'd^K^j=^' .'fi)" k\''' ' - FOR \ ^-;:rD ^^ jii' 4.. fi^rltou &■ porter. ^-Jl* €nxlton tf ^axttx. tINDAY-SCHOOL UNION, 200 MULBKRBY- STSEBT, NKW-YORK. •>76th Thousand. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, BY CARLTON & PHILLIPS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New- York. PREFACE. Great care has been taken in the com- pilation of this Hymn-Book. The object has been to make it as perfect as the pres- ent state of Sunday-school hymnology will admit. It has been chiefly compiled from a very large collection of the best Sunday- school hymn-books, published both in this country and Great Britain. Some original hymns have been inserted. Credits of authorship have been given in the index, in aU cases where it could be ascertained with certainty to whom they were due. The arrangement is strictly practical, and will enable superintendents and others to find hymns suited to almost any occa- sion, with the least possible delay. For the information of all concerned it should be stated, that this book contains all the Sunday-school hymns now to be found in our standard Church Hymn-Book cii'id Supplement; also a selection of more than one hundred of the best standard de- votional hymns, reprinted from the Church Hymn-Book. Beyond this, the hymns are from other and numerous sources. The collection, as a whole, will be found to provide amply for all proper Sunday- school purposes, even in the largest schools, and it is published in the confident hope of its being widely useful. New- York, August^ 1854, ARRANGEMENT OF TOPICS. Opening T The Lord's Day &i The Sunday School 4T Infant Classes and Young Children 71 {Invitations and Warnings . . 105 Motives to 114 Blessings of 122 Privileges and Duties of the Young 129 Youth 146 '.Prayer and Praise 153 Tlie Sinner. 164 The Penitent 171 The Saviour laS The Convert l&I Christian Experience 193 Family Worship 200 ^ Private and Social Worship. 203 The Bible >.,.. 228 Missions o oo . 235 Anniversaries . , , , 243 ' Dedications o. . 2T1 Temperance , » . ». 274 Thanksgiving , o . . . 27vO 'ives, and from his throne above Eternal life bestows. 6 May we improve our Sabbaths more, And thus for heaven prepare ; That .we may spend, when life is o'er, An endless Sabbath there. 38 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 62 I'M- The Da/y of Rest. OFOR a sweet, a holy calm, To rest upon my soul to-day ; That sacred peace, which, like a balm, The pains of care can take away ! 2 From the long labor of the week, The toil of spirits ill at ease ; Gladly would I refreshment seek. In such delightful scenes as these. 3 The Christian Sabbath is design'd A holy rest, to mortals giv'n ; The prospect mountain of the mind. Whence it may view the rest of heaven. 4 Come, heavenly Spirit ; light and peace. And every holy gift are thine ; Grant me this day thy rich increase, And with new kindled glory shine. g3 5th P. M. Klines Is, Sabhafli-Day Worshvjo. LORD, my spirit humbly waits Thy refreshing grace to-day ; From thy temple's opening gates Send me not unbless'd away. 2 May thy Spirit with thy Word, On my heart descend and rest ; Naught in vain be read or heard, All by thee applied and blest. 3 May my prayers with fervor gloW; May my praise rejoicing soar ; May my heart with love o'erflow, And with holy joy adore. 4 When this Sabbath shall depart, May it pass in peace away ; Let me say with grateful heart, , " God has bless'd my soul to-day- THE LORD'S DAY. 39 64 C.M. Simday 3forning. rpHIS is the day, the happy day, JL Which God himself hath bless'd, That we from earthly thoughts and cares Awhile may calmly rest ; And learn the peaceful way that leads To holiness and heaven, And hear those gracious promises Which God hath richly given. 2 This is the day, the happy day, When Christ our Saviour rose A mighty conqueror from the grave, Victorious o'er his foes ; And now for us he intercedes Before the throne above ; And we, with glad and grateful hearts. Will praise him for his love. G5 c.M. The Same. THIS is the day, the happy day, When heavenly voices call Our ruined race to worship God, And at his footstool fall. And little children too may kneel Within the house of prayer ; For Jesus bids such little ones His grace and goodness share. 2 This is the day, the happy day, Type of the perfect rest. Reserved for those who shall attain The mansions of the blest. O Saviour ! grant that when at last Our earthly Sabbaths close. We all may reach that blissful land Of glory and repose. 40 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 66 L. M. Joy in tlie Sabhaih. WELCOME, sweet morn, we hail with joy Thy holy light, thy blest employ ; And come, a little favor'd band. One sacred hour with Christ to spend. 2 Our youthful hearts would humbly pray That he will bless our school to-day ; To him our joyful notes of praise With one united voice we raiee. 3 An offering to our heavenly .ling Of glad hosannas now we bring '^ And hope at last in his embrace. Secure from sin, to find a place. 4 O it shall be our constant prayer. That we may here his blessings share ; Then go and live at Christ's right hand, A joyful, happy, favor'd band. 67 L.M. In the Sanctuary. FAR from my thoughts, vain world, begone ; Let my religious hours alone : Fain would mine eyes my Saviour see; 1 wait a visit. Lord, from thee. 2 O warm my heart with holy fire, And kindle there a pure desire : Come, sacred Spirit, from above. And fill my soul with heavenly love^ 3 Blest Saviour, what delicious fare' How sweet thine entertainments are \ Never did angels taste above Redeeming grace and dying love. 4 Hail, great Immanuel, all divine 1 In thee thy Father's glories shine ; Thy glorious name shall be adored,^ And every tongue confess thee LorcL THE LORD'S DAY. 41 (5 g 5th P. M. 4 lines 7s. Wdeorn^^ Day of Beat. WELCOME, welcome, day of rest, To the world in kindness given ; Welcome to this humble breast, As the beaming light from heaven. 2 Day of soft and sweet repose. Gently now thy moments run. As the peaceful streamlet flows, Radiant with a summer's sun. 3 Day of tidings from the skies, Day of solemn praise and prayer, Day to make the simple wise, O how great thy blessings are ! 4 Welcome, welcome, day of rest, With thy influence all divine ; May thy hallow'd hours be blest To this feeble heart of mine. g9 5th P. M.. 4. lines Is, The Everlasting Sdbhath. SOON will set the Sabbath sun. Soon the sacred day be gone ; But a sweeter rest remains. Where the glorious Saviour reigns. 2 Pleasant are the songs we raise ; Full of joy our notes of praise ; But a music sweeter far Breathes where angel spirits are. 3 Shall we ever rise to dwell 'Where immortal praises swell? And can children ever go Where eternal Sabbaths glow ? 4 Yes : — that rest our own may be ; All the good shall Jesus see ; For the good a rest remains. Where the glorious Saviour reigns. 42 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 70 L.M. Morning Jlyrmi. AGAIN returns the Sabbath day, Another week has pass'd away ; . Again we meet to serve the Lord, To sing his love, and read his Word. 2 Before our God let us appear With reverence and with holy fear ; Let every knee before him bend, Our Judge, our Saviour, and our Friend. 3 Let our united voices rise In songs of praises to the skies ; To him who hears our humble cry, And sees us with a Father's eye. 7 J 27th P. M. 4 Zzwes lis. IIoio sweet is tJie Sahhath. HOW sweet is the Sabbath, the morning cf rest, The day of the week which I ought to love best ; The morning the Saviour arose from the tomb, And took from the grave all its terror and gloom. 2 O let me be thoughtful and prayerful to-day, And not spend a moment in trifling or play ; Rememb'ring these seasons were graciously given To teach me to seek, and prepare me fc*, heaven, 3 In the house of myGod, in his presence and fear, While I worship to-day may my heart be sincere ; In the school while I learn, may I listen with care. And be grateful to those who watch over me there. 4 Instruct me, my Saviour ; for thine would I be, Nor am I too young to be noticed by thee ; Renew all my heart, keep me firm in thy ways, I would love thee, and serve thee, and give thee the praise. THE LORD'S DAY. 43 72 ^■^- Delight in Ordinances. WELCOME, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise : Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes ! 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day ; Here we may sit, and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray. 3 One day in such a place, Where thou, my God, art seen. Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin. 4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this. And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. 7 3 5th P. M. 4 lines 7s. Life and Immortality 'brought to LigM. DAY of God ! thou blessed day. At thy dawn the grave gave way To the power of Him within, Who had, sinless, bled for sin. 2 Thine the radiance to illume First, for m?n, the dismal tomb. When its bars their weakness own'd, There revealing death dethroned. 3 Then the Sun of righteousness Rose, a darken'd w^orld to bless, Bringing up from mortal night Immortality and light. 4 Day of glory, day of power. Sacred be thine every hour, — Emblem, earnest, of the rest That remaineth for the blest. 44 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 74 CM. Love for GocPs Day and Rouse. T LOVE the blessed Sabbath-day, 1 Which God has kindly given ; When we may meet to praise and pray, And learn the way to heaven : It leads our youthful thoughts to Him Who reigns in light above ; And makes the joys of earth grow dim, While musing on his love. 2 I love to hear that Jesus died, And how he rose again ; Exalted at his Father's side, A Saviour-prince to reign. To him the pure angelic throng Raise their seraphic strain ; And yet a child's thanksgiving song His list'ning ear may gain. 3 I love to sing on earth his grace To fallen, sinful man ; But, when in glory, him I 'U praise More than the angels can. Then will we sing in louder strain, Through all eternity. Worthy the Lamb that once was slain, To him all glory be. 75 L.M. The Holy Sallath, THIS day belongs to God alone ; He chose the Sabbath for his own ; And we must neither work nor play. Because it is God's holy day. 2 'Tis well to have one day in seven. That we may learn the way to heaven ; Then let us spend it as we should, In serving God and growing good. LORD'S DAT. 45 3 We ought, to-day, to learn and seek What we may think of all the week ; And be the better every day, For what we hear our teachers say. 4 And every Sabbath should be passM, As if we knew it were our last : What would the dying sinner give To have one Sabbath more to live ! 76 L.M. The Bay ofMest. THIS is the day the Lord hath blest, The day to us in mercy given ; The holy Sabbath of his rest. The pledge and type of rest in heaven. 2 Lord, in thy praises we would join ; To thee devote this sacred day ; Our earthly cares and thoughts resign ; Look up to heaven, and learn the way. 3 May we by every Sabbath grow In grace, humility, and love ; And thus thy holy rest below Shall fit us for thy rest above. 77 ■ 5th P. M. 4 lines Ts. Blessedness of the Sabhaih. LET the Sabbath day be blest. Day of joy and day of rest ; Songs of praise ascend on high, Hallelujahs fill the sky. 2 Let the Sabbath day be blest, Day of joy and day of rest ; Humble prayer to God ascend, God our Father and our Friend. 3 Let the Sabbath day be blest, Day of joy and day of rest ; Gladly hear his holy Word, Gladly learn the way to God. 46 STJNDAT-SCHOOL HTMX3. 78 ^- ^'J- The Joys of the Sabdath. SWEET is the work, my God, my King, To praise thy name, give thanlvs, and sing ; To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth by night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest ; No mortal cares shall seize my breast; O may my heart in tune be found. Like David's harp of solemn sound. 3 When grace has purified my heart, Then I shall share a glorious part : And fresh supplies of joy be shed. Like holy oil to cheer my head. 4 Then shall I see, and hear, and know All I desired or wish'd below ; And every power find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy. 79 L.M. Pledge of Endless Best. T)ETURN, my soul, enjoy thy rest ; -.It Improve the day thy God hath blest : Another six days' work is done ; Another Sabbath is begun. 2 O that our thoughts and thanks may rise, As grateful incense to the skies ; And draw from Christ 1>hat sweet repose. Which none but he that feels it knows. 3 This heavenly calm within the breast, Is the dear ])ledge of glorious rest, Which for the Church of God reraams, The end of cares, the end of pains. 4 In holy duties, let the day, In holy comforts, pass away ; How sweet, a Sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 80 . cm: The Sdblafh School. SWEET Sabbath school, place dear to me, Where'er through life I roam, My heart will often turn to thee, My childhood's Sabbath home. 2 Within thy courts of Him I 've heard Whose birth the angels simg, When o'er the shepherds fill'd with fear, The star of glory hung. 3 O holy place ! where first we shed The penitential tear ; Where youthful steps are taugh'- to tread In paths of peace and prayer. 4 When all our wand'rings here shall cease, And cares of life shall end, In God's eternal Sabbath place May we our anthems blend. 81 CM The Teacher's Ohject. A TTRACTED by love's sacred force, 1\. Like planets to the sun. Though different spheres may mark our course, Our center is but one. 2 As teachers of the young we meet-; Our object is the same : To lead them to the Saviour's feet, And praise his glorious name. 3 We meet to strengthen and unite Our hearts in this employ : O may our work be our delight, A crown of future joy ! 48 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 82 S.M. A Recucrnih/ Place. I LOVE the Sabbath school, Where happy children meet ; Where rich and poor alijie may come; And sit at Jesus' feet. 2 I love the Sabbath school, Where children learn to pray. And hear about the world to come, And Jesus Christ, the Way. 3 I love the Sabbath school ; It is a heav'nly place ! For there the youthful heart may learn To seek the Saviour's face. 4 I love the Sabbath school, And Him v^ho bought for me This sweet, this precious means of grace, And gives the blessing free ! 83 c.M. Love for the Swaday School. I LOVE the Sabbath school — the place My youthful feet have trod ; Where I have heard of wisdom's ways, That lead to peace and God. 2 I love the Sabbath school — 't is there The praise of God we sing ; 'T is there we bow the knee in prayer To God, our heavenly King. 3 I love the Sabbath school — where we The Holy Bible read, * Which tells of Christ, who came to be A Saviour in our need. 4 O that, when life's few cares are past, Our teachers we may meet Upon the blissful plains, and cast Our crowns at Jesus' feet. NDAY SCHOOL. ^U 84 CM. The Christian Child. BY cool Siloam's shady rill How sweet the lily grows ! How sweet the breath, beneath the hill, Of Sharon's dewy rose ! 2 Lo ! such the child whose early feet The paths of peace have trod — Whose secret heart, with influence sweet, Is upward drawn to God. 3 By cool Siloam's shady rill The lily must decay ; The rose that blooms beneath the hill Must shortly fade away. 4 And soon, too soon, the wintry hour Of man's maturer age Will shake the soul with sorrow's powei, And stormy passion's rage. 5 O Thou who givest life and breath. We seek thy grace alone. In childhood, manhood, age, and death, To keep us still thine own. 85 L-M- Sunday-School Teachers' Prayer. MAY we who teach the rising race Be fill'd, O Lord, with every grace ; And may thy Spirit from above Descend and bless our work of love. 2 Thy grace to those we teach impart : O Lord, renew each youthful heart : Help them from every sin to flee, A^eak, and erring, The God who dwells in light. Will hear a child preferring His praises, with delight ; Will stoop from heaven to listen When children to him cry. And mark the tears that glisten In every weeping eye. 2 The Saviour has invited The youngest to his love. And deigns to smile delighted Upon them from above. Thus may we in life's morni»^ Dear Saviour, come to ih^e ; And heed the solemn warning, From sin and wrath to flee. 76 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 134 c.M. Coining to Jesus. LOVER of little children, tliee, O Jesus, Vn^c adore : Our kind and loving Saviour be, Both now and evermore. 2 O take us, Saviour, to thine arms, And v^e are truly blest : Thy new-born babes are safe from harms, While shelter'd on thy breast. 3 Still, as we grow in years, in grace And wisdom let us grow ; But never leave thy dear embrace, And never evil know. 4 Strong let us in thy grace abide ; But, ignorant of ill. In malice, subtilty, and pride, Let us be children still. 5 Lover of little children, thee, O Jesus, we adore : Our kind and loving Saviour be Both now and evermore. 135 5th P. M. 4: lines Is. Prayer for Gm€,e. TESUS, let a little child fj Humbly supplicate thy throne ; Speak to me in accents mild, O thou great and holy One ! 2 Fill my youthful heart with grace, Make it thy beloved abode ; Show thy reconciling face, O my Father and my God ! 3 May. I early learn thy ways, Early know thy power and love ; Then devote to thee my days, Till 1 am removed above. INflNT CLASSES. V7 J^ 3 g P.M. 65, 65. God is good. MORN amid the mountains, Lovely solitude, Gushing streams and fountains, Murmur — God is good. 2 Now the gl^d sun, breaking, Pours a golden flood : Deepest vales awaking. Echo — God is good. 3 Hymns of praise are ringing Through the leafy wood : Songsters, sweetly singing. Warble — God is good. 4 Wake, and join the chorus, Man, with soul endued : He whose smile is o'er us, God, our God, is good. 137 s.M. On 3leeJcness and Love. DEAR Saviour, to a child A lamblike temper give •, And daily, hourly, grace bestow. In j:y and peace to live. 2 It was thine own command That we should others love, And ever give thee thanks, as do Thy holy ones above. 3 By nature prone to ill. Do thou our hearts renew; And take each sinful thought away, And all self-will subdue. 4 Thy lowly mind impart, The spirit like a dove ; And daily may we learn of thee, As thou hast loved, to love. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. J[3g P. M. 76, 76, 76, 76. Prayer for Instruction. LOVER of a little child, O hear my humble prayer ; Make me teachable and mild, And free from guile and care. 1 am ignorant and weak, 1 nothing have or am ; But my Shepherd came to seek And save an erring lamb. 2 Day by day I learn of thee Sweet lessons of thy love ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to me, Although he reigns above. Saviour! may I hearken still And heed thy gentle voice, Bidding me obey thy will, And in thy name rejoice. 3 When kind teachers speak to me, Dear Saviour, of thy love. May I listen as to thee Thus speaking from above : Thou canst find a tongue to speak To little children here, And we only need to seek The' obedient list'ning ear. J 39 10th P. M. 4 Zme5 8s. Little Child's Prayer. OMAKE me a very good child, My Father in heaven, I ask : Ne'er let me be careless or wild, Or consider my lessons a task. 2 I '11 do what my teachers direct — My gratitude show for their care. By treating their rules with respect, And walking each day in thy feaf„ INFANT CLASSES. 79 140 P-M- Infant Praise and Prayer. HELP me to praise thy name While I am young; Let me thy truth proclaim With my infant tongue : Angels from the skies Will look down with gladsome eyes, . When thy praises rise, By mfants sung. 2 Ke6p us in peace and joy Through childhood's days ; Help each little girl and boy To walk in thy ways : So shall we be free From the thorns of misery ; Heaven our home shall be, Thine all the praise. 141 CM. Exposures of Children. mHOSE children, who are all the day X AUow'd to wander out, And only waste their time in play, Or running wild about ; 2 Who do not any %chool attend, ^ But trifle as they will ; Are almost certain in the end ^ To come to something ill. 3 There 's nothing worse than idleness To lead them into sin : 'TIS sure to end in wretchedness, In poverty and pain. 4 Sometimes they learn to lie and cheat, Sometimes to steal and swear ; So vile the lessons in the street, For idle children are. # 80 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. J 4 2 p. M. 7G, 76, IP, 76, Evening Hymn. NOW the g(/]den beams of day Jn the west are fadirxg, Evening tints of sober gray- Fairest scenes are shading; Sweet repose on all around Silently is stealing; Hush'd is every busy sound, Soften'd every feeling. 2 Glad to thee our song ascends, Gratitude expressing, For our health, and home, and friends. And each varied blessing. Lord, thy love we still would share, As the day is closing ; Guard us with thy gentle care While we are reposing. 3 Let our slumber, calm and light, Free from care and sorrow, Make us feel all fresh and bright When we wake to-morrow ; And in radiant worlds above Where night cometh never, Where the Saviour reigns in love May we dwdll forever. J43 P.M. 64,64, 67,64, The ITappy Land. THERE is a happy land, Far, far away, — Where saints in glory stand, Bright, bright as day : O how they sweetly sing, — Worthy is our Saviour King; Loud let his praises ring Fgrever more. INFANT CLASSES. 81 2 -Come to this happy land, Come, come away ; Why will ye doubting stand ? Why still delay? O we shall happy be, When, from sin and sorrow free. Lord, we shall live with thee, Blest evermore. 3 Bright, in that happy land, Beams every eye ; Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die. O, then, to glory run; Be a crown and kingdom won; And bright above the sun, Reign evermore. 14zj. p. M. 86, 86, 88, 83. Children pimising Jesus. ALMIGHTY Lord, with joy to thee Our infant voices rise ; Accept, O God, our feeble praise And humble sacrifice. Glory, honor, praise, and power, Be unto the Lamb forever: Jesus Christ i^ur Redeemer : Hallelujah ' praise ye the Lord? 2 We glorify, we bless thy name,# Fot all thy mercies given ; But most for Jesus Christ, who died To raise our souls to heaven. Glory, honor, &c. 3 O bless the Lord, our gracious God, Whose mercies thus we prove : Who bids the infant tongue proclaim The wonders of his love. Glory, honor, &;p. 6 82 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 145 8th p. M. 87, 87, 47, Praise to the Saviour. LORD, with grateful hearts before th?e, We thy little children meet, For thy goodness to adore thee, And thy praises to repeat. Saviour, hear us ! Hear us from thy' mercy-seat. 2 For thy bounteous gifts we praise thee— Life, and peace, and friends, and home; Yet a nobler song w^e'll raise thee, Since thou didst from glory come, And didst freely Suffer in the sinner's room. 3 Wherefore, Lord of earth and heaven, We thy little flock would be ; Unto us thy grace be given, Teach us how to follow thee, And for refuge To the Rock of Ages flee, 14(5 - 13th P.M. 10, 10, 13, U. Praise to Jesus. LET children procl^m their Saviour and King ; »To Jesus's name^osannas we sing : Our best adoration to Jesus we give. Who ptirchased salvation that we may receive. 2 The meek Lamb of God from heaven came down. To ransom with blood and make us his own ; He patiently suffer'd, our souls to redeem ; Let songs then be ofifer'd to Jesus's name. 3 To him let us give our earliest days, And thankfully live to publish his praise : Our lives shall confess him who came from above ; Our tongues ever bless him, and tell of his love. INFANT CLASSES. 83 147 L. M. Child's Tliouglits of God. WHEN I look up to yonder sky, So pure, so bright, so wondrous high, 1 think of One I cannot see. But One who sees and cares for me. 2 His name is God ! he gave me birth ; And every living thing on earth. And every tree and plant that grows To the same hand its being owes. 3 'Tis he my daily food provides, And all that I require besides ; And when I close my slumb'ring eye, 1 sleep in peace, for he is nigh. 4 Then surely I should ever love This gracious God who reigns above ; For very kind indeed is he To love a little child like me. 148 c.M. God sses, hears, and knoics Me. GOD is in heaven — can he hear A feeble prayer like mine ? Yes, little child — thou need'st not fear : He will attend to thine. 2 God is in heaven — can he see When 1 am doing wrong? Yes, that he can — he looks at thee All day and all night long. 3 God is in heaven — would he know If I should tell a lie ? Yes, if thou said'st it very low, He'd hear it in the sky. 4 God is in heaven — can I go To^hank him for his care ? Not yet — but love him here below, And thou shalt praise him there.. 84 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. ]^49 8th p. M. 87, 87, 47. Children's Worship, LORD, a little band and lowly, We are come to sing of thee ; Thou art great, and high, and holy ; O how solemn we should be. May thy Spirit Teach us how to worship thee. . 2 Fill our hearts with thoughts of Jesus, And of heaven, where he is gone ; And let nothing ever please us He would grieve to look upon. May we ever Live to him, and him alone. 3 Heavenly Father, thou hast told us What thou'd have us be and do ; Thou dost evermore behold us. And dost search us through and through. Thoughts unholy " Thou dost weigh, and actions too. 4 May our sins be all forgiven. Make us fear whate'er is wrong ; Lead us in the way to heaven. There to sing a nobler song. Praise and glory ' To the Lc.vi our God belong. 150 L. M The Penitent Child. LORD, I have dared to disobey My friends on earth, and thee in heaven : O help me now to come and pray. For Jesus' sake, to be forgiven. 2 I cannot say I did not know. For I 've been taught thy holy will ; And while my conscience told me s