Constitution 1.0.0.F.-—-North Csrolina--—McRee encamno- ment THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY From the ERNEST HAYWOOD LIBRARY Established in Memory of John Haywood, Trustee 1789-1827 Edmund Burke Haywood, 1843-46 Ernest Haywood, ’80 by Burke Haywood Bridgers, ’03 Co 466.3 Bhs te rg Potwoli tl UTI O NN, OF RecA Encampment of Patriarchs, Co Vv. JNDEPENDENT ORDER OF Ppp FELLOWS, : OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Instituted May 2, 1871. RALEIGH : NICHOLS & GORMAN, BOOK AND JOB @eRINTERS. BY-LAWS AND RULES OF ORDER, 1871. fs iad & A Sue ety ie a vw 2 - ‘ ovo tll ULTION: BY-LAWS AND RULES OF ORDER, OF Bic Encampment of Datriarchs, Bee yr en \7*; JNDEPENDENT PRDER OF Ppp FELLOWS, OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Instituted May 2,1871. RALEIGH : NICHOLS & GORMAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. 1871. ; OR Rae es Dr. W. H. McKEH, - - Chief Patriarch. PHIL. TATE et - High Priest. H. T. CLAWSON, - - Senior Warden. NA. L.. BROWN, - - Scribe. H. PORTER, - - - Treasurer. W. P. WETHERELD, - - Junior Warden. H. J. BROWN, - - - Outside Sentinel. SSNS UP oO PTiOnN: ARTICLE I. Title. This Encampment shall never consist of less than seven members of the Royal Purple degree, and sha!l be known and hailed by the name of McKkE ENCAMp- MENT, No. 15, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the State of North Carolina, and possess all the pow- ers of Subordinate Encampments of the said Order within this State. ARTICLE II. Sessions. SrceTion 1. This Encampment shall hold its regu- lar sessions on the second and fourth Fridays of each month, at such hour as may, from time to time, be de- termined. Src. 2. Special sessions may be held at such other times as the business of the Encampment, may re- quire, but they shall be confined to the consideration ot such business as they were called to consider. The Chief Patriarch may summon such sessions, in cases of emergency, at his own discretion; but it shall be his }~ } a) duty to summon them whenever requested to do so in writing by seven members of this Encampment. D N o.. 4 Suc. 3. This Encampment shall be opened at the appointed time, and in the absence of the Chief Patri- arch, the Senior Warden shall preside; and in the ab- sence of both of said officers, the Junior Warden may take the chair; and in the absence of each of said of- ficers, then a Past Chief Patriarch shall preside, if one be present, and if not, then such member as may be called to it by a majority of Patriarchs present. Sec. 4. This Encampment shall open, elose and transact its business in the Royal Purple degree, (un- less for the trial of members, as prescribed in the first section of the 10th article)and not less than seven Patri- archs of this Encampment shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE IL Membership. SECTION 1. Applications for membership must be signed by the petitioner, stating his age, residence and occupation and indorsed by two Patriarchs of this Encampment; and the petition shall be accompanied by a certificate from the Secretary of the Lodge to which the candidate is attached, stating that he is in good standing, clear of the books, and has received the _ Scarlet degree; and the fee for the degrees shall be deposited with the Scribe at the time of the application. Should the candidate be rejected, the fee shall be refunded. SEC. 2. A person who is a non-resident cannot be initiated in this Encampment, without the previous assent of the Grand Encampment or Grand Patriarch ~ ot the State, in which the person resides, and for ini- 9) tiating non-residents this Encampment is liable to pun- ishment. A brother who is a member in good stand- ing in a Subordinate Lodge in another jurisdiction and at the same time a resident in this jurisdiction is a proper candidate for initiation. So. 3. All petitions shall be referred to a commit- tee of three members, whose duty it shall be to report on the character and qualifications of the petitioner at the next regular session; the said report to be made in writing and signed by a majority of the Committee. The applicant shall be balloted for; and, if approved, he may be admitted at that or any succeeding session, within eight weeks from the time he was proposed; but, if the candidate does not present himself for ad- mission within the prescribed time, he shall forfeit the amount enclosed in his petition: Provided, That he be not prevented from appearing by sickness or some oth- er unavoidable cause, which must be proved to the sat- isfaction of this Encampment. Src. 4. In balloting for a candidate, should less than three black balls appear, the ballot shall be immediately renewed; when, if less than three black balls shall still appear, the application shall lie over to the next regular session; previous to which the dissenting ‘Patriarchs shall make the Chief Patriarch acquainted with their objections,which the said officer shall report to this En- campment, carefully concealing the source of his infor- mation. A third ballot shall then be taken ; and, ifless than three black balls appear, the candidate shall be ad- mitted: Provided, That if the Patriarchs who deposited the black balls does not make their objections known to the Chief Patriarch before the next regular session, 6 the candidate shall be declared duly elected, without turther balloting. Should thereat any time appear three black balls against the admission of a candidate, he shall be declared rejected. Sec. 5. Any Patriarch in good standing desirous of becoming a member of this Encampment, shall send in his withdrawal card from the Encampment of which he was last a member, which shall be referred to a committee of three appointed by the Chief Patriarch, whose duty it shall be to report in writing as to the standing and qualifications of the applicant, at the next or subsequent regular session. ‘The Patriarch shall then be balloted for. and, lf three black balls ap- pear against him; he shall be declared rejected; if less than three black bails appear the ballot shall be imme- diately renewed, and if less than three black balls shall still appear, the application shall lie over to the next regular session; previous to which the dissenting Patriarch shall make the Chief Patriarchs acquainted with their objections, which said officer shall report to this Encampment, carefully concealing the source of his information. A. third ballot shall then be taken and if less than three black balls still appear the candidate shall be admitted: Provided, That ifthe — Patriarchs who deposited the black balls does not make their objections known to the Chief Patriarch before the next regular session, the candidate shall be declared duly elected without further ballotings. Sec. 6. An Ancient Odd Fellow may be admitted to membership in this Encampment by application which shall be referred to a committee and be other- wise disposed of as provided for in the case of cards. 7 Sec. 7. The name of the applicant for admission may be withdrawn before the report of the investiga- ting committee is made; but not after the report is made, nor after the case shall have been recommitted to the committee, should it be deemed expedient to recommit it, Sec. 8. When all the Patriarchs who may cast black balls against an applicant for membership volun- tarily make a motion for a reconsideration of a ballot, the same may be reconsidered and in such case the vote on reconsideration shall be taken by ball ballots ; and, if all the balls cast be in favor of it a reconsidera- tion shall be had. Whereupon the application shall lie over till the succeeding meeting, when another bal- lot shall be had with ball ballots; and, if the same be unanimously in favor of the applicant, he shall thereby be elected, if one or more black balls appear in either ballot, the applicant shall be rejected. Never more than one motion for a revonsideration in the same case shall be allowed. Sec. 9. Ifa person should be elected a member of this Encampment through error or fraud, (as to health or otherwise,) and this Encampment shall become sat- isfied of his unworthiness, it may annul such election, and declare it void, by a majority of two-thirds of the members present; but, if the fraud be not discovered un- til after initiation, then the party must be regarded as a member, and can only be expelled upon regular trial. Sec. 10. No candidate or applicant for membership who has been rejected in this or any other Hncamp- ment within the State of North Carolina, can be again proposed until after the expiration of six months. 8 Sno. 11. Every member, on being admitted, shall sign the Constitution of this Encampment, and there- by agree to support the same, and pay all legal de- mands against him as long as he remains a member. Sec. 12. No Patriarch who is not in regular stand- ing as a member of a Subordinate Lodge working un- der the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States shall retain membership in this Encampment ; and the granting of a withdrawal card by a Subordin- ate Lodge to one of its members who is also a member of this Encampment, severs at once his connection with this Encampment; but, on the renewal of his membership in a Subordinate Lodge, his membership in this Encampment is thereby renewed: Provided, Such renewal shall occur within one month from the date of such withdrawal card. And, if not renewed within one month, the proper officers of this Encamp- ment shall furnish the Patriarch with a withdrawal card, provided he is in good standing, and shall have complied with the regulations of this Encampment touching cards. Application, for such a card, is not required to be made in open Encampment, but the of- ficers must furnish the card, and report their act to the next meeting of this Encampment. Suc. 13. Applications, for withdrawal cards, shall be made either personally or in writing to this En- campment, and a card shall thereupon be granted, provided the Patriarch applying be clear of the books, and there be no valid objection. A vote of this En- campment granting a withdrawal card to a brother applying therefor, (whether the card be taken or not,) severs the connection of such a brother with this En- ° 3 campment, and releases it from all liability for benefits. But, if the card be taken, the brother receiving it is entitled to the traveling pass word, in use at the time, and retains the right to visit with that word for one year. Applications, for withdrawal cards, may be withdrawn at any time before a vote is taken thereon. If any Patriarch object to granting a card, the sense of this Encampment shall be taken, and a majority shall decide whether the card shall be granted or not. If it be refused, the objections shall immediately be reduced to writing, and the member shall have a fair trial thereon, in the same manner as is prescribed in the case of members against whom charges are prefer- red; and, if the investigation do not result in suspen- sion or expulsion, the card shall be deemed to be granted as a matter of course. Sno. 14. A withdrawal card, which has been grant- ed by this Encampment, cannot be withheld, even, if the responsibility be assumed on the alleged discovery of crime on the part of the intended recipient, and for so doing the withholder is liable to arraignment. Sec. 15.