, m THE LOST WAR MBS OF THE CONFEDERATES Campbell HI H Si iii BsfflnllllftiRIIIE '!•,''.;...: -V- Cpfno.i V 'Cm THE LOST WAR MAPS OP THE CONFEDERATES By Albert H. Campbell Century Jan. 1888 &f)e Hturarp of tljc Unibersitp of i^ortf) Carolina Collection of J?ortl) Caroltmana (Enbotoeb fai' 3Tofjn g>prunt Mill of the Class of 1S89 Zp^lO.l-C- '?£. of tat 26Hb ■%r2'5 ,rr " m o i *rn a nAT TffR C.TVII. WAR. 479 The Lost War Maps of the Confederates In several published articles, and in several books by Confederate generals and civilians, there have been severe criticisms (some just and some unjust) in regard to the want of suitable maps for the guidance of our commanders. General D. H. Hill in The Cen- tury, and General Dick Taylor and Mr. Jefferson Davis in their books, have made special mention of this want, and General Long in his recent " Memoirs of Robert E. Lee " comes to the defense of that dis- tinguished general from- this im'gjied blame, and remarks that " the want of maps should be placed where it properly belongs, — with the war-directing authority at Richmond," and he further states that "the blunders complained of were morejhe result of inattention to orders and want of proper energy on the part of a few subordinate commanders than any lack of knowledge of the country." These remarks of General Long are substantially true. The writer has the best of reasons from personal knowledge and observation, and from an interview with General Lee a little after daybreak on Sunday morning, June 29th, 1862, for confirming the truth of the latter remarks as to "inattention to orders and want of proper energy," in this particular campaign up to that date. The escape of McCIellan's army from White Oak Swamp w T as undoubtedly due to these short-comings, and I am persuaded that Gen- eral Long and others have proved conclusively that the same cause prevented the concentration of Lee's army at the proper time before Gettysburg and occasioned its defeat there. It is one of the many failings of hu- manity to shift blame from one shoulder to another, as it is also to claim the merit of success where it is not due. Any simpleton can now untie a Gordian knot, knowing how Alexander did it. * Several trees were cut down. — See foot-note, page 306, of The Century magazine for June, 1887. — Editor. 480 MEMORANDA ON THE CIVIL WAR. It is true that there were no maps of any account in existence at the time when General Lee assumed the command, that were of use to the Army of Northern Virginia, June 1st, 1862. Incomplete tracings or frag- ments of the old " Nine-Sheet" map of Virginia were probably all that our commanders had for guidance. General Long has, therefore, seemingly made an error in asserting in his note at the close of chapter ten of his book that the map accompanying that chapter was " used by General Lee during this campaign," as will be seen by reference to the indorsements on the map itself. The " Seven Days' Fight " occurred in June- July, 1862. This map was approved by me April 3d, and was " sent from the Engineer Bureau with letter of April 4th, 1S63." It may, as alleged in the note, have been filed subsequent to these dates, but it was not in existence at the time stated by General Long, as will be seen further on. Up to this period the blame, if any is due, must lie with the "war-directing power at Richmond." It is probable that weightier matters filled the minds of the higher authorities at this time, and that too much reli- ance was placed by commanders in the field in the efficiency of local guides and the insane and ridiculous notion that was affected that one Southern man could lick three Yankees under any and all circumstances ; and besides, our armies as yet had not had sufficient battlings and unnecessary losses of men, to develop the indispensable necessity of a more intimate knowl- edge of topographical details of regions over which troops must be manoeuvred. The march up the pen- insula from Yorktown, the battle of Fair Oaks and Seven Pines, Jackson's collision with Hill's line of march from Mechanicsville to Gaines's Mill, and the whole seven days' campaign brought out this fact in strong colors, bloody colors, at Beaver Dam Creek. One of the first things that engaged General Lee's attention on taking command of the army was the or- ganization of some plan for procuring accurate maps for his own use and that of his commanders. A few days after this event, on the 3d or 4th of June, the writer was sought by Major Walter H. Stevens, Chief Engineer of the army at that time, and Major Jasper S. Whiting, his associate, and was informed that they had been sent from headquarters by General Lee to find a suitable person to takecharge of a topographical organi- zation which he was desirous of having formed as soon as possible, and proceed to the field, as he found no maps of consequence on taking command of thearmy ; and as maps were indispensable, no means must be spared to procure them. I was asked if I would under- take the duty and on what terms. They were in- formed that I had an application for the appointment to a captaincy in the Engineer Corps, favorably in- dorsed by the President, which for several months had been conveniently pigeon-holed in the Engineer Bureau, and that if they would procure that appointment I would accept it and proceed immediately to work. It was done by order of General Lee on recommendation of those officers, and my commission was dated and received on June 6th. Two or three surveying parties furnished with the necessary instruments were im- mediately organized and started from Richmond .as a center, to radiate thence to the picket-lines of the army, from Meadow Bridge around to James River, each party taking an allotted sector of that circumscribed space. This work had not sufficiently far advanced to be of any use in June, for no part of the region beyond our lines was accessible to survey until June 30th, when orders were given to follow in the wake of our army and extend the surveys as fast and as far as possible. The field work was mapped as fast as practicable, but as the army soon changed its location, more immediate at- tention was given toother localities. Therefore, this map in question was dated 1862-3: it was not available as complete until the spring of 1863. Other parties, soon after these first ones were started, were sent into Han- over and Spotsylvania counties, and as fast as possible other parties, amounting in all to about thirteen, were formed and sent into other counties of northern and north-eastern portions of Virginia, until in the course of time detailed surveys were made and at the close of the contest nearly all the work was mapped, from the western part of Fauquier and Rappahannock counties to Wil- mington, North Carolina; from the strategic lines on the eastward to the Piedmont region of Virginia ; and down the valley of Virginia as far as the Potomac River in Jefferson and Berkeley counties ; and into south- western Virginia as far as Smythe county ; and nearly all the counties south of James River east of Lynch- burg unoccupied by the Federal forces. The surveys in North Carolina embraced a considerable belt on each side of the Weldon and Wilmington R. R. The exact limits of these extensive surveys can not now be recalled, for these maps have all been lost. The general plan of operations was adopted of placing full parties in each county, and maps of each county thus successively surveyed in detail were con- structed on a comparatively large scale, giving full credit to heads of field corps in the titles; and also general maps, one north and one south of James Riv- er, were prepared on a smaller scale, preserving all the details. So great was the demand for maps occa- sioned by frequent changes in the situation of the armies, that it became impossible by the usual method of tra- cings to supply them. I conceived the plan of doing this work by photography, though expert photographers pronounced it impracticable, in fact impossible. To me it was an original idea, though I believe nut a new one, but not in practical use. Traced copies , ere pre- pared on common tracing-paper in very black India ink, and from these sharp negatives by su --printing were obtained, and from these negatives copies were multiplied by exposure to the sun in frames made for the purpose. The several sections, properly toned, were pasted together in their order, and formed the general map, or such portions of it as were desired; it being the policy, as a matter of prudence against cap- ture, to furnish no one but the commanding general and corps commanders with the entire map of a given region. From this statement it will be seen that to General Lee is due the credit of promptly originating method- ical means for procuring accurate maps to supply the want that has been, by implication mainly, so unfavor- ably commented on. Many maps that grace various memoirs, and personal recollections, and descriptions of campaigns and battle-fields in Virginia have their basis in the maps made as above described, though ac- credited to others. "I could a tale unfold" in regard to some of these stolen maps, but cut bono ? Nil pro- prium ducas quod mutari potest. MEMORANDA ON THE CIVIL WAR. 481 General Woodruff, United States Engineer, orally, and Generals Lee and Gilmer and several other per- sons have from time to time, by letter, inquired of me the fate of these maps. It may be of public interest to give all the information I have concerning them, for it does not seem to be known how extensive, how com- plete, and how valuable these surveys were. It was gratifying to my pride to learn that the United States Engineer Bureau was desirous of obtaining our maps, and to hear one of the distinguished officers attached thereto remark that our maps were better than their own. His expressed reasons in nowise reflected on his own service, but accounted for it from the fact that no regular system could be maintained in consequence of the frequent change of commanders of the Army of the Potomac. On Sunday, April 2d, the night of the evacuation of Richmond, about 10 o'clock p. M., I placed in charge of an engineer officer and a draughts- man, upon an archive train bound for Raleigh, North Carolina, a box or two containing all the original maps and other archives of my office, except the field note- books, which were burned by order of my superior. This officer in charge never has reported to me the fate of this property, nor his own fate. It is supposed it was burned with the train, or pillaged, for fragments of some of the maps were reported to have been seen along that route in North Carolina. Nineteen years after the shipment of this property I received a pack- age of worthless securities, personal property, from a son of General Gilmer in Savannah. He could give no information as to how this package came into his fa- ther's possession. I presume General Gilmer did not have them in 1867-8, when I saw him in Savannah, for he did not mention them. This package was in one of those boxes, my camp-desk. Who sent those papers to General Gilmer ? and did the sender retain the maps and correspondence ? There were many autograph let- ters from various generals acknowledging with thanks the receipt of maps, with commendations as to their com- pleteness and accuracy. I should like to recover these letters. The negatives of the general maps, to divide the chances of capture, I gave to my private secretary. Some time after, he informed me that he had carried them with him in his flight as far as Macon, Georgia, and on hir return, for greater security, had placed them in a lady'; trunk, a fellow-passenger's. Hearing en route that all baggage of returning fugitives was to be examined at Augusta, Georgia (which proved to be a false rumor), he incontinently burned them to save Hum. This is the extent of my information concerning the fate of these valuable maps. On learning this sad fate of all the evidences of our three years' labor, and that my modicum of glory was thus dissipated in thin air, my feelings were akin to those of Audubon when he learned that the rats had destroyed his labor of years in the wilderness of woods ; or, more congenially, per- haps, to those of General Magruder on being informed in advance of written orders that he was to make prep- arations for evacuating his lines before Yorktown at an early hour. Raising himself on one elbow, when he was roused from his slumbers to hear the verbal order to that purport from General Johnston, he re- marked with mingled astonishment and disgust, in that peculiar manner of speech which all who knew him will recognize : " Stevenths (Stevens) thic iranthit gloria pe-nin-thu-lee." Albert H. Campbell. Charleston, W. Va., May 17th, 1887. General Robert B. Potter and the Assault at the Petersburg Crater. In The Century magazine for September (page 764), in an account of the Explosion of the Mine at Petersburg, it is stated that "each of the three commanders of the white divisions presented reasons why his division should not lead the assault. General Burnside determined that they should ' pull straws,' and Ledlie was the (to him) unlucky vic- tim. He, however, took it good-naturedly." There are the best reasons for saying that this state- ment is incorrect, and among them is a letter written by General Robert B. Potter to one who especially en- joyed his confidence, in which he says : " My division expected and was anxious to have the advance, because they knew the ground, had an interest in the work, were in the best condition, and known to be the best division in the corps." That he did not have this task committed to him was well known by his friends to have been the one great disappointment of General Potter's army life, and there are those who have often heard him say that, so far from there having been reluctance on the part of any of the division commanders of the Ninth Corps to take the leading place in the charge, they were all de- sirous of that honor. The question was decided by General Burnside in»order that in the choice there should not seem to be any favoritism, and, especially, to avoid that appearance of partiality for a very dear personal friend which would not improbably have been said to have influenced him had he chosen General Potter. Henry C. Potter. New York, Nov. 5th, 1887. A CAVALRY ORDERLY. (FROM A PHOTOGRAPH.) TOPICS OF THE TIME. Manual Training in Common Schools.* THE argument against common schools has been put in its strongest form by a distinguished English thinker, as follows : " Conceding for a moment that the Government is bound to educate a man's children, what kind of logic will demonstrate that it is not bound to feed and clothe them ? " The argument ignores and refuses to meet the only excuse which has ever been offered for a common-school system, — the political basis. The system is not a largess to the recipient, but a natural measure of self-defense on the part of the government which educates. It is necessary, in a dem- ocratic form of government, that the voters should be so far educated as to be reasonably relieved from danger of deception by interested parties ; when that is accom- plished, the duty of the government ceases. To look at the function of government in the matter, as so many of those interested in public education are apt to look at it, as " the prevention of ignorance," is really but another phase of the feeling that the func- tion of government is "the prevention of poverty." While the purpose of the system is political, it seems legitimate to attempt to attain as much other good as possible on the way to the goal. If, as a part of the process of making the boy a reasonably good voter, it is possible also to give him the rudiments of a mechan- ical training, surely time and money spent in this way are very far from being wasted. It is on this ground that the appeal has been made for a certain proportion of manual training in the public schools. It is not in- tended that the public schools shall be diverted from their proper work into that of graduating expert plumbers, carpenters, or shoemakers : the basis of the system, as above stated, should guard one from any such error. All that is meant is that the training of the hands and eyes should have a place alongside of the training of the mind, body, and heart. There are ele- mentary principles of execution which are common to all trades, or most of them. The boy who has mas- tered these is prepared, in a measure, for any trade, though he is master of none. It is only asked that boys in the public schools who desire it should have the opportunity, as a part of their ordinary work, of receiving instruction in these elementary principles. They would thus receive education which the State is under obligations to provide for all its voters, and, at the same time, a preparation through which they will be better apprentices and better workmen when they pass out of school. The argument is offered in reply that the public schools are for all, while this is a preparation designed for a special class. In this form the argument has little weight so long as German, French, music, the higher mathematics, and most of the features of a preparation for college are a recognized part of the educational system of so many States. But the argu- * See "Open Letters," in this number. ment really has a different foundation. It implies that the proposition is a disguised attempt to develop a permanent artisan class, to fit a part of our boys for " that state of life unto which it shall please God to call " them, and to make it pretty certain that they shall stay there. Nothing could be more baseless than such an idea. It is quite sure that this feature in educa- tion would incline boys to be good mechanics, and not mere bunglers ; and that this training, if it should become general, would tend to increase the total work- ing force of the country, even though it did not increase the number of mechanics. But it is far from true that this training would be of benefit only to him who is | to be an artisan. Even the clergyman or the editor would be the better as a man and in his profession for a practical knowledge of the proper use of those won- derful tools, the human hands. There is no man, in any profession, who would not be better able to do his usual work, at times, for just this training. It is, above most others, a training whose benefits are not restricted to a special class, but are bestowed upon all. The argument assumes, also, the odd position that the better artisans are the most likely to remain per- manently in the artisan class. There are too many ex- amples to the contrary to make it necessary to do more than state this position. So far as the proposition for manual training touches the " special class " which has been spoken of, it aims only to clear the way of the artisan's children to any position which he may think higher and better for them. But the essence of the proposition has no such restricted aim. It aims to help eradicate that pestilent feeling of contempt for work which is the bane of this generation. Better that the rich man's son should be compelled to work with his hands for a year or two than that he should grow up to feel, and to impress upon others, that work is de- grading. Better that the sons of our men of moderate means should learn that there is a science and beauty in manual labor than that they should come to believe that there are easier ways of getting a dollar than by working for it. Better that we should have manual training in our public schools than that all our public- school boys should want to begin life as clerks in bro- kers' offices, or in any position which is not smirched with manual labor. That feature which has made our country what it is, work and the love of it, is at stake, and the new proposition is a means of saving it. The only other objection which has been seriously offered caters to one of the worst errors of our modern labor organizations. They aim to restrict the number of apprentices, in order to " make more work " for those already in the trade. What will they say when they see apprentices of a higher grade of intelligence and ability swarming out of our public schools ? In answer, it should be said frankly and distinctly that the effect which is implied would be one of the most weighty benefits of the new system. Suppose the law- yers should form an organization for the purpose of UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00032721573 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION i ""r I -■' u y\ ■*;< ■*■ - 'fflH WdHflO 1