Library OF THE University of NortH Carolina This book was presented by ^V 1 3 J^ . V - P 2 S" This book must not be taken from the Library building. r 1 A c/iy J^ (y&*>+*4^4 x ^-C \x^ ^ *\ f~ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil Charter Members Orient Lodge No.395 A.F&A.M WILMINGTON, N. C // L- Cto^nf g - 7^tf f It ^nrnVtzmzv itvxx ]$Lxtx ^rttetett JHmt^rc^t \ (Litres ^roijieit tcttb. ^imzt^ffihxz \ preface: £ T THE regular communication of ORIENT LODGE No. 395, A. F. & A. M., held August 6th, 1908, the following was adopted: Resolved, That in January 1910 we celebrate our Twenty-fifth Anniversary and that a committee of five be appointed to prepare and formulate a programme and carry out the same in a fitting man- ner, commensurate with the importance of the event. The Worshipful Master appointed Brothers James C. Munds, William A. Williams, Henry G. Small- bones, Uel M. Robinson and Clement C. Brown as the committee. It was the sentiment of the committee that a brief history of the Lodge, from its organization to date, should be written in a form that would be both permanent and available to every member of the Lodge, and in accordance with their wishes the following is fraternally presented by C7 &s\ \\ls> 'V3 *^CCcC*\£M PERSONAL 3N ACCORDANCE with our purpose to form a new Lodge, Brother William W. Allen of St. John's Lodge No. 1, demitted November 29, 18 83, and Brothers William R. Kenan, James C. Munds and William A. Williams demitted from St. John's Lodge No. 1, December 27, 1883, and asso- ciated with them was Brother John C. Chase, form- erly of Bethany Lodge of Merrimac, Mass. and from Wilmington Lodge No. 319 came Brothers William L. DeRosset, Henry G. Smallbones, Walter Small- bones, William H. Chadbourn, George Chadbourn, John D. Taylor and Samuel Northrop, who all de- mitted from their Lodge in December 1883. This was our beginning. Our ending yet lies un- folded in the womb of time and our work for good we pray is not finished. A quarter of a century is but a short space of time with Masonry, and we make these records while they are fresh in the memory of the living. ^ Jff, & ^ JK., Mlmmgto, $f, C 3T IS with feelings of thankfulness to the Great Architect of the Universe that so many of the Charter Members of the Lodge have been spared to take part in this our 2 5th Anniver- sary. Nine of the twelve are still living, all of whom we hope will join with us in the celebration of our Anniversary. The movement for the formation of Orient Lodge was begun in the summer of 1883 and continued through the fall. At a meeting held on the evening of November 21st 1883 it was agreed that we would demit from our respective Lodges and apply to Wilmington Lodge No. 319 for a recommendation to the Most Worshipful Grand Master to grant us a Dispensation to form a new Lodge to be called "Orient". This petition was promptly acted upon F h ^£-§^ at the regular communication of Wilmington Lodge in January 1884, approved, and the petition was sent to Grand Master Robert Bingham. We claim our descent from St. John's Lodge No. 1, of the jurisdiction of North Carolina, whose his- tory is replete with much ancient and forgotten lore, (being a legitimate offspring of the Grand Lodge of England) through Wilmington Lodge No. 319. We have a pride in our lineage, and feel- ing that the past history of our parent lodges is ■ours by birthright, we cherish their ancient tradi- tions and have a lively interest in their success. As we wear the badge of our Order, we can sing with the Poet Laureate of the Craft: "There's mony a badge that's unco braw, Wi' ribbon, lace and tape on, Let Kings and Pn'nces wear them a' Gie me the Master's apron!" X B a A 1BB4 The first meeting of Orient Lodge was held on the evening of February 6, 18 84, by and under the C. authority of a Dispensation from Most Worshipful Grand Master Robert Bingham, as follows: ?&g the Jitsst Borshipful (Sriutir ^Hixstrr. To All and Every Our Right Worshipful and Loving Brethren, Greeting : — Ettixtit $Lt r That the Most Worshipful Robert Bingham, Grand Master, at the humble petition of our Right Worshipful and well beloved brethren William R Kenan, William L. DeRosset, Wi'.liam W. Allen, Henry G. Smallbones, James C. Munds, William A. Williams, Walter Smallbones, John D. Taylor, John C. Chase, William H. Chadbourn, Samuel Northrop, George Chadbourn, of the Ancient and Honorable fraternity of York Masons and for certain other reasons moving our Most Worshipful Grand Master, doth hereby constitute the said Brethren into a Regular Lodge of Free and Accept- ed Masons, to be opened in Wilmington in the County of New Hanover, by the name of ORIENT. At their said request, and from the great trust and confidence reposed in every of the said Brethren, the Most Worshipful Grand Master doth hereby appoint William R. Kenan, Master, William L. DeRosset, Senior Warden, and William W. Allen, Junior Warden, for opening said Lodge, and gov- erning the same until the first Annual Communi- cation of the Grand Lodge after the date of this Dispensation. It is required of our Friend and Brother William R. Kenan to take special care that all and every of the said Brethren of said Lodge, as well as those hereafter to be admitted into cur body by said Lodge, be Regularly made Masons; and that they do and observe and keep all the Rules and Orders contained in the Book of Constitutions, and that the Ancient Landmarks be strictly attended to; and further, that he do cause to be entered, in a book kept for that purpose, an account of the Pro- ceedings of the Lodge, which, when done, is to be transmitted to the Grand Master with a list of those Initiated, Passed and Raised and otherwise dis- posed of, under his authority. Given at Raleigh under the hand of the M. W. Grand Master and the Great Seal (Seal) of Masonry this 23rd day of January A. L. 5884, A. D. 1884 (Signed) ROBERT BINGHAM, Grand Master, Attest: ( Signed D. W. BAIN, Grand Secretary. The remaining officers, who were appointed by the Master, were as follows: Henry G. Smallbones, Treasurer, James C. Munds, Secretary, William A. Williams, Senior Deacon, Walter Smallbones, Junior Deacon. At this Communication By-Laws were adopted, committees appointed and an application for the degrees was received, and on April 16th the Mas- ter's degree was conferred. Brother W. W. Allen having removed from the City and having applied for a demit, the same was granted. During the year there were held 18 communi- cations. One was Entered, Passed and Raised and one Demitted. Membership twelve. 1005 :: Charter fterattefc :: IBB5 Our Charter was received from the Grand Lodge bearing date of January 14, 1885. Deputy Grand .Master Charles H. Robinson, at the regular communication of the Lodge, held April 15, 1885, instituted the Lodge and after an elec- tion of officers installed them, as follows: "WILLIAM R, KENAN Master. WILLIAM L. IJeROSSET___ Senior Warden. WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS Junior Warden. HENRY Cr. SMALLBONE3 . Treasurer. JAMES C. MUNBS Secretary. WILLIAM H. CHADBOURN _^ Senior Deacon. WALTER SMALLBONE3 Junior Deacon. JOHN C. CHASE Tyler. Brother William R. Kenan, our first Master, was born in Kenansville, Duplin County, North Caro- lina, August 4, 1845, being one of the Charter Members demitted from St. John's Lodge. He died in Baltimore, Maryland, April 14, 1903. He was noted for his kindly and cheerful disposition and was a gallant soldier, and Captain of the Wilming- ton Light Infantry in later years. Eight Communications were held during the year. Membership twelve. ■>■;. 10 1886 OFFICERS 1886 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 16, 1885 DECEMBER 28, 1885 WILLIAM L. DeEOSSEr Master, WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS Senior Warden. WALTER SMALLBONES Junior Warden. HENRY G. SMALLBONES Treasurer. JOHN C. CHASE Secretary. WILLIAM H. CHABBOURN Senior Beacon. 11 Brother William L. DeRosset, a Charter Member, was the second Brother to fill the Master's chair. He was Raised January 14, 187 6, in Wilmington Lodge No. 319 and demitted into Orient in Decem- ber 1883, having filled the Warden's chairs in Wil- mington Lodge. He is still living with us, and though enfeebled in health, his attachment to the Order is unabated. We wish for him yet a restor- ation to health and many years of happiness with those who honor him. Thirteen Communications were held. One Demit was granted. Membership eleven. 12 1887 0FF5CERS 887 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 15, 1886 D EC EM B E R 27, 1886 "WILLIAM H. CHADBOURN Master, WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS-.- Senior Warden. WALTER SMALLBOETEC Junior Warden. HE2JRY Cr. SMALLBONE3 Treasurer. JOHIT C. CHASE Secretary. WILLIAM L. DeROSSET Senior Deacon. BERRY ©LEAVES Junior Deacon, 13 Brother William H Chadbourn, also one of our Charter .Members, was made a Fellow Craft in Cumberland Lodge No. 8 of Tennessee, and was Raised by request in Wilmington Lodge No. 319, March 20, 187 5, and became a member of the latter Lodge, where he held the respective offices of Senior Deacon in 1876, Junior Warden in 1877, Senior Warden in 187 8 and 187 9, and Master in 1880. He was the third Brother to fill the station of Master in both Wilmington and Orient Lodges. Twelve Communications were held. Two were Raised. Two elected to membership. Membership fifteen. 14 1888 OFFICERS 1888 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 21, 1887 D EC E M B E R 27, 1887 WILLIAM H. CHA3BOUSN Master. WALTER SMALLBONES Senior Warden. M. C. S. NOBLE Junior Warden. HENRY G. SMALLBONES Treasurer. JOHN C. CHASE Secretary. MARTIN S. WILLARB Senior Beacon. CHARLES I. COMPORT Junior Beacon. WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS Senior Steward. JAMES C. LOBOR Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. Nine Communications were held. One Raised. Membership sixteen. 15 1889 OFFICERS 1889 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 5, 1888 DECEMBER 27, 1888 WILLIAM H. CHADBOUKN Master. WALTER SMALLBONES Senior Warden. M. C. S. NOBLE Junior Warden. HENRY G-. SMALLBONES Treasurer. JOHN C. CHASE Secretary. MARTIN S. WILLARD Senior Deacon. CHARLES I. COMFORT Junior Beacon. JAMES C. LOBOR Senior Steward. BeBANCY EVANS Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. This was a most prosperous year for Orient Lodge. Its membership was increased from 1 6 to 4 5. During the year a general interest in Mas- onry among the younger men of the City appeared and all the Lodges prospered. Forty-six Communications were held. Twenty-four were Raised. Membership forty-five. 16 1890 OFFICERS 1890 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 6, 1889 DEC EM B E R 27, 1889 WILLIAM L. DeEOSSET Master. MARTIN S. WILLARD Senior Warden. JOSEPH H. WATTERS Junior Warden. HENRY G. SMALLBONES Treasurer. JOHN C. CHASE Secretary. UEL. M. ROBINSON Senior Deacon. J. LUTHER TOON Junior Deacon. JAMES W. JACKSON Senior Steward. JOHN W. BOLLES Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. Twenty-two Communications were held. Four were Raised. One elected to membership. One Demitted. Membership forty-nine. 17 1891 OFFICERS 1891 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 17, 1890 DEC EM B E R 30, 1890 M. C. S. NOBLE Master. CLEMENT C. BROWN Senior Warden. EDWARD S. LATIMER Junior Warden. HENRY G. SMALLBONE3 Treasurer. JOHN C. CHASE Secretary. UEL M. ROBINSON Senior Deacon. I". P. CHAFFEE Junior Deacon. T. A. E. DISNEY Senior Steward. WILLIAM A. MARTIN Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. 18 Brother M. C. S. Noble, the fourth to fill the Master's Chair, demitted from Mebanesville Lodge iNo. 27 2 and was elected a member of Orient Lodge April 6, 18 87. He filled the station of Junior War- den in 1SSS and 1889. Most Worshipful Grand Master, H. A. Gudger, while in this City on the occasion of his laying the corner stone of the building being erected by the Young Men's Christian Association, on April 15, visited and addressed the Lodge and was re- ceived by the brethren with such fitting honors as were due that distinguished officer. Twenty-one Communications were held. Six were Raised. Two Died. One Demitted. Membership fifty-two. 19 1892 OFFICERS 1892 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 16, 1891 DECEMBER 28, 1891 M. C. S. NOBLE Master. JOHN H. DANIEL Senior Warden. TJEL M. ROBINSON Junior Warden. HENRY G. SMALLEONES Treasurer. JAMES C. MUNDS Secretary. H. E. WYNNE Senior Deacon. WILLIAM C. JONES Junior Deacon. GEORGE Z. FRENCH Senior Steward. EDWARD P. BAILEY Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. Eighteen Communications were held. One Raised. One elected to membership. Three Demitted. Membership fifty-one. 20 1893 OFFICERS 1893 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 21, 1892 DECEMBER 27, 1892 MARTIN S. WILLASB Master. HENRY G. SMALLBONLS Senior Warden. CHARLES W. WORTH Junior Warden. JOHN C. CHASE Treasurer. WILLIAM A. MARTIN Secretary. CLEMENT C. BROWN Senior Deacon. EVANDER O. TOOMER Junior Deacon. WHITFIELD P. TOOMER Senior Steward. EDWARD P. BAILEY Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. 21 Brother Martin S. Willard, the fifth to occupy the .Master's Chair, was the first Master who was Raised in Orient Lodge. He was Raised Novem- ber 27, 1887 and is an enthusiastic Mason and has given much attention to the higher degrees, where he has attained distinction. He was Senior Grand Deacon in the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. The Lodge on the 12th day of May attended a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge, Past Grand Master Charles H. Robinson presiding, when the Corner Stone of Grace Methodist Church of this City, was laid. Thirteen 'Communications were held. Pour were Raised. One Demitted. Membership fifty-four. 22 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 6, 1893 DECEMBER 27, 1893 HENRY G. SMALLBONES Master. EVANDER O. TOOMEB Senior Warden. EDWARD P. BAILEY Junior Warden. JAMES C. MUNOS Treasurer.. WILLIAM A. MARTIN Secretary. UEL M. ROBINSON Senior Deacon. J. LUTHER TOON Junior Deacon. OCTAVIUS HICKS Senior Steward. C. B. SOUTHERLAND Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. 23 Brother Henry G. Smallbones, the sixth Master, was one of the Charter Members who was Raised May 18, 1881, in Wilmington Lodge 319. He served as Treasurer from 1884 to 1892 inclusive and as Senior Warden in 1893. Seven Communications were held. One elected to membership. Three Demitted. Two were dropped N. P D. Membership fifty. U 1895 OFFICERS 1895 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 5, 1894 DECEMBER 27, 1894 M. C. S. NOBLE Master. EVANDER O. TOOMER Senior Warden. EDWARD P. BAILEY Junior Warden. JAMES C. MUNDS Treasurer.. HENRY G. SMALLBONES Secretary. WHITFIELD P. TOOMER Senior Deacon. CHARLES D. MYERS Junior Deacon. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. It having long been the desire of the fraternity in this City to have a modern Temple to be owned jointly by all the Masonic Bodies, the matter tcok shape in the adoption of the following resolutions at the regular communication of February 6, viz: Whereas it has been proposed to this Lodge to co-operate in a movement to erect a Masonic Tem- ple in this City, and Whereas, Concord Chapter No 1, at its last meet- ing appointed a committee to present to this Lodge a plan which commends itself to that Chapter, and Whereas, the said plan proposes the organiza- tion of an association to be known as the "Masonic 25 Temple- Corporation" of the City of Wilmington, N. C which said corporation shall have a capital stock of no less than $1,000.00 paid in, to be sub- scribed for in equal amounts of $200.00 each by this Lodge, Wilmington Lodge, St. John's Lodge, Concord Chapter and Blantagenet Commandery, said corporation to be governed by a Board of Directors, one to be selected by each of the above named bodies; > Therefore be it Resolved, That this Lodge ap- proves said plan and hereby authorizes a subscrip- tion of $200.00 to the Capital Stock of said Cor- poration whenever its Charter shall have been obtained. Resolved 2nd, That the officers of this Lodge be appointed a committee to have prepared a Char- ter for this Lodge and to obtain said Charter from the Secretary of State as soon as possible. The Lodge was incorporated by an act of the General Assembly this year and ratified March S. Eleven Communications were held. One was elected to membership. Three Demitted. One Died. Membership forty-seven. 26 1896 OFFICERS 1896 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 4, 1895 DEC EM B ER 27, 1895 M. C. S, NOBLE Master. EDWARD P. BAILEY Senior Warden. WHITFIELD P. TOOMER Junior Warden. JAMES C. MUNDS Treasurer.. HENRY G. SMALLBONES Secretary. JAMES W. JACKSON Senior Deacon. EVANDER O. TOOMER Junior Deacon. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. Six Communications were held. One Raised. Three Demitted. Membership forty-five. ^ 27 1897 OFFICERS 1897 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 2, 1896 DECEMBER 28, 1896 MARTIN S. WILLARD Master. EDWARD P. BAILEY Senior Warden. WHITFIELD P. TOOMER Junior Warden. JAME3 C. MUNDS Treasurer.. HENRY G. SMALLBONES Secretary. WALTER SMALLBONES Senior Deacon. JOSEPH H. WATTERS Junior Deacon. CLEMENT C. BROWN Senior Steward OWEN P. LOVE Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. Eleven Communications were held. Two were Raised. One dropped N. P. D. Membership forty-six. 28 1898 OFFECERS 1898 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 1, 1897 DECEMBER 27, 1897 MARTIN S. WILLABD Master. EDWARD P. BAILEY Senior Warden. JAMES W. JACKSON Junior Warden. JAMES C. MUNDS Treasurer.. HENRY G. SMALLBONES Secretary. JAMES T. MUNDS Senior Deacon. E. PAYSON WILLARS Junior Deacon. CLEMENT C. BROWN Senior Steward. JAMES C. MUNDS Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. Fourteen Communications were held. Two were elected to membership. Four were Raised. One Demitted. Membership fifty-one. 29 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 7, 1898 DECEMBER 27, 1898 JAMES W. JACKSON Master. UEL M. ROBINSON Senior Warden. REUBEN H. PICKETT Junior Warden. JAMES C. MUNDS Treasurer.. HENRY G. SMALLBONE3 Secretary. JAMES T. MUNDS Senior Deacon. ALFRED M. WADDELL, Jr Junior Deacon. RICHARD BRADLEY Senior Steward. CLAYTON GILES, Jr Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. 30 Brother James W. Jackson, the seventh Master, was Raised in Orient June 19, 1889. At the regular communication February 1, the Lodge authorized the purchase of $1,000.00 worth of Bonds of the Temple Corporation. The Corner Stone of the New Temple was laid May 18, by the Grand Lodge, Orient taking part in the ceremonies. All the Grand Officers, except the Grand Treasurer, Grand Lecturer, Grand Pur- suivant and Grand Steward being present. Grand Master Noble presiding opened the Grand Lodge in the old building, and the Grand Lodge with vis- itors formed procession and marched to the Temple where the ceremonies were held. Twenty-three Lodges of North Carolina and representatives of Lodges from seven other States were present. Brother Julian S. Carr was the Orator, having been introduced by Brother Alfred M. Waddell. After the Ceremonies, the Grand Lodge returned to the old building, where it was closed. Twenty Communications were held. Four were Raised. One was dropped N. P. D. Membership fifty-four. 31 1900 OFFICERS 1900 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 6, 1899 DECEMBER 27, 1899 JAMES W. JACKSON" Master. WHITFELD P. TOOMEB Senior Warden. ALFRED M. WADDELL, Jr Junior Warden. JAMES C. MTJNDS Treasurer. CLEMENT C. BROWN Secretary. REUBEN H. PICKETT Senior Beacon. BENJ. B. JACKSON Junior Deacon. E. PAYSON WILLARD Senior Steward. W. D. MacMILLAN, Jr Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. This year we moved from St. John's Hall on Market Street to our new Masonic Temple. Wilmington Lodge No. 319 held the last regu- lar communication in the old hall March 4, 1900. Though all the fraternity looked forward with plea- sure to the change of quarters to our magnificent Temple, many felt a tinge of sentiment in aban- doning the old Lodge room and reminiscences of the past were recalled. The Master of Orient Lodge determined that they should be the last to leave and called a special meeting on the night of 32 March 5, and conferred the Fellow Craft degree on two of our brethren. March 6, at 8 P. M., the members of Orient Lodge No. 39 5, with St. John's Lodge No. 1 and Wilmington Lodge No. 319, with numerous visitors from this and other states, met in the old Lodge room and forming procession marched to the Temple where in future our meetings will be held. Brother John L. Cantwell acted as Marshall. On reaching the Temple, Reverend and Brother A. D. McClure led in prayer, after which Brother W. E. Springer introduced Brother Alfred M. Waddell, who entertained and instructed the Craft by a most appropriate address. This was followed by a ban- quet. Orient Lodge had also the pleasure of holding a meeting and doing the first work in the Temple, March 7, being our regular communication at which time Brother Robert E. Post was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Twenty-three Communications were held. Three were elected to membership. Seven were Raised. One Demited. Membership sixty-three. ^ 33 1901 OFFICERS 1901 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 5, 1900 DECEMBER 27, 1900 WHITFIELD P. TOOMER Master. ALFRED M. WADDELL, Jr Senior Warden. WILLIAM D. MacMILLAN Junior Warden. JAMES C. MUNDS Treasurer. CLEMENT C. BROWN Secretary. BENJ. B. JACKSON Senior Deacon. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr., 3rd Junior Deacon. WILLIAM D. MacMILLAN, Jr Senior Steward. CLAYTON GILES, Jr Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. 34 Brother Whitfield P. Toomer, the eighth Master, was also an Orient man, having been raised October 25, 1889. Fourteen Communications were held. One elected to membership. One Died. Three Demitted. Membership sixty. 35 1902 OFFICERS 1902 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 4, 1901 JANUARY 7, 1902 WILLIAM D. MacMILLAN Master. REUBEN H, PICKETT Senior Warden. HERBERT K. HOLDEN Junior Warden. JAMES C. MUNDS Treasurer. CLEMENT C. BROWN Secretary. WILLIAM D. MacMILLAN, Jr Senior Deacon. CLAYTON GILES, Jr Junior Deacon. CHARLES D. MYERS Senior Steward. PAUL C. MORTON : Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. 36 Brother William D. MacMillan, the ninth Master, was raised in Orient June loth, 189 8. In advancing Brother MacMillan to the East the Lodge showed a delight in exalting a brother of a long line of Masonic ancestors. His father, Dougai MacMillan, was Master of St. John's Lodge No. 1. His grand father, John MacMillan, and his great grand father, Dongal MacMillan, were also Past Masters. Thirty-two Communications were held. Seven were Raised. One Demitted. Membership sixty-six. 37 1903 OFFICERS 1904 ELECTED INSTALLED DECEMBER 3, 1902 DECEMBER 29, 1902 ■WILLIAM D. MacMILLAN Master. REUBEN H. PICKETT Senior Warden. HERBERT K. HOLDER Junior Warden. JAMES C. MTJNDS Treasurer. CLEMENT C. BROWN Secretary. WILLIAM D. MacMILLAN, Jr Senior Deacon. S. P. ADAMS Junior Deacon. CHARLES D. MYERS Senior Steward. JAMES M. HALL Junior Steward. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Tyler. During this year, at regular communications no work was done, the time being devoted to lectures and addresses by some brother. Our choir this year gave great pleasure and entertainment by the delightful music they furnish- ed at our meetings and banquets. Brother Burdis Anderson, Director; E. H. Mun- son, Pianist; C. H. Cooper, Tenor; Charles Mc- Millen, Tenor; U. M. Robinson, Bass; H. K. Holden, Bass; composed the choir. Forty-eight Communications were held. Four were elected to membership. Ten were Raised. One Died. One was dropped N. P. D. Membership seventy-eight. \T^ 38 1904 OFFICERS 1905 U£L M. ROBINSON Master. WILLIAM D. MacMILLAN, Jr Senior Warden. S. P. ADAMS Junior Warden. JAMES C. MUNDS Treasurer. CLEMENT C. BROWN Secretary. WILLIAM H. CHADBOUKN Senior Deacon. CUTHBERT MARTIN Junior Deacon. ROBERT W. V/ALLACE Senior Steward. REUBEN H. PICKETT Junior Steward. HERBERT K. HOLDEN Tyler. 39 Brother Uel M. Robinson, the tenth Master, was Raised May 24, 1889 in Orient. He is well versed in the ritual and earnest and ardent in his work. On May 4, we entertained the ladies. Past Grand Master J. T. Barron of South Carolina delivered an address. Vocal and instrumental music added to the pleasure of the evening, after which refresh- ments were served. Brother Thomas H. Johnson of St. John's Lodge No. 1, who had been Tyler of this Lodge almost during its existence, was forced to give up on ac- count of the infirmities of old age. He will be ever assoc/iated with the memories of the past in connection with this Lodge. Twenty-seven Communications were held. Three were elected t) membership. Eleven were Raised. Three Died. One Demitted. Membership eighty-eight. 40 1905 OFFICERS 1906 ELECTED INSTALLED JUNE 7, 1905 JUNE 26, 1905 WILLIAM D. MacMILLAN, Jr Master. CHARLES W. BIDGOOD Senior Warden. ROBERT C. DeROSSET Junior Warden. JAMES C. MUNDS Treasurer. CLEMENT C. BROWN Secretary. CAMERON P. MacRAE Senior Deacon. THOMAS R. ORRELL Junior Beacon. CUTHBERT MARTIN Senior Steward. J. R. TURRENTINE, Jr Junior Steward. HERBERT K. HOLDEN Tyler. 41 Brother W. D. MacMallan, Jr., the eleventh Master, was Raised October 18, 1SS9 and had the pleasure of following his father as Master, with only one year intervening. Twenty-seven Communications were held. One was elected to membership. Five were Raised. One Died. Three Demitted. Membership ninety. > 42 1906 OFFICERS 1907 ELECTED INSTALLED JUNE 6, 1906 JUNE 25, 1906 ROBERT C. DeROSSET Master. CAMERON T. MacRAE Senior Warden. CUTHBEET MARTIN Junior Warden. JAMES C. MUNDS Treasurer. CLEMENT C. BROWN Secretary. THOMAS R. OEEELL Senior Deacon. GEORGE L. ALLEN Junior Deacon. W. A. FRENCH, Jr Senior Steward. J. HOLMES DAVIS Junior Steward. HERBERT K. HOLDEN Tyler. WZML 43 Brother R. C. DeRosset, the twefth Master, was Raised in Orient October 3, 1902. February 7, 1907 was "Ladies Night" when a goodly number of the members with their ladies were entertained, after which refreshments were served. Twenty-six Communications were held. One was elected to membership. Twelve were Raised. One Died. Two Demitted. One was dropped N. P. D. Membership ninety-nine. 44 ^s 1907 OFFICERS 1908 ELECTED INSTALLED JUNE 5, 1907 JUNE 24, 1907 ROBERT C. DeROSSET Master. THOMAS R. ORSELL Senior Warden. GEORGE L. ALLEN Junior "Warden. JAMES C. MUNDS Treasurer. CLEMENT C. BROWN Secretary. J. HOLMES DAVIS Senior Deacon. EDWARD H. MUNSON Junior Deacon. J. S. BRITTAIN Senior Steward. J. FRED RTJSS Jimior Steward. HERBERT K. HOLDEN Tyler. Great interest was taken in the work of the Lodge this year. On the evening of May 6, 1908, when the Master's Degree was conferred, was the largest gathering up to that time, there having been present forty members and edght-seven visitors. On October 29, the ladies were again entertained. The building was thrown open for their inspection and pleasure and refreshments were served. "The night was then filled with music, And the cares that infested the day Did fold their tents like the Arabs, And as silently steal away." Twenty-seven Communications were held. One was elected to membership. Eight were Raised. One Died. Three Demitted. Membership one hundred and four. 45 1908 OFFICERS 1909 ELECTED INSTALLED JUNE 3, 1908 JUNE 24, 1908 THOMAS R. OBBELL Master. GEORGE L. ALLEN Senior Warden. J. HOLMES DAVIS Junior Warden. JAMES C. MTJNDS Treasurer. CLEMENT C. BROWN Secretary. EDWARD H. MUNSON Senior Deacon. JAMES T. SEARS Junior Deacon. J. D. BELLAMY, Jr., Jr Senior Steward. HENRY B. BAILEY Junior Steward. HERBERT K. HOLDEN Tyler. 46 Brother Thomas R. Orrell, our thirteenth Master, was Raised in this Lodge April 10, 1905. November 12, was "Past Masters" night, the oc- casion being the Raising of Brother J. Gilman Kensett. All the stations were filled by Past Masters of this Lodge. The attendance was good, one hundred and seventeen members and visitors having been present. St. John's Day, December 24, falling on Sunday, it was decided to hold Divine Services and St. John's Episcopal Church having been tendered us, Rev- erened and Brother P. H. T. Horsfleld was invited to hold the service, which \he did, at 11 A. M., to a good congregation. Twenty-four Communications were held. Five were elected to membership. Seven were Raised. Three Died. Five Demitted. One was dropped N. P. D. Membership one hundred and seven. HnMimS i\ I 47 1909 OFFICERS 1910 ELECTED INSTALLED JUNE 3, 1909 JUNE 24, 1909 GEORGE LEONARD ALLEN Master. J. HOLMES DAVIS Senior Warden. JAMES IF. SEARS Junior "Warden. JAMES C. MUNjD3 Treasurer. CLEMENT C. BROWN Secretary. HENRY B. BAILEY Senior Deacon. B. F. HOPKINS Junior Deacon. J. S. BROWN Senior Steward. J. G. KENSETT Junior Steward. HERBERT K. HOLDEN Tyler. 48 Brother G. L. Allen, the fourteenth Master, was also an Orient man, having been Raised November 23, 1904. This year's work will be future history. At the beginning of the fiscal year the work of the past twenty-five years stands as follows: Charter Members 12 Raised 121 Affiliated 32 Total 165 Lost by death 14 Demit 37 N. P. D 7 Total 5 8 Leaving a present membership of 107 49 II n fIDemoriam JULIUS A. BONITZ, Died February 7, 1891. GEORGE CHADBOURN, Died July 8, 1891. JOHN H. DANIEL, Died July 33, 189.-,. EDWARD S. LATIMER, Died August 28, 1901. WILLIAM R. KENAN, Died April 14, 1903. EDWARD P. BAILEY, Died March 24, 1994. S. P. ADAMS, Died September 24, 1904. GEORGE Z. FRENCH, Died October 9, 1994. BERRY CLEAVES, Died February 14, 1905. CHARLES W. BIDGOOD, Died May 0, 190(i. E. S. PIGFORD, Died January 24, 1907. JOHN B. HANKS, Died May 7, 190S. JOHN E. CLARK, Died September 4, 1908. HENRY li. SHOUT, Died January IS, 1909. » 50 CO G^ o ° § Q ? »-« 2 X 4-1 00 W oo ft II §§! 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