THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA FROM THE LIBRARY OF Archibald Henderson CB B72UhaU / 4 e/c '^4. ^-^ '1.4 1 '> ' /' V AMERICAN HISTOEICAL TALES FOE YOUTH NEW-YORK: D. APPLETON & CO., 200 BROADWAY. PHILADELPHIA: GEORGE S. APPLETON, 164 CHESNUT-ST. PREFACE TO PARENTS. In presenting to his young Countrymen, the first of a series of books with the foregoing title, the Editor begs leave to state, briefly and sim- ply, the plan of the series, and the reason which has prompted him to the undertaking. Indeed, he can hardly expect the patronage and support of those who sustain the interesting and respon- sible relationship of parents, without such a statement. The design is to present to his young fellow- citizens books of a higher value than those usu- ally afforded them. Instead of tales and stories, written for the young, the series will embrace volumes of Biography, History, Travels, &c. As it is designed especially for American youth, the subjects will not unfrequently be American. The intelligent man or child, however, will be glad to gather profitable and interesting lessons 1* 6 PREFACE TO PARENTS. "R'herever he may find them, and subjects afford- ing such lessons, will not be excluded from the series, from whatever quarter they may be de- rived. It has grown into the familiarity of an adage, that " early impressions are the strongest," and this is the principal reason which has prompted the enterprise. It is known to parents, and per- haps to children themselves, that the young in this day enjoy peculiar advantages. The time was, when books written for children, were far beyond the comprehension of a child ; now they are writ- ten plainly and simply, so that an intelligent boy or girl may readily appreciate and understand them. This alone has begotten, perhaps, m chil- dren of the present day, a greater fondness for read- ing. Of the style of these books the Editor does not complain, but he thinks that the subjects are not unfrequently bad. Tales and romances are written for the young, giving them frequently dis- torted pictures of human life, and calling forth in them an early taste for trifling and unprofit- able reading. He would not here be under- stood as finding fault with those beautiful stories, sometimes inculcating the most beautiful lessons of morality and religion ; but, on the contrary, would express his thanks to the men of genius PREFACE TO PARENTS. 7 who have prepared them. Books of such value, however, in this class are exceedingly rare. In presenting to the young volumes of Biogra- phy, upon well-selected subjects, he hopes he is giving to his young Countrymen, the best practical examples for calling them up to a lofty energy. History is itself " stranger than fiction," and opens a wide and unlimited field of ever vary- ing incident ; and through books of Travels they learn to sit at home like the sweet poet Cowper, (as most of them, perhaps, will be forced to do,) and see various pictures of the world. The men, manners, and things of real life thus be- come familiar to them. It is to be hoped, and humbly expected, that a taste for such read- ing, early acquired, will serve to make them, in after life, more profitable and interesting mem- bers of society. His young Countrymen having been pleased to receive his former trifles, written for their benefit, with approbation and kindness, he feels that he can make them no more grateful return than by an honest endeavor to do them a higher service. He will have his reward, if they are pleased and instructed. In conclusion, the Editor feels that he will have failed in the statement most essential for 8 PREFACE TO PARENTS. securing confidence in a teacher for the youno^, if he did not declare himself to be an humble member of the Church Militant, living upon the hope of being one day a member of the Church Triumphant. He considers that all education, to be good, must be based upon Christian prin- ciple: the heart must be cultivated as well as the understanding; and whatever is placed in this series, will be found to be on the side of Christianity. ADVENTURES OF HENRY HUDSON. CHAPTER I. The Pleasure and Profit of reading Biograpny-^ The Birth-place of Henry Hudson — Circum,' stances which brought him forward — His Pre- paration for embarking to find a Passage to the East Indies by the JVorth Pole^ in 1607 — Sails on the voyage^ and after many trials, returns at the end of four months and a half havingbeen farther J^orth than any other navi- gator, and having opened the Whale Fishery to his Countrymen. It has been my lot to spend some years of my life in the large and flourishing city of New York. I have walked its crowded streets, looked upon its beautiful churches, (these are the first build- ings that I notice in every city,) its fine public buildings, and its elegant private residences. I have in my possession an old picture shewing the appearance of Manhattan Island, upon which 2 14 HENRY HUDSON. the city stands, in the year 1635 — twenty-six years after its discovery by Henry Hudson. It is not a great while since, that I was showing this picture to one of my httle friends, and call- ing his attention to the wonderful change that had passed over the island since the day when Henry Hudson first rested his eyes upon it. It was then a poor island, inhabited by savages, if inhabited at all, with Indian canoes floating in the waters around it. Now it is the largest city in our land, and ships from all quarters of the world rest upon its waters, almost encircling it with a forest of masts. I shall never forget the look of surprise and honest inquiry, in the simple- hearted little boy, as he turned to me with the question, " And w^ho, sir, w"as Henry Hudson ?" He was young, and his ignorance was pardona- ble ; the more so because he confessed it, and at once asked for information. I have thought that many older than himself were perhaps, as ignorant as he was, and therefore have prepared for my young countrymen the story of the hfe and adventures of Henry Hudson. Before I begin I must make two remarks to my young friends. First, I know few things more profitable than the study of the lives of our fellow-men. K they were men eminent for good HENRY HUDSON. 15 qualities, and men devoting themselves to the improvement of mankind, we feel an ambition kindled in our own bosoms to imitate such men — " to go and do Hkewise" — they are glorious examples for us to follow. If, on the contrary, they have been remarkably bad men, by marking their follies and their sins, we may perhaps, learn to despise their wickedness and shun their ex- amples. And if the individuals have been men who have lived among ourselves, or trod the same ground upon which we ourselves are walk- ing, the example becomes tenfold more forcible. Then, too, I know few things more pleasant Some readers, in their desire for pleasure, are eager to seize each new novel or tale of fiction as it falls from the press — while the stories of real life are crowded with scenes of the wildest romance and most daring adventure. So beau- tiful indeed are these stories, that many writers of fiction seize upon them, and make them the basis of their own tales of romance. They are like painters who are not original in their pic- tures : they are only coloring up and varnishing old pictures, and not unfrequently they spoil the paintings, leaving them only miserable daubs for the people to look at. For my own part, I like the stories of real life in themselves, without any 16 HENRY HUDSON. of their aid. They are in themselves full of ad- venture ; they are certainly more natural, and above all, they are true. I hope, therefore, that we shall find the study of biography both profita- ble and pleasant, and most of all perhaps, th« study of American Biography. It is said that in old times many cities had a contest, each claiming to be the birth-place of the great poet Homer. Some ignorant persons have supposed, that there was a dispute between two nations, as to the birth-place of Henry Hud* son. The Dutch speak of him and write of him as Hendrick Hutson, and this, I suppose, is the foundation of their mistake. The truth is, that all Dutch historians whose opinions are valuable, and who speak of him at any time, know that he was no countryman of theirs, and call him Hendrick Hutson, the bold English navigator. It would be pleasant to 'know something of Henry Hudson when he was a boy, that we might trace his career, step by step, till we find him standing a great man before us. It is said that, « The Child is father of the Man," and if so, we might hope to find him in his school-boy days, a bold and fearless little fellow; HENRY HUDSON. 17 but of his parentage, connexions, or education, I am sorry to say, ver^ little is known. He was born in England, and had his home in the city of London. His most cherished and intimate companion was Captain John Smith, the founder of the colony of Virginia. They were much alike in temper and disposition, and it is not wonderful that there was a strong friendship be- tween them. Henry Hudson was also a married man, but we do not know who the woman was who shared his joys and his sorrows. He had one son, for the boy was with his father in all his voyages, of which we know anything, and they at last perished together. The fact that so little is known of the early days of Hudson, has always induced me to sup- pose that he was what the world calls a self- made man. The times in which he lived were filled with the daring adventures of hardy navi- gators, the ocean was the pathway to distinc- tion, and his young heart was probably fired with these stories, and his genius possibly, thus thrown in that direction. I have fancied him born to poverty — an obscure and humble boy, struggling against a hard fortune, battling diffi- culty after difficulty with undying perseverance, until at last he forces his way before the world, 2* 18 HENRY HUDSON. the makei of his own fortunes. I love these self-elevated men. It seems as though they were nature's noblemen : the men whom God design- ed should be great and useful to their species, in spite of all the difficulties, which the world pre- sented before them. And I never think of one of them without remembering the multitudes of my young countrymen who are humbly born, and lowly bred. Such men are glorious exam- ples for them, telling them not to be frightened by difficulties, or turned aside by disappointments, but to press right onward in the way of useful- ness, and honorable fame. Before Hudson comes fully before us, it is w^ell that you should understand the peculiar circum- stances which brought him forward. After the nations of Europe discovered that there were rich treasures in that region of country, now known as the East Indies, the commerce of that region was brought to them partly over land, and then floated through the Mediterranean Sea. This was a slow and laborious route for trade ; and in a httle time, those nations farthest remov- ed from the advantages of that trade, (such as Spain, Portugal, and England,) became restless, and desirous of finding a new and shorter pas- sage to the East Indies. After many hard and HENRY HUDSON. 19 unsuccessful efforts, at length, in 1499, Vasco de Garna, a celebrated Portuguese navigator, doub- led the Cape of Good Hope, and passing on, ap- peared upon the coast of Hindostan. Thus a new track was found, but still it was looked upon as belonging particularly to the Portu- guese, and moreover, it was still a long and dangerous passage. The nations of Europe were not yet satisfied. Still thirsting for a shorter highway to the wealth of the East, they began to think that they might find it by sailing through the Arctic Ocean, and passing north-westwardly arounf^ .he coasts of North America, or north- eastwardly around the shores of Asia, or possibly by moving in a course directly north. You would be wearied, if I should tell you of the many long and perilous voyages undertaken, to find this northern passage. Time and time again, voyager after voyager departed, and all returned unsuccessful. The best of all books tells us that " the love of money is the root of all evil." And yet this very desire after the riches of the East, was over- ruled by a wise Providence for good purposes. No northern passage was found, and yet these northern voyages have aided the cause of sci- ence, have discovered new fields of commerce to 20 HENRIJ HUDSON. Arctic fishermen, opened to the adventurous nii- tions of the old world new and fertile regions, and trained up for them, a noble, bold, and har- dy race of men. I say a hardy race of men : for nowhere is there a more fearful meeting with the elements of heaven (those elements which man can never control) than in the Arctic Seas. Wind and storm, and famine and disease, are for ever around the voyager, and to this day there is no harder undertaking than the voyag- ing and wintering among the icebergs of the Polar Seas. He who undertakes it even now must have courage, patience, and fortitude under all manner of sufferings. Henry Hudson was a voyager amid these fearful things. Notwithstanding all these failures about a northern passage, a number of rich men, living in the city of London, still hoped . that the pas- sage might be found : and in the year 1607, joined themselves together as a London Compa- ny, and furnished the funds necessary for making three voyages. They were determined once more to search for the passage by the three old routes, north, north-east, and north-west. Know- ing that everything depended upon the skill of their commander, they chose for their man Hen- ry Hudson HENRY HUDSON. 21 Hudson readily accepted the command, and on the 19th of April, he, with his crew, consist- ing of eleven besides himself,* among whom was his son John Hudson, went to the church of Saint Ethelburge in Bishopsgate-street, and there received the sacrament of the Lord's supper. This was one part of their preparation for going to sea. It was the pious and beautiful custom of those days, for sailors to do this. I am sorry that it has grown out of fashion : it was but say- ing to the whole congregation, that they were about embarking upon the sea to meet unknow^n perils, and that their trust was in God, " who alone spreadeth out the heavens and ruleth the raging of the sea." The object of this voyage was to find a pas- sage directly across the Pole, or, as Hudson himself says in his journal, it was " for to dis- cover a passage by the North Pole to Japan and China," — and you will bear in mind, that this was the first effort ever made, to seek a passage directly across the Pole. On the 1st day of May, 1607, they weighed * The names of the crew, as given in the Journal of this voy- age of 1607, were as follows : " Henry Hudson, master — Wil- liam Colines, mate — James Young, John Colman, John Cooke, James Beubery, James Skrutton, John Pleyce, Thomas Bax- ter, R-ichard Day, James Knight, and John Hudson." 22 HENRY HUDSON. anchor at Gravesend, and taking a northerly course, in twenty-six days reached the Shetlana Isles. Here Hudson found that the needle had no variation: but on the 30th of JNIay, (four days after,) he " found the needle to incline seventy-nine degrees under the horizon." On the 4th of June he found a " variation of five degrees westerly." From the Shetland Isles, Hudson stood northw^est, his object being, as it would seem, to strike the coast of Greenland. Indeed, he supposed Greenland to be an island, and thought that by keeping a northeast course, he might possibly pass around it. In a week's time, though he had not found land, he made a profitable discovery, for he tells us that on the 11th of June, he saw six or seven whales near his ship. Thus you will mark one benefit of this voyage at once ; for afterward, the whale fishery in these ?^^orthern seas became a business of immense profit, to his countrymen. Two days after this, at 2 o'clock in the morning, land was seen ahead, and some ice ; there being a thick fog at the time, he steered away northerly, and the wind coming on to blow hard, he stood aw^ay south and by east six or eight leagues. The weather w^as now so cold, that the sails and shrouds of his ship w^ere covered with ice. In a HENRY HUDSON. 23 little time it cleared up, and Hudson ^A-as able to take a fair view of the land. He could now see it stretching in a northeasterly direction nine leacrues before him. " The land," he says, " was very high, mostly covered with snow. At the top it looked reddish, and underneath a blackish clay, with much ice lying about it." I suppose this reddish appearance was what is sometimes called red snow. In those countries where the snow^ is almost perpetual, there is a small plant of a reddish hue which grows upon the snow, and rapidly spreads itself all over it.* In those northern regions,the snow-capped hills often have this covering of red, and it is said, it is sometimes seen even upon the Alps and the Appenines. He noticed too, great quantities of fowl upon the coast, and was near enough to see a whale close by the shore. There was a man of the crew named James Young, and I presume he must have been the first to have observed the land, as Hudson called the head-land before them " Young^s Cape.'' Near this cape he saw " a high mountain like a round castle," and to this he gave the name of the " Mount of God's mer- cy." These were on the coast of Greenland. * This plant is known as the Protococcus Nivalis. 24 HENRY HUDSON. Harassed by thick fogs, storms of ram and snow, driven sometimes before a gale of wind, and at other times becalmed, Hudson still held on in a northeasterly course. He was unwilling to be driven from it, being anxious to know whether the land that he had seen was an island or a part of Greenland : and hoping, above all other things, that he might find Greenland to be an island, and pass easily around it. The fog, however, continued so thick and heavy, day after day, that he could not see the land, until at last, discouraged in this direction, he resolved to steer more easterly, hoping to fall in with an island which he calls Newland, the same island that is marked upon our maps and charts as Spitzber- Having sailed some sixteen leagues on this new course, land was again seen on the left hand, (or larboard side of the ship, as sailors say,) stretch- ing southwest and northeast. Hudson thought that he was within four leagues of the land. He observed birds flying over it, but different from those he had seen before. These had "black backs and white bellies, in form much like a duck." Many floating pieces of ice, too, were in the neighborhood of his ship : so that he had to move carefully. To increase his anxiety, HENRY HUDSON. 25 the fog again came on, and he began to fear that his ship would be fastened amid these blocks of ice. Still keeping a lookout as well as he could through the darkness, for the point where the land ended eastwardly, he steered northeast five or six leagues, and then turned to the south. Again he was unwilling to turn aside from his purpose. As soon therefore, as the weather cleared up, he stood again northeast, and in a little time land was again seen, as he supposed, twelve leagues distant from him. He then took an observation, and found this land to be in 72 degrees 38 minutes north latitude. This land, too, was very different from that which he had seen at Young's Cape : it was a high land, not at all covered with snow, and the southern part rolled away into very high mountains, but no snow rested upon these. To his surprise, he found the weather here not so severe, but on the contrary, temperate and pleasant. He did not, however, explore this land farther. " The many fogs and calms, with contrary winds, and much ice near the shore, held us," (as he says,) " from farther discovery of it." As he knew no name, however, as yet given to the land, (for his charts did not point it out,) he called it the land of Hol(^ with Hope. 26 HENRY HUDSON. Hudson's employers had desired him to find the passage directly across the Pole, and he seems to have feared that his time might be thought wasted, in some degree, upon the coast of Greenland. In his journal, therefore, he gives the reason for this delay. " The chief cause" (says he) " that moved us thereunto, was our de- sire to see that part of Greenland which (for aught that we knew) was to any Christian unknown : and we thought it might as well have been open sea as land, and by that means our passage should have been the larger to the Pole : and the hope of having a westerly wind, which would be to us a landerly wind if we found land. And, considering we found land contrary to that which our cards make mention of, we accounted our la- bor so much the more worth. And for au^ht o that we could see, it is like to be a good land, and worth the seeing." He now held his course northeastward toward Newland or Spitzbergen. In two or three days, one of the crew again saw high land to the lar- board, which fell away to the west the farther they moved north. This was the last view they had of Greenland. Still pressing on, Hudson had continued strug- gles against hard winds and heavy fogs, until at HENRY HUDSON. 27 tasi he reached a latitude so high, that the sun was above the horizon the whole twenty- fom hours. Here, then, the fogs could not annoy him so much. On the night of the 25th, he again saw birds like those he had seen upon the coast of Greenland, and supposed that land must be near, but it was too dark for him to discover it. On the morning of the 26th, he again saw birds of many kinds flying about his ship, and strained his eyes to catch a glimpse of land, but the heavy fog prevented. The next morning the fog rolled away from the sea, and he saw before him the coast of Spitzbergen. He could not see it very plainly, howe\er, or approach it very closely, for " the land was covered with fog : the ice lying very thick all along the shore for fifteen or sixteen leagues." He coasted along the shore through the day, catching occasional glimpses of the land, and was able to make an observation, by which he found himself to be in the 78th degree of latitude. He was not certain, but supposed that he was now near a point on the western coast of Spitzbergen known by the name of Vogel Hooke or Vogelhoek. He was again surprised to find this region mild and temperate compared with that about Young's Cape. 28 HENRY HUDSON. His effort was now to make his passage by the north side of the island, and he kept his course, as well as he could, almost due north. I say as w^ell as he could, for he met here, perhaps, great- er difficulties than in any former part of the voy- age. He was surrounded by ice, fearing almost every moment that his ship would be dashed to pieces against the floating masses — head winds prevailed against him, forcing him almost daily to change his course, and storms were his con- stant companions for more than a fortnight. Still, in spite of all these trials, he worked his course north v/ard, noticing, in his way, large num- bers of morses, seals, and sometimes bears, until he began to fear that the ice would not allow him to make the passage on this side of the isl- and. It would seem, that some of his men found time to attack the bears, for several of them, he tells us, were made sick by eating bears' flesh. During this fortnight, he observed one thing which was curious : the sea was at times blue, green, and black, and the green sea he found to be freest from ice, while the blue sea was almost always crowded with it. On the morning of the 14th, it was calm with fog. Yet they were able to see a bay open toward the west, enclosed by high and ragged HENRY HUDSON. 29 land. The northerly point of this land, which was very high and bleak, was first seen by Wil- liam Collins, the boatswain, and they instantly gave it the name of Collins Cape, On the south side of the bay, they discovered three or four small islands or rocks. Great numbers of whales were sporting in the bay, and while one of the men was amusing himself with a hook and hne overboard to try for fish, one of these whales passed under the keel of the ship, and " made her held." They were greatly alarmed, and very grateful when the danger was over. " By God's mercy," (says Hudson,) " we had no harm but the loss of the hook and three parts of the line." They found the weather hot, though the swamps and valleys near the shore were filled with snow. John Colman, the mate, and Collins, the boat- swain, went ashore here with two others, and found a pair of morse's teeth in the jaw, quanti- ties of whale's bones, and some dozen or more deer's horns. They saw too, the tracks of ani- mals on the shore. The weather w^as so hot that they were glad to find two or three streams of fresh water rolling into the bay, where they quenched their thirst. The men returned, and the wind being in their favor, they again steered north-east. 3* 30 HENRY HUDSON. Or. the 16lh the weather was clear, the wind north; and Hudson found himself surrounded by ice in every direction. He could see the land and ice extending north-east far into the 82d degree of latitude, and seemingly much farther, and he was now convinced that he could not make his way through the ice on the north side of the island. The wind, too, was fair just at the moment, and he determined now to sail round the southern point of the island, and press his course north-east, hoping to make the passage on that side. He continued his course south for more than a week, coasting along the shores of Spitzbergen, when, on the 25th, he saw the land bearing north. But then he was discouraged from turning the point, and moving toward the north-east — for by this time he had observed the general prevalence of the winds on the coast, and found that it would be impossible. This plan, therefore, he was forced to abandon, and now he resolved once more " to prove his for- tunes" by the west. His aim was nothing less than to pass round the north of Greenland, (sup- posing it to be an island,) and return by Davis' Straits to England. With a heart full of hope, he now shaped his course westward. Tw^o days after this, while nearly becalmed, HENRY HUDSON. 31 they were suddenly startled by a tremendous noise, made by the ice and the sea. Immense mountains of floating ice surrounded them, and the waves, rolling high, were heaving the ship continually westward toward them. In their fright, they lowered their boat, in the hope of turning the ship away from the ice ; but in this they failed, the waves rolling so high that the boat, more than once, came near being swamped. "In this extremity," (says Hudson,) " it pleased God to give us a small gale, at north-west and by west. We steered away south-east four ieao-ues, till noon. Here we had finished oui discovery, if the wind had continued that brought us hither, or if it had continued calm ; but it pleased God to make this north-west and by west wind the means of our dehverance ; which wind, we had not found common in this voyage. God give us thankful hearts for so great deliver- ance." The weather cleared up at noon, and they saw the ice reflected by the sky, bearing from south-west to north-east. As they approached still nearer to Greenland, the sky reflected the ice still farther and farther, until Hudson was satisfied that he could find nio passage around the north of Greenland. A westerly wind spring- 32 HENllY HUDSON. ing up, therefore, he altered his course, and steered south-east. He now began to think of making his way back to England. The thick fogs still annoyed him ; his ship stores were be- ginning to fail ; the season, too, was far advanc- ed, and it was well-nigh certain that he could not make the passage this year. Keeping a southerly course, he again passed the southern coast of Spitzbergen — the land being, as he says, " not ragged, as all the rest we had seen this voyage" — came in sight of Cheries Island, for which he was keeping a lookout, and saw the land covered with cragged rocks, " like hay- cocks." Still pressing south, on the 15th of August, he put into w^hat he calls " the Isles of Farre," (meaning, I suppose, the Faroe Islands,) and on the 15th of September, he arrived at Tilbury Hope on the Thames.* Thus you will perceive, that after a hard voy- age of four months and a half, Hudson returned without success. Yet his employers were suffi- ciently pleased, as we shall soon see, to trust him with their second adventure. And though he failed in the main enterprise, his voyage was far from being useless. * The journal of this voyage, made in 1607, will be found in *' Pur chas his Pilgrims,^' written partly by Henry Hudson, and partly by John Pleyce, one of his men. HENRY HUDSON. 33 He advanced farther north than any naviga- tor had been known to proceed before : his voy- age opened the commerce of the whale fishery to his countrymen ; and some have said that he was the discoverer of Spitzbergen.* This last supposition, however, is a mistake. While we are anxious to give full credit to Hudson for whatever he may have done, we should be un- wilhng to detract from the fair fame of another man. That island was first discovered in the year 1596, by William Barentz, a Dutch navi- gator. It received from him the name of Spitz- bergen, from its mountainous appearance, and the quantities of ice and snow that lay around it. The remarkable headland which had been seen by Hudson, Barentz had called Vogelhoek, from the number of birds that he saw there. After this, the island was sometimes, by the Hollanders, called Newland. It is strange that any one should have thought Hudson the discoverer of Spitzbergen, since he himself, in his journal, speaks of the island as Newland, evidently know- mg where it was, and also of the promontoiy Vogelhoek, which I presume was laid down in his charts. * Forster's Voyages ; Yates and Moulton's History of New York ; Belknap's American Biography ; Rev. Dr. Miller, in a discourse before the New York Historical Society in 1S09. 34 HENRY HUDSON. The most that can be said is, that Hudson rediscovered Spitzbergen, and this has been said ;* but it is scarcely true. Hudson's speak- ing so plainly of the island, contradicts this state- ment also. All that we claim for him, therefore, in this voyage is, that with unwavering fortitude, amid constant trials, he pressed his way farther north than any other navigator had been before, and opened a new and extensive field of commerce to the English people. • Scoresby, in his account of the Arctic Regions. CHAPTER n. Henry Hudson makes his second voyage, in search of a J^orth- eastern Passage to India — Reaches the north side of A'^ova Zembla, and is stopped by the Ice — Hopes to make his passage on the south side by the Vaygatz Straits — Find- ing a large River or Sound in JVova Zembla^ is induced to try that for his passage — Sails up this — Resolves to return — Searches for Wil- loughby^s Land — Arrives in England after an absence of four months and four days. As soon as the spring was fairly opened the next year, Hudson commenced making his pre- parations for a second voyage. This time he was to seek his passage for the East Indies in the north-east, by passing between Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla. With a crew consisting, in all,- of fifteen per 36 HENRY HUDSON. sons,* (among whom again was his son John Hudson,) he set sail from London on the 22d of April. The wind was fair, and so continued day- after day ; but as he sailed north, heavy fogs again met him, so that it was the 24th of May before he found himself off the coast of Norway The weather now cleared up, and the cold, which had been increasing for some days, became so severe that several of the men were taken sick. Philip Stacie, the carpenter, seems to have suf- fered most. Improving this clear weather, he pressed north-east as rapidly as he could. On the 29th he had reached a latitude so high that " the sun was on the meridian above the horizon five degrees," and he was able to take an obser- vation at midnight. In two days more his fine weather passed away; for, on the 1st of June, he had a hard north-easterly gale with snow. For two days he struggled against the storm, and on the morning of the 3d he saw the J\'^orth Cape, about eight leagues distant, as he suppos- * The names of these persons, as given in the Journal of this voyage of 160S, were as follows: "Henry Hudson, master and pilot ; Robert Juet^ mate ; Ludlow Arnall, John Cooke, boatswain; Philip Stacio," carpenter ; John Barns, John Braunch, cook ; John Adrey, James Strutton, Michael Feirce, Thomas Hilles, Richard Tomson, Robert Raynor Humfrey Gilby, aad John Hudson." HENRY HUDSON. 37 ed, and discovered several Norway fishermen in sio-ht. Keeping his course north-east, on the 9th of June, in the latitude of 75 degrees, he fell in with ice, the first he had seen on the voyage. Hoping to pass through, he stood into it, loos- ening some of it, and bearing away from the larger masses until he had passed into it four or five leagues. Here he found the ice so thick and firm ahead, that he began to fear he had pro- ceeded too far, and might be fastened. This forced him to return by the same way he went in, fortunately suffering no damage (as he says) except " a few rubs of the ship against the ice." For more than a fortnight he still pressed east- ward, struggling with the ice, but failed to reach a higher latitude. At one time he would meet large quantities of drift-wood driving by the ship, then he would see large numbers of whales and porpoises, and the sea seemed almost cover- ed with birds floating over it. Then again he would see numbers of seals lying upon the ice, and hear the bears roaring. It was during this fortnight, that two of his men declared they saw somethino- strano'er than all this. Thomas Hilles and Robert Raynor positively asserted, that on the morning of the 15th they saw a mermaid close by the ship's side, looking earnestly at 4 38 HENRY HUDSON. them. A sea soon came and overturned her ; but they saw her distinctly. Her body was as large as a man's, her back and breast were Uke a woman's, her skin very white, and she had long black hair hanging down behind. As she w^ent down they saw her tail, which was like the tail of a porpoise, and speckled like a mackerel. On the 25th, being still hemmed in wath ice, w^hile head winds w^ere still prevailing, he found that, in spite of every effort, he was drifting to- ward the south. He w^as now convinced that he could not proceed farther on the north side of Nova Zembla, and resolved to seek his passage on the south side of the island, by the straits known as "the Vaygatz ; to pass by the mouth of the River Oh, and to double that way the North Cape of Tartaria." These straits are be- tween the southernmost parts of Nova Zembla, and the northern coast of Russia. He now shaped his course south, and the next day, at the dis- tance of four or five leagues, saw that part of Nova Zembla, known by the Hollanders as Swart Cliffe. Being only two miles from the land, he sent six of his men ashore to take a survey of the country, and fill the casks with water. They found the shore covered with grass 'j the land was marshy, and several streams, HENRY HUDSON. 39 made by the melting snow, were rolling through it. In looking around, they saw the tracks of bears, deers, and foxes -, and after picking up some whales' fins and deer's horns, they returned to the ship. The sea was calm as they came back, and they saw two or three herds of morses swimming near the ship. Hudson now sent seven other men ashore to the place where he thought the morses might come in; but they failed in taking one of them. These men found a cross standing on the shore, quantities of drift- wood, and signs of fires that had been recently kindled there. Gathering some moss, and such flowers as grew in that cold latitude, and taking two pieces of the cross, they also returned to the ship. On the 29th, they again saw large numbers of morses in the water ; and in the hope of fol- lowing them, and finding where they would land, they hoisted sail, and got out the boat to tow the ship along. The chase proved fruitless : but it brought them to the mouth of a broad river or sound, where they anchored near a small island. The ice was running rapidly down the stream, and they were forced to weigh an^.hor twice in the night, and stand out to free themselves from danger. In the morning he again came to his 40 HENRY HUDSON. old anchorage near the island. On a small rock near by, he saw forty or fifty morses lying asleep. He sent all his crew after them, except his son John ; but they succeeded in killing only one of them, the rest plunging rapidly in the water. Before they came aboard, how^ever, they landed on the island, where they killed some fowls and found some eggs. The thought now struck Hudson, that instead of trying his passage by the Vaygatz Straits, he would attempt to make his w^ay through this broad stream before him. He hoped that in this way he might reach the east side of Nova Zembla. Then, too, the morses invited him, for he hoped by taking them to pay the expenses of the voyage. " Being here," (he says,) " and hoping, by the plenty of morses we saw here, to defray the charge of our voyage ; and also that this sound might, for some reasons, be a better passage to the east of Nova Zembla than the Vaygatz, if it held, according to my hope, con- ceived by the likeness it gave : for whereas we had a flood come from the northward, yet this sound or river did run so strong, that ice with the stream of this river was carried away, or any- thing else against the flood : so that both in flood and ebb, the stream doth hold a strong course : HENRY HUDSON. 41 and it floweth from the north three hours and ebbeth nine." He now sent the mate, with several of the men, to explore the mouth of this river. The next day they came back, having their boat laden with drift-wood, and bringing with them a large deer's horn, a lock of white hair, and great quantities of fowl. They had a very good story to tell. They had seen a herd of ten white deer, much drift-wood lying on the shore, many good bays, and one fine river on the north shore, which looked like a good place for morses — though they saw none there. They saw signs that the morses had been in the bay. As for the particu- lar river which they were to explore, they had found it two or three leagues broad, and no ground at twenty fathoms — the water was of the color of the sea, very salt, and the stream set strongly out of it. This report w^as so encouraging that Hudson soon hoisted sail, and steered up the river. In a little time he passed a reef, where he found only five or six fathoms' depth, and was then in thirty- four fathoms water. He continued his course for nine leagues, still finding the water deep, until the wind coming out ahead, and the stream run- ning too strongly against him, he was forced to 4* 42 HENRY HUDSON. cast anchor. He now ris^ged up the boat with a sail, and furnishing Juet the mate, and five of the crew, with provisions and weapons, sent them up the river to take soundings. They were to continue their course, provided the water con* tinned deep, until they found the stream bending to the east or southward. The ship was to fol- low them as soon as a favorable wind offered. About the middle of the next day the men re- turned very tired, bringing a very unfavorable report. They had been up the river six or seven leagues, sounding it all the way, until at last they found only four feet of water. They knew that the ship could not pass this point : so they did not explore farther, but after landing, gather- ing some flowers, and seeing great numbers of deer, they returned to the ship. All that remained for him now was to return. Setting sail, therefore, he passed down the river much disappointed, or, as he himself says in the Journal, " with sorrow that our labor was in vain ; for, had this sound held as it did make show of, for breadth, depth, safeness of harbor, and good anchor-ground, it might have yielded an excellent passage to a more easterly sea." It w^as here, too, that he seems to have been par- ticularly pleased with the appearance of Nova HENRY HUDSON. 43 Zembla, under its arctic midsummer ; for he says, " it was to a man's eye a pleasant land ; much main high land, with no snow on it, looking in some places green, and deer feeding thereon." In the evening he sent five of his men ashore, hoping again that they might find morses ; but they found none, though they saw many good land- ing places for them. They discovered signs of a fire that had been made on shore, and returned, bringing with them a hundred fowls, called '' Wellocks." It was now the 6th of July, and Hudson knew it was too late to attempt his passage by the Vaygatz, He therefore shaped his course west- ward, hoping to visit by the way Willoughhy^s Land,* that he might see if it w^as correctly laid down in his chart. Still intent upon defraying, if possible, the expenses of his voyage, he thought if he should find this land he would discover there abundance of morses, driven down by the ice from Nova Zembla. But, unfortunately, he did not come in sight of that land. He was yet in the region of the ice, and discovered, as in the last voyage, that in the green sea he was most free from it, while in the blue sea he was almost * Some have supposed that Willoughby's Land is the same as Spitzbergen, but this is a mistake. 44 HENRY HUDSON. sure to be troubled with it. Keeping his west- erly course, in ten days he saw the promontory of Wardhuys off the coast of Lapland, and in a little time passed the JVorth Cape. Being now off the coast of Norway, the nights had again become so dark that he was forced to use a can- dle in the binacle, which thing he had not before found necessary since the 19th of May. Hudson's heart still leaned toward the experi- ment of sailing north of Greenland, and he would willingly have moved in that direction, but the season was now too far advanced ; and he thought it his duty " to save victuall, wages, and tackle^ and not by foolish rashness, the time being wast- ed, to lay more charge upon the action than necessity should compel." He kept his course, therefore, for England, and arrived at Gravesend on the 26th of August, having been absent, this time, four months and four days.* *The Journal of this voyage, made in 160S,w'nttec by Hen- ry Hudson himself will also be found in '* Purchcu his Pil- grims.'- CHAPTER HI. Henry Hudsori's employers disappointed — He now passes over to Holland, and seeks employ' ment from the Dutch East India Company — Leaves Amsterdam on his third voyage, in the ship Half Moon, in the spri?ig of 1609 — Fails in 7/iaking his passage through the Vaygatz — Sails westward, reaches the coast of America — Enters Pe?iobscot Bay — His intercourse with the Indians — Passes Cape Cod, and sails south beyond Chesapeake Bay — Turns north again, — Discovers Delaware Bay ; and, passing on, drops anchor within Sandy Hook — After a week spe?it in exploring below, passes theJ^ar- rows and anchors in JVew York Bay. Upon Hudson's return, the company that had employed him were greatly disappointed, and unwilling at present to make any farther effort. But Hudson's heart was still bent upon the great purpose for which he had been laboring. Un- willing therefore to wait, he passed over to Hol- land to offer his services to the Dutch East India 46 HENRY HUDSON. Company. His fame had gone there before him , they all knew him as " the bold Englishman, the expert pilot, and the famous navigator." There was one man of this company, Balthazor Moucheron, who had made large and unsuccess- ful adventures in Arctic voyages, and was there- fore opposed to another effort, even under Henry Hudson. But the company, without overcoming his objections, still met the views of Hudson ; accordingly the small ship (or as some say the yacht) Half Moon was soon equipped, and the command intrusted to him. With a crew con- sisting of twenty Englishmen and Dutchmen, or, as some say, only sixteen,* among whom was Robert Juet, who had served as mate in his last voyage, he was now ready to brave again the ice and storms of the Arctic seas. His object was now to try his passage once more by the north side of Nova Zenibla, or on the south through the Vaygatz Straits. He de- parted from Amsterdam on the 25th of INIarch, and on the. 27th, left the Texel. In little more than a month he doubled the North Cape, and pressing on, was ere long upon the coast of No- va Zembla. Head winds, ice, and fog here met him again, and after more than a fortnight's ♦ Lambrechtsen says, 16 men, Englishmen and Hollanders. HENRY HUDSON. 47 struggle against them, he gave up tlie hope of reaching India by the Vaygafz, or indeed by any north-eastern route. In this time of disap- pointment, he was not discouraged, but seems to have had many plans. He had heard of America and the vast discoveries made there ; and he thought, by sailing westerly, that he tOo might make some discovery which would repay his employers for his failure. Moreover, he had with him some maps which had been given to him by his old friend. Captain John Smith, on which a strait was marked south of Virginia, offering a passage to the Pacific Ocean or great South Sea, as it was then called — and by this passage he might hope to reach the East Indies. Then too, he thought of his former plan ; a passage by the north-west, through Davis's Straits. He now proposed to his crew, either to seek a passage south through the strait laid down by Smith, or to sail for the north-west. Many of his men had been trained in the East India ser- vice, were accustomed to sailing in warm tropical climates, and chose therefore, to sail south rather than meet the severities of the northern seas. Now then, he steered his course westerly, soon doubled the North Cape again, and by the last of May, reached one of the Faroe Islands. 48 HENRY HUDSON. He remained here twenty-four hours, and had his casks filled with fresh water. They then hoisted sail and steered south-west, hoping to reach Buss Island, which had been discovered in 1578, by Martin Frolisher. The island was in- correctly laid down in his chart, and he did not find it. He next shaped his course for JYew- foundland. For more than three weeks he now encountered storms and constant gales of wind, until at last his foremast was carried away. He rigged up what sailors call a jury- mast, but the gales continuing, his foresail was split. Notwithstanding the tempests, he man- aged to run down as far as the forty-fifth degree of latitude. Here he met a heavy gale from the south-east, but still kept on his course. Three days after this he saw a sail standing to the east, and hoping " to speak her," he turned from his course and gave chase j but finding, as night came on, that he could not overtake her, he again turned westerly. Early in July, he found him- self off the coast of JYeufoimdlaiid, and saw a great fleet of Frenchmen fishing on the banks. Finding himself here becalmed several davs, he sent his crew to the banks to try their luck at fishing. In this they proved very successful — taking in one day one hundred and thirty cod- HENRY HUDSON. 49 fish. The wind again springing up, they sailed westerly. On the 9th, they spoke a Frenchman who lay fishing at Sable Island bank. They soon cleared the banks, passed the shore of Nova Scotia, and on the morning of the 12th, saw the coast of North America before them. The fog was now so thick that for several days they were afraid to approach the land ; but on the morn- ing of the 18th, the weather cleared up, and they ran into a " good harbor" at the mouth of a large river, in the latitude of forty-four degrees. This was Penobscot Bay, on the coast of Maine.* Hudson had already seen some of the inhabi- tants of this new" country ; for on the morning of the 19th, while they were standing off, unable to enter the harbor, two boats came off to him, with six of the natives of the country, who " seemed very glad at his coming." He gave them some trifling presents, and they ate and drank with him. They told him that there were gold, silver, and copper mines near by, and that the French people were in the habit of trading with them. One of them he found could speak a little French. * Rev. Dr, Miller, in his lecture delivered before the New York Historical Society, in 1809, thinks the place of their ar- rival was at or near Portland, in the State of Maine. 50 HENRY HUDSON. He now made his observation of the harbor. He describes it as lying north and south a mile; he could see the river a great way up, and found that he was in four fathoms of water. The first thing to be done, was to rig up a new foremast, and mend the sails. Some went to work at the sails, and others went ashore to cut the mast. They needed a fresh supply of water also, and some went in search of that, while others amused themselves in catching lobsters. In the mean time, the people of the country came aboard in great numbers. They were very friendly, and seem not to have been at all afraid of Hudson's men, while the men were afraid of them, all the time saying " they could not be trusted." Two French shallops came to the ship, filled with Indians bringing beaver-skins and fine furs, which they wished, like Indians, to trade for articles of dress, knives, hatchets, kettles, trinkets, beads, and other trifles. Hudson's men could not overcome their fool- ish distrust of these Indians. They were so very suspicious, that every night they kept a strict watch from the ship, to see where their shallops were laid. At last, their mast being ready and their sails mended, the day before they started, they manned " the scute" with six men and four HENRY HUDSON. 51 muskets, look one of the shallops, and brought it on board. This was base enough ; but they now proceeded to a more disgraceful action. They " manned their boat and 'scute' with twelve men and muskets, and two stone pieces or mur- derers, and drove the savages from their houses, and took the spoil of them." It seems that the poor natives had never done them the least harm ; their only excuse for this cowardly meanness, being that they supposed they wished to do them harm — a supposition without any founda- tion, proceeding only from their own idle fears It is to the disgrace of Hudson, that this thing was permitted ; and the only excuse that can be offered for him is, that he probably had undei his command a wild and ungovernable set of men. It is said that they had many quarrels with the natives, and perhaps, in the exaspera- tion of their feelings, Hudson found it impossible to control them. Even this, however, is a poor excuse for him; for he was a man in the habit of ^uhng his men rather than being ruled by them. It is to be hoped that he did not wiUingly allow this cruelty to proceed. On the next morning (July 26) he set sail, steeringr southward alono^ the coast of America. In a little time he came within sight of Cape 52 HENRY HUDSON Cod. Anxious to double this headland, and afraid to approach a coast of ^vhich he was ig- norant, he sent five men in the boat to sound along shore. They found the water " five fathoms deep within bow -shot of the shore ;" went on the land and discovered " goodly grapes and rose- trees," which they brought on board the ship. He now moved toward the shore, and anchored near the north end of the headland. Here he heard the voices of men calling to him from the shore ; and, thinking they might be the cries of some poor sailors who had been left there, he immediate- ly sent a part of the crew in the boat to the land. Upon landing, they found that the voices were those of the Indians, who were greatly rejoiced to see thera. They returned, fringing one of these Indians aboard with them. After giving him some- thing to eat, and making him a present of a few glass buttons, Hudson sent him ashore again in the boat. When he reached the land, he gave every sign of joy, dancing, and leaping, and throwing up his hands. These Indians were great smokers : they had abundance of green tobacco and pipes, " the bowls of which were made of earth, and the stems of red copper." After striving to pass west of this headland, and move into the bay, which the w^ind prevent- HENRY HUDSON. 53 ed — he steered south-east, and the next day feL in with the southern point of Cape Cod. He knew this to be the headland which Bartholomew Gosnold had discovered in the year 1602, seven years "before. He passed Nantucket and Mar- tha's Vineyard, and kept his course still south, until the 18th of August, when he found himself at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay. Here he was near the mouth of " the King's River* in Vir- ginia," upon which many of his countrymen were settled ; and among these countrymen was his early friend Captain John Smith. Two years before this, the first Enghsh settle- ment had been made in America> In the year 1607, two ships and a bark under the command of Christopher Newport, bringing one hundred and five persons, had passed up the James River. Among these men W'ere John Smith, Gosnold, Wingfield, and Ratcliffe, the leaders of the new enterprise; and after hard sufferings and some hair-breadth escapes, they had succeeded in set- tling a colony at Jamestown. It would have been delightful to Hudson to have passed up that river, and seen his countrymen, and particu- larly an old friend in the wild forests of America. * The James River, named in honor of King James, is here alluded to. 5* 64 HENRY HUDSON. He would have heard from that friend many a story of matchless adventure, how he had lived through the treachery of the Indian King Powha- tan, and been saved by the noble friendship of the Princess Pocahontas. But the wind was blowing a gale ; and besides this, he felt himself bound to serve the main purpose of his employ- ers, and consequently passed on. He proceeded south still, until he reached the thirty-fifth degree of latitude, and then changed his course to the north. We are not told in the Journal of this voyage, what induced Hudson to change his course, but we can readily understand the cause. He had gone far enough south to learn that his friend Smith was mistaken about his passage into the South Pacific Ocean ; and his desire was now to waste no more time in this fruitless search, but to make some discovery which might prove profitable to his employers. Retracing his course, he found himself occa- sionally in shallow water as he passed the shores of Maryland, and on the 28th, discovered the great bay, since known as Delaware Bay. He examined here the soundings, currents, and the appearance of the land, but did not go ashore. For nearly a week he now coasted northward, ** passing along a low marshy coast, skirted with HENRY HUDSON. 55 broken islands," when on the 2d of September, he spied the highlands of Neversink. The sight pleased him greatly, for he says, " it is a very good land to fall in with, and a pleasant land to see." On the morning of the 3d, the weather proved dark and misty, but Hudson, having pas- sed Long Branch, sent his boat up to sound. The men returning with a favorable report, in the afternoon he brought the Half Moon within Sandy Hook, and cast anchor in five fathoms of water. The next morning, seeing that there w^as " good anchorage and a safe harbor," he passed farther up and anchored within Sandy Hook Bay, at the distance of two cable lengths from the shore. Having marked great quantities of fish (" sal- mon, mullet, and rays") in the water, he now sent his men ashore with a net. It is said that they first landed on Coney Island, (now a part of Kings County in this State.) They found the soil to be mostly white sand, and on the island w^ere plum-trees loaded with fruit, and embower- ed with grape-vines; wMe snipes and other birds were floating over the shore. The fishing too, proved good, for they took " ten mullets a foot and a half long apiece, and a ray as great as four men could haul into the ship " 66 HENRY HUDSON. While the ship lay at anchor, Indians from the Jersey shore came on board, and seemed greatly delighted to see their new visiters. They Avere dressed in deer-skins, well cured, which hung loosely over their shoulders, and had copper ornaments and pipes. They seemed to have an abundance of food, for their land yield- ed a fine harvest of maize, or Indian corn, from which they made good bread ; but they had come, bringing green tobacco, which they Avished to exchange for beads, knives, and other trinkets. In the course of the night a gale sprang up, and the ship was driven ashore. Fortunately, she was not injured, " the bottom being soft sand and oozy," and when the flood tide returned in the morning, she was easily got off. The boat was now lowered, and the men were sent to sound the bay. The shores were lined with men, wo- men, and children, attracted by curiosity, and the boat's men immediately went to the land, where they were treated with great kindness. It was the Jersey shore which they now reached, and the kindness of the natives was such, that they went unmolested far back into the woods of what is now known as Monmouth County. In this ram- ble, they weie particularly pleased with the beautiful oaks of the country. The natives fol- HENRY HUDSON. 57 lowed them with their kindness, giving them pre- sents of green tobacco and dried currants. They observed that some of these natives were dressed more richly than those seen before. These had ornaments of copper around the neck, and wore mantles made of fine furs or feathers. Notwith- standing all the kindness of these Indians, like the poor natives at Penobscot, they were still " suspected, though friendly." Hudson, in making his observations, had dis- covered, as he thought, that the bay in which he lay, seemed to be the entrance to a large river, four leagues distant ; and the boat having re- turned, he now sent five men in her to make soundings in that direction. What he saw was probably the strait between Long and Staten Islands, now known as the Narrows. They pas- sed through the Narrows, sounding as they went, and discovered the hills between Staten Island and Bergen Neck. They found the land as they passed, covered with trees, grass, and flowers, the fragrance of which was delightful; and after going six miles into the bay of New York, turn- ed back. On their return to the ship, when it was nearly dark, they were attacked by two canoes, containing twenty-six Indians. It was raining hard, and their match was extinguished, 58 HENRY HUDSON. SO that they could only trust to their oars to make their escape. Unfortunately, one of the men (John Colman, who had been with Hudson in his first hard voyage) w^as killed by an arrow that struck him in the neck, and two others were slightly wounded. It was now very dark, and they lost their way, wandering to and fro all night, unable to find the ship. It is said that but for the darkness, they would all have been mur- dered, but this I can hardly believe. Notwith- standing this attack, I do not think the Indians had any wicked intentions toward these men ; for it is strange, if they had, that they did not pursue them, and at least take the wounded men in the boat. It is probable, that in the darkness, the Indians were themselves surprised and fright- ened at meeting the boat ; shot at her, and moved away as fast as possible. The next day the boat returned, bringing the dead body of Col- man. Hudson ordered it to be taken ashore and buried at Sandy Hook, and in memory of the poor fellow who had met so sad a fate, called the place Colman^s Point. When the men returned from this sad duty, the boat was hoisted in, and they immediately commenced erecting bulwarks on the sides of the ship ; and when night came on, they kept a HENRY HUDSON. 59 strict lookout, expecting an attack from the na- tives. But their preparations were idle. The natives seem not even to have thought of attack- ing them ; for the next day, some of them again came on board in the most friendly manner, bringing Indian corn and tobacco, to trade with the sailors. They did not even seem to know that any thing had happened. The next day after, however, matters did look little serious, when two large canoes came off to the ship, the one filled with men armed with bows and arrows, the other under the pretence of trading with them. Hudson now would only allow two of them to come on board ; these he kept, and dressed them up in red coats. All the rest returned to the shore, when presently an- other canoe approached, bringing only two men. He thought now it was best to take every pre- caution ; so he took one of these men, intendino-, ' to" probably, to keep him with the others as hostages for the good behavior of their countrymen. He had scarcely taken this last one, however, when he jumped up, leaped overboard, and swam to the shore. Hudson now weighed anchor, and moved oif into the channel of the Narrows for the night. In the morning, he went over " to- wards the east sand-bank, found it shallow, and 60 HEXRY HUDSON. again anchored." The day after, (it being the 11th of September,) having spent a week in exploring south of the Narrows, he passed through them into the Bay of New York, and finding it " an excellent harbor for all winds," once more cast anchor. Here he remained until the next day: the people of the countiy (as he says) again coming to see him, " making great show of love, giving tobacco and Indian wheat, but we could not trust them." CHAPTER IV. The Indian tradition of the first landing of white men in the State of Xew York, as given by the Indians themselves, to the Rev. Mr. Heckewel- der, a Moravian Missionary among the Indians of Pennsylvania. It was the 12th of September, and Hudson was ready to move up the great river which opened before him. Before we follow him in his course, however, there is an Indian tradition as regards " his first landing," which I wish to lay before you. Some say his first landing was upon Coney Island, others at Sandy Hook, others on the Jersey shore, while some declare it was on Manhattan Island, and others again say at Alba- ny. It is impossible perhaps, to say where it was, and as far as the story is concerned it mat- ters but little, for the tradition is the same, let the landing have been where it may. This tradition is well authenticated, having 6 62 HENRY HUDSON. been originally given by the Indians themselves to tne Rev. John Heckewelder, for many years a Moravian missionary to the Indians in Pennsyl- vania. It runs as follows : — " A long time ago, when there was no such thing known to the Indians as people with a white skin, some Indians who had been out a fishing, and where the sea widens, espied at a great distance, something remarkably large, swim- ming or floating on the water, and such as they had never seen before. They immediately re- turning to the shore, told their countrymen of what they had seen, and pressed them to go out with them, and discern what it might be. These together hurried out, and saw to their great sur- prise the phenomenon, but could not agree what it might be, some concluding it to be an uncom- monly large fish or other animal, while others were of opinion it must be some very large house. It was at length agreed among them, that as this phenomenon moved toward the land, whether it w^as an animal or not, it would be well to inform all the Indians of w^hat they had seen, and put them on their guard. Accordingly they sent runners to carry the news to their scat- tered chiefs, that they might send off in every direction for the warriors to come in. These HENRY HUDSON. 63 now came in numbers, and seeing the strange appearance, and that it was actually moving forward, concluded that it was a large canoe or house, in which the Great Manitto* himself was, and that he probably was coming to visit them. By this time the chiefs of the different tribes were assembled on York Island, and were counselling as to the manner in which they should receive the Manitto on his arrival. They now provided plenty of meat for a sacrifice ; the women were required to prepare the best of victuals j their idols or images were examined and put in order ; and a grand dance was sup- posed not only to be an agreeable entertainment for the Manitto, but might, with the addition of a sacrifice, contribute toward appeasing him in case he was angry. The conjurers were also set to work to determine what the meaning of this phenomenon was, and what the result would be. To these, and to the chiefs and wise men of the nation, men, women, and children were look- ing up for advice and protection. Being at a loss what to do, between hope and fear, and in confusion, a dance commenced. In the mean time, fresh runners arrived, declaring it to be a • Their name for the Supreme Being. 64 HE>fRY HTJDSON great house of various colors that was coming, and filled with living creatures. It now appeared certain that it was their Manitto coming, bringing probably some new kind of game. But other runners now came in, declaring that it was a house of various colors and filled with people, but that the people were of a different color from themselves ; that they were also dressed in a dif- ferent manner from them, and that one in partic- ular appeared altogether red. This they thought must be the Manitto himself They were now lost in admiration. Presently they were hailed from the vessel, but in a language they could not understand, and were able to answer only by a yell. Many were now for running into the woods, while others pressed them to stay, in or- der not to offend their visiters, who could find them out and might easily destroy them. The house (or large canoe) stopped, and a smaller ca- noe now came ashore, bringing the red man and some others in it. Some stayed by this canoe to guard it. The chiefs and wise men formed a circle, into which the red clothed man and two others approached. He saluted them with a fi-iendly countenance, and they returned the sa- lute after their manner. They were amazed at the color of their skin and their dress, particu- HENRY HUDSON. 65 larly at the red man, whose clothes gUttered* with something they could not account for. He must be the great Manitto, they thought, but then why should he have a white skin ? A large elegant Hockhackf was brought forward by one of the Manitto^s servants, and something poured from it into a small cup or glass, and handed to the Manitto. He drank it, had the cup refilled, and had it handed to the chief next to him for him to drink. The chief took it, smelt it, and passed it to the next, who did the same. The cup passed in this way round the circle, untasted, and was about to be returned to the red clothed man, when one of their number, a spirited man and a great warrior, jumped up, and harangued the multitude on the impropriety of returning the cup unemptied. ' It was handed to them,' he said, ' by the Manitto to drink out of as he had done ; that to follow his example would please him, but to return what he had given them might provoke him and cause him to destroy them. And that since he believed it to be for the good of the nation that the contents offered them should be drunk, if no one else was willing to drink, he would try it, let the conse- * This was probably the lace and buttons, f Meaning gourd, or bottle. 6* 6b HENRY HUDSON. quence be what it would, for it was better fot one man to die, than that a whole nation should be destroyed. He then took the glass, smelt it, addressed them, again, and bidding them all fare- well, drank it. All eyes were now fixed upon him, to see what effect this w^ould have upon him. He soon began to stagger, and the w^omen cried, supposing that he had fits. Presently he rolled on the ground, and they all began to bemoan him, supposing him to be dying. Then he fell asleep, and they thought now that he was dead, but presently they saw that he was still breath- ing. In a little time he awoke, jumped up, and declared that he never felt himself before so hap- py, as after he had drunk the cup. He asked for more, which was given to him, and the whole assembly soon joined him, and all became intox- icated.' " ^Yhile the intoxication lasted, the white men kept themselves in their vessel, and when it was over, the man with the red clothes again return- ed to them, bringing them presents of beads, axes, hoes, and stockings. They soon now be- came familiar, and talked by making signs. The whites made them understand that they should now return home, but the next year they should visit them again with presents, and stay with HENRY HUDSON. 67 them a while. But as they could not live witlj- out eating, they should then want a little land to sow seeds, in order to raise herbs to put into their broth. Accordingly a vessel arrived the next season,* when they were much rejoiced to see each other — but the white men laughed at them when they saw the axes and hoes hang- ing to their breasts as ornaments, and the stock- ings used for tobacco pouches. The whites now put handles or helves in the former, and cut down trees and dug the ground before their eyes, and showed them the use of the stockings. Then all the Indians laughed, to think that they had been ignorant of the use of these things so long, and had carried these heavy articles hung around their necks. They took every white man they saw for a Manitto, yet inferior to the Supreme Manitto ; to wit, to the one who wore the shin- ing red clothes. They now became more famil- iar, and the whites now reminded them that they w^anted some land ; and asked if they might have as much land as the hide of a bullock spread before them would cover (or encompass.) Their request was readily granted. The white men * It will be remembered that another ship was sent out by the Dutch the next year, after the discovery of Henry Hudson. 6e HENRY HUDSON. tlien took a knife, and beginning at one place on the hide, cut it up into a rope not thicker than the finger of a Uttle chikl, so that by the time this hide was cut up, there was a great heap. They then took the rope and drew it gently along (to keep it from breaking) in a circular form, and took in a large piece of ground. The In- dians were surprised at the superior wit of the whites, but did not wish to contend with them about a little land, as they had enough. They lived contentedly together for a long time : the w^iites from time to time asking for more land, W'hich was readily granted to them. And thus they gradually went higher and higher up the Mahicannituck River* until they began to be- lieve they would soon w^ant all their country, which proved at last to bethe case."! This tradition is remarkably confirmed by a Dutch historian,! who wrote his history only forty-three years after the discovery of Henry Hudson. He says, " that the Indians or natives * One of the Indian names for the Hudson. j- This tradition will be found in Yates and Moulton's His- tory of New York— in the first volume of Hist, and Lit. Trans- actions of the American Philosophical Society— and again in the New York Historical Collection, vol.i., New Series. t Adrian Van der Donck, in his description of the New N^etherlands. HENRY HUDSON. 69 of the land, many of whom are still living, aiid with whom I have conversed, declare freely that before the arrival of the Lowland ship, the Half Moon, in tie year 1609, they, the natives, did not know that there were any other people in the world, than those who were like themselves, much less, any people who differed so much in appearance from them as we did. When some oif them first saw our ship approaching at a dis- tance, they did not know what to think about her, but stood in deep and solemn amazement, wondering whether it were a ghost or apparition, cominor down from heaven, or from hell. Others of them supposed her to be a strange fish or sea monster. When they discovered men on board, they supposed them to be more like devils than human beings. Thus they differed about the ship and men. A strange report was spread about the country concerning the ship and visit, which created great astonishment and surprise among the Indians." There is another story told to the same pur- pose in a history of these times written only forty-one years after Hudson's discovery. " In 1609, (as the story reads,) the privileged East India Company, by the ship the Half Moon, the Captain whereof was Henxick Hutson, discover- 70 HENRY HUDSON. ed first the country which our people call New Netherlands : insomuch that even now inhabi- tants of the country remember it, and witness, that when the Dutch ships came hither first and were seen by them, they did not know whether they came from heaven or were devils. Others thought them to be sea monsters or fishes.* They knew before nothing of other sort of men : a strange tale thereof run through their country now."t It is said that the tribe of Delaware Indians, even to this day, call New York Mannahatta- nink, meaning thereby, the Island or place of general intoxication. % • It is remarked by Yates and Moulton in their history, that the same fright seized the minds of the Indians bordering ou Detroit river, at the time the Lake Erie steamboat " Walk-in the- Water" made her first appearance in that river, advancing against wind and tide, and sending forth volumes of flame and smoke. t MS. in the New York Historical Society, cited in Yates and Moulton's History of New York, Part I. page 257. X " The Mahicanni or Mohicans call it by the same name as the Delawares, but think the name was given in consequence of a kind of wood which grew there, of which the Indians used to make their bows and arrows. " The name the Monseys have for New York is Laapha- wachking, meaning the place of stringing wampum heads. They say this name was given in consequence of the distribu- tion of beads among them by Europeans, and that after the European vessel returned, wherever one looked, the Indians were seen stringing the beads and wampum that the whites gave them." — Yates and Moulton. CHAPTER V. Hudson explores the river since called by Ms name — Escape of the two Indians — Strange experiment of Hudson to learn the treachery of the natives — The Half Moon reaches as far as the present site (f Albany — The boat ascends to Waterford — Hudson returns down the river — Battle with the natives at the head of Man- hattan Island — Sails from the bay^ and reaches England^ after an absence of seven months from Europe. We left Hudson in his little ship the Half Moon, resting quietly upon the waters of New York Bay, and we will now trace him in his course up the beautiful stream which since bears his name. What must have been the feelings of the great navigator as he looked upon the waters of that stream as they came rolling to the sea ! It was certain that he had discovered a new and 72 HENRY HUDSON. unknown region which might in some degree repay his employers ; and then, who could tell but that the river before him, coming far from the north, might prove the long desired passage to the gems and spices of the East Indies. On the morning of the 12th, while he was still at his anchorage, twenty-eight canoes, filled with men, women, and children, came off to see him, bringing oysters and clams to trade for tri- fles. These Indians had " great tobacco pipes of yellow copper, and pots of earth to dress their meat in." Hudson's men seem, as usual, to have been suspicious of them, and though they traded with them, none of them were allowed to come on board. About noon, with a heart full of hope, he weighed anchor, and moved into the river. The wind was not fair ; so that he made only two leagues, and again anchored for the night. The place off which he lay is supposed to have been what is now JManhattanville. The next day, the wind being ahead, he managed, by the help of the flood tide, to pass up only eleven miles high- er. This brought him to what is now known as Yonkers, and again he cast anchor. In the course of this day, he was again visited by Indians, HENRY HUDSON. 73 bringing provisions, and they seemed very friend- ly 'j but: his crew suspected these also, and none of them came on board the ship. The day following the weather was fair, and a fine breeze springing up from the south-east, he passed up through Tappan and Haverstraw bays, " the river" (as the journal says) " being a mile wide, and anchored at night about thir- ty-six miles higher, in a region where the land was very high and mountainous." He was now evidently in the neighborhood of " the High- lands," and his anchorage was probably near West Point Hudson and his men seem to have been struck with the wild and beautiful appearance of the country : and strange must have been his feel- ings, when in his little " yacht," moored beneath the Highlands, the shadows of night fell over him. He had braved the tempests of the north, and seen the monsters of the ocean, but all now was a new world around him. A wild and beau- tiful w^ilderness hung over him. Perhaps in the distance he might see the camp fires of stragghng Indians: then he might hear the screechings of the owls, and the scream of pan- thers in the wilderness above him, or perhaps 7 74 HENRY HUDSON be startled by the strange and tremendous roar of the " Naked Bear" of the Indians.* *" Yagesho, or Naked Bear /^ — In a note to Yates and Moul- ton's History of New York, there is a singular Indian tradition of a remarkable aninial that lived in the northern parts of New York about two centuries ago. The note cites the man- uscript of Mr. Heckewelder for the truth of it. The story, as given m the note, is the following : — " The Yagesho was an animal much superior to the largest hear, remarkably long bodied, broad down by its shoulders, but thin or narrow just at its hind legs, (or where the body ter- minated.) It had a large head and fearful look. Its legs were short and thick. Its paws (to the toes of which were nails or claws, nearly as long as an Indian^s finger) spread very wide. It was almost bare of hair, except the head and on the hinder parts of its legs, in which places the hair was very long. For this reason the Indians gave it the name of ' Naked Bear: " Several of these animals had bee« destroyed by the In- dians, but the one of which the following account is given had escaped them, and for years had from time to lime destroyed many Indians, particularly women and children, when they were out in the avoous gathering nuts, digging roots, or at work in the field. Hunters, when overtaken by this animal, bad no way of escaping, except when a river or lake was at hand, by plunging into the stream and swimming out or d.o\vn the stream to a great distance. When this was the case, and the beast was not able to pursue farther, then he would setup such a roaring noise, that every Indian hearing it would trem- ble. The animal preyed on every beast it could lay hold of. It would catch and kill the largest bears and devour them. While bears were plenty, the Indians had not so much to dread from him, but vk^hen this was not the case, it would run abo!at the woods, searching for the track or scent of hunters, and foUow them uji. The women were so afraid of going out HENRY HUDSON. 75 The next morning a mist hung over the riv- er and mountains until sunrise, when it cleared up with a fair wind. Just as he was weighing anchor, a circumstance happened, which after- ward gave him trouble. The two Indians whom he held as hostages made their escape through to work, that the men assemhled to consider on some plan for killing him. At or near a lake where the water flowed two ways, or has two different outlets, one on the northerly and the other on the southerly end, this beast had his residence, of which the Indians were well informed. A resolute party, well provided with bows, arrows, and spears, made toward the lake. On a high perpendicular rock they stationed themselves, climbing up this rock by means of Indian ladders, and then drawing these after them. After being well fixed, and having taken up a number of stones, they began to imitate the voices and cries of the various beasts of the wood, and even that of children, in order to decoy him thither. Having spent some days without success, a party took a stroll to some distance from the rock. Before they had reached the rock again, this beast had got the scent of them, and was in full pursuit of them, yet they reached the rock before he arrived. When he came to the rock he was in great anger, sprang against it with his mouth wide open, grinning and seizing the rock as if he would tear it to pieces. He had several times sprung nearly up, During all this time, numbers of arrows and stones were discharged at him, and at last he dropped down and expired. His head being cut off, it was carried in triumph to their vil- lage or settlement on the North River, and there set up on a pole for view: and the report spreading among the neighbor- ing tribes, numbers came to view the same, and to exalt the Ticto/iriis for this warlike deed. The Mahicanni claim the honor of this act." 76 HENRY HUDSON. the porl-holes of the ship and swam to the shore, and as soon as the ship was under way, they were seen standing on the shore making loud and angry cries, and looking at them " with scornful looks." They now^ moved up the river, " passing by the high mountains," until, having sailed fifty miles, they came at night in sight of " other mountains Avhich lie from the river side." Here they found (as the journal says) " very loving people and very old men," who treated them very kindly. Ha\ing cast anchor here, (which w^as probably near what is now Catskill Landing,) Hudson sent the boat off, and the men caught large quantities of fine fish. It was here, perhaps, that the pleasant inter- view happened (of which w^e read in an old his- tory of the times*) between Hudson and an old chief of the Indians. The story is, that he went on shore in one of their canoes with an old man, who was the chief of forty men and seventeen women. These he saw in a large circular house made of oak bark. In the house, he discovered a large quantity of maize or Indian corn, and beans of the last year's grow^th, and near the house, for the purpose of drying, there lay enough to load their ship, besides what was growing ♦De Laet's New World. HENRY HUDSON. 77 in the fields. Upon his entering the house, two mats were immediately spread out to sit upon, and food was brought forward in large red bowls made of wood. In the mean time, two men were despatched with bows and arrows in search of game. Soon after, they returned with a pair of pigeons; then they killed a fat dog, and skinned it in great haste for their guest, with shells which they had got out of the water. After the feast, they supposed that Hudson would remain all night with them. But upon his shew- ing signs of departure, the hospitable old man became very uneasy- — and his people, supposing that the guest might be leaving because he was afraid of them, took all their arrows, and break- ing them in pieces, cast them into the fire. The quantities of fish taken the evening before, now induced Hudson (the next morning being warm and fair) to send some of the men out upon another fishing party. This time, however, they were not so successful ; for the natives had been there all night in their canoes. In the mean time, the Indians flocked on board the ship, bringing Indian corn, pumpkins, and tobacco. The whole day was consumed in trading with these friendly people, and filling the water casks with fresh water. Towards night, he again set 7* 7S HENRY HUDSON. sail, and passing some six miles higher up, found the water shoal and cast anchor. He was now probably near the spot where the city bearing his name has since grown up. The weather was warm, and Hudson determined to take advantage of the cool hours of the morning. At dawn, therefore, the next day he weighed anchor, and ran up the river " six leagues higher" — but find- ing shoals and small islands in the middle of the river, he once more stopped. As night came on, the vessel drifted near the shore and grounded ; but they " layed out there small anchor and heaved her off again." In a little time, she was aground again in the channel; but when the flood-tide rose she floated ofl", and then they an- chored for the night. This anchorage, it is thought, was somewhere near Castleton. The next day was fair, and he " rode still" all day. In the afternoon, he went ashore with " an old savage, a goveinor of the country, who carried him to his house, and made him good cheer."* With the flood tide, about noon on the following day, he ran up " two leagues above the shoals," and cast anchor ao:ain in eiffht fathoms of water. The natives now^ came on • Possibly it was here that the scene described by De Laet pccurrei. HE^.^Y HUDSON. 79 board in crowds, bringing grapes, pumpkins, beaver and other skins, for which the sailors readily gave them beads, knives, and hatchets. Here Hudson seems to have had some misgiv- ings as to the depth of the river above him. He had now been seven or eight days in reaching this point, and his ship had been aground, and his soundings shallow, more than once in the last three days. The next day, therefore, (the morning of the 20th,) he sent the mate with four men in the boat to explore the river and take soundings. They were gone nearly the whole day, and returned with the report that "the channel was very narrow 5" that two leagues above, they found only two fathoms' w^ater, though in some places there w^as a better depth. The next morning they were about starting again, to explore the depth and breadth of the stream, (for the wind was fair, and Hudson was anxious to move up wdth the ship,) but were prevented by the great crowds of Indians that came flocking on board. They seem again to have been afraid of these men, and unwilling to leave the ship while they were there. Finding that he was not likely to make any progress on that day, Hudson sent the carpenter ashore to make a new foreyard for the ship, and determin- 80 HENRY HUDSON. ed with his men, in the mean time, to make an experiment with some of these Indians, that he might learn if they were treacherous. This experiment was a strange one ; it %va« neither more nor less than intoxicating some of the Indian chiefs, and thereby throwing them " oif their guard." He therefore took several of them down into the cabin, and gave them plenty of wine and brandy, until they were all merry. The poor women looked innocently on, for we are told particularly of the wife of one of these merry chiefs, who " sate in the cabin as modest- ly as any of our countrywomen w'ould do in a strange place." The men drank plentifully, and presently one of them became so drunk that he fell asleep. The rest w^ere now frightened, sup- posing him to be poisoned, and immediately took to their canoes and pushed for the shore. They did not, however, forget the poor man on board ; for some of them soon returned, bringing long strings of beads, which they hoped the whites would accept, and release their poor country- man. The poor Indian slept soundly all night, and the next day, when his countrymen came to see him, they were rejoiced to find him well. They returned to the shore, and about three o'clock HENRY HUDSON. 81 came again, bringing beads and tobacco, which they gave to Hudson. One of them made a long oration, and shewed him all the country round about. Anxious still farther to shew him their gratitude, they now sent one of their number ashore, who presenly returned with a large plat- ter of venison, dressed in their own style, and placed it before Hudson, that he might eat with them. After this, they all " made him reverence" and departed. In the morning before all this scene took place, Hudson had again started the mate with the four men to sound the river. At ten o'clock at night he came back in a hard shower of rain, bringing a bad report once more. He had ascended the river eight or nine leagues, and found only seven feet water and very irregular soundings. Disappointed in not finding this the passage to the East, Hudson was cheered by the reflection that he had passed up this noble stream nearly one hundred and fifty miles, and discovered a beautiful and fertile region, for the future enter- prise of his employers. He now prepared for his return.* * How far did Hudson ascend the river ? The Rev, Dr. Mil er (in his lecture before the New York Historical Society in <809) thinks that the ship Half Moon reached a little above .vhere the city of Hudson now stands, while the boat which 8.2 HENRY HUDSON. About mid-day on the 23d, he commenced re- tracing his way, and went down the river only six miles, the wind being ahead. On the 24th, he ran down twenty-four miles farther and anchored, (it is supposed between Athens and Hudson.) Here he was detained four days by head winds, but the time was spent pleasantly and profitably in surveying the country. Some of the men went on shore gathering chestnuts, and others strolled along the bank making their observations. They found " good ground for corn and other garden herbs, with good store of goodly oaks and walnut-trees and chestnut-trees, yew-trees and trees of sweet wood, in great abun- dance, and great store of slate for houses and other good stones." While they lay at this an- chorage, they had a visit from one who consid- ered himself at least an old friend. On the morning of the 26lh, two canoes came up from the place where they met " the loving people," was sent to explore and take soundings, went as far as the site of the city of Albany. Other writers, however, disagree with him. After examining carefully the journal of this voy- age, calculating the distances run, with other circumstances, and especially bearing in mind that the small yacht, the Half Moon, was probably not so large as many of the sloops now sailing on the North River, they seem fairly to conclude that the Half Moon went nearly as high as the spot where Albany now stands, while tlie boat passed up as far as Waterford. HENRY HUDSON. 83 (Catskill Landing,) and in one of them was the old chief who had been made drunk above, and given so much alarm to his countrymen. The friendship of this old man must have been strong, for he seems to have followed them even to the Catskill mountains. He brought now anoth- er old chief with him, who presented strings of beads to Hudson, and " showed him all the country thereabout, as though it were at his command." The old man's wife was along, with three other Indian women. Hudson was very kind to them, invited them all to dine with him, after dinner gave them presents, and they de- parted begging that he would visit them as he passed by, for the place where they lived was only two leagues off. The wind being north on the morning of the 27th, they set sail and moved onward. As they passed the old man's home, (Catskill Landing,) he came off again, hoping they would cast anchor, and go ashore and eat with him. The wind w^as too fair and inviting for them to listen to his in- vitation, and he left them, " being very sorrowful for their departure." Toward night they reach- ed the neighborhood of what is known as Red Hook Landing, and there had fine fishing. For the two next, days his progress was very slow, 84 HENKY HUI»SON. for on the morning of the 30th, we are told, his ship was anchored off " the northernmost of the mountains," meaning, I suppose, the head of the highlands. Here again, the natives came on board in a friendly manner. Detained for a day by head winds, he observed the country closely. The description of the land near them is very minute, and the town of Newburgh has arisen, perhaps, upon the very spot of which the journal speaks. '^ This" (says the journal) " is a very pleasant place to build a town on. The road is very near, and very good for all winds, save an east-north- east wind." Here, too, they were struck with the strange appearance of some of the mountains. " The mountains look as if some metal or min- eral were in them. For the trees that grow on them were all blasted, and some of them barren, with few or no trees on them. The people brought a stone aboard like to emery, (a stone used by glaziers to cut glass ;) it would cut iron or Steele, yet being bruised small and water put to it, it made a color like black lead, glistering. It is also good for painters' colors." On the 1st of October, with a fair wind he sailed throufjh the highlands, and reached as far as the neighbor- hood of Stony Point, when being becalmed he cast anchor. HENRY HUDSON. 85 No sooner had they anchored, than the natives were crowding aboard, astonished at, and ad- miring everything they saw. They came trading with skins, but these could not procure all that they desired. One poor fellow, therefore, was prompted to steal. He swept his canoe lightly under the stern, crawled up the rudder into the cabin window, and stole a pillow with some articles of clothing. The mate saw him as he moved off with his canoe, shot at him and killed him. The rest now fled in terror, some taking to their canoes, and some plunging into the stream. The ship's boat was manned at once, and sent to secure the stolen articles. These were easily obtained ; but as the boat came back, one of the Indians who w^as swunming in the water took hold of her, endeavoring to overturn her. The cook now drew a sword, and with one blow cut off his hand. The poor creature sank to the bottom — never to rise again. They now returned to the ship, got under way immediate- ly, and passing down six miles farther, anchored, near dark, off the mouth of Croton river, near the entrance into Tappan Sea. The next day, with a fair wind, they sailed twenty-one miles, which must have brought them somewhere near the head of Manhattan 8 86 HENRY HUDSON. Island. Here they soon found themselves in trouble. The two Indians who had escaped from the ship on their way up, angry and indignant at their captivity, had roused a number of their countrymen along the shores of the river, and they were now assembled near this point to attack Hudson on his return. A canoe ap- peared, in which was one of those who had escaped, and many others armed with bow^s and arrows. Hudson suspected something from their appearance, and none of them were allowed to come on board. Presently, two canoes filled with armed men dropped under the stern, and the attack was commenced with their bows and arrows — six muskets were fired from the ship, and three Indians fell dead. The Indians on the land, marking what was done, were no\v exas- perated the more : they moved dow^n to the shore in a solid body, (" about one hundred of them,") and made ready W'ith their bows as the ship passed slowly on. A cannon was now fired from the ship upon them, and two more Indians fell. The rest fled for the woods, with the excep- tion of nine or ten desperate men, w^ho were resolved upon revenge. These jumped into a canoe, and advanced to meet the ship. The cannon w^as again "discharged, the canoe " shot HENRY HUDSON. 87 through," and another naan killed — at the same time the men fired again with their muskets and killed three or four men. Thus the fight ended with the loss of nine Indians. The ship now moved on her way, and at the distance of " two leagues" dropped anchor under the shores of what is now known as Hoboken. The next day was stormy ; but the morning of the 4th dawned upon them with a fair wind. Hudson again weighed an- chor, passed through the bay, and with all sails set, put out to sea once more.* It is said, that Hudson's crew had more than once been dissatisfied at the length of this voy- age, and at one time even threatened an open mutiny. He thought it best, therefore, to learn of them now what they desired to do ; whether to return to Holland, or steer north again. One man (the mate) was in favor of wintering in Newfoundland, and seeking a passage to the East by Davis' Straits. But Hudson, perceiving the mutinous spirit of the men, opposed this, giv- ing as his reason, the privations and sorrows of a northern winter in a strange land. He kept his course, therefore, homeward, and on the 7th • The author has followed Hudson very minutely in his voyage on the River, because he supposed this part of his career had more than an ordinary interest for his young coua trymen and especially those of the State of New York. »» HENRY HUDSON. of November, after an absence of little more than seven months from Amsterdam, he arrived safely at Dartmouth in England. The crew, you will remember, was composed partly of English, partly of Dutch sailors; and .when off the coast of England, the English (it is said) mutinied, and forced him to put into an English harbor.* The Dutch historians declare that Hudsor^ was not allowed to go over to Holland, the English king being jealous of their bold mari- time enterprises. Be this as it may, certain it is, that he remembered his duty to his employers. He sent them at once the journal and chart of his discoveries, pointing them with pride to what he called " the Great River of the Mountains, ^^f and the next year the Dutch were reaping the fruits of his arduous enterprise. The journal of this voyage J would seem to cast two stains upon the fair character of Henry Hudson : first, that of cruelty toward the Indians, * Lambrechtsen. t The Indian names for the river were Cahohatatea, Mahackaneghtue, and sometimes Shatemuck. It was early called by the Dutch the North River, to distinguish it from the Delaware or South River. X The journal of this voyage in 1609, written by Robert Juet, will be found in Purchas his Pilgrims. HENRY HUDSON. 89 and secondly, that of want of principle in caus- ino; the oeneral intoxication on the river. As regards the first, it should be borne in mind that Hudson had under his command a mutinous body of men, and he may have found it impossi- ble to control their refractory and ungovernable tempers. He seems not even to have thought of revenging the death of poor Colman, at Sandy Hook : the mate was the man who shot the poor Indian for the comparatively small crime of stealing the pillow and clothing, and the death of the nine Indians killed at the head of Man- hattan Island, may be said to have been caused in a war of self-defence. In reference to the second, it can only be ac- counted for, by supposing that Hudson was, like his men, suspicious and alarmed, and therefore determined to learn the honesty or treachery of the Indians by any means whatsoever. 8* CHAPTER \1. Hudson slarts on his fourth voyage^ having command of the ship Discovery, in tht service once more of the London Company — His aim is to find a JS^orth-West Passage to India — Reaches Iceland, and witnesses an eruption of Mount Hecia — Disturbance among his crew — Steers westward, encountering great qua?itities of ice — Discovers and explores Hudson^ s Bay ^ and resolves to winter there. It is said that Hudson made new proposals for a farther voyage to the Dutch East India Com- pany, and that these proposals were declined.* His plan was to set sail (with a crew of twenty- men) from Dartmouth, on the first of JNIarch, " spend the month of April and half of ]\Iay in killin^r whales and other creatures near the Isl- and of Panar : after that, sail to the north-west and stay there till the middle of September, and at last return to Holland by the north-east of Scotland." » Forster's Northern Voyages. HENRY HUDSON. 91 Whether this story be true or false, certain it IS that he was not long seeking employment. Another voyage had given him a greater name, and the story of his discoveries roused once more the spirit of the London Company. His old employers (who had sent him out in 1607 and '8) now called him again into their own service. They determined to make an effort for a north- west passage by examining the inlets of the American continent — and more especially Davis' Straits, through which it was supposed a channel might be found into the " Great South Sea." Early in the spring of 1610, therefore, the ship Discovery, of fifty-five tons, was equipped, manned with twenty-three men, and the command given to Henry Hudson. One of these twenty-three w^as Robert Juet, who had sailed with Hudson before, another, his son John Hudson, and another, Henry Green, whose history I will briefly relate to you, as he is to act a conspicuous part in this voyage. Henry Green was a young Englishman, born of respectable parents, and had respectable con- nexions — but by his extravagant and wicked habits he had forced them to cast him off, and was now almost a beggar. In this condition, Hudson fell in with him j and having pity for his 92 HEXRY HUnsON. youth, and a desire to reclaim him from his worth- less ways, he clothed and fed him, hoping to gain the young man's love and gratitude. The thought now struck him that he would take Green out on this voyage. His name was not entered as one of the crew : he was only the companion of the master. Yet to rouse his ambition and prompt him to that which was good, Hudson promised him wages : and to awaken his pride the more, encouraged him to hope that he should be made upon his return one of the " Prince's Guards." Through Hudson's persuasion, a friend went to the mother of Green, and asked for enough money to purchase some clothes for the voyage. Yet she knew the madness and profligacy of her son so well, that she hesitated long before she would advance even five pounds, and then it was bestow- ed on the express condition that it should not be given to the young man, but expended for him. On the 17th of April, 1610, the Discovery dropped down the Thames. It seems that the London Company had insisted upon placing aboard an experienced seaman by the name of Coleburne to make this voyage with Hudson. Whether he supposed that this cast a reflection upon his own skill, or from some other cause, Hudson was displeased with it ; and ere the ship HENRY HUDSON. 93 left the river, he put this man aboard another vessel bound up to London and sent him back. It is strange that we do not know his motives for this, since he sent by the man a letter to his em- ployers containing the reasons for his conduct. He now kept on his voyage. On the 6th of May, he passed the north of Scotland and the Orkneys, which he says he found to be " not sc northerly as is commonly set down." On the 8th, he saw the Faroe Islands, and on the lllh was upon the eastern shores of Iceland. Coast- ing along its southern shore, he beheld in the dis- tance Mount Hecla casting forth its flames of fire : and after strugghng for more than a fortnight against head winds and icebergs, at length, on the 30th, made a harbor in the western part of the island. The natives of this island were poor and miserable, but they treated him very kindly. He found upon going ashore a hot spring, (Iceland abounds in these springs,) so hot that " it w^ould scald a fowl" — yet we are told the men bathed in the water freely. Here Hudson began to discov- er that he unfortunately had about him some dis- satisfied men. It was rumored that Juet the mate had been speaking lightly of the enterprise, dis- couraging the men, and trying to destroy their confidence in Hudson, calling up their fears by 94 HENRY HUDSON. telling tliem of the hazards of the voyage : that he had even urged two of the men " to keep their muskets cha-rged and swords ready in their cabins, for there w^ould be blood shed before the voyage ended," and had talked boldly about turning the head of the ship homew^ard. While the ship lay here at anchor, a circumstance occurred, which gave Juet the chance of making new mischief. The surgeon and Henry Green got into a quarrel, and Juet took part in it. The w^hole story is told by Habakkuk Pricket, one of the sailors and an eye-watness, in the following w^ords : " At Ice- land, the surgeon and he (Henry Green) fell out m Dutch, and he beat hun ashore in English, which set all the company in a rage, so that w^e had much ado to get the surgeon aboard. I told the master of it, but he bade me let it alone : for, said he, the surgeon had a tongue that would wrong the best friend he had. But Robert Juet, the master's mate, would needs burn his finger in the embers, and told the carpenter a long tale when he was drunk, that our master had brought in Green to crack his credit that should displease him : which word was carried to the master's ears, who when he understood it, would have gone back to Iceland, when he was forty leagues from thence, to have sent home his mate Robert Juet HENRY HUDSON. . 95 in a fisherman. But being otherwise persuaded, all was well. So Henry Green stood upright and very inward with the master, and was a ser- viceable man every way for manhood : but for religion he would say, he was clean paper W'here- on he might write what he would."* On the 1st of June, Hudson sailed from Ice- land. Deceived by a fog-bank, he fancied that he saw land in the west, but it was not till the 4th, that he beheld the coast of Greenland " rising very mountainous, and full of round hills like to sugar loaves covered with snow." The ice lay so thick along the shore, that Hudson did not attempt to make a landing, but stood imme- diately for the south of Greenland. In his voy- age now he met great numbers of whales. Some came close alongside, and one passed directly under the ship, but fortunately no harm was done, for w^hich they were very thankful. Doub- ling the southern point of Greenland, he passed in sight of Desolation Island, near which he saw a " great island or mountain of ice," and kept his course north-west, for the American conti- nent. As he passed on, across Davis' Straits, he continually met these floating ice mountains, al- * It seems from this, that when Hudson left Iceland he was igaorant of the extent of Juet's insolence. 96 . HENRY HUDSON. ways endangering and sometimes obstructing his progress. One of these overturned once near the ship, and taught him to keep farther from them : but Avhile strugghng to avoid one, he would meet another, and the farther he went they seemed to hira to grow more ^' numerous and ter- rifying." Still, by perseverance and skill, he managed to reach a bay, (supposed to be near the great strait which now bears his name,) when a storm overtook him. The ice was now driving so rapidly against the ship, that Hudson was forced as his only chance for escape, to run her into the thickest of it, and there leave her. Some of the men were now dismayed and sick, or, as the journal says, " some of our men fell sick : I will not say it was of fear, although I saw small sign of other grief." When the storm ceased they went to work to extricate themselves. It was a sad prospect, for as far as the eye could see, the waters were covered with the huge masses of floating ice. They stood now for one clear sea, and then for another, but were still hemmed in by the ice in every direction. After trying to make their way through north, north-west, west, and south-west, they at last laid the ship's course to the south. Yet the more they labored, the worse their situation became, until at last they HENRY HUDSON. 97 could proceed no farther. Hudson's heart now sickened, for as he cast his eyes again and again upon the desolate scene, there seemed no possi- biUty of escape. Yet his courage failed not, al- though he afterwards confessed to one of the men that he feared he should never escape, but was doomed to perish there in the ice. His crew, however, saw no sign of fear in him, for he carried a cheerful countenance, while they were dismayed and broken spirited. He now brought out his chart, and calling all the men around him, shewed them that they had passed three hundred miles farther than any Englishman had been before, and gave them their choice, whether they would proceed or turn back. The men could come to no decision : some were for proceeding, some for returning. One man said that "if he had one hundred pounds, he would give four score and ten to be at home •" — while the carpenter, who had some courage, said " that if he had a hundred he would not give ten upon any such condition : but would think it to be as good money as any he ever had, and to bring it as v»'ell home by the leave of God." The great majority of them did not care where they went, provided they were only clear of the ice, and some spoke angry 9 98 HENRY HUDSON. words against the master. This was precisely what Hudson expected. He knew that he had a mutinous set of men, and that they themselves scarcely knew what they desired. Yet this wa? no time to resent their \vords and punish them His object w^as to pacify them. He therefore reasoned with them, trying to allay their fears, rouse their hopes, and inspire them with courage, until at length, they all again set resolutely at work to bring the ship from the ice, and save them- selves. After much labor they succeeded in turning her round. They now^ worked their way by little and little, until at length they found themselves in a clear sea, and kept on their course north-west. There is no scene in the life of Hudson shew- ing greater firmness and presence of mind than this. With his little ship hemmed in by moun- tains of ice, and a murmuring and desperate crew on board, he might naturally have exhibit- ed some symptoms of fear, both as to the dan- gers without, and the danger within the ship. There can be few situations more perilous, yet he is calm. His mind rises with the occasion . he brings around him these desperate sailors, calms their fears, and inspires them with new courage. Overcoming these, he now overcomes the storm without, and presses on his voyage. HENRY HUDSON. 99 On the 8th of July, he again saw the land bearing" south-west, but it was all covered with snow, and he gave it the name of Desire Pro- voked. Having now entered the straits which bear his name, he kept his course west, and spent nearly the whole month of July in passing 'hrough them. This was a new world around hem, and as he passed on, he gave names to the »ew bays, capes, and islands, which fell under \is observation. The main land he called ' ■ Magna Britannia.''^ To some rocky islands 5 ear which he anchored as a shelter from a ii-:orm, he gave the name of the " Isles of God^s Jlercies,'' and to a high point of land which he pissed, the name of '^ Hold loith Hope.'^ To o 163 In this time the enemy began to undermine our fort, which was situated sixty yards from Ken- tucky river. They began at the water-mark, and proceeded in the bank some distance, which we understood, by their making the water muddy with the clay ; and we immediately proceeded to dis- appoint their design, by cutting a trench across their subterranean passage. The enemy, discov- ering our counter-mine, by the clay we threw out of the fort, desisted from that stratagem : and ex- perience now fully convincing them that neither their power nor poUcy could effect their purpose, on the 20th day of August they raised the siege and departed. During this siege, which threatened death in every form, we had two men killed, and four wound- ed, besides a number of cattle. We killed of the enemy thirty-seven, and wounded a great number. After they were gone, we picked up one hundred and twenty-five pounds weight of bullets, besides what stuck in the logs of our fort, which certainly is a great proof of their industry. Soon after this, I went into the settlement, and nothing worthy of a place in this account passed in my affairs for some time. During my absence from Kentucky, Colonel Bowman carried on an expedition against the Shawanese, at Old Chilicothe, with one hundred and sixty men, in July, 1779. Here they arrived 164 APPENDIX. undiscovered, and a battle ensued, which lasted until ten o'clock, A. I\I., when Colonel Bowman, finding he could not succeed at this time, retreat- ed about thirty miles. The Indians, in the mean time, collecting all their forces, pursued and ovei- took him, when a smart fight continued near two hours, not to the advantage of Colonel Bowman's party. Colonel Harrod proposed to mount a number of horse, and furiously to rush upon the savages, who at this time fought with remarkable fury. This desperate step had a happy effect, broke their line of battle, and the savages fled on all sides. In these two battles we had nine killed, and one wounded. The enemy's loss uncertain, only two scalps being taken. On the 22d day of June, 1780, a large party of Indians and Canadians, about six hundred in num- ber, commanded by Colonel Bird, attacked Rid- dle's and IMartin's stations, at the forks of Licking river, with six pieces of artillery. They carried this expedition so secretly, that the unwary inhab- itants did not discover them until they fired upon the forts ; and, not being prepared to oppose them, were obliged to surrender themselves miserable captives to barbarous savages, who immediately after tomahawked one man and two women, and loaded all the others with heavy baggage, forcing vhem along toward their towns, able or unable to THE ADVENTURES OF DANIEL BOONE. 165 inarch. Such as were weak and faint by the way, they tomahawked. The tender women and help- less children fell victims to their cruelty. This, and the savage treatment they received afterward, is shocking to humanity, and too barbarous to relate. The hostile disposition of the savages and theii allies caused General Clarke, the commandant at the Falls of the Ohio, immediately to begin an ex- pedition with his own regiment, and the armed force of the country, against Pecaway, the princi- pal town of the Shawanese, on a branch of Great Miami, which he finished with great success, took seventeen scalps, and burnt the town to ashes, with the loss of seventeen men. About this time I returned to Kentucky with my family ; and here, to avoid an inquiry into my conduct, the reader being before informed of my bringing my family to Kentucky, I am under the necessity of informing him that, during my cap- tivity with the Indians, my wife, who despaired of ever seeing me again — expecting the Indians had put a period to my life, oppressed with the distresses of the country, and bereaved of me, her only happiness — had, before I returned, transport- ed my family and goods, on horses, through the wilderness, amid a multitude of dangers, to her father's house in North Carolina. Shortly after the troubles at Boonesborough, I 166 APPENDIX. went to them, and lived peaceably there until this time. The history of my going home, and return- ing with my family, forms a series of difficulties, an account of which would swell a volume ; and, being foreig;n to my purpose, I shall purposely omit them. I settled my family in Boonesborough once more ; and shortly after, on the 6th day of Octo- ber, 1780, I went in company with my brother to the Blue Licks ; and, on our return home, we were fired upon by a party of Indians. They shot him, and pursued me, by the scent of their dog, three miles ; but I killed the dog, and escaped. The winter soon came on, and was very severe, which confined the Indians to their wigwams. The severity of this winter caused great diffi- culties in Kentucky. The enemy had destroyed most of the corn the summer before. This neces- sary article was scarce and dear, and the inhab- itants lived chiefly on the flesh of bufi'alo. The circumstances of many were very lamentable : however, being a hardy race of people, and accus- tomed to difficulties and necessities, they were wonderfully supported through all their sufferings, until the ensuing autumn, when we received abundance from the fertile soil. Toward spring we were frequently harassed by Indians; and in May, 1782, a party assaulted Ashton's station, killed one man, and took a THE ADVENTURKS OF DANIEL BOONE. 167 negro prisoner. Captain Ashton, with twenty- five men, pursued and overtook the savages, and a smart fight ensued, which lasted two hours ; but they, being superior in number, obliged Captain Ashton's party to retreat, with the loss of eight killed, and four mortally wounded ; their brave commander himself being numbered among the dead. The Indians continued their hostilities ; and, about the 10th of August following, two boys were taken from Major Hoy's station. This party was pursued by Captain Holder and seventeen men, who were also defeated, with the loss of four men killed, and one wounded. Our affairs became more and more alarming. Several stations which had lately been erected in the country were con- tinually infested with savages, stealing their horses and killing the men at every opportunity. In a field, near Lexington, an Indian shot a man, and running to scalp him, was himself shot from the fort, and fell dead upon his enemy. Every day we experienced recent mischiefs. The barbarous savage nations of Shawanese, Cher- okees, Wyandots, Tawas, Delawares, and several others near Detroit, united in a war against us, and assembled their choicest warriors at Old Chilicothe, to go on the expedition, in order to destroy us, and entirely depopulate the country. Their savage minds were inflamed to mischief by 168 APPENDIX. two abandoned men, Captains M'Kee and Girty. These led them to execute every diabolical scheme, and on the loth day of August, commanded a parly of Indians and Canadians, of about five hundred in number, against Bryant's station, five miles from Lexington. Without demanding a surrender, they furiously assaulted the garrison, which was hap- pily prepared to oppose them ; and, after they had expended much ammunition in vain, and killed the cattle round the fort, not being likely to make themselves masters of this place, they raised the siege, and departed in the morning of the third day after they came, with the loss of about thirty killed, and the number of wounded uncertain. Of the garrison, four were killed, and three wounded. On the 18th day, Colonel Todd, Colonel Trigg, Major Harland, and myself, speedily collected one hundred and seventy-six men, well armed, and pursued the savages. They had marched beyond the Blue Licks, to a remarkable bend of the main fork of Licking river, about forty-three miles from Lexington, where we overtook them on the 19th day. The savages observing us, gave way ; and we, being ignorant of their numbers, passed the river. When the enemy saw our pro- ceedings, having greatly the advantage of us in situation, they formed the line of battle, from one bend of Licking to the other, about a mile from THE ADVENTURES OF DANIEL BOONE. 169 the Blue Licks. An exceeding fierce battle im- mediately began, for about fifteen minutes, when we, being overpowered by numbers, were obliged to retreat, with the loss of sixty-seven men, seven of whom were taken prisoners. The brave and much-lamented Colonels Todd and Trigg, Major Harland, and my second son, were among the dead. We were informed that the Indians, num- bering their dead, found they had four killed more than we ; and therefore four of the pris- oners they had taken were, by general consent, ordered to be killed in a most barbarous manner by the young warriors, in order to train them up to cruelty ; and then they proceeded to their towns. On our retreat we were met by Colonel Logan, hastening to join us, v^^ith a number of well-armed men. This powerful assistance we unfortunately wanted in the battle ; for, notwithstanding the enemy's superiority of numbers, they acknowl- edged, that, if they had received one more fire from us, they should undoubtedly have given way. So valiantly did our small party fight, that, to the memory of those who unfortunately fell in the battle, enough of honor can not be paid. Had Colonel Logan and his party been with us, it is highly probable we should have given the savages a total defeat. I can not reflect upon this dreadful scene, but 15 170 APPENDIX. sorrow fills my heart. A zeal for the defence of their country led these heroes to the scene of ac- tion, though with a few men to attack a powerful army of experienced warriors. When we gave way, they pursued us with the utmost eagerness, and in every quarter spread destruction. The river was difficult to cross, and many were killed in the flight — some just entering the river, some in the water, others after crossing, in ascending the cliffs. Some escaped on horseback, a few on foot ; and, being dispersed everywhere in a few hours, brought the melancholy news of this un- fortunate battle to Lexington. Many widows were now made. The reader may guess what sorrow filled the hearts of the inhabitants, exceeding anything that I am able to describe. Being rein- forced, we returned to bury the dead, and found their bodies strewed everywhere, cut and man- gled in a dreadful manner. This mournful scene exhibited a horror almost unparalleled : some torn and eaten by wild beasts ; those in the river eaten by fishes ; all in such a putrefied con- diti(m, that no one could be distinguished from another. As soon as General Clarke, then at the Falls of the Ohio — who was ever our ready friend, and merits tlie love and gratitude of all his country- men — understood the circumstances of this unfor- tunate action, he ordered an expedition, with all THE ADVENTURES OF DANIEL BOONE. 171 possible haste, to pursue the savages, which was so expeditiously effected, that we overtook them within two miles of their towns : and probably might have obtained a great victory, had not two of their number met us about two hundred poles before we came up. These returned quick as lightning to their camp, with the alarming news of a mighty army in view. The savages fled in the utmost disorder, evacuated their towns, and reluctantly left their territory to our mercy. We immediately took possession of Old Chilicothe without opposition, being deserted by its inhabit- ants. We continued our pursuit through five towns on the Miami rivers, Old Chilicothe, Peca- way, New Chilicothe, Will's Towns, and Chili- cothe — burnt them all to ashes, entirely destroyed their corn, and other fruits, and everywhere spread a scene of desolation in the country. In this expedition we took seven prisoners and five scalps, with the loss of only four men, two of whom were accidentally killed by our own army. This campaign in some measure damped the spirits of the Indians, and made them sensible of our superiority. Their connexions were dissolved, their armies scattered, and a future invasion put entirely out of their power ; yet they continued to practise mischief secretly upon the inhabitants, in the exposed parts of the country. 172 APPENDIX. In October following, a party made an excur- sion into that district called the Crab Orchard ; and one of them, being advanced some distance before the others, boldly entered the house of a poor defenceless family, in which was only a negro man, a woman, and her children, terrified with the apprehensions of immediate death. The savage, perceiving their defenceless situation, without offering violence to the family, attempted to capture the negro, who happily proved an overmatch for him, threw him on the ground, and, in the struggle, the mother of the children drew an axe from a corner of the cottage, and cut his head off, while her little daughter shut the door. The savages instantly appeared, and applied their tomahawks to the door. An old rusty gun-barrel, without a lock, lay in a corner, which the mother put through a small crevice, and the savages, per- ceiving it, fled. In the mean time, the alarm spread through the neighborhood ; the armed men collected immediately, and pursued the ravagers into the wilderness. Thus Providence, by the means of this negro, saved the whole of the poor family from destruction. From that time until the happy return of peace between the United States and Great Britain, the Indians did us no mischief. Finding the great king beyond the w^ater disap- pointed in his expectations, and conscious of the importance of the Long Knife, and their own THE ADVENTURES OF DAXIEL BOONE. 173 wretchedness, some of the nations immediately de- sired peace ; to which, at present [1784], they seem universally disposed, and are sending am- bassadors to General Clarke, at the Falls of the ' Ohio, with the minutes of their councils. To conclude, I can now say that I have verified the saying of an old Indian who signed Colonel Henderson's deed. Taking me by the hand, at the delivery thereof — " Brother," said he, " we have given you a fine land, but I believe you will haA^ much trouble in settling it." My footsteps have often been marked with blood, and therefore I can truly subscribe to its original name. Two darling sons and a brother have I lost by savage hands, which have also taken from me forty valu- able horses, and abundance of cattle. Many dark and sleepless nights have I been a companion for owls, separated from the cheerful society of men, scorched by the summer's sun, and pinched by the winter's cold — an instrument ordained to settle the wilderness. But now the scene is changed : peace crowns the sylvan shade. What thanks, what ardent and ceaseless thanks are due to that all-superintending Providence which has turned a cruel war into peace, brought order out of confusion, made the fierce savages placid, and turned away their hostile weapons from our country ! May the same Almighty Goodness ban- ish the accursed monster, war, from all lands, with 174 APPENDIX. her hated associates, rapine and insatiable ambi- tion ! Let peace, descending from her native heaven, bid her ohves spring amid the joyful na- 'tions ; and plenty, in league with commerce, scatter blessings from her copious hand ! This account of my adventures will inform the reader of the most remarkable events of this coun- try. I now live in peace and safety, enjoying the sweets of liberty, and the bounties of Providence, with my once fellow-sufferers, in this delightful country, which I have seen purchased with a vast expense of blood and treasure : delighting in the prospect of its being, in a short time, one of the most opulent and powerful states on the continent of North America ; which, with the love and grati- tude of my countrymen, I esteem a sufficient reward for all my toil and dangers. DANIEL BOONE. Fayette County, Kentucky. THE END. J {)ny .s y\ \'v ii . .\,)|.l>Hoii.,! SMITH. selves very narrowly escaped " a greater mis- chief." The delay of the ship too, as on a former oc- casion, produced trouble. A constant traffick- ing was all the while going on between the sailors and the Indians, in which, of course, the former took care of their own private interests, rather than those of the colony. Indeed, (it is said,) they would sometimes steal articles from the public stores, to trade with the Indians for their furs and baskets. Certain it is, that of two or three hundred axes, hoes, pickaxes, and other instruments brought out for the use of the colony, twenty only could be found at the end of six or seven weeks. Thus these poor vagabonds preyed upon the colony, and yet these were the men who were soon to return to England to tell what stories they pleased of Virginia — to talk of the abundance there, and prevent supplies ^om being sent out by the council. It was Newport's business to check all this, yet it was not done. Smith was greatly indignant, and the ship being nearly ready to sail, he threatened to send her home, and detain Newport a year in the colony, that he might learn from experi- ence what their real sufferings were. But Newport became alarmed, acknowledged his JOHN SMITH. 127 fault, and was pardoned. At length, to the great joy of the colony, the ship sailed homeward, laden with " specimens of tar, pitch, turpentine, potash, clapboards, and wainscot." On her way out, she met at Point Comfort with Mr. Scrivener, who had been up the Paraunkey river in search of corn. He had with him a quantity of pocones, (a red root used ill dying,) and these were given to Newport, as farther spe- cimens of the products of the country. Among other strange things taken to Eng- land by this ship, was a letter from Captain Smith to the Council at home. It seems that the Council in England had strange ideas of the New Workl, and supposed that every adventure would return them ample supplies of gold and silver. In this thought they had of course been disappointed, and therefore had readily listened from time to time, to the enemies who murmured against the colonial settlements. Under the in- fluence of this feeling, they had sent by New- port a letter to Captain Smith, making com- plaints against the colony in Virginia. The principal complaints were, of the hopes that had been fed, only to be disappointed ; of the quar- rels and divisions among the colonists, and a foolish project about dividing the country, of 128 JOHN SMITH. which the late president had "written to the Earl of SaHsbury ; and the whole concluded with a threat, that " unless the charge of this voyage, amounting to about two thousand pounds, was defrayed by the ship's return, they should be de- serted, and left to remain there as banished men." It was in reply to this that Smith now returned them a bold letter containing a fail statement of facts. As to their complaints, he denies that he had ever fed them with vain hopes, or that he knew or had ever heard before, any thing about the project for dividing the country. As for quar- rels among the colonists, they were caused (in spite of his efforts at peace) by bad and dis- orderly men, of whom Ratcliffe and Archer were the chief, and that he now sent them home to get rid of them. In fact, the people were so pro- voked against Ratcliffe that it was necessary to send him home to save his life, for many of them were ready to cut his throat. Next he brings his complaints against them ; that they had listened to idle complaints from enemies of the colony, (of whom he suspected Newport to be the greatest,) and had not at- tempted properly to aid them ; that they had sent out a parcel of idlers or useless manufac- JOHN SMITH. 129 turers into the settlement, from time to time, in- stead of sending such men as were needed. He begged them, hke sensible men, to dismiss all thoughts of getting rich immediately through the colony, and to send to him carpenters, gar- deners, fishermen, blacksmiths, and masons. Thirty of these (he stated) would be w^orth more in Virginia than all their fine gentlemen. He then complains of the last adventure of New^port ; that they had sent him to the country with a foolish project in his head for finding the South Sea, and laden him with rich presents for Powhatan ; that he himself had opposed this plan, because he thought it idle, but when the Council approved it, he had joined them heart and hand ; that every facihty had been offered to Newport for the etTort, and he had completely failed, as he knew he w^ould ; that Pow^hatan had been crowned, and the presents delivered to him, from which he expected nothing but trouble for the colony. As for the two thousand pounds which the voyage had cost, the colony had not received the benefit of one hundred ; that New- port and his sailors were only a tax to them, for they had to furnish them wdth supplies homeward. These, with many other direct charges, w^ere in the letter ; and in conclusion, (that they might 130 JOHN SMITH. see he had not been i