulder. " Why, how do you do, Mr. Roberts? I did not observe it was you ; the room is so dark after coming out of the bright sunshine. And how is Harry? I suppose you have seen him." "He is well and in fine spirits, poor fellow. He bears his im- prisonment like a hero. Where is Charley ? I did not ask for John, Mary ; I'suppose they are both with Morgan at Lexington ?" "Charley was left very sick in Tennessee, Mr. Roberts. Was wholly unable to come with his command into Kentucky. Had typhoid fever." "Indeed 1 I am sorry to hear it. And did John stay with him? I know they have always been great friends fnjm their boyliood." " No, Mr. Roberts, my brother came into Kentucky with Colonel Morgan, and is ncnv near Lexington. Pa expected to meet him as soon as he reached there." 300 KAIDS AND ROMANCE '• Colonel Morgan, with a portion of h\s command, have been sent out to intercept General Morgan's retreat from Cumberland G.-ij), Harry told me. Is your brother in that expedition, Mary?" '•Indeed, I do not know, sir. Mr. Brent, one of Morgan's men, who was in Louisville a few days ago, told me that John was with Colonel Duke, somewhere in the vicinity of Lexington, and was well. This is the only intelligence we have had from him since the Confederates entered the State." "Mr. Spalding is waiting for us at the door, Mary." The two bade Mr. Roberts good-by, and seating themselves in the carriage, drove out into the country. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 301 CHAPTER LI. Wart had scarcely left Evangeline's room before her aunt sent up Emily to tell her young mistress to come to her room for a few minutes, as she wished to see her. ''What does Aunt Cecilia want with me, Emily?'' " Indeed I don't know, Miss 'Vangy. She told me to make haste ; had sumthin' of importance to tell you." Evangeline trembled from head to foot. Her heart foreboded evil. Smoothing her hair and taking off her basque, she descended the stairway and sought her aunt's room. "Evangeline," said Mrs. Terrant, "every thing is in such con- fusion here, I have decided to go to Indianapolis for a few days, and shall leave this evening on the cars. You must get ready immediately. Emily will pack your trunks while you go out with me to do a little shopping, Emily, tell the cook to have dinner on the table as soon as she can, and Henry must have the car- riage at the door in half an hour. Your uncle cannot go with us, so we shall have to take care of ourselves. You know we should not dare to take Emily or Pauline. We no doubt shall have a pleasant visit. It will at least be a recreation, and we can remain until the fate of Louisville is sealed. God grant it may never fall into the hands of the rebels, though it looks as if it might. Mr. Knott told me there was some danger of such a disaster, and I heard a gentleman remark that the authorities had ordered every thing valuable to be removed to the other side of the river, and the prisoners to be sent to Camp Chase. They seem to be pre- paring for Bragg." "But, come, Evangeline, we have no time to discuss these mat- ters now. You had better go to your room and take out such clothes, Evangeline, as you wish to carry with you. Do not leave any of your valuables behind. Use three trunks if neces- sary." " Dinner is ready, mistress," said Pauline, appearing at the door of Mrs. Terrant's room. "Well, come, Evangeline, we will take our dinner; you will then have time to select such clothing as you propose to take. 302 liATDS AXD EOMANCE Come, we will not wait for your uncle, to-day. It is a half-hour earlier than he usually comes here." Evangeline mechanically followed her aunt to the dining-room. She had not once essayed to speak. Her aunt attributed her tiilence to her unwillingness to go on account of her approaching marriage, and accordingly said, as soon as the servant had left the room : '"Yon must write a note, Evangeline, to Mr. Lasley, postponing your marriage at leaj>t one month. Perhaps he may call in this evening. He has not been here to-day, has he ? You had better write the note as soon as dinner is over. I will tell your uncle to have it handed to him, if he has not left the city ; and if he has, to have it forwarded without delay to Bardstown. Matters are in such a confused condition now, that it would be impossible to make preparations for any thing of the kind. Invite him to visit, you at Indianapolis; and if you choose, you can marry him there." Evangeline sat like some one petrified. Her heart was burst- ing with fear and anxiety. How could she reheve herself from this dreadful position ? She could not leave Louisville, that was impossible. But what valid excuse could she offer to her aunt for desiring to stay ? Once she thought she would acknowledge all, and throw herself on her aunt's clemency. But she could not do this. It would be to ask too great a favor. And then she remembered her aunt's antipathy to Harry Roberts, and her utter dislike to all secessionists. She dared not make the appeal, so she sat still and silent, her heart beating violently. The color came and went in her cheeks, and the tears would rush up to her eyes, but she would force them down again and endeavor to ap- pear unmoved. " You do not seem to be pleased with the prospect of your visit^ Evangeline," said Mrs. Terrant, '' I thought you would be de- lighted to have a short respite from this ruinous excitement. For my part, I am almost dead. I do not believe I could live unless I can escape from it awhile. If I find Indianapolis in such a tu- mult, I shall leave mj lister's and go into the country, to some quiet village, if such a place can be found." "Indeed, aunt, I do not wish to go," said Evangeline, summon- ing all her resolution for the fearful task. "Do let me stay with Uncle Terrant, and keep house for him while you are gone. I will get Mary Lawrence and Mrs. Davy to stay with me." •' Why, Evangeline, don't you wish to go ? What strange freak OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 303 has come over you ? You are usually desirous to travel. And who will go with me? I cannot go alone; never travelled by mv- self in all my life. But why don't you wish to go, Evangeline? Wliat reason can you have for desiring to stay here ?" ''Oh, aunt, I could not leave Louisville now. I like the excite- ment. It would take my life to have to go and stay among the Yankees now. You know, Aunt Cecilia, I never did like them." " Oh, you needn't trouble yourself about the Yankees ; you >liall not be annoyed by them." *'But, aunt, I hope you will excuse me this once. If it were any other time in the world, 1 should take pleasure in accompany- ing you. Let Uncle Terrant go with you, and then he can return ; and if you desire it, I can come out as soon as the fate of Louis- ville is decided. Won't you excuse me this time, dear aunt, and allow me to stay?" said Evangeline, most coaxingly, quite reas- sured by the kind, considerate manner in which her aunt received her refusal. •• I do not wish to force you, EvangelincT, but should be very glad to have you with me." '* Oh, aunty, you will have company enough when you get there. Your nieces will go with you wherever you wish, and they are most charming society, you know. I will pack all your trunks while you are down town, and will insure that Uncle Terrant will go with you. Had you not better take most of your silver, aunt? or will you leave it all ready packed to be sent across the river as soon as it is ascertained that the Confederates will certainly reach here?" *• I believe I will leave it, Evangeline. It would be a great bur- den to me to take it with me, and you will keep it in readiness to be moved at any moment, won't you ?" *' Indeed I will, aunty. It shall be the first thing attended to by me to-morrow. I will have it all nicely rubbed, and securely ])Ut away." *• Get my bonnet and mantle, Pauline," said Mrs. Terrant to the girl, as she arose from the table. "Evangeline, put all my best dresses in one trunk, with my jewelry and velvet cloak, and till another with plainer wear, and yet another with undercloth- ing. Pauline and Emily must do the packing — you supervise. I shall leave for Jell'ersouville at half-past four o'clock." '• Oh, I will have every thing ready, aunt," said Evangeline, gayly, feeling as light as a fairy. Leaving a few directions with the servants, Mrs. Terrant then 304 KAIDS AND ROMANCE tlirew on her bonnet and silk mantle, and drove down the street to shop. Evangeline npplied herself most energetically to the task before lier. Wardrobes, drawers, boxes, were robbed of their contents to fill the three ponderous trnnks, that stood open in the middle of the room, awaiting their filling. Evangeline had scarcely begun operations before her Uncle Terrant came in. " Heigh-day, Evangie, ain't you and your aunt ready to be off yet? Oh, this trunk-packing — what a nuisance to the world ! I don't see what women want wMth such an interminable quantity of clothing, anyhow. Come, come, make haste, you will not be ready in time. "We must cross the river at precisely half-past four." " Go, Emily, tell cook to bring in uncle's dinner directly. Here, uncle, come lie down on the lounge and rest. I want to talk with you awhile," and Evangeline prepared the pillows in her sweetest manner, and drew down the shade at the head of the couch, so that the light would not fall too glaringly on the mer- chant's face. " Now, uncle, I have a little kindness to ask of you," said Evan- geline, with one of her charming smiles, as she threw her aunt's large plaid shawl over his shoulders, and smoothed back his hair from his forehead. "And what is it, child?" asked the old gentleman, in a gentle tone. ' Evangeline knew her uncle's heart was all right. He had called her "child," with him the most endearing epithet, and so she knelt beside hiln, and said : " Uncle, I do wish you would go with aunty to Indianapolis, to-night. Now, won't you just for my sake, uncle? I cannot leave Louisville now, and you know she cannot travel by herself. And aunty is so worn out with the excitement, she really needs a little rest — and then her heart is so bent on going. I shall have to go, if you don't, and stay there with the Yankees until aunty gets ready to come home again. And I would sooner be in Fort Warren ; for then I wouldn't be annoyed by them, you know. I •never did like the Yankees. I would so much rather stay with you. Now won't you go, just for me?" and Evangeline stroked back the silver-threaded hair, and patted her uncle's cheek most caressingly." " Oh, my child, I don't see how I can go, I am so busy. Heels over bead, scarcely time to draw my breath ; large government OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 305 contract — must be attendetl to, and it, keeps me so busy, busy, busy!" ''Hut you will soon be back a^ain, uncle. Only one day and night, and the relaxation tVnni business will do you good. I am sure it will, and then I shall keep such a nice house for you. I am to be your housekeeper while aunty's gone ! You didn't know that, did you ? And you r«hall have such good cottee every morn- ing, and such excellent dinners just wlien you please, and nice lunch at your store every day at eleven, and music in the evening to drive away care and trouble, and every thing pleasant and nice. Now, won't you go ? Oh, I am sure you won't say no, uncle!" '' Oh, you women ! Evangie, you women ! How you do have every thing your own way ! There is no managing you at all. Ko wonder popr old Adam fell, if Eve was half as persuasive as you women are now-a-days. I am most outrageously busy, but I sup- pose I shall have to go, just to please you, for your aunt is bent on the trip, and somebody must go with her. But what will you do to-night? You can't stay here alone." '• Oh, never mind me, uncle, I can take care of myself to-night. I am going round to Mrs. Ludlow's, to stay with Flora liichey, a friend of mine from the country. Oh, I am so delighted you will go ! And when you get back to-morrow, you shall have every thing so nice, and all your own way, and you shall see what a good housekeeper I'll be. But there is Sarah to tell us dinner is ready. I had you a good, strong cup of tea made. I thought you would enjoy it this chilly d>y. Walk in, uncle," and Evan- geline assisted her uncle to rise, and led him to the dining-room. During dinner she chatted away so gayly, and attended to Mr. Terrant's wishes with such a pleasing, fascinating manner, that that gentleman began to feel that he had made quite a good arrangement in retaining Evangeline during her aunt's absence, even though it should cost him some present inconvenience. With no child of his own, it was but natural that the uncle should lavish his love on his young and interesting niece. Evan- geline was the only child of an only sister, who, at the age of six- teen, had married a Frenchman of some means, and who, imme- diately after the marriage, had taken his young wife to Pwouen, his native city, where misfortune after misfortune beset them, until they were finally left in very limited circumstances. When Evangeline was four yeari of age. Monsieur Lenoir died. His widow, gathering together as best she could the remnant of 306 RAIDS AND ROMANCE her bnsband's property, returned with her daughter to America. Two short years found Evangeline an orphan, in charge of her only remaining relative, Mr. Terrant. She brought as her dower a few liundred dollars, which her mother had scrupulously preserved for her, and which Mr. Terrant immediately placed at interest for the benefit of his niece, when she should marry or become of age. She was adopted into his own family, and always regarded by him as his own child ; and although a man of extensive business and of few words, yet he had found both time and means to make Evan- geline feel that she was beloved by him. "I must go to the store, child, and make my arrangements," said Mr. Terrant, as he rose from the table. "And I shall tell aunt you will be back in time to go with her," she said, as she followed him into the hall, holding to his hand. "Yes; I will be here with a hack precisely at four o'clock. Have every thing ready, Evangie, so that there will be no delay." "Oh, yes, th;it I will. Every thing shall be aufait in time." Just as Mr. Terrant was about to place his hand on the door- knob to go out, the bell rang. Evangeline, stepping back to the parlor door, paused to see who it was. Mr. Terrant opened the door, and there stood revealed the form of Ed. Lasley. Evange- line caught a glimpse of it, and with one bound rushed into the parlor. This was the only way of escape. As she stood there trembling, scarce knowing what to do, she heard her uncle say: " How do you do to-day, Mr. Lasley ? Walk in, sir." "Is Miss Lenoir in?" the young man asked, as he moved for- ward to enter the hall. "Yes, she is at home, sir; walk in, walk in." The young man entered the hall, and encountering Pauline, who had gone to answer the bell, said : " Tell Miss Lenoir Mr. Lasley wishes to see her in the parlor." "I will go and see if rho is in, sir." " Oh, yes she is ; Mr. Terrant has just told me so." Evangeline waited to hear no more. Frightened at the idea of encountering the man who had threatened her, and whom she saw on the street but a few hours before in such a disgusting plight, she sprang into the back parlor throu/^h the ojjen door, and gaining the door that led into the hall, stood trembling with alarm. As soon as she heard the step of the young man in the parlor, she glided across the hall into the dining-room, and from thence she gained her aunt's chamber, where, locking the door OF MOEGAJf AND HIS MEN. 307 beliind lier, slie threw herself on the couch near the window and hid her face in her liandti. "What is the matter, Miss 'Vangy?" asked Emily, who was busily eng.igt'd packing one of the three large trunks with her mistress's .^ilk dresses and laces. " You look scared to death, Miss 'Vangy — pale as a ghost I" A knock was heard at the door, "Oh, do not let any one come in, Emily !" said Evangeline, her voice tremulous with fear. " Keep the door locked, do!" "It's only Pauline, Miss 'Vangy; don't you hear her voice?" and Emily turned the key and admitted her before the frightened girl could command her not to do it. "Mr. Lasley wants to see you in the parlor, Miss 'Vangy," said Pauline, as she approached the bedside, and stood over her young mistress, who had not yet dared to look up. " Here is his card, mam." The young girl started up. "Tell him, Pauline, that I cannot see hiin ; I am engaged making preparations to go to Indianapolis to-night." The servant bore her young mistress's message to the parlor, and soon returned with one from young Lasley. "Mr. Lasley says he must see you. Miss 'Vangy ; he cannot leave the house until he does. He has something important to say to you, and he must see you now, directly." "Pauline, tell Mr. Lasley," said the young girl, trembling from head to foot, yet with her eye fixed steadily on the servant that stood awaiting her bidding, " that I cannot see him this evening; it is impossible. Then do you come here and finish putting your mistress's clothes in that trunk. It is now almost three o'clock, and every thing must be in readiness in a half-hour." "What did he say, Pauline?" asked the young girl, nervously, as the servant returned from the delivery of her last message to the visitor in the parlor. "He says he is going to stay here until he does see you. Miss 'Vangy ; that he won't move one step until you come into that parlorV' " Then he will weary of waiting," said the young girl to herself, as sht; rose from the couch and proceeded to attend to her aunt's jewelry. "Lock that door, immediately, Pauline, and come here and re- move these things from the two drawers to that large black trunk by the washstand. And you and Emily make all the haste you 308 RAIDS AND EOMANCE can. Yon have bnt little time; the hack will be here at fonr, and they must not be kept waiting. This carpet-bag leave; I'll at- tend to it myself. Hand me those rubbers ; they must go in it. Put those dresses and those mantles in very smoothly, Emily ; and Pauline roll those underclothes very tightly." Evangeline having secured her aunt's jev^^elry and attended to the important carpet-bag, threw herself on the lounge, where she could superintend the operations of the two girls. Her face was crimson ; her heart beat tumultuously, and her temples throbbed violently ; yet she felt she must nerve herself to the task, cost what it might. What she had undertaken must be accomplished, and time was pressing. As she lay there she could occasionally hear across the hall the footsteps of young Lasley, as he moved about the parlor. Every time this noise reached her ears, she started up and looked towards the door. Once she heard him step out into the hall — "Thank God! thank God! he is going!" she said to herself, and suppressing her breath and ordering the two servants to be silent, she waited in torturing expectation for the hall door to open. But the young man, after walking to the front door and looking out through the side-lights, returned to the parlor and resumed his seat. "Why don't you go in now, Miss 'Vaugy, to see Mr. Lasley? Me an Emily can tinish these trunks in time. And you see he is not going until he does see you." "Attend to your own busines>, Pauline, and finish those trunks! I do not wish to see Mr. Lasley this evening, and do not intend to do it." "Oh! if he should remain here until my aunt returns ! What shall I do? I cannot explain this thing to her now, and she will be all curious to know about it. Oh, I do wish he would go ! What a simpleton to be sitting up there, thinking he will force me to come! I wouldn't go into that parlor now if I suffered death for it! Half an hour he has been here already; he must possess sjme patience to set up there all that time alone." "This trunk is as full as it will hold, Miss 'Vangy." "And have you put in all the handsome dresses, and the man- tles, and aunt's velvet cloak?" "Yes, mam," "Well, set it to one side — help her there, Pauline — and then go up stairs, Einily, and look in my room and bring your Mi=s Cecilia's large travelling shawl and that cloth cloak; she may wish them both. Go the back way." OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 309 AGT.'iin Evun^'C'liiie heard tlie footfall in the hall, and again she started up and listened breathlessly. The younjr man repeated the same act of going to the door, peeping out, and then returning, walked into the parlor and strode across the room. '*IIe is growing restless," said Evangeline to herself. "lie will go after awhile; another half-hour!" and she again took out her watch to consult the time. "Another half-hour and his patience must be exhausted. God grant he may leave before my aunt comes!" Fifteen minutes more had passed. The trunks were ready for strapping. Again the footfall was heard in the hall. It passed. " Thank God — thank God ! he is gone at last!" exclaimed Evan- geline, as she heard the hall door open. Siie sprang to the window to see him pass out. She waited a moment, wondering why he did not descend the steps. She heard the door close. "Now he is gone, surely !" She pressed her face against the glass to catch a glimpse of his figure; a moment more and she heard the same detested footfall enter the parlor. Looking towards the front gate, she discovered her aunt alighting from her carriage! "What shall I do! what shall I do!" she said, wringing her hands in agony. "There is aunty, and that simpleton is still in the parlor ! What will she say when she learns he has been here an hour, and I have not been in to see him ? I have a great mind to go in now — no, I won't. He shall not conquer me by his rude- ness. Maybe he'll have sense enough to keep quiet, and aunty will be in such haste that she will not find out he is here. She has onlv fifteen minutes. Oh, what will those fifteen minutes de- velop!'' "Unlock that door, Emily, and open the hall door, and tell aunty as soon as she comes in that all her trunks are ready. Pauline, go and bring those packages from the driver. Did you leave room for them in the brown trunk?" "Yes, mam!" "All things ready, Evangie?" said Mrs. Terrant, bursting into the room. I have but fifteen minutes. Your uncle will be here in that time with a carriage, and he says I must not keep him wait- ing a moment. He is going with me, he told me. Bring my large shawl, Emily." "Here it is, aunty, and your cloak too." "I shall want them both. I will wear the cloak, and Mr. Ter- rant can take the shawl on his arm. I shall need it to-night. The whole town is in an uproar, Evangeline, about General Bragg's 310 RAIDS AND ROMANCE corning. Oh ! I am so glad I am getting away from it. I should go crazy to stay here a week longer. Here, Evangeline, you put these things in the trunk, will you, where they won't get mashed. There are soine ruches and flowers in that box ; I could not get my bonnet trimmed in time, so I bought the materials and will have it done in Indianapolis. Shop-keepera, milliners, mantua-makers — everybody — are beside themselves. If you had seen Mr. Lasley I would take you with me just as you are, and let your trunks be sent after you. Tell him, Evangeline, that the marriage must be postponed a month, until all this noise and confusion are over. It would be impossible to give you a wedding under such circum- stances." '•Sit down, aunty, and rest a moment; you look so flurried. You are ready now." "Every thing in the trunks? "Well, th.en, strap them, and tell Harry to take them out to the front gate. Did you put me up a snack, Evangeline? I may not get any supper." " Ni) ; but I can in a moment." *' Some bread and cheese, child, and some of that cold ham with a few pickles. Where is my palm fan? I may need it. I be- lieve it is in the parlor;" and Mrs. Terrant rose from her seat to get it, as no servant was present to wait on her. Evangeline, who heard her words and saw her movement through the open door, bounded into the room — Oh, aunty, do sit still ! I will get it for you. See, your col- lar is on wrong side out; change it, while I get the fan." She was about to cross the hall to encounter young Lasley in the parlor, when Emily came in from assisting Henry with the trunks." " Aunt's palm fan, Emily, in the parlor — not a word for your life!" " It's in the back parlor, Miss 'Yangy; I saw it there when I cleaned up the room this morning." '' Get it quickly — not a word about Mr. Lasley ! Do you hear ?" *' Yes, mam," replied the girl, whose wonder was every moment increased by her young mistress's strange movements. Evangeline hastened to the dining-room, and with the assistance of Sarah, the cook, soon returned with a nice package of edibles, which she deposited in her aunt's travelling basket. "There's your uncle with the carriage. Write me, Evangeline, at least three letters a week — and don't forget to tell Mr. Lasley about the postponement. And attend to the silver. Emily, you OF MOEGAJSr A^'D HIS MEN. 311 and Pauline do what your Miss ' Vangie tells you, and behave your- selves." And Mrs. Tenant walked rapidly out into the hall, fol- lowed by her niece and the two servants. " Oh ! will he come out?" asked Evangeline to herself. '' If he will only stay a few moments longer, all will be safe." But the young man, who knew full well how kindly Mrs. Terrant had treated him, was determined to retaliate, if possible, on the young lady who had left him waiting one long, weary hour to catch a gUmpse at her person. And — oh, horrors! — -just as Mrs. Terrant stepped into the hall from the room door, he issued from the opposite one and bade her and Evangeline good-evening, and taking his hat from the rack, proceeded to accompany them to the carriage. '' Evangie has told you that I am going to Indianapolis to-night, Mr. Lasley? Scared away by the Confederates." ''Tills is the first glimpse I have caught of Miss Evangie this evening, Mrs. Terrant." " Oh I but a short time in, and Evangie has been so busy." "■Have been in the parlor an bour and twenty minutes." The aunt looked at ber niece wi>nderingly. The girl colored, but made no reply. '' Found Evangie very busy this evening, Mr. Lasley ? But I suppose she has had time to say all that was neceamry ^'' remarked Mr. Terrant, jocularly. "I have just this moment seen her for the first time, Mr. Ter- rant," rei)lied the young man surlily. The uncle cast a penetrating glance on Evangeline. The rose on her cheek blushed itself to crimson. She was about to say to her uncle that she had been so busy as to prevent her appearance in the parlor; but conscience interfered and saved her the sin of prevarication, and smiling a forced smile, she remained silent. "Evangie is very tired now, Mr. Lasley, and I know cannot prove interesting; so you had better take a seat with us and drive down to the hotel," and Mr. Terrant placed the packages so as to give the young man a comfortable seat. ''We have not a momen*' to lose ; it is now four o'clock," said Mr. T., consulting his watch. '' Come, Mrs. Terrant, let me assist you in ; and you, Mr. Lasley." The aunt hade Evangeline farewell, whispering in her ear as shv kissed her, " Don't forget to speak to Mr. Lasley about the post- ponement," and stepped into the carriage. The young man hesi tated. 312 EAIDS AND KOMANCE " Just as well ride, Mr. Lasley," said Mrs. Terrant as she dis- covered his pause. Turning to Evangeline he said, "I shall call and see you at six. Where shall I find you ?" " Not at lionie," was the low reply. " Very well !" he remarked, mistaking her answer, and putting his foot in the step, entered and closed the door. "Good-by, my child; I shall be back to-morrow, without an accident," called out her uncle as the carriage drove ott'. OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 313 CHAPTER LII. EXCITEMENTS — DISAPPOINTMENTS. EvANGF.LiNE hastened t() her f»\vn room. Closing the door, slie threw lierself on the bed and gave way to tlie pent-np excitement of the day in a flood of weeping. It was the outbreak of the tem- pest that had been silently gathering together its mighty ftjrces. She wept long and bitterly as she thought of all she had endured — all she must yet meet ; and as she looked out upon the responsi- bilities of the coming two weeks, she shuddered and recoiled as one who contemplates a fearful doom. How strange, how wildly strange, to her was her present position ! She who had been the petted child of fi»rtune — who had lived so dependent on others, and who, hedged about by kind protection, had never felt otherwise than safe from all danger, free from all care ! It was the turning-point in her life. She had now assumed to act for herself, was about to cut adrift from the old moorings and launch out on an unknown sea. Should she succeed, was the question she asked herself; for she did not for a moment swerve from her purpose. '' It is for Harry," she said ; " and whether or not I am success- ful, I must make the attempt. For his sake I will encounter every obstacle, endure every trial, meet every reproach. He is worthy of all this on my part, and I shall not show myself unworthy of him. If I accomplish my purposes, I secure my hap- pjpess for life ; if I fail, I have done my duty — all — all I could — and this, poor as it is, will be some consolation to me amid ray grief and helplessness. If I do not marry Harry, I shall have to marry Lasley. My aunt is determined on it. But — no — I cannot do it! Rather than do this, I will forever immure myself in a convent, where, shut out from the world, I can cherish my own sorrows, indulge my lifelong grief. Oh, should Hairy fail to Cijcape ! should he be shot, or die in prison ! Then — then — what then ! God grant he may get out safely !" she ejaculated aloud, as the thought of his death swept through her mind. "A life of dark trial mine has been. Fatherless, motherless — no brother, no sister — an orphan alone in the wide world. And 14 314 RAroS AND PwOM^VNCE yet my uncle and aunt liave been kind to me — but tliey could n[)ing to the stand, she was about to add something to her reply. She stood thoughtful for a moment, then, putting the- pen- cil back into her pocket, she threw the letter on the stand with the card. In a few minutes, the servant entered the room bearing a pitch- er of water. "Girl, take that note and card to the young gentleman in the parlor, and then return and let me know what he says," she added, as the servant was leaving the room. " The young gentleman didn't say any thing, miss," said the girl, opening the door and peeping in. "He looked very mad, ma'am, when he read the note, and took his iiat and went out." "Very well, girl; where is Miss Flora?" "In the parlor, ma'am. She told me to tell you to excuse her; an old friend had called to see her, and she would be in the parlor some time." "It is all perfectly right. Tell Miss Flora I would prefer to be alone, my head aches so." 320 EALDS AND ROMANCE The girl passed out, closing the door behind her. Evangeline threw herself into the large arm-chair that stood beside her, and burying her face in her hands, wept aloud. 01), the agony, the utter desolateness of that moment! There are times in the history of every heart, when tlie sorrows of life crush out for a time every hope, every desire. How wild and meaningless existence then seems! We shrink from the very thought of our own being, and unless the soul can lift the eye of faith to the source whence cometh all consolation, it sinks into the dread wish for annihilation. Life! strange, enigmatical life ! who can fathom thy mysteries? Evangeline wept and wept. The fountain of tears was unsealed and gushed forth in unceasing torrents. No power of will could check them. Sobbing, she threw herself on the sofa, and in a paroxysm of anguisli lay like one bereft of reason. iJer brain burnt as with fire, and her heart throbbed almost to bursting. She clasped her hands despairingly, and looked up as if implor- ing aid. "Oh! God pity me!" she exclaimed, "pity me, pity me! and bring relief to my poor breaking heart!" A half hour passed. Evangeline was still weeping. Her sobs and moans, so low and piteous, were sad to hear. Flora Pticl)(;y entered the room. Going to the sofa, she threw her arms around the pn)^trate form and said soothingly, " Do not weep so, Evangie. It will all come right." The young girl opened her eyes and put out her arms to chisp the neck of her friend, but they fell powerless at her side, and the large black orbs closed again, while her whole countenance took upon it a look of unutterable woe. Flora bathed the hot brow and chafed the cold haiids, and poured into the distracted ear tender, loving words. But many an hour passed before the tried heart found peace in sleep. Friday and Saturday were days of restless anxiety, and conflict- ing doubts and hopes. On Friday night, Mr. Terrant returned from Indianapolis, and the vocation that Evangeline had assumed, that of housekeeper, gave her employment which served measura- bly to win her from her trouble. Young Lasley did not call again during the time. Evangehne hoped that her note had convinced him that his visits were no longer acceptable. Sabbath morning came. Evangeline prepared for church. Her uncle was to accompany her. She was donning her bonnet and paletot when the door-bell rang violently. "Who can that be?" OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 321 she said, as slie sprung to the window ty h;ok out. She could not discern who it was, but she coidd perceive it was a man. Her heart misgave her. Breathlessly she awaited the servant's ap- proach. "Mr. Lasley is in the parlor. Miss 'Vangie. Called to see if you are going to church this morning," "Tell Mr. Lasley 1 have company, Emily, and he must excuse me." "Has he left, Emily?" she asked of the servant, who returned to announce that the carriage was at the door. '*^o, ma'am; he says he'll go with master." "Go and tell him, Emih% that your master is going with me in the carriage. I have borne this insolence long enough," she said, passionately, to herself. " I will bear it no longer. lie cannot be insulted. He is determined to have his own way in this matter, and make me yield in order that he may show his power. But if he has governed his old aunt all the days of his life, he shall not govern me. If he wishes to go with my uncle he can do so, but he shall not go with me." " Wliat does lie say now, Emily ?" "He didn't say any thing, Miss 'Vangie." " And did he leave ?" " No, ma'am 5 he is still sitting in the parlor." '' And where is my uncle ?" "In his room, ma'am; he doesn't know Mr. Lasley is in the parlor." " What shall I do ?" she asked lierself, perplexed at her disagree- able position; "if I decline going, uncle will think it so strange, and I cannot go with this man." She bowed her head in her hand as she stood by the bureairand thought for a moment. Then rapidly descending the stairway, siie knocked at her uncle's door. In answer to Mr. Terrant's "come in," she entered, and approaching the window where her uncle was standing, she said : "Uncle, Mr. Lasley is in the parlor — came to go with me to church. Wiiat sliall I do ?" - " Go, child ; of course you could not refuse, could you ?" •* But, uncle, I do not wish to do so. You know persons always talk so mucii when a young lady is seen with a gentleman at church in the forenoon 1" and Evangeline, despite hersell', blushed deeply. "Oh, well, child," said the indulgent uncle, "if you do not wish 322 KAIDS AND KOMAXCE to go with young Lasley ; but I can't see why you don't. Bat you women are strange creatures any how ! You needn't do it; lie can walk with me and you can go in the carriage." " That is the very plan, uncle ! Please go in the parlor and take him with you. See here, I am not ready to go just now. He will understand it." The unsuspecting uncle did as he was bid. " Girls are very modest creatures anyhow you know, Mr. Las- ley," said he to the young man, after explaining the matter to him as delicately as he could. "All right, I sui)po>e ; the strange crea- tures must have their own way. No accounting for their whims." Lasley bowed assent, but he by no means received the case as did his more elderly friend. Not knowing, however, how to object to the proposition, nor to refuse the polite invitation to accompany Mr. Terraut, he tound himself reduced to the extremity of seeming to indorse the one and to accept the other. Evangeline waited until she thought the gentlemen had reached the church, then taking the carriage she drove round for Mary Lawrence, whom she found already gone. After services, Evangeline and Mary hastened out of the church so as to avoid observation, and drove home quite in advance of Mr. Terrant. "I do wonder if he will return with my uncle!" said Evange- line, as the two girls seated themselves in the carriage. ''Look yonder, Mary, do! he is with him, and I wager he will be bold enough to come to take dinner with us. If he should, what will I do?" "Oh! treat him with freezing politeness, Evangeline." '''•Politeness^ indeed ! I do not believe I could tolerate his pres- ence for a moment. I do not know why I should feel such utter dislike to one whom I so short a time ago fancied I admired ; but, Mary, he has haunted me so — has manifested such entire destitu- tion of all noble sentiment, that I am filled with disgust when I contemplate his character." The two girls reached home and entered the parlor to wait for Mr. Terrant. In a few minutes he entered the room alone, and bidding Mary good-day, seated himself beside her. " Where is Mr. Lasley, Mr. Terrant?" asked Mary, smiling. " Oh, he has gone to the hotel, I suppose. Why, girls, how re miss 1 was ; I did not think to invite him to dine with us to-day. He remarked to me, too, that he would call this evening at foui o'clock," OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 323 Tlie girls exclianged meaning glances. " What have you two heen doing, girls, that you had to run away from cliurch so hastily to-day ? I strove to overtake you, and thus caused me to forget to ask Mr. Lasley to dinner. You are after something wrong, Evangie, child ; I see it in your face. Haven't you a guilty conscience on some subject? Come, tell me what it is you are about. Some prank I warrant." "No prank in the Avorld, uncle!" replied the young girl, blu-h- iog as she spoke. "Something is going on, child, with regard to Lasley that isn't right. He has been here twice and you have refused to see him. Be careful — a man won't bear a woman's whims always !" " But, uncle, I was so busy on Thursday ; how could I see any one?" • "And then this morning, Evangie" — " Well, I gave you my reason, uncle. Now, be candid, wasn't it a very good one ?" " Oh, modest and plausible enough ; but if your Aunt Cecilia had been so chary when we were courting, we should never have been married, I can tell you, child! I couldn't have stood all these new-fashioned ideas of modesty ; they would have run me crazy." " Oh ! but times have changed since then, Mr. Terrant, haven't they ?" remarked Mary Lawrence, laughing, as she rose to follow Evangeline to her room. " Yes, yes; and for the worse, Mary. I'm sure of that." " Oh ! no, no, Mr. Terrant," remonstrated Mary, as she turned in the doorway to reply. "You know this is an age of improve- ment in all things." "Well, well, may be so; you women will always have things your own way," said Mr. Terrant, bowing deferentially. Mary re- turned the bow with a most bewitching smile on her sweet, sad face, and passed with Evangeline up the stairway. "I am going out with Mary awhile this^vening," said Evange- line to her uncle, as they returned to the parlor after dinner. " You will wish to take your siesta^ and should Mr. Lasley come before I return — but of course he will not — tell Emily to tell bim wiiere I have gone, and he can call at Mrs. Purdy's and see us both." " Oh ! 'Vangie, child ! this will not do. Lasley will feel himself insulted. You will lose him, child, I tell you you will. Better stay at home till he comes, and then he can walk round with you girls." 324 KAIDS A.ND KOMANCE '• Oh, uncle! but '.ve may have to wait all the evening. They dine very late at the hotel, and then Mr. Lasley will have to enjoy a cigar, and afttr this a nap ; so you see he is not likely to be around before dark ; and even if he should couie earlier, it is a pleasant little walk round to Mrs. Purdy's, and I know he wishes to see Mary, any how. Moreover, uncle, I made this engagement with Mary to meet a friend of ours several days ago." " And I cannot well release Evangie, Mr. Terrant. I am sure Mr. Lasley will excuse us for not awaiting his arrival when he is made to understand the circumstances." "Well, well, you girls will have every thing your own way! Noiise for me to inlerlere in Lasley's behalf. If he should come — and he told me he would — I shall have to send him round to see you." '• Do, Mr. Terrant, if you please ! you will confer a favor on us." •' And, uncle, should I fail to be back at ten, won't you tell Uenry to drive round for us ? We may not have any company to church to-night." "" Better tell Pauline, child. You know I am so forgetful about these little matters." Evangeline rung the bell, gave Pauline the necessary instruc- tions, then bidding her uncle good-evening, set out with Mary Lawrence lor Mrs. Purdy's. Fifteen minutes to four. The two yonng girls, deeply veiled, descended the foot steps to the street and directed their way to the prison. As they walked rapidly along, they encountered several of their friends, but they passed them by without recognition, lest they should be betrayed. Street ai'ter street was quickly jiassed, the' two girls scarcely daring to interchange a word. Just as thoy were turning the corner of Third and Green, they met Mr. Rubens in front of the custom-huuse. He paused as if about to speak. Evangeline trembled as she felt herself recognized; but the gen- tleman, after casting his eye vacantly up and down the pavement, proceeded in his walk. " How sad and disturbed Mr. Roberts looks I" wlii>pered Mary to her friend. *• I am afraid something has befallen Harry," was the tremulous reply of Evangehne. '• I wonder," she said, after a short pause, "■ if he has been to the prison ! May be Harry is sick — has gone away !" she added slowly, as if afraid to give voice to her own apprehension. A few moments more and the two had reached the prison. OF MaKGx\:; a^d ius men. 325 Evangeline timidly raised her ihick veil and looked hurriedly up and down Green, and in and out Fifth-street. But few per- sons were passing. The guard kept watch in front of tiie great closed gates that opened on Green. A solitary sentinel paced back and forth on Fifth-street. lie was a youth, pleasant, friendly, and genteel in his bearing. After taking this furtive survey, Evangeline cast her eye up to the designated window. There stood a prisoner. Was it Robert-? She looked again. Tiie prisoner bowed, and she knew it was Harry ! "Mar}-, you cross the street and engage tlie sentinel in conver- sation, while I stand here to receive the signal. Ask him any thing, Mary, any thing; whether the prisoners receive company, and when ; if they behave themselves pretty well ? You know what to do, Mary. Go, go! we will arouse suspicion if we remain longer here !" Mary quickly crossed over, and throwing aside her thick mourning veil, approached towards the guard. She paused as soon as she found sl^ had attracted his attention. This she did that he, in advancing to meet her, might leave Evangeline stand- ing on the opposite side, at his back. The man raised his cap as his eye fell on tiie graceful form and beautiful face of the young girl before him. Mary bowed, and spoke pleasantly but modestly, and commenced to question him, as Evangeline had suggested. Evangeline stepped forward, so as to i)lace herself directly in front of the window where the prisoner stood. She waved her handkerchief, and strained her eyes for the answering signal. A moment passed. Oh, what a moment of suspense that was to the expectant heart of the young girl, as she stood there gazing upward towards that window ! It came. The prisoner's right hand was raised, placed on his brow, then drawn slowly across his face, and rested on his shoulder. It was the indication of suc-^ cess that Evangeline had proposed. She stood as one bewildered, stupefied, under the rush of her wdd emotion. Harry would be free— a few short hours would restore him to liberty and to her! The tht.nghr was intoxicating. Yet another sign was needed : the hour must be designated. She raised and gently waved it a second time. The prisoner bowed understandingly. Evangeline sent; up another eager, fixed look. The left hand was raided, then slowly lowered. This gesture was repeated eight times. '' Kme o'clock," said Evangeline to herself. Then r;!i>ing her left hand s!ie repeated the action of the prisoner niu9 ti!:'-s. As her hand fell the last time, the prisoner bowed 326 llAEDS AXD KOMANCE twice, and turned from the window. It was tlie work of but a minute, and yet what mighty results to these two young hearts hung on its fleeting moments ! " Tliank God! thank God!" exclaimed Evangeline, "Harry will be safe!" She said no more, but turned to look for Mary. As she turned she encountered Captain Fred. Morton. She had forgotten to lower her veil, and was recognized. She started back as if she had met a spectre. The captain bowed politely, and i)asse(l on. "Mary!" she called, unconscious of what she did. "Mary, Mary, do come on." " She was ready to sink under her-agitation. Had she been discovered by this Federal officer? Had she? And if so, what would be the result? But Harry is safe, she said. Thank God he is not implicated, and as regards myself, I defy Fred. Morton and all the Yankee hosts ; they won't dare to annoy me. Mary responded to her call, and came tripping across the street dehghted that she had acted her part so well in the fearful drama. Just as she reached the pavement, on which Evangeline was standing, she met young Morton face to face. She bowed coldly, and as he passed stiffly by, Mary thought she saw on liis face a sinister smile. It was the first time they had met in weeks. She had persistently avoided him on all occasions, wliich avoidance he had deeply felt. H^ loved her devotedly — hopelessly he knew, yet he could not conquer his affection. And he felt a constant pique that he should at all times be the recipient of marked neglect. " "Will Harry get out, Evangeline ? but I need not ask, I read his escape in your face." " Yes, yes, Mary, he will soon be free. The signals were all right, and to-night at nine o'clock he will meet me at the First Presbyterian Church." ''Oh! Evangeline, we are betrayed, betrayed!" exclaimed Mary, grasping the arm of her young friend. " I am sure we are. Fred. Morton has seen it all — knows it all. "We have nothing to hope." " "Why do you think so, Marv ? Did vou see him observing us ?" " Oh, no! I was busy talking to the guard. But I read it in the expression of his face as he passed me. His look was full of significance and malignity." " You are excited, Mary," replied Evangeline, endeavoring to OF MOKG/VN AND flLS MKN. 327 appear calm. " I am confident young Morton could not have seen any one but me. Harry had left the window before Jie came up. You Were on the opposite side of tlie street, and what could he suspect from seeing me standing gazing up at the prison ?'' "Are you sure, Evangeline, that M(jrion did not see you? Might he not have been where he observed all your movements?" " I am confident, Mary, that he did not. I heard him approach- ing me from Walnut-street, and I feel assured he .saw only me. Don't be alarmed. You and llarry are safe. If he desires to make mischief, I only am involved, and I bid him defiance. I am not one whit afraid of all the Lincolnites in creation." " You are protected, Evangeline, by your Union friends. I am so unprotected. Yon cannot realize what it is to know you are alone without a friend to defend you. Pa is gone ; John is gone, and I am alone, isolated ; I have no one to look to, to shield me frcmi the violence of a foe : no one, no one," and Mary sighed as if her heart were breaking. ''Oh that pa would come, — no, he cannot, dare not do this, but that he would send some one to take me from this horrid place." " Be patient, Mary ; when Hurry gets out we will all go beyond Yankee lines and Yankee rule, and be free and happy. I am al- most wild with deliglit at the thought that he will so soon be free. Do you think there is any possibilit}', Mary, that he will be dis- covered ?" '' He is to bribe the guard, is he not?" '' Yes, that is the plan, and the matter is already arranged be- tween them." " He may he betrayed. There is a possibility of this. A man who will sutfer himself to be bribed, will betray if he can find it his interest to do so. But let us hope this may not be." "Oh I do not fear, Mary. Harry is very shrewd and would not allow himself to be imposed upon. But I raust secure a hack to take him out of the city." " Better leave his escape from Louisville to liis own management. He has learned to avoid detection, and he will be much safer on foot than in a carriage." The girls returned to Mrs. Purdy's to await the appointed hour. To their great delight they found that Lasley was not in, nor had lie called. "And did you reach the city, Cousin William?" " No, it was impossible. They would not allow me to pass their lines." 328 KATDS AXD ROMANCE '' Who would not ?" *' Tlie Confederate pickets at Shelby ville. I told thenn the case, and plead with them to let nie go, but it was all in vain. Their orders were to permit no one to go out of their lines, and they could not disobey, they said." '* Oh my poor, poor child !" said Mr. Lawrence, as he bowed his head and lieaved a deep sigh. "What will become of her? I know that she is almost frantic with grief. Oh, that I could but get her here !" He buried his face in his hands and sat for some minutes engaged in thought. Looking up at the y/)ung man before him, he said: "Do you think you could get through by way of Bardstown, Cousin William ?" "I do not know. The effort might be made. It might prove successful." "Will you try?" "Most certainly, if you desire it." " Oh, I should be most thankful if you would make the attempt. It may succeed. I will remunerate you to any extent. I would willingly sacrifice alUI have to get my child. It was folly in me to leave her, but I felt so sure I should get back to Louisville and bring her out myself." " And this you may yet do. The Confederates may take the city." " I think not. There seems but little promise of it to me. In- deed I am very doubtful about their remaining long in the State. But Bragg's force and success must determine that. This army of General Smith's will soon have to leave this point unless reinforced. But wheu can you set out again for Louisville by way of Bards- town?" "Just as soon as I can procure a pass, sir." " This is Thursday. If you do not succeed you will be back by Sunday, I suppose ?" " Oh yes, sir, that will be ample time to go and return." ''If possible, Cousin William, bring my daughter. God grant you may succeed." The father spoke earnestly. Ills grief-marked face wore an expression of unusual sadness. "I will accomplish the object of my mission, if possible, sir." " Take this letter to Mary, it will tell her what to do ; and here is a purse, hand it to her, she may need ir." The young man bade his friend farewell, and leaving the hotel, proceeded to the stable, where, procuring a horse and buggy, he set out once more to endeavor to reach Louisville. OF il ORGAN AND III3 MEN. 329 Two (lays passed — days of anxious suspense to Mr. Lawrence, who, in tlie uncertainty of liis daughter's fate, was the prey of dire- ful apprehension and alarm. Sunday evening came. It was the 21st of September. General Bragg having defeated the enemy intrenched at Mumfordsville, capturing four thousand prisoners, and heavy stores, was advancing towards Louisville. The news of his successful march had reached Lexington, and every Southern heart was beating high with grati- tude and hope. It looked as if Kentucky was, at last, to be re- deemed from the hand of Northern rule, and placed where she should be, under \he government of the Confederate States. Gen- eral Kirby Smith's army had received many accessions, and through- out that portion of the State regiments were being organized for the Southern army. Every city, town, village and hamlet in the State was the scene of the wildest excitement. The two parties. Southern and Northern, which everywhere existed in antagonism, served by conflicting opinions and desires to keep the flame of agitation brightly burning. It was a time of comparative liberty for Southern men, a season for fear and trembling with the North- ern party. Every thing was forgotten in the one theme, that of the advance of the Confederate army. Mr. Lawrence was seated in his room at the hotel, gloomy and sad, under the weight of his own i)ersonal sorrows, which neither Lis faith in God's providences nor the consolation of divine truth, 80 clearly set forth by the minister of God in his morning discourse, could remove. He was desolate amid the throng — grief-laden, though surrounded by the rushing whirl of stormy events. His only son, exposed to the calamities and liardships of war, his only daughter separated from him within the enemy's power, unpro- tected and alone. His thoughts were away with her, and he was endeavoring to paint to himself what she was doing this beautiful Sabbath evening. And then he pictured to himself the happiness of the meeting with her, which he hoped would not be long deferred. The sunlight came in through the uncurtained window, and fell in rich golden glory over the floor. Its radiant light reminded him of the beauty of that heavenly home, where dwelt amid the hosts of the redeemed the spirit of his lost wife, and his soul lifted its aspirations to that celestial city which needeth not the light of a candle, nor yet of the sun, for the Lord God giveth it light, and His redeemed ones, clothed in shining garments, worship before the great White Throne, whereon sits the Eternal Father. It was an hour of soul-communion with the stricken father. To him the 330 KAIDS AND ROMANCE joy of the world had become dimmed — lite had lost its charms — the earth its false glare and baneful influence. The old man took uj) his Bible and read, and as he read the tears streamed down his face. Yet, while l"e wept, his soul rejoiced, for by faith he laid hold on the promi^es of the Gospel, and his spiritual strength was renewed even amid the heart's deep sorrow- ing. After reading for some time he closed the bocjk, then knelt to pray. Long and fervently did he supplicate God's mercy and guidance, and earnestly ask for submission to His will. Ki.-iug, lie appi'oached the window, and seating himself, looked out into tlie busy street below. While he thus sat, a gentle knock was heard at the door. He rose ai^d opened it. "Unsuccessful again. Cousin "William?" said Mr. Lawrence, calmly, but in a low, deep tone, that told far better than language could have done how bitter was his disappointment. The young man bowed assent, and moving forward to the seat designated for him, explained the cause of his failure. " I must bear it, though it is very hard," said Mr. Lawrence, resuming his seat near the window. "If I knew my child was safe, I would ask nothing more. But I have heard nothing from her since I left, and I know not what may have befallen her." "Oh, I doubt not she is safe, sir. 1:^0 one is allowed to leave Louisville now for this portion of the State, and letters do not come except by private hand. You could not reasonably hope to hear from her under present circumstances, I think. I sent your letter by a citizen of Louisville, whom I met on my way, and who will go in to-morrow or the next day." " And they are fortifying the city and have placed it under mar- tiallaw?" "That is the statement of all who seem to be at all acquainted with the present position of aifairs there." " And where is General Bragg now ?" "Marching on from Mumfordsville in the direction of Louisville. It is the opinion of many Union men that he will certainly take that city in a few days, notwithstanding their fortifications and reinforcements." "I should be most happy t? see it, but I am by no means san- guine. And yet if he allows them a foothold they will in their turn drive him South again." "The only danger I see, sir, is that of Buell's getting to Louis- OF MOKGAN AND HIS MEN. 331 ville first Both armies are striving wiili their utmost power to beat the other in this closely contested race/' "And where is Buell now?" "In close pursuit of Bragg, it is said. Only a day behind him." "And will General Bragg allow himself to be hemmed in by the two forces — the one at Louisville in his front, and Buell in his rear? If he does, he will show himself utterly devoid of geueral- shi|), I think." ''It is said, sir, that the troops at Louisville will offer no resist- ance, but fall back across the Oiiio river at Hragg's approach." "But even ihen he would be, as it were, flanked, unless Buell should cross the river into Indiana. And then the gunboats, to- gether with heav}- ordnance placed on the opposite' shore, will nuike his position in. Louisville doubtful. I cm see but little hope — very little hope." " A few days, sir, will determine the issue. Active preparations are being made by the Federals. They are concentrating large numbers of the newly enlisted men at Jeffersonville and New Al- bany, and are about to construct pontoon bridges across the river at Louisville, I suppose either for advance or retreat, whichever may be their fortune." "Are the Southern people enthusiastic in the portions of the State where you have been ?" "Very, indeed. They feel the permanent occupation of Ken- tucky by the Confederates to be a fixed fact. It may be I have caught their enthusiasm. I certainly am inclined to hope." " But should the Confederates have to abandon the State, what a sad, sad thing it will be for thousands of Southern men, who will have to leave their homes, their wives and children, and exile themselves, or else remain to be imprisoned ! Oh, if I but had my child with me, I should feel able to defy every fortune ! But the thought of having to leave her behind almost breaks my lieart. I may never again see her, and she may fall into the hands of the unsparing foe," " She spoke of coming out. But how can she come .alone and unprotected? I would go for her, but should I be discovered, I ■would be immediately sent to prison, and then she would be left without any hope. Sad, sad fate for any one so young and inex- perienced !" he said, while his whole frame heaved with the pres- sure of his mental distress. The young man felt it was unnecessary to attempt consolation. He looked upon his relative with deep sympathy. After some 332 RAIDS AND ROMANCE minutes' silence on the part of both, Mr. Stanford proposed a walk to the encampment. Willie this conversation was taking i>lace between Mr. Lawrence and his young cousin, Mary and Evangeline were standing before the prison, carrying out the bold endeavor of Harry's liberation. The church-bells rang. Mary and Evangeline put on their bon- nets and shaws. "■Who will go with you, girls?" asked Mrs. Purdy, as the two entered the parlor, ready to leave. " I wish I were well enough to accompany you, but really my head aches too severely. It would be doing myself injustice to. go out to-night. There is Lewellen, he can escort you. You will feel no fear with him. Come, ray son, get on your cap and go with the young ladies to church." '' Oh, no, no, Mrs. Purdy, don't make Lewellen go out, he looks so weary. Uncle will send the carriage for us. ' If it is not at the door, it will be there in a few minutes. See, girl, if it has not al- ready come." '•Yes, ma'am, Mr. Terrant's carriage has been here for some time." "We are not at all afraid to go in the carriage alone, Mrs. Pur- dy. Henry is a very safe driver, and the horses are so gentle," " Come back with Mary, Evangeline, and pass the night with us." " I shall either do this or take Mary with me. You know aunty is from home now, and I do not remain at home at night without some company." The two young ladies bade Mrs. Purdy good-evening, and, get- ting into the carriage, bade the driver take them to Dr. Hoyt's church. "'Shall we go in, Mary, or remain in the carriage until nine?" asked Evangeline. "I do not know what is best. -If we can se- cure a back seat, so as to leave unnoticed, 1 should prefer it to staying without. Would not you ?" '•Greatly; but then we must avoid observation. Mr. Plumber has a pew in the back of the church. I^one of the family are in town. Shall We sit in that?" •'Yes, yes, anywhere to be secure from notice." Bidding the driver to remain at the corner of the street until the services were over, the two girls alighted and entered the church. They found themselves early. As yet but few persons were seated, and the gas was burning at half light. Quietly they OF MORGAN AND HIS MKN. 333 made tlieir way to Mr. Plmnber's pew, ^ere, seating themselves, tliey drew down their veils, so as almost wholly to shut outthe view of their faces. Family by family the congregation came in, until the building was pretty nearly filled. The gas was turned ou to a full jet, the organ pealed forth a salutatory as the minister ap- peared in the pulpit, and services ct)mmenced. During the singing, tiie prayer, and the rather lengthy sermon that succeeded tliem, Evangeline and Mary remained seated like statues draped from view. They dared not turn their faces right nor left, lest they should be recognized by some friend. As the minister concluded his sermon, Evangeline quietly drew forth her watch. It wanted five minutes to nine. " We will go," she said to Mary. As the minister, uplifting his hands, said, ''Let us pray," they arose and noiselessly left the house. "Oh, Mary, Mary, if Harry should not come!" said Evangeline, fts she nervously handed her friend into the carriage. " Stay just where you are, Henry, until I tell you to leave, church is not out yet." She remained standing on the pavement holding open the door of the carriage, her eyes fixed on the dark, grim form of the prison that rose uj) before her view. "Strange contrast," she said, "this close proximity of the house of God, where men assemble to worship Him according to the dictates of their own conscience, and the prison-house, where men made in His own image and born freemen are shut out from society, abused, insulted, merely because they have dared to exercise their reason and express their convictions — dared to enjoy this right that God himself has bestowed on them, and which all liberal governments guarantee to their meanest subjects. What a sad comment upon mankind, upon the passions to the behests of which he yields up conscience and judgment, and which, like the brute creation, he follows as his guide !" "Mary, Mary!" she said excitedly, thrusting her head into the carriage, "some one approaches. I can't see him distinctly, but it looks like Harry," "Where, where, Evangeline?" replied Mary, springing out and taking position beside the trembling girl. " Yonder. Don't you see somebody in the dim gas-light coming this way? He turned from Green-street. Look, he is crossing. It must be Harry. Oh, Mary !" and Evangeline started hastily forward to meet the approaching figure, and as it neared the pave- ment she ejaculated, "Harry, Harry!" 334 KAIDS AND ROMANCE The man suddenly stf^od, raised liis head, aod looked iuquir- iugly round. Evangeline advanced to the rear of the carriage, and said more softly than at first : " Harry, Harry ! is that you ?" Again the figure paused, and peered more earnestly in the direction from whence the sound proceeded. Discovering in the dim light only a female figure near the carriage in front of him, he lowered his head, and passed quickly on. Evangeline sprang to the door-step, and rushed into the car- riage, exclaiming, ''It was not Harry, Mary. Who could it have been ? I hope he did not know me." Her voice was harsh, her manner bewildered and agitated. She trembled in every limb, her heart beat audibly. The clock of the cathedral sounded out the hour of nine. "Be still, Evangeline; be composed. You have nothing "to fear. The man evidently did not recognize yon, or he would have made himself known. I do not suppose he heard your words — only your voice arrested his attention. Be calm, we have nothing to fear." " But if Harry should not come? It is nine — the hour — and he is not here. I shall die, Mai'T, if I am disappointed. It is my only hope in life. For days 1 have lived on the expectation of this moment. And now, if he should not come — " Just then the organ pealed forth its deep, bass notes. Evan- geline threw her arms around her friend, and hid her face on her bosom. " Not come — not come 1 Oh, how can I bear it ?" and she burst into tears. " You must be calm, Evangeline. You will betray us, if you weep that way. It is not too late, Harry's plans may have been delayed. I shall look yet half an hour for him." '' Oh, will you — do you, Mary ?" she sobbed, starting up and gazing into the sweet face bending over her, as if a ray of hope, altogether unlooked for, had that instant found lodgment in her bosom. '' Do you really think, Mary, that this is true ? Harry is always so punctual !" " But, Evangeline, Harry is now dependent on circumstances which he cannot master to suit his will and desires. It may be he is watched, or some of the oflicers of the prison perhaps are in ; or the sentinel with whom he has made the arrangement may not have yet entered on his duty." " True, true, Mary ; I see that a hundred things may prevent his being here at the moment. But church will soon be out. OF MOKGAN AND HIS MEN. 335 What shall we do then ? Will it uot be suspicious for us lo remain here in this place withont any apparent reason ?" '"■ Suppose we drive round the square while the people are leav- ing the church, and then return to this point?" '* If Harry should come while we are away, Mary ! No, no, I cannot leave. But this we can do," she added, after thinking a moment; ''I will remain and keep watch for Harry, while Henry drives you roynd. I will shield myself in that deep shade yonder, and no one will see me; if they do, I will tell them I am await- ing my carriage. If he should come, and I do not see him, he will doubtless remain until after everyone is gone, for he will feel sure I am here." "Tell the driver, Evangeline, to drive slowly around the square, returning just to this point, but not to set off until the congfegation is dismissed." Evangeline gave the order slowly and emphatically to the boy on the box. " Do you understand me, Henry ?" '' Yes, ma'am," was the reply of the drowsy coachman. A footfall on the pavement. The two girls simultaneously thrust their heads from the carriage window. Breathlessly they awaited the advancing steps. Nearer and nearer they came, until they were distinctly audible just behind the carriage. The girls grasped each other in silence. Neither spoke, as they caught the dim outline of a man, evidently making his way towards the carriage. He paused near the open door. Evangel- ine leaned out until their faces almost met. Her eyes searched his features by the pale light. It was not Harry, only some one who had come to escort a wife or sister from church. As she fell back in the carriage, she pressed Mary's hand convulsively, lieaved a heavy sigh, but no word escaped her lips. The audience commenced to leave the cliurch. Evangeline repeated her command to the driver, alighted, quietly closed the door, and sought the deep shade of the building. The carriage drove slowly off. Almost fearing to breathe, lest siie might arrest the attention of some one, Evangeline remained motionless, ensconced in her dark hiding-place. Group after group moved off, and she was left alone. She shuddered as she thought of her situation. Dark fears shot through*her mind, but she dismissed them in a moment as ill-omened guests. The sexton extinguished the lights, swung to the ponderous front doors, locked them, and descending the steps, walked away humming a low air. 33 G EAIDS AND EOMANXE Tliej appeared hours, those few minutes of racking* uncertainty. The lone, trembling girl, hid away in the deep shidow of that silent church, experienced the varied emotions of a 1 fotime, while her throbbing heart pulsated but fleeting moments. Wonder we at that marked stamp of maturity that characterizes the manner and countenance of some young beings who cross our life-path as we journey onward ? Ah, the heart doth often w^rite dowi* in its own ineffaceable record the sufferings and experience of many years, while the hand but moves in time's great dial-plate. What dread, what apprehension, what doubt, what sinkinjr sor- row% swayed the bosom of Evangeline, as she felt the peril of lier position ? Not for herself cared she. It was for him whom her soul loved with all the intensity of its passionate, clinging ardor. How unselfish is pure, young love ! IIow ready to immolate itself on the altar of its idol's happiness! Building its own pyre, it looks gladly up, and rejoices while it reads in the preparation for its fearful doom the immortality of its own beloved Psyche. To the tear-dimmed eye this earth is waste and barren, and time and selfish interest eat out the good from man's heart as it obdurates under their ossifying touch. But in the fresh, glad spring-time of youth, flowers bud an- - overturn';::, i on ,lo hun injustice, Evangie. I am assure,! he has at.on enough to discover your secret, or ability to overturn vonr « angements. No, no; it is not Ed! Lasley that has lone ,1. - Tl e guard 1ms either deceived or betrayed Harrv W- ?T geline, a few^ours may disclose it all " ^^ ""' ^'''"■ in:bc:r r- ^xL^iz^t-^r "-r "^ - -^ .»>■ >.-^- Larry is not to live.' ; '"7'' -;-. ^--i'T. ^tern necessity demands it of mv break • nitrisl^;;'/'- '"^ <^--^f"l to bear this wasting nx,. nof^ r: ''^^^ ^^ -^^ ^-^y^ ^h- life to me is worthLs-1 1' 340 EAIDS AND EOMANCE CHAPTER LIII. MOXDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1862. Bright, beantifully bright, as if the angel of light and glory had spread her pinions over the earth, opened the morning of this day so memorable in the annals of Louisville. And with the uprising of its multitudes of men, came what hopes, what doubts, what fears ! During the previous week ditches had been dug and guns mount- ed, so as to circumvallate the city from the river on the east to the river on the west. Thousands of men, impressed into service, had toiled, beside the soldiery, to prepare " defences against the rebels under Bragg." The fears of the near-sighted and unwary had been stilled by this semblance of strength, and many there were who regarded their little treasures as safe from the " vandal foot" of Southrons, as if some genii, in answer to Aladdin's lamp, had transported them to Central Africa. But others — the wise and prudent — knew and felt how little resistance these pits, dug in the very outskirts of the place, would offer to veteran troops deter- mined to secure a foothold in this " Union stronghold." They were not to be misled by this mere show of safety, and fearfully did they open their eyes to the certainty that General Bragg could take Louisville if he desired to do so. With sucE, all was fearful apprehension. At an early hour the streets were thronged with the unquiet multitude, eager for the morning news. " Bragg had left Mumfordsville, where he had defeated the Fed- erals, captured over 4,000 prisoners with all their accoutrements, and was marching in heavy force towards the city." This was the news that ran from hp to lip — arousing the hopes of Southern hearts who were panting for deliverance, and filling with gloom and anxiety the bosoms of Lincoln's supporters. Men were at work on the intrenchments ; regiments were paraded through the thoroughfares to impress the public with a feeling of security. Forces were constantly being crossed over from Jeffersonville to take position among the defenders of the city. OflScers dashed through the streets on horseback, all eager in the accomplishment OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 341 of suitable preparations to meet the enemy. Cannon rattled along, followed by the shouts and yells of boys and darkies. Union flags waved from Union windows. Cavalry, with rushing tramp and clanking swords, swept from point to point. Everywhere the work went on ; everywhere were signs of confusion and fearful looking for danger. Men's hearts failed them as they thought of the coming conflict. Suddenly the news ran through the streets, " General Nelson has issued an order for all the women, children, and non-combat- ants to leave the city." It sped from tongue to tongue, until it reached the length and breadth of the town. Had there been written on the clear azure above, in characters of living light, the fearful doom of all mankind, darker and more dire panic could not have seized the hearts of men and women. What had been pain- fully contingent before was now a most appalling reality. Bragg was at the very gates of the city, and Nelson declared, rather than it should fall into the hands of the rebels, he would fight hand to hand through the streets ; and then, if he were compelled to evac- uate and cross to the northern bank of the river, he would plant 'his guns on the Indiana shore and shell it until every house was demoHshed before the enemy should hold it. Nelson was known to be a reckless, desperate man, always ready for any rash, un- natural act, and each individual considered not only his property, but his life, in jeopardy. In less than a half-hour from the first faint rumor of the baneful order, every house seemed to have emptied its inmates into the already thronged streets ; men, pale and trembling, eagerly asking of every responsible friend they met if the rumor was really true. "Women weeping and wringing their hands in agony; children affrighted, and aroused by that sense of dread and anxiety which the young always feel under excitement, dashed wildly to and fro. Everybody appeared frenzied, de- void of both reason and method. The order had been issued. Bragg was within a few miles of the city, and the battle would begin in a few hours. Then came the fearful rush of thousands, eager to escape the dreadful doom of conflict. Every vehicle, from the most superb hack down to the rickety old dray, was impressed into the service of transporting families to a place of refuge. Clothes were hastily thrown into trunks, which trunks were thrown into drays, furniture wagons, omnibuses, carriages, hacks, or whatever vehicle could be obtained, and driven at pell-mell speed to the wharf. Houses, with every thing in them turned upside down, were hastily cleared and con- 34:2 KAIDS AND KOMaNCE signed by their fleeing owners to the fate of war. Babes were snatched from the cradle, and, wrapped up in any tiling that could afford protection from the chill air of autumn, were pressed to the tlirobbing bosom of the distracted mother, and borne to one of the boats that stood waiting to convey them to the opposite shore. The river-bank was thronged with fearful crowds, all anxious to , 'secure a speedy transit to the opposite side of the Ohio. As each hour passed, rumors became more and more numerous, more and more terrible. ''Bragg had whipped BuelPs forces and cut them to pieces, and was now halting outside the city, deiuaud- iug its surrender. Dozens of persons had seen his truce-flag borne along the streets ; others, who had ascended the roof of the Custom-house, had seen, with the aid of glasses, his whole army only a few miles out, awaiting the return of the flag of truce. As Nelson had sworn he would never surrender, it was believed the city would be immediately attacked, mid the expectant ears of the panic-stricken fugitives, as they sped the streets, or lined the wharf, or pursued the various roads that communicated with the countr}-, eagerly listened for the first booming of the death- dealing cannon. Evening came, but brought no attack. Yet the excitement was not one whit abated. StiU the stream continued to outpour. Everywhere new reports sprang into life, and were caught up by eager listeners and repeated as truths, until to walk one square and hear the varied recitals that met you, was to grow bewildered and doubt the truth of all. At one corner you would hear that Bragg had completely anni- hilated Buell's army. At the next corner, you would learn from a source equally as veracious, that Buell had encountered Bragg and routed his army, scattering it in every direction. One would assert as a fact wholly unquestionable, that General Bragg would certainly reach the city that niglit ; another would declare that he knew beyond contradiction that Bragg had but twenty-five thou- sand men, and that he would not dare to venture upon the place. Shops and storehouses of all descriptions were closed, their alarm- ed owners having fled, leaving behind them every thing that would embarrass their precipitate exodus. Evening came — yet the frightful rush continued, and when the chill September night fell down over the earth, thousands of the citizens of Louisville, without any comforts, many destitute of even a shelter from the night air, were congregated in Jeffer- sonville, N'ew Albany, and other points on the Indiana shore. OF MORGAN AND 1113 MEN. 343 Many of the more wealtliy had gone to Cincinnati and Indianap- opolis; while others, unwiUing to attempt to seek safety on free soil, had moved out by every possible means into the nearest towns and the contiguous counties. The prisoners had all been forwarded to Camp Chase, and many of the military oflScials had made full arrangements to depart at the first appearance of neces- sity. Meanwhile, General Bragg was quietly pursuing his way to Bardstown, having diverged from the direct route to Louisville at llodgenville, some thirty miles from tiie city. Beaching Bards- town in the forenoon of that memorable day, he halted his weary troops for rest, and immediately sent out detachments of cavalry on all the routes leading towards the city ; which movement being made known, gave rise to the belief that it was his intention to approach by the various roads that led from tlie vicinity of Bardstown to Louisville; and all who ventured out in that direc- tion expected to meet the heavy columns of triumphant Confeder- ates marching on to the certain capture of the town. It was also beheved by many that General Kirby Smith's forces were advan- cing from LexingtX)n by way of Shelbyville, to form a junction with Bragg, and thus simultaneously attack the town from two diiierent points. " What is the news, Mrs. Purdy ?'' asked Mary and Evange- line in the same breath, as that lady entered the room heated, flushed, and trembling with atfright. ••' Oh, tell me, Mrs. Purdy, tell me!" gasped Evangeline, as she started up in the bed from which she had not yet riseu. It was ten o'clock in the morning, and Mrs. Purdy had just returned from market. Without waiting below to lay aside her bonnet and shawl, she hastened up stairs, sought Mary's room, and disregarding the ceremony of rapping at the door, entered with an expression of terror on her countenance. Evangeline sat in bed, her hands clasped, and staring up into Mrs. Purdy's face, as if she would read therefrom the dread secret of her alarm. Mary rose and conducted her to the sofa. lu interrupted sentences the terrified woman informed the girls of the fearful order and the imminent peril of the city. Xot a word of reply was spoken. The three sat in silence, borror-strickeu. After a lapse of some moment--, Evangeline ex- claimed, "Can this be true, Mrs. Purdy, or is it only a rumor?" "True, Evangeline — true, child. I saw Mr. Middleton, who had just returned from the office of the Journal^ and he told me S4A EAIDS AND EOMANCE that Shipranu told him the order liad been issued by General Nel- son, and would appear on the bulletin-boards as soon as it could be printed." " And what shall we do — what sliall we do ?" asked Evangeline, imploringly, springing from the bed to the side of the yet trem- bling woman. " Leave, leave — we must leave !" was the emphatic reply. "And where must we go, Mrs. Purdy ?" asked Mary, quickly, as the hope sprung up in her heart of getting to her father. " Anywhere, anywhere, where we will be safe. Hundreds are already on tlieir way to Cincinnati and Indiana." " And would you go across the river, Mrs. Purdy ? Would you seek safety in the midst of our enemies ?" " I cannot stop now, Mary, to debate differences. To secure the preservation of my own life and the life of my child is now my first business." ^ "And is the city certainly to be shelled, Mrs. Purdy ?" " General Nelson says so." " And what will be done with the prisoners ? Are they to be kept shut up to take their chances for life or death ?" " I do not know, Evangeline. I heard no mention of them. Perhaps the morning paper says something about it. Here, I have one in my pocket. Didn't have time to look at it. Maybe you will find there what is to be done with them," she said, as she handed the sheet to Evangehne, who took it, and hastily ran her eye up and down the columns. " I must go and pack my trunk, and be ready to be oflP as soon as possible. Mary, will you go witli me ?" '' TThere are you going, Mrs. Purdy ?" "To my cousins, at Hanover, Indiana. It is the only placf* where I can go." "No, Mrs. Purdy, I shall never cross ^he river to seek for safety. I will die on Kentucky soil first." "But I cannot leave you, Mary." " Oh, don't give yourself a moment's thought about me. I will take care of myself. I am not afraid of the Confederates, if they should come ; and if Nelson should be wild enough to try to shel^ them out, I will go to the country." " You are not going to trust yourself here, Mary ?" said Mrs. Purdy, in surprise, as she turned from the door to look back upon the heroic girl. " Stay here and be killed ! You will have no time to get away when the fight is raging everywhere." , OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 345 "I cannot go to Indiana, Mrs. Purdj. I will not piace myself beyond the reach of my brother and father, and all who are my friends. No, no; I'll remain on my native soil, and take the chances. Hut do not let me interrupt your arrangements. I will go out to Mr. K.'s, and whatever they think best, I will do." Mrs. Purdy left the room, wondering that anybody should stand, at a juncture so critical, upon a question of difference of opinion. As the door closed, Evangeline ejaculated, " To Camp Chase, Mary, to Camp Chase!" " Who, Evangeline — the prisoners ?" " Yes— to-day, at twelve o'clock. I must see Harry." "And are you going to remain here, Evangeline?" " Oh, Mary, Mary, I know not what to do. I am bewildered, my brain reels. My uncle cannot go with me. All the men capa- ble of bearing arras are to be kept for the defence of the city. I cannot go myself. I cannot remain if Harry is taken away. What shall I do— what shall I do ?" " Go with me, Evangeline." " And where will you go, Mary ?" " Through the Confederate lines to my father and brother." ''But how will you get through, Mary? Who will go with you ?" " I do not know. There will be some way of escape for me." " But if Harry is to be sent to Camp Chase, I must keep within Federal lines. You know I have no one to rely on, if he cannot escape, but Union friends, wiio will never go beyond Federal limits. Oh, that Harry had but escaped last night! then would I gladly go with you." The door-bell rang. Evangeline shuddered. " Who or what can that be ? The least noise affrights me. My heart forebodes evil. What if Harry is dead ?" " Oh, Evangeline, that cannot be. The morning paper would have mentioned any occurrence of the kind, and the streets would be filled with it." " Not now, Mary. Every one is too much engaged looking to his own welfare to regard the fate of another." She had scarcely finished the sentence when the door opened, and Mrs. Spalding entered, trembling, as Mrs. Purdy, with alarm, without waiting to bid the girls good-morning, said, "I have called, Mary, to take you home with me. The city is to be shelled in an hour, they say. Get your bonnet on immediately, 15* 346 RAIDS AND ROMANCE and go witli nie. Yon will then be beyond present danger. And you, too, Evangie, there is room for you. Wljy, what is the mat- ter, child, are you sick ? you look so pale and worn. Don't be alarmed. There is no possibility of your being hurt at pa's, unless the battle should be fought out in that direction, and then we would fall further back— go to Bardstown or Lebanon. Dress yourself quickly. The carriage will be here in a few minutes." '•Do, Evangeline, go with us, I cannot leave you," said Mary, beseechingly, as she hastened from drawer to wardrobe, and fr(;m wardrobe to trunk, gathering up a few needed articles of clothing. Evangeline buried her face in her hands, and remained silent. Then looking up, she said, " No, no, I cannot go. I remain here." "Stay in the city, Evangeline, and it being shelled! Why this is foil}' — rashness. You must go with me — must go. There is no choice left. Y<»ur aunt is away. Your uncle will not be permit- ted to leave. You cannot go alone — to remain here is impossible. You must go with me. I cannot leave you here. Come, get on your dress, we have no time to lose, the fight may begin at any hour. Hush ! wasn't that the report of cannon ?'' and Mrs. Spald- ing sprang to the window, and hastily throwing it up, listened with trembling fear. A few moments more, and again the report of cannon sounded out on the air. "It is — it is!" she exclaimed, springing back, her eyes starting from their sockets. " It is cannonading, perhaps the conflict has already begun. Evangeline, Evangeline ! do come. Oh, do — in a moment. Don't sit there. See, Mary is almost ready. And Mrs. Purdy has her trunk packed, and has sent out for a carriage to take her to the boat. Dress, dress, or you will be too late." '• I cannot go, Lu. Oh ! I cannot," she said, emphatically. "I must stay with my uncle." " Stay with your uncle, Evangeline! TThat good can you do? You only endanger your own life. General Nelson says all the women and children must leave the city. It will be shelled, and if necessary, to prevent its faUiug into our hands, shall be burnt. Come, there is Mr. Spalding. Get up, get up, and dress your- self." "Oh, Evangie, do go," said Mary, throwing her arms about the neck of the pale, wan girl. ''Do go, Evangie. It is of no avail for you to stay here. The matter cannot be altered. We must, submit." Evangeline looked up at her friend. Her eyes were red with OF M0RGA2^ AND HIS MEN. 347 the weeping of the past niglit, and on her face there rested a sad and anxious expression. But her compressed hps, and the fixed h>ok of those expressive black eyes, told all too plainly of her re- solved purpose. "Do not ask me, Mary. I must remain here. You know my reasons. I should be miserable in Confederate lines, where I could bear nothing, and life is not worth preserving now. I can- not go." "But what will you dcj^Evangeline?" "Oh, I cannot tell. There will be some way opened for me." " But I cannot leave you so." " Yes, Mary, you must. Do not delay a moment for me. Al- ready you may be endangered. Go, go, and leave me. I will take care of myself." "But you will not remain here. Mrs. Purdy will be off in a short time, and the house will be closed." "No, no, I shall go directly home. From there to the prison and the boat," she whispered. "I may perchance see him once more." Mary threw her arms about her neck and burst into tears. " Oh, Evangie, we may never meet again. Good-by," and she kissed her again and again. Evangeline spoke not. The tears gushed from her eyes. She strained Mary to her heart, and imprinted a farewell kiss upon her lips, and the two parted — to meet no more. Mrs. Spalding bade her good-by. The two left the room, and gaining the carriage, drove rapidly out to the country. Evangeline dressed herself mechanically, and walked home. She found her uncle gone, and all the servant's, save the cook, out on the street to hear the news. The clock struck eleven. "One hour more, and he goes from me forever. Once in that horrid prison, and he will never come out again," she said to her- self, mournfully, as she closed the door of her room, and set out alone, to catch, if possible, one more glimpse of the beloved form. She drew her veil closely over her face, and proceeded in the direction of the prison. Everywhere met her eyes evidences of the terrible panic that had seized the people. The streets were thronged with vehicles carrying away women, and children, and baggage. The side-walks were crowded with the moving masses, jostling against each other, as each rushed along in pursuit of Lis own particular phantom. Quickly, quietly, she threaded her way along the streets, regard- 348 KATD8 AND ROMANCE ing nothing but her own safety from the danger of being thrown down. Her mind was filled with the one dread thought, that of not seeing Harry before he left. As she neared the prison, she saw a great crowd around the gateway. Men were moving about as if some consternation had befallen them, and on lifting her veil to endeavor to ascertain the cause of the commotion, she saw several soldiers pass in and through the dense mass. "They are taking the prisoners away," she said, and with one bound she pressed forward and forced herself on the corner of the pavement by wLich they must pass on their way to the river. Almost ready to faint with emotion, she maintained her position as well as she could amid the surging movements of the ever- changing throng. She could not see the door of the prison, nor the great gate guarded by its sentinels. Throwing her thick veil aside, and shielding her face from the peering curiosity of the passer-by as well as she could with her hand, she looked up over the heads of the people to the prison windows. A few forms stood before them. Her heart bounded as she fancied she caught a ghmpse of Harry. She looked again — the form was gone. Ea- gerly she strained her eyes upward, each moment hoping he would reappear. " What's going on here ?" asked one man of another, as the two met on the pavement near where Evangeline was standing be- side another female, like herself, closely veiled. " Going to take the rebel prisoners to Camp Cliase. Are afraid Bragg will get them." " P>haw ! he'll never come here. Buell will cut him all to pieces, and send his starving, naked vandals flying back to Dixie." " Not so sure of that, Mr. Duncan. Things look mighty doubt- ful now, I tell you. The order of ISTelson means a great deal. Desperate struggle ahead." " Desperate struggle, Mr. McAllister ! Why, you don't think 80, do you? Why, the starving, naked, cowardly Southerners won't fight. They haven't got any arms to fight with. Some old flint-lock guns, and now and then a man with a squirrel rifle. What can such a people do? Our men can whip them out in an hour and not half try. '' Don't feel so certain about that," said the old man, looking searchingly into his friend's face to see if he was not quizzing him. "Don't feel certain — not at all certain, sir. I used to be- lieve these tales about these rebels being starved and naked, and having no guns; but I tell you, sir, when they are right here OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 349 ready to overrun ns, and we have got so many men, it looks mighty strange, sir. Makes a man think, I tell you." "But Prentice tells you not to fear, they are nothing but a handful of meii, made desperate because they have got no bread and bacon ; and he is good authority, sir." " Confound old Prentice. I used to believe all he said. But I tell you, sir, he's lied about these rebels. Needn't tell me any longer they are cowards, when they stand right here threatening this city. All a mistake, sir, all a mistake. They've got plenty of spunk. Pve been down South, and I know what they are. Prentice needn't tell me they won't fight." " Oil, but Buell will whip them out. Don't be alarmed. He will manage them." " Not so sure of that either, sir. He didn't manage them down in Tennessee. I don't see how he's going to do it now — they've got the start of him. Mighty fearful Bragg Avill ruin him, and then pounce down on us, and ruin us. Needn't tell me, Mr. Dun- can. You're a Southern man, and I don't believe a word you've said. You are only laughing at me. You Southern men are all in fine spirits. Not one of you but what can laugh over this mat- ter, serious as it is." "Pm only telling you, Mr. McAllister, what Prentice says. "I tliought he was the cream of all wisdom and truth. As to w^hat I believe, that's a matter of small moment ; it can't possibly atfect the issue either way." " Are you going to leave Louisville, Mr. Duncan ; I mean your family ?" " No, sir; we have decided to remain and take the shelling." '' Yes, that's the way with you rebels ; you all believe Bragg's coming. Not one of you is going to budge an inch ; this tells the tale. You all think Bragg will be here in a few hours. Well, well, it may be so. Good-by ; I may never see you again, for if the rebels do come, I, for one, will leave ; I shan't fall into their Lands." The two bade each other farewell and parted. Evangeline had listened attentively to this little by-chat. She would fain catch at any promise of hope, however vague and un- certain. Could the Southerners reach the city before the prisoners were sent away, Harry would be saved. Or could there even spring up an uncontrollable excitement, it would offer some hope of deliverance. As these thoughts were passing through her mind, her eys were seeking the open window, desirous to catch one view of Harry. OijO liAlDS AlsD KOMANCE Two men encountered each other on the pavement on her left. Their words, tiiough spoken in an ordinar}^ voice, reached lier ear. " What's all this, going on iiere?" asked one of the otiier. " Going to take the rebel prisoners across the river ; afraid Bragg will get them here." "Ah, yes, yes. One of them attempted to escape last night, I believe, didn't he?" remarked the elder of the two to tlie otlier. The speaker was an old man, with wliite hair, sunken blue eyes, and thin pale face. He leaned on his cane as he walked along, being stooped in the shoulders. " Did he, indeed ? I had not heard of it," was the quick, ner- vous reply of the younger gentleman. '•Yes — one of Morgan's men ; they are perfect dare-devils, you know." " And did he succeed ?" Evangeline's ready ear had caught the words of the speaker. She stepped forward to the front of the pavement, the better to hear the thrilling conversation. " I heard that — " The old gentleman had proceeded thus far with his reply, when a rough, brawny man knocked up against Evangeline, almost dashing her down. She lost the last words of the answer, for before she could recover herself the gentlemen were bidding each other " good-morning." Amazed, distracted at the uncertainty in which she found her- self, she looked round to see which way the elderly gentleman had I)roceeded. Her strong impulse was to follow him, but he was lost to her vision amid the throng. Turning to the veiled female who stood near her, wiio she hoped might have heard the old gentleman's answer, she asked timidly : "• Did you hear whether one of Morgan's men escaped from the prison last night ?" "No!" said the girl, astonishment evident in her tone. "Did one get out ?" "I heard something said about one of them attempting to escape." " I do hope he succeeded," the female replied, without raising her veil, only turning her face to Evangeline. "1 wonder who it was." " I did not hear his name. Are there more than one of Morgan's men there?" "Oh, yes; several. I have an acquaintance in prison, young Koberts, who is one of his men." At the mention of this name, Evangeline started. Did she know OF iiOKGAls AND HIS MEN. 351 the female staudiiig beside her? Did tlie hidy recognize her? No, else she would have assuredly addressed her by name. "The prisoners go to Cincinnati to-day," said Evangeline, her curiosity excited, and desiring to prolong the conversation, hoping to hear something that would throw light on Harry's dark fate. " Yes, at twelve o'ch)ck. 1 have an uncle, from Owen county, among the number, and I am waiting here to see him as he passes. Poor old man! he has beeu in prison for a montii, and his health is so feeble. I went to see him last Thursday, an-- -- ^^ - -- '^ Well, aunty, I will go this evening, and send uncle after you " she said most determinedly, thougli her heart beat doubtingly Is ' uiy duty to risk every thing to gratify Mary." .o7^'' f " r' ?''''^' doctor-will it be prudent for my niece to go to Kentucky alone in these troublous times 2" fe,n^' f T'°' ^^'"^ ^''^ ^^^° '^^''"^ ^^ Connecticut, where females travel unprotected, lookevl at the matter in a business-like 16 862 KAIDS AND KOMANCE view entirely, not for a moment considering it in the light of pro- priety. " I think she might go safely, madam, if she is willing to under- take the trip." "Thank you, doctor, thank you," exclaimed Evangeline. " Dr. Floss knows there is no danger, aunty ; and you know I am not one bit afraid. How long before the cars leave for Louisville, doc- tor? will I have time to get ready?" " Just two hours before the western train will be in," said the old man, taking out his double-cased silver watch, which had measured the time for him the last twenty years of his practice. " Oh, I could get ready for a trip to Europe in two hours. Aunty, may I go ? I know you will not deny me. Doctor, won't you take me to the cars and see my baggage safely on them ? I shall have nothing to do but be quiet until I reach home." The doctor readily assented to acting as her escort. Her aunt protested against the undertaking, but Evangeline had too much at stake to submit to any opposition. Most wonderfully preserving her equanimity, she made all necessary preparations, and when Dr. Floss drove up at the appointed hour, she was ready, bonneted, awaiting him. Bidding her aunt an affectionate farewell, and enjoining her to come home as soon as possible, she seated herself beside the doctor, who drove her to the depot and placed her on the cars, attending to every minutiae that would enhance her com- fort. ^ In the excitement of achieving her purpose, Evangeline had had no time for reflection or reason. She could entertain but the one thought, that of reaching Louisville in time to set out with Mary Lawrence for Lexington. "When alone, as she was, left to her own reflections, the momentousness of the step she was taking rushed in upon her mind with overwhelming power, and she shrunk as the picture in all its grand and fearful proportions rose up before her. Tremblingly she contemplated it, and as she ex- amined it in all its shades and colorings, she stood back aghast at the magnitude of its gigantic dimensions. Should she succeed ? this was the momentous question. Once the wife of Harry Rob- erts, she defied the sneers and jests of the unappreciative public. She could look down from the heights of her security and laugh at those who would endeavor to assail her. But, then, the fearful opposite! Should she fail in her attempt, and her plans and futile endeavors be exposed to the cold, heartless world ! How could OF JdORQAN AND HIS MEN. ^63 could ofver brooU t.,f de ' U^^i!':^'^'^'"^'" -'""' tion, which must ever haunt W lifr P ' ^ i'"5 """"'"^'"'- J... an, .deed. eote.. .' ^'f patlT.:" If S" ll 364 RAIDS AND KOMANOE CHAPTER LY. IS THERE NO LIGHT ? The morning after Evangeline reached Louisville, she drove out to Mr. R.'s, to ascertain when Mary Lawrence would leave for Lex- ington. She found her young friend in the midst of preparation, but foiled in the plan which she had hoped to consummate on tho following day. She was now uncertain when she should leave. This gave EvangeHne more time to perfect her arrangements, and although it but prolonged the suspense which she felt almost un- endurable, yet, for some reasons, she was glad of the delay. Ap- plying herself with the utmost assiduity to the task before her, unadvised and unassisted, she succeeded, in a few days, in com- pleting all arrangements deemed by her necessary for the proposed trip. Her trunk was conveyed to Mr. Pw.'s, to await the day of departure. Her uncle, all unsuspecting, furnished her with what funds she desired, and with miser's care she hoarded them, that she might be ready to meet future exigencies. Meanwhile she re- ceived no intelligence from young Lasley. She had expected to be annoyed by the reception of letters, or perhaps the intrusion of his presence. Why he was thus silent she was at a loss to di- vine, but, amid her wonder, she was grateful to be relieved of this feature of her perplexity. Ah, could she have known what that silence portended — could she have read the secret workings of that heart, bent on its ever fiendish purposes — have understood its act of cruel revenge — how would her soul have sunk within her! how would she have fainted beneath the torturing burden ! Anguish, deep, dark, unutterable, would have seized the very life- springs of her being, and she would have sought death rather than Ufe ! Robbed of joy — her every hope perished — the light of the future changed to rayless darkness — what would there have been upon which the weary soul could have leaned for support ? what to which the poor broken heart could have looked for consola- tion? Well it was for her, surrounded as she was by uncertainty, her bosom each moment the prey of doubt and anxiety, that the ead intelligence could not reach her. Well, that while the cloud OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 365 gathered over her pathway, she saw not its black folds — heard not its fearful thunders! Incarcerated in the prison at Bardsto^n. shutout froin the light of day, surrounded by a Federal guard, with the penalty of death overshadowing his soul, lay Harry Roberts, hopeless, sad, despair- ing. It was the 8th of October, the day of the sanguinary battle of Perryville. He knew not of the conflict that was then raging, all he knew was the wretchedness of his condition — the utter hopelessness of his future. And for the first time amid the varied fortunes that had beset his path for the last twelvemonth, did he despair. He thought of Evangeline, of his request, with which he felt confident she would endeavor to comply ; of her endeavors to join him, her hopes, her fears, the risks she would run, and then of her overwhelming grief when she should learn his dark fate; of the bitterness of her disappointment, the awkwardness of her po- sition, when she should find herself a stranger in a strange land, away from home and friends, alone, unprotected, exposed to the vicissitudes of war, with the deep mortification of failure to en- counter, the reproach of Union friends, who would rejoice at her sorrow and taunt her with her want of success ; of the entire helplessness of her Southern friends to extricate her from the tor- tures of her position ; — all this, like a living panorama, passed be- fore him to heighten his distress and increase the horrors of his imprisonment. Death, he felt, would be a sweet relief, were it not that the happiness of another was involved in his fate. But in his darkest moments the thought of Evangeline would nerve him, and he resolved that whatever fate awaited him he would live for her sake. Gloating with delight over his successful revenge, feasting with a fiendish joy at the contemplation of the picture of the distress he had wrought, Lasley delighted to recount to his friends in vice and dissipation the achievement of his desires. He had van- quished his hated rival, humiliated the heart of her whom he had professed to love, foiling all their plans, darkening their every joy Young Roberts, believing it more practicable to join the Con- federate army at Bardstowu than at Lexington, had attempted to reach that point. At every step he encountered the danger of discovery. His progress jvas retarded by the movement of the Federal troops, who now thronged every road from Louisville that led out in the direction of Bardstown. As he made his way cautiously from house to house along the route, he heard that General ]3ragg had left Bardstown, and was falling back upon 366 RAIDS AND ROMANCE Camp Dick Robipson. The rumors of his movements were con- flicting and unreliable, and Roberts determined to prosecute his first intention. Accordingly, he pursued his way to Bardstown. Reaching that place, he found it in the possession of Federal troops. Being known to no one save young Lasley, of whose im- placable hatred towards him he knew nothing, and being dressed in citizens' clothing, he felt no fear of recognition, and ventured to walk the streets in open day, to see if he could ascertain the true position of General Bragg, and his safest route to join him. He was walking leisurely along towards the hotel when he met Las- ley walking between two young men. The two immediately recognized each other. Roberts, smiling, bowed ; Lasley bowed coldly. The two passed on. After proceeding a few steps, Harry turned to look after Lasley. He discovered one of the men he had seen with him following on his steps, while Lasley and the other were hastily crossing the street towards a group of soldiers. Fearing that some evil threatened him, Harry made his way as fast as he could to the hotel. As he entered the door of the bar-room, he observed the individual that had been following him pass by the door and cross the street to the right. Harry stood a few minutes as if uncertain how to proceed. Then walk- ing to the door, he looked cautiously out. There was no appear- ance of danger — no blue-coats were to be seen in the street. He breathed more freely. Believing that his fears were wholly un- founded, he returned and quietly seated himself in one corner, where he would be free from observation. There were three other men in the room besides the bar-keeper, who were all re- joicing together over the certain retreat of the rebels from the State. Harry listened attentively to all they said, endeavoring to gather from their loud and confused statements any information that would serve him in the future. The bar-keeper joined the trio in their tirade of invective against the rebels, and the four were most unsparing in their wild denunciation of every thing Confederate. Harry felt the blood rush to his face, and the words to his lips, but prudence dictated silence, and he choked down his swelling indignation as best he could, and assumed an air of indif- ference. Looking out of the window into the cross-street, he was not aware of the approach of anyone, until he heard a heavy foot- fall at the door. He suddenly turned his head in that direction. His~gaze encountered three Yankee soldiers approaching him. One stepped forward, and laying his hand on his shoulder said, in a harsh tone, " You are my prisoner — follow me !" OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 367 " How dare you arrest me !" said Harry, gazing sternly into the face of his captor, determined to try the force of bravado. It was his only weapon. " How dare you arrest me, I ask, a peaceable citizen! Show rae your authority." The soldier was a man of nerve, and returning Harry's look with one equally as firm and unyielding, he very quickly and without the least perturbation responded : " You need not try to deceive me. You are one of Morgan's men, who has escaped from prison. Come with me — no words, I have no time for discussion." Harry saw that he must yield. It was useless to resist. Calmly he arose from his chair and walked out between the soldiers. As he passed along the street that led to the prison, he saw on the opposite side Lasley and his two companions, who were laughing and talking together. He knew that he was the subject of their remarks, the cause of their merriment, and with the ferocity of a demon he scowled upon them^ It was all he could do. He dared not speak. He knew the heartlessness of his enemies. The prison-door was closed, he was left alone with his thoughts. Silent and morose he sat, dwelling on the hopelessness of his fate. The hope that had cheered him during his previous imprisonment was now gone. He could see no way of escape. He knew now that he should be watched with the greatest vigilance, from the fact that he had once evaded them. As he sat, sad and despond- ing, his head bowed, and his whole attitude expressive of the despair that filled his soul, he heard one of the guard outside say to another : " We have whipped the rebels all to pieces at Perry ville. A man has just reached here, and says they have been fighting there since yesterday morning, and are now fighting, and the rebels are being slaughtered like sheep." Harry started, and applying his ear to the key-hole listened attentively. The two continued their conversation only a few minutes. He gathered from what he heard that the Confederates were sadly whipped. Were this the case, he knew they would have to retreat from the State as best they could. It would be impossible for them to remain, if the first engagement should terminate so disastrously. '' What will become of Evangeline ?" he said to himself, bitterly, as he resumed his seat on the old stool, and buried his face in his hands, while the great ^rops that he could not force back 368 EATDS AXD ROMANCE streamed through his fingers. " If I knew she was safe, I sliould ask no more. Oh, God, t'ake care of her, and shield her from all danger!" he exclaimed, vehemently, as he sprang from his seat and paced his narrow room. Haunted by his fears for her whom he loved, oppressed under a sense of his utter inability to aid her in any way, berefc of all hope in his own case, he was as one bereft of reason. Frenzied, he walked to and fro, imtil, exhausted from the severe exertion, he sank again on the hard stool. Could his heartless persecutor have seen him as he sat there, ready to sink under the weight of his fearful doom, surely he would have felt that he was fully avenged. This unfeeling crea- ture was revelling in dissipation and vice, while his victim was writhing in anguish. "Why, oh, why is it that the base and grov- elling are often so prosperous, are permitted to sit in high places and grind beneath their crushing injustice the protid and noble soul, who finds no means of defence, no power of redress ? "When these anomalous aspects of human society present them- selves, we are led to ask, is there a hand of inflexible justice deal- ing out to all, impartially, the reward of their deeds ? If so, why do the wicked and debased prosper, and why are the true and ele- vated dashed to tlie earth beneath their infamous power ? Philos- ophy cannot solve the question. Enigmatical it must ever remain to tliat man who seeks not its solution in the words of heavenly wisdom, which tells us, "When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish, it is that they shall he destroy ed forever. For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be ; yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be." Harry Roberts sat in his dark, noisome prison, filled with the most despondent thoughts. He could see no gleam of light, look which way he might. His future was without promise. He saw nothing before him but captivity, ending in death. He felt that having once escaped, he would hereafter be the object of increased vigilance and of additional insult. And when he looked away to the object of his soul's adoration, the gloom deepened, until all was cheerless night. Could he shield her from suffering, chagrin, disappointment, he would not murmur at his own fate. It was for Evangeline far more than himself that he sorrowed. But how unavailing all this grief! He could give her no assistance, no protection. To a proud, self-reliant spirit this sense of utter inability to shield or defend a loved gne is maddening. Eobbed OF MOKGAN AND HIS METS^. 369 of the power to exercise tlie right of protecting the weak and de- pendent, a noble man sinks in liis own estimation into notliingness. How many a brave, defiant Southern heart has had to endure this unspeakable humiliation since the war began ! "While Harry was thus groping liis way amid the darkness of the ])resent and future, Evangeline and lier friend, Mary, were pursuing their way towards Bardstown. Having obtained a per- mit, they entertained but little apprehension of annoyance or delay from the Federal pickets that guarded the road over which they had to pass. They were accompanied by "Willie R., the younger brother of Charley, who was to escort them to Bardstown, at which point they were to place themselves under the charge of Mary's cousin, who would give thein safe conduct to Lexington, if it were possible to reach that point; if not, they were to be taken within Confederate lines, and there remain until Mr. Lawrence, or his son, or young Roberts could be heard from. On the two girls travelled, the subjects of alternate hope and fear. At one moment the prospect before them appeared cheer- ing — the plan agreed upon so feasible, success so certain ; and then again all was doubt, diflBculty, failure. To Evangeline, who was leaving behind her all the friends and associations of her girlhood, bidding them adieu forever, to go forth into a strange land, where there would be but one heart to appreciate her sacri- fices — many to turn with coldness away, some to censure — to her young ardent soul the journey before them was one of the most- momentous bearing. "Vain were it to attempt a description of her varied and conflicting thoughts and emotions. Sometimes she would weep sadly, as the probabilities of disappointment and con- sequent mortification rose up vividly before her excited imagina- tion ; then again she was wild with blissful anticipations at the glad future that opened up before her, when, all her trials past, she would safely repose on the bosom of him for whom she had yielded up every promise which had so brightly beamed over her pathway — should listen to his burning words of love — receive the full and tender sympathy of his pure affectionate soul — rest on his strong arm for protection, and claim him her own for life. It was a strange, a novel undertaking for one so young, one reared in the indulgence of every desire, however wild or capricious ; but Evangeline possessed, all unknown to herself and her friends, the characteristics of a heroine. Independence of thought and feel- ing, determination to brave difficulties and endure hardships, a commendable freedom from the trammels of public opinion, will 870 EAroS AND ROMANCE to accomplish undertakings although fraught with danger — all these were traits of character which a close observer would have marked as possessed by her. And now the incentive of love — of deep, deathless affection for him to whomshe had given her heart, .called into exercise and prompted to unwonted energy these ele- ments of character, which, for want of opportunity to make them- selves manifest, had been hitherto comparatively dormant. Mary shared her young friend's alternate gloom and joy. There was even a darker cloud in her horizon, one that overshadowed all the brightness of her future landscape. It was the uncertain- ty with regard to Charley's fate, which hourly haunted her thoughts. " Is he dead ?" was the question that constantly recurred to her mind ; and the possibility that this might be so, took away the light that would otherwise haive gilded the eventful life she was now entering upon. That she should meet her father and brother she did not for a moment doubt. She had set out to do this, and she calculated upon no failure. She might encounter many diffi- culties, but it was practical and must be achieved. It was late at night when they reached Bardstown, they having been delayed on the way by the breaking of one of the axletrees to the carriage. Most persons had retired at the hotel at which they rested for the night, so that they had no opportunity of learn- ing any thing respecting the relative position of the two armies. Weary and worn they sought their room, after having partaken of a cup of tea and some cold bread which the landlord had hastily prepared for them. Morning came, and found them sleeping after the fatigue of their journey. The sun was shining fully when Mary awoke. It had been their plan to drive out to her aunt's before breakfast, that they might proceed several miles on their way during the day. Awakening Evangeline, the two made a hasty toilet and de- scended to the breakfast- room. They were but just seated at the table when three young gentlemen entered and placed themselves near the foot of the table, on the same side with themselves. Neither of the young girls looked towards them. They were scarcely in their places before a middle-aged man, who was enjoy- ing his coffee and hot roll on the opposite side, called out in rather a loud tone of voice : " Wl>at news this morning, Lasley ? I hear a courier is in." At the mention of this name Evangeline started, looked sudden- ly around, and turned deadly pale. The young man who sat next OF MOKGAlf AND HIS MEN. 371 her observed the movement, and fixed his eyes upon her in cu- rious wonder. She was aware of his fixed gaze, and she strove to cahn herself. His companions reading his surprise in the ex- pression of his face, followed his example, and directed their look towards the head of the table where the two girls sat. Evange- line was trembling with emotion, vainly endeavoring to preserve an unmoved exterior. Mary saw her agitation, and measurably partook of it, as she realized that the attention of all at table was directed to them. Despite herself, the blood would mount to her face, and her hand perceptibly quivered as she conveyed the cup of coffee to her lips. Across young Lasley 's face there shot a look of triumph, and in his eye there gleamed an expression of revengeful satisfaction, as he became assured of the presence of his helpless victim. Elevating his voice above its natural tone, so that his words might reach the ear of Evangeline, he replied to the interrogatory of the gentleman : " The news is most gratifying, indeed. A courier just in from Perryville, brings the reliable intelligence that we whipped the rebels all to pieces on yesterday, and they are now flying, routed and panic-stricken, in the direction of Lancaster, making their way out of the State as fast as they can. Buell is sure to overtake them before they can reach Stanford, and the great probability is that the whole army will be captured." "Is it possible!" exclaimed the first speaker. "I fear this is too good to be believed. Is the man to be relied on ?" " Most assuredly. This is the news that is to be sent to Louis- ville. It is official." " And did we suffer much loss ?" "Pretty heavy, but by no means sufficient to delay an imme- diate pursuit. General Buell will move on this morning after the scattered and flying troops of Bragg. The Confederate campaign in Kentucky is at an end, sir. The army is literally destroyed, not one in twenty will ever get back to tell the story of their dis- astrous defeat." Mary and Evangeline sat like statues, pale and immovable. Riveted to their seats by the very horror of the intelligence they heard, they felt as if they should faint under its crushing weight. Tiiey looked at each other with an expression of fearful wonder, but neither spoke. They essayed to eat, that their agitation might not be observed. But they could not swallow their food, and trembling, hopeless, helpless, they sat listening to the conversa- 372 KAIDS AND ROMANCE tioD, every word of which fell like a death sentence on their ears. " Oh, we will make short work of these invaders of our soil," said Laslej, his very tone speaking the gratification of his heart. " We'll teach them a lesson they will not soon forget. Their au- dacity is unparalleled. Who asked them to come into our State to steal, and thieve, and destroy ? What right had they to use Union men as they have done, and to possess themselves of our property, as they have been constantly doing? By the way, we have got one of these patriots, one of Morgan's men, in prison here — a fel- low that escaped from Louisville on his way to Camp Chase, and who had succeeded in getting this far on his route to the Confed- erate army." At this announcement the knife dropped from Evangeline's hand, her heart stood still, all the color forsook her face, her brain reeled, and she felt as if she would fall from her seat. " Yes, I heard something of it when I reached town on yester- day. Who is the young fellow ? and how did it happen he was recognized ?" Evangeline listened with her soul to catch Lasley's answer. " His name is Harry Roberts," replied the heartless wretch, slowly and emphatically. " He was sauntering along the street here, in all security, when I recognized him, and knowing that he was a fugitive from justice, I had him arrested and placed in con- finement until he can be sent back to Louisville." Evangeline could hear no more. She aro^, left the room, and finding, she knew not how, the chamber where they had slept the night before, she staggered to the bed, on which she threw her- self, and lay rigid, immovable, a? one bereft of life. Mary fol- lowed her quickly. Finding her in this frightful condition, not- withstanding her own heart was breaking, she set about restoring her to consciousness. Bathing her face in cold water, and apply- ing to her nose a small bottle of sal. volatile which she chanced to have in her pocket, and chafing her hands and forehead, she suc- ceeded at last in partially arousing her. The young girl opened her eyes, looked wildly about her, and then, with a shudder, closed them again and moaned. Mary was alarmed at her ap- pearance. Her first impulse was to call for aid, but feeling that their position was one that demanded the greatest caution, she determined to keep the whole matter as secret as possible. Dis- patching William R. for a servant to bring fresh water, she locked the door, lowered the blinds, and undoing Evangehne's OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 373 travelling dress, and removing every thing that might impede circulation, she continued to- bathe her temples and rub her hands, at intervals applying the ammonia. After awhile Evangeline opened her eyes a second time, and gazed up imploringly into the face of her young friend, who was bending over her with all the tenderness of a sister. "" lie is in prison, Mary," she said, slowly and mournfully. '• My life is lost ; oh, that 1 could die !" "Do not talk so, Evangeline, there is yet hope," replied Mary, feeling that she must maintain all calmness and courage. "Bet- ter there than dead. We may yet manage to relieve him. Cliar- ley, you know, has been a prisoner three times. There is hope for Harry, certainly." Evangeline shook her head despairingly. " No, no !" she said, as she closed her eyes, while the great liquid tears rolled down her cheeks. " Oh, yes ! there is hope, great hope, Evangeline. I will send for Lasley and get him to interfere. He can be influenced to exert himself in Harry's behalf. Don't give up ; it will all be right. These are times when we must not suffer ourselves to be overcome by difliculties, however insuperable they may appear." "But what shall I do, Mary ?" asked Evangeline, aroused by Mary's words and look of calm determination. " Send for Lasley, and appeal to him — surely he cannot be heartless ; he will interfere for Harry." " Oh, you do not know Lasley, Mary ; he is prompted by no motive but self-interest and gratification. I can appeal to him — but oh, it will be so humiliating ! yet for Harry's sake I could prostrate myself before him, and plead as a slave to his master; but it will be in vain — he will not hear me — his heart is hard, selfish, brutal." " But, Evangeline, it is the only hope I see for Harry's release. It may not succeed, but certainly the object is worth the trial ; and what is to be done must be done quickly. You heard what he said about the retreat of the Confederates from the State; it may already be too late for us to overtake them." "Send for Lasley, Mary; and yet, how can I meet him — how ask a favor at his hands?" she said, a look of disdain overspreading her face; "but it is' for Harry — for him I will liurable myself even to the dust. Were it for myself I would die — die before I would encounter this heartless, detestable man. Perhaps, Mary, he will not see me," she said, as she stood before 374 RAIDS AND ROMANCE the mirror, smoothing her dark hair back from her aching fore- head. " You can but try. "Willie has gone to ask him to the parlor to meet you there." " You must go with me, Mary ; I cannot see him alone." " Yes, Evangie, I will go with you, and give you all the assist- ance I can." ■ In the course of fifteen minutes, which appeared hours to the waiting girls, William R. returned and informed them that Lasley was in the parlor awaiting them. l^erving herself for the task before her, Evangeline, leaning on Mary's arm, descended to the parlor and confronted young Las- ley. As she met him, she felt all the spirit of defiance of which her nature was capable swell her bosom. Her face assumed a look of hauteur — her eyes fixed themselves resolutely on his — her proud lips compressed, while her nostrils expanded — that unmis- takable evidence of determination and conscious superiority. He received her with the air of one who, aware of his own per- sonal weakness, yet feels strong in the power of circumstances. Mary left them alone, and walked out on the gallery, " I come," she said to him as she seated herself, " to ask you if it is in your power to have Harry Roberts released from prison." " Indeed !" he responded, with bitter scorn. " Do you come to me. Miss Lenoir, to ask a favor ? to me, whom you have insulted, taunted, derided ? I would scarcely think you would ask of me, whom you have thus treated, to render you assistance — to aid my rival, my foe !" " Harry has ne^er injured you, Edward Lasley. Nor would he ask this at your hands — he would perish first — die in prison a thousand times rather. It is I — I come to beseech you for my sake, for the sake of humanity, of mercy, to act if you have any influence, any power." " When I besought you. Miss Lenoir, to have compassion on me, to relieve my feelings, did you do it? How did you act when I supplicated ? Did I not tell you then we would meet again ? and now my words are fulfilled. The scene is changed ; it is you who now sues. Should I heed your plea ? Remember your own scorn, your indifierence, your neglect! Though late, revenge has come at last ; we have met again. You shall never marry Harry Roberts. My words are now made good." "You knew, Edward Lasley, why I did not marry you. I told you I did not love you, that my heart was another's. Would you OF MORGAN AND . HIS MEN. 3Y5 have wedded me with this fact staring you in the face? Could you have proved so false to yourself, to every pure and noble sen- timent, as to wish me to marry you when my atfections clung to another?" " But I loved you, Evangeline. You promised to be mine ; you broke that vow, and refused to see me." '' If I have wronged you, Edward Lasley, I ask your forgiveness. I acted hastily in promising to marry you; I should have con- sidered the subject. Had I done this, I would not have fallen into this fatal error. But was it not best, right, just, when I found that I had acted unwisely — that I did not, could not love you — to tell you so, and thus save us both a life of misery ! Surely, Ed- ward Lasley, you cannot upbraid me for this. Why, oh ! why do you torture me ? Will you endeavor to have Harry released, or shall I plead in vain?" *' There is one condition, Evangeline, and only one, on which I will grant your request." " And what is this !" the excited girl exclaimed eagerly. " Say, say ! I promise any thing. Just release Harry, let him once again be free, and you may demand of me whatever you choose. I will grant any request. ITame it, name it!" '' Be careful how you promise," he replied, while his lip curled with irony, "you may have again to repent a rash vow." " Harry, Harry ! if he is free, I ask no more ! Any thing, even my life, to save him !" " The condition is" — and the young man fixed his eye intently on the girl before him as he slowly uttered his horrid stipulation. She trembled under his look and the ominous tone of his voice. " The condition is — and it is the only one — that you will marry me at the time mentioned in your last note." '' Oh ! heaven pity me !" ejaculated Evangeline, starting frantic- ally from her seat. '' Marry you, Edward Lasley ? marry you ? oh, how can you ask of me to do this ? Any thing, any thing but this. This is not the only condition ; it cannot be — you would not be so cruel— you could not make yourself unhappy for Jife — curse your- self and me. Oh, no! you do not mean this; you are jesting, sporting with my feelings. I beseech you, spare me ; oh, spare me !" Her manner was wildly excited, her face livid and rigid, her lip quivered, her voice was harsh and broken, she trembled in every nerve as the gazed upon him. He met her look coldly, calmly, unfeelingly. Around his mouth there lurked a smile of fiendish enjoyment — in his eye there rested a look of dogged determina- 376 KAIDS AND ROMANCE tioD. He spoke not ; but sat, his eyes riveted on the suffering girl, as if gloating over her anguish. Evangeline read his thoughts, and her heart beat wildly. "You do not ask me to marry you, Edward Lasley5" she re- sumed, after some moments' pause, during which he did not remove his steadfast gaze. " Oh ! you do not require this of me as the return for releasing Harry from prison! No, no! you will not be so cruel !" "Nothing more I ask — nothing less will satisfy my demand. I love you, Evangeline, and have determined to make you my wife. Say you will marry me, and Harry Roberts shall be free in an hour ; — refuse, and the setting sun shall find him in Louisville, on his way to a ISTorthern prison — and I suppose to death." " I do not love you — I tell you once again, I cannot love yon, Edward Lasley. How then could I ever consent to be your wife ?" " Marry me, and you will afterwards learn to love me. Marry me, I ask no more. I will risk all the consequences." / She bowed her head, as if in deep thought. But how could her poor distracted brain think — reeling as it was with the horrors of the destiny that awaited her — let her choose as she might. Silent and bewildered she sat there, stupefied with grief. " You must answer me now, Evangeline. There is no time to lose. In half an hour the stage will leave for Louisville, and un- less you consent to ray proposal, Roberts shall be sent down." " Oh ! wait — wait — let rae have time to think. I cannot decide — the question is too momentous." " No time for wasting ; you must conclude speedily. A few minutes must decide the question forever. It rests with you." "Oh ! Harry, Harry !" exclaimed Evangeline, as she buried her face in her hands. " Must I make this great sacrifice? — must I marry him, and leave you forever? Oh! how can I do this! And yet, if I refuse, your life will pay the forfeit. We shall never meet again! Yes, yes," she said to herself, "if he can but be free, I am happy. To spare him, I will die ; yes, die. I will give myself for hira.'L "Do I understand that you consent to be my wife, Evangeline?" said Lasley, as these low-spoken words fell on his ear. She looked suddenly up at him. / " You will have Harry released if I promise you this ; you will not deceive me?" "I will not deceive you, Evangeline. Roberts shall be a free OF MOKGAN AisD HIS MEN. 377 man and placed in a position of safety before the sun goes down." "Then I consent," she said, slowly, in a low, husky voice, as if her soul spoke out its eternal doom in these few words. " And will marry me at the appointed time ?" She bowed assent. "Remember, Evangeline, what you promise. Do not deceive yourself— think not to deceive me." She gazed at him, but replied not. "And when shall Harry be free?" she asked, as if she had naught else on earth to desire but his release and safety. " Very soon. I will go now and make the arrangements." " And may I not see him once— just once— to bid him forewell; to tell him all. Oh ! deny me not this request. It is but a pooi: one — the last one." " Yes ; you may go with me to the prison, Evangeline, but you must remain here until I can see about it. I will call in a few minutes and let you know." "And do you mean, Evangeline, to marry him?" asked her friend, who entered the room as Lasley left, and heard from the lips of the desponding girl the story of her fearful promise. "Oh, ask me not, Mary. I am wild, wild!" and Evangeline clasped her friend in the agony of despair. "Great God!" she exclaimed, "what have I done— what shall I do! Oh, Harry, Harry! must I be torn from you forever!" YouDg Lasley returned to announce that he was ready to go to the prison to see about the release of Harry. "Oh, go with me, Mary," besought Evangeline, as they ascend- ed the stairway to their room. " Go with me, Mary ; it may be the last favor I shall ever ask of you. Will you go through the lines, Mary ? Will you risk yourself in the present wild and con- fused state of things ? Oh, do not leave me ! Stay, stay, there may yet come relief." " I must go, Evangeline. You know all I hold most dear on earth is there. My father, my brother, and— Charley— if lie still lives. I grieve to leave you, Evangeline, but yorfknow my heart is with the South. I could no longer live amid the scenes of my once happy, but now desolate home. What awaits me in my at- tempt to get out, or what is before me in the future, I know not. It is all darkly wild, fearfully strange ; but I will brave it «1I, be- lieving it to be right." Mary threw on her hat and tied it, and was in the act of put- 378 RAIDS AND ROMANCE ting on her gloves to join Evangeline, who stood awaiting her, when "Willie R. rushed up the steps and into the room, exclaiming in broken accents : " Morgan ! — Morgan ! — Morgan is coming, Miss Mary ! Will be in this town directly with his men !" The two girls looked at the agitated boy in silent astonishment. Had he lost his senses ? " It's true ! it's true, Miss Mary ! I heard a man say so, who just now dashed into the town — says he saw them all." " He is deceiving you, Willie," said Evangeline. " Somebody wants to create an excitement." Just then a rush was heard below-stairs. The two girls ran down to the parlor to ascertain its cause. They there encounter- ed some ladies and several gentlemen, all in the greatest pertur- bation." '^Morgan! Morgan!" was on every lip. " Is Colonel Morgan coming here ?" asked Mary, of the gentle- man next her. " Yes, miss ; is within a few miles of the place. Will be here directly." " May there not be some mistake about it ?" " None in the world — it is so. I have seen two men whom I know to be truthful. They saw Morgan at the head of his forces but a few minutes ago, coming right in the direction of tlie town. The whole place is in confusion. Men are running to and fro, and the soldiers are scared to death." "Will they offer any resistance, sir?" " Oh, I suppose not. It would be useless to do so. There is comparatively but a small force here, and they have had so little warning, that they could not prepare to fight. Oh, no, they will all b^ made prisoners." Evangeline looked around. Lasley was gone. Her heart throb- bed violently as she thought that perhaps he had gone to see that Roberts was conveyed to some point beyond the reach of Morgan. By this time the hitherto quiet streets of the httle town were filled with frantic people hurrying to and fro. "Morgan! Morgan!" was on every tongue. Many were the bright faces in these busy throngs, as it became certain that the rumor was true. There were many friends to the Southern cause in Bardstown, ever ready to greet the champions of liberty and right. A few minutes more of suspense and wild conjecture, and the Confederates, headed by their gallant leader, dashed into the town OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 379 amid the cheers, and shouts, and loud huzzas of the expectant crowd. As the deafening acclaim rang out on the air, Marj and Evan- geline rushed with others to the gallery of the hotel. What a mo- ment of rapture to these two anxious hearts ! "Freel free! Harry will now be free!" shouted Evangeline, forgetful of the presence of those around her. "Eree ! free! and I released from that fearful engagement! Oh, God! I thank thee !" and she clapped her hands in the deUrium of joy. " Be still, Evangie. Watch and see if you can find John, my brother. Oh, if he is only with them !" She had but just finished the words, when her brother came prancing by. He chanced to be looking in the direction of the hotel. As Mary caught a glimpse of his form, she shouted : "John, John ! my4)rother, my brother!" The soldier recognized his sister. A moment more, and she was clasped in his arms. In a few words Mary made known to him the story of Harry Roberts's imprisonment. Without delay he hastened to inform Colonel Morgan, who immediately sent a squad of men to open the prison doors, and set the prisoner free. " My God, Lawrence ! is this you ?" exclaimed Harry, as, open- ing the door of his narrow room, he met, face to face, the friend of his childhood, his deliverer. How came you here ? and how did you know I was in this wretched place ?" While he spoke, he continued to shake the hand of his friend warmly, his face speaking out the full gratitude of his soul. " We came to deliver you from the cljitches of the Yanks, and we have accomplished our purpose, you see," answered Law- rence. "Thanks, thanks, a thousand thanks for your opportune pres- ence. I was daily looking to be sent to Camp Chase or the gal- lows. You know this is my second arrest, and I wasn't sure they wouldn't hang me. But, tell me, are all the boys here ?" " Come out and see. Are you so attached to your headquar- ters as to be unwilling to leave them ? Really it looks like it. You are a free man. Come, enjoy your liberty." Just outside the door stood Brent, Irving, Curd, and other of Harry's friends, awaiting his appearance. When they saw him they made the air ring with their shouts of congratulation. Each in turn grasped his hand, and shook it warmly, as they welcomed him back to the privileges of a freeman and a soldier. It was a 380 RAIDS AND ROMANCE hfippy moment for Harry, one he had never expected to realize. There was but one apprehension to mar his joy, that was fear for Evangehne. He longed to ask if any thing had been heard from her, but he deemed it so impossible that he dared not venture the question. The boys conducted him to the hotel. Following Lawrence, he entered the parlor. " Harry !" Evangeline could say no more, as she sprang from her seat towards him. He clasped her in his arms. Not a word escaped his lips. The tears rushed to his eyes, and fell from his manly cheeks. " Evangeline ! Evangeline ! Oh, God ! and you are here safe!" he said, as soon as he could find utterance. " How came you here, Evangeline ? Do tell me ! As soon would I have expected to have met an angel visitant from heaven as you. Did you know I was here? No, no, you could not. I thought you were at Lexington, or perhaps had not yet left Louisville." The young girl related to her lover the outline of lier adven tures. When she mentioned Lasley's name, Harry sprang to his feet, and asked where he could be found. She dared not tell him of the insult — the infamous promise extracted from her. She knew that Lasley's life would be the propitiation for his deep, damning wrong. " Oh, do not trouble yourself about him," interposed Lawrence. " Wickliffe will attend to his case. I expect he is now occupying your room at your late headquarters." '' There he goes now, I suppose," said Brent, looking down from the window. " Wickliffe has some young, black-haired upstart in charge." There was a general rush to the balcony. Lasley looked up at the sudden movement. His eye rested on Evangeline beside Har- ry Roberts. The vanquisher was vanquished. His eyes fell to the ground, and he marched on powerless as a child, chagrined, disappointed. A short walk brought him to the jail. Conduct- ing him in, the boys left him alone to his own reflections. Mary immediately informed John of her intention to accompany him through to Tennessee. '• How can this be done, Mary ? It is impossible." "Not impossible, John. You and Harry must get a carriage, and send us under special escort. You tell me ladies have gone out from Lexington. There is Mrs. John C. Breckinridge and others now under the protection of General Bragg's army finding OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 381 their way South. You know father expected rae through. How dreadful he must have felt when he found I did not come! He thinks I am in Louisville, of course, separated from him — perhaps forever. Oh, I must go through, let it cost what it may. I can take no denial." A plan was soon devised that promised entire safety. A vehi- cle was procured, and all arrangements made for the party to set out after dinner. John Lawrence was transformed into a plain, peaceable citizen, by donninjf the civilian's suit of black cloth that Evangeline had purchased to insure Harry's safety, and which she had taken the precaution to place in her carpet-sack while Harry readily metamorphosed himself into a soldier, by enrobing in John's military garb, and taking possession of his horse and all accoutrements. It was decided that they should travel as rapidly as possible, keeping under the protection of the cavalry force until beyond danger from the few Federals that were scattered around in the country intervening between Bardstown and Elizabethtown. i^ever did a happier party set out on a perilous journey. Ap- prehension had given place to a feeling of security, agitation had changed to tranquillity, sorrow to joy. On they travelled as rapidly as it was practicable, meeting with no danger, encountering no cause of alarm — a merry, cheery com- pany, where past trials were all forgotten in the bliss of the pres- ent, and the promise of the future. When between New Haven and Elizabethtown, the Confeder- ates encountered a wagon-train of supplies, guarded by a small Federal force. After a slight resistance on the part of the Yan- kees, the whole was captured and destroyed. This was the first acquaintance with the " art of war" that Evangeline and Marj' had had, and brave as they were, their hearts quailed as they heard the rapid clash, the quick, successive firing of the musketry. After this encounter, Colonel Morgan swept over the country be- tween Elizabethtown and Mumfordsville towards the Ohio river, and formed a junction with Colonel Johnson in tlie neighborhood of Henderson. His object was to secure recruits, and give oppor- tunity to the guerillas of these counties to get through into Ten- nessee, and in this he succeeded finely, accomplishing his purpose, besides destroying Federal stores at many points, and interrupting communication with Nashville, 382 KAIDS AND KOMANCE CHAPTER LYI. THE CONSUMMATION. The two girls under the care of young Lawrence pursued their journey into Tennessee by the. way of Glasgow and Hartsville, and on the evening of the sixth day arrived at Mr. Jamison's, in the vicinity of McMinnville. Tlirough the kind assistance and direction of friends, they had avoided every semblance of danger. The trip had been one of fatigue and anxiety, but all this was for- gotten by the happy party, as they sat around the cheerful fire of the hospitable farmer and recounted their adventures. Mr. Jamison informed them that Charley had recovered, and had passed through his neighborhood a few days before, taking dinner with him. He was on his way into Kentucky to join his command. Mary's eager heart heard the intelligence of his recovery with a thankful joy which no words could portray, but when she was informed of his mission into Kentucky, fear and despondency seized her soul. She felt that fate was against her. She had risked all tq come to Charley, and now he was gone, perhaps to become a prisoner in the hands of the enemy. Evangeline endeavored to console her, by telling her that Charley would very soon obtain information of the Confederate retreat from Kentucky, and return to McMinnville. But her fears were aroused. She could see nothing but disappointment hover- ing over her future pathway. Imagine then her joy when, on the day following, Charley rode up to Mr. Jamison's. As Evangeline had said, he had learned that Colonel Morgan was coming out of the State, and knowing that he would likely establish his headquarters at McMinnville, he had returned to Mr. Jamison's to await him. The meeting was as unexpected to Charley as Mary, and their mutual joy at thus again beholding each other, after all the trials, suspense, and anxiety that had tortured their hearts during their separation, was akin to the bliss of Eden,— was as the light from OF MORGAN AND HIS MEN. 383 the celestial spheres shining into theic souls, chasing therefrom every vestige of darkness and sadness. • Two days more, and Colonel Morgan, with his force now large- ly increased from different parts of Kentucky, arrived in the vi- cinity of McMinnville, and encamped in the neighborhood of Mr. Jamison. Harry Roberts was safe, and never were there happier Iiearts than the four that, on the evening of the arrival of Colonel Morgan's forces, assembled around the cheerful board of the kind host, Mr. Jamison. The evening passed in recitals of adventures and escapes. Each had a thrilling story to relate— a history in itself worthy of record. The rapture of the present was heightened by the remembrance of the trials of the past. There are times in the life of every individual when the bliss of years concentres in a few fleeting moments. No words can pic- ture the joy of such seasons. They are brief, but in their rapid flight they write remembrances on the soul as with the point of the diamond— remembrances which all the vexation, all the grief of after-life cannot wipe out from the tablet whereon they are en- graved. There they remain, unmarred, ineffaceable — a well-spring of rapture to the heart as long as it continues to throb. And in old age we look back from the gathering shades of years upon these green and sunny memories, and linger around their blissful haunts until the heart is young again, and our youth is renewed more potently than if we had drank of the famed Elixir of Life of the Oriental magician. Such a moment was the present one to the bounding hearts of the lovers. How quickly and effectually, as if under the magic wand of some kind genii, did all past sorrows, all apprehensions, fade out in the sunlight which was now flooding their enraptured bosoms ! We need not dwell in detail on the incidents of the few succeed- ing days, nor give our readers all the suggestions of the various parties as to the proper course to be pursued by the lovers. Suf- fice it to say, that after much debate, innumerable propositions and devising, a plan was finally adopted, and all necessary arrange- ments made for its speedy consummation. A week passed. Within the respectable home of Mr. Jamison, Colonel Morgan and staff, together with all the particular friends of Charley and Harry, and a few of the especial acquaintances of the family, were assembled to witness the marriage of Mary Law- rence and Evanffeline Lenoir to the two gallant soldiers, Charley R. and Harry Roberts. 384 RAIDS AND E0MA2TCE It was a cool evening ic October. That month of mingled sad- ness and beaut\'%-as bidding a last, an eternal farewell to earth. The hand of autumn had dyed, with richest hues, the foHage of the forest, and spread, with lavish beauty, over all nature a gar- ment of gilded splendor. But as the eye rested on this gorgeous vesture, the heart read beneath it all lessons of decay and death. The trappings of the tomb were visible through all the gay para- phernalia, and amid the sweet symphonies could be heard the low wail of the dirge which earth chanted for her bright and beautiful children, so soon to sleep forever in the deep, dark grave which bad relentlessly swallowed up, age after age, the offspring of her care and nourishment. The wind sighed, mournfully, the requiem of the dead. Through the boughs of the tall old trees it crept, waking them to notes of saddest music. In striking, genial contrast to the darkness and gloom without, was the happy, cheerful scene within. There glad faces beamed brightly, and heart went out to heart in kindly sympath3\ The bright wood-fire which blazed so determinedly on the hearth, as if resolved to add its quota to the general enjoy- ment, threw a cheery aspect over the scene ; and the glad faces of Mr. and Mrs. Jamison plainly spoke the pleasure it gave them to be active participants on an occasion so happy. It was a unique affair — so every one felt. But around it clustered so much of novelty, that the strangely pecuhar features of the occasion were lost beneath the interest that this very novelty excited. Dressed in deepest mourning, her face flushed into the most transcendent beauty, Mary Lawrence entered the room, leaning on the arm of Charley. He bore himself proudly erect, conscious of the responsibility of his position, and the consequences involved in the sacred relation he was about to assume. Immediately following them were Evangeline and Harry. In consonance with the circumstances, she wore a silk of dark olive, finished at the neck and wrists by a handsome collar and cuffs of Valenciennes lace. Her rich dark hair was combed back from the full round brow, and rolled into a heavy bandeau behind her ears, covering the back of the well-formed head. Some simple rose- buds were her only ornament. In making her bridal toilet she recalled the conversation that had occurred on the occasion of her friend Lu's marriage, and tlie handsome breastpin and bracelet were left in the case, and the place of the former supplanted by some fresh rose-buds. * It was a strikingly impressive scene. There stood two manly OF MOKGAN AND HIS MEN. 385 forms, animated bj as brave and daring hearts as ever tlirobbed in human bosom — exiles from their homes, defenders of the high and holy cause of liberty and right— the representatives of many a fiercely contested and successful battle-field — the escaped vic- tims of fiendisii hate and cruelty ; while beside them, leaning con- fidingly on them for protection and support, stood two beautiful females, who, raised in indulgence and luxury, accustomed to all that can make life pleasant, and throw around it the charms of elegance and refinement, had forsaken all these comforts and joys, had encountered hardship and danger, that they might solace in exile, relieve in distress, and comfort in affliction these brave men, to whom they had given the true, undying afl:ection.of their young and trusting hearts. Beautiful picture 1 Life does not often present its counterpart. The minister approached and stood before them. Alluding in brief, chaste words to tlie peculiar position of those who wea-e about to take upon themselves the sacred vow, he proceeded sol- emnly, yet beautifully, to unite them in the holy ties of marriage. And thus, after trials and sorrows, diflficulties and disappoint- ments, that but few so young are called on to. endure and over- come, these four tried but heroic hearts found at last the full con- summation of their hopes, the fruition of earthly joy. And here, amid their happiness, we leave them ; bid them fare- well, while gladness beams around their pathway, and fills their young and bounding hearts with bright visions of that future which beckons them on to fresh delights, and ever-awakening joys. We will not now anticipate and portray the cares, the anxieties, the fearful looking-for of news from the dread battle- field—the sickening, racking disappointment at tidings delayed — the nights of watching, the days of waiting, when the girl-wife, in the bitterness of separation from the young husband — gone forth to fresh deeds of valor and blood — shall wait, and watch, and pray, yea, faint, beneath the weight of disappointed hope and torturing suspense. Ah, no ! Let us nbt lift the veil that would reveal this painful panorama. The contrast would be too striking, too sad. Victories must yet be won ; many an ensanguined plain must yet attest the heroic and successful struggles of Morgan and his men, before a nation can shout, in loud and grateful strains, *' Victory ! victory ! ! independence ! independence ! !" That day approaches. The clouds begin to lift themselves from the horizon of our national future. Already the faint glimmerings 17 386 RAIDS AND EOMANCE, ETC. of the day-dawn of peace are beginniog to throw their glowing light through the dark shades that have so long enveloped us. Let us hope for this glorious realization of our desires, pray for it, and, above all, let us put forth every energy, strain every nerve, avail ourselves of every resource, endure every hardship, sur- mount every obstacle, vanquish every difficulty, until this blessed era shall burst upon us, and we, a free and independent people, shall unite as wuth one voice in pxans of triumph and thanksgiv- ing. Already, since the happy scene we have just described, have Hartsville, Elizabethtown, Muldrough's Hill, and other points borne witness to the indomitable spirit of Morgan and of Duke — of Hanson and of Hunt — of Harper and Gano — of Charley, Harry, Burt, Curd, Irving, Castleman, Wickliffe, Hawkins, young Mor- gan, and numbers of unknown heroes, whose endurances and achievements, full of chivalry and romance, will yet be added to the page of history, as deeds worthy the emulation and praise of their grateful and admiring countrymen ; and whose names, cov- ered with glory, shall become household words with a free and prosperous posterity. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. 389 APPENDIX. GENEPwAL JOHN H. MORGAN Is one, and the oldest, of six brothers^ all of whom, save one, have been active and useful in the present struggle of our young Confederacy, devoting their all to the great cause. Calvin C. Morgan has acted as an agent at home in Kentucky for the com- mand of his brother, and has undoubtedly done as much good in that capacity as he would have done had he been in the field. His third brother, Colonel Richard Morgan, is the adjutant-general of the junior Hill, and has been with that gallant officer through his whole campaign. The fourth brother, Major Charlton H. Morgan, is at present in his brother's command, having been recently trans- ferred from the army of the Potomac. When the present war broke out, Charlton Morgan represented the United States govern- ment abroad. He immediately resigned his position and came home to take his part in the struggle, and was the first member of his family to come into the Confederate States. Tlie fifth brother. Lieutenant Thomas Morgan, at present a prisoner at ^'Camp Chase," Ohio, was one of the first youths of Lexington to shoulder his musket and march to the defence of Kentucky. The sixth brother is yet too young to bear arms. General Morgan, as were all of his brothers, was born and edu- cated near the city of Lexington, in Kentucky, and is a lineal de- scendant of Morgan of Revolutionary fame. In 1846, during the Mexican war, when the call came for " more 'colunteers,^^ John H. Morgan, then scarcely of age, raised a com- pany, and was just upon the point of starting when the news reached the States that a treaty of Peace had been concluded. "Well do the survivors of that company remember the conduct of their captain upon the disbanding of his company. Every man of the company (which was principally composed of young men dependent upon their labor for support) was indemnified for the loss of hi3 time during the period of recruiting. 'Twas at this 390 APPENDIX. time that Morgan gained the title of captain. The Kentuckians of his command still refuse to recognize or apply any other title to him than that of " The Captain." General Morgan is not a " West Pointer," but one of *ae few men who was born to commajid, as he has incontestably proven. He believes that it is his destiny to fight against a race of men whose every principle is so utterly repulsive to his own noble nature. His contempt for the Yankee character is great- and natural, and his daring deeds in this war show how thoroughly he understands it. Some time after the Mexican war, he purchased an establishment and engnged in the manufacture of jeans, linseys, aud bagging for the Southern market. About the same time he married the ac- complished Miss Rebecca Bruce (whose traitor brothers are all against us in this war). After years of suffering from sickness, she died about the commencement of the present troubles. After performing the last sad rites to his departed wife, he immediately and secretly collected a little band of followers, not over twenty- five in number, and left the country, making his way to Green river, where he reported himself to the Confederate oflicer in command *' ready for duty." His band was rapidly increased by the arrival of exiles from Kentucky, who knew well the worth and valor of the man as a leader. His command, upon reporting, were placed, with some other cavalry, upon picket duty on the Green river, where he began a series of bold and daring exploits, which are unequalled for their boldness and the manner of their execution. It was his determination when he left his home in Kentucky, should his command ever become numerous enough, to return aud drive out the crop-eared Puritans, who, through Kentucky's gen- erosity, had quite ruined his native State, by overrunning it and driving her sons to the States of the Southwest. A little incident, showing the strategic powers of Morgan, is here worthy of mention : • An order was issued by the authorities of Kentucky, from headquarters at Frankfort, that all the arms in the State should be forthwith forwarded to the State armory, there to be inspected and repaired for the use of the ^^ State Guard,^'' who were to maintain what the Union shriekers termed Kentucky's " Armed Neutrality." General Morgan, then cap- tain of the "Lexington Pvifles," was suspected of having evil in- tentions against the peace and quiet of "Uncle Sam," or rather that "old Hoosier," King Abraham. It was, however, known to APPENDIX. 391 all loyal Kentuckians that he was "a good man and true;" in other words, that he was for his State first, last, and all the time. Henco the Lincolnites kept a sharp eye on the guns held by Morgan's company. Morgnn knew that they had determined to get the arras out of his h^nds, and issued the order mainly for that pur- pose. And he, in turn, had determined that they should not have them ; so, in the dead of night, they were removed some dis- tance from t^ie city, and the boxes, in which they were to have been placed, neatly filled with bricks instead, and marked " Guns from Captain Morgan,, State Armory,^ Franl-forty Good care was taken that the boxes should reach the depot at Lexington jwsi too late,, and there they lay exposed to public view. The Lincoln- ites received the boxes with un'^peakable delight, winking and blink- ing at one another, supposing that they had fixed Morgan and his Secesh company, and flattering tliemselves that they had for once in their lives defeated a man who had always been as a thorn in their sides. That night Captain Morgan, in command of his brave band, passed through Lawrenceburg, Ky., a distance of twenty- five miles from Lexington, having in their possession eighty fine rifies belonging to the Yankee government. At the commencement of the present struggle. General Morgan was possessed of great wealth, all of which he left in the hands of the enemy when he came South. He has ever been a public spirited gentleman, and dispensed his means with a liberal hand for the public good. There are many who can testify to his quiet manner of doing good. There is no man living who can say of John H. Morgan, that he went to him " tired and hungry, and he fed him not ; he came cold and naked, and he clothed him not." General Morgan is now about thirty-six years of age, and in the full vigor of manhood. He is about six feet in his stockings, as straight as an Indian, and magnificently proportioned ; light curly hair, small gray eyes,* and fair complexion. His general appeflr- ance is that of a gentleman of leisure — his carriage exceedingly graceful and manly, with rather an inclination to be fastidious in his dress. His modest, unassuming style of speech, when ad- dressed, at once assures you that you are in the presence of an unpretending, thorough-bred Kentucky gentleman. Unlike many other of the great men of war, though a man who entertains great respect for religion, he is not a member of the church. His deeds have been heralded throughout the broad limits of the universe, and his name will be cherished wherever the " Stars and Bars" of his beloved Confederacv wave. 392 APPENDIX. MORGAN'S OPEPwATIONS IN" INDIANA AND OHIO. Richmond, Ya., Friday, July 31, 1863. Messbs. Editors : — As much interest has been manifested in reference to the recent raid of General Morgan, I have tliought it but right to add ray "mite" to assist in appeasing the appetite of the pubhc, who are eagerly devouring every morsel or crumb of news coming from General Morgan's command. Sincerely sorry that the Federal gunboats cut off the finishing of the account, I shall at once commence. The command of General J. H. Morgan, consisting of detach- ments from two brigades, numbering 2,028 effective men, witli four pieces of artillery — two Parrots, and two howitzers — left Sparta, Tennessee, on the 27th of June, crossed the Cumberland, near Barkesville, on the 2d of July, finished crossing at daylight on the 3d. Means of transportation — canoes and dug-outs, im- provised for the occasion. Were met by Colonel Hobson's cav- alry, estimated at 6,000, drove them back to Jamestown, Ky., and our column marched on through Columbia, at which point found the advance of Woolford's celebrated Kentucky Cavalry, numbering 250 men, dispersed it, killing seven and wounding fif- teen men. Our loss, two killed and two wounded. Marched on to Stockade, at Green river, on the 4th. Colonel Johnson, commanding the second brigade, attacking stockade, rifle-pits, and abattis of timber. After heavy slaughter on both sides, our forces withdrew : loss about 60 killed and wounded on each side. Of Morgan's command, the gallant Colonel Chenault fell, pierced through the head with a Minnie ball, as he led his men in a charge upon the rifle-pits. The lioo-hearted Major Brent also poured out his life-blood upon the field. Indeed, this was the darkest day that ever shone upon our command — 11 commissioned oflicers were killed and nine wounded. Moving on to Lebanon on the 5th, we attacked the town (fortified), and after five hours' hard fighting, captured the place, with a vast amount of stores, 483 prisoners, one 24-pounder, and many fine horses. The commandant of the post Avas Colonel Charles Hanson, brother to the lamented Brigadier-general Roger Hanson, who fell at Murfreesboro. His command, raised in the heart of the Blue- APPENDIX. 393 • grass region, containeil brothers and other near relatives to our brave boys; notwithstanding which, when the gallant patriot young Lieutenant Tom Morgan, a brother to our general, and idol of the command, fell, loud and deep were the maledictions that ascended against the cowardly cravens for seeking shelter in dwelling-houses, and the question was raised as to their right to receive quarter. The enemy lost nine killed and 15 wounded; our loss, three killed and six wounded. Rapid marches brought us to Brandensburg on the 7th, where Captain Sam Taylor, of the old Rough and Ready family, had succeeded in capturing two fine steamers. From eight a. m. on the 8th until seven a. m. on the 9th, was consumed in fighting back the Federal gunboats, whipping out 300 Home Guard;^, with artil- lery, on the Indiana shore, and crossing the command. The first was accomplished by Captain Byrne, with his battery — two Par- rots and two 12-pound howitzers; the second, by an advance regiment, capturing the guards, and securing a splendid Parrot gun, elegantly rigged. 9tii.— Marched on to Corydon, fighting near there 4,500 State miUtia, and capturing 3,400 of them, and dispersing the remainder; then moving without a halt through Salisbury and Palmyra to Salem, at which point, telegraphing with our operator, we first learned the station and numbers of the enemy aroused for the hunt; discovered that Indianapolis was funning over with them; that New Albany contained 10,000; that 3,000 had just arrived at Mitchell ; and, in fact, 25,000 men were armed and ready to meet the "bloody invader." Remaining at Salem only long enough to destroy the railroad bridge and track, we sent a scout to the Ohio and Mississippi road, near Seymour, to burn two bridges, a depot, and destroy the track for two miles, which was efi:ected in an incredibly short time. Then taking the road to Lexington, after riding all night, reached that point at daylight, capturing a number of supplies, and destroying, during the night, the depot and track at Viennaj on the Jeftersonville and Indianapolis railroad. Leaving Lexing- ton, passed on north to the Ohio and Mississippi railroad, near Vernon, where, finding General Manson, with a heavy force of in- fantry, we skirmished with him two hours as a feint, while the main command moved round the town to Dupont, where squads were sent out to cut the roads between Vernon and Seymour on the west,. and Madison on the south, and Vernon and Columbus on the north. Is ot much brighter were the bonfires and illumin- 17* 394 APPENDIX. atioDS in the celebration of tlje Vicksburg victory by the Yankees, than our counter-illuminations around Vernon. Many old ladiea were aroused from their slumbers to rejoice over the brilliant vic- tories recently achieved. Surmises were various and many. One old lady knew that the city of Richmond was on fire ; another that Jeff. Davis had been killed; a third that the army of Vir- ginia was used up. Not one knew that General John H, Morgan was within two hundred miles of them. Daylight brought the news, and then, for mile's, houses were found vacant. Loaves of bread and buckets of pure fresh water, with an occasional sprinkle of wines, liquors, and sweetmeats, were thrust upon us. Terror was depicted on every countenance, until a brief conversation assured them that we were not warring upon women and children. Then their natural effrontery would return, and their vials of uncorked wrath would pour upon us streams as muddy as if emanating from old Abe's brain. From Vernon we proceeded to Versailles, capturing 500 militia there, and gathering on the road. Near this point, Captain P., a Presbyterian chaplain and former line-officer in one of our regi- ments, actuated by a laudable desire to change steeds, moved ahead, flanking the advance, and running upon a full company of State militia. Imitating his commander's demeanor, he boldly rode up to the company ^nd inquired for the captain. Being in- formed that there was a dispute as to who should lead them, he volunteered his services, expatiating largely upon the part he had played as an Indiana captain at Shiloh, and was soon elected to lead the valiant Hoosiers against the " invading rebs." Twenty minutes spent in drilling inspired complete confidence ; and when the advance guard of Morgan's band had passed without Captain P. permitting the Hoosiers to fire, he ordered them into the road ^ and surrendered them to our command. Crestfallen, indeed, were the Yanks ; but General Morgan treated them kindly, re- turning to them their guns, advised them to go home and not come hunting such game again, as they had every thing to lose and nothing to gain by it. From Versailles we moved without interruption across to Har- rison, Ohio, destroying the track and burning small bi"Wges on the Lawrenceburg and Indianapolis railroad. At Harrison we burned a fine bridge. Leaving Harrison at dusk, with noi>eless tread we moved around Cincinnati, passing between that city and Hamil- ton, destroying the railroad; and a scout running the Federal pickets into the city, the whole command marched within seven APPENDIX. 395 miles of it. Daylight of the 14th found us eighteen miles east of Cincinnati ; sunset had left us twenty-two miles west, hut the cir- cuitous route we travelled was not less than one hundred miles. During this night's march many of our men, from excessive fa- tigue, were riding along fast asleep. Indeed, hundreds would have heen left asleep on the road had it not been for the untiring vigilance of our gallant general. Up and down the line he rode, laughing with this one, joking with that, assuming a fierce de- meanor with another, and so on. None were left, and when we reached the railroad near Camp Dennison, few persons would have guessed the fatigue the men had undergone from their fresh and rosy appearance. A fight was imminent. Madam Rumor had been whispering that old Granny Burnside would pay us a visit that morning, but instead of arriving, he sent us a train of cars with several of his officers, who were kindly received, and in honor of their arrival a grand fire was made of the cars, &c. Nothing of special importance occurred after passing Dennison, except at Camp Siiady the destruction of seventy-five army wagons and a vast amount of forage : until the morning of the 19th our command had heavy marches over bad roads, making detours, threatening both Chillicothe and Hillsboro on the north, and Gallipolis on the South. Daily were we delayed by the annoying cry of " Axes to the front," a cry that warned us of buskwhackers, ambuscades, and blockaded roads. From the 14:th to the 19th every hillside contained an enemy, and every ravine a blockade. Dispirited and worn down, we reached the river at three a. m., on the 19th, at a ford above Pomeroy, I think, called Portland. At four, two companies were thrown across the river, and were in- stantly opened upon by the enemy ; a scout of three hundred men were sent down the river half a mile, who reported back that they had found a small force behind rifle-pita, and asked permis- sion of General Morgan to charge. He assented, and by five he was notified that Colonel Smith had successfully charged the pits, capturing 150 prisoners. Another courier arriving about the same tim?, reported that a gunboat had approaciifed near our bat- tery, and, on being fired upon, had retired precipitatel}'. General 4forgan finding both of these reports correct, and be- lieving that he had sufficient time to cross the coumiand, was us- ing every exertion to accomplish the task, when simultaneously could be heard the discharge of artillery from down the river, a heavy drumming sound of small-arms in the rear and right; from the banks of the river came up three black columns of infantry, 396 APPENDIX. firing npon our men, who were in close column, preparing to cross. Seeing that the enemy had every advantage of position, and overwhelming force of infantry and cavalry, and that we were becoming completely environed in the meshes of the net set for us, the command was ordered to move up the river, double quick. The gallant field, staff, and line officers acted with decis- ion and promptitude, and the command was moved rapidly off the field, leaving three companies of dismounted men, and perhaps 200 sick and wounded men, in the enemy's possession. Our ar- tillery was doubtless captured at the river, as two horses had been killed in one place, and one in each of two others, and the mount- ain path, from which we made our exit, was too precipitous to convey them over. Two lieutenants and five privates were known to have been killed on our side. After leaving the river at Portland, the command was marched to Belleville, some fourteen miles, and commenced fording, or rather swimming, at that point. 330 men had effected a crossing, when again the enemy's gunboats were upon us — the iron-clad and two transports. Again we moved up the river. The second brigade, commanded by Colonel Adam Johnson, was ordered to cross, guides having represented the stream as fordable. In dashed the colonel, closely followed by Lieutenant Woodson, Captain Paine, of Texas, young Rogers, of Tgxas, Captain Mc- Clain, A. C. S., second brigade, and myself. The colonel's noble mare falters, strikes out again, and boldly makes the shore. Woodson follows. My poor mare, being too weak to carry me, turned over and commenced going down ; incumbered by clothes, sabre, and pistols, I made but poor progress in the turbid stream, but the recollection of home, of a bright-eyed maiden in the sunny south, the pressing need of soldiers, and an inherent love of life, ' actuated me to continue swimming. Behind me I heard the piercing call of young Rogers for help ; on my right. Captain Helm was appealing to me for aid ; and in the rear, my friend, Captain McClain was sinking. Gradually the gunboat was near- ing me. Should I be able to hold up until it came; and would I then be saved to again undergo the horrors of a Federal bastile? But I hear something behind me snorting!" I feel it passing! Thank God I am saved ! A riderless horse dashes by ; I grasp his tail ! onward he bears me, and the shore is reached. Colonel Johnson, on reaching the shore, seizes upon a ten-inch piece of board, jumps into a leaky skiff, and starts back to aid the drown- ing. He reaches Captain Helm, but Captain McOlain and young APPENDIX. 397 Rogers are gone! Yes, Captaia McClain, the true gentleman, fjiitliful soldier, and pleasant companion, has been buried in the depths of the Ohio. We sadly miss him at quarters and in the field. His genial smile and merry laughter will no longer ring ui)on the ear. But from his manly piety and goodness of heart, the angels of heaven will never mark him as an absentee. May the memory of his many virtues serve as a beacon-light to guide us all to the same heavenly abode where he is now stationed. Two men were drowned in the crossing. The gunboat and transports cutting us off again, General Morgan fell back again, and just as daylight was disappearing, the rear of his command was leaving the river. Sad and dispirited, we impressed guides, collected together 360 men who had crossed — many without arras, having lost them in the river — and marched out towards Claysville. But before leaving the river, I will briefly recapitulate and sum up in short order the -damage to the enemy in this raid, and the sufferings through which General Morgan's men passed. On first crossing the Cumberland, we detached two companies — one to operate on the Louisville and Nashville railroad, the other to op- erate between Crab Orchard and Somerset, Kentucky. The first captured two trains, and returned to Tennessee. The second cap- tured thirty-five wagons, and also returned. "We then detached 100 men at Springfield, who marched to Frankfort and destroyed a train and the railroad near that point. We also captured a train, with a number of officers, on the Louisville and Nashville railroad, near Shepherd?ville — sent a detachment around Louis- ville, who captured a number of army supplies, and effected a crossing by capturing a steamer between Louisville and Cincin- nati, and rejoined us in Indiana. We paroled, up to the 10th, near 6,000 Federals, they obliga- ting themselves not to take up arms during the war. We de- stroyed thirty-four important bridges, destroying the track in sixty different places. Our loss was by no means light — 28 com- missioned oflicers killed, 35 wounded, and 250 men killed, wound- ed, and captured. By the Federal accounts, we killed more than 200, wounded at least 350, and captured, as above stated, near 6.000. The damage to railroads, steamboats, and bridges, added to the destruction of public stores and depots, cannot fall far short of $10,000,000. We captured three pieces of artillery, and one 24- pounder at Lebanon, which we destroyed ; one, a Parrott 3-inch gun, at Brandenburg, and a 12-pounder at Portland. These guns 398 APPENDIX. may have fallen into the enemy's hands again ; I do not know if it be so, but fear they have. After crossing into Indiana, the inhabitants fled in every direc- tion, women and children begging us to spare tbeir lives, and amazingly surprised to find we were humans. The Copperheads and Butternuts were always in the front opposing us. Occasion- ally we would meet with a pure Southron, generally persons ban- ished from the border States. In Indiana one recruit was ob- tained, a boy fourteen years old, who came as an orderly. Our command was bountifully fed, and I think the people of Indiana and Ohio are anxious for peace; and could the idea of their abil- ity to conquer us once be gotten rid of, they would clamor for an immediate recognition. Every town was illuminated, and the people everywhere rejoicing over the downfall of Vicksburg. Crops of wheat and oats are very good, but corn very poor, indeed. After leaving the Ohio at Belleville, on the night of the 19th, we marched to near Elizabethtown, in Wirt county, from there to Steer creek, and across the mountains to Sutton; from Sutton, on the Gauley Bridge road, to Birch creek, crossing Gauley at the mouth of Cranberry, and thence into tlie Greenbrier Country, crossing Cold mountain, passing a heavy blockaded road; tired steeds prevented rapid marches, and six days were consumed ere we reached Lewisburg, near which we left Colonel Grigsby, with a detachment, which then numbered about 475 men. From the crossing of the Ohio until our entrance into Greenbrier, our men lived on beef alone, without salt, and no bread. Yet their only wish seemed to be for the safety of General Morgan and the com- mand. To the kind officers, soldiers, and citizens whom we have met upon our journey, since reaching the Old Dominion, in behalf of our command, we tender them our undying regard, and assure them, if unbounded success has not fallen to our lot this time, that we are more fully determined to strive for our country and cause than ever. I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, S. P. CUNNINGHAM, A. A. A. G. Morgan's Cavalry Division. APPENDIX. / GENERAL MOPwGAN'S ESCAPE. General Morgan made his daring escape from the Ohio Peni- tentiary, generally considered one of the strongest prisons in the country, on the night of ISTovember 27th, The bedsteads of the prisoners were small iron stools, fcistened to the wall with hinges. They could be hooked up or allowed to stand on the floor; and to prevent any suspicion, for several days before any work was attempted, they made it a habit to let them down and sit at their doors and read. Captain Hines superintend- ed the work, while* General Morgan kept watch to divert the at- tention of the sentinel, whose duty it was to come round during the day and observe if any thing was going on. One day this fel- low came in while Hokersmith was down under the floor boring away, and missing him said, " Where is Hokersmith V The gen- eral replied, "-He is in my room, sick," and immediately pulled a document out of his pocket and said to him : " Here is a memorial I have drawn up to forward to the government at Washington; what do you think of it ?" The fellow, who perhaps could not read, being highly flattered at the general's condescension, took it and very gravely looked at it for several moments before he vouchsafed any reply. Then, handing it back, he expressed himself highly pleased with it. In the mean time, Hokersmith had been signalled and came up, pro- fessing to feel " very unwell." This sentinel was the most difficult and dangerous obstacle in their progress, "because there was no telling at what time he would enter during the day, and at night he came regularly every two hours to each cell, and inserted a light through the bars of their door, to see that they were quietly sleeping; and frequently after he had completed his rounds he would slip back in the dark with a pair of india-rubber shoes on, to listen at their cells if any thing was going on. The general says that he would almost invariably know of his presence by a certain magnetic shudder which it would produce ; but for fear that this acute sensibility might sometimes fail him, he broke up small parti- cles of coal every morning, and sprinkled them before the cell door, which would always announce his coming. 4:00 APPENDIX. Every thing was now ready to begin the work; so about the latter part of October they began to bore. All were busy — one making a rope-ladder by .tearing and twisting up strips of bedtick, another making bowie-knives, and another twisting up towels. They labored perseveringly for several days, and after boring through nine inches of cement and nine thicknesses of brick placed edgewise, they began to wonder when they should reach the soft earth. Suddenly a brick fell through. What could this mean ? What infernal chamber had they reached? It was immediately entered, and, to their astonishment and joy, it proved to be an air- chamber extending the whole length of the row of cells. Here was an unexpected interposition in their favor. Hitherto they had been obliged to conceal their rubbish in their bedticks, each day burning a proportionate quantity of straw ; now they had room enough for all they could dig. They at once commenced to tunnel at right angles with this air-chamber, to get through the foundation ; and day after day they bored, day after day the blocks of granite were removed, and still the work before them seemed interminable. After 23 days of unremitting labor, and getting through a gran- ite wall of six feet in thickness, they reached the soil. They tun- nelled up for some distance, and light began to shine. How glo- rious was that light! It announced the fulfilment of their labors, and if Providence would only continue its favor, they would soon be free. This was the morning of the 26th day of November,. 1863. The next night, at--twelve o'clock, was determined on as the hour at which they would attempt their liberty. Each mo- ment that intervened was fihed with dreadful anxiety and suspense, and each time the guard entered increased their apprehensions. The general says he had prayed for rain, but the morning of the 27th dawned bright and beautiful. The evening came, and clouds began to gather ! How they prayed for them to increase ! If rain should only begin, their chances of detection would be greatly lessened. While these thoughts were passing through their minds, the keeper entered with a letter for General Morgan. He opened it, and what was his surprise, and I may say wonder, to find it from a prior Irish woman of his acquaintance in Kentucky, commencing, ''My dear ginral, I feel certain you are going to try to get out of prison, but for your sake don't you try it, my dear ginral. You will only be taken prisoner agin, and made to suffer more than you do now." Tiie letter then went on to speak of his kindness to the poor APPENDIX. 401 when he lived at Lexington, and concluded by again exhorting him to trust in God and wait his time. What could this mean? No human being on the outside had been informed of his intention to escape, and yet, just as all things were ready for him to make the attempt, here comes a letter from Winchester, Ky., advising }»im not to "try it." This letter had passed through the examin- ing office of General Mason, and then through the hands of the flower officials. What if it should excite their suspicion and cause them to exercise an increased vigilance? The situation, however, was desperate. Tiieir fate could not be much worse, and they resolved to go. Nothing now remained to be done but for the General and Colonel Dick Morgan to change cells. The hour ap- proached for them to be locked up. They changed coats, and each stood at the other's cell door with his back exposed, and pretend- ed to be engaged in making up their beds. As the turnkey enter- ed they "turned in" and pulled their doors shut. Six, eight, ten o'clock came. How each pulse throbbed as they quietly awaited the approach of twelve! It came — the sentinel passed his round — all well. After waiting a few moments to see if he intended to slip back, the signal was given— all quietly slipped down into the air-chamber, first stuffing their shirts and placing them in bed as they were accustomed to lie. As they moved quietly along through the dark recess to the terminus where they were to emerge from the earth, the general prepared to light a match. As the lurid glare fell upon their countenances a scene was presented which can never be forgotten. There were crouch- ed seven brave men who had resolved to be free. They were armed with bowie-knives made out of case-knives. Life, in their condition, was scarcely to be desired, and the moment for the des- perate chance had arrived. Suppose, as they emerged from the ground, the dog should give the alarm— they could but die. But a few moments were spent in this kind of apprehension. The hour arrived, and yet they came. Fortunately — providential- ly — the night had suddenly grown dark and rainy; the dogs had retired to their kennels, and the sentinels had taken refuge under shelter. The inner wall, by the aid of the rope-ladder, was soon scaled, and now the outer one had to be attempted. Cai)tain Tay- lor (who, by the way, is a nephew of old Zack,) being a very ac- tive man, by the assistance of his comrades reached the top of the gate, and was enabled to get the rope over the wall. When the top was gained they found a rope extending all around, which the general immediately cut, as he suspected it might lead into the 402 APPENDIX. warden's room. This turned out to be correct. They then enter- ed the sentry-box on the wall and changed their clothes, and let themselves down tlie wall. In sliding down, the general skinned his hand very badly, and all were more or less bruised. Once down, they separated, Taylor and Shelton going one way, Hoker- smith, Bennett, and McGee another, and General Morgan and Cap- tain Hines proceeded immediately towards the depot. The general had, by paying $15 in gold, succeeded in obtaining a paper which informed him of the schedule time of the different roads. The clock struck one, and he knew that by Imrrying he could reach the down-train for Cincinnati. He got there just as the train was moving off. He at once looked on to see if there were any soldiers on board, and espying a Union officer, he boldly walked up and took a seat beside him. He remarked to him that as the night was damp and chilly, perhaps he would join him in a drink. He did so, and the party soon became agreeable to each other. The cars, in crossing the Sciota, have to pass within a short distance of the Penitentiary. As they passed, the officer remark- ed, "There's the hotel at which Morgan and his oncers are spend- ing their leisure." " Yes," replied the general, "and I sincerely hope he will make up his mind to board there during the balance of the war, for he is a great nuisance." When the train reached Zenia, it was detained by some accident more than an hour. Im- agine his anxiety as soldier after soldier would pass through the train, for fear that when the sentinel passed his round at 2 o'clock their absence might be discovered. The train was due in Cincinnati at 6 o'clock. This was the hour in which they were turned out of their cells, and of course their escape would be then discovered. In a few moments after it would be known all over the country. The train, having been detained at Zenia, was running very rapidly to make up the time. It was already past six o'clock. . The general said to Captain Hines, "It is after six; if we go to the depot we are dead men. 'Now or never." They went to the rear and put on the brakes. "Jump, Hines!" Off he went, and fell heels over head in the mud. An- other severe turn of the brakes, and the general jumped. He was more successful, and lighted on his feet. There were some soldiers near, who remarked, "What in the h — 1 do you mean by jump- ing off the cars here?" The general replied, "What in the h — 1 is the use of my going into town when I live here; and, besides, what business fs it of yours?" They went immediately to the river. They found a skiff, but APPENDIX. 403 no oars. Soon a little boy came over, and appeared to be wait- ing, " What are you waiting for ?" said the general. " I am wait- ing for my load." " What is the price of a load?" "Two dol- lars." "Well, as we are tired and hungry, we'll give you the two dollars, and you can put us over." So over he took them. "Where does ^[iss live?" "Just a short distance from here." "Will you show nie her house?" "Yes, sir." The house was reached, a fine breakfast was soon obtained, money and a horse furnished, a good woman's prayer bestowed, and off he went. From there, forward through Kentucky, everybody vied with each other as to who should show him the most attention — even to the negroes ; and young ladies of refinement begged the honor to cook his meals. Ue remained in Kentucky some days, feeling perfectly safe, and sending into Louisville for many little things he wanted. Went to Bardstowu, and found a Federal regiment had just arrived there looking for him. Remained here and about for three or four days, and then struck out for Dixie, sometimes disguising himself as a government cattle contractor, and buying a large lot of cattle, at other times a quartermaster, until he got to the Tennessee river. Here he found all means of transportation destroyed, and the bank strongly guarded, but with the assistance of about thirty others, who had recognized him and joined him in spite of his remon- strances, he succeeded in making a raft, and he and Captain Hines crossed over. His escort, with heroic self-sacrifice, refused to cross until he was safely over. He then hired a negro to get his horse over, paying him $20 for it. The river was so high that the horse came near drowning, and after more than one hour's struggling with the stream, was pulled out so e3;liausted as scarce- ly to be able to stand. The general threw a blanket on him and commenced to walk him, when suddenly, he says, he was seized with a presentiment that he would be attacked, and remarking to Captain Hines, "We will be attacked in twenty minutes," commenced saddling his horse. He had hardly tied his girth, when ''bang, bang," went the Minie balls. He bounced his horse, and the noble animal, ap- pearing to be inspired with new vigor, bounded off like a deer up the mountain. The last he saw of liis poor fellows on the oppo- site side, they were disappearing up the river-bank, fired upon by a whole regiment of Yankees. By this time it was dark, and also raining. He knew that a perfect cordon of pickets would surround the foot of the mountain, and if he remained there until morning, 404 APPENDIX. he would be lost. So he determined to run the gauntlet at once, and commenced to descend. As he neared the foot, leading his horse, he came almost in personal contact with a picket. Ilis first impulse was to kill him, but finding him asleep, he determined to let him sleep on. He made his way to the house of a Union man that he knew lived near there, and went up and passed himself oil as Captain Quartermaster of Hunt's regiment, who was on his way to Athens, Tenn., tcr procure supplies of sugar and coffee for the Union people of the country. The lady, who appeared to be asleep while tliis interview was taking place with her husband, at the mention of sugar and coffee, jumped out of bed in her night clothes, and said, "Thank God for that, for we ain't seen any rale coffee up here for God knows how long!" She was so delighted at the prospect, that she made up a fire and cooked them a supper. Supper being over, the general remarked that he understood some rebels had "tried to cross the river this afternoon." "Yes," said the woman, "but our men killed some un um, and driv the rest back." "Now," says the general, "I know that, but didn't some of them get over ?" " Yes," was her reply, " but they are on the mountain, and can't get down without being killed, as every road is stopped up." He then said to her: "It is very important for me to get to Athens by to-morrow night, or I may lose that sugar and coffee, and I am afraid to go down any of these roads, for fear my own men will kill me." The fear of losing that sugar and coffee brought her again to an accommodating mood, and she replied, " Why, Paul, can't you show the captain through our farm, that road down by the field ?" The general says, " Of course, Paul, you can do it, and as the niglit is very cold, 1 will give you $10 (in gold) to help you along." The gold, and the prospect of sugar and coffee, were too much for any poor man's nerves, and he yielded, and getting on a horse, he took them seven miles to the big road. From this time forward he had a series of adventures and escapes, all very wonderful, until he got near another river in Tennessee, when he resolved to go up to a house and find the way. Hines went to the h(mse, while the general stood in the road. Hearing a body of cavalry come dashing up behind him, he quietly slipped to one side of the road and it passed by without observing him. They went travelling after Hines, and, poor fellow, he has not been heard of since. How sad to think he should be either captured or killed, after so many brave efforts, not only in his own behalf, but also in that of the general, for the general says that it is ow- APPENDIX. 405 * ing chiefly to Hines's enterprise aud skill that they made their es- cape. When he arrived at the river referred to above, lie tried to get over, intending to stop that night with a good Southern man on the other side. He could not get over, and had to stop at the house of a Union man. The next morning he went to the house that he had sought the night previous, and found the track of the Yankees scarcely cold. They had been there all night, expecting that he would come there, and had murdered everybody who had attempted to reach the house without hailing them. In pur- suing this brutal course, they had killed three young men, neigh- bors of this gentleman, and went away, leaving their dead bodies on the ground. After he had crossed Okey's river, and got down into middle Tennessee, he found it almost impossible to avoid recognition. At one time he passed some poor women, and one of them commenced clapping her hands, and said, "Oh, I know who that is!" but catching herself, she stopped short, and passed on with her com- panions. The general says that his escape was made entirely without the assistance from any one on the outside, and, so far as he knows, also without their knowledge of his intention ; that the announce- ment of his arrival at Toronto was one of those fortuitous coinci- dences that cannot be accounted for ; that it assisted him mate- rially, no doubt. In fact, he says that his " wife's prayers" saved him, and, as this is the most agreeable way of explaining it, he is determined to believe it. The above account may be relied on as correct; and, although much has been left out, yet enough is printed to stamp it as one of the most remarkable escapes in history. 406 APPENDIX. MORGAN'S JOURNEY THROUGH KENTUCKY. S. C. Reid, the correspondent of the Atlanta Intelligencer^ had an interview with Captain Henry T. Hines, art Daltou, Ga., on the 4th inst., and obtained the particulars of his capture, escape from the Ohio Penitentiary, and return to Dixie. As the public are familiar with the circumstances of the capture, &c., we confine our extracts to the thrilling incidents of thereturn to the Confed- eracy in company with General Morgan, which will amply repay perusal. It had been previously determined that, on reaching the outer walls, the parties should separate, Morgan and Hines together, and the others to shape their course for themselves. Thus they parted. Hines and the general proceeded at once to the depot to purchase their tickets for Cincinnati. But, lo! where was the money ? The inventive Hines had only to touch the magical wand of his inge- nuity, to be supplied. "While in prison he had taken the precau- tion, after planning his escape, to write to a lady friend in a peculiar cipher, which, when handed fo the authorities to read through openly, contained nothing contraband, but which, on the young lady receiving, she, according to instructions, sent him some books, in the back of one of which she concealed some " greenbacks," and across the inside wrote her name, to indicate the place where the money was deposited ! The books came safe to hand, and Hines was flush I Going boldly up to the ticket- office, while Morgan modestly stood back and adjusted a pair of green goggles over his eyes, which one of the men having weak eyes had worn in the prison. They took their seats in the cars without suspicion. How their hearts beat until the locomotive whistled to start! Slowly the wheels turn, and they are oif ! The cars were due in Cincinnati at 7 A. M. At Dalton, Ohio, they were detained one hour. What keen anguish of suspense did they not suffer ! They knew that at 5 o'clock A. M. the convicts would be called, and that the escape would then be discovered, ^vhen it would be telegraphed in every direction ; consequently the guards would be ready to greet them on their arrival. They were rapidly neariug the city of Abolition hogdom. It was a cool, rainy morning. Just as the train entered APPENDIX. 407 the suburbs, about a half a mile from the depot, the two escaped prisoners went out on the platform and put on the brakes, check- ing the cars sutficieutly to let them jump oflf. liines jumped off first, and fell, considerably stunned. Morgan followed unhurt. They immediately niade towards the river, striking it at Ludlow's Ferry. Here they found a boy with a skift', who had just ferried across some ladies from Coviugtou. They dared not turn their heads, for fear of seeiyg the guards coming. " Hines," whispered the general, "look and see if anybody is coming!" The boy was told that they wanted to cross, but he desired to wait for more passengers. The general told him that he was in a hurry, and promised to pay double fare. The skiff shot out into the stream, they soon reached the Kentucky shore, and breathed free ! The boy had told them the place of residence of a lady friend ; thither they bent their steps, and were received with the wildest demonstrations of joy and hospitality. They were afraid to tarry long. Horses were immediately procured for them, and that day, the 28th November, they rode to the town of Union, in Boone county, twenty-eight miles from Covington. There they stayed all night and the next day, leaving on the niglit of the 29th, with volun- teer guides, and travelling by neighborhood and by-roads, passing through Gallatin county to Owen county line, where they stopped with a friend and spent the*day of the 30th. They resumed their travels at night, passing through !N'ew Liberty, crossed the Ken- tucky river, and at 2 a. m., on the 1st December, stopped twelve miles the other side of Newcastle. Pushing on that day, they arrived at night eight miles this side of Shelbyville, where they spent the day of the 2d with their friends, meeting with a glorious reception. At night they departed again, passing through Taylors- ville, and reached the vicinity of Bardstown on the morning of the 8d. Here they remained over until the night of the 5th, having received a most cordial greeting and unbounded hospitality. Again advancing, they passed through glorious old Nelson county, stop- ping on Rolling Fork. On the 5th, they laid over, and at night reached the vicinity of Greensburg, passing between the pickets of the enemy and their base. The fugitives had been joined by four others, and the party now consisted of six. They remained concealed inside of the enemy's pickets during the day of the 6th. Their trip through Kentucky had been one grand ovation, the ladies going wild with joy, and the men offering them every thing in their power, showing that the true spirit still breathes in that down-trodden State. 408 APPENDIX. On the night of* the 6th they procured guides to proceed to tho Cumberland river, the road being thickly lined with Yankees. At ten A. M., on the 7th, they reached the Cumberland, nine miles below Burksville, having travelled sixty miles that night, and crossed the river in a canoe, swimming their horses and passing for Federal cavalry. That night they stayed at the house of a good Union friend, who, supposing them to belong to Jacobs' cav- alry, took the best care of them. On the 8th, they passed into Overton county, Tennessee, following in the rear of a large Yankee scouting party, who, they learned, were in hot chase after Morgan ! The general here learning that a number of escaped prisoners of his command were in the vicinity, a portion being under Captain Ray, he determined to wait until they cwuld be collected, and then take them out, for which purpose he laid over until the 12th of December. The squad was now increased to forty men, under command of Captain Hines, and crossing a spur of the Cumberland by way of Crossville, between Sparta and Knoxville, they arrived at Bridge's feny, on the Tennessee river, at ten o'clock on the morning of the 13th. There being no boat or skiff to cross, the party was compelled to fell trees to make a raft. This ferry was within two miles and a half of a Yankee cavalry camp. By two p. m. they had succeeded in crossing twenty-five men and six horses. At this time a cavalry force of the enemy appeared on the north side of the river, and fired upon the party who had been engaged in making the raft. The enemy succeeded in capturing three or four men, but the others made their escape back into Tennessee. At the same moment the enemy also appeared on the south side of the river, when General Morgan, Hines, and four others mounted their horses to escape. After riding two miles and a half from the river, Hines rode up to a house for the purpose of procuring a guide, leaving Morgan and the other men in the road. Hines had ob- tained the guide, when he heard Morgan halloo to him, and soon after a party of cavalry dashed up towards Hines, which at first he took for a party of our men, until thej approached .so close that escape was impossible. Hines had on a Yankee gun-cloth which covered his clothes, and seeing that they took him for an " Abolish," he feigned to be- a Yankee. The Abolish captain riding up, asked, " Who are you ?" " One of you," replied Hines. "Where are the rebels?'' asked the captain. "They have just gone down this road ; come on, and we will catch them," said Hines, riding off in the opposite direction from that taken by APPENDIX. 409 Morgan, who, at the time, was near tlie foot of the liill, and was thus enabled to escape. The party followed Hines, but soon after discovered him to he a true rebel, and taking away his arms they threatened to hang liim for misleading them. Hines was carried across the river to their camps, and put under guard. He passed off for a private under the name of Bullitt, That night he ate up several letters and private papers, besides the notes of his tr^, which would have condemned him, thus making a paper supper, which probably saved his neck. On the evening of the 14th the captain retunied from the scout, and re- ported that the rebels had escaped. He had learned from a citizen that Morgan was one of the party, and suspected Hines of being an escaped prisoner. He charged him with being a Confederate officer, and questioned him very closely. In order to gain Hines's confidence, and to pump him, he treated him very kindly, and asked him to go to a Union man's house to take supper. On leaving the house, about nine P.M., which was half a mile from the camp, after getting off about ten steps, the " Yank" remem- bered he had left his shawl, and went back. The night was dark, and nines struggled with himself to gain his consent to escape, but considering the confidence and kindness of the officer, he con- eluded to wait until he got out of his hands. Hines remained in camp under guard during the night of the 14th, and the next morn- ing was sent to Kingston, with an escort of ten men, where he was placed in jail, and kept for five days without fire, and almost with- out food. Here he found three of his comrades who had been cap- tured on the other side of the river. On the 20th, he and his three companions, William and Robert Church, and Smith, of the third Kentucky Cavalry, were sent to the camp of the Third Yankee Kentucky Infantry, opposite Loudon, on the Tennessee river, nine- teen miles from Kingston. The prisoners were confined in a small house in the centre of the camp, the timber being cut down in every direction for half a mile, and there being but one path leading to the mountain from the camp, which was closely guarded. That night it was bright moonlight, but; the moon went down just before daylight. Hines and his companions, by agreement, under pretence of being very cold, dressed themselves at the time, and sat down with the guards round the fire. At a given signal his comrades rose and stood round the fire, while Hines, keeping one of the guards busily engaged talking, quietly approached the door unob- b'.ryed, raising the latch, giving the wink at the same time to his 18 410 APPENDIX. friends. Then turning suddenly, he threw the door wide open, and said, with composure, " Gentlemen, we have remained here long enough ; it is time we were going." . The guards were struck dumb with surprise, and thought it a joke. But before thev could recover their senses, Hines flew past the guards in front of the house, and ran like a deer for the woods. He heard a struggle for a moment near the house, and then a volley of Minie balls whizzed by him. Ilis three comrades must have beeu caught. The enemy pursued him to the wood and up the mountain for three-quarters of a mile, when they lost his -track. Hines travelled six miles across the mountains that morning, and lay concealed during the day. At night he approached a house in a valley, and finding the occupant a Unionist, he passed himself oflE" as a Yankee govern-, ment agent. In conversing about the rebels, the Unionist said there were a few still lurking about, but as the river was well guarded, there were but few places they could cross at, and men- tioned one place five miles below Loudon, where he said a rebel lived who kept a canoe. Hines made an excuse to go out that night, and proceeded to the ferry indicated, where he found the canoe and crossed the river. He soon found many friends on the south side of the river to aid him, and travelling altogether by night till out of danger, he finally arrived at Dalton, Ga., on the evening of the 29th December, having walked the whole distance from Loudon. APPENDIX. 411 THE CAPTURE OF MORGAN.* In .vo„r paper of tho 13tl, of February, this notice appears- Bn,.a,l,er^general ShackelforO, who capture,! Morgan, hasTel er^l S tTr ,"? ""' '"^ ''"' "''« "- been led toili'ovo Geo- : if rtffrc xr - 'i' " "" ^'-^f • ''"^' ^^ ">« "-- ^- due "an,! tl r ?°'""' ""•''y ••* eiven, where honor is due and that your readers may become acquainted wit), the fh whet'— ■■ "r"'™-'' ' «'™ ''""^ '' P'^'° ^''"--' "f can vouch. ''"' '" ""^ ''"""'^''s^' ""-l ^"^ «Wch I . Jl""!? 5°''^'"' ""'""^ ""^ Cumberland river. Brigadier-gen- eral Judah, commanding the Second division of Tvfen yXd tZi:r\'''''T' ?^-^i-g-eral E. H. Hobson, con „,a d GWowt ?'f' "'i''"""^ -^'"^'o"' '° ™»-^ fro-" CoIumbL to Glasgow, Kentucky. When he arrived within five miles of Glas gow, he received orders from General Judah to m"ve wfth ht Second brigade to Tompkinsville-that he Judah h,dTft 7 MoCat c:«ha:: ?»" ^^"^ T^' ^"^ -pt'teSlo'ltk morgan at Carthage, Tennessee. General Hobson arrived with h,s command at Ray's Cross Roads, eigl,teen miles from G Jow ^th sf. h' '"/""r^ "' ,"''' P'^''^' ^' P™^^^J^<1 to TompkinstmT Juth n "' '^'''■^■' '"'' '"=»"P'«'i «'« Pl»««. until G n al When GenlrT",^K""° "™^ ''"'^ J"'" ^imat iompkin v 1 f tW M. "'. '"■"™'^' •^*°*™' Ifobson reported to him Burkfv f " H:Lr""" "P«^ Cumberland, and Lm cross a" Jiurksville. Hobson ^mMed on General Judah giving him orders * From the Army and Navy Journal. 412 APPENmx. ascertained that Morgan was crossing his force at Burksville and Cloyd's Ferry, nine miles below Burksville. Hobson informed Judali of his movements, and of the movements of Morgan, and stated that he had ordered General Shackelford's brigade from Kay's Cross Roads to assist him. Shackelford arrived at Marrow-Bone at 12 p. m. July 2d. Hobson did not put him on duty, but told him to rest and feed his men, and be ready to move at an early hour next morning; that he would attack Morgan's command next morning at Cloyd's Ferry, and prevent him from uniting his two brigades ; this he would do in violation of General Judah's orders, as it was tho only way to prevent Morgan from entering and devastating the State. Hobson dispatched General Judah, who was then sup- posed to be at Ray's Cross Roads, fourteen miles in the rear, his plans, and the disposition he intended to make of his forces, and stated it was in violation of orders " heretofore received." Gen- eral Judah met the courier six miles from Marrow-Bone, and sent an aide at full speed, with verbal orders to General Hobson, to suspend all military operatio7is, and to countermand all orders for the moving of troops. General Hobson reluctantly obeyed, and stated to General Judah that Morgan would unite his forces, and get considerably the start, if he (Judah) did not order the troops to move and attack Morgan. -After delaying one brigade twelve, and another twenty-four hours, General Judah adopted Hobson's second plan ; to cross the country, sending one brigade through Columbia, and one through Greensburgli, to unite at Campbellsville. Judah returned to Glasgow. Hobson and Shackelford united at Campbellsville, and proceeded to Lebanon, Kentucky, leaving Judah south of Green river, he having failed to cross his cavalry before the river became too high. General Burnside telegraphed to General Hobson to assume command of all the cavalry at Lebanon, consisting of his own, Shackelford's, Woolford's, and Xants' commands, and to pursue and capture Morgan ; and to impress horses, subsistence, &c., for his com- mand. Upon receiving this order Hobson continued the pursuit, and directed all the movements of the troops under him. Morgan having stripped the country, through which he passed, of horses, &c., Hobson labored under many disadvantages, but pushed ahead, determined to attack Morgan with fifteen me'n — if DO more than that number could keep up with him. At Bnffirfg- ton Island, on the 19th of July, Hobson attacked, routed, scat- tered, and whipped Morgan ; having followed him for twenty-one APPENDIX. 413 days and nights. Hobson leading in the front when the attack was made, was convinced that Morgan could not cross the river, and would attempt to get to the rear, and take the back track! To prevent this, Hobson sent orders to General Shackelford and Colonel WooUbrd to occupy positions four miles from the river, and attack Morgan's force, part of which was moving to that I»oint. Also to pursue in every direction, and lose no time in capturing Morgan's scattered and routed forces. These orders were promptly obeyed, and resulted at this point in the capture of four hundred and seventy-five men. Colonels Kants, Sanders, and Lieutenant-colonel Adams had similar orders to follow up Morgan's scattered force, and drive them in the direction of Shackelford and Woolford, all of whom, in obeying these orders, captured quite a number of prisoners. It is evident that General Hobson was in command of the expe- dition from the time he left Lebanon, until its close, as he had been placed in command by Major-general Burnside, and received DO countermanding orders; although it is true he did receive instructions or information from time to time from Generals Burnside and Boyle. Major Ptue, of the Ninth Kentucky cavalry, is the officer who captured Morgan in person ; Sergeant Drake, of the Eighth Mich- igan cavalry, and a sergeant of the Ninth Michigan cavalry, cap- tured Colonel Basil Duke, Colonel Howard Smith, and one hun- dred and sixty line-officers and privates. General Hobson could not, of course, lead in every direction after he had broken up and routed Morgan at Buffington Island. It was his duty to see to his wounded ; give orders to the il^r- suing parties, and see that the prisoners were properly secured and cared for, as well as other details, that none but a command- ing general are likely to be familiar with, or think of. There are many other interesting incidents concerning the action of Generals Hobson, Shackelford, Manson, and Judah, Col- onels Woolford, Kants, and others; but it is not my purpose to go into a detailed history, further than to give — what I have en- deavored to give above— a plain and truthful statement of facts connected with the pursuit and capture of the rebel General John H. Morgan. 414 APPENDIX. MOPwGAK, THE HOPE OF THE TVEST. The war-cloud hung lurid and dark, And terror each soul did assail, When anon with fury it burst, Sending forth a heartrending wail. Mothers to their offspring did cling, Fair maidens did beat on their breasts, For the hordes and freebooting bands Of Lincoln did ravage the West. Hearts in supplication arose, That God some deliverance might bring, When lo ! a brave leader appears. Whose advent in chorus now sing; For no common leader is he ; High towering amongst all the rest, 1^0 brand with such terror does flash, As Morgan's, the hope of the West. His advent the Yankees did scorn, And dubbed him with every vile name, Guerilla, land-pirate, outlaw, Whom naught but a halter could tame. But dearer this leader became To every Confederate breast. And never did star brighter shine Than Morgan, the hope of the West. To Abe, this brave chieftain appeared A fiend of ubiquitous dread ; A whole mint he'd most freely give, The price of this hobgoblin's head. For oft while his minions feel safe, Far, far from this foe to their rest, Destruction would leap like a flash, — 'Tis Morgan, the hope of the West. APPENDIX. 4:15 Whilst fear, consternation, and dread, The freebooting hordes sore oppressed, Bright Hope, with soft pinions, did fan The hearts of fair maidens distressed. A sliout, now spontaneous arose From every fond Southern breast, No champion of Freedom's so bold. As Morgan, the hope of the West. GENERAL MORGAN'S KENTUCKY HOLIDAY RAID. It's of chivalrous Morgan I propose to sing. And of the brave heroes that round him do cling, Whose valor has thrilled the heart of the nation. Whose prowess astounds this lower creation; But 'mongst his brave deeds, that most worthy of praise Was his dash in Kentuck during holidays. The enemy held this entire neutral soil, And each true Soaithron was the victim of spoil. The heart of brave Morgan beat high in his breast. As the plume of the tyrant waved in his crest. He vowed that his State should be happy and free. And his watchword was death to all tyranny. Many brave hearts had flocked to this hero bold. From that doomed State that to the despot Avas sold, Many others, likewise from States further south. Whose hands they had torn from the gorilla's mouth. With this heroic band of brave volunteers, Whose free hearts were strangers to unmanly fears, He set out for Kentuck with high beating heart. Determined to baflie the enemy's art; With speed far surpassing the old warrior's code. By day and by night we vigorously rode. No halting our horses, so weary, to unsaddle, That our foeman might have no time to skedaddle. We eagerly attacked each bristling stockade — For railroad defence these strongholds were made, — 416 APPENDIX. But they all surrendered, even seven or more, And prisoners very numerous, — yea, many a score. Thus, by boldly baffling the enemy's wiles. Their railroad we destroyed for forty long miles; . Far had we entered the terror-stricken State, Where tyranny guards every iron-barred gate; But the object achieved of this bold foray, To the South we'd return without delay. The enemy's rage now with fury did burn. That to the South they swore we should never return ; So they fiercely beset us on every hand, In hopes of destroying our heroic band, Each highway they guarded with a numerous host, Each far more numerous than Morgan could boast. Destruction seemed certain, and conquest most sure. As we appeared now entrapped by the enemy's lure; 3 *t Morgan was there, whose wits never fail him, Who's always at home when dangers assail him: By by-ways he led us that cold, dreary night, And this snarl we escaped by next morning's light; Each day and each night it was common to hear, "The foe are pursuing — are fighting our rear;" The fire we returned, yet right onward we sped, -^ Though risks we did run, every danger we fled. Thus dangers we escaped and conquest we made, In this brilliant Kentuck, this holiday raid. Some mishaps we met with, some few men we lost, But each gallant life cost the foeman a host; A sad mischance occurred to the heroic Duke, Who's as bold as a lion, but mild as St. Luke : Tliis brave hero, who is scarce less than Morgan, Was severely wounded on the cranial organ. While repelling an attack made on his rear, He fell by a sliell that exploded too near; But long may he live, a terror to the foe, For he will perform all that valor cau do. One incident more I will here barely note, Like that the old Muses so fondly did quote. Of brave Captain Treble and another as bold, Whose deeds are equal to the heroes of old. They met in combat, three champions to two, Whom fiercely they fought, and a colonel they slew; APPE^JDIX. 417 The others surrendered, but ahnost too late, For the weapon was poised to seal the sad fate Of one, the most daring of that vanquished band, As prostrate he lay under bold Treble's hand. Colonel Halsey fell by brave Eastin's fire; The doom of the rest was less fatally dire: Was that of prisoners who surrender in war To a foe more generous than tyrants by far. But now, having returned to true Southern soil. We are calmly reposing after our toil ; But Morgan, our leader, is still scenting his game. And soon he will have us pursuing the same. Long, long may he live, this true son of Mars, And triumphantly wave the Stars and the Bars, And each Southern sister in glory arrayed, Recline most gracefully beneath itjs wide shade. 18* RARE BOOK COLLECTION THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL Wilmer 452