North Carolina 'tftlKtl •$ Advantages of ALBEMARLE North Carolina The Finest Water in the country. The Healthiest Location in the United States. The Best Town of the population in South-eastern United States. Nature has endowed it with all the requirements for a Health and Pleasure Resort. ,\" : Located on the great Southern Railway System, gives it the best transportation facilities. The even temperature, the fine artesian water, the famous Rocky River Springs Mineral Water, the beautiful Mountain Scenery, the elegant Pine Groves, sweet- scented Southern Flowers, make this the greatest Health and Pleasure Resort in the United States. "Real Estate is the only Safe Investment, —Solomon/' "The mountains that shield from the rude northern Must- Mute monitors, they, of the ages long past — Like sentinels watch o'er the valley below, Where the sicift crystal streams unceasingly flow. The pure, healthful breeze, the life-giving air, The beauteous landscape, oft new, ever fair, Are gifts that have come from the Father on High; To Him be all praise for 'The Land of the Sky'." no gfobantage* of Albemarle j^ortf) Carolina THE facts presented in this booklet are the result of a tireless investigation for a location for a Health and Pleasure Resort by experts in this particular line. When making this research every essential feature and advantage was given careful consideration with the view of establishing a modern and complete refuge for Health and Pleasure Seekers. No preference was shown to any location, but the particular merits of each locality investigated was considered with one view, viz: To find a location to give as nearly as possible every advantage necessary to make a resort productive of Health, Recreation and Entertain- ment. After a careful and impartial investigation of five different localities, Albemarle, North Carolina, was selected for the following conditions and advantages : Mother Nature bestowed upon Albemarle every advantage necessary to make a popular Health and Pleasure Resort. Located as it is in the foot-hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and only a short distance from the sea, one enjoys the fresh Mountain air as well as the sea breeze. For the Pleasure Seeker, the Rivers and Streams are bountifully stocked with fish. In the Mountainous Country, wild game abounds, there being plenty of deer, turkey and' small game. Albemarle has a Hunting and Fishing Club, whose members are a congenial, entertaining aggregation of gentle- men whose hospitality is ever extended to the visitor in the true Southern style. The climate is remarkably even and dry, the summers are delightful, the nights never getting so warm but what light covers are used and appreciated, while in winter, the tem- perature was never known to have been lower than 26 degrees above zero. By request, the following is furnished by the Business Men of Albemarle : ALBEMARLE, N. C, is situated in Stanly County, in the Piedmont section of the State, on the Yadkin Railroad, thirty miles south of Salisbury, N. C, on the main line from New York to New Orleans, among the foot-hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The country is rolling, abounding in hill and vale, and beautiful streams. No more beautiful or varied scenery can be found. The soil of the country is gray, red clay sub-soil with slate underlying. The. elevation is about six hundred feet above the sea level, and the climate is even and dry. The average temperature of the summers is about 78 degrees, for the winter, about 26 degrees above zero. The sudden changes so common in other sections are entirely unknown here, as we are sheltered on the west by the Blue Ridge Mountains, still we are far enough away not to feel the severe cold of the high altitudes. On the east the Gulf Stream runs near our coast, which' tempers our climate, but we are entirely free from fog and malaria of the low coast countries. The average rainfall is only about forty inches, while for the State it is fifty-two inches, which is more evenly distributed throughout the year than some sections. The character of the soil and the rolling nature of the lands cause it to dry off very quickly after it rains. Our streets are often muddy one day and dry the next. All these causes, together with an abundance of good pure water, contribute to make it one of the most Healthy Places to be found. The death rate being less than five per cent., while the average of the State being from sixteen to eighteen per cent. The people are remarkably long-lived. Pneumonia and Tuberculosis are almost unknown. The town has grown from the village of 300 population to between five and six thousand in the past few years. We have six Churches, two Graded Schools, one Female College, two Banks, five Doctors, three Drug Stores, thirty General Stores, six Cotton Mills, two Furniture Factories, three Lumber Plants, splendid System of Water-works, and the Electric Light Plant to be opened the first of the year. i? o p o M *