fi^TVAA^yv^ j- UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL iiiiii mi mi iiiii 00022228055 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill THY AGAIN OR, THE TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS HARRY WEST. A STORY FOR YOUNG FOLKS. BY OLIVER OPTIC, AUTIIOK OF " THE BOAT CLUB," " ALL ABOARD," " NOW OR NEVER,*' " TRY AGAIN," " POOR AND PROUD," " IN DOORS AND OUT," ETC., ETC. BOSTON LEE AND SIIEPARD, PUBLISHEES. NEW YORK: CI1A11LES T. DILLINGHAM. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1857, by WILLIAM T. ADAMS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Copyright, 18S5, by William T. Adams. TO MY NEPHEW, FKEDERIC WILLIAM CLAPP, Ojts Bock IS AF FECTIOXATELY DEDICATED. PREFACE. The story of Harry West is a record of youthful expe- rience, designed to illustrate the necessity and the results of perseverance in well The true success in life is the attainment of a pure and exalted character; and he who, at threescore and ten, has won nothing hut wealth and a name, has faiieu to achieve the nohlest purpose of his being. Wealth is success ; a true life is a far nobler success. He who has won both has been doubly successful ; but he who lias become rich by neglecting the mind, tne heart, and the ooul, has sacrificed the greater ?ood to the less. The true life is worth aii the labor and self-denial it may lost. This io the moral of the story contained in this volume. Ham" West's trials are moral trials; his triumphs, moral tnampns. Whatever vicissitudes of fortune may attend him, however exciting the incidents of his career, the real struggle is in the soul, the real victory is the conquest of himself. He is a pauper boy, having had none of the advantages 1* io) 6 PREFACE. of parental instruction. If not vicious at the outset, bit character is of that kind which as readily lays hold on vice as virtue ; it has never been hardened by the hallowed influences of a good home. Perhaps my older readers may regard his awakening from moral lethargy to moral life and activity as slightly romantic. I wished to exhibit the influence of the pure heart upon those with whom it comes in contact — to show what power evtn a child may possess to do a great and good work. There are many Little Angels in the world ; we have seen and known them. If I have been extravagant, Julia Bryant's example can do no harm. With many thanks to them for the unexpected favor be- stowed on " Bobby Bright," the author presents Harry West to his young friends, trusting that he will prove an acceptable companion, and that, like him, when they fail in any good work, they will " TRY AGAIN." WILLIAM T. ADAMS. Doechester. March 26 1867 CONTENTS. PAOl Chap. I. — In which Harry West and Squire Walker disagree in an important Point. . . . .11 Chap. II. — In which Harry finds a Friend, and a prac- ticable Scheme for Resistance. . . . .24 Chap. III. — In which Harry leaves the Poorhouse, and takes to the River. ...... 37 Chap. IV. — In which it is shown that the Navigation of the River is difficult and dangerous. . . . 5 TRIUMPHS OF IIARTIY WEST. 2tJ anglers and bathers. This was a favorite spot with Harry; and upon the rock he seated himself, tn sigh over the hard lot which was in store for him. It was not a good way to contend with the trials to which all are subjected ; but he had not yet learned that sorrow and adversity are as necessary for man as joy and prosperity. Besides, it was a turning point in his life, and it seemed to him that Jacob Wire's &eiise would be the tomb of all his hopes. TRY AGAIN : OR. THE TRIALS CHAPTER II. IN WHICH HARRY FINDS A FRIEND, AND A PBAO TICABLE SCHEME FOR RESISTANCE. My young readers will probably desire to knew something about Harry's " antecedents ; " and while the poor fellow is mourning over the hard lot which Squire AValker has marked out for him, we will briefly review his previous history. Unlike the heroes of modern novels and romances, Harry did not belong to an ancient, or even a very respectable family. We need not trace his genealogy for any considerable period, and I am not sure that tne old records would throw much light on the sub- ject if we should attempt to do so. The accident of birth in our republican land is a matter of very little consequence ; therefore we shall only go back to Harry's father, who was a carpenter by trade, b»t had a greater passion for New England rum than foi chisels and foreplanes. AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 25 The bane of New England was the banc of Frank tin West; for he was a kind-hearted man, a good husband and a good father, before he was deformed by the use of liquor. He made good wages, and supported his little family creditably for several years ; but the vile habit grew upon him to such a degree that the people of Redfield lost all confidence in him. As his business decreased, his besetting vice increased upon him, till he was nothing but the wieek of the man he had once been. Poverty had come, and want stared him m the face. While every body was wondering what would he- come of Franklin West, he suddenly disappeared, and no one could form an idea of what had become of him. People thought it was no great matter. He was only a nuisance to himself and his family. Mrs. West was shocked by this sudden and mysteri- ous disappearance. He was her husband, and tne father of her children, and it was not strange that Bhe wept, and even hoped that he would come back. 1 he neighbors comforted her, and put her in the way »f supporting herself and the children, so that she vas veiy son reconciled to the event. 3 26 TRY AOAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS When "West had been "one a motth, his wife .*e- reived a letter from him, intorming her that lie had determined to stop drinking, and be a man again, lie could not keep sober in Redfield, among his old companions, and he was at work in Providence til] he could get money enough to pay his expenses to Valparaiso, in South America, where a lucrative place iwaited him. He hoped his wife would manage to $et along for a few months, when he should be able to send her some money. Mrs. West was easy again. Her husband was not dead, was no.t drowned in the river, or lost in the woods ; and her heart was cheered by the prospects of future plenty, which the letter pointed out to her. A year passed by, and nothing more was heard from Franklin West. The poor, forsaken wife had a hard time to support her little family. The most constant and severe toil enabled her to pinch her way along ; but it was a bitter trial. She had no relations to help her ; and though the neighbors were as kind as neighbors could be, life was a bard struggle. Then the baby sickened and died. This bereave- ment seemed to unnerve and discourage her, and AND TRITJM/ OF HAF.RT MEST. 2} though there was one mouth less to feed he- strength failed her, and she was unequal to the task. Care and sorrow did their work upon her, and though people said she died cf consumption, Heaven knew she died of a hroken heart and disappointed hopes. Harry was four years old when th.s sad event left him alone in the world. There was none willing to assume the burden of bringing up the lonely little pilgrim, and he was sent to the poorhouse. It was a hard fate for the tender child to be removed from the endearments of a mother's love, and placed in the cneerless asylum which public charity provides for the poor and the friendless. The child was only four years old ; but he missed the fond kiss and the loving caresses of his devoted mother. They were kind to him there, but it wa3 not home, and his heart could not but yearn for those treasures of affection which glittered for him only in the heart of his mother. There was an aching void, and though he could not understand or appreciate hia iO?s, it was none the less painful. He was a favorite child, not only with the eld paupers, but with the keeper and his family; and 18 TKT again; OR, THE TRIA-« this circumstance undoubtedly softened the asperitiet of his lot. As soon as he was old enough, he was required to work as much as the keeper thought his strength would hear. He was very handy about the house and barn, more so than boys usually are ; and Mr. Nason declared that, for the three years before it was proposed to send him away, he had more thau earned his board and clothes. He had been at school four winters, and the school- masters were unanimous in their praise. He was a smart scholar, but a little disposed to be roguish. The moral discipline of the poorhouse was not of the most salutary character. Mr. Nason, though a generous and kind-hearted man, was not as exempla ry in his daily life as might have been desired. Be- sides, one or two of the old paupers were rather cor- rupt in their manners and morals, and were not fit companions for a young immortal, whose mind, like plastic clay, was impressible to the forming power. The pooi ho use was not a good place for the boy, and the wonder is that Harry, at twelve years of age, was not worse than we find him. He had learned to love Mr. Nason, as he had learned to fear and to hate AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 2% Squire "Walker. The latter seemed to have absolute power at the p< jrhouse, and to be lord and mantel in Redfield. But when the overseer proposed to place the boy in the family of a man whom even the paupers looked down upon and despised, his soul rebelled even against the mandate of the powerful magnate of the town. Harry turned the matter over and over in his mind as he sat upon the rock at Fine Plegsant. At first he tried to reconcile the idea of living with Jacob Wire ; but it was a fruitless effort. The poorhouse seemed like a paradise to such a fate. Then he considered the possibility and the practi- cability of resisting the commands of Squire Walker. He could not obtain much satisfaction from either view of the difficult problem, and as a happy resort under the trials of the moment, he began to console himself with the reflection that Mr. Nason might prevail with the overseers, and save him from his doom. He had not much hope from this direction, and while he was turning again to the question of resist- ance, he heard footsteps in the grove. He did no 3* 30 TRY A.GAIN ; 1R, THE TRIALS feel like seeing any persoi and wished he could ge out of signt ; but there wt s no retreating without oeing observed, so he lay c iwn upon the rock to wait til] the intruder had passe 1. The person approaching did rot purpose to let hiia off so easily ; and when Harry 1 c ard his step on the log he raised himself up. " Hallo, Harry ! What are you i oing here ? r iak- ing a nap ? " It was Ben Smart, a boy of foui cen, who lived near the poorhouse. Ben's reputation in Rtifiold was not A, No. 1 ; in fact, he had been solemaly and publicly expelled from the district schc^l only three days before by Squire Walker, because the mistress could not manage him. His father was the village blacksmith, and as he had nothing for hi-n to do' — not particularly for the boy's benefit — he kept him at school all the year round. " O, is that you, Ben ? " replied Harry, more f oi the sake of being civil than because he wi 'hed to speak to the other, "What are you doing here ? " asked Ben, >hc evidently did not understand how a boy couM b« AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 81 ftiere alone, unless he was occupied about some- thing. " Nothing." " Been in the water ? " " No." " Fishing ? " " No." Ren was nonnlussed. He suspected that Harrj had been, engaged in some mysterious occupation, whi^k hp desired to conceal from him. * l How long you been hc;e r " continued Ben, persistently. " About half an hour." Ben stopped to think. He could make nothing of it. It was worse than the double rule of three, which he conscientiously believed had been invented oa purpose to bother school boys. " You are up to some trick, 1 Know. Tell me what you come down here for." " Didn't come for any thing." " What is the use of tolling that. No feller would tome cleai down here for nothing.''' " I came down to think, then, if you must know,' answered Harry, rather testily 82 TRY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIA.LS *^ To think ! Well, that is a good one ! Ain't tht poor-farm big enough to do your thinking on ? " " I chose to come down here." " Humph ! You've got the blues, Harry. I should think old Walker had been afoul of you, by your looks." Harry looked up suddenly, and wondered if Ben knew what had happened. '• 1 should like to have the oid rascal do-' r n here for half an hour. I should like to souse him into the river, and hold his head under till he begged my pardon," continued Rp" " So should I," added Harry. " Should you ? You are a good feller, then ! I mean to pay him off for what he did for me the other day. 1 wouldn't minded being turned out of school. I rather liked the idea ; but the old muttonhead got cue up before all the school, and read me such a lec- ture ! He thinks there isn't any body in the world but him." " The lecture didn't hurt you," suggested Harry. " No ; it didn't. But that warn't the worst of : t." «■ What else ? " AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 88 *' My father give me a confounded licking when 1 got home. I haven't done smarting yet. But I will pay 'em off for it all." " You mean Squire Walker." " And the old man, too." " If I only had a father, I wouldn't mind letting him lick me now and then," replied Harry, to whom home seemed a paradise, though he had never under- stood it ; and a father and mother, though coarse and brutal, his imagination pictured as angels. " My father would learn you better than that in a few days," said Ben, who did not appreciate his parents, especially when they held the rod. Harry relapsed into musing again. He thought how happy he should have been in Ben's place. A home, a father, a mother ! We value most what we have not ; and if the pauper boy could have had t v blessings which crowned his reckless companion's, s, it seemed as though he would have been contented and happy. His condescension in regard to the flogging now and then, was a sincere expression of feeling. ** Wliat's old Walker been doing to you, Harrv ? r 34 TRY A.GAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS asked Ben, suspecting the cause of the other's gloom. " He is going to send me to Jacob Wire's to live." " Whew ! That is a good one ! To die, you mean. Harry, I wouldn't stand that." 61 I don't mean to." " That's right ; I like your spunk. What do you mean to do ? " Harry was not prepared to answer this question. He possessed a certain degree of prudence, and though it was easy to declare war against so powerful an en- emy as Squire Walker, it was not so easy to carry on the war after it was declared. The overseer was a bigger man to him than the ogre in " Puss in Boots." Probably his imagination largely magnified the gran- deur of the squire's position, and indefinitely multi- plied the resources at his command. " What do you mean to do ? " repeated Ben, who for some reason or other, took a deep interest in Ha? ry's affairs. " I don't know. I would rather dio than go ; buv » don't know how I can help myself" answered tha poor boy, gloomily , AND 7KIUMPHS OF HA.KBY WEST. 35 "I do." Harry looked up with interest and surprise. Ben ijmpathized with him in his trials, and hia hear? warmed towards him. " What, Ben ? " " I daresn't tell you now," replied Ben, after a ohort pause. " Why not ? " " Can you keep a secret ? " " Of course I can. Did I ever blow on you ? " " No, you never did, Harry. You are a first rata feller, and I like you. But you see, if you should blow on me now, you would spoil my kettle of fish, and your own too." " But I won't, Ben." ■ " Promise me solemnly." " Solemnly," repeated Harry. " Well, then, 1 will get you out of the scrape U nice as a cotton nat." " How ? " " I guess I won't tell you now ; but if you will Dome down here to-night at eleven o'clock, I will let ou into the whole thing." 56 TET AGAIN ; OB, THE TEIALS *' Eleven o'clock ! I can't come at that time. We »11 go to bed at eight o'clock." " Get up and come." " I can do that ; but perhaps Mr Nason will per suade the overseers not to send me to Jacob Wire's." " I'm glad I didn't tell you, then. But piomise me this, Harry : that, whatever happens, you'll hold your tongue." " I will, Ben." *' And if Nason don't get you off, be here at eleven o'clock. Put on your best clothes, and take every thing you want with you." " Going to run away ? " " I didn't say so." Ben made him promise again to be secret, and they separated. Harry had an idea of what his companion intended, and the scheme sohed all his doubts. It was a practicable scheme oi resistance, and tie re- turned to the poorhouse, no longer fearful 7ason returned ; and when he came his looks did not seem to indicate a favorable issue. Harry helped him unharness the horse, and as he led him into the barn the keeper opened the subject. " I have been to see the other overseers, Harry," 4 ttt THY AOA1N; OR, THE TRIAL" ae began, in tones which seemed tc promise nothing hopeful. en a better idea of where he was, he administered a smart kick in the region of the ribs. 44 What are you about ? " snarled Ben, springing to his feet with clinched fists. 44 Time we were moving. Don't you see how higt the sun is ? The clock has just struck eight." 44 No matter for that. We are just as safe here as any where else. You kick me again, and see where you will be ! " 44 Cor.hen the river would bear them to the city with only a little difficulty occasionally at the rapids and snoal places. Pei haps his plan would have been practicable at the highest stage of water, but the river w; s now below ts ordinary level. Hen's love of an easy and '•om^ntr 1 time carried he duy, and Harry's practical common sense reason' 68 TRY AGAIN ; OB, THE TRIALS ing was of no avail, and a taunt at his cowardice induced him to yield the point. " Now, Harry, you take one of the paddles, and place yourself in the bow, while I steer," said Ben, as he assumed his position. " Very well ; you shall be captain of the boat, and I will do just as you say ; but I won't be bullied on ghore," replied Harry, taking the station assigned him. " All right ; now cast off the painter, and let hei slide. Keep both eyes open." " Never fear me ; I will do my share." The boat floated out into the current, and was borne rapidly down the swift-flowing stream. They ■"vere not very skilful boatmen, and it was more a matter of tact than of strength to keep the boat from dashing on the sharp rocks. For a little way, they did very well, though the passage was sufficiently ex- citing to call their powers into action, and to suggest % doubt as to the ultimate result of the venture. They soon reached a place, however, where the? river turned a sharp angle, and the waters were furi- ously precipitated down upon a bed of rocks, which threatened them with instant destruction. AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. oS " We shall be smashed to pieces ! " exclaimed the foolhardy pilot, as his eye measured the descent or the waters. " Let's try to get ashore." " Too late now," replied Harry, coolly. " Put lie J through, hit or miss." But Ben's courage all oozed out, in the face of this imminent peril, and he made a vain attempt to push the boat towards the shore. " Paddle your end round, Harry," gasped Ben, in the extremity of fear. " We shall be smashed to pieces." " Too late, Ben ; stand stiff, and make the best of it," answered Harry, as he braced himself to meet the shock. The rushing waters bore the boat down the stream in spite of the feeble efforts of the pilot to check he? progress. Ben seemed to have lost all his self-pos- session, and stooped down, holding on with both hands at the gunwale. ])own she went into the boiling caldron of wateis t oaring and foaming like a little Niagara. One hara bump on the sharp rocks, and Harry heard the boards snap under him. He waited for no more, bu' grasp- 70 thy again; or, the trials ing the overhanging branches of a willow, which grew on the bank, and upon which he had before fixed his eyes as the means of rescuing himself, he sprang up into the tree, and saw Ben tumbled from the boat into the seething caldron. " Save me, Harry ! " shouted Ben. But Harry had to save himself first, which, how- ever, was not now a difficult matter. Swinging him- self from branch to branch till he reached the trunk of the willow, he descended to the ground, without having even wet the soles of his shoes. " Save me ! save me!" cried Ben, in piteous ac- cents, as the current bore him down the stream. " Hold on to the boat," replied Harry, "and I will be there in a minute." Seizing a long pole which had some time formed part of a fence there, he hastened down the bank to the water's edge. The water was not very deep, but it ran so rapidly that Ben could neither swim nor stand upon the bottom ; and but for his compan- ion's promptness, he would undoubtedly have been drowned. Grasping the long pole which Harry ex< tended to him, he was drawn to the shore, having AND TKITTMPHS OF HARKV WEST. 7\ received no other injury than a terrible fright and a good ducking. " Here we are," said Harry, when his companion was safely landed. "Yes, here we are," growled Ben; "and it is all your fault that we are here." " It is my fault that you are here ; for if I had not pulled you out of the river, you would have been drowned," replied Harry, indignantly ; and perhaps he felt a little sorry just then that he had rescued his ungrateful commander. " Yes, and if you had only done as I told you, and pushed for the shore above the fall, all this would not have happened." "And if you hadn't been a fool, we should nit have tried to go through such a hole. There goes your old boat;" and Harry pointed to the wreck, filled with water, floating down the stream. " Here they are ! " shouted a voice, not far from them. Harry started, and so did Ben. " We are caught ! " exclaimed Ben. "No" yet," replied Harry, with some trepidation* 72 TRY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS as fie broke off a piece of the pole that lay at his feet, and retreated from the river. " Take a club, for I am not going to be carried back without fighting foi it." A survey of the ground and of the pursuers ena- bled him to prepare for the future. He discovered at a glance the weakness of the assailants. " Take a club, Ben. Don't you see there is only one man on this side of the river ? and we can easily beat him off." Ben took the club ; but he seemed not to have the energy to use it. In fact, Harry showed himself bet- ter qualified to manage the present interests of the expedition than his companion. . All at once he de- veloped the attributes of a skilful commander, while his confederate seemed to have lost all his cunning and all his determination. " Now, let us run ; and if we are caught we wiU fcght for it," said Harry. 'lhi boys took to their heels, and having a fail start of their pursuer, they kept clear of him for a con- siderable distance ; but Ben's wet clothes impeded his progress, and Harry had too much magnanimity to save himself at the sacrifice of his companion. AND TRIUMTHS OF HARRY WEST. 73 It was evident, after the chase had continued a short time, that their pursuer was gaining upon them. In rain Harry urged Ben to increase his speed ; his pn gress was very slow, and it was soon apparent to Hairy that they were wasting their breath in running when they would need it for the fight. " Now, Ben, we can easily whip this man, and save ourselves. Be a man, and let us stand by each othei to the last." Ben made no reply ; but when Harry stopped, he did the same. "Keep off! or we will knock your brains out," crk'd Harry, placing himself in the attitude of defence But the man took no notice of this piece of brava- do ; and, as he approached, Harry levelled a blow at his head. The man warded it off, and sprang forward to grasp the little rebel. " Hit him, Ben ! " shouted Harry, as he dodged the swoop of his assailant. To his intense indignation and disgust, Ben, instead of seconding his assault, dropped his club, and fled. lie seemed to run a good deal faster than he had run before that day ; but Harry did not give up the point 74 TRY AGAIN 4 OR, THE TIUAL8 The man pressed him closely, and he defended ninif self with a skill and vigor worthy a better cause Hut it war of no use ; or, if it was, it only gave Ben men time to effect his escape. The unequal contest, however, soon termirated in the capture of our resolute hero, and the man tied his hands behind his back ; but he did not dare to .'eave the young lion to go in pursuit of his less un- fortunate, but more guilty, confederate. " There, Master Harry West, I think you have got into a tight place now," said his captor, whose name was Nathan Leman, brother of the person to whom the boat belonged. " We will soon put you in a place where you won't burn any more barns." Harry was confounded at this charge, and promptly and indignantly denied it. He had not considered the possibility of being accused of such a crime, and it seemed to put a new aspect upon his case. " You did not set fire to Squire Walker's barn last night ? " replied Leman, incredulously. " No, I did not." " Pei haps you can make ^he squire believe it,* sneered his captor. AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 7fi M I didn't do it." " Didn't steal my brother's boat either, did you?" u / didn't." " Who did ? " Harry thought a moment. After the mean trick which Ben Smart had served him, he did not feel very kindly towards him, but he was not yet prepared to betray him. " I didn't," was his reply. Nathan Leman then conducted his prisoner to the river's side. By this time the other pursuer, who had been obliged to ascend the river for a quarter of a mile before he could cross, joined him. " Where is the other fellow ? " he asked. " Couldn't catch him. This one fought like a young tiger, and I couldn't leave him," replied Na- than. " If you will take Harry up to the village, \ will soon have him." The other assented, and while Nathan wont in eearch of Ben, Harry was conducted back tc ihe village. The prisoner was sad and depressed in spirits; but tie did not lose all hope. He was appalled at the 76 try again; or, the trials idea of being accused of burning tbe barn ; but Le was innocent, and had a vague assurance tbat no harm could befall him on that account. When they entered the village, a crowd gathered around them, eager to learn the particulars of the capture ; but without pausing to gratify this curiosi- ty, Harry's conductor lrd him to the poor house, and placed bim in charge of Mr. Naaon. *WD TP-JUAtrjiS Of HARRY WEST. 71 CHAPTER Vi. .H «VH7r;h HARRY CONCLUDES THAT k DEFEAT Ii SOMETIMES BETTER THAN* A VICTORY. The keeper of the poorhouse received Harry in sullen silence, and conducted him to the chamber in which he had been ordered to keep him a close prisoner. He had apparently lost all confidence in him, and regretted that he had connived at his escape. Harry did not like the cold and repulsive deport- ment of his late friend. Mr. Nason had always been kind to him ; now he seemed to have fallen in with Squire Walker's plans, and was willing to be the instrument of the overseer's narrow and cruel policy. Before, he had taken his part against the mighty, so far as it was prudent for him to do so ; now, he was willing to go over to the enemy. This reverse made him sadder than any other cir 7* 78 TRY AGAIN; OR, THB TU1AL3 cumstance of his return — sadder than the fear of punishment, or even of being sent to live with Jacob Wire. "I've get back again," said Harry, when th< y reached the chamber in which he was to be confined. " I see you have," replied Mr. Nason, in freezing tones. The keeper had never spoken to him in 9.:rh tones, and Harry burst into tears. His only riend had deserted him, and he felt more desolate than ever before in his life. " You needn't cry, now," said Mr. Nason, sternly. " I can't help it," sobbed the little prisoner. *' Can't you ? " Mr. Nason sneered as he spoke, and his sreer pierced the heart of Harry. " O Mr. Nason ! " " There — that will do. You needn't bL.bbcr any aiore. You have n.ade jvur bed, fad now you ran lie in it ; " and the keeper turned on his heel to eave the room. " Don't leave me yet," pleaded Harry. " Leave you ? What do you want of me ? I AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 7t luppose you want to tell me I advised you to burn the barn." "I didn't set the barn afire !" exclaimed Harry, now for the first time realizing the cause of his friend's displeasure. " Don't lie." " I speak the truth. I did not set it afire, or even know that it was going to be set on fire." Mr. Nason closed the door which he had opened to depart. The firm denial, as well as the tone and manner of the boy, arrested his judgment against him. He had learned to place implicit confidence in Harry's word ; for though he might have told lies to others, he never told them to him. " Who did burn the barn r " asked the keeper, locking sternly into the eye of the culprit. Harry hesitated. A sense of honor and magna- nimity pervaded his soul. He had obtained some f:ilse notions ; and he did not understand that he could hardly be false to one who had been false to himself — that to help a criminal conceal his cr'*ne was to onspire against the peace and happiness of his fellow-beings. Shabbily as lien Smart had used 80 try again; or, the trials him, he could not at once make up his mind to be* f the barn. He had informed the squire of tbfl AND TRIUMTIIS OF IIAURY WEST. 8? facts , but the worthy justice did not consider them of much moment. Probably Ben had intended to burn the barn tlmn, tut had been prevented from executing his purpose by the approach of the hired man. "This must be the boy," added the squire. " lie had on a sack coat, and was bigger than this boy," replied John. " Harry has no sack coat," put in Mr. Xason, eagerly catching at this evidence. " It is easy to be mistaken in the night. Search him, and see if there are any matches about him." Undoubtedly this was a very brilliant suggestion of the squire's muddy intellect — as though every man who carried matches was necessarily an incen- diary. Rut no matches were found upon Harry ; and, according to the intelligent justice's perception :>f the nature of evidence, the suspected party should nave been acquitted. No matches were found on Harry; but in his acket pocket, carefully enclosed in a piece of brown paper, «*cre found the four quarters of a doilar ?iveu to him by Mr. Nason. 88 TRY AGAIN; OR, THE TRIALS "Where did you get those?" asked the squire, iternly. "They W3re given to me," replied Harry. Mr. Nason averted his eyes, and was very uneasy. The fact of having given this money to Harry went to show that he had been privy to his escape ; and his kind act seemed to threaten him with ruin. " Who gave them to you ? " Harry made no reply. " Answer me," thundered the squire. " I shall not tell," replied Harry. " You shall not ? " " No, sir." The squire was nonplussed. The boy was as firm as a hero ; and no threats could induce him to betray his kind friend, whose position he fully compre- hended. ** We will see," roared the squire. Several persons who had been present during the examination, and who were satisfied that Harry was innocent of the crime charged upon him, interfered to save him from the consequences of thf squ-re's wrath. AND TRIUMPHS OF HAItRY WEST. &» Mr. Xason, finding that his young friend was likely to suffer for his magnanimity, explained the matter — thus turning the squire's anger 'rom the toy to himself. "So you helped the boy run away — did you ? *' said the overseer. " He did not ; he told me that money would keep me from starving." " Did he ? " Those present understood the allusion, and the squire did not press the matter any further. In the course of the examination, Ben Smart had often been alluded to, and the crime was fastened upon him. Harry told his story, which, confirmed by the evi- dence of the hired man, was fully credited by all except the squire, who had conceived a violent an- tipathy to the boy. The examination was informal ; the squire did nol hold it as a justice of the peace, but only as a citi- zen, or, at most, as an overseer of the poor. How- ever, it proved thut, as the burning of the barn had Deen planned before any difficulty had o«curred be- 8* 90 TRV AfiAIX; OR, THE TRIALS twccn the squire and Hair)', he had no mothe foi doing the deed. The squire was not satisfied : hut the worst he 1 • could do was to commit Harry to the care of Jacob Wire, which was immediately done. " I am sorry for you, Harry," whispered Mr. Nason. ">Jever mind; I shall fry again" he repl'.d, ae he jumped into the wagon with his persecutor. AND TRIUMPHS Of HAKRY 'WEST. 91 CHAPTER VII. IN WHICH HARRY FINDS HIMSELF IN A TIGH1 1 IACE, AND EXECUTES A COUNTER MOVEMENT. " Jacob, here is the boy," said Squire Walker, as he stopped his horse in front of an old, decayed house. Jacob Wire was at work in his garden, by the side o e the house ; and when the squire spoke, he straight- ened his back, regarding Harry with a look of min- gled curiosity and distrust. He evidently did not like his appearance. He looked as though he would eat too much ; and to a man as mean as Jacob, this was the sum total of all enormities. Besides, the little pauper had earned a bad reputation within the pre- ceding twenty- four hours, and his new master glanced uneasily at his barn, and then at the boy, as though he deemed it unsafe to have such a desperate charac« tei about his premises. ti2 thy again; op. the trials "He is a hard boy, Jacob, and will need a little taming. They fed him too high at the poorhoue*,'' continued the squire. " That spiles boys," replied Jacob, solemnly. " So it does." " So, this is the boy that burnt your barn ? " " Well. I don't know. I rather think it was the Smart boy. Perhaps he knew about it, though ; " and the squire proceeded to give his brother-in-law the particulars of the informal examination ; for Jacob Wire, who could hardly afford to lie still on Sundays, much less other days, had not been up to the vil- lage to hear the news. " You must be pretty sharp with him," said the overseer, in conclusion. " Keep your eye on him all the time, for we may want him again, as soon as they can catch the other boy." Jacob promised to do the best he could with Harrj whe, during the interview, had maintained a sullen 6ilence ; and the squire departed, assured that he had done hie whole duty to the public and to the little pauper. " Well, boy, it is about sundown now, and I guesi AND IKTt'MPHS OF HARRY WEST. 93 wp will go in and get some supper before we do an^ Store. But let me tell you beforehand, you must walk pretty straight here, or you will fare hard." Harry vouchsafed no reply to this speech, and fol- lowed Jacob into the house. His first meal at his new place confirmed all he had heard about the penu- riousness of his master. There was very little to eat on the table, but Mrs. "Wire gave him the poorest there was — a hard crust of brown bread, a cold potato, and a dish of warm water with a very little molasses and milk in it, which he was expected to imagine was tea. Harry felt no disposition to eat. He was too sad and depressed, and probably if the very best had been Bet before him, he would have been equally indif- ferent. He ate very little, and Jacob felt more kindly to- wards him than before this proof of the smallness of his appetite. He had been compelled to get rid of his last boy, because he was a little ogre, and it neemed as though he would eat him out of house and aome. After supper Harry assisted Jacob about the barn. 94 try again; ok, the trials anil it was nearly eight o'clock before they fin ihhed. " Now, boy, it is about bed time, and I will sho^l you your rooms, if you like," suid Jacob. " Before you go, let me tell you it won't do any good to try to run away from here, for 1 am going to borrow Leman's bull-dog." Harry made no reply to this remark, and followed his master to the low attic of the house, where ho was pointed to a rickety bedstead, which he was to occupy. " There, jump into bed afore I carry the candle off," continued Jacob. " I don't care about any light. You needn't wait," replied Harry, as he slipped off his shoes and stockings. " That is right; boys always ought to be learnt to go to bed in the dark," added Jacob, as he departed. But Harry was determined not to go to bed in the lark ; so, as soon as he heard Jacob's step on the floor below, he crept to the stairway, and silently de- scended. He had made up his mind not to wait foi tl« bull-dog. Pausing in the entry, he heard Jacol AND TRIUMPHS OF HA It It Y WEST. 9» tell his wife that he was going over to Leman's to borrow his dog ; he was afraid the boy would get up in the night and set his barn on fire, or run away. Jacob then loft the house, satisfied, no doubt, that the bull-dog would be an efficient sentinel while the fam- il\ were asleep. After allowing time enough to elapse for Jacob to reach Leman's house, he softly opened the front dooi and went out. It was fortunate for him that Mrs. Wire was as " deaf as a post," or his suddenly ma- tured plan tc " try again " might have been a failuie. As it was, h:g departure was not observed. It was quite dark, and after he bad got a short distance from the bouse, he felt a reasonable degree of security. His first purpose was to get as far away from Red- field as possible, before the daylight should come tc betray him ; and, taking the road, he walked as fast as his legs would carry him towards Boston. Jacob's house was on the turnpike, which was the direct roaj to the city, and the distance which the squire bad rarried him in his wagon was so much clear gain. He did not feel very sentimental now. The shy was oversha i Dwei with clouds, sc that he could aol 06 TRY AGAIX ; OR. THE TRIALS Bee any stirs, ami the future did not look half Ml bright as his fancy had pictured it on the preceding night. But he was free again; and free under more favorable circumstances than before. This time he was himself commander of the expedition, and was to suffer for no one's bad generalship but his own. Be- sides, the experience he had obtained was almost a guarantee of success. It had taught him the neces- sity of care and prudence. The moral lesson he had learned was of infinitely more value than even the lesson of policy. For the urst time in his life he was conscious of a deep and earnest desire to be a good boy, and to become a true man. As he walked along, he thought more of being a good man than of being a rich man. It was very natural for him to do so, under the circumstances, foi he had come very near being punished as an incendi- ary. The consequences of doing wrong were just then strongly impressed upon his mind, and he al- most shuddered to think he had consented to remain with Ben Smart after he knew that he burned the Darn. Ah, it was an exceedingly fortunate thing foi him that he had got rid of Ben as he did. A.SD TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST 97 For two hours he walked as fast as he could, paus- ing now and then to listen for the sound of any ap- proaching vehicle. Possibly Jacob might have gone to his room, or attic, to see if he was safe, and hia escape had been discovered. He could not be too wary, and every sound that reached his waiting ear caused his heart to jump with anxiety. He heard a clock strike eleven. It was not the Redfield clock, and it was evident that he was ap- proaching Rockville, a factory village, eight miles from his native place. But his legs were failing him. He was exhausted by the labors and the excitement oJ the day and night, and his strength would hardly hold out till he should get beyond the village. Seating himself on a rock by the side of the road, he decided to hold a council of war, to determine what should be done. If he went forward, his strength might fail him at the time when a vigorous effort should be required of him. Somebody's dog might bark, and b ing the " Philistines upon him." He might meet some late walker, who would detain him. It was hardly safe for him to go through the Tillage by night or day, after the search which bad 9 Q& TRY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS been made for Ben Smart. People would be on th* lookout, and it would be no hard matter to mistake him for AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. .0. single hound: it was a miracle that, in the darhncs* he had not dashed his brains out upon the rocks, iii the reckless leap. The horse was startled by thfi noisj, and his snort suggested a brilliant idea to Harry. " Go 'long ! " he shouted ; and the horse staited towards Kockville at a round pace. Harry jumped into the wagon over the hind board, and grasping the reins, put the high-mettled animal to the top of his speed. " Go 'long ! " hallooed Harry, mad with excite- ment. The horse manifested no feeling of partiality to- ward either of the parties, and seemed as willing to do his best for Harry as for his master. " Stop ! Stoj) ! " shouted George Leman, astound- ed at the new phase which the chase had assumed. 44 Stop ! and I will let you go." That was quite reasonable. It was natural that he should prefer to let the fugitive escape, to the alter* native of losing his horse. George Leman was no'ed for three things in Redfield ; his boat, his ugly dog, and his f:\st horse ; and Harry, after stesiing the boal 102 THY AGAIT* ; OK, THE TRIAL8 and killing the dog, was in a fair way to depihs him of his horse, upon which he set a high value. The boy seemed like his evil genius, and no doubt he wa* .ngry with himself for letting so mean a man as Jacob Wire persuade him to hunt down such small game. Harry did not deem it prudent to stop, and in a few moments had left his pursuers out of sight. Then he began to breathe freer. He had played a desperate game, and won the victory ; yet he did not feel like indulging in a triumph. The battle had been a bitter necessity, and he even regretted the fate of poor Tiger, whose ribs he had stove in with a rock. He passed through Rockville. All was still, save the roaring of the waters at the dam, and no one challenged him. " I am safe, at any rate," said he to himself, when he had passed the village. " What will be the next scrape, I wonder ? Confound it ! They will hare me up for stealing a horse next. But I didn't steal nim. George Leman is a good fellow, and only for the fun of the thing, he wouldn't have come out on such a chase. I wouldn't steal any body's horse Whoa ! " AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 105 Harry hauled up by the road side, and fastened the Horse to the fence. " There, George, you can have your horse again ; but I will just put the blanket over him, for he is all of a reeking sweat. It will just show George, when he comes up, that I don't mean him any harm. I hope his dog wasn't killed." Taking the blanket which lay in the bottom of the wagon, (for George Leman was very careful of his horse, and though it was October, always covered him when he let him stand out at night,) he spread it over him. " Now, for Number One again," muttered Harry. " I must take to the woods, though I doubt if George will follow me any farther." So saying, he got over the fence, and made hi? way across the fields to the woods, whirh were but a ibcii d usance from the road 104 TRY AGAIN : OR. THE TRIALS CHAPTER VIII. IK WHICH HARRY KILLS A BIG SNAKE. AND MAKES A NEW FRIEND. Harry was not entirely satisfied with what ha lad done. He regretted the necessity which had compelled him to take George Leman's horse. It looked too much like stealing ; and his awakened moral sense repelled the idea of such a crime. But they could not accuse him of stealing the horse ; foi Lis last act would repudiate the idea. His great resolution to become a good and true man was by no means forgotten. It is true, at the very outset of t\t new life he had marked out for himself, he had U < n obliged to behave like a young ruffian, >>r be resti'-ul to his exacting guardians. It vis rathe' i. bai tq- nning ; but he had taken what hvd appeiui to him fc only course. V»* h ii,?V. for 111 o run away ? On the solu AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 103 tion of this problem depended the moral charactei of the subsequent acts. If it was light for him to run away, why, of course it was right for him to reaia* those who attempted to restore him to Jacob Wire. Harry made up his mind that it was right for Lira to run away, under the circumstances. His new master had been charged to break him doAvn — even to starve him down. Jacob's reputation as a mean and hard man was well merited ; and it was his duty to leave without stopping to say good by. I do not think that Harry was wholly in the right, though I dare say all my young readers will sympa- thize with the stout hearted little hero. So far, Jacob Wire had done him no harm. He had suffered no hardship at his hands. All his misery was in the future ; and if he had staid, perhaps his master might have done well by him, though it is not probable. Still I think Harry was in some sense justifiable. To remain in such a place was to cramp his soul, as well as pinch his body — to be unhappy, if not posi- tively miserable. He might have tried the place, and when he found it could not be endured, fled from it. 106 TRY AGAIN; OR, THE TRTA1.8 It must be remembered tbat Harry was a pj.upet and an orphan. He had not had the benefit of paiental instruction. It was not from the home of th >se whom God had appointed to be his guardians and protectors that he had fled; it was from one who regarded him, not as a rational being, possessed of an immortal soul — one for whose moral, mental, and spiritual welfare he was accountable before God, — that he had run away, but from one who consid- ered him as a mere machine, from which it was his only interest to get as much work at as little cost as possible. He fled from a taskmaster, not from one who was in any just sense a guardian. Harry did not reason out all this ; he only felt it. What was Jacob Wire to him ? What was even Squire Walker to him ? What did they care about his true welfare ? Nothing. Harry so understood it, and acted accordingly. The future was full of trials and difficulties. But his heart was stout ; and the events of the last chap- ter inspired him with confidence in his own abilities, He entered the dark woods, and paused to rest him* telf. What should he do next ? AND THITJMPH8 OF HAEKT WEST. 1 0"5 While he was discussing this question in his cwn tnind, he heard the sound of voices on the road, which was not more than fifty rods distant. It was George Leman and Jacob Wire. In a few minutes he heard the sound of wagon wheels ; and soon had the sat- isfaction of knowing that his pursuers had abandoned the chase, and were returning home. The little fugitive was very tired and very sleepy. It was not possible for him to continue his journey, and he looked about him for a place in which to lodge. The night was chilly and damp ; and as he sat upon the rock, he shivered with cold. It would be impossible to sleep on the wet ground ; and if he could, it might cost him his life. It was a pine for- est ; and there were no leaves on the ground, so that he could not make such a bed as that in which he nad slept the previous night. He was so cold that he was obliged to move about to get warm. It occurred to him that he might get into some barn in the vicinity, and nestle comforta- bly in the hay ; but the risk of being discovered waa . too great, and he directed his step3 t.iwarde the depths of the forest. 108 tut again; ok, the trials After walking some distance, he came to an opea place in the woods. The character of the growth had changed, and the ground was covered with young maples, walnuts, and oaks. The wood had been recently cut off over a large area, but there were no leaves of which he could make a bed. Fortune favored him, however; for, after advancing half way across the open space, he reach- :d one of those cabins erected for the use of men employed to watch coal pits. It was made of board slabs, and covered over with sods. Near it was the circular space on which the coal pit had burned. At the time of which I write, charcoal wis carried to Boston from many towns within thirty miles of the city. Perhaps my young readers may never have seen a coal pit. The wood is set up on the ends of the sticks, till a circular pile from ten to twenty feet in diameter is formed, and two tiers in height. ItH shape is that of a cone, or sugar loaf. It is then covered with turf and soil. Fire is communicated to the wood, so that it shall smoulder, or burn slow- ly, without blazing. Just enough air is admitted to the pit to keep the fire alive. If the air were freeij AND TRIUMPHS OF HAKBY WEST. I0i) tdnr'ttcd, the pile would burn to ashes. Sometimes the outer covering of dirt and sods falls in, as the wood shrinks, permitting the air to rush in and fan th« fire to a blaze. "When this occurs, the apeiture must be closed, or the wood would be consumed ; and it is necessary to watch it day and night. The rabin had been built for the comfort of the men who did this duty. Harry's heart was filled with gratitude when he discovered the rude nut. If it had been a palace, it could not have been a more welcome retreat. It Is true the stormy wind had broken down the door, and the place was no better than a squirrel hole ; yet it suggested a thousand brilliant ideas of comfort, and luxury even, to our worn-out and hunted fd gitive. He entered the cabin. The floor was covered with straw, which completed his ideal of a luxurious abode. Raising up the door, which had fallen to the ground, he placed it before the aperture — thu- ex- cluding the cold air from his chamber. " I'm a lucky fellow," exclaimed Harry, a° he threw himself on (he straw. "This place will be a 10 110 THY AGAIN; 3K, THE TR11L8 palace beside Jacob Wire's house. And I :an etaj here a month, if I like." Nestling closely under the side of the hu', he pulled the straw over him, and soon began to feel perfectly at home. Only one consideration troubled him. The commissary department of the establish- ment could not be relied on. There were no puik and potatoes in the house, no well-filled grain chest, no groceries, not even a rill of pure water at hand. This was an unpromising state of things ; and he began to see that there would be no fun in living in the woods, where the butcher and the baker would not be likely to visit him. Various means of supplying the deficiency sug- gested themselves. There were rabbits, partridges, and quails in the woods ; he might set a snare, and catch some of them. But he had no fire to cook them ; and Dr. Kane had not then demonstrated the healthy and appetizing qualities of raw meat. The orchards in the neighborhood were accessible ; but prudence seemed to raise an impassable barrier be- tween him and them. "While he was thus considering these matters, he AND TBITJatfPHS OF HA.ERT WEST. 11] dropped asleep, and forgot all about his stomach He was completely exhausted ; and no doubt the owls and bats were astonished as they listened to the sonorous sounds that came from the deserted cabin. Long and deep was his sleep. The birds sang their matin songs on the tree tops ; but he heard them not. The sun rose, and penetrated the chinks of the hut ; but the little wanderer still slumbered. The Rockville clock struck nine ; and he heard it not. I think it was Harry's grumbling stomach that finaUy wak^d him; and it was no wonder that neg- lected organ grew impatient under the injury put upon it, for Harry had eaten little or. nothing since his dinner at the poorhouse on the preceding day. Jumping out of the heap cf straw in which he had " cuddled " all night scarcely svithout moving, he left {he hut to reconnoitre his position. Sc far as security was concerned, it seemed to be a perfectly safe place. He could see nothing of the village jf Rockville, though, beyond the open space, he saw the top ot a chimney ; but it was at least half a mile distant 112 tby again; ok, the trials Just then he did not feel much interested in th? scenery and natural advantages of the position. Hi* Btomach was imperative, and he was faint from th ? want of food. There was nothing in the wood3 t"> eat. Berry time was past; and the prospect of sup- plying his wants was very discouraging. Leaving the cabin, he walked towards the distant chimney that peered above the tree tops. It belonged tt a house that " was set on a hill, and could not be hid." Alter going a little way, he came to a cart path, which led towards the house. This he followed, descending a hill into a swamp, which was covered over with alders and birches. At the foot of the declivity he heard the rippling of waters ; but the bushes concealed the stream from his view. He had descended nearly to the foot of the hill when the sound of footsteps reached his ears. His heart beat quick with apprehension, and he paused to listen. The step was soft and light ; it was not a man's, and bin courage rose. Pat, pat, pat, went tha steps on the leafy ground, so gently that his fears were conquered ; for th° person could be only a thild. ANT) TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 113 •S.'ddenly a piercing shr'-^k saluted his ears i. tc'hing had occurred to alarm the owner of tl • fairy feet which made the soft pat, pat, on the gl nd Another shriek, and Harry bounded down tb roa 1 like an antelope, heedless of the remon- strances of his grumbling stomach. "Mercy! help!" shouted a voice, which Harry perceiv3d was that of a little girl. In a moment more, he discovered the young lady running with all her might towards him. " Save vie ! " gasped the girl. " What ii the matter ? " But Harry had scarcely asked the question before ne saw whit had alarmed her. Under other circum- stance;, he would have quailed himself; for, as he apjKe, a gteat black snake raised his head two or three fret from the ground directly in front of him. He was at ugly-looking monster, and evidently in- tended to i\?rck him. All the chivalry of Harry's nature was ciWed up to meet the emergency of the occasion. Scmci; \ Ht f lo stick that lay in the path, he struck Btuury vigi uvjj blows at the reptile which, however, jin'^x". ^ vndy to madden, withou* 8* 114 TRY ^GAIK J OK, THE TRIALS disabling, him. Several times lie elevated his head from the ground to strike at his assailant : but the little knight was an old hand with snakes, and \ig" orousiv repelled his assaults. At last, he struck a blow which laid out his snakeship ; and the field was won, when Harry had smashed his head with a large rock. The reptile was about four feet and a halJ long, and as big round as a small boy's wrist. " There, miss, he won't hurt you now," said Harry, panting with his exertions. " Won't he ? Are you sure he is dead ? " " Very sure." The little girl ventured to approach the dead body of the snake, and satisfied herself that he could no' barm her. " What an ugly snake ! I was crossing the brook at the foot of the hill, when he sprang out from beneath my feet, and chased me. I never was so frightened in all my life," said the little miss. " I don't wonder," replied Harry. " I am very much obliged to you. What is youl Dame f " asked she, with chiMish simplicity. Harry did not like to answer that question, and aaade no reply. AND TRIUMPHS OF HARKT WEST. lid M Do you live in Rockville ? " she continued. " No ; I used to live in Redfield." " Where do you live now ? " •' I don't live any where." Ihe little girl wanted to laugh then, it seemed mch a funny answer. " Don'* you ? Who is your father ? " " I have no father." " Who is your mother, then ? " " I have no mother." " Poor buy ! Then you are an orphan." " I suppose so. But, little girl, I don't want you to tell any one that you have seen me. You won't — will you r " " Not father and mother: " asked the maiden, with a stare of astonishment. " If you please, don't. I am a poor boy, and have run away from a hard master." ; ' I won't tell any body." •' And I am very hungry." " Poor boy ! How lucky that I have lota of goodies in my ba«k:t ! " exclaimed she. " You shalj eat all you can " 116 iky again; or, the trials " ] haven't eat any thing since yesterday noon," replied Harry, as he took a handful of doughnut* ihe handed him. " Sit down on this rock, and do eat all you want. I never knew what it was to be very hungry." Harry seated himself, and proceeded to devour the food the sympathizing little maiden had given him, while she looked on with astonishment and deligl t as he voraciously consumed cake after cake, without seeming to produce any effect upon the " abhorred v&ctima/' AND TRTTTMFHS CF HA5KT WEST. li'J CHAPTER T X IH WHICH HARRY BREAKFASTS ON DOUGHNUTS, AND FINDS THAT ANGELS DO NOT ALWAYS HAVB WINGS. Harry was very hungry, and the little girl thought he would never have eaten enough. Since he had t~ld her he had run away, she was deer 'y interested in him, and had a hundred questions to :i&k ; but she did not wish to bother him while he was eating, he was so deeply absorbed in the occupation. " What a blessed thing doughnuts are ! " laughed she, as Harry levelled on the sixth cake. " I never thought much of them before, but I never shall see a doughnut again without thinking of you." Our hero was perfectly willing to believe that doughnuts were a very beneficent inst^cion ; but just then he ^as too busily occupied to *)* aeutime^ tal over them. lt'i TEY again; OK, THE TJailT.fl " What is your name, little girl ? " asked Harry is he crammed half of the cake into his mouth. " I have a great mind not to tell you, because you wouldn't tell me what yours is," replied she, roguishly. " You see how it is with me. I have run away from — well, from somewhere." " And you are afraid I will tell ? I won't thougn. But, as you killed the snake, I shall tell you, Mv name is Julia Bryant." " Mine is Harry West," replied he, unable to resist the little lady's argument. " You must not tell any one about me for three days, for then I shall be out of the way." " Where are you going, Harry ? " " To Boston." " Are you ? They say that none but bad boys run away. I hope yo" a r e ro f ? had K oy." And Julia glanced earnestly at the fugitive. " J don't think I am." " I don't think you are, cither." It was a hearty endorsement, and Harry's heart urarmed as she spoke The little maiden was not AND TRIUMPHS OF HARKY WEST. 119 Biore than nine or ten years old, but she seemed tc have some skill in reading faces ; at least, Harrj thought she had. "Whatever might he said of him- self, he was sure she was a good girl. In short, though Harry had never read a novel in his life, she was a little angel, even if she had no wings. He even went so far as to believe she was a little angel, commissioned by that mysterious something, which wiser and more devout persons would have called 5, special providence, to relieve his wants with the contents of her basket, and gladden his heart by the sunshine of her sweet smile. There is something in goodness which always finds its way to the face. It makes little girls look prettier than silks, and laces, and ribbons, and embroidery. Julia Biyant was pret- ty, very pretty. Harry thought so ; but very likely it was the doughnuts and her kind words which consti- tuted her beauty. " 1 am pretty sure I am not a bad boy," continued (lurry ; " but I will tell 3 - ou my story, and you shah tudge for yourself." " You will tell me all of it — won't you ? M - To be sure I will," replied Harry, a little tartly tor he misapprehended Julia's meaning. 120 tkv again; OR, THE TKIAjS He thought she was afraid he would not tell hi. wrong acts ; whereas her deep interest in him ren* iered her anxious to have the whole, even to t\x< smallest particulars. " I shall be so delighted ! I do so love to hear a good story ! " exclaimed Julia. " You shall have it all ; but where were you go- ing ? It will take me a good while." " I was going to carry these doughnuts to Mrs. Lane. She is a poor widow, who lives over on the back lane. She has five children, and has very hard work to get along. I carry something to her every »veek." " Then you are a little angel ! " added Harry, who could understand and appreciate kindness to the poor. ' Not exactly an angel, though Mrs. Lane says 1 am," replied Julia, with a blush. " Aunty Gray, over to the poorhouse, used to call ever) bo ly an angel that brought her any thing good. 80 I um sure you must be one." " Never mind what 1 am now. I am dying to heal your story," interposed Julia, as she seated herself on another rock, near that occupied by Harry. AND TRIUMPHS OF HAEKT WEST. 12\ " Hfere goes, tnen ; " and Harry proceeded with his tale, commencing back beyond his remembrance Avitk the traditionary history which had been communicat- ed to him by Mr. Nason and the paupers. When he came to the period of authentic history or that which was stored up in his memory, he grew eloquent, and the narrative glowed with the living fire of the hero. Julia was quite as much interested as Desdemona in the story of the swarthy Moor. His " round, unvarnished tale," adorned only with the flowers of youthful simplicity, enchained her at- tention, and she " loved him for the dangers he had passed ; " loved him, not as Desdemona loved, but aa a child loves. She was sure now that he was not a bad boy ; that even a good boy might do such a thing as run away from cruel and exacting guardians. ' What a strange story, Harry ! How near you came to being drowned in the river ! I wonder the man had not killed you ! And then they wanted to send you to prison, for setting the barn afire ' " cx- tlaimel Julia, when he had finished the story. M 1 came pretty near it ; that's a fact ! " replied ' 11 122 TUY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS Harry, warming under the approbation of his parti*, nidi tor. " And you killed the big dog ? " " I don't know ; I hope I didn't." " But you didn't steal the horse ? " " I didn't mean to steal him." " No one could call that stealing. But what are you going to do next, Harry ? " " I am going to Boston." " What will you do, when you get there ? " " I can go to work." " You are not big enough to work much." " I can do a good deal." For some time longer they discussed Harry's story, and Julia regretted the necessity of leaving him to do her errand at Mrs. Lane's. She promised to see him when she returned, and Harry walked down to tho brook to get a drink, while she continued on her way. Our hero was deeply interested in the little girl 1 lite the " great guns " in the novels, he was sure she was no ordinary character. He was fully satisfied in relation to the providential nature of their meeting Bhe had been sent by that incomprehensible some* AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY "WEST. 128 thing to furnish him with food, and he trembled when he thought what might have happened if she had not come. " I can't be a very bad boy," thought he, " or she would not have liked me. Mr. Xason used to say he could tell an ugly horse by the looks of his eye ; and the schoolmaster last winter picked out all the bad boys at a glance. I can't be a very bad boy, or she would have found me out. I know I am not a bad boy. I feel right, and try to do right." Harry's imagination invested Julia Bryant with a thousand poetical excellences. That she felt an in- terest in him — one so good as she — was enough to lonfirm all the noble resolutions he had made, and give him strength to keep them ; and as he seated himself by the brook, he thought over his faults, and renewed his determination to uproot them from hia character. His meeting with the " little angel," aa he chose to regard her, was an oasis in the desert — a place where his moral nature could drink the pure waters of life. No one had ever before seemed to c=»re much whether he was a good boy or a bad boy. The min« 124 TRY AGAIN ; OK, THE TRIAL8 later used now and then to give him a dry lecture { but he did not seem to feel any real interest in him He was a minister, and of course he must preach ; not that he cared whether a pauper boy was a saint »>r a sinner, but only to do the work he was hired to lo, and earn his money. Julia did not preach. Her sweet face was the " beauty of holiness." She hoped he was not a bad boy. She liked a good boy ; and this was incentive enough to incur a lifetime of trial and self-sacrifice. Harry was an orphan. To have one feel an interest in his moral welfare, to have one wish him to be a good boy, had not grown stale by long continuance. He had known no anxious mother, who wished him to be good, who would weep when he did wrong. The sympathy of the little angel touched a sensitive choid in his heart and soul, and he felt that he should go forward in the great pilgrimage of life with a new desire to be true to himself, and true to her whc had inspired his reverence Even a child cannot be good without having it felt by others. " She hoped he was not a bad boy," were the words of the little angel ; and before she returned JiXD TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 125 from her errand of mercy, he had repeated them tc himself a hundred times. They were a talisman t<, him, and he was sure he should never be a bad boy In the face of such a wish. He wandered about the woods for two or three hours, impatient for the re'.urn of the little rural god- dess who had taken possession of his thoughts, and filled his soul with admiration. She came at last, and glad was the welcome which he gave her. " I have been thinking of you ever since I left you," said Julia, as she approached the place where he had been waiting her return. Harry thought this was a remarkable coincidence He had been thinking of her also. " I hope you didn't think of me as a bad boy," replied he, giving expression to that which was up- permost in his mind. " I am sure I didn't. I am sure you must be a good boy." *' I am glad you think so; and that will help m« \e a good boy." " Will it ? " 11 • 126 TRY AGAIN; OK, THE TBIAL8 " I never had any one to care whether I was good or Lad. If you do, you will be the first one." The little girl looked sad. She had a father and mother who loved her, and prayed for her every day It seemed hard that poor Harry should nave no mother to love him as her mother loved her ; to watch over him day and night, to take care of him when he was sick, and, above all, to teach him to be good. She pitied the lonely orphan, and would glad- ly have taken him to her happy home, and shared with him all she had, even the love of her mother. " Poor boy ! " she sighed. " But I have been thinking of something," she added, in more sprightly tones. " What, Julia ? " " If you would only let me tell my father that you are here " " Not for the world ! " cried Harry. " 0, I won't say a word, unless you give me leave; out my father is rich. • He owns a great factory and a great farm. He has lots of men to work for him : and my father is a very good man, too. People will do a* he wants them to do, ai d if you will let me AND TRIUMPHS OF IJi.RRY WEST. 12" tell him your story, he will go over to Red field and make them let you stay at our house. You shall ba oi}' hi other then, and we can do lots of things to* gether. Do let me tell him." " I don't think it would be safe. I know Squire Walker wouldn't let me go to any place where they would use me well." " What a horrible man he must be ! " " No ; I think I will go on to Boston." " You will have a very hard time of it." "No matter for that." " They may catch you." " If they do, I shall try again." " If they do catch you, will you let my fathei know it? He will be your friend, for my friends aie his friends." ' I will, I should be very glad to have such i fiieml." " There is our dinner bell !" said Julia, as Harry heard the distant sound. " 1 must go home, liow I wish you were going with me ! " " I wish I was. I may never see you again," &dd» ed Harry, sadly 128 TRY AGAIN ; OR, lliE TKTAL8 " 0, you must see me again ! "When you get big you must come to Kockville." " You will not wish to see the little poorhouse boy, then." " Won't I ? I shall always be glad to see the boy that killed that snake ! But I shall come up after linn3r, and bring you something to eat. Do let me tell mother you are here." " I would rather you wouldn't." " Suppose she asks me what I am going to do wi\h the dinner I shall bring you ? I can't tell a lie." " Don't bring any, then. I would rather not have any dinner than have you tell a lie." Harry would not always have been so nice about a lie ; but for the little angel to tell a falsehood, why, it seemed like mud on a white counterpane. " I won't tell a lie, but you shall have your dinner. I suppose I must go now." Hany watched the retreating form of his kind friend, till she disappeared beyond the curve of tte pa til, and his blessing went with her. A/rn TXTUHPHS OF HABHY WEST. 129 CHAPTER X. in WHICH HARRY FARES SUMPTUOUSLY, AND TAKES LEAVE OF THE LITTLE ANGEL. When Harry could no longer see the little angel, lie fixed his eyes upon the ground, and continued to think of her. It is not every day that a pauper boy Bees an angel, or even one whom the enthusiasm of the imagination invests with angelic purity and an- gelic affections. In the records of individual experience, as well as in the history of the world, there are certain points nf time which are rendered memorable by important events. By referring to a chronological table, the young reader will see the great events which have nraiked the progress of civilized nations from the lowest depths of barbarism up to their present en- lightened state. Every individual, if he had the requisite wisdom, could make up a list of epochs in 130 try again: ok. iai Ti_Ar.i ais own experience. Perhaps he v/ouH dtt&ch tor up with some buch withes, and »»2 THY A.GAIN; OB, THE TKIAL8 replaced some of the stones of the chimney 'which had fallen down. This work occupied him for nearly two hours, though, so busy were his thoughts, they ■earned not more than half an hour. He had scarcely finished making these necessary repairs before he heard the light step of her who fed him, as Elijah was fed by the ravens, for it seemed ake a providential supply. She saw him at the door of the cabin ; and she no longer dallied with a walk, but ran with all her might. " O Harry, I am so glad! " she cried, out of breath, as she handed him a little basket, whose contents were carefully covered with a piece of brown paper. " Glad of what, Julia ? " asked Harry, smiling from sympathy with her. " I have heard all about it ; and I am so glad you are a good boy ! " exclaimed she, panting like a pretty fawn which hs»4 gambolled its breath away, " About what ? " " Father has seen and talked with — who was he?" Harry laughed. How could he tell whom hei father hal seen and talked with? He was not a Viagician. A.ND TKIUMrHS OF HARRY WEST. 138 " The man that owned the dog, and the horse, and the boat." " ! George Leman," replied Harry, now deeply interested in the little maiden's story. " Where did he see him ? " " Over at the store. But I have brought you some dinner ; and while you are eating it, I will tell you all about it. Come, there is a nice big rock — - that shall be your table." Julia, full of excitement, seized the basket, and ran to the rock, a little way from the cabin. Pulling off half a dozen great oak leaves from a shrub, she placed them on the rock. " Here is a piece of meat, Harry, on this plate," she continued, putting it on an oak leaf; " here is a piece of pie ; here is some bread and butter ; here is cheese ; and here is a piece of cold apple pudding. There ! I forgot the sauce." " Never mind the sauce," said Harry ; and ha roald hardly keep from bursting into tears, as he saw how good the little angel was. lc seemed as though she could not have been more tn angel, if she had had a pair of wings. The r* 12 131 1EY again; or, the trials riiant face was there ; the pure and loving heart wat there ; all was there but the wings, and he could easily imagine them. And what a dinner ! Roast beef, pudding, pie ! He was not much accustomed to such luxuries ; but just then he did not appreciate the sumptuousness of the feast, for it was eclipsed by the higher consid- eration of the devotion of the giver. " Come, eat, Harry ! I am so glad ! " added Julia. " So am I. If you feed me as high as this, I shall want to stay here a good while." " I hope you will." " Only to-day ; to-morrow I must be moving to- wards Boston." " I was hoping you would stay here a good long while. I shall be so pleased to bring you your break- fast, and dinner, and supper every day ! " " Your father would not like it." " I don't know why he shouldn't. You are not very hungry ; you don't eat as you did this morning." "I ate so much then. T^ll me, now, what your father said, Julia." i N D TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 135 "He siw George Leman ; ind he told him how you tied his horse to the fence, and how careful you were to put the blanket on him, so that he shouldn't ealrli rnl e.dapt the color and kind of fabric in Harry's patches to the original garment, his general appearance would undoubtedly have been much improved. Whether these patches really affected his ultimate success I cannot say — only that they were an inconvenience at the outset. £t was late in the afternoon before John Lane had nnloaded his merchandise and picked up his return freight. Thus far Harry had been unsuccessful ; no one wanted a boy ; or if they did, they did not want such a boy as Harry appeared to be. His country garb, with the five broad patches, seemed to interfere with the working out of his manifest destii y. Yet he was not disheartened. Spruce clerks and ill-man- nered boys laughed at him ; but he did not despond. " Try again," exclaimed he, as often as he was toi<» •hat his services were not required. 152 iet again; or, the trials When the wagon reached "Washington Street^ Harry wanted to walk, for the better prosecution of his object ; and John gave him directions so that he could find Major Phillips's stable, where he intended eo put up for the night. Harry trotted along among the gay and gentee. people that thronged the sidewalk ; but he was bo earnest about his mission, that he could not stop to look at their fine clothes, nor even at the pictures, the gewgaws, and gimcracks that tempted him from the windows. " ' Boy wanted ' " Harry read on a paper in the window of a jeweller's shop. " Now's my time ; " and, without pausing to consider the chances that were against him, he entered the store. " You want a boy — don't you ? " asked he of a young man behind the counter. " We do," replied the person addressed, looking at the applicant with a broad grin on his face. 41 1 should like to hire out," continued Harry, with an earnestness that would have secured the attention T>f any man but an idiot. " Do you ? Your name is Joseph — isn't it ? " AND TEIUMPHS OF HAEEY WEST. 15^ " No, sir ; my name is Harry West." " O, I thought it was Joseph. The Book vys tn oad a coat of many colors, though I bel ; evo it don't Bay any thing about the trousers," sneered the shop- keeper. " Never mind the coat or the trousers. If ycu want to hire a boy, I will do the best I can fcr you," replied Harry, willing to appreciate the joke of the other, if he could get a place. " You won't answer for us ; you come from thg country." " I did." ""What did you come to Boston for?" " After work." " You had better go back, and let yourself to gome farmer. You will make a good scarecrow to hang up in the field No crow would ever come neai you, I'll warrant." Harry's blood boiled with indignation at this gra- tuitous insult. His cheeks reddened, and he looked about him for the means of inflicting summary ven- geance upon the poltroon who so wantonly trifled with his glowing aspirations. 154 TRY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS "Move on, boy; we don't want you," added tin man " You are a " I will not write what Harry said. It was a vulgar erithet, coupled with a numerous oath for so small a boy to utter. The shopkeeper sprang out from hia counter ; but Harry retreated, and escaped him, though not till he had repeated the vulgar and pro- fane expression. But be was sorry for what he had said before he had gone ten paces. " What would the little angel say, if she had heard that ? " Harry asked himself. " Twon't do ; Intuit try again." AHD TBIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 156 CHAPTER XII. ID WHICH HARRY SUDDENLY GETS RICH, AND HA* A CONVERSATION WITH ANOTHER HARRY. By the time he reached the stable, Harry would have given almost any thing to have recalled the hasty expressions he had used. He had acquired the low and vulgar habit of using profane language at the poorhouse. He was conscious that it was not only wicked to do so,, but that it was very offensive to many persons who did not make much pretension to piety, or even morality ; and, in summing up his faults in the woods, he had included this habit as one o f the worst. She hoped he was a good boy — Julia Bryant, the little angel, hoped so. Her blood would have frozen in her veins if she had listened to the irreverent words he had uttered in the shop. He had broken his resolution, broken his promise to the little ar.gel. 156 try again; ok, the trials on the first day he had been in the city. It was bad beginning; but instead of permitting this fiist failure to do right to discourage him, he determined to persevere — to try again. A good life, a lofty character, with all the trials and sacrifices which it demands, is worth working for ; and those who mean to grow better than they aie will often be obliged to " try again." The spirit may be willing to do well, but the flesh is weak, and we are all exposed to temptation. We may make our good resolutions — and it is very easy to make them 3 but when we fail to keep them — it is sometimes very hard to keep them — we must not be discour- aged, but do as Harry did — try again. The strong Spirit may conquer the weak Flesh. '* Well, Harry, how did you make out ? " asked John Lane, when Harry joined him at the stable. " I didn't make aut at all. Nobody seems to want a boy like me." " O, well, you will find a place. Don't be dig. couraged." " 1 am not. To-morrow I shall try again." " I don't know what I shall do with you to-nighl AND TRIUMPHS OF HARKY WEST. 1 bT Every bed in the tavern up the street, where 1 step, is full. I shall sleep with another teamster." " Never mind me ; I can sleep in the wagon. I have slept in worse places than that." " I will fix a place for you, then." After they had prepared his bed, Harry drew out his basket, and proceeded to eat his supper. He then took a walk down Washington Street with John, went to an auction, and otherwise amused himself till after nine o'clock, when he returned to the stable. After John had left him, as he was walking towards the wagon, with the intention of retiring for the night, his foot struck against something which at- tracted his attention. He kicked it once or twice, to determine what it was, and then picked it up. " By gracious ! " he exclaimed ; " it is a pocket book. My fortune is made ; " and without stopping tc consider the matter any further, he scrambled into the wagon. His heart jumped with excitement, fcr his viviu imagination had already led him to the conclusion mat it was stuffed full of rroney. It might contain 14 158 TKT A. GAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS ft hundred dollars, perhaps five hundred ; and these sums were about as far as his ideas could reach. He could buy a suit of new clothes, a new cap, new shoes, and be as spruce as any of the boys he had seen about the city. Then he could go to a boarding house, and live like a prince, till he could get a place that suited him ; for Harry, however rich he might be, did not think of living without labor of some kind. He could dress himself up in fine broad- cloth, present himself at the jeweller's shop where they wanted a boy, and then see whether he would make a good scarecrow. Then his thoughts reverted to the cabin, where he had slept two nights, and, of course, to the little angel, who had supplied the commissary department during his sojourn in the woods. He could dress himself up with the money in the pocket book, and, after a while, when he got a place, take the stage for Rockville. Wouldn't she be astonished to see him then, in fine broadcloth ! Wouldn't she walk with him over to the spot where he had killed the black enake ! Wouldn't she be proud to tell her father that this was the boy she had fed in the woods I AND TRIUMPHS OF HAEEY WEST. 15S What would she say to him? He had promised to write to her when he got settled, and tell her how he got along, and whether he was good or not. What should he say ? How glad she would be to near f hat he was getting along so finely ! " Stop ! " said he to himself. " "What have I been thinking about ? This pocket book isn't mine." I am sorry to say it, but Harry really felt sad whtn the thought occurred to him. He had been building very pretty air castles on this money, and this reflec- tion suddenly tumbled them all down — new clothes, new cap, boarding house, visit to Rockville — all in a heap. " But I found it," Harry reasoned with himself. Something within him spoke out, saying, — " You stole it, Harry." 44 No, I didn't ; I found it." " If you don't return it to the ow ler, you will be a thief," continued the voice within. "Nobody will know that I found it. I dare gaj the owner does not want it half so much as 1 do," " No matter for that, Harry ; if you keep it yog will be a thief." 160 try again; or, the trials He could not compromise with that voice withiij. It was the real Harry, within the other Harry, that spoke, and he was a very obstinate fellow, positively refusing to let him keep the pocket book, at any rate. " What am I about ? She hoped I would be a good boy, and the evil one is catching me as fast as he can," resumed Harry. " Be a good boy," added the other Harry. " I mean to be, if I can." " The little angel will be very sad when she finds out that you are a thief." " I don't mean to be a thief. But this pocket book will make me rich. She never will know any thing about it." " If she does not, there is One above who will know, and his angels will frown upon you, and stamp your crime upon your face. Then you will go about like Cain, with a mark upon you." " Pooh ! " said the outer Harry, who was sorely tempted by the treasure within his grasp. " You will not dare to look the little angel in the face, if you steal this money. She will know you ASD TRIUMPHS OF HAEKY "WE3T. 161 we not good, then. Honest folks always hold their heads up, and are never ashamed to face any per- son." " I won't keep it ! " replied the struggling, tempt- ed Flesh. " Why did I think of such a thing ? : ' He felt strong then, for the Spirit had triumphed oyer the Flesh. The foe within had been beaten back, at least for the moment ; and as he laid his head upon the old coat that was to serve him for a pillow, he thought of Julia Bryant. He thought he saw her sweet face, and there was an angelic smile upon it. My young readers will remember, after Jesus had been tempted, and said, " Get thee behind me, Satan," that, " behold, angels came and ministered unto him." They came and ministered to Harry after he had cast out the evil thought ; they come and minister to all who resist temptation. They come in the heart, and minister with the healing balm of an approving con- science. Placing the pocket book under his head, with the intention of finding the owner in the morning, he tyent to sleep. The fatigue and excitement -)f th« 14* 162 try again; or, the THIALS day softened liis pillow, and not once did he open hi* eyes till the toils of another day had commenced around him. I question whether he would have sk-pt so soundly if he had decided to keep Ihe pocket book. But the tempter was not banished. He had onlj been conquered for the moment — subdued only to attack him again. The first thought of the treasure, in the morning, was to covet it. Again he allowed his fancy to picture the comforts and the luxuries which it would purchase. " No one will know it," he added. " Why shouldn't I keep it ? " " God will know it ; you will know it yourself," said the other Harry, more faithful and conscientious than the outside Harry, who, it must be confessed, was sometimes disposed to be the " Old Harry." " No use of being too good. I will keep it." " She hoped you would b© a good boy," added tha monitor within. " I will — that is, when I can afford it." " Be good now, or you never will." One hundred dollars ! — perhaps five hundred ! H kSB TKIUMPHS OF HAS BY WEST. 16S was a fortunp. The temptation was very great. But the little angel — the act would forever banish him from her presence. He would never dare to look at her again, or even to write the letter he had prom- ised. " Be true to yourself, Harry. Good first, and rich next." " I will," exclaimed Harry, in an earnest whisper; and again the tempter was cast out. Once more the fine air castles began to pile them- selves up before him, standing on the coveted treas ure ; but he resolutely pitched them down, and ban- ished them from his mind. "Where did you lose it?" said a voice near the wagon. "I don't know. I didn't miss it till this morning; and 1 have been to every place where 1 was last night ; so I think I must have lost it here, when 1 put my horse up," replied another. The first speaker was one of the ostlers ; and the moment Harry heard the other voice he^d as though a rattlesnake had rattled in his path. "-Yas i' possible ? As the speaker proceeded, he wa» sati* 164 try again; ok, the trials Bed beyond thi possibility of a doubt that the voic4 belonged to Squire Walker. " Was there much money in it ? " asked the ostler. " About a hundred and fifty dollars ; and there were notes and other papers of great value," replied Squire Walker. "Well, I haven't seen or heard any thing about it." " I remember taking it out of my great-coat pocket, and putting it into a pocket inside of my vest, when I got out of the wagon." " I don't think you lost it here. Some of us would have found it, if you had." Here was a dilemma for Harry. He had deter- mined to restore the pocket book ; but he could not do so without exposing himself. Besides, if there had been any temptation to keep the treasure before, it was ten times as great now that he knew it be- longed to his enemy. It would be no sin to keep it fiom Squire Walker. " It would be stealing," said the voice within. " But if I give it to him, he will carry me back tf Jacob Wire's. I'll be — I'll be hanged if I do." " She hopes vou will be a good boy." AND TRIUMPHS OF HARBT WEST. 163 There was no resisting this appeal ; and again the demon was put down, and the triumph added another laurel to the moral crown of the little hero. " It will be a dear journey to me," continued Squire Walker. " I was looking all day yesterday alter a boy that ran away from the poorhouse, and came to the city for him. I had better let him go." " Did you find him ? " " No. I brought that money down to put in the bank. It is gone, I suppose. Confound the boy ! " Harry waited no longer ; but while his heart beat like the machinery in the great factory at Rockville, he tumbled out of his nest, and slid down the bale of goods to the pavement. " Ah, Master Harry West ! you are here — arc you ? " exclaimed Squire Walker, springing forward to catch him. Harry dodged, and kept out of his reach. " Catch him ! " shouted the squire to the ostler. " Wait a minute, Squire Walker," said Harry. " 1 won't go back to Jacob Wire's, any how. Just heal what I have got to say ; and then, if you want tc take me, you may, if you can." [66 TRY AGATN ; OR, THE TRIALS It was evident, even to the squire, that Harry had something of importance to say; and he in\oluntarily paused to hear it. " I have found your pocket book, squire, and * " Give it to me, and I won't touch you," cried the overseer, eagerly. It was clear that the loss of his pocket book had produced a salutary impression on the squire's mind. He loved money, and the punishment was more than « he could bear. " I was walking along here, last night, when I struck my foot against something. I picked it up, and found it was a pocket book. I haven't opened it. Here it is;" and Harry handed him his lost treasure. " By gracious ! " exclaimed he, after he had assured himself that the contents of the pocket book had not been disturbed. " That is more than ever I expected of you, Master Harry West." " I mean to be honest," replied Harry, proudly. " Perhaps you do. I told you, Harry, I wouldn't touch you ; and I won't," continued the squire. " You may go.' AND TRIUMPHS OF HAKRY WEST. 167 Tl e overscpi- was amazed. He had come tc Bos- Ion with the intentijn of catching Haxry, cost what it might, — he meant to charge the expense t<> the town ; but the recovery of his money had warmed his heart, and banished the malice he cherished to- wards the boy. Squire Walker volunteered some excellent advice for the guidance of the little pilgrim, who, he face- tiously observed, had now no one to look after his manners and morals — manners first, and morals afterwards. He must be very careful and prudent, and he wished him well. Harry, however, took this wholesome counsel as from whom it came, and was not very deeply impressed by it. John Lane came to the stable soon after, and con- gratulated our hero upon the termination of the persecution from Redfield, and, when his horses were hitched on, bade him good by, with many heart j wishes for his future success. 168 tey again: oa. wv trials CHAPTER XIII. IN WHICH HARRY BECOMES A STABLE BOY, AWL HEARS BAD NEWS FROM ROCKVILLE. Harry was exceedingly rejoiced at the remarkable turn his affairs had taken. It is true, he had lost the treasure upon which his fancy had built so many fine castles ; but he did not regret the loss, since it had purchased his exemption from the Redfleld per- secution. He had conquered his enemy — which waa a great victory — by being honest and upright ; and he had conquered himself — which was a greater victory — by listening to the voice within him. He had resisted temptation, and the victory made him strong. Our hero had won a triumph, but the battle field was still spread out before him. There were l.hou» lands of enemies lurking in his path, ready to fall apon and despoil him of his priceless treasure — hii integrity. AND TRIUMPHS OF HAREY WEST. 16* " She hoped he would he a good hoy." He tiad done his duty — he had heen true in the face cf temptation. He wanted to write to Julia then, and tell her of his triumph — that, when tempted, he had thought of her, and won the victory. The world was before him ; it had no place for idlers, and he must get work. The contents of the basket were not yet exhausted, and he took it to a retired corner to eat his breakfast. While he waa thus engaged, Joe Flint, the ostler, happened to see him. ' That is cold comfort," said he. " Why don'; you go to the tavern, and have your breakfast like a gentleman ? " " I can't afford it," replied Harry. " Can't afford it ? How much did the man that owned the pocket book give you ? " " Nothing." " Nothing ! I'm blamed if he ain't a mean one ! " eiclaimed Joe, heartily. " I don't wonder you run »way." " I didn't want any thing. I was too glad to gel clear of him to think of any thing else." 170 TBY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS " Next time he loses his pocket book, I hope hta won't find it." And with this charitable observation, Joe resumed bis labors. Harry finished his meal, washed it down with a draught of cold water at the pump, and was ready for business again. Unfortunately, there was no business ready for him. All day long he wan- dered about the streets in search of employment ; but people did not appreciate his value. No one would hire him or have any thing to do with him- The five patches on his clothes, he soon discovered, rendered it useless for him to apply at the stores. He was not in a condition to be tolerated about one of these : and he turned his attention to the market, the stables, and the teaming establishments, yet with no better success. It was in vain that he tried again ; and at night, weary and dispirited, he returned to Major Phillips's stable. His commissariat was not yet exhausted ; and he made a hearty supper from the basket. It became an interesting question for him to consider how he phould pass the night. He could not afford to pay i e of his quarters for a night's lodging at the taverr 1ND TRIUMPHS OF HAEKY WEST. ill oppc site. There was the stable, however, if he could get permission to sleep there. " May I sleep in the hay loft, Joe ?" he asked, an the ostler passed him. " Major Phillips don't allow any one to sleep in tbj hay loft ; but perhaps he will let you sleep there. He was asking about you to-day." "How should he know any thing about me?" said Harry, not a little surprised to find his fame had gone before him. " He heard about the pocket book, and wanted to see you. He said it was the meanest thing he evrr heard of, that the man who lost it didn't give you any thing ; and them's my sentiments exactly. Hen comes the major ; I will speak to him about you." " Thank you, Joe." " Major Phillips, this boy wants to know if he may sleep in the hay loft to-night." "No," replied the stable keeper, short as pie crust. " This is the boy that found the pocket book, and he hain't got no place to sleep." " O, is it ? Then I will find a place for him ta sleep. So, my boy, you are an honest fellow." 172 thy again; ok, the trials " I tiy tu be," replied Harry, modestly. " If you had kept the pocket book, you might lave lodged at the Tremont House." " I had rather sleep in your stable, without it." " Squire Walker was mean not to give you a ten- dollar bill. What are you going to do with your- self?" *• I want to get work ; perhaps you have got some- thing for me to do. I am used to horses." " Well, I don't know as I have." Major Phillips was a great fat man, rough, vulgar, and profane in his conversation ; but he had a kind and sympathizing nature. Though he swore like a pirate sometimes, his heart was in the right place so far as humanity was concerned. He took Harry into the counting room of the sta- ble, and questioned him in regard to his past history and future prospects. The latter, however, were just now rather clouded. He told the major his ex- perience in trying to get something to do, and wai afraid he should not find a place. The stable keeper was interested in him find in hii itory. He swore roundly at the meanness of Jacol AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRT WEST. 173 Wire and Squire Walker, and commended him for running away. "Well, my lad, I don't know as I can do much for ycu. I have three ostlers now, which is quite enough, and all I can afford to pay ; hut 1 suppose 1 can find enough for a hoy to do about the house and the stable. How much wages do you expect ? " " Whatever you think I can earn." "You can't earn much for me just now; but if you are a-mind to try it, I will give you six dollars a month and your board." " Thank you, sir ; I shall be very glad of the chance." " Very well ; but if you work for me, you must get up early in the morning, and be wide awake." " I will, sir." " Now we will see about a place for you to Bleep." Over the counting room was an apartment in which two of the ostlers slept. There was room for another bed, and one was immediately set up for Hairy's use. Once more, then, our hero was at home, if a mere abiding place deserves that hallowed name. It wai 15* 174 tky again; ok, the trials not an elegant, or even a commodious, apartment in whi:h Harry was to sleep. The walls were dingy and black ; the beds looked as though they had never been clean ; and there was a greasy smell which same from several harnesses that were kept there. It was comfortable, if not poetical ; and Harry soon felt per- fectly at home. His first duty was to cultivate the acquaintance of the ostlers. He found them to be rough, good- natured men, not over-scrupulous about their man- ners or their morals. If it does not occur to my young readers, it will to their parents, that this waa not a fit place for a boy — that he was in constant contact with corruption. His companions were good- hearted men ; but this circumstance rendered them all the more dangerous. There was no fireside of home, at which the evil effects of communication with men of loose morals would be counteracted. llany had not been an hour in their society before he caught himself using a big oath — which, when he had gone to bed, he heartily repented, renewing hi/i resolution with the promise to try again. He was up bright and early the next mo/ning AKD TB1TJMPHS OF HARRY WE8T. 175 made a firs in the counting room, and had led out half the horses in the stable to water, before M ijoi Phillips came out. His services were in demand, aa Joe Flint, for some reason, had not come to tbe sta- ble that morning. The stable keeper declared that he had gone on a " spree," and told Harry he might take his place. Harry did take his place ; and the ostlers declared that, m every thing but cleaning the horses, he made good his place. The knowledge and skill which he had obtained at the poorhouse was of great value to him ; and, at night, though he was very tired, he waa satisfied that he had done a good clay's work. The ostlers took their meals at the house of Major Phillips, which stood at one side of the stable yard. Harry did not like Mrs. Phillips very well ; she waa cross, and the men said she was a " regular Tartar." But he was resolved to keep the peace. He after- wards found it a difficult matter ; for he had to bring wood and water, and do other chores about tha house, and he soon ascertained that she was deter* mined not to be pleased with any thing he did. Hi 176 TRY AGAIN ; OK, THE TRIALS tried to keep his temper, however, and meekly sub- mitted tc all her scolding and grumbling. Thus far, while Harry has been passing thrcigh the momentous period of his life with which we Commenc3d his story, we have minutely detailed the incidents of his daily life, so that we have related the events of only a few days. This is no longer neces- sary. He has got a place, and of course one day is very much like every other. The reader knows hira now — knows what kind of boy he is, and what his hopos and expectations are. The reader knows, too, the great moral epoch in his history — the event which roused his consciousness of error, and stimu- lated him to become better ; that he has a talisman in his mind, which can be no better expressed than by those words he so often repeated, " She hoped he would be a good boy." And her angel smile went with him to encourage him in the midst of trial and temptation — to give him the victory over the foes that assailed him. Wc shall henceforth give results, instead of a daily record, stopping to detail only the great events of hia career. A.ND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 177 We uhall pass over three months, during which time he worked diligently and faithfully for Major Phillips. Every day had its trials and temptations ; tot a day passed in which there were none. The habit of using profane language he found it very hard to eradicate ; but he persevered ; and though he often sinned, he as often repented and tried again, until he had fairly mastered the enemy. It was a great tri- umph, especially when it is remembered that he was surrounded by those whose every tenth word at least was an oath. He was tempted to lie, tempted to neglect his work, tempted to steal, tempted in a score of other things. And often he yielded ; but the remembrance of the little angel, and the words of the good Book she had given him, cheered and supported him as he struggled on. Harry's finances were in a tolerably prosperous condition. With his earnings he had bought a suit of clothes, and went to church half a day every San- day. Besides his wages, he had saved about five dollais from the " perquisites " which he received from customers for holding their horses, running er- 178 TKY AGAIN ; OK, THE TKIALS rands, and other little services a boy could perform. fie was very careful and prudent with his money j and whenever he added any thing to his little hoard, he thought of the man who had become rich by sa\ing up his fourpences. He still cherished his purpose to become a rich man, and it is very likely he had some brilliant anticipations of success. Not a cent did he spend foolishly, though it was hard work to resist the inclination to buy the fine things that tempted him from the shop windows. Those who knew him best regarded him as a very strange boy ; but that was only because he was a little out of his element. He would have preferred to be among men who did not bluster and swear ; but, in spite of them, he had the courage and the fortitude to be true to himself. The little angel still maintained her ascendency in his moral nature. The ostlers laughed at him when he took out his little Bible, before he went to bed, to drink of the waters of life. They railed at him, called him " Lit- tle Pious," and tried to induce him to pitch, ceijf, in the back yard, on Sunday afternoon, instead of ^oing to church. He generally bore these taunt* with AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 179 patience, though sometimes Tvs high spirit w )uld get the better of his desire to be what the little angel .wished him to be. John Lane put up at the stable once a week; and, every time he returned to Rockville, he carried a writter or a verbal account of the prosperity 01 tae little pauper boy. One Sunday, he wrote her a long letter all about " being good " — how he was tempt- ed, and how he struggled for her sake and for the sake of the truth. In return, he often received messages and letters from her, breathing the same pure spirit which she had manifested when she " fed him in the wilderness." These communications strengthened his moral nature, and enabled him to resist temptation. He felt just as though she was an angel sent into the world to watch over him. Perhaps he had fallen without them ; at any rate, her influence was very pow- erful. About the middle of January, when the earth was covered with snow, and the bleak, cold winds of winter blew over the city, John Lane informed Harry on his arrival, tint Julia was very sick with the 180 try again; or, thf trials ic?rlet fever and canker rash, and that it was feared she would not recover. This was tne most severe trial of all. lie wept when he thought of her sweet face reddened with the flush of fever ; and he fled to his chamWr, to rent his emotions in silence and solituds. AXD TBItTMPHS OF HABBY WEST. 19\ CHAPTER XIV. IK WHICH HARRV DOES A GOOD DEED, AND DK« TERMIXES TO " FACE THE MUSIC." "While Harry sat by the stove in the ostler'i room, grieving at the intelligence he had received from Rockville, a little girl, so lame that she walked with a crutch, hobbled into the apartment. " Is my father here ? " she asked, in tones so sad that Harry could not help knowing she was in dis- tress. " I don't know as I am acquainted with your father," replied Harry. " He is one of the ostlers here." " 0, Joseph Flint ! " " Yes ; he has not been nome tG dinner or tur prt to-day, and mother is very sick." " I haven't seen him to-day." 16 182 iBr again; or, the trials " 0. d< ar ! What will become of us ? " sighed the ittle girl, a3 she hobbled away. Harry was struck by the sad appearance cf ? gave himself too Jauch credit for the good deed, and felt that he was a martyr to his philanthropic spirit. He was willing to bear all and brave all in a good cause ; and it seemed to him, just then, as though he was being punished for assisting Joe Flint's fam- ily, instead of for leaving his place without permis- sion. A great many persons who mean well are apt to think themselves martyrs for any good cause in wlich they may be engagad, when, in reality, their own want of tact, or the offensive manner in which they present their truth, is the stake at which they are burned. " Keep off! " said Harry, his eyes flashing fire. The major was so angry that he could do nothing; and while they were thus confronting each other, Joe Flint staggered into the counting room. Intoxicated as he was, he readily discovered the position of affairs between the belligerents. "Look here — hie — Major Phillips," said he, reeling up to his employer, " I love you, — hie, — Major Pnillips, like a — hie — like a brother, Ma^oi AND TKITTMrHS OF HAKRY WEST. 197 Phillips; but if you touch that boy, Mujor Phillipt I'll — hie — you touch me, Major Phillips. That's all." '• Go home. Joe," replied the stable keeper, hii attention diverted from Harry to the new comba- tant. " You are drunk." " I know I'm drunk, Major Phillips. I'm as drunk as a beast ; but 1 ain't — hie — dead drunk. I know what I'm about." " No, you don't. Go home." " Yes, I dzoo. I'm a brute ; I'm a hog ; I'm a — dzwhat you call it ? I'm a villain." Joe tried to straighten himself up, and look at his employer ; but he could not, and suddenly bursting into tears, he threw himself heavily into a chair, weeping bitterly in his inebriate paroxysm. He sobbed, and groaned, and talked incoherently. He acted strangely, and Major Phillips's attention was excited. " What is the matter, Joe?" he asked; and hig anger towards Harry seemed to have subsideu. " I tell you I am a villain, Major }"hilhpn." blub- ber el Joe, 17* 198 TRT AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS " What do you mean by that ? ' ' " Haven't I been on a drunk, and left my lamilj to starve and freeze?" groaned Joe, inteilardii-g his ipeech with violent ebullitions of weeping. " Wouldn't my poor wife, and my poor children — O my God ! " and the poor drunkard covered his face with his hands, and sobbed like an infant. " AVhat is the matter ? What do you mean, Joe ? " asked Major Phillips, who had never seen him in this frame before. . " Wouldn't they all have died, if Harry hadn't gone and fed 'em, and split up wood to warm 'em ? " As he spoke, Joe sprang up, and rushed towards Harry, and in his drunken frenzy attempted to em- brace him. "What does this mean, Harry?" said the stable keeper, turning to our hero, who, while Joe was tell- ing his story, had been thinking of something else. " What a fool I was to get mad ! " thought he. •What would she say, if she had seen me just now? foor J alia ! perhaps she is dead, even now." " My folks would have died, if it hadn't b- f.n foi iim," hiccoughed Joe. AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY "WEST. 199 "Explain it, Harry," added the major. " The lame girl, K'aty, came down here after hex fether, early in the evening. She seemed to be in ♦rouble, and I tbought I would go up and see wnat the matter was. I found them in rather a bad con- dition, without any wood or any thing to eat. I did what I could for them, and came away," replied Harry. "Give me your hand, Harry! ' and the majoi grasped his hand like a vice. " You are a good fellow," he added, with an oath. " Forgive me, Mr. Phillips, for saying what I did ; I was mad," pleaded Harry. " So was I, my boy; but we won't mind that. You are a good fellow ; and I like your spunk. So you have really been taking care of Joe's family while he was off on a drunk." M I didn't do much, sir." " Look here, Harry, and you, Major Phillips W hsn I get this rum out of me, I'll never take %nother drop again," said Joe, throwing himself into a chair. *' Bah, Joe ! You have said that twenty times be- fore," added Major Phillips. 200 try again; or, the trials " You dzee ! " exclaimed Joe, doubling hid fiat, and bringing it down with the intention of hitting the table by his side to emphasize his resolution; but, unfortunately, he missed the table — a circum- stance which seemed to foreshadow the fate of nis resolve. Jce proceeded to declare in his broken speech what a shock he had received when he went home, half an hour before, — the first time for several days, — and heard the reproaches of his suffering wife, how grate- ful he was to Harry, and what a villain he considered himself. Either the sufferings of his family, 01 the rum he had drank, melted his heart, and he was as eloquent as his half-paralyzed tongue would permit. He was a pitiable object ; and having assured him- self that Joe's family were comfortable for the night, Major Phillips put him to bed in his own house. Harry was not satisfied with himself; he had per- mitted his temper to get the better of him. He thought of Julia on her bed of suffering, wept for her, and repented for himself. That night he heard toe clock on the Boylston market strike twelve before ft« ciosevi his eyi»s t" «leep. AN ) TRIUMPHS OF HATJRT WE8T. 20i The next day, while he was at work in the s'.able, i hoy of about fifteen called to see him, and desired to speak with him alone. Harry, much wondering who his visitor was, and what he wanted, conducted him to the ostler's chamber. " You are Harry West," the boy began. " That is my name, for the want of a better," re- plied Harry. " Then there is a little matter to be settled be« tween you and me. You helped my folks out his* night, and I want to pay you for it." " Your folks ? " " My name is Edward Flint." " Then you are Joe's son." " I am," replied Edward, who did not seem to fee] much honored by the relationship. '* Your folks were in a bad condition last night." :< That's a fact ; they were." " But I didn't know Joe had a son as old as jou are." " 1 am the oldest ; but I don't live at home, *n«J Vave not for three years. How much did you nay out for them last night ? " 202 try again; OR, THE T2IALB *' One dollar and twenty cents." " As much as that ? " " Just that." Edward Flint manifested some uneasiness ai the announcement. He had evidently come with a pur- pose, but had found things different from what he had expected. " I didn't think it was so much." " What matter how much ? " asked Ham " Why, I want to pay you." u You needn't mind that." " The fact is, I have only three dollars just now; and I promised to go out to ride with a fellow next Sunday. So, you see, if I pay you, I shall not have enough left to foot the bills." Harry looked at his visitor with astonishment ; he did not know what to make of him. Was he in earnest ? Would a son of Joseph Flint go out to ride, — on Sunday, too, — while his mother and his brother and sisters were on the very brink of starva- tion ? Our hero had some strange, old-fashioned uoticns of his own. For instance, he considered it % son's duty to take care of his mother, even if hj A.TTD TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 203 were obliged to forego the Sunday ride ; that he ought to do all he could for his brothers and sisters, even if he had to go without stewed oysters, staj away from the theatre, and perhaps wear a little coarser cloth on his back. If Harrv was unreasona- ble in his views, my young reader will remember that he was brought up in the country, where young America is not quite so " fast-" as in the city. " I didn't ask you to pay me," continued Harry. " I know that ; but, you see, I suppose I ought to pay you. The old man don't take much care of the family." Harry wanted to say that the young man did not appear to do much better ; but he was disposed to oe as civil as the circumstances would permit. " You needn't pay me." " O, yes, I shall pay you ; but if you can wait till the first of next month, I should like it." " I can wait. Do you live out ? " " Live out ? What do you mean by that ? I am a clerk in a store down town," replied Edwaro with ifiended dignity. ** 3, are you ? Dc they pay you well ? " 204 TRY AGAIN ; OE, THE TEIAL8 " Pretty fair ; I get five dollars a week." " Five dollars a week ! Thunder ! I should thiai you did get paid pretty well ! " exclaimed Harry, astonished at the vastness of the sum for a week'l work. " Fair salary," added Edward, complacently. " What are you doing here ? " " I work in the stable and about the house." " That's mean business," said Mr. Flint, turning up his nose. " It does very well." " How much do you get ? ' " Six dollars a month and perquisites." " How much are the perquisites ? " " From one to two dollars a month." " Humph ! I wonder you stay here." " It is as well as I can do." " No, it isn't ; why don't you go into a stor* A T e want a boy in our store." " Do you ? " " We do." *' How much do you pay ? " " We pay from two to four dollars a week." AND TRIUMPHS OF HA.HRT WEST. 205 "Can't you get me the place ? " asked Harrj, no* much interested in his companion. " Well, yes ; perhaps I can." " What s.iould I have to do ? " " Make the fires, sweep out in the morning, go of errands, and such work. Boys must begin at the foot of the ladder. I began at the foot of the lad- der," answered Mr. Flint, with an immense self- sufficiency, which Harry, however, failed to notice. " I should like to get into a store." " You would have a good chance to rise." " I am willing to do any thing, so that I can have a chance to get ahead." " We always give boys a good chance." Harry wanted that mysterious " we " defined. As it was, he was left to infer that Mr. Flint was a partner in the concern, unless the five doll.irs per week was an argument to the contrary ; but he didn't like to ask strange questions, and desired to know whom "he worked for." Edward Flint did not " work for " any body. He was a clerk in the extensive dry goods establish.-nent *f the Messrs. Wake and Wade, which, he declared, 18 206 TBY AGAIN ; OB, THE TKIAIS tfas the largest concern in Boston ; and one might further have concluded that Mr. Flint \va3 the most important personage in the said concern. Mr. Flint was obliged to descend from his lofty dignity, and compound the dollar and twenty cents with the stable boy by promising to get him the vacant place in the establishment of Wake and Wade, if his influence was sufficient to procure it. Harry was satisfied, and begged him not to distress himself about the debt. The visitor took his leave, promising to see him again the next day. About noon, Joe Flint appeared at the stable again, perfectly sober. Major Phillips had lent him ten dollars, in anticipation of his month's wages, and he had been home to attend to the comfort of his suffering family. After dinner, he had a long talk with Harry, in which, after paying him the money disbursed on the previous evening, he repeated his solemn resolution to drink no more. He was very grateful to Harry, and hoped he should be able to Xo as much for him. " Don't drink any more, Joe, and it will be the Dest day's work I ever did," added Harry. ** I never will, Harry — never ! ' protested Joe. AHt) T&IUMPHS W HARRY WfcST. 207 CHAPTER XVT. IH ^THICH HARRY GOES INTO THE DBY GOODS BUSINESS. Me. Edward Flint's reputation as a gentleman »f honor and a man of his word suffered somewhat in Harry's estimation ; for he waited all day, and all the evening, without hearing a word from the firm of Wake and \* ade. He had actually be- gun to doubt whether the accomplished young man had as much influence with the firm as he had led him to suppose. But his ambition would not permi 1 him longer to be satisfied with the humble sphere c/ a stable boy ; and he determined, if he did not heu,i from Edward, to apply for the situation himself. The next day, having procured two hours' leave of absence from the stable, he called at the home of Joe Flint to obtain further particulars concerning Raward and hb situation. He found the fiunily a 70S tkt again: or. the trtals much better circumstances than at his previous visit. Mrs. Flint was sitting up, and was rapidly conva- lescing ; Katy was busy and cheerful ; and it seemed a different place from that to which he had been the •nessenger of hope and comfort two nights before. They were very glad to see him, and poured forth their gratitude to him so eloquently that he was obliged to change the topic. Mrs. Flint was sure that her husband was an altered man. She had never before known him to be so earnest and solemn in his reso- lutions to amend and lead a new life. But when Harry alluded to Edward, both Katy and her mother suddenly grew sad. They acknowl- edged that they had sent for him in their extremity, out that he did not come till the next morning, when the bounty of the stable boy had relieved them from the bitterness of want. The mother dropped a tear as she sooke of the wayward son ; and Harry had not the heart to press the inquiries he hf.d come to make. After speaking as well as he dared tc speak of Edward, he took his leave, and hastened to the estab- lishment cf Wake and Wade, to applj for the vacant AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 209 place. He had put on his best clothes, and hU appearance this time was very creditable. Entering the store, he inquired for Edward Flint ; tad that gentleman was summoned to receive him. " Hal.o, Harry West ! " said Edward, when kur expenses." 19* 222 TBF AGAIN ; OB, THE TBIALS " I don't mind the expenses. I will go. if I cab get away." *' Her father feels very bad about it. Julia is an only child, and he would do any thing in the world to please her." " I will go and see the gentlemen I work for, and if they will let me, I will go with you to-morrow morning." " Better take the stage; you will get there so much quicker." " 1 will do so, then." Harry returned home to ascertain of Edwaid where Mr. Wake lived, and hastened to see him. That gentleman, however, coldly assured him, if he went to Rockville, he must lose his place — they could not get along without a boy. Ir vain Harry urged that he should be gone but two days ; the senior was inflexible. " What shall I do ? " said he to himself, when he get into the street again. "Mr. Wake says, sie is xx j relation of mine, and he don't see why I should go. Poor Julia! She may die, and I shall ne^ej »ee her again. I must go." A.TS2 TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 223 It did not require a gieat deal of deliberation to convince himself that it was his duty to visit the sick girl. She had been a true friend to him, i.z i he could afford to sacrifice his place to procure her even a slight gratification. Affection and duty called him one way, self-interest the other. If he did not go, he suould regret it as long as he lived. Perhaps Mr. Wake would take him again on his return ; if not, Le could at least go to work in the stable again. " Edward, I am going to Rockville to-morrow," he remarked to his " chum," on his return to Mrs. Flint's. " The old man agreed to it, then ? I thought he wouldn't. He never will let a fellow off even for a day." " He did not ; but I must go." " Better not, then. He will discharge you, for he is a hard nut '" " I must go," repeated Harry, taking a candle, and going up to their chamber. " You have got more spunk than I gave you credit for; but you are sure of losing your place," replied Edwaid, following him up stairs . 124 TRY JLGAIX J OR, THE TRIALS " I can't help it." Harry opened a drawer in the old broken Imiean ir the room, and from beneath his clothes took out (he great pill box which served him for a savinga tank " You have got lots of money," remarked Edward, 4* he glanced at the contents of the box. " Not much ; only twelve dollars," replied Harry, iaking out three of them to pay his expenses to Rockville. " You won't leave that box there, will you, while fou are gone ? " " Why not ? " " Somebody may steal it." " I guess not. I can hide it, though, before I go." " Better do so." Harry took his money and went to a bookstore in Washington Street, where he purchased an appropri- *te pre2»nt for Julia, for which he gave half a dollar. On his return, he wrote her name in it, with his own &s the giver. Then t'^e safety of his money came up for consideration; and this matter was settled by raising a loose board in the floor, and depositing Kha AKD TRIUMPHS OF HARRY "WESl 223 pill box in a secure place. He had scarcely done so icfore Edward joined him. Our hero did not sleep much that night. He was no1 altogether satisfied with the step he was about to taka. It was not doing right by his employers ; but he compromised the matter in part by engaging Ed- ward, " for a consideration," to make the fires and sweep out the next morning. At noon, on the following day, he reached Rock- ville, and hastened to the house of Mr. Biyant. " How is she ? " he asked, breathless with interest, of the girl who answered his knock. " She is better to-day. Are you the boy from Boston ? " " Yes. Do they think she will get well ? " " The doctor has more hope of her." " I am very glad to hear it." Harry was conducted into the house, and Mr. Bry- ant was informed of his presence. " I am glad you have come, Harry. Julia is much better to-day," said her father, taking him by the hand " She has frequently spoken of you, during her illness, and feels a very strong interest in youi welfare." 226 TRY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS " She was very good to me. I don't know what would have tecorae of me if she had not been a friend to me." " That is the secret of her interest in you. We love those best whom we serve most. She is asleep now ; but you shall see her as soon as she wakes. In the mean time you had better have your dinner. Mr. Bryant looked very pale, and his eyes were reddened with weeping. Harry saw how much he nad suffered during the last fortnight ; but it seemed natural to him that he should suffer terribly at the thought of losing one so beautiful and precious as the little angel. He dined alone with Mr. Bryant, for Mrs. Bryant could not leave the couch of the little sufferer. The fond father could speak of nothing but Julia, and more than once the tears flooded his eyes, as he told Harry how meek and patient she had been through the fever, how loving she was, and how resigned even to leave her parents, and go to the heavenlv Parent, to dwell with him forever. Harry wept, too ; and after dinner, he ^Imosl feared to enter the chamber, and beh'ild tV wreck AND TKIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 227 tthirh disease had made of that bright and beautiful form. Removing the wrapper from the book he had brought, — a volume of sweet poems, entitled " Angel Songs," — he followed Mr. Bryant into the sick gill's chamber. " Ah, Harry, I am delighted to s;>e you ! " ex- claimed she, in a whisper, for her diseased throat rendered articulation difficult and painful. " I am sorry to see you so sick, Julia," replied Harry, taking the wasted hand she extended to him. " I am better, Harry. I feel as though I should get well now." " I hope you will." " You don't know how much I have thought of you, while I lay here ; how I wished you were my brother, and could come in every day and see me," she continued, with a faint smile. " I wish I could." " Now tell me how you get along in Boston." " Very well ; but your father says I must not tulV much with you now. I have brought you a little jook ; " and he placed it in her hand. " Jiow gcod you are, Harry! 'Arjipl Songs. 228 TRY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS Hew pretty ! Now, Harry, you must read me on€ of the angel songs." " I will ; but I can't read very well," said he, as he opened the volume. But he did read exceedingly well. The piece he selected was a very pretty and a very touching littla song ; and Harry's feelings were so deeply moved by the pathetic sentiments of the poem and their adap- tation to the circumstances of the case, that he was quite eloquent. When he had finished, Mrs. Bryant interfered to prevent further conversation ; and Julia, though she had a great deal to say to her young friend, cheerful- ly yielded to her mother's wishes, and Harry reluc- tantly left the room. Towards night he was permitted to see her again, when he read several of the angel songs to her, and ^ave her a brief account of the events of his resi- dence in Boston. She was pleased with his earnest- ness, and smiled approvingly upon him for the moral triumphs he had achieved. The reward of all his struggles with trial and temptation was lavishly be- stowed in her commendation, and if fidelity had not AND TRIUMPHS OF HAEKY WEST. 22J been its own reward, he could have accepted hex approval as abundant compensation foi all he had endured. There was no silly sentiment in Harry's composition ; he had read no novels, seen no piayfi, knew nothing of romance even " in real life." The nomage he yielded to the fair and loving girl was an unaffected reverence for simple purity and goodness; that which the True Heart and the True Life never fail to call forth wherever they exert their power. On the following morning, Julia's condition was very much improved, and the physician spoke confi- dently of a favorable issue. Harry was permitted to pend an hour by her bedside, inhaling the pure spirit that pervaded the soul of the sick one. She was so much better that her father proposed to visit the city, to attend to some urgent business, which had been long deferred by her illness ; and an opportunity was thus afforded for Harry to return. Mr. Bryant drove furiously in his haste, changing horses twice on tbe journey, so that they reached the city at one o'clock. On their arrival, Harry's atten« tion naturally turned to the reception he expected :o receive from his employers. He had no' spoker o? 20 230 TRT AC.ATN ; OK, THE TRIALS hia relations with them at Rockville, preferring not tc pain them, on the one hand, and not to take too mwah credit to himself for his devotion to Julia, on the other. After the horse was disposed of at Major Phillips's stable, Mr. Bryant walked down town wifb Harry ; and when they reached the store of Wake and Wade, he entered with him. " What have you come back for ? " asked the senior partner, rather coldly, when he saw the delin- quent. " We don't want you." Harry was confused at this reception, though it waa nut unexpected. " I didn't know but that you might be willing ta take me again." " No, we don't want you. Ah, Mr. Bryant ? Hap- py to see you," continued Mr. Wake, recognizing Harry's friend. " Did I understand you aright ? Did you say tha< you did not want my young friend, here?" replied Mr. Bryant, taking the offered hand of Mr. Wake. " I did say so," said the senior. " I was not aware that he was your friend, though; " and he procerded tc inform Mr. Bryant, that Harry had left them tgainst their wish. AND TRITTMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 2tU " A few words with you, if you please." Mr. Wake conducted him to the private office, where they remained for half an hour. " It is all right, Harry," continued Mr. "Wake, on tLeir return. " I did not understand the matter." " Thank you, sir ! " ejaculated our hero, rejoiced to find his place was still secure. " I would no 4 have gone if I could possibly have helped it." " You did right, my boy, and I honor you for youl courage and constancy." Mr. Bryant bade him an affectionate adieu, pr>; min- ing to write to him often until Julia recovered, s»nd then departed. With a grateful heart Harry immediately resumed his duties, and the partners were probably as glad to retain him as he was to remain. At night, when he went to his chamber, he raised the loose board to get the pill box, containing his savings, in order to return the money he Lad not expended. To his consternation, he ibscjvered that it was gone ! 232 TBT AGAIN : OB. THE CHAPTER XVITT. IK TPKICH HARRY MEETS "WITH AN 0L7) AC« CtTAIVTANCE, AND GETS A HARD KNOCK OH THE HEAD. It was in vain that Harry searched beneath the bn-kin floor for his lost treasure; it could not be found. He raised the boards up, and satisfied him- self that it had not slipped away into any crevice, or fallen through into the room below ; and the conclu- sion was inevitable that the box had been stolen. Who could have stolen it ? The mystery confused Harry ; for he was certain that no one had seen him deposit the box beneath the floor. No one except Edward even knew that he had any money. He was sure that neither Mrs. Flint nor Katy would have (stolen it ; and he was not willing to believe that bin room mate would be guilt j of such a mean and cou< temptible act. AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 233 He tried to assure himself that it had not been stolen — that it was still somewhere beneath the tioor ; and he pulled up another hoard, to iesumi the search. He had scarcely done so before Edward joined him. " What are you about, Harry ? " he asked, appar- ently very much astonished at his chum's occupation " Are you going to pull the house down ? " " Not exactly. You know my pill box ? " replied Hurry, susoending operations to watch Edward' expression when he told him of his loss. " The one you kept your money in ? " " Yes. Well, it is gone." " Gone ! " exclaimed Edward, starting back with surprise . " It is either lost or. stolen." " What did you do with it ? " " Put it here, under this loose board." " It must be there now, then. I will help yoi find it." Edward manifested a great deal of enthusiasm ia the search. He was sure it must be where Harry had put it, <>r that it had rolled back out of sight; 234 TRY AGAIN ; OR. THE TRIALS and he began tearing up the floor with a zeal that threaten ;d the destruction of the building. But ths box could not be found, and they were oblige 1 10 abandon the search. " Too bad, Harry." " That is a fact ; I can't spare that money, any how. I have been a good while earning it, and it is too thundering bad to lose it." " I don't understand it," continued Edward. " Nor I either," replied Harry, looking his com- panion sharp in the eye. " No one knew I had it but you." " Do you mean to say I stole it?" exclaimed Ed- ward, doubling his fist, while his cheek reddened with anger. " I don't say so." " Humph ! Well, you better not." " Don't get mad, Edward. I didn't mean to lay it to you." ''• Didn't you ? " And Edward was very glad to have the matter compromised. " I did not ; perhaps I spoke hasti'y. You know how hard I worked for this money ; and it seem? hard to lose it. But no matter; I will try again." A.SV TRIUMPHS OF HAEKTf WEST. 235 M/s Flint and Katy were much grieved ^hen If arry told of his loss. They looked as though they Busp?cted Edward; but they said nothing; for it waa very hard to accuse a son or a brother of such a crime. Mrs. Flint advised Harry to put his money in the savings bank in future, promising to take care of hia Bpare funds till they amounted to five dollars, which was then the smallest sum that would be received. It was a long time before our hero became reconciled to his loss. He had made up his mind to be a rich man ; and he had carefully hoarded every cent he could spare, thus closely imitating the man who got rich by saving his fourpences. A few days after the loss, he was reading in one of Katy's Sunday school books about a miser. The wretch was held up as a warning to young folks, by showing them how he starved his body and soul foi *he sake of gold. " That's why I lost my money ! " exclaimed Harry as he laid the book upon the window. " What do you mean, Harry ? " asked Katy, wb« ft it near him. 236 TRY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS •■ I have been hoarding up my money just like thifl aid man in the book." '* You are not a miser, Harry. You couldn't be mean and stingy, if you tried." " Yes, I could. I love money." " So does every body." " A miser wouldn't do what you did for us, Harry,*' added Mrs. Flint. " We ought to be careful and saving." " I have been thinking too much of money. After all, perhaps it was just as well that I lost that money." " I am sorry you lost it ; for I don't think there is any danger of youi becoming a miser," said Kary. " Perhaps not ; at any rate, it has set me to thinking." Haiiy finished the book; and it was, fortunately, just such a work as he required to give him right and proper views in regard to the value of wealth. His dream of being a rich man was essentially modi- fied by these views ; and he renewedly resoh ed that it was better to be a good man than to be i rub. man, AW1> TB1UMPHS OF UAREY WEST. 237 if ne could not be both. It seemed to him a little remarkable that the minister should preach upon this rery topic on the following Sunday, taking for his text thn words, " Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and all these things shall be added unto you." He wae deeply impressed by the sermon, probably because it was on a subject to which he had given some attention. A few days after his return from Rockville, Harry received a very cheerful letter from Mr. Bryant, to which Julia had added a few lines in a postscript. The little angel was rapidly recovering, and our hero was rejoiced beyond expression. The favorable ter- mination of her illness was a joy which far outbal- anced the loss of his money, and he was as cheerful and contented as ever. As he expressed it, in rather homely terms, he had got " the streak of fat and the streak of lean." Julia was alive ; was to smile upon him again : was still to inspire him with that love of goodness which had given her such an influence over him. Week after week passed by, and Harry heard nolh' mg of his lost treasure ; but Julia had fully recoT< 238 TRY AGAIN ; OE, THE TRIALS ered, and for the treasure lost an incomparably greater treasure had been gained. Edward and himself con- tinued to occupy the same room, though ever since the loss of the money box Harry's chum had tieated him coldly. There had never been much sympathy between them ; for while Edward was at the theatre, or perhaps at worse places, Harry was at home, read- ing some good book, writing a letter to Rockville, or employed in some other worthy occupation. While Harry was at church or at the Sunday school, Ed- ward, in company with some dissolute companion, was riding about the adjacent country. Mrs. Flint often remonstrated with her son upon the life he led, and the dissipated habits he was con- tracting ; and several times Harry ventured to intro- duce the subject. Edward, however, would not hear a word from either. It is true that we either grow better or worse, as we advance in life ; and Fdward Flint's path was down a headlong steep. His mother wept, and begged him to be a better b *j. He only laughed at her. Harry often wondered how he could afford to ridfc out, and visit the theatre and other places of am ise* AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 239 meat so frequently. His salary wis only five dollars a week now ; it was only four when he had *aid it was five. He seemed to have money at all times, and to spend it very freely. He could not help be- lieving that the contents of his pill box had paid for some of the " stews " and " Tom and Jerrys " which his reckless chum consumed. But the nine dollars he had lost would have been but a drop in the bucket compared with his extravagant outlays. One day, about six months after Harry's return from Kockville, as he was engaged behind the coun- ter, a young man entered the store, and accosted him " Halloo, Harry ! How are you ? " It was a familiar voice ; and, to Harry's surprise, but not much to his satisfaction, he recognized his old companion, Ben Smart, who, he had learned Irora Mr. Bryant, had been sent to the house ul correction for burning Squire Walker's barn. "How dc you do, Ben?" returned Harry, not verj cerdiady. " So you are here — are you ? " " Yes, I have been here this &ix months." " Good place ? " 240 TRY AGAIN ; UK, THE TBIAL8 " Firsi rate." i: Any chance for me ? " " No. I gueas not." " You have got a sign out for a boy, I spe." It was true they had. There were more errands to run than one boy could attend to ; besides, Harry had proved himself so faithful and so intelligent, that Mr. Wake wished to retain him in the store, to fit him for a salesman. ** You can speak a good word for me, Harry ; for I should like to work here," continued Ben. "■ I thought you were in — in the " Harry did not like to use the offensive expression ; and Ben's face darkened when he discovered what the other was going to say. " Not a word about that," said he. " If you ever mention that little matter, I'll take your life." " But how was it? " " My father got me out, and then I ran away. Not & word more, for I had as lief be hung for an ol J sheep as a lamb." " There is Mr. Wake ; you can apply to him," continued H-irry. AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 241 Ben walked boldly up to Mr. Wake, and asked for the place, The senior talked with him a few moments, and then retired to his private office, call- ing Harry as ho entered. " If you say any thing, I will be the death of you,' whispered Ben, as Harry passed him on his way to the office. Our hero was not particularly pleased with thes* threats ; he certainly was not frightened by them. " Do you know that boy, Harry ? " asked Mr. Wakp, as he presented himself before the senior. " I do, sir." " Who is he, and what is he ? " " His name is Benjamin Smart. He belongs to Redfield." •' To Redfield ? He said he came from Worces- ter." " I believe Mr. Bryant told you the story about mj levring Redfield," said Harry. " He did." " That is the boy that run away with me." " And the one that set the barn afire ? * « ; Yea, sir." 21 242 TRY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS " That is enough." And Harry returned to hii work at the counter. " What did he say to you ? " asked Ben. Before Harry had time to make any reply, Mr. Wake joined them. " We don't want you, young man," said he. With a glance of hatred at Harry, the applicant left the store. Since leaving Redfield, our hero's views of duty had undergone a change ; and he now realized that to screen a wicked person was to plot with him against the good order of society. He knew Ben's character ; he had no reason, after theii interview, to suppose it was changed ; and he could not wrong his employers by permitting them igno- rantly to engage a bad boy, especially when he had been questioned directly on the point. Towards evening, Harry was sent with a bundle to a place in Boylston Street, which required him to cross the Common. On his return, when he reached the corner of the burying ground, Ben Smart, who had evidently followed him, and lay in wait at this spot for him, sprang from his covert upon him. The young villain struck him a heavj blow in the eye AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY "WEST. Z43 oefore Harry realized his purpose. The blow, how- ever, was vigorously returned ; but Ben, besides oeing larger and stronger than his victim, had a large stone in his hand, with which he struck him a blow on the side of the head, knocking him insensi- ble to the ground. The wretch, seeing that he had done his work, fled along the side of the walk of the burying ground, pursued by several persons who had witnessed the assault. Ben was a fleet runner this time, and suc- ceeded in making his escape. 844 iky again; or. the triatjb CHAPTER XIX. IH WHICH HARRY FINDS THAT EVEN A BROKEM HEAD MAT BE OF SOME USE TO A PERSON. When Harry recovered his consciousness, he found dimself in an elegantly furnished chamber, with sev- eral persons standing around the bed upon which he had been laid. A physician was bending over him, engaged in dressing the severe wound he had received in the side of his head. " There, young man, you have had a narrow es- cape," said the doctor, as he saw his patient's eyes open. " Where am I ? " asked Harry, faintly, as he tried to concentrate his wandering senses. " You are in good hands, my boy. What is youl name ? " " Harry West. Can't I go home now ? " replied .he sufferer, trying to rise on the bed. AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 245 " Do you feel as though you could walk home ? " " I don't know ; I feel kind of faint." " Does your head pain you ? " " No, sir ; it feels numb, and every thing seems t§ be flying round." " I dare say." Harry expressed an earnest desire to go home, and the physician consented to accompany him in a car- riage to Mrs. Flint's residence. He had been con- veyed in his insensible condition to a house in Bcyl- ston Street, the people of which were very kind to him, and used every effort to make him comfortable. A carriage was procured, and Harry was assisted to enter it ; for he was so weak and confused that he could not stand alone. Ben had struck him a terrible blow ; and, as the physician declared, it was almost a miracle that he had not been killed. Mrs. Flint and Katy were shocked and alarmed when they saw the helpless boy borne into the house ; but every thing that the circumstances required wai doco for him. " Has Edward come home ? ' ' he asked, when tbej had placed him on the bed. 21 * 2*6 TRY AGAIN J OR, TH£ TRIALS « No. not yet." " They will wonder what has become of me at the Ptore," continued the sufferer, whose thoughts revert* ed to his post of duty. " I will go down to the store, and tell them what has happened," said Mr. Callender, the kind gentle- mar, to whose house Harry had been carried, and who had attended him to his home. " Thank you, sir ; you are very good. I don't want them to think that I have run away, or any thing of that sort." " They will not think so, I am sure," returned Mr. Callender, as he departed upon his mission. " Do you think I can go to the store to-morrow ? " asked Harry, turning to the physician. " I am afraid not ; you must keep very quiet for a time." Harry did not like this announcement. He had never been sick a day in his life ; and it seemed to him just then as though the world could not possibly move on without him to help the thing along. A gieat many persons cherish similar notions, and can« **ot afford to be sick a single day. AJTD TRIUMPHS OF KAKRf WEST. 24? I should like to tell my readers at some length what blessings come to us while we are sick ; what angels with healing ministrations for the soul ^isit the couch of pain ; what holy thoughts are sometimes kindled in the darkened chamber ; what noble reso^ hitions have their birth in the heart when the head is pillowed on the bed of sickness. But my remaining space will not permit it ; and I content myself with remarking, that sickness in its place is just as great a blessing as health ; that it is part of our needed discipline. When any of my young friends are sick, therefore, let them yield uncomplainingly to their lot, assured that He who hath them in his keeping "doeth all things well." Harry was obliged to learn this lesson ; and when the pain in his head began to be almost intolerable, he fretted and vexed himself about things at the store. He was not half as patient as he might have been ; and, during the evening, he said a great many hr.Td things about Ben Smart, the author of his mis* fortune. I am sorry to say he cherished some ma- lignant, revengeful feelings towards Kim, and looked forward with a great dea, 1 of satisfaction to the tim* 248 irt again; or, the trials when he should be arrested and punished for hit crime. Both Mr. Wake and Mr. Wade cahsd upon him ae soon as they heard of his misfortune. They were very indignant when they learned that Hairy was Buffering for telling the truth. They assuied him that they should miss him very much at the store, but they would do the best they could — which, of course, was very pleasant to him. But they told him they could get along without him, bade him not fret, and said his salary should be paid just the same a& though he did his work. *' Thank you ! thank you ! You are very good," exclaimed Harry. " Yes," Mr. Wake continued ; " and, as it will cost you more to be sick, we will raise your wages to four dollars a week. What do you say, Wade ? " " Certainly," replied the junior, warmly. There was no possible excuse for frptting new. With so many kind friends around him, he had no •xcuse for fretting ; but his human nature rebelled at bis lot, and he made himself more miserable than the pain of h?s wound could possibly have made him AND TRIVMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 249 Mrs. Flint, who sat all night by his bed side, labored ffi vain to make him resigned to his situation. It Beamed as though the great trial of his lifetime had come — that which he was least prepared to meet and conquer. The next day, he was very feverish. His hea^ ached, and the pain of his wound was very severe His moral condition was, if possible, worse than on the preceding night. He was fretful, morose, and unreasonable towards those kind friends who kept vigil around his bed side. Strange as it may seem, and strange as it did seem to himself, his thoughts seldom reverted to the little angel. Once, when he thought of her extended on the bed of pain as he was then, her example seemed to reproach him. She had been meek and patient through all her suf- ferings — had been content to die, even, if it was the w ill of the Father in heaven. With a peevish excla- mation, he drove her — his guardian angel, as she oftei seemed to him — from his mind, with the re- flection that she could not have been as sick as he was, that she did not endure as much pain as he did For several days he remained in i retty much tiw» 250 TRY AGAIN ; OR, THE TRIALS same state. His head ached, and the fever burned in his veins. His moral symptoms were not im- proved, and he continued to snarl and growl at those who took care of him. " Give me some cold water, marm ; I don't want your slops," fretted he, when Mrs. Flint brought him his drink. " But the doctor says you mustn't have cold wa- ter." It was twenty-five years ago. " Confound the doctor ! Give me a glass of cold water, and I will " The door opened then, causing him to suspend the petulant words ; for one stood there whose good opinion he valued more than that of any other peTson. " O Harry ! I am so sorry to see you so sick ! " exclaimed Julia Bryant, rushing to his bed side. She was followed by her father and mother ; and Katy had admitted them unannounced to the chamber. " Julia ! is it you ? " replied Harry, smiling for the first time since the assault. " Yes, Harry ; I hope you are better. When I heard about it last night, I would not give fathei any peace till he promised to bring me to Boston." AXD TRIUMI IS OF H1ERY ■WEST. 251 " Don't be so wild, Julia," interposed her mother. * You forget that he is very sick." '*' Forgive me, Harry ; I was so glad and so sorry. I hope I didn't make your head ache," she added, in a very gentle tone. ** No, Julia. It was very good of you to come and see me." Harry felt a change come over him the moment she entered the room. The rebellious thoughts in his bosom seemed to be banished by her presence ; and though his head ached and his flesh burned as much as ever, he somehow had more courage to en- dure them. After Mr. and Mrs. Bryant had asked him a few questions, and expressed their sympathy in proper terms, they departed, leaving Julia to remain with the invalid for a couple of hours. " I did not expect to see you, Julia," said Harry, when they had gone. " Didn't you think I would do as much fop you as you did for me ? " *• It was rather different with you. I uSl. a poor boy, and you are a rich man's child." 252 TRY AGAIN ; OS, THE TEIAL8 " Pooh, Harry ! Our souls are all of a color. Yoxi can't think how had I felt when father got Mr. Wake's letter." " It's a hard case to be knocked down in that way, and laid up in the house for a week or two." * I know it ; hut we must be patient." "Can't be patient. I haven't any patience — not a bit. If I could get hold of Ben Smart, I would choke him. I hope they will catch him, and send him to the state prison for life." Julia looked sad. These malignant words did not sound like those of the Harry West she had known and loved. They were so bitter that they curdled the warm blood in her veins, and the heart of Harry seemed less tender than before. " Harry," said she, in soft tones, and so sad that he could not but observe the change which had come over her. " Well, Julia." " You don't mean what you said." " Don't mean it ? " ''No, I am sure you don't. Do you remembei what the Bible says ? " AND TEIUM1HS OF HAEET WEST. 253 " What does it say ? " asked he, deeply impressed by the sad and solemn tones of the little angel. " ' Forgive your enemies,' Harry." " Forgive Ben Smart, after he has almL=t killed me?" Julia took up the Bible, which lay on the table by the bed side, — it was the one she had given him, — and read scleral passages upon the topic she bad introduced. Harry was ashamed of himself. The gentle rebuke ehe administered touched his soul, and he thought how peevish and ill-natured he had been. " You have been badly hurt, Harry, and you are very sick. Now, let me ask you one question : Which would you rather be, Harry West, sick as you are, or Ben Smart, who struck the blow ? " " I had rather be myself," replied he, promptly " You ought to be glad that you are Harry West, Instead of Ben Smart. Sick as you are, I am 9ure you are a great deal happier than he can be, even if he is not punished for striking you." "You are right, Julia. I have been very wicked Here I have been grumbling and growling all tht as 254 try again; or, the trials time for four lays. I have learned better It if lucky for me that I am Harry, instead of Ben. ' " I am sure I have been a great deal better since I was sick than before. When I lay on the bed, hardly able to move, I kept thinking all the time ; and my thoughts did me a great deal of good." Harry had learned his lesson, and Julia's presenca was indeed an angel's visit. For an hour longer she Bat by his bed, and her words were full of inspira- tion ; and when her father called for her, he could nardly repress a tear as she bade him good night. After she had gone Harry begged Mrs. Flint and Katy to forgive him for being so cross, promising to be patient in the future. And he kept his promise. The next day, Julia came again. She read to him, conversed with him about the scenes of the preceding autumn in the woods, and told him again about hei own illness. In the afternoon, she bade him a fina adieu, as she was to return that day to her home. The patience and resignation which he had learnt J gave a favorable turn to his sickness, and he began to improve. It was a month, however, bsfore he wag »ble to take his place in the store agaii . Without AND TRIUMTRS OF HARRY AVEST 25.5 She assistance of Julia, perhaps, he had not learned th<; moral of sickness so well. As it was, he came forth from his chamber with truer and loftier motives, and with a more earnest desire to lead the true life. Ben Smart had bjen ai rested ; and, shortly after nis recovery, Harry was summoned as a witness a*, his trial. It was a plain case ; and Ben was seat to tfie h >use of correction for a long term 25F iRY asatk: ob. the trials CHAPTER XX. IM WHICH HARRY PASaSS THROUGH HIS SEVERE81 TRIAL, AND ACHIEVES HIS GREATEST 1RIUMPH. Three years may appear to b3 a great while to the little pilgrim through life's vicissitudes ; but they e.ion pass away and are -as "a talc that is told." To note all the events of Harry's experience through this period, would require another volume ; therefore I can only tell the reader what he was, and what results he had achieved in that time. Jt was filled with triaU anu temptations, not all of which were overcome without care and privation. Often he failed, was often disappointed, and often was pained to see how feebly the Spirit warred againrt the Flesh. He loved money, and avaric. frequently prompted him to do those things which would have wrecked his bright hopes. That vision of the grandeui and influence of the ricli .v.t.i.'s posirlcu sometimes demi- AND 1'KIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 257 3d bim, causing him to forget for a time that the sou] would live forever, while the body and its treasures would perish in the grave. As he grew older, he reasoned more ; his principles became more firmly fixed ; and the object of existence assumed a more definite character. He was an attentive student, and every year not only made him wiser, but better. 1 do nc* mean to say that Harry was a remarkably good boy, that his character was perfect, or any thing of the kind. He meant well, and tried to do well, and he did not struggle in vain against the trials and temptations that beset him. I dare say, those with whom he associated did not consider him much better than themselves. It is true, he did not swear, did not frequent the haunts of vice and dissipation, did not spend his Sundays in riding about the coun- try ; yet he had his faults, and captious people did nr>t fail to see them. He was still with Wake and Wade, though he was ft salesman now, on a salary of five dollars a week. lie still boarded with Mrs. Flint, though Edward wab no longer his room mate. A year had been sufficient to di&gust his "fast" companion with the hocely f^ro 22 * 258 THY AGAIN ; OR, THE ISIAL8 and homely quarters of his father's house ; and. a* his salary was now eight dollars a week, he vecupied a room in the attic of a first class hotel. Harry was sixteen years old, and he had three hun- dred dollars in the Savings Bank. He might have Had more, if he had not so carefully watched and guarded against the sin of avarice. He gave some very handsome sums to the various public charities, as well as expended them in relieving distress wher- ever it presented itself. It is true, it was sometimes very hard work to give of his earnings to relieve the poor ; and if he had acted in conformity with the nature he had inherited, he might never have known that it was " more blessed to give than to receive." As he grew older, and the worth of money was more apparent, he was tempted to let the poor and the unfortunate take care of themselves ; but the struggle of duty with parsimony rendered his gifts all the more v-orthy. Joe Flint had several times violated his solemn resolution to drink no more ardent spirits ; but Harry, who was his friend ai^d confidant, encouraged !im, when be failed, ';o try ?.gui> ; s^d It vY:;:- nev> ne»rl| a year since he had been on a " spiee."' AND TRIUMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 25i Our hero occasionally heard from Rockville; and a few months before the event we are about to nan ate, ne had spent the pleasantcst week of his life with Julia Bryant, amid those scenes which were so full of interest to both of them. As he walked through the woods where he had first met the M little angel," — she had now grown to be a tall girl, — he could rot but recall the events of that meeting. It was there that he first began to live, in the true sense of the word. It was there that he had been born into a new sphere of moral existence. Julia was still his friend, still his guiding star. Though the freedom of childish intimacy had beer diminished, the same heart resided in each, and each felt the same interest in the other. The correspond- ence between them had been almost wholly suspend- ed, perhaps by the interference of the " powers " at Rockville, and perhaps by the growing sense of the " fitness of things " in the parties. But they occa- Bionall) met, which amply compensated for the depri* \ntions which propriety demanded. But I must pass on to the closing event of nay »tory — it was Harry's severest trial, yet it resulted in bis most signd triumph. 260 TKY AGAIN ; OB. THE TRIALS Edward Flint was always short of money. He lived extravagantly, and his increased salary was in- efficient to meet his wants. When Harry saw him drive a fast horse through the streets on Sundays, and hear" him say how often he went to the theatre, what balls and parties he attended, — when he observed how elegantly he dressed, and that he wore a gold chain, a costly breast pin, and several rings, — he did not wonder that he was " short." He lived like a prince, and it seemed as though eight dollars a week would be but a drop in the bucket in meeting hia expenses. One day, in his extremity, he applied to Harry for the loan of five dollars. Our hero did not like to encourage his extravagance ; but he was good-natured, &nd could not well avoid doing the favor, especially as Edward wanted the money to pay his board. How* ever, he made it the occasion for a friendly remon- strance, and gave the spendthrift youth some excel- lent advice. Edward was vexed at the lecture ; but, ts he obtained the loan, he did not resent the kir.dly act. Abo]it a fortnight after, Edward paid him the AND TRIUMPHS OF HAKBT WEST. 20 J nuney. It consisted of a two dollar bill and six half dollars. Harry was about to make a furthet application of bis views of duty to his friend's case, when Edward impatiently interrupted him, telling aim that, as he had got his money, he need not preach. This was just before Harry went home to dinner. On his return, Mr. Wake called him into the pri- vate office ; and when they had entered, he closed and locked the door. Harry regarded this as rather a singular proceeding ; but, possessing the entire confi- dence of his employers, it gave him no uneasiness. " Harry," Mr. "Wake began, " we have been losing money from the store for the last year, or more. 1 have missed small sums a great many times." " Indeed ! " exclaimed Harry, not knowing wheth- er he was regarded as a confidant, or as the suspected person. " To-day I gave a friend of mine several marked coins, with which he purchased some goods. These coins have all been stolen." " Is it possible, sir ! " " Now, we have four salesmen besides yourself Which stole it > " 262 TRY AGAIN ; OH, THK TR.AT,S "I can form no idea, sir," returned Hany "] can only speak for myself." " O, weil, I had no suspicion that it was you,' fcdded Mr. Wake, with a smile. " I am going to try the same experiment again ; and I want you to kecj four eyes on the money drawer all the rest cf the ifternoon." " I will do so, sir." Mr. Wake took several silver coins from his pocket, md scratched them in such a way that they could be readily identified, and then dismissed Harry, with the injunction to be very vigilant. When he came out of the office, he perceived that Edward and Charles Wallis were in close conversa- tion. " I say, Harry, what's in the wind ? " asked the former, as our hero returned to his position behind the counter. Harry evaded answering the question, md the other two salesmen, who were very intimate, and whose testes and amusements were very much alike, con- tinued their conversation. They were evidently aware b t something unusual had oceir red, or was abouJ 1 .c«*or. AND TBItTMPHS OF HARRY WEST. 263 Soon after, a person appeared at the counter and aurchased a dozen spools of cotton, offering two half dollars in payment. Harry kept his eye upon the money drawer, but nothing was discovered, l'rorn what he knew of Edward's mode of life, he was [re- pared to believe that he was the guilty person. The experiment was tried for three days in succes- tion before any result was obtained. The coins were always found in the drawer ; but on the fourth day, when they were very busy, and there was a great deal of money in the drawer, Harry distinctly observed Edward, while making change, take several coin3 from the till. The act appalled him ; he forgot the customer to whose wants he was attending, and hastened to inform Mr. Wake of the discovery. " Where are you going, Harry ? " asked Edward, as he passed him. " Only to the office," replied he ; and his appear- ance and manner might have attracted the attention of any skilful rogue. " Come, Harry, don't leave your place," addet Edward, playfully grasping him by tho collar, on his returi;, 264 XKY AGAIN ; OR, THE TKiALS " Don't stop to fool, Edward," answered Hairy, ai be shook him off, and took his place at the countei agdin. He wan very absent-minded the rest of the fore- noon, and his frame shook with agitation, as he heard Mr. "Wake call Edward, shortly after. But he trem- bled still more when he was summoned also, for it was very unpleasant business. " Of course, you will not object to letting me see the contents of your pockets, Edward," said Mr. Wake, as Harry entered the office. " Certainly not, sir ; " and he turned every one of his pockets inside out. Not one of the decoy pieces was found upon him, or any other coins, for that matter ; he had no money. Mr. Wake was confused, for he fully expected to con- \ict the culprit on the spot. '■ 1 suppose I am indebted to this young man foi tt is," continued Edward, with a sneer. " I'd bet five d< llais he stole the money himself, if any has l>een stolen. Why don't you search him ? " " Search me, sir, by all means," added Harry ; and he began to turn his pockets out. AST) TKITJMPHS OF HA.RBY "WEST. 261 From his vest pocket he took out a little parcel wrapped in a shop bill. " What's that ? " said Edward. '* I don't know. I wasn't aware that there was any such thing in my pocket." " I suppose not," sneered Edward. " But you seem to know more about it than he Edward," remarked Mr. Wake, as he took the parcel. " I know nothing about it." The senior opened the wrapper, and to his surprise and sorrow, found it contained two of the marked coins. But he w&3 not disposed hastily to condemn Harry. He >:ouI-l aot Relieve him capable of steal- ing ; besides, tbeie wa3 something in Edward's man- ner which seemed to indicate that our hero was the victim of a conspiracy. " As he has been so very generous towards me, Mr. Wake," interposed Edward, " I will suggest a moans by which you may satisfy yourself. My moth- er keeps Harry's money for him ; and perhaps, if you look it over, you will find some more marked pieces." "Mr. Wake, I'm innocent," protested Harry, when he had in some measure nwnvered from the first shock 266 TKY AGAIN ; T .C, THE TRIALS of tfce heavy blow. " I tevei stole a cent from any body." " I don't believe you ever did, Harry. But can you explain how this money happened to be in jcui pocket ? " " I cannot, sir. If you wish to look at my money, Mrj. Flint will show it to you." " Perhaps I had better." •• Don't let him go with you, though," said Ed- ward, maliciously. Mr. Wake wrote an order to Mrs. Flint, requesting her to exhibit the money, and Harry signed it. The senior then hastened to Avery Street. " Now, Master Spy ! " sneered Edward, when he had gone. " So you have been watching me. I thought as much." " I only did what Mr. Wake told me to do," re- plied Harry, exceedingly mortified at the turn the investigation had taken. " Humph! That is the way with you psalm-sing- ers. Steal yourself, and lay it to me ! " " I did not steal. I never s*ole in my life. ' " Wait and see. ' AND 1 SIUMPHS OF HAEEY WEST. 267 In about half an hour Mr. Wake returned. *' I am sorry, Harry, to find that I have been mis- taken in you. Is it possible that one who is out- wardly so correct in his habits should be a thief ? Put your career is finished," said he, very sternly, aa be enteied the office. " Nothing strange to the rest of us," added Ed- ward. " I never knew one yet who pretended to be so pious, that did not turn out a rascal." " And such a hypocrite ! " " Mr. Wake, I am neither a thief nor a hypocrite," replied Harry, with spirit. " I found four of the coins, — four half dollars. — which I marked first, at Mrs. Flint's," said the senior, severely. Harry was astounded. Those half dollars were part of the money paid him by Edward, and he so explained how they came in his possession. "Got them from me!" exclaimed Edward, with well-feigned surprise. " I never borrowed a cent of aim in my life ; and, of course, never pa'd him a acnt." Hairv looked at Edward, amazed at the ccol" ess 268 TRY AGAIN J OR, THE TRIALS with whirm he uttered the monstrous lie. He q jes- tioned him in regard to the transaction, but the young reprobate reiterated his declaration with so much force and art, that Mr. Wake was effectually de» ceived. Our hero, conscious of his innocence, howevci strong appearances were against him, behaved with considerate spirit, which so irritated Mr. Wake that he sent for a constable, and Harry soon found himself in Leverett Street Jail. Strange as it may seem to my young friends, he was not very miserable there. He was innocent, and he depended upon that special Providence which had before befriended him, to ex- tricate him from the difficulty. It is true, he won- dered what Julia would say when she heard of his misfortune. She would weep and grieve ; and he was sad when he thought of her. But she would be the more rejoiced, when she learned that he was in- nocent. The triumph would be in proportion to the dial. On the following day he was brought up for exam- ination. As his name was called, the propriety of the court was suddenly disturbed by an exclamation AND TRIUMPHS OF HAKRY WEST. jJS9 of surprise from an elderly man, with a sun-browned face and monstrous whiskers. " Who is he ? ' almost shouted the elderly man, regardless of the dignity of the court. An officer was on the point of turning him out : but his earnest manner saved him. Pushing bis way for- ward to Mr. Wake, he questioned him in regard to the youthful prisoner. " Strange ! I thought he was dead ! " muttered THE SAILOR BOY; Or, Jack Somers iu the Navy. 5. THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; Or, Adventures of an Army Officer. 4. THE YANKEE MIDDY; Or, Adventures of a Narv 0'f?" ( >r. o rsvxii i tv*<* Jo ti , Or, The Fortunes of a Sia.T Officer, 6. BRAVE OLD SALT; Or, Life on the QiiHrter-Deck. T "lis series of six volumes recounts the adventures of fvo brothers, Tom and Jack Somers, one in the array, the other in the navy, in the great civil war. The romantic narratives of the fortunes and exploits of the brothers are thrilling in the extreme. Historical accuracy in the recital of the greit events of that period is strictly followed, and the result is not OL , y a library of entertaining volumes, but also the best history rt the civil war for young people ever written. OLIVER OPTIC'S BOOKS. THE STARRY FLAG SERIES. Six volumes. Illustrated. Per vol. $1 33. 1. THE STARRY FLAG; Or, The Young Fisherman of Cape Aaa. 2. BREAKING AWAY; Or, The Fortunes of a Student. 5. SEEK AND FIND; Or, The Adventures of a Smart Bow *. FREAKS OF FORTUNE; Or. Half Round the World, 6. MAKE OR BREAK; Or, The Rich Man's Daughter 6. DOWN THE RIVER ; Or, Buck Bradford and the Tyrants* Mr. Adams, the celebrated and popular writer, familiarly known as " Oliver Optic," seems to have inexhaustible for.O£ for weaving together the virtues of life; and notwithstanding he has written scores of books, the same freshness anJ nov- elty rurnj through them all. Some people think the xuss*- tional element predominates. Perhaps it does. But & 0006 for young people needs this : and so long as good sentiments are inculca ,ed such books ought to be read. OLIVER OPTIC'S BOOKS. FAMOUS "BOAT-CLUB" SEEIES. labrary f or Voiuig People. Six volumes, handsomely illustrated Per volume, §1.^5. 1- THE BOAT CLUB; Or, The Bonkers of Rippleton. 2. ALL ABOARD; Or, Life on the Lake. 3. NOW OR NEVER; Or, The Adventures of Bobby Brighfc 4. TRY AGAIN ; Or, The Trials and Trinmphs of Barry V»o«t 5. POOR AND PROUD; Or, The Fortunes ot K.aty Ucdborn. 6. LITTLE BY LITTLE; Or, The Cruise of the Flyaway. This is the first series of books written for the young l-v • Oliver Optic." It laid the foundation for his fame as the first of authors in which the young delight, and gained for him the title of the Prince of Story-Tellers. The six bocks are varied in incident and plot, but all are entertaining and original. OLIVER OPT rC'S BOOKS. YACHT CLUB SERIES. Uuilor a wh,!i the ever popular '■ Boat Club,'' Series. Completed i»4 six vols, lijijjo. II !u.,tr;i.ied. Per vol., $1.5(1 2. UTILE BOBTAIL; Or, The Wreck of the Penobscot 2. THE YACHT CLUB; Or, The Young Boat-Builders. 8 MONEY-MAKER; Or, The Victory of the Basilisk. 4 THE COMING WAVE; Or, The Treasure of High Rock. 6. THE DORCAS CLUB; Or, Our (iirls Afloat. 6. OCEAN BORN; Or, The Cruise of the Clubs. The series has this peculiarity, that all of its constituent volumes are independent of one another, and therefore each Bfory is complete in itself. "Oliver Optic" is perhaps the favorite author of the boys and girls of this country, and he seems destined to enjoy an endless popularity. He deserves his success, for he makes very interesting stories, and incul- cates none but the best sentiments; and the "Yacht Club" us no exception to this rule. — New Haven Jour, and Cownei.