^ o ^ We give here a few of the many letters we I have received from those to whom we have sent I ce J our Organs, as prizes, for clubs of subscribers to '^ ul The Little Corporal. o S'i Office of Sharp & Son, >ili OQ Dealers in Dry Goods^ etc. ^ g Jamestown, Greene Co., O., June 17, 1867. ^ j4. L. Sewell^ Esq. — Dear Sir: It affords me much •S c g (u pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of our Prize Organ. S o 5 We are very much pleased with it. Our church is 45 by 60 s^"^-© feet, with high ceiling, yet it fills the church to the «2 a, c « satisfaction of our best musicians ; and not only that, ^5*'^^ but it is filling our Sunday School with those who like K^j^o o good music. We are very thankful for the favor; for, a* c f really, it seems to me we have obtained it at too small a Sx.TS price. o oa 2 Wishing vou entire success in your business, I am Oco^ yours truly, MORRIS SHARP, wi^^ 53 Su/>'t of M. E. S. S. 2 ». o , ■ Q J S3 Mount Frie, III., July 3, 1867. *M ® ° Sewell — Dear Sir : My P»ize Organ ar- S^.C'O rived some two weeks ago, in good order, and I am very well pleased indeed. I confess that, when I sent for it, rfl E]V SHOWEK, and OOIiI>E]?f CEX.^ER, is now being inti'oduced into the largest and most flourishing Sunday Schools throughout the country as a STANDARD MUSIC AND HYMN BOOK. Al- though somewhat expensive at the outset, it is found to be the Cheapest Work in the End, on account of its comprising all the popular Sunday School pieces of the day, together with a great variety of New and Beautiful Pieces that were added in making over the New Chain and New Shower THE GOLDRN TRIO is also strongly bound, and is in itself a complete liibrary of SuiKlay '^cliool Music that will last for years. Its rapidly increasing sales, and the unvarying testimony of the many Schools in which it is introduced, are proof of the above asser- tion. Try it, prove it, and testify. For sale by Booksellers generally, and at the publisher's. WM. B. BRADBURY, 245 Broome St., N.Y. Price of GOLDEN TRIO, 1 dollar, or 75 dollars per hundred. Single copies sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of retail price. Also New Clolden Chain ; price, paper, 30c. board, 35c. New Grolden Shower ; do 30c. do 35c. Golden Censer ; do 30c. do 35c. Any of the Music Books advertised ahove