Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/prospectusofshocOOshoc Prospectus hotter of the »amt * ^ssocmtwn. 1894. WILSON H. MULES Si CO., II ST. PAUL STREET, BALTIMORE, MO. !\M{jJ Ixotto «m^ * ^ssocmtion. OFFICERS: PRESIDENT: THOS. C. PUGH. VICE-PRESIDENT: B. HOLLY SMITH. SECRETARY AND TREASURER: PARRY LEE DOWNS, Law Building, Baltimore, Md. %- DIRECTORS: THOS. C. PUGH, Baltimore, Md. LEONIDAS LEVERING, " E. MADISON MITCHELL, " B. HOLLY SMITH, PARRY LEE DOWNS, WILLIAM STANLEY, Pittsfield, Mass. FREDERICK DARLINGTON, New York. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE gflOMO (jAp ^OfiUpiOfi p^E^VE. LUith fall particulars and details of mem- bership, Management &e. OWING to the want of better game laws and lack of enforcement of existing laws for the protection of game, the quantity of game is rapidly diminish- ing in all parts of the country. This is notably true with regard to Deer, Turkey, Grouse, Pheas- 5- ants and Partridges. Therefore, in order to reme- dy this evil, men of wealth who hunt for sport have in different places combined for the purpose of es- tablishing game preserves similar to those of England and other parts of Europe. The most extensive enterprise of this nature and the most successful is that of the Shocco Game Association of Baltimore, which was incorporated in September, 1S93. The preserve of the Association is situated in Shocco and Fork townships, Warren County, North Carolina, five miles south of the old historic town of Warren- ton, long noted for the hospitality and refinement of its citizens. The lands extend from Fishing Creek on the North in a Southerly direction across Big Shocco Creek to Little Shocco, a distance of eight miles, and from the turnpike on the West in an Easterly direction for several miles, containing in all about 19,000 acres. Over 2,000 acres are owned absolutely by the Association, and shooting privileges on 17,000 acres have been leased for twenty years. In no section of the United States can there be found a greater variety of game. The forests are full of deer, foxes, 'coons, 'possums, rabbits, squirrels, and wild tur- keys, quail, anp many other species of the feathered tribe. A very successful attempt to raise English pheasants and grouse has also been made. Last year a number of eggs were imported and hatched out under bantam hens. About 90 per cent, of the eggs were hatched and next year about 1,000 pheas- ants and grouse ought to be liberated, but the association has decided that there shall be no shooting of these birds until after October 1, iSg'i. The grounds were naturally well stocked with partridges, but owing to the seveie winter of 1892, when two feet of snow coveted the ground for two weeks, many were frozen to death. In order to re- plete the stock, birds were purchased in other states at from 4 to S cents apiece and turned out in the preser\e. Over 500 were liberated in 1S93 and 1,000 during the past spring, and partridge-shooting was prohibited in 1S9 ^. The natural position of the land and splendid cover make it one of the best sections in the country for deer and turkeys. Experienced game-keepers are employtd on the place, whose duties are to care for the kennels and prevent poaching. New kennels will be erected for 50 dogs. Near the centre of the preserve is situated Montmorenci, the club house, the handsomest in the South. 1 he house was formerly the home of the late Gen. William Williams, who had it built in 1S35, at a cost of $33,000, just previous to his marriage to Miss Haywood, a belle of Raleigh, N. (J. The General died soon after his mar- riage and the pioperty passed through several hands and about ten years afterward was purchased by Mrs. Mary K. Williams, a widow of General Williams. At the death of Mrs. Williams the property passed by will to her daughter, Mrs. Lucy Polk. Mrs. Polk sold the property tn Mr. Charles Vardley, of Pennsylvania, for $30,000, but as Mr. Vardley failed to meet the deferred payments, she sold it to Mr. William Stan- ley. of I'ittsfie'.d, Mass., from whom it was purchased by the Shocco (.lame Associa- tion. The house is a typical Southern Mansion, with broad piazzas and high pillars supported by huge granite blocks. The interior is particularly striking, especially the parlor, with its high wains- coating, carvtd oak mantel and solid mahogany doors. It was in this room at the time the property was owned by Mrs. Williams that Mayor William II. I'olk, of Ten- nessee, United States Minister to Ko lie, and brother of President James K. I'olk, married Miss Lucy Williams. "MONTMORENCI," 'I HE CLUB-HOUSE. It was also at Monimorenci, that Gen. Thomas J. Green, one of the herois of the Texan War. and the author of ''The Mier Expedition," sought rest and quiet from the tuimoils of public life. 'The Shocco Game Association also owns the celebrated Alston plantation of 1,000 acres of the finest land in North Carolina, and adjoining Montmorenci It was purchased by Mr. K. I*. Alston, of Warren County, shortly. after the war for $36,000 in gold. A few years ago it was sold to Mr. Henry Williams, from whom the associa- tion bought it. The members of the association spend a good deal of time at the preserve, es- pecially in winter, The expense of living there is light, and, with hunting and other amusements, the time is passed pleasantly. On Sunday afternoons, a favorite pastime is having fun with the picaninnies who come around to look at the strangers and pick up a few pe::iies. Barrel, foot and sack races are indulged in by the little darkies for prizes of 5 or 10 cents. Another amusing entertainment is to drop a few nickels in a large pan of thick mo- lasses and let the boys dive their heads in and bring out the money with their teeth. Another performance is to place a barrel on the ground, with the head and bottom knocked out, and place a piece of money a few yards from one end of the barrel. The boys then take off their shoes and pile them all together and going back 25 feet, make a run for the barrel, and the one who gets through it and g* ts his own shoes on first, wins the money. The association is a stock company, with a membership limit of thirty, (30). The stock is divided into thirty shares of the par value of $1,000 each, which are payable as follows, $600 cash, $200 on July isi, 1895 and $200 on July 1st 1S96. Six per cent, interest is charged on deferred payments. The property consists of two thousand acres in fee, owned absolutely by the as- sociation, and 20 years lease on 17,000 acres. The number of acres for shooting priv- ileges will be annually increased. The property cost $10,000 for the Alston tract of 1,000 acres, and $13,000 for the "Montmorenci" property of 1,000 acres. Both places rent for $Soo. $400 forthe for- mer and $400 for the latter place. These rents are derived from the cleared sections of the properties. The annual dues, are $25 per year, payable semi-annually. Aftei the payment of the puichase price of the property in full, a balance of $7,000 will remain in the Treasury of the Association, which money will be used for improvements and propagation of game. There is no money in it for any one, nor personal liability beyond the amount of subscription to a share of stock. References must be exchanged as we wish to keep up the social standing of the Association. The officers of the Shocco Game Association are: Thomas C. Pugh, President; Dr B. Holly Smith, Vice President; and Col. Parry Lee Downs, Secretary and Treas- urer. The Directors are: Thomas C. Pugh, Leonidas Levering, li. Madison Mitchell Dr. I>. Holly Smith and Col. Parry Lee Downs, of Haltimore; William Stanley, of Pittsfield, Mass., and Frederick Darlington, of New York. INTERIOR VIEW OF CLUBHOUSE. An idea of the quantity of game in the vicinity can be formed from statements of prominent citizens down there. Maj. R. W. Alston, Commissioner of Warren County, said a tew days ago: "I have known my uncle, John C. Davis, a great hunter, to kill in 12 seasons in and around Shocco and Fork Townships 600 wild turkeys, besides a great many deer. As for myself, I have never kept account of the turkeys I have killed in a season's hunting, but I have frequently shot as many as five a day. My brother, W. F. Alston used to keep dogs, and I have known him to kill with his dogs in one hunting season as many as 4S deer, besides a great number of foxes. I could say nothing that would interest you about my bird hunting, as I have never been much of a bird hunter, but those who enjoy that kind of sport will have an opportunity of having some fun this fall, as the prospect for birds as well as other game looks very flattering." Mr. A). Davis, near Shocco said: "The largest number of deer I remember to have killed in one season is 35 and 45 foxes. In one day's hunt I have caught four foxes and killed one deer. I have never been much of a bird or turkey hunter." P. K. Williams, of Kork township was on a deer stand one day with a single barrelled gun, when two deer came out side by side. He fired, and the shot went through and killed both animals. Henry |ones, of Kork township, also on one occasion accomplished the same feat. Hunters have frequently been known down there to kill a deer with each barrel of a double-barrelled shot gun. There are many points of historic interest in the vicinity of "Montmorenci, " One place of note is the celebrated Shocco Springs, near which have lived United States Senator M. W. Ransom, General Robert Kansom, General Braxton Hiagg, Governor Bragg, Governor lilias Carr, General Thomas J. Green, and other noted men of North Carolina. Just three miles from Shocco Springs, marked by a beautiful monument erected by Warren county, is the grave of Anna Curtis Lee, daughter of General Robert L\ Lee. Miss Lee, who was in bad health, went 10 the Springs, with the hope of being restored, but died there. Within two miles of Shocco, the great statesman, Nathaniel Macon, once Speaker of the House of Delegates, and President of the Senate of North Carolina, was born and reared. Hefore his death he selected the poorest spot on his farm as his burial place and requested that a mound of flint rock be made over the grave so it would not be disturbed by tillers of the soil. He also requested, that every friend who passed the grave, should throw a stone upon the mound. General Jethro Sumner of Revolutionary fame, is buried with several hundred of his Soldiers on his farm, one mile from Shocco Springs. The soldiers graves are marked with stone slabs, and that of the General, with a handsome granite monument. In 1779 the County of Bute was divided, and the Counties of Franklin and Warren were formed out of it, Warren County was named for (ieneral Warren, who was killed at the battle of Bunker Hill. The county is bounded by the State of Vir- ginia and lies within the granite belt. The surface is gently rolling. Fruit for the Northern .Market is quite exten- sively cultivated and has proven quite profitable. Prior to the Civil War, this was one of the wealthiest counties in the South. Its people were highly cultivated and intelligent, and now there is no more intelligent and well read people to be found anywhere. The people have always been noted for thier generous and lavish hospitality. In former days it was a health resort for people from all parts of the South, and thousands spent their summers at the summer resorts in the county and this town. The lands of the county are not now in the highly improved condition they once were, owing to the impoverishment of the people by the war. and the consequent want of capital to farm in the best manner. On account of the fact that there are large bodies of forest land, there is a great deal of game in the county. While it may seem strange from the fact that it is one of the oldest settled counties in the State, it is nevertheless true that there are more deer wild turkeys and quail in this county than in any other in the State. QUARTERS ANH KENNELS.