THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA Cp970.741 N87il c.2 Muster Roll Comp'y 1, 25th N. C. Troops ggjw ami 11 1 mi & WBH3SIDB PRINTIN'J CO. A8HBVILI.E. Muster Roll Comp'y I, 25th N. C. Regiment ; Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Muster Roll OR Company I, 25th North Carolina Volunteers. Messrs. Editors:— One of the principal objects of the reunion of ex-Confederate soldiers, at Waynesville, N. C, in August last, was to collect and preserve as much of the history of those who participated in that great struggle, which termi- nated^ at Appomattox, as it was possible to obtain. Twenty-six of the surviving members of Company I, 25th N. C. Regiment, were present on that occasion, and from mem- ory, from diaries and all other sources at our command we collected much valuable information. My comrades have assigned to me the pleasant duty of reducing to something like order this mass of information. This I have endeavored to do, and I now send to you the result of my labor, with the request from the surviving members of that company that you will give this communication a place in your valuable paper. The Pisgah Guards was composed almost entirelv of men from the Hominy Creek Valley of Buncombe County. It was organized at the Hominy Baptist Church, near the residence of the late Col. S. B. Gudger, on July 22, 1861. The company went immediately into camp at Camp Pat- ton, Asheville, N. C, where on August 15, 1861, the 25th Reg- iment was organized, the Pisgah Guards becoming Corn- pan)- I. Thos. L. Clingman was made Colonel, and was after- vyards, in the spring of 1862, promoted to Brigadier-General ; St. Clair Deering, Lieutenant-Colonel; Henry M. Rutledge, Major: Second Lieutenant W. N. Freeman, of Company C, Adjutant; Captain W. H. Bryson, A. G. M.; Second Lieuten- ant John W. Walker, of Company G, A. C. S. ; Dr. S. S. Satchwell, Surgeon ; Dr. G. W. Fletcher, First Lieutenant of Company H, Assistant Surgeon. Non-commissioned staff: J. C. L. Gudger, Second Ser- geant of Company I, Sergeant Major; Clinton A. Jones, First Sergeant of Company G, Quartermaster Sergeant; Julius M. *o 1 *K Young', ist Sergeant of company D, Commissary Sergeant; Peter >.I. Rich, private of company C, Drum Major. Some of the appointments on the staff, both commis- sioned and non-commissioned, were not made till some time after the regiment was organized. Major Rutledge, afterwards by promotion, became suc- cessively Lieut. Colonel and Colonel of the Regiment. These were the officers, as I recollect them, at the organization, but various changes occurred as the war progressed. On Sept. 18, 1861, the regiment left Asheville, and after a few days spent in Raleigh, arrived at Wilmington on Sept. 29, and went into camp at Camp Davis, at Mitchell's Sound, on the seashore, not a great way from where the State Guard had its encampment last summer. From Wilmington we were removed, early in Nov., 1861, to South Carolina, and stationeed at Camp Lee, near Graharnville, and in front of Port Royal ; here we spent the winter of '61-62. From Graharnville we were ordered to New Berne, N. C, to assist in repelling Gen. Burnsides' attack upon that place, but did not reach there, as the city had been taken before our arrival. We left South Carolina on March 14, the day on which New Berne was evacuated. We met the retreating forces at Kinston. Flere we remained till the following June, forming part of the ist Brigade, Army of the Pamlico, com- manded at first by Brigadier General Robt. Ransom, and after him by Brigadier General J. G. Martin. About the 20th of June, 1862, the regiment was ordered to Richmond, Va., and became part of "Ransom's Brigade," and was commanded by Brigadier General Robt. Ransom, until he was promoted to Major General, when the command of the brigade was given to Brigadier General M. W. Ransom, now Senator from North Carolina. Gen. "Matt" Ransom, as he was usually called, to distinguish him from Gen. Robt. Ransom, commanded the brigade, from his promotion about the ist of the year '63 till near the close of the war, when he was promoted to Major General. The brigade was at first composed of the 24th Regiment N. C. Troops, Col. Clarke, afterwards Judge Clarke; the 25th, Col. Rutledge, who was promoted Colonel on Clingman's pro-- motion to Brigadier General ; the 26th, Col. Vance, afterwards Governor of the State, and now U.S. Senator; the 35th, Col. M. W. Ransom, afterwards promoted Brigadier and Major General, and the 49th, Col. McFee. Before starting on the Maryland campaign, Gov. Vance's regiment was taken from the brigade, and assigned to some other command ; and after the return of the army from Mary- land and about the beginnig of '63, the 56th Regiment, Col. Faison, was assigned to our brigade, and it so remained until the close of the war. There were two batteries of field artillery attached to Ransom's Brigade, but I cannot now designate them by name. Company I (with the Regiment) took part in the battles of 2d Seven Pines, or Williamsburg road, June 25, '62 (its first engagement) ; Frazier's farm, Savage's Station, and Malvern Hill, of the battles around Richmond ; was present,) but not^ engaged, at the surrender of Harper's Ferry, SepTji5, '62 jj Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17, '62; Shepherdstown, Sept. 19, not actively engaged, but under fire ; Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62: storming and capture of Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64 : Drury's Bluff, Wier Bottom Church, Bermuda Flundreds, Avery's house, June 16, 17, '64; Avery's farm, at night, June 17, '64; Grant's mine, or "The Crater," July 30, '64; the Wel- don Railroad (I have never known any other name for this battle; it was fought Aug. 21, '64, on the railroad between Petersburg and Reams Station ; it was a desperate engage- ment with fearful loss) ; Fort Steadman (Hare's Hill). March 25, '65; Five Forks, near Dinwiddie Court House, April 1, '65; Amelia Court House, and surrender Appomattox, April 9, '65. We were in all the siege of Petersburg, except fifteen days. The siege proper began June 18, '64, and we were continu- ously in the trenches from its beginning till March 15, '65, when our division was relieved by Gen. John B. Gordon's Georgia division. From June 16, '64, to March 15, '65, it was one continuous battle; never ceased at any time, day or night, except for a few hous at a time. Company I built on June 18, '64, the most of the intrench- ment that was blown up July 30, '64, and became known by the general names of "Grant's Mine," "The Crater," and "The Blow Up," by which last name it is familiarly spoken of by soldiers to this day. We were also in a number of skirmishes and minor en- gagements, among which were the investment of Washing- ton, N. C, and New Berne, each twice; at the last investment of AVashington, N. C, the enemy evacuated the town, and retired to New Berne. Also skirmishes at Suffolk, at an aque- duct on the canal along the Potomac River, locks 011 the Dis- mal Swamp Canal, Rowanty Creek, Boone's Mills, near Jack- son, N. C, Green Swamp, Cove Creek, Batchelor's Creek — the three last are between Kinston and New Berne, N. C. — a skirmish at Hatchers 'Run, and several others. A part of the company was with a detachment of the 25th Regiment, under command of Lt. Col. Bryson, at Warm Springs, N. C, Oct. 26, '63, when we suffered the loss of one man killed and one or more wounded. Of the courage, heroism and soldierly qualities of the company, under the greatest hardships, privations and dan- gers, I will not speak. Let Sharpsburg and Malvern Hill, Drury's Bluff and Plymouth, Fredericksburg and the Weldon Railroad, Grant's Mine and Savage's Station, Fort Steadman and Avery's farm, Five Forks and Bermuda Hundreds, Fra.r zier's farm and the siege of Petersburg, and the roster of the company, with its long list of casualties, speak for us and tell the story. The roster which I enclose, is as perfect as we can make it, after many revisions, from the memory of the survivors and all other means of information at our command, including the "Roster of North Carolina Troops," prepared by Maj. John W. Moore, and printed and published by order of the Legislature of the State in 1881. It may not be improper for me here to state that Maj. Moore's "Roster," so far as it concerns this company, is very defective, indeed. Maj. Moore makes mention at the begin- ning of the Roster of the 25th Regiment, Vol. II, p. 323, that he "could find less concerning the officers of this regiment than any other in the State's service," and says "no register of officers was ever made." ' I do not complain at Maj. Moore, for I suppose he used all the data he could find. I do know, however, of my own knowledge, that carefully prepared rolls and returns were made and forwarded, both to the Adjutant General's office of the State, and to the War Department of the Confederate States. I was at first Sergeant Major, and at a later period Adjutant of the regiment, and myself made up the returns and forwarded them as above stated. I cannot close without acknowledging the indebtedness of myself and surviving comrades, to Capt. A. B. Thrash, to whose untiring industry, more than to any other man, are we indebted for very much of the history this record presents. Respectfully, J. C. L. GUDGER. ROSTER Howell, G. W.,* Captain at organization; resigned. ■ ' Morgan, W. Y.,* 1st Lt. at organization; promoted Capt. ; promoted Major; wounded on Weldon Railroad Aug. 21, '64. ■ ri ' Luther, A. A.,* 2d Lt. at organization; resigned; re-en- listed; died since the war. Howell, F. B., Jr.,* 2d Lt. ; resigned; re-enlisted. Morris, Thos. L.,* 1st Sergt. ; elected 2d Lt. ; promoted 1st Lt. ; wounded at Fort Steadman March 25, '65; captured. Gudger, J. C. L.,* 2d Sergt.; promoted Sergt. Major Oct. 16, '61; promoted 1st Lt. and Adj. Feb., '65; captured at,Five Forks April 1, '65. Curtis, M. A.,* 3d Sergt. ; wounded at Fredericksburg Dec. 13, '62; wounded at Petersburg June 19, '64; killed at Grant's mine July 30, '64. Morgan, P. P.,* 4th Sergt. ; promoted 1st Sergt. ; -wounded'. Moore, R. P.,* 5th Sergt.; promoted 2d Lt. May 11, '63; wounded at Five Forks. Pearson, W. D.,* 1st Corporal; wounded at Warm Springs, N. C, Oct. 26, '63, and at Fort Steadman. Luther, Jamese H.,* 2d Corp. ; promoted 3d Sergt. Warren, B. F., 3d Corp. ; died at Kinston, N. C, '62. Thrash, J. M.,* 4th Corp. ; discharged; under age. Courtena)', J. H.,* Musician; wounded at Malvern Hill July 1, '62; lost leg. Penland, T. M., Musician, a) -^-oct^L- PRIVATES Allen, P. H.,* killed '62J- Alien, John,** transferrer! from Company B, died '62. Alexander, Fanning,** wounded at Fort Steadman ; cap- tured . Alexander, Pinckney.** Barnett, Columbus V.,* killed at Malvern Mill July 1, '62. Boyd, John H . ,* died at Petersburg '62-. Boyd, Daniel A.,* killed at Malvern Hill. Black, John,* .wounded at Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17, 02 . /ilx, &-*\*. Baldwin, Ephraim,* wounded twice — at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64, and at Grant's mine, July 30, '64. Bolen, Jackson.** J*y-+- c- Brooks, jehu.** &LA^t?~ Brooks, Samuel.** Brooks, George . ** Brooks, David,** wounded at Malvern Hill July 1, '62. Brock, Reuben.** }+JL*-r£A> Bynum, Reuben.** £*-«— 0V* Curtis, W . .H . ,* wounded twice — at Sharpsburg and once afterward . ' ' * ' - * ^^- ^ ^ Curtis, George,* discharged; under age. cy\s*~ ct^t/\^ Curtis, B . F . ,* died at Grahamville, S . C . , '62 . Curtis, G. W.,** captured. **- Curtis, George S.,** transferred from Company G, 25th Regiment. Culbertson, John,* discharged for disability; died since the war. Camion, W. A.,* wounded three times at Malvern Hill; died of wounds July 4, '62. Cannon, William,* wounded at Fort Steadman March 2 5, '65- 1 Cook, T. B.,* discharged for disability April 20, '62. h - K Cook, Young H.,* captured at Weldon railroad Aug. 21, 64 ; died at Point Lookout prison . Cook, J . D . * Cook, M. D.,** captured at Avery's farm. AS^^at^y Cook, William,* discharged; under age. As~+-.~ ^^4. Cook, M. R.,* discharged for disability. X>-v. e* t- ■>£ Cook, W.,** transferred from Company B, 25th Regi- ment ; died '62. Candler, Charles Z.,* transferred to 14th N ... C. Regt. ; died '62. Cothran, Alfred,** died at Goldsboro, N. C. , June 22, '62. Davis, Uriah,* died at Petersburg, Va., July 17, '62. Davis, Joshua,* killed at Grant's mine July 30, '64. Davis, Joseph,* killed at siege of Petersburg June 19, '64. Davis, Daniel M.,* died April 10, '62, at Kinston, N. C. Daves, J. W.* (C Daves, J. P.,* wounded. Dover, Erwin,** captured at Weldon Railroad Aug. 21, '64. Devoir, William,** wounded at Fort Steadman March 25, '65- ' ' Dryman, William,* discharged for disability May 20, '62 ; died since war. Dryman, Robert,* discharged; under age. Dockery, James.* Guclger, D. F.,** wounded twice. Green, Thomas.** Glenn, N. F. * transferred from Company F; died at W'lson. N. C, July, '62. Galiian, M. E.,** discharged; over age. £*—*-» £>*~ *'**• Herren, William,* wounded at Weldon Railroad Aug. 21, '64. Hawkins, G. N.,* died since war, Feb., '89, at Asheville. N. C. Holder, Hamilton,* wounded badly twice — first at Mal- vern Hill through the head just under the brain; second, time bacily in arm, about three inches of upper arm bone taken out by the operation of resection, arm shortened by about three inches ; survived, c^^-*^ 1 *'- J Holder, Samuel,** discharged at expiration of enlistment. &-*- Henson, Thomas.** > , t -^— «?^ ^*» Meace, Wm.,** died half way house hospital Aug., '62. Matthews, John,* discharged for disability June 28, '63. Matthews, J. M.** Miller, M. M.,* wounded siege. 6A-*-~ -* ft Idler, L. C.,* wounded accidentally, April, '64. Miller, Jamees H.,* promoted ensign, rank of Lt. "Sa^. for capturing stand of colors at Grant's mine, July 30, '64; wounded at Weldon Railroad Aug. 21,, '64; killed at Fort Steadman while holding aloft his flag, March, '65. 10 Muse, W. M.,** wounded siege; captured at Five Forks April i, '65. „ : McFee, John F.,* died '62. McFee, Madison,** died '63. McFee, Marion.* Neal, John,** died at Raleigh April 3, '63. O'Kelly, F. W.,** wounded at 2d Seven Pines Tune 25, '62. ■O'Kelley, C. W.,**wounded at Sharpsburg Sept. 17, '62.0LM O'Kelley, Ben,** died at Petersburg Sept. 19, '62. Ogden, William.** Owenby, Erastus,** transferred from Company D, mor- tally wounded at Grant's mine, July 30, '64; died of wounds. Peebles, George W.* Penland, N. R.** Penland, J. H.,* died at Goldsboro June 22, '62. Penland, Joseph.** Penland, J. W.** Parham, John . ** - < Pettit, John,** transferred from Company E. Rich, Joseph, 1 '* transferred from Company C; killed siege June 19, '64. Rhodes, G. W.,* wounded accidentally Sept. 19, '62; lost arm . Rice, J. W.,* wounded siege. Rice, John,** wounded on picket line, in front of Avery's house, June 16, '64. Rice, William . ** Rollins, John,** captured at Gum Swamp, below Kin- ston, May 16, '63. Rollins, W. H.,* discharged for disability Nov. 19, 61. G&K ftJ Rhodes, W.** / ■ * Rutherford, J . R . * Rutherford, Wm.,** died at Petersburg Aug. 9, 63. Rayfield, Winslov/.* C/^*'*^^^C f Sharpe, Elijah,* wounded at Plymouth, April 25, '64. - Smith, Solomon,* wounded at Avery's house, June 17/64. Smith, A. M.,* discharged, over age, July 16, '62; re- enlisted April 27, '63. 1 Snelson, W. R.,* promoted corporal of color guard. Stines, D. H.* Taylor, J. M.* Tavlor, Wm.** Taylor, Samuel.** Thrash, A.- B.,* elected 1st Lt. April, 1862; promoted Captain Jan.J.wounded at Fort Steadman March 25, '65 ; cap- tured at fall of Petersburg April, '65. 11 Warren, John,* wounded at 2d Seven Pines, '62. A^<~tA-*^ Warren, Uriah, promoted Sergt. April 18, '62; killed on Hare's Hill, siege of Petersburg, June 16, '64. The shell that killed this man killed two others and wounded five. Warren, Joshua,* wounded at Petersburg. ,( •. e */*» Warren, W. H.,*wounded at Petersburg. Warren, P. H.,* wounded at Fort Steadman March 25, '65 ; promoted Corporal April 28, '62. Warren, J. M.* Warren, Posey,** died at Goldsboro July 17, '62. Warren, W. K.,* died in '62. Warren, A. J.,* killed in a siege, Oct. 3, '64. Warren, William.** Warren, G. H.,* supposed to have died; never heard of after being sent to hospital at Charlottesville, in the winter of '62-3. He is reported in "Roster N. C. Troops," volume II, page 357, as having died Jan .1, 1863. Warren, Wesley,** died since the war. Warren, Joseph.** Warren, John F.* t t ^- - * * Welch, D. P.* ^<-r* Wise, J. M.,* wounded, night engagement at Avery's farm, June 17, '64: arm resected, and one arm is now about four inches shorter than the other. .•-- -. - ^ Wise, D. A.,* killed at 2d Seven Pines, June 25, '62; first man killed in the battle. Wise, J. A.,* died at Wilmington Nov. 24, "6i ; first death in the company. Williams, J. H.,* discharged, over age, re-enlisted, wounded at Fort Steadman, March 25, '65; lost right arm. Williams, Jarrett,* died '62. Williams, Charles,** killed at Warm Springs Oct. 26/63. Williams, Meredith.* Young, W. M.,* promoted to Corporal, wounded in siege at Petersburg, captured at Fort Steadman. Young, Porter,** died Jan., '62. Young, G. W.,** died as supposed, when last seen he was at Leesburg, Va., Sept. 6, '62, very sick ; no trace of him since. Moore's "Roster N. C. Troops," volume II, page 357, says "died Oct. 1, '62, at Leesburg." Young, James M.,** wounded at Fredericksburg Dec. 13, '62; died since the war. Young, Joseph M . ,** wounded on Weldon Railroad, Aug. 21, '64, badly; killed at Fort Steadman March 25, '65. Young, George,** wounded in a siege . /0~*» <»*— t Young, Thomas,** wounded at Sharpsburg. 12 Young, A. W.,** transferred from Company E, 2jth Georgia Regiment. Young, Halen,** discharged for disability. AjUwd*-* ^ Young, P. R.,** wounded twice. Those marked * were members from the organization. Those marked ** were recruits. RECAPITULATION Original members 96 Recruits 74 Total Company 170 Original. Recruits. Total. Killed 14 8 22 Died of Disease 14 14 28 Total deaths 28 22 50 Wounded 32 15 \' Discharged, disability 6 1 7 ' Captured 6 8 14 Wounds of those wounded more than once 10 4 14 Total casualties ... 82 50 132 Discharged, under and over age 13 2 15 Total casualties 95 52 147 UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00032734881 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION