? & j DECORATIONS <& We can show you effects nev- er before thought out, in Original Schemes of Stylish, Harmonius Colorings. «* to to Just for an to Introduction k to to to t t to to to to & \i> to to to to WALL PAPERS GIVEN AWAY. ££££^^££££S O HOME is substatially decorated without our tapestry cloth on the *£ walls. See Doubthitt's Manual of Art Decora- tions* Does it pay you to have your house decorated and painted by inferior workmen when you can have it done by skilled work- men — by artists — for same price ? TAPESTRY PAINTINGS Two Thousand Tapestry Paint- ings to choose from; 38 Artists employed, including Gold Medal- ists of the Paris Salon. & ^ <£ & SEND $i for ten rolls of fine sat- in, French or leath- er papers. Ceilings same price. 18-inch friezes to match, 20 cts. per roll. Any quantity at pro rata rate. State color & for what rooms. J. F. DOUBTHITT, Bmerican 2ape$tr$ and Decorative Co* 286 Fifth Avenue, near 30th St., New York. <#>" DECORATIONS. Write for colors, schemes, designs, es- timates. Artists sent to all parts of the world to do every sort of decorating and painting. We are educating the country in color harmony. Relief, Wall Paper, vStained Glass, Carpets, Furniture, Win- dow Shades, Draperies, etc. Pupils taught decoration. Send $5 for a$25 color scheme to decorate your home. ART SCHOOL. Six 3-hour tapestry-painting lessons, in studio, $5. Complete printed instruc- tions, by mail, $1. Tapestry painings rented. Full-sizedrawings, paints, brush- es, etc., supplied. Nowhere, Paris not excepted, are such advantages offered pu- pils. Send $1 for complete instructions in tapestry paintings and compendium of 140 studies. TAPESTRY MATERIALS. We manufacture tapestry materials. Superior to foreign goods and halT the price. Just for a trial, we will send you two yards of our 50-inch goods for $1.50. Manual of Art Decoration* The art book of the century. 200 royal quarto pages. 50 superb full-page illus- trations. 12 colored of modern home in- teriors and tapestry studies. Send $2 for this superb book, worth $5. 3SJ \»> w V m vtf» v» i» $ W: \» art m w \»> vV \t/ \» v/ W The Goddess of Atavatabar. ATRTPto the In- terior World. "Jules Verne in his happiest days out- done." 315 octavo pages; 44 illustra- tions. Price, $2 postage prepaid. Paper covers, 50c. 50 cents gets this fascinating book. Prices M O D E R A T E <£ SL 3? J. f. doubthitt, ^Bmerlcan £apestr$ and Decorative Go* 286 Fifth Ave., NEW YORK. Near 30th Street. m ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2?^^?^^^* ^^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^^^^^^?^>: W HARRISON MOUSE, Mrs. E. M. HARRISON, Proprietress, RALEIQH, N. C. located pleasantly in the centre of the city, and pronounced by the traveling public to be the best moderate-priced hotel south of Mason and Dixon's line. Terms, $1.00 and $1.50 per Day. SPECIAL RATES GIVEN TO STATE AND COUNTY OFFICERS. DRUMMERS, CANVASSERS, FARMERS' ALLIANCE. AND TO THE THEAT- RICAL PROFESSION. Rooms newly furnished and well ventilated. Table supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Servants polite and attentive. Meals at all hours. DISTANCE From Raleigh to Miles Cary 9 Sanford 43 Fayetteville 80 Southern Pines 69 Hamlet qj Charlotte 175 Shelbv 229 Franklinton 27 Henderson 44 Weldon 97 Goldsboro 49 New Bern 109 Morehead 144 Wilmington 132 Rocky Mount 89 From Raleigh to Miles Tarboro 160 Franklin, Va 140 Portsmouth, Va 177 Petersburg, Va 150 Richmond, Va 173 Danville. Va 129 Waynesville 311 Charleston. S. C 342 Warm Springs 302 Asheville 272 Morganton 210 Hickory 188 Statesville is.s Salisbury 132 High Point 96 From Raleigh to Miles Winston 100 Reidsville 106 Greensboro 82 Chapel Hill 45 Durham 26 Washington, D. C 295 Baltimore. Md 355 Philadelphia, Pa 424 New York. Atlanta, Ga Charleston, S. C-. Columbia, S. C — New Orleans. La. Jacksonville, Fla. 521 443 280 937 763 BOOK WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. Ck Educator Company, Durham, ftortb Carolina, frinterst fublisbers and Binders* BANK, WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY WORK A SPECIALTY. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER.