MI N UTES^ OF TUB FORTIETH ANNUAL CONVENTIOM OF THE EVANCt. LUTHERAN SYNOD A5rc* M I N I S T E R I U M NORTH CAROLINA 23 a 1 1 1 ju V e : PRINTED AT THE PUBLICATION ROOMS. NO. 7, SOUTH LIBERTY STREET. MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH ANNUAL C0NV1']NTI0S OF THE EVANG. LUTHERAN SYNOD AND M I N I S T E R I U M OF NORTH CAROLINA 33 a 1 1 ( m V e : PRINTED AT THE PUBLICATION ROOMS KO. 7, SOUTH LIBERTY 8TRKKT. "1846." MIN UTES EVANTt. LUTHERAX synod & MINISTERIUM OF NORTH CAROLINA. In accordance with the 27th Resolution of the 39th annual convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Caroli- na, the ministerial members with their lay delegates assembled on the 1st day of May, 1846, in Union church, 5 miles South- East of Salisbury, N. C. At 10 o'clock A. M., the exercises of the Synod were opened with a sermon by the President, Rev. J. D. Scheck, from 1 Tim. iv. 16. Divine service being concluded, an intermission was given ; after which the President called the Synod to order, and open- ed the first session with singing and prayer. The Secretary then called the roll, noting the absentees, which is as follows : ORDAINED MINISTERS. v. Carolina. JV 'ames. Mdress. 1. Rev. J. D. SCHECK, China Grove, Rowan Co. J 2. li WxM. ARTZ, Holt's Store, Orange Co.y 3. (I J. B. ANTHONY, Salisbury, Roican Co., 4. (( SA\rL. ROTHROCK, RockviUe, Roican Co., 5. u BE\J. AREY, Slatesville, Iredell Co., 6. " JACOB CRIM, JSIocksville, Davie Co., 7. " W. G. HARTER, Concord, Cabarras Co., 8. " J. A. LINN, RockviUe, Roican Co., LICENTIATES. 9. Rev, . J. GRIESON,* Clnpps, Guilford Co., 10. iC A. GIUMES,* Wilkesboro', Wilkes Co., 11. " J. SWICEGOOD, Brownloicn, Davidson Co., » Absent. The following lay delegates then presented the certificates of their appointment, and were admitted to seats : LAY DELEGATES. I. Capt. J. SLOOP, Fr om Rev . J. D. Scheck's charge. 2. (( J. B. LOW, u W. Ariz's S. Mr. MICHAEL DAVIS, <( J. B. Snlhomfs " 4. MAT. BARRIER, Esq. " S. Rothrock's " 6. u FRANCIS OSTWALD, n B. .Prey's '' 6. Col. J. M. SMITH, «' J. Crim's " 7. ALLEN ROSE, Esq. (C , W. G. Harier's 8 ISAAC RIBELIN, Esq. (( J. A. Linn's " The President then read his official report, which was accept- ed, and laid on the table for further consideration. PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Dear Brethren : Ik the providence of God we have again convened, as an ecclesiastical bo- dy, to consult together relative to the interest of that branch of the church of Ch'rist committed to our care, and I hope we have come here under a live- ]}' sense of the obligations resting upon us, to discharge faithfully the impor- tant duties devolving upon us, and to seek not our own praise, but lo pro- mote the glory of Him who "loved us, and gave himself for us.'' The consiitution by which we are governed, makes it my duty, to present vou a report of my official acts, during the ecclesiastical year which has come to a close, and to offer such recommendations as I may deem worthy your at- tention. On the 4th Sabbath in July last, the resolutions adopted by the Syn- od and Ministerium, relating to the ordination of bro Linn, and the dedica- tion of St. Matthev*-'s church, were carried into effect. On that occasion, the examination of bro. Linn having been sustained, he was ordained a min- ister of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the imposition of hands and prayer. At the same time, the church above named, was dedicated to the service of God. This is a neat and convenient house of worship, and speaks well for the zeal and perseverance of the people by whom it was reared. May pastor and people, dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and abide under the sliadow of the Almighty. I was assisted on that occasion by the Secretarj- and bro. Arey. In January last I gave an ad interim license to bro. Fink, late a student in the Theological Seminary at Lexington, S. C, with a view of his laboring till the meeting of Synod, in the churches in Davidson coun- ty ; but I regret to state, that he did not long continue in the field assigned hiin. A few days since I received a letter from him, informing me that he intended to connect himself with the South Western Virginia Synod at its next meeting, and assigning as a reason for his course, that the want of min- isters in that section was greater than in North Carolina. Strange conclu- sion. A short time ago, I received a letter from bro. Linn, in which he in- torms n)e, that there is an increase of piety among his people, and that one of the congregations to whom he minisiered, is engaged in building a new house of worship, which he thinks will be ready for dedication during the early part of the ensuing summer. I also received a eointnunication troni bro. Grimes, apologizing for hit> ab- sence from Synod ; which is owing, ho says, to advanced ago, and want of the necessary means wherewith to travel. During an interview with bro. Arcy, 1 learned from him that his prospects at St. Michael's church, were more encouraging at present than they have been for several preceding years, but that circumstances of a peculiar char- acter induced him to dissolve his connection with St. Paul's. As that church constitutes a part of St. iMiehael's charge, and stands in regular connection with tliis body, I recommend that bro. Arey be respectfully requested to fur- nish this body with a verbal statement of the nature and extent of the diffi- culties existing at St. Paul's, as well as the manner in which they were created. I likewise received a letter from Rev. Mr. Harter, from which the follow- ing is an extract : "The closing Synodical year has been one of more than usual prosperity in my churches. The growth of piety in my congregations, though not rapid, is still increasing. It may not (he adds) be amiss to in- form you that I have received and accepted a call as pastor of a congrega- tion formerly under the care of the Tennessee Synod.'' In my own charge tliere is nothing in its religious condition worthy of par- ticular attention. The public services of the sanctuary are well attended — the truth is well receiued, and a few have been made savingly acquainted with the Saviour. One of my congregations have, during the past year, been engaged in building a new house of worship,^ at a cost of nearly 4,000 dol- lars, which, when completed, will be one of the most spacious and conveni- ent country churches in Western North Carolina. From the other minis- ters, no information relating to their charges was received. During the last session of this body, a resolution w^as adopted, authorising the President to open a correspondence with the Directors of the Theologi- cal Seminary at Lexington, South Carolina, with a view to the removal of that institution within the geographical bounds of this Synod. The above resolution, I regret to say, was suppressed. A friend sent me a copy of our printed proceedings in advance of those distributed by the Secretary, which enabled me to discover the omission at an earlier date than I otherwise would have been. Whereupon I immediately addressed a note to the Secretary, inquiring into the cause that led to the above suppression, from whom I received the following reply : "Yours of the 20th inst. came to hand on yesterday, and in compliance with your request, I hasten to return an answer. The resolution to which you refer in your communication, was inlenlionnlhj omiUed, and in the omis- sion of it I acted advisedly. Tlje brethren generally gave it as their deci- ded opinion, that the suppression of said resolution would be more conducive to the interest of the church generally, than its appearance on the face of our printed minutes." 6 It is deeply to be regretted that iii this instance at least, the Secretary and his advisers should have lost sight of ihe 14th article of section 2d of chapter Istof tlie constitution of Synod, which requires the Secretary to keep a faith- ful and accurate account of a// the proceedings of Synod and Ministerium. If the resolution was so highly offensive and pregnant with such dangerous con- sequences to the interest of the church, as seemed to exist in the imagination of a few, — this was evidently not the manner in which the subject should have been disposed of. It was adopted by the Synod, and the Synod alone had a right to rescind it. I have adverted to this subject, for the purpose of directing the special at- tention of Synod to it, with the hope that satisfactory explanations may be given to those who consider themselves aggrieved. The various benevolent institutions of the day will claim your serious at- tention and prayerful co-operation. The circulation of tlie Sacred Scriptures, of Tracts, and the Lntlieran Ob- server, the interest of Domestic Missions, Sabbath Schools, and Special Con- ferences, are not to be forgotten. Having thus noticed such subjects connected with the interest of the Church as my constitutional duty required, I now resign the trust committed to my care, accompanied with my sincere thanks for the confidence you re- posed in my feeble efforts to serve you. I now close my official duties witli the humble prayer, that the Holy Spir- it may influence and direct us in all our deliberations. Amen. JOHN D. 6CHECK, President. The Synod being now duly constituted, proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing year, which resuked as follows : Rev. SAM'L. ROTHROCK, President. " J. B. ANTHONY, Secretary. Mr. MATTHIAS BARRIER, Treasurer. No Corresponding Delegates being present, the reading of the Minutes of last year was next in order ; when it was I. Besolved, That the reading be dispensed with, and that they be referred to a committee to report any unfinished busi- ness of the same. Committee. — Revs. J. A. Linn, and J. Swicegood. Letters, documents, &c., designed for the Synod were now called for, handed in, and distributed amongst the following COMMITTEES : First Committee. — Revs. W. Artz, B. Arey, and Mr. M. Barrier. Second Committee.— Revs. W. G. Barter, J. Crim, and Mr. M, Davis. Third Comjni/tee.—Rev. J. D. Scheck, and iMessrs. J. M. Smith, and Allen Rose. Fourth Committee.— Rev. J. Crim, and Messrs. J. Ribelin, and F. Ostwald. Fifth Committee.— Rqy. B. Arey, and Messrs. J. Sloop, and J. B. Low. Sixth Committee.— Revs. J. Swicegood, J. A. Linn, and Mr. M. Barrier. Seventh Committee.— Ri^y. J. B. Anthony, and Mr. M. Da- vis. The parochial reports being now in order were called for, handed in, and are as follows : BAPTISMS — — S & t MINISTERS. s 2: to, c & c < > 2 §• c 3 E £ 6 if. c o o s .5 o 5 m .2 3 w o o "c i -O 72 2 o V2 1 o Rev. J. D. Scheck, 2 60 1 26 <; 670 49 ~ 1 — — " W. Artz, 4 160 " J. B. Anthony, 2 26 22 210 1 24 5 4 -20 100 9. " S. Rolhrock, , 2 33 4 24 550 3S 19 9 " B. Arey, 2 JS 1 2 140 3 " W. G. Harler, 3 40 4 36 10 379 18 7 2 15 9fi 1 " J. Crim, j 3 3 18 95 9 " J. A. Linn, : 3 25 1 21 168 13 5 3 1 — — __ 21 205 11 149 12 2272 154 36 7 6 35 196 4 3 The Treasurer of Synod for the preceding year, Mr. D. Bar- ringer, made his report on the state of the Treasury. IL /Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed to audit the account of the Treasurer and report thereon. Committee.— Messrs. J. M. Smith, and J. B. Low. 'J'he number and state of vacant congregations were inquired mto. Verbal statements were made by several of the breth- ren, but inasmuch as there were communications from several vacant churches, the further consideration of the subject was deferred until after the committees shall have reported. s III. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to receive the contributions for Synod, and pay them over to the Treasurer elect, and take his bond. Co?nmittee .—Messrs . A. Rose, and J. Ribeiin. The delegate to the General Synod, Rev. B. Arey, made his report, which is as follows : Report No. 1. The delegate from this body to the last General Synod, would respectfully report, that he attended said meeting, and was fraternally received by that body. The meeting was unusually large and interesting, and was conduct- ed with great harmony and friendship, exhibiting a high regard for the inter- ests of Christ's kingdom in general, and especially, for that part over which they have been placed as stewards. The particular items of business transacted by said body claiming the at- tention of this Synod, are perhaps the following: 1st. The plan of Christian Union. This should be a matter of deep inter- est to this body, and one which should receive our hearty co-operation. It is a laudable and praiseworthy cause. 2d. The^" subject of a new Liturgy which will be found under the 26th Resolution of the Minutes of General Synod. 3d. The Minister's Fund established by the Book Company in Bal- timore, the interest of which is to be paid to the General Synod for their disposal ; has for its object the alleviation of disabled Ministers or the wid- ows and orphans of such as have died in indigent circumstances. Its claims should be responded to by the whole church. Lastly, we would especially invite the attention of this body to the Home Missionary Society. This is a cause in which the whole church should feel deeply concerned. Its object is to supply the destitute portions of our church in the United States with the preached gospel. Especially should this Synod lend a helping hand in this noble cause, for there is perhaps no Synod according to its numbers cov- ers a large field of Missionary ground than that of North Carolina. "^ These with many other considerations of not less importance might claim the attention of this Synod ; but as the Minutes of the General Synod have been appropriately referred, we hope the committee whose duty it is to ex- amine that document will be able to give the subjects a full investigation, and in their report offer such recommendations and resolutions, as in view of the importance of the case, may meet the approbation of this Synod, and do jus- tice to the objects themselves. Your delegate would further state, that he had the pleasure of seeing and conversing with brethren from every part of our beloved Zion, from wiiich, it appears to be in a most flourishing condition. All that is necessary to commend our church to the consideration of all men, is, we think, to make it known — explain its principles and doctrines, and it will be loved and sus- tained. 9 In conclusion, I cannot too forcibly urge upon this body the great impor- tance of endeavorinjj to liave at all times, a full clerical and lay representa- tion in each meeting of the General Synod. If we wish to keep up the good feeling which now exists between the General Synod and the church in the South, it is all important that we be ecjually and fully represented at every meeting of said body. The next meeting oJ the General Synod will be held in the city of JXew York, on Saturday succeeding the i.'d Thursday of May, 1848. All of which is respectfully submitted, BENJ'N. AREY. Adopted. IV. Resolvedy That the above report be adopted. Brother Arey made a statement of his deficit over and above what he received to meet his expenses, from the General Syn- od ; whereupon it was Ordered, That he be allowed $5 additional pay. Rev. W. G. Harter then made a verbal statement of his visit to the Synod of South Carolina, and of the fraternal manner in which he was received by that body, and of the prosperous state of the church within the bounds of that Synod. He sta- ted that the Rev. N. Aldrich^^^ had been elected as delegate to this body. Ordered, That the Treasurer pay Rev. W. G. Ilarter $10 48 travelling expenses to the Synod of South Carolina. Ordered, That the former Secretary receive $1 10 on ac- count of postage. Ordered, That Rev. J. D. Scheck receive 87^ cents on ac- count of postage. The report of Treasurer of Centenary Fund was presented and referred to a committee for examination. Committee. — Rev. B. Arey, and Mr. J. B. Low. The Rev. W. Artz, delegate to the Western Virginia Synod. reported. *J^ole. — Since the meeting of Synod, a letter has been shown me from this brother, which he intended should reach liere before Synod ; in which he of- fers the following excuse for non-attendance : — "Such is the state of rcligi- gious feeling in my congregation that I deem it imprudent to absent myself. The Lord has begun to cheer our hearts with refreshing showers of divine grace. Prayer meetings are held amoncf my people every day in the week* and the good Lord has blessed them to the awakening of some, and the con- version of others. Secretary. 10 Report No. 2. Your delegate to the South Western Virginia Synod of the Evangelical Lutlieran ciiurcli, would stale that he attended the last annual meeting of that Synod ; — that he was most kindly received, and participated the most cordial friendship of the brethren ; — that our affairs in relation to the divi- sion of our joint Seminary Fund have been satisfactorily and finally closed ; and that to reciprocate the friendship of this body and to keep up a fraternal correspondence between their Synod and the Synod of North Carolina, which formerly were one, a ministerial delegate was appointed to attend the pres- ent meeting of this body. Respectfully submitted, WM. ARTZ. Adopted. V. Resolved, That the interest, $23 83, arising from Cen- tenary Fund be paid to the Treasurer of the Missionary and Education Society- Adjourned to Saturday morning 9 o'clock. Prayer by br. Swicegood. SECOND SESSION. Saturday, May 21, 9 o'clock A. M. Synod met according to adjournment and was opened with prayer by Rev. J. Scherer. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. The Rev. J. Scherer, corresponding delegate from the Wes- tern Virginia Synod having arrived, was introduced to Synod, and invited to a seat among us, and a participation in all our deliberations. The committee on document marked No. 1, reported. Report No. 3. The committee appointed to examine the President's annual report have attended to the duty assigned them, and beg leave to direct the attention of Synod to the following items: 1st. The President's recommendation in relation to bro Arey's resignation of St. Paul's church, and the unpleasant state of things existmg there. Your committee recommend the appointment of a committee consisting of four ministerial and three lay members, who shall meet at some suitable place as soon as practicable to hear the statements of bro. Arey, and any other per- sons that may be concerned in the unpleasant affair ; to propose such measures as may be calculated to adjust all difficulties and differences, and to restore 11 peace and harmony in the coiicrrcgatiou, and among the parties concerned, and report to Synod the result of tlieir meeting. Wo reconunend that the President and Secretary of Synod attend and preside over this meeting as over all other sessions of Synod. 2nd. With regard to the resolution authorising the President to opcn,a cor- respondence with the Board of Dircrtors of the Soutii CaroHna Seminary with a view of changing the location of the same ; which resolution was omitted in the printed minutes of last year: — your committee rceoiumend that the Secretary bo called upon to state to Synod the reasons wliich led him to suppress said resolution in plain violation of the duty imposed upon him by the constitution of the Synod, which requires that officer to keep an ac- curate and entire record of the proceedings of Synod. 3rd. Your committee recommend that the Rev. A. Grimes be excused for not attending the present meeting of Synod for the reasons assigned. 4th. We rccomuiend thattlio Report iisamenrlod he appended to the min- utes. Respectfully submitted, WM. ARTZ, B. AREY, M. BARRIER. Adopted. VI. Resolved, That the items in the above report be taken up and considered separately. T\\e first item was then read and adopted, and the following committee appointed. Revs. J. A. Linn, J. Scherer, J. Crim, and J. Swicegood, Messrs. J. M. Smith, J. B. Low, and M. Davis. The second item was then adopted, and the Secretary gave his reasons for the non-appearance of the resolution on the printed Minutes, but stated that it was retained on the record. The third item was then taken up and discussed, but before coming to any decision it was laid over for future consideration. .. The fourth item was then considered, and it was I Vn. Resolved, That Rev. A Grimes be excused for non-at- tendance at this meeting of Synod. The further consideration of the report was then deferred for the present. The committee appointed to settle with the Treasurer of last year made their report. $67 93^ 68 053 $125 9£i $ 6 621 11 15 25 S9 00 $bl 021 $68 96,^ 12 Report No. 4. The committee appointed to settle with David Barringer, Esq. former Treasurer of this Synod, beg leave to make the following report; To cash remaining in the Treasury last year, Contributions received at last Synod, - - _ . Total, Paid by direction of Synod, To Rev. S. Rothrock, " " W. C. Harter, " " J. D. Scheck, " Bruner & James, for printing minutes, Total paid out, Balance in the Treasury, Your committee have examined the above report and find it correct. Jx\0. M. SMITH, JNO. B. LOW. Adopted. The committee under the 20th resolution of the Synod of last 3^eai% appointed to propose a revision of the constitution of Synod, made their report, through their chairman, Rev. J. B. Anthony, which was accepted, and laid on the table, and made the special order of the day for Monday morning next. The committee appointed to audit the account of the treasu- rer of Centenary Fund, reported: Report No. 5. Henry Miller, in account with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina. Dr. Received at the meeting of Synod at Luther Chapel, Sept. 1842, $21 52^ «• " " " Sandy Creek, - - 31 90 « " " " Concord, May 1844, - 114 75 " «« *' " St. Paul's, " 1845, - 155 2\\ Interest added, 13 68 $397 06J Interest accruing on the above, May 4, 1846, - - - 23 83 H. MILLER, Treas. of Cent. Fund. Adjourned to meet again on Monday, 9 o'clock, A. M. Benediction by the President. 13 After an intermission of about ;J0 minutes, a large congrega- tion being present, the Rev. W. G. Harter preached a sermon from 2. Pet. iii, 14. After which the pastor, Rev. J. B. An- thony, admitted 12 persons to the communion of the church by the solemn and impressive rile of confirmation. SABBATH RELIGIOUS EXERCISES. The relio-ious services of tlic Sabbath were commenced with a sermon by the I^ev. Wm. Artz, from Rom. iii, 21: Be- ing justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Immediately thereafter the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered, first to the members of Synod, and then to a large number of communicants. After an intermission, the Rev. Jacob Scherer addressed the congre- gation from 1. Pet. ii, 2: ^6* new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby. In the evening, prayer meetings were held in different parts of the neighbor- hood. THIRD SESSION. Monday morning, May 4th, 184G. Synod met and was opened with religious exercises by the President. After the calling of the roll, the minutes of Satur- day were read and approved. The President gave notice that the business which had been made the order of the day would take the precedence. An ap- peal was taken from his decision and sustained. The report of the committee upon the President's report, which had been laid over without reference to time, was then taken up. The :M and 5th items not having been acted upon; the 3d was then considered. After some discussion, the following resolu- tion was adopted. VIII. Besolved, That the recommendation in the 3d item of the committee upon the President's report, be stricken out. The 5th item was then taken into consideration, and the fol- lowing resolution passed. TX. Resolved, That the words "by the committee." after the word amended, in the 5th item, be stricken out. 14 The 2d iteiii was then re-considered and the following reso- hition passed. X. Besolved, The Secretary having assigned his reasons for the omission in the printed minutes of the resolution authorizing the President of the Synod to open a correspondence with the Board of Directors of the South Carolina Seminary, on the sub- ject of removing that institution within the geographical bounds of this Synod, that ahhough he considered himself as acting in accordance with the view of some of the brethren, and for the best interests of the church ; yet this Synod do not deem them satisfactory. The report as a whole was then adopted. The business whic'i had been made the order of the day, viz : the report of the committee upon a revision of the consti- tution of Synod, then came up. The proposed amendments were read section by section, and carefully compared with the constitution as it now is, and has been since the last revision, and each section adopted separately. The first chapter was passed over in this way, after Avhich the Synod adjourned to Tuesday morning. Benediction by the President. This afternoon the Missionary and Education Society held its anniversary, the proceedings of which will be found in the sub- sequent pages of the minutes. FOURTH SESSION. Tuesday morning, May 5th, 1846. Synod was opened with the usual religious services by Rev. B. Arey. After calling the roll, the minutes of Monday were read and approved. The committee on the revision of the Constitution of Synod, proceeded with their report, beginning at the 2d chapter, and reading section by section, and comparing as before until the whole had been passed over. The adoption of the whole re- port then came up; whereupon i: was XI. Resolved, That the Constitution as amended be adopted as the Constitution of this Synod. 16 The committtee No. 2 made their report which is as follows: Report No. G. Committee No. 2 beg leave to offer tlio following report upon several communications addressed to this Synod. The first we noiicc is a letter Ooni Catawba county, with fifiecn sijrnatures. These brethren and Iricnds present their comnumication in the form of a petition to this Synod, that if pussiblu, a minister be sent to break unto them the bread of life — proniisinjj that tljey will contribute to his support and comfort, as much as their ability will permit. We sympathise with our friends in Catawba, and earnestly recomniend their destitute situation, to the prayerful consideration of Synod — and if possible, some arrangement be made to supply them with the regular services of a minister of their choice. A second communication from the same individuals of tlie above named county, contains a petition to this Synod to hold its next annual convention in St. Paul's Church. We refer this sul)jcct to the consideration of Synod when the choice is made for the place of our next meeting. Lastly, a letter from the Elders and Deacons of St. John's church, Ca- barras county, presents a request that a committee be appointed to assist their pastor in the dedication of their new house of worship, as soon as it shall be completed. We recommend that their request be granted. Respectfully submitted, W.M. G. IIARTER, JACOB CRIM, MICHAEL DAVIS. Adopted. The committee appointed to examine the minutes of last year made their report. Bcport No. 7. The committee to whom was referred the duty of examining the minutes of last year, have considered the same, and submit the following as their Repoit: — Tiiey find that by the 8th resolution of last year's minutes a committee was created, to sell or present, at their discretion, to members of Synod, the books bequeathed to this body by the late Rev. Stork. On page 19th they find that the consideration of the subject of colporlage as referred to in Report 13, was deferred until the present mcetinfr of Synod. Your committee are not apprized of any other unfinished business; but would respectfully call the attention of Synod to the above particulars. Respectfully submitted, JOS. A. LINN, JOHN SWICEGOOD. Adopted. 16 The books referred to, being in the German language, were then distributed by the committee to such members of the Synod as could read them. The subject of colportage was then considered and the fol- lowing resolution adopted. XII. Resolved, That we, as a Synod, hail with gratitude to God, the interest that has recently been manifested by the American Tract Society for the German population of this country, and particularly the colporteur system, as wisely adapted to the wants of our churches, and we hereby pledge ourselves to co-operate with said society in sustaining and car- rying forward their plans to bless our country and the world. Committee No. 3, made their report which is as follows: Report No, 8. The committee to whom were referred sundry papers for examination, beff leave to present the following report : No. 1. Is a letter from bro. Grieson, stating his inability, in consequence of increasing age and infirmity to attend the present meeting of Synod and respectfully requests that the apology offered for his absence may be sus- tained. Your committee recommend that he be excused. No. 2. Is a petition from Sandy Creek, Beck's, and Pilgrim's churches in Davidson county, stating that the Rev. bro. Crim had dissolved his pastoral connection with them, and ask this body to consider their destitution, and to supply them at least to some extent, with the preached word. No. 3. Contains an invitation from the Elders and Deacons of Organ church, extended to this body to hold its next annual meeting in said church. Your committee recommend that above named church be put in nomination with others, when the place of tlie next meeting of Synod shall be determined. No. 4. Is a petition from St. Paul's church, Iredell county, soliciting min- isterial services. As St. Paul's church forms a part of St. Michael's charge, and bro. Arey being the pastor of said charge, your committee recommend the reference of this petition to the ministerium. JOHN D. SCHECK, JNO. M. SMITH, ALLEN ROSE. Adopted. The treasurer of Seminary Fund reported. Xltl. Resolved, That this report be referred to a committee for examination. Committee, Messrs. A. Rose and J. B. Low. 17 Committee No. 5 read the following report : Report No. 9. The committee to whom were referred tho minutes of the 9Sth session of the German Evan. Lutheran Minister ium of Pennsylvania and adjacent States ; the 60th session of the niinistorium of the State of New York ; pro- ceedings of a Convention, and first and second sessions of the Evan. Lutheran Synod of Miami togetlier with the constitution of the same. The Ministerium of Pennsylvania and adjacent States, convened at Read- ing, Berks county, Pa., during Trinity week, from the 18th to 21st of May, 1845. There are counecled with this Synod 56 ordained Ministers, and 7 Licentiates. The officers are Rev. J. Miller, D. D., of Reading, President, Rev. J. W. Richards, Secretary; Rev. J. C. Baker, Treasurer. They report, Con- gregations 224 ; Baptisms 5,298 ; Confirmations 2,545 ; Communicants 32,274; Funerals 1,996 ; Congregational Schools 115; Sunday Schools 96 ; Contributions to Synodical Fund $166 80 cents ; Mission in general $1,252 46 cents. Nothing more of interest to this body, except that they acknow- ledge the reception of a copy of our minutes for May 3d, 1844. Next are the minutes of Evan. Luth. Ministerium of the State of N. York, held at Alleghany, (Rev. H. N. Pohlman's church,) September 6th, 1845. This body is composed of 32 ordained Ministers, and 1 Licentiate. The officers are Rev. H. N. Pohlman, President; Rev. J. C Duy, Secre- tary: N. W. Goertner, Treasurer. They report, Congregations 41 ; Bap- tisms of Infants 1,366 ; Adults 25 ; Confirmations 417; Admitted 54 ; Com- municants 2,799 ; Removed 74; Deaths of Members 81 ; Funerals Attended 402; Sunday Schools 32 ; Teachers 258; Children Attending 2,066; Cate- chumens 84. The contributions not being added up we have omitted them. This Synod has most decidedly disapproved of and condemned the two ex- tremes into which the present age seem to have run in relation to Old and New Measures, a superstitious veneration for antiquity on the one hand, and a fondness for novelty on the other. They regard it as the true policy of the Lutheran Church, for each pastor to adopt such measures in his owr churches, as he conscientiously believes to be consistent with the Bible, and likely to prove useful. They have also acknowled^^ed tho reception of a copy of the minutes of the Synod of N. Carolina, convened at St. Paul's Church, Orange county, N. C, May 2d, 1845. Next is a copy of proceedings of a convention, first and second sessicfi/f of the Miami Synod, first session or convention, convened at Xenia, Ohio, October 16th, 1844. Second session convened at Dayton, April 19th, 1845. At the convention the meeting was organized by appointing Rev. J. Crig- ler. Chairman, and Rev. D. P. Rosenmiller, Secretary. There were present at this meeting 8 ordained Ministers and 3 Licentiates. Second session convened at Dayton, Ohio, April 19th, 1845. Tho offi- 2 18 cers of this Synod are Rev. C. F. Schaeffer, President ; Rev. D. P. Rosenmil- ler, Secretary ; Rev. J. Surface, Treasurer. They report, Congregations 32 ; Communicants 1,723 ; Baptisms of In- fants 133 ; Adults 43 ; Confirmations i54 ; Admitted 22 ; Expelled 6 ; Bu- ried 40; Sunday Schools 10: Prayer Meetings 21; Synodical Contributions ^50 99 cents ; Missionary Contributions $19 25 cents. Nothing more of importance to this Synod, only that they also acknowledge the reception of a copy of the minutes of the N. Carolina Synod, held at Concord, Cabarras county, N. C, May 3d, 1844. In conclusion your committee are happy to say, that the brethren composing these several Synods, seem to be actively engaged in the Master's cause, and in sustaining and carrying forward all the benevolent operations of the day. Your committee would recommend this body to favor the several Synods above named, with copies of the min- utes of this Synod, and express our best wisiies for them, and the promotion of the cause which they so ardently desire to push forward. Respectfully submitted, BENJ. AREY, JOHN SLOOP, JNO. B. LOW. Adopted. Synod then adjourned to meet again at one o'clock. FIFTH SESSION. Tuesday, 1 o'clock, P. M. May 6th. The religious exercises were conducted by br. J. Swicegood. XIV. Resolved, That a committee of two ministers and two lay-men be appointed to revise the conferential districts and report thereon, as soon as convenient. Committee.'— Rew. Messrs. B. Arey and W. G. Harter, Messrs. M. Barrier and J. B. Low. The committee appointed under the 1st item of the report of the committee upon the President's report, submitted the fol- lowing : — Report No. 10. The committee appointed for the purpose of adjusting the difficulties at present existing in St. Paul's congregation, in Iredell county, and to pro- pose such measures as may be calculated to promote peace and harmony, beg leave to submit the following report : 1st. Your committee are of opinion that as this matter has not been regu- larly brought before this body, according to the provisions of the formula of Discipline, this Synod cannot pass any decisive action upon it. 2d. Your committee recommend that liie individuals who may be irame- 19 dialely concerned in this matter, hold a meeting i^such timo and place aa may suit their convenience, with a view to an amicable adjustment of the differences that may exist among them; and for the accomplishment of this desirable object, we recommend that they invite several ministers and pious lay-men in our connection to attend tlieir meeting. We recommend that br. Arey be requested to appoint this meeting. JOSEPH A. LINN, Cludrwan. Adopted. The committee on documents marked No. 6, reported. Report No. 11. The committee, appointed to examine documents marked No. 6, would respectfully report : 1st. Is the minutes of the 15th annual session of the Flartwick Synod of the Ev. Lutheran Church, in the State of New York, which convened at Schagticoke, June 7, 1845. That Synod contains 17 Ministers; 25 Con- gregations; 241 infant, and 17 adult Baptisms ; 56 Confirmations; 3,187 Communicants ; 20 Prayer Meetings, and 26 Sunday Schools. The officers are, G. A. Lintner, D. D., President ; David Eyster, Secretary, and Martin J. Stover, Treasurer. 2d. Is the proceedings of the 13th Convention of the General Synod of the United States, which convened in Philadelphia, May 16, 1846. There were 13 Synods represented in this body. The officers are Rev. H. N. Pohlmau, D. D., President ; Prof M. Jacobs, Secretary, and Dr. D. Gilbert, Treasurer. Your committee find several things in the proceedings of this body worthy our attention. On page 29th, the attention of the several Synods have been directed to the importance of maintaining, each, a full delegation to that body. We recommend that the intention of the resolution be carried out by us in future. On page 42d your committee find that each Secretary of the several Synods is to be furnished "with a revised copy of the Liturgy for examination. We recommend that this body, when furnished with a copy of the above Liturgy give our delegates all necessary instruction. In the language of the 50th resolution, we earnestly recommend the appointment of the first Monday in January, annually, as a day of special humiliation and prayer. Your committee find many other items touching the best interests of our beloved Zion, and the extension of Christ's kingdom. With gratitude to God we hail the increase of Christian union, and general benevolence as manifested in that body. Deferentially submitted, JOHN SWICEGOOD, J. A. LINxV, M. BARRIER. Adopted. 20 The committee oi|^ocuments marked No. 4 submitted the following : — Report No. 12. Your committee to whom was referred the minutes of sister Synods beg- leave to report : No. 1. Is a copy of the minutes of the Pittsburg Synod. This copy em- braces the proceedings of two meetings of tliis infant ecclesiastical body. The first took place on the 15th Januafy, 1846. The convention was com- posed of 8 bishops and 6 lay delegates. On this occasion they organized the above named Synod. The second session of this body was held at Shippensville, Pa., June 5tb, 1846. At this meeting they numbered 8 bishops and 6 licentiates. The officers are bishop M. J. Steck, President ; bishop W. A. Passavant, Secre- tary i» and G. Weyman, Treasurer. The parochial report presents the fol- lowing: — 50 Congregations, 12 of which are vacant; 461 Baptisms; 3,473 Communicants; and 31 Sabbath Schools. There is a Missionary Society in connection with this body which indicates that these brethren are zealously engaged in their Master's vineyard. iVo. 2. Is the minutes of the Synod of Western Virginia which met the 7th of June, 1845. They number 8 ministers. The officers are Rev. E. Haw- kins, President; Rev. J. A. Brown, Secretary; and Rev. G. Scherer, Trea- surer. The parochial report shows 20 Congregations ; 104 Baptisms; 1,414 Communicants ; 12 Prayer Meetings ; 5 Sunday Schools, and 7 Temperance Societies. No. 3. Is a copy of the minutes of the Maryland Synod, which held its last meeting in the city of Washington, D. C, October 16th, 1845. They number 28 Ministers who are ordained, and 3 Licentiates. The officers are. Pi.ev. J. G. Morris, President; Rev. C. Lepley, Secretary, and Rev. J. P. Cline, Treasurer. Thefr parochial report presents the following pleasing statistics : Congregations 60 ; Communicants 7,369 ; Baptisms 989 ; Sabbath Schools, Lutheran 87; Union 35. No. 4. Is the minutes of the Synod of South Carolina. They number 26 ordained Ministers, 3 Licentiates, and 8 Students. The officers chosen at the last meeting are Rev. J. C. Hope, President ; Rev. W. Berley, Secretary ; Col. W. Caugliman, Treasurer. The parochial report presents the follow- ing table : 39 Congregations ; 386 Baptisms; 2,952 Communicants, and 24 Sabbath Schools. We observe in these minutes that our brethren are zealously engaged in promoting the good of our beloved Zion, and in extending her borders. They are much interested in the cause of missions, from the respectable amounts reported : and in that of Sabbath Schools from the great number of 21 Teachers and pupils which they report. May the Lord forward the wheels of tiie gospel chariot, till the bright dawn of millenial glory be ushered in. All of which is respectfully submitted, JACOB CRIM, Chairman. Adopted. The committee appointed to receive the contributions from Oie churches, then read the following as their report : — The following are the contributions that have been handed in to your committee : From Rev. S. Jiothrock's Churches. Organ, $7 00 St. Stephen's, 2 50 — $9 50 From Rev. J. D. Schcck's Churches. St. John's, 8 00 Luther's Chapel, 4 00 —12 00 From Rev. JV. Jlrtz's Churches. Shoemaker's, 1 30 Low's, - - - - - - - - 15 — 145 From Rev. J. B. Anthony^ s Churches. Salisbury, or St. John's, - . - - 7 00 Union, - 7 45 —14 45 From Rev. W. G. Harter^s Churches. St. James', 3 50 St. Enoch's, 2 71i Bethel, 1 52i— 7 734- From Rev. J. Ji. Linii's Churches. St. Paul's, 2 00 St. Matthew's, 1 67^ Luther'5 Church, * 70 — 4 37J From Rev. J. Crim's Churches. St. Matthew's, 1 52 Jerusalem, _-...- 60 Sandy Creek, 1 12i— 3 14^ From Rev. B. Arey's Churches. St. Michael's, - - - - - 2 00 — 2 00 From vacant Churches. St. Paul's, Iredell CO. 1 57| Pilgrims', Davidson co. - - - - 1 05 — 2 62^ Total, - - - $57 28^ Respectfully submitted, ALLKN ROSE, ISAAC RIBELLV. Adopted. XV. Resolved, That the thanks of this Synod be, and they are hereby tendered to the friends in the vicinity of Union Church, for the kind and hospitable manner in which they have entertained the members of Synod and other visiting brethren and friends. The committee on Conferential Districts read the following report:— Feport A^o. 13. The committee to whom was referred the subject of the Conferential Dis- tricts beg leave to present the following : 1. We recommend that our Synodical bounds be divided into two Confer- ential Districts. 2. The lower district to be composed of the following ministers, viz : — Rev. Messrs. W. Artz, S. Rothrock, J. A. Linn, W. G. Harter, and J. Swicegood. 8. The upper district to be composed of the following brethren, viz: — Rev. Messrs. J. B. Anthony, J. D. Scheck, Benj. Arej, and J. Crim. 4. We recommend that the ministers composing these districts endeavor to hold one Conference during the year in each pastorate, at such time and place as they may deem expedient. BENJ. AREY, Chairman. Adopted. XVI. Fesolved, That the Secretary have 1000 copies of the minutes of the present S3niodical meeting printed, together with the Constitution of Synod — to send two copies to each sister Synod in the United States, except those that send cor- responding delegates to this body, to which he shall send five. The remainder to be distributed amongst the churches. Rev. W. Artz in the chair. The Synod then went into an election for corresponding delegates, &c., which resulted as fol- lows : — To Western Virginia Synod— Rev. S. Rothrock. The President resumed the chair. To South Carolina Synod — Rev. J. Crim. An election for Treasurer of Centenary Fund was then held, which resulted in the choice of Col. J. M. Smith, of Davidson county. Likewise an election was held for Treasurer of Seminary Fund: Mr. D. Miller was chosen. Committee No. 7 reported. 23 JReport No. 14. In the distribution of papers, documouts, &c., abound volume of the Min- utes of the [jutlieran Synods in the United States for the last year, was put into the hands of your committee, which had been forwarded by the Luther- an Book Conipany, through the Rev. B. Arey, as a present to this body. The volume is a very neat one, and will, if preserved, reflect the portrait of American Lulheranism, as now existing, for years to come. Submitted willi deference, J. B. ANTHONY, Chairman. Adopted. The report of the committee which had been appointed to audit the account of the Treasurer of Seminary Fund reported; but as there appeared from tiie report of the committee to be some discrepancy in the Treasurer's report, the wliole matter was referred to a committee by the following resolution: XVII. Resolved, That a coinmittee of two be appointed to confer with Mr. D. Miller, respecting his report as Treasurer of Seminary Fund, and correct any error or apparent discre- pancy, and take his bond, &c. Committee. — Rev. W. G. Harter, and Mr. M. Barrier, Esq. XVIII. Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed to settle with the former treasurer of Centenary Fund, pay the funds over to the treasurer elect, and take his bond. Committee. — Rev. J. B. Anthony and Mr. M. Davis. The Synod then went into an election for the place of the next meeting of Synod. Organ church. Rowan county, and St. Paul's church, Catawba county, were put in nomination, and after counting the votes it was ascertained that Organ church, Rowan county, N. C. was selected as the place for the next meeting of Synod. Whereupon it was, XIX. Resolved, That when this Synod adjourns, it stand adjourned to meet again at 10 o'clock A.M. on Friday before the first Sunday in May, 1847. The revised Constitution having been adopted which make provision for a corresponding Secretary, an election was then held for that officer, and upon counting the ballots, it was as- certained that according to the requirements of the constitution, the Rev. J. A. Linn had received a majority of all the votes polled. 24 Contributions to the Centenary Fund were then called for, and the following sums paid over to the committee who had been appointed to settle with the former treasurer, and to take the bond of the treasurer elect. From Organ Church, per Rev. S. Rothrock, S20 00 " St. Stephen's Church, Mr. Barrier's 3d instalment, 5 00 " St. Matthew's Church, per Rev. J. A. Linn, 8 00 " Union Church, Mr. Tobias Brown's subscription, G 00 Total, $39 00 The Synod having disposed of all the business that had been brought before it, then adjourned sine die. SAML. ROTHROCK, President. J. B. Anthony, Secretary. MINUTES or THE MINISTERIUM. FIRST SESSION. May 2nd, 3 o'clock, P. M. The meeting was opened with appropriate religious services by br. Jacob Crim. There was much profitable conversation by the brethren up- on the subject of our vacant congregations, and the necessity of continued and untiring efforts of ministers in this Synod to sup- ply the destitute, and to meet the wants of the church. Rev. J. Swicegood produced a private letter from the Rev. Mr. Hagen, of the United Brethren Church, in which he in- quired of br. Swicegood whether he could occupy one of our vacant churches. Br. Swicegood wished to know what answer to give br. Ha- gen. The ministerium directed him to say in reply to the let- ter: that it is the intention of the members of this ministerium to do all that they can to supply our vacant congregations. SECOND SESSION. May 5th, 8 o'clock, P. M. The session was opened with prayer by tiie President. The business which had been referred to the ministerium by the adoption of the 8th report presented by the 3d committee, was taken up and discussed, and the following resolutions passed. I. Resolved, That we cannot grant the request of the peti- tioners. II. Resolved, That the license of Rev. J. Swicegood be re- newed for one year. III. Resolved, That the ministers composing this body be requested to visit our vacant congregations in Catawba and Da- vidson counties as often as practicable. IV. Resolved, That we recommend the vacant congregations in Catawba and Davidson counties, to the special notice of the executive conmiittee of the Missionary and Education Society. V. Resolved, That we recommend the ministers in the Upper Conference District to inquire into the practicability of organiz- ing a congregation somewhere between 2d and 3d creeks, be- tween Salisbury and Statesviile to meet the wants of such of our members as may reside in that vicinity. VI. Resolved, That we recommend the ministers in the Lower Conference District to inquire into the practicability of organizing a congregation in or near Albemarle, in the county of Stanley. The ministerium then adjourned. SAM'L ROTHROCK, President. J. B. Anthony, Secretary. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PARENT EDUCATION & MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF THE EVANG. LUTH. SYNOD OF N. CAROLINA. According to the appointment of last year, the Society met on Monday, P. M., 4th May, 1846, in Union Church, when the Missionary Sermon was preached by Rev. J. D. Scheck, from Isa. xlix, 16, " Behold I have graven thee upon the palms oj my hands, thy walls are continually before ??2e." The object of the society was then stated by the President, whereupon thirty-one persons enrolled their names as members for one year. After which the election of officers was held, and resulted as follows : Rev. J. D. SCHECK, President. " J. B. ANTHONY, Vice President. " WM. G. HARTER, Secretary. DAVID BARRINGER, Esq. Treasurer. The President made the following appointments : ^s Executive Committee — Rev. Messrs. B. Arey, J. B.An- thony, J. Crim. Board of Directors — Rev. J. Swicegood, John Sloop, David Barringer, John Kerns, Wm. A. Walton, Wm. H. Smith. Committee to examine the former Treasurer's report — Da- vid Barringer, John Sloop, Wm. A. Wahon. The collection of money at the present meeting in aid of this society amounted to $16 82^ 27 1. Resolved, That $2 87 cents be refunded to M. Barrier, which amount he paid out over what he received. 2. ResolvciU That $1 25 cents be paid to Rev. J. D. Schcck, for postage paid out by him. The committee on the Treasurer's Account reported. Report No. 1. The committee to whom was referred the Treasurer's Report, beg leave to state that they have examined the same and find it correct. JOHN SLOOP, WM. A. MAHTLV, DAVID BARRINGER. Adopted. THE TREASURER'S REPORT. A noie on Rev. B. Arey and Rothrock, - - Sm '2 On which is a credit, Feb. 9th, 1845 of - - - 50 00 $127 72 Interest on the above to 4th May, 1846, . 17 54 Cash on hand, . . . . - 30 55 Whole amount due the society in cash, $175 81 A note on L. C. Groseclose, - - - $75 00 " " John Krimminger, - 60 00 " Wm. H. Fink, 65 00 - -$200 00 $375 81 Respectfully submitted, DAN'L BARRIER, Treamrtr. M. Barrier Esq. then rose and stated to the society that the other note amountinof to one hundred and ten dollars ajrainst Mr. John Krimminger, had been received by the late Rev. H. Graeber, whose order he held as voucher for paying the money to Mr. K. Money received from ^iuxiliary Societies per Rev. S. Rothrock. From Society at Organ Church, $5 25 St. Stephen's Church, 5 37.]— 10 62.1 Interest of Centenary money, - - - 23 85 From Bethel Church, .... 1 20 A committee was appointed to pay the money now in hand, to the treasurer elect, and take his bond. — Rev. Lynn, Col. Smith, and J. Kerns, committee. 28 After a short interval, the committee reported that they had attended to their duty. The whole capital of this society in notes and cash, as seen by the foregoing exhibit, amounts to $428 31 cents. A letter was read from L. C. Groseclose by the President, stating his progress in study, his intentions, &c., pledging that he will refund the money received from this societ}?-, by mis- sionating in our bounds after his graduation, which is welcome intelligence to us, as we have now so wide a field in this State for missionary enterprise.* REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The committee appointed at your last annual meeting for the purpose of employing one or more Missionaries to labor in the destitute churches and places within the bounds of the Synod, beg leave to report, that after mak- ing every effort to secure the services of some competent person, they have failed in accomplishing the object contemplated by your society. Respectfully submitted, JOHN D. SCHECK, Chairman. The committee whose duty it was made to make search for the notes given to and held by your society, on Mr. John Krimminger, report, that in obe- dience to instructions of your society, they made diligent search for said notes, and succeeded in finding one of $60 00, which has been placed in the hands of your Treasurer. Submitted with deference, JOHN D. SCHECK, Cliairman. 3. Resolved, That the President appoint some one to preach a Missionary Sermon at our next meeting, on Sunday, P. M. when a collection will be taken up in aid of the society : Rev. J. A. Lynn was appointed. 4. Resolved, That extracts of our proceedings be printed with the minutes of the Synod. 5. Resolved, That the President give his receipt to the for- mer treasurer, Daniel Barrier, against his bond to this society. 6. Resolvedf That the next meeting of the society shall be at 2 o'clock on Monday, P. M, at the place of the meeting of Synod. 7. Resolved, That we now adjourn. WM. G. HARTER, Sec'y. of Miss, and Ed. Society. *We wish to emptoy a domestic Missionary to labor within our State. Who will come to our aid? We need aid now. W. G. HARTER. C O N S T I T U T 10 N FOR THE MEMHERS COMPOSING THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER I . Of the Synod. Sec. 1. We whose names arc subscribed to this Constitu- tion, the Ministers of the Evangehcal Lutheran churches of North CaroHna, having united ourselves into one body, signify hereby that we desire to be known as " The Evangelical Lu- theran Synod 4' Ministerium of North Carolina;'^ and we solemnly promise to govern and regulate ourselves by the fol- lowing Constitution. Sec. 2. This Synod shall consist of all the Ministers, licensed candidates, and lay delegates duly authorised to represent the congregations within their respective districts. Sec. 3. The number of lay-votes shall not exceed that of the ordained clergymen and licentiates ; and if a lay-delegate be present from a pastorate in which there is no stated minister, he shall have a seat and the liberty of speech, but no vote : — But if a lay-delegate be present from a pastorate in which there is a stated minister, he shall have equal privileges with the oth- er lay-delegates. Sec. 4. It is the duty of this Synod to see that the rules of gov- ernment and discipline prescribed in the Formula, are observed by all the congregations and ministers within its bounds, to receive appeals from decisions of church councils and of special confer- ences, when regularly brought before them, and review and re- verse or confirm the decisions to which they refer ; to examine and decide on all charges against ministers and h'centiates, — that of heterodoxy alone excepted, to provide supplies for desti- tute congregations, and to devise and execute suitable measures for the promotion of piety and the general prosperity of the church. Sec. 5. The Synod and Ministerium shall have power to cite any church members within their bounds to appear before them, and to endeavor to obtain other witnesses when the case may require it. Sec, 0. If any congregation in connexion with this Synod, should refuse to observe the provisions of its Constitution or of the Formula, (see Art. 4 of Formula,) it shall be excluded from connexion with said Synod during the time of its refusal : nor shall any Minister or Licentiate belonging to the Synod, take charo-e of it without special permission of the President. Sec. 7. Any congregation, situated within the bounds of this Synod, may become connected with it by acceding to the pro- visions of its Constitution and Formula of Discipline, and ma- kino- some annual contribution towards defraying the expenses of said Synod. For this purpose an annual collection ought to be held in each congregation. Sec. 8. At least one meeting of the Synod shall be held ev- ery year, at such time and place as may be determined on by said Synod. Sec. 9. No minister or licentiate shall be absent from the meeting of the Synod without the most urgent necessity. In case of his absence, he shall, if possible, send to the President a written apology for his absence. Voluntary ministerial en- gagements shall not be regarded as a sufficient excuse. Any minister, (ordained or licensed,) violating the provisions of this section, shall be called to account by the President at the next meeting. Sec. 10. All letters and papers intended for the Synod or Ministerium, ought to be addressed to the President. Sec. 11. The minister of the place in which the Synod is held, with the church council, shall endeavor to provide for the entertainment of the ministers, candidates and lay-delegates by christian friends. 31 Sec. 12. All the members of the Synod shall endeavor to as- semble on the evening preceding the day appointed. Sec. 13. Divine worship shall be celebrated during the meet- ing of the Synod, as often as may be convenient and consistent with the business of the Synod. Sec. 14. Ministerial delegates from other Lutheran Synods shall be entitled to a seat, and to a participation in all our synod- ical transactions, except that of voting. Sec. 15. Ministers of good standing in orthodox ecclesiastical bodies or sister churches, who may happen to be present, or who appear as delegates from said bodies, may be received as advi- sory members, but cannot vote in any of the decisions of the Synod. C H A P T E R II . Officers of the Synod. Sec. 1. The officers of the Synod shall be a President, Cor- responding and Recording Secretaries and Treasurer, who, ex- cept the Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, shall be the officers of the Ministerium. Sec, 2. All these officers shall be chosen annually by ballot, by a majority of the votes of the ministers and lay-delegates pres- ent ; the President and Secretaries from among the ordained ministers, but the Treasurer may be chosen from among the lay-members of the the church. Sec. 3. The President and Recording Secretary shall not be eligible for more than three successive years, but the Corres- ponding Secretary and Treasurer shall always be re-eligible. Of the President. Sec. 4. The President shall deliver a synodical discourse at the meeting of every Synod ; and he shall, in connexion with the pastor loci, appoint the other individuals who are to preach during the session. Sec, 5. He shall, at the beginning of every Synod, make a written report of all the official business transacted and letters received by him since the last meeting, and of all the important events which have occurred relating to the Synod, and may re- 32 commend for their consideration, such measures as he may deem necessary, or calculated to promote the cause of God. — This report shall be laid on the table, and dealt with as all oth- er papers coming before the body. Sec. 6. He shall preside at all meetings of- the Synod and Ministerium. Sec. 7. The President has a right to take part in the discus- sions as well as any other member. When the house is equal- ly divided on any question, he has the casting vote. In all oth- er cases he has no suffrage, except when an election is held by ballot, and then he has not the casting vote. Sec. 8. The President shall preserve order, not suffer more than one member to speak at a time, secure to each person lib- erty to speak without interruption from others, and shall pre- vent the speaker from deviating from the subject before the house. Sec. 9. The President shall take care that each subject be duly considered before a decision be made. He shall distinct- ly rehearse each motion when no one has any further observa- tions to offer, and take the vote of the house on the same. Sec. 10. When the votes are called for, they are to be given by ayes and nays, and no further observations are then admis- sible. Sec. 11. The President has the appointment of all commit- tees which are not to be elected by ballot, or otherwise ; and every motion for the formation of a committee shall specify in what way it is to be formed. Sec. 12. It is an important part of his duty to give counsel to every member of the Synod when he deems it expedient, and particularly to admonish and advise every erring brother. If accusation has been lodged against any member of this body, according to chapter 3d, section 5th, of the Formula, or if he has any reason to believe that any minister is living in any ma- terial violation of the rules of this Constitution, it shall be his duty to call upon the individual to relieve his character from said imputation before the Synod or Ministerium. Sec. 13. Should the President remove from the hmits of the Synod or depart this life, then the Secretary shall succeed him, and discharge the duties of the President until the next Synod. 33 Of the Recording Secretary. Sec. 14. The Recording Secretary shall keep a faithful and accurate record of all the proceedings of the Synod and Minis- terium, carefully preserve all the papers, the seal of the Sj'nod, &c., subject to its direction, and shall do all the ollicial writing of the Synod not otherwise provided for. Sec. 15. He shall give public notice of the time and place of the Synodical meeting at least six weeks before the time ap- pointed. Sec. 16. He is to keep a register of the names of all the min- isters and licentiates, arranged according to their age in office, and also of the congregations, whether vacant or not, connected with the Synod. Sec. 17. If the accumulation of business should render it ne- cessary, the President may appoint an assistant Secretary, whose office shall expire at the close of the session of the Synod. Sec. 18. If in the recess of the Synod, the Secretary should remove into the bounds of another Synod, or depart this life, the President shall require the archives, the seal, and all other property of the Synod to be delivered to him, and shall retain the charge of them until the next session of Synod, when he shall appoint a Secretary pro tem. Sec. 19. Unless the archives are otherwise disposed of by the Synod, they shall be in the charge and custody of the Sec- retary. Any minister or delegate of a congregation connected with said Synod, shall have free access to them, but no part of them shall be allowed to be taken away or destroyed. Of the Corresponding Secretary. Sec. 20. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to perform all the public correspondence with other ecclesiasti- cal bodies and with individuals, relative to the general interests of the church, and particularly of this Synod. Sec. 21. He shall make a minute of all important matters which may be communicated to him, either by letter or in the Minutes of Lutheran Synods, which he shall present to this Syn- od at its regular meeting in the form of a report. 3 34 Of the Treasurer. Sec. 22. The Treasurer shall take charge of all the monies belonging to the Synod, and shall keep thena subject to its or- der. He shall give bond and security in such sum as the Syn- od may direct. He shallkeep and present at each annual meet- ing a detailed and faithful account of the state of the Treasury. Sec. 23. An order from the President attested by the Secre- tary, on the Treasurer, shall be a sufficient voucher for him to pay any money out of the Treasury. Sec. 24. Should the Treasurer, during the recess of the Syn- od, remove out of its bounds, or be removed by death, the Pres- ident shall cause all monies, certificates, bonds and documents belonging to the Synod, to be delivered into his hands, and shall have the charge of them until the next synodical session. CHAPTER III. Members of the Synod. Sec. 1. It is the sacred duty of every ordained minister, li- centiate and lay-delegate of this Synod, to observe the provi- sions of this Constitution. Sec. 2. It is recommended to every ordained minister and li- centiate, to aid in circulating among the members of his charge, the books proposed by said Synod. Sec. 3. No minister or licentiate shall interfere with the con- gregations of another, by preaching or performing other minis- terial duties in them, except by his request or consent, if pres- ent ; nor in his absence, if he have reason to think that any evil would result to said church. Sec. 4. Any minister or licentiate in good standing, who re- moves from the bounds of this Synod, into those of another, shall, on application to the President, receive a certificate under his signature of his regular dismission. Sec. 5. Whenever a minister moves within the bounds of this Synod, and takes charg^e of congregations under our care, he shall immediately notify the President of the fact, and he shall likewise connect himself with our Synod at its next session. Sec. 6. Every ordained minister has the right to leave his 35 charge and remove to another whenever he believes it his duty so to do ; yet he must give his congregations and the President timely notice of his intended removal. Sec. 7. If any minister voluntarily dissolves his connection with, or is suspended or excommunicated from this Synod, his connection with his cengregations as pastor thereof shall imme- diately cea^e. Sec, 8. A licensed candidate shall have the liberty to visit vacant congregations, either upon receiving an invitation from ihem, or upon the advice of the Synod or President. Sec, 9. After a licentiate has a stated charge, he shall be re- stricted to it, and shall not resign it without the consent of the Ministerium, or in its recess, of the President. Sec. 10. A licentiate has power to perform all the ministeri- al functions during the time specified in his Hcense. Sec. 11. In addition to the obligations of ministers specified in Chap. 3, Sec. 1, of Formula, it is the duty of licentiates par- ticularly, to devote all their leisure time to their personal im- provement in knowledge and grace, to receive counsel from the President, and apply to him for advice in case of difficulty. Sec. 12. Every licentiate must keep a regular journal of his ministerial acts, which with a few sermons of his own composi- tion, he must deliver or send annually for the inspection of the Ministerium. Sec. 13. If any congregation in connection with this Synod, shall, without our consent, employ as its pastor, a minister who has been expelled from any ecclesiastical body, or who is not acknowledged by this Synod, said congregation shall be exclu- ded from our connection. Sec. 14. Any licentiate, coming from the bounds of another Lutheran Synod, shall, upon presenting a letter of dismissal, be received as a member of our Synod, and his license shall be re- garded as valid. Lay-Delegates. Sec. 15. It shall be the duty of the council or councils of the church or churches of each pastoral district, to elect annually a lay-delegate to attend the meeting of Synod ; and the delegate so selected shall receive a certificate signed by the Pastor and countersigned by one or more members of the church council ; but if^ the pastorate be vacant, the certificate shall be signed by members of the church council only. Sec. 16. Each lay-delegate entitled to a seat by this Consti- stitution, shall have equal rights with the ministers in all busi- ness belonging to the Synod, viz : he may take part in the de- bates, offer resolutions, and vote on all Synodical questions. CHAPTER IV. Order of Business. It is recommended that the transactions of Synod be conduct- ed as follows : Sec. 1. At the time and place appointed for the meeting, the members present shall assemble, and if three ordained ministers and three lay-delegates be present, they shall constitute a quo- rum. Sec. 2. The President shall open the first session by prayer, after the brethren have unitedly sung a hymn ; and every ses- sion of the Synod and Ministerium shall be opened and closed with prayer. In the absence of the President, the first prayer shall be made by the Secretary, and if he also be absent, by one of the elder ministers present. Sec. S. The Secretary shall then call the names of all the or- dained ministers and licentiates belonging to the Synod, and note the absentees. Sec. 4. The lay-delegates shall then exhibit the certificates of their appointment, and their names shall be registered by the Secretary as members of the Synod. Sec. 5. The President shall make his report according to Chap. 2, Sec. 5, of this Constitution, as the last official act of his office, and then inform the members that the election of officers for the ensuing year is now to be attended to. Sec. 6. Admission of delegates or ministers from other eccle- siastical bodies, according to Chap. 1, Sec. 14 — 15. Sec. 7. The minutes of the last Synod may be read. Sec. 8. All papers intended for the Synod or Ministerium, 37 are to be handed in, and verbal notice may be given of any im- portant business intended to be brought before the Synod. Sec. 9. The Secretary shall then number the papers as ar- ranged by the President ; after which they shall be taken up and discussed before the whole house in numerical order, or be first referred to committees, as the house may direct. The re- ports of committees maybe heard and acted on at any time, and the intervals be filled up by the succeeding items. Sec. 10. Each minister shall be called on by the Secretary for his parochial report, which may embrace the following items : Number of congregations. Baptisms, Confirmations, Receptions by letter. Dismissions, Commnnicants, Deaths of members. Bu- rials, Expulsions, Restorations, Sabbath Schools, Teachers, Scholars, Bible Classes, Prayer Meetings, and Missionary & Education Societies. Sec. 11. The Treasurer's account shall be heard. Sec. 12. The number of vacant congregations shall be inqui- red into, and provision made for them. Sec. 13. Promiscuous business. Sec. 14. Election of Delegates to Ecclesiastical bodies, and of Directors of the Theological Seminaries at Gettysburg, Pa., and at Lexington, S. C. Sec. 15. The Synod may then determine the time and place of the next meeting. If, during the recess of Synod, the Presi- dent, with the consent of the pastor of the congregation where the Synod was to be held, or if the congregation be vacant, with the consent of the church council, should deem a change of place necessary for holding the Synod, he shall have power to select some other suitable place for that purpose, by giving timely notice of such change. Sec. 10. Dismission of the Synod. Sec. 17. Should the President or Secretary be absent at the proper time for opening a session, the members present may elect others pro tempore. CHAPTER V. Process against a Minister. Sec. 1. As the honor and success of the gospel depend very much on the character of its ministers, the Synod ought to 38 guard, with the utmost care and impartiality, the conduct of its members. Sec. 2. All christians should be very cautious in giving cred- it or circulation to an ill report of any man, and especially of a minister of the gospel. If any man knows a minister to be guilty of a private censurable fault, he should warn him in private. If this prove fruitless, he should apply to the church council, who shall proceed as specified in Chap. 3, par. 5, of Formula. Sec. 3. If accusation be lodged according to Chap. 3, Sec. 5, of said Formula, with the President, within four months of the time of the next Synodical meeting, he shall defer the matter to said meeting ; yet if the charge be one of drunkenness, lewd- ness, circulating fundamental errors in doctrine, or a higher crime, he shall immediately direct the accused to suspend all his ministerial duties until his case is decided. If such accusa- tion is lodged with the President at an earlier date, he shall, if the charge be one of drunkenness, lewdness, circulating funda- mental errors in doctrine, or higher crime, immediately give no- tice to all the members of the Conference District to which the accused belongs, to meet without delay at a suitable place, and institute a formal investigation of the case, according to the principles of the Formula. The President shall immediately fix the time and place of the meeting, and give at least fifteen days notice of the same to each minister in the Conference Dis- trict, and also to the parties concerned, — Or the President may appoint a committee of three ordained ministers, and fix the time and place of their meeting, and give all the notice as above required. Sec. 4. A committee of three ordained ministers thus appoint- ed, shall have power to proceed and hold a fair and impartial investigation of the case, and to take all such measures as may be just and necessary to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. Sec. 5. If the accused confess, and the matter be base and flagitious, such as are specified in Sec. 3, of this Chapter, how- ever penitent he may be, he must be immediately suspended from the exercise of his office, and if thought expedient, a time appointed for him to confess publicly to the congregation his guilt and penitence. 39 Sec. G. If a minister, accused of atrocious crimes, being duly notified, refuses to alltiul the investigation, he shall still be im- mediately suspended from ollice. Sec. 7. If the accused deny the charge, and yet on examina- tion of the evidences is found guilty, the Conference or Commit- tee shall nevertheless proceed to pass sentence on hini. Sec. 8. The highest punishment which can be inflicted by a Conference or Committee appointed as above specified, is sus- pension from clerical functions ; and this sentence is to be re- ported to the next meeting of the Synod, and remains in force till reversed by the Synod or Ministerium, as the case may be. Sec. 9. Any minister intending to appeal from the decision of a Conference or Committee, shall give notice of it to his accu- sers within three weeks after the time when the decision was made, that both parties may be prepared for a new trial. Sec. 10. If at any time accusation be lodged with the Presi- dent according to Chap. iii. par. 5, of Formula, for a less crime than those above specified in Sec. iii. of this Chapter, lie shall take no other steps in the case than to write a letter to the accu- sed and the accusers, exhorting them to mutual forbearance and referring them to the next Synod. Sec. 11. If accusation against a minister be made immediate- ly to the Synod, and the Synod believe themselves to be in pos- session of all the evidence necessary to a just decision, the case may be examined immediately and sentence passed. But if the necessary evidence be not before them, and the crime be such as is specified in Section iii, of this Chapter, they shall ap- point a meeting of a Committee who shall proceed as above spe- cified. Sec. 12. If a minister be found guilty of drunkenness, funda- mental heresy, lewdness, or higher crimes, his sentence of sus- pension shall not be removed until after some time of penitent, humble, and edifying conduct ; and he cannot be restored by any other judicatory than the Synod, or Ministerium, if his case was one of fundamental heresy. CHAPTERVI. Vacant Congregations. Sec. 1. Vacant congregations which cannot be immediately 40 • supplied with a minister, are advised to assemble on the Lord's day, to select some member of the church of suitable capacity and character, to conduct the exercises, and engage in the wor- ship of God. Sec. 2. It is also recommended that at these meetings, a por- tion of the Scriptures, and of the prayers contained in the Lit- urgy, or some select sermons, such as are approved of by the President of the Synod, be read. CHAPTER VII. Of Missions, As the Saviour left to his followers, the command, "Go ye and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you,"* the Synod shall regard it as a sacred duty to adopt, from time to time, such measures as they may deem best calculated to ex- ecute this solemn injunction. CHAPTER VIII. Election of Delegates and Directors. Sec. 1. The election of Delegates to ecclesiastical bodies, and Directors of the Theological Seminaries at Gettj^sburg, Pa., and at Lexington, S. C, may be held by ballot, and a licensed can- didate shall not be eligible to either of these offices. Sec. 2. Should any Delegate elected by this Synod to repre- sent us in any other ecclesiastical body, ascertain that he can- not attend said meeting, he shall be required to inform the Pres- ident, at least six weeks previously, who w^ith the Secretary and the Delegate elect, shall be authorized to appoint some person as his alternate. CHAPTER IX. Special Conferences. Sec. 1. There shall be at least two Conferences in each Con- ference District, during the Synodical year, at which all the or- *Matt. ;:xviii. 19—20. r, ) "^v " 41 dainecl ministers and licentiates uithin the District, are required to be present, and these meetings to be continued at least two days. Sec. 2. The business to be performed at these meetings is to strive to awaken sinners and to edify believers by close practi- cal preaching. Sec. 3. The state of rch'gion in the churches shall be inqui- red into, and some time be spent by the Conference alone in conversation on subjects relating to pastoral experience. Sec. 4. These Conferences shall beheld alternately, in some congregation of each minister and hcentiate belonging to the Conference. Sec. 5. Special Conferences may give their advice on any business of congregations which is referred to them ; but no Conference shall, under any pretext whatever, perform an^^ bus- iness connected with the licensure or ordination of candidates for the ministry, except by the direction of the Ministerium. Sec. 6. Lay-delegates may also be sent to these Conferences, under the same regulations as to the Synod. CH A PTER X. Of the Ministerium. Sec. 1. The clergy at the call of the President at an early period of the Synodical Session, shall hold a meeting, consist- ing exclusively of scripture elders, that is, preachers,* for the purpose of attending to those duties which Christ and his Apos- tles enjoined upon them alone, viz : examination, licensure, and ordination of candidates for the ministry. Such a meeting is called The Ministerium, or Presbytery,! by which in sacred scripture is meant. Ministers alone. Sec. 2. Licensed candidates may be present at the Ministe- rial meeting, unless requested to withdraw, and may take part in the discussions, but have no vote. Sec. 3. The Ministerium shall also be the proper body, by whom all charges of heresy against a minister are to be exami- ned and decided ; as also all appeals from the decision of a church council, on a charge of heresy against a layman. •Acts XX. 17—28. il Tim. iv. 14. 42 See. 4. When ordained ministers of other rehorious denomi- o nations, make application for admission into connection with this Synod, the Ministerium shall be the body to decide on the case. Sec. 5. Two-thirds of the ordained ministers shall be requi- red, either for the licensure of an applicant as well as the re- newal of his license, or the ordination of a licensed candidate, or the admission of an ordained minister of another congrega- tion. The question relative to the ordination, licensure, or ad- mission of a minister by the Ministerium, shall always be de- termined by ballot. Sec. 6. No minister or licentiate, coming from a Foreign coun- try, shall be received as a member of this Synod, until after a residence of two years in this country, and unexceptionable de- portment during that time. Excepting only, that if an ordain- ed minister comes well recommended for piety and learning by a Consistorium, or a number of individuals known to the Minis- terium as orthodox and evangelical, and if the Ministerium be- lieve they can safely confide in the testimonials, they may re- ceive him, after which the vote for his permanent reception, as a regular member, shall be taken, and the case decided accor- ding to Sec. 5 of this Chapter. Sec. 7. All business not specifically intrusted to the Minis- terium in this Constitution, shall belong to the Synod. Sec. 8. The Ministerium shall meet upon its own adjourn- ments during the Synodicai Sessions, after its first convocation by the President. Sec. 9. The order of business of the Ministerium may be as follows : 1. After the session has been opened with prayer, the Presi- dent shall communicate any business which he may have to re- port or propose. 2. The licentiates shall hand in their licenses, sermons, and journals, which may be read by the hcentiates before the whole body. Or if want of time renders this inconvenient, committees ought then to be appointed to examine and report on them. 3. AppHcants for licensure are examined. 4. After the examination of the applicants, and of the ser- 43 mons and journals of licentiates, the applicants and licentiates may be desired to withdraw, and the question of their licen- sure, or renewal of license, or ordination, be discussed and de- cided. 5. The licensure and ordination may be performed, either in the Ministerium, or at an appointed hour before a promiscuous assembly. (). Promiscuous matters relative to ministerial business may then be attended to. * 7. Some time shall then be spent in conversation on pastoral experience. 8. The session closed as directed, Chap. 4, Sec. 2. CHAPTER XI. Examination and Licensure of Candidates. Sec. 1. The examination shall be conducted by a committee of two or more ordained ministers appointed for the purpose at the time. As these examinations may be interesting and use- ful to the whole Ministerium, it is recommended that they be performed before the whole body. Sec. 2. After the examination by the committee, every mem- ber of the Ministerium has a right to ask the applicant any ad- ditional questions. Sec. 3. The examination ought to embrace the following sub- jects, viz : Personal Piety, and the Motives of the Applicant for seeking the Holy Office ; the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures ; the evidences of Christianity ; Natural and Revealed Theology ; Church History ; Pastoral Theology ; the rules of Sennonising ; and Church government. Sec. 4. The ceremony of licensure shall be performed as fol- lows :— An address from the President as prescribed in the Lit- mgy ; he shall read the duties and privileges of the licentiate ; and then propose to him the following questions : 1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testa- ment to contain the Word of God, and that it is the only infalli- ble rule of faith and practice ? 2. Do you believe that the fundamental doctrines of the Word of God are taught in a manner substantially correct, in the doc- trinal articles of the Augsburg Confession ? 44 3. Do you promise by the aid of God, faithfully to perform all the duties of a Christian minister, and to submit yourself to the rules of government and discipline of this body, so long as you remain a member of it ? Sec. 5. These questions being answered in the affirmative, the President offers up a suitable prayer, delivers him his li- cense and concludes with a short address, as directed in the Liturgy. Sec. 6. During the recess of the Synod, Ihe President may extend hcense to candidates who may come well recommended, and whom on proper examination, he may deem quaHfied to discharge the duties of the ministry : Provided, however, that the extension of license in such case be not in conflict with the provision of Sec. 6, Chap. 10. Sec. 7. All licenses shall extend to the next annual meeting of the Ministerium, and shall be renewed as a matter of course, whether the licentiate be present or not, unless satisfactory rea- sons are known to the Ministerium which render a renewal in- expedient. And if, for any reason, no meeting be held at the appointed time, the hcenses granted by said Ministerium shall remain in force until revoked at a subsequent meeting. Sec. 8. If a hcentiate after some time of probation, does, in the judgment of the Ministerium, prove himself unqualified for the duties of the Ministry, his hcense shall be withdrawn. CHAPTER XII, Ordination. Sec. 1. Whenever the Ministerium has decided that an in- dividual shall be ordained, the ceremony may be performed ei- ther at the time, by the assembled Ministerium, or if preferred, in the church by which he has been called, by the Special Con- ference, or by a Committee appointed for the* purpose by the President. Sec. 2. The ceremony of ordination, wherever performed, shall be as follows : 1. A sermon shall be preached by a person previously ap- pointed, on the nature, duties, and responsibilities of the min- isterial office, 45 2. The President of the Ministerium, or the chairman of the committee appointed by him, shall then, after a short address, such as is contained in the Liturgy, propose to the candidate the following questions i 1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testa- ment to contain the Word of God, and that it is the only infalli- ble rule of faith and practice ? 2. Do you believe that the fundamental doctrines of the Word of God, are taught in a manner substantially correct in the doc- trinal articles of the Augsburg Confession ? 3. Do you promise, by the aid of God, faithfully to perform all the duties enjoined on you as a Christian minister, and to submit yourself to the rules of government and discipline of this body, so long as you remain a member of it? 4. Do you believe that in seeking the duties of the ministeri- al office, you are influenced by a sincere love to God your Sa- viour, and desire to promote his glory in the welfare of men ? 5. Do you promise faithfully and zealously to preach the truths of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, aa contained in the Holy Scriptures ? Sec. 3. These questions being answered in the affirmative, the candidate shall kneel down, when the President, or presi- ding minister shall ordain him after the Apostolical example, by prayer and the laying on of the hands of the Ministry, i. e. Presbytery. The candidate shall then rise, and the officiating minister, and after him the ordained ministers present, shall take him by the right hand and welcome him to take part in the ministry with them. The ceremony may then be concluded by the benediction. Coticlusion. Sec. 4. This Constitution can be altered or amended at any annual meeting of the Synod, by consent of two-thirds of the members present. OFFICERS OF THE SYNOD OF NORTH CAROLINA. Rev. Samuel Rothrock, President. " Jacob B. Anthony, Recording Secretary. " Joseph A. Linn, Corresponding Secretary, Mr. M. Barrier, Treasurer of Synod. Col. J. M. Smith, Treasurer of Centenary Fund. Mr. Daniel Miller, Treasurer of Seminary Fund. OFFICERS OF THE MISSIONARY AND EDUCATION SOCIETY. Rev. J. D. ScHECK, President. " J. B. Anthony, ll,ce President. '* W. G. Harter, Secretary. Mr. David Barringer, Treasurer. The Forty-first annual meeting of the Synod of North Carolina will be held at Organ Church, in Rowan County, N. Carolina, commencing at 10 o'clock, on Friday the 30th day of April, 1847. J. B. ANTHONY, Secretary, 6 /^