Cfce Hioratp of tt>t Ontoersitp of J!3ort& Carolina Collection ot jpottl) Carolimana jftom tfjc Etbratp ot W,H. Harris DIRECTORY OF The First Presbyterian Church OF CHARLOTTE, N. C FEBRUARY, 1913 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ftofare Our chief purpose in the publication of this little volume, is to place in the hands of the congregation, which regularly worships in The First Church, ac- curate information about the organization and work of the church as it is today. We have, purposely, omitted historical matter. The history of an organi- zation as old as this, and as influential as it now is and always has been, if it were fully and justly written, would grow to greater length than is consist- ent with the purposes of a directory. Those who desire information in brief compass, concerning the history of The First Church, are referred to the most excellent brief historical sketch of the church, pre- pared by Mr. Geo. E. Wilson, one of the elders of the church, and published in The First Presbyterian Church Year Book, 1908-1909. In this connection we express the hope that in the not distant future, some one who is competent to do so, will prepare and publish a his- tory of The First Church. This volume is only a directory. As such, it will be found convenient to the officers of the church, to the Sunday School workers, society presidents, and to all of the members of the church. It is hardly to be expected that it will be found [3] Preface wholly free from inaccuracies. A live congregation is constantly changing. Where inaccuracies occur each person may correct the discovered inaccuracy in his own volume, and thus have a directory that will serve all practical purposes. Stye Bttxtth Mtttxnv^ uf % CCtjurrij WEEKLY Sunday, 10:30 a. m. Preston Band of Covenanters, 11:00 a. m. Public Worship. 12:30 p. m. Meeting of Margaret Wilson Society. 3:30 p, m. Meeting of the Sunday School 7:30 p. m. November to April — Public Worship. 8:00 p.m. April to November— Public Worship. Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. Mid-week Prayer-meeting. Friday, 8:00 p. m. Choir Rehearsal. MONTHLY First Monday, 4:00 p. m. The Women's Board of United Missions. First Monday, 8:00 p. m. Stated Meeting of the Session. First Tuesday, 4:00 p. m. Ladies Aid and Orphan- age Society. Second Monday, 8:00 p. m. Stated Meeting of the Board of Deacons. Second Tuesday, 4:00 p. m. The Mildred Watkins Society. QUARTERLY The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper is adminis- tered quarterly on The First Sunday in April. The First Sunday in July. The First Sunday in October. The Second Sunday in January. ri [5] a. 5% ftraaimt nf % (Eijiinrtj The Presbyterian Church is organized according to the Scriptures, and has only those offices and officers that are found set forth in the Scriptures. The government of a particular congregation of the Presbyterian Church, is entrusted to the Session, which is composed of elders or presbyters, who are chosen to this office by the vote of the members of the church in which they bear office, and solemnly ordained to the office by the laying on of the hands of the Session where one already exists, or by the hands of the Presbytery in the organization of new churches. These elders are of two classes, viz.: Ruling Elders and Teaching Eiders. Teaching Elders are also called pastors. "The Church Session is charged with maintaining the spiritual government of the church, for which purpose it has power to inquire into the knowledge, principles, and christian conduct of the church mem- bers under its care ; to censure those found delinquent; to see that parents do not neglect to present their children for baptism; to receive members into the communion of the church; to grant letters of dismis- sion to other churches, which, when given to parents, [6] The First Presbyterian Church shall include the names of their baptized children ; to ordain and install Ruling Elders and Deacons on their election by the church and to require these officers to devote themselves to their work; to examine the records of the proceedings of the Deacons ; to estab- lish and control Sabbath Schools and Bible Classes, with special reference to the children of the Church ; to order collections for pious uses ; to take the over- sight of the singing in the public worship of God; to assemble the people for worship when there is no minister; to concert the best measures for promoting the spiritual interests of the church and congregation; to observe and carry out the lawful injunctions of the higher courts; and to appoint representatives to the Presbytery and the Synod, who shall, on their return, make report of their diligence." — 'Boo'k of Church Order, Section III., \67. The Session of this Church is as follows: Rev. D. H. Rolston, Pastor and Moderator of the Session. Elder Frank H. Andrews, Clerk of the Session. Elder Geo. E. Wilson Elder P. M. Brown J. C. Burroughs Archibald Graham R. E. Cochrane A. G. Brenizer R. A. Dunn Dr. J. P. Munroe J. H. McClintock Holmes Blair E. T. Cansler F. C. Abbott Robert Glasgow M. E. Boyer Directory of The Session holds a stated meeting on the first Monday in each month, in the church parlor, at 8 p. m. The Session also meets every Sunday morning before public worship, to receive or dismiss members, and on other occasions at the call of the Moderator. The First Presbyterian Church 5% Stanmat* The Presbyterian Church has also a body of officers called Deacons. This also is a scriptural office, and one of great honor and usefulness in the church. 'The duties of this office especially relate to the care of the poor, and to the collection and distribution of the offerings of the people for pious uses, under the direction of the Session. To the Deacons also, may be properly committed the management of the temporal affairs of the church." — Book of Church Order, See. IV. % 46. The Board of Deacons of this Church, is as follows: Geo. H. Brockenbrough, Chairman. John W. Zimmerman, Secretary and Treasurer. W. W. Ward R. L. Gibbon J. A. Elliott J. F. Robertson Geo. A. Howell J. A. Fore H. H. Orr W. S. Alexander J. M. Sims M. B. Speir R. C. Carson Walter Scott E. S. Steele Jesse M. Oldham John M. Scott Geo. M. Rose Thomas J. Smith C. M. Carson 10 Directory of The Deacons meet statedly on the second Monday in each month at 8 p. m. in the church parlor. The Diaconate has the following special committees : Committee on Church Building— H. H. Orr John M. Scott W. S. Alexander Jas. A. Fore Committee on Church Grounds and Manse— J. F. Robertson R. C. Carson Geo. A. Howell Geo. M. Rose Committee on Relief— Ward I. J. A. Fore, T. J. Smith Ward II. J. M. Sims, Walter Scott Ward III. Geo. H. Brockenbrough, Jesse M. Oldham Ward IV. M. B. Speir, W. S. Alexander Committee on Communion Service — J. A. Fore Geo. A. Howell H. H. Orr T. J. Smith Committee on Church Ushers— J. W. Zimmerman H. H. Orr Committee on Finance— J. A. Elliott C. M. Carson The First Presbyterian Church 11 (Elfttrrij Mimmz This church is supported entirely by the voluntary contributions of its members end adherents. The pews are all free and all persons are cordially wel- comed to any and all of its public services. Persons who regularly avail themselves of the privileges of worship afforded by this church, are expected to con- tribute as they are abie, to defray the expense inci- dent to the maintainance of the church. The church stands in the heart of a great and growing city, and must be a large and vigorous organization if it would occupy the largest influence possible to it by virtue of position. The maintainance of this church is quite an item. The church holds no bazarrs nor entertain- ments, nor does it turn aside to any of those devices that are some times resorted to to secure funds for the support of the church. Unless the church is worth what it costs to maintain it, it should not be main- tained. If it is worth it, then honest men and women who derive benefit therefrom, should cheerfully pay for it. The members of this church do so. Since April 1st, 1912, this church has used what is known as The Assembly's Plan of Church Finance, adapted to our needs. By this plan a package of duplex envelopes is placed in the hands of each mem- ber of the church, and any other person who desires 12 Directory of to contribute. This package contains an envelope for each Sunday in the year. Contributors are requested to put the amount of their weekly contribution to the support of the local church in the end of envelope printed in black, and their contribution to the mission- ary and beneficent causes of The Presbyterian Church, U. S. in the end printed in red, and drop in the collec- tion plate on Sunday. A careful record is kept of every contribution, by means of the number on the contributor's envelope, this being the number opposite his name in the record. No gift, however large, is in any manner made known abroad, nor is any gift, however small, despised or overlooked. Let none despise the day of small things, neither let any feel exalted over things com- paratively large. "On the first day of the week, let every one lay by him in store as God hath prospered him."— J. Cor. 16:2. The Benevolent Objects to which this church con- tributes in addition to the support of this church itself, are: Foreign Missions. Ministerial Education and Relief. Sabbath School Extension and Publication. American Bible Society. Assembly's Home Mission, including (a) Colored Evangelization. (b) Evangelistic Work in New Territory. (c) Mission Schools and Colleges. (d) Mountain Mission Work. The First Presbyterian Church 13 Synod's Home Missions. Synod's Orphans' Home, Barium Springs. Presbytery's Home Missions. Alexander Rescue Home. Presbyterian Hospital. Support of two smaller churches in the city. Support of a City Missionary. The Associated Charities of the city. The Salvation Army. The last two mentioned are not included in the regular budget, however. All the funds that are contributed in the regular collections, pass through the hands of the Treasurer, Mr. J. W. Zimmerman, and are disbursed by him with the approval of the Deacons and Session. His books are always open to inspection, and his long and faith- ful service in this responsible position, entitles him to the lasting gratitude of the congregation. 14 Directory of In order that there may be a distribution of labor and the best interests of the whole congregation served, the congregation is arranged in twelve groups with a deacon and an elder for each group charged with the responsibility of serving that group in their official capacity. The grouping has been along local lines, i. e. members in the same location in the city, as far as practicable are in the same group. We followed this plan in The School of Systematic Beneficence last year with gratifying success, and shall continue to use this method. Removals will occasion some changes in the group- ing form from time to time. For the next Church year the groups will be as indicated in the following list of members arranged by streets. The streets in this list do not follow each other in alphabetical order, but an index of streets at the end of the list will render the directory workable. The Roman numeral after each street indicates the number of the group to which the residents on that street belong. 48 Directory of §0uttj ©njntt 9tmt GROUP I. ADDRESS Alexander, J. K. A . .4 S. Tryon Burroughs, J. C. [Elder] Central Hotel Munroe, Dr. J. P. [Elder J Central Hotel Caldwell, Mrs. J. P Central Hotel Caldwell, Miss Adelaide Pierson Central Hoiel Springs, Miss Alice Central Hotel Patterson, Buford H 25 N. Tryon Tally, Harry W 201 S. Tryon Mcintosh, Mr. Milton Trust Building Fonville, DeRoy Y. M. C. A. Scales, John L Law Building Wilson, Geo. E. [Elder] 302 S. Tryon Wilson, Mrs. Geo. E .302 S. Tryon Wilson, Geo. E. Jr 302 S. Tryon Wilson, Miss Annie 302 S. Tryon Wilson, Miss Sarah 302 S. Tryon Sanders, Mrs. L. W 309 S. Tryon Sanders, Harry L 309 S. Tryon Brooks, Dr. S. 309 S. Tryon Brooks, Mrs. S. 309 S. Tryon Wilcox, W. M., Jr Y. M. C. A. Caldwell, Frank M Y. M. C. A. Sawyer, Miss Belle S 411 S. Tryon Hollingsworth, Mrs. A. P 411 S. Tryon Scott, John M. [Deacon] 506 S. Tryon Scott, Mrs. John M 506 S. Tryon Scott, Julia Baxter 506 S. Tryon The First Presbyterian Church 49 ADDRESS Stowe, Jas. P 602 S. Tryon Stowe, Mrs. Jas. P 602 S. Tryon Stowe, Lester H 602 S. Tryon Ward, W. W. [Deacon] 604 S. Tryon Ward, Mrs. W. W 604 S. Tryon Ward, Miss Cora 604 S. Tryon Ward, Miss Nannie 604 S. Tryon Ward, Miss Edith May 604 S. Tryon Ward, Wm. N 604 S. Tryon Ward, Kenneth E 604 S. Tryon Taylor, Z. V .613 S. Tryon Taylor, Mrs. Z. V 613 S. Tryon GROUP II. Sadler, Mrs. Gillespie 700 S. Tryon Young, Mrs. Ida 309 E. Morehead Baird, J. G 701 S. Tryon Baird, Mrs. J. G " " Baird, J. G., Jr " Gibbon, Dr. R. L. [Deacon] 705 S. Tryon Gibbon, Mrs. R. L 705 S. Tryon Gibbon, Jas. Wilson 705 S. Tryon Gibbon, Miss Corinne M 705 S. Tryon Gibbon, Miss Mary Rogers 705 S. Tryon Howell, Mrs. Stephen M 804 S. Tryon Howell, Geo. A. [Deacon] 804 S. Tryon Howell, Mrs. Geo. A , . .804 S. Tryon Howell, Miss Nina 804 S. Tryon Howell, Miss Mary S 804 S. Tryon Howell, Geo. A„ Jr 804 S. Tryon 50 Directory of ADDRESS Howell, Wallace S. 804 S. Tryon Howell, Harvey L 804 S. Tryon Fuller, Mrs. Thomas, Jr 804 S. Tryon Watson, W. A 805 S. Tryon Watson, Mrs. W. A 805 S. Tryon Keerans, Chas L 812 S. Tryon Keerans, Mrs. Chas. L 812 S. Tryon Keerans, Chas. L., Jr 812 S. Tryon Bellinger, Geo. H 813 S. Tryon Alexander, F. D. . . . . 814 S. Tryon Alexander, Mrs. F. D Alexander, Thomas Lafayette Alexander, Miss Mary ... Alexander, Frank Brown 44 *t It 44 44 it GROUP III. Alexander, Dr. Chas. L 900 S. Tryon Brockenbrough, Geo. H. [Deacon] 902 S. Tryon Brockenbrough, Mrs. Geo. H 902 S. Tryon Brockenbrough, Miss Mary G 902 S. Tryon Brockenbrough, Miss Sara M 902 S. Tryon Brockenbrough, Geo. H., Jr 902 S. Tryon Wriston, Mrs. Mary E 902 S. Tryon Pegram, Mrs. Gertrude A 910 S. Tryon Pegram, Miss Lavinia Isabel 910 S. Tryon Pegram, Miss May 910 S. Tryon McDonald, A. Morris 911 S. Tryon McDonald, Mrs. A. Morris 911 S. Tryon McDonald, John Caldwell 911 S. Tryon McDonald, Mrs. Katherine M 911 S. Tryon The First Presbyterian Church 51 ADDRESS Carson, C. M. [Deacon] 913 S. Tryon Carson, Mrs. C. M 913 S. Tryon Carson, Jas. H 913 S. Tryon Alexander, S. B„ Jr 1000 S. Tryon Alexander, Mrs. S. B., Jr " Pegram, Miles P., Jr 1005 S. Tryon Pegram, Mrs. Miles P., Jr 1005 S. Tryon Alexander, Joseph A 1116 S. Tryon Alexander, Mrs. Joseph A " " 52 Directory of Wast &mxxiii Bttttt GROUP I. ADDRESS Harvell, W. Espy 7 W. 2nd Harvell, Mrs. W. Espy 7 W. 2nd #0ull| (Etjurrlj &txttt GROUP I. Williams, P. H 206 S. Church Williams, Mrs. P. H 206 S. Church Hall, Mrs. E. H 204 S. Church Sloan, J. N 208 S. Church Sloan, Mrs. J. N 208 S. Church Beall, Mrs. A. J 313 S! Church Beall, Miss Isabel M " Beall, A. J., Jr '. . . . " Kidd, W. B 518 S. Church Brown, Chas. C 620 S. Church Brown, Mrs. C. C 620 S. Church Hill, John 712 S. Church Hill, Mrs. John 712 S. Church The First Presbyterian Church 53 lEaai Jfaurtl) §>tmt GROUP I. ADDRESS Rose, John M E. 4th Donaldson, Mrs. Alice C 403 E. 4th Harmon, Mrs. Geo , 403 E. 4th Smith, Wm. P 600 E. 4th Smith, Mrs. Wm. P 600 E. 4th Walsh, Thomas D., Jr E. 4th Jarksntt Gterrar? GROUP II. McKinley, Mrs. R. P 2 Jackson Terrace McKinley, Miss Marie 2 Jackson Terrace McKinley, Miss Fay 2 Jackson Terrace Brov/n, Wm. Wilson 6 Jackson Terrace Brovrn, Mrs. Landrum 6 Jackson Terrace Laxton, F. M 10 Jackson Terrace Laxton, Mrs. F. M 10 Jackson Terrace Oldham, Jesse M. [Deacon].. 11 Jackson Terrace Oldham, Mrs. Jesse M 11 Jackson Terrace 54 Directory of Unit fill &tri*t GROUP II. ADDRESS Springs, Alva C 5 W. Hill Springs, Mrs. Alva C 5 W. Hill Robertson, Jas. P. [Deacon] 8 W. Hill Robertson, Mrs. J. P 8 W. Hill Robertson, J. F., Jr 8 W. Hill Hutchison, Joel Jenkins 12 W. Hill Hutchison, Mrs. Joel Jenkins 12 W. Hill liaat Ifrnmt !§>tmt GROUP II. Taliaferro, Mrs. W. R 7 E. Vance Acree, Mrs. Smith 9 E. Vance Holland, Jas. R 11 E. Vance Holland, Mrs. Jas. R 11 E. Vance Holland, Miss Alice 11 E. Vance Young, Miss Lelia 11 E. Vance The First Presbyterian Church 55 Wszt TJanr* g>tmt GROUP II. ADDRESS Graham, Mrs. Eugene B 14 W. Vance Graham, Eugene B., Jr 14 W. Vance Graham, James Robertson.. 14 W. Vance Moore, Harvey W 18 W. Vance Moore, Mrs. Harvey W 18 W. Vance Gillespie, Mrs. T. D 19 W. Vance Doby, Mrs. Sara R 19 W. Vance Alston, Mrs. C. S 20 W. Vance Terres, Mrs. Harriet 300 W. Vance East iHar^rab Btvttt GROUP III. Elliott, John P 4 E. Morehead Elliott, Mrs. John P 4 E. Morehead Elliott, Willedene Evelyn 4 E. Morehead Elliott, Aubrey McCoy 4 E. Morehead Craig, Mrs. J. N E. Morehead Matthews, Mrs. Maude C 7. E. Morehead Matthews, Lydia Brevard .... 7 E. Morehead Matthews, Craig 7 E. Morehead Carson, J. E 12 E. Morehead Carson, Mrs. J. E 12 E. Morehead Carson, Jas. McAllister. 12 E. Morehead Carson, Miss Mary Williams 12 E. Morehead Carson, Miss Maud Craig 12 E. Morehead 56 Directory of ADDRESS Andrews, Miss Mary E 20 East Morehead Andrews, F. H. [Elder] Andrews, Mrs. F. H Andrews, Edgar W Andrews, Ezra Preston Andrews, Wm. Parker Meyer, Mrs. Oscar A 20 E. Morehead McDonald, Mrs. Rose 305 E. Morehead test Mixvttywh §tmt GROUP III. Preston, T. R 3 W. Morehead Preston, Mrs. T. R 3 W. Morehead Thompson, A. S 4 E. Morehead Thompson, Mrs. A. S 4 E. Morehead Harris, Miss Kate V 18 W. Morehead Walsh, Mrs. Thomas D 201 W. Morehead Walsh, Miss Rosa 201 W. Morehead Walsh, Robert E 201 W. Morehead Walsh, Clyde J 201 W. Morehead Rogers, Mrs. G. S 203 E. Morehead Boyd, Miss Emma 207 W. Morehead The First Presbyterian Church 57 GROUP III. ADDRESS Soott, Walter [Deacon] 1 Ransom Place Scott, Mrs. Walter 1 Ransom Place Casler, Miss Anna D 1 Ransom Place Fry, Miss Edith K 1 Ransom Place Jones, Mrs. Maggie L 6 Ransom Place Jones, Miss Mary Stuart 6 Ransom Place Jones, Morehead 6 Ransom Place Morson, Mrs. Hugh A 6 Ransom Place Ovens, David E. Boulevard Ovens, Mrs. David E. Boulevard GROUP III. Beardsley, Walter Holmes 40 S. College Glasgow, Robert [Elder] 910 S. College Glasgow, Mrs. Robert 910 S. College Berry, Leslie G 912 S. College Berry, Mrs. Leslie G " 58 Directory of £0Ul!j[ Voulnrarft — Sttouirtlj GROUP IV. ADDRESS Simpson, Mrs. J. G 1008 S. Boulevard Rankin, W. C 1012 S. Boulevard Rankin, Mrs. W. C 1012 S. Boulevard Gifford, Miss Agnes S 1120 S. Boulevard Gifford, Miss Mary C 1120 S. Boulevard Sims, Jas. M. [Deacon] 1422 S. Boulevard Sims, Miss Mary 1422 S. Boulevard Matthews, Mrs. C. A, 1420 S. Boulevard Sterrett, Mrs. Elizabeth 1601 S. Boulevard Sterrett, Miss Eda C 1601 Boulevard Sterrett, Miss Bessie 1601 S. Boulevard Zimmerman, Mrs. Rebecca J... 1802 S. Boulevard Zimmerman, Miss Mary 1802 S. Boulevard Zimmerman, Wm. H 1802 S. Boulevard Alexander, W. C 1804 S. Boulevard Alexander, Mrs. W. C " Alexander, Elias Sears " " Alexander, W. C, Jr " Alexander, Stewart Parks " " Jones, Jos. A 1901 S. Boulevard Jones, Mrs. Jos, A 1901 S. Boulevard Bennick, R. H Atherton Mill The First Presbyterian Church 59 2Ctttg0t0tt Avrttut — Utttttortfi GROUP IV. ADDRESS Schlichter, Norman C 302 Kingston Ave. Schlichter, Mrs. Norman C 302 Kingston Ave. Simpson, Mrs. Alice 503 Kingston Ave. Simpson, Miss Mamie ....503 Kingston Ave. Simpson, W. M 503 Kingston Ave. Simpson, J. W 503 Kingston Ave. latrift Atimte— BUrooriij GROUP IV. Woodruff, T. Croft 1600 Euclid Ave. Woodruff, Mrs. T. Croft 1600 Euclid Ave. $arfe Att*m»— lUworilf GROUP IV. Cowles, Wm. D 303 Park Ave. Cowles, Mrs. Wm. D 303 Park Ave. Cowles, Miss Susie W 303 Park Ave. Cowles, Miss Margaret B .303 Park Ave. Cowles, Miss Mildred D 303 Park Ave. 60 Directory of ADDRESS Alexander, Thomas W 305 Park Ave Alexander, R. O 401 Park Ave Tate, J. C 405 Park Ave. Tate, Mrs. J. C 405 Park Ave. Tate, Mrs. M. C 405 Park Ave. Rose, George M. [Deacon] 408 Park Ave. Rose, Mrs. Geo. M 408 Park Ave. Wnrtiixtitfttm Att*ttst* — Biltnortl? GROUP IV. Black, LeRoy F 608 Worthington Ave Black, Mrs. LeRoy F it a HgnMfttrBt Attftw* — Btttmirtli GROUP IV. Garibaldi, W. C 1703 Lyndhurst Ave Garibaldi, Mrs. W. C 1703 Lyndhurst Ave The First Presbyterian Church 61 EaBt Banktmrft — HUttmriij GROUP IV. ADDRESS Brice, R. G 104 E. Boulevard Brice, Mrs. R. G 104 E. Boulevard Brice, Geo. W 104 E. Boulevard Brice, Miss Ellen 104 E. Boulevard Brice, Miss Olive 104 E. Boulevard Brice, Leslie T 104 E. Boulevard Thompson, Mrs. E. W 108 E. Boulevard Wingfield, A. B 204 E. Boulevard Wingfield, Mrs. A. B 204 E. Boulevard Lockett, Mrs. C. C 306 E. Boulevard Halley, Peter H 309 E. Boulevard Halley, Mrs. P. H.. 309 E. Boulevard Halley, Miss Laura 309 E. Boulevard VanHouton, Mrs. Mary J 309 E. Boulevard Harrison, Mrs. L. C 314 E. Boulevard Harrison, Miss Mabel C 314 E. Boulevard Reynolds, W. A 408 E. Boulevard Reynolds, Mrs. W. A 408 E. Boulevard Latta, E. D , 506 E. Boulevard Latta, Miss Janet Acton... 506 E. Boulevard 62 Directory op WtBt ©rate Btvm GROUP V. ADDRESS Moore, Edgar B Selwyn Hotel Moore, Mrs. Edgar B Selwyn Hotel Moore, Edgar Blackburn Selwyn Hotel Alexander, W. S. [Deacon] Selwyn Hotel Alexander, Mrs. W. S " Byers, Daniel P Selwyn Hotel King, Dr. Parks M Selwyn Hotel Wolfe, W. K W. Trade Wolfe, Samuel J W. Trade Blair, Holmes [Elder] The Manse Blasser, Miss Sallie H The Manse Rolston, Rev. D. H The Manse Lowe, Miss Ruth Presbyterian Hospital Lowe, Miss Carrie Presbyterian Hospital McNichols, Miss Ella H Presbyterian Hospital Jackson, Mrs. Mary A 306 W. Trade Preston, E. R 306 W. Trade Preston, Mrs. E. R 306 W. Trade Alexander. Miss Sophie M 400 W. Trade Alexander, Miss Julia Alexander, Miss Violet G McManaway, Mrs. Chas. G 406 W. Trade Pharr, Mrs. Mattie M 406 W. Trade Pharr, Miss Gertrude 406 W. Trade Murray, Chas. H 417 W. Trade Murray, Mrs. Chas. H 417 W. Trade Shaw, Arnold M 1000 W. Trade i* 4* The First Presbyterian Church 63 ADDRESS Shaw, Mrs. Arnold M 1000 W. Trade Faires, S. M 1002 W. Trade Faires, Miss Frankie 1002 W. Trade Faires, Miss Madeline 1002 W. Trade Faires, Miss Carrie W 1002 W. Trade Faires, Miss Mabel Rebecca 1002 W. Trade Faires, Samuel Marion 1002 W. Trade Faires, Harry Todd 1002 W. Trade mm »trttt GROUP V. Caldwell, Jos. H 200 Mint Caldwell, Mrs. Jos. H 200 Mint Littlefield, E. B 205 Mint Littlefield, Mrs. E. B 205 Mint GROUP V. Pierce, W. A 310 Post Pierce, Mrs. W. A 310 Post Pierce, Miss Annie 310 Post 64 Directory of GROUP V. ADDRESS Love, John D 301 W. Bland Love, Mrs. John D. 301 W. Bland GROUP v. Reading, Mrs. Harriet M 303 W. 4th Reading, Louis B 303 W. 4th Moody, Chas. P 401 W. 4th Moody, Mrs. Chas. P 401 West Fourth Zimmerman, J. W. [Deacon] 405 W. 4th Zimmerman, Mrs. J. W 405 W. 4th 3mxn Awttttf GROUP V. Anthony, Mrs. Clara B 201 Irwin Ave The First Presbyterian Church 65 (farms §>tr**i GROUP V. ADDRESS VanWormer, Mrs. D. F 14 Grove GROUP V. Hargrave, Mrs. L. D 2 S. Graham Hargrave, Miss Estelle 2 S. Graham Ross, Miss Eldora , 2 S. Graham GROUP VI. Finlayson, E. V 300 W, 5th Finlayson, Mrs. E. V 300 W. 5th Finlayson, Miss Mildred Louise 300 W. 5th Alexander, Miss Lucy P 314 W. Fifth Alexander, Miss Jennie J " " Alexander, Miss Mary M " Alexander, Miss Minnie R " Alexander, W. L " Gaither, Mrs. Thomas H 315 W. 5th u tt 66 Directory of ADDRESS Tate, Mrs. Elizabeth 317 W. 5th Whitted, Mrs. Thomas B 317 W. 5th Henderson, Chas. P 321 E. 5th Henderson, Mrs. Chas. P 321 E. 5th Henderson, Miss Grace. 321 E. 5th Henderson, Miss Lillie W 321 E. 5th Louder, Mrs. Clarence O 321 W. Fifth Hummell, Mrs. Lucy 1004 W. 5th Hummell, Geo 1004 W. 5th Nnrtif poplar &tr*rt GROUP VI. Mellon, Mrs. E. W 9 N. Poplar Mellon, Miss Sarah 9 N. Poplar Mellon, Miss Mary Neal 9 N. Poplar Shelton, T. M 11 N. Poplar Shelton, Mrs. T. M UN. Poplar Shelton, Miss Mary 11 N. Poplar LeGrande, Mrs. Minnie T 412 N. Poplar LeGrande, Richard T 412 N. Poplar Wallace, W. Wilson, Jr 415 N. Poplar Wallace, Miss Daisy V .415 N. Poplar Wallace, Miss Beulah 415 N. Poplar Wallace, Miss Lillian K 415 N. Poplar Wallace, Jack . . . 415 N. Popla Wallace, John Samuel 415 N. Poplar Sandifer, Mrs. Elizabeth G 513 N. Poplar The First Presbyterian Church 67 Jfartfj ar &troi GROUP VI. ADDRESS Thomas, Mrs. Moses 212 N. Cedar Nnrtt? tr*rt GROUP VI. Nash, Mrs. Sheppard 313 W. 9th Nash, John Frederick 313 W. 9th Nash, Sheppard K 313 W. 9th Nash, Mary Eleanor 313 W. 9th Alexander, W. D 316 W. Ninth Alexander, Mrs. W. D tt a The First Presbyterian Church 69 ADDRESS Burw.ell, Geo. E 503 W. 9th Burwell, Mrs. Geo. E 503 W. 9th Burwell, Geo. E., Jr 503 W. 9th Burwell, Henry W 503 W. 9th Burwell, James B.,. 503 W. 9th Burwell, Leila 503 W. 9th GROUP VI. Watt, E. M.. 205 W. 11th Watt, Mrs. E. M 205 W. 11th Brown, Mrs. C. C 401 W. 11th Nartff QHjttrrij &frn>i GROUP VII. Torrence, R. A 415 N. Church Torrence, Mrs. R. A 415 N. Church Torrence, Miss Kate ...415 N. Church Torrence, Jas. G 415 N. Church Torrence, Wm 415 N. Church Caldwell, Mrs. J. L 512 N. Church Caldwell, Miss Lida 512 N. Church Rucker, Mrs. B. Parks 614 N. Church Martin, Mrs. Carrie C Y. W. C. A. 70 Directory of ADDRESS Harris, Wade H 210 N. Church Harris, Mrs. Wade H 210 N. Church Harris, Richard P 210 N. Church Harris, Jas. P 210 N. Church Springs, Mrs. E. C 210 N. Church Jones, Freeman W 302 N. Church Jones, Edwin E 302 N. Church Haden, Miss Mattie L 303 N. Church Brown, Alfred W 308 N. Church McLeod, W. L 410 N. Church Best, Mrs. Kate R 411 N. Church Davidson, Miss Sallie H 413 N. Church Davidson, Miss Blandina 413 N. Church Gordon, John F., Liddell Co., N. Church WtBt ^etumti? Btvttt GROUP VII. Orr, Harvey H. [Deacon] 13 W. 7th Orr, Mrs. Harvey H 13 W. 7th Orr, Miss Madeline 13 W. 7th Orr, Miss Harriet H 13 W. 7th Orr, Miss Adelaide .13 W. 7th Orr, Jas. Harvey 13 W. 7th Orr, Albert Summey 13 W. 7th Summey, Miss Ella 13 W. 7th Dougherty, Miss Sarah 404 W. 7th Graham, Miss Margaret 404 W. 7th The First Presbyterian Church 71 ADDRESS Harris, S. A 405 W. 7th Harris, Mrs. S. A 405 W. 7th Harris, Miss Katherine 405 W> 7th Harris, S. A., Jr 405 W. 7th McAllister, Henry B 601 W. 7th McAllister, Mrs. Henry B 601 W. 7th McAllister, Chas. Preston 601 W. 7th Blackwelder, Miss M. L 607 W. Seventh Martin, Miss Margaret E 607 W. 7th WtBt §faetfj Btvttt GROUP VII. Mayer, C. R . 12 W. 6th Mayer, Mrs. C. R 12 W. 6th WtBt Sfentlj g>!ri*t GROUP VII. Gihson, Mrs. Lutie W 4 Tenth Ave. Gihson, W. Edwin 4 Tenth Ave. Beaty, J. L. . > 9 W. Tenth Beaty, Miss Sarah Sue " " Beaty, James Thorn " " Beaty, Hugh Wilson *■ 72 Directory of ADDRESS Beaty, Miss Jennie L 9 W. Tenth Beaty, Miss Leela L " Beaty, Miss Kathleen E " Chambers, Mrs. J. L 200 W. 10th Chambers, Miss Elizabeth L 200 W. 10th Chambers, Miss Annie Dewey .200 W. 10th Chambers, Willoughby 200 W. 10th Steele, Eli S. [Deacon] 206 10th Ave. Steele, Mrs. E. S 206 10th Ave. Bradford, W. B 211 Tenth Ave Bradford, Mrs. W. B " Davidson, Mrs. Laura B .215 10th Ave. Alexander, Miss Sallie 301 Tenth Ave Hanna, Mrs. Geo. B .301 10th Ave. Watt, J. T Cor. 10th and Pine Nurtlj ©nj0u dtmt GROUP VIII. Williams, Henry C Leland Hotel Williams, Mrs. Henry C Leland Hotel Williams, Lewis S Leland Hotel Williamson, Jas Carnegie Court Robinson, Benjamin S 203 S. Church Miller, Mrs. R. M., Jr. 402 N. Tryon Dula, Wm. H .409 N. Tryon Dula, Mrs. Wm. H .409 N. Tryon Harty, Miss Irene . . .409 N. Tryon The First Presbyterian Church 73 ADDRESS Alexander, Dr. Annie 410 N. Tryon Alexander, Miss Lottie " " Halliburton, Mrs. Lucy A 410 N. Tryon Halliburton, John. ; 410 N. Tryon Halliburton, Alexander 410 N. Tryon Barringer, Mrs. Osmond L . . 411 N. Tryon Dunn, R. A. [Elder] 503 N. Tryon Dunn, Mrs. R. A 503 N. Tryon Johnston, Chas. W 507 N. Tryon Johnston, Mrs. Chas. W 507 N. Tryon Hill, D. H., Jr 510 N. Tryon Brenizer, A. G. [Elder] 600 N. Tryon Brenizer, Dr. Addison 600 N. Tryon Brenizer, Chase 600 N. Tryon Burroughs, Mrs. W. L 600 N. Tryon Smith, Mrs. Clarence H 604 N. Tryon Carson, R. C. [Deacon] 705 N. Tryon Carson, Mrs. R. C 705 N. Tryon Chambers, Mrs. W. J 804 N. Tryon East mm »tmt GROUP VIII. White, Frank H 213 E. 5th Ferguson, Mrs. John W 2005 E. 5th Evans, Miss Mary C 2005 E. 5th Yandell, B. F 610 E. 5th 74 Directory of Eajet Stxtlj &ttttt GROUP VIII. ADDRESS Moore, D. C 310 E. 6th Moore, Mrs. D. C 310 E. 6th Moore, Miss Martha M 310 E. 6th Smith, Robert W 407 E. 6th Smith, Mrs. Robert W 407 E. 6th EaBt Etglyttj &txnt GROUP VIII. Thompson, W. N 1 Elmore Apartments Thompson, Mrs. W. N 1 Elmore Apartments £a0t m*ti*nitj fbtxttt group vm. Speir, Morgan B. [Deacon] 5 E. 11th Speir, Mrs. Morgan B 5 E. 11th Burwell, W. R 9 East 11th The First Presbyterian Church 75 3Ea*it JUroriftl) 8>imt GROUP VIII. ADDRESS Young, Adolphus M 5 E. 12th Young, Mrs. Adolphus M 5 E. 12th GROUP IX. Stokes, Robert P 305 N. College Stokes, Mrs. Robert P 305 N. College Smith, Thomas J. [Deacon] 511 N. College Smith, Mrs. Thomas J .511 N. College Moseley, Mrs. C. A 513 N. College Moseley, C. A., Jr 513 N. College Moseley, Miss Sarah 513 N. College Moseley, Miss Julia Adelaide 513 N. College Moseley, Miss Ella 513 N. College Cochrane, R. E. [Elder] 601 N. College Cochrane, Mrs. R. E 601 N. College Cochrane, Miss Minnie A 601 N. College Cochrane, J. M, 601 N. College Adams, Mrs. Grace C 601 N. College Adams, Geo. N Patterson, Mrs. Bessie Presbyterian College Bridges, Miss Pansy L 624^ N. College Hawkins, T. W 629 N. College 76 Directory of ADDRESS Hawkins, Mrs. T. W 629 N. College Hawkins, Miss Rose E. 629 N. College Hawkins, Miss Sarah 620 N. College Bridges, Mrs. J. R 630 N. College Bridges, Miss Helen Venable 630 N. College Bridges, Robert Armstrong ..630 N. College Bridges, Edwin Breathitt 630 N. College Flournoy, Mrs. Chas. B 700 N. College Plournoy, Miss Martha W 700 N. College Flournoy, Landon C 700 N. College Flournoy, Miss Louise 700 N. College Flournoy, Miss Alice F 700 N. College McCombs, Mrs. Anna M 702 N. College McCombs, Miss Elizabeth 702 N. College Fore, Jas. A. [Deacon] 707 N. College Fore, Mrs. Jas. A 707 N. College Fore, J. A., Jr 707 N. College Fore, Miss Cornelia 707 N. College Fore, Clyde L 707 N. College Pegram, Mrs. Bettie 711 N. College Pegram, Miss Kathleen A 711 N. College Pegram, Harry Fuller 711 N. College Pegram, Frank L 711 N. College Miller, Mrs. Brevard 805 N. College The First Presbyterian Church 77 £a*$t Ntittf| &ttttt GROUP IX. ADDRESS Watt, Walter W 6 E. 9th Blake, John S 307 E. Ninth Blake, Mrs. John S " Blake, Clarence J " Blake, Miss Evelyn " Blake, Miss Armide " " Johnston, Mrs. Alice C, 308 E. 9th Johnston, Miss Alice A 308 E. 9th Glover, Miss Marie 400 E. 9th lEaat g>*tinttlf g>trwt GROUP X. Griffith, Mrs. Francis M 11 E. 7th Henderson, Miss Fannie 15 E. 7th Henderson, Miss Mary .15 E. 7th Henderson, Miss Lucy 15 E. 7th Henderson, Miss Josie 15 E, 7th Joyner, Q. J 211 E. 7th Joyner, Mrs. Q. J 211 E. 7th Elliott, J. A. [Deacon] 307 E. 7th Elliott, Miss Hattie. .'. 307 E. 7th White, Mrs. Sarah Caldwell 403 E. 7th Hackney, Mrs. Cora N 1404 E. 7th Wier, Mrs. J. S.. 1710 E. 7th Cherryman, Mi* g Irene 1807 E. 7th St. Hunter Leonard L 1221 E. 7th 78 Directory of ADDRESS Boyer, Martin E. [Elder] 1422 E. Seventh Boyer, Mrs. Martin E " Boyer, Martin E., Jr " Boyer, Miss Lavinia Elizabeth " '* Thorn, Mrs. Houston E 1607 E. 7th Burch, Mrs. A. W E. 7th Dotger, Henry C E. 7th Ex. Dotger, Mrs. Henry C E. 7th Ex. Dotger, Frederick W E. 7th Ex. GROUP X. Libby, Miss Mary Julia 5 N. Caldwell Craig, A. B 7 N. Caldwell Key?, Mrs. Mary 13 N. Caldwell Bell, Mrs. Geo. R 610 N. Caldwell GROUP X. Graham, Archibald [Elder] 201 N. Brevard Graham, Miss Mary 201 N. Brevard Harrison, James 311 N. Brevard Harrison, Mrs. James 311 N. Brevard The First Presbyterian Church 79 ADDRESS Holmes, Mrs. Fannie R 316 N. Brevard Holmes, Miss Hilda C 316 N. Brevard Holmes, Miss Cornelia 316 N. Tryon Holmes, Ralph T 316 N. Brevard Holmes, Pink Y 316 N. Brevard Smith, Mrs. Julia T 318 N. Brevard Sfariit MytrB §trwt GROUP X.- Miller, Mrs. Jasper 3 N. Myers Miller, Stephen A 3 N. Myers Miller, Miss Louise 3 N. Myers Watts, Mrs. Harriet M 3 N. Myers McGinn; C. R. 201 S. Myers McGinn, Mrs. F. A Cor. 4th and Myers McGinn, Homer A. . Cor. 4th and Myers McGinn, F. A Cor. 4th and Myers McGinn, Frankie Cor. 4th and Myers McGinn, Jean Elizabeth Cor. 4th and Myers Norttf Hang &imt GROUP x. Hawley, Dr. F. O.. 9 N. Long Hawley, Mrs. F. O 9 N. Long Chamberlain, H. B 12 N. Long Chamberlain, Mrs. H. B 12 N. Long Chamberlain, H B., Jr 12 N. Long Chamberlain, M ss Mary .12 N. Long Directory of GROUP X. ADDRESS Kirkpatrick, Parks 12 N. McDowell Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Parks 12 N. McDowell Stewart, John 14 N. McDowell Stewart, Mrs. John 14 N. McDowell Stewart, Ivy W 14 N. McDowell Stewart, Thomas It 14 N. McDowell Stewart, Harvey E 14 N. McDowtU East Attetw* GROUP XL Tiddy, Miss Sarah J 401 E. Ave. Tiddy, Miss Lucy M . 401 E. Ave. Jamison, Miss Sallie 404 East Ave. Long, W. L 404 E. Ave. Long, Mrs. W. L 404 E. Ave. Brown, P. M. [Elder] 501 E. Ave. Brown, Mrs. P. M.. 501 E. Ave. Brown, Wm. Jennings 501 E. Ave. Allan, Dr. William 504 East Ave Cansler, E. T. [Elder] 506 E. Ave. Cansler, Mrs. E. T 506 E. Ave. Cansler, Miss Sara McC 506 E. Ave. Cansler, E. T., Jr 506 E. Ave. Cansler, John Scott 506 E. Ave. The First Presbyterian Church 81 ADDRESS Scott, Mrs. Sarah T 506 E. Ave. Hannon, Mrs. Louise W 509 E. Ave. Sykes, Vance 511 E. Ave. Sykes, Mrs. Vance 511 E. Ave. Brown, Mrs. Laura M.. .807 E. Ave. Brown, Bedford J.. 807 E. Ave. Brown, John Bass 918 E. Ave. Brown, Mrs. John Bass 918 E. Ave. Eaves, Mrs. Jas. Everett 605 E. Ave. Eaves, Miss Ethel Bradberry , 605 E. Ave. iElfeabetlj Auntae GROUP XI. Hawley, F. O., Jr 9 Elizabeth Ave. Hawley, Mrs. F. O., Jr 9 Elizabeth Ave. McKinnon, H. T. 9 Elizabeth Ave. Pierce, W. L 211 Elizabeth Ave. Pierce, Mrs. W. L 211 Elizabeth Ave. Diehl. Rav B 301 Elizabeth Ave. Deihl, Mrs. Ray B 301 Elizabeth Ave. North, Mrs. S. J . .405 Elizabeth Ave. Jeffries, Julius 426 Elizabeth Ave. Jeffries, Mrs. Julien 426 Elizabeth Ave. Jeffries, Miss Flora G 426 Elizabeth Ave. Jeffries, Miss Eunice V 426 Elizabeth Ave. Vreeland, Mrs. J. B 612 Elizabeth Ave. Vreeland, Harold V 612 Elizabeth Ave. McGlamry, Miss Winnie Elizabeth College Cherryman, Miss Hazel I Elizabeth College 82 Directory of GROUP XL ADDKK8S Wilmoth, C. H 200 S. McDowell Wilmoth, Mrs. C. H 200 S. McDowell Wilmoth, Miss Helen A.... 200 S. McDowell Brown, Wm 208 S. McDowell Brown, Mrs. Wm 208 S. McDowell GROUP XI. Fletcher, H. L.. 8 S. Caldwell Fletcher, Mrs. H. L 8 S. Caldwell Fletcher, Miss May 8 S. Caldwell Fletcher, Frederick T 8 S. Caldwell Bethune, Mrs. John 1116 S. Caldwell &mtfif Bairtfr»0n £tmt GROUP XI. Eskridge, Mrs. Edgar 10 S. Davidson The First Presbyterian Church 83 Eaai Mntxttty &ttnt fcetntsfam GROUP XII. ADDKBSt Graham, Geo. W., Jr E. 4th Ex. Graham, Mrs. Geo. W., Jr E. 4th Ex. Hutchison, Mrs. E. Nye... E. 4th Ex. (Matttal Sjrtgiftj* GROUP XII. Abbott, F. C. [Elder] Colonial Heights Abbott, Mrs. F. C Abbott, Miss Helen Margaret " Abbott, Theo. Marriman Abbott, Miss Charlotte Bushnell .... Abbott, Miss Josephine Carter " Watkins, McD E. 4th Ex. Watkins, Mrs. McD E. 4th Ex. Rose, Hugh McAden Vail Ave., Col. Heights 84 Directory of Mgtxz Park GROUP XII. ADDRESS Watkins, Daniel H Myers Park Glascock, Dr. A. D . Myers Park Levi, Jas. C Myers Park Levi, Mrs. Jas. C Myers Park Levi, Miss Adelia O Myers Park Ualdwitt Kmmxt GROUP XII. Osborne, Mrs. F. I Baldwin Ave. Osborne, Jas. W Baldwin Ave. Osborne, Miss Frances R Baldwin Ave. Osborne, Miss Mary S Baldwin Ave. Osborne, Thomas D Baldwin Ave. Miller, Geo. Laurence Baldwin Ave. Miller, Mrs. Geo. Laurence Baldwin Ave. Mttntttt Vimb GROUP XII. Reid, W. W 309 Monroe Road Reid, Mrs. W. W 309 Monroe Road Reid, Miss Annie 309 Monroe Road Denton, Mrs. J. E Monroe Road The First Presbyterian Church 85 &Htm#mbt An* tint GROUP XII. ADDRESS Oliver, Mrs. F. M 301 Sunnyside Ave. Oliver, Miss Alida T 301 Sunnyside Ave. Oliver, F. L., Jr 301 Sunnyside Ave. Cochrane, R. L 311 Sunnyside Ave. Cochrane, Mrs. R. L 311 Sunnyside Ave. Cochrane, R. L., Jr 311 Sunnyside Ave. Cochrane, Miss Martha M. . . .311 Sunnyside Ave. Dye, John E 401 Sunnyside Ave. Dye, Mrs. John E 401 Sunnyside Ave. Hartman, Mrs. Mary Sunnyside Ave., Belmont Central Awtw* GROUP XII. Calder, J. W 206 Central Ave. McClintock, James L 304 Central Ave. McClintock, Mrs. James L 304 Central Ave. Powers, T. B 307 Central Ave. Powers, Mrs. T. B 307 Central Ave. Parker, Chas. W 411 Central Ave. Parker, Mrs. Chas. W 411 Central Ave. Parker, Miss Miriam 411 Central Ave. Parker, Miss Helen Rebecca 411 Central Ave. 86 Directory of Jarkflfltt Attftw* GROUP XII. ADDRESS Thayer, Miss Grace D 28 Piedmont Are, Urmia* Atmute GROUP XII. Flowers, Mrs. J. F Louise Aye. (Mtmtnt Atmm* GROUP XII. Alexander, John B ,503 Clement Ave GROUP XII. McClintock, J. H. [Elder] Lawyers Road McClintock, Mrs. J. H Lawyers Road McClintock, Wm. Banks Lawyers Road The First Presbyterian Church 87 ADDRBM McClintock, Mrs. Wm. Banks Lawyers Road DeArmond, Dr. J. Mc Lawyers Road DeArmond, Mrs. J. Mc Lawyers Road DeArmond, Ira A., Jr .Lawyers Road DeArmond, Cyrus M Lawyers Road DeArmond, Harrell K Lawyers Road DeArmond, Edward Wolfe Lawyers Road DeArmond, Frank W Lawyers Road DeArmond, Gladys Parmelia Lawyers Road flttjarliittr Att* tut* GROUP XII. Radcllffe, George Charlotte At©. Radcliffe, Mrs. Geo Charlotte Ave. Radcllffe, James Charlotte Ave. fitgljktt& Jtark— Jfartij ffiljarfcttt* GROUP XII. Wilson, W. M Highland Park Wilson, Mrs. W. M Highland Park Saunders, Mrs. A. B 32nd St., N. Charlotte Mackay, Mrs. Thomas D 32nd St., N. Charlotte Hand, Jasper K Highland Park 88 Directory of ADDRESS Hand, Mrs. Jasper K Highland Park Darst, Mrs. Era L N. Charlotte Darst, John B N. Charlotte ©0MttjJ GROUP XII. Cates, Mrs. S. D. County Moore, Chas. C County, Statesville Road Moore, Mrs. Chas. C County, Statesville Road Moore, Jas. N County, Statesville Road Moore, Miss Martha H... County, Statesville Road .»ioore, Miss Daisy Holt. .County, Statesville Road Moore, Chas. Earnest ... County, Statesville Road Torrence, Hugh Hunters ville Torrence, Mrs. Hugh Huntersville White, Wm. C County, Monroe Road The First Presbyterian Church 89 A&itettfca The following names, accidentally omitted from the foregoing groups and street lists, are grouped with the preceding groups, as indicated. GROUP I. McKay, Dr. Hamilton Y7 Realty Building Little, Dr. A. J Commercial Nat. Bank Bldg. Webb, Adolphus M Y. M. C. A. Wells, Dr. C. H Y. M. C. A. GROUP II. Harris S. L 13 E. Hill GROUP IV. Stephenson, Mrs. C. B .Dilworth GROUP V. McClung, J. W 115 Woodlawn Ave. McClung, Mrs. J. W 115 Woodlawn Ave. Griffith, Mrs. Martha 11 Mint Hastings, Jacob Reid 11 Mint 90 Directory op GROUP VI. Andrews, Mrs. Frank L 315 W. Seventh Andrews, Frank L 315 W. Seventh Fowler, Miss Beatrice 1004 W. 5th GROUP VII. Pelham, J. P 12 W. 7th Pelham, Mrs. J. P 12 W. 7th Cochrane, Fred R 1611 E. 10th GROUP VIII. Hastings, A. M 329 N. Tryon Hastings, Mrs. A. M 329 N. Tryon Gatling, E. P 5 Phifer Ave, Gatling, Mrs. E. P 5 Phifer Ave. Adams, Miss Julia M 707 N. Church Adams, Miss Sallie H " The First Presbyterian Church 91 ®tje (Clyurrlt Siblr ^rfjnnl The First Presbyterian Church has a well organized Bible School, led by capable officers, and taught by efficient and faithful teachers. The Bible School meets every Sunday at 3:30 p. m. from September to June, and at 10 a. m. through June, July and August. There is a place in the Bible School for every per- son of whatever age or circumstance, to engage with the help of a well informed teacher in the social study of the scriptures. The Bible School is not designed to take the place of the training of the children of christian parents in the home, nor of the private devotional study of the Bible by individual christians. It is, however, a very great aid to home training and private study, and alj the members of the church should take advantage of it. Parents are urged to hn'ng their children to the Bible School rather than send them. The equipment for Bible School work is not, at present, all that could be desired, but the Session, at its meeting in February, appointed a special commit- tee, consisting of Elders Robert Glasgow, R. A. Dunn and F. C. Abbott, to make a careful study of the needs of the Bible School, and report, with a view to providing for the needed equipment in the near future. 92 Directory of The organization of the Bible School is as follows: W. M. Wilcox, Jr., Superintendent. Robert Glasgow, Assistant Superintendent. J. A. Elliott, Secretary and Treasurer. F. H. Andrews, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. Miss Miriam Parker, Pianist. SENIOR DEPARTMENT BIBLE CLASS TEACHERS Mrs. F. O. Hawley, Teacher Ladies' Bible Class. E. T. Cansler, Teacher Men's Bible Class. Mrs. F. I. Osborne, Teacher Young Ladies' Class. R. A. Dunn, Teacher Young Men's Bible Class. J. W. McClung, Teacher Baraca Class. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT TEACHERS Mrs. R. L. Gibbon, Miss Louise Miller, Miss Ella Summey, Mrs. D. L. Probert, Miss Jennie Alexander, Mr. F. C. Abbott, Miss Beulah Wallace, Mr. Thos. J. Smith, Mr. Geo. M. Rose. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Miss Minnie Cochran, Superintendent. Miss Madeline Orr, Secretary and Treasurer. The First Presbyterian Church 93 TEACHERS Miss Annie Wilson, Miss Susie Cowles, Miss Lillian Wallace, Miss May Beverly Alexander, Miss Lida Caldwell, Miss Sarah Moseley, Miss Sarah Brockenbrough. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT Miss Julia Alexander, Superintendent. Mrs. S. M. Howell, Honorary Superintendent. Mrs. C. R. Mayer, Secretary and Treasurer. Miss Adelaide Orr, Pianist. teachers Mrs. Thomas J. Smith, Miss Sarah Wilson, Miss Daisy Wallace, Miss Kathleen Beaty. BEGINNERS DEPARTMENT Mrs. Martin E. Boyer, Supt. and Teacher. CRADLE ROLL Miss Sallie Alexander, Superintendent. Miss Violet Alexander, Assistant Superintendent. HOME DEPARTMENT Mrs. F. O. Hawley, Superintendent. 94 Directory of ®Ij£ &tri»tira flf tip (Efjtorrij* To bring all the membership of the Church into active service, and to stimulate the church to full fellowship with the church at large, there are societies formed within the church itself, by which persons interested in the same phases of work may unite their efforts and thus secure the best results for themselves and the church. Every person who unites with the church will find it helpful to unite with some one of these societies and take part in this work. There are in the church five socie- ties for women and girls and two for men and boys. These societies are all under the super- vision of the Session. The women's and girls' societies are all em- braced in a federation called The Women's Board of United Missions, which works under the following constitution and by-laws: Constitution and By-Laws of the Woman's Board of United Missions of the First Presbyterian Church, of Char- lotte, N. C, 1910. ARTICLE I. Name. This organization shall be known as the Woman's Board of United Missions of the First Presbyterian Church, of Charlotte, N. C. The First Presbyterian Church 95 ARTICLE II. Object. The object of this organization is to bring to- gether in one compact body all the women of this church, for the purpose of carrying on dif- ferent phases of Christian work, and thereby to promote the kingdom of God on earth. ARTICLE III. Officers. The officers of the Board shall be: President, four (4) Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Assistant Secretary. These with the exception of the Vice Presidents, shall be elected by ballot every two years at the regular meeting in March. ARTICLE IV. Organization. Section 1. The Board shall consist of a main body and the following auxiliaries: The Mil- dred Watkins Society, the Margaret Wilson Soci- ety, the Senior and Junior Miriams. Sec. 2. The Board shall have four (4) Com- mittees, namely: Committee on Foreign Mis- sions, three Committees on Home Missions, three Committees on Orphanage Work, four Committees on Local Work. These committees shall be appointed by the President and shall serve two years. Sec. 3. Each of these committees shall elect its own chairman and treasurer. The chairman 96 Directory of by virtue of her position becomes a vice-presi- dent of the Board. ARTICLE V. Membership. All women are eligible to this Board who are interested in Christian work and who are willing to give their work and contributions of money for furthering the Master's Kingdom. ARTICLE VI. Meetings. The Board shall meet on the 1st Monday of each month, excepting the months of July and August. ARTICLE VII. Quorum. Seven (7) members of the Board, one of whom must be a vice-president, shall constitute a quo- rum of this organization. ARTICLE VIII. Amendment. Any Article or Section of the Constitution may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds (2-3) vote of the members present at any regular meeting, provided that such amendment or action be pro- posed at one meeting and voted on at the next regular meeting. The Secretary shall be required to take a copy of proposed amendment and read it before final vote is taken at second meeting. The First Presbyterian Church 97 BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. Duties of Officers. Section 1. President. It shall be the duty of the President to preside over all meetings of the Board and to appoint all committees. Sec. 2. Vice-Presidents. It shall be the duty of Vice-Presidents to preside in the absence of the President, in the order mentioned in Article IV, Section 2, Constitution. Sec. 3. Secretary. It shall be the duty of Sec- retary to keep minutes of all the proceedings of the Board and to perform such other duties as are customary for such an officer. Sec. 4.. Assistant Secretary. It shall be the duty of Assistant Secretary to give much help to the Secretary as may be required. Sec. 5. Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurers to receive the offerings and forward them to the various causes and to make report of all receipts and disbursements at the meeting of the Board. ARTICLE II. Committees. Section 1. The Committee on Foreign Mis- sions shall have for its work the foreign field now occupied by the Missions of the Southern Pres- byterian Church. 98 Directory op Sec. 2. The Committee on Home Missions shall embrace Presbyterian Missions, Synodical Missions and Assembly's Missions of the South- ern Prebyterian Church. Sec. 3. The Committee on Orphanage Work shall embrace the "Presbyterian Orphan's Home" at Barium Springs, N. C, and the Alexander Home, Charlotte, N. C. Sec. 4. The Committee on Local Work shall embrace the Presbyterian Hospital, the Y. W. C. A., the Crittenden Home and Settlement Work in our own city. Sec. 5. Each of these Committees shall con- sist of at least six members, to be increased at the discretion of the Chairman. Sec. 6. The Committees on Foreign and Home Missions shall each have charge of the program of four meetings during the year; the Committees on Orphanage and Local Work shall have charge of one each. This article may be changed by vote of the Board. Sec. 7. Each of the these Committees shall meet quarterly, at least, but reports from chair- man and treasurer must be made at the regular monthly meeting of the Board. Sec. 8. There shall be an Executive Commit- tee to which important matters of the organiza- tion may be submitted. It shall consist of the President, Vice-Presidents, the leaders of the Auxiliaries and the Pastor. Sec. 9. There shall be a membership Com- mittee, whose duty shall be to invite into the Board all women of the Church. The First Presbyterian Church 99 Sec. 10. There shall be a Social Committee, whose duty shall be to invite the Membership Committee to bring into closer union all members of the Board, and to provide twice a year some form of social entertainment. ARTICLE III. Offerings. Offerings shall be made through the envelope system monthly, each member designating on her envelope the special object to which she wishes her offering to be applied. ARTICLE IV. Special Meetings. Special Meetings may be called at the discre- tion of the President or in her absence by one of the Vice Presidents. ARTICLE V. Order of Business. 1. Devotional Exercises. 2. Calling the Roll. 3. Reading the Minutes. 4. Reports of Committees. 5. Reports of Auxiliaries. 6. Unfinished Business. 7. New; Business. 8. Offerings. 9. Program for Afternoon. 100 Directory of 10. Announcements. 11. Prayer. (The above may be changed at discretion presiding officer.) of OFFICERS: Mrs. J. E. Carson, President. Mrs. H. H. Orr, Vice-President. Miss Alice Springs, " " Mrs. W. W. Ward, " Miss Julia Alexander, " Mrs. J. L. Chambers, Secretary. MEMBERS: Miss M. Sophie Alexander Mrs. G. L. Best Miss Mary Alexander Mrs. M. E. Boyer Miss Jennie Alexander Mrs. L. M. Brown Miss Lucy Alexander Mrs. A. J. Beall Miss Sallie Alexander Mrs. J. R .Bridges Dr. Annie Alexander Mrs. W. R. Burwell Miss Julia Alexander Mrs. R. G. Brice Mrs. W. C. Alexander Mrs. E. T. Cansler Mrs. W. S. Alexander Mrs. J. E. Carson Mrs. W. D. Alexander Mrs. C. M. Carson Mrs. F. C. Abbott Mrs. R. E. Cochrane Miss Julia Adams Mrs. J. L. Chambers Miss Sallie Adams Mrs. W. D. Cowles Miss Mary Andrews Mrs. J. J. Conyers Mrs. J. L. Anthony Mrs. J. L. Caldwell Mrs. E. P. Allan Mrs. Lydia H. Craig Mrs. J. G. Baird Mrs. H. C. Dotger Mrs. G. H. Brockenbrough Miss Sarah Dougherty The First Presbyterian Church 101 Mrs. R. A. Dunn Mrs. C. B. Flournoy Mrs. J. A. Fore Mrs. E. V. Finlayson Mrs. H. Fletcher Mrs. C. IvI. Gibbon Mrs. R. L. Gibbon Mrs. T. H. Gaither Miss Margaret Graham Mrs. L. R. Gibson Mrs. E. P. Galling Mrs. S. W. Grier Mrs. T. C. Guthrie Mrs. Edward Hall Mrs. L. D. Hargrave Mrs. J. H. Howell Mrs. S. M. Howell Mrs. F. O. Hawley Mrs. G. B. Hanna Mrs. J. J. Hutchison Mrs. T. W. Hawkins Mrs. C. W. Hooper Mrs. C. E. Hutchison Mrs. W. H. Harris Miss Kate Harris Miss Fannie Henderson Mrs. L. C. Harrison Mrs. M. A. Jackson Miss Sallie Jameson Mrs. S. B. Jones Mrs. Julian Jeffries Mrs. W. M. Kincaid Mrs. F. M. Laxton Mrs. W. L. Long Mrs. Minna LeGrand Mrs. Carrie C. Martin Mrs. Henry Marsh Mrs. C. A. Moseley Mrs. Chalmers Moore Mrs. C. P. Moody Mrs. J. W. Miller Mrs. J. H. Moss Mrs. A. M. McDonald Mrs. J. H. McClintock Mr*. M. E. Montgomery Mrs. E. W. Mellon Mrs. Mullock Mrs. A. S. North Mrs. S. J. North Mrs. F. I. Osborn Mrs. H. H. Orr Mrs. Jesse Oldham Mrs. T. S. Preston Mrs. C. W. Parker Miss Gertrude Pharr Mrs. Betty C. Pegram Mrs. H. N. Reading Mrs. J. F. Robertson Miss Eldora Ross Mrs. E. G. Sandifer Mrs. L. W. Sanders Mrs. J. M. Scott Mrs. E. S. Steele Miss Alice Springs 102 Directory of Miss Ella Summey Mrs. Miss Sarah Tiddy Mrs. Mrs. R. A. Torrence Mrs. Mrs. W. B. Taylor Miss Mrs. M. E. Tate Mrs. Miss Cora Ward Mrs. Mrs. W. M. Wilson Mrs. MissMildredWatkins,China Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Walsh Miss Mrs. W. W. Ward Mrs. G. E. Wilson M. E. Westra W. A. Watson Sallie C. White A. B. Wingfield A. J. Walker Stuart Wier D. P. VanWormer Lelia Young Ida M. Young The First Presbyterian Church 103 (Ety Auxiliary Bmvttita nf t\\t WmntxCz Itaari of H&mUb Mxbbwxib ©ft* Milbvtb WntkxtiB fom* axtb Wrxxtxm MxBBian MiBBwmvg ^tfrirtg The purpose of this organization is to interest the younger women of the church in Home and Foreign mission work. Its particular objects for prayer and financial support are the work of Miss Mildred Watkins in China and of the Albemarle Normal School. It also emphasizes the social side in its meetings, welcoming newcomers and endeavoring to become better acquainted with them. OFFICERS: Mrs. Thos. J. Smith, President. Mrs. S. J. North, Vice-President. Mrs. J. W. Zimmerman, Secretary. Mrs. S. O. Brooks, Treasurer of Home Missions. Miss Madeline Orr, Treasurer of Foreign Missions. The officers of the society constitute the Execu- tive Committee. MEMBERS: Mrs. S. B. Alexander, Jr. Miss Violet Alexander. Mrs. Jos. A. Alexander. Miss Julia Alexander. 104 DlRECTC )RY OF Mrs. S. 0. Brooks. Mrs. F. B. Powers Mrs. P. M. Brown. Mrs. Sims Rogers Mrs. W. P. Bradford. Mrs. Jas. P. Stowe Miss Jennie Beatty. Mrs. M. B. Speir Miss Kathleen Beatty Mrs. W. P. Smith Miss Lula Beatty Mrs. Thomas J. Smith Miss Pansy Bridges Mrs. W. P. Taylor Mrs. Leslie G. Berry Miss Kate Torrence Mrs. H. B. Chamberlain Miss Cornelia Fore Miss Anna Casler Mrs. W. E. Tucker Mrs. Ray B. Diehl Mrs. E. R. Preston Mrs. J. F. Flowers Mrs. James Renfrow Mrs. Robert Glasgow Miss Martha Flournoy Mrs. F. O. Hawley, Jr. Miss Julia Lebby Mrs. J. K. Hand Miss Edith Fry Mrs. E. M. Hannon Miss Rosa Walsh Miss Josie Henderson Miss K. Wolverton Miss Lucy Henderson Miss Nan Ward Miss Nina Howell Miss Edith Ward Miss Mary 0. Graham Mrs. P. H. Williams Mrs. Parks Kirkpatrick Mrs. Thos. B. Whitted Mrs. F. M. Laxton Mrs W. Zimmerman Mrs. E. B. Littlefield Mrs. Espy Harvell Mrs. D. C. Moore Mrs. A. M. Hastings Mrs. Chas. Moody Mrs. Geo. Rose Mrs, Maud Matthews Mrs. Walter Scott Miss Louise Miller Mrs. Vance Sykes Mrs. Banks McClintock Mrs. W. C. Rankin Mrs. O. A. Meyer Mrs. Edgar Eskridge Mrs. S. J. North Mrs. N. C. Schlichter Miss Lida Oliver Mrs. E. M. Watt The First Presbyterian Church 105 Qttp Hargarrt iHiUum &8tittij The Margaret Wilson Society is composed of girls over fifteen years of age. The name is that of the Scotch martyr girl who died rather than renounce her faith. The object of this society is to lead the members to a sense of their responsibility in making known the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every man and nation. The means used in seeking to accomplish this end are : Mission study; gifts to Home and Foreign Mis- sions; intercessory prayer; works of charity for the relief of some of the suffering in their own town; an- nual representation at a missionary education con- ference; and the employment by the members of their own God-given talents in making their meetings pleasant as well as profitable. While the society has an advisor, the leaders are chosen from among the members of the organization. Meetings are held after the Sunday morning ser- vice, and during the time the society is studying a text book covering a definite course. The society meets every Sunday. After the study course for the year has been completed, meetings occur only every other week. OFFICERS: Miss Sara Moseley, President. Ellen Brice, Vice-President. Olive Brice, Secretary. Miriam Parker, Treasurer. 106 Directory of MEMBERS Charlotte Abbott Ellen Brice Sarah Cansler Maud Carson Carrie Faires Corinne Gibbon Martha Moore Ella Moseley Harriet Orr Miriam Parker Lillian Wallace Sallie Blosser Olive Brice Mary Carson Annie Dewey Chambers Madeline Faires Rose Hawkins Adelaide Moseley Sara Moseley Francis Osborne Julia B. Scott Mary Sanders Howell 3. The Senior Miriams: This is a society for girls twelve to fifteen years of age. This society is led by Mrs. R. L. Gibbcti. This society meets once every two weeks on Sun- day after the meeting of the Bible School. 4. The Junior Miriams, is a girls' society by girls younger than the Senior Miriams. It is led by Miss Adelaide Orr. The society meets in the primary room once every two weeks, immediately after the meeting of the Bible School. The First Presbyterian Church 107 &atirtw& far Mm mb Stag** 1. The Men's Foreign Missionary Society. This Society was organized twenty-five years ago and is one of the oldest men's foreign mis- sionary societies in our Southern Assembly. It holds no stated meetings but assembles upon the call of its officers to consider matters of a mis- sionary character. Every member makes a volun- tary monthly contribution for foreign mission work. These funds are collected by the treas- urer. From the funds thus povided the society supports Rev. John W. Davis, at Soochow, China, and funds contributed over and above the $1,000 for this specific cause, are turned over to the General Assembly's Executive Committee of For- eign Missions. OFFICERS: E. T. Cansler, President. C. M. Carson, Secretary and Treasurer. MEMBERS: Alexander, W. C. Blair, Holmes. Alexander, Jno. B. Brockenbrough, G. H. Abbott, F. C. Brice, R. G. Andrews, F. H. Bradford, W. B. Alexander, W. D. Brooks, S. O. Brown, P. M. Cochrane, R. E. Brenizer, A. G. Carson, R. C. Blake, J. S. Carson, C. M. 108 Directory op Carson, J. E. Cansler, E. T. Black, A. F. Dunn, R. A. Dula, W. H. Elliott, J. A. Finlayson, E. V. Fore, J. A. Fore, J. A., Jr. Fletcher, Fred. Graham, A. Grier, S. W. Gibbon, R. L. Glasgow, R. Hawjey, Dr. Howell, H. Johnston, C. W. Johnston, Horace. Jones, E. E. Jamison, E. W. King, P. M. Kirkpatrick, Parks. Kimball, W. H. Fonville, D. R. Moody, C. P. Matthews, H. E. McClintock, J. H. McDonald, M. A. McMillan, C. D. McNair, J. L. McKinnon, H. T. Parker, C. W. Reading, L. B. Robertson, J. F. Scott, Jno. M. Scott, Walter Sanders, H. L. Steele, E. S. Smith, W. P. Spier, M. B. Stewart, T. E. Stinson, J. W. Stowe, J. P. Smith, Thos. J. Springs, Alva Rolston, D. H. Rose, Jno. Rose, Geo. M. Torrence, R. A. Torrence, J. G. Tate, J. C. Wilson, Geo. E. Wilson, W. M. Wilcox, W. M., Jr. Walsh, R. Walsh, C. Ward, W. W. Ward, W. N. Orr, H. H. Ovens, David Zimmerman, Jno. Burroughs, J. C. Brenizer, Chase Oldham, J. The First Presbyterian Church 109 This is an organization of boys and was form- ed eighteen years ago. In this company the boy? study missions and the various other phases of the work of the church, learn to be of greater ser- vice to the church by training themselves for future service, and contribute to the life of th<* church in general. The Covenanters meet in the church parlor every Sunday at 10:30. OFFICERS: Robert Bridges, President. Willie Andrews, Vice-President Robert Cochrane, Treasurer. MEMBERS: Robt. Bridges James Graham Warren Brice Berrian Graham Wilson Brown Harvey Howell Jack Brown Charles Keerans Geo. Bellinger, Jr. Craig Mathews Ralph Brice Harvey Orr John Carson B. W. Peeples Robt. Cochran Wm. Wilcox Albert Fore Preston Williamson Landon Flournoy Willie Andrews Harry Farris 110 Directory of Alpfyafottral $nbtx tit #tmte PAGE Baldwin Ave., 84 Bland St 64 Brevard St 78 Boulevard, East 61 Boulevard, South 58 Caldwell St., North 78 Caldwell St., South 82 Cedar St., North 67 Central Ave 85 Charlotte Ave 87 Church St., North 69 Church St., South 52 Clemeni Ave. 86 College St., North 75 College St., South 57 Colonial Heights 83 County 88 Davidson St., South 82 East Ave 80 Elizabeth Ave 81 Eucled Ave 59 Graham St., North 67 Graham St., South 65 Grove St 65 The First Presbyterian Church 111 PAGB Highland Park 87 Hill St . . 54 Irwin Ave , 64 Jackson Terrace 53 Kingston Ave . , 59 Lawyers Road 86 Long St 79 Louise Ave 86 Lyndhurst Ave 60 Mint St 63 Monroe Road 84 Morehead St., East 55 Morehead St., West 56 Myers St., North 79 Myers Park 84 McDowell St., North . . 80 McDowell St., South 82 Park Ave 59 Piedmont Ave 86 Poplar St 66 Post St 63 Ranson Place 57 SmithSt 67 Sunnyside Ave 85 Trade St., West , 62 Tryon St, North 72 Tryon St., South 48 Vance St., East 54 Vance St., West 55 Worthington Ave 60 112 Directory of PAGE Second St., West 52 Fourth St., East 53 Fourth St., East, Extension 83 Fourth St., West 64 Fifth St., East 73 Fifth St., West 65 Sixth St., East . 74 Sixth St., West 71 Seventh St., East 77 Seventh St., West 70 Eighth St., East 74 Eighth St., West 68 Ninth St., East 77 Ninth St., West ... 68 Tenth St., West 71 Eleventh St., East 74 Eleventh St., West 69 Twelfth St., East ... 75 Phifer Ave Addenda