i jWBtt t HUIIWtHH HORATIO i €!)e Hifcratp oftyt GJmtierattp of Jftortfi Carolina W&i& book toa& ptm nub N.C.SUle, School Of lh<& J$lih graph boy." 162 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. "How much do you make?" " Seven dollars last week." " Why, you will be rich," said the blind man, enviously. " I don't think I get as much as that myself, and I have to pa}^ a boy out of it." His poor guide did not have the appearance of being very liberally paid. "Then j r ou won't come back?" said Mills, quer- ulously. " No, I guess not." " Come along, boy! " said Mills, roughly, to his little guide. " Are you going to keep me here all day?" " I thought you wanted to speak to this boy." " Well, I have got through. He has deserted me. It is the wa} r of the world. There's nobody to pity the poor, blind man." " Here's five cents for old acquaintance' sake. Mr. Mills," said Frank, dropping a nickel into, the hand of the boy who was guiding him. "Thank you! May you never know what it is to be blind ! " said Mills, in his professional tone. THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 1G3 " If I ain, I hope I can see as well as you," thought Frank. " What a precious old humbug he is, and how I pity that poor boy ! If I had a chance I would give him something to save him from starvation." Frank walked on, quite elated at the change in his circumstances which allowed him to give money in charity to the person who had once been his employer. He would have given it more cheer- fully if in his estimation the man had been more worthy. Frank's errand took him up Broadway. He had two or three stops to make, which made it inconvenient for him to ride. A little way in front of him he saw a boy of fourteen, whom he recognized as an errand-boy, and a former fellow- lodger at the Newsboy's Lodging-House. He was about to hurry forward and join John Riley, — for this was the bo3''s name, — when his attention was attracted, and his suspicions aroused, by a man who accosted Jchn. . He was a man of about thirty, rather showily dressed, with a gold chain dangling from his vest. 164 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. "Johnny," he said, addressing the errand-boy ' ' do you want to earn ten cents ? " " I should like to," answered the boy, " but I am going on an errand, and can't spare the time." " It won't take five minutes," said the young man. "It is only to take this note up to Mr. Conant's room, on the fourth floor of this building." They w r ere standing in front of a high build- ing occupied as offices. The boy hesitated. "Is there an answer?" he asked. "No; j'ou can come right down as soon as the letter is delivered." " I suppose I could spare the time for that," said John Eiley. "Of course you can. It won't take you two minutes. Here is the ten cents. I'll hold yoxxx bundle for you while you run up." "All right!" said the errand-boy, and, suspect- ng nothing, he surrendered his parcel, and taking the note and the dime, ran upstairs. THE TELEGRAPH BOT. 165 No sooner was he out of sight than the j'oung man began to walk off rapidly with the bundle. It was an old trick, that has been many times played upon unsuspecting bo} T s, and will continue to be played as long as there are knavish ad- venturers who prefer dishonest methods of getting a living to honest industry. In this case, however, the rogue was destined to disappointment. It may be stated that he had been present in the dry-goods store from which the parcel came, and, knowing that the contents were valuable, had followed the boy. No sooner did Frank understand the fellow's purpose than he s pursued him, and seized him by the arm. "What do you want of me?" demanded the rogue, roughly. "I am in a hurry and can't be detained." " I want you to give me that bundle which you are trying to steal from my friend, John Riley." The rogue's countenance changed. "What do you mean?" he demanded, to gain time. 166 THE TELEGRAPH B07. " I mean that I heard your conversation with him, and I know your game. Come back, or I will call a policeman." The young man was sharp enough to see that he must give up his purpose. "There, take the bundle," he said, tossing it into Frank's arms. " I was only going for a cigar ; I should have brought it back." "When John Riley came downstairs, with the letter in his hand, — for he had been unable to find any man named Conant in the building, — he found Frank waiting with the parcel. " Holloa, Frank ! Where's that man that" sent me upstairs? I can't find Mr. Conant." " Of course you can't. There's no such man in the building. That man was a thief; but for me he would have carried off your bundle." "What a fool I was!" said the errand-boy. "I won't let myself be fooled again." " Don't give up a bundle to a stranger again," said Frank. " I'm only a country boy, but I don't allow myself to be swindled as easily as you." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 167 "I wish that chap would come here again," said Johnny, indignantly. "But I'v& come out best, after all," he added, brightening up. " I've made ten cents out of him." 168 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. CHAPTER XVm. A RICH WOMAN'S SORROW. One day Frank was summoned to a handsome residence on Madison avenue. " Sit down in the parlor," said the servant, " and I will call Mrs. Graham." As Frank looked around him, and noted the evidences of wealth in the elegant furniture and rich ornaments profuseby scattered about, he thought, "How rich Mrs. Graham must be! I suppose she is very happy. I should be if I could buy every- thing I wanted." It was a boy's thought, and betrayed our hero's inexperience. Even unlimited means are not sure to produce happiness, nor do handsome surroundings prove wealth. Five minutes later an elderly lady entered the room. She was richly dressed, but her face wore a look of care and sorrow. TIIE TELEGRAPH BOY. 169 As she entered, Frank rose with instinctive politeness, and bowed. "You are the telegraph boy," said the lady, inquiringly. "Yes, ma'am." Mrs. Graham looked at him earnestly, as if to read his character. "I have sent for you," she said, at length, "to help me in a matter of some delicacy, and shall expect }ou not to speak of it, even to your employers." " They never question me," said Frank, promptly. " You may rely upon my secrecy." Frank's statement was correct. The business entrusted to telegraph messengers is understood to be of a confidential nature, and they are instructed to guard the secrets of those who make use of their services. ■ " I find it necessary to raise some money," continued the lady, apparently satisfied, "and am not at liberty, for special reasons, to call upon m} T husband for it. I have a diamond ring of considerable value, which I should like to have 1 70 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. you carry, either to a jeweller or a pawnbroker, and secure what advance you can upon it." " And I believed she had plenty of money," thought Frank, wondering. " I will do the best I can for you, madam," said our hero. Mrs. Graham drew from her pocket a small box, containing a diamond ring, which sparkled brilliantly in the sunshine. " It is beautiful," said Frank, admiringly. "Yes, it cost originally eight hundred dollars," said the lady. " Eight hundred dollars ! " echoed Frank, in wonder. He had heard of diamond rings, and knew they were valuable, but had no idea they were so valuable as that. "How much do you expect to get on it?" he asked. " Nothing near its value, of course, nor is that necessary. Two hundred dollars will be as much as I care to use, and at that rate I shall be able the sooner to redeem it. I believe I will tell you why I want the money." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 171 " Not unless you think it best," said Frank. "It is best, for I shall again require your services in disposing of the rnone} T ." The lady sat down on the sofa beside Frank, and told him the story which follows : — " I have two children," she said, " a daughter and a son. The son has recently graduated from college, and is now travelling in Europe. My daughter is now twenty-six years of age. She was beautiful, and our social position was such that my husband, who is a proud man, confidently anticipated that she would make a brilliant match. But at the age of nineteen Ellen fell in love with a clerk in my husband's employ. He was a young man of good appearance and character, and nothing could be said against him except that he was poor. This, however, was more than enough in Mr. Graham's eyes. When Lawrence Brent asked for the hand of our daughter, my husband drove him from the house with insult, and immediately discharged him from his employ Ellen was high-spirited, and resented this treat- ment of the man she loved. He soon obtained 172 THE TKLEGRAPH BOY. a place quite as good as the one he had lost, and one day Ellen left the house and married him. She wrote to us, excusing her action, and I would gladly have forgiven her ; but her father was obdurate. He forbade my mentioning her name to him, and from that da} r to this he has never referred to her. "I am now coming to the business in which 3 r ou aje to help me. For } r ears m} r son-in-law was able to support his wife comfortably, and also the two children which in time came to them. But, a year since, he became sick, and his sickness lasted till he had spent all his savings. Now he and his poor family are living in wretched lodgings, and are in need of the common neces- saries of life. It is for them I intend the monej which I can secure upon this ring." Frank could not listen without having his sym- pathies aroused. " I o shall be still more glad to help you," he said, " now that I know how the money is to be used." "Thank you," said the lad}\ "You are a good THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 173 bo}', and I see that I can trust you implic- itly." She handed Frank the box, enjoining upon him to be careful not to lose it. "It is so small that it might easily slip from your pocket," she said. " I shall take the best care of it," said Frank. "Where would you advise me to go first?" " I hardly know. If I wished to sell it I would carry it to Tiffany ; but it was purchased there, and it might in that case come to my husband's ears. There is a pawnbroker, named Simpson, who, I hear, is one of the best of his class. You may go there first." "How much shall I say you want on it?" asked Frank. " Don't mention my name at all," said the lady, hastily. I suppose I shall have to give some name," said Frank, "in order that the ticket may be made out." ' ' What is your own name ? " " Frank Kavanagh." 174 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. "Have you a mother living?" "No," said Frank, gravely. "Then let the ticket be made out in your name." " If you wish it." "Shall I bring the money to you, Mrs. Gra- ham?" "No; my husband might be at home, and it would arouse his suspicions. At twelve o'clock I will meet you at Madison Park, at the corner opposite the Union League Club House. You can then report to me your success." "Very well," said Frank. He went at once to the pawnbroker mentioned by Mrs. Graham, But for his uniform he would have been questioned closely as to how he came by the ring ; but telegraph boys are so often employed on similar errands that the pawnbroker showed no surprise. After a careful examination he agreed to advance two hundred dollars, and gave Frank the money and the ticket. When Frank gave his own name, he said, " That a your name, is it not?" THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 175 "Yes, sir." "But the ring does not belong to you?" " No ; it belongs to a lady who does not wish her name known." "It is all the same to us." " That was easily done," thought Frank. "Now I must go and meet Mrs. Graham." "Have you got the money?" asked Mrs. Gra- ham, anxiously, as Frank made his appearance "Yes," replied Frank. "How much?" " The amount you asked for." ' ' That is well. Now I shall be able to relieve my poor daughter. I cannot bear to think of her and her poor children suffering for the lack of bread, while I am living in luxury. I wish Mr. Graham was not so unforgiving." "Will you take the money now?" asked Frank. "I wish you to take fifty dollars to my daughter." " I will do so with pleasure. What is her address ? " Mrs. Graham drew out a card, on which she 176 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. had pencilled her daughter's address. It proved to be a tenement-house on the east side of the city, not far from Fourteenth street. " I wish I could go myself," said Mrs. Gra- ham, sadly ; " but I do not dare to do so at present. Give Ellen this money, with my best love ; and say to her that a month hence I will again send her the same sum. Tell her to keep up good courage. Brighter days may be in store." ' ' I will be sure to remember," said Frank, in a tone of sympathy. The errand was to his taste ; for he was about to carry help and comfort to those who needed ix>tk. THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 177 CHAPTER XIX. A MESSENGER OP GOOD TIDINGS. There stands a large tenement-house on East Fourteenth street, five stories in height, and with several entrances. Scores of barefooted and scantily attired children play in the halls or on the sidewalk in front, and the great building is a human hive, holding scores of families. Some of them, unaccustomed to live better, are toler- ably content with their squalid and contracted accommodations ; but a few, reduced by gradual steps from respectability and comfort, find their positions very hard to bear. On the third floor three small rooms were oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan, and their two children. She was the daughter of Mrs. Graham, and had been reared in affluence. How she had incurred her father's displeasure has al- ready been told. He had been taken sick some 178 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. months before, his little stock of money had melted away, and now he was unable even to pay the small expenses of life in a tenement- house. Just before Frank made his appearance there was sadness in the little houshold. "How much money is there left, Ellen?" asked Robert Morgan. " Seventy-five cents," she answered, in a tone which she tried to make cheerful. " And our week's rent will become due to-mor- row." "I may hear from mother," suggested Mrs. Morgan. " If you don't, I don't know what will become of us all. We shall be thrust into the street. Even this squalid home will be taken from us." " Don't get discouraged, Robert." " Isn't there enough to make me despondent, Ellen? I can see now that I did very wrong to marry you." "Do you regret our marriage, then, Robert?" asked his wife. THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 179 " Only because it has brought you poverty and discomfort." " I have not yet regretted it." "How different a position you would have oc- cupied if I had not dragged you down ! You would still be living in luxury." " I should not have you and these dear children." " And will they compensate you for what has come upon you?" "Yes," she answered, emphatically. "You have more philosophy than I have, Ellen." "More trust, perhaps. Do you know, Robert, I think we are on the eve of good fortune?" " I hope so, but I see no prospects of it." Just then there was a knock at the door. Thinking that it might be some humble neigh- bor, on a borrowing expedition, Mrs. Morgan opened the door. Before her stood our hero in his uniform. "Is this Mrs. Robert Morgan?" asked Frank. " Yes," she answered. 180 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. " I come from your mother." " From my mother? Robert, do you hear that?' said the poor woman, in a voice of gladness. " Here is a messenger from my mother. Didn't I tell you there was good luck in store for us ? " Mr. Morgan did not answer. He waited anx- iously to hear what Frank had to communicate. " Your mother sends you her love, and fifty dollars," continued Frank. "She hopes to call soon herself." "Fifty dollars!" exclaimed Ellen Morgan, in delight. "It is a fortune." "Thank Heaven!" ejaculated her husband, in great relief. " A month hence you may expect a similar sum," said Frank. " I suppose T shall bring it. Shall I find you here ? " Ellen Morgan looked at her husband. "No," said he. "Let us get out of this neighborhood as soon as possible. Can't you find a respectable place to-day ? " "Yes" said his wife. "I shall be glad to move. T saw some neat rooms on West Twentieth THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 181 street on Monday. The}' will cost us but little more, and will suit us better." "I will send my mother my new address," she said to Frank. "■Then you may send it under cover to me, and I will see that she gets it privately," sail Frank, who had received instructions to that effect from Mrs. Graham. When Frank had left the room the little house- hold seemed quite transformed. Hope had entered, and all looked more cheerful. "We are provided 'for, for two months, Rob- ert," said his wife. " Is not that a piece of good luck?" "Yes, indeed it is," he answered heartily. "Before that time I can get to work again, and with health and employment I shall not need to ask favors of any one." "I wish father were as forgiving as mother," said Ellen Morgan. " Your father is a hard man. He will never forgive you for marrying a poor man. He would punish you by starvation." 182 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. "He is very proud," said Mrs. Morgan. "1 was an only daughter, you know, and he had set his heart upon my making a brilliant mar- riage." " As you might have done." "As I did not care to do. I preferred to make a happy marriage with the man of my choice." " You are a good wife, Ellen." " I hope you will always find me so, Robert." "I should have sunk utterly if you had been like some women." In the afternoon Mrs. Morgan went out, taking one of her children with her. She went to the rooms on West Twentieth street, and, finding them still vacant, secured them, paying a month's rent in advance, as her mother's timely gift enabled her to do. Before the next evening they were installed in their new home, and Mrs. Mor- gan sent a note to her mother, under cover to Frank, apprising her of the removal. Two daj's later Frank received a summons to the house on Madison avenue. He obeyed, think- THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 183 ing he should probably be sent with some mes- sage to Mrs. Morgan. He found Mrs. Graham in a state of nervous excitement. "My husband has been stricken with paralysis," she said. "It is terribly sudden. He went out yesterday, apparently in vigorous health. He was brought home pale and helpless." "Can I do anything for him or you?" asked Frank. " Yes ; you can go at once to my daughter, and summon her to her father's bedside." Frank was surprised, remembering how obdu- rate Mrs. Graham had described her husband to be. "You look surprised," she said; "but sickness often produces a great change in us. My hus- band's pride has given way. His affection has returned ; and it is at his request that I send for Ellen." Frank had come to feel a personal interest in the family, and he gladly set out for the modest home in West Twentieth street. He felt that it 184 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. was pleasant to be a messenger of reconcilia tion. Mis. Morgan recognized him at once, and re- ceived him cordially. "Do you come from my mother?" she asked. " Yes. She wishes you to come home at once. "But— my father." " Your father is very sick ; and he joins in the request." "It has come at last, — the time I have looked forward to for so long," said Ellen Morgan, clasp- ing her hands. " Robert, do you feel equal to looking after the children while I am gone?" " Yes, Ellen. Go at once. God grant that your father's heart ma} r be softened, for your sake. For myself I am content to live in poverty ; but I don't like to see you suffer." " What is the matter with father? Did my mother tell you?" Frank explained, and thus gave her fresh cause for anxiety. On reaching her father's chamber she was shocked by his changed appearance ; but her heart THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 185 was gladdened by the wan single that lighted up his face, assuring her that she was welcome From the doctor she received the assurance that her father was in no immediate danger. Indeed, he expressed a confident hope that Mr. Graham would rally from his present attack, and be able to go about his business again, though caution would be required against undue excitement or fatigue. The doctor's prediction was verified. Mr. Gra- ham recovered ; but his old pride and obduracy did not come back. He became reconciled to his son-in-law, and provided him a well-paid position in his own mercantile establishment, and provided rooms in the Madison-avenue mansion for the little famil} 7 whom Frank had first visited in the squalid tenement-house in Fourteenth street, and the glad voices of children made the house no longer lonely. "You must call and see us often," said Ellen Morgan to our hero. "I shall always remember you as the messenger who brought us good tidings a' the darkest hour in our fortunes. We shall always welcome you as a friend." 186 THE TELKGRAVIl BOY. CHAPTER XX. A. NEW JOB, AND A LETTER FROM HOME. One morning an elderly gentleman entered the office in which Frank was employed, and sought an interview with the superintendent. "I want a smart boy for detective work," he said. "Have you one you can recommend?" The superintendent, cast his eyes over the line of boys, and called Frank. Our hero's recogni- tion of the disguised counterfeiter by his ring had given him a reputation for shrewdness. " I think this boy will suit 3 T ou," he said. " Do you wish him to go with 3'ou now?" " Yes ; I may want him a week. "Very well." Frank accompanied the gentleman into the street "Have you no other clothes except this uni- form?" asked Mr. Hartley. "Yes, sir." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 187 "Then go and put them on. Then report to me at No. — Broadway." "All right, sir." " It is fortunate I have a good suit," thought Frank. He was not long in exchanging his uniform for the neat suit given him by Mr. Bo wen. Thus attired, he presented himself in Mr. Hartley's counting-room. The merchant surveyed him with approval. "You will enter my service as errand-boy," he said. "You will be sent to the post-office, the bank, and on similar errands, in order not to excite suspicion of the real object of your pres- ence. Keep your eyes open, and I will take an opportunity of explaining to }*ou later what T wish you to do." Frank bowed. " Mr. Haynes," said the merchant, calling a thin, sallow young man, "I have engaged this boy as an errand-boy. Has any one been to the post-office this morning?" "No, sir." 188 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. "Then he will go." Elayues regarded Frank with disfavor. " I have a nephew who would have liked the position," he said. "Too late now," said the merchant, curtly. " What is } r our name, boy? " asked Hajmes, coldly. "Frank Kavauagh." "How did Mr. Hartley happen to engage you?" asked the subordinate. " A gentleman recommended me," Frank an- swered. " I had already mentioned my nephew to him. I am surprised he said nothing to me about engaging a boy." Frank said nothing, feeling no particular inter- est in the matter. As he was onty filling tem- porarily the position of errand boy, it made little difference to him whether he was acceptable to Mr. Haynes or not. In the course of the day Mr. Hartley handed Frank a card, containing the street and number of his residence, with a pencilled invitation to call that evening. THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 182 Of course Frank did so. Seated alone with the merchant in his back parlor, the latter said, " I have invited you here because I could not speak with you freely at the store. How do you like Mr. Hayncs?" Frank was surprised at the abruptness of the question. "I don't like him," he answered, candidly. "Why not?" 1 ' There is no good reason that I know of," said Frank; "but I think his manner is disa- greeable." " Our instincts are often to be trusted," said the merchant, thoughtfulby. " I confess that I myself don't like Haynes, nor do I feel implicit confidence in him, though he has been eight years in the service of our house. He is outwardly very circumspect, and apparently very faithful, but there is something in his eye which I don't like." Frank had noticed this, but Mr. Hartley's re- mark called fresh attention to its furtive, crafty expression. Frank's curiosity was aroused, naturally enough. 190 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. He wondered what Mr. Haynes had to do with his mission. He did not have long to wait for information. " I will come to the point," said Mr. Hartley, after a pause. " I am an importing merchant, and deal, among other articles, in silks. During the last year I have discovered that some one is systematically robbing me, and that parts of my stock have been spirited away. The loss I have sustained is already considerable, and unless the leakage is put a stop to, I may as well give up business. You can now guess why I have en- gaged you. No one will suspect an errand boy of being a detective, while a man would very probably excite distrust, and put the rogue on his guard." Frank listened attentively to his employer. " Do you suspect any one in particular, Mr. Hartley?" he asked. " It must be some one in my employ," he said. " The man who, more than any other, has facilities for robbing me is the man of whom I have spoken to you." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 191 "Mr. Haynes?" "Yes, Mr. Haynes. He holds an important position, and enjoys special privileges. On the other hand, so far as I can learn, he lives in a sober, inexpensive wa} T , quite within his salary, which is liberal. He is prominently connected with an up-town church, and it seems very im- probable that he would be guilty of robbery, or breach of trust ; yet there have been such cases before. At any rate, I cannot wholly di- vest myself of suspicion." "What do you wish me to do?" asked Frank " To watch Mr. Haynes carefully, both in and out of the store, to ascertain whether he has any unexplained expenses, or any questionable com- panions. I want to know how he spends his time out of the office. It may be that the result of my investigation will be to his credit. It may be that he is aii that he seems, — a reputable member of the church and of society, with nothing against him but an unpleasant manner. Should this be the case, I shall be glad to correct my suspicions, and give him back my confidence. In 192 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. that case, we must look elsewhere for the rogue who is robbing me." " Have you any particular instructions to give me? " asked Frank. " No, only to follow Haynes, and find out all you can about him. Use great care in doing it, not to arouse his or any one else's suspicion. I will find an opportunity for you to make your reports." "Very well, sir." When Frank got home, he found a letter awaiting him from his country home. It was in answer to one which he had written to his uncle, Deacon Pelatiah Kavanagh, in reference to a trunk which had belonged to his father. This is the letter: — My dear Nephew, — I am glad to learn that you are making a living in the city. It is much better that you should earn your own living than to be a burden upon me, though of course I would not see you suffer. But a man's duty is to his own household, and my income from the farm is very small, and Hannah and I agreed that we had little to spare for others. THE TELEGRAPH SOY. 103 There is ao old trunk, belonging to your deceased father, in the attic. It contains some old clothes, which may be made over for you, and so save you expense. I would use them myself, and allow you for them, but your father was a much smaller man than I, and his clothes would not fit me. I will send the trunk by express to the address which you gave me. Of course I shall expect you to pay the express, as I have no interest in it, or its contents. Your cousin Jonathan has left school, and is working on the farm. I feel so glad that he has no ex- travagant tastes, but inherits the careful and economica 1 habits of his mother and myself. I am sure he will never waste or squander the little property which I hope tc leave him. " I don't believe he will," thought Frank, " for he is about as mean as his mother, and that is saying a good deal." Your aunt and I hope that you will steer clear of the temptations of the city. Do not seek after vain amuse- ments, but live a sober life, never spending a cent un necessarily, and you will in time become a prosperous man. I would invite you to come and stop with us over 194 THE TELEGRAPH EOT. Sunday, but for the railroad fare, which is high. It wiL be better to save your money, and put off the visit till Jol can afford it. Your uncle, Pelatiah Kavanagh. Reading this letter, it would hardly be sup- posed that the writer owned ten thousand dollars in stocks, bonds, and mortgages, over and above an excellent farm. Such, however, was the worldly position of the man who sent Frank to the city in quest of a living, because he could not afford to provide for him. With some men prudence is a virtue ; with Deacon Pelatiah Kavanagh it was carried so far as to be a posi tive defect. THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 195 CHAPTER XXI. Frank's fikst discovert. So far as Frank could observe, Mr. Haynes was an active, energetic salesman. He appeared to understand his duties thoroughly, and to go about them in a straightforward manner. So far as his personal habits were concerned, they seemed ir- reproachable. He was neatly but plainly dressed, wore no jewehy, and carried a plain silver watch, which, when new, probably did not cost over twenty dollars. Frank had no difficulty in ascertaining where he lived. It was in a brick house, on "Waverley place, very unpretentious and certainly not fashion- able. In order to find out how much he paid for his accommodations Frank visited the house on pretence of being in search of board. "We have a hall bed-room on the third floor, at five dollars a week, including board," said the landlady. "How would that suit 3 r ou?" 196 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. " I may have a friend board with me," said Frank. " In that case we should need a large room. Have you any vacant?" " There is the front room on the third floor. We would let it to two gentlemen at eleven dollars for the two." "Isn't the back room cheaper?" inquired our hero. " Yes ; but it is occupied by a business gentle- man." "Can you tell me his name? I may be ac- quainted with him." " His name is Haynes." "How much does he pay?" "He pays eight dollars a week, and has the room alone." " I suppose his room is not likely to become vacant soon ? " "Oh, dear, no. He has been with us for sev- eral years. We should be sorry to lose him. Last Christmas he gave my daughter a present of a nice silk-dress pattern." Frank was struck by this information. THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 197 " I don't believe he paid aitything for the silk," thought he. " I wish I eould find out." He had learned all he cared for, and left, say- ing he might call again. " His expenses seem very moderate for a man in his position," thought Frank. "I wonder if he makes any investments." Fortune favored our hero in the prosecution of his inquiry. Keeping Haynes in sight, as was his custom, he observed that the latter, in pulling out a handkerchief from the breast-pocket of his coat, had brought with it a letter also. Frank, quickly and unobserved, picked it up, and when he was alone looked at the address. It was directed to James Haynes, at his residence in Waverley place. On the envelope was the printed address of a real-estate broker in Brooklyn. Frank knew that there was at that time consid- erable speculation in Brooklyn real estate, and he examined the letter. It ran thus : — We have found a corner lot, with several lots adjoining, near Prospect Park, which may be obtained for five thousand dollars, half cash. We have no hesitation in 198 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. recommending the purchase, heing convinced, from the tendencies of the market, that the huyer will double his money in a comparatively short time. If you are engaged at other times, come over on Sunday afternoon, and we will show you the property. The house you purchased of us last year is worth fully a thousand dollars more than the price you gave. ' ' I wonder how much he gave," said Frank to himself. The letter was signed "Henderson & Co., No. — Fulton street." Our hero was elated by the discovery he had made, and he sought an interview with Mr. Hartley. "Have you discovered anything?" asked the merchant, noticing the eager look of his young detective. Without attaching especial importance to the fact, Frank answered, "I have found out that Mr. Haynes owns a bouse in Brooklyn." "Indeed!" said Hartley, quickly. "But," be continued more slowl}-, "be might buy one with the money saved from his salary." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 199 "He is also thinking of buying some lots near Prospect Park." "How did you learn this?" asked the mer- chant, surprised. " I would rather not tell you," said Frank, who was not quite sure whether Mr. Hartley would sanction his examination of a private letter. "You may be sure that it is true." "Very well; I will rest contented with that assurance. I will leave } r ou to work in your own way. Your information is important, for it seems to show that Mr. Haynes has made investments be3'ond his ability, if he were dependent upon his savings alone." "That is what I thought," said Frank. "I must try to find out where he gets this extra inoney." " If you do that, and prove my suspicions cor- rect, I will make you a handsome present, beside? paying the company regular rates for your ser vices." " Thank you, sir. I will try to earn your gifts.' 200 the rELuuiiAi'n boi. CHAPTER XXII. FOLLOWING DP A CLUE. This is not a detective story, and I shall not, therefore, detail the steps by which our young hero succeeded in tracing out the agency of Ha3"nes in defrauding the firm by which he was employed. It required not one week, but three, to follow out his clues, and qualify himself to make a clear and intelligible report to Mr. Hartley. He had expressly requested the merchant not to require any partial report, as it might interfere with his working unobserved. Towards the end of the third week he asked an interview with Mr. Hartle}*. "Well, Frank," said the merchant, familiarly, "who is the rogue?" " Mr. Haynes," answered our hero. " You speak confidentl}'," said his employer ; " but surmise will not do. I want proof, or I cannot act." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 201 "I will tell you what I have discovered," said Frank ; " and I leave you to judge for yourself." " Have you a customer in Hartford named Davis ? " he asked. " Yes ; and a very good customer. He is fre quent in his orders, and makes prompt payments [ wish I had more like him." " If you had more like him you would soon be bankrupt," said Frank, quietly. "What do you mean?" asked Mr. Hartley, in genuine surprise. " How can a customer who buys largely, and pays promptly, be undesirable?" " Did you know that Mr. Davis is a brother- in-law of Mr. Haynes?" " No ; but even if he is I have to thank Mr. Haynes for securing me so excellent a customer." Hartley spoke confidently, evidently believing that Frank was on the wrong tack. "I have noticed," said Frank, " that when goods are packed to go to Mr. Davis, Mr. Haynes per- sonally superintends the packing, and employs one particular man to pack." "What then?" 202 TBE TELEGRAPH BOY. " I think he has something to conceal." " I don't understand what he can have to con- ceal. If Davis is his brother-in-law, it is natural that he should feel a special interest in filling hia orders." " I shouldn't wonder if Mr. Haynes were a partner as well as a brother-in-law of Mr. Davis." Mr. Hartley looked surprised. " That may be true ; though I don't know why you should conjecture it. Admitting that you are right, I don't know that I have any right to object. I should like it better, however, if I were frankly told by Mr. Hajmes of this circumstance." " I will tell you what I think I have discov- ered," continued Frank. " The cases that are shipped to Mr. Davis not only contain the goods he has ordered, but valuable silks that he has not ordered, and does not propose to pay for." " I see, I see," exclaimed Mr. Hartley, a light dawning upon him for the first time. " I was stupid not to comprehend your meaning earlier. What warrant have you for suspecting this ? " "First, your steady losses of goods; next, the THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 203 ease with which Mr. Haynes, in his position of trust, could carry out this plan. Why should he superintend the packing of Mr. Davis's goods, alone of all } T our customers?" "There is weight in what you say, Frank. You are certainly an extraordinary boy. You have shown so much shrewdness that I now ask your advice. What steps shall I take to ascertain whether Mr. Haynes is really guilty of what we suspect him?" "There is an order now being filled for Mr. Davis," answered Frank. "When the order is filled, can't you open the case, and find out whether the contents correspond exactly to the bill?" " The very thing. To facilitate matters I will send Mr. Haynes to Brooklyn on a confidential errand. Fortunately there is a matter that will give me a good excuse for doing so. Go back to your post, and when Mr. Ha3^nes appears to be at liberty send him to me." Half an hour later Mr. Haynes entered the counting room of his employer. 204 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. "You sent for me, sir?" he said, a little uneasily ; for, when conscience accuses, the mind is always apprehensive. "Yes, Mr. Haynes," said the merchant, in his usual tone. " Have you any objection to go to Brooklyn for me, on a confidential errand?" " None in the world, sir," said Haynes, relieved. " I shall be glad to take the trip this fine morn- ing. It is almost too pleasant to remain in-doors." " Thank you ; I will give you your instructions, and shall be glad to have you go at once." It is not necessary to our story that we should know the nature of the errand on which Haynes was sent. It served the purpose of getting him out of the way. When the suspected clerk was fairly on his way Mr. Hartlej' went to the packing-room, and looked about him till he discovered the case addressed to H. L. DAVIS & CO., Hartford, Conn. " Open this case," said he to one of the work men. " There was a mistake recently in sending THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 205 some goods to Davis, and I wish to compare these with the bill." "I think they are all right, sir," said the man addressed. "Mr. Haynes saw them packed." " Mr. Haynes will not be responsible for any mistake," said Mr. Hartley. " I would rather see for myself." The case was opened, and the merchant dis- covered about two hundred dollars' worth of silk, which was not included in the bill. " Go and call Mr. Hunting," said Mr. Hartley, quietly. Mr. Hunting filled one of the most important positions in the establishment. To him his em- ployer explained the nature of his discovery. " Mr. Hunting," he said, " I wish you to see and attest the fraud that has been attempted upon me. This case was packed under the special charge of Mr. Haynes." *•' Is it possible that Mr. Haynes knew of this?" exclaimed his fellow-clerk. " Davis is his brother-in-law," said Mr. Hartley, significantly. 2UG THE TELEGRAPH BOY. • w Uas Liiis been going on long, do you think, sir?" " For several years, I suspect. Mr. Ha}^nes has, no doubt, found it very profitable." "Shall I close up the case again, sir? ' asked the workman. " Yes, but it is not to go. You may await my further orders." The silk was taken out, and replaced in the silk department. " So much has been saved, at least," said the merchant. " When Mr. Haynes comes back," he said to the usher, " send him to me." THE TELEGRAPH BOS. 207 CHAPTER XXIII. BROUGHT TO BAT. Mb. Haynes had a private reason for accepting readily the commission to visit Brooklyn. It oc- curred to him at once that it would give him an excellent chance to. call on his real-estate agent, and confer with him upon future investments. For James Haynes had the comfortable conscious- ness that he was a prosperous man. Month by month, and year by year, he was adding largely to his gains, and while he was still a young man he would be rich, if all went well. Of course this meant if his peculations re- mained undiscovered. "Why should they not be? He plumed himself on the skill with which he managed to rob his employer. He was no vulgar bungler to break into the store, or enter into an alliance with burglars. Not he ! The property he took was carried off openly before Mr. Hartley's 208 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. very eyes, and he knew nothing of it. He did not even suspect that he was being robbed. Thi? is what Mr. Haynes thought ; but, as we know, he was mistaken. Even now he was in a net ; but did not know it. After attending to Mr. Hartley's commission Haynes went to see his broker. The conversation he had with the broker was of a very encouraging character. He was congratulated upon his invest- ments, and assured that they would pay him handsomely. James Haynes returned from Brooklyn in a very pleasant mood. "A year or two more of life as a clerk, and I will throw off the yoke," he said to himself. " I must be worth at least fifteen thousand dol- lars now, apart from an} T rise in the value of my investments. When I reach twenty-five thou- sand I will resign my position, and go to Europe. I shall than possess an income adequate to my simple wants." "Is Mr. Hartley in the counting-room?" he asked, as he reentered the store. THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 209 "Yes, sir, and he wishes to see you." "Of course he wants to see me, — to hear my report." The merchant looked up as Haynes entered the counting-room. "So you are back?" he said, gravely. "Yes, sir; I was detained a little, but I ful- filled my commission." "That is well." Here Haynes made his report. Mr. Hartley listened with an abstracted air, for his thoughts were upon the defalcation of the man before him. Finishing his statement, James Haynes turned to leave the office, but his employer called him back. " Wait a minute, Mr. Haynes," he said, gravely. " I wish to ask you one or two questions." " Certainly, sir." " I believe we have transactions with a party in Hartford, with the firm-name of H. L. Davis & Co.?" "Yes, sir," said Haynes, starting and flushing a little. 210 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. "Is Mr. Davis a relative of yours?" "Yes, sir. I wonder where he heard that?" llaynes asked himself. " Is there any trouble? Is he behind in his payments?" inquired the clerk. "No; he has always settled his bills with commendable promptness." " I insisted on that," said Haynes, in a satis- fied tone. "I didn't want you to lose by any connection of mine." " And you are quite sure that I have lost nothing by Mr. Davis?" demanded the merchant, regarding Haynes intently. The latter changed color. "How is that possible," he inquired, "since he has met his pa3 T ments promptly ? " " You have personally seen to the packing of Mr. Davis's goods, I believe, Mr. Haynes ? " "Well — generally," stammered the rather dis- concerted clerk. "At all events, you did so this morning?" " Ye-es." " After you started for Brooklyn, I had the THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 211 case opened, and found some patterns of silk not included in the bill." " I suppose, there was a mistake," said Haynes, turning pale. 1 ' You think this has not happened before ? " " I am sure of it." " Mr. Haynes," said his employer, sternly, "you may as well drop the mask of innocence. I have been robbed systematically for the last three years, and I now understand how it was done. You and Davis, between you, have plun- dered me in an exceedingly ingenious manner. It will go hard with you before a jury." "You won't have me arrested!" exclaimed Haynes, his pallor indicating his dismay. "Why should I not?" " You could prove nothing." " I will take my chance of that. Have you nothing more to say?" 44 1 — though I do not admit that your charge is correct — I am willing to make over to you the greater part of my property, to avoid the scandal of a trial." 212 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. " That will not do, Mr. Haynes. Were I to accept this upon such a ground, you could rightfully bring against me a charge of black- mail." "What, then, are your terms?" asked Haynes, sullenly. " You must write out a confession of your guilt, which I shall put among my private papers, and not make public unless necessary, and in ad- dition you must make over to me property to the amount of ten thousand dollars. It will not make up my losses, but I will accept it as restitution in full." Against this James Haynes most strongly protested, alleging that the sum demanded was far beyond the amount of his purloinings ; but finally he yielded, being privately resolved to make his brother-in-law pay one-half of the for- feiture. "You will leave my service at the end of the week, Mr. Haynes," said his employer, " and during next week you must attend to the trans- fer." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 213 "How did he find out?" said Haynes to him- self, as with grave face he went about the duties of the place he was so soon to leave. " If I could find out, 1 would have my revenge." 214 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. CHAPTER XXIV. AN OPEN ENEMT. Frank remained with Mr. Hartley till the guilty clerk left the establishment. This was at the special request of the merchant, who did not care to let Mr. Haynes suspect who had been instru- mental in bringing his guilt to light. " I suppose you have no further use for me, now, Mr. Hartley?" said the telegraph boy. " Not at present, Frank," said his employer, kindly. " Then I will report for duty at the telegraph office." " Wait a moment. You have done me a great service." " I am glad of that sir," answered Frank, modestly. " You have shown uncommon shrewdness and intelligence." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 215 Frank looked gratified, and expressed his thanks for the compliment. "I want to make you a present, in addition to the wages which you receive from the office," said Mr. Hartley. " Thank you, sir." Mr. Hartley drew from his desk a five-twenty government bond, of one hundred dollars, and handed it to our hero. "Do you mean all this for me?" asked Frank, quite overwhelmed by the magnitude of the gift. "It is not more than you deserve. I might have given you the money value of the bond ; but I give it to you in this shape, because I hope you will keep it as an investment. It will yield you six dollars interest annually in gold. I hope the time will come when you will have more in- terest in the same way." " I hope I shall, sir. I shall feel quite rich now." " You are richer in the qualities which have won }'ou this acknowledgment. How do you like the telegraph service ? " 216 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. "Very well, sir, for the present. It is much better than being a newsboy." " Exactly ; but there are positions you would prefer ? " "Yes, sir; I would like to be in some mercantile business, where I might work my way up. In a few years I shall be too old for a telegraph boy, and then I shall be out of place." " I will relieve your fears on that score. In six months I shall make some changes in the list of employees. When that time comes I will find a place for you." "There is nothing I should like better, sir," said Frank, his face flushing with pleasure. "I am satisfied that you will make a useful and intelligent clerk. Until I want you, remain where you are. The discipline of your present office will do you no harm, but will help qualify you for usefulness and success in the mercantile career." "Thank you, sir. Now I have something to look forward to I shall work much more cheer- fullv." THE TELEGRAPH BOS. 217 Frank went back to the office, and resumed his ordinary duties. One day he was riding down Broadway in a stage, when he became sensible that he had attracted the attention of a gentle- man sitting opposite. This led him to scan the face of the man who was observing him. He at once recognized Mr. Haynes. The stage was not full, and the latter came over, and took a seat next to the telegraph boy. "Isn't your name Frank Kavanagh?" he asked, abruptly. "Yes, sir." " Were you not for a short time in the employ of Mr. Hartley?" " Yes," answered Frank, feeling embarrassed, for he knew that he was suspected. " I infer from your uniform that you have left Mr. Hartley." " Yes." " Why did you leave him?" asked Haynes, sharply. ' ' Because he had no further occasion for my 218 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. services. Why did you leave him?" asked Frank, in turn. James Haynes colored, and looked angry. How- ever, he answered the question. " I have other business views," he said, briefly. " So have I." The next question was also of an embarrassing character. "Were you a telegraph boy before you entered Mr. Hartley's employ ? " " I was," answered Frank. "Were you detailed for duty there?" Our hero thought that he had answered ques- tions enough • by this time, and signified as much to his questioner. "If I had been," he said, "I shouldn't be permitted to inform a stranger." " I have particular reasons for asking the ques- tion," said Haynes. "Then you can ask Mr. Hartley, or the super- intendent of my office. Good-morning, sir, I get out here." Frank pulled the strap, and got out. But he THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 219 was not rid of his questioner. Haynes got out too, arid walked beside our hero. "I believe," he said, sternly, "that you were sent for to act as a spy on me." "What makes you think so?" asked the tele- graph boy, looking him in the eye. " There was a difficult}' between Mr. Hartley and nryself, occasioned by a base and groundless charge, concocted by some enemy. I believe that you had something to do with this." "I have brought no groundless charge against any one," said Frank. " Did you make any report to Mr. Hartley in regard to me?" " I must refer you to Mr. Hartley for informa- tion," said Frank. " I have an errand in here ; " and he entered a store in the lower part of Broadway. " There is no doubt about it," thought Haynes. "That boy was a spy upon me. I have learned all I cared to. I owe you a debt of gratitude for this, Frank Kavanagh, and mean to pay the debt." 220 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. When Frank came out he thought it possible that Haj^nes might be waiting for him ; but thfl disgraced clerk was gone. " I suppose he would injure me if he had a chance," thought the telegraph boy. "I won't give him the chance if I can help it." THE TELEGRAPH. BOY. 221 CHAPTER XXV. WHAT THE OLD TRUNK CONTAINED. Mention has been made of an old trunk be- longing to Frank's father, which had been for- warded to him from the country by his Uncle Pelatiah. It may be mentioned here that our hero's father had been agent of a woollen mill in a large manufacturing town. For a consider- able number of years he had been in receipt of a handsome salarj T , and had lived in good style, but still within his income. He was naturally supposed to possess a comfortable property. His death was sudden. He was thrown from a carriage, and, striking his head upon the curb- stone, was picked up senseless, and died uncon- scious. Upon examining into his affairs his ad- ministrator was unable to find any property be- yond what was needed to pay the few debts he left behind him. So it came about that Frank 222 THE TELEGRAPH. BOY. was left a penniless orphan. His Uncle Pelatiah was his nearest relative, and to him he was sent. Pelatiah Kavanagh was not a bad man, nor was he intentionally unkind ; but he was very close. All his life he had denied himself, to save money ; and in this he had been ably assisted by his wife, who was even closer and meaner than her husband. It may readily be supposed that it was very disagreeable to both husband and wife to have a penniless nephew thrown upon their care and protection. " How could your brother be so thoughtless and inconsiderate as to use up all his money, and leave his son destitute? Didn't he have a hand- some income ? " "Yes," said Pelatiah. "He got two thousand dollars a year, and maybe more." " You don't say so ! " ejaculated his wife. " He'd ought to have saved two-thirds of it. I declare it's scandalous for a man to waste his substance in that way." " My brother was alius free with his money. He wasn't so keerful as you and I be." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 223 "I should think not, indeed. We dont begin to spend half as much as he did, and now he comes upon us to support bis child." " It don't seem right," said Pelatiah. "Right? It's outrageous!" exclaimed Mrs. Kavanagh, energetically. " I declare I have no patience with such a man. It would only be right to send this boy Frank to the poor-house." " The neighbors would talk," protested Pela- tiah, who was half inclined to accept his wife's view, but was more sensitive to the criticism of the community in which he lived. "Let 'em talk!" said his more independent " helpmate. It isn't right that this boy should use up the property that we have scraped to- gether for his cousin Jonathan." "We must keep him for a while, Hannah; but I'll get rid of him as soon I can consistently." With this Mrs. Kavanagh had to be satisfied ; but, during her nephew's stay of two months in the farm-house, she contrived to make him un- comfortable by harsh criticisms of his dead father, whom he had tenderly loved. 224 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. " You must have lived very extravagant," she said, " or your father would have left a hand- some property." " I don't think we did, Aunt Hannah." "You father kept a carriage, — didn't he?" " Yes ; he had considerable riding to do." "How much help did he keep?" " Only one servant in the kitchen, and a stable- boy." " There was no need of a boy. You could have done the work in the stable." " I was kept at school." " Oh, of course ! " sneered his aunt. " You must be brought up as a young gentleman. Our Jonathan never had any such chances, and now you're livin' on him, or about the same. I sup- pose you kept an extravagant table too. What did you generally have for breakfast?" So Aunt Hannah continued her catechising, much to Frank's discomfort. She commented severely upon the wastefulness of always having pastry for dinner. " We can't afford it," she said, emphatically ; THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 225 " but then again we don't mean to have our Jonathan beholden to anybody in case your uncle and I are cast off sudden. What did you aave for dinner on Sunday?" "Meat and pudding and ice-cream, — that is, in warm weather." "Ice-cream!" ejaculated Aunt Hannah, holding up both hands. " No wonder your father didn't leave nothin'. Why, we don't have ice-cream more'n once a year, and now we can't afford to have it at all, since we've got another mouth to feed." ' ' I am sorry that you have to stint yourself on my account," replied Frank, feeling rather un- comfortable. " I suppose it's our cross," said Mrs. Kavanagh, gloomily; "but it does seem hard that we can't profit by our prudence because of your father's wasteful extravagance." Such remarks were very disagreeable to our yonng hero, and it was hard for him to hear his father so criticised. He supposed they must have lived extravagantly, since it was so constantly charged 226 THE TELEGMAPH BOT. by those about him, and he felt puzzled to ac- count for his father's leaving nothing. When, aftei two months, his uncle and aunt, who had delib- erated upon what was best to be done, proposed to him to go to New York and try to earn his own living, he caught at the idea. He knew that he might suffer hardships in the new life that awaited him, but if he could support himself in any way he would escape from the cruel taunts to which he was now forced to listen every day. How he reached the city, and how he succeeded, my readers know. "We now come to the trunk, which, some time after its reception, Frank set about examining. He found it was filled with clothing belonging to his father. Though a part were in good con- dition it seemed doubtful whether they would be of much service to him. It occurred to him to examine the pockets of the coats. In one he found a common yellow envelope, bearing his father's name. Opening it, he found, to his great astonishment, that it was a certificate of railroad stock, setting forth his father's ownership of one the teleghapr boy. 227 hundred shares of the capital stock of the said railway. Our hero was greatly excited by his discovery This, then, was the form in which his father had invested his savings. What the shares were worth he had no idea ; but he rejoiced chiefly because now he could defend his father from the charge of recklessly spending his entire income, and sav- ing nothing. He resolved, as soon as he could find time, to visit a Wall-street broker, by whom he had occasionally been employed, and inquire the value of the stock. Two days afterwards the opportunity came, and he availed himself of it at once. " Can you tell me the value of these shares, Mr. Glynn?" he asked. " They are quoted to-day at one hundred and ten," answered the broker, referring to a list of the day's stock quotations. " Do you mean that each share is worth & hundred and ten dollars?" asked Frank, in ex- citement. " Certainly. " 228 THE TELEGRAPH. BOY. " Then the whole are worth five thousand five hundred dollars ? " ' ' Rather more ; for the last semi-annual divi- dend has not been collected. To whom do they belong?" "They did belong to my father. Now I sup- pose they are mine." " Has your father's estate been administered upon ? " ' ' Yes ; but these shares had not then been found." "Then some legal steps will be necessary before j t ou can take possession, and dispose of them. I will give you the address of a good lawyer, and advise you to consult him at once." Frank did so, and the lawyer wrote to Uncle Pelatiah to acquaint him with the disco very. The news created great excitement at the farm. " Why, Frank's a rich boy ! " ejaculated Aunt Hannah. " And my brother wasn't so foolishly extrava gant as we supposed." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 229 "That may be; but with his salary we could have saved more." " Perhaps we might ; but these shares are worth almost six thousand dollars. That's a good deal of money, Hannah." " So it is, Pelatiah. I'll tell you what we'd better do." "AVhat?" "Invite Frank to come back and board with us. He can afford to pay handsome board, and it seems better that the money should go to us than a stranger." "Just so, Hannah. He could board with us, and go to school." " You'd better write and invite him to come. 1 alius liked the boy, and if we could have afforded it, I'd have been in favor of keepin' him for nothing." "So would I," said his uncle; and he probably believed it, though after what had happened it will be rather difficult for the reader to credit it. The letter was written, but Frank had no desire 23U THE TELEGRAPH BOY. to return to the old farm,' and the society of hia uncle's fajaily. "I have got used to the city," he wrote, "and have made a good many friends here. I don't know yet whether I shall take a business posi- tion, or go to school ; but, if the latter, the schools here are better than in the country. I hope to come and see you before long ; but, I would pre- fer to live in New York." " He's gettin' uppish," said Aunt Hannah, who was considerably disappointed, for she had made up her mind just how much they could venture to charge for board, and how this would increase their annual savings. " I suppose it's natural for a bo} T to prefer the city," said his uncle. "If the boy has a chance to handle his money there won't be much of it left by the time he's twenty-one," said Aunt Hannah. " You ought to be his guardian." "He has the right to choose his own guardian," said Uncle Pelatiah. " He'll take some city man likely." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 231 Frank did, in fact, select the lawyer, having learned that he was a man of high reputation for integrity. He offered it to Mr. Bowen ; but that gentleman, while congratulating his young friend upon his greatly improved prospects, said that he was a man of books rather than of business, and would prefer that some other per- son be selected. The next thing was to resign his place as telegraph boy, " We are sorry to lose you," said the super- intendent. "Your are one of our best boys. Do you wish to go at once?" ' ' No, sir ; I will stay till the end of the month." "Very well. We shall be glad to have you." Three weeks yet remained till the close of the month. It was not loag, but before the time had passed Frank found himself in a very un- pleasant predicament, from no fault of his own, but in consequence of the enmity of the clerk whom he had been instrumental in displacing. 232 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. CHAPTER XXVI. A TRAP, AND WHO FELL INTO IT. No one rejoiced more sincerely at Frank's good luck than Mrs. Vivian. Her interest in our hero had increased, and while at first she regarded herself as his patroness she had come now to look upon him as a member of the family. Fred had already returned, and Frank, bearing in mind that he had only been invited to remain during his absence, proposed to find another home, but Mrs. Vivian would not hear of it. " No," she said, " Fred needs a } r oung com- panion, and I prefer you to any one I know of." As Fred was of his mother's opinion, Frank readily agreed to stay. He occupied a room ad- joining the one assigned to Fred, and during his hours of leir.ure the two were constantly to- gether. THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 235 ' ' I shall be glad when you leave the telegraph office," said Fred. " Then we can be together more." "You may get tired of me." "If I do I will let you know." Two days afterwards Frank was riding down town in a Sixth-avenue car. Until he had taken his seat he was not aware that James Haynes was a passenger. When a lady who sat between them got out, Haynes moved up, so as to sit next to our hero. " I see you are still in the telegraph service," he said. " Yes, sir," answered Frank, briefly. " I wonder Mr. Hartley didn't offer you a permanent position in his employ," said Haynes, with a sneer. " Spies are useful sometimes." " He may give me a position sometime," said Frank, not regarding the sneer. "You earned it," said Haynes, unpleasantly. "Thank you," said Frank, knowing that Haynes would be provoked by his appearing to accept the compliment in good faith. 234 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. Haynes scowled, but said no more. lie drew a morning paper from his pocket, and appeared to be absorbed in reading it. At Canal street Frank rose to leave the car. He had not yet reached the door, when Hajmes sprang to his feet, followed him quickly, and, grasping him by the arm, said, " Not so fast young man ! Give me back my pocket-book." Frank was struck with amazement. "What do you mean?" he asked, indignantly. "I mean that } T ou have relieved me of my pocket-book. Gentlemen," turning to his fellow- passengers, " I demand that this boy be searched." " You can search me if you like," said Frank. "You know very well that your accusation is false." " I shall be satisfied if you produce what is in your pockets." " That's fair," said a passenger. Our hero thrust his hand into his pocket. To his dismay he drew out a Russia-leather pocket- book, of which he knew nothing. " That is my pocket-book, gentlemen," said THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 235 Haynes, triumphantly. "I can tell you exactly what is in it. You will find two five-dollar bills, a two and a one. Be kind enough to examine it, sir." The pocket-book was examined, and, of course, Haynes was correct. Suspicious glances were directed at poor Frank. Innocent as he was, he was so overwhelmed by the suddenness of the charge, and the apparent proof of it, that he looked confused and embar- rassed. "You are beginning early, my boy," said a tall gentleman, in a white cravat, — a clergyman. "It is well that you are checked in the beginning of a guilty career." "Sir," said Frank, "I am as innocent as you are. This man is my enemy, and he must have put the pocket-book in my pocket. He threatened some .time since to get me into a scrape." " That story is rather too thin," said Haynes, looking around him with a sneer. " You won't find any one here quite verdant enough to believe it." 236 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. " There you are mistaken," said a gentleman who was seated directly opposite to Haynes and Frank. " / believe it." Haynes scowled at him malignantly. " I really don't think it very important what you believe, sir. The boy is evidently a profes- sional thief, and you may belong to the same gang for aught I know. I propose to give him in charge to the next policeman we meet." " Do so," said the stranger, coolh r . " I shall be present at his trial, and offer some important testimony." "Indeed!" said Haynes, uneasily. " Maj T I ask what it is?" "Certainly. I saw you thrust the wallet into the boy's pocket! Of that I am willing to make oath." James Haynes turned pale. There was a sudden change in public opinion. It was he who now had become an object of suspicion. " Young man," said the clergyman, solemnly, "what could have induced you to enter into such a wicked conspiracy against the poor boy?" THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 237 " Mind your own business ! " said Haynes, rudely. " It is a lie." "It is the truth," said the volunteer witness, calmly. Here a policeman became visible from the car- window, leisurely walking his beat on the western sidewalk. " There's a policeman," said Frank's new friend. "Call him, and have the boy arrested." ' ' He would be cleared by false testimony," said Haynes, sullenly. " I have my money back, and will let him go." " Then," said the stranger, rising, and displaying the badge of a detective, " I shall arrest 3 T ou on a charge of conspiracy." Haynes was fairly caught in his own trap. " This is a put-up job, gentlemen," he said. " Am I to be robbed first, and arrested after- wards for exposing the thief?" He looked about him appealingly ; but in vain. Public sentiment was wholly against him now. " you ould villain ! " said a stout Irish 238 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. woman, " to try to ruin the poor b'ye. Hangin's too good for you." This was rather an extreme sentiment ; but Haynes saw that he was in peril. He gave an unexpected spring, and, reaching the platform, sprang out, running up a side street. "Do you know him?" asked the detective of Frank. "Yes, sir." " How do you account for his hostility to you v» Frank briefly recounted the story already known to the reader. " He can easily be found then." " I hope you will not arrest him, sir," said Frank. " He has been pretty well punished already, and I don't think he will trouble me again." "If he does, send for me," and the detective handed Frank his card and address. " It is fortunate for me," said the telegraph boy, " that you saw him put the mone} r in my pocket." "You would have experienced some inconven- THE TELEGRAPH DOT. 239 ieuce ; but the story you have told me would have cleared you with the jury." " My young friend," said the clergyman, " 1 owe you an apology. I too hastily assumed that } t ou were guilty." " It looked like it, sir. You were quite justified in what you said. Mr. Haynes did not appear to relish your remarks to him," added Frank, laughing. " His crime was greater and meaner than the one charged upon you. To steal is certainly a grave offence, — yet sometimes it is prompted by necessitj- ; but a deliberate attempt to fasten a false charge upon a fellow-creature is vastly more atrocious." "So it is, sir," said the old Irish woman, nod- ding assent vigorously. " I quite agree wid your honor. It is owtracious." The passengers smiled at the old woman's mistake; but it was clear that they agreed with her in sentiment. Meanwhile the car had been speeding along, and was near its terminus. Frank bethought himself 240 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. that he had been carried considerably beyond his destination. He pulled the bell, and, as he got out, he said, " Thank you all for taking my part." "We don't quite deserve that," said one of the passengers, after Frank had left the car. " I was at first of opinion that the boy was guilty." " We have been saved from doing a great in- justice," said the clergyman. " It should be a lesson to all of us not to be too hast} 7 in our judgments." James Haynes in his hurried exit from the car fully believed that he would be pursued and ar- rested. He was relieved to find his fears ground- less. But he was disappointed at the failure of his scheme. He had carefully prepared it, and for several days he had been in readiness to carry it into execution whenever he should meet Frank. This morning had brought the opportu- nity ; but it had miscarried. " But for that cursed detective I would have carried the thing through," he muttered. " He spoiled all. I hate that boy ! " THE TELEGRAPH BOT. 241 But, though revengeful, Haynes was prudent He gave up the thought of injuring Frank be. cause he saw that it would be dangerous to himself. He did not remain long in New York, but soon ioiued his confederate in Hartford. 242 THE TELEGRAPH BOY'. CHAPTER XXVII. FRANK BECOMES A GOOD SAMARITAN. The close of the month came, and Frank laid aside his uniform. He was a telegraph boy no more. The superintendent shook hands with him cor- dially, and bade him good-by. " Come and see us sometimes," he said. " I wish you all success. Your services have been very satisfactory, and you have gained an ex- cellent reputation." "Thank you, sir," said Frank. "I have tried to do my duty. Good-by, boys!" He shook hands with all his 3*oung comrades, with whom he was very popular. They knew of his good fortune, and were disposed to regard him as very rich. Six thousand dollars in a boy's eyes is a fortune. " Now you're rich, Frank, I suppose you won't notice the likes of us," said Johnny O'Connor. THE TELEGRAP/I BOY. 243 " I hope you don't think as badly of me as that, Johnny," said Frank, earnestly. " I am not rich ; but, even if I were, I should always be glad to meet any of you. If I am ever able to do a favor to any of you I will." "I believe you, Frank," said Johnny. "You was always a good feller." "Where's Tom Brady?" asked Frank, looking about him. "Is he out on an errand?" "Tom's sick," said the superintendent. "He's got a fever." " It's bad for him," said Johnny, " for his mother and sister depended on Tom's wages. Poor Tom felt bad because he had to give up work." "Where does he live?" asked Frank, with quick sympathy. " No. — East Fourteenth street," answered Johnny. "I know, because I live in the same block." " I'll go and see him." Frank's heart was not hardened by his own prosperity. He knew wha'. it was to be pooi^ 211 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. and could enter into the feelings of the unfor- tunate telegraph boy. Half an hour found him in front of a large tenement-house, in front of which were playing children of all ages, most of them showing in their faces that unhealthy pallor which so gener- ally marks a tenement-house population. "Do you know where Mrs. Brady lives?" asked Frank of a girl of twelve. "Which Brady is it?" asked the girl. "There's three lives here." " It's Tom Brady's mother," answered our hero. "Is it Tom, the telegraph bo}^?" " Yes." "I'll show you then. Tom's been sick for some time." ' I know it. I have- come to see him." 'Do you know Tom?" asked the girl, in some surprise ; for Frank, having laid aside his uniform, was handsomely d/essed, and looked like the son of a rich man. " Yes, Tom is a friend of mine. I am sorry he's sick." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 245 Up two flights of rickety stairs Frank followed the girl, who halted before a door. " That's the place," said his young guide, and disappeared down the stairs, sliding down the banisters. Young ladies in the best society do not often indulge in this amusement, but Mary Murphy knew little of etiquette or conventionality. In answer to Frank's knock, the door was opened by Mrs. Brady, a poorly clad and care- worn woman. "What is 3 r our wish, young gentleman?" she said. "I've come to see Tom. How is he?" "Do you know my Tom?" asked Mrs. Bvady, in surprise. "Yes; is he very sick?" " The poor boy has got a fever." "Can I see him?" "If you'll come into such a poor place, sir. We're very poor, and now that Tom's wages is stopped I don't know how we'll get along at all." "Better than you think, perhaps, Mrs. Brady," 246 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. said Frank, cheerfully. "Why, Tom, what made you get sick?" He had entered the room, and reached the bed on which the sick boy was lying. Tom looked up in surprise and pleasure. " Is it }'Ou, Frank?" he said. "I'm glad you've come to see me. But how did you find me out?" " Johnny O'Connor told me where you lived. How long have you been sick ? " " Three days. It's rough on a poor boy like me. I ought to be earning money for my mother." " We'll miss Tom's wages badly," said Mrs. Brad}" ; " I can't earn much myself, and there's three of us to feed, let alone the rint." "How did you get off, Frank?" asked Tom. "I've left the office." "Was this young gentleman a telegraph boy?"' asked Mrs. Brad} 7 , in surprise. "Yes," said Tom; "but he's come into a for- tune, and now he won't have to work." " I'm sure I'm glad of his srood luck, and it's THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 247 a great condesciasion for a rich young gentleman to come and see my Tom." " I have come into some money, but not a fortune, Mrs. Brady," said Frank ; " but it does not make me any better than when I was a poor telegraph boy." Evidently Mrs. Brady was not of this opinion, for she carefully dusted with her apron the best chair in the room, and insisted on Frank's seat- ing himself in it. "Have }'ou had a doctor, Mrs. Brady?" asked Frank. " Yes." "What does he say?" " He says that Tom will be sick for three or four weeks, and I don't know what we'll do with- out his wages all that time." "That's what troubles me," said Tom. "I wouldn't mind it so much if I'd get my pay reg'lar while I'm sick." "Then you needn't be troubled, Tom," said Frank, promptly, " for you shall get it regu- larly." 248 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. " They won't give it to me," said Tom, in- credulously. "They won't, but I will." ' ' Do you mean it, Frank ? " " Certainly I do. I will give you a week's pay this morning, and I will call every week, and pay you the same." "Do 3 t ou hear that, mother?" said Tom, joy- fully. "God bless you, young gentleman, for your kindness to us ! " said Mrs. Brady, gratefully. "Oh, it isn't much," said Frank; " I can spare it well enough. I have had such good luck my- self that I ought to do something for those who need it." "You're a good feller, Frank," said Tom, warmly. " I'll get well quick now. If you ever want anybody to fight for you, just call on Tom Brady." " I generally do my own fighting, Tom," said Frank, laughing, "but I'll remember your offer. When you are well, you must come and spend an evening with me." THE TELEGliAPH. BOY. 249 " I'm sure he'll be proud to do the aaine," said Mrs. Brady. " I must bid you good-by, now, Tom. Keep a ' stiff upper lip,' and don't be down-hearted. We must all be sick sometimes, you know, and you'll soon be well." "I won't be down-hearted now," said Tom, " with my wages comiu' in reg'lar. Remember me to the boys, Frank." "I will, Tom." When Frank reached home he found a large, overgrown boy, with big red hands, and clothes of rural cut, who apparently did not know what to do with his legs and arms, waiting to see him. It was his cousin Jonathan. 250 THE TELEGRAPH. BOY. CHAPTER XXVIII. A COUNTRY COUSIN. Jonathan was a loose-jointed, heavily built, and awkward bo} T of seventeen, bearing not the slight- est resemblance to his cousin Frank. Still he was a relation, and our hero was glad to see him. "How are 3 r ou, Jonathan?" said Frank, cor- dially. "I wasn't expecting to see you. Are all well at home?" " They're pooty smart," answered Jonathan. " I thought I'd come down and look round a little." " I shall be glad to show you round. Where would you like to go? — to Central Park? " I don't care much about it," said the coun- try cousin. " It's only a big pasture, dad says. I'd rather go round the streets. Is there any place where I can buy a few doughnuts? I feel kinder empty." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 25 i "Do you prefer doughnuts to anything else?" asked Frank, with a smile. "I hear they're cheap, — only a cent apiece," answered Jonathan, " and I calc'late five or six will be enough to fill me up." " You needn't mind the expense, cousin ; I shall pay for your dinner." Jonathan's heavy face lighted up with satisfac- tion. "I don't care if you do," he said. "I hear you've got a lot of money now, Frank." "I shall have enough to make me comfortable, and start me in business." " I wish I had as much money as you," said Jonathan, longingly. " You are all right. Some time you will have more than I." " I don't know about that. Dad keeps me awful close." "You have all you want, don't you?" " I've got some money in the bank," said Jonathan, "but I'd like to put in more. I lever thought you'd have more money than I." 252 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. "You used to tell me I ought to go to the poor-house," said Frank, smiling. " That's because you was livin' on dad, you know," explained Jonathan. "It wasn't fair to me, because he wouldn't have so much to leave me." In the country Frank had not found much satisfaction in the company of his cousin, who inherited the combined meanness of both parents, and appeared to grudge poor Frank every mouth- ful he ate ; but in the sunshine of his present prosperity he was disposed to forgive and forget. Frank led the way to a restaurant not far away, where he allowed his cousin to order an ample dinner, which he did without scruple, since he was not to pa} T for it. "It costs a sight to live in the city," he said, as he looked over the bill of fare. "It costs something in the country, too, Jona- than." " I wish you'd come and board with dad. He'd take you for five dollars a week, and it will cost you more in New York." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 253 " Yes, it will cost me more here." "Then you'll come, won't you? You'll be com- pany for me." Frank doubted whether Jonathan would be much company for him. "You didn't use to think so, Jonathan." "You couldn't pay your board then." " Now that I can I prefer to remain :n v he city. I mean to go to school, and get a good education." " How much do you have to pay for board here?" " I can't tell what I shall have to pa}*. At present I am staying with friends, and pay nothing." " Do }'ou think they'd take me for a week the same way?" asked Jonathan, eagerly. "I'd like to stay a week first-rate if it didn't cost nothing." " I shouldn't like to ask them ; but some time I will invite you to come and pay me a visit of a week ; it shall not cost you anything." " You're a real good feller, Frank," said Jon- athan, highly pleased by the invitation. "I'll 254 THE TRLEQKAPH BOY. come any time you send for me. It's pretty high payin' on the railroad, but I guess I can come." Frank understood the hint, but did not feel called upon to pay his cousin's railway fare in addition to his week's board. "What do you think of that?" asked Jonathan, presently, displaying a huge ring on one of his red fingers. " Is that something you have bought in the city ? " asked Frank. "Yes," answered his cousin, complacently. "I got it at a bargain." "Did you buy it in a jewelry store?" " No ; I'll tell you how it was. I was goin' along the street, when . I saw a well-dressed fel- ler, who looked kinder anxious. He come up to me, and he said, ' Do you know any one who wants to buy a splendid gold ring cheap?' Then he told me he needed some money right off to buy vittles for his family, bein' out of work for a month. He said the ring cost him fifteen dollars, and he'd sell it for three. I wasn't goin' to pay no such price, and I finally beat THE TELEGRAPH BOV. 255 him down to a dollar," said Jonathan, chuckling. "I guess that's doing pretty well for one day He said any jeweller would pay me six or seven dollars for it." "Then why didn't he sell it to a jeweller him self, instead of giving it to you for a dollar?" "I never thought of that," said Jonathan, look- ing puzzled. "I am afraid it is not so good a bargain as you supposed," said Frank. Great drops of perspiration came out on Jona- than's brow. "You don't think it's brass, do you?" he gasped. " Here is a jewelry store. We can go in and inquire." They entered the store, and Frank, calling at- tention to the ring, inquired its probable value. " It might be worth about three cents," said the jeweller, laughing. "I hope } r ou didn't give much more for it." "I gave a dollar," said Jonathan, in a voice which betrayed his anguish. 256 THE 1EZEGHAPJ2 £01. " Of whom did you buy it?" "Of a man in tne street." "Served you right, then. You should have gone to a regular jewelry store." " The man said it cost him fifteen dollars," said Jonathan, sadly. "I dare say. He was a professional swindler, ao doubt." "I'd like to give him a lickin'," said Jonathan, wrathfully, as they left the store. "What would you do if you was me?" he asked of his cousin. ' ' Throw it away." ' ' I wouldn't do that. Maybe I can sell it up in the country," he said, his face brightening up ' ' For how much ? " " For what I gave." " But that would be swindling." " No, it wouldn't. I have a right to ask as much as I gave. It's real handsome if it ia brass." ' I don't think that would be quite honest, J lathan." THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 257 " You wouldn't have me lose the dollar, would you? That would be smart." " I would rather be honest than be smart." Jonathan dropped the subject, but eventually he sold the ring at home for a dollar and a quarter. 258 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. CHAPTER XXIX. CONCLUSION. After he had accompanied his cousin to the depot, where he took the cars for home, Frank met Victor Dupont, on Madison avenue. "Where's your uniform?" he asked. " T have taken it off." ' ' Aint you a telegraph boy any longer ? " "No, I have left the office." " They turned you off, I suppose," said Victor, with a sneer. " They would like to have had me stay longer,' said Frank, with a smile. Victor shrugged his shoulders incredulously. "Are you going back to your old business of selling papers?" he asked. "I think not." ' ' What are you going to do for a living ? " '* I am much obliged to you for your interes* THE TELEGRAPH BOY. 259 in my affairs, Victor ; I don't mean to go to work al all at present, — I am going to school." " How are you going to pay your expenses, then?" asked Victor, in surprise. " I have had some money left me." ' ' Is that so ? How much ? " "Some thousands of dollars, — enough to support me while I am getting an education." "Who left it to you?" " My father left it, but I have only just received it." "You are awfully lucky," said Victor, evidently annoyed. "Are you going to live with the Vivians?" "I don't know." "I shouldn't think you would. It would be imposing upon them." " Thank you for your kind advice. "Won't you take me to board at your house ? " "We don't take boarders," said Victor, haughtily. It so happened that Frank entered himself as a scholar at the school where Victor was a student, and was put in the same class. Frank at 260 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. once took a higher place, and in time graduated with the highest honors, while Victor came out nearly at the foot. Frank did remain with the Vivians ; they would not hear of his leaving them, nor would they permit him to pay any board. " You are a companion for Fred," said Mrs. Vivian, "and you exert a good influence over him. Having your company, he does not wish to seek society outside. You must let me look upon you as one of my boys, and accept a home with us." Against this, Frank could urge no objection. He was offered a home far more attractive than a boarding-house, which his presence made more social and attractive. Having no board to provide for, the income of his little property was abundant to supply his other wants, and, when he left school, it was unimpaired. It was a serious question with our hero whether he would continue his studies through a collegiate course. He finally decided in the negative, and accepted a good position in the mercantile estab- THE TELEGRAPH BO 7. 261 lishment of Mr. Hartley. Here he displayed such intelligence and aptitude for business that he rose rapidly, and in time acquired an interest in the firm, and will in time obtain a junior partnership. It must not be supposed that all this came without hard work. It had always been Frank's custom to discharge to the utmost of his ability the duties of any position in which he was placed. To this special trait of our hero, most of his success was owing. Our hero had the satisfaction of giving a place to his companion in the telegraph office, Tom Brady, who was in time able to earn such a salary as raised his mother and sister above want. Frank did not forget his old street com- rade, Dick Rafferty, but gave him a position as porter, Dick's education not being sufficient to qualify him for a clerkship. He even sought out old Mills, the blind man, to whom he had small reason to feel grateful ; but found that the old man had suddenly died, leaving behind him, to the surprise of every one who knew him, several Vundred dollars in gold and silver, which were 262 THE TELEGRAPH BOY. claimed by a sister of the deceased, to whom they were most acceptable. Here end the experiences of the Telegraph Boy. He has been favored above most of his class ; but the qualities which helped him achieve success are within the reach of all. Among the busy little messengers who flit about the city, in all directions, there are some, no doubt, who will in years to come command a success and prosperity as great as our hero has attained. In a republic like our own, the boy who begins at the bottom of the ladder may in time reach the highest round. THE EKD. II