Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company Seventh Annual Report WSB& Cfce JU&ratp of the Onitoersitp of JSortf) Carolina Doc. No. 15.] [Ses. 1858-'9. Ordered to be Printed. Holden & Wilson, Printers to the State. SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE RALEIGH & GASTON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. The Seventh Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company, convened in Raleigh on Thursday the 29th day of October, 1S57. On motion of L. O'B. Branch, the meeting was organized by calling Hon. Weldon N. Edwards to the Chair. On further motion, of Col. R. O. Britton, Joseph J. Davis and W. "W. Vass were appointed Secretaries. On montion, the Chair appointed a Committee consisting of Messrs. Britton, Davis and Vass, to ascertain the amount of Stock represented in this meeting. Hon. L. O'B. Branch produced his credentials as the repre- sentative of the Stock owned by the State of North-Carolina, in this Company. The meeting took a recess for an hour, after which it was called to order by the Chairman, when Col. R. O. Britton, on behalf of the Committee appointed for that purpose, reported that there were present on the part of the Stock held by individuals, 1162 shares in person, and 2559 shares by proxy, and on the part of the State 1:875 shares — being a majority of all the Stock. The Report of the President and Directors and accompany- ing Statements — together with the Report of the Finance Committee, having been printed and distributed to the Stock- holders present, the formal reading of the same was dispensed with, and 2 Document No. 15. [Session On motion of Col. Britton, the Reports were received and adopted. T. Brown Venable, Chairman of the Finance Committee, submitted the following : In consideration of the faithful and satisfactory manner in whieh the pre- sent incumbent has discharged the duties of the office of Treasurer of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company, and also of the increased and increas- ing labors devolved upon him, therefore, Resolved, That the salary of the Treasurer be, and the same is hereby increased to the sum of fifteen hundred dollars. The foregoing preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted. On motion, the Chairman was requested to appoint a com- mittee of three to examine and verify proxies at the next an- nual meeting. Appointed R. O. Britton, J. J. Davis and W. W. Yass. On motion, the meeting proceeded to ballot for four direc- tors, on the part of the stockholders of the Company, for the ensuing year ; which resulted in the election of Dr. W. J. Hawkins, George W. Mordecai, Thomas Miller and Maj. Chas. L. Hinton. It was subsequently announced by the committee, consisting of Messrs. Britton and Davis, who had been ap- pointed to wait on His Excellency, Gov. Bragg, that he had re-appointed as Directors on the part of the State, John G. Iting, Gaston H. Wilder and Allen C. Perry. Hon. L. O'B. Branch offered the following resolutions, as a substitute for the one presented by him at an earlier period of the meeting : Resolved, That in view of the assurances heretofore given to induce this Company to re-build its bridge at Gaston, this meeting is of the opinion that good faith requires that the Greenville branch of the Petersburg and Roan- oke Railroad shall be forthwith re-laid with heavy rail. Resolved, That if, in the opinion of the President and Directors of this Company, the Petersburg and Roanoke Railroad Company does not use due dilligence in speedily re-laying this road with heavy iron, the practice of running the cars over it shall be discontinued. Resolved, That in the event it shall become necessary, from this cause, to unload the cars at Gaston, it is recommended to the Directors to build m> 185S-'9,] Document No. 15. 3 a warehouse on the south side of the Roanoke River, and to carry freight and passengers to Weldon for the prices charged to Gaston. The foregoing resolutions were adopted, after a discussion in which, Messrs. Branch, Rives, Mordecai, Bryan, Britton and others participated. R. H. Kingsbury offered a series of Resolutions on the subject of the tariff rates of transportation, which were dis- cussed and afterwards withdrawn. On motion, T. Brown Venable, J. J. Davis and S. D. Beves were appointed on the committee of Finance and Inspection for the ensuing year. On motion, the thanks of the meeting were tendered to the Chairman and Secretaries, when The meeting adjourned, sine die. WELDON" JS. EDWARDS, CKm. J. J. Davis, ) , . W. W. Vass, J Secretaries, i I* Document No. 15. [Session PRESIDENT'S REPORT. The President and Directors of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company beg leave to present to the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders the following Report : The President and Directors of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company : — in submitting their Annual Report to the Stockholders at their present meeting, take great pleasure in calling attention to the healthy condition of the Road at this time, and to the assurances afforded by the results of the last year, of its increased and increasing suc- cess. Since your last annual meeting, it became necessary to choose a successor to your late worthy President, Mr. R. A. Hamilton, whose resignation was accepted at a meeting of the Board held on the 19th of December last ; at which time the honor of presiding over the affairs of the Company, was conferred on the present incumbent. Subsequently at a meeting on the 17th day of February, Mr. Hamilton, resigned as Director, and Oapt. Alfred Jones was selected to fill the vacancy. The Report of the Treasurer hereto appended — to which your attention is invited — will exhibition detail the financial op- erations of the Company, for the fiscal year just ended, and the present condition of the Finances. The earnings for the fiscal year ending the 30th of September, 1857, were two hundred and six thousand nine hundred and sixteen dollars and fifty- nine cents,-of which there were derived from Freight one hun- dred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred and nineteen dollars and fifty-eight cents; from Passengers sixty-eight thou- sand five hundred and ninety-seven dollars and one cent; from Mail nine thousand nine hundred dollars. The current ex- penses for the same period were ninety-eight thousand three r ~* hundred and seventy-five dollars and thirty -five cents — leav- ing a ballance of one hundred and eight thousand five hun- • a 18ir8— '9.] Document No. 15. 8 dred and forty-one dollars and twenty-four cents — or more than eleven per cent on the capital stock, and exceeding by forty per cent the net profit of last year — showing an increase in the business operations of the Company during that period of more than eighteen per cent. To this balance of one hun- dred and eight thousand five hundred and forty-one dollars and twenty-four cents, should be added two thousand five hun- dred and sixty dollars and twelve cents, received from sundry sources, and the sum of twenty-five thousand three hun- dred and sixty dollars and sixty -six cents — balance on hand last year — making one hundred and thirty-six thousand four hundred and sixty-two dollars and two cents. After deduct- ing from this sum, the extraordinary expenses amounting to sixty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight dollars and sixty-eight cents, and appropriating six thousand dollars to the sinking fund, a balance remains of sixty-three thousand six hundred and three dollars and thirty-four cents, upon which we have declared a dividend of six per cent — payable on the 12th of December — leaving a balance in Treasury of five thousand two hundred and five dollars and thirty-four cents. The Bridge over the Eoanoke at Gas; on is at this time in daily use, and is completed with the exception of the cover- ing, upon which the contractors are busily engaged, and which, but for the delay in getting timber, would have been finished. When completed, it will present a structure of very superior skill and workmanship, and will reflect the highest credit on Messrs. David Reno & Bro., the contrac- tors. The entire trestle worf between Gaston and Weldon has been filled and most of the masonry completed. It is, how- ever, advisable that the present wooden drains, fast falling into decay on that portion of the Road, should be renewed during the year, with substantial stone culverts — the stone for which is lying on the spot. Nevertheless this will be attend- ed with some little cost, as some of the drains are under heavy embankments, which it will be necessary to open and to fill again by the employment of a train. 6 Document No. 15. [Session During the past year we have built at Gaston a neat and comfortable Passenger Room, and an office for agent — at Warranton Depot a large and comfortable Passenger House with two rooms, which has added greatly to the .comfort of passengers at that point ; and at Littleton and Warranton substantial and commodious sheds, each sixty by twenty feet covered with cypress shingles, for storing guano, lime, &c, &c. It is suggested that similar sheds, are at this time, much needed at other stations on the line (the timber for which is on hand) and should be constructed during the year. At the junction of the Roanoke Valley Rail Road there has been built a large "Water-house and wood-shed, seventy by twenty-four feet, with pump and water-tank attached ; and the sum of eleven hundred and fifty-three dollars and sixteen cents paid, being one half for ware-house previously constructed for \k^% joint occupancy of the two companies. Heavy repairs have been made on engines and cars. We have rebuilt during the year three engines; the Tempest, Hal- ifax, and Warren — making them as good as new — for the cost of which, we beg leave to refer you to annexed statement of master machinist. To our motive power there has been add- ed one new engine, of twenty tons, from the Locomotive Works of Messrs. If orris & Son, Philadelphia, which has prov- ed to be a very superior machine. We have bought of Messrs. Harlan & Hollingsworth, one passenger car, an excellent piece of work and of fine finish. Our house car equipment has been greatly improved — four new ones have been added to the list and six rebuilt — making them equal to new. Our flats will need heavy repairs the present year. Having been in the iron service for three Roads and constantly engaged in haul- ing stone for the past eighteen months — they have become very proper objects for the car hospital. A large force has been employed for some months in ditch- ing, which it will be highly necessary to continue, that the Road may be safe from injury by a redundancy of water. — Nothing contributes more to diminish repairs than thorough draining, by enabling the section masters to keep a smooth and straigth track. A material train has been at work ten I 1858-'^} Document No. 15. 7 months of the year, in the employment of the contractors, and a wood train almost constant in distributing wood up the line — most of it being obtained at the Weldon end of the Road. Thus has been imposed upon us, the necessity of detach- ing from the regular service, three engines and cars for the peri- od specified which has greatly augmented the current expen- ses. This expenditure from this source will, however, be now greatly diminished — as two of the trains may be again put on regular duty. A contract has been recently made with a house in Wales through their agent, Mr. James Dunlap, of Petersburg, Ya., for one hundred and fifty tons of U rails, oi fifty-one pounds to the yard, at forty-eight dollars and fifty cents, which we have reason to believe will be delivered early in November, at Portsmouth, Ya. This iron is required to complete the con- nection at Raleigh and to elongate our sidings, an improve- ment greatly needed at this time. The accompanying statement, of the master machinist will show the improvemeuts for the past year, and the condition and value of our rolling stock and the materials on hand. The bindings and accommodations on the line of the Road are believed to be inadequate to the demands of the present service. It will, therefore, be necessary to rebuild, at as ear- ly a day as practicable, most or nearly all of the Depots — en- larging them where necessary. By using the sound materials of the old ones the expense will be quite small. At Hender- son, we think the large transactions at that point, render it advisable to erect a brick warehouse, which would probably cost some four thousand dollars. In the construction of the Depots, the position should be so changed as to present the sides and not the ends to the track, as at present — thus giving the advantage of approach to more than one car at a time. — It is also recommended that our Freight business at Raleigh be transferred to the N. Carolina Station, so that the Room now occupied for that purpose may be used for the protection and safety of engines and cars, and to enlarge our present shops, so that our work may be conducted with greater dis- patch and at less cost. This change will make it necessary ife* 8 Document No. 15. [Session to build at the North Carolina Station, a new warehouse, to which should be attached sheds, constructed by the two Com- panies, for the accommodation of passengers. It is not doubt- ed that satisfactory arrangements to this end may be readily effected with the N. C. Co. It is confidently believed that the improvement suggested may be paid for out of the nett revenue of the current year, and still leave a balance for a dividend not below that de- clared at this time. Early in March last, in obedience to an order of the Board made in February preceding — encouraged by the expectation that we should thereby get the benefit of some three hours lost time at Augusta, Georgia, two daily passenger trains were put on the line. This expectation was founded upon a promise by the Post Office Department, made at the instance and upon the joint application of the Presidents of the Char- lotte and South Carolina Rail Road, the North Carolina Rail- road and of this Company — but upon the condition that the con- sent of the South Carolina Railroad should be obtained. This consent was subsequently given, and the Post Office Depart- ment formally notified thereof. The Department, however, de- clined acceding to the arrangement on the ground that the Wil- mington and Manchester Rail Road objected — it alleging "it to be injurious to its interest." This company, certainly, desires success to its enterprize: yet it could not be induced to attain it through improper aids. It would not ask anything for its own exclusive advantage, to the prejudice of the public service. — And it is believed that in this instance it may be assumed as demonstrable, that so far from such a change being of public detriment, it would have proved eminently beneficial. Trav- el and mails would have been greatly expedited, by enabling the connections to be made at Weldon and Augusta, each ten and a half hours sooner than at present. Thus giving to Ra- leigh and Western North Carolina the Southern mails that much sooner; nevertheless, we have continued the two daily trains in close connection with the North Carolina and Char- lotte and South Carolina Rail Roads, and are gratified in being able to inform you. that, notwithstanding the opposition of the 1858-'9.] Document No. 15. 9 Eastern Line and the sympathy of the Department, our through travel is gradually increasing, and the prospect, at this time, assures us, that, at no distant day, we may share a fair proportion. Our trains have run with great regularity — not missing a single connection at Weldon and but two at Raleigh — one occasioned by the breaking of the machinery of the engine and the other by a slide of stone and earth detaining the train, except during a week in February from heavy snow drifts, which it required three engines and a large force to re- move. The exhibits herewith communicated, inspire a confidence that our prosperity is onward : and whilst our revenue from every source is increased, it is particularly gratifying to see the large increase from through travel. The great addition to the local travel and freights which are inseparably connec- ted with our work, and which cannot be diverted, gives a cer- tain value to it as a reliable invesment — and when we take into consideration the length of our line — the healthy and fer- tile section through which it passes — the ease, comfort and safety of travel — it costs per mile, with its present equipment, and deferred indebtedness of not more than two-thirds of its annual nett profits, to extinguish which an ample sinking fund — annually increasing — is already provided, where can a par- allel be found in a southern country offering such inducement for permanent investment ? It is not inappropriate to state here, that a Railway from Raleigh or from some other conti- gious point, on the N. C. R. R., to the coal and Iron fields in Chatham, distant about thirty-five miles, to which public at- tention is already earnestly directed, would greatly promote your interest by throwing upon our Road an immense and profitable freight, whilst it could not fail greatly to advan- tage the public by rendering easily accessable the now almost dormant resources of that rich region. In view of the great accession to the wealth of the State from a connection like this, and the unmistakable advantages to a large portion of her citizens, both in the east and west, and especially to that portion in the middle and eastern D •■'-. X , 1 ".] 2 10 Document No. 15. [Session counties, where a scarcity of fuel from the forest begins to be felt, the hope may be reasonably indulged that the accom- plishment of such a work will not be postponed to a distant day. It is cause of high congratulation, that not a single passen- ger has sustained personal injury during the year, and that our Road has won and is winning a wide spread reputation and character for safety and despatch, in regard to both persons and freights, which cannot fail to invite increased travel and transportation. It gives us much pleasure, in this connection, to bear testimony to the industry and good conduct of the subordinates and operatives in your employ, whose fidelity and devotion to your interest deserve all commendation. The President and directors cannot close this report with- out recommending to the serious consideration of the stock- holders, a measure, deemed by them of the first importance in a financial point of view. The danger to the interest of the Company, arising from the difficulty in obtaining labor at cer- tain periods and the employment frequently of unskillful and unpracticed laborers, at the commencement of the year, with a dependence at all times upon the will and pleasure of the owners of slaves, make it advisable to own, at least a portion of the labor to be employed. The purchase of four men and one woman for each section, one man for each depot and two for the station at Raleigh, making forty-four men and eight women, would place the company in an independent condi- tion and be a saving of more than three thousand dollars a year. The average rate per hand of the present labor is about $125 per annum, at which the number indicated, cost over stx thousand dollars. It is believed that that number, could be bought, for a sum, the annual interesPbf which would not exceed three thousand dollars — the balance thus saved, if ap- plied to a sinking fund, would discharge the principal of the loan (thirteen years) at maturity. It is worthy of considera- tion that the increase of the women would equal and probably exceed any depreciation in value of the property. Respectfully submitted. W. J. HAWKINS, President. » iS58-'9.] Document No. 15. 11 TREASURER'S REPORT. Treasurer's Office, Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Co., Raleigh, Oct. 10, 1857. To the President and Directors .* Gentlemen : — The accompanying Statements will show the operations of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company, for the fiscal year ending the 30th of Sept. 1857, and the con- dition of the Company's affairs on that day. STATEMENT A shows receipts from transportation. STATEMENT B shows the transportation expenses. STATEMENT C shows the extraordinary expenses. STATEMENT D shows the total receipts and disbursements of the company. STATEMENT E shows the assets and liability of the company. STATEMENT F shows the stock account of the company. STATEMENT G show the comparative receipts from transportatinn from Oct. 1st., 1851, to Sept. 30th, 1857. STATEMENT H shows the number of way and through passengers, at each sta- tion, going north and south in each month, and the aggregate number of miles traveled. STATEMENT I shows the agricultural products in tons sent from each station, north and south for each month, and the number of mile.' 3 transported. 12 Document No. 15* [Session STATEMENT J shows the quantity of merchandise and manufactures receiv- ed and sent from each station, north and south, for each month and the number of miles transported. STATEMENT K shows the number of tons of guano and other manures receiv- ed monthly, and of unenumerated articles. Respectfully submitted, W. W. YASS, Treasurer. lS58-'9.] Document No. 15. 13 STATEMENT A. Receipts from Transportation for the year ending Sefrt 30th 1857. October, . . November, December, January, . February, March, April, May, June, .."... July, August, . . . September, Freight. $10,770 09 6,883 38 6,524 30 4,906 50 7,870 05 14,195 74 12,613 33 15,509 35 11,717 13 9,721 64 11,916 33 15,791 74 Passengers £6,055 4,706 4,737 3,337 3,652 4,743 4,269 5,497 7,166 7,917 7,383 9,129 37 53 96 04 73 52 73 20 42 65 09 77 Total. $16,825 46 11,589 91 11,262 26 8,243 54 11.522? 78 18,939 26 16,883 06 21,006 55 18,883 55 17,639 29 19,299 42 24,921 51 $128,419 85 $68,597 01197,016 59 Carrying U. S. Mail, .... 9,900 00 Total, $206,916 5-9 u Document No. 15. "Session STATEMENT B. Transportation expenses for the year ending September 30, 1857. Train wages, Agents and laborers at depots Wood, Oil and grease, Damaged and lost goods, Stock killed, Overseers and laborers, Provision and clothing, Timber, Road materials, Buildings, Bridges and culverts, Ditching, Shop labor, Shop materials, Wheels, axles, and tires, Coal, Salaries, Director's expenses, Stationary and contingencies, Printing and advertising, . . . Miscellaneous, £15,912 11,650 9,924 4,071 513 259 14,342 4,458 1,748 4,124 2,513 516 1,127 13,947 1,651 486 2,938 332 291 885 1,313 33 43 53 68 68 75 18 40 32 89 47 21 98 41 36449 50 52 84 00 67 35 72 ,375 35 Current receipts for the year [Statement A.] " Expenses " " [Statement B.] Being 11 per cent on the capital stock. $206,916 98,375 $108,541 35 24 MfcM 185 8-'9.] Document No. 15. 15 STATEMENT C. Extraordinary expenditures for the year ending September 30, 1857. FOK THE WELDON CoNNECTION- Masonry, Engineering, Fob Bridge over the Roanoke- Lumber, Iron material, Construction, New Machinery, New Cars, Interest on Loan, Sinking Fund, Dividend, No. 1, " No. 2, No. 3, #6,707 1,340 3,010 10,168 9,625 598 2,596 5,820 6,000 75 252 668 $28,047 22,804 15,011 995 $66,858 68 80 82 06 00 16 Document No. 15. [Session STATEMENT D. Statement of total receipts and disbursements of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company, from Oct. 1st, 1856 to Sept. 30, 1857. Total Receipts : From freight, passengers and mail, Statement A, $206,916 59 From other sources, to wit : Capital Stock, $1,200 00 Int. on sinking fund, 868 95 Profit and loss on interest ac't, 491 17 2,560 12 Balance on hand Oct. 1, brought forward, 25,360 66 Total. $234,837 37 By total Disbursements : For current expenditures, $98,375 35 " extraordinary « 66,858 68 165,234 03 Balance on hand Oct. 1, 1857, to wit. $69,603 34 By cash in Bank of the State of N. C. $47,285 78 By Petersburg R. R. Company, 9,301 08 By North Carolina Company, 5,615 88 By Bills receivable, 1,135 08 By Charlotte & S. &. S. C. R. R. Com- panies, 600 80 By Cape Fear & D. R. Nav. Co., 204 00 By Agents on the line, $9,590 27 Deduct due other Companies 4,129 55 5,460 72 69,603 34 W. W. YASS, Treasurer. 1858-'0.] Document No. 15. IT o o o O O c o .03 03^2 fl P 1 ^ "T ^ .S -u -u "C 03 C tn 2 ® ° c3h3 OP3 Q Ot-OCO(N'* O OS CO CO CM t- OCOOH'HH O©C5 00OffI cTofoTco"^ Ot-H(M(fl rfl iO cq o o o o o o o o ^^ ^o o3 tpl p o co o co^ oT co P o +3 03 c3 5*3 Pn rP 3 03 o ■*! p n3 P c3 h P O 03 O was 03 c3 d p tit pp3 „ Lb. 03r^ ^ O op3 *-3 ' ■ 03 03 p^ o +=■ §.« O ' O t, 03 P S p- rt O +J 03 03 P c3 ^ O a 03 O P IS 03 P fc» 03 fl S P 03 o3 4J 3 !> &JD fl 03 03 M O -4-3 g3<1 CO co^ CO co^ T-T 18 Document No. 15. [Session H H 5*s g 00 .53 .5* i ©Ort o (M O b- O oo o t- o t- o = ^r . a 22 e s •to O •s> -~ ll Q o « o. C *» o c 1° 4 • <$ 15-! C* •si O i a r- *00 9 rC ;s ^c IS 5 ^ £ > ■a ■« a +j ^-"BQ ^r Si OS "5 P PS u o o o o o o o o o o o o 00 lO CO o fc- co 00 00 fcr "* tH ca €© €*& ■s» O ' s». »rt • oo 03 . rd B K J 3 2 P eg P-fi5 O^ ^9 ^1^ 5 co o Is* ndiv tate tfM- CO ^ ^5 ^ U 5, ft ^^ •Si T-H ^ & •si <~i S~ ^^ CO "Si •si > >~' I £ 6 V ° p £ - 65,477 90 119,084 53 173,923 77 193,139 85 175,109 33 206,916 59 OS »o co co" CO C5 Total yearly decrease. © CO © oc~ Total yearly increase. 53,606 63 54,839 24 19,216 08 31,807 26 CD CD CO O lO O OOnCOOOO O CO O O O O t> CM (M O CO O £- CM CD OJ Tfl OS CO~GO OiQ OC1 o Oi ■*' CO OS IO co H O W co to «! (h CO co o CO t— ■<*_ CO 20,407.96 17,360.69 8,151.77 25,827 09 46,235 05 63,595 74 61,122 59 60,445 24 68,597 01 CM .t- CM CM 00 io" CM CO CO K 2 Eh CO CO o 1-3 cm c6 Ci T-H a 28,746.37 36,081.38 21,319.56 24,186.04 35,879 95 64,626 32 100,707 70 122,027 26 104,233 54 128,419 58 IO CO 00 IO IO Fiscal year, Sept. 30, 1852, " " " 30,1853, " " " 30,1854, " " " 30,1855, " V " 30,1856, " " » 30,1857, 20 Document No. 15. [Session STATEMENT Showing the Number of Way and Through Passengers at and the Number NORTH. Stations, &c. Raleigh, Huntsville, Wake, Franklinton, Kittrell's, Henderson, Junction, Ridgeway, WarreDton, Macon, Littleton, Gaston, Weldon, ( Thro' Pass \ Way ( Miles, j Way { Miles, j w ay \ Miles, (Way ) Miles, (Way | Miles, jWay { Miles, j Way j Miles, (Way I Miles, (Way \ Miles, (Way I Miles, j Way \ Miles, j Way \ Miles, ( Thro' \ Way { Miles, grs. o o O a > o s a 03 ft 1-5 336 248 158 123 814 767 909 733 66991 47036 49287 45400 5 3 16 286 45 613 62 19 45 11 3155 1080 2375 416 96 48 53 64 4314 2969 2969 2742 80 18 3 15 1040 508 110 656 82 150 103 53 3416 3510 3794 2168 82 110 148 61 2894 2744 3700 1440 17 24 29 10 565 815 1055 300 169 179 139 81 6304 6164 4995 2692 39 9 19 6 1306 307 579 356 33 19 40 12 681 375 780 218 37 31 29 10 444 372 348 120 IS 3 U PR 131 802 42274 2 104 10 709 34 2418 5 136 88 3502 '75 2038 4 150 105 3529 9 210 34 647 48 176 1858-'9.] H. Document No. 15. 21 Each Station, going North and South, in Each Month, of Miles Traveled. NORTH. © "C ^ © >> CO © GO 13 03 8 & < 03 W P 13 < © o H 295 262 302 271 407 392 433 3358 954 857 976 1180 1385 1143 1096 11816 63255 56206 67998 72914 90422 79800 90120 761703 1 8 7 24 5 5 10 84 65 171 208 359 183 100 323 2457 19 40 37 62 50 36 37 428 896 1355 1881 3118 2291 2060 1918 21254 95 58 66 91 83 67 100 864 5379 2459 2796 3364 3921 3060 5328 41719 15 9 17 12 20 14 32 239 510 267 877 458 698 240 876 6376 122 105 165 196 134 140 154 1492 5207 3337 6206 6168 5302 4686 5805 53101 92 92 83 153 153 177 165 1391 2616 2377 2505 4545 3382 3622 4492 36345 40 20 23 14 27 32 26 266 1100 675 815 435 815 650 885 8260 107 101 121 131 154 220 325 1831 3580 3427 4069 4796 5736 7723 1587 54602 14 7 13 21 18 17 15 187 426 216 402 624 640 532 410 5908 36 48 66 14 35 44 62 443 720 984 1203 282 603 836 1278 8607 32 60 36 40 95 83 37 538 384 720 432 480 1140 996 444 6456 22 Document No. 15. [Session STATEMENT H. Showing the Number of Way and Through Passengers at and the Number SOUTH. Stations, &c. Raleigh, Himtsville, Wake, Franklin ton, Kittrells, Henderson, Junction, Ridgeway, Warrenton, Macon, Littleton, Gaston, Weldon, rQ o o o ( Thro' Pass'grs, \ Way I Miles, j Way u 24 j Miles, 290 ( Way " 63 1 Miles, 2035 \ Way " 222 1 Miles, 10025 j Way " 86 I Miles, 3085 j Way " 130 I Miles, 5296 j Way " 75 1 Miles, 1367 j Way " 77 \ Miles, 3983 j Way " 150 1 Miles, 5051 j Way " 18 j Miles, 5913 j Way " 29 | Miles, 1509 \ Way " 24 1 Miles, 746 ( Thro' " 286 \ Way " 214 Miles. 36996 a > O 7 130 78 2320 99 3931 18 549 62 2312 22 732 39 1913 151 5095 7 341 30 1601 23 874 230 267 12801 12 150 56 1345 124 4039 31 961 105 3938 36 1324 47 1767 99 4471 26 8163 31 1140 14 743 146 279 262S7 c3 a 1-2 4 40 31 768 83 2261 17 508 45 2082 26 1247 23 916 85 2511 11 375 38 1014 11 450 133 266 3 4 40 41 1078 63 1643 19 450 62 2310 ' 18 700 19 387 81 2793 7 218 21 743 15 564 113 833 25462121274 1858-'9.] (Continued.) Document No. 15. 23 Each Station, going North and South, in Each Month, of Miles Traveled. SOUTH. o 3 April. May. H-3 July. August. September. Totals. Totals each way. 3358 11816 861703 3 9 14 30 33 22 11 173 257 30 90 140 265 130 220 110 1635 4092 41 56 71 69 86 71 81 744 1172 1018 1540 1974 1750 2370 1906 1934 20038 41291 82 72 107 140 126 104 87 1309 2173 2196 1812 2843 3309 3363 3855 2311 40618 82337 12 35 16 25 30 20 29 338 577 295 798 357 487 820 518 747 9575 15941 64 53 85 884 470 168 124 2252 3644 2116 1983 2974 9391 6438 3233 3873 46276 99377 17 22 22 35 42 42 39 396 1787 630 656 828 1322 1568 1447 1761 13582 49927 16 35 31 65 41 45 65 533 799 1737 1203 1032 1792 2393 1364 1980 20167 28727 73 84 94 120 99 113 153 1304 3135 2584 2193 2789 4074 1676 3124 6996 43357 97958 10 4 4 14 26 28 11 169 356 482 199 92 845 659 821 358 18166 24374 19 14 25] 22 49 26 32 336 779 561 376 467! 576 1924 1202 997 12110 20717 10 15 28! 21 29 19 29 328 776 526 575 882| 933 302 651 1521 8767 15223 155 231 279! 236 378 356 8S4 3527 3527 299 257 341! 464 590 508 445 4163 4163 38255 32206 42398 42914 61422 54799 104071 518883 618883 '24 Document No. 15. [Session STATEMENT H. (Continued.) Showing the total number of Passengers, total number of miles traveled, and average fare for each passenger. SUMMARY. Total number of Passengers, 38,320 Total number of miles traveled, 1,775,561 Average fare for each Passenger, $1 78 1858-'9.] Document No. 15. 25 STATEMENT K. Tabular statement, showing the number of Tons of Guano and other manures received at each dejtot, for each month of thr year. Raleigh, . . . Huntsville, . Wake, .... Franklinton, Henderson, . Junction, . . Ridgeway, . Warrenton, Macon, .... Littleton, . . Gaston, .... u 3 «£ £ p s-T ,0 TONS o> o O > o a a> o o P >-3 3 ,3 ^3 < si a <1 H o & o Tons 12 1 2 14 29 37 45 20 5 129 1 13 92 1 1 8 3 2 12 2 13 5 4 2 12 28 63 20 10 25 31 88 143 79 18 45 250 116 39 10 5 14 26 122 79 19 76 103 29 100 106 29 137 64 23 6 77 48 41 62 3 4 66 2 2 102 47 39 3 17 13 83 19 4 106* 48 33 2 1 9 11 35 2 18 7 2 8 3 29 410 66 21 55 79 604 438 245 129 258 507 502 Doc. No. 15.] .15. 26 Document No. 15. [Session STATEMENT Tabular Statement showing the Number of Tons of Depot, each month, and Aggre- NORTH. Stations, &c. 3 03 a a 03 c8 c3 o O > o O P £3 03 (Thro' Tons, 103 107 116 156 193 Raleigh, \ Way " 16 20 ( Miles, 3116 2572 2090 9800 6494 Huntsville, j Way , " { Miles, 20 1827 4 408 8 700 17 1479 5 452 Wake, j Way k < \ Miles, 63 1405 30 920 22 525 20 555 25 810 tYankliuton, j Way " j Miles, . 88 1575 60 1501 78 1525 27 121 149 3041 Henderson, j Way ( Miles, 127 1258 125 1259 140 1221 63 556 164 1404 Junction, < Way " { Miles, 103 3294 116 3674 203 8729 62 26S0 199 8557 Ridgeway, j Way " 78 112 137 28 43 ) Miles, 2237 3192 3920 840 1290 Warren ton, j Way { Miles, 82 750 55 699 82 681 55 444 36 407 Macon, [ Way \ Miles, 96 261 22 135 35 130 34 1060 25 800 Littleton, j Way I Miles, 36 563 35 542 35 542 10 220 117. 2290 Grakton, ( Way j Miles, ( Thro' " \ Way 7 14 18 14 82 23 6 15 34 105 Weldon, ( Miles, , *< 1858-'9.] Document No. 15. 27 [. Agricultural Products sent from and received at each gate Number miles Traveled. NORTH. © is ^ d jf. as g -4-3 X 1i 3 o S g O ft 0) o ft f3 Hi rP ( Through Tons, 515 243 233 206 259 Ealeigh, \ Way ( Miles, u 246 8471 16 5299 25 5387 2507 3010 Hunts ville, ( Way j Miles, u "Wake, (Way | Miles, a 31 1905 16 1625 8 1175 9 960 18 1040 Franklinton, \ Way ( Miles, a 1 55 7 1171 Henderson, j Way } Miles, a 2 162 9 165 6 140 46 1028 81 1911 Junction, (Way j Miles, a 187 8041 192 8213 139 5977 27 1161 131 5655 Ridge way, ( Way | Miles, a 197 10638 1 10 1 30 4 60 Warrenton, ( Way [ Miles, ■ a 93 1156 40 936 51 964 Macon, j w ay ( Miles, a 10 1046 10 697 5 975 1 77 1 77 Littleton, (Way { Miles, u 46 966 7 154 17 357 10 200 14 290 Gaston, ( Way 1 Miles, a 19 89 7 56 7 65 5 77 17 70 C Through Tons, Weld on, < Way ( Miles, a 1858-'9.] J. Document No. 15. Way tons of Merchandise and Manufactures received at and, Aggregate Number of Miles Transported. NORTH. P-i < © ha -i-3 ai 5c B © © to -^ O H 516 483 397 464 295 475 1082 5168 - 287 6004 7954 5432 5151 4412 10844 103702 168173 30 76 51 31 38 88 85 481 1575 2010 1803 1702 1905 2738 2841 21279 5 4 1 2 20 1090 760 45 9S 3219 272 199 107 122 143 201 201 1406 2748 3493 3598 2416 29S2 2475 2984 24102 304 179 170 150 169 149 100 1897 13095 7718 7310 6450 7264 6387 4323 81594 16 35 23 35 51 20 10 393 896 803 716 1277 1060 1140 560 17190 88 176 84 3 19 1 555 592 668 629 246 262 141 5594 1 28 29 2901 23 36 45 31 13 22 25 289 455 745 945 651 265 440 515 5983 5 16 1 24 1 7 36 145 74 93 23 119 15 60 297 s 1038 Document JSio. 15. [Session STATEMENT J. Tabular Statement, showing the Number of Through and Sent from eaeh Depot, for each Month, and the SOUTH. 3 l>s t* rQ rf3 t* u Stations, &c. s 8 03 c3 o o > O o P3 o fe P Hs ^ ( Through Tons, Raleigh, j Miles, u Pluntsville, j Way \ Miles, a 12 1064 2 174 1 130 Wake, j Way { Miles, u 1 60 1 90 Franklinton, j Way { Miles, a 114 3000 52 1801 56 1990 32 640 52 2035 Henderson, jWay I Miles, a 150 2484 72 1674 61 1080 1 132 5 292 Junction, { Miles, a 133 137 76 29 69 4747 4720 3328 1258 2970 Ridgeway, CWay I Miles, u 23 805 32 1027 28 1016 12 380 27 1000 Warrenton, CWay I Miles, a 1 87 2 180 1 102 27 666 45 1039 Macon, J Way }_ Miles, (< 4 480 30 544 Littleton, J Way I Miles, u 1 20 Gaston, J Way I Miles, a 3 32 ( Through Tons, 4 1 1 1 1 Welclon, \ Way a 2 1 1 3 3 ( Miles, 465 93 55 298 184 1858-'9.j (CONTINUED.) Document No. 15. Way tons of Merchandise and Manufactures received at and Aggregate Number of miles transported. SOUTH. A S O d >-. 6 a Ha K-S a 03 -i z ■a p. «1 1-3 < P-t © o 5160S 287 168173 15 15 1368 1368 i 3 4 5 4 9 6 34 515 45 135 180 •223 162 160 144 1199 22478 136 220 130 93 97 91 165 1238 1258 3795 4010 3535 2491 2501 2120 4374 32292 35511 6 5 11 3 15 8 o O 340 1746 394 522 612 394 452 492 292 8820 32922 161 159 100 74 146 82 151 1317 3214 6930 6860 4300 3202 7286 3523 5570 54694 136288 24 42 30 40 17 37 32 341 737 744 1356 876 1620 680 1500 1290 12294 29484 224 13 11 8 71 91 204 699 1254 1090 367 481 276 1416 1184 1443 8331 13925 29 21 26 65 30 24 11 240 268 512 850 702 1700 960 784 352 6884 97S5 1 1 1 2 1 7 296 25 16 40 60 40 201 6184 4 6 2 1 1 17 162 42 200 63 34 20 391 1429 2 8 11 1 19 1 1 51 51 6 18 37 14 50 40 1 176 176 533 1761 2379 906 3979 1547 S5 122S5 12285 34 Document No. 15. [Session STATEMENT J. (Continued.) Showing the aggregate number of through and way Tons of Merchandise and Manufactures, received at and sent from each depot, and the aggregate number of miles transported. SUMMAEY. Aggregate number of through Tons, 61124 " " way, 468 " " miles, 469832 1858-'9.] Document No. 15. 35 EEPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. The Committee of Finance and inspection of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company submit the following report to the meeting of Stockholders : That they have examined the Treasurer's accounts showing the Financial condition of the Company, and from this inspec- tion, believe them to be correct, and that the exhibits made in the general accounts appended to the Treasurer's report is a true statement of the affairs of the company. From this it appears that the receipts of the road for the last year from freight, passengers and mail were, $206,916 59 Against, 175,109 33 For the preceding year and shewing an increase of 31,807 26 in favor of the current year, The ordinary expenses were $98,375 35 And extraordinary 66,858 6S Making the total expenditure, $165,234 03 Showing a balance in favor of the Company after paying the debts rightly to be charged to that year of $69,603 34 Out of which the directors have very properly declared a dividend of six per cent, to the stockholders. The sinking fund for the payment of the debt of $100,000 for which the Company has issued its bonds, with the addi- tion made to it ibr this year, will amount to the sum of $27,- 700. The track way of the Road is in good order and the bridges in a safe condition, though requiring the usual repairs necessary to be put upon such structures, year by year, to keep them in good order. Indeed, your committee think that they are warranted in saying that there is no road in the State in more thorough repair, or on which the works are of more permanent character. The Depots necessary to be re- built or enlarged, to accommodate the increasing business of 36 Document No. 15. [Session the road, can be easily constructed out of the ordinary income of the road, without interfering with the dividends to the stockholders. From the present prospects, all the necessary repairs, unless some unforeseen accident, can be easily effect- ed without calling for any new loan, or burthening the com- pany. Your committee would bring to the attention of the stock- holders the fact that the Treasurer of this company receives a smaller compensation for his services than any officer of like grade on roads adjoining our own, and that the compen- sation he now receives is not sufficient, in view of the increas- ed labor required of him. We would therefore respectfully suggest to your body that some addition be made to his sala- ry. The committee congratulates the stockholders on the flour- ishing state of the Company. Especially is it gratifying to know that in these times of panic and great monetary pres- sure, when so many of the internal improvements of our coun- try have been forced to stop or go into liquidation, our own is able to declare a handsome dividend and show a clear bal- ance sheet. Your committee can but refer this successful termina- tion of our struggle with the difficulties with which we have had to contend, to the prudent course pursued by this body at its last meeting, in refusing to declare a dividend, when there was no money in the Treasury to pay it from, after paying our debts, or loading the Company with a script divi- dend almost worthless to the stockholders. With proper management and a prudent outlay of money in repairs necessary to be made from year to year, your committee can see nothing to preveut the continuance of s the same prosperous condition of affairs. Respectfully submitted. T. BROWN YEN ABLE, Chairman. 1858-'9.] DOCUMENT No. 15. 37 REPORT OF MASTER MACHINIST. Raleigh & Gaston Railroad — Department of Shops, Sept. 30, 1857. Names of engines, By whom built, Valuation, Saunders, R. Norris & Son, Pha., $9,000 00 Alamance, do. Wake, do. Warren, do. Franklin, do. Raleigh, do. Granville, do. Halifax, J. R. Anderson, Rich'd, Graham, do. Tempest, Clarksville, Volcano, Tornado, Stationary Engine, 8,500 00 7,500 00 8,000 00 Rebuilt at cost 7,500 00 of $1,500 7,000 00 7,000 00 7,500 00 do. 1,500 7,000 00 3,000 00 1,000 2,000 00 3,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 $80,000 00 INVENTORY OF CARS. 1 First class passenger car, 1 1 3 2 do. do. do. second do. 2 baggage cars 2 mail & baggage do. do. do. do. do. do. 76 box cars averaging 600 each, 3 " " 300 " 3 small " 300 " 36 flat cars " 350 " 11 crank cars " 80 " 20 gravel care, " 300 " Valued at $2,500 00 2,400 00 2,300 00 6,000 00 3,000 00 2,000 00 3,000 00 45,600 00 1,500 00 900 00 12,600 00 880 00 6,000 00 $88,680 00 I -I* 38 Document No. 15. [Session INVENTORY OF MATERIALS ON HAND. 4561 pounds Old Springs at 7 cents, $319 27 5391 " New " at 11 " 593 00 34 plate Wheels, 476 00 6 pair Wheels and Axles, 300 00 2100 pound! Locomotive tire, 294 00 5000 pounds Old Iron, 50 00 10 Old tires, 180 00 50 pair Old Wheels and Axles, 1,200 00 100 Old wheels, . . . 600 00 3 Se,ts Engine truck^Wlieels, 300 00 2 extra sets of drivers, 1,200 00 10 Hand Car Wheels, 60 00 1 Set do. T^ith Axles, 40 00 1^ »" kt " 60 00 Duplicate parts of Machinery, 500 00 20 tons scrap and (part) workable iron, 800 00 12 New Axles, ^ 336 00 30 Old Axles, 240 00 4 Cattle guards, 160 00 43921 pounds spring Steel, 307 00 21262 pounds bar Iron, 850 00 2588 pounds sheet and tank iron, 155 00*. 20176 pounds castings, • . 1,458 00 268 pounds pig copper, 261 36 225 pounds lead, 13 50 1946 pounds brass castings, 583 80 95 pounds white metal, 14 25 260 pounds Block tin, 104 00 515 pounds zinc, 41 00 2 boxes tin plates, 24 00 621 pounds scrap Brass, , 124 00 I $ 11,644 18 1858-'9.] Document No. 15. 39 INVENTORY OF MACHINERY, TOOLS, &c. 2 Sledge Lathes, $ 800 1 Large Lathe, ' 1,000 1 Planing Machine, 550 Jack Screws, 120 Drilling Machine, . . * . . 100 Screw Machine, 200 Punching Machine, 300 Small Lathe, 75 Do 50 Vices, Wrenches, patterns, &c, 1,000 Smith's tools, Bellows, Anvils, tfcc, . . . . . 500 Carrying Jacks, 150 *\ , $4,845 . LUMBER AND TOOLS IN CARPENTER SHOPS. * 10,000 feet Yellow pine at $11, $ 560*00 40,000 " Oak &c., at 16, 610 00 Tools ifec, 150* 00 $1,350 00 OILS, PACKING, YARN, &c, 150 gallons Oil, $ 150 00 Packing Yarn, 25 00 Paints, Varnish, Glues, &c, 500 00 $ 675 Q0 A. JOHNSON, Master Machinist. v- UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00032761565 This book must not be taken from the Library building. In P i 1 I -.