EE PORT OP TES BOARD 0¥ DlEl.CT:oaS OP TH£ PRESBYTERIAN MlSSldNARY SOCIETY OF PUBLISHED By THE BIRECTORS, ,1824. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 KEPORT. Dear Brethren, It deserves to be noticed, in honour of the Christian rehgion, that under the benign influence of its principles, charitable institutions have more abounded tlian under the influence of any other religion whatever. Where do we find in heathen countries, however civilized and polish- ed, any thing like systematic arrangements for the relief of the poor — any infirmaries, hospitals, charity schools, or benevolent societies ? For all these things, and for much more, we are indebted to the prevailing influence of the gospel, regulating by its principles the humaa heart, and directing the operations of society. But whilst other institutions, useful in themselves, confine their operations to a mere worldly benevolence, and exhaust their energies in the accommodations of time, it is the high ofliice of our Missionary Society to regard the eternity of its object, to extend its views to another world, and to furnish to perishing immortals the bread of eternal life. The means which it adopts, viz, preaching the gospel, and administering its ordinances, are the very means which God himself has instituted in his holy word, and which from the beginning he has condescended to own and bless, for the noblest of all ends— the production of immortal happiness and holi- ness in the souls ^of men. Preaching, indeed, is the grand means by which the gospel becomes instrumental to salvation, How shall they call on him in whom ( 4 ) they have not believed ? (says the apostle ;) and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard ? and how shall they hear without a preacher ?" "So then faith corneth by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,'* The pulpit, (says the great Christian poet,) •* Must stand acknowledg'd, -.vhile the world shall stand. The most important and efifectual guard, . Support, and ornament of virtue's cause." - From the infancy of the church to the present hour, preaching has more roused and engaged the attention of mankind, than every thing else which was not miracu- lous. Far more knowledge, and far deeper impressions of religious subjects, have been gained by mankind from this source, than from all other human labours. Nor was any other method ever devised so cheap, so conve- nient, and so effectual, for the purposes of diffusing iuT struction and reforming mankind. The preaching of the cross of Christ, although once a stumbling-block to the Jews, and to the Greeks foolishness,'V has, by facts innumerable and incojitestable, proved itself to be "the pQwer of God, and thcJ wisdom of God." By the em-: ployment of this means, in which divine truth accompa- nies the living energies of a human voice, has been ac- cpmplished the most amazing revolution the world ever saw. With the preaching of our Lord and his apostles — - the fishermen of Galilee— this revolution commenced \ and v/hat has been the issue ? The meek and humble religion of the cross, by the instrumentality of preaching, pervaded the mighty empire of the Romans ; overturned their altars \ closed their temples ; hushed to silence their pracles; triumphed over the fiercest opposition ; and, iiltimately, through a host of prejudices, fortified by anr rtiquity, and sanctioned by universal custom, made it? Vay to the tlixone of the Caesars. ( 3 ) But ^ more illustrious triyipph, than any yet accom« plished, awaits the preaching of the cross of Christ— not merely the conquest of an empire, but the conquest of a world: for^ ** the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea ; and none shall need to say unto his neighbour, Know the Lord ; for all shall know him, from the least to the greatest." On this subject, the prophecies and promises of God's word leave us no room for doubt. The leaven hid in three measures of meal, will, most assuredly, leaven the whole lump. The grain of mustard seed, will become a great tree ; and the stone cut out without hands, will swell into a mountain, and fill the whole earth. The Board of Directors, brethren, will now proceed * ^ to give a detailed statement of such appointments as were made by them, and fulfilled in the years 18^0, 1821, 1822, and 1823. " / In the year 1820, Mr. Dickinson, a licentiate, from the north, was appointed to a mission of two months, within the bounds of the presbytery of Concord. Of the fulfilment of this mission no account has been receiv- ed: it is supposed, however, that Mr. Dickinson did ■ perforpi, if not the whole, at least a part of the services assigned him. Mr. Jfohn Harrington, a licentiate of the presbytery of f ay etteville^a mission of three months, on missionary ground, within the bounds of said presbytery. Mr. Harrington, in his report, states, that, according to the instructions given him by the Board, his time was em- ployed in preaching the word, visiting the sick, attend- ing on meetings for prayer and exhortation, and also m visiting from house to house— that he laboured in the counties of Columbus, Bladen, Cumberland, Moore,' ^id Randolph ; travelled five' hundred and sixt^-six \ ( 6 ) miles, and preached forty sermons — tliat altliouglx in many places religion was found to be in a languisliing state, yet his preaching, for the most part, was sedousiy, and, on Sabbath days, numerously attended. Some pleasing and Mattering appearances were witnessed ; par- ticularly in the counties of Moore and Biaden ; and good impressions, it is hoped, were made. Mr. Harrington recommends to the attention of the Society, the counties of Moore, Randolph, and Montgomery, as an important ' field for missionary labours ; where, besides other places for preaching, there are several small Presbyterian con- gregations destitute of the stated means of grace. The expenses of this mission amounted to S120, to- wards defraying which, only the sum of SI L. 90 was con- / tributed by the people among whom your missionary la- boured. Mr. Parsons O. Hayes, a licentiate, from the north— r a mission of two months in the town of Salisbury, and its vicinity. A particular account of his labours, while in the service of the Society, is furnished in his missionary journal; of which the following is a summary. He spent seven weeks in missionary labours, including the time of his travelling to the place of his appointment. He rode three hundred miles; preached twenty-seven times ; at- tended eight meetings for exhortation and prayer ; visit- ed several schools, and also visited from house to house. He collected in the town of Salisbury, for the benefit of the Society, the sum of S30, and states that the attention of the people, in that place, to public worship, was highly commendable. Some appeared to be seriously impress- ed, and in one instance, at least, it is hoped and believed ^tbat a saving change was experienced. la Lexington and its vicinity, where he spent part of his time, religious appearances were pronjisingt The ( 7 ) congregation was always numerous, ^nd often crowded 3 and the gospel message was listened to with much ap- parent seriousness and interest. Among this people, Mr. Hayes was instrumental in establishing regular meetings for prayer and other religious exercises, which, as long as he continued with them, he had the plea* sure of seeing well attended. In the opinion of the Board, the town of Lexington presents to the Society an encouragement for missionary labours. A house for public worship has been erected there, and is nearly completed. The Rev. John H. Pickard — a mission of six weeks, in the western counties, within the bounds of the pres- bytery of Orange. Mr. Pickard found it impracticable to fulfil more than three weeks of the mission assigned him. During ^is period, he rode between two and three hundred miles— preaclied fourteen times — -admin- istered the ordinance of the Lord's supper once — receiv- ed on examination one person to the communion of the church J and baptised three children* It appears from Mr, Pickard's journal, that his hearers were generally solemn and attentive. In some instances, under his ministry, there were visible signs of contrition ; and m others, God's own people appeared to be filled with joy and peace in believing. He represents the county of Surry, as an important field for missionary exertions* The inhabitants, who are almost entirely destitute of the stated means of grace, are anxious to have the gospel preached among them ; and have particularly requested that a missionary should be appointed to visit and ton- tinue among them' for some time. Mr. Pickard receiv- ed for the Society B15,.83, which sum added to Sl^.'. 50, collected from subscriptions on his twenty-five cerlt book, after defraying the expenses of his mission, leaves { s ) a balance of several dollars in favour of the funds of the institution. The missionary operations of the year 1820, close with Mr. Pickard's mission. Two other persons were appointed by the Board, to perform missionary services, but their appointments were not fulfilled. From the preceding statements it appears, that four missionaries vrcrc engaged in the service of the Board in the year 1820, and the whole time actually spent in missionary labours was about thirty -two weeks. From ihe minutes of the Board of Directors, it ap- pears, that the missionary appointments for the year 1821, were more numerous than for any preceding year since the Society was organized. Thirteen missionaries were appointed and commis- sioned by the Board, to itinerate in the bounds of the Society, and to preach the gospel and administer its or- dinances, in places destitute of the stated means of grace, and wherever, in the opinion of the Board, there was a prospect of doing good to the souls of men, and advan- cing tlie interests of the Redeemer's kingdom. The whole amount of time embraced by the several mission- ary appointments, was tvi/enty-six months. Of the thir- teen missionaries appointed, it is understood, that three of them, viz* Messrs. Graves, Stafford, and Bowden, did not find it convenient, or compatible with their other du- ties, to fulfil any part of the missionary services to which they were appointed. On no former occasion had the journals of your mis- sionaries presented so many circumstances calculated to enliven the hopes and invigorate the benevolent exertions of the Society. Your missionaries, it is true, deeply deplc^-d the evidences of fatal indifference towards the blessed message of the gospel, which were occasionally ( 9 ) exhibited by those among whom they laboured ; but, in the greater number of instances, they express a lively hope that their ministry was not in vain. Their own feelings — the door of utterance occasionally opened to them — the fixed attention of their hearers — the solicitous countenance and the weeping eye — together with eviden- ces of a more substantial and lasting character, on many occasions, cheered the hearts of your missionaries ; and led them to the delightful conclusion, that God ^vas, in very deed, in the midst of the people, and that the preach- ing of his gospel had been accompanied with the power- ful influences of the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. In the year 1822, eleven missionaries were, tit different times, employed by the Society, and their commissions embraced in the whole a term of thirty-one months. They w^ere directed to labour in the counties of Iredell, Caswell, Halifax, Beaufort, Chatham, Rockingham, Sur- ry, Burke, Ashe, and Wilkes ; and in some instances, w^ithaut assigning them any particular stations, they were directed to labour within the bounds of the different pres- byteries. Most of the missionaries fulfilled their appoint- ment, and some were prevented by other engagements from labouring in the service of the Society. The mis- sionary journals of Messrs. Witherspoon, Hatch, Chap, man, Gould, Graves, and Stafford, have been received, and present a very interesting history of their labours. In giving an account of our operations in 1823, we remark, that, from the magnitude of the v/ork in which we were engaged, and the difficulty of procuring mis. sionaries proportionate to the extensive fields of exertion, w^e effected not as much as we desired : we did little compared with what yet remains to be executed. But have no cause to be discouraged. On the contrary, we should be grateful that we were enabled to do even more 2 7 ( 10 ) than the most sanguine expectations ventured to antici- pate. In the location of missionaries, it will be perceived that the Directors, during that year, confined the opera- tions of those who were employed to narrow limits ; and instead of giving them a large district to traverse, thought it expedient to locate them in towns and villages, in des- titute congregations, or selected parts of a county. The advantages attending this method must be obvious to all. It gives a missionary an opportunity of doing more good by religious visits and private conversation ; it enables the people to hear the word more frequently preached, and to derive more benefit from its ministration, and it affords an encouraging prospect of the formation of new congregations. The Directors would beg leave to sug- gest this subject to the Society, and to recommend in general such a location of missionaries. In November last, Mr. Thomas Davis, a licentiate of the Concord presbytery, was engaged by the Society to labour in the destitute parts of Rockingham, In this service he was employed two months, and not without effect. Most of those to whom he preached, v/ere la- mentably destitute of the ordinances of religion, and have but few opportunities of hearing the gospel but when missionaries are* sent to them. To these people he delivered the word of life plainly and faithfully ; and we trust thst his labours were not in vain— that the seed which he then sowed will be watered by the dews of the Spirit, spring up, and produce fruit. In December, Rev. Chauncey Eddy, from the Theo- l6gical Seminary of Andover, was employed to act as a missionary in tlie town* of Morganton and its vicinity. He entered upon his mission with alacrity and zeal, and by his indefatigable exertions did much for the promo- ( 11 ) tion of religion. This was accomplished as much by his private exertions, as by his public preaching. In season and out of season" he proclaimed salvation to sinners with hopeful encouragement. He edified the saints, comforted the afflicted, taught from house to house, conversed with many on the concerns of their souls, and administered the seals of the covenant. He continually repeated his visits to the places where he had laboured, watered where he had sown, gave line upon line, and precept upon precept;" and by this means strengthened the impression which his first preaching had made. He revived two or three Presbyterian con- gregations, which had almost fallen to decay ; re-organi- zed the churches, appointed officers, and received mem- bers : and with pleasure we inform the Society, now ex- ercises the pastoral ofiice over them. In January, Mr. James Douglass, a licentiate of the presbytery of New- Castle, (Delaware,) made an engage- ment with the Board, to undertake a mission to the des- titute parts of Granville county ; and was employed two months in three vacant congregations, Oxford, Provi- dence, and Spring Grove.— We hesitate not to say, that he was a rich blessing to that people, and the instrument of greatly promoting their spiritual interests. Besides the public ministry of the word, to which he attended whenever an opportunity offered, he paid the strictest attention to catechetical instruction, the establishment of Sabbath schools, the instruction^ of Bible classes, conver- sation on pious subjects, and other means of a private nature. There are two parts of the conduct of this missionary, to which we cannot but particularly refer, as affording model for all engaged in the same service. — The one is, the special solicitude which he manifested for youth and ( 12 ) little children. No opportunity seemed to pass without some gentle warning — some kind admonition.— In his journal of the 15th of March, he says — On this day I visited ten families, and conversed with the several mem- bers on religious subjects. — Found children from 8 to 12 years of age, who had never been taught to pray, al- though their mother is a professor of religion. I endea- voured to give them some instruction in this part of their duty." — We rejoice that our missionaries hear the Sa- viour saying to them, as he once did to the son of Jonas, Feed my lambs."^^ — Another circumstance in the con- duct of this missionary, strikes our attention — the deep and lively interest which he felt for the salvation of the blacks. Employed in a part of our state where this class of the community is numerous, he felt that they too needed his instructions and labours ; that the com- mission which he received from his Master to preach, eJctended also to them ; that they too had precious and immortal souls, which God created and the Saviour re- deemed.~With such interest for their spiritual welfare, he frequently conversed with them on the necessity of religion, and often appointed for them special meetings, ill which he preached the doctrines of the cross with pointed eaergy^, but yet with a simple plainness, adapted to their humble capacities. These instructions cannot $001^ or easily be forgotten. These three united congregations have presented a call to IVIr. Douglass to settle permanently among them ; and tye understand that there is a prospect of his soon becoming their pastor.^ , Jn February, Mr. Robert Anderson, a licentiate of the Hatiover presbytery, was appointed by the Board to la- • Since the presentation of the above Report, Mr.Donglass has been settled in Moufeesborough. ( 13 ) hour two months in the western part of Burke county In a letter to the Secretary, he represents this part of our- state as presenting an extensive field for missionary ex- ertion — every where exhibiting marks of moral desola- tion. But few regular churches are there estabhshed, and but little enlightened preaching is ever heard. The consequence is, that the greater part of the people are de- plorably ignorant on the subject of religion, and openly neglectful of the interests of their salvation. — Our mis- sionary endeavoured to rouse them by close and faithful preaching ; and not confining his labours to the Sabbath, established many private meetmgs for divine worship. In some of these meetings there was great solemnity ; such as encouraged the preacher to hope that he had been the instrument of bringing some to a saving knowledge of divine truth. In April, Mr. James Cant, a licentiate^ of the presby- tery of New-York, undertook a mission to Bladen coun- ty. The greater part of this county is represented by him as being in great want of missionary aid. There are some professors who are truly enga,^ed in religion, and who adorn their Christian profession ; but vast numbers are heedless and indifferent to spiritual things. Some Presbyterian churches are languishing for want of the means of grace, and unless attention be paid to them, must soon become extinct. They expressed gratitude to the Society for the services of our missionary, and manifested it by their liberal contributions ; ,at the ^ame time entreating us to be mindful of their necessities, and to continue to send them the preaching of the gospel. Upon the whole^ we think that Mr. Cant was useful ia Bladen. In sincerity and truth he preached the , plain, doctrines of the gospel; and we have reason. to believe that thi great Head of the church, in some instances, ( 14 ) crowned it with his blessing. His labours in general were well received — many heard the word gladly — and the assemblies on Sabbath, and at other times, were large, attentive and solemn. In May, Mr. Gilbert Cra^vford, a licentiate of the New-Brunswick presbytery, was appointed to labour in four united congregations in Robison and Richmond counties, formerly under the pastoral care of the late Rev. Mr. M'Nair. Among this people he enjoyed a peculiar advantage in being a Highlander, and able to converse and preach in the Gaelic language. These con- gregations received him with great alFection, and treated him with much respect. Since the death of their pastor, they had heard but little preaching ; and when our mis- sionary was sent to them, they hailed his appearance with gratitude and joy. The anxiety to hear preaching was unusually great; the assemblies for worship were al- ways large ; and the attention that pervaded them was deep and solemn. In his journal he remarks, " What adds much to the credit of this pious people, is their ex- ertions to get to a place of public worship on foot, in the absence of milder accommodations. I knew several el- derly women travel on foot to a communion season, 10 or 12 miles. The time has been when the same people walked 20 miles after night to a meeting.- — For the last 8' days I preached 13 times.. The average, during my residence here, has been once every day. My audiences were large; on some occasions consisting of as many as 1300* The houses could not hold the people on any of tlie Sabbath days. Our church was therefore the woods ; our curtains the canopy of heaven. The attention was uncommon; the solemnities of all, and the sorrows of some, were great ; the prospect of a revival of religion ajiisidcr^lc, • It were certainly to be desired that your ( 15 ) Board would be pleased to direct more of its operations towards this section of the country." — On his departure, Mr. Crawford was earnestly solicited to settle among them as their pastor. In August, Mr. James Stafford, a licentiate of the Con- cord presbytery, was engaged by the Board to labour in the destitute parts of Randolph county. His acceptance of a call from other congregations to exercise the pasto- ral office, prevented him from fulfilling this mission. In September, the Rev. Wm. D. Paisley received a commission to labour one month in a part of Randolph county, where a Presbyterian church is building, and one month in the town of Washington. This commis- sion has not yet been fulfilled, but will be commenced in a few weeks. We doubt not that this missionary will be indefatigable in his exertions, and prove a blessing to the people among whom he may labour. In addition to the above appoint ments, we would ob- serve, that in January, the Rev, Shepard K. Koiiock was appomted a special agent, to solicit subscriptions and do- nations for the Society in the eastern part of the state. In this object he was successful, and collected a consider- able sum for the disposal of tlie institution. In this tour he performed the duties of a missionary, confining his operations to NewLern, Washingtoil, and Edenton. In the town of Washington the prospect of usefulness was considerable. Since he left them, a Pres- byterian church and congregation have been organized, which promise to become in time respectable and flou- rishing. ' . In reviewing the transactions of the past year, the Di- rectors, al^ lOugh they find much reason for humiliation before Gf d for the very imperfect manner in which they have attended upon liis work, yet discover abundant C 16 ) cause for gratitude to the Head of the church for the manner in which he has blessed their unworthy eiforts to spread abroad the knowledge of his name. — Let it no longer be said that our Society has done nothing — is doing nothing. We have the animating confidence, in- spired by the known success of every effort which has been made in this good work. True, we did not begin without hope. At every step our expectations have been confirmed. Agreeably to our anticipations, we have seen new churches forming through our instrumen- tality ; languishing ones strengthened; and the wilder- ness beginning to blossom as the rose, and to echo the praises' -of God. We have witnessed the old and the young coming up to the courts of the Lord, where for years no sanctuary had opened its doors ; the fire of hea- ven, long extinguished, re-kindled on the altar of God ; the full assembly at his throne of grace, and the influences of the Spirit descending upon them ; the table of our Saviour spread, and the memorials of his death received by humble, grateful, welcome guests. How sweet the reflection to the heart of every member of this Society, that he has contributed to effects like these. It is true that what we have done falls far short of what the exigences of the case demand. When we cast our eyes over those wide fields already ripe for the hand of the reaper, that present themselves on every side, it seems Tery little to send out a few labourers, to thrust in a sickle - here and there, into the most promising and fertile p^rts, and collect a few sheaves. And when v/e remember, that much of what is left by us will be seized by the evil one, and bound in bundles for the eternal flame, it seems^ to be incumbent on us to see that it is through no fault of ours that the whole harvest is not ga- tliered into the granary of the Lord. But herein do we C " ) find cause to contemplate cur past labours with saUsEac- tion, and to take oceasion from them to look fortvard with hope. We have been furnished with evidence, that open hostib'ty to the pure, holy and hnmbltng doc- trines of evangelical religion is net to be espected. For the uniform testimony borne by the journals of the mis- sionaries, is, that the inhabitants of the regions through which they have travelled, have flocked with eagerness to attend on their ministrations, and ha've listened in the attitude of men hungering and thirsting after righreous- ness,'' and as those who knew what a dreadful thing it is to live where thare is a famine of the word of God. How different is this reception &om that winch the jSrst toch- ers of Christianity met with when they entered ib^ Tm- ' ous cities of the. Roman empire, bearing the glad tidings of a Saviour slain for the sins of the world. They had the sophistries of the proud philosophers, the Stoics and Epicureans to encounter. The prince of darkness, after having, for many ages, held mankind m chains, and S7r:i7ed z irri :J ^i-oalrdllea doroim ( 19 ) something to relieve a more urgent an,d dreadful neces- sity. The recital of our proceedings must, we think, pro- duce one of two effects on every feeling and pious mind — it must either fill it with gloom and despondency, and lead it to give over every exertion in despair, or rouse in it a zeal and devotion that has never been felt before. It is hoped, however, that no one, on comparing the supply with the necessity — the small number of mis- ionaries with a population of some hundreds of thou- sands, will be induced to give over the case as hope- less. It is to be remembered, that all those exertions which have issued in a change in the moral character of a large portion of our race, have been commenced under circumstances abundantly more unfavourable than those in which we are placed. We, if we con- sult only the maxims of mere carnal prudence, may safely persevere. And yet it is by refusing all regard to these maxims — hoping against hope, and continu- ing exertion when the probability was strong against success, that the church has finally emerged in bright- ness and beauty, from under the darkest clouds that have ever rested upon her. If one who has never felt the power of that strong faith, under the influence of which the Christian looks with unwavering confidence to God under all circumstances, had been consulted by the apostles, before they commenced their labours, what kind of answer would he have given? You, alitde band of ignorant fishermen, think of overturning the establish- ed religion of the Roman empire?" would he not have said. " What are your means ? You might as well have undertaken to overturn the world." But, thanks to God, the apostles listened to no such cold suggestions as these. St. Paul says, that he " conferred not with flesh and blood," C £0 ) He listened to the i award teaching of the Spirit, and the blessed consequences which we are experiencing at the present day. When Lutherdiscovered the dreadful aposta- cy from the faith once delivered to the saints, of which the church of Rome had been guilty, had he followed the cold, teniporising maxims, and imitated the cowardice of some Ghristians, he would only have retired to some solitude, and there have deplored in silence and tears the desolations of Zion, When he raised his arm, and gave the first blow to the papal hierarchy, how hopeless did the, contest appear. Yet that was the commencement of a Reformation, for which half of Europe and half of Ame- rica will have reason to bless God as long as the world shall endure. The great operations that are now carry- ing on in the eastern world, for evangelizing the heathen, would never have beep heard of, if the first projectors of the work had been deterred from the undertaking by any cx)nsideration- of the inadequacy of the means to the ^nd. In the first, instancei four missionaries only went out- tp corrvert the vast empire of Indostan, with its millions of peoplCj to Christianity. It was some years before they made a single convert* But the great work is now going on with a rapidity and success, that war- rants the belief^ that, in a very few years, the stand- ard oP the Cross will wave in triumph from the southern extremity of tlie peninsula of India to the mountains that form its nortl^erri boundary. It. is, undoubtedly, our duty-to fill the whole country with missionaries, till there shall be no dark corner of the land unenlightened by the beattis of the Sun of righteousness. This may appear- to €ome a great undertaking ; and such it undoubtedly is, i^ind such we ought to regard it* Wc ought to regard' it as one which we are^ nevertheless, to achieve* It is ( 21 ) to be remem.ber:ed, that. as. the work advances, the num- ber oE the labourers: will also uicrease, till eva?y aection of our country shall be not only able, but wiUing to sup- port its own religious teacher. Rut how mudx yet: remains to be done— how large a portion of our state lies in spiritual darkness. What a vast number of desolate places have never yet been vi- sited by our missionaries— have never received the least assistance from our Society. Brethren, we are engaged in the cause of a gracious Master, who will pardon our infirmities, and accept the willingness of our devoted hearts. We are engaged in a glorious cause — in the cause of the Lord Jesus against the malignant enemy of the human race — of the Prince of life against the powers of darkness and of death. W^e are engaged in. a benevolent cjause, whose aim. is to res- cue sinners from the thraldom of sin, the captivity of Sa- tan, and the horrors of perdition. We. are engaged in an honourable cause; for we. are workers together with God, and with- multitudes- of . our fellow Christians in different quarters of the globe, in extending the aews of salvation to perishing sinners. . How happy are we to be indulged with, an opportunity: of. communicating the gqs-t pel of the blessed Jesus to the destitute^ How happy to live in a day when the triumphs of tlie cross are so manifest, and when we may contribute so much to aid its triumphs. " The cai^sejn which we are engaged ^is pregnant with encouragement and hope. God has aU ready given us earnests of future success. It is his cause, and it must prevail ; for he has promised final vic- tory ; and Jesus, the Lord of hosts, the captain of sal- vation, is our leader.— Let us be true to his service— r Jet us press on with ardour in the glorious work— and ( 22 ) never be satisfied until our Society becomes one of the most efficient instruments in the hands of the Almighty. Think, brethren, of the many hundreds and thousands in our state, who are destitute of the ordinances of God. O ! think of the many places where Sabbaths pass away year after year, but where no sound of the gospel is heard ; no hand of pastoral sympathy is extended to wipe away the tears of sorrow, or to point the sick and dying to the only Saviour of men. Children grow up to man- hood, and hasten to eternity, with no spiritual guide to direct them in the path to heaven — no influence of grace descends to arrest the current of man'» depravity, and change the heart of the sinner.- — Many of these places solicit our sympathy and aid. Our missionaries tell us so. Their own letters beseech us not to forget them — though they are destitute and ignorant, not to forget, but to pity and succour them. Let their cries not only enter our ears, but penetrate our hearts. As a needy people, they throw themselves upon our charity. Let our benevolence be excited — let us eagerly flee to res- cue them. !• Grant us your prayers, your contributions, and every other means, to assist us in this great, and noble, an4 benevolent work. In behalf of the Board of Directors. HENRY POTTER, President Shepard K. Kollock, Secretary. CONSTITUTION. Deeply concerned for the condition ol multitudes within the bounds of the Synod of North-Carolina, who are unhappily destitute of the preaching of the word of God, and of all the invaluable bles- sings of Gospel ordinances regularly administered : We the subscri- bers, in the name of the Great Head of the Church, and trusting to his grace to succeed our efforts, do agree to form ourselves into a Missionary Society, to be called "The Presbyterian Missionary Society oe North-Carolina," and to be governed and conducted according to the following Constitution, viz. I. The exclusive object of this Society shall be to raise funds, and appropriate them to the support of Missionaries for preaching the Gospel, and administering its Ordinances, within the bounds of the Synod of North-Carolina. II. Every person who shall subscribe this Constitution, and pa^ the sum of Two Dollars, shall be a member of this Society as long as he shall continue to pay One Dollar annually. And every per- son who shall pay the sum of Tea Dollars, shall be considered a Member for life, without further contribution. HI. Every Donor of One Hundred Dollars shall be an Honora- ry President for Life. Every Donor of Fifty Dollars shall be an Honorary Vice-President for Life. And every Donor of Twenty- Five Dollars shall be an Honorary Director for Life. Either of the sums mentioned in this article, shall be payable in five ecjua! annual instalments. IV. The Society shall hold their annual meetings during the sit- ting of Synod, and at the same place j and a Sermon, adapted to the occasion, shall be preached by some person previously appoint- ed ; and a collection shall then bl made in aid of the funds. V. The Officers of this Society shall consist of a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and Treasurer, who, with eleven oth- er persons, all members of the Presbyterian Church, shall constitute a Board of Directors, to be elected by ballot or otherwise, at ever/ •annual meeting of the Society. ( 24 ) Yl. The Board of Directors, in the recess of the Society, shall liare the management of all missions ; shall appoint missionaries ; give them their instructions ^ draw upon the Treasurer for the sums necessary to carry their designs into execution ; receive donations j fill all vacancies which m^y happen in their Board during the re- cess ; adopt such further measures, consistent with the Constitu- tion, as they shall deem necessary or expedient, and make report to the Society at every annual meeting. VII. The Board of Directors shall meet by its otvn adjourn- ments ; and special meetings of the Board may be called by the President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, with the concurrence of any two of its members. VIII. All monies arising from life subscriptions and donations, shall be laid out in profitable stock, constituting a permanent fund, the proceeds only of which shall be employed in Missionary expen- ditures. \ . ^ IX. No alterations or amendments shall be made in this Consti- tution, except at an annual meeting, and by a vote of two thirds of the members present. X. Ten members of the Society shall be a quorum to transact business ; and four Directors, together with the President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, shall form a quorum of the Board. OFFICERS. Hon. HENRY POTTER, President. : . Rev. JOHN ROBINSON, 1st Vice-President. tlev. JOSEPH CALDWELL, D. D. 2d Vice-President Rev. COLIN M'lVER, 3d Vice-President. Hev. SHEPARD K. KOLLOCK, Secretary. fiTHAN A. ANDREWS, Esq. Treasurer. ■ OTHER DlRECTOn^, Rev. John Mi-WiLsoN, Hon . Frederick Nash, Kev. Wm, M'Pheeters, D. D. James Mebane, Esq. Kev. John B. Davies, I'homas H. Taylor, Esq. Rev. John W1THERSP09N, Mr. William Shaw, Rev^ Elisha Mitchell, Mr. N, H. Harding. Rev. Robert H. Morrison, PASTORAL LETTER TO THE CHURCHES UNDER THE CAHE OF THE Beloved Brethren, It is no unusual thing for ecclesiastical bodies to ad - dress thenaseives by letter to those over whose spiritual ' and eternal welfare they are appointed to watch. We have before us apostolic example, and the usages of the church in every age of the world. It seemeth good to us, therefore, to visit you at this time, and by letter to bo present with you; to rejoice with you in that which is a matter of joy, and to mourn with you in that over which we ought to weep; to tender to you the consolations of the gospel, and afford you that counsel and instruction which may promote the glorj of God, and your best every lasting interests, : Among the many causes of thankfulness and joy, we * would mention the follovvingr . c * * An increase of ministers. Since ministers are senTof God to « turn men from darkness to lighti and from the power of sin and satan unto the service of the living God;" as they have ever been, and continue to be,4a-''^ strumental in promoting the temporal happiness and eternal salvation of their feUoW beings, every additioit to their number ought to be a matter of tharvkfulq^ss .and praise. Since the year 1816, it has pleased the Great Head of the church so to multiply our number, that this presbytery, which then consisted of eight ministers, now numbers sixteen ministers. Many pnjmising young meji, who have devoted themselves to the service of the sanc- tuary, are now diligently preparing to enter the field of 2 labour, and we trust the day is not far distant, when these fields, which are already white to harvest, will ex- perience the zealous efforts of those hopeful youths. Presbytery have under their care seven promising ' young men, prosecuting their theological studies; and from the recent revivals of religion in some of our church- es, we have reason to hope many more may be found willing and desirous to enter the vineyard of our Lord. This increase of ministers, has been attended with a re- building of the waste places of our Zion. Many ot our, hi- therto, destitute congregations, are supplied statedly v\ith the word of life, and no longer doomed to silent Sabbaths. Many new churches and congregations have been formed, and blessed with the influence of the faithful pastor, so that we have indeed reason to exclaim, ** what hath God wrought." 2. Union among ministers. Whilst some portions of the church of Christ are pained by beholding the conten- tions and divisions among the ministers of Christ, it is our unspeakable happiness to witness the perfect union and harmony of opinion, and the brotherly love and kind- ness which reigns in our body. There is but one mind with us — to follow Christ, and to study the peace, purity and prosperity of the church. You yourselves are wit- nesses, that we declare to you, *< but one faith, one Lord, one baptism.". Brethren, continue to pray for us, that no root of bitterness springing up, trouble us. 3, Revivals of religion. We have reason to be thank- ful that God hath not left us without witnesses of his gracious presence, tokens for good, that we may know his promises are unfailing. Man v of you, dear brethren, have experienced bis gracious presence, and can better feel than describe that this presence is life. It is true, this -work of grace has not been so general, as to prevent ma- ny of our churches from crying, " ah. our leanness! our leanness!'* yet in some few, thus highly favoured, a large increase has been the result. Our presbytery has not been so extensively visited as some other portions of the church; yet we should be thankful that we have not had to complain with others, that the heavens were as brass, and the earth as iron. Some drops of mercy we have felt, and numerous additions have been made to the church. Brethren, let our continued supplications be, Lord revive 3 us; in the midst of these years, ia wrath, deserved wrath, remember mercv, 4. An increased and growing attention to the discipline of the church. The prosperity, the glory and beauty of the church depends upon her purity^ and this purity is in a great measure owing to the faithfulness of those who are appointed to watch over her spiritual concerns. On this subject there seems to be an anxious desire on the part of your ministers and elders to keep the church pure, Christ came to redeem and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Of such the church should ever consist; her glory and excellency is not in numbers, but in the purity of her members, 5. Harn)ony with orber denominations of christianM, Between the members of our communion and other mem- bers of the body of Christ, we have reason to believe there exists much harmony and brotherly love. This is as it should be. The religion of Jesus is a religion of love. The design is to unite and bind men together; not to se- ver and separate them one from another. Ail its precepts and institutions are founded upon that broad and heaven- ly charter, " peace on earth and good wilHo man." Un- der all the variegated forms which the world assumes, we discover the same spirit reigning. So under all the forms of religion ought (here to be manifested one reign- ing spirit of love. Your ministers study peace, and endea- vour to maintain it with all cneo. The truth may and must he declared with all plainness and fidelity; bat this may be done without interfering with the rights of conscience io other men. Though studious of peace, we trust yon will not find them unprepared fop the contest, when fidelity to their charge demands that they contend earnestly for the order of the gospel, and for the faith once delivered to the saints. May that day soon come, when the watck- Dien on Zion*s wall shall see eye to eye and face to face. But whilst we call you to thanksgiving and praise for these good mercies of God, we would mingle otir com- plaints, and counsel, and exhortatiou, concerning those things which ought to be io us a matter of grief. 1st. The pecuniary embarrassments under which this section of country has laboured for some ^eai's past, have been a source of strong temptation to many. Too manyt we fear, have been induced to engage in business, if not 4 unlawful for the cliristsan, at least inexpedientj and by hastening to be rich, or obtain relief from their eoibar* rassments, have fallen into temptation, into snares, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows. We may lay it down as a fixed principle, that whatever em- ployment tends to weaken our thoughts of God and divine things, or injure the morals of the community at large, must be wrong in God's sight. If there be any among you, brethren, thus circumstanced, we beseech you, as you value your own souls and the souls of others, to put away these things. The only remedy for the ills under which we labour, is sobriety, temperance, industry, united with the fear of God, and a constant sense of our dependance upon him. The path of duty will always be found the path of safety. Let there be among you *< just weights and measures;" use not the balances of deceit; defraud not, lie not one to another. «« Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever tilings are love- ly, whatsoever things are of good report, think on these things," "and happy are ye if ye do them." We would especially exhort the officers in the church to be in these things, as in all others, an example to the flock over which they are appointed to preside. 2. Observance of the Sabbath, we fear, is too much ne- glected. The Sabbath day is the safeguard of our holy religion. If this be kept holy, vital piety will flourish; if it be neglected, vital piety must decline, and even the moral restraints x)f the forms of religion soon be banish- ed. If we would grow in grace, honour our Master, and enjoy the consolations of the gospel, we must be careful in all things to improve this sacred day of rest. The Sabbath must be to us «a delight, the holy of the Lord, and honorable." We ought to guard against the sin which so provoked the Lord, and called down his heavy judg* ments upon Judab and Jerusalem. As we value our civil and religious liberties, our children and servants should be instructed and commanded to keep holy the Sabbath day, and to be warned of the danger of neglecting or abusing it. Works of necessity and mercy are allowed on this holy day. But how many deceive themselves, and under the shelter of necessity and mercy, indulge a lati- tudinarian spirit and conduct, which is condemned by the word of God. Many in order to be under the neces- sity of travelling on the Lord's day, will leave their homes for a journey on Friday or Saturday. Others plead the nature of their calling, which demands their travelling on this holy day. But, dear brethren, until the bible speaks a language different from that which it now does, we must aver to you, that the calling which demands this disregard of God's holy commandment, must be unlawful, and there- fore injurious to your best eternal interests. We do ex- hort you to remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy; There is need, dear brethren, of a stricter example of holy living amongst us. Ye are not your own, for ye are bought With a price, and are therefore bound tco glorify him in your bodies and spirits, which are his. When ini- quity abounds, and the love of many waxeth cold, when the enemy cometh in like a flood, the church of God should lift up the standard of holy living against it, for the weapons of her warfare are not carnal but spiritual. Christians should be careful not to be partakers of other men's sins. Whatever, therefore, may minister to the evil habits of others, ought carefully to be guarded against. ISo habit is more destructive in its consequences, more ruinous to men both in time and through eternity, than the intemperate use of ardent spirits. Where men assemble for such indulgences, professors of religion' ought not to be found; and every incentive and encour- agement to this destructive habit should be avoided. It is painful to behold those who tender their services to their ; fellow creatufes, to frame laws for their government, pursuing a coarse year after year, which must eventually producs a state of misery and ruin in many of their con- stituents, beyond the remedy of ^11 the wholesome laws they can possibly frame. It is not surprising that design- ing men, who seek their own interests and not the inte- rests of others, should be found stooping to such injurl- oos measures to ensure their political success; but it is painful to behold good men, those who profess to love God and the souls of their fellow men, countenancing by their presence and example such a ruinous practice. Tha excuse which is generally made, that a candidate cannot be elected without this, presents a most humiliating pic- ture of the purity of our republican institutions. But, brethren, we cannot believe that there is so little virtue in the people at large, that a good man cannot receive the saffragps of his iellow citizens, unless he p'jrchases their votes with (he price of their moral ruin. Indeed, an American citizen ought to consider himself insulted, that SL^ant\U\iite should put the bottle to his head, to turn Ins brain to get his vote. Brethren, we beseech >ou to lend your atd in putting down these pernicious practices; and in order to thiH we ilo regard it as the duty of all chris- tians to withhold their support Irora those candidates whose conduct tends to injure the morals of the commu- tiity at large. We would earnestly recommend this sub- ject to the careful attention of the churches; and exhort our brethren, by precept and example^ to labour to put a stop to this growing evil. As a preservative from this, and from all vices, we would press upon you the cultivation of family religion. The reading God's holy word, the morning and the eve- ning supplication at a throne of grace, and the careful in- struction of children in divine things, hath been a niean greatly blessed by tlie Head of the church ior the preser- vation and increase of vital piety. We tear that there is not that attention given to the instruction of children and youth that there should be; that biblical and catechet- ical instruction is too much neglected by parents. If, brethren, you expect the profit of pastoral labour, you iBUSt aid your ministers in their exertions. We rejoice in the institution of Sunday schools for the instruction of the young and ignorant in the things of God; and vsa would earnestly recommend to you their encouragement and support. Let there be one in every neighborhood, and all tho exertions you may make* will, in a few years, be atnply repaid by the beneficial eSects upon all around you. We would urge upon our churches the duty of aiding in ail the benevolent exertions that are making for the increase of the Redeemer's kingdom, and the promotion of the happinesss of our fellow men. Christians should regard it aa a privilege that they are permitted to live iti a day like this. The churcK of God seems to be awa- kened in these latter days, to the great concerns of eter- nity. And blind indeed must be that mind, and cold and contracted that heart, which can neither behold the march the church is makiDg) nor feel a lively interest in aiding 7 ber progress. It is no lime now to enter into cold calcu- lations with regard to the result of this or that benevo- lent institution. The prophecies of scripture, the promis- es of God, the daily experience of the church, all unite in confirming the encouraging declaration of Jesus, »♦ fear not little flock, for ii is your Father*8 good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Bible, missionary, tract, and education societies, all demand the fostering hand of the pious and benevolent; and we cannot withhold our assis- tance without bringing leanness upon our own souls. Brethren, we would, in the conclusion ol this address, remind you of the duty of supporting the gospel ministry; a duty not regarded as such by many, we tear; and attend- ed to by these, more as matter of convenience, than of religious obligation. The roinistry of the gospel is an in- stitution of God, not the appointment of man. True mi- nisters are called of God to this high and holy office, not of man. The temporal support of this ministry is founded upon the commandment ot God, and not the will of man. Under the Mosaic dispensation of grace, they that mi- nistered in holy things were separated from all worldly avocations, and devoted entirely to the service of the tem- ple; nevertheless, ample provision was made for the tem- poral support of the priest and his family. Under the gospel dispensation the same is ordained. Such is the view which the apostle in his epistle to the church of Corinth takes of this subject, 1 Cor. ix. « Who goeth a warfare at any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof ? or who feedeth a flock and eatetb not of the milk of the flock? It is written in the law oi Moses, thoo shalt not muzzle the mouth of tba ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? or saith he it altogether lor our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, it is written: that be that plougheth should plough in hope; and he that threshetb in hope should be partaker of his hope. If we have sown untp yon spiritual things, is it a great thing if we reap your carnal things? Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple, and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar? Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel." To the christian, to !he gene- rous mindy it is sufficient to know that the support of the 8 njiuistrv is ordained of the Lord, and attended with a bles- sios: lo'thp world. Such will not be disposed to regard thtir contributions to this object in the light of chanty, but i>fJiiStkG* Many of our people, we are persuaded, do Bat takt* proper views of the subject; they do not view it ft$ » thit^v and a privilege to minister of their carnal things t\i thuse of whose spiritual things thej constantly reap. we should not witness so njany of our ministers en- tai^gled with the world, compelled (o he busied with its Ci>i)cerus, and depressed with its cares. Is it just, is it li- bi*ral in our people, to expect their ministers to devote their time, their talents, their all to their spiritual and eternal interests, and be left at the same time to struggle with the distressing cares and embarrassments which a scanty provision brings upon them? If compelled to at- tend to the concerns ot the world, to provide things ho- nest in the sight of all men for himself and family, he sinks in the estimation of his people, is charged with a worldly spirit, becomes lifeless, in a measure, to spiritual things, and repays his charge with that leanness in spi- ritual things with which they visit him in temporal things. Brethren, these things ought not so to be. The ministry is a high and holy calling, and ought to be one undivided work. It demands, and should have, all the powers of a man; and he who is called to it, should be placed by his people above the cares incident to an ordinary support. We ask not for our ministers, even that portion of the riches of this world, which their time and talents, if era- ployed as other men, coight gain for them; but we ask that which is just, and which God ordains — " that they wfiich preach the gospel should live of the gospel." Brethren, we commend you to our and your heavenly Father. May he guide you into all truth, direct you al- ways in the path of duty, and bless you in all things tem- poral and spiritual. And may grace, mercy and peace, from the Father, Son and Spirit, rest upoD and abide with ycu ever more. By order of the Presbytery, J. WITHERSPOON, Stated Clerk. D. Heartt, Printer, Hillsborough.