SPECIAL AE^NOU3^CEE¥3EC\IT FOR THflS IVIONTH. JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE STOCK of NEW CROP TEAS and FRESH COFFEES, cannot be surpassed for C, UALITV and CHEAPNESS. Positively no polishing matter used in Roastins; our Coffees, Our Coffees are Roasted and sold in their natural state, no ingreiieuis whatever being used to make them GLOSsY. Ueware of GLOSSY 1 OFFliElS. >'ote the address to guard against IMPOSTURE, as our rftores, style and system of aoiutj business are closely imitated 1 y MUSHROOM CONCERNS all over the country. THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA CO. Akron, Ohio 15<> tio. How ircl St. Atlinca, Ga '5 Whitehall St. Biltimore', Md W. BaUitu.ire St. B;ilt=more, Mil 41 North Eutaw fet. Baltimore. Md -1 North Gay St. Baltimore. Md South Broadway Boston, Mass 'j- Court St. B idzeport. Conn -'J'-) Main St. Brooklyn, N. Y o Fulton St. Brooklyn, N. Y '2i)6 Columbia St. Broo2 Broadway Eist Boston, Mass 109 Mpridian St. Eliiabeth, N. J 91 Broad St. Elmira. N. f r; E. Water St. Greenpoint, N. Y 363 Manhattan Ave. Grand Rapids, Mich ^0S Monroe St. Harrisbure, Pa 221 Market St. Hartford, Conn 427 Main St. Hoboken, N. J 58 W ishinrton St. Indiaiiapolis, Ind 4 Bates' H Block laica, N. Y 48 Fulton Jersey City, N. J 55 Newark Ave. Kansas City, Mo i.27 Mam St. Lancaster, fa -.4 N. Queen St. Louisville, Ky o5i Fourth St. Middletown, N. Y G E. Main St. Milwaukee, Wis ^1 Wisconsin St. Newark, N. J 738 Broad St. Newark, N. J 07 Market St. Newburgh, N. Y 72 Water St. New Brunswick, N. J 11 Peace St. New Ilavcn, Couu .....SCO State St. Norfolk, Va ''"•TMain St. Oswpc-o, N. Y :9 W. Bridge St. raterson. N. J 127 Main St. rhilad<>lT>bia, Pa 1120 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa 831 Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa 700 N. Second St. Philadelphia, Pa 621 S. Second St. Philadelphia, Pa ''SlORid^e Avp. Philadelphia. Pa 2212 Frankfort Road Pittsburgh. Pa 34 Fifth Ave. Pou-hkeepsie, N. Y 291 Mdin St. Providence. R. 1 263 Westminster St. Reading. Pa RiO Penn St. Richmond, Va 709 Broad St. Rochester. N. Y 119 E. Main St. South Boston. Miss 305 W. B'way Springfield. Mass 500 Main St. St. Louis, Mo 720 North Fifth St. St. Louis, Mo l^Sfi South Fifth St. St. Louis, Mo 2208 Franklin Ave. St. Paul, Minn 47 E. Third St. Syracuse, N. Y 78 South Salina St. TreQton, N. J Groene St. Troy, N. Y River St. Ltica, N. Y i;7 Genesee St. Washington, 1). C 503 Seventh St. Wattrbury, Conn 19 E. Main St, Williamsburgh, N. Y 322 Grand St Williamsburgh, N. Y 103 Gnind Sti A\ orcester, Mass 522 Main St. YoBkers, N. Y 32 Broadwaj KEW lUKK CITY. 64nBroa''waT Cor. Bleeckcr St. 310 BleeckevSt Cor. Grove St. 22 Carmine St Cor. Bleecker St. S08 Spring St Cor. Fenwick St. 818 Powerv Cor. Bleteker St. 774 Third Avenue Cor. 48th St. 1450 Third Avent e Cor. 82d ~>t. 2004 Thirl Avenu- Cor. 11 nth .St. S-'^lOThi'd Ave....Fet. 125tb and 12* tb -.