GOSPEL HYMNS — AMD Sacred Songs. (WOUDS ONLY.) P. P. BLISS § IRA D SANKEY, At 17SBB BY TKXU EH Gospel Meetings. BACK HYMN IN THIS BOOK IS IDKKTTCAL WITH THE SAME NUMBER IN THB TUNB BOOK ENTITLED "GOSPEI1 HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS." PUBLISHBd BV Biglow & Main, 70 East Sinth Stmt, Sew Terk. 81 Rudolph Street, Chicago. John Church & Co, 66 Weif Fourth St., Cincinnati. Root k Son's Music Co., Chicago. May be Ordered of Booksellers ond Musf a Dealers. Prio# $6 par 100 oopie*. 8 oe * v v ^ i~ GOSPEL HYMNS AND Sacred Songs, (words only.) BY P. P. BLISS § IRA D. SANKEY,- AS USED BY THKM IK Gospel Meetings. BACH HYMN IN THIS BOOK IS IDENTICAL WITH THE SAME NUMBER IN THE TUNE BOOK ENTITLED •'GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS/' 5»UBL.!SMEO IB V Biglow & Main, John Church & Co* n East Ninth Street, New York. 66 West Fourth St., Cincinnati. SI Randolph gtfeet, Chicago. Root & Son's Basic Co., Chicago, ®ay be Oir&erod of BeoSEsaSeirs &n& Ma*i* B««len. [€®pjf!gM 1875, by Blgtim & Main, m& John Church & Co.] PREFACE. This Collection of Gospel Hymns an© CACHED Songs, has been compiled with great care, and is believed to contain the most use- ful and popular pieces to be found in the whole library of Christian Song. A large number of the Hymns were used in the late Special Services in Great Britain* and it is hoped that a like blessing will accom- pany the use of them in this land, together with the new hymns found in this collection. ff gf No one 'will be allowed to print or publish an^ <§ftk* Copyrighted Hymns or tunes contained in this Beeky without the written permission oft&e Publishers, B I GLOW b* MAIN, JOMN" CHURCH CO. GOSPEL HYMNS AND Sacred Songs, NO. 1 . Fwnt—G' 8- Songs, page 8. ALL people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tel! 9 Come ye before Him and rejoice. 2 Know that the Lord is God indeed ; Without our aid He did us make : We are His flock, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take. 3 O enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts untoj Pra-ise, laud, and bless His name alwayg ? For it is seemly so to do. t For why ? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. DOXOLOGY. L. M. Praise God, from whom all blessings iow s Praise Him, all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost 4 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. g Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 4. ^^IS the promise of God, fall salvation to give X Unto him who on Jesus his Son, will believe. Halleluiah, 'tis done S I beHeve on the Son ; I am saved by the Wood of the crucified One. 2 Though the pathway be lonely, and dangerous too 4 Surely Jesus is able to carry me through. 3 Many loved ones have I in yon heavenly throng, They are safe now in glory, and this is their song: 4 Little children I see standing close by their King, And He smiles as their song of salvation they sing*. 5 There are prophets and kings in that throng I be- hold, And they sing as they march through the streets ©4 pure gold : 6 There's a part in that chorus for you and for me, And the theme of our praises forever will be— 3» Tune—G. H. & S, Songs, page 5. I NEED Thee every hour, Most gracious Lord ; No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford. Ebf.— I need Thee, oh ! I need Thoe> Every hour I need Thee : O bless me now, my Saviocopw I come to Thee. 2 I need Thee every hour , 4 Stay Thou near by ; Temptations lose their powe^ When Thou art nigh. 3 I need Thee every hour, In joy or pain ; Come quickly and abide 9 Or life is vain. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED 4 I need Thee every hour: Teach me Thy will ; And Thy rich promises In me fulfil. 5 I need Thee every houi, Most Holy One ; Oh, make me Thine iiafl&ed, Thou blessed Son. Tune — G. H. & S. Songs, page 9. SAFE in the arme of Jesus, Safe on His gentle ?jreast, There by His love o'ersbaded, Sweetly my so^l shall rest. Hark ! 'tis the voke of angels, Borne in a song to me, Over the fields of glory, Over the jasper sea. Cho. — Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast, There by His love o'ershaded^ Sweetly my soul shall rest, 2 Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe from corroding care, Safe from the world's temptations Sin cannot harm me there. Free from the blight of sorrow, Free from my doubts and fears ; Only a few more trials, Only a few more tears ! 3 Jesus, my heart's dear refuge Jesus has died for me ; Firm on the Rock of Ages Ever my trust shall be. Here let me wait with patience, 'Wait till the night is o'er; Wait till I see the morning Break on the golden shore. Q GOSPEL HYMJSTS AND SACRED SONGS. 5„ Tune—G. H. <& S. Songs, page 7. IN some way or other the Lord will provide : It may not be my way, It may not be thy way ; And yet, in His own way, " The Lord will provide." Cho. — Then, we'll trust in the Lord, And He will provide ; Yes, we'll trust in the Lord, And He will provide. 2 At some time or other the Lord will provide : It may not be my time, It may not be thy time ; And yet, in His own time, " The Lord will provide." 3 Despond then no longer: the Lord will provide ; And this be the token — No word He hath spoken Was ever yet broken : " The Lord will provide." 4 March on then right boldly ; the sea shall divide ; The pathway made glorious, With shoutings victorious, We'll join in the chorus, " The Lord will provide." ©. Tune—G. II. & S. Songs, page 8. THERE were ninety and nine that safely lay In the shelter of the fold, But one was out on the hills away, Par off from the gates of gold — Away on the mountains wild and bare, Away from the tender Shepherd's care. 2 " Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine : Are thev not enough for Thee?" But the Shepherd made answer : " 'Tie of mine GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 7 Has wandered away from me : And although the road be rough and steep I go to the desert to find my sheep." 3 But none of the ransomed ever knew How deep were the waters crossed ; [through Nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed Ere He found His sheep that was lost. Out in the desert He heard its cry — Sick and helpless, and ready to die. 4 u Lord, whence are those blood-drops all the way That mark out the mountain's track ?" " They were shed for one who had gone astray Ere the Shepherd could bring him back." " Lord, whence are Thy hands so rent and torn ?" u They are pierced to-night by many a thorn." 5 But all through the mountains, thunder-riven, And up from the rocky steep, There rose a cry to the gate of heaven, "Rejoice ! I have found my sheep !" And the angels echoed around the throne, " Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own V 7. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 9. TTTE shall meet beyond the river, vv By and by, by and by ; And the darkness shall be over, By and by, by and by ; With the toilsome journey done, And the glorious battle won, . We shall shine forth as the sun, By and by, by and by. 2 We shall strike the harps of glory „ By and by, by and by ; We shall sing redemption's story s By and by, by and by ; GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS, And the strains for evermore Shall resound in sweetness o'er Yonder everlasting shore, By and by, by and by. 3 We shall see and be like Jesus, By and by, by and by ; Who a crown of life will give us By and by, by and by ; And the angels who fulfil All the mandates of His will Shall attend, and love us still, By and by, by and by. 4 There our tears shall ail cease flowing, By and by, by and by ; And with sweetest rapture knowing, By and by, by and by ; All the blest ones, who have gone To the land of life and song, — We with shoutings shall rejoin, By and by, by and by. 8. Tune—G. R. d S. Songs, page 10. WHAT means this eager, anxious throng. Which moves with busy haste along— These wondrous gatherings day by day? What means this strange commotion, pray 1 j|: In accents hush'd the throng reply: " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." :|| 2 Who is this Jesus ? Why should He The city move so mightily ? A passing stranger, has He skill To move the multitude at will 1 |j: Again the stirring notes reply : " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." : jj 3 Jesus ! 'tis He who once below Man's pathway trod, 'mid pain and woe ; And burdened ones, where'er He came, &§8Pm MYMMS AND SACRED SONGS. Brought out their sick, and deaf, and Ume, |:The Blind rejoiced to near the cry : " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." :J 4 Again He comes ! From place to place His holy footprints we can trace. He pauseth at our throshold — nay, He enters — condescends to stay. | : Shall we not gladly raise the cry — u Jesus of Nazareth passeth by i" :| 6 Ho ! all ye heavy-laden, come : Here's pardon, comfort, rest, and home. Ye wanderers from a Father's race, Return, accept His proffered grace. |:Ye tempted ones, there's refuge nigh s " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." :| 6 But if you still this call refuse, And all His wondrous love abuse, Soon will He sadly from you turn, Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn. |: 4< Too late ! too late t" will be the cry— " Jesus of Nazareth has pass&d by," if Tune—G. II. <& S. Songs, page 11. THIS loving Saviour Stands patiently ; Though oft rejected:, Calls again for thee. Ghq. — Calling now for thee, prodigal f Calling now for thee ; Thou hast wandered far away, But He's calling now for the& 2 Oh, boundless mercy, Free, free to all ! Stay, child of error, Efceed the tender call. U Though all unworthy, Come, now, come home— Say, while he's waiting, " Jesus, dear, I come," 20 GQSPBL HYMNS AND SACRED SONG&* 10. Tune- -G. H. & S. Songs, page 12. « TTTHOSOEVER heareth," shout, shout the VV sound! Send the blessed tidings all the world around : Spread the joyful news wherever man is founds " Whosoever will, may come." r v^e^ity, blessed and true : And soca wi^ Ks eaU me to meet Him in heaven, But oh i«hat He\$ let me bring you with me too ! 3 jl have a robe : 'tis resplendent in whiteness, Awaiting in glory my wondering view? \ Oh, when 1 receive it ill shining in brightness, Dear friend, could I see you receiving one tool • k GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. \\ 4 I have a peace : it is calm as a river — A peace that the friends of this world never knew; My Saviour alone is its Author and Giver, And oh, could I know it was given to you ! 5 When Jesus has found you, tell others the story. That my loving Saviour is your Saviour too ; Then pray that your Saviour may bring them to glory, And prayer will be answered — 'twas answered for you ! 1 2, Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 14. WAND'RING afar from the dwellings of men, Hear the sad cry of the lepers — the ten ; '* Jesus, have mercy !" brings healing divine ; One came to worship, but where are the nine ? Cho. — Where are the nine ? Where are the nine ? Were there not ten cleansed 1 Where are the nine % 2 Loudly the stranger sang praise to the Lord, Knowing the cure had been wrought by His word, Gratefully owning the Healer Divine ; Jesus says tenderly, " Where are the nine V 3 " Who is this Nazarene V Pharisees say ; " Is He the" Christ ? tell us plainly, we pray." Multitudes follow Him seeking a sign, II Show them Hii> eighty works — Where are the nine? 4 Jesus on tiial \o-day we can see, ! Thousands deridingly ask, " Who is He ?" How they're rejecting Him, vour Lord and mine f Bring in the witnesses — Where are the nine ? 1 3. Tune—G. II. & S. Songs, page 15. I KNOW not the hour when my Lord will com© To take me away to His own clear home ; But I know that His presence will lighten the gloom,, And that will be glory for me. 12 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. Cho. — And that will be glory for me, Oh, that will be glory for me, But I know that His presence will lighten the gloom, And that will be glory for me. 2 I know not the song that the angels sing, I know not the sound of the harps' glad ring ; But I know there'll be mention of Jesus our King, And that will be music for me. Cho. — And that will be music for me, Oh, that will be music for me, But I know there'll be mention of Jesus our King, And that will be music for me. 3 I know not the form of my mansion fair, I know not the name that I then shall bear ; But I know that my Saviour will welcome me there, And that will be heaven for me. Cho. — And that will be heaven for me Oh, that will be heaven for me, But I know that my Saviour will welcome me there, And that will be heaven for me. 1 4. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 16. HO ! my comrades, see the signal Waving in the sky ! Keinforcements now appearing, ( Victory is nigh ! Cho. — "Hold the fort, for I am coming," Jesus signals still, Wave the answer back to Heaven,- " By Thy grace we will." 2 See the mighty host advancing, Satan leading on , Mighty men around us falling, Courage almost gone. 3 See the glorious banner waving, Hear the bugle blow. In our Leader's name we'll triumph Over every foe. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. |g 4 Fierce and long the battle rages, But our Help is near ; Onward comes our Great Commander, Cheer, my comrades, cheer ! 15. Tune—G. II. dt S. Songs, page 17. THERE is a gate that stands ajar, And through its portals gleaming, A radiance from the cross afar, The Saviour's love revealing. Sef. — Oh, depth of mercy ! can it be That gate was left ajar for me ? For me, for me ? Was left ajar for me 1 2 That gate ajar stands free for all Who seek through it salvation ; Th'e rich and poor, the great and small, Of every tribe and nation. $ Press onward, then, though foes may frown. While mercy's gate is open ; Accept the cross, and win the crown, Love's everlasting token. 4 Beyond the river's brink we'll lay The cross that here is ^iven, And bear the crown of life away, And iove Him more in heaven. 3 43. Tune — G. H. dt S. Songs, page 18. FREE from the law, oh, happy condition, Jesus hath bled, and there is remission , Curfl'd by the law and bruised by the fall, Grace hath redeemed us once for all. 0r*a, — Once for all, oh, sinner receive it, Once for all, oh, brother, believe ijt ; Cling to the Cross, the burden wilji fail Ciirist hath redeemed us once for all / 14 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 2 Now are we free — there's no condemnation, Jesus provides a perfect salvation ; " Come unto Me" oh, hear His sweet call, Come, and he saves us once for &ll. 3 " Children of God," oh, glorious calling, Surely His grace will keep us from falling s Passing from death to life at His - call, Blessed sal vation once for all. 1 7. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 19. % KNOCKING, knocking, who is there? Waiting, waiting, oh, how fair! 'Tis a Pilgrim, strange and kingly, Never such was seen before. Ah ! my soul, for such a wonder, Wilt thou not undo the door. 2 Knocking, knocking, still He's there, Waiting, waiting, wondrous fair; But the door is hard to open, For the weeds and ivy-vine, With their dark and clinging tendril?. Ever round the hinges twine. 3 Knocking, knocking — what, still thet-el Waiting, waiting, grand and fair ; Yes, the pierced hand still knocketh, And beneath the crowned hair Beam the patient eyes, so tender, Of thy Saviour, waiting there. 18, G. H. & S. Songs, page 20. RESCUE the perishing, Care for the dying, Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave? Weep o'er the erring one, Lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save. Cho. — Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying ; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. UOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 1§ 2 Though they are slighting Him, Still He is waiting, Waiting the penitent child to receive. Plead with them earnestly, Plead with them gently ; He will forgive if they only believe. 3 Down in the human heart, Crushed by the tempter, Feelings lie buried that grace can restore ; Touched by a loving heart, Wakened by kindness, Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. 4 Rescue the perishing, Duty demands it ; Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide ; Back to the narrow way Patiently win them Tell the poor wanderer a Saviour has died. 19. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 21. RTNG- the bells of heaven ! there is joy to-day, For a soul returning from the wild ; See ! the Father meets him out upon the way, Welcoming His weary, wand ring child. Cho. Glory ! glory ! how the angels sing ; Glory ! glory ! how the loud harps ring; 'Tis the ransomed army, like a mighty sea, |V Pealing forth the anthem of the free. «£ Ring the bells of heaven ! there is joy to-day ? For the wanderer now is reconciled; Yes a soul is rescued from his sinful way, And is born anew a ransomed child. 8 Ring the bells of heaven ! spread the feast to-day* Angels swell the glad triumphant strain S Tell the joyful tidings ! bear it far away S j For a precious soul is bom again. / 2@ GOSPEL HYMNS AND SAO RED SONGS. 20 . Tune—G. 71. & S. Songs, page 22. TWILL sing yon a song of that beautiful land, The far away home of the soul, Where no storms ever beat on the glittering strand, While the years of eternity roll, While the years of eternity roll ; Where no storms ever beat on the glittering strand,. While the years of eternity roll. U Oh! that home of the soul in my visions and dreams, Its bright, jasper walls I can see ; Till I fancy but thinly the vail intervenes |j: Between the fair city and me. :|) -.>- Till I fancy, etc. 3 That unchangeable home is for you and for me, Where Jesus of Nazareth stands ; The King of all kingdoms forever is He, |j: And He holdeth our crowns in His hands. :}] The King of, etc. 4 Oh, how sweet it will be in that beautiful land, So free from all sorrow and pain ; With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands J : To meet one another again. : With songs on, etc. 2 1 » Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 23. I GAVE My life for thee, My precious blood 1 shed, That thou might' st ransomed be, And quickened from the dead ; I gave, I gave My life for thee, What hast thou given for Me ? 2 Mv Father's house of light, — My glory-circled throne, I left, for earthly night, For wand'rings sad and Ion© 5 I left, I left it all for thee ; Hast thou left aught for Me 1 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS, \% 3 I suffered much for thee, More than thy tongue can tell, Of bitterest agony, To rescue thee from hell ; I've borne s I've borne it all for the©. What hast thou borne for Me ? 4 And I have brought to thee, Down from My home above, Salvation full and free, My pardon and My love ; 1 bring, I bring rich gifts to thee. What hast thou brought to me \ 28« Tune— G. II. & S. Songs, page 24. ' WE'RE going home, No more to roam, No more to sin and sorrow ; No more to wear The brow of care — We're going home to-morrow Cho, — We're going home, (we're going home) we-'r? going home to-morrow, We're going home, (we're going home,* T^e're going home to-morrow. 2 For weary feet Awaits a street Of wondrous pave and ^ olden ? For hearts that ache, The angels wake The story sweet and olden. 3 For those who sleep, And those who weep, Above the portals narrow The mansions rise . Beyond the skies — We're going home to-morrow. 4 Oh, joyful song ! Oh, ransomed throng! Where sin no more shall seven 18 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SAG RED SONGS. Our King to see, And, oh, to be With Him at home forever. 23. Tune—G. H. <& S, Songs, page 25. I AM so glad that our Father in heaven Tells of His love in the Book He has given Wonderful tilings in the Bible I see : This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me. Cho. — I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, I am so glad that Jesus loves me," Jesus loves even me. 2 Though I forget Him, and wander away,. Still He doth iove me wherever I stray ; Back to His dear loving arms would I flee, When I remember that Jesus loves me. 3 Oh, if there's only one song I can sing, When in His beauty I see the great King, This shall my song in eternity be, M Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me." 4 Jesus loves me, and I know I love him, Love brought Him down my poor soul .to redeem; Yes, it was love made Him die on the tree, Oh, I am certain that Jesus loves me. 5 If one should ask of me, how could I tell 1 Glory to Jesus I know very well ; God's Holy Spirit with mine d©th agree, Constantly witnessing — Jesus loves me. 6 In this assurance I find sweetest rest, Trusting in Jesus I know I am blest ; Satan dismayed, from my soul now doth flee, . When I just tell him that Jesus loves me. 24. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 26. EEJOICE and be glad f The Redeemer has come ! Go look on His cradle, His cross and His tor GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 19 Cho. — Sound His praises, tell the Story Of Him who was slain ; Sound His praises, tell with gladness, He liveth again. 2 Rejoice and be glad ! It is sunshine at last ! The clouds have departed, the shadows are paei, 3 Rejoice and be glad ! For the blood hath been shed ; Redemption is finished, the price hath been paid. 4 Rejoice and be glad ! ■ Now the pardon is free ! The Just for the unjust has died on the tree. 5 Rejoice and be glad ! For tne Lamb that wan slain O'er death is triumphant and liveth again. 6 Rejoice and be glad ! For our King is on high, He pleadeth for us on His throne in the sky, 7 Rejoice and be glad ! For He cometh again ; He cometh in glory, the Lamb that was slaip Cho. — Sound His praises, tell the Story Of Him who was slain ; Sound His praises, tell with gladness, He cometh again. 25. Tune—G. H. & S. Son?*, page 27. WE praise Thee, O God ! for the Son of Thy lov^, For Jesus who died, and is now gone above! Cho. — Hallelujah ! thine the glory, Hallelujah ! amen. Hallelujah ! thine the glory revive us again. 3 We praise Thee, O God ! for Thy Spirit of light, Who has shown us our Saviour, and scattered our night. 3 Ail glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who has borne all our sins, and cleansed every stain. 20 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 4 All glory and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us, and sought us, and guided our ways. \ Revive us again ; fill each heart with Thy love ; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above 2. 6. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 27. SAVIOUR ! Thy dying love Thou gavest me, Nor should I aught withold, Dear Lord from Thee ; In love my soul would bow, My heart fulfil its vow, Some ottering bring Thee now, Something for Thee. 2 At the blest mercy-seat, Pleading for me, My feeble faith looks up, Jesus to Thee : Help me the cross to bear, Thy wondrous love declare, Some song to raise, or prayer., Something for thee ! 3 Give me a faithful heart — Likeness to Thee — That each departing day Henceforth may see Some work of love begun, Some deed of kindness done, Some wand'rer sought and won ? Something for Thee. 4 All that I am and have — Thy gifts so free — In joy, in grief, through life, Dear Lord, for Thee ! And when thy face I see, My ransomed soul shall be. Through all eternity, GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 27 . Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 28. PASS me not, 0 gentle Saviour, Hear my humble cry ; While on others Thou art smiling, Do not pass me by. Oho.— Saviour, Saviour, hear my humble cry ? While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. 2 Let me at a throne of mercy Find a sweet relief, Kneeling there in deep contrition, Help my unbelief. 3 Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek Thy face ; Heal my wounded,* broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace. 4 Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More than life to me, Whom have I on earth beside The© f Whom in heaven but Thee ? 28, Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 29. ONE more day's work for Jesus ; One less of life for me ! But heav'n is nearer, And Christ is dearer, Than yesterday to me ; His love and light Fill all my soul to-night. Cho. — One more day's work for Jesus, One more day's work for Jesus, One more day's work for Jesus, One less of life for me. 2 One more clay's work for Jesus; How glorious is my King ! *Tis joy, not duty. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONG&, To speak His beauty ; My soul mounts on the wing At the mere thought How Christ my life hag bough* 3 One more day's work for Jesus; How sweet the work has beau, To tell the story, To show the glory, When Christ's fiock enter in ! How it did shine In this poor heart of mine/ 4 One more day's work for Jesus * Oh yes, a weary day ; But heaven shines clearer, And rest comes nearer, At each step of the way ; And Christ in all — Before His face I fall. 5 Oh, blessed work for Jesus! Oh, rest at Jesus' feet! There toil seeme pleasure, My wants are treasure, And pain for Him is sweet. Lord, if I may, Til serve another d&y. 9. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 30 WHAT a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear- 2 What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer. Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Ob, what needless pain we beaiw* All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer. 2 Have we trials and temptations ? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged^, Take it to the Lord in pxayeffr GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. Can we find a Friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share t Jesus knows our every weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer. 3 Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care ? Precious Saviour, still our refuge, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer ; In His arms He'll take ana shield thee Thou wilt find a solace there. 30. Tune—G. IT. db S. Songs, page 31. GOD loved the world of sinners lost And ruined by the fall ; Salvation full, at "highest cost, He offers free to all. Cho. — Oh, 'twas love, 'twas wondrous love I The love of God to me ; It brought my Saviour from above, To die on Calvary. 2 ETen now by faith I claim Him mine, The risen Son of God ; Redemption by His death I find, And cleansing through the blood. 3 Love brings the glorious fulness in, And to His saints makes known The blessed rest from inbred sin, Through faith in Christ alone. 4 Believing souls, rejoicing go; There shall to you be given A glorious foretaste, here below, Of endless life in heaven. 5 Of victory now o'er Satan's power Let all the ransomed sing, And triumph in the dying hour Through Christ the Lord our King, 24 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS 3 J m Tune-~G. H. <& S. Songs, page 32. HAVE you on the Lord believed ? Still there's more to follow ; Of His grace have you received ? Still there's more to follow ; Oh, the grace the Father shows I Still there's more to follow, Freely He His grace bestows, Still there's more to follow Cho. — More and more, more and more. Always more to follow; Oh, His matchless, boundless lovei j Still there's more to follow, 2 Have you felt the Saviour near? Still* there's more to follow ; Does His blessed presence cheer t Still there's more to follow ; Oh, the love that Jesus shows? Still there's more to follow, Freely He His love bestows, Still there's more to follow. ?. Have you felt the Spirit's power 1 Still there's more to follow ; Falling like the gentle shower ? Still there's more to follow ; Oh, the power the Spirit shows, Still there's more to follow ; Freely He His power bestows, Still there's more to follow. -32. Tune—G. II. & S. Songs page 33. HEAVENLY Father, bless me now, At the cross of Christ I bow ; Take my guilt and^rief away ; Hear and heal me now, I pray. Ref. — Bless me now, bless me now, Heavenly Father, bless me now JOS PEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 25 2 Now, O Lord ! this very hour, Send Thy grace and show Thy power- While I rest upon Thy word, Come and bless me now, O Lord. 3 Now, just now, for Jesus' sake, Lift the clouds, the fetters break ; While I look, and as I cry, Touch and cleanse me ere I die. 4 Never did I so adore Jesus Christ, Thy Son, before ; Now the time ! and this the place ! Gracious Father, show Thy grace. 33. Tune—G. II. dt S. Songs, page 34. WEARY gleaner, whence comest thou, With empty hands and clouded brow f Plodding along thy lonely way, Tell me, where hast thou glean'd to-day ! Late I found a barren field, The harvest past my search revealed, Others golden sheaves had gained, Only stubble for me remained. Cho. — Forth to the harvest field away! Gather your handfuls while you may \ All day long in the field abide, Gleaning close by the reaper's side. 2 Careless gleaner, what hast thou here, These faded fiow'rs and leaflets sere ? Hungry and thirsty, tell me, pray, Where, oh, where" hast thou glean'd to-day f All day long in shady bow'rs, I've gaily sought earth's fairest flow'rs ; •Now, alas ! too late I see All I've gather d is vanity. 3 Burden'd gleaner, thy sheaves I see,- • Indeed thou must a weary be ! Singing along the homeward way, ^ Glad one, where hast thou giean'd to-day 1 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. Stay me not, till day is done, I've gathered handfule one by G"\e ; Here and there for me they fall, Close by the reapers I've found ^hem all. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page PS. AH, my heart is heavy laden, Weary and oppressed ! " Come to* Me.'' saith One, " and Coming, Be at rest!" Cho. — " Come to Me," saith One, " an**, coming, Be at rest ! " 2 Hath He macks to lead me to Him* If He be my Guide ? a In His feet and hands are v^ and prints, And His side." 3 Is there diadem, as monarch, That His brow adorns ? " Yes, a crown in very surety-, But of thorns ! " 4 If I find Him, if I follow, What's my portion here 1 " Many a sorrow, many a conflict, Many a tear." 5 If I still hold closelv to Him, What have I at last 1 " Sorrow vanquished, labor endedj Jordan past ! " 6 If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay ? " Not till earth and not" till heaven Pass away ! " &OSPEL HYMNS ABB SACRED 8GNQ8. Tune—G. H. <& S. 8mgs s page M. T HMR the Savionr say, 1 Thy strength indeed is small ; Child of weakness, watch and pray Find in Me thine all in all. Cho. — Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe ; Sin had left a crimson stains He washed it white as snow § Lord, now indeed I find Thy power, and Thine alone, Can change the leper's spots 3 And melt the heart of stone, 3 For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claizsah— 111 wash my garment white In the blood of Calvary 's JLamfeo * When from my dying bed My ransomed soul shall nm^ Then 44 Jesus paid it all " Shall rend the vaulted skies, % And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, I'll lay my trophies down, All down at Jesus' feet Tune- M. $ & ®mg$ 3 .$ag® ft, f\NE there is above all ©them U Oh, how He loves I His is love beyond a brother's. Oh, how He loves ! Earthly friends may fail or leave m f One dav soothe, the nest day grieve Q8| But this Friend will ne'er dJbeiv© us, Oh, how He loves I GOSPEL NTMNii AMD SACRED S0&®& 2 eternal life to know Kiss, Oh, how He loves ! Think, oh, think how much we owe Him ? Oh. how He loves ! With His precious blood He bought m 3 Im the wilderness He sought us, . To His fold He safely brought us, Oh, how He loves ! B Blessed Jesus! would you know Him, Oh 5 how He loves S Owe yourselves entirely to Him, Oh, how He loves ! Think no longer of the morrow. From the past new courage borrow? « Jesus carries all your sorrow , Oh, how He loves ! 4 AM your sins shall be forgiven, Oh, how He loves S Backward shall your foes be driven, Oh, how He loves ! Best of 'blessings Hell provide you, Mought but good shall e'er betide y» gafe to glory He will guide you ? Oh, how He loves ! Tu%®=-<&« H. <£ 'So Songs, page 38o HPELL me the Old, Old Story, JL Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love; "Ml me the Story simply, As to a little child, iS?or I am weak and weary, And helpless and defile! Ctto. — TeB me the Old, Old Story, Tell me the Old, Old Story, Tell tne the Old, Old Story Of Jesus and His love. &08FBL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS* 2 Tell me the Story slowly, That I may take it in— That wonderful redemption^ O-od's remedy for sin.; Tell me the Story often, For I forgot so soon, The " early dew " of morning Hag passed away at noon. $ Tell me the story softly, With earnest tones, and gr&¥@; Remember ! I'm the sinner Whom Jesus came to save ° 9 Tell me the story always, If you would really be Isn any time of trouble, A. comforter to me. 4 fell me the same old story. When you have cause to fear That this world's empty glory Is costing me too dear ; Yes, and when that world's glory Is dawning on my soul, Tell me the old, ola story : " Christ Jesus make thee wh©fe# lg., Tww—@ a B„ <& S. Songs, page 3& /IOmE home ! come home I \J You are weary at he^t, For the way has been dark, And so lonely and wild, O prodigal child! €©me home, oh. come homa®§ , €i©o™Come home ! Come s oh, come horn© S GOSPEL HFMNS AND SACRED SON&& 4 2 Come home ! come home ! For we watch and we wait, And we stand at the gate, While the shadows are piled. O prodigal child ! Come home, oh, come home! 3 Come home ! come home ! From the sorrow and blame, From the sin and the shame, And the tempter that smiled. O prodigal child ! Come home, oh, come home ! 4 Come home ! come home ! There is bread and to spare, And a warm welcome there, Then, to friends reconciled, O prodigal child ! Come home, oh, come home ! >, Tutie—G. H. & S. Songs, page 40. I LOVE to tell the Story Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and his love; I love to tell the Story, Because I know it's true 5 It satisfies my longings, As nothing" else would do. Uho. — I love to tell the Story ! 'Twill be mv theme in glory, To tell the Old, Old Story Of Jesus and His love. 2 I love to tell the Story ! More wonderful it seems, Than all the golden fancies Of all our golden dreams ; GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. I love to tell the Story ! It did so much for me ; And that is just the reason, I tell it now to thee. 3 I love to tell the Story ! 'Tis pleasant to repeat What seems, each time I tell it, More wonderfully sweet ; I love to tell the Story, For some have never heard The message of salvation From God's own Holy Word. 4 I love to tell the Story ! For those who know it best Seem hungering and thirsting To hear it, like the rest ; And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the New, New Song, Twill be — the Old, Old Story That I have loved so long. Tune — G. H. & S. Songs, page 41. HOLY Spirit, faithful guide, Ever near the Christian's side j Gently lead us by the hand, Pilgrims in a desert land ; Weary souls for e'er rejoice, While they hear that sweetest voice, Whisp'ring softly, wanderer come I Follow me, I'll guide thee home. 2 Ever present, truest Friend, Ever near Thine aid to lend Leave us not to doubt and fear, Groping on in darkness drear, When the storms are raging sore, Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o ? er,= Whispering softly, wanderer come I Follow me, I'll guide thee home 32 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 3 When our days of toil shall cease, Waiting still for sweet release, Nothing left but heaven and prayer, vVond ring if our names were there , Wading deep the dismal flood, Pleading nought but Jesus' blood ; Whispering softly, wanderer come ! Follow me, I'll guide thee home! 4i 1 . Tune—G. H. & S. S&ngs, page 42. THE whole world was lost in the darkneee of sin ; The Light of the world is Jesus ; Like sunshine at noonday His glory shone in, The Light of the world is Jesus. Cho — Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee; Sweetly the Light has dawn'd upon me, Once I was blind, but now I can see: The Light of the world is Jesus. 2 No darkness have we who in Jesus abide, The Light of the world is Jesus : We walk in the Light when we follow our Gnide 5 The Light of the world is J esus. 3 Ye dwellers in darkness with sin-blinded eyes, The Light of the world is Jesus ; Go, wash, at His bidding, and light will arise, The Light of the world is Jesus. 4 No need cf the sunlight in heaven, we're told, The Light of the world is Jesus; The Lamb is the light in the City of Gold, The Light of that world is Jesus. 42. G.H.d S. Songs, page 43. THE Spirit, oh, sinner, In mercy doth move Thy heart, so long hardened, Of *sin to reprove ; GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS, 33 Resist not the Spirit, Nor longer delay ; God's gracious entreaties, may end with to-day. ' 2 Oh, child of the kingdom, From sin service cease : Be filled with the Spirit, With comfort and peace. Oh, grieve not the Spirit, Thy Teacher is He, That Jesus, thy Saviour, may glorified be. 3 Defiled is the temple, Its beauty laid low, On God's holy altar The embers faint glow. By love yet rekindled, A tiame may be fanned; Oh, quench not the Spirit, the Lord is at hand i 43. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 44. BENEATH the Cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand — The shadow of a mighty Hock, Within a weary land. A home within the wilderness, A rest upon the way, From the burning of "the noontide heat s And the burden of the day. 2 Osafe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet, O trysting-place where Heaven's love, And Heaven's justice meet! As to the Holy Patriarch That wondrous dream was given. So seems my Saviour's Cross to me A ladder up to heaven. 3 There lies beneath its shadow, But on the further side, The darkness of an awful grave That gapes both deep and wide ; 34 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. And there between us stands the Cross,- Two arms outstretched to save, — Like a watchman set to guard the way From that eternal grave. 4 Upon that Cross of Jesus, Mine ye at times caa see The very dying form of One, Who suffered there for me ; And from my smitten heart with tears. Two wouolers I confess — The wonders of His glorious love, And my own worthlessness. 5 I take, O Cross. Thv shadow For my abiding place ; I ask no other sunshine Than the sunshine of His face ; Content to let the world go by, To know no gain nor loss, — My sinful self, my only shame, — My glory all the Cross. 44, Tune—G. H. <& S. Songs, page 45. TT7ITH harps and with viols, there stand a great YV throne: In the presence of Jesus, and sing this new song: — Cho. — Unto Him who hath loved us and washed na from sin, Unto Him be the glory forever. Amen. H All these once were sinners, defiled in His sight, Now arrayed in pure garments in praise they unite. 3 He maketh the rebel a priest and a king, He hath bought us and taught us this new song to sing. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 35 4 How helpless and hopeless we sinners had been, If He never had loved us till cleansed from our sin. 5 Aloud in His praises our voices shall ring, So that others believing, this new song shall sing. 45. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 46. JESUS, keep me near the Cross, There a precious fountain Free to all — a healing stream, Flows from Calvary's mountain. Cho. — In the Cross, in the Cross, Be my glory ever ; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. 2 Near the Cross, a trembling soul, Love and mercy found me ; There the bright and morning star Shed its beams around me. 3 Near the Cross ! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me ; Help me walk from day to day, With its shadows o'er me 4 Near the Cross I'll watch and wait Hoping, trusting ever, Till I reach the golden strand, Just beyond the river. <46. Tune—G. II. <£ S Songs, page 47 OH, bliss of the purified, bliss of the free, I plunge in the crimson tide opened for me ; O'er sin and uncleanness exulting I stand, And point to the print of the nails in His handc Cho. — Oh, sing of His mighty love, Sing of His mighty love, Sing of His mighty love, Mighty to save. 36 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 2 Oh, bliss of the purified, Jesus is mine, No longer in dread condemnation I pine; In conscious salv T ation I 8in<* of His grace, Who lifteth upon me the light of His face. 3 Oh, bliss of the purified! bliss of the pure ! No wound hath the soul that His blood cannot v cure ; No sorrow-bowed head but may sweetly find rest, No tears but may dry them on Jesus' breast. 4 O, Jesus the crucified ! Thee will I sing, My blessed Redeemer, my God and my King ; My soul filled with rapture shall shout o'er the grave, And triumph in death in the Mighty to Save." 47. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 43. 'OT now, my child, — a little more rough tossing, A little longer on the billows' foam ; A few more jonrneyings in the desert darkness, And then the sunshine of thy Fathers Home! 2 Not now ; for I have wanderers in the distance, And thou must call them in with patient love ; Not now for I have sheep upon the mountains, And thou must follow them where'er they rove. 3 Not now ; for I have loved ones sad and weary ; Wilt thou not cheer them with a kindly smile ? Sick ones, who need thee in their lonely sorrow ; Wiit thou not tend them yet a little while 1 • 4 Not now ; for wounded hearts are sorely bleeding, And thou must teach those widowed hearts ^> sing ; Not now ; for orphan's tears are quickly falling, They must be gathered 'neath some sheltering wing. 5 Go, with the name of Jesus, to the dying, And speak that Name in all its living power ; Why should thy fainting heart grow chill ard weary ? Canst thou not watch with Me one little hour ? GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 6 One little hour ! and then the glorious crowning, The golden harp -strings, and the victor's palni One little hour ! and then the hallelujah ! Eternity's long, deep thanksgiving psalm ! 4:8. Tur*e—G. H. & S. Songs, vage 49. SAVIOUR, more than life to me, I am clinging, clinging close to Thee ; Let Thy precious blood applied, Keep me ever, ever near Thy side. Sef. — Every day, every hour, Let me feel Thy cleansing power : May Thy tender love to me, Bind me closer, closer, Lord, to Thee. 2 Through this changing world below Lead me gently, gently as I go ; Trusting Thee, I cannot stray, I can never, never lose my way. 3 Let me love Thee more and more, Till this fleeting, fleeting life is o'er; Till my soul is lost in love, In a brighter,, brighter world above. 49. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 50. GRACE ! 'tis a charming sound, Harmonious to the ear; Heaven with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. Ref. — Saved by grace alone, This is ail my plea ; Jesus died for all mankind, And Jesus died for me. 2 Grace first contrived a way To save rebellious man ; And all the steps that grace display, Which drew the wondrous plan. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 3 Grace taught my roving feet To tread the heavenly road; And new supplies each hour I meet, While pressing on to God. 4 Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days ; It lavs in heaven The topmost stone, And well deserves our praise. 0 Tune— G. H. & S. Songs, page 51. PRECIOUS promise God hath given To the weary passer by, On the way from earth to heaven, And the anxious, dread to-morrow, Yo rest in light and sunshine, in the presence of iht. King. 2 Oh, to be over yonder I My yearning heart grows fonder Of looking to the east, to see the blessed day-sta> bring Some tidings of the waking, The cloudless, pure day breaking ; — My heart is yearning — yearning for the coming of th* King. 3 Oh, to be over yonder ? Alas \ I sigh and wonder Wh% clings my poor weak, sinful heart to any earfchlj thing , Eacn tie oi earih must sever ; And pass away for ever , But fcnere's no more separation in tne presence o* Uiv King 4 Oh, when snail t be dwelling- Where angel voices, swelling In triumphant hallelujahs, make the vaulted hea/eir ring ? Where the pearly gates are gleaming. And the morning star is beaming? Oh, when shall I be yonder in the presence ot tl King? 5 Oh, when shall I bo yonder f The longing groweth stronger Ifo join in all the trasses the redeemed cues do sin$ GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 45 Within those heavenly places, Where the angels vail their faces, In awe and adoration in the presence of the King 6 Oh, I shall soon be yonder, And lonely as I wander, Yearning for the welcome summer — longing for the bird's fleet wing ; The midnight may be dreary, And the heart be worn and weary, But there's no more shadow yonder in the presence of the King. 59. Tune—G. II <& S. Songs, page 59. I AM coming to the cross ; I am poor, and weak, and blind ; I am counting all but dross, I shall full salvation find. Cho. — I am trusting, Lord in Thee„ Blest Lamb of Calvary ; Humbly at Thy cross I bow, Save me, Jesus, save me now. 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee, Long has evil reigned within \ Jesus sweetly speaks tome, — u I will cleanse you from all sin." 3 Here I give my all to Thee, Friends, and time, and earthly store 1 Soul and body, Thine to be, — Wholly thine for evermore. 4 In thy promises I trust, Now I feel the blood applied ; I am prostrate in the dust, I with Christ am crucifiad. 5 Jesus comes ! He fills my joul ! Perfected in Him I am ; I am every whit made whole; Glory, glory to the Lamb- GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. ) 0 Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 60. ALL the way my Saviour leads Die : What have I to ask beside ? Can I doubt his tender mercy, Who thro' iife lias been my guide? Heavenly peace, divinest comfort, Here by faith in Him to dwell ! || : For I know whatever befall me, Jesus doeth all things well. : II 2 All the way my Saviour leads me; Cheers each winding path 1 tread; Gives me grace for every trial, Feeds me with the living bread; Tho' my weary steps may falter, And my soul athirst may be, II : Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo ! a spring of joy I see. : II 3 All the way my Saviour leads me ; Oh, the fullnes of his love ! Perfect rest to me is promised In my Father's house above ; When my spirit, cloth'd immortal, Wings its night to realms of day, || : This my song through endless agea=— Jesus led me all the way. : || Tune—G. H. d- S. Songs, page 61» GO bury thy sorrow, The world hath its share : Go bury it deeply, Go hide it with care; Go think of it calmly, When curtained by night, Go tell it to Jesus. And all will be right 2 Go tell it to Jesus, He knoweth thy grief; G o tell it to J esus, He'll send thee relief, QOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS, 47 Go gather the sunshine He sheds on the way ; He'lllighten thy burden. Go, weary one, pray. 3 Hearts growing a-weary With iiea vier woe Now d»oop 'mid the darkness—-* Go comfort them, go, Go bury thy sorrows, Let others be blest; Go give them the sunshine, — Tell Jesus the rest. 62. Tune—G. H & S. Songs, page 62. COME to the Saviour, make no delay ; Here in His word He's shown us the way \ Here in our midst He's standing to day, Tenderly saying. 4 * Come !" Cho. — Joyful, joyfulwill the meeting be, When from sin our hearts are pure and free ; And we shall gather, Saviour, with Thee In our eternal home. 2 " Suffer the children !" Oh, hear His voice, Let ev'ry heart leap forth and rejoice, And let us freely make Him our choice ; Do not delay,* but come. 3 Think once again, He's with 116 to-day ; Heed now His blest commands, and obey f Hear now His accents tenderly say, " Will you, my children come?" 83, Tune—G. II. & S. Songs, page 63. I HEAR Thy welcome voice That calls me, Lord, to Thee For cleansing in Thy precious blood That flowed on Calvary. Cho, — I am coming Lord ! C^iLiifl^ ^aow io Thee S 48 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. Wash me, cleanse me in the blood That flowed on Calvary. 2 Tho' coming weak and vile, Thon dost my strength assure ; Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse, Till spotless all and pijpe. 3 'Tis Jesus calls me on To perfect faith and love; To perfect hope, and peace, and trust, For earth and heaven above. 4 'Tis Jesus who confirms The blessed work within, By adding grace to welcomed grace. Where reigned the power of sin. 5 And He the witness gives To loyal hearts and free, That every promise is fulfilled, If faith but brings the plea. 6 All hail, atoning blood ! All hail, redeeming grace ! All hail, the Gift of Christ, our Lord, Our Strength and Righteousness! ©4-. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 64. r PO the hall of the feast came the sinful and ih.tr { X She heard *in the city that Jeaus was there ; Unheeding the splendor that blazed on the board, H : She silently knelt at the feet of the Lord. :.| 2 The frown and the murmur went round through them all, That one so unhallowed should tread in that hall ; And some said the poor would be objects more |j : As the wealth of her perfume she ahower'd on 3 She heard but the Saviour, she epoke but with She dare tot look up to the heaven of His eyes : meet, sighb ; GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 4.9 And the hot tears gushed forth at each heave of her breast, [pressed. : || (j ; As her lips to His sandals were thobbingly 4 In the sky, after i^mpest, as shineth the bow, — In the glance of the sunbeam, as melteth the snow, He looked on that lost one: "her sins were for- given," [heaven. : J; And the sinner went forth in the beauty of 65. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs page 65. BRIGHTLY beams our Father's mercy From His light-house evermore But to us He gives the keeping Of the lights along the shore. Cho. — Let the lower lights be burning ! Send a gleam across the wave ! Some poor fainting, struggling seaman You may rescue, you may save. 2 Dark the night of sin has settled, Loud the angry billows roar ; Eager eyes are watching, longing, For the lights along the shore. 3 Trim your feeble lamp, my brother : Some poor seaman tempest-tost, Trying now to make the harbor, In the darkness may be lost. 66, Tune—G. H. & S. Songs , page 66. ALONG time I wandered in darkness and aki, And wondered if ever the light would snine in , I heard Christian friends tell of rapture divine, And wish'd, how I wish'd that their Saviour were mine. Cho.- -I wish'd He were mine, yes, I wish'd He were mine ; (were mine. I wished, how I wished, that their Savioui 50 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGB, 2 I heard the glad gospel of " good- will to men ; ' I read " whosoever " -again and again ; I said to my soul, " Can that promise be thine i " And then began hoping that t^sus was mine. Cho. — I hoped He was mine, yes, I hoped He was mine ; I then began hoping that Jesus was mine. 3 Oh, mercy surprising, He saves even me ! " Thy portion forever," He says, " will I be," On His word I'm resting — assurance divine— I'm " hoping " no longer — I know He is mine ! ^iio. — I know He is mine, yes, I know He is mine ! I'm " hoping " no longer — I know He is mine 67. Tune—G. II. & S. Songs, page 67. rpHERE is a land of pure delight, X Where saints immortal reign ; Eternal day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain ; There everlasting spring abides, And never with 'ring flowers ; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. 2 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green ; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between ; Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er ; Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood Should fright us from the shore. t*S. Tune — Rathbun. 8s a 7s. Key 0. IN the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time All the light of sacred story, Gathers round its head sublime. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 2 When the woes of life overtake me, Hopes deceive and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me ; • Lo ! it glows with peace and joy. 3 When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance streaming, Adds new luster to the day. 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there, that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 68. it HPILL He come ! " — Oh, let the words J_ Linger on the trembling chords ; Let the " little while " between In their golden light be seen ; Let us think, how heav'n and horn© Lie beyond tbat " Till He come 1 " 2 When the weary ones we love Enter on that rest above, When their words of love and cheei Fall no longer on our ear, Hush ! be every murmur dumb, It is only " Till He come /" 3 Clouds and darkness round us presa? Would we have one sorrow less 1 All the sharpness of the cross, All that tells the world is loss, Death, and darkness, and the tomb, Pain us only " Till He come I " 4 See the feast of love is spread, Drink the wine and eat the bread ; Sweet memorials, till the Lord Call us round His heavenly board, Some from earth, from glory some. Severed only " Till He come I " GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONG& Dennis. S. M. Key F. HOW solemn are the words, And yet to faith how plain, Which Jesus uttered while on earth— ' ' Ye must be born again 1 11 2 "Ye must be born again ! n For so hath God' decreed , No reformation will suffice — 'Tis life poor sinners need. 3 " Ye must be born ag-ain ! " And life in Christ must have ; In vain the soul may elsewhere go— 'Tis He alone can save. 4 " Ye must be born again 1 " Or never enter heaven ; 'Tis only hlood-washed ones are there— The ransomed and forgiven. Ortonville. C. M. Key Bfc. HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer s ear ; — — It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. & it makes the wounded spirit whole, And caLns the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary, rest. 3 Dear Name, the Rock on which I build, My shield and hiding-place ; My never-failing treasure, filled With boundless stores of grace. « 4 Jesus my Shepherd, Saviour, Friend; My Prophet, Priest, and King; Mv Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,-— Acce^ the *>raise I bring. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 5 I would Thy boundless love proclaim With every fleering breath ; So shall the music of" Thy name Refresh my soul in death. 72. Tune— G. H. & S. Songs, page 69. TAKE the name of Jesus with you, Child of sorrow and of woe — It will joy and comfort give you, Take it, then, where'er you go. Cho. — Precious name, O how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven; Precious name. O how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven. 2 Take the name of Jesus ever, As a shield from every snare ; If temptations round vou gather. Breathe that Holy Karne in prayer. 3 Oh ! the precious name of Jeans ; How it thrills our souls with joy, When His loving arms receive us, And His songs our tongues employ I * At the name of Jeeus bowing, if ailing prostrate at His feet, King of kings in heav'n we'll crown Him When our journev is complete. *73. Tune—G. H. dt S. Songs, page , Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 84. JESUS, lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high; Hide me, oh, my Saviour hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide, Oh, receive my soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thees Leave, oh, leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me. All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 3 Thou, O Christ, art all I want ; More than all in Thee I find : Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy name, I am all unrighteousness; Vile, and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth ana" grace. $ Plenteous grace with Thee is founds Grace to cover all my sin : Let the healing streams abound ; Make me, keep me, pure within* Thou of life the Fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee ; Spring Thou up within my hearty Rise to all eternity, GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS, 86. Tune—G. H. <& S. Songs, page 85. "D OCK of Ages, cleft for me, JA> Let me bide myself in Thee j Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flowed: Be of sin the double cure, Save me from its guilt and power, 2 Not the labor of my hands Can fulfil Thy law's demands; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, All for sm could not atone ; Thou must save, and '0ou alone. 3 Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling ; Naked, come to Thee for dress, Helpless, look to Thee for graces Foul, I to the fountain fly, Wash me, Saviour', or I die. 4 While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyes shall close in death, When I soar to worlds unknown, See Thee on Thy judgment throne,-** Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. 87. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 86. LORD, I hear of showers of blessing Thou art scattering fall and free- Showers the thirsty land refreshing* Let some droppings fall on me — ' — Cho. — Even me, even me, Let Thy blessing fall on me. 2 Pass me not, O gracious Father! Sinful tho' my heart may be ; Thou might'st leave me, but the rather Let Thy mercy fall on me. — Even me- 64 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 3 Pass me not, 0 tender Saviour ! Let me love and cling to Thee ; I am longing for Thy favor ; Whilst Thou'rt calling, oh, call me — Even me. 4 Pass me not, 0 mighty Spirit ! Thou can'st make the blind to see ; Witnesser of Jesus' merit, Speak the word of power to me. — Even me. 5 Love of God, no pure and changeless ; Blood of Christ, so rich and free ; Grace of God, so strong and boundless; — Magnify them all in me. — Even me. 6 Pass me not ! iffy lost one bringing, Bind my heart,' O Lord, to Thee ; While the streams of life are springing Blessing others, oh, bless me. — Even me. 88. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 86. GUIDE me, 0 Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but Thou art mighty, Hold me with Thy powerful hand; Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more. 2 Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing waters flow; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through ; Strong deliverer, Be thou still my strength and shield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; 'Bear me" through the swelling current, Land me safe on Canaan's side ; Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee, GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONG* ) a Tune—G. II. d- S. Songs, page 87, YIELD not to temptation, For yielding is sin, Each victory will belp you Some other to win ; Fight manfully onward, Dark passions subdue, Look ever to Jesus, Hell carry you through. CHOo— Ask the Saviour to help you, Comfort, strengthen, and keej, /ott He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through. 2 Shun evil companions, Bad language disdain, God'sname hold in rev : rence, Nor take it in vain ; Be thoughtful and earnest, Kind-hearted and true, Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through., 3 To him that o'ercometh God giveth a crown, Thro' faith we shall conquer, Though often cast down ; He who is our Saviour, Our strength will renew, Look ever to Jesus, Hell carry you through. Tune — G. II. & S. Songs, page 88. I LEFT it all with Jesua Long go ; All my sins 1 brought Him, And my woe. When by faith I saw Him On the tree, Heard His small, still whispetj 4 'Tis for thee/ GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS, |] : From my heart the burden Rolled away — Happy day ! : i c 2 I leave it all with Jesus, For He knows How to steal the bitter ■From life's woes ; How to gild the tear-drop With His smile, Make the desert garden Bloom awhile ; II : When my weakness leaneth I On His might, All seems light, s 3 I leave it all with Jesus Day by day ; Faith can firmly trust Him, Come what may. Hope has dropped her anchor^ Found her rest In the calm, sure haven Of His breast ; !!: Love esteems it heaven To abide At His side. :!l 4 Oh, leave it all with Je*59 Drooping soul ! - Tell not half thy story, But the whole. Worlds on worlds are hanging On His hand, Life and death are waiting His command ; II: Yet His tender bosom Makes thee room — Oh, come home. ; [ , Tune—G. II. & S. Songs, page 89. THEIIE is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Xmmaiiuel's veins, And sinners plunged beneath that flood . "Lose all their guilty stains. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. Ref. — Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains ; And sinners plunged beneath that floHi Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. — Wash all, &c. 3 E'er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. — And shall, &c. 4 Then in a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing Thy power to save, When this poor, lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. — Lies silent, &c. )2. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 90. OH, think of the home over there, By the side of the river of light, Where the saints all immortal and fair, Are robed in their garments of white. Ref. — Over there, over there, Oh, thinrj; of the home over there. Oh, think of the friends over there, Who before us the journey have trod, Of the songs that they breathe on the air, In their home in the palace of God. Ref. — Over there, over there, Oh, think of the friends over there, 3 My Saviour is now over there, There my kindred and frienis are .at rest? Then away from my sorrow and v;ai j e Let me ny to the land of the blest. Over there, over there, My Saviour is no w over there. 58 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 4 I'll soon be at home over there, For the end of my journey I see ; Many dear to my heart, over there, Are watching and waiting for me. Over there, over there, soon be at home over there. ©3, .Tune—G. II. & S. Songs, page 91. MORE holiness give me, More strivings within; £ More patience in sufF ring, More sorrow for sin ; More faith in my Saviour, More sense of His care ; More joy in His service, More purpose in prayer. 2 More gratitude give me, More trust in the Lord; More pride in His glory, More hope in His word ; More tears for His sorrows, More pain at His grief; More meekness in trial, More praise for relief. 3 More purity give me, More strength to o'ercome ; More freedom from earth-stains, i More longings for home ; More fit for the kingdom, More used would I be; More blessed and holy, More, Saviour, like Thee. 94. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 92. COME, every soul by sin oppressed,. There's mercy with the Lord, And T ie will surely give yon rest, By trusting in His word. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRIW SONGS, @g Cho. — Only trust Him, only trust Him, Only trust Him now ; He will save you, He wi T J save you, He will save you now. 2 For Jesus shed His precious blood Kich blessings to bestow ; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow. 3 Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way, That leads you into rest ; Believe in Him without delay, And you are fully blest. 4 Come then, and join this holy band, And on to glory go, To dwell in that celestial land, Where joys immortal now. 95. Tune—G, H. <& S, Songs, page 9$. OH, come' to the Saviour believe in His nam®- And ask Him your heart to renew ; He waits to be gracious, O turn not away, For now there is pardon for you. Cho. — Yes, there is pardon for you, Yes, there is pardon for you ; For Jesus has died to redeem you, And offers full pardon to you. 2 The way of transgression that leads unto death s Oh, why will you longer pursue ? How can vou reject the sweet message .of love That offers full pardon for you ? 3 Be warned of your danger ; escape to the cross ; Your omy salvation is there ; Believe, and that moment the Spirit of grace Will answer your penitent prayer. 96. Twm—G-. H. <£ S. Songs, page 94. NOTHING but leaves ! The spirit grieves O'er years of wasted life ; O'er sins indulged while conscience slept, 70 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACKED SONGS. O'er vows and promises unkept. And reap from years of strife — Nothing bat leaves ! nothing but leaves ! 2 Nothing but leaves ! No gathered sheaves, Of life's fair ripening grain : We sow our seeds ; lo ! tares and weeds,— Words, idle words, for earnest deeds — Then reap, with toil and pain, Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves I 3 Nothing but leaves ! Sad inem'ry weaves No vail to hide the past : And as we trace our weary way, And count each lost and misspent day We sadly find at last — Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! 4 Ah, who shall thus the Master meet, And bring but withered leaves 1 Ah, who shall at the Saviour's feet, Before the awful judgment-seat Lav down for golden sheaves, Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! 97, Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 95. WHEN He cometh, when He comefe To make up His jewels, All His jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own. Cho. — Like the stars of the morning, . His bright crown adorning, They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gems for His crown. 2 He will gather, He will gather The gems for His kingdom : All the pure ones, all the bright ones? His loved and His own. 3 Little children, little children, Who love their Redeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own. &OSPEL HYMNS AND BACREB BONGS. 71 98. Tune—G. JET. & B. 8wigs } page 96. 66 O work in My vineyard ;" there's plenty to doi IX The harvest is great, and the laborers are few^ There's weeding, and fencing, and clearing of roots, And ploughing, and sowing, and gathering the fruits. There are foxes to take, there are wolves to destroy? All ages and ranks I can fully employ : I've sheep to be tended, and lambs to be fed ; The lost must be gathered, the weary ones led. Cho. — Go work, go work, go work in My vineyard f There's plenty to do ; Go work, go work. The harvest is great, And the laborers are few. S " Go work in My vineyard ;" I claim thee as Mine $ With blood did I buy thee and al) that is thine — Thy time and thy talents, %hy loftiest powers, Thy warmest aifections, thy sunn;est hours. I willingly yielded My kingdom for thee, The songs of archangels — to hang on the tree, In pain and temptation, in anguish and seame, I paid Jhy full ransom ; My purchase I claim. sJ " Go work in My vineyard ;" oh, work wh:le %m day ! The bright hours of sunshine are hastening away, And night's gloomy shadows are gathering fast , Then the time for our labor shall ever be past. Begin in the morning and toil all the day ; Thy strength I'll supply, and thy wages I'll pay 5 And blessed, thrice blessed, the diligent few Who'll finish the labor I've given them to do. f J2 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SAC BED SONG& 99c Tune—G. B. & S, Songs, page 97. DEPTH of mercy ! can there be Mercy still reserved for me 1 Can my Crod His wrath forbear 1 Me, the chief of sinners, spare ? * 2 I have long withstood His grace j Long provoked Him to His face ; Would not hearken to His calls, Grieved Him by a thousand falls. 3 Now, incline me to repent ; Let me now my sins lament ; Now my foul revolt deplore, Weep, believe, and sin no more. i 00. Tune—G. II. & S. Songs, page 98. MY heart, that was heavy and sad, Was made to rejoice and be glad^ And peace without measure I had, When the Comforter came. BeFo — Peace, sweet peace, Peace when the Comforter came ! My heart that was heavy and sad, Was made to rejoice ana be glad, And peace without measure I had, When the Comforter came. 2 To, sin and to evil inclined, With darkness pervading my mind, No rest 1 could anywhere find, Till the Comforter came. 3 The voice of thanksgiving I raised, The Lord, my Redeemer, I praised ; I was at His mercy amaz'd, When th© Comforter came. 101 0 Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 99. ALL hail the power of Jesus' name I Let angels prostrate fall ; | : Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all s fj GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACKED SONGS. 2 Let every kindred, every tribe , On, this terrestrial ball, To Him ai] majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all. 3 Oh, that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fail ; We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. 102° Tune- G. H. <& S. Songs, page 99. OF OR a thousand tongues to eing My great Redeemer's praise ; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace. 2 My gracious Master, and my God, Assist me to proclaim,—- To spread, through all the earth abroad^ The honors of Thy Name. 3 Jesus ! — the Name that charms our fears y That bids o«ir sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancell'd sin, He sets the pris'ner free ; His blood can make the foulest dean ; His blood avail'd for me. 1 03. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 100. WHAT various hindrances we meet, In coming to the mercy-seat ! Yet who that know, 9 the worth of prayer, But wishes to be often there ? 2 Prayer Inakes the darkened clouds withdraw Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw, Give3 exercise to faith and love, Brings every blessing from above. 3 Kestraining prayer, we cease to fight ; Prayer makes tne Christian's armor bright. - And Satan trembles when he sees Th© weakest saint upon his kneea. 74 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONQSU 1 0<4c Tune—G, II* & S. Songs, page 100= SO let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess ; So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine. Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God ; When His salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the power of sin. Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope, — The bright appearance of the Lord : And faith stands leaning on His word, 105. Tune— Retreat. L. M. Key 0. ROM every stormy wind that blows. From, every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat ; 'Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a place, where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads ; A place than all besides more sweet, — It is the blood-bought mercy-seat. 3 There is a scene where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend? Though sunder'd far, by faith we meet, Around one common mercy-seat 106n Tune— Bene yento, 7s. 8 lines. Key F. Q1NNERS, turn; why will ye die ? 0 God, your Maker, asks you why ? God, who did your being give, Made you with. Himself to live ; He the fatal cause demands Asks the work of His own hands,— Whv, ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross His love, and die ? 2 Sinners, turn ; why will ye die ? God. your Saviour, asks you wb F 3 Q08PEL HYMNS AND SOURED SONGS, He, who did your souls retrieve. Died Himself, that ye might Iwe. Will ye let Him die* in Tain ? Crucify your Lord again 1 Why, ye ransomed sinners, why Will ye slight His grace and die 1 3 Sinners, turn ; why will ye die f God,*the Spirit, asks you why '! He who all your lives hath strove^ THE Lord's my shepherd, I'll mot waa^ He makes down to lie In pastures green ; He leadeth. Me The quiet waters by, 2 My soul He doth restore again, And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, Ev'ri for His own name's sake, 3 Yea, though I walk in death's dark val®. Yet will I fear none ill ; For Thou art with me; and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. 4 My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes j My head Thou dost with oil anoint. And my cup overflows. 5 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me ; And in God's house for evermorc Mj dwelling place shall be. 107. Tune— G. H. <& S, Songs, page 101. 76 'GOSPEL 3?rM$* AND SACRED SON&& 1 08 o Turn --G.H.&S. Songs, page 101. O 'POK a faith that will not shrink, Tbongli press' d by every foe, That wiil not tremble on the brink Of any earthly wo ; 2 That will not murmur or complain Beneath the chast'ning rod, But, in the hour of grief or pain, Will lean upon its God ;— • 3 A faith that shines more bright and cleat When tempests rage without; That when in danger knows no fear, In darkness feels no doubt ;— 4 Lord, give us such a faith as this, And then, whate'er may come, We'll taste e'en here, the hallo w'd bliss Of an eternal home, 109= Tune— AzmoNo CM. Key A. SALVATION ! O the joyful sound I What pleasure to our ears ; A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. .2 Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around, While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. 3 Salvation I O Thou bleeding Lamb? To Thee the praise belongs ; Salvation shall inspire our hearts, And dwell upon our tongues. 110. Tune— Antiqch. C.M„KeyEk» JOY to tb«, world, the Lord is come ? Let earth receive her King ; Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing. % Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns, , Let men their songs employ ; GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS, *rf While fields, and floods, rocks, hills and plains^ Repeat the sounding joy. 3 He rules the world with truth and grace. And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His lo ve- il 1 1, Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 102. ALAS! and did my Saviour bleed, And did my Sov'reign die 1 Would He devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? 2 Was it for crimes that I have done, He groan'd upon the tree -'/ Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, W hen Christ, the mighty Maker died, For man, the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, While His dear cross appears ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself away,— Tis all that I can d*o„ 1 1 2* Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 102. MY soul be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes arise ; The hosts of sin are pressing liardy To draw thee from the skies, 2 O watch, and fight, and pray, The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACKED SONGS. 3 Ne'er think the vict'ry won, Nor lay thine armor down ; The work of faith will not be done, Till thou obtain the crown. 4 Then persevere till death ShailJmng thee to thy God ; He'll take thee at thy parting breath, To His divine abode. 1 3. Tune—G. II. <& S. Songs, page 103. NOT all the blood of beasts On Jewish altars slain, Conld give the guilty conscience peace. Or wash away the stain. 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away ; A sacrifice of nobler name And richer blood than they. i 3 My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of Thine, While like a penitent I stand, And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see The burden thou did'st bear; While hanging on the cursed tree, And knows her guilt was there. 1 4. Tune—G. H. <& S: Songs, page 103. BLEST be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne, We pour our ardent prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one,*=^ Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes : Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. GOSPEL HYMN 8 AND SACRED SONGS. 79 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain , But we shall still be joined iri heart 5 And hope to meet again. Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 104. AM I a soldier of the cross — . A foll'wer of the Lamb, — # • And shall I fear to own His cause. Or blush to speak His name ? Must I be carried to "One skies On flowery beds of ease ; While others fought to win the prize, And sail'd through bloody seas? Are there no foes for me to face 1 Must I not stem the flood ? Ic'titis vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God ? Since I must fight if I would reign, Increase my courage, Lord, I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word. I 1 1> 9 Tune — G. H. & S. Songs, page 104. COME Thou Fount of every blessing. Tune my heart to sing Thy graee ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise ; Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praise the mount — I'm fixed upon it! Mount of Thy redeeming love. 2 Here 111 raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I'm come ; And I hope by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home, Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold ot God; 115. 2 3 gO GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS, He to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. 3 Oh, to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be ! Let Thy goodness as a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Theej Frone to wander, Lord, I feel it — Prone to leave the God I love — Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above. 117, Tune~G. H. & S. Songs, page 105. MY faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary ; Saviour divine ; Now hear me while I pray : Take all my guilt away ; O, let me from this day, Be wholly thine. 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart; Mv zeal inspire ; As 'Thou hast died for me, O may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless oe— A living lire. 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide ; Bid darkness tarn to day; Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 4 When ends life's transient dream j When death's cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll ; Blest Saviour, then in love, Fear and distress remove ; O bear me safe above,—* A ransom'd eoul. GOSPEL MYMN8 AND 8 ACRED SONGS. SI 118 -rune— Bethany. <8s & 4s. Key G. NEARER, my God, to The®, Nearer to Thee ! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me ; Still all my sou g shall be- Nearer, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee ! S Though, like the wander@r 9 The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone ; Yet m my dreams I'd be — • Nearer, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee ! 3 There let the way appear. Steps unto heaven ; All that Thou sendest me, In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me — Nearer, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee ! 4 Then with my waking thoughts, Bright with Thy praise, Out of mv stony griefs, Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to be- Nearer, my God, to Thee! Nearer to Thee ! § Or if on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot. Upward I fly ; Still all my song shall be — Nearer, my God, to The© J Nearer to Thee i $2 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED S0NG8. 119 t Tune—G. H. & S. Songs, page 106, ARISE, my soul, arise ; , Shake off thy guilty fears, The bleeding sacrifice In my behalf appears ; Before the throne my Surety stands, I j My name is written on His hands. : 1! 2 He ever lives above, For me to intercede, His all redeeming love, His precious blood, to plead ; His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. 3 Five bleeding wounds He bears, Received on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly plead for me ; Forgive him, oh, forgive, they cry, Nor let that ranaomed sinner die. 4 My God is reconciled ; His pardoning voice I hear ; He owns me for His child ; I can no longer fear ; With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, cry. 120c Tune— " Your Mission." Key F.] HARK ! the voice of Jesus crying,— " Who will go and work to-day 1 Fields are white and harvest waiting; Who will bear the sheaves away? " Loud and strong the Master calieth, Rich reward He offers thee ; Who will answer, giadly saying, u Here am I ; send me, send me ! " 2 If you cannot cross the ocean, And the heathen lands explore^ &OSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. §S ~- You can find the heathen nearer, You can help them at your door. If you cannot give your thousands, You can give the widow's mite ; And the least you do for Jesus, Will be precious in His sigh*,. % If you cannot speak like angels, ' If you cannot preach like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus, You. can say He died for all. If you cannot rouse the wicked With the judgment's dread alarms. You can lead the little children To the Saviour's waiting arms. 4 If you cannot be the watchman. Standing high on Zion"s wall, Pointing out the path to heaven, Offering life and peace to all ;— With your prayers and with your bounties You can do what heaven demands ; You can be like faithful Aaron, Holding up the prophet's hands. 5 Ii among the older people, You may not be apt to teach ; " Feed my lambs," said Christ, our Shepherd* " Place the food- within their reach/' And it may be that the children You have led with trembling hand, Will be found among your jewels, When you reach the better land* 6 Let none hear you idly saying, " There is nothing I can do," While the souls of men are dyingj And the Master calls for you. Take the task He gives you gladly, Let His w 7 ork your pleasure be ; Answer quickly when He calleth, " Here am I ; send me, sand me ! w GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS 21. Tune— Webb. 7s & 6s. KeyBfc. STAND up ! stand up for Jesus ! Ye soldiers of the cross ; Lift high His royal banner, It must not sutler loss ; From victory unto victory His army He shall lead, Till every foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed. 2 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus 1 Stand in His strength alone ; The arm of tiesh will fail you — Ye dare not trust your own ; Put on the gospel armor, And, watching unto prayer, Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there. 3 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus! The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, The next, the victor's song; To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be ; He with the King of Glory Shall reign eternally. 22. Tune— Work for the Night is Coming. Key WORK, for the night is coming ; Work through the morning hours ; Work, while the dew is sparkling ; Work, 'mid springing tiowers ; Work, when the day grows brighter, Work, in the glowing sun ; Work, for the night is coming, When man's work is done. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 2 Work, for the night is coming ; Work through the sunny noon ; Fill brightest hours with labor ; Rest comes sure and soon. Give every flying minute Something to keep in store ; Work, for the night is coming, When man works no more. 3 Work, for the night is coming, Under the sunset skies ; While their bright tints are glowing, Work, for daylight flies. Work, till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more : Work, while the night is darkening, When man's work is o'er. 1 23o Tune—G, H. <& S. Songs, page 101. I HEARD the voice of Jesus say, " Come unto Me and rest ; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast.-" 2 I came to Jesus as I was — Weary, and worn, and sad ; I found in Him a resting-place, And He has made me glad. 3 I heard the voice of Jesus say, " Behold I freely give The living water — thirsty one. Stoop down, and drink, and live." 4 I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream'; My thirst was quench'd, my soul revived And now I live in Him, g& GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 5 I heard the voice of Jesus say, " I am this dark world's light ; Look unto Me, thy mom shall rise, And all thy day be bright." 6 I look'd to Jesus, and I found In Him my Star, my Sun ; And in that Light of Life I'll walk Till trav'ling days are done. 1^4- Tune— Beautiful River. Key Efc. SHALL we gather at the river Where bright angel feet have trod j With its crystal tide for ever Flowing'by the throne of God ? Cho. — Yes, we r ll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiful river- Gather with the saints at the river* That flows by the throne of God. U On the margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever All the happy, golden day. 3 Ere we reach the shining river, Lay w T e every burden down ; Grace our spirits will deliver And provide a robe and crown. i At the smiling of the river, Mirror of the Saviour's face, Saints whom death will never sever, Lift their songs of saving grace. 5 Soon we'll reach the silver river, Soon our pilgrimage will cease ; Soon our happv hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS* lg5o , 40tn Psalm, CM, I -WAITED for the Lord, my God, And patiently did bear ° r At length to me He did incline Mj voice and cry to hear." 2 He took me from a fearful pit, And from the miry clay, And on a rock He set my feet, Establishing my way. % He put a new song in my mouthj Our God to magnify ; Many shall see it, and shall fear, And on the Lord rely. 4 O blessed is the man whose trust Upon the Lord relies ; Respecting not the proud, nor such As turn aside to lies. 126, Tune— Saviour, like a Shepherb. 8s ? 7s & 4. Key Efe. SAVIOUR, like a shepherd lead us, Much we need Thy tend' rest care, In Thy pleasant pastures teed us, For our use Thy folds prepare ; * | : Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. : (J 2 We are Thine, do Thou befriend us, Be the Guardian of our way ; Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us, Seek us when we go 'astray ; II: Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Hear, O hear us, when we pray. :R 3 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be ; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, $race to cleanse and power to free ; II: Blessed Jeeus, blessed Jesus, We will early turn to Thee. :li $g GOSPEL HYMN8 AND ISAVBEB 4 Early let us seek Thy favor, • Early let us do Thv will ; Blessed Lord and only Saviour, With Thy love our bosoms fill. II: Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still. :il 127. Tune— Zion. 8s, 7s & 4. Key D. COME, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick andsorsg J esus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love and power ; II: He is able, He is willing ; doubt no more. :0 2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome; God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance, — Every grace that brings you nigh,— !|: Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. :D 3 Let not conscience make you linger ; Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requireth Is to»feel j your need of Him ! II: This He gives } T ou, — 'Tis the Spirit's glimm'ring beam. :l 4 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Bruised and mangled by the fall ; If you tarry 'till yo a're better, You will never come at all ; 11: Not the righteous, — Sinners, Jesus came to call. :| 128. Tune — Mear. CM. COME Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove f With all Thy quickening powers j Kindle a flame of heavenly love In these cold hearts of ours. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS. 2 Ifcear Lord ! and shal>we ever liv© At this poor dying rate ? Our love so faint, so cold to Thee ? And Thine to us so great ? 3 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove ! With all Thy quickening powers ; Come shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. 1 29 o Time— G. H. & S. Songs, page 23. ONCE I was dead in sin, And bope within me died ; But now I'm dead to sin — With Jesus crucified. ©HO. — And can it be that 11 He loved me ; And gave Himself for me ? " 2 Oh, height I cannot reach, 'Oh, depth I cannot sound, Oh, love, O boundless love In my Redeemer found ! 3 Oh, cold, ungrateful heart That can from Jesus turn, When living fires of love Should on His altar burn. 4 I live — and yet, not I, But Christ that lives in me ; Who from the law of sin And death hath made me free. 1 80o Tone— The Christian's Home in Globy. P. M. Key 0. IN the Christian'^ home in glory There remains a land of rest ; There my Saviour's gone before me. To fulfil my soul's request 90 GOSPEL tiYMNts AND SACRED SGNG&\ Cho. — li : There is rest for the weary, : B There is rest for the wsary, There is rest for you ; On the other side of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming, There is rest for you. 2 He is fitting up my mansion, Which eternally shall stand; For my stay shall not be transient^ In that holy, happy land. 3 Sing, O sing, ye heirs of glory ! Shout your triumphs as you go ; Zion's gates will open for you, You shall find a a entrance through. 131. Tune — Boylston. S. M. Key C. DID Christ o'er sinners weep, And shall our cheeks be dry? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. 5 The Son of God in tears The wond'ring angels see ; Be thou astonish 'd, O my soul ; He shed those tears for thee. S He wept that we might weep ; Each sin demands a tear : In heaven alone no sin is found, And there's no weeping there. 1 32 , Tune— Come To Jesus. Key F. COME to Jesus, come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now Just now, come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, just now 2 He will save you, etc. 3 He is able, etc GOSPEL HYMNS AND SACKED SONGS. 4 He is willing, etc. 5 He is waiting, etc. 6 He will hear you, etc. 7 He will cleanse you, etc. 8 He'll renew you, etc. 9 He'll forgive you, etc. 10 If you trust Him, etc. 11 He will save you, etc. 1 38, Tune— Happy Day. L. M. Key G. f\ HAPPY day, that fixed my choice \J On Thee, my Saviour and my God I Well may this glowing heart rejoice And tell its raptures all abroad. Cho. — Happy day. happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away : He taught me how to watch and pray, And live rejoicing every day ; Happy day, happy day, When J esus washed my sins away. 2 'Tis done, the great transaction's done — I am my Lord's, and He is mine ; He drew me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine. 3 Now rest, my long-divided heart : Fixed on this blissful centre, rest j Nor ever from thy Lord depart, With Him of every good possessed. 4 High heaven, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renewed, shall daily hear, Till, in life's latest hour I bow, And bless in death, a bond so dear. I N D E X.< A. Ah, my heart is heavy laden . . „ . . .„.„. . .. Alas ! and did my Saviour bleed Almost persuaded, now to believe ........ . A long time I wandered in darkness and sin, All bail the power of Jesus' name. .......... All the way my S&viour leads me ........... All people that on earth do dwell , . „ ....... . , Am I a soldier of the Cross ................. Arise, my soul, arise .......... B. .Beneath the cross of Jesus , Blest be the tie that binds ....«, Brightly beams our Father's mercy ......... Co ' Come every soul, by sin oppressed . ...» .... . Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove Come home, come home n .................. . , Come thou Fount of every blessing ., Come to Jesus, come to Jesus 1 Come to the Saviour, make no delay .......... Come ye sinners, poor and needy ............ D. Depth of mercy! can there be............... Did Christ o'er sinnprs weep Down life's dark vale we wander. Fo Free from the law, oh happy condition. . From, every stormy wind that blows ,....„... Fully persuaded, Lord I believe. INDEX. *o G. PAGE, Go bury thy sorrow * . . « 46 Go work in my vineyard 71 God loved the world of sinners lost 23 Grace, 'tis a charming sound 37 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah „'....* 64 H. Hark the voice of Jesus, crying 82 Have you on the Lord believed? , 9A Heavenly Father, bless me now; „. . 24 He leadeth me ! oh ! blessed thought 38 Holy Spirit, faithful Guide ! . . 31 Ho I my comrades, see the signal , 12 How solemn are the words . ; , 52 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 52 i. I am coming to the Cross • 46 I am so glad that our Father in heaven 18 I gave My life for thee „ 16 I have a Saviour, He's pleading in glory „ 10 I beard the voice of Jesus say. ... . . „ 85 I hear the Saviour say ........ 27 I hear Thy welcome voice. 47 I know not the hour, when my Lord 11 I left it all with Jesus '. • „ 65 I love to tell the story 30 I need Thee every hour 4 In some way or other, the Lord will provide. . . , . 6 In the Christian's home in glory 89 In the cross of Christ I glory. , 50 It passeth knowledge ; that dear love 53 I waited for the Lord, my .God .... . . 87 I will sing you a song of that beautiful land 16 J. Jesus, keep me near the Cross. 35 Jesus lover of my soul 62 Joy to the world, the Lord is come . , 76 Just as I am, without one plea , 40 K. Knocking, knocking, who is there ?. 14 Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand 60 I^orci, 1 hear of showers of blessing ....... , 68 M INDEX. M. PAGE, More holiness give me , 68 My faith looks up to Thee , \ \ 80 My heart that was heavy and sad „ 72 My soul, be on thy guard 'J7 N. Nearer, my God, to Thee 81 Not all the blood of beasts 78 Nothing but leaves ! the Spirit grieves 69 Not now my child, — a little more 36 O. O Christ, what burdens bowed 43 O for a faith that will not shrink 76 O for a thousand tongues to sing. 73 O happy day, that fixed my choice 91 Oh, biiss of the purified 35 Oh, come to the Saviour, believe in His name 69 Oh, think of a home over there 67 Oh, to be nothing, nothing 54 Oh, to be over yonder 44 Once I was dead in si n. . 89 One more day's work for Jesus 21 One offer of salvation 57 One there is above all others » . . . 27 Only an armour-bearer 60 P. Pass me not, O gentle Saviour 21 Praise God, finjftn whom all blessings flow 3 Precious promise, God hath given 38 R. ' Rejoice and be glad • * 18 Rescue tbe perishing „ 14 •Ring the bells of heaven 15 *Rock of Ages, cleft for me 63 S. Safe in the arms of Jesus . . . 5 Salvation ! O the joyful sound. 76 Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us 87 Saviour, more than life to me 37 Saviour, Thy dying Love 20 Shall we gather at the river ? 86 INDEX. 95 PAGE. Sinners, turn, why will ye die ? 74 So let our lives and lips express 74 Sowing th% seed by the daylight fair , 58 Stand up, stand up for Jesus 84 Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear 61 Sweet hour of prayer I sweet hour of prayer ! 56 T. Take the name of Jesus with you 53 Tell me the Old, Old Story 28 The great Physician n ow is near .„,..,..... 42 The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want. 75 There is a fountain filled with blood 66 There is a gate that stands ajar 13 There is a land of pure delight „ 50 There is life for a look 68 There were ninety and nine that safely lay 6 The Spirit, oh, sinner, 32 The whole world was lost in the darkness. 32 This loving Saviour stands patiently ...... 9 Till He come, oh, let the words □ . . 51 'Tis the promise of God, full salvation to , 4 To-day the Saviour calls . . 41 To the hall of the feast came the sinful.. „ . . 48 W. Wandering afar from the dwellings . .„ 11 We're going home, no more to roam 17 Weary gleaner, whence comest thou ? 25 We praise Thee, O God ! for the Son of 19 We shall meet beyond the river 7 What a Friend we have in Jesus 22 What, 4 4 lay my sins on Jesus ? V 40 What means this eager, anxious throng 8 What various hindrances we meet 73 When He cometh, when He oometh „ . 70 "Whosoever heareth,'' shout, shout the sound ! 10 With harps and with viols, there stand a great 34 Work, for the night is coming 84 y. Yet there is room ! the Lamb's bright hall of 69 Xield not to temptation 65 1 I t The Great Sunday School Song Book of the Day ! WELCOME TIDINGS. —BY— BEV. BOBEBT &0WBY, W. HOWABD LOANS, AND IB A D. SANZEY, INCLUDING THE LAST HYMNS AND MUSIC OF THE LATE i». :p. :b:l