Fi » t r^ i i ai CE COTT COH-ECTIO^f OF NORTH CAROLINIANA ^ r, ' ' I 1 11 I i i ipi i i ii ' . .^J ,L, ifPflHiff'!]''!:' P; C. HENKEL r VINDICATES HIMSELF AMINST THE FOUL CALUMNIES ID MISREPRESENTATMS OF THE JS7 CALLED ^'EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN TENNESSEE SYNOD RE-ORGANIZED,'^ CONTAINED IN THE MlfTOTES OF ITS SESSION HEU3 IN ST. JOHN'g CHURCH, I CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. i From the 12th to the Mlth of OctoUri 1850. SALEMj N. C: PRINTED BY BLUM & SOMi 1851. % To THK Ki:Ai)(':n It is a fact well known to thousands, that some time in the spring of 1845, the Kev. Adam Miller, (formerly a member of the Ev. Luth, Tenn. Synod,) was accused of being the father of a bastard child. And,, whereas the said 31iller is not content with having ruined his own char- acter, and bringing reproach upon his family; but is making every effort in his power, unjustly to tarnish the character of our Synod, and particu- larl}' to destroy ray reputation as a minister : I deem it not only a privi- lege, but an imperative duty I owe U myself, to lift my feeble pen in my own defence ; since recently the mo^t nefarious attempts have been made to destroy my reputation. It appears that Mr. Miller, and those who sympathise with him, are not satistijd peaceably to do the work of Him, whose servants they claim to be, but resort to every intrigue, if possible to injure my reputation, and also tlat of our Synod. It will be appre- hended, by referring to their minutes, (year 1850, pages 13 to 18,) that I am variously charged of imprudeitand blasphemous conduct, relative to the reading of their minutes, &c., which, if correct, would have a ten- dency to do me a serious injury. Be it known, therefore, that in tit spring of 1850, 1 and my assistant. Rev. H. Goodman, when apprehending that some of the more illiterate part of our church members, were somewhat difficulted to discover the falsity and futility of the seven grave charges against our Synod, con- sidered it a duty devolving uponfus, to render general satisfaction ta all, v/hich could not conveniently pe done otherwise than by reading, and giving them a general and piiblic refutation; which, at the voice of the congregations, was perforuud, to the entire satisfaction of every unprejudiced mind, as hundreds AFOuld testify. Now, dear reader, it is my intention, to set forth matters of fact in my own defence, since recently some very dangerous attempts have been made against me, too insufferably mean not to be known, at least by those who have regard for safety and honesty. I humbly trust, no one will censure me for making tae following plain defence, after they shall have given it an examination, It is true, some may at first thought, conclude that it is stooping almo.'^fi too low, to notice such a wicked set. I, however, beg leave to differ from such, particularly since the glaring and foul misrepresentations are iii print. I, nevertheless, do not ex- pect that this will stop their awful fulminations, as I have abundant reason to know that there is almost no measure too low and mean for some of tliem to resort to. I shall feel myself perfectly at liberty in future, to notice any far- ther publication, or not. I shall therefore only present to the reader's notice in this, such facts as may be necessary to vindicate my charac- ter, and somewhat to illustrate the manner in which Mr. M. and his friends, together with his Synod, are treating me. I humbly pray that my enemies and bitter persecutors, may speedi- ly repent, ere it be too late. And that those who may have been kept in the dark by designing, wicked men, may come to a knowledge of the- truth, and embrace it, is the prayer of the reader's humble servant. r, C. HENKEL.. I SECTION r. Dear Reader I If Mr. I^Iiller and some of his party, had only compar- ed mo to < Bull-dogs,' and ^Jack-asses,' as he frequently has done, I should not have lifted my pen to iiotice it. And even for him and his party to pronounce me a liar, in Ihe region of country where I am personally known, I do not fear, neither do I much regard it, as ho cannot induce any honorable persoa to believe any such thing. But for him and his Synod, to publish to the world, in print, notorious falsehoods against me, shall not be permitted, and passed over in silence, as it might induce persons at a distance, and generations to come, to believe them, | Now, Mr. Miller, do you not know that it is against the law, to com- pare a human to brutes ? or do you not care for law, either civil or moral ? It seems you do not. Sir, deny if you please, that you have compared me to the brutes above mentioned ; and I assure you, that I can make it appear, by men as resi^ectable as there is any need to men- tion. Or did you intend to provokome to bring suit, so that you might have an opportunity to let men sTv^ar for you, who can testify to what they have neither seen nor heard. You may feel thankful that you have abused a man who wishes yoiunoharm, and that would do you no injury, when it is in his power. I humbly pray that you may speedily repent of your wickedness, before it be eternally too late. I am sorry that you have suffered such foul misrepresentations to appear before the public in print, as appear in the minutes of your last session. Why did you suffer it ? Was it because you loved the truth ? Surely not. Mr. Miller ! Why do you wish to break me down ? Have ycu not said that I am the very man you wish to break down ? Sir, deny it if you please; and whenever called upon, I am prepared to prove that a devoted friend of yours has said so. But, I suppose you think, it makes no difference how a ' Jack-asB,' or a ' Bull-dog,' is treated ; and as you have compared me to such, I of course, can expect no other treatment from you, than might be expected you would give a ^ BuU- should read it. Did not Mr. H. say, if you wish me to read it, I will do so, if it even takes me till 9 or 16 o'clock in the night t Was it not then put to vote, whether or not it should be read that evening^ You know it was. And consequently deferred to some other lime by the vote of thecongregation. iVud yet you ean say, ''it was indefinite- ly postponed.'^ This can only be true, in one sense, that is : there wa& no particular time set, when the letter was to be read. If this is the sense you intended, (which, from its connexion, seems not to lie the case) why did you not give a full and a fair statement ? You no doubt saw that if you would give a fair statement, it could be no advantage to your ungodly cause, and, of course, could not injure Mr. 11. Hence you keep as dark as possible, (just like your leader,) so that when closely pursued, you are ready with a slip-gap, so that you can dodge in another direction. The last item in reference to this reads : '^ But remarked that the texts quoted by Mr. Easterly in his letter stood as proof to the re ader,, and said, if I read that letter, I will prove quite different from those texts to what Easterly has intended to prove from them." To this we answer, that it is one of the most glaring misrepresenta- tions that could well be made. Mr, PL did remark, that merely to name the chapters and verses, without reading their contents, might by some be supposed to prove, that Mr. E's affirmations are thereby fully estab- lished. But Mr. H. said, if I read the letter, I will read the texts quot- ed ; so that the congregation may be enabled to judge as to the correct- ness of Mr. E^s sentiments, and the applicability of the texts quoted to the subjects under consideration. Now, dear reader, we have briefly answered the testimony of the said W. S. D. and (x. P. S,, not that we are in the least partial to any man, or set of men ; but seeing the most unjust measures taken to injure our Pastor, P. C. Henkel, whom we have known from a child, we are hap- py to say, that his character is unimpeachable. We, therefore, cannot suffer a set of designing men to misrepresent him, and tarnish his char- acter abroad in print. Had that foul Synod not went so far as to print their foul perversions and misrepresentations, we should not have been at the trouble to expose their v.icked attempts, as they have not, and cannot injure the said Henkel, \vhere he is personally known. This hi& enemies are well aware of, and therefore they have adopted another plan. 13 Wc humbly pray that the time may speedily roll on when repentance and reformation of life, on the part of our enemies, may take place. We add no more. Kespectfully submitted and undersigned. • ELI E. J)EAL, MOSES HERMAN, FREDERICK SMITH, GEORGE H. SIGMAN, ELI SIGMAN, JOEL SIMMON, TOBIAS MOSER, H. INGOLD, B. C. ALLEN, DAVID SMITH. That I read the minutes correctly, Mr. Wm. S. Deal publicly acknowU edged. This, however, is not so distinctly recollected by all who were present ; those therefore, who do fully recollect this fact, do separate- ly testify, as follows, to wit : "St. John's Church, Catawba County, N. C. "We, the undersigned, were present when the Rev. P. C. Henkel read the minutes of the Evangelical L. T. Synod, so called. When Mr. Henkel had read the minutes, Mr. Wm. S, Deal said to Mr. Henkel, had you called on me to read that minute, I could have read it that any plain scholar could have understood it. Whereupon Mr. Henkel re- marked, and said, I have read it right. Mr. Wm. S. Deal then said,. I know you did.'* GEORGE H. SIGMAN, F. R. SHOOK, TOBIAS MOSER, ELI E. DEAL, EU SIG3iAN. MOSES HERMAN. SECTION II. It is apprehended from the above declaration, that the extract em- bodied in the minutes of the so called " Re. S." for the year 1850, i* utterly a mass of perverted stuff; and consequently, were it not for Mr^ M's incessant importunities and attempts to make false impressions ovt the minds of the weaker class, and those at a distance, I should say no fliore in reply, as the fountain from whence the diabolical underplot- ted notes is sufficiently defeated to satisfy those of ready discernment.. But experience of five long years, and many abuses thrown upon me by an untiring persecutor and a taunting contriver, teach me the necessity to be very plain. But, in order not to extend the present pages be- yond a reasonable limit, I shall confine myself more particularly to the consideration of the undcrplotted notes. But, before entering upon this, I shall take the liberty to remark, that the reading of the minutes ia the churches, and the answering of the allegations therein contain- ed, seems to have excited the feelings of my opjtonents to such an ex- tent, that it reminds me of an interrupted hornets^nest ; — tliough they say, it seemed to them " like a busy man doing nothing." — Which, if correct, wisdom would have directed them to say : It is not vvorthy of notice. — And consequently that long harangue, and piece of abuse and reproach, would not have been printed ; and, of course, in that case, xjpthing moxe would have been, said about it. u "VVhcreas the minutes were rer:d according (o tLcir print, and as I corrected them in those places where it is qnite obvious that they speab against themselves, and so corrected them as to read altogether in their favor, that every unprejudiced mind could see that I was doing them justice, and meeting their allegations in a dress as fair as they could Lave expressed thcm^ they should not have given their perversions in return ; but should at least have tried to imitate the golden rule so far as to give my expressions justice. And if this little "Re. S.'' knew no better, as to what I said, tlian a few ambitious characters could cer- tify, (together with a parcel of men, who testify that I read the min- utes false, &c., and at the same time must confess that they did not hear me read the minutes at all,) it seems that common honesty should have forbidden this little " E.e. 8.'' to publish their stuff to the world. But it seems that the petition and concurrent testimony was not per- verse enough to suit their malice ; hence they must resort to a plan to make their ridiculous perversions and misrepresentations appear in>. augmented colors. I shall yet briefly notice what this gigantic "Re. S." did, through its committee, relative to the examination of the minutes of its previous session. It is said, (page 7 last min.) after their encomiums to ther printer, &c., " We have nevertheless discovered some slight typogra- phical errors, and also some unintentional inaccuracies in diction, but none to affect materially the sense intended to be conveyed. But so far as truth and principle are concerned, we have discovered no errors; and therefore recommend the adoption of this report.^' Well, proba- bly I said too much above, when stating, and corrected them in those places where it is quite ohvioiis that they speak against themselves ; for I apprehend that A. Miller is at the head, and D. Forrester at the foot of the committee of examination; and both, no doubt, perfect graduates T And I, as some have said, graduated under Professor Rev. J. R. Mo- ser, at the old Machine. Very well. But I think all your literary tyros would, when contrasted with the Rev. J. R. Moser, suffer seri- ously. But, it is said, some of the best of scholars at Newton examined the minutes, and all was found correct ; and this gives weight to the mat- ter, and has a tendency to break you down.* Very well. I shall ex- amine the matter ; and then you may call upon your Newton Scholars, and let them display their literary powers as much as they please. — You confess though, that there are errors in the minutes ; But not * I have my doubts, whether any scholars at Newton examined the minutes, and pronounced them correct ; unless they were enemies to our Synod, and did it to give weight to a persecutor's cause. I care but little for what such men may say, so far as it concerns my person. But for any man to make pretensions that a wrong thing is correct, witk no other intention than to give an unwearied abuser, (in his ignorance and malice,) a chance to make a false impression on the minds of igno- rant people, is unchristian and mean^ — be they who they may. 1.) j^'Lcrc irnth and jyrinciplc are concerned I : "Well, then it secni.s that in some part of the minuter ncitlier truth nor princi' j>le are concerned I ! ! If I had known that you would make ii«uch an acknowledgment as this, I believe I v/ould have de- ferred reading your minutes a few months longer, and would havo tried to have given them a charitable correction. But, it might be, that you would have bitten me in the heel for so doing. And in fact, it might have led you to accuse me of being '• skilled in the art of spi- ritualizing." Consequently, you can expect me in future to understand your writings exactly as they read. As you say, page 13 : ** Is not the language sufficiently plain to convey its own meaning to an intel- ligent reader ? — or does he intend an open insult ?" If it in.sults you, to correct your extraordinarily deep, sober, comprehensive and sound ideas ! I shall in future endeavor to understand your writings, verbatim, et literatim, et punctuatim. But then, for an idea, in many places, I know I shall be greatly at a loss; for instance, (pa^e 5, last min.) I read of a ^'committee appointed to extract petition's!**^ How do you extract petitions ? See also page 4th, &c. And, page 16, I read : *^ On this Mr. H. remarked that the language employed, conveyed the following idea: that it is just what the devil wanted, to get the devil to quit preaching, and those who were opposing the devil had a zeal for God, but not according to knov,'ledge."''(See page 14.)^ See page 14 of what ? — I can find no such language on page 14 of any pamphlet or book that I possess, unless this should happen to be a 14th page. You have given us an errata ; but to what purpose ? To prevent any t)ne from discovering errors in your minutes ? If so, you have failed. But I suppose if a committee would examine it by order of your Syn- od, they would conclude that, "so far as truth and principle are con- cerned, we have discovered no errors \ ! '^ Come, publish " truth" and ^'principle" to the world, and you will stand in need of no errata, as to your other mistakes ; for so far as I would have occasion to read your productions, I trust they would meet with as honorable correction as you well could make yourselves j though it be at the peril of receiv- ing abuse. SECTION III. I shall now attend to those notes, commencing on page 13, in which I perceive, there is neither truth nor principle, excepting the few texts of Scripture and a few other little clauses, in themselves considered. As to the phrase or address, "Miller's Minutes," I confess that I have used it frequently, and all that I have ever seen or heard relative to this, does not teach me any impropriety in so using it. But on the other hand, I have enough to satisfy ray own mind, as to its applica- bility. As to the partial honor of him, being the author of the minutes, I conclude it is due him. That he denies acting " with the body du- ring the preceding part of the session," does not prove, that he is not its author. And with mo it docs not matter who m;iv be its author. 1(1 The nest note says .' ^Olu H. sdcJins to be skilled iu tiic aft of' spin^-? Ualizing. Who authoi^ized hhii to give an abstract meaning of the! language used in the minutes V^ Answer : This ia already answered by my brethren from Miller'^ church. See their reply. It seems this little '^ Re. S." is skilled iri the art of per\'er.sion ;ind uiisreprC^^entation. I return the compliment, and ask : wha authon;Jed you to tell the world suc'a f<*Isehoods, and to' have men to testify that it is so, Who know nothing about it. Ah ! you would say, our intended witnesses we have kept back, to be ready in case suit might be brought I ! I Header ! would you fear the bringing of suit, in case you acted honestly and uprightly ? Surely you would not hesitate a incrment. But when men are laying a plot of conspiracy, they may act in that way, particularly, when they have no nfore affec- tion for the object of their abuse, than to coiripare me to brutes of dif- ferent kinds, Iveader ! can there be one spark oi honesty or Christianity in such men 7 Further, it is said in the same note i ^* Is not the lan- guage sufficiently plain to convey its own meaning to an. intelligent reader ? &c.-^and does not need Mr. H's spiritualization to render it intelligible.^' Well, tum to page 15 of your minutes for 1849 ; where you will read : '' They then petitioned foi' a redress of grievances, and (if not misinformed) there were between three and four hundred peti- tioners for Mr. IMiller, and'^somc twenty or thirty against' him; and some of those have since said, that the}'^ ctid not understand the design of their petition, v.'hen they signed it." Well, I suppose it is all gra)n-- matical enough. But, Messrs. A. M. and D. F.;, together with the ballance of yrmr committee. Synod, — and if you desire, — say,- '"Newtoa scholars," tel) me, according to the "intelligible" language of the minutes,- which class of petitioners did not understand the cfesign of their peti- tion, when they signed it. If you answer, the three or four hundred, I shall acknowledge tliat it is so. But Avhy do you tell the com- munity that your own petitioners did not understand the design* of their petition, when they signed it ! But, if yoti say that it wag- the twenty or thirty, I tell yon the Issnguage conveys no such idea, and I defy you with all youi' polished literary accomplishments, Newton scholars, graduates and what not^ to m^ike it appear. This, however, may be one of those places where truth, and jrnnciple are not concern- e.d! I -:im not laboring to satisfy the learned, but the illiterate. If the nbove would say, some of these have since said, instead of say- ing "some cf( I'hosc have since said," &c., then we could understand, when taking- it as it reads, that somt) of the twenty ov thirty wore refer- red to, as tne ones wht> " did not understand the design of their peti- tion, wiieri they signed it." Let the common reader take the follow- ing example : Suppose I have three or four hundred red apples, and some twenty or thirty green ones, and I were then to affirm, that those are for Johu and these are for ])ick, can you tell me, which are John's and which are Pick's apples ? I suppose it would puzzle the three children of Belial, (the principal intended witnesses against me,) to- gether with those who bear testimony against me in the minutcS; who 1 i hever heard me reai them, but were absent, anil probably asleep at the time to answer it. — And in all probability the polished graduates, A. M. and D. V,, otherwise they v.ould not have said : '' But so far as f r nth im^ principle are concetincd, we have discovered no errors;" — xm(\. also said : ^' Is not the langua^^e sufficiently plain to convey its own meaninir," &c. The note continues : "He must be an cxceedinoj learned man." Would it be spiritualizinsr to correct this sentence thus, and say : " lie must be an axcecdimlij learned man V If so, keep your grammtir for your own purposes, well shrouded in the man- tle of nonsense. It is possible for mo or any one else, to be an " exceed-' ing" man in many respects, i. e., great in quantity, extent, &c., with- out involving the idea of graduation at some literary institute. You should remember, or first learn, that ^' exceeding " is a participial ad- jective, and no adverb. My present limits will not permit me, to notice all the ^^ exceeding learned" (!) phrases in your minutes, even where *' truth and prviiciple are not concerned." You seem to wish the information where I graduated, after which, you conclude that, " In our humble view such a course of conduct is beneath the dignity of a gentleman, much less a christian." " Such a course." — What kind of a course? To make such opprobious epith- ets, and to make inquiry for such information ? If so, why have you done so? If, however, ^'such" has a reference to another source to fetch its conclusion, you had better let your conclusion follow in quick succession, so as to make it intelligible, lest such a feeble graduate as you are trying to make sport of, might turn the tables against him, who is trying in his intrigue to break the poor creature down, — the creature, which the graceful lips of the Rev. A. M. could in his humble and christian-like tone, compare to a stiff necked Jack-ass. Such conduct as this, I suppose is christian enough for your Synod, particularly, when one so holy and godly, as the Rev. A. M. utters it. It matters not where I graduated ; even if it were in a log-cabin shingled with clapboards, and ornamented with a wooden chimney, and such fine furniture as may be customary in such stately institutes. If I have only the required education, and natural talents, together with industry sufficient to discharge the duties incumbent upon me ; and also the christian fortitude, &c., to bear the many heavy persecutions and foul calumnies, (such as are attempted to be heaped upon me by your Synod and otherwise,) using only such liberties as christians in all ages enjoyed, to expose the devices of Satan; leaving the Almighty and civil governments under his direction, to punish offenders. I feel satisfied, that Jesus Christ, the Judge of quick & dead, will not reproach and condemn me because I am poor, and because I enjoyed not the pri- vileges of the rich, and pleasures of this world ; and also regularly to graduate at some great institute. No ! I still remember that my bless* ad Saviour was born of a poor virgin, a manger is his palace. Under the influence of such considerations, I feel my sentiments expand, and my wishes acquire a turn of sublimity, and my throbbing desires after worldly grandeur, die away. IS But where did one of this gigantic 1\. E L. T. iS^uod's miniHters graduate !** 1 1 *** — I ! ! ? Give the world this information, and you will have enough to do, without trying to reproach me by your bport, as one of your ministers, also on other occasions, has done, when comparing me with a degree of sneering merriment, to the brutal crea- tion. I shall let the reader judge, whether your course is not beneath the dignity of a gentleman or christian. I shall now pass on to the next distorting note. It commences thus i ^* Mr. H. manifests a wonderful knowledge of language when he tells his hearers that to contend with the enemy is not grammatical." Answer: I never said that it is not grammatical j but as certified by my brethren, I said that the sentences : ** Their struggles with the Generalists," — " contended so hard with them," &c,, are ambiguous, and implied to be on the enemies' side. Any person acquainted with the rules of grammar, knows, that so far as the parsing of these sen- tences is concerned, that they could be parsed when substituting any preposition in the English language instead of the one used; as " prepositions govern the objective case," It could be parsed, if it would read : contended in the enemy, or for the enemy ', around j towards^ frorrij upon, &c. But then the phrases would assume diflfer- cnt significations. Not every sentence that may be parsed by the rules of grammar, is free from ambiguity ; neither doea any such sen- tence convey a fair idea. Now for you to attempt to afiirm, that I said, " to contend with the enemy," is not grammatical, (in any other sense than||in point of signification,) you afiirm that which is not so. Again, in the same note it is said : *' If he is correct in his criticism, he has not only corrected the language in the minutes, but he has con- victed the Almighty himself ol the grossest wickedness. It seems according to this view, that the translators of the Scripture did not un- derstand grammar with this learned divine I" Answ^er: Did the translators of the Scriptures into the English, on all occasions, make the choicest selection of prepositions, and also, on all occasions, select words, to convey the original import of the text in the clearest sense possible '/ If so, where is the propriety for the criti- cisms of many of the ablest theologians ? Where the expediency for the framers of the constitution of the Tenn. Synod to make provision, in case of dispute, to decide any such point, by appealing to the languagcw in which the Scriptures were first written ? It seems that you view the translators as being inspired ; and that we are allowed, under no cir- cumstances, to call into question the propriety of the present English translation in any respect; lest, forsooth, according to the present translation, in some instances, we might discover certain ambiguous expressions, and thus convict the " Almighty himself, of the grossest wickedness !" . The inference you have made, is a logical non-sequitur ; for it does not follow, that because there are texts in the English translation, uir- ing the preposdtion. ^' ici'fh," in a similar manner as used in your min- utes, (and even by ether writers) that therefore, I affrrmcd; 10 that to '' Struggle with tho Genpialisis—to contend with them/' &c., is ambiguou?, (that is, doubtful, having two meanings,) this would convict " the Almighty himself of the grossest wickedness." Such reas- oning might satisfy a " dummkopfe !" Before^you drew your conclusion, you should have proven (what you never can prove) that those texts you refer to, cannot admit the preposition against to take the place of withj without doing violence to the texts, or injuring their primary import. Let the reader turn to all the portions of Scripture you have quoted, (except Neh. 25: 1,*) and as he reads, substitute the preposition against, in the place of with; and if this will convict the Almighty of the grossest wickedness, you must have a plan to spiritualize matter to suit your own perverse purposes. . . The preposition against signifies "in opposition to, contrary, in contradiction to, opposite to." Hugh Blair, D. D. F. E. S., when giving the difference between with and by, says : " but with expresses a more close and immediate connexion; bi/, a more remote one. Again, another able writer says: ''with, the imperative oi withan, to ioin.'^ ^' I will go with hira." "I join him." Now, m the first text you quote : (Deut. 2 : 9.) Are the children of Israel forbidden tQ come in a more close and immediate connexion with the Moabites, or join with them, (which is possible without involving the idea of abiis- ing, injuring, wronging, offending or distressing them) or were the Israelites forbidden to oppose, act contrary to, or contradict, or " dis- tress" them? Undoubtedly, the latter, which, in my judgment, would be more obvious and free from ambiguity, to render the phrase thus : "neither contend against them in battle." Though it may be admitted, that they were not to join them in any sense. At any rate, I am well satisfied, that it would not convict " the Almighty himself of the grossest wickedness.'^ Sirs : before you affirmed that I am " will- ful," in an error, you should have proven, that I committed an error, and that too, with design. You might as well accuse a man of sinning against the Holy Ghost, who would affirm, that apo would convey a fairer idea, when rendered from instead of out of, as in Matt. 3 : 16., &c. You no doubt would be ready to accuse and reproach such, by saying: " he manifests a wonderful knowledge of language,— has convict- ed the Almighty himself of the grossest wickedness— the translators of the Scriptures did not understand grammar with this learned divme ! And all this, because this divine affirmed, that the prepositions employ- ed, conveyed a doubtful idea ; and, that a different rendering would remove all scruples. Though, I may not have thought, that your volume or any other person's, in point of sublipiity, deserved a con- trast with the present English translation of the Bible. o o \ If you will turn to the Septuagint, and examine the text (Deut. 2: 9.) and you will find the preposition pros, in connexion with the Aocusa^ tive, which may justly be rendered, against, as in the sen tence: "/Va> ■" There is no 25th chapter i^ Nchemiah. 20 '/tenCra me lactize, do iiotkickag^\n<:t the pricks, ^-Escliyl." This text according to the German translation, roads: " Bu soht die Moahittcr nicht heleitigen nocli hehriegen.'" I suppose that the judge who has passed sentence upon me, (page 14,) when he looks at the German translation, that the translator or translators will suffer seriously ; for they have omitted the preposition entirely in that clause. Will this Judge accuse him or them with the crime of having taken " from the words of the book of this prophesy?'*" And therefore, "his (or their) part/' shall be taken "out of the book of life, and cut of the holy city," &c. If it suits his ambition, he can do it by the same kind of reason- ing and inference, which led him to sentence me so awfully; lest, for- sooth, it might be made to appear by the translator, that he did not al- ter or take from the primary import of the text, and thus avert this awful judgment. The next text which is quoted against me, is : Prov. ^8: 4. The original (Greek) has, perihallousin, (com. oi pen about, and hallo^ to cast, throw, pelt, &c. The German reads: — "' Slnd unwillig avf sic.'* An able Lutheran (German Commentator) renders this phrase thus : ^^streiten icicder sie,'' — contend against them. It is uunecessnry to pursue this part of the subject any further, as the common reader may easily decide, when substituting the preposition against j for ivitli, whether it conveys a wicked idea, or whether it would " convict the Almighty himself of the grossest wickedness," so to read and under- stand them. Now, if to speak of the Almighty as being opposed to wickedness, or of being against it, convicts him of the grossest Avick- edness, I must confess, that this " Ke. S." so-called, has a clue to spiritualize matter, beyond my penetration. Again, page 14, it is said: "Can a man be a safe teacher who would thus willfully misconstrue the word of God, to suit his own cruel ambi- tion." Sirs : I have never misconstrued the word of God. I shall hold you as a set of columniators, until you prove your assertion. But, probably you will condemn me for speaking of ambiguity touch- ing the present English translation. It will scarcely be pretended, that the translators of the sacred volume did not accurately under- stand the English language. It is nevertheless possible, for them' to have employed prepositions in various texts, and also other words, •which do not convey the primary import of the text, to the nicest and clearest degree, in all instances. In ray humble judgment, it would not amount to blasphemy, so to conclude : Unless you can make it ap- pear, that they were under the immediate guidance of inspiration, at least, whilst engaged in translating. Now that I have intimated no more than I am able to maintain, a few instances from the present trans- lation will be given. I Cor. 13 : 1 — 3. The word agapen, translated charity, should undoubtedly have a different rendering: It is derived from the verb agapac, — to be strictly united in affection, to love, &c. The German has " Liehe." The primary signification of the word char- ity, is alms-giving. Now it is possible for a person to give all he pos- sesseS; and even his body to be burned ) and thus fill up the measure of 21 tbe primary import of the word charity, and at the same time be des- titute of love; and consequently nil deeds of charity, when performed without' the proper affection, would profit the giver nothinf;. To give the word charity its original signification, and pursue it in the text, (ac- cording to the English translation,) to its ultimate consequence, it makes the Apostle say, that which the original text will never justify, VIZ : '*If I have all charity, and yet have not charity, I am nothing/* Again, (John 16: lo.) " Kovrbeit, when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth;"' that is, according to the trans- lation : "into all truth whatsoever, into truth of all kinds," which holds forth an idea, very different from the intention of the Evangelist, and from the original. Inspired men were not omniscient. The proper rendering is: '^into all tlie truth ;'^ that is, into all evangelical truth, all truth necessary for you to know. I feel myself at no loss, to produce additional specimens, if it were necessary. The note marked thus (||) is clearly answered by my worthy brethren. As to what is said of the note marked thus, (§) has also been answer- ed by m.y brethren. I shall, however, remark, that I never attempt- ed to show, what it takes to constitute a Synod, (when reading their min.) in any other way, than from their own production and ({notation ; (see min. page 18, for 1849,) where, in a note we read : "A Synod is a body of minister? with lay deputies, who superintend the concerns of the church under their care, agreeably to certain christian rules, found- ed upon a constitution.'* What can we infer from such language, than that a plurality of ministers is required to constitute a Synod ? — Such language does not prove, that one minister alone can constitute or reorganize a Synod ; having Rev. P. H. and J). H. as judges. All that you can, or have proven, in relation to this, from the pages and quotations you have cited in your minutes, is, firstly, that a Synod is a body of ministers, &c., (one minister is no body of ministers !) And secondly, that if a body of ministers, or a Synod, makes a mutual agreement to meet at a certain time and place, to hold Synod; and should all the regular ordained ministers fail to attend, except one, that he, with licentiates and deputies, would have consti- tutional authority to transact business, having ap}ieared at the consti- tutional appointment : consequently the rest failing to attend, when knowing of the appointment, must abide by the consequences, or pro- test against them. The N. C. Synod must have viewed the subject in this light; otherwise it would not have acknowledged J. E. Bell legal- ly ordained; which ordination was performed at the session to which you allude. At this period there was no final separation declared, and consequently the session of which you speak, was not the first session of the Tenn. Synod, as you wish to intimate, for it did not then exi^t; hence, the session alluded to, was to all rules and purposes a session of the North Carolina Synod. The first session of the Tenn. Synod was held in Solomon's church, (Cove Creek) Green County, Tenn., on the 17th, 18th and 19th days of July, A. D. 1820. This cession ^a? composed of four PastorS;, 22 viz; Jacob Zink, Paul Ilenkcl, Adam Miller, sen., Philip llenkel and Deacon G. Easterly, together with 19 deputies. Now, the so called '< Re. S." had no existence, till the year 1848, nnd in its title pages, claims none antecedent to this date ; consequent* ly it is approaching the fourth year of its age. But the Evan. Luth. Tenn. Synod, will soon be in its 31st session. If the so-called *' Pve. S." was designed to be the original T. S. rt should have claimed some of its first sessions, at least ! As, for one regular ordained minister, with catachists and lay-dele- gates to transact business, when meeting pursuant to a regular Synod's own adjournment, is one thing; and for one minister and delegates to form a new Synod, or attempt to reorganize one, is another thing. From dissimilar objects, no one, but an ignorant or deceitful man, (or set of men,) will draw identical conclusions. I shall now briefly notice the clause marked thus, (T^) which reads : ^*We shall here insert Dr. B's letter without note, as it speaks for itself." From this it seems that the petitioners from Miller's church, and the two men from St. John's, did not, or could not speak for themselves. It seems they could not at the first attempt, misrepresent matter badly enough to suit their cruel ambition, to break him down, whom one has compared to a Jack-ass, &c., and some of his followers, imitating his godly conversation, comparing me to a Muly-bull. ! christian read- er ! ! ie such conduct the conduct of christians ? In relation to the contents of the letter of B. F. Bell, the celebrated and seemingly magnanimous Dr., I answer, that so far as it concerns myself, I have proven that I did not say that the Rev. E — . "was in a state of dotage, vacillation, or what we sometimes call childishness. *'• I doubt not, but that Mr. Bell was so informed. But this magnanir mous Dr., before attempting to defame me, (as I see that this " letter was intended to be draughted as a note from the word '^childish"') should have looked at the source from whence he obtained his informa- tion. A goodly number of those who certify against me, were not present when the minutes were read, which is their own acknowledge- ment. And their leader has frequently said, "If I go down, they * shall go down with me," and in order to degrade me as much as pos- sible, at different times he has compared me to brutes; yet it seems that his conversation is looked upon as being in heaven ! Oh ! shame ! ! Dr. B. ! may I not consistently turn the tables ; and ask, who will now detract from, or defame my character, upon the strength of such men's affirmations ? May I not justly respond and say : — "I know that envy, pining at the superiority of others, anger, like the fire of iEtna, feeding upon its own substance; ambition, in its restless effort, pulling down disgrace upon its own head, will resort to almost any means of relief; **but he who will charge" me with saying the Rev. G E. "was in a state of dotage, vacillation, or what we sometimes call childishness," ^' must brave a falsehood, at which even impudence itself would blush ————— - ■- - " S"" I "I "ii • "'— " '' Alladincr (o the ministers of the Tenn. Synod, generallyr 9»l ' ijcc." Now, that 1 ever, on any occasion, unconditionally said, that llev, G. E. was childish, is a notorious, downright and corrupt false- hood. Though such men might possibly swear to the reverse, who have the impudence to certify, that things were said, which never, at all, in any shape, occurred in their presence, or any where else. For an answer to the next note, marked thus, (*) the reader is re- ferred to the answer given on former pages, by my brethren. In relation to the next note marked in the same manner, page 16, the reader is also referred to the above mentioned answer. I shall, nevertheless, remark, that the sentence : '' They give it as their opinion, that it is just what the Devil wants, that is, to get him to quit preach- ing," is a sentence under a distinct period. And Aristottle's definition of a sentence is: '^ A form of speech which hath a beginning and an end within itself, and is of such a length as to be easily comprehended at once." Now if the above unfortunate sentence were given for a sentence in the examples of parsing, the personal pronoun him, could not refer to Mr. M. in that sentence without constructing the sentence different to its present form. I suppose if this "Re. S." so called, were to undertake to parse some of the sentences of which it speaks, and has printed, we would see some artificial, and very superficial exertions made. It seems that this little "Re. S." does not hesitate, to attempt to make the impression on the public mind, that my brethren are desti- tute of ordinary discernment, or that they are " blinded by the demon prejudice." A demon is a devil.- That my brethren are so very su- perficial, — or to give it in your own language, — " can it be possible, that the most superficial mind, could not detect such ambitious per- version of truth, unless blinded by the demon prejudice." That my brethren, who heard me read the minutes, are so stupid as not to be equal to the most " superficial mind;" or that if they are not so stupid, must be branded under any and every other consideration, with the epithet of " demon prejudice," which is a barefaced slander. You must recollect that the minutes were read in the presence of the wisest and best of citizens, and members our churches in this region of country, hold, and are excelled by none other. Sirs I my brethren at any and every church in which I officiate, are so ready of discernment, that an impostor, though once in high standing, must not think that he can commit dirty tricks right under their nose, and that they will never discover them. Nay, they are so far from being " blinded by the de- mon prejudice," that they will support no ungodly minister, or character. In relation to what is said on page 17, in the three first underplotted paragraphs, the reader is referred to the report appended to our last minutes ; and also to the reply from St. John's church. As to the note marked thus, (f) we read : " We would inform the Rev. H. that reference was had to the action of the Tennessee Synod at the time when the constitution was ratified," &c. Answer : Turn to the 19th page of your former minutes. We read : " 2nd. That church -) decisions arc considered final ;" Matt. 18. •• ^Vh^.t th**v bind on earth V 21 Bliall be bound in Heaven." Sirs ! to prove tliat '' the clmreli decirilona were considered final," you appeal directly to Matt. 18, and not to the time the constitution was ratified. This is very evident, not only from the manner in which yoU quote the te:st, but also from what you say immrdlateli/ after, viz: '* Tiie church receives her authority direct from Christ, to act in a congregational capacity." Now, why did you quote this text at all, if you did not intend thereby to prove, how tho decisions of the church of Jesus t'hrist are viewed according to the blessed volume ; if this is not the design, tlien your quotation is quite superfluous. In the note alrcad}- mentioned, it is said: "AYhy docs not Mr. 11. prove a perversion of the text; both sentences refer to the same object.^' If both sentences refer to the same object, I would ask, to what object? Will 3Mm answer, to th*^ action of the Tennessee Synod, at the time the constitution \<2iS ratified ? If .?o, I tell you there is no such language to be found there, as, "The church decisions wore considered final," '^ what they bind," &c. You no doubt saw, that there is nothing to justify this end of the story; and therefore betake yourselves to another refuge,' in ease this tale wont do, and say " The: writers of the New Testament have quoted the scriptures in the same manner." This is at once an acknowledgment on your part, that I embraced 3'our first intende'd idea, according to the natural reading of the minutes ; otherwise yoa would not have taken this last resort. Now, for you to claim equal authority M'ith the writers of the New Testament, to quote texts, and give them a rendering which the original will not justify, is not only self assuming, but very dangerous; and that you can justify the rendering you have ^iven Matt, l!^, I flatly deny. It seems that you can take almost any authorit}^, and all ^rith you is right, liut you seem to be. so very self-zealous, that should a criticism upcm human composition be made, you can soon discover a plan to con- vict such, "of convicting the Almighty himself of tlte grossest wicked- ness," though it be upon no other ground, than that you have found certain texts in the English translation employing the preposition simi- larly ; and at the same tijjpe, you are unable, and I pledge myself to maintain it that you are uriiible to prove, with all the assistance you can procure, that to substitute the preposition against for icithj in the texts you cited, would " convict the Almighty himself of the grossest wicked-- ness." Notwithstanding the fi\ct, that the English translation of the Scriptures, in the main, is the best that can be given, I would never- theless, rather call in question one half of the English translation^ than to intimate that 1 had authority to alter one word, or change one letter in the original, even if I discovered that the inspired writers of the Nev/ Tcstartient, in one half, or all of their quotations from the Old Testament, had employed different words, or omitted some entirely or paraphrased the language somewhat. As to your statement, — " that it is Miller and not a Ilenkel which has become the subject of persecution,^' I shall let the reader jiulge. Eelative to the note marked, thus, (J) I refer the reader to the reply from St. John's churchy on a former pnge. I shall; nevertheless remark^ '} Z») that r was not present at the aession of our Synod in 1847, and conse- quently the information I have, relative to this matter, I gathered from ro.^pcctable members who were present, and from the minutes of that session. Now as there are various questions in this note, proposed with paf- tioular reference to mc, and also accusing Synod with not having treated petitions at this session, with '^common courtesy '' and ^'civility ;^' I sliall, in the first place, proceed to notice the charge against Synod in this respect, as I am personally iniplicated, (though not present at this session) from the manner and connexion in which your question and answer are placed. I shall reason the case from your own ques- tion and answer, and also from statements made in your minutes of 1849. In the note above alluded to, we read, — "but what did the petitioners in 1847, ask for? — Why, it was for the Synod to decide the existing difficulties by the word of God, &c,, which they utterly refused to do, and evaded the demand by a majority of votes." What? Did the petitioners call upon Synod to decide existing difficulties by the Word of Gpd!! What? decide ''that which has been decided by God's Word ! ! I'*^ Do you not say on page 20 of your niinutes of 1849 : " This is to place Synod above God and his Word— this is not only unconsti- tutional, but blasphemy?'' Also page 11 same minutes, do we not fead the following, in relation to the attempt made by those petitioners to enumerate certain (supposed) violations : '' 1st. The act of receiving (into the Synod) the case of Mr. Miller, which had been de- cided according to the Word of Go^'?'^ What ? Had it been decided by the Word of God ? Again, Rev. G. E. argues, that Mr M's case was out of roach of Synod. (See his letter, page 24 of your minutes of 1849.) Does he not say: "Now brethren, I did believe, and do still believe that Mr. Miller's case, was at that time, out of reach of this body." What? Mr. M's case out of the reach of Synod ! ! Again, page 20, same minutes : " 3rd. The resolve of the Synod in a case over which she had no jurisdiction." What ? Had she wo jurisdiction over it? Same minute page 17, we read : "And asked nothing at their hands, but that the Synod decide existing difficulties, by the Word of God, the Augsburg Confession and the Constitution." Now, I ask, had the Synod any authority over the case ? If not, I ask, why did you ask Synod to decide that which she had no authority to decide ? But, if you answer that she had authority, I shall then ask, how does it come that Mr. M's case was out of her reach ? If all you have said, be true, then you have no possible cause of complaint, as to their refusal. For had they attempted to decide it, you have a sentence passed, which if true, is enough to shock poor trembling Zion, and to cause her to refuse ; iot you say, " This is to place the Synod above God and his Word — this is not only unconstitutional, but blasphemy." It seems you accuse Synod for deciding the case, and you accuse her for not deciding it ! ! Could she decide it, and yet not decide it ? It seems you have matter so arranged, that you are prepared to accuse, let Syn- od do a^ ?he may. If she refuses to decide the case she is condemned ^ 2H : if she decides, she is guilty of uuconBtitutiouality and blasphemy ! ! But you say it is, " A po3r rule that will not work both ways." But grant- ing all you may have intended by this, I cannot see, how Synod could decide, and not decide — reach that which was, as Rev. E. says, <' out of her reach,'' &c. The note continues, (page 18 last min.) "Mr. H. has said that Mil- ler made the petitioners say what they did not want to say, and he knew it. How does Mr. 11. know this ? Will Mr. H. furnish us with the proof?" Answer : This has already been noticed in the reply from St. John's church, and also somewhat elucidated on a former page. The truth is, I never used such terras as this little "Re. S." in its malice has given. I said, provided Mr. M. wrote the petitions from North Carolina, and provided the petitions are to be understood as they read, I supposed that Mr. M. had caused the petitioners to say what they did not wish to say, as I clid not think that they wished to speak against themselves. That the common reader may be enabled to un- derstand, I shall give the list of demonstrative pronouns, viz : this and ihat^ and their plurals these and those^ and former and latter. This and these refer to the nearest persons or things, or the last mentioned ; that and those to the most distant/ or first mentioned, Example: I will say, I have two apples, one red one, and one striped one ; now I will say, this is for John and that is for James. Now common reader, which is John's and which is James' apple ? The only way for you to deteri^ine, is, to notice which is first, and which is last mentioned. You will discover that the red apple is first mentioned, and of course must be John's apple because, that refers to the first mentioned, or the most distant. I shall give an example of objects in the plural. I will say, I have ten sheep, five black ones, and five white ones. Now I shall decide, and say, those arc for James and these are for John. Common Reader ! which are' James' sheep? Evidently the black ones, because they are first mentioned ; and as decided, I said those are for James : just as clearly so, us if I had said, the former arc for James, and the latter are John's. Now, common reader, turn to the 15th page of their minutes for 1849. And let me invite the eager graduates to look on too, who say, " will Mr. H. furnish us with proof.* Well, we read, "They then petitioned for a redress of grievances, and (if not misinformed) there were between three or four hundred peti- tioners for Mr. Miller, and some twenty or thirty against him, and some of those have since said that they did not understand the design of their petition, when they signed it." Now, common reader ! which «>.lass of petitioners, according to the language, did not understand the design of their petition when they signed it ? Evidently some of tho three or four Iiundred. — As evidently so, as I have decided, that the five black sheep are for James. Now Mr. M. or Mr. Synod, was it your intention to publish to the world the fact that your own petition- ors did not understand the design of their petition, when they signed ?t. Again, do you'suppose that the petitioners wished it published to the world, that thry did not understand the design of their petition 27 when they signed it? Now, so far as I am concerned ubout that partkii-: lar, I think I have furnished proof sufficient. I shall here drop a few remarks in relation to what is said, page IG of your last minutes. " He spent some time in laboring to prove that Mr. Miller in his own remarks on page 5, minute of 1849, called the Word of God a Symbol. '^ I shall quote his own language, viz: ^^But that if to believe the Holy Scriptures as they were revealed to man, as a rule of faith and practice, and if to adhere to the Augustan Confession, and the Consti- tution of the Tennessee Synod, constituted a man a member of that body, that he never had forsaken those Symbols of the Church," &c. ^' Those Symbolsl''^^Which S3m-ibols ? Mr. M. must either have re- ference to the Augustan Confession, or the Holy Scriptures, for the Constitution is no symbol ! And Augsburg Confession is singular j hence it would be incorrect to say those symbols. And even if Augs- burg Confession were more than one symbol, in order specifically to point out his objects, he should have said, these symbols instead of those. The common reader is requested to bear in mind (as already- directed,) how the demonstratives, this and that, these and those, also former and latter, are used in proper conversation and phraseology j and he will be enabled to see, (when misrepresentation and perversion are taken away, which has been so copiously poured out upon me,) that I am able to maintain whatsoever I have said in relation to their minutes. ^^ The few last sentences, in the note, page 18, read : " As to the pe- titioners not understanding the design of these petitions, they must answer this for themselves. It seems he referred to no particular one." I answer that I never intended to refer to any other, than those you refer to, which are some of the three or four hundred. But, probably, trutli Siud principle are not concerned in such portions of your minutes. Consult page 7 of your last minutes. As to the charge made in the same note, to wit : " He also said that the Rev. Easterly v/as not the author of the letter appended to the min- utes of 1849." I answer, that I never made any such dogmatical assertion. And it is not necessary for you to prove it by such men who will certify to things they have never heard ; or by such who will associate with them after learning their clandestine schemes. Men, pretending to Christianity, who will compare me, or any other human, to the brutes, and that without a cause, more than, if possible, to de- stroy my reputation, can within their own organization, prove what they, desire. ' The last note page 18, says: '^Rev. Easterly has indeed proven from the plain word of Grod the position which he undertook to prove. How Mr. H. can prove quite different from those texts, is to us a mys- tery, unless he has learned the art of explaining a book that says one thing and means another," Answer: That I ever said I would prove quite different from those texts to what Mr. E. intended to prove,, is notoriously and corruptly fake. See testimony from St John's churek> 28 on ft former page. You (the Re. Synod) may however pronounce them so very superficial, or look upon them as being "blinded by the demon prejudice/' But you can say about them what you will, they are men T)f as good natural sense as the best you hold; and in point of morals, it. is a slander to intimate that they are " blinded by the demon preju- dice,'' or to compare their characters to those who thus abuse them. Again, " Unless he has learned the art of explaining a book that says one thing and means another." What? Does your book say one thing and mean another ! ! It seems so in many places. But why have you ■written it so ? "Was it with the intention to deceive ? — It must be a strange book indeed, and well adapted to the understanding of ^'plahi men! ! F*^' Surely ''a book that says one thing and means another" cannot be free from error. Ah I But so far as truth and principle are concerned, we have discovered no errors, &c. — ! ! ! Or if you have reference to the Scriptures, as the ''book that says one thin. 2; and means another," you should by all means prove it. Or what book do you refer to ? That the Scriptures say one thing and mean another, I flatly deny. Now, for you to signify, that I would make an attempt to explain them contrary to their original import, is a corrupt slander. And for you to argue that the preposition against, would, when substi- tuted for the preposition with, in all the texts you cited, convict the Almighty himself of the grossest wickedness, is a barefaced sophism. The Almighty is in all senses opjwsed to or in opposition to wickedness. Now in the Epistle of Jude, do you suppose that Mrchael, th«^. Arch- angel, joined or united with the devil ? If in any sense whatever, it is to be opposed to, or to be against him. Now if you^ can justify the opposite idea, use your pleasure; I shall not embrace it. Dear render, turn to all the texts quoted, that are cited in the minutes, which can be found, ^»d consider as yt)u read, whether it would convict the Almighty of the grossest wickedness, to substitute the preposition against for uith, bearing in mind the signification of both with and against, and you will be enabled to see, upon what ground a P e has attempted to convict me of Sinning against the Holy Ghost. No doubt were it in the P e's power, the jioor creature (sometimes compared to brutes, and sometimes called understrapper) might begin to think of the tor- ments of the Holy Inquisition — the faggot — the gibbet, &c. As to the texts quoted by the Rev. G. E. in his letter, minutes of 1849, page 25 : I shall merely remark, that the texts. Matt. 18 : 22, 34, 35. Luke 6 : 86, 87. Rom. 2 : 1, 2, 8, 4. Gal. 6 : 1—5. St. John 8: 1—11, provided they are applicable to Mr. M's. case, teach me that he must be guilty as charged ; otherwise, that there is no dif- ference between the conduct of christians and heathens, or persons in an unregenerated state. And if there is no difference between unre- generated persons, and tljose who have risen through the faith of the operation of God, as to their conduct, I see no use for the deciplinary part of the Blessed Volume at all. Now, for one to confess that he is overtaken in a fault, does not pnfy thereby acknowledge himself guilty of a fault, but thereby con- 2i) fesses that he has committed a crime, or i'uult of which he khuo not suppose his brethren, who are spiritual, to be guilty in the same sense that he is euilty ; otherwise, it will follow, that those who are spiritual, and walk after the spirit, are in all respects, like those who walk after the flesh. Hence, the dead might call upon the dead, to restore them to life, with the same propriety that he who is fallen down, would call on him who is fallen down, to lift him up, whilst his partner was as flat down and as helpless as himself. The woman, John 8, did not deny bei^g guilty as charged by the Scribes and Pharisees; and the Scribes and Pharisees, who brought her, were as far from being Spirtual as she was— they did it " tempting him, that they might have' to accuse him," v, Gj and being in an unrcgen- erated, hypocritical state, were in all respects, just as susceptible of conviction as she was, which cannot be said of one who is a christian or spiritual. Now, that Jesus did not condemn her to be stoned, ac- cording to the law of Moses, does not imply, that he approved of her conduct, nor that he viewed it as not being sinful. Hence, when he says, " neither do I condemn thee," we must understand him as speak- ing with a reference to the sentence of the law of Moses, which required that such be stoned to death. It was not in accordance with the office of Jesus Christ, to inflict bodily punishments, &c.,— neither of his church. She nevertheless, possesses ecclesiastical power to excommu- nicate an ungodly and impenitent member. Christ says to the woman : '' G-0 and sin no more." This proves that he looked upon the action as being sinful. Now if the Rev. A. M. is innocent, why did the llev. E. introduce this in his defence? May we not conjecture, that the Rev. A. M. acknowledged his guilt to the Rev. E. ? If so, and with true repentance, the Rev. E., as a christian, was bound to forgive him according to Matt. 18, &c. Likewise are we willing to forgive him, so soon as he will confess, and promise to do so no more. But Mr. M. is not so humble as this woman taken in the act of adultery ; she denied it not; he denies being guilty, to hear him talk. Now if he is not guilty, he can neither be condemned nor acquitted; and if he has committed no trespass, and is overtaken in no fault, he can neither be restored, nor forgiven; for how to forgive an iunocont man, I do not understand. As it regards the ballance of the texts quoted in the letter, with re-, ference to what bodi/ a minister is accountable for his conduct, &c., the reader is referred to the report appended to our last minutes. As to what is said in the latter part of the last note, page 18, viz : ''Who did not only vindicate the character of his own father under similar charges, but indirectly his own," &c. I answer, that Mr. M. ever vindicated ray father's character under such a charge as the said M. is charged with, is not true. That the charge was heterogeneous, and not ''similar," is known by all who know anything about it. And for the said M. or the '.'Re. Synod " so called, to try to reproach me in such a manner, is contrary to every principle of honesty. That my father was innocent, and falsely accused, is apparent from every accompanying circumstance, which has been clearly evinced to an 30 impartial public, by men of the deepest moral integrity. To illustrate this fact is uncalled for, by an intelligent, impartial and reading com- munity. The establishment of father's reputation depended not on Mr. M's vindication ; and had Mr. M. no better ground to establish Rev. D's innocence, than I have for M's, I know he must have acted contra- ry to the dictates of a clear conscience. And if Mr. M. believed that the Rev. J). H. was guilty, and aided in smuggling his guilt, he is as guilty as the man himself, and deserves no credit. Now, if father even was guilty, Mr. M. and his party, as christians, and no way else, should attempt to throw it at me. If, however, the reader should be inclined to think otherwise, I must, in humility, bear the reproach, which I can very easily do. And why should I distress myself with apprehensions of peril ? I have access to God, which is not only an indefeasible pri- vilege, but a kind of ambulatory garrison. Those who make known their requests unto God, and rely upon his protecting care, he gives his angels charge over their welfare. His angels are commissioned to es- cort them in their travelling; and to hold up their goings, that they dash not their foot against a stone. Nay, he himself condescends to be their guardian, and " keeps all their bones, so not one of them is bro- ken.'' The articles of this grand alliance are recorded in the book of Revelation ; and will, when it is for the real benefit of believerS; assur- edly be made good in the administration of Providence. Discontinued, till duty calls. ^ ..>'. 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