SUMMER HOMES AND EXCURSIONS JUNE, 1909. WriORFoz, '/SOimfERM KAlLWAYi I wW ^ ^ ■^fflllll lllllllllllllllilllllllllllliilililllllllllM HARRY K. WOLCOTT and HUGH M. KERR RECEIVERS H. C. HUDGINS GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT VIRGINIA BEACH AND CAPE HENRY, YA. HARRY iji. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. GENERAL OFFICES: NORFOLK, VA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. HARRY K. WOLCOTT and HUGH M. KERR, Receivers Norfolk, Va. J. A. C. GRONER, Assistant to General Manager for Receivers Norfolk, Va. WARD R. BAIRD, Jr.. General Solicitor Norfolk, Va. '. TERRY, Assistant to General Solicitor Norfolk, Va. OPERATING DEPARTMENT. . DAVIES, Purchasing Agent Norfolk, Va. I. GOULD, Superintendent Motive Power Norfolk, Va. H. KEHOE, Acting Master Mechanic New Bern, N. C. S- ANDERSON, Superintendent Norfolk and Suffolk Divisions Norfolk, Va. R. P. FOSTER, Superintendent Beaufort, Raleigh & Pamlico Divs. New Bern, N. C. T.j B. OGLE, Superintendent Electric Division! Norfolk, Va. F. L. NICHOLSON. Chief Engineer Norfolk, Va. A. M. MACE, Claim Agent Norfolk, Va. Cjp. DUGAN, Car Accountant Norfolk, Va. TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. H. C. HUDGINS, General Freight and Passenger Agent Norfolk, Va. J. S. O'SHEA, Commercial Agent Norfolk, Va. E. C. POTTER, Traveling Soliciting Agent Norfolk, Va. C. D. LeGRAN DE , Manager Eastern Carolina Despatch Norfolk, Va. H. TYLER SMITH, Soliciting Agent Norfolk, Va. F. W. TATEM, General Agent Goldsboro, N. C. H. P. DORTCH, Soliciting Agent Goldsboro, N. C. S. L. DILL, General Agent New Bern, N. C. J. C. COLLINS, Soliciting Agent Raleigh, N. C. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. M. MANLY, Treasurer . . . .• Norfolk, Va- W. L, BIRD, Auditor Norfolk, Va. J. H. BARRETT. Freight Claim Agent Norfolk, V». E. K. GULLEY, Chief Traveling Auditor and Inspector of Agencies — Norfolk, Va. P. L. OVERMAN, Traveling Auditor Norfolk, Va. LAND AND INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT F. L. MERRITT, Land and Industrial Agent Norfolk, Va. Q. W.DAVIS, Real Estate Agent Norfolk, Va. ft3fSJ NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE Daily Except Sunday BETWEEN NORFOLK, VIRGINIA ELIZABETH CITY, EDENTON -AN! Belhaven, Washington, Greenville, Wilson, Raleigh, New Bern, fioldsboro, Kinston, Morehead City and Beaufort, N. C. o c > 03 ^3 faJO The only line in Eastern North Carolina operating trains into the City of Norfolk. Note: — Important changes in schedules will take effect on Sunday, June 27, 1909. NORFOLK «5c SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR SERVICE \ —BETWEEN— Greensboro, N. C, Morehead City and Beaufort, N. C. In Connection with Southern Railway. Sunday Daily Only Ex. Sun. A. M. A. M. 12 45 12 45 1 2 50 2 50 4 30 4 30! 6 30 6 30 7 00 7 00 8 00 8 00 9 20 9 15 10 50 11 00 10 57 11 07 11 15 11 25 A. M. A. M. 1 Lv. .Greensboro (sou. ry)..At . . Durham (sou. ry) ..." . . Raleigh (sou. ry) ..." . . Qoldsboro (sou. ry) . . Lv . Goldsboro (n & s ry) . . Ar . .Kinston (n & s ry). . . Lv " . . New Bern (n & s r y) . . " " Morehead City (n & s ry) " " Atlantic Hotel (n & s ry) " " . . .Beaufort (n & s ry). . . " Ar. Lv. Ar. Daily Ex. Sun. A. M. 6 00 3 19 11 59 9 45 9 30 8 30 7 15 5 37 5 30 5 15 P. M. Sunday Only A. M. 6 00 3 11 9 9 8 7 5 5 5 19 59 45 15 15 00 35 30 15 M. Parlor Car Service — BETWEEN — Goldsboro, Morehead City and Beaufort, N. C. Sunday Daily Only Ex. Sun. P. M. P. M. 3 35 4 50 4 05 5 20 4 35 5 50 4 58 6 13 5 50 7 18 7 20 8 47 7 27 8 54 7 40 9 10 P. M. P. M. Lv Goldsboro Ar " La Grange " " Kinston " " Dover " " New Bern " Ar Morehead City Lv " Atlantic Hotel " " Beaufort " Daily Ex. i 5un. A. M. 11 45 11 14 10 43 10 18 9 20 7 47 7 40 7 25 A. M. Sunday Only A. M. 11 40 11 09 10 38 10 13 9 20 7 45 7 40 7 25 A. M. Opening of the Atlantic Hotel Morehead City, N. C. The "Atlantic Hotel/' Morehead City, N. C, will be Opened for the Season, June 1st, 1909. [NORFOLK & SOUTHERN / / RAILWAY J HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. Between Norfolk, Va., Elizabeth City, Edenton, Washington, Greenville, Wilson, Raleigh, New Bern, Goldsboro, Kin= ston, Morehead City, Beaufort and Belhaven, N. C. No. 6 Daily No. 2 Daily ex. Sun. No. 4 Daily u5 Effective May 23rd, 1909 Eastern Time. No. 3 Daily No. 1 Daily ex. Sun. No. 5 Daily ex. Sun. No. 7 Sun. only P.M. *6 05 6 19 6 23 f6 30 6 38 6 46 6 51 7 00 7 08 7 18 7 24 7 28 7 36 7 41 7 S3 f8 10 8 13 8 16 8 26 8 36 f8 43 *9 00 P.M. A.M. fll 55 1 20 1 56 |2 20 P.M. 2 30 3 45 3 55 U 02 f4 05 4 23 U 35 4 42 f4 48 f4 55 5 09 15 13 15 18 1'5 22 15 27 5 45 5 59 1'6 04 1'6 18 6 32 f6 41 f6 49 f7 05 7 15 6 00 6 40 7 08 8 00 9 04 9 14 10 00 8 07 8 30 9 00 9 30 8 47 t9 10 P.M. A.M. *8 35 8 49 f8 53 f9 00 9 08 9 16 9 21 9 29 9 38 9 48 9 54 9 58 10 06 10 11 10 23 flO 40 10 43 10 46 10 56 11 06 fll 13 *11 30 A.M. 12 14 17 21 25 27 30 33 40 43 45 48 50 53 61 62 63 69 71 75 83 J NORFOLK 1 Lv 1 Park Ave. Sta. j Ai " CAROLINA JCT." "PROVIDENCE JCT" " Butts Road " " Fentress " " . .Hickory Ground. . " " St. Brides " " Northwest " " Moyock " " Snowden " " Shawboro " " Gregory " " Belcross " " Camden " "ELIZABETH CITY" "... .Pasquotank. " Okisko " " Chapanoke " " Winfall " " Hertford " Ar... .EDENTON. ...La A.M. *10 40 10 26 flO 21 flO 15 10 07 9 59 9 54 9 46 9 38 9 26 9 19 9 14 9 07 9 03 8 55 f8 31 8 28 8 25 8 16 8 09 f8 00 *7 45 A.M. P.M. f4 45 3 20 2 43 f2 20 P.M. 2 05 12 50 12 40 112 33 fl2 30 12 12 fl2 00 fll 53 fll 47 fll 40 11 26 fll 22 fll 17 fll 13 fll 08 10 55 10 39 flO 34 HO 20 10 05 f 9 56 f 9 47 f 9 32 9 25 10 35 9 55 9 27 8 35 7 31 7 21 6 35 8 23 8 00 7 30 7 00 7 47 t 7 25 A.M. P.M. t6 10 5 56 f5 51 f5 45 5 37 5 29 5 24 5 16 5 08 4 56 4 49 4 44 4 37 4 33 4 25 f4 01 3 58 3 55 3 46 3 39 13 3d t3 15 P.M. P.M. §7 55 7 41 f7 36 f7 29 7 21 7 13 7 08 7 00 6 52 6 41 6 34 6 29 6 22 6 18 6 10 f5 46 5 43 5 40 5 31 5 24 f5 IS §5 00 P.M. S3 92 Lv... EDENTON ...Ai Ar MACKEY'S FY Lv A.M. t 8 30 f 8 38 f 8 43 9 30 f 9 45 10 00 flO 08 flO 18 10 38 flO 48 flO 55 fll 13 fll 20 fll 40 A.M. t 3 30 92 95 9b 103 10b HI 114 117 123 125 12b 129 132 136 146 142 149 155 159 163 176 171 146 157 170 194 219 i>3 243 Lv MACKEY'S FY.Ai " Swain " " Plymouth " " Hoke " " Pine Town " " ...Walla Watta... " " Slatestone = " Alligcods " " Bunyan " " . WASHINGTON. . " " ..CHOCOWINITY.. " " Frederick " " Bragaw " " Vanceboro " " Ernul " " Askin " " Bridgeton " Ar ..NEW BERN. La P.M. t 3 45 f 3 28 f 3 20 3 00 f 2 10 1 55 f 1 40 f 1 30 1 10 112 46 fl2 40 fl2 33 112 25 tl2 10 P.M. tl015 19 35 8 14 7 25 6 45 f6 38 I'O 18 5 45 f5 31 f5 18 f4 50 t4 40 14 10 5 31 6 40 7 00 f 7 08 f 7 40 8 12 f 8 29 f 8 44 f 9 13 t 9 25 « o a z* 1 « a» 3 1^ Lv. CHOCOWINITY Ai Ar . . . . Greenville .... La " Farmville " " Wilson " " Wendell " Ar. RALEIGH... Lv "3 * z. O u t/= S -a' . X OS Z* 195 204 216 23U 206 210 Ar Dover Lv " Kinston " " LaGrange " " GOLDSBORO . " Ar MOREH'D CITY Lv " ...BEAUFORT... " P.M. t3 55 5 05 P.M. A.M. t 8 45 10 25 A.M. 92 122 Lv. MACKEY'S FY.Ai Ar. BELHAVEN. ..La A.M. 8 25 t 6 50 A.M. P.M. 12 35 fll 20 A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. *Daily. tDaily except Sunday. §Sunday only. fFlag stop. ^Trains 29 and 30 do not run to Plymouth Station, but stop at "Y" on Wash- • ington Street. Train No. 2 will stop at local stations to let off passengers from points north or[ west of Norfolk. This train waits on O. D. Steamer for passengers destined to points beyond Edenton. Train No. 1 will stop at local stations to let ofl passengers holding tickets from points south of Edenton. This train makes connection with O. D. Steamer for New York. Lunch served a la carte on Transfer Steamer "John W. Garrett" between Eden- ton and Mackey's Ferry, N. C. 5 NORFOLK &. SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLpOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. Between Norfolk and Munden Point, Va. NORFOLK DIVISION. No. 18 Daily Ex. Sun No.«16 Mixed Daily Ex. Sun a P.M. A.M. t4 15 f8 on 4 29 8 33 6 4 38 8 48 12 4 45 9 00 15 4 53 9 20 18 4 58 9T25 20 5 05 9 50 23 5 13 10T05 26 t5 20 tlO T 15 28 P.M. A.M. Effective May 23, 1909. Eastern Time. No. 15 Daily Ex. Sun Lv. Ar NORFOLK (Park Avenue Station) " CLAPHAM JUNCTION " " Lands " " Princess Anne C. H " " Pungo " " Pleasant Ridge " " Back Bay " " Creeds " Ar MUNDEN POINT Lv A.M. +7 20 '7 00 6 47 6 40 G 30 6 22 6 15 6 06 t6 00 A.M. No. 17 Mixed Daily. Ex. Sun P.M. tl 50 1 23 1 08 12 47 12 32 12 00 11 37 11 21 til 10 A.M. Between Clapham Junction and Providence Junction, Va. NORFOLK DIVISION No. 22 No. 20 Mixed Mixed o Daily Daily i :x.Sun. Ex. Sun P.M. A.M. tl 40 t7 15 1 45 7 20 l 2 05 7 30 3 t2 25 t7 40 7 P.M. A.M. Effective May 23, 1909. Eastern Time. Lv CLAPHAM JUNCTION Ar " Kempsville " " Herberts " Ar PROVIDENCE JUNCTION Lv No. 19 No. 21 Mixed Mixed Daily Daily Ex. Sun Ex. Sun. A.M. P.M. t7 00 tl 00 6 55 12 55 6 40 12 40 t6 25 tl2 25 A.M. P.M. Between Suffolk, Va., and Edenton, N. C. SUFFOLK DIVISION. No. 4 No. 2 Mixed Mixed o Daily Daily g Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. P.M. A.M. t5 30 t8 30 f 5 45 f 8 50 V f 5 55 f 9 00 9 f 6 05 f 9 12 11 6 15 9 30 15 f 6 25 f 9 40 18 6 40 10 00 21 f 6 55 flO 15 24 7 10 tlO 25 26 f 7 20 27 7 30 29 f 7 40 31 f 7 55 34 f 8 05 36 8 20 39 f 8 35 41 f 8 45 42 f 9 00 44 f 9 10 48 t 9 30 51 P.M. A.M. Effective May 23, 1909. Eastern Time. No. 1 Mixed Daily Ex. Sun. Ar. A.M. r t 9 30 " tf 9 10 " f 9 05 " f 8 55 " ■ 8 45 " ,f 8 38 8 30 " f 8 08 7 58 " f 7 43 7 35 " f 7 25 " f 7 10 " f 7 00 6 46 " f 6 36 " f 6 31 " f 6 23 " f 6 13 EDENTON Lv f 6 00 A.M. Lv SUFFOLK Saunders Cypress Brinkley Corapeake Savage Sunbury Bosley BECKFORD JUNCTION. Trotville Hobbville Gliden Ryland Icaria Center Hill Cisco Mavaton Valhalla Hancock No. 3 Mixed Daily Ex. Sun, P.M. t 7 30 f 7 00 f 6 50 f 6 30 6 15 f 5 55 5 40 f 5 20 t 5 10 Between Beckford Junction and Elizabeth City, N. C. SUFFOLK DIVISION. 2(1 33 39 415 50 Effective May 23, 1909. Eastern Time. Lv BECKFORD JUNCTION Ar " Nicanor " " Parkville " " Morgans " Ar ELIZABETH CITY Lv No. 3 Mixed Daily Ex Sun. P.M. t 5 05 f 4 35 f 4 05 f 3 45 t 3 30 P.M. t Daily except Sunday. f Flag stop. NORFOLK 6c SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUQH M. KERR. RECEIVERS. Between Mackey's Ferry and Belhaven, N. C. PAMLICO DIVISION. No. 12 Daily Ex.Sun. No. 36 Mixed Daily Ex.Sun Effective October II, 1908 Eastern Time. No. 35 Mixed Daily Ex.Sun No. 13 Daily Ex.Sun, A.M. til 55 A.M. Lv NORFOLK. .Ar t 4 45 3 55 4 08 f 4 33 i 4 36 f 4 40 f 4 50 4 55 t 5 05 P.M. t 8 45 9 10 f 9 40 f 9 44 f 9 47 flO 00 10 08 flO 25 A.M. Lv MACKEY'S FERRY Ar " Roper " " 16 -Mile Siding " " Pike Road " " 20=Mile Siding " " Bishops Cross " " Pantego " Ar BELHAVEN Lv t 8 25 8 05 f 7 24 f 7 20 f 7 16 f 7 05 7 00 t 6 50 A.M. 12 35 12 20 fll 51 fll 47 fll 44 fll 34 11 30 fll 20 A.M. Between Mackey's Ferry and Columbia, N. C. PAMLICO DIVISION. No. 34 i Mixed I « Daily sS Ex.Sun. S Effective October 11, 1908. Eastern Time. No. 33 ; Mixed Daily Ex.Sun. A.M. fll 55 4 00 f 4 16 f 4 40 4 55 f 5 07 f 5 15 f 5 30 P.M. . NORFOLK A r Ar Lv Lv MACKEY'S FERRY. " Beasley " " Scuppernong " " Creswell " " Woodley " " Colonial " Ar COLUMBIA Lv P.M. t 4 45 8 20 f 8 02 f 7 37 7 25 f 7 13 f 7 05 t 6 50 A.M. Between Washington, Greenville. Farmville, Wilson and Raleigh, N. C. RALEIGH DIVISION. No. 2 Daily Ex.Sun. No. 14 Daily Ex.Sun Effective October 11, 1908. Eastern Time. No. 1 Daily Ex.Sun. No. 15 Daily Ex.Sun. A.M. fl l 55 5 45 6 00 f 6 08 6 11 f 6 21 6 40 f 6 59 7 08 7 20 7 36 f 7 45 8 00 f 8 24 f 8 28 8 42 9 04 9 14 f 9 19 f 9 29 f 9 43 A.M. Lv NORFOLK tio 00 P.M. t 6 30 6 45 f 6 53 6 56 f 7 06 7 25 f 7 44 7 53 f 8 06 8 21 f 8 30 8 45 f 9 09 9 15 9 30 9 53 10 04 -10 10 10 21 flO 36 flO 48 flO 55 A.M. Lv WASHINGTON. " CHOCOW1NITY. " Bryan " Grimesland . . . " Simpson " GREENVILLE. " Arthur " FARMVILLE . " Walstonburg . . . " Stantonsburg. . . " Evansdale '" WILSON " Neverson " Bailey " Middlesex " Zebulon " Wendell " Eagle Rock " Knightdale " Boushall " Edgeton Ar RALEIGH . . P.M. t 445 10 55 10 35 flO 27 10 24 flO 14 9 55 f 9 36 9 27 f 9 14 8 59 f 8 50 8 35 f 8 11 f 8 07 7 53 7 31 7 21 f 7 16 f 7 05 f 6 50 p.i .Lv t 6 35 A.M. t 8 25 8 10 f 8 02 7 59 f 7 50 7 33 1 7 16 7 08 f 6 53 6 36 f 6 26 6 11 f 5 46 5 41 5 26 5 03 4 51 4 44 4 31 f 4 15 f 4 05 t 4 00 P.M. THROUGH SCHEDULE BETWEEN Wilson, Greenville, Washington, Tarboro and Hookerton, N. IN CONNECTION WITH EAST CAROLINA RAILWAY. P.M. A.M. t 4 00 6 11 7 05 7 08 t 7 31 t 30 7 25 7 53 8 00 t 9 10 Lv Raleigh (N. & S. Ry) Ar " Wilson (N. & S. Ry.) " Ar Farmville CN. & S. Ry.) Lv Lv Farmville (East Car. Ry.) Ar Ar ..Ho okerton (East Car. Ry.) Lv Lv Washington (N. & S. Ry.) Ar " Greenville (N. & S. Ry.) " Ar Farmville (N. & S. Ry.) Lv Lv Farmville (East Car. Ry.) Ar Ar Tarboro (East Car. Ry.) Lv flO 55 8 45 7 55 7 53 t 7 33 t 8 25 7 33 7 08 7 02 t 5 55 P.M. fDaily, except Sunday. fFlag stop. TRANSFER AT NORFOLK, VA.. FROM EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA POINTS. All Through Tickets include Omnibus Transfer at Norfolk. Passengers from Local Stations, where no coupon tickets are on sale, can obtain from Conductor a Transfer Ticket to connecting lines, upon payment of actual cost to this Company for such service. Note:— Important changes in schedule will take effect on Sunday, June 27, 1909. NORFOLK £c SOUTHERN T RAILWAY J HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. Between Goldsbor.o, Kinston, New Bern, Morehead City and Beaufort, N. C. BEAUFORT DIVISION. No. 5 No. 9 No. 7 Daily Sun- Sun= Ex. day day Sun= Only Only day P.M. I A.M. P.M. § 3 35§ 7 00 f 4 50 t 3 45 t f 3 55 f 4 05 f 4 ISf f 4 20 f 4 35' f 4 47 f 8 12 4 58 8 23 5 13 8 38 5 25 8 50 f 5 28 f 8 54 f 5 31 f 8 57 5 50 9 20 5 50 9 20 6 12 f 9 38 f 6 19 f 9 45 6 28 9 51 f 6 33f 9 56 j 6 43 10 07 i 6 59 10 27 f 7 OS.flO 34 f 7 10 f 10 39 f 7 12 1'lO 41 7 20 10 50 § 7 40 §11 15 P.M. I A.M. f 5 10 5 20 f 5 30 f 5 35 5 50 f 6 02 6 13 6 28 6 40 f 6 43 f 6 46 7 05 7 18 f 7 37 f 7 44 7 50 1 7 56 8 06 8 25 f 8 32 f 8 37 f 8 39 8 47 t 9 10 No. 3 Daily Ex. Sun= day A.M t 7 00 f 7 10 Effective October 11, 1908. Eastern Time. 7 30 f 7 40 f 7 45 19 8 00 20 f 8 12; 30 8 23; 35 8 38 42 8 50 48 f 8 53 50 f 8 56 52 9 15 59 9 27 59 f 9 48 64 f 9 55| 67 10 01 70 flO 06 72 10 17 76 10 37 84 flO 44 87 flO 49 89 flO 51 90 11 00 94 fll 25 98 A.M. Lv. Ar .QOLDSBORO. " Millers .... " Bests " LaQrange " Fields " Falling Creek. , " Kinston .... " Caswell " Dover " Cove " Tuscarora " Hymans Ar.'.' .' ! . NEW BERN . '.'.'.'. Lv Lv NEW BERN Ar " Thurman " " Riverdale " " Croat an " " Pine Grove " " Havelock " " Newport " " Wildwood " " Mansfield " " Hollywood " " Morehead City " Ar BEAUFORT Lv No. 2 No. 4 Daily Daily Ex. Ex. Sun= Sun= day day A.M. P.M fll 45 f 9 30 f 9 20 f 9 10 9 00 f 8 SO fll 24 11 14 fll 03 flO 58 f 8 45 10 43! 8 30 flO 29 f 8 18 10 18 8 07 10 03 9 51 f 9 48 f 9 45 9 26 9 20 f 8 59 f 8 52 8 46 f 8 41 8 30 8 10 f 8 03 7 52 7 40 f 7 37 f 7 34 7 15 7 10 f 6 49 f 6 42 6 36 f 6 31 6 20 6 00 f 5 53 f 7 58] f S 48 f 7 56 7 47 t 7 25 f 5 46 5 37 t 5 15 P.M. No. 6 Sua day Only a.: §11 40 fll 29 fll 19 11 flO 58 flO 53 10 38 flO 24 10 13 9 08 9 46 f 9 42 f 9 9 20 9 20 f 8 54 f 8 47 8 41 f 8 36 8 25 8 07 f 8 00 f 7 55 f 7 53 7 45 § 7 25 A.M, No. 8 Sun= day Only P.M. § 9 15 f 9 05 f 8 55 8 45 f 8 35 f 8 30 8 15 f 8 03 7 52 7 37 7 25 1 7 21 f 7 19 7 00 7 00 f 6 41 f 6 34 6 28 f 6 23 6 13 5 57 f 5 50 f 5 45 f 5 43 5 35 § 5 15 P.M. Between New Bern, Bayboro and Oriental, N. C. BEAUFORT DIVISION. No. 11 Daily No. 13 Mixed Daily Except Sunday Effective January 17, 1909. Eastern Time. No. 10 Daily No. 12 Mixed Daily Except Sunday A.M. til 55 Lv NORFOLK. . Ar P.M. t 4 45 * 7 30 f 7 38 7 51 8 03 8 11 f 8 16 8 19 8 25 8 31 f 8 49 * 9 00 P.M. t 9 50 f 9.58 10 12 10 32 10 48 if 10 55 10 59 11 10 11 20 'fll 50 tl2 10 Lv NEW BERN Ar " Bridgeton " " Olympia " " Reelsboro " " Grantsboro " " West Alliance " " East Alliance " « BAYBORO " " Stonewall " " Ashwood " Ar ORIENTAL Lv * 9 00 f 8 52 8 39 8 27 8 19 f 8 14 8 11 8 05 7 59 f 7 41 * 7 30 A.M. t 3 30 f 3 21 2 58 2 36 2 23 f 2 13 2 10 2 00 1 50 f 1 20 t 1 00 P.M. *Daily. tDaily except Sunday. §Sunday only. fFlag stop. STREET CAR SERVICE AT NORFOLK Cars bearing sign BRAMBLETON and N. & S. RY., run to PARK AVENUE STATION. NOTE: — Important changes in schedules will take effect on Sunday, June 27, 1909. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. SCHEDULES OF LINES Connecting at Norfolk N. Y., P. & N. R. R. and Pennsylvania Railroad. jP.M. ;*8 SS 11 22 12 05 9 05 A.M. A.M. f7 25 10 00 10 44 7 25 P.M. Lv. . . New York Ar .Philadelphia " .Wilmington " . . .Norfolk. Lv A.M. 8 00 5 10 4 10 *6 00 P M. P.M. 7 00 4 33 3 49 t7 05 A.M. P. R. R. B. &0. P.M. f!2 55 3 20 6 30 7 00 Bay Line Route. B. & P.R. R. Lv New York Ar " Philadelphia " „ / Baltimore \ .. 1 ..Light St. Wharf../ Ar Norfolk Lv P.M. 12 45 10 15 7 55 7 00 f6 20 P.M. P.M. I 15 11 01 7 00 t6 20 P.M. P. R. R. B. &0 P.M. tl2 55 3 20 A.M. fll 50 2 17 4 20 6 30 7 00 A.M. | A.M. 6 30 7 00 Chesapeake Line Route. Lv. Ar. New York Ar . . . .Philadelphia " . . . .Baltimore 1 <. .Light St. Wharf../ Norfolk Lv B. &0. P.M. 12 45 10 15 7 55 7 00 ta oo P.M. P. R. R. p.mI~ 1 15 11 01 16 00 P.M. P. R. R. B. & P.M. fl2 55 3 20 5 15 H 45 8 00 A.M. A.M. fll 50 2 17 4 20 5 20 6 45 8 00 A.M. Washington Steamer Route. B. &0 Lv New York . . " Philadelphia. .Baltimore. . .Ar / Washington. \ .N. & W. S. B. Co. Ar Norfolk .Lv P.M. 2 10 11 50 9 45 9 00 7 00 16 00 P.M. P. R. R ~y.M. 1 15 11 01 9 00 t8 00 *6 00 P.M. OLD DOMINION LINE. P.M. t3 00 10 30 A.M. Lv New York Ar Ar Norfolk Lv P.M. 3 30 t7 00 P.M. P.M. *7 00 6 00 A M. Lv Richmond Ar Norfolk (See Note on Page 4) .Ar .Lv A.M. 7 00 *7 00 P.M. MERCHANTS & MINERS TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Leave Norfolk for Boston Sunday, Tuesday and Friday Leave Boston for Norfolk=Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Norfolk for Providence=Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Providence for Norfolk=Tuesday_ Thursday and Saturday. P.M. 7 00 5 00 7 00 6 00 P.M. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY. P.M. *4 00 6 40 P.M. A.M. *9 00 11 40 A.M. A.M. 11 45 *9 00 A.M. P.M. 7.00 *4 20 P.M. NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY. P.M. *3 00 5 20 P.M. A.M. *9 00 11 20 A.M. Ar Norfolk Lv A.M. 11 30 *9 15 A.M. P.M. 6 50 *4 30 P.M. VIRGINIAN RAILWAY. A.M. *10 00 10 59 12 53 2 45 3 11 4 50 *7 55 P.M. Lv Norfolk. . " Suffolk... " Jarratt.., " Victoria . . . " Meherrin . . " Brookneal Ar Roanoke . .Ai .Lv P.M. *5 20 4 21 2 25 12 39 12 15 10 42 * 7 40 A.M. Through tickets on sale at all coupon stations to Baltimore, Washington, Phila- delphia, New York, Boston and Richmond, Va. * Dally. t Daily except Sunday. 9 NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. STEAMER CONNECTIONS LEROY STEAMBOAT CO.'S STEAMER " COMET."— Leaves Munden Point, Va on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:30 a. m., for Poplar Branch. N. C returning," leaves Poplar Branch, N. C, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 12:01 a. m., stops at Knott's Island, N. C, and Church's Island, N. C, in both directions. BEAUFORT, MOREHEAD CITY AND OCRACOKE S. S. CO. STEAMER.— Leaves Beaufort, N. C, 7:30 a. in., for Ocracoke, N. C. Returning, leaves Ocracokf at 5:00 a. m. daily except Sunday. W. & P. R. R. STEAMER " MAYFLOWER."— Leaves Plymouth, N. C, daily excep! Sunday at 4:30 p. in., for Windsor, N. C. Returning, leaves Windsor at 4:0( a. in ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATION STEAMER.— Leaves Edenton, N. C, on Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday nt 3:00 a. in., for Mt. Gould, Perry's Wharf, Rock) Hock, Coleraine, Holly's Wharf, Tunis, Winton and Murfreesboro, N. C. Re- turning, leaves Murfreesboro on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7:00 a. n LEROY STEAMBOAT CO.'S STEAMER.— Leaves Edenton, N. C, on Monday am Thursday for Roanoke River Landings. Departure subject to water condi- tions in Roanoke River. EASTERN CAROLINA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY'S STEAMER.— Leaves Elizabeth City, N. C, daily except Sunday, 1:30 p. m., for Nag's Head and Man= teo, N. C. PAMLICO RIVER LINE STEAMER.— Leaves Washington, N. C, on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday, at 6:00 a. m., for Belhaven, N.C. Returning, leaves Bel= haven, N. C, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6:00 a. m. Stops at Bath, South Creek, Aurora and Makleyville, N. C, in both directions. N. B. — Steamboat service is subject to conditions of weather and water, and whili the Company intends to follow regular schedules for promotion of passenger travel am other traffic) it cannot be responsible for detention of boats or delays in departure. CONNECTIONS BEAUFORT, N. C— With Steamer Lines for Bogue Banks, Ocracoke Inlet, and points on Core Sound. BELHAVEN, N. C— Pamlico River Line Steamer. DOVER, N. C— With Dover & South Bound Railroad. EDENTON, N. C— With Albemarle Steam Navigation Company, for Chowan Rive Landings; Leroy Steamboat Co.'s Steamer, for Roanoke. River Landings. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C— With Leroy Steamboat Co., for Jarvisburg, Newbem's Landing and Barnett's Creek, N. C; Spencer's Line for Alligator River Land- ings; Feuerstein's Line for Roanoke Island, N. C; Eastern Carolina Trans portation Company, for Nag's Head and Manteo, N. C. FARMVILLE, N. C— With East Carolina Railway. " GREENVILLE, N. C— With Atlantic Coast Line. GOLDSBORO, N. C— Witn Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Railway. KINSTON, N. C— With Atlantic Coast Line and Kinston & Snow Hill Railroads. MUNDEN POINT, VA.— With Leroy Steamboat Co.'s Steamer for Poplar Branch, Knott's Island and Church's Island, N. C. NEW BERN, N. C— With Atlantic Coast Line. NORFOLK, VA.— With Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard Air Line, Southern Railway Norfolk & Western Railway, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, Virginian Railway New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad in connection with Pennsylvanii Railroad, Old Dominion Steamship Company, Baltimore Steam Packet Com pany, Chesapeake Steamship Company, Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Company and Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. PLYMOUTH, N. C— With Atlantic Coast Line, and Wellington & Powellsville Rail road's Steamer "Mayflower" for Windsor, N. C, and Cashie River Landings. RALEIGH, N. C— With Southern Railway, Seaboard Air Line Railway and Raleigh & Southport Railroad. SUFFOLK, VA.— With Norfolk & Western Railway, Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboarc Air Line, Southern Railway and Virginian Railway WASHINGTON, N. C— With Pamlico River Line Steamer, for points on South Creek, Pungo and Pamlico Rivers, and with Atlantic Coast Line. WILSON, N. C— With Atlantic Coast Line. NOTICE. — These Time Tables show times at which trains may be expected to arrive and depart from the several stations and to connect with other trains, but departure or arrival or connection at the time stated is not guaranteed. The time of connection transportation companies is published for the informa- tion of passengers and every care is taken to keep it correct, but this Company does not hold itself responsible for errors or omissions therein. 10 NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIUWAY HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. Virginia Beach and Cape Henry Divisions (ELECTRIC) EFFECTIVE JUNE 6th, 1909. Bet. Norfolk & Virginia Beach Between Norfolk , Cape ti enry and Virginia Beach Via Virginia Beach Division. Via Cape Henry Division. East Bound West Bound East Bound West Bound os Z =3 .2 a '5 . .E-a :> u Leave ginia Beach, 24th Street. "3 " u O Z o > J 6 u Z cd « = 4 sL u a < a Leave ginia Beach illion Station. o "o •c o Z o S3 < > L. < JO u > >! o < A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. t6 00 T 7 00 fo 40 t6 42 to 00 t6 55 fO 30 t7 25 7 33 8 35 t6 15 t7 15 t7 38 §7 23 §8 20 7 00 7 58 xt8 05 Xt8 50 7 30 8 25 8 42 tf> 54 t7 23 t8 20 8 30 9 35 18 39 19 35 9 00 9 55 10 13 7 54 8 25 9 20 10 00 11 05 P. M. §9 40 §10 40 10 30 11 25 P. M. 11 42 P. M. 9 30 9 55 10 50 P. M. 111 05 112 00 10 09 11 20 11 30 12 25 12 42 11 00 11 25 12 20 NOON P. M. P. M. P. M. 12 00 1 05 111 39 112 35 12 30 1 25 1 42 11 55 12 25 1 20 P. M P. M. 1 30 2 25 2 42 P. M. n os 1!2 00 12 39 1 42 x2 30 x3 15 x3 42 1 00 1 25 2 20 X§1 45 x§2 27 11 39 12 35 t§2 30 t§3 25 1 55 2 25 3 20 2 00 3 05 2 39 3 42 3 30 4 25 4 42 3 00 3 25 4 20 x>2 45 x§3 27 1,3 39 14 35 x§}3 30 X§J4 15 3 55 4 25 5 20 13 05 14 00 xt4 38 xt5 27 4 30 5 25 5 42 x§5 10 x§5 53 x3 ^5 X4 27 4 39 5 42 5 30 6 25 6 42 5 00 5 25 6 20 4 00 5 05 x§5 38 x§6 27 6 30 7 25 7 42 xitf 10 x§6 53 x§4 45 X§5 27 15 39 16 35 xtJ7 00 xtJ7 45 5 55 6 25 7 20 15 05 16 00 x§6 38 x§7 27 7 30 8 25 8 42 7 00 7 25 8 20 xt5 45 xf6 27 6 39 7 42 8 30 9 25 9 42 8 00 8 25 9 20 6 00 7 05 x§7 38 x!;8 27 9 30 10 25 10 42 §9 00 §9 25 §10 20 7 00 8 05 Xf8 27 7 39 8 39 8 42 9 42 10 00 10 25 11 15 xt7 45 §8 00 §9 05 10 05 12 05 A.M.* 9 39 10 39 xll 05 P.M. 10 42 11 42 xll 52 P.M. 9 00 11 00 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. tDally Except Sunday. §Sunday only. xExpress, no stops. tTo Cape Henry only. IStop ONLY at Greenwich, Clapharn Junction, Lynnhaven, London Bridge arid Oceana, between Tidewater Junction and Virginia Beach. Trains without indicating mark except x run daily. Virginia Beach Division trains leave 10th Street two (2) minutes later than 24th Street. Cape Henry Division trains leave 16th Street five (5) minutes later than Pavillion Station. Service from Virginia Beach to Park Ave. Station, Norfolk. Leave Virginia Beach (24th St.), (i 45 a.m. Arrive Park A venue Station, 7 50 a.m. This is Market Train: Daily Except Sunday. TRANSFER All through tickets include Omnibus Transfer at Norfolk. Passengers from Local Stations, where no Coupon Tickets are on sale, can obtain from Conductor a Transfer Ticket to connecting line, upon payment of actual cost to this Company for such service. Street Car Service AT NORFOLK Cars bearing sign Brambleton and N. & S. Ry. run to PARK AVE. STATION. li NORFOLK «?c SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. SPECIAL INFORMATION FOR PASSENGERS Ticket Offices.— Ticket offices at all Important stations are open thirty minutes before departure of trains, and passengers are respectfully requested to purchase tickets before boarding trains. This will result In a saving of expense, as the cash ratqs charged by conductors on trains are higher than those charged by ticket agents in the sale of tickets. No refund will be made for excess fare collected on trains. Passengers should always procure tickets at regular railroad ticket offices, as there are numerous expired and counterfeit stolen tickets In the hands of unauthorized parties for sale, which, when presented, are rejected by conductors. Adjustment of Differences.— In the event of any disagreement with a conductor relative to tickets, passengers should pay conductor's claim, taking his receipt, and refer the case for adjustment to the General Passenger Agent, who will promptly return any overcharge. Conductors have no discretionary power In such matters and are governed by rules which they are not authorized to change. Redemption of Tickets. — All tickets issued by this Company are limited to a con- tinuous passage. If limit of such tickets expires before used, they will be redeemed through the office of the General Passenger Agent, In accordance with established rules. Passengers purchasing tickets which for any reason they do not use in their entirety should not attempt to dispose of them to unauthorized dealers, as this Com- pany will fully protect original purchaser from loss In cases where for satisfactory reasons, the tickets are not used, refunding the value of the unused portion of such tickets, charging for that portion used. Forward tickets, with full particulars, by Express or Registered Letter to the General Passenger Agent for adjustment. Prepaid Ticket Orders.— Persons wishing to pay for tickets for some one else from another station to their own, can make all arrangements with Agents at principal ticket offices, who are prepared to take deposits and order tickets furnished between any points at regular rates of fare. In cases when dispatch Is desired, tickets will be ordered furnished by telegraph at no extra charge, unless the point from which ticket is ordered is on some foreign line, in which case a sum sufficient to pay for tele- gram will be collected. Children.— Children under five years of age In charge of a competent person are carried free; those five years of age and under twelve are required to pay half fare; those twelve years and over, full fare. Baggage. — For interstate travel, ordinary baggage, consisting of wearing apparej or personal effects, only one hundred and fifty (150) pounds In weight and one hundred dollars ($100.00) in value will be allowed free on whole tiekets, and seventy- five (75) pounds on half tickets. (a) For intrastate travel in North Carolina two hundred (200) pounds of bag- gage will be allowed on whole tickets, and one hundred (100) pounds on half tickets. All baggage in excess of the above weight will be charged for at the regular excess baggage rates. Bicycles.— Bicycles and Tricycles will be charged for at regular excess-Daggage rate on an estimated weight of fifty (50) pounds each. The minimum charge on Bicycles and Tricycles will be twenty-five (25) cents each. This charge will be separate from and has no connection with charge for other baggage, as Bicycles and Tricycles will not be carried as a part of the regular baggage allowance. Not more than one Bicycle or Tricycle will be'checked for any one passenger. Lamps, Cyclometers and Tool Bags must be removed before checking. Bicycles will be checked and transported in baggage cars, only when accompanied by passengers presenting regular tickets or passes,. Excess-baggage tickets will not be honored for the transportation of Bicycles. Dogs.— Dogs in crates will be transported In baggage ears when accompanied by owner or caretaker at owner's risk, and will be charged for at the regular excess-baggage rates. Dogs not crated, with collar, chain and tag showing name and address of owner, carried in baggage cars on passenger trains, at owner's risk, will be charged one=half cent per mile each; for distances less than fifty miles, 25 cents each. Between November 1st and March 31st, inclusive, one dog will be carried free. Corpses.— A corpse presented in conformity with the rules of National, State and local boards of health, as formulated by the American Association of General Baggage Agents, will be transported in baggage cars. A first-class ticket will be required for the person in charge, and one full first-class ticket for the corpse. No half-fare tickets will be accepted for the transportation of any corpse. Bodies of persons dead not accompanied by one or more persons in charge to destination must not be transported In baggage cars of passenger trains. Corpses, under above conditions, may be transported in baggage cars of this Company upon tickets, either of local or foreign issue, reading to or from local stations, or to or from stations upon a foreign line. 12 NORFOLK &. SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. ROUND TRIP SUMMER EXCURSION FARES. To To Morehead Citv, N. C, Beaufort, N. C, and return. and return. FROM © <3J =End ets lay ets 2 w « 42 ,n 42 ■ S?42 sia g u « .a § .a u h 43 is »H E H 4JH c73H t/)H £HJ^H |t *H Raleigh N.C.. $6 45#5 50 S4 50 12 50 $6 6505 70 $4 70,$2 70 5 05 4 35 3 45 2 00 5 25 4 55 3 65 2 20 4 95 4 35 3 45 2 00 5 15 4 55 3 65 2 20 4 35 4 00 3 45 1 50 4 55 4 20 3 65 1 70 3 60 3 35 2 90 1 50 3 80 3 55 3 10 1 70 4 00 3 10 2 25 1 50 4 20 3 30 2 45 1 70 3 00 2 50 1 85 1 25 3 20 2 70 2 05 1 45 1 60 1 50 1 35 1 00 1 80 1 70 1 55 1 20 Plymouth " 5 05 4 60 4 20 5 25j 4 80 4 40 Selhaven ... " 6 75: 6 20 5 90 5 40 5 70 4 95 6 95 6 40 6 10 5 60 5 90. . Edenton. " 5 15 6 40 5 90 5 40 6 60 6 10 5 60. . ... 7 20 6 40 6 05 7 40 6 60 6 25 . . . Suffolk. Va... 1 9 501 8 00 9 70 8 20 Norfolk " . . 9 50 8 00 9 70| 8 20 . : . . ROUND TRIP SUMMER TOURIST TICKETS ARE ON SALE FROM ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES TO VIRGINIA BEACH AND CAPE HENRY, VA. ROUND TRIP WEEK-END EXCURSION FARES -TO- NORFOLK, VA. FROM FARES FROM FARES Raleigh N. C. Wilson. " Farmville " Greenville " Washington " $5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 Qoldsboro N. Kinston New Bern Plymouth $6 70 6 70 6 70 4 10 Limit of Tickets three (3) days, including date of sale. ELECTRIC SERVICE TO Virginia Beach and Cape Henry, Va. ROUND TRIP TICKETS 25 CENTS Trains Leave City Hall Ave., Opposite Monticello Hotel, Norfolk, Va., Every Half Hour. 13 ^*^)4 v0 CO k> 1 /; T5 do r ^^ ^ ffc ^ ^^ o """d cd • C* ^ 2 cd (J < Z 2 U O u .£?u p > T3 z cd < * 8 H o < >^ u C a- V 03 ca a "3 u > $2.00 $10.00 $35.00 Sixty. Davis, Sarah A. Miss, Propr. $2 00 $8.00 $30.00 Fifty. Manson, Emma D. Miss, Propr. $1 50 $7 00 $30 00 Forty. Russell, G. A., Propr. $1 50 $8.00 $30 00 Forty. Norcum, H. D. Mrs. Propr. $2 00 $8 00 to $10.00 $30 00 to $40.00 Twelve. Wines, E. S. Mrs., Propr. $8 00 to $10.00 Seventy-five. Burton, J. R., Manager. $2.00 $10.00 Seventy-five. Walke, Mrs. Frank Anthony, Propr. $8.00 to $12.00 Thirty. Mapp, M. A., Propr. $2.50 with bath $3.00 $12.50 to $17.50 $40.00 to $60.00 One thousand. Morton, F. P., Manager. $2.50 $10.00 to $12.00 $45.00 One hundred. Wallace, C. S., Propr. $1.50 $8.00 $25.00 to $30.00 Twenty-five. Arendell, W. S., Propr. $1 . 50 $7.00 Special rates on appli- cation. Twenty-five. Davis, H. C, Propr. $2.00 $10.00 to $15.00 One hundred and twenty-five. Wright, W. J., Manager. $2.00 $10.00 to $12.50 Seventy-five. Wright, H. B. Mrs., Propr. Europ ean pla n. Three hundred. Foreman, A., Propr. The Ferebee $2.00 $10.00 to $12.00 One hundred. Ferebee, E. D., Propr. Euror. ean pla n. Sixty. O'Keefe, W. J., Propr. The Waverley $2.00 $10.00 to $12.50 Sixty. Boush, C. V., Miss, Propr. 25 NORFOLK 6c SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH IB. KERR, RECEIVERS. STATIONS AND AGENTS BACK BAY, VA J. E. Whitehead, Agent. BAILEY, N. C. L. M. Anslev, Agent. *BAYBORO N. C J. L. Dixon. Agent. BEASLEY, N. C S. M. Woodlev Agent. ♦BEAUFORT N. C Seth Oibbs, Agent. BELCROSS, N. C Mrs. B. B. Ferebee, Agent. ♦BELHAVEN, N. C > B. F. Stearn, Agent. BEST, N. C Q. A. Fields, Agent. BOSLEY, N. C Ward & Son, Agents. CAMDEN, N. C C. S. Sawyer, Agent CAPE HENRY, VA M. Johnson, Ticket Agent CASWELL, N. C J. P. Kelly, Agent. CENTER HILL, N. C E. B. Davis, Agent. CHAPANOKE, N. C J. H. Symons. Agent. ♦CHOCOWINITY, N. C H. F. Booker, Agent CISCO, N. C S. L. Dale, Agent. ♦COLUMBIA. N. C W. S. Carrowin, Agent. CORAPEAKE, N. C T. M. Pierce, Agent. COVE, N. C M. A. Hill, Agent. CREEDS, VA T. S. land. Agent. ♦CRESWELL, N. C D. H. Holmes, Agent. CROATAN, N. C E. S. Ballenger, Agent. *DOVER, N. C CD. Lane, Agent. EAGLE ROCK, N. C E. T. Scarboro, Agent. ♦EDENTON. N. C W. S. Summerell, Agent. ♦ELIZABETH CITY, N. C F. L. Garrett, Agent. FALLING CREEK, N. C J. Dawson, Agent. ♦FAR MVILLE. N. C W. L. Johnson, Agent. FENTRESS, VA H. S. Spires. Agent. FREDERICK, N. C F. H. VonEberstein, Agent GLIDEN, N. C A. J. Ward, Agent. ♦GOLDSBORO, N. C F. W. Tatem, General Agcn< GRANTSBORO, N. C J. L. McCotter. Agent. GREGORY, N. C B. F. Hale. Agent. ♦GREENVILLE N. C J. L. Hassell, Agent. GREENWICH, VA G. B. Bryant, Agent. ♦GRIMESLAND, N. C M.T. Bradshaw, Agent. HANCOCK. N. C B. H. Ward. Agent. HAVELOCK. N.C A. D. Rooks. Agent. HERBERT, VA H. B. Hurdle, Agent. ♦HERTFORD, N.C C. W. Gaither, Agent. HICKORY GROUND, VA C. Woodard, Agent. HOBBSVILLE, N. C E. A Roundtree, Agent ICARI A, N.C Curtis Asbell, Agent. KEMPSVTLLE, VA E. I Herrick, Agent. ♦KINSTON, N. C J. E. Boswell, Agent. KNIGHTDALE, N.C W. E. Straughan, Agent. ♦LaGPANGE, N. C J. W, Graham, Agent. LANDS, VA O. A. Land, Agent. ♦MACKEV'S FERRY, N.C W. H.Lee, Agent. MAVATON. N.C J. H. Dale. Agent. MIDDLESEX, N.C .S. W. Lawrence, Agent. ♦MOREHEAD CITY, N. C A. H. Webb, Jr., Agent. MOYOCK, N.C W. A Cherry, Agent. MUNDEN POINT, VA G. T. Cartwright, Agent. ♦NEW BERN, N. C T. H. Bennett, Ticket Agent. ♦NEWPORT, N. C C. A. Bell, Agent. NICANOR, N. C J. G. Winslow, Agent. 'NORFOLK (Park Avenue Station}, VA S. M. Wright, Ticket Apm" 'NORFOLK (City Hall Avenue) VA C. T. Brooks. Ticket Agent. NORTHWEST, VA J. K. Wooten, Agent. OKISKO, N.C J S. Perry, Agent. ♦ORIENTAL, N.C W. J. Smith, Agent. ♦PANTEGO. N.C J. P Clark Agent. ♦P1NETOWN, N.C LB. Bailey. Agent. PLEASANT RIDGE, VA R. C. Etheridge, Agent. ♦PLYMOUTH, N. C W. J Nicholson, Agent. PRINCESS ANNE C. H., VA J. Gettel, Jr., Ageni. PUNGO, VA D. B Capps, Agent. ♦RALEIGH (Jones St.), N. C G. F. Gannon, Agent REELSBORO, N.C G. M. Reel, Agent RIVERDALE, N.C A. D. Fisher, Agent. ♦ROPER, N. C J. J. Hassell, Agent. RYLAND, N. C W. H. Spivev Agent. SAUNDERS, VA R. S. Holland, Agent. SHAWBORO, N. C J. S. Tucker, Agent. ♦SNO WDEN, N.C M. H. Snowden, Agent. ST. BRIDES, VA J. C. Bailev. Agent. STANTONSBURG. N.C R. L. Bagley, Agent. STONEWALL, N. C S. W. Ferebee, Agent. ♦SUFFOLK, VA J. B. Arrendel, Agent. SUNBURY, N. C W. B. Parker, Agent. TROTVILLE, N.C W. H. Speight, Agent. TUSCARORA, N. C E. S. .Weeks. Agent. ♦VANCEBORO, N. C. W. B. Rouse, Agent. VALHALLA, N. C W. H. Byrum, Agent. VIRGINIA BEACH, VA W. H. Ash^urn. Agent. WALSTONBURG, N. C H. R. Jones, Agent. ♦WASHINGTON, N. C T. H. Mvers, Agent. ♦WENDELL, N. C W. P. Geary, Agent. W1LDWOOD, N. C. W. C. Murdock, Agent ♦WILSON, N. C W. J. Williams, Agent. WINFALL, N. C Miles Jones, Agent. ♦ZEBULON, N. C P. J. Brock, Agent 26 NORFOLK &. SOUTHERN RAILWAY U ] -HARRN K. WOLCOTT AND HUGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. VIRGINIA BEACH AND CAPE HENRY ON THE ATLANTIC OCEAN FINEST SURF BATHING FAST SERVICE FIRST-GLASS HOTELS ROUND TRIP TICKET, 25 GENTS Between Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Via Virginia Beach Division, or between Norfolk and Cape Henry, Via Cape Henry Division. Burke & Gregory, Print. Norfolk SUMMER HOMES AND EXCURSIONS JUNE, 1909. HORFOlte L ^SOUTHERN/ fitas HARRY K. WOLCOTT and HUGH M. KERR RECEIVERS H. C. HUDGINS GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, N. C.