Were the Where are U 2 Loudly the the Lord' do, - the cu >rd, .-. ' J wiring .^ .1 tenderly nine ?" ho is this ]STazarene?"Pl He the Christ ? tell us pi:fc© pray." o ( Multitudes follow Him seeking a s /Show them His mighty works— \Y are the nine ? »ut ehrtraWH| i^^ 1 ^! ^ OU * J esus on trial to-day Ave can see, with me tooT* > ThousandsderidingVyask/'WhoisHe^' - How they're rejecting Him, your Lord Slliave a robe: 'tis ■.resplendent in and mine! whiteness, \ 'Brinoin the witnesses— "Vr here are t] us Awaiting in glory my wonderin g vi^w : nine ? Oh. when I receive it all shiningU" , ' brightness, \ 1 13 Pear friend, could I see you receivingXjiyXOTF not the hour when iuy Lord one too ! ] JL ) will come ._ i To take me away to His own dear|m V 4 I have a peace ; it is calm as a rivei A peace that the friends of this world never knew ; My Saviour alone is its Author and Giver. But"\ I know that His presence , \ lighten the gloom, Aiid that will he glory for me. And that will he glory for me, And oh. could I know it was given I Oh that will be glory for me + " ' „ i But I know that Hit pretence will t0 J ° U ' the gloom, Wli'en Jesus has found you, tell others I And that will be glory for m e, the story. I 2 I know not the song that tli That my loving Saviour is your Sav- iour too; • hen pray that your Saviour may bring j ring, them to glory. | But I know there 11 be mention ot id prayer will" be answered — 'twas our Kin ivered for yyu! sing, I know not the sound of the harpl 'jfcL ^s&i nd that will be umsnj f« gospel Kymns Consolidated. "We shall siji^r redemption's story, By and by, by and oy j And the strains for evermore Shall resound in sweetness o'er Yonder everlasting shore, By and by, by and by. 3 We shall see and be like Jesus, By aud by, by and by; Who a crown of life will givejis By aud by. ^ And the auL^o*! All the mal e ^ v \l Shall attend ^ By and by. % v 4 There our tears By and by, bj And with swC| By and b\ All'the Tottis .We 5 Ho! all ye heavy-laden con Here's pardon, comfort, rest Ye wanderers from a Fat be Return, accept His profferei II :Xe tempted ones, there's i "'J^l^'f Nazareth passetb ; 6 But i still this caU n And alt Jtus wondrous love Soon will Ilc sadly from yo; Your bitter prayer for par*! II:" Too late! too late!' wi'lj Jesns of Nazareth ha* pa \ Vv& ■^ ioviug Saviour Stands patiently: "u?i ■> rejected. •t^uin for thee. uliing now for thee pi Casing now for thee:} ^hoii ti'if ii;■• ■■■ ft 4v juuudlc^s Ulel ree. +'ree to a] I ! hild of erroj .ffeett the tc Gosf>el Hymns Consolidated. -.oproniise secure; TO for ever must en TirAXD'EIXG- afar from the dwell- YT ingsofnien, Hear tlie sad cry of the lepers — the ten ; "Jesus have mercy!" brings healing divine ; One came to worship, but where are the nine? Where are the nine? Were the/ Where are\ Loudly the J • | the Lord f p" • ", the cm >rd, %>ie? ten clean t«>d! fine ? Inger sang praise t«i had been wrought by owning^. ^f ler Diviu V . K , .,' tenderly ,*** W liere are the. nine?" *^*s hoisthis^azarenerPH^^^y: He the Christ? tell us phi" 9 Multitudes follow Him seekii/g a sign. /Show them His mighty works— Where are the nine ? 4 Jesus on trial to-day we can sw, , Thousands deridingly ask. ' Who is He . How they're rejecting Him, your Lord and mine ! Bringiuthe witnesses— V here are the nine ? 13 vXOW not the hour when iuy Lor< will come . , rhc t ve a rooe: tis" resplendent in whiteness, \, Awaiting in glory my wondering vi^y ; Oh. when 1 receive it all shining m brightness, Dear friend, could I see you receiving js one too ! j 1 . . i To take me away to His own dear® 4 I have a peace ; it is calm as a river— Kllt j know 'that His presence A peace that the friends of this world j lighten the gloom. never knew ; And th at will be glory for me. ■ My Saviour alone is its Author and j ^ ^ ^ ^ qlory for mi% And^eould I know it was *™\^«£&%^&£k the gloom, When Jesus has found you, tell others the story. That my loving Saviour is your Sav- i our too ; • en pray that your Saviour may bring them to glory, prayer will be answered — 'twas is vered for ys»u SiL ^M And that will be glory for me. 2 I know not the song that the I know not the sound of the harp ring, But I know there'll be mention ot our King, d that will be mush- for * Gospel Hymns Oousolidated. And that icili be music for me, Oh. that -will be music for me, But I know there'll be mention of Jesus our King, And that wiU be music for me. 3 I know not the form of my mansion fair, 1 know not the name that I then shall bear ; But I know that my Saviour will wel- come me there, And that will be heaven for me. And that will be heaven for me, Ok. that will be heaven for me, Bui I kaotv that my Saviour will wel- come me there. And that will be heaven for me. 14 HO ! my comrades, see the signal Waving in the sky ! ^Treiaforeements now appearing, Victory is nigh ! "Hold the fort, for I am coming," Jesus signals still, Wave the ansioer back to Heaven, — " By Thy grace we will." 2 See the mighty host advancing. Satan leading on: Mighty men around us falling. Courage almost gone. 3 See the glorious banner waving, , Here the bugle blow ; In our Leader's name we'll triumph ^JJvt-r every foe. 4 Fierce and long the batth rages. But our Help is near ; Onward comes our Great Commander, Cheer, mv comrades, cheer! 15 V THERE is a gate that stands ajar, And through its portals gleaming, A radiance from the cross afar, The Saviour's love revealing. Oh. depth of mercy ! can it be That gate was left ajar for met For me. for me? Was left ajar for me? 2 That gate ajar stands free for) AYho seek through it salvatioj] I The rich and poor, the great an.) I Of every tribe and nation. ! 3 Press onward, then, though f<, frown, i While mercy's gate is open ; Accept the cross and win the Love's everlasting token. 4 Beyond the riv c r s brink w The cross that here is giver ! And bear the crown of life av j And love Him more in hea^ ! 16 FREE from the law, oh. h\ dition, I Jesus hath bled, and there is r<1 Curs'tl by the law and bruis'd bj Grace hath redeemed us oncej Once for all. oh, sinner receivl Once for all, oh, brother, belitX Cling to the cross, the burden W < l Christ hath redeemed us onggfor ac 2 Xow are we free — there' nation, ^ Jesus provides a perfect sanation "Come unto Me,'' oh. hear His gweel • call. I Come, and He saves us once for all. 1 3 '"Children of God," oh, glorious call- ing. j Surely His grace will keep us iron: falling: Passing from death to life at His call. Blessed salvation once for all. 17 — KNOCErSTG. knocking, who is there .1 "Waiting, waiting, oh. how fair! 'Tis a pilgrim, strange and kingly, Never such was seen before. Ah ! my soul, for such a wonder, Wilt thou not undo the door. 2 Knocking, knocking, still He's there. Waiting, waiting, wondrous fair * Bir the door is hard to open. For the weeds and ivv-vine Gospel Hymns Consolidated. [ ie:r dark and clinging tendrils, hound the hinges twine. Jiing, knocking-wkat, still there I ig, waiting, grand and fair ; pierced hand still knocketh, [;eueath the crowned hair patient eysl so tender, ionr, waiting there. 1'TTE the perishing, ire for the dying, pm in pity fronT sin and the er the erring one, the fallen, Jesus, the mighty to save. le the perishing, ' for the dying, is merciful, Will sa re. ,ri they are slighting Him, }e is waiting, e'f penitent child to receive, them earnestly, th them gently ; if they only believe, 'the human heart, y the tempt er. buried that grace can re- st ore ; " Touched by a loving heart. Wakened by kindness, Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. 4 Rescue the perishing, Duty demands it; trength for thy labor the Lord will "provide : Back to the narrow way Patiently win them oil the poor wanderer a Saviour has died. 19 F>IXG the bells of heaven! there is L joy to-day. For a soul returning from the wild ; ^See ! the Father meets him out upon the way, ^Welcoming Hi9 weary, wand'ring. Irild. "" ; Glory! glory! how the angels sing; Glory! glory! hovj the loud harps ri,vi ; 'lis the ransomed army, like a migh ty sea , Pealing forth the anthem of the free. 2 Eing the bells of heaven ! there is joy to-day. For the wanderer now is reconciled ; Yes a soul is rescued from his sinful way. And is born anew a ransomed child! 3 Eing the bells of heaven! spread the feast to-day, Angels swell the glad triumphant strain ! Tell the joyful tidings! bear it faraway ! For a precious soul is born again. 20 J WILL sing you a song of that beau- tiful land, The far away home of the soul. .^~* i Where no storms ever beat on the glit- tering strand While the years of eternity roll. While the years of eternity roll ; Where no storms ever beat on the glit- tering strand While the years of eternity roll. |2 Oh! that home of the soul in my visions and dreams, j Its bright jasper walls I can see ; Till I fancy but thinly the vale inter | ' venes I! : Between the fair city and me Till I fancy- etc. J 3 That unchangeable home is for you and for me. Where Jesus of Xazareth stands : The King of all kingdoms forever is ITi-. || : And He holdeth our crowns in Jiis hands. : || The King of, etc 4 Oh, how sweet it will be in that beau- tiful land. So free from all sorrow and pain : With songs on our lips and with harps, in our hands || : To meet one another again. :|| With songs on, etc. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 21 I GAVE My life for thee, My precious blood I shed, That thou might'st ransomed be, And quickened from the dead; 1 gave, I gave My life for thee, , What hast thou given for Me ? 2 My father's house of light.— My glory-circled throne I left, for earthly night, For wand'rings sad and lone ; I left, I left it all for thee; Hast thou left aught for Me ? 3 I suffered much for thee, More than thy tongue can tell, Of bitterest agony. To rescue thee from (hell: I've borne, I've borue it all for thee, What hast thou borne for Me I 4 And I have brought to thee. ^ Down from My home above, "Salvation full and free. My pardon and My love : I bring. I bring rich gifts to thee, What hast thou brought to Me ? 22 E RE going home. Xo more to roam, Xo more to sin and sorrow ; Xo more to wear The brow of care — We're going home to-morrow. We're going home, (we're going home) we're going home to-morroiv ; Were going home, (we're going home) we f r'e going home to-morrow. *± For weary feet Awaits a street Of wondrous pave and golden ; For hearts that ache, The angels wake The story, sweet and olden. 3 For those who sleep. And those who weep. Above the portals narrow The mansions rise Beyond the skies — . We're going home to-morrow. ■i Oh, joyful song ! (Hi, ransomed throne! w ! Where sin no more shall sever ; Our King to see, And, oh, to be With Him at home forever. 23 I AM so ylad that our Father in in a \ . ,- Tells of His love in the Book Aj.- has given ; | Wonderful things in the Bible I s«;e: This is the dearest that Jesus loves m,-. I am no glad that Jesus loves niS, Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me. I am so glad that Jesus lot':,- me, Jesus loves even me. 2 Though I forget Him. ami ,. away, • Still He doth love me where \ c r L - tiM.f, Back to His dear luring anus wouii flee, r When I remember that JesuS 3<>v- •., .:•■ 3 Oh, if there's only one son- I <:■■-. When in His beauty I see the gre; ■; . This shall my song in eternit} • "Oh what a wonder that •T/sus lo\, me." 1 Jesus loves r :<_■. ami [knowliove Him. Love bro'^ht Him down my goor >>>u to redeem ; Tes, it was love made Him die on tin tree, Oh, I am certain that Jesus loves me. 2 If one should ask of me. how -could i tell? Glory to Jesus I know very well : God's Holy Spirit with mine doth aLrm- Constant^ witnessing — Jesus loves me. 3 In this assurance I find sweetest rest Trusting in Jesus I know I am blest ; Satan dismayed, from my soul now doth flee, When 1 j ust tell him that Jesus loves me. 24 EEJOICE and be «la Rejoice and -be glad ! For the Lamb that was slain leath is triumphant and liveth again. Rejoice and be glad ! For our King is on high, fit plead eth for us on His tarone in the ice and be glad ! He eometh again ; i hi glory, the Lamb that Sound Hi* praises, tell the Story Of Hint who toas slain , Sound His praises, tell tvith gladness, He cometh again. 25 # Yl'E praise Thee, O God! for the Son } \ of Thy love, For Jesus who died, and is now gone above. Hallelujah .' Thine the glory. Hallelujah, j amen. ' Hallelujah ! Thine the glory, revive us again. 2 We praise Thee, O God ! for Thy Spirit of light, Who has shown us our Saviour, and scattered our night. All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, iWho has borne all our sin3, and has cleans 'd every stain. 4 All glory and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us, and sought us, and guided our ways. 5 Revive us again ; fill each heart with Thy love ; May each soul be rekindled with five from above. « CAVIOUR! Thy dying love O Thou gavest me. ~Not should I aught withhold. Dear Lord, from Thee ; In love my soul would bow, My heart fulfil its vow, Some offering bring Thee now. Something for Thee. 2 At the blest mercy-seat. Pleading for me, My feeble faith looks up. Jesus, to Thee : Help me the cross to bear Thy wondrous love declare Some song to raise, or prayer. Something for Thee ! 3 Give me a faithful heart — Likeness to Thee — That each departing day Henceforth may see Some work of love begun, Some deed of kindness doue. Some wand'rer sought and won, Something for Thee. 4 All that I am and have— Thy gifts so free — In joy, in grief, through life, Dear Lord, for Thee ! And when Thy face I see. My ransomed soul shall be Through all eternity. Something for Thee. 27 PASS me not, O gentle Saviour. Hear my humble cry j While on others Thou art smiling. Do not pass me by. Saviour, Saviour, hear my htimble cry. While on others Thou art calling. Do not pass me by. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 2 Let me at a throne of mercy ! Find a sweet relief. Kneeling there in deep contrition, Help my unbelief. 3 Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek Thy face ; Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save ine by Thy grace. 4 Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More than life to me, Whom have I on earth beside Thee ? Whom in heaven but Thee ? Lord, if I may. I'll serve another dai 28 0~KE more day's work for Jesus; One less of life for me ! But heav'n is nearer, And Christ is dearer, Than yesterday to me; His love and light Fill all my soul to-night. One more day's work for Jesus, One mere day's work for Jesus, One more day's xoorkfor Jesus, One less of life for me. 2 One more day's work for Jesus ; How glorious is my King ! 'Tis joy. not duty, To speak His beauty ; My soul mounts on the wing At the mere thought How Christ my life has bought. 3 One more day's work for Jesus ; How sweet the work has been, To tell the story, To show the glory, When Christ's flock enter in! How it did shine In this poor heart of mine ! 4 One more day's work for Jesus — Oh yes. a weary day ; But heaven shines clearer, And rest comes nearer, At each step of the way ; And Christ in all — Before His face I fall. 5 Oh. blessed work for Jesus! Oh. rest at Jesus' feet! There toil seems pleasure. My vrants are treasure, And pain for Him is sweet, 29 TT7HAT a friend we have in Jesus, T T All our sins and griefs to bear; What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer . Oh. what peace we often forfeit. Oh, what needless pain we bear- All because we do not carry I Everything to God in prayer. 2 Have we trials and temptations ? i Is there trouble anywhere '. We should never be discouraged, j Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we And a friend so faithful, '■ Who will all our sorrows shaiv ? Jesus knows our every weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer. 1 3 Are we weak and heavy laden, I Cumbered with a load of care .' (Precious Saviour, still our refiage, ) Take it to the Lord in prayer. iDo thy friends despise, forsakj^trjpe ? ! Take it to the Lord in prayer: In His arms He'll take and shield thee Thou wilt find a solace there. 30 GOD loved the world of sinners lost And ruined by the fall ; i Salvation full, at highest cost, , i He offers free to all. ! Oh. 'twas love, 'ttvas wondrous love! , The love of God to me % It brought my Saviour from above, To die on Calvary. 2 E'en now by faith I claim Him mine, The risen Son of God : Kedemption by His death I find. And cleansing through the blood. 3 Love brings the glorious fulness in, And to His saints makes known The blessed rest from inbred sin, Through faith in Christ alone. 4 Beheving souls rejoicing go : j There shall to you be given A glorious foretaste, here below. j Of endless life in heaven. j5 Of victory now o'er Satan s Let all the ransomed sin ^F t: W Thr. '31 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. i.nd triumph in the dying hour Through Christ the Lord, our King. HATE you on the Lord believed ? Still there's more to follow • Of His grace have you received j Still there's more to follow; Oh. the grace the Father shows ! Still there's more to follow. Freely He His grate bestows, Still there's more to follow. More and more, more and more, Always more to follow ; Oh, His matchless, boundless love . Still there's more to follow. 2 Have you felt the Saviour near ? Still there's more to follow ; Does His blessed presence cheer ? Still there's more to follow ; Oh. the love that Jesus shows! Still there's more to follow, Freely He His love bestows, till there's more to follow. 3£^v- you felt the Spirit's power ? Still there's more to follow ,- Palling iike a gentle shower? Still there's more to follow. Oh, the power the Spirit shows, Still there's more to follow ; Freely He His power bestows, Still there's more to follow. 32 HEAVENLY Father, bless me now, At the cross of Christ I b»"W; - Take my guilt and grief away; Hear and heal me now, I pray. Bless me now, bless me now" Heavenly Father, bless me noio. 2 Now. O Lord ! this very hour, Send Thy grace and show Thy pow r While I rest upon Thy word, Come and bless me now. O Lord. 3 Now, just now. for Jesus' sake, Lift the clouds, the fetters break j While I look, and as I cry. Touch £nd cleanse me ere I die. ^ 4 Never did I so adore Testis Christ, Thy Son. before ; ow the time ! and this the place ! acious Father, show Thv grace. 33 TT^EAET gleaner, whence contest } } thou. With empty hands and clouded brow ? Plodding along^ thy lonely way, Tell me where hast thou gleau d to-day ? Late I found a barren field. The harvest past, io^ search revealed, | Others, golden sheajVv-* had gained, | Only stubble for meTeinained. Forth to the hiCTVest field away ! j Gather your handjuls while you may ; | All day long in the field abide. | Gleaning c]pse by the reapers side. \ 2 Careless gleaner, what hast thou herf', ! These faded flow'rs and leaflets sere ; ; ! Hungry and thirsty, tell me. pray. i Where' oh, where hast thou glean'd to-day \ i All day long in shady bow'rs. I I've gaily sought earth's fairest flowers ; i Now, alas ! too late I see All I've gather'd is vanity. 3 Burdened gleaner, thy sheaves I see, 1 Indeed thou must aweary be ! : Singing along the homeward way. Glad one. where hast thou gleaned to- j day ? Stay me"not, till day is done, , I've gathered handfuls, one by one ■ Here and there for me they fall. i Close by the reapers I've found them all. 1 34 AH, my heart is heavy laden, Weary and oppressed ! | "Come tome." saith One, "and coming, Be at rest!" ■i " Come to Me" saith One. ''and coming, | Be at rest!" ! 2 Hath He marks to lead, me to Him. If He be my Guide \ j "In His feet and hands are wound prints. And His side." j 3 Is there diadem, as monarch, That His brow adorns .' j "Yes, a crown in very surety, But of thorns ! U-ospel Hymns Consolidated. I 4 If I find Him, if I follow, What my portion here ? ■ " Many a sorrow, many a conflict, Many a tear.'' 5 If I still hold closely to Him, What have I at last ? ' " Sorrow vanquished, lahor ended, Jordan past.'' 6 If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay ? " Kot till earth and not till heaven Pass awav." 35 I I HEAR the Saviour say, Thy strength indeed" is small ; Child of weakness, watch and pray Find in Me thine all in all. Jesus paid it all. All to Him I oive; Sin had left a crimson stain *s^ He washed it ivhite as snoiv._ 2 Lord, now indeed I find Thy power, and Thine alone, Can change the leper's spots, And melt the heart of stone. 3 For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claim — I'll wash my garment white In the blood of Calvary's Lamb. 4 When from my dying bed My ransomed soul shall rise, Then "Jesus paid it all'' Shall rend the vaulted skies. 5 And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, "~I'll lay my. trophies down, All down at Jesus' feet. 36 OKTS there is above all others, Oh, how He loves ! His is love beyond a brother's, Oh, how He loves ! Earthly friends may fail or leave us, One day soot lie, the next day grieve us; But this friend will ne'er deceive us, Oh, how He loves ! 2 'Tis eternal life to know Him. Oh, how He loves ! Think.oh. think how much we ow« Him, Oh. how He loves ! With His precious blood He bought us, In the wilderness He sought us. To His fold He safely brought us, Oh, how He loves ! 3 Blessed Jesus ! would you know Him Oh, how He loves ! Give yourselves entirely to Him, Oh. how He loves ! Think no longer of the morrow. From the past new courage borrow, Jesus carries all your sorrow, Oh, he loves ! 4 All your sins shall be forgiwen. Oh. how He loves ! Backward shall your foes be dtiven, Oh, how He loves ! j Best of blessings He'll provide vou. bought but good shall e'er betide you. Safe to glory He will giude you. Oh. how He loves T 37 m TELL me the Old, Old Story, Of unseen things above, .- _ , Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love : Tell me the Story simply, As to a little child, For I am weak and weary, And helpless and defiled. Tell me the Old. Old Story, Tell me the Old, Old Story, Tell me the Old, Old Story, Of Jesus and Hfe love, 2 Tell me the Story slowly, That I may take it in — That wonderful redemption, Cod's remedy for sin ; Tell me the Story often, For I forgot so soon, The " early dew " of morning Has passed away at noon. 3 Tell me the Story softly. With earnest tones, and grave ; Eemember ! I'm the sinner Whom Jesus came to save ; Tell the Stoiy always, If you would really be In any t! 3 of trouble. A comforter to nu*. F Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 4 Tell me the same Old Story "When you have cause to fear That this world's empty glory Is costing me too dear ; Yes. and when that world's glory Is dawning on my soul. Tell me the Old, Old Story ; " Christ Jesus makes thee whole. 38 (10ME home ! come home! J You are weary at heart, For the way has been dark, And so lonely and wild. O prodigal' child ! Come home, oh, come home ! Come home ! Come, oh, come home ! '1 Come home ! come home I For we watch and we wait, And we stand at the gate, While the shadows are piled. O prodigal child ! Come home, oh, come home ! '3 Coiue home ! come home ! From the sorrow and blame, From the sin and the shame, And the tempter that smiled. O prodigal child ! Come home, oh. come home! 4 Come home ! come home ! There is bread and to spare, And a warm welcome there, Then, to friends reconciled, prodigal child ! Come home, oh, come home I I I LOVE to tell the Story Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love ; I love to tell the Story, Because I know it's true ; It satisfies my longings. As nothing 1 else would do. I love to tell the Story ! Tivill be my theme in glory, To tell the Old, Old Story Of Jesus and His love. 2 I love to tell the Story ! More wonderful it seems, Than all the golden fancies Of all our golden dreams ; I love to tell the Story 1 It did so much for me ; And that is just the reason, I tell it now to thee. 3 I love to tell the Story ! "Tis pleasant to repeat What seems, each time I tell it, More wonderfully sweet ; I love to tell the Story, For some have never heard The message of salvation From God's own Holy Word. 4 I love to tell the Story ! For those who know it best Seem hungering and thirsting To hear it, like the rest ; And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the Xew. Xew Song, 'Twill be— the Old, Old Story That I have loved so long. 40 HOLY Spirit, faithful guide. Ever near the Christian's side; Gently lead us by the hand, Pilgrims in a desert land ■ Weary souls for e'er rejoice. While they hear that sweetest voice, j Whisp*ring softly, wanderer, come ; Follow Me, I'll guide thee home. ; 2 Ever present truest Friend, Ever near Thine aid to lend, i Leave us not to doubt and fear, I Groping on in darkness drear. I When the storms are raging sore, I Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o'er- Whisper softly, wanderer, come ! j Follow Me, I'll guide thee home. ; 3 When our days of toil shall cease, j Waiting still for sweet release. Xothing left but heaven and prayer, Wond'ring if our names were there, Wading deep the dismal flood. Pleading nought but Jesus' blood ; J Whisper softly, wanderer, come ! Follow Me. I'll guide thee home! Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 41 THE whole world was lost in the dark ness of sin ! The Light of the world is Jesus ; Like sunshine at noonday, His glory- shone in, The Light of the world is Jesus. Gome to the Light, 'tis shining for thee : Sweetly the Light has dawn'd upon me, Once I was blind, but now I can see : The Light of the world is Jesus. 2 Kb darkness have we who in Jesus abide. The Light of the world is Jesus ; We walk in the Light when we follow our Guide. The Light of the world is Jesus. 3 Ye dwellers in darkness with sin- blinded eyes, The Light of the world is J esus .- Go. wash, at His bidding, and light will *•* arise, The Light of the world is Jesus. 4 Kb need of the sunlight in heaven. we're told. The Light of the world is Jesus ; The Lamb is the Light in the City of Gold, The Light of that world is Jesus. 42 THE Spirit, oh, sinner, In mercy doth move Thy heart, so long hardened, Of sin to reprove ; Resist not the Spirit, Xor longer delay ; God"s gracious entreaties, may end with to-day. 2 Oh. child of the kingdom. From sin service cease : Be filled with the Spirit, With comfort and peace. Oh. grieve not the Spirit. Thy Teacher is He, That Je sus, thy Saviour, mayglorified be , 3 Defiled is the temple, Its beauty laid low, On God's holy altar The embers faint glow. By love yet rekindled. A flame may be fanned. Oh, quench not the Spirit, the Lord is ai hand ! 43 BEXEATH the Cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand — The shadow of a mighty Bock. Within a weary land. A home within the wilderness, A rest upon the way, From the burning of the noontide heat. And the burden of the day. 2 O safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet, trysting-place where Heaven's love. And Heaven's justice meet ! As to the Holy Patriarch That wondrous dream was given. So seems my Saviour's Cross to mr- A ladder up to heaven. 3 There lies beneath its shadow. But on the furtner side, The darkness oi an awfui grave Thst gapes both deep and wid.J r^ And there between us stands the C v> • - -" Two arms outstretched to save, — Like a watchman set to guard the way From that eternal grave. 4 Upon that Cross of Jesus. Mine eye at times can see The very dying form of One. Who suffered there for me ; And from my smitten heart with tear- Two wonders I confess — The wonders of His glorious love. And my own worthlessness. 5 I take. O Cross. Thy shadow For my abiding place ; 1 ask no' other sunshine Than the sunshine of His face ; Content to let the world go by, To know no gain nor loss, — My sinful self, my only shame, — Mv glorv all the Cross. 44 i_ Tl^ITH harps and with viols, there » T stand a great throng In the presence of Jesus, and sing thi* new song : — G-ospel Hymns Consolidated. Unto Him who hath loved us andtvash- 1 „ ed us from sin. Unto Him be the glory forever. Amen. 2 All these once were sinners, denied in His sight, Xow arrayed in pure garments in praise they unite. 3 He maketk the rebel a priest and a king, He hath hought us and taught us this new song to sing. 4 How helpless and hopeless we sinners TThdlifteth upon me the light of His fan If He never "had loved us till cleansed 3 0h : ,™f of the P urified ! bUss « th And point to the print of the nails in Ilia hand. Oh si?ig of His mighty love, Sing of His mighty love, Sing of His mighty love, Mighty to save. 2 Oh , bliss of the purified, Jesus is m i u v. . Xo longer in dread condemnation J pine; In conscious salvation I sing of His grace, from our sin. 5 Aloud in His praises our voices shall ring. So that others believing, this new song shall sing. 45 1 ESTJB, keep me near the Cross, f i There a precious fountain F.vi".- ;n all — a healing stream, — -"' Flow s from Calvary's mountain. /;/ the Criiss. in the Cross, Be my glory ever ,- Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. 2 X; j ar the Cross, a trembling soul, Love and mercy found me ; There the bright and morning star Shed its beams around me. 3 Xear the Cross ! Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me ; Help me walk from day to day, With its shadow o'er me. 4 Xear the Cross I'll watch and wait Hoping, trusting ever. Til] I reach the golden strand, Just bevond the river. pure , I Xo wound hath the soul that His blood cannot cure; | Xo sorrow-bowed head but may sweetly find rest, Xo tears but may dry them on Jesus' dear breast. 4 0,Jesus the crucified! Thee will I sin "i seed with an achingheart. Sowing the seed while the tear-drops start. Sowing in hope till the reapers come, Gladly to gather the harvest home; Oh.' what shall the harvest be ? Oh, what shall the harvest be? 80 THERE is life for a look at the Cruci- fied One, There is life at this moment for thee : '.Then look, sinner, look unto Him and be saved. Unto Him who was nailed to the tree. Tiookl look! look and live.' There is life for a look at the Crucified One', There is life at this moment for thee. 2 Oh, why was He there as the Bearer of sin, If on Jesus thy guilt was not laid? \ Oh, why from His side flowed the sin cleansing blood, If His dying thy debt has not paid ? 3 It is not thy tears of repentance and prayers, But the Blood, that atones for the soul ; On Him, then, who shed it, thoumayest at once Thy weight of iniquities roll. 4 Then doubt not thy welcome, since God has declared There remained no more to be done j That once in the end of the world He appeared. And completed the work He begnn. 5 Then take with rejoicing from Jesus at once The life everlasting He gives; And know with assurance thou never can' st die Siuce Jesus thy righteousness, lives. 81 T"ET there is room ! the Lamb'sbright^" hall of song, TTith its fair glory, beckons thee along: Room, room, still room! oh, enter, enter now ! 2 Day is declining, and the sun is low; The shadows lengthen, light makes haste to go : Boom, room, still room ! oh, enter, enter now! 3 The bridal hall is filling for the feast: Pass in, pass in, and be the Bride- groom's guest; Boom, room, still room ! oh, enter, enter now:! 4 It fills, it fills, that hall of jubilee! Make haste, make haste; 'tis not too full for thee : Boom, room, still room! oh, enter, enter now! 5 Yet tli ere is room! still open stands j the gate, The gate of love; it is not yet too late: 4 Boom, room, still room ! oh, enter, enter I now! 6 Pass, in, pass in ! that banquet is ! for thee ; That cup of everlasting love is free; Boom, room, still room! oh, enter, enter \ now! Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 27 ? All heaven is there, all joy ! go in. go ill; I The angels beckon thee the prize to win : Room, room, still room ! oh. enter, enter now! 8 Louder and sweeter, sounds the loving call; Come, lingerer, come ; enter that festal hall: Room, room, still room ! oh, enter, enter now! 9 Ere night that gate may close, and' seal thy doom ; Then the last, low, long cry : — " No room. no room !" No room, no room : — oh, woful cry, "No j ONLY an armor-hearer, proudly I stand, Waiting to follow at the King's com- mand; Marehingjf "onward' ' shall the order be. Standing" by my Captain, serving faith- fully. Hear yethebattle cry fForvjard" the call! See! see the faltering ones! backward they fall. \\: Surely the Captain may depend on me. Thoughbut an armor-bearer I may be.:\\ 2 Only an armor-bearer, now in the field. Guarding a shining helmet, sword, and shield, Waiting to hear the thrilling battle-cry. Ready then to answer, "Master, here a hi I." 3 Onlyan armor- bearer, yet may I share Glory immortal, and a bright crown wear: If. in the battle, to my trust I'm true, Mine shall be the honor* in the Grand Re- lew 83 : LIGHT in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand ! See o'erthe foaming billows fair Haven's land, Drear was the voyage, sailor, now almost o'er, Safe within the life-boat, sailor, pull for the shore. Pull for the shore, sailor, pull for the shore! Reed not the rolling waves, but bend to ■ the oar ,- ' Safe in the life-boat, sailor, cling to self no more ! Leave the poor old stranded v-reck, and pull for the shore. 2 Trust in the life-boat, sailor, all else i will fail, ! Stronger the surges dash, and fiercer the gale, | Heed not the stormy winds, though loud- ly they roar : Wau-h the "bright and morning staTT~ and pull for the shore. 3 Bright gleams the morning, sailor, up lift the eye ; Clouds and darkness disappearing, glory is nigh ! Safe in the life-boat, sailor, sing ever- more ; Glory, glory, hallelujah !" pull for the shore. 84 SUN of my soul, Thou Saviour dear, It is not night, if Thou be near ; Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise. To hide Thee from Thy servant's eves. 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep My wearied eye-lids gently steep. Be my last thought, how sweet to rest Forever on my Saviour's breast. 3 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live : Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. 4 If some poor wandering child of Th ine Have sruirner' to-day the voice divine — 28 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. pBRsSc. Lord, the gracious work begin, Let iiiiu lie down no more in sin. 5 Watch by the sick: enrich the poor "With blessings from Thy boundless store ; Be every mourner's sleep to-night. Like infant's slumbers, pure and light. 6 Come near and bless us when we wake, Ere through the world our way we take, Till in the ocean of Thy love.' "We lose ourselves in heaven above. % ■ TESUS. lover of my soul. Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll. While the tempest still is high : Hide me. oh, my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past ; Safe into the haven guide. Oli. receive my soul at last. 'J Ot-rtv : . xefnse have I none. iiangs mv helpless soul on Thee; Leave, oh, leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me. A 11 -my trust on Thee is stayed, Ail my help from Thee I bring ; Cover niy defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 3 Thou. O Christ, art all I want ; More than all in Thee I find : Raise the fallen, cheer the faint. Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy name, 1 am all unrighteousness ; Tile, and full of sin I am, Tlibo art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found- Grace to cover all my sin ; Let .the healing streams abound; Make me, keep me, pure within. Thou of life the fountain art. Freely let me take of Thee ; Spring Thou up within my heart, 'Pise to all eternity. [> OCX of Age*, cleft for me. 1 1 Let me hide myself in The I Let the water and the blood, : From Thy riven side which flowed, ! Be of sin the double cure, Save me from its guilt and power. 2 ]STot the labor of my hands Can fulfil Thy law's demands; Could my zeal no respite know, : Could my tears forever flow All for sin could not atone ; Thou must save, and Thou alone. 3 iSTothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling ; ISTaked. come to Thee for dress, Helpless, look to Thee for grace: J Foul, I to the fountain fly, | Wash me Saviour, or I die. ; 4 While 1 draw this fleeting breath, j When mine eyes shall close in death, i When I soar to worlds unknown. ' See Thee on Thy judgment throne. — Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 1 JLet me hide myself in Thee. 87 & LORD, I hear of showers of blessing Thou art scattering full and free- Showers the thirsty land refreshing ■ Let some droppings fall on me — Even me. even me, I Let Thy blessing fall on me. \ 2 Pass me not. O gracious Father ! | Sinful though my heart may be ; I Thou might'st leave me, but the rather j Let Thy mercy fall on me. 3 Pass me not, O tender Saviour ! ; Let me love and cling to Thee : I I am longing for Thy favor : Whilst Thou'rt calling, oh, call me. . : 4 Pass me not, O mighty Spirit ! I Thou can'st make the' blind to see : ! Witnesser of Jesus' merit. Speak the word of power to me. ' 5 Love of God, so pure and changeless ; ; Blood of Christ, so rich and free ; : Grace of God, so strong and boundless. 1 Magnify them all in me. I 6 Pass me not ! Thy lost one bringing, | Bind my heart, O Lord, to Thee. I While the streams of life are springing ' Blessing others, oh. bless me. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 88 GUIDE me, Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land; 1 am weak, but Thou art mighty. Hold me with Thy powerful hand ; Bread of heaven. Feed me till I want no more. 2 Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing waters flow ; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through ; Strong deliverer, Be thou still my strength and shield. 3 When I tread the xerge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Bear me through the spelling current, Land me safe on Canaan's side; Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee. 89 I T'LELD not to temptation, For yielding is sin, Each victory will help yon Some other to win ; Eight manfully onward, Dark passions subdue, Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through. Ask the Saviour* to help you. Comfort, strengthen and keep you, He is ivilling to aid you. He will carry you through. 2 Shun evil companions, Bad language disdain, God's name hold in rev'rence, Xor take it in vain ; Be thoughtful and earnest, Kind-hearted and true, Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through. 3 To him that oVreometh God giveth a crown. Through faith we shall conquer, Though often cast down ; He who is our Saviour, Our strength will renew. Look ever to Jesus. He'll carry t»«c through 90 I LEFT it all with Jesus Long ago ; All my sins I brought Him, And my wee. When by faith I saw Him. On the tree, Heard His small, still whisper. 'Tis for thee, || : From my heart the burden Boiled away — Happy day ! :|| 2 I leave, it all with Jesus, For He knows How to steal the bitter From life's woes ; How to gild the tear-drop With His smile. Make the desert garden Bloom awhile ; ||: When my weakness leaneth On His might. All seems light. :|j 3 I leave it all with Jesus Day by-day • Faith can firmly trust Hi oi , ' ^ ^ Come what may. Hope has dropped her anchor, Found her rest In the calm, sure haven Of His breast II : Love esteems it heaven To abide At His side. :|| 4 Oh, leave it all with Jesus, Drooping soul ! Tell not half thy story, But the whole, Worlds on worlds are hanging On His hand, Life and death are waiting His command ; || -. Yet His tender bosom Makes thee room — Oh, come heme. :| 91 THERE is a fountain filled with blood. Drawn from Immanuel's veins. And sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains. Lose all their gviltv stair,.-;. Jjoee all their guilty scains: i r?o Gospel Hymns Consolidated. And sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty $tains. 2 The dying thief rejoiceu to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away.— Wash, &c. 3 E'er since hy faith I saw the stream 1 Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall he till I die.— And shall, &c. 4 Then in a nobler", sweeter song I'll sing Thy power to save, When this poor, lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave.— Lies silent, 92 OH. think of the home over there, By the side of the river of light, Where the saints all immortal and fair. Are robed in their garments of white. I Ove> 'here, over there, QZC think of the friends over there. 2 Oh, think of the friends over there, ! Who before us the journey have trod, i Of the songs that they breathe on the! air. fn their home in the palace of God. Over there, over there. Oh, think of the friends over there. 3 "My Saviour is now over there, ( There ray kindred and friends are at | rest: Then away from mv sorrow and care, Let me fly to the land of the blest. Over there, over there. JTy Saviour is now over there. 4 111 soon b *at home over there. For the end of my journey I see ; Many dear to my heart, over there, Are watching and waiting for me. Over there, over there, Til soon be at home over there. 93 More faith in my Saviour, More sense of His care ; More joy in His service, More purpose in prayer. 2 More gratitude give me, More trust in the Lord ; More pride in His glory. More hope in His word ; More tears for His sorrows, More pain at His grief; More meekness in trial, M . re praise €or relief. 3 More purity give me, More strength to o'ercome ; More freedem from earth-stains. More lonjpngs for home ; More fit for the kingdom, More used would I be ; More blessed and holy. More, Saviour, like Thee. 94 I MORE holiness give me. More strivings within ; More patience in suff'ring, More sorrow for sin. COME, every sovd by sin oppressed, There's mercy with the Lord, And He will sui'eiv give you rest, By trusting in His word. Only trust Him. only trust Him, Only trust Him novg ,• He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now. 2 For Jesus shed His precious blood. Rich blessings to bestow; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow. 3 Tes. Jesus is the Truth, the Way, That leads you into rest; Believe in Him witbout delay, And you are. fully blest. 4 Come then, and join this holy band, And on to glory go. To dwell in that celestial land, Where joys immortal flow. 95 OH. come to the Saviour, believe in His name. And ask Him your heart to renew; He wants to he gracious. O turn not awaj? For now there is mrdnu for you. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 31 Yes, there is pardon for you, Yes, there is pardon for you; For Jesus has died to redeem you, And offers full pardon to you. 2 The way of transgression that leads nnto death, .„, . Oh, why will you longer pursue 1 How can you reject the sweet message of love That offers full pardon for you ? 3 Be warned of your danger, escape to the cross ; Tour only salvation is there ; Believe, and that moment the Spirit of grace Will answer vour penitent prayer. 96 "YTOTHLNG hut leaves! The spirit -Li grieves O'er years of wasted life ; O'er sins indulg'd while conscience slept. O'er vows and promises unkept And reap from years of strife — Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! 2 Nothing but leaves! no gathered sheaves, Of life's fair ripening grain : We .sow our seeds ; lo ! taresand weeds — Words, idle words, for earnest deeds — Then reap with toil and pain, Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! 3 Nothing but leaves ! sad nieni'rv weaves No vail to hide the past : And as we trace our weary way, And count each lost and misspent day We sadly find at last — Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! 4 Ah. who shall thus the Master meet, And bring but withered leaves ? Ah. who shall at the Saviour's feet, Before the awful judgment-seat Lay down for golden sheaves. Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! Like the stars of the morning. His bright crown adorning, They shall shine in their beauty. Bright gems for His crown. 2 He will gather, He will gathev The gems for His kingdom: All the pure ones, all the bright ones, His loved and His own. 3 Little children, little children, Who love their Redeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved, and His own. 9 97 TT^HEX He cometh, when He cometh T T To make up His jewels, All His jewels, previous jewels, Hi> loved and His own. a /^O work in My vineyard : " there's VT plenty to do ; The harvest is great, and the lab'rers are few ; There's weeding, and fei.cing. and clearing of roots, And plowing, and sowing, and gather- ing the fruits. j There are foxes to take, there are wolves to destroy, All ages and ranks I can fully empioT^*— - il've sheep to be tended, and lambs to be fed 1 ; j The lost must be gathered, the weary. ones led. Go workfgo work, go work in Afy tine- yard; There 's plenty to do .■ i Go work, go woi-k. Thehnrrest is great. And the lab'rers are few. 2 "Go work in My vineyard ;" I claim thee as Mine ; With blood did I buy thee and all that is thine — Thy time and thy talents, thy loftiest . powers, Thy warmest affections, thy sunniest hours. I willingly yielded My kingdom for theeT I The songs of archangels — to hang on the tree, In pain and temptation, in anguish and shame, I paid thy full ransom ; My purchase I claim. 32 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. oh, 101 A LL hail the power of Jeans' namel ^x Let angels prostrate fall ; || : Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. :|| 2 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball. 3 ' " Go work in My vineyard ; -gyork while 'tis day ! The bright hours of sunshine are hast ening away, And night's gloomy shadows are gath- ering fast ; Then the time for our labor shall ever be past. Begin in the morning and toil all the , To Hnn aU majesty ascribe, day; Thy strength I'll supply, and thy ' wages I'll pay : And blessed, thrice blessed, the dili- gent few, Who'll finish the labor I've given them to do. 99 DEPTH of mercy ! can there be Mer 'v still reserved for me I (Jan mv God His wrath forbear ? Me. the chief of sinners, spare ? 2 I have long withstood His Grace; I. on '.'■ Tii-ovoked Him to His face ; > WL-rr/-; not hearken to His calls. < Grieved Him by a thousand fails. :; Xow, incline me to repent ; Let me now my sins lament; Xow my foul revolt deplore, Weep, believe, and,sin no more. 100 MY heart, that was heavy and sad, Was made to rejoice and be glad, And peace without measure I had, When the Comforter came. Peace, sweet peace. Peace when the Comforter came ! My heaH that tvas heavy and sad, Was made to rejoice and be glad, And peace without measure I had, When the Comforter came. 2 To sin and to evil inclined, With darkness pervading my mind. Xo rest I could anywhere find, -$nil the Comforter came. 3 The voice of thanksgiving I raised, The Lord, my Redeemer, I praised, I was at His mercy amazed. When the Comforter came. And crown Him'Lord of all. 3 Oh, that with vonder sacred throng ' We at His feet may fall ; We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. 102 OTOE, a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise; The glories o'f my God and King, 'The triumphs of His grace. 2 My gracious Master, and my God, Assist me to proclaim, — To spread, through all the earth abroad, The bonors of Thy Xame. 3 Jesus ! the Name that charms our fears. That bids our sorrows cease : 'Tis music in the sinner's ears; 'Tis rife, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancel! d sin. He sets the pris'ner free ; His blood can make the for. 1 est clean ; His blood avail'd for me. 103 TYTHAT various hindrances we meet, T V In coming to the mercy-seat ! Yet who that knows the worth of prayer. But wishes to be often there .' 2 Prayer makes the darkened clouds withdraw. Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw, Gives exercise to faith and love Brings every blessing from above. 3 Restraining prayer, we cease to fight ; Prayer makes the Christian's armor 'bright ; And Satan trembles when he sees The'weakest saint upon his knees. !104 SO let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we nrofess; &ospel Hymns Consolidated. < So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God ; "When His salvation reigns within. And grace subdues the power of sin. 3 Religion bears our spirits up, "While we expect that blessed hope, — The bright appearance of the Lord: Andfaith stands leaning on His word. 105 Tune— Retreat. L. M. Key C. FROM every stormy wind that blows, From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat ; 'Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a place, where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads ; A place than all besides more sweet. — It is the blood-bought mercy-seat. | There is a scene where spirits blend. Where friend holds fellowship with friend. Though sunder'd far. by faith we meet, Around one common mercy-seat. 106 Tune — Bexevexto.* 7s. 8 lines. Key F. qiXXERS, turn : why wiU ye die ? O God, your maker, asks you why i God. who did your being give. Made you Avith Himself to live ; He the fatal cause demands ; Asks the work of His own hands, — Why, ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross His love, and die ? 2 Sinners, turn ; why will ye die ? God, your Saviour, asks you why ? He. who did your souls retrieve," Died himself,' that ye might live. Will ye let Him die in vain I Crucify your Lord again ? Why, ye ransomed sinners, why Will ye slight His grace and die ? 3 Sinners, turn ; why will ye die ? God, the Spirit, asks you why? He who all your lives'hath strove, Urged you to embrace His love. Will ye not His grace receive • Will ye still refuse to live • O ye dying sinners, why, Why will ye forever die ? 107 THE Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want, He makes me down to lie In pastures green ; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. 2 My soul He doth restore again, And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, Ev'n for His own name's sake. 3 Tea, though I walk in death's dark vale. Tet will I fear none ill : For Thou art with me ; and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. 4 My table Thou hast furnished In" presence of my foes; My head Thou dost with oil anoint. And my cup overflows. 5 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me ; And in God's bxrase for evermore My dwelling place shall be. 108 OFOR a faith that will not shrink, Though press 'd by every foe. That'will not tremble on thehrink Of any earthly woe ; 2 That will not murmur or complain Beneath the chast'ning rod. But, in the hour of grief or pain, Will lean upon its God :— 3 A faith that shines more bright and clear When tempests rage without ; That when in danger knows no fear. In darkness feels no doubt ; — 4 Lord, give us such a faith as this, And then, whate'er may come. We'll taste e'en here, the hallow'dblis.« Of an eternal home. 109 SALVATION ! O the joyful sound What pleasure to our ea* ; A sovereign balm for every wound. A cordial for our fears. 34 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 2 Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around, "While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. 3 Salvation! Thou bleeding Lamb? To Thee the praise belongs ; Salvation shall inspire our heavts, And dwell upon our tongues. 110 TOY to the world, the Lord is come ! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns, Let men their songs employ ; While fields, and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. :j He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love. Jl/l- 4 LAS ! and did my Saviour bleed, ii And did niv Sov'reign die ! "Would He devote that sacred head For, such a worm as I ? 2 Was it for crimes that I have done, He groan'd upon the tree * Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide. And shut his glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker died, For man, the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face. While His dear cross appears ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself away, — : Tis all that I can do. 112 MY soul be on thy guard, Tern thousand foes arise; The hpsrs of sin are pressing hard, To draw thee from the skies. J 2 Oh watch, and fight and pray. The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the vict'ry won, ]STor lay thine armor down, The work of faith will not be done, Till thou obtain the crown. 4 Then persevere till death Shall bring thee to thy God ; He'll take thee at thy parting breach, To His divine abode. 113 \TOT all the blood of beasts li On Jewish altars slain, ; Could give the guilty conscience peace, S Or wash away the stain, 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away ; j A sacrifice of nobler name And richer blood than they. ! 3 My faith would lav her hand ! On that dear head'of Thine, ! While like a penitent I stand, j And there confess my sin. | 4 My soul looks back to see I The burden Thou did'st bear ; I While hanging on the cursed tree, And knows her guilt was there. 1 11.4 | IDLEST be the tie that binds i I) Our hearts in Christian love ; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne, We pour our ardent prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, — Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes : Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain, But we shall still be .joined in heart, And hope to meet again. 115 4 M I a soldier of the cross — Ji. A foll'wer of the Lamb, — ^ Gospel Hymns Consolidated. And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name ? 2 Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease ; "While others fought to win the prize, And sailed through bloody seas ? 3 Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem the flood \ Is this vile world a friend to grace. To help me on to God \ 4 Since I must fight if I would reign, Increase my courage, Lord, I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported bv Thv Word. 116 COME Thou Fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing. Call for songs of loudest praise; Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praise the mount— I'm fixed upon it ? Mount of Thy redeeming love. 2 Here I'll raise my Ebenezer. Hither by Thy help I'm come ; And I hope by thy good pleasure. Safely to arrive ilt home. Jesus sought jne when a stranger. Wandering from the fold of God ; He to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. 3 Oh. to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be ! Let Thy goodness as a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee ; Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it- Prone to leave the God I love — Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it, Seal it ibr Thy courts above. 117 MY faith looks up to Thee. Thou Lamb of Calvary ; Saviour divine ; • Now hear me while I pray; Take all my guilt away ; 9. let me from this day, Be wholly Thine. 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart ; -y,- Mv zeal inspire ; As Thou hast died for me, \ O may my love to Thee Pure' warm, and changeless be->^ A living fire. 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide ; Bid darkness'turn to day : Wipe sorrow's tears away, Xor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 4 When ends life's transient dream; When death's cold, sullen stream Shall o-er me roll ; Blest Saviour, then in love, Fear and distrust remove \ O bear me safe above — A ransomed soul. 118 * ETHAXY. i: 4s. Ke\ G. XnEAEEK. my God, to Thee 1A Xearer to Thee! .__ E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me: Still ail my song shall be— Xearer. my God, to Thee ! Xearer to Thee ! 2 Though, like a wanderer, The sun gone down; Darkness be over me, My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be — Xearer. my God, to Thee ! Xearer to Thee.! 3 There let the way appear, Steps unto heaven ; All that Thou sendest me. In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me — Xearer, my God, to Thee ! Xearer to Thee ! 4 Then with my waking thoughts, Bright with Thy praise. Out of my stony griefs, Bethel I'll raise ; f So by my woes to be — Xearer, my God. to Thee ! Xearer to Thee ! / 34 G-ospel Hymns Consolidated. "Or if on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon and stars forgot, Upward I fly. Still all my song shall he — Xearer, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee ! 119 > VRISE, my soul, arise ; Shake off thy guilty fears, The Weeding sacrifice In my behalf appears; '^Before the throne my Surety stands: |[ My name is written on His hands. 2 He ever lives above, For me to intercede, His all redeeming love, His precious blood, to plead ; li:His blood atoned for all our race,:|| And sprinkles now the throne of grace. 3 Five bleeding wounds He bears, Beceivnl on Calvary; TJisjvpoui effectual prayers, Vliey strongly plead tor me; ||:Forgive him, oh, forgive, they cry,:|[ Xor let that ransomed sinner die. i My God is reconciled ; His pardoning voice I hear ; He owns me for His child ; I can no longer fear ; !i:With confidence I now draw nigh,:|| And Father, Abba, Father, cry. Tour Mission." Kev F. 120 RABK ! the voice of Jesus crying— •' Who will go and work to day ? Fields are white, and harvest waiting; Who will bear the sheaves away?" Loud and strong the Master calleth, Rich reward He offers thee; "Who will answer, gladly saying, • • Here am I ; send me, send me !" 2 If you cannot cross the ocean, And the heathen lands explore, You can find the heathen nearer, You can lielp them at your door. If you cannot give your thousands, You can give the widow's mite ; And the least you do for Jesus, Will be precious in His sight. 3 If you cannot speak like angels, If you cannot preach like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say He died for all. If you cannot rouse the wicked With the judgment's dread alarms, You can lead the little children To the Saviour's waiting arms. 4 If you cannot be the watchman ' Standing high on Zion's wall, Pointing out the path to heaven, ! Offering life and peace to all ; — I With your prayers and with your boun- ties You can do what heaven demands ; ; You can be like faithful Aaron. I Holding up the prophet's hands. j 5 If among the older people. You may not be apt to teach ■ ! " Feed my lambs," said Christ, our Shepherd, I "Place the food within their reach." And it may be that the children You have led with trembling hand, Will be found among your jewels, When you reach the better land. 6 Let none hear you icily saying, ' ; There is nothing I can'do. While the souls of men are dying, And the Master calls for you. Take the task He gives you gladly, Let His work your pleasure be ; Answer quickly when He calleth, ' ' Here am I ; send me, send me ?" 121%J*Webb. 7s&6s. KeyB. OTA1STD up ! stand up for Jesus! O Ye soldiers of the cross ; Lift high His royal banner, It must not suffer loss ; From victory unto victory His army He shall lead. Till every foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed. 2 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus ! Stand in His strength alone ; The arm of flesh will fail you — Ye dare not trust your own ; Put on the gospel armor, Gospel Hymns Consolidated. >RK. f And, watching unto prayer, Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there. 3 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus ! The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, The next, the victor's song; To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be ; He with the King of G/ory Shall reign eternally. 122 "IT'ORIC, for the night is coming V T "Work through the morning hour Work, while the dew is sparkling; Work, 'mid springing flowers ; Work, when the day grows brighter ; Work, in the glowing sun j Work, for the night is coming. When man's work is done. 2 Work, for the night is coming; Work through the sunny noon; Fill brightest hours with labor ; Rest comes sure and soon. Give every flying minute Something 'to keep in store ; Work, for the night is coming, When man works no more, 3 Work, for the night is coming, "Under the sunset skies : While their bright tints are glowing. Work, for daylight flies. Work, till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more : Work, while the night is darkening. When man's work is o'er. 123 T HEARD the voice of Jesus say : ' " Come unto me and rest ; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon my breast." 2 I came to Jesus as I was — Weary, and worn, and sad; I found in Him a resting-place, And He has made me glad. 3 I heard the voice of Jesus say, ' ' Behold I freely give The living water— thirsty one Stoop down, and drink, and live." i I came to Jesus, and I dK ^J Of that life-giving stream; My thirst was quench'd,my soul reviv'd, And now I live in Him. 5 I heard the voice of Jesus say. i '' I am this dark world's light; ; Look unto me, thy morn shalrrise, And all thy day be bright." 6 I looked to Jesus, and I found In Him my Star, my Sun ; And in that Light of Life I'll walk Till trav'ling days are done. 124/ Beautiful River. Hey Ei? ' i^HALL we gather at the river i O Where bright angel feet have trod j I With its crystal tide for ever I Flowing by the throne of God ? Yes, we'll gather at the river. The beautiful, the beautiful rivet — Gather with the saints at the r<>< .-. That floivs by the throne of God. 2 On the margin of the river. Washing up its siiver sprays We will walk and worship ev-t?r All the happy, golden day. ; 3 Ere we reach the shining river, i Lay we every burden down •. Grace our spirits will deliver I And provide a robe and crown . j 4 At the smiling of the river, ; Mirror of the Saviour's face, j Saints whom death will never sever, Lift their songs of saving grace. 5 Soon we'll reach the silver river, j Soon our pilgrimage Avill cease ; j Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace- 125 T WAITED for the Lord, my God, And patiently did bear ; At length to me lie did incline My voice and cry to hear. \ 2 He took me from a fearful pit, And from the miry clay, And on a rock He set my feet, Establishing my way. 3 He put a new song in my' mouth. Our God to majinifv ; Gospel Hymns Consolidated. Many shall see it, and shall fear, And on the Lord rely. 4 O blessed is the man whose trust Upon the Lord relies ; Respecting not the proud, nor such As turn aside to lies. 126 Saviour, Like a Shepherd. 8s, 7s & 4. Key Efe. SAVIOUR, like a shepherd lead us. Much we need Thy tend'rest care, In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy folds prepare: || : Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us; Thine we are. :|| i. We are Thine, do Thou befriend us, Be the Guardian of our way: Keep Thy flot:k. irom sin defend us, Seek us when we go astray ; || : Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Hear. Oh hear us. when we pray. :|| 3 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be ; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, •wiiijt to cleanse and power to free ; II : Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, "We will early turn to Thee. :j| 4 Earlv let us seek Thv favor, Early let us do Thy will ; Blessed Lord and only Saviour. WithThv love our bosoms fill. || : Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love still. :|| 127 ZlON. 8s. 7s & 4. Key D. (10ME. ye sinners, poor and needy, J Weak and wounded, sick and sore: Jesus ready stands to save yon. Eull of pity, love and power; |j: He is able, He is willing; doubt no more. :|| 2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome ; God's free bounty glorify; True belief and true repentance.— Every grace that brings you nigh.- II : Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. :|| 3 Let not conscience make you linger] Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him ! || : This He gives you. — 'Tis the Spirit's glimm'ring beam. :|j 4 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Bruised, and mangled by the fall ; If vou tarry 'till you're better, You will never come at all ; || : Not the righteous, — Sinners, Jesus came to call. :|| 128 Mear. cm. pOME Holy Spirit, Heavenly Hovel \J With all Thy quickening powers; Kindle a flame of heavenly love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Hear Lord ! and shall we ever livo j At this poor dying rate ? Our love so faint, so cold to Thee \ And Thine to us so great \ 3 Come,, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove! With all Thy quickening powers ; Come shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. 129 ONCE I was dead in sin. And hope within me died; But now I'm dead to sin — With Jesus crucified. And can it be that " He loved me And gave Himself for me? " 2 Oh, height I cannot reach. Oh, depth I cannot sound, Oh. love, O boundless love In my Redeemer found! 3 Oh, cold, ungrateful heart That can from Jesus turn, . When living fires of love Should on His altar burn. 4 I live — and yet, not I, But Christ that lives in me ; Who from the law of sin An d death hath made me free. 130 IX the Christian's home in glory There remains a land of rest ; There my Saviour's gone before me, To fulfil my soul's request. || : There is rest for the weary, :\\ There is rent for thexveary, There is rest for you ; On the other side of Jordan, Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 39 In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming, There is rest for you. 2 He is fitting up my mansion, Which eternally shall stand ■ For mv stay shall not be transient, In that holy happy land. 3 Sing. O sing, ye heirs of glory! Shout your triumphs as you go ; Zion's gates will open for you, You shall find an entrance through. 131 Boylstox. S. M. Key C. DID Christ o'er sinners weep, And shall our cheeks be dry 5 Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. 2 The Son of "God in tears The wond'ring angels see ; Be*hou astouisii'd, my soul; He shed those tears for thee. 3 He wept that we might weep ; Each sin demands a tear : In heaYen alone no sin is found. And there's no weeping there, 132 / K~)ME to Je-ms. eorae to Testis, v. Come to Jesus just now j Just now. come to Jeans, Come to Jesus, just now. 2 He will save you etc. 3 He is able, etc. 4 He is willing, etc. 5 He is waiting, etc. 6 He will hear you. etc. 7 He will cleanse you, etc. 8 He'll renew you. etc. 9 He'll forgiYe you. etc. 10 If you trust Him. etc. 11 He will save you, etc. 133 Happy Day. L. M. HAPPY day. that fixed my choice. On Thee my Saviour and my God ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice And tell its raptures all abroad. Happy day. happy day. When Jesus washed my sins away ; He taught me how to watch and pray. And live rejoicing every day ; Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away. 2 'Tis done, the great transaction's done — lam my Lord's, and He is mine; He drew'me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine. 3 Xow rest, my long divided heart : Eixed on this blissful centre, rest , Xor ever from thy Lord depart, With Him of every good possessed. 4 High heaven that heard the sok^jjj vow. That vow renewed, shall dailv hea:\ Till in life's latest hour 1 bow. And bless in death, a bond so dear. 134 / UTME sing the gospel's joyful sound, V Salvation full and free: Proclaim to all the world around. 1 The year of jubilee ! Salvation, salvation, - — The grace of God doth briiig .■ Salvation, salvation. ; Through Christ our Lord and King. I 2 Ye mourning souls, aloud rejoice ; Ye blind, your Saviour see: Ye pris'ners. sing with thankful voice The Lord hath made you free '. 3 With rapture swell the song again, Of Jesus' dying love : Tis peace on earth, good will to men. And praise to God above ! 135 OXTTABD! upward! Christian sol dier. Turn not back nor sheathe thy sword, Let its blade be sharp for conquest In the battle for the Lord. From the great white throne eternal, ; God Himself is looking down ; ||:He it is who now commands thee. Take the cross and win the crown. :() 1 2 Onward! upward! doing, daring All for Him who died for thee ; y Face the foe and meet with boldnes^/f Danger whr-tsoe'^ it be. f { A 40 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. From tlie battlements of glory, Holy ones are looking down, || : Thou canst almost hear them shout- ing; "On ! let' no one take thy crown. ":|| 3 Onward ! till thy course is finished, Like the ransomed ones before ; Keep the faith thro' persecution, Never give the battle o'er. Onward ! upward ! till victorious, Thou shalt lay thy armor down, ||:And thy loviug Saviour bids thee At His' hand receive thy crown. :|| 136 W ORE love to Thee, O Christ! More love to Thee ; Hear Thou the prayer I make On bended knee ; This is mv earnest plea. More love. O Christ, to Thee, ||:More love to Thee!:|| 2 Once earthly joy I craved, _ .-— — SSitght peace and rest; Now Thee alone I seek, Give what is best ; This all my prayer shall be, Morelove.O Christ, to Thee! ||:More love to Thee !:|| 3 Let sorrow do its work, Send grief and pain ; Sweet are Thy messengers, Sweet thejr' refrain, When they can sing with me,— More love^ O Christ, to Thee, j|:More love to Thee !:|| 4 Then shall my latest breath, Whisper Thy praise, This be the parting cry My heart shall raise ; This still its prayer shall be ; More love, O Christ, to Thee, ||:More love to Thee !:|| 137 THINE most gracious Lord, O make me wholly Thine — Thine in thought, in word, aud deed, For Thou, O Christ, art mine. Wholly Thine, wholly Thine ; TJtou hast bought me. I am Thine ; Blessed Saviour, Thou art mine ; Make me wholly Thine. 2 Wholly Thine, my Lord, To go when Thou dost call ■ Thine to yield my very self In all things, great and small. 3 Wholly Thine, O Lord, In every passing hour ; Thine in silence, Thine to speak. As Thou dost grant the power. 4 Wholly Thine, O Lord, To fashion as thou wilt. — Streugthen. bless, aud keep the soul Which Thou hast saved from guilt. 5 Thine, Lord, wholly Thiue, For ever one with Thee — Hooted, grounded in Thy love,. Abiding, sure, aud free. 138 *fz I AM Thine-, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, Arid it told Thy love to me ; But I long to rise in the arms of faith. And be closer drawn to Thee. Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord. To the cross where Thou hast died ,- Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord. i To Thy precious, bleeding side. 2 Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord, By the pow'r of grace divine ; Let" my soul look up with a steadfast hope, And my will be lost in Thine. 3 O the pure delight of a single hour That before Thy Throne I spend. When I kneel in pray'r and with Thee, my God, I coihmune as friend with friend. 4 There are depths of love that I cau not know Till I cross the narrow sea, There are heights of joy that I may not reach Till I rest in peace with Thee. 139 A LL my doubts I give to Jesus ! J\ I've His gracious promise heard -. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. "I shall never be confounded ' 1 am trusting in that word. / am trusting, fully trusting, Sweetly trusting in 11 is word. I am trusting, fully trusting, Siveetly trusting in His word. 2 All ray sin I lay on Jesus ? He doth wash me in His blood j He will keep me pure and holy, He will bring me home to God. 3 All my fears I give to Jesus ! Rests my weary soul on Him ; Tho' my way be hid in darkness, Never can His light grow dim. 4 All my joys I give to Jesus ! He is all I want of bliss ; He of all the worlds is Master — He has all I need in this. 5 All I am I give to Jesus ! All my body, all my soul, All I have, and all I hope for, "While eternal ages roll. 140 n ~\TAN of sorrows," what a name _jJL For the Son of God, who came. Ruin'd sinners to reclaim ! Hallelujah, what a Saviour ! 2 Bearing shame and scoffing rude, la my place condemned He stood ; Sealed my pardon with His blood ; Hallelujah, what a Saviour! 3 Guilty, vile and helpless, we; Spotless Lamb of God was He, " Full atonement." can it be? Hallelujah, what a Saviour ! •4 Lifted up was He to die, •' It is finished," was His cry. Xow in heaven exalted high ; Hallelujah, what a Saviour! 5 "When He comes, our glorious King, All His ransomed home to bring, Then anew this song we'll sing: Hallelujah, what a Saviour! 141 TESUS shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run ; His kingdom spread from shore to shore Till moons shall wax and wane no more. From north to south thepriTU'-eoiiifcet, To pay their homage at His feet, While western empires own their Lord, j And savage tribes attend His word. I 2 To Him shall endless prayer be made, : And endless praises crown His head. ! His name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice. People and realms ot every tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song. i And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His name. 142 MY song shall be of Jesus, His mercy crown s my days, He fills my cup with blessings, And tunes my heart to praise; My song shall be of Jesus, The precious Lamb of God, Who gave Himself my ransom, And bought me with His blood. 2^ My song shall be of Jesus, "When, sitting at His feet, I call to mind His goodness. In meditation sweet ; My song shall be of Jesus. ~~ Whatever ill betide ; I'll sing the grace that saves me, And keeps me at His side. 3 My song shall be of Jesus. While pressing on my way To reach the blissful region Of pure and perfect day. And when mv soul shalfenter The gate of Eden fair, A song of praise to Jesus I'll sing forever there. 143 DO you see the Hebrew captive kneel- ing, • At morning, noon and night to pray ? In his chamber he remembers Zion, Though in exile far away. Are your windows open toward Jeru- salem ? Tho' as captives here a "little ichile '-' we stay, For the coming of the King in His glory. I , Are you watching day by day ' 42 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 2 Do not fear to tread the fiery furnace, 3yJor shrink the lion's den to share ; For the God of Daniel will deliver, He will send His angel there. 3 Children of the living God, take cour- age; Your great deliverance sweetly sing : Set your faces toward the hill of Zion, Thence to bail our coming King. 144 ONLY a step to Jesus ! Then why uot take it now ? Come, and thy sin confessing. To Him thy Saviour how. Only a step, only a step ; Come, He waits for thee ; Come, and thy sin confessing, Thou shalt receive a blessing, Do not reject the mercy He freely offers thee. 2 Only a step to Jesus ! Believe, and thou shalt live ; Lovingly now He's waiting, And rl-ady to forgive. 3 Only a step to Jesus ! A step from sin to grace ; What hast thy heart decided ? The moments fly apace. 4 Only a step to Jesus ! Why not come, and say, Gladly to Thee, my Saviour, I give mvself away. 145 TO the work ! to the work ! we are ser- vants of God. Let us follow the path that our Master has trod. With the balm of His counsel our strength to renew ; Letusdo with our might what our hands find to do. Toiling on, (toiling on,) toiling on, (toil- ing on,) Toiling on, (toiling on,) toil- ing on, (toiling on,) Let us hope, (and trust,) let m watch, (and pray,) And labor till the Master comes. 2 To the work! to the work! let the hungry be fed; To the fountain of Life let the weary be led; In the cross and its banner our glory shall be, While we herald the tidings, "Salva- tion is free!" 3 To the work ! to the work ! there is labor for all, For the kingdom of darkness and error shall fall; And the name of Jehovah exalted shall be In the loud swelling chorus, "Salvation is free !" 4 To the work ! to the work ! in the strength of the" Lord, And a robe and a crown, shall our labor reward ; Whenthe home of the faithful our dwell- ing shall be. And we shout with the ransom'd " Sat vation is free!" 146 QTJFF'RING Saviour, with thorn - O crown, Bruis'd and bleeding, sinking down ; Heavy laden, weary worn. Fainting, dying, crush'd and torn — All for me, yes, all for me. 2 Jesus, Saviour, pure and mild, Let me ever be Thy child ; So unworthy though I be, Thou did'st suffer this for me,— All for me, yes, all for me. 3 Fain would I to Thee be brought, Blessed Lord, forbid it not; In the kingdom of Thy grace, Give Thy wandering child a place, Oh, bless me, yes, even me. 147 THE sands of time are sinking, The dawn of heaven breaks ; The summer morn I've sighed for— The fair, sweet morn awakes. Dark, dark hath been the midnight. But day-spring is at hand, And glory — glory dwelleth In Iinmanuei's land. G-ospel Hymns Consolidated. 43 2 I've wrestled on toward heaven, 'Gainst storm and wind and tide, Now, like a weary trav'ler, That leaneth on his guide, Amid the shades of evening, While sinks life's lingering sand, I hail the glory dawning, From Innnanuel's land. 3 Deep waters crossed life's pathway, The hedge of thorns was sharp ; Xow these lie all hehind me — O ! for a well tuned harp ! O. to join the hallelujah With yon triumphant hand ! Who sing where glory dwelleth, In ImmanueVs land. 148 DARK is the night, and cold the wind is hlowing, Nearer and nearer comes the break- er's roar; Where shall I go, or whither fly for re- fuge ? Hide me, my Father, till the storm is o'er. With His loving Hand to guide, let the clouds above me roll. And the billoios in their fury dash around me. I can brave the wildest storm, with His glory in my soul. I can sing amidst the tempest- Praise the Lord! 2 Dark is the night, but cheering is the promise ; He will go with me o'er the troubled wave ; Safe He will lead me through the path- less waters, Jesus, the mighty One, and strong to save. 3 Dark is the night, but lo ; the day is breaking, Onward, my bark, unfurl thy everv sail; Xow at the helm I seemv Father stand- iug, fyr Soon will my anchor drop within the vail. 149 LO! the day of God is breaking; See the gleaming from afar ! : Sons of earth from slumber waking, Hail the bright and Morning Star. Hear the call! O gird your armor on, Gra^p the Spirit's mighty sword; Take the helmet of salvation, Pressing on to battle for the Lord! 2 Trust in Him who is your Captain ; Let no heart in terror quail; Jesus leads the gath'ring legions. In His name we shall prevail. 3 Onward marching, firm and steady, Faint not, fear not Satan's frown, For the Lord is with you always. Till you wear the Victor's crown. 4 Conq 'ring hosts with banners waving, Sweeping on o'er hill aud plain, Xe'er shall halt till .swills the anthem, ' "Christ o'er all the world doth reign !' ' 150 - .._ HO! reapers of life's harvest, Why stand with rusted blade, Until the night draws round thee, And day begins to fade ? Why stand ye idle, waiting For reapers more to come .' The golden morn is passing. Why sit ye idle, dumb \ 2 Thrust in your sharpened sickle, And gather in the grain. The night is fast approaching. And soon will come again. The Master calls for reapers. And shall He call in vain .' Shall sheaves lie there ungalhered, And waste upon the plain '. 3 Come down from hill and mountain In morning's ruddy glow, Xor wait until the dial Points to the noon below; And come with stronger sinew ; Xor faint in heat or cold, And pause not till the evening Draws round its wealth of gold. 4 Mount up the heights »f wisdom,. And crush each error ! »v, ; . A B Gospel Hymns Consolidated. Keep Lack no words ot knowledge That human hearts should know, Be faithful to thy mission, In service of thy Lord, Aud then a golden ehaplet, Shall be thy just reward. 151 I'VE found a joy in sorrow A secret balm for pain, A beautiful to-morrow Of sunshine after rain ; I've found a branch of healing Near every bitter spring, || : A whispered promise stealing O'er every broken string. :|j 2 I've found a glad hosanna For every woe and wail ; A handful of sweet manna When grapes of Eschol fail; I've found a Rock of Ages Wben desert -.veils are dry ; || : And after weary stages. I've found an Elim nigh. :|| 3 An Elim with its coolness, Its fountains and its shade; A blessing in its fullness, When buds of promise fade. O'er tears of soft contrition, I've seen a rainbow light ; {|: A glory arid fruition.. So near! — yet out of sight. :|| 4 My Saviour. Thee possessing. I have the joy. the balm. The healing and the blessing. The sunshine and the psalm ; The promise for the fearful. The. Elim for the faint ; l):The rainbow for the tearful. The glory for the saint. «<|| 152 I LOVE to think of the heavenly land, Where white robed angels are ; Where many a friend is gathered safe, Erom fear and toil and care. There'll be no parting. There'll be no parting. There'll be no parting. . There'll be no parting there. 2 I love to think of the heavenly land, Where my Redeemer reigns. Where rapturous songs of triumph rise. In endless joyous strains. 3 I love to think of the heavenly land. The saints' eternal home, Where palms, and robes, and crowns ne'er fade, And all our joys are one. 4 I love to think of the heavenly land, The greetings there we'll meet. The harps — the songs forever ours — | The walks — the golden streets. 1 5 I love to think of the heavenly land, j That promised land so fair, ! Oh. how my raptured spirit longs ! To be forever there. [153 <ive up myself , and whateverl know— Now wash me > au, l I shall be whiter than sn° w - 49 i 3 Lord, Jesus, for this I most humbly entreat ; 1 1 wait, blessed Lord, at Thv erncitied feet, By faith, for my cleansing : I see Thy blood flow — Xow wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 4 Lord. Jesus, Thou seest I patiently wait: Come now. and within me a new heart create ; To those who have sought Thee, Thou never said'st Xo — jXow wash me. and I shall be whiter than snow. 170 FRESH from the throne of glory, Bright in its crystal gleam. Bursts out the living fountain. Swells on the living stream ; Blessed River, let me ever Feast my eyes on thee. Blessed River, let me ever -_ Feast my eVes on thee. I 2 Stream full of life and gladness, I Spring of all health and peace, Xo harps by thee hang silent, Nor happy voices cease ; Tranquil River, let me ever Sit and sing by thee, Jesus ioves to answer prayer. Gospel Hymns Consol He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay, 2 Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring, For His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much. isol idated. ■ Shixinc 63 2 19/f 'Shining Shore. Key G. MY 'days are gliding swiftly by And I, a pilgrim stranjier. 3 With my burden I begin, Lord, remove this load of sin ; Let Thy blood for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt. 4 Lord, I come to Thee for rest, Take possession of my breast, There Thy blood- bought right maintain, And without a rival reign. 218 / P. M. Key E. THERE'S a beautiful land on high, To its glories I fain would fly, — When by sorrows pressed down, I long for a crown. In that beautiful land on high. In that beautiful land III be, From earth and its cares set free,- My Jesus is there ; He's gone to prepare \ on a pilgri Would not detain them as thev fly. Those hours of toil and danger.' For O, we stand on Jordan s strand. Our friends are passing over, And just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. 2 We'll gird our loins, my brethren dear. Our heavenly home discerning': Our absent Lord has left us word, Let every lamp be burning. 3 Should coming days be cold and dark, We need not cease our singing ; That perfect rest naught can molest, Where golden harps are ringing. 4 Let sorrow's rudest tempest blow. Each cord on earth to sever ; Our King says "Come,'' and there's our home, Forever, forever. A place in that land for me 2 There's a beautiful land on high, I shall enter it by and by : There, with friends, hand"and hand. I shall walk on the strand, In that beautiful land on high. 3 There's a beautiful land on high. Then why should I fear to die, When death is the way To the realms of day, In that beautiful land on high. 4 There's a beautiful land on high, And- my kindred its bliss enjoy.- Methinks I now see How they're wait- ^ ^- e "' for me, In that beautiful land on high. 5 There's a beautiful land on high, And though here I oft weep and sigh. My Jesus hath said That no tears shall be shed In that beautiful land on high. C There's a beautiful land on kigh. Where wenever shall sav "good-bye !' When over the river We're Iiappv for- ever, In that beautiful land on higrh. AVE are waiting by the river. t T We are watching on the shore. Only waiting for the boatman. . Soon he'll come to bear us o'er. 2 Though the mist hang o'er the river. | And its billows loudly roar, Yet we hear the song of angels. Wafted from the other shore. 3 And the bright celestial city. — We have caught such radiant gleams Of its towers, like dazzling sunlight. With its sweet and peaceful streams. called for many a loved one. We have seeu the in leave our side: I With our Saviour we shall meet them When we. too. have crossed the tide. ' 5 When we've passed the vale of shad- With its dark and chilling tide, [ows, i In that bright and glorious city : We shallevermore abide. 221 MY God I have found The thrice blessed ground. Where life and where joy. and true comfort abound. S '64 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. Hallelujah ! Thine the glory? Hallelujah ! Amen ! Hallelujah ! Thine the glory! lievive us again. 2 Tis found in the blood Of Him who once stood \ My refuge and safety, my surety with God. 3 He bore on the tree The sentence for me, And no\v both the surety and sinner are free. 4 And though here below 'Mid sorrow and woe, Sty place is in heaven with Jesus, I know. 1 5 And this I shall find, For such is His mind, " He'll not be in Nglory and leave me behind." 222 1TOLY. holy, holy! Lord God Al- Al mighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee. Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and Mighty! > Ind in three Persons, blessed Trinity ! 2 Holv, holy, holv ! all the saints adore Thee, '■ 'asting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea : ( 'herubim and Seraphim falling down before Thee, AYhich wert and art. and evermore shalt be. p Holy, holy, holy! tho' Ike darkness' hide Thee, Tho' ih e eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see, Onlv Thou art holv. there is none be- side Thee Perfect in pow"r. in love and purity. i Holy, holy, holy ! Lord God Almighty ! All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth, and sky. and sea;' Holy. holy, holy ! Merciful and Mighty ! God in three Persons, blessed Trinity ! Amen. 223 I)EVIVE Thy work, O Lord, \) Thy mighty arm make bare ; Speak with the voice that wakes the dead, And make Thy people hear. lievive Thy work, revive Thy work, And give refreshing show'rs; The glory shall be all Thine own, The blessing shall be ours. 2 Revive Thy work, O Lord, Disturb this sleep of death ,- Quicken the smouldring embers now. By Thine Almighty breath. 3 Revive Thy work, O Lord, Create soul-thirst for Thee ; And hung'ring for the bread of life. Oh, may our spirits be ! 4 Revive Thy work, O Lord, Exalt Thy precious name; And by the Holy Ghost, our love Eor Thee and Thine inflame. 224 I'VE found a Eriend; oh, such a. Friend ! He loved me ere I knew Him ; He drew me with the cords' of love, And thus He bound me to Him. And 'round my heart still closely twine Those 1 ties which naught can sever, For I am His and He is mine, Forever and forever. 2 I've found a Friend; oh. such a Friend! '. He bled, He died to save me^» And not alone the gift of life, ^ But His own sell He cave me. Xaught that I have, my own f-call, I hold it for the Giver ; My heart, my strength, my life, my all Are His, and His forever. 3 I've found a 'Friend; oh, such a Friend ! All power to Him is given ; To guard me on my onward course, And bring me safe to Heaven. Tli 1 eternal glories gleam afar. To nerve my faint endeavor; liospel Hymns Consolidated. 65 So now to watch, to work, to war, And then to rest forever. 4 I've found a Friend ; oh, such Friend! So kind, so true, and tender, So wise a Counsellor and Guide, So inighty a Defender ! From Him, who loves me now so well, What power my soul can sever ? Shall life or death, or earth or hell ? Xo : I am His forever. 225 \I7"HEX the storms of life are raging, T T Tempests wild on sea and land, 1 will seek a piace of refuge In the shadow of God's hand. He will hide me, He will hide me, Where no harm can e'er betide me; He will hide me, safely hide me In the shadow of His hand. 2 Though He may send some affliction, 'T will hut make me long for home; For in love and not in anger, All His chastenings will come. 3 Enemies may strive to injure, Satan all his arts employ ; He will turn what seems to harm me Into everlasting joy. 4 So, while here the cross I'm hearing, Meeting storms and hillows wild, Jesus for my soul is caring. Xa light can harm His Father's child 226 4 Thine, Jesus, Thine, Soon in Thy crown to shine, When from the glory Thou shalt come ; And with Thy saints shall take me home 5 , ||: Lord Jesus come. :jj 227 LOXG in darkness we have waited, For the shining of the light; Long have felt the things we hated. Sink us still in deeper night. Blessed Jesus, loving Saviour! Tender, faithful, strong and true, Break the fetters that have bound us. Make xts in Thyself anew. 2 Xow at last the Light appeareth. Jesus stands upon the shore ; And with tender voice He calleth. "Come unto Me." "and sin no more! 3 Xothing have we. hut our weakness, Xaught hut sorrow, sin and care ; And within, is loathesome vileness, And without is dark despair. 4 All our talents we have wasted, All Thy laws have disobeyed; But Thy goodness now we've tasted. In Thy robes we stand arrayed. THIXE, Jesus, Thine, i Xo more this heart of mine Shall seek its joy apart from Thee; The world is crucified to me. And I am Thine. .A nd I am Thine. _' Tliiiie.'Thine alone, My joy. my hope, my crown-; Xow earthly things may fadeand die, They charm my soul no more, for I Am Thine alone. Am Thine alone. 3 Thine, ever Thine For ever to recline, On love eternal, fixed and sure, Yes, I am Thine for evermore, ||: Lord, Jesus, Thine. :|| 5 Thou hast saved us — do Thou keep us, ! Guide us by Thine eye divine. j Let the Holy* Spirit teach us. That our light may ever shine. I Blessed Jesus be Thou near us. Give us of Thy grace to-day; While we're calling do Thou hear us*, \Send us, now, Thy peace, we pray. 228 JESUS, gracious one, calleth now to thee. "Come, O sinner, come!" Calls so tenderly, calls so lovingly, "Now, O sinner come." Words of peace and blessing, Christ's own love confessing : Hear the sweet voice of Jesus. Full, fuU of love; Calling tenderly, calling lovingly, " Come, O sinner, come." Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 2 Still He -waits for thee, pleading pa- tiently, "Come, come to Me!" • Heavy-laden one, I thy grief have borne, Come and rest in Me." Words with love oerflowing, Life and bliss bestowing. 3 Weary, sin-sick soul, called so gra- ciously, Canst thou dare refuse? Mercy offered thee, freely, tenderly, Wilt thou still abuse? Come, for time is flying, Haste, thv lamp is dying. 229 I WILL sing of my Redeemer And His wond'rous love to me : On the cruel cross He suffered, From the curse to set me free. Sing, oh! sing of my Redeemer With His blood He purchased me,- On the cross He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt and made me free, ~* And made me free. 2 I will tell the wondrous story. How my lost estate to save, In His boundless love and mercy, He the ransom freely gave. 3 I will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumphant power I'll tell, How the victory He giveth Over sin, and death, and hell. 4 I will sin<£ of my Redeemer, And His heavenly love to me; He from death to life hath brought me, Son of God with Him to be. 230 TESTIS CHRIST is passing by, «J Sinner, lift to Him Thine eye, As the precious moments flee, Cry, be merciful to me! 2 Lo ! He stands and calls to thee, '"What wilt thou, then, have of me?" Rise, and tell Him all thy need ; Rise. He calleth thee indeed. 3 " Lord, I would Thy mercy see: Lord, reveal Thy love tome; Let it penetrate my soul, All my heart and life control." 4 Oh, how sweet the touch of power Comes,— and is salvation's hoax ; Jesus gives from guilt release. "Faith hath saved thee, goinpeaoe !" 231 COME near me, O my Saviour ; Thy tenderness reveal; , O, let me know the sympathy Which Thou for me dost feel, 1 need thee every moment ; Thine absence brings dismay i But when the tempter hurls his dart s. 'Twere death with Thee away. 2 Come near me, my Redeemer, And never leave my side; My bark, when toss' on trouble's sea, The storm cannot outride, Unless Thy word of power Arrest the surging wave ; No voice but Thine its rage can quell. No arm but Thine can save. 3 Come near me, blessed Jesus. I need Thee in my joy. No less than when "the direst ills My happiness destroy: For 'when the sun .shines o'er me And flowers strew my way, Without Thy wise and guiding hand More easily I stray. 4 Be near me, mighty Saviour. When comes the latest strife; For Thou hast through death's shad- ows pass'd And ope'd the gates of life; And when among the ransom'd I stand with crown and palm, To Thee, Divine, unfailing Friend, I'll raise eternal psalm. 232 OSAFE to the Rock that is higher than I, My soul in ite conflicts and sorrows would fly ; So sinful, so weary, Thine, Thine would I be: Thou blest "Rock of Ages," I'm hid- - ing in Thee. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 67 ^ Hiding in Thee, Hiding in Thee, Thou blest "Hock of Ages," Tin hiding in Thee. 2 In the calm ofthenoontide,in sorrow's lone hour, In times when temptation casts o'er me its power : In the tempests of life,on its -svide.heav- ing sea, Thou blest " Rock of Ages." I'm hiding in Thee. 3 How oft in the conflict, when press'd by the foe, I have fled to my Refuge and breathed out my woe ; How often when trials like sea-billows roU. Have I hidden in Thee, O Thou Rock of my soul. 233 TT'E'YE journey'd many a day t V Upon an ocean wide, Amid the mist and spray Of many a surging tide ; But. lo! the land is near! For just beyond the foam 1 see it bright and clear. The light of home, sweet home, There's a light upon the shore, brother, It flashes from the strand: The night is almost o'er, brother. The haven's just at hand. 2 "We've had our storms of doubt. Our rains of bitter tears, Our fightings fierce without, — "Within, our anxious fears ; But. lo! the storms are past, They cannot reach us more, "We've sighted land at last, The blessed stormless shore. 3 O land of calmest rest. "Where suns no more go down ! O haven of the blest, "With bliss and glory crown'd ! Xo more the storm, the dark. The breakers and the foam, Xo more the wail, for hark ! We hear the songs of home. 234 TAKE my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my hands and let them move At the impulse of Thy love. All to Thee, all to Thee. Consecrated, Lord to Thee. 2 Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee : Take my voice and let me sing Always — only — for my King. 3 Take my lips and let them be Fill'd with messages for Thee ; Take my silver and my gold. Xot a mite would I withhold. 4 Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in endless praise ; Take my intellect and use Ev'ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose. 5 Take my will and make it Thine, It shall be no longer mine : Take my heart, it is Thine own. It shall be Thy royal thn^ . 6 Take my love, my God, I ]>our At Thy feet its treasure store ; Take myself, and I will be I Ever, only, all for Thee. 235 THE Gospel bells are ringing. Over land, from sea to sea ; Blessed news of free salvation Do they offer you and me. ; • Eor God so loved the world That His only Son He gave, Whosoe'er believeth in Him Everlasting life shall have." Gospel bells, how they ring,- Over land from sea to sea; Gospel bells freely bring Blessed neics tv you and me. 2 The Gospel bells invite us To a feast prepared for all ; Do not slight the invitation. Xor reject the gracious call. ' ' I am the bread of life ; Eat of Me, thou hungry soul, Tho' your sins be red as crimson, They shall be as white as wool." 68 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 3 The Gospel bells give warning, As thej- sound from day to day, Of the faith which doth await them Who forever will delay. ■ ■ Escape ye. for thy life ; Tarry not in all the plain, Nor behind thee, look, O never, Lest thou be consumed in pain." 4 The Gospel bells are joyful, As they echo far and wide, Bearing notes of perfect pardon, Thro a Saviour crucified. " Good tidings of great joy To all people do I bring, Unto you is born a Saviour, Which is Christ the LoicV'andKing. 236 JOY to the world ! the Lord is come : The mighty God, the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. Let every heart prepare Him room, The mighty God. the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. 3 Joy 10 the world ! the Saviour reigns, The mighty God. the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. O Praise Him, floods, rocks, hills, and plains, The mighty God. the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. 3 He rules the earth with truth and grace, The mighty God, the Everlasting Father" and the Prince of Peace. And saves us by His righteousness. The mighty God. the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace, 237 AEULER once came to Jesus by night- To ask him the way of salvation and light ; The Master made answer in words true and plain, "Ye must be born again, again." || :" Ye must be bom again, :|| • I verily, verily say unto thee, Ye 7nustbe bom again." 2 Ye children of men, attend to the word So solemnly uttered bv Jesus the Lord, And let not this message to you be in vain, " Ye must be born again, again." 3 O ye who would enter that glorious rest, And sing with the ransom'd the song of the blest, The life everlasting if ye would obtain, "Ye must be born again, again." 4 A dear one in heaven thy heart yearns to see, At the beautiful gate may be watching for thee ; Then list to the note of this solemn re- frain, ;l Ye must be born again, again." 238 . Justice. CUT it down, cut it down, Spare not the fruitless tree ! It spreads a harmful shade around, It spoils what else were useful ground Kb fruit for years on it I've found, Cut it down, cut it down. Mercy. 2 One year more, one year more. O spare the fruitless tree ! Behold its branches broad and green . Its spreading leaves have hopeful been Some fruit thereon may yet be seen, One year more, one year more. Justice. 3 Cut it down, cut it down, And biirn the worthless tree ! For other use the soil prepare, Some other tree will flourish there. And in my vineyard much fruit bear, Cut it down, cut it down. Mercy. 4 One year more, one year more. For mercy, spare the tree! Another year of care bestow, On its fair form some fruit may grow. If not — then lay the cumbrer low. One year more, one year more. 5 Still it stands, still it stands, A fair^ but fruitless tree ! The Master, seeking fruit thereon Has come — but griev'd at finding none, Now speaks to Justice — Mercy flomi- Cut it down, cut it down. G-ospel Hymns Consolidated. 239 IT may be at morn, when the day is awaking. When sunlight thro' darkness and shadow is breaking, That Jesus will come in the fullness of glory, To receive from the world "His own." O Lord Jesus, how loan, how long Ere we shout the glad song, Christ returneth. Hallelujah .' hallelujah ! Amen, hallelujah.' Amen. 2 It may be at middav. it may be at twilight, It may be perchance, that the black- ness of midnight Will burst into light in the blaze of His glory, "When Jesus* receives " His own.'' 3 While its hosts cry Hosanna, from 3 Is Jesus waiting to relieve heaven descending, A wanderer like me. With glorified saints and the angels at- Who chose the Father's house to leave ? tending, O wand'rer. " eonie and see." With grace on His brow, like a halo of 4 j_ 3 Jesus ready now to save ttt-i^t r ^ ' . „. A guiltv one iike me ? Will Jesus receive 'His own. ^Tho bro't Him to the cross and grave ? 4 Ojoy! O delight! should we go Come, guilty one, and see. without dving. 040 ^ no«^° * adne5S - n ° dread and A WHAT a Saviour that He died for CaU ^li^^l. tlie ■*"*»*«& °ur From condemnation He hath made me O. why not accept His salvation. And throw off thy burden of sin. 4 Why do you wait, dear brother, The harvest is passing away. Your Saviour is longing to bless you, There's danger and death in delay, 241 iS Jesus able to redeem A sinner lost like me ? My sins so great, so many seem ! O sinner, •' come and see. The blood that Jesus shed of old. Was shed for you and me: And there is room within the fold — O " come to Him and see." 2 Is Jesus willing to forgive A rebel child like me ? Who would not in His favor live ? O rebel, •come and see." Lord into glory. When Jesus receives Hi- 240 Vt'HY do yon wait, dear brother. M why do you tarry so long ) Your Saviour is waiting to give you A pl-.u-e in His sanctified throng. Why not? why not} Why not come to Him now? Why not? why not? Why not come to Him now ? 2 What do you hope, dear brother. To gain by a further delay ? There's no one to save you but Jesus, There's no other way but His way. 3 Do you not feel, dear brother. His Spirit now striving within ? L free ■ i '-p t a at believeth on the Son," saith j lie. " Hath everh sting life." " Verily, verily. I say unto you. Yerily. verily." message ever new .• ■He that believeth on the Son," 'tis true, ■Hath everlasting life," 2 All my iniquities on Him were laid. All mv indebtedness by Him was paid; All who believe on Him, the Lord hath said. ''Have everlasting life." 3 Tho' poor and needy, I can trust my Lord. Tho' weak and sinful I believ- 3Bs word ; O glad message ! every eniid of God, •■Hath everlasting life.'' 70 G-ospel Hymns Consolidated. 4 Th'o' all unworthy, yetl will not doubt, For Him tha^conieth, He will not cast out, " He that believeth," the good news shout. '• Hath everlasting life." 243 IF never the gaze of sun and moon, On the blessed home above, From whence are its rays of wondrous noon ? O •' the Lamb is the light thereof." They shall walk in white, there shall be no night In the fadeless home above,- And the shout shall ring as the ransomed sing, O ''the Lamb is the light thereof" 2 And thus saith the page of Holy Writ, Of the land of song and love, " The glory of God did lighten it," And '•the Lamb is the light thereof." 3 Then follow Him, till the eye grows dim. And the soul, as ark-freed dove, Shall speed away to realms of day, "W here ' 'the Lamb is the light thereof. ' ' 244 OHOW happy are we, Who in Jesus agree, And expect His return from above ; We sit 'neath His vine, and delight- fully join In the praise of His excellent love. O how happy are we, Who in Jesus agree. How happy, hoiv happy are we. 2 When united to Him, We partake of the stream Ever flowing in peace from the throne, We in Jesus believe and the spirit receive That proceeds from the Father and Son. 3 We remember the word Of our crucified Lord. When He went to prepare us a plaee, • I will come in that day and will take you away. And admit to a sight of My face." 4 Come, Lord, from the skies And command us to rise To the mansions of glory above ; With Thee to ascend and eternity spend, In'a rapture of heavenly love. ;245 BLESSED hope that in Jesus is given. In our sorrow to cheer and sustain. . That soon in the mansions of Heaven, | We shall meet with our loved ones again. Blessed hope, blessed hope, We shall meet with our lov'd ones again, j Blessed hope, blessed hope, We shall meet with our lovd ones I again. ! 2 Blessed hope in the word God has spoken, All our peace 1 >y th at word we obtain j j And as sure as God's word was ne'er broken. We shall meet with our lov'd ones again. 3 Blessed hope ! how it shines in our sorrow, Like the star over Bethlehem's plain; That it may be, withHhn, ere the mor- row, We shall meet with our lov'd ones again. •4 Blessed hope ! the bright star of the morning, That shall herald His comingto reign ( O the glory that waits its fair dawning, When we meet with our lov'd ones again. 246 ODO not let the Word depart. And close thine eves against the light ; Poor sinner, harden not thy heart ; Thou would'st be saved— Why not to-night ? \\: Why not to-night I Why not to-night f Thouxvould'st be saved — Why not to- night ?:\\ G-ospel Hymns Co tted. 71 & To-morrow's sun may never rise, To bless thy long deluded sight ; This is the time ! then he wise ! I Thou wouldst he saved— Why not to-night? 3 The world has nothing left to give — It has no new, no pure delight; |0 try the life which Christians live ! Thou would' st be saved — Why not to-night ? 4 Our blessed Lord refuses none Who would to Him their souls unite ; Then be the work of grace begun ! Thou would'st be saved— Why not to-night ? 847 tender and sweet was the Master's voice, As He lovingly called to me, "Come over the line, it is only a step — I am waiting, my child, for thee." Over the line,'' hear the sweet refrain. Angels are chanting the heavenly strain; " Over the line.'" Why should I remain With a step between me and Jesus ? I But my sins are many, my faith is smali. Lo ! the answer came quick and clear; Thou needest not trust in thyself at all, Step over the line, I am here." J But my flesh is weak, I tearfully said. And the way I cannot see • [ fear if I try 'I may sadly fail, And thus may dishonor Thee. J: Ah, the world is cold, and I cannot go back, Press forward I surely must; C will place my hand in His wounded palm, Step over the line and trust. 'Over the line," 1 hear the sweet refrain, Angels are chanting the heavenly strain ; ' Over the line,'' 1 — I will not remain, Vll cross it and go to Jesus. 248 SAVE, Jesus, save ! Thy blessing now we crave ; For every anxious sinner here, O let Thy mercy now appear, Lord Jesus, save, Lord Jesus, save. 2 Save, Jesus, save ! Thy banner o'er us wave, Of love eternal and divine : O, Lord, let each one here be Thine, Lord Jesus, save, Lord Jesus, save. 3 Save, Jesus, save! Thou conqueror o'er the grave, G-ive every fettered soul release, And to the troubled,whisper "Peace." Lord Jesus, save, Lord Jesus, save. 4 Save, Jesus, save ! And Thou alone shalt have The glory of the work divine, Yea. "endless praises shall be Thine! Lord Jesus, save, Lord Jesus, save. 249 TEMPTED and tried! O the terrible tide May be raging an 1 deep, may be wrath- ful and wide ! Yet its fury is vain, For the Lord shall restrain, And for ever and ever Jehovah shall reign. Tempted and tried, Yet the Lord at thy side, ShaU guide thee and keep thee, Though tempted and tried. 2 Tempted and tried, There is One at thy side, And never in vain shall His children confide ! He shall save and defend For He loves to the end, Adorable Master and glorious Friend! 3 Tempted and tried, Whate'er may betide. In His secret pavillion His children shall hide. 'Xeath the shadowing wing Of Eternity's King, His children shall trust, and His ser- vants shall sing. 4 Tempted and tried ! f Yet the Losd will abide ?j Gospel Hymns Consolidated. Keeper Thy faithful Redeemer, thy and Guide. Thy Shield and thy Sword, Thine exceeding Reward, Then enough for the servant to he as his Lord. 5 Tempted and tried, The Saviour who died, Hath called thee to suffer and reign hy His side ; His cross thou shalt hear : * And His crown thou shalt wear, And for ever and ever His glory shalt share, j, 250 9 AOME, we that love the Lord, \J And let our joys he known, Join in a song with sweet accord. Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne, And thus surround the throne. We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. 2 Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God: But children of the heav'nly King. But children of the heav'nly King, May speak their joys ahroad, May speak their joys ahroad. 3 The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heav'nly fields. Before we reach the heav'nly fields. Or walk the golden streets, Or walk the golden streets. 4 Then let our songs ahound, And every tear he dry: "We're marching through Immanuel's ground. We're marching through Immanuel's ground, To fairer worlds on high, To fairer worlds on high. 251 1C ANXOT tell how precious The Saviour is to me, Since I have Him accepted, And He hath made me free.; 1 cannot tell His goodness, Enough to satisfy ; And if you'll only take Him, You'll see the reason why. 1 cannot tell hoie precious The Saviour is to me; I only can entreat you- To come and taste, and see. 2 I cannot do for Jesus As much as I should like; But I will e'er endeavor To work with all my might; For, was not my dear Saviour For sinners crucified ? For me, then, surely. Jesus Hung on the cross and died. 3 Whene'er I think of Jesus, I cannot hut rejoice ; To me He's ever precious. For Him I raise my voice ; I know He has in glory A home prepared for me, Where I shall live forever So happv and so free. 252 BEATTTIF17L valley of Eden ! Sweet is thy noon-tide calm ; Over the hearts of the weary. Breathing thy waves of halnr.. Beautiful valley of Eden, Home of the pure and bleat How often amid the wild bUloivs; I dream of thy rest — sweet rat! 2 Over the heart of the mourner Shineth thy golden clay, Wafting the' songs of the angels Down from the far away. 3 There is the home of my Saviour: There with thehlood-washed throng. Over the highlands of glory Bolleth the great new song. 253 FLEECE and wild the storm-is raging; Bound a helpless hark, On to doom 'tis swiftly driving. O'er the water's dark ! Joy, O joy. behold the Sari'-ur, Joy, Ojoy. fiic -message hear... G-ospel Hymns Consolidated. 73 " I'll stand by until the morning, I've come to save you, do not fear." Yes, I'll stand by until the morning, I've come to save you, do not fear. 2 Weary, helpless, hopeless seamen, Fainting on the deck. With what joy theyhail their saviour, As he hails the "wreck ! 3 On a wild and stormy ocean, Sinking 'neath the wave, Souls that perish heed the message, Christ has come to save! 4 Daring death, thy soul to rescue, He in love has come, Leave the wreck and in Him trusting, Thou shalt reach thy home ! 254 we're sared *»y the hlood } } That was drawn from the side Of Jesus our Lord, When He languished and died. Hallelujah to God, For redemption so free ; HaMelujah, Hallelujah. Hear Saviour, to Thee. 2 O yes, 'tis the blood Ot l the Lamb that was slain ; He conquered the grave, And He liveth again. 3 We're saved by the blood, We are sealed by its power; 'Tis life to the soul, And its hope every hour. 4 That blood is a fount Where the vilest may go, And wash till their souls Shall be whiter than snow, 5 We're saved by the blood, Hallelujah, again; We're saved by the blood, Hallelujah, Amen. 255 / 101IE souls that are longing for pleas- \J ure. Our Saviour has pleasures to give ; Come find in His love the rare treasure, That makes every true pleasure live. Come nolo saith the Lord, let us reason, Come noiv and your purpose declare ,- ; Is it pleasures of sin for a season, ; Or pleasures the glorified share? 2 The pleasures of sin are deceiving, They've nothing foryesterday'spain, But hope of to-morrow receiving, And then, it's — To-morrow — again. , 3 The pleasures of sin are all fleeting, ' They vanish with life'spassing morn : Like dew-drops the morning sun greet- ing. They glisten and then they are gone. 4 Then all who are longing for pleasure, / Ye weary and all who are worn ; Come find In the Lord a sure treasure, That from you shall never be torn. 9 5 Of .Jesus, thy choice be now makina Redeemer, and Saviour, and Lord ; 1 And soon in the glory awaking, You'll share in the Saint's blest reward. 256 S MY heavenly home is bright and fair; Xor pain, nor death can enter there: Its glittering tow'rs the san out-shine ; That heav'nly mansion shall be mine. Tm going home, I'm going home, Tm going home to die no more, To die no more, to die no more, Tm going home to die no more. 2 My Father's house is built on high : Far,' far above' the starry sky; When from this earthly prison free, That heav'nly mansion mine shall be. 3 Let others seek a home below, Which flames devour,or waves o'erflow, Ee mine a happier lot to own, A heav'nly mansion near the throne. 4 Thfn fail this earth, let stars decline, And sun and moon refuse to shine, All nature sink and cease to be. That heav'nly mansion stands for me. 257 [ r HAT tho' clouds are hovering o'er w And I seem to walk alone — Longing. 'mid my cares and crosses. For the joys that now are liown — 74 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. If I've Jesus, 'Jesus only," Then my sky will have a gem ; He's a Sun of brightest splendor, And the Star of Bethlehem. 2 "Whattho' all my earthly journey Bringeth naught but weary hours, And, in grasping for life's roses, Thorns, I find instead of flow'rs — If I've Jesus, " Jesus only," I possess a cluster rare ; He's the "Lily of the Valley," And the '• llose of Sharon'" fair. 3 What tho'' all my heart is yearning. For the loved of 1 long ago — Bitter lessons sadly learning From the shadowy page of woe — If I've Jesus. "Jesus only," He'll be with me to the end ; And, unseen by mortal vision, Angel bands" will o'er me bend. 4 When I soar to realms of glory, And an entrance I await. If I whisper, "Jesus onlv!" Wide will ope the pearly gate; When I join the heavenly chorus, And the angel hosts I see. Precious Jesus, "Jesus only," Will my theme of rapture be. 258 ll/HOMhave I Lord, in heav'n but >> Thee? None hut Thee! None but Thee! And this my song thro 1 life shall be, Christ for me! Christ for me! He hath for me the wine press trod. He hath redeemed me "by His blood," And reconciled my soul to God, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! 2 I enw not the rich their joys, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! I covet not earth's glitt'ring toys, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! Earth can no lasting bliss bestow. " Fading " is stamped on all below; Mine is a joy no end can know, Christ for nie ! Christ for me! 3 Tho' with the poor be cast my lot, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! '• He knoweth "best," — T murmur not, Christ for me! Christ for me! Tho' " Vine and Fig-tree" blightassail, The "labor of the Olive fail," And death o'er flocks and herds prevail, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! 4 Tho' I am now on hostile ground, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! And sin besets me all around, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! Let earth her fiercest battle wage And foes against my soul engage Strong in His strength I scorn their rage, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! 5 And when my life draw* to its close, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! Safe in His arms I shall repose, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! When sharpest pains my frame pervade, And all the powers of nature fade Still will I sing thro' death's cold shade, Christ for me ! Christ for me! 259 VI "hen Jesus comes to reward His ser- M • vants. I Whether it he noon or night. Faithful to Him will He find us watch- ing, With our lamps all trimm'd and bright? j O can we say we are ready, brother ? Ready for the sovX s bright home 1 Say. will He find you and me still aatch- in f J- i Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come? I 2 If at the dawn of the early morning, He shall call us onefby one, When to the Lord \&e restore ourtalents, Will He answer Thee— well done .' 3 Have we been true^'to the trust He left us? 1 Do we seek to do our hest ? If in our hearts there is naught con- demns us, We shall have a glorious rest. J 4 Blessed are those whom the Lord finds watching. In His glory they shall share ; Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 75^ If he shall come at the dawn or mid- night. Will He find us watching there ? 260 GLIDIXG o'er life's fitful -waters, Heavy surges sometimes roll; And we sigh for yonder haven, For the Home- land of the soul. Blessed Rome-land, ever frir 1 Sin can never enter there,- But the soul, to life awaking, Everlasting bloom shall wear. 2 Oft we catch a faint reflection Of its bright and vernal hills ; And. tho' distant, how we hail it ! How each her-t with rapture thrills ! 3 To our Father, and our Saviour, To the Spirit, T^ree in One. ■ We shall sing rl.ui songs of triumph When our harvest wort is done. 4 'Tisthe wearv pilgrim's Home-land. Where each 'throbbing care shall cease ; And our longings and our yearnings, Like a wave be hushed to peace. 261 s I HATE heard of a land far away ; And its glories no tongue can de- 1 clare ; But its beauty hangs over the way, And with Jesus I long to be there. To be there, to be there, And with Jesus I long to be there ; j To be there, to be there, And ivith Jesus I long to be there. 2 There are foretastes of Heaven below. There are moments like joys of the blest ; 9 But the splendors ho mortal can know : Of the land where the weary shall rest. 3 In That noon-tide of glory so fair, In the gleam of the river of life, There are joys that the faithful shall share ; * O how sweetly they rest from the strife. 4 There the ransomed with Jesus abide. In the shade of the sheltering fold; Evermore by Inimanuel's side, They shall dwell in the glory untold. I 262 L' A OK, ye saints, the sight is giorious. See the ' ' Man of Sorrows now, From the fight return victorious, Every knee to Him shall bow. Crown Him. crown Him, angels croiun Him ! Crown the Saviour " King of kings." Grown Him, crown Him . angels crown Him ! Grown the Saviour "King of kings.'" 2 Crown the Saviour! Angels crown Him. Rich the trophies Jesus bring3, In the seat of pow'r enthrone Him, While the vault of heaven rings. 3 Sinners in derision crown'd Him, Mocking thus the Saviour's claim, Saints and angels crowd around Him, Own His title, praise His name. 4 Hark ! the bursts of acclamation ! Hark! these lotid triumphant chords, Jesus takes the highest station. Oh. what jov the sight affords. 263 r# "IT t Ol LD you lose your load of sin ' ? T Fix your eyes upon Jesus : Would you know God's peace within? Fix your eyes upon Jesus. Jesus icho on the cross did die. Jesus who lives and reigns on high, He alone can justify • Fix your eyes upon Jesus. 2 Would you calmly walk the wave ? Fix your eyes upon Jesus: Would you know His power to save ? Fix ybur eyes upon Jesus. 3 Would yon have your cares grow light? Fix your eyes up s n Jesus ; Would you songs have in the night ! Fix your eyes upon Jesus. 4 Grieving, would you comfort know ? Fix your eyes upon Jesus: Humble be when blessings flow, Fix your eyes upon Jesus. 5 Would you strength in weakness have! Fix vour eyes upon Jesus ! See a light beyond the grave ? Fix your eyes upon Jesus. ( Gospel Hymns Consolidated. ^64 THERE is a land of pure delight Where saints immortal reign, Eternal day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. There everlasting spring abides, And never fading flowers ; Death, like a narrow sea, divides That heavenly land from ours. 2 Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood, Stand dress ' d in living green ; So to the Jews fair Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. But timorous m ortals start and shrink To cross this narrow sea, And linger, trembling on the brink, And fear to launch away. 3 O could we make our doubts remove. Those gloomy doubts that rise, And see the Canaan that we love, With unbeclouded eyes. Could we but climb where Moses stood. And view the landscape o'er— Not J oi dan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. 265 01 am so happy in Jesus, His blood has redeem'd me from sin, 1 weep and I sing in my gladness, To know He is dwelling within. I am so happy in Jesus, From sin and from sorrow so free; So happy that He is my Saviour, So happy that Jesus loves me. 2 I am so happy in Jesus, He taught me the secret of faith, To rest in believing His promise, And trust whatsoever He saith. 3 01 am so happy in Jesus. 1 lay my whole soul at His feet ; The love He has kindled within me Makes service and suffering sweet. 4 01 am so happy in Jesus, If earth in His love is so blest, What .joy in His glorified presence, To sit at His feet as His guest. 266 THE gospel trumpet's sounding The year of jubilee, And grace is all abounding, To set the bondmen free. Return, return, ye captives ■ Return unto your home, The gospel trumpet's sounding. The jubilee is come ! The gospel trumpet's sounding, The jubilee is come ! 2 Eorsake your wretched service, Your master's claims are o'er; i Avail yourselves of freedom, 1 Be Satan's slaves no more. 3 A better Master's calling, In accents true and kind ; He asks a loving service, And claims a willing mind. 4 He offers you salvation, And points to joys above : j And, longing, waits to make you ' The objects of His love. 5 In living faith accept Him, Give up all else beside ; While grace is loudly calling, Look to the Crucified. 267 OHE only touched the hem of His gar- kJ nient As to His side she stole, Amid the crowd that gather'd around Him, And straightway she was whole. O touch the hem of His garment And thou, too, shalt be free ; His saving pow'r this very hour Shall give new life to thee. 2 She came in fear and trembling before Him, She knew her Lord had come, She felt that from Him, virtue had healed her. The mighty deed was done. 3 He turned with ' 'daughter be of good comfort, i Thy faith hath made thee whole." Gtospel Hymns Consolidated. 77 And peace that passeth all understand- ing With gladness filled her soul. 268 WAji THE bitter pain and sorrow That a time could ever be, "When I proudly said to Jesus, " All of self, and none of Thee," All of self and none of Thee, All of self and none of Thee, ^V^len I proudly said to Jesus, '•' All of self and none of Thee." 2 Yet He found me ; I beheld Him Bleeding on th' accursed tree ; And my wistful heart said faintly, •' Some of self and some of Thee," Some of self and some of Thee, Some of self and. some of Thee. And my wistful heart said faintly, '' Some of self and some of Thee." 3 Day by day His tender mercy Healing, helping, full and free, Brought me lower, while I whispered, " Less of self and moreof Thee," Less of.self and more of Thee, Less of self and more of Thee, Brought me lower, while I whispered, •' Less of self and. moreof Thee." 4 Higher than the highest heaven, Deeper than the deepest sea, Lord. Thy love at last has conquered, ' ; None of self and all of Thee, None of self and all of Thee, None of self and all of Thee, Lord, Thy love at last has conquered. " None of self and all of Thee.* 269 (^ AX it be right for me to go J On in this dark, uncertain way? Say, " I believe," and yet norknow Whether my sins are put away ? I will no longer doubt Thee, O Lord ! I will forever rest in Thy word. 2 Can it be right, in doubt to wait, "Wait for the day that tries the heart, E«e I shall learn what is my state, Fearing the Judge should say depart? 3 Can it be right, such loads to bear, "While He says " come. I'll give you rest?" Bidding me cast on Hun my care, Leaning in love, Upon Hi's breast. 4 Can it be right to doubt His pow'r, Both to forgive and vanquish sin ? Even in trials of darkest hour, Cannot His love give peace within ? 5 Can it be right no soul to seek, Lest I should prove unfit to guide ? Can He not teach my tongue to speak. Will He not ample strength provide ? 6 Can it be right with suck a Lord, / Even to dread the hour of death ? { Waiting in faith the great reward. Cahniv I'll yield mv dving breath. 270 FROM the riven Rock there liowetb, Living water ever clear ; "Weary pilgrim journeying onward, Know you not the Fount is near ? Jesus is the Bock of Ages — Smitten, stricken, lo ! Hr di^s ; From His side a living fountain. Knoiv you % not it satisfies ! 2 " "Without money, without merit," ! Jesus calls, " Come unto Me." Thirsty traveler, be encouraged. ; Know you not the Fount is free l 3 Fainting in the desert, dreary, Guilty sinner, hark ! 'tis He ! 'Tis the Saviour still entreating. Know vou not He calleth thee ? 271 THOTJ ari. coming, O my Saviour. Thou art coming! O my King. Every tongue Thy name confessing, "Well may we rejoice and sing ; Thou art coming ! ravs of glory, Thro' the veil Thy death has rent, Gladden now our pilgrim" pathway, Glory from Thy presence seut. Thou art coming. Thou art coming, We shall meet Thee on Thy way. Thou art coming, toe shall see Thee. And be like Thee on that day, Thou art coming. Thou art coming ! Jesus our beloved Lord, /78_ Gospel Hymns Consolidated. the joy to see Thee reigning, Worshiped, glorified, adored. 2 Thou art coming, not a shadow, Not a mist, and not a tear, Not a sin, and not a sorrow, On that sunrise grand and clear ; Thou art coming ! Jesus, Saviour, Nothing else seems worth a thought, O how marvellous the glory, And the bliss Thy pain hath bought. 3 Thou art coming, we are waiting "With a hope that cannot fail, Asking not the day or hour, Anchored safe within the veil; Thou art coming ! at Thy table We are witnesses for this, As we meet Thee in communion, Earnest of our coming bliss. 272 ONLY trusting in my Saviour, All to Him my soul would leave ; He has suffered to redeem me, Ami His, word I now believe. Kow to Christ alone I'm clinging, Tho' the tempest round me bloiv, Heeding not the clouds above me, Dreading not the waves below, 2 Only trusting, nothing doubting. This is all that T can do ; Every trial that befalls me He* will safely bring me thro'. 3 There are breakers in the distance, Yet no danger will I fear; On the Rock my feet are resting, Naught of harm can reach me here. 4 Only trusting, only trusting, This is joy and life to me ; Thou wilt never leave me friendless While I cling, O Christ, to Thee, 273 THERE is a green hill far away, Without a city wall ; Where the dear Lord was crucified, Who died to save us all. O dearly, dearly has He loved, And we must love Him too ; And trust in His redeeming blood, And try Hi$ works to do. 2 We may not know, we cannot tell What pains He had to bear ; But we believe it was for us He hung and suffered there. 3 He died that we might be forgiven, He died to make us good, That we might go at last to heav'n, Sav'd by His precious blood. 4 There was no other good enough, To pay the price of sin j He" only could unlock the gate Of heav'n and let us in. 274 In my Father's house there is many a room. And my Lord has gone to prepare A place for me; O can it be That I shall be with Him there ? Forever ivith Jesus there, Forever with Jesus there, What grace divine, that He is mine I And I shall be with Him there. 2 In my Father's house there is endless day With no cloud of sorrow or care, No tearful eyes, no groans or sighs They know, who are with Him there. 3 In my Father's house there's no want or woe. And there can be no more pray'r; For what beside can God provide Since we shall be with Him there. 4 In my Father's house there is no more death, For the life of God we share ; No thought of sin can enter in, For we shall be with Him there. 5 In my Father's house there are blessed saints, Who His holy image bear ; They find in this their sweetest bliss, That they may be with Him there. 275 TEN thousand times ten thousand, In sparkling raiment bright, The armies of the ranosm'd saints Throng up the steeps of light; 'Tis finished ! all is finished, Their fight with death and sin; Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 79 Fling open wide the golden gates, And let the victors in. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! To the Lamb ivho once was slain ! Hallelujah! HalUlujah ! To Him tuho lives again ! 2 What rush of hallelujahs Fills all the earth and sky ! "What ringing of a thousand harps Bespeaks the triumph nigh ! O day for which creation And all its tribes were made ! joy, for all its former woes A thousand-fold repaid ! 3 O. then what raptured greetings On Canaan's happy shore. What knitting severed friendships up, Where partings are no more ! Then eyes with joy skall sparkle, That brimm'd with tears of late; Orphans no longer fatherless, Nor widows desolate. 276 1FEEL like singing all the time, My tears are wiped away ; For Jesus is a friend of mine, I'll serve Him every day. Tm singing, singing, Singing all the time; Singing, singing, Singing all the time. 2 When on the cross my Lord I saw, Nail'd there by sins of mine j Fast fell the burning tears ; but now I'm singing all the time. 3 When fierce temptations try my heart, I sing, Jesus is mine ; And so, though tears at times may start, I'm singing all the time. 4 The wondrous story of the Lamb, Tell with that voice of thine, 'Till others, with the glad new song Go singing all the time. 277 MINE ! what rays of glory bright Now upon the promise shine ! 1 have found the Lord, my light; I am His and He " Mine, O mine. Mine, O mine, Jesus Qhrist, my Lord and Saviour I am His, and He is mine! j 2 Mine ! the promise often read, Now in living truth impress'd, . Once acknowledged in the head, Now a fire within the breast. 3 Mine ! the promise cannot change, Mine ! tko' oft my eyes are dim : Naught can from His love estrange, Those who place their trust in Him. 4 Mine ! though oft my hand may fail, Hejs strong and holds me fast; By His blood I shall prevail, He shall lead me home at last. j 5 Mine! when death the bars shall break, 'Mid those glories all divine, Satisfied I shall awake, Clasp His feet, and call Him mine. 278 ETERNITY dawns on mv vision to- day, Gather round me, my loved mes. to sing and to pray ; The shadows are past and the veil is withdrawn, Brightly now does the morn of eternity dawn. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah we sing! Jesus conquer' d the grave, robbing death of its sting; Hosanna! again let the glad anthem ring, "Sing and pray! eternity dawns!" 2 Eternity dawns ! oh. the glories that rise, I How they burst on my soul in its bliss- ful surprise, With rapture the gleam of the city I see, Where crown and the mansion are wait- ing for me. 3 "Eternity dawns!"' there will be no more night, lam nearing the gates of the Citv of Light; The shadows of time are all passing a- way, Tarry not, O my Saviour, come quickly. ' I pray. . 80 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 4 "Eternity dawns!" Earth recedes from my view : "Weeping friends, now farewell, I must bid you adieu; I'm resting in Jesus, His meriv si plead, Eear ye not, "for my God shai supply &?l your need.'" 5 "Eternity dawns," "lis a sou, oe of! content. That in preaehing salvation, my 'fe j has been spent; ! Tis "Jesus my All," and the Saviour of men, g May His grace be upon you forever. Amen. 279 1VHEKE is my wand ring boy to- * ) night — The boy of my tenderest care, The boy that wa« once my joy and light, j The child of my love and prayer ? O where is my boy to-night? O w he-re is my boy to-night? My heart o'erfloivn, for I love him, he knoros ,■ O where is my boy to-night ? 2 Once he was pure as morning dew, As he knelt at his mother's knee : Xo face was so bright, no heart more true, And none was so sweet as he. o O could I see you now, my boy, As fair as in olden time, When prattle and smile made home a j°y And life was a merry chime ! 4 Go for my wand"ring boy to-night ; Go search for him where you will ; But bringhim tome with all his blight, And tell him I love him still. 280 PRECIOUS Saviour, may I live, Only for Thee ! Spend the powers Thou dost give, Only for Thee ! Be my spirit's deep desire Oniy for Thee! Mav mv intellect aspire Onlv for Thee! / Only Christ, who died for me, Paid the price and made me free, Now, and through eternity, Only for Thee! 2 In my joys may I rejoice, Only for Thee ! In my choices make my choice, Only for Thee! Meekly mav I suffer grief, Only for Thee! Gratefully accept relief, Only for Thee! 3 Be my smiles and be my tears, Only for Thee! Be my young and riper years, Only for Thee ! Be mv peace and be my strife, Only for Thee! Be mv love and be my life, Only for Thee ! 281 VTOTHIXG, either great or small— x\ Nothing, sinner, no; Jesus died and paid it all, Long, long ago. ''It is finished!" yes indeed, Finished every jot ; Sinner, this is all you need, Tell me, is it not? 2 When He, from His lofty throne, Stooped to do and die, Everything was fully done : Hearken to His cry ! 3 "Weary, working, burdened one, Wherefore toil you so ? Cease your doing"; all was done Long, long ago. 4 Till to Jesus' work you cling, By a simple faith, "Doing " is a deadly thing— "Doing" ends in death. 5 Cast your deadly " doing"" down — Down at Jesus' feet ; Stand in Him, in Him alone, Gloriously complete. 282/ SING them over again to me. "Wonderful words of Life, Let me more of their beautv see Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 81 "Wonderful words of Life. "Words of life and beauty. Teach me faith and duty ; || : Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life. :|| 2 Christ, the blessed One. gives to all, Wonderful words of Life; Sinner, list to the loving call, Wonderful words of Life. All so freely given, Wooing us to Heaven. || -.Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life. :|| 3 Sweetly echo the gospel call, "Wonderful words of Life. Offer pardon and peace to all, Wonderful words of Life. Jesus, only Saviour, Sanctify forever. ||: Beautiful words, wonderful words. Wonderful words of Life. :i| 283 "IT7E speak of the land of the blest. f V A country so bright and so fair, And oft are its glories contest. But what must it be to be there. To be there, to be there, O ivhat must it be to be there ; To be there, to be there, O ivhat must it be to be there. 2 We speak of its pathways of gold, Its walls decked with jewels so rare, Its wonders and pleasures untold, But what must it be to be there. 3 "We speak of its peace and its love, The robes which the glorified wear, The songs of the blessed above. But what must it be to be there. 4 We speak of its freedom from sin. From sorrow, temptation, and care. From trials without and within. But what must it be to be there. 5 Do Thou. Lord, midst pleasure or woe, •For heaven our spirits prepare, Iheu shortly we also shall know, And feel what it is to be there. 284 HAVE you any room for Jesus, He who bore your load of sin ; fs He knocks and asks admission. Sinner, will you let Him in ? Boom for Jesus, King of glory, Hasten now, His -word obey. Swing the heart's door ividely open, Bid him enter while you may. 2 Boom for pleasure. room for business, i But for Christ, the Crucified, ! Xot a place that He can enter ; j In the heart for which He died. ; 3 Have you any time for Jesus, ; As in grace He calls again \ \ to-day is time accepted. j To-morrow you may call in vain. ' 4 Boom and time now give to Jesus, Soon will pass Gods day of grace % Soon thy heart left cold aiid silent. I And thv Saviour's pleadings cease. 285 017R Master has taken His journey To a country that's far away. 1 And has left us the cure of the vineyard. To work for Him day 1> ' There's atcorJc for me and do. | Yes, a work for me and a work for you. : Something for each of us tioiv to do. * 1 2 In this "little while." doth v it matter, ! As we work, and we watch. and we wait, If we're tilling- the place Ht assigns us. 1 Be its service small or great. 3 There's only one thing should concern us. I To find just the task that is ours ■ i And then, having found it. to do it With all our God-given pow'rs. 4 Our Master is coining most surely, i To reckon with every one ; Shall we then count our toil < »r our sorrow, If His sentence be. ■ W "1 done.'' 286 BE our joyful song to-day, Jesus, only Jesus. He who took our sin.- away* Jesus, only Jesus. Xame with every blessing rife,. Be our joy and hope thro' life, f 82 G-ospel Hymns Consolidated. Be our strength in every strife, Jesus, only Jesus. 2 Once we wander'd far from God, Knowing not of Jesus, Treading still the downward road, Leading far from Jesus. Till the spirit taught us how "Xeath the Saviour's yoke to how, And we fain would follow now, Jesus, only Jesus. 3 Be our trust thro' years to come, Jesus, only Jesus, Pass-word to the heavenly home, Jesus, only Jesus. When from sin and sorrow free, On thro' all eternity. This our theme and song shall he, Jesus, oulv Jesus. 287 HOW sweet the word of Christ the Lord. While on the cross He dies. A word to a]J who on Him call. - Tor life in pftradise. From the cross the Saviour cries , Come with me to paradise; Look to me. believe and live. Accept the life I freely give. "2 The dying thief, in full belief On Jesus fixed his eyes ; His only plea, ' Remember me, O Lord, in paradise." 3 By man condemn'd, without a friend, Will Jesus heed his cries ? O blessed Lord, how quick Thy word, " To-day in Paradise." 4 Tho' vile as he. O sinner, flee, While Jesus calls, be wise ; His word believe, and now receive A life in Paradise. 288 REJOICE with me, for now I'm free. I joy in a new pleasure ; Erom God above the gift of love Is mine in fullest measure. Rejoice, rejoice, Christ is my choice, His cross alone my glory ; While life shall last, when death is past, I'll sing the joy ful story. 2 Once vile with sin, Christ makes me Gone is all condemnation ; [cleao Eor I believe and now receive A full and free salvation. 3 In Christ I live, and He doth give Great joy where once ^f as sadness ; And in this way, from day to day, My life \s filled with gladness. 4 To all proclaim His wondrous name, Repeat the old, old story ; Till work is done and heaven won, Then praise Him more in glory. 289 THE prize is set before us, To win, His words implore us. The eye of God is o'er us Erom on high, from on high ; His loving tones are calling While sin is dark, appalling, 'Tis Jesus gently calling, He is nigh, He is nigh. \\:Byand by we shall meetHim, By and by we shall greet Kim, And ivith Jesus reign in glory, By and by.:\\ 2 We'll follow where He leadeth, We'll pasture where He feedeth, We'll yield to Him who pleadeth From on high, from on high ; Then naught from Him shall sever, Our hope shall brighten ever, A nd faith shall fail us never, He is nigh, He is nigh. 3 Our home is bright above us ( No trials dark to move us, But Jesus dear to love us There on high, there on high ; We'll give Him best endeavor, And praise His name forever His precious words can never, Never die, never die. 290 I AM trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Trusting only Thee ! Trusting Thee for full salvation, Great and free. 2 I am trusting Thee for pardon, At Thy feet I bow; Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 83 For Thy grace and tender mercy Trusting now. 3 I am trusting Thee for cleansing In the crimson flood; Trusting Thee to make me holy By Thy blood. 4 I am trusting Thee to guide me, Thou alone shalt lead ; Every day and hour supplying All my need. 5 I am trusting Thee for pow'r ; Thine can never fail; "Words which Thou Thyself shalt give me. Must prevail. 6 I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Never let me fall ! 1 am tmsting Thee forever, And for all ! 291 GOOD news from heav'n, good news for thee, There flows a pardon full and free, To guilty sinners through the blood Of the Incarnate Son of God; He paid the debt that thou didst owe. He suffered death for thee below, He bore the wrath divine for thee, He groaned and bled on Calvary. Good neivs from heav'n, good neivs for thee, There flows a pardon full and free, To guilty sinners through the blood Of the Incarnate Son of God. 2 Good news from heav'n, good news for thee, The Saviour cries. " Come unto me, All ye who toil, with fears opprest ; Come, weary one. O come and rest;" He loves thee with o'erflowing love, He hears thy pray 'r in heav'n above ; He all thy pasture shall prepare, And lead thee with a shepherd's care. 3 Good news from heav'n, good news for thee, Has echoed from eternity ; And loud shall our hosannas ring. "When with the ransomed throng we sin":, '•"Worthy the Lamb, - ' whose precious blood Has made us kings ana priests to God; Our harps we'll tune to noblest strains. And glory give to Him who reigns. 292 S~ AVIOUE, breathe an evening bless- ing. Ere repose our spirits seal ; Sin and want we come confessing. Thou canst save and Thou canst heal, 2 Though destruction walk around us. Though the arrows past us fly ; Angel guards from Thee surround us, "We are safe if Thou art nigh. 3 Tho' the night be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from Thee : Thou art He, who, never weary. Watchest where Thy people" be. 4 Should swift death this night o'er take us, J And our couch become our tomb, May the morn in heaven awake us. Clad in bright and deathless bloom. 293 SOT7XD the high praises of Jesus on:. King, He came and Heconquer'd, His victory sing; : Sing, for the pow'r of the tyrant is broken, J The triumph's complete over death and the grave ; Tain is their boasting. Jehovah hath j spoken, , And Jesus proclaimed Himself might- ty to save. ! Sound the high praises of Jesus our King, i Me came and He conquer d, His victory I ting: 2 Praise to the Conqueror] Praise to the Lord, '. The enemy quail' d at the might of His | word:' In heav'n He ascends and unfolds , the glad story. The hosts of the blessed exidt in His fame ; .84 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. In love Ho looks down from the throne of His glory, And rescues the ruin'd who trust in His name. 294 THIS is the day of toil, Beneath earth's sultry noon, This is the day of servicetrue, JBut resting cometh soon. Halleiujeeti ! Hallelujah! There remains a rest for us. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! There remains a rest for tis. 2 Spend and he spent would we, While lasteth time's brief day; 1st* turning back iu coward fear, Xo lingering by the way. 3 Onward we press in haste, Upward our journey still ; Onrs is the path the Master trod Through good report and ill. 4 The way may rougher grow, Tbfl weariness increase. We gird our loins and hasten on, The end, the end is peace- 295 THERE is joy among the angels, Singinground the throne above, When repentant tears are flowing, While the risen Lord is showing- All the riches of His love, All the riches of His love. All the riches of His love. There is joy, O there is joy, Joy that never can be told, When a soul that long has wander'd, Comes within the Saviour's fold. 2 There is joy among the angels; When a sinner heeds the call ; When He turns to Christ believing, And from Him is love receiving. ;j: Grace that saves us one and all,:j| Grace that saves us one and all. 3 There is joy among the angels, When His cause is speeding on. When the notes of praise are ringing That the gospel work is bringing, J] : Precious sheaves for harvest morn, :|| Precious sheaves for hardest morn. 296 OVER the ocean wave away, There the poor heathen live, wait- ing for day ; Groping in ignorance, dark as the night, ISTo blessed Bible to give them the light. Pity them, pity them, Christians athome, Haste with the bread of life, hasten and come. 2 Here in this happy land we have the light Shining from God s own word, free, pure, and bright : Shall we not send to them Bibles to read. Teachers, and preachers, and all that they need? 3 Then, while the mission ships glad tidings bring, List ! as the heathen band joyfully sing. "Over the ocean wave. O see them come. Bringing the bread of life, guiding us home.'' 297 THEN we reach our Father's dwell- V mg On the Strong eternal hills, And our praise to Him is swelling Who the vast creation fills, Shall we then recall the sadness, And the clouds that hung so dim, When our hearts were turned from hardness, And our feet from paths of sin? Yes, we. surely shall remember, And His grace we'll freely own; For the love so strong and tender, That redeemed and brought us home. 2 When the paths of prayer and duty, And affliction all are trod, And we wake and see the beauty Of our Saviour and our God. Shall we then recall the story Of our mortal griefs and tears. When on earth we sought the glory. Wrestling oft with doubts and fears. 3 All the way by which He brought us. All thf) grievings that He bore, G-ospel Hymns Consolidated. 85 All the patient love that taught us, We'll remember evermore. And His rest will he the dearer, As we think of weary ways, And His light will be the clearer, As we muse on cloudy days. 298 <<"\fUST I go and empty handed," iri Thus my dear Redeemer meet ? Xor one day of service give Him, Lay no trophy at His feet. ''Must I go and empty handed," Must 1 meet my Saviour so ? Not one sotd with which to greet Him, Must I mnpty handed go? .2 Xot at death I shrink nor falter. For my Saviour saves me now ; But to meet Him empty handed, Thought of that now clouds niy brow, 3 Oh. the years of sinning wasted, Could I but recall them now, 1 would give them to my Saviour, To His will I'd gladly bow. 4 Oh, ye saints, arouse, be earnest, Tip and work while yet 'tis day, Ere the night of death o'ertakes'thee, Strive for souls while still you may. 299 MY sin is great, my strength is weak, Mv path beset "with snares ; Hut Thou. O Christ, hast died for me, And Thou wilt hear my prayers. To Thee, to Thee, the Crucified, The sinner's only plea, Belying on Thy promised grace, My faith still clings to Thee. 2 The world is dark without Thee,Lord, I turn me from its strife To find Thy love a sweet relief ; Thou art the light of life. 3 Temptations lure and fears assail My frail inconstant heart ; Hut precious are Thy promises, - And they new strength impart, 4 Unfold Thy precepts to my mind, And cleanse my blinded eyes ; Grant me to work for Thee on earth, Then praise Thee in the skies. 300 * I'VE found the pearl of greatest price! My heart doth sing for joy ; And sing I must, for Christ is mine! Christ shall my song employ. I've found the pearl of greatest price! My heart doth sing for joy ; And sing 1 must, for Christ is mine! Christ shall my song employ. 2 Christ is my Prophet, Priest, and King ; My P-ophet full of light, My great High Priest before the throne, My King of heavenly might. 3 For He indeed is Lord of lends, • And He the King of kings : He is the Sun of Righteousness, With healing in His wings. 4 Christ is my peace : He died for mo, For me He shed His blood ; And as mv wondrous Sacrifice, Offered Himself to God. 5 Christ Jesus is my all in all, My comfort and my love ; My life below, and He shall be My joy and crown above. 301 ; u TT^ALNT. yet pursuing," we press -L our way Up to the glorious gates of day, j Following Him who has gone before. Over the path to the brighter shore. "Faint, yet pursuing. "from day to-day. Over the sure and the blood-marked way,- Strengthen and keep xts, O Saviour, Friend, Ever pursuing unto life's end. 2 ' Faint. yet pursuing, "whate'erbefail, He who has died for us, died for all ; So - should they come, as a mighty throng, Bearing His banner aloft with song. 3 " Faint, yet pursuing." till eventide. Under thecross of the" Crucified : Knowing, when darkly are skies o'er- casi, Sorrow and sighing will eud at last. 86 Gospel Hymns Consolidated? 4 "Faint, yet pursuing," the eye afar Sees thro'the darkness the MorningStar. Sheding its ray for the weary feet, Keeping the way to the golden street. 302 +< BESIDE the well at noon-time, I hear a sad one say, ' ' I want that living water, Give me to drink I pray ; The well is deep, O pilgrim, But deeper is my need ; 1 thirst for life eternal. The ' Gift of God' indeed." Ho. every one that thirsteth, The living water buy ! Ye blessed ones that hunger, Take, eat and never die, 2 Beside the pool Bethesda, I hear a mournful cry ; '"No help, no hope is ottered To one so weak as I ;" cease thy sad complaining, The gospel gives thee cheer ; ComA to the house of mercy, For Christ thePool is here. Tis He. the great Physician, Can cure the sin-sick soul; 'Eiseup andwalk," He bids thee, " Thy faith hath madethee whole." 3 "While seated on the hill-side, The hungry ones were fed By Him who said most truly, " I am the living bread ; 'Tis He. the heavenly manna, Who doth our soul's restore ; By faith of Him partaking We live forever more. 303 ON'Jordan's stormy hanks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. We ivill rest in the fair and happy land,, Just across on the evergreen shore, Sing the song of Moses and the Lamb, by and by, ' And dwell ivith Jesus evermore. 2 O'er all those wide-extended plains Shines one eternal day ; There God the Son forever reigns, And scatters night away. \ 3 When shall I reach that happy place, And be forever blest ? When shall I see my Father's face, And in His bosom rest ? 4 Filled with delight, my raptured soul, Would here no longer stay; Tho' Jordan's waves around me roll, I Fearless I'd launch away. 304 OL AND of rest, for thee I sigh, When will the moment come, J When I shall lay my armor by, 1 And dwell in peace at home ? We'll work till Jesus comes, Well work till Jesus comes, We'll work tiU Jesus comes, And we'll be gathered home. 2 No tranquil joys on earth I know, No peaceful sheltering dome, This world's a wilderness of woe, This world is not my home. 3 To Jesus Christ I fled for rest ; He bade me cease to roam, And lean for succour on His breast, Till He conduct me home. 4 I sought at once my Saviour's side, No more my steps shall roam ; With Him I'll brave death's chilling tide And reach my heavenly home. 305j I'VE reach'd the land of corn and wine, And all its riches freely mine ; Here shines undimm'd one blissful day, < For all my night has passed away. ! O Beulah land, sweet Beulah land, As on thy highest m ount I stand, ' I look away across the sea, Where mansions are prepared for me, And view the shining glory shore, My heav'n, my home for evermore. 2 The Saviour comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we : He gently leads me with His hand, For this is heaven's border land, 3 A sweet perfume upon the breeze Is borne from ever vernal trees. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 87 And iiow'rs that never fading grow AVhere streams of life forever tiow. 4 The zephyrs seem to float to me, Sweet sounds of heaven's melody, As angels, with the white-robed throng, Join in the sweet redemption song. 306 I'M a pilgrim and I'm a stranger, I can tarry, I can tarry but a night ; Do not detain me. for I am going To where streamlets are ever flowing: I'm a pilgrim and I'm a stranger. I can tarry, I can tarry but a night. 2 Of that city, to which I journey. My Redeemer, my Redeemer is the light; There is no sorrow, nor any sighing, Xor any tears there, nor any dying : 3 There the sunbeams are ever shining, O my longing heart, my longing heart is there : Here in this country, so dark and dreary, llong have wander'd. forlorn and weary . 307 IKXOW not what awaits me, God kindly veils mine eyes, And o'er each step of my onward way He makes new scenes to rise ; And every joy He sends me, comes A sweet and glad surprise. Where He may lead, Til follow, My trust in Sim repose ,■ And every hour in perfect peace Til sing. He knows. He knows, And every hour in perfect peace Til sing. He knows, He knoivs. 2 One step I see before me, 'Tis all I need to see. The light of heav'n more brightly shines, When earth's illusions flee; And sweetly through the silence, came His loving " Follow me." :5 O blissful lack of wisdom, 'Tis blessed not to know ; He holds me with His own right hand And will not let me go. And lulls my troubled soul to rest In Him who loves me so. 1 4 So on I go, not knowing ,- I I would not if I might ; i I'd rather walk in the dark with God | Than go alone in the light ; I'd rather walk by faith with Him Than go alone by sight. , He knows, He knoivs, He knows. 308 "IT" HEX we get home from our sorrow | T T and care, I And we stand with the angels of I light, ; O what a meeting in heaven there'll be. In that land without shadow or night ; Sorrow and care, tribulation and pain. We'll leave, when we pass through | the tomb : Clouds of despair, storms of trial and care. We shall leave for that beautiful home. ; When we get home. O when ivr get home. Get home to glory land. i Praises well sing to Jesus, our King, j A ransomed, a glorified band. \ 2 When we get home to the mansions above, : With the loved ones gone over before. ! O who can tell what a joy that will be There to live and rejoice evermore ; ! Angels will praise, the Eedeemer will smile, j And loved ones we'll clasp by the hand ; Free from all pain, far beyond earthly stain, | We shall dwell in that beautiful land. j 3 When we get home, when tho morn- ing is come, ! And forth from the city of gold. Angels of God, coming down, shall call home All of those who belong to His fold ; i Will you be there, brother, loved ones to greet, Or will you forever be lost ? What is thy choice, fleeting pleasures of earth, Or a home when death's river is crossed ? 83 309 OWOKD of words, the sweetest, O word, in which there lie All promise, all fulfillment, And end of mystery: Lamenting, or rejoicing, With doubt or terror nigh, 1 hear the " Come" of Jesus, And to His cross I fly. || : Corns, O come to me, Come, O come to me, Weary, heavy laden, Come, O come to me.:\\ 2 soul ! why shouldst thou wander From such a loving Friend ? Cling closer, closer to Him, Stay with Him to the end, Alas ! I am so helpless, So very full of sin, For I am ever wand'ring, And coming back again. 3 O each time draw me nearer, That soon the ' ' Come " may be XaiTxM imt a gentle whisper, To one close, close to Thee; Then, over sea and mountain, Far from, or near my home, I'll take Thy hand and follow, At that sweet whisper, "Come! 310 IHAYE read of a beautiful city. Far away in the kingdom of God ; 1 have read how its walls are of jasper, How its streets are all golden and broad. In the midst of the street is life's river, Clear as crystal and pure to behold : But not half of that city's bright glory To mortals has ever been told. W-.Nothalf has ever been told;:\] Not half of that city's bright glory To mortals has ever been told. 2 I have read of bright mansions in Heaven, Which the Saviour has gone to pre- pare ; And the saints who on earth have been faithful, Rest forever with Christ over there ; Gospel Hymns Consolidated. There no sin ever enters, nor sorrow; The inhabitants never grow old ; But not half of the joys that await them To mortals has ever been told. 3 I have read of white robes for the righteous, Of bright crowns which the glorified wear, When our Father shall bid them ' Come enter, And my glory eternally share;" How the righteous are evermore blessed As they walk thro' the streets of pure gold ; But not half of the wonderful story To mortals has ever been told. 4*1 have read of a Christ, so forgiving, That vile sinners may ask and receive Peace and pardon from every trans- gression, If when asking they only believe. 1 have read how He'll guide and pro- tect us, If for safety we enter His fold; But not half of His goodness and mercy To mortals has ever been told. 311* t HE you coming Home, ye wand'rers, A Whom Jesus died to win, All footsore, lame and weary, Your garments stained with sin; Will you seek the blood of Jesus To wash your garments white ; Will you trust His precious promise, Are you coming home to-night ? \\- Are you coming Home to-night, :|| Are you coming Home to Jesus, Out of darkness into light ? \\:Areyou coming Home to-night,:\\ To your loving, heavenly Father, Are you coming Home to-night? 2 Are you coming Home, ye lost ones ? Behold your Lord doth wait ; Come, then, no longer linger, Come, ere it be too late: Will you come and let Him save you, O trust His love and might : Will you come while He is' calling. Are you coming Home to-night? Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 89 3 Are you coming Home, ye guilty, "Who* bear the load of sin ; Outside you've long been standing, Come now and venture in ; Will you heed the Saviour's promise, And dare to trust Him quite; "Come unto rne." saith Jesus, Are you coming Home to-night ? 312 SAY, where is thy refuge, poor sinner, And what is thy prospect to-day ? Why toil for the wealth that will perish, The treasures that rust and decay? O think of thy soul, that forever Must live on eternity's shore, , When thou in the dust art forgotten, • When pleasure can charm thee no more. '1 'will profit thee nothing, but fearful the cost, \\: To gain the xohole xoorld, if thy soul should be lost. :\\ 2 The Master is calling thee, sinner, In tones of compassion and love, To feel that sweet rapture of pardon, And lay up thy treasure above; O kneel at the cross where He suffered, To ransom thy soul from the grave: The arm of His" mercy will hold thee, The Arm that is mighty to save. 3 As summer is waning, poor sinner, Repent, ere the season is past; God's goodness to thee is extended. As loug as the day -beam shall last : Then slight not the warning repeated With all the bright moments that roll, in or say, when the harvest is ended. That no one hath cared for thy soul. 313 BRIGHTLY gleams our banner, Pointing to the sky, Waving wand'rers onward, To their home on high ; Journeying o'er the desert, Gladly thus we pray, And with hearts united, Take our heav'nward wav. Brightly gleams our banner, Pointing to the sky, Waving wand'rers onward, To their home on high. 2 Jesus, Lord and Master, At Thy sacred feet, *Here with hearts rejoicing, See Thy children meet ; Often have we left Thee, Often gone astray. Keep us, mighty Saviour, In the narrow way. 3 All our days direct us, In the way we go. Lead us on victorious Over every foe ; Bid Thine angels shield us, When the storm-clouds lower. Pardon, Lord, and save us In the last dread hour. 4 Then with saints and angels May we join above, Offering endless praises At Thy throne of love j When the toil is over, Then comes rest And peace. — Jesus in His beauty, Songs that never cease. 314 MY Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine, For Thee all the follies of sin I resign \ My gracious Redeemer, mv Saviour art Thou, If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. 2 I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me. And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree ; I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow. If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. 3 I'll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death. And praise Thee as long as Thou lend- est me breath : And say when the death-dew lies cold on my brow. If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tisnow. ) B0_ Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 4 In mansions of glorv and endless de- \ light, I'll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright ; ] I'll sing with the glittering crown on j my brow, If ever Iloved Thee, my Jesus, 'tisnow. | 315 HEAR ye the glad good news from I Heaven ? Life to a death-doomed race is given! Christ on the cross for you and me Purchased a pardon fuil and free. I|: He that believeth, he that believeth, He that believeth hath everlasting life. -\\ j 2 When we were lost, the Son of God ! Made an atonement by His blood : When we the glad Good Xews believe, i Then the atonement we receive. 3 Why not believe the glad Good 3sTews. ? I Why still the voice of God refuse? Why not believe, when God hath said, j A11.'t?Z our guilt "on Him " was laid? j 316 THE way is dark, my Father ! || Cloud upon cloud Is gathering thickly o'er my head, and ! loud The thunders | roar a- bove me, || Yet ! see, I stand Like one bewildered ! Father, | take my J hand. And through the gloom lead safely home, Safely home, safely home, Lead safely home Thy child! 2 The day declines, my Father! || andj the night Is drawing darkly down. My faithless j sight Sees | ghostly | visions. || Fears like a ! spectral band Encompass me. O Father, | take my | i hand, And from the night lead up to light, j Up to light, up to light. Lead up to light Thy child! 3 The way is long, my Father ! || and my soul Longs for the rest and quiet | of the | goal ; || While yet I journey through this weary land. Keep me from wandering, Father, j take my | hand And in the way to endless day, Endless day, endless day, Lead safely on Thy child ! 4 The path is rough, my Father! || Ma- ny a thorn Has pierced me ; and my feet all torn And bleeding, | mark the | way. || Yet Thy command Bids me press forward. Father. | take my | hand; Then safe and blest, O lead to rest, Lead to rest, lead to rest, O lead to rest Thy child! 5 The throng is great, my Father ! || Ma- ny a doubt And foes op- | press me | sore. || I can- And fear of danger compass me about; 1 foes op- | not stand Or go alone. O Father, | take my | hand; And through the throng, lead safe a- long. Safe along, safe along. Lead safe along Thy child ! 6 The cross is heavy, Father! || I have borne It long, and | still do { bear it. || Let my worn And fainting spirit, rise to that bright land Where crowns are given. Father, | take my | hand ; And reachingdown. leadtothecrown, To the crown, to the crown, Lead to the crown Thy child! 317 HEAV'NLYFather, we beseech Thee, Grant Thy blessing ere we part ; Take us in Thy care and keeping, Guard from evil everv heart. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 91 Bless the words v:e here have spoken, Offered prayer and cheerful strain ; If thy ivill, O Lord, we pray Thee, Grant we all may meet again. 2 Loving Saviour, go Thou with us, Be our comfort and our stay; Grateful praise to Thee we render, For the joy we feel to-day. 3 Holy Spirit, dwell within us, May our souls Thy temple he, May we tread the path to glory, Led and guided still hy Thee. 4 Heavenly Father, Loving Saviour, Holy Spirit, Three in One, As among Thy saints and angels, So on earth, Thy will be done. 318 I) Y faith I view my Saviour dying, > On the tree, on' the tree; To every nation He is crying, Look to me. look to me ; He bids the guilty now draw near, Repent, believe, dismiss their fear: Hark.hark.what precious words I hear, Mercy's free, mercy's free. 2 Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing, Pity me, pity me? And did He snatch my soul from ruin ? Can it be, can it tie? O yes ! He did salvation bring: He is my Prophet, Priest and King ; And now my happy soul can sing, Mercy's free, mercy's free. 3 Jesus my weary soul refreshes ; Mercy's free, mercy's free, And every moment Chiist is precious Unto me, unto me ; None can describe the bliss I prove, While through this wilderness I rove, All may enjoy the Saviour's love, Mercy's free, mercy's free. 4 Long as I live, I'll still be crying, Mercy's free, mercy's free, And this shall be my theme when dying, Mercy's free, mercy's free. And when the vale of death I've passed. When lodged above the stormy blast, I'll sing while endless ages last, Mercy's free, inercv's free. 319 Mear. cm. SPIRIT of truth, O let me know. The love of Christ to me ; Its conquering, quick'ning power bestow To set me wholly free. 2 I long to know its depth and height To scan its breadth and length ; Drink in its ocean of delight, And triumph in its strength. 3 It is Thine office to reveal My Saviour's wond'rous love! O deepen on my heart Thy seal, And bless me from above. 4 Thy quickening power to me impart, And be my constant Guide ; With richer gladness fill my heart; Be Jesus glorified. 320 VWAKE and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb; Wake every heart and every tongue. To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of His dying love; Sing of His rising power : Sing how He intercedes above Lor those whose sins He bore. 3 Ye pilgrims, on the road To Zion's city, sing; Rejoice ye in the Lamb of God. — In Christ, the eternal King. 4 There shall each raptured tongue His endless praise proclaim ; And sweeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lamb. 321 Duke st. l. m. FROM all that dwell below the skies. Let the Creator's praise arise ; Let the Redeemer's Name be sung, Thro' every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are Thy mercies. Lord ; Eternal truth attends Thy word; [shore Thv praise shall sound from shore to Till suns shall rise and set no more. 322 Ward. l. m. TESTIS, and shall it ever be. O A mortal man ashanjed of Thee ? Ashamed of Thee. whom angels praise. Whose glories shine thro' endless daya Gospel Hymns Consolidated. A> Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star; He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. 3 Ashamed of Jesus, that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heav'n depend! No. when I blush, be this my shame. That I no more revere His !N ame. i Ashamed of Jesus ! yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away, No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fear to quell, no soul to save. 5 Till then, nor is my boasting vain; Till then I boast a Saviour slain ; And O. may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me. ' 323 Windham, l. m. JTAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay, O Tho' I have done Thee such despite, Cast not the sinner quite away, Nor take Thine everlasting flight. 2 Though I have most unfaithful been Of all who e'er Thy grace received, Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times Thy goodness grieved. 3 Yet 0. the chief of sinners spare, In honor of my great High Priest ; Nor in Thy righteous anger swear I shall not see Thy people's rest. i O Lord, my weary soul release, Upraise me by Thy gracious hand ; Guide me into Thy perfect peace, And bring me to the promised land. St. Thomas, s. m. 324 OHOLT Spirit come, And Jesus' love declare; O tell us of our heavenly home, And guide us safely there. 2 Our unbelief remove By Thine almighty breath ; O work the wondrous work of love, The mighty work of faith. 3 Come with resistless power, Come with almighty grace, Come with the long-expected shower, And fall upon this place. 325 Lexox. COME every joyful heart, That loves the Saviour's name ' Your noblest powers exert, To celebrate His fame ; Tell all above, and all below, The debt of love to Him we owe. 2 He left His starry crown, And laid His robes aside ; On wings of love came down, And wept, and bled, and died; ^ . What He endured no tongue can loll, To save our souls from death and hell. 3 From the dark grave He rose — The mansion of the dead; And thence His mighty foes In glorious triumph led ; Up thro' the sky the Conqueror rode And reigns on high the Saviour God. 4 From thence He'll quickly come— His chariot will not stay — 1 And bear our spirits home To realms of endless day : ! There shall we see His lovely face, And ever be in His embrace. 326 "Looking Home/' Key G. Bradbury Trio, page 160. i H, this earth is void and chill, J\. 'Mid earth's noisy thronging; For my Father's mansion, still Earnestly I'm longing. Looking home, looking home, Thvards the heavenly mansion : Jesus hath prepared for me, In His Father's kingdom. 2 Soon the glorious day will dawn, Heavenlypleasures bringing ; Night wiirbe exchanged for morn, Sighs give place to "singing. 3 O to be at home, and gam All for which we're sighing; From all earthly want and pain To be swiftly flying. 4 Blessed home ! oh, ble ssed home ! There no more to sever ; Soon we'll meet around the throne Praising God forever. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 93. 327 I^HE gospel of Thy grace ^Jfe My stubborn heart has won, For 'God so loved the world, He gave His only Son, • That whosoever will believe, |[: Snail everlasting life receive !" :\\ 2 The serpent, "lifted up," Could life and healiug give, So Jesus on the Cross Bids me to look and live; For, etc. 3 " The soul that sinneth dies ;" My awful doom I heard ; I was forever lost, But for Thy gracious word ; That, etc. 4 •' Xot to condemn the world " The '• Man of sorrows" came ; But that the world might have Salvation thro' His name; For, etc. 5 •• Lord, help my unbelief !" Give me the peace of faith, To rest with child-Hive trust On what Thy gospel saith. TJiat.etc. 328 GLOBT be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, As it was in the beginning' is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 329 TELL it out among the nations that the Lord is King; Tell it out! Tell it out! Tell it out among the nations, bid them shout and sing : Tell it out! Tell it out! Tell it out with adoration that He shall increase. That the mighty King of glory is the King of peace ; Tell it out with jubilation, let the song ne'er cease ; Tell it out! Tell it out! 2 Tell it out among the people that the . Saviour reiens ! Tell it out! Tell it out! Tell it out ! Tell it out ! Tell it out among the weeping ones that Jesus lives ; Tell it out among the weary ones what rest He gives ; Tell it out among the sinners that He came to save ; Tell it out ! Tell it out '. 3 Tell it out among the people Jesus, reigns above ; Tell ft out ! Tell it out ! Tell it out among the nations that His reign is love : Tell it out ! Tell it out ! j Tell it oxtt among the highways and ; the lanes at home ; j Let it ring across the mountains and the ocean's foam : i That the weary, heavy-laden, need no- longer roam ; I Tell it out! Tell it out! 330 331 LIGHT after darkness. Gain after loss. Strength after weakness, Crown after cross ; Sweet after bitter. Hope after fears, Home after wand 'ring Praise after tears. 2 Sheaves after sowing,, Sun after rain. Sight after mystery, Peace after pain •. Joy after sorrow. Calm after bla^t, Rest after weariness, Sweet rest at last. 3 Xear after distant, Gleam after gloom, Love after loneliness, Life after tomb ; After long agony Eapture of bliss. Eight was the pathway Leading to this. Tell it out among the heathen, bid p LOB Y. glory be to Jesus them break their chains ; VX Glory to His precious name: Gospel Hymns Consolidated. «$weet it is to sound His praises, Blest, it is to spread His fame. Glory, glory, hallelujah. Glory be to Jesus' name. Sweet it is to sound His praises, Blest it is to spread His fame. 2 In the place of His rejection Where He suffered, where He died, Bursts of holy praise ascending. Greets the glorious Crucified. 3 Here was marred His blessed visage, Here His brow was wreathed with thorn, Here the object of derision, Bitter taunt and mocking scorn. 4 Tes, triumphant hallelujahs Still arise to greet His name ! Sweet it is to sound His praises, Blest it is to spread His fame ! 332j; T\7"HAT can wash away my stain ? T T Nothing but the blood'of Jesus ; . "What can make me whole again .' Nothing but the blood of Jesus. O previous is the floio That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 2 For my cleansing this I see — Nothing but the blood of Jesus ; For my pardon this my plea — Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 3 Nothing can for sin atone — Nothing but the blood of Jesus ; Naught of good that I have done — Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 4 This is all my hope and peace — Nothing but" the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness- Nothing but the blood of Jesua. 5 Now by this I'll overcome — Nothing but the blood of Jesus ; Now by this 1 11 reach my home — Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 6 Glory ! glory ! thus I sing — Nothing but the blood of Jesus ; All my praise for this I bring — Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 333 my soul hath CHRIST, in Thee. And found in Thee alone, [found, j The peace, the joy I sought so long, j The bliss till now unknown. I Now none but Christ can satisfy, None other name for me, | The-.es love, and life, and lasting joy Lord Jesus, found in Thee. | 2 I sighed for rest and happiness, i I yearned for them, not Thee; But while I passed my Saviour by, His love laid hold on me. 3 I tried the broken cisterns, Lord, But ah ! the waters failed ; E'en as I stooped to drink they fled, And mocked me as I wailed. 4 The pleasures lost I sadly mourn'd. But never wept for Thee, Till grace my sightless eyes received Thy loveliness to see. 334 I "PIS the blessed hour of prayer, when ! JL our hearts lowly bend'. : And we gather to Jesus, our Saviour and Friend ; J If we come to Him in faith, His pro- tection to share, What a balm for the weary ? O how swee t be there ! Blessed hour of pray'r, blessed hour of pray'r; j What a balm for the weary! O how sweet to be there .' 2 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when the Saviour draws near. With a tender compassion His children to hear ; When He tells us we may cast at His feet every care, What a balm for the weary! O how sweet to be there ! 3 'Tis the blessed hour of pray'r. when the tempted and tried To the Saviour who loves them their sorrow confide ; With a sympathizing heart He removes every care ; Gospel Hymns Consolidated. JM What a balm for the weary! .sweet to be there ? how : Comfort to our hearts afford, ! 'Till the coming of the Lord. 4 At the blessed hour of prayer, trust- ing Him, we believe That the blessing we're needing we'll surely receive, In the fullness of this trust we shall lose every care \ "What a balm for the weary! O how sweet to be there ! 335 OSOTJL in the far away country, A-weary, and famished, and sad, There's rest in the home of thy Father, His welcome will make thy heart glad. Come, come, prodigal come, [home; And wander no longer afar from Come, come, prodigal come, [home. A welcome awaits in thy Father's 2 Arise! and come back to thy Father, He'll meet thee while yet on the way, Assrired of His tender compassion, O why wilt thou longer delay. 3 Although thou hast sinned against heaven, And weak and unworthy may be ; He offers thee full restoration, ' And pardon abundant and free. 336 r W HEIST the Lord from heav'n ap- pears. When are banished all onr fears, When the sleepers from the tomb. With the watchers reach their home. ||: Then enthroned our Lord with Thee, We shall reign eternally. :|| 2 When our eyes the King shall see, In His glorious majesty, When to Him we're called above, Partners of His joy and love. 3 Debtors to His matchless grace, At His feel our crowns will place, And as ages roll along, Still will sing the glad new song. 4 Let this hope now purify Those who on Thy word rely; 337 COME, sing, my soul, and praise the Lord, ! Who hath redeemed thee by His bloody i Delivered thee from chains that bound,. I And bro't thee to redemption ground. Redemption ground', the ground of peace. Redemption ground, O wondrous grace; Here let our praise to God abound. Who saves us on redemption ground. 2 Once from my God I wandered far, '$ And with His holy will made war ; But now my songs' to God abound ; i I'm standing on Redemption ground. 1 3 O joyous hour when God to me I A vision gave of Calvarv ; 'My bonds were loosed, my soul un- bound : I I sang upon redemption around, 4 No works of merit now I plead. But Jesus take for all my inject; Xo righteousness in me is found, """- Except upon redemption ground. 5 Come, weary soul, and here find rest? Accept redemption, and be blest ; The Christ who died, by God is crowned To pardon on redemption ground. 338 1 p HEIST is coming ! let creation i \J From her groans and travail cease? j Let the glorious proclamation ! Hope restore and faith increase-. ! Christ is coming ! Christ is coming ! Come, Thou blessed Prince of Peace *• Christ is coming ! Christ is coming ! Come, Thou blessed Prince of Peace t 2 Earth can now but tell the story Of Thy bitter cross and pain ; She shall yet behold Thy glory When thou comest back to feign. 3 Though once cradled in a manger, Oft no pillow but the sod ; Here an alien and a stranger, Mock'd of men. disown'd of God. 96 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 4 Long Thy exiles have been pining, Far from rest, and home, and Thee But, in heavenly vesture shining, Soon they shall Thy glory see. When Jems wft8 here ^^ mpn 5 With that ' blessed hope" before us, How He called little children as lambs 1 THINK when I read that sweet sto- ry of old, Let no harp remain unstrung Let the mighty ransoni'd chorus Onward roll from tongue to tongue. 339 t-.i His fold, I shoiud like to have been with them then. 2 I wish that His hands had been placed on my head, |)ISEup. and hasten! my soul, haste; nis arms had been thrown around me. i along! And speed on thy journey with hope and with song : Home, home is nearin^ to view, A little more of toiling and then to earth adieu. And that I might have seen His hind look when He said, Let the little ones come unto me." >ming in- i 3 Yet still to His foot-stool in prayer I may go, j And ask for a share in His love: And if 1 thus earnestly seek Him below, I shall see Him and hear Him above. 14 In that beautiful place He has gone to prepare, For all who are washed and forgiven: 1, no, ivhy should we, de- \ And many dear children are gathering there, For of such is the kingdom of Hea- ves." owe, and raise the joyful f thr wilderness, our time q, we re Come the) song ! Ye child re cahnt Home, ho 1 lay * The morn of heav'n is dawn near the bn ak of day. I r >A"\ '2 Whv should we linger when heaven 1 0'xx lies before I While earth's fast receding, and soon will be no more; Pleasures and treasures which once here we knew. No more can they eharm us with such a goal in view. 3 Loved ones in Jesus they've passed on before. Now resting in rlory, they weary are no more ; Toils are all ended, andnothingnowbut j JESUS I will trust Thee, trust Thee \rt with my soul: I Guilty, lost, and helpless, Thou canst make me whole. There is none in heaven or on earth like Thee ; Thou hast died for sinners — therefore, Lord, for me. In Thy love confiding I will seek Thy fare, Worship and adore Thee, for Thy wond- rous grace. Jesus 1 will trust Thee, trust Thee with my soul, And praises ascending, their ever glad I Guil ^ ^ ' rf he i p i es ^ employ. Thoxt, canst make me. whole. 4 No condemnation ! how blessed is the 2 Jesus, I can trust Thee, trust Thy word written word, And no separation! forever with the ; Since Thy voice of mercy I have often Lord; heard, He will be with us who loved us long | When Thy Spirit teacheth, to my taste before, how sweet- .and Jesus, our Jesus, is ours evermore. 1 Only may I hearken, sitting at Thy feet. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 3 Jesus, I do trust Thee, trust Thee Without doubt ; "Whosoever conieth. Thou wiltnot east -out.'' Faithful is Thy promise, preciousis Thy blood — These my soul's salvation, Thou my Saviour God ! 342 t i \j"OT my own."' but saved by Jesus. 1.1 Who redeemed me by His blood. Gladly I accept the message. I belong to Christ the Lord. "Xot my own !" O ''not my own f" Jesus, I belong to Thee? All I have, and all I hope for. Thine for ail eternity. '2 ' • Xot my own !" 'to Christ my Saviour. I believing, trust my soul ; Ev'rything to Him committed. While eternal ages roll. j 344 Yes. by night the wondrous ray, Cloudy pillar by the day, They shall guide us on "our way Over Jordan. 3 With His strong and mighty hand, Will the Saviour lead us on. To that good and pleasant land Over Jordan ? Yes, where vine and olive grow, ! And the brooks and fountains flow, | Thirst nor hunger shall we know Over Jordan. ■4 In the Promised Land to be, Will the Saviour lead us on. Till fair Canaan's shore we see Over Jordan ? Yes! to dwell with Thee, at la , Guide and lead us. as Thou haSt, Till the parted wave be pass Over Jordan. e.i 3 •' Xot my own!'' my time, my talent, i Freely all to Christ I bring, To be used in joyful service For the glory of my King. i "Xot my own !" the Lord accepts me, j One among the ransomed throng, Who in heav'n shall see His glory, And to Jesus Christ belong. 343 IT^ITH His dear and loving care, * T Will the Saviour lead us on, To the hills and valleys fair Over Jordan ? Yes. we'll rest our weary feet By the crystal waters, sweet, When the peaceful shore we greet Over Jordan. Over Jordan .' over Jordan ; Yes. we'll rest our weary feet, By thcerys.al waters sweet. Over Jordan, over Jordan ; When the peaceful shores vje'll greet Over Jordan'. 2 Through the rocky wilderness, Will the Saviour lead us on, To the land we shall possess Over Jordan ? good, PRAISE ye the Lord: for ir i.- I'raise to our God to s.u.l For it is pleasant, and to praise It is a comely thing. Praise the Lord, it is good. Praise to our God to sing • For it is pleasant, and to praise It is a comely thing. 2 Those that are broken in their heart, And troubled in their minds. He healeth. and their painful wounds, He tenderly upbinds. 3 He counts the number of the stars; He names them ev'r.v one : Our Lord is great, and of great power, His wisdom search can none. 345 f\ I left it all with Jesus, long ago; \J All my sins Ibrought Him and my woe, When by faith I saw Him bleeding on the tree ; Heard His still small whispt for Thee!" \\iFrom my weary heart the burden rolled away, Happy day! hap2>y day.':\\ 'Tis 98 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 2 1 leave it all with Jesus, for He knows, How to steal the bitter from life's woes; How to gild the tear of sorrow with His smile, Make the desert garden bloom awhile. \\:Then with all my weakness leaning on All is light ! all is light !:\\ [His might, 3 O Heave all with Jesus, day by day; Faith can firmly trust Him, come what may; Hope has dropp'd for aye her anchor, found her rest, In the calm, sure haven of His breast. \\:Love esteems it joy of heaven to abide At His side ! at His side !:\\ 4 Leave, O leave it all with Jesus, drooping soul ; Tell not half thy story, but the whole j Worlds on worlds are hanging ever on His hand. Life and death are waiting His com- mand. -V,:Tes, His tender, loving' mercy makes thee room : O come home ! O come home !:\\ 346 DEPTH of mercy ! can there be Mercy still reserved for me ? Can my God His wrath forbear ? Me, the chief of sinners spare 1 God is love ! I know, I feel ; Jesus lives and loves me still ; Jesus lives, He lives and loves me still. 2 I have long withstood His grace; Long provoked Him to His face ; "Would not hearken to His calls ; Grieved Him by a thousand falls. 3 Now incline me to repent ; Let me now my sins lament ; Now my foul revolt deplore, "Weep, believe, and sin no more. 347 THE blood has always precious been, 'Tis precious now to me; Through it alone my soul has rest, Eroni fear and doubt set free. O wondrous is the crimson tide Which from my Saviour flowed ,- And still in heav'n my song shall be. The precious, precious blood. 2 I will remember now no more. God's faithful "Word has said, The follies and the sins of him Eor whom my Son has bled. 3 Not all my well-remembered sing Can startle or dismay; The precious blood atones for all And bears my guilt away. 4 Perhaps this feeble frame of mine "Will soon in sickness lie But resting on the precious blood How peacefully I'll die. 348. LORD, I care not for riches, Neither silver nor gold ; 1 would make sure of heaven, I would enter the fold. In the book of Thy kingdom With its pages so fair, Tell me, Jesus, my Saviour. Is my name written there ? Is my name written there. On the page white and fair 1 In the book of Thy kingdom, Is my name written there ? 2 Lord, my sins they are many, Like the sands of 'the sea, But Thv blood, O my Saviour ! Is sufficient for me ; Eor Thy promise is written, In bright letters that glow, " Tho' your sins be as scarlet, I will make them like snow." 3 O that beautiful city, With its mansions of bight, With its glorified beings, In pure garments of white ; Where no evil thing cometh, To despoil what is fair ; Where the angels are watching, Yes, my name's written there. 349 H ELPLESS, I come to Jesua' blood, And all myself resign ; Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 99 1 lose my weakness in that flood, And gather strength divine. \\:My soul will overcome by the blood of the Lamb,:\\ Overcome, overcome, Overcome by the blood of the Lamb. 2 ? Tis Jesus gives >ne life within, And nerves me for the fray ; He spoiled the hosts of death and sin, And took their pow'r away. 3 Tho* clouds of conflict hide my view, And foes are fierce and stiong, In Jesus' name I'll struggle chro', And enter heaven with song. 350 SAVIOUR, precious Saviour, "Whom yet unseen we love ; O name of might and favor, All other names above, We worship Thee! ive bless Thee! To Thee alone we sing ! We praise Thee and confess Thee Our Saviour a7id our King ! 2 O Bringer of salvation, Who wbndrously hast wrought Thyself the revelation Of love, beyond our thought. 3 In Thee all fullness dwelleth. AH grace and power divine ; The dory that excelleth O Son of God, is Thine. 4 O grant the consummation Of this our son£, above, In endless adoration And everlasting love. Then shall we praise and bless Thee! Where perfect praises ring ! And evermore confess Thee. Our Saviour and our King. 351 SOUL of mine, in earthly temple, Why not here content abide? Why art thou forever pleading ? Why art thou not satisfied ? || : I shall be satisfied When I awake'in His likeness. :|| 2 Soul of mine, my heart is clinging Tothe earth'sfair pompand pride; Ah, why dost thou thus reprove me ? Why art thou not satisfied ? 3 Soul of mine, must I surrender, See myself as crucified ; Turn from all of earth's ambition, That thou may'st be satisfied ? 4 Soul of mine, continue pleading, Sin rebuke, and folly chide; I aceept the cross of Jesus, That thou may'st be satisfied. 352 TRUST on ! trust on, believer ! Tho' long the conflict be, Thou vet shaft prove victorious ; Thy God shall fight for thee. Trust on ! trust on ! Tho' dark the night and drear; Trust on! trust on! The morning dawnis near. 2 Trust on ! trust on ; thy failings May bow thee to the dust, But in thy deepest sorro-v, O give not up thy trust. 3 Trust on ! the danger presses ; Temptation strong is near, Yet o'er life's dangerous rapids, He shall thy passage steer. 4 Christ is strong to save us, He is a faithful Friend, Trust on ! trust on ! believer, trust Him to the end. 353 SHOULD the Death angel knock at thy chamber, Tn the still watch of to-night ; Sav will vour spirit pass into torment, Or to the land of delight ? Say are you ready. O are you ready ? If the Death angel should call ; Say are you ready ? O are you ready : Mercy stands waiting for all. 2 Many sad spirits nosv are departing Into the world of despair ; Ev'ry brief moment brings your doom nearer. Sinner. O sinner, beware ! 3 Many redeemed ones now are ascend- ing Into the mansions of light; jOO Gospel Hymns Consolidated. Jesus is pleading, patiently O let Him save you to-night. 354 TRUSTING in the Lord thy God, Onward go ! onward go ! Holding fast His promised word, Onward go ! Ne'er deny His worthy Name, Tho' it bring reproach and shame; Spreading still His wondrovts fame, Onward go ! 2 Has He called thee to the plough ? Onward go ! onward go ! Night is coming, serve Him now- Onward go! Faith an<) love in service Wend ; On His mighty arm depend ; Standing fast until the end, Onward go ! 3 Has He given thee golden grain ? Onward go ! onward go ! Sow, and thou shalt reap again; Onward go ! "To thy Master's gate repair, Watching he and waiting there; He will hear and answer prayer, Onward go ! 4 Has He said the end is near ? Onward go ! onward go ! Serving Hrm with holy fear, Onward go ! Christ thy portion, Christ thy stay, Heavenly bread upon the way, Leading on to glorious day, Onward go ! 5 In this little moment then, Onward go ! onward go ! In thy ways acknowledge Him; Onward go ! Let His mind be found in thee ; Let His will thy pleasure be; Thus in life and liberty, Onward go ! 355 THE love that Jesus had for me, To suffer on the cruel tree, That I a ransomed soul might be, I? more t han tongue can tell. 1 1| : His love is more than tongue can tell ;:§ i The love that Jesus had for me , Is more than tongue can tell. 2 The many sorrows that He bore, ' And O, that crown of thorns He wore, That I might live forevermore, Is more than tongue can tell. 3 The peace I have in Him. my Lord, Who pleads before the throne of God, The merit of His precious blood. Is more than tongue can tell. 4 The joy that comes when He is near, The rest He gives, so free from fear, The hope in Him so bright and clear. Is more than tongue can tell, 356 A LL seeing, gracious LoTd— _£\_ My heart before Thee lies; All sin of thought and life abhorred, My soul to Thee would rise. Hear Thou my prayer, O God, Unite my heart to Thee,- Beneath Thy love, beneath Thy rod. From sin deliver me. 2 Thou knowest all my need, My inmost thought dost see ; Ah, Lord! from all allurements freed Like Thee transformed I'd be. 3 Thou holy, blessed One, To me I pray draw near; My spirit fill, O heavenly Son, With loving, Godly fear. 4 Bind Thou my life to Thine, To me Thy life is given ; While I my all to Thee resign, Thou art my all in heaven. 357 PRAY, brethren, pray, The sands are falling ; Pray, brethren, pray, God's voice is calling. Yon turret strikes the dying chime. We kneel upon the edge of time. Eternity is draiving nigh. Eternity, Eternity, Eternity is drawing nigh. 2 Praise, brethren, praise. The skies are rending ; Praise, brethren, praise. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 101 The fight is ending. Behold ! the glory draweth near, The King Himself will soon appear. ^ 3 Watch, brethren, watch, The day is dying j Watch, brethren, watch, The time is flying: Watch as meii watch the starting breath Watch as men watch for life or death. 4 Look, brethren, look, The day is breaking; Hark, brethren, hark, The dead are waking. With girded loins already stand ; Behold! the Bridegroom is at hand. 358 OUR way is often rugged While here on earth we roam, And thorns are in the pathway : But we are going home. We're going, going, Tes, we are going home,- We soon shall cross the river, And be vrith Christ at home. 2 To Marah's bitter waters We oft have murm'ring come, But God the cup has sweetened; And so we're going home. 3 When of the desert weary, Our God His grace has shown, By resting us at Elim, With sweet foretastes of home. 4 With hunger often fainting. We've made complaining moan; But, fed by heavenly manna, We still are going" home. 5 Some stand to-day on Jfebo, The journey nearly done, Aud some are in the valley ; But all are going home. 359 BROTHER, art thou worn and wearv, Tempted, tried, and soreoppress'd ? Listen to the word of Jesus, 'Come unto me, and rest! " ||: " Come unto me and rest!'' :]| Come, ye weary, heavy laden, " Come unto me, and rest!" 2 O He knows the dark forbodings Of the conscience-troubled breast ; And to such His words is given, "Come unto me, and rest!" 3 To the Lord bring all your burden, Put the promise to the" test: Hear Him say, you burden-Bearer "Come unto me, and rest !" 4 If in sorrow thou art weeping, Grieving for the loved ones missed, Surely then to you He whispers, '•Come unto me, and rest!" 5 Trust to Him for all thy future. He will give thee what is best.; Why then fear when He is saying, "Come unto me, and rest!" ■ 360 THERE are lonely hearts to cherish, While the days are going by ; There are weary souls w ho perish. While the days are going oy : If a smile we can renew, As our journey we pursue. — O the good we" all may do, While the days are going by. || : Going by, going by, :\\ O the good we all may do. While the days are going by. 2 There's no time for idle scorning, While the days are going by : Let your face be like the morning, While the days are going by. O the world is full of sigbs, Full of sad and weeping eyes; Help your fallen brother rise. While the days are going by. 3 All the loving links that bind us, While the days are going by; One by one we leave behind us, While the days are going by. But the seeds of good we" sow. Both in shade and shine will grow, And will keep our hearts aglow. While the days are going b^ 361 THEY'RE gathering homeward froai ev'rv lan«l, 102 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. One by one ! one by one ! As their weary feet touch the shining strand, Yes, one by one ! They rest with the Saviour, they wait their crown, Their travel-stained garments all laid down. They wait the white raiment the Lord shall prepare For all who the glory with Him shall share. Oath' ring home! gathering home! Fording the river one by one! Gath'ring home ! gathering home! Yes, one by one! 2 Before they rest they ^ass thro 1 the ! strife, One by one ! one by one ! Thro" the waters of death they enter life, Yes. one by one ! To some are the floods of the river still, As thev ford on their way to the hea- venh Hill; "The waves to others run fiercelv and wild, Yet thev reach the home of the unde- filett. 3 We too must come to the river side, One by one ! one by one ! \T e are nearer its waters each eventide, Yes. one by one! We can hear the noise of the dashing stream Oft now and again, through our life's deep dream ; Sometimes the dark floods all the banks ' overflow, Sometimestu ripplesandsmallwavesgo. ! 4 Oh. Jesus, Redeemer, we look to Thee, One by one ! one by one ! We lift up our voices tremblingly, Yes. oue by one! The waves M the river are dark and cold, But we know riic -olace where our feet shall hold: O Thou who didst pass through the deepest midnight, Xow guide us, and &&"* us the staff i.nd light, 362 OXLY a little while Of walking with weary feet, Patiently over the thorny way • That leads to the golden street. 2 Suffer if God shall will, And work for Biim while we may, Erom Calvary's cross to Zion's crown, | Is only a little way. 1 3 Only a little while, | For toiling a few short days, And then comes the rest, the quiet rest. Eternity's endless praise. 363 i)EHOLD, what love, what boundless f love, The Father hath bestowed On sinners lost, that we should be. Xow called the sons of God ! Behold, what manner of love! What manner of love the Father hath be- stowed upon us, That we — that we should be called, . Should be called the sons of God. 2 Xo longer far from Him, but now By "precious blood" made nigh; Accepted in the "Well-beloved, Near to God's heart we lie. 3 What we in glory soon shall be. It doth not yet appear; But when our precious Lord we see, We shall His image bear. 4 With such a blessed hope in view, We would more holy be, More like our risen, glorio"" Lord, Whose face we soon onall see. 364 I HEAR the words of Jesus, They speak of peace with God: I see the Lamb, Christ Jesus, Who bore my heavy load ; I trust the blood of Jesus, From sin it sets me free, 1 love the name of Jesus, Who gave Himself for me 2 His word divinely blessed, It shows me what I am; Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 103 His cross it brings salvation, The victim was the Lamb ; His blood proeureth pardon, And justifies the soul, His name, how sweet and precious, It makes the sinner whole. 3 O hear the words of Jesus, The tidings are for thee; O clasp the cross of Jesus, Aud there for refuge flee • O trust the blood of Jesus, Be saved this very hour ; love the name of Jesus, Blest name of wondrous power. 365 MY soul is happy all day long- Jesus is my Saviour ; And all my life is full of song- Jesus died for me. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! To the loving Lamb for sinners slain; Hallelujah! Hallelujah! To the Lamb ivho lives again. 2 My heavy load of sin is gone — Jesus is my Saviour ; At His dear cross I laid it down- Jesus died for me. 3 I heard the voice of mercy call — Jesus is my Saviour; 1 simply trusted, that was all — Jesus died for me. 4 Xow will I tell it all around — Jesus is my Saviour ■ How sweet a blessing I have found- Jesus died for me. 366 CAD and weary, lone and dreary, O Lord, I wotild Thy call obey ; Thee believing. Christ receiving, I would come to Thee to-day. I am coming, I am coming, Coming. Saviour to be blessed ,• I am coming, L am coming, Coming, Lord, to Thee for rest. 2 Thou, the Holy, meek and lowly. Jesus, unto Thee I come ; Keep me ever, let me never From Thy blessed keeping roam. 3 Here abiding, in Thee hiding, Seeks my weary soul to rest, Till the damning of the morning, When I wake among the blestT 4 Be thou near me, keep and cheer me, Thro' life's dark and stormy way ■ Turn my sadness into gladness. Turn inv darkness into day. 367; I SAW a way- worn traveler In tattered garments clad, And struggling'up the mountain. It seemed that he was sad j His back was laden heavy His strength was almost gone. Yet he shouted as he journeyed. Deliverance will come. Then palms of victory, crowns «f glory. Palms of victory I shall wear. 2 The summer sun was shining, The sweat was on his brow. His garments worn and dusty. His *tep seemed very s3 I But he kept pressing onward A_ For he was wending home ; Still shouting as he journeyed. Deliverance will come. 3 The songsters in the. arbor That stood beside the way Attracted his attention. Inviting his delay ; His watchword being " Onward! " He stopped his ears and ran, Still shouting as he journeyed. Deliverance will come. 4 I saw him in the evening. The sun was bending low. He'd overtopped the mountain. And reached the vale below > He saw the golden city — His everlasting home — And shouted loud, Hosanua. Deliverance has come ! 5 While gazing on that city, Just o'er the narrow flood A band of holy angels Came from the tnrone of God: - They bore him on their pinions. Safe o'ei the dashing foanrj Gospel Hymns Consolidated. And joined hiui in his triumph- Deliverance has come ! 6 I heard the song of triumph They sang upon that shore, Saying, Jesus has redeemed us To suffer nevermore, Then, casting his eyes backward On the race which he had run. He shouted loud, Hosanna, Deliverance has come ! 368 JESUS, my Lord, to Thee I cry, Unless Thou help me I must die ; bring Thy free salvation nigh, And take me as I am. Take me as I am. take me as 1 am; Lord, I give myself to Thee, O take me as I am. 1 Helpless I am full of guilt, But yet for me Tby blood was spilt; And' Thou canst make me what Thou wilt, AM tafce uie as I am. iU I bow before Thy mercy seat. Behold me, Saviour, at Thy feet; Thy work begin. Thy work complete, And take me as I am. 4 If thou hast work for me to do, Inspire my will, my heart renew ; And work, both in, and by me too, - And take me as 1 am. 5 And when at last the work is done, The battle fought, the victory won ; Still, still my cry shall be alone, O take me as I am. 369 OXCE more we come. God's word to hear The word so pure and holy ; ^STow grant us, Lord, a listening ear, A spirit meek and lowly : r if we hear, and heed it not, "e hear for condemnation ; • doers of the word," were taught, heirs of Christ's salvation. O Ufe of God is in the word ; Khosoe'er believeth 2s; o p>rd there, of Christ the Lord, irnal life i eceiveth ,- But if we hear, believing not, We hear for condemnation ; For "doers of the word, "we're taught* Are heirs of Christ's salvation. 3 The word of God, by faith received, Imparts regeneration ; And he who hath in Christ believed Lives out a new creation ; But if we hear, and do it not, We hear for condemnation ; For 'doers of the word,'' we're taught, Are heirs of Christ's salvation. 4 So. when the word of God we hear, Let us be humbly pleading The Holy Ghost to give us light, As we the word are heeding; But if we hear, and feel it not, We hear for condemnation ; For "doers of the word." we're taught, Are heirs of Christ's salvation. 370 /"' SOWING in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness, i Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve; j Waiting for the Harvest, and the time of reaping, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Bringing in the sheaves, Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, Bringing in the sheaves. 2 Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows, [ Fearing neither clouds nor -winter's chilling breeze ; ' By and by the harvest, and the labor ended. We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. 3 Going forth with weeping, sowing for the Master. Tho' the loss sustain'd our spirit of- ten grieves -. When our weeping's over, He will bid us welcome, / We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. G-ospel Hym'ns Consolidated. 105 371 SOOX shall we see The glorious morn- ing, Saints arise ! saints arise ! Sinners, attend the notes of warning, Saints arise ! saints arise ! The resurrection day draws near, The King of Saints shall soon appear, And high His royal standard rear. Saints arise ! saints arise !, 2 Hear ye the trump of God resounding. Saints arise! saints arise! Through all the vault of death rebound - ing. Saints arise ! saints arise ! To meet the Bridegroom, haste, prepare, Put on your hridal garments fair. And hail your Saviour in the air, Saints arise ! saints arise ! 3 The saints who sleep. Avith joy awake J. All arise! al) arise! Their beds of death are quick forsaken. All arise ! all arise ! Xot one of all the faithful few Who here on earth the Saviour knew, But starts with bliss his Lord to view. All arise ! all arise ! 4 Fast by the throne of God behold them Crowned with bliss! crowned with bliss! See in His arms the Saviour fold them. Crowned with bliss! crowned with bliss! W i th wreaths of glory round their head. ^N'o tears of sorrow now are shed. 'In joy's full fountain all are led, < in'wued at last ! crowned at last! 372 \VF praise Thee and bless Thee, } y Our Father in heaven, For the joy of salvation Thy gospel hath given. Hallelujah .' we praise Thee Thro' Jesus our Lord ; Hallelujah ! ire bless Thee. For the gift of Thy word ! 2 We praise Thee and bless Thee Once sinful aud sad. ' By the word Thou hast given. To Christ we were led. 3 We praise Thee and bless Thee: The Spirit hath come To dwell with, and teach us. And guide lis safe home. 4 We praise Thee and bless Thee, For food by the way ; The manna from heaven Provided each day. 5 We praise Thee and bless Thee: Thy word hath gone forth. That Christ shall be King and Beign over the earth, 6 We praise Thee and bless Thee, And wait His return To fulfill ev'ry promise He made to "His own. 7 We praise Thee and bless Thee : We'll reign with Him then. To praise Thee and bless Thee Forever. Amen. 373 MY Cod and Father, while T stray "~ Far from my home, on life's rough way. O teach me from my heart to say. "Thy will be done" || : " Thy will be done'.'' :|| O teach me from my heart to say ■■ Thy trill be done.'" _v ~ 2 What fcho' in lonely grief I sigh For friends beloved, no longer nigh, Submissive still would I reply. •• Thy will be done '." || : \Thy will bedonc!"i\\ Submissive still would 1 reply. l Thy will be done!" 3 Let but my fainting heart be blest' / With Thv sweet Spirit for its •> lest, My Cod, to Thee I leave the rest. •'Thy will be done V ||: -Thy will be done!" :\\ My God to Thee I leave the rest . '•Thy will be done! 4 Benew mv will from day to day . Blend it with Thine: and take away All now that makes it hard to say, •Thv will he .lone'' 106 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. |i : ''Thy will be done!" :\\ All now that makes it hard to say, "Thy will be done!" 5 Then when on earth I breathe no more The prayer oft mixed with tears before, 111 sing upon a happier shore, ' '■ Thy will be done ! ' ' !!:" Thy will be done :|| Til sing upon a happier shore, ■Thy will be done:" 374 TX Thv cleft, Hock of Ages, 1 Hide Thou me ; When the fitful tempest rages, riide Thou me ; Where uo mortal arm can sever, From my heart Thy love for ever, Hide nie\ O Thou Rock of Ages, Safe in Thee. 2 From the snare of sinful pleasure, TTide Thou me: Thou my ppotl 8 eternal treasure, ^ Hide Thou me; When the world its power is wielding, And my heart is almost yielding, Hide me. O Thou Bock of A pes, iafe in Thee. 3 In the lonely night of sorrow, Hide Thou ine ; JTill in glory dawns the morrow, Hide Thou me; In the sight of Jordan's billow, Let Thy bosom be my pillow, Hide me, O Thou Eock of Ages, Safe in Thee. 875 TAX waiting for the morning Of the blessed day to dawn, When The sorrow and the sadness, ©1' this changeful life are gone. Jrt)..' ivaiting, only waiting, Till this weary life is o'er; Only waiting for my welcome. From ray L'aviour on t'n e other shore. 2 I am vrnitine;: worn and weary With the battle and the strife, Hoping when U- ' r %£ axe's over To receive a crown of life. 3 Waiting, hoping, trusting ever, For a home of boundless love ; Like a pilgrim looking forward To the land of bliss above. 4 Hoping soon to meet the loved ones Where the "many mansions '' be ; Listening for the happy welcome Of my Savio»r calling me. 37C HEAVENLY Father, we Thy child- ren, Gathered round our risen Lord, Lift our hearts in earnest pleading : O revive us by Thy word ! Send refreshing, send refreshing From Thy presence.gracious Lord* Send refreshing, send refreshing, And revive us by Thy word ! 2 Gracious gales of heavenly bles.-.irg In Thy love to us afford ; Let us feel Thy Spirit's presence. O revive us by Thy word ! ** 3 Weak and weary in the conflict. "Wrestling not with ftesh-and blood." Help us Lord, as faint we falter ; U revive us by Thy word ! 4 With Thy strength, Master gird us ; Be our Guide and be our Guard : Fill us with Thy holy Spirit, revive us bv Thv word! 377 WHEX the King in His beauty shall T T come to His throne, And around Him are gathered His loved ones, His own ; There be some who will knock at Ei% fair palace door. To be answered within "/There is mer- cy no more." If: "J have never known you£ : " I have never, I have never, I have never known you.''' 2 They had known whence He came, and the grace which He brought; In their presence He healed, in their streets He had taught; They had mentioned His name and their friendship professed ; But they never believed, for of them He confessed : Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 10^ ise. ' 3 Now the righteous are reigning with Abraham there ; [despair, But for these is appointed an endless It is vain that they call: He once knock'd at their gate, But they welcomed Him not; so now this" is their fate : 4 O sinner, give heed to this story of gloom, [your doom ; For the hour is fast nearing that fixes ; Will you still reject mercy ? still harden your heart ? O then, what will you do as the King cries — " Depart !" 378 BE YOXD the smiling and th e weeping, I shall he soon, I shall he soon; Beyond the waking and the sleeping, Beyond the sowing and the reaping, I shall he soon, I shall be soon. Love, rest and home ! Sweet, sweet home! Lord, tarry not, but come, Lord tarry not. 2 Beyond the blooming and the fading, I shall be soon, I shall be soon : Beyond the shining and the shading, Beyond the hoping and the dreading, I shall be soon, I shall be soon. 3 Beyond the parting and the meeting. I shall be soon. I shall be soon j Beyond the farewell and the greeting. Beyond the pulse's fever beating, I shall be soon. I shall be soon. 4 Beyond the frost-chain and the fever. I shall be soon. I shall be soon ; Beyond the rock- waste and the river, Beyond the ever and the never, I shall be soon, I shall be soon. 379 JESUS is coming ! sing the glad word ! 381 "" Coming for those He redeemed bv His blood Coming to reign as the glorified Lord, Jesus is coming again! Jesus is coming, is coming again! Jesus is coming again! [plain! Shout the glad tidings o 'er mountain 'and Jesus is coming again ! 2 Jesus is coming! the dead shall arise. Loved ones shalTmeet in a joyful sur- prise, * ,r • Caught up together to Him in the skies. Jesus is coming again ! 3 Jesus is coming! His saints to release: Coming to give to the warring earth peace ; [cease Seining and sighing, and sorrow, shall Jesus is coming again ! 4 Jesus is coming! the promise is true. Who are the chosen, the faithful, the few, [view ! j "Waiting and watching, prepared for re Jesus is coming again ! 380 T\"E are children of a King. T V Heavenly King, heavenly King. We are children of a King. Singing as we journey ; Jesus Christ our Guard and Guide, Bids us, nothing terrified. Follow closely at His si<:<_, Singing as we journey. 2 We are traveling to our home. Blessed home, blessed home ! We are traveling to our home. Singing as we journey; Toward a city out of sight Where will fall no shade of ni g\ For our Saviour is its light, ^^A Singing as we journey. 3 Full of joy we onward go, Heavenward go, homeward go, Full of joy we onward go, Singing as we journey ; Singing all thejourney through — Singing hearts are brave and true — > Singing till our homes we view, Singing as we journey. "IT' HO is on the Lord's side ? } 1 Who will serve the King ? Who will be His helpers, Other lives to bring? Who will leave the world's side ? Who will face the foe \ Who is on the^Lord's snie? Who for Him will go ? 108 G-ospel Hymns Consolidated. Who is on the Lord's side ? Who will serve the King? Who will be His helpers, Other lives to bring ? By Thy grand redemption, By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side ; Saviour, we are Thine. 2 Not for weight of glory, Not for crown and palm, Enter we the army, Raise the warrioi psalm ; But for love that elaimeth Lives for whom He died, He whom Jesus nameth Must be on His side. 3 Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem But with Thine own life-blood, For Thy diadem ; "With Thy blessing, filling All who come to Thee. Thou has* made us willing, Tnuu hast made us free. 4 Fierce may be the conflict, strong may be the foe, But the King's own army None can overthrow; <1 His standard ranging, Vh-t'ry is secure, For His truth unchanging. Makes the triumph sure. 382 TRAVELING to the better land, O'er the desert's scorching sand, Father, letme grasp Thy hand; Lead me on ! 2 "When at Marah, parched with heat, I the sparkling fountain greet. Make the bitter waters sweet ; Lead me on ! 3 When the wilderness is drear, Show me Elim's palm groves near, And her wells as crystal clear ,- Lead me on ! 4 Through the water, through the fire, Never let me fall or tire, NEvery step brings Canaan nigher; \ Lead me on ! ! 5 Bid me stand on Nebo's height. J Gaze upon the land of light, ! Then transported with one sight, Lead me on ! | 6 When I stand on Jordan's brink, ; Never let me fear or shrink ; | Hold me, Father, lest I sink ; Lead me on ! I 7 "When the victory is won, ! And eternal life begun. i Up to glory lead me on ! Lead me on ! ;383 T OOK unto me and be ye saved. Ju I heard the just One say ; [And as by faith on Him I gazed. j My burden rolled away, ■ Tve passed the cross at Calvary, Tm on the Heaven side ; I The world is crucified to me, Since Christ my ransom died • I The world is crucified to me, Since Christ my ransom died. 2 By His atonement reconciled, My Father's face I see; The empty tomb now intervenes Between the world and me. 3 O glorious height of vantage ground. O blest, victorious hour! In Him to trust and fully know His resurrection power. 384 V^O works of law have we to boast, I JLl By nature ruined, guilty, lost ; Condemned already, but Thy hand Provided what Thou didst demand. We take the guilty sinner's name, The guilty sinner's Saviour claim , We take the guilty sinner's name. The guilty sinner's Saviour claim. • 2 No faith we bring, 'tis Christ alone, j 'Tis what He is — what He has done ; ! He is for us as given by God. I It was for us He shed His blood. I 3 "We do not feel our sins are gone, I "We know it by Thy word alone ; j We know that there our sins did'at lay I On Him who lias put sin away. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. .Id* * Because we know our sins forgiven, We happy i'eel — our home is heaven ; O help us now as sons of God, To tread the path that Jesus trod. 385 THERE is love, true love, and the heart grows warm, When the Lord to Bethany comes ; And the word of life has a wondrous charm, When the Lord to Bethany conies : There is joy, glad joy, and a feast is spread, When the Lord to Bethany comes ■ "For His heavenly voice brings to life the dead. When the Lord to Bethany comes. 'Tivas a happy, happy day. in the olden time. When the Lord to Bethany came,- Open wide the door, let Him enter now ! For His love is ever the same ! j: His love is ever the same! :\\ Open wide the door, let Him enter now! For His love is ever the same. 2 There is peace, sweet peace, and the life grows calm When the Lord to Bethany comes ; And the trusting soul sings a sweet soft psalm. When the Lord to Bethany comes : There is faith, strong faith, and our home seems near. AYhen the Lord to Bethany comes ; Anil the crown more bright, and the cross more dear. When the Lord to Bethanv comes. 386 /^HILD of sin and sorrow, \J Filled with dismay. Wait not for to-morrow, Yield thee to-day. Heav'n bids thee come. While yet there's room ; Child of sin and sorrow, Hear and obey. 2 Child of sin and sorrow. Why wilt thou die ? Come while thou canst borrow Help from on high ; Grieve not that love Which fi'om above, Child of sin and sorrow, Would bring thee nigh. 387 LOBD. my trust I repose in Thee, O how great is Thy love to me ! Thou the strength of ray life shalt be. This I know, this I know. ^hine, Thine, and only Thine. Now and ever Thine; Thou dost love me, Saviour miriej This I knoio. this Lkaotc. 2 Thou dost lead with a sweet command, Thou dost lead with a gentle hand ; On the rock of Thy truth I stand ; This I know, this I know. 3 I shall rise to a world of light. I shall rest in a mansion bright ; Then my faith shall be lost in sight: This iknow. this I krunv . 388 V"OT what these hands have done, li Can save this guilty soul ; Xot what this toiling flesh has borne Can make my spirit whole. Thy work alone, my Saviour. Can ease thisiveight of sin; Thy blood alone, O Lamb of God. Can give me peace within. 2 Not what I feel or do. Can give me peace with God : Not allmy prayers, or sighs, or tears. Can ease my awful load. 3 Thy love to »ie. O God. Xot mine, Lord, to Thee. Can rid me of this dark unrest, And set my spirit free. 4 Xo other work save Thine, Xo meaner blood will do ; Xo strength, save that which is divine, i Can bear me safely through. 5 T praise the God of grace. I trust His love and might : i He calls me His. I call Him mine; | I My God, mv iov. m\ light t ;!{ 110 Gospel Hymns Consolidated 389 MY life flows on in endless song; Above earth's lamentation, 1 hear the sweet though far-off hymn That hails a new creation ; Through all the tumult and the strife I hear the music ringing ; It finds an echo in my soul- How can I keep from singing ? 2 What though my joys and comforts die! The Lord my Saviour liveth ; What tho'the darkness gatherround? Songs in the night He giveth No storm can shake my inmost calm While to that refuge' clinging ; Since Christ is Lord of heaven and. earth, How can I keep from singing ? 3 I lift my eyes ; the clouds grows thin ; I see the blue above it ; And day by day this pathway smooths, Since first I learned to love it ; The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart, . A fountain ever springing; All things are mine since I am His — , How can I keep from singing ] 390 ONCE again the Gospel message From the Saviour you have heard ; Will you heed the invitation ? Will you turn and seek the Lord ? || : Come believing ! come believing ! Come to Jesus! look and live.':\\ 2 Many summers you have wasted, Ripened harvests you have seen ; Winter snows by Spring have melted. Yet you linger in your sin. 3 Jesus for your choice is waiting ; Tarry not : at once decide ! While the spiritnow is striving, Yield,.and seek the Saviour's side. 4 Cease of fitness to be thinking; Do not longer try to feel; It is trusting' and not feeling, That willgive the Spirit's seal. 5 Let your will to God be given. Trust in Christ's atoning blood; Look to Jesus now in heaven, JRest on His unchanging word. 391 SOUND the alarm! Let the watch- man cry ! " Up ! for the day of the Lord is nigh ; Who will escape from the wrath to come? Who have a place in the soul's bright home?" Sound the alarm watchman ! Sound the alarm I For the Lord will come with a conquer- ing arm,; [vance ? And the hosts of sin, as their ranks ad- Shall ivither and fall at Sis glance. 2 Sound the alarm! Let theory go forth, Swift as the wind, o'er the 'realms of earth ■ " Flee to the Rock where the soul may hide! Flee to the Rock ! in its cleft abide !" 2 Sound the alarm on the mountain's brow! j Plead with the lost by the wayside now; ; Warn them to come and the truth em- brace ; ! Urge them to come and be saved by grace. 4 Sound the alarm in the youthful ear, Sound it aloud that the old may hear ; : Blow ye the trump while the day-beams last! ' Blow ye the trnuip till the light is past! 392 BEAUTIFUL morning ? Day of hope. Dawn of a better life ; Now in the peaceful hours we rest. Far from earth's noise and strife. Morning of resurrection joy. 2 Bay when the Saviour rose. Singing shall greet thy opening hours. Singing shall mark thy close. 2 Beautiful morning ! All the week Waiteth thy welcome light. Since thy first dawning, balm and clear, Out of the darkest night. 3 Beautiful morning! Grief and pain, Weeping before the tomb. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. Ill Fly at thy dawning, Jesus rose, Jesus dispelled the gloom. 393 "'TWILL not he long our journey here, A Each broken sigh and falling tear, "Will soon be gone, and all will be A cloudless sky, a waveless sea. Roll on, dark stream, We dread not thy foam,- The Pilgrim is longing For home, sweet home. 2 'Twill not be long the yearning heart May feel its every hope depart, And grief be mingled with its song ; We'll meet again, 'twill not be long. - 3 Though sad we mark the closing eye, Of those we loved in days gone by, Yet sweet in death their latest song— "We'll meet again, 'twill not be long. i These checkered wilds, with thorns o*erspread. Through which our way so oft is led— This march of time, with truth so strong, Whl end in bliss, 'twill not be long. 394 "PIS known on earth, in heaven too. A 'Tis sweet to me because 'tis true • The "old. old story" is ever new ; Tell me more about Jesus. ||: '' Tell me more about Jesus /":|! Him would I knoio who loved me so ; '• Tell me more about Jesiis .'" 2 Earth's fairest flowers will droop and die, Dark clouds o'erspread von azure skv ; Life's dearest joys flit fleetest by ; Tell me more about Jesus. 3 When overwhelmed with unbelief. When burdened with a blinding grief. Come kindly then to my relief; Tell me more about Jesus. 4 And when the Glory -land I see, And take the " place prepared" for me. Through endless years my song shall be— Tell me more about Jesus. 395 THE word of God is given To all who serve Him here, That when the Lord from heaven In glory shall appear. We then shall be delivered Erom sorrow, sin and pain; And if for Christ we suffer, With Him we then shall reign. We are going home to Jesus ! Going home to Jesus ! Going to the mansions He s preparing there on high! We are going home to Jesus! Going home to Jesus! And we'll gather there in glory / By and by ! ! a Once in our sin we wandered '. Ear, far away from God. And precious hours we squandered ! Upon the downward road ■ , But God in grace hath called us, And given us to share I The purchase of our Saviour-, A mansion bright and fair, 3 Xow with this hope to cheer us. And with the Spirit's seal. That all our sins were pardoned. Through Him whose stirpes did h. ;. \ , As "• strangers" and as '• pilgrim - I Xo place on earth we own. " ! But work and watch as " servants. j Until the Lord shall come. 1396 TO Him who for our sins was slain To Him for all His dying pain, Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah to His name. 2 To Him, the Lamb, our sacrifice. Who gave His life the ransomed price. 3 To Him who died that we might die To sin, and live with Him on high . 4 To Him who rose that we might rise, And reign with Him beyond the skies, 5 To Him who now for us doth plead. And helpeth us in all our need, 6 To Him who doth prepare on high. Our home in immortality. 112 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 7 To Him be glory evermore ! Ye heavenlv hosts, your Lord adore ! 397 THE sands of time are sinking. The dawn of heaven breaks, The sniumer morn I've sighed for — The fair, sweet morn awakes : ' Dark, dark bath been the midnight, But day-spring is at hand, And glory, glory dwelleth In Immauuel's land. 1! I've wrestled on toward heaven. 'Gainst storm, and wind, and tide, Slow, like a weary traveler That leaneth on his guide. Amid the shades of evening, While sinks life's lingering sand, I hail the glory dawning From Immanuel's land. I : Deep waters crossed life's pathway, The hedge of thorns was sharp ; Now these all lie behind me — () for a well tuned harp ! Q to.jutn the hallelujah With you triumphant band ! "Who sing where glory dwelleth, In Immanuel's land. 398 I K/JSrOW that my Redeemer lives ! J What comfort this sweet message gives ! He lives, who once was dead. He lives, all glorious in the sky. He lives, exalted there on high, My everlasting Head. || : He lives ! He lives ! I know that my Redeemer lives,:\\ 2 He lives, to bless me with His love ; He lives, to plead for me above, My hungry soul to feed ; He lives, to grant me rich supply. He lives, to guide me with His eye ; To help in time of need. 3 He lives, triumphant from the grave; He lives, eternally to save : And while He lives I'll sing : lives, my ever faithful Friend: .lives, and loves me to the end: \v Prophet. Priest and King ! 4 He lives, my mansion to prepare ; He lives, to bring me safely there ; My Jesus still the same : What joy this blest assurance gives! — " I know that my Redeemer lives :" All glory to His name ! 399 \n \ LITTLE while!" and He shah A come ; The hour draws on apace, The blessed hour, the glorious morn, When we shall see His face : How light our trials then will seem ! How short our pilgrim way ! Our life on earth a fitful dream . Dispelled by dawning day ! Then come, Lord Jesus, quickly come, In glory and in light ! Come take Thy longing children home, And end earth's weary night! 2 ' 'A little while !" with patience, Lord, ) I fain would ask ,: How long?" For how can I with such a hope 1 Of glory and of home, With such a joy awaiting me. 3sTot wish the hour were come ? How can I keep the longing back, And how suppress the groan ? 3 Yet peace, my heart ! and hush, my tongue ! Be calm, my troubled breast ! Each passing hour is hastening on The everlasting rest : Thou knowest well — the time thy God Appoints for thee is best ; The morning star will soon arise : The glow is in the East. 400 WHEX I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss. And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it. Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God: All the vain things that charm me most. I sacrifice them to His blood. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 11. 3 See ! from His head. His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Did e'er such iove and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown 1 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine. That were an offering far too small: Love so amazing, so divine, Demands mv soul, my life, my all. 401 BEHOLD a stranger atftthe door He gently knocks, has knocked he- fore ; Has waited long. — is waiting still; You treat no other friend so ill. 2 O ! lovely attitude ! He stands With melting heart and laden hands ; O ! matchless kindness ! and He shows This matchless kindness to His foes ! 3 But will He prove a friend indeed ? He will, the very friend you need ; The Friend of sinners yes, 'tis He, With garments died at Calvary. 4 Rise, touched with gratitude divine ; Turn out His enemy and thine, That soul-destroying monster. Sin ; And let the heavenly Stranger in. 402 OXLY waiting till the shadows Are a little longer grown ; Only waiting till the glimmer Of the day's last beam is flown Till the night of death has faded From the heart once full of day : -Till the stars of heaven are breaking Thro' the twilight soft and gray. 2 Only waiting till the reapers Have the last sheaf gathered home ; For the summer tide has faded, And the Autumn winds have come. Quickly, reapers ! gather quickly, All the ripe hours of my heart ; For the bloom of life is withered, And I hasten to depart. 3 Only waiting till the angels •V Open wide the pearly gate, At whose portals long' I've lingered. Weary, poor, and desolate: Even cow I hear their footsteps And their voices far away ; If they call me, I am waiting, Only waiting to obey. 4 Waiting for a brighter dwelling Than I ever yet bave seen, Where the tree" of life is blooming. And the fields are ever green : Waitingfor my full redemption. When my Saviour shall restore All that sin has caused to wither ; Age and sorrow come no more. 403 SAY, is your lamp burning,my brother? I pray you look quickly and *»•<• ; For if it were burning, then surely Some beam would fall brightly on me. There are many and many around yon . Who follow wherever you go. If you thought that they walked in the shadow, Your lamp would burn brighter. J know. Say, is your lamp burning, my brother/ I pray you look quick!," afrd (see .- For if it were burning, then t-vrely Some beam would fall brightly on me .' 2 Upon the dark mountains thev stum- ble, They are bruised on the rocks and they lie With white pleading faces turned up- ward, To the clouds and the pitiful sky. There is many a lamp that is lighted — We behold them anear and alar : Butnotmany among; them, my brother. Shine steadily on like a star. 3 If once all the lamps that are lighted Should steadily blaze in a line. i Wide over the land and the ocean. What a girdle of glory would shine ! I How all the dark places would brighten ! ' How themist wouldrollup and away ! How the earth would laugh out in her gladness, To hail the millennial day ! 404 IT'S a bonnie. bonnie warl that we re livin' in the nop', .14 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. An' sunny is the Ian' that noo we aften trair'irthroo; / But in vain we look for something here to which oor hearts may cling, For its beauty is as naethingtae the pal- ace o' the King. We like the gilded simmer, wi' its mer- ry, merry tread, An' we sigh when hoary winter lays its beauties wi' the dead ; j For tho' bonnie are the snawflakes, ah' the doon on Winter's wing. It's fine to ken it daurna touch the pal- ace o' the King. 2 Then again. I've juist been thinkin' that when a-thing here's sae bricht, The sun in a' its grandeur, an' theniune wi' quiverin' licht, The ocean i' the simmer; or the wood- land i' the spring, What maun it be up yonner, i' the pal- ace o' the King. It's here we hae oor trials, an' it's here that He prepares HL chosen for the raiment wlik'i the ransomed sinuer wears. An' it's here that He wad hear us 'mid oor tribulations sing. 'We'll trust oorGrodwha' reigneth i" the palace o' the King." 3 its honor heaped on honor that His - courtiers should, be ta'en Frae the wan drin' anes He died for i' this warl' o' sin and pain. An' its fu'est love an' service that the Christian aye should bring To the feet o'"Him wha reigneth i' the palace o' the King. The time for sawin' seed, it is a wearin, wearin dune j An' the time for winnin' souls will be . osver verra sune. Then let ns a' be active, if a fruitfu' sheaf we'd bring To adorn the Itoyal table i' the palace o' the King. \Then lnt ns trust Him better than • v've evf-r dune afore, For the King will feed His servant? frae His ever bounteous store ; _u Lat us keep a closer grip o' Himf" for time is on the wing, An' sune He'll come an' tak' us tae the palace o' the King. It's iv'ry halls are bonnie upon which the rainbows shine, An' its Eden bow'rs are treflised wi' a never fadin' Vine ; An' the pearly gates o' Heaven do a glorious radiance fling. On the starry floor that shimmers i' the palace o' the King. 5 !Nae nicht shall be in Heaven, an' nae desolatin' sea, I And nae tyrant hoofs shall trample i' j the city 6' the free; | There's an everiastin' daylicht, an' a t never fadin' spring, Where the Lamb is a' the glory i' the I palace o' the King. j We see oor fren's await us ower yon- ner at His gate ; Then lat lis a' be ready, for ye ken its gettin' late ; Let oor lamps be brichtly burnin'; let us raise oor voice and sing, For sune we'll meet, to pairt nae mair, i' the palace o' the King. 405 up EDEEMED!" "Redeemed!" XV sing the joyful strain ! ; Give praise, give praise, And glory to His name ; Who gave His blood our souls to save, j And purchased freedom for the slave ! And purchased freedom for the slave. "Redeemed!" "redeemed" from sin and all its woe ! "Redeemed .'" "redeemed" eternal life to ! knotv ! "Redeemed!" "redeemed" by Jesus' blood, "Redeemed!" "redeemed!" O praise the Lord ! j 2 What grace ! What grace ! ! That He who calmed the wave, '; Should stoop, my soul, 1 My guilty soul to save ! l-ospel Hymns Consolidated. That He the curse should hear for me, A sinful wretch. His enemy ! A sinful wretch. His enemy ! 3 '• Redeemed !" 'redeemed" The word has brought repose, And joy, and joy, Thateaeh redeemed one knows Who sees His sins on Jesus laid, And knows His blood the ransom paid, And knows His blood the ransom paid. 4 ''Redeemed!" 'redeemed!" joy that I should be In Christ, in Christ, From sin for ever free ! For ever free to praise His name, Who bore for me the guilt and shame, "Who bore for me the guilt and shame ! 406 G1 OD is great, and God is good, T And we thank Him for this food : By His hand must all be fed, Give us, Lord, our daily bread. 407 MASTER, the tempest is raging ! The billows are tossing high ! The sky is o'ershadowed with blackness No shelter or help is nigh ; "Carest Thou not that we perish?' - — How canst Thou lie asleep, When each moment somadlyisthreat- : niug A grave in the angry deep t "The winds and and the ivaves shall obey my will, Peace be still ! Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea. Or demons, or men, or whatever it be. No water can swallow the ship vjhere lies. The Master of ocean, andearth andskies; || : They all shall sweetly obey my will; Feace.be stilli :|| 2 Master, with anguish of spirit, 1 bow in my grief to-day ; The depths of my sad heart are troub- led; waken and save. I pray ! Torrents of sin and anguish Sweep o'er my sinking soul; lit And I perish, I perish ! dear Master; O hasten, and take control. 3 Master, the terror is over. The elements sweetly rest; Earth' s sun in the calm lake is mirror d, And heaven's within my breast; Linger, blessed Redeemer, Leave me alone no more : And with joy I shall make the blest harbor, And rest on the blissful shore. 408 OWHAT shall I do to be saved I The gathering storm I behold, Exposed to the wrath of my God; Is there no sheltering fold. Is there no sheltering fold I I am the door, by me if any man enter in He shall be saved, he shall be savedj 1 am the door, by me if any manenter in He shall be saved, he shall be saved. 2 O what shall I do to be saved i No light, no hope can I m-4\ No help in myself can I nudY Is there no mercy for me. Is there no mercy for me ? 3 O what shall I do to be saved ? So vile, so burdened with sin, O how to the fold may I come, How may I enter therein, How may I enter therein ? 4 I enter the wide open door, In Christ I notv have believed ; I'm cleans'dfrom my sins by His blood, I trust and now I am saved, I trust and now I am saved. 409 y/ATIOrR! visit Thy plantation ; O Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain: All will come to desolation, Unless Thou return again. 2 Keep no longer at a distance; — Shine upon uh from on high, Lest for want of Thine assistance. Every plant should droop and die. 3 Let our mutual love be fervent, Make us prevalent in prayer-?; Let each one. esteemed Thy servant, Shun the v Grid's enti«iug snares. J >xl6 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 4 Break the tempters fatal power ; Turn the stony heart to flesh ; And begin from this good hour, To revive Thv work afresh. 410 TESUS, hail! enthroned in glory, rj There forever to abide; All the heavenly hosts adore Thee, Seated at Thy Father's side. 2 There for sinners Thou art pleading, There Thou dost our place prepare ; Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 3 Worship, honor, power and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive : Loudest praises, without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give. 4 Help, ye bright angelic spirits ! Bring your sweetest, noblest lays ; Help to bring our Saviour's merits. — Help to chant Immanuel's praise. 411 t LOX(x fie River of Time we glide, i L Along the River, along the River. The swiftly flowing, resistless tide, The swiftly flowing, the swiftly flow- ing, . And soon, ah, soon the end we'll see, Yes, soon 'twill come, and we will be ||: Floating, floating, Out on the sea of eternity ! :|| 2 AloDg the River of Time we glide, Along the River, along the River, A thousand dangers its currents hide, A thousand dangers, a thousand dan- gers, And near our cour se the rocks we see, O dreadful thought! a wreck to be. 3 Along the River of Time, we glide, Along the River, along the River, Dux Saviour only our bark can guide. Our Saviour Only, our Saviour only, But with Him we secure may be, JSTo fear, no doubt, but iov to be. 412 MAJESTIC sweetness sits enthroned Upon the Saviour's brow: Hi's head with radiant glories crowned. His lips with grace o'erflow. 2 Ko mortal can with Him compare, Among the sons of men; Fairer is He than all the fair Who till the heavenly train. 3 He saw me plunged in deep distress, And flew to my relief; For me He bore the shameful cross, And carried all my grief. 4 To heaven, the place of His abode, He brings my weary feet; Shows me the glories of my God, And makes my joys complete, 5 Since from Thy bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, i Had I a thousand hearts to give. j Lord! they should all be Thine. liia 'TESUS loves me ! this I know, i) For the Bible tells me so : Little ones to Him belong ; Thej are weak, but He is strong Yes, Jesus loves me ! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so ! 2 Jesus, from His throne on high. Came into this world to die ; That I might from sin be free, Bled and died upon the tree. 3 Jesus loves me! — He who died Heaven's gate to open wide ! He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in. 4 Jesus, take this heart of mine : Make it pure and wholly Thine ; Thou hast bled and died for me, I will henceforth live for Thee. 1414 0TO be over yonder ! In that land of wonder. : Where the angel voices mingle, and the angel harpers ring ; To be free from pain and sorrow. And the anxious dread to-morrow, To rest in light and sunshine In the presence of the King. O to be over yonder, yonder. In that land of wonder. Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 117 There to be forever j In the presence of the King, 2 O to be over yonder ! My yearning heart grows fonder Of looking to the east, to see the bless- j ed day-star bring Some tidings of the waking, The cloudless, pure day-breaking ; My heart is yearning — yearning For the coming of the King. 3 O to be over yonder ! Alas ! I sigh and wonder Why clings my poor, weak, sinrul heart to any earthly thing ; Each tie of earth must sever, And pass away forever ; , But there's no more separation In the presence of the King. 4 O when shall I be dwelling Where angel voices swelling In triumphant hallelujahs, make the vaulted heavens ring I Where the pearly gates are gleaming. And the morning star is beaming ' O when shall 1 be yonder In the presence of the King ? nOI shall soon be yonder, Tbo' lonely here I wander, Yearning for the welcome summer— I longing for the bird's fleet wing; The midnight may be dreary, And the heart beVorn andweary, But there's no more shadow yonder ! In the presence of the King. 415 '' | /H)ME thou weary. Jesus calls thee, i * To His wounded side ; •Come to Me," saith He, " and ever Safe abide." 2 Seeking Jesus ? Jesus seeks thee — Wants thee as thou art: Hi- is knocking, ever knocking At thy heart. 3 If thou let Him. He will save thee— Make thee all His- own: Guide thee, keep thee, take thee dying. To His throue. 4 Wilt thou still refuse His offer ? Wilt thou say Him nay .- Wilt thou let Him grieved, rejected. Go away ? 5 Dost thou feel thy life is weary ? Is thy soul distressed { Take His offer, wait no longer ; Be at rest I 416 OUB Lord is now rejected. And by the world disowned, By the many still neglected, And by the/ew enthroned But soon He'll come in glory, The hour is drawing nigh. For the crowning day is coming by and by. O the crowning day is coming. Is coming by and by, Wfien our Lord shall come in "poiver, And, "glory ''from on high .- G the glorious sight toill gladden. Each waiting, watchfvj, <>t./e. In the crowning day that .- c&ftw^j,' b\_ and by. 2 The heavens shall glow with splendor. But brighter far than they The saints shall shine in glory As Christ shall them array. That beauty of the Saviour Shall dazzle every eye. In the crowning day that's coming by and by. 3 Our pain shall then be over. We'll sin and sigh no more, Behind us all of sorrow, And nought but joy before, A joy in our Redeemer, As we to him are nigh For the crowning day that's coming by and by. 4 Let all that look for. hasten The coming joyful day, By earnest consecration. To walk the narrow way. By gathering in the lost ones, For whom our Lord did die. In the crowning day that's coming by and by- ;-n8 Gospel Hymns Consolidated. 417 I AM far frae my harne, an' I'm wearv aftenwlnirs. For the langed-for hame-bringin' an' my Farthers welcome smiles; An" I'll ne'er be fu' content, until mine e'en do see, The gowden gates o' heaven an' my ain countrie. The earth is fteck'd wi' flowers, mony tinted fresh and gay, The birdies warble blithely, for my Farther made them sae; Bur. these sights an' these soun's will as naething be to me. When I hear the angels singin' in my ain countrie. 2 I've His gnde word o' promise that some gladsome day, the King To His ain royal palace His banished hame will bring: Wi' e'en an' wi' hert running ower, wo shall -■< e "Tire- King in His beauty, in our aic ' countrie ; My sins they hae been mony, an' aiy sorrows hae been sair But there they'll never vex me, nor be remembered mair; For His bluid has made me white, — and His han' shall dry my e'e. . When He brings me hame at last, to my ain countrie 3 Sae little noo I ken, o : yon blessed bonnie place. I only ken its Hame, whaur we shall see His face, It wad surely be eneuch forever mair to be In the glory o' His presence in obr ain countrie. Like a bairn to his mither, a wee birdie to its nest, I wad fain be gangin' noo, unto my Saviour's breast, v For He gathers in His bosom witless, worthless lambs like me, Y carries them Himsel', to His ain iconntrie. 4 He is faithfu' that hath promised, an' He'll surely come again He'll keep His trj'st wi' me. at what hour I dinna ken ; But He bids me still to wait, an' ready aye to be. To gang at ony moment to my ain coun- trie. So I'm watching aye, and singin' o' my hame, as I wait For the soun'ing o' His footfa' this side the gowden gate. God gie His grace to ilka ane wha' listens noo to me. That we a' may gang in gladness to oor ain countrie. 418 GLORY to God on high ! Let heaven and earth reply. •' Praise ye His name !" His love and grace adore. Who all our sorrows bore; i Sing loud forever more. '• Worthy the lamb !" 2 While they around the throne Cheerfully join in one, Braising His name — Te who have felt His blood. ! Sealing your peace with God, Sound His dear name abroad. '• Worthy the lamb!" ' 3 Join all ye ransomed race, | Our Lord and God to bless; Praise ye His name — 'in Him we will rejoice, And make a joyful noise. Shouting with heart and voice, " Worthy the lamb !" . 4 Soon must we change our place, Tet will we never cease P \ising His name: To K .2 our songs we bring; Hail ^iim our gracious- King; And. through all ages sing, " Worthy the lamb !" 419 10ME, Thou almighty King, J Help us Thy nrme to sing, G-ospel Hymns Consolidated. il* Help us to praise : Father ! all glorious, O'er all victorious, Come, and reign over us, Ancient of Days ! 2 Come, Thou incarnate "Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword ; Our prayer attend ; Come, and Thy people bless. And give Thy word success: Spirit of holiness ! On us descend. 3 Come, holy Comforter ! Thy sacred witness hear, * In this glad hour : Thou, who almighty art, Xow rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart. Spirit of power! 4 To the great One in Three, The highest praises be, Hence evermore ! His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. 420 JEST7S. I my cross have taken, All to leaVeand follow Thee, jSTaked. poor, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my all shalt be ; Perish ev'ry fond ambition, All I've sought, or hoped, or known, Yet how rich is my condition, God and heaven are still my own. . 2 Let the world despise and leave me, They have left my Saviour too ; Human hearts and looks deceive me — Thou art not, like them, untrue ; O while Thou dost smile upon me. God of wisdom, love, and might Soon shall close thy earthy mission, Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days, Hope shall change to glad fruition, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. 421 JESUS wept ! those tears are over, But His heart is still the same. Kinsman, Friend, and Elder Brother, Is His everlasting name. Saviour, ivho can love like Thee, Gracious One of Bethany. Saviour, who can love like Thee, Gracious One of Bethany. 2 When the pangs of trial seize us, When the waves of sorrow roll,' I will lay my head on Jesus, Pillow of the troubled soul. Surely none can feel like Thee, Weeping One of Bethany. Surely none can feel like Thee. Weeping One of Bethany. 3 Jesus wept ! and still h He can mark each mouflJr Living to retrace the story Of the hearts He solaced here. Lord, when I am called to die, Let me think of Bethany. Lord, when I am called to die, Let me think of Bethany Jpsus wept: those teflJK|J $.' sorrow rVre a legacy of love \ j Yesterday, to-day, to-morrow. | He the same doth eve^ prove. Thou art all in all tome, Living One of Bethany. Thou art all in all to me. Living One of Bethany. 1422 ' r* OD is love ; His mercy brightens T All the path in which wje -rove ; Foes may hate, and friends disown me, Bliss He wakes, and woe He lighten Show Thy face, and all is bright. 3 Haste Thee on from grace to glory, Armed with faith, and winged by prayer ! Heaven's eternal day's before thee ; God's own hand shall guide the^ there: | God is wisdom, God is love. 2 Time and change are busy ever; Man decays, and ages move ■ But His mercy waneth never : God is wisdom. God is lu.e. 3 E'en the hour that d.irke-t seeniefch Will Hi* chaujieierts smoilnesa prove; Gospel Hyir.ho Consolidated < From the g.^ jm His brightness stream- eth, Gud is wisdom, God is love. X He with earthly care entwineth Hope and comfort from above ; Everywhere His glory shinetk ; God is wisdom, God is love- 423 a* TESGiS only, when the morning t) Beams upon the path I tread ; Jesus only, when the darkness Gathers round my weary head. ■Ml -Jesus only, when the billows Cold and sullen o'er me roll ; •Jems only, when the trumpet Lends the tomb and wakes the soul, 3 Jesus only, wheD in judgment Boding fears my heart appall; Jerns only, when the wretched On the rocks and mountains call. 4 Jesus only, when, adoring, S-.j hits' tbg"'^ ciov nO^e fore Him bring; • fff, i will; joyous, i'lir.u.gb eternal ages sing. , f 'OAIE. ye sinners, poor and needy, Weikiw 1 wounded, sick and sore, i rciiu. d Ms to ^ave you, " (ill of - ' sty 1 of power. ; Sow*, ye needy, come and welcome, s God's free bounty glorify ; 'a i uc belief and*Crue repentance. Every grace that brings you nigh. 3 Letnot conscience make you linger, Xo;. of fitness fondly dream ; \ il the fitness He requireth, Is to feel your need of Him, i I'ome. ye weayv, 'heavy laden, Braised and mangled hj the fall •, If you tarry till" you're better, You Mill never' come at all. - 5 Ajroni4ng in the garden. Lo ! your Maker prostrate lies! Or( :he blood v tree behold Him— Hear Him try before He dies. 1 425 i SK ye what great thing I know J\ That delights and stirs me so \ \ AYhat the high reward I win .' ' Whose the name I glory in ? Jesus Christ, the Crucified. ;2 What is faith's foundation strong « I What awakes my lips to song? 1 He who bore my sinful load, Purchased for ine peace with God Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 3 Who defeats my fiercest foes? Who consoles my saddest woes? Who revives my fainting heart, Healing all its hidden smart? Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 4 Who is life in life to me? Who the death of death shall be? * Who will place me on His right With the countless hosts of light'* Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 5 This is that great thing I know ; This delights and stirs me so; Faith in Him who died to save Him who triumphed o'er the grave Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 426 T\T AIT my soul, upon the Lord, \\ To His gracious promise flee Laving hold upon His word "As" thy days thy strength shall be •As thy days thy strength shall be. 2 If the sorrows of thy case, Seem peculiar still to thee, God has promised needful grace 1 . 'As thy days thy strength shall be. ' "As thy days .thy strength shall be. ' 3 Days of trial, days of grief ! In succession thou may'st see, ! This is still thy sweet relief "As thy days thy strength shall be. "As thy days thy strength shall bo. 4 Rock of Ages, I'm secure. With thy promise full and free, Faithful, positive, and sure - 'As thy days thy strength shall be, "As thy days thy strength shall be INDEStv NO. Come home, come home ! Come, my soul, thy suit prepar. Come near mo, O my Saviour.. . Cinue now, saith the Lord Come, prodigal, come Come, sing, my soul, and praise Come, sing thb Gospel's joyful. Come souls that are longing tor Come, Thou Almighty King. . . Come Thou Fo s nt of every Come, the weary .'. Come to Jesus, come to Jesus !. Come to the Saviour Come ye sinners, poor and Come, we that love the Lord Ah, my heart is heavy laden 34 Ah, this heart is void and chill 326 Alas ! and did my Saviour 111-167 "A little while,'' and He shall 399 All glory to Jesus be given 201 All hail' the power of Jesus' name. . 101 All my doubts I give to Jesus.. •- . . 139 All people that on earth do dwell. . 1 All seeing, gracious Lord 356 All the way" my Saviour leads 60 Almost persuaded 75 Along the river of time 411 A long time I wandered 66 1 Amazing grace ! how sweet 213 Ami soldier of the Cross 115 Are you coming home ye wand'rers 311 Come ye disconsolate Arise, my soul, arise ! 119 Cut it down A sinner forgiven 64 Tv arp to be a Daniel Ask ye what great thing I know. . . 425 \J x)ark is the ni°- Art thou weary 195 Depth of mercy. . A ruler once came to Jesus 237 pj,i Christ o'er si At the feet of Jesus :...., Awake, and sing the song Beautiful morning Beautiful valley of Eden. Behold a Stranger at the door 401 Behold what love ! 363 Beneath the cross of Jesus 43 Be our joyful song to-day 286 Beside the well at noon-time 302 Beulah land 305 Beyond the smiling and the 378 Blessed hope that in Jesus is given. 245 Bless me now 32 Blest be the tie that binds 114 Brightly beams our Father's mercy 65 Brightly gleams our banner .'. 313 Bringing in the sheaves 370 Brother, art thou worn and weary - 359 ^om every stormy wind jtbafc blows By faith I view my Saviour dying.. 318j? u lly persuaded /~1all them in 15' ebrew captiv 16° Down lifers (Vc ■■ "~ Dol o^ tue h 390 Draw 6 nearer.., 252,-riteity----- -. - , 31 ! Li jrmty dawns on my vision I EterlF is drawing nigh Evefft ;- Evdf d av aim hour - Fe, fade each earthly joy Faint, yet pursuing. jvh is a living power i'roiu p-fier, take my hand . i rce and wild The storm i jde from the Jaw. oh happ ^sh from the throne of glory. flora all that dwell below. torn the riven rock thef* tioweth \J Can it be right. Child of sin and sorrow. Christ is coming! Close to Thee Come every soul, by sin oppressed. Gate ajar. Gathering home. Come, every joyful heart '■& Come, for the feast is spread <.9i , ~ Home, Holv Spirit, heavenlv Dove. Iff 1 Co. bur; thy Give me the wings of f&irh.. . Gliding o er life's fitful waters Glory be to Jesus nam* Glory be to the Fat hej glory, glory be to Jesus .... yaj lory to God on high . ... ./ INDEX. ('-trovltf #i sinners lost 30 from hea//ea. 291 feat and Go is good 406 His m< ivy brightens..- 422 Tiiupet's s Jiiurmg 266 in My vij :e vard . . 98 sforemen'« that How How , ttoly, holy! Lord God Spirit, faithful guide. afuc'laet •'of the soul....... .», 'siy comrades, see the signal i Papers of life's harvest c:in I keep from i-inuing y solemn are the words.. .. sweet the name of Jesus, sweet the word of Christ, ! I have entered the valley of 196 1 1 have heard of a land far away 261 ! I have heard of a Saviour's love. . . . 15? j I have read of a beautiful city. ..... 310 • I heard the voice of Jesus say 123 1 1 hear the Saviour say 35 1 1 hear the words of Jesus 364 ; I hear Thy welcome voice 63 \ I know not the hour, when my 13 j 1 know not what awaits mo 307 ! I know that my Redeemer lives 398 j I left it akl with Jesus 90 1 1 love to tell the story 39 1 1 love to think of the heavenly tCI ! I love Thy kingdom, Lord 211 j I'm a pilgrim 30G j I'm going home .256 ; I need Thee every hour 3 ; In my Father's house there, is 274 j In some way or other, the Lord 5 I In the Christian's home in glory. . . 130 : In the cross of Christ I glory . . 68 I In the presence of the King! 58 i In the silent midnight watches 183 ; li-T-fcy- cleft, O Rock of Ages 374 In Zion's Hock abiding 171 I I saw a way-worn traveler 367 Is Jesus able to redeem ? 241 Is my name written there, 348 I stood outside the gate 172 Is your lamp burning 403 I think when I read that sweet ' 340 a bonnie, bonnie war! ... 404 It is finished 281 T am comint: to the cross.. -.. I am far frae my hame. I am now a child oi' God. I am praying for you I am so glad that gut Father in. . . I um sweeping through the gates. I am Thine. Lord, I have heard. . I am trusting Lord in Thee. I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus.. . . k I am waiting for the morning ' ling my sins to Thee nuiot tVll how precious * like sinking all the time < i the gaze of the sun mv life for Thee iour, He's pleading in.. It is well with my soul t may be at mora, when the day t'passeth knowledge i've found a friend l\ve found a joy in sorrow. . >y m Pet 200 239 73 224 151 ~e found the Pearl of greatest 300 ~Ve reached the laud of corn and.. 305 17 \e. passed the Cross 383 13*V a ited for the Lord, my God 125 59^11 sing of my Redeemer 229 P.90 ul sing you a song of that 20 fil hs, and shall it ever be 322 t™ j testis calls thee 228 2 li \\ Christ is passing by 230 o 4 o I t\ eracious One, calleth now. . . 228 2? ! T hail ! enthroned in glory 410 Ti i t X m Y cross have taken 420 Xl Je Vcoming 37? \ Jesus is mighty to save 201 M Jesus IS mine 179 Mv'v Jesus is my Saviour 365 My Jesus, I will trust Thee 341 My ■ Jesus, keep me near the cross 45 My « Jesus loves even me 23 Myl- Jesus loves me, this 1 know 413 My 1 Jesus, lover of my soul 85-1 Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry.. Jesus of Xazareth passeth bv . Jesus only Jesus ouly, when the morning... 42 Jesus, only Je>us .' 286 i Jesus shall reign 141 ! Ml Jesus wept ! those tears are over. . . 421 • Mj Joy in sorrow 151 1 My son£ Joy to the world, the Lord is 110-236 j My soul, beJ Just as I am 54 My soul i Just a word for Jesus 163 My soul will KVTeju-er, mjS nocking, knocking, who 1$ X* 2S ',< -ar til ll r i *-•> ■ i '*. , 'XonebutCil 1. 1" ami of Beulah 187 K of ^ JU Lead me on 382 jj q otll . : Let us gather up the sunbeams 174 Xot ill Let the lower lights Life for a look. .7 Light after darkness Light in the darkness, sailor. . . Lift up, lift up thy voice with. . . Long in darkness we have - Look away to Jesus Look unto Me. and he ye saved. Lord dismiss us with Thy blessini Lord. I care not for riches Lord. I hear of showers of blessin Lord Jesus. I long to be perfectly. Lord, my trust 1 repose in Thee!. . Lo! the day or God is breaking . . . Look, ye saints, the sight is Majestic sweetness sits enthrone 'Man of Sorrows," what a... Marching to Zion Master the tempest is raging Memories of earth Mine! what rays of glory bright. . More holiness give me. .'. More love to Thee, O Christ More than tongue can tell More to follow Must I go. and empty handed Must Jesus bear the cross alone . ray, breuuen, pi /^(recious blood. iz 317 § .^a lucious name . /'^ recipus prohrh uomise V^ precious Saviour may 1 Jfeon^ressiug on .... 3 ! Prodigal child 1 for the shore 50 280 294 38 £3 ft "a. . . 242 >n'tii 'PP.V J. • '202 ) 55 oveun Cod, ,i- saa 37 cp- 1 .. lb is- 120 n(B 23 78 192 deemed ! redeemed 405 P. d :,iption ground. 337 ee and be glad 24 ce with me 288 Remember me 1G7 Repeat the story o'er and o'er 154 Rescue the perishing 18 Revive Thy work. . •. 223 Revive us again 25 Ring the bells of heaven 10 Rise up, and hasten ; Rock of Ages ' Room for Thee 330 80 Ir'S y*ad and weary, lone and dm v . . . . ^ •O Safe in the arms of Jesu? - * Salvation ! Oh the joyful soun-i 301) ed by the blood 254 sus, save & -'.8 Ibur, breathe an evening J92 Uir, like a shepherd lea i us — 126 ljur, more than life to me 48 jur, Thy dying love '. 26 ]nr, visit Thy plantation 400 ire you ready I 353 'is your lamp burning, my 403 jrheara is thy refuge, poor 312 ;r seeds of kindness . 174 J fu g to save 177 |i we gather at the river 1 124 meet beyond the river 199 >nly touched the hem 267 d'the death-angel knock at.. . 353 >ly trusting every daj 165 and pray ! 278 iug all the time. 276 (ing as we journey . . . ; 380 them over again to me 282 of His mighty love. 46 |ters, turn, why will ye die? 106 it our lips and lives express ... 104 bing for Jesus. 26 "■£ salvation . *...... 157 x^ll we sec the -tV: ; ous. . ''"""' UM