^0^P ' W'/uil /iti-o/ic.'ft ////>//. O S/ccprr/'ylri.s'r, Off/ //f/ff/t ///I' {'Off. JfiutJi fVriXrr^, Tiihlished for thr Bniefit or the CONNEXloy FUJS/DS . And Sold Ijt EoldswoTtt ^ Ball 18 S^ Pauls CJuiTck^d , Jnd al all the iJhapcLt in ffie tcnntxicn, SunMys circptal .. ( Stereotype ZdiUQa lay T . Smtt , Sh.z., Entered at Stationers' Hall, to prevent surrep- titious editions. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. ,^.^^r.r^<*v^v#s/v^^r.^vr^^ Hymn. Abraham's God - - 47 Absence from God - 92 Admonition - - - 146 Adoration ----- 315 Advent, second - 74, 75, 176 Affliction < 52, I99, 304 Alarm 197 Anchor of hope - - 274 Angel of covenant - 277 AppropriatioD - - 95 Ascension - - - 118, 150 Assistance, divine 147 Assurance - - . . 37, 181 Atonement 35 Backsliding 43 Baptism - - - 348—350 Bethesda's pool - - J92 Blessedness, beJievers (Jil Bridegroom's coming 82 Calvary 122 Caution to professors 7 Christ all in all 71, 123 aspiring after - - 235 coming to - - - - 68 fellowship with 284 following - . . , . 80 happiness in 84, 285 knowledge of - - 306 longing for - - . - 175 our kinsman - • - I89 our sacrifice 100, J 01, 137, 237 precious 170 5 Hymn. salvation in - - - 275 the best friend - - 70 the only refuge - 212 Christ's blood 168, 169 coming 172 compassion - - - 276 care 182 guidance - - - 38, 39 humiliation - - - - 187 love - 20 merits 36 offices - - - - 141, 167 presence 65,69,89,236 sovereignty - - - 228 victory 32] Christian's journey- 200 race 213 Church triumphant 298 Communion divine 27 Confidence in God 308 Conquerors - , - - - 18 Contrite heart - - - 4 Covenant, angel of 277 God's 72 stability of - - - - 208 Cross, resting under 133 Crucifixion 32, 33,61,67, 87, 154, 186, 214, 217 Darkness of soul - - 239 Death and judgment 319? Death, prospect of 263 comfort in - - - - 278 Dedication 31 Deliverer - - - 86, 105 A3 Vlll INDEX. Hymn. Departed saint - • - 264 Desires, lioly - - - 58 ^Dismission - - 341, 342 Distress, manifestations Divine assistance - 147 love 60, «1 wisdom ----- 301 Doxologies 290, 297, 343 Dying Cliristian - - 320 Ebenezer 185 £fficacy of Christ's blood - - 168, 169 £{ijali fed 247 Encouragement to the weak - . - 201, 202 /Inquiring for heaven 204 Evening - - - I96, 243 Examination - - - - 10 Expostulation - - - 318 Faith -- 246 in Christ - ... - 78 living --.--- 26 in exercise - - - - 231 joy of - . - 62, 63, 64 ttrinmph of - • - • 226 waiting 50 Faith's review « - - 100 Fellowship 286 Fight, the good - - - 17 Following Christ - - 80 Forbearance - - - - 326 Foundation 327 Fountain opened - • l62 Free grace .... - 142 Funeral - - - - 265—269 God is love - ... - 224 Gospel, for its spread 7^ precious - 5 Hymn. Grace • 23, 85, l64, 280 experienced - - - 11 free 142 growth in 13,14,206 preserving - - . - 90 reign of 157 thankfulness for - 25 Guidance of Christ 38,39 Happiness in Xt. 84, 285 of heaven - 205, 309 Hardness of heart . 53 Heart renewed - - • 24 Head of the church 55 Helpless man - • • 9 Hidden life - - - - 138 Hiding place - - - • 328 Holy desires - - - - 58 Hope rejoiced in - l63 Anchor of - • • - 274 Sinners 221 Holy Ghost addressed 1,2,116,272,281 Imputed righteousness 42, 5* Invitation 3, 16, 104,135 218, 227, 240, 311 Jacob wrestling - - 30 Jesus crowned - - - 300 glorying in - - - 299 Higli Priest €07, 276 looking to - 217, 219 precious 356 seeking him - - - 148 weeping 322 Jehovah Jireh • . - 324 Joyful sound • - . 329 INDEX. IX Hymn, Joy of faith 62 in sorrow • - - 110 Jubilee 44, 45 Judgment day 183, 317 King and Family 331 Lat.ientation - - . - 230 J-.ight in darkness - shining 140 Love amazing . , . 113 boundless .... 223 Christ's ._.... 20 divine .... 60, 81 everlasting .... 215 God's .... 238, 241 redeeming 6, 128, 234 to Christ . . 106, 107 unchangeable . 46, 91 119, 120 Lord's day. . 57, 330 Loving kindness . 314 Melchisedee ... - 114 Mercy 51, 289 free and sovereign &d unbounded - . , . 222 Morning . \g3y 196, 242 Name of Jesus . . 194 National 134, 344—34? Nativity. 160, 161, 174j 209, 210 Offices of Christ 141, 167 Omnipotence of God 302 Omniscience of God 188 Original and actual sin 34 Panting after God 225 Pardon for the vilest 283 r Hymn-, Parting 93, I98 Peace of God . . . 11*! Perseverance . . 59, 73 Physician, the good 79, 102, 248 Pilgrim .... 179, 2(X) Pleading 124, 125, 152 Praise 28, 312, 313, 3l6 exhortation to . . 143, to Christ 77, 96, 121, 153, 287, C'88 Prayer . . 127, I66, 180, 270, 271 sinner's 132 ■ for King & family 331 Propitious gale . . . 310 Protecting love . . I9 Psalms 29, 97, 155, 178 Public worship 126, 220 245, 303 Ransom ...... 115 llecoiiciliation - . . 184 Redemption .... 232 Reign of grace . . . 157 Resignation 9, 158, 307 Resolution, believers* 21 Rest in heaven 203, 305 Resurrection 117, 130, 131 Retirement : . . . . 145 Review of our ways 323 Righteousness . • 42, 54 Salvation 109 in Christ 275 Sacramental . 249—262 Safety in a storm . 151 in Christ 40 of God's people . 24* A4 X INDEX. Uymn. SeJf-examlnatlon . , 10 Sermon, before 108,129. 136, 139, 232, 233, 3.S2 after I09, 144, 216,340 Shepherd, the good 103, 191, 211 Sovereignty of Xt. 228 Sorrow, joy in ... 110 Spiritual blessings . Ill inindedness . . . 171 Strength for the day 325 Submission . 9, 158, 307 Surrender of heart - 83 Sympathy of Christ 276 remp*ation . . 99, l65 Hymn. Thanksgiving 94,173,229 Thankfulness for grace 25 Tribulation 88 Trinity . . 159, 273, 293 Trust in God .... 28^; Waiting soul . 15, 41, 56 Weak encouraged . 201, 202 Wisdom divine . . 301 Witnessing of Christ I77 Spirit 279 World a wilderness 149 Worthy the Lamb - 22 I Wrestling Jacob . . 30 i Youth .... 351—355 The Letters C. M. L. M. and S. M. sigtiify Common, Long, and Short Metres ; and the Fi- gures explain the peculiar Metres. 5.5.11. 6.4. 6.6.8. 6.7. 6.7.8. 6.8. 6.8.4. 7. 7.6. 7.6.7. 7.7.6. 7.8. 8. 5.5.11. 8.5.6. 8.6.8. 6.6.8. 8.6.6. 8.6.6. 8.7. 8.7. 8.7.4. 8.7.8. 8.8.8. 8.8.7 8.8.6. 8.8.6 7. * 10. 10. 7.6. 10.5.U. 10.5.11. 10.11. 10.11. 11. 11. 8. 104th Entered at Stationers* Hall. A COLLECTION OF HYMNS 1 To the Holy Ghost, HOLY Ghost, dispel our sadness, Pierce the clouds of sinful night : Come, thou source of sweetest gladness. Breathe thy life, and spread thy light Loving Spirit, God of peace. Great distributer of grace. Rest upon this congregation ! Hear, O hear our supplication I From that height which knows no measuid As a gracious show'r descend ; Bringing down the richest treasure Man can wish, or God can send : O thou Glory, shining down From the Father and the Son, Grant us thy illumination ! Rest upon this congregation. Come, thou best of all donations God can give, or we implore ; Having thy sweet consolations. We need wish for nothing more : Come with unction and with pow'r. On our souls thy graces show*r; Author of the new creation. Make our hearts thy habitation. HYMNS. 4 Manifest th^ love for ever ; Fence us m on ev'ry side ; h distress, be our reJiever ; Guard and teach, support and guide : Let thy kind, effectual grace, Turn our feet from evil ways; Shew thyself our new Creator, And couVorm us to thy nature. Be our friend, on each occasion ; God, onuiipotent to save ; When we die, be our salvation ; Nor forsake us in our grave ; And, when from the grave we rise. Take us up above the skies ; Seat us with thy saints in glory. There for ever to adore Thee. 2 To the Holy Ghost. 7. GRACIOUS Spirit, Dove divine i Let thy light witliin me shine ; 411 my guilty fears remove, Fill me full of heav'n and love. Speak thy pardoning grace to me. Set the burtlien'd sinner free ; Lead me to tlie Lamb of God, Wash me in his precious blood. Life and peace to me impart ; Seal salvation on my heart : Breathe thyself into my breast. Earnest of immortal rest. Let me never froiu thee stray. Keep me in the narrow way : Fill my soul with joy divine, Keep me. Lord, for ever thine. 5 HYMNS. 3 Invitation, 6. 8. YE dying sous of men, luimerg'd in sin and woe. The gospel's voice attend While Jesus sends to you : Ye perishing and guilty, come. In Jesu's arms there yet is room. No longer now delay. Nor vain excuses frame ; He bids you come to-day, Tlio' poor, aiid blind, and lame ; All things are ready, sinner, come, For ev'ry trembling soul there's room. Believe the heav'nly word His messengers proclaim ; He is a gracious Lord, And Faithful is his name. Backsliding souls, return and come, Cast off despair, there yet is room, Compell'd by bleeding love. Ye wand'ring sheep draw.near, Christ calls you from above. His charming accents hear ; I^et whosoever will, now come. In mercy's breast there yet is room. 4 The Contrite Heart, CM. THE Lord will happiness divine On contrite hearts bestow ; Tlien tell me, gracious God, is mine A contrite heart or no ? I hear, but seem to hear in vain. Insensible as steel : If aught is felt, 'tis only pain, Because I cannot feel. 11 HYMNS. 8 I sometimes think myself inclin'd To love thee if I could ; But often feel another mind, Averse to all that's good. My best desires are faint and few, I fain would strive for more ; But when I cry, " My strength renew," Seem weaker than before. Thy saints are comforted 1 know, And love thy house of prayer ; I therefore go where others go, But find no comfort there. O make this heart rejoice or ache ; Decide this doubt for me ; And if it be not broken, break ; And heal it, if it be. ^'^ 5 Precious Gospel. 11, THE gospel brings tidings to each wound- ed soul. That Jesus the Savior, can make it quite whole : And what makes this gospel most precious to me, JL offers salvation so perfectly free. this gospel says further,God sending his Son To die for poor sinners, gave all things in one ; Tliis makes then the gospel so precious to me *Tis surely a gospel as full as 'tis free. ince Jesus hath sav*d me, and that freey too, I fain would in all things my gratitude shew; But as for man's merit, 'tis hateful to me. The gospel, I love it, 'tis perfectl5'^ free , 9 HYMNS. II O Redeeming Love, 7. "T^OW begin the heav'nly theme, i-^ Sing aloud in Jesu's name ; Ye who Jesu's kindness prove, Triumpli in Redeeming Love > [Ye Avho see the Father's grace Beaming in the Savior's face. As to Canaan on ye move. Praise and bless Redeeming Love /] Mourning souls, dry up your tears. Banish all your guilty fears : See your guilt and curse remove, Cancell'd by Redeeming Love! [Ye, alas ! who long have been Willing slaves of death and sin, Now from bliss no longer rove, Stop — and taste Redeeming Love /] Welcome all by sin opprest. Welcome to your Savior's breast : Nothing brought him from above. Nothing but Redeeming Love ! He subda'd th' infernal pow'rs, His tremendous foes and ours, From their cursed empire drove. Mighty in Hedeeming Love ! Hither then your music bring, Strike aloud each joyful string '' Mortals join the hosts above, Join to praise Redeeming Love / 7 Caution to Professors, L,M. NOT words alone it cost the Lord To purchase pardon for his own , Nor will a soul by grace restor'd. Return the Savior words alone. 11 HYMNS. 12 With golden bells, the priestly vest, And rich pomegranates border'd round. The need of holiness express'd, And call'd for fruit as well as sound. Easy indeed it were to reach A mansion in the courts above, f swelling words and fluent speech Might serve instead of faith and love. But none shall gam the blissful place. Or God's unclouded glory see, Who talks of free and sov'reign grace. Unless that grace has made him free. 8 Light in darkness. CM. GOD moves in a mysterious way , His wonders to perform : He plants his footsteps in the sea. And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill. He treasures up his bright designs. And works his sov'reign will. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head, 'udge not the Lord by feeble sense. But trust him for his grace ; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding ev'ry hour; l"he bud may have a bitter taste, But sv/eet will be the flow'r. 14 13 HYMNS. 14 Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain ; God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain. 9 Helpless Man. CM. MY times of sorrow and of joy, Great God! are in tliine hand ; My choicest comforts came from thee. And go at thy command. If thou should take them all away. Yet let me not repine ; Before they were possess'd by nie. They were entirely thine. Nor let me drop a murmuring word, Tlio' the whole world were gone ; But seek enduring happiness In TheCy and Thee alone. What is the world, or all things here % 'Tis but a bitter sweet ; When I attempt a rose to pluck, A pricking thorn I meet. Here perfect bliss can ne'er be found. The honey's mixt with gall ; 'Midst changing scenes, and dying friends Be Thou my all in all. 10 Self-examination . CM. OFOR a closer walk with God, A calm and heav'nly frame ! A light to shine upon the road. That leads me to the Lamb. Where is the blessedness I knew. When first I saw the Lord ? Where is the soul refreshing view Of Jesus and his word i5 15 HYMNS. 16 What peaceful hours I then enjoy M ! How sweet their mem'ry still I But now I find an aching void. Which God alone can till. Return, O holy Dove, return. Sweet messenger of rest ! f hate the sins that make me mourn. That drove Thee from my breast. The dearest- Idol I have known, Whate'er that Idol be ; Help me to bear it from thy throne, And worship only Thee. So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame ; And light divine mark out the road That leads me to the Lamb. Jesus, my Lord, my life, my light, O come with blissful ray ! Break radiant thro' the shades of night. And chase these clouds away ! Then shall my soul with rapture trace. The tokens of thy love : But the full glories of thy face Are only known above. 11 Grace experienced, CM. OFT hast thou, Lord, in tender love. Prevented my request, And sent thy Spirit from above. An unexpected guest : Oft, when my pray'r was scarce begun, Thou didst thy tire impart, And make thy pard'ning mercy knowii^ And Seal it on my heart. 16 17 HYMNS. 18 Why this profusion of thy grace To such a worm as me ? Father, I ask, in fix'd amaze. Explain the mystery I Why dost Thou, to a sinner's cry. Incline thy pitying ear? Thou hear'st my Advocate on high. And Avilt for ever hear. 12 Divine Manifestation in Distress. 6. 7. 8. WHEN I travail in distress, Or grief of anj^ kind, Burthen'd with uneasiness. And anguish on my mind ; One sweet ray of heav*nly light Breaks up the clouds that come between. Turns to day the gloomy night. And quite renews the scene. My complaints with speed remove, « My sorrows turn to joy ; Songs of melody and love Again my tongue employ ; Then I enter into rest. Again I call Immanuel mine : And, like John, upon his breast, My weary head recline 13 For Increase in Grace, CM. O JESUS, Jesus, my good Loiv How wondrous is thy love; Thy patience, pity, tenderness. Which I each moment prove! \7 B 19 HYMNS. 20 For Oil I how faithless is my mind, How apt to turn aside. And wander in its own deceits Of reasoning and 2>ride ! Yet, dearest Savior, love me still. The poorest and the worst ; I know where sin did once abound. Thy grace aboundeth most. Yet let me not thy grace abuse. And sin because thou'rt good ; But let thy love fill me with shame, That I this love withstood. Savior of sinners, keep me near. Nor let me turn away. From thy dear cross, and bleeding wounds. But bind me there to -stay. On me, my King, exert thy pow*r. Make old things pass away ; Create all new, and draw me still. Still nearer, every day. Lord, speak to me with thy sweet voice. And give me ears to hear; Still love, forgive, and pity me. And hear a sinner's prayer. 14 For Increase in Ch^ace. CM. OGIVE me. Savior, give me still My poverty to know ; Increase my faith, each day in grace And knowledge may I grow. Open still more the mystery Of thy dear bleeding cross; And for this precious pearl, let me Count all things else but dross. 18 21 HYMNS. 22 how transcendent is that grace, Whicli thou dost then bestow, When nothing in myself I feel, But misery and woe ; 'Tis then indeed, my gracious Lord, Tliy sulPring state I see, And thro' tliat A'^eil Nvith joy behold Thy tend'rest love to me. 1 5 The waiting Soul. CM. BREATHE from the gentle south, O Lord And clieer me from the north ; Blow on the treasures of thy word. And call the spices forth. I wish, Thou know'st, to be resigned. And wait with patient hope ; But hope delay'd fatigues the mind. And drinks the spirit up. Help me to reach the distant goal, Confirm my feeble knee ; Pity the sickness of a soul " That faints for love of Thee. Cold as I feel this heart of mine ; , Yet, since \feel\t so. It yields some hope of life divine Within, however low. I seem forsaken and alone, 1 hear the lion roar ; And ev'ry door is shut but one. And that is mercy's door. There, till the dear Deliv'rer come, I'll wait with humble pray'r ; And when he calls his exile home. The Lord shall find me there. 10 B 2 23 HYMNS. 24 lO Invitation, C. M. YE wretched, hungry, starving poor. Behold a royal feast ! Where mercy spreads her bounteous stoio For ev'ry welcome guest. See Jesus stands with open arms ; He calls, he bids you come ; Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms ; But see, there yet is room, Rooiji in the Savior's bleeding heart, Tliere love and pity meet ; Nor will he bid the soul depart. That trembles at his feet. In him the Father reconcil'd, Invites each soul to come ; The rebel shall be call'd a child. And kindly welcom'd home. O come, and with his children taste The blessings of his love ; While hope attends the sweet repast. Of nobler joys above. There, with united heart and voice. Before th' eternal throne. Ten thousand thousand souls' rejoice. In ecstacies unknown. Ten thousand times ten thousand more Are welcome still to come ; Ye longing souls, the grace adore ; Approach, there yet is room. 17 The good Fight, 104tlu ^UR God is above Men, devils, and sin ; My Jesus's io'^e. The battle shall win : O^ 25 HYMNS. 2« So terribly glorioas His coming sliall be. His love all-victorious Shall conquer for me. He all shall break through ; His truth and his grace Shall bring me into The plentiful place : Through much tribulation. Through water and fire. Til rough floods of temptation. And flames of desire. On Jesus, my pow'r. For strength I rely ; All evil before His presence shall fly ; If I have my Savior, He will not depart ; But Jesus, for ever, Shall hold fast my heart. 1 8 The Conquerers. 6, 8. BY whom was David taught To aim the dreadful blow. When he GoJiah fought. And laid the Gittite low? Nor sword nor spear the stripling took. But chose a pebble from the brook. *Twas Israel's God and King Who sent him to the tiglit ; Who gave him strength to sling. And skill to aim aright. Ye feeble saints, your strength endures, Because young David's (iod is yours. ^\ B 3 27 HYMNS. 2g Who order'd Gideon forth, To storm th* invader's camp, With arms of little worth, A pitcher and a lamp i The trumpets made his coming known. And all the host was Overthrown. Oh ! 1 have seen the day. When with a single word, God helping me to say, *' My trust is in the Lord ;" My soul has quel I'd a thousand foes. Fearless of all that could oppose. But unbelief, self-will. Self-righteousness, and pride. How often do they steal My weapon from my side I Yet David's Lord, and Gideon's friend, Will help his servants to the end. 1 9 Protecting Love, 8. WHAT tho' my frail eye-lids refuse. Continual watching to keep. And, punctual as midnight renews, Demand the refreshment of sleep, A sov'reign protector 1 liave. Unseen, yet for ever at hand ; ■Unchangeably faithful to save. Almighty to rule and command. From evil secure, and its dread, I rest, if my Savior is nigli ; i^nd songs Ids kind presence indeed. Shall in the night season supply ; 2'i 29 HYMNS. 30 He smiles, and niy comforts abound ; His grace as the dew shall descend ; And walls of salvation surround. The soul he delights to defend. Kind Author and Ground of my hope, Tliee, Thee for my God I avow ; My glad Ebenezer set up, And own Thou hast help'd nie till now ; I nuise on the years that are past. Wherein my defence thou hast prov'd ; Nor wilt thou relinquish at last, A sinner so signally lov*d. Inspirer and Hearer of pray'r, Tliou Feeder and Guardian of thine^ My all to thy covenant care I sleeping and waking resign : !f Thou art my shield and my sun. The night is no darkness to me ; And, fast as my moments roll on. They bring me but nearer to Thee. Thy mini St' ring spirits descend. To watch while thy saints are asleep : By day and by night they attend. The heirs of salvation to keep : Bright seraphs dispatched from the throne Repair to their stations assigned ; And angels elect are sent down, To guard the elect of mankind. Thy worship no interval knows ; Their fen'^our is still on the wing ; And, while they protect my repose. They chaunt to the praise of my King, 2-^ li l 31 HYMNS. 32 I too, at the season ordainM, Their chorus for ever shall join, ^nd love and adore, without end Their faithful Creator and mine. 20 On Christ's Love. 8. 7. OMY Lord ! IVe often mused On thy wondrous love to me ; How I have i\ e same abused. Slighted, disregarded Thee ! To thy church and thee a stranger, Pleas'd with what displeased thee : Lost, yet could perceive no danger ; Wounded, yet no wound could see. But unwearied Thou porsu'dst me. Still thy calls repeated came ; 1\\\ on Calvary's mount I view'd Thee, Bearing my reproach and blame : 'Then o'erwhelm'd with shame and sorrow. Whilst I view each pierced limb. Tears bedew the scourge's furrow Mingling with the purple stream. I no more at Mary wonder Dropping tears upon the grave. Earnest asking all around her. Where is he who died to save? Dying love her heart attracted ; Soon she felt his rising pow'r : He who Mary thus affected. Bids his mourners weep no more. 21 The Believer's Resolution. 8.7. SAVIOR, canst thou love a traitor? Canst thou love a child of wrath t Can a hell-deserving creature e the purchase of thy death? 33 HYMNS. 34 Is thy blood so efficacious. As to make my nature clean ? Is thy sacrifice so precious. As to free me from my sin. Sin on ev*ry hand surrounds me. No acquittance can I hear ; Pangs of unbelief confound me. Oh ! my grief I cannot bear : Here then is my resolution. At thy dearest feet to fall ; Here I'll meet with condemnation. Or a freedom from my thrall. Now deny thy grace and mercy. If thou canst, to wretched me ; Lay aside thy love and pity, If Thou canst, and let me die. If I meet with condemnation. Justly I deserve the same ; If I meet with free salvation, I will magnify thy name. 22 Worthy the Lamb, 6. 4. GLORY to God on high, Let heav'n and earth reply. Praise ye his name ! Angels his love adore. Who all our sorrows bore. And saints cry evermore, " Worthy the Lamb !• All they around the throne Cheerfully join in one. Praising his name i 25 35 HYMNS. 3g We, who have felt his blood Sealing our peace with God, Sound his dear fame abroad ; Worthy the Lanibf Join all the ransoni'd race Our Loid and God to bless : Praise ye his name ! In him we will rejoice, Making a cheerful noise. And shout, witii lieart and voice. Worthy the Lamb ! Tho' we must change our place. Yet shall we never cease Praising liis name ! To him we'll tribute bring. Hail him our gracious King, And, without ceasing, sing. Worthy the Lamb! 23 Grace, S.M. GRACE ! 'tis a charming sound. Harmonious to the ear! Heav'n with the echo shall resound. And all the eailh shall hear. Grace first contriv'd a way, 'I'o save rebellious man ; And all the steps that grace display, Which drew the wond'rous plan. 'Twas grace that wrote my name. In tliy eternal book ; 'Twas grace that gave mc to the Lamb Who all my sorrows took. 37 HYMNS. 38 Grace forc'd my wand'ring feel To tread the heav'nly road ; And new supplies each hour I meet While pressing on to God. Grace taught my soul to pray. And made my ey6s o'erflow ; *Twas grace which kept me to tliis day. And will not let me go. Grace all the work shall crown. Through everlasting days ; It lays in heav'n the topmost stone. And well deserves the praise. O let thy grace inspire My soul with strength divine ! May all my pow'rs to Thee aspire, And all my days be thine ! 24 For a renewed Heart, 8. OH Lord, how faitliless is my heart. How very apt from Thee to stray I Just like a broken bow I start, And nature strives to bear the sway : Was ever one so vile, yet bless'd : So foul, yet by the Lord caress'd ! Forbid, my Lord, each vain desire. And bind my passions to thy cross : Quench all the sparks of nature's fire. And bid me count my gain but loss : Lord Jesus, tear each Idol down. And stablish in my heart thy throne! Grace, grace shall wipe away my tears. And speak the tempest to a calm ; Shall Avarm my heart, and charm my fears. And prove a never-failing balm ; The maladies of sin remove. And fill my soul with holy love. 39 HYMNS. 40 Henceforth I'd serve Thee, if ThouMt please To gird me with a heav'nly pow'r; I'd sing the glories of thy grace. Till all my pilgrimage be o'er ; With hallow'd lire inspire my tongue. And love shall be my endless song I 25 Thankfulness for Grace, 6. 8. WHAT voice is this I hear, A kind salute of grace. Which whispers in my ear T'le grateful words of peace ? Hail, blessed Lord, 'tis thy sweet voice WMiicli bids me in thy blood rejoice. Thou art my chief delight, A lovely Friend indeed, Most precious in my sight. My help in ev'ry need : Hereby I'm strengthen'd in the way. And thank Thee for this gospel day. Unworthy as I am. And base in my own eyes. On my account the Lamb Ascends the upper skies ; Assumes at God's right hand a seat. And lets me sit beneath his feet. My great High Priest is gone Into the holy place ; The curtain is withdrawn. Which veil'd his lovely face ; The passage now is clear and free, The veil is rent for happy me. m 41 HYMNS. 42 26 For a living Faith, CM. IN Thee, O Clirist, is all my hope. My comfort all in Thee ; Whilst here I feel thy mercy nigh, I know Thou guardest me. Me, nor the saints of earth can help. Nor anftels near thy throne ; To Thee I run, thy help to find. And trust in Thee alone. E feel the load of sin so vast, It sinks me to the grave ; But let thy blood wash out my sins. Mine whom Thou cam'st to save. On me, thy helpless worm, O Lord, A living faith bestow ; That I thy nature's hidden sweets May taste, and see, and know. Triumphant let me live, by love Shed in my heart abroad ; And faithfully to Jesus give The life which he bestow'd. 27 Desiring divine Communion, CM. JESUS, the all-restoring word. Our fallen spirits' hope. After thy lovely likeness. Lord, O when shall we wake up 1 Thou, O our God, Thou only art The life, the truth, the way ; Quicken our souls, instruct our hearts. Our sinking footsteps stay. 29 43 HYMNS. 44 All that Thou dost on earth bestow, Of heav'ii, vouchsafe to give ; Give us, O Lord, Thyself to know. In Thee to walk and live. Fill us with all the life of love, In mystic union join Us to thyself, and let us prove The fellow*ihip divine. Open the intercourse between Our longing souls and Thee, Never to be broke off again. Thro' all eternity. 28 Praise, S. M. AWAKE, and sing the song Of Moses ajid the Lamb ; Wake ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue To praise the Savior's name. Sing of his dying love, Sing of his rising pow'r ; Sing how he intercedes above For those whose sins he bore. Sing, till we feel our hearts Ascending with our tongues : Sing, till the love of sin departs. And grace inspires our songs. Sing on your heav*nly wa3'^. Ye ransom'd sinners sing ; Sing on, rejoicing ev'ry day. In Christ th' eternal King, Soon shall ye hear Him say, 1 e blessed children come ; Soon will He call you hence away. To take his wand'rers home. 45 HYMNS. 46 29 Psalm 100. L.M. BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne. Ye nations bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone ; He can create, and He destroy. His sovereign pow'r without our aid. Made us of clay, and. form'd us men ; And when like Avand'ring sheep we stray'd He brought us to his fold again. We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heav'ns our voices raise ; And earth with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. Wide as the world is thy command, Vast as eternity thy love ; Firm as a rock thy truth mvst stand. When rolling years shall cease to move . 30 Wrestling Jacob. 7. NAY, I cannot let Thee go, Till a blessing Thou bestow ; Do not turn away thy face, . Mine's an urgent, pressing case. Dost Thou ask me who I am ? Ah, my Lord, thou know'st my name ! Yet the question gives a plea. To support my suit with Tliee. Thou did'stonce a wretch behold. In rebellion blindly bold. Scorn thy grace, thy pow'r defy : That poor rebel, Lord, was L Once a sinner near despair. Sought thy mercy-seat by prayer ; Mercy heard and set him free : Lord, that mercy came to me. 31 47 HYMNS. 48 Many years have pass'd since then, Many changes I have seen ; Yet have been upheld till now ; Who could hold me up but Thou ? Thou hast help'd in ev'ry need. This emboldens me to plead ; After so much mercy past. Canst Thou let me sink at last? No — I must maintain my hold, *Tis thy goodness makes me bold ; 1 can no denial take. When I plead for Jesu's sake. 31 Dedication. 7. FATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One ; As by the Celestial Host, Let thy will on earth be done ! Praise by all to Thee be giv'n, Glorious Lord of earth and heav'n ! If so poor a worm as I May to thy great glory live. All mine actions sanctify, All my thoughts and words receive ; Claim me for thy service— claim All I have, and all I am. Take my soul, and body's powers. Take my mem'ry, mind, and will. All my goods, and all my hours. All I know, and all I feel. All I think, and speak, and do. Take my heart, and make it new I Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One J As by the Celestial Host, Let thy will on earth be done ! Praise by all to Thee be giv'n, Glorious Lord of earth and heav'nl 32 49 HYMNS. 50 32 Crucifixion. 8. 8. C. *' ''T^IS finish'd," the Redeemer said, JL And meekly bow'd his dying head ; O wond*rous loving pain ! Come, sinners, and mark well the word ; There view tlie conquests of our Lord, Complete for helpless man. Finish'd the righteousness of grace, Finish'd the pain that bought our peace, The sinner's debt is paid : Accusing law cancell'd by blood. And wrath of an offended God In sweet oblivion laid. Who now shall urge a second claim The law no longer can condemn. Faith a release can shew ; Justice itself a friend appears. The prison-house a whisper hearSv *' Loose him, and let him go." O unbeUef, injurious bar ! Source of tormenting fruitless fear. Why dost thou yet reply ? Where'er thy loud objections fall, '* 'Tis finish'd," still may answer all. And silence ev*Yy cry. oo Crucifixion* 8. OLOVE divine, what hast Thou done ; Th' immortal God hath died for me The Father's co-eternal Son Bore all my sins upon the tree : Th' immortal God forme hath die'" My Lord, my love, is crucified i :;:? ' c 51 HYMNS. 52 Sinners, behold, as ye pass by. The bleeding Prince of life and peace ; Come, see, ye worms, your Maker die. And say, was ever grief like his ? Come, feel with me his blood applied ; My Lord, my love, is crucified ! Is crucified for irne and you. To bring his people back to God; Believe, believe the record true. His church is purchas'd with his blood : Pardon and life flow from his side ; My Lord, my love, is crucified! Then let us sit beneath his cross. And gladly catch the healing stream • All tilings for him account but dross. And give up all our hearts to him ; Of nothing speak or think beside ; My Lord, my love, is crucified 1 34 Original and actual Sin. CM. LORD, I would spread my sore distress And guilt before thine eyes : Against thy law, against thy grace. How high my crimes arise 1 Shouldst thou consign my soul to hell. And crush my flesh to dust ; Heav*n would approve thy vengeance well. And earth mubt own it just. No works nor righteousness of men For sin can e'er atone : The death of Christ shall still remain Sufficient and alone. Then do not from my soul depart, Nor drive me from thy face ; Create anew my sinful heart. And fill my mouth with praise. Si 53 HYMNS. 54 35 Atonement. Q.J. HAIL, thou once despised Jesus ! Hail, tliou Galilean King, Who didst sulVer to release us, Who didst free salvation bring ; ' Hail, Thou precious, precious Savior, Who hast borne our sin and shame ; B37 whose merit we find favor. Life is given thro* thy name I Paschal Lamb, by God appointed. All our sins were on Thee laid : By Almighty love anointed, Tliou hast full atonement made. Ev'ry sin may be forgiven. Thro' the virtue of thy blood ! Open'd is the gate of heav'n. Peace is made 'twixt man and God. Jesus, hail ! entliron'd in glory, There for ever to abide. All the heavenly hosts adore Thee, Seated at thy Father's side : There for sinners Thou art pleading, ** Spare them yet another year ;" Thou for saints art interceding. Till in glory they appear. Worship, honour, pow'r, and blessi Christ is worthy to receive, Loudest praises, without ceasing. Meet it is for us to give ; Help, ye bright angelic spirits. Bring your svveetest, noblest lays; Help to sing our Jesu's merits, Help to chant Immanuel's praise; 35 C 2 55 HYMNS. 56 ob ChTist*s Merits, 8. 7. NOTHING but thy blood, O Jesus, Can relieve us from our smart ; Nothing else from guilt release us, Nothing else can melt the heart. Law and terrors do but harden. All the while they work alone ; But a sense of blood-bought pardon Soon dissolves the heart of stone. Jesus, all our consolations Flow from Thee, the Sov'reign Good ; Love, and faith, and hope, and patience. All are purchased by thy blood. From thy fulness we receive them ; We have nothing of our own ; Freely Thou delight'st to give them To the needy, who have none. Teach us, by thy patient Spirit, How to mourn, and not despair ; Let us, leaning on thy inerit, Wrestle hard with God in pray'r. Whatsoe'er afflictions seize us. They shall profit, if not please ; But defend, defend us, Jesus, From security and ease. S7 For Assurance, 8. COME, Holy Ghost, my soul inspire. Attest that I am born again : Come, and baptize me. Lord, with fire. Let no more doubt or cloud remain: Give me the sense of sin forgiv'n. Sweet foretaste of approaching heav'n. 57 HYMNS. 58 O give th' Indisputable seal, That ascertains tlie kingdom mine : That powerful stamp I long to feel. The signature of love divine : O shed it in my heart abroad. Fulness of love, of heav'n, of God ! 38 For Christ's Guidance. 8. 7, JESUS, lead me by thy power. Safe into thy promis'd rest : Hide my soul within thy bosom. Let me lean upon thy breast ; Feed me with thy heav'nly manna. Bread that angels eat above ; Let me drink from Thee, the fountain. Draughts of everlasting love. Through the desert wild conduct me Witl> a glorious pillar bright. In the day a cooling comfort. And a cheering fire by night ; Be my guide in ev'ry peril. Watch me hourly night and day. Else my foolish heart will wander, From thy Spirit far away. Nothing can preserve my going. But salvation full and free ; Nothing can my soul dishearten. But my absence. Lord, from Thee. Nothing can delay my progress. Nothing can disturb my rest. If I can, whate'er the danger, • Lean my spirit on thy breast. 37 59 HYMNS. 60 111 thy presence I am happy, In thy presence I'm secure, In tliy presence all afflictions I can easily endure ; Iji thy presence I can conquer, I can suffer, I can die ; Far from Thee, I faint and languish ; O my Savior, keep me nigh ! 39 For Christ's Guidance. 8. 7. GUIDE me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim thro' this barren land ; \ am weak, but Thou art mighty ; Hold me with thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven ! Bread of heaven ! Feed me now and evermore. Open now the crystal fountain Whence the healing streams do flow ; Let the fiery cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through : Strong Deliv'rer ! Strong Deliv'rer ! Be Thou still my strength and shield i When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Death of deaths, and hell's destruction. Land me safe on Canaan's side. Songs of praises, Songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee. Musing on my habitation. Musing on my heav'nly home. Fills my soul with holy longing. Come, my Jesus, quijckly come. Here vanity is all I see, Lord, I long to be with Thee I 38 61 HYMNS. 62 40 Safety in Christ. 8. 8. 6. LIGHT of the world, thy beams I bless , On thee, bright Sun oT Kighleousness My faith hatlj fixed its eye : Guided by Tliee, thro* all 1 go. Nor fear the ruin spread below, For Thou art always nigh. Ten thousand snares my path beset. Yet sliall I, Lord, the work comi)le*e, Which Thou to me hast given ; Su])erior to the pains I feel. Close by the gates of death and hell, I urge my way to heav'n. Still may I strive, and la1)or still, With Inunble zeal to do thy m^H, And trust in thy defence ; M}'^ soul into thj^ hands I give ; And, if he can obtain thy leavc.^ • Let Satan pluck me thence. 41 The waiting Soul, CM. I WAIT the visits of thy grace. My Savior, and my God ; O come and shew thy sniiling face. And wash me in thy blood. Oh ! whither can I go to get A pardon for my sin 1 I>iit only to my Savior's feet, And Avait and call on him. Oh 1 that I could but once, by faitli. Behold him on the tree ! . And see him languish there to death, And shed his blood for me I 39 C4 63 HYMNS. 64 Oh ! that I might but once be found In that blest Wedding dress, Wliich in my ears doth often sound My Savior's righteousness. 'Tis this alone can give me ease. And heal my wounded heart ; An int'rest in his righteousness. His suiiMngs and his smart. 42 Imputed Righteous?2ess. L.M. JESUS, thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress j 'Midst flaming worlds in these array'd. With joy shall I lift up my head. When from the dust of earth I risc> To claiin my mansion in the skies. E'en then shall this be all my plea, *' Jesus hath liv'd, hath died, for me 1" Bold shall I stand in that great day, For who aught to my charge shall lay t Fully through Thee absolv'd 1 am From sin and fear, from guilt and shame. Thus Abraham, the friend of God, Thus all the armies bought with blood. Savior of sinners. Thee proclaim, Sinners, of whom the chief I am. This spotless robe the same appears. When ruin'd nature sinks in years ; No age can change its glorious hue. The grace of Christ is ever new. O let the dead now hear thy voice. Now bid thy banish'd ones rejoice ; Their beauty this, their glorious dress, lesus the Lord our righlcousncss. 40 65 HYMNS. 66 43 Backsliding, C. M. WHEN any turn from Zion's way, (Alas 1 what numbers do !) Methinks I hear my Savior say, *' Wilt thou forsake me tool" Ah, Lord ! with such a heart as mine. Unless Thou hold me fast, I feel, 1 must, I shall decline. And prove like them at last. Yet Thou alone, hast pow'r I know, To save a wretch like me ; To Avhom, or whither could I go. If I should turn from Thee 1 The help of men and angels join'd, Can never reach my case ; Nor can I hope relief to find. But in thy boundless grace. No voice but thine can give me rest. And bid my fears depart ; No love but thine can make me blcss'd. And satisfy my heart. What anguish has that question stirr*d. If 1 will also go I Yfct, Lord, relying on thy love, I humbly answer. No. 44 Jubilee, 6. 8. BLOW ye the trumpet, blow The gladly solemn sound ; Let all the nations know To earth's remotest bound. The year of jubilee is come; Keturn, ye ransom'd sinners, home I 41 67 HYMNS. 68 Extol tlie Lamb of God, Tlie great-atoning Lamb ! Redemption in his blood Throughout the world proclaim : The year of jubilee is come ; lleturn, ye ransom'd sinners, home ! Ye who have sold for nought Your heritage above, .Shall have it back unbought. The gift of Jesu's love ; The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home I Ye slaves of sin and hell, Your liberty receive ; And safe in Jesus dwell," And blest in Jesus live ; Tlie year of jubilee is come :/ Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home ! The gospel-trumi:)et hear. The news of heav'nl}'^ jT^ace ; Ye happy souls draw near, Behold 3^our Savior's face : The year of jubilee is come ; Return to your eternal home. 45 Jubilee. L.M. CAPTAIN of thine enlisted host, r)is])lay thy glorious banner high ; The summons send from coast to coast. And call a num'rous army nigh. A solemn jubilee proclaim. Proclaim the great sabbatic day ; Assert the glories of thy name, Spoil Satan of his wish'd-for prey I 4*2 69 HYMNS. 70 Bid, bid thy lieralds publish loud The peaceful blessings of thy reign : And wlien they speak of sprinkling blood, The niyst'ry to the heart explain. Fight for thyself, O Jesus fight, The travail of thy soul regain. Before the blind make darkness light, And crooked paths do thou make plain. 40 Unchangeable Love. CM. OUR God, how firm his promise stands, E'en when he hides his face! He trusts, in our Redeemer's hands, His glory and his grace. Beneath his smiles my heart hath liv'd. And part of heav'n possess'd ; I thank him for the grace receiv'd. And trust him for the rest. Jesus, my God, I know his name ; His nam^ is all niy trust : He will not put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. But he will own my worthless name Befora hie Fatlier's face ; And in the New Jerusalem Assign my soul a place. 47 The God of Abraham. 6. 8. 4. THE God of Abr'ham praise. Who reigns enthron'd above. Ancient of everlasting days. And God of love : Jehovah, great I AM ! By earth and heav'n confest ; I bow and bless the sacred uame. For ever bless'd. 71 HYMNS. 72 The God of Abr'ham praise, At whose supreme command From earth I rise — and seek the joys At his right hand : I all on earth forsake, Us wisdom, fame, and pow*r : And Him my only portion make. My shield and tow'r. The God of Abr'ham praise. Whose all suflicient grace Shall guide me all my happy da^'S, In all his ways : He calls a worm his friend ! He calls himself my God ! And he shall save me to the end. Through Jesu's blood. He by himself hath sworn, I on his oath depend, I shall on eagle's wings up-borne. To heav'n ascend : I shall behold his face, 1 shall his pow'r adore. And sing the wonders of his grace For evermore. 48 Part the Second, THO' nature's strength decay. And earth and hell withstand. To Canaan's bounds I urge my way, At his command : The wat'ry deep I pass. With Jesus in my view : rfknd thro* the howling wilderness My way pursue. 44 73 HYMNS. 74 The goodly land I see. With peace and plenty blest s A land of sacred liberty, And endless rest : There milk and honey flow. And oil and wine abound ; And trees of life for ever grow With mercy crown'd. There dwells the Lord our King, The Lord our Righteousness, Triumphant o'er the world and sin, The Prince of Peace : On Sion's sacred height His kingdom still maintains ; And glorious with his saints in light. For ever reigns. . He keeps his own secure, He guards them by his side, Arrays in garments, white and pure. His spotless bride : With streams of sacred bliss. With groves of living joys. With all the fi^uits of Paradise, He still supplies. Before the great THREE ONE They all exulting stand ; And tell the wonders he hath done. Thro' all their land. The listening spheres attend. And swell the growing fame. And sing, in songs which never end. The wondrous name. 45 75 HYMNS. 76 49 Part the Third. THE God who reigns on high, The great archangels sing. And " Holy, Holy, Holy," cry. Almighty King! ** Who was, and is, the same ; " And evermore shall be ; " Jehovah— Father— Great I AM ! ** We worship Thee." Before the Savior's face The ransom'd nations bow ; O'erwhehn'd at his Almighty grace. For ever new : He shews his prints of love ; They kindle to a tlame I And sound, thro* all the worlds above The slaughter'd Lamb. The whole triumphant host Give thanks to God on high ; " Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," They ever cry : Hail, Abr'ham's God and mine, I join the heav'nly lays ; All might and majesty are Thine, And endless i)raise. 50 Waiting Faith, CM. THR saints should never be dismay'd Nor sink in hopeless fear; For when they least expect his aid. The Savior will appear. 46 77 HYMNS. 73 Blest proofs of pow'r and grace divine Are taught us in his word! May every deep-felt care of mine Be trusted with the Lord. Wait for his seasonable aid. And tho* it tarry, wait; The promise may be long delay'd. But cannot come too late. 51 Mercy, lis. THY mercy, my God, is Ihe theme of my sono; The joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue : Thy free grace alone from the first to the last, Has won my affections, and bound my soul fast. Without thy sweet mercy, I could not live here ; Sin soon would reduce me to utter despair : Eut, through thy free goodness, my spirits re vive, And he that first made me, still keeps me alive. Whene'er I mistak^, thy kin«l mercy begins To melt me, and then I can mourn lor my sins ; And, led by thy spirit to Jesus's blood, My sorrows are dried, and my strength is re- new'd. riiy mercy is more than a match for my heart, Which wonders to feel its own hardness depart ; Dissolv'd by thy sun-shine, I fall to the ground. And weep to the praise of the mercy I found. Thy mercy is endless, most tender, and free ; No sinner need doubt, since 'tis given to me : No merit will buy it, nor fears stop it course ; Good works are the fruits of its freeness and force. 47 79 HYMNS. 80 Thy mercy in Jesus exempts me from hell ; Of mercy I'll sing, of thv mercy I'll tell : *Twas Jesus my friend, when he hung on the tree. That open'd the channel of mercy for me. Great Father of mercies thy goodness I own. And covenant-love of thy crucified Son : All praise to the Spirit, whose whisper di- vine, Seals mercy, and pardon, and righteous- ness, mine. , 52 Affliction. 104th. MY Jesus, my hope, When will he appear A soul to lift up That waits for him hero In much tribulation. In trouble's excess. In height of temptation. And depth of distress 1 O when shall I see An end of my pain ; And trmmph in Thee, My Savior, again ? Lord, hasten the hour. Thy kingdom bring in. And give me thy power, And save me from sin. O Jesus, thou know'st My sorrowful load ; And seest that I trust Thy merits and blood ; Thou wilt have compassion, My burthen remove ; Thy name is salvation, Thy nature is love. 48 81 HYMNS. 82 Th3' nature and name My portion shall be, Wlio humbly lay claim To all things in Thee : The days of my mourning And painful distress, Shall, at thy returning. Eternally cease. , 53 Hardness of Heart, L.M. JESUS, thou lovely bleeding lamb. To Thee I pour out my complaint, I will not hide from thee my shame, I own, and blush to own my want If yet Thou canst compassion have. If grace doth more than sin abound. In me exert thy pow'r to save. And let me in thy rest be found. Lay to thine hand, Almighty love ; The work, O God, is worthy Thee, Such sad destruction to remove. And save a spfil so vile as me. Not without hope, for Thee I mourn ; 1 feel in part thy love to me ; Thy love my flinty heart shall tar.Xy And get itself the victory. Thou lov'dst, before the world began, This poor, unloving soul of mine ; Jesus came down, my God was man. That I might in his image shine. My anchor this, which cannot move. The servant as his Lord shall be ; And I shall live my God to love. And die in him who died for mo' 49 D 83 HYMNS. 84 54 Imputed Righteousness. CM. FAIR as the moon my robes appear. While graces are my dress ; Clear as the sun, while found to wear My Savior's righteousness. My moon-like graces, changing much. Are soii'd with many a spot; My sun-like glory is not such ; My Savior changes not. In him array*d, my robes of light The morning rays outshine ; The stars of heaven are not so bright. Nor angels half so line. Tho' hellish smoke my duties stain. And sin deform me quite. The blood of Jesus makes me clean. And his obedience white. Then let tlie law in rigor stand. And for perfection call. My Lord dischargM the whole demand, , My surety paid it all. Let ev'ry high self-righteous thought Be utterly cast down ; Free-grace alone the work hath wrought. And grace shall wear the crown. Oh may I practically shew My interest in that grace \ Be all I am, and have, and do. Devoted to thy praise ! ^5 Head of the Church. P.M. HEAD of the church triumphant I We joyfully adore Thee ! Till Thou appear, thy members here Shall sing- like those in glory. 85 HYMNS, 86 We lift our hearts and voices With blest anticipation. And cry aloud, and give to God The praise of our salvatioDr While in affliction's furnace, And passing through the fire, Thy love we praise, which tries our ways, And ever brings us nigher. We clap our hands, exulting In thine Almighty favor ; The love divine which made us thine. Shall keep us thine for ever. Thou dost conduct thy people Through torrents of temptation. Nor will we fear whilst Thou art near, The fire of tribulation. The world, with sin and Satan, In vain our march opposes ; Uy Thee we shall break through them all. And sing the song of Moses. Ky faith we see the glory, To which Thou wilt restore us ; Jhe world despise for that high prize. Which Thou hast set before us. And if Thou count us worthy. We each as dying Stephen, Shall see Thee stand at God's right hand. To take us up to heaven, 56 The waiting Soul, L.M. WHAT can a sinner do like me. When struck by an Almighty pow'r^ And sunk in deepest misery ? Nothing but wait at mercy's door. 51 87 HYMNS. 8g [What eye can see, what heart can love. What hand relieve my misery ? None but the Savior's from above^ Wlio for my sin^ did bleed and die.] Surely in mercy he'll pass by. And view a wretched slave of sin ; Pity will move him to come nigh. And wash a filthy creature clean. In mercy, Lord, thy creature see, And condescend niy shame to hide ; O speak the word, and I shall be Cioth'd with thy robe and justified. Then shall my happy soul enjoy A lasting peace in Thee, my God; Then my whole business and employ Shall be to speak of Jesu's blood. 57 Lord*s Day, L.M. THANKS to thy name, O Lord, that we One glorious sabbath more behold ; Dear Shepherd, let us meet with Thee Among thy sheep in this thy fold. Now, Lord, among thy tribes appear. And let thy presence fill the throng ; Thine awful voice let sinners hear. And bid the feeble heart be strong. Gather the lambs into thine arms. And satisfy their ev'ry want, And those with young defend from harms And gently lead them lest they faint. Put forth thy shepherd's crook and stay Thy wand'ring sheep,and bring them back; Oh I bring the wand'ring home to-day. And save them for thy mercy's r>ake- 51 89 HYMNS. 90 Let eVry soul before Thee here, Thro' Thee the door now enter in, Find pasture with our Savior dear, Sav'd from the guilt and pov/'r of sin. Dear, tenderhearted sliepherd, look. And let our wants thy bowels move ; And kindly lead thy little flock, To the sweet pastures of thy love. There sweetlj^ feed our hungry souls Ii\ flow'ry fields, near the sweet stream. Where living water gently rolls Towards the new Jerusalem. 5 8 Holy Desires. 6. T- 8. NOTHING in this world I want. No treasure here beneath ; Only, Lord, for Thee I pant. For Thee alon^ I breathe : Wipe away my n'ature's sin. Thy image to my breast restore ; Thou alone canst make me clean. And bid me sin no more. rhou invitest me to come To share thy people's rest ; Poor in spirit, I presume To press unto, the feast. Saving faith to me impart, And clothe me with thy righteousness ; In the fountain dip my heart. And sign my glad release. Fill me with thy perfect love. And answer each complaint; Unbelieving thoughts remove, And banish all my want. 5S n 3 91 HYMNS. 92 Lord, enable me, by grace, My ev'ry weight to lay aside ; Patiently to rnn my race, Till Thou dost take thy bride. 5Q Perseverance, lis. STAND fast in the gospel, 'tis Christ makes you free ; Close join'd unto Jesus may ev*ry heart be ; The point for the happy eternity's now ; We reap at the last as in time we do sow. All those of the gen'ral assembly above ; Who now as the seraphs are flaming in love, Were once in distress in this valley of tears. And came to their bliss thro' abundance of fears. Through patience and faith after them let us press. And trace from their footsteps the highway of Grace ; *Tis now called day, but the night will soon come, [home. When labor must cease, and the lab'rers go OO Divine Love. J. 6. LOVE, come, sweetly bind me. And keep me near thy side ; And evermore remind me, That Thou for me hast died. I wish to hear thy Spirit, Of that for ever preach. That thj' love, blood, and merit, May me obedience teach. I know that my salvation, Is certain through thy love. And Oh ! on each occasion May I most faithful prove ! £i o 93 HYMNS. 94 What's past Thou hast forgiven, Shair I forgive it too ? And forward run to heaven. With only Thee in view. I feel Thou'lt not forsake me. Though I am fiU'd with shame. Then from this moment take me. Poor sinner as I am. Oh love thus freely given^ My helpless heart to cheer I Be this my only heaven. My Jesus to dwell near! 1 Crucifixion, 8s. TIS done ! th* atoning work is done 1 Jesus, the world's Redeemer, dies ! All nature feels th^ important groan Loud-echoing thro' earth and skies ; The earth doth to her centre quake. And heav'n as hell's deep gloom is black I The temple's veil is rent in twain. While Jesus meekly bows his head ; Tiie rocks resent his mortal pain. The yawning graves give up their dead The bodies of the saints arise. Reviving as their Savior dies. And shall not we his death partake. In sympathetic anguish groan ; O Savior ! let thy passion shake Our earth, and rend our hearts of stone To second life our souls restore. And Avake us that we sleep no more. 55 95 HYMNS. 96 62 Joy of Faith. V.M, HOW happy are we, Our election wlio see, And can venture our souls on thj^ gracious In Jesus approv'd, [decree ! From eternity lov'd ; And held in liis hand, whence we cannot be mov'd ] 'Tis sweet to recline On the bosom divine. And experience the comforts peculiar to While borne from above, [tliine ; And upheld by thj'^ love, We with singing and triumph to Sion i?» move. As doves we have prest To the ark of thy breast. That harbor of safety, that centre of rest j Thou hast taken us in. Thou hast cancel'd our sin, And sown the sure seed of salvation within. Our seeking thy face Was the fruit of thy grace ; Thy goodness deserves, and shall have all No sinner can be, [the praise : Beforehand with thee ; Thy grace is preventing, almighty and free. Effectually drawn. We came to thy Son ; And Thou'lt perfect the work, for the work Thy breath from above, ['.vas thy own : The spark shall improve I ':^ 125 HYMNS. 126 No stranger may proceed therein. No lover of the world and sin ; No lion, no devouring care, No sin, nor sorrow shall be there. No, nothing may go up thereon But trav'ling souls, and I am one ; Wayfaring men to Canaan bound, Shall only in the way be found. This is the M'^ay I long had sought. And mourn'd because I found it not; My grief a burd-en long had been, Opprest with unbelief and sin. The more I strove against their pow*r, I sinn'd and stumbled but the more, Till late 1 heard my Savior say, ** Come hither, soul, I am the way.'* Lo ! glad I come, and thou blest Lamb, ShalTtake me to Thee as I am : Nothing but sin I Thee can give ; Nothing but love shall I rcceiv^e. Then will I tell to sinners round, What a dear Savior I have found ; I'll })oint to thy redeeming blood. And say, " Behold the way to God !'* 8 1 Love divine. 8. 7. LOVR divine, all love excelling, Joy of heav'n, to earth come down ! Fix in us thy humble dwelling ; All thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, Thou art all compassion ; Pure, unbounded love Thou art. Visit us with thy salvation. Enter ev'ry trembling heart. 7i 127 HYMNS. 128 Breathe, O breathe thy loving Spirit Into ev'ry troubled breast : Let us all in Thee inherit. Let us find thy proniis'd rest ! Take away the love of sinning ; Ali)ha and Omega be; End of faith, as its beginning. Set our hearts at liberty. Come, almighty to deliver. Let us all thy life receive . Suddenly return, and never. Never more thy temples leave ; Thee we would be always blessing; Serve Thee, as thy hosts above ; Pray, and praise Thee without ceasing; Glory in tliy dying love. Carry on thy new creation, Pure and holy may we be ; Let us see our whole salvation. Perfectly secured by Thee : Change from glory unto glory, Till in heav'n we take our place ; 'Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. 82 The Bridegroom's Commg, 6. 8. YE virgin souls, arise. With all the dead awake ; Unto salvation wise. Oil in your vessels take : Upstarting at the midnight cry, Uelioki your heav'nly Bridegroom nigh, 7* 129 HYMNS. 130 He comes, he comes to call The nations to his bar. And take to glory all Who meet for glory are : Make ready for your free reward ; Go forth with joy to meet your Lord, Go, meet him in the sky, Your everlasting friend ; Your Head to glorify, With all his saints ascend : Ye pure in heart, obtain the grace To see, without a veil, his face. Then let us wait to hear The trumpet's welcome spund ; To see our Lord appear. Watching may we be found. With that blest wedding-robe iadu'd. The spotless righteousness of God. 83 Surrender of Heart, CM. , TAKE my poor heart just as it is. Set up therein thy throne ; So shall I love Thee above all. And live to Thee alone. Complete thy work, and crown thy grac4! That I may faithful prove ! And listen to that small still voice, Wliich only whispers love ; Which teaches me what is thy will. And tells me what to do ; Which covers me with shame, When I Do not thy will pur?;ie. 131 HYMNS. 132 This unction may I ever feel, This teaching from mj'^ Lord, And learn obedience to thy voice. Thy soul-reviving word. 84 Happiness in Christ, CM. O DEAREST Lord, take Thou my heart ; Where can such sweetness be. As I have tasted in thy love. As I have fomid in Thee ? If zeal, with knowledge in my heart. Thy loving grace doth give ; Sate in the bush, unhurt, the whole Will unconsumed live. If love, that mildest flame, can rest In hearts so cold as mine. Come, blesed Savior, to my breast. And all its love be Thine. My Lord hath seiz'd me with sweet force. His prize and purchase just : This soul of mine was never made For vanity and dust. O 'tis in vain to seek for bliss, For bliss can ne*er be found. Till we arrive where Jesus is, And tread on heav*nly ground. 'Tis heav'n on earth to taste his love. To feel his quick'ning grace : And the bk.st heav'n, I hope above. Is there to see his face. 74 133 HYMNS. 134 ' 85 For Grace, C. M. GRACE, how exceeding- sweet to those Who feel thej^ sinners are ! Sunk and distrest, they taste and know Their heaven is only there. Thus grace, free grace, most sweetly calls, Directly come, who will ; Just as you are, for Christ receives Poor helpless sinners still, [Ail we, who now are his, were first. Deeply convinc'd of sin ; Each felt the plague of his own heart. The leprosy within : Then life and righteoosness divine. Thro* faith, to us were giv'n ; Thus we a happy people are. Coheirs with Christ of lieav*n.] Now, dearest Lord ! we inly pray, TJiat, in thy service we May active, holy, faitliful prove. Deriving strength from Thee. O let us still in Thee abide. For babes we are most weak : Poor sinners still, who without Thee, Can nought think, act, or speak. We thirst, O Lord ; give us, this day. To taste more of this grace ; More of that stream which from the rock Flow'd through the wilderness. *Tis grace alone that feeds our souls, Grace keeps us inly poor ; And, O ! that nothing else but gijace Miiy rule for evermore : 135 HYMNS. 136 86 Looking to the Deliverer, 8. 7. GOD of mercy, and compassion. Look with pity on my pain ; Hear a mournful broken spirit, ' Prostrate at thy feet complain ; Many are my foes, and mighty. Strength to conquer I have none ; Nothing can uphold my goings. But thy blessed Self alone. Savior, look on thy beloved ; Triuniph over all my foes ; Turn to heav'nly joy my mourning ; Turn to gladness all my woes ; Live, or die, or work, or sufl'er. Let my weary soul abide, In all changes whatsoever. Sure and stedfast by thy side. When temptations fierce assault me. When my enemies 1 find, Sin and guilt, and death and satan. All against my soul combin*d ; Hold me up in mighty waters. Keep my eyes on things above. Righteousness, divine atonement. Peace, and everlasting love. 8/ Crucifixion, L. M, FLOW fast, my tears ; the cause is great ; This tribute claims an injur'd friend :, One, whom I long pursued with hate. And yet He lov'd me to the end. When death his terrors round me spread. And aim'd his arrows at my head, Christ interpos'd, the wound He bore. And bade the monster, dare no more. 7a 137 HYMNS. 138 Ffist flow, my tears, yet faster flow. Stream copious as yon purple tide, 'Twas I that dealt the deadly blow, I urg'd the hand tliat pierced his side ; Keen pangs, and agonizing smart Oppress liis soul, and rend his heart ; While justice, arm'd with pow*r divine. Pours on his head what's due to mine. Fast, and yet faster flow, my tears. Love breaks the heart, and drains the eyes; His visage marr'd, tow'rds heav'n He rears. And, pleading for his murd'rers, dies ! My grief, nor measure knows, nor end, *Till He appears, the sinner's friend! And gives me in a happy hour. To feel the risen Savior's pow'r. SS Tribulation, S. M. THE favor'd saints of God, His Messengers, and Seers, The narrow path of sutPrings trod. And walk'd this vale of tears : Through sore afflictions past To better worlds above ; And more than conquer'd all at last. Through our Redeemer's love. Suff'rers, like them, beneath. Through much distress and pain. Through A'^arious toils of sin and death. We come with them to reign. Jesus, our glorious King, Shall wipe our tears away. And call us up, his praise to sing, In everlasting day. 77 139 HYMNS. 140 The joys iiielFable That from thy presence flow ; The fulness, here, we cannot tell, But, Lord, we die to know. Sy For Christ* s Presence, 7 s. DEAREST Jesus, come to me. And abide eternally ; Worthy friend of sinners, come. Fill and make my heart thy home. Oftentimes for Thee I sigh. Nothing else can give me joy : This is still my cry to Thee, Dearest Jesus, come to me. Could I clearly see above. What thy saints possess in love ; All would be but misery. Except Jesus was Avith me. Son of God, my dearest Lord, All my crown and my reward : Thou who freely died'st for me, Shalt alone my bridegroom be. 90 Preserving Grace, L. M, WITH all my pow'rs of heart and tongue, I'll praise my Maker in my song; Angels shall hear the notes I raise. Approve the song, and join the praise. To God I cried, when troubles rose : He heard me, and subdu'd my foes : My rising fears he did control. And strength diffus'd through all my soul. Amidst a thousand snares I stand. Upheld and guarded by his hand : His words i«y fainting soul revive. And keep my d3'ing faith alive. 78 141 HYMNS. 142 Grace will complete what grace begins. To save from sorrows, and from sins ; The work that wisdom undertakes. Eternal mercy ne'er forsakes. yl Unchangeable Love. L.M. WHEN darkness long has veil'd my mind, And smiling day once more appears. Then, my Redeemer, then I find The folly of my doubts and fears. Strait I upbraid my wandering heart. And blush that I shou'd ever be So prone to act so base a part. To harbour one hard thought of Thee. let me then atJength be taught. What still I am so slow to learn. That God is love, and changes not. Nor knov/s the shadow of a turn. Sweet truth, and easy to repeat ; But when my faith is sharply tried, 1 find myself a learner yet. Unskilful, weak, and apt to slide. But Oh! my Lord, one look from Thee, Subdues the disobedient will, Drives doubt and discontent away. And thy rebellious worm is still. Thou art as willing to forgive. As I am ready to repine ; Thou therefore all the praise receive, "e shame and self-abhorrence mine. 92 Absence from God. CM. OTHOU, whose tender mercy hears Contrition's humble cry ; Whose hand, indulgent, wipes the tears From sorrow's weeping eye ; ' 79 143 HYMNS. 144 See, low before Ihy throne of grace, A wretched wand'rer mourn ! Thyself hast bid me seek thy face; Thyself hast said. Return, And shall my guilty fears prevail To drive me from thy feet? Thy word of promise c.innot fail. My tow'r of safe retreat. Absent from Thee, my guide, my light. Without one cheering ray ; Through dangers, fears, and gloomy night. How desolate my way I O shine on this benighted heart. With beams of mercy shine ; And let thy Spirit's voice impart A taste of joys divine. 93 Paj-ting. CM. BLEST be the dear uniting love That will not let us part ; Our bodies may far off remove. We still are join'd in heart. Join*d in one spirit to our Head, Where he appoints we go : And still in Jesu's footsteps tread, And do his work below. O let as ever walk in him, And nothing know beside I ^' Nothing desire, nor augl.it esteem. But Jesus crucified. Closer, and closer let us cleave To his belov'd embrace : Out of his fulness still receive. And plenteous grace for grace. 80 145 HYMNS* 146 But let us hasten to the day, Wliich shall our flesh restore, When vanquishM death shall shrink away. And bodies part no more. 94 Thmiksgiving, 104th, OWHAT shall I do, my Savior to praise ; So faithful and true, so plenteous in grace ; So strong to deliver, so good to redeem The weakest believer that hangs upon him i How happy the*man whose heart is set free; The people that can be joyful in Thee ; Their joy is to walk in the light of thy face; And still they are talking of Jesus's grace. Their daily delight shall be in thy name. They shall as their right thy righteousness claim, [thy blood. Thy righteousness wearing, and cleans'd by Bold shall they appear in the presence of God. For thou art their boast, their glory and pow'r, And I also trust to see the glad hour, My soul's new creation, a life from the dead. The day of salvation that lifts np my Itead. Yes, Lord, I shall see the bliss of thine own. Thy secret to me shall soon be made known; For sorrow and sadness I joy shall receive. And share in the gladness of all that believe. 95 App7-opriatio7} . CM. A FORM of words, tho' e'er so sound, Can never save a soul ; The Holy Ghost must give the wound. And make th** wounded whole. 81 F 147 HYMNS. 148 Election is a precious truth ; But, Lord, I wish to be Assured, by thine own Spirit's mouth. That Thou hast chosen me. Sinners, I read, are justified By faith in iesu's blood r But when to me. that blood's applied, *ris then IVe peace with God, Imputed righteousness I own A doctrine most divine : Dear Savior, to my heart make known. That all thy merit's mme. To perseverance I agree ; No sun-beam is so clear : Because my Lord has promis*d me. That I shall persevere. Thus christians glorify the Lord, His spirit joins with ours. In bearing witness to the word. With all its saving powers. 96 Trcdsc to Chinst, 6. 7. 8. COME, my Father's family, Ye ransom'd of the Lord ; Come, ye sinners, who Avith me, Are ev'ry where abhorred ; Let us gladly trace his steps Who suffered death anions? the Jews ; Who the friendless soul accepts Whom all beside refuse. Jesus, the despis'd and mean. Our Master let us own ; He the sacrifice for sin. The Savior, He alone. 149 HYMNS. 150 Let us take and bear his cross, Despis'd disciples let us be ; Mock'd and slighted as he was. For you, my friends, and me. None but Jesus will we sing. None else Avill we adore; ; He onr Prophet, Priest, and King, Shall be for evermore. None among the heav*nly pow*rs Nor one on earth our praise may claim \ None but Jesus call we ours. None but the bleeding Lamb 1 97 Psalm 113. verse 3. L.M. FROM all that dwell below the skies. Let the Creator's praise arise I Let the Redeemer's name be sung. Thro* ev'ry land, by ev'ry tongue. Eternal are thy mercies. Lord, Eternal truth attends thy word : Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore. Till suns shall rise and set no more ! 98 Believers* Blessedness. L.M. HOW blest are they whose feet have found The way unto Immanuel's ground ; And stedfast walk the blissful road. Far from the paths by sinners trod. Their weary spirits sweetly rest. Contentedly on Jesu's breast ; They so much of his mercy prove. As wins their grateful souls to love. His spirit shews their sins forgiv'n. And seals them for the beirs of heaVn ; And gives them patience here to wait. Till Jesus them to bliss traaslate. ]51 HYMNS. 152 He arms them for the evil dajs That they in heart with him may stay, He girds them with his migiity powei*. And brings them through the trying hour. Then rest, my soul, upon the Lord, Ev'n Jesus Christ the living word. And then thy joy shall ne'er decay, rill it break out in endless day. 99 Temptation. C. M. JESUS, Redeemer, Savior, Lord, The weary sinner's friend ; Come to my help, pronounce the word. And bid my troubles end. Deliv'rance to my soul proclaim. And life and liberty : Shed forth the virtue of thy name. And Jesus prove to me. Thy pow'rful Sjnrit can subdue Unconquerable sin : Cleanse this foul heart, and make it new And write thy law within. While full of anguish and disease, My weak, distemper'd soul, Thy love compassionately sees, O let it make me whole 1 To thy great name if ail things now A trembling homage pay. Make my obdurate spirit bow. My stiff-neck'd will obey. Sworn to destroy, let earth assail ; Nearer to save, Thou ait : Stronger than all the pow'rs of hell. And greater than my heart, 84 153 HYMNS. ]54 100 Christ our Sacrifice, 10.11. ALL ye that pass by, to Jesus draw nigh To you is it nothing that Jesus should die? Onr ransom and peace, our surety he is ; Come, see if there ever was sorrow like his* The Lord in the day of his anger did lay Our sins on tlie Lamb, and he bore tliem away. ,He dies to atone for sins not his own : Tlie father hath punish'd for us his dear Son. O may we embrace the ransoming grace Of him who liath suffered and died in our place. With joy we approve, the design of his love ; *Tis a wonder below, and a wonder above. He came from above our curse to remove ; He hath lov*d, he hath lov*d us, because he M^ould love. When time is no more, we still shall adore That Ocean of love without bottom or shore. 101 Second Pait^ LOVE mov'd him to die, and on this we rely. Our Jesus hath lov'd us, we cannot tell why. But this we can tell, he hath lov'd us .so well. As to lay down his life, to redeem ns from hell. For you. and for me, he pray'd on the tree ; The pra]7'r is accepted, the sinner is free. That sinner am I, who on Jesus rely. And come for the pardon God will not deny. 85 156 HYMNS. 1S6 My pardon I claim, for a sinner I am ; A sinner believing in Jesus's name. He purchas*d the grace, which now I em- brace ; O Father, tViou know'st he hath died in my place. His death is my plea, my advocate see. And hear the blood speak which hath an- swered for me. My ransom and peace, my surety he is ; Come, see if there ever was sorrow like his, 102 The good Physician. HEAL me, O my soul's physician, Whenso'er I'm sick or sad ; All the woes of my condition By thy balsam be allay'd : All the ills which Adam wrought. Or that on myself I've brought ; If thy blood shall only cover. My distress will soon be over. Thy dear feet I'll clasp tenacious. Nor will e'er be dispossess'd ; On thy supplicant look gracious. Grant the wishes of my breast. Monarch of the cross so mild, Say, " Thy prayer is now fulfill'd ; ** AH thy grief to joy is changed ; *' I have all thy sins exi^unged." 103 The good Shepherd, CM. COMPANIONS of thjr little flock. Dear Lord, we fain wonld be ; Our helpless hearts to Thee look up. To Thee our Shepherd flee. 157 HYMNS. 158 O might we lean upon that breast. Which love and pity fill I And now become those lambs carest. That in thy bosom dwell. How sweet that voice, how s\veet that hand Which leads to pastures fair ; Shews Canaan's milk and honey land. Lot of thy flock so dear. As one in heart, we all rejoice, " The sinner's friend to praise; The Shepherd died, Oh, 'tis his voice! He'll us to glory raise. 1 04 Invitation. 6. 7. 8. SINNER, hear the Savior's call. He now is passing by ; He has seen thy grievous fall. And heard thy mournful cry. He has pardons to impart, Grace to save thee from thy fears : See the love that fills his heart J And wipes away thy tears. Why art thou afraid to come And tell him all thy case % He will not pronounce thy doom. Nor frown thee from his face : Wilt thou fear Immanuel % Wilt thou dread the Lamb of God, Who to save thy soul from hell. Has shed his precious blood 1 Think, how on the cross he hung, Pierc'd with a thousand wounds ! Hark, from each, as with a tongue. The voice of pardon sounds i «7 r 4 159 HYMNS. 160 See, from all his bursting veins, Blood of wond'rous virtue flow ! Shed to wash away thy stains, And ransom thee from woe. liaise thy downcast eyes and sec What throngs his throne surround ; These, tho' sinners once like thee. Have full salvation found : Yield not then to unbelief While he says, *' There yet is room ;"*- Tho' of sinners thou art chief. Since Jesus calls thee, — come. 105 The Deliverer, 8-7.4. HARK ! the voice of my beloved, Lo he comes in greatest need. Leaping on the lofty mountains. Skipping over hills with speed. To deliver Me unworthy from all woe. In a dungeon deep, he found me. Without water, without light. Bound in chains of horrid darkness. Gloomy, thick, Egyptian night ; He recover'd, Thence my soul with price immense, O ! for this let men and angels, All the heav'nly host above. Choirs of seraphims elected. With their golden harps of love. Praise and worship, My Redeemer without end. Let believers rai.'ie their anthems. All degrees in one accord, i^8 161 HYMNS. 162 Mixt with angels, and archangels, Chant their dear redeeming Lord ; Love thus humbled, SulPring to redeem the lost. 106 Lovest thou Chrut ? 7s. HARK I my soul I it is the Lord ; 'Tis thy Savior, hear his word ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee ; ** Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me 1 I deliver*d thee when bound. And, when wounded, heal'd thy wound ; StTught thee wand'ring, set thee right, Turn'd thy darkness into light. Caji a woman^s tender care Cease towards the child she bare ? Yes, she may forgetful be. Yet will [ remember Thee. Mine is an unchanging love. Higher than the heights above ; Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithful, strong as death. Thou shalt see my glory soon. When the work of grace is done ; Partner of my throne shalt be. Say, poor sinner, lov'st Thou meV* Lord, it is my chief complaint. That my love is weak and faint ; Yet I love Thee and adore, O for grace to love thee more I 1 07 Desiring to love Christ, ys. 'npLS a point I long to know, X Oft it causes anxious thought Do I love the Lord, or no ? Am I his, oi- am I not? 89 163 HYMNS. 164 If I love, why am I thus 1 Why this dull and lifeless frame t Hardly, sure, can they be worse. Who have never heard his i>ame I Could my heart so hard remain, Pray'r a task and burden prove ; Ev'ry trifle give me pain. If I knew a Savior's love \ When I turn my ej^es within, All is dark, and vain, and wild ; Fill'd with unbelief and sin. Can I deem myself a child ? If I pray, or hear, or read. Sin is mix'd with all I do ; You that love the Lord indeed. Tell me. Is it thus with you ? Yet I mourn my stubborn will. Find my sin a grief and thrall ; Should 1 grieve for what I feel. If I did not love at all ? Could I joy his saints to meet, Choose the ways I once abhorr'd. Find, at times, the promise sweet. If I did not love the Lord 1 Lord, decide the doubtful case ; Thou who art thy people's sun ; Shine upon thy work of grace. If it be indeed begun. Let me love Thee more and more, If I love at all, I pray ; If I have not lov'd before, Hejjp me to begin to day. 90 165 HYMNS. 166 108 Before Sermon, 8. 7. 4. WELCOME, welcome, blessed servant. Messenger of Jesu's grace I (O how beautiful the feet of Them who bring good news of peace I) Faithful Herald ! Sound the gospel Trumpet loud. Savior, bless the message to us, Give us hearts to hear the sound Of redemption, dearly purchased By thy death and precious wounds ; O rcA^eal it I To our poor and helpless souls I Gracious Lord, give grace and glory To thy faithful lab'rer dear. Let the incense of our hearts be Offer'd up iAi faith and pray'r. Bless, O bless him ; Now, henceforth, for evennore. 109 Jifter Sermon, CM. SALVATION \ O the joyful sound ! What pleasure to our ears ! A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound, A cordial for our fears. Glory, honor praise, and power, &c. Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around. While all the armies oi the sky Conspire to raise the sound ! Glory, liouori praise, and power, &c. 91 167 HYMNS. 168 Salvation ! O Thou bleeding Lamb, To Thee the praise belongs ; Salvation shall inspire our hearts. And dwell upon our tongues. Glory, honor, praise, and power, &c. 110 Joy in Sorrow, CM. AND let this feeble body fail. And let it faint or die ; My soul shall quit the mournful vale. And soar to worlds on high : Shall join the disembodied saints. And find its long-sought rest, (That only rest for which it pants) On the Redeemer's breast. In hope of that immortal crown, I now the cross sustain ; And gladly wander up and down. And smile at toil and pain : I travel my appointed years, Till my Deliv'rer come. And wipe away his servant's tears. And take his exile home. what hath Jesu» bought for me ! Before my ravish'd eyes. Rivers of life divine I see. And trees of paradise : 1 see a world of spirits bright, Who taste the pleasures there ; They all are rob'd in radiant white, And conqu'ring palms they bear. 1^ 169 HYMNS, 170 Lord, what are all my siifl'rings here. If thou but make me meet. With that enraptur'd host t'appear. And worship at thy feet ! Give joy or grief, give ease or pain. Take life and friends away : BiU let me find them all again In that eternal day 1 111 For Spiritual Blessings, L.M. lY/TY sonl before Thee prostrate lies ; JltA To Thee her source my spirit flies, let tlij)^ cheering countenance shine On this poor mournful heart of mine. From feeling misery's depth I cry. In thy deatli, Savior, let me die ; May self in thy excessive pain We swaliow'd up, nor rise again ! Jesus ! vouchsafe my heart and will With thy meek lowliness to fill ; Break nature's bonds, and let me see That whom Thou free'st, indeed is free. My heart in Thee, and in thy ways Delights, yet from thy presence strays ; My mind would deeper sink in Thee, My foot stand firm, from wand'ring free. 1 know that Jiought we have avails. Here all our strength and wisdom fails ; Who bids a sinful heart be clean 1 Thou, only Thou, the Great Supreme ! Lord, well I know thy tender love. Thou never didst unfaithful prove ; A readiness 1 find in Thee, From self and sin to set me free. 03 171 HYMNS. 172 Still will I long and wait for Thee, 'Till ill thy light, the light I see ; 'Till Thou in thy good time appear. And sav'st my soul from ev'ry snare. All my own schemes and self-design, I to thy better will resign ; Impress this deeply on my breast. That I'm in Thee already blest. When my desires I fix on Thee, And plunge me in thy mercy's sea. Thy smiling face my heart perceives. Sweetly refresh'd, in safety lives. So e'en in stonns I Thee shall find My sure support, mj'^ guardian kind ; And I from age to age shall prove That God in Christ is perfect love. 112 The Peace of God. 8. 7. PEACE be to this congregation. Peace to every soul therein. Peace, the fore-taste of salvation, Peace, the fruit of cancel I'd sin I Peace, that speaks its heav'nly Giver Peace to sensual minds unknown. Peace divine, that lasts for ever. Here erect its glorious throne I Lord, if now Thou passest by us. Stand, and call vis unto Thee ; Fully, freely justify us. Give us eyes thy love to see : Love that brought Thee down from heav'n. Made our God a man of grief; Let it shew our sins forgiven : Help, O hef.y our unbelief I 173 HYMNS. 174 Prince of Peace, if Thoii art near ws, Fix in all our hearts thy home ; By thy swift appearing cheer us, Quickly let thy kingdom come : Answer all our expectation, Give our raptur'd souls to prove Glorious, uttermost salvation, Heav'nly, everlasting love. 113 Amazing Love* CM. ALAS ! and did my Savior hleed ? And did my Sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head. For such a worm as I ? Was it for crimes that I had done He groan*d upon the tree 1 Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree. Well might the sun in darkness hide. And shut his glories in. When God the mighty maker died For man his creature^s sin. Thus might I hide my hltishing face. While thy dear cross appears ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness. And melt my eyes to tears. But drops of grief can ne'er repay. That debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself £».way, O help me so to do. 114 Melchisedec. CM. THOU dear Redeemer, dying Lamrj, We love to hear of Thee : No music like thy lovely name. Can so melodious be, 95 175 HYMNS. 176 inay we ever hear thy voice In mercy to us speak I And in our Priest will we rejoice, Tliou great Melchisedec i Hallelujah. Our Jesus shall be still our theme, While in this world we stay ; We'll sitig our Jesu's lovely name. When all things else decay : When we appear in yonder cloud. With all his favor'd throng, Then will we sing more sweet, more loud. And Jesus be our song. HalleUijah. 115 The Ransom, 8s. SAY, Where's thy hope ? thou sinner, say. Look ev'ry where, and ask around ; Who all the mighty debt can pay, Can a fit ransom e'er be found 1 Yes, Lord, before I drew my breath, Tlie Lamb for me had sufFer'd death ! Far, far away, must satan fly. Nor think me captive to detain : For Jesus when he deign'd to die. My bondage broke, and burst my chain ; And conqu'ror in the dreadful fight, My soul from thence becomes his right. Take Thou possession of my heart, Jesus, and make me live to Thee; With Tliee let nothing claim a yiart. But Thou my All for ever be ! And give me with thy saints above, a\\ joy in Thee, Thou Ood of love ! 177 HYMNS, 178 1 16 To tJie Iloly Ghost, S.M. COME, Holy Spirit, come ; Let thy bright beams arise ; Dispel the sorrow from our minds, Tlie darkness from our eyes. Cheer our desponding hearts With visitations sweet ; Give us to lie, with humble hope. At our Redeemer's feet. Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove ; Aifd kindle in our hearts the flame Of never-dying love. Convince us of our sin, Then lead to Jesu's blood ; And to our wond'ring view reveal The secret love of God. Shew us the sinner's Friend, That rules the courts of bliss. The Lord of hosts, the mighty God, Th* eternal Prince of Peace. 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, T' illuminate the soul ; To pour fresh life on ev*ry part. And new create the whole. 117 Resurrection. 8s. HE dies ! the Friend of sinners dies ! Lo ! Salem's daughters weep around A solemn darkness veils the skies, A sudden trembling shakes the ground ! Come, saints, and drop a tear or two, For Him who groan'd beneath your load I He shed a thousand drops for you ; A thousand drops of richer blood I 97 G 179 HYMNS. 180 Here's love and grief beyond degree. The Lord of glory dies for men ! But lo ! what sudden joys we see ! Jesus the dead revives again ! The rising God forsakes the tor.ib ! (The tomb in A^ain forbids his rise !) Cherubic legions guard him home. And shout Him welcome to the skies I Break off your tears, ye saints and tell How high our great Dcliv'rer reigns ! Sing how he spoil'd Va?, Iiosts of hell. And led the monster death in chains; Say, " Live for ever, Mondrous Khig! " Born to redeem ! and stiong lo save !" Then ask the monster — '* Where's tli^^ sting *'And Where's thy vict'ry, boasting grfivC?'* 118 Ascoision. FROM heaA^'n the loud, th' angelic song began [man : It shook the skies, and reach'd astonish'd By man re-echo'd, it shall mount again. While fragrant odours fill the blissful plain. Worthy the Lamb of boundless sway. In earth or heav'n the Lord of all ; Ye princes, rulers, powers, obey, And low before his footstool fall. The deed was done ; the Lamb was slain ; The groaning earth the burden bore : He rose. He lives ; Fie lives to reign. Nor time shall shake his endless power. Riches and all that deck the great, Vrom worlds unnumber'd hither bring ; Tlie tribute pour before his seat, And hail the triumphs of our King. 98 181 HYMNS. 182 [Wisdom and strength are his alone. He rais'd the top-stone, shouting Grace ; Honor has built his lofty throne. And glory shines upon his face. From heav*n,from earth,loud bursts of praise The mighty blessings sliall proclaim ; Blessings tliat earth to glory raise ; The purchase of the wounded Lamb.] Higher, still higher, swell the strain ; Creation's voice the note prolong ; The Lamb shall ever, ever reign : Let Hallelujahs crown the song. Hallelujah J 119 Unchangeable Love, 104th. IF Jesus is ours. We have a true friend. Whose goodness endures Tiie same to the end ; Our comforts may vary. Our frames may decline. We cannot miscarry, Our aid is divine. Tho* God may delay. To shew us his light. And heaviness may Endure for a night. Yet joy in the morning. Shall surely abound, No shadow of turning In Jesus is found. The hills may depart. And mountains remove, But faithful Thou art O fountain of love I 99 183 HYMNS. 184 Tlie Father liatli graven Our names on thy hands ; Our building in heaven Eternally stands. A moment he hid The light of his face ; Yet firmly decreed To save us by grace : And tiiough he reprov'd us. And still may reprove. For ever he lov*d us. And ever will love. Then tune ev'ry string. To Jesus's name ! With angels we'll sing The song- of the Lamb : Thee ev'ry believer Sliall joyfully praise. Thou bountiful giver Of glory and grace. 120 Unchangeable Love, 6. 8. OMY distrustful heart, How small thy faith appears! But greater, Lord, Thou art. Than all my doubts and fears ; Did Jesus once upon me shine? 'i'lien Jesus is for ever mine. Unchangeable his will Whatever be my frame. His loving heart is still Eternally the same ; My soul through many changes goes. His love no variation knows. 100 185 HYMNS. 186 Thou, Lord, wilt carry on, And perfectly perforin, Tlie work Thou hast begun III me a sinful worm : 'Midst all my fear, and sin, and Nvoe, Thy Spirit will not let me go. The bowels of thy grace At first did freely move ; I still shall see thy face. And feel that God is love ! My^soul into thy arms I cast j I trust 1 shall be sav'd at last. 121 Praise to Christ. CM. COME, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. Worthy the Lamb that died, they cry. To be exalted thus ! Worthy the Lamb, our hearts reply. For he was slain for us ! Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and x>ow'r divine ; And blessings more than we can give. Be, Loi'd, for ever thine ! The whole creation join in one. To bless the sacred name Of Him that sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. 122 Calvary. S.M. ("1 O forth in spirit, go X To Calvary's holy mount! See there tliy friend, between two thieves^ SulPring on thy account. 101 187 HYMNS. 188 Fall at his cross's foot. And say, my God and Lord, Here let me dwell and view those wounds Which life for me procur'd ! Fix on that face thine eye ; Why dost thou backward shrink? What a base rebel thou hast been To Christ, thou now dost think. Fear not, for this is He Who always loves us first, And with white robes of righteousness Delights to deck the worst. Or art thou at a loss What thou to Him shalt say ? *e but sincere, and all thy case Just as it is display. That heart our Savior loves. Which does not strive to Aveave i*retences fair to sooth itself. And his sharp eyes deceive. 123 ChHst All in AIL Ts. GENTLE Jesus, lovely Lamb, Thine, and only Thine, I am ; Take my body, spirit, soul. Only Thou possess the Avhole. Thou my one thing needful be. Let me ever cleave to Thee ; Let me choose the better part. Let me give Thee all my heart. Fairer than the sons of men. Do not let me turn again, Leave the fountain head of bliss, Stoop to creature happiness! 102 189 HYMNS. 190 Wliom have I on earth below? Only Thee I'd wish to know : Whom have I, in heav'n, but Thee 1 Thou art all in all to me. All my treasure is above, All my riches is thy love : Who the worth of love can tell t Infinite ! unsearchable ! Nothing else may I require ; Let me Thee alone desire Pleas'd with what thy love provides; Weai/d from all the world besides, . 124 Pleading. 6.7.8. JESUS, friend of sinners, hear A feeble creature pray : From my debt of sin set clear. For I have nought to pay. Speak, O speak my kind release; A poor backsliding soul restore : Love me freely, seal my peace. And bid me weep no more. Though my sins as mountains rise. And swell and reach to heav'n, Mercy is above the skies, And I shall stand forgiv*n : Mighty is my guilt's increase, But greater is thy mercy's store I Love me freely, &c. From" th' oppressive sense of sin My struggling spirit free : Blood and righteousness divine Can rescue even me! Holy Spirit, shed thy grace. And let me feel thy soft'ning show'r ; Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me weep no more, 103 191 HYMNS. 192 125 Pleading. 6.7* 8» BY me, O my Savior, stand In ev'ry trying hour ; Guard me with thy outstretch'd hand. And hold me by thy power; Mindful of thy faithful word. Thine all-sufficient grace bestow ; Keep me, keep me, dearest Lord, And never let me go. Give me. Lord, an holy fear. And fix it in my heart, That I may from evil near. With speedy care depart ; Still thy timely help afford, And all thy loving-kindness show ; Keep me, keep me, &c. Let me never leave thy breast. From Thee, my Savior, stray : Thou art my support and rest, MjJ^ true and living way ; My exceeding great reward. In heav'n above, and earth below ; Keep me, keep me, &c. Never let me go, till I, Up-borne on wings of love. Gain the regions of tlie sky. And take my seat above : Thou .hast past thy gracious word. That Thou wilt bring me safely through ■-, Thou wilt, therefore, keep me, Loid, Nor ever let me go. 193 HYMNS. 194 126 Public Worship. L.M. BELOVED Savior, faithful friend. The joy of all thy cross's train ; In mercy to our aid descend, Or else we worsliip Thee in vain : In vain we meet to sing and pray. If Christ his influence withhold ; Our hearts remain as cold as clay. Till we our God by faith behold. Then let us feel thy healing beams. And view thy reconciled face ; Yea, prove thy presence in these means, ToLless a vile and helpless race. Here manifest thyself in peace. Thy faithful mercies now make known ; Ohl breathe on us a gale of grace. And send the cheering blessing down. We gladly for thy coming wait, Seeking to know Thee as Thou art ; We bow as sinners at thy feet, And bid Thee welcome to our heart. 127 Before, Prayer. S.M. DEAR Lord, attend our prayer. And all our Avants relieve ; Come to our hearts, and dwell Thou thert That Thou in us may'st live ! . In weakness we draw nigh Unto the throne of grace ; Answer the sinner's mournful cry. And fill us with thy peace. Thou read'st the naked breast ; Vor liberty we groan ; We sigh in Thee, our Lord, to rest. And w<)r.shi}> Thee alone. 195 HYMNS. 196 If trials vex our mind. Closer to Tliee we'll flee ; No refuge may we elsewhere find. But what we find in Thee, To Thee we come, our Friend, As sinners poor indeed ; On Thee for future grace depend. Our help in ev'ry need. 128 Redeeming Love, L. M . HARK ! in the wilderness a cry ! It shakes the mountains,rends the earth, I'he King appears, behold him nigh ! The God by nature, man by birth! Run to and fro, ye heralds, run. Proclaim aloud, prepare the way ! Redemption's glorious work's begun. And who his potent arm shall stay ? Make straight the paths before his feet. And ev'ry obstacle remove ; Drop down, ye hills,yourcuml3'rous weiglit. And bow before Ecdccming Love. Then shall the lowly valley rise. Its budding honours spring to view; Swift the Creating Fiat flies, And all is blissful, all is new. Know'stThou the meaning, nature's child ? Know'st Thou the import of the crj' ? Thy heart's the desert waste and wild ; But lo ! the kind Reclaimer's nigh. Mountains of unbelief and sin, Before him crumble into dust ; Thy humbled heart shall then begin His all-restoring hand to tr^ls^ 106 197 HYMNS. 198 By liim exalted know thy state, A garden rich in fruit and flow'r ; Thy gracious Master's lov'd retreat. The wonder of Uedeeming Pow*r, 129 Before Sermon. 8.7. HOLY Ghost, inspire our praises. Touch our liearts and tune our tongues! Laud we now thy name, O Jesus, Heav'n shall echo with our songs. Ev'ry -etate, howe'er distressing. Shall be profit in the end ; Ev*ry ordinance a blessing ; Ev'ry i)rovidence a friend. Blessed Lord, be Thou our teacher. Helper, counsellor, and guide ; Speak the promise thro' the preacher. And the hearing ear provide. Vain are learning, parts, or merit, Vain the native pow'rs of man ; Jesus ! send thy Holy Spirit, To display the gospel-plan. 130 Resurrection 8. 7. 8. UPRISING from the darksome tomb. See the victorious Jesus come ! Th* Almighty Pris'ner quits the piison ; And angels tell the Lord is risen. Angels,angels,angels,angels, angels tell the Lord is risen. Ye guilty souls that groan and grieve. Hear the glad tidings, he9,r and live ; God's righteous law is satisfied : And justice now is on your side. Justice, justice, &c. 199 HYMNS. 200 Your surety, thus released by God, Pleads the rich ransom of his blood : No new demand, no bar remains ; Ikit mercy now triumphant reigns. Mercy, mercy, &c. Believers, hail your rising head, Tlie First-begotten from the dead. Your resurrection's sure thro' HiSy To endless life and boundless bliss. £nciiess, endless, &c, 131 Resurrection. 8 .8. 6. SEE Jesus, our Deliverer great. Rising, his vict'ry to complete ; In vain's the seal ajid stone ! O grave, where is thy xi.ctory ? Here, hei:e, thy mighty Conq^ror see. Rising, He leaves the tomb. Awhile he with his fav'rites stay'd, Strength to their feeble faith convey*d. Then mounts the starry sky : The heav'ns with acclamations ring. To welcome their triumphant King, And sliout his victory. Jesus, for all thj^ favours, now In gratitude we prostrate bow Before thy loving face : Give all, asseaibled in this hour. To feel thy resurrection's pow'r. And sing redeeming grace. Clearly to ev'ry heart display The virtue of thy cross; this day Each drooping heart inflame : 201 HYMNS. 202 Refresh'd we'll then unwearied go Along this wilderness below, And spread thy glorions fame. Jesus, when will the hour appear. That we thy pow'rful call shall hear, And round thy throne attend? When shall we see Thee face to face. And join above to sing thy praise, Eternity to spend ? 132 The Sinner's Prayer. 6. 7. 8. C'i OD of my salvation, hear, T And help me to believe ; Simply do I now draw near. Thy blessing to receive : Full of guilt, alas ! I am ; But to thy wounds for refuge flee : Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me 1 Nothing have I, Lord, to pay. Nor can thy grace procure ; Empty send me not away. For I, thou know*st am poor ; Dust and ashes is my name. My all is sin and misery ; Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me! Without money, without price, I come thy love to buy ; From myself I turn my eyes. The chief of sinners I : Take, O take me as I am. And let me lose myself in Thee ; Frieiid of sinners, spotless Ijamb, Thy blood was shed for me / 109 203 HYMNS. 204 133 Resting mider the Cross. CM, CHILDREN of Israel, see what shade The cross does as afford ! It was for weary sinners made : We thank Thee for it, Lord. Gethsemavc can witness still, How meekly there he cried : So can the brow o( Catv''rij's hill. Where our great master died. We sing thy righteousness and blood. And agonizing pain : We sing thy griefs. Thou dying God, Thou Lamb for sinners slain. We hail Thee, Thou by Jews revil'd ; To Thee we bow the knee : Hail, very God ! the promis'd Child : The prophets sang of Thee. We are thy living witnesses. And testify that Thou Art all our righteousness and peace. For we have prov'd Thee so. While others sing the unknown God, We each will sing of Thee ; Jesus hath wash'd me in his blood. And lov'd and died for me. 134 Public Humiliation. CM. WE all the sinner's path have trod ; Like sheep we all have stray 'd : In sack-cloth let us seek to God, With dust upon our head. Let. shame our guilty souls bow down. And let us tell our sin ; Wlio knows, while we our folly own. But Christ may make us clean? 110 205 HYMNS. 206 . Behold, O Lamb of God, a race Of wretched sinners come, Naked and Adle ; O let thy grace Alford tliy cliildren room. Think on thy gracious covenant; And then, tho' we have sinn'd. Kindly forgive iis : — this we want, O Lord, our only friend. 135 Invitation, CM. SINNERS, attend, attend I pray, And hear the gospel-word : Regard your visitation day. And entertain j^our Lord. He calls unto the sons of men, \i\» olFer'd grace to prove. That they in seeking may obtain Repentance, faith, and love. Give me thy heart, the Savior cries. Justly he doth it claim ; Oil ! do not then his call despise. Eat give it to the Lamb. His arms are open to receive Wlioever to him flies ; Paidou and present peace to give. And love that never dies. Jesus, our Prophet, Priest, and King, Thou Friend of sinners, come ; Descend, kind Comforter, and bring The great salvation down. s 136 Before Ser?no7i, 7s. OURCE of light and pow'r divine, Deign upon thy truth to shine. Ill 207 HYMNS. 208 Lord, behold thy servant stands; Lo ! to Thee he lifts his hands : Satisfy his soul's desire ; Touch his lips with lioly fire. Softly fall the healing sound. Like the dew-drop on the ground, Drooping plants shall soon revive ; Faith in bud begin to live, And enlarg'd shall soon disclose "Beauties of the full-blown rose. In thy pure and holy way. Heights, and greater heights display ; So that whilst our race we run. We may think it but begun ; Nor the past contemplate more. Urgent still on what's before. Ope thy treasures ! so shall fall Unction sweet on him, on all. Till by odours scatter'd round, Christ himself be trac'd and found ; Then shall ev'ry raptur'd heart. Rich in peace and joy depart. 137 Christ our Sacrifice, S.M. NOT all the blood of beasts. On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace. Or wash away the stain. But Christ, the heav'nly Lamb, Takes all our sins away : A sacrifice of nobler name. And richer blood than they. My faith would lay its hand ; On that dear head of thine. While as a penitent I stand. And there confess my sin. 112 209 HYMNS. 210 My scHil looks back to see The burden Tiiou didst bear. When hanging on th' accursed tree; And hopes her guilt was there. Believing, we rejoice To see the curse remove ; We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice. And sing his bleeding love. 138 The hidden Life, CM. TO tell the Savior all my wants. How pleasing is the task ! Nor less to praise him when he grants Beyond what I can ask. My lab'ring spirit vainly seeks To tell but half the joy ; With how much tenderness he speaks. And helps me to reply. Nor Avere it wise, nor should I choose Such secrets to declare ; Like precious wines their taste they lose, Expos'd to open air. But this with boldness I proclaim. Nor care if thousands hear ; Sweet is the ointment of his name. Not life is half so dear. And can you frown, my former friends. Who knew what once I was ; And blame the song that thus commends The Man who bore the cross ? Trust me, I draw the likeness true, And not as fancy paints ; Such honor may he give to jou. For such have all his saints. 113 H 211 HYMNS. 212 139 Before Sermon. 7.6.7. HOLY Comforter, descend ! Unfold the things of God ; Bid our fears and sorrows end Through faith in Jesu's blood : Thine it is the blood t* apply ; Thine, to make us feel and see ; He Avho did for sinners die, Hath surely died for me. God and Lord of life and light, Jesus in us reveal ; Justify us in his right, And stamp us with thy seal : Fill our souls with joy and peace ; Wisdom, grace, and utt'rance give : Make us through his righteousness. To life eternal live. 140 The shining Light. S. M. MY former hopes are dead. My terror now begins ; I feel, alas ! that I am dead In trespasses and sins. Ah, whither shall I fly ? I hear the thunder roar ; The law proclaims destruction nigli. And vengeance at the door. When I review my ways, I dread impending doom ; Yet sure, a friendly whisper says, ** Flee from the wrath to come." I see, or think I see, A glimmering from afar ; A beam of day that shines for me, To save me from despair. 114 213 HYMNS. 214 Fore-runner of the sun, It marks tlie pilgrim's wa^- ; I'll gaze upon it while I run. And watch tlie rising day. 141 Offices of Christ. 6.8. ARRAY'D in mortal flesh, Lo ! the great Angel stands ! He holds the promises And pardons in his hands ; Commission'd from his Father's throne- To make his grace to mortals known. Be Thou our counsellor. Our pattern and our guide ! And through this desert land Still keep us near thy side : O let our feet n( *er run astray. Nor rove, nor seek the crooked way. We'd hear our Shepherd's voice. Whose watchful eye doth keep Poor wand'ring souls among The thousands of his sheep : He feeds his flock, he calls their names His bosom bears the tender lambs. To this dear Surety's hands, My soul commend thy cause. He answers and fulfils His Father's broken laws : Believing souls now free are set. For Christ hath paid the dreadful debt. Then let our souls arise, And tread the tempter down ; Our captain leads us forth. To conquest and a crown ; 115 215 HYMNS. 216 March on, nor fear to win the day Though death and hell obstruct the way. 142 Free Grace. CM. I^REE Grace to ev'ry heav'n-born soul Will be their constant theme ; Long as eternal ages roll. They'll still adore the Lamb. Free grace alone can wipe the tears From our lamenting eyes ; Can raise our souls from guilty fears. To joy that never dies. Free grace can death itself out-brave. And take its sting away : Can souls unto the utmost save, And them to heav'n convey. Our Savior by free grace alone His building shall complete ; He shall bring forth the topmost-stone. Midst shouts, Grace, grace to it. May I be found a living stone In Salem's streets above. And help to sing before the throne Free grace and dying love. 143 Exhortation to Praise, CM. SING to the Lord Jehovah's name, And in his strength rejoice ; When his salvation is our theme. Exalted be our voice. With thanks approach his awful sight. And psalms of honor sing ; The Lord's a God of boundless might. The whole creation's King. 116 O: 217 HYMNS. 218 Earth, ^ Uh its caverns dark and deep. Lies in his spacious hand ; He lix'd the seas what bounds to keep. And where the hills must stand. Come, and with humble souls adore. Come, kneel before his face ; O may the creatures of his pow'r Be children of his grace 1 144 After Sermon. 5.5.10. I JESUS, our Lord, 1 hy name be ador*d [thy word I For all the rich blessings convey'd through In spirit we trace Thy wonders of grace, Aixd cheerfully join in a concert of praise The ancient of Days His glory displays, [rays. And shines on his chosen with cherishing The trunjpet of God Is sounding abroad, [blood The language of mercy — salvation thro Thrice happy are they Who hear and obey, [day . And share in the blessings ot this gospel- The people who know The Savior below. With burning affection to worship Him glow. [Their anguish and smart And sorrows depart, [heart. J Who find his salvation inscribed on the 117 H 3 219 HYMNS. 220 The people are blest VVlio lean on his breast. And have a rich foretaste of hisproniis'd rest. This blessing be mine. Through favor divine : But, O my Redeemer, the glory be thine ! The work is of grace. Thine, thine be the praise ! And mine to adore Thee, and tell of thy ways. 145 Retirement, CM. FAR from the world, O Lord, I flee. From strife and tumult far I From scenes, where Satan wages still. His most successful war. The calm retreat, the silent shade. With pray'r and praise agree ; And seem, by thy sweet bounty made, For those who follow Thee, There, if thy Spirit touch the soul. And grace her mean abode ; Oh. with v/hat peace, and joy, and love. She communes with her God. There, like the nightingale she pours Her solitary lays ; Nor asks a witness of her song. Nor thirsts for human praise. Author and guardian of my liffe ; Sweet source of light divine ; And (all harmonious names in one) My Savior, Thou art mine ! 118 221 HYMNS, 222 What thanks I owe Thee, and what love, A boundless, endless store ; Sljall echo thro' the realms above. When time shall be no more. 146 Admonition. 8. T. LUKEWARM sonls, the fo€ grows stronger. See what hosts your camp surround ; Arm to battle ; lag no longer. Hark ! the silver trumpets sound. Wake ye sleepers ; wake, wiiat mean you ! Sin besets you round about. Up, and search — the world's within j^ou : Slay, or chase the traitor out. What enchants you — i)elf or pleasure? Plu^k right eyes, with right hands part ; Ask your conscience where's your treasure; For, be certain, there's your heart. Give the fawning foe no credit, Lo ! the bloody flag's unfurl'd ; Tliat base heart (the word has said it) Loves not God, that loves the world. God and Mammon? O be wiser ! Serve them both ? It cannot be. Ease in warfare, saiitt and miser, These will never well agree. Shun the shame of foully falling ; Cumber'd captives elogg'd with clay. Prove your faith, make sure your calling/ Wield the sword, and win the day. 147 For Divine Ahsistavcc. lis. COMPASSIONATE Saviour, my Shepherd and Friend, My soul from the fury of Satan defend ; Thy presence continue, thy blessing ctmvey , And grant me a spirit to praise and to pray. 119 223 HYMNS. 224 Prevent and assist me, and so shall I run. And further within me the work thou'st be- gun ; [spise. Then let the vain world me reject or de- Thy grace for my wants, Lord, shall ever suffice. Still go Thou hefore me, and guide me aright ; [light ; Thy peace be my comfort, thyself my de- Thy will be my pleasure, thy honor my aim. And this be my glory the blood of the Lamb. This,this be my portion,thy beauty my song. Thy name and thy praises still dwell on my tongue : Direct by thy Spirit my actions and ways. So shall I inherit thy blessing always. 148 Seeking Jesus, CM. TO those who know the Lord I speak, Ls my beloved near 1 The bridegroom of my soul I seek. Oh ! when will he appear I Tho' once a man of grief and shame. Yet now he tills a throne : And bears the greatest, sweetest name. That earth or heav'n have known. Grace flies before, and love attends His steps where'er he goes ; Tiio' none can see him but his friends. And they were once his foes. Such Jesus is, and such his grace, may he shine on you ! And tell him when you see his face, 1 long to see him too. 120 225 HYMNS. 226 1 49 The World a Wilderness, CM. LORD! what a wretched land is this. That yields ns no supply. No cheering- fruits, no wholesome trees. Nor streams of living joy. r.ut pricking thorns thro' all the ground, And mortal poisons grow ; And all the rivers that are found. With dang'rous waters flow. Yet the dear path to thine abode Lies thro' this horrid land : Lord ! we would keep that heav'nly road, And run at thy cojnmand. [Our souls shall tread the desert through. With undiverted feet t And faith and flaming zeal subdue The terrors that we meet.] [A thousand savage beasts of jn-ey Around the forest roam: But Judali's Lion guards the way, And guides the strangers home.] [Long nights and darkness dwell below. With scarce a twinkling ray ; But tlie bright world to which wc go Is everlasting day^.] [By glijnm'ring hopes and gloomy fears \Ve trace the sacred road ; Thro* dismal deeps and dang'rous snares We make our way to God.] Our journey is a thorny maze, But we march upward still ; Forget these troubles of the ways, And reach at Zion's hill. 121 227 HYMNS. 228 [See the kind angels at the gates Inviting us to come ! There Jesus the forerunner waits. To welcome travellers home !] There on a green and flow'ry mount Our weary souls shall sit. And with transporting joys recount The labours of our feet. [No vain discourse shall fill our tongue, . Nor trifles vex our ear ; Infinite grace shall be our song. And God rejoice to hear.] Eternal glories to the King That brought us safely through ; Our tongues shall never cease to sing. And endless praise renew. 150 Ascension. L,M. OUR Lord is risen from the dead. Our Jesus is gone up on high ; The pow*rs of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sk}-. There his triumphal chariot waits. And angels chant the solemn lay ; JLift; up your heads, ye heavenly gates, Ye everlasting doors give way ! Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold th' ethereal scene ; He claims these mansions as his right. Receive the King of Glory in J Who is the KING of Glory, who ? The Lord, that all his foes o'ercame ; ihe world, sin, death, and hell o'ertlirew, 4ji(1 Jesus is the CouquVor's name, 122 229 HYMNS. 230 Lo ! his triiimphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay ; r.ijt up your headSf ye heavenly gates, Ye everlasting doot's give way ! Who is the KING Of Glory, who? The Lord of glorious pow'r possest ; The King of saints and angels too, God over all for ever blest ! 151 Safety in a Storm. L.M. THE billows swell, the winds are high. Clouds overcast my wintry sky. Out of the depths to Thee I call, My fears are great, my strength is small. O Lor^J, the pilot's part perform, And guide and guard me thro* the storm ; Defend me from each threat'ning ill. Control the waves, say, ** Peace, be still." Amidst the roaring of the sea. My soul still hangs her hope on Thee ; Thy constant love, and faithful care. Are all that save me from despair. Dangers of eVry shape and name Attend the foUow'rs of the Lamb, Who leave the world's deceitful shore. And leave it to return no more. Tho* tempest-toss'd and half a Avreck, My Savior thro the floods I seek ; Let neither winds nor stormy main. Force back my shatter'd bark again. 152 Pleading, L. M. C^ OD of my life, to Thee I call, T Afflicted at thy feet I fall ; When the great water-floods prevail, Leave not my trembling heart to fail. 12i 231 HYMNS. 232 Friend of the friendless, and the faint ! Where should I lodge my deep complaint? Wheje but witli Thee, whose open door, Invites the helpless and the poor? Did ever mourner plead with Thee, And Thou refuse that mourner's plea ? Does not the word still fix'd remain, That none shall seek thy face in vam ? Poor tho' I am, despis'd, forgot. Yet God, my God, forgets me not ; And He is safe and must succeed. For whom the Lord vouchsafes to plead. 153 Praise to Christ. CM. PLTJNG'D in a gulf of dark despair. We wretched sinners lay. Without one cheerful beam of hope. Or si:>ark of glimm'ring day. With pitying eyes, the Prince of grace Beheld our helpless grief: He saw, and (Oli amazing love !) He came to our relief. Down fjom the shilling seats above. With joyful haste He fled : Enter'd the grave in mortal flesh. And dwelt among the dead. Oh ! for this love, let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break, And all harmonious human tongues The Savior's praises speak I Angels, assist our mighty joys. Strike all your harps of gold : But when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told. 233 HYMNS. 234 154 Crucifixion. 7s. SURELY Christ thy griefs hath borne ; Weeping soul, no longer mourn : View him bleeding on the tree. Pouring out his life for thee : There thy ev'ry sin he bore ; Weeping souls, lament no more. Weary sinner, keep thine eyes On th' atoning sacrifice ; There th' incarnate Deity, Nuinber'd with transgressors, see ; There his Father's absence mourns ; Nail'd, andbruis'd, and crown'd with thorns. See thy God, His head hang down. Hear the Man of sorrows groan ; For thy ransom there condemn'd ; Stript, derided, and blasphem'd ; Bleeds, the guiltless for th' unclean. Made an ofPring for thy sin. Cast thy guilty soul on Him ; Find him mighty to redeem ; At his feet thy burden lay ; Look thy doubts and care away ; Now by faith the Son embrace. Plead his promise, trust his grace. Lord, thy arm must be reveal'd. E'er I can by faith be heal'd ; Since I scarce can look to Thee, Cast a gracious eye on me ! At thy feet myself 1 lay ; Shine, Oh shine my fears away ! 125 235 HYMNS. 236 155 Psalm 150—7.6.7, PRAISE the Lord, who reigns above, And keeps his courts below ; Praise the holy God of love, And all his greatness shew. Praise him for his noble deeds, Praise Him for his matchless i>ower ; Him from whom all good proceeds. Let earth and heav'n adore. Publish, spread to all around The great Immanuel's name ; Let the trumpet's martial sound Him Lord of hosts proclaim : Praise Him, ev'ry tuneful string. All the reach of heav'nly art ; All the pow'rs of music bring, The music of the heart. Him in whom they move and live. Let ev'ry creature sing : Glor}' to their Maker give. And homage to their King. Hallow'd be his name beneatli. As in heav'n on earth ador'd ; Piaise the Loid in ev'ry breath. Let all things praise the Lord. 156 Jesus Preciozis. 6.8. LET earth and heav'n agree. Angels and men be join'd. To celebrate with me The Savior of mankind ! T'adore the great atoning Lamb. And bless the sound of Jesu's name. 237 HYMNS. 238 Jesus ! transporting sound ! The joy of earth and heav'n : No other help is found. No other name is giv*n. By wliich we can salvation have ; But Jesus came the world to save. Jesus 1 harmonious name ! It charms the hosts above : They evermore proclaim, And wonder at his love ; Tis all their happiness to gaze, 'Tis heav'n to see our Jesii's face. His name the sinner hears, And is from guilt set free : Tis music in his^ ears, nris life and victory : New songs do now his lips emjjloy. And dances his glad heart for joy. ^57 The Reign of Grace, CM. HAPPY the heart where graces reign. Where love inspires the breast ! Love is the brightest of the train. And perfects all the rest. Knowledge, alas! His all in vain. And all in vain our fear : Our stubborn sins will fight and reign. If love be absent there. This is the grace that lives and sings. When faith and hope shall cease ; Tis this shall strike our joyful strings In the sweet realms of bliss. When join'd to that harmonious throng That fills the choirs above. Then shall we tune our golden harps. And ev*ry note be love. 127 239 HYMNS. 240 158 Submission, CM. OLORD my best desire fulfil. And help me to resign Life, health, and comfort to thy will. And make thy pleasure mine. Why should I shrink at thy command. Whose love forbids my fears 1 Or tremble at the gracious hand That wipes away my tears? ?Jo, let me rather freel}^ yield What most i ])r!ze to Thee ; Who never hast a good withlield, Or wilt withhold from me. Thy favor, all my journey through, 'i'hoii art eugag'd to grant ; What else I want, or think I do, 'Tis better still to want. Wisdom and mercy guide my way, Shall I resist them both 1 A ])oor blind creature of a day. And crush'd before the moth. Bat ah ! my inward spirit cries. Still bind me to thy sway ; Else the next cloud tliat veils my skies. Drives all these thoughts away. 1 59 To the Trinity. 6. 4. COME, Thou Almighty King, Help us thy name to sing. Help us to praise ! Father, all glorious. O'er all victorious. Come, and reign over us, Ancient of days ! 128 241 HYMNS. 242 Jesus, our Lord, arise. Scatter our enemies, And make them fall ! Let thine Almighty aid Our sure defence be made. Our souls on Thee be stay'd : Lord, hear our call ! Come, Thou Incarnate Word, Gird on thy mighty sword. Our pray'rs attend ! Come, and thy people bless. And give thy M'^ord success ; Spirit of holiness On us descend! ♦ Come, holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear In tliis glad hour I Thou, who Almighty art. Now rulfe in ev'ry heart. And ne'er from us depart. Spirit of pow'r I To the great One in Three Eternal praises be, Hence evermore 1 His sovereign Majesty May Ave in glory see. And to eternity Love and adore I l60 Nativity, 7s. HARK ! the herald -angels sing. Glory to the new-born King I Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconcil'd. I'jg i 243 HYMNS. 2^4 Joyful, all ye nations, rise, jt)in tlie triumphs of the skies ; Witii th' angelic host })roclaini, " Christ is born in Bethlehem I" Christ, by highest heav*n ador'd, Ciirist the everlasting Lord ; Late in time behold Him come. Offspring of a Virgin's womb. Veil'd in flesh the Godhead see, Hail th* Incarnate Deity ! Pleas'd as man with men t*appear, Jesus our Immanuel here. Mild He lays his glory by. Born, that man no more may die ; Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. Come, desire of nations, come' Fix in us thy humble home ; Rise, the woman's conqu'ring seed. Bruise in us the serpent's head. 161 Nativity. 8.5.6. LIFT up your heads in joyful liope Salute the happy morn ; Each heav'nly power Proclaims the glad hour ; Lo, Jesus the Savior is born ! All glory be to God on high. To Him all praise is due ; The promise is seal'd. The Savior's reveal'd, And proves that the record is true. 130 245 HYMNS. 246 Let joy around like rivers flow, Flow on, and still increase ; Spread o'er the glad earth At Jesus's birth, For heav'n and earth are at peace. Now the good-will of heav'n is shewn Tow'rds Adam's helpless race ; Messiah is come To ransom his own. To save them by infinite grace. Then let us join the heav'ns above. Where hymning seraphs sing ; Join all the glad powers. For their Lord is ours. Our Prophet, our Priest, and our King l02 The Fountain opened. CM. THERtflfe a fountain fiU'd with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners, plung'd beneath that flood, ' Lose all their guilty stains. The dying thief rejoic'd to see That fountain in his day ; And there would I, as vile as he, Wash all my sins away. Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its pow'r. Till all the ransom'd church of God Be sav'd, to sin no more. E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply. Redeeming love has been my theme. And shall be till I die. 131 247 HYMNS. 248 Then in a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing tliy power to save ; When this poor lisping stamm'ring tongue Lies silent in the grave. Lord, I believe thou hast preparM (Unworthy tho' I be) For me a blood-bought free reward, A golden harp for me ! 'Tis strung, and tun'd for endless years. And form*d by power divine. To sound, in God the Father's ears. No other name but Thine. 163 Rejoicing in Hope. 8. 8. 6. I SHALL not always make my moan. Nor worship Thee a God unkflfewn ; But I shall live to prove Thy people's rest, thy saints* delight. The length, and breadth, and depth, and Of thy redeeming love. [height Oh, that I might at once go up, No more on this side Jordan stop. But now the land possess : This moment end my legal years. Sorrows, and sins, and doubts, and fears. An howling wilderness. Now, O my Joshua, bring me in ; Sprinkle thy blood, forgive my sin, My unbelief remove ■: The purchase of thy death divide, And, oh! with all the sanctified. Give me a lot of love, 132 249 HYMNS. 25« l04 Foj^ Grace. 8.7, OTHOU tender, loving Jesus, Now thy saving grace impart ; From the world and Satan save us. Save us from our evil heart. Throw thy arms in mercy open. Bid, O bid us, Jesus, come ; Let our flinty hearts be broken. Falling on the corner stone. Here for ever let us centre. Steady, though assail'd by sin ; Forward may we Ifoldly venture. Till eternal life we win ; Banish ev'ry reas'ning scruple. Scatter ev*ry gathering cloud ; Our poor hearts, O Jesus, sprinkle With thy precious, precious blood. When our cheering feelings sicken. And a veil our souls o'erspreads. Then with grace our spirits quicken. To raise up our drooping heads : Should our foolish hearts e'er wander From the source of real joy ; Call us back, but not in anger. Lest thy frowns should us destroy. Arm us from thy heav'nly storehouse. Still display thy banner high : March victorious on before us. Make the world and Satan fly : When the angel drawing near us Seals in peace the pilgrim's eyes. In that trying moment bear us Safely to thy paradise. 251 HYMNS. 252 165 Temptation, 7s. JESUS, lover of my soul. Let me to thy bosom fly. While the billows near me roll. While the tempest still is high : Hide me, O my Savior, hide. Till the storm of life is past ; Safe into the haven guide, receive mj'^ soul at last ! Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee ; Leave, oh ! leave me not alone. Still support and comfort me : All my trust on Thee is stay'd. All my help from Thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of thy wing. Thou, O Christ, art all I want. Boundless love in thee I find : Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is thy name, 1 am all unrig4iteousness : Vile and full of sin I am. Thou art full of truth and grace. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to pardon all my sin ; Let the healing streams abound. Make and keep me pure within : Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee ; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. 134 253 HYMNS. 254 loo Traytr, 7s. COME, my soul, thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer pray'r ; He himself has bid thee pray, Therefore Avill not say thee nay. Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring ; For his grace and power are such. None can ever ask too much. With my burden I begin ; Lord, remove this load of sin. Let thy blood, for sinners spilt. Set my conscience free from guilt. Lord ! f come to Thee for rest. Take possession of my breast ; Tliere thy blood-bought right maintain. And without a rival reign* While 1 am a pilgrim here. Let thy love my spirit cheer; As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend, Lead me to my iourney's end. Shew me what! have to do, Ev^ry hour my strength renew ; Let me live a life of faith. Let me die thy people's death.- 1 &1 Offices of Christ. 6. 8, JOIN all the glorious names Of wisdom, love, and pow'r, That mortals ever knew, That angels ever bore, All are too mean to speak his worth. Too mean to set our Savnor forth. Wliat kind endearing words. What condescending wavs 135 255 HYMNS. 256 Doth our Redeemer use. To teach His heav'nly grace ! Hy soul wif^i joy and wojider see R'hat forms oi' love He bears for thee ! Great Prophet of our God, Our tongues would bless thy name ! By Thee the joyful news Of our salvation came ; The joyful news of sins forgiv'n, Of hell subdu'd, and peace with heav'n. Jesus, our great High Priest, OfFer'd his blood and died ; Thou guilty sinner, seek No sacrifice beside : His pow'rful blood did once atone, And now it pleads before the throne My dear. Almighty Lord ! My conqu'ror and my King! Thy matchless pow'r and love. Thy saving grace we sing : Thine is the pow'r ; O may we sit In willing bonds beneath thy feet 1 l68 Efficacy of Chrises Blood. CM. IS there a thing that moves and breaks A heart as hard as storie, Or warms a heart as cold as ice ? 'Tis Jesu^s blood alone. One drop of this can truly cheer And heal the wounded soul ; What multitude of broken hearts This living stream makes whole I Hark, O my soul ! what sing the choirs Around the glorious throne ? Hark ! the slain Lamb for evermore Sounds in the sweetest tone ! 130 257 HYMNS. 258 The elders there cast down their frowns. And all both night and day Sing praise to Him, who shed his blood. And wash'd their guilt away. And this, while here, will we proclaim. Cheerful in onr degree ; That through the blood of God's dear Lamb, Each soul may happy be. But Thou, O Lord I make ev*ry day Thy grace to us more sweet, Till we behold thy wounded side. And worship at thy feet. 1 69 Efficacy of ChrisVs Blood 7s. JESUS, Jesus, King of saints. Known to Thee are all my wants; Self-convicted, self-abhorr'd, I approach Thee, dearest Lord. Known to Thee, whose eyes are flame, I thy love and pity claim ; With an eye of love look down ; Help me, Lord, and help me soon. Break, O break this heart of stone, Form it for thy use alone ; Bid each vanity depart. Build thy temple in my heart. This be my support in need, That thou didst so freelj^ bleed ; All my hopes and joys arise From thy bloody sacrifice. This confirms me when Fm weak ; Comforts me when I am sick ; Gives me courage when I faint. Well supplies my ev*ry want. 137 259 HYMNS. 260 Savior, to my heart be near, Exercise the Slieplierd's care ; Guard my weakness by thy grace, Let me feel a constant peace. 1/0 Precious Christ, 6. 8. JESUS is all my hope, His death is all my boast; But for his sov'reign grace, I should be ever lost ; Redeeming blood, and dying love, Here be my tlieme, and when above. All that remains for me Is but to love and sing. To worsiiip and adore My Savior, God, and King ; [wound. Each stripe, each bruise, each bleeding Speaks love and peace to all around. O happy, sweeter name Than e'er the world did know I More of thy smiling grace Freely on me bestow ; And let me taste that ardent love That saints and martyrs taste above. So all my doubts and fears Shall wholly flee away, And every mournful night. Be turn'd to joyful day ; And all the woild shall plainly see Thau art a faithful friend to me. 261 HYMNS. 262 171 For spiritual Mindedness, 6.8. LORD, let my spirit dwell. Whilst I reside below. Above this wretched world Of misery and woe ; So that its griefs may ne'er dismay. Nor charms delude my heart away* I take my happy rest In Thee, my God, alone. And all my misery I spread before thy throne ; 1 groan, and sigh, and long to see My happy morn of liberty. O mercy ! mercy ! Lord, Whilst yet the light is near ; My Aveary soul, involv'd In deep confusion, cheer ; And raise me up, I long to be Within a blessed view of Thee, My Lord, thj'^self alone Can take me by the hand. And lead me safely on Into the promis'd land. Thy power can subdue my foes. Allay and sweeten all my woes. Conduct me safely home, My Savior, and my God ; Mercy is all I crave, The merits of thy blood ; Redemption full I only see. Out of myself, alone in Thee. 139 263 HYMNS. 264 1 72 Come Lord Jesus. 8. 7. COME, Thou long expected Jesus, Born to set thy people frae ; From our fears and sins release us. Let us find our rest in Thee ! Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art ; Dear desire of ev'ry nation, Joy of ev'ry longing heart. Born thy people to deliver. Born a Child, and yet a King ; Born to reign in us for ever. Now thy gracious kingdom bring. By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone ; By thine all-sufficient merit Raise us to thy glorious throne. 173 Thanksgiving. CM, I^"^OR mercies, countless as the sands. Which daily I receive From Jesus, my Redeemer's hands. My soul, what canst thou give 1 Alas ! from such a heart as mine. What can 1 hring him forth 1 My best is stain'd and dy'd with sin. My all is nothing worth. Yet this acknowledgment I'll make. For all he has bestow'd ; Salvation's sacred cup I'll take. And call upon my God. The best return for one like me. So wretched and so poor. Is from his gifts to draw a plea, And ask him still for more, 140 265 HYMNS. 266 1 cannot serve him as I ought. No works have I to boast ; Yet wonid I glory in the thought That I shall owe him most. 174 Nativity, lis. O JESUS my Savior, I fain would embrace Tby name and thy nature, thy Spirit and grace. And trace the dear footsteps of Jesus my Lord, And glory in him whom the nations abhorr'd. Oh wonder of wonders.' astonish'd T gaze. To see in the manger tlie Ancient of days ; And angels proclaiming the stranger forlorn. And telling the shepherds that Jesus is born. My God, my Creator, the heav'ns did bow To ransom offenders, and stoop'd very low ; The body prepared by his Father assumes. And on the kind errand most joyfully comes. For thousands of sinners the Lord bow'd his head For thousands of sinners he groan'd and he bled : My spnit rejoices, the work it is done ; My soul is redeemed, salvation Is won. My God is returned to glory on high ; When death makes a passage, then to him I'll fly And gladly will leave all my brethren behind. Expecting in glory we all shall be join'd. 175 Longing for Christ. L»M. OCOME, Thou wounded Lamb of God, Come wash us in thy cleansing blood ; Give us to know thy love, then pain Is sweet, and life or death is gain. Take our poor hearts, and let them be For ever clos'd to all but Thee ; Seal Thou our breasts, and let us weai That pledge df love for ever there, 141 267 HYMNS. 268 How can it be, Thou heav'nly King, That Thou shouldst mau to glory bring. Make slaves the partners of thy throne, Deck'd. with a never-fading crown 1 O Lord, enlarge our scanty thought, To know the wonders Thou hast wrought : Unloose our stamm'ring tongues to tell Thy love immense, unsearchable I First-born of many brethren Thou, To Thee both earth and heav'n must bow : Help us to Thee our all to give, Thine may we die. Thine may we live. 176 Advent. CM. HARK ! the glad sound ! Messiah comes I The Savior, promised long ; Let ev*ry heart prepare a throne. And ev'ry voice a song. He comes the prisoners to release. In Satan's bondage held : The gates of brass before him burst. The iron fetters yield. He comes the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure ; And with his righteousness and blood T* enrich the humble poor. Our glad hosannas. Prince of peace. Thy welcome shall proclaim ; And heav'ns eternal arch shall ring With thy beloved name. 177 Witnessing of Christ. S. M THE God, whose smiles we court. From whom we favor claim ; Whose love alone new life imparts. And gives the heav'nly flame j 142 269 HYMNS. 270 Is none but the meek Lamb, Our dear exalted Lord ; Whose grace and Spirit still remain To bless us in his word. His promise is the same, His church below to bless, When they assemble in his name To supplicate his grace : A train of sinners poor He will not cast behind ; But keeps his word for evermore, And bears us on his mind. To our relief he flies. He flies from realms above ; Answers our pray'rs in sweet replies. And tokens of his love. Shall we not v/itness bear How faithful he hath been ; And boldly to the world declare. Salvation we have seen ? Yes, if Thou'lt help us. Lord, Thy name we will confess; And speak of Christ the living woro. The Lord cur righteousness: We'll mention to his praise The triumphs of his death ; And sing his everlasting grace Ev'n with our latest breath. 178 Psalm QO, CM. OGOD, our help in ages past. Our hope for years to come. Our shelter from the stormy blast. And our eternal home, 143 271 HYMNS. 272 Under the shadow of thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure : Sufficient is thy arm alone. And our defence is sure. Thou turnest man, O Lord, to dust Of which he first was made : And,whenThou speak'stthe word,**Return," 'Tis instantly obey'd. But, " 1 am with you," saith the Lord, " My saints shall safe abide : * Nor will I .e'er forsake my own, " For whom the Savior died," Through ev'ry scene of life and death Thy promise is our trust : And this shall be our children's song. When we are cold in dust. O God, our help in ages past. Our hope. for years to come; Be Thou our guard, while life shall last, And our eternal home. 1 79 The Pilgrim. 6. 8. JESUS, at thy command I launch into the deep ; And leave my native land. Where sin lulls all asleep : For Thee I fain would all resign. And sail to heav'n with Thee and thine. What though the seas are broad, What though the waves are strong. What though tempestuous winds, Distress me all along ; Yet what are seas or stormy wind Compar'd to Christ, the sinner's friend f 144 273 HYMNS. 274 Christ is my Pilot wise. My compass is his word : My soul each storm defies. While I have such a Lord. I trust his faithfulness and power To save me in the trying hour. Though rocks and quicksands deep Through all my passage lie ; Yet Christ shall safely keep And guide me with his eye. How can I sink with such a prop As bears the world and all things up ? By faith I see the land, The hav'n of endless rest ; My soul, thy wings expand. And fly to Jesu's breast. O may I reach the heav'nly shore. Where winds and seas distress no more ! Whene'er becalm*d I lie, And all my storms subside. Then to my succour fly And keep me near th^ side ; For more the treach'rous calm I dread. Than tempests bursting o'er my head. Come, heav'nly Wind, and blow A prosperous gale of grace. To waft from all below To heav'n my destin'd place ; Then in full sail my port I'll find, And leave the world and sin behind. 180 Prayer. S.M. BEHOLD the throne of grace ! The promise calls me near There Jesus shews a smiling face, And waits to answer pray'r. 145 K 275 HYMNS. 276 That rich atoning blood, Which sprinkled round I see. Provides tbr those who come to God, An all-prevailing plea. My soul, ask what tliou wilt, Thou canst not be too bold ; Since liis own blood for thee he spilt. What else can he withhold'? Thine image, Lord, bestow, T!iy presence and thy love : I ask to serve Thee here below. And reign with Thee above. Teach me to live by faith. Conform my will to Thine ; Let me victorious be in death. And then in glory shine. 181 Assurance. 8s. A DEBTOR to mercy alone. Of covenant mercy I sing; Nor fear with thy righteousness on. My person and off'ring to bring. The terrors of law and of God With me can have nothing to do ; My Savior's obedience and blood Hide all my transgressions from view. The work which his goodness began, Tlie arm of his strength will complete ; His promise is Yea, and Amen, And never was forfeited yet. Things future, nor things that are now. Not all things below nor above, Can make Him his purpose forego, Or sever my soul from his love. 14G 277 HYMNS. 278 My name from the palms of his hands Eternity will not erase ; Imprest on his heart it remains In marks of indelible grace : Yes, I to tiie end shall endure. As sure as the earnest is giv'n ; More happy, but not more secure. The glorified spirits in heav*n. 182 Chrisfs Caix for his People, lis. OZION, afflicted with wave upon wave. Whom no man can comfort whom no man can save. With darkness surrounded, by terrors dis- may 'd; [cay'd. In toiling and rowing thy strength is de- Loud roaring the billows, now nigh over- whelm, But skilful's the pilot, who sits at the helm ; His wisdom conducts thee, his pow'r thee defends. In safety and quiet thy warfare he ends. " O fearful ! O faithless!" in mercy he cries; *' My promise, my truth, are they light in thine eyes 1 Still, still I am with thee, my promise shall stand. Through tempest and tossing Til bring thee to land. Forget thee I will not, I cannot, thy name Engrav'd on my heart doth forever remain : The palms of my hands whilst I look on, I see The wounds I received when suffering for thee 147 279 HYMNS, 280 1 feel at iny heart all thy sighs and thy groans, For thou art most near me, my tlesh and my bones ; In all thy distresses thy head feels the pain, Yet all are most needful, not one is in vain. Then trust me and fear not, thy life is secure; My wisdom is perfect, supreme is my pow'r; In love I correct thee, thy soul to refine, To make thee at length in my likeness to shine. The foolish, the fearful, the weak are my care. The helpless, the hopeless, I hear their sad pray'r ; From all their afflictions my glory shall spring; The deeper their sorrows, the louder they'll sing." 183 Day of Judg7nent, 8. T. 4. DAY of Judgment, day of wonders ! Hark ! the trumpet's awful sound. Louder than a thousand thunders. Shakes the vast creation round I How the summons Will the sinner's heart confound I See tixe Judge our nature wearing, Cloth'd in majesty divine ! You, who long for his appearing. Then shall say, " This God is mine !" Gracious Savior Own me in that day for thi-ne. At his call the dead awaken. Rise to life from earth and sea ; Ail the pow'rs of nature shaken By his look, prepare to flee : Careless sinner ! What will then become of thee ? Satan, who now tries to please you Lest you timely warning take, 148 281 HYM'Ns. 282 In that awful day will seize you. Plunge you in the burning lake : Think, poor sinner. Thy eternal all's at stake. But to those who haA'^e confessed, Lov'd, and serv'd the Lord below ; He will say, ** Come near, ye blessed. See the kingdom I bestow ; You for ever Shall my love and glory know." 1 84 Reconciliatiim. CM. DEAREST of all the names above. My Jesus and my God, Who can resist thy heav'nlj' love, Or trifle with thy blood 1 Tis by the merits of thy death The Father smiles again ; 'Tis by thine interceding breath The Spirit dwells with men. Till God in human flesh I see, My thoughts no comfort find ; Tlie Holy, just, and sacred THREE Are terrors to my mind. But if Immanuel's face appear. My hope, my joy begins ; His name forbids my slavish fear. His grace removes mj'' sins. While some on their own works rely, And some of wisdom boast, I love til' Incarnate Mystery, And there I fix my trust. 185 Ebenezer. 8.7. COME, thou fount of ev'ry blessing. Tune my heart to sing thy grace ; Streams of mercy never ceasing. Call for songs of loudest praise, 1^-9 283 HYMNS. 284 Teach nie some melodious sonnet. Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praise the mount — Oh lix me on it. Mount of God's unchanging love 1 Here I raise my Ebenezer ; Hither by thy help I'm come ; And I hope by thy good pleasure, -Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God ; He, to rescue me from danger, Interpos'd his precious blood. Oh to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm coustrain'd to be ! Let that grace now, like a fetter, Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart, O take and seal it, Seal it from thy courts above. 180 Crucifixion, L.M. WHEN I survey the wond'rous cross On which the Prince of Glory died. My richest gain 1 count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride Forbid it. Lord, that I should boast. Save in the death of Christ my God ; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. See from his head, his hands, and feet. Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown I \5Q 285 HYMNS. 286 Were the wliole realm of nature mine. That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my boul, my life, my all. 18/ Christ* s Humili(Ltion , CM. WHAT object's this that meets my eyes From out Jerusalem's gate, Which fills my mind with such surprise. As wonders to create 1 Who can it be that groans beneath A pond'rous cross of wood ; Whose soul's o'erwhelm'd in pains of death And body bath'd in blood ? Is this the Man, can this be He, The Prophets have foretold Should with transgressors numberM be. And for their crimes be sold ? Yes, nov/ I know 'tis He, 'tis He, E'en Jesus, God's dear Son ; Wrapt in mortality to die For crimes that 1 had done. Oh ! blessed siglit. Oh ! lovely forra. To sinful souls like me! I'll creep beside him as a worm. And see him die for me. ril liear his groans, and view his wounds, Ihitil, with happy John, I on his breast a place have found Sweetly to lean upon. 188 God Omniscient. CM, OLORD, whate'er is felt or feai-'d. This thought is my repose. That He, my mortal frame who reai'*d. Its various weiikness knows. V51 287 HYMNS. 288 Thou view'st us with a pitying eye. While struggling with our load ; In pains and dangers Thou art nigh, Our Father, and our God. Supported by thy changeles-s love. We tend to realms of peace ; Where ev*ry sorrow shall remove. And ev'ry sin shall cease. The more m3'^ frailty here is tried — The more I toil and grieve. The more thy grace is glorified. Which shall the vict'ry give. 1 8y Christ our Kinsman, 8s. JESUS, we claim Thee for our own, Our Kinsman, near allied in blood ; Flesh of our flesh, bone of our bone. The Son of Man, the Son of God ; And lo we lay us at thy feet, Our sentence from thy mouth to meet, Partaicer of my flesh below. To Thee, O Jesus, I apply ; Thou wilt thy poor relations know. Thou never ca)ist thyself deny. Exclude me from thy guardian care. Or slight a sinful beggar's praj^'r. Thee, Savior, in my greatest need, I trust my greatest Friend to prove : Now o*er thy meanest servant spread The skirt of thy redeeming love. Under thy wings'prolecting take, And save me for thy mercy's sake. 152 289 HYMNS. 290 Hast Thou not undertook my cause. Lord over all, to worms allied ? Answer me from that bleeding cross, Demand thy dearly ransom'd bride : And let my soul, betroth'd to Thee, Thine, wholly thine for ever be. 190 Faith^s Review and Expectation, CM AMAZING grace! how sweet the sound That sav'd a wretch like me ; I once was lost, but now am found ; Was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fea». And grace my fears reliev'd : How precious did that grace appear. The hour I first believ'd. Thro' many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come ; *Tis grace has brought me safe thus far. And grace will lead me home. Yes, when this flesh and heart shall And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace. 191 The good Shepherd, 8s, THOU Shepherd of Israel divine, The joy of the contrite in heart ; For closer communion they pine. Still, still to reside where Thou art. The pasture, Oh! when shall we find. Where all who their Shepherd obey Are fed, on thy bosom reclin'd, Are screen'd from the heat of the day t 153 291 HYMNS. 292 Ah I shew us that happiest place, That place of thy people's abode. Where saints in an ecstacy gaze, And hang on a crucified God. Thy love for lost sinners declare, Thy passion and death on the tree ; Our spirits to Calvary bear, To sulfer and triumph with Thee. 'Tis there with the lambs of thy flock. There only we'd covet to rest, To lie at the foot of the rock. Or rise to be hid in th3' breast : *Tis there we would alwaj's abide. And never a moment depart, Conceal*d in the cleft of thy side, Eternally held in thj-^ heart. 192 Bethesda's Pool. S.M. BESIDE the gospel pool Appointed for the poor. From year to year my helpless soul Has waited for a cure. How often have I seen The healing waters move ; A)id others, round me, stepping in. Their efficacy prove. But my complaints remain, I feel the very same. As full of guilt, and fear, and paiii. As when at first I camr. Oh would the Lord appear My malady to heal ! He knows how long I've languish'd here, And what distress I feel. How often have I thought, Why should I longer lie ? Surely the mercy I have sought Is not for such as I. 154 293 HYMNS. 29 But whither can I go ; There is no other pool . .^Wlieie streams of sov'reign virtue flow To make a sinner whole. Here then from day to day, I'll wait and hope and try ; Can Jesus hear a sinner pray. Yet sufl^r him to die ? No : he is full of grace ; He never will permit A soul, that fain would see his face. To perish at his feet. 193 Looking unto Christ. 8.7. SWEET the moments, rich in blessing,^ Which before the cross 1 spend ; Life and health and peace possessing From the sinner's dying Friend. Here I'll sit, for ever viewing, Mercy's streams in streams of blood ; Precious drops, my soul bedewing. Plead and claim my peace with God. Truly blessed is this station. Low before his cross to lie ; While I see divine compassion Floating in his ianguid eye ; Here it is I find my heaven. While upon the Lamb I gaze ; Love I much 1 I've much forgiven, I'm a miracle of grace. Love and grief my heart dividing, • With my tears his feet I'll bathe : Constant still in faith abiding, life deriving from his death. 295 HYMNS. 296 May I still enjo}' tliis feeling. In all need to Jesus go ; Prove his wounds each day more healing, And himself more deeply know! 194 The name of Jesus. CM. HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear ! It sooths his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. It makes the wounded spirit wliole, And calms the troubled breast ; *Tis manna to the hungry soul. And to the weary rest. Dear name! the rock on which I build. My shield and hiding-place ; My never failing treasury, till'd With boundless stores of grace. Jesus! my Shepherd, Husband, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King ; My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praise I bring. Weak is the effort of my heart. And cold my warmest thought ; But when I see Thee as Thou art, ril praise Thee as I ought. Till then, I would thy love proclaim With ev*ry fleeting breath ; And may the music of thy namt Refresh my soul in death. 195 Morning. S.M. TO Thee, O Lord, I give, Myself this day anew. As thy own ransom, dearlj' bought Thy spoil and purchase due ; 156 297 HYMNS. 298 That with me Thou may'st do Wluit's pleasing in thy sight; Ap.d from me take whate'er Thou wilt, Whate'er Thou see'st not right. How very weak I am Mj^ Savior well can see ; Ah ! how exceeding short I fall Of what 1 ought to be. Compassionate High-Priest, To 1 hee I must appeal ; My numberless infirmities. Oh kindly haste to heal I It is his daily care His helpless sheep to feed ; To purify their spotted souls, And tend and gently lead : Tiiis makes me firmly trust Thou*lt lead me farther still ; And guard me safe throughout the way That leads to Zion*s hill. Thou hast me, sinner poor, Snatch'd to thy heart in haste. With tend'rest mercy fetch'd me home. And grav'd me on thy breast. My business then is this. Oh may I it fulfil ! Thee to exalt with all my strength. And eye Thee only still. 196 Morning or Evening. CM, JESUS, the Savior of my soul. Be Thou my heart's delight ; Ever to me the same remain, My jf>y ^y 9 303 HYMNS. 304 oh, what a joyful meeting there, Beyond these changing shades ! White are the robes we then shall wear, And crowns upon our heads. Haste, Lord, and bring us to the day When we shall dwell at home : Come, O Redeemer, come away ; Jesus, quickly come ! 199 Affliction. 8s. ENCOMPASS'D with clouds of distress. Just ready all hope to resign, I pant for the light of thy face, And fear it will never be mine : Dishearten'd with waiting so long, 1 sink at thy feet with my load ; All plaintive I pour out my song. And stretch forth my hands unto God, Shine, Lord, and my terror shall cease ; The blood of atonement apply ; And lead me to Jesus for peace. The rock that is higher than I : Speak, Savior, for sweet is thy voice ; Thy presence is fair to behold : 1 thirst for thy Spirit with cries. And groanings that cannot be told. If sometimes I strive, as I mourn, M3' hold of thy promise to keep The billows more fiercely return, And plunge me again in the deep : While harrass'd, and cast from thy sight. The tempter, suggests with a roar, " The Lord hath forsaken thee quite ; Thy God will be gracious no more." 160 305 HYMNS. 306 Yet, Lord, if thy love hath design'd No covenant blessing for me. Ah, tell nie, how is it I find Some sweetness in waiting for Thee? Almighty to rescue Thou art; Thy grace is my only resource ; If e'er Thou art Lord of my heart, Thy Spirit must take it by force. 200 The Christianas Juurncii 8s. STRANGERS and sojourners below. We travel through tliis wilderness. Seeking the promis'd rest to know. In Christ the fountain of ti ue bliss : We seek a place beyond the skies. An everlasting paradise. In this pursuit we stand in need Of daily fresh supplies of grace ; Our souls with manna Christ nmst feed. While we his leading footsteps trace : So shall each pilgrim gladly n\ove Onward unto his home above. No earthly bliss is worth our stay. Or struggle for another breath ; These comforts vanish and decay. And yield no solid joy in death : While others, vain delights pursue, AVe taste God's love for ever new. His cross inflicts the deadly blow. And crucifies each rebel sin : Peace, love, and joy, hence richly flow* And cause sweet melody within, dependent on tlie God of poM'er, We glory in a suflfring hour. I6l L 307 HYMNS. 308 The ne\y Jerusalem appears, Her citizens resplendent shine ; For God hatk wip'd away liet tears. And fiU'd them witli the lile divine: With them may we his glory see. And praise him thro* eternity. 201 Weak Believers c?icouraged. S.M. YOUR harps, ye trembling saints, Down from the willows take ; Loud, to the praise of love divine. Bid ev'ry string awake. The* in a foreign land. We are not far from home. And nearer to our house abov^e We ev'ry moment come. His grace will to the end Stronger and brighter shine; Nor present things, nor things to come, Shali quench the spark divine. Fasten'd within the veil, Hope be your anchor strong ; His loving 3pirit, the sweet gale That wafts you smooth along. Or should the surges rise, And peace delay to come ; Blest is the sorrow, kind the stormj^ That drives us nearer home. The people of his choice He will not cast away ; Yet do not always here expect On Tabor's Mount to stay. 16-2 309 HYMNS. 310 Wlien we in darkness walk, Nor feel the heav'nly flame, Then is the time to trust our God,/ And rest upon his name. Soon shall our doubts and fears Subside at his coiitroul : His loving kindness shall break through The midnight of the soul. 202 Part Secof}d. NO wonder, when God*s love Pervades your kindling breast; You wish for ever to retain The heart-transporting guest. Yet learn, in ev'ry state. To make his will your own : And when the joys of sense depart. To walk by faith alone. By anxious fear depress'd. When from the deep ye mourn, ** l.crd, why so hasty to depart. So tedious in return." Still on his plighted love. At all events rely ; The very hidings of his face Shall train thee up to joy. Wait, till the shadows flee ; Wait, thy appointed hour : Wait, till the bridegroom of thy soul Reveals his love with power The time of love will come. When thou shalt clearly see, Not only that he shed his blood, But that it flow'd lor thee . 163 311 HYMNS. 312 Tarry his leisure then, Altho' he seem to stay ; A inoment's intercourse with him Thy grief will overpaj'^. Blest is the man, O God, That stays himself on Thee : Who wait for thy salvation, Lord, Shall thy salvation see. 203 Rent in Heaven. CM. LORD, I believe a rest remains To all thy people known ; A rest were pure enjoyment reigns, And Thou art lov'd alone. Celestial Spirit, make me know That I shall enter in ; Now, Savior, now the pow'r bestow. And wash me from my sin. Remove this hardness from my heart. This unbelief remove ; To me the rest of faith impart. The sabbath of thy love. Come, O my Savior, come away,^ Into my soul descend ; No longer from thy creature stay. My author, and my end. 204 Enquiring the Way to Heaven. 8s. rELL me, ye souls, who now appear In milky robes, and joyful stand Around the throne, from danger far. In triumph at the Lord's right hand ; How did you in those courts arrive ? For in those courts I fain would live. 16 1 313 HYMNS. 314 And thou, fair Hebrew captive, well ; Esteem'd in Babel's stately court, Greatly beloved Daniel, tell, • How didst thou gain the heavenly port? And let thy fellows, princely wise, Relate their way to Paradise. Chief minister to Gentiles sent. Once persecutor of the faith Of Christ, whose days so much were spent In doing good, describe the path Which led Thee to the shining prize. That I may trace Thee to the skies. Could I, amidst th' angelic choir, Like favor'd John to heav'n soar. Of ev'ry saint would I enquire. How they attain'd that happy shore : ** They all (to John the word was giv'n) ** Through tribulation came to heav'n.'* 205 Happiness of Heaven, lis. BLEST Spirits above, whose garments appear Wash'd white in the blood of tlie LamI) clean and fair ; You now in full triumph his conquests can sing, And I, a poor pilgrim, my mite will cast in. Like him you do shine, and him face to face see I envy you not when by faith he meets me : His smiles you enjoy, now unclad from your clay. He loves mc, and pities roy sorrows each day Yon hail him in light, at his feet your crowns fall, At his feet as a sinner T there find my all ; He now makes my heav'n while earth me sur rounds, [bounds. Like a hart o'er these mountains he skiys and h« 165 315 HYMNS. 316 My griefs and my sorrows his tender heart bears, in fellowship sweet I cast on Ilini my cares^ On his bosom my head shall recline night and With him 1 will suffer while here I do stay. lie soon shall exchange this vile body of mine, With yours to be fashion'd in glory divine ; From earth into heaven his praises I'll bear. His death and his merits our joys shall declare. 206 Growth in Grace, 10s. SINNERS' Redeemer, whom we inly love ; Father of Thine below, and Thine above ; Brother of worms, who earthly vessels bear. Savior of happy sonis, who simple are. O let us, day by day, with rapture feel What grace, what love is, what thy Spirit's seal ; What fervent zeal that prudently aspires. What heav'nly drawings, what seraphic fires I A manly spirit too, dear Lord, impart ; A face anointed, and a glowing heart; l>et all our pow'rs speak forth an holy shame. And inward life, and cheerfulness proclaim. 207 Jesus our High Priest, CM. JESUS, our great High Priest and Head, Cloth'd with our flesh and blood. Who still dost intercede for us Before the throne of God. 166 1^17 HYMNS. 318 We know Thou never can'st forget Tliy poor weak members here; liut when we sufter in the least, A part with us Thou'lt bear. Thou with great tenderness art touch'd At wliat thy children feel ; When by temptations we are press:'d. Thou know'st our sufi'rings well. Thou hast a tender sympathy With ev'ry smart and pain ; For wh€n Thou wast a man on earth. Thou didst our griefs sustain. And though Thou art exalted now. Yet to us Thou art near : Thou know'st our weaknesses and Avants, And list'nest to our prayer. Nor only to us art Thou nigh. But with us Thou ail one : O wondrous condescending grac«, One Spirit, flesh, and bone I What shall we say for this thy love. But \^^\v adoring lie ; And thank Thee that Thou wast a man. To all eternity. 20^ Stability of the Covenant, L.M, REJOICE, ye saints, in ev'ry state, Divine decrees remain unmoved , No turns of providence abate God's care for those he once hath lov*d. Firmer than heav'n his covenant stands, Tho* earth should shake, and skies depart, You're safe in your Redeemer's hands Who bears your names upon his heart. 167 319 HYMNS. 320 Our surety knows for whom he stood. And gave himself a sacrifice : The souls, once sprinkled with his blood. Possess a life that iiever dies. Tho' darkness spread around our tent, Tho' fear prevail, and joy decline, God M'ill not of his oatli repent; Dear Lord, tliy people still are Thine. 209 Nativity. L.M. JESUS, all praise is due to Thee, Th'At thou wast pleased a man to be ! A Virgin's womb Thou didst not scorn. And angels shout to see Thee born. The blessed Father's only Son, Chuseth a manger for his throne; And, tho' the High and Mighty God, Assumes our feeble flesh and blood. Whom earth could not contain, nor skies. In low estate the Savior lies; And who the world's foundation laid. Is now a little Infant made. The Father's brightness comes in sight. Gives to the world its saving light; And drives the clouds of sin away. To make us children of the day. The Son th' Almighty God confess'd. In his own world became a guest ; And open'd through himself the way,. A passage to eternal day. And therefore poor on earth he came. That we might all his riches claim. To make us heirs of endless bliss, With all those chosen saints of his. 321 HYMNS. 322 For us these wonders he hath wrought. To shew his love, .surpassing tliought ! Then let us all unite to sing- Praise to our loving God and King. Hallelujah ! 210 Nativity, L.M. YE simple men of heart sincere, [night. Shepherds, who watch your flocks by Start not to see an angel near. Nor tremble at this glorious light. An herald from the heav'nly King I come, your ev'ry fear to chase ; Good tidings of great joy 1 bring. Great joy unto the fallen race. For you is born on this glad day, A Savior by our host ador'd ; Our God in Bethlehem survey. Make haste to worship Christ the Lo By this the Savior of mankind, Th' incarnate God, shall be display'd. In swathes the Infant ye shall find. And humbly in a manger laid. 211 The good Shepherd, CM. THOU Savior, my good Shepherd art. Thy voice, dear Lord, I know ; When justice aim'd the sword at me, Thyheart receiv'd the blow. My heart was broke with shame and grief. Thy pity felt my pain. Bound up my wounds, my strength renew'd And gave me health aga»n. 323 HYMNS. 324 "•^hou iTie dost lead and gently tend. And feed in pastures good, And bring me to the living stream. Of thy most precious blood. Thy blood ! Oh pleasing sound to me, And all thy helpless sheep; There lies my sure defence by day. My shelter when I sleep. 212 Christ the o?ili/ Refuge. 8s. ''1^0 whom should I fly for relief? X To him that hath lov'd me so well ; And who, when f sink into grief. Doth all my infirmities feel. O Lover of sinners, on Thee My burden of trouble I cast ; Whose care and compassion for me, For ever and ever shall last. Thine anger for what I have done, O Father, I mournfully bear ; But look to thy innocent Son, Who ever intreats Thee to spare. Be mindful of Jesus and me ; He sulfer'd, my pardon to buy. And what he procur'd on the tree, Demands for his people on high. 213 The Ch7'istian*s Race. L.M. AWAKE our souls, away our fears, Let ev*ry trembling thought be gone, Awake and rur the heavenly race. And put a cheerful courage on. True, 'tis a strait and thorny road, And mortal spirits tire and faint ; But they forget the mighty God, Who feeds the strength of ev'ry saint. 325 HYMNS. 326 The mighty God, whose matchless pow'r Is ever new, and ever young. And firm endures while endless years Their everlasting circles run. From Thee, the overflowing spring, Our souls shall drink a fresli supply. While such as trust their native strength Shall melt away, and droop and die. Swift as an eagle cuts the air. We'll mount aloft to Thine abode; On wings of love our souls shall fly. Nor tire amidst the heav'nly road. 214 Crucifixion, L.M. THE cross ! The cross I Oh that's my gain. Because on that the Lamb was slaiu ; *Twas there my Lord was crucified : 'Twas there my Savior for me died. What wondrous cause could move thy heart. To take on Thee my curse and smart;, Well knowing that my soul would be. So cold, so negligent of Thee? The cause was love, I sink with shame. Before my sacred Jesu's name, [be That thou should'st bleed and slaughtered Because— because Thou lovedst me. 215 Everlasting Love, 8s. NOW I have found the blessed ground Where my soul's anchor may remain, The Lamb of God, who for my sin • Was from the world's foundation slain. Whose mercy shall unshaken stay. When heaven and earth are fled away. 171 327 HYMNS. 328 O love, thou bottomless abyss ! My sins are swallow'd up in Thee ; Cover'd is my unrighteousness, From condemnation now I'm free, While Jesu's blood, through earth and skies, Merc3', free boundless mercy, cries. By faith I i)lunge me in this sea ; Here is my hope, my joy, my rest; Hither, when hell assails, I flee. And look unto my Savior's breast: Awaj^ sad doubt and anxious fear, Mercy is onlj' written there. Tho' waves and storms go o'er my head, Tho' strength and health and friends be gone, Tho' joys be wither'd all, and dead, Tho' ev'ry comfort be withdrawn ; Stedfast on this my soul relies, Father, thy mercy never dies. Fix'd on this ground will I remain. Though my heart fail, and flesh decay ; This anchor shall ray soul sustain. When earth's foundations melt away; Mercy's full power I then shall prove, Lov\l zvilh an everlasting love! 216 After Sermon 8. 7. 4. LORD, dismiss us with thy blessing, Fiil our hearts with joy and peace. Let us each, thy love possessing. Triumph in redeeming grace : O refresh us, Trav'ling thr«^^gh this wilderness, 172 329 HYMNS. 330 Thanks we give, and adoration. For thy gospel's joyful sound ; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound ; May thy presence With us, evermore, be found. So whene'er the signal's given, Us from earth to call away, Borne on angels' wings to hciwen. Glad the summons to obey. We shall surely Reign with Christ in endless day. Q, 1 7 Looking to Jcsws crucifn:d. L.M. LADEN with guilt, sinners, arise. And view the bleeding sacrifice ; Each purple drop proclaims there's rooni^ And bids the poor and needy come. Beneath his people's crimes He stood, Sign'd their acquittances in blood ; Herein God's justice is appeas'd ; Sinners, look up, and be releasM. Mercy, truth, peace, and righteousness, Beam from the Reconciler's face ; Here look till love dissolve your heart. And bid your slavish fears depart. Oh ! quit the world's delusive charms. And quickly fly to Jesu's arms ; Wrestle uniil your God is known, 'Till you can call the Lord j^our own. 218 hivitatian. L.M. HO ! ev'ry one that thirsts, draw nigh, ('Tis God invites the fallen race) Mercy and free salvation buy, Buy wine and milk and gospel grace. 1-3 331 HYMNS. 332 Come to the living waters come. Sinners, obey your Maker's voice ; Return, ye weary wanderers home And in redeeming love rejoice. See, from the rock, a fountain rise ! For you in healing streams it rolls ; Money ye need not bring, nor price, Ye lab'ring, burthen'd, sin-sick souls. Nothing ye in exchange shall give ; Leave all you have, and are, behind ; Frankly the gift of God receive, Pardon and peace in Jesus find. 219 Looking to Jesus, 104th. HOW glorious the Lamb Is seen on his throne f His labors are o'er. His battles are won : A kingdom is giv'n Into the Lamb's hand. His children in heaven For ever shall stand. Then sinners below. Oh trust in the Lord ; Look up to his arm. His honor, his word ; A thirst for his favor. His Godhead adore ; Look up to j^our Savior. And joy evermore. 220 Public Worship, rs. LORD we come before thee now, At thy feet we humbly bow; Oh ! do not our suit disdain ; Sliall we seek, thee, Lord, in vain 1 17i 333 HYMNS. 334 Lord, OH Thee our souls depend, In compassion now descend ; Fill our he.arts with thy rich grace. Tune our lips to sing thy praise. In thine own appointed way, Now we seek Thee, here we stay ; Lord, from hence we would not go. Till a blessing Thou bestow ; Send some message from thy word, Tliat may joy and peace afford ; Let thy Spirit now impart Full salvation to each lieart. Conifoit those that weep and mourn Let the time of joy return ; Those who are cast down, lift up. Make them strong in faith and hope. Grant that those who seek, may rind Thee a God divinely kind ; Heal the sick, the captive free, Let us all rejoice in Thee. 221 The Sinner* s only Hope, 7.6.T. WHOM have I in heav'n but Thee That can thy creature bless? What were all the earth to me If stranger to thy peace? All is vanity but Christ, Pain and darkness and despair. Rankling in a sinner's breast, Till Thou art present there. If my Lord his love reveal. No other bliss I want ; He my ev'ry wound can heal And silence each coniplaini: 175 S35 HYMNS. 336 He that sufTer'd in my stead Must the great Physician be i I cannot be comforted, Till comforted by Thee. Thee, Thou know'st, I wish to love. For which thy name I bless; Pour thy Spirit from above Upon my waiting fleece ! Gentle as descending dew, Welcome as reviving show'rs ; Let him my election shew, And gild my gloomy hours. Yet if, Lord, Thou seest fit, *ris best for me to mourn. Still my hold I cannot quit, Nor from my refuge turn ; This, thro* grace my song sliall be, As I to thy kingdom go, Whom have I in heav'n but Thee, And whom but Thee below. 222 Unbounded Mercy. 8s, OTHOU whose mercy knows no bound, (Else hadstThou ne'er redeem'd thy foe) Whose love's a fathomless profound. Which known, we wish still more to know; That mercy, Lord, that love reveal. And let thy Spirit stamp thy seal. From wav'rlng doubts, from chilling fear, Save us. Thou God of truth and light ; Thy word is sure, O bring it near, Nor let us mourn in endless night ; Let the day dawn, the day-star rise. And pour all heav'n upon our eyes. 337 HYMNS. 338 Far off thy cross we dimly view, Nor know our int'rest in thy blood ; Whilst thus our hearts thy grace pursue. Oh, let us feel the present God : Come, come like light'ning from the east. Warm, animate each drooping breast. Behold, like wax before the fire. Our melting hearts dissolve with grief; To Thee, O Lord, is our desire, From Thee alone we hope relief; Thy mercj' and thy love reveal. And let thy Spirit stamp the seal. 223 Boundless Love. L.M. HOW shall I speak my Savior's worth, Or tell the love he bears to me ? Shall I begin to sing his birth, And follow him to Calvary i Yes, this I'll tell my brethren dear. And call them to receive his grace ; For now his righteousness is near, And free for all who seek his face. . His tender arms are open still. Returning sinners to receive'; Steady his mind, and fix'd his will. To save whoever shall believe. Ye pris'ners, to the refuge fly. And find a covert from the storm ; Why should you languish here and die, When sav'd you may be from all harm ? He waits with pardon in his hand, And longs that you the same niay share , Come, sinners, at his mild comniaiid ; His name forbids yoiit hearts to fear 177 M 339 HYMNS. 340 224 God is Lcvc, P.M. LORD, thine image Thou hast lent me, In thy ne\'er-fai!lng love ; V/hen I fell, yet Thou hast sent me FuM redemption from above ; Sacred love, I long to be Thine to all eternitj^ Love! to bliss Thou hast ordained Me, e'er 1 began to be ; God of Love, Tbou'st not disdained To become a man like me : Love almighty and divine, I would be for ever thine. Love ! who hast for me er.dnred All the pains of death and hell . Love ! whose suflPrings have procured More for me than tongue can tell ; Sacred love, I long to be Thine to all eternity. Love ! my life and mj^ salvation. Light and truth, eternal Avord I Thou alone dost consolation To ray sinking soul atTord : Love almighty and divine, I would be for ever thine. To thy blessed yoke Tliou'rt tying Me with cords of grace and love. While my heart is ever crying ; Ma\^ I true and faithful prove : Sacred love, I long to be Thine to all eternity. Love ! who wilt for ever lovt; me, I Intercessor for my soul 1 178 341 HYMNS. 342 Who snstain'st me light or heavy. On the priestly breast and roll ; Love almighty and divine, I would be for ever thine. Love ! who wilt hereafter raise me. From the grave, a bed of dust ; Love ! whose final zeal arrays me, With a garment 'mong the just; Sacred love ! I long to be Thine to all eternity. 225 Panting after God, 8s. THOU hidden love of God, whose height. Whose depth unfathom'd, no man knows; I see from far thy beauteous light, Inl3^ I sigh for thy repose : My heart is pain'd, nor can it be At rest, till it find rest in Thee. Is there a thing beneath the sun, That strives with Thee my heart to share Oh ! take it tlience and reign alone. The Lord of ev'ry motion there ; Then sh.all my heart from earth be free. When it has found repose in Thee. Oh hide this self from me, that I, No more, but Christ in me may live I My vile afl'ections crucify, Nor let one darling lust survive : In all things nothing may I see. Nothing desire, or seek, but Thee. O love ! thy sov'reign aid impart. To save me from distracting care. Chase this self-will through all my heart,. Through all its latent mazes there : Make me, thy duteous child, that I Ceaseless may Abba, Father, cry 179 343 HYMNS. 344 Each moment draw from earth away My lieart, that h)wly waits thy call ; Speak to my inmost soul and say, I am thy love, thy God, thy all ! To feel tliy pow'r, to hear thy v^oice. To taste thy love, be all my choice. 226 Triumph of Faith, lis. THE God of salvation, Jehovah by name. Who yesterday, now, and for ever's the same. From guilt and from heli me a sinner hath sav'd. And death of its sting, hath my Jesus bereav'd ; Death's name and his conquests no longer I feat;. His might and pale aspect ev'n lovely appear ; Depriv'd of his power, with all his sad train. My Jesus is King, and for ever must reign. His blood is my ransom, the captive is his, Iledeem'd from my bondage to enter on bliss * A5on by new birth, by adoption an heir. The kingdom of glory with Jesus to share. His Spirit, as witness, as earnest, and seal Of all these rich blessings, I inwardly feel ; His whispers divine do my freedom proclaim. And open a union with God and the Lamb. An union whose bonds are both stedfast and sure. In which I, thro' grace, can live happy tho' poor; The bridegroom's embraces with rapture I know. And all thro' the blood which from Jesus did flow. 180 345 HYMNS. 346 What tlio' I'm so helpless, I know he'll sup- ply My wG-akness with grace, and I on him rely; And I shall be happy the Lord to adore, To praise him riow henceforth, and for evermore. 227 Invitation. 8s. SWEET as the sheplierd's ttmeful reed From Sion's mount 1 heard the sound : Gay sprang the flow'rets of the mead, And gladden'd nature smil'd around ; The voice of peace salutes mine ear ; Christ's lovely voice perfumes the air. Peace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moan Hath taught these rocks the note of woe ! Cease thy complaint, suppress thy groan. And let thy tears forget to flow. Behold, the precious balm is found, Which lulls thy pain,which heals thy wound. Come, freely come, by sm opprest, Un burthen here the weighty load ; Here find thy refuge and thy rest. Safe on the bosom of thy God : Thy God's thy Savior ! Glorious word ! Who sheaths th' avenger's ^litt'ring sword. As spring the winter, aay ne night, Peace, sorrow's gloom shall chase away; And smiling joy, a seraph bright, Shall tend thy steps, and near Thee stay ; Whilst glory weaves th' immortal crown, 4nd waits to claim Thee for her own. 181 347 HYMNS. 348 22S Sovereignty of Christ. 8.7. JESUS, whose almighty sceptre Rules creation all around, In whose bowels, love and mercy, Grace and pity full are found ; In my spirit rule and conquer. There set up thine endless throne ; Win my heart from ev'ry creature, Tliee to love, and Thee alone. In thy strength I'd only conquer. In thy righteousness conlide ; Wise and simple in thy wisdom, ' Strong and dauntless by thy side ; In thy bleeding wounds most happy. Nought will do for wretched me. But a Savior full of mercy. Dying, innocent, and free. Climb, my soul, unto the mountain. Ever blessed Calvary, See the wounded victim bleeding. Nailed to th' accursed tree : Love to miserable sinners. Love unfathom'd, love to death. Was the only end and motive. To resign his gracious breath. 229 Thanksgiviyig. lOith. YE servants of God, your master pro- claim. And publish abroad his wonderful name ; The nauie all victorious of Jesus extol ; His kingdom is i^lorious and rules over all. God rulelh on[high, Almighty to save ; And still he is nigh, his presence we have ; The great congregation his triumph shaL ^scribing salvation to Jesus our King. 182 349 HYMNS. 350 Salvation to God, who sits on the throne. Let alJ cry aloud, and honor the Son : Our Jesus's praises the angels proclaim. Fall down on their faces and worship the Lamb. Tlien let us adore and give him his right, All glorj' and power,and wisdom and might; All honor and blessing, with angels above, . And thanks never ceasing for inlinite love. 230 Lamentation, CM. AUTHOR of true and saving faith. That grace to me impart ; Grant me an int'rest in thy death, A new believing heart. Dismiss my griefs, my sorrows end. My reas'ning's voice control ; Approve thyself the sinner's Friend, And bless my helpless soul. Long have I sought thy peace to find. But all my search was vain. For unbelief still veil'd my mind. And dwelling, gnaw'd within. At times thy word's attracting beams Have drawn my soul above, Diflusing thro' my heart the streams Of everlasting love. Sometimes I've had a little taste. And thought thy coming nigh. But ah! the blessing did not last. The visitant pass'd by. And must I ever mourning go, A stranger to thy love? Shall I be joiu'd with saints below, And not with saints above 1 351 HYMNS. 352 Shall f beneath thy gospel stay. And hear the call of grace. And at the awful judgment day Be banish'd from thy face ? Oh ! may I feel a glimm'ring hope. E'er long Thou wilt me bless. And at the last wilt raise me up, A kingdom to possess. 231 Faith in Exercise, S.M. MY Savior, Thou didst shed Thy precious blood for me ; Oh dwell within my worthless heart, And let me live to Thee ! Thou callest me, O Lord, To come to Thee and live, \ therefore come with all my sinsf, I know Thou canst forgive. My Lord and Savior dear, I long to see thy face. To know Thee more and more by faith. And daily grow in grace. And when this life is o'er. Oh may I dwell with Thee, Still worshipping the blessed Lamb, Wlio liv'd and died for me. 232 Redemption. 8. 8. 6. BRIDE of the Lamb, up to the skies Lfct daily praise like incense rise. To join with theirs above. Worthy is he who once was slain, A race of rebels to regain. To have our choicest love. 353 HYMNS. 354 Into tins ark, with great ainaze, Tlie winged seraphs wond'ring, gaze. Redeeming love to trace : Should mortals, who in part have foiind Redemption through the Savior's wounds. Refuse to shout free grace 1 Cry then to our Redeemer dear. He loves his people's voice to hear. They are his joy and crown ; E'er long we him in clouds shall see. Clothed in pomp, and majesty. His ransom'd flock to own. Show'r down thy grace, O Jesus, now, Through ev'ry vessel let it flow, Each sick'ning plant to cheer: Rooted in Thee, O may Ave stand Unshaken, waiting thy command, And love thy voice to hear. Freedom to ev'ry soul proclaim ; In ev'ry heart, O Jesus, reign. And set the prisoners free : Now, Lord, relieve each burden'd mind. And give us all with joy to find Eternal life in Thee. 233 Before Sermon. 8. 8. 6. O JESUS, now we humbly pray. Be gracious to thy church to-oay. Thy saving health impart; The dew of heaven on us distil. With iove each empty vessel fill . And cheer the drooping heart. 185 355 HYMNS. 356 Cut every cord that binds us here. Us from our ev'ry hind'rance tear. Give each a single heart ; Give grace to tread down self and sin. Give grace eternal life to win. E'er we from hence depart. 234 Rcdeemitfg Love 104th. OUR Shepherd alone. The Lord, let us bless, Wlio reigns on the throne. The Prince of our peace ; Wlio evermore saves us By shedding his blood ; AlThail, holy Jesus, Our Lord and our God. We daily will sing Thy glory, thy praise. Thou merciful spring Of pity and grace ; Thy kindness for ever To men we will tell, And say our dear Savior, Redeems us from hell. Preserve us in love. While here we abide; Nor ever remove, Nor cover, nor hide Thy glorious salvation, Till joyful we see Tlie beautiful vision Completed in Thee r 186 357 HYMNS. 358 235 Aspiring after Christ. S.M. O PATIENT, spotless Lamb ! My heart in patience keep. To bear the cross so easy made By wounding- Thee so deep. Bring- me, my Shepherd, where Thy choicest flocks abide ; From wand'ring save my foolish heart. And keep it near thy side. My Friend, Thou hast enough My mis'ry to relieve ; Tho' sin and guilt oppress me sore. The balm is tliine to give. Do Thou, my Lord, unite My heart so firm to Thee, That ev'ry where, and at all times. Thy love my all may be, 23(3 Christ's presence delightful. 10s. ODEA REST Savior ! please to look on lue. And draw my heart with cords of love io Thee; save me from this world's ensnaring halt. And grant that I may himbly on Thee wait. Thou know'st how apt I am, O Lord, to change. How oft my thoughts on worldly objects range. Keep them, dear Jesus, keep them constantly. Steady, unshaken, ever fix'd on Thee. Sometimes I taste of thy refreshing grace. And then for other things there is no place ; My heart doth sweetly flow with love to Thee, , 1 prove the grace for ev'ry comer free* 187 359 HYMNS. 360 Oh that I were but always in this frame ; How could I love and praise my Savior's Thus, thus, O Jesus, let it ever be, [name ! Then will I sing thy praise eternally. 23/ Christ bore our Griefs. 8. 8. 6. THINK now, dear Jesus, on the pain. The toil, the smart. Thou didst sustani To ransom my poor heart ; Kindly, dear Lamb, return and come. And make my heart thy constant home. Nor ever more depart. No more let sable clouds of night Arise to intercept my light. Or earth my heart detain ; By thy dear cross still let me stay. Here let me sing each happy day. And die to live again. 238 Meditation on God*s Love. CM. WHEN langour and disease invade This trembling house of clay, 'Tis sweet to look beyond our cage, And long to fly away. Sweet to look inward, and attend The whispers of his love ; Sweet to look upward to the place Where Jesus pleads above. Sweet to look back, and see my name In life's fair book set down ; Sweet to look forward, and behold Eternal joys my own. Sweet to reflect, how grace divine My sins on Jesus laid ; Sweet to remember, that his blood My debt of sufPiing paid. 1}38 361 HYMNS. 362 Sweet in his righteousness to stand, Whicti saves from second death ; Sweet to experience day by day His Spirit's quickening breath. Sweet on his faithfulness to rest. Whose love can never end ; Sweet on his covenant of grace For all things to depend. Sweet in the confidence of faith. To trust his firm decrees ; Sweet to lie passive in his hands And know no will but his. If such the sweetness of the streams. What must the fountain be. Where saints and angels draw their bliss Immediately from Thee. 239 In Darkness of Soul. 8s. COME, holy, celestial Dove, And visit a sorrowful breast. My burden of guilt to remove. And bring me assurance and rest : Thou only hast pow*r to relieve A sinner o'erwhelm'd with his load. The sense of election to give, And sprinkle his heart with the blood. With me if of old Thou hast strove, And kindly withheld me from sin, Resolv'd by the force of thy love. My worthless affections to win : The work of thy mercy revive. Invincible mercy exert. And keep my weak graces alive. And set up thy rest in my heart. 180 363 HYMNS. 364 Thy call If I ever have known, And sigh'd from myself to get free. And groan'd the unspeakable groan. And long'd to be happy in Thee ; FnlUl the imperfect desire, 1 hy peace to my conscience reveal ; The sense of thy favor inspire, And give me my pardon to feel. If when I have put Thee to grief, And madly to folly return'd, Tliy goodness hath been my relief. And lifted me up as I mourn'd : Coni])assionate Spirit of grace. Relieve me again, and restore ; My spirit in holiness raise. To fail and to grieve Thee no more. . f now I lament after God, And long for a sense of thy love ; .f Jesus hath paid down his blood. To gain me a mansion above : Come, heav'nly Comforter come. Sweet witness of mercy divine ; , And make nie thy permanent home. And seal me eternally Thine. 240 Invitation, CM. OH what amazing words of grace Are in the gospel found ! aiiiited to every sinner's case, Who knows the joyful oound. Poor, sinful, thirsty, fainting souls Are freely Avelcome here ; Salvation like a river rolls. Abundant, free, and clear. 390 365 HYMNS. 366 Coine,theri,with all j^our wants and wounds. Your every burden bring ; Here love, unchanging love, abounds ; A deep, celestial spring, ** Whoever roiU," (Oil gracious Avord !) Shall of this stream par?:ake : Come, thirsty souls, and bless the Lord, And drink for Jesu's sake. This spring with living water flows. And living joy imparts; Come, thirsty souls, your wants disclose. And drink with thankful hearts. Millions of sinners, vile as you. Have here found life and peace ; Come, thirsty souls, and prove it true, And drink, adore, and bless. To Him, who gives our souls to feel The drawings of his love, Le constant praise while here we dwell. And nobler songs above. 24] Comfort of God* s Love. CM. THE world can neither give nor take, ' Nor can thej' comprehend That peace ofGod,whichChrist hath bought. That peace which knows no end. The burning bush was not consum'd. Whilst God remained there. The three, when Jesus made the fourth. Found lire as soft as air. God's furnace doth in Zion stand. But Zion's God sits by, As the refiner views his gold. With an observant eye. 191 367 HYMNS. 368 His thoughts are high, his love is wise, His wounds a cure intend ; And though he doth not always smile. He loves unto the end. His love is constant as the sun, Tho' clouds come oft between ; And could my faith but pierce these clouds. It might be alwaj-s seen. Yet I shall ever, ever sing. And Thou for ever shine ; I have thine own dear pledge for this, Lordj Thou art ever mine. 242 Morning. 8.6.6. RISE, my soul, adore thy Maker ! Angels praise. Join thy lays, With them be partaker. Father, Lord of every spirit. In thy light. Lead me right, Thro* my Savior's merit. O my Jesus, God Almighty, Pray for me, 'Till I see Thee in Salem's city. Holy Ghost, divine Instructor, Guide me still ; Let thy will Be my sole conductor. Thou this night wast my protector, With me stay All the day, Ever my director. 192 369 HYMNS. 370 Holy, holy, holy Giver Of all good. Life and food, Reign adoi'd for ever. Glory, honor, thanks,' and blessing', One in Three, Give we Thee, Never, never ceasing. 243 Evening, 8. 6. 6. ERE I sleep, for every favor This day shew'd By my God, I will bless iny Savior. O my Lord, wliat, shall I render 'I'o tliy name. Still the same, Gracious, good, and tender! Leave me not, but ever love me j Let thy peace lie my bliss, Till Thou hence remove me. Visit me m ith thy salvation ; Let thy care Still be near. Round my habitation. We. my rock, my guard, my tower; Safely keep. While I sleep. Me with all thy power. Save, Oh save me from the hidings Of thy face I Let thy grace Cancel m3?^ backslidings. 193 N 371 HYMNS. 372 So whene'er in death I shimber, 1 shall rise With the wise, Counted iii their number. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Let me know s Thee below, | Thee above inherit. I 244 Safety of God's People. 6.7.B. GOD, the omnipresent God, Our strength and refuge stands : Mightj'^ to support our load. And bear us in his hands : Readiest when we need him most. When to him distress'd we cr^' ; All who on his mercy trust, Shall find deliverance nigh. God most merciful, most high, Doth in his Sion dwell ; Kept by him, lier tow'rs defy The strength of earth and. iiell : Built on lier eternal rock. Who shall her foundation move 1 Who her great defender shock, ■, Th' Almighty God of love 1 i All that on this rock are stay'd, The woild assaults in vain ; Ever present with his aid, He shall his own sustain ; Guardian of the chosen race, Jesus doth his church defend ; Saves tiiem by his timely grace,^ And sai'es thein to the end 373 HYMNS. 374 For his people in distress The God of Jacob stands ; Bears us, till our troubles cease. In his almighty hands ; He for us his pow'r hath shewn. He doth still our refuge prove ; Jacob's God still loves his own. And will for ever love. 245 Public Worship. L.M. JESUS, where'er thy people meet. There they behold thy mercy-seat ; Where'er they seek Thee Thou art found. And ev'ry place is hallow'd ground. For Thou, within no walls conlin'd, Inhabitest the humble mind ; Such ever bring Thee, where they come. And going, take Thee to their home. Dear Shepherd of thy chosen few. Thy former mercies here renew ; Here, to our waiting hearts, proclaim The sweetness of thy saving name. Here may we prove the pow*r of pray'r To strengthen faith, and sweeten care ; To teach our faint desires to rise. And bring all heav'n before our eyes. Ob ! let thine all-commanding word. Bid Sion stretch her cords abroad ; Come then, and fill that wider space. And bless her with a large increase. Lord, manifest that Thou art near ; Nor short thy arm, nor deaf thine ear ; Oh rend the heav'ns, come quickly down >\rd let thy saving pow'r be known. 195 N 1 375 HYMNS. 376 246 Faith. L.M. E^MBARK'D upon a stormy sea, ■i Jesus, aloud we call for Thee ; Say to the raging waves, be still, And shew that they obey thy will. Nov/ we are sinking to the deep, Tho' Jesus seems to be asleep ; He wants but to be call'd to come, And bear us to our destiii'd home. To pray by faith is Gilead's balm, Foi so the Lord can make it calm ; The winds and waves obey his word, \nd shew that He's the sov'reign Lord, 247 Elijah fed by Ravens, 8s. ELIJAH'S example declares, Whatever distress may betide ; The saints may commit all their cares To Him who will surely provide : When rain long withheld from the earth, Occasion'd a famine of bread. The prophet secure from the dearth. By ravens was constantly fed. More likely to rob than to feed. Were ravens who live upon prey : But Avhen the Lord's people have need. His goodness will find out a way : This instance to those may seem strange. Who know not how faith can prevail ; fiat sooner all nature shall change. Than one of God's promises fail. Vor is it a singular case. The wonder is often renew'd ; And many can say, to his praise. He sends them by ravens their food: 377 HYMNS. 378 Thus worldlings, tho' ravens indeed, Tho* greedy and selfish their mind. If God has a servant to feed. Against their own wills can be kind. Thus Satan, that raven unclean. Who croaks in the ears of the saints, Compell'd by a power unseen. Administers oft to their wants : God teaches them how to find food From all the temptations they feel. This raven, who tliirsts for my bloodj Has help'd me to many a meal. How safe and how happy are they Who on the good Shepherd rely ; He gives them out strength for their day Their wants he will surely supply : He, ravens and lions can tame, All creatures obey his command , Then let me rejoice in his name, And leave all my cares in his liana. 248 The good Physician. CM. PHYSICIAN of my sin-sick soul. To thee 1 bring my case ; My raging malady control. And heal me by thy grace. Pity the anguish I endure. See liow I mourn and pine ; For never can I hope a cure From any hand but Thine. I would disclose my whole complaint. But where shall I begin ? No words of mine can fully paint, That worst distemper, sin. 197 379 HYMNS. 380 Lord, I am sick, regard my cry, And set my spirit free ; Say, canst Thou let a sinner die. Who longs to love like me ? 249 Sacrament, 8s. ENCOURAG'D by the word of grace. We meet Thee at thy table. Lord, Oh ! let us see thy smiling face, And one reviving look afford : To us the bread of life be giv'n, The bread which conieth down from heav'n. We are unworthy, we confess, One crumb of children's bread to taste ; But clothed in thy righteousness We humbly venture to the feast. Amidst thy saints, dear Lord appear. And manifest thy presence here. With heav'nly food our souls refresh. To us be known in breaking bread : Tasting the symbol of thy flesh. May we on purchas'd mercy feed : Remind us how thy precious blood Was shed to seal our peace with God. 250 Sacrament. S.M. JESUS invites his saints To meet around his board ; Here pardon'd rebels sit, and hold Communion with their Lord. For food, he gives his flesh ; He bids us drink his blood ; Amazing favor ! matchless grace Of our redeeming God. JOB ^81 HYMNS. ii82 Let all our powers be joinjd His glorious name to raise ; Pleasure and love fill every mind. And every voice be praise. 251 Sacrament. L.M. PITY a helpless sinner, Lord, Who would believe thy gracious word lint own my heart, with shame and grief, A sink of sin and unbelief. Lord, in thy house I read there's room. And vent'ring hard behold I come; lUit can there, tell me, can there be. Amongst thy children, room for me 1 I eat the bread and drink the wine, I?nt oh I my soul wants more than sign, I faint unless I feed on Tliee, And drink thy blood as shed for me. For sinners, Lord, Thou cam'st to bleed ; And I'm a sinner vile indeed ! Lord, J believe thy grace is free : Oh, magnify it now in me. 252 Sacrament. 7s. HEARTS of stone, relent, relent, Break, by Jesu's cross subdu'd See his body mangled, rent, Cover'd with a gore of blood ; Sinful soul, what hast thou done % i Murder'd God's eternal Son ! Yes, our sins have done the deed, Drove the nails that fix him here ; Crown'd with thorns his sacred head, Pierc'd liim M'ith a soldier's spear ; Made his soul a sacrifice : For a sinful world he dies 1 199 383 HYMNS. 384 Shall I let him die in vain ? Still to death pursue my God ! Open, tear his wounds again, Trample on his precious blood i No ; with all my sins I'll part : Jesu*s love hath broke my heart. 253 Sacrament, 7. 6. JESUS, master of the feast, Tlie feast itself Thou art ; Now receive the meanest guest, And comfort ev'ry heart! Give us living bread to eat, Manna that from heav'n comes down. Fill us with immortal meat. And make thy nature known ! In this barren wilderness Tliou hast a table spread, Furnish'd with the richest grace, Whate'er our souls can need ; Still sustain us by thy love, Still thy servants strength repair. Till we reach the courts above. And feast for ever there. 254 Sacrament. CM. THAT doleful night before his death. The Lamb for sinners slain, Did almost with his latest breath This solemn feast ordain. To keep thy feast. Lord, are we met. And to remember Thee ; Help each poor tretnbler to repeat, " For me, he died, for me !" 385 HYMNS. 386 Thy sufPrlngs, Lord, each sacred sign To our rememb'rance brings ; We eat the bread, and drink the wine. But think on nobler things. Oh tune our tongues, and set in frame Each lieart that pants for Tliee, To sing Hosanna to the Lamb, The Lamb that died for me ! 255 Sacrament. CM. THIS is the feast of heav'nly wine, And God invites to sup ; Tlie juices of the living vine Were press'd to fill the cup. Oh, bless the vSavior, ye that eat, With royal dainties fed ; Not heav'n affords a costlier treat, For Jesus is the bread ! The vile, the lost. He calls to them. Ye trembling souls appear ! I'he righteous in their own esteem Have no acceptance here. Approach, ye poor, nor dare refuse The banquet spread for you ; Dear Savior, this is welcome news. Then I may venture too. If guilt and sin afford a plea. And may obtain a place ; Surely the Lord will welcome me, And I shall see his face. 250 Sacrament. L.M. 'npWAS on that dark, that doleful night J. When pow'rs of earth and hell aiosf} Against the Son of God's delight. And friends betray'd Him to his foes. 2D1 387 HYMNS. 388 Before the mournful scene began. He took the bread, and bless'd,and brake: What love thro' all his actions ran ; What wondrous words of grace he spake ! ** This is my body broke for sin, ** Receive and eat the living food:" Tlien took the cup, and bless'd the wine : *' 'Tis the new cov'nant in my blood." " Do this (He cried) till time shall end, " In mem'ry of your dying Friend; •* Meet at my table, and record * The love of your departed Lord." Jesus, thy feast we celebrate. We shew thy death, we sing thy name, Till Thou return, and we shall eat Tlie marriage-supper of the Lamb. 257 Sacramento 7. 6. 1;j^AlTHFUL Bridegroom, Holy Lamb, By thy church beloved ; Manifest thy sweetest name, To each heart approved. Crown this ordinance of thine With a solemn blessing; J,et our feast be all divine. Each thyself possessing. Cause that bleeding sacrifice, Once for sinners given. To appear before our e3'es. Earnest of our heaven. Vfe partake the bread and wine. Seals of our profession ; Of the inward grace the sign. Symbols of thy passion. «02 389 HYMNS. 390 We commemorate thy death While we are receiving, Feeding in our hearts by faith. With unfeign'd thanksgiving. 258 Sacrament. L.M. COME, sinner, to the gospel feast, Jesus invites you for his guest ; Oh ! taste the goodness of your God, And eat liis flesh, and drink his blood I See him set forth before our eyes. Behold the bleeding sacrifice ! His pard'ning love make haste, embrace, And freely now be sav'd by grace. Ye, who belrieve his record true. Shall sup with him, and he with you : Come to the feast, be sav'd from sin, For Jesus waits to take you in. 259 Sacrament. CM. COME, Holy Ghost, set to thy seal. Thine inward witness give ; And to my inmost soul reveal The death by which I live. I want the dear Redeemer's grace, I seek the Crucified ; The man that suffer'd in my place. The God that groan'd and died. Spectator of the pangs divine. Oh that [ now may be ! Discerning in the sacred sign His passion on the tree. Give me to understand that sound Which told his mortal i)ain. Tore up the graves, and rent the ground And broke the rocks in twain. 391 HYMNS. 392 Repeat my dying Savior's cry Unto my heart so loud. That my whole soul may now reply, *' Tills is the Son of God." 260 Sacrament. CM. COME, Holy Ghost, Thine influence shed, And realize the sign : Thy life infuse into the bread, Thy i>ow'r into tlie wine. Elfectual let the tokens prove, And made by heav'nlj^ art. Fit channels to convey thy love To each believing heart. 20l Sacrament. CM. THIS was compassion like a God, That when the Savior knew. The price of pardon was his blood. His pity ne'er withdrew ! He sunk beneath our heavy woes, To raise us to his throne : There's not a gift his hand bestows, But cost his heart a groan. Now tho* he reigns exalted high. His love is still as great : »Vell he remembers Calvary, Nor will his saints forget. Here we receive repeated seals Of Jesu's dying love : Ward is the wretch that never feels One soft aifection move. u^ere let our hearts begin to melt. While we his death record ; And with our joy for pardon'd guilt. Mourn that we pierc'd the Lord. 201 393 HYMNS- 394 262 Sacrament, L.M. WHAT heavenly Man, or lovely God, Comes marching downward from the Array'd in garments roll'd in blood, [skies. With joy and pity in his eyes ? The Lord! the Savior! yes, *tis he, I know him by the smiles he wears : Dear glorious Man that died for me, Drench'd deep in agonies and tears. Lo ! he reveals his shining breast, I own those wounds, and I adore ; Lo ! he prepares a royal feast. Sweet fruit of the sharp pangs he bore I Whence flow these favors so divine ? Lord why so lavish of thy blood 1 Why for such earthly souls as mine This heavenly flesh, this sacred food 1 'Twas his own love that made him bleed^ That nail'd him to the cursed tree ; 'Twas his own love this table spread For such unworthy worms as we. Then let us taste the Savior's love. Come, faith, and feed upon the Lord : With glad consent oar lips shall move, And sweet Hosannas crown the board. 263 Prospect of .Death, CM. SWEET to rejoice in lively hope. That when my change shall come. Angels will hover round my bed. And waft my spirit home. Then shall my disemprisoned soul Behold hiiu and adore : Be with his likeness satisfied. And grieve and sin no more, '205 395 HYMNS. 396 Soon too my slumVring dust shall hear The trumpet's quick'ning sound, And, by my Savior's pow'r rebuilt. At his right hand be found. These eyes shall see him in that day. The God that died for me : And all my rising bones shall say. Lord, who is like to Thee ! If such the views which grace unfolds, Weak as it is below. What raptures must the church above In Jesu's presence know ! Oh ! may the unction of these truths For ever with me stay, 'Till from her sinful cage dismissal. My spirit flies away. 264 The departed Saint. 8s. AH, lovely appearance of death ! No siglit upon earth is so fair ; Not all the gay pageants that breathe, Can with a dead body compare ; With solemn delight I survey The corpse when the spirit is fled, 4i love with the beautiful clay, And longing to lie in its stead. flow blest is our brother bereft ; Of all that could burden his mind, How easy the soul that hath left This wearisome body behind. Of evil incapable thou. Whose relicts with envy ! see. No longer in misery now, X No longer a s''iner like me. \ 2or» 397 HYMNS. 398 This earth is atlected no more With sickness, or shaken with paiii; The war in the members is o'er. And never shall vex him again : No nger iienceforward, or shame, Siiall redden this innocent clay ; Extinct is the animal flame, And passion is vanish'd away. The languishing head is at rest. Its thinking and aching are o'er; Tlie quiet immoveable breast Is heav'd by affliction no more The heart is no longer the seat Of trouble and torturing pain. It ceases to flutter and beat. It never shall flutter again. The lids he so seldom could close, By sorrow forbidden to sleep, Seal'd up in eternal repose, Have strangely forgotten to weep : Tiie fountains can yield no supplies. These hollows from water are free. The tears are all wip'd from these eyes. And evil they never shall see. 265 Funeral, CM. W HY do we mourn departing friends. Or shake at Death's alarms? is but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms. Are we not tending upwards too, As fast as time can move ? Why should we wish the hours more slow That keep us from our love? 207 399 HYMNS. 400 Why should we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb ? There the dear flesh of Jesus lay, And left a sweet perfume ! The graves of all his saints he blest, And soften'd ev'ry bed ; Where should the dying members rest. But with their dying Head ? Thence he arose, ascending high. And shew'd our feet the way ; ■Jp to the Lord our flesh shall fly At the great rising day. 266 Funeral, CM. GREAT God I I own thy sentenc€ just. And nature must decay ; 1 yield my body to the dust. To dwell with fellow-clay. Yet faith may triumph oe'r the grave. And trample on the tombs ; My Jesus, my Redeemer lives, My God, my Savior comes. The mighty Conqu'ror shall appear High on a royal seat ; And death, the last of all his foes. Lie vanquish'd at his feet. Tho' greedy worms devour my skin. And gnaw my wasting flesh ; When God shall build my bones again. He'll clothe them all afresh. Then shall I see thy lovely face With strong Imfnortal eyes. And feast upon thine unknown grace With pleasure and surprise. \ 2()8 401 HYMNS. 402 267 Funeral. CM. HOW happy are the souls above. From sin and sorrow free ! With Jesus they are now at rest. And all his glory see. Worthy the Lamb, aloud they cry. That brought us here to God ; In ceaseless hymns of praise they shout The merit of his blood. With wond'ring joy they recollect Their fears and dangers past ; And bless the wisdom, pow'r, and love. Which brought them safe at last. They follow the exalted Lamb, Where'er they see him go ; And at the foostool of his grace Their blood-bought crowns they throw. Lord, let the merits of thy death To me be likewise giv'n ; And I, with them, shall shout thy praise Through all the courts of heav'n. 268 Funeral, S.M. THE spirits of the just, Confin'd in bodies, groan. Till death consigns the corpse to dus^. And then the conflict's done, .tesus, who came to save. The Lamb for sinners slain, Perfum'd the chambers of the grave. And made ev'n death our gain. Why fear we then to trust The place where Jesus lay ? In quiet rests our brother's dust, And thus it seems to say : 'JO9 O 403 HYMNS. 404 " Forbear, my friends, to weep, " Since death hatli lost its sting : * Those christians, that in Jesus sleep, ** Our God will with Him bring." 269 Funeral. CM. NAKED as from the earth we came, And crept to life at first. We to the eartn return again. And mingle Avith our dust. The dear delights we here enjoy And fondly call our own, Are but short favors borrow'd now. To be repaid anon. 'Tis God that lifts our comforts higli. Or sinks them to the grave. He gives, and (blessed be his name !) He takes but what he gave. Peace all our angry i)assions then, Let each rebellious sigh Be silent at his sov'reign will. And ev'ry murmur die. If smiling mercy crown our lives, Its praises shall be spread. And we'll adore the justice too. That strikes our comforts dead. 270 The Spirit of Prayer. CM. SHEPHERD divine, our wants relieve, In this our evil day : To all thy tempted followers give The pow'r to trust and pray. Long as our fiery trials last. Long as the cross wc bear, Gh I let our souls on Thee be cast In never-ceasing pray'r. 210 405 HYMNS. 406 Thy Holy Spirit's praying grace Give us in faith to claim ; To wrestle, till we see thy face. And know thy hidden name. 'Till thou the Father's love impart, 'Till thou thyself bestow. Be this the cry of ev'ry heart, ** I will not let Thee go." I will not let Thee go, unless Thou tell thy name to me ; With all thy great salvation bless. And say, " I died for thee." Then let me, on the mountain-top. Behold tlly open face, 'Till faith in sight is swallowed up. And pray'r in endless praise. 271 Prayer. L.M. PRAY'R was appointed to convey The blessings God designs to give ; Long as they live should christians pray, For only while they pray they live. The christian's heart his pray'r indites, He speaks as prompted from within ; The Spirit his petition writes, And Christ receives and gives it in. And shall we in dead silence lie, When Christ stands waiting for our pray'r 1 My soul thou hast a friend on high, Arise, and try thy int'rest there. If pain afflict, or wrongs oppress. If cares distract, or fears dismaj'. It guilt deject, if sin distress, The remedy's before thee ; pray. 211 407 HYMNS. 408 Depend on Christ, thou canst not fail ; Make all thy wants and wishes known ; Fear not — His merits must prevail ; Ask wliat thou M'iit, it shall be done. 272 To the Holy Ghost. CM, COME, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire. Let u? thine influence prove ; Source of the old prophetic tire. Fountain of life and love. Come, Holy Ghost, for mov'd by Thee Tlie prophets wrote and spoke ; Unlock tlie truth, Tliyself the key ! Unseal the sacred book : Water with heav'nly devv thy word, In this appointed hour; Attend it with thy presence. Lord, And bid it come with pow'r : Open the hearts of them that hear, To make the Savior room : Now let us find redemption near. Let faith by hearing come. 273 Trinity. L.M. >LEST be the Father, and his love, ^ To whose celestial source we owe Rivers of endless joy above. And rills of comfort here below. Glory to Thee, great Son of God ! Forth from thy wounded body rolls, A precious stream of vital blood. Pardon and life for dying souls. We give the sacred Si)irit praise, Who, in our hearts of sin and woe, Makes living streams of grace arise, vnd into boundless glory flow. B' 409 HYMNS. 410 Thus God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, we adore : That sea of life, and love unknown, Without a bottom or a shore. 274 The Anchor of Hope, CM. NO more with trembling heart I Vry A multitude of things ; Still wishing to find out that point From whence salvation springs. My anchor's cast within the veil. Where I shall ever rest. From all the labors of my thoughts, And workings of my breast. What is my anchor— do you ask 1 A hope that stays the mind. Diving with mis'ry from its weight. Till firmest ground it find. What is my ground ?*tis Jesus Christ, Whom faithless eyes pass o'er ; Yet there poor sinners anchor may. And ne'er be shaken more. 27^ Salvation in Christ. S.M. THE Lord on high proclaims, His Godhead from his throne ; " Justice and mercy are the names " Whereby I will be known : *' Ye dying souls, that sit ** In darkness and distress, " Look from the bordeis of the pit ** To my recov'ring grace.** Sinners shall hear the sound. Their thankful tongues shall own, " Our righteousness and strength are found ** In Thee, O Lord, alone.'* ei3 411 HYMNS. 412 In Thee shall Israel trust, And see their guilt forgiv'n ; God shall pronounce the sinners just, And take the saints to heav'n. 27^) Christ's Compassion. CM. WITH joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest above ; His heart is made of tenderness. His bowels melt with love. Touch'd with a sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame ; He knows what sore temptations mean, For he has felt the same. He in the daj's of feeble flesh Pour'd out his cries and tears. And in his measure feels afresh What ev'ry member bears. He'll'never quench the smoking flax. But raise it to a flame ; The bruised reed he never breaks. Nor scorns the meanest name. Then let our humble faith address His mercy and his pow'r ; We shall obtain deliv'ring grace In Che distressing hour. ^77 The Angelof the Covenant. S.M. THOU very paschal Lamb, Whose blood for us was shed ; Thro' whom we out of Egypt came. Thy ransom'd people itead. 214 413 HYMNS. 414 Angel of gospel grace. Fulfil thy character; To guard and feed thy chosen race. In Israel's camp appear. Throughout the desert way Conduct us by thy light : Be thou a cooling cloud by day, A cheering fire by night. Our fainting souls sustain With blessings from above ; And ever on thy people rain The manna of thy love. 27 ^ Comfort in Death. 7.6. W''HEN I obtain permission To leave this vale of tears. Be Thou my good Physician, At hand to soothe my fears Oh ! let my soul expiring. On thy dear breast recline ; And be true life acquiring From that pierc'd heart of thine. Savior apply the merit And comfort of tliy blood. When I give up my spirit To Thee, my Judge and God : If with me in my passage Thou art, how glad and bold Shall I receive the message. And let my limbs grow cold. The soul, on Thee believing. Goes safe to Paradise ; The body too, retrieving A purer frame, shall rise 415 HYMNS. 416 Spite of the grave's corruption I shall thy glory see ; And sing of my adoption To all eternity. 279 The Witnessing Spirit. CM. WHY should the children of a King Go mourning all their days? Great Comforter f descend and bring Some tokens of thy grace. Dost Thou not dwell in all the saints. And seal the heirs of heav'n ? When wilt Thou banish my complaints. And shew my sins forgiv'n 1 Assure my conscience of her part In the Redeemer's blood ; And bear thy witness with my heart. That I am born of God. Thou art the earnest of his love. The pledge of joys to come ; May thy soft wings, celestial Dove, Safely convey me home. 280 Grace. CM. RICH grace, free grace, most sweetly calls Directly come, who will. Just as 3'ou are, for Christ receives Poor helpless sinners still. Tis grace each day that feeds our souls, Grace keeps us inly poor ; And Oh ! that nothing else but grace May rule for evermore. 281 To the Holy Ghost. J. 6. 7- HOLY Ghost, by him bestow'd Who sulfer'd on the tree. Take of my Redeemer's blood. And shew it unto me I 2!f) 417 HYMNS. 41 Thou the great revetiler art Of his righteousness divine! Now assure my sprinkled heart, Tliat God, through Him, is mine. 282 Trust in God. CM. WHY should I doubt his love at last. With anxious thoughts perplex'd ? Who sav'd me in the troubles past, Will save me in the next : Will save, till at my latest hour. With more than conquest blest, I soar beyond temptation's pow'r. To my Redeemer's breast. 283 Pardon for the, vilest. CM. MY sins are many, like the stars, Or sands upon the shore ; But yet the mercies of my God Are infinitely more. Manasseh, Paul, and Magdalen, Were pardon'd all by Thee ; I read it, and believe it. Lord, In mercy pardon me. 284 For Fellowship with Christ. L.M. *'^Jpi.S pure free grace to me, my God, ^ To know the merit of thy blood ; Lord, keep me ever, through this grace , At thy dear feet, that happy place ! Sweet is the privilege to be. My Lord, in fellowship with Thee; This blessing let me always find, And feel Thee near, a'id ' rove Thee kind. 419 HYMNS. 420 2S5 Happiness in ChHst. CM. THOU say'st, dear Jesus, all thy saints Who love thy face to see. Shall have, while in this vale of tears. Kind visits oft from Thee. Then let my soul with Thee converse. Who art my chief delight ; For sure the world can't ease my heart. If banish'd from thy sight. ^86 FtllowsUp. CM. JESUS, knit all our hearts to Thee, And join us all in one ; And in our meetings every where Be Thou our aim alone. Reign Tliou sole monarch of our hearts Without a rival reign ; 'Till we with angels join above. To praise the Lamb once slain. 287 Praise to Christ Jesus. L.M. BLESSINGS for ever on the Lamb, Who bore the curse for wretched men ; Let angels sound his sacred name. And every creature say, Amen. 288 Praise. 7s. OH, that all niay seek and find Ev'ry good in Jesus join'd ! Him let Israel still adore, Trust him, praise him evermore. 289 Mercy. CM. MERCY, good Lord, mercy I ask, This is the total sum ; Tor mercy. Lord, is all my suit, O Jet thy mercy com*" • 218 421 422 DOXOLOGIES. 290 7. 6. T. FATHER, Son and Holy Ghost, One God wliom we adore ; Johi we with the heav'nly host To praise Thee evermore. Live, by heav'n and earth ador*d. Three in One, and one in Three ; Holy, holy, holy Lord, All glory be to Thee, 291 6.8. TO God the Father's throne Perpetual honors raise ; Glory to God the Son, To God the Spirit praise ; With all our pow'rs, eternal King, While faith adores, thy name we sing, 292 8s. ^po God who reigns enthroned on high, A To his dear Son who deign'd to die. Our guilt and mis'ry to remove;! To the blest Spirit who life imjjarts, Who rules in all believing hearts. Be endless glory, praise, and love. 293 104th. O FATHER of heav'n I be ever ador'd, Thy mercy we find, in sending ouc Lord [praisev To ransom and bless us; thy goodness we For sending in Jesus, salvation by grace. O Son of his love ! who deignedst to die. Our curse to remove, our pardon to buy. Accept onr thanksgiving, Almighty to save Who openest heaven to all that believe. 423 HYMNS. 424 O spirit of love, of health, and of pow'r ; Thy working we prove, thy grace we adore ; Whose inward revealing applies our Lord's blood. Attesting and sealing us children of God. 294 P. M. GLORY, honor, praise, and power. Be unto the Lamb for ever, Jesus Christ is our Redeemer, Hallelujah ! Praise the Lord. 295 8s. IMMORTAL honor, endless fame. Attend th* Almighty Father's name ; The Savior Son be glorified. Who for lost man's redemption died ; And equal adoration be. Eternal Comforter, to Thee. 296 L. M. OGOD of glory ! God of love ! In essence One, in person Three, With all the shining hosts above Let dust and ashes worship Thee ! 297 L. M. PRAISE God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him all creatures here below, Praise him ab'^ve, ye heav'nly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 220 425 426 SUPPLEMENTARY. 29s The Church Triumphant. L.M. Q. Tj^XALTED high at God's right hand, ■S-J Nearer the throne than cherubs stand. With glory crown'd, in white array, My wond'ring soul says, who are they 1 A. These are the saints belov'd of God, Wash'd are their robes in Jesu's blood More spotless than the purest white, They sliine in uncreated light. Q. Brighter than angels, lo, they shine. Their glories great, and all divine ; Tell me their origin, and say. Their order what,and whence came they? A. Thro' tribulation great they came, Theybore the cross and scorn'd the shame; Withii\ the living temple blest. In God they dwell, and on him rest. Q. And does the cross thus prove their gain And shall thej' thus for ever reign. Seated on sapphire thrones, to praise The wonders of redeeming grace 1 A, Hunger they ne'er shall feel again. Nor burning thirst shall they sustain ; To wells of living waters led. By God the Lamb for ever fed. Q. Unknown to mortal ears they sing The secret glories of their King : Tell me the subject of their lays, And whence their loud exalted praise ? A. Jesus the Savior is their theme ; They sing the wonders of his name ; To him ascribing power anji grace. Dominion and eternal praise. C2J 427 HYMNS. 428 Amen, they cry to him alone, Who reigns upon his Father's throne ; They give him glory, and again Repeat his praise, and say, Anien. ^99 Glorying in Jesus. L.M. JESUS, and shall it ever be, A mortal man asham'd of Thee ? Scorn'd be the thought by rich and pooi , O may I scorn it more and more. Asham'd of Jesus — of that Friend On whom for heaven my hopes depend 1 It must not be — be this my shame, That I no more revere his name. Asham'd of Jesus — yes, I may. When I've no crimes to wash away : No tear to wipe, no joy to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. Till then, nor is the boasting vain, 'Till then I'll boast a Savior slain : And, oh ! may this my portion be — That Savior, not asham'd of me ! 300 Crozoning Jesus, CM. ALL hail the Great Immanuel's name ! Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem. And crown Him Lord of All. Let high-born seraphs tune the Ij^re, And as they tune it, fall Before his face who tunes their choir. And crown Him Lord of All. Crown Him, ye morning stars of light. Who fix'd this floating ball ; Now hail the strength of Israel's might. And crown Him Lord of All. 222 429 HYMNS. 430 Crown Him, ye martyrs of your God, Who from his altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod. And crown Him Lord of All. Ye seed of Israel's chosen race, Ye ransom'd from the fall. Hail him, who saves you by his grace. And crown Him Lord of All. Hail him, ye heirs of David's line. Whom David Lord did call ; The God incarnate, Man Divine, And crown Him Lord of All. Sinners ! whose love can ne'er forget. The wormwood and the gall. Go, spread your trophies at his feet, And crown Him Lord of All. Let every tribe, and every tongue That bound creation's ba,li. Now shout in universal song. The crowned Lord of All. 301 Divine Wisdom. Mark vii. 37. L.M. "F^OW in a song of grateful praise -i-^ To my dear Lord my voice I'll raise^ With all his saints I'll join to tell, My Jesus hath done all things well. All worlds his glorious power confess. His wisdom all his works express ; Bnt, O his love ! what tongue can tell ! — My Jesus hath done all things well. How sov'reign, wonderful, and free, Has been this love to sinful me ! This pluck'd me from the jaws of hell : — My Jesus hath done ail things well. 223 431 HYMNS. 432 I spuru'd his grace, I broke his laws ; And yet he undertook my cause. To save me, though I did rebel ; My Jesus hath done all things well. And since my soul has known his love. What mercies hath he made me prove — Mercies which do all praise excel ; — My Jesus hatli done all things well. Whene'er my Savior and my God Has on me laid his gentle rod ; I know on all that has befel, My Jesus hath done all things Avell. Though many a fiery flaming dart The tempter levels at my heart ; With this I all his rage repel. My Jesus hath done all things well. Sometimes my Lord his face doth hide, To make me pray, or kill my pride : Yet then it on my mind doth dwell. My Jesus hath done all things well. Soon shall I j)ass the vale of death. And in his arms shall lose my breath ; Yet then my happy soul shall tell, My Jesus hath done all things Nvell. And when to that bright world I rise, And join the anthems in the skies ; Above the rest this note shall swell, My Jesus hath done all things well ! 302 Om7iipotence of God, L.M. THERE'S no created soul can flee The presence of a holy God; Who through eternity can see. And sways all kingdoms with his nod. 224 433 HYMNS. 434 How awful when his pow'rful hand Makes the tremendous thunder roll. Mountains and rocks can ne'er withstand The pow'r which spreads from pole to pole. Now bow to God with filial fear. High as his throne are all his ways: Ye saints, who are his special care. Repeat his name in raptur'd praise. Great is tlie Lord*s expanded arm. Large as immensity his pow'r; Sure as his throne it shall remain. When rolling years shall be no more. 303 Public Worship. G. C. 8. HOW pleas'd and bless'd was I, To hear the people cry, *' Come let us seek our God to-da3'^ !" Yes, with a cheerful zeal. We haste to Zion's hilj. And th^re our vows and honours pay. Zion, thrice happy place I Adorn'd with wond*rous grace, And walls of strength embrace thee round; In thee our tribes appear. To pray, and praise, — and hear The sacred Gospel's joyful sound. There David's greater Son Has fix*d his royal throne. He sits for grace and judgment there ; He makes the sinner sad. He bids the saint be glad. And humble souls rejoice with fear. 435 HYMNS. 436 May peace attend thy gate. And joy withm thee wait, Tor bless the &onl of ev'ry guest ; The man that seeks thy peace. And wishes thine increase, A thousand blessings on him rest. My tongue repeat thy vows, " Peace to this sacred lionse," For there my friends and kindred dwell. And since my glorious God Makes Thee his blest abode. My soul Sfhall ever love thee well. 304 In Affliction. CM. OTHOU from whom all goodness flows, I lilt my heart to thee ; In all my sorrows, contticts, woes. Dear Lord, remember me. When groaning on my burden'd heart. My sins lie heavily ; My pardon speak, new peace impart. In love remember me. Temptations sore obstruct my waj'^. And ills I cannot flee; O give me strength. Lord, as my day ! For good remember me. Distrest with pain, disease, and grief. This feeble body see. Grant patience, rest, and kind relief. Hear and remember me. If on my face, for thy dear name, Shame and reproaches be ; I'll hail reproach, and welcome shame. If thou reme^fesr SBe. 22(? 437 HYMNS. 438 The hour is near, consign'd to death, I own the just decree : Savior, with my last parting breath, I'll cry, remember me. 305 Rest in Heaven, L.M. LORD when shall we, supremely blest. Enter into our glorious rest. Partake the triumphs of thy sky. And holy, holy, holy cry 1 With all thy heav'nly hosts, with all Thy blessed saints, we then shall fall. And sing in ecstacy unknown, And praise Thee on thy dazzling throne. 306 Knowledge of Christ. L.M. TO know my Jesus crucified By far excels all things beside ; All earthly good I count but loss. And triumph in my Savior's cross. Knowledge of all terrestrial things Ne'er to my soul true pleasure brings ; No peace — but in the Son of God, No joy — but through his pard'ning blood. Oh could I know and love him more. And all his wondrous grace explore I Ne'er would I covet man's esteem, But part with all and foUoAV him. Although my trials shall increase. Ne'er may I wisli their number less ; But e'er be bold in thy grand cause. And feel my heav'n in thine applause, 227 P 2 439 HYMNS. 440 307 Resignation, CM. SUBMISSIVE to thy will, my God, I all to thee resign, And bow before thy chast'ning rod, I mourn, but not repine. Why should my foolish heart complain, ' VVliere, wisdom, truth, and love, Direct the stroke, inflict the pain. And point to rest above ; How short are all my suflPrings here. How needful ev'ry cross ! Avaunt thou unbelieving fear I* Nor call my gain my loss. Then give, dear Lord, or take away, I'll bless thy sacred name ; My Jt sus yesterday, to-day, For ever, is the same. 308 Confidence in God, CM, WHEN I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. Should earth against my soul engage. And hellish darts be hurl'd ; Then I can smile at Satan's rage. And face a frowning world. Let cares like a wild deluge come. And storms of sorrow fall ; May I but safely reaoh my home. My God, my heav'n, my all. ^ere shall I bathe my v/eary soul seas of heav'nly rest, >pt a wave of trouble roll Ns my peaceful breast. 441 HYMNS. 442 309 Joys of Heaven , L.M. O HAPPY saints who dwell in liglit. And walk with Jesus cloth'd in white, Safe landed on that peaceful shore, Where pilgrims meet to part no more. Releas'd from sin, and toil, and grief, Death was their gate to endless life ; An open cage to let them fly, And build their happy nest on high. And now they range the heav'nly plains. And sing their hymns in melting strains; And now their souls begin to prove The heights and depths of Jesu's love. They gaze upon his beauteous face, His lovely mind and charming grace, And gazing hard, with ravishM eyes. His form they catch, and taste his joys. He cheers with his eternal smile ; They sing hosannas all the while. Or, overwhelm'd with rapture sweet. Sink down adoring at his feet. Ah ! Lord, with tardy steps I creep, And sometimes sing, and sometimes weep; Yet strip me of this house of clay. And I will sing as loud as they. 310 A propitious Gale, L. M. AT anchor laid, remote from home, Toiling, I cry, sweet Spirit, come: Celestial breeze, no longer stay, But swell my sails and speed my way. Fain would I mount, fain would I glow. And loose my cable from below: But I can only spread my sail ; Thou,Thou must bi^atheth* auspicious gala- 2^Q P 3 443 HYMNS. 444 311 Invitativn. 7s. FROM the cross uplifted high, Wliere the Savior deigns to die, What melodious sounds I hear ! Bursting on my ravish'd ear: " Love's redeeming work is done, ** Come and welcome, sinner, come. •"' Sprinkled now Avith blood the throne, ** Why beneath thy burdens groan 1 " On my pierced body laid : ** Justice owns the ransom paid : " Bow the knee, and kiss the Son, " Come and welcome, sinner, come. *' Spread for thee the festal board, *' See with richest dainties stor'd ; ** To thy Father's bosom pressed, " Yet again a child confess'dj " Never from his house to roam, ** Come and welcome, sinner, come. " Soon the days of life shall end, " Lo, I come, your Savior, Friend, ** Safe your spirit to convey " To the realms of endless day : " Up to my eternal home, •'* Come and welcome, sinner, come." 312 Praise, CM. COME, come, ye happy, happy saints. The heav'nly Lamb adore ! Dwell on his everlasting love. And praise him evermore. Spread his dear name through all the earth. Sing his eternal pow'r ; Shout the rich fountain of his blood, And praise him evermore. 230 445 HYMNS. 446 Up to the courts where now he reigns. May all onr spirits soar ; Fully survey his mercy seat. And praise him evermore. Hark liow tlie angels chant his name ; See how tliey all adore: Triujiiph and wonder, gaze and sing. And praise him evermore. Saints, who surround his dazzling throne. Their tuneful voices raise; Higher than angels bear their songs, Tlie glorious songs of praise. Come, O my spirit, higher still Swell the celestial lays; Higher tlian all tlie heights of lieav*n, Sound Jesu's endless praise. 313 Praise, L.M. GIVE to our God immortal praise, Mercy and truth are all his ways : Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. Give to the Lord of lords renown ; The King of kings with glory crown ; His mercies ever shall endure, When lords and kings are known no more. He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fix'd the starry lights on high ; Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. He fills the sun with morning light, He bids the moon direct the night ; His mercies ever shall endure. When sun and moon shall shine no more. 231 447 HYMNS. 448 He sent his 8on with pow'r to save From guilt, and darkness, and the grave : Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. Thro' this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to liis heav'nly seat: His mercies ever shall endure, When this vain world shall be no more. 314 Loving Kindness. L.M. AWAKE my soul, in joj^ful lays. And sing the great Redeemer's praise ; He justly claims a song from me. His loving kindness, O how free! He saw me ruin*d in the fall. Yet lov*d me notwithstanding all : He sav*d me from niy lost estate ; His loving kindness, O how great I Tho* num'rous hosts of mighty foes, Tho* earth and hell my way o])pose. He safely leads my sou'l along. His loving kindness, O how strong ! When trouble like a gloomy cloud. Has gathered thick, and thunder'd loud, He near my soul has always stood, His loving kindness, O how good ! Often I feel my sinful heart Prone from my Jesus to depart , But though I have him oft forgot. His loving kindness changes not. Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale, Soon all my mortal pow'rs must fail ; Oh I may my last expiring breath. His loving kindness Sing in death ! 449 HYMNS. 450 315 Adoration. 8s. THIS God is the God we adore, Our faithful, unchangeable friend. Whose love is as large as his pow'r. And neither knows measure nor end. 'Tis Jesus, the first and the last. Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home ; We'll praise him for all that is past. And trust him for all that's to come. 3l6 Praise. 8s. I'LL praise my Maker with my breath, And when my voice is lost in death Praise shall employ my nobler pow'rs : My days of praise shall ne'er be past. While life, and thought, and being, last. Or immortality endures. Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God ; he made the sky. And earth and seas with all their train : His truth for ever stands secure : He saves th' opprest, he feeds the poor, And none shall find his promise vain. The Lord hath eyes to give the blind ; The Lord supports the sinking mind, He sends the lab'ring conscience peace t He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless. And grants the pris'ner sweet release. He loves his saints ; he knows them well, But turns the wicked down to hell ; Thy God, O Zion, ever reigns : 233 451 HYMNS. 452 Let ev*ry tongue, let ev*ry ag'e, in this exalted work engage ; Praise hiin in ev^erlasting strains. 317 Judgment, 10, 11. THE God of glory sends his summons forth, Calls the soutli nations, and awakes tlie north; From east to west hissov'reign orders spread, Tin o' distant worlds and regions of the dead. The trumpet sounds, hell trembles, heav'n rejoices ; Lift up your heads, ye saints, with cheerful voices ; No more shall atheists mock his long delay ; His vengeance sleeps no more, behold the day ! Behold the Judge descends! his guards are nigh. Tempests and fire attend him down the sky. When God appears, all nature shall adore him, While sinners tremble, saints rejoice before him. Ileav'n, earth, and hell draw near; let all things come To hear my justice, and the simier's doom ; But gather first my saints, (the Judge commands) Bring them ye angels, from the distant lands. When Christ returns, wake every cheerful passion. And shout, ye saints, he comes for your salvation. Behold, my cov'nant stands for ever good, Seal'd by tli' eternal sacrifice in bloocf, And sign'd with all their names, the Greek, the Jew, That paid the ancient worship or the new. There's no distinction here, join all your voices, Aad raise your heads, ye saints, for heav'n rejoices. «34 453 HYMNS. 454 Here (saith the Lord) yc angels, spread their thrones, And near me seat my fav'rites and my sons ; Come, my redeem'd, possess the joys pre- par'd Ere lime began, 'tis yonr divine reward. When Christ returns, wake ev'ry cheerful passion, [salvation. And shout, ye saints, he comes for your 318 Expostulation, L.M. O INNER, O why so thoughtless grown ? »Tt why in such dreadful haste to die % Daring to leap to worlds unknown, Heedless against thy God to fly ? Wilt thou despise eternal fate, :|Jrg'd on by sin's fantastic dreams, V?adly attempt th' infernal gate. And force thy passage to the flames ? May J sinner, on the gospel plains. Behold the God of love unfold " he glories of his dying pains. For ever telling, yet untold. iesus, thy Savior and thy God, becomes a man of grief for thee ; or thee he sheds his sacred blood. And hangs a curse upon the tree, :ive me thy heart, mj'^ son, he cries. And kindly wails to take thee in ; With love and pity in his eyes, He weeps to save thee from thy sin. 455 HYMNS. 45g 3i9 Death and Judgment. CM, PAST is the dire decree ! to die] Appointed, man, thou art ; And alter death for judgment nigh. Sinner, prepare thy heart. Conscious of evils, many, great. My spirit faints with fear ; Before thy awful judgment seat. Lord, how shall I appear! " Look to my cross/' the Savior said, " I died that thou should'st live : *' Thy sins were on my body laid, '* I peace and pardon give. ** Friend of my heart, believe, adore ; ** Enter my ijromis*d rest ; " And let dark guilt and fears no more *' Disturb that throbbing breast. *' On my bright throne I soon shall come, " Complete salvation bring ; ** And take my ransom'd people home : ** Prepare to meet your King.'* Come quickly, Lord, all praise to Thee, I've nought to apprehend ; Since in the Judge himself I see My Savior and my friend. 320 The Dying Christian. "^TITAL spark of heav'nly flame, V Quit, O quit this mortal frame. Trembling, hoping, ling'ring, flying, Oh ! the pain, the bliss of dying ! Cease, fond nature, cease thy strife, And let me langiiish into life. o3() 457 HYMNS. 458 Hark 1 I hear my Savior say, '* Come my ransom'd, come away ;" Lord, thy love o'ercomes me quite. Fills my spirit with delight: O receive me ! take my bieath, And let me come to Thee through death. The world recedes, it disappears ; Heav'n opens on my eyes — my ears With sounds seraphic ring : Jesus ! to Thee I mount, I tiy! O grave, where is thy victory 1 O Death, where is thy sting? 321 Christ's Victory over Satan, CM. HOSANNA to our conqu'ring King ! The prince of darkness flies, His troops rush headlong down to hell. Like lightning from the skies. There bound in chains the lions roar. And fright the rescu'd sheep ; But heavy bars confine their pow'r And malice to the deep. Hosanna to our conqu'ring King ! All hail incarnate love I Ten thousand songs and glories wait To crown thy head above. Thy vict'ries and thy deathless fame Thro* the wide world shall run. And everlasting ages sing The triumphs Thou hast won. 322 Jesus weeping, S.M. DID Christ o'er sinners weep. And shall our cheeks be dry * Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from cv'iy eye. 237 459 HYMNS. 460 The Son of God in tears, Angels with wonder see ! Be thou astonished, O my soul. He shed those tears for thee I He wept that we mi^ht weep ; Each sin demands a tear ; In heav'n alone no sin is found. And there's no weeping there. 323 Review of our Ways. 8s. WHEN all my past days to review. And ponder my ways 1 begin. The farther the search I pursue, I trace but corrujjtion and sin. Soon as from the womb I was brought. My race was in evil begun. My spirit with frowardness fraught. And falsehood beguiled my tongue. To manhood from youth as I grew. My reason to passion the slave. As custom, as fashion still drew, I rush'd down the steep to the grave. My conscience, that monitor true. Remonstrates, but little avails ; The good which I would, I can't do ; The evil I would not, prevails. Then take me. Lord, such as I am. And make me just what 1 should be ; I'll take to myself all the shame. And give all the glory to Thee. 324 The Lord will provide. 104th. THO' troubles assail, and dangers afiVight, Tho' friends should all fail, and foes all unite ; Yet one thing secures us whatever betide, Tlie promise assures us thfe Lord will provide. 2:ia 461 HYMNS. 462 The birds without barn or storehouse are fed, From them let us learn to trust for our bread : His saints what is fitting shall ne'er be denied, So long as it's written, " the Lord will provide." We all may, like ships, by tempests be tost On perilous deeps, but cannot be lost: Tho' Satan enrages the wind and the tide. Yet scripture engages the Lord will provide. His call we obey, like Abra'm of old ; We know not the way, but faitJi makes us bold ; For tho' we are strangers, we have a sure guide. And trust in all dangers, the Lord will provide. When Satan appears to stop up our path. And fill us with fears, we tritimph by faith; He cannot take from us, (tho' oft he has tried,) Thisheart-clieering promise/ the Lord will provide. No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim. Our trust is all thrown on Jesus's name, In this our strong tower, for safety we hide. The Lord is our power, the Lord will provide. When life sinks apace, and death is in \ie\v. The word of his grace shall comfort us thro' ; No fearing or doubting, with Christ on our side. We hope to die shouting, " the Lord will provide." 325 Strength for the Day, L.M. AFFLICTED saint, to Christ draw near, Thy Savior's gracious promise hear ; His faithful word declares to thee. That as thy day, tlij'^ strength shall be. 239 463 HYMNS. 464 Let not thy heart despond and say, ** How shall I stand the trying day V* He has engaged by firm decree, That as thy day, thy strength shall be. Thy faith is weak, thy foes are strong, And if the conflict should be long, Thy Lord will make the tempter flee ; For as thy day, thy strength shall be. When call'd to bear the weighty cross Of sore afliictions, pain, or loss. Or deep distress, or poverty. Still as thy day, thy strength shall be. When ghastly death appears inview^, Christ's presence shall thy fears subdue ; He comes to set thy spirit free. And as thy day, thy strength shall be. 326 Divine Forbearance* 7s. LORD, and am I yet alive. Not in torments, not in hell ! Still does thy good Spirit strive ! With the chief of sinners dwell I Tell it, unto sinners tell, I am, I am out of hell. Yes, I still lift up mine eyes, Will not of thy love despair! Still in spite of sin I rise, Still I bow to thee in pray'r. Tell it, &c. O the length and breadth of love! Jesus, Savior, can it be? All thy mercy's height I prove. All the depth is seen in me Tell it, &c. C40 465 HYMNS. 466 See a bush that burns with fire, Unconsum'd amid the flame I Turn aside the sight I' admire, 1 the living wonder am I Tell it, &c. See a stone that hangs in air! See a spark in ocean live ! Kept alive Avith death so near, I to God the glory give. Ever tell — to sinners tell, I am, I am out of hell, 327 God's] Foundation, 7s. GOD'S foundation standeth sure. We shall to the end endure. Safely will the Shepherd keep. Those be purchas'd for his sheep, God's foundation, &c. Known to him before the sun First began his course to run. Chosen, called from above. Objects of eternal love. God's foundation, &c. Put thy seal upon each heart. Thy blest image, Lord, impart ; All thyself in us reveal. We the clay, and thou the seal. God's foundation, &c. Ev'ry evil, Lord, subdue. By thy grace our souls renew. Then from base affection free, Dead to sin, we'll live to Thee. God's foundation standeth sure. We shall to the end endure 241 Q 467 HYMNS. 408 328 ^ Hiding Place. L.M. HAIL, sov'reign love, that first began The scheme to rescue fallen man! Hail matchless, free, eternal grace ! That gave my soul a hiding place. Against the God who rules the sky, I fought with hands uplifted high ; Despis'd the mention of his grace, Too proud to seek a hiding place. Enwrapt in thick Egyptian night, And fond of darkness more than light, Madly I ran the sinful race, Secure without a hiding place. But thus th' eternal council ran ; ** Almighty love, arrest that man I'* I felt the arrows of distress, And found I had no hiding place Indignant justice stood in view. To Sinai's fiery mount I flew I But justice cried with frowning face, ** This mountain is no hiding jjiace." Ere long a heav'nly voice I heaid. And mercy's angel-form appear'd ; She led me on with placid pace. To Jesus as my hiding place^ Should storms of seven-fold thunder roll. And shake the globe from pole to pole. No flaming bolt could daunt my face. For Jesus is my hiding place. On Him Almighty vengeance fell. That must have sunk a world to hell ; He bore it for his chosen race. And thus became tlieir hiding place, 2Vi 469 HYMNS. 47C A few more rolling suns at most, Will land me on fair Canaan's coast. Where I shall sing the songs of grace. And see my glorious hiding place. 329 The Joyful soimd, CM. BLEST are the souls that hear and know The gospel's joyful sound, Peace shall attend the path they go, And light their steps surround. Their joy shall bear their spirits up Thro' their Redeemer's name ; His righteousness exalts their hope. Nor Satan dares condemn. The Lord our glory and defence. Strength and salvation gives ; Israel, thy King for ever reigns. Thy God for ever lives I 330 Lord's Day, L.M. SWEET is the work, O God our King, To praise thy name, give thanks and singj To shew thy love by morning light. And talk of all thy truths by night. Sweet is the day of sacred rest. No mortal care should seize our breast ; O may our hearts in tune be found. Like David's harp of solemn sound! Our hearts shall triumph in Thee, Lord, And bless thy works, and bless thy word ; Thy works of grace how bright they shine I How deep thy counsels ! how divine i O may we see, and hear, and know. What mortals cannot reach below ; May all our powers find sweet employ la Christ's eternal world of joy. 243 471 HYMNS. 472 331 For the King S^ Royal Family. 8.8.6. LORD, Thoii hast bid tliy people praj^ For all that bear the sov'reign sway. And thy vicegerent's reign ; Iluiers and governors, and pow*rs, And lo, in faith we pray for ours. Nor can we pray in vain. Jesus, thj^ chosen servant guard. And every threat'ning danger ward From his anointed liead ; Bid all his griefs and troubles cease. And through the path of heav'nly peace. To life eternal lead. Cover liis enemies with shamcj Defeat their dire malicious aim. Their baffled hopes destroy ; But show'r on him thy blessings down, Crown him with grace, with glory crown. And everlasting joy. To hoary hairs be Thou his God, Late may he see thy high abode. Late to his heav'n remove ; or virtues full, and happy days, Accounted worthy by tiiy grace. To fill a throne above. And when Thou dost his soul receive, give us in his offspring, give Us back our king- again ; Preserve them. Providence divine. And let the long illustrious line To latest ages reign. Secure us, of his royal race, A man to stand before thy face, And exercise thy pow'r ; 473 HYMNS. 474 With wealth, prosperity, and peace, Our nation and our church to bless. Till time shall be no more. 332 Before Sermon. 8s. THY presence, gracious God, afford. Prepare us to receive thy word : Now let thy voice engage our ear. And faith be mix'd with what we hear ; Thus, Lord, thy wailing servants bless. And crown thy gospel with success. Distracting thoughts and cares remove. And fix our hearts and hopes above ; With food divine may we be fed. And satisfied with living bread ; Thus Lord, &c. To us thy sacred word apply, With sov'reign pow'r and energy ; And may we in thy faith and fear. Reduce to practice what we hear : Thus Lord, &c. Father, in us thy Son reveal ; Teach us to know and do thy will ; Thy saving pow'r and love display. And guide us to the realms of day : Thus Lord, &c. 333 Before Sermon. L,M. O BLESS thy servant, dearest Lord, While he shall preach the gospel-word; May he declare delightful things Of Christ the glorious King of Kings 245 475 HYMNS. 476 O grant him bright celestial views, While he proclaims the Gospel-news I Witii fiery zeal his soal inflame, VViiile he exalts tlie bleeding Lamb. Give him clear light and burning love, Pour down thy blessings from above : May we all hear the Savior's voice. And all believe and all rejoice. 334 Before Sermon. 8. 5. 6. BLEST Spirit, now on us descend, Thine influence let us feel : May Jesus our Lord, Here shine thro' his word. His presence now to us reveal. O God, we oft ha\*e seen thy face. In this thine house of pray'r ; Now open our ears. Dispel all our fears, 4nd free us from each sinthl care. And when from hence we do remove, Be with us then, O Lord ; Thy aid still impart. To each contrite heart. And help us to feed on thy word. 335 Before Sermon, CM. LORD, while we hear thy sacred word. Apply it by thy pow'r : Then heav'nly truths we shall regard. And thy great name adore. May the bright beams of sovereign love. With heav'nly splendor shine: And may this place a Bethel prove To ev'ry saint of thine. 245 477 HYMNS. 478 336 Before Sermon. CM. BELOVED Savior, Prince of Life! To us thy Spirit f»ive ; We long to hear thy cheering voice, Which bids poor sinners live. 337 Before Sermon, CM. TOUCH with a living coal the lip Tliat shall proclaim thy word ; And bid each hearer humbly keep Attention to Thee, Lord. 338 Before Sermon, CM. OLORD, thy sov'reign aid impart, And give thy word success ; Write thy salvation on each heart. And make ns learn thy grace. Shew our forgetful feet the way That leads to joys ou high ; Where knowledge grows without decay, And love shall never die. 339 Before Sermon, S.M. FATHER of earth and heav'n. Thy waiting people feed ; Thy grace be to our spirits giv*n, Tliat true immortal bread. O fill our mouths with praise. And give us now to yirove The sweetness of thy pard'ning gracc^ The manna of thy love. C47 479 HYMNS. 480 340 After Sermon, S.M. ONCE more before we part, We'll bless the Savior's name ; Record his mercies, ev'ry heart : Sing, ev'ry tongue, the same. Lay up his sacred word, To feed thereon and grow. Go on to seek to know the Lord, And practise what you know. 341 Dismission. 8.7.4. NOW we'd all, with grateful spirits-. Join to bless the Prince of Peace, Praise him for imparted favors. Praise him for displays of grace ; Lovely temple. When the Savior's in the place. Lord, we wait the happy moment. Wait to rise at thy command. Where thy chosen shall for ever Dwell in one united band j All triumphant, eace restore. Let it extend from shore to shore ; O let the nations of the earth F.njoy the fruits of Jesu's birth, 345 National. CM. ALMIGHTY Lord, of heav'n and earth. Our Father and our God ! Ori thy great name we humbly call, Beneath thy chast'ning rod. Thine awful justice we adore, But oh ! restrain thy wrath; Nor send thy righteous vengeance down To crush our souls to death. Our sins with sorrow we confess. Their number none can tell ; Our agijravated guilt, we own, Deserves the deepest hell. Meltdown each flinty heart, O Lord, Dissolve our souls in grief; And let th3^ mercy sweetly flow, To bring us quick relief. Pardon, through Jesu's blood, we crave, And sanctifying grace : O let thy judgments be remov'd. And shew thy smiling face. 346 NationaU L.M. PROSTRATE before thy face we fall. Thou great Jehovah, Lord of all ; O let thine ear attentive be, Wiiile we confesis our sins to Thee. 250 485 HYMNS. 486 All ranks among us have transgress'd, Torsaken Thee, the ever-blest ; Despis'd thy precepts, sconi'd thy grace. And prov'd ourselves a rebel-race. Our sins like pointed mountains rise; Our guilt surmounts these lower skies; Against thy light, against thy love. Ungrateful we have basely strove. With fasting we would seek thy face, S5y pray'r would supplicate thy grace ; Turn us, good Lord, and let us be Henceforth devoted unto Thee. O may we learn thy iiame to fear. Thy sacred sabbath to revere ! Pardon through Jesu*s blood impart, And circumcise each sinful heart. Tlien let thy judgments be remov'd, He Thou ador'd, obey'd, and lov'd : May tliy defence surround our shore. And we provoke our God no more ! 347 Natio7utl, CM. GREAT God ! who dost all nations rule. And their atfairs control. Whose pow'r is known through all theeartli Th3^ love from pole to pole : Our native land in pity view. On sinners. Lord, look down ; Thy meicy's creat and ever new In Chri.-st thine only Son. Ixl blessings fall, in copious show*r», ^Upon our Sov'reign's head : Our rulers guide — O let them be In jiaths of wisdom led. 251 ? 487 HYMNS. 48§ Thou God of peace, speak but the word. And war shall cease to rage • .-et us to Thee our refuge fly. With Thee our hearts engage. pB 348 Baptism, CM. ^^^^^, the first Adam we derive A ^ Pollution, guilt, and death ; Ind to God's just and holy law We forfeit ev'ry breath. Water, the instituted sign Ot purifying grace, Sticceeds the circumcising knife, Ordained in its place, "^t blood alone can guilt remove. And make the conscience clean ; The precious blood of God's dear Son, Which takes away all sin. Buried with Christ and in him rais'd. We bring forth fruit to God : While his good Spirit in our hearts Sheds his own love abroad. heav*nly dove ! who didst descend On our baptized Lord, To all assembled here this day. Thy quick'ning grace afford. Baptize our souls with holy fire. Give each thy pow'r to feel ; Smile on this ordinance divine. And set thereto thy seal. 349 Baptism. L.M. JESUS, encourag'd by thy word. Our offspring now we bring to Thee ; Kindly receive tTiem, gracious Lord, And thy dear children let them be. 252 489 HYMNS. 490 Thy Spirit's renovating grace, O grant that tliey may all partake : Help them to run the heav'nly race, And save them for thy mercy's sake. * 350 Baptism. CM. DEAR Lord ! behold v/e bring to Thee Our helpless inl'ant-race ; Receive them in thine arms of love, And bless them with thy grace. O wash them in thy precious blood, Sliew all their sins forgiv'n ; And may thy Spirit sanctify, And seal them heirs of heav'n ! Tlien, Lord, before thy Father's face. Triumphant they'll proclaim, * We conquer'd sin, and death, and hell, * Through thy beloved name.* 351 On behalf of Youth. L.M. OGOD of sov'reign grace and truth. To Thee we now commend our youth. Regard our plea, thy Spirit give : ** Before Thee, Lord, O may they live." Convince them of their nature's sin ; That they indeed are all unclean. And from thy laws have run astray. Despising Christ, to life the way. O shew them where their course must end If the\'^ reject the only Friend, Who saves from sin and endless woe, And guards his own from ev'ry foe. O lead them to the Lamb of God, And wash them in that jirecioiis blood Which from his pierced side didbuist. To cleanse the vile, and save the worst, 25S 491 HYMNS. 492 Come Holy Gliost! thy life impart ; Renew the will, and ciiange the heart; Let our dear youth thy grace receive. Before Thee may they ever live. 352 For Youth, CM. i SINCE Thou hast taught my lips to speak. And make their pray'r to Thee ; I'll cry, and thus thy favor seek, " O Lord I remember me !" In growing years, O may my tongue Tun'd to thy praises be. And this my constant, humble song, ** Dear Lord ! remember me !" From youthful sins that wound the soul. May I be lielp*d to flee. And when I feel tlieir vile control, Lord ! remember me ! When with life's heavy load, opprest, 1 bend the trembling knee. Then give my sutf'ring spirit rest. Dear Lord ! remember me ! O let me thus in life and death. Thy great salvation see. And cry, with my expiring breath, ** Dear Lord ! remember me 1" 353 For Youth, CM. BLEST be the God of providence, That here our feet are found ! Blest be the God of love and grace. For mercy's joyful sound. Tbo* young in years our feet have run In sin's destructive way ; O lead them now in holy paths, And never let them stra.v ! 25 i 493 HYMNS. 494 *Tis not from childhood or from youth. We date our guilt and sin ; We trace transgression's outward act. To native seeds within. These in our nature deeply fix'd, Nourish'd with every breath, Grow and produce the awful fruits. Of sin and shame and death. O Lord ! thy mercy we implore ! O lead us in thy truth ! Thro' Jesus pardon all our sins. And sanctify our youth. Be ev'ry holy gift and grace By thy good Spirit giv'n ; Tiiee may we serve and love on earth, And glorify in lieav'n. 354 Childreyipraisivg Christ. Matt, xxi.l5. CM "THOUGH in the temple some are found T Who bid us hold our peace, Hosanna! loud our lips resound. To Christ the God of grace. Hosanna! ever be our cry, To David's Son and Lord : Save nozo Thou art exalted high ; Thy gracious help afford. Out of the mouths of very babes. Thou hast ordained praise : To sing thy pow'r, thy grace, and love We now our voices raise. Hosanna! still we'll cry aloud. To Christ enthron'd on high ; May we at last surround liis throne. And Hallelujah cry. 495 HYMNS. 496 355 Children coming to Christ, Mark x. 13. L.M. UP to the Lord in cheerful lays. Awake our hearts to sing his praise ; For though he's great, his ear attends. When praise from youthful hearts ascends. When Jesus came man's curse to bear. Young children did his kindness share. His follow'rs would have sent them home. But Jesus suffer'd them to come. ** Of such," he said, ** the kingdom is ;" The childlike shall enjoy its bliss ; And all who shall in heaven live, Must as a child the gift receive. A child-like spirit. Lord, impart. Forgive my sin, renew my lieart : Thy word hath said, ** Ask and receive,'* Give faith, O Lord, let me believe. 356 For Youth, L.M. OUR youthful tongues to God we raise, And loud resound our Maker's praise ; He gave us birth, and life prolongs. To him alone the praise belongs. Tho* we have sinn'd, he still is good. He gives us health, he sends us food; And will eternal life impart, To all who seek him with the heart. Come, Holy Ghost, thine influence give. And make us all in Christ to live ; That we may here God's praise proclaim, And ever live V adore his name. 256 TABLE OF FIRST LINES. ^sA.#vr^sr,r«r^vr*v^./si^.*v#«.*sr*v^ Page. A DEBTOR to mercy . . 276 A form of words . . . 1^6 Afflicted saint 402 Ah! lovely appearance .396 Alas ! and did 17,3 All hail the great 428 All ye that pass by .... 1^3 Almighty Lord of heav'n 48,3 Amazing grace 289 And let this feeble 167 Array 'd in mortal flesh . 21.3 At anchor laid 442 Author of true 349 Awake, and sing the song 43 Awake my soul 447 Awake our souls .,..., 324 BEFORE Jehovah's 4,5 Behold the throne 274 Beloved Savior 193 Beloved Savior, prince . . 477 Beside the gospel-pool . . 291 Blest are the souls .... 469 Blest be the dear 144 Blest be the Father ..... 408 Blest be the God ...... 494 Blest spirits above 3J4 Blest Spirit now on us . .475 Blessings for ever 420 Blow ye the irumpst .... 66 Breathe from ... .,•... 2 1 Brethren let us join . , . 120 Bride of the Lamb .... 3/39. By me, O my Savior ... 191 By whom was David . . . . e6 CAPT.A.IN of thine ....68 Children of Israel ..... 203 Come, come, ye happy . 444 Come, holy, celestial . . . 362 Come, Holy Ghost, my . . ,56 Come, Holy Ghost, our . 407 Come, Holy Ghost, set . . 390 Come, Holy Ghost, thine 391 Come, Holy Spirit, come 177 Come, let us join i8^ Come, myFathcr's family 148 Come, my toul thy snii , 453 Come, thou Almighty . , 240 Page. Come, thou fount of . . . 282 Come, thou long '^63 Come, sinners to the . . . 380 Companions of thy ....156 Compassionate Savior . . . 222 DAY of judgment 279 Dear Lord, attend 194 Dear Lord I behold .... 489 Dearest of all the names 281 Dearest Jesus, come ... 139 Death cannot make .... 107 Did Christ o'er sinners . . 4^,8 Dismiss us with 481 ELIJAH'S example 375 Embark'd upon a stormy 375 Encompass'd with clouds 303 Encourag'd by the word . 379 Ere I sleep 369 Exalted high 425 FAIR as the moon 8,3 Faithful Bridegroom . . . 3R8 Far from the world . . . . 2iq Father, Son, and .... 47,421 Father of earth 478 Flow fast, my tears ..... 136 For mercies countless . . . 204 Free grace to ev'ry .... 215 From all that dwell .... 149 From heav'n the loud . . . 180 From the cross uplifted . 443 From the first Adam . . . 487 GENTLE Jesus, lovely . i88 Give to our God • 446 Glory, honor, praise . . . 423 Glory to God on high . . . 34 God moves in a mysterious 11 God of mercy 135 Godof my life 230 Cod of my salvation . . . aoi God, the omnipresent , . 371 God's foundation ...... 46.-J Go forth in Spirit go . . . iSiS Grace how exceeding . . . igg Grace I 'tis a chnrraing . . f->B Gracious Spirit . . » , , , , ,.f, -£■ Great febd I own . . Great God who dost . . . Guide me, O thou great TABLE OF FIRST LINES, Tage. •59 HAIL sov'reign love . . . 467 Hai], Thou once 53 Happy the heart 238 Kark I in the wilderncbs 19,5 Hark, mv soul 161 Hark I the glad sound . 267 Hark ! the herald angels 242 Hark ! the voice iS9 Head of the church 84 Heal me, O ray soul's . . 11'; Heal us, Immanuel . . . . 123 Hearts of stone, relent . ■ 382 He comes ! he comes ... 1 16 He dies, the Friend 178 Ho I every one 330 Holy Comforter descend . 21 1 Holy Ghost, by him . . . 416 Holy Ghost, dispel : Holy Ghost, inspire . • . 197 Hosanna to our .... . . 4,57 How blest are they . . . . I'^o Hew glorious the Lamb .331 How happy are the souls 401 How happy are we 95 How pleas'd and blest . . 433 How sad our state 121 How shall I speak 337 Jiow sweet the name . . . 295 IF Jesus is ours 181 I'll praise my maker . . . 449 Immortal honor . ■ . • , 424 In Christ my treasure's . 110 In Thee, O Christ 41 I shall not always 247 Is there a thing that .... 2,56 , wait the visits 62 JESUS, all praise is due . 319 Jesus, and shall it ever , . 427 jcsus, at thy command . 272 Jesus, each blind .... 10,5 Jesus, encouraged 488 Jcsus, friend of sinners . . 189 Jcsus, invites his saints . . 380 Jesus is all my hope .... 2.59 Jesus, Jesus, King 257 Jesus, knit all our hearts . 419 Jesus, lead me by thy ... 57 Jesus, lover of my soul .251 Jc5\is, matter of the feast 383 | Now U58 Page. Jcsus, my all .... ... 124 Jesus, our Great . • . , . 316 Jesus, Redeemer 151 Jcsus the all restoring ... 42 Jesus, the Savior 298 , thy blood 63 , thou lovely ...... 81 Jesus, we claim Tliee . Jesus whose Almighty Join all the glorious . , .287 '3AO ' 254 LADEN with guilt .... 329 Let earth and hcav'n . . . 236 Lift up your heads 244 Light of the world 61 Lo ! he comes 114 Lord, and am I . . . .^ . . 464 Lord, dismiss us 328 Lord, I believe 311 Lord, I would spread .... ,52 Lord, let my spirit .... 261 Lord, make me faithful . ii'^ Lord, one thing we want . 9i8 Lord, thine image 339 Lord, thou hast bid . , .-. 471 Lord, we come before . , 33a Lord ! what a wretched . 225 Lord, when shall we . . . 437 Lord, while we hear . . . 476 Love divine 126 Love mov'd Him to die . 154 Lukewarm souls the foe . aai MERCY, good Lord ... 421 My former hopes . . . • . 212 My God, the cov'nant . . . 111 My Jesus, my hope 79 My Savior, Thou didst . , 351 My sins are many ..... 418 My soul before Thee . . . 169 My times of sorrow ..... 13 NAKED as from 403 Nay, I cannot let . . . ... 46 No more with trembling 409 Not all the blood . . . . 208 Not words alone 10 Nothing but thy blood . . . AJ Nothing in this world . . . 8g Now begin the hcav'nly ... 9 Now I have found ...'.. 326 No wonder when 30.9 1 song 4.^0 'd all 479 M^'.