THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESENTED BY The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 10003193615 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hi ^/ ^'^ ■'i'r#. / o f»« t»«VERSIT ' C^ NORTH CAiMJW ^^ AT CHAPEL HRU HUMBOLDTS TEAVELS AND DISCOYEEIES IN SOUTH AMERICA. SECOND EDITION. LONDON : JOHN W. PARKER, WEST STRAND. M.DCCC.XLVI. XX)NDON : HARBISON AND CO., PKINTKBS; ST. MASTIN 'S X diverted by an intimation which he received while in Spain, to the effect that he might obtain permission to visit the American possessions of that power. In March, 1799, Humboldt was presented to the Spanish king, to whom he explained the motives which led him to undertake a voyage to the Xew Continent. Supported l)y the minister, Don Mariano Luis de Ur- (juijo, he received permission to visit the territories tiien possessed by Spain, in the interior of South Ame- rica. '•' Never," to use his own exj)ressions, '-had a Tiiore extensive permission been granted to any tra- veller; never had foreigner been honoured with more confidence on the part of the Spanish government. To dissipate all the doubts which the viceroys, or the captains-general, representing the royal authority in America, might raise upon the nature of my labours, the passport of the first secretary of state declared that I was authorised to use freely my instruments for phy- sical and geodesical operations, that in all the Spanisli possessions I might make astronomical observations. measure the height of mountains, gather the produc- tions of the soib and execute all the operations v/hicli I should iuds-o useful for the advancemoBt of science." The PlaminAc ARRIVAL AT CUMAXA. 7 Impatient to ayail himself of this permission, Hum- boldt prepared with eagerness for his departure; he had experienced so many difficulties in the year past, that he had some difficulty, he says, in persuading him- self that his most ardent wishes would be at length ful- filled. He left Madrid, in company with Bonpland, towards the middle of May, and sailed from Corunnain a Spanish ship of war on the 5th of June. Touching at Teneriffe, the travellers remained there a few days, in the course of which they ascended to the summit of the Peak, and made many interesting and valuable observations. Directing their course across the Atlan- tic towai'ds South America, they arrived in the port of Cumana on the 16th of July, forty-one days after their departure from Corunna. The ship anchored at day-break opposite the mouth of the River Manzanarez; but the necessity of await- ing the visit of the officers of the port prevented our travellers from landing till very late in the morning. " Our looks," says Humboldt, " were fixed upon groups of cocoa-trees, which bordered the river, and the trunks of which, exceeding sixty feet in height, towered over the landscape. The plain was covered with tufts of cassias, capparis, and those arborescent mimosas, which, like the pine of Italy, extend their branches in the form of a parasol. The pinnated leaves of the palms stood out in bold relief against the azure of a sky, the purity of which was not sullied by any trace of vapour. The sun was mounting rapidly toward the zenith. A daz- zling hght was spread through the air, over the white hills strewed with cylindrical cactuses, and over that ever calm sea, the shores of which are peopled with alcatras, egrets, and flamingoes. The brightness of the day, the vivid colours of the vegetation, the form of the 8 PLAIN OF CUMxVNA. plants, the varied plumage of the birds, all announced the grand character of nature in the equinoctial regions.'*' On landing, they were conducted to the governor, who expressed great satisfaction on learning that they intended to remain some time in the province of Xew Andalusia. He took great interest in everything relat- ing to natural philosophy, and talked to them of azote, oxide of iron, and the hygrometer, — words as agreeable to their ears '•' as the name of his native country pro- nounced on a distant shore to those of a traveller." Towards the evening they disembarked their instru- ments, and had the pleasure of finding that none had been damaged. They hu*ed a spacious house, the situa- tion of which was favourable for astronomical observa- tions; when the breeze blew they enjoyed an agreeable coolness, the windows being without glass, and even destitute of its frequent substitute at Cumana, — paper. The city of Cumana, properly so called, stands at the distance of a mile from the shore; it is commanded by the castle of St. Antonio, and occupies the ground between that fort and the little rivers Manzanarez and Santa Catalina. It has three suburbs, the largest of 'which is the Indian suburb of the Guayquerias. The ■arid plain of Cumana exhibits, after violent showers, an extraordinary phenomenon. "The earth, drenched with rain, and heated again by the rays of the sun, emits that musky odour, which under the torrid zone, is common to animals of very different classes; — to the jaguar, the small species of tiger-cat, the thick-nosed tapir, the gahlinazo vultm-e, the crocodile, vipers, and rattlesnakes. The gaseous emanations which are the vehicles of this aroma, seem to be evolved in pro- portion only as the mould containing the spoils of an BATHINC4. 9 innumerable quantity of reptiles, worms, and insects, begins to be impregnated with water. I hare seen Indian children, of the tribe of the Chaymas, draw out from the earth and eat, millepedes or scolopendras, eighteen inches long and upwards of half an inch broad. Wherever the soil is turned up, one is struck with the mass of organic substances which by turns are developed, transformed, or decomposed. Nature, in these climates, a]3pears more active, more fruitful, wc might even say more prodigal, of life." The waters of the Manzanarez are very clear, and its banks extremely pleasant, being shaded by mimosas, erythrinas, ceibas, and other trees of gigantic growth. The temperature of the river is often twenty degrees below that of the air ; and thus it becomes an ines- timable benefit in a country where the heats are exces- sive during the whole year, and where it is so agreeable to bathe several times in the day. The children pass, as it were, a part of their lives in the water ; all the inhabitants, even the ladies of the richest families,^ learn to swim; and one of the first questions asked on meeting in the morning, is, whether the water is cooler than on the preceding evening. The mode of enjoying the bath is sufficiently varied. "We frequented evei-y evening," says Humboldt, " a society of very estimable persons in the suburb of the Guayquerias. Under a fine moonlight, chairs were placed in the water; the men and the women vrere lightly clothed, as in some baths of the north of Europe ; and the family, and the strangers assembled on the river, passed several hours in smoking cigars, and talking, according to the custom of the country, about the extreme dryness of the season, the abundant rains in the neighbouring districts, and particularly of the luxury of which the ladies of Cu- 10 CUMAiXA. mana accuse those of Caracas and the Havannah. The company were under no apprehension from the bavas, or small crocodiles, which are now extremely scarce, and which approach men without attacking them. These animals are three or four feet long. We never met with them in the Manzanarez, but v/ith a great number of dolphins, which sometimes ascend the river in the night, and frighten the bathers by spouting water." The port of Cumana is described as a road capable of receiving all the navies of Europe ; and the whole of the Gulf of Cariaco affords excellent anchorage. The sea is calm, the hurricanes of the West Indies being never felt here. Earthquakes, however, are frequent, and have sometimes produced very fatal effects. In 1766, the city was entirely destroyed ; and in 1797, four-fifths of it were again overwhelmed. The picture which Humboldt has drawn of the gene- ral appearance of Cumana is very interesting. "The city, placed at the foot of a hill destitute of verdure, is commanded by a castle. No steeple, or dome, attracts from afar the eye of the traveller, but only a few trunks of tamarind, cocoa, and date trees, which rise above the houses, the roofs of which are flat. The surrounding plains, especially those on the coasts, wear a melan- choly, dusty, and arid appearance, while a fresh and luxuriant vegetation points out from afar the windings of the river which separates the city from the suburbs, the population of European and mixed race from the natives with a coppery tint. The hill of Fort St. An- tonio, isolated, naked, and white, reflects a great mass of light and of radiating heat. In the distance, toward the south, a vast and gloomy curtain of mountains stretches along. Majestic forests cover this cordillera of the interior, and are joined by a woody vale to the CUM AN A. 11 open clayey lands and salt marshes of tlie enyirons of Cumana. A few birds, of considerable size, contribute to give a iDarticular jDhysiognomy to these countries. On the sea-shore, and in the gulf, we find flocks of fishing-herons and alcatras of a very imwieldy form, which swim like the swan, raising their wings. Nearer the habitations of men, thousands of galenas, vultures, the true jackals of the winged tribe, are ever busy in uncovering the carcasses of animals. The coasts are bathed by a tranquil sea of an azure tint, and always gently agitated by the same wind. A pure and bright sky, offering only a few light clouds at sunset, rests on the ocean, on the peninsula [of Araya] destitute of trees, and on the plains of Cumana; whilst storms are seen to form, accumulate, and resolve into fertile showers among the mountain-tops of the interior. It is thus that on these coasts, as at the foot of the Andes, the earth and the skies offer the extremes of clear weather and fogs, of drought and torrents of rain, of absolute bareness and a verdure incessantly renewed. In the New Continent, the low regions on the sea-coasts differ as widely from the inland mountainous districts, as the plains of Lower Egypt from the high lands of Abyssinia." 12 E.X.OLilSIO>'S i'KOil ('JMA.SA. ClIArjLU II. l^xcutMOiii. from Curaana — The Alps of America — Ciibinsof the Mesti- zoes — Ridge named 2'he ImpossU'le — SoutU Amoricun forests — Bamboo plants — Village of San Fernando — The f*uporior of the IMission— To^\^l of Cumanacoa— Ravages of wild boii&t.s— Cavcru with luminous exhalations. [1700.] VovR montlis elapsed after tlic arriviil of our travel- lers at Cumanaj before tliey finally quitted it on theii- great expedition to the Orinoco. But in this intorval they made two exem-sions. — one, to the peninsula oi" Araya and its salt-works, the other to the missions of the Chayraa Indians., in the mountains of Xew Anda- lusia. This second excursion was commenced on the •4th of September, the tra^-ellers rjuirtin-- the city of €umana at an early hour. '•'After a journey of two hours," says Hujnboldt, '•' we reached the foot of the lofty chain of the interior mountains, which runs from east to west, from the Bri- gantine to the Ccrro do Sail Lorenzo. Here, neu species of rock commence, and, wdth them, a new aspect of vegetation. Everything here assumes a more majestic and picturesque character. The ground, wa- tered by springs, is intersected in all directions. Trees, of a gigantic height, and covered with creepers,, shoot up in the ravines: their bark, blackened and burned by the twofold action of light and atmospheric oxygen, forms a contrast with the vivid green of the pothos and dracontium, the leather-like and glossy leaves of which frequently shoot out to the length of several feet. The parasitical monocotyledons, between the tropics, may be said to occupy the place of the mosses and the THE ALPS OF AMEEICA. 15 lichens of our northern zone. As we proceeded, the mountains, both by their shape and grouping, brought to our recollection the scenery of Swisserland and the Tyrol. Upon these Alps of America, even at consider- able heights, we met with the Heliconia, the Costus, the Maranta, and others of the cane family; while, near the coast, the same plants delight only in low and swampy situations. It is thus, that, by an extraor- dinary similarity, in the torrid zone, as in the north of Europe, under the influence of an atmosphere continu- ally loaded with fog, as upon a soil moistened by melt- ing snow, the vegetation of mountains presents all the characteristic features of that of marshy places." The cabins of the Mestizoes dwelling in these parts were found placed in the midst of small enclosures, containing bananas, papayas, sugar-canes, and maize. Humboldt remarks, that the small extent of their cleared spots would surprise us, if we did not recollect that an acre, planted with banana-trees, yields nearly twenty times the quantity of aliment which the same space would give if sown with grain. This superior fecundity of nature in the torrid zone, prevents the spreading of a population over a wide space. In Eu- rope, the wheat and other kinds of grain, necessary for the food of its inhabitants, cover a vast extent of coun- try; and the cultivators necessarily come into contact with each other. In the torrid zone, the reverse is the case; there the fertility of the soil corresponds with the heat and humidity of the atmosphere, and man avails himself of those vegetables which rise most rapidly, and yield most abundantly. Thus, a numerous population finds ample subsistence within a narrow space, and the tracts of cultivated land are separated from each other by the intervention of large vmstes. Even in the 16 THE IMPOSSIBLE. neiglibourliood of the most populous cities of equinoc- tial Americaj the surface of the earth is bristled with forests, or covered with a thick SAvard which the plough- share has never divided; plants of spontaneous growth predomiucite by their luxuriance and their masses over those that are cultivated, and determine the character and aspect of the country. To an European traveller, unmindful of this distinction, or not knowing how small an extent of soil will suffice in those regions for the maintenance of a family, a j'lopulous province might seem almost uninhabited. Continuing their ascent, our travellers arrived about dusk on the summit of a ridge, to Avhich had been given the name of The, Impossihle, under the belief that it would afford the inhabitants of Cumana a safe retreat from an enemy landing on the coast. In the year 1797, when that port was threatened, after the capture of Trinidad bjtheEnglish, many of the people fled to Cumanacoa, leaving their most valuable effects in sheds built upon this ridge. Yet by the route of The Impossible the cultivators of the plains of the interior transport their cattle, skins, and provisions to Cumana. The travellers spent their night in a house at which was stationed a military post of a Spanish sergeant and eight men. Without, the scene around them was remarkably impressive; in several parts the neigh- bouring forests were on fire, and the flames arising from the burning masses, amidst clouds of smoke, pro- assed the night at a sugar-plantation where there was a square house filled with negroes. It looked like a barrack; nearly eighty negroes were lying on skins of oxen spread on the ground, four in each apartment. In MOUNTAIN OF HIGUEROTA. 81 tlie yard were burning a dozen fires, at whicli the ope- ration of cookery was being carried on. "We were again struck," remarks Humboldt, '-'witli the noisy mui;h of the blacks, Avliich almost preyented us from sleeping." At sunrise on the following morning, the travellers proceeded to cross the mountains of Higuerota, a lofty group which lies between the valleys of Caraccas and Aragua. The country had a wild appearance, and was thickly wooded, the plants belonging to the valley of Caraccas gradually disappearing. The road, however, was so much frequented, that long files of mules and oxen met them at every step. Descending, they camo upon a ravine, in which a fine spring was obseiwed gushing from the rock, and forming several cascades. The vegetation was extremely rich and diversified^ con- sisting of tree-ferns, the trunks of which reached tha height of twenty-five feet, heliconias, browneas, gigan- tic figs, palms, and other plants. "The brownea, which the inhabitants call rosa del monte, or palo de eras, bears four or five hundred purple flowers together in one thyrsus; each flower has invariably eleven stamina ; and this majestic plant, the trunk of which reaches the height of fifty or sixty feet, is becoming rare, because its wood yields a highly valued charcoal." Having crossed the mountain of Higuerota, our travellers entered at its foot the small village of San Pedro, situated in a basin where several valleys meet. Here, on one spot they found coffee, plantains, and potatoes sedulously cultivated. Soon after leaving the mountain, they entered the valley of the river Tuy, a beautiful and highly cultivated district, covered with hamlets and villages, some of which deserved the name of towns: in a line of twelve leagues they found G 82 VALLEY OF THE TUY. four places, La Victoria, San Matheo, Turmero, and Maracay, containing together about 30,000 inhabit- ants. In this dehghtful country they passed two days at the plantation of Don Jose de Manterola upon the banks of the Tuy, which winds among grounds covered - with plantains, fig-trees, &c., its waters being always cool and clear as crystal. They observed here thi-ee species of sugar-cane — the old Creole, the Otaheitan, and the Batavian; the most valuable is the second, which yields a third more of juice than the Creole one, and also furnishes a much larger quantity of fuel. The house of their entertainer, situated upon a hil- lock, was surrounded by the cottages of the negroes, to whose humane treatment here as in most of the Spanish colonies, Humboldt bears testimony. In this, as in the other valleys of Aragua, a small spot of ground is allotted to them; they keep poultiy, and sometimes even a pig. "Theu- masters," says our author, "boast of their happiness, as in the Xorth of Eui'ope the great landholders like to descant upon the ease which the peasants enjoy who are attached to the glebe. The day of our arrival we saw three fugitive negroes brought back: they were slaves newly pm'chased. I dreaded having to witness one of those punishments which, wherever slaveiy prevails, destroy all the charm of a country life. Happily these blacks were treated with humanity." At the period of oui' travellers' visit to the valley of the Tuy, workmen were employed in finishing a dike for a canal of m-igation. The undertaking had already cost the proprietor 7000 piastres, besides en- tailing on him a loss of 4000 more for the cost of a lawsuit in which he had been engaged with his neigh- boiu's. While the lawyers were disputing about the EXCURSION TO ITS GOLD MINE. 85 canalj of which only one-half was finished, Don Jose de Manterola began to doubt even the possibility of car- rying the plan into execution. To settle the matter, Humboldt took the level of the ground, and found that the drain had actually been constructed eight feet too low. "What sums of money," he exclaims, "have I seen uselessly expended in the Spanish colo- nies, for undertakings founded on eiToneous levelling !" In the valley of the Tuy, as in most parts of America conquered by the Spaniards, there is a real or fancied gold mine; grains of that metal were, indeed, said to have been picked up in the ravine leading to its as- signed locality, and Humboldt was desired to visit it. "An overseer, or major domo of a neighbouring plan- tation, had followed these indications; and after his death, a waistcoat with gold buttons being found among his clothes, this gold, according to the logic of these people, could only have proceeded from a vein, which the falling in of the earth had rendered invisible. In vain I objected, that I could not, by the mere view of the soil, without digging a large trench in the direction of the vein, well judge of the existence of the mine : I was compelled to yield to the desire of my hosts. For twenty years past the major-domo's waistcoat had been the subject of conversation in the country. Gold ex- tracted from the bosom of the earth, is far more allur- ing in the eyes of the vulgar, than that which is the produce of agricultural industry, favoui'ed by the fer- tility of the soil, and the mildness of the climate." Proceeding thi'ough a deep ravine named Quebrada /S'eca, which led to the supposed gold mine, the atten- tion of our travellers was attracted by a gigantic tree which had grown on a steep decHvity above a house. As apprehensions had been entertained of its injuring G2 8^ TRUNKS OF FIG-TREES. the building, if it should fall, it had been burnt near the root and at the top, and cut so as to sink between some large fig-trees which would impede its further de- scent. Its length was 160 feet; its diameter at the lower end was eight feet and a half, and at the upper end four feet fire inches. On reaching the appointed spot, the travellers found all traces of the gold mine obliterated, the surface of the ground having been completely changed by the falling down of the earth. They were rewarded, how- ever, for their labour, by an abundant harvest of plants in the thick forest adjoining; the vegetation on every side being of the most magnificent description. The fig-trees displayed a striking phenomenon; woody ex- crescences rose around them to the height of twenty feet above the ground, and of such a thickness, that in some instances the diameter of their trunks near the roots became nearly twenty-three feet. When these roots are cut with a hatchet at the distance of several feet from the trunk, they throw out a milky juice which quickly becomes altered and coagulated after being de- prived of the vital influence of the organs of the tree. "What a wonderful combination of cells and vessels exists in these vegetable masses," exclaims Humboldt, "in these gigantic trees of the torrid zone, which with- out interiiiption, perhaps during a thousand years, prepare nutritious food, raise them to the height of 180 feet, convey them down again to the ground, and conceal beneath a rough and hard bark, under the inanimate layers of ligneous matter, all the move- ments of organized life!" At sunrise on the 11th, they left the plantation, and proceeded towards Victoria, by a road running along the smiling banks of the Tuy; the morning was cool and TOWNS AND VILLAGES. 85 huniid, and the air seemed embalmed by tlie delicious odour of the large liliaceous plants. They passed on the way a farm, where they saw a negress more than a hundred years old; she was seated before a small hut of earth and reeds; and seemed to enjoy very good health. "I hold her to the sun/' said her griind- son, "the heat keeps her alive," Humboldt remarks, that blacks well-seasoned to the climate, and Indians, are known to attain a happy old age in the torrid zone ; and he mentions a native of Peru who died at the age of one hundred and forty-thj"ee years, having been married ninety years. As they approached Victoria, the ground became smoother, resembUng the bottom of a desiccated lake. The town itself presented an appearance of great pros- perity, containing a population of seven thousand in- habitants, and many fine edifices, among which was a church decorated with Doric columns. Its environs displayed a remarkable phenomenon in agriculture; on a surface nearly 300 toises above the level of the sea, were seen fields of corn mingled with plantations of sugar-canes, cofi'ee, and plantains. In the villages through which our travellers passed in the valley of Tuy, everything indicated prosperity. From S. Matheo to Turmero, a distance of four leagues, the road led through plantations of sugar, indigo, cotton, and cofi'ee. The regularity of all the villages showed that they owed their origin to monks and missions : the streets were straight and parallel, intersecting at right angles; and in the centre was the chiu'ch situated in the great square. The relative population of the valleys of Aragua at the time of Humboldt's visit, was equal to that of the most thickly peopled parts of France; the houses were of masomy, and in every 86 THE ZAMANG OP GUAYRA. court were cocoa-trees rising above the habitation. The Indians form a portion of the inhabitants, and retain their characteristics in the midst of the civili- zation Avhich surrounds them. During the short intervals in which they can be prevailed on to work, they are active and laborious; but the temptation of strong liquors is so alluring, that in one week they will spend the earnings of two months, at the small inns which everywhere abound. " On leaving the village of Turmero," says Humboldt, "we discover, at the distance of a league, an object which appears on the horizon like a round hillock, or a tumulus covered with vegetation. It is not a hill, how- ever, nor a group of very close trees, but a single tree, the celebrated Zamang of Guayra, known over the whole province for the enormous extent of its branches, which form a hemispherical top six hundred and four- teen feet in circumference. The zamang is a beautiful siDecies of mimosa, whose tortuous branches divide by forking. Its slim and delicate foliage is agreeably de- tached on the blue sky. We rested a long while beneath this vegetable arch. The trunk of the Guayra zamang, which grows on the road from Turmero to Maracay, is not more than sixty-four feet high, and nine and a half feet in diameter; but its real beauty consists in the general form of its top. The branches stretch out like the spokes of a great umbrella, and all incline towards the ground, from which they uni- formly remain twelve or fifteen feet distant. The circumference of the branches or foliage is so regular, that I found the different diameters two hundred and five and one hundred and ninety-eight feet. One side of the tree was entirely stripped of leaves from the effect of drought, while on the other both foliage and South American Indigo Factory HACIENDA DE CUKA. 91 flowers remained. The branches were covered, with creeping plants. The inhabitants of these valleys, and especially the Indians, have a great veneration for the Guayra zamang, which the first conquerors seem to have found nearly in the same state as that in which we now see it. Since it has been attentively observed, no change has been noticed in its size or form. It must at least be as old as the dragon-tree of Oro- tava. Near Turmero and the Hacienda de Cura, there are other trees of the same species, with larger trunks ; but their hemispherical tops do not spread so widely." At the Hacienda de Cura, which is seated on the borders of the Lake of Valencia, our travellers passed seven days, in a small habitation surrounded by thickets; and here they were agreeably sm-prised not only at the progress of agriculture, but at the social aspect of the district. Their host Count Tovar, and other great landholders following his example, had begun to let out small farms to poor families who chiefly applied themselves to the cultivation of cotton ; the object of this arrangement was to substitute free labour for the compulsory toiling of slaves. "I love," says Humboldt, "to dwell upon these details of colo- nial industry, because they prove to the inhabitants of Europe, what to the enlightened inhabitants of the co- lonies has long ceased to be doubtful, that the continent of Spanish America can produce cotton as well as sugar and indigo by free hands, and that the unhappy- slaves are capable of becoming peasants, farmers, and land-holders." The lake of Valencia, or as the Indians call it Ta- carigua, is remarkable for its picturesque beauties; it is larger than the Lake of Keuchatel, and in its general form bears some resemblance to that of Geneva. Its 92 THE LAKE OF VALE^'CIA. northern shores are highly cultivated, prcsentmg nume- rous plantations of sugar, coffee, and cotton. "Paths bordered with cestrum, azedarach, and other shrubs always in flower, traverse the plain, and join the scat- tered farms. The ceiba,with large yellow flowers, gives a peculiar character to the landscape, as it unites its branches with those of the purple erythrina. The mixture and brilliancy of the vegetable colours form a contrast to the unvaried tint of a cloudless sky. In the dry season, when the burning soil is covered with a wavy vapour, artificial irrigations keep up its verdure and fecundity. Here and there the granitic rocks pierce the cultivated land, and enormous masses rise abruptly in the midst of the plain, their bare and fissured surfaces affording nourishment to some succu- lent plants, which prepare a soil for future ages. Often on the summit of these detached hills, a fig-tree or a clusia, with juicy leaves, have fixed their roots in the rock, and overlook the landscape. With their dead and withered branches they seem like signals erected on a steep hill. The form of these eminences reveals the secret of their origin, for when the whole of this valley was filled with water, and the waves beat against the base of the peaks of Mariana, the Devil's Wall, and the coast chain, these rocky hills were shoals or islets." This lake, when our travellers visited it, was thirty- four miles and a half in length, and four or five in breadth: the mean depth was about eighty-five feet, but in some parts it was upv>'ards of two hundred and fifty feet. For some years previous, attention had been drawn to the curious fact, of the gradual diminution of the waters of this lake ; and from a careful examina- tion, Humboldt was convinced that in remote times, they had extended over the whole valley of which it ITS ISLANDS. 93 now only occupies a part. Shells, such as tlie lake now affords, were found in layers three or four feet thick, nearly as far off as the town of Victoria ; and the form of the promontories and their abrupt slope indicated the shores of an Alpine lake. Some persons supposed that there were subterranean channels which carried off the water; Humboldt more rationally attri- butes the diminution to evaporation, and the clearing of the country. The destruction of the forests and thickets, in the progress of cultivation, has exposed the ground to the direct influence of the sun ; the springs and rivers have become less abundant or altogether dried up, and thus the supplies of the lake have been materially diminished. The lake is embellished with fifteen beautiful islands; the largest of them, Burro, is two miles in length. It was inhabited by some families of Mestizoes, who were occupied in rearing goats, and who seldom visited the neighboui-ing shore. To these simple men the lake appeared of immense extent ; for their subsistence they had plantains, cassava, milk, and a little fish. A hut, constructed of reeds; hammocks woven with the cotton, which the neighbouring fields produced ; a large stone on which they made their fire, the ligneous fruit of the tutuma, in which they di-ew water, constituted their domestic establishment. " The old Mestizo," says Humboldt, " who offered us some of the milk of his goats, had a beautiful daughter; we learned from our guide, that solitude had rendered him as mistrustful as he might, perhaps, have been by the society of men. The day before our arrival, some sportsmen had visited the island; they were surprised by the night, and preferred sleeping in the open air to returning to Mocundo. This news spread alarm throughout the 94 TOWN OF NEW VALENCIA. island. The father obliged the young girl to climb up a very lofty zamang or acacia, which grows in the plain, at some distance from the hut; while he stretched himself at the foot of the tree, and did not permit his daughter to descend, till the sportsmen had departed. Travellers have not always found this timorous watch- fulness, this great austerity of manners, among the inhabitants of islands." On the 21st, the travellers quitted the Hacienda de Cura, continuing their route to the westward, towards the town of Nueva Valencia, seated at the further extremity of the lake. They travelled by night as the heat was excessive in the da^^-time; and in a thick wood were closely followed for some time by a large ja- guar, whose yellings frightened their horses. They were told that this animal had made himself famous in the district, having roamed in the mountains for three years, and escaped the pursuit of the most intrepid hunters. The vegetation was magnificent; at one part the road was bordered by large mimosas, sixty feet high, with horizontal branches meeting, so as to form a verdant canopy, more than fifty yards in breadth. Resting on the 22nd at the village of Guacara, on the northern shore of the lake, they continued their journey in the evening to New Valencia. This town, which had been founded in 1555, contained a population of six or seven thousand; but it covered a very large extent of ground, the streets being broad and the houses low. Many of the white inhabitants used to abandon their houses, and take up their abode in little plantations of indigo and cotton, where they could " venture to work with their own hands," an effort of industry which would, it seemed, have degraded them in the town. At this place, the termites, or white ants, PORTO CABELLO. ^5 were very numerous; their excavations were said to resemble subterranean canals, which, filling with water in the rainy season, became extremely dangerous to the buildings of the town. From Valencia our travellers paid a visit to the hot springs of La Trinchera, ten miles off. The fountains formed a rivulet, which, even in the driest seasons was two feet deep, and eighteen in width : the temperature of the water exceeded 194°, and eggs immersed in it were boiled in less than four minutes. The vegetation aroimd was exceedingly luxuriant, the mimosas and fig-trees pushing their roots into the Avater, and spread- ing their branches over it. From Yalencia, also, they made an excursion to the town of Porto Cabello, on the sea-coast, famous for its magnificent harbour. The heat at this place was exces- sive, and naturally appeared suffocating to persons just descended from the elevated regions of the interior; the temperature, however, was below that of La Guayra; the breeze being stronger and more regulai', and the air having more room to circulate between the coast and the mountains. Porto Cabello is one of the tkree places on this coast at which the yellow fever has been known for a considerable time. Its insalubrity is attributed to the exhalations that rise from the shore to the eastward; the upper part of the harbom- is marshy ground covered with stagnant and putrid water. Keturning towards Yalencia, they stopped at the farm of Barbula, where they were gratified with a new vege- table phenomenon, interesting to the philosopher and the lover of natural history. They had heard of a tree yielding a juice which resembled milk, and which was used as an article of food by the poor natives; and on visiting it, found the statements made to them on the 06 THE COW-TREE. subject to be correct. Of this tree very little is known; Humboldt describes it as being peculiar to tlie Cordil- leras of the coast of Caraccas, and occurring most frequently between Barbula and the lake of Maracaybo, and in the valley of Caucagua, three days' journey to the east of Caraccas, In these places it is named the palo de vaca, or arhol de leche. It forms a fine tree, resembling the broad-leaved star apple of the West Indies. Its oblong pointed leaves, rough and alternate, are marked by lateral ribs, prominent at the lower surface and paralleled; some of them are ten inches long. When an incision is made in the trunk, there issues in abundance a milky fluid, glutinous, tolerably thick, free from all acrimony, and having an agreeable balsamic smell. The Xegroes fatten upon it, and the experience of our travellers proves that it produces no noxious effects upon Europeans. They drank considerable quantities of it in the evening before they went to bed, and very early in the morning, without suffering in the slightest degree ; its viscidity alone rendered it a little disagreeable. In its chemical character, this juice bears a striking resemblance to the milk of animals. When exf)0sed to the air^ a yellowish cheesy substance, called, in fact, cheese by the people, is produced; in five or six days this becomes sour, and it afterwards putrefies. Humboldt supposed the cow- tree to belong to the order of plants called Sapotea, to which the Shea or Butter-tree^, mentioned by Mungo * Park thus describes this plant in the narrative of his First Joiimey in Africa. ' ' The people were everywhere employed in collecting the fruit of the Shea trees, from which they prepare the vegetable butter mentioned in former parts of this work. These trees groAV in great abundance all over this part of Bambarra. They are not planted by the natives, but are found growing naturally in the woods; and in clearing wood-land for cultivation, every tree is cut down but the Shea. The THE COAV-TREE. 97 Park, belongs; but it is now generally regarded as a member of the Urticaceous order, and thus as present- ing the interesting, though not singular phenomenon of an innocuous and even nutritive plant in a highly poisonous order. This interesting plant strongly excited the attention of our travellers. "Amid the great number of curious phenomena," says Humboldt, "which have presented themselves to me in the course of my travels, I confess there are few that have so powerfully affected my imagination, as the aspect of the cow-tree. "WTiatever relates to milk, whatever regards corn, inspires an interest which is not merely that of the physical know- ledge of things, but is connected with another order of ideas and sentiments. We can scarcely conceive how the human race could exist without farinaceous substances; and without that nourishing juice, which the breast of the mother contains, and which is appro- priated to the long feebleness of the infant. The amylaceous matter of the corn, the object of religious veneration among so many nations, ancient and modern, is diffused in the seeds, and deposited in the roots of vegetables; milk, which serves us as an aliment, appears to us exclusively the produce of animal organization. Such are the impressions we have received in our earliest infancy; such is also the source tree itself very much resembles the American oak ; and the fruit from the kernel of which being first dried in the sun, the butter is prepared by boUing the kernel in water, has somewhat the appearance of a Spanish olive. The kernel is enveloped in a sweet pulp under a thin green rind ; and the butter produced from it, besides the advantage of its keeping the whole year without salt, is whiter, firmer, and to my palate of a richer flavour than the best butter I ever tasted made from cow's milk. The growth and preparation of this commodity, seem to be among the first objects of African industry, in this and the neighbouring states; and it constitutes a main article of their inland commerce." H 98 THE COW-TREE, of that astonishment which seizes us at the aspect of the tree just described. It is not liere the solemn shades of forests, the majestic course of rivers, the mountains wrapt in eternal frost, that excite our emo- tion. A few drops of vegetable juice recall to our minds all the powerfulness and fecundity of nature. On the barren flank of a rock grows a tree with cori- aceous and dry leaves. Its large woody roots can scarcely penetrate into the stone. For several months of the year not a single shower moistens its foliage. Its branches appear dead and dried, but when the trunk is pierced, there flows from it a sweet and nourishing milk. It is at the rising of the sun, that this vegetable fountain is most abundant. The blacks and natives are then seen hastening from all quar- ters, furnished with large bowls to receive the milk which grows yellow, and thickens at its surface. Some empty their bowls under the tree itself, others -carry the juice home to their children. We seem to see the family of a shepherd, who distributes the milk ^f his flock. "I have described," he continues, "the sensations which the cow-tree awakens in the mind of the tra- veller at the first view. In examining the physical properties of animal and vegetable products, science displays them as closely linked together; but it strips them of what is marvellous, and perhaps also of a part of their charms, of what excited our astonishment. Nothing appears isolated; the chemical principles that were believed to be peculiar to animals, are found in plants; a common chain links together all organic natui-e." H2 ,^,'The Red Hcv/lin^ Monkej. DEPARTURE FROM ARAGUA. 101 Chapter IX. Departure from the valleys of Aragua — Entrance into the Llanos, or plains — Their appearance — Characteristics of the plains of the fom- great continents; Prairies, Llanos, and Pampas — Want of hills in the Llanos — Two kinds of slight inequalities in them— General out- line of the mountains of South America, and of its plains — Traces of ancient inhabitants — Palm-trees of the Llanos. [1800.] On the 6tli of March, our travellers departed from the charming valleys of Aragua, to enter upon the desolate plains which stretch far to the south ; or, in the words of Humboldt, from a peopled country embellished with cultivation, to plunge into a vast solitude. Proceeding along the south-west side of the Lake of Valencia, they passed over a rich country, covered with plantains and water-melons, and were amused in then- route by the singular evolutions of the monkeys, moving in regular bands from tree to tree. The howhngs of these crea- tures announced the rising of the sun: Humboldt ascertained the distance at which their cries are audible to be 1705 yards. According to the Indians, there is one of them who always chants as leader ; and the missionaries assert, that, when a young one is on the point of being brought forth, the bowlings are suspended until the moment of its appearance. "Naturalists," says Humboldt, "have very often described the howling monkeys which live in society in different parts of America. They everywhere resem- ble each other in their manners, though the species are not always the same. The uniformity with which the araguatoes execute their movements is extremely striking. Whenever branches of the neighbouring. 102 THE LLANOS. trees do not touch, the male that leads the band sus- pends himself by the callous and prehensile part of his tail; and letting fall the rest of his body, swings him- self, till, in one of his oscillations, he reaches the neigh- boui'ing branch. The whole file goes through the same eyolution at the same place. It is almost super- fluous to add, how dubious is the assertion of Ulloa, and so many well-informed travellers, according to whom the marimondoes, the araguatoes, and other monkeys with a prehensile tail, form a sort of chain, in order to reach the opposite side of a river'"'. We had opportunities of obseiTing thousands of these ani- mals; and for this vei-y reason we place no confidence in accounts, which were, perhaps, invented by the Europeans themselves, though they are repeated by the Indians of the Missions, as if they had been transmitted to them by then- own fathers." On the second day, they began to ascend the moun- tains which separate the valleys from the Llanos, or plains, of the interior, and, reaching the top of an ele- vated platform, took their last view of the delightful country in which they had spent the previous four weeks. The passage of the mountain range occupied them some days, and, on the 12th, they entered the basin of the Llanos, in the ninth degree of narth latitude. "The sun was almost at its zenith; the earth, where- ever it aiDpeared sterile and destitute of vegetation, was at the temperature of 118° or 122°. Not a breath of air was felt at the height at w^hich we were on our mules; yet, in the midst of this apparent calm, whirls of dust incessantly arose, driven on by those small cur- * UUoa even goes so far as to represent this extraordinary feat of the monkeys in an engraving (in Ms Voyage to South America). ^ THEIR APPEARANCE. 103 rents of air, that glide only over the surface of the ground, and are occasioned by the difference of tempe- rature which the naked sand and the spots covered with herbs acquire. These sand-winds augment the suffocating heat of the air. Every grain of quartz, hotter than the surrounding air, radiates heat in every direction; and it is difl&cult to observe the temperature of the atmosphere, without these particles of sand strik- ing against the bulb of the thermometer. All around us, the plains seemed to ascend toward the sky, and that vast and profound solitude appeared to our eyes like an ocean covered with sea-weeds. According to the un- equal mass of vapours diffused though the atmosphere, and the variable decrement in the temperature of the different strata of air, the horizon, in some parts, was clear and distinct; in other parts, it appeared undulat- ing, sinuous, and as if striped. The earth there was confounded with the sky. Through the diy fog, and strata of vapour, the trunks of palm-trees were seen from afar : stripped of their foliage, and their verdant summits, these trunks appeared like the masts of a ship discovered at the horizon. "There is something awful, but sad and gloomy, in the uniform aspect of these Steppes. Everything seems motionless; scarcely does a small cloud, as it passes across the zenith, and announces the approach of the rainy season, sometimes cast its shadow on the savan- nah. I know not whether the first aspect of the Llanos excite less astonishment than that of the chain of the Andes. Mountainous countries, whatever may be the absolute elevation of the highest summits, have an ana- logous physiognomy; but we accustom ourselves with difficulty to the view of the Llanos of Venezuela and Casanare, to that of the Pampas of Buenos Ayres and 104 PRAIRIES, LLANOS, AND PAMPAS. of Chaco, which recall to mind incessantly, and during journeys of twenty or thii'ty days, the smooth surface of the ocean." It has been attempted to characterize the four great divisions of the globe, with reference to their plains, by saying that Europe has its heaths, Asia its steppes, Africa its deserts, and America its savannahs. Hum- boldt observes, however, that erroneous notions are inculcated by this description, inasmuch as no one of the four chraraeteristics is peculiar to any one of the four quarters of the globe. The term heath always implies the existence of the plant of that name ; but as all the plains of Eui'ope are not heathy, the descrip- tion is incorrect. In like manner, the steppes of Asia are not always covered with saline plants, some of them being real deserts. The American llanos are not always grassy. It is true that deserts, such as those of Africa, are almost wholly wanting in the New World; they exist, however, in the low part of Peru, on the borders of the South Sea, and are called by the Spaniards, not Llanos, but desiertos. "This solitary tract is not broad, but four hundred and forty leagues long. The rock pierces everywhere through the quicksands. No drop of rain ever falls on it; and, like the Desert of Sahara, to the north of Tombuctoo, theTeruyian Desert affords, near Huaura, a rich mine of native sa^f.' Everywhere else, in the New World, there are plains^ desert because not- inhabited, but no real deserts." The name of prairies, given to the savannahs of America, is considered by Humboldt as little applicable to pastures that are often very dry, though covered with grass four or five feet in height. The Llano's and the Pampas of South America, are regarded by hiiii%S' CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LLANOS. 105 real Steppes. "They display," he says, "a beautiful ver-. dure in the rainy season; but, in the season of great drought, assume the aspect of a desert. The grass is then reduced to powder, the earth cracks, the alligator and the great serpents remain buried in the dried mud, till awakened from their long lethargy by the first showers of spring." These phenomena are observed on barren tracts of fifty or sixty leagues in length, wherever the savannahs are not traversed by rivers; for, on the borders of rivulets, and around little pools of stagnant water, the traveller finds at certain distances, even during the period of the great di'oughts, thickets of the mauritia palm, the leaves of which, spread out like a fan, preserve a brilliant verdure. These immense plains appear, as far as the eye can reach, to adopt our traveller's expression, "like an ocean of ver- dure." Their extent, however, great as it is, is apt to deceive the traveller. " The uniform landscape of the Llanos ; the extreme rarity of inhabitants ; the fatigue of travelling beneath a burning sky, and an atmosphere darkened with dust; the view of the horizon, which seems for ever to fly before us; those lowly trunks of palm-trees, which have all the same aspect, and which we despair of reaching, because they are confounded with other trunks that rise by degrees on the visual horizon; all these causes combined, make the steppes appear far greater than they are in reality." The chief characteristic of these savannahs is the absolute want of sensible hills and inequalities, and the almost perfect level of every part of the soil, which is so remarkable, that often in the space of thirty square leagues there is not an eminence of a foot high. This regularity of surface is said to reign, without interrup- tion, from the mouth of the Orinoco to La Ville de 106 WANT OF HILLS. Araure and Ospinos, under a parallel of a hundred and eighty leagues in length, and from San Carlos to the savannahs of Caqueta, on a meridian of two hundred leagues. There are, however, on the surface of these llanos two kinds of inequalities, which, as Humboldt remarks, will not escape the observation of an attentive traveller. The first is known by the name of Bancos, which, he says, are real shoals in the basins of the steppes, fractured strata of sand-stone, or compact lime- stone, standing four or five feet higher than the rest of the plain, and extending sometimes three or four leagues in length ; being entirely smooth, with an hori- zontal surface, their existence is discovered only by examining their borders. The second species of ine- quality is known by the name of Mesa, and is composed of small flats, or rather, convex eminences, which rise insensibly to the height of a few toises, and are to be recognised only by geological or barometrical level- lings, or by the course of rivers. Some of these, incon- siderable as they are, divide the waters between the Orinoco and the northern coast of Terra Firma. Humboldt has given us a bold geographical outline of South America. He observes, that, in order to have an exact idea of the plains, their configuration and their limits, we must know the chains of mountains that form their boundary. From the great chain of the Andes, then, which bounds, or nearly so, the west- ern side of South America, throughout its whole extent in a north and south direction, branch out three distinct Cordilleras, or transverse chains, dividing this continent from east to west. The first, to the northward, is called by our author the Cordillera of the Coast, of which the highest summit is the Silla of Caraccas, and which runs across the country in about the tenth parallel of MOUNTAIXS OF SOUTH AMERICA. 107 latitude. The second chain he has named the Cordil- lera of Parime, or of the Great Cataracts of the Orinoco; it extends between the parallels of 3° and 7° from the mouths of the Guaviare and the Meta to the sources of the Orinoco, the Marony, and the Esquibo, towards French and Dutch Guiana. The third chain is the Cordillera of Chiquitos, which divides the rivers flowing into the Amazon from those of the Rio de la Plata; and unites, in 16° and 18° of south latitude, the Andes of Peru to the mountains of Brazil. "The small elevation of the great plains, enclosed within these Cordilleras and the Andes, but open to the east, would tempt one to consider them," says our traveller, "as gulfs stretching in the direction of the current of ro- tation. If, from the effect of some peculiar attraction, the waters of the Atlantic were to rise 50 toises (320 feet) at the mouth of the Orinoco, and 200 toises (1280 feet) at the mouth of the Amazon, the great tide would cover more than half of South America. The eastern declivity of the foot of the Andes, now 600 leagues distant from the coast of Brazil, would become a shore beaten by the waves." He might have added, that such a tide would cover the plains of Hin- dostan, and wash the feet of the Himalaya mountains. After describing the mountains, Humboldt furnishes us with a grand outline of the thi'ee plains. "These three transverse chains, or rather, these three groups of mountains, stretching from west to east, within the limits of the torrid zone, are separated by tracts entirely level, — the Plains of Caraccas, or of the Lower Orinoco; the Plains of the Amazon and the Rio Negro; and the Plains of Buenos Ayres, or of La Plata. I do not use the name of a valley, because the Lower Orinoco and the Amazon, far fi'om flowing in 108 PLAINS OF SOUTH AMERICA. a valley, form but a little furrow in the midst of a yast plain. The two basins, placed at the extremities of South America, are savannahs, or steppes, — pasturage without trees; the intermediate basin, which receives the equatorial rains during the whole year, is almost entirely one vast forest, in which no other road is known than the rivers. That strength of vegetation which conceals the soil, renders also the uniformity of its level less perceptible ; " and the plains of Caraccas and La Plata alone bear this name. The basins we have just described are called, in the language of the colonists, the Llanos of Varinas and of Caraccas, the hosques, or selvas (forests) of the Amazon, and the Pampas of Buenos Ayres. The trees not only, for the most part, cover the plains of the Amazon, from the Cordillera of Chiquitos, as far as that of Parime ; they crown also these two chains of mountains, which rarely attain the height of the Pyrenees. On this account, the vast plains of the Amazon, the Madeira, and the Rio Negro, are not so distinctly bounded as the Llanos of Caraccas, and the Pampas of Buenos Ayres. As the region of forests comprises at once the plains and the mountains, it extends from 18° south to 7° and 8° north, and occupies an extent of nearly a hundred and twenty thousand square leagues. This forest of South Ame- rica, for in fact there is only one, is six times larger than France." The northern plains of Varinas afford some faint traces of the industry of an ancient people that has dis- appeared, in the shape of a few scattered hillocks, or tumuli, called by the Spaniards the Serillos cU las Indios ; and of a causeway of earth, five leagues in length and fifteen feet high, crossing a plain which is frequently overflowed. These were constructed long ANCIENT INHABITANTS. 109 before the conquest; and Humboldt seems at a loss to account for their appearance. "Did nations," he asks, " further advanced in civilization, descend from the mountains of Truxillo to the plains of the Apure? The Indians, whom we now find between the Apure and the Meta, are in too rude a state to think of making roads, or raising tumuli." Against the theory which some have entertained, that America was originally peopled from Eastern Asia, a powerful argument is derived from the paucity of the lactiferous animals, and the consequent absence of pastoral nations in the New World; because it is scarcely possible to suppose, that any of the pastoral hordes of Tartars (using that name in its popular and more extended signification,) would have emigrated across Behring's Strait, or passed the bridge formed by the Aleutian Islands, without carry- ing with them a supply of those cattle on which their whole subsistence depended. That America was well suited for the propagation of such animals, is proved by the extraordinary herds of wild cattle and horses which have overrun the plains, from the few originally* introduced by the Spaniards. Over the northern Llanos are scattered several species of the palm-tribe, especially the palma de coUja, the wood of which is so hard, that a nail can with dif- ficulty be driven into it. On this account, it is excellent for the purpose of building ; and its fan-like leaves •afford a thatch for the roofs of the huts, capable of enduring more than twenty years. Another species is known by the name of the Palma Real de los Llanos, or Royal Palm of the Plains. " Other palm-trees rise to the south of Guayaval, especially the piritu with pinnate leaves, and the murichi'limoriche) celebrated by Father Gumilla under 110 PALM-TREES OF THE LLAJfOS. the name of arhor de la vida (or tree of life). It is the sago-tree of America, furnishing 'victum et amictum* (food and clothing), flour, wire, and thread to weave hammocks, baskets, nets, and clothing. Its fruit, of the form of the cones of the pine, and covered with scales, perfectly resemble those of the calamus rotang. It has somewhat the taste of the apple. When arrived at its maturity it is yellow within and red without. The araguato monkeys eat it with avidity ; and the nation of the Guaraunoes, whose whole existence, it may be said, is closely linked with that of the murichi palm-tree, draw from it a fermented liquor, slightly acid, and extremely refreshing. This palm-tree, with large shining leaves folded like a fan, preserves a beau- tiful verdm'e at the period of the greatest drought. Its sight alone produces an agreeable sensation of coolness, and the murichi, loaded with scaly fruit, contrasts singularly with the mournful aspect of the palma de cohija, the foliage of which is always gray and covered with dust. The Llaneros believe that the former attracts the vapom' in the air; and that for this reason water is constantly found at its foot when dug for to a certain depth. The effect is confounded with the cause. The murichi gi^ows best in moist places ; and it may rather be said, that the water attracts the tree. The natives of the Orinoco, by analogous reasoning, pretend that the great serpents contribute to pre- serve humidity in a canton. 'You would look in vain for water-serpents,' said an old Indian of Javeta to us gravely, * where there are no marshes, because the water collects no more when you imprudently kill the serpents that attract it.' " Tlie Fan Palm; JOURNEY ACROSS THE LLANOS. 113 Chapter X. Journey across tlie Llanos — Fatigue of travelling — Farm of El Cayman — Town of Calabozo — An ingenious inhabitant — Gymnoti, or elec- trical eels — Combat between the eels and horses— Description of the gymnoti — Effects of their shocks — The natives' dread of them — Departm-e from Calabozo — Heat and dust of the Llanos — An Indian girl found exhausted on the ground — The river TJrituco and its crocodiles — Singular story of a crocodile — Arrival at San Fernando — Heat of that place — Periodical immdations, and destruction of horses. [1800.] Our travellers, as we have said, entered the Llanos on tlie 12th. After passing two nights on horseback, and seeking in vain in the day-time for some shelter from the ardour of the sun beneath the tufts of the murichi palm-trees, they arrived just before the third night set in, at a little farm called El Cayman, or the Alligator. Here they found a solitary house surrounded by a few small huts covered with reeds and skins; there was no enclosure of any kind, the horses, mules, and oxen rambled where they pleased, and were easily brought together by people appointed for the pm'pose. These men scour the savannahs on horseback, naked to the waist, and armed with a lance ; they are known by the name of Peones Llaneros, and are partly slaves and partly free. Their food consists principally of a little meal dried in the air, and sprinkled with salt. At this farm they found an old negTO slave, who had the management of it during his master's absence; andhe told them of herds composed of several thousand cows, under his care. Yet they asked in vain for a bowl of milk; and were obliged to content themselves with some fetid water, which they obtained from a neighbouring pool, and which, at the recommendation I 114 FATIGUE OF TRAVELLING. of the negro, they drank through a piece of linen cloth, that they might not be incommoded by its smell, or obliged to swallow the fine yellowish clay which it held suspended. The mules being unloaded, were set at liberty and allowed to go in search of water; our travellers followed them, and soon came upon a copious reservoir, surrounded with palm-trees. Bathing had for some time been a necessary recreation with them; and after a toilsome journey across the hot sandy Llanos, they plunged with avidity into the tempting pool. Scarcely had they began to enjoy the refreshing coolness of the water, when they heard an alligator floundering in the mud, and of course made a pre- cipitate retreat. Xight came on, and they set out on their return to the farm, but were quite unable to find it. Just as they had resolved to seat themselves under a palm-tree, in a dry spot surrounded by short grass, an Indian who had been round collecting the cattle, came up, and was with some difficulty prevailed upou to conduct them to the house. At two o'clock on the following morning they set out toward Calabozo, and on their way suffered greatly from the excessive heat of the sun. Whenever the wind blew, the temperature rose to 104° or 106°, and the air was loaded with dust. Their guides advised them to fill their hats with leaves of the rhopala plant, in order to prevent the action of the solar rays upon the head; and from this expedient our travellers de- rived considerable advantage. Calabozo is described as a floui'ishing little town in the midst of the Llanos, with a population of five thou- sand souls. The wealth of the inhabitants consists principally of cattle, of which there were said to be ninety-eight thousand in the neighbouring pastures. TOWN OP CALABOZO. 115 It is computed by Depons, the author of a work on Colombia, that in the northern plains, stretch- ing from east to west, between the mouth of the Orinoco and the Lake of Maracaybo, there are 1,200,000 oxen, 180,000 horses, and 90,000 mules; and Humboldt observes, on the authority of a Spanish writer (Azara), that in the Pampas of Buenos Ayi'es, there are believed to exist 12,000,000 cows, and 3,000,000 horses, without comprising in this enume- ration, the cattle which have no acknowledged owner. In the Llanos of Caraccas, the rich hateros, or pro- prietors of cattle farms, or hatos, are entirely ignorant of the number of cattle which they possess ; the young are branded with a mark peculiar to each herd, and some of the most wealthy owners mark as many as 14,000 every year, and sell 5,000 or 6,000. At Calabozo, our travellers met with an ingenious inhabitant, named Carlos del Pozo, who had constructed an electrical machine with large plates, electrophori, batteries, and electrometers, forming an apparatus nearly as complete as scientific men in Europe pos- sessed. Yet this individual had never seen any such instrument, or received any intructions from other persons ; having been guided alone by the information which he had derived from Sigand de la Pond's trea- tise, and Franklin's Memoirs. He was delighted at meeting with two such men of science as Humboldt and Bonpland, who showed him the effect, then newly discovered, of the contact of different metals on the nerves of frogs; and thus, "for the first time, the names of Galvani and Volta resounded in those vast solitudes." Ever since his first arrival in South America, Hum- boldt had been eager in his search after the gymnoti, 12 116 GYMNOTI, OR ELECTRICAL EELS. or electrical eels, which were known to exist in the pools of stagnant water, and the confluents of the Orinoco. Ho wished to procure some of these animals at Calabozo, but the dread of them is so great among the Indians and common people, that the offer of reward was unavailing, though it was pretended that by taking the precaution of chewing a little tobacco, they might be touched with impunity. Humboldt observes, that this fable of the influence of tobacco, on animal electricity, is as general on the continent of South America, as the belief among mariners of the effect of garlic and tallow on the magnetic needle. As the single specimen which after some time was brought to them afforded very unsatisfactory results, oui' travellers set oiit themselves in search of others on the 19th, and were conducted to a stream, which in the season of drought forms a pool of muddy water, suiTOunded by fine trees. It is diflficult to catch the gymnoti with nets, on account of their extreme agility and their burying themselves in the mud like serpents ; but they may be taken by the aid of the roots of certain plants, which, when thrown into the water, intoxicate or benumb them. Our travellers were about to pro- cure some by this latter method, when the Indians told them that they would embarhascar con cavallos, set the fish to sleep, or intoxicate them with horses. It was difficult to conceive what this meant; but in a short time the guides, who had gone out into the plain, returned with about thirty horses and mules, which they forthwith drove into the pool. A singular scene then ensued. " The extraordinary noise caused by the horses' hoofs, makes the fish issue from the mud, and excites them to combat. These yellowish and livid eels, resem- COMBAT BETWEEN Tffir EELS AND HOKSES. 117 bling large aquatic serpents, swim on the surface of the water, and crowd under the bellies of the horses and mules. A contest between animals of so different an organization, furnishes a very striking spectacle. The Indians, proyided with harpoons and long slender reeds, surround the pool closely; and some climb upon the trees, the branches of which extend horizontally over the surface of the water. By their wild cries, and the length of their reeds, they prevent the horses from running away, and reaching the bank of the pool: the eels, stunned by the noise, defend themselves by the repeated discharge of their electric batteries. Dming a long time they seem to prove victorious. Several horses sink beneath the violence of the invisible strokes which they receive from all sides, in organs the most essential to life, and stunned by the force and frequency of the shocks, disappear under the water. Others panting, with mane erect, and haggard eyes, expressing anguish, raise themselves, and endeavour to flee from the storm by which they are overtaken. They are driven back by the Indians into the middle of the water; but a small number succeed in eluding the active vigilance of the fishermen. These regain the shore, stumbling at every step, and stretch themselves on the sand, exhausted with fatigue, and their limbs benumbed by the electric shocks of the g^nnnoti. " In less than five minutes, two horses were drowned. The eel, being five feet long, and pressing itself against the belly of the horse, makes a discharge along the whole extent of its electric organ. It attacks at once the heart, the intestines, and the plexus coeliacus of the abdominal nerves. It is natural that the effect felt by the horses should be more powerful than that pro- duced upon man, by the touch of the same fish, at only 118 FISHING FOR THE GYMNOTI. one of his extremities. The horses are probably not killed, but only stunned. They are drowned by the impossibility of arising amid the prolonged struggle between the other horses and the eels. "We had little doubt that the fishing would termi- nate by killing successively all the animals engaged; but by degrees the impetuosity of this unequal combat diminished, and the wearied gymnoti dispersed. They require a long rest, and abundant nourishment, to repair what they have lost of galvanic force. The mules and horses appear less frightened; their manes tire no longer bristled; and their eyes express less dread. The gymnoti approach timidly the edge of the marsh, where they are taken by means of small har- poons fastened to long cords. When the cords are very dry, the Indians feel no shock in raising the fish into the air. In a few minutes we had fixe large eels, the greater part of which were but slightly wounded." A few more were taken by the same means towards evening; and thus there were a sufficient number of specimens on which to make experiments. Some of those measured, were from five feet four inches, to five feet seven inches in length. The weight of one, four feet one inch long, was fifteen pounds and three- quarters troy, and its transverse diameter exceeded three inches and a half. The colour was a fine olive- green; the under part of the head being yeUow, min- gled with red. The swimming-bladder is of large size, and resting upon the electric organs, which occupy more than two-thirds of the fish. It would be an act of temerity, we are told, to expose one's self to the first shocks of a large and strongly irritated gymnotus, — the stroke from such a fish being productive of a very violent pain and numbness, ex- THE GYMNOTI. 119 ceeding that which results from the discharge of a Ley den jar. Humboldt received so dreadful a shock by imprudently placing his feet on one just taken out of the water, that he was affected during the rest of the day with a violent pain in the knees, and in almost every joint. If a weak and exhausted one be touched, a twitching sensation is felt, which is communicated from the hand to the elbow; a kind of internal vibra- tion ensues for two or three seconds, and is then fol- lowed by a painful torpidity. The electric action of the fish depends entirely on its will, and it has the power of directing the energy of its organs to any particular part of the external object affecting it. The same sub- stances which transmit or intercept the electric action of a conductor charged by a Leyden jar or a Voltaic pile, transmit or intercept the action of the gymnotus upon man ; and in the water the shock can be conveyed to a considerable distance. There has never been any spark observed to issue from the body of the eel wheu excited. The gymnoti are objects of dread to the natives, and their presence is considered as the principal cause of the want of fish in the ponds and pools of the Llanos. "The gymnoti kill many more than they devour; and the Indians told us, that when they take young alligators and gymnoti at the same time in very strong nets, the latter never display the slightest trace of a wound, because they disable the young alligators before they are attacked by them. All the inhabitants of the waters dread the society of the gynmoti. Lizards, tortoises, and frogs seek the pools, where they are secm-e from their action. It became necessaiy to change the direction of a road near Urituco, because these electrical eels were so numerous in one river, that 120 HEAT OF TEE LLANOS. they eveiy year killed a gi-eat number of mules of burden as they forded the water*." On the 24th of March, the travellers left Calabozo, and advanced into the southern part of the Llanos. As they proceeded, they found the ground more dusty, more destitute of herbage; and more cracked by the effect of long drought. The palm-trees disappeared by degi'ees. The thermometer kept, from eleven in the morning till sunset, at 93° or 95°. " The more," says Humboldt, "the air appeared calm at eight or ten feet high, the more we were enveloped in those whirlwinds of dust caused by the little currents of air that sweep the gTomid. About four o'clock in the afternoon, we found a young Indian girl stretched uf>on the savannah. She was quite naked, lay upon her back, and appeared to be only twelve or thirteen years of age. Exhausted with fatigue and thirst, her eyes, nostrils, and mouth filled with dust, she breathed with a rattling in her throat, and was unable to answer our questions. A pitcher overturned, and half filled with sand, was lying at her side. Happily one of our mules was laden with water; and we roused the young girl from her lethargic state by washing her face, and forcing her to di'ink a few drops of wine. She was at first frightened at see- ing herself suiTOunded by so many persons; but by degrees she took courage, and conversed with our guides. She judged from the position of the sun that she must have remained during several hours in that state of lethargy." She could not be prevailed upon to mount one of the beasts of burden, or to return to Urituco ; she was therefore furnished with some water, * We have given on the opposite page a representation of the Gymno- tus; and at the same time, one of another electrical animal called the Torpedo, which is a flat fish, found on various coasts of Europe, and measuring, when full grown, about twenty inches in length. The G-ymnotus Electricus. The Torpedo. CROCODILES. 123 and resuming her way, was soon separated from her preservers by a cloud of dust. In the, night the travellers forded the Eio Urituco, which is infested with a breed of crocodiles remarkable for their ferocity, although those in a neighbouring stream are not at all dangerous. They were advised to prevent their dogs from going to drink in the rivers, as it often happened that the crocodiles came out of the water and pursued dogs on the banks. " The manners of animals," observes Humboldt, " vary in the same species, according to local circumstances, difficult to investigate. We were shown a hut, or rather a kind of shed, in which our host of Calabozo, Don Miguel Cousin, had witnessed a very extraordinary scene. Sleeping with one of his friends on a bench covered with leather, Don Miguel was awakened early in the morning by violent shakes and a horrible noise. Clods of earth were thrown into the middle of the hut. Presently a young crocodile, two or three feet long, issued from under the bed, darted at a dog that lay on the threshold of the door, and missing him in the im- petuosity of his spring, ran toward the beach to attain the river. On examining the spot where the barbacon, or bedstead, was placed, the cause of this strange adventure was easily discovered. The ground was dis- turbed to a considerable depth. It was dried mud that had covered the crocodile in that state of lethargy, or summer sleep, in which many of the species lie dm-ing the absence of rains amid the Llanos. The noise of men and horses, perhaps the smell of the dog, had awakened the crocodile. The hut being placed at the edge of the pool, and inundated during part of the year, the crocodile had no doubt entered, at the time of the inundations of the savannahs, by the same opening 124 SAN FERNANDO. by wliicli M. Pozo saw it go out." Enormous boas or water-serpents are often found by the Indians in the same lethargic state. On the 25th of March, the travellers crossed the smoothest part of the plains of Caraccas, the Ifesa de Pavones, on which not a single object fifteen inches high could be discovered, with the exception of the cattle which they met in large herds. On the 27th they reached the Villa de San Fernando, on the river Apure, where their journey across the Llanos ended. The town of San Fernando, the capital of the missions of the Capuchins, in the province of Varinas, was founded in 1789, or little more than ten years before the visit of our travellers. It is advantageously situated on the Apure (a tributai-y of the Orinoco), near the mouth of another stream which traverses the whole of Varinas ; and thus all the productions of the province pass through it on their way to the coast. The place is remarkable for the excessive heat which pre- vails there during the greater part of the year. The temperature of the white sand on the shores, when ex- posed to the sun, was ].06-|-° at two o'clock in the afternoon; eighteen inches above the sand the thermo- meter stood at 109°, and at six feet above it, nearly 102°. In the shade it was at 97°. Yet high as these temperatures were, an increase of five degrees ensued when the wind began to blow. The Apure, like other streams in South America, swells during the rainy season, so as to overflow its banks, and inundate a vast extent of the adjoining level. At this period the savannahs are covered with water twelve or fourteen feet deep; the country pre- sents the appearance of a vast lake, with the scattered villages and farm-houses rising in it on islands scarcely INmsT)ATIONS. 125 elevated above its sui-face. Commerce is then very active ; the inhabitants cross the flats in then- boats, instead of ascending the rivers, and by so doing avoid the strong currents, and escape the danger to which the trees carried down the streams would expose them. Great numbers of horses, mules, and cows perish before they have time to reach the higher grounds ; and their carcases furnish an abundant repast to the camuros^ov carrion vultures, which have "the name of Pharaoh's chickens, and render the same service to the inhabitants of the Llanos, as the vultui' percnopterus to the inha- bitants of Egypt." The mares, followed by then- colts, may be seen swimming about and feeding on the grass, the top of which alone rises above the water. In this state they are pursued by the crocodiles, and those which are fortunate enough to escape destruction often bear the prints of the teeth of these carnivorous reptiles *. * Dr. Southey, in his History of Brazil , relates an extremely interest- ing anecdote, -whicli may be here introduced from its reference to the swelling of the South American rivers. In the sixteenth century, when the Jesuit missionaries, despising toil and danger, penetrated into ParagTiay for the conversion of the Indians, Ortega, one of the most active, was in the habit of making long journeys among the native tribes, accompanied by a few converts. "In one of these excursions Ortega was caught by a sudden flood between two rivers ; both over- flowed, and presently the whole plain had the appearance of one bound- less lake. The missionary, and the party of neophytes who accompanied him, were used to inconveniences of this kind, and thought to escape as heretofore, with marching mid-deep in water ; but the waters continued to rise, and compelled them to take to the trees for safety. The storm increased, the rain continued, and the inundation augmented; and, among the beasts and reptiles whom the waters had surprised, one of the huge American serpents approached the tree upon which Ortega and his catechist had taken refuge, and, coiling roimd one of the branches, began to ascend, whUe they fully expected to be devoured, having neither means of escape nor of defence ; the branch by which he sought to lift himself broke under his weight, and the monster swam off. But though they were thus delivered from this danger, their situation was 126 INUNDATIONS. "We cannot reflect," says Hnmboldt, "on the effects of these inundations, without admiring the prodigious pliability of the organization of the animals that man has subjected to his sway. In Greenland the dog eats the refuse of the fisheries; and, when fish are wanting, feeds on sea- weed. The ass, and the horse, originally natives of the cold and barren plains of Upper Asia, follow man to the New World, return to the savage state, and lead a restless and painful life in the burning climate of the tropics. Pressed alter- nately by excess of drought and of humidity, they sometimes seek a pool in the midst of a bare and a dusty soil, to quench their thirst ; and at other times flee from water, and the overflowing rivers, as menaced by an enemy that threatens them on all sides. Ha- rassed during the day by gad-flies and moschettoes, the horses, mules and cows find themselves attacked at night by enormous bats, that fasten on their backs, and cause wounds that become dangerous, because they are filled with ascarida?, and other hurtful insects. In the time of great drought, the mules gnaw even the thorny melocactus, (melon thistle,) in order to drink its cooling juice, and draw it forth as from a truly dreadful ; two days passed, and, in the middle of the second night, one of the Indians came swimming towards the tree by the lightning's light, and called to Ortega, telling him that six of his companions were at the point of death; they who had not yet been baptized entreated him to baptize them; and those who had received that sacrament, requested absolution ere they died. The Jesuit fastened his catechist to the bough by which he held, then let himself down into the water, and swam to perform these offices; he had scarcely completed them before five of these six people dropped and sunk ; and, when he got back to his own tree the water had reached the neck of his catechist, whom he had now to untie, and help him to gain a higher branch. The flood, however, now began to abate. Ortega, in swimming among the thorny boughs, received a wound in his leg, which was never thoroughly healed, during the two-andtwenty years that he survived this dreadful adventm-e." EFFECTS OF THE INUNDATIONS. 127 vegetable fountain. During the great inundations, these same animals lead an amphibious life, surrounded by crocodiles, water-serpents, and manatees. Yet, such are the immutable laws of nature, their races are pre- served in the struggle with the elements, and amid so many sufferings and dangers. When the waters retire, and the rivers return again into their beds, the savan- nah is spread over with a fine odoriferous grass : and the animals of Europe and Upper Asia seem to enjoy, as in their native climate, the renewed vegetation of spring." Chapter XI. Preparations for the voyage down the Apivre — The trite of the Yamroes — Wild animals on the banks of the river — The vegetation— Croco- diles— Story of an Indian girl seized by one— Chiguires — An enor- mous jaguai' — Senor Don Ignacio, the jaguar hunter — Incidents of a night — Xoeturnal noises in the forests — The Caribe fish— Hum- boldt's adventure with a jaguar— Manatees— Junctm'e of the Apure and Orinoco, Our travellers having taken a short rest at San Fer- nando, proceeded on then- way to the Orinoco. There was a land route from the town thither, and an obliging offer to conduct them over it was made by an old farmer, bearing the name of Don Francisco Sanchez, whose dress, as Humboldt remarks, denoted the great simplicity of manners prevailing in these distant regions. He had acquired a fortune of 100,000 pias- tres, yet he mounted his horse bare-legged and bare- footed, though armed with large silver spurs. His offer, however, was not accepted; the rainy season had already begun, and the land route lay across an un- healthy and uninteresting flat. The travellers there- 128 VOYAGE DOWN THE APURE. fore preferred the longer route down the Apure, and accordingly hired a large canoe, or laucha, as the Spaniards call it, managed by a pilot and four Indians. In the stern was constructed a sort of cabin, covered with the leaves of the corypha; and a table and benches were formed of some ox-hides stretched on frames of Brazil wood. A stock of provisions, sufl&cient for the consumption of a month, was laid in ; the river itself abounds in fish, manatees, and turtle; and its banks are frequented by numberless birds, of which the most useful to man are the pauxi and guacharaca, the turkeys and pheasants, as it were, of those countries. The missionary with whom they had lodged, supplied them with wine, oranges, and tamarinds ; and their store was completed by the addition of some fishing instruments, fire-arms, and casks of brandy, for bar- tering with the natives. They embarked on the afternoon of the 30th of March, Passing the mouth of the river Apurito, they passed along the island of the same name, formed between the Apure and Guarico, and extending seventy- six miles in length. On the left bank of the Apure, they saw the huts of the Yaruroes, a tribe who live by hunting and fishing, and chiefly supply the jaguar skins which find their way into the European markets as those of the tiger. Humboldt remarked in them some of the characteristics of the Mongols, a stern look, an elongated eye, and high cheek-bones; the nose, however, was prominent throughout its whole length. The night was passed at a small sugar-plantation, called Diamante; and a contrary wind detained the travellers on shore till noon of the following day. Leaving Diamante, they entered a district inhabited only by tigers, crocodiles, and cMguires, a large species WILD ANIMALS. 129 of the guinea-pig; flights of birds were seen so closely crowded together, as to resemble a dark cloud. The river gradually widened, one bank being generally sandy and bare, the other higher and covered with tall trees. Sometimes it was bordered with forests on both sides, and appeared like a straight canal, 960 feet in breadth. The vegetation was singularly disposed: along the margins were bushes of sauso, looking as if they had been clipped by the hand of man, and forming a kind of hedge four feet high, in which openings had been made by jaguars, tapirs, and pecaris, to reach the water and drink. These animals were not alarmed at the approach of the boat, and the travellers had ample time to view them as they slowly walked on the shore and retreated into the forest. Behind. the sauso hedge, copses of cedars, brazillettoes, and lignum- vitee, reared their heads, with here and there a palm-tree, and a few scattered trunks of the thorny piritu and corozo. In this scene of untamed and savage nature, the tra- veller at one moment is delighted with the sight of the jaguar, the beautiful panther of America ; at another, with the peacock, pheasant, or cashew bird, with its black plumage and its tufted head, moving slowly along the sausos. Gliding down the stream, animals of the most different classes succeed each other. "It is just as it was in Paradise," said the old Indian pilot of the missions to our travellers; and Humboldt ob- serves, that " everything indeed here recals to mind that state of the primitive world, the innocence and felicity of which, ancient and venerable traditions have trans- mitted to all nations; but in carefully observing the manners of animals among themselves, we see that they punctually avoid each other. The golden age has ceased, and in this paradise of American forests, as K 130 WILD ANIMALS. well as everywhere else, sad and long experience has taught all beings that benignity is seldom found in alliance with strength." "\Miere the sauso hedge did not approach close to the stream, parties of eight or ten crocodiles were often seen stretched on the sand, reposing motionless on the sand, with their jaws open at right angles. So nume- rous were these monstrous reptiles, that along the whole course of the river there were usually five or six in view at the same time; yet, the swelling of the river having scarcely begun, there must have been many more buried in the dried mud of the savannahs. The length of one found dead was seventeen feet nine inches; another measured twenty-three feet. The species is that of the real crocodile, such as is found in the Xile, and not that of the cayman or alligator which is more commonly found in the New World, — to Avhich indeed it is peculiar. Our travellers were in- formed by their guides that at San Fernando scarcely a year passed in which several persons, especially females, were not drowned by these crocodiles. "They related to us," says Humboldt, "the history of a young girl of Uritueu, who, by singular intrepidity and presence of mind, saved herself from the jaws of a crocodile. "When she felt herself seized, she sought the eyes of the animal, and plunged her fingers into them Avith such violence, that the pain forced the crocodile to let her loose, after having bitten off" the lower part of her left arm. The girl, notwithstanding the enormous quantity of blood she had lost, happily reached the shore, swimming with the hand she had still left. In those desert countries where man is ever wrestling with nature, discourse daily turns on the means that may be employed to escape from a tiger, a boa or traga venado. K2 STORT OF AN INDIAN GIRL. 133 or a crocodile; every one prepares himself in some sort for the dangers that await him. '1 knew/ said the young girl of Uritucu coolly, 'that the cayman lets go his hold, if you push your fingers in his eyes.' Long after my return to Europe, I learned that, in the inte- rior of Africa, the negroes know and practise the same means. Who does not recollect, with a lively interest, Isaaco, the guide of the unfortunate Mungo Park, seized twice, near Boolinkoomboo, by a crocodile, and twice escaping from the jaws of the monster, having succeeded in placing his fingers under water in both his eyes*? The African Isaaco, and the young American, owed their safety to the same presence of mind, and the same combination of ideas." Yet this expedient is not always attended with success. * The incident referred to occurred in crossing the river Wonda, one of the affluents of the Senegal, and is thus related in Park's JoumaL ' ' There being but one canoe, it was near noon before all the bundles were carried over. The transporting of the asses was very difl&cult, the river being shallow and rocky ; wherever their feet touched the bottom, they generally stood still. Our guide, Isaaco, was very active in push- ing the asses into the water, and shoving along the canoe ; but as he was afraid that we could not have them all carried over in the course of the day, he attempted to drive six of the asses across the river further down, where the water was shallower. When he had reached the mid- dle of the river, a crocodile rose close to him, and instantly seizing him by the left thigh, pulled him imder water. With wonderful presence of mind, he felt for the head of the animal, and thrust his finger into ita eye; on which it quitted its hold, and Isaaco attempted to reach the further shore, calling out for a knife. But the crocodile returned and seized him by the other thigh, and again pulled him imder water. He had recourse to the same expedient, and thrust his fingers into its eyes with such violence, that it again quitted him, and when it rose, flounced about on the surface of the water, as if stupid, and then swam down the middle of the river. Isaaco proceeded to the other side, bleeding very much. As soon as the canoe returned, I went over, and foimd him very much lacerated. The wound on the left thigh was four inches in length ; that on the right not quite so large, but very doqp ; betides several single teeth wounds on his baok." 134 CIIIGUIRES. These animals move slowly when not excited, but in attacking any object, their motions are abrupt and rajDid. In running, they make a rustling noise, which is apparently caused by the scales; they bend the back and seem to be higher than when at rest. Though they generally advance in a straight line, they can easily turn when they please ; and they swim with great facility, even against the most rapid current. Their chief food in the Apure seemed to be the unhappy chiguires, who, having no weapons of defence, fall a prey to the jaguars on land, and the crocodiles in the water. In a sinuosity, called the Vuelta del Joval, the canoe was surrounded by these creatures, swimming like dogs, with the head and neck out of the water. These animals were seen, too, in herds on the banks; they displayed no fear on the approach of man, butihe sight of a dog put them to flight, though they ran so slowly that two of them were caught. Their flesh has the smell of musk ; but the monks, it is said, do not scruple to eat the hams which are made of it, as they place it, in their zoological classification, in the same class with the armadillo, and the manatee, near the tortoise, which last they place next to the fish family. About the Vuelta del Joval eveiything assumed a wild and awful character. A large crocodile, sleeping on the shore in the midst of a group of these animals, awoke when the canoe approached, and moved slowly into the stream, without disturbing its companions. Here, too, an enormous jaguar was seen, stretched beneath the shade of a large zamang or mimosa; it surpassed in size all the tigers w^hich Humboldt had seen in the collections of Europe. In its paw it held a chiguire, which it had just killed; around it were flocks of zamuro vultuves, waiting to devour the remains CHIGUIRES. 135 of the repast. The mixture of holdness and timidity which these birds displayed was curious; every now and then they advanced within a few feet of the jaguar, but, at the slightest movement which he made, they instantly retreated. With the view of examining more closely the manners of these animals, our travel- lers got into their little boat ; but the noise of the oars disturbed the jaguar, and he retired slowly behind the sauso bushes. The vultm-es, profiting by his ab- sence, pounced upon his victim; but the watchful monster suddenly leapt into the midst of them, and, seizing upon the carcass, carried it off. Near this place, they passed the night, as usual, in the open air, in the plantation of which, the proprietor Avas engaged in the occupation of hunting jaguars. This amusing individual, Senor Don Ignacio by name, was nearly naked, and had a complexion as brown as that of a zambo; yet he considered himself to be a white, and prided himself on being of the European race. His wife and daughter Donna Isabella and Donna Manuela, were as lightly clothed as himself. Proud as he was of his nobility, and the colom* of his skin, Senor Don Ignacio had not taken the trouble to construct even a hut of palm leaves; but was content to sling his ham- mock between two trees. At his polite invitation, our travellers provided similar accommodation for them- selves in his vicinity. In the course of the night, a thunder-storm came on, and wetted them to the skin; and Donna Isabella's cat, which had taken up its lodging in a tamarind-tree, fell into the hut of oiie of the strangers, who conceiving himself to be attacked by a wild beast, raised a terrible outcry, which sadly discomposed the rest of the party. The rain fell in tor- rents all the rest of the night; and in the morning, the 136 SENOR DON IGNACIO. drenched and shivering travellers were congratulated by their complacent host, upon their good fortune in sleeping among whites and persons of rank, instead of reposing on the strand. Don Ignacio prided himself on the valour which he had displayed against the Indians, and the services which he had rendered to God and the king, in carrying off children from their parents to be distributed among the missions. " What a singular spectacle," exclaims Humboldt, "to find in that vast solitude a man who believes himself of European race, and knows no other shelter but the shade of a tree, with all the vain pretensions, all the hereditary preju- dices, all the errors of long civilization!" Quitting their amusing host at sunrise on the follow- ing morning, our travellers glided down the river, with vast forests on either hand. They passed a low island, crowded with flamingoes, roseate spoonbills, herons, and water-hens, which presented a great diversity of colours. On the right bank, they saw a small Indian mission, where a tribe of Guamoes dwelt in a few huts of palm leaves. The night, beautiful and moon- light, was spent upon the margin of the river on a bare and extensive beach; as there were no trees on the banks, they stuck the oars in the ground, and suspended their hammocks between them. Great diflfi.- culty was experienced in procuring dry wood for the fires, which were needed to keep off" the wild beasts, the forests being quite impenetrable. Towards mid- night there arose, in the wood, a terrific and appalling noise, which banished sleep; it proceeded from the wild beasts, who, the Indians said, were keeping the feast of the full moon. Amid the clamour, the In- dians could distinguish the soft cries of the sapajous, the moans of the alouates, (species of monkeys,) the NOCTURNAL NOISES IN THE FORESTS. 137 howlings of the jaguars, of the coiiguars, (or American lions,) of the peearis and the sloths, and the voices of the curassows, the parraquas, and other gallinaceous birds. When the tigers approached the edge of the forest, a dog, which the travellers had with them, began to howl and seek refuge under the hammocks. Occasionally, a long silence ensued, and again the cries of the animals came from the tops of the trees, and were followed by the long and sharp whistling of the monkeys. Our travellers became afterwards better accustomed to these nocturnal scenes; during the course of whole months, they heard the same noises repeated, whenever the forest approached the bed of the rivers. The se- curity displayed by the Indians, inspires travellers with confidence. "You persuade yourself, with them, that the tigers are afraid of fire, and do not attack a man lying in his hammock." These attacks are, in fact, ex- tremely rare, and, during his abode in South America, Humboldt remembers only one example, — the case of a Llanero, who was found torn in his hammock, op- posite the island of Achaguas. He considers this agi- tation in the forests to be the effect of some contest that has arisen in the depths of the forests. "The jaguars, for instance, pursue the peearis, and the tapirs, which having no defence but in their numbers, flee in close troops, and break down the bushes they find in their way. Aff^righted at this struggle, the timid and mistrustful monkeys answer, from the tops of the trees, the cries of the large animals ; they awaken the birds that live in society, and, by degrees, the whole assemblage is in movement. It is not always in a fine moonlight, but, more particularly, at the time of a storm and violent showers, that this tumult takes place among the wild beasts. '.May Heaven grant to them a 138 THE CARIBE FISH. quiet night and repose, and to us also !' said the monk, who accompanied us to the Rio Negro, when, sinking with fatigue, he assisted in arranging our accommoda- tion for the night. It was, indeed, a strange situation to find no silence in the solitude of woods. In the inns of Spain, we dread the sharp sound of guitars from the next apartment; in those of the Orinoco, which are an open beach, or the shelter of a solitary tree, we are afraid of being disturbed in our sleep by voices from the forest." Starting before sunrise, they continued to descend the river, the stream of which was crowded by por- poises, and its banks with aquatic birds. The naviga- tion was rather dangerous, on account of the large trees which remained obliquely fixed in the mud, like the snags, as they are called, Avhich so often injure the steam-boats in the rivers of North America. Landing near the Vuelta del Basilio to gather plants, they saw on a tree two beautiful jet-black monkeys of an un- known species ; and the Indians pointed out a nest of iguanas, a species of lizard, of which the flesh is very white, and, next to that of the armadillo, is the best food to be found in the huts of the natives. Again passing the night on the beach, they resumed their solitary voyage ; and, on their way, caught the fish known by the name of the carihe or caribito, from its delight in blood. This little animal is only four or five inches in length, yet it attacks persons who go into the water, and, with its sharp triangular teeth, often tears away large pieces of their flesh. It is the dread of the Indians, several of whom showed the scars of deep wounds in the calf of the leg and thigh made by this animal. These fishes live at the bottom of rivers ; but, if a few drops of blood be shed in the water, they arrive by thousands at the surface. No one veU' Iguana, or EataDie Lizard. T-welve-lDanded Arraadillo, (Dasypus tatouay.) ADVENTURE WITH A JAGUAR. 141 tures to bathe where the caribe is found; and thus it becomes as great a scourge in the water, as the moschettoes in the air. The party landed at noon in a desert spot, where Humboldt went away from his companions, and walked along the beach, in order to observe a group of croco- diles sleeping in the sun. Suddenly he perceived the recent footmarks of a beast of prey, and turning his eyes from the river towards the forest, beheld a huge jaguar lying under the thick foliage of a ceiba within eighty steps of him. This was, to use his own expres- sion, one of those "accidents in life, against which we might seek in vain to fortify our reason." "I was extremely frightened, yet sufficiently master of myself and my motions, to enable me to follow the advice which the Indians had so often given us, how to act in such cases. I continued to walk on, without running ; avoided moving my arms ; and thought I observed that the jaguar's attention was fixed on a herd of chiguires, which were crossing the river. I then began to return, making a large circuit toward the edge of the water; as the distance increased, I thought I might accelerate my pace. How often was I tempted to look back, in order to assure myself that I was not pursued ! Happily, I yielded very tardily to this desire. The jaguar had remained motionless. The enormous cats with spotted robes are so well fed in countries abounding in chiguires, pecaris, and deer, that they rarely attack men. I arrived at the boat, out of breath, and related my adventure to the Indians. They appeared very little moved by it; yet after hav- ing loaded our firelocks, they accompanied us to the ceiba, beneath which the jaguar had lain. He was there no longer, and it would have been imprudent 1'4;2 MANATEES. tfohave pursued him into the forest, where we must have dispersed, or marched in file, amid intertwining lianas." On the evening of the same day, (the 3rd of April,) the travellers passed the mouth of a stream, named the Cano del Manati, on account of the immense number of manatees caught there every year. This aquatic animal abounds in the Orinoco, below the cataracts, and in its tributaries, the Meta and the Apure; it generally attains the length of ten or twelve feet, and weighs six or eight hundred pounds. Its flesh is said to be veiy savoury, and to resemble pork, but is considered unwholesome ; when salted and dried in the sun, it will keep for a year. The monks take the liberty of regarding it as a fish ; and thus it is in great request during Lent. The fat is used in the opera- tions of cooking and for the lamps in the churches ; the hide, which is a foot and a-half in thickness, is cut into slips, which serve for cordage, and likewise for the whips which are used to punish the slaves. The night was passed on the shore, two persons keep- ing watch. The fires lighted by the boatmen attracted the crocodiles and dolphins; a jaguar, with her cub, approached the party, but was driven away, and soon afterwards the dog was bitten in the nose by a large vampire bat. On the following night, as they were about to sling the hammocks, they discovered two large jaguars concealed behind a tree ; so they embarked again, and took up their quarters elsewhere. On the 5th of April, they reached the point where the Apui'e joins the Orinoco ; as they approached the junction, they were much struck with the decrease of water. The breadth of the stream was reduced to between 130 and ■ 170 yards, and its depth to twenty feet. The canoe touched several times on shoals, and was towed by a line. EMBAEKATIO^- ON THE OBDfOCO. 143 Chapter XII. Embarkation en the Orinoco — Change of scenery — A Carib Chieftain — Traditions of the Natives — Gathering of turtles' eggs on the shores of the Orinoco — The Missionaries — Cunning of the jaguars. Soon after leaving the Apure and entering upon the Orinoco, our travellers found themselves in a region which presented an entirely diiferent aspect. "An im- mense plain of water," says Humboldt, " stretched before us like a lake, as far as we could see. White- topped waves rose to the height of several feet, from the conflict of the breeze and current. The air re- sounded no longer with the piercing cries of the heron, the flamingoes, and the spoonbills, crossing in long files from one shore to the other. Our eyes sought in vain those water-fowls, the inventive snares of which vary in each tribe. All nature appears less animated. Scarcely could we discover in the hollows of the waves a few large crocodiles, cutting obliquely, by the help of their long tails, the surface of the agitated waters. The horizon was bounded by a zone of forests, but these forests no where reached so far as the bed of the river. A vast beach, constantly parched by the heat of the sun, desert and bare as the shores of the sea, resembled at a distance, from the effects of the mirage, pools of stagnant water. These sandy shores, far from fixing the limits of the river, rendered them uncertain by approaching or withdrawing them alternately, ac- cording to the variable action of the inflected rays.'* "In these scattered features of the landscape, in this character of solitude and of greatness, we recognise the 144 THE ORINOCO. course of the Orinoco, one of the most majestic rivers of the New World. The water, like the land, displays everywhere a characteristic and peculiar aspect. The bed of the Orinoco resembles not the bed of the Meta, the Guaviare, the Rio Negro, or the Amazon. These differences do not depend altogedier on the breadth or the velocity of the current; they are connected with a multitude of impressions, which it is easier to perceive upon the spot, than to define with precision. Thus, the mere form of the waves, the tint of the waters, the aspect of the sky and the clou 148 TRADITIONS. Mexican monuments anterior to the discovery of America; penetrate into the forests of the Orinoco, and become aware of the smallness of the European esta- blishments, their solitude, and the state of the tribes which retain their independence, — we cannot allow ourselves to atrribute the agreement of these accounts to the influence of missionaries, and to that of Chris- tianity, upon national traditions. Nor is it more probable that the sight of marine bodies, found on the summits of mountains, presented to the tribes of the Orinoco the idea of those great inundations which, for some time, extinguished the genus of organic life upon the globe." Continuing their voyage, they landed towards mid- day on an island near the Boca de la Tortuga, (or Mouth of the Turtle) celebrated for its annual turtle- fishery or harvest of eggs. They found three hundred Indians encamped here in huts of palm leaves, with a few white men, who had come to purchase the produce of their labour. Each tribe of the Indians lived apart from the rest, and was distinguished by its peculiar painting of the skin. Our traveller was kindly re- ceived by a missionary from the Uiiiana, a native of the country, who showed them over the island; he was particularly astonished to see Europeans, and thought the object of their expedition very mysterious, hardly conceiving it possible that they could have left their own countiT to be devoured by moschettoes, and to measure lands which were not their own. The ob- ject of his presence, he told them, was to celebrate mass during the " harvest," to procure a supply of oil for the church, and to keep in order this "republic of Indians and Castilians." According to the Indians, there were only three TURTLE FISHERY. • 149 places on the Orinoco where the turtles assembled annually in great numbers to lay their eggs; and these were situated between the mouth of the Apure and the great cataracts. The animal, when full-grown, weighs from forty to fifty pounds, and its eggs are much larger than those of a pigeon ; it is a large fresh- water tortoise, called the arrau. Troops of them issue from the water, in the month of January, to repose on the sands and warm themselves in the sun; during February, they continue basking on the beach in the day-time, and, early in March, they repair to the small islands to lay their eggs. Thousands of them are then seen ranged in files along the shores ; and the Indians take great precautions to prevent their being dis- turbed, placing sentinels at certain distances, and desiring persons, who pass by in boats, to keep in the middle of the river. The laying of the eggs begins soon after sunset. With their hind feet, which are very long and furnished with claws, the animals dig holes about three feet in diameter, and two in depth; in these holes they deposit their eggs, during the night. In the confusion which prevails from then- anxiety to get rid of the burden, many of the eggs are broken. Sometimes daylight surprises them before they have finished the operation. Those that are thus situated are so anxiously occupied in depositing their eggs, and closing up the holes so as to hide them from the jaguars, that they become insensible to their own danger; they continue to work with the greatest dili- gence in the presence of the Indians, who call them **mad tortoises." The operation of the gathering commences about the beginning of April, and is conducted with great regu- larity under the superintendence of the missionary. 150 vTURTLE FISHERY. The depth of the bed of eggs is ascertained by means of a pole thrust into the earth; and the ground is then alloted among the tribes. The natives then re- move the eartli with their hands, collect the eggs in baskets, and afterwards throAv them into long wooden troughs, fdled with water, where they are broken and stirred, and left exposed to the sun. The yolk rises to the surface, and, at the proper time, is taken oflf and boiled. When well prepared, the oil thus obtained is scarcely yellow and so clear and inodorous, that the missionaries compare it to the best olive oil; and it is used both for lamps and the operations of cookery. Humboldt, however, says that it has generally a putrid smell, some of the eggs having the little tortoises already formed in them. A space of ground, 120 feet in length and 30 in breadth, has been known to pro- duce 100 botijas or jars of oil, each containing from 1000 to 1200 cubic inches, or from about 3^ to 4|- British imperial gallons. The shores near the Boca de la Tortuga furnish 1000 jars annually, and the three stations jointly are supposed to afford 5000 jars. It requires 5000 eggs to fill a jar; so that estimating at 100 or 116, the number of eggs that one tortoise produces, and reckoning that one-third of them is broken at the time of laying, particularly by the "mad tortoises," we may presume that 330,000 tortoises assemble annually, and lay 33,000,000 of eggs on the three shores appropriated to this harvest. But the result of these calculations is undoubtedly much below the truth ; many tortoises lay only sixty or seventy eggs, and a great number of these animals are devoured by jaguars at the moment of their getting out of the water, A large number of eggs are taken away by the Indians to be eaten, after having been di'ied in Green Tortoise, (Ciieljs Viridis.) Green Turtle, (Testudc My das.) TUETLE FISHERY. 153 the sun; and many are carelessly broken by them in the gathering. A large number, likewise, are hatched before they can be dug up; Humboldt saw the whole shore of the Orinoco swarming with little tortoises an inch in diameter, which escaped with difl&culty from the pursuit of the Indian children. K to these considera- tions, remarks Humboldt, be added that all the arraus do not assemble on the three shores where encamp- ments are formed, that there are many which lay their eggs in solitude, we must admit that the number of tmrtles which annually deposit their eggs on the banks of the Lower Orinoco is nearly a million. The operations of gathering the eggs, and preparing the oil, occupy three weeks; and it is only during this period that the missionaries have any communication with the coast and the civilized neighbouring countries. The Franciscan monks, who live south of the cataracts, **come to the harvest of eggs less to procure oil, than to see, as they say, white faces, and to learn whether the king inhabits the "Escurial or Saint Ildefonso, whether the convents remain suppressed in France, and, above all, whether the Turks continue to keep quiet. These are the only subjects that are interesting to a monk of the Orinoco, and on which the little traders of Angostura, who visit the encampments, can give no very exact notions. In those distant countries, no doubt is ever entertained of the news brought by a white man from the capital. To doubt is almost to reason; and how can it be otherwise than irksome, to exercise the understanding, where people pass their lives, complaining of the heat of the climate and the stinging of moschettoes?" The jaguar is a great enemy to the tortoises; it fol- lows them to the shores where the laying of eggs is to 154 THE TURTLES. ■ take place, and in order to devour them at its ease, turns them on their backs. In this situation the tur- tles are unable to rise; and as the jaguar often turns many more than he can eat in one night, the Indians often avail themselves of his cunning and malignant avidity. " When we reflect on the difficulty that the naturalist finds in getting out the body of the turtle without separating the upper and under shells, we cannot sufficiently admire the suppleness of the tiger's paw, which empties the double armour of the arrau as if the adhering parts of the muscles had been cut by means of a surgical instrument." The jaguar will also pursue the turtle into the water when it is not very deep: and even dig up its eggs. The crocodiles, herons, and gaU'mazo vultures, are also great enemies to the turtles, devouring the little ones just after they are hatched. The year before Humboldt's visit the island of Pararuma had been so much infested by crocodiles, that in one night the Indians caught eighteen, each twelve or fifteen feet in length, by means of cm'ved pieces of iron, baited with the flesh of the manatee. Chapter Xm. Departure from the Boca de la Tortuga— Accident on the river from the high wind— A night on a barren island— Lethargy of the cro- codiles during tlie dry seasons— Passage of Baraguan — Aspect cf nature— Impurities of the waters — Painted Indians at Pararuma — Curious species of monkeys— Their sagacity. About four in the afternoon, the travellers set sail. The wind was fresh, and blew in squalls. Since they had entered the mountainous part of the country HIGH WIND. 155. they had discovered that their cauoe carried sail yeiy badly; but the master was desu'ous of showing the Indians, wlio were assembled on the beach, that in going as near the wind as possible, he should reach at a single tack the middle of the river. "At the very moment when he was boasting of his dexterity,'' says Humboldt, "and the boldness of his manoeuvre, the force of the wind upon the sail became so great, that we were on the point of going down. Our side of the boat was under water, which entered with such violence that it was up to our knees. It passed over a little table, at which I was writing, in the after part of the boat. I had some difficulty to save my journal, and, in an instant, we saw our books, papers, and cMed plants all swimming. M. Bonpland was lying asleep in the middle of the canoe. Awakened by the entrance of the water, and the cries of the In- dians, he judged of om* situation with that coolness which he always displayed in the most difficult circum- stances. The lee-side righting itself from time to time during the squaU, he did not consider the boat as lost. He thought that were we even forced to abandon it, we should save ourselves by swimming, since there was no crocodile in sight. Amid this uncertainty, we saw the cordage of the sail suddenly give way. The same gust of wind that had thro^vn us on our beam, served also to right us. We instantly laboured to bale the boat with calebashes; the sail was set afresh; and in less, than half an hour, we were again in a state to proceed. The wind had abated a little. Squalls alternating with dead calms are veiy common in that part of the Orinoco which is bordered by mountains. They be- come very dangerous for boats deeply laden, and with- out decks. We had escaped as by a miracle. To the 156 LANDING ON A BARREN ISLAND. reproaches that were heaped on our pilot for having kept too near the wind, he opposed his Indian phlegm, and answered coolly, 'that the whites would not want sun enough on those banks to dry their papers.* We lost only one book, the first volume of the Genera, Plantarum, of Schreber, which had fallen into the water. Such losses are felt by those who are reduced to a small number of works of science." At the beginning of the night, they landed on a barren island in the middle of the river. They seated themselves on large shells of turtles, which they found scattered on the beach ; and supped by a beautiful moonlight. "What delightful satisfaction did we feel at finding om'selves thus assembled! We figured to ourselves the situation of a man who had been saved alone from shipwreck, wandering on these desert shores, meeting at every step with other rivers that fall into the Orinoco, and which it is dangerous to pass by swimming, on account of the multitudes of crocodiles and caribe fishes. We represented to ourselves such a man awake to the most tender affec- tions of the soul, ignorant of the fate of the compa- nions of his misfortune, and thinking more of them than of himself. If we love to indulge such melan- choly meditations, it is because, when just escaped from danger, we seem to feel something like a want of strong emotions. The minds of each of us were full of what we had just witnessed. There are pe- riods in life, when, without being discouraged, the future appears more uncertain. It was only three days since we had entered the Orinoco; and there yet remained three months for us to navigate rivers encumbered with rocks, and in smaller boats than that in which we had nearly perished.'' ASCENT OP THE RIVER. 157 The iik^ht was intensely hot. Not finding any trees to which they could fasten their hammocks, our travellers lay upon skins, spread on the ground. They were surprised to find that at this place their fii'es did not prevent the approach of the jaguars. Those animals swam across the arm of the river between the island and the main land, and towards morning their cries were heard very near. The Indians said that the jaguars are always most frequent in those regions dui*- ing the period of collecting the turtles' eggs, when like- wise they displayed the greatest intrepidity. On the following day, they continued their ascent of the river, and passed on their right the mouth of the great river Arauca, opposite to which, on the other side, was the small mission of Uruana. The breadth of the Orinoco here was more than three miles, it being the season of the high- water ; yet they were at the distance of nearly 700 miles above its mouth. Although the right bank of the river continued low for some distance beyond this point, the mountains on the eastern or left bank approached nearer to the stream ; sometimes, the high and wooded grounds prevented the winds from fill- ing their sails; while at others, the narrow passes be- tween the mountains sent out gusts of great violence, though of short duration. The number of crocodiles in the river was found to increase above the junction with the Arauca; they had come according to the Indians from the inland savannahs, where they had been buried in the dried mud. As soon as the first showers awaken them from their lethargy, they crowd in troops, and hasten towards the river, there to disperse again. "Here in the equinoctial zone, it is the increase of humidity that recalls them to life; while in Georgia and Florida, in the temperate zone, it is the augmentation 158 CROCODILES. of heat that rouses these animals from a state of ner- vous and muscular debility, during which the active powers of respiration are suspended, or singularly diminished. The season of great drought, improperly called the summer of the torrid zone, corresponds to the winter of the temperate zone; and it is a curious physiological phenomenon to obsei've the alligators af North America plunged into a winter-sleep by excess of cold, at the same period when the crocodiles of the Llanos begin their siesta, or summer sleep. If it were probable that these animals of the same family had heretofore inhabited the same northern country, we might suppose that in advancing toward the equator, they feel the want of repose, after exercising their muscles for seven or eight months: and that they retain under a new sky the habits which appear to be essentially linked with their organization. Proceeding onwards they reached a part of the river where its bed is narrowed by the mountains of Bara- guan, and the stream thus assumes the appearance of a strait. This jyassage presented a picturesque scene. The granite rocks were perpendicular ; their summits did not exceed in height 120 toises, but they derived a majestic character from their situation in the midst of a small plain, the steepness of their declivities, and the barrenness of their sides, which were destitute of vegetation. At the middle of the strait, the breadth of the river was found to be 1900 yards: its general width from Uruana to the junction with the Meta, being twice or three times as great, '■We looked in vain for plants in the clefts of the rocks, which are as steep as walls, and furnish some traces of stratitication. We found only an old trunk of aubletia, with large pomiform fruit, and a new species ArPEARANCES OF NATURE. 159 of the family of the Apocynese. All the stones were covered with an innumerable quantity of iguanas, and geckoes with spreading and membranous fingers. These lizards, motionless, the head raised, and the mouth open, seemed to suck in the open air. The ther- mometer placed against the rock, rose to 122-4°. The soil appeared undulating, from the effect of mirage, without a breath of wind being felt. The sun was near the zenith, and its dazzling light, reflected by the sur- face of the river, contrasted with the reddish vapours that enveloped all the surrounding objects. How vivid is the impression produced by the calm of nature, at noon, in these burning climates I The beasts of the fo- rests retire to the thickets: the birds hide themselves be- neath the foliage of the trees, or in the crevices of the rocks. Yet, amid this apparent silence, when we lend an attentive ear to the most feeble sounds transmitted by the air, we hear a dull vibration, a continual murmur, a hum of insects, that fill, if we may use the expression, all the lower strata of the air. Nothing is better fitted to make man feel the extent and power of organic life- Myriads of insects creep upon the soil, and flutter round the plants parched by the ardour of the sun. A con- fused noise issues from every bush, from the decayed trunks of trees, from the clefts of the rocks, and from the ground undermined by the lizards, millepedes, and hlindworms. These are so many voices proclaiming to us, that all nature breathes; and that, under a thousand different forms, life is diffused throughout the cracked and dusty soil, as well as in the bosom of the waters, and in the air that circulates around us. "The sensations which I here recalled to my mind, are not unknown to those, who, without having ad- vanced to the equator, have visited Italy, Spain, or 160 IMPURITIES OF THE WATERS. Egypt. That contrast of motion and silence, that aspect of nature at once calm and animated, strikes the imagination of the traveller, when he enters the basin of the Mediterranean, within the zone of olives, dwarf palms, and date trees." The travellers passed the night near this spot; and "could have wished to find a spring" in the Baraguan; the water of the river having a smell of musk, and a sweetish taste, exceedingly disagreeable. Both in the Apure and in the Orinoco, they found the water some- times very fit to drink; while at others it seemed loaded with gelatinous matter, "It is the hark" (the coriaceous covering,) "of the putrefied cayman, that is the cause," said the natives; "the older the cayman, the more bitter his bark." There was little doubt that the carcases of these large reptiles and the manatees, as well as the presence of porpoises, with their mucilaginous skin, might contaminate the water of the river, especi- ally in the creeks where the stream has little velocity; yet it was not always the case that where they found the most fetid water, there dead animals were accumu- lated. "When," feelingly observes our experienced traveller, "in such ardent climates, where we are con- stantly tormented by thirst, we are reduced to drink the water of a river at the temperature of 80° or 82°, it were to be wished at least that water so hot, and so loaded with sand, should be free from smell." On the morning of the 9th, they reached Pararuma, where they saw an encampment of Indians, similar to that which they had seen at the Boca de la Tortn^a. In this instance, however, the unfortunate natives were too late in assembling, to collect the turtles' eggs; the little turtles had been several days out of the shell before the camp was formed. The delay had proved ZAMURO AND CROCODHiES. 161 profitable to the crocodiles, and the garses (a species of large white heron) ; both those animals, having a par- tiality for the flesh of young turtles, had devoured an immense number, when they came out of the earth, after the evening twilight, to visit the river. The zamuro, or carrion- vultures, are said to be too indolent to hunt after sunset; but, hovering around the shores in the day-time, they alight in the midst of an Indian encampment to steal food. Oftentimes they can find no other means of satisfying their voracity, than by at- tacking young crocodiles, seven or eight inches long, either on the land, or in water of httle depth ; and it is curious then to see with what address these httle ani- mals will defend themselves for some time against their ravenous assailants. As soon as they perceive the vul- tures, they raise themselves on their fore-paws, bend their back, and lift up the head, opening then' wide jaws. They turn repeatedly, though slowly, towards their enemy, to show him their teeth, which even when the animal is recently come out of the egg are very long and sharp. It frequently happens that, while one of the zamuros attracts the whole attention of the young crocodile, another pounces, unforeseen, upon it, and grasping its neck, bears it off into the higher regions of the air. Our travellers had an oppor- tunity of observing this manoeuvre during several mornings, at the town of Mompex, on the borders of the Magdalena, where they had collected in a spacious court, surrounded by a wall, more than forty croco- diles, which had been hatched fifteen or twenty days. At Pararuma they found some white traders, from Lingostura, who complained bitterly of the "bad har- vest," and the mischief done by the jaguars among the turtles' eggs; and also some missionary monks, whose M 162 . INDIANS OF PARARUMA. ample blue garments, shorn heads, and long beai'ds,- gave them the appearance of natives of the East. These poor priests had suffered from tertian fevers for some months; "pale and emaciated,"' says Hum- boldt, "they easily convinced us that the countries we were going to visit were not without danger to the health of travellers." At Pararuma their Indian pilot left them, being un- acquainted with the rapids higher uj). They thought themselves fortunate in procuring, from one of the monks, a fine canoe, at a very moderate price, and in securing the company of Father Bernardo Zea, mis- sionary of the Atures and Maypures, near the great cataracts, who was in hopes of re-establishing his health by visiting the more healthy stations of the Rio Negro. As the number of natives who assist in pas- sing boats over the rapids is very small, our travel- lers would have been exposed to the risk of spending whole weeks in these humid and imhealthy regions, had they not been joined by this monk. The assemblage of Indians at Pararuma excited their interest: "How difficult," says Humboldt, "to recognise, in this infancy of society, — in this collection of dull, taciturn, and unimpassioned Indians, — the original character of our species! Human nature is not seen here arrayed in that gentle simplicity, of which poets, in every language, have drawn such enchanting pic- tures. The savage of the Orinoco appeared to us as hideous as the savage of the Mississippi, described by the philosophical traveller who best knew how to paint men in the various regions of the globe. One would fain persuade himself that these natives of the soil, crouched near the fire, or seated on large shells of tur- tles, their bodies covered with earth and grease, and PAmima the bodt. 163 tlieir eyes stupidly fixed, for whole hours, on tlie drink whieli they are preparing, far from being the original type of our species, are a degenerate race, the feeble remains of nations which, after being long scattered in the forests, have been again immersed in barbarism."' Humboldt enters into some interesting details, con- cerning the practice which these Indians have of paint- ing the naked body. Like some of those in North America, they have a passion for red colom's, which they obtain from the leaves and seeds of certain plants. They use, also, a black colour. They mix these pig- ments with turtle-oil or grease of some kind, and apply them according to the pattern of the tribe, with such modifications as individual taste may suggest. Some tribes paint only the head and hair ; others paint the whole body. There exists a fashion in painting among the Indians, as in dress among civilized nations; and our travellers saw some Indians at Pararuma with blue jackets and black buttons painted on them. '•' Seen at a distance," Humboldt says, '-'these naked men ap- pear to be dressed in laced clothes." '"' K painted nations," he adds, "had been examined with as much attention as clothed nations, it would have been per- ceived that the most fertile imagination, and the most mutable caprice, have created the fashions of painting as weU as those of garments." This personal decora- tion of the Indians is a source of great extravagance ; and some of the missionaries are said to speculate on their state of nudity, by storing up the ddca, and other pigments, and selling them at a high price to the natives. Humboldt tells us that a man of large stature will with difiiculty obtain, by a fortnight's la- bom', enough to purchase the ddca to j)aint himself red. Thus, as in our temperate climates, we say of a M2 164 NEW SPECIES OP MONKEY. poor man, that "he has not enough to clothe himself;" the Indians of the Orinoco say " that man is so poor that he has not enough to paint half his body." The operation of painting is sometimes a very tedious one, requiring incredible patience. One specimen of this kind of decoration, mentioned by Humboldt, was a sort of lattice-work, formed of black lines, crossing on a red ground, each little square so formed having a black dot in the centre. This "research of ornament" seems the more curious, when we consider that if exposed to a violent shower, these elaborate and carefully-executed paintings are washed out. The black pigment of the caruto, however, resists the action of water a long time : our travellers, one day, in sport with the Indians, caused their faces to be marked with spots and strokes of caruto, and when they arrived at Angostura, in the midst of Europeans, the marks were still visible. The reflecting traveller, who observes the painting and tattooing in which the savage takes so great de- light and pride, cannot, therefore, but be singularly struck with the remains of ancient barbarism, retained amid all the usages of civilization, when he remembers the cosmetics with which the ladies of Europe still, in great measure, labour to adorn and improve the appearance of their persons. At Pararuma our travellers had an opportunity of seeing alive several animals which they had previously seen only in the collections of Europe. The mission- aries carry on ^a little commerce in the gallitos, or rock-manakins, and in several species of monkeys, which are in great request on the coast. Two species of monkeys particularly attracted their attention, the titis and viuditas. The titi has a white face, with a little spot of bluish black covering the mouth and the SAGACITY OF THE TITI. 165 point of the nose. No other monkey has so much the physiognomy of a child; "there are the same expres- sion of innocence, the same playful smile, the same ra- pidity in the transition from joy to sorrow. Its large eyes are instantly filled with tears, when it is seized with fear." It is extremely fond of insects; and Hum- boldt mentions a remarkable instance of its sagacity in distinguishing them in the plates annexed to one of Cuvier's works on Natural History. The engravings were not coloured; yet the titi sharply put out its little hand, in the hope of catching a grass hopper or a wasp, every time that the plate on which those insects were represented was shown to it. Engravings of skeletons or heads of mammiferous animals were regarded with the greatest indifference. "I shall observe, on this occasion," says Humboldt, "that I have never heard of a picture on which hares or deer were represented, of their natural size, and with the greatest perfection, having made the least impression, even on hunting- dogs of the most improved intelligence. Is there an example, well ascertained, of a dog recognizing a full-length picture of its master? In all these cases, the sight is not assisted by the smell." The viudita, or "young widow," as it has been called by the missionaries, forms a striking contrast with the titi, and other four-handed animals long known in Europe. The hair of this little animal is soft, glossy, and of a fine black; its face is covered with a square mask, of a whitish colour, tinged with blue, and this mask contains the eyes, nose, and mouth. "The ears have a rim; they are small, very pretty, and almost bare. The neck of the widow presents, in front, a white band an inch broad, and forming a semicircle. The feet, or rather the hinder hands, are black, like 166 THE AVIDOW-MOXKEY. the rest of the body; but the fore hands are white on the outside, and of a glossy black within. It is in these marks, or white spots, that the missionaries think they recognise the yeil, the neckerchief, and the gloves of a widow in mourning. The character of this little mon- key, which sits up on its hinder extremities only when eating, is very little indicated in its appearance. It has a wild and timid air; it often refuses the aliments that are offered to it, even v.-hen tormented by a ravenous appetite. It has little inclination for the society of other monkeys; the sight of the smallest saimiri (or titi) puts them to flight. Its eye denotes great vivacity. We have seen it remain whole hom*s motionless, without sleeping, and attentive to every- thing that was passing around. But this wildness and timidity are merely apparent. The viudita, alone, and left to itself, becomes furious at the sight of a bird. It then climbs and runs with astonishing rapidity; darts upon its prey like a cat, and kills whatever it can seize." Our traveller justly remarks that,= in order to study the manners of animals, it is a great advantage to observe them in the open air, and not in houses, where they lose all their natural vivacity. Chapter XIY. Departure from Pararuma— Mode of navigating the Orinoco— Military conversion of the natives — Inundations of the river — Ancient floods —Rapids and cascades — Subterranean sounds — Memnonium — The ]\Ieta — The Stone of Patience — Sufferings from insects — Arrival at Panumana. The travellers set sail from Pararuma on the 10th of April, at ten in the morning. Their canoe was forty feet long and three broad; like all Indian boats, it was simply the trunk of a tree, hollowed out by the double SAILING UP THE ORINOCO. 167 aid of the liatcliet and of fire. To gain something in breadth, a sort of lattice-work had been constructed on the after part of the boat, with branches of trees reaching on each side beyond the gunwale: but the roof of leaves — ihetoldo, as it is called — which covered this lattice-work, was so low that the inmate was obhged to lie down without seeing anything, or to sit double, if he preferred being seated. The necessity of carrying the canoe across the rapids, leading from one river to another, and the fear of giving too much hold to the wind, prevented them from having the toMo higher. This shed was intended for four persons; the legs reached far beyond it, and in a fall of rain half the body was wetted. The travellers reposed on ox-hides, or tiger-skins, thrown over branches of trees, which caused some painful sensations, through so thin a covering. Humboldt has depicted the manner of navigating on the Orinoco, in such a bark as this, in a very interesting manner. " The fore part of the boat," he says, " was filled with Indian rowers, furnished with paddles three feet long, in the form of spoons. They were all naked, seated two by two, and rowed in ca- dence with surprising uniformity. Their songs were sad and monotonous. The small cages, containing our birds and our monkeys, the number of which aug- mented as we advanced, were hung, some to the toldo, and others to the bow of the boat. This was our tra- veiling menagerie. Notwithstanding the frequent losses? occasioned by accidents, and above all by the fatal effects of exposure to the sun, we had fourteen of these little animals alive at our return from the Cas- siquiare. ]S"aturalists who wish to collect and bring living animals to Europe, might cause boats to be con- structed expressly for this purpose at Angostura? or ut 168 THEIR PAINS AND TOILS. €rrand Para, the two capitals, situate on the banks of the Orinoco and the Amazon; the first third of which boats might contain two rows of hutches, sheltered from the ardour of the sun. Every night, when we esta- blished our watch, the collection of animals and our instruments, occupied the centre : around these were placed first our hammocks, then the hammocks of the Indians, and on the outside were the fires that are thought indispensable against the attacks of the jaguar. About sunrise the monkeys in our cages answered the cries of the monkeys of the forest. These communica- tions between animals of the same species, sympathiz- ing with one another, though unseen, — one party en- joying that liberty which the other regrets, — hare in them something melancholy and affecting. "In a canoe not three feet wide, and so encumbered, there remained no other place for the di'ied plants, trunks, a sextant, a dipping-needle, and the meteorolo- gical instruments, than the space below the lattice- work of branches, on which we were compelled to re- main stretched the greater part of the day. To take the least object out of a trunk, or to use an instrument, it was necessai-y to gain the shore, and disembark. To these inconveniences were joined the torment of the moschetoes, abounding under this low roof, and the heat radiated from the palm-leaves, which had then* upper surface continually exposed to the sun's rays. We attempted every instant, and always without suc- cess, to amend our situation. While one of us laid himself under a sheet to ward off the insects, the other insisted on having green wood hghted beneath the toldOi in order to drive them away by the smoke. The painful sensations experienced by the eyes, and the increase of a temperature already stifling, rendered THE CASTLE. 169 both of these endeavours alike impracticable. With some gaiety of temper, with dispositions of mutual benevolence, and with a vivid taste for the majestic natm^e of these great valleys or rivers, travellers easily support evils which become habitual." At a short distance above Pararuma, they passed, on the east, a mountain with a bare top, projecting in the form of a promontory. Its height was nearly 300 feet. It had served as a station for the Jesuits, who had constructed upon it a small fortress, furnished with three batteries of cannon, and constantly oc- cupied by a military detachment. The fort had been destroyed since the dissolution of the society ; but the place was still caUed El Castillo, or the Castle. The garrison which the Jesuits used to maintain on this rock, was not intended merely to protect the mis- sionaries against the incursions of the Caribbees: it was employed in that peculiar kind of offensive war- fare known in these parts by the name of co7iquesta de almas, " conquest of souls." The soldiers, excited by the hope of gain, used to make incursions into the lands of the independent Indians, killed all those who made any resistance, burnt their huts, destroyed the plantations, and carried away the old men, women, and children, as prisoners. The captives were divided among the missions of the Meta, the Rio Negro, and the Upper Orinoco, being sent to such a distance as prevented their retmn to their native district. This violent mode of " conquering souls" was prohibited by the Spanish laws ; but the civil governors allowed it, and the Jesuit superiors boasted of it, as beneficial to religion and the aggrandisement of the missions. "The Yoice of the gospel," said one of them, "is heard only where the Indians have heard also the voice of arms. Mildness is a very slow measure; by chastising 170 RISE OF THE ORINOCO. the natives we facilitate tlicir conversion." Happily, however, the same system was not followed by the Franciscan, Dominican, and Augustine monks, who now govern a vast portion of South America, "and who," says Humboldt, "by the mildness or harshness of their manners, exert a powerful influence over the fate of so many thousands of natives. Military incur- sions are almost entirely abolished, and when they do take place they are disavowed by the superiors of the orders.'*' Our travellers passed the night of the 10th, at the priest's house, a convento, in the small village of Ca- richana ; nearly a fortnight had elapsed since they slept under a roof. This mission had been planted at the distance of three-quarters of a league from the river, to avoid the effects of the inundations. The Ori- noco had risen several inches on the 10th, and the natives were rather surprised; as the first swellings are almost imperceptible, and are usually followed by a fall for some days. Our travellers were shown on a granite-rock the marks of the great rise of late years, and found them to be 42 feet high, or double the or- dinary rise of the Nile. The measurement, however, was made in a place where the bed of the river is sin- gularly hemmed in by rocks ; and it may easily be con- ceived, says Humboldt, that the effect and height of the increase differ according to the profile of the river; but, what is particularly remakable, and "has struck the imagination of all who inhabit these countries," is, that at Carichana, and other places where the river has forced its way through the mountains, you see at the height of 100 and sometimes of 130 feet above the present increase of the river, black bands and ero- sions that indicate the ancient abode of the waters. ^'Is this river, then," says Humboldt, "the Orinoco, ANCIENT WORLD. 171 which appears to us so imposing and majestic, merely the feeble remnant of those immense currents of fresh water, which, swelled by Alpine snows, or bymore abun- dant rains, everywhere shaded by dense forests, and destitute of those beaches that favour evaporation, for- merly traversed the regions to the east of the Andes, like arms of inland seas? Wliat must then have been the state of those low countries of Guiana, which now experience the effects of annual inundations ? What a prodigious number of crocodiles, lamantines, and boas, must have inhabited these vast regions, alternately converted into pools of stagnant water and arid plains! The more peaceful world in which we live has suc- ceeded to a world of tumult. Bones of mastodons and real American elephants are found dispersed over the platforms of the Andes. The megatherium inhabited the plains of Uruguay. By digging the earth more deeply in high valleys, which at the present day are un- able to nourish palms or tree-ferns, we discover strata of coal, containing gigantic remains of monocotyledonous plants*. There was therefore a remote period, when the tribes of vegetables were differently distributed, when the animals were larger, the rivers wider and deeper : there stop the movements of natm-e which we can consult. "We are ignorant whether the human race, which, at the time of the discovery of America, scarcely presented a few feeble tribes to the east of the Cordil- leras, had yet descended into the plains, or whether the ancient tradition of the Great Waters, which we find among all the races of the Orinoco, Erevato, and Caura, belongs to other climates, whence it had been trans- ferred to this part of the new continent." * These are different kinds of plants, where one lohe or albuminous mass surrounds the embryo. 172 THE RAPIDS. Leaving Carichana on the afternoon of the 11th, our travellers continued their ascent of the river, which "became more and more encumbered with little islands or rocks of granite. At one of them, known by the name of Piedra del Tigre, or Rock of the Tiger, the water is so deep that no bottom can be found with a line of twenty-two fathoms, each fathom being six feet. Towards evening the weather became cloudy and gloomy, with squalls and dead calms alternately ; the rain penetrated through the leafy covering of their shed, but did them some service in driving away the moschetoes which had troubled them all the day. The granitic rocks in the river form rapids or small cascades, which at first sight alarm the traveller, on account of the continual eddies of the water, but which are not dangerous for boats, although they sometimes occasion inconvenience at the place. Our travellers found the impulse of the waters so strong that they had great difficulty in gaining the land. They were continually driven back to the middle of the current"^, when at length two Indians, who were excellent swimmers, leaped into the stream, and, * The French philosopher, De la Condamine, who was sent out to South America, with other academicians, in the year 1735, to measure the length of a degree of the earth's surface under the equator, speaks of similar rapids and eddies in the Amazon, where its current is impeded by rocks. He mentions one of them at the passage called Escurrebragas, where he was whirled round for an hour and several minutes in a deep creek, under an overhanging rock. " The waters in circulating," says he, •' carried me to the middle of the bed of the river, where their meeting with the great current formed waves, which would inevitably have sub- merged a canoe. The size and solidity of the raft rendered it secure from that danger ; but I was always driven back by the violence of the current into the creek, from which I was only extricated by the address of four Indians. " He tells us likewise of a poor missionary, who was drawn into one of these eddies and kept there two days, and would doubtless have perished with hunger, if a sudden rise of the river had not again sent him into the middle of the stream. THE MUSICAIi ROCK. 173 di-awing the boat by a rope, made it fast to a shelf of bare rock, called the Piedra de Carichana Vieja. Upon this rock the party passed the night ; the thunder continued to roll ; the increase of the river became considerable ; and they were several times afraid that their frail bark would be forced from the shore by the impetuosity of the waves. The Piedra de Carichana Vieja is one of those rocks at which travellers, who pass along in the Orinoco, have heard from time to time at sumise, subterraneous sounds resembling those of an organ, and which the missionaries call laxas de musica; the young Indian pilot said that " it was witchcraft." Our travellers themselves never heard these mysterious sounds : but from information given to them by witnesses worthy of belief, they did not doubt the existence of the phenomenon. Humboldt supposes it to depend on a certain state of the atmosphere. The shelves of rock, it appears, are full of crevices, deep and very narrow; they are heated during the day to a high temperature, so that they remain throughout the night many degrees warmer than the surrounding atmosphere. This difference of temperature between the subterraneous and the external air, may be con- ceived to attain its maximum about sunrise, or at that moment which is furthest from the period of greatest heat in the preceding day. May not then, asks Humboldt, the sounds of an organ, which are heard by a person lying on the rock with his ear in contact with the stone, be the effect of a current of air issuing out through the crevices ? " May we not admit," he likewise asks, " that the ancient inhabitants of Egypt, in passing incessantly up and down the Nile, had made the same obser- 174 STATUE OP MEMNON. vation on some rock of the Thebaid ; and that the music of the rocks there led to the jugglery of the priests in the statue of Memnon ? Perhaps when the rosy-fingered Aurora rendered her son, the glorious Memnon, vocal, the voice was that of a man hidden beneath the pedestal of the statue ; but the obser- vation of the natives of the Orinoco, which we relate, seems to explain in a natural manner what gave rise to the Egyptian belief of a stone that poured forth sounds at sunrise." Three of the French savans, who went out to Egypt with Buonaparte's expedition, heard at sum-ise in a monument of granite, placed in the centre of the spot on which the greater temple of Karnae stands, a noise resembling that of a "string breaking.'"' This is precisely the comparison used by the ancient writers in speaking of the statue of Memnon; and the French philosophers entertained the same opi- nion as Humboldt, '-that the passage of rarefied air through the fissures of a sonorous stone, might have suggested to the Egyptian priests the juggleries of the Memnonium." The poetical expression which Humboldt quotes re- specting Aurora and her son Memnon, are the actual words of an inscription, which Avas found to attest that sounds were heard on the 13th of the month Pachon, in the 10th year of the reign of Antoninus ; which agrees with the year a.d. 148. The toucan and rattlesnake seem to occupy the countries from Mexico to the southern parts of Brazil. The toucan is an omnivorous bird, feeding both upon animal and vegetable matters. But their enormous bills are very light, and, being vascular within, favour the organs of smell. By this power they discover the Kattlesnake (Crotalj.s LorridusV CURRENTS OP THE ORINOCO. 177 nests and eggs of other birds, which they are continu- ally plundering. The red-billed toucan is one of the largest species, having the body black and the throat very white. On the morning of the 12th our travellers set off at fom- o'clock, and experienced the usual difficulty in passing the rapids, which lay between them and the mouth of the Meta. For six hundred toises* the river was full of granitic rocks ; sometimes they passed through channels not five feet broad, and sometimes theii* canoe was jammed between two blocks of granite. " We sought," says Humboldt, " to avoid those pas- sages into which the waters rushed with a terrible noise. There is no real danger when you are steered by a good Indian pilot. When the current is too difficult to resist, the rowers leap into the water, and fasten a rope to the point of a rock to warp the boat along; this manoeuvre is very slow ; and we sometimes availed cm-selves of it to climb the rocks, among which we were entangled. They are of all dimensions, rounded, very black, glossy like lead, and destitute of vegeta- tion. It is an extraordinary sight to see the waters of one of the largest rivers in the globe in some sort disappear. We perceived, even far from the shore, those immense blocks of granite rising from the ground, and leaning one against another. The inter- vening channels in the rapids are more than 25 fathoms deep ; and are the more difficult to be observed, as the rocks are often narrow at their bases, and form vaults suspended over the surface of the rivers. We per- ceived no crocodiles in the Raudal de Cariven'^; these animals seem to shun the noise of cataracts." * The toise is rather more than a. fathom, which is six English feet. + The name of this part of the river, Ratidal signifying a cataraet. N 178 STOiS^E OF TATIEJsX'E. At 9 o'clock they arrived opposite the mouth of the ,Meta, which, next to the Guaviarc, is the largest tribu- tary of the Orinoco, and is remarkable for the volume of its waters, their depth being sometimes 84 feet. The confluence of the two rivers presented an impressive scene. "Lonely rocks rise on the eastern bank. Blocks of granite, piled upon one another, appeared from afar like castles in ruins. Vast sandy shores keep the skirting of the forest at a distance from the river ; but we discover in the horizon solitary palm-trees, backed by the sky and crowning the tops of the mountains."' Two hours were passed on a large rock in the middle of the river, the Stone of Patience, as it is called; be- cause the canoes in going up were sometimes detained there two days, before they could be extricated from the whirlpool formed by it. Humboldt fixed his in- struments on it and took altitudes of the sun. At night they slept on a sloping shelf of rock at the rapids of Tabajee: its crevices sheltered a swarm of bats. The cries of a jaguar very near them were heard for a long time ; and were answered by the prolonged bowlings of their dog. Humboldt waited the appear- ance of the stars in vain; "the sky was of a tremen- dous blackness ; and the hoarse sound of the cascades of the Orinoco contrasted with the noise of the thunder that was rolling at a distance towards the forest." During the 13th and 14th they continued the ascent of the river, and though they were proceeding further to the south, and by so doing arrived nearer to the equator, they found the heat diminish. The annoyance from the moschetoes increased nevertheless ; at the mis- sion of San Borja, which they visited on the 13th, they suffered most severely, being unable to speak or un- cover the face without having the mouth and nose filled SERIES OF CATARACTS. 179 with those insects. The extreme irritation of the skin made them fancy that the air was scorching ; and they were prevented from bathing by the fear of the little Caribe fish before mentioned. The scenery of the Orinoco, as they advanced, assumed a more imposing and picturesque aspect. The crocodiles which they met with were all of an extraordinary size, being from twenty-two to twenty-four feet in length. Their sufferings from the insects made them hm-ry off, however willing they were to stay. There were fewer insects in the strata of air just on the river, than near the edge of the forests. They at length arrived and spent a night at the little island of Panumana. Chapter XV, The Cataracts of the Orinoco— Marvellous narratives of the country above the cataracts— Panumana — Maladies— Regions round Atures and Maypures— Natural rafts of the Orinoco— Natural dikes — In- creased intensity of nocturnal sounds— Atures — Propensities of animals — Hairy man of the woods — Plague of insects — Table-lands of the Andes free from the plague of moschetoes, &c. " The river of the Orinoco, in running from south to north, is crossed by a chain of granitic mountains. Twice impeded in its course, it turbulently breaks on the rocks, which form steps and transverse dikes. Nothing can be grander than the aspect of this spot. Neither the fall of the Tequendama" (near Santa Fe de Bogota),"nor the magnificent scenes of the Cordilleras, could weaken the impression produced upon my mind by the first view of the rapids of Atm-es and of May- pures. When you are so stationed that the eye can at once take in the long succession of cataracts, the im- N2 180 THE TWO GllEAT CATARACTS. mense sheet of foam and vapours illumined by the rays of the setting sun, it seems as if you saw the whole river suspended over its bed. Scenes so astonishing must, for ages, have fixed the attention of the New World. When Diego de Todaz, Alfonso de Herera, and the in- trepid Raleigh, anchored at the mouth of the Orinoco, they were informed by the Indians of the great cata- racts, which the latter themselves had never visited, and Avhich they even confounded with cascades further to the east. Whatever obstacle the force of vegetation under the torrid zone may be to the intercourse of nations, all that relates to the course of great rivers acquires a celebrity which extends to vast distances." The two celebrated cataracts of the Orinoco are formed by the passage of the river across the chain of mountains already described under the name of the Cordillera of Parime'\ They are called by the natives Mapara and Quittuna, the former being the northern or lower one. But the missionaries have styled them Atures and Maypures, from the names of the first tribes which they assembled in the nearest villages. On the coast of Caraccas, these two great cataracts are simply spoken of as the two raudales, or rapids, as if, compared with them, all the other falls of water were not deemed Avorthy of attention. The great cataracts are distant apart twelve leagues. They di- vide the missionary establishments of the province, formerly known as Spanish Guiana, into two unequal portions — viz., the missions of the Lower Orinoco, or such as are situated between the mouth of the river and the raudal of Atures, and the missions of the Upper Orinoco, or such as are situated between the raudal of Maypures and the mountains of Duida. The * See page 107. THE COUNTRY BEYOND. 181 course of the Lower Orinoco is estimated at 260 nauti- cal leagues; that of the Upper Orinoco at 167 leagues. The country lying above the great cataracts is in a great measure an unknown land; it is partly flat, partly mountainous, and receives the confluents both of the Amazon and the Orinoco. " None of the mission- aries," says Humboldt, " who have described the Ori- noco before me, neither Gumilla, Gili, nor Caulin, had passed the raudal of Maypures. We found but three Christian establishments above the great cataracts, in an extent of more than 100 leagues ; and these three establishments contained scarcely six or eight white persons, that is to say, persons of European races. We cannot be sm'prised that such a desert region should have been at all times the classical soil of fable and fairy visions. It is there that grave missionaries have placed nations with one eye in the forehead, the head of a dog, or the mouth below the stomach. It is there they have found all that the ancients relate of the Garamantes, of the Arimaspes, and of the Hyper- boreans. It would be an error to suppose that these simple, and often rustic missionaries, had themselves invented all these exaggerated fictions ; they derived them, in great part, from the recitals of the Indians. A fondness for narration prevails in the missions, as it does at sea, or in the East, and in every place where the mind wants amusement. A missionary, from his vocation, is not inclined to scepticism; he imprints on his memory what the natives have so often repeated to him ; and after his return to Europe, and his restoration to the civilized world, he finds a compen- sation for his toil in the pleasure of creating astonish- ment by a recital of facts which he thinks he has coirected, and by an animated description of remote 182 TILLAGE OF ATURES : things. These tales of travellers and monks increase in improbability in proportion as you increase yom* distance from the forests of the Orinoco, and approach the coasts inhabited by the whites. When at Cumana, Nueva Barcelona, and other sea-ports which have frequent communication with the missions, you are reduced to silence by these few words, ' The fathers have seen it, but far above the cataracts.'" They passed the night of the loth of April on the island of Panumana. During the night, they sought the shelter of a deserted hut, the opening of which the Indians took care to barricade with planks, to prevent the intrusion of the jaguars and tigers, which were very numerous in that district. Some time before, an Indian, returning to his hut, at the close of the rainy season, found a tigress settled in it, with her two young. These animals had occupied the dwelling for several months, and could with difficulty be dislodged by the former master of the house. The jaguars, likewise, are fond of retiring to deserted ruins ; so that it is more preferable to encamp in the open air, between two fires, than to seek shelter in uninhabited huts. The village of Atm-es, or San Juan Xepomuceno de los Atures, was founded in 1748, by the Jesuit Fran- cisco Gonzalez. It is the last of the missions in ascending the river, which owe their origin to the order of St. Ignatius, all those beyond it having been founded by the Franciscans. Humboldt says that the Orinoco appears to have flowed where the village now stands, and that, doubtless, the flat savannah sur- rounding it was once part of the bed of the river. Our travellers found this mission in a deplorable condition. The number of the Indians had been for some time decreasing, and thm amounted to only 4T, ITS UXHEALTHES'ESS. 183 The causes of the depopulation were yarious; the chief of them are the repugnance of the Indians to the regulations of the missions, and the epidemic fevers which regularly prevail. " What," asks Humboldt, " are the causes of those fevers that prevail during a great part of the year in the villages of Atures and Maypures, around the two great cataracts of the Orinoco, and which render the spots so much to be dreaded by European travellers? They are violent heats, joined with the excessive humidity of the air, bad nutriment, and, if we may believe the natives, the pestilent exhalations that rise from the bare rocks of the raudaks. These fevers of the Orinoco appeared to us to resemble altogether those that are felt every year between New Barcelona, La Guayra, and Porto Cabello, in the vicinity of the sea, and often degenerate into adynamic fevers. ' I have had my little fever only eight months,' said the good missionary of the Atures, who accompanied us to the Rio Negro, speaking of it as of an habitual evil, which it was easy to bear. The fits were violent, but of short duration. He was some- times seized with them when lying along in the boat, under a shelter of branches of trees, sometimes when exposed to the bm-ning rays of the sun on an open beach. These tertian agues are attended with great debility of the muscular system; yet we find poor ecclesiastics on the Orinoco who support, for several years, these calenturitas or tercianas: their effects are not so fatal as those which are experienced from fevers of much shorter duration in temperate climates." The pestilent exhalations here spoken of, as arising from the rocks of the cataracts, attracted the attention of Humboldt, who remarks that the circumstance is the more worthy of attention, on account of its connexion 184' BLACK KOCKS. with a fact which has been observed in several parts of the world, although it has not yet been sufficiently exj)lained. The rocks, wherever they are periodically submersed, are smooth, and exhibit a black surface, as if they were coated with black lead. The crust is very thin, and consists mainly of oxide of u'on and manga- nese. The same phenomenon has been observed at the cataracts of Syene in the Nile, and at those of the river Congo, and Humboldt supposes the deposit to be oc- casioned by a precipitation of substances chemically dissolved in the water, and not by an efflorescence of matters contained in the rocks themselves. Our tra- vellers were told that persons passing the night on those rocks had awakened in the morning with a violent pa- roxysm of fever ; and so strong is the conviction of the imwholesome influence of such rocks generally, that the Jesuits have on several occasions removed their esta- blishments to a distance from them. Without enth^ely crediting what was said on the subject, our travellers took care to avoid the black rocks at night. Hum- boldt thinks that the danger of reposing on them may arise from the heat which they retain during the night, and which he found to be 20° above that of the air. In the day-time their temperature exceeded 118°, and they emitted a stifling heat. Instead, then, of noxious exha- lations from these rocks causing the insalubrity, it may, in Humboldt's opinion, be referred to the accumulated and radiated heat, the humid atmosphere, and the want of a free circulation of air; for, in this neighbourhood, he tells us, no breath of wind ever agitates the foliage. The characteristic of these equatorial regions is gran- dem- and repose, whilst hurricanes and tempests belong to islands, to deserts destitute of plants, and to those spots where parts of the atmosphere repose upon SCENEKY OF ATURES. 185 sui*faces from which the radiation of heat is very various. The sceneiy in the vicinity of Atures is very beauti- ful, the landscape varying at every step, so that we find united in a small space all that is most rude and gloomy in nature, with an open country, and lovely pas- toral scenery. To the west of the village rises a pyra- midal mountain, called the Peak of Uniana, to the height of nearly 3200 feet above the level of the plain in which it stands. " The savannahs of Atm'es,'"' says Humboldt, '•' covered with slender plants and grasses, are real meadows, resembling those of Europe; they are never inundated by the rivers, and seem to wait to be ploughed by the hand of man. Notwithstanding their extent, they do not display the monotony of oui- plains; they surround groups of rocks and blocks of granite piled on one another. On the very borders of these plains and this open country you find glens scarcely lighted by the rays of the setting sun, and gulleys where the humid soil, loaded with arums, heli- conias, and lianas, manifests at every step the wild fe- cundity of nature. Everywhere, just rising above the earth, appear those shelves of granite, completely bare, that I described at Carichana, and which I have seen nowhere, in the ancient world, of such prodigious breadth as in the valley of the Orinoco. Where springs gush from the bosom of these rocks, verrucarias, psoras, and lichens, are fixed on the decomposed gi-a- nite, and have there accumulated mould. Little euphorbias, peperomias, and other succulent plants, have taken the place of the cryptogamous tribes ; and evergreen shrubs, rhexias, and pm-ple-flowered melas- tomas, form verdant isles amid desert and rocky plains. We are never wearied of repeating, that the 186 MOUNTAINS OF ATURES. distribution of these spots, the clusters of small trees v/ith coriaceous and shining leaves scattered in the sa- vannahs, the limpid rills that dig themselves a channel across the rocks, and wind alternately through fertile places and over bare shelves of granite, everything here recalls to mind what our gardens and plantations contain, most picturesque and lovely. We seem to recognise the industry of man and the traces of culti- vation amid the wildness of the scenery. '•' But it is not the disposition of the ground that immediately skirts the mission of Atm-es which alone gives the landscape so remarkable a physiognomy : the lofty mountains, that bound the horizon on every side, contribute to it also by their form and the nature of their vegetation. These mountains are in general 700 or 800 feet in height above the surrounding plains. Their summits are rounded, as for the most part in granitic mountains, and covered with a thick forest of the laurel tribe. Clusters of palm-trees, the leaves of which, curled like feathers, rise majestically at an angle of 70 degrees, are dispersed amid trees with horizontal branches; and their bare trunks, like columns of 100 or 120 feet high, shoot up into the air, and appearing distinctly against the azure vault of the sky, ' resemble a forest planted upon another forest.' When, as the moon was going down behind the moun- tains of Uniana, her reddish disk was hidden behind the pinnated foliage of the palm-trees, and again ap- peared in the aerial zone that separates the two fo- rests, I thought myself transported for a few moments to the hermitage of the old man, which M. Bernardin de St. Pierre has described as one of the most delicious scenes of the Isle of Bourbon, and I felt how much the mien of the plants, and their groupings, resembled each NATURAL RAFTS. 187 other in the two worlds. In describing a small spot of land in an island of the Indian Ocean, the inimit- able author of Paul and Virginia has sketched the vast picture of the landscape of the tropics. He knew how to paint nature, not because he had studied it scientifically, but because he felt it in all its harmo- nious analogies of forms, colours, and interior powers." From its mouth to the distance of 260 leagues the navigation of the Orinoco is not impeded. There are shoals and eddies near IMuitaco, in a cove which bears I the name of the Mouth of Hell, and there are rapids j near Carichana and San Borja; but in all these places I the river is never barred entirely across, a channel being left by which boats can pass up and down. For these 260 leagues travellers are exposed to no other danger than that arising from the natural rafts, which : are formed of trees uprooted by the river. '• Wo to the canoes which, during the night, strike against these rafts of wood interwoven with lianas ! Covered with aquatic plants, they resemble here, as in the Mississippi, floating meadows, the chinanipas (floating gardens) of the Mexican lakes. The Indians, to sur- I prise their enemies, bring together several canoes, fasten them to each other with cords, and cover them with grass and branches, to imitate this assemblage of i trunks of trees, which the Orinoco sweeps along in its thalweg, or middle current. The Caribs are accused ] of having excelled in the use of this artifice ; at pre- i sent the Spanish smugglers in the neighbourhood of lAngostm-a have recourse to the same expedient to escape the vigilance of the custom-house ofiicers." The great cataracts of Atures and Maypm^es form the first complete obstruction to the navigation of the Ori- noco, The general aspect of these two bars, extending 188 NATUKAL DIKES. from one bank to the other, is similar; each is com- posed of innumerable islands, dikes of rocks, and blocks of granite, piled on one another, and covered with palm-trees, " among which one of the greatest rivers of the New World chafes in foam." The northernmost of the great cataracts, or that of Atures, is the only one bounded on each side by lofty mountains. The river is there deeply enclosed by almost inaccessible banks. It was only in a very few spots that they could enter into the Orinoco to bathe between two cataracts, in creeks where the waters have little velocity. Persons who have dwelt in the Alps, the Pyrenees, or even the Cordilleras, so celebrated for the fractures and vestiges of destruction which they display at every step, can scarcely figure to themselves, from a simple narration, the state of the bed of the river. It is traversed, in an extent of more than five miles, by innumerable dikes of rocks, that form so many natural dams. The space between these rocky dikes is filled with islands of diflferent dimensions; some hilly, and 200 or 300 toises in length; others small, low, and like simple shoals. These islands divide the river into a number of torrents, that boil up as they break against the rocks ; they are all furnished with jaguas and cucuritos, with plumy leaves, and seem a mass of palm-trees, rising amid the foaming surface of the waters. The Indians, to whom the boats are entrusted to be passed empty across the raudales^ distinguish every shelf and every rock by a particular name. The river is everywhere; engulfed in caverns, and in one of these caverns we heard the water roll over our heads, and beneath our feet at the same time. The Orinoco seems divided into a multitude of arms or torrents, each of which seeks to force a passage through the rocks. We were struck CATARACTS OF THE NILE. 189 with the little water to be seen in the bed of the river, the frequency of subterraneous falls, and the tumult of the waters breaking on the rocks in foam. When the dikes, or natural dams, are only two or three feet high, the Indians venture to descend them in boats. In going up the stream, they swim on before, and after many vain efforts, succeed in fixing a rope to one of the points of rock that crown the dike, and then draw the boat up. The boat, during this operation, often fills with water ; at other times it is stove against the rocks, and the Indians, with their bodies bruised and bleeding, extricate themselves with difiiculty from the eddies, and swim to the nearest island. When the rocky barriers are very high, and entirely bar the river, light boats are drawn upon rollers along the shore ; but this operation is seldom necessary when the water is high. " We cannot," says Humboldt, " speak of the cataracts of the Orinoco without recalling to mind the mode formerly adopted for descending the cataracts of the Nile, of which Seneca has left us a description, pro- bably more poetical than accurate. I shall only cite the passage which paints with fidelity what may be seen every day at Atures, Maypures, and in some pongos of the Amazons: — 'Two men embark in a small boat; one steers, and the other empties it as it fills with water. Long buffeted by the rapids, the whirlwinds, and con- trary currents, they pass through the narrowest chan- nels, avoid the shoals, and rush down the whole river, guiding the course of the boat in its accelerated fall."' Humboldt was surprised to find that, with all the whirling and foaming and tumultuous movement of the waters of the rapids, the height of the fall on the whole length of the cataracts, did not exceed thu'ty feet per- pendicular. He thinks it probable that a considerable 190 THE ^'OISE OF THE CATARACTS portion of the water passes into subterranean cavities. The roar of the cataracts is audible at the distance of more than three miles ; " when this noise is heard in the plain surrounding the mission, at the distance of more than a league, you seem to be near a coast skirted by reefs and breakers." This noise, which " gives an inexpressible charm to these solitudes," is three times as loud by night as by day; and what, asks Humboldt.. " can be the cause of this increased intensity of sound where nothing seems to interrupt the silence of nature?" It is an old and very general observation, that sounds, and particularly those produced by rushing water, are heard with more distinctness and at gTeater distances by night than by day: yet the day is hotter than the night, and the velocity of sound decreases with the decrease of temperature. The intensity of sound likewise is diminished by a wind blowing contrary to the direction of such sound; yet this cause of diminu- tion, if it could operate at all in this calm region, t30uld only operate in the night, as no breeze is ever felt till after sunset. " It may be thought," says Humboldt, " that even in places not inhabited by men, the hum of insects, the song of birds, the rustling of leaves agitated by the fee- blest winds, occasion during the day a confused noise, which we perceive the less because it is uniform, and constantly strikes the ear. Now this noise, however slightly perceptible it may be, may diminish the inten- sity of a louder noise; and this diminution may cease, if during the calm of the night the song of birds, the hum of insects, and the action of the wind upon the leaves be interrupted. But this reasoning, even admit- ting its justness, can scarcely be applied to the forests of the Orinoco, where the air is constantly filled by an innu- MORE AUDIBLE BY NIGHT. 191 merable quantity of moschetoes, where the hum of in- sects is much louder by night than by day, and where the breeze, if ever it be felt, blows only after sunset." The opinion entertained by Humboldt himself is this, — that the presence of the sun acts upon the pro- pagation and intensity of sound by the obstacle pre- sented by currents of air of different density, and the partial undulations of the atmosphere caused by the unequal heating of different parts of the soil; that the air, being crossed in every direction by small currents of hotter air, the sonorous undulation is divided where the density of the medium changes abruptly; that partial echoes are thus formed which weaken the sound, because one of the streams turns back on itself; that little movements may thus "ride over each other ;'*' and that, in short, the unequal density of the air, under the influence of the sun, impedes and weakens sound in the day. In the night, this cause being removed, a great difference is perceptible. The Indians at Atures consisted of two different tribes — the Guahiboes, a du'ty and disgusting people, proud of their savage independence, averse to fixed habitations and regular labour, and very aptly styled by the missionaries Indios Andantes^ or wandering Indians ; and the Macoes or Salivas, a mild and tranquil people, disposed to agriculture, and capable of being brought under discipline without much difl&culty. The idleness of the Indians exposes them often to the gi-eatest pri- vations; their support is principally derived from the cassava. When the Jesuits ruled here, maize, French beans, and other European vegetables, were cultivated ; and sweet oranges and tamarinds were planted round the village. But at the time of Humboldt's visit the cultivation of maize was entirely neglected; and a few 192 ANECDOTE OF A JAGUAR. trunks of the orange and tamarind trees choked in the forests were all that was left of the industrious activity of the first missionaries. Formerly, too. cows and horses abounded; hut these had entirely disappeared, and the Indians talked of horned cattle as a race that was wholly lost. Many of the cattle had been devoured by the jaguars, and many had died of wounds inflicted by the bats of the cataracts, which are smaller but far bolder than those of the Llanos. The jaguars were con- sidered less dangerous to cattle than these bats; yet so hardy and numerous were the jaguars at Atures, that they used to come into the village and devour the pigs of the poor Indians. The missionary related a very striking instance of familiarity displayed by one of these animals, generally so remarkable for their ferocity. " Some months," says Humboldt, " before our arrival, a jaguar, which was thought to be young, though of a large size, had wounded a child in playing with him; I use confidently this expression, which may seem strange, having on the spot verified facts which are not without interest in the history of the manners of animals. Two Indian childi-en, a boy and a girl, about eight or nine years of age, were seated on the grass near the village of Atures, in the middle of a savannah, which we have often traversed. At two o'clock in the afternoon, a '. jaguar issued from the forest, and approached the child- ren, bounding around them; sometimes he hid himself in the high grass, sometimes he sprang forward, his back bent, his head hung down, in the manner of our cats. The little boy, ignorant of his danger, seemed to be sensible of it only when the jaguar with one of his paws gave him some blows on the head. These blows, at first slight, became ruder and ruder; the claws of the jaguar wounded the child, and the blood flowed with WILD MAN OP THE WOODS. 193 violence, the little girl then took a branch of a tree, struck the animal, and it fled from her. The Indians ran up at the cries of the children, and saw the jaguar, which retired bounding, without making the least show of resistance." Our travellers saw the little boy, who appeared Uvely and intelligent. The jaguar's claws had taken away the skin from the lower part of the forehead; and there was a second scar at the top of the head.' "What," asks our author, "meant this fit of playful- I ness in an animal which, although not diflacult to be I tamed in our menageries, is always so ferocious and j cruel in the state of freedom ? If we choose to admit jthat, being sure of its prey, it played with the young I Indian as the domestic cat plays with a bird, the wings I of which have been clipped, how can we account for Ithe forbearance of a large jaguar when pm^sued by a little girl? If the jaguar was not pressed by hunger, why should it have gone up to the children? There are mysteries in the affections and hatred of animals jWe have seen lions kill three or four dogs, which iwere put into their cage, and instantly caress another jwhich had the courage to seize the royal beast by the imane. Man is ignorant of the sources of these in- stincts. It would seem that weakness inspires more interest, the more confiding it is." It was among the cataracts that our travellers began to hear of "the hairy man of the woods," who has the reputation of carrying off women, building huts, and eatmg human flesh. Both the missionaries and the na- !tives firmly believe in the existence of this anthropomor- phous, or "man-shaped" animal; they name it vasitri, or the great devil, and hold it in singular dread. One of the Jesuits gravely relates the history of a lady who O 194 TORMENT OF INSECTS. • lived with a vasitri for several years in great domestic harmony; she found him, she said, kind and attentive, but was induced to request some hunters to take her back to society "because she and her children were tired of living so far from the church and the sacra- ments." The existence of a wild man of the woods is commonly believed in throughout the equatorial regions of the old and new world. "This fable," says Hum- boldt, "which the missionaries, the European planters, and the negroes of Africa, have no doubt embellished with many features taken from the description of the manners of the ourang-outang, the gibbon, the jocko or chimpanzee, and tbe pongo, pursued us for years from the northern to the southern hemisphere; and we were everywhere blamed, in the most cultivated class of society, for being the only persons to doubt the existence of the great anthropomorphous monkey of America." He thinks it possible that the original of the fable may exist in the person of one of those large bears, the footsteps of which resemble those of a man, and which is believed in every country to attack wo- men; and remarking that all articles of popular belief, even the most absurd in appearance, rest in real but ill-observed facts, he recommends that future travel- lers should continue their researches on "the hairy man of the woods," and examine whether some un- known species of bear, or some very rare monkey, may not have given rise to these singular tales. The greatest inconvenience which our travellers suf- fered at Atures,as indeed throughout the voyage on the Orinoco, was the torment of insects. Persons who have not navigated the great rivers of Equinoctial America, the Orinoco and the Rio Magdalena, for example, can hardly conceive, our traveller tells us, how uninterrupt- i THEIR APPETITE FOR BLOOD. 195 cdly, and at every instant of life, you may be tormented by insects flying in the air, and how a multitude of those little animals may render vast regions almost un- inhabitable. " However accustomed you may be to en- dure pain without complaint, however lively an interest you may take in the object of your researches, it is impossible not to be constantly disturbed by the mos- chetocs,zancudoes,jejens, and tempraneroes, that cover the face and hands, pierce the clothes with their long sucker in the shape of a needle, and getting into the mouth and nostrils, set you coughing and sneezing whenever you attempt to speak in the open air." The plar/a de las moscas, or plague of the flies, afi*ords an in- exhaustible subject of conversation in the missions ; and the first questions asked on a morning salutation, are "How did you find the zancudoes during the night ? How are Ave to-day for the moschetoes ?" The rage with Avhich they attack men is remarkable ; and Humboldt observes, that this voracity, the appetite for blood, seems surprising, in little insects which live on vegetable juices, and in a country almost uninha- bited. " What would those animals eat if we -did not pass this way ?" say the Creoles, in going through the countries Avhere there are only scaly-backed crocodiles and hairy-hided monkeys, both secm-e in their natural covering. It is amusing to find the missionaries dis- puting on the size and voracity of the moschetoes at diflferent parts of the same river, " How I pity your situation !" said the missionary of the Raudales to the missionary of Cassiquiare, who accompanied our tra- vellers, " you are alone like me in this country of tigers and monkeys ; with you fish is still more rare, and the heat more violent ; but as for my flies, I can boast that with one of mine I could beat three of yours." 02 196 POPULAR BELIEF OF THE MOON. Humboldt says, that as far up as the strait of Bara- guan the traveller suffers from the sting of insects, but can easily bear it; but beyond that strait the scene in- stantly changes, and there is no longer any repose for him. If he has any poetical remembrance of Dante, he will think he has entered the Citta dolente, or city of mourning, and fancy that he reads on the granite rocks of Baraguau those lines of Dante's in which he introduces the genti dolorose, or sorrowful people, We have come to the place, of which I have told thee, That thou shalt behold the sorrowful people*. From the surface of the ground to the height of fifteen or twenty feet the air is filled with venomous insects, like a condensed vapour. At San Borja, the suffering is severe; but at Atures, and above all at MayjDures, it may be said to obtain its maximum. "I doubt," says Humboldt, "whether there be a countiy upon earth where man is exposed to more cruel tor- ments in the rainy season . Having passed the fifth degree of latitude you are somewhat less stung ; but on the Upper Orinoco the stings are more painful, because the heat and the absolute want of wind render the air more burning and more irritating in its contact with the skin." " How comfortable must people be in the Moon!" said an Indian to a Jesuit missionary: "she looks so beauti- ful and so clear, that she must be free from moschetoes." i These words, observes Humboldt, which denote the in- fancy of a people, are very remarkable. "The satellite of the earth is everywhere to the American savage the abode of the blessed, the country of abundance. The Esquimaux, who counts among his riches a plank, or a * See Dante's 3rd Canto I>eir Inferno, v. 16 and 17. SUCCESSIVE SPECIES OF INSECTS. 197 trunk of a tree thrown by the currents on a coast des- titute of vegetation, sees in the moon plains covered with forests; the Indian of the forests of the Orinoco there beholds open savannahs, where the inhabitants are never stung by moschetoes.'"' What appeared to our travellers very remarkable, and that which is a fact well known to all the missionaries, i is that the different species of these noxious insects do not associate together, and all sting their unfortunate victims at once ; but that at different hom's of the day you are stung by different and distinct species. "Every time that the scene changes, and, to use the simple ex- pression of the missionaries, other insects 'moimt guard,* you have a few minutes, often a quarter of an hour, of repose. The insects that disappear have not their places instantly supplied in equal number by their successors." From half-past six in the morning till five in the after- noon the air is filled with moschetoes; their sting is very painful, and wherever their proboscis pierces the skin, it gives rise to a httle reddish brown spot, containing extravasated and coagulated blood. An horn- before sunset a species of small gnats called tempraneroes, (be- cause they appear at so earli/ an hour,) take the place of the moschetoes; and then disappear between six and seven in the evening. " After a few minutes' repose, you feel yourself stung by zancudoes, another species of gnat with very long legs. The zancudo, the proboscis of which contains a sharp-pointed sucker, causes the most acute pain, and a swelling that remains several weeks. Its hum resembles that of our gnats in Eui'ope, but is louder and more prolonged. The Indians pre- tend to distinguish by their song the zancudoes and the tempraneroes; the latter of which are real twilight in- 198 MOUNTAIN-RANGES sects while the zancudoes are most frequently nocturnal imects, and disappear towards sunrise." These insects attack both natives and Europeans, but tbe'r stings produce different effects in the two races. " The same venomous liquid deposited in the skin of a copper-coloured man of Indian race, and in that of a white man newly landed, causes no swelling to the for- t mer, while on the latter it produces hard blisters gi*eatly | inflamed and painful for several days." The Indians \ suffer at the moment of being stung, but less severely ! than the whites. " Near Maypures," says Humboldt, . " we saw some young Indians seated in a circle and rub- bing cruelly each other's backs with the bark of trees i dried at the fire. Indian women were occupied, with a degree of patience of which the copper-coloured race alone are capable, in extirpating, by means of a sharp bone, the little mass of coagulated blood which forms the centre of every sting, and gives the skin a speckled appearance." Whites, born in Equinoctial America, and Europeans who have long dwelt in the missions, suffer much more than the Indians, but infinitely less than Europeans newly arrived. '• In proportion as you ascend the table-land of the Andes these evils disappear. ]\Ian breathes a fresh and pure air. These insects no more disturb the labours of the day or the slumbers of the night; documents can be collected in archives without our having to complain of the voracity of the termites. The moschetoes are no longer feared at two hundred toises of height; and the termites, still very frequent at three hundred toises of elevation, become very rare at Mexico, Santa Fe de Bogota, and Quito. In these great capitals, situate on the back of the Cordilleras, we find libraries and FREE FROM INSECTS. 199' archives that the enlightened zeal of the inhabitants augments from day to day. These circumstances, which I here only indicate, are combined with others that insure a moral preponderance to the alpine region over the lower regions of the torrid zone. If we admit, agreeably to the ancient traditions collected in both the old and new worlds, that, at the time of the catastrophe which preceded the renewal of our species, man descended from the mountains into the plains, we may admit, with still greater confidence, that these mountains, the cradle of so many various nations, will for ever remain the centre of human civilization in the torrid zone. From their fertile and temperate table- lands — from these islets scattered in the aerial ocean — knowledge and the blessings of social institutions will be spread over the vast forests that extend to the foot of the Andes, and are inhabited in our days by tribes whom the very wealth of nature has retained in indo- lence." Chapter XVI. Departure from Atures— Cataract of Maypures— Region beyond the Great Cataracts— Black Waters— Arrival at San Fernando de Ata- bapo— Bats of Aricagua. On the 17th of April the travellers quitted Atures, and after a march of three hours reached the point, to which their boat had been previously conducted through the rapids. Continuing their ascent of the river, they arrived by nightfall on the 19th at the port of May- pures; a storm had overtaken them on the voyage, and they were wet to the skin: as the rain ceased, the zancudoes re-appeared with that voracity which these insects display immediately after a storm. To reach 200 COPAL TORCHES. the village of Maypui-es required a journey of two houi'S. "My fellow-traTellers," says Humboldt, "were uncertain whether we ought to take our station in the port, or jDroceed on our way on foot, in spite of the darkness of the night. Father Zea, who is the missio- nary of the two raudales, was determined to reach his home. He had caused the building of a large two- storied house to be begun by the Indians of the mission. ' You will there find,' he said, with simpli- city, ' the same conveniences as in the open ak; I have not a bench, not a table, but you will not suffer so much from the flies, which are less troublesome in the mission than on the banks of the river.' We followed the counsel of the missionai-y. He caused torches of copal to be lighted; these are tubes of three inches in diameter filled with copal resin. We walked at fii'st on beds of rocks, bare and slippery; and then entered a thick grove of palm-trees. We were twice obhged to pass a stream on trunks of trees hewn down. The torches, being formed on a strange principle, the lig- neous wick smTOunding the resin, yielded more smoke than light, and were easily extinguished. Om' fellow- traveller, Don Nicolas Soto, lost his balance in crossing the marsh on a round trunk. We were at first very uneasy on his account, not knowing from what height he had fallen; but happily the gully was not deep and he received no hm-t. The Indian pilot, who expressed himself with some facility in Spanish, did not fail to talk to us of the snakes and the water-serpents, and the tigers, by which we might be attacked. Such conver- sations are matters of course, when you travel at night with the natives. By intimidating the Em'opean tra- veller, the Indians believe that they shaU render them- selves more necessary, and gain the confidence of the LANDSCAPE OF MAYPURES. 201 stranger. The rudest inhabitant of the missions under- stands the deceptions, which everywhere arise from the relations between men of unequal fortune and civiliza- tion. Under the absolute and sometimes vexatious government of the monks, he seeks to ameliorate his condition by those httle artifices, which are the wea- pons of childhood and of all physical and intellectual weakness." The cataract of Maypures, or of Quittuna, as the Indians call it, is formed, in the same manner as that of Atures, by an archipelago of rocky islands, which fill the bed of the river for 3000 toises, and by rocky dikes which connect the islands together. One of these dikes, named the leap of the Sardina, is nearly nine feet high ; and, being of considerable breadth, it forms a magnificent cascade. "To take in at one view," says Humboldt, "the grand character of these stupendous scenes, the spec- tator must be stationed on the httle mountain of Ma- nimi, a gTanitic ridge that rises from the savannah, north of the church of the mission, and is itself only a continuation of the steps of which the dike, called the raudalito of Manimi, is composed. We often visited this mountain ; for we were never weary of this asto- nishing spectacle, concealed in one of the most remote corners of the earth. Ai-rived at the summit of the rock, the eye suddenly takes in a sheet of foam ex- tending a whole mile. Enormous masses of stone, black as iron, issue from its bosom. Some are paps, grouped in pairs, like basaltic hills; others resemble towers, strong castles, and ruined buildings. Their gloomy tint contrasts with the silvery splendour of the foam. Every rock, every islet, is covered with vi- gorous trees collected in clusters. At the foot of those 202 TROPICAL LANDSCAPE. paps, far as the eye can reach, a thick vapour is sus- pended over the river, and through this whitish fog the tops of the lofty palm-trees shoot up. The leafy plume of this palm-tree has a brilliant lustre, and rises almost straight toward the sky. At every hour of the day the sheet of foam displays different aspects. Sometimes the hilly islands and the palm-trees project their broad shadows, sometimes the rays of the setting sun are refracted on the humid cloud that shrouds the cataract. Coloured arcs are formed, and vanish and appear again alternately; light spirits of the air, their masses wave above the plain. " Such is the character of the landscape discovered from the top of the mountain of Manimi, Avhich no traveller has yet described. I do not hesitate to repeat that neither time, nor the view of the Cordilleras, nor any abode in the temperate valleys of Mexico, has effaced from my mind the powerful impression of the aspect of the cataracts. When I read a description of those places in India, which are embellished by running waters and a vigorous vegetation, my imagination re- traces a sea of foam and palm-trees, the tops of which rise above a stratum of vapour. The majestic scenes of nature, like the sublime works of poetry and the arts, leave remembrances which are continually being- awakened, and which, through the whole of life, min- gle with all our feelings of what is grand and beautiful. The calm of the atmosphere and the tumultuous move- ment of the waters produce a contrast peculiar to this zone. Here no breath of wind ever agitates the fohage; no cloud veils the splendour of the azure vault of heaven; a great mass of light is diffused in the air; the earth is strewn with plants with glossy leaves; and the bed of the river extends far as the eye can reach. REGIONS BEYOND THE CATAnACTS. 203 This appearance sui^prises the trayeller born in the north of Europe. The idea of wild scenery, of a torrent rushing from rock to rock, is linked in his imagination ■with that of a climate where the noise of the tempest is mingled with the sound of the cataracts; and where, on a gloomy and misty day, sweeping clouds seem to descend into the valley and rest upon the tops of pines. The landscape of the tropics in the low regions of the continents has something of greatness and re- pose even where one of the elements is struggluig with invincible obstacles.'"' After a stay of two days and a half at the village of Maypm-es, om' travellers again embarked on the Orinoco, at two o'clock in the afternoon of the 21st. Their canoe had been much damaged in passing the cataracts, by the shoals, and through the carelessness of the Indians : but still greater dangers, as Humboldt observes, awaited it. It was to be dragged overland, across an isthmus of 36,000 feet, from the Rio Tua- mini to the Rio Negro, to go up by the Cassiquiare to the Orinoco, and to repass the two raudales. Entering the uninhabited regions beyond the great cataracts, they felt as if they had "reached a new world, and overstepped the barriers which nature seems to have raised between the civilized countries of the coast, and the savage and ilnknown interior." On the 22nc5 they landed at the mouth of the Rio Yichada or Visata, one of the affluents of the Orinoco, in order to examine the plants of the neighbourhood. The scenery was of a very singular character ; the forest was thin, and over the plain innumerable rocks of granite rose to the height of 15 or 20 feet, in the form of massy prisms, ruined pillars, and solitary towers, sometimes shaded by the trees of the forests, sometimes having their summits crowned with palms. Amid this picturesque scene, M» 204 THEIR SOLITUDE. Bonpland was fortunate enough to find several speci- mens of the laurus cinnamomoides, a very aromatic species of cinnamon, Humboldt observes that the barks and aromatic fruits of the new continent would have become important objects of trade if Eu- rope, at the period of the discovery of America, had not already been accustomed to the spices and aroma- tics of India. The cinnamon of the Orinoco is, however, less aromatic than that of Ceylon, and would still be so, even if dried and prepared by similar processes. The Rio Vichada appeared to Humboldt to be, next to the Meta and the Guaviare, the most consider- able river joining the Orinoco from the west ; but for the previous forty years no European had naviga- ted it, and our traveller could learn nothing of its sources. The vast space of ground lying to the west of the Orinoco, between the Meta and the Guaviare, is altogether unknown for the distance of a league from the banks; but it is believed to be inhabited by wild Indians of the Chiricoa tribe, "who fortunately build no boats." Formerly, when the Caribees, and their enemies the Cabres, traversed these regions with their little fleets of rafts and canoes, it would have been impnident to have passed the night near the mouth of a river running from the west : but the set- tlement of the Europeans has caused the independent Indians to retire from the banks of the Upper Orinoco. Such was the solitude of these regions, that, during a course of 180 leagues, om' travellers did not meet one single boat. The night of the 22nd was passed at the mouth of the Rio Zama, another considerable river, as little known as the Vichada. At this point our travellei*s reached a class of rivers which Humboldt considers to merit great attention. The Zama and other rivers, such as the V ampyre Bat. Seads of Bats. THE BLACK EIVERS. 207 Matareni, the Atabapo, the Tuamini, the Temi, and the Guainia, are called aguas negras, literally "black waters ;" their waters, when seen in a large body, ap- pearing brown, like coffee, or of a greenish black. Ne- vertheless, these waters ai-e beautifully clear, and very agreeable to the taste, and when the least breath of wind agitates the surface of the black rivers, they as- sume a fine grass-green hue, like that of the lakes of Switzerland. These phenomena are so striking, that the Indians everywhere distinguish the waters into black and white. " The former," says Humboldt, " have often served me for an artificial horizon; they reflect the images of the stars with admirable clearness. " He is unable to account for the colour, but suggests that it arises from "a mixture of carbon and hydrogen, in an extractive vegetable matter." Passing the mouths of several rivers, our travellers at length came to the Guaviare, and entering that branch of the Orinoco, forsook the main stream, for a purpose which we shall presently explain. It was on the 24th that they entered the mouth of the Guaviare ; they passed, soon afterwards, the point where the Eio Atabapo joins that river, and reaching the mission of San Fernando de Atabapo soon after midnight, were lodged as usual at the missionary's house, the " con- vent," as it is called. The night of the 23rd was spent near a rock called Aricagua, from the clefts of which an innumerable quantity of bats issued, and hovered around their ham- mocks. The number of these animals, which are very injurious to cattle, is particularly augmented in years of drought. In the province of Ciara, in Brazil, they cause such destruction among the cows, that rich farmers are sometimes reduced by them to indigence. These are called vampyre-bats. 208 DEPAllTURE FROM OPJJfOCO. Chapter XVII. Departure from the Orinoco, and ascent of the river Atabapo — Mission of San Balthasar — Rock of the Mother; origin of its name— Con- nexion of the Orinoco with the river Amazon — Dapicho — They embark on the Pimichin stream. "During the night," says Humboldt, "we had left, almost unperceived, the waters of the Orinoco, and at sunrise found ourselves as if transported to a new coun- try, on the banks of a river the name of which we had scarcely ever heard pronounced, and which was to con- duct us, by the portage of Pimichin, to the Rio Negro, on the frontiers of Brazil. 'You will ascend,' said the president of the missions, who resides at San Fernando, * first the Atabapo, then the Temi, and finally the Tuamini. When the force of the current of the black ivaters hinders you from advancing, you will be con- ducted out of the bed of the river through forests which you will find inundated. Two monks only are settled in those desert places between the Orinoco and the Rio Negro ; but at Javita you will be furnished with the means of having your canoe di-awn overland, in the course of four days, to Canno Pimichin. If it be not broken to pieces, you will descend the Rio Negro, (from north-west to south-east,) as far as the little fort of San Carlos, without encountering any obstacle; you will ascend the Cassiquiare (from south to north), and then retm-n to San Fernando in a month, descending the Upper Orinoco from east to west.' Such was the plan which was traced for om- navigation, and which we exe- cuted not without suffering, but without danger and with facility, in the space of thirty-thi-ee days." Our travellers began their ascent of the Atabapo from THE RIVER ATABAPO. 209 San Fernando on the 26th. A remarkable change takes place on entering this river; the constitution of the atmosphere, the colour of the waters, and the form of the trees which cover the shore, all become different. The moschetoes no longer torture the traveller dm^ing the day, and the long-legged zancudoes become rare during the night, and even altogether disappear beyond San Fernando. The waters of the Orinoco are turbid, and loaded with earthy matter, and in the creeks, from the accumulation of dead crocodiles and other putres- cent substances, diffuse an unpleasant smell. Om- tra- vellers were sometimes obliged to strain the water through a linen cloth before they could drink of it. On the other hand, the waters of the Atabapo are pure, destitute of smell, and agreeable to the taste: their colour is brownish by refiected light, and a pale yellow by transmitted light. The people call them " light," in contradistinction to the heavy and turbid waters of the Orinoco ; and they are cooler, likewise, than the latter. Humboldt observes that, after having been compelled, during a whole year, to drink water at 80° or 82^, a lowering of a few degrees in the temperature pro- duces a very agreeable sensation. The extreme purity of the waters of the Atabapo, in common with the other black rivers, is shown by their limpidity, their transparency, and the clearness with which they reflect the images and colours of smTOund- ing objects. The smallest fish are visible at the depth of twenty or thirty feet, and the bottom of the river may generally be perceived, exhibiting not a yellowish or brownish mud, but a sand of dazzling whiteness. "Nothing," says Humboldt, " can be compared to the beauty of the banks of the Atabapo. Loaded with plants, among which rise the palms, crowned witli P 210 MISSION OF SAN BALTHASAR. leafy plumes, the banks arc reflected in the waters, and the verdure of the reflected image seems to have the same vivid hue as the object itself directly seen; the surface of the fluid is so homogeneous, smooth, and destitute of that mixture of suspended sand and decomposed organic matter which roughens and streaks the surface of less limpid rivers." " The river Atabapo," he adds, '•' displays everywhere a peculiar aspect ; you see nothing of its real banks formed by flat lands, eight or ten feet high, and they are concealed by a row of palms, and small trees with slender trunks, the roots of which are bathed by the waters. There are many crocodiles from the point where you quit the Orinoco to the mission of San Fer- nando, but above the mission there are no longer any; we find then some bavas, a great many fresh-water dolphins, but no manatees. We also seek in vain on those banks the thick-nosed tapir, the araguates, or great howling monkeys, the zamuro vulture, and the crested pheasant known by the name of guacharaca. Enormous water-snakes, in shape resembling the boa, are unfortunately very common, and are dangerous to the Indians who bathe. We saw them almost from the first day swimming by the side of our canoe ; they were at the most twelve or fourteen feet long. The jaguars of the banks of the Atabapo and the Temi are large and well fed; they are said however to be less daring than the jaguars of the Orinoco." The reader will observe in this last sentence that the latter is a con- sequence of the former. On the 29th the travellers reached the mission of San Balthasar, or as the monks style it. La divinapas- tora de Balthasar de Atahopo. The name of Balthasar being that of an Indian chief, not of a Christian saint. ROCK OF THE MOTHER. 211 Here they lodged with a Catalan missionary, a lively and agreeable man, who had planted a good garden, in which the fig, the lemon, the persea, and the mammee, Avere growing together. The village was regularly built; and the Indian plantations seemed to be better cultivated than those on the Orinoco. On the following day they continued to ascend the Atabapo as far as its junction with the Rio Temi; and as they approached the confluence, their attention was drawn to a granite mass rising on the western bank. It was called the Rock of the Guakiba Woman, or Eock of the Mother; and the cause of this singular denomina- tion was afterwards explained to them in a melancholy narrative, which excited in their minds the most pain- ful feelings. " If in these solitary scenes," exclaims Humboldt, " man scarcely leaves behind him any trace of his existence, it is doubly humiliating for an Euro- pean to see perpetuated by the name of a rock, — by one of those imperishable monuments of nature, — the remembrance of the moral degradation of our species, and the contrast between the virtue of a savage and the barbarism of civilized man." The tale is connected with the system of '• conquering souls'' — the conquesta de almas — already spoken of; it is thus related: — " In 1797 the missionary of San Fernando had led his Indians to the banks of the Rio Guaviare, on one of those incm'sions which are prohibited alike by religion and the Spanish laws. They found in an Indian hut a Guahiba mother with three children, two of whom were still infants. They Avere occupied in preparing the flour of cassava. Resistance was impossible ; the father Avas gone to fish, and the mother tried in vain to flee Avith her children. Scarcely had she reached the savan- nah, Avhen she was seized by the Indians of the mission P 2 212 THE GUAHIBA WOMAN. who go to hunt men, like the whites, and the negroes in Africa. The mother and her children were bound, and dragged to the bank of the river. The monk, seated in his boat, waited the issue of the expedition, of which he partook not the danger. Had the mother made too violent a resistance, the Indians would have killed her, for every thing is permitted when they go to the conquest of souls (a la conquista espiritual), and it is children in particular they seek to capture, in order to treat them in the mission as poitos, or slaves of the Christians. The prisoners were carried to San Fernando, in the hope that the mother would be un- able to find her way back to her home by land. Far from those children who had accompanied their father on the day in which she had been carried off, this un- happy woman showed signs of the deepest despair. She attempted to take back to her family the children ^ who had been snatched away by the missionary, and fled with them repeatedly from the village of San Fer- nando, but the Indians never failed to seize her anew: and the missionary, after having caused her to be mer- cilessly beaten, took the cruel resolution of separating the mother from the two children, who had been car- ried off with her. She was conveyed alone toward the missions of the Rio Negro: going up the Atabapo, slightly bound, she was seated at the bow of the boat, ignorant of the fate that awaited her; but she judged by the direction of the sun, that she was removing farther and farther from her hut and her native coun- try. She succeeded in breaking her bonds, threw her- self into the water, and swam to the left bank of the Atabapo. The current carried her to a shelf of rock, which bears her name to this day. She landed, and took shelter in the woods; but the president of the mis- sions ordered the Indians to row to the shore, and fol- CRUELTY OF THE MISSIONARY. 213 low the traces of the Guahiba. In the evenmg she was brought back. Stretched upon the rock (la Piedra de la Madre), a cruel punishment was inflicted on her with those straps of manatee leather, which serve for whips in that country, and with which the alcades are always furnished. This unhappy woman, her hands tied behind her back with strong stalks of mavacure, was then dragged to the mission of Javita. She was there thrown into one of the caravanseras that are called Casa del Rey. It was the rainy season, and the night was profoundly dark. Forests, till then believed to be impenetrable, separated the mission of Javita from that of San Fernando, which was 2^ leagues distant in a straight Mne. No other path is known than that of the rivers; :io man ever attempted to go by land from one village to another, were they only a few leagues apart. But such diflSculties do not stop a mother who is separated from her children. Her children are at San Fernando de Atabapo; she must find them again; she must execute her project of delivering them from the hands of Christians, of bring- ing them back to their father on the banks of the Gua- viare. She was carelessly guarded in the caravansera. Her arms being wounded, the Indians had loosened her bonds, unknown to the missionary and the alcades. She succeeded by the help of her teeth in breaking them entirely; disappeared during the night; and at the fourth rising sun, was seen at the mission of San Fernando, hovering around the hut where her children were confined. 'What that woman performed,' added the missionary who gave us this sad narrative, 'the most robust Indian would not hav^e ventured to under- take. She traversed the woods at a season when the sky is constantly covered with clouds, and the sun 214 THEY LEAVE THE ORINOCO. during whole days appears but for a few minutes. Did the course of the waters direct her way? The inundations of the rivers forced her to go far from the banks of the main stream, through the midst of the woods where the movement of the waters is ahuost im- perceptible. How often must she have been stopped by the thorny lianas, that form a net- work around the trunks they entwine ! How often must she have swum across the rivulets that run into the Atabapo! This unfortunate woman was asked how she had sustained herself during four days. She said, that exhausted with fatigue, she could find no other nourishment than those great black ants called vackacos, which climb the trees in long bands to suspend on them their resinous nests.' We pressed the missionary to tell us whether the Guahiba had peacefully enjoyed the hap- piness of remaining with her children, and if any re- pentance had followed this excess of cruelty. He would not satisfy our curiosity; but at our return from the Rio Kegro we learnt that the Indian mother was not allowed time to cure her wounds, but was again sepa- rated from her children, and sent to one of the missions of the Upper Orinoco. There she died, refusing all nourishment, as the savages do in great calamities." Quitting the stream of the Atabapo our travellers entered the Rio Temi, and ascended it as far as its junction with the Tuamini ; then in like manner they quitted the Temi, and ascended the Tuamini as far as the mission of San Antonio de Javita, which they reached on the 1st of May. Here their voyage upon the Orinoco and its tributaries was for a time inter- rupted ; and in this part of our narrative, it will be proper for us briefly to explain their design in quitting the main stream of the Orinoco in order to ascend its UNION OF THE AMAZON AND OKINOCO. 215 tributaries, as well as their intentions with respect to their future course. For some time previous to Humboldt's visit, geogra- phers had possessed some vague information concern- ing a communication between the great river-system of the Amazon and that of the Orinoco: the fact of the connection was, however, by no means generally admitted ; on the contrary, it was denied by many who considered that, because these two great rivers flowed in different directions, there must be a great mountain- barrier between them, from the opposite sides of which they respectively descended. It is now, however, well ascertained that great rivers flowing in opposite direc- tions are often separated by very slight elevations : for instance, in North America, the Mississippi, and the other rivers flowing southward into the Gulf of Mexico, are separated by an inconsiderable ridge from the waters flowing into the Arctic Sea and toward the west. In like manner, so trifling is the elevation between the upper waters of the Orinoco and the Amazon, that they actually communicate; and the communication is •effected thus : one of the greatest tributaries of the Amazon, namely, the Rio Negro, in its progress towards that river, throws off" to the northward a branch called the Cassiquiare, which flows into the Orinoco. "We have said that, previous to Humboldt's visit, it was a subject of dispute among geographers whether this communication existed; it was one of the main objects of his visit to settle the dispute. His obvious course would have been to ascend the main stream of the Orinoco until he reached the point where the Cassi- quiare falls into it; then, tracing the Cassiquiare until he came to the Rio Negro, he would have settled the controversy, the Rio Negro being satisfactorily known 216 GREAT RAINS. to be a branch of the Amazon. But a different course presented itself. The river-systems of the Orinoco and the Amazon approach very near to each other at one point ; that is to say, those tributaries of the Ori- noco up which we have abeady conducted our travel- lers are separated by only a narrow isthmus, as it were,, from the Pimichin, a tributary of the Rio Negro, which is itself one of the branches of the Amazon. By ascending those tributaries of the Orinoco, and then crossing that isthmus to the Pimichin, the Rio Negi*o may be reached much sooner than by ascending the main stream of the Orinoco as high as the Cassiquiare, and then tracing the Cassiquiare to the Rio Negro. It was with the view of reaching the Rio Negro by the shorter route here pointed out, that om- travellers had quitted the main stream of the Orinoco, to ascend in succession its tributaries, the Atabapo, the Temi, and the Tuamini, until they reached the mission of Javita, on the last-named river. From hence it was their design to cross the intervening forests and em- bark on the Pimichin, which would conduct them into the Rio Negro; then to descend the Rio Negro till they came to its branch, the Cassiquiare, which would Conduct them into the Orinoco ; and finally to descend the Orinoco itself on their return to the coast. Four days were occupied by the Indians in dragging the canoe on rollers across the "portage of Pimichin/^ as the little isthmus is called which separates the Tua- mini from the Pimichin ; or, in other words, which here separates the river-system of the Orinoco from that of the Amazon. Dm-ing this time, the travellers remained at Javita; but the incessant rains impeded their usual researches, preventing Humboldt from making astro- nomical observations, and Bonpland from collecting SERPENTS AND VIPERS. 217 and drying specimens. The missionary told them that it sometimes rained without intermission for four or five months; and Humboldt actually found by mea- surement, that there fell in three hom'S on one day, as much rain as falls in Paris in three weeks. At Javita our travellers obtained some information concerning a singular substance, named dapicho or sapis, resembling caoutchouc, or Indian rubber. The natives make it into balls for their games, cut it into cylinders for corks, and mould it into large masses for drumsticks. It is dug out of the earth pure from between the roots of two trees, one of which fm-nishes the common caoutchouc : in its natural state it is white corky, and brittle; but on being roasted it becomes black, and acquires all the properties of caoutchouc. Hmnboldt is inclined to think that it is produced by an extravasation of sap from the roots, masses of which were found two feet in diameter and four inches thick, at the distance of eight feet from the trunks. On the 5th of May our travellers departed from Javita on foot to follow their canoe; and after passing through thick forests and fording numerous streams without suffering from the serpents, they reached a small farm on the Pimichin towards evening, and passed the night in a deserted hut, previously disposses- sing and killing two large snakes. On the following morning a large viper was found beneath the jaguar- skin on which one of them had slept. This species of serpent is white on the belly, spotted with brown, and black on the back, and grows to the length of four or five feet. Humboldt remarks, that, if vipers and rattlesnakes had such a disposition to attack any one, as is usually supposed, the human race could not have resisted them in some parts of America, more partieu- 218 RETROSPECTION. larly on the banks of the Orinoco, and on the sides of the humid mountains of Choco. At sunrise they embarked on the Pimichin, after ascertaining that the bottom of their canoe, though worn much thinner, had received no crack in the^or- tage, or passage over-land. Following its winding and narrow channel for four hours and a half, they entered the Rio Negro. " The morning," says Humboldt, " was cool and beautiful. We had been confined thirty-six days in a narrow boat, so unstable, that it would have been overset by any person rising imprudently from his seat, without warning the rowers to preseiwe its balance by leaning on the opposite side. We had suf- fered severely from the sting of insects, but we had withstood the insalubrity of the climate; we had passed without accident the great number of falls of water, and bars, which impede the navigation of the rivers, and often render it more dangerous than long voyages by sea. After all we had endured, I may be permitted perhaps to speak of the satisfaction which we felt on having reached the tributaries of the Amazon, — in having passed the isthmus which separates two great systems of rivers, and in having attained a certainty of fulfilling the most important object of our journey, — that of determining by astronomical observations the com'se of that arm of the Orinoco which joins the Rio jSTegro, and whose existence had been alternately proved and denied for half a centm-y. In proportion as we draw near to an object which we have long had in view, its interest seems to augment. The uninhabited banks of the Cassiquaire, covered with forests, without me- morials of times past, then occupied my imagination, as do now the banks of the Euphrates or the Oxus, celebrated in the annals of civilized nations. In these inland regions of the New Continent we almost accus- ABSENCE OF MAN. 219 tomed ourselves to consider man as unessential to the order of nature. The earth is overloaded with plants, of which nothing impedes the development. An im- mense layer of mould evinces the uninterrupted action of the organic processes. The crocodiles and boas are masters of the river: the jaguar, pecari, dante, and monkeys of numerous species, traverse the forest without fear and without danger, residing there as in an ancient inheritance. This aspect of animated nature, in which man is nothing, has something in it strange and sad. To this we reconcile ourselves with difficulty on the ocean and amid the sands of Africa; though in these scenes where nothing recalls to mind our fields, our woods, and our streams, we are less astonished at the vast solitude through which we pass. Here, in a fertile country, adorned with eternal verdure, we seek in vain the traces of the power of man; we seem to be transported into a world different from that which gave us birth. These impressions are so much the more powerful in proportion as they are of longer duration. A soldier, who had spent his whole life in the missions of the Upper Orinoco, slept with us on the bank of the river. He was an intelligent man, who, during a calm and serene night, pressed me with questions on the magnitude of the stars, on the inhab- itants of the moon, on a thousand subjects concerning which I was as ignorant as himself. Being unable by my answers to satisfy his curiosity, he said to me in a firm tone : * With respect to men, I believe that there are no more above than you would have found if you had gone by land from Javita to Cassiquiare. I think I see in the stars, as here, a plain covered with grass and a forest traversed by a river." These words depict the impression produced by the monotonous aspect of these solitary regions." 220 VOYAGE DOWN THE RIO NEGRO. Chapter XVIII. Voyage down the Rio Negro— Christian settlements— Ants— The Cassi- quiare— Esmeralda— The Cm-are— They arrive again at San Fernando de Atabapo — Cavern of Ataruipe— Earth-eating Indians — They reach Angostmra, and set out for Cimiana. Descending the Rio Negro, on the 6th and 7th of May, our travellers reached the mouth of the Cassi- quiare ; but instead of ascending it directly, they passed down the Rio Negro nine or ten miles further, in order to visit the military station of San Carlos del Rio Negro, on the borders of Brazil. After a stay of three days they retraced their course to the mouth of the Cassiquiare, and proceeded to ascend its stream, which was to conduct them once more into the Orinoco. They found its banks thickly covered with trees of the largest dimensions : the air was stagnant, hot, and hu- mid, and the torment of the moschetoes augmented as they increased their distance from the black waters of the Rio Negro. During the twelve days which they passed on the Cassiquiare, they scarcely saw the sun or a star, so dense a fog hung over the forests on its borders. The state of the Christian settlements on this river was deplorable ; on the whole extent of its course, about fifty leagues, not 200 inhabitants existed. At Manda- vaca they found a missionary, who had spent "twenty years of moschetoes in the forests of the Cassiquiare;' his legs were so spotted with the stings of insects, that the original whiteness of the skin could scarcely be perceived. He complained of his dreary solitude, and the sad necessity of witnessing the atrocious crimes of his flock, without being able to prevent or punish them: among other enormities he related that an In-f ANTS. 221 dian alcaydc, or overseer, had a few years before eaten one of his wives, after having fattened her for the pur- pose. " You cannot imagine," he said, " all the perver- sity of this Indian family. You receive men of a new tribe into the village; they appear to be good, mild, and industrious : but suffer them to take part in an incur- sion to bring in the natives, and you can scarcely pre- vent them from murdering all they meet, and hiding some portion of the dead bodies." The soil on the banks of the Cassiquiare is fertile; but innumerable swarms of ants and other insects de- stroy all that comes in their way. If a missionary wish to cultivate salad or any of the culinary plants of Eu- rope, he sows the seeds in an old boat filled with mould, and suspends it between two trees, or places it on a scaffold. The ravages of the ants are counteracted in some degree by the voracious appetite of an animal — the ant-eater — peculiarly adapted by nature to lick them up by thousands, as his ordinary food. These animals are pretty generally distributed over all the warmer parts of South America. The low and swampy grounds, by the sides of streams and pools, or in the forests, are his favourite haunts. Great Ant-Eater. 222 ESMERALDA. Towards the Orinoco the vegetation was found to be exceedingly luxuriant. The river no longer had any beach; thick palisades of tufted trees lined the banks, so that it appeared like a vast canal nearly 1300 feet in width, flowing between two enormous walls clothed with lianas and foliage. No openings could be disco- vered in these fences; and at night, the Indians had to clear with their hatchets a small spot for a resting- place. No human creature appeared in these forests. " Not five boats," says Humboldt, " pass annually by the Cassiquiare; and since we left Maypures, that is, for a whole month, we had not met one living soul on the rivers which we followed, except in the immediate neighbourhood of the missions." On the 21st of May our travellers re-entered the Orinoco, three leagues below the mission of Esmeralda, the most solitary and remote Christian settlement on the Upper Orinoco. The site of the little hamlet is highly picturesque; the country around is lovely and fertile; and behind it rises, in the form of an amphi- theatre, a group of granite mountains. The principal of them bears the name of Duida; it is 8500 feet high, and bare and stony on the summit; perpendicular on two sides, and on the others clothed with vast forests, it forms a magnificent object. Esmeralda had no resident missionary, being visited five or six times a year by a monk, living at the distance of fifty leagues. Not a cow or a horse was to be seen; the inhabitants cultivated only a little cassava and a few plantains, and their indolence often reduced them to the neces- sity of eating smoked monkey-hams, and pounded bones of fish as flour. Esmeralda is celebrated, however, on the Orinoco, for its manufacture of the curare, a very active poison. THE CURARE-POISON. 223 employed by the Indians in war and in the chase. It is prepared from the bark of a liana or creeper, called bejuco de mavacure, and is a common infusion concen- trated by evaporation and thickened by the addition of a glutinous substance. Our travellers saw the process performed by an old Indian, who extolled the proper- ties of the poison, observing that it was better than the black powder used by the white people; that he said, makes a noise, — the curare "kills silently." Like some other vegetable poisons, however, it is fatal only when introduced directly into the blood; it may be tasted without danger, and, taken internally, it is considered by the natives to be an excellent stomachic. They always use it in hunting, the tips of their arrows being covered with it; and they maintain that the flesh of animals is always best when they have been killed by a poisoned arrow. The common mode of killing domestic fowls is by scratching the skin with one of these weapons; and the missionary who accom- panied our travellers, used to have a live fowl and an arrow brought to his hammock every morning, not choosing to confide to any other person the important task of pricking it in the right place. A large bird pricked in the thigh died in two or three minutes; to kill a pig or a pecari sometimes took ten or twelve. On the 23rd of May the travellers left the mission of Esmeralda, sufi'ering from languor and weakness, caused by bad and scanty food, the torment of insects, and the inconveniences of a long voyage in a narrow and damp boat. They descended the Orinoco with the cun-ent: and as they passed between its deserted banks, they felt that "there was something melancholy and painful in a river, on which not even a fisherman's canoe was seen." On the 27th they reached hSan Fernando de Atr/eapo, 224 CAVERN OF ATARUIPE. where a month before they had quitted the main stream of the Orinoco, to ascend its tributaries and make their way to the Rio Negro. From this point they retraced their former course, passed the great cataract of May- piires, and on the 31st, before sunset, they landed at the Puerto de la Expedicion, on the eastern bank of the river, for the pm-pose of visiting the cavern of Ataruipe, which is the sepulchre of a whole nation now extinct. Humboldt's account of this visit is extremely interest- ing. "We climbed," he says, "with difficulty, and not without some danger, a steep rock of granite, entirely bare. It would have been almost impossible to fix the foot on its smooth and sloping surface, if large crystals of feldspar, resisting decomposition, did not stand out from the rock, and furnish points of support. Scarcely had we attained the summit of the mountain, when we beheld with astonishment the singular aspect of the surrounding country. The foaming bed of the water is filled with an archipelago of islands, covered with palm-trees. Towards the west, on the left bank of the Orinoco, stretch the savannahs of the Meta and the Casanare. They resembled a sea of verdure, the misty horizon of which was illumined by the rays of the setting sun. Its orb, resembling a globe of fire suspended over the plain, and the solitai^ Peak of Uniana, which appeared more lofty from being wrapped in vapom's that softened its outline, all contributed to augment the majesty of the scene. Near us, the eye looked down into a deep valley, enclosed on every side. Birds of prey and goat-suckers winged their lonely flight in this inaccessible circus. We found a pleasure in following with the eye their fleeting sha- dows, as they glided slowly over the flanks of the rock. "A narrow ridge led us to a neighbouring mountain, TIIE CEMETERY. 225 the rounded summit of whicli supported immense blocks of granite. These masses are more than forty or fifty feet in diameter ; and then- form is so per- fectly spherical that, appearing to touch the soil only hy a small number of points, it might be supposed, that, at the least shock of an earthquake, they would roll into the abyss. I do not remember to have seen, anywhere else, a similar phenomenon amid the decom- positions of granitic soils. If the balls rested on a rock of a different nature, as it happens in the blocks of Jura, we might suppose that they had been rounded by the action of water, or thrown out by the force of an elastic fluid ; but their position on the summit of a hill alike granitic makes it more probable that they owe their origin to the progressive decomposition of the rock. "The most remote part of the valley is covered by a thick forest. In this shady and solitary spot, on the declivity of a steep mountain, the cavern of Ataruipe opens itself; it is less a cavern than a jutting rock, in which the waters have scooped a vast hollow, when, in the ancient revolutions of our planet, they attained that height. We soon reckoned in this tomb of a whole extinct tribe, near six hundred skeletons well preserved, and so regularly placed that it would have been difficult to make an error in their number. Every skeleton reposes in a sort of basket made of the petioles of the palm-tree. These baskets, which the natives call mapires, have the form of a square bag. Their size is proportioned to the age of the dead ; there are some for infants cut off at the moment of their birth. We saw them from ten inches to three feet four inches long, the skeletons in them being bent together. They are all ranged near each other, and Q 226 FUNERAL VASES. are so entire that not a rib, or a phalanx, is wanting. The bones have been prepared in three different modes: either whitened by the air and the sun; dyed red with onotOp a colouring matter extracted from the bixa orel- lana ; or, like real mummies, varnished with odori- ferous resins, and enveloped in leaves of the heliconia, or of the plantain-tree. The Indians related to us that the fresh corpse is placed in damp ground, in order that the flesh may be consumed by degrees. Some months after, it is taken out, and the flesh re- maining on the bones is scraped off with sharp stones. Several hordes in Guiana, still observe this custom. Earthcrn vases, half-baked, are found near the mapires, or baskets. They appear to contain the bones of the same family. The largest of these vases, or funeral urns, are three feet high, and five feet and a half long. Their colom* is greenish grey, and their oval form is sufficiently pleasing to the eye. The handles are made in the shape of crocodiles or serpents, the edge is bordered with meanders, labyrinths, and veal grecques, (Greek fashions,) in straight lines variously combined. Such paintings are found in every zone. The inha- bitants of the little mission of Maypures still execute them on their commonest pottery ; they decorate the bucklers of the Otaheiteans, the fishing implements of the Eskimoes, the walls of the Mexican palace of Mitla, and the vases of ancient Greece. Evei-y where a rhythmic repetition of the same forms flatters the eye, as the cadenced repetition of sounds soothes the ear. Analogies founded on the internal nature of our feelings, on the natural dispositions of our intellect, are not calculated to throw light on the filiation and the ancient connexions of nations. " We opened, to the great concern of our guides, TIIEY LEAVE THE CAVERJf. 227 several mapires, for the purpose of attentively exa- mining the form of the skulls. They all presented the characters of the American race, — two or three only approached the Caucasian form. We took seve- ral skulls, the skeleton of a child six or seven years old, and those of two full-grown men, of the nation of the Atures. All these bones, some painted red, others covered with odoriferous resins, were placed in the mapires, or baskets, already described. They formed nearly the whole lading of a mule ; and, as we were aware of the superstitious aversion which the natives show towards dead bodies, after they have given them burial, we carefully covered the baskets with new mats. Unfortunately for us, the penetration of the Indians, and the extreme delicacy of their organs of smell, rendered our precautions useless. Wherever we stopped — in the Carib mission, in the midst of the Llanos, between Angostura and New^ Barcelona, — the natives collected round our mules to admire the- monkeys which we had brought from the Orinoco.' These good people had scarcely touched our baggage, when they predicted the approaching death of the beast- of burden 'that carried the dead.' In vain we told them that they were deceived in their conjectures, that the panniers contained bones of crocodiles and manatees ; they persisted in repeating that they smelt the resin which surrounded the skeletons, and that 'they were some of their old relatives.' " We withdrew in silence, from the cavern of Ata- ruipe. It was one of those calm and serene nights- which are so common in the torrid zone. The stars shone with a mild and planetary light. Their scintilla- tion was scarcely perceptible at the horizon, which seemed illumined by the great nebulae of the southern Q2 228 UKUANA. liemispliere. An innumerable multitude of insects spread a reddish light on the ground, which -svas loaded with plants, and glowed with these living and moving fires, as if the stars of the firmament had sunk down on the savannah. On quitting the cavern, we stopped several times to admire the beauty of this singular scene. The odoriferous vanilla, and festoons of big- nonia, decorated the entrance ; and above, on the summit of the hill, the arrowy branches of the palm- tree waved murmuring in the air.'' Continuing their descent of the river, our travellers remained some days at the mission of Carichana, to recruit their exhausted strength. In two days more they reached Uruana, the situation of which is ex- tremely picturesque. The village is placed at the foot of a lofty mountain, the granitic columns of which rear their heads above the tojDS of the tallest trees of the forest. The Orinoco assumes a most majestic aspect ; it flows without a winding, like a vast canal, upwards of three miles in width. The Indians who inhabit this mission are the Otomacs, a rude tribe, whose habits display an extraordinary phy- siological phenomenon. " They eat earth ; that is to say, during several months they every day swallow- large quantities of it to appease their hunger, without injuring their health." It is during the season of the floods, when it becomes very diflicult for them to procure fish — their ordinary food, — that they have recourse to this as a substitute. They are an ex- tremely savage and vindictive race. On the 7th of June, our travellers left Uniana, and spent the night at the island of Cucuruparu. In the neighbourhood of the almost deserted mission of San Miguel de la Toi-tuga are found, according to the In- SUFFERINGS FROM ILL HEALTH. 229 dians, otters with a very fine fur, and lizards with two feet. On the 8th they passed the mouth of the river Apure, which had formerly conducted them into the Orinoco, and on the 16th reached Angostura, the capi- tal of Spanish Guiana. They were kindly received by the governor, and were delighted beyond measure when, for the first time, they saw wheaten bread on his table. "Coming from an almost desert country," says Humboldt, "we were struck with the bustle of a town, which has only six thousand inhabitants. Humble dwellings appeared to us magnificent, and every person with whom we conversed seemed to be endowed with superior intelligence.'^ At Angostura they were detained nearly a month, in consequence of illness ; both of them, but Bonpland especially, suffering from violent fevers. On the 10th of July they quitted it, and after a fatiguing journey across the Llanos, reached the town of New Barcelona on the 23rd. Here Humboldt was again attacked by fever, and soon after his recovery both of the travel- lers set out on their return to Cumana, from which they had departed on their grand expedition nine months before. Two-legged Lizard (Laci-ila Toipes. 230 ADVENTURE WITH TIIS: i*IllVATi:3:-t. CiiArxER XIX. Adventure with the Privateer and the Uawk sloop of war — Captain Garnier — They arrive at Cumnna— Optical phenomena— They ar- rive at Havannah — at Batabano — They leave Cuba — Arrive at the Rio Sinu — Maroon negioes— Carthagena — Turbaco — Air-volcanoes — They arrive at Santa Fe de Bogota — Cataract of Tequendama — Natural bridges of Icononzo — Pass of Quindiu— Cargueros — Cata- racts of the Rio Vinaigre -Ridges of the Cordilleras — They arrive at Q,uito — Mountains of Cotopaxi and Chimborazo — They proceed towards Lima— Arrive at Loxa— Return to Peru— Sojourn at Lima — Set out for Guayaquil — Arrive at Acapulco. The trayellers being anxious to reacli Cumana, hired an open vessel, to go by sea from New Barcelona to that place. This vessel was employed in carrying on a contraband trade with the island of Trinidad. For this reason, the proprietor thought that they had no- thing to fear from the enemy's vessels, which then blocked up all the Spanish ports; but they had scarcely reached the narrow channel between the continent and the little rocky isles, when, to their great suprise, they met an armed boat, which, hailing them at a great distance off, fired some musket-shots at them. This boat belonged to a privateer of Halifax; and, in spite of their passjDorts and endeavours to give explanation, they were carried on board the privateer as a lawful prize. But while Humboldt was engaged with the captain in the cabin, in endeavouring to defend his own rights and those of the proprietor of the lancha, (open boat,) in which they had set out, a noise was heard upon deck, and something being whispered to the captain, he retired in consternation. The cause of this new behaviour in the captain was this: — ^An Eng- lish sloop of war, the Hawk, cruising about in those parts, had come up, and made signals to the captain to bring to, which he not being prompt to obey, a gun The Air-Volcanoes of Tur'baco. i . CAPTAIN GARNIER, 235 was fired from tlie sloop, and a midshipman sent on Tboard, to demand the reason of the captain's negli- gence. Humboldt was rery politely treated by the midshipman, and invited on board the Hawk, where he was received with the utmost kindness by Captain John Oarnier, R.N., who told him that he had made the voyage to the north-west coast with Vancouver, and who appeared to be highly interested in all that was related to him, of the great cataracts of Atures and Maypures, and the communication of the Orinoco with the Amazon. Captain Garnier mentioned seve- ral of his of&cers who had been with Lord Macartney in China. Humboldt had not, he says, for a year, enjoyed the society of so many well-informed persons. They had learnt from the English newspapers the ob- jects of his enterprise. He was treated with great confidence, and the commander gave him up his own state-room. They presented him, at parting, with the astronomical ephemerides for the years which he had not been able to procure in France or Spain. "I owe to Captain Garnier," writes Humboldt, with the delightful feelings of a grateful mind, "the obser- vations I made on the satellites (of Jupiter) beyond the equator, and feel it a duty to record here the gratitude I feel for his kind offices. Coming from the forests of Cassiquiare, and having been confined during whole months to the narrow circle of mission- ary life, we felt a soothing gratification at meeting, for the first time, with men who had sailed round the world, and enlarged their ideas by the view of so varied a spectacle. I quitted the English vessel with impressions which are not yet effaced from my re- membrance, and which led me to cherish still more the career I had chosen." 236 oniCAL PHENOMENA. They arrived at length at Cumana, where their friends came out to meet them with great joy, as a report of their deaths on the banks of the Orinoco had been current for several months. While waiting here for the arrival of the Sf)anish packets, they em- ployed themselves in further studying the plants of the country, in examining its geology, and in obser- vations for determining certain latitudes and longi- tudes. Opportunities occurred during their stay at Cumana for sending off some of their most valuable collections to France. After examining a mine of native alum, they set out again, in the middle of November, for New Barcelona, from whence they sailed on the 24th at nine o'clock in the evening, and next day at noon, reached the island of Tortuga, remarkable for its lowness and want of vegetation. On the 26th they observed a beautiful parhelion, or halo round the sun. Some indications of gloomy weather followed, and on the night of the 2nd of December a curious optical phenomenon was seen. The full moon being very high, there suddenly ap- peared on its side, about three quarters of an hour before its passage over the meridian, a great arc, which had the colours of the rainbow, but was of a gloomy aspect; It seemed higher than the moon, had a breadth of nearly 2°, and after remaining stationary for several minutes, it gradually descended and sank below the horizon. The sailors thought that it portended wind. On the next night there Avas seen, at the distance of a quarter of a mile, a small flame, which ran along on the surface of the sea towards the south-west, and illuminated the atmosphere. At length, they reached Havannah, after a rough passage of twenty-five days. After examining the island of Cuba, and finishing the THE PELICANS. 237 observations which they had. proposed to make, they set out on the 6th of March in the following year, for Batabano, where they arrived on the 8th. This is a poor village of Cuba, on the sea-coast, south of Ha- vannah. It is surrounded by marshes, and covered with rushes and plants of the Iris family, among which appear here and there a few stunted palms. The marshes are infested with two species of crocodile, one of which has an elongated snout, and is very ferocious; the back is dark green, the belly white, and. the flanks are covered with yellow spots. They set sail again on the 9th, and proceeded through the Gulf of Batabano, Humboldt employing himself in examining the influence which the bottom of the sea produces on the temperature of its surface, and in determining the positions of some remarkable islands. They were two or three days on their pas- sage through the Archipelago of the Jardines and Jardinillos, small islands and shoals partly covered with vegetation. They remained at anchor during the night, and by day visited those which were most easy of access. The sailors had been searching for langoustes, but not finding any, they avenged them- selves on the young pelicans, perched on the trees. The old birds hovered round, uttering hoarse and plaintive cries, and the young defended themselves with vigour, although in vain. " On our arrival," says Humboldt, "a profound calm prevailed on this little spot of earth, but now everything seemed to say, * Man has passed here.' " On the morning of the 11th they visited the Cayo Flamenco, the centre of which is depressed, and only fifteen inches above the level of the sea. In the bay of Xagua, east of the Jardinillos, they were told that 238 LAMP-INSECTS. fresh water gushed up in several places from the bot- tom of the sea, with such force as to prove dangerous for small canoes. Vessels sometimes take in fresh water from them, and fresh-water fish abound in the neighbourhood. The increased temperature in the seas, as they sailed on, indicated a gi-eat augmentation of depth. After being agreeably entertained at the town of Trinidad, in Cuba, by the principal inhabitants of the place,^ as they returned to the Puerto Guaurabo, whence they were to set sail, they were very much struck by the prodigious number of phosphorescent insects which illuminated the grass and foliage. These insects are occasionally used for a lamp, being placed in a calabash perforated with holes ; and a young woman at Trinidad informed them, that during a long passage from the mainland, she always had recourse to this light, when she gave her child the breast at night, the captain not allowing any other on board for fear of pirates. The travellers, having embarked from the island of Cuba, Avere forced by stormy weather and contrary winds to seek shelter in the Rio Sinu, after a passage of sixteen days. The sailors, whom they met with at Zapote, and who were waiting for fair weather to con- vey their articles of commerce to Carthagena, tried to frighten the travellers with stories of boas, vipers, and jaguars. Here they entered a forest remarkable for palm-trees. The spathse of one species, only six feet four inches high, they found to contain more than 200,000 flowers, a single specimen furnishing 600,000 at the same time. The kernels of the fruit are peeled in water, and the layer of oil that rises from them, after being purified by boiling, yields the manteca de MAROON NEGROES. 239 coTozo, whicli is used for lighting churches and houses. Here, also, they found the inhabitants collecting palm- wine. The Rio Sinu, at the soui'ce of which grows the real febrifuge, cincJiona (PeruYJan bark), is a con- venient means for provisioning the town of Cartha- gena. After haying been again for some time out at sea, Humboldt wished the captain to allow one of his sailors to land with him, in order that they might pro- ceed on foot to the Boca Chica, which is the entrance to the port of Carthagena, and was only a few miles distant. This was refused by the captain, on account of the savage state of the countiy, in which there was neither path nor habitation ; and an incident which occurred justified his prudence. The travellers were going on shore one fine moonlight night to collect plants. As they approached the land, they saw a young negro issue from the brush-wood, quite naked, loaded with chains, and armed with a cutlass. He en- gaged them to disembark on a particular part of the beach, where the sea did not break in, and offered to conduct them to the interior of the island of Baru, if they would give him some clothes. His cunning and savage air, the often-repeated question, whether they were Spaniards, the unintelligible words addressed to his companions concealed behind the trees, — all in- spired them with mistrust. The blacks were probably maroon negroes, slaves escaped from the prison. This unfortunate class of persons was much to be dreaded; they had the courage of despair, and a desire of ven- geance, nourished by the rigom- of the whites. Hum- boldt and his companions were without arms; the negroes were numerous, and had perhaps engaged them to disembark, in order to take possession of the canoe. They prudently returned on boai'd their vessel. 240 EASTER-FEAST. The sight of a naked man, wandering about on an un- inhabited beach, without being able to unrivet the chains fastened round his neck and the upper part of his arm, left on our travellers the most painful impres- sions, which could only have been augmented by the ferocious regrets of the mariners, who wanted to re- turn to the shore and seize the fugitives, to sell them secretly at Carthagena. " In climates," says Humboldt, '"where slavery exists, the mind is familiarised with suffering, and that instinct of pity is stifled, which characterises and ennobles our nature." During the week of their stay at Carthagena they had •an opportunity of witnessing the pageant of the Pascua, or Easter-feast. Humboldt relates that nothing could rival the oddness of the dresses of the principal jDorson- agcs in these processions. Beggars, with crowns of thorns on their heads, and crucifixes in theh' hands, ■asked alms, habited in black robes. Pilate was arrayed in a garb of striped silk; and the apostles, seated round ■a large table covered with sweetmeats, were carried on the shoulders of Zambos. At sunset, effigies of Jews in French vestments, and formed of straw and other com- bustibles, were burnt in the principal streets. The salubrity of Carthagena varies with the state of the marshes that surround it. The Cienega de Tesca, which is upwards of eighteen miles in length, commu- nicates with the ocean; and when, in dry years, the salt water does not cover the whole plain, the exhalations that rise from it during the heat of the day become extremely pernicious. Dreading this, the travellers retired, on the 6th of April, to the Indian village of Tm'baco, which is situated in a beautiful district at the entrance of a large forest, nearly twenty miles distant from Carthagena. The village is about llol feet above the level of the sea. Snakes were here found to be so AIR-VOLCAXOES. 241 numerous, that they chased the rats even into the houses, and pursued the bats on the roofs. But the most remarkable attraction of this place was a marshy ground situated in the midst of a thicket of palms, and which bore the name of Los Volcancitos. According to a tradition preserved in the village, the ground had formerly been ignited, and a monk had extinguished it with holy water, and converted the fire-volcano into a water-volcano. It was an open place of about 850 feet square, entirely destitute of vegeta- tion, but margined with tufts of Bromelia karatas. The surface was composed of layers of clay, of a dark gray colour, cracked by dcssication into pentagonal and hex- agonal prisms. The volcancitos consist of fifteen or twenty small truncated cones, rising in the middle of this area, to the height of from nineteen to twenty-five feet. The most elevated were on the southern side, and their circumference at the base was from seventy-eight to eighty-five yards. On climbing to the top of these mud- volcanoes, they found them to be terminated by an aperture from sixteen to thirty inches in diameter, filled with water, through which air-bubbles obtained a pas- sage, about five explosions taking place in two minutes. The force with which the an- rises led to the supposi- tion of its being subjected to considerable pressure; and a rather loud noise was heard at intervals, which preceded the disengagement of it. Each of the bubbles contained from twelve to fourteen and a half cubic inches of elastic fluid, and their power of expansion was often so great that the water was projected beyond the crater, or flowed over its brim. Some of the openings by which air escaped, were situated in the j)lain, with- out being suiTOunded by any prominence of the gi'ound. It was observed that when the apertiu'es, which are not R 242 REMINISCENCES. placed at the summit of the cones, and are enclosed by a little mud wall from ten to fifteen inches high, were nearly contiguous, the explosions did not take place at the same time. It would appear that each crater re- ceives the gas by distinct canals, or that these, termi- nating in the same reservoir of compressed air, oppose greater or less impediments to the passage of the aeri- form fluids. The cones have no doubt been raised by these fluids, and the dull sound that precedes the dis- engagement of them, indicates that the gi'ound is hollow. The natives asserted that there had been no observable change in the form and number of the cones for twenty years, and that the little cavities are filled with water even in the driest seasons. The tempera- ture of this liquid was not higher than that of the atmosphere. A stick could easily be pushed into the apertures to the depth of six or seven feet, and the dark-coloured clay or mud was exceedingly soft. An ignited body was immediately extinguished, on being immersed in the gas collected from the bubbles, which was found to be pure azote, or nitrogen. The stay which our travellers made at Turbaco was very agreeable, and added greatly to their collection of plants. "Even now," says Humboldt, writing in 1831, " after so long a lapse of time, and after returning from the banks of the Obi and the confines of Chinese Zun- garia, these bamboo-thickets, that wild luxuriance of vegetation, those orchidese covering the old trunks of the acotea and Indian fig, that majestic view of the snowy-mountains, that light mist filling the bottom of the valleys at sunrise, those tufts of gigantic trees rising like verdant islets from a sea of vapours, inces- santly present themselves to my imagination. At Turbaco we lived a simple and laborious Ufe. "We were TEQUENt)AMA. 243 young; possessed a similarity of taste and disposition; looked forward to the future with hope ; were on the eve of a journey which was to lead us to the highest summits of the Andes, and bring us to volcanoes in action, in a country continually agitated by earth- quakes ; and we felt ourselves more happy than at any other period of our distant expedition. The years which have since passed, not all exempt from griefs and pains, have added to the charms of these impressions ; and I love to think, that in the midst of his exile in the southern hemisphere, in the solitudes of Paraguay*, my unfortunate friend M. Bonpland, sometimes remembers with delight our botanical excursions at Turbaco, the little spring of Torecillo, the first sight of a gustavia in flower, or of the cavanillesia, loaded with fruits having membranous and transparent edges." In the course of two months, the travellers had passed up the river from Carthagena to Santa Fe de Bogota, the capital of New Grenada. This city stands in a beautiful plain, surrounded by lofty mountains; and this plain would appear to have been formerly the bed of a great lake. It is 8727 feet above the level of the sea, and is consequently, higher than the summit of St. Bernard, in Switzerland. Here the travellers spent several months in exploring the mineralogical and bo- tanical treasures of the country, together with the mag- nificent cataract of Tequendama. " The traveller who views the tremendous scenery of the cataract of Tequen- dama, will not be surprised that rude tribes should have assigned a miraculous origin to rocks which seem to have been cut by the hand of man; to that narrow gulf into which falls, headlong, the mass of waters that issue * This alludes to the detention of M. Bonpland in Paraguay by the dictator, Dr. Francia. R 2 244 ANCIENT TRADITION. from the valley of Bogota; to those rainbows, reflecting the most vivid colours, and of which the forms vary every instant; to that column of vapour, rising like a thick cloud, and seen at the distance of five leagues from the walks around Santa Fe." In remote times, according to the tradition which is currrent among the people, the inhabitants of Bogota were barbarians, living without religion, laws, or arts. An old man on a certain occasion suddenly appeared among them, of a race unlike that of the natives, and having a long bushy beard. He instructed them in the arts ; but he brought with him a very ma- lignant, although very beautiful woman, who thwarted all his benevolent enterprises. By her magical power she swelled the current of the Funza, and inun- dated the valley, so that most of the inhabitants perished, a few only having found refuge in the neighbouring mountains. The aged visitor then drova his consort from the earth, and she became the moon. He next broke the rocks that enclosed the valley on the Tequendama side, and by these means drained off the waters ; then he introduced the worship of the sun, appointed two chiefs, and finally withdrew to a valley, where he lived in the exercise of the most austere penitence during 2000 years. This fall and its scenery present a remarkable combination of attractions. Humboldt observes that the impression which cataracts leave on the mind of an observer, depend on the concurrence of a variety of circumstances. The volume of water must be pro- portioned to the height of the fall, and the scenery around must wear a wild and romantic aspect. The Pissevache and the Staubbach, in Switzerland, are lofty, the latter, indeed, exceeding 800 feet in height; Cataract of Tequendama. TUE CATARACT. 247 but their masses of water are inconsiderable. The falls of the St. Lawrence at Niagara, and those of the Rhine at Schaffhausen, furnish enormous Yolumes of water; but even the former does not exceed 160 feet in height, while the latter scarcely reaches 60 feet. The height of the fall of Tequendama (which forms a double bound), is 574 feet! Cataracts which are surrounded by hills only, pro- duce far less effect than the falls of water which rush into the deep and narrow valleys of the Alps, of the Pyrenees, and above all, of the Cordilleras of the Andes. Independent of the height and mass of the column of water, the figure of the landscape, and the aspect of the rocks, it is the luxuriant form of the trees and herbaceous plants, their distribution into groups, or into scattered thickets, the contrast of those craggy precipices, and the freshness of ve- getation, which stamp a peculiar character on these great scenes of nature. The fall of Niagara, placed beneath a northern sky, in the region of pines and oaks, would be still more beautiful, were its drapery composed of heliconias, palms, and arborescent ferns. The cataract of Tequendama foi-ms an assemblage of everything which is sublimely pictui-esque in fine scenery. Leaving Sante Fe in September, 1801, the attention of the travellers was next arrested by the natural bridges of Icononzo, and from their reports of these specimens of natural architecture we extract the follow- ing details. The valley of Icononzo, or Pandi, is one of the most remarkable in the Andes, not so much for its dimen- sions, as for the singular form of its rocks, which appear as if they had been cut by the hand of man. Their 248 NATURAL BRIDGES. naked and barren tops present the most picturesque contrast with the tufts of trees and shrubs, which cover the edges of its curious crevice. Through this valley a small torrent, called the Rio de la Sunmia Paz, has forced a passage; it descends from the easternmost of the three chains into which the Andes are here divided, or that chain which separates the great plains of the Orinoco from the basin of the river Magdalena, and it flows towards the latter. The bed in which this tor- rent is confined is almost inaccessible ; and it could not have been crossed wishout great difficulty, if Nature had not provided two bridges of rock, which are justly considered, in the country, as among the objects most worthy of the attention of travellers. The name, "Ico- nonzo," is that of an Indian village, which stood at the southern extremity of the valley, and of which a few scattered huts are now the only remains. It is at about the middle of the valley that the tor- rent rushes through the deep crevice over which the bridges extend; and the stream here forms two fine water-falls; one on entering the crevice, and the other on escaping from it. At the height of nearly 320 feet, the uppermost bridge crosses the chasm; its length is about 48 feet, and its breadth 40. The rock of which the bridge is formed is very compact; it pre- serves its natural position, lying in beds nearly hori- zontal. Sixty feet lower than this bridge, and very near to it, is the second, crossing the same chasm. Unlike the first, however, it is not one fragment of unbroken and undisturbed strata, but it is composed of three enor- mous masses of rock, which have accidentally fallen down and met in their descent, so as to support each other, and form an arch, of which the middle mass is ¥ '^'1 ICwncnzo. QumDiu. 25 i the key-stone. In the middle of this second bridge is a lai-ge hole about eight yards square, thi'ough which the traveller looks down into the abyss beneath, and discerns the torrent flowing, as it were, through a dark cavern, while his ear is assailed by the ceaseless and melancholy noise of the countless troops of nocturnal birds, which haunt the chasm. Thousands of these birds were seen flying over the surface of the water. Humboldt at first mistook them for the gigantic bats, so well known in the equatorial regions. It is impos- sible to catch them, on account of the depth of the crevice; and the only mode of examining them is by throwing down rockets to light up the sides of the chasm. Their plumage is of an uniform brownish grey : accor- ding to the Indians, who call them cacas, they ai'e of the size of a common fowl, and have a curved beak, with the eye of an owl. Humboldt supposed them to belong to the Caprimulgidoet or goat-suckers. The next description which arrests our attention, is that which refers to the mountain of Quindiu, and from Humboldt's narrative of it we furnish the subse- quent interesting particulars. The pass of Quindiu is considered to be the most difficult in the Andes. The mountain presents a thick uninhabited forest, to traverse which, in the finest sea- son, requires from ten to twelve days : not a hut is to be seen, nor are any means of subsistence to be found. It is the custom for travellers to take with them a month's provision, when they attempt the passage; as it often happens, that by the melting of the snow, and the sudden swelling of the streams, they are in a manner insulated and prevented for a time from descending in any direction. The highest point of the pass is almost 11,500 feet above the level of the sea. The pathway 252 DIFFICULTIES OF TRAVELLING. is very narrow, varying indeed from only a foot to six- teen inches in breadth; in some places it is sunk so deep, as to present the appearance of a gallery dug in the ground and left open above*. The rock is in gene- ral covered with a thick layer of clay, in which the torrents have hollowed out gulleys eighteen or twenty feet deep ; along these muddy channels the traveller is often obliged to grope his way, for more than a mile at a time. Occasionally he meets a string of oxen, the usual beasts of burden, with difficulty forcing a pas- sage: and then he is reduced to the uncomfortable ne- cessity of lifting himself up in the best way he can, by the aid of roots, fee, and letting them pass under him. As these animals are accustomed to tread in the same tracks, they form small furrows across the road sepa- rated by narrow ridges ; in very rainy seasons these ridges are hidden by water, and the unfortunate foot- traveller missing them, often steps into the furrows. Such then was the route by which Humboldt, and his equally adventurous companion Bonpland, crossed the mountain of Quindiu on foot in the month of Octo- ber, 1801, followed by a train of twelve oxen, carrying their collections and instruments. Dm'ing the last three or four days while descending the western decli- vity, they were exposed to a deluge of rain. *' The road," says Humboldt, "passes through a countiy full of bogs, and covered with bamboos. Our shoes were so torn by the prickles which shoot out from these gigantic gra- mina, that we were forced to go barefooted. This cir- cumstance, the continual humidity, the length of the * The summit'of the pass of the great St. Bernard in the Pennine Alps is more than 8200 feet above the level of the sea ; that of the Simplon is 6578 feet; and that of the Cervin, the loftiest pass in Europe, is 11,096 feet. The pass of Quindiu is not the highest in the Andes ; nor is itsele- vation so great as that of some of the inhabited table-lands. MEN CARRIERS. 253 passage, the muscular force required to tread in a thick and muddy clay, the necessity of fording deep torrents of icy water, render this journey extremely fatiguing. It is not, however, accompanied by the dangers with which the credulity of the people alarms travellers. The road is narrow, but the places where it skirts precipices are very rare." Many persons however, being unable or unwilling to encounter the fatigue of this journey on foot, and the road being utterly impracticable for mules, re- course has been had to a singular mode of conveyance, — namely, in chairs tied to men's backs. The occu- pation of these porters, or cargueros, as they were called, formed a regular trade in the Cordilleras; and people there talked of going on a man's back, as na- turally as we talk of going on horseback. The tra- vellers in their route sometimes met a file of fifty or sixty of these men-carriers. Cargueros. 254 THE VIJAO- PLANT. In the foreground is a band of cargueros coming up the mountain; there is represented the mode of fasten- ing on the shoulders the chair made of bamboo-wood, which is steadied by a head-stall similar to that worn by horses and oxen. The roll in the hand of the third carguero is the roof, or rather moveable house, which is generally used to shelter travellers who cross the forests of Quindiu. It is customary on reaching Hague, where they prepare for the journey, to pluck in the adjoining mountains several hundred leaves of the vijao, a plant of the banana family. These leaves are about twenty inches in length, and fourteen inches in breadth ; they are membranous and silky, and their lower surface is covered with a peculiar substance, — a sort of varnish, which enables them to resist the rain for a long time. In gathering them an incision is made in the middle rib, which is the continuation of the footstalk; and by this they are suspended when the roof is formed. When it is taken down, the leaves are spread out and carefully rolled up in a cy- lindrical bundle. About a hundred-weight of leaves will cover a hut large enough for six or eight persons. "When the travellers," says Humboldt, "reach a spot in the midst of the forests where the ground is dry, and where they propose to pass the night, the cargueros lop a few branches from the trees, with which they make a tent. In a few minutes, this slight timber- work is divided into squares by the stalks of some climbing plant, or threads of the agava, placed in parallel lines, twelve or fifteen inches from each other. The vijao leaves, having been unrolled, are now spread over this framework, so as to cover each other in the same man- ner as the tiles of a house. These huts, thus hastily built, are cool and commodious. If, during his stay, the J?" alls of the Vinaigre Hiver. THE VINAIGRE RIVER. 257 traveller feels the rain, he points out the spot where it enters, and a single leaf is sufl&cient to obviate the inconvenience. We passed several days in the valley of Boquia under one of these leafy tents, which remained perfectly dry amidst violent and incessant rains." "The Andes/' says Humboldt, "bear the same pro- portion to the chain of the Alps, as these to the chain of the Pyi-enees. Whatever I have beheld, pictui'esque or awful, on the borders of the Saverne, in the north of Germany, or the Euganean mountains, the central chain of Europe, or the rapid declivity of the peak of Teneriffe, I have found all assembled in the Cordilleras of the New World. It would require ages to observe these beauties, and discover the wonders which nature has lavished over an extent of 2500 leagues, from the granite mountains of the Strait of Magellan to the coasts bordering on the east of Asia." From these mountains, where the truncated cone of Tolima, covered with perennial snow, rises to the height of 17,190 feet, amidst forests of styrax, arborescent passiflorse, bamboos, and wax-palms, they descended into the valley of Cauca towards the west. After rest- ing some time at Cathago and Buda, they coasted the province of Choco, where platina is found among rolled fragments of basalt, greenstone, and fossil wood. They then went up by Caloto and the mines of Qui- lichao towards Popayan, which is situated at the base of the snowy mountains of Purace and Sotara, the former of which is volcanic. The Indian hamlet of Purace, which was visited by the travellers in Novem- ber, 1801, is celebrated for the fine cataracts of the Rio Vinaigre, the waters of which are acid. This little river is warm towards its source, and after forming three falls, one of which is 394 feet in height, and is S 258 GREAT PLAINS exceedingly picturesque, joins the Rio Cauca, which for fourteen miles below the junction is destitute of fish. The crater of the volcano, is filled with boiling water, which, amid frightful noises, emits vapours of sulphuretted hydi'ogen. "On advancing from Popayan towards the South, we see on the arid elevated plain of the province of Los Pastos, the three small chains of the Andes lost in one group which stretches far beyond the equator. This group, in the kingdom of Quito, presents an ex- traordinary appearance from the river of Chota, which meanders amid mountains of basaltic rock to the Parime of Assuay, on which are seen some remarkable remains of Peruvian architecture. The most elevated summits are arranged in two lines, which form, as it were, a double ridge to the Cordilleras. These colossal summits covered with perpetual ice, served for signals in the operations of the French academicians, at the iime of the measurement of the equinoctial degree. Then- symmetrical dispositions in two lines, directed from north to south, has led Bouguer to consider them as two chains of mountains, separated by a longi- tudinal valley: but what this celebrated astronomer calls 'the bottom of a valley,' is the summit of the Andes itself; it is an elevated plain, the absolute height of which is from 8800 to 9000 feet. "In these plains the population of this marvellous country is concentrated ; towns are there built, which contain from thirty to fifty thousand inhabitants. "When we have lived for some months on this elevated spot, where the barometer keeps at an height 21 '3 inches, we feel the irresistible influence of an extra- ordinary illusion ; we forget by degrees that every- thing which surrounds the observer, — those villages OF THE ANDES. 259 which proclaim the industry of a mountain-population, those pastures covered at the same, time with herds of llamas and flocks of European sheep — those orchards bounded by hedges of dm-anta and bardanesia — those fields cultivated with care and promising the richest harvests, — hang as it were suspended in the lofty re- gions of the atmosphere; we scarcely recollect that the soil is more elevated above the neighbouring coasts of the Pacific Ocean than the summit of Ca- nigou above the basin of the Mediterranean. "By considering the ridge of the Cordilleras as a vast plain, curtained by distant mountains, we accus- tom ourselves to look upon the inequalities of the crest of the Andes as so many isolated summits. Pichincha, Oayambo, Cotopaxi, though to more than half their height they form but one mass, appear to the eyes of the inhabitant of Quito as so many distinct mountains, towering in a plain unclothed with forests. This illu- sion is so much the more complete, as the breaches in the double ridge of the Cordilleras reach down to the level of the high inhabited plains. Hence, it is only when seen at a distance from the coasts of the Great Ocean, or from the savannahs which extend to the foot of the eastern declivity, that the Andes present the appearance of a single chain." In going from the city of Quito to the Parime of Assuay, as many as ten or twelve of these summits are seen rising on either side of the central elevated plain, to a height greater than that of Mont Blanc, in a dis- tance of thirty-seven leagues ; they exhibit their forms in strong relief against the azure sky, and appear " like a bold rocky coast which, rising from the bosom of the waters, seems the less distant, inasmuch as no object is placed between the shore and the eye of the S2 260 QUITO. observer. But the enormous elevation of the plain, from whicli these summits rise, greatly diminishes the impression of their height; so that to the eye of a spectator on the plain they do not seem so lofty as others which are actually less elevated above the level of the sea, but which are viewed from a lower point." If these summits of the Andes were "placed on islets scattered along the immensity of the ocean," they would astonish the spectator much more by their stupendous elevations. "Mountains,'' observes Humboldt, "which would astonish us by their height if they placed near the sea-shore, seem to be but hills when they rise from the ridge of the Cordil- leras ;" and he mentions a remarkable illustration afforded near Quito, by a small conical summit called " Javirac," which does not seem higher to the inha- bitants of that city than Montmartre, or the heights of Meudon, appear to the people of Paris; which, however, he found by admeasurement to be upwards of 10,300 feet above the level of the sea. After a journey of fom- months, performed on mules, Humboldt and the other travellers arrived at Quito, on the 6th January, 1802. Here they devoted nearly six months to researches of various kinds, and paticularly to excm-sions to the snowy mountains, of which Cotopaxi and Chimborazo are the principal. Cotopaxi is the loftiest of those volcanoes of the Andes which have produced eruptions at recent periods; its height being 18,878 feet. The scoriae and rocks ejected by it, and scattered over the neigh- bouring valleys, would form a vast mountain of themselves. In 1738 its flames rose 2953 feet above the crater; and in 1744 its roarings were heard as ,far as Honda, on the Magdalena, 690 miles THE VOLCANOES. 261 off. On the 4th of April, 1768, the quantity of ashes thrown out was so great, that in the towns of Ham- bato and Tacunga the inhabitants were obliged to use lanterns in the streets. The explosion which took place in January, 1803, was preceded by the sudden melting of the snows which covered the surface; and our travellers, at the port of Guayaquil, 179^ miles distant, heard day and night the noises proceeding from it, like discharges of a battery. Cotopasi. This celebrated mountain, which has destroyed many cities, and sometimes ejects warm water and half-boiled fish, is situated south-east of Quito at the distance of 41 miles, in the midst of the Andes. Its form is the most beautiful and regular of all the colossal summits of that mighty chain; being a perfect cone, which is covered with snow, and shines with dazzling splendour at sunset. No rocks project through the icy covering, except near the edge of the crater, which is surrounded by a small circular wall. In ascending, it is extremely difl^ult to reach the lower boundary of the snows. 262 CHIMBORAZO. the cone being surrounded by deep ravines; and afte? a near examination of the summit, Humboldt thinks he may assert that it would be altogether impossible to reach the brink of the crater. Travellers who have approached the summits of Mont Blanc and Mont Rosa, are alone capable of feeling the character of the calm, majestic, and solemn scenery of these mountains of the Andes. The bulk of Chimborazo is so enormous, that the part which the eye embraces at once, near the limit of the eter- nal snows, is about 23,000 feet in breadth. The ex- treme rarity of the strata of air across which we see the tops of the Andes, contributes greatly to the splendour of the snow and the magical effect of its reflection. Under the tropics, at a height of about 17,000 feet, the azure vault of the sky appears of an indigo tint. The outlines of the mountain detach themselves from the sky in this pure and transparent atmosphere, while the inferior strata of the air, repos- ing on a plain destitute of vegetation, which reflects the radiant heat, are vaporous, and appear to veil the middle ground of the landscape. The sides of the mountain present that gradation of vegetable life, which may be followed on the western top of the Andes, from the impenetrable groves of palm-trees to the perpetual snows bordered by thin layers of lichens. At the height of 11,500 feet, the ligneous plants with coriaceous and shining leaves nearly disappear. The region of shrubs is separated from that of the grasses by alpine plants, by tufts of nerteria, valerian, saxifrage, and lobelia, and by small cruciferous plants. The grasses form a very broad belt, covered at intervals with snow, which remains but a few days. This belt, called in the country the pajonal, appears at a distance like a gilded yellow CLDIATE OF QUITO. 263 cai'pet. Its colour forms an agreeable contrast with that of the scattered masses of snow; and is owing to the stalks and leaves of the grasses bm-nt by the rays of the sun in the seasons of great drought. Aboye the pajonal lies the region of cryptogamous plants, which here and there cover the porphyritic rocks des- titute of vegetable earth. Further on, at the limit of the perpetual ice, is the termination of organic life. On a narrow ledge of Chimborazo, which rises amidst the snows on the southern declivity, our travel- lers attempted on the 23rd of June to reach the sum- mit. The point where they stopped to observe the inclination of the magnetic meridian was more eleva- ted than any yet attained by man, being 3609 feet higher than the summit of Mont Blanc. The ridge to which they chmbed, and beyond which they were pre- vented from proceeding by a deep chasm in the snow, was 19,798 feet above the level of the sea ; but the summit was still 1439 feet higher. The blood issued from their eyes, lips, and gums, at this elevation. The climate of the province of Quito is remarkably agreeable, and almost invariable. During the months of December, January, February, arid March, it gene- rally rains every afternoon from half-past one till five: but even at this season the evenings and mornings are most beautiful. The temperatiu'e is so mild, that vegetation never ceases. At the town of Quito the first European corn was sown near the convent of St. Francis by Father Jose Rixi, a native of Flanders; and the monks still show, as a precious relic, the earthen vessel in which the original wheat came from Europe. "Why," asks our author, '"have not men preserved everywhere the names of those who, in place of ravaging the earth, have enriched it with plants useful to the human raceV 264 PERUVIAN BARK. After thus spending tlieir time in exploring the Andes, and examining everything else worthy of their research, the travellers set out in the dh'ection of Lima. They first pointed their course to the great river Ama- zon, and visited the ruins of Lactacunga, Hambato, and Riobamba, in a country, the face of which was entirely changed by the frightful earthquakes of 1797, that de- stroyed nearly 40,000 of the inhabitants. They then with much difficulty passed to Loxa, where, in the forests of Gonzanama and Malacates, they examined the trees which yield the Peruvian bark. They next Peruvian Bark, PERUVIAN ANTIQUITIES. 26o proceeded to inspect the magnificent remains of the causeway of the Incas, which traversed the porphyritic summits of the Andes from Cuzco to Assuay, at a height varying from 7670 to 11,510 feet. At the village of Chamaya, on a river of the same name, they took ship and descended to the Amazon. With the view of completing the map of this country, made by the French astronomer. La Condamine, they proceeded as far as the cataracts of Rentama; Bonpland employ- ing himself, as usual, in examining the subjects of the vegetable kingdom, among which he discovered several new species of Cinchona*. Returning to Peru, they crossed the Cordillera of the Andes for the fifth time. They then proceeded to ex- amine the mines of Hualgayoc, where large masses of native silver are found, at an elevation of 11,613 feet above the sea, and which, together with those of Pasco and Huantajayo, are the richest in Peru. From Caxa- marca, celebrated for its hot springs and the ruins of the palace of Atahualpa, they went down to TruxiUo. In this neighbourhood are the remains of the ancient Peruvian city Mansiche, adorned with pyramids, in one of which an immense quantity of gold was discovered in the eighteenth century. Descending the western Blope of the Andes they beheld for the first time the Pacific Ocean, and the long narrow valley bounded by its shores, in which rain and thunder are unknown. From TruxiUo they followed the arid coast of the South Sea, and at length arrived at Lima, where they remained several months. In Januaiy, 1803, Humboldt and his friends em- barked for Guayaquil, in the vicinity of which they * This is the generic term for two species of Peruvian trees, which yield thefamoua " Jesuits' bark." 266 MEXICO. found a splendid forest of palms, plumerise, tabemse montanse, and scitaminese. Here also, as we noticed before, they heard the incessant noise of the volcano of Cotopaxi, which had experienced a tremendous agitation on the 6th of January. From Guayaquvl they proceeded by sea to Acapulco in New Spain Chapter XX. The travellers visit the most remarkable places of Mexico — Cascade of Regla — Volcano of Jorullo — They return to Mexico — Great Pyramid of Cholula — Perote — Small-pox — Canal of Mexico — Con- dition of Agriculture — The Mines — they visit the United States — they return to Europe — Fate of Bonpland — of Humboldt — Visit of the latter to Asia — Conclusion. AcAPULCO, whither our travellers had now arrived, is a sea-port town on the western side of Mexico or New Spain. It was the original intention of Humboldt to remain only a few months in Mexico, and return as speedily as possible to Europe ; more especially as his instruments, and in particular the chronometers, were getting out of order, while he found it impossible to procure others. But the attractions of so beautiful and diversified a country, the great hospitality of its inhabi- tants, and the dread of the yellow fever of Vera Cruz, which usually attacks those who descend from the mountains between June and October, induced him to remain until the middle of winter. After making many of their usual observations and experiments on the atmospherical phenomena, the hourly variations of the barometer, magnetism, and the natural productions of the country, they set out in the direction of Mexico ; gradually ascending by the burn- ing valleys of MescalaandPapagayo, where the thermo- CASCADE OF REGLA. 267 meter rose to almost 90° in the shade, and where the river is crossed on fruits of Crescentia pinnata, attached to each other by ropes of agave. Reaching the ele- vated plains of Chilpantzuigo, Tehuilotepec, and Tasco, situated at an average height of 5000 feet above the level of the sea, they entered a region blessed with a temperate climate, and producing oaks, cypresses, pines, tree-ferns, and the cultivated corn-plants of Europe, After visiting the silver-mines of Tasco, the oldest and formerly the richest of Mexico, they went up by Cuer- naraca and Guachilaco to the capital. Here they spent some time in the agreeable occupation of examin- ing numerous curiosities, antiquities, and institutions, in making astronomical observations, in studying the natural productions of the surrounding country, and in enjoying the society of enlightened individuals. The longitude of Mexico, which had been misplaced two de- grees on the latest maps, was accurately determined by a long series of obvservations. They next visited the celebrated mines of Moran and Real del Monte, and examined the obsidians of Oyamel, which fonn layers in pearlstone and porphyry, and were used by the ancient Mexicans for the manu- facture of knives. The cascade of Regla is situated in this neighbourhood. The regularity of its basaltic columns is as remarkable as that of the deposits of Staffa. Most of them are perpendicular, though some are horizontal, and others have various degrees of in- clination. They rest upon a bed of clay, beneath which basalt again occurs. On this subject Humboldt has the following remarkable observations : — "In changing our latitude and climate we see a change in the aspect of organic nature, in the form of animals and of plants, which impresses a peculiar cha,- 268 THEIR EXCURSIONS. racter on every zone. With the exception of some aquatic and cryptogamous vegetables, the soil in every region is covered with different plants. It is not so with inanimate nature, with that aggregation of earthy substances, which covers the surface of our planet ; the same decomposed granite, on which, amid the frosts of Lapland, the vacciniums, the andromedas, and the moss that nourishes the rein-deer, vegetate, is found again in those bowers of fern-trees, of palms, and of heliconia, the shining foliage of which unfolds itself under the in- fluence of the equatorial heats. When at the end of a long voyage, after passing from one hemisphere to ano- ther, the inhabitant of the north lands on some distant shore, he is surprised to find, amid a crowd of unknown productions, those strata of slate, micaceous schist, and trappean porphyry, that form the arid coasts of the old continent, bathed by the icy ocean. Under every cli- mate the rocky crust of the globe presents the same appearance to the traveller; he everywhere finds, and not without emotion in the midst of a new world, the rocks of his native country." Returning from this excursion in July 1803, they next made another to the northern part of the kingdom, in the course of which they inspected the aperture made in the mountain of Suicog for the purpose of draining the valley of Mexico. They next passed by Queretaro, Salamanca, and the fertile plains of Yrapuato, on their way to Guanaxuato, a large city placed in a narrow defile, and celebrated for its mines. Here they remain- ed two months, making researches into the geology and botany of the neighbouring country. Thence they proceeded by the valley of San Jago to Yalladolid, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Mechoacan ; and notwithstanding a continuance of heavy autumnal rains, VOLCANO OF JORULLO. 269 descended by Patzquaro, which is situated on the edge of an extensive lake towards the shores of the Pacific Ocean, to the plains of JoruUo. Here they entered the great crater, making their way over crevices, which exhaled ignited sulphuretted hydrogen, and experienc- ing much danger from the brittleness of the lava. The formation of this volcano is one of the most extra- ordinary phenomena which have been observed on our globe. The plain of Malpais, covered with small cones, from six to ten feet in height, is part of an elevated table-land, bounded by hills of basalt, trachyte, and vol- canic tuff. From the period of the discovery of Ame- rica to the middle of the last centiu-y, this district had undergone no change of surface, and the seat of the crater was then covered with a plantation of indigo and sugar-cane; when, in June 1759, hollow sounds were heard, and a succession of earthquakes continued for two months, to the great consternation of the inhabi- tants. From the beginning of September everything seemed to announce the re-establishment of tranquil- lity; but in the night of the 28th the frightful subter- ranean noises again commenced. The Indians fled to the neighbouring mountains. A tract three to four square miles in extent rose up in the shape of a dome; and those who witnessed the phenomenon asserted, that flames were seen issuing from a space of more than six square miles, while fragments of burning rocks were projected to an immense height, and the surface of the ground undulated like an agitated sea. Two brooks which watered the plantations precipi- tated themselves into the burning chasms. Thou- sands of the small cones described above, suddenly appeared, and in the midst of these eminences, called hornitos, or ovens, six great masses, having an elevation 270 HORNITOS. of from 1312 to 1640 feet above the original level of the plain, sprang up from a gulf running from N.N.E. to S.S.W. The most elevated of these mounds is the great volcano of Jorullo, which is continually burning. The eruptions of this central volcano continued till February 1760, when they became less frequent. The Indians, who had abandoned all the villages within thirty miles of it, returned once more to their cottages, and advanced towards the mountains of Aguasarco and Santa Ines, to contemplate the streams of fire that issued from the numberless apertures. The roofs of the houses of Queretaro, more than 166 miles distant, were covered with volcanic dust. When Humboldt visited this place, he was assured by the natives that the heat of the hornitos had for- merly been much greater. The thermometer rose to 203° when placed in the fissures, which exhaled aque- ous vapour. Each one of the cones emitted a thick smoke, and in many of them a subterranean noise was heard, which seemed to indicate the proximity of a fluid in ebullition. Two streams were at that period seen bursting through the argillaceous vaults, and were found by the travellers to have a temperature of 127°. The Indians give them the names of the two rivers which had been engulphed; because in several parts of the Malpais great masses of water are heard flow- ing in a direction from east to west. Humboldt him- self considers all the district to be hollow. The Indians of this province are represented as the most industrious of New Spain. They had a con- siderable talent for cutting out images in wood, and dressing them in clothes made of the pith of an aqua- tic plant, which being very porous imbibes the most vivid colours. Two figures of this kind which Hum- PYRAMID OF CHOLULA. 271- boldt presented to the Queen of Prussia, exhibit the characteristic traits of the American race, together with a strange mixture of the ancient costume with that which was introduced by the Spaniards. The travellers retui'ned to Mexico by the elevated plain of Tolucca, after examining the volcanic moun- tains in its vicinity. They also visited the celebrated cheiranthostsemon of Cervantes, a tree of which it was at one time supposed there did not exist more than a single specimen. They remained here for several months, for the purpose of arranging their botanical and geological collections, calculating the barometrical and trigonometrical measurements they had made, and sketching the plates of the geological atlas which Humboldt proposed to publish. They also assisted in placing a colossal equestrian statue of the king, which had been cast by a native artist. In January, 1804, they left Mexico in order to examine the eastern declivity of the Cordillera of New Spain. They like- wise measured the great pyramid of Cholula, an extra- ordinary monument of the Toltecks, from the summit of which there is a splendid view of the snowy moun- tains and beautiful plains of Tlascala. It is built of brick, dried in the sun, alternating with layers of clay. They then descended to Xalapa, a city placed at an elevation of 4335 feet above the sea, in a delightful climate. The dangerous road which leads from it to Perote, through almost impenetrable forests, was thrice barometrically levelled by Humboldt. Near the latter place is a mountain of basaltic porphyry, remark- able for the singular form of a small rock placed on its summit, and which is named the "Coffer of Perote." This elevation commands a very extensive prospect over the plain of Puebla, and the eastern slope of the Cor- 272 SMALL-POX. dilleras of Mexico, which is covered with dense forests. From it they also saw the harbour of Vera Cruz, the Castle of St. Juan of Ulloa, and the sea-coast. Humboldt has published a topographical and phy- acal description of Mexico, by means of which, and the visits of subsequent travellers, this part of the globe no longer remains among the least known of those remote countries over which the power of Europe has extended." Before Humboldt's visit, the maps of the country were so inaccurate, that the longitude and latitude of the capital were uncertain. On the 21st of February, 1803, the inhabitants of Mexico were alarmed by a total eclipse of the sun, which eclipse was set down in the almanacs of the place as being scarcely visible. We cannot follow the disquisitions of the learned traveller on the condition of New Spain, because the limits of this little work would not allow us to furnish more than a meagTe and uninteresting outline; and because, likewise, though the physical relations of New Spain stand nearly as they did when Humboldt visited it, such a treatise would better be- come a regular and methodical history of the country of Mexico. We shall content ourselves, therefore,, with referring to two or three curious facts. One of the causes which, amongst others, tends to retard the increase of numbers in Mexico, is the small- pox. It seems to exert its power at periods of seventeen or eighteen years. It has been less destructive of late years, chiefly in consequence of the zeal with which ino- culation was propagated. The vaccine method was in- troduced in various parts of Mexico and South America at the commencement of the present century. Hum- boldt mentions a curious circumstance, tending to show that the discovery of our celebrated countryman, Dr. THE LAKE NEAR JIEXICO. 273 Jenner, had long been knoAvn to the country-people among the Andes of Peru. A negro slave, who had been inoculated for the small-pox, shewed no symptom of the disease, and when the practitioners were about to repeat the operation, he told them he was certain that he should never take it, for when milking cows in the mountains, he had been affected with cutaneous eruptions, caused, as the herdsman said, by the contact of pustules sometimes found on the udders. It is a great disadvantage to Mexico that it stands nearly on a level with the surrounding lake; which, in seasons of heavy rains, overwhelms it with destructive inundations. The construction of a desague, or canal, to carry off the waters of the Lake of Zumpango, and of the principal river by which it is fed, has since 1629, prevented any very desolating flood. The de~ sagiie, though not conducted with skill and judgment, cost 1,040,000^., and is one of the most stupendous hydraulic works ever executed. "Were it filled with water, the largest vessels of war might pass by it through the range of mountains which bound the plain of Mexico. The alarms, however, have been frequent, and cannot well cease while the level of that lake is 20 feet above that of the great square of Mexico. The appearance of the country of Mexico shows that the inhabitants are nourished by the soil, and that they are independent of foreign commerce. Yet agricul- ture is by no means so flourishing as might be expec- ted from its natural resources, although considerable improvement has taken place of late years. The low state of cultivation has been generally attributed to the existence of rich mines; but Humboldt, on the con- trary, maintains that the working of these ores has been beneficial, in causingmany places to be improved which T 274 PULQUE. would otherwise have remained barren. When a vein is opened on the sterile ridge of the Cordilleras, the new colonists can only draw the means of subsistence from a great distance. Want soon excites to industry, and farms begin to be established in the neighbourhood. The high price of provisions requites the cultivator for the hard life to which he is exposed, and the ravines and valleys become gradually covered with food. When the mine fails, and the workmen retire, the population diminishes, but the settlers usually stay in the spot where they have passed their childhood. The Indians, ' too, prefer living in the solitudes of the mountains, remote from the whites, and this circumstance tends to increase the number of inhabitants in such districts. The plant called the maguey, (agave Americana,) is extensively reared for the purpose of converting its juice into a spirituous liquor called pulque. The finest plantations of it seen by the travellers were in the valley of Tolucca and on the plains of Cholula. This latter place is celebrated for the old pyramids, which remain as memorials of ancient Mexican grandeur. When the travellers left the city of Mexico, they went down to the port of Vera Cruz, which is situated among sand-hills, in a burning and unhealthy climate. They happily escaped the yellow fever, which most usuaUy attacks people who come down from the moun- tains, and those who aiTive by sea; and having em- barked in a Spanish frigate for Havannah, where they had left part of their specimens, they sojoui*ned there two months. After this, they set sail for the United States, and an-ived at Philadelphia: they afterwai'ds visited Washington, and spent eight weeks in that inte- resting country, for the purpose of studying its political constitution and commercial relations. In August, 1804, they returned to Europe. Pulque planb. Chol-i T2 CAPTIVITY OF BONPLAND. 277 The extensive collections which they had made during their perilous and fatiguing journeys, and the general results of their expedition, have been of the highest importance to policy, historical knowledge, and science. Natural history, botany, astronomy, and geography, have been aided and advanced with reference to the American part of the torrid zone. We are told that, when these philosophic travellers had returned from America, Bonpland was appointed by Buonaparte to the office of superintending the gardens of Malmaison, where the Empress Josephine, who was passionately fond of flowers, had formed a splendid collection of exotics. The amenity of his disposition, as well as his acquirements, procured for him the esteem of all who knew him. In 1818 he went to Buenos Ayres as Professor of Natural History In 1820 he undertook an expedition into the interior of Paraguay; but, when he had arrived at St. Anne, on the eastern bank of the Parana, where he had es- tablished a colony of Indians and a tea-plantation, he was suddenly surrounded by a troop of soldiers, who destroyed the plantation, and carried him off a pri- soner. This was done by order of Dr. Francia, go- vernor of Paraguay; and the only reason given was, his having planted the tea-tree peculiar to that coun- try, and which forms a valuable article of exportation. He was confined chiefly in Santa Martha, but was allowed to practise as a physician. Humboldt, who makes pathetic mention of him, as we narrated at page 243, applied in vain for the liberation of his friend, who did not until very lately obtain his liberty. In October, 1818, Humboldt was in London where it was said that the Allied Powers had requested him to draw up a political view of the South American 278 Humboldt's journey into Asia. colonies. About the same time the king of Prussia granted him a pension of 12,000 dollars, in order to facilitate the execution of a plan -which he had formed of visiting Asia, and especially the mountains of Thi- bet. In the year 1822, he accompanied his Majesty to the Congress of Verona, and afterwards yisited Venice, Rome, and Naples ; and in 1827 and 1828, he delivered, at Berlin, a course of lectures on the physical constitution of the globe, which was attended by the royal family and the Court. In the year 1829 he undertook another important journey to the XJra- lian mountains, the frontiers of China, and the Caspian Sea. We refrain from offering the reader any epi- tome of this expedition because the limits of this work warn us to come to a conclusion, and because the expedition just referred to, is better fitted for the attention of the votary of science, than for the lover of general literature. TWE END. LONDON : HARRISON AND CO. PBINTBRS, ST. martin's LANE. *^' This book (S due at the WALTER R. DAVIS LIBRARY on the last date stamped under "Date Due." If not on hold, it may be renewed by bringing it to the library. ^"JJI RETURNED DATE DUE RETURNED MAY 2 8 2007 *^ 1 1AY ? 6 200 1, nr"^ -• ^ ?nna t)2008 FEB 1^ mi -' '^^ -( ^iilu HAY i 2012 HAY i - m _