'-;w ^ !'■- T T S; />- a? Si ^l.. LJ*L_ .^rti. .'•'• THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA ENDOWED BY JOHN SPRUNT HILL CLASS OF 1889 C284.109 S84L ^Jke ^sirdt J'lft t ears A narrative account of the salient facts in the life of Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church Spencer, North Carolina (1905-1955) by RALPH A. LENTZ Drawing of Calvary E. L. Church, Spencer, North Carolina by WINNIE D. DEAL Dedication This small book is humbly dedicated to the Glory of God; and to the Honor and Memory of all members of Calvary, were they charter, or ones of later entry who gave their substance, labor and love to make this Church the warm living Entity that it is today. To the Honor and Memory of Calvary's former -pastors and their wives, who did not hesitate to throw their weight into the struggle at all times, and especially so when the path seemed most forbidding. And to the Memory of my beloved parents, Charles Linn Lentz, and Sallie Cruse Lentz, who loved this Church and were happy in doing their modest bit to make it a thing of Reality . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS : Acknowledgement is gratefully made to Pastor C. Marion Starr for his helpful suggestions in the preparation and editing of the manuscript, and for his excellent outlines of the objectives, and achievements of the Church Brotherhood, the Luther League, and the Worker's Conference. To Miss Lucille Lentz for her short his- tory of the Missionary Society's forty-five year activity; to Mrs. H. L. Cline, Mrs. C. T. Wagoner, Mrs. W. M. Crowell, Miss Ola Huffines, and all Members of the Committee for their aid in sup- plying factual material; to Miss Mary Cruse for giving generously of her time in typing parts of the Appendix; to Scoutmaster Paul A. Cruse, Sr., for his help in supplying certain facts relative to Boy Scouting; to Mrs. J. A. Grissom for her interesting account of Cub Scouting; to Mrs. Lucille Schott Lentz for her informative sketch on the Weekday Church School. And to my wife, Mary Rebecca Falls Lentz, extensive credit is due for her constructive criticism and timely suggestions; to whom also fell the trying job of digging out dates and facts, and to which task were added many long hours of typing. MATERIAL SOURCES: Your writer has made free use of the records left by Calvary's former pastors. In reality this is their history of Calvary. Relative to the mention of Spencer's early days certain data were taken from the feature article which appeared in the April 12, 1953, edition of the Salisbury Post, commemorating the 200th birthday of Rowan County. The article was written by Mr. T. Pat. Fowler of Spencer, N. C. The Committee for the preparation and distribution of this history is comprised of: Mr. Clarence Page Huffines, Ralph A. Lentz, Mrs. W. M. Crowell, and Mrs. Ralph A. Lentz. REGULAR PASTORS Regular Pastors who have served Calvary in its First Fifty Years are Rev. E. L. Ritchie (1905-1907); Rev. Reuben A. Goodman (1909-1911): Rev. Dr. George H. Cox (1912-1916); Rev. Floyd B. Lingle (1918-1931): Rev. Paul C. Sigmon (1931-1932); Rev. B. J. Wessinger (1933-1944): Rev. George F. Schott, Jr. (1944- 1952); Rev. C. Marion Starr (1952- ). CONTENTS Page The First Pastorate: Rev. E. L. Ritchie 11 1905-1907 (Organization and early days) The Second Pastorate: Rev. Reuben A. Goodman 17 1909-1911 (The Congregation begins to grow) The Third Pastorate: Rev. Dr. George H. Cox 20 1912-1916 (The Church is built) The Fourth Pastorate: Rev. Floyd B. Lingle 27 1918-1931 (Calvary shows continued growth) The Fifth Pastorate: Rev. Paul S. Sigmon 31 1931-1932 (Yet greater growth) The Sixth Pastorate: Rev. B. J. Wessinger 33 1933-1944 (Calvary's growth continues; Sunday School Annex Built) The Seventh Pastorate: Rev. George F. Schott, Jr 35 (First Full Time) (Calvary continues to grow and expand; 1944-1952 Educational Building added) The Eighth Pastorate: Rev. C. Marion Starr 37 • Second Full Time) (The Fiftieth Anniversary, etc.) 1952- THE APPENDICES (A) Regular and Supply Pastors of Calvary with Dates of Service 38 (B) Copy of Original Constitution of Calvary 39 Gifts to the Church 56 (F) Church Organizations 59 (1) The Sunday School 59 (2) The Women's Missionary Society 63 (3) The Weekday Church School 69 (4) The Worker's Conference 70 (5) The Luther League 71 (6) The Brotherhood 73 (7) Boy Scouting 74 (8) Cub Scouting 80