11 Tr rop>o seoL C>Vat:hci^ r^t:> ■W^O^ri^^l ; iii 1 1 1 1 Library of the University of North Carolina Endowed hy the DialiL'tic and Philan- thropic Societies f^' 'U)3.Pvl JML PROPOSED NORTH CAROLINA STATE MEMORIAL RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA 1918 WP s Library of the University ol North Carolina Endowed In- the DiaUctic and Pliilan- thropic Societies -4-' yro.s^P^t Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/proposednorthcarOOrale O'A PROPOSED NORTH CAROLINA STATE MEMORIAL COMMEMORATIVE AND HISTORICAL RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA STATE MEMORIAL RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA COMMEMORATIVE AND HISTORICAL To be dedicated by the people of North Carolina to the cause of Liberty. Justice, and Humanity, and to commemorate the sacri- fices, labors, ami ideals of her statesmen, soldiers, and sailors, as well as the united effort of the whole people in the Great War of 1917-1918. Designed also to house the archives, statuary, paintings, relics, and memorials of distinguished citizens, their deeds of valor and words of wise counsel. The structure to be in itself a monument and a memorial, fitted by design and construction to lend itself to adornment with statuary, mural paintings, portraits, relics, and other objects of interest. To be constructed of North Carolina granite and fine white marble, fire-proof. The interior consists of a ground or base- ment floor, especially for archives, etc. A main floor, with pro- jecting galleries, octagonal in shape, with a central rotunda 49 feet in diameter and 98 feet to the domed ceiling. The first story is 20 feet in height. Above is a second floor 20 feet high with galleries and a balcony in the rotunda. The ceiling of the dome to be decorated by a great mural painting of historical significance. Designed by Rossel Edward Mitchell and Co., Ltd. Architects and Town Planners Norfolk, Va. Washington, D. C. ri « Q TA I > T FRONT VIEW DESIGN PROPOSED BY RossEL Edward Mitchell and Co.. Ltd. ARCHITECTS AND TOWN PLANNERS Norfolk. Virginia, and Washington. D. C. «fi UNIVERSITY OF N C AT CHAPEL HILL 00032773516 This book may be kept out one month unless a recall notice is sent to you. It must be brought to the North Carolina Collection (in Wilson Library) for renewal.