sSifiMsSifi A^M^M^MVSS) W& Qbenel W ■ ♦ » * w » )— -J—© — *— m — i * i I i — 3 3_.fti « — _l ■0 1 ♦- -&■ azt =i=± -61- -1 L 1.5.: _Q_e_ _D6JK 4-W- -I H -I <*— Tvl— •- _£ -*-*- ■ m - h— g — i — i — -i — i — i — ^ t Brats are pulsations or throbbings in the mind caused by the regularity with which tones follow one another in tunes. Some beats are Strong or Accented and others are Weak or Unaccented. A group of beats consisting of one strong one, followed by one or more weak ones is called a Measure. A measure consisting of two beats is called Double Measure; of three beats, Triple Measure ; of four beats, Quadruple Measure. The- first beat in every kind of measure is accented. In quadruple measure the third beat is also slightly accented. VI ELEMENTARY DEPARTMENT. Giving the right length to each beat is called Keeping Time. Making a motion of the hand for each beat aids in counting the beats, and is called Beating Time. A measure is represented by the space between two perpendicular lines called Bars. A heavy bar is called a Double Bar. It is used to show the end of a strain. Two double bars make a Close. Measure. Bar. Measure. Double Bar. 5=5 tW^i -w-w- ^ -k-k-K* ff J? *- M* tefczntjii II No. 7. ^=4- -DoAt-Ah-Ar &J*J* H 1- m£ .SL^ ? -»-»+*-«-. H— ~ H 1 1- H 1- ~B, a (yP) Double Flat is used. These it's, j?'s and {j's, when thus used, are called Accidentals. When sharp five, instead of five, is used continuously, and la, instead of do, becomes tonic, the music is said to be in a Minor- Key. Words expressing sorrow, grief, sadness, piety, &c, are often set to minor music. DEFINITIONS OF MUSICAL TERMS. Accelerando, gradually faster and faster. Adagio, slow. Allegretto, less quick than Allegro. Allegro, quick. Andante, gentle, distinct and rather slow, connected. A tempo, in time. Crescendo, gradually increasing in power. Marked Cres. or — =c. Diminuendo, gradually decreasing in power. Marked Dim. or r== — . Fortissimo, very loud. Marked ff. Forte, loud. Marked f. Largo, slow. Legato, connected style. Marcato, marked styled. Marked with dots over or under the notes. Mezzo, in medium power. Marked m. Piano, soft. Marked p, Pianissimo, very soft. Marked pp. Ritard, slower. Marked rit. Sforzando, with strong force. Marked ►. Staccato, detached. Marked with » ? t over or under the notes. Swell, increasing and diminishing in power. Marked -<=>-. Tutti, full chorus. Perpendicular lines of dote indicate that the section included or followed by them is to be re- peated. D. 0. stands for the word Da Capo, which means, go to the beginning and sing to the word fine ( the end). GOSPEL CHIMES. CORONATION. CM. s * T=t OLIVER HOLDEN. -i — i — 1^~ ^ -* *H -*— *— #— *h ± -£sh -I— ♦- 1. All hail thepow'r of 2. Crown Him, ye mar-tyrs 3. Let ev - 'ry kin-dred, 4. O that with yon - der gels pros-trate fall ; Bring forth the roy - al our God, Who from His al - tar call; Je - sus' name! Let an - of our God, Who from His " al - tar call'; Ex - tol the stem of ev - 'ry tribe, On this ter- res -trial ball, To Him all ma- jes sa - cred throng We at His feet may fall! We'lljoin the ev-er di - a - dem Jes - se's rod ty as-cribe, last- ing song, And crown Him Lord of And crown Him Lord of And crown Him Lord of And crown Him Lord of all, all, all, all, m -£- i- Bring forth the roy - al Ex • tol the stem of To Him. all maj - es - We'll join the ev-er - di - Jes ty Y a - dem And crown Him Lord se's rod, And crown Him Lord as-cribe,And crown Him Lord last- ing song,And crown Him Lorri of of of .of all. all. all. all. -B- j^d t=t i — i — r -A- -i — 11 Mrs ADALINE H. BEERY. -4- * S N \ SOME DAY. WM, BEEEY. 1. Some day among the whiterobed throng.Our souls may walk the dazzlins: street.And praise oar God with endless 2. Someday the an-gelsmaybe glad To show us o'er thelove- lyheights Withflowersandrainbowsev-er 3. Someday the dreams we cherished best Will bright-ly All our long- ing soul; OurKing will give us welcome -*- -0- -0- ■i» * i » — * — — i -far-fr V Y I Y ~ |i 1*3 -k — fLjL Chobtjs. N S -d — M~ - S — 9- ■m- ■9 m at :s£=* 2 JC3 -•- -0- -&-' v Bong Of love and mer- cy grand and sweet. "| clad, Where fount-ains mur-mur of de- lights. i-Some day someday, 'tis com- ing soon Be pa-tient rest And make our bro- ken lifework whole, j ^=£3 ^$ F 3^£ *=*=* *t #- »- -#- I tt= fe -Ar- -16--" -I — «: :K W YY- Y Some day i * :*=* :at5± ara a 1 a c yet a lit- tie while The Lord will grant our dear -est boon 9f -♦ ♦ -I 1 m. «: p: P ->— ►— ►- H 1 S- :£*=* r life of Joy beneath His smile. ' T * * h b fc* H 1- v-ty-ty-fr-^ m The Lord Copyright. 1889, by Wm. BbkrT. -v s LORD, I BELIEVE. i i s. w. 3TRAUB. By Per. 5 ^ i i i A i IV l J 1 N 4- -tU B * 9, ™ ■ tr -J-.T— ^ rm " f ♦ • 1 *l « in 1 • « t> * J " K 1 ; J li ! £ 1 A 1 _2 "^ A ■ "n , ' ! «J J 1 1. a. 3. Lord, I Help - less Thus firm ' m \ i ^ -♦- -*- be-lieve thy gra-cious word, Thy promise full of love I claim and weak, I come to thee, Oh ! let me trust thee more and more; in faith, aud hope, and love. Let me still find in thee re - lief ; M 1 w . w ^ II 1 -•- • • ■ -#- -+ And at thy footstool Till I shall gain the Oh! let me nev - er - I ,M I CA» 4 A1 • P w i-i? *'l * A 1 At 11 ^' 1 * P 1 | ! s 1 1 i r r r y b r-4 -j L>— -fcr- k k — 1 — zt=t = f— r»— k" 1 \- -I — ^— i — i — — ~l~ T 1 1 1 ^^ r r -r— • f Chorus. -O- bow - ing low, A - dore thy ho per - feet day, When doubts and cares are doubt thee more, Help thou mine un ly name. ) ire o'er. J- Lord, I be - lieve, be - .lief. J Lord k-' t— r — 9-1- ±; I ip=pE zpzvns: ; F -♦- 4- — F— p--jt- y /CN -*r=^ :i=J-- *4 -y_*_ H h -+- 5 H- 3t lief; My doubts and fears I* bring to thee, Help thou ■4- -0- -•- -e-r 6 Mr, ADALmEH. BEERY, WE'RE CHILDREN OF A KING. T. MARTIN TOWNE, d — *t-- N _S N — r a r r^ r^ — i- 3 3 — "* ' 1. We're a band of hap - py chil-dren, In a world 2. When we're sad he folds us to him; And when wear 3. We are weak to do him ser-vice,But ,J his arm -A" -A- -*--*- -4- -M- -*- v of sin and care: In our dai - ly walks y, gives us rest; When we go a -stray is won- drousstron^; He's our Fath - er.Friend P3E IjSIZJE =P=S= -1 — h * 3 £=£ V— ^~ jgr— bj- ^=r*" J=£ F— F »r t/jr Chorus. and la- bora God's dear love and grace we share.) to his Kingdom blest. >Come and join he seeks us.Brings us and Shep- herd, And we wor - ship him with song. J our glad ho - san - nas, Let the -u— v — y- *=iZ*=*=jt r JH^q-g-f-|- g-J g Z -r- -P— U- -(*—'•-- ^ N N Hi -A— N -#- T^— #" air with mu - sic ring ! We are heirs to glo - rious treasure. For we're chil - dren of 9t ^~ M- — *- b — hr £^E=£ I -t—^- ±. £ -V — \r £ -v- King. -*l=t *: II JESUS LOVES A LITTLE CHILD. WM. BEEKY. $ ** Smil - ing in its They are taught to When the storm - y child fear strife — I- -Ar- . ish glee, the Lord; is o'er, =£ =£ A — 9 -4 Says of such, in Here they find His Then a - round His qcz 5 -*T H»*.- i i i ^ -d — ri— *+-#- -J fc-, 1 N-£+-j£ — i — A 1 i- l *-j- a i- -*— J~H— -« • *~JT — £r— Ah ac- cents mild, "Let them come to me;" ho - ly "way. Learn to love His word; shin -ing throne, On the bliss -ful shore, Let them come, for - bid them not, They will sing a - Armed with this they may go forth, Triumph o - ver Shall His hap - py chil-dren meet, Sing and shout,tneir kin* -RO -0 -I — jf?£ ■^-M- > — ►— v- :fsz=jtzir -V-4- i — -(- round the throne; Mil - lions ev - ery foe, Spread - ing suff- 'rings o'er; Cast now are joy o'er their crowns at sing - ing there, all the earth, -Je - sus' feet. Mil- lions more may come. Sooth-ing hu - man woe. Praise Him ev - er - more. ^M _*_._ :t=±: :^fc 1 UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN. ( For closing of school.) A. M. 8TBAUB. ■9—1— *'- -V 1 r *-5= 1. A -gain we've heard the blessed word, We'll cher-ish well what we 2. With lov- ing friends and teactiers dear, We find in-struc- tion, joy 3. We love the Sav - iour, precious One, He' bids us come to Him % have heard; The good and true we and cheer ; The good that here we and learn ; Hia words shall be our P3 s -A— A-A -*- V -+- »—0 — • — m- I W I >-A — A- -A-A- »c V Chokus. I : ££ -*l— "*— *- — r- Z*=E -r- =h will main-tain, Un - til we here shall meet a- gain.l Un- til came to seek, Shall guide us safe - ly through the week, glad re- train, Un - til we here shall meet a- gain. J Un- til we meet we - gain, Un - meet a -gain, Un . gain. The good and true we will maintain, meet a -gain, -A- -A— A— A— A- -A— A— A- Un - til we meet a - gain. Un - til we meet a - gain. By per. S. W. Straub & Co, TVf P. J. OWENS. Allegro. i 3E=ap £ -ft-^ GO, TELL THE NATIONS. (MISSIONARY.) Bev. W. L. BEMSBEBG. ■I — I — (- — I *- 1. Go, tell the na - tions, Christ is King, His hands the world up- hold, He guides each plan - et's 2. Go, tell the na - tions of the blood On calv - 'ry free- ly spilt, The heal- ing streams, the 3. Go, tell the na - tions of the hope, The joy by Je - sus giv'n, And bid the dark - ened *=r= £-- ^— A- i j. s 3S=!E :*=P- f =f± P=t f 3=£ ^ •— P- :£ H r- -e 1 - ■+- ±3t -^rd- ^— g- -F- shin - lng ring, Andspreads the cloud's dark fold. Go cast the false gods in the dust, The pre - cious flood, To wash a- way their guilt. Tell them to trust no hu - anan rites, That eyes look up. Be- yond the stars to heav'n. Oh, let your hearts with love o'er- flow 'Cross ^ T^£ y^- p fy •h-^-j *=t 3 f=] 1 -h-F JR. # E ^ff -4— l -^9- s I. -t- 4 n -«- hfcr-*~Hkr -h ~£= nb ■•— «— ^- — [- "Si - a i - dols tram- pie down; And place in Him your on - ly trust, For Je - bus wears the crown. earth - ly gold is dross, And yet to par - don God de - lights; Since Je - sus bore the cross. o'er the heav-ing tide, Till all the lands of earth shall know The Crowned,and Cru - ci - fied. -Ar A- i^£ -y- ztrrf -A- -A- H«=r«= tit**-- -r»-»- ST. fl'i 3: -i— -ft- HI By per. from Choir Perennial. 10 L. B. MITCHELL, 0, WHAT IS THE BLEST TOKEN ? WM, BEEBY. 1. O what s the blest to - ken That Je - sua loves man - bind, That, when the word is what is thesweet to - ken That Je - sus saves from sin, That when the word is what is the sure to - ken Tnat,wben no more we roam And all earth's ties are Anon. FAITH. No. 2. F. S. SHEPAKD. 11 1. Since the Father's ana sustains thee, Peace-ful be, peace-ful be, When a chastening hand restrains thee, 2. Without measure, un - complaining In His hand, in His hand, Lay whatev - er thing thou canst not 3. Fear- est sometimes that thy Fath-er Hath for- got, hathfor-got? When the clouds a - round thee ga ther, 9y -9-9- 6— *- 1 h A -a-6- -i — i- f :£: =F* -na-k ii- -A-+- \-£ -\&—Vk- r £ It is He, it is He; Know His love in full completeness Fills the measure of Un - der-stand, un - derstand. Though the world thy fol- ly spurneth, From thy faith in pit Doubt Him not, doubt Him not,' Al - wavs hath the day- light broken, Al - ways hath He com 9' § 9 ; s -o- -P- m r j±i± -B—0- f=* -P- s 1 I 4*1- H- -F i— \ — r -m—0- 'h—pzizzzb thy weakness; y turn - eth, fort spok-en, -A- A- 4£s- *=& -r- — j 1 1 1— Ah :£ i i r -61- -^-£s- 1— 3at£r. :q: ^rf I i -*-6>- - If He wound thy spirit sore, Trust Him more, Trust Him more. Peace thy inmost soul shall All, Ly- ing still, ly - ing still. Bet - ter hath He been for years Than thy tears, than thy tears. "A- _ n . ri^- ■£- -0 'J*— ia- ■*f— !- -14 16 14- -I H -►-f^- -4S— #-©- it ^B 4 Therefore, whatso'er betideth Night or day, night or day, Know— His love for thee provideth Good alway, good alway; Crown of sorrow gladly take, Grateful wear it for His sake, Sweetly bending to His will, Lying still, lying still. 5 To His own the Saviour giveth Daily strength, daily strength; To each troubled soul that liveth, Peace at length, peace at length ; Weakest lambs have largest share Of this tender Shepherd's care; Ask Him not then ■' When?" or "How?" ODly bow, only bow. 12 Mrs. AD ALINE H. BEEET. THE RIVER OF PEACE. WM. BEEEY, 1. When wea - ry with walk- ing the high- way of life, And troub-le and sin bring us 2. Whenstorms of temp - ta - tion blow dark - ly and strong, And o - ver and o - ver we 3. When friend- ship is with - ered and we are a- lone, When faith seems to fal - ter and wor - ry and strife, We turn with de - light where the cool riv - er flows, The yield to the wrong, O Fath - er I from e - vil our weak souls re - lease, And com - fort has flown, Then bring us, O Lord, to the calm, bless - ed shore, Where i£5ii tii-i -m- -41- -♦- -♦- -At- riv - er give ua peace fills of peace where to drink of our hearts with our the de souls riv light may er ev sa =CR -I — H a=t=t: r -3- r pose. ] peace. > er - more. ) er, sweet EI.SES 1 Copyright, 1889, by VVm. Beeby. - P * P • . : -•— 0—0—0— V V V V riv - er.«weet THE RIVER OF PEACE. -Concluded. iz==Jt -Ah 4 -\- 13 9^ riv - er t with wa - ters so -# — r« * blest. Be £ -h -F -h -i 1-, — i — —A' A A ■ j- side thy clear waves let my -kl kh- ±Z^I riv - er, with wa - ters so bleBt, 1/ 1/ ' 1/ V From thee ev - er drink - ing my Joy shall not cease; rit. 6H 8 H — ^ — i -* A) At A A A Al er of peace. O flow on be - side me, sweet riv er, sweet riv ■#— r*- 5 II sa a H* r*- ER+ - i HS- I ijcqc V -P r"- -*— v- -+- — i — sweet riv - er, V ¥■<■ V"V . I nv - er, sweet riv - er of peace. Mrs, ADALINE H. BEEET. NONE LIKE JESUS. VT. F. WEBSCHKTJL, 1 Je - sus, pre - cious Friend and Saviour, True when oth - er friends be • tray. Kind when oth - era 'l. Je - sus, min - is - ter of goodness, v Bring -ing help with wea - ry feet, Sad - ly watch-lng 3. Je - sus. King of earth and Heav-en, Son of God and prince of men; We shall see Him 3FF =£^: ■#- ■#- 1 —r — —i -t- TTr -h ■> E E F»r -w— i- ^A — F§ i Chorus. II ^ g P --N- A^- H- -Ah r h — h hurt, and scorn us. Near when oth - ers from us stray while men slumbered, Sooth - ing pain with com - fort sweet. in His beau-ty, When he comes to earth a - gain 1} — I— ^ None like Je - eus, none like Je 3: sus, Tho' with heav'nly glo - ry crowned, He is still the sin - ner's refuge, Where true peace and joy are found. ,^ * v-t 1 - *4. t** kH-E— -Er-h-E YW 1 i -Ah ±>k CLOSE YOUR DOOR. (For Temperance Occasions.) WM, BEERY. 15 -Ah- AH 3: =£* z^zzfx4 9&t** The drunkard reels a - long the street, Close your door! close your door! He treads his manhood neath his The drunkard's child with rags is clad, Close your door! close your door! Half starved to death.tlus sight is Do stop, at once the dread sup - ply; Close your door! close your door! And let not men as drunkards -A--A-'-A- -A- -fr -*r j*r. ft ^--^^M-T * \ h tr 5M2=P i f* ■v-tr Jf £ -e- -19- -h -.- r -19- -h -+i U P Q^Si! k? tn ■Hr-st feet, sad; die: Close your Close your Close your v =A— A---A- ^ A— I*-*-* ^^^^ ^ r i ^ V V ' ' door! close your door! He once was loved door! close your door! His wife with care door! close your door! Say to the man by rich and poor, and grief doth go who may de - mand I IS IV K — ! 1 1- K-n E^i_-»Eiti=Au3 For no - ble To beg a A cup of -a- -a-* -a- -B- l*±*=$fc=££: deeds and con - duct pure; But whis-key made his ru - in sure, Close your door, close your door! crust of bread or so; All this, as well as we, you know, Close your door, close your door! poi - son in bis hand, "This is no more a whiskey stand, I've closed my door, I've closed ruy door!" 9S fefci -r — h — & -v— v- £=* _A_ -&- -&- -i 5- P-±*- -I 1 — h^ r \j v it ^1 16 Bev. E. A. HOFFMAN. ALL FOR THE BEST. A. J, SHOWALTEE. By per. — f- 1 1 1 H 1 « -t— Al Al At Ah ■A !- A l Al - -&-&~m 1. Whether God shall call me to joy or to sorrow, Whether he ap- por-tion me la - bor or rest, 2. Sometimesseemsthepatliwayso lone-ly and dreary, Sometimes is my spir - it with sor-row op-prest, 3. In the fie - ry fur-nace, where grace is re-tin-iug, I am oft - en tried— O how pain- ful the test! 4. So the days roll ou iu their glad-uess and sweetness ; So my soul with peace and con- tentment is blest; gjte f- 4-? a - rry- gqs: W -b— \ ¥-\ ¥-¥- -fc— fcr rf^ r *-*-p p ^ _^_^_ r #- H h 1 • 1— H h £fe v v u v v v I will have no care for Sometimes with the bur-dens I will not complain, nor So my life is rich in -*--*-:£ 4«- * jt the un-k of life be filled its joy A- ' : VW ^J : SuSlM 1 1 1 1 H nown to -mor-row. But a - bide His will— it I am wear-y. Still I am con-tent— it with re -pin - iiig, For I know full well— it and complete-ness; All the Father sends— is - p_#_ • p^p-p^p-p- I 1 1 — H — H h all for the best, all for the best, all for the best, all for the best? All for the best, all i#i=fc ^p -fa ±: for the best, Wheth-er smiles or tears mark my life's fu - tare years, The a • -a- -+ -£:£;• jt -l^—l -P-4- ±=t=t=t -»— e— #- u • ^ V W u u ALL FOR THE BEST.-Concluded. Eer, F. J. MALLETT. TELL ME OF HEAVEN. WM, BEEET. 1. When faith is weak and jov has fled, 2. If tempted from thy path to stray, 3. And when the words of duty come, 4. 'Mid pain and suffer - iiig and loss, 5. And when about to quit this clay, -0-9-0 Tell me of heav'n ; When tears of sorrow must tie shed. Tell me of heav'n ; If aughtshould drawmylove away, Tell me of heav'n ; And that the labor may be done, Tell me of heav'n ; And that I may endure the cross, Tell me of heaven ; There beauty blooms without decay. Tell me of heav'n. Speak -0-0-. ■ -e- -0- -0- -0-0-0- -e>- .. -•- Tell me of heav'n.Tell Tell me of heav'n.When Tell me of heav'n. May Tell me of heav'n. Still me in pen -tie accents sweet, Of Paradise where saints shall meet, O tell me still of heaven. weary in the ceaseless fight.And earthly shadows dim the sisrht.O tell me still of heaven. the blest tho't of rest a-bove A-rouse the flame of sacred love. And urge me on toward heaven. let me re - al - ize thee near, And I will neitherdoubtnorfear.But sweetlvsing of heaven. of that bright and blessed place, Where saints behold their Saviour's f ace.As I leave earth for heaven. O tell me 18 Mrs. G. B, HOLSINGEE, r\ n is i $J£=3zzjzA -Ah- A- HE WILL RECEIVE ME. ♦- i -Ah- A- N — i- -Ah -j — fr GEO. B. HOLSINGEE. is n n , -i — i- Ah s *-=f- -h -Ah -Ah 1. Come now,dearLord,re - ceive my heart, Make me Thy serv-ant wliile in youth, From all lhat's sin - ful 2. I dare not wait for rip - er years. But long,dear Sav-iour, now forThee, O! comeand ban - isu 3. I know in Thee true joys arefound,And all will fade this world can mute,8o for Thy king - dom I'd de- part, Teach me, O! teach me love and truth, all my fears, And let me ev - er dwell with Thee. ' He will I am bound,— Cast all, my Je - sua, at Thy feet. re- ceive. m n -4 — *- .#_ M. -r«- -F- =£ m ?=k know He will, He -* br — I rf— ii will, He will His _l 1 1 h l i/ love impart, He will re-ceive, I "N3* s m i i know He will, He will, He will re- celve my heart. ^-F- -» - h-j— frM— it: -f— f- -A — A- JE^t >— k-fV- I From Zion Songster. HEAR THY CHILDREN. LEONAED DAUGHEETY. 19 PI -m =fc=|£q: « --•■■ — i — i- -m- ~yl~r~^"- 1 ^- 4 »,_•. -« ^ ^ -O 1 - M=tq I.God of heav - en, hear our sing- ing; On 2. Let Thy king- dom come, we pray Thee; Let 3. Let the sweet and joy - ful sto - ry Of ly lit - tie ones are we, Yet the world in Thee find rest; Let the Sav-iour's won - drous love Wake a great pe - all knowTbee on earth a i£* H*^t_^C J7^- 4 • p-nt -£r -P- i^jzp: -"£- Chorus. _■ 1 1 — :r=t=t:: -*-!- V v> list tl - tion bring-lng, Fa and - o- bey Thee: Lov song of glo - 17, Like -A- -A- -A-' I ther now we come to Thee. 1 Ing, prais-inar, biess - ing, blest. > the an - gels' song a- bove. ) Hear Thy chil - dren, bless - ed Fa - ther, >-A^*- 7^/ -I h- :fir->- $_: •— p i£r A- A- _P=£ :S£iEE£ ^= -A- :t: fcB^ Sing - ing.pray-ing, Lord, wecome;Teach us, Mas- ter, how ». » « • -*r. _^$^ *-* -A-tA- -a- -a-' Jj f-F" ?-* =P-~ -J — =£=^ M=£ to serve Thee, How to gain P~jc: heav - enly home. A- k. k, - -fs -h -V— i- I! i i 20 Eev. E. A. HOFFMAN, THE MUSIC OF HEAVEN. No. 2. IS N N J. H. HALL. pur - er in erv - er - y a - ny that mor - tal e'er he who at - tunes his poor strain, Than the toned, And the soul At the ^-W—K -0- -»- t=t= 1r -Mk- ^=B=ft= mu - sic man - sions throne of -0- -0- -I 1 £=£ of earth, tho' it of tilo - ry for the Fa - ther, to _i , k ^ — V-j i -S— s /TV * — ▼ A — J — i- — - -H- -m- fllls us with pleas - ure, As it thrill - ing ev - er are chim - ing With the songs that swell and to ring it, With the an - gels r ly rolls o - vcr val - ley and plain. a - rise to the Sav - iour en - throned, to make it thro' par - a • dise roll. I Obligato Solo. -A- THE MUSIC OF HEAVEN. No. 2. -Concluded. 21 -I=V v^-^ =f= :i«= pcpt: -P-y- -fcHPF Oh, mu sic of heav • en I So rich and so sweet; Oh. Oh, mu-sic of heav -en ' so rich and so sweet; Oh, mu - sic of heav - en! so rich and so sweet ! Oh, 0- -0- -0- -m- - »- -0- U U \k £ ]±—>A- e -#» -»- -*- -f- — I r— - — — I— *=*=^=*=*=:*: -«- -*- 0-0- H 1 i-r 1 -14—*- t "*H v— w — w- -v— y^-v— v- tr-tr v v v; v -P-£ v- I r £=F i i Joy that it brings -fV-rV— N so full.. and com - plete.. -f-ff- if xl si ll- =rV=S=r\=(^ ■*=±=£ * Joy that it brings us! so full and com-plete ; Oh, joy that it brings us! so full and com- plete. ■A- -A. -A- ..a- 'A ££ £-f- -^ i> i > i^ - H 1 1 r-l 1 r- 1 — V V V v V v +3 — b — b — b — b — b~ :£=£=£ 3 II . EANKIN, D. D. TO BE HOME WITH JESUS. W. H. PONTIUS. 1. Home, home, it's O to 2. Home, home, it's O to 3. Home, home, it's O to 4. Home, home, it's O to be home! O be home! be home! O be home! O -A- -A -w- t to be home with Je - sus! Be -yond death's an -gryswol-len to be home with Je - sus! Where toil-worn ones their sheaves are to be home with Je - sus! Where gath-er all the dear de- to be home with Je - sus! To walk in white those far-off riv - er, On Jor bring - ing, Heav'n's har part - ed, Earth's long moon - tains, With long dan's banks of green for - ev - er; Where ten "vest home in tri-umph sing - ing: And blood' - lost ones, her no - ble - heart - ed ; Saints of de- light to drink Life's fount- ains; From His V V - der hearts are no more bought souls from out of all a - ges, he - roes own hand to take for - brok - en, Where E - dom, Gome old - en, With ev - er, The 9£ -£- I part - chant - in gift ing words are no more ing the glad songs of Je - ru - sa - lem the of the all- per- feet spok free - gold Giv - en. dom. - en. - er. Home, home, it's O to be home, -Ht-i — & — i- -k-r- ■tJ- £ £ =1= idt -V-' -W--G- ■-B TO BE HOME WITH JESUS. -Concluded. v I 01 O to be home with Je - sus ! No more to sin, No more to roam, O to be home with Je - sus ! §§=£fc zfijkj?i_*_ W\ =p= -0- -0--0--0- A- 1 I*— A- ±=tz±: *£± ±_ L---£ t\ -A- -\—V-y g- -P- II BERNE. VJ/ WM. BEEBY. 95=3: , f My God, the spring of all my joys, The life of my de - lights ; ' 1 The glo-ry of my brightest days. The com -fort of my nights. 2 J The op'n-ing heav'ns around me shine,With beams of sa - ered bliss; ' (While Je - sus shows his mer-cy mine, And . whis-pers I am His. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -9- -0- -0- -0*. -A — A — IA — IA- ±z± HA — A- HA IA- -I -h -I- J£r -h 1 Thou art my soul's bright morning star, And And run with joy the shin- ing way To thou my ris - ing sun. meet my dear -est Lord. § l-D.C. P— f- -t- -(- 9t In dark - est shades if My soul would leave this ■f- : - -+- *■ '•- -±rA thou ap heav - v -0- -0- HA- pear, clay, ->A- Mv At -♦- HA- -I — dawn - ing that trans port -k— be ing gun. word, H£- 24 Mrs. ADALINE H. BEEET. :*=^ DRAW ME, JESUS. -I — *-£*-* H — i — P\ — I l. S. W. 8TEATJB. By per. 1 N— I Is- 1. Draw me, Je - bus, close to Thee, 2. Draw me, Je - sus, when I stray; 3. Pre - cious Je - sus, draw me now ! For Thy love is All Thy words I Let Thy peace be m43 0- \. sweet to me; would o - bey ; on my brow; A — ■ — 3* Let Let Be Thy hand di- my deeds be my true and M- ^=^ V-i- -i — i — h £=£=£: -i V E i H^^- Choeus 9± i± H h A -fl *H a!=* H 1- sH iH -^- -1 — h il^- A-* rect my way, And Thy pres - ence with me stay pure and just; Fill my soul with per - feet tru faith - ful friend, Walk be - side me to the end. st. y d. >J Draw me, Je - sus, h-i -n Ez=P-t— H — E Thy -r«- heart; his *± May Thy com-fort ne'er de - part; And when life's long journey's o'er, Take me to yon brigh- £=^=|t:=£ : ^tr-f £it£ -•- -»- £ t=t _w_k -Jj h n V i E II Rev. ROWLAND HILL. A CHILDREN'S HYMN. WM, BEERY. 25 =fc^^ N h 1 , -^ IS J - n r^ i 1 — \ — t S " ^~H JL \} «* ^ J- i P N 1 I J ! 3 rm ^ » *l *l Tl ^1 *l *l ^ * li », ! " K 1 A A 1 A 1 A A A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 I 1 S A 1 #- L ~^~ arae; Thou wast so weak that eive; Thy ten - der love for eart; Oh, cleanse me by Thy vill ; Each day pre-pare me - » » • . 1. Dear Je - sus, let 2. My gra-ciouy Sav - 3. Then to a child, 4. Though oft I sin, -»- *- -0- an in - fant claim The fa - vor to iour, I be-lieve Thou canst a lit - dear Lord, im- part An hum - ble, meek yet save me still, And make me love -9- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- | -$- -0 - a - dore Thy n tie child re - c , and low - ly h Thy sa-cred ^ c\ m i 5 r r r " ■ ■ IT i« i •* i r r r / u J J 0" 0" P 1 • c [ r w ¥ r V V 1 1 i W \s i V I' 1 i k 1/ Chorus. * -N— IV- ~4 V i fltpziAi $= i -«- -•- babes might be En - couraged to draw near to Thee, us is free, And why not love poor sin - ful me. precious blood, And fill me with the love of God. by Thy grace To meet Thee and be - hold Thy face. -0- -0 -0- 0- -0- -0- , » ^ T-&: Then help me, Lord, Thy child to be, Then help me, Lord, Thy child, Thy child to -0- -0- -0- -0- ^ -0~ -0- -0- be, *=?: ■+- =F=i-l4-*z -bfc- v—v- 5 -14- -I :p=p=p=p: irn&r i J— h-N rf: ! 3Q £ iv^v 3t3tit »=t 3v=N~- =F 1 -*— ▼- would j ust now come near to Thee. would j ust no w come near, come near to Thee. T-ff ~ 9 M l A—E- T— f- Oh, teach me how to watch and pray, And serve my Master day by day. Jk-K-K 7^n 1 — i — t—^~r^-r — ♦ ♦ ♦ i rt — i ==zBEf=t=izztt±=tit=E=t -*-£ -0- -0- -0- H h h -bfc— 14—14— bfc- -i 1 1 \— v.jk I _L_ -t— -»- -0- -0- -4— 4— A— bk- -l 1 1 r— rfc=Pz:»zP: irtrt-r :p=P: -b~ b- :t 9 26 THE MUSIC OF HEAVEN. No. 1. L. £. M, ( Good as Solo and Chorus.) L. BRIGGS MITCHELL, 1. The rau - sic sweet- ly greets my ear, That com - eth from the un -seen land; 2. Those heav'n - ly an- thems cheer my heart, That faith brings to my rapt>ured ear; 3. Roll on, thou sun and moon and stars, For time doth bear me swift- ly on. i & -«- It is They cause To join the song of an glad tears of joy the bless - ed ho .!•> J< J> * §^J gels there, The pure and ho - ly, hap to start, And swift - ly drive a - way ly choirs, And sing m the new, e - ter t • r -P— py band, my fear. nal song. -h rzz s %±=Sr -P- I Chorus. V , i> ^ • V IN is ^ *■ M_W i'i L rm " A t>*r -a- '- — a — > — a — a — a -i 1 ^ — ^ — i 1 — P- F'r- The V IS V sic breaks up - on my Upfct= -©I- — I- I, 1-a- -•- And k gel voic es bid me come A--' A--~ £= p— -_fZ=T=r= H h b b -> 1^- »/ • THE MUSIC OF HEAVEN. No. L— Concluded. ^^^.27 s F=Z :fc=3fc — i— Join — -N — k — v- — i 1- 5 — N- -+- EH =F= ^ with them, in prais - es N IN t-J-J- there, When =1 -rV-HS— f— P 3^t. my dear Lord shall call me home. H. BONAE. , Andante. -A- V V £: £± -t- -m- ■*■ -i 1 — ±: -V — b 1 — V~ i SHEPHERD. 'S.M. i Rev. W. L, REMSBERG. 3 O everlasting Love, Well-spring of grace and peace, Pour down Thy fullness from above, Bid doubt and trouble cease. i O everlasting Rest, Lift off life's load of care ! Relieve, revive this burdened breast, And every sorrow bear. By per. from Choir Perennial. 5 Thou art in heaven our all, Our all on earth art Thou ; Upon Thy glorious name we call; Lord Jesus, bless us now. 28 SACRED STREAM. J. H. HALL. 4 H J I i -Gr -1—1- -^-i— «- fci +=sr a- J 1. O, flood of liv- ing Wii-ters, And might -y crim-son tide, Blest foun-tain of sal - va - tion, 2. Thy waters drown all sor-rows, Ex - tin-guish ev - 'ry grief, And blot- ting out trans-gres - sions, 3. Thy grace ex-cels the Jor-dan, Which made the lep - er whole; Lo! thou hast healed the sick - ness, From ,Ie - sus pierc - ed side Bring to the soul re - lief. Which wast^ened in my soul Flow on. Flow on. sa - cred stream flow flow on, flow on. HAIL CHILDREN'S DAY. 0. E, HUTCHINS. 29 i i: "Ar- -Ah :q=q: :^: -Al 1. Our Chil - dren'sDay we hail a - gain, 'Mid flowers and sum-mer skies; From ev - eryheart in 2. Through Je - sus' love and ten . der care We all be- hold this day; His power has kept from 3. With will - ing hands and joy - ous hearts, The chll-dren glad - ly bring Their no ■ ral trio - ute Ptf« | *j *-m T©- -*- I -V- A l- -— -W-*-*r- ^=5= V-ft Choku 1 M h IS 1 s V ft 1 1 1 a -•- — i — — 1 — — « — Ar -d 1 1 A — 1 -.- 1 i - #£ *- M ■ A -Ah d' — nj-^r- — £J 1 -Al -Ar- — A\-'-— A\ — Ar- — Al — \J sweet Sa - to re - frain, tans' snare His courts 1 1 —a — i— Let And 1 In — i — 9 songs :> rought hon - — s— of us or 1 -4 praise on of X— a life's their W rise. ~) way. >- Then King.) A ^ I A* hail -f- chil- dren'sday, Oh r« — !a~ ey.\ i ■ ■ ■ -v — _t ii q V t -P— — ft--— ft — ft— *- r S 1 ^3 r * ill \L IV & 1 cr i 1 5t§3:- hail chil- dren's day, From ev - ery heart in sweet re - frain, Let songs of praise a /ts /T\ -w— A- -y— Ft- V V- -V— A — A— A=^-*(— 11 I'LL ENTER THE OPEN DOOR. A. J, SHOWALTEB. have longed for the bliss will trust though I walk have longed for the bliss 9 i par - dark par - don, And sighed to ness, And pray till don, And sighed to be cleans'd from sin ; the light I see; be cleans d from sin ; -*- -£ -ft P_- And For And I I know if I come be the blood that will cleanse the liev vil ing, My est, Will Sav - iour will let me sure - ly a - vail for §m. knock at the door be - liev - ing That Je - sus will let in; me: =t=t: -S— is: :£=T =F= -» — »- ■<&- ~+- z4± <*- =F —I — -«- For the door of I have on - lv Oh, the faith in —M — M M A A Ah- His love is o - pen, He the plea to of - fer, That my soul grows strong - er, I =1 -41- 1- ■^v-*-*- -M- =£- ±: * 4—t H5=* V i ^ wait - eth for those who seek, Je - sus for me has died, treni - ble with fear no more, ^=r= _p_-_ -©-*- T" By permission of A. J. Showalter & Co. I'LL ENTER THE OPEN DOOR -Concluded. 31 ZP1 -Ar- -a- * -M- «• *i.-T^-1- r But I trem - ble with fear And with on - ly my heart 'TiB my Sav - iour that bids and to rne r3 * ^- 9 \- doubt -ing, give Him, wel - come, » 9 Oh, why is my faith so weak? I haste to His bless - ed side. I'll en - ter the o - pen door. m (fea Chorus. -I- -ah' A— k- -v-'-v— *- -0i- ■>&- -Ah -N~^- -AH 3=* -At- : F- I'll I'll en - ter the o - pen door, I'll en - ter the o - pen door ; en -ter the o- pen door, wide o-pen door, I'll en -ter the o - pen door, wide open door; &m & -A- 3^fi.l2A=?:-% ,*_*_ _A_A_ -f-*^ • V V / - ^-F- F f- A -S- -H=F^F=S" -V— yt-j J — -I .1 ! H •-»— #— e— #^p4 rcr H h m Ik — j N- -• 1- 'TiB £y=£ Je - sua in - vites, 3 $=AH> I'll I -AH -Ar- P## EE -#-r- -^Ar- -Ar- I'U — N~ -Ar Al- t' en . ter -*A-Ah the o % =1= -£r- pen door. II m 32 J. E. EAHKIN. D. D. GOD BE WITH YOU/ W. G. TOMEB. M £=£z£: ffi — «i- — 2~ 1. God ^£ =*— N H- r « iB W I Tk H "a be with you till we meet, be with you till we meet be with you till we meet 38" ■*■ t!" a - gain, a - gain, a - gain, a - gain, £* A . By His conn-sels guide, up - hold you, Neath His wings pro- tect- ing hide you, When life's per - ils thick con- found you, Keep love's ban -ner float- ing o'er you, ■A^T* •>- -A- -A- -A- With His sheep se - cure - )y Dai - ly man na still di Put His arms un - fail - ing Smite death's threat'ning wave be - fold you, vide you, round you, fore you, God be with you God be with you God be with you God be with you till till till till we we we we meet meet meet meet gain, gain, gain, gain. Till Ave meet, till we * By per. from meet, till wemeet,Till we meet at Je - 1 I. E. Rankin, D. D., Orange Valley, N. J. feet, Till we meet GOD BE WITH YOU -Concluded. Till we meet, till we meet, till we meet, God be with you BEAUTIFUL ZION. 8s. gain. ^-£-fV-iya-i— I— V O ■ 1. Bean ti- ful Zi-on, built a - 2. Beautiful heav'n where all is 3. Beautiful crowns on ev- 'ry r^r* bove, Beau ti- ful cit - y, that I love. Beau- tl-ful gates of pearl-y white, light, Beau ti- ful an-gels clothed in white Beautiful strains that never tire, brow.Beau ti- ful palms the conquerors show, Beautiful robes the ransom'd wear, h i- t— r-V-t^V-R— I— r' 1 ■ - "■-!— I P-rV— | 1 ft — i hll Beau-tl-ful tern -pie Godits light, He who was slain on eal-va ry, Opens those pearl- v gates to me. Beau-ti- ful harps through all the choir,Thereshallf join the cho-rus sweet Worshiping at the Saviour's feet. Beau-ti- ful all who en- ter there,Thither I press with eag - er feet,There shall my rest be long and sweet. 9^ -A-A- -I — I- v-y-s/- ^ -A^Ah-A^Ah-Ah -I — I — i^-t^-^- -i — -t- -y- -H -A-A-A- -k'k-k-k- H 1 1 i— \&: A^-A- FfcrjAill M 34 Mrs. ADALINE H. BEEBY, -N—~ Nr ■M WITT f ^-^=pg 1- — #--=--* — *-v — -I 113 * CASTING ALL MY CARE UPON HIM. N — N— N WM. BEERY. M dT—J- ** -H 1. Je - sus stands and of - fers com - fort 2. When I find my bur-dens heav - y, 3. Side by side with my Re- deem - er, To the troubled breast; All His words are like sweet Je - sua gives His hand; So Joys up - on me shine ; At I walk with Him re- the gate we'll end our N pfeEJ ma - sic, Sooth-ing in joic - ing, T'ward the heav'n jour - ney, Clothed in light to iy di -&■ rest, land, vine. FsriHi — A * a- 5 -— a- '% V —h- -h- :£ A-' f- me hast I to the Sav - iour, Bless - ed n s rv -1 F- -I — ±: -*+- — — «+ w — i 36 J, H. K. HE LOVED ME. J. H. KTJRZENKNABE. By per, -# — #- H si ft" -»- H- -0 •— ^~ t)- ::z =S3f 9' -♦- -♦>- 1. Tell me once a - gain, that it cheer my heart, Of the Sav-iour's love in the ho - ly word- 2. When my heart was mint, when iny eyes were dim, 'Twas His love that then drew me un - to Him, 3. Oh, the wondrous love of the Hon of God, That He saved my soul with His pre-cious blood, 4. If there's an- y -thing Uid-deri in my heart.That could tempt me e'er from this love to part, A— A-i-A— A A — i'A -A A A — I 1 r-P m • A—m- r A A A -+ . I £ 1 h ' 1 r- V-\r— P-" - 1 *— t- Ms — s — s — is— "a -r- E— S— ^S 1 -Of the And He That He Saviour, -A— A- "fertt ?— P— P ^ ff fr -gr-^r- -t- - ; - %-Yr ■*-¥- n =*-^ K ft wondrous sav - ing dried the mourner's died to make me tear it all a - love, For the tempter's pow'r cannot reach me there ; If I trust my all to His tear, Now when doubtsassail, 'tis this love so free That will soothe my heart and will free! And I'll sing His grace while He gives me breath ; I will tell His love till the way; Then my soul shall rest in the per - feet love, Till it en - ter in - to. the \ \ ft .. -»--»- HE LOVED ME -Concluded. 37 H 1 S-E^-^ v I v saved me by His grace, And through this life His love shall prove My shield and hid - ing place. §Sfe ha 1 /C\ -P-*-P=Pi -A IA- -AH fc^ A—-IA--|| INVOCATION. WM, BEERY. -i P^f i 1 1 1— 1 1 — 1 — i — j — i — _, — ■4— r — ^i - t P^fa ©■ — — 6> — ►— r t=± Bless - ed land of love, love and glad-ness y u fl £=^ -Ah -Ah -AH * h ritnrd. -*h-# -£t- -At- -AH-Ar -Ar- A-N 9^ Therewe'll praise our P * r * f dear Re- deem -Is— ■+ £2 h— t ^s=h*=?: ^ i/ k k- -i — h :t=t=t: ■A£r--*~ I r- II -"-■*- For the joys that shall not cease, shall not cease, II -k— k- >_k_k_k- Therewe'llpraiseourdear, our dear Re- deem-er / V i^ 1; 40 SLEEP HERE IN PEACE. J. E. EANKIN, D. D. -e 1 — | — i- 1 t- 4- , W, H. PONTIUS. ■firMr,-*, — J— 3- J >•" 1 ^_ , iv y 2 9 • A • A O A i s 2 1. Sleep here in peace 1 -©- -0- -0- -&-' To earth's kind bosom do we tear - -o- -e- ful -e- take thee, i9- No mortal sound again from C\\ JM) ft 1 H— 1 ■£- 2 — \ ■^ — p -»-' — | r — f- — 1 »1_ I" 1 1 i s £=3: :!: is: rest shall wake thee, -0- -e- ■&■ No fever-thirst, no grief that -©-- 3 at needs as - suaging, -IA- ^ f i ii ^ □ "XT No tempest-burst a izC bove -0- thy -i©-- head —91— -0- loud raging -|0~ I I Q- -<0- t=zpz -©- Sleep here ^s- > — ►- 7yv -o- • peace ! 4* M By permission of J. E. Rankin, Orange Valley, N. J. SLEEP HERE IN PEACE -Concluded. 41 2 Sleep here in peace ! No more thou'lt know the sun's glad | morning | shining, No more the glory of the | clay's de- | clining ; No more the night that stoops se- | rene a- | bove thee, Watching thy rest, like | tender | eyes that | love thee. Sleep here in peace ! 3 Sleep here in peace ! Unknown to thee, the spring will ] come with | blessing, The turf above thee in soft | verdure | dressing ; Unknown will come the autumn, | rich and | mellow, Sprinkling thy couch with | foliage, | golden | yellow. Sleep here in peace ! 4 Sleep here in peace ! This is earth's rest for all her ] broken | hearted Where she has garnered up our | dear de- | parted : The prattling babe, the wife, the J old man ] hoary, The tired of human | life, the | crowned with | glory. Sleep here in peace ! 5 Sleep here in peace ! This is the gate for thee to | walks im- | mortal, This is the entrance to the | pearly | portal ; The pathway trod by saints and I sages | olden, Whose feet now walk Je- | rusa- | lem the | Golden. Sleep here in peace ! 6 Sleep here in peace ! For not on earth shall be man's | rest e- | ternal : Faith's morn shall come ! Each I setting | sun di-| urnal, Each human sleeping, and each | human | waking, Hastens the day that | shall on | earth be | breaking. Sleep here In peace ! 7 Sleep here in peace ! Faith's morn shall come ! when He, our | Lord and | Maker, Shall claim His own that slumber | in God's | Acre ; When He, who once for man death's | ansruish | tasted Shall show death's gloomy | realm de- | spoiled and wasted ! Sleep here in peace ! 42 ANNA SHIPTON. With fervor. F=N v ea a CALL THEM IN ! ( Good as Solo and Chorus.) 1 rV-£ =R H 1 *=f — f" ^=2 j-v- WM. BEEBT. 4- £=rv um r 1. Call them in! the poor, the wretch-ed, Sin-stain'd wand-'rers from the fold; Peace and par- don free - ly 2. Callthem in! the Jew, the Gen- tile; Bid the stran - ger to the feast; Call them In I therich,the 3. Call them in! the bro - ken heart- ed, Cowering 'neath thebrand of shame; Speak love's ivies- sage, low and *- *1 ' -** -h t^—tr'* k -*- k -*■ Ik -H 1 U-- I |^ £ -I- zc ±z -I— *-*r -k-'-!A.- -v—P- ♦H-fc HH -t- -F-ta— ■- § H- -fc ^=^^=! . -^- f £3 afez I i/ I V • of - fer, Can you weigh their worth in gold? Call them in! theweak.the wea - ry, La- den no- ble, From the high - est to the least; Forth the Fa- therruns to meet them, He bath ten - der, " 'Twas for sin - ners Je - sus came," See the shad - ows length-en round us. Soon the ■#-• -P- -P- ■#- ■#■ with thedoom of sin; Bidthemcome and rest in Je - sus, He is wait all their sor-rows seen ; Robe and ring and roy - al san- dais, Wait the lost day dawn will be -gin; Can you leave them, lost and low - ly? Christ is com ing, call them ones, call them in! ing, call them in ! h -*- i — *- =^F v~y-? —&■- ±=ZL l± *- -H £ £±z£± 7 k, *k H mm Chorus. CALL THEM IN !-Concluded. =F ■e- ^ 43 Call them in, call them in, Call them in,.. call them in, A m -¥-=-— f — ▼- 9- Call them in, call them in, K — ^M i ' . -*- -*-* -0-* -s- '^=^== -y— p— 1-- Call them in, J^W- W=\- -*-*■—* — *- Call them in, -0-: -*~ -#- call them in, call them in, stn .-* £M call them in, Bid them come and rest Je - eus is wait ing, call them in! $ __s^._ Bid them come 9* '-=£ H4-1- £ and rest Je - sus, =fc He wait iz: ing, call them in! i II THE MORNING COMETH. MART S. GRAY. TT mm • W* I ▼ " t-M- -1 1 — — r ♦i . A £-*- "Zt 1. Morning breaks up - on the mountains, Bless-ed morn so long fore - told, Gen-tly lift- ing earth's great 2. Pearly gates stand wide-ly o - pen, For the saints to en - ter in ; They are tried and proved and 3. Glorious pros-pect ! O how cheer-ing, As we tread life's nar- row way; Since we know the morn is • / V U As its ra - diant beams un - fold ; Now the night of tears is"^ end • ing, Faith will cho-sen, Whol-ly cleansed from ev - 'ry sin; Soon they'll hear the wel-come summons, Come, my near-ing, We can wait, 'twill soon be day; On - ly keep the way still nar -row, With thine m a-a- _i_ __i — -*-•- .f:^ A- _■_• B_B @. -19 V V v v • -i — \?—v—v- -A— A- -14- B 5=lt "fr *=*F ^_^ : 5 i. -41- -41- fcfc^ -fv-V soon be turned to sight; And the morn of Zi - on's glo - ry, Soon shall flood the earth with light. fair one, come a - way ! Thou hast borne the night of weep-ing Ku - ter on the per -feet day. eye fixed on the prize,Though the clouds may gath- er round thee, Beu-lab land be- fore thee lies. §!£»! 1 -►-»- -' — h -*- A-^-A— A-A -14-* —14 — 14—!— v- V w -A-Aj V3= A^4 ** -i — v— v- V- Hfir r II L. B. M. ALL ARE WRITTEN THERE. -4- L. B, MITCHELL. 45 ■ — — * — *- *£ ll. - H ir A' J a ' 9S 1. In the Book of Life are writ - ten, With a lov - mg 2. And the a - ged tot - 'ring pil - grim,And the child so 3. It is heav - en's roll of hon - or, Kept by Je - bus' -L~ — A A A— -e-i- hand, fair, hand; =F H i ffl -fc 1- f ?=^ ««=£ ■v-r— r p^ Names of all All the toil May our names -41 A Ar- the ing, up • -I — p :?= :^=^ count -less hop - ing, on its 9££ & -AH mil trust rec =*= - ord, Who All Ev with Je - sus stand are writ - ten there. er, ev - er stand. ;} r i In the Book of Life they're writ - ten — k — a — :t=t: -AH-*- J= F n 43 ii ill -^t- :s£ (9-^- :^ qsz^A. :at=s: With a Sav - iour's care; All his own of earth and heav-en, All are writ-ten there. t^t- 5 «- i §SE I P— W- By permission of the Author, 46 W.B. LEAVE US NOT. WM. BEEEY. P teE -j-- 3==n -^~+ -+- T=T- ■a- :d=tp: -a— «h H- 3i=3 -H ■+■ «-* sh£- -i- £ -e>- -*- -©■- -*- -©>•» 1. O Lord,we seekThy presence now,And as we all be - fore Thee bow, O leave us not, O leave us 2. With-outThee,L.ord,our strength is weak; In Thee our refuge wemustseek;0 leave us not, O leave us 3. As - sist us in what e'er we do, For Thou canst take us safe-ly through; O leave us not, O leave us not, not, not, But let Thy grace up - on us With- out Thee all our works "are We're trust- ing in Thy ten - der fall; We tru - ly feel our need of Thee, For Thou a - dead; We pray Thy spir - it as our guide.To keep us love,And when we leave this earth -ly home/Mid caresand - lone ev - toils -<9- our help canst be; O, leave us not, er by Thy side; O, leave us not, no niore to roani, O, leave us not, O, O, O, leave us not, leave us not, leave us not, As on Thy name we hum - bly call. But give us of Thy liv - ing bread. But take us to Thy -self a- bove. m fczt: -f^ ±=t £=£tft jzzpi -r-£t- -N ■»- -r^ ±=s 2*- A -I — r- L-xl -& M5 Efl MARIA STBAUB. I AM WITH YOU ALWAY. *S F?&S a" 1 -d— I— I- izrzal- 4- -J-^ JtN A-»H ~* p y~ ~*ry— y -'-=- 4- =3: -A-»r- — I— 1- WM.BEEEY, 47 1. I nev - er maybe lone - ly, Though seem-ing all a - lone, 2. Whenwalk-ing 'neath the shad - ow, No friend- ly lightin view, 3. When earth - ly friends for- sake me, And oth - er ills be - tide, *^ My Sav - iour dear is I know there's one to There's ev - er one to W5W -A— At -fc V^ -i* — * — 5 — m- -A- -A-A- -i — i — -*---— H- V Chorus. ev - en to the end, §^ -A— J— e— *- -P — r — * — #- -\ h — I h- Lo ! I'm with you al - - way, Ev - en to the end. Lo ! I'm with you al - way, A— A^ ! u -A — A- ±Z ^1 OAST THY BREAD UPON THE WATERS. S, W. STRAUB, By per. 1. Cast thy bread up 2. In the vale or S. Cast thy bread up ■ on the wa-ters,'Twill re- turn some oth on themountain.Wheresoe'er thy lot on the wa-ters, Un-seen hands will bear m, Ar -A— A— A— Ar -k— A— A— \- U L fffffff? -0- . - er day, Thus the heart that nev - er fal-ters may be, Smite the rock where sleeps the fountain, It on, For the bless -ed life that hungers H Pt 1 m __ — ( - T. — * =Pfl Chohus. Faster. I i -+- -fr- -_4j±i 3 n>l4 -e- I 1 J r- 1 1 jr u-H r- — r-^ — i — i *H — i — i — i — i — I H ^H-« — -^-0-0-0-0-0 m-i Feeds the bun - gry That the pil-gvim _. Oft is fed by hands un-known. ) -0- by the way. "\ fain would see. J. Cast thy bread up on the wa ters, And itshall be^ath - ered Ii ±zgj z~ rrrrrr I >J> h"H3 Wz: -w- t* s — &rr ma- ny days hence. h d- 4- "* -I— t- H- ■M- 1 b *=F -•-^^- ( -b— h — hr- EC 4- -t- *3t 1 « • ^~ '. _ALi_£ m =F tt *= — i- a i»j-.: -fv-*— fc -*r** 1. " Peace with God," what gift more pre-cious, From his treasure-house a - bove. Could our Fa - ther Bend his 2. On - ly trust his lov-ing kindness; "When the heart on him is stayed, It shall nev - er more be 3. Tell - ing oft the dear old sto - ry, Pointing them to heav'n a - bove ; Sav-iour, help me show to -9- f^L-t -I- — W L>> £ dB fi? ;' ~$~ v -e-'-m- -e- -Hj— t- ?- i^-* 4A^ -*-7-r»- v-g- i -fc^-w— V $ -M: :?tiz|czU Chokus. *=fr chil - dren, As a to - ken of his love?) troub - led, It shall nev - er be a - fraid." > On - ly trust Him, on - ly trust Him, "Christ is oth - ers, More of faith, of Chris-tian love. ) tjt: **£ *- -*- £=i fi~ -jfc- Mfc 9 9 V r 0- -#-• h h faith - ful to for - give ;" 'Tis a lov - ing Fa - ther .calls thee, Come to Him atid ye shall live. r §** i Li I -B- -0-M -P- e HA- -v- £ sag HA- ±:_ -h — K £ V V 9 1 50 ELIZA M. SHEEMAN. u THE FATHER'S CALL. W. F. WEESCHKUL. 3^2 r— -*+ T -^ -i i— 3 ^ + H- qp + 1. Hear the heav'n-ly 2. " In the book of 3. Help me bow in -+- -F -ih 5: S A" -AT! -« A -i"-J£. -A' Fa - ther call - ing, "Now my ten - der mer - cies prove, I will my re - mem-branee, Shall their names for - ev - er be, Who have hum - ble rev - 'renee, Fa - ther, low be - fore thy throne, Con - se - -t- -I r- -*-*■— 0- -.»-•- -©-■*■- -F fF tt -J-4- ^-^ -a 1 -a 1 -a B- Chokus. 'In the crown of my re F'~ V S-— f *33 .] send you rich- est bless - ings, Sweet-est tok - ens of my love." spok-en oft to - geth - er, Who have ev - er thought of me." crat-ing all un - to thee, Make and seal me all thine own. -*- 1 1 1- ■»-*- -+- HA — h ifr-H- ^-HS- ' In the crown -A- -A- -A. _l ( i -V— ►— r^ 1—t ^- r joic Bright as ing stars shall shine, Thev who sr£: -£r- A-r- my -A- joie - ing, r ■fh b $=^ f Bright as morn - ing stars, S N _ . _ -W- -0 h ^_ -A IA- HA- -(- ^ -0^-0-- morn - ing stars shall shine, :y— !" -y — i — -g— I — tf5=t ±: -?— tr THE FATHER'S CALL.-Concluded. 51 § t fear me, they who love =t «=f -F -F They who fear me, -41- I f~* they who love me," Saith the -a >- a ^ . litr*!: Lord, " they shall -A- • A I r m be mine." £ !i b->- >_►- £=£ -*- ■V— b^- -^:-=- ^=* i p j=R r -Ah IT liAlbri JllMi Words and Music by Mrs. ELLA J, BRUMBAUGH. -£-1— U- -Ah- i*l — Af- -AJ 3_ -AH -W- _■ ^_u»_i_ -A — a-- 12 -!- ^*= Un - to the Lord we raise our song, Of hum-ble, grateful praise ; To Him a - lone our lives be-long, His We bring our off-'rings now to Thee, We wait for Thy com-mand, And though un - wor-thy we may be, O, Thy mercies like the gen -tie show'r. Re-fresh our thirst-y souls; Re - newed and va-ried ev - 'ry hour, The blessings crown our days, lead us by the hand, tide for - ev - er rolls. Praise Him, praise Him, Laud Him, laud Him, I I I Praise Him, praise Him, E67. E. A, HOFFMAN. ■— -? — J .- m I AM WASHED IN THE BLOOD. A— ±- 4— fr-v ^i ^=r*= =fc fe A. J, SHOWALTEB. -ft S N — N 3=* 1. i 2. I 3. I have been to Je - sus to be cleansed with pow'r, In the blood, will walk in meek - ness at my Sav - iour's side, O the blood, will keep un - spot - ted from the world and sin, Through the blood, the pre - cious blooey the pre - cious blood ! the pre - cious blood. 3i±te #-f-v- 3 -h H4---HA- B -?— v— \r -*- -14- H4- 5 — 14- =E -I — ;lt • 14 W- jgj g Pf: 33£ -A-A- :<§: 1/ And I lin - ger at the fount this ver - y I will trust each mo - ment in the Cru - ci In the fount - ain flow - ing for the soul un -a- hour, At fled, O clean In ~»- ipZi I the fount of Je - sus' blood, the blood, the pre - cious blood ! the fount of Je - sus' blood. 9* t=^ £ -+- -14- H4- -y— w- r=t: -14- S ■zt H4- -i©- 1 % Chorus. :^ F=* 3=T ^ M*- st 5 7^r-« 3^381 ? ^SZ- r^_ I am washed in the blood, In the heart-cleans-ing blood of the Lamb; Hal - le - lu - jah ! precious blood, '»-»-»-' -+- t'-tk— 14- '. — rl — I 1 1- -CS-H4---I4— 4 1 h- £ '^ By permission, A. J. Showaj.teh & Co. i^xzto: ■+ ti i I AM WASHED IN THE BLOOD.-Concluded. 53 « 3S ca SL §^ 22Z1 £-*# trf -t^— P- C 3 I am washed in the blood, I Hal - le - Iu - Jab. ! precious blood, '■A A- A--A 4=L_r._ 1^ aa — k am washed in the. blood of the Lamb. -*- A A*A A ■HA— IA- £-£ y— g-gM? 1 - : f^-s- : -*-/-?- ti >_•>_ a -£-?- TOE y P A. J. S. HEAVEN'S MY HOME. » ■A— 1— m- ■ -♦- - -A»— Ar- -»-°-*aa- ^n? - ^ =fc -Ar- -4- 55 -Ab A. J. SHWALTER, By per. -*-■*--*— ^- b— i V V V 1. This world is not my rest-ing place, Heaven's my horne,heaven's my home, I seek a bet- ter home than this, ^ 2. In that blesthome there is no night, HeaVen's my homejaeaven's my home, The face of Je-sus is the light^ 3. O wea-ry one.with sin opprest,Heaven'smyhome,heaven'smyhome,Come,gowithme,andnndsweetrest,, ~kr -A-*-A--A--A- -£r -A- -£r ~kr " A" * ^A" A" "A" -&- m H — H — H \~- ?AT -i- £=rf ■V-A -A— A— A_ u ' M—v- m ■¥— V- -I — -• — 1 — |A_JAlZiA V 9 V. A ! A- =E VA— h -r- FlNE. -#!— ■A- «- IK =Ah =?-!- m Choetts A D.S.— My mansion fair a -waits me there, i. . . , v . D.S. AA » -Ab v-v -(51- -£l — Al — Ah 3=£ Ah H Heaven's my home, heaven's my borne. My home a-bove ! sweet home of love ! Tho' a - while the earth I roam, 1 lb 2=A=A. -V-V- Heaven's my home, heaven's my home. m -#— * »t-V— ^ #— #- b — b H^— f A— F= F *— 1—1= "v ^F *=£ • _A_|A_ I — b— b— I gp 54 Rev. E. A. HOFFMAN, Earnestly. JESUS IS A FRIEND INDEED GEO. B. HOLSINGEB. 1. Is your soul with sin dis- tressed? Do you sigh for peace and rest? Christ a- lone can 2. Would the world in sy - reu tone Lure you from the Lord you own? Heed not — cling in - 3. Have you sor - rows man - i - fold, Tri - "als more than can be told? These but pu - ri- 4. Wheth - er good or ill may come, Joy - ous life or dis- mal tomb, Fear not,Christ will 9* -*■ -♦- HA- -Ar :u: t- -»- -m- -i — z^—K -i — m -A— V i Chorus. make you blest; On faith a - lone To fy the gold, While bring you home To -»- -6h ly trust in ,Ie the might - y Sav you trust in Je theheav'n-ly man sus iour. sus, sions, ^ £ Je - sus a friend in - deed, m H -\&- -*-- •-- "A- =^=* *=p: zt=z±: m -3t 4-eh friend in - deed, TT ?t=* 1— rir 3Lrzat=a!=l±|=za!z=iJ 9 t- a friend in- deed, He can help in time of need : On ^ - !-•'*._ I . -•' -G- . ly trust in Je - sus. ±£=fc=pz3o^: -Ah -Af- ±=±z ■ V- i i I- i— F -I fr— I — h S EVA T. E. POOLE, Si? HEAVEN. ^ — i — i LEONARD DAUGHERTY, I 55 -M- -M- *—*: 1. O Heav'n, most glo - rious king-dom! O ""Christ, thrice crown - ed King! We, heart and 2. Heav'nlwbere the lace of Je - sus Is seen un - veiled and bright, Where His e- 3. O Heav'n, my blood - bought por- tion, I claim thee as mine own ; In thee I 4. O Heav'n, where all my best loved Are now at rest for aye, Where ev - 'ry -f" >-->- -t ±: £ -r— -1 -A— 8 -rN I £ voice up - rais- ing, Thine end - less ter - nal pres-ence Sheds end - less find my prom- ise, My man - sion, bud of prom- ise Will bios - som 1 — V ' glo life harp, :^h 3lZN nes sing. and light; and crown ; to day ; 3S -tfc- ±~t ■+■ ,*\ Ps — l—i r — i— ! — u — n — "" O Heav'n! the home where an- gels O Par - a - dise of beau- ty, O Heav'n, my Lord has bought thee O Heav'n, my soul is thirst- ing ■A- V A— 1»— , *._•_ --N -Ahr- =R=r- -1 AF — I- -*rv- 3p — i — §fU Breathe out their souls in song, For thee bliss - ful rest of saints, For lack: For sin - ners saved by blood, And by To taste thy end - less life. To find our hearts are wea-ry, For thee our spir - its long. of thy sweet sun-shine My dark - ened spir - it faints! His Spir - it taught me To seek my home with God! in thee the hush- ing Of all my storm and strife ! £-=k==Ji v- ^ -h-'-i — a -.-a :t: =±3>:JJ 56 Miss p. j. owens. THE YEARS AT GOD S RIGHT HAND. b 6 v. w. l. eemseeeg. fN i -m « — h 1. Re - mem-ber the years at God's right hand, U sad and brok - en heart I Look 2. Re - mem-ber the years at God's right hand, O suff - 'rer, worn with pain! Tby 3. Re - niem-ber the years at God's right hand, O sin - ner, think and turn! Why up - ward to the bet - ter land,Wh"ere love and death must part, "Look soul will soon its wings ex - pand, Christ comes to loose thy chain, Thy wan - der in a des - ert land, A vain re - morse to learn ? Why §a B V f— Er T r -H 1 —A up soul ward will der to soon in the its bet wings des ter land, Where love ex - pand, Christ comes ert land, A vain and death to loose re - morse mm- it: it: must part ; thy chain. to learn? V E i 1 ■ it I I By permission from "Choir Perennial.' THE TEARS AT GOD'S RIGHT HAND-Concluded. 57 m - mem-ber the glo - rious years, Undimm'd by fare -well tears, When love and hope shall stand Re - mem-ber the glo - rious years, For - get thy grief and tears, Be - hold thy man-sion planned, Re - mem-ber the glo - rious years, A - bove the roll - ing spheres, And wilt thou dare to stand I?=± | J -m--m--m- -g- j -g-'-g^g r 3 - 4— +- 4 -S-*- H 1 — 1- *-.- 14— JA— '± A a - -j 1— h- i 1 F — I 1 a — a-U & -U-i \j>- =P^*-?- -=H — H -PL-r*- 14 ' |A 1 ^ V :ife ^ K- ±=d 1 p: «. Se • All A ST\ H 1- H r-arf- -i— ■ — se- cure bright far at God's at God's from God's *m *fc -a i-T- right hand right hand, right hand? ;} H-*- -u- Re tf i— «- mem - ber the glo - rious years, =P= -41- t: =£ r E3 bove the roll - ing spheres ; And wilt thou dare to stand 9 -it- m -♦- -i* - 1»- T* HA- -b 1 — I ^- !&-•-* -I r — E— it: it: £ ^-B-T- 1 ' far from God's right hand ? H — & I —I NEARER TO THEE. TO. BEERT. i V 1. Keep us, Mas- ter,close be - side Thee; Hold us, Sav-iour,Iestwe 2. We are oft so prone to wan - der, But Thou knowest all our 3. Give us of Thy ten- der pa - tience ; Help us, each, to fol- low fall; Teach us, when in time of sin; Mas- ter,like the King's fair Thee; Teach us byThvpow'rof dan - ger, daugh - ter, lov - ing, For Thygraceandstrengthtocall. Make us glo - ri - ous with - in. What a child of Thine should be. Lord, Thou know-est all our weak - ness, All our Lo, we come our faults con-fess - ing, Draw us Thou didstgive us hearts of long - ing, Sure - \y .ft.. JLJt.Jt-JLJL.fL se-eret, in-most pride; near-er still to Thee; Thou wilt hear our pray 'r, Keep our hearts and life in safe - ty When Thou artstrong,(> help our wak - ness! Let Draw us near to Thee,dear Mas - ter, Keep by sore temp - ta-tions tried. us trust- ing chil-dren be. us in Thy sbel-teringcare. ¥~* -W—W- v y -p-r— JLJL _~0—»—<0- ft -I — — A- -I — ■V — t*" — t^ — t^- \] THE CROSS OF CHRIST. 1M, BEERY. 59 £tt H B=? :± 1=^ =4= i -*- -^- -♦- ^ 1. I turn, my God, to Thee 2. Though care and sor - rows on 3. Though friend -ship's smile may be i. The morn of life may be -&- 3t -w- i in need, And nev - er turn in me press, Thy love dis - pels the with- drawn, And love's bright hope be o'er - cast, And clouds hang o'er at r -&- ±: -1^ vain ; I gloom; And tray; Thy ev'n; The -o- k. :p=p: &=t i -d ri- -19- ifc: ^= S think bright smile, cross of Thy er joys dear Lord, of Christ pro and tect - ing great - er still the points a - love, And all bliss My path same, Thv love bove, And speaks of can of calm life ne'er bliss il de I I ' gain, And all lume, My path ■ cay, Thy love heav'n.And speaks is ^_ of can of calm life ne'er bliss -S- \ -&- -«- I I I I a - gain, I think of Thy pro - tect - ing love, And all is calm a - gain, il - lume. And bright - er Joys and great - er bliss My path of life il - lume. de - cay, Thy stnile, dear Lord, is still the same, Thy love can ne'er de - cay. in heav'n,The cross of Christ still points a - bove, Andspeaks of bliss in heav'n. -6- || p«q -e- — p-t> — F -r- #"— W- iSc -£>- -K -A- -T0- 60 Mrs. ADALINE H. BEEET. LEAVE ALL TO HIM. WM. BEERY. Copyright, 1889 by W m. Beekt. LEAVE ALL TO HIM. -Concluded. 62 THE EVERLASTING ARMS. ^Hv *-zt —AH WM. BEEET. -ft— i N- Al #' #' # I -41 — Al J 1. Pil-grimon the road to 2. Andwheuall be - low is ^—*— *— * glo - ry, Press-ing toward the heav'nly prize, 'Mid the ills that clos-ing, When thou dread'st the brin - y flood, When thou feel'st the gg >T !>> -*— k— k— f- -#— r«- H«-H»— r«— ^ P * * E— g- k ^ i / y W y y N_N -*- EE -ei- -P-* •^ 9^= now . dis - turb thee, 'Mid the. dan-gers that a - rise ; wa - ters ris - ing Thou Shalt find the prom-ise good. ■*— P— *—* H %-- v v v v ffi When the way is dark and dear - y, Tim - id Christ-ian ! ven - ture on it; I 1 1 x .1 L_ l=£d Rugged, tilled with vain a-larms, When perplexed, ex - hausted, wear-y, Trust "the Ev-er - last- ing Arms." Bid fare-well to all a-larms; 'Tis enough that un - derneath thee Are "the Ev-er - last -ing Arms." dtzfc t=t: -ft.-- ^-r* -0—0- H 1 — -I r- -0—0 vv m Hopefully. WE'LL MEET THEM AGAIN. (Good as Solo and Chorus.) WE BEERY, 63 1. O mourn not for friends who have reached the bright shore, Earth's sickness and sorrow can reach them no more ; 2. Tho' a short time our dear ones are hid from our sight, Like beau-ti - ful flow'rs, by the cur- tain of night; 3. O yes ! we shall see them, our angel friends dear, In heav-en - ly beau-ty our lov'd ones ap- pear ; B::dz£!rifc =s ^ *--+r -Y-V- fc W=F -V-M- i N -I h *■ Hxv-ls • V > * a' •■C SqEZjKZn=q -»-t-#- -N-? -Ah *— ^-* 4- -Ah :T ^ as -Ah -Ah £=* ,TN 1 b ^* ^ "^ "We know from our presence they can - not re - main, The angels are whisp'ring, "we'll meet them again." Our souls still u - nit - ed by loves gold-en chain,They send this sweet message, "wje'll see them again." Ten thousands of thousands are swell-ing the strain; O shouthal-le- lu-jah, "we'll meet them again." ^m* Chorus. £53 We'll meet them a - gain, we'll meet them a - gain, The an-gels are whisp'rin. we'll meet them a- gain." §SSF5$ -*- -#- M- —I — ^y^-Hf — i =L — £ k£ /T\ t= 5*— £ 1= # ^ >-A— f- 64 WordBofOho.byF.S.S. JUST FOR TO-DAY. E* F. S. 8HEPABD. !** s N K ,N ^=q= 1. Lord, for to - mor - 2. Let me both dil 3. Let me be slow 4. Let rne no wrong 5. So for to - mor - m -♦- — i- :£t row and ' its needs I do not i - gent - ly work, And du - ly to do my will— Prompt to o or i - die word Un - think -ing row and its needs I do not 3-1— 0- pray ; pray ; bey; say; pray ; - |l-5=F=F: II Tt-ttr ¥ ¥ W-f- M^¥- Vz ¥ 5 ¥ ¥ -¥—¥- =fc 66 J. E, RANKIN, D. D. KEEP TOUR COLORS FLYING. TA8S0 COKBEN. ( Our banner hymn. 1. Keep your col - ors fly- ing, All ye Christian youth.To Christ's call re - ply - ing, Full of grace and truth. 2. Life is all be- fore you Where to choose vour way, Keep Christ's colors o'er you ; Watch and fight and pray, 3. Keep your col - ors fly- ing, Nev - er think of ease; Sin and self de - ny - ing, Je - sus on - ly please. 4. Keep your col - ors fly- ing, Walk as Je - sus did; In Him, liv - ing, dy - ing, Let your life be hid; befcsttt ** QL -%-TJt ■*-*- 7S1 Rise in strength and beau-ty, In life's morn-ing glow, With a firm on-deav-or, Ev - 'ry foe de - fy. Not for worldly pleasure. Not for worldly fame, Hop - ing, trusting ev - er, Breathe this mortal breath ; An-swerto each du - fy, On-ward, up-ward go. True to Je - sus ev - er, Lift your col - ors high. Not for heaps of treasure; Live for Je- sus' name I You shall live for - ev-er, Christ has conquered death. Keep your col -ors fly - ing, Stand for God and truth, Keep your col -ors fly - ing, All ye Christian youth. mm By permission of .1. 13. Rankin, Orange Valley, N. J. FOR ME HE CARETH. WM, BEERY. 67 i W. 3^ ta» '' j i i_L 3tl! M— I- 1. He 2. He 3. He 4. He ry& -N — !*■■- ±±Jt =* -•— rl- -|V^S,__fS I =?=*= H — I — l- iSr ifr-* ?K '-*»»- Za_2£ Htut H — h "Nl *r u 1/ I lov-eth me, He lov - eth me, He died that I might live; And by His love He guid-eth me, He guid -eth me, A - long the nar - row way ; And ten - der - ly He tell-eth me, He tell -eth .me, To work for Him to - day; His love so free com bless-eth me, He bless -eth me, In tones of love and cheer; And while His love pos m $+ -h J T-V-t vA A J.*- I U I -r- -f ^: * J j * *=£ -^m— v- -t- -4- jfc± -U- * i I fl=R :*=?!l=r\ H H 3=t -£zzf: # -p=- rr-r-rh r=r mov - eth me My - self chid - eth me When I pell - eth me To care eth me. No e to Him to at - tempt to for souls a vil will I give, stray, stray, fear. V He He He O call - eth me, He lead - eth me, He teach - eth me, He Je - sus ! Thou art f=*-f-ff LA' call • eth me, To lead - eth me, To teach- eth me, The more to me Than come to Him for rest; pas-tures green and fair; words of end - less life ; my weak speech can tell ; 1/ / I'll go whate'er be - fall - eth me, And thus be trn - ly He feed -eth me, He feed -eth me, With ev - er - watch-ful And lov-ing - ly be -seech- eth me To shun all sin and In Heav'n there's none compared with Thee, On earth none loved so 9- ■ f-f-;* , J* n ■ill* H i 1 — -v- g- -0. _# e_ blest. care. strife. well. -*-T"* :SE 11 6b w HE DID NOTHING BUT GOOD. -N s- k s- — v — -N- WM. BEEEY. IS h _ ^ '|S ^i s-J -P-^ •W 1 \- 1 — & H- --3 — *—-J « 1 1 «- —I 1 — " 1 1 Al S- d: -m-i-m-m—m—i—j—i—j- mocked and de -nied and de - rid - ed by men child - hood His miss-ion He brave- ly be - gan shed up - on Cal -va - ry, nailed to the tree §Kj=£± S S N r r r -*- -P- E -»- -h -N-Ps — N— K- -m— Ah -*h Proved a Lay - ing O, then Friend down why by not 1 — V ni - ver - sal ex - am - pie ac - cept it? -fr i* -!*-- -r*- -*- -A=^ ;*=(*: 3r— F=£- ^=3/— V- •v V V H*-- 5 - ■3/-V- , .is ^ rs . *\ — Al M—M — A A f A — % A J and pre - cept the He of - fers it For in all By which men He did all that He did He did noth - ing but may be saved if they tru - ly be this for us,— He did noth -ing but 9W -7=-f± t=t=t -I* 1 r— «z=£ :t=t: #— m- & £ V— w— P — b> — y- «t HE DID NOTHING BUT GOOD. -Concluded. Chorus. *=£ 2L_Le_Zfc He did noth - tag but good, -Ah -*rr— «■ -Al Al A^t— A^ » — »— — »- • - ~P— V- ■ |» |» • !»■ £— /- fa — P F-' 69 — •* — -*— ==i=-q- — » — ■— He did noth- tag but good; For the sick and the -r*-* -k- -i H i ^?\ :x=q: -H- — i ♦- -41 Ah —si- ze -k— N- -41 — 41- lame and the blind ^U=£ e£ He made whole ; Great Phy _a szz±: -h -h v^ x: -»- -i — =F -0- ~t y .#_*_ -?— /- -4h -41- He, -J -a- fe -AH both _■_•. — ■_ 4= — B= 70 WORK FOR ALL. •WM. BEERY. i m 4 -M M- -♦>—♦— «- ^ 1/ 'WW 1 In the vine - yard of our Fa I 2. Not for sel -!-♦- ir^ 9 • ♦ ^ ther Dal - ly work we find to fish praise or glo - ry, Not for ob - jects notli - ing do : Scattered worth. But to P a — te: v-\} ~ j— "~j- -©rH -£r- glean - ings we may gath send - the hless - ed sto ry Though we are Of the Gos so pel young and few. o'er the earth. Lit - tie Tell - ing £ aa s -B- -©- hand heath fuls, en, 3E Lit - tie hand Tell -ing heath fuls, en, -A>- -a- Help to fill the ear - ners, too; Of our Lord and Sav - iour's birth ; ^k it h — h — hi — i-i — — - ■¥— V— V— / -*_^_«- Lit - tie handmls, Tell-ing heathen, -h -r- U U> U W U Lit -tie handfuls, Tell-ine heathen. ■&*■-, I^VZJ WORK FOE, ALL-Concluded. Lit - tie handfuls, Tell-ing heathen tie handfuls, Tell-ing heathen, BE NOT AFRAID. C. M. 1 '-^Trf- i-i M ■* -Vte =P^=N ■& S A A A 1 *— AH 43* -A- '-A!— Ah- B A-A1— Ah L< r P -£'■- i— ri" £=?r^ •—j — i — i- i ^ a. L A1 - Al — A!— Ar-At—J q-s L £r- 1 V Thou who art th d truth and way ;- Thou who art the life for- ev - er, Comeand blessourheartsto-day. THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM. WM, BEERY. 16 9S ^—tt -At— When One marshalled on star a - lone the of -, f\ -H — H- =F H — I- *» :j3i AH -£h -AH ^r night- ly all the A- A- plain, The train Can glitt'ring host be - stud the n 4r=*- JEZ3E sky ; -*- -+- fix the -I- m Gr n\ ^S -+■ -«- -AH -Ah -*- ^AF -Ah -Al- -Ar- -*h m -AH -Al Ah m sin - ner's wand -'ring eye. Hark ! hark I -fc t=t ©--#- to God the cho * rus breaks, From Pi -la 'ry host, from -A — W- 4- i I: /T\ l^ZZ^ —I f- H*<» fH- ev - 'ry gem ; But one i-w- —& — m * — i — v- i -AH f" -A II frl: -ff»Z lone, the Sav - iour, speaks, It -f- u -+- ■+■ 4* -i— is the Star of Beth-le ■ * -,* 1 — f: ■»- »- hem. zl- "I 3 It was my guide, my light, my all ; It bade my dark forebodings cease ; And through the storm and danger's thrall, It led me to the port of peace. Now safely moored — my perils o'er, I'll sing first, in night's diadem Forever and forever more. The star, the Star of Bethlehem. II 2 Once on the raging seas T rode, The storm was loud, the night was dark; The ocean yawned and rudely blowed The wind that tossed my foundering hark; Deep horror then my vitals froze, Death-struck, I ceased the tide to stem ; When suddenly a star arose, It was the Star of Bethlehem. 74 Mr. ADALINE H. BEEET. WHY DO YOU TARRY ? n k n r» N k _A_ T. MAKTIK TOWNE. rV s fs I s N 1. Why do you tar - ry, O sin - ner, 2. Why do you slight the dear Mas - ter? 3. Why do you wait for the mor - row? -it — h — t—. u C ^ 2 1k & J"_L_L_l_L_L -frf-'-fr-U w— fc^-v — t/- -I- V— I- Out in the dark and the cold? Je - sus is here to re- God is yourFa-ther and Friend; Come where His arms may eu- Hear His kind message to - day; If you still scorn and neg- -t-i — i — - -i — i — I- if f=>=P ^ -h a^3 £z±!=£zfc^r § l> 1/ ^ Choetts. ceive you In - to the heav- en - ly fold, fold you Bless- ing your life to the end. lect Him, God may not hear when you pray. W* -F- -P- -P- -»- } do not wait when He calls you. 4=t -*~r t=$=£=£=$L Ire I A' 14 1 1- :p=p=p=p=fc -+i h b h h- ■fr-t- V ■ V V Come ere Heclos-es the door j Here you shall And with the Say -lour ^zJ^rUrv-=rf=^ IPS*- j=5- 4 -U - Mer-cy and peace ever - more. 4g A \ J \. \S • • -f--fL -I 1 H— i U 7"* E - fr -jA HJ- f- ■ - =k^r:P=P=P g g I— -Hi — h^ — hr S± £? V V tritzl II Mrs. E. W, CHAPMAN. I HAVE CALLED THEE. -41 — 41- -Mv ^=^3t * -*)-•-*!- * 0-T A, J. SHOWALTEE. By per. HV--N- 75 .-— ♦- -*--#■ 1. I have called thee to the fount - ain, Where the crim - son waves o'er-flow; Plung'd beneath its cleansing 2.1 have called thee to the vine- yard, Where the rip - ened har- vest waves; Pa- tient toil in ear • ly 3.1 have called thee to the ban - quet, Love- di - vine hath free- ly given: Wrought for thee a wedding P N : P PR I P_ R P ilea tnee to ine I P v-v- 3,_^4^.-4V -41 — 41- P=s: -»—#—» -1 bM?»-t^ V—V- 7* § I: Refrain. , -A— k -+- "#■ — I— wa - ters, Pure thy soul mcrn - ing, Thou at eve gar - ment, For the *rnar ■ -- 1- H- -6r- H- fe -41- -4r~ -41 — 14- fc -**— k- * as spark -line snow, shalt bind thesheaves. riage feast in heaven. I have callod thee, yes, I've called thee, Called then 9* a^c -t: — »- I u p i -i^-fc^ ^ s ._ ?___ • l I ^-A_j4_}r_ -h- -»- - 1 — ■v- -0 -f^-N -N-N- 3: !i .41 ! *i - -4h L -4h -"*=¥ 3—*- 9i from thy sin and woo; J»_. _£_ _^_ _#_ J2. -j — r~r -# — •- •4- -v— v— v- I haveoilled thee, yes, I've called thee, Come, I'll wash thee white rlf-r — il- 4^r-£J" :fC7=^s=^ »— P -?-/- >- 1477^: /- X y p £ -fcM-- Hi 76 J. B. POLLOCK. M HEAR US, HOLY JESUS. WM. BEERY. « £ t— f^r-t-^- -*h *A-Ah H- q: H- -♦- -A- i ■f=t 1. Je - sua, from Thy throne on high, Far a-bove the bright bine sky, Look on us with 2. Lit - tie chi! - dren need not fear When they know that Thou art near; Thou dost love us, 3. Lit - tie hearts may love Thee well, Lit - tie lips Thy love maj' tell, Lit- tlehymnsThy 4. Be Thou with us ev - 'ry day, In our work and in our play, When we learn and 5. May we grow from day to day, Glad to learn each ho - ly way, Ev - - er read - y B *-r«- mm^t -W=Jte- £ p—h- ^ eb ■f— i-4- -0 P m — i- -Ah -Ah * & I- « -Al — AH -1- I V lov - ing eye. Sav - iour dear. prais - es swell. when we pray. to o - bey. : t=P3F* — Al 1- 1 Ah--*- Hear Hear Hear Hear Hear us, ho us, ho us, ho us, ho us, ho ! y iy iy iy Je Je Je Je Je sus, sus, sus, Hear Hear Hear Hear Hear us, ho - ly us, ho - ly us, ho - ly us, ho - ly us, ho - ly Je Jo Je Je Je -J -d — =• __l ■— sus, sus, sus, sus, sus, §#: Hear Hear Hear Hear Hear us, ho us, ho us, ho us, ho us, ho iy iy iy iy iy Je - sus, Je - sus, Je - sus, Je - sus, Je - sus, Look on us with lov-ingeyo, Thoudostlove us, Sav-iour dear, Lit - tie hymns Thy prais-esuwell, When we learn and when we pray, Ev - erread - y to o - oey, Hear us, ho - Hear us, ho . Hear us, ho • Hear us, ho ■ Hear us, ho - ly Je ly Je ly Je ly Je ly Je - sus. - sus. - sus. - sus. - sus. #=!= ±= If- r»-r»- kr-# •rCM LABOR AND REST. J. H. HALL. 77 bor here, With care and griet oppressed, to say, A few more songs to sing, i A few more days to la few more words for us few moretimesfor Christ to speak, A few more times to pray, few more tears for us toshed, A few more partings o'er, A A A- A A . -A • A 9L% 14 14 14 -t- >=t :fr r©- J! A « few more days the And then our harp is And then the morn for And then the gold - en cross to bear, laid a- way, us shall break, way we tread, •+- -t- ■1 4 14 1 4 A— A-fc- ] Chobus. • J-T— J ■ *l p j I J -J— ■" And then we And our rest. Un-tuned in ev - 'ry stri Morn of e - ter - nal day Up to the shin-ing shore. :«-$ 3-^- :!A A-- v _J l_l_ a±9=f^ that blest home.That home,s weet home,In that sweet by-and - by.. ^F- A^-4 _*_ 4 We shall meet with the blood-washed throng, 9" -»— »-r J— 0-O-9— »-r ?— F-P-"^^-^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ' A-KA-r* — K-> In the sweet, the sweet by-and - by. A- 9— — 0—0-r-& ■+■ -+- 111 * *=*=* t £=P- -¥-M- V-V- m fv=*= sweet by-and- by, u u u by- and- by. 78 THOU WILT KEEP HIM IN PERFECT PEACE. Mrs. ADALINE H. BEERY. s &?W- fciz -#— • H- _,* *_N 8. W. STRAUB. By per. S s. .. *T -*--- 3v=r\ 0—0- -0 — 0- =t=F -R=P #^T^r 3J-«- 1. Fa- ther, we would think on Thee When dark shadows cross our way ; When Thine im - age fills our 2. May we trust Thy precious word, Bless- ed to -ken of Thy grace ! Grant that in its pre-cepts 3. Help us to for - get the world, All its pain and grief and wrong; May our thoughts be fixed on T^C — i Ti P — * *nr- m A F :Z -V^+- 3L -*- -fa /— h—tr W V V- -v—v- 5EE -h — hr- ? E d— V- -Ah -r- ±Z=fe=jH -A— :SEz=t=|iz^: -¥-¥—¥- I ±* 4- 4t Chorus. -3 — ••- 3 ^ — I— h — h- -4i ^ — y — h- — i — •— U — u u d — ^ — -V- — h d d hearts, All our night kind We may see Thysmil-ing face. J- Hopes may die Thee, And break forth in thank - ful song.) is turned to day. ) ' e. [l W- P and friend-ships fail, Storms may §s BE -Ah I f =t rtJ -F— A- -g— ^ — P- if; i i ££ -b-*- — i — %- §S* i. =fe T~t -A — P- II sweep life's troub-led sea, Thou wilt keep In per- feet peace Him whose mind is staid on Thee. :fc± I F=F^ -Al Ah v-v—9- f *-•— w 9-v- m W.B COME TO JESUS. No. 1. WM. BEERY .79 \ 1. Come 2. Come 3. Come Je- sus,come to Je - sus, He gave His life for you, He in ev Je- sus.come to Je - sus, No bet- ter Friend you'll And; Friends on earth Je- sus,come to Je - sus, He calls you ev - 'ry hour; Come, no long - fczg: -*— t- -0--0- •-r t - -0- -4— Hk- -^-g- -V- r^i-K k • k — k-'-k- -I©- rytime of troub - le may all for - sake you ; er spurn your Mas- ter, -0 --» • F -0- -t&- -i — y—9- ► — i — i -I H -i^— g HA — IA-1 fea y y p ^ Chorus. Will He's Ac tell ev cept -0- m y you what to do. ~| • er true and kind. VCome ye His sav - ing pow'r. ) — "fl-k_k- V heav y la den. -0- ~0- -0 3=P=^ z^-n~K W'VV • v y y Come ye wea - ry, b IS N ^ IN i W^-f— w y heav y y la - den, d- .i a_ rl- it Wh* -w- -^ _N_3 -^-tzl- =3-~ -6> 01 9 i willyoustill de - lay? He'll lead you thro' the gates of heaven, He is the on - ly way. ♦ ♦ J — J - -T-, « — k_i_k_k_k_fi_k — Jlj*i*_ a a y I -h -t -#- i— I! &=h + v-t^- -k- -i — -k— k — k -^ — i— — >— -I- 4- -H ±: £-_irpz£=£: V V v v- V 80 A, H. B. ON TO PERFECTION. ±=r-l 3C -fe— P6— N- -Ai- —I 1 1- * Mrs. ADALINE H. BEERT. =H -♦:*- 1. We're march- ing with ban - ners all 2. We scat - ter kind words as we're 3. Dear Sav-iour, we long to be wav - ing pass - ing hold tbee -A- -A- -ki £ -r- and bright, "We're bound a - long; .Some life on high, Where spir - -4 — ' '■ r-fc — * for a coun . that is troub its are per - £ 4- 23S # 4- -ff -P- /T\ S7\ -&-P*S— rV v : SEE«± — s -j — i — i j Vfzzt =ft =FSt =Jt = lt-=lt=J^=t fr- £=t= try of led we bright - en feet and joys nev beau- ty and light; We're with song; We er die; O climb -ing the heights which our Sav - iour has won, gath - er rich prom - is - es strewn by the way, give us the vie - to - ry o - ver each sin, ON TO PERFECTION.-Ooncluded. s Chorus. I * -Pi- 81 £ Be -♦- ^p :q^: vfr IS -AH Then "on to per - fee -#— f 8 - tion " our mot - to shall be ; Our pat - tern is Je - £ ±fc -H^ £~=^ * -rV- !*= $— r 51 Si- /CS -- N- 2 -*H 4- H- H- sus, whose blood made I 1 ■+- —I — free; '/TS r We leave -fel- fc -4- _^_ -At- 1 — A ±- all our sins and press m ± p-j i >-fi— J /T\ ft i -♦— *r -*l — Al =S= *=J dr 93F* g: the goal, Where Christ will re -" ward ev - 'ry sane - tl - fled soul. P ^L_^_ a^ is jt- Br :t: ;b: -I 1 1 H 1 — -r*~s-|A ,, :E -t- I] 82 TEMPERANCE BATTLE CALL. Words and Melody by ELLA J. BEUMBAUGH. WM. BEEKT, i ± — fi» ^r- m s H — I — I — I — I- i 9 1. A - 2. A- - 3. The "t~ wake ! a - wake ! gird rise and give your • Lord of hosts will ^S^ i % -5— Jr -* on your ar - mor, Christ the Lord and self un - to Him; He hath done so sure - ly cou - quer, He is strong - er Mas - ter calls; much for you, than the foe; ii£* A' -« ' F H 1- H h ^- **=?*? -3 t—i — a(- =P ^HSF =s 1 bids you come list to - day while He leads and a with ■v- join the con - fiict For the glo - rious temperance cause. faith - ful sol - dier, Serv - ing all the jour - ney through, sweet as - sur . ance, "We may ev - er for - ward go. ■w A & 1 \~ V pzzzt 3 Choeus. s TEMPERANCE BATTLE CALL.-Concluded. 83 fc -Al- 5 -* — M r — M- •#-#■ peo - pie are cap - tlve ta - ken for the =5= ^=* Sot- the seep - ter wields. II The Lord, He -i 1 — -it tfc- -HA- :t=: LITTLE ONES LIKE ME. j — -p l . t f- 11 i * s>— rV- GEO. B. HOLSINGEB. ^ 35 -*- H 3 i * d - -d"T W— ■ 1 s a — a — *H^f = -f^-g^i — ^ -i ?=■ -t-«- -♦ — *- -M — Ah 1. Je - sus, when 2. Moth - ers then 3. Did the Sav ■ 4. Chll-dren,then, he left the sky, And for sin - ners came to die, In the Sav - iour sought, In the pla - ces where he taught, Un iour say them nay ? No, he kind - ly bade them stay ; Suf should love Him now, Strive His ho - ly will to do, Pray u his mer - cy - to Him their fer'd none to to Him, and pip -t— -»- -*- I -h A' ■#- ■#- -It -?— V- ■^=£=£ -5<— 1»<- Ekfrain. i k £3==S SE3 *-r- br- £=£ Fine. T+ ffi £ ♦ I * «- -fer— N- D.S. -AS- V 1± passed not by Lit children brought, Lit turn a - way, Lit praise Him too, Lit . tie ones like me, • tie ones like me, ■ tie ones like me, ■ tie ones like me. TO=^ ?-*- =t Lit - tie ones like* me, *- -ft-, -n- -r -ft- -Is hr— . — Is Is Lit - tie ones y— v — *—*■ £= like me ; A -fV *— P E5= ^- — 7 — 1 TRUSTING IN JESUS. M ' 41 V V 1. Sim-ply trust- Ing ev - ery day. Trust-trig thro' 2. Trusting as the moments fly, Trust-lng as 3. Trusting Him while life shall last, Trust-ing Him «F*=-"£ 1 PP -F-f*-*-f«- F-F — h HS>- -•— #- astorm-y way, Trust-ing when myfaith is small, - thedays go by, TrusWng. Him what e'er be- fall till earth is past, Till with - in the jas - per wall, &- — s— 5 — i . . . u. -h — i — -t — F-kr E* ^— ?- f -©• u p u u> y p I Chorus. § :|=fu ^E^ ^ -41 — 4h Trust-ing Je - sus, Trust-ing Je - sus, Trusting Je - sus, • ' that that that — I- 3- If! 9 is all. is all is all, $r- -* Af- 1 -t\- -4^ ^=4h -N- -Ah ;} §Ses k ___^. Trust - lng Je - - - sus, trust-lng Je - sus. Trust [- ing *-?—*—£—£ F^-F F- ^=A=S- hr F- -p— tt— k- -tj r*==" ^ l>- U " U -i IN tr£ Trust - ing Je - sus, f h l. ^Hl ^^T^^- 11 "A-M- -jW— ■- ^~ -a- -41- -4^ -41- -#-*■ ~^~-^~ -£J Je - sus that is all, To His pro - mis-es I'll cling, Trust-lng Je r sus that Is all. Trust-ing Je- sus, Trusting Je-sus, 0. F. ALEXANDER. Andantino. FOLLOW ME. WM, BEEHT. 85 A-N *=*=* -N— N i — i- ^a&E3BQBt -& Al — Ah- 1. Je- sus calls 2. Je-sus calls 3. Je- sus calls ^ n us o'er the tu-mult Of this world's wide restless sea; Day by day His sweet voice usfromthe wor-ship Of this vain world's golden store; From each i- dolthatwould us from the darkness, Bids us from its ter-rors flee, Points the way to heavenly $ A -£■-•-• -F--F- -*-• h* F F- -P- ?e=P=hc b— h -S*-W-SC -F- A- -F- -#— #- -bM- -v-v- -»— »- -&-V-&- I ES *-*-^- mm m -Ah -Ah * whis-pers. Say - ing to us," Fol - low keep us,— Say - ing to us," Fol - low man-sions, Say - irig to us," Fol - low A-4* AzA — h — Me." In our joys and in our sor-rows Days of Me." Je-sus calls us: by thy mer- cies, Sav-iour, Me." Sav-iour, we would jour- ney with Thee,Praise and Bir!?-fex-- A z= A ztz^ = t= F^ :t=t: -£ *- JMt H£r- ■V— ^ -F— F— F- =V-r- ^— ix- ■F— F^ *fzft -»- V V s^ te -A-A 1U N_JS. II ^ :fc±T=:*=i -«— ♦- -F-r -Ah-A^ It- -Ah-Ah FF ^— + -Ah -£j -h toil and hours of ease, In our cares and in our pleasures, Say - ing,"Love me more may we hear Thy call? Give our hearts to Thy o - bedience,Serve and love Thee best serve Thee more and more; Till we reach our Father's kingdom On the ev - er bloom than these." of all. -ing shore. By permission, A. J. Showai.ter & Co. 86 AH is WHEN JESUS COMES AGAIN. Mrs. ADALINE H. BEEKT. 1. The sun shall pale be - fore 2. All grief shall turn to sing 3. He'll wipe all tears of sad Him ing, The moon for - get And pain for - ev shine.When Christ,with hosts of flee; The strife with sin be »"f-i ■li.iiu |«uj iui ** • - V* uvc. jii* .- i i i n » nil Dill uc ness With His own wound-ed hand ; And take his lov - ing •'-fr-Su PV — I i- -^>4-N i i s — + bring -est joy to men ; O earth, bring loud ho - san - nas, When Je - sus comes a - gain. IS 9 - J,. .*■ r^ ,j ,,- -I 1 ' 1 1 K> 1 ►— -— h A- H 1 1 1 f— :*=*: II EVENING SONG. J. H, HALL. 87 Not too fast. m -V-N-, ±=^ i -^ 1 I Si * £ fet 1. Saviour breathe an ev'ningbless - ing, Ere re-pose our spir-its seal; 2. Tho' the night be dark and drear - y, Dark -ness cannot hide from Thee; Sin and want we come con • Thou art He who ne v - er i=tt= .^ A ■A A- -A- U C l ir ;< Hk-35- -rV-r^-V- ^ W 1/ - / k -p- A £- -^tfc— Mr- £ k-v- :i N |\ K H 1- A-^ ^=^=^=^ | -Ah -*- "AHr^- £ *:=*=* IS ■j^~KZ3tut fess - ing ; wea - ry, - a 4* Thou canst save and Thou canst heal. Watch - est where Thy peo - pie be. 0— *- fe^EE? Though de - struction walk a - round Should swift death this night o'er - take us, us, &E 1A- ^=V- & m v—v- V V M a! i-4.i: , -&. Though the arrows past us fly, Angel guards from Thee surround us ; We are safe if Thou art nigh. And command us to the tomb, Maythemorninheav'n a-wake us, Clad in bright e- ter - nal bloom. pi «±£ z*=£=t W 14 -A- -A- A LA * IA IA 4A— IA— 1A- £* -HA-'-r 1 — I— -F— hr-t— -e^— H& IP HERALDS OF JESUS, HERALDS OF LIGHT. W. H. PONTIUS. Mr H S -H ■^—0-* — j H 1 t tv-i- =5=* 3= ?=* * =5: lr*-**t- 1. All round the earth.what wea- ry heartsareaching,And heav'nwardgo whatcloudsofse-eret .sighs; What 2. Lo! ships are plough-lug far, on ev - 'ry o- cean.The sails of traf - fie filled by ev-'ry breeze; When 3. Star of earth's nignt,greatHer-ald of themorning, We see Thy sign glow in th'ho-ri- zon there: Fres|i 4. Lift Thou the shad -ows fall-ing thick a-round us, Lord,show Thy-self, and lead Thy peo-ple on! Break ggB ■0- 4--t' -t- -vk- 1 ^— I- - A A -A V V- W k. -+ h V-V-V-fcr :-QE fff^TT -fc* g;.:r> k - v v f -f- H — , u 1 y £=^: -«- S3 £=$ U7W * i lone - ly, lad - en ones from sin are wak - ing, Turn - ing to God will God's peo - pie, cloth'd with like de - vo - tion, Send gos pel balm cour . age take, all pains and per - ils scorn - ing, And bringourgifts Thou the fet - ters, that in sin hath bound us, And sin and sor §a* -t Eg v- -A J -^-» 6 their ea - ger, nun- gry eyes, to bring the bur-den'dease. to Thee.with praise and pray'r. row shall from, earth be gone. -K- -0- m ~t&- \ r- £=p=*-p =P=| ■tt=ttr- ■v—v-^—y- ff -V-9- t Choeus. %m m s| fe=3=i= N " h I t- 3 d- Her - aids of Je - sus, , 9 * aids of light, Go where the lost are igl -p- ~\~ -y- -y— i -i -?— v — ■ — #^F H ♦- HA- -#- -#- ± — v- £ By permission of J. E. Rankin, Orange Valley, N. J. f M HERALDS OF JESUS, HERALDS OF HGHT -Concluded. 89 *=*=* _, ^ -t— -^— »; » — Go where the dark-ness is, Bind m&t *. up each bleed - ing wound : :! -ah e!=t 4^ -£ *=*Z3: Drive back the night. =L— tz NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE. -i i Si/ -1=-- *---* i WM. BEEET. II i -» *-^-d— ^ ■a — •— i— hw- f * j^-ri*M -£H 4r— r- 71- r e ~©i- -&- -£r ■& — A- all ■ to 1. Near - er, my God, to Thee.Near - er 2. Though like the wan-der- er— Day- light 3. There let the way ap-pear Steps un - 4. Then with my wak-ing thoughts,Bright with Thy praise.Out of my sto - ny griefs,Beth. Thee, E'en tho' It be a cross That gone, Dark- ness be o - ver me, My heav'n, All that Thou send-est me, In rais- rest mer- el r :- eth ©K--— - s A ^r. -f— + P—F-F- E* #■ : k- & -& T* ■f2 *-* >5 F^-f-P- -bc — (x -, 1 — I- :£=* a me ; stone : giv'n; raise : -0 — m- F*-* -kM-L i fczzf S -\—m — i- — i — i- •Al — Ah- £*• --©- EJ-±*= «: r •jSJ — Ar-AH ftFjf* -^1-- -©I- S^::3Ei: -&r- btji r* ^ SB Still all my song shall be, Near- er, my God, to Thee,Near- er, my God, to Thee.Near - er tb| Thee. Yet' in my dreams I'd be Near - er, my God, to Thee,Near- er, my God, to Thee.Near - er to Thee. An- gels to beck -on me, Near - er, my God, to Thee.Near- er, my God, to Thee.Near - er to Thee. So by my woes to be— Near - er, my God, to Thee,Near- er, my God, to Thee,Near - er to Thee. sas p—*—*- _ 'j — i — i — i— ■Tirr-P- l -^T*- iJ - -P-r 8? ■I h =F=h= H h -»—&- ±=t: -P-,-0- SI 90 MAQGIE MAT DANEHY. CHRISTMAS BELLS. m From " Oreation."-Arr. by WM. BEEBY. -*- -AH =t -rV~h -I I- - y-g- *^=*=l i 1. Sweet bells of Christ-mas, while the morn Comes smil - ing o'er the 2. Glad bells of Christ-mas ! o'er and o'er Ring out thy hap - py 3. Dear bells of Christ-mas! ring, oh, ring, For - ev - er down the hills of snow ; voi - ces clear, com - ing years, §a* H — HA- HA- HA- HA- *=£ -0- A—A- f i t*i nfr =r -# 1 h f -*bt -Al r- ZtZDt -Ah ^ -£h -tf- 1 Once more nn - to our Re - call - ing all the Ring out all grief and ears are borne Thy scenes once more To sor - row - ing, Ring mel - o - dy of long mem-o - ry and child in thy glad - ness o'er a - go. hood dear, our fears. ■■- 4*- HP- % m^ -A-h -h— h — v — v — v- H£r- £1 L+4 h /-J- , i - _) — ^ ^i — % — | — A1 _ der - ly thy en days I So and young, wher. wel - come notes Fall swift - lv gone, When ev - er fall Thy on our hearts this life seems but one bless - ed notes this morn - ing when hoi i - day, morn in praise, ->-£ :?--£ -*-. -0—0- -i v- -h- -I*.-- te*£ i CHRISTMAS BELLS -Concluded. S^ i =t =1= =*=t ?T\ -AH -T- -I- -Al- -4 -T A . h- O'er all the laud our Whose Christ-mas morn - ings, Ring In once more a 9t, * bless -ing floats Of "Peace on earth, good will to men." one by one, So quick -ly, bright- ly pass a - way I like for all The joy and peace of child- hood days; -H -I 1" Pf- -+■ I 8 -AH -At- *=?**=* 5 -4— *- By wint - 'ry breez - es What joys, what hopes, what Oh, where -so - ev - er swept a -long, That vis - ions fair Of joy - ous an - them youth - ful dreams, thy may roam, Wher - e'er the wand -'ring I EEfe HA- HA- H4- -A— A- ±zz±: n on - ward swells, mu - sic tells, spir - it dwells, -0- ±: ha-- — A — A- 8 95 Year As O'er -Uk- j r r "n-J^i — i- -Aj Al-J- 5 * A>- af mer - ri land or HA- ter year th year the ly up sea, we'll i=t==l -Ar- — Al — -T5l 1 same old song, Yet dear to all, sweet Christ - mas bel's. on the air "Four forth thy chimes, glad Christ -mas " E >' s \ hast- en home In dreams of thee, dear Christ - mas bells! £ -V — v- ]] 92 WHAT MUST IT BE TO BE THEE! M eioa y ^.sailor. MKS. ELIZABETH MILLS. Harmonized by WM, BEEEY. 1. 2. 3. 4. We We We O speak speak speak Lord, k P of the realms of of its path-ways of its ser - vice a - midst glad - ness the of of or blest, gold- love, woe, That Its The For coun - try so bright and so fair ; walls decked with jew - els so rare- robes which the glo - ri - fied wear, heav - en our spir - its pre - pare ; 3r -\k--~ bk- -t — £: :t: s M- s-i » : v -kSr 4 ^ - — u- -bk — bk- 1k,— 'j- *t£; % fc= ft^fc ^i — r\ V 1" 9i JS i k k' — k k k And oft are its glo - ries Its won -ders and pleasures The church of the first-born And short- ly we al - so — ♦ f-k HA" —14- A^=k con-fessed, un - told ; a - bove; shall know k— But But But And v J*- jEiM=i itn :r=?:-=Jt what must it what must it what must it feel what it be be be to to to to ■Mkr -kr-'- ■v- g- H£s- J -kk-'— ik- jg: £=teS=£= t tm be there ! be there ! be there! be there. i Choeus. rVft --^ J> ft ^ = P= ■£sh -£~M 't -*— N-^ -i- 3^ N-4- tZZlLZ. I± 9^=*i= k P L> ' To be there, to be there, to be there, to be there, O, what must it be -p-'-p'-fz_ -»-•-»-»- .. -P- -P- -»- BE k— i- k k k — |A-iHA— tk -R -^-V— £-| H= -+- :=f^ f H 1 L_ k / to be there; With $ ^s k k WHAT MUST IT BE TO BE THERE !-Concluded. JOURNEYING HOMEWARD. WM, BEEET, Hand in hand to- geth-er, Singing as we go, We will jour-ney on-ward, All We arever-y hap-py, For the Saviour's love Beams a - bout our pathway From So we'll go to - geth-er, Singing all the way; Pressing on to heaven, Near the way His home er ev - ' PJg 44 _^ «_ ■hrHh—h J^^ZJ^Z^. ■t-rf t^U-A V-r k— &*= JT— 9- -&- frf4 V— k— e- « be - low ; a - bove ; ry day ; -m — — » — #- 6? -p ■v— y— k- a i: N is -h— n SB -•— • -A — Ah a 3=* -A- t^j Sometimes clouds will gath-er, Thenthesun shines bright: But we'll trustour Fa-ther, In the dark as light. We are His, and noth-ing Frights or harms His own ; And He nev - er leaves us, Marching on a - lone. Growing to be ho- ly, Like our bless-ed Lord, Shin-ing in His beau-ty, This our great re -ward. cs=*=aL# k— k k-1 -P— P- v P~ K ~V k -tc^= -e- -1 — f— u" !a" ¥—¥—¥—¥■ .#__*_ ■h — h- *?■ 94 LEAVE IT WITH HIM. 0. E. HTJT0HIN8. IS IN -N-N *=* I ~AI AH -j— ^ — fcy ■fr-h-d- il- H h ifczSl ■ ■ H ^ ^ m — iife 1. Oh leave it with Him; The lil - ies all do, They grow in the rain,And they grow in the dew, — 2. They ask notyour planting,Theyneed not your care^ropp'ddownin the valley,The field, an- y-where,— 3. The grass - es are cloth'd And the rav- ens are fed t But you who more loved And guar- ded and led, -A- -A A A- ' ' I T -F m » -v-v- V^a>—^ s p b=b is — v l > v \ — ■ P S= «=^A-^fe QBa ||j i ' r ^F : }^r!h l A^L -*-* 3fc^I A 1 A' A 1 =N-N- H-I *7 1 They grow in the darkness, AH hid in the night, They grow in the sun-shine re- vealed by the light. They grow in their beau-ty Ar-rayed in pure white.They grow cloth'd in glo - ry, by heav - en's own light. He will clothe you and feed you And give you His care ; Then leave it with Him,He'll pro- vide ev- ery-wbere, A-A- A AA -0—0- £q — *- v y v v m m& 9-v- Chorus. V V U =t=H*= * V-b^ « m vUJ j: I *: -&-N- «l — ^ — 4) 1 P-»j 1 — * aP-«(- rs i . gl — *- — =*- tes.leave It with Him; You'r more dear to His heart,Than the lil - ies that bloom, Or the now-ers that start. i fc=£ ff LEAVE IT WITH HIM. fc* -Concluded. 95 -AH ^ ^^8 -ri-tfj — sH- ^ — =r- ^=* J d _^_^_ 3t3t if- 3<=N: j- -^Vrf. Whal-ev - er you need, If you ask It in pray'r, You can leave it with Him.S'or you know you'rHis care. -0 0^4 — 0—0- -i 1 ia — l3 1 l_ P=k= I -|A- 5=F- g. 'Z -* — * — * — 1* — ■ — ' — 1 — ! — 1 — * * • I— h-b-g: 1 1 FT ■V-- y-/ THE LORDS PRATER. i Slowly and reverently. f -AH 1. Our Father which art in heaven, 2. Give us this day 3. And lead us not into temptation, but.. -i. . Hallow'd our deliv - er -- be dai Thy name, i ly bread. from evn; £ -It ifittfr*^ r N "N Pi 8 m -*^*- -N— fv * Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on || earth as it And forgive us our debts, as |[ we for For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the U glo- ry for -A! — AH T ri^ -cJU it is give heaven. debtors, ever. A -s- 8 I J£3?l Wz: ^IXoX /- "^^f^-' 96 L. B. M. I WILL SING OF THE BEAUTIFUL CITY. xt -t\ — IV- L. B. MITCHELL. H — I — t m -h—h -0 — #- j=?^zzfz£ I will sing of the beau - tl ful Cit I will sing of the rest that re - main - eth For the faith - ful and true And the theme of my song is e - ter - nal, And to all who are true U 1/ y That is glo - rious and fair 4t^ A A* 14 - to be of the it is hold. Lord, given, f- ?¥M For 'tis said O the hope It is sung that its walls are of jas of the soul is most pre on the earth by the pil per And its street are all paved with pure gold, cious, E - ven here 'tis a glo-rious re - ward, grims, But the cho - rus in lull is in Heaven. Ves I will sing, Yes t will sing By permission ol the Author. bright and fair, I WILL SING OF THE BEAUTIFUL CITY.-Concluded. 97 I will sing, f m ±3t ± Yes I will sing 3m a a a ' l$4 S N »i — i & II fr fcfc ~ F ' k P T " yes I will sing I ^ N IS —A— A— A— A A— A 1 A— A A A — A- 1 1 F— I 1 1 F— 1 ■— ■- y— y- -k — ts— L— t . ~ -i 1* \ * m - -r\-JM- t+^f A-^—^—A—h- rt ^1 Of the home that a- wait-eth me there. a- wait-eth me there. ft fcttt: -t- f- -gi-g- s i — i — i — \ *=*=*=* hr~+ V-¥-¥-¥-\ Bthme ^ J. £ rs A) — i — F» ■ ^ Yes I will sing, I will sing, I will sing WARE. L.M. 2=2 1. How sweet to leave 2. From bus - y scenes 3. "Chief of ten thous 5 :5 ■4>- the world we ' now and!'' now -O- & fc ^=ts tt=* ^ -A-—FV- -*=*: i i ^q j _j j i T-f -AH yt^i -Ah =*=it way. For then I would fly a - way, For then I would fly way, fly 0, THAT I HAD THE WINGS OF A DOVE.-Concluded. 99 O, that I had the wings, had the i 3*= tl T K II ±rv- -0-±— 0- -©I- then I would fly m g £ m -F 1 1 F- — Hr-1 5 — fcr ^4 way, fly -* *- a - way and -£H be -£x ! f f- -r at rest, -h $=F -©- , 7" be at rest. II IOOj.e.eakkin.d.d. OUT OF ZION MAY GOD BLESS THEE. i E^ £=*#» as -*r- ~N -^— ^— ^-v-^- F =TT1~" W. H, PONTIOS -#- -a- -&- T" «-i ♦^♦~ -4Li. 1. Out of Zi - on may God bless thee ! When earth's troubles sore dis- tress thee, When eart.i'6 burdens heav-y 2. Out of Zi - on may God bless thee ! Heal the sor-rows that op- press thee, With a Fa-ther's kiss ca - 3. Out of Zi - on may God bless thee! All w the prom-is- es ad -dress thee, Grapes of Esh-col pluck and 4. Out of Zi - on may God bless thee! With His own at last cou-fess thee, In "white robes of glo - ry press thee, And 'tis hard the tide to stem, ress thee; With love's seal thy fin - ger gem, press thee ; With His guards a - round thee hem dress thee, Set thee in Life's di - a - dem. :} Out of Zi on may God 9^ 3= IFF* 1 £ ■'ff -*■ t=t -£ rac i 9 ¥ Out of y 9 Zi - on S -W- ?E 5 -e 1 - bless thee, Save may God bless thee, thee -I I from rn $ p~ m \ 9* -*— i _V- £ Je S: :£: lem. Out of By permission of J. E. Rankin, D. D. Orange Valley, N. J. OUT OF ZION MAY GOD BLESS THEE.-Concluded. 101 i — i— — b— -P- - 1- — =4= =5 Zi - - on Out of Zi - on may God bless 1 thee, "R -4- :i -4- 5* I Save . thee from Je sa - lem. -f*-#-#- $E± £ H 9* ^hC s=^ E ? ,. 1/ EAT PALMER, D. D„ 1830. -v- s t= -P- -P- -t: NEW HAVEN. 6s & 9s. r f BE. THOS. HASTINGS, 1833. I 3^5: -V --$$ -A — M- feg: -t- H — i EElEE: 1. My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Cal va - ry ; Sav - iour . di - vine; 2. May Thy rich grace im-part Strength to my faint - ing heart; My zeal in -spire; 3. While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs a - round me spread, Be Thou my guide ; 4. When ends life's transient dream ; When death's cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll ; Now hear As Thou Bid dark Blest Sav- me hast -ness iour, ■while I pray; Take all my guilt a -way; O, let me from this day, Be wholly Thine, died for me, O may my love to Thee Pure, warm and changeless he— A liv - ing fire, turn to day; Wipe sor-row's tears • a - way, Nor let me ev - er stray From Thee a - side, then in love, Fear and dis- trust re -move; O bear me safe a - bove — A ransom'd soul. #-• ■#■ ■ft- -\ — k- k- P -F e t=±: -K- K ■P- •#- -k- -i9 — m — i -i 1 — h 'I 1 — h £-. &-i ■ D 102 Words arranged. GATHERED HOME. 1 PS fc :q=a -i — i- i 5 !^: GEO. B, HOLSINGEB. -t 1 ^ " irrt — h- ^L- -0-*- =J 1. Shall we all meet at home in the morn- ing, On the shores of the bright crys- tal sea? 2. Shall we all meet at home in tthe morn- ing, And from sor - row for-ev - er be free? 3. Shall we all meet at home in the morn- ing, Our bless - ed Re-deem- er to see? With the lov'd ones wholong have been wait - ing? What a meet- ing in-deed there will be. Shall we join in thesongs of the ran - som'd?What a meet- ing in-deed there will be. Shall we know and beknown by our lov'd ones? What a meet- ing in-deed there will be. I — v fS vt r-z tt n SHi? — r- ^-3? G- 0^0 it -M -•-*-#- 0^0 fiF-^ -©--*- i. I— gjr-jczk- Gath- er'd home, Gath- er'd home, 6n the shores of the bright crystal sea; gather'd home, gath-er'd home, crystal sea; i r* & i f* 8 g r* • g g l r» -! — b — k-l — h—W V-V- -F bf" -I — t^— gH fc^— 9> -i — h GATHERED HOME. -Concluded. Gath-er'd liome, Gath-er'd Gather'd home, home, With our lov'd Gath-er'd home, ones for- to 2»i ±k £ -A— A- fT WW 9 - -A- Pi, k— *- M~\ y-^-\ — v— v- t^rt^f- *=>ci:fa±»i: *=?- -P— P be. -£r- J -^ 1 i I Boldly. ± 3=q3 1. Come, "2. The t ♦t ^*#rt ^2: COME, MY SOUL! ^3- *** ** -J -Ah W. F. WEKSCHKUL, =£ .^_^- -*l--d -rsH- H— f V ! 3. O, sea O, come, my soul! lift with all its and let us =t n up thy voice; With song before the Lord re-joice.And true pearl- y caves, Its vast expanse, its roll-ing waves, Is held wor - ship now, Be - fore the Lord our fa - ces bow, And at rsi thanksgiving bring ; with - in His hand ; His al- tar kneel; Our God, the rock on which we rest,With whose sal-va - tion we are blest.Great and e - ter ■ The might - y streams that o - cean seek, Wide plain and snow-clad mountain peak.By Him perpetu He our God and He I KrA 9g*ff -m— m- -9—9- -I h— a- lone Our Mak - er and -$— t- * W—W 3t=tr- i f m -9—9- our Judge we own, His I jL * • nal King, al stand. boundless love we feel. :^zt:=t= 104 Mrs, ADALINE H. BEERY. TEMPERANCE HYMN. God Gird 3. Has ■ i. Out 1. 2. of might, Truth and right, Hear Thy peo-ple's pray'r to- day ; us all From dark thrall Neighbors, Mends and kin to save; ten down With Thy frown For' the cru - el, shameless trade; and in, Chained in sin, Drunkards wear the de-mou's brand; Send a flame In thy name, When men sup Rum's red cup, Right we choose, And we'll use Grave Thy laws, Win ourcause, Whs f\ -i, -J I s 1 i 1 1 J 1 PS 1 1 r^ 4-: - 4 *z 1 ;■■ u V * ■ ! *! * •^ «| -w> ■Av ? -3 • 1 I "*,_ '-A— *- +£ •1 ~H =r— 1 — W w • * -1 — i — ~j * « * • • * V -W d- J ~4 That Snatch To And A . shall wipe them from the death re - deem A the its Thy our * curse a fl - 'ry tem-p'rance na - tive way ! That grave ! Snatch blade ! To laud, And A A * shall wipe them from the death re - deem A A the its Thy our ▲ 1 curse a - fl . 'ry tem-p'rance na - tlve way; grave ; blade; land; Bt~^— r h a . -• #— -ft JL_ J-^ 2^ ? 14. * — j fa. — r^ i— ' i . ■] L ~* ■ a ' — ! — *- ' 1 1 1 r* i r 1 V H " 1 V 1 1 I -#-1 1- =1— 5fe -i- ^=* ^-* : i — i- -Ah Send a flame When men sup Right we choose, Grave Thy laws, In thy name, Rum's red cup, And we'll use Win our cause, * 3=* II That shall wipe the Snatch them from its To the death Thy And re - deem our 9* t± £=* ■+■ ±: -*- curse a - wavi fl - 'ry grave! tern - p'rance blade ! na - tive land. I I —I 1 V 1 ^ -AH ANTIOCH. 0. M. --* , — r- N 105 -ah =t f= — i — -&- m 1. Joy to the world I the Lord has come ! Let earth iliiii re - ceive ber i r\ 4 . d King: 2 Joy to the earth I the Saviour reigns, Let men their songs employ ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and Repeat the sounding joy. [plains, u u u And heav'n and na-ture sing, 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes fo make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love. WHITER THAN THE SNOW. GEOBGE D. BTTCHANAIT, 1. Come, my Re-deem - er, come, 2. Ex - ert Thy might - y pow'r 3. Rule thou in ev - 'ry thought And deign to dwell with me; And ban - ish all my Bin; And . pas- sion of my soul, Come and Thy right as-sume, In this au-spic- ionshonr, 'Till all my pow'rs are brought And make my heart Thy last- ing home, is ■ s r* & ' N-d- "S -■"♦ And make my heart And muke my heart -9 2±j — I- — N— I-— ^-•- -♦-•-♦— ♦-- « ♦- -A- ' -Ar -A- ' * Thy Thy 3-F "i — :?: r — g- last- ing home, home, -Ah I -A} * Wash me in the blood of the Lamb, And Wash me in the blood of the Lamb, And -Af -A- 7^ -*" ^^> - S ? By permission (if G. D. Buch vn\n. owner of the Copyright. ? u ~ — w — L- :bz±t WHITER THAN THE SNOW.-Concluded. 107 i -i- > ^ rs -)- i 1 — — d-f"*- - 7 5)-'- 1 CT I t -*- I shall be whit - er than snow, I shall be whit - er than the snow, jj h h-A- I shall bo whit- er than the snow, I shall be whit -er, whit- er than the snow, :«--£ _^ |$-«_|5-.ff ff_±. : p S_ • -8_p w~ •-- -i- -£ -A- A- _^ i , y£ -fl — *- -\ zfe-^zT "> ir - -r*1 ~N b 1 7TV_j ^^5 t • i _>. N» \ -A N _Aj_ ^ , , b • a 4 • *< — — H =£^f . -^ —£•-- M M M. • ' >a I shall I shall "A- Tk * * r be whit -er than the snow, be whit- er than the snow, i yes, -1 • Wash Wash -A- . -Ah -Ah * me in rae in V 7 the blood of the blood, in the the 9*=^ = !^ -w— « "t — * — P- £ m tt\ & • _ • ' i 1 o • » h t ■ t A •- A- A •■- r A i P ! V V '* V P £-- £ ^ 5 ^ F * 108 WHEN SHALL WE ALL MEET AGAIN ? wm.beeby. Arr, by W. F, WEB.8CHKUL. cres. p . J__ _J N_ n , 1 M £. 1. When shall we all meet 2. Tlio' in dis - tant lands 3. When the dreams of life a- gain? When shall we all meet a- gain? Off shall glow- ing we sigh.Parch'd be- neath a hos - tile sky : Tho' the deep be - are fled. When its wast- ed lamps are dead; When in cold ob - ex- pire Oft shall wear - ied love us roll. Friend- ship shall u - nite ious shade, Beau - ty fame, and pow'r I A t re- tire, Oft shall death and our souls, still in fan - cv's are laid ; Where im - mor - tal sor rieh spir row reign do- main, its reign, 9 E'er we all Oft shall we There may we A- -itr -U- -h- -u- fc — k — * -h shall all all I meet meet meet a - gain, a - pain, a - gain, E'er we all shall Oft shall we all There may we all I I ■ meet meet meet gain, gain, gain. -'- 1 -A- A- — I- -&- S|| THE STRANGER AT THE DOOR. 109 ♦- -♦- ♦ ^ ^ ^ ^ -♦- " • 1. Be- hold a stranger at the door! He gently knocks, has knocked before; Has waited long, is wait- ing still; 2 O! love- ly at - ti-tude,He stands With melting heart and open hands; O! matchless kindness,and He shows- 3. But will He prove a friend indeed? He will,thever- y friend you need; The friend of sin - ners, yes, 'tis He, 4. Ad- mit Him ere His an-ger burn.His feet de-part- ed, rte'er re-turn; Ad- m it Him, or the hour's at hand, -0 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- r ^=^c -A— A— A- -»--*- -k— k— k— k- ■I ! 1 h t-y- -y- I 1/ I -t— ■ -h N=» P=^=f=t= F -h *=POc -V-h ' \ — k- r I Chorus. r -5*1— FN-, 3 0—0 0- L -o l- L #-J- L H 1 1 1 -0—0-1-0—0—0 0-5-0 B-f-J m j You treat n. oth - er friend so ill. s This matchless kindness to His foes. lO, With gar-menffia dyed on Cal - va - ry. f You 11 at Hisd; 00 r re -ject- ed stand. > \ -A- r A — A—, w let the dear Saviour come in, He'll cleanse the heart from come in, *TX P T C TV *==«= -A- *5E -S-S— f f 3£=s: £±t ■• p_»_p: sin, (from sin,) O, keep Him no moi < » -#- ^ -#-. t k at the door, But the dear Sav-iour come in. (come in.) t -0 - . I J » JESUS LOVER OFM7 SOUL WM. BEEEY. m?&^=M >$$ 3 Thou, O Christ, art all I w»- More than all in Thee I fit Raise the fallen, che er thef^ d , Heal the sick and lead th' Just and holy is Thy nam I am all unriahteousnesi^. Vile and full of sin I am , - Tliou art full ot truth ai 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to pardon all my sin — Let the healing stream ahound ; Make and keep me pure within; Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee: i Spring Thou up within my heart, . Rise to all eternity. JESUS LOVER OF MY SOUL -Concluded. Sill. !-- 111 -a- — i- f" -i — 1 Hide Sav lour, Hide 9!S=M± a^ me, hide O :t: my Sav - lour -hide, __^u 1- Till ^±*1 -&- -M- -k k- I past; storm of life r to the ha - ven Safe in - to the h; -A- A- -A- _/t%uide, O re •wen guide, | ' | < I ceive my soul at O re - ceive my -A- -w- t: last! soul at last! I 112 A. H. B. _A, Ai i_Ai" 2 i- BLESS THE LORD. Mis, ADALIIfE H. BEERY. — #— *" ] Bless Je I For my f When I :.*i±±|=|=: _j-fcj — i ™ 1. -V— 2-^ ^ t i ho -vah life He doth con -trol near temp - tatiou's road, Ten r* — I 1 «=, — --jj 1 1 . 1 r>-l -t -I 1 HN— I *H-^ 1 1— I — I -W* — -* \ Turns mine eyes my sin's a -bode; O my soul ! Praise His great and gra-cious name ; der - ly He draws me back, With His mer - cy, aye the same; \ His care doth nev - er lack ! ( =£- e. i =?=? S o, 9—9- -*- -I — .«_»_*. JL- JfL & _^_ A. JL JL +. JL -9- v- 9 — 9 — &- —I 1 — -i — r- 1-9 — 9- t -is ^iS_ love ! i i: -1-^ BLESS THE LORD.-Concluded. m^* •— a— *- *- ^=tg=gH :±i --©l-h I: 9 Goodness beams from heav-en down ; Lift thy songs to .#_ .?- -?. A ■#--#--£■ -!- -h -r- rt— « I*— r*— r«— r* God a-bove; He hath proni-ised thee a crown. rt- -f r— Eev. JAME3 ALLEN. ITALIAN HYMN. -♦- * — t- -£r 3= -AH -fU F. GIAKDINI, 1769. Si*; .2 tt: -Ar- 1. Glo - ry to 2. While they a - 3. Join, all ye 4. yoon must we God round ran - change on high ! the throne, som'd race, our place, Let heav'n and earth Cheer - ful - ly join Our Lord and God Yet will we nev f re - ply, "Praise ye His name!' in one, Prais-ing His name,— to bless; Praise ye His name L er cease Prais - ing His name ! His love and grace a - dore.Who all our sor-rows bore; Sing loud for - ev - er-m ore," Worthy the Lamb?' "" Ye who have felt His blood Sealing your peace with God,Sound His dear name abroad, "Worthy the Lamb!" In Him we will re- joice, And make a joy - ful noise.Shouting with heart and voice, "Worthy the Lamb !" To Him our songs we bring, Hail Him, our gracious King; And, thro' all a- ges sing, "Worthy the Lamb !** P§: ^ H*— |C Jt. M. V=± :r.fc: -A-- -» — »- fe w 114 mm THEODORUS. 7s & 6s, D. — i — l iv — I — f*— I — & -w i i i i i i i J. 0. EWDI^ ** -41 — 4h4 "f— ¥—*-*- *=* < — 4H ^— ^— ^ * ~^- 1. We seek the gold - en cit - y. The cit - y of our King ; And as we jour - ney 2. The pearl - y gates stand o - pen, For there they have no night, Nor sun, nor moon, nor 3. And there life's crys-tal riv - er, E - ter - nal - ly shall flow ; While leaves to heal the §5£ thith - er, We joy - ful - ly will can - die— The Lamb, He is the na - tions, Close by its wa - ters sing; Its walls are built of jas light; And there is no more sor grow ; But through the gold - e.n cit Its Nor Our -A— A ^E- S=BEEfc h?-:— !?- *=Z -A-A- -A— A ±—v- -f— h H4- H4 — 14- V V K i is ^ — i £ — i — i — f* — i — —A — 4i-» — i- -a a — a I -a -■*. — ^ — * 1- ^4h -I — - -4-4H ±Jt ^—^ II streets are of pure gold; And count -less are the glo - ries, Which we shall there be - hold, pain, nor death, nor sin; For naught that work- eth e - vil Shall ev - er en - ter in. loud - est praise shall ring ; When we be - hold our Sav - lour, Our Proph - et. Priest and King. ^ 3 5 /3-p.aT -m— I v A-A -I r— 1 4.14 - -A— ►- x:^ *■ -\ h fp 14 14 J — F- ~P JL Hp- #..#. -I- -I- fcifcr II i Mrs. ADALINE H. BEEET GOSPEL BELLS. WM. BEERY. They tell, with ring- i rig sweet - ness, A He'll smooth the rug- ged iborn- road, And They'll ring us in - to heav - en To bless - ed Sav-iour's birth. ~j com- fort those who weep. > Gos- pel bells! hear them spend e - ter - nal day. ) A §§4 -\f — e — i- Of the Lord's dy .#.*-* 1 — Vr ing love ; Gos - pel bells ! let them swell To our ^ R l i ther bove. T= -+- -i^-V- -+- -I — -fc-^fcr E y. ^ i -K?-rV is PAGE. A children's hymn 25 All are written there 45 All for the best 16 Antioch 105 Beautiful Zion 33 Be not afraid 7 1 Bless the Lord 112 Call them in 42 Casting all my cares upon him 34 Cast thy bread upon the waters .... 48 Christmas bells 90 Close your door 15 Come, O my soul 103 Come to Jesus, No. 1 79 Come to Jesus, No. 2 35 N Coronation 3 Draw me, Jesus 24 Evening song 87 Faith, No. 1 38 Faith, No. 2 II Follow me 85 For me lie careth 67 Gathered home 102 God be with you 32 Gospel bells 115 Go tell the nations 9 Hail children's day 29 Hear thy children 19 Hear us, holy Jesus 76 Heaven 55 Heaven's my home 53 He did nothing but good 68 He loved me 36 INDEX. » ■ > PAGE. Heralds of Jesus, heralds of light. . 88 He will receive me 18 I am washed in the blood 52 I am with you alway 47 I have called thee 75 I'll enter the open door 30 Invocation 37 Italian hymn 113 I will sing of the beautiful city 96 Jesus is a friend indeed 54 Jesus, lover of my soul no Jesus loves a little child 7 Journeying homeward 93 Just for to-day 64 Keep your colors flying 66 Labor and rest 77 Leave all to him 60 Leave it with him 94 Little ones like me 83 Lord, I believe 5 Nearer, my God, to thee 89 Nearer to thee 58 New Haven 101 None like Jesus 14 O leave us not 46 Only trust him 49 On to perfection 80 O that I had the wings of a dove. . 98 O to be home with Jesus 22 Out of Zion may God bless thee. . . 100 O, what is die blest token 10 Praise him 5 1 Sacred stream 28 PAGE. Shepherd 27 Sleep here in peace 40 Some day 4 Tell me of heaven 17 Temperance battle call 82 Temperance hymn 104 The cross of Christ 59 The everlasting arms 62 The Father's call 50 The Lord's prayer 95 The morning cometh 44 The music of heaven, No. 1 26 The music of heaven, No. 2. ...... 20 Theodorus 114 The river of peace 12 The star of Bethlehem 73 The stranger at the door 109 The years at God's right hand 56 Thou art gone to the grave 65 Thou who art our only Saviour. ... 72 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace 78 Trusting in Jesus 84 Until we meet again 8 Ware 97 We'll meet them again 63 We're children of a king 6 What must it be to be there 92 When Jesus comes again 86 When shall we all meet again 108 Whiter than the snow 106 Why do you tarry 74 Work for all 70 Worship 2^ .' <* ^ " *&$ftU I :'-* V*' t. I r.-. *: & Si MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS / OF THE' BRETHREN'S PUBLISHING COMPANY. THE BFfiTHREN'S TUNE AND HYMN BOOK, Being a complication of sacred music, in character notes, adapted to all the Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs in the BRETHREN'S HYMN BOOK. Half Leather, single copy, post pai.r!, S l.OO Morocco, " " " " 1.25 Per dozen, by express, $10.00 Per dozen, " " 12.00 &QSPI& CHI 2> A Collection of New and Standard Songs and Hymns for Sunday Schools and Religious Meetings, BY WILLIAM ESEBY. Single copy, post paid, 30 cents. Per dozen, post paid, $3.00. Per dozen, by express, $2 60. Address, BRETHREN'S PUBLISHING CO., HUNTINGDON, PA., or MT. MORRIS, ILL. ' 1 1 4 ^ ^rA^^^ii^'Ayw^wy ~^wa>'i^ ^ jfe