W557 H3Z6 H00096006 L ical Coll: in North Carolina v 'ay C&e ILfbtarp of t&» Dtotsfon of l£>ealt& affairs Onitjcrsitp of Bom Carolina MEDICAL COLLEGES IN NORTH CAROLINA by J. Howell Way, M.D., F.A.C.P. and L. B. McBrayer, M. D., F. A. C. P. <*, Read before the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina Pinehurst. Wednesday. May 2nd. 1928 MEDICAL COLLEGES IN NORTH CAROLINA b, J. Howell Way, M.D., F. A.C.P. and L. B. McBrayer, M. D., F. A. C. P. 136 THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL COLLEGES IN NORTH CAROLINA by *J. Howell Way, M.D., F.A.C.P. and L. B. McBrayer, M.D., F.A.C.P. In the earlier days of colonial North Carolina the physicians were men who had emigrated to America after pursuing their professional studies in Europe and for many years quite a number of the State's practitioners were young men who had enjoyed the advantages of study abroad. Later a large proportion had acquired their rights to pursue the profession of medicine by residence in the home of some other prac- titioner for a varying period of one to three years. Though at times the question of the organization of a college of regular medicine was broached in the Medical Society of the State, there was usually manifested a disposition adverse to such organiza- tion on acount of the small size of Carolina cities not offering much field for clinical study, coupled with inadequate funds for securing and maintaining proper equipment and teachers. THE FIRST MEDICAL COLLEGE TO BE CHARTERED IN NORTH CAROLINA WAS IN 1866 The Edenborough Medical College, at a place called "Edenborough Community," in Robeson County now Hoke. Dr. Hector McLean, the owner and faculty, was born in Robeson County May 14th, 1818, and died December 1st, 1877. Flora, wife of Dr. Hector McLean was born December 29, 1829, and died January 31, 1910. His father was born in Inverness, Scotland; all are buried at Edenborough in the family cemtery. The Community of Edenborough is now in Hoke County but was formerly in Robeson County, and was named by the elder McLean when he located there. Dr. Hector McLean graduated at the University of Louisville about 1840. He was a very brilliant man, and did many operations that are *Note — During Dr. Way's last illness I promised to finish this work for him and bad an engagement to stop and go over the material he had, but unfortunately he died three days before the date. He had already requested me to secure data in regard to Eden- borough Medical College which I did. I have used all of Dr. Way's material a