LfEciDffi Ills, & Bailii Co., J. 1, 'fate, Fay ettefille cor. Marllii. as "rr o AT THE YARBORO' HOUSE, :e=l^^iLiE]i<3-:b3:, int. o. W. C. CARRINGTON, Pres't. U. j. HARTSOOK, Secretary. J. J. HOPKINS, Asb't Sec'y. Piedmont and Arlington Home Office : RICHMOND, VA. H((s Fetid orrr Sl,oOO,()00 uii Dcuth Losses. Has Issued arer 22,000 Policies to Srpt. 1st, 1874. l*olioii-« l,,ilteral. iiikI .\<>ii-l''Mrf«-i table, Hru^rewK RapUl and Cautious, LiO!>iNi>!( uiKi l'Api'UN«>i« itniHll, %«!>t>t!> Aui|»le uu«l ivoll !>>e<'ured. -Vo Coin/xiiii/ in Amet'ica. of same >tt/i\ is conducting its business at so sinttlf it ratio of expense to ineoiiie. GEORGE ALLEN & CO^ NEWBERN, N. C. H «— I fit • — • o ha W EDWARDS. BROUGHTON k CO.. Prims & BiBte. RaleikL N. C. Efje Hibrarp of m IBniberSitp of i^ortf) Carolina From the Library of WilliBja Worrell Vass 1831-1896 i|] & Tlionias, CTORS 111 O 3 Q o O ISTo. 53 Fayetteville Street, Opfjosite Metvopolitnii Ihill. B. p. WILLIAMSON, / w. G, upcHURCH, RAitTTr^i-rMr^ J. J. THOMAS, Jr \ rJ A. L^ tL 1 U PI , iN , tv J. J. THOMAS, Jr., Prest. J. D. ROYSTER, Supt^ S. 0, WHITE, Treaa. Corner of Davie and West Streets, MA.NUK'A.OTtJRKR OK Bolted and Unklleii Corn Meal. MerclKiHtfi fuid the Tiiulc Sinntlivd At Lowest Wholesale Prices. Jl^"Ail(h'eKK (ill onleiK to iMes....t urindi...' \ WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS, S Ar.KMXQ i-iai.- f-ijY MILLS, Capacil). > agents oak city mills, 500 liiish. per day. > ,■{» Fnf/ettlerille St. PESCUD, LEE & CO., IfllrtyetailDriiists, DEALERS IN ntsi "Fina PprfnnipripK. Tnili^i Art,ifi!ftR. mid This book must not be taken from the Library building. 1 ^ — 13"^ar'45Q Chemicals, Fluid and Solid Extracts, riiz^ (IIICP l(llll|l(l}, FiiVLEIOH:, jsr. G. GAFITiil.^ $200^000, OrcT .A'ine Hundred Policies issued diiTinii ils First Fisrul )'ru/- triflioutsustniii- i//i> <( siua'/c /(iss. Pniilriil, KrdiKiinic;!! ;iiicl ciicrii'clic innnM^i'inriil hii> niiidc il This Ooiiipniiy issues every desirnlilc liinii ol' rulicies :il .i-. Inu riiles ;is liny other First Class Coiiipiiiiy. Imposes no useless restriction uiroii residcnee or I ravel. Has a fixed paid nji value on all ]ioli<'ies after two and llircc luuiual pay- inenls. Its entire assets are Inancd and invesli'd al linnii', to I'osler and enconr- ■Aiie. home enterprises Willi these faets hefore lliem, will the jieople of North Carolina con- tinue to pay annually thousands upon thousands of dollars to liuild up Foreign Companies, when they can secure insurance in a Coiupany e(|Ually reliable and every dollar's premium they pay lie loaned and invested in our iiwn Stale, and anions our own |)eopley O. H. PERRY, Sii/)rrrisiiig .Igenl-, Mt.lWjEtGH, .V. f;. CHATAIGNE'S iLMCiimaii CONTAIXIXG A GENERAL DIIIECTORY OF THE CITIZENS -OF- iFL ^^ x_, e; I O HE TOGETHER WITH A COMPLETE BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE CITIES or Raleigh, Charlotte, Durham, Fayetteville, Greensboro', Newbern and Wilmington, ALSO, A LIST OF rnST OFFICES OF THE STATES OF NORTH r.lROLI.\.l, VIRCIMA & WEST V.\. Compiled and Published by J. H. CHATAIGNE, i875-'76. Entered according to Act of Congress \a the year 187^, by J. £1. Chataigne, in the office of the Lihrarinuof C ja.fjress, atWashiii'^fon, I). C. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS Adams & Moore, (,'rocers and com mers 42 Alaliama Gold Life Ins. Co., V. Ballard, Agent 47 Albeiuarle IiiRurance Co., Law- rence & Winston, agents 80 Allen, Geo. & Co., hardware and steam engines and ins. ngts '300 and outside front cover. Andrews, H. Mrs., millinery goods 4S Argo, T. M., attorney-nt-law 44 Armistead, Thos. S., fisheries, Ply- mouth, N. C l.-).') Armstrong, John, bookbinder & imblisher 45 and 112 Bailey. T. B , State Agent Cotton States Ins. Co 23.") Ballard, V.. insurance agent 47 Betts & Allen, Imilding contrac- tors, A-c 49 Blacknall. G. \T. I)r., prop'r Yar- boroiigh House front cover Dlackwell, W. T. & Co., tobacco manfrs, Durham N. C., backbone Briggs, T. H. &■ Sons, hardware.. r>2 Cameron, F. H., vice pres't N. C. State Life Ins. Co 4 Carraway, D. T., geu'l insurance agent, Newbern, N. C 201 Cayton, John, marble worker. . . . 'lO Christophers, F. C, grocer and com. mor 57 Cotton States Ins. Co., T. B. Bai- ley, agent 23.5 Crawford, R. M., marble works, Charlotte, N. C l.'JSIand IfiO Dail Brothers, grocers wholesale and liquor dealers, Newbern. . .108 Dodd & Avera,cotton&com, mers ()3 Edwards, Broughton & Co.. book and job printers, .inside back oover Edwards, Wm. E., life ins. ag't ifc justice of the peace, Greensboro 1S(> E.xpress Steamboat Co., Wilming- ton, N. C 2Sr, Ferrall, John R., sewing machine agent Cli Gales, Seaton, sec'y N. C. Home Ins. Co 'J(j Gaston House, S.R. Street, prop'r, Newbern 23G Greer, Robert, manufacturer car- riages and wiigons 70 Hurp, N. S., manufacturer car- riages and wagons 72 G Homey, W. A., watchmaker, jew- eller and optician, Greensboro. . i'.ll House, S. v., ho)ise & sign painter 7S Howe Sewing Machine Co., John K. Ferrell, agent I'l; Howell, B. N., proprietor, Howell House 7'.» Jones, R. F., <5: Co., wines and liquors 82 Joseph, Theodore, wines, liquors and saloon — side lines and. ... ?'■'• Lawrence & Winston, insurauce agents S(j and 98 Leach Bros. .grocers & com. mei*s K7 Leopold Bros., cigar niauufaetur- ers — bottom lines and SS Lewis, J. Frank, directory pub. Baltimore, Md ' 11)1 Life Association of America, J. M. Tate, secretary Hi Lougee, George, stoves and tin ware, Durham, N. C Kiji Lynchburg Ins. and Banking Co. "j. M. Tate, agent l(i Mahler, Henry, watchmaker and jeweler Ill Moore, A., tobacco and tobacco- nists goods it wines & liquors, Fayetteville 180 Morriss, W. H., & Co., fumituie Reams, H. A ..shoe blacking manfr Durham. N. C, Iti-t and opp..lGl Reams A" Walker, tobacco wure- hou.se, Durham, N. C — front cover Seargeant & McCauley, stove man- frs & founders, Greensl)oro . ..100 Simpson, William, druggist 110 Smith, W. D., it Co., grocers and ins. agts, Fayetteville, N. C 175 Snow, George H., atty at law. . . .111 Spirit of th« Age. Enniss ifc Arm- strong, publishers 112 Stanly, Thomas, grain & hay and cotton broker, Newbern I'J'J Stevenson, Thomas S , plumber and gas fitter 114 vStreet, S. R., propr, Gaston House Newbern, N. G 23G Tate, J. M. , sec'y Life Association of America . . IG Tiddv, W. M., & R., paper raanfrs, Charlotte, N. C. . . .opp. ICOand IGI'. Tiddy & Bro. , booksellers and sta- tioners, Charlotte, opp. 1(10 ami 1G3 Tucker, W. H., & K. S., dry goods 118 Upchurch, Alfred, coach manfr... ll'J Waitt, D. S., & Bro., dry goods, clothing, &c 120 Walker, A. B., boots and shoes, Greensboro 1S2 Watkinn, J. L. Dr., druggist and cigar manufacturer, Newbern. .107 Watson, 1!. A., furniture dealer. .23S Watson House, J. H. Watson, pro- prietor Watson House,Durham.lGG Watson, J. H., prop'r Watson House, Durham, N. C ICG Watson, J. W., photographer. . . .121 Weikel, C. , merchant tailor 123 Welch, George, architect, Char- lotte, N. C. .line under Architects Williams, .Alfred, bookseller and stationer . . . opp. inside front cover WiUiams, W. D., manufacturer of spokes and rims 12.'5 Williams & Haywood, druggists. .126 Williamson, Upchurch & Thomas, catton factors and com. mers., inside front cover Wolfenden, J. J., grocers and flour and feed 236 Wyrkt, Bingham & Co., grocers^ and com mers 128 Wynne, Yancey & Co., livery sta- bles 120 Yarborough House, Dr. G. W. Blacknall, prop'r front cover Ziegler A Gruendler, cigar manu- facturers 130 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Charlotte Business Directory 151 Durham Business Directory 104 Fayetteville Business Directory 170 Fayetteville Miscellaneous 13 Greensboro Business Directory ISl Index to Advertisements and 7 Newbern Business Directory 192 Newbern Miscellaneous 14 North Carolina State Government '•) Raleigh Business Directory 131 Raleigh General Directory -ll Raleigh Miscellatieous 10 United States Government 8 Wilmington Business Directory 209 MISCELLANEOUS. InKfd Slates Governnicut. President of the United States : ULYSSES S. GRA>s'T, of ILLINOIS. Vice President : HENRY WILSON, ofMASSACIirSETTS. Department of State: Secretary nf State — Haniilton Fisli. Treasiiry Dejiartmc^it : Secretary — IV'njaiiiin II. Brist(l^^■. Treasurer of the U S — Francis E Spinner. Conipti-olier of the Cnrrency — John Jay Kno.x. Commissioner of Int'l Ilevenne — J W Douglass. 1TV»' Department: Secretary of War — William W. Belkna]). Post Office Department: Postmaster (ieneral — Marshall Jewell. Navy Departrn en t : Secretary of the Navy — George ]\L Ilnhe.-M'?! Interior Department : Secretary ot Interior — Columbus Delano. Commissioners of Pensions — J. II. Baker. Commissioner of Patents — J. M. Thacher. Department of Justice : Attorney (-ieneral — George 11. Williams. Solicitor (ieneral — Samuel F. Phillii).*. Department of A(jrirese7itativ('(i : First District— J. J. Yeates. Second District — Jno. A. Hvman. Third District— A. M. Wad'dell. Fourth District — Joseph J. Davis. Fifth District— A. M. Scales. Si.xth iJistrict — T. S. Aslic Seventh District — W. M. Robins. Eighlli District- R. B. Vance. Governor — Curtis H. ilrogdcn. Secretary of State — W. IK Howerton. Treasurer — David A. Jenkins. Att. Bobbittand R. T. Gra'v. Daily i\^(?;/.'.s--Faycttevillo bet Martin and Davie, pub- lished daily and weekly by News Publishing Co. Jordan Stone, Manager. J. W. Dutihain, Editor. Friend of Temperance — Newborn ave cor Bloodworth, published every Wedensday by R. IP Whitakerj N. C. Journal of Education— fwhWihQA t*c edited monthly by S. D. Pool, office 40 Fayetteville. Our Living and Our /^ea{/--published monthly and edited by S. D. Pool, office 40 Fayetteville. lialeigh Era — 1 Fayetteville, jniblished semi-weekly by ]}rown tte Gilbert. Manager W. M. Brown. Lialeigh Sentinel — C. IP sq, publislied daily and weekly by Josiah Turner, Jr. Spi rit of the Age — 1 Fayetteville, publislied every Satur- day by Enniss & Armstrong. State Agricultural Journal — office 4t) i'"ayettcville, pub- lished every Saturdny by R. T. Fulglunn. M 1 S (• K i. 1. A N ]•:() U S . 13 TKI.»;<»UAI»II t'«H»IPA.MI>. Western riii>iii- -B. W. Stiirki-. Manager, o'-i Fayettevilk' KAI^EK^II TVrOiiRAI'ICAI. l\IOX. Pri'^uieiit — W . J. Eii>\ai(ls; Nice i'rt'siiltiit — I. >,' Kfith ; KecorditiiT Sec. — L < >. Lmi^ee ; Corriispuiidiiiir Secretary —J. C. IJirdsmig. l\[eets lirot Wellne^llav ot eacli month ovi-r Metropi)litan Marl^et (lOveruiuoiit of Fayt'Us'viUe. May..r— ^\■. T. Frizell ; City Attonicx-— Win. A. Ciutli- rie ; Treasurer — David A. Raj- ; City Clerk — A. M. Camp- rll; Chief rolice— T. J. Selk^rs ; Clerk of ^larket— H. M. Lindsay : Town Marslial — Wm. H. Clark, Jr. ; City Tax Collector — L. C. Lineberry ; County (>oroner— T. J. Mas- sey : Sheriff — R. "W. Ilardie ; Clerk of Court — Alexander .MePherson. Ji. : Countv I'reasurer — James 1). Note: Registeicit Deeds— W. \\'. Antivy. I. S. i\Ti:R\AI. REVK.\IK. Colleetor— ( ). II. Blocker, Cape Fear Bank Knilding. HOST OFFIt'E. 1 'ostnuislei' — (Jeorge Lauder. BA\K«». FaydicviUc NaUorud /irt///.— I'resident- -John D. Wil- liams; Vice President — J. W. Pearee; Cashier — William Huske ; Directors — J. D. \\'illiams, J. W. Pearee, A. A. .McKethan, Joseph Ltley, JiohcM't Mitchell, .M. A. Baker and John Shaw. PeopUs Natirmal Bank — Cash capital |1.")0,000. J 'resi- dent^ — E. T. Moore: Cashier — A. ^IcLean ; Directors — E. T. Moore, George Bi-andt, F. W. Thornton, Henry (i. Hall. F. L. Pemberton, Daniel McXatt and John ]5ine. RAlEKO.AUik. Fayettevillc and Florcnn /liiiliiini! <'i>. — I'roidcnt — .\. A. McKethau : Chief Engineer — D. G. McDufhc ; Secy ami Treas — John M. Rose. Western. Tlailroad of K C. — President and General Man- ager — L. C. Jones ; Secretary, etc. — John AL Rose : 'JVeas- uroi' — A. A. Stedman ; Master Maehinist — M. Atki.son. 9 U M I S C E L L A X E O V S Government <:f Newbern. .Mayor — James Camplu'll: ( 'uuncilniaii First Ward — J..). A\'oll'enden; Councilman .SecondWard— W'.d.Brvan; Coun- cilman; Tliird Ward — Jas. Campbell ; Councilman Fourth Ward— Joseph Nelson; Councilman Fifth Ward— Benj.Mc- Gee ; Councilman 8ixth Ward — Amos York : Councihnan Seventh Ward — V. A. Crawford ; City Attorney — Uolicrt F. Lehman; City Treasurer — Amos York ; City Marshal —William (1. Turner ; City Clerk— E. Merritt ; City Tax Collector — l^enjamin Jacobs. CRAVEK «Ol \TV Commissioners— Chairman ; Geo. II. Grover, John Patterson, Frederick Schlachter and Jesse Brooks ; Sheriff — Orlando Ilubbs; Clerk — 1. Edwin West ; Treasurer — DaA'id X. Kilburn ; Register — Jas. C, Harrison ; Coroner — Allen G. Oden ; Surveyor— Henry .]. Lovick : No. S Township Trustees — Chairman — E. A'. i;ichi.rd.son ; Clerk— Thomas F. McCarthv ; AVm. E. Calmer, TL T. Berry, D. X. Kill)arn, James Campbell. H. P. Hickman; Pich:u"d Tucker, Jusepli Mumfonl. Eil\ViirI<;ilT t'0:»IP AMES. yrirbem Gas Li(jht Coiiijiain/ — Cliarles Slover, Pres't ; Geo. .Vllen, See'y and Treas.; Jno. C.Green, Sup't. Oftice Pollok, between Craven and Middle. Works, south Front l)etwcen Hancock and Metcalf. BA1\'K!>>. National Bank of Newbern — Autliori/.ed Capital ^."iOO.dOO. Paid up Capital' :|100,000. John Huohes. President: J. A. Guion, Cashier ; G. H. Poberts, Teller. Directors: .John Hughes, James A. Brj-an, M, Patterson and R. F. Lehman. Rouvfrct'. n. H. &: Co.. south i''i-ont corner Craven. M 1 S C E L L A JS' E U I S . Pt'BLIC !^<'ll<>OI>. A^cwlxni Academy — Rev. G. A\'. Neal, J'riiai|ial : New and Hancock ; Xo.of .Stiulents, 235. Trust I'cs : 11. F. Leh- man, E. R. Stanlv, T. A. Ileurv, Rev. L. C. \\ass, R. C. Kehoe, D. X. KiUnirn. Frecrk .1. Sliln.-litcr. 1. F,. West Hon. C. R. Thomas. K.lll. K«»AI»>>. Athmtlc and y. V. Huilro'iil — J.. W. JIuiii[ilny, I'res'i ; Walter G. W&st, Sec'y and Tieas.; .J. A. 8uydam, Gen. Ticket Agent ; Jos. Xelsou. (!eii. J'^reiglit Agent: J. W Wilson, Ma.stor JIaohinist. I. o. o. r. Calnmrt Encampuicnt, Xu. 4 — Thoma.s J. L^itliam, C. P.; Rev. L. C. Vass, H. P.; E. Ilubbs, .Scribe ; Joseph Marks. Treas. Meets semi-montlih' at Lowthrop Hall. Eureka Lodge, No, 7 — Tliomas J. Latham. N. G.: S. R. •Street, Jr., V. G.; J. L. H. Mi,s.sillier, Ser'y; E. H. Mead- ows, Treas. fleets Tuesday l']vi'iiings in (). of'll., \o. I*». John S. Long. Past Master: I), E. Cliristie, Master ; Ale.x Justice, Overseer; H. T. (.Kiion, Lecturer: W. G. Brinson, Secretary; H. R.Bryan, Treasurer: Calvin Herring, Stew- ard; A. W. Wood, Asst. Steward; Mrs. J. L. Rhen, Ceres; Miss Martha Kerne, Flora; Mrs. Hardy Whitford, Pomona: and Mrs. JL I). Dewev, Ladv Asst. Steward. KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME, ■J^GrantR all apijrovetl kinds of Insurance, ami im restrictions. If you want a policy in a well-establisUeil and want yonr uioufy kept in North Carolina, apply to ■J^ Experienced and successful solicitors wantinfr please address the Secretary, at Rali'iyh. poses DO unreasonaljle and reliable Company. the Life Association, a good contract will INSURE VOIR PROPERTY IN THE lYSilill© INBIEAMI ii Baffin GoiiF, of Lyflciirg, Va, -/. F. SLAUGHTER, J'res'f^ C. T. WILLS, Sec')/. Cash Capital, - - - .$350,000.00 Assets, Januarij 1, 1875, - $618,312.22 Lo.^ses Paid during 1874, " '$35, 159. 21 .mtt Propts oil basiness of 1874, $21,910.25 Bonds depo.sited in State Ti'easiiry far protection of J^\ C. policy-hoide.rs, $15,000.00 "S^llisks on all iusiu-able property written at the lowest current rates. t^'Private Dwellings, in Town or Country. ;i specialty, and rate-; Very low. Ayents in all the Principal towns. J. M. TITE. General State Ajjent, LIST U. S. POST OFFICES . m m\ REVISED AND COKEECTED FROM THE LATEST OFFICIAL EEPOET, AT" I li a- 1 isr I .A. , AccoMAc County. Accomac C. H., Atlantic, Bell Haven, Chincoteague Isl'd, Davis' Wharf, Flag Pond, Greenbackville, Guilford, Hoffman's Wharf, Homtown, Locust Mount, Locustville, MasoDville, Slessongo, Metotupkin, Jlodest Town, New Church, Onancock, Pitts' Wharf, Pungoteague, Sea Side, Temperanceville, Wiseville. Albemable Coctntt. Batesville, Bentivoglio, Boonsviile, Boyd's Tavern, Brown's Cove, Carter's Bridge, Charlottesville,'* (c. h.) Cobham, Covesville, Earleysville, Free Union, Glendower, Greenwood Depot, Howardsville, Ivy Depot, Keswick Depot, Mechum's River, AlillingtoD, Moorman's River, North Garden, Nortonsville, Overton, Red Hill, Scottsville,'* Shadwell, Stony Point, University of Va., Warren, Woodridge. Alexandria County. Alexandria,'* (c. h.) Arlington. Alleohasy ConKTY. Alleghany Station, Clifton Forge, Callahan's, Covington, (c. h.) Those offices marked with a Alleghany County — Continued. Cowpasture, Long Dale, Morris Hill, Potts' Creek, Rich Patch, Selnia, Sweet Chalybeate. Amelia County. Amelia, (c. h.) Chula Depot, Deatonsville, Jetersville, Lodore, Mannborough, Matoax, Morven, Paineville. Amhebst County. Allen's Creek, Allwood, Amherst, (c. h.) Cool Well, Forks of Buffalo, Gait's Mill, Harris Creek, Mason's Depot, New Prospect. Oronoco, Pedlar's Mill, Riversville, Salt Creek, Sandridge, Stapleton Mills, Walker's Ford. Appomattox County. Appomattox C. H., Bent Creek, Evergreen, Nebraska, Oakville, Spout Spring, Spring Mills, Tower Hill, Walker's Church. Augusta County. Arbor Hill, Buffalo Gap, Burke's Mills, Churchville, Craigsville, Deerfield, Elizabeth Furnace, Fishersville, Folly Mills, Fort Defiance, are money-order offices. 11 LIST OF POST OFFICES— Virginia. AaonsTA County — Continued. Beunswick County. Greenville, New Hope, Charlie Hoi)e, Lawrenceville,* Hermitage, Parnassus, Eiimunds' Store, (c. h.) llundey's Mills, Pond's Gap, Forest Hill, Pleasant Oaks, Laurel Hill, Sangerville, Gholsonville, Powellton, Long Glaile, Sherando, Harper's Home, Smoky Ordinary, Middlebrook, Staunton,* (c. h.) Jonesborough, Sturgeonville, Milnesville, Steele's Tavern, Kennedy's, Walthall's Store, Mint Spring, Stuart's Draft, Waskeys Mills. Moffatt's Creek, Stribling Springs, Moscow, Swoope's Depot, Buchanan County. Mossy Creek, Verona, Mount Meridian, Waynesborough, Grundy, (c. h.) Need More, Mount Sidney, Weyer's Cave. McClure, Shack's Mills. Mount Solon, Buckingham County. Catu County. BeesviUe, Gold Hill, Boiling's Landing Gravel Hill, Bath Alum, Hot Springs, Buckingham, (c. h ) Mount Vinco, Bath C. H., Letcher, Buckingham Mines, New Canton, Cady's Tunnel, Millboro' Springs, Centenary, New Store, Cleek's Mills, Mountain Grove, Curdsville, Ore Banks, Green Valley, Sun Rise, Diana Mills, South Bangor, Healing Springs, Williamsville. Gary's Store, Thruston, Glenmore, Well Water. Bedford Cocntt. Campbell County. Bellevue, Horeb, Arnoldtown, Marysville, Big Island, Ka.sey's, Brook Neal, Morris Church, Body Camp, Liberty,"* (c. h.) Campbell C. H., Mount Athos, Boonsboro', Lisbon, Castle Craig, Mount Zion, Buford's, Lone Pine, Concord Depot, New London, Bunker Hill, Loving Creek, Green Hill, Pigeon Run, Chamblisburgh, Lowry, Hat Creek, Providence, Charlemont, Myler, Lawyers, Oxford Furnace, Chestnut Fork, Otter Hill, Leesville, Yellow Branch. Dair's Store, Otterville, Lynchburg,* Davis' Mills, Peaksville, Emaus, Perrowville, Caroline County. Fancy Grove, Stewartsville, Forest Depot, Thaxton's, Bowling Green, Point Eastern, Good View, Wades, Central Point, Port Royal, Hendrick's Store, White Rock. Chilesburgh, Rappahannock Holcomb's Rock, Dunnis Store, Academy, Flippo's, Round Oak, Guiney's, Ruther Glen, Bland County. Mernill's Store, Shumansville, Milford, Sparta, Bland C. U., Point Pleasant, Moss Neck, The Grove, Clear Fork, Rocky Gap, Penola, White's. Hicksville, Tilson's Mill. Mechanicsburgh, Cabboll County. Cranberry Plains, Laurel Fork, Botetourt County. Dug Spear, Piper's Gap, Fancy Gap, Stone Mountain, Amsterdam, Indian Rock, GUadesborough, Wolf Glade, Blue Ridge, Locust Bottom, Hillsville, (c. h.) Wood Lawn. Blue Ridge Springs Old Hickory, Lambsburgh, Buchanan, Roaring Run, Cloverdale, Saltpetre Cave, Charles City County. Dagger's Springs, Tinker's Knob, Deisher's Mill, Troutsville, Apperson's, Weyanoke, Fincastle,'* (c. h.) Upper James, Charles City 0. H., Wilcox's Wharf, Fork Dale, Waskey's Mills, Edna Mills, Wilson's Landing. Grace Furnace, Zion's Hill. Free's Point, Those oflicea marked with a * are money-order offices. LIST OF POST OFFICES— Virginia. in Charlotte Countt. EfSEX County. Aspen Wall, Mossing Ford, Center Cross, Montague, Barnesville, Ontario, Dunnsville, Mount Landing, Cole's Ferry, Randolph, Lloyds, Roxburgh, County Line Cross Red House, Loretto, Tappahannock,* Roads, Red Oak Grove, Miller's Tavern, Ware's Wharf. Drakes Branch, Rolling Hill, Dupree's Old Store, Rough Creek, Fairfax County. Eureka Mills, Smithville, Harvey's Store, Tallcott, Accotink, Langley, KeysviUe, Wylliesburg. Burk's Station, Lewinsville, Centreville, Lincolnia, Chesterfield County. Chantilly, Millbrook, Clifton Station, Pleasant Valley, Black Heth, Matoaca, CoUingwood, Prospect Hill, Chester, Midlothian, Dranesville, Spring Vale, Drewry's Bluff, Proctor's Creek, Fairfax C. H., Theological Semi- Granite, Skin Quarter, Falls Church, nary, Hallsborough, Winterpock. Herndon, Vienna. Manchester, Hunter's Mills, Clabk 3 County. Fauquier County. Berryville, (c. h.) Wadesville, Bealton, Owl Run, Castleman's Ferry, White Post. Bethel Academy, Paris, Millwood, Bowenville, Piedmont Station, Bristersburgh, Pine View, Ceaio County. Broad Run Station, Rectortown Station, Casanora, Salem Fauquier, Abbott, New Castle, (c. h.) Catlett, Somerville, Barbonrsville, Ripley's Mills, Elk Run, The Plains, Craig's Creek, Simmonsville, Markham Station, Upperville, Middle Mountain, Sinking Creek. Midland, Vernon Mills, Morrisville, Warrenton,*(c.h.) New Baltimore, Waterloo, CuLPEPEB County. New Brighton, Weaversville. Orlean, Boston, Raccoon Ford, Brandy Station, Rapid Ann Station, Floyd County. CastletOD, Richardsville, Cnlpeper, Rixeyville, Camp Creek, Indian Valley, El Dorado, Stevensburg, Copper Hill, Little River,' Home Land, Stone House Moun- Copper Valley, Simpson's, Jeffersontown, tain, Floyd C. U., Stamping Bunches, Mitchell's Station, Waylandsburg. Oray^ville, Turtle Rock, Paynesville, Greasy Creek, West {"ork Furnace. Cumberland County. Fluvanna County. Ashly, Flannagan's AFillK, Anlioch, Hunter's Lodge, Ca Ira, Oak Forest, Boswell's, Kent's Store, Cartersville, Stony Point Mills, Bremo Bluff, Palmyra, (c. h.) Chnton, Sunny Side. Central Plains, Seven Islands, Cumberland C. H. Columbia, Union Mills, Fork Union, Wilmington. DiNWiDDiE County. Fbankliit Coustt. Burgess, Petersburg,* Church Road, Reams' Station, Bonbrnok, Naff's, Darvills, Ritchieville, Boone's Mill, Penhook, Dinwiddle C. H., San Marino, Callaway's, Pig River, Ford's Depot, Sutherland, Cedar Grove Mills Prillaman's, Goodwynsville, Wilson's Depot. Cooper's, Retreat, Olden Place, Dickinson's, Rocky Mount, (c.h.) Dillon's Mills, Running Bag, Elizabeth City County, Glade Hill, Shady Grove, Gogginsville, Starry Creek, Hampton (c. h.,) Old Point Comfort.* Hale's Ford, Sydnorsville, Thoee offices marked with a ' are money-order offices. IV LIST OF POST OFFICES— Virginia. Franklin Coithtt — Continued. Halifax County. Taylor's Store, Young's Store, Alpha, Mount Carmel, Union Hall, Woodpecker Level. Barksdale, Mount Laurel, Villa, Black Walnut, New's Ferry, Brooklyn, Omega, Frederick County. Buck Shoal, Red Bank, Clover Depot, Republican Grove, Acorn Hill, Mount Vernon Tan- Delila, Scottsburgh, Black Creek Valley nery, Halifax C. H., South Boston Depot, Cedar Creek, Newtown Stephens- Harmony. Southerlin. Collinsville, burgh, Henry's Mill, Turbeville, Gainesbi)rou5!i, Rock Enon Spring.s, Hyco, Vernon Hill, Gravel Spring, Shockeysville, Mayo, WhitesviUe, Hay field, Star Tannery, Meadville, Whitlock, High View, Stephenson's Depot, Mountain Road, Wolf Trap. Lookout, Welltown, Meadow Mills, White Hall, Middleton, Winchester,* (c.h.) Hanover County. Mountain Falls, Ashland, Junction, Giles County. Allee's Station, Montpelier, Auburn Mills, Morris, Eggleston's Springs , Pearisburg, (c. h.) Beaver Dam Station , Negro Foot, Mountain Lake, Pembroke, Chickahominy, Noel's, Mouth of East Rivei , Poplar Hill, French Hay. Old Church, Narrows, White Gate. Goodall's, Taylorsville, Newport, Hanover C. H., Verdon, Hewlett's, Villa Green. Gloucester CogNTY. Henrico County. Cappahosic, New Upton, Glenns, White Marsh, Carbon'Hill, Richmond,* (c. h.) Gloucester C. H., Wood's Cross Roads. Curl's Wharf, Westham Locks, Hayes' Store, Erin Shade, Glen Allen, Westhampton. Goochland Codnty. Henry County. Bula, Is.sequena, Caledonia, Johnson's Springs, County Line Mills, Oak Level, Dover Mines, Loch Lomond, Dyer's Store, Prunty's, Elk Hill Mills, North Side, Glady Fork. Ridgeway, Fifes, PerkinsviUe, Horse Pasture, Rough and Ready Goochland C. H., Sabbot Island, Irisburgh, Mills, Hadensville, Shannon Hill. Leatherwood, Spencer's Store, Martinsville, (c.h.] Traylorsville. Mouut Vernon, Grayson Coitnty. Hichland County. Bridle Creek, Long's Gap, Carsonville, Meadow Creek, Clover Creek, Monterey, (c. h.) Clem's Branch, Mouth of Wilson, Doe Hill, New Hampden, Comer's Rock, North Branch, Head Waters, Palo Alto, Elk Creek, Old Town, Hightown, Spruce Hill, Flat Ridge, Spring Valley, McDowell, Strait Creek, Grant, Stevens' Creek, Meadow Dale, Vanderpool, ludepend'nce, (c. h.) Summerfield. Mill Gap, Wilsouville. Greene County. Isle of W oht County. Dawsonville, StanardsTille, (c. h.) Carrsville, Windsor Station, Eickersville, • Isle of Wight C.H., Smithfield,*(c.h.) Zuui Station. Greenville County. James City County. Hicksford, (c. h.) Poplar Mount, McHwain's, Rural Bower, Burn't Ordinary, Williamsburg,* Pleasant Shade, Ryland's Depot. Jamestown, (c. h.) Those offices marked with a * are money- order offices. LIST OF POST OFFICES— Virginia. King & Q ueen County. Louisa County. Biuinoton, Plainview, Apple Grove, Locust Creek, Carlton's Store, St.Stepheu'sChu'ch, Bell's Cross Iloads Louisa C. II., KiDg& Queen C. II , Sliacklel'ord's, Buckner's Station, Mansfield, Little Plymouth, Stevensville, Buinpass, Melton, New Town, Walkerton. Cuckoo, Mercerville, Ellisville, Poindexter's Store, Frederick's Hall, Thompson's Cross Kixo Geokoe County. Gum Spring, Roads, Harris, Tolersville, Coraorn, King George C. H , Jackson, Trevilian's Depot. Edge Hill, Lewisville, Friendsliipville, Mathias' Point, Ilanipstead, Passapa tansy, Lunenburg County. Hooe's Neck, Port Couwav, Hop Yard, Shiloh. Brickland. Non-intervention, Columbian Grove, Oral Oaks, Double Bridge, Plantersville, Kixo William County. Haleysburg, Pleasant Grove, Hollydale, Rehoboth, Aj-lett's, Idaho, Lochleven, Wattsborough, Beulahville, Lanesville, Lunenburg C. H., Whittle's Mills, Eiifleld, Mangohick, McFarland's, Yalesville. Etna Mills, Manquin, New Plymouth, Fish Haul, Sweet Hall, King William C. H. We>t Point. Madison County. Criglersville, Peola Mills, Lancaster County. Graves' Mill, . Rochelle, • Leon, Seville, Carter's Creek, Merry Point, Madison C. H., Twyman's Mill. Kilmarnock, Millenbeck, Oak Park, Lancaster C. H., Monaskon, Litwallon, Payne's Shop, Matthews County. Lively Oaks, River '\'iew. Cobb's Creek, Matthews C. H., Lee County. Crickett Hill, Hicks' Wharf, Point Haywood. Bates' Mills, Oak Glen, Beech Spring, Rocky Station, Mecklenburo County. Black Water, Rose Hill, Boon's Path, Siickleyville, AbbyviUe, Oakley, Brick Store, Turkey Cove, Boydton, (c. h.) Palmer's Spring, Cany Hollow, Walnut Hill, Buffalo Springs, Saint Tammany's, Crab Orchard, Whitehead's Mill, Cabbage Farm, Scott's Cross Roads, Crank's Gap, White Oak Springs, Chase City, Smith's Cross Roads, Gibson's Station, Yoknm Station, Clarksville, South Hill, Hunter's Gap, Zion's Mills. Drape rsville, Si)ring Hill, Jonesville, (c. h.) Forksville, Stony Cross, Lombardy Grove, Union Level. LoDDOCN County. North View, AMie, Middleburg, Middlesex County. Areola, Mount Gilead, Bloomfield, Morrisonville, Bay Port, Locust Hill, Bolington, Mouutville, Church View, Saluda, (c. h.) Circleville, ' Neersville, Freesliade, Sandy Bottom, Clark's Gap, Oatland's, Harmony Village, Urbana. DaysviUe, Philomont, Jamaica, Farmwell, Purcellville, Goresville, Round Hill, Montoomeby County. Hamilton, Snickers ville, Hillsborough, Taylorstown, Alleghany Spring, Christiansburg,'* Hughesville, Unison. Bang's, (c. h.) Leesburg,* (c. h.) Waterfoid, Big Spring Depot, Cowan's Mills, Lincoln, Wheatland, Blacksburg; La Fayette, Lovettsville, Wood burn. Centre Mills, Lovelv Mount, Loudoun, Childress' Store, McDonald's Mill, Those offi(!es marked with a ' are monejr-order offices. yi LIST OF POST OFFICES— Virginia. Montgomery ConuTT — Continued. Montgomery Spr'gs,Shawsville, Pilot, Vicar's Switch, Price's Fork, Yellow Sulp. Spr'gs. Nansemond Countt. Buckham, Belleville, Chuckatuck, Gray's Store, Holy Neck, Magnolia, Nurncysville, Somerton, South Quay, Suffolk,* (c. h.) Nelson Cocntt. Afton, Arrington, Elmington, Greenfield, Greenway, Hardwicksville, Montreal, Nelly's Ford, Norwood, Orlando, Rockflsh Depot, Tye River Depot, Horseley's Landing, Variety Mills, Lovingston, (c. h.) Warminster. Massie's Mills, New Kent County. Barhamsville, Despatch, New Kent C. H., Providence Forge, Tunstall's. Norfolk Cocnty. Bowers' Hill, Deep Creek, Great Bridge, Indian Creek, Lake Drummond, Norfolk,* C. H., North Landing, North West Land- ing, Portsmouth. Northampton County. Bay View, Caperville, Cherrystone, Cobb's Island, Concord Wharf, Eastille,* (c. h.) Franktown, Hadlock, Hungar's Wharf, Johnsontown, Miles' Wharf, Wilsonia Wharf. NORTHCMBEBLANB COUNTY. Brown's Store, Lottsburg, Burgess' Store, Rehobosh Church, Fruit Plain, Wicomico Church. Hcalhsville, (c. h.) Nottoway County. Blacks and Whites, Jennings' Ordinary, Burkesville, Nottoway C. H., Forkland, Wellville". Jeffress' Store, Orange County. Orange County — Continued. Thornhill, Unionville, Verdierville, Woolfolk. Page County. Alma, Cedar Point, East Liberty, Grove Hill, Hope Mills, Luray, (c. h.) Marksville, Massanutton, Shenandoah Iron Works. Stony Man, Willow Bend. Patrick County. Ararat, Buffalo Ridge, Carter's Mills, Edwards, Elamsville, Howell's Shop, Mayberry Creek, Mayo Forge, Meadows of Dan, Patrick C. H., Patrick Springs, Penn's Store, Peter's Creek, Rock Castle, Rock Spring, Russell Creek, Sandy Plains, The Hollow, Tuggle's Gap, Union Furnace, Young's Grove. Pittsylvania County. Bachelor's Hall, Berger's Store, Calland's, Cartersburg, Cascade, Chalk Level, Chestnut Level, Danville, Dry Fork' Depot, Fall Creek, Hill Grove, Hurt's Store, Kentuck, Laurel Grove, Malmaison, Mount Airy, Museville, Peytonsburg, Piney Fork, Pittsylvania C. H., Pleasant Gap, Riceville, Ringgold, Sandy Level, Shockoe Church, Spring Garden, Straight Store, Swansonville, Whitraell. Powhatan County. Ballsville, Fine Creek Mills, Flat Rock, Genito, Jefferson, Powhatan .C. H., Sublett's Tavern. Prince Edward County. Darlington Heights, Horton's Store, Barboursville, Madison Run Sta- Gordonsville,* tion. Liberty Mills, Mallory's Ford, Locust Grove, Orange C. H., Those offices marked with a * are money-order offices. Farmville, Green Bay, Greenwich, Hampden Sidney College, Meherrin, Pamplin's Depot, Prospect, Rice Depot, Worsham. Prince George County. Blair's Wharf, Brandon, Brandon Church, City Point, Disputanta, Garysville, Piney Grove, Prince George C. H. Rives, Templeton. LIST OF POST OFFICES- -Virgiiiia. Vll Prince William Col'Nty. Rockingham County. Beulah, Manassas, Bowman's Mills, Liunville, Breutsville, (e. h.) Neabsco Mills, Bridgewater, Lynwood, Bristol Station, Nokesville, Broadway Depot, McGaheysville, Buckland, Occoquan, Cherry Grove, Melrose, Dumfries, Potomac, Cootes' Store; Myerhccfler's Store, Gainesville, Sudley Sprirgs, Cross Keys, ' Montevideo, Ilayniarket, Tboro\i2lifare, Dale Enterprise, Mount Clinton, Indpentlenl Hall, Waterfall. Dayton, Mount Crawford, Landsdown, Dovesville, Ottobine, Edom, Pleasant Val'y Forge Princess Anxb County. Fulks' Run, Port Republic,' Goods' Mill, Rawlev Springs, Blossom Ilill, London Bridge, Greenmounl, Rushville, Kempville, Pleasant Ridge, Harrisonburg,* Singer's Glen, Land of Promise, Princess Anne C. H. (c. h.) Spring Creek, Inglewood, Tenth Legion, Keezletown, Timberville, PcLASKi County. Lacey Spring, Waverlie. Leroy, Allisonia, New River Depot, Draper's Valley, Radford Furnace, Russell County. Martin's Station, Snowville. Newbern (c. h.) TJelfast Mills, Jesse's Mills, Bickley's Mills, Lebanon, (c. h.) , Creswell, New Garden, Rappahannock County. Dickensonville, Rock Farm, Elk Garden, Rock House, Amissville, Sandy Hook, Fugate's Hill, Rosedale, Flint Hill, Slate Mills, Gibsonville, Sword's Creek, Gaines' V- Roads, Sperryville, Hansonville, Vicar, Laurel Mills, Washington, (c. h.) Hawkins' Mills, AVillow Springs. Rock Mills, Woodville. Scott County. RlCHM0> D Oounty. Big Branch, Locust Lane, Cornsville, Nickelsville, Carter's Wharf, Ivanhoe, Duncan's Mills, Osborn's Ford, Emmerton, Malton Wharf, Estillville, (c. h.) Pattonsville, Farmer's Fork, Newland, Fort Blackimore, Point Truth, Farnbam, Warsaw, (c. h.) Fulkerson, Rye Cove, Foueswood, Holston Bridge, Speen's Ferry, a Laura, Wayland. * Roanoke County. Shenandoah County. Bent Mountain, Collierstown, Balcony Falls, Fairfield, Alonzaville, Mount Jackson, Bell's Valley, Fancy Hill, Capon Road, Mount Olive, Brownsburs, Gilmore's Mills, Columbian Furnace , New Market, Buffalo Forge, Goshen Bridge, Edenburgh, Orkney Springs, Buffalo Mills, Busy Glen. Edith, Paddy Mills, Cedar Grove Mills, Forest Station, Powell's Fort, Forestville, Saumsville, Hamburg, Seven Fountains, ROCEBBIDGE CoUSTY. Hawkinstown, Shenandoah Alum Jacob's Church, Springs, Alum Springs, Glenwood, Lant's Mills, Strasburgh, Balcony Falls, Goshen Bridge, Lebanon Church, Tom's Creek, Bells Valley, Lexington,'* (c. b.) Liberty Furnace, Van Buren's Fur- Brownsburgh, Longwood, Maurertown, nace, BulTalo Forge, McKenny's Mill, Moore's Store, Wheatfield, Buffalo Mills, Monmouth, Mount Clifton, Woodstock,'* (c.h.) California Furnace Natural Bridge, \ Cedar Grove Mills, Oakdale, Smyth Couktt. Collierstown, Rapp's Mills, Fairfield, Rockbridge Baths, Atkins' Tank, Chatham Hill, Fancy Hill, Summers, Broad ford. Long Hollow, Gilmore's Mills, Timber Ridge. Cedar Springs, Marion,'* (c. h.) Those ofiBces marked with a * are money-order offices. VIU LIST OF POST OFFICES— Virginia. Smyth County — Continued. Tazewell County — Continued. Olymjiia, Seven Mile Ford, Croftsville, Springville, Rich Valley, Sugar Grove, Fall's Mill, Sulphur Springs, Rye Valley, Two Mile Branch. Knob, Tazewell C. H., St. Clair's Bottom, Paint Lick, Thompson's Valley. Richland, .Witten's Mill. SoniHAMPTOs County. Shawver's Mill, " Airfield, Franklin Depot, Warren County. Assamoosick, Green Plain, Berlin, Ivor, Bentonville, Linden, Boykih's Depot, Jerusalem, (c. h.) Browntown, Milldale, Branchville, Newsom's Depot, Buckton, Nineveh, Cobbsville, Nottoway Mills, Cedarville, Riverton, Drewryville, Vicksville, Front Royal, (e. h.] Water Lick, Enterprise, Worrell's. Happy Creek, Farmers' Grove, Warwick County. Spotsylvania County. Warwick C. H. Andrews, Partlow's, Brokenbnrg, Roney's Store, Washington County. Chancellorsville, Spotsylvania C. H., Clover Green, Summit, Abingdon,'* (c. h.) Lodi, Fredericksburg,'* Thornburg, Alum Wells, Love's Mills, Glenora, Twyman's Store, Buffalo Pond, Mandota, Lewis' Store, Wilderness. Clear Branch, Mock's Mills, Mount Pleasant, Craig^s Mills, Montgomery, Emory, Osceola, Stafford County. Glade Sprini?, Rockford, Greendale, Saltville, Belfair Mills, Mountain View, Holston, Smith's Creek, Brooks' Station, Richland Mills, King's Mills, Wallace's Switch. Falmouth, Serena, GarrisonviUe, Stafford C. H., Westmoreland County. Hartwood, Stafford's Store, Little Whim, Tackett's Mill. Baynesville, Nominy Grove, Hague, Oak Grove, SuBKY County. Kinsale, Oldham's M Roads, Machodoc, Templeman's Cross Bacon's Castle, Jones' Wharf, Millville, Roads, Cabin Point, Phillips' Store, Montross, (c. h.) Tucker's Hill. Claremont Wharf, Spring Grove, • Wise Dilland's Wharf, Surry C. H. County. Hog Island, s Big Stone Gap, Osborn's Gap, Sussex County. Dry Fork, Pound, Guest's Station, Wise C. H. Barrett's, Parham's Store, Holly Creek, Cedar View, Stoney Creek Ware- Coman's Well, house, Wythe County, Hawkinsville, Sussex C. H., Henry, AVakelield Station, Black Lick, Reed Island, Jarratt's, Waverly Station. Browne Hill, Rural Retreat, Littleton, Graham's Forge, Sharon, Jackson's Ferry, Speedwell, TAZEWELt County. Max Meadow's, Wytheville'*C. H. Abb's Valley, Burke's Garden, York County. Baptist Valley, Cedar Bluff, Blue Stone, Cove Creek, Grafton, Yorktown, (c. h.) Those offices marked with a * are money-order offices. LIST OF POST OFFICES— West Virginia. ix •V7"EST "^IRGHnsriA.. Babbocb CoC5TT. BelingtoD, Bnrnersville, Calhonn, Corinth, CovetoD, Elk City, Hackers ville, EassoD, Meadowville, Nestorvllle, Overfield, Peel Tree, Phillippi, (ch.) Pleasant Creek, Talbott's, Valley Furnace, Wilmoth's. Bebkelet CorXTT. Darkesville, Falling Waters, Gerrardstown, Glengarry, Hainesville, Hedgesville, Jones' Springs, Little Georgetown, Martinsburg,* (c. h.) Mill Creek, North Mountain, Oakton, Sbanghia, Tomahawk Springs, Van ClevesTille. BoonE County. Bald Knob, Mouth Short Creek, Crook, Peytonia, Honey Farm, Trace Fork. Madison, (c. h.) Bbaxtos Cou:»tt. Braxton C. H., Bulltown, Flat Woods, Frame's Mills, German, Holly River, Knanl's Creek, Laforme's Store, Little Otter, Perkins' Mills, Salt Lick Ridge, Strange Creek, Tate Creek, Twistville. Bbooke Ooitktt. Bethany,* Fowler's, Pan Handle, Short Creek, Wellsburg,» (c. h.) Cabell Coustt. Cabell C. H., Coxe's Landing, Fndgys' Creek, Green Bottom, Gnyandotte, Huntington, Lesages, Milton, Mud Bridge, Onslie's Gap, Salt Rock, Thorndike, Union Ridge. Clat Cocntt. CALBOini COCSTT, Amoldsbnrg, Big Bend, Big Springs, Grantsville, ii Big Otter, Big Sycamore, Clay C. H., Elk River, Lizemore's, New Flat Fork, Pleasant Retreat,. Valley Fork. DODDEIDGE COC.NTT. Central Station, Clover Dale, Cold Water, Greenwood, Long Run Station, McElroy, Morgansville, New Milton, Oxford, Saint Clara, Smithton, West Union,* (c. h.) Yeater's Mills. Fatette Countt. Clifty, Cotton Hill, Fayetteville, (c. h.) Gauley Bridge, Hawk's Nest, Hopewell, Kanawha Falls, Lookout, Loop Creek, McKendree Station, Meadow Dale, Mount Hope, Mountain Cove, Oak Hill, Quinnimont, Raven's Eye, Rocky Hill, Russellville, Sewell Depot. GiLMEE County. Batten's Mills, Cox's Mills, Glenville, (c. h.) Letter Gap, Sand Fork, Steer Creek, Stout's Mills, Tanner's, Townsend Mills, Troy. Gbant Codhty. Rlack Rock, Grant C. H., Greenland, Hopeville, Mount Storm, Mouse's, Petersburg,* Seymoursville, Williameport. Lulu, Minnora, Pine Creek, White Pine. Thoae offices marked with a Gbeenbbieb County. Alvon, Lewisburg,* (c. h.) Asbury, Little Sewell Moun- Big Clear Creek, tain, BlneSulph. Springs, Meadow Bluff, Bunger's Mill, Monroe Draft, Clintonville, Palestine, Falling Spring, Renock's Valley, Fort Spring Depot, Ronceverte, Friar's Hill, Second Creek, Frankford, White Sulph. Spr'gs'* Grassy Meadow's, Williamsburg. Greenbrier Bridge, * are money-order office*. LIST OF POST OFFICES— West Virginia. Hampshire Coontt. Kahawha County. Banettsville, Okonoko, Cannelton, Paint Creek, Bloomery, Patterson Depot, Carbonvale, Pocotaligo, Capou Bi'iilge, Pleasant Dale, Clendenin, Reynolds' Store, Capon Spi'ings, Purgilsville, Coalburg, Saint Albans, Co d Stream, Ridgeville, Giroon, Sal ton, Dillon's Run, Romney, (c, h.) Jarrett's Ford, Shrewsbury, Forks of Capon, Sedan, Kanawha C. H.* Sissonville, Green Spring Run, Slanesville, Kanawha Saline, Spring Hill, Hanging Ro'ck, Smith's Gap, Kendalia, Upper Falls of Coal. Higgensville, Soutli Br'nch Depot, Lewistown, Level's Cross Roads , Springfield, NoJth River Mills, Yellow Spring. Lewis County. ^ Alkire's Mills, Ireland, Hancock County. Beall's Mills, Jacksonville, Big Skin Creek, Janelew, Blair, Holiday's Cove, Fink's Creek, Leading Creek, Fairview, (c. h.) New Cumberland, Freeman's Creek, Little Wild Cat, Freeman's LaDding Oak Run. Gaston, Roanoke, Hacker's Creek, Weston,* (c.h.) Hardy County. Baker's Run, Lost River, Lincoln County. Capon Iron Works Moorefield,* (c. h.) Fabius, Mountain Home, Green Shoals, Laurel Creek, Hanging Rock Mills, Peru, Griffithsville, Spurlockville, Howard's Lick, Trout Run, Hamlin, (c. h.) Ten Mile. Inkerman, Wardens vllle. Logan County. Harrison County. Chapmanville, Logan C. H., Adamsville, New Salem, Cow Creek, Mouth Buffalo, Big Buffalo, Prospect Valley, Gilbert, Rich Creek. Bridgeport, Quiet Dell, Brown's Creek, Rockford, Cherry Camp, Romine's Mills, McDowell County. Clarksburg,* (c. h.) Sardis, Grassland, Shinnston, Peerysville, (c. h.) Tug River, Hessville, Sycamore Dale, Snake Root, White Camp. Johnstown, West Milford, Kincheloe, Wilsonburg, Lost Creek, Wolf Summit. Marion County. Lumberport, Barracksville, Glover's Gap, Jacksok County. Basnettsville, Gray's Flat, Beaty's Mills, HoodsvillCj Algerona, Murraysville, Benton's Ferry, Mannington, CottageviUe, Muse's Bottom, Bobtown, Mill Falls, Fisher's Point, New Geneva, Boothsville, Nuzums, Grass Lick, Pleasant View, Banner's, Palatine, Hereford, Ravenswood,* Canton, Rivesville, Huntsville, Reedy, Fairmount,* (c. h. ) Valley Falls, Jackson C. H., Ripley Landing, Farmington, Worthington. Le Roy, Sandy, Forksburg, Lockharts, Tompin's Grove, Lone Cedar, Willow Grove. Marbha LL County. Adaline, Limestone, Jefferson County. Beeler's Station, Londenville, Belltou, Lynn Camp, Charlestown,'* Lee town. Benwood, Moundsville, (c. h.) Duffield's, Middleway, Cameron, Rock Lick, Halllown, Rippon, Dallas, Rosby's Rock, Harper's Ferry, Shepherdstown,'* Fair Hill, Sherrard, Kabletown, (c. h.) Glen Easton, Woodlands. Kerneysville, Summit Point. Knoxville, Those offices marked with a * are money-order offices. LIST OF POST OFFICES— West Virginia. xi Mason County. NiCMOLAS County. Apple Grove, Mason, Beaver Mills, Kesler's XI Lanes, Arbuckle, Mercer's Bottom, Birch River, Nicholas 0. 11., Beech Hill, Mount Olive, Fowler's Knob, Persinger's Run, Clifton, New Haven, Hookersville, Snow Hill. Cologne, Point Pleasant, Flat Rock, (c. h.) Harmony, Bosk Castle, Onio County. Hartford City, Upland, Letart, West Columbia, Clinton, Triadelphia, Machirville, Willow Tree. Elm Grove, Valley Grove, Potomac, West Liberty, JIebcer Couxty. Roney's Point, Wheeling,'* [c. h.] Bethel, Jordan's Chapel, Camp Creek, Mercer Salt WorkR, Pendleton County. Clark's Gap, New Hope, Concord Church, Princeton, (c. h.) Brufihy Run, Mount Freedom, East River, Red Oak Ridge. Cherry Grove, Mouth of Seneca, Flat Top, Spanishburg, Deer Run, Oak Flat, Frenchville, The Rock. Dry Run, South Mill Creek, Franklin, [c. h.] Sugar Grove, Mineral County. Harper's Mills, Sweedlin Hill, Kline's K Roads, Upper Tract. Bnrlington, Headsville, Macksville, Claysville, New Creek, [c. h.] Frankfort, Piedmont.'* Pleasants County. Hirtmonsville, Grape Island, Twiggs, MONONCABALA CoU.NTY. Hebron, Union Mills, Saint Mary's, [c. h. ] Willow Island. Andy, Miracle Bun, Arnettsville, Mooresville, Blacks ville. Morgantown,* (c. h.] Pocahontas County. Cassville, Pedlar's Run, Center, Pentress, Academy, Green Bank, Clinton Furnace, Pleasant Valley, Buckeye Cove, Huntersville, [c. h.] Easton, Randall, Dnnmore, Mill Point, Granville, St. Cloud, Edray, Mount Murphy, Jake's Run, Statler's Run, Elk, Sunsst, Job, Stewarts town. Frost, Traveller's Repose. Laurel Iron Works Uffington, Laurel Point, Wades town. Maidsville, White Day. Preston County. Allbright, Morgan's Glade, MoNBOB County. Austin, Muddy Creek, Brandonville, Newburgh, Alderson, Peters town. Bruceton Mill.'", Painter's Mills, Crimson Springs, RedSulph. Springs, Clifton Mills, Pleasant Hill, Egypt, Rock Camp, Cranesville, Portland, Gap Mills, Salt Sulph. Springs, Evansville, Preston Tannery, Indian Creek, Sink's Grove, Fellowsville, Racoon, Johnson's X Roads , Sweet Springs, German Setllemen , Reedsville, Laurel Branch, Union,* [c. h.] Glade Farms, Rodamers, Lindside, Waitsville, Gladesville, Rowlesburgh, Maple Lawn, Wolf Creek. Horse Shoe Run, Tnnnelton, Pack's Ferry, Howesvill*, Valley Point, Kingwood, [c. h.] Willey. MoEOAN County. Mill Run, Alpine Depot, Oakland, Putnam County. Berkeley Springs, Orleans XI Roads, [c.h.J Paw Paw, Buffalo, Raymond City, Cacapon Depot, Sir John's Run, Frazier's Bottom, Red House Siioals, Cherry Run Depot Sleepy Creek Bridge, Hurrican Bridge, Round Knob, Magnolia, Unger's Store. Month of Scary, Scott's Depot, Monclova, • Piny Store, Winlleld, [c. h.] Those offiwB marked with a * are money-order offices. xii LIST OF POST OFFICES— West Virginia. Raleigh Codnty. Ttlee County. Coal River Marshes Raleigh C. H. Booker's Mills, Moore's, Jarrold's Valley, Round Glades, Conaway, Parsley, Miller's Camp Br'ch , Shady Spring, Joseph's Mills, Ripley's, Matville, Table Rock. Kidwell, Sancho, Little's Mills, Shirley, Lone Tree, Sistersville, Randolph County. Long Reach, Wick. Middlebourne, [c. h ] Ash Lick, Leadsville, Beverly, [c. h.] Middle Fork, Camp Elkwater, Mingo Flat, Upshur County. Cheat Mountain, New Interest, Davy's Mills, Point Mountain, Buchannon, [c. h.] Peck's Run, Fillmore, Roaring Creek, French Creek, Rock Cave, Florence, Valley Bend, Frenchton, Rural Dale, Helvetia, Valley Head. Grim's Store, Sago, Huttonsville, Hinkle's Mills, Sand Run, Hunklevilie, Selbyville, Ritchie Codnty. Kanawha Head, Swamp Run, Lorentz Store, Tallmansville. Berea, Mole Hill, Moore's Mills, Bone Creek, Parker's Mills, Cairo, Pennsborough, Wayne County. Cornwallis, Rogers, Cunningham's Mills, Rush Run, Adkins' Mills, Ginnes Creek, Ellenborougli, Sinnett's Mills, Adkinsville, Hubbardstown, Goff's, Spruce, Buffalo Shoals, Moses Fork, Goose Creek, Toll Gate, . Ceredo, Round Bottom, Harrisville, [c. h.] Webb's Mills, Cove Creek, Tick Ridge, Highland, White Oak. Dunleith, Twelve Pole, Holbrook, Falls of Twelve Pole, Wayne C. H., Fort Gay, White's Creek. Roane Cou-^TY. Flat Fork, Roxaland, Webster County. Henry's Fork, Shambling's Mills, Matlie, Spencer, [c. h.] Beech Bottom, Mount Pleasant, Newton, Walton, Hacker's Valley, Sand Licks, Osborne's Mills, Young's Mills. Lane's Bottom, Webster C. H., Reedyville, Middleport, Welch Glade. Summers Codntt. Wetzel County. Forest Hill, Lowell, Burton, Pine Grove, Green Sulphur Meadow Creek Sta- Fanlight, Porter's Falls, Springs, tion, Knob Fork, Proctor, Hinton, [c. h.] Mouth of Indian, Milo, Silver Hill, Indian Mills, New Richmond, New Dale, . Van Camp, Jumping Branch, Rollinsburgh. New Martinsville, [c. h.] West. Taylor County. Wirt County. Fetterman, Pruntytown, [c. h ] Burning Springs,*^ Reedy Ripple, Flemington, Simpson's Creek, Freeport, Wirt C. H., Grafton,* Thornton, Newark, Zackville. Iron Town, Tyrconneil Mines, Knottsville, Webster. Wood County. Meadland, Belleville, Jerry Run, Tucker County. Boreman, Kanawha Station, Briscoe Run, Laurel Junction, Alum Hill, Lead Mine, Bull Creek, Leachtown, Black Fork, Pleasant Run, Davisville, Lockhart's Run, Carrick's Ford, Red Creek, Deer Walk, Lubeck, Hannahsville, Saint George, [c. h.] Fountain Springs^ Harris Ferry, Mineral Wells, Holly Meadows, Texas. Murphy's Mill, Those offices marked with a * are money-order offices. LIST OF POST OFFICES— West Virginia. xiii Wood Coontt — Continued. New England, Volcano,* Parkersburg,* [c. h.jWadesville, Rockport, Walker, Valley Mills, Williamstown. Wtoming Coubtt. Baileysville, • Bear Branch, Crancy, Jo's Branch, Morgan Valley, Oceana, [c. h.J Rock View, Sun HiU. ISrOI^TIi 0-A.Ii03L.IlSr-A.. Alakance Coctntt. Bebtie County. Big Falls, Mebanesville, Avoca, Roxobel, Company's Shops, Melville, Colerain, Windsor, [c. h.] Carts Mills, Morton's Store, Lewiston, Eureka, Patterson's Store, Bladen Coonty. Oraham, [c. h.] Pleasant Grove, Hartshorn, Rock Creek, Abbottsburgh, Little Sugar Loaf, Haw River, Saxapahaw, Ammon, Loveland, McCray's Store, Snow Camp. iLrran, Marlsville, Bladenborough, Prospect Hall, Alexasdeb Cocktt. Brinkland, Rosindale, Clarkton, Tar Heel, Elk Shoal, Taylorsville, [c. h.] Dawson's Landing, Viicksburg, Little River, Wittenberg, Downingville, West Brook, Mount Piagah, York Collegiate In- Elizabethtown, Whit ALABAMA GOLD LIFE INSURANCE Co., ^ of Mobile, V. Ballard agt, 40 Fayetteville. (see adv.) « ALBEMARLE INS. CO.,' of Charlottesville, Va., © Lawrence & Winston, genl agts, 64 Fayetteville (seo a adv.) ^ *Ale.\ander Chapman, lab, h Overton w Alford J. II. (Marconi tt Alford) h Salisbury nr Edenton £ Alford M., porter, h Cahari'as cor Wilmington ^ *A!ford Nicholas, cookshop, Ilargett nr Wilniinaton Z Allcott Philo (;Philo & Wayne Allcott) h lliilsboro nr 1 West 2 Allcott I'hilo & Wayne, grocers, 92 & 93 Fayetteville - Allcott Wayne (Pliilo iV: Wayne Al!cott)'h Ilargett nr « Swain s Allen C. S., agt R. & G. R. R. and A. Air Line R. R. Go's, 2 h Harrington & Ilargett S, *Allen Gabriel, porter, Hillsboro nr West * Allen Henry, elk, bds Martin nr Person ■9 Allen Ira N. (Ira N. Allen & Bro.) h Hillsboro nr West § L. H. ADAMS, cotton factor. J. T. MOORE, Late with L. H. Adams. ADAMS & MOORi:, :6 MIIVVMIM ■■»■ VVIfMrillilfflVII III«l«lllll1llfl as ' 2 Xear the Corner of ff'ilniingfon tP Martin Sts., * Opposite Dr. MrKec's O/fice, a l^os. 9, 11, IS & IB wnmim^lott SIreet* ^ RALEIGH, N. C. •* Terras Strictly Oash.. Leopold Bros., Mannfactnrers of Fine Clears Only* Yf, H. Mnrriss & Co., , Fnrnitnre, 3 Fayettevillc Street. ALL [43] AND Allen Ira N & Bro, (Ira N & Wyatt B Allen) grocers Ilillsboro nr West Allen Jacob S. (Betts & Allen) h Dawson nr Jones * Allen John, brakesman, h Jones nr West 5 *Allen John. 6vt Carolina House ^ Allen L. II., student, h llarijjett cor IIarrin<;ton a Allen M. J., wid C. B , h Newbern av nr Person ^ *Allen Norman, lab, h Ilayti ■ Allen Thomas, elk, bds Person cor North •• Allen T. W.. (R. F. Jones & Co.) h Person & North » "'Allen William, lab., h on railroad nr S end Fayetteville ^ Allen Wvatt B., (Ira N. Allen & Bro.,) h Hillsboro nr w«st ; *• *All3'more (rriffith, lab. bds Wilmington nr Morgan ^^ *Alston Campbell, lab. h Lenoir nr McDowell * *Alston Feme, carpenter, h McDowell cor Jones 9 Alston J. W., ]jhysician, 9 Fayetteville and Johnson nr §,, Salisbury, h same g *Alston Matthew, helper, h Wilmington nr Cabarrus 2,. *Alston Moses, svt, bds Carolina House. A *Alston Oscar F., barber, h Harrington nr Martin % *Alston Philip C, bricklayer, h Harrington cor Martin « *Alston Solomon, lab, h Morgan cor Salisbury 5 CINCINNATI, ;:■ Fayetteville and liar- ?' AMAZON INS. CO. OF P. F. Pescud, Jr. local agt, n e cor ¥iy gett .^, American Sewing Machine Co , J. L. Stone, agt. Market 2 cor Fayetteville ' 2 Amos C. H. Mrs., Ii Dawson cor Lane JS; •Anderson Sampson, police, h Cannon and R R. jk Fayetteville Street, Carmer's Old Stand, «?■ RAI.EIGH, N. C. I Has Received from the North a handsome assortment H OF NEW AND "S miN.VETS AND HATS OF ALL KI\DS, FLOWERS, Ostrich, Fancy and Made Fentliers, (iross Urain and IMain Ribbons, Cranes, VelvetM, Silk, Vcfils, Cufls, Collars, Sleeves, Neck-Ties, Uloves, Fischues, Lace Collars, Corsets, I'ndeiivear, &c. Jobbers in all grade* of Ctaewin; Tobacco, 67 Fayettefillo Street.. For Cincinnati beer, go to Josepli's. .AND • [44] ARR ■W . . ^ Anderson Wra. E., president Citizens National Bank, h S Jones nr East •- Anderson W. J., elk, bds Jones nr Swain "5 Andrews A. B. Capt., sg'i'I supt. Ruleii^li & Gaston & R. S bet Wilmington & Halifa.x and North ct Lane ^ Askew Charles T., librarian Supreme Court, h. Salisbury i and Cabarrus S Askew W. F., farmer, h Salisl)ur3' cor Cabarrus g *Atkinson Devereanx. lab, Ii Ilarrinirton nr Davie ^ Atkinson J. M. Rev., h Dawson cor Ilargett aS Atkins George, architect, hds Exchange Hotel § * Atkins Suri-ev, lab. Fiivcttoville cor Davie * ATLANTIC INSURANCE CO., OF N. Y., s F. F. Pescud, Sr., g';nl agt, n e cor Fayetteville and liar- * ATLAS INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD. % P. F. Pescud i.\: Son, local agts, nr cor Fayetteville and jj Hargett £ *Austin Ireorge, lab, li nr Railroad s end Fayetteville 2. *Austin Jackson, carpenter, h Davio nr West p *Auslin John, svt. Grange Hotel q *Auetin Trim. lab. h Martin nr Dawson * Avera D. P. ( Dodd & Avera) bds Yarborongh House Aycocke J. C, bar-keeper, bds Carolina House 5 Packalan Joseph T., street comr, Salisbury cor Davie, h ft Morgan nr Salisbury ^ IS'o. 1 Fayetteville Street, ^ FtAI^EIGrlX, W. C. B BOOK-BINDER- AND V^ Blank Book Manufacturer. Neivspapers, Magazines & Lair liookxuj n'ci-tj description bo>ni(l in the very hcd sli/lc ami louxd prices. Fine retail Ci^ar Palace, 57 Fayetterille Street, Baleiga, N. C. For Fine Oysters, ^ to Joseph^. BAC [46] BAR g — K Backns W. T. Jr., cigjar maker, bds Howell House ^ E;iilirer It. C. (Badtjer it Devereau.x) »& U S dist atty, h cor Sf Edentoii and Wiliiiin Barley !>• G.. (]f'])v elk Siiprpme <'ourt, li Blount cor South 1 BAG-LEY WILLIAM H., lawyer and elk Supreme V C'l'Urt, capitol lild;;, h IJIount (mt So\ith ^ Bao;\ve!l L. C, elk, bds Howell House ^ Bagwell W. S. (('))cliiirch & i^agwell) li Wake C3 6- BAILEY THOMAS B., insurance agt, AventFerrj M road. (See adv.) £ Bain D.W., cliiefclk Treasurer's office, h Hillsboro corWest S Baker A. H.. elk, bds Dawson cor Jones ■S * Baker James, grocer, 5 Hargett, Market sq nr Wilmington J; Baker James A., guard, b s end Fayettevjlje £ P)aker .Foliri H., elk, bds corner Jones and Halifax •g Baker William, grocer, s end Fayetteville bel R R m Baker Williauj, b ('annon (!or West ^ *Balding Mas^n, lab. b Hayti 2 Ball Flenientine, wid Joltn B., b Jones cor Halifax — Ball Jobn T., route agent, b Person nr Davie * I»all Ji)sepb R., mail carrier, bds Persd3 Nat'l Hotel W Barbee H. J., idasterer, bds Bloodwortb nr Edenton ii Barbee M B.. enacb painter, b Bloodwortb nr Jones im Barbee W. E., plasterer, bds Blondwortb nr Edetiton * Barber Joseph W., (J. J. Johnson it Co.), h Person nr g Davie 5 Barber Thomas, elk. bds Person nr Davie M *Barbam James, lab, h Hillsbi)ro cor Dawson . Barham J. T., cari>enter, h Moiigan bet Harrington and B McDowell ^ Barker Sim(]n, porter, h Edenton nr Harrington •* Barker Thomas, svt, bds Person cor Polk Leopold Brother's, great brand of Cigar. W. H. Morriss & Co., FiirBUiire, 3 Fayetteville Street. BAR [47] 13AS ^Barker William ll., Inh, li Sivlishiiiy bet Lane aiiJ North Barlow Georfije, lab, bds Murtiii iir Bloodworth Barlow Matliew, lab, bds Martin iir Bluodworth Barlow William, licjiiors. Ii Martin nr Bloodworth ♦Barnes Dread, lab, 11 & I) It R *Barnes Mark A., doctor, li Ilayti *Barnes William, li Martin nr Wilminiijton *Barnett Peter, lab, li IJaywood nr Cabarrus Barney William, cotitbctionery, Cabarrus nr Wilmington, h same Barrett George, wheel wri to Joseph^. BAT [ 48 ] BEL ^ Batchelder George, niacliinist, li west cor Hillsboro £ Batdielor Edward A., elk, h ]!kRirtin bet Mcl>owell and ^ Dawcioti a *Batchelor Jack, variety, Cabarrus nr Dawson 2 Batchelor Josei)h B., lawyer, Fayetteville cor Martin, h Martin nr Nash sqr j Batchelor W. Plumtiier, lawyer, h Martin bet McDosvell ii and Dawson = Bates Flemining, Iwokkeeper, b Harorett nr Swain t *Bates Robert,' lab, b McDowell and R R J Battle Kemp P., lawyer and Pres N C State Life Ins Co, w Fayetteville cor Martin, b Fayetteville cor Cabarrus ^ I5attle R. IL, receiver Ins Co, h Fayetteville cor Cabarrus » Battle R. H. Jr., (William PI. Battle & Son) and prest N.. C. Home Ins. Co., h bet Wilmington and Halifax and g Lane and North S Battle WMlliam II, (Wm H Battle & Son) h Fayetteville 1 BATTLE WILLIAM H & SON., ^William H. & R.II. Battle Jr.), lawyers, Fayetteville cor Martin ti Baum Albert, butcher, h Hargettnr Blount * Bauman Albert, music t(!acher, b Ilalifa.x nr Peace fc Bauman M. P. Mrs., teacher, li Halifax nr Peace ^ Beacbam B. K., carpenter, h R & G R R nr Johnson li Beacbam Ilartwell, machinist, h R & G R R n of Johnson a Beacbam Thomas L., grocer, Wilmington nr llargett, b * Cabarrus beyond East u Beacbam Worth B., carpenter, h R & G R R n of Johnson * Beckham, John H., conductor. North nr Dawson "C Beckwith Boswith C, elk, bds Ma/tin nr Blount ^ lieckwith E. C. Mrs . boarding b. Alartin nr Blount g Beckwith Roberton B . elk, bds Martin nr lilount ^ Beelow Robert W., cotton weigher, h Morgan cor Har- y^ rintrtoii 2 *Beevers Ephraim. lab, h Hillsboro cor Harrington Si Bell Eliza, wid J>., h South nr Dawson fii Bell J. 11., cap guard, h IVmvuii nr Martin ® Bell J. H., Jr., grocer, Wiluiington nr Martin, bds Person. _ nr Martin S5 *Bell William, butler, h Cabarrus nr Harrington - Belvin Charles IL, elk P O, bds McDowell nr Hargett ? Belvin Cornelia, wid John, bds Martin nr Person Something now and delicious, in the Cigar LiJie> w. H. Morriss & Co., Uattresses, 3 Fayetterille Street. BEL [49] IHB Belvin Plilman H., elk, h Lenoir cor Person Belviii O. W., banker, hds Wilniini^ton nr llarf^ett I? Belvin T. J., carpenter, li Soutli nr llarrinirton ^ Belvin Webb, county jailor, li nr C II liuilding B *Beniry Lewis, waiter, li Lenoir cor McDowell $ Bennet , bds Martin nr Blount § BenTiet Thomas W., elk, li S end Fayetteville bel R R ^ Berkeley Carter (IJerkeley & Brown) bds Yarborongh "o House 5 Berkeley Ar Brown (Carter, Berkeley it E. G. Brown) ^ ger.l ins agts t)S Fayetteville ,a Berry William A., elk, bds Fayetteville nr Davie E. Besley John, elk, bds Cabarrus nr Person * Best R. C, guard, li Lenoir cor McDowell 2 Be«t R. W., ins agt, h ilillsboro ab West 0. Betts James M. (Betts & Allen) h Harrington bet Jones * and Lane ^ Betts John W., U S dept collector, bds McDowell nr liar- ^ gett I Betts Samuel, carpenter, h Harringtoti nr Jones 5* BETTS & ALLEN, (James M. Betts and Jacob S. g" Allen) building contractors sash, doors and blinds, North e bet Dawson and Ilarrinorton. ? Bevers Atlas A., cari>enter. li West nr Jones . *! Bevers Candis, wid Alsey, h West nr Jones •» Bevers Penuie Miss, seamstress, bds East nr Darie ® Biblical Recorder, office of Rev, A. F. Redd and J. D. © Ilufhani, editors, 53 Fayetteville. ® JAMES M. BETTS. JACOB S. ALLEN. "S. BETTS & AI.I.EIV, * MANUFACTURERS OF *f Sash, Boors, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, ^ Dressed Flooring {f Meafherhoaj-ding, Ticrnecl g Balusters and A^'ewel Posts, i^'c, » RALEIGH, N. C. IS^ White Fine Shingles. Liths and Lime A Specialty. jSI Leopold's ' ' Raleijh y tm. " For well selected Wines and Liquors, go to Joseph's. BIG [ 50 ] BOO C Z *Bigg8 Henry, police and messenger supreme court, h S Newborn nr Swain •J Bingham B. L. (Wyatt, Bingham & Co.) h Bloodworth nr ^ Morgan g Bingham Jesse, carpenter, h Lane nr Dawson r Birdsong J. C, printer, h Davie nr Person « Bishop George Jr., drug elk, li Dawson nr Cabarrus £ *Bishop Ililliard, drayman, li West cor Morgan ^ Bishop R. T. (Whitehead ik Bisliop) h Harrington nr Jones « Blackford Ed. Mrs , h Hillsboro opp St. Mary's 4! l)iacknall Caroline Mrs., hds Yarborough House 5 BLACKBALL G- W. DR., proprietor Yarborough 6 House, Fayetteviile bet Davie and Martin. (See adv " front cover.) * *Biacknali Ilerndon, svt Yarborough House 5 *Bhicknall Robert, waiter Exchange Hotel S Illuke A. D.. mail agt, bds Carolina House s BLAKEi J. C, asst cashier Raleigh National Bank, S" Fayetteviile nr Davie ^ Rlake Joseph, cotton weigher, bds Grange Hotel « Biake M. L., wid Wesley, ii McDowell cor Davie B Blake Nelcon A., saloon, Cabarrus nr Harrington, h Davie 2 cor McDowell S Blake Thomas W., jeweler, bds McDowell cor Davie * Blake William, engineer, h Hargett cor Bloodworth — Blake William Z., machinist, h E)avie cor McDowell *< Blizard F. W., elk int rev, bds Yarborough House "5 *I)louiit Forturjc, driver, bJs, Person nr Martin » Rlount William A., planter, h Hillsboro nr St. Mary's , Robbitt Harriett B., wid John R., bds Hargett cor Swain © Roi)l)itt James R. Rev. (Bobbitt & Gray), h Dawson cor ^ Hargett * Bobbitt A: Gray. (Rev. James B. Bobbitt and R. T. Gray) « ])ublishers "Christian Advocate," Hargett nr Dawson •■ *Rodeidian Myrtle, seamstress, h Person nr Martin 5 Bonner James C N., repairman, h Dawson bet Davie and § Cabarrus g Booker F H., boarding, Wilmingten bet Morgan and Har- • gett * Booker F. T., printer, bds Wilmington bet Morgan and > Hargett "^ Boon W. S., carpenter, h East nr Martin Leopold Bro'B, make a specialty of fine brands w. H. Xorriss & Co., Farnitnre, 3 Fayette vi ille Street. BOO [51] BRA Bradford T., barber, Wilininorton, nr Martin, h Wilmiiig 2 *Booth Lewis, carpenter, h Ilajwood nr Cabarrus Bosher R. T., ])lasterer, cor East and Martin Bosber Tbaddeus, dep inarslial, li Martin nr Dawson Botto Frank, plasterer, h East cor Davie *Bounin Antbony, lab, li Blount nr Lenoir Bowen T. A., wheel wrii^bt, li I'lount nr Davio Bowen W. O., wheelwright, h Johnson nr Salisbury Bowers F. M., wheelwright, h Martin nr Peace Institute *Boyd Thomas, driver, b Harj^ett nr Newbern ave >^ Bo3'd W. IL, cotton inspector, bds Salisbury eor Martin ' Boylan James, farmer, h beyond city limits bet Martin and ^ Davie B Boylan Kate Miss, b W end Ilargett » Boylan William, farmer, h beyond city limits bet Martin ^ and Davie ^ Boylan W. M., farmer, h beyond corporate limits bet Mar- ? tin and Davie 3 *Braan Jose])b, grocer, Hargett nr Wilmington, h Wake Co 3" Brabson John M., agt, bds Yarborough House S *Bracv Osborne, lab, h McDowell nr South » *1 ton nr South Bradley R. H., confectioner, Fayetteville nr Martin, h 9 same « Bragg Eliza, wid, William, bds Bloodworth nr Hargett ^ Bragg Herbert, h McDowell cor Jones "9 Bragg Isabella, wid, Tbomas, h McDowell cor Jones ^ Bragg John, reporter, h McDowell cor Jones ""^ Bramble A. G., tinner, 63 Fayetteville a Branch D. N., elk, bds Wilmington nr Hargett * *Branch Frank, lab, h Ilillsboro cor W^cst m Branch Haywood, tiar room, S end Fayetteville bel II R ■■ *Branch Henderson, lab, h Franklin road ♦Branch John, lab, h Franklin road Branch L. O'B. Mrs., h Ilillsboro cor Dawson *Branch Qninton, lah, b Franklin road *Branch Shade, lab, h Hinton cor Cannon Brani;b W^illiam A. !>., planter, h Hillsboro cor Dawson Brannan Frank L., tailor, h Bloodworth cor Martin Jjrannan Timothy, stonecutter, bds Salisbury cor Martin Branson Rev. L., bookseller and stationer, 15 Fayetteville, h Hillsboro nr West of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and suiokers notions. For Fine Cigars, go to Joseph's. BRA [ 52 ] BRI »* ■ ^ Eranton Jolin, ])olice, Ilinton iir Cannon ^ *Bruiii John, driver, h \v end Ilari^ett on R R Wi Brewer Miss Amelia L., teacher, li 8oiitli cor McDowell ii *Brewer Isliani, lab, li Bioodworth nr Cabarrus 5 Brewer Sainl W., bds 7 Fayetteville "BREWSTER J. C-, stoves and tinware and house J^ tiirnishings. Ilarirett ur Fayetteville, h Cabarrus bet Sal- ii bury and McDowell S *Bridsz;efor )rd Benjamin, waiter, h Hayti g *Bridget'ord Emanuel, cook, li Blount nr Cabarrus S Bridges Alfred J., plasterer, bds Morgan cor East in Bridges J. L.. asst editor "State Agricultural Journal," h fj^ Tarboro sj Bridges Samnel, guard, li North nr McDowell » Brie Lewis, elk, bds Cai'olina ILjuse e Briggs C. D., carpenter, h Blouninr South 2 Briggs James A. (T. II. Briggs it Sons), h 30 Fayetteville S BriiTgs John D., machinist, h Morgan bet McDowell and ^ Dawson * -Briggs T. II. (T. 11. Briggs & Sons), and carperter and « builder. West cor Ilargett, h Morgan bet McDowell and * Dawson 't I'l'if^K^ T- II-i Jr. (T. II. Briggs tfe Sons) h Edenton nr Mc- ^ Dowel 1 n BRIGGS T. H. & SONS (T. II., James A. and S T. II. Briggs, Jr.,) hardware, 30 Fayetteville. ■ Briggs W. J., carpenter, h McDowell nr Martin * Briggs W. W., car))enter, li Ilillsboro 2 Brinkley William, watchman, h R & G R R nr Johnson ©' THOS. H. BRIGGS & SONS, I Hardware, yerfpHotiss Fmis% Gooiis, i WAGOH AND BUGGY MATERIAL, Leopold Bros., niaiuifucturcrs of 12 different brands of w. H. Morriss & Co., Fnrnltnre, 3 Faycttevi ille Street. BRO [53] BRO *Broadie George Rev., h cor Bloodwortli and Lenoir Broiidtbrte Andrew, elk, bds Jones nr Swain Broad nax M. L. Mrs., teacher St. Mary's Sc-liool Brnckwcll William, iirintcr. bds Bloodwortli nr Martin BROGrDEN, C- H , Governor of North Carolina, 1st floor capitol bldg, bds National Hotel ^ Brogden (). II., witi H. A., h North cor West 5 Brotnlev Mair^ie Miss, asst music teacher Deaf and Dumb " and Blind Institution a. BROOKLYN LIFE INS. CO. of N Y, A. W. * J.awrencc, agt, Gi Fayetteville w Brooks John, cigar maker, h Fayetteville cor Davie — *Brooks Jordan, carpenter, h W end Ilargett ^ Brooks Robert, conductor, h Wake Forest^ N C « Bronghton J. M., bookeeper, h Blount nr Davio 3 Bronghton Marv. wid Joseph, bds Person nr Martin ^ Bronghton N. B. (Edwards, Bronghton & Co.) h Person § bet Martin and Davie - Bronghton Z T., foreman Agricultural Journal, h Hillsboro <* nr fair grounds fi Browder J A, stone cutter, bds Fayetteville nr Davie ^ *Brower Alexander, barber, h Martin nr Davie ^ *Brown Alston, driver, h Ilillsboro nr Lenoir » Brown Charles A, printer, bds Newbern Ave nr East <^ *Brown Clay, lab h Ilargett cor McDowell ^ BROWN C S, propr National Hotel Edenton cor Hal- 2 ifax It Brown C S Jr, niangr National Hotel ' 3* Brown E G, (Berkeley & I'rown) bds Yarborough House g *Brown Fair, driver h Franklin road — Brown Henry J., undertaker, Dawson nr Hargett - Brown Jesse, elk, bds McDowell nr Ilargett ^ *Brown John, carpenter, h Cannon nr Ilintoii * *Brown John, porter, 10 Fayetteville ^ *Brown John, lab h McDowell & R R ^ Brown John W, grocer Morgan cor Dawson h Dawson nr * Harrington Brown Jordan, elk h Edenton cor ]\rcDowell Brown Joseph G (Heartt & Brown) h Morgan cor Dawson Brown M II, genl mdse Fayetteville nr Market h Wilming- ton Cor Lenoir Brown Nat L, variety goods 10 Fayetteville h same Cigars, 57 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. For a ^ood meal, go to Joseph'?. BRO [ 54 ] BUN V ■ _— , , - jjj *Brown Nathan, porter Fayetteville nr Gov mansion ^ *Brown Oliver, porter Fayetteville cor market M Brown P J. salesman bds 54 Fayetteville 5 Brown R II, elk bds Blount S *nrown Buffin, lab Blount nr Morgan ^ *Brown Scott (Brown ife Dunston), h Davie nr Person •■ Brown Tlioinas, lab h Cannon nr West f, Brown William M, ))rinter li Newbern Ave nr East ^ Brown W M (Brown & Gilbert) b Newbern Ave nr East \ Brown W W, shoemaker ii Soutli nr Ilarrini^ton S *Brown it Unnston (Scott Brown and Charles II Dunston) >> barbers cor Fayetteville and market 2 Brown & Gilbert (W M Brown M V B Gilbert) proprietors M " Raleiiiii Era " Fayetteville nr Davie i Browne Wm Garl, portrait painter 13 Fayetteville h same S Bryan A P, a^t So Express Co bds Yarborough House ^ *Bryan Charles, lab b Bloodwortb cor Lenoir g *Bryan Henry, lab li Ilillsboro ab West (h Bryan J II Mrs, h Blount cor Lane and North k. Bryan R \V, (Howard & Bryan) h Bloodwortb nr Lenoir ' Bryan T. O, tinner cor Fayetteville and market ' *Bryant Abraham, lab b Ilayti 2 *Bryant Alfred, lab h Morgan ab West m, *Bryant Bailey, svt Carolina House « ^Bryant Edmund, lab b West nr Lane S *Bryant Frank, gardener b Edenton nr McDowell g *Bryant Haywood, driver b Cabarrus cor Harrington * Bryant J B, prop Carolina House cor Wilmington and f Hargett ^ *Bryant Squire, lab b Ilillsboro bet McDowell and Daw- a Bon 5 Buck James, bds Faj'ctteville nr Davie sj Buffalo W H, watchman b Bloodwortb nr Martin ^ *Bu2<;y Robert, waiter li Lenoir cor McDowell « Bullock G W, painter, bds Carolina House 5 *Bnnch Addison, lab R & D R R Si Bunch D Thompson, carpenter h Ilarriuffton cor Lane © Bunch T V, bag agt N C Div R & D R R h Cabarrus cor ^ Harrington «g Bunch W II, elk h e end Martin nr corporate line . *Bunn Washington, driver bds Wilmington cor Martin ^ Bunting John N. elk superior court office C II bldg li Fay- etteville bet Davie and Cabarrus Aa sweet as a Maiden's Dream^ Leopold Brother's, TT. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 FnretteTllIe Street. BUR [55] CAM e V y .rf Biirg W II, nightwatch li Morgan nr Wilmington J *Biirgess John, lal) li Cabarrus nr Dawson 2« *Biirgess T T, (Williams et Burgess) li Wilmington nr * Ila'rgett *Burgess Williatn, carpenter h West ab North Bnrgin Hannah, wid S W b(ii> McDi)\vell cor EJenton *Biirns Alfred, carpenter h South nr West ? Burns W II, elk I) Martin nr Swain ^ *Burns James, lab li Davie cor East ** Burrns J M, wheelwright bds Ilargett nr Cemetery ^ Burr C W, salesman bds cur Morgan and Bloodworth r Burt II T, salesman li Jlorgan cor Bloodworth f Bnrt James, elk h Morgan cor Bloodworth § Burt J G, salesman h Morgan cor Bloodworth » *Burton Alexander, fireman h Jones nr West S *Burton Thomas, lab Fa3etteville nr Davie § Bui well Jolin B, associate principal Peace Institute Peace * nr n end Wilmington J Burwell John B Mrs, teacher Peace head Wilmington ? Burwell R Rev, principal Peace Institute Peace nr n end gj Wilmington ^ Busbee C M (Bnsbee tfc Busbee), h Ilargett cor Salisbury J Busbee F II (Busbee «fe Busljee), bds Ilargett cor Salisbury " Busbee Johnson T, tel operator, h Salisbury cor Ilargett 2 Busbee Perrin Mrs, h Salisbury- cor Ilargett Busbee (iuciit, lawyer, h Ilargett cor McDowell ^ Busl)ee Walton N, bookkeeper h Salisbury cor Ilargett § BUSBEE & BUSBEE (C M .t F H Busbee), law- » yer.-i FayetteTille cor Davie 5 *Butlor Jefferson, police h West cor Ilillsboro • Bynum William P, Associate Justice, h Cliarlotte • S Byram Meilicus, carpenter, h North cor West • Byram T Q, wiieelright Edenton cor Blonnt © 1 « 3 c Cadcll Ann, wid Archibald h Blount nr Ilargett ? Callendine Martin B, h Peace cor P>lonnt ts CAMERON FH, vice-prest North Carolina State* Life Ins Co cor Fayetteville and Martin h Fayettevillo ^ and Cabarrus. (See adv) 2 Cainpbell (Jollin. stone cutter h Davie nr Dawson ff Campbidl Donald, Ptorre cutter h Davie nr Dawson « — . — . — . — . 03 Honest Cigars, nhose aroma aad flavor is Ucarenlf. n 9 •t For Unadaltcrateil Liquors, go to JoBepli*!!. CAM a Si mm >• V tl R ■8 S [56] CAY a 9 » m « a S « M Si o Campbell James, snpt gov work bds Fayetteville nr Davie Campbell Laura E Mrs, matron for blind Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution Cannon N Mrs, teaciier St Marys school *Cardvvell Charles, lab ii e Ilillsboro cor Salisbury Carnier J H II, druggist 9 Fayetteville h Halifax bet John- son and Peaee Carolina House, J B Bryant prop Wilmington and Ilargett *Carr Major, lab li Morgan cor Bloodworth *Carr Tliomas, lab h Halifax ab North Carroll James, carpenter li Nortli nr Dawson Carter David M, lawyer, h Ilillsboro opp St Marys Carter William, cirpenter h Ilargett nr Person Carter William C, harness maker h Martin nr Swain Carver John M, depty sheriff bds Grange Hotel *Carver Louis, carpenter h s end Fayetteville nr II K *Caswell John h s end Fwyetteville ur R R CAYTON JOHN, marble and stone works Morgan nr Blount h same 9 toithjeri irtle aii (Granite lorRs 0>i6 door East Cor. Morgan iSf Blount Sts., OonRtantly ou hand all liiiids of Aniericau and Italian Marble Headstones, Monuments and Tombs. Granite Work for buildini,' and grave yard pur- poses. All Monuments and Tombs executed in the finest style. JIarble and Slate Mantles, all styles. None but first-class mechanics employed. Parties desiring to purchase should visit us before purchasing North, of elsewhere, as I can furnish work much cheaper. All work warranted, or no sale. Address all messages to JOHN CAYTON, P. O. Box 303. Raleigh. JST. C. The Champion Cigar Factory. w. H. Morriss A Co.. . Kattresses, 3 Fnyette^ •ille Street. CEN [57] CHR Centre Lodfi;e K of F No 3 meets Wednesday of each week at OJd Fellows hall ^Chambers , lab h Blount cor Jones ^Chambers Frank, lab ii Ilargett n ot capitol *Cliainbers Jordon, lab Ilargett nr capitol Clianiblee William T, elk bds Wilmington nr Davie Chapman , stonecutter bds Fayetteville nr Davie Chapman Miss A, bds Wilmington nr Ilargett *Chavers Bennett, lab h Franklin road *Chavers Christopher (xilnmbus, h Davie cor East *Chavers Fabiiis, welldigger h Lenoir nr Dawson *Chavers Mary A, eating stall 22 market h in Overton *Chavcrs William, butcher Smithticld road Ciieatham B F (B F Cheatham tV: IJro), bds Fayetteville nr Morgan Cheatham B F i\: Bro (B F i^r J A Cheatham) grocers and dry goods 1 Exchange place {^licatham J A, elk bds National Hotel Cheatham J F (B F Cheatham it Bro), bdi National Hotel (-'heek N J, carp(aitcr h West nr Morgan Cheek Skidmore, printer bds West nr Morgan Christ Clnirch (Epicopal) Mathias M Marsliall rector cor Wilmington and Edenton Christian Advocate, Bobbitt it Gray publishers, Hargett nr Dawson *Christian Henry, carpenter w end Hargett *Christmas Matthew, waiter li Newbern ave cor Person *Christmas Seth, carpenter, h Salisbury ab North *Christmas William, driver Morgan nr iilount Chriftophcrs I), grocer 13 Ilaigett h cor Martin & Person CHRISTOPHERS F C,' grocer 4 it 5 Exchange place h cor Hargett and Person f . g. illlSIiPHlll, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL S e S 2 5 t 8 9 » B 1 Ml anil hmi\ Mm Merchant, I Nos. 4 and 5, North Side Market, of the State— Leopold BroUiers. ''Rafeigli Fayorite" Cigrars, at Joseph^8« CHR [ 58 ] COL g - 85 Christophers J J, elk bds cor Ilargett and Person £ Clinrch ot tlie Good Shepherd, llillsljoronr McDowell, Rev B E R Rich rector a Circnmbers John, hostler h Newbern ave nr Wilminijton g CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK of Raleigli. J, Will E Anderson prest, P A Wiley cashier, cor Fayette- 5 ville and Martin » City Cemetery, Dawson Smith sexton, East bet Hargett & S Morloodworth nr Martin ^ *Dunston Nelson (', bai-ber bds Lenoir nr Person s '*Dnnst; Marl in I *Dunst(in Wesley A, engineer West cor Hargett z Dupree A H, elk bds Blount nr Blount 5 Dupree Cornelius, elk bds Hargett nr Person ^ Dupree N J ^[iss, teacher Deaf it Dumb atid Blind Insti- J tut ion H *Durham (4eorge, lab h Lenoir nr Harrington S *Durham Richard, lai) h Harnett cor Swain "* "Durham William, police h Harrington nr Davie *Dwar Benjamin, carpenter h lihamkatte road Dyniott Robert, gas titter li Hargett i>r Person "Tbe Raleigh Gem." For an enjoyable g'lass, go to Joseph'^ EAR [ 64 ] ENK 4 E a Earp 11 W (Lee & Earp) h Martin cor Bloodworth t; Earp M, grocer cor Davie and East * Earney W L. etonemason h Dawson nr Cabarrus * Eastbnrn J R, printer h Martin nr Swain g Eastman W R, carpenter ii Blount nr Davie e Eastoii T J, bds National Hotel 5 Edenton Metliodist Church, south Rev A W Mangum pas- 5J tor Edenton nr Dawson S *Edward8 Beniamin, lab h Hinton nr Cannon I EDWARD'S, BROUGHTON & CO,, (C B i, Edwards, N B Broughton and A F Redd) printers and M binders and props Biblical Recorder 53 Fajetteville (soe ^ adv inside back cover I Edwards C B, (Edwards, B. & Co) h McDowell nr Davie X Edwards Edward, jijuard h Morgan nr Wilmington — *Edwards Henry, lab h Person nr Martin * Edwards John Q, salesman bds 7 Fayetteville *Edwards Jopeph, porter h Halifax nr Peace « Edwards M D, elk bds Blood^vorth cor Morgan 1 *Edwards Sainl, lab h Cannon nr Hinton «5 Edwards W J, foreman printer li Martin nr McDowel- a *Egerton Jacob, drayman West and Davie 1^ Ellen John, shoemaker bds Morgan nr East C Ellen William 11. shoemaker Hargett cor Wilmington h g East nr Edenton £ *Eiliott Richard, lab )i Jones nr East I Ellis D J, grocer Hillsboro nr West h Hillsboroeor West ■C Ellis Mary, wid Jose))!! li Johnson nr Salisbury V Ellis R B Dr, steward Deaf and Dumb and Bb'nd Institute y *Ellyson Stuart, carpenter h Person cor Cabari'us ^ *Emerson Wesley, carpenter h Fayetteville nr R R j5 Emory Robert, brakesnian h West ab North * Englehart Fred'k, pump maker h Morgan nr McDowell t6 Englehart Fred'k, Jr, li Morgan nr McDowell BS Enniss George B, elk h Salisbury bet Edenton and Jones 5 EnnisB James H, bookseller and stationer, 1 Fayetteville h Salisbury bet E'lenton and Jones B ENNISS & ARMSTRONG, (James H Enniss & ^ John Armstrong), |)ublishers " Spirit of the Age," Fay- i* etteville cor Morgan. (See adv.) Something new and deUclons iu the Cigar Luie> w. H. Morriss & Co., mattresses, S FayettoTillc Street. EST [65] FER *E*tridp:e Edwiird, lab South nr R it G R R « *Evan8 Joel, carpenter h East nr Edetiton ^ Evans L B, wid Henry L boarding McDowell cor Edenton 9 *EvRns Seaton, lab li Cannon nr Ilinton ^ Evans T (', local editor bds Exclianj^e Hotel ^ *Evan8 Turner, slioeinaker li Cabarrus nr Harrington s_ *Everett Edward, lab li Davie nr Bloodwortli *• Exchanije Hotel, Mrs W R Rowe propr, Hillsbaro cor Mc- '§ DowcU S Faison B Fletcher, elk h Davv6«n cor Davie j- Faison P F (McMackin & Faison) h Jones nr East " Fall Samuel J, editor Spirit of the Age Bloodw»rth nr * Morj^an *■ FALLS OF NEUSE MNFQ CO, R Y McAden | prest, G Rosenthal secy and treas, paper manufacturers ^ 49 Favetteville ^ Falton Eliza, wid James B bds Morgan nr Blount g" Farinville Ins and Banking Co tif Va, R G Hay «fe Co agts, — 66 Fajetteville 2 Farnswortit Henry, coach painter h Jones nr Daweon ■» *Farrell Albert, blacksmith h s end Fayetteyille nr R R § ------- - - jj Farriss C M, tailor h Favetteville nr Cabarru* Farriss Chas S, printer h Favetteville nr Cabarrns p Farriss William A, baker h Favetteville nr Ctibarrus *« Fasnach Edward, watches and jewelry 15 Fayetteville h e Fayetterille nr Davie ** Faiicett Elizaheth S, wid John P h West bet Jones & Lane — Faucett Franklin W, blacksmith li West bet Jones & Lane » Faucett Henry M, police li West bet Jones and Lane " Faucett T. compositor Harjrett nr Dawson g Faucett Whit, compositor Hargett nr Dawson g *Felton Charles, cook li Hunter nr Salisbury ^ Fendt Henr}-, confectioner 61 Fayetteville and cor Hillsboro O and Salisbury m Fentress M J Mrs, Iwardins 15 Fayetteville HJ Fentress T R, merchant tailor Wilmington bet Hargettand 8 Morgan h 15 Fayetteville * Fentress T T, elk bds 15 Fayetteville Ferguson W H, coach maker Morgan nr Blonnt h Lonisburg Leopold's '' Raleigh (Jem " For well selected Wiues and Liquors, go to JospjA's. FER [ 66 ] FOU 1^^ FERRALL JOHN R, agt Howe Sewing Macliirie £ Co 7 Fayetteville li Newbern ave nr Battle ave ^ Fen-ell J D, elk 29 Fayetteville — Ferrell J R, Ihd h Xurtli iir Dawson g* *Fields George, carpenter h Cabarrus nr Salisbury r *Fields I^liam, carpenter h Salisbury nr Morgan •J *Fields Pliiiip, lab bds PersoQ nr Cabarrus * Finch E B, elk bds Martin nr Blount Z FINCH AVILLIAM H, genl nmgr Penn Mutual ^ Life Ins Co of Phila 1'2 Fayetteville li Person nr Polk S Finnell Richard, machinist h Harringtcjn nr Lenoir ^ FIREMAN'S FUND INS CO. of California, *■ P F Pescud Sr local agt n e cor Fayettevill'j and Hargett ^ Firse Caroline Mrs, h Haywood nr Cabarrus •s. First Baptist Church, Rev T H Pritchard pastor, Salisbury C cor Edenton ^...^ ,.,, . .-. .., S *First Baptist, Salisbury nr North, J J Worrells pastor S *Fisher Albert, waiter McDowell cor Edenton * Fisher Jetf. tanner McDowell cor Hargett © Fleming J H, Fayetteville cor C H sijr h county ^ Flemitig PC, machinist h North and Harrington s Fleming T M, engineer h Edenton nr Sali?l)ury ^ *Flowers Albert, driver h Cabarrus nr Salisbury ^ *Floyd Rufus, lab h Harrington nr Jones Z *Foil Isaac, blai^ksinith Lenoir nrBloodworth h same "2 *Ford Austin, blacksmith Wilmington nr Hargett h Ilay- § wood cor Cabarrus, S *Ford Robert, guard !i West and North ^ Forrest J M, grocer and police cor Ilaigett and Wilming- \r ton h West nr Jones 2 Forsieth William, painter h Martin nr Swain ^ ^Fortune Henry, lab h Person nr Martin '* *Foster Pompey, driver h Davie nr McDowell * Foust J M, salesman bds Wilmington nr Hargett I lew Liglii-EMi!i| Im Imi Macliiiie. g Cheapest, Simplest and Best. Sold on Easy Terms. * Fayetteville Street, IIAI.K1»H, W. C. Leopold liiro'H, make a specialty of Hue brands W. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 Fayettevillc Street. FOW [ 67 ] GAN POWLE DANIEL G, Prest Nense Manfg Co and lawyer Fayetteville cor Davie h same Fowler Francis J, teaclier Peace iir Wiliiiincftoii Fowler Georj);e, pressman h Cabarrus and Harrington Fowler Melissa, h Caliarriis and Ilai-rington Fowler Richard, lab h Jones nr Harrington Fowler Walter, elk h r Govrs Mansion nr Fajettevllle Fowler Willis, blaclcs-nith Morgan nr Blount Fov Charles, stonecutter bds Davie cor Dawson S FRANKLIN FIRE INS CO, of Phila P F Pescnd « 8r l.pcal Hgt n r cor Kiiyetteville ami Hargett 3 Franklin lieorge W, coach ])ainter li East nr Hargett ^ Fraps A W, furniture and cabinetmaker and saloon 62 <• Fa^'etteville h Davie nr Wilmington .i-f.'..r,i ^ Frazer Hugh, elk h Hargett nr East ' ' |£ *Freeman , lab li Person nr Martin § *Freeniaii Hampton, shoemaker Cabarrus nr Dawson " Freeman James, carpenter li yalisbury and Martin - *Freeman John, lab h Hargett nr Wilmington B? *Freeman Noiflick, lal) Martin nr Swain * Freeman S J, elk h Morgan cor Bloodworth Frost y A, blacksmith h Joiinson cor Salisbury "* Frost William A, boilermaker li Johnson cor Salisbury * Fr}- li W, Peace head Wilmington 5, Fulglnitn Richard T, editor Sz propr State Agricultural i^ Journal h north cor Halifax ' *Fu-ller Alexander, lab h Cannon nr West ^ Fuller F T. asrt Piivsieian Insane Asylum of N C h same ^ FULLER G-EORGE A, elk Yarb.,rough House © Fuller Irving I, earpentiM- h West nr (_'ann(>n ^ Fuller Thomas C, (Meri'imoti, Fuller & Ash) h Hillsl)oro *t eor McDowell >■ G ♦Gales Lane, lirakesman h Salisbury ab North G-ALES SEATON. ste N c'llome Ins Co h w end Hillsboro nr eiii'poratr limit's Gallagher John, salesman h Cabarrus nr Dawson Gallagher Patrick, grocer ('abairus nr Dawson h same Gallagiier Peter, salesman h Cabarrus nr Dawson *Gant William, bricklayer h Salisbury nr Davie , of Cliening and Sniokint; Tobacco and smokers notions. ft For Fine Cigars, go to Joseph's. GAR [ 68 ] GOO ^ *Gardner David, shoemaker h McDowell nr Lenoir 'Gary Fabiiis, bricklayer h Cabarrus nr Wilmington UD *Gary John, carpenter h Dawson cor Lenoir « Gaskill \V A, elk h 59 FayetteviUe 5 Gatling John, (Moore & Gatlinage) £3 Griffin W J, student bds Fayetteville nr Cabarrus * *Griffins Peter, carpenter h llayti 5 *Grim Matthew, carpenter h Cannon nr West • Grimes William, farmer li North cor Halifax Grissom Eugene Dr, (Pescud, Lee ct Co) and Supt Insane Asylum h same Grissom Louis T, boiler maker h West and North Grausman M, steward penitentiary h Ilargett nr Blount Gross Marks Rev, pastor St John's Catholic Church bds Newbern Ave nr Blount Cigars, 57 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. For a good meal, go to Josepli's. GRO [70] HAB £ 8 OS o « fa » e b s £ B h S li< «i e an ■e Grotz Georjije, teacher music St Mary's 8cliiiol Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Co, A D Taylor agt 11 Fayetteville Griibljs R L, baker 61 Fayetteville bds Howell House Gtulger James, lawyer bds Hillsboro ab West Griiendler F (Zie»ler A: Gruendler)h Martin iirBloodworth Guess H P Capt, road master R& A Air Line h Gary Wake coN C Gulley Jacob W, butcher bds Ilolloman rd nr city limits Gulley J P, genl mdse Fayetteville cor Market h Wilming- ton nr Davie *Giinn Edmund, lab h w end Hargett *Gunther Eli, la!) h Jones nr East *Gustus Soloin(ir, blacksmith Hillsboro cor Harrington Gwaltney Wm P, h Harrington nr Jones H Hable George Sr, tailor h Davie cor Swain ROBERT GREER, MANUFACTURER OF ICarriages and Wa^ons^ m m m 9 HarpttSUstlioiisiiEastCltyCBMtBrF, RALEIGH, N. €. 5J ^^ Repairing, Painting, S,'c., promptly )^ and Jsfeatly Done. As sweet as a Maiden's Dream, Leopold Brother's, w. II. Morrlss & Co., 9Iattre««cs, S Fryuttcville Street. HAB [Tl] HAR fa* ■8- liable (rt'orge Jr, stonecutter bds Davie iir ywain a liable Julius, tailor bds Davie cor Swain £ Hall E T, salesman bds Fayetteville cor South * *llall Isaac, lab li Davie nr McDowell ^ *Hall Lewis, carpenter h Newbern ave nr New 2 *Hall Luke, porter Wilmington nr Martin '* *Hall Plnnimer, lab h IJlount cor Person *IIall Robert, lab h Blount cor I'erson m *Ilall Robert, eating h Wilmington nr Fair Grounds J Hall Telfair, elk h Fayetteville cor South ^ *Hall William, painter h Newbern ave cor East ^ Hall W J. elk h Wilmin^'ton nr Hargett ^ Hallister Martha A, wid John h E.lenton nr McDowell e Haljburton Lauglilin, stonecutter h Morgan nr Salisbury * Hamilton Aichiijald, machinist bds ab North bet Sails- !9 bury and McDowell ^ Hamlett C C, elk bds Wilmington nr Davie * Hammell Henry J, plasterer h Morgan cor East » Ilamton John S, printer h Dawson nr Hargett J* Hannah J E, blacksmith Cannon cor West h same ™ Hanson Albertine Miss, teacer music St Marys School 2, Hanson Henrietta Miss, teacher music St Marys School 5* Ilardencourt Arthur, teacher bds Exchange Hotel ^ Hardie Alexander, painter ii Newbern Avenue nr East <' Hardie Henry, painter h Newbern Avenue nr East 2; *Hardie John, carpenter h Davie nr McDowell s Hardie M A Mrs, millinery 24 Fayetteville h same r Hardie P C', millinery goods li 24 Fayetteville « Harding P R, master machinist li tk G R R h Dawson nr j Edenton Harding E L. (R B Andrews & Co) h New York Hardy A H, painter h East nr Hargett A * Hardy Booker, ]>lasterer h McDowell cor Jones • § * Hardy Joseph, lab h Hayti « Hardy William, hostler Morgan nr Wilmington — *Hare Warren, lab h Dawson nr ('abarrus » Hargrove T L, Atty Gen'l 2 floor Capitol bldg bds National % Hutel ■* HARP NOELS, coach mantV Morgan nr Blount h * liliiunt nr Morgan (see adv next page.) s Harper C II, ]irinter bds Wilmington nr Morgan g* Tlarrell Eugene, elk bds Fayetteville nr Davie W ___ ^ . Honest Cigars, whose aroma and flavor is Heavenly. 2 For Unadulterated Liquors, go to Josepli*s. ^ HAR [ 72 ] HAR •* *Harris Badger, lab h Ilargett nr Bloodworth J Harris C M, photograplier Ji Salisbury nr Lenoir >2 Harris C R, bartender h Sniithfield road nr Person ^ Harris E E, ii Salisbury nr Lenoir X Harris G B, salesman l^ds Yarboro House r *Harris James, lab h Smithfield road nr Wilmington «! *Harris James H, supervisor h Lenoir cor Salisbury ^ Harris James M, farmer li Martin nr Blount •r Harris J C L, lawyer G H bldg h Hargett nr Bloodworth ^ Harris Joseph A, printer h North cor Dawson i! Harris J T, (Rogers & Harris) h Wilmington cor Market g Harris M. wid George D h Martin cor Pei-son •* *Harris Nathan, brakesman h Harrington nr Edenton M * Harris Robert, lab h R & G R R al) Johnson £ *Ilarris Thomas, lab h nr R & G R R ,S Harris William N, grocer Davie nr Haywood •3! *[Lirris W Rufus, h Lenoir cor Salisbury ^ Harrison Carter, h n end Salisbury d *Harrison Charles, lab h Bloodworth nr Hargett * * Harrison Charles, lab h Edenton cor McDowell J ^Harrison John, mattress maker h Hargett nr Blood svoi'th 2 Harrison J T, (Harrison & Basht'ord) h Hargett cor Person - ILirrison J W, h Wilmington nr Hargett S Harrison M, saddler h Wihningfon bet Hargett and Morgan ^ Harrison Mary, wid John R h Johnson nr Salisbury ,5 *Harrison Ransom, lal) h Davie nr Salisliury f *ILirrison Robert, lab h Blood ^vortli nr Martin a Harrison S D, grocer Fayetteville cor Martin h Martin Rr % Person •8 , . 8 F, ? X © CO lliJlJJD A M) OPEN-rol' JUOGTES. !•< Of the best make kept ou band and made to order. b.' repairinct promptly kxkcuted. ^ Morgan Street, Z door East of Wynne, Yancey & Co.'s Livery Stables, RALEIG H, N. C. The Clianipiou Cigar Factory. w. H. Morrlss A Co. . Mattresses, 3 FaycttcTlUe Street. HAR [73] HAY Harrison W H, elk P O h BloiiDt cor Jones Harrison & Ba^^liford, (J T Harrison & T J Bashford) A restniiraiit Harfiett iir Wilinini^ton ^ HARTFORD FIRE INS CO, of Hartford Conn » A W Lawrence ajjt (ji Favetteviiie 3 Harward James S, printer h Lane nr Ilarrino^ton * Hastinirs Hngli, stonecutter bds Davie cor Dawson m *Hatclu'r James driver li Davie nr McDowell g Hanser W A, bds National Hotel w *Havery Samuel, lab li Hari^ett nr Swain ^ Hawkins Jane A, wid John D bds North cor Blount "* *Hawkins Lee. lab h w end. Hargett g" *Hawkins Matthew, svt Yarborough House 9 *Hawkins Stephen, hostler h Morgan nr McDowell a *Hawkins Trim, hostler Salisbiu-y bet llargett and Martin S Hawkins W J Dr, prcs II & G K C Co and R & A A L h ? Ridi;ewav Warren Co N C | Hay 6 P, (R G & O P Hay) h South Carolina a, Hay R G, (R G & O P Hay) and (R G Hay & Co) h 66 p; Favetteviiie a Hay R G & Co, (R G Hay & W M Hutson) genl fire ins § agts 66 Favetteviiie 3 Hay R G vfc O P. (R G Ar P Hay) gen agts Security « Life Ins ot N Y CS Fayettville ' « Hayes E P Miss, teacher h South cor McDowell S Hayes James P. junk Hargctt bet Wilmington and Blount t h Hargett nr Wilmingt(ui 8 *Haye John, stonemason h Cabarrus nr East ^ *Hayes Richard, carpenter h Morgan iir McDowell '% *Hayes Samuel, lab h Hillsboro nr St JLuys S Hayes Simon G, proprietor Grange Hotel Davie cor VVil- R" mington Vi *Hayes William, carpenter h s end P^iyetteville nr R R — Ha3'es William, police h Smithfield road nr Wilmington ^ Haynes A H, photographer bds cor Newbern ave it Swain q Haynes E D^ caijinetmaker and undertaker Morgan cor '^• Wilmington h Newbern ave cor Swain * Haynes M L, conductor omnibus bds Yarboro House o Haynes Z W, teacher deaf and dumb h Wilmington rear 7 Peace Institute *Haywood Alfred, blacksmith Hargett cor Blount h nr Asylniii of the State— Leopold Brothers. *'Baleigh Farorite" Cigars, at Joseph's. HA.Y [74] HEA, «• — ^ *Hajwood Andrew J, bricklayer li South and Dawson ^ Haywood A W, elk h cor Newberii Ave and Blount ,5f *Playwood Chapman, blacksmith h McDowell nr Lenoir ii Haywood Dallas, elk h Edenton cor Person 5 Haywood E Burke, physician and med director N C State ;, Ins Co h Newbern Ave bet Blount and Person ^ Haywjod E B Jr, bookkeeper h Newbern Ave and Blount V *Haywood Edward, labh Hargett nr Bloodworth S Haywood E G, lawyer h Fayetteville cor Lenoir « * Hay wood Frank, porter h West nr Hargett ■g Haywood Fabius J, Williams & Haywood) and physician >p h Fayetteville cor Morgan £ HAYWOOD, FABIUS J. Jr., physician Morgan M cor Salisbury h Fayetteville cor Morgan C Haywood F P, bds National Hotel s Haywood Graham, cotton factbr bds Edenton cor Blount 5 *Haywood Henry, lab h Hargett cor Swain S *Haywood James, carpenter h McDowell cor Lenoir {^ Haywood Jane F, wid William H h Fayetteville cor Ca- ^ harms « Haywood Jerry, svt Howell House 3 *Haywood John, lab h Hillsboro ah West 2 * Haywood Joseph, lab h I'erson nr Cabarrus — *Haywood Joseph, shoemaker h McDowell nr Hargett « Haywood Joseph A, county tax collector C U bldg h nr w B end Davie 2 *PIa3'wood Lewis, lab h Lenoir nr McDowell £ Haywood II B, physician Edenton cor Blount h same * Haywood Sherwood, student bds Edenton cor Blount ^*naywood William, shoemaker h McDowell nr ILargett ^ Haywood William D, bookkeeper h cor Edenton and Person U *Haywood Willis C, shoemaker Harrington nr Edenton ^ ^Hazzell Frank, grocer Davie nr Person h same !« Hearn William A, supt P O bldg bds McDowell nr Hargett M Heartt C D, boot-s and shoes 13 Fayetteville h Hargett cor BS Dawson ■ Heartt Frank H, drner c'k h Dawson cor Hargett g Heartt H E (Heartt & Brown), h Hargett cor Dawson . Heartt L E, dry goods h Dawson cor Hargett SS Heartt L D, teller Rnleigli Nat'l bank h Dawson cor Jones j^- Heartt ife Brown (H E Heartt and Joseph G. Brown) gro- ^ cers Hillsboro nr West Leopold Bros., Manufacturers of Fine Cigars Only. w. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 FayettcTHle Street. HEC [75] HIN Heck J M, h Blr>iint cor Lane and North *IIcnderson Jatnes, eating house Cabarrus nr Dawson *ilt'niiersoii Patrick, diivtr h Davie nr McDowell *IIcnley Kobert, lab h Dawson nr Davie ^ *IIerndon Mack, sovt Grange Hotel ' "i *IIerndon William, tirenian h North nr Dawson S *Hester William Dr, h Lenoir nr Dawson ^ Hickman Lodge No 1 I O (i Templars, meets every Tues- E day night in Fir^iier Building " Hicks CO, elk bds National Hotel JL Hicks Joseph H, overseer h West end Martin 9 HICKS W H, secty and treas N C State Life Ins Co, 8 Favetteville nr Martin. h Bloodworth nr Polk ^ Hicks W J, supt h Edenton oor Dawson a _ *nigg9 Austin, lab h Hinton nr Cannon £'. *IIiggo C'liarles bricklayer h Hinton nr Cannon S *niggs Fabius, moulder h Hinton nr Cannon ft, Higgs J A, salesman h Morgan cor Person g- Higgs Jacob, grocer 20 Fayetteville h McDowell nrHargett !1. *Higg8 Solomon, lab h Hinton nr Cannon g High George, tinner h Wilmington nr Morgan « *High Richard, driver h Fayetteville cor Morgan g High William, tinner bds Wilmington nr Hargett *Hight Frank, lal) h West nr Lane 2 *Hiler Benjamin, vegetables h Martin nr Swain ^ *Hill Charles, blacksmith nr Gov Mansion w Hill C P, telegragh operator bds Yarborough House | *nill James, porter h Morgan bet Hillsboro and Hargett o Hill John B, (J B Hill & Co,) h Jones nr Dawson r Hill J B & Co, (J B Hill) grocers 5 Hargett ft *Hill Josepli, blacksmith h Hayti ' * Hill Joshua, U S Marshal Fayetteville cor Da?ie bds Mc- * Dowell nr Hargett ^ Hill M C, wid James h Martin nr Bloodworth m *Hill Mingo, carpenter h Dawson nr Cabarrus ^ ♦Hill Sam'l T, lab h Dawson nr Cabarrus Hill Theo H, elk N C State Lite Ins Co h Harrington bet Martin and Davie Hill W G, physician Hillsboro nr Dawson h same *Hill Walter, lab h Salisbury nr Cabarrus Hines P E, pliysician Hillsboro bet Salisbury and McDow- ell bds Yarborough House Jobbers in all grades of Chewing Tobacco, 67 Fayetteville Street. For Cincinnati beer, go to Josepli's. . HIN [ 76 J HOM ^ nines P R, fanner h Blonnt cor Polk Ml *Hine8 Robert, lab h Martin nr East "S Hininan John, real est agt Fayettevilie cor Martin h "Wil- S uiington cor Lane W *Hinton Charles, lab li Cabarrus nr Wilinincjton - *Hiiiton Charles, hostler Morjjan nr Wilininjjton J, "Hinton Dock, shoemaker h Wilininytun nr Hargett g *Hinton George, lab Davie nr Swain g *Ilinton Jeflerson, pressman li Manly nr Fayetteville S *Hinton L P, harness maker Wilmington nr llai-gett h * Overton •^ *IIinton Nelson, lab h Morgan cor Harrington }} "Hinton Washington, stonemason Ji Cabarrus nr McDowell ^ liirschmiller Andrew F, stonecutter h McDowell nr Davie ■* Ilobbie Reuben, bds Bloodworth cor Martin •3 llobgood B F. salesman h Fayetteville nr Morgan S HOBGOOD F P, principal Raleigh Female Seminary S Blount cor ^sorth '5 Hodge Eliza Mrs, bds Bloodworth nr Martin 2 *Ho> Howland E A, wid S M bds Wilmington nr Hargett ^ Hudgiiigs D S, tel operator and local ticket agt R & G & fs R A A L h Halifax bet Jones and Lane « Hudson J B, elk bds Person nr Martin 3 Hufham J D Rev, editor Recorder li Lane cor Dawson - *Huglie6 H I, barber under 27 Fayetteville h Blount oor Davie 2 Huggins Elizabeth Y, wid Frank h Hillsboro nr West u Hulan Madison, carpenter h Person nr Jones ^ Hunnicutt F W, bricklayer h Cabarrus i:r East ■^ Hunnicutt Joseph H, bricklayer bds Cabarrus nr East 2 *Hunter Charles, lab h Wilmington nr Lenoir « *Hunter Charles, svt h Newbern Ave nr East s *Hunter C L, vegetable stall 17 market h Wilmington nr s Martin « *Huiiter Henry, driver h Edeiiton nr Salisbury « Hunter Henry, blacksmitli h McDowell cor South 33 ^ . ■8 ^ « HOUSE, SIGN, FRESCOE AND iOmraiAl FAINTER, S Hargett St., 1 door hel. Carolina House,' w- RALEIGH, N. C. ^ llt^"All orders promptly attended to and respectfully solicited, Leopold Brothers', great brand of Cigar. w. H. Morrlss & Co., Furniture, 3 FayetteTille Street. HUN [79] JAC *Hunter Job, shoemaker Cabarrus cor Salisbury h East nr Martin *Iluiiter Joseph, h\b li Morgan cor McDowell *IInnter Lee, hostler h Hayti H ♦Hunter Osborne, carpenter h Cabarrus nr McDowell § *IIunter Weston, lab h Harrington cor Edenton ® Hutcheon George, stonecutter bds Fayetteville nr Davie ** Ilutchings Celadon, salesman bds National Hotel « "Hutchings W B, (W 13 Hutchings & Co) h Jones cor Har - ^ rinirton C HUiCHINGS W B & CO, (W B Hutchings) S sadlers and harness makers 22 Fayetteville « Hutson J C, elk h 66 Fayetteville a Hutson W M, (R G Haf & Co) h 06 Fayetteville £ I« I IMPERIAL INS CO. OF LONDON, Lawrence « & Winstoti agts 6-i Fayetteville ^ Insane Asylum of N C, Eugene Grissom M D supt, Dix r hill nr Raleigh ^ *Iredell John, porter 14 Fayetteville ^ Iredell M Mrs, teacher St Mary's scliool. g* *Iredell Wilson, stall 13 market « *Irving Cary, carpenter h Lenoir nr McDowell p *Irving Cicero, lab h on R R nr s end Fayetteville .^ *IsRacs Patrick, STt Yarborough House ^ Ivey Henry M, timekeeper h Salisbury ab North 2" J I Jackson Andrew, carpenter h ab North nr McDowell g Jackson Andrew, elk h Ilarrinirton cor Jones S *Jackson Andrew, drayman h Salisbury ab North ^ © Stop at the Howell House, | Delightfully Situated on Blount St., between Morgan and Hargett Sts., M (One Square South-East from the Capitol,) W KALEIOII, >'. C-. Where you will Find Complete Accommodations! ^X IVIOI5ERA.XJS rtA-XES. B. IT. HOWELL, Proprietor. B. F. HOWELL, Easiness Uanager. <'The Balelgta Kose." For an enjoyable glags^ ^o to Joseph's. JAG [ 80 ] JOH ^ *Jack9on Andrew, lab h Davie nr East g Jackson Geortje H, watclunaii li Cabarrus nr McDowell ^ Jackson Joseph J, niachinist h Harrington cor Jones a Jackson Laura E wid Dionious h Cabarrus nr McDowell M *Jack8on William lab h Dawson cor Hargett „ *James Arinistead, lab li Dawson nr Lenoir J *JaU'ies Henry, porter 35 Fayetteville « James L E, elk National Hotel S *JeftVe68 Au>;fustus, hostler Martin nr Wilmington V *Jeftre8s Jackson Rev, h McDowell cor Cannon * *Jeffres8 William, shoemaker h South nr McDowell ^ JeftVey Robert, h West bet Hargett and Martin b, *Jeffreys John, lab h Martin nr East » * Jeffreys Norfleet, pressman h Overton »~ *Jeffrejs Stephen, lab h Lenoir nr McDowell B Jeffreys William, elk bds West nr Martin a *Jeffries Cornelius, porter 31^ Fayetteville — Jenkins A D, teller treasurers office bds National Hotel * Jenkins David A, State Treasurer room 2 1st floor Capitol © bldg bds National Hotel £ Jenkins M L, wid Thomas li Hargett nr Bloodworth 8 Jenkins Thomas, h Davie cor Dawson g JENKINS THOMAS G, wagon man fr Hargett § cor Blount h Person nr Martin S *Jett Henry, sexton h Salisbury nr North S Johnson Albert, grocer Ilillsboro cor Harrington h saru9 g *Johnson Andrew, lab h Edenton nr Harrington « *Johnson Austin, lab h Harrington nr Edenton g Johnson Bithe, elk bds Blount cor Martin ■C * Johnson Charles, lab Hargett cor Swain J" Johnson Charles E, physician Ilillsboro nr Salisbury h g same ^ Johnson Charles E Jr. elk Senate h Ilillsboro nr Salisbury ju * Johnson Columbus, lab h West and Cabarrus 2 Johnson E A, grocer Martin nr Person h same 0S *Johnson Emily, wid Raiidsoii h Smithfield road nr Wil- flS mington 2 *John8on Frank, lab h n end Salisbury *Johnson Frank, lab h Edenton nr East S *Johnson George, lab h w end Hargett ^ *John8on Harrison, lab h Dawson nr Martin * Johnson H Clay, machinist h Bloodworth cor North Something new and delicious in the Cigar Line, w. u. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 8 FajetteTllle Street. JOIl [81] JON Johnson James 1, drujijclerk h Hillshoro nr Salisbury Johnson J J, (J J Johnson & Co) h Person nr Davie •* Johnson J J »fc Co, J J Johnson and J W Barbee) grocers 9 Wilmington nr Uargett * Joiinson John, stonemason h w end Lenoir ^ Johnson Marion, guard h Smithtield road nr Wilmington c Joiinson Rebecca, wid Thomas h Person nr Lenoir S Johnson R M, elk h Newbern av nr Wilmington "9 *Johnson Robert, driver li Morgan nr Wilmington 8 Johnson Samuel I, salesman h Iliilsboro nr Salisbury f^ *Johnson Solomon, waiter Hillsboro nr West JS ♦Johnson Tiiomas, lab West and Edenton — Johnson William II, carpenter h Davie nr Dawson »» Joiner J L, carpenter bds Exchange place nr FayettevilJe § Jolly George W, machinist bds Martin nr Ilarrringtou * Jolly Martha, wid Charles h Person nr Cabarrus 2 Jolly Nathan, car^ienter h West nr Morgan § Jones A A, (J N Jones & Bro) h Wake Co 3 * Jones Addison, l^b h Morgan cor McDowell 9 *Jones Alexander, lab h Ilayti • Jones Armistead, (Jones & Jones) h Blount nr Jones 5* *Jones Clemmett, shoemaker bds Newbern Ave nr Swain s Jones Daniel, lab h Hillsboro nt St Mary's ^ *Jones Daniel, lab h Newbern Ave nr Swain j *Jone3 David D, lab h Davie nr McDowell •» *Jone8 Edward, lab h McDowell cor Lenoir * *Jone8 Edward, pressman FayettevilJe nr South Jones Edward A, bds Fayetteville nr Davie §, Jones Elizabeth, wid James h Hillsboro nr West hi *Jones Friday, lab h Salisbury ab North 9 Jones Garland, bo<^)kkeeper h Hillsboro nr Dawson ■? Jones George T, freight and ticket agt N C div R & D R ft R h at depot • *Jone6 Henry, lab h Rhanikatte road * Jones Henry, bricklayer h H in ton nr Cannon Jj *Jone8 James lab ii Ilayti § Jones Jesse A, h Hillsboro nr West M Jones J II (J H Jones it Bro) h Wake Co 3 JONES J H & BRO. (J H & A A Jones) butchers ? stall 6 market *Jones J M, shoemaker Newbern Ave nr Swain h same *Jones John, barber 27 Fayetteville Leop^d's ''Raleigh tiem " For tvell selected Wines and Liquors, go to Joseph's. JON [ 82 ] JON w ' S5 *Jone8 John, mattress maker h Enst bet Cabarrus & Lenoir jj" Jones Johnson, cht'clk State Senate bds Yarboro House ,Sf *Jones Joseph, lab h Bloodworth nr Miirgan ^ *Jones Joseph E, earpenter h s end Blount g* *Jone6 J T, eating stall 10 market h Wilmington nr Shaw r Institnte aR *Jone8 Manly, driver Morgan nr Harrington » *Jone8 Nelson, lab h in Overton ~ Jones Nicholas L, ins agt bds Fayetteville nr Davie « Jones R F. (R F Jones & (!>) h oor Person and North f JONES R F fe CO, (R F J.-nes & G S & T W Allen) IJ whol grocers Wilmington nr Martin fa Junes Robert H, and and paymaster R ifeAALRRh w Hillsboro cor Dawson g Jones Seth, bds National Hotel S *Jones Sidney, porter Wilmington cor Hargett "g *Jones Thomas, lab h Fayetteville cor Davie ^ Jones T L, stonecutter bds Fayetteville cor Davie fa Jones T N, (Petty & Jones) lids n and Ulount b *Jones Washington, gnard b Hinton nr Cannon at Jones Wesley N, printer li Newbern Ave nr East g *Jones Wiley, bricklayer h n end Salislmry 2 *Jones William, engineer h Edenton nr West S *Jones William, driver h Hillsboro nr Harrington * Jones William H, boarding Fayetteville nr Davie -— Jones W W (Jones ife Jones) h Blount nr Baptist college t JONES & JONES (W W and Armistead Jones)law- s yers Fayetteville cor Martin R. F. JONES & CO g Grocers and Commission Merchants, © WILMINGTON STREET, 83 jj Agents for' " Tokay Vineyard" Wines, at Vineyard Prices. Leopold Bro's, luaice a specialty of fine brunda W. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 Fayettevllle Street. JOR IE 83] KAN Jordan^Brown, elk h cor Edenton and McDowell Jordan Francis, painter h Noitli nr McDowell Jordan G U, bookkeeper h Hargett cor Swain *Jordan Jacoh. driver h Martin nr Salisbury Jordan James F, ins agt Hargett cor S\\ ain Jordan J B, elk li EJenton cor McDowell Jordan John, blacksmith h Morgan cor Bloodworth *Jordan Joseph, lab h Bloodworth nr Martin Jordan J W, elk bds Hargett cor Swain Jordan M I. salesman bds McDowell nr Hargett JOSEPH THEODORE, restaurant and saloon Har- gett cor Salisbury h same. (See adv.) Justice Annie, wid B W, h Salisbury nr Morgan K *Kaiinan John, lab h East cor Martin *Kane Christopher, H Salisbury nr Cabarrus Unadulterated Liquors Only! RESTAURANTJNpiUNCH SALOON. THEODORE JOSEPH, Dealer in the Best of Foreign and Domestic ALSO, Jacob Sccga-'s Baltimore Lager Beer; Frederick Lauer, Bcad- iv(j, Pa.; E. Anltcmer's St. Louis Bavarian Beer; C. Mortimer, Cincinnati, Ohio. Also,tn lioftles sole Agent for The Celebrated Star * Lager, St. Louis Bava- rian, and BeHin Tivoli, Cor. Harsett &.Sitlisbury, Tblo ck west of Ral.Xatjank. of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and smokers notions. s C « M 9 « T e ■0 For Fine Cigars, go to Joseph's. KAH [84] KLI V — . ■ — ^ Karrar Catharine, wid Jacob confections &c Salisbury cor - Martin tn Keefe Daniel, stonecutter bds Salisbury cor Martin * Keitii Henry S, carpenter h Hillsboro beyond West * Keith Loonidas N, printer bds Hillsboro beyond West ■^ *Kelley Eli, hostler Morgan nr McDowell « Kelley James, salesman h Cabarrus nr Dawson 5j Kerr John W, elk National Hotel S KERR W C, State Geologist Fayetteville bet Martin g and Hargett h cor Wilmington and Lane S *Killahan Elvis, moulder h Hayti ^ Kimball Morgan, bricklayer bds Davie cor Dawson 2 King Andrew J, elk h nr Hillsboro ab West ft King Augustus, tailor h Bloodworth nr Morgan ^ King Clara, wid Henry bds Haywood cor Cabarrus ^ King David M, machinist bds ab North nr Salisbury 2 King D H, elk h McDowell bet Edenton and Jones — King Edward, gunsmith Salisbury nr Martin * King F G, tailor h Blount nr Hargett 8 King Frank, painter bds Blount nr Hargett S King George, police h Blount nr Hargett S King Gustus, tailor Martin nr Fayetteville fa King G W, gun & locksmith Salisbury nr Martin li Martiu § cor Salisbury )B King James C, chief police over market h Darie nr Blount King John, blacksmith h Davie nr East * King John, stonecutter h Hargett nr Swain « King John C, printer h Blount bet Wilmington & Person * King Josiah, barkeeper h Exchange place •9 King Josiah, h Davie nr Swain ^ King L H, printer bds Newborn Ave nr cemetery § King Mark L, printer h Davie nr Blount ^ King Robert, elk bds Blount nr Hargett ^ King Rufus R, saloon 6 Exchange place h Salisbury nr « Martin p{ King Wesley W, car insp h West ab North fij King William, gas flitter bds Blount nr Hargett ® Kirk carpenter bds North nr McDowell ^ Ivirchen John L, pumpmaker Morgan cor Harrington h jq" Salisbury at North . *Kittrells Giles, porter Wilmington nr Martin P Kliffmuller M Mrs, teacher St Mary's school Leopold Bros.) manufacturers of 12 different brands of TV. H. Morriss & Co., Farnitnre, 3 FayettCTille Street. KNU [85] LAW Knuckles Ilenrv, carpenter h Hayti Koella Rcgnla, wid Earnest boarding h Ilillsboro bet Mc- Dowell and Dawson Kramer Albert, jeweler bds Fayetteville cor Cabarrus Krans C A, painter r Ilargett cor Fayetteville h county Kreth Alexander, scourer bds Martin nr Salisbury fa Kreth Joseph, tailor Martin opp new P O h same 5 Kuester A T, lock and gunsmith Salisbury nr Martin h H county 3 Kuper George A, banker bds Yarborough House * ^ I Labarbe A P, elk h Hargett cor East * Labarbe L J, bookkeeper bds Uargett cor East t; Lacy M R, supt Peace Institute Peace head Wilmington 2 Lamb W A, carpenter h Cannon nr AVest J* Lambeth C W, elk h Halifax nr Lane * Lamond James, h Wilmington nr Peace fj Lanison Francis, watchmaker h 5 Fayetteville 5 Lancaster John, painter Uargett nr Wilmington h county ft Lancaster W H, elk Fayetteville nr Market ' £ *Lane David lab h Salisbury cor Hunter sr *Lane David^ porter bds Bloodwi)rth nr Hargett » *Lane Edward, lab h Cabari'us nr Wilmington a *Lane Edward, lab h Ea^t nr Davie *Lane Frederick, labh Blount nr Jones S *Lane Henry, baker Dawson nr Cabarrus « *Lane Hinton H, ])olice h Salisbui'y nr Lane S Lane James, shoemaker bds Davie nr McDowell § *Lane Mickens, lab h Hilliboro ab West ~ *Lassater Doctor, lab h Martin cor Salisbury '* Lassiter W C, chief elk U S col ottice h Fayetteville bet ^ Davie and Cabarrus * *Latham Stanley, coachman h wend Hillsboro nrSt^Iarys S Latta Cliarles G, (Parker, Barbee v% Latta) bds National t Hotel Lauriatt Albert, printer bds Fa^x-ttcville nr Davie Lawrance Mary A Mrs, matron Insane Asylum of N C h same Lawrance Y D. miller h Hargett nr Swain LAWRENCE A "W, (Lawrence & Winston) h Hali tax cor Jolmson Cigars, 57 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. For a good meal, go to Joseph's. LAW [ 86 ] LEE g — • ^ Lawrence James E, entjineer li North nr West .' LAWRENCE &c WINSTON (A W Lawrence & "S A II Wiiist(iii) insagts 64 Fayetteville ± LEACH BROS, (Georcre T and M T Leach) whol s grocers Wilmington nr Martin (see adv next page) ■^ Leach G E, book keeper bds National Hotel •i Leach George T, (Leach Bros) !i New York jj Leach M T, (Leach Bros) bds Yarboro House 5 Lee A G, (A G Lee & Sons) h cor Newbern Ave and 2 Bloodworth S Lee A G & Sons (AG, EH and C R Lee) com mers and ^ cotton factors 5 Wilmington 2 Lee A S, (Pescnd, Lee Lett William D, wat(;hmaker send Fa_yetteville nr R R * Levi Robert, painter Hargett nr Wilmington « Levj' H, painter h Smithtield road nr Person £ Levy Wm, bds Smithtield rd nr Person * ■*Lewis Aaron, lab h Harrington nr Edenton ? Lewis Alfred, carpenter bds West ab JSlOrth 5 Lewis A M, lawyer Fayettevilie cor C II square h Wilming- 2, ton nr North S Lewis Charles, plasterer bds Morgan nr East "1, *Lewis Dawson, driver li South nr West « *Lewi3 Erasmus, lab li R & G R R opp round house sr Lewis James J, printer h Wilmington nr Davie * *Lewis John, porter Hargett nr Wilmington jf Lewis Julius, (Julius Lewis & Co) h Ilillsboro ab West 2 Lewis Julius tt Co, .(Julius Lewis and Nick W West) 5 hardware cor Fayettevilie and Market g *Lewis Madison, lab h Hinton cor Cannon 5. Lewis R G, lawyer h Halifax ab North ^ Lewis Sarah, wid Alfred li Hillsboro nr Harrington a Lewis W M, salesman bds Carolina House »9 Lewter M C. elk h cor Lenoir and Person I? LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, J J % Whitehead genl inangr J M Tate secy Fayettevilie cor 2. Martin (see advr) % *Liggins A, blacksmith Hargett nr Swain h Wake county f« s G. T. LEACH, N. Y. M. T. LEACH. C LE^CH BE-OS., ' lolssalB Grocers ni Cimlssii lercMms, i No. 3 Eschange Place, Wilmington, near Martin. 5" t^FLOUR OUR SPECIALTY. " ES n n n Honest Cigars, wbose aroma and flavor is Ueavenlj. 2 For Unadulterated Liquors, go to Joseph's. ij^ LIG [ 88 ] " LOG ^ *Liggoi) Lafa3'ette, blacksmith Hargett nr Blount S *Ligon Henrj, lab h Halifax nr Peace ~ Ligon Tulbert, h llillsboro nr McDowell " Linehan Patrick, cuiitractor h Blonnt nr Jones Pj Lincke Paul, lab h Blount nr South r Lindsay W H, bridge builder h ab quarry « *Lipsconih Green, driver bds Martin nr Blount a Lipbconib O D, grocer Dawson cor Jones h Dawson ^ Litchford J J, ins agt under bank Fayetteville cor Hargett ^ h Newbern cor Person « Litchford The Misses, Harrington cor Davie g Litchford K W, elk h Newbern Av and Person £ Little George, yirest and treas North Carolina Land Co h *^ Edenton nr Blount ^ Little James, h Salisbury nr Lane a Little J C R, storekeeper R & G R R and A A L R R h ~ Salisbury nr Lane ^ Little AViliiam, physician Edenton cor Blount h same Va Liverpool A: London and Globe Ins Co,R G Hay & Co agts * 66 Fayetteville S^ Loada Sarah ]\L"ss, school Hargett nr West » Loader T Robert, grocer and tailor h Morgan bet Mc- t Dowell and DaM'aon S *Lockhart Handy, undertaker Blount nr Davie h same S *Lockhart John, undertaker bds Blount nr Davie S Lockam\- Joseph H, tinner h R vfc G R Ropp round house £ *Xockhart Charles, cabinetmaker Salisbury nr Morgan £ Lockett J H, tinner cor Fayetteville and Market I NEW CIGAR HOUSE, m Fayetteville St., opp. ]\4]arket House, S RALEIGH, N. C. K The following are a few of our Prime Brands— M LA ROSE, (Copyrighted'; PLOR DE CUBA, iClear Spanish); FIGARO, (very S fine : THE FIGARO TWIST, lan Unique Segar ; GOLDEN EAGLES, Cabinet, Bock & Co.'s (Imported Stock ; THE PRINCIPE, (Thomas HBarrio'si; THE OPERA ROSE; FLOR DEL FUMA, Little Maimec, I Copyrighted'; OLD PLANTATION, the Par- lor Segar, and the RALEIGH ROSE. ^ .if/ Orders Punctually Mttetitled To. The Champion Cigar Factory. W. H. Morriss & Co.. Mattresses, 3 Fayetteville Street. LON [89] McA *London Daniel, svt Grange Hotel *Lonji A, veiretablo stand 2(1 market li Ilargett nr Me- ^ Dowfll ' ^ * Long Iry R W, teacher bds IIowoll House i Lucas J S, diug elk bds Fayetteville nr Davie g *Lucas Robert Rev, h Person nr Cabarrus Br Luke Robert, carpenter h Lane nr West P* Luke William, carpenter h Lane nr West * Lumbley (,\ilvin, carpenter h West cor Cannon § Lumbley Lncj', wid Washington bds Wilmington nr Davie 2 Lumbley Thomas J, carpenter h bet Wilmington and ^ Blount nr Peaee Listitute * Lnnisden Charles F, tinner Ii fi3 Fayetteville S Lu'iisden Frank H, tinner li 63 Fayetteville "s Lumsden J C S, stoves and tinware (i3 Fayetteville h same 83 Lumsden Robert, elk h 63 Fayetteville ^ Luttrell A J, patent agt bds Wilmington nr Hargett *!§ Lutter M C. elk h Person cor Lenoir, S Lyman Augustus J, student bds Lane cor North fi» Lyman Theodore B, Right Rev Wilmington cor North * Lvmnn Theodnre B Jr, student lids Wilminirton (;or North S LYNCHBURG- INS & BANKING- CO, J M | Tate agt Fayetteville cor ^Lirtin § Lyon W H, grocer Blount cor Martin ** M § Mc Aden R Y, pres Falls of Neuse Manfg Co li Charlotte N C * *MeAdoo Georijc. hostler Morgan nr Wilmington McAllister John H, carpenter ii Jones cor Harrington of the Mate— Leopold Brothers. "Raleigh Favorite" Cigars, at Joseph 's< McA [ 90 ] MoP © - gp MeAlpine Thomas D, special elk iut rev bds Yarborough _" House 5 McCabe William, stonecutter h Martin nr Salisbury « McCallum James, (McCallum Wyckoff& Hope) h Ilills- 5 boro cor Dawson ■McCallum, Wyckoff & Hope, (J McCallum P Wyckoflr& J E S Hope) agricultural machine wks West cor Ilargett » *MeCauley Ilary, lab h Wilniiiiirton nr Cedar S *McCauley Matthew, waiter h llillsboro nr McDowell S *McCoy Neal, shoemaker Cabarrus cor Blount h same S McCrary Jasper N, printer h North nr Dawson •« McCrary Joel, helper h North nr Dawson j2 McCraw J Edwin, dep col bds Fayettevilie nr Cabarrua M *McCullis John, baker h Cabarrus nr McDowell sT McDade James, agt bds Exchange Hotel a McDevit M, clothier Ilargett nr Wilmington S McDonald Charles C, elk bds Fayettevilie nr Davi-e Z McDonald John A, mail agt Fayettevilie nr Davie ^ McDonald Walter, elk bds Fayettevilie nr Davie \elI nr Xortli * *Matthcws W II, bricklayer h South nr JIcDowell S •■Matthews William J, lab h South nr McDowell » "Mayo WMIIiani, svt Yarborongh House S *Mayo Willis, lab h Ilillsboro'ab Salisbury and JIcDowell 8 *Mays Broker, lab Harrington cor Davie ^ *M;iys Frank, baker li Caban-us nr McDowell ■2 Meachani Daniel, grocer Morgan nr cemetery h same b Meachani D P Rev, elk h Morgan nr cemetery — Meacham L, wid James bds Morgan nr cemetery V Meade William, bds Wilmington nr Ilargett ""^ Meadows J I, elk h Ilargett nr Person © Meale A, bds Carolina House W Medline Emeliiie, wid Henry bds Piloiint nr Moriran <8 Mehaley Thonjas, wheelwright Davie cor Salisbury « Mercliai;ts and Mechanics Ins Co of Pichmond, J M Tate M agt Fayetteville cor Martin JJ *Merkerson John, lab h Bloodwortli tir Ilargett 5 Merrill Samuel, grocer and supt gas works Cabarrus cor a McDowell h same . Merrimon A S Hon, (Mcrrimon, Fuller • MERRIMON. FULLER & ASHE, (Hon A S '^ Merrimon Thos C Fuller and S A Ashe) lawyers Raleigh National Bank bldg Fayetteville cor Ilargett Speculatoi-s in Smoke, Leopold Brotliers, Cigarists. w. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 Fayetteville Street. MER [93] MIT *Merritt Jolin, lab h Cabarrus cor Dawson *MiTritt ^[(lm•(n^ lal) Diivie cor West *Merritt UicliMrii, bhicksinitli llargett nr Wiliiiiiintnii *Mc'rrilt liicliani, l:il> li Uillshoro iir lliirriii;,'tiiii "Alerritt William, uarpi'iitcr ii Cabarrus nr ilarriiiijton Mcrryinan Marv A, wid Pleasant R li West nr Caiiiinn J Metrupdlitan Hall, over market Fayetteville bet Martin ^ atul KxelKini;e plaeii 3 Miebaels Ilarrv, ciirar maker 3l> Fayetteville 3 Millmuine , tinner Ixis WilminL^ton nr Ilarijett a *Mile Kiebard, svt b Ilillsboro ab West J- *Miles Geurjire A, harnessmaker b Wilmiiiiiton nr Harnett ^ Milljr A, land ajjt bds Fayetteville nr Davie * Miller Andrew, b over iij Fayetteville S Miller David, stonetMittOr !)ds Fayetteville nr Davie "" Miller II M, keeper eaiiitnl b Newborn Ave and Person s" Miller Henry W Mrs, b Newbern Ave eor Person * Miller James, restanrant b lUnnnt nr Ilarj^ett m Miller Jame« H, restaurant and billiards 31i Fayetteville K h Wake Co ' » *Mil!er Josepb, lab b East nr Martin 'i, Miller Josepb T, carpenter butclier stall 3 market li llargett nr z Person J Mowatt J')lin, slioeniaker li Wood worth nr ilartin » Mowatt Susan, tailoress h Pdoodworth nr Martin ^ Mullen James W, machinist h North nr Harrington 2 MiiUins J II, salesman hds e end iIorfi;aii * ■1 Mnrphy Mioses, lab h Martin nr West 9 *Mur[(hy AViliiani, lab h w end Hargett 2 Murray D C, feed store West and Davie h Martin nr West o Murray William, stonecutter hds Piloodworth nr Martin Myatt J oliii, u-aioiimik'jr h West bet II argett and Morgan £ Myatt W A (Norris >k Myatt) bds National Hotel « National Cemetery, Ct A Dichtel siijit be! New Rileigh * National Hotel, C S Brown projir Edenton cor Halifax r National Ins Co of Hartford, W II Crow agt cor Fayette- « villo and Exchanlace ^ NATIONAL LIFE INS CO OF U S, P F Pes- | cud A: ^on agts n e cor Favetteville and Haigett S Neathery J C, private eec Govreapitol bldg li Dawson bet ^ Hargett and Martin S Newby W H, j)rinter h Salisbmy and Martin Newcomb Frank L, carpenter bds Harrington cor Lane New Jersey Mutual Life I)|s Co, C D Ricegenl agl Fayette ville cor Davie a. Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds PURMITUnS, Hah', Shuck, Cotton and SIiucJc 3lattresses, &c., It A L E I CI n , >" . c » •"The Baleigh Jtose." fa e v. H "S For an enjoyable glass, go to Joseph's. NEW [96] NOR J NE^W ORLEANS INS CO, P F Pescud & Son -cnl m awts n e cc")r FaveUevillc ami Iliirijeft [if NEWS PUBLISHING CO, J^rdon Stone mana- a p;er J W Diinhai:i editor- Fayetteville iir Martin |5 Newsoni J D,drygood5 28 Favetteville h Jones nr McDowell „*Newsom Robert, lab Ii Newberp Ave nr East j Newsotn W R, elk 2S Fayetteville » Newsotn Sarah, wid David K bds Edenton < or Wilmington- S Nichols C W, carpetitcr h Davie cor Dawson S Nichols Jt)hn, (John Nichols et Co) and (irincipal Doaf and 2 Dumb and tJie Blind Institution h Institute McDowell ^ cor Jones [i, Nichols Joiin & Co, (John C Goi-man and John Nichols). S9 book and job ])rinters Fayetteville cor Harnett »r *Nichols Robeit, h Lenoir nr Dawson g Nichols S L, ]>rinter h Polk cor East 2 '"Nichols Ste]ihen, porter 7 Fayetteville S Nichols Thomas A, printer bds 7 Fayetteville * Nichols Williams, stonecutter h Wilmington nr Davie 9 Nixon W A, grocer Wiimingtoii nr Davie h Fayetteville- © cor South I *Noble Melvin. di'iver li Cal>:irrus cor Dawson «• Noble M R, wid Richard Inls Davie nr Wilmington ^ .\olan r A, elk 3hV 1< ayetleville g Norris B II, keeper New Fair Grounds h same a Norris John, carpetiter bds New Fair Grounds * Norris Joseph J, ])rinter bds New Fair Grounds , * Norris Matthew, carpenter lids New Fair Grounds I TIs hMmh Mi Imranse hp], 4 OF ra!leigh, n. c 5 ALL CLASSES OF IlTStJEABLE PROPERTY, M Against Loss or Damage by Fire on the Most S Reasonable Terms. ^ ALL LOSSES PEOMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. »■ R. II. BVTTI.K, .Jr., PrcBiilc-nt. ('. B. ROOT. Vice-Prcsideut . SEATON G.-\LIOS, Si-cri-t a-y. P. COWPER, Si-crelary. ^ Encourage Home Institutions. Soinetliing new and delicious in tlie Cigar Linej. w. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, » Fayetteville Street. NOR [97] OAK Norris Af T (N"ni-! & INlvatt), hds Yarhoroiii^li House Xon-i.; W (', elk 1h1^ XMrioiKil Ilotei NORRIS &, MY ATT (M T N.^-ris iuid W A Myatt), i.M-iu-c'rs ;uul ciiiii iiiers ;! KxclianLTP ]>laee and 5 Martin NORTH CAROLINA HOME INS CO, K H Battle Jv ]ire#t, Suatori Gales secy, 47 Fayetteville (see adv jirecedinsj pafje) NORTH CAROLINA JOURNAL OF EDU- CATION, S L> Toui pnbr, b;i Fajetteville (see ad v) North Carolina La!id Co, Georf^e Little prest and treas, Favetfeviile eor Exelianije ])l:ico NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INS CO of Haleigll, Ivemji P Battle prist, V 11 ('amerou viee ])rest, \V 11 llieksseey and treas, Fayetteville eor Martin (see adv) Xoriliam Edojar A, elk hds 7 Fayetteville Norton M J. teacher bds Bionnt nr Noith *Norwood Tiioinas, carpenter )i Maitin nr East Norwood W B, overseer liDaviecor Dawson Nottiii<;liarn .laeob, nionldpr h JVIeUowell nr Kortli Nowell J .1, depy elk Siiii'r Court h Bloodworth nr Lenoir *Nowell M;iriini svt ods Wilmiiiijtdn nr Davie *Null llfiny, svt Bloodwortli eor North Nuttall Saraii Mrs, Salisbury bet Davie and Cabarrus OAK .CITY MILLS, J J Thomas Jr prest, corn mills Davie ei'r \Vi'st (see adv in^ille frcmt cover) Oakwood Cemetery, liol)ert Thnnias sexton Swain cor Edenton O'KELLY & PRICE, Mm^ and Sals Mes n Salisbury St., bclwccn Hara^ctt and Martin, RALEIGH, N. €. Leopold's " Raleigh Rose " for well selected Wines and Liquors, go to Joscph-s. O'BR [ 98 ] OVE j^ O'Brien Conielius. stonecutter bds Davie cor Dawson _- O'Daniel James II, h Harritii;ton nr Lane Ui (Ettiiiger Isaae, millinery 48 B'ayettevil'.e h same ji ■•O'Kelle}' Herbert, lab h Cabarrus nr Dawson 5 "''O'lvelley Isaac, driver Salisbury nrllargett h county * *0'Kelley John (O'Kelle.y & Price) li Wnke county ♦* *()'K('lley RciKPi', driver Salisbury nrHartjetth countv * 0'KELLEY& PRICE, (John O'Kelley and James ~ Pj'ice) livery stables Salisbury bet JIartin and Ilari^ett 2 (see adv precedintr pai;o) I OLD DOMINION INS CO. of Richmond Va, >s Lawrence and Winston genl agts 6-i Fayetteville ^ Old North State Ins Co of Warrenton, J Devei'eaux agt 47 n Fayetteville sT Olds F A, elk bds McDowell nr llargctt g O'Neal Bynjamin, elk bds Howell House i O'Neill Benjamin, elk 59 Fayetteville Z O'iNeill J R, bouk keeper h West cor Jones ^ O'Neill S T, carpenter li Edenton nr M Poythress S A Mrs, teacher Peace head Wilmington S Prairie J P. farmer li Davie nr Wilmington ^ Prempert Henry C, barber h Dawson cor Martin a Prendergast M A Mrs, millinery Morgan cor Wilmington ^ Prendergast M A, carpenter li Morgan cor Wilmington ^„ '"Prentice J B, carpenter h Jones nr East ^ Presbyterian Church, Rev J M Atkinson pastor, Salisbury 5 cor Morgan "* Price James (O'Kelley & Price), bds Ilai-gett cor Vv'il- ^ mington « "■•Price John, butcher stall 4 market h nr Camp Holmes Z: Piice.Lewis, elk, bds Carolina House « Primrose J D Mrs, bds Ilillsboro nr Dawson « Primrose W S, Hsst casliier State National bank h New- S bei't) ave cor Blount « Pritchard T H Rev, h E'leiiton cor Salisbury ^ *Proctor C I, barber h Ilillsboro nr West — "Prtirh George, helper h e end Newborn avenue t Pullen J D,clk h McDowell nr Ilargett ^ Pnllen J D Mrs, boarding h McDowell nr Hargctt » Piillen John T, elk h McDowell bet Ilargett and Morgan ' Pulieti Star.hope, bds McDowell nr Ilargett p ■•Purcell John, butcher h Fayetteville nr Lenoir "^ Piirnell Thomas R. State Librarian 3rd tioor capitol bldg •8 h Eden ton nr East « *Puryear Loveless, lab Ji Blount nr Davie " Putney John, lab h Davie nr East 2 Putney Sabria, wid William h D.ivie tir East i I^ 5J *Ragland Joseph, lab h Hayti ^. Raleigh Clui), Dr T D ILigg prest Ilargett cor Salisbury !S Raleigh Era,Brown & G-illiert pro's Faj'etteville cor Morgan The Champion Cigar Factory. W. H. Morrlss & Co.. Mattresses, 3 Fayettevllle Street. RAL , [105] REI Raleigh Female Seniinary, F P Hobgood principal Blount nr North fl Raleigli Gas Light Co, C B Root prest 47 Fayettevllle works p. Cabarrns cor McDowell * Raleiffh Lodge No 65 I O O F, meets everj- Monday night S Odd Fellows Hall ' » RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK, W II Willard ^ prest C Dewov cashier Fnvetteville cor Hargett (see adv) S RALEIG-H,SENTINiEL, Fayetteville & C H square * Josiah Turner proju- and editor * RALEIGH & AUGUSTA AIR LINE R R, J Dr W J Hawkins prest Maj W W \ ass secy and treas 5 Capt A B Andrews genl supt office North cor Halifax 5. RALEIGH & GASTON R R CO, r>r W J Haw- I kins jn-est \V W Vass sec and treas Capt A B Andrews * genl snpt Halifax cor North depot and shops North and E Salisbury 2 Ramsay Theodore N, lecturer h Faj'etteville cor South j« Ransom Marcellus, bricklayer Hinton cor Cannon £' Raven Lina Miss, teacher bds Blount nr North 5 Ray Alston, lab h Edenton nr Salisbury 5 Ray J R. jirinter h Hillshcro rd south side new fair srounds ^ •Rayner Stephen, driver li West nr Harrington e Reade Edwin G, Associate Justice Supreme Court h Wash- s ington Beaufort Co N C ^ Reams C Frank, tobacco manf Martin nr Wilmington h 2 Person nr Cabarrus Redd A F Rev, (Edwards, Bronghton & Co) and editor liib- ^ lican Recorder h Blount nr North S Redford J F, elk bds Wilmington nr Davie ^ Rcdford J H, (dk bds Fayetteville nr Martin » Kcdfi)rd Robert C, elk li Harrington bet Martin 6c Harnett — Reeves Aljiheus. sliopuiaker li ^lartin nr Bloodworth L REEVES HENDERSON, grocer Martin nr Blood- | worth "-. Register of Deeds office C H building W W White register £ *Reid Burgess, barber Fayetteville cor Market h Martin ? nr Harrington 2 *Reid Edward, carpenter h Martin nr Harrington Reilly John, State Auditor Ist .floor capitol bds National Hotel 1 ef the State — Leopold Brothers. «Ralei^h Favorite" Cigars, at Joseph's. REN [ 106 ] ROB jj Renfrew John, vef2;etable and poultry stall 20 market h Marsjett nr corporate limits ^ Renn James R, carpenter h Dawson ab North 9 Renn Joseph, ex messenger h Dawson ab North « Renn L W, conductor h Dawson ab North ■^ Rescue Steam Fire Co, C H square .- *Reyner Isaiah, blacksmith Wilmington nr Uargett h ^ Wake County 2 *Rhodes Benj, waiter h West ab North > *Rhode8 Benjamin, sexton Christ Church Wilmington- eor S Edenton ^ ^Rhodes John 11, pressman h Cabarrns cor Dawson ^ * Rhodes Reuben, blacksmitli h Blount nr Cabarrus jj Rice C D, gen'l at^t New Jersey Mutual Lite Ins Co ^ Fayetteviile cor Davie ii Blount ab North ^ Rice Jasper, elk bds Fayetteviile cor Davie j: Rich Edward R Rev, h Ilillsboro cor McDowell § ^Richardson Allen, lab h Salisbury nr Edenton S *Richardson Reason, brakesman h Lane and McDowell ^ *Richardson Robert, lab h Cabarrus nr Dawson * Richardson S M, bds Wilmington nr Hargett "9 Richardson Thomas, bds McDowell nr Hargett S Richardson W C, tel operator h Cox ave nr Ilillsboro f Richardson William R, Editor Raleigh Era Fayetteviile g nr Davie h Cox ave s Richmond & Danville R R, (N C Division) Geo T Jones « freight and ticket agt office West bet Davie and Cabar- « rus depot Harrington cor Cabarrus S *Ricks Charles, driver 2 Martin "0 ■■•'Ricks Henry, lab h Wilmington nr corporate line r Riddick N J, U S diet elk bds National Hotel § RiddiC S L, elk h Davie cor Harrington ^ Rielly James, drummer bds Bloniit nr Morgan ^ Riggsbce RuluF, printer bds Fayetteviile nr South 2 Riggsbee S J\I, salesman bds Wilmington nr Morgan X Riggsby , shoemaker h Davie nr East PJ Rigsbee Stanley, elk bds Wilmington nr Morgan 2 Rigsbee William, printer h e end Hargett *Ring David, shoemaker h cor Haywood and Cal)arrus *Roakes Mack, blacksmith h Hargett nr Swain *Roberts Benj. lab h w end Davie *Roberts Charles, lab bds'Morgan nr Blount Leopold Bros., Manufacturers of Fine Cigars Ouly • g w. u. Morriss & Coi, , Farnitiire, 3 FayetlcTllle Street ROB [107] ROY Roberts Mary J, wid E M, bds West bet Jones and Lane Roberts il S, stonecutter li Person nr Martin Roberts Satnnel, stone cutter bds Person nr Martin Robertson Alexis, wid Alexander bds Blount nr Lane 5; Robertson J O, reporter bds lloweil House ^ *Robinson Eaton, carpenter h Salisbury cor Ilargett C Rodman William B, associate justice supreme court h ^ Wasliiniitoii Beaufort Co S Rogers A T, elk bds Wilmington nr Morgan »» Rogers I W, bds East nr Davie • Rogers J A, elk bds Blount nr Ilargett ?• Rogers James, blacksmith Edenton cor Blount « Rogers James II, elk ot market h Blount and Ilargett * Rogers James L, elk Grange Hotel ^ Rogers James W, elk h Blount nr Hargett £, *Rogers Robert, lab h Cabarrus nr McDowell » Rogers William, carpenter li Bloodworth nr Martin 2, *Rogers William, carpenter h Cabarrus nr Person m Rogers W T (Rogers ct Harris), h Wilmington nr market £. Rogers tfe Harris (W T Rogers and J C Harris), liquors cor ?? Wilmington and market % Root C B, vice prest N C Home Ins Co and prest Raleigh « Gas Co, h Hillsboro nr West ^ Root Charles, bookkeeper h Hillsboro ab West JJ Rosciiijaum J (M R()senl)aiim A: Bro), h 41 Fayetteville -' ROSENBAUM JONAS M, clothing and china » ware 45 Fayetteville h Person cor Davie 5 Roseid)aum M (^M Rosenbaum & Bro), h Blount nr Jones g Uosenbauni M A: Bro (M and J Rosenbaum), dry goods 41 3 Favetteville ROSENTHAL GUST AVE, secy and treas Falls « ot'Neuse iMnt'g Co, h Newbern ave nr East Rosenthal Isadore, salesman bds Exchange Hotel *» Rosentlial L, clothing Exchange place nr Fayetteville h 50 J Fayetteville B. Rosenthal Louis, elk bds Carolina House 2. Rosenthal M, salesman bds 35 Fayetteville Rowe William B, contractor h Exchange Hotel Rowe W Bilrs, projir Ex lintel, Hillsboro cor McDowell *Royall Daila>, stonecutter bds Hargett nr Camp Davis *Royall Xottaway, lab h East nr Davie Royster A D (A D Roystent Bro), h Morgan nr Harrington Jobbers in all grades of Chewing Tobacco, 57 FayettcTille Streets ft For t'iiiciiiiiati beer, go to Joseph's. KOY [108] SAU '^^ROYSTER A p & BRO (A D and V C Rojster) ^ candy mantrs 40 Faj'ctteville "S Eoyster D L, carpenter Blount nr Ilargett and grocer Har- "5 i?ett nr Blount h same P« Royster D V*', tailor h Eastnr Davie J" Royster James D, supt oak city mills AVett cor Davie li * Morgan cor Harrington S Royster Lemuel, carpenter li Newbern Ave nr Swain " Royster Mar}', wid William H h j^ewbern Ave nr Swain S Royster V C, (A D Royster & Bro) li Morgan cor Harrington ® Royster Vitruvius, elk bds Hargett cor Blount 9S Itoyster W I, physician Morgan nr Harrington h same ■J Royster W S, jirinter h Davie bet Blount. and Person •s Ruii William, painter bds Person nr Hargett "9 Russ .1 P H. farmer li Hargett nr Swain 5 Russ W M, bds Hargett nr Swain 2 Rntli James, carpenter h Lane and St. Mary's S Russ W M, bds Hargett nr Swain _ Rntli James, carpenter h Lane and _, S Ruth Mary, wid James h Harrington nr Lane g Ruth Samuel L, carpenter h Lane nr St Mary's s o ^ Sadler Fabius, carpentei- h Salisbury cuir Cabarrus a *St Augustine, P E Church Dawson cor Lane Rev John * Smedes 5 St John's Catholic Clnirch, Rev Mark Gross pastor Wil- £ mington cor Morgan ± St Mary's school for young ladies w end Hillsboro nr city § limits Rev Albert Smedes principal • Saintsing W H, lab h North ur Dawson ^ "'-ampson Cornelius Rev, li Harrington cor Martin V *Sampson John, lab Jones nr East 4 Sanders A C, grocer 2 Martin h Hilhboro nr St Mary's uj Sanders Samantlia Miss. Cabarrus nr East 2 Sanford C O, chiet engineer P. ife d E R and A A L R R Cfi 1) Petersburg Va § Sasser L D, wid John W bds Blount nr Jones 5 Sastron Magnus, stonecutter bds Salisbury cor Martin . Sauls Sarah, wid Wiley bds Blount nr Davie 8 Saunders J G bar Cabarrus cor Harrington h same ^' Saunders Lizzie Miss, h Hargett nr Swain '"* Saundei's R A, elk bds Wilmington nr Morgan Speculators in Smoke, Leopold Brotliers, Cigarists. w. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 Faycttei ■illc Street. SAU [109] SHE Saunders Wm Johnson, lab h South nr Dawson Snvage G W, 67 Fayetteville Street, Baleigii, N. C. For Fine Oysters, go to Joseph's. SHE [110] SLA Sherwood John M, messenger Raleigh Nat Bank bldg Sherwood W B, salesman bds National Hotel Shields Joseph P, elk bds Salisbury nr Edenton *Ship Handsome, lab h Harriett nr Swain * *Sill8 Henry, driver Blount cor Lane and North *Sinimons Allen, lab h Mayti *Simmons Daniel, pressman bds Morgan nr East *Simmon8 James, baker h Salisbury nr Cabarrus Simpson John, teacher h Dawson nr Edenton Simpson Robert, baker bet Dawson and Harrington and Cabarrus and Lane h Dawson nr Cabarrus SIMPSON WILLIAM, druggist 33 Fayetteville h Dawson bet Davie and Cabarrus Singer Manfg Co, W W Palmer act miigr 12 Fayetteville Singeltary Cora M, wid George h South cor Salisbury *Skinner George, stonecutter bds Hargett nr camp Davis *Slade Syth, lab h North cor Halifax Slater A E Mrs, teacher music bds Howell House WILLIAM SIMPSON, e w as Hi m Pi fii g i No. 33 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C. Reeps Consfaiifli/ on hand a Fall Line of hi h^, Mull, hU Mm, TOILET ARTICLES, And everything usually kept in a First Class Drug Store. Leopold Brothers', great brand of Cigar, w. H. MoitIss & Co., Furnitnre, 3 Fayetteville Street. SLA [111] SMI Slater Henry, musician bds Howell House Sledjjje T D, grocer Hargett cor East Slonian George, salesman h Davie nr Blount Sraedes Aldert, principal St Marys school w end Hillsboro *! nr city limits B *Smedes Peter, lab h Hillsboro bet McDowell and Dawson ® Smethurst E A, machinist h Dawson cor North « Smethurst W A, machinist h nr R it G depot •§ *Smith Alvin, cabinet maker h s end Wilmington 9 *Sraith Anthoney, lab h Xewbern cor Person 8" Smith Caroline, wid Eldridge h East nr Davie g Smith Daniel, stonecutter bds Salisbury cor Martin * Smith Edward, moulder h Jones cor West » Smith Edwin F, elk bds McDowell and Edenton — Smith Emily, wid Sidney bds McDowell cor Edenton j Smith Frederick, painter Morgan nr Blount 2 Smith G C, grocer Morgan nr Wilmington a *Smith Henry, lab h s end Fayetteville nr RR S Smith Henry C, tin and sheet iron works Wilmington nr ^ Morgan h county Smith I D, sexton city grave yard h Davie nr Swain 2 *Smith Jeremiah, stonecutter h Lenoir nr Harrington 2 *Smith Joseph, lab h Dawson cor Hargett S *Smith Joseph, porter h West nr Edenton " *Smith Matthew, shoemaker h Edenton nr Harrington s Smith N B Mrs, dressmaker h J(ji)es nr West •" Smith O A, grocer Wilmington nr Martin h Blount cor " Davie s *Smith Peter, driver h Edenton nr Harrington * ■^Smith Pompey, blacksmitii h s end West * Smith Richard, shoemaker h Blount nr South s ■*Sniith Richmond, tiremaii h Harrington nr Edenton 2 *Smitii Rufus, fireman h North nr Dawson ^ SMITH RW, butcher stall 5 market h Hollerman nr © curperate line H itteinijf aoj eouttsilJor at Law^ Office in Oourt Plouse. <'The Saleigh ttose." For an enjoyable griass) go to Joseph's. SMI [112] SOU W = ^ Smith Sarah Mrs, h McDowell oor Davie j~ Smith Simeon, printer h Fayetteville nr E, II .55 Smith Silvester, h West cor Cabarrus ^ Smith T B, watchmaker h Jones nr West 5 Smitli Thaddeus, elk bds Blount nr Davie ^ Smith W D, fishstall 9 and 11 market li nr Deat'and Dumb- ^ Asylum © Smith W E, representative bds Martin nr Blount S Smith W N H, (Smith & Strong) h Halifax nr corp line t Smith W W, elk h Halifax nr North 2 Smith & Strong, (W N H Smith and George V Strong) K law3'ers Fayetteville cor Martin f^ *Snikes Burvin, blacksmith Blount nr Morgan h Masonville es Snipes B P, carpenter Ilargett nr Wilmington h Person et Salisbury and McDowell o *Stevvart Jesse, stonecutter h Lenoir nr Dawson *J "^Stewart Robert, lab h Cabarrus cor Wilmington § Stillman W W, salesman bds 7 Fayetteville H *Stills Richard, lab h w end Ilargett 2 Steino Charles, shoemaker h Newbern Ave nr Swain ^ Stone J L, sewing machine agt Market cor Fayetteville h * Cary Stone John, engineer h Johnson nr Salisbury Leopold's " Raleigh Rose " For well selected Tfines and Liquors, go to Joseph's. STO [ 114 ] SUP « - S5 Stone Jordan, mngr News publishing Co Fayetteville nr £ Martin bds Fayetteville cor Davie if Stone Marcellus Rev, h South bet Wilmington and Blount ^ Stone William II, police h Johnson nr Salisbury g^ Straughan F M, lab h Martin nr Swain , *Strick]and Calvin, lab h Newbern ave nr Swain J *Strick]and William, lab h Cabarrus nr East « *Stricklin Richard, butcher h in Overton I Stronach A B, (W C & A B Stronach) Davie & Wilmington o *Stronach Burrell, lab h Ilayti ^ Stronach Frank, bookkeeper bds Wilmington nr Person ^ Stronach G T, cotton factor cor Martin and Fayetteville h &« Wilmington nr Person M *Stronach W, stone cutter Blount and Morgan Stronach W C, (W C and A B Stronach) h cor Jones and S Halifax 1 Stronach W C & A B, (W C & A B Stronach) grocers 4 g Martin and 6 Market fa Strong George V, (Smith & Strong) h Bloodworth cor ^ North a Stuart P A, wid John bds Hargett nr Wilmington "§ *Stuart Samuel, carpenter h Bloodworth nr Davie 2 Stuart S J Miss, teacher bds Hargett nr Wilmington — *Studivant John, lab h Hargett nr Swain « Sullivan Edward, painter h Davie cor Dawson £ *Sumner William, barber h Fayetteville nr N C R R £ Superior Court, C II building, Saml W Watts judge — Supervisor Int Revenue, office Hillsboro cor Dawson, P W © Perry supervisor 6 THOS. S, STEVEIffSOIff^ V RALEIGH, N. C. IFLIBEE, STM m m mil, a DEALER IN I PUMPS, HYBRAtJMC RAMS, ^ IRON, LEAD AND EARTHEN PIPES, ^' JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO Address P. O. Box 289. Leopold Bro's, make a specialty of fine brands TV. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 8 FayettcTille Street. SUT [115] TEA Sutton E H, wid John h Cabarrus nr McDowell Sutton James M, printer h Cabarrus nr McDowell Swain Eleanor, wid Da%'id L bds Morgan cor Blount *Swain Jordan, lab bds Person nr Davie *Sw8in Lawson, lab bds Person nr Darie Sweeney , h West nr Cannon Swepson G W, h Hillsboro cor Salisbury Swindell Jame^, bartender bds Salisbury cor Martin SYME ANDREW, genl agt Universal Life Ins Co, g Fayetteville nr Martin h Jones nr East 9 Syme Duncan C, elk rooms Fayetteville nr Morgan 3 *Syme Edward, police h Salisbury nr Jones B Syme John, reporter bds Fayetteville nr Davie "I T 5 ♦Tanner Jesse, lab h Bloodworth nr Martin g Tant James, elk h Hargett nr Person — Tant J M. elk h Bargett nr Bloodworth ^ Tant Walter, bookbinder h Hargett nr Person 5 TATE J M, secy Lite Assn of America, bds Edenton g nr McDowell (See adv) « Taylor Mrs, housekeeper Deaf & Dumb and Blind Institu- ^ tion 3 Tavlor A D, sewing machine agt 11 Fayetteville h same x TAYLOR C MRS, boarding Wilmington nr Hargett ,§ *Taylor Guy, lab h Blount nr Person ^ Taylor G W, harnessmaker bds Newbern ave nr Swain «< *Taylor Hawkins, driver h McDowell nr Martin g Taylor H D Miss, teacher bds Blount nr North ® Taylor H R, wid Ford bds Xewbern ave nr Swain H Taylor James F Mrs, h Salisbury cor|Hargett 2 *Taylor John, lab h Hunter nr Fayetteville Taylor M L Mrs, bds Yarborough House *Taylor Xelson, lab h Haywood nr Cabarrus Taylor R B, agt bds Carolina House Taylor R W, h Newbeni ave nr Swain *Taylor Sidney, porter bds Fayetteville nr Martin ^Taylor Warren, lab bds Person cor Davie Taylor William, plumber h Bloodworth nr Lenoir *Taylor William, lab h Blount nr Cabarrus Teasley Edward, cabinetmaker h s end Wilmington of Chenln^ and Smoking Tobacco and smokers notions. B For Fine Cigars, go to Joseph's. TEM [ 116 ] THO «■ — — ^ Temple A H, grocer 4 and 5 Martin and 3 and 4 Market h _" Dawson nr Hargett 7« *Terrell Edmund, lab h Hayti £ *Terrell Haywood, lab h Jones nr East M Terrell James J, bodyraaker bds Blount nr Morgan , •s Terrell J R, bookkeeper bds Hargett nr Baptist grove J Terrell S W, grocer Wilmington nr Morgan h Fayetteville V nr Morgan S Terrell S W Mrs, millinery Fayetteville nr Morgan « Terrell T B, engineer h Salisbury cor Peace ^ Texas Banking A: Ins Co of Texas, Berkeley & Brown agts ^ 68 Fayetteville ^ Thiem Philip, h Bloodworth cor Cabarrus « Thomas Alice, wid Wiley h E & G R Rn of Johnson •' Thomas Charles H, bds Davie nr Wilmington g Thomas D 15, supt public bldgs bds Yarboro House 2 Thomas E B, grocer North cor Salisbury h same S Thomas Henry, salesman h North bet Halifax & McDowell ^ Thomas li H, h Martin cor Bloodworth ® Thomas H H Jr, jeweler bds Martin nr Bloodworth » Thomas J A, elk h North cor Salisbury 2 Thomas J J Jr, (Williamson, Upchurcli & Thomas) & prest h Oak City Mills bds Yarborough House « *Thoma3 Robert, sexton Oakwood cemetery Swain nr * Edenton S *Thomas Roden fireman li West nr Lane £ Thomas Wiley, waiter h McDowell cor South 5 Thomas William G, drug elk h Salisbury and North 2 Thomas W O, ]3rintef h Martin nr Bloodworth ■• Thomason E W, city auctioneer 59 P'ayetteville h Wil- ^ inington nr Hargett Q Thomason Micajah, agt Singer Sewing Macliine h Wil- ajj mington nr Cabarrus If, Thomason W J, coach painter h Hargett nr Person ££ Thompson A A, (Thompson & Whitaker) bds Edenton ti cor McDowell § Thompson Atiua B, wid Alfred bds Hargett nr Person M Thompson B, wid John h West & Jones . Thompson G W, asst bookkeeper bds Person nr Martin B Thompson Henry C, elk bds Fayetteville nr Davie j^ Thompson J D, blacksmith Bloodworth nr Hargett ■ ^ Thompson John A, salesman h McDowell nr Morgan Leopold Bi'os., luaiiufacturcrs of 12 different brands of w. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 FayettCTille Street. THO [117] TUP » Thompson Martha E, wid Charles h Person cor Martin Thompson ^[artin, police h West and Jones Thompson M C, wid John bds Blood worth nr Hargett *Thorapson Moses, shoemaker h Blount nr Cabarrus *Thompson Samuel, lah h Lenoir nr Dawson Thompson Sarah, wid William h Edenton cor "Wilmington ^ Thompson William, wheelwright h Hargett nr Elount » Thompson W M, shoemaker h Newbern ave nr Wilmintcton S Tiiompson ac;e) TUPPER H M REV, prest Shaw University h South bet Wilmington and Blount Cigars, 57 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. ■« For a good meal, go to Joseph's. TUR [118] UPC if « a 9 as fa » fa s «i« a k s fa e *Tiirner Andrew, stoaemason h East nr Edenton Turnar tienry C, Iiarnessinaker li Hargett ur Wilmington Turner JoMali Jr, Editor and propr Rileigli Sentinel Fayetteville and C II square h Ilillsbaro Turner Martha E, wid James li iVlaDiwell cor Davie Turner Mary A M, wid Anderson h North nr McDowell Turner Rufus H, apprentice h West cor North Turner Tliomas, elk bds National Hotel Turner V E, dentist over 9 FayetteviUe h Hillsboro nr West u UPCHURCH ALFRED, coach mnfr Hargett nr Blount h Hargett cor Bloodworth (see adv next page) TJpchurch A N, grocers 45 Wilmington h Lenoir cor Person TJpchurch C D, depy elk Superior Court h Wilmington bet Davie and Cabarrus Upchurch D R, shipping elk bds Wilmington nr Hargett yr. ji. ji JUCKER, Jl. ^. JUCKER- "I Q'JR Wliolesale and Eetail Sealers and Jobbers in HATS, BOOTS, ,Tos. 23 A' 3.> Fayctteville Street. RALEIGH, N. C. Special Attention Given to Orders. As sweet as a Maiden's Dream, Leopold Brother's, yf. H. Morris* & Co., Mattresses, 3 FaycttcTille Street. ta I . O UPC [ 119 ] UZZ I Upchnrcli George, cotton insp h Wilmington nr Hargett * Upchnrc'h James B, elk bds Ilargett nr Fayettevillo ^ Upchiirc.il John, grocer bds Ilowell House * Upchurch JoliM \V, elk bds Wilmington nr Morgan ag Upchnrcli J U, wid Bartley li West nr Morgan § Upchurch J R, (Upcluirch & Bagwell) bds Hargett nr '*' Person * Upchurch R D, cotton factor bds Fajetteville cor Davie - Upchurch W C, grocer Ilargett nr Wilmington h Wil- 5 mington nr Morgan th Upchurch W D, grocer Wilmington nr Ilargett h Lenoir •'* cor Person ^ Upchurch W G, (Williamson, Upchurch & Tbomas) h Mc- s Dowell nr Martin * Upchurch Wilford, overseer h Davie nr Blount 69 Upchurch & Bagwell, (J R Upchurch and W S Bagwell) " grocers 5 Wilmington SJ *Uppcrinan Edward, shoemaker h McDowell cor South g' Utley Frank, painter bds Davie cor Dawson r Uttlev Fannie, wid Ilinton bds Si)Uth nr Blount S Uttley W T, elk h South nr Blount §, *Uttly John, lab h Hayti B *Uttmann Marcellus, carpenter h South nr West ^ Uzzell E M, printer h Morgan bet Dawson and Harrington 5" Uzzell P R, grocer Wilmington nr Martin and Dawson cor * Jones h same p Uzzell B S. elk h Western ward B ALFRED UPCHURCH^ » HA-NDSOlVtE SPRING- W^G-ONS, S Which I sell on as good terms as they can be purchased in the City. s REPAIRING EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER. ^ _ ■- . es Honest Cigars, ivliose aroma and flavor is Heavenly. * For Unadulterated Liqnors, go to Joseph's. ^ VAL [120] WAI Ml ^Valentine John P, barber bds s end Wilmington — *Vas8 Monroe, lab h West nr E-lenton ^ Vass W W Maj, Bccy and treas R & G and R & A A L - R R Go's h North nr Wilmington 5 Vavighan Harrison, carpenter h Lane nr Dawson V *Vaiiglian J W, confectioner Caharrns cor Bioniit h same ? Vanghan Littleton, moulder h Cal)arrns nr McDowell « Yanghan Wm H, piano tuner and repairer n (Jabarrus nr ^ McDowell i? *V^erbal Henrj, lab h s end Fayetteville £ Virginia Fire and Marine Ins Co of Richmond, J Devereux « agt 47 Faj'etteville £ Yirginia Home Ins Co of Richmond, J Devereux agt 47 s Fayetteville 15 Voorhces C J, bds National Hotel % w « WadJel! L R, State Senator bds Martin nr Blount * *,Wadkins Jolm, lab h Ilargett nr Swain o Wainwright (I H, elk bds Wilmington cor Davie "• Wait S D, ins agt Fayetteville nr Martin bds Yarborough 5 House ^ Waitt D S (D S Waitt & Bro) h 5i Fayetteville •: WAITT D S & BRO (D S and G N Waitt) dry goods and clothing 54 Fayetteville b I D. S. ITITAZTT <£ BRO.^ J~ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 1 BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAi'b, a Gents' Fiirnishhif/ Goods, Notions^ 2 Trunks, Valises, S4 T^£byette^;rlllo St., Wm €tifi- The Champion Cig:ar Factory. W. H. Xorriss & Co.. Mattresses, 3 Fayetteville Street. WAI [121] WAT Waitt G N (D S W;iitt A Bro), li Ilartrett ur East Waitt J N, coiidut;t(ji' h llariieti; iir Swain Waitt T K, salesman bds lI«ri;ott nr Swain WALDEN WILLIAM S, carpenter h Wilmington cor Lenoir Waldrop William, elk h Ilargett nr Swain Walker i* C, saloon Vorborongli House bds same *Walker Tliomas, lab h ilargett nr Swain Walker T J, city bakery 61 Fayetteville h same *Wall Benjamin, porter bds Davie cor Fayetteville *Wallace E S, harnessmaker Wilmingron nr Morgan *Walston Deedham, lab li Salisbury nr Jolmson Walton Julia A, wid James C h North nr McDowell *Walton Mark, lab Wilmini^ton nr Newbern avenue Walton William L, lab h North nr McDowell Ward D T, conductor h Franklinton N C ■"Warren Thomas, lab Hargett nr Raleigh Street Station *Warrick William Rev, h East nr Martin *Warring Miles, lab Blount nr Cabarrus *Washington Gray, waiter h Dawson nr Lenoir • *Wasbington John, svt Blount nr Jones Washington School, South cor McDowell, Miss E P Hayes principal *Watkins John, lab h Hargett nr Swain *Watkins Roger, lab h Cabarrus nr Dawson ''*Watkins S J, grocer Cabarrus nr Dawson h same "WATSON B A, furniture Hargett nr Wilmington h Lane cor McDowell (See adv) *Watson Batt, blacksmith Hargett nr cemetery WATSON'S GALLERY 19 Fayetteville Street, Qi doors above Tvicker Hall, RALEIGH, N. C. of the State— Leopold Brothers. "Rateigh Favorite" Cigars, at Joseph's. WAT [ 122 ] WES «■ — ►^ Watson Ephraini W, fish and oysters stall 12 market h s ^ end Fa_yettevillo r.r R R "si *Watson Feme}', lab h Blount nr Davie 5 Watson Fred'k A, elk bds 7 Fayetteville s AVatson G L, watt-hnian h Cabarrus nr West T. WATSON J Wt photographer 19 Fayetteville h New- j bern Ave bet East and Bloodworth (see adv preceding. « page) S Watson J W Jr, marble cutter h Newbern Ave nr East 5^ Watson Joseph, shoemaker h Blount cor Linden S Watson W H, jihotographer h Newborn Ave nr East ■« Watts J T, bookkeeper h Martin nr AViltnington ^ Watts J T Mrs, milliner Martin nr Wilmington « Watts Sain'l W, judge superior court h Franklinton N C ^ Weathers C H, grocer Fayetteville nr Martin h Blount nr 2 Davie r Weathers C M, tinner bds Martin cor Salisbury Z Weathers John II, grocer Wilujington nr Hargett bds' ? Carolina House %. Weathers K R, watchman h Martin cor Salisbury * Weathers K W, elk B O h Martin cor Salisbury "2 Weathers R II, elk bds Carolina House '5 "Weatherspoon John, lab h Ilinton nr Cannon _ * Weatherspoon Levi, lab li McDowell nr Lenoir « Weaver W E, elk bds 7 Fayetteville S *Weaver William, lab h Newbern Ave nr East 2 Weddon C S, painter li North nr McDowell « Weddon M II, wid Shadrach h North nr McDowell g Weeks A R, grocer Berson nr Cabarrus h same " WEIKEL C. merchant tailor S Fayetteville b same J~ (see adv opposite page) « Weir John, plasterer h Morgan nr Bloodworth ^ Welch B F, carpenter bds Lane nr Dawson ^ Wells B W, — bds Martin nr Blount £ Wells F O, elk h Lane nr McDowell S« Wenning Joseph, watchmaker h Fayetteville opp Market X West E'M, wid John T h Hillsboro'beyond West 2 West J S, engineer h Ilillsboro bevond West •^^ West Nick W, (Julius Lewis c*c Co) h Ilillsboro beyond West B Westchester Fire Ins Co of New Roclielle N Y, A 11 Win- • ston agt C)i Fayetteville ^ WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH OF'CE. B W Starke manager 53 Fayetteville Leopold Bros., Manufacturers of Fiue Cigars Only. Vf. H. Morriss & Co., Fnrftiture, 3 Fnypttevllle Street. WET [ 123 ] WHI "Wetherell Wm P. chief elk And off li Martin cor McDowell Wheeler James C, iiit rev agt h Edenton iir Ilarriiigtou Wlielan John, stonecutter btls Salisbury cor Martin Whitaker Alplionzo, elk Wilmington nr Martin ■■ *Wliitaker Bnrt, cook h Ilhainkatte road v. Whitaker C D, printer bd.-i Wilmington nr Morgan 2 Whitaker Joel I), (Thompson 6z Whitaker) bds National < Hotel ». Whitaker John R, li McDowell cor Davie S, Whitaker N J, bookkeeper bds Person nr Martin 9 Wiiitaker R II, editor Friend of Temperance h Newbern J ave cor Person ; Whitaker Wesley, Stewart Insane Asylum li Bloodwortli ~ nr Lenoir 3 *\Vhite Armistead, carpenter 3 Fayetteville •» Wliite Edward W, engineer h Jmes cor Dawson g White Emma Miss, h Morgan nr Blount S Wiiite John, machinist i)ds al) North nr Salisbury g White Luther N, genl U S storekeeper Faj'etteville cor « Exchange place bds Fayetteville nr Davie ^* o.^=^«-&^ 9Ai No. 8 Fayetteville Street, ALSO, %iil f:r Ward's CekhieU M Shirts. Jobbers In all grades of Chewing Tobacco, 57 Fayetteville Street, VI. For Cincinnati beer, go to Joseph's. WHI [ 12i ] WIL '^ White S C, casliior State Nat'l baTik Atreas Oak City Mills ■Jj h Dawson nr Ilarirett "Z White Western, lab l)cU jMorwan nr Blount S AVhite W W, register of deeds office C 11 bldg h Hargett w cor Dawson J Wliitehead J D, wid Williamson h Hillsborocor McDowell * Wliitehead J J, "enl jnanayjer Life Assii of America h Mor- S gan cor Bloodworth p Whitehead J T, elk bds Davie nr Wilmington g Wliitehead L D II, (Whitehead & Bishop) h Hargett nr ^ Fayetteville S Whitehead L L, elk Hargett nr Fayetteville * Whitehead & Bishop, (L D II Whitehead and RT Bishop) 'aT grocers Hargett bet Wilmington and Fayetteville "9 *Whitelaw , stonecutter h McDowell nr Cabarrus •S Whitelaw John, (Whitelaw & Crowder) h Wilmington nr « Morgan 5 Whitelaw & Crowder, (John Whitelaw & Zearell Crowder) S stone and marble yard cor Morgan and Blount Z Whittield N G, elk bds Grange Hotel » Whiting Chester G. salesman li McDowell and Jones t Whiting S W. salesman h McDowell and Jones 5 Whitley J L. bds McDowell nr Morgan g *Wliitniore Frank, lab h Fayetteville and E R z Whitson S N, grocer Haywood cor Cabarrus h same » Whittelsey M S Mrs, h Halifax bet Johnson and Peace i» Wicker D A, marshall supreme court capitol bldg h east of s Lenoir ■S Widow and Orphan Fund Life Ins Co, B C Manly agt bank •" bldg Fayetteville cor Hargett ' ■■■Wiggins Osborne, carpenter h Hargett nr Blount Wiggins Thomas, lab h Bloodworth nr Martin *Wiico\ Turner, liostler h Hayti ■SI Wiley B A, cashier Citizens National bank h Jones nr g Swain X *Wiley Philip, porter h Fayetteville bet Davie and Martin ^ *Wilkins Samuel, svt bds Edenton cor Person " Wilkinson John II, coach maker h Johnson and R & G R R J Willaid II W, prest Raleigh National bank h w end Hills- boro ab West ^ *Willey Hunter, lab h Hargett nr Bloodworth Speculators lu Smoke, Leopold Brothers, Cigarists. w. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 Fayetteville Street. WIL [125] WIL WILLIAMS ALFRED, bookseller and stationer 19 Fayetteville li Fayetteville bet Davie and Cabarrus (sec adv pafre 3) *Willi;iins Alfred, painter h Cannon & R R * William? Alfred, ]>orter fil Fayetteville Williams Alonzo, tinner h R it G R R nr Johnson ^ Williams Andrew, printer !i Salisbury nr North t ^Williams Belton, lab h IMcDowell nr South J2 *Williaras Barrel!, svt North cor Blount S ■^Williams Burton, h Martin nr Salisbury « Williams D 11, huckster market h Blount nr Davie ^ *AVillianis Doctor, lab h Da\\siin nr Harojett B Williams Emma, h Bloodworth nr Martin • *Williams Ennis, waiter h w end Martin § Williams George II, bds Ilargett cor Harrington *• *Williams Henry, driver West and Edenton & *Williams Hilliard, lab h East nr Edenton * *Williaiu3 Isaac, lab h Lenoir nr Harrington jT *Williams Jacob, driver 2 Wilmington g *Williams James, (Williams 6z Btirgess) li Wilmington nr « Hargett " w Williams James Q, depty tax collector bds Grange Hotel " Williams John G, prest State National Bank of Raleigh h p 21 Fayetteville g Williaius John L. engineer h ab North nr McDowell S Williams John R, elk ex oftice, h West nr Morgan « Williams J RufKii (Williams & Haywood), h ILirgett cor "^ Harrington gj Williams J S, elk Morgan nr Wilmington © ♦Williams Luke, millwright h McDowell and R R © Williams M T. clerk bds Wilmington nr Hargett ^ *Williains Nelson, svt Wiltningtun cor Jones and Lane ^ Williams P P. coachmaker lids Newberii ave nr Swain H ^Williams Reed, driver bds Blount nr ^[artin 2 *Wil!iams Richard, lab h Edcntnn nr Harrington ■? Williams Robert I, drug elk ii Hargett cor Harrington MANUFACTURER OF ©pokes ancl Rims, Cor. of Blount and Morgan Streets, EALEIGH, N. C. Fine retail Cigar Palace, 57 Fayetteville Street, Baleigii, X. C. For Fine Oysters, go to Joseph's. WIL [126] WIL "Z s a z fa « *Wi!lianis Koclney, lab h Salisbury cor Hargett ^Williams Spencer, carpetitcr Blmint nr IIar(;etth Overton *Williaiiis Tliomas It, linstler Mor<;an nr W ilniingti'ii WILLIAMS W D, spoke and rim nianf Morgan cor Blount h Blount nr Morgan (see adv preceding page) ^Williams Weston, lab li West nr Hargett Williams Wiley, niaebinist li Salisbury nr North *Williams Wills, waiter b Martin nr Salisbury *Willianis & P>nrgess (James Williams and T T Burgess), vp'^'-etables Wilmint;ton nr Hargett WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD M K Williams and F J Haywood), drognists cor FMyetteville and Hargett Williamson B P (Williamson. Upcliurch & Thomas), h Hargett bet Salisbury aiid McDowell *Williamson Henry, lab b Blount nr Davie Williamson James, elk b Harii-ctt bet jrartin and l\[organ WILLIAMSON. UPCHURCH & THOMAS (B B Williamson, W G Upcburcli and J J Thomas Jr), cotton factors and coin mers 53 Fayetteville (^ee adv inside front cover) DEALEES IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pat. Medicines, Medical Bags, Trusses, Supporters, Surgical Instruments, Den't.al " Fine Perfumery, Extracts, Colognes, Soaps, Pomades, Hair Oils, Hair I-^yes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Hair Clothes " Dressing Combs Teas, Mustard, Spices, Soda, Painter's Colors Brushes, White Lead, '"'V -^^^^ ■«<»^" S & ^< ^"*~ ■''^^* '*^ ® RALEIGH, N. C. I DEALERS m iLandi'eth's I Garden Seeds, Hand Lamps, Stand *' Parlor ** 'Passage " Linseed Oil, Machine " Tanner's " Neatsfoot '* Lard '* Kerosene " Window Glass, Picture " Putty, Coach Varnish, Furniture " Demar *' Leather '* Asphaltum '* Indigo, Madder, Ext. Logwood, Copperas, Fine Brandies, Wines & Whis- key for medical purposes, Segars. and Chew'g Tobacco. Leopold Brothel's', great brand of Cigar* TT. u. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 FayettevHle Street. WIL [127] WOO ffl Willis Alfred, (Willis S: Pierce) h East nr Edcnton Willis i)c Pierce, (Alfred Willis i.\: F S Pierce) shoemakers under 21 F B, lawyer bds Fayetteville nr Davie » WINDER JOHN C, genl agt Southern Life Lis Co 2. of Memphis OU Fayetteville opp Market and woodyard 4 ■w end Harnett h Person cor Polk 2 "^Winslow J W, ianitor Hillsboro cor Dawson 7 WINSTON A H,(Lawrence (fe Winston) h Gi Fayette- © ville ^ Winston Isabella, wid G W bds East cor Martin e Winston M C, elk bds Bloodworth nr Morgan 2 ^Winters Oscar, police h East cor Martin S *Winter9 Oscar J, lab bds East cor Martin § Wolfe W E, marblecntter h Newbern ave nr Bloodworth ;; Wolfe W O, marble and stone works cor Blount and Mor- £ gan h cor Blount and East "■ Womack Y, elk bds Hillsboro cor Salisbury i. Womble B Frank, elk bds liargett cor Swain "2 Womble Jordan, grocer Hargett nr Fayetteville h Hargett * cor Swain * Womble Jordan Jr, bookkeeper h Bloodworth nr Morgan r Womble L D, (L D and W R Womble) h Hargett nr Swain 2 Womble L D and W R (L D and W R Womble) grocers ^ Wilmington cor Hargett O Womble O G, tel oper bds Hargett cor Swain B Womble R II, grocer North nr Salisbury h same fl Womble William, marblecuttcr bds Hargett nr Fair Grounds <^ Womble W R, (L D and W R Womble) h cor Hargett and Swain Womble W T, bookkeeper h e end Hargett *Wood Arthur, driver h Morgan bet McDowell & Dawson Wood John, stonecutter bds Person nr ^Martin "The Baleiirb Koac" For an enjoyable glass^ go to Joseph^ WOO [ 128 ] WYG «■ = j^ *Wood Joseph, driver Morg;an nr Wilmington _- Woodall J L, carpenter h Blount bet Martin and Davie "Sii Woodall Nathaniel, carpenter Blonnt nr Cabarrus * Woodell B H, grocer 7 Ilargett h Newbern ave nr East J Woodell W W, clockinaker Wilmington nr Ilargett h , Blount nr Davie « *WoodB Arthur, driver h w end Ilargett 4) *Woods Robert, lab h South nr Salisburv 5 "WOODSON E C, city editor Daily News Fayetteville ^ nr Martin bds Newljern ave cor Person S Woodson F S, bds Newbern ave cor Person % VV^oolicott William, grocer Wilmington nr Hargett h Wil- ^ mington nr M(jr»an M Woolson G A, teacher h South bet Wilmington and Blount »r Woolson Martha, teacher h South nr Wilmington 'g Woodward J L, elk bds Wilmington nr Morgan 2 *Worlds J J Rev, h East nr Edenton •- *Wortham Jos, blacksmith h Cannon nr West s *Wortham Sam'l, bricklayer h Cabarrus nr Harrington Wright , stonemason bds McDowell nr Hargett « * Wright Isaac, lab h cor Davie nr East ^ Wright R J, sawver h North nr West 1 WYATT, BINGHAM & CO, (LR Wyatt & BL ■jl Bingham) grocers 5 Exchange place and i Martin g Wyatt Elias F, harnessmaker h ab North nr Salisbury a Wyatt Job P, elk bds Salisbury nr Johnson « Wyatt L R, (Wyatt, Bingham & Co) h ab North nr Salis- o bury « Wyatt Walter J, elk bds ab North nr Salisbury •Z Wyatt W F, bookkeeper bds ab North nr Salisbury r Wyche P W, boarding Fayetteville nr Davie © *\Vjehe Robert, watchman li Edenton nr McDowell Aj Wyckofi H, machinist h Hillsboro cor West Wyckoff Orlando R, nirjulder h West cor Hillsboro I Wyckoft Peter, (McCallum, Wyckofl" & Hope) Ii Hillsboro- {g cor West fiS L. R. WYATT, B. L. BINGHAM © 'WYATT, BINGHAM & CO. g \A/HOUESAUE AND RETAIL M Grocers, Co<(ob Factors and Coniniission Merchants^ Dealers in Cotton Yarns, Sheetings, Alamance Plaids, Hardware, &c., 1$ No- 5 Exchange Place and No. 4 Martin Street, rCALEIGH, ]V. C Soiuetlilng new and delicious in the Cigar Liue^. Vi. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 FnyettCTille Street. WYN [129] YOU WyiHie George W (Wynne, Yancey & Co) h Jones nrEast Wynne J S, elk bds Jones nr Harrington SJ *Wynne Madison, drayman h Morgan nr McDowell "J Wynne W W, mail a^rt li Harrington nr Edenton S WYNNE, YANCEY & CO, (George W Wynne T ^ B Yancey & J W Lee) livery stables Morgan nr Wil- s niington a Y 1 Yancey T B (Wynne,Yancey «fe Go) li Peace cor Wilmington * *Yarhuri)nc;li Cooper, lab h Cabarrus cor Dawson - YARBOROUGH HOUSE, Dr G W Blacknall o propr Fayetteville bet Davie & Martin(see adv front cover) p *Yarborougli Jobn, blacksmith bds Elonnt nr Morgan 5 *Yates Dock, lab h Hargett nr Bloodworth ft Yerby James, butcher bds Jolnison nr R «fe G R E. lE Yearby L M, grocer 9 and 11 ilargett h McDowell nr * Martin ^ Yearby, William, butcher stall 2 market h Johnson nr R R " Yeargin Joseph, elk h Smithfield road nr Wilmington r* Yergan M A, wid John W h Ilillsboro nr West S Yerger Ilenrj' C, carpenter bds Harrington cor J^ane "* Yerger H S, foreman machinist bds Hillsboro nr West ^ *Yelladay Alfred, cook h Dawson nr Cabarrus % *Yellington Saml. lab h R A: G R R opp round house » * Young Aaron, driver h Morgan bet McDowell & Dawson ^ *Young Abraham, butcher stall 7 market h county e *Young Charles, driver h nr R & G R R depot 5* Younrr Daniel PI, elk P O h Martin nr Salisbury g* YOtJNG ISAAC J, U S collector int rev Fayetteville jE cor Exchange place bds Yarborough House «^ Young J B, conductor Halifax cor North © Young Jefferson, teacher h Dawson nr Edenton J Young Jefferson Mrs, music teacher h Dawson nr Edenton ^ — O WYNNE, YANCEY & CO., | Uyery^ Sale ani Ixcftange S:tabreSj p MORGAN, NEAR ELOUNT. Leopold's " Baleigh Rose " For well selected Wines and Liquors, go to Joseph's. YOU [ 130 ] ZIE a Young Ft C M, h Ilillshoro ab West S Young Ricliard, elk h Morgan cor West •J *Young Robert, bricklayer h South cor McDowell •g *Young Sanil, lab li Cannon nr Ilinton ^ *Young Tlioiuas, svt h llargett cor Harrington i Z ^ Zacbarias A (Zacbarias A: Co), h Jacksonville Fla Z Zacbarias & Co (A Zachar^as and M H Cohen), dry goods t 40 Fayette ville ^ Ziegler G (Ziegler it Grnendler), bds National Hotel « ZIEGLER & GRUENDLER (G Ziegler and F flj Gruendler cigar nranfrs 33 Fayetteville s ■■ C G. ZIEGLER. F. GRUENDLER. S ZIEGLER & GRUENDLER, e ^ (SuccEesoRs TO O. H. Milluam,) £ :i MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED i Fmitfi" Ciiffi, FACTORY AND SALESROOM: «8 33 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, U. C. Hi m Pi c P, B ^^' EDWAEDs, mQmmQii S. CO., ^'^ — PHIHTEaS-- Book Binders and Blank Book Mamifacturers, ^^ F4YEIIE.VILIE SIEEIT, ^ « ^i^3 1 i^^-i Leopold Bro's) make a specialty of iliie braudis CHATAIGNE'S MLEIGH BUSINESS DIEECTORY, 187S-'76. Agents— Sewing Machine » (See also Sewins^ Machine Companies.) |5 S FERRALL JOIIX R, 7 Fayetteville (see adv) | Stone J L, Market cor Fayetteville © Taylor A D, 11 Fayetteville •< Asylums 9 Deal" Dumb and Blind, McDowell cor Jones S Insane Asylum of N C, Di.x liill nr Raleigh » S Atiction Goods ^ Orr Robert, 59 Fayetteville » Anction and Commission Merchants s 5* Towles James M, Wilmington and Fayetteville nr Market"^ Bakers * (See also Confectioners; also Candy Manufacturers) n^ m Simpson Robert, bet Dawson and Uarrington and Cabar- rus and Davie Walker T J, Gl Fayetteville Banks and Bankers CITIZENS NATIONAL OF RALEIGH, cor Fayetteville and Martin RALEIGH NATIONAL, Fayetteville cor Hargett (see ad) State National ot Raleigh, 21 Fayetteville of Chening and Sniokiug Tobacco and suiokers notions. For Fine Cigars, go to Joseph's. BUSINESS [132] DIRECTORY Barbers *Bradforcl T, Wilmintjton nr Martin, *Brown & Dnnston, Fayetteville cor Market ;,• *Curtis Joseph, Ilargett nr Wilmington I *Hnghes H J, under 27 Fayetteviile EQ *Otey W G, Fayetteviile iii- Martin, * *Reed Burgess, Fayetteviile cor Market Billiard Saloons s s Miller James H, 31|- Fayetteviile S iSationai Hotel, Edenton cor Halifax s ■e Walker P C, Yarborough House Bill Posters and Distributors g Howard & Bryan, Fayetteviile nr Davie ■e ■33 Blacksmiths ^ I (See also Wheelwrights.) s *Foil Isaac, Lenoir nr Bioodworth *IIaywood Alfred, Ilurgett nr Blount *Lig Fajetteviile Fancy Goods and Notions (See nl^o Dry (Toods ; also ilillinery Goods) r a. e >-« Tl'CKER W n I'c R S, 23 and 25 Fayetteville (sec adv) = 9 Flour, Feed and Grain » ^[iirray D C, West and Davie » Osborn Job, West cor Davie and Wilmington eor Hargett « Founders and Machinists s Adams W T iV: iSons, Davie cor McDowell cw McCalluin, Wyckoff cV: Hope, West cor Hargett >J SB Furniture Dealers « Kraps A W, 64 Fayetteville j^ AIORRISS W II k' CO, 3 Favetteville (see adv) Z WATSON B A, Hargett nr VVilmington (see adv) ^ of the State— Leonold Brothprs. 10 W. H. Morriss & Co., Furnitiire, ;{ I'ajetteville Street. BUSINESS [138] DIRECTORY ,• G-arden and Grass Seeds i PESCUD, LEE A CO, U Fayetteville (see adr) « G-as Light Companies 3 a Raleigh Co, 47 Fayetteville works Cal>;irriis cor McDowell * General Merchandise ^ (see also (iro<,'eis ; also Clothiers) f> ? Broun M H, Kavetteville nr Market 5 Ciilley J P, Fayetteville cur Jlarket * Grocers "Wholesale, and Commission Mer- Z chants A w ^.. LEACH BROS, Wilmington nr Martin (see adv) ^ Pool & Morinsr, 2 Wilniinijton s WILLIAMS()N, UPCllURCIl c'c THOMAS, :.:'. Fay- S etteville (see adv inside front cover) ■t Grocers t ADAMS i^' MOORE, 1 1 13 and 15 Wilniinirton (see adv) ~ Allcott Philo At Wayne, 92 and 1>3 Fayetteville ■S Allen Ira N & Bro, Ilillshoro nr West 2 *Baker Jaines, 5 Ilargett 1^ Beachatn Tlioinas L, Wiimington nr llargctt ^ Bell J II, \\'ilmington nr ilartin *" *Braan .Toseph. Margett nr ^\'ilinington i. Brown John W, Morgan eor Dawson 2 Cheatliani B F iV: Bra, 1 Exchange pi a Christoplicr C I), 13 Ilargett « CIIRISTOPERS F C, 4 and 5 Exdiangc pi (see adv) <^ Diekcrson J I), Davie nr Swain S Earp M, cor Davie and East a Ellis D J, lliilsboro nr West ir Forrest J M. cor Ilargett and Wihningtoti (-rallaglier Patrick, Cabarrus nr Dawson (jill Z W, Exchange pi nr Fayetteville Leopold Bros., Maniifadiirers of Pine Cigrars Only. "Kaleigh Favorite" Cigarn, at Joseph's. « BUSINESS [ 139 ] DIRECTORY = '■ t Goodwin '\\ IT J it Bro, Caharrus cor Dawson Harris ^\'illialn N, Davie nr Haywood ■■ Harrison S D, Fayetteville cor Martin ^ Harri:*on A: Co, Wilmington nr Ilargctt ^ *Hazzell Frank, Davie nr Person JB Hoartt ifc Brown. Hillsboro nr West W Hijigs Jacob, 26 Favettevilie » HillJolin B it Co, r. Uargett * Johnson Albert, Hillsboro cor Harrington ^ Johnson E A, Martin nr Person ^ Johnson J J & Co, Wilmington nr Martin JONES II F cV- CO, Wilmington nr Martin (Sec adv) Lipsconii) O D, Dawson cor Jones '» Loader T Robert, Morgan nr McDowell ^ Love R it Son, Wilmington nr Market ^ Lyon W H, Blount cor Martin 5' Magnin Albert, Wilmington nr Hargett 3 MARCOM it ALFORL), Hargett cor Wilmington Merrill Samuel. Cabarrus cor McDowell Monie J M, 29 Favetteville Morel C T, 52 Favetteville Nixon W A, Wilmington nr Davie O NORRIS it MYATT. ?, Exchange pi and 5 Martin ? Parker, Barbee it Latta, (i Exchange ]>lace and 4 Martin = Parker ^^' it Son, AN'ilmington nr Martin E Perry R S, Exchange jilace nr Wilmington Pollard Caswell. Smitlitield road cor Bloodworth REEVES HENDERSON, Martin nr Bloodworth « Royster D L, Wilmington nr Hargett ^ Sanders A C, 2 Martin ^ Sledge T D, Hargett cor East Smith (t C, Morgan nr Wilmington 9 r) 0. B «! Smith A, Wilmington nr Martin 5 Starr Stephen, Xewbern ave nr East * Stronach W C it A B, 4 Martin and f. Market * Temple A H, 4 ami ."> Martin and .T and 4 Market "L Terrell S W, Wilminu'ton nr Morgan 9 Thomas E B, Nortli cor Salisbury « Tliniii]w,,ii tt Whitaker, 4 Martin « Toiinort'ski Ct L, cor Wilmington und Hargett " I'pchin-ch A N, 45 Wilmington ? rpchurch W C, Hargett nr Wilmington ? Jobbers in all grades of Chewing Tobacco, 57 Fayetteville Street. yf. H. Morriss & Co.. Mattresses, 3 Fayettevillc Street. BUSINESS [UOJ DIRECTORY Upchiireh W D, Wilmington nr Hargett Upchurch & Bagwell, 5 Wilmington Uzzle P R, Wilmington nr Martin and Dawson cur Jones ?■ Weathers C H, Fayettevillc nr Martin ■« Weathers R II, Wilmington nr Ilargett y Weeks A R, Person nr Cabarrus « Whitehead A: Bishop, Ilargett nr Fayettevillc ^ Whitson S N, Haywood cor Cabarrus a Womblo Jordan, Hargett nr Fayettevillc J Womble L D A: W R, cor Wilmington and Ilargett a AVomble R H, North nr Salisbury -"Woodell B II, 7 Ilargett * Woollcott William, Wilmington nr Ilargett a WYATT, BINGHAM A: CO, r, Exchange pi and 4 Mar- * tin (see adv) ^ Yearby L M, '.» and 11 Ilargttt * Gun and Locksmiths a King G W, Salisbury nr Martin ^ Savage George W, Wilmington nr Morgan 5 Halls L Good Tcmplais, Fisher building * Masonic, cor Morgan and Dawson fB Odd Fellows, Fayettevillc cor Martin e e Hardware and Cutlery a (See also Stoves and Tin Ware; also House Furnishing i Goods) 3 S BRIG(iS T II .t SONS, 8(1 Fayetteville (sec adv) Lewis Julius Ar Co, Fayetteville cor Market e Harness Makers and Saddlers *Ilinton L B. Wiiminnton nr Ilargett IIUTCHINGS W B & CO, 22 Fayetteville Cigars, 57 Fayetleville Street, Baloigrh. >'. C. For Fine Oysters, go to Joseph'i lirSINESS [Ul] DIRECTORY Hotels m National, Edentoii ror Halifax 3 YARBOROUGIl IIOKSE, Fayettevillc bet Davie and g ^fartin (see adv IVoiit (.over) S ■a House Furnishing Goods * lUlEWSTER J C, Ilar-ett rr FayetteviUe % HRKiGS T II .t SONS, 30 Fayettevillc (see adv) © Insurance Agents » 9 (See also IiisuraiiL-e Coniuanies) 5* HAILEY THOMAS B, Favetteville cor Martin (see adv) 5 15ALLARD V, 4(i Fayettevillc (see adv) » Berkeley Ar Brown, 08 P^ayetteville ~ CROW W II, cor Fayettevillc and Exchange place ~ Devereaiix John, 47 Fayettevillc 5. FINCH WILLIAM H, [-2 Favetteville • Ilay R G ^t O P, (iO Fayettevillc -^ Ilu'tson W M, 61 ^ Merchants ik Merchanics, of Richmond cor Fayetteville ^ and Martin "S Mississippi Yalley, under Raleigh National Bank bldg « National of Hartford, cor Fayetteville and Exchange pi 9« New Orleans, n e cor Fayetteville and Hargett -^ NORTH CAROLINA HOME 47 FayetteVille (see adv) 1 OLD DOMINION OF RICHMOND, 64 Fayetteville „ (see adv) C Old North State of AV'arrenton, 47 Fayetteville _; PENN OF PENNSYLYANIA, n e cor Fayetteville and ^ Hargett at Southern Mutual of Richinuiid, 6S Fayetteville W Texas Banking and Ins, 68 Fayetteville 2 Virginia Fire and Marine, 47 Fayetteville g Virginia Home, 47 Fayetteville h Westchester of New Rochelle, N Y 64 Fayetteville « Insurance Companies— Life yEtna, Fayetteville cor Exchange pi ALABAMA GOLD of Mobile. 40 Fayetteville BROOKLYN OF N Y. 64 Fayetteville Connecticut Mutual of Hartford, Fayetteville cor Martin Leopold llrothers', great brand of Cigar. For uu cujoyablc ^lussj go to Joseph's. BUSINESS [ 143 1 DIRECTORY COTTON STATES OF MACON Georgia, Fayctteville gg cor Martin (i^ec adv) ^ (TJobe Mutual, 06 Fayetteville >i LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, cor Fayetteville g and Martin m XATIOXAL OF THE U S. n e cor Fayetteville and S llarerett » New Jfi'sev Mutual, Favetteville cor Davie (^ NORTH CAUOLINA'STATE OF RALEIGH, cor Fay- ft etteville and Martin (^ee adv) O i'enn Mutual of Philadeliiliia, 12 Fayetteville "g^ I'lui'iiix Mutual of Ilartfuid, 47 Fayetteville g Fiedniont and Arlinjjjton, *>s Fayetteville >- Securitv of N Y. 04 Faveftevillo 5 SOUTHERN OF MEMPHIS, ♦;<) FayetteWlle opp Market r IJNIVEUSAL OF NEW YORK, Fayetteville cor Martin ^ Junk Dealers ? Hayes James I', Ilarj^ett !)et Wilniin<;ton and Blount 'i^ Land Companies j I Sec also Real Estate Af^ents) g r Nortli Carolina. Fa\ettcville cor Excliange plaue s* La-wyers » ARG(^ T M, Fayetteville cor C II square (see adv) ^ Badger tt Devereaux, Fayetteville nr Martin 2 Batclielor Joseph B, Favetteville.cor Martin « BATTLE Wni H A: SON, Fayetteville cor Martin 1 lU-SBEE it BUS BEE, Fayetteville cor Davie ^ Clark Walter, Yarborougli House 2 Fletnitiix J II, Favetteville cor C H square - FOWLE DANIEL G, Fayetteville cor Davie » Grav R T, Fayetteville nr Martin m. HarVis J C L,C H bldg 2. JONES ci' JONES, Fayetteville cor Martin ^ Lewis A M, Fayetteville cor C II square S» Mason W S, Fayetteville cor Exchange place a Moore ik (Tatling, Fayetteville nr Martin "The Raleigrh Uose." Vf. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 Fayettevllle Street. BUSINESS [ 144 ] DIRECTORY MERRIMON. FULLER «fe ASHE, Raleigh National Bank bicig Fayetteville cor Ilargett Pace W II South Market cor Fayetteville Smith Si Stronir, Favetteville cor Martin * SNOW GEORGE 11, C U bMg (see ui ^ Page Ruins 11, West and Kdentoi. cS I Machine Shops £ (See also Founders and Mai.-hinist;s ; also Steam Engines) ^ Adams W T & Sons, Davie cor McDowell rf McCallmn, Wyckort ik \Io])l-, We.-t cor Ilargett e « Marble and Stone Works - CAYTON J(J11N, Morgan nr Blount (see advj 1; Whitelawct Crowder, Morgan cor Blount S Wolfe W O, P.lonnt cor Morgan t> S Merchant Tailors a (See also Tailors, also Clothierhi a *■ Kreth Joseph, Martin opp new P O «: WEIKEL C, S Favetteville (see adv) S Milliners o If, Prendergast M A Mrs, Morgan cor Wiltniiigton Watts J T Mrs, Martin nr Wilmington Millinery Goods ANDREWS II MRS, 11 Fayetteville (see adv) Something new and delirious in tlic Cigar Liue, For well selected Wines and Liqnors^ go to Joseph's. BUSINESS [ 145 ] DIRECTORY llardie M A Mrs, 24 Fayetteville (Ettinj^er Isaac, 48 Fayetteville B Mills— Corn. | 9 OAK CITY, Davie cor West (see adv) ^ m m> Newspapers and Magazines "" BIBLICAL RECORDER, 53 Fayetteville ft Christian Advocate, Ilargett nr Dawson ? DAILY NEWS, Favetteville nr Martin "o. JOURNAL OF EDITCATIOX, 53 Fayetteville (see adv) 2 OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD, 53 Fayetteville ^ (see adv) 5 Raleitrh Era, Favetteville nr Davie » RALEIGH SENTINEL, C II square nr Fayetteville s SPIRIT OF THE A(iE, over 1 Fayetteville (see adv) = State Af^riciiltural Journal, 40 Fayetteville ~ Oysters, Fish and G-ame ■> e Macon T B, 52 Fayetteville 5 Smith W D. stand and 11 market t Watson E W, stand 12 market 2. a Painters— House and Sign 3 HOUSE S V, lLirj,'ett nr Wilmington (see adv) J liraus C A, Ilargett and Favetteville PARISH S M, ilargett nr Wilmington (see adv) e Painters— Portrait Browne Wni (rarl, 13 Fayetteville Jf Paints, Oils and Glass ? 9 BRIGGS T H i\j S(JNS. 3ii Fayetteville (sec adv) Paper Hangings and Upholstery G-oods yt, Clawson C C, 18 Favetteville •'^ Leopold's " Raleigh Rose ' 11 W. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 FayettevlUe Street. BUSINESS [146] DIRECTOKY ^- Paper Manufacturers 2 FALLS OF NEIJSE MANFG CO, 49 Fayettevillc g Photographers Morgan Kufns, Hillsboro iir McDowell g Shelburn William, over 12 Fayetteville » WATSON J W, 19 Fajetteviilc (see aciv) aT § Physicians la 1 Alston J W, 9 Fajettevilie and Johnson iir Salisbury DUNN J B. Ilillshoro bet Dawson and Harrington g Graham G W, over 14 Fayetteville i, Haywood E Bnrke, Newbern ave cor Blount ^ Haywood Fabius J Sr, Fayetteville cor Morn;an e HAYWOOD FABIUS J Jr, Morgan cor Salisbury a Haywood H B, Edcnton cor Blount 2 Hill W G. Hillsboro bet Dawson and Harrington Q Hines P E, Hillsboro bet Salisbury and McDowell 3 Johnson Charles E, Hillsboro bet ^-'alisbury and Mi-Dowel ^ Little William, Edenton cor Blount « McKEE JAMES, Wilmington nr Martin J McKEE WILLIAM II, VVilmingtt.ii nr Martin >- Royster W I, Morgan nr Harrington, 5 Towles Robert H, Wilminjrton nr Davie a Piano Tuners and Repairer-o *■•-, OOEPP AUGUST, Ilnr-ett bet Salisbury ai HI \':uii:b;ui W H, CMl)iirrns ami McDowell s. Pliimhers, Gas and Steam Fitters s STEVENSON THOMAS S, 55 Fayetteville (see adv) g Printers— Book and Job e ^ Daily News, Fayettevillc bet Martin and Davie •*■ EDWARDS, i3ROUGHTON V. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 Fayetteville Street. BUSINESS [150] DIRECTOEY Watchmakers and Je^welers Cole J W. Market nr Fayetteville Fasnacb Edward, 15 Fa^-etteville jj MAHLER HENRY, Fayetteville opji market (see adv) ^ Palmer John C, 5 Fayetteville ? Woodell W W, Wiliiiinntoii nr Harnett it eg £ Wheelwrights ^ (eee also Blacksmiths) •§ Byrums T Q, Edenton cor Blount .5 Mehaley Thomas, Davie cor Salifilnuy 1 Wines and Liquors 2 (see also Grocers ; also Saloons) S ' a » Rogers i'alional, Trade nr Tryon » Farmers Savings, Trade bet Tryon and College i* I''irst JS'ational of Charlotte, Tryon nr Trade SE Merchants and Farmers National, Trade nr College — The Bank of Mecklenburg, Tryon nr Trade ~ r *I»ethell Jerry, Tryon nr Trade ^- Barbers Spwnlators in Smoke, Leopold Brothers, CigarLst*. W. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 Fayetteville Street. n BUSINESS in [152] DIRECTORY •9 9 « b s b CQ u SS « GQ .5 3 *Betliell & Sumner, Trade nr Tryon *Jefferson Thomas, Tryon nr Trade ■"Toole Ciraj', Tryon nr Ti'ade Blacksmiths ■'^Small Rufus, Gtli nr Tryon Boarding Houses McWliii-ter John, College nr Trade Prather W N & Co, Trade nr Market Presley Mrs, Tryon nr 5th Trotter Joshua, Tryon eor Oth Booksellers and Stationers Phifer R S, Trvoii nr Trade PUREFOY J R, Tryon nr Trade Boot and Shoe Dealers Sample «t Alexander, Trade nr Tryon Smitii & Forbes, Tryon nr Trade Wade & Pegram, Tryon nr Trade Boot and Shoe Makers Austin D, Trade nr R It M^ m. TTliolesale and Betzil Dealer in felfl^* ^m s> ^^c/ % NOTIONSy TOYS, Confectioneries, Pipes, Tobacco and Cigars, TRYON STREET, NEAR CORNER TRADE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Call au AIcDowell F Brevard, Court House £ Wills J Columbus. Tryon nr Trade ■" Wash Frederick, Trade nr Couit House Prince AV L T, Trade cor Tryon "" Shipp it Bailej', Trade nr Tryon Vance & Burwell, Court House Waring Robert P, (Senator) Court House Wilson J II & Son, Tryon nr 4ih Livery Stables Wadsworth J W, Tryon nr Fifth Leopold Brothers', great brand of Cigar. For an enjoyable grlass, go to Joseph's. lUTSINESS [ 159 ] DIRECTORY - - - 4 Mantna Makers . ^ • B • l''Hriiiif;tuii M E, Tnoii III- Trade a Marble "Works CRA.WFORD R M, College iir4th Millinery G-oods Koopman & Rotliseliild, Trade iirTrynii • Jiicrp V Mrs, Tiyoii iir Trade Music and Musical Instrutnents I.aiidecker S, Trade nr Tryoii Newspapers and Magazines CHARLOTTE DEMOCRAT. W J Yates editor and pro prietor Trade cor Tryoii a •t I •t COLLEGE, NR. CORNER 4TH STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. R. M. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. Monuments, Tombs, Plain and Ornamental Grave Stones, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Neatly executed in most approved style. Work done on as reasonable terms as can be found either North or South. I defy competition in my liae. S % <'The Raleigh Kose.' W. H. Morriss ic Co., Mattresi^cs, 3 FayettcTille Street. BUSINESS [ 160 ] DIRECTORY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Cliarles R Jones editor and proprietor Trade cor College vSouthern Home, D H Hill editor and propr Trj-on cor 4th X TOBACCO LEAF & COTTON PLANT, J R Morris it editor and propr Trade nr Trvon a « Notions I 5 PUREFOY J K, Trjon nr Trade (see adv) s s £ Paints Oils and G-lass ^ Andrews E M, Trade nr College •«■ ( Mills - in Lincoln Co., iV. C. Lon- Mioal Paper Mills - '' " •' Buiralo Paper Mills in - tieaveland >' '' MANUFACTURE Colored (llazrd I'dper: Book- (iinl Tinted Paper : Xeira I'liper : Afaiiilht Paper: Hardirare Vaper: Wrappimi I'apei'. AND ALL SIZES OF PAPER BAGS. lli^Iiest Cash i)ric<».s |)ai iii;iiif with wluiliv-^iilf (l(';ilci's and .\[crcli'iiit^. ()iilv ask a trial. Satisfaction niiaiantfi'd cii' nicinev lefninlod. Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds rURNITURS, HAIR, SHUCK, COTTON AND SHUCK MATTRESSES, &c.. ISTo. 3 I^£i.3^etto-^ille Street, n A LEIGH, X. ('. For well selected Wines and Liquors, go to Josepii't*. BUSINESS [ 161 ] DIRECTORY Postmasters '_ n McDonald Robert E, Tryon nr Trade g| e Printers— Book and Job 2 Jouee Charles R, Trade cor Colleo;e » Morris, J^arnett and ilunneycntt, Trade nr Tryon . ■ Railroad Offices § Atlanta i*c Richmond Air L'ne, C 11 Overman agt, Trade 6. western terminus p Atlantic, Tennessee A: Ohio R R, J J (Tramley supt, Collej^e ^ cor 4th » Carolina Central R R, (ialloway agt, Tryon northern s terminus £ Charlotte, Golumhia il- Augusta R R, W W Pegram agt, J^ 4th nr College ■ Piedmont Air Line N C Division, J A Wilson agt, 4th nr t College 9 Saloons «i B Deaton 8 S, Colle^ru nr Tiarlo 3 Fink I, Tryon nr Charlotte House Gibson ife Bro Trvdn ni- Trade 2 *Hani James, College nr Trade Kendrick .1 M. Trvon nr Trade RoedigcrC L, Tryon nr Trade S( Snider W E. Trvon ni- Tride %. Sprinkles .1 W, Trado nr Tryon ?J Tininions S M, Trade nr Tiyon ^ , Segars and Tobacco g Mendel Jacoh M, Trade nr Trvon fS NISBET A K *V I5RO, Trade "nr Tryon £ Sewing Machine Companies » Home Shuttle, Tryon nr Trade " Singer Mant'Cfi. Tryon nr Trade Leopold's <'RaIeisrh.Ro8e " 13 W. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 8 FayetteTllle Street. BUSINESS ' [162] DIRECTORY ^ Stationers 2 TIDDY I't ERO, Tiyou iir Traiic (see adv) ^ Stoves and Tinware e Byerly D il, Trade nr Tryoii e GASTOM A A, Trade i (See also Cabinet Makers) a Shelton F M. Trade nr Colleije « Upholsterers S • * Einstein Solomon, Tryon nr Trade e •^ Q Watchmakers and Jewelers •s = Butler J J', Tryoji nr Tradj; - Hales J Favior, Trvon nr Trade §■ "Wines and Liquors— "Wholesale "* Black W J, Trade nr Tryon A 2 "Wines and Licxuors— Retail B Williams J S it Co, College nr Trade I McWhirter John W, CoUej^e nr Trade Leopold Bro's, make n speciaUy of fine brands W. M. & R. TIDDY, OFFICE AT o:h:^^i=li_.otte], i ;^ » Dowdy R P, Main nr ("hnrch 5 Walker F M, Main nr Mangum fa ^ Hotels 9' g, DURHAM HOTEL, J H Watson propr, Factory avo opp ^ depot e . I Waison House I Near Depot, DURHAM, N. C. ^ First Class Hotel in all its Departments! Good Board. PcAite and Acccmmodating Management. BOARD, $2 PER DAY. Honest Cigars, whose aroma and flaror is Ucarenly. For L'uadulterated Liqanrs, go to Joseph's. BUSINESS [ 167 ] DIRECTORY ' ^ —=-~ ----- J5 Insurance Agents gj namiltoii «fe CTfrtliain, M;iiii iir AlangiKii K La"wyers (iraham A W, Main nr Manguin Machine Works Hanks W II, Kactury ave nr IS C U U Milliners Markham E C Mrs, Main cor Cluircli Morris ic Green Mrs, Main nr Ciiureli Newspapers and Magazines M m ft s 3 ST i B Ttibacco Plant, C 15 Green editor and proprietor Main nr « Cliuri-li 5 e Photographers » IIai<;lit n F, Main nr Churcii E Physicians McManncn L C, on liill cor Cluireh opp depot Postmasters Manguin D (J, Manguin nr Main s « I Restaurants 2 Carringtou S R & Co, Manguin nr N C R U J ilerndon M C, Main nr Church y Mangum W ^ P J, Mangum nr N. C. R. R> S ET Segar Manufacturers si Conrad V T ifc Co, Factory avo nr Queen Speculators in Smoke, Leopold Brothers, CifurlsU. W. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 FajetteTille Street. [168] DIRECTORY it n BUSIN ESS s s Smoking Tobacco Manufacturers S (, BLACKWELL \\' T r\ avc iir depot Parish E J, Fiicicrv h\c m- Chnrcii MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Stoves, lia-f 141, Oils, Laops, Wicks, HANGING BASIETS, BATH TUBS, BIRD CAGES, CorJalB&CMrcli, DURHAM, N. t. The growin;; popularity of Dnr li;ini (IS a tradiui; market han Anally iiithiced me to move iiiv lar;,'** stock tluTo. and thut* j;ive the final link to till' chain that mokes it THE -lace to buy anythipfj: you want. Tin Uooflng-^Guttoriniraiul Job Work Promptly at- tended to. e Tic Champion Cigar Factory. For tiuciniiati beer, go U» Joseph's. BUSINESS [109] DIRECTORY I.dckliart .Tolm S, Mtiiii iir Clay Tabacco Manufacturers BLACKWELL W T & CO, Factory ave nr depot (see adv backhone( Duke B L, 98 Factory ave Duke W. 42 Factory ave Faucett R T. Factory ave Halliburton AV t*c D C, Factory ave nr Dilliard Hughes W R t^- Co, Factory avo nr Dilliard Hunt iV Thomas, Fai-tory ave Lipscomb it Dowd, Factory ave nr (Jueen Lyon Z I iV: Co, Factory ave nr Dillard Morris R F A: Son, Factory ave nr N C R R Parrish D C Fiictory ave Thomas R W. Factorv avo nr Dillard Webb. liniilliifc it C<'i, 109 Factory ave Tobacco Warehouses I'arrisli E J. Factorv ave nr Church REAMS it WALKER, N C R R (see adv front cover) S e e •t C0LLE5E, NE. CORNER ITU STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. R. M. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. 9 Monuments, Tombs, Plain and | Ornamental Grave Stones, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Neatly exe»;nteii in most approved style. Work done on i» reasonable t«rmB as can be found either North or South line. I defy competition in my l-i of the State— Leopold Brothers. CHATAIGNE'S ! FAYETTKVILLE BUSINESS DlKECTOliV, 187B-'76. ML c C8 Agents Sewing Machines «* Dudley JnoL, 7 Hay ta es B ' e fa Auctioneers Hollinowortli T B. 5!) Person Bakers 5 (See also Cont'ectioneis) 1 OEIIRL JOHN G, Hay cor W R li doput S" S Banks and Bankers 2 FAYETTEYILLE NAT'L RANK, Hmv ur Anderson £ Peoples National. 48 Hav nr Donaldson Barlaers "Evans D W, Perst)n nr Dick fa a « It. c c Bakery JOHN G. OEHRL, I M ail ? EATING SALOON, Cov. Hay Street, & W. II. li. Depot. FA YE TTEVILLE, IT. Leopold Bros., Manufacturers of Fine ( i?nrs ObI.t. 'Raleigh Favorite" Cigars, at Josepli's. BUSINESS [ 171 ] DIRECTORY == ^ Clark W R, 21 Gillispie Carpenters and Builders B *Hall Robert, 13 Gillespie *IIeiider*on A J, Green het Bow and Ilay ■■■Perrv Edwin, Ilav nr Doiialdsurj g| © Billiard Saloons 2 Ijuriis liaiisotn, Person eor Bow * ^ Blacksmiths % "•■Cain David, ^Maxwell nr Hay *• Davis Calvin, Hay cor Bow B *McRae iV; Council, Hay nr Hillsboro ® *Scurlock G C, Winslow nr Franklin • a Boarding Houses S Dodd W M, Cape Fear Bank bldg g Marsh Jaints F, Hav bet R R and Franklin j « Booksellers and Stationers « Haigb George H, Market S(i 9 Boot and Shoe Dealers s Thomson J C. 53 Person jT Williams ik Hawlev, IT Hav 89 Boot and Shoe Makers 5 (iill Thomas, Hav nr JIaxwell S *McLean (ieorge, (iillesjiie and PVanklin < *Rensliaw William, Hav and Old 5 Cabinetmakers r (see also Undertakers) ;g 9 *McNeil James R, Old nr Green T 9 "Payne Abraham, Maxwell nr Hay ft Jobbers in all grades of Chewing Tobacco, 57 Fay etterille Street. W. H. Morriss & Co.. Mattresses, 3 FayetteTillc Street. BUSINESS [172] DIRECTORl' Carriage and Coach Builders y- Hockaday (t W, Hay and Old 5" Mclvethan A A it Sons, Person cor Dick ^ China, Glass and Crockery Ware ■? Carver A R, 3 Hay 2 Tillintihast W N, 29 Hay « ^ Churches « Baptist, Bow nr Anderson II A Brown pastor » Catholic, Bow nr Person Rev Father Kielly jinstor * Episcopal, Green nr Bow Win Hush rector JS Methodist, Bow nr Hay Mr Thompson pastor ^ Presbyterian, Bow nr Anderson Mr Hill ]iast'>r I Clothiers .2 Price H ifc E Alson, Person nr Market * Commission Merchants 8 COLE & GAINEY, Person bet Market and Dick a Gaster W D, Hay S Troy W C, 25 Hay 5 Confectioners g Banks M Mrs, 33 Hay •< Manltsby John S, 19 Hay § OEHRL JOHN G, Hay cor W R R depot (see -mU) g Cotton Brokers *; Luttciloh T S, Hay cor Ilillsboro Cotton Manfg Companies Beaver Creek, otiice 8 Gillespie .Specnlators in Smoke, Tieopold Brotliers, Cigraristi. For Fine Oysters, go lo Joseph's. BUSINESS [173] DIRECTORY Dentists Floyd Ervin, Hay nr Donaldson Small J, Person nr Market square Druggists Hinsdale S J, 2 Hay HOME II R, 31 Hay Smith J N, Market square 3 O 9 9 m ft Dry Goods Brandt George, S A: IT) Hav Brandt S, 34 Hay Oilclirist J G, 9 Hay Hall Henry G, C'J Person HollinnjswDrth J W, 65 Person Jackson William, (ireen nr Hay Kyle J K, 1 Hay Lee J R, Hav nr Donaldson McRae iV: Daingerfield, 23 Hay Otterbourg M. Green cor Market S(| PEMBERTOxV J A, 13 Hay Rosenthal FCank, 73 Person Sclilossberg M, agt 10 Hay Strauss L it Co, 71 Person Thornton Frank W, 15 Hay Dry Goods— Jobbers Lilly E J it Co, 50 Hay Dryers and Scourers Davis J M, Ila}- cor Maxwell Express Companies Southern, Geo W Lake ai^t Maiden Lane nr Hay Fancy Goods and Notions Dodd Isaac, 5 Hay Fine retail Cigar Palace, 57 FayettoTille Street, Raleigii, X. C. s a a* e 3 M ffl e 2 ft W, U. Morriss & Co., Vuruiture, 3 Fayetteville Street. BUSINESS [ 174 ] DIRECTORY Furniture Dealers (See also Cabinet Makers) Baker Joliii W, Hay rur Biirijes « Otterhiir:; M, Green eor Market S(j 9 Slintz S, (xreen bet Old aud Ilav a< « General Merchandise o 1 COLE & GAINEY, Person bet Market and Diuk — Cnlbretli J, Hay nr Robinson J Harris James, 55 Person „ Jackson William, Hay cur Robinson a" Lett J W, 61 Person ' .§ Lntterloh Ralph B. 27 Hay I Manltsby John W & Bro, 67 Person > Phillips's A, 63 Person '^ West Archie, Hay nr Hillsburo a ~ Grocers tt Anderson H M, Hay nr Ilillsboru : Boon J D, Hay nr HilLsboro . » Brewincjton J R. Hav nr Hillsboro — *Brown Lawrence, Hay nr Barges » Byrd Lewis, Hay nr Roi)inson 5 Daingertield J E P^ 51 Hay £ Easom William, Person nr Dick s *Elliott S M, Hay cor Maxwell 3 Haio;h Charles, 12 Hay » Heide R A, Hay nr Robinson B Hollingsworth Jose]ih, 59 Person ■" Ho])kins J W Mrs, Person cor Bow S *Hiighes William, 20 Gillespie ^ Johnson Jackson, l-t Hay Lee James R Hay nr Donaldsini Love William R, 15 Gillespie McDonald II, 5 Gillespie Mcdvethan E T, Person cor niaiket i- Mitchell Robert, 7 Gillespie Overly William, Person nr Dick Leopold Brothers', great brand of Cigar. For an enjoyable ^lassj go to Joseph's. BUSINESS [ 175 ] DIRECTORY I'emherton E L, 32 Hay B ]'liilli|.s K. IT (iillespiu ' llititiird Will N, Hay nr Robinson 5 Rankin A E, 14 (iillcspie m Schlossbur.:; F, 'J2 liny p Shaw Jolin. 8 Gillespie gj "•■Simmons R II, -17 Person * Smith John X, 45 Person 9f Tavlor I? R. Person bet Market and Diek ft Taylor M U, Hay nr R R ? Thomson (i A, 51 and 53 Persdii S, Underwood I) .1 Jr, Hay cor Ilillsiidid ^ I'nderwood J IJ, 4 Market sqnare " Wliitehead W A & d), Gillespie an! m irket .s(piare 7 *Williston Frank P, Person nr Diek 5 Wilson J R,'Hay nrR R 3 Grocers Wholesale, & Com. Merchants ~ (ilover Charles, 2, 4 >\: <> (iillespie » Haiiih J C, Hav nr Berires « Moore E F, 10 (rillespie ® SMITH, W D A: CO, 28 it 30 Hay g_ Ptlev Joseph A: Son, IS IIiiv ~ Williams J D & Co, Hay e5r Maxwell E a. Gun and Locksmiths * 69 Uoone J A 1), Hay nr Ilillsboro iq Watson Walter, 6 market square ^ ^7s^. ID. Sn^vdZITHI & CO., I COMMIBSIOM MERCHANTS I AND DEALERS IN jy, •is and 30 II A 1" STREET, P FAYETTEViLLE, H. C. > Agents for Wilson's Ammoniated Super-Phosphate of Lime •* "The Balciffh Kose." >V. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 Fayettevillc Street. BUSINESS [ 176 ] DIRECTORY Hardware and Ci^tlery Peinberton, E L, 32 Hay Williams A P> & Bro, Hay iir Maxwell . 3 a Harness Makers and Saddlers ® Overby William, Person nr Dick _ Wlialey Hiram, Hay nr Ilillsboro i 5 Hotels « 1 Cape Fear, 11 T Scanliii Ijhw nr Person •f Central, Faulk A: McDonald pro))rs Crreen bet Hay and Bow 12 Fayetteville, A Overbaiigli & Son Hay cor Donaldson , •a ' i Insurance Agents 2 Haigh J C. Hay nr Bargee f PEMBERTON J A, 13 Hav ^ SMITH W D & CO, 28 and 30 Hay (see advj s ■^ Insurance Companies— Fire s * Albcrmarle. (it'(yliarl<>ltesville ^'a, 13 Hay f City, of Richmond, 13 Hay Z FRANKLIN, OF PlIIL VDELiMIIA, 2S an,l ;!() Hav 3 HARTFORD. OF CONX. 28 and 30 Hav * HOME, OF N (\ 2S i,n,l 30 Hay » Home, of N Y, Hay m Biirges « Lynclibnrir Ins and Bmking On. 13 Hay £ Niagara, Hay nr Purges S Old Dominion, 13 Hav a OLD NORTH STATE, OF WARRENTON, 2S<.t .-50 Hay i ORIENT. OF HARTFORD, 28 and 30 Hay ■^ Penn. of Pa, 13 Hav a Sontliern Mutmil, <>i Richmond, 13 Hav I VIRGINIA HOMP:. 28 and 30 Hay llnderwritei's, Hay nr Berges Insurance Companies— Life PIEDMONT ^^ ARLINGTON, 13 Hay ^____^_ Something new and delielons in the figrar Line, For well selected Wines aud Liquors, go to Josepli't). BUSINESS [ 177 ] DIRECTORY -=^~^ - ^ Justices of the Peace «a McRae 1) G, 13 Green I m LaAvyers ig l^roadfoot C N, Green cor Bow * Hinsdale John W, over 2 Hay {^ McRae James C, Green cor Bow ^ Rose G M, 3 Anderson © Wright it Ray, Bow cor Green Livery Stables Troy & Ray, Donaldson nr Franklin Marble "Works McrcliaMt.-i. W C Troy ])r()])r, Bow cor Green Ne"wspapers and Magazines 9 ft s s r Smith James 1>, Hay cor Berges s m Millinery and Fancy G-oods ^ Dye M K Miss, !» Hay e s Mill Machinery Welsh . I W. Franklin cor Maxwell •J as Mills— Flour and Wheat » ft Educator, 'Franklin A: feniith, Hay nr Berges f* Nortli C'arolina Gazette, J H ik (i Myrover, 11 it I'i An- «j derson 9 Photographers a- Dodson & Stoiif, Person bet Market . Kelley Daniel, Hay nr Hillsboro t *Vincent & McCoy, 11 Gillespie Wade Si Martin, Person nr Dick Williams G F, 5 Green L«oiK>ld Bro'^, make a specialty of fine brands For Fine Cigars, go to Josepii's. BUSINESS [ 179 ] DIRECTORY — ^ Schools, Colleges, &c S Donaldson Academy, w cud Ilay ^ ■•'ayetteville Female Ilij^h School, Ilay nr R R p Segars and Tobacco 5 MOORE ABSULOM, 3 Green (see adv) Sewing Machine Companies Singer Mnfg Co, 7 Hay § I 8f i Stoves and Tinware s IJaker M A, llav cor II R m Davis G W, 2i 'llaj » Davis I B, 57 Person ■? e Super Phosphates of Lime WILSON'S, W D Snjith »fe Co State agts 28 and 30 Ilay | Tailors E s Vann J M, 13 Green S" u Theatres and Places of Amusement 3 Williams Hall, Ilay nr Maxwell S 2 Tobacconists' Goods , g MOORE A, 3 Green » »* *» Turpentine Dealers S Slocoinb A II, 14 Gillespie » Baker John W, Hay cor Burges Undertakers a of Chening and Smofcing Tobacco and smokers notions. W. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 Fayetlerllle Street. BUSINESS [ 180 ] DIRECTORY Vineyards HORNE 11 R & CO, 31 Hay Wagon Builders (See also Carriao;e Builders) g Watson William, Ilay nr Hillsboro b Welsh J W, Franklin cor Maxwell H OB S "Wagon Yards * Wilson J R, Hay nrRR a. ■^ Watchmakers and Jewelers * Beasley J M, 4 Hay g Glorer Edwin, 19 tiay ^ Prior Warren, 11 Hay o 5 Wheelwrights « *Baro;o P P, Winslow nr Franklin * O I Wines and Liquors s E Jessnp W S, Groon bet Bow and Hay ^ Mathews J M agt, n e market square g MOORE ABSOLOM, 3 Green Scanlin R T, Bow nr Person Mm, lacnsts' Mi M Lipors, FAYETTEVIIiLE, N. C. lieopold Bros., iimuufucturers of 12 different brands of' CHATAIGNE'S B Greensboro' -Business Directory, © 83 1876-'76. Barbers • 9 Agents— Sewing Machines § Cartland F G, So Elm Benbow House A A Architects « •* WELCH GEORGE, Wade cor College Charlotte N C Bakers Schwegler Ushley, so Elm nr Market Banks and Bankers ^ The Bank ol' Greensboro, so Elm nr Sj'camore * Wilson & Sliober, ioElm nr Sycamore S B 1 *Payne R B, so Elm nr Sycamore ^ 9 Booksellers and Stationers S * I'ates C D, so Elm Benbow House £ Boots and Shoes » Black T S, so Elm Benbow House !B ODELL,RAGAN cfe CO, so Elm nr depot (see adv) £ WALKER A B, so Elm nr McAdoo House (adv next pwgp) 2. sr Boot and Shoe Makers ag *Bain Alex, so Elm nr Sycamore Cirarsj o7 FayetteviUe Street, Baleigh. N. ('. ;; W. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 Fayctteville Street. a BUSINESS [ 182 ] DIRECTOEY ea . •■ •- ■ ■- ■ - — ~ — -— ~— ■ . . ■■ ■ , ■ . . . ■8 *Ewill James S, bo Elm nr Depot a Hays T S, Elm nr east ly^arket ■ *Scott Jojin, west Market nr Court House « Sullivan Jolin, so Elm nr Sycamore i •O Billiard Saloons •S Cosby Jolin W, so Elm nrSveainore « e Blacksmiths m in e Coyle Daniel, Market nr njarket 5 McAdoo it Maxwell, Market nr market •a g Boarding Houses © Yarborough Mi's E A, Elm nr hotel a g BiUcliers •■■ |j Bailey , stalj 12 market 9 Eager Charles, stalls I'd and ir> market a Hailey Wellington, stalls 7 and 9 market •S Hughes J R, stalls l-l and K! market d McKinnie & Raylor. stall 17 market 8 Patterson J L, stall (5 market M Sikes W it Sons, stalls 1 and 2 market e Butter and Eggs "i Holt M A, stall 8 market |23r©'''s^ Sfeo© Sfc^s^© 5 -A.. :^. ■W-A.IL.IS.ESrt, T a § So. Elm Street, McAdoo Building bt :. Finest f ariiity if Geils' laflles, Misses' & Yoiitlis' I SHOES AND BOOTS IN THE CITY. a Sand-made ivo7'h Constantly on Hand^ • As sweot as a Maiden's Dream, Leopold Brother's, For a good uieal, go to Joseph's. liUSINESi5 [183] DIRECTORY China, G-lass and Crockery Ware Sfott J W, soutli Elm iir McAdoo House 3 o SB Clothiers 5 Jacobs r>, cast Market nr Davie 9) Coach, and Carriage Builders

x-Hiii(ire nr Market a SP 9 Confectioners 3 s Adams Geor»e L, soiitii Elm nr depot g Oaldcleugh E M, soutli Elm nr Sycamore S Tiiom Jane, east Market nr Davie 5 Willis 11 C, north Elm nr east Market S a Dentists « 9 Ilubertsoii D A it Ero, east Market nr sdutli Kliu " Druggists ft Calhun Bros, south Elm nr hotel Galium R G t'i.' W L, east Market nr Davie ECKEL EUGENE, Benbow House south Elm (ileiiii 11 W it Son, Benbow House south Elm POUTER W C it CO, soutli Elm nr Sycamore Dry Goods P.lack T S, s Elm Benbow House Foulkes James F, s Elm Benbow House Kline J D, w Market opp C H « Murray W R, e Market nr s Elm • ODELL. RAGAN «fc CO, s Elm nr depot (see adv) Weatherley A iVr Son, e Market nr Darie Sg ^ ft Honest Cigars, whose aroma and flavor i» Uearenly. A i 9S mm iV. H. Morriss & Co., FiiruiturC) 3 FayetteTille Street. BUSINESS [184] DIRECTORY « « iQ * Express Companies SOUTHERN. R M Sloan senl aj,'t s Elm i.r w Markets Furniture Dealers Forbes W El & Jiro, s Elm nr Sycamore General Merchandise Balsiey J \'> ik Son, s Elm nr ilepot Cnnningliam J C, e Market nr s Elm Eckel A P, 8 Elm cor w Market Garrett T I), Market Reeling J L, w Market opp market McAdoo V C, e Market cor Davie May J H, Market cor s Elm Moore W S, e Market cor b Elm ODELL, RAGAN & CO, south Elm nr depot Rankin W S, w Market nr C U Sikes W iV: Son, w Market nr s Elm Sloan James it Sons, s Elm nr de])ot Smith M D; w Market nr C II Teagiie W J it Co, c Market nr .-s Elm Trotter William D, c Market nr Davie Wriiri.t J M, norih Elm nr City Hall Grocers Buchanan it McDon.ild, stmth Elm nr depot B it H « e a 'V^'lioIeKnle l>enlea*s in GREENSBORO'. N. C. The Champion Cijrar Factorj. For Cincinnati beer, go to Josepli's. BUSINESS [185] DIRECTORY Caldclengh E M, south Elm nr Sycamore Holt, Taylor & Co, east Market nr Davie Houston & Cansey, south Elm nr depot g Hughes J M, cast Market nr south Elm Lee it Jefl'rev?, east Martin nr south Elm § ODELL, RAGAX & CO, s Elm nr depot 9i Scott J W, south Elm nr McAdoo house J Sparker J W, east Market nr market Wharton it Scott, east Market nr south Elm 9t Wilson & Cleiner, east Market nr Elm ^ Hardware and Cutlery » ODELL, RA(iAN iV CO. s.. Elm nr depot (see adv) « SERGEANT A: SHIELDS, so Elm cor Svcamore(seo adv) ]^ s Harness Makers and Saddlers £ Houston Levi, east J\[ark(ft nr so Elm g" Tiiom J E, east Market nr Davie £■ a ODELL, RAG AN it C( >. m. VJm nr depot S Hats and Caps q WALKER A I'. E!ni m- MuAdoo House (see adv) Hides and Leather " Iluglies J M, east Market nr so Elm Hj S Hotels £ Benbow House, su E''n m- depot £ McAdoo Hfnisc. .-o !■! 11 nr depot 5 PLANTEliS, ,H )ii N T RKES propr, e Market nr so Elm » Hucksters S 9 ■■■Barringer it Co, .-tall 2») market 2, *Galla\vay Lewis, stall 21 market B" Garrett Frank, stall 10 market jg Hughes M T, SI all 4 market '^ Logan it Sloan, stall 19 market of tlip State— I,p()pold Brothers. W. H. Morrlss & Co., Furniture, 3 Fayetteyille Street. BUSINESS [ 186 ] DIRECTORY Insurance Agents 1 EDWARDS W E, w Elm nr market i; Ruffin 6i Taylor, w Elm nr C 11 * Smith E, n Elm nr e Market i AVMlson N II D, s Elm nr S^-eamure s s Insurance Companies— Fire jj yEtna of Hartford, b Elm nr Sjcamore *d Atlas of Hartford, s Elm nr Sycamore « Atlas of New Orleans, w Elm nr Market fa City Fire of Richmond Ya, s Elm nr Sycamore M Farmville of Farmville A'a, w Elm iir Market 1. Franklin of Philadelphia, s Elm nr Sycamore m Georo;ia Home, s Elm nr Sycamore g Home (if New York, s Elm nr Sycamore w' Insurance Co of North America, afct s Elm nr Sycamore »r Lynchbiirj^ Ins and ]>ankin^ 9 .r s 63 Oakdale, Cyrus P Mendenhall prest W H Hill secty and o treas office s Elm nr Sycamore, works Germanton, Gnil- JJ ford Co a Marble Works » Robertson S C, 8 Elm nr C II SJ E Millinery Goods 2. s* Garrell C C Mrs, e Market cor Davie "^ Moore W S Mrs, e Market cor s Elm • ft Jobbers in all grades of Cliewing Tobacco, 57 Fayetteville Street. W. H. Morriss & Co.. Mattresses, 3 Fayetteville Street. BUSINESS [188] DIRECTORr Newspapers V NEW NORTH STATE, so Elm nr Sycamore ^ THE PATRIOT, so Elm nr Sycamore Oi B Photographers © "1 Andrews L W, west Market nr G II ® Hughes W P, west Market opp C II e ' *^ Physicians c * Gregory R R, so Elm nr east Market g Lindsay Edward, iiortli Elm nr east Market * Porter Allison, n Elm nre Market - C Pianos and Organs » Moore "W S, east Market so Elm 5 Post Masters 2 AVhite J D, so Elm nr Sycamore 5 Printers— Book and Job I DUFFY & ALBRIGHT, south Elm nr Sycamore g North State Publishing Co, so Elm nr Sycamore % Restaurants * Bennett George D, Sycamore cor market * Joilec E R & Bro, so Elm nr depot s King Thomas W, so Elin nr west Market ^ Reese J C & Bro, north Elm s 1^ Saloons " REES JOHN T, east Market nr south Elm Saw and Planing Mills Wilson & Shober, R R depot Sppenlators in Smoke, Leopold Brotliers, Cigrarists. For Fine Oysters, g'o to Joseph's. BUSINESS [189] DIRECTORY Schools, Colleges, &;c Grecnsbi>iM I'lMiiulf, wt'stcm ^iiliiirl)!; Segar Mantilacturers lirockiiian, A J, s Elm nr market Sewing Machine Companies Florence, s Kim Uenlidw Ildiise Spoke and Handle Works Mahoii Tiii)iiia#, U R nr eorpi irate line Heed W \V & Co, R R nr corporate line Wilson i^- Sholicr, nr R R depot Stencil Cutters O'SULLLVAX .1 E. s Elm nr depot JMO. K. O'SULLIVAWr, DEALER IN B e m v> 91 p e 9 a t X B a B t B Laisp3 and Lamp Goods. : Fro?i>/jf Attention E to J tooling! and -■ Crwtterini. K Qr\EENSBOF^O', ^i. C. '^ Fine retail f israr Palace, 57 Fayetteyille Street, KaleisrM, N. C. IV. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 FayettcYille Street. BUSINESS [190] DIRECTORY Stoves and Tinware O'SULLIVAN J E, 8 Elm nr .lei).t (udv i.refediiit; yaga) SEARGENT & McCAULKV. jmicrion M (j A: R ^V: I) RR • east depot and sriiitli Elm ccir Sycamore s e Tailors g Foster W H, e Market nr s Elm Telegraph Companies ^ Western Union, S A Ilowiii-d Ht;-| r- Elm nr w Market Tobacco Manufacturer's 9 •5 Jones Brothers, Aslihurrouirli in- r KI 2 ncDiivcE] :Ki:NrTE]i^:F^nR.is:E3. s as THE Tropic" Cooking Stove, Manufactnred by SERGEANT & McCAULEY, SSoiitli I'^liii, Col'. W;»<'iiiiioi*<', GREENSBORO', n! C These Stoves are vastly euptTior to the groat majority of Stoves hou^hi t«f Northern Manufacturers. The best of material in u^-d in their nianiifHCtiire, and they have never failed to give entire Batisfaetion. In addition to the great excidlence' of these Stoves, there 18 great advantage to tho!*c who buy. in living near the factory, from whence to replace any vessel at ehort notice that nhoald be aecideulally broken. Looj^old Brothers', ^rroat bniiid of (isar. For an fnjojnhle gflassSj so to Joseph's. BUSINESS [191] DIRECTORY Watcliniakers and Jewelers FiiiTMr W" II, s Mini 111- l!ii]l)()\v house nOIi.XEY W A.s Kim nr market WATCHIAKER, JEWELER MD OPTICAN X No. 11 Soudi Elm Sheet, (iREENSBORO', N. C. DEALER IN r. e ) i a. s ft « B Waii:iiis,CiBCl[s,JeielrF, I Plafett- Ware, I'isfols, Cartrhlf/rs, y of ions, dr. All repairing warrauteil. A large and tine stock of GOLD PENS. J. FRANK LEWIS & GO,, 6S :iO Second Street, p. d. BOX 728. PS B ft ft <'Tlie Ralei|;h Uose.' CHATAIGNE'S gNEWBERN BUSINESS BIBECTORY, S I 187S-'76. 5 Agents— Steamship 1 Dill George AV, Craven s oft^o Ficiit S Easson N S, Craven s of so Front 2 Gray S II, ft Craven a Agriciiltural Implements 1 ALLEN GEORGE & CO, Polloc-.k bet Middle mikI Craven r (see adv) e Architects a 9 WELCH GEORGE. Wade cor Colleck a Maler F, so Front nr Hancock 2 Rogers AVilliani H, Middle nr Pollock Banks and Bankers Rountree R H & Co, so Front cor ('raven The Nat'l P>ank of Newbern, I'oliock bet Middle v^- Craven Sometliing new and delicious in the Cigar Line, ^ Bakers For well selected Wines iiud Liciuurs, go to Josepli's. BUSINESS [ 193 ] DIRECTORY Barbers pj ■'"Barton John, so Front bet Craven and Middle 3 *Green Robert H, so Front bet Craven and Middle Gastonelii Andrew, so Front bet Craven and Middle *Moore John E, so Front nr Middle ■^Shepherd Enoch, so Front nr Middle » Blacksmiths « (See also Wheelwrights) *Fisher George S. Broad bet George and Berne ft « 9 * Jackson Allen, Queen nr Broad © * Jackson Samuel, Craven bet Pollock and s Front » *Nelson Elisha, Craven nr s Front B "Sawjer Cornelius, s Front tir Craven £ Tremont Patrick, Middle bet s Front and Pollock Z Block and Pump Makers a- Pittman George W, s Front nr Oavcn Boarding Hoiises American House, Nelson Whitford jiropr, Middle bet sonfii ^ Front and Pollnck J* P.ovds Hotel, W i; i;,,vd propr Middle bet Pollock and s " Front g Ferebee \ I! .Mrs, Craven nr Pollock ^ Merchants Cbib Hf)u?e, Craven bet Pollock and s Front Patrick FJizMlietli Mrs, Craven nr Pollock Pjnes M E Mrs, Pr.llu.-k nr Middle Smith S M Mrs, Midillt- bet Pollock and s Front s uecn cor Metcall Leopold Bro's, make a specialty of Are brands Vor Fine Cigrars, go to Joseph's. lUISINESS [ 195 ] DIRECTORY m Coach and Carriage Btdlders ? a Berrj' II T, llaiicock iir .lolinston © Cook Samuel & Bro, IJroad bet George aud Berne g Trenwith Patrick. Middle bet so Front and Pollock £ Coal Yards 1^ Havens J, Craven nr so Front a Churches S" Baptist, Mr Westeott pastor, Middle bet so Front and 2 Pollock 1 Christ {P E), Rev Edward Forbes pastor, Pollock bet Mid- » die and Craven H Methodist Episcopal South, Rev. W C Gannon pastor, New •» nr Hancock 3 St Paul's (Catholic), Rev I N Townsend pastor, Middle cor S New S e Clothiers g. a Baer Louis N & Co, Middle cor so Front _ Cohen H, Middle nr so Front J Kosminski William Middle nr Pollock "^^ Moore James W, Middle and river iq Silberstien it Co, Middle nr wharf fl Sperling Henry, Middle nr so Front * 2 Commission Merchants S a Lorcb E P, r soutli Front bet Craven and east Front » Confectioners Agostine J M, Pollock cor Craven ^ Hage Caroline Mrs, Middle nr so Front ~ '■'Hussy John, Middle nr wharf S8 Near An^ues, Pollock bet Middle and Craven ft BT. «r Chewing niid Smoking Tobacco and smokers notions. W. U. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 FayetteTillc Street. BUSINESS [ 196 ] DIRECTOEY Cotton Brokers STANLY THOMAS, market wlif(see adv) ■' Cotton Commission Merchants Gray S H, ft Craven 2 Cotton Factors H « Jones James W, Craven l)et Pollock and s Front O '^ Cotton Grins a Dennison A R, s Front cor Hancock X Walle ifc Howard, s Front cor e Front g e! Cotton Weighers 3 Brvan William G,s Front bet Middle and Craven 5 Dentists e idle iaston liousc Druggists » £ Berry Richard, Middle bet PolK)ek and s Front g Disosway William H, Middle bet s Front and rollock « Duffy R N, ft Middle gj Tulfbrd F J, Hancock cor Queen Meadows E H ^ Co, Pollock cor Middle WATKINS J L, Pollock cor Craven (see adv next page) 2 Everett D E, Pollock nr Midc 4; Hubberd Edwin R, office Gas Dry Goods Ajijostine F ]\I, Pollock bet Middle and Craven Agostine N B, Pollock nr Craven Baer Louis N it Co, Middle cor s Front Davison Elias, Middle bet Pollock and s Front Leopold Bros., manufacturers or 12 dilferent brands of For Unadulterated Li(|ii9rs, go to Joseph's. BUSINESS [ lit: ] DIRECTORY =^=^^=^^ f5 Marks O, Pollock nr Middle B| Mnllar & Marks, Middle bet Pollock and's Front " I'atterson Moses, Middle bet Pollock and s Front g Rountree and Small wood, Pollock bet Middle and Craven m Scherwin Joseph, Middle bet Pollock and s Front pg Weinstein L c^' J, Pollock cor Middle Express Companies ^ SOUTHERN, George Henderson af;t Craven bet Pollock © and s Front \ « « 1 Farmers Inns Tucker Mary B, Proad cor Fleet Fish, Oysters and G-ame Daniels Thomas, market wht' Duncan J T, market whf Watson C T, market wht' * M Flour and Grain e t s WOLFENDEN J J & CO, s Front cor Middle (see adv) = 8 a DR. J. 1m. WATKINS, '^ B^uggmt and PMarmacmi, | Corner I'ollork r Broad £ Gates & Foy, Middle bet s Front and m-irket ffl Ilahvi A Sz M, Middle bet PolK.ck and Front 3 Ilollister William, s Front bet Middle nn i Craven •£ MILLER A ct BRO, Bn.ad cor Queen 2 Mitchell Alexander, Craven s ot s Fron; S Nelson A W, agt Middle nr whf ■■ Patterson Moses, Middle bet Pollock and s Front •S Prag Moses, Craven cor Pollock e Salter Win it Co. s Front nr Craven "^ Williams Tliomas, s Front cor Craven « Grain and Hay Z STANLY THOMAS, market wharf (sec opp. page) S . ^ S DAIL BROTHERS, ft WHOLESALE * South Front St., Opposite Gaston House ^ e ■ 5 As sweet as a Maiden's Dream, Leopold Brother's, For a good luoal, go to Joiicph'8. BUSINESS [199] DIRECTORY Grocers and Commission Merchants DAIL BROS, 8 Front opp Gaston house (adv. preced'gpage) 5 Guioii George B, s P'ront opp Gaston house jg Henderson E H it Co, ft Craven pi Patterson J Ar J A. Craven bet Pollock and s Front 5 WOLFEMDEN J J iV: CO, s Front eor Middle (see adv) "■ Grocers £ Hall Sam'l R. Middle nr s Front ©, P.lank ifc Flrieh. foot Middle opp .Miiil;«-t g "Brown John W, Queen cor Pastor 5* Ellis Elijah, so Front het Middle and ("r:i\cn 2 Ellis James II, so Front cor Middle iu.d Queen cor Broad g" French Ilenrv E, (ieorgc nr New a Green T A, Middle nr whait B Ilargett Samuel, Pollock cor Spring 5 Hill EG, Queen eor Forbes avenue S Howell Blake, Hancock nr Queen « Hughi'-; Hcnrj J, Middle cor Broad q Lmch William, Broad nr Berne J McCartliv Thomas F, Pollock cor (^ui in g MILLER A A: BRO. Broad cr Qucc, r *Munitord Joseph, Queen nr Pastor g Redmond James, Middle nr wharf S" Salter ^\'illiam A: Co, east Front Tir Union and Front Ik t « Middle and Craven *i SB TilOS, STANLY^ Prop''r, | DEALER IN J" Corn, Peas, Wheat, Oats, Rice, 8^c.,f ALSO, 55 COTTOlSr BI^OKZER,. £ Kcady access at my Warehouse for tlu* delivery of Ctrgocs, and easy handling and ^ storage'at email expense. £ Beat quality'of CURN dirpct from veserls at the lowest w holeeaie prices, ^ Oommimlcations for information concminp the Crain Market in this fity promptly J" aiMwered. All ordur* ehould hcaconipauit-il with MONEY or City acceptuncc. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE ? Market \Vharl, NKWBKRISr, IST. C, ft Honest Ci^ars; whose aroma and flavor is HeaTenly. W. H. Morriss & Co., Furiiitiirej 3 Fayettcville Street. BUSINESS [ 200 ] DIRECTORY *Simmons Abraham, Pollock cor Jones Slover C E, Craven eor Pollock Tucker Eugene. Broad nr Fleet AVindlej Bros, Middle nrwjiart' (.■ G-un and Locksmiths * Greer John. Middle nr t^o Front ^ Hall J T, Craven nr so Front h J Hardware •Z ALLEN GE()R(4F .1- CO, P.illc.^k bet Middle and Craven 2 (see adv front cover) S Oliver W 11, so Front bet Middle ;uid Craven u 5 Harness Makers and Saddlers ■S Phillips Win S, Middle nr s Front * Hatters m ^ Berry Richard, Middle bet Pollock and s Front * Hotels ^ Bateinan House, J B Batenian propr s Front nr Craven .e GASTON HOUSE, S K Street prop s Front bet Middle « and Craven (see adv. opp. inside front cover) z ^ Insurance Agents £ ALLEN GEOR(,iE ERTS & HENDERSON, Craven bet Pollock and s '^ Front (see adv next page) ft" ft Insurance Companies— Fire P s. ^Etna of Hartford, Pollock bet Middle and Craven g Albemarle of Cliarlottesville, Brinson's wlif s Front bet ^ Middle - Penn of Phila, so Front opp fraston House — Southern Mutual of Riclimond. s Front opp Gaston House J UNDERWKITEU.s FIRE AGENCY, Geo Allen & Co, S Pollock bet Midiile and Craven i» ^ fianer al Insurance Ag NENA^EERN, N. C. j« %^" Policies issued oh all Desirable Risks. P Mf the Mule— Leo|Mil^, Front eor Princess " JJyrne JdIih A, Water cor Princess « Cannon Samuel N, 3rd cor Orange £ De Roset Thomas C, Front cor Princess 3 (GORDON J W, Front cor Princess 1 (tRAEME THOMAS, Pincess bet Water and Front '' NORTHROP 6c CUMMING, Water cor Dock = SMITH WILLIAM L 6c CO, Princess bet Front and 2nd r Taylor iM>ld'8 <' Raleigh Bose' 19 W. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 Fayetteyillc Street. BUSINESS [ 210 ] DIRECTORY QB Bakers and Confectioners 8 (see also Coiitectioiiers) Oi H Bomme Peter, 5th cor Campbell 1 Gilbert & Bawer. 34 Market ^ Lessinan A. 11 s 2d 2 Thorburn Robert, Front bet Dock and Orange e ^ Banks and Bankers » S BANK OF NEW HANOVER. Front cor rrincess ^ DAWSON BANK, Front bet Market and Princess 1 DAWSON JAMES, Front bet Market and Princess §1 First National Bank of Wihijington, Front cor Princess < g Banks, Savings and Truts Companies * Wilmington Trust Co and Savings Bank, 51 Market s g Barbers » a *Artis Elvin, Purcell House gL *CLEAPOK & KING, Front bet Market and Princess 5, *Lane Elijah, 2 north Water 2 Moses Reilly, Nntt bet Mnlberr_y and Walnut ■5 *Scoct Thomas, 2nd bet Market and Princess 5 *S\veat Isham, Water cor Mulberry »> Ward Charles H, 1 so Front ~ AVerner John, 9 so Front J Beneficial Associations a North Carolina Beneticiiil Association, Front nr Dock mm 5 Bill Posters and Distributors * FULLER BAALAM, Wilmington City Opera Honso e £* Blacksmiths (See also Wheelwrights) *IIargrave Alfred, Market bet 7th and 8tli Leopold Bro's, make a specialty of fine brandi* For Fine Cigrars, go to Joseph's. BUSINESS [ 211 ] DIRECTORY "McBride Evander, Nutt bet Walnut and Red Cross g (JUINLIVAN DANIEL, 3rd bet Princess and Chestnut Boarding Houses o M (GASTON HOUSE. Front bet Cliestnut and Mulberry S Morrison Thomas Mrs, 2nd eor Dock v O'Brian John, Nutt cor Walnut ft Pickette Mary E, 30 Market ^ Pngh Mary Mrs, Front bet Chesnut and Mulberrj Warren Joiin, Princess bet Water and Front 1 » BookToinders £ t lleinsberg.r Phili]>, Princess bet Front & 2nd A: 39 Market Z Booksellers and Stationers f Conoley c^ Yates, 47 Market Ileinsberj^er Philip, 3tt Market Love John D, FnTit bet Market and Princess Boot and Shoe Dealers g, (See also Pmot and Siioemakers) tP Erown L, 3 n Water Dudley A: Ellis, 41 Market EvansA: Yon Glahn, Princess bet Front and 2nd JJ French George R Sc Sons, 3i> n Front NEWMAN ct GREENPERG, 14 Market Boot and Shoemakers Austin Mac, 4th rr Campltell J I'auinan John, 2nd bet Market and Princess Penny W J, 3rd cor Orange ^ Perss'e A B, Front bet Princess and Chesnut ;j •■Pisram Sz Robinson, Princess bet Front and 2nd j, SIIUTTE HENRY, Market bet 3rd and 4th r *Stearlino; T J, 4th cor Hanover S*. Yass John G, Princess bet Front and 2nd ft of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and gnioliers notions. W. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 Fayetleville Street. BUSINESS [ 212 ] DIRECTORY Bottlers KordLandler Marice, -itli cor Hanover Brokers— Commercial BARRY BROS, Water cor Oraii<;c ^ Brokers— Mercliandise 1 Oldham C W, 5 b Water § Petteway James T, ft Princess * Brokers— Ship ^ Heide R E. Water bet Market and Dock « PESCIIAII E & WESTERMANN, 35 and 'M n Water « VICK A: MEBANE, Nutt bet Walnut and Red Cross tit u Brokers— Timber « 5 GREEN II McL, Water bet Princess and Chesnut a 2 Building Companies '«# S Cape Fear Building Co, Princess bet Front and 2d O I Bntohers S .. S "''Ryrd Keenan, city market * Cowan J II, city market ^ *Co\van John, city market Fillyan & Pratt, 4th cor Bladen dies John F, city market Ilanchey O R, 2d bet Market and Dock Ilintzc ilermann, city market Holland James, city market Ives Jesse, 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick Johnson T II, cit}' market King James J, city market King Joseph P, l*i city market *McRae Charles H, city market Leopold Bros., niannfactnrors of 12 difforent hrnnds of For Uuadulteratcil Liquars, g:o to JusepliV. BUSINESS [ 213 ] DIUECTORY ._=..^^======_=..-_.=^ _ _.. ^ ■••■Merrick Elijali, citj' inarket h '■•■Merrick Saiiniel, city market " Kedd it Howard, 2d market 3 .Sikes Tliomas P, tist, Market cor 5th ■3 *First I^aptist, 5th cor Camphell ^ First Colored, Chesiiut bet 7th and Sth "E First Presbyterian, 3rd cor Orange ^ Front Street, P'ront cor Walnut .^ Ironside Baptist, Castle bet 5th and 0th S *Mt Olive M E, 2nd liet Dawson and Wright 2 *Mt Zion Metliodist, 7tli cor Howard - Sailors Bethel, Dock bet Front and Water « St James (P E), ord cor Market S St Johns (Catholic Episcopal), 3rd cor Mulbcrry = St Johns (P E), 3rd or Red Cross * *St Marks, (ith cor Mulberry Si St Pauls (German Evangelical), Market cor •>th S St Paul (P E), 4th cor Orange = *St Stepliens'(M E), Red Cn.ss cir 5th ^ St Thomas (Catholic^, Dock bet '2nd and 3rd ■5. Second Baptist, 0th bet Church and CiSth? g Second Presbyterian, C imi)bell bet -J-rli and 5th fa t Ciffar Manufacturers Brninhild H, Front bet Market and Princess Kasprowicz, Charles A: Bro, 11 north Front Cigars and TolDacco a "s 9 T. » Btirklieimer Ileiuy, Market 5 FERNBERGER J .t CO, 7 Market g Harris j\[ C, Front bet Market and Princess '" Lipoitt J W, Front bet ]\[ark(!t Mtid Priiu^ess I Riggott David, 22 Market 5^ Reichman S I ifc Bro, 27 Market < Wise J M, 4th bet Hanover ami W iV- W \l 1 ■ Clotliiers » S Bear Sol & Bros, IS and 20 Market » As sweet as a Maiden's Dream, Leopold Brother's, o For tt jTOOtl iiienl) ^o to Josepli*^. BUSINESS [215] DIRECTORY ----^^- - - -^-- — — - .^.^....^^^ ^ David A: Weil, 27 Market GOODMAN WILLIAM, S i^- 44 Market 8 Keiuiweiler tt Co, ."> Market ^ Munsoii it Co, 21 11 Front q NEWMAN A: GREENBERG, 14 Market JO Shrier Bros, 30 Market % w Club Rooms * ft" Cape Fear Club House, Front bet Market and Princess ft Coal and "Wood Dealers a* (See also Wood and Coal Dealert*) » ■J I'arsley O D, Water bet Dock and ()r;in<;e J^ Springer James A, Front cor .Mulln rrv n a Commission Merchants | (See also Grocers and Coniinission Mercliants) |J OB r.ARBER GEORGE G it Co, Water bet Market & Dock i Boncv G it Sons, Water cor Mulbcrv ^ C11ADB(K'RN JAMES IKt CO, Dook bet Water vfc Front s Covin-jton Everett A: Co, Water cor Mullierry ~ De Rosset A: Co, G n Water " § FOJwards A: Hail, Water bet Cliesnut and Mulberry a I'enuell Owen Jr, Water cor I'rinci's^s -* Gore W I, (i s Water " Grant A: H in ton, G s Water J" (irecn II McL, foot Cliesnut ^ II ARRISS it HOWELL, Water bet Princess and Cliesnut = Jolinson Hardinji, Nuttbet Mulberry and Walnut 3 Iverchner A: Calder Bros, 27, 28 and 29 n Water E KIDDER EDWARD A: SONS, Dock cor Water J Lilly A: Bro, Water bet Cliesnut and Mulberry T Lippitt A: Co, Water bet Dock and Oratifre h McRary W II A: Co, Water cor Cliesnut • B Martin A, Dock bet Water and Front • Mitchell B F A: Son, 9 and lU n Water * Mnffitt AAA: Co, Water bet Walnut and Mulberry Moore T*M, Water between Cliesnut and Mulberry ?! MURRAY A: CO, 3 8 and 39 n Water ft Honest Cigars* whose aroma and flaTor is Hearenly. W. H. Morriss & Co., Fiiruitiire, 3 Fayetteville Street. BUSINESS [21G] DIRECTORY OLDHAM .t CLTMMING, foot of Dock PESCUAir E it WATERMANN, 35 and 3(1 n Water Robinson C II, Dock bet Water and Front Selinlker CharLs II, foot of Princess Sniitb T M. Water cor ^Mulberry «: SPRITNT iV' III N SON, Water cor Walnut » YICK & MEBANE, Nutt bet Walnut and Red Cross * WILLARD & BROS, Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry fc, Williams A: Miircliison, Water bet Market and Princess 2 Woody Jolin D, Water cor Princess * Wooten, Richardson it Co, 30 n Water 3 AVORTII & WORTH, Water cor Miili)erry •3 Commissioners— U S 3 CASSIDY J J, Princess bet Front and 2nd 2 McQuigg E H, Princess bet 2d and 3rd «^ cs 1 Confectioners » (see also Rakers and Confectioners « « Agostini F M, 16 Market 2 Luinsden J C, Front bet Princess and Chestnut h. ^ Consuls— Foreign a' _ Ui Ileide R E, Vi(;e Consul nf Sweeden, Norway and Den- < mark otMce Water l)et Market and Dock S Loeb J, French Vice Consul ^V^lteI bet Dock and Orange * Lord Frederick J, Spanish Vice Consul office Front cor * Ann jjj Sprunt Alex, British Vice Consul Water cor Walnut w Contractors and Builders © (see also Carpenters and Builders) 11 ANBY JOHN II, 6th bet Dock and Orange WALKER JAMES, Front bet Princess and Chesnut Coopers *Thurber W II, Chesnut bet Front and Water The Champion Cigar Factory. For Cincinnati b«er, go to Josepli's. BUSINESS [217] Cotton Mills Wilmington Cotton Mill, foot Dawson office "Water bet © Ml Princess and Cliesiint 5 9 Distillers— Turpentine Dressmakers of the Mate— Leopold Brothers. 'JO Cotton Presses Wilmington Steam Cotton Press Co, ft of Red Cross Dancing Academies T A Bailey James 11, 2nd Market ■ I Dentists 5. Baker James, 30 Market % Baldwin A N, 3t> Market Carr Thomas B, 30 Market EVEPJTT S S, Princess bet Front and 2nd Freeman Jolin H, 3G Market Kea James E, 2nd cor Market Murplij William B, Princess bet Front and 2nd g 1 ,a Alderman Geo F & Bro, Point Peter Bowden James O, Harnett bet Front and the ri^'er _ Turpentine Distillery, Front bet Cowan and Davis 8 a 9 4 Croom M F Mrs, 4th cor Ilanover S Loekey H A Mrs, 5th cor Chnrch Jj Quince Kate, 51 Market !♦ Stevens Mary, 2n(l bet Market and Dock ^ • Druggists S Baylor George R, cor 4th and Maiu GREEN & FLANNER. 49 Market Harriis W W, Front cor Market ? ? ^ W. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 Fayctteville Street. BUSINESS [218] DIRECTORY LANE WM W, 4th cor Campbell -• McILIIENNY J K, Front cor Market |j Munds l>ros, 4tli cor Hanover b Munds J C, 3i-d bet Princess and Cliesniit * Schonwald J T, Princess bet Front and 2nd I WILLIS E, Mulberry cor 7tii a Wl Dry Goods 1^ Aaron & Riieinstein, 30 n Front g Bear Morris, 18 n Water ^ Bluuientlial Samuel, 40 Market §5 Boskowitz Ar Lieber, 29 Market SS Brown & Roddick, 45 Market t. Elsbach Jacob, 43 n Water S Frank M & Bro, 17 Market § GOODMAN WILLIAM, S and 44 Market » Ilahn Julius, 4th bet Hanover and W & W R R jf Hanstein S & Co, 13 and 15 Market « Katz M M, 3G Market 5 Kolins Joseph, 24 n Water hj Lewis ifc Davis, s w cor Market and Front ■C Lyon S E, Water cor Market I Mclntire R M, 41 n Front I ilacks J I & Co, 25 Market •; Newman 6c Greenberi^, 14 Market 5 Newman A: Hashagen, Market cor 2nd S Samson J it 11, 43 Market ;§ Weil J, 46 Market i. Williams J S, Princess bet Front and 2nd 5 Wronski A, (j1 Market mi 8 H Q Flanagan Kate, 2nd bet Market and Dock e e Dyers and Scourers d bet Market and Do Eating Houses Chavers J C, 4th cor Harnett Cole M O, 2nd bet Market and Dock *Martin E F, 21 n Water Leopold Bros., Manufacturers of Fine Cigars 0«ly. "Raleigh FaTorite" Cigars, at Joseph's. BUSINESS [ 219 ] DIRECTORY * Walker Abel, "Water cor Mulberry "Washington Robert, Nntt bet Walnut and Red Cross Fancy Goods H 3 Engineers— Civil 2 ft James & Brown, 2nd bet Princess and Chesnut 2 CO Exchanges ^ Wilmington Produce Exchange, ft Princess .§ Express Companies §• Southern, -io n Front » Wooten's Local, Front bet Princess and Chesnut " 3 9 Flanagan L, 42 Market SJ ft Fibre Companies . | e Cape Fear Fibre Co, ft Wrigiit JJ Flonr Mills r Oldham Alexander, Nutt cor Walnut and Market nr 2nd a. Furniture Manufacturers and Dealers »? SB (see also Ciibinet Makers) •^ Schuttle F A, 20 and 28 s Front and 11, 15, 17 and 19 Dock » Smith Daniel A «fc Co, 43 n I* rout Z Gas Light Companies S Wilmington Gas Ligiit Co, Princess bet Front and 2nd w Grain Mills S (See also Flour Mills) OLDUAM S: CUMMING, foot Dock ft Jobbers in all grades of Chewing Tobacco, 57 Fayettcville Street. W. H. Morriss & Co.-. Mattresses, 3 FayetteTille Street. BUSINESS [220] DIRECTORr G-rocers— Wholesale (See also Coininijsioii Merchants.) 'd Jl Adrain cfe Vollers, Front cur Dock it Binford, Crow & Co, Front bet Dock and Orange W Edwards & Hall, Water bet Cliesniit and Mulberry © Kerchner & Calder Bros, 27, 28 and 2l» n AVater *^ MURRAY & CO, 38 and 39 n Water »* Myers George, 10 and 13 s Front PESCIIAU & AVESTEliMANN, 35 and 3G n Water ^^ WILLARD BROS, Water bet Chosnut and Mulberry § Williams & Mnrchison, AVater bet Alarket and Princess 1 Grocers— Retail * S Alirens B II J, s w cor Market and Ttli ^ Alirens Nicholas, Swann cor 4th a, Bagley James, -itli <^or Uavis .2 Bech Thomas, Red Cross cor tJtli c8 Berdan Jacob, Nixon bet 7th and Sth ± Biddle John T, Market bet 2nd and 3rd » Bissinger C F W, 6th cor Princess " Bloinme Peter. 6th cor Campbell 55 Bloom II II, 5th cor Chesniit •9 * Bonemann (ieorge W, n Wooster cor 'Jth es Bonemann J II, Castle cor Sth g Bonemann John C, Castle cor Sth , ^ Bosch Henry, 4tli cor Brunswick Bosch John II, 7tli cor Nixon ^ Brown John W, Bladen cor 7th 03 Calais W J, 10 market - CANADY DAVID 15, market cor 8th « *Collett Mingo, McRaecor Campbell * *Co.-operative, Nixon cor Sth § Cortjohann Richard, Front cor Brunswick >> Craig S A. 6th cor Orange m Doscher John I), 3rd cor A\'alnut *Dudley A A, 4th hot I5runswick and Bladen Duguid Wm, Sth nr Walnut Ehrbeck Henry, Front bet Castle and Queen ENNETT EDWARD L 2d bet Market and Dock Speculators in Smoke, Leopold Brothers, Cigarisls. For Fine Ojsters, go to Joseph's. BUSINESS [ 221 ] DIRECTORY 8 *Evans Allen, 4th ur Il.inover Fergus »fc Co, 10 s 2d Fillyaw O M, 4th cor Bladen 3I Fincke Iloman, Market cor 11th © FitZEjerald Richard, Cliesiiut and Sth 5 FLANKER >k: SUCRE, Front bet Market and PrincofS S Fentz Jacob, Swanii cor SMi S Fonville & Watson, Water cor Chesnnt e^ Fowler R M, Front cor Church ^ Fowler & Bisliop, 3 Carrs Block 2d st 9 Futrell (k Mnllar, 4th cor Hanover "f Gav Uenry B, 4th cor Harnett e Gerken C J, Mulberry cor Gth Si Grutzen William, Castle cor Front S Haar Henry, 7tli cor Chesnut m. Haar John, 4th cor Nun ' Ilardwick J M, 2d bet Market and Princess S Hasliagen H G. 4th cor Walwut X Heins John F, 44 n Water S Heins John H, 2nd cor Hanover • Herburt John H, 4th bet Cliurch and Castle * Heyer F W, Market cor 2nd v iq Heyer John C, Water cor Princess § Highsmith William, Castle cor 6th S Hottendorf A: UashaL'cn, 2 n Water and 2 Granite Row S Huggins James B, 57 Market Ti Hussel C, Brunswick cor 4th "^ Hutat Nichulas, Gth cor Swann iq Hutaft Henry, Chesnut bet Sth atid Dtli jj Jackson Cornelius, Wooster cor iJrd * Klander Joiin D H, Castle cor otii 5 KOCH JOHN C, Front bet Dock and ()raiij,'e S Koch W H ^I, Front cor Orange J Kokowsky H, 2nd Ijtt ^liirkct and Princess m Koster Hermann, 4tli cur Bhiden i Kuhl Henry K, Gth cor Harnett 8B Levy Solomon, ajrt 2nd bet Market and Princess ' Litgen Richard. Chesnut cor 5th >- Love L B, Market bet 2ud and 3rd 9 Love Owen F, Blailen bet '!th and 7th ^ McGarity J H A: Co, Front cor L)ock ^ Manning S H, 22 n Water Fine retail Cigar Palace, 57 Fayetterille Street; Italeigii, N. ('. W. H. Morriss & Co., Furniture, 3 Fayett«Tlllc Street. BUSINESS [ 223 ] DIRECTORY Martin Daniel W, 4tli bet Ilanover and Brunswick Metis James I, 5 s Water Meyer F W, 47 n Water Miles Jolin C, Wooster bet 8th and 9th _ Mohr C II & Bro, Market cor 13th * Mohr John N, Church cor 7th S Moore Jacob, 41 n Water ^ Mott W J, Red Cross cor 5th « Muller & Martin, 5th cor Nixon ® MULLER & GERDTS, 2d cor Market « Murphy Charles, Swann bet 8th and 9th - MYERS CHARLES D & CO, 5 and 7 n Front I NEFF JOSEPH H, 22 s Water and 1 3 and 5 Dock ;; Newman Philip, AVater cor Chesnut •"Nuns Emanuel, Anderson bet Mulberry and Gwjnn S O'Brien M W, Nutt cor Red Cross Q Oiilandt Henry, Front bet Dock and Orange g Oldenbuttel John G, Market cor 10th b Oldenbuttel J & H, 4 s 2d S Orrell & Croom, 3 s Water •J Otten Diederick, Nixon cor 6th ^ *Phinney Robert 11, 6th cor Harnett Bj Plein Jordan II J, Nixon cor Lane alley ' Potts Samuel T, Frout cor Dawson ^ Price Richard A, Front cor Queen " Purpie James A, Castle cor 7th g Reeder Henry, Rankin cor Anderson « Ritgen Henry, Market cor 5th £ Robbins James W, 5th cor Taylor ^ Rooney Johanna, 8th cor Walnut 5 Rult's John F, Nutt cor Walnut « RUNGE G H VV, Market cor 2d g Scharft E, 4th bet Mulberry and Walnut J, Schulken Charles, 46 n Water ® Scliulken Englehard, Market cor 12th Schulken Henry, 4th cor Market SCIIUTT GEORGE L, Bladen cor McRae Sliirden Edward, Market cor 7tii Smith Balthaser, 4th bet Bladen and liunu'tt Smith P II, 4tli cor Campbell Smith T II, 46 Market Stcges Diederich Queen cor 6th Leopold Brothers', c^roat brand of Cigar. For au onjo.vable gliisS) go to Joseph's. BUSINESS [ 223 ] DIREqjOItV 8 Stevenson James C, 2nd bet Market and Princess Stoker J F, Front bet Market and Dock Stranss John II, 31 n Water 3 Strauss J W, 2nd bet Hanover and Brunswick 2 Stevenken George, 2nd cor Hanover m Lulirs Frederick, McRae cor Miller j" Thonias L P & Co, 6 s 2nd ao Tiatgen Iler.ry, 3rd cor Orange ff Tuncken George M, Castle cor 4tli rt Tetgen Herman, Church cor 4th O '■Tucker Wm, Campbell bet 5th and ijth ."^ Ulrich William, Front cor Church » YoUers Louis, 4S Market " Von der Vecht John, Walnut bet 2iid and :!rd 2 Wessell A D, 2nd bet Princess and M:irket g- Wessell Albert C, S s 2iul g Wessell Charles, 42 n Water S WEST & CO, 57 Market = ^Williams John W, Tth bet Mulberry and Walnut 2 Williamson Nathan, Mullae cor Bladen 5 AViiistead A S, Front cur Walnut e r Navassa Guano Co, office Water liet Princess and Chesiiut g G-uano Companies yO, office Water liet Print Gun and Locksmiths FoLe^' Charles II, Chesnut bet Front and Water 9 Hair (Human) Manufacturers Strock S S, Princess bet Front and 2nd 5 Halls f Brooklyn Market Hall, 4th cor Hanover * Masonie Hall, 57 Market « Odd-Felllows, 3rd opp City Hall m Hardware ? Dawson John, 21 Market <'The Bnleitrli Uose." >V. H. Morriss & Co., Mattresses, 3 Fayetteville Street. BUSINESS [ 224 ] DIRECTORY GILES & MURCIIISON, 38 noitli Front Jacobi N, 9 Market Peck George A, 15 b Front SB Hats and Caps m ae Harrison and Allen, 38 Market © Newman & Greenbero;, 14 Market 5 Hospitals 2 U S Marine, 8th bet Nun and Church I g Hotels ii9 (See also Boarding Houses.) •8 a Cape Fear House, Chesnut bet Front Jind Water S Clifl'ord House, Market bet 2nd and 3rd .5 Eureka House, 4 n Water ^ Farmers Hotel, Nutt bet Mulberry and Walnut ^ Manning House, 01 Market ^ National Hotel, Front bet Market and Princess i Pnreell House, Front bet Market and Princess « Hydraulic Engines S Dart W H & D M, Front but Dock and Orange Z Ice Dealers « Lippitt J E & Co, Water bet Dock and Orange B, Insurance Companies— Fire e eh :t ^tna of Hartford Conn, Front cor Princess 2 Amazon ot Cincinnati. Front cor Princess S Atlantic of N Y, Water cor Dock •* Atlas of Harttord Conn, Princess bet Front and 2d City Fire of Richmond, Front cor Princess Connecticut of Hartford Conn, Princess bet Front and 2ni Continental of N Y, Front cor Princess Farmville of Farmville Va, Water cor Princess Homothins new and delicious in the Cigar Line, For Cincinnati beer, go to .Tosej)h's. BUSINESS [ 225 ] DIRECTORY = —^^^^^= ^ ^ Firemans Fund of California, Water cor Princess ' German American, Princess bet Front and 2nd ■ Germania of N \', Front cor Princess g Hamburg and Bremen of Germany, Front cor Princess C Hanover of X Y, Front cor Princess »8 Hartford ot Hartford Conn, Front cor Princess 2 Imperial of London, Water cor Princess * Liverpool *.fe London & Globe, Princess bet Water & Front ^ Manhattan of New York, Water cor Princess Mercantile Mutnal of N Y, Front cor Princess ^ Merchants and Mechanics of Richmond, Front cor Princess- Xational of Hartford Conn, Front cor Princess §■ New Orleans of N O, Front cor Princess £ Niagara of New York, Water cor Dock % North British and Mercantile of London and Edenburgh, * Front cor Princess * North Carolina Home, Front cor Princess — Old Dominion of Richmond Va, Water cor Princess jr Old North State of Warrenton N C, Front cor Princess g Penn of Phila, Front cor Princess f* Phcenix of Brookl^m N Y, Front cor Princess « Queen of Liverpool and London, Front cor Princess m Virginia Home of Richmond Va, Front cor Princess s West Chester of New Rochelle, Front cor Princess s Wilmington Mutual, 3rd cor Orange j- Insurance Com-oanies— Fire and Marine ^' — w North America, Front cor Princess s Springfield, of Springfield Mass, Front cor Princess % 3 Insurance Companies— Life American, of Phila, Front cor Princess ^ Connecticut Mutual, ,,t' Conn, Front cor Princess r Manhattan, of N Y, Princess bet Front and 2nd jj Metropolitan, of N Y, Front cor Princess 9 Mutual Benefit, of Newark N J, Water cor Princess 2. North America Mutual, ot N Y, Front cor Princess North Carolina State, of Raleigh, Princess bet Front and 2nd Piedmont & Arlington, of Richmond Va, Front cor Princess Leopold's '•Raleig'li Rose " 21 W. H. Blori-iss & Co., Mattresses, 3 FayettcTillc Street. BUSINESS [ 226 ] DIRECTORY « Iron and Copper Works 8 g HART, BAILEY & CO, 17 9 Front OS •s Justices of the Peace 9 CASSIDEY J J, Princess bet Front and 2nfl ^ Gardner Thomas J, Princess bet 2nd and 3rd »" ■" Howe Antliony, Front bet Oransjc and Ann 5 McQuigt;- E II, "Princess bet 2nd and 3rd ^ *Moore Wni H, 5tli bet ]\Iulberry and Walnnt 5 Van Amriugc S, County Court House in * Jnnk Dealers « § Gillican & Co, Water betChcsnut and Mulberry h © La-wyers e (See also Notaries Public) 1 >, Cantwell Edward, Front cor Princsss .* Cutlar Du Brufz, Princess bet Front and 2nd § Davis Georj^e, Princess bet Front and 2nd ■S Davis Junius, Princess bet Front and 2nd 5 Devane W S & D J, Princess bet Water and Front « Empie A, Princess bet Front and 2d 1 GRAEME THOMAS, Princess bet Water and Front 9 Holmes John L, Princess bet 2d and 3d * London A T A: J, Princess bet Front and 2d 1 MEARS P, Market bet 2d and 3d a MARTIN E S, Market bet 2-1 and 3d 2 Russell D L, 2d cor Dock s STRANGE ROBERT, Market nr 3d ^ Waddell Alfred M, 3d bet Dock and Orange 3 Wright & Stedman, Front cor Princess e k3 Library Associations Wilmington Library Association, Masonic Hall . Leopold Bro's, make a specialty of line brands For Fine Cigars, go to Joseph's. BUSINESS [ 227 ] DIRECTORY „ SB Liglitermeii and Steam Tugs LE3IMERM\N .t CONEY, ft Market © Orrell J B, ft Market m Livery, Sale and Exchange Stables » Sr Gurrie S A, 2J cor Princess ^ *Scott Ben], Princess bet 3d and 4th ?> SOUTH ERL AND T J, 3d cor Princess "^ ft 9 Lumber Dealers « KIDDER E & SONS, ft Wrio;lit office Dock cor Water =' Nortiirop & Ciimmin;^, ft Castle g SB Machine "Works g Cape Fear Machine Works, Water cor Ann Machinists Supplies HART, BAILY & CO, 17 s Front Merchant Tailors Marble Works » WALKER JAMES, Front bet Princess and Chesnut '< Marine Railways 1 CASSIDEY BROS, foot Clnu-di » 89 Lafrenz J P, 2nd bet Market and Princess w Lynch William, Princess bet Water and Front McCormick Jatne?, Market bet Water and Front * WENZEL W F, G n Front T- or Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and smolcers notions. W. H. aiorriss & Co., Fnniiture, 3 Fayetlcvillc Street. BUSINESS [ 228 ] DIRECTORY Milliners Brown A D Mrs, s w cor Market and Front Lumsden E A Mrs, Front bet Princess and Chesnut Music and Musical Instrnments (^ Heinsberger Philip, 30 Market s H Naval Stores !» S VAN BOKKELEN A II, Water bet Princess and Chesnut >» Wilder & Morton, Nutt bet Hanover and Brunswick « Newspapers and Magazines u Journal, Princess bet Front and 2irI j^ Morninn; and Week!}' Star, Front bet Market and Princess S North Carolina Presbyterian, Front cur Princess ^ Post, (The) Princess bet Front and 2nd s a ' Notaries Public i CASSIDEY J J, Princess bet Front and 2nd « Hill James II, '\\"ater bet Chesnut and Mulberry C I Notions and Trimmings a S Fyfe Wm, b w cor Market and Front « NEWMAN & GREENBERG, 14 Market H Nurserymen, Seedsmen and Florists Lamb Geo P, fitli bet Princess and Chesnut Webb Kcziah, ]\Iarket bet 7th and Sth Painters— House and Sign Andrews Henry J, .'ith bet Bladen and Harnett Parker John A, 2nd bet Princess and Chesnut Leopold Bros., iiiaimfiictiircrs of 12 different brands of For Uuadultpratod Liquurs; go to Joscpii's. BUSINESS [ 229 ] DIRECTORY — .^-_^..=,.=^ ^ Paints, Oils and Varnislies JS Hancock &; Dagcrctt, 23 Market | Shepard J J, Princess bet Front and 2nd jj Paper Manufacturers 5 Morrice & Bailliere, foot Wright ^ Pliotograpliers P a, Sliisliiuanian George N, 45 Market g VanOrsdeil C M, St! Market | Yates C W, 3-i Market 3 S" Physicians » Anderson E A, Front cor Orange C. Bellamy W J II, Front bet Market and Dock 5, Berry William A, 5tli bet Market and Dock " COBB BENJAMIN F, Briucess nr 6tli ' Davis William E, Front cor Market ^ Davis W W, Front cor Market § DeRosset A J, 2nd nr Dock H. DeROSSET M J, 47 and 49 n Front s Freeman W E, Front bet Chosnut and Mulberry S Harriss W W, Front cor Market M Hines Frank, Front but Chesnut and Mnlberry ^ King J F, 3rd bet Piinccss and Chesnut "^ LANE Wm W, 4th cor Campbell S Love W J. Princess bet Front and 2nd 5 McDonald a D, 4tii bet Ilanover and W it W R R = MURPHY P L, Princess bet Front and 2nd o NORCOM II S, Princess bet 2nd and 3rd 2 Oberbraclit Herman, Dock eor Front "^ Schonwald J T, Princess i)et Front and 2iid ^ THOMAS G G, 4th cor ilarket » THOMAS W G, 4th cor Market w Walker J C, 2nd bet Princess and Clusnnt West George H, Front cor Market ? Winants Josiah E, 5th bet Orange utid Ann ft Cigars, 57 FaycttcviUc Street, Ralfisrh. N. C. 9 W. H. Moriiss & Co., Mattresses, 3 Faycttcville Street. « . — _ . « BUSINESS [ 230 ] DIRECTORY 5 Wood Thomas F, 45 Market » Wright Adam E, extreme north end 4th Pi « Pianos and Organs J EEUCKERT J F, 3rd cor Market I Plumbers, Steam and G-as-Fitters t DART W H & D M, Front bet Dock and Orange fa » Printers— Book and Job mm M ^ Bernard William II, Front bet Market and Princess a Engelhard & Saunders, Princess bet Front and 2ud © Hall S G, Princess bet Front and 2nd r Publishing Companies S North Carolina, Front cor Princess pa Railroad Companies J Carolina Central, office Front cor Princess, depot Nutt bet g Brunswick and Bladen § Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R R, depot Bladen cor ea McRae * Wilmington & Weldon, depots Bladen cor Harnett and § JS'utt cor Campbell *i « Restaurants fl Collins William M, Postoffice alley ;; DEUMELANDT AUGUST, 19 n Water 5 *Hill Joseph C, over 16 Market § Rice Mills w a Hilton Mill, Henry Savage prop 4tli nr Ashe e 1 Saddlers and Harnessmakers w •a Topham James S & Co, 8 s Front A « As sweet ns a Maiden's Dream, Leopold Brother's, For a good meal; go to Joscpli's. BUSINESS [:231 ] DIRECTORY ^^.^^^^^^-^^^.^^ ^ Sailmakers B (iriflith Jolin, Dock car AVatcr g Saloons JB M Ilreiner Jolin M, 2d bet Market and Princess » Colin George ¥, Water bet Dock and Orange 8» Fincken A C H, Princess cor 2d ft Ganzer Charles H, 5 s Front f* GERKEN W II, 13 n Front Gilbert I) J, -is Water « Ilaar John, Front bet i[arket and Dock Ilanseer Henry, 2d bet Market and Priiuc?^ flayer Tiionias E, Front bet Market imd Dock Neisen A M, 40 n Water Sasli, Doors and Blinds DYKES WILLIAM, foot Walnut fi. U Runge G il W, Front bet Market and Princess :: SCARBOROUGH ROBERT J, 16 s Water ^ Schroder John, Water bet Dock and Orange J Skip])ert Margaret A, Nntt cor Walnut « Speights Anna ilrs, JMulberry bet Water and Front ^ Tavlor A: Gray, 4 Market "^ VERANDAH SALOON, Josej)!) II Ncff 20 s Water | ^\'eb^) Harry, Front cor Princess p M Scliools, Seminaries. Academies, &c £ Academy of the Incarnation, 4tli cor Ann 2. ^American Mission School, 7th cor Nun J Bryan R II, otli bet Ann and Nun wi liurr & James Misses, Market bet 4th and "ith ■: Hart «fc Kennedy Misses, Svd bet Market and Piiriccss JS Ilomans Amy M, 4th cor Dock £ *McKenzie Alary E, fith bet Aim and Nun 2. MORRELLE DANIEL REV, Orange cor 5tii ff Murray Rebecca A, Market bet (Uh and 7th " *St Barnabas Episcopal, 5th cor Ilaruett Honest Cigars^ whose aroiiia and flavor is Hearenly. W. . H Moriiss & Co., Furiiitnre, 3 FayettcTille Street. BUSINESS [ 232 ] DIRECTORY St James Mission, Orange bet 8tli and 9th AVilliston Public School, 7th bet Ann and ]S'"un Wilmington Male and Female Seininarj, 2nd cor Chesnnt Saw and Planing Mills « CHADEOURN JAMES II & CO, Front nr Harnett f COLVILLE & CO, foot AVahmt *i. Cowan, E Kidder & Sons proprs foot Wright 2 Hilton Steam, O G Parsley Sr propr ith bet Bradley and * City limits 1 KIDDER EDWARD & SONS, Dock cor Water 2 Wilmington, foot Castle .2 Sewing Machine Companies ^ (See also Agents) s FLORENCE, Market bet 2d & 3d 2 Singer Mnfg Co, Market bet 2nd and 3rd ■2 Wheeler &: Wilson, Front nr Market 2 Ship Biiilders 5 Berry Benj W, foot Wooster ^ Berry W L, Eagle Island i *« Ship Carpenters I CASSIDEY & BROS, ft Church o Viiiv.s aiitl Liqiiurs, go to .luiscitirs. r.lTSINESS [ 233 ] DIllECTORY Steamship Companies S lialtiiiioi'o Steamsliip Companies, A J) Oazaux ai;t W'atci- J bet Cliesiint and Mullxii-ry S3 Cape Fear and Peoples Sleaniltoat Co, M'oith aiid AVortli R atfts Water cor Mulberry 3- R\[)ress Steamlioat Co, VVillianu it' Munriiison a^ts A\'ater * nr Market ^ New York and Wiliaintitoii Steamship Co, A 1) Cazaux J aj,'t Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry ^ l*hiladelii!iia and Sontliern Mail Steamship Co, Wortii ;ind £. Worth airts Water cor ^[ul berry K ft Stoves and Tinware » PA UKEU .Vr TAVU )p, J'.t s Front » Peek T l'\ Front Cor l)o<-k = T •s. Tailors a. (sec]Vrercii!iiit Taihirs) « Telegragli Companies s Western I'nion Teleirrapli ('o. Front Ijet Market iV Princess £• Theatres and Places of Amusement f- a Wiliiiinjjjton City Opera House, V. .1 Pennvpaekcr lessee " and nianairer Princess cor rid ]ip Saniiiel L, ord cor Pi-incess ? of the StatP— LeojioW Itrotliei-s. \\. 1[. Moriiss ii Co., Fiiviiilnre, iJ Fajeltoville Sti-ool. irjSIN ESS [ 234 ] DIRECT( J RY ,: Upholsterers ^ r ■ F Ziiiimci'itiMii i\r White, 2i:(l cor Princpiis 7. 'r- Watclimakers and Jewelers ■^ Allen J II, J: n Fnnit = Brown T W .V Sons, oT Market « Bnrt Lemuel li, Market, nr 2m(1 M, DingelhocfM J, 55 Market - Tlonnet (leorg-e, 53 IVIarkol % Koitthlv K 11': 3 B WRtt-r m Weigli:-rs and Guagers = Houston Jt M, Dock bet Water ami KnMit C Price Josetiii, Dock bet Water and !''i'ont t Wlieehvrights z iSeeaUo Fii.ichsmitli^. ) "» Ivellu^-i;- W J, Niiti iiel Walnill and Ili'd CroMS z s Wine and Liquor Dealers— Wliolesale I r.KlTNillLD U cV-r.IlO, Front bet Market and Dock 5 Wines and Liquors ^ ENNETT KDWAUi) L. 2nd l)et Market and Dock j FERNP.ERGER J it CO, 7 Market "■" Marens Ileruian, Frinct^-^s bet I'^ront and 2nd ^ MFLLERiV (IFRDTS, 2nd cor Market T Myers George, If) and 13 I'^ront S RUNGE G'll W. 2nd cor Market * SGITFTT GEORGE L, P.laden cor McRne ■« 3 Wood Dealers * Sinaletarv F (\ Ttli cor Red Cross Wood Monldings II ART, BAILEY & CO, 17 s Front .liCopold Itros., Maiinfacfiirors of Fine Ciarars Oiil.v. NORTH CAROLiHA. ssoo.ooo *--k'^~y-*- W.H.WILLARD, President. C. DEWEY, Casller. rao,C.BLAE,Ass'lWr. • — • MAKE COLLECTIOIfS In any Part of the Count?']/ at Low Rates. DIRECTORS: W H WILLARD, W. N. H. SMITH, R. S. TUCKER, A. S. MERRIMON, W- J. HAWKINS, W. G. UPCHURCH, U. M. CARTER, E. Gr.READE. Deposited for Security of Policy Holders $150,000 Authorized Capital: \ I TnTTnTl viflTDn ( ^^^i'^^^^^^ C^Pi^^= $2,000,000. fullllullljIdlUUl $500,000. Life Insurance Company, THOS. B. BAILEY, State Agent foril. G. Over Citizens'' Sank, Raleigh, jy.C.* Espss Steam Boat Co. /) //, M ISGToy AND FAYETTEVH^LE. Stm'r, D. Murchison, Capt. Qarrason. Stm'r, Wave, fbptr^obesoiT. {^"Steamers leave 'Wilinington at 2 o'clock, p. m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. ' ; t^"Leave Fayetteville Mondays, Tuesdays ftp4 Ttaradays and Fridays at ■> o'clock, A. SI. WILLIAMS & MUR:H1S0N, Ag'ts, Wilmington, N. C. ' J. D. WILUAMS & CO., Ag'ts, Fayetteville, N. C. 235 J. J. WOLFENDEN & CO . Wholesale Dealers in Flour Sknd Grain ^outh Front St., Corner Middle, NEWBERN, N. C. SouLtlx I^i^oiiLt Street, NEWBERN, N. C. SAMUBI^ R. STRESET, Proper. B. A. WATSOII, Hara;ctt St., one door East of Carolina House, RALEIGH, N. C ®~An kinds of REPAIRING- neatly ami promiitly executed, at niodenite rates. Old Hair Mattresses renovated and made as good as new, at low tignres. Constantly on hand all kinds of Bedstcnds and Mattresses, such as Shuck, Cotton and Shuck and Hair. Call and see me, as I am determined to .sell and work cheaper than the cheapest. Ji..t. WATSON, lialeif/fi. y. C lEHIOXJSE!, > Sip aM OrmeiM Piter HARtJETT STREET, NEAR AVIEMIXGTON, RALEIGH, N. C. Glazing Promptly attciuled to. All work executed with neat- 236 ne.ss and di.spatcli. Ordcr.s solicited. ' .lll'«'fS 11^ !^ mmi, mmm 1 1, "D Book Binders, 53 Fayetteville Street^ RALEIGH, N. C. .Ill Kinds of Printing and Binding done at Short Motice. •237 GEOiiG E WELCH, Arcliltecl, ffai le mMm, CM alte. N. C, D. J.Hartsook, Prec'*. B. C. Wherry, Jr., Sec'y. 0. P. Weisiger, Jr., Ass't Sec'y. FIKH. - MARINE. ™ Virginia Home Office in Company's Building, NO. 1014 MAIN STREET, ASA SNYDER. WARREN MOORE. ARCHITECTURAL IHON woniss, ASA SItfYDKR & GO., Prop's^ 'ITos. 1008, 1010, 1012 and 1014 Gary St., RICHMOND, VA. BENJ. H. NASH, President. B. C. WHEKKY. Sec'y. OLO aOMII^EOlf INSURANCE COMPANY R,iOH:is-i:oKriD, v^. Ca^""- Assets, OA-er - - S800,000 A Deposit of §10,000 in North Carolina. LAWRENCE & WINSTON, Gen. Agents, RALEIGH, N. C. •-trt trra c=3 crta H-3 « — ' ' — ' *rri ^ trd ^ -3 CO I ' jcro ■9 NORFOLK, VA. ^XGHANGE HOTEL AND BALLARD HOUSE, RICHMOND, VA. ^ J. C. GARRUVCTOUT;, Prop^'r^ 1=3 P=3 i30 cro Book Bindery, Juo. Armstrong', Raleigh.