Cj>37S:oi tE^lie Iflibrarp ofti)e ^nibers^itpofjaortfjCarolma ^{jisi hook tuas; presiettteb Cp575".cM (sa.^ Educational Publication No. 133. Division of Publications No. 41 List of Elenientary Text --Books Basal and Supplementary 1929 Published by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Raleigh, N. C. INTRODUCTORY NOTE In this little pamphlet you will find listed the elementary text-books which have been properly adopted for use in the public schools of the State, together with a suggested list of supplementary reading material. You will note that the major subject of reading and the minor subject of spelling have been changed in accordance with the provisions of the law. For the convenience of boards of education and local depositories, I am giving here a list of the companies that have signed the different forms of contract: a. The retail contract. Under the retail form of contract the local de- positories secure their books through a central depository located in Raleigh. The books are delivered prepaid to the local depositories on consignment, and are sold to the patrons at the contract prices printed on the back of the book. After deducting its commission, the local depository settles with the central depository. Under section 4 of the retail contract form the following companies have been designated to sell their books in this way: Ginn and Company Newson and Company D. C. Heath and Company Rand McNally & Company Houghton Mifflin and Company Scott, Foresman and Company Johnson Publishing Company Alfred Williams & Company Laidlaw Brothers, Inc. Zaner & Bloser Company Charles E. Merrill Company 6. The wholesale contract. Under the wholesale form of contract the local dealer buys direct from the publisher at the net f. o. b. prices printed herein. The local dealer also pays the carrying charges on these books, as the prices listed herein are f. o. b. prices. The local dealer then retails them to the patrons of the public schools at a price not to exceed the retail price printed on the cover of each book, which retail price has been fixed, under the contract, by the State Board of Education. This is a purchase and not a consignment. The following companies have signed the wholesale contract: American Book Company Practical Drawing Company A. N. Palmer Company Silver, Burdett & Company City or county boards of education may buy the books direct from the publishers no matter which contract is in force. Patrons should take advantage of the exchange prices prior to .Tail nary 1, 1930, because after that date these prices are no longer effective. It is hoped that this new plan of distribution will prove beneficial both to the patrons and publishers to the end that elementary books may be sup- plied in a convenient manner, and at a less price than has been possible heretofore. state Superintendent of Public Instruction. May 17, 1929. LIST OF BASAL BOOKS Adopted by the State Board of Education. Grade 1 1 2 RETAIL CONTRACT READING Two primers, two first readers, two second readers and two third readers are required for basal use in the first, second and third grades, respectively. F. 0. B. F.O.B. Retail Retail Text and Exchange to Exchange Contract Publisher Price Boards Price Price Newsox Readers. (Neivson d Company.) Primer— Playtime . ,.. $ .288 % .32 $ .32 $ .36 Book One— Good Times .324 .36 .36 .40 Book Two— The Open Door .36 .40 .40 .44 Book Three— Storyland .414 .46 .46 .51 Story anu Study Readers. {Johnson Publishing Co.) Primer— Playfellows „ .315 .35 .36 .40 First Reader — Friends to Make .35 .385 .40 .44 Second Reader — Trips to Take .359 .403 .41 .46 Third Reader— The Treasure Box .455 .508 .52 .58 The Study Readers. (Chas. E. Merrill Co.) Fourth Year Book.... 56 .60 .61 .67 Fifth Year Book .58 .62 .63 .68 Sixth Year Book .58 .62 .63 .68 Boys' and Girls' Readers. {Houghton Mifflin Co.) Seventh Reader .609 .653 .69 .74 SPELLING The McCall Speller. {Laidlaw Brothers.) 2-4 Book I 24 .25 5-7 Book II . .26 .28 2-7 One Book Course .30 .32 .27 .29 .30 .32 .35 .37 NO ^ Grade 3 4 5 6 7 4-5 6-7 1-3 LANGUAGE The Open Door Language Series. {Houghton Mifflin Co.) Four-Book Edition. F.O.B. Retail Price to Co7itract Text and Publisher Boards Price Third Grade (For optional use) $ .36 % .40 Fourth Grade - .37 .41 Fifth Grade .37 .41 Sixth Grade .37 .41 Seventh Grade .41 .46 Two-BooK Edition Book I .46 .51 Book II .52 .58 Teachers Text L.\nguage Training. {Neivson d Company.) First, Second and Third Grades.... .60 .69 Elementary Text-Book List Grade 2 3-5 6-7 First Half 7 5 6 7 Teachers' Use 1-7 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 6,7,8 ARITHMETIC F.O.B. Price to Text and Publisher Boards First Journeys in Numberland. {Scott, Foresman d Co.) .39 School Arithmetic. (Ginn & Co.) Book I -..- .48 Book II 60 HISTORY First Book in United States History. {D. C. Heath d Co.).. -.. .64 A Young People's History of North Caro- lina. (Alfred Williams d Co.)-.... .675 (See wholesale list for text for second half term.) A History' of the People of the United States. (D. C. Heath d Co.) .91 HEALTH EDUCATION Boys and Girls of Wake Up Town. (Ginn & Co.) (For optional use) 57 Malden Health Series. (Z). C. Heath d Co.) Health 54 Cleanliness and Health .60 Building Strong Bodies. {Houghton Mifflin Co.) (For optional use) .61 Our Health Habits. {Rand McNally d Co.) 1.50 Retail Contract Price .45 .56 .69 .74 .75 1.05 .66 .63 .69 .68 1.73 WRITING Zaner Writing Method, Seven Book Series. {Zaner d Bloser Co.) Each book .07 .09 Teachers' Manual and Correspondence Course Free Free Manual to Upper Grades .15 .18 (See wholesale list for text for schools using Palmer Method.) DRAWING Industrial Art, Shorter Course. {Laidlaio Brothers, Inc.) Book I .22 .25 Book II .29 .33 Book III .29 .33 Book IV .29 .33 (Schools may select either this course or the course listed under the wholesale contract.) AMERICANISM {Rand McNally d Our Dual Government Co.) 1.00 Elementary Text-Book List Grade WHOLESALE CONTRACT Text and Publisher HISTORY Net Retail Wholesale Price F. O. B. Fixed by Price State Bd. Education 6 Our Ancestors in Europe. {Silver Burdett (Second half) fe Form Wo. A-368, Rev. 8/95