Revivals HovToHaveThem GGo.PHall Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 REVIVALS AND HOW TO HAVE THEM. A BRIKF MANUAI, OF EVANGELISTIC METHODS FOR AI.I. EVANGEIylCAI, CHURCHES, TO WHICH IS APPENDED A I- to use them. ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN? By GEO. F. HALL. If not, you are in a lost state. No matter who vou are, nor where you hail from, you have no hope'out of Christ. Distinguished bi^h cannot avail in your salvation; nor wealth, nor honor, nor learning. ' All these things are good if consecrated to the Lord, but otherwise they are worse than filthy rags, for of them- selves they can do naught but intensify eternal pun- ishment. Why depend upon human gifts for re- demption? Christ aloyie coji sai e. Why not become a Christian to-day ? To-morrow may be too late. God has nowhere promised us an- other day in which to repent. He says: *'Now is the accepted time. To-day is the day of salvation Life is uncertain. Death is certain, and ''after death the judgment.'' Every time we breathe two persons die somewhere. Your time may come soon. Are you ready? At the great Lisbon earthquake it is estimated that 60.CKX) persons perished in six minutes. Few of the number were ready to die. We ought to live every hour as though it were-biir last upon earth. The terms of salvation are very simple. No miracle is necessary in conversion. It is a shame that many theologians have thrown a cloud of mysticism about the Christian religion. But be assured, dear unsaved reader, that the way to God is clear and eas}-. 1st, hear the Word {^l^n. 17:5.; 2nd, believe (John 3:16\ 3d, repent lActs 17:30 ; 4th, confess Christ (Matt. 10:32i: 5th, be dapiized( Acts2:SS). Take these five steps prayerfully and sincerely, and your sins will be for- given: you will be a member of the Church of Christ, a Christian, and an heir to eternal glory. A faithful life will then insure you an unfading crown at God's right hand. Will you not accept the- blessed invita- tation to come right now ? Say YES. "Thou, God, seest me !" REVIVALS. 25 Another good tract, especially effective in a community seriously tinctured with infidelity. In a town of 25,000 inliabitants not less than 5,000 Announcement Cards, with a short, pointed tract on back, should be carefully distributed each week by the "Committee of 70." IS CHRISTIANITY DYING? Not if statistics prove anything, and they certainly do. The January 2 (1896) number of the New York Independent (one of the leading religious journals of the world) contained a symposium on church pro- gress in America, from which the following interest- ing statistics have been deduced: Disciples of Christ, increase in U.S. since 1890, 229,966—35 % Catholics, 7 kinds, " " " 1,243,568—19 % Congregatioualists, 1 kind, " " " 67,229—13 % Presbyterians, 12 kinds, " " " 137 872—11 % Episcopals, 2 kinds, " " " 60,255—11 % Methodists, 17 kinds, " " " 3.52,245— 7 % I^utherans, 18 kinds, " " " 78,06i- 6 % Baptists, 13 kinds, " " " 67,771— 2 % Unitarians, " " " 501, less than 1% Universalists, decrease " '* 3,0136 At this rate, it will take infidelity a long, long time to stamp out the religion of Jesus. Never since the early days of the Christian era were the followers of the meek and lowly Nazarene so active as at the present time. The gospel has girdled the earth with a thousand chains of love, and the old, old story of a Saviour's sacrifice is transforming the lives of mil- lions in every clime; and when all professing Chris tians shall get closer to their Divine Master, and closer to each other, in the ' ' unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace," the complete triumph of Chris- tianity over skepticism, paganism, indifferentism, and all kindred evils will be the more quickly and surely achieved. 26 REVIVALS. Here is a Tract I have used for years with great effect, especially in communities where there are many unconverted thinks ing men. Interesting Facts* Our lamented president, James A. Garfield, Tvho lived and died a member of, and was for some years a preacher in, the Christian Church, was once requested by a lady to formulate a statement which would give her a more definite idea as to our doc- trinal position. The following is a copy of Mr. Gar- field's statement: "1. We call ourselves Christians or Disciples. " 2. We believe in God, the Father. " .3. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and our Saviour. We regard the divinity of Christ as the fundamental truth of the Christian system. " 4. We believe in the Holy Spirit, both as to His agency in conversion and as a dweller in the heart of the Christian. "5. We accept both the Old and the New Testa- ment Scriptures as the inspired Word of God. "6. We believe in the future punishment of the wicked and the future reward of the righteous. '* 7. We believe that Deit}- is a prayer-hearing and prayer-answering God. "8. We observe the institution of the Lord's Sup- per on every Lord's Day. To this table we neither invite nor debar. We say it is the Lord's Supper for all the Lord's children. "9. We plead for the union of all God's people on the Bible and the Bible alone. " 10. The Bible is our only creed, "11. We maintain that all the ordinances should be observed as they were in the days of the apostles." Do you not heartily endorse these expressions ? If so, " come thou with us, and we will do thee good." REVIVALS, 27 Mu Favorite Tract for covers the ground- What Shall I Do to be Saved ? 1. — Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Read Jno. 3:16; Acts 10:43, also 16:31. 2. — Repent — Turn away from Sin. I.uke 24:47; Acts 3: 19; Acts 17:30. 3 Confess. Christ before the World. Matt. 10:32; Acts 8:37; Rom. 10:9-10. 4. — Be Baptized in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 2:38; Rora. 6:3-4. 5. — Do all this Sincerely, Calling on the Name of the Lord. Acts 22:16; Rom. 10:13; Joel 2:32. 6. — Lead a Faithful, Prayerful Christian Life. 2 Peter 1 :5 11 ; 1 Thess. 5:16-23; Rev. 22:14. Dear reader, the above scriptures clearly explain to you your duty. Remember, they'set forth God's re- quirements, not man's. This matter should be taken seriousl}', therefore, and you should not rest until you have complied with every condition of salvation. In becoming a Christian you have everything to gain, nothing to lose. Then why hesitate ? ♦'To=day if you will hear His voice harden not your heart.'* Decide promptly, for your eternal destiny hinges upon what you do with Christ. Life is short and very uncertain. Death is on your track. Get ready for the Judgment ! "Blessed are they who do His commandments. Please study our Lord's requirements as set forth in the above references, and then ask your conscience if you have complied therewith. If lacking in any- thing, delay not to arise and obey, that you may have peace from Above. the whole thing in a nutshell. THE BIBLE PLAN. 28 REVIVALS. Forms I Have Used for Choir and Subscriptions. CHOIR PLEDGE. I HEREBY VOLUNTARILY PLEDGE MYSELF a member of the CHORUS CHOIR for the HALL HUTTO REVIVAL MEET- INGS to be held in our city, commencing Unless unavoidably hindered, I promise to be present at every service, and in my place on the platform promptly on time, and to be subject entirely to the direction of the leader, PROF. Ed. M. Hutto, in all matters pertaining to the work of the Choir. {Name) (Pari) {Residence) IMPORTANT.— First— Each member will fill out two cards; retain one and return the other to the pastor, who will turn them over to Prof. Hutto. Second— Wear your badge at every service. Third- Spend a few moments in earnest prayer for God's blessing before coming to each meeting. Fourth— If late, remain in audience and report to leader at close of service. A FREE WILL OFFERING. I hereby pledge cents per day toward the expenses of the Gospel Meetings to be conducted by Hall and Easton at the Christian Tabernacle, De^ catur, III., beginning January 6, 1895. Name Address. ♦♦The Lord loveth a cheerful giver." REVIVALS. 29 The ushers estimated that i,6oo men were present at this service, 5,000 tickets having been distributed. ADMIT ONE. FREE TICKET TO THE Zeetare for /T\ei) Oply (boys under 13 NOT ADMITTED.) Ht Powers' Grand Opera House, Decatur, ill. Sunday Afternoon, Feb. 4, 1894, 3 O'clock. (If willing-hearted bring a dime to help pay expenses of revival.) Evangelist Geo. F. Hall will I Prof. Hackleman will sing deliver his celebrated lecture \ "Put on the Brakes, My on ''Personal Purity." Brother." Mr. Hall may be seen at his residence. 832 \V. Wood St., from 8 to 10 a. m., or at his onice in Syndicate Block trom 2 to 4 p. m., every day except Sunday. The manager of the building said there were 2,000 ladies present at this service, and several hundred were unable to gain admission. ADMIT ONE. FREE TICKET TO THE Lecture for Ladies Only Poweis' Grand Opera puse, Decator, ill. Sunday Afternoon, Feb. 11, 1894, 3 O'clock. Evangelist Geo. F.Hall will ( Prof. W. E. M. Hackleman will deliver his popular lecture en- sing "Saved by Mother's Pray- titled "What a Woman Can Do." | er," an original composition. (If willing-hearted bring five cents for the collection basket.) Special Music by Ladies* Choir and Ladies' Quartette. lyittle readies under 5 must stay at home with Papa. 30 REVIVALS. Form for special collection envelope. An abundant supply of these should be found in the racks at every service. "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver." A Free Will Offering to help bear the expenses of the HALL-HUTTO REVIVAL MEETINGS. Seal and drop in Col- lection Basket. Always hll out the following blanks : Name Am't Date. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Sample Announcement Card. This cut can be secured from any engraver at small cost. Christian Church Revival JACKSONVILLE, ILL. welcome! ^rly ^'^"^"'"'j' '^^^^^^^^^lI want a Services every night at 7:30. Big Chorus Choir— Sociable People— and Stirring Gospel Sermons by EVANGELIST GEO. F. HALL. Although but 30 years of age this earnest man has a national reputation as an Author, Pastor, Revivalist and all-around Gospel Worker. SERMON SUBJECTS FOR THIRD WEEK. Sunday morning, March 17th, 1895, - "Christian Watchfulness." Sunday, 3 o'clock, at Christian Church, I^ecture— ''Personal Purity." (To Men Only ) Sunday evening, - - "Down and Up.'" (Chart Sermon.) Monday evening, 18th, - - "The Roman Governor's Question." Tuesday evening, 19th, "I^ost ! A Soul." (On popular amusements.) Wednesday evening, 20th, - "Where Shall I vSpend Kternity?" Thursday evening, 21st, - - "Four Great Conversions " (Blackboard Sermon.) Friday evening, 22nd, - - "Halting Where the Road Forks." Saturday evening, 23rd, - - "Resisting Mother's Prayers." Lecture to Ladies only, Sunday Afternoon, March 24th. REVIVALS, 31 ,000 of the following tickets brought out an immense audience of first/class citizens, and gave us an opportunity to extol the church above all human organizations. ADHITONE! FREE TICKET! TO THE LECTURE TO LODGE PEOPLE pt Powers' liraqd Opera House, Decatur. Sunday Afternoon, Feb. i8, 1894, at 3 O'clock. Evangelist Geo. F. Hall will deliver his I^ecture entitled "The Best Lodge on Earth." Prof. W. E M. Hackleman will siug "This Way, Papa," an original composition. Special Selections by The Large Chorus. 4^If kindly disposed, bring a dime for the Collection Basket. Use special tickets on every big occasion. It is human nature to scramble for free tickets, and evangelists should take advantage of this disposition for the people's own good. At the following service we had nearly 2,000 present, fifteen persons responded to the gospel call, and nearly $3,000 was pledged towards a new church building. ADMIT ONE FREE TICKET. FAREWELL SERVICE At the Christian Tabernacle, Chariton, Iowa. Sunday Eveqing, Sept. 20, 189i, at 7:30 o'ciocK. Evangelist Geo. F. Hall will close his Revival work in this city with an address on "What Chariton Needs." Prof. Ed. M. HUTTO will sing the favorite solo entitled "That Old, Old Story is True."' If willing-hearted, bring a silver dime or quarter for the col- lection basket. B. H. LINGENFELTER, I O. E. PAYNE, \^°^- OtT In FORMATION GEOHBENEDlcr - /^r% /73-7 CLAfiH^T. §:CV Ctt/c/ico. ENGRAVERS n^rr^oSS SELECTROTYPERS.