u. Wijie <& Fegram ^ s^ CI 31 p:ATs, RUNKS. AMD YaLISES m vimi }imii)ui mm bulpiu;. Charlotte* Itf. Portable and Stationaiy EHiilN Saw Mills, Corn Mills, 1 iiv le^ Maichi ^IL S^. ■^COTTON GiNS, COTTON PRESSES, llIltKsillM, .1/. I ( IllMX (tv. 1 stock of machinery kept on hand for immediate shipriiw. \\\ W'tV niilr WaiTiidle)! niMl Satislficffon (Jiiiinnilccd. 'III! jl iii'iTiKiiiis Du t'olleijc Stvci't,iu:-^/2^»rt<,..^^ /- < ^ (f^ WmWEM^^MK OF ALL SIZES. AND IN THE BP^ST STVLE. Particular Attention Paid to Copying Old Pictures, J. H. VAX XESS, Tryon Street, Oiyposite the Charlotte Hotel. J. Iv, PXJIIEIKOY, Books, Stationery, Tryou Street, Three Doors above Trader Charlotte, N. C. ALBERT HELLMUND, Upliolster Decorator AND SS'lvrAKE^- A'oj'lh Side Trade Street, het. Tryon cuul CJiureh, Upstairs CHARLOTTE, J\\ C. 1. ■, ■Mil * SilS, /V /V'Whoeesale IDealers IXO^tE A3fD PRO¥ISIQ)lig Corner College, and Fourth Streets, CHARLOTTE, M. C. B W. M. WILSON. WlliSiiS W. J. BLACK Wholesale and Retail IJRTJGJ^GMSTfS, DEALERS I^ PAINTS, OILS, CHEMICALS, GLASS, &c. iLIHiilt. lliLi 4 U, '^ ^ ^ Inh^AlLMMH IN \^s lAl iiir ^^^Si HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS, Trade Street, between Tryon and Church, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ) ROBERT S. PHIFER DKALEE IX FANCY ARTICLES AND MUSIC. TRYON STREET, Opposite the Central Hotel. Agent for Steinway's Piano. BEASLEY & EMERSON'S 0'MAMLQTTE BiMECTQEY For 1875-76, Beii a Complete IMex to tie Eesltats of ie Entire City. ALSO A €EiSiM&IJ^IMm BWBiMMBB WlMM^FQMrm TO WHICH IS ADDED AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING USEFUL INFORMATION OF THE CITY. COUNTY, STATE, CHURCHES, BANKS, SOCIETIES AND MIS- CELLANEOUS MATTERS, WITH A Bteb. of Ch /TOGETHER WITH ^ ^ Jk. STI^^EET ZDI^e^EOTCI^ Y PRICE, THREE DOLLARS. BEASLEY & EMERSON, PUBLISHERS. Observer Job Office Print. H %M ' XsSS 213 '^-S® 1S3 RICHMOND, VA. Over 23,000 Policies Issued to April 1st, 1875. Progressive, Prosperous, Prompt. Small Expenses, Small Losses, Secure lavestments, Ample Reserve and Good Snrplus. Special attention called to the Savings Fund Policy issued by this Company. Tne only Southern Life Company that has passed the rigid Insurance Depart- ments of North and West. Does business in 26 States. Col. W. C. CARRINGTON, President. Rev. JOHN E. EDWARDS, Vice President. D. J. HARTSOOK, Secretary. Maj. H. C. DeSHIELDS, Superintendent of Agencies. Prof. SMITH, Actuary. BRADSHAW L DAWSON, District Agents, Next door to Col. D. G. MaxicelVs Sewing Machine Emporium, CHARLOTTE. N. C. Policies changed to this from Northern Companies without loss to the insured. '€) ® »gl r ll/H ^€)| GENERAL FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS, Tryon Street, J^'ext door to Col. D. G. Maxwell's Sewing Machine Emporiinri' ^,_-^ CHARLOTTE, N.. G. ^ 9 IKTRODUCl'OllYi A i) 7b the Citizem of ChaHode : 1' We take pleasure in presenting to our patrons the CHARLOTTfe / Directory for 1875-76. It has been compiled with great care and / at great expense, and we trust that, on examination, it will be found correct and satisfactory. It is our intention to issue thp Directory in 1877, more extended and varied in its contents, keeping pace with your rapidly growing city. We remain yours, truly, BEASLEl' Si EMERSON, Publishers ^ . /^ ^^ ^M M^ TO THE BUSINESS MEN OF CHARLOTTE. In token of our appreciation of the public spirit manifested, and the uniform courtesy received, we dedicate to you this our first Directory of your City. \ Respectfully, : BEASLEY & EMERSON, Publishers. S. ]M. liOAVELL, WHOLESALE MAN UF ACTUR 1 R Opposite (he MarM. (llmrhlte, N. (I THE OLD RELIABLE SOUTHERN Sewing Machine inF(^ Sells the celeT:rated improved SEWING MACHINE Which is the best for the Least Money. A(iEX'rS WANTED. For Circulars rtiid Sample, address D. G.MAX^tELL, Charlolle, N. Cj' General Agent for North Carolina, South Carolina, Ga. and Florida,*' H. J. jSTOURfTS, BOOT AWB' SMOE MMKBM. I wish to inform the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity, that I am now located on Fourth Street, between Tryon and College,^, and am prepared to fill all orders for fine custom made work. All AYOiJi-wftw-'a / IT^DEX TO ADYERTISMEKTS. Allen E. J left hand top lines and "C" back fly Alexander, Seigle & Co.... front fly "B" Andrews E. M 126 Asbury J 127 Bradshaw & Dawson opposite dedication Burgess Nichols & Co front paster Burroughs & Springs right hand top lines Cochrane W. R opposite 25 Cook W. F f 128 Crawford R. M after sketch Einstein S : opposite Street Directory Erie City Iron Works front cover Gilbert S. M opposite Street Directory Greene, Lindley & Bentley 128 Harry & Krueger "D" back fly Hellmund Albert "A" front fly Herron Mrs. J. E 127 Howell S. M , opposite introduction Hutchison E. Nye & Son front paster Maxwell D. G opposite introduction McSween M. J opposite Street Directory Mendel J. M insert 96 Miller R. M. & Sons "A" front fly Norris H. J opposite introduction Observer Job Office after sketch Phifer R. S "B" front fly Phillips J. S after sketch Purefoy J. K "A" front fly Sample & Alexander back cover Schifi^ & Bro 23 Sirrine G. W back paster Smith D. A. & Co "D" back fly Smith & Forbes after sketch Tiddy & Bro >. right hand top lines Van Ness J. H "A" front fly Wade & Pegram front cover White E. H 20 Wilson & Black .V "B" front fly Young J. A. & Son ^^. opposite Street Directory ^ -"^v; Gents Furnislimg Goods, etc., &Q. J. A. lOUiUG & SOX, Tryou Street, between Trade and fifth, Charlotte, N. C. /» Fine Boots and Shoes a Specidlty. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. Terms, Cash on Delivery. 8 South Try on St., near the Post Ofiice, CHARLOTTE, N. C. fi W T^> ^, ,i|\ .|» Tl 11 sh JMfimlMflM CHARLOTTE, Jf. C. Daily $7.00 a year, Weekly ^2.50 a year. Advertising and Job Work Solifiited. An old and popular Democratic paper, recently moved from Fayetteville, N. C. M. J^ McSWEEjY, Editor and Proprietor. STRZZXST £>IRKCTORir OF CHARLOTTE. FOR ABBREYIATIOiN^S REFER TO PAGE 25. The Streets do not run exactly North and South, and East and West, but vary a few det of Tryon, running North and Soutli. C, Fourth East of Tryon, running- North and South. Cemetery Avenue, Second West of Tryon, running North and South, (now ciianged, running from Tryon West to limits the West end of Fifth J. Church, First West of Tryon, running North and South. College, Fir-t East of Tryon, running North and South. D, Fifth East of Tryon, running North and South. Davidson or Mint, Third West of Tryon, from Trade South to limits. E, Sixth East of Tryon, running North and South. East Boundary, Eighth, East of Tryon, running North and South, and the East limits of the city. Eighth, 4th North of Trade, running East and West Eleventh, 7th North of Trade, running East and West. Fifth, 1st North of Trade, running East and West. First, 4th South of Trade, running East and West. Grahim, 4th West of Tryon. running North and South. Hill, 7th South of Trade, running East and \\'est. Johnston, Gth West of Tryon, running North and South. Mint or Davidson, 3d West of Tryon, from Trade South to limits. Morehead, 8th South of Trade, running East and West. Myers, 7th East of Tr.\on, running North and South. Ninth, 5th North of Trade. ri;nning East and West. North Boundary, 9th West of Trade, running East and West, the North limits of the city. Fine, 8d West of Tryon from Trade, North to limits. Past and West. Smith, 5th West of Tryon, running North and South. South Boundary, 9th South of Trade, running East and West and the South limits of the citv. 22 Street Directory. Stonewall, Fifth South of Tnade, rnnning Earst and West. Tenth. 6th North of Trade, running East and West. TRADE, running East and West through the center of the city, and one of the principal business streets. TRYON, running North and South through the Center of the city, and one of the principal business streets. Twelfth, 8th North of Trade, running East and West. Vance, Sixth South of Trade, running East and West. West Boundary, Seventh West of Tryon, running North and South, and AVest limits of the city. Ward Diagram. N. Limits. Trade Street. r 3 a Limits. S. A MANUFACTURERS OF Wholesale Dealers in Saddlery Hardware, Saddle Trees, Collars, Belting, &c. Orders Promptly filled at Prices to conipaiia-fatorably with any Wholesale Jobbins House » ''^ Shop on Church Street. Office at the Auction House, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSK. Wholesale orders for Mattresses respectfully solicited S. EINSTEIN, Proprietor. 4 V^. BYRNE Has opened an Auction and Commission House, TRADE STREET, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, At C. F. Harrison's old stand, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Liberal adva7ices made on Crnisignme^its and jprompt ^ returns made. G-enh Custom Boot and BJioe Maker^ N. S. Trade Street, near Tryon, CHARLOTTE, N. C. N. B. — Repairs Neatly Executed. INDIAN PRINO^ESS p5 O H A. ]R E« O T" T" E ,/ M\ O,. ' HAVING COMMENCED THE MANUFACTURE OF zF-ii^si? aii.-^ss c,ic3--^:e^s, I OFFER TO THE TRADE A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF TOGETHER WITH R^tkisio; Olid ClM^wing; Tolic^ceo OF ALL GRADES, On better terms than any establishment iti the State. Meersc7iau7n Pipes and Cigar Holders a Sx>€cialirj. W. R. COCHRANE, Proprietor. Ss^SgiM Y 1875-76. ABBREYIATIONS. agi ,<. agent al./Vi:^^^^.... alley av "T. avenue bds .t:. boards bet •'i-- between bkpr A.... book keeper bldg buildinn elk .,.' clerk c i. .J. colored com iiJeT.,..f!Tr6omraissioi) condr .'..conductor cor corner dept department dist district E or e east es east side indiv individual lab laborer mkr ,. maker mnffT manufacturing manfr manufac- turer. N or n north ne north-east nr near ns ni.rth side nw north-west opp opposite pk park pi place P. O postofHce pres president prin principal propr proprietor pub publisher r residence rd , road ret retail Rev Reverend se south-east S or s south ss south-side st street sw south-west sec secretary supt superin- tendent treas treasurer W or w ....west ws west side whol wholesale wid widow wks works A BBOTT ABIGAL A , machinist, r. Morehead cor C Abernathy John W. blacksmith, r. Cemetery ave. cor Ninth Abernathy Samuel, sash-maker, J Rudisill Adams C. C. L. messenger, S & A Telegraph Co Adams C. Lindsay Dining Hall, C C & A Depot, r. Cemetery ave, bet Second and Third Adams Isaac, c, lab r. First bet D and E Adams Mrs. I. wid r. Tryon bet First and Second Adams, Miss, r. Mint cor Second Adams William, c, waiter Central Hotel, r. S end church Adkinson Charles, c, harness maker, Schiff & Bro Ahrens Frederick W. planing-mill on railroad's, w end Eleventh, r. Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Albright Alexander C. car greaser N C R, r. cor Third and A READ ALL THE Ivrfs^RGIN LINES. BUY YOUR WATCHES OF ALLEN. 26 Beasley & Emerson''s Charlotte Directory. Aidved John, trimmer, Sample & Alexander Aldred IV. E. laster, Sample & xVlexander Aldrich Rjbert H. supt. W. F. Cook, bds Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Aldridge Emmison, Sample & Alexander, bds cor C and Second Aldridge John, bds cor C and Second Alexander Amzi W. dentist, Tryon (Parks' building), r. Seventh on Air Line Railroad Alexander Andrew, r. B bet Eighth and Ninth Alexander Andrew, c, shoemaker, r. Mint near Morehead Alexander Andy, c, r. s end Mint Alexander A. carpenter, VV. F. Cook Alexander Charles W. r. Sixth bet A and B Alexander Elias C. physician, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fifth (up stair.?], r. Cemetery ave, bet Eighth and Ninth Alexander Frank, r. E near First Alexander Frank, c, r. First bet D and E A^'exander Henry, c, carpenter, r. Seventh near C Alexander Hezakiah, c, cook, r. D bet Second and Third Alexander Hope, c, r. Morehead near Mint Alexander James F. nlerk, Davis & Co., r. Country ALEXANDER JOHN Mc. (Sample & Alexander), r. Tryon bet Morehead and Hill ALEXANDER MARSHALL E county sheritt" ottice, Court House, r. Graham bet Seventh and Eighth Alexander Miss Sophia, r, n s Trade bet Graham and Mint Alexander Miss Lizzie, dress-maker, Wittkowsky & Rintels ^ Alexander Richard B. (R. B. Alexander &Co., and Davis & Co.) r. Tryon bet Seventh and Eighth ALEXANDER R. B. & Co. (Richard B. Alexander & J.Starr Neely) Grocers— flour, feed Ac, — College bet Trade and Fourth Alexander Samuel, c, porter, r. s end church. ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & Co. (Thomas L. Alexander, Thomas Sei- gle and James G. Harris,) dry goods, boot and shoes, hats and clothing. Trade bet Tryon and Church ALEXANDER THOMAS L. (Alexander, Seigle & Co.) r. Graham cor Ninth Alexander Walter S. clerk, Mrs. P. Query, r. Cemetery ave. bet Eighth and Ninth Alexander William, salesman, Koopman k Rothschild 0. :^ ^^^ /^ TIDDY & BRO. Sell Picture Cords. -^ Beasley <£• Emerson's Charlotte Directory. C i 27 Alexander William C student, r. ^Cemetery ave. bet Eighth anigl Ninth rv-v^ O't. '? ^''^^ Alexande- VVinslow, r. Graham bet Seventh and Eighth ' ^ " Alexander W. c, lab r. P^ifth cor Graham Allen DeWitt E. clerk, Brem, Brown & Co., bds Fifth cor A ALLEN EDWARD J., WatcJies, Clocks and Jexcelry, Tryon, under Central Hotel, r. cor Trade and Graham Allen Mrs. MoUle, r. D cor Eleventh Allen Thomas H, civil engineer and agent Cape Fear Building Co., Tryon, opp. Central Hotel, bds Central Hotel Allen , machinist, bds Trade bet B and C Allison Alec, c, lab F. W. Ahrens, r. Hill cor Graham Allison Charles A. r. Trade cor Church Allison John Thotnas, c, driver, J. R. Davidson, r. Fifth near College Allison Theophilus VV. clerk, J Lindy, r. Fifth near College Allison Thomas, brick mason, r. s end Tryon Allison Thomas A. messenger, S & A Telegraph Co Anderson Adam, e, lab Try )n bet Tenth and Eleventh Anderson David H. asst. book keeper, R. M. Miller - Dixie Pump Works, r. Sixth bet College and A c O-^ Andrews Frank H. (F H Andrews & Co.) r. Sixth bet College and A X ANDREWS F. H. & Co. (Frank H. Andrewsand Edgar M.Andrews) bakery, confectionery, fruits, cigars and tobacco, Tryon four .. doors n of Trade Andrews George, c. lab r. cor Fourth and Mint Andrews Mrs. Sarah B. wid of Dr. E. H. r. Sixth bet College and A Angle Solomon, trav. salesman, W. J. Black, bds College bet Eighth and Ninth Andrews Thomas W. salesman, F. H, Andrews & Co. r. Sixth bet College and A ALPLEGET G S H, architect, Fourth bet Tryon and College, bds Charlotte Hotel Arledge Mc D., grocer, cor College and Second Armsworthey Levy, bds Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Asbury Eugene, collector, r. Pine bet Eighth and Ninth Arrington Thomas G. bds Central Hotel ^?^J^ E. J. ALLEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 28 Beasley & Slmersoii^s Charlotte Directory. Asbury George L. carpenter, r. Church bet Seventh and Eighth ASBURY JOSIAH, plaiiing-inill, contractor and builder, \v s A bet Fifth and Sixth, r. cor Fifth and A Asbury John F. r. Church cor Third ASBURY SAMUEL, foreman, J. Asbury Asbury Sidney, tanner, r. Myers cor Fifth Asiel L, salesman, Witticowsky & Rintels Atwell Augustus A. clerk, Sumrovv & Minton, r. B bet Sixth and Seventh Atwell William B. r B bet Sixth and Seventh Austin Cage, c, r. rear B bet Sixth and Seventh Austin David, boot and shoe maker, Trade bet College and A, r. A bet Seventh and Eighhth Austin Percey, shoe-maker, D. Austin, r. A bet Seventh and Eighth Austin Sidney, shoemaker, D. Austin, r. A bet Seventh and Eighth AVERY WILLOUGHBY F. associate editor Observer, bds Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Ayers George, r. College bet Fifth and Trade BADGER GEORGE P.. manager Singer Manufacturing Company, Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Badger Oren W. clerk, \V. J. Black, r. cor Fourth and Tryon Badham Mrs. H. A. boarding, Tryon cor Third Badham V. C. clerk, C C Railroad, bds Tryon bet Third and Fourth Bailey J. H. dancing school, bds Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Bailey William H. (Shipp & Bailey) r. Church cor Second Baker Charles M. (Thonrburg & Baker) r. w end Eighth Baker Henry, ticket agent, bds Tryon cor Third Baker J. H. cashier N C Depot, r. N C Depot Bangor William, c, driver, r. Cemetery sfve bet Third and Fourth Banks Delaware, c, drayman, r. cor B and Fourth Banks O. carpenter, W. F. Cook, r. C bet Sixth and Seventh Barnes John L. carpenter, r. cor College and Second Barnes James H. carpenter, r. cor College and Second Barnes Joseph W. r. cor College and Second Barnett John B. (Barnett & Huneycutt) r. B bet Sixth and Seventh Barnett J. Van, r. B bet Sixth and Seventh Barnett W. M. salesman Ellas Cohen & Roessler BDRROUGHS 4 SPRINGS, Mn\ Fire Insurance Agents. Beasley cfr Emerson''s Charlotte Directory. 29 Barnettife Huneycutt, (John B. Barnett & Rufus F Huneycutt) Job Printers, over Farmers' Bank, Trade bet Tryon and College Barnhardt Joseph, clerk S. Frankford, r. Church bet Sixtli and Seventh Barringer Martin L (Wolfe, Barringer & Co) r. Graham cor Ninth Barringer Rufus, lawyer, Trade near Court House bet Tryon and Church, r. Tryon cor Ninth Barringer William c, driver, S. Express Co Bartley John, r. Stonewall near Church Bateman W. G. express messenger, bds Central Hotel BatAS Jacob, c, coachman, John L. Morehead, r. Tryon cor Morehead BATTLE LEE W. physician, Trade cor Tryon up stairs, r. Myers bet Fifth and Sixth Baty Robert, shop hand J. Asbury Battle Mrs Sidney, r. Myers bet Fifth and Sixth Bauman Jacob, carpenter, F. W, Ahrens, r. Graham cor Eleventh Baumgarten Henry, photographer, Trade overNisbet*& Bro's store, r. Church bet Fourth and Trade Beach Miss A. J. teacher mission school, r. C bet Second and Third Beam William S. stitcher, Sample & Alexander Beasley Charles O. clerk, r. Trade bet Tryon and College Beasley John Q. physician, r. Trade bet Tryon and College Beasley Mrs. M. milliner, Koopman & Rothschild, r. Trade bet Tryon and College BEASLEY & EMERSON, Directory Publishers, South and West Beattie James, narness maker, Schitf & Bro., r. Seventh bet D and E Beattie Robert, clerk, r. Seventh bet D and E Beeman W T. clerk, City Flour Mills Behren Henry, carpenter, bds Graham cor Tenth Belk Samuel E. county treasurer, office Court House, bds Charlotte Hotel Belk Thomas M. clerk Brem, Brown & Co., bds Tryon near Sixth Bell Edward, c, lab r. Church near Morehead Bell Freeman, c, drayman, W. J. Black, r. E near Second Benson Mrs. L. E. milliner Wittkowsky & Rintels, r. College bet Fifth and Sixth Bentley Jesse E. (Green, Lindley & Bentley) r. A cor Sixth Bernhartd Daniel C. foreman F. W. Ahrens, r. Church bet Seventh and Eighth BUY YOUR WATCHES OF ALLEN. 30 Beasley & Emeri'onK'i Charlotte Directory. Bernhartd Joseph R clerk, r. Chur.h bet Seventh and Eighth Berry James c, porter, r. near cnr B and Third Berry Geo. M. railroad man, bds Central Hotel Berryhill Alex, r Cemetery ave bet Eighth and Ninth Berryhill William G. marble-cutter, r. Church bet Seventh & Eighth Bethel Jerrie, c, barber, shbp Tryon bet Trade and Fourth, r. Church cor Hill /^^ BETHUNE ALEXANDER tailor, J S Phillips, r. B cor Tenth Bethune John, clerk, r. Bcor Tenth Bethune Miss S. A. teacher Charlotte Graded School Bethune Y B salesman) Ellas Cohen & Roessler Bjggers Maj. c. lab, r. Eighth bet C and D Bfggers Robert, carrier Observer Bird Taylor, c, striker, W. F. Cook, r. cor College and Fifth Birten Alexander, c, r. Second bet C and D Bixby John A. bar tender J. M. Kendrick, r. Second bet Church and Mint Black Mrs. r. Tryon bet Seventh and Eighth BLACK WILLIAM J. (Wilson & Black) and grocer and liquor dealer, se Trade bet Tryon and College, r. College cor Eighth Blackard Henry c, driver City Flour Mills Blackvvelder Lawson, policeman, r. Smith bet Seventh and Eighth Blackvvelder St Clair, r. Smith bet Seventh and Eighth Blackwood George, c, r. Second bet C and D BLACKWOOD W. C. (Sanders & Blackwood) bds Central Hotel Blair Andrew J. yard-master Air Line Railroad r. Tryon bet Seventh and Eighth Blair E. laster Sample & Alexander Blake Washington, c, cook Sprinkle & Bro., r. Mint Blakeney Berry, c, servant se Tryon bet Myers and S boundry Blanchard James W. shoe-maker H J Norris, r. Fourth bet College and Tryon Bland Alberto (Bland & Simpson) r. Trade cor Myers Bland & Simpson (Alberto Bland & Isaiah Simpson) dentist, Tryon opp Charlotte Hotel Bloom , mail agent, r. cor Fourth Blum David, clothing, r. Church bet Seventh and Sixth Bryan George W. book-keeper, Central Hotel Boone Jesse B. prin and supt Charlotte Graded School, r. Trade cor Graham Boone T. Green pump-maker, Dixie Works, r. cor B and Seventh WM. & R. TIDDY, Paper Manufacturers. Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. .'?! Boone R. Baxter, clerk, Walter Breni & Martin, r. Tryon bet Fiftli and Sixth Bolix, E P. r. Seventh near C Bonney Frank P. clerk, BURROUGHS & SPRINGS, r. ;v Frank P. clerk, BURROUGHS & SPRINGS, rJEryon over Post Office (^/V M A^^f'^-^^'^ iiiok William, r. W end Trade m^ d Alex, c, f^rocer, r. S end Mint ^C^ r* ,'d Pink, c, lab r. Hill cor Graham /K..y/^ JjJ — 4 — ^ a JuA'O^/ :d William, r. Tryon bet Third and Fourth (^ ^ J OnyfP^ f^ Bostick William, r. W end Trade Boy( Boy( Boy( ^^ Boyd William L bkj- Smith & Forbes, r. Tryon bet Third A Fourth^ Boyte J. C. F. grocer Seventh cor D y^'i BRADSHAW CHARLES W. [Bradshaw & Dawson and C ^^ Brad-fl/j^-^g/^ shair ii- Co.) r. CImrch bet Second and Third Bradshaw John A. boarding house cor Church and Third BRADSHAW C. W. & Co., (Charles W. Bradshaw and Lambdi'ii Dawson) General Insurance Agents, Tryon bet Trade & Fifth BRADSHAW & DAWSON, (O^arfes \V Bradshaw and Lambdin Daw- sen IJ-ff Insurance Agents, Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Bratton Clay born, c, lab r Vance cor 1) Bratton James E. book-keeper Wittkowsky & Rintels Bratton Lawrence, salesman F. Scarr, r. Tryon cor Third Bratton Richard T. clerk Farmers' Savings Bank, r. Tryon cor Third Bfatton Robert E. clerk C C & A Railroad, r. s Tryon cor First BRATTON SAMUEL E. physician, Tryon cor Trade, r. Tryon cor Third Bobo, D. C. railroad engineer, bds Central Hotel BREM, BROWN & Co., (Thomas H. Brem, John L Brown, J Hen- derson Weddington and John Van Landinghani) wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, notions, etc., ns Trade bet Tryon and College BREM THOMAS H. (Brem, Brown A Co.) and President Merchants and Farmers' National Bank, r. Trade D E and Fourth Brem Thomas H, jr., lawyer, Trade cor Church up stairs, r. Trade bet D and E Brem Walter, (Walter Brem & Martin) r. Myers cor Third Brem Walter & Martin, (Walter Brem and Wm D. Martin) whole- sale and Retail dealers in hardware, guns, pistols, itc, s e cor Tryon and Trade Brem Philip, c, lab r. s end Mint Brewer John M. mechanic, r. B bet Trade and Fifth E. J. ALLEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 32 Beasley & £merson''s Charlotte Directory. BRENIZER ADDISON G. (T. C. Smith & Co.) and cashier Oominer- cial National Bank, bds N E cor Tryon and Tenth Brewer Rolla, carpenter, r. Church bet Hill and Vance Brice Robert, c, r. Stonewall near Church Bridger W. carpenter, W. F. Cook Brinkle Henry, carpenter, bds Smith bet Eigth and Ninth Brinkman August, cigar maker, W. R. Cochrane Britton Edward H, Editor Charlotte Bulletin, r. C bet Tenth and Eleventh Brockenbrough Geo H. (Sclater & Brockenbrough) bds cor Third and Tryon Brooktield John, auction house. Trade near College, bds Trade near College Brown David, c, blacksmith, J. C. Wilson, r. country Brown Edward, c, lab r. cor A and Third Brown Eli, c, lab r. s end Mint Brown Henry A. clerk (John Brooktield) r. cor Trade and College Brown Joe, c, lab r. Church bet Fifth and Trade Brown John, c, railr>)ad hand, r. College near Stonewall BROWN JOHN E. lawyer. Trade bet Church and Tryon, next door to Court House, r. Trade near Graham Brown John L. (Brem, Brown & Co.) r. cor C and Trade Brown Peter M. student, r. Trade cor C Brown Randell, c, r. s end Mint Brown Robert H. (W. W. Long & Co.) r. Smith ville. Seventh street Brown W. H. A. Observer Mailing Clerk and Pressman Brown William, assistant cook, W. N. Prather Brunn Henry, bar tender, Chas Roediger, r. Church cor Sixth Brungasser Lewis, salesman, Wittkowsky & Rintels Bryan George W. book-keeper Central Hotel. Bryan William, lab r. Church bet Seventh and Eighth Bryant Stephen, c, lab r. cor College and Fifth Bryce John Y. cotton buyer. Trade bet College and A, r. Tryon opp Lutheran Church Bryce Willis, c, waiter, r. Trade near Graham Buffalo William, c, lab r. s end Mint Bundy Frank, cotton buyer, bds cor Tryon and Third Bundy John D. clerk Duncan White, r. Ninth cor Pine Burch John W. carpenter, r. Ninth cor Pine BURRODCtHS & SPRINGS, General Aleuts SoInWe Facile Gnaiio Company, Capital $1,000,000. Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory, 33 Burdan Dick, c, harness-maker, SohifF& Bro., r. Smithville BURGESS NICHOLS, [Nichols Burgess & Co.) r. Graham bet Sixth and Seventh BURGESS NICHOLS & Co.) Nichols Burgess and Richard Moore) furniture and undertakers. Trade opp Court House BURROUGHS JOHN C. (Burrroughs & Springs) r. Tryon corner Second BURROUGHS & SPRINGS, [John C. Burroics and Richard A, Springs) fertilizer, lime, cement, plaster, and insurance agents, College cor Fourth Burtom Damon, c, lab r. Hill bet Mint and Graham Burton Frank, c, depot hand, C C & A Railroad Burwell Armistead, (Vance & Burwell) r. Tryon bet Tenth and Eleventh Burwell Edmund S. (Burwell & Springs) bds Central Hotel BURWELL W R «& Co. (W R Burwell and Dr. J M Miller.) whole sale and retail druggists cor Tryon and Trade Burwell Wm R. (W R Burwell & Co.) bds Central Hotel Burwell & Springs, (Edinond S Burwell and Eli B Springs) grocers cor Tryon and Fourth Bush Fred D. railroad man, bds Central Hotel Butler Henri T. salesman, Wittkowsky & Rintels, bds Church cor Trade BUTLER JOHN T. clocks, watches and jewelry, Tryon bet Trade and Fifth, r. Tryon cor Vance Butler Pelham, c, porter. Southern Express Co Butler Tellen, c, grocer, r. Trade opp market Butler Vince, c, drayman W J Black Butler V. C. c, shoe maker, r. Tryon near fair ground Bennett James G. printer Observer bds. Col. Chas. R. Jones, Hill betwen Sixth and Seventh Butt Columbus N. G. as't. cashier Farmers Savings Bank, r. Fifth corner B Butt Frank L. r. cor Church and First Butt John F. clerk D. P. L. White, r. cor Church and First Bynum Preston W. judge, r. n s Trade bet C and D Byrne Miss Maggie, dress-maker, Tryon bet Trade and Fifth up stairs r. Trade bet Tryon and Church Byrne Walter, dry goods and auction, Tfade opp Court House 2 BUY YOUR WATCHES OF ALLEN. 34 Beasley & JEmeri>'on\' ing, Carolina Military Institute, r. Institute Caldwell Cyrus c, lab r. First bet D and E Caldwell Frank, c, Servant Trade bet Graham and Mint Caldwell Henry, c, lab r. S end Mint Caldwell Harry, c, hostler J W Wadsworth Livery Stable Caldwell John, c, lab r. C bet Stonewall and First Caldwell Joseph, c, r. S end Mint Caldwell Mrs. J N, r. Sixth bet College and A Caldwell Joseph P., Local Editor Charlotte Observer, bds Central Hotel Caldwell Richard, c, well-digger, r. Myers cor Third Call A. G. r. Sixth bet C and D Callahan Patrick, r. First near B Calvo Henry, painter, r. 90 C Cancelor Rufus, c, drayman, r. First bet D and E Cape Fear Building Company, L E Rice president, Alex. Strauss Secretary and Treasurer, H S Servass General Manager, WiU mington, N. C. Charlotte Office Tryon opp Central Hotel Capers Frank, c, carpenter, r. Church bet Stonewall and Vance Capps Charles M. printer, r. Church cor Hill Capps Henry C. carpenter, r. Church cor Hill Capps Wilton R. printer. Observer, r. Church cor Hill Carey Thomas, porter, r. D bet Fifth and Sixth Cardwell Hunter, c, carpenter, r. Fifth near Graham CAROLINA ABRICULTURAL WORKS, W. F. Cook proprietor, cor Trade and A CAROLINA MILITARY INSTITUTE, South Boundary east of R. R., Col. John P. Thomas superintendent Carpenter Lawson, c, r. S end Mint Carper Charles W., supt Wad worth Livery Stable, r. Sixth bet Tryon and College Carprage Jose^jh, c, drajauan W F Cook, Carr John P. clerk, Cresswell & Walker, r. country TIDDY & BRO, Sell Tissue Paper. Beasley & Emerson^s Charlotte Directory. ■ 35 Carraway Paul J. Rev., pastor Tryoa St. Methodist Church, r. w s Tryon bet Fifth and hixth Carry Thomas, stock hand, WIttkowsky & Rintels Carson Allen, c, r. First near Mint Carson Allen e, porter, Burwell & Springs, r. cor Tryon and Second Carson Andrew, c, driver, J. R. Davidson stables, Carson James, r. Tryon cor First Carson John, c, lab r. E bet Second and Third Carter James, c, lab r. C near First Carter Mrs. Margaret, dress maker, r. Stonewall cor C Cash , machinist, bds Taade bet B and C Casida Thomas, r. College cor Ninth Cassady James E. carpenter, W. F. Cook Cates John T. finisher, Sample & Alexander, bds cor C and second Cates Henry V. shoemaker, E. H. White, l)ds Tryon between Fifth and Sixth CENTRAL HOTEL, H. C ECCLES, proprietor, Tryon cor Trade Chaffee W. F.. engineer, bds Charlotte Hotel Chaffin Samuel T. painter, r. Seventh cor D Chalk C. C. clerk G. Vv^. Chalk & Co., bds cor College and Trade CHALK GEORGE W- (G. W Chalk & Co.] bds B bet Sixth and Seventh CHALK GEO. W. & Co., (G. W. Chalk, R N Littlejohn and John L. Hardin) wholesale grocers and commission merchants, n e cor Trade and College Chambers George C. city mills, r. Graham bet Seventh and Eighth Chambers Mrs. S. r. Graham cor Fourth Chambers William W. r. Ninth between B and C Chandler D. P. conductor, bds Central Hotel Chaney, E. P. carpenter, r. Seventh bet C and D Chapel Nathan, c, butler at Wm Johnston Trade cor Graham Chapman Robert H. Rev. A. M., D. D. principle Institute for young ladies, r. Institute Chapman Robert P., Ten-pin-ally. Tryon bet Trade and Fourth, r. . Seventh near Smith Chapman Sim, c, lab, W. F. Cook Chapman Mrs. Verina S. M., principal Institute for young ladies, r. Institute Chatham J. R. railroad engineer, bds Central Hotel E. J. ALLEN, Watchmakor i»,nd Jeweler. 36 " Beasley & Emerson'' s CliarloUe Directory. CHARLOTTE HOTEL, J. Hollis & Son proprietors, Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Cheavetta De Ptolamee, watch-maker, J. T. Butler, Ixls t"harh)tte Hotel Chestnut Charles C. c, teacher, Peabody School, r. Trade Chick William, painter, r. Church near Morehead Chunn Charles, salesman, Wolf, Barringer & Co., bds Tryon cor Ninth Claiburn Philip, c, lab r. D bet Sixth and Seventh Clark Alexander W. carpenter, r, n end Tryon Clark L. c, r. near cor B and Hill Clark Sam, c, lab r. Third near Graham Clarkson Thomas B. book-keeper r. Tenth cor Pine Clarkson Thomas B. jr., book-keeper, R. B. Alexander & Co r. cor. Pine and Ninth Clarkson Wm. conductor, S. C. Railroad, r. vv end Trade Clemmer Frank c, hostler, J. W. Wadsworth stable Climant Henry c, lab r. Myres cor First Coatney Esly, mechanic, r. College bet Seventh and Eighth Coatney Mrs. r. College bet Seventh and Eighth Cobb George, clerk, J. Moyer, r. Tryon Cobb Wm. I. clerk S. Frankenthall, bds Tryon Cobbag Joseph, c, r. E near Stonewall Cochrane John J. clerk A. R. Nesbit & Bro., r. Graham bet Eighth and Ninth COCHRANE ROBERT E. Insurance Agent, Tryon bet Trade and Fourth, r. Cemetery Avenue cor Tenth Cockrane Sam, c, lab. r. cor C and Fourth COCHRANE, WILLIAM R. tobacco, cigars, saloon, restaurant and billiard hall, Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Cohen Solomon A. (Elias, Cohen & Roessler) r. Tryon bet Trade and Fifth COHN WILLIAM, boot and shoe maker, w s Trj'on bet Fifth and Trade, r. Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Coit Julius T. book-keeper, Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co., r. Myers near Trade Coker John, c, r. Fifth cor A Collier William, r. Cemetery Avenue bet Eighth and Ninth Collier , r. Ninth near D BDREODGHS & SPRKiS, Dealers iu Liie, Cement anil Plaster, Beasley & Emerson^s Charlotte Directory. 37 Collahan Thomas, engineer, J. Asbury Coltrane Ahi W. boot and shoe maker, Sample et Myers and E Cruger J. book lieeper, Wittliovvsky k Rintels, r. Third bet Tryon and College Cruse Allen, drayman, r. Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Cruse Moses, fish, r. College bet Trade and Fourth Culbreth Miss H. stitcher. Sample and Alexander ('ulpepper Robert, machinist, r. B bet Tenth and Eleventh Culpepper Ruben, moulder, r. B bet Tenth and Eleventh Culpepper William, moulder, r. B bet Tenth and Eleventh Cureton Dr T. K. Planter, r. Church cor Seventh. Cuthbertson William F. groceries. Trade one door below College DAFFRON JOSEPH, picture dealer, boards corner Church and Third Damon Miles, c, r, s end Mint Damron Berry, c, lab Tryon bet Tenth and Eleventh Davidson Benjamin, r. Church bet Ninth and Tenth Davidson Brevard, r. cor Tryon and Third Davidson Constantine, lawyer, r. Graham cor Ninth Davidson David, c, barber, A. Henderson, r. Trade near Johnson Davidson Edgar L. clerk, J. S. M. Davidson, r. Church bet Eighth and Ninth Davidson Edmund, c, preacher, r. Third near Graham Davidson George, c, drayman, G, W. Chalk & Co, r. B near Fourth DAVIDSON JAMES R. livery st:ible on College near Fifth, r. Fifth near College Davidson James, carpenter, r. D cor Ninth Davidson Joseph S. M. groceries, Trade bet College and A, r. Church bet Eighth and Ninth Davidson Joseph, c, tinsmith, A. A. Gaston & Co Davidson John R. market clerk, r. w end Trade Davidson John, c, tinner, R. Moore Davidson Phillip, c, blacksmith, r. near cor Third and D Davidson Robert, r. Church bet Ninth and Tenth Davidson Samuel, r. Church bet Ninth and Tenth Davidson Mrs. Sarah F. r. cor Fourth and Mint Davidson William F. lawyer, Mayor and Justice of the Peace, Trade near R. F. Davidson's store, r. Trade opp U. S. Mint WM. & R. TIDDY Make Book Paper. Beasley & Emerson^s Charlotte Directory. 39 Davidson Wni. c, lab r. Second near E Davis , carpenter, Crockett & Stewart, r. B near Sixth Davis A. fish market, bds Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Davis Alfred, c, lab r. Church bet Eighth and Ninth Davis Alfred C. r. B bet Tenth and Eleventh Davis Dick, c, tanner. White & Sims, r Boundary cor Seventh Davis Frank, c, lab r. near Military Institute Davis Jacob L. (Davis & Co.) r C bet Tenth and Eleventh Davis James, r. B bet Tenth and Eleventh Davis Jesse A. carpenter, F. W. Ahrens, bds Third cor C Davis John N. (McMurray & Davis) r. Union Co. N. C. Davis Leonidas M. r. B bet Tenth and Eleventh Davis Lindsay, clerk, R. M. Miller & Sons, r. Tryon near Seventh Davis Milton, e, saloon, rear Market House Davis Prince, c, r. s end Mint Davis Robert, c, porter, Wooten's Express Davis Thomas H. cashier, McMurray & Davis, r. s s Trade bet Tryon and College Davis Thomas, c, lab r. s end Mint Davis & Co. (Jacob L. Davis and Richard B. Alexander) grocers, Tryon bet Sixth and Seventh DAWSON LAMBDIN, (Bradshavv & Dawson & C. W. Bradshaw 50 Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. s Henderson Lafayette, c, drayman, Magill, Heath & Scott Henderson Mrs. r. Fourth bet Church and Mint Henderson W. M. grocery, s end Tryon Henly Henry, lab, bds Stonewall near Church Hennet , carpenter, bds Fourth near Church Hennegan Richard W. salesman, Wittkowsky & Rintels, bds College bet Sixth and Seventh Henry Benjamin C. boarding house, Trade bet B and C Herron Miss Cora, dress maker, r. Trade HERROX MRS. JANE, dress maker. Trade next door to Alexander Seigle & Co., r. Trade Herron Robert, c, waiter Charlotte Hotel HERRON R. M. Foreman Job Office Observer, bds Charlotte Hotel Herron Wm. M. r. D cor Tenth Hewell John, c, lab r. s end Mint Heyndeman Thomas L. boot and shoemaker for W. Cohn Hicks Henry, c, shoemaker, bds Tryon near Fair Ground Higgins Sylvester B. physicians, Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Hilker Christian, r. Church bet Eighth and Ninth Hill Daniel H. editor and proprietor The Southern Home^ r. Tryon cor Hill Hill Edmond, blacksmith, r. Seventh bet C and D Hill Marshall, wagon maker, r. Third cor C Hilton Isaac T. assistant foreman F. W. Ahrens, r. w end Eleventh Hinkle David S. clerk, Elias, Cohen & Roessler, bds Charlotte Hotel Hinton Mrs. cor Fourth and Graham Hinton William L. messenger W. U. T. Co. r. Fourth Hinshaw Columbus, apprentice for W. Cohn, r. country Hinshaw Merchison, carpenter, Crocket and Stewart, r. w end Trade Hipp John, carpenter, r. Church near Morehead Hirst Miles, grocer, cor Church and Vance Hislop George, clerk, McMurray & Davis, r. College bet Seventh and Eighth Hislop Joseph H. clerk, McD. Arledge, r. cor College and Second Hoffman Wm. H. dentist. Trade over Nisbet & Bro.'s store r. Tryon bet Tenth and Eleventh Holland James Q , clerk, W. J. Black, bds Charlotte Hotel HOLLAND JAMES R., cashier Merchant and Farmers' Bank, r. Fourth bet C and D Horiis E. Pinckney, (J Mollis k Son) r Charlotte Hotel V TIDDY & BRO. Sell Children's Blocks. Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. 51 HOLLIS JESSIE, (J HoIIis & Son,) r. Charlotte Hotel HOLLIS J. & SON. (Jessie & E. Pinckney), proprietors Charlotte Hotel Holley Thomas, c, painter, r. Graham bet Third and Fourth Holley William E. c, clerk Schenck & Nocho, bds Trade cor Ceme- tery Ave Holobaugh George M. clerk, J. Moyer, r. Church near First Holt William, shoemaker for W. Cohn, r. Fifth Holt Evans, c, Sample & Alexander, bds c^r C and Second Hoi ton Charles S. (C. S. Hoi ton & Co.) r. n s Trade bet B and A Holton C S. & Co. (Charles S. Holton and James B. Franklin), gro- cers, bakery and confectionary, Trade opp raarkett Holton E. J. r. Trade bet A and B Holton Thomas F.city bill-poster, r. Stonewall bet Church and Mint Holton Mrs R. R.. r. Trade bet A and B Hood Mary, c, washerwoman, r. Church bet Fifth and Sixth Hoover Dick, c, drayman, r. B near Hill Horali Frank, foreman W. F. Cook, r. Trade opposite Presbyterian Church Horah Mrs. M., seamstress and notions, Trade opp Presbyterian Church Horah William H., r. Trade opp Presbyterian Church Hornbarrier James D. saloon Trade near Tryon, r. Mint near Hill Horton Christopher C , clerk, Smith and Forbes, boards Tryon near Second Horton W. J. salesman, Wittkowsky & Rintels Hottendorf William, (Hottendorf& Hashagen) r. Wilmington, N. C. HOTTENDORF & HASHAGEN (William Hottendorf and Chris Hashagen) choice family groceries, Tryon opp Charlotte Hotel Houston George, r. B bet Eighth and Ninth Houston Frank, book-keeper, J. W. Wadsworth, r. Eighth cor Pine Houser John H. messenger Southern Express Co Howard George W. r. Eighth near Smith HOWELL STEPHEN M. Saddlery and Harness, n s Trade opposite Market, r. Fifth bet College and A HOWIE SANFORD G. (Howie & McWhirter) r. cor College and Trade HOWIE & McWHIRTER, (Sanford G. Howie & George McWhirter) Saloon and Restaurant, cor College and Trade, in basement Hoyle Calop, r. cor Tryon and Eleventh E. J. ALLEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 52 Beasley & Eiaer»on's Charlotte Directory. Hoyle Samuel, c, porter, Burwell & Springs, r. near cor Tryon and Eleventh Hubbard John W. supt, W. R. Cochrane, cigar manufacturer, r. Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Hudson Sanford A. c. lab, r. C near First Hull Frank, check boy, Wittkowsky & Rintels Hull Mrs M. r. Tryon cor Stonewall Humphries David W. printer. The Southern Home, bds Hill bet Church and Tryon Hunneycutt Rufus F. (Barnett & Hunneycutt) r. cor First and C Huneycutt Mrs. M. E. r. First cor C Hunt Jesse, dollar store. Trade opp Court House Hunter David P. r. Pine bet Ninth and Tenth Hunter Isaac, c, cook. Sixth bet College and A Hunter Joseph, c, lab, r. Second bet B and C Hunter William, c, lab. r. s end Graham Hunter Rev. Wm. bds Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Hurdel Lee, c, r. Hill near B Hurdle Richard, c. lab, r. Myers cor Third HUTCHISON D PARKS, (E. Nye Hutchison & Son) r. Woodstone n end Poplar HUTCHISON E. NYE (E. Nye Hutchison & Son) r. Woodstone u end Poplar HUTCHISON E. NYE & SON, [E. Nye and D. Parka) general life and fire insurance agents, e s Tryon, Parks^ Building, up-stairs Hutchison Henry, c, barber, r. Church cor Hill Hutchinson James, joiner, J. Asbury, r. Tenth cor C HUTSON C. WOODWARD, 1st Lieut, and professor Ancient Lan- guages, Columbia Military Institute, r. Institute Hux David, carrier Observer Hux Thomas, carrier Observer IMES MATHEW J., c. preacher, residence Stonewall between D and E. Irwin Edward, c, cook, Nazarenus & Tiramons Irwin Frank, salesman, Wolf, Barringer & Co., r. country Irwin Hamner C, traveling agent for Bradshaw & Dawson, bds N C Depot Irwin James P., r. w end Trade BURR0O6HS i SPRfflfiS. Dealers in Lime, Cement and Plaster. Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. 53 Irwin James M., engineer Air Line Railroad, bds N C Depot Irwin Richard, c, drayman, r. cor College and Fifth Ingram Edmund, c, r. Morehead near Mint Inrigh Henry, jeweler J. T. Butler, bds Tiyon cor Vance JACKSON MRS. T. J., widow GEN. STONEWALL JACKSON, r. s s Trade near Graham Jacks William, c, lab, r. Morehead near Mint Jackson Robert, c, r. E near Stonewall Jackson Shade, c, servant, r. cor Tryon and Ninth Jamison J. K., Trade bet Tryon and College Jamison Mrs. M. r. Church near Third Jamison Robert, engineer, r. Church cor Second Jamison S. N., brick-mason, r. Church near First Jamison Thomas D., clerk H. Litaker, r. Church cor Seventh Jamison Thomas J., carpenter, r. Church cor Seventh ' Jarrett James, buffer Sample & Alexander Jarrett William, heeler Sample & Alexander Jefferson Thomas, c, barber, Tryon bet Trade and Fifth, r. Church near Hill Jenkins Abraham, c, r. S end Mint Jenkins D. A., State Treasurer, r. Tryon cor Eleventh Jenkins Henry, c, mechanic, r. Myers bet Seventh and Eighth Jenkins Isaac, c, porter Elias, Cohen & Roessler, r. s end Mint. Jenkins Isaac, c, harness-maker S. M. Howell, r. Third near Mint. Jenkins John H., res Tryon bet Ninth and Tenth. Jennings Wm. foreman Murray's brick yard, r. Twelve bet B and C Jeter W. A. railroad man, bds Central Hotel Johnson Alex, c, lab, r. Hill cor Graham Johnson Alex, c, lab, r. near Military Institute Johnson B. c, butcher, r. cor First and D Johnson Charles, c, lab, r. Stonewall cor Mint Johnson Edward, c, barber, A. Henderson Johnson Henry, c, r. s end Mint Johnson Rufus, c, lab, F. W. Ahrens Johnson Robert, c, carpenter, No. 115 E Johnson Robert, c, lab, r. D near Sixth Johnson Vergon, c, waiter, r. Fifth bet Tryon and College Johnston Elijah, c, lab. C. C. & A. Rail Road \ ^ ^xJ^ BtJY YOUR WAl'CHES 01* ALLEN. M Beasky & Emerson's Charlotte Dirtctory. Johnson V. Q. assistant superintendent, C. C. Rail Road, hds Central Hotel Johnston Mrs. Celia, wid. of Rufus, r, w s Tryon bet Ninth and Tenth Johnston Daniel, clerk, Eiias, Cohen & Roessler, r. Graham corner Eighth Johnston Frank G. planter, r. Trade cor Graham JOHNSTON JAMES F., Agent Direct Trade Union, office cor Trade and A, r. A near Tenth Johnston James, r. Ninth bet A a-id B Johnston John, c, lab, r. Fourth bet Church and Mint Johnston John T., (Sutherlin & Johnston) r. Tryon cor Third Johnston Mrs Nancy, r. Ninth bet A and B Johnston Newton, c, laborer C C & A Railroad Johnston Robert D., (Jones & Johnston) r. e s Tryon bet Seventh and Eighth Johnston Sam, c, driver for Win Johnston, Trade cor Graham Johnston U. G., salesman Alexander, Seigle & Co., bds Tryon bet Ninth and Tenth Johnston William, planter, r. Trade cor Graham Johnston William R., salesman Wittkowsky & Rintels, r. Trade cor Graham Jones Alfred, c, lab, r. s end Mint JON£S CHARLES "R.,, EUtor and Proprietor Charlotte Observer, TrsuXe corner College, r. Cemetery Ave bet sixth and Seventh Jones George, c, cook. Sixth and A Jones Hamilton C, (Jones & Johnston) r. e s Trade, bet B and C. Jones H. P., conductor, bds Central Hotel Jones James W. foreman, Sample & Alexander Jones James, c, carpenter, r. B between Eighth and Ninth Jones Johnson B. (Jones & Graham) bds Church Jones Lemuel, c, drayman, W. J. Black Jones Lenord, c, r. Tryon near First Jones Levy, c, lab, r. C near First Jones William R. supt. Wittkowsky & Rintels, r. College bet Sixth and Seventh Jones Wm. c, waiter, r. Fifth bef College and Tryon Jones & Graham (Johnson B.Jones & Joseph Graham) physicians cor Tryon and Trade, up stairs WM. k, H. TIDDY Make Tinted Papers. Beasley & Emerson'' s Charlotte Directory. 55 JONES & JOHNSTON (Hamilton C. Jones and Robert D. Johnston) lawyers and city attorneys, Trade next door to Court House Jordan A. G. cutter, Sample & Alexander Jordon Allison, bds Church near Fourth Joyner Thomas C. manager, Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Co. Tryon opp Central Hotel, bds Central Hotel Justice W. H. clerk, C. C. & A. Railroad, bds Charlotte Hotel KEECK C. ALEXANDER, bar tender, J. Donahoe, r. College bet Trade and Fifth Keenane Wm. O. saddler, Schiff & Bro Keistler Cephas, carpenter, r. Church bet Trade and Fourth Keistler David, carpenter, r. Third near Air Line Railroad Keistler Rufus S. carpenter, r. Church bet Trade and Fourth Keith John A. book-keeper J. G. Bryce Keith Paul T. photographic printer, J. H. Van Ness, bds Trade Kelly Toney, c, waiter, W. R. Cochrane restaurant Kelly William, harness maker, r. Mint bet First and Second Kelly Wni. c, sadler, S. M. Howell, r. Mint near Second Kenady Dave, c, carpenter, r. near Military Institute KENDRICK JAMES M., saloon, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fourth, r. Church near Morehead Kendrick Thomas, r. Second bet Church and Mint Kennedy Jack, c, lab r. Myers near Seventh Kennedy Thomas, C. engineer C C & A Rwilroad, bds C C & A depot Kernes Cuffy, c, r. s end Church KERNS JOHN D., (Sample & Alexander) r. Tryon between More- head and Hill Kerr John T. carpenter, r. Graham cor Seventh Killiam John H. r. Cemetery Avenue bet Seventh and Eighth Killiam Stephen, c, carpenter, J. Asbury, r. 112 E Kimbeall Benjamin, ticrket agent. Air Line Railroad, bds Trade near Air Line Depot Kimbell John, c, lab, cor Second and E Kimbril L. H. sash and blind maker, Jonas Rudisill King Colin C. saloon and restaurant, basement Trade cor Church, r. Second bet Church and Mint KINO GEORGE H. agent Southern Express Co. Tryon opp Central Hotel, r. B cor Eleventh E. J. ALLEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 56 Reasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. Kinnane Wm. saddler, r. D near Stonewall Kirby John W. adjuster home shuttle sewing machine, r. Graham bet Seventh and Eighth Kirby Millard, cigar maker, J. M Mendel, r. Graham bet Seventh and Eighth Kirkham W. J. repairer. Western Union Telegraph Co. Kirkpatrick Lewis, c, drayman, W. J. Black, r. B Kiser , grocer, r. Seventh bet I) and E Kluepelberg Henry A. clerk, McMurray & Davis, r. C near Fifth Klutts J, c, porter, Farmers' Savings Bank Knight James, c, carpenter, r. Second near E Koellsch Herman L. bookkeeper Wittkowsky & Rintels Koopmann Bernard, (Koopmann & Rothschild) r. Church bet Sev- enth and Eighth Koopmann Elias B. clerk Koopmann & Rothschild, r. Church bet Sixth and Seventh KOOPMANN & ROTHSCHILD, ( Bernard Koopmann and Jacob Roth- schild), millinery, white goods and notions, Trade bet Tryon and Church Kopf Raphael M. clerk, Wittkowsky & Rintels, r. Trade corner Graham Koppel M. salesman, Ko(»pmann & Rothschild Kroggs Fred, railroad engineer, bds Central Hotel Kretschmar Joseph, harness-maker Schift& Bro., bds B near Eighth KRU£G£R FRED., (Harry & Krueger). Krueger G. L., book-keeper, Wittkowsky & Rintels, r. 'Phird bet Tryon and College Kuester Ferdinand, gun and locksmith, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fifth, r. cor College and Seventh Kuester Frederick, locksmith, F. Kuester, r. corner College and Seventh Kuykendal John C. bookkeeper, Greir & Alexander, bds Charlotte Hotel L AMBERT JOHN, blacksmith, bds College corner Seventh. Lamprecht John N. gun and locksmith, F. Kuester, bds cor College and Seventh Landecker Adolph, clerk, D. Lum, bds Church cor C BURROII&HS & SPRIBGS, Dealers in Fertilizers, Colltse mm Ponrll. Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory, 57 LANDECEER SIGMTJlfD, dry goods, clothing, hats, caps, boots^ shoes^ &c. Trade bet Tryon and Church Lane John, c, cook, r. Trade near A Lane Peter, c, lab at J. W. Wads worth's Livery Stal)le Laney Julius, c, servant Trade cor Myers La wing Robert, carpenter J. Asbury Leak David R., (D. R. Leak & Son) r. C bet Fifth and Sixth Leak D. R- & Son (David R.and Henry Leak) tobacco manufacturers Fifth bet C and D Leak Henry (D. R. Leak & Son) r. C bet Fifth and Sixth Leak J. M., agent Wooten's Ex., Tryon opp Cen. Hotel r. C cor Fifth Ledbetter James, c. servant, Trade bet B and C Led well Thomas, printer, Charlotte Democrat office Lee c. carpenter for J Asbury Lee Eli, c lab, r. Trade rear W. M. Long & Co. Lee John C, carpenter, r. Seventh cor A Lee N. A., ass't agent and tel. operator C C Railroad, r. n end Tryon Lee Wesley, c. lab, r Second bet B and C Lentile Mrs. Lizzie, r. Seventh near C Leon Lewis, salesman, Wittkowsky & Rintels, r. Church near Third Lethco George A. clerk, Walter Brem & Martin, bds B near Seventh Lewis Allen, c, lab, r. s. end Church Lewis Edward, r. Tryon bet Fourth and Third Lewis Emsley, carrier Observer Lewis Hark, c, lab, r. s end Church Lewis Hark jr. c. lab, r. s end Church Ligon D. P. conductor, bds Central Hotel LINDLEY ALFRED H., (Green, Lindley & Bentley) r. A cor Sixth Lindsay Edward, c, lab, r. Church cor Morehead Lindsay W. H. bridge builder, bds Central Hotel Lindy Joel, dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, &c. Trade bet Tryon and College, r. Tryon opposite Charlotte Hotel Linton , supt. gas works, bds cor Church and Third Lipscomb John, c, lab, r. rear Trade bet B and C Little T. H. salesman, Elias, Cohen & Roessler Litaker Henry, groceries, Trade opp Presbyterian Church, r. Pine street, Smithville LITTLE JOHN RICHARD N., (G. W. Chalk & Co.) bds Trade near B Littlejohn John N., bds Trade bet B and C Lockhart Wm. boarding, r. Fourth near College 5 / »)a*-,,j ( BUY YOUR WATCHES OF ALLEN. if] 58 Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. Lock man Wrw. L, salesman S. Landecker, r. Trade bet Tryon and Cb. Long Brooks, c, baker C. S. Holton k Co., r. Trade opp market Long Henry, c, carpenter, r. A bet Seventh and Eighth Long James '. (Long & Bro.) bds College near Trade Long John P. (Long & Bro.) bds College near Trade Long Luther B. clerk W. F. (Juthbertson, r. Trade bet College and A Long W. L. salesman, Elias Cohen & Roessler Long Wesley M. (W. M. Um^ & Co..) bds Smith ville. Seventh St. Long W. M. & Go. (Wesley M. Long and Robert H. Brown,) gro- ceries and confectioneries. Trade opp Court House Long & Bro, (James C. and John P.) grain merchants, e s College bet Trade and Fourth Lawing Robert, carpenter, r. Eleventh cor C Love Sam, c, lab r. Second near E Love Wesley, c, carpenter, r. Church cor Vance Low James, c, drayman, r. s end Mint Low Kelly, c, r. C near First Lowman Samuel, salesman, Wittkowsky&Rintels, bds Central Hotel Lowry Charlotte, c, wash woman, r. Second bet B and C Lowry James, c, driver, Southern Express Co Lowery Isaac, c, porter, G. W. Chalk & Co, r. Trade near Church Lucas James S. agent Singer Machine, r. Fourth near Church Lucas Miss M. N. teacher, Charlotte Graded School Ludwig Pierre, ale and beer, Tryon bet Trade and Fifth, r. College cor Seventh Lum Albert, carpenter, r. D bet Tenth and Eleventh Lum David, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, Trade bet Tryon and College, r. Church near Sixth Lyles Osburn, c, shoe maker, r Second near Church LYNCHBURa INSURANCE AND BANKING CO. of Lynchburg, E. Nye Hutchison & Son, agents, e s Tryon, Parks' Building LYNES J. COLTON, Capt. and Prof Modern Languages Carolina Mili- tary Institute Lyons Harry, c, tobacco roler r. near market house McADEN JOHN H. Physican and Druggist. Tryon cor Trade r. Tryon between Ninth and Tenth McADEN RUFUS Y. President First N. B. of Charlotte, r. Tryon between Trade and Fourth, bank building ^ik/Z' WM. & R. TIDDY Make Colored Glazed Papers. Beasley & Emerson^s Charlotte Directory. 63 MEETZE HENRY M., printer, Charlotte Observer office, r. C bet Eleventh and Twelfth Miller Mrs. Annie VV. r. Trade cor Grahain Miller Arnold W. Rev., pastor First Presbyterian Church, cor Tryon and Second Miller George, c, porter R. M. Miller & Son's, r. rear cor Tryon and Seventh Miller George, c, lab r. Church near Morehead Miller George W. bartender, W. F. Snider r. cor Second and C Miller Dr. James M. (W. R. Burwell & Co.) bds Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Miller Jasper, clerk. Gates Bro's, bds Tryon cor First Miller J. C. shipping clerk, VVittkowsky and Rintels, r. Church near Third Miller J. N., physician, bds Tryon bet Trade and Fifth MILLER JOHN W., (R. M. Miller and Sons,) r. cor Tryon and seventh Miller John, tailor J. Vogel, r. Cemetery ave bet Sixth and Seventh Miller Marcus, c, r. First near Tryon Miller Marion, c, porter for J S Williamson & Co., r. 117 E Miller Mrs. Mary, r. Church near Third MILLER ROBERT M., (R. M. Miller & Sons) r. cor Tryon and 7th Miller Robert M. Jr., student, r. cor Tryon and Seventh MILLER ROLY E., (R. M. Miller Beaslef/ &.. Emerson's Vharlot Mosely Sam, c, cook, r. D bet Second an?l Third Moseley Albert, c, r. Stonewall bet C & D Moseley Lewis, c, porter, Tiddy & Bro. r. D near Second Moss Anderson, c, coachman. T. H. Brem, Tryon bet D and E -Moss Chas. E. bar-tender, NazareniUiA Timmons, r. Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Moyer Mrs. E. -M,, r. Trade bet Tryon and College Moyer Joseph, dry goods, clothing, (fcc. Trade cor Tryon Moyer Milton, messenger VV. U. Tel Co., r. Trade near College Moyle Matthew, r. D bet Eleventh and Twelfth Muck John, engineer, r. w s Tryon b^t Fifth and Sixth Muenzler Fred, stock hantl, Wittkowsky & Rintels 1 Mullen Walter, clerk, bds Church cor First Mnller F. A., moulder for W F Cook, r. First near C / Muller F. A. Jr., moulder for W F Cook, r. First near C Muller John W , moulder, r. First near C MuUis Jesse, carpenter, r. Eigth cor E Muncler Martin, drayman, r. e boundary bet Third and Fourth Murphy Adam, c. blacksmith, at H W Tatum. Murphy Dennis, guard at N C Depot, r. Stonewall cor E Murphy .James, tailor for J Vogel Murphy John, moulder, Wilkes shop, r. Tryon bet Third and Fourth Murphy Mathew, gas house, r. Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Murray P. brick-yard, builder and contractor, r. Tryon cor Twelfth Myers Cornelius T. money cleric , Soathern Express Company, r. Tryon bet First and Second Myers Joseph, clerk W. R. Cochrane .Myers Peter, c, lab r. Third near Mint Myers Wesley, c, lab r. Stonewall near E Myers W. P, salesman, McVlurray and Davis, bds Central Hotel Myers William R , president A T & O R Railroad, office College cor Fourth, and president First National Bank, r. Trade bet B & C Myers Wm. R., jr., clerk, Wade &, Pegram, r. n s Trade bet B and C NASH FREDERICK, lawyer, city clerk and Treasurer, office Trade next door to Court House, bds Church cor Seventh >'athan Aaron, salesman, Elias Cohen and Roessler, r. Sixth bet Tryon and College 6 \ BUY YOUR WATCHES OF ALLEN. 66 Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. Nazarenus George B. (Nazarenus & Timmons) r. s s Trade near Church NAZARENUS & TIMMONS, (George B. Nazarenus and King C. Tinrimons,) saloon and restaurant, s s Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Neal Ben, c, r. s end Mint Neal Mango, e, lab, r. Myers bet First and Second Neatherry J. K. P. clerk, J. K. Purefoy, r. Church bet Seventh and Eighth NEELY J. STARR (R. B. Alexander & Co ) r. Tryon cor Seventh Neely Price, clerk, J. A. Young & Son, r. Tryon cor Seventh Neisler Samuel J. engineer, A. L. R. R. r. Graham cor Seventh Newby William A. clerk, Green, Lindley & Bentley, r. A cor Sixth Newhart A. P. plasterer, Trade near A. r. cor Seventh and A Newmiin W. T. railroad engineer, bds Central Hotel Newton John F. clerk N. Gray, r. w Air Line railroad NICHOLS BURGESS, (Burgess Nichols & Co.,) r. Graham bet Sixth and Seventh Nimmo James, r. C bet Tenth and Eleventh Nimmo Powhatten E. clerk W. J. Black, r. C bet Tenth & Eleventh Nisbet Adam R. (A. R. Nisbet & Bro.) r. Graham bet Eighth and Ninth NISBET A. R. & BRO., (Adam R.and William B. Nisbet and Wm J. Friday), groceries, confectionaries, cigars, tobacco and mu- sical instruments, Trade bet Tryon and Church Nisbefr George G. (Wolfe and Nisbet) r. cor Trade and College Nisbet Mrs. Jane, r. Graham bet Eighth and Ninth Nisbet Willam B., (A. R. Nisbet tt Bro) r. Tryon bet Morehead and Hill Noble Perry, c, barber, r. Trade near College Noble Thomas, c, servant, r. Church be*^^ Sixth and Seventh Nocho Jacob, c, (.Schenck and Nocho) r. Trade cor Cemetery Avenue Noles William, shoemaker for W. Cohen, r. country Normand Allan, c, r. Stonewall bet C and D NORRIS HIRAM J., bo^^t and shoemaker, Fourth between Tryon and College North Jacob C, c, porter, Wilson and Black Northey James, grocer, s end Church , Northey, James, jr., clerk, r. Church s Hill arK w TIDDY & BRO. ^ell Ink Stands, Pocket and Desk. Beasley <& Emerson'' s Charlotte Directory. 67 Northy Thomas, isto3khand Wittkowsky &, Rintels Nowlin S. T. express messenger, bd:: Central Hotel Xuttall J. O. H., watches, clocks and jewelry, Trade cor Church, r. Ninth bet Pine and Graham OAKLEY FRANK, painter, bds Fourth between College and Tryon GATES BROTHER?, (David W., James M. and John E ) cotton factors and commission merchants. College near Fourth Gates David VV. (Gates Brothers) r. Tryon cor First Gates James M. (Gates Brotners) bds Central Hotel Gates John E. (Gates Brothers) bds Central Hotel Gates R. M. r. Tryon bet Second and Third G'Brien Thomas, photographic printer, J. H. Van Ness, r. Seventh cor Smith Getgen J. H. G. salesman, Hottendorf & Hashagen, r. Ninth Ggbern James, c, hostler, J. R. Davidson's Stable Gliver George, c, lab, r. near Military Institute Gmer Martin, c, blacksmith, No. 40 College G'Neal , c, carpenter, r. w end Hill OPERA HOUSE, Tryon near Fourth Grr Elera, c, porter, McMurray & Davis, r. E bet Second and Third Grr Frank, c. cook, C. C. King Grr James H. bds Central Hotel Grr J. r. Tryon cor Sixth ORR JOHN F teller. First National Bank, r. Trade cor D Orr Joseph, policeman, r. Cemetery Avenue, bet Second and Third Grr Dr. M. M. planter, r. Trade cor D Grr Thomas, c, drayman, r. Ill E Grr W. J. clerk (R. M. Miller & Son's) bds Trade near Graham Osborn Rev. Edward A. r. Graham bet Sixth and Seventh Osborn Gus, c, drayman, r. Fifth near Graham Gsborn John L. carpenter, r. Church bet Hill and Vance Gsborne Latney VV. lumber dealer, r. Cemetery Avenue cor Sixth Gsborne Mrs. M. A. r. Trade cor Graham Gsten Sam, c, lab, r. Second near E Gtt Vincent G. bds Central Hotel Overby W. B. harness maker, Schiff & Br>, bds B near Ninth Overcarsh Rev. Elias, r. Graham bet Sixth and Seventh E. J. ALLEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 68 Beasley & Emerson^s Charlotte Directory. Overcarsh John H. salesman, S. Landecker, r. Smithville 07ERCASH Wm J, A., grocer, n s Trade bet College and E r, Graham near Seventh OvermnnC. C, R. R Agent, bds Tryon cor Third Overman Charles H. agent Air Line Railroad, office w end Trade r. Trade bet Tryon and Church Overman Sandy, c, blacksmith, r. College near Fifth Overman Will W. salesman, Wittkowsky S: Rintels, bds Central Hotel Owens Ank, c, r. B near Fourth Owens Washington, c, mechanic, r. Myers cor Eighth Owens William, carpenter, r. Cemetery Avenue l)et Seventh and Eighth Ozmant John A., cabinet-maker, r. Ninth cor D Tr)ACE HENRY, engineer, r. cor B. and Twelfth Pace Young, carpenter, r. Eighth cor Johnson Page Joseph, c, lab r. w end Mint Palmer J. D., r. Tryon between First and Second Pardue Louis, r. Graham bet Seventh and Eighth Pardue Mrs. Susan, widow of Thomas, r. Graham between Seventh and Eighth ^ Paridosi Frank, musician, r. s end Mint PARKS' BUILDING, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Parks John, c, blacksmith, Church cor Fifth, r Church near Fair Ground Parks Joseph, c, hostler, Seventh cor Church Parks Matthew A., foreman of Southern Homey r. Fourth cor Graham Parks Mrs. widow of David, r. Eleventh near Cemetery Patrick F. E, cotton press, bds Central Hotel Patton James M, carpenter J Rudisill, r Seventh bet Tryon «t College Patterson James A, c, r Mint bet First and Second Patterson J. D., conductor, bds Central Hotel Paul Gaston, printer, Southern Home office, bds Hill bet Tryon and Church Paul Lafayette, carpenter, r. Hill bet Tryon and Church Paxton Joseph, c, laborer, r 113 E Pearsel Zachariah, c, preacher, r Graham bet Third and Fourth Peas John, Sample & Alexander, bds cor C and Second -, /■^ ' BDRRODGHS & SPRM. Dealers in Lime, Ceieiil auJ Plaster. Beasley & Emerson^s Charlotte Directory. Gil Peoples James, c. minister, r. Fifth bet Tryon and College y^ PEGRAM MILES P. cashier First National Bank of Charlotte,^ hds Central Hotel Pegram Miles P. jr. salesman, Alexander, Seigle &, Co, r. Tryon PEGRAM SAMUEL S. (VVade& Pegram) r. College cor Eleventh Pegram William \V. agent C. C. & A, & A. T. & O. Railroads, r. Tryon cor s Boundary Pegram Willis E. book-keeper Merchants' and Farmers' National Bank, r. Tryon cor Morehead Pembelton Ed. c. r. Fifth bet Tryon andXIollege PERDUE LEWIS W. groceries and commission merchant, Trade bet College and A, r B bet Fifth and Sixth Perry Alfred, carpenter, r. Church s Hill Perry I. H. r. Church bet First and Second Perry J. Smith, clerk, bds B bet Sixth and Seventh Peters Hugh, r. Cemetery Avenue cor Seventh Pethel James, c, (Pethel & Sumner) r. Eighth Pethel Dick, c, painter, r. Myers cor Eighth Pethel cfe Sumner (James Pethel and Jet. Sumner,) barbers, Trade bet Tryon and College Pettus John F,, guard Air-Line Railroad, r. w end Trade Petty Wm. C, clerk for Walter Brem & Martin, bds Charlotte Hotel Pharr Mrs. E. J., r. e s Tryon bet Eighth and Ninth Pharr H. S., farmer, r. Sixth bet College and A Pharr Theodore F., (Gibbon & Pharr) r. Sixth bet College and A Phelan John, bkpr, A. R. Nisbet & Bro., r. B bet Second and Third Phelan Patrick H., salesman, J.T. Butler, r. B bet Second and Third Phelps William, bds Stonewall near Church Phifer Geo. M, clerk for R S Phifer, r. Tryon bet Tenth and Eleventh Phifer George, c.cook, r. s end Mint Phifer E., c, (Phifer & Edy) r. Trade near Market House Phifer John, well digger, r. C cor Second Phifer Joseph, c, lab, r. Tryon near Eleventh Phifer Martin, c, driver, Tryon corner Ninth PHIFER ROBERT S. books and stationery, picture frames, sheet music, &c. Tryon opp Central Hotel, r. Tryon bet Tenth and Eleventh Phifer Wra. F. farmer, r. e s Tryon bet Ten and Eleventh Phifer Wm. W. farmer, r. Tryon bet Ten and Eleventh Phillips Mrs. M. r. Sixth bet College and A BUY YOUR WATCHES OF ALLEN. Beasley & Emerson'' s Charlotte Directory. Phifer&Edy (Ephram Phifer and John Edy) grocers, Trade one door below Market House Phillips Win. architect, r. Fifth bet B and (' PHILLIPS JAMES S. Merchant Tailor and Gent's Furnisher, Tryon under Central Hotel, r. Sixth bet College and A Phillips John \V. telegraph operator N. C. Depot, bds C. C. & A. Dfpot Pickenpack Columbus, c, cor Church and Seventh Pickenpack Napoleon, c, cor Church and Seventh Pickenpack Richard, c, servant, cor Church and Seventh Pierce Samuel, r. Myers cor Eighth Pighram Rufus, c, r. E near First Pitt Baker, laster, Sample & Alexander, bds cor Second and C Pitt Perry, boarding house, cor Second and C Pitt Wm. B., Sample & Alexander, bds corC and Second Pittman Thomas M. machinist, W. F. Cook, bds Church bet Seventh and Eighth Piatt James, grocer, Trade bet Church and Mint Plummer James M. r, C cor Ninth POND SAMUEL C, traveling agent Dixie Pump Works, r. cor C. and Eleventh Pool George, carpenter, r. Stonewall near Mint Post Office, R. S. McDonald post-master, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Potts Ephram, c. r. First cor E Potts J. D. clerk and operator C C & A R R, bds cor College and Third Potts Lee, c, R R, r. B near Hill Prather Wm. N., (W. N. Prather & Co ,) r. country FRATHER W. N. & Co., (William N. Prather and Asa George), bakery, confectionary and restaurant. Trade one door above the market ^ Preston Benjamin, r. Fifth cor B Prince Abraham, clerk, Wittkowsky & Rintels, bds Tryon between Third and Fourth Prince Henr^^ c, hostler, Trade cor Sixth Price Joseph, c, waiter, r. Fifth bet Tryon and College Price Robert J., wood- workman, Trotter ^ E. J. ALLEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 72 Beasley & Emeri, r. D near Third Simpson Isiah (Bland & Simpson) r. Fifth bet A and B Sims James J. (White & Sims) r. cor Ninth and Graham Sims James M. clerk, White & Sims, r. Cemetery Avenue bet Eighth and Ninth Sings Wm. sash maker, J Rudisill, r. C cor Tenth Singer iManufacturing Company, G. P. Badger manager, Tryon bet Trade and Fourth SIRRINE GEO. W. carriages, buggies, ^ Starret Mrs. Ann, r. s end C ^7"%'*^ Stautfer Jacob, r. cor Church and First Stauffer M. H., carpenter, r. Church cor First Steele Eli S. book-keeper, Mayer, Grey & Ross, r. Tenth cor Church Steele James, c, r. Sixth bet C and D Steele Watt, c, porter, C. S. Holton & Co, r. Trade opp Market Stegall Mrs. Mary A. r. Sixth bet College and A Stacker John, tailor, r. Eighth bet College and Tryon Stellings Caleb, c, waiter, W. Boyds, Tryon bet Third and Fourth Stephens Green K. police, r. Smith bet Seventh and Eighth Stephens John G. r. Smith bet Seventh and Eighth Stephens John W. book-keeper, Walter Brem & Martin, bds Central Hotel Stephens Lawrence, c, porter, G. W. Sirrine Stenhouse James E (Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co.) r. Third bet Tryon and College STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. (James E. Stenhouse, Allen Macaulay & Roderick Macdonald) cotton buyers and commis- sion merchants, cor Trade and College Stevens Green, tinner, R. Moore Stevens John H. clerk, r. C. near Stonewall Stewart George, J. W. Wadsworth's Livery Stable, r. Seventh cor E Stewart George, carpenter, r. Stonewall bet B and C Stewart George, tinner, r. e s College bet Trade and Fourth Stewart Hugh, clerk, bds College bet Trade and Fourth Stewart H. J., clerk, Magill, Heath & Scott, bds cor Tryon and Seventh Stewart Randal, c, shoemaker, E. H. White, r. near n end Graham E. J. ALLEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 80 Beasley & Emerson^s Charlotte Directory. Stewart Hugh K. clerk, Magill Heath and Scott, bds cor Seventh and Tryon STEWART JOHiV, (Crochett & Stewart,) r. Fifth bet B and V Stewart Mrs. P. A., wid. of John, r. Trade bet Tryon and College Stien J. D., express messenger, bds Central Hotel Stilwell Mrs. J. E., wid. of Lee, r. Church opp Hill Stiller Janie? V., harness-maker, Whiti- and Sims, bds cor Ninth and Graham Stitt Wm. E., supt. McMurray & Davis, bds Tryon near Third Stitt Wm. M., clerk, J. S, Williamson & Co., r. Seventh bet A and D Stoecker Christian, tailor for J. Vogel, r. Eighth bet College and Tryon \|>i^ Stoker Davidson H., r. cor Church and Vance ^ ^^ Stokes Robert R., clerk for John A. Young & Son, bds Charlotte Hotel Stone Monroe, r. s end Mint Stone Mrs. H,. A. r. Cliurch near Morehead Stone T. C. (D. Macaulay & Co.) Ms Central Hotel . Stone W. Asbury, operator, Sample & Alexander Stone Wm. D. cabinet maker, r. Fifth bet A and College Stoney Christopher L. clerk, Wilson & Black, r. Trade cor Church Stoney Mrs. James, boarding house. Trade cor Church Stoney Louis, clerk, bds Trade cor Church Stout Mrs. M. widow of J. L. r. Myers bet Fifth and Sixth Strange James, c, tinner, R. Moore Strauss H. C. salesman, Wittkowsky & Rintels Street Jack, c, porter, Central Hotel, r. College near Trade Strickland S. G. conductor Air Line Railroad, r. Ninth bet Pine and Graham . v Stringer Andrew, bds D bet Tenth and Eleventh ^'^^ Strong James, c, r. s end Mint Strou,se Henry, clerk, Wittkowsky & Rintels, bds Sixth cor A <. Stulz Nicholas, book-keeper at R. R. r. C cor Fifth Sturdivant Mrs. xVnn, r. n s Trade bet B and C Suggs Britton, heeler. Sample & Alexander Sumler Jett, c, barber, r. Myers near Stonewall Sumner G. c, r. Church near Morehead Sumner Jacob, c, r. s end Mint Summers Jame : A. mechanic, r. n end Tryon Sumner J. c, (Pethel & Sumner) r. Myers near Hill BURROUGHS S SPRINGS, General Ageilts SolnMe PaciJc Gnaiio Company. Capital $1,000,000. Beasley & Emerson'' s Charlotte Directory. 81 ♦Sumrow Robert H. {Sumn)vv & Minton) r. College near Third Sumrow ct Minton (Robert H. Sumrow & Win. Minton; grain and country produce, e s College bet Trade and Fourth Surratt L. L. salesman, Ellas, Cohen & Roessler Suther W. A. harness maker, White & Sims, bds cor Ninth and Graham Sutherlin John M. (Sutherlin & Johnston) bds Central Hotel vSutherlin k, Johnston (John M. Sutherlin and John T. Johnston) cotton buyers, Trade, one door below College. Sutton Alberry, c, waiter, Howie & McWhirter Sweeney John C, r. n end Tryon Sweeney William, r. n end Tryon Symons James V., (Symons & Co.) r. cor Seventh and College Symons Jennie (Symons & Cu.) r. cor Seventh and College Symons Sallie (Symons & Co.) r. cor Seventh and College Symons Thomas, salesman, Symons & Co , r. cor Seventh and College SYMONS & CO., (James v., Sallie and Jennie,) grocers, cor Tryon and Fifth Sykes Joshua B., machinist, r. B bet Ninth and Tenth ,n1N,. T ANNER GEORGE D., conductor, bds Central Hotel Tanner Simpson B., clerk, Elias, Cohen & Roessler, bds Charlotte Hotel Tate F. A., Mountain Island Mills, bds Central Hotel Tate George K., Mountain Island Mills, bds Central Hotel TATE JAMES T. president Bank of Mecklenburg, bds Central Hotel Tate Mrs. M. C, widow of T. R., r. cor Trade and Tenth Tate Thomas A., bds Central Hotel Tatem Henry W., blacksmith. College near Fifth, r. cor B and 11th Taurance Lee, c, blacksmith for H. W. Tatem, r. Hill Taylor Adam, c, tinner for R Moore, r. rear Tryon cor First Taylor Charles, c, r. cor D and Stonewall Taylor C. S. L. A., c, (Taylor & Shouford) r. Church near Hill Taylor Henry, c, barber, r. s end. Cnurch Taylor Henry, c, lab r. Sixth near Myers Taylor John, c, engineer, F. W. Ahrens Taylor Mack, c, shoemaker, r. s end Church Taylor Mrs., r. Cemetery Avenue bet Sixth and Seventh LARGE ASSORTMENT WATOHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, AT ALLEN'S 82 Beasleij & Ernersoti's Charlotte Directory. Taylor Win. B. gun and locksmith, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fifth, r, cor Graliam and Seventh Taylor & Shouford, (U. S. L. A. Taylor and Laben Shouford,) shoe- makers, Church bet Trade and Fourth Terry Robert P., salesman, Wade & Pegram, bds Tryon bet Trade and Fourth The Bank of Mecklenburg, Tryon bet Trade and Fourth THE CHARLOTTE DEMOJEAT, Wm. A. Yates proprietor, Trade cor Tryon THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, C. Dowd president, A. G. Brenizer, cashier, Trade near Tryon The Eagk Daily and Weekly, establisned August 18G8 at Fayettville, IS'. C, iM. J. McSween editor and proprietor, s s Trade between College and Tryon THE SOUTHERN HOME, D. H. Hill, proprietor, cor Tryon and Fourth, up stairs Thomas Josiah O. book-keeper, Carolina Military Institute, r. Insti tnte THOMAS Col. JOHN P. Supt. and Prof, of History, Belles Letters and Ethics, Carolina Military Institute, r. Institute Thompson James H. (Thompson & Whitley) r. Church bet Trade and Fourth Thompson S. J, bds Tryon bet Fifth and Sixtli Thompson Samuel P. deputy clerk Superior Court, bds Charlotte Hotel 'ihompson William, c, r. C near First Thompson & Whitley (James H. Thompson and Samuel D. Whitley) dry goods, bcots, shoes, groceries, &.c, Trade cor Church Thornburg David M. carpenter, r. Smith bet Eighth and Ninth Thornl)urg John L. (Thornburg & Baker) r. Smith l)et Eighth and Ninth Thornburg Samuel L. carpenter, r. Second bet Church and Mint Thornburg Samuel L., clerk, r. Smith bet Eighth and Ninth Thornburg Sallie, wid., r. College near Trade Thornburg William L., carpenter, r. Smith bet Eighth and Ninth Thornburg & Baker, (John L. Thornburg and Charles M. Baker,) grocers. Trade opp Presbyterian Church TIDDY RICHARD, (Wm. and R. Tiddy,) r. cor Trade and B TIDDY THOMAS H., bkp Tiddy Bro., r. College bet Eighth and Ninth WM. & I TIDDT WARRANT THEIR PAPER TO BE FULL COUNT. Beasley & Emerson''s Charlotte Directory. 83 TIDDY WILLIAM (William & R. Tiddy) r. Lincoln county 'IIDDY WM. & R., [Witt lam and Richard) paper mills, e s Tri/on near Trade TIDDY & BRO , ( William and Richard) Booksellers, /Slalioner's, d-c, e s Trt/on near Trade Timmons King C, (Nazarenus & Timmons) r. Tryon bet Trade and Fourth TIMMONS S. M., saloon, Trade near Tryon, r. Church cor Second Tison Wm., c, driver, J. R. Davidson stables, r, cor Fifth and College Todd Samuel E., car inspector C C & A R K., r. Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Tolar John H., apprentice of Hales & Farrior, bds cor B and Tenth Tomlin Mrs Hester, r. D cor Sixth Toole Gray J., c, barber and baths, under Central Hotel, r. w end Hill Torrence Albert, c, r. Stonewall near E Torrence Alfred, c, r. s end Church Torrence Alfred, c, lab r. Church bet Sixth and Seventh Torrence Dalla, c, truck cleaner C C & A R R. Torrence Dalis, c, r. A near First Torrence G. T. c, r. s end Church Torrence Poke, c, lab, r. Stonewall near E TOWSON SAMUEL, slate-roofer, P. O. Box 15, bds Graham corner Eleventh Trapp Timothy, c, tailor, r. First near D Tremain James, clerk, bds College bet Sixth and Seventh Trezevant R. G. conductor, bds Central Hotel Trimmier James W., clerk for Wilson & Black, r. College between Fifth and Sixth Tri-Weekly Bulletin, E. H. Britton editor and proprietor, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Trotter Alexander G., (Wolf, Barringer & Co.,) bds Trotter House TROTTER HOU-.E, J. Trotter proprietor, e s Tryon near Sixth TROTTER J3SHDA, (Trotter and Wilkinson) and proprietor Trot- ter House, Tryon near Sixth TROTTER & WILKINSON, (Joshua Trotter and Willis T Wilkin- son,) carriage manufacturers, Tryon cor Sixth Tune Matt, c, lab r. s end Mint Tune Paul, c, lab, r. s end Mint Turrentine James M. mail agent N. C. Railroad, r. Myers cor Ninth Turner John, c, r, Morehead near Mint Repairing Neatly Bone at E. J. Allen's. 84 Beasley «£• Emerson^s Charlotte Directory. Turner Robert B. painter, r. s end Church Turner Thomas B. traveling agent, W. J. Black, bds College near Eighth Twitty Alfred, c, servant, cor Churcli and Seventh Twiddy Alfred, c, r. s end Mint U8. ASSAY OFFICE (Branch Mint) C. J. Covvles, assayer, Trade • bet Mint and Graham TJtley John C. boiler maker, r. s end Mint VAIL THOMAS L. Cashier Farmers' Saving Bank, r. Trade cor Myers Vance Chas. N. Teller Commercial National Bank, r. Sixth cor A VANCE ZEBULON B. (Vance & Burwell) r. Sixth cor A VANCE & BURWELL, (Zebulon B. Vance and Armistead Burwell) lawyers Trade cor Church Vance Mrs. Mississippi, r. Tryon bet Seventh and Eighth Vanderburg Martin, blacksmith, r Eighth near E ,. Vanderburg Philmore, harness-maker at SchifF«&Bros., r. Trade near Myers VanLandingham John, (Brem Brown & Co.) r. cor Trade and C VAN NESS JAMES H., photographer, Tryon opp Charlotte Hotel, r. Seventh cor Smith Vita Augustina, musician, r. s end mint Voerge Ed., carpenter, r. Tenth near Graham VOGEL FRITZ, meat market. Trade near Tryon, r. country VOGEL JOHN, tailor, w s Tryon bet Fifth and Trade, r. Cemetary Avenue bet Sixth and Seventh Vogel John, harness-maker, S. M. Howell, r. VOQLER JAMES A , printer, Charlotte Observer office, bds. with Col. Charles E,. Jones, Cemetery Avenue between Sixth and Seventh. Vosher Edmond, carpenter, F. W. Ahrens w ADE RUFUS D., (Wade & Pegram,) r. Company Shops. N. q \ WADE & PEGRAM, {Bufus I). Wade and Samuel S. Pegram,) boots, shoes, hats, trunks, leather and findings, Tryon opj) Central Hotel EUREOUSHS & SPRINGS, Dealers in Perffizers, College comer Poiulli Beasley & EinersotVs Charlotte Db'ectory. 85 Waddell Frank N., r. Trade cor Graham Waddell Joseph, c, porter D A Smith k. Co., r, B b**t Fif'h and Sixth WADSWORTH JOHN W., livery, feed, and sale stable, Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth, r. College bet Sixth and Seventh Wadsvvorth P. W., clerk at N. C. Depot, bds Tryon eor Third Walker Andrew, c, porter, Sanders & Blackwood, r. D near Sixth Walker Eli, c, preacher, r. Stonewall bet D and E Walker Jessie, c, lab r. s end Mint Walker John, c, lab White & Sims, r. C near eor Seventh Walker John, c, servant, cor Tryon & Second Walker Levy J. (Cress well & Walker,) r. Fourth between Church and Mint Walker Mrs. M. L., r. B cor Eighth Walker Simon, c, harness-maker, r. Mint bet First and Second TkN'alker Warren, printer, bds College bet Trade and Fourth Wallace Andy, c, lab r. cor Fourth and C Wallace Mack, r. s end Mint Wallace John, c, servant, Tryon cor Second Wallace William, c, drayman, r. Hill cor Graham Waller Willianp, cigar maker, W. R. Cochrane Wall John C. engineer, r. First near C Walls Fonze, r. Eighth cor Johnson WALSH ADDISON L. buyer, J. Y. Bryce, r Church bet Sixth and Seventh W^dsh Miss F. A. teacher, Charlotte Graded School Walsh Thomas D. clerk, J. S. Williamson, r. cor B and Seventh Ward Wm. W. clerk, C. C. & A. Railroad, r. Morehead near Military Institute Waring Mrs. A. E. teacher, Charlotte Graded School Wearing Robert P. lawyer and State Senator, office Court House, r. B bet Sixth and Seventh Warlick Mrs. C. r. cor College and Sixth Warlick W. M. printer. Observer, bds Cemetery Avenue bet Sixth and Seventh Washington Clarence, c, painter, r. C bet First and Stonewall Washington Henderson, c, mason, r. Ninth bet College and A Washington John, c, porter, Wittkowsky & Rintels, r. s end Mint Washington S. c, waiter, W. R. Cochrane, restaurant Walters Cornelius F., r. Pine bet Eighth and Ninth Waters W. Donald, shipping clerk for Sanders & Blackwood, r. Col- lege near Trade BUY YOUR WATCHES OF ALLEN. 86 Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. Watson John M., foreman of the En, c, lab r. s end Mint West Thomas W., soda- water manufacturer, Tryon rear Elias, Cohen & Roessler Western Union Telegraph Company, R, E. Duke manager, Tryon opp Central Hotel Westmoreland Mark, c, shoemaker, Wethington S. S, fish dealer, r. C bet Tenth and Eleventh Wetmore Wm. H., book-keeper, Sample & Alexander, r. College Whaling Alexander L., Gen. Agent Air Line Railroad, r. Tryon bet Seventh and Eighth Wlialing Thornton C, bill-clerk Air Line Railroad, r. Tryon between Seventh and Eighth Whilhelm William, clerk, Nichols, Burgess & Co., bds Graham cor Seventh Whisnant Charles, (P. S. Whisnant & Son's) r. Tenth bet Pine and Graham Whisnant Clarence L , (P. S. Whisnant & Son's) r. Tenth bet Pine and Graham Whisnant Philip S., (P. S. Whisnant et Son's) r. Tenth bet Pine and Graham WM. & R, TIDDY Make Hardware Paper. Beasley & Emersoii's Charlotte Directory. 87 Wliisnant P. S. & Son's, (Philip S., Charles S. and Clarence L.,) box manuf., Welford, S. C, office Tenth bet Pine and Graham White David, c, r. Third cor E White David P., r Graham bet Tenth and Eleventh White David P. L,, grocer and provisions, e s College bet Trade and Fourth, r. Myers cor Ninth White Duncan, cotton buyer, e s College bet Trade and Fourth, r. Smithville White Edwin H., boot and shoe maker, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fourth, r. Trade bet Tryon and College White Fred, c, lab, r. Fifth cor A White James R. H., grocer, Seventh cor C White Joseph, c. r. near Mint White M. P. C, salesman, Elias, Cohen & Roessler, bds Central Hotel White Robert m!, (White & Sims,) r, Trade cor E White William W., c, grocer, cor Fifth and College, r. country White &Sims, (Robert M. White and James J. Sims) grocers, leather, Ac, Trade bet Tryon and College Whitehurst Mrs. Sai-ah J., widow of William F., r. B bet Eleventh and Twelfth Whitehurst Wm. F., tel. operator, r. B bet Eleventh and Twelfth Whiteside Mrs. L., r. s end C Whitfield Rev. Theo., r. cor A and Sixth Whitley Samuel D. (Thompson & Whitley) r. Second bet Church and Mint Whetmore W. H. book-keeper, Sample & Alexander, bds College bet Sixth and Seventh Wiley H. c, drayman, r. cor College and Sixth Wiley William, tinner, r. Pine bet Eighth and Ninth Wilkes John, Proprietor Mecklenburg Iron Works, w end Trade near Air Line Depot Wilkins Robert R clerk, Wittkowsky t Rintels, bds Charlotte Hotel Wilkinson W^illisT. (Trotter & Wilkinson) r. Tryon near Sixth Wilkinson Thomas, tailor, J. S Phillips, r. B bet Eighth and Ninth Williams Adolphus, c, boot and shoe maker. Trade opp Presbyterian Church, r. Fifth near Graham Williams Edward, painter, r. s end Mint Williams Earnest, machinist, r B bet Tenth and Eleventh Williams Mrs. E. A. R. widow of Rev. J. C. r. w end Trade Williams George J. clerk, J. H. Henderson, r. Seventh "^ E. J- ALLEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 88 Beasley & Emerson's tharlvite Directory. WiHiams Henry, c, servant, Trade bet B and C Williams Henry, e, r, Stonewall bet C and D Williams Henry B, (H. B. Williams & Co.) r. e s Trymi cor Stonewall Williams H. B. & Co, (Henry B. Williams, Samuel B. Meacham and Chas, G. RanKin) g'eneral commission and produce merchants, e 9 College bet Trade and Fourth Williams James, clerk, J. Brookfield Williams James, c, r. Sixth near Myers Williams James L. clerk, F5rem, Brown & Co, bds Tryon near Sixth Williams Joseph A. (Williams & Cormack) r. Seventh bet Smith & Johnson Williams Mrs. L. r. Church bet Third and Fourth Williams Lewis S. salesman, Wittkowsky & Rintels, r. Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Williams Louis V. clerk, H. B. Willi ^ms & Co, r. Tryon near Stone- wall Williams Lewis, c, drayman, r. Fifth bet Tryon and College Williams Mark T. clerk, Brem, Brown & Co, bds cor Trade and Church Williams Monroe, c, shoemaker, r. s end Church Williams T. A., clerk, r. Eighth near Smith Williams William, c, lab, r. s end Mint Williams William A., planter, r. Trade cor D WILLIAMS & CORMACK (Joseph A. Williams and John J. Cor- mack) grocers, cor Trade and A Williamson J. S. & Co., ( James S. Williamson and Ed. B. Vlobley) groceries, wine, liquors, ttc, e s College bet Trade and Fourth Williamson James S., (J. S. Williamson & Co.) r. Trade bet Vlyers and E Williamson John D. clerk, J. S. Williamson & Co, r. s s Trade bet E and Myers Williamson Mrs. L. J. r. s s Trade bet E and Myers Williamson Mrs. Mary, r. Trade bet C and D Wills R. W., carpenter for F. W. Ahrens, bds Graham cor Tenth Wilson Burt, c, fireman C C & A R R Wilson Charles, carriage manuf. Church cor Fifth, r. College corSixth Wilson David, c, r. C bet Stonewall and First Wilson George E, (J. H. Wilson & Son,) r. Trade cor Third Wilson Isaac H., marble yard, Trade near Market Honse Wilson James W., r. cor B and Seventh BDREEOUeHS 4 SPINGS, General Fire Insnrauce Aients. Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. 89 Wilson Jefferson, c, lab, r. Try on bet Tenth and Eleventh Wilson Jefrey, e, porter, r. Filth bet Tryon and College Wilson John, r. Cemetery Avenue bet Second and Third Wilson John e, drayman, r. C near Seventh Wilson John, c, carpenter, r. First bet C and D Wilson John A., N C Railroad agent, bds Central Hotel Wilson John S., N C Railroad agent, bds cor Tryon and Third Wilson Joseph, grocer, r. Seventh oor D Wilson Joseph H., (Wilson & Son.,) Tryon cor Third Wilson Joseph W., grocer I'rade near College, r. cor B and Seventh Wilson J, H. & Son, (Joseph H. and George E.) lawyers, 'iVyon cor Third Wilson Miles, c, lab r. Second near E Wilson Pinckney, clerk, Wilson & Black, r. College cor Sixth Wilson Richard W., salesman, Koopmann and Rothschild Wilson Samuel A., c, drayman R. B. Alexander & Co., r. Tryon bet Seventh and Eighth Wilson Mrs. T. B. r. Tenth near Graham Wilson Washington, c, lab, r. cor D and Eighth Wilson Wm. cigar maker, bds Fourth ne.ir College Wilson William M. (Wilson & Black) r. College bet Sixth and Seventh Wilson Wm. c, driver, City Flour Mills WILSON & BLACK, (William M. Wilson and William J. Black) wholesale and retail druggists, Trade cor College Wimbush Lucius, c, clerk, Phifer & Edy Windle W^m. F. tanner. White and Sims, r. Myers bet Seventh and Sixth Windle Mrs. W. r. Tryon near Stonewall '' Withers E. c, lab. r. Seventh bet Tryon and Church Witherspoon Robert S. r. e s Tryon cor First Wlttkowsky Samuel (Wittkowsky & Rintels) r. Tryon bet Third and Fourth Wittkowsky & Rintels (Samuel Wittkowsky and Jacob Rintels) dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats, caps and clothing, wholesale and retail. Trade bet Tryon and Church Woolen John, plasterer, r. Fourth bet Church and Mint Wolfe, Barringer & Co., (Samuel C. Wolfe, Martin L. Barringer and Alexander G. Trotter) dry-«goods, clothing, hardware, boots, phoes, hats and caps. Trade bet Tryon and Church 9 LARGE ASSORTMENT WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, AT ALLEN'S 90 Beasley & Emersori^s Charlotte Directory. Wolfe Samuel C, (Wolfe, Barringer & Co.,) r. Sixth Wolfe Martin M., (Wolfe k Nisbet,) r. Morehead near Tryon Wolfe & Nisbet, (Martin i\I. VVolfe and George G. Nisbet) grocers, s w corner Trade and College Wood Edward W. telegraph operator. Air Line Railroad, bds Church cor Trade Woods E. H., carpenter, r. n end Tryon Woodward John, carpenter, J. Asbury Wootons Express, J. M. Leak, agent, Tryon opp Central Hotel Workman Freeman, c, blacksmith, r. Stonewall near E Wray Julius A. clerk, Walter Brem & Martin, r. Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Wright James M., salesman, Brem, Brown ct Co., r, A bet Eighth and Ninth Wriston Lloyd R., clerk, Wilson and Black, r. Church cor Eighth Wriston Mrs. L. M., wid of Simuel, r. Church cor Eighth Wriston Miles L., r. n s Trade bet B and C YATES WILLIAM J., editor and proprietor Charlotte Democrat, Trade cor Tryon, r. s end Tryon near Morehead Yergen Henry, c, mechanic, r. Myt-rs bet Seventh and Eighth Young Ernest F,, bkp, The Commercial National Bunk, r. I'ryon bet Eleventh and Twelfth Young Henry, c, r. cor Graham and Trade Young Isaac, c, shoemaker, r. Fifth Young John A., (J. A. Young and Son,) r. Tryon cor Twelfth Young J. Alphonso. (J. A.Young & Son,) r Church bet Ninth & Tenth YOUNG J. A. & SON., (John A. & J. Alphonso Young,) clothiers, hats, caps, gent's furnishers, &c., e s Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Young John G., railroad solicitor, bds Church cor Seventh Young Mrs. S. V., wid of Robert, r. cor Tryon and Tenth BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CHARLOTTE FOB 1875-76. BEING A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE ENTIRE BUSINESS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO HEADINGS. — ^ S " -^ H8Kc— ^ Agricultural Works and Implements. CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL WORKS, W. F. Cook, proprietor, Trade cor A Johnston J. F., eor Trnde and A Ale and Beer. Ludwig P., Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Architects. Appleget G. S. H., Fourth bet College and Tryon Phillips W, r. Fifth bet C and D Welch George, s w cor Trade and College, up stairs Auction and Commission. Brookfleld John, n s Trade one door from College Byrne W., Trade opp Court House Harrison C. F., Trade cor Church Repairing Neatly Done at E. J. Allen's. 92 Beasley & EmersorVs tharlotte Directory. Bagging and Ties. Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co. s w cor Trade and College Bakers and Confectioners. [See also Confectioners ) Andrews F. H. & Co. Tryon 4 doors al)Ove Trade Holton C. S & Co, Trade opposite Market Prather VV. N. &■ Co. Trade one door above the Market Rebman F. J. w s Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth RI6LER, D. M., Tryon opp Central Hotel Banks and Bankers. [For full iyiformation see Appendix.) Farmers' Savings Bank, S. P Smith Pres't, T L Vail, Cashier, Trade bet Tryon and College First National Bank of Charlotte, N C, Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Merchants and Farmers' National Bank, n s Trade bet College and Tryon The Commercial National Bank, Trade near Tryon The Bank of Mecklenburg, James T. Tate president, Thomas W. Dewey cashier, Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Barbers. Bethel Jerre, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Pethel & Sumner, Spring's Building, Trade near Tryon Toole Gray J., Tryon under Central Hocel Baths- Toole Gray J., Tryon under Central Hotel Billiard Halls. Cochrane W. R., Tryon under Central Hotel Nazarenus & Timmons, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Bitters. . Koopmann's, E. Koopmann proprietor, Trade bet Tryon Drucker, L., Tryon, cor Fifth Henry, B. C , Trade, bet B and C Jefferson, Thomas, Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Lockhart, Wm., Fourth bet Tryon and College McNinch, H. A., Mrs., Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth Miller .Vrs. A. W., n s Trade cor Graham Pitt, Perry, cor C and Second Pressley, Mrs. L. E , Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Stoney, Mrs. James, Trade cor Church Books and Stationery. Brem, Brown & Co., Trade bet Tryon and College Phifer, R. S., Tryon opp Central Hotel PUREFOY, J. K., Tryon three doors above Trade TIDDY & BRO. e s Tryon. near Trade Boots and Shoes. ( Wholesale and Retail.) Elias, Cohen & Roessler, Tryon opposite Charlotte Hotel McMurray & Davis, Trade between College and Tryon SAMPLE & ALEXANDER, Trade bet Tryon and Church Smith & Forbes, n s Trade bet Tryon and College WADE & PEGRAM, Tryon opposite Central Hotel WiHkowsky & Rintels, Trade bet Tryon and Church BUY YOUR WATCHES OF ALLEN. 94 Beasley & Emerson''s Charlotte Directory. <^ Boots and Shoes. { Dealers.) ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & CO. Trade bet Tryon and Church COHN W., Tryon bet Fifth and Trade Frankford S., Trade bet Tryon and College Frankenthall S., Trade near Court House Hayes & McGinn, Trade cor Church Henderson J. H., Trade opposite Court House Landecker, S., Trade bet Tryon and Church Lum, D., Trade bet Tryon and College Moyer, J., Trade cor Tryon Thompson & Whitley, Trade cor Church Boot and Shoe Manufacturers and Makei's.. ^..--^^ Austin, D., South Trade bet College and A COHN, W., Tryon bet Fifth and Trade. \ GILBERT, S. M., Trade bet Tryon and College \ McKane, Paul, Tryon bet Fifth and Sixth NORRIS, H. J. Fourth bet Tryon and College SAMPLE & ALEXANDER, Trade bet Tryon and Church Taylor, Mack, east side Tryon bet Fourth and Third 7 Taylor & Sheuford, Church bet Trade and Fourth / White, E. H., east side Tryon between Trade and Fourth Williams A., Trade opp Presbyterian Church Box Manufacturers- Whisnant P. S. & Son's, Tenth bet Pine and Graham Brick. (Makers.) Murray P., n Ind Tryon I ^ Brokers— Merchandise [See also Cotton and Commisson,) ^ Gregory W. H. H., s s College near Trade Sclater & Brock enbrough, w s College bet Trade and Fourth BURROO&HS & SPRIN&S. Dealers in Lime, Cement aul Plaster. Beastey & Emerson^ s Charlotte Directory. 95 Brokers. [Real Estate. Drayton Thomas F., Trade near Tryon ^^^^4/^, ^r^,^^^ Butchers. {^See meat market. Candy Manufacturers. Andrews F. H. ^ K Carpenters and Builders. {See also Contractors and Builders.) Keistler R. S>, Churcii bet Third and Fourth Robinson & Eliott, Tryon bet Fifth and iSixth Stauffer M. A., Church nr First Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c. Alexander, Seigle & Co. Trade opposite Court House Elias, Cohen & Roessler, Tryon opposite Charlotte Hotel McMurray & Davis, Trade between College and Tryon Wittkowsky & Rintels, Trade bet Tryon and Church Wolfe, Barringer & Co. Trade bet Tryon and Church r Carriage and Wagon Manufacturers. PTncher S. A., College between Fifth and Sixth McCracken R. C, cor College and Sixth Trotter & Wilkinson, cor Tryon and Sixth Wearn W. S., Sixth near College Wilson C, Church cor Fifth Carriage and Wagon Dealers. SIRRINE G. W., Agent, e s College bet Trade and Fourth r I \ "< Carriage Material. / Brem, Brown k Co., north side Trade bet Tryon and College i i, BUY YOUR WATCHES OF ALLEN. % Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. ChiBa, Glass and Q,ueeosware. llarty, Jas. Trade near Court House Henderson, J. H., Trade opp Court House ^ Cigars and Tobacco. Andrews, F. H. & Co., Tryon 4 doors above Trade COCHRANE, W. R., Tryon bet National and Mecklenburg Banks MENDEL JACOB M., Trade bet Tryon and Church Nisbet, A. R. & Bro., Trade bet Tryon and Church PUREFOY, J. K., Tryon 3 doors above Trade Rigler, D. M., Tryon opp Central Hotel Civil Engineers. -^ Allen, T. H., Tryon opp Central Hotel Clothing. ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & CO. Trade bet Tryon and Church Elias, Cohen & Roessler, Tryon opposite Charlotte Hotel Frankford S., Trade between Tryon and College Frankenthall S., Trade near Court House Henderson J. H., Trade opposite Court House Landecker S., Trade between Tryon and Church Lum D., Trade bet Tryon and College McMurray & Davis, Trade bet College and Tryon Moyer J., Trade cor Tryon Wolfe, Barringer & Co. Trade bet Tryon and Church YOUNG J. A. & SON, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fifth y Coal Dealers. Gregory W. H. H., Carolina Central Railroad Depot Collecting Agents. Glover F. H., A cor Eighth Commission Merchants. {See also Brokers. ) Miller R. M. & Son's, College cor Fourth TIDDY & BRO. Sell Photogi-apTis arid Pictures. ^ ^___ . . f '-^-— T 1/ Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. 97 •' OATES BROTHERS, College near Fourth Perdue L. \V., Tra4e bet College and A \ Commissioners of Deeds. Burvvell A., Trade cor Church Dewey F. H. for State of New York, at The Bank of Mecklenburg, Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Confectioners. {See a/so Bakers.) Andrews F. H. & Co., Tryon four doors above Trade Long N. M. & Co., Trade opp Court House Nisbet A. R. & Bro., Trade bet Tryon and Church PUFvEFOY J. K., Tryon three door above Trade Wolfe & Nisbet, cor College and Trade Contractors and Builders. {See also Carpenters and Builders ) Ahrens F. VV., Railroad, w end Eleventh ASBURY J., w s A between Fifth and Sixth Cape Fear Building Co. F. H. Allen agent,. Tryon opp Central Hotel Crockett & Stewart, n s Trade bet College and A Murray P., Tryon cor Twelfth ROBINSON & ELLIOTT, Tryon between Fifth and Sixth Cotton Buyers, Factors, and Commission Merchants. {See also Commission Merc/uvits.) Bryce J. Y., Trade between College and A Gregory W. H. H., e s College near Trade Johnston James F., Agent Direct Trade Union, cor Trade and A Macaulay D, & Co. over Merchants' and Farmers' Bank, Trade bet Tryon and College McLaughlin Joseph, e s College near Trade McMurray & Davis, Trade bet College and Tryon Meacham S. B., Agent, e s College bet Trade and Fourth MILLER R. M. & SONS, northwest cor College and Fourth 10 E. J. ALLEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 98 Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. Millett, Thomas M. Jr., east side College near Trade GATES BROTHERS, College near Fourth Sanders & Blackwood, east side College near Trade Stenhouse, Maeaulay & Co., s w oor Trade and College, up stairs Hutherlin & Johnston, Trade one door below College White, Duncan, east side College bet Trade and Fourth Willia^mson J. S. & Co., east side College bet Trade and Fourth * • ^' , ' W Dentists Alexander, A W., Tryon, Parks building Blah*& Simpson, Tryon opp Charlotte Hotel Hojfyhari, W. H., Trade over Nisbet & Bro's store ; Directory Publishers. BEASLEY & EMERSON Y Dollar Store. J* ,^ Hunt Jesse, Trade opp Court House. Dress and Cloak Makers. Farrington M. E. & S. J., Tryon bet Trade and Fifth, up stairs. Hart Miss Alice, Fifth bet A and College HERRON MRS. JANE, Trade next door to Alexander. Seigle & Co. Query Mrs. P., e s Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Wittkowsky & Rintels, Trade bet Tryon and Church Draggists. Burwell W. R. & Co., cor Tryon and Trade McAden John H., Tryon cor Trade Scarr F., Tryon two doors above Trade Smith T. C. & Co., Tryon cor Trade opp Central Hotel WILSON & BLACK, Trade cor College Dry Goods- ( Wholesale and Retail. ) Ellas Cohen & Roessler, Tryon opp Charlotte Hotel BORRODGHS & SPRINSS, deueral kmK SolQWe Pacific Gnauo Compiy, Capital $1,000,000. Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. 99 hurch McMurray &^ Davis, s s Trade bet College and Tryon Wittkowsky k Rintels. n s Trade bet Church and Tryon Dry Ooods. ALEXANDER, SEIGLE k CO. Trade bet Tryon and C Byrne Walter, Trade opposite Court House Frankford S., Trade bet Tryon and College Frankenthall S., Trade near Court House Henderson J, H., Trade opposite C'ourt House Landeeker S. Trade bet Tryon and Church Lindy J., Trade near College Luin D., Trade bet Tryon & College Moyer J., Trade cor Tryon Thompson & Whitley, Trade cor Church Wolfe, Barrlnger & Co., Trade bet Tryon and Church Embroidery. Koopinann & Rothschild, Trade bet Tryon and College Express Companies. ^^/^//^ Southern Express Co.. Geo. H. King Agt, Tryon opp Central Hote, Wooten's, J. M. Leak, Agt, Tryon opp Central Hotel Fancy Goods. [See also Notions.) Fletcher Mrs. M. A., Trade opp Presbyterian Church Koopmann & Rothschild, Trade bet Tryon and Church Fertilizers. BURROUGHS & SPRINGS. College cor Fourth Chalk, G. W. & Co , n e cor Trade and College HUTCHISON, E. NYE & SON, e s Trade and College, Parks build'g Johnston, J. F., cor Trade and A Mayer, Grey & Ross, Trade cor College McLaughlin, Joseph, e s College nr Trade lAEGE ASSORTMENT WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRT, AT ALLEN'S 100 Beasley & Emerwn'» Charlotte Directory. MILLER R. M. & SONS, cor College and Fourth iStenhouse Macaulay & Co., s w cor Trade and College Fish, Game and Oysters. Gardner J. C, & s Trade near Tryon Flour and Feed. {/See also Produce.) Alexander R. B, & Co., e s College bet Trade and Fourth Burwell & Springs, cor Tryon & Fourth Charlotte City Mills, Johnson cor Ninth Chalk G. W. & Co , n e cor Trade and College Magill, Heath & Scott, e s College bet Trade and Fourth Mayer, Gray & Ross, n w cor Trade and College MILLER R. M. & SON'S, u w cor College and Fourth Perdue L. W., Trade bet College and A White D. P. L., e s College bet Trade and Fourth Williams H. B. & Co., e s College bet Trade and Fourth Williamson J.S. & Co., e s College bet Trade and Fourth Wolfe & Nisbet, s w cor Trade and College Flour Mills. Charlotte City Flour Mills, Johnson, cor Ninth Jacob Duls, Fifth bet Tryon and College Foundries. {See also Machine Shops.) Wilkes, John, west end Trade near Air Line Depot Fruit. Wholesale and Retail. Andrews, F. H. & Co., Tryon 4 doors above Trade Rigler, D. M., Tryon opp Central Hotel SIRRINE, G. W., es College bet Trade and Fourth Tiddy & Bro. hare Full Line of Charlotte Views, Beasley & Emerson\s Charlotte Directory. 101 Furniture. BURGESS NICHOLS & CO., 5 loest Trade near Court House SMITH, D. A. & CO., south Trade bet College and A Gents' Furnishing Goods. [iSee also Clothiers.) McMurray & Davis, Trade bet College andTryon Phillips. J. S., Tryon under Central Hotel YOUNG, J. A. & SON, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Grocers. * ( Wholesale and Retail.) Alexander R. B. & Co., e s College bet Trade and Fourth Black W. J., s s Trade bet College and Tryon Burvvell tt Springs, cor Tryon and Fourth Chalk G. W. & Co., n e cor Trade and College Elias Cohen & Roessler, Tryon opp Charlotte Hotel Magill, Heath & Scott, e s College bet Trade and Fourth Mayer, Grey aud Ross, Trade cor College McLaughlin Joseph, e s College near Trade MILLER. K. M. & SONS, n w cor College and Fourth Nisbet A. R & Bro., Trade bet Tryon and Church Perdue L. W., Trade bet College and A White D. P, L., e s College bet Trade and Fourth Wittkowsky it Rintels, Trade bet Tryon and Church Wolfe & Nisbet, s w cor College and Trade Groceries and Provisions. Arledge McD., cor College and Second Bartley Mrs. R. E., Stonewall near Church Beasley Charles, Tryon bet Eighth and Ninth Boyte J. C. T., Seventh cor D CRESVVELL & WALKER, Trade cor Church Crowell W. M., vv s College bet Fifth and Trade Cuthbertson W. F., Trade one door below College Davidson J. S. M., Trade bet Eighth and Ninth Repairing Neatly Done at E. J. Allen's. 102 Beasley & Emerson^s Charlotte Directory. Davis & Co Tryoii bet Sixth and Seventh Edwards & Moody, First near C Frankenthall S., Trade near Court House Freeland R. A., Cullege bet Fifth and Sixth Freeland & Durham. Trade opposite Presbyterian Church Giles, Butler k Co., Trade opposite Market Gocding VV. B., Trade opposite Court House Gray Nat, Trade opposite Presbyterian Church Hannon W. A., n s Trade bet College and A Heekin i\i: Bradshaw, Trade opposite Court House Hayes & McGinn, Trade cor Church Henderson W. M., s end Tryon Hirst M., cor College and Vance Holton C. H. & Co.. Trade opposite Market o HOTTENDORF & HASHAGEN, Tryon opposite Charlotte Hotel Litaker H., Trade opposite Presbyterian Church Long W. M. & Co., Trade opposite Court House Moody Geo. L., cor C and Seventh Northey J., s end Church Overcarsh, W. J. A., n s Trade between College and A Phifer & Edy, Trade one door below Market House Piatt James, Trade bet Church and Vlint Rimer J. L., Church cor Fourth Roark W., Graham cor Eleventh Rorborough E. P., cor Eighth and Smith Schenck & Nocho, Trade cor Cemetery Avenue Smith B. N., n s Trade near College Symons & Co., cor Tryon and Fifth Thompson & Whitey, Trade cor Church Thomberg &: Baker, Trade opp Presbyterian Church Timmons S M., Trade near Tryon White J. R. H., Seventh cor C White W. W., cor Fifth and College White ct Sims, n % Trade bet Tryon ct College Williams tfc Cormack, cor Trade and A Wilson J. W., n s Trade bet College and Fiftn / Grain. ^ < : . / ur\^e|l & Springs, cor Tryon and Fourth BIIRROU&HS I SPRINGS, Dealers in Fertilizers, College corner Fonrtti. Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. 103 \ Chalk G. W. & Co., n e cor Trade and College Long tt Brc, e s College bet Trade and Fourth Magill, Heath & Scott, e s College bet Trade and Fourth Sumrovv & Minton, e s College bet Trade and Fourth White, D. P. L., es College bet Trade and Fourth Williams, H. B. & Co., es College bet Trade and Fouath Williamson, J. S. & Co., es College bet Trade and Fourth Gun and Locksmith. Kuester, F., es Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Taylor, W., es Tryon bet Trade and Fifth OuDs, Pistols, &c. Brem, Brown & Co., ns Trade bet Tryon and College Brem W^alter Singer Manufacturing Company, G. P., Badger, manager, Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Sheet Music PHIFER R. S., Tryon opp Central Hotel TIDDY & BRO., Tryon near Trade Shoemakers. {See Boot and S/ioe-nia^eri^ ) BORROUGHS & SPRINGS, General Aleuts SoInWe Pacific Gnano Company, Capital $1,000,000. Beasley & Emerson's Charlotte Directory. 115 Soda Water Manufacturers. West T. W., Tryon rear Elias Cohen & Roessler Stoves and Tin Ware. Dougherty George, B cor PJIeventh Gaston, A. A., & Co., e s Trade near Tryon MOORE, R., Trade near Court House v ^I'^^^f^^ Smut Machines. Brem, Brown ^V,o., n s Trade bet Tryon and College Tan Yards. Schiff & Bro., s s Trade near College, Yard east end Trade^ White & Sims, Myers cor Seventh 7 ^>. Tailors. Elani, S. S., College near Trade PHILLIPS JAMES S., Tryon under Central Hotel Trapp, Timothy, Trade bet Tryon and College Vogei. John, w s Tryon bet Fifth and Trade Telegraph Companies. Southern and Atlantic, T.' C. Joyner manager, Tryon opp Central Hotel Western Union, R. E. Duke manager, Tryon opp Central Hotel I Ten Pin Alley. Chapman, R. P., e s Tryon bet Trade and Fourth Moorehea<*l & Phifer, near Market House Tobacco Manufacturers. Heineman, J., east end Trade Leak, D. R., & Son, Fifth bet C and D ^ Tiddy & Bro. Sell Ladies' and Business Envelopes. 116 Beasley & Emerson^ s Charlotte Directory. Trunks. McMurray & Davis, Trade bet College and Try on SAMPLE & ALEXANDER, Trade bet Tryon and Church Smith &. Forbes, n s Trade bet Tryon & College WADE & PEGRAM, Tryon opp Central Hotel Undertakers. BURGESS NICHOLS & CO., 5 w Trade near Court House SMITH D. A. & CO., n s Trade bet College and A Upholsteres. HELMUND A., Trade bet Tryon and Church Einstein S., Tryjn near Trade Vegetables. Johnston J. C, Market House Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. ALLEN E J., Tryon under Central Hotel Butler J. T., Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Hales &, Farrior, e s Tryon bet Trade and Fifth Nuttkll J. O. H., Trade cor Church White Goods. Koopmann & Rothschild, Trade bet Tryon and Church Willow and Wooden Ware. Brem, Brown & Co., n s Trade bet Tryon and College Wines and Liquors. Black W-. J., s s Trade bet College and Tryon COCHRANE W. R., Tryon under Central Hotel Smith B. N., n s Trade near College Symons & Co,, cor Tryon and Fifth Williamson J. S., & Co., e s College bet Trade and Fourth APPENDIX. CITY GOVERNMENT. Declaration of Independence May '2.0, \11^. Cit> Charter Ratified April 12, 1866 Municipal Election First Monday in May. City Officers. MAYOR. City Clerk and Treasurer — " Attorney— " Engineer — " Assessor — " Weighers — " Marshal and Tax Collector- Street Commissioner- Clerk of the Market- Sexton— City Council. Meets the third Monday in each month, at City Hall, over Market Hou.se. ALDERMEN. First Ward — Second Ward — Third Ward— Fourth Ward — % \ 118 Appendix. Police Department. Chief of Police- City Court. Mayor Judge — Meets every morning 9 a. m. Jail- County Jail,. Tryon corner Sixth. J. Orr, Jailor. Fire Department James II. Orr, Chief; D. M. Rigler, First Assistant; C. T. Walker, Second Assistant; H. D. Leak, Secretary; A. E. Rankin, Treasurer. Hornet Steam Fire Engine No. 1, Church between Trade and Fifth. F. H. Glover, Secretary. ^ Pioneer Steam Fire Engine No. 2, Church between Trade and Fifth. George Taylor, Secretary. Independent Hook and Ladder Company No. 2, Trade between Church and Poplar. P. H. Phelan, Secretary. Yellow Jacket Fire Company No. 3 (colored) Tryon between Trade and Fourth. , Secretary. County Officers. Court House, Trade corner Church. Treasurer, S. E. Belk; Register, Wm. Maxwell; Sheriff, M. E. Alexander; Clerk, J. R. Erwin; School Examiners, J. B. Boone, W. M. Hunter, M. A. Barrier; Surveyor, John E. Moore; Coroner, Wm. Alexander. Appendix. 119 County Courts. Superior Court— Meets, Sprinj? Term, eighth Monday after the fourth Monday in Man-li. Fall Term, eighth Monday after the fourth Monday in September. February Term, last Monday in February. August Term, last Monday in August. David Schenclc, Judge; W. J. Montgomery, Solicitor. Probate Court always in session. J. 11. p>vvin, Judge. Government of North Carolina Curtis H. Brogden of Wayne, Governor; John B. Neathery, Pri vate Secretary ; R. F. Armfield of Iredell, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate; VV. H. Howerton of llowan. Secretary of Slate ; David A. Jenkins of Gaston, Treasurer ; A. D. Jenkins, Tell er; Donald W. Bain, Chief Clerk; John Reilly of Cumberland, Auditor; William P. Wetherell, Chief Clerk ; S. D. Pool of Craven, Supt. of Public Instruction; John C.Gorman of Wake, Adjutant General ; T. L. Hargrove of Granville, Attorney General ; W. C. Kerr, Mecklenburg, State Geologist ; Thomas R. Purnell of Forsythe, Librarian ; Henry M. Miller of Wake, Keeper of the Capitol. Institutions. The University of North Carolina is at Chapel Hill. The Insti- tion for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, the Insane Asylum and the State Penitentiary are at Raleigh Supreme Court. Richmond M. Pearson of Yadkin, Chief Justice. Edwin G. Keade of Person, Associate Justice. Wm. B Rodman of Beaufort, " " W. P. Pynum of Mecklenburgh, " '• Thomas Settle of Guilford, u ». Tazewell L. Hargrove of Granville, Reporter. W. H. Bagley of Wake, Clerk. D. A. Wicker of Wake, Marshal .Meets in RaleighOn the lirst Monday in January and .June. United States Internal Revenue. I. J. Young, Collector Fourth District, office at Raleigh ; P. W. Perry, Supervisor Caralinas, Ac, office at Raleigh ; Charles Perry, Assistant Supervi-or, office at Raleigh. 120 Appendix. Mint. Branch Mint of the United States at Charli)tte Military. Mecklenburg Zouaves — Armory Col lege between Trade and Fourth. N. C. Harry, Captain; W. H. Gray, First Lieutenant; W. B. Overby, Second Lieutenant; H. McSinith, Orderly Sergt. Banks. Farmers' Savings Bank, Trade St.; incorporated 1872; capital $100,000; authorized capital $1 ,000,000. Officers— S. P. Smith, Pres't, T. L. Vail, Cashier; C. X. G. Butt, Asst. Cashier. Directors— John E. Brown, E. C. Grier, J. W. McMurray, B. H. Moore, W. W. Grier, J. W. Wadsworth, A. Macaulay, R. I. McDowell, S. P. Smith. Merchants and Farmers' National Bank, Trade St.; incorporated 1871; capital $200,000. Officers— T. H. Brein, Pres't, J. K Holland, Cashier, A. B. Davidson, Vice Pres't, F. S. De Wolfe, Asst. Cashier. Directors— T. H. Brem, A. B. Davidson, J. H. Wilson, J. E. Sten- house, E. M. Holt, J. H. McAden, H. C. Springs, W. M. Smith, C. L. S. Corpening. The Bank of >[ecklenburg, Tryon between Trade and Fourth — Authorized capital $500,000; J. T. Tate, President, T. W.»Dewey, Cashier, F. W. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. The Commercial National Bank, Trade St. — Incorporated ; capital Offlcers— C. Dowd, Pres't; A. G. Brenizer, Cashier; C. W. Vance, Teller. Directors— W. J. Black, C. Dowd, J. H. Holt, Wm. Johnston, L. S. Holt, J, McLaughlin, R. M, Miller, J. L. Morehead, R. M. White, M. Melchor, Wm. E. Holt. The First National Bank of Charlotte, N. C, Tryon St.— Organized 1865; authorized capital $500,000; paid up capital $400,000. Offlcers— R. Y. McAden, Pres't; W. K. Myprs, Vice Pres't; M. P. Pegram. Cashier. Directors — R. Y. McAden, Rufus Barringer, W. R. Myers, John L. Brown, R. M. Dates, S. A. Cohen, S. B. Alexander. Building' and Loan Associations. Mechanics' Building and Loan Association — Meets at Merchants and Farmers' Bank every Saturday night. Capital $200,000. A Macaulay, President; J. R. Holland, Sec'y and Treasurer. AppeniUx. 121 The Me'-klenburg' Building and Loan Association — Meet^s at R. E. (oc'hranf's office every Saturday night. Capital $800,000. J. S. riiiilips, ['resident : F. H. Dewey, Sec'y and Treasurer. The Charlotte Buihling and Loan Association — Meets at II. E. ("ochrane's office every Tuesday evening. Authorized capital $'^'^).■ 000. J. S. Phillips, President; F. H. Dewey, Sec'y and 'I'reasurer. Railroads. *0 Atlanta .\xd Rhiimoxd Air Line Railway Companv.— L. P. Grant, receiver ; Joiin R. Macmurdo, general freight agent ; S. E. Allen, general ticket agent; John G. Peck, master transportation ; M. C. Di.xon, pa.ss agent • < ;. H. Overman, agent at Charlotte. Gen- eral offices, Richmond Va., Charlotte, N. C., w end Trade. Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railway Co>ri\\NY.— Wm. R.Myers, president; J. J. Gorniley, superintendant, office Col lege cor Fourth. W. W. Pegram, agent, office Fourth cor A. Carolina Centr.\l Railway.— C. H. Roberts, president; S. L. Fremont, chief engineer and superintendant; W. H. Allen, mas- ter transportation ; F. W. Clark, general freight agent ; V. Q. Johnson assistant superintendant; S. L. Galloway, agent at Char- lotte, (leneral offices, Wilmington, N. C, Charh)tte office n end Trvon street. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railway.— Col. J. B. Talmer, president; C. Bouknight, .secretary and treasurer; James Anderson, general superintendant; A. Pope, general freight and pass agent; W. \\'. Pegram, iigent at Charlotte, N. C. Geneml Offict'S Columbia. S. C. Richmond, Danville and North Carolina Division— A. iS. Bulord, president ; T. M. R. Talcolt, superintendant ; S. E. Allen, general ticket and pi\ss agent ; J A. Wilson, agent at Charlotte N. C. (ieneral office.-*, Richn>ond, Va. Charlotte office A between Sec- ond and Third. 1.'} . 122 Appendix. Churches. Baptist -B cor Seventh St.— Rev. Theo. Whitfield, pastor. Service.s 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Sunday School 9 A. M. Episcopal (St. Peter's)— Tryon cor Seventh— Rev. B. S. Bronson, rector. Services 11 A. .\l. and 6 P. M. Lutheran (St. Mark's) — Tryon between Eighth and Ninth. Pas- tor, Rev. Methodist— Church Street Methodist Church, Church St. near Vance— Rev. W. S. Haltom, pastor. Services 1 1 A. .M. and 7 P. M. Tryon Street .Methodist Episcopal Church, Tryon cor Sixth Rev- P. .1. Carraway, pastor. Services 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School 4 P. M. First Presbyterian Church, Trade between Church and Cemetery Avenue, Rev. A. VV. Miller, pastor Services 11 A. M. and 7,30 P. .M. Sunday School 3.30 P. M. Second Presbyterian, Tryon betvy^en Fifth and Sixth, Rev. Y.. H. Hardin, pastor. Services 11 A. jjf. and 7.30 P. M. Associate Reformed ChapeJ^Tollege c( pastor. Services 11 A. "Sl^^cX 3.30 P. M Associate Reformed ChapeJ^ College cor Fifth, Rev. Wm. Hunter, Roman Catholic (^. Peter's), Tryon cor First, Rev. J. B. Hand, pastor. ServicesJW'^SO A. M. and 4.30 P. M. Colored Churches. Eben^er Baptist, Third cor D, Rev. H. Washington,] cist, south end church, Edward Eagle, pastor, lodist, Z. Pea-sel, pastor, jion Methodist, Mint bet First and Second, W. J. Moore, pastor. Presbyterian, Seventh cor College, Stephl&n Matoon, pastor. Societies— Secret and Benevolent Excelsior Lodge No. 261— Meets at Masonic Temple Building, Trade St., opposite Charlotte Hotel, every Tuesday night. S. Witt- kowsky, W. M,; C. W. Ale.xander, S. W.; James H. Orr, J. W.; J. H- Appendix, 123 \'an Ness, Treasurer; Thos. Symons, Secretary ; D.G. Maxwell, S. D.; J. A. Young, Jr., J. D.; Wm. R Cochrane, Tyler. Charlotte Chapter No. 89— Meets Masonic Temple Building every Friday night. S. Wittskowsky, H. P.; Louis Williams, K.; J. Rudi- sill, 8.; C. W. Alexander, C. H.; C. A. Frazier, P. S.; T. W. Dewey, R. A. C; J. W. Wadsworth, G. M., 1st V.; C. H. Elms, G. M., 2d V ; J. Heineman, G. M., 3d V.; J. Roe.ssler, Treasurer; E. H White, Secretary; H. G. Springs, Tyler. Phalanx Lodge No. 31— Meets at Masonic Temple Building every Monday night. F. H. Glover, W. M.; L. R. Wriston, S. W.; J. B. Ross, J. W. ; A. G. Trotter, Treasurer; W. H. Hoffman, Secretary; B. R. Grey, S. D.; W. M.Smith, .J. D.; C. C. Smith, Tyler. Odd Fellows. 1. O. O. F,— Mecklenburg Declaration liodge No. 9- .Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, over Merchants' National Bank, Trade bet Tryon and' College, every Tuesday. W. A. Owens, N. G.; C. T. Walker, V. G.; George W. Duke, Secre'^ary ; J. M. Kendrick, Treasurer. Knights of Pythias. ,y^ Charlotte Lodge No. 17 — Meets at Masonic Temple Building, Tryon opposite Charlotte Hotel, every Thursday night. W. C. Black- wood, C. C; H. C. Jones, V. C ; C. R. Jones, Prelate; C. D. Snow, K. of R. ct S.; J. W. Miller, M. of E.; D. P. Hutchison, M. of F. Temperance. I. O. of G. T. — Hesperian Lodge No. 9, meets every Friday night at Hall over Commercial National Bank, Trade bet Tryon and Col- m lege. G. B. Hanna, W. (\ T.; Miss Emma Eagle. W. V. T.; Miss Mattie Motley. Secretary ; .1. F. Butt. Treasurer. 124 Append i.r. Miscellaneous Societies. Local Board of Underwriters of Charlotte, N. C— E. Nye Hutelii- son, President- R. A. Sprlngfs. Secretary; R. E. Cochrane, R. A. Sprinsj^s and C. F. Harrison, Rate Committee. Young Men's Christian Association, meets at Y. M. C. A. Hall, over Commercial Bank, Trade between Tryon and College, every Tuesday night. A. Shorter Caldwell, President ; D.H.Anderson, Vice President. George B. Hanna, Sec'y ; 8. O. Smith, Treasurer. The Caladdnia Club of Charlotte, N. C, meets Trade opposite Court House, flrst and third Monday of each month. A. Macaulay, Presi- dent; R. Macdonald, Treasurer; Wm Philip, Recording Secretary ; A. Graham, Corresponding Secretary. Western North Carolina Land Company — Office Trade cor Church, up stairs. J. Cireer Ralston, President; W. VV. Fletnniing, Vice President ; J. R. Ralston, Secretary and Treasury. Hebrew Benevolent Society — Meets Tryon between Trade and Fourth, first Sunday in each month. H. Baumgarten, President: J. Rothschild, Vice President; D. (Joldberg, Secretary; S. Cohen, Treasurer. /^'^^ , P. ■^ SOBCOOJL.S. CAROLINA MILITARY INSTITUTE. OFFICERS AND PEOFESSOES. Col. J. P. Thonias, Superintendent and Professor of History, Belles- Lettres and Ethics. Capt. J. Colton Lynes, Professor Modern Languages, and in charge of Commercial Department. Appendix. 1 2o <'a|)t. William Cain, Professor '>f Mathematics and Engineering. First Lieut. C. Woodward Hutson, Professor of Ancient Languages, and Assistant Profe.-sor of IJistory, Belles-Lettres and P^tliics. First Lieut. Robert T. Harper, Head of preparatory Department, and assistant Professor Matiiematics. Cadet Christopher P^itzsimons, Qu:irtermaster. Joseph Giaham, NL D,, Surgeon. A Military College with an Ai.xiliary Preparatory Department. INSTITUTE ¥ a YOUNG LADIES. Ninth betxveen College and A Sis Principals. —Robert H. Chapman, A. M., D. D., and Mrs. Vehna S. M. Chapman. Faculty.— Robert H. Chapman, A. M., D. D., Ethicks, Evidences of Christianity and Ancient Languages; Mrs. V. S. M. Chap- man, English, Belles-Lettres, etc. ; Prof. S. Frontis, Ancient Languages and Mathematics ; G. J. Rains, Physical Science and Mathematics ; Profes.ser and Madame DeCastro. ■V BIDDLE liEEMORIAL INSTITUTE. One mile Wed of Charlotte, N. C. President— Rev. S. Mattoon, D. D Faculty— Rev. J. H. Shedd, Prof. R. W. Hall, Prof- W. E. Meese and Prof. W. H. Hartzell. CHARLOTTE GRADED SGHOOL-Public Seventh /Street between College and A. J. B. Boone, Principal and Superintendent. :o: Private Schools M. A. Barrier, corner Cemetery Avenue and Sixth sts. Misses Long, Church between Seventh and Eighth sts. Miss Hattie Moore, Seventh between Tryon and Church sti? Mrs. L. D Scott, D. between Sixth and Seventh sts. Miss M. Nisbet, corner Smith and Eighth sts. \ Appendix. Mission Schools. iVItirtha Moore, Hiil between Mint and Graham ^.ts. /Nliss C. I!. Watt, Seventh corner College st!^. Colored Schodl I'eabody School, Mint between First and Second, C. R. Harris principal. -- ^*^, :o: -' ' 1 Dancing Academy. Prof. J. H. Baily, teacber, corner-Fourth and Coliegests. DIXIE PUMP. ^ THE BEST WOODEN PUMP NOW MftDE. GIYES SATISFACTION WHEREVER USED, DIPLOMA AWARDED AT THE TWO FAIRS OF THE CAROLINAS AND STATE FAIR AT RALEIGH. EN(HJUBAaE HOME INBmTBY. IT IS A SOUTHERN PRODUCTION, MADE AT OUR OWN DOORS, OF OUR OWN MATERIAL. MgMMT^: W^MWEW^ i^MTE'Mr €&WMTr* G. L. GREESON, Manulacturer. E. H. ANDREWS, Sole Agent. J. ASBURY, 0#itraotor aai Billierp M A X UF AHTURE EOF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS, Eailroad, bet. Fifth and Sixth Streets, Charlotte, H, a I have opened a Dress Making Kstablishment next V^ door to Messrs. Alexander, Seigle tS^ Co.'s, and solicit a share of public patronage. . _^-^',^**' Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. HEREON, Trade Street. 8%fe/ iiimdl Comfort I Safety! o jr^ -KT, •^ ial© Stajbles. Tryon Street, opposite the City Clock. I am prepared to' solicit patronage of the public, know- ino- that my stables possess all the requisites of a Horses boarded by the day, week or month Ample accommodations for Drovers. IGRICULTUML WORKS. Trade Street, corner of A, Charlotte, IT. C. IN STORE. Plows , Mkrraw^, Fee^ ^uUers, Corn Shellers, Separators, Horse Powers, 8lc. Dr. Greene's Fit Cure. t'ow pound Extract of Conjdalh. ]NreTiralg:ia: Sx^ecific. Wabash Valley Ague Cure. C^mmE^Ei. IciMBLEV £^ BE^WJiuEr9 Labratory over Wilson & Black's Drug Store, Charlotte, N. C. A, SKETCH OI^^ N. OIX.^ Q^WWW^ BY CHARLES R. JONES. Y WAY of proper introduction of the VVork which is now ^^^^ presented to the business community of Charlotte and vi" •::^vX^ cinity, and which is intended more to be a commercial history of Charlotte than any thing else, it has been thought emi- nently proper to introduce the reader to the objects of the book by a short, clear and concise history of the livest city in the State of Xorth Carolina, if not in the South. The writer is profoundly sensible of the magnitude of the under- taking, and regrets that sufficient time i"? not allowed to dwell more at length upon the subject under consideration. At some future time the proprietors propose to repeat the effort to get up a Directo- ry of the thriving little city of Charlotte, and at that period a better time and opportunity will present itself for enlarging upon the ideas and thoughts now, for the first time hastily and imperfectly thrown together. With these few remarks as an apology the writer com- mits himself to the task before him : Eighteen hundred and seventy-five! Magic words. They carry with them the history of Charlotte since the 15th day of January, Anno Domini 1 707— the indelible marks made on the pages of mod- ern annals for one hundred and eight years, and which are pregnant with import today. They carry us back to the traditions of the 14 130 past, when the surrounding- countiy, now the most prosperous of any p )rtion of Nm;,Mi:T!ra.rbJina, was inhabited by tlie red men of the forest; who gaUs^'ed around their camp fires, in the dim twilight at evening, to sn^ke the e:iluiiiet of peace, or to take counsel together md prepare^r warfare upon tJie pale face, who had invaded their hunting gjrounds. We write t«jclay of the place " Where on the red umn's faded trail, The erifiiiie smokes m^d raves, And city lots are stakecT^ur salt Above aUL- In d i a n y ighteen hundred and seventy-fil^e— these talismanic figures carry us back beyond the time when them had been no Mecklenburg Dec- laration of Independence, and'^^befom a generation of freemen had been born on the Western Continenl. They recall the time when {Charlotte was a cross roads stopping ©lace, for the weary horseback traveler, or where the sturdy tScotchilrish yeoraenry, who in a few generations changed the face of the cJuntry from a howling wilder- ness to a fertile, well regulated, prosperous agricultural and commer- cial community, and where these earjlj' settlers met periitdically to participate in general muster of the Hiilitia, or in the absence of rail- road and telegraphs, and with u'mil facilities little belter than none, to talk over the events of tli/^day. The city of Charlotte was narn^ in honor of Charlotte Augusta, daughter of Queen Carolinea*m George IV., and who was one of the most beautiful andjiccuwrpTished princesses of the Georgian dy- nasty, and in early times it was situated by nature at the intersec- tion of the principal highways of travel. One road leading from the mountain country of Western Carolina, to the markets of Fayette- ville in this State, and Cheraw, Camden, and even Charleston, in South Carolina, at what is now known as Independence Square, at the infensection of Trade and Tryon streets, this old thoroughfare was crossed by a' highway equally as in)portant, leading from the settlements in the then far West, eastward to the towns of Salisbury, Greensboro, Hillsboro, Ealeigh, Newberne, &q., and it was early noted for the success of those of its inhabitants who, in its earliest days, chose to engage in tavern keeping. The surrounding country was settled t)y the Scotch Irish, and early took the lead in the erection of schools and churches, and long before the present city of Charlotte was laid out as a town, an academj', called Queen's College wiisJoeated here, which was the chief seat of learning at that time in all the Southern States. And although Queen's College is now only remembered through the dim light of tradition, that noble institution of learning which sheds its benig- nant light throughout this whole section of country at Davidson College, may be said to be its lineal successor, and which is ably aid- ed in the cause of education by the Carolina Military Institute, the Charlotte Institute for young ladies, the City Graded School, presi- ded over by Rev. J. B. Boone, and the schools of Capt. W. A. Bar- rier, and others. The County of Mecklenburg was formed from the County of An- son in the year 1762, and in 1767 the town of Charlotte was located. The original deed conveying the tract of land upon which the City now stands, was signed by George Augustus Selwyn, by his agent, Henry E. McCulloch, the ]5th day of January, 1767, and contained three hundred and sixty acres, in the following words: "To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting-: Know ye that George A. Selwyn, by Henry E. McCulloch. for and in con- consideration of the sum of ninety pounds lawful money, and for other good 181 causes, me thereunto moving, have bartjained and sold unto Ahraham Alexan- der, Thos. Polk and John Prohock, as Trustees and Dirgciors of the town of Char- lotte, and their successors, a certain tract of landJyiqt; i)[i the waters of Neil's and Garrison's Creek. Beginning; at a wiiite oak afc^out 150 yards from Thos. Polk's line runnins thence North 40 decrees West 2«» poles to a pine, then South 40 de- grees West 240 poles to a hickory, then Souil? 40 degrees East 240 poles to black oak sapling, then to the beginning, includis^ the cross-roads, contaiiitpg .300 acres. To have and to hold to the said Abraham Alexander, Thomas Pol^itid John Frohock, to them and their heirs or succe^ors in office or assigns forevek GEO. A. SELWYN, nu:\L ] HENRY e/;McCUJ^-IjC)CH. In witness whereof, &c. J . Matthew McLure, • ^ ' Joseph Sample Soon aftei- the town was laiffout a small logf building was erected at what is now the intersectiol of Trade and Tryon streets, and im- mediately in the center of wlat is now known as Independence Square. This buildino: was 101% used as a court house and for church purpo-ses. In 1871, the war between Harmon Husbands and the Regulators of Alamance countv%and Governor Tryon, Provisional Governor of what was then kiiowivas the Colony of the Carolinas, commenced, and soon Ibund active synipathy among- tiie patriotic people living in the vicinity of Charlotte. This symi)athy in behalf of the Alamance Regulators became so great, and the desire to ab- solve allegiance to the mother country, became so strong that a series of meetings of the citizens of the county was held during the fall of 1774, and the Spring of 1775, to consider what was best to be done. Tradition informs us that at a meeting which convened in Char- lotte on the 19th day of May, 1775, and which was protracted until the 21st, solemnly and formally declared Independence from the British Crown, and which is now claimed to be the first Declaration of American Inde{)eiidence ever made on American soil. This Dec- laration was probably hastened by hearing of the news of the battle of Lexington and Concord, in Massachusetts. These battles were but a repetition of the battle of Alamance, in jS'orth Carolina, and had no object of Independence in view, but the sequel proved that the colonists were ripe for revolution, and that the people of .Meck- lenburg were first to catch the spirit of inspiration, and proclaim to the world their devotion to principle, pledging their " word, their fortune and their most sacred honor " in their maintenance. "Phere have been those wlio would rob the old North State of her merited glory in regard to this immortal action of the patriots of 1875. NorthCarolina herself has given birth to sons who would tear the burnished jewel from the diadem of their old motlier, but we who live atnong the trailitions of the past century; who, uninflu enced by the sympathies of partisanship, are willing to take the facts as they stand recorded on the written and unwritten pages of history, cannot, dare not disbelieve that Dr. Brevard wrote the first dednration of Independence, which was ever inspired by the iove of liberty in an American heart, and that this declaration was duly signed by the delegates assembled and enthusiastically ratified on the 2()th day of ^lay, 1875, by the people then and there assembled. Writing as "we are almost on the eve of the Centennial Anniversary of that most eventful and important occasion, with the experience and traditions of a hundred years, and at a time when extraordinary preparations are being made to observe the anniversary with proper 132 honors, none but an insane person could doubt it. But this is neither time nor place to vindicnte or support this or that theory. Be ours the duty to give facts and pass on The town of Charlotte was during the long seven years war for Independence, which followed the declaration, al one time in the hands of the British, who met with such opposition among the |)eo- l>\e, that one of their chief officers, in derision designated them " hornets." This appellation to-day so far from being a term of con- tempt, is regarded by the people as one of honor and patriotism^ and as such must be handed down to future generations. At this late day it is almost impossible to go back and gather up the hi.story of Charlotte further than for fifty or sixty years, except on such rare and important occasions as the L'Uth .May, 1875, and it may be said that the history of the place whs uneventful for the next fifty years succeeding that date, but fifty years in a town in North Carolina often makes a very material difference, and Lhar^ lotte proves no exception to tlie rule CHARLOTTE FIFTY YEARS AGO. The chief men of the town of Charlotte fifty years ago, were Jo- seph Wilson, John Irwin, Wm. Davidson, Wm, Smith, iSamuel Mc-- Comb, Dr. David R. Dunlap, Eli Springs, Robert J. Dinkens, James Cowan, Thomas Vail, Dr. Robert McKenzie. Wm. Carson, John Mc- Quag, Dr. Wm. Long, Green Kendrick, Samuel Love, .lames Tor- rence, W"m. J. Alexander, Thomas Wilson, Allen Baldwin, Dr. Sam- uel Henderson, James Hutchinson, A. (iraham, John Sloan, Caleb Norwood, Jame.s T. Asbury, R, M. Sterling, Wm. Rudisjll, Edward M. Bronson, Robert Sloan and David Parks. '■'. ?,. / These with their families and servants, constituted nearly if not quite, the entire population of the town of Charlotte. The Court House stood in the middlf^ of the piiblic square, formed by the intersection of Trade and Tryon streets | it was a square brick building, hipped roof (the old log Iniilding which existed in 1775, had been removed) terminating with a cupalo on top. The whipping post, stocks and pillows, stood in the middle of the street between where Walter Brem's hardware store, and Burwell's drug store are now, in full view of the judge's bench, where he could see his sentence executed. For many years the Sheriff and Clerks of the Superior and County Courts, and Register of Deeds, kept their offices at their houses in the country. The Sheriff was James Wil- son, who lived about six miles from town on the lawyer's road. The Superior Court Clerk was Gen. George Graham, who lived two mWes and a-half west from town, where Mr. Stewart now lives. The County Clerk was Isaac Alexander, four miles south>-east of Char- lotte in the Sharon neighborhood. The Register of Deeds was Wm. B. Alexander, nine miles north of Charlotte. All these offices were kept in the country until the Legislature pa.ssed an act requiring them to be kept at the Court House. Then it was that the upper story of the Court House was cut up into offices, and thereby spoil- ing the only good ball room in town, as all the public balls or dances were held in tlie second story of the Court House, and all the preach- ing was done in the lower story in the Court room. Ministers of all denominations, when they came to Charlotte, preached in the Court House. There was not a single church in the place, nor Avas there a minister of the gospel living here. The nearest preacher was Rev- Samuel C. Caldwell, who officiated at Sugar Creek, in the old log church that stood near the public road where the old 'grave yard i;? 133 iiiul very near whe-re the ^ateentersthej^raveyard. Mr. Caldwell was buried under the spot where the uld pulpit' stood. That was the place where the few ehureh-goiiijj people of Charlotte generally at- tended, when there was no preaching in the Court Hou.-e. The tirst church built in Charlotte, stood on the ground where the 1st Presby- terian Church now stands. That too was used by all denominations of ministers— and it was built without reference to any denon)ina- tion—and remained in that condition until it was tinally put in charge of the Presbytery On what is now known as Second Ward, there was an old wooden building standing on the south east corner of Trade and Tryon sts. known as the old Catterson or MiGibony store-house. It was a two r-tory building, and not occupied at that time. JSonie sears after- wards it was titled up and occupied as a store by William .-niith, who was also post master. The next house on Tryon was an old two story building with piazza extending into the street and whs occupied by Jatnes Cowan, as a store. Next to that and joining it, on the lot now occupied by the Central Hotel, stood another old two story wooden building occupied and kept as a hotel by old Thomas Houston. This hotel some years afterwards wns kmnvn as the Watson House. The next house was a one ■«tory, with sharp gable end to the street, elevated about four feet from the ground, this was occupied by an ol(» batchelor, John McQuay, as a grog shop, where nearly all the bi^ fights, (and there many of them,) originated. The next house below was known as the wid(^atioMal Dank, and McAden's building n^AV stands, was owned and occupied by Joseph Wilson, a distinguished lawyer, and the father of Mrs. Wm! I. Alex- ander. On the lower side of this lot, on the spot now covered by tlie banking room, was a store house, one story, occupied subse- qently by David Parks, when he first came to ('harlotte It was also the same store house in which Green Kendrick did business. Next lielow that, and adjoining- this store house, was a red house owned by Wm. Carson, in which VVm. Smith carried on the mercantile busi- ness, for many years: Wm. Carson also had a store there afterwards. In the rear (jf this store house was a building used by Wm. Carson, as a barter shop, where nearly all the hats worn in the county were made, and wh^re all coon skins and other furs were sold. The next lot, now owned by Col. Wm. Johnston, was then owned and occupied by a man named ]\IcBi ide, and afterwards by Dr. Long, who moved bacK to Salisbury. The next lot below was on the corner of Fourth and Tryon streets, and was owned by Wm. Smith, who lived there with his family until he died. On the lower side of the same lot on Tryon street, stood Wm. Smith's tailor shop, where he employed several hands and carried on an extensive business. On the spot where Col. H. W. Guion's house now stands, was a very old one-story log iiouse, weather-boarded with very broad plank; the fioor was on a level with the street. Thi-s house was occupied by old .Mrs. Wis- hart, the oldest person in town. The next house was an old log blacksmith shop that stood with the end to the street, on the lot where Wm. Boyd now lives, below Mr.'Guion's lf)t. On the. same lot a little back from the street, was a small log house, in which the widow of Dr. Bivens then lived and taught a little school. The next and last house on Tryon street, was a long one-story house, with a piazza in front, that stood on the corner of 3d and Tryon streets, where Mrs. Young's house now stands, and was occupiecl by a tailor named Duff Walker. Go back to the Southwest corner of Trade and Tryon streets, and down the side of Trade, the first house after the Davidson corner hou.se on the same lot was a two-story log house u.sed as a kitchen, that stood on the spot now covered by Koopmann's store. On the lower end of the lot where Eobt. F. Davidson's furniture store is now, was a frame house with end to the street, used as a stable. On the lot where Jas. H. Henderson's st(..re is now, was a small one story house, said to have been Joseph H. Wilson's law office, when he lived on the McAden lot. The next and last hou.se on that side, was an old blacksmith shop, that stood on the corner of Trade and Church streets. Thf re were no other houses in the third ward except a gin house that stood on the corner of the lot where James H. Henderson now lives, and a few stables and barns. 136 Such was Charlotte only a half century aso, and we have dwelt somewhat at length upon it, in order that the contrast which we shall present nereafter of Charlotte as it is now, will be the more apparent. CHARLOTTE BECOMES A CITY. At the beginning of the late war between tlie States Charlotte had grown to be quite important in the sisterhood of towns throughout the South. There were good and important reasons why thisshould be so, prominent among which was the fact that it was situated in the heart of a rich and prosperous agricultural community. There is another fact whii-h is kown to day only by a few, which in times past, has added very much to its prosperity^ The city may be said U) be located in an amphitheatre, and is surrounded with a circle of hills or elevations, or more properly still Of gentle undulations in the surface of the topography of its surroundings. The soil is rich in gold bearing properties, and within one mile from the public square gold mining has been carried on, which has netted soinething over two millions of d(»llars, mo.st of which has gone to make up the wealth of the city in times past, but of this we shall speak more fully hereafter. Besides the two reasons just named, we may state that tne character of the people which Charlotte and vicinity has produced, may be added as a guarantee of past, pre.sent and con- tinued prosperity. They are industrious and active to a fault, which under ordinary circumstances always brings success. THE UNITED STATES BRANCH MINT. Within a radius of twenty miles from Charlotte there are not less than one hundred gold mines, and we have the best authority for' .saying that up to 1848 (before the important discovery of the Cali- fornia gold fields) they ju-educed one-half of the goUrcoined in the United States. Not more than a dozen of the.se mines are now in operation. The establishment of the branch mint here became a necessity, »n(l in the year 183-5 an Act of Congress provided for its erection. This action on the part of Congress was the outgrowth of a long and persistent agitation in the gold i)roducing districts of this State and South Carolina. The history of this agitation dates back as early as 18o(l, when the numerous body of miners in the counties of Mecklenburg, Gaston, An.son, Cabarrus, Rutherford, Davidson, and Montgomery loudly complained of thee.xtortions practiced upoil them in selling their gold to the merchants or to the banks, and of the delay incident to the transportation of the bullion to Philadelphia for coinage, four months oftentimes elapsing before returns were received. These complaints induced the General Congress at the session of IS30 to appoint a special committee to investigate the subject. This cominittee through its Chairman, Gideon Glenn, made an exceedingly interesting and valuable report. Among other state- ments given was this: that the annual production of gold of this State was half a million dollars, the cost of this production being estimated at $150,000; a mint was recommended. The history of gold production in North Carolina, however, dates back to the year 1799, in which year Conrad Reed, son of John Reed, of Cabarrus Count.y, found a piece of native g witnessed the erection of a new structure (the present building) at a cost of about $40,000. From this period till the war, the history of this Branch was unevent- ful. Its business was not large, as we are now accustomed to speak of Mint operations, or as we see them practiced at Philadelphia or at San Francisco, nevertheless this centeijwas an important source of the circu- lating medium of the conntrv. 15 138 The following table shows the coinage at the Charlotte Branch, year hf \ 1838 $ 84,165.00 1850 $347,791.00 1839 162.767.50 1851 324,4.54.50 1840 127,055.00 1&52 396,734.00 1841 133,037.50 1853 339,370.00 1842 159,005.00 1854 214,652.50 1842 287,005.00 1855 217,935.50 1844 147,210.00 1856 162,067.50 1845 rebuilding 1857 78,965.00 1846 76.995.00 1858 177,970.00 1847 478,820.00 1859 202,735.00 1848 364,330.TO 1860 133,697.50 1849 361,269.00 (to Mar. 31, 1861) 70,580 $5,048,641.50 Re- ■opened 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 3,160.40 16,108.60 14,522.81 16,277.94 10,732.63 Total, $5,109,443.88 The first depositor was Irwin & Elms, December 4th, 1837. The subjoined list shows some of the larger deposits, etc: October 5, 1846, Wm. A. Lucas, cashier, 1361.61 ounces, $28,284.31 " 28, " " " " 1484.14 " 24.554.59 " 29. " D. A. Davis, cashier, 6338.49 " 116,577.15 May 27, 1847, " " 2662.96 " 48,887.38 June 7, " " " 2091.37 " 34,409.26 The annexed official table shows the domestic sources of gold prior to 1848, when the fabulous discoveries of California were made ; also the total amount of gold of domestic production up to 1873: To 1848. Virginia, - - ' - - - , $ 945,294 00 North Carolina, 3,933,136 00 South Carolina, - . - . 479,866 00 Georgia, ------ 2,320,216 GO Other Sources, - . - . 74,392 00 Total Domestic Produc, - - - $7,762,904 00 To 1873. Virginia, - - - - - $1,631,612 78 North Carolina, ----- 9,983,585 88 South Carolina, - - - - 1,378,180 77 Georgia, ------ 7,267,784 76 California, ----- 640,030.657 59 Montana, ------ 33,982,498 21 Oregon, - - - . . 11,950.289 60 Colorado, ------ 20,574,914 27 Arizona, . - . - . 1,039,074 08 Other Sources, ----- 2,185,170 68 Total Domestic Produc, - - $730,023,778 62 These are the amounts which passed througli the Mint or itn branches, and do not inciuile that which found its way into the arts by other channels. Prior to 1838 all coinage was at Philadelphia. The coinage of the Mint and its various branches prior to 1847 is as follows : Philadelphia, $52,741,350.00 Charlotte...... 1,656,060.00 Dahlone^a, 3,218,017.50 New Orleans, 15,189,365.00 Total..... $72,804,792.50 The following list shows the difiere'jt .Sperintendentgand the datei? of their appointments: Col. John H. Wheeler, appointed, in 1837 '• Burgess S. Gaither, " 1841 Hon. Green W. Caldwell, " 1840 " Wm. J. Alexander, " 1848 " J.W.Osborne, " 1849 " Green W. (.'aid well, re appointed 1853 Dr. I. W.Jones, " 1867 Hon. Calvin J. Cowles, " 1869 Dr. J. H. Gibbon was Assayer during the whole of the period pre ceding the war, and Win. F. Strange, Clerk. The pre.sent officers are : Calvin J. Cowles, A.ssayer in charge. Geo. B. Hanna, Melter. At the last session of the XLIII. Congress that body declined to Uiake any further appropriation for carrying on thebusiness, or even keeping the buildings in order, and it is feared that its future use- fulness may be seriously impaired, from the same want of atten- tion on the part of our law makers^ THE COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF CHARLOTTE. Up to, and even to the close of the late War, the commercial inte- rests of Charlotte were of much smaller significance than they now are. Ten years of trade which has poured into her lap since the last gun was fired, on the 24th day of April, 1865, has added materially to the wealth, influence, prosperity and pro.spectsof the city of Charlotte. There is no channel of commerce which has added so much to our wealth as the cotton interest; and in mentioning it our only regret is that owing to the limited time now allowed us, and the limited space at our command, remarks under this head must be necessarily incomplete and imperfect. He who would write up a subject so voluminous,, and so important in the past, present and future of the city of Charlotte, must possess a fertile mind and a ready pen. It was said before the war that "King Cotton*' sat in the sanctuary, and ruled the commercial destiny of men with a magic wand, and his presence and his power has been certainly felt in Charlotte. Up to the year 1852, the cotton raised in the vicinity of Charlotte found a market by being hauled to Fayetteville, Camden, Cheraw, or to Charleston, by wagons; or found a market among a small number of manufacturer.^. At that time the then village of Char- 140 lotte was introduced to the commercial world by the completion of the Charlotte and Columbia Railroad, which was •^he first railroad ever completed to Charlotte. This iron chain connected at once with the markets of the world, via Charleston, Wilmington and Ports- tnouth, and over the Wilmington and Manchester, and the Wil- mington and Weldon railroads to the northern markets, in which condition it remained until the completion of the North Carolina Railroad in lSo5, after which, in the year 1859, the Western Division of the Wilmington, & Charlotte Ruth. Railroad was extended from Charlotte to Lincolnton, which railroad, now the Carolina Central has, within the past six months, been completed from Wilmington to Charlotte, and the Western Division extended to Buffalo, in Cleaveland county. In I860, the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad, originally intended to run from the seaboard, on the At- lantic Coast at Georgetown, South Carolina, to Jonesboro, Ten- nessee, was chartered, and the following year, was completed be- tween Charlotte and the village of Statesville, on the Western North Carolina Railroad, and in the county of Iredell, and since the war, it has been placed upon the great thoroughfare of trade and travel from N(jrth to South, by the construction of the Rich- mond and Atlant-J Air Line Railroad, connecting Charlotte with Atlanta, Georgia, thus making the city of <'harlotte one of the greatest railroad centres in the Southern States, which added to the fact, that it is situated in the midst of one of the finest agricultural, mineral, and productive regions known in the United States, and abounding in facilities for manufactories blessed with a salubrious climate, equally free from the malarial diseasesof the I )wlands, and the influenzas of tiie mountains, and peopled with a hanly, intelli- gent and industrious population, making it a nucleus upon which one of the most powerful inland cities will ever be constructed upon this continent. But to return to the cotton interest, which is here superior to all others. The rapid growth of the city since the war is owing greatiy to the fostering fif this element of our wealth by the citizens and merchants of Charlotte. The scope of country of which Charlotte is the commercial cotton centre, or more properly the commercial metropolis, includes a scope of country covering fourteen counties in North Carolina and at least eleven in South Carolina. Our railroads have been zealous in foster- ing tb.e cotton interest here, and step by step, under the various influences the city, as a cotton market has advanced until she has reached the exalted position of being the first and principal cotton market in the State. This is no idle, presumptive boast, and one of which every citizen of Charlotte is justly proud, and is proved by by the report o't' the city officials, whose business it is under our municipal regulations to attend to this matter alone. It is pleasant for us to contemplate that no city in North Carolina, or even in the South, has commenced and grown with a steadier growtli of power and usefulness than that of which we write. Fos- tered by the cotton industries we have been able to build up such railroad faciliti.es as to take a place in the front rank in commerce among the cities of the South. Situated as wejiave .said in the centre of a highh'^ intelligent and thrifty population, the city has always been intimately connected with agriculture, as the principal mart of our staple,|and when in future years; when we shall be able to utilize the God-given privileges with which we are blessed, and convert her into a manufacturing town, as will most assuredly be done, we may justly look forward to a brighter career of prosperity than has 141 ever dawned upon us. The cotton interest always has and always will underlie the great pillars of our success, and that we have pros pered; that the fiirmers have been encouraged to do double duty by the high prices of tlie sta|>Ie in this market; that upon the whole we liave a cheerful retrospect, and a still more hopeful outlook for the future is owing, in the main, to the fact that this industry has been sustained and encouraged by energy, perseverance, and pluck on the part of both producers and buyers of the staple., which has in a measure made the city of Charlotte what it is to-day. Every indjstry has its history, and it is to this we now turn. About a quarter of a century ago (and this brief period is still fresh in the minds of many whose names may be found in another part of this book), the cotton trade was first commenced in Charlotte. Up to that time whatever cotton was produced in the country which was not consumetl immediately through the aid of the old-fashioned loom, wheel and cards was forced to seek a market either|§in Charleston, Cheraw, Camden, Fayetteville or Petersburg. When the completion of the Charlotte and Columbia Railroad took place in 1851^, for the first time in the history of Charlotte she had an out l(-t — a highway to the sea. Three years later and the iron chain which connects us with Norfolk, Va., was finished, and a stimulus given to the cotton trade which no other advantage could have con- ferred. Situated at the terminus of both roads, competition between them at once enabled the cotton dealer here to pay the very highest possible price for the staple. Since that time railroads have been added to, until we have the net work of roads alluded to in a former part of this sketch. Over the Richmond and Atlanta Air Line Rail- road, the great short route between New York and New Orlean,s, and which penetrates some of the richest country tributary to our mar- ket, Charlotte has received an immense impetus to the cotton trade. The Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad has poured a considera- trade into our market. The upper section of the Carolina Central, leading from Lincolnton to Charlotte, has been equally instrumental in increasing the cotton trade here. Countless numbers of bales have been brought to Charlotte from the direction of Chester and Rock Hill, in South Carolina, over the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, while the North Carolina Railroad gives the people all along its line, from Charlotte to Lexington, however paradoxical it may .seem, a market in Charlotte for their cotton. In 1855, the annual sales of cotton on this market was less than three thousand bales. In 1860, on account of this railroad influence, the trade had gradually become of more importance, and had reach- ed twelve thousand bales. The four years of the war (in this as in nearly all industries), paralyzed all tliis interest, except to furnish such orders as were needed for home consumption, and the market gradually weakened until it almost ceased to exist. With the crop of 18GG, business in this line was again resumed, with about the same amount on the market as in 1860 — 12,000 bales —since which time it has increased annually until for the fiscal year ending August 31st, 1874, the actual .sales reached forty thous- and bales. The present year, beginning September 1st, 1874, and ending August 31st, 1875" it is thought with a smaller average crop, the sales will not fall tar short of fifty thousand bales, some thirty- five thousand bales at this date— May 1st— having already been of- fered and sold on this market. These figures show a marvelous increase in the trade, which, when properly known, must certainly still further augment the sales. 142. CHARLOTTE AS A WHOLESALE MARKET. Contrary to theg'eiieral laws of trade, (,^har!otte has become one of tlie leading!: and important grocery and wholesale markets of the .South, We say contrary to the general laws of trade, because gro- ceries and goods at wholesale are generally very heavy articles of merchandise, and the people are in the habit of buying such goods in quantities at our sea-ports, where dealers fiave the advantage of shipping facilities. Water carriage has, in all Hges, been the cheap- est mode of transportation, and it will probably ever remain so. Every inland city then, in business where freights are heavy, must have some advantage to enable her to compete successfully with her more fortunate sisters, or she will fall behind in the race for prefer- ment. Wliile Charlotte cannot boast of a sea-port, she is the termi- nus of several of the leading railroads, which go to ujake up the iron chain that links the destiny of our common country into one of general interest. Ships laden with the famed wealth of the Indies do not pour their treasures into her bosom until they have passed through other hands; or, if the merchandise has been bought and imported by our own merchants, as it is in many instances, it must pay a small tribute to the port of entrance, but by being able to get through rates, the merchants of Charlotte are able to sell such goods at a very slight advance on prime cost— so slight, indeed, that Char- lotte has gained the reputati'^n, and justly too, of being the cheap- est wholesale market in the South away irom the seashore. She en- joys the enviable advantage of being located at the terminus of raiN roads leading directly to Charleston, Norfolk and Wilmington^ bringing these shipping points almost to our door, at through rates, and thus opening up the markets of the world to the vast trade which centers at this point. The wholesale trade before the war was comparatively a small business, but to day it is an immense one, and promises to become larger still. Prominent among the wholesale interest is the boot and shoe business. This market furnishes a very large proportion of the boots and shoes which are used in Western North Carolina and upper South Carolina. Many of the country merchants in this part of the State find it to their advantage to buy these goods here in preference to ordering them from the more northern markets. We are able to confirm this statement by a recent publication in the American Shoe and Leather Reporter, of JBoston, which in a tabular statement showed that Charlotte bought many more shoes in Boston than any city in ]Vorth Carolina, and more than twice as much even as Wilmington, and that there were only four other cities in the whole South, whose name commences with the letter " C," that bought more boots and shoes than Charlotte. The most extensive boot and shoe house in Charlotte is that of Messrs. Smith & Forbes. This house has been in business for more than twenty years, and last year did a busine.ss of at least $144,000, which promises the present year to be largely increased. They have recently removed into a large, spacious and elegant building on Trade street, erected especially for their use, which is not excelled in the South. Their stock is large and varied, comprising a full assortment of everything in their line. This may be expected as they carry a stock valued at from sixty to eighty tiiousnnd dollars. Messrs. Sample & Alexander are the only manufacturers of boots and shoes in Charlotte, except a number of private shops. These gentlemen are now working twenty-nine hands, and are carrying a 143 stock of something over forty-five thousand clolh\rs worth, and are doing a large wholesale trade. They too, have recently removed into a new building, on Trade street, and are occupying two stories and the basement of the building for their business. Messrs. Wade it Pegram are carrying on the largest strictly retail boot and shoe^storein Charlotte. Successors to the well known house of 8- B. Meacham, they do a very large and successful business. We may truthfully say that tlie boot and shoe business is the largest business of any other one line carried on in Charlotte, and it is probably worked up harder. Competition is so strong between the competing houses that the margin for profit is vf ry clcse, which makes it all the better for buvers. THE SCHOOLS OF CHARLOTTE. No sketch which we could write of Charlotte would be complete which would leave out her schools, and although we know that the time and space at command will not allow justice to be done to the subject, we cannot pass them by unnoticed. In a former part of this sketch we have said that Davidson College is the "lineal successor" of Queen's College, which was in existence here at the Revolutionary War, but in several other schools which are located within the city, that noble insti- tution has powerful allies in the cause of education. The Carolina Military Institute, which was foimded several years previous to the late w-ar, was planned by the immortal Stonewall Jacksox, and first presided over by General D. H. Hill, now the editor of the Southern Home. It was regularly opened in 1850, Gen. Hill being assisted by Gen. .James H. Lane, and Col. Charles C. Lee, both of whom subseqently sealed their devotion to their country, by giving up their lives in their country's cause. The war found it among the flourishing institutions of the land, but it, like nearly every other enterprise, wither- ed as if poisoned by a blast from the upas tree, at the touch of the hard iron finger of war. Every efibrt to resuscitate the school after the war tailed, uiitil the Fall of 1873, when Col. John P. Thomas, of South Carolina, conceived the idea of establishing a school which would embrace within the scope of its aims, the young men of both North and South Carolina, and his labors have been crowned w'ith a gratifying success. The curriculum embraces a complete graduating course, and at once puts the Institute in the front rank among the colleges of the South. It now has about one hundred and twenty-five students, and a corps of Professors which are an ornament to any institution. Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies.— A portion of the citizens of Charlotte, anxious to have a female school of high character, in 1858 built and equipped this spacious and elegant building, which fronts Ninth and College streets, and which for beauty in architecture, convenience of arrangement, and adap- tation in every respect to the purpo.ses for which it was intended, is ecjualled by few institutions of the kind, and probably surpassed by none in the Southern country. The Institute was under the management of Rev. R. Burwell until the fall of 1873, at which time it was taken charge of by Rev. Dr. R. H. Chapman and Mrs. Verina S. M. Chapman, as principals, with an able corps of assistants. The faculty now consists of Rev. Dr. R. H. Chapman, A. M. D. D., Pro- fessor of Ancient Languages, Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Mrs. Verina S. M. Chapman, in charge of English, Belles Lettres and French, princijjals ; Prof. Stephen Frontis, Mathematics, An- 144 cient Languag:es and Philosophy ; General Gabriel J. Rains, Physical Science and Mathematics; Prof, aiul Madame DeCastro, Modern Languages, Vocal and Instrumental Music. Tlie Boarol of Trustees are J. H. AVilson, Esq., President, Col. Wni. Johnston, Col W. R. Myers, Hon. W. F. Davidson, Dr. M. M. Orr, and Col. John L. .More- head. The course of instruction embraces a colleg'iate, as well as a preparatory department, and graduates are furnished with diplomas of as liigh grade as can be obtained in the Southern States. On the rolls are now numbered some ninety students. The present princi- pals have labored hard to make the Institution all that a first cla.ss school for young ladies ought to be, and deserve the patronage of the surrounding country in a much more extensive manner than they now receive. Orphans of Confederate soldiers, and the daugh- ters of ministers of all denomination,s are at all times invited to secure the benefits of the English course in this school freeof cliarge, and the full course if the teachers of accomplishments concur in the desire of the principals on this subject. Thorough, quiet, steady progress, rather than exciting exhibitions, is the law of the school. " To be and not to seem " is the chosen motto of the Institute. The City Graded School, now a tlourisiiing Institution, with three hundred and fifty students, was established under the auspices of the Township School Committee in 1878 — Rev. J. B. Boone, Gen. Ilufus Barringer and Mr. W. H. H. Houston. Rev. Mr. Boone was appointed Superintendent and still holds the position. During the last session six hundred dollars was received from the Peabody Fund towards the maintenance of the school, and this year one thousand has been received from the same source, and not less than six hundred dollars have been contributed by private citizens during the present scholastic year. Funds have been received from the public school fund of the State to an amount of about one tliousand dollars per year. Altogether the various sums contributed have placed the Institution on a solid and firm foundation. This school is yet only a preparatory one, but it is in contempla- tion to add a high school department. It is divided at present into ten grades under seven teachers. Commencing from a small begins ning, it lias progressed until it has become a necessity which is in- valuable as a medium of education, particularly among that class of our citizens who are mechanics, or are persons with small sala- ries, and its beneficial effects have been so salutary that it can hard- ly be di.scontinuecl. While it is rather out of the province of this sketch , we cannot conclude our remarks in regard to this school without an appeal to tlie citizens of Charlotte to provide buildings suitable to the necessities of the school. The benefits of this school cannot well be overestimated, but it cannot serve the purpose for which it is intended, and for wliich its most ardent friends could hope, without proper buildings, such as would be an honor to the city of Charlotte, and a useful auxiliary in carrying out the purposes of education, adequate to the age in which we live. Macon School,, in charge of Capt. W. A. Barrier, is the next in importance which claims our attention. This school nas been in operation^bout two years. Its design is to prepare boys for College, for the Freshman and Sophomore classes. There are at present only tlurty-five students in attendance, as the membership is select and limited. The curiculum embraces a full academic course in the ancient languages, and the higher branches of English and mathe- matics, including arithmetic, algebra and geometry. Its object fills a needed want in the city of Charlotte, and deserves all the patro nage which it has received. 145 The Biddle Memorial Institite is a normal seliool for tlie (■(lucatioii of colored perr^ons for the ministry. It is presided over l»y Rev. S. Mattoon, D. D., loiij; a missionary in Africa. Ti-ie names of the faculty appears elsewiiere in tliis booic. It was originally endowed l)y a Miss Biddh', from whom it takes its name, and by contriimtions ol private citizens. Private Schooi^s. There is probably no city in the. South where education is held tt) be of as much importance as in Charlotte. In addition to the schools above alluded to is the schools of the Misses LonJ,^ Miss Hattie Moore, Mrs. L.D.Scott, Miss M. Nesbit, Miss Martha Moore, and Miss ('. R Watt, to which may beadded-the colored Peabody sciiools, for the education of colored children, and ail of which are in flourishing condition. INDUSTRIES. Charlotte is a commercial city, but under the head of industries there are several estabiisliments which desire especial mention. Wilkes' FoiNdry was orioinally the old Confederate Navy Yard, where, however paradoxical it may seem, much work was done in tittino- out the Confederate Navy, durin«j the late war.— Orijiinally deflicated to Afars, Mr. Wilkes bought out the establish- ment and veritably moulded the sword and spear into the pruning hook and the plow share, emblems of peace and implements of agri- culture. He has succeeded in Ituilding up the largest iron foundry in North Carolina. Here all classes of the iron foundry business is done, Mr. W. employing not less than fifty hands. This establish- ment has a rival in the foundry of Mr. W. F. Cook, who does a very lart'e and "uccessful business in casting plow-sliares and in making and dealing in other agricultural implements. Both are doing a good business, and we only wish there were a dozen sucli establish- ments, instead of two. Under this head may lie very properly introduced the branch establishment of the Ti^rie City Iron Works, located on College Street. These works at Erie, Pa., have long been noted for the superiority of their machinery, and in order to accommodate their tncreasjng trade in this section the company have located a branch establish- ment here which offers every facility of the present house. OTHER MANUFACTORIES. The prosjiect for business in Charlotte, after the war, and aftei- the completion of the railroads which have been built since that time, all centering here, caused a large influx of population. The demand for dwelling houses and places of business, made the build- ing of a large number of houses a matter of necessity, and to supplj) the demand for building material Mr. F. W. Ahrens started a steam planing mill, and sash, door and blind factory, which, being incapa- ble of supplying the demand, was followed by the establishment of the same kind by Jonas Rudisill. These weresubsequently followed by the establishment of Mr. Joseph Asbury. All three of which are now in a flourishing condition, and so far as we know are meeting the demands of the people, employing not less thsn one hundred and fifty hands. The Dixie Pump Works deserves a passing notice, as Mr. E. M. Andrews claims the best pump manufactory in the Southern States. His business employs a large force) and his pumps are rapidly suc- ceeding all other pumps throughout this section of country. 16 '^ \ ft 146 t/ THE NEWSPAPERS. Surrounded as the city of Charlotte always has heeu, by an indus- trious, intelligent, hospitable and ])roti,ressive people it is considered a tine field for newspapers, and now supports more of them than any city of its size in the Southern States. It was our purpose in the coni- nn^ncement of this sketch to s^ive a liistory of each newspaper which exists now, or has ever existed in Charlotte, but Itoth time and space pre- cludes such a pct^sibility now, and we will merely remark en pii>i.-i(Uit, that the news})afjers of Charlotte, are all in a thriving condition, and give mucja \)njx\me op^uture usefulness. THE DRUG BUSINESS. ./ /i^ Charlott^ soils the drugs for a large section of tlie cotuifry, and sup- ports five Urug stores. The city and surrounding country" is healthy, and the climate salubrious, and" it becomes a matter of speculation as to what liecomes of all the drugs annually introduced or compounded in Charlottd, but the fact is explained when it is recollected that we sujjply (princii)ajly) the drugs for not less than twenty-five countii's in North - and South .Garolina. t POPULATION. The census of 1870, taken, we are informed, by an individual who knew little or nothing about Charlotte or its people, fit iled to mnkc a true exhil)it of tlie number of pe^>ple who lived here, and consetiucntly the population has been litth^ better than a matter of speculntion. Fn^m calculatif)ns made by the pid)lishers of this directory, which may be re- lied on, the population of the city is not less than nine thousand. • CONCLUSION. At the outset, tlu; writer intcn time Wiis demanded for our otlier duties. iNIuch of it has been written amid the confusicm incident to the editorial rooms of a daily newspaper, and in the absen<-e of one of the editors, actually giving the writer trel)le duty. Many of the pages have l)een thrown to the ]»rinter before the ink was dry, Avitli no opportunity for revision. If it answers the ]iur])osc forw'hich it was intended, thsit of introducing the stranger to our l)eautiful little city, 'we shall be satislied. If it fails to be that which our friends would have it thev must take the will for the deed. "f E! j>ij,ccles. ,C, ^^. rf ■AmB. WdEKH,* ^~ w B. M. CRA WFORB Begs leave to inform the public that he caai and will yell Marble Work of every description cheaper than any other establishment in Charlotte. Call and see me and be convinced. Price Lists and Drawings furnished on ajjj^liccition. A Good Stock of the best Material always" on hand. J. B. PHILLIPS, Ilillll f lttil« -M^m AND DEALER IN , J), ,fl Under Central Hotel m%Mim9) SMITH k F Wholesale Dealers in D] IL LC:^ hSol *)©'feif I^eatlier audi, Katsi* have removed to the new, large and elegant Iron Front Building, next door to Br mi. Brown & Co! s Hardware Store^ where theg are recemng and have on hand the largest and most comj)lete stock of SHOESi to be found in the State. They respectfully solicit a call from all Merchants, and will guarantee to sell them as low and on as favor- able terms as any Jobbing House ISTorth or South. SMITH & FORBES, Charlotte, N. C. ^BESOEI^T 13 MANUFACTURED BY Fellows. Holmes & ClapD. 21 Maiden Lane, ?few York, w^m. mAXj^^ w E. J. ALLEN, Vv^ATCH-MAKER AND DEALER IN FINE W4iaasia cmcks AND jet\^e:lry. Charlotte, N. C. •/' \r I). A. SMITH, Wilniinjrtoii, N. C. T. C. CRAFT, Charlotte, >. C. 1^ A,. sKiiT-if # em^ Wholesale and Jletail Dealers in all kinds Woo^ Coftins hand/'y East trade SM'Jjet IT. B.— A la^ge stock of Mq and Caskets al N. C. IIAKK F. KRUEGEU. HARRY & KRUEGER, ^ J resco, House and Sign 3^ A^IiN TERS- FroNOoini^ (liurthes ar.d Public Halls a Specialty. W'OKK I)(»NK fX AT.I. I'Airi's OF 'I'flK (orNTRV. Trade Sineel^ cofphr Colkfie. Fp-sfatr^, ("HAKLOITK. N. (\ G. W. SIERINE, X. ^ WHOLES AT."R ATTP P.P.TATT. 'mr.AT.P.P, JIJ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ^ ^\ :m ^ THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA CC97I.60 m .1 wmA College Street^ near Fourth Chariot te^ K, C niiH w- — 1 H rT^ff^. w b .f< ^ w '// Mi 9M' 1^. V ^ '■4 .