Tf& Hrask IGEANT HALLYBURTON, CAPTURED IN THE WORLD WAR By CHAS, W. HYAMS Library of The University of North Carolina COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA ENDOWED BY JOHN SPRUNT HILL of the Class of 1889 QiB-UlS^k Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SERGEANT HALLYBURTON, THE FIRST AMERICAN SOLDIER CAPTURED IN THE WORLD WAR BY CHAS. W. HYAMS. PRICE $1.00 PIXIE PUBLISHING COMPANY, MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C. 1923 COPYRIGHT, 1923 BY GEORGE B. HALLYBURTON. CONTENTS CHAPTER L Boyhood Days .......:.......,.....*..., 9 CHAPTER EL Soldier In America ........................ 15 CHAPTER III, In France With Pershing 24 CHAPTER IV, Interesting Matters 36 CHAPTER V, Back Home ., 47 CHAPTER VL Private Frank C. Hallyburton 71 DEDICATED To the patriotic father, who never had a feeling of fear, and the venerable mother who placed her trust in God, when two of their sons were called upon to risk their lives "for the peace of the world," with a feeling of pleasure, pride, and admiration, we gladly dedicate this little volume, believing it will prove a solace to them during their declining years. The Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author desires to extend his sincere thanks to Miss Grace I. Gish of Roanoke, Va., for much valuable aid in the preparation of this little volume. SERGEANT EDGAR M. HALLYBURTON. CHAPTER I BOYHOOD DAYS. SERGEANT Edgar M. Hallyburton, the first American soldier captured in the World War, is a son of Mr. George B. Hallyburton and Mrs. Prudence Hallyburton. He was born in Iredell County, North Carolina, January 19, 1890, just 27 years, 9 months, and 14 days before he was captured, but not conquered, by the blood-maddened hosts of an infuriated Kaiser. Even while a mere lad it was characteristic of him to take the lead, and almost invariably to excel in the games and sports peculiar to that period of life. He was always a favorite with his playmates, and this was due largely to his wit, humor, keen sense of right and wrong, courtesy, kindness, justice and impartiality. He enjoyed the privileges and blessings of a typical Southern country home where each child is taught from infancy to speak the truth, be strictly honest, bold, brave, fearless in the face of threatened or imagi- nary danger, obey their parents in all things, at all times, in all places, and under all circumstances, to love their native land, and revere the Almighty. Young Hallyburton is of Scotch-Irish decent and IO LI1