MEMORIAL PRIMITIVE BAPTIST STEM. NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY 0 CHURCH Brief History of the Organization oj Memorial Primitive Baptist Church STEM, N. C. December JI, 1923 And ■ CHURCH COVENANT, ARTICLES of FAITH, RULES of DECORUM and EXTRACTS from a FEW CONFERENCES Price 25 Cents Hibrarp of tf)e ®m'bersit|>ofi5orttj Carolina Collection of Marti) Caroliniana 2.S5G .^0*3 $U • - • ■ ■ . ' • » .V ' ■ , - - ■ • * * ^ * ,• • ,• - >7 1 ■ \ ' • VT •* , „ * *■ * ■ ^ V 4f * • ■ • . -» ’ : I * V. ■ l Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - , : * * f, ' - - w. ■ V \ ■ Senior Deacon, Clerk, Author and Compiler of Church Covenant, Articles of Faith, Rules of Decorum and First Church Con¬ ference of Memorial Primitive Baptist Church, Stem N C. Brief History of the Organization oj Memorial Primitive Baptist Church STEM, N. C. December 31, / (J23 And CHURCH COVENANT, ARTICLES of FAITH, RULES of DECORUM and EXTRACTS from a FEW CONFERENCES \ Price 25 Cents PRESS OF OXFORD ORPHANAGE OXFORD, N. C. Preface The object of this pamphlet is to preserve in the minds of our brethren, especially the members of Memorial Primi¬ tive Baptist Church, and any friends who may be inter¬ ested, the principles of doctrine, faith and order, upon which this Church was organized. These principles we believe are the same handed down to us by Christ and his Apostles, as the foundation of the true Church, and the same our forefathers loved and contended for. We believe in exhortation, and admonition to good works, (as declared for, in Articles of Faith, section 10), as a duty from a principle of love, and not for hope of reward, as claimed by the Arminians, or followers of the conditional “do and live system.’’ Added to this, is an account of the building of the meeting house in which we worship, and a list of the donors, (in cash), who made possible its building and furnishing. A number of others whose names do not appear, gave helpful service which was greatly appreciated. Because of my deep interest and love for the cause it represents, I have spent a good portion of my lifes earn¬ ings, and months of labor in the building of this meeting house and improving its grounds; much of it with my own hands, and often in weakness and suffering. Not as seeking a blessing by it, but hoping I have been blessed, even before the first brick was laid, in being given the desire, and afterwards the ability and strength to rendei the help I have. May the meeting house and grounds where we wor¬ ship, ever be kept neat and clean, in fond remembrance of those for whom it was named, and who made po-ssible its erection. While my name appears frequently in the proceedings, it has been through no desire for publicity or boastfulness, that this record goes abroad, but only to give a strict account of that which seemed to have been required at my hands, and to show my sincere effort to fulfill every trust imposed upon me. May we through the blessing of the Lord continue “in the old paths, where is the good way” and “remove not the ancient Landmarks which our Fathers have set” Submitted in love, ( 3 ) w CO 0 o O £ i—i H W W £ Eh GO i—i H Pin <1 PQ W > i—i H *—i i—i PLh I—I O S W d £ § Eh CO 3$lS&g Organization of Memorial Primitive Baptist Church December 31st, 1923. At the request of the brethren and sisters, who are members of Camp Creek, Dutchville, Tar River and Winston-Salem Primitive Baptist Churches, who wish¬ ing to organize in an independent body or church of same faith and order in the town of Stem, N. C., the following Elders and Deacons were present: Elder C. B. Hall of Mebane Church and Elder J. J. Hall of Durham Church, members of Lower Country Line Association. Elder B. F McKinney from Bush Arbor Church of Upper Country Line Association, Deacons J. D. Dupree of Durham Church, I. H. Harris of Dutchville Church, R. D. Hill of Camp Creek Church, R. L. Oakley and Lester Williford of Tar River Church. After divine services by Elder C. B. Hall who intro¬ duced worship by the use of Hymn No. 548 Lloyd’s Selection, Text, Deuteronomy 33rd chapter, 29th verse, “Happy art thou 0 Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the Lord,” a Presbytery was formed by the election of Elder C. B. Hall as Moderator, and Elder B. F. McKinney as Clerk. The Presbytery being duly organized and ready for business: First: All visiting brethren and sisters in good standing, of the same faith and order, were invited to seats with us; whereupon representatives from Camp Creek, Dutchville, Tar River, Durham, Bush Arbor and Mebane churches were seated. Second: Those wishing to organize into the new church of the same faith and order, were asked to pre¬ sent their letters. Letters were presented by Brother Joseph H. Gooch and Sister Rosa Wheeler from Camp Creek Church, Sister Laura Reed Gooch from Winston- Salem Church, of the Salem Association, Brother L. A. Bullock and Sister Grenie Arrington from Tar River ( 5 ) Church, Brother P. L. Thomasson and wife, Sister Min¬ nie S. Thomasson, and Bro. H. G. Suit and wife, Manie Suit, from Dutchville Church. Third: Church Covenant, Articles of Faith, and Rules of Decorum, were called for, presented, carefully read and examined by the Presbytery, and declared by them to be orthodox and sound in the Primitive Bap¬ tist faith and order; (the same faith of our fore-fathers from our earliest remembrance,) and ordered to be attached to these proceedings, and made a part of same. See pages 6 to 15, reference to which is hereby made. Fourth: The Presbytery being fully acquainted with the churches from which the above named breth¬ ren and sisters came, and knowing them to be in peace, and sound in the faith:—we therefore declare them a regularly ordained gospel church, qualified and empow¬ ered to do business for themselves. In testimony whereof we hereunto subscribe our names, this the day and year first above written, [Elder] Chas. B. Hall, Moderator. [Elder] B. F. McKinney, Clerk. CHURCH COVENANT of Memorial Primitive Baptist Ceurch of Stem, North Carolina, as unanimously approved and ADOPTED BY THE CHURCH AND PRESBYTERY AT THE TIME OF ITS ORGANIZATION, DECEMBER 31ST, 1923 Forasmuch as Almighty God, (we trust by his grace), has been pleased to call us, (whose names are under¬ neath subscribed), out of darkness into his marvelous light, and all of us having been regularly baptized upon a profession of our faith in Christ Jesus; and have so acknowledged to the Lord and one another, in a gospel church way: to be governed and guided by a proper discipline, agreeable to the word of God: we do therefore, * 6 ) in the name of our Lord Jesus, and by his assistance, covenant and agree to keep up the discipline of the church of which we are members, in the most brotherly affection to each other, while we endeavor particularly to observe the following rules, viz:— In brotherly love to pray for each other, to watch over one another, and if need be, in a tender and affec¬ tionate manner, to reprove one another; that is, if we discover anything amiss in a brother, to go and tell him his faults, according to the instruction given by our Lord in the eighteenth chapter of Matthew, and not be whispering and backbiting. We also agree when so impressed, (with God’s assist¬ ance,) to pray in our families, attend our church meet¬ ings, observe the Lord’s Day, and endeavor to keep it holy, and not absent ourselves from the communion of the Lord’s Supper, without a lawful excuse; to be ready to communicate to the defraying of the church’s expenses, and for the support of the ministry accord¬ ing to our several abilities, and not irregularly depart from the fellowship of the church, nor to remove to distant churches without a regular dismissal. These things we do solemnly covenant and agree to observe, and keep sacred in the name of, and by the assistance of God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Signed by the mutual consent of the members, whose names are hereto subscribed. Joseph H. Gooch Laura Reed Gooch L. A. Bullock P. L. Thomasson Minnie S. Thomasson H. G. Suit Manie Suit Rosa Wheeler Grenie Arrington. ( 7 ) ARTICLES OF FAITH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED AT THE TIME OF THE ORGANIZA¬ TION of Memorial Primitive Baptist Church in Stem, North Carolina, on December 31st, 1923 We, the undersigned, who are charter, or organiza¬ tion members of Memorial Primitive Baptist Church in the town of Stem, North Carolina, and known in differ¬ ent sections of the world, as Strict, Particular, Predesti- narian, Old School or Primitive Baptist faith, the last name having been adopted by us;—agree for the satis¬ faction of our brethren and friends, to publish an ab¬ stract of the principles of faith upon which we unani¬ mously unite, and will endeavor with the help of the Lord to maintain. Article I We believe in the being of God as almighty, eternal, unchangeable, of infinite wisdom, power, justice, holi¬ ness, goodness, mercy and truth, and that this God has revealed himself in his word under the character of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Article II We believe that Almighty God has made known his mind and will to the children of men in his word, which word we believe to be of divine authority and contains all things necessary to be known for the salvation of man. The same is comprehended or contained in the books of the Old and New Testaments. Article III We believe that God before the foundation of the world, for a purpose of his own glory, did elect a certain number of men and angels to eternal life and that this election is particular, eternal and unconditional on the creature’s part. Article IV We believe that when God made man, he was good and upright, but by his own transgression he fell from ( 8 ) that good and upright state, and being the head repre¬ sentative of the whole human race, they being his natural offspring, he involved all of them in the same ruined state with himself, and they were partakers of, and exposed to, the miseries which sprang from his diso¬ bedience. Article V We believe that it is utterly out of the power of man, as a fallen creature to keep the law of God perfectly, or to truly repent of his sins, or believe in Christ, except he be drawn by the Holy Spirit. Article VI We believe in God’s own appointed time and way the elect will be called, justified, pardoned and sanctified; and that it is impossible that they can utterly refuse the call, but shall be willing by divine grace to receive mercy. Article VII We believe that justification in the sight of God is only by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, received and applied by faith. Article VIII We believe that God’s elect will be converted and born again by the effectual work of the Holy Spirit. Article IX We believe that those that are called by grace and born again, will persevere in holiness and never fall finally away. Article X We believe it to be a duty incumbent on all God’s people to walk religiously in all God’s works, not in the old covenant way of seeking life and the favor of the Lord by it, but only as a duty from a principle of love. Article XI We believe baptism by immersion, and the Lord’s Supper, are gospel ordinances, both belonging to the converted or true believer. ( 9 ) Article XII We believe that every church is independent in matters of discipline, and that associations, councils and conferences of ministers or churches, are not to impose on the church, the keeping, holding, or maintaining, of any principle or practice, contrary to the church’s judg ment. Article XIII We believe in the general resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust, and final judgment. Article XIV We believe the punishment of the wicked is ever¬ lasting, and the joys of the righteous, eternal. Article XV We believe that no minister has a right to administer the ordinances unless called, and comes under the impo¬ sition of hands by the presbytery. Article XVI We believe that salvation, (for time and eternity,) is of the Lord, and that “he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?” We also believe “that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose,” and that he maketh the wrath of man to praise him, and the remain¬ der he restraineth. But this in nowise lessens our responsibility, or accountability to our Creator; but we should be careful to maintain good works, “for we,” (if what we profess,) “are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” Article XVII Being firmly established in the principles of the faith declared above, no part or portion of the same, shall at any time be changed or altered, without the concurrence of two thirds of all members in good standing, and that GO) every member shall be duly notified before any attempt shall be made to change the same; and should we, or our successors, (those who may join after us,) depart from the principal points of doctrine herein declared for, we or they, (those who may join after us,) shall not be entitled to retain the meeting house, or name of same, or retain the name of Strict, Particular, Predestinarian Old School or Primitive Baptist. In testimony whereof we hereunto subscribe our names at the time of the adoption of the same, when “Memorial Church ” was organized in the town of Stem North Carolina on this, the 31st day of December, 1923. Joseph H. Gooch Laura Reed Gooc ; L. A. Bullock P. L. Thomasson Minnie S. Thomasson H. G. Suit Manie Suit Rosa Wheeler Greenie Arrington. RULES OF DECORUM of Memorial Primitive Baptist Church, as adopted by ITS MEMBERS, AND APPROVED BY THE PRESBYTERY AT THE TIME OF ITS ORGANIZATION, ON DECEMBER 31ST, 1923 We, (who hope we are the church of Christ,) at Memorial, Stem, North Carolina, are convinced of the necessity of coming together as often as may be in order, to hold conference, and discharge our duty in watching over each other as Christ has commanded. Ordered therefore that the following decorum be a rule for the church to conduct herself by in her future conferences. We will not forsake the house of God, or the assemb¬ ling of ourselves together. [Heb. 10:25]. (ll) Article I The conference shall be composed of all members of this church, (who are in good standing,) who shall have full liberty to express their views, and vote on all matters coming before the conference. All visiting members, (in good standing), from sister churches of the same faith and order, for whom we have mutual fellowship, shall be invited to seats with us, and take part in our deliberations, but shall not have the right to vote with us on matters pertaining to this church. Article II Conference shall be opened with praise or prayer to Almighty God. [I Tim. 2:1; I Thess. 5:17, 18]. Article III One shall be chosen to preside, who shall be addressed under the appellation of Brother Moderator, and to whom every speech shall be particularly directed, [I Cor. 14:26-40.] And one shall be chosen as Clerk who shall record conference proceedings. Article IV The names of all members being regularly enrolled, shall by the clerk be distinctly called over, as often as the church may direct: those absent shall be duly noted, [Acts 1:15]. Article V A door shall be opened, (when thought necessary), for the reception, or admission of new members into this church; none shall be admitted but by unani¬ mous consent, and who shall first verbally relate their experience, or give an account of the work of God in their souls; and secondly, of their faith and principles, (if the church shall require it;) and thirdly, the church shall make diligent inquiry respecting their moral con¬ duct, and when full satisfaction shall be obtained, the Moderator, Deacons and Pastor, with the members pres¬ ent, shall manifest the same by giving them the right hand of fellowship, thereby receiving them in form. [Gal. 2:19. I Peter 3:15]. (12) Article VI No complaint shall be brought into conference against transgressing brethren respecting crime of a private nature, until the aggrieved party has complied with the directions given by our Lord in Matthew 18th chapter 15th to 17th verses. Article VII Every motion made and seconded shall come under the consideration of the conference, unless withdrawn by the member who made it. [I Cor. 14:40]. Article VIII Every query presented shall be thrice read, and before it shall be debated, the Moderator shall put it to a vote, as to whether or not, it shall be debated; if a majority vote for debating, it shall be debated, otherwise with¬ drawn. No intricate query shall be imposed or asked. Article IX If the minority shall be grieved any time, at the decision of the majority, they are hereby directed to make the same known immediately to the church; and if satisfaction cannot be obtained, it may be necessary in that case to call for advice from sister churches. Article X Having no authority from the Scriptures, that Christ, or any of his Apostles or followers, were members of any secret orders, and as some of these orders refuse to recognize the name of Christ, and believing that the actions of some, are detrimental to the true spirit of Christianity, and Patriotism; therefore we will not ad¬ mit, or retain, any one with us, (as members,) who are members of any secret order. Article XI All the business of the Conference shall be recorded by the clerk, and before Conference adjourns, the same shall be distinctly read, and corrected if need be. (13) Secion 1. Any member refusing to attend Con¬ ference, the same is disorder. Sec. 2. Any member absenting himself, or her¬ self, from Conference, without leave, the same is dis¬ order. Sec. 3. Any member whispering or laughing in time of public speech, the same is disorder. Sec. 4. If two or more shall speak at the same time, or any member speak without rising up and addressing the Moderator, the same is disorder. Sec. 5. Any member speaking more than three times on one subject without leave from the Conference, the same is disorder. Sec. 6 Any member being grieved at any thing done in Conference, and shall hold his or her peace, and shall not let the same be known until Conference adjourns, and shall afterwards speak of the same, as it manifestly tends to confusion, it is hereby deemed dis¬ order. Sec. 7. Any member speaking or acting in wrath, or anger, or in a threatening, degrading manner, as it shames religion, wounds the cause of Christ, and grieves true Christians, it is hereby deemed disorder. Sec. 8. If the Moderator shall neglect to plainly and timely reprove any member transgressing any of these rules, or in behaving in any manner irreverently in time of Conference, the same is disorder in him, and himself is for the same liable to be reproved. Sec. 9. Believing that honesty, good morals and temperance, should be encouraged, and dishonesty and immorality denounced by all moral citizens, especially the followers of Christ; therefore any member refusing to pay a just and honest debt, pleading the statute of limitation, or taking advantage of the homestead law, (except for the necessary protection of himself or family,) or seen under the influence of strong drink, or in any way acting disorderly, or violating any of the regularly established customs of the Primitive Baptist faith and order, shall be dealt with as the church may direct. ( 14 ) Sec. 10. A woman hath not a right by the laws of Christ to usurp authority over the man, and should not speak in church, except in expressing her views on any matter before the church, and voting as she deems best. Sec. 11. Amendment to these rules may be made at any time by a majority vote, when conference may deem it necessary. Joseph H. Gooch Laura Reed Gooch L. A. Bullock P. L. Thomasson Minnie S. Thomasson H. G. Suit Manie Suit Rosa Wheeler Grenie Arrington. FIRST CHURCH CONFERENCE December 31st, 1923 The church wishing to organize for regular business, it was unanimously agreed that Elder C. B. Hall continue to preside as Moderator during this first conference, and Elder B. F. McKinney act as Clerk. First: Brother Joseph H. Gooch was chosen Clerk, and ordered that he purchase a suitable book and that he record the full proceedings of the Presbytery, includ¬ ing the Church Covenant, Articles of Faith, Rules of Decorum, and all church conferences in same. Second: All visiting brethren and sisters from sister churches, were invited to seats with us. Third: Brother Joseph H. Gooch, having promised to donate the land, and to contribute liberally for the building of the meeting house, therefore it is agreed that the church be named “ Memorial in remembrance of him, and all others who may in any way help in building the same. ( 15 ) Fourth: It was unanimously agreed that we call Elder B. F. McKinney as our Pastor, and that he serve us monthly on the First Sundays, and Saturday after¬ noon before. Elder McKinney being present, and learning the wish of the church, accepted the call, and promised, the Lord willing, to serve on the dates mentioned. Fifth. Brethren Joseph H. Gooch, Lucius A. Bul¬ lock and Pellie L. Thomasson, having served acceptably for years, as Deacons in the churches from which they came, and believing that they possess the qualification of Deacons, it was unanimously agreed that they continue to serve as Deacons in Memorial Church. Sixth: The church having called its Pastor, and chosen Deacons, the door was opened for the reception of members. None came. Seventh: The church wishing to build a neat, nice, suitable meeting house in the town of Stem, Brethren Joseph H. Gooch, L. A. Bullock, P. L. Thomasson and H. G. Suit were appointed a committee to locate site, designate size of house, and see what amounts would be subscribed, and report at our next meeting. Eighth: It was suggested by the Moderator that each member be considered a committee to help in secur¬ ing funds for the building of the meeting house. Ninth: There being no further business Conference adjourned to meet on Saturday p. m. at 2 o’clock, before the First Sunday in February 1924. Signed, C. B. Hall, Moderator. B. F. McKinney, Clerk. EXTRACTS OF CONFERENCE MEETINGS At Conference meeting of Memorial Church on Saturday, May 3, 1924 under Section 7 and 8 the follow¬ ing motion was unanimously adopted: “Ordered that Brother J. H. Gooch, Chairman of Building Committee, have suitable corner stone pre- ( 16 ) pared, with name of church, and date of organization inscribed on same; and that we put in box of corner stone, copy of Church Covenant, Articles of Faith, Rules of Decorum and Deed to church lot. Also date of organi¬ zation with names of members at the time church was or¬ ganized. To be included with these, a Bible, copy of “Signs of The Times' December 15th, 1923 issue, and “Zions’ Landmark” dated February 1st, 1924.” Section 8. Lest we forget the Church Covenant, Articles of Faith and Rules of Decorum, it was agreed that same be read annually on Saturday before the 1st Sunday in May, or the time of our first Communion in each year. , Conference Meeting of May 31st, 1924, Section 5, reads as follows: “According to instructions given at last meeting, Bro. J. H. Gooch reported that he had purchased suitable corner stone and steel box for same, and copies had been made of proceedings of Church organization, Church Covenant, Articles of Faith, Rules of Decorum, proceed¬ ings of first church conference, and a copy of Deed to church lot that he proposes to give when agreement is complied with. Included with these was a Bible, gift of Sister J. H. Gooch, and copy of “Zion’s Landmark” of February 1st, 1924, and copy of “Signs of the Times” of December 15, 1923. Also Minutes of the first and last sessions of “The Lower Country Line Association,” and copy of Stem school paper. Besides these a brief history of each charter member, and the names of those who have joined since. All of which were put in box, securely sealed and placed in corner stone. FIRST SERVICE IN NEW CHURCH Memorial Church, Saturday, October 4th, 1924. First sermon preached in new meeting house on above date, by our Pastor, Elder B. F. McKinney, fol¬ lowed by Elder E. C. Jones of Little River Association, 07 ) after which church met in conference, Elder McKinney, Moderator. First: State of church inquired for, all in peace. Second: Visiting- brethren invited to seats with us. Third: Minutes of last conference read and approved. Fourth: Doors opened for reception of members. A letter was presented by Bro. Ollie Bullock from Tar River Church, asking for membership with us. He was unanimously received and his name ordered enrolled on the church record. Fifth: Letter to the Lower Country Line Union asking for membership with them, read and approved. Sixth: Agreed that we have Communion, to-morrow, October 5th. Seventh: There being no further business, confer¬ ence adjourned to next monthly meeting. J. H. Gooch, Clerk. Sunday Morning, October 5, 1924. After preaching by Elders B. F. McKinney, E. C. Jones and C. L. Woods, the ordinance of the Lord's Supper was observed. By special request of Bro. J. H. Gooch, the emblems were served by visiting Deacon R. D. Hill, who had served with him as Deacon of Camp Creek church for a number of years, in continued peace and harmony, Deacon Lester Williford of Tar River Church, assisting. J. H. Gooch, Clerk. Conference Meeting, November 1, 1924. Section 5. Not feeling assured that the method adopted, soon after the organization, of contributing to our Pastor, through the Deacons, was entirely approved by the membership, it was thought best to have some expression from the church as to its wishes. By a rising ( 18 ) vote it was unanimously agreed to continue placing con¬ tributions for our Pastor in the hands of the Deacons, that they might know, whether or not he was being ministered unto as he should be. REPORT OF BUILDING COMMITTEE Memorial Church, September 5, 1925. Preaching by our Pastor, Elder B. F. McKinney after which church met in conference, Elder McKinney Moderator. First: State of church inquired for, all in peace. Second: Visiting brethren invited to seats with us. Third: Minutes of last conference, read and approved. Fourth: Doors opened for reception of members, none came. Fifth: Report of Bro. J. H. Gooch, Chairman of Building Committee was read, and the names of those contributing to the building of the Meeting House, and the amounts given. The report as read, is as follows: To the members composing the church of Memorial , in the Town of Stem , North Carolina: Dear Brethren: In accordance with the instruction given me in church conference, April 6, 1924, in Article 7, which reads as follows: “Upon motion of Bro. P. L. Thomasson and seconded by Bro. L. A. Bullock, Bro. J. H. Gooch was unanimously chosen Chairman of the Building Committee, and is here¬ by authorized and empowered to proceed with the build¬ ing of the Meeting House, and build same, the size and style he thinks best.” I wish to say, though physically unable to perform such a task, and at times realty fearing that my life was in danger from overwork and overexertion, I have about completed the work. ( 19 ) The total amount collected from the brethren and friends, whose names are hereto attached amounted to one thousand forty-three dollars and sixteen cents (1043.16) Cash advanced by J. H. Gooch ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). Total amount given in cash $11043.16. The names and amounts of those contributing are as follows: Sister Lucy A. Gooch_$ 406.65 Sister Laura Reed Gooch_ 183.39 Bro. L. A. Bullock_ 100.00 Mrs. Allie Gooch Reid_ 100.00 Sister Rosa Wheeler_ 30.00 H. R. Goss_ 25.00 E. P. Wheeler_ 20.00 Dr. P. R. Hardee_ 20.00 Estate of Wayne H. Gooch, Deceased_ 15.00 Sister Nannie Carrington___15.00 From Contribution Box_ 16.62 Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hall_ 13.00 D. S. Reid__ 10.00 Sister Anna Watlington_ 10.00 Mrs. W. T. Roberts_ 5.00 Hal F. Holeman_ 5.00 W. B. Hampton_ 5.00 Dave Gordon_ 5.00 Bro. R. L. Oakley and Son_ 5.00 Bro. R. D. Hill_ 5.00 Sister Mollie Cozart_ 5.00 E. P. Roberts_ 5.00 Janie Clayton_ 5.00 W. R. Mangum_ 5.00 R. P. Walker_ 6.00 C. H. Landis_ 5.00 Bro. Edgar Currin_ 2.00 Sister Grenie Arrington_ 2.00 James Jones, (colored)_ 2.00 Bro H. G. Suit_ 2.00 Bro. R. A. Wilson_ 1.00 Bro. Zack Oakley__ 1.00 ( 20 ) Mrs. Sarah E. Mangum_ 1.00 Aubrey Suit_ 1.00 S. M. Clayton_ 1.00 Sister Sarah Clayton_ 1.00 Bro. J. D. Dupree_ 1.00 Unknown friend_ 1.00 S. H. Veazey_ 1.00 J. B. Roberts_ 50 Bro. Joseph H. Gooch, ten thousand dollars_$10,000.00 Total collection to date eleven thousand and forty-three dollars and sixteen cents_$11,043.16 With but a few dollars left, this amount has been spent for the building of the Meeting House, Dressing Rooms, Baptistry and improving the church grounds. The amount paid in as first mentioned, $1043.16, just about pays for the pews, pulpit and communion table. So far as I know, or have reason to believe, the amounts given by the brethren and friends were volun¬ tary contributions, as not one cent was asked for by me, or any other of our members or friends, that I know of. The amount that I have advanced, according to the tax books of Granville County, is one third of my life’s net earnings as listed in said county. The amounts mentioned does not include the value of the church lot, given by me, nor the work done by my own hands, and that of the hired boy who lives with me, which took a good portion of the year 1924, and the Spring and Summer of 1925. Neither does it include the free labor done by oui brethren and friends, nor the lumber furnished by Bro. P. L. Thomasson, which was hauled to the mill by him, and some of the brethren and friends. Owing to the manner in which a good portion of this lumber was sawed it was of but little service except for scaffolds, and I had to buy seventeen thousand feet of rough lumber, which was not expected when the building was first commenced. The brethren composing this church are all in peace, and so far as I know stand firm on the principles declared ( 21 ) for at the time of our organization, which I trust we will ever keep in mind, and never depart from the old, ancient landmarks that our forefathers have set, and that we may be able to avoid the confusion, that is now among some of our sister churches and associations. Whether I shall be spared long, or called soon, 1 know not, but this is my one request, that we all strive for peace, and never let this church be in confusion, or the Meeting House a place for the owls and bats, nor let same be hidden by weeds and grass, but keep the Meeting House and grounds around the same, neat and clean in memory of those who helped to build it, and for whose memory it was named. I am, I trust, yours in hope of life beyond this world. J. H. Gooch, Chairman of Building Committee. Sixth: Report of Chairman of Building Committee was unanimously accepted, and ordered to be recorded in our minutes. Seventh: There being no further business, confer¬ ence adjourned. J. H. Gooch, Clerk. It is my request that after my death the latter part of this conference proceedings be read once each year, especially the latter half referring to the original articles of faith, peace in the church, and care of the Meeting House and grounds. J. H. Gooch. COPY OF DEED TO CHURCH LOT North Carolina, Granville County This Deed, made this 1st day of April, A. D. 1924 by Joseph H. Gooch and wife, Laura Reed Gooch of Stem, Granville County and State of North Carolina of the first part, to Joseph H. Gooch, L. A. Bullock and P. L. Thomasson, Trustees of Memorial Primitive Baptist ( 22 ) Church of Stem, Granville County and State of North Carolina of the second part: Witnesseth, That said Joseph H. Gooch and wife Laura Reed Gooch, in consideration of their love for the Primitive Baptist Church, and their firm belief in the Articles of Faith as adopted at the organization of said Memorial Primitive Baptist Church and one dollar, to them paid by the Trustees of Memorial Church, above named, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have given, bargained and sold, and by these presents do give, bargain, sell and convey to said L. A. Bullock, Joseph H. Gooch and P. L. Thomasson, Trustees for Memorial Church and their successors when named by the ortho¬ dox church, a certain tract or parcel of land in Stem, Granville County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. M. Bullock, J. C. Hopkins, Roy Bridgers and others, and bounded as follows, viz.: Beginning at an iron stake in center of Oxford and Hillsboro Road, (J. M. Bullock’s corner,) thence by J. M. Bullock’s line N. 48° W. 4.44 chains to an iron stake, J. M. Bullock’s corner on New Street; thence along New Street on Southeast side 42° E. 5.38 chains to an iron stake, 121/2 feet S. W. of Hopkin’s line. Thence parallel with his line S. 351 / 2 ° E. 4.90 chains to 12 y% feet S. W. of Hopkin’s corner in Oxford and Hillsboro Road; thence along said Road S. 451 / 2 ° W. 4.20 chains to the beginning. Containing 2 acres, 1 R. and 8 Poles more or less, same being the entire tract deeded to J. H. Gooch by Allie Gooch, Trustee, on March 13th, 1916, which is recorded in Granville Registry, Book 71, Page 400, reference to which is hereby made. This deed is made with the following proviso and understanding, and unanimous agreement adopted in church conference February 2nd, 1924, that should the Meeting House built on the land herein conveyed, cease to be used as the regularly organized Memorial Primi¬ tive Baptist Church, or should the church depart from the Articles of Faith, adopted at the time of its organi¬ zation, as recorded in Memorial Church book, a copy of which is in J. H. Gooch’s possession,—then the land (33) herein conveyed, and the Meeting House on same, shall revert back to J. H. Gooch’s estate, or to his heirs. Should circumstances arise whereby it would be deemed wise to dispose of this property, the church shall have right to sell same, and make deed in fee simple, pro¬ vided same is sold at full market price, and so approved by the Superior Court Judge of this District. And pro¬ vided an amount equal to the sale price be added to it, and the whole fund be invested in another lot and Meet¬ ing House in the town of Stem, having the same name, (Memorial,) and the same Articles of Faith. Deed to be made to Trustees, named by the orthodox church, under the same conditions that the land herein described is conveyed. The Articles of Faith named above are in conformity with the writings of Elder P. D. Gold former Editor of “Zion’s Landmai'k,” and Elder Gilbert Beebe founder of the “Signs of the Times.’’ Both of these esteemed Elders are dead, but their faith and doctrine still live in the hearts of God’s humble poor, and are adhered to by the makers of this deed. To have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land, and all privileges and appurtenances thereto be¬ longing, to the said L. A. Bullock, Joseph H. Gooch and P. L. Thomasson, Trustees of Memorial Primitive Bap¬ tist Church, and their successors or assigns, to their only use and behoof forever, upon conditions named above. And the said Joseph H. Gooch and wife Laura Reed Gooch for themselves and their heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with said Trustees of Memorial Primitive Baptist Church, their successors or assigns, that they are seized of said premises in fee and have right to convey in fee simple; that the same are free and clear from all encumbrances, and that they do hereby forever warrant and will forever defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons whomso¬ ever, subject to the conditions named above. In testimony whereof, the said Joseph H. Gooch and wife Laura Reed Gooch have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Joseph H. Gooch [seal] Laura Reed Gooch [seal] ( 24 ) RESOLUTION OF RESPECT Whereas, God in his infinite wisdom, goodness and righteousness, saw fit on the 27th of October, 1925, to •call home to the church triumphant, (as we trust,) our beloved brother and Deacon, P. L. Thomasson, who was one of the organization, or charter members of Memorial Primitive Baptist Church, in the town of Stem, N. C., and a regular attendant at our meetings, always extend¬ ing a helping hand, in caring for our Pastor and other expenses pertaining to the church: Therefore be it resolved: First: That we, the members of Memorial Church, now in conference, bow in humble submission to the will of Him, who maketh no mistake, and say, not our will, but thine Oh! Lord be done: 'Resolved Second: That we extend to Sister Minnie Thomasson, his wife, also his two devoted and faithful daughters, and son-in-law, Joe H. Daniel, our deepest sympathy. May they by the grace of God, be reunited with him in the church triumphant; Resolved third: That a copy of this be spread upon our church record, a copy sent to his family, and a copy sent to “Zion’s Landmark” with request that they pub¬ lish same. Signed by order of the church in conference, this the 1st day of May 1926. B. F. McKinney, Moderator . J. H. Gooch, Church Clerk. ( 25 ) HYMN For use at opening service in MEMORIAL PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH at STEM, N. C. on the first Saturday and Sunday in October, 1924 C. M. (Tune Arlington) 1 Eternal source of every good, Before Thy throne we bow, To bless Thee for Thy gifts bestowed On pilgrims here below. 2 Our hearts and hands hast Thou inclined To raise this house of prayer; O, may we seek and ever find Thy gracious presence here. 3 Lord, may thy heralds long proclaim The wonders of Thy grace, And sinners taught to fear Thy name, Abundantly increase. 4 Here may Thy children sweetly feed On manna sent from heaven, Drink freely at the fountain-head, Whence living streams are given. 5 Here let our offspring and their sons, Be of the Saviour blest; And thus while time its circuit runs, Find here a settled rest. 6 To the eternal, sacred Three, The great mysterious One, Now may this house devoted be, To Thee, and Thee alone. ( 26 ) * • - * » -r- t . ' • -v y£v. yifcph'- yy ••• ’ ■••-'•V' , „ , ... 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