. #l£>r4 1 V\ui&S a.ncL feouLuii.rioj«iS %%i Htbrarp aii'oc vBntberSitp of Jgortf) Carolina From the Library of W . V4 . Va,ss q> W, W. Ku Rules and Regulations *0R THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ft/fe/W A.. B. .A-NDHEWS, SUPERINTENDENT. APPROVED: W. J. -Hawkins, President. '0 TAKE EFFECT FEBRUARY 1, 1871. RALEIGH : NICHOLS & GORMAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. 1871. Baleigh & Gaston Railroad Company. SPECIAL NOTICE All Officers, Agents and Employees are hereby informed that they are required, by these Rules and Regulations, and by their own interest, as well as the interest of the Company, to be polite and considerate in their intercourse with the Patrons of the Road. The reputation and prosperity of the Road depend greatly upon the promptness with which its business is conducted, and the manner in which its customers are treated by the Officers and Employees. They must always remember that in accepting office or posi- tion in the service of the Company, they are bound thereby to obey strictly the Rules and regulations issued from time to time by their superior officers. All Rules and Regulations heretofore issued, inconsistent with the Rules and Regulations contained in this book, are hereby rescinded and repealed. Special Regulations and Schedules for running Trains will, from time to time be issued, as may be deemed necessary. f (10 g&b aaunjH Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/rulesregulationsOOrale RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Raleigh & Gaston R R Co. PRESIDENT. The President is the Chief Executive Officer, and all orders, rules, and regulations issued by him or by his authority, are to be observed by all persons in the employment of the corporation. SUPERINTENDENT. The Superintendent is the second officer in authority, and has the direct supervision and control of all matters pertaining to transportation, and all orders, rules and regulations issued by him are to be obeyed. MASTER MACHINIST. The Master Machinist is head of the Mechanical Department, and has the immediate direction and control of the Shops, build- 6 Rules and Regulations ing and repair of all the locomotive and other machinery, the passenger, freight and other cars, the employment and discharge of all Engineers, Firemen and hands employed in the Eepair Shops, subject to the approval of the President or Superin- tendent. ROAD MASTER. The Eoad Master is the head of the Eoad Department, and has the immediate charge and supervision of all matters connected with the repair and maintenance of theEoad-Bed, Track, Switch- es, Frogs and Buildings on line of Eoad, and the repair of all Bridges and Culverts. Section Masters and hands will be appointed and discharged by him , subject to the approval of the President or Superin- tendent. He will pass over the entire road at least once in ten days in a hand car and examine it throughout. All Gravel and Material trains will be subject to his orders while engaged on on such duty. Bcdeigh & Gaston Railroad Company. GENERAL RULES. |HE Eules and Begulations governing employees of the ; Company can be had on application to the Office of the Superintendent. J- Each employee is expected to know them, and to yield them a cheerful obedience. Ignorance will, in no case, be an excuse for their violation, and any who may feel disposed to question them will not remain in the service of the Company. " Employees are expected to devote as much time to the ser- vice of the Company as may be required for the performance of their duties, at such hours as the occasion may demand, and to reside where directed. They are expected to obey instructions from proper authorities cheerfully and promptly, and will be lia- ble to dismissal for disobedience, negligence, incompetency or intoxication. Q *-» Employees must obtain leave in order to justify absence from duty. Their pay will be stopped when absent without leave, or during time of suspension from duty. 4- ^t Employees passing over the Eoad upon their private busi- ness are expected to provide themselves with passes from the proper authorities. Applications for passes for themselves, will be granted if not too frequently made. Mules and Regulations <-/ All employees must be civil and obliging to passengers and others with whom their duties may bring them in contact. They must not indulge in profane or improper language, and must avoid altercations with any person. In aggravated cases, they can report the facts to their Superiors. They are expected to report to the President or Superintendent any instance of misconduct or neglect on the part of employees, or any accident affecting the interests of the Company which shall fall under their observation. 6 If, in any case, instructions are not clearly understood, par- ties whose duty it is to carry them out must act, if possible, in such a way, that the safety of persons and property which may be in their charge will not be endangered. ■ Any modification of these Bules, or any new Regulations which may accompany the Time Tables as "Special Regulations," must be observed as long only as the Time Table on which they are printed is in use. Raleigh & Gaston Eailroad Company. ■ SIGNALS. 8 Every Station Agent, Section Master, Bridge Watchman or other employee of the Company having to make Signals, is re- required to provide himself with them, keep them on hand, in good order, and in readiness for immediate use. Ked signifies Danger, and is a signal to stop. Blue signifies Caution, and is a signal to go slowly. 9 10 -L- *- A Bed Flag displayed by day, or a Bed Light by night, — a Lantern showing across the Track — a Flag, Hat, Handkerchief, or any object waved violently by any person, on the Track, signifies Danger, and is a signal to Stop. Bed Flags, or Bed Lanterns, must never be used as signal of caution only, but Always as Danger Signals. J-^ A Blue Flag by day, and a Blue Light by night, is the proper Caution signals to be used. TRAIN SIGNALS. 13 Each Train, or Engine without a Train, while running after Sunset, must display one White Head Light in front of the Engine, and one Bed Light in the rear of Train or Engine. 14 Each Passenger Train, while running, must have a Bell Cord attached to the Signal Bell of the Locomotive, passing 10 Sides and Regulations through or over the entire length of the Train, and secured to the rear end of the hind Car. -Lv Each Freight Train while running by day, must display a Signal on the Engineer's, or Eight Side of the Rear Car of the Train, to enable the Train Men to know that the whole of then- Train is attached to the Engine. The Signal Lamp carried at night, must be attached to the side of the Rear Car, for the same purpose. 16 A Red Flag by day, and a Red Light by night, carried in front of an Engine, denotes that the Engine or Train, is followed by another Engine or Train, running on the sume Schedule. The Engine or Train thus signalled, will be entitled to the same Schedule rights and privileges, as the Engine or train carrying the Signal. 17 A Blue Flag by day, and a Blue Light by night, carried in front of an Engine, denotes that the Engine or Train is fol- lowed by another Engine or Train running on an irregular Schedule. The Engine or Train thus signalled, will keep out of the way of all Regular Trains. ENGINEERS' SIGNALS -B* Whistle. 18 The Whistle shall be sounded as an Alabii Signal, when approaching a Station. 19 A succession of short blasts of the Whistle is an alarm for Cattle, and calls the attention of the Train Men to danger. 20 One blast of the Whistle, when running, is a Danger Signal, and is a notice to apply the Brakes. 21 Two blasts of the Whistle is a notice to throw off the Brakes. Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company. 11 22 Three blasts of the "Whistle is a signal for the Engine to back. ^jO Four blasts of the Whistle is a signal to call in the Flag- man, or Signal-man. 94. <<— I J- The Ringing of the Engine Bell while the Train is stand- ing, is a signal for passengers to take their seats. CONDUCTORS' SIGNALS.-ByBellCord. &*-J A tap of the Signal Bell, when the Engine is standing, is a notice to Start. 9fi " Vi/ A tap of the Signal Bell, when the Engine is running, is a notice to Stop. 97 ^J ■ Two taps of the Signal Bell, when the Engine is run- ning, is a notice to Stop at the next Station. oo -£jO Three taps of the Signal Bell, when the Engine is run- ning, is a notice to slacken speed and look out for the cause of it. 9Q ^J *Zf Three taps of the Signal Bell, when the Engine is stand- ing, is a notice to back the Train. SIGNALS BY LAMP. *-* v-f A Lamp swung across the Track is a signal to Stop. Q1 *->-»- A Lamp raised and lowered vertically, is a signal to go ahead. 32 A Lamp swung in a Circle, is a signal to back. 12 Mules and Regulations CONDUCTORS. 33 All Conductors must provide themselves -with a uniform dress, to be worn always when on duty. Style of dress shall be, Blue Sacque Coat, Pants and Cap, with Brass Buttons. 34 All Conductors will respect the orders of the Agent at Weldon, when at that Station. 35 The Conductor will control the running of his Train. He must see that Schedule time is made whenever circumstances will permit, and prevent any reckless running on the part of the Engineer. If the condition of the Track and safety of the Train require it, he will prescribe a lower rate of speed than on the time table. Should the Engineer disregard his directions, he will report the facts to the Superintendent. 36 Each Conductor must carry an accurate and reliable Watch, and Regulate the same daily, by the Clock in the Su- perintendent's Office. 37 Conductors will be responsible for the proper manage- ment of their Trains, and for the good conduct of all persons employed upon them. They will report to the Superintendent any misconduct or neglect of duty on the part of train hands, which may take place. 38 They will see that their Trains do not leave any Station before the time mentioned on the time table for leaving it. They will give the signal for starting and, should occasion require it, EaleigJi & Gaston Railroad Company. 13 for stopping the Train at any point on the line of the Eoad. In case of accident or detention, they will, immediately upon arri- val at Baleigh, furnish a full written statement of the facts to the Superintendent. O %? All Telegraphic or Written orders affecting the running of his Train, which may be received by the Conductor, must be shown by him to the Engineer of the Train immediately. jlW It will be the duty of the Conductor to see that a Head Light is carried upon the Engine, and that a Bed Light is proper- ly disposed upon the rear of his Train, in all cases when running after dark. Trains must not be run at night without such Lights. 41 In case of accident, the Conductor must remain with his train, and will call upon any employee of the Company who may ■ I be present, for any necessary assistance. i ' jl.^1 Each Conductor will report to the Superintendent any 11 damage which may occur to Cars of his train or to^any other cars, or property belonging to the Company, of which he may have knowledge. 43 When a Conductor believes his Train to have passed over a broken Bail, he must stop the Train and ascertain whether such is the case, and if so, he will leave a brakeman, with a Bed Flag or Lamp, sending him back a necessary distance to prevent i accident to any train following. It will be the duty of the Con- ductor in such cases to stop at the next Station, notify the Local Agent, and Telegraph the fact to the Superintendent and Boad- Master. 44 When from any cause it becomes nesessary for a train to remain stationary upon the Main Track, immediately after com- ing to a stop, the Conductor must send a man along the track in each direction, a distance of at least two thousand feet from his 14 Rules and Regulations Train, with a Ked Flag if by day, or a Red Light if at night, to warn Engineer's of any approaching Train of the danger of Cohesion. 4-S aTv The Conductor of a Train which is following another, must keep at least ten minutes behind time of the leading Train, and see that curves are passed and Stations approached with aution. 46 When one Train shall overtake another, and the two are thereafter run as one train, the Conductor nearest whose Train time the amalgamated train is run, shall be Conductor of it. The Brakemen of both original trains will be under his orders, and the other Conductor must give him any assistance he may require in the discharge of his duties as such Conductor. 47 It is impossible to anticipate all the contingencies which may arise. The Conductor must, at all times, exercise his best judgment and discretion, and in cases of extraordinary difficulty or danger, he must confer and advise with the Engineer. If circumstances require it, he may call upon any employee who is present for assistance. He must not act contrary to the rules of the Road on mere supposition, but only in extreme cases, when it is imperatively necessary for the safety of life, or the security of the property of the Company. 48 No precautionary measures must be neglected at any time, and all unnecessary risks must be avoided, In cases of doubt, the safest course must always be adopted. Baleigli & Gaston Eailroad Company. 15 PASSENGER CONDUCTORS. 49 Conductors of Passenger Trains are required to appear, when on duty, respectably dressed, and wearing their badges. 50 They must be at the Station at least half an-hour previ- ous to the starting time of then* trains. It is their duty to see that their Baggage-Masters and Brakemen are attending to their duties, that the Cars on the Train are clean and in a proper con- dition in all respects, with water in the Coolers, Lamps in order for use, and Fuel if the weather requires it. They must also be sure that Red and Blue Signal Flags and Lanterns are upon the Train. 51 On arrival of a Passenger Train at a Station at which a stop is to be made, the Conductor wiU cause the name of such Station to be distinctly announced in each car, — by himself or by Train hands. Sufficient time must be allowed passengers to enter and leave the Cars with safety, avoiding, however, any unneces- sary delay. Unless in extraordinary cases, no other than the re- gular stops must be made, either to take on or let off Passengers, without an order from the President or Superintendent. 52 Upon the arrival of a Passenger Train at its destination, the Conductor must remain with his Train until the Passen- gers have left. He must see that windows of cars are closed, lights extinguished, and if there is fire in stoves, that no wood is left dangerously near them. 16 Rules and Regulations vO Conductors and Train hands must not allow passengers to remain upon platforms of Cars when in motion, and will en- deavor to guard them against injury from putting their heads or arms out of the windows. Ort Conductors or Train hands must not attempt to influence passengers for or against particular Hotels, or other public estab- lishments. Their intercourse with passengers must be polite and obliging. Smoking in or about the Shops, Office and the Depots, on the Engines, or on Passenger Trains is prohibited. The use of Intoxicating Drinks is prohibited — persons known to be in the habitual use of them will not be retained in the service. Any Employee known to have been intoxicated will be immediately dismissed. The use of profane or indecent language will not be tolerated. *J*J Conductors will not permit any person not authorized by the President or Superintendent to sell Books, Papers, or other articles in the Cars. 56 Conductors must see that order and decorum are pre- served in the Cars. They will remonstrate with any person who may be guilty of disorderly or improper conduct. If such con- duct is persisted in, to the annoyance of other passengers, it be- comes the duty of the Conductor to eject the offending party or parties from the Train. 57 Conductors will require of each passenger on his Train a Ticket, or a pass signed by either the President, Superintendent or a Director, which they will return to the General Ticket Agent at Baleigh. He will require of any passenger failing to produce such ticket or pass, the amount of the fare in money. Should any person refuse to pay his fare under such circumstances, he should be required to leave the train. Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company. 17 58 All money paid to the Conductor must be noted on his way-bill, giving number of passengers, and naming points at which each entered and left the train. 59 When, for non-payment of fare or disorderly conduct, it may become necessary to put a passenger off a train, the Con- ductor must be careful to use no more force than is absolutely necessary to accomplish the purpose, and in all cases to perform the duty at some public Eoad-Crossing, or near some house or Station, as may be most convenient. When obliged to use force, the Conductor will employ the train hands, and if possible, to effect his purpose without it, he will not himself touch the pas- senger. In every such case the Conductor will ascertain the names and addresses of some four or five passengers who, from a personal knowledge of the facts can be called upon to testify to them should it become necessary, and send the same to the Su- perintendent, together with a full written statement of the occur- rence. 18 Mules and Regulations FREIGHT CONDUCTORS: \J\J Freight Conductors must see to making up their trains, and be particular that a car with a good brake is the last one in the train. They must follow the time-table in running their trains as nearly as possible, and attend properly to the business of the train at Way Stations. When at Way Stations they will be ex- pected to obey all reasonable requirements of the Station Agents. 61 It is the duty of Freight Conductors to make frequent examinations of cars in their train while on the road, to see that journals do not become heated, and that wheels, brakes, &c, are in good order. Any accident occurring to their trains or coming to their notice, should be reported at once, in writing, to the Su- perintendent. 62 Freight Conductors must examine loading of Platform Cars, and if not so loaded that the freight upon them may be safely transported, they will notify the Agent at the Station of the fact, and leave the car or cars to be re-loaded. 63 Conductors of Freight Trains must be careful not to allow their trains to stand upon the track where they will obstruct the public travel over highways at crossings. 64 Any train approaching a Station, at which a regular train is due, must move with caution. Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company. 19 GRAVEL AND MATERIAL TRAINS. 65 Conductors of Gravel and Material Trains must have their trains upon a siding, at least twenty minutes before any regular train is due, and will be held responsible for leaving all switches in a proper position for approaching trains. 20 Bides and Regulations BAGGAGE MASTERS. fifi V/V# Baggage Masters are under the orders and directions of Conductors. They are expected to be at their posts three-quar- ters of an hour previous to the time of the starting of their trains, wearing their Badges, and attending to their duties. 67 It is the duty of the Baggage Masters to take charge of the Baggage of Passengers, and to deliver the same to them at the point of destination. 68 Baggage Masters will be held responsible for the careful handling of Baggage in all cases. They are required to remain in the Baggage Car during running of the train, and must not allow any other person to ride in the Car, without an order from the President or Superintendent. They are expected to render any other service connected with the running of the train, which the Conductor may require of them. 69 Ealaigli 8c Gaston Railroad Company. 21 BRAKEMEN- Brakemen are under the orders of the Conductor, and are expected to be on the train three-quarters of an hour previ- ous to the hour of starting, wearing their Badges. 70 It is the duty of Brakemen to have the Lamps in the Cars in good order and ready for use, to provide water in Cool- ers, the necessary Lanterns and Flags, both Red and Blue, and Wood, if the season requires it. They are expected to see that the cars are clean and in every respect in good condition. 71 Brakemen must see that the Bell cord extending through the train, is properly connected with the Engine before the train is started, and at the end of the trip that it is properly taken care of. They must light Lamps at proper times, keep up fires in Stoves when necessary, and do such other work as may be required by the Conductor. The head Brakeman will ride upon the front platform of the rear Car, if a Passenger Train, and on the rear Car if a Freight Train. In addition to his other duties he must keep the Signal Light for rear of the train in good order, and attach it in the proper position, when running at night. He must inspect the brakes and wheels from time to time, give his attention to coupling the cars, and have at hand on the train, provided for contingencies, spare Coupling Links and Pins, Oil, Waste, Lanterns and Flags ; for the safe keeping of all of which, he will be held responsible. 72 Brakemen will not allow passengers to ride upon the platforms of Passenger Cars. They will themselves ride upon the platforms of Passenger Cars, or the outside of Freight Cars, prepared to apply the brakes immediately when signalled by the Engineer. They are expected to examine wheels and bearings, oiling them when necessary. 22 Rules and Regulations I O Brakemen must not put down the brakes sufficiently hard to slide the wheels. • ^^ Great caution must be observed in applying brakes in cases where part of the cars of a train have broken loose from the remainder, to avoid collision between the disconnected cars and the balance of the train. Ealeigh & Gaston Railroad Company. 23 ENGINEERS. 75 Engineers are subject to the direction of Conductors while their Engines are attached to trains. They are responsible for the safety of their trains, and should always act under a sense of the accountability, with prudence and judgment. The Engineer must obey all reasonable directions of the Conductor relating to the running of the train. He must not, however, violate any rule of the road, even when ordered by the Con- ductor so to do, unless in his judgment, as well as that of the Conductor, a necessity exists for such action. He must always, when on duty, carry with him a copy of the last time table issued and, unless unavoidebly prevented, must run in accord- ance with it, keeping at all times a vigilant lookout for any sig- nals and for any obstructions upon the track. 76 Engineers and Conductors are required to carry a relia- ble Watch, and to regulate the same daily, by the clock in the Superintendent's Office, at Raleigh. 77 Each Engineer must see that his Engine is kept clean, and that everything upon it is in its proper place. At the end of each trip he will see that his Engine is properly placed in the Engine House, and examine to see if it is in perfect order. If found to be in any way defective, it is his duty to report the fact at once to the Master-Machinist or Foreman of Shops. A particular examination must be made of the Spark Arrester and Ash Pan, to be sure that they are in perfect order. 78 Engineers must be careful to see that they have upon their Engines Red and Blue Lanterns and Flags, Jackscrews, and such other tools as may probably be needed in case of accident. 79 The Engineer must never fail to have a Head Light on. his Engine when running at night. 24 Mules and Regulations OU When more than one Engine shall haul a train, the En- gineer of the leading Engine will be considered the Engineer of the train. O -L The Engineer must not leave his Engine while it is at- tached to a train, or while it is standing upon the main track, unless in case of the most urgent necessity. In all such cases he must leave the Engine in charge of the Fireman, or some other competent person. On no account must the Engine be left without some responsible person on it. O^ Engineers will not permit any person to ride on their Engines or Tenders, except the Fireman, Conductor and Brake- men of the Train, Master-Machinist, Road-Master, Section- Masters, on their respective Sections, Superintendent, President, or such persons as the President, Superintendent, or Master - Machinist may direct. 83 Engineers are particularly cautioned to run their trains slowly through Raleigh, ringing bell upon the Engine. 84 The Throttle Valve must be closed before reaching Bridges, and no steam used while passing over them, if it can be avoided. All Bridges on the line of the Boad must be ap- proached cautiously, and trains must move over them at a mod- erate speed only. 85 Engineers must approach any Station at which a stop is to be made, slowly, so that the train will stop at the platform without making it necessary to reverse the Engine or slide the wheels. Stations at which no stop is made must be passed at a reduced rate of speed in all cases. 86 Engineers are expected to observe changes of grade, weight of train and condition of track, regulating the speed of their trains so that they will be under control when on down Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company. 25 grades, and so that they can be stopped in the same distance as when running on a level. O / When following another train, the Engineer must keep at least ten minutes behind time of the leading train, and must observe great caution in passing curves and approaching Sta- tions, to avoid running into it. OO Engineers must observe carefully the position of Switch- es before crossing them. 89 In case of accident, the Engineer must make a written statement of the facts, and be prepared to testify to the same if necessary. 90 The Whistle must be sounded, or the Bell of the Engine rung at the starting of aU trains, and also with a prolonged sound when approaching a Station, and reaching a point within half a mile of it. 91 The Engineer will not, under any circumstances, run past a signal of danger, and if doubtful of the meaning of a signal, he must always stop the train and ascertain about it. Should a Danger Signal be improperly, or unnecessarily shown, the Engineer will report the fact to the Superintendent. 92 Those showing Danger Signals are alone responsible for the act, and Engineers must not assume to judge of its propriety, but must stop their trains at once in every case when such sig- nals are shown. «_/*-> The Engineer of a Freight Train, which shall overtake a disabled Passenger train, will be subject to orders of the Con- ductor of the Passenger Train, and, if so ordered by him, will couple on to the Passenger Train, leaving his Freight Train on the nearest siding, if necessary. 94 Every precaution must be taken at all times to guard against accident, and in cases of doubt the safest coukse must always be adojoted. 26 Rules and Regulations RULES FOB SPECIAL AGENTS 95 Agents in charge of the United States Mail, Messengers of Express Companies, and Individuals in charge of Private Cars, while with the Trains of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail Road Company, must consider themselves as Employees of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail Road Company in all matters connected with the movement and government of the Trains, and must conform to the directions of the Conductors thereof. Baleigli & Gaston Railroad Company. 27 RULES FOR STATION AGENTS. 96 The Agents in charge of the Stations of the Company are paid a fixed salary, and are required to devote themselves entirely to the business of the Company. 97 Station Agents have the charge of the Books, Papers, Buildings, Sidings and Grounds of the Company, and of the property entrusted to the Company in the transaction of busi- ness, at their respective Stations, and •will be held responsible for their safe keeping and proper care ; and also, for the proper employment and deportment of the Employees of the Company at their Stations. 98 When Cars are left at a Station, they must be taken in charge by the Agent, and secured by him against being pushed by evil disposed persons, or being blown by the wind so as to interfere with the safety of trains using the main track. 99 They must keep the Depot Buildings and the Grounds connected with them, clean and in good order for the accomoda- tion of Passengers, and for the reception of Freight ; and must preserve order in and about their Stations. 100 They are prohibited from selling Tickets to persons who are not in a proper condition to take care of themselves, or whose condition might endanger their lives, or make them a source of annoyance to others in the train. 101 They are prohibited from receiving Local Freight to be forwarded, the destination of which is not distinctly marked and made known to them, and which is in such condition that its safe transportation, and the transportation of other Articles, in the same Car, shall be endangered by it. Exception may be made to marking each Article, when a full Car load, unpacked, is shipped by one Consignor to one Consignee. 28 Rules and Regulations 109 J- vy^l They are prohibited from selling Tickets or delivering Goods on Credit. The Teehs are Cash. 4-Vf^jf They must keep their Accounts, make their Eeports, and pay over their Cash in such manner and form, and at such time as the Auditor and Treasurer shall direct. 104- -i-V-f^t All Freight on the Way Bill3 not marked as pre-paid must be charged to the Agent of the Station where it is left. 105 They shall make correct entries in theEeceiving Books of the Company of the Weight, Marks and Description of Arti- cles, and other particulars required by the Books and Forms in use by the Company for that purpose, with the Classification and Rate of Charge, which weight, marks, description, &c, clas- sification and Bate of Charge shall be the original entry from which the Manifest shall be made, one copy of which shall be sent to the Auditor's Office by Passenger Train, and one copy sent to the Agent who is to receive the Freight. The copy sent to the Agent who is to receive the Freight, may be sent by Pas- senger Train, or by the Conductor of the Train who is to deliver the Freight. When sent direct to the Agent by Passenger Train, a Memorandum Manifest must be furnished to the Conductor. 106 They must examine each Way Bill received by them, before delivering the Freight, and correct errors. When errors are found and corrected, they must report them to the Agent forwarding, and to the Auditor's Office. The Way Bills or Man- ifests of Freight received, must be correctly entered on the Books of the Company, and in the manner and form required by the Books and Forms which are furnished for that purpose, and the Manifest filed in the order in which they are reported to the Auditor, and carefully preserved for reference. 107 AH Freight to be left at places where the Company has no Agent must be prepaid, and the Freight charged thereon to Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company. 29 the next more distant regular Station ; but the Manifest is to be made to the place where the Articles are to be left, provided the place is mentioned on the Freight Tariff, and care taken to enter the items thus charged into the pre-paid column. If Agents fail to exact prepayment on Freight to such intermediate points, they will be held responsible for the full amount of the Freight. Du- plicate Manifests must be prepared, and one sent to the Agent of the Station to which the Freight is charged, the other must be given to the Conductor of the Train who is to deliver it. Agents receiving Manifests for Freight to be delivered at places where the Company has no Agent, must require of the Conduc- tor who delivers it, a certificate, or endorsement on his Mani- fest that it has been delivered by him, and must not fail to make inquiry of the Conductor as to the fact of its delivery, in case the Conductor should fail to report it. Agents having Goods destined for a point on the Road not named on the Freight Ta- riff, should, before agreeing to deliver them, know that the Freight train is authorized to stop at the point where the Arti- cles are to be left. 108 A receipt must be given to the Consignor, and, when required by the shipper, a duplicate for the Consignee. Bills must be issued against Consignees. 109 They must make Daily, "Weekly and Monthly returns to the Auditor, at the time, and in the manner and form pre- scribed by him. 110 They must report the business of their Stations to the President or Superintendent, whenever required. Ill They are required to have a general oversight over Tele- graph Operators, to know that they are at their posts at the proper time, and that they properly conduct themselves and attend to their duties. 30 Bides and Begulations -JL-L" They must be particular to report to the President or Superintendent when disabled Cars or Freight, for other Stations, are left at their Station, giving Marks, &c, of Goods, and procure orders without delay, for the disposition of such Cars or Goods. JL-LO They must report to the President or Superintendent, all deviation from the Eules and Regulations of the Company by Officers or other Employees of the Company. They must use all proper means to secure traffic for the Road ; avoid giving offence, and act at all times with the view of accommodating the public, and promoting the best interests of the Company. Baleigh & Gaston Eailroad Company. 31 RULES FOR SECTION MASTERS. 114 The Section Masters are under the immediate direction of the Eoad Master, and must report to him. They have charge of the Police and Repairs on their respective Sections, and will be held responsible for the condition and watching of the Eoad, and all its appurtenances. 115 Each Section Master is required to pass over the whole extent of his Section, at least once in two days, and to observe particularly, the condition of the Main Track Sidings, Road-bed, common Road crossings, Bridges, Culverts, &c, and execute such repairs as may be necessary ; attention being paid to pre- serving a uniform surface to the Track, particularly at the join- ings of the Rails. The inspection should be made early, before the Day Trains commence running. Where obstructions are likely to occur, the Track must be examined, if possible, not more than 30 minutes in advance of Passenger Trains. 116 He is expected to engage, personally, in all work neces- sary to keep his Section in complete order, and will not, without the consent of the Road-Master, employ more than his regular force, unless a slide or other emergency shall require it ; in which event he must, without waiting for further instructions, proceed to employ as many hands as may be necessary, and report the fact by the earliest opportunity, to the Road-Master. 117 When there is danger of slides, he must carefully exam- ine the slopes, and where Rocks, Stones, Stumps or masses of Earth become loosened from any cause, so that there is a possi- bility that they may fall upon the Road, he shall cause them to fall at such times as will allow their removal before the passage of a Train, using the necessary precaution to prevent them break- ing a Rail, or otherwise injuring the Track. He will not allow Wood or other Materials to be piled within six feet of the Track. 32 Rules and Regulations -LJ-O A Danger Signal must be conspicuously displayed upon the Road whenever an obstruction occurs, whether a Train is ex- pected or not, as a signal to Engineers to stop. A Eed Flag, on an Engine, by day, or a Red Light, by night, is to give notice that an Extra Train is to follow at a short interval. When an obstruction occurs, and no Flag or Board is at hand, a man must be sent to give notice to Trains by holding up both Hands and Waving a Hat or Handkerchief. As Extra Trains or Engines may pass over the Eoad without previous notice, Section-Masters must always be prepared for them. (See Signal and Train Rules. ) By the word obstruction, is meant anything that may interfere with the passage of Trains. The displacement of a Rail, or the use of a Hand-Car or Truck on the Track, is an obstruction, and should not be attempted without due regard to the precautions above mentioned. 119 Particular attention must be paid to keeping the Ditches and Culverts clear of obstructions, and such new ones must be made as the Road-Master may direct. The Road Ditches must be kept open at all times, and be made of such size as will pass the water freely during heavy rains. Great care must be taken in removing dirt, to keep the Ballast clean, and no Material should be so placed at the side of it as to prevent the water from passing out of the Ballast during a rain. The Channels or Streams, for a considerable distance above the Road, should be occasion- ally examin ed, and brush, drift, and other obstructions removed. During heavy rains and storms all hands must be placed on duty, and the whole closely watched. 120 The condition of the Track will be examined by the Road-Master at every visit, and notes taken, from which a Monthly Report must be prepared, exhibiting the condition of each Sec- tion, and stating particularly, whether any accident has occurred from slides, irregularity of surface, obstructions, neglect or other causes. These reports will be examined and filed, and for any Maleigh & Gaston Railroad J(}om/pany. 33 carelessness or inattention to duty on the part of a Section-Master or for any instance of intemperance, lie shall promptly be dis- charged. 1 91 JL/Lk X Where there are private sidings, it is the duty of the Section-Master to see that the rules and conditions under which they have been granted are complied with ; and particularly that temporary switch irons when used, are immediately removed from the Track, so as to offer no obstruction to Trains. 199 -L^J^J Track Repairers must notice every Engine that passes, and if a Red Flag is observed upon any one, care must be taken that no obstruction is placed or left upon the Track, before the passage of the next Train. 123 Each Section-Master must keep a Diary of work done, and Material consumed ; also an account of Materials and Tools received, and from whom ; also for what purpose Material is used. He must also report monthly, the number and condition of Tools. All property belong to the Company on his Section is in his charge, and he will be held personally responsible for its safe- keeping. He must have a Depot for Materials upon his Section, and not allow any Chairs, Spikes, or other old Material to be scattered along the Road, but have it brought together in one place. 124 Section Masters are required to assist, in removing Cars, broken and left upon the Road, and place them upon the nearest Siding without delay, and will render any assistance re- quired in case of accident. 125 It is the duty of the Section Master to note the time of Trains. If they run ahead of time, or the Train Hands, or any other persons connected with the Road, violate the Rules, he must report them to the Road Master ; should he fail to do so, it will be sufficient reason for making him a party to the violation, and subject him to punishment. 34 Rules and Regulations ■*■ «-l v^ When it is necessary to discharge or suspend from duty, any Employee under their direction, Section Masters will report the case promptly to the Road Master for his approval, and no addition should be made to the number of Employees without the consent of the Road Master, except in case of sudden emer- gency, as provided for in Rule for Section Masters, No. 116. J-^ • In all cases of accident or danger, report promptly to the Road Master. Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company. o. RULES FOR BRIDGE WATCHMAN. 1 9ft J-fcJO Watchman on Bridges must keep a constant supply of water upon the Bridge at such intervals as may be required by the Boad Master. 19Q ifclv/ They must follow every Train, with a bucket of water in hand, and extinguish any coals that may have fallen from the Engine. -IX-Jv/ In winter, they must remove all Snow from oft the Bridges and Track as quickly as possible, after it has fallen. 36 Rules and Regulations YARD MASTERS. 131 It shall be the duty of the Yard Master to see that each train is properly made up before leaving the Depot at Raleigh. He must be at the Shops or Depot on arrival and departure of every train. 132 He shall have control of the Yard Engine when it is on duty, and shall see that Freight Cars are carried to and from the & arehouse as the Freight Agent may require, and shall have all Oars moved from place to place, as may be directed by the Mas- ter Machinist or the Agent at Raleigh. 133 He shall report to the Master Machinist when a Spe- cial Train is required. He shall also examine the frogs and Switch- es in the Yard, and between the Shops and the North Carolina Depot, and report to the Road Master any repairs needed, and in case immediate attention is required, he shall report to the Mas- ter Machinist or the foreman of Shops, whose duty it shall be to have the necessary repairs made at once. 134 He shall see to the cleaning of all Passenger Trains and Coaches, and shall have the Yard, Coach-Shed and other places around the Shops kept clean. Raleigh Jt' Gaston Railroad Company. 37 CAR INSPECTORS. loO THE CAR INSPECTOR is under the direction 'of the Master Machinist, to whom he must make his reports. ■LWU He must maintain the repairs of the Cars of the Com- pany and their fixtures, so as to render them efficient for service to the full limit of capacity allowed. 137 He must see that Individual Cars, and Cars of other Companies in use on the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, are maintained in the same repair and efficiency as those of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company. A. B. ANDREWS, Superintendent. APPROVED, W. J. HAWKINS, President. Microfilmed SOLINET/ASERL PROJECT h I. ~ K \ UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL L 00042071621 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION THIS TITLE HAS BEEN MICROFILMED