I BALLARD & VAN GILDEH, Stoui^s and Witwxm^t^ -A-SHEX^IXjXjE, I^T. O. lAINTS, QILS, PINDOW fLASS, 8cc., Tin-Roofing, Plumbing, and Steam-Fitting. W. S. CHILD, JR., m^^m w. ^. it^ w&mm I INSURANCE AGENT, f ^ .^.;^.^ ^ „„....^, _« .^ OFFICE IN COURT-HOUSE, Asheville, - - - North Carolina. C. M. V/ILUAMS, BIOKSEILER ^^ lE^LEADINC STORE IN^^ EAGLE BUILDING, ASHLY1LLE, N. C. ' THE LffiRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL ITXjOOIKI'S inerij THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA ENDOWED BY JOHN SPRUNT HILL CLASS OF 1889 :agle hotel, north carolina, VC971.11 A82d ^ and the Finest Grades of i Silks, Satins, Flannels, Underwear, Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, Neck-Wear, Zephyrs, Wools, Kid Gloves, Lisle-Thread Gloves, AND A FINE STOCK OF; MILLINERY GOODS Under the management of a competent MilHner from Baltimore. WE CARRY THE; Largest Stock of Gents' Furnishings In the City ; also An Excellent Line of HATS. Agent for Harper's Bazar Patterns ; a large and complete -^^'i^. THE f ^.iKOLINA COLLECTION •w E. i. HOLMES &, CO., MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED BRANDS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA SMOKING TOBACCO, "GOLDEN LEAF," "LlliOFTIIESrilNI"PISKr J.A.HENDERSON, GEORGE HENDERSON, Danville, Va. Asheville, N. C. HENDERSON BROS., DEALERS IN LEAF TOBACCO, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Personal attention to all orders. Samples furnished on applicatioxi. Satisfaction guaranteed. Smokers and Bright Leaf a specialty. W. T. ROBERTSON, ASHEVILLE, N. C, (P HO TOGRA.jp HER, AND PUBLISHER OF STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF SOUTHERN SCENERY. -A. Xjax^ge Oollection on ZZctnca.— ^X.SO i^ex- dosEen. ALL WOEK GUARANTEED. Will go out with Pic-nic and Mountain Parties and make Groups and Views. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP DOORS, SASH, BLIXDS, &c., &c., NEW JOHNSTON BUILDINGS, PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. EDWARD J. ASTON REAL ESTATE -AND- Insurance Agent, ASHEVILLE, N. C. LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE WRITING. PROMPT ADJUSTMENTS. kimm Assets Representeil, - $120,00fl,0fl0. CAROLINA LAND WALTER B. CWYW, LAND AGENT, . ASHEVILLE, J^. C^ Grain, Stock, and Tobacco Farms, Mill Properly, Mines, Timber Lands. Fire and l^tfe JitsitraiiGe* THOS. W. BRANCH, Agent, Office, South Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. INSUEANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE AND LIGHTNING TAKEN IN CITY AND COUNTRY ON ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY, REAL AND PERSONAL. SHORT AND LONG-TERM POLICIES ISSUED IN A No. 1 COMPANIES, HOME AND FOREIGN, AT FAIR RATES. Life Policies issued in The Valley Mutual Life Associa- tion of Virginia, which combines the guarantee feature of " old line " companies at the cost of ordinary cooperative insurance, pronounced by its policy-holders to be the safest and the cheapest. All parties wishing insurance of any kind are invited to call at my ofHce on S. Main street. THOS. W. BRANCH. ONE-PRICE STORE. H. Redwood & Co , Court-House Square, ASHEVILLE, IN. C, DEALERS IN DRY 600DS, FANCY GOODS, GLOTHINCf BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CARPETS, &C. J. J. HILL & CO., DEALERS IN CABINET FURNITURE, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, &.C. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DEI GOODS, GLOTHIN&, NOTIONS, CARPETS. GROCEHIES AND GENEPwAL MERCHANDISE, PUBLIC SQUARE, ASHEVILLE, ]V. C. W. O. MULLER, DISTILLER OF PURE'lOlimDEIil"CDIlNlliRYE1illJlSKIES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS BRANDIES, WHISKIES, WINES, LAGER BEER, CIGARS, &c. AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED FOSS & SCHNEIDER CINCINNATI LACER BEER. SOUTH MAIN ST, AND PATTON AVE., ASHEVILLE, N. C. J. NATT ATKINSON, ATTORNEY AT LA^A^, -AND- REAL ESTATE AGENT, Office, Hazel Hill, West Asheville. PRE-EMINENTLY POPULAR. WHBELEE & WILSON'S STANDARD SEflE MACHINE, THE QSl n a UUBSTANTIAL ||Ui Ul WHEELER & WILSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, NORTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. GORENFLO & WEST, .(inifiLiJiT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. P. 0. Box 54. ASHEVILLE, N. C. $2.00 $2.00. HARNETT HOUSE, Neat, clean, and attractive, centrally located and well kept, the popu- lar Harnett House is doing a good business. It is connected by street cars with all the depots, and offers the best of accommodations at ex- ceedingly reasonable rates. The only hotel in the city with a uniform rate of $2.00 per day. TENNENX'S, ON FEENCH-BKOAD KIVEK, NEAE ASHEVILLE, ONE OF THE MOST BILIQMTFUL PLJLCIS IM THE M0¥MTJl1MS. A LIMITED KDMBER OF BOARDERS TAKEN DURING THE SUMMER. Address G. B. TENNEJfT, Asheville, or Best Post-Office, BUNCOMBE CO., N. C. See engraving on page, 118. S. R. KEPLER, DEALER IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, CROCREBT AND GLASSWARE, EXCURSION AND PIC-NIC SUPPLIES, IMPORTED CIGARS, FINE CHEWING TOBACCOS, &c., South Main SI., ASHEVILLE, N. C. .-^ FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO, ASKEVILLE, N. C. GRAND KE-OPENING FOR THE; SEASON OF 1883-'S4, BY ^^ sffii J- ^- WILDER, ^*'- --.s^ ^jjg pioneer warehouseman of Asheville. WTAMPLI': ACJCOMMODATIONS. HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED.-=©ft isriEJ'Vsraroisr, isroi&Ti3::.c.A.E,oXjiifrjL. THETLEADING HOTEL OF THE CITY. ELEGANT SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. FARE, FIRST CLASS. TERMS REASONABLE. SHELTON, JORDAN & WORTH, MANUFACTURERS OF ll I ,1 m }j SOLE PROPRIETORS OF "SPECKLE TROUT" SMOK- ING. FANCY PLUG OF ALL KINDS. jg^WE USE NO ADULTEHATION OS PEEFUMB.-^M A KARE LUXURY IS "Blac^ Mountaiq" ^mol^ing Tobacco, FROM THE "LAND OF THE SKY." MADE OF THE PURE LEAF OF WESTERN NORTH CARO- LINA, FAMOUS AS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD FOR SMOKING. J. E. HAY, Mamifacturer, Asheville. N. 0. H. M. PARKER, LANDSCAPE GARDENER. LAYS :OUT GROUNDS, SUPERINTENDS PLANTING OF OR- NAMENTAL TREES AND LAWNS. Address at AshevlUe, or Best Post-Offlce. APPENDIX TO ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY, EMBRACING THE MOST RECENT BUSINESS CHANGES TO OCTOBER 1, 1883. ACKER W. H., painter, Public Square, removed from city. ALEXANDER J. M., grocer and saddler. Public Square, firm changed to Alexander & Pen- land, and removed to Patton avenue. BERRY W. T., of Berry & Co., removed from city. BETHEL R. S., furniture dealer, n. Main, removed to Patton avenue. BANKS A. A. (late of Silver Springs Hotel), restaurant, one door above post-ofiice, recently established. BROOKSHIRE J AS. M., late clerk J. E. Rankin & Co., now of Rankin & Co., Best. BROOKSHIRE JOHN A., late clerk S. Van Gilder, now with J. E. Rankin & Co. BURTON SOLOMON (col.), produce dealer and boarding, Pulliam st., removed to n. Main. CAMPBELL & HARKEY, saddlers, s. Main, succeeded by W. A. Campbell. CLEMMONS E. T., proprietor Eagle Hotel, succeeded by .1. W. Bradley. COOKE & DILLON, carpenters, Willow street, recently established. DE VAULT BROS., dealers in musical merchandise, s. Main, omitted by mistake. DODGE W. S., auction goods, s. Main, recently established. HALLYBURTON A. G., grocer and baker, n. Main, succeeded by J. J. Mackey. HARRIS SALAMIS, steward Swannanoa Hotel, vice X. P. La Barbe. HAYES J. A., general merchandise, n. Main, op. Farmers Warehouse, recently established. HALL S. D., late clerk S. R. Chedester & Son, now with G. M. Roberts. HESTON W. R., late clerk Van Gilder & Brown, now with Ballard & Van Gilder. HONOUR T. A., Jr., bookseller and stationer, s. Main, recently established. JONES & SORRELLS, liquors, s. Main, succeeded by Jones & Mclsaac. LA BARBE A. P., late steward Swannanoa Hotel, now clerk Eagle Hotel. MACKEY J. J., grocer and baker, n. Main, successor to A. G. Hallyburton. MASON & CROFT, produce dealers, Public Square, omitted by mistake. MOSELEY G. G., late clerk J. D. Brevard & Co., now with Van Gilder & Brown. PAYSEUR G. F., furniture dealer, Eagle Hotel, recently established. POOL Rev. SOLOMON, private school, Haywood street, recently established. RHEA, CHAMBERS & CO., late proprs. Asheville Warehouse, succeeded by Chambers & Co. SMITH T. S., insurance agent, Public Square, removed from city. SORRELLS A. P., late of Jones & Sorrells, removed to Eagle-Hotel bar. S'JDOCKTON J. A., tailor, s. Main, removed from city. WEBB D. H., late clerk Jas. M. Alexander, now with G. M. Roberts. WILDER J. D., late head bookkeeper Banner Warehouse, now proprietor Farmers Ware- house, vice S. B. West & Co. WILSON GEO. J., late proprietor Grand Central Hotel, now chief clerk Eagle Hotel. THE Asheville City Directory AND Gazetteer of Buncombe County FOK d 883-84, Comprising a complete list of the Citizens of Asheville, with Places of Business and Residence ; together with a list OF Churches, Schools, Newspapers, Societies, and Associations of the City and County; State, County, and City Governments, &c. ALSO, J^ Commercial Dii^ecfoi'il of AjheVille @ Buncomie CountJ, AND A Directory of over 1000 Farmers, giving the number of acres owned by each, with distance and direction from nearest Post-Offlce. .; AH HISTORICAL SKETCH OF ASHEVILLE AND BtlHCOMBE COUNTY, GIVIXG The early annals of both, and showing their present advantages to the health and pleasure-seeker, as well as to the capitalist seeking profitable investment, WITH AN APPENDIX, Giving recent business changes in Asheville to October 1, 1883. ILIiUSTKATED "WITH SEVERAL ENGRAVINGS. Compiled by J. P. DAYISON. PRICE, $2.50. richmond, va. : Baughman Brothers, Printers. 1883. #■ INTRODUCTION. In presenting to the citizens of Asheville and Buncombe county this vohime, the first of its kind published in Western North Carolina, the publisher must first return his sincere thanks to those who have so liberally patronized his undertaking. He is happy to say that the business men of Asheville have almost unanimously encouraged him from the start, not only with large orders for books and advertisements, but with kind words and "pats on the back." The people of Asheville must feel an honest pride in the contemplation of the gratifying progress which this Directory shows the city to liave made in business and population in the last few years. And it is still on a '' boom " which shows no signs of weakening, but, rather, gains strength day by day. The publisher has done his best in getting up this book ; and if an occasional error be found, he trusts his generous patrons will remember the difficulties attending the compilation of a work of its character. So many of the streets of Asheville are still unnamed, and so much ground occupied by dwellings, not laid out in streets at all, that it Avas found impossible to give the exact location of every resident. The number of negroes, also, without settled homes or occupa- tions, gave him a world of trouble in trying to discover their haunts, and he was often obliged, at last, to give up, in despair of finding them. From the above cfiuse, no doubt the names of many of this class will fail to appear in the Directory. Happily, however, it is a small loss. In the County Gazetteer, though the greatest care was exercised in arranging the tables, no doubt some faults will be found with the distance and direction of residences from the post-offices. This is to be expected, for hardly ever will two men be found to agree upon the distance between places in the country. In compiling the " Gazetteer " and historical parts of this book, tlie publislier was much indebted to "The Heart of the Alleghanies" ; to the columns of the Asheville Citizen and the Asheville News; to the editors of both journals, and to many ladies and gentlemen, both in city and county, whose kindness he will never forget, and to whom he again returns his earnest thanks. The delay in the appearance of this volume was mostly due to causes over which the publisher had no control ; but his inexperience, of course, had some- thing to do with it. However, as the book went tlirough the press, he constantly noted in its pages the various business changes of the city, and in the Appendix will be found the very latest, down to October 1, 1883. The undersigned hopes that a year or two hence he will be spared to under- take a work similar to this ; and confidently prophesies that the increase in busi- ness and population of the city and county will, by that time, justify the publica- tion of a much more pretentious volume than that which, with all its imperfec- tions, he now places before the public. J. P. DAVISON. Asheville, N. C, October 1, 1883. l\ndL CONTENTS. ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY. PAGE Abbreviations IV Appendix (facing title) S Churches, city and vicinity 68 City Government 67 Commercial Directory.. 59 General Directory of Names (Whites) 17 General Directory of Names (Colored) 46 Introduction 10 Schools 67 Societies and Associations 6S Street Directory 13 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Alexander. Alto PAGE ... 70 ... 71 Arden 72 Asheville (Farmers) 72 Avery's Creek 74 Barnardsville 74 Best 75 Black Mountain Station 76 Busbee 77 Cooper's 77 Democrat , 78 Fairview 78 Flat Creek 79 Foxville 80 Grantville 80 Harkins SO High Knob 80 Hominy Creek 81 Leicester 83 Long's 85 Mitchell 85 Morgan Hill ^ 85 New Found 8-5 Ramsey 86 Refuge 86 Riceville 86 Sandy Mush.., 87 Silver Springs 87 Shufordsville 88 Stocksville 88 Swannanoa 89 PAGE Turnpike 89 Vanceville 90 Weaverville 90 Churches 92 Corn Mills 94 Flouring Mills 93 Furniture Factories 95 General Merchandise Dealers 93 Hotels and Boarding Houses 95 Physicians 95 Saw Mills 94 Schools 93 Tanyards 95 Woolen Mill 95 Buncombe County Officers 97 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. PAGE Federal Court 99 Inferior Court.. 99 Legislative 100 North Carolina Representatives In Con- gress 100 State Government 98 Superior Courts 98 Supreme Court 98 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY'. PAGE Introduction 101 Geographical and Historical 101 Farming— Culture and Manufacture of Tobacco, &c 106 Internal Improvements, &c 109 " The Pioneers" 112 Eminent Sons of Buncombe 117 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF ASHEVILLE. PAGE Geographical 119 Historical 120 As a Summer Resort 123 Business, Population and Wealth, &c 125 Local Improvements— Streets, Bld'gs, &C...127 12 CONTENTS. PAGE Some Needed Improvements 129 Churches 130 Schools 132 Newspapers 134 Societies and Associations. 135 "To Asheville by Stage" 137 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY. PAGE Asheville Citizen 139 Asheville News 140 Aston E. J., Real Estate and Ins. Agt 2 Atkinson Natt, Lawyer and Land Agt 5 Ballard & Van Gilder, Stoves and Tinware,. outside front cover Ballard F. J., Florida Curiosities 143 Bethel R. S., Furniture Dealer 1 Brevard J. D. & Co., Gen'l Mdse, outside back cover Branch Thos. W., Insurance 3 Carter & Carter, Lawyers 143 Carter M. E., Lawyer 143 Chedester .S. R. & Son, Gen'l Mdse 142 Child W. S., Jr., Real Estate and Ins. Agt, outside front cover Farmers Warehouse 6 Fitzpatrick R. L., Painter _.. 144 Gorenflo & West, Builders 5 Gwyn Walter B., Lawyer and Land Agt.... 3 Hampton & Featherston, Liquors 112 Henderson Bros., Leaf-Tobacco Dealers.... 1 Hill J. J. & Co., Furniture 4 Holmes E. I., Tobacco Manufr 1 Johnston & Shuford, Lawyers 143 Kepler S. R., Groceries and Glassware 6 Levy I, & Co., Clothing, &c., outside back cover Lindsey A. J. & Bro., Tinners 142 Muller W. O., Liquors 4 Murdoch & Colvin, Builders, inside back cover Oliver J. C, Baker, &c 141 Parker H. M., Land.scape Gardener 7 Ray J. E., Tobacco Manufr 7 Redwood H. & Co., Gen'l Mdse 4 Revel A. W., Painter 143 Robertson W. T., Photographer 1 Sawyer Jas. P., Dry Goods, Clothing, &c... 4 Swaimanoa Hotel outside back cover Sheltou, Jordan & Worth, Tobacco Mnfrs.. 7 Taylor & Folsom Photographers 142 Walker R. P. & Co , Leaf-Tobacco Dealera..l43 Wagner Jno. A., Builder 141 Ware A. B., Dentist 143 West S. B. & Co 43 Westall T. C. & Son, Builders 141 Wheeler & Wilson Manufg Co 5 Whitlock S., Dry Goods.&c.inside front cover Whitson W. R., Lawyer 143 Williams C. M., Bookseller, outside front cover Woody & Hatch, Carriage Makers 141 COUNTY. Ashworth Jason, Fairview 96 Baird R., Alexander inside back cover Garien J. R., Shufordsville 96 Porter T. M., Best inside back cover Rankin & Co., Best 144 Rickman T. L., Arden 96 Teniient G. B., Best 6 Vandiver E. F., M'eaverville 95 Wing Dr. W. W., Weav(rville 96 FOREIGN. Harnett House, Savannah ,5 " Heart of the Alleghanies," inside back cover Youut's Hotel, Newton, N. C 6 A8HEVILLE STREET-DIRECTORY. Academy — N from Haywood to limits. Atkin — E from S Main to Beaucatcher mountain. Bailey — S from Patton avenue to Town branch. Beaucatcher Road — Continuation of College street S E to Mountain Top. Beaver Dam — N by E from N Main to limits. Bridge — N from Woodfin to Orange. Buttrick — N by W from junction Haywood street and Patton avenue to Hill. Charlotte — N from Woodfin to limits. Cherry — W from N Main to Academy. Chestnut — E from N Main to White Pine. Church — S from Patton ave., turning S by W into S Main. College — N E from Public Square to Town mountain. Eagle — E from S Main to Valley. Flint — N from Haywood to Cherry. French-Broad Avenue — S from Haywood to limits. Grove (formerly known as William street) — S from Pat- ton avenue to first cross-street (unnamed). Haywood — N W from Patton avenue to Flint, thence W and S W to Patton avenue again, at Buttrick. Hill— S W from Academy to Patton avenue. Locust — N from College to Woodfin, Mountain — E from White Pine to Beaucatcher road. New — S from Poplar for about lOO yards, thence E to Beaucatcher road. 14 ASHEVILLE STREET-DIRECTORY. North Main — N from Public Square to limits. Orange — E from Beaver Dam to Bridge. Patton Avenue — W from Public Square to French- Broad river. Poplar — E from College to Beaucatcher road. Pulliam— W from N Main to Haywood. Roberts Avenue — S W from junction of Patton avenue and Haywood to French-Broad river. Short— N from Cherry to limits. South Main — S from Public Square to limits. Spruce — N from College to Woodfin. Sycamore — S E from Main to Valley, thence E to Beau- catcher mountain. Valley — S by W from College to S Main. Water — N from Willow st, turning N by E into N Main. Walnut— W from N Main to Haywood. White Oak— N from College to Woodfin. White Pine — S from Camp Patton to Colored Baptist church. Willow — W from S Main to Church. Woodfin— E from N Main to White Pine. NOTE. A. M. Academy — near, N, W, &c., of same. Used in this book to denote a large area lying to the W, N, and N E of A. M. Academy, of which, however, but a small portion has been opened out in streets, yet having a very considerable population, mostly colored. AcKE, The — A polite abbreviation of Hell's Half Acre, situated on the S E corner of \ alley and Sycamore streets, and running along both streets for a short distance. Its denizens are entirely of the African race. "Beaucatcher" — A great number of people, i)rincipally colored, are scat- tered all over the W face of the mountain of above name, and as very little of the space they occupy has been laid out in streets, it was found impossible to designate their places of abode more accurately. ASHEVILLE STREET-DIEECTOEY. 15 Carter Building — Same as Legal Corner, south side Public Square. Camp Patton— Used in denoting tlie residences of several people who live near, (the only possible way, in fact,) as well as of those whose abodes are actually in it. Camp Pattou is a tract of land embracing several acres, and is bounded E by White Pine, W by Charlotte, and S by Chestnut. The northern boundary is not clearly defined. Doubleday's Addition — From one-iialf to one mile X of court-house, em- bracing a large number of iiouses, and intersected by many streets, none of which, however, have been named. Legal Corner — Same as Carter Building, south side Public Scpuire. Northern Limits — That portion of Asheville immediately outside the cor- poration on the nortli, the inhal)itants of which, iiowever, find tiieir occupati(jns within the city. Public Si^uare -The geographical and commercial centre of the city; con- tains the court-liouse and other county buildings. Southern Limits — Just beyond corporation on the south. GENERAL DIRECTORY CITY OF ASHEVIL^L^E IFOI^ 1883-'4:. WHITES. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE DIRECTORY. A F College, Asheville Fe- male (College. A M Academy. A.';heville Male Academy. advt, advertisement. agt, agent. av, aveuue. bds, boards. bet, betweeu. bkpr, bookkeeper. bldg, building. cllv, clerk. condr. conductor. C H, Courthouse. cor, corner. dist, district. E or e, east. eng, engineer. expr, express. genl mdse, general merchan- dise, ins, insurance. Int Rev, Iniernal Revenue, lab, 1h borer. U E, Methodist Episcopal, mkr, maker, mfr, manufacturer. N or n, north. N E or II e, northeast, nr, near. N W or n w, northwest. opp, opposite. P O, post-office, pres, president, prin, principal, propr, proprietor, pub, publisher or public, res. residence, rd, road. ret, retail. Rev, reverend. S or s, south. N E or n e, northeast. sq, square. St, street. S W or s \y, southwest. secy, secretary. S & A R R, Spartanburg and Asiieville railroad, supt, superintendent, treas, treasurer, tel, telegraph, tob, tobacco. W or w, west, wid, widow, wks, works. W N C R R, Western North Carolina Railroad. W H, Warehouse. ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. Abbott Joseph, butcher, wks A G Osborne Acker W H, painter, Pub sq, bds Mrs E S Goodlake Akin F M, res Woodfin Alexander J M, manfr saddles and harness and grocer, w side Pub sq, res s Main Alexander Mrs K F, wid, bds H C France 18 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. Allison 'Jas, carpenter, wks Gorenflo & West, bds I H Gorenflo Allred J J, shoemkr, wks I Levy & Co Andrew E W, boot and shoemkr, w side Pub sq, res Doubleday's addition Arthur T S Jr, lumber dlr, bds Carolina House Armstrong E J, Sampson & Armstrong, res cor College and White Oak sts ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, weekly and semi-weekly, Furman, Stone & Cameron editors and proprs, s e cor Pub sq ASHEVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE, Rev J Atkins Jr pres, bet College and VVoodfin and White Oak sts ASHEVILLE NEWS, weekly, C T C Deake editor, J W C Deake pub, Malone bldg, n Main ASTON EDWD J, real estate and ins agt, Aston court, s Main, res Church st Asheville Male Academy, S F Venable prin, Academy st ATKINS Rev J Jr, pres A F College, res College-grounds ATKINS B E, prof in A F College, res College-grounds Atkin Mrs S G, dressmkr, s Main Atkin G E, bar-tender Swannanoa Hotel, bds Mrs S G Atkin ATKINSON NATT, lawyer and real estate agt, office at res, Hazel Hill, w Asheville BANNER WAREHOUSE, Drummond & Lipscomb props, n w cor Walnut and Water sts Baird E, elks S Hammershlag, res Woodfin Baird Zeb, elks Jas P Sawyer Baird A H, city marshal, res Bridge st Baird Mrs L F, wid, res Charlotte Barnet W S, dlr in fertilizers, office Central Hotel, bds same BANK OF ASHEVILLE, Jas P Sawyer pres, D C Waddell cashr, cor Public sq and s Main BALLARD & VAN GILDER, W H Ballard and T I Van Gilder, stoves and tinware, west side Public sq . ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. 19 Ballard W H, Ballard & Van Gilder, bds A Ballard Ballard W C, elks Ballard & Van Gilder, bds A Ballard Ballard A. res Haywood st c BALLARD F J, Florida curiosities, at Van Gilder & Brown's, bds A Ballard c Ballew Jas, wks J T Carter, bds same Ballew VV F, carpenter, wks Gorenflo & West Barnard W W, leaf tobacco and fertilizer dlr, res Spruce Banks Mrs H H, wid, bds Mrs J E Hawley Barrett R W, carpenter, res Short st Baker H D, wagoner, res Butterick st BARESDALE C H, dlr in and stripper of leaf tob. Walnut st Barker W R, pharmacist, with H H Lyons, bds Miss Mary Miller Bagby Rev W H, pastor M E church, res n limits BETHELL R S, furniture dlr, n Main, res Grove st Bearden, Rankin & Co, genl mdse, s Main Bearden M J, Bearden, Rankin & Co, res n Main Berry Jas, tanner, res Sluder bldg, n Main Berry & Co, geni mdse, Patton av Berr}^ W T, Berry & Co, res White Pine st Berry Jas F, Berry & Co, bds J II Carter BELL R H, carpenter, res 2>^m Y. Bise L P, bricklayer, res n Main Birmingham L, lab, res with Jas Moore Bird R W, elk J A Porter, bds Eagle Hotel Blair W P, prop Central Hotel Blair W A, elk Central Hotel Blair A J, res cor n Main and Cherry Bowles R E, painter R L Fitzpatrick, bds S Trivett Boardman J H, machinist N W. Girdwood, res Bailey st Boyd D L & Co, wholesale and retail flour and grain dlrs, n Main BREVARD J D & CO, J D Brevard and R R Porter, dry goods, clotnmg. groceries, &c. , w side Pub sq Brevard J D, J D Brevard & Co, with C W Thorne & Co, Rich- mond, Va • 20 ASHEVILLE CITY DIEECTOKY— Whites. BROOESHIRE JAS M, elks J E Rankin & Co, bds Central Hotel BROOKSHIRE JNO A, elks S Van Gilder, res French-Broad av Brown E L, elks Jas P Sawyer, res College st Brown L V, Van Gilder & Brown, res Patton av Brown T E, Van Gilder & Brown, res Grove st Brown Mrs O K, wid, res Woodfin st Brown Geo, Swink & Brown, bds L Swicegood Brown J C, tinner Ballard & Van Gilder, res Haywood Brown B F, bricklayer, res nr A M Academy Branch Miss Mary S, res cor Woodfin and Spruce BRANCH THOS W, leaf-tob dlr and ins agt, office and res s Main Branner J A, business supt A F College, res College-grounds Branner Miss M Love, teacher A F College Brand X & Co, X Brand and Jno W Starnes, undertakers, cor n Main and Cherry Brand X, X Brand & Co, res cor n Main and Cherry Broyles Miss Delia, elk W & W Mfg Co office, bds E Sluder Broyles J L, agt W & W Mfg Co, bds Central Hotel Broyles J M, elks W T Weaver, bds Mrs T E Reynolds Brandon J R, McDonald & Brandon, res Bailey st Burnett J H, grocer, n Main, bds Central Hotel Buchanan Mrs S E, wid, res s Main Buchanan W A, bds Mrs S E Buchanan Burgin R B, painter, wks A W Revel Burroughs J A. physician, w side Pub sq, bds Eagle Hotel BUNN ROLAND, bricklayer, res nr Charlotte Bunn Albert, bricklayer, res Chestnut st Bull Mrs Josephine, res Carter bldg, Pub sq Buel Rev D H, principal R D T School, Church st BUXTON Rev JARVIS, rector Trinity Episcopal church, res Church st BUTTRICK JAMES, planing-mill and builder, w end Patton av, res w side French-Broad river Buttrick J E, carpenter, wks Jas Buttrick, res Roberts av ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. 21 Callaway Sanders, wagoner, n Main Callaway Jas, wagoner, res n Main Callaway Danl, wagoner, res Doubleday addition GAIN D J, physician, office and res s Main Campbell Jas E, lumber dlr, res Haywood st Campbell J A, wks C H Barksdale, bds Jas E Campbell Cameron J D, Furman, Stone & Cameron, res cor Woodfin and White Pine CAROLINA HOUSE, A J Dodamead propr, n Main CARMICHAEL W C, Druggist, s Main, res s Main GARTER J H, leaf-tob dlr. Willow st, res Grove st Carter J T, butcher Jno Rich, res n limits Carter Robt, butcher Jno Rich, bds J T Carter Carter Thos D, res College st Carter E D, lawyer. Legal cor, bds Central Hotel GARTER J D, leaf-tob dlr, Asheville W H, bds J H Carter GARTER H B, lawyer, Legal cor, up stairs, bds M E Carter GARTER & GARTER, Melvin E and Arsemus L, lawyers. Legal cor Carter Arsemus L, Carter & Carter, bds M E Carter Carter Melvin E, Carter & Carter, res cor French-Broad and Patton avs Carter R K, carpenter, bds J H Carter Cauble W D, blacksmith, shop and res n limits Case Mrs Sarah, wid, res New st Carrington F N, Berry & Co, res Bailey st Cannon Geo W, United States storekeeper, res Patton ave Central Hotel, W P Blair propr, n Main Child W S Jr, Martin & Child, res Camp Patton Child Herbert D, elks Penniman & Co, bds Dr Millard Chambers N T, Rhea, Chambers & Co, bds Western Hotel Chambers E C, bkpr Asheville W H, bds Western Hotel Chapman Mrs L, res s Main Chilson C A, tinner, wks Ballard & Van Gilder, bds J R Rich 22 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. CHEDESTER S R & SON, S R and S H, genl mdse, Patton av Chedester S R, S R Chedester & Son, res w end Patton av Chedester S H, S R Chedester & Son, bds S R Chedester Chunn A F, with Wallace Bros, Statesville, res Grove st Chunn A B, boarding, l*atton av bet Bailey and Grove sts Chunn J S, carpenter, res Haywood st Clayton W B, agt W & W Mfg Co, res n Main Clayton E S, carpenter, wks T L Clayton, res Spruce st Clayton T L, contractor and builder and planing-mills, 2 m w CLARK J ADGER, bds Swannanoa Hotel Clapp Joseph W, cabinetmkr, res Hill st Clemmons E T, propr Eagle Hotel Clingman Thos L, lawyer, bds Eagle Hotel Clyce Frank, carpenter, bds G W Goodlake COOK W H, carpenter and builder, bds W A Israel Cook J L, carpenter, res s Main COOPER A D, dep collector int rev 6th Dist N C, office s Main, res Haywood st Cooper Joseph C, fireman W N C R R, res nr depot Cobb R F, lumber dlr, Willow st, bds W M Weaver Cocke & Jones, Wm M Cocke Jr and Johnstone Jones, lawyers, office w side Pub sq Cocke Wm M Jr, Cocke & Jones, res Maria av COCKRUM J W, carpenter, res w side French-Broad river Collins T C, Hughes & Collins, Silver Spgs, res nr depot Collins J F, Bricklayer, wks Murdock & Colvin Colvin Jas. Murdock & Colvin, res w side French-Broad river COLE J B, moulder N W Girdwood, res Silver Springs Coffin The Misses, boarding, Haywood st CORPENING W G, railroad contractor, res Charlotte st Cordell John, carpenter, bds W M Weaver Corrie John J,supt Asheville green-houses, White Oak, opp A F College Cosby B H, jeweller, wks C Cowan, res Haywood COWAN CANADA, watchmaker and jeweller, Patton av, res Haywood ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. 23 Cowan Jesse T, carpenter, res nr Hill st Craig Locke, lawyer, office with A T Davidson Creasman M A, carpenter, res Short st Creasman W L. wagoner, res s Main Creasman Mrs Albertine, wid, res with W L Creasman Cravxford W R, carpenter, bds Harrison Howell Crow L S, compositor Asheville Citizen, res Doubleday's addition Cromwell Zeb, bar tender Eagle Hotel, bds same Cunningham E L, carpenter, res Orange CUNNINGHAM JASON F, carpenter, wks T C Westall .t Son Cummings P A, Henry & Cummings, res Bailey st CUSHMAN WALTER S, lawyer, res -y, m N W^ DAVIDSON A T, lawyer, C. H., res College st Davidson Mrs H M, wid, res Spruce st DAVIDSON & MARTIN, Theo F Davidson and Jas G Mar- tin, lawyers, office in C H Davidson Theo F, Davidson & Martin, res cor College and Val- ley sts DAVISON J P, publisher "Asheville Cit\- Directory and Gazeteer of Buncombe Co," res 18,231 Hash av, Best Davis John, driver E T Clemmons, res Walnut Davis A C, grocer, n Main, res n Main Davis T E, carpenter, res Haywood st Davis J M, carpenter, res Cherry st DEAVER & CO, W T S Deaver and W C Featherston. liquor dlrs, n Main Deaver W T S, Deaver & Co, res Water DEAKE C T C, editor Asheville News, res -'Idlewild" DEAKE J W C, publisher Asheville Nexus and postal-clerk W N C R R Deaver A E, res Charlotte Despard Mrs Mary, wid, res cor n Main and Cherry De Vault C W, druggist, s Main, res same De Vault T M, elks C W De Vault, bds same 24 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTOEY— Whites. De Vault J D, elks C W De Vault, bds same DODAMEAD A J, propr Carolina House Donovan Mrs Mary, wid, res n limits Donovan Miss Kate, domestic R R Porter Donovan Miss Mary, domestic Jas E Reed Donovan Miss Mattie, domestic C E Lee DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, U Doubleday and Geo F Scott, lumber dlrs, Patton av DOUGLAS B H, dentist, office s w cor Pub sq, bds Dr Summey Drummond R F, Drummond & Lipscomb, res n Main DRUMMOND & LIPSCOMB, R F Drummond and W T Lipscomb, proprs Banner W H DRUMMOND J A, leaf-tob dlr, bds A W Malone Dukes T C H, bkpr Jas P Sawyer, res Short st Ducket Thos, carpenter, res Butterick st E Eagle Hotel, E T Clemmons propr, s Main Eaton John, plasterer, res Patton av Earwood Henry F, retired produce dlr, res nr W N C R R depot Edney 'I hos A, painter, res e side Pub sq Edney H C, painter, bds Mrs E G Edney Edney Mrs E G, wid, res n Main Edney Miss A M, milliner at J P Sawyer's, bds Mrs E G Edney Ervvin S Bulow, bkpr, res s Main Erwin Jno B, express messenger R & D R R Erwin W T, elks G M Roberts Eubanks P R, student, bds Rev D H Buel FAGG M J, railroad contractor and planter, res cor Beaver Dam and n Main Fagg H C, bds M J Fagg Fagg J A, boarding, cor Bridge and Orange Fain N W, wagoner, res Academy st Falk C, prof in, A F College, res College-grounds ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTOKY— Whites. 25 Fanning F A, elks J D Brevard & Co, res College st FARMERS WAREHOUSE, S B West & Co proprs, n Main Farnsworth .Geo W, bricklayer, res College st Featherston W C, Deaver & Co, res cor Flint and Cherry Featherston A A, Hampton & Featherston, res Water st FITZPATRICK R L, painter, n Main opp P O, res Woodfin st Finch R G, cabinetmkr, Haywood st, res same Foster Miss Annie, domestic H S Harkins Fowler Jno F, agt W & W Mfg Co. bds Central Hotel Frank Jas, agt Reems Creek Woollen Mills, office n Main, res White Pine Franks C F, compositor Asheville Citizen, res Haywood Franklin J H, shoemkr, wks A Freck, res College st Frady John, wagoner, res s Main Frady S L, res Church st France P S, with W T Reynolds, bds Swannanoa Hotel France Jno G, H C France & Co, bds H C France France H C, H C France & Co, res Haywood France H C & Co, leaf-tob dlrs France W S, leaf-tob dlr, bds H C France Freck A, shoemkr, s Main cor Eagle, res s Main Fulton Mrs Mary, wid, res n Main FURMAN, STONE & CAMERON, proprs Asheville QUzen, s e cor Pub sq Furman R M, Furman, Stone & Cameron, res White Pine Furman R B, elks Jas P Sawyer, bds E L Brown G Gammon Rev J P, pastor Presbyterian church, res cor Haywood and Flint Gates Wm, baker F M Johnston, res Willow Garren Leander, wks A Garrett, res nr A M Academy Garren Wm, carpenter, res New st Gherkins E A, composr Asheville Citizen^ bds Mrs M J Gherkins Gherkins Mrs M J, wid, res n Main 26 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. Gilbert S M, mfr boots, shoes, saddles, and harness, Patton av, res Academy st Gilbert M L, carriagemkr, s Main, bds Jas W Patton Gillim J C, agt, bds F P Love Gillim T J, agt, bds F P Love Gilreath C H, gardener, res n Main GIRDWOOD N W, foundry and machine-shops at W N C R R depot, bds M E Carter Glass D F, gardener, res College .st Glenn E R. carpenter, PuUiam st, res Woodfin Goodlake Mrs E S, boarding, s Main Goodlake A M, carpenter, res French-Broad av Goodlake J W, Swink & Goodlake, res Bailey st Goodlake G W. family groceries, s Main, res s Main GORENFLO & WEST, I H Gorenflo and A G West, contrac- tors and builders Gorenflo I H, Gorenflo & West, res s Main Gouchenour H H, elks G M Roberts Graham R L, elks H. Redwood & Co, bds Mrs A E Hall GRAHAM C E, wholesale dry goods, boots, shoes, and cloth- ing, n Main, res cor Patton and French -Broad avs Graham W A. tobacconist, res n Main GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Patton av, W^ater and PuUiam sts. Geo J Wilson propr Grant Wm, lab, res n limits Grace J K, carpenter, res Doubleday's addition Green Mrs M M, wid, res New st Guinn D M, agt W & W Mf g Co, bds Central n'otel GTJDGER H L, postmaster of Asheville, bds Central Hotel GWYN WALTER B, lawyer and land agt, office in C H, res Grove st H HALLYBTIRTON A G, agt W N C R R Co, and grocer n Main, bds L V Brown Hall S D, elks S R Chedester & Son ASHEVILLE CITY DIEECTORY— Whites. 27 Hall Mrs E A, wid, res cor Haywood and Walnut Hale Amie M, physician, office at res, I*atton av Hammershlag S, genl mdse, n Main, res n Main Hampton J E, Hampton & Featherston, res n Main HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON, J E Hampton and A A Featherston, wholesale and retail liquor dlrs, w side Pub sq Hampton J H, carpenter, res s Main Hampton C M. carpenter, res Bailey st Hatch Walter S. Woody & Hatch, res s limits Hare Mrs Sue A_ wid, res n Main Hare R H, elks C M Williams, bds Mrs Sue A Hare HARKINS H S, chief of police and United States dep marshal, res Haywood st Hart John, res n Main Harkey J M, saddler, n Main HARDT J G, physician, office and res Church st Havener J M, carpenter, res Doubleday's addition Havener R A, carpenter, res Cherry st Hawkins G N, carpenter res w end Patton-av Hawkins J A, tinner Ballard & Van Gilder, res Hill st Hawley Mrs J E, wid, res cor Woodfin and Charlotte Hawley Miss Mary F, teacher A F College, bds Mrs J E Hawley Haynes A F, miller N W Girdwood, res nr W N C R R depot Hege C L, telegraph operator W N C R R depot, bds Silver Springs Hotel Henderson Mrs Melissa, wid, res s Main HENDERSON BROS, J A and George, leaf-tob dlrs, Walnut Henderson George, Henderson Bros Henderson J A, Henderson Bros, res Danville, Va Henry Alex'r. res Orange st Henry O H, with Wilson, Burns & Co, Baltimore, res Orange HENRY & CUMMINGS, J L Henry and P A Cummings, law- yers, s side Pub sq Henry J L, Henry & Cummings, res Silver Springs Henry I, bkpr S Whitlock, bds S Lipinsky Herrell John, carpenter, wks Gorenflo & West, bds A G West 28 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. HERN'DON E W, elk Superior Court, office in C H, res Col- lege st Herndon Mrs H M, millinery s Main, res College st HERRING J H, mngr W & W Mfg Co's office, bds J H Carter Hess John, wagoner, res Water st Hess Wm, wks E T Clemmons, res Water st Heston W R, elks Van Gilder & Brown, bds J M Heston Heston E E, bds J M Heston HESTON J M, groceries and confectioneries, Eagle-Hotel block, res n Main Hester St Clair, student, bds Rev D H Buel HILL J J & CO, furniture dlrs, n side Court sq Hill J J, J J Hill & Co, res n Main Hill C F, elks J J Hill & Co HILLIARD W L, physician, office s Main, res s Main Hilliard Chas E, elks W C Carmichael, bds Dr Hilliard HILDEBRAND G A, dentist, office and res cor College and White Pine HILDEBRAND JNO Sr, res New st Hildebrand Otto, cabinetmkr, bds Jno Hildebrand Sr HOWELL J 0, genl mdse, n Main, bds Mrs T E Reynolds Howell Harrison, wks Ray's livery, res Cherry st HOWERTON Dr W H, propr Swannanoa Hotel Holland W A, bkpr Bank of Asheville, res Woodfin st Holland Mrs Susan, wid, res Woodfin st HOLMES E I & CO, smoking-tob mnfrs, Church st Holmes E I, E I Holmes & Co, res on Swannanoa river, 214 m S E Hoyt Ike Will, wks Ray's livery Hunt H C, boarding. Valley st Hurt Jas C, agt W & W Mfg Co, res Sluder bldg, n Main Hunt Wm. lab, res New st HUGHES G A, carpenter, res Roberts av Ingle Andrew, carpenter, res n Main Inman S H, carpenter, res n limits ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. 29 Israel W A, wagoner, res s Main ISRAEL J M, tobacconist, res Woodfin st JACKSON W W, carpenter and builder, res Bailey st Jarrett R F, tinner Ballard & Van Gilder, bds J R Rich Jenkins H M, carpenter, Pulliam st, bds C F Franks Jenkins W H, carpenter, bds Mrs E S Goodlake Jenkins C L, agt W & W Mfg Co, bds L F Sorrells JENNISON SAM'L D, stonecutter, bds P C Shackelford Jennison H S, photographer with W T Robertson Johnston R B, farmer and fruit-grower, res n Main JOHNSTON HUGH, res Patton av Johnston Thos D, Johnston & Shuford, res Grove st JOHNSTON & SHUFORD, Thos D Johnston and Geo A Shuford, lawyers, Johnston bldg, s w cor Pub sq Johnson F M, city bakery, n Main, res same Johnson Mrs Lucy, wid, res Water st Jones T Atkinson, elks R S Bethell, bds same Jones & Sorrels, liquor dlrs and bowling alley, s Main Jones H C, Jones & Sorrells, bds Slagle House JONES R R, gentleman of leisure, res Academy st Jones Johnstone, Cocke & Jones, bds Miss Mary Miller Jones B M, real estate agt, office at R S Bethell's store, bds R S Bethell Jones W E, cabinetmkr, res Charlotte st Jones J M, Zachary & Jones, res 4 m S W Jordan J F, leaf-tob dlr, bds C E Lee Jordan M I, Shelton, Jordan & Worth, bds Carolina House Jordan John Y, elks Lee & Childs, bds Carolina House Justice J C B, bkpr Asheville W H, bds C H Miller Justice R B, surveyor, res s Main Justice G W, carpenter, res n Main Justice Terrell, wagoner, res College st Justice Wm, farmer, res Poplar st 5 30 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. Justice W D, carpenter, n Main, res Doubleday's addition Justice W V, painter, bds W D Justice Justice Miss Dinah, dressmkr at Jas P Sawyer's, bds W D Justice K Kelly P W, painter W H Acker, bds Mrs E S Goodlake Kennedy S D, physician, office over S R Kepler's, bds Swannanoa Hotel KEPLER S R, family groceries and glassware, s Main, res Woodfin Kepler W A, elks S R Kepler, bds same King H L, professor in A M Academy, res i m s w KLEIN M C, manager Swannanoa Hotel La Barbe A P, steward Swannanoa Hotel Lange J J. policeman, bds J H Lange Lange J H, bar-tender W O Muller, res cor Haywood and Academy sts Larson F W, blksmith, wks N W Girdwood LAW J H, china and silverware, opp Eagle Hotel, bds Eagle Hotel Ledford Benj,wks Holmes' tob factory, res nr A M Academy Ledford Mrs Aveline, wid, res nr A M Academy Ledford Wm, lab, res nr A M Academy Ledford Mary, wks Shelton, Jordan & Worth Ledford Betty, wks Shelton, Jordan & Worth Ledford Allie, wks Shelton, Jordan & Worth Ledford Maggie, wks Shelton, Jordan & Worth Lee D U, pension agt, res n Main Lee C E, Lge & Childs, elks C E Graham, res Flint st LEE & CHILDS, C E Lee and L L Childs, grocers, n Main Lee C C, wks Weddin's livery, res s Main Lee Mrs Betty, wid, res cor Academy and Cherry sts Leonard C B, carpenter, res s Main ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. 31 / Levy I, I Levy & Co, res over store LEVY I & CO, I and M Levy, clothing, boots, shoes, and hats, n side Pub sq Lewis Robt T, elks C E Graham, bds Carolina House Lewis J D, rockmason, res New st LINDSEY & BRO, A J and J G Lindsey, tinners, Patton av Lindsey A J, Lindsey & Bro, bds H Lindsey Lindsey J G, Lindsey & Bro, res Doubleday's addition Lindsey H, res Doubleday's addition Lindsey C L, carpenter, bds J G Lindsey Lipinsky S, elks S Whitlock, res n Main Lipscomb VV T, Drummond & Lipscomb, res Water st Littrell Jno, wagoner, res Doubleday's addition Long R A, elks Van Gilder & Brown, res College st Love P I, elks C E Graham Love F P, floor mngr Ray's W H, res 2 m S LOWE W V, engineer W N C R R, bds Jas A Webb Lippard Jas, carpenter, bds Mrs Josephine Bull LUSK V S, mayor of Asheville and atty at law, office over Van Gilder & Brown's, res College st Lusk & Freeman, butchers, s Main Lusk Jas; Lusk & Freeman, res n Main LYMAN T B, res Haywood st Lyman A J, brick mnfr, near W N C R R depot, res Haywood Lynch S S, carpenter and builder, res n Main LYONS H H, druggist and bookseller, w side Pub sq, res Grove st Lyon W H, auctioneer Rays and Farmers warehouses, bds Caro- lina House M Mabry R G, condr W N C R R, bds Silver Springs Hotel Mackey J J, res Haywood st MALONE A W, res Water st Malone C W, res Orange MALONE W H, lawyer, Malone bldg, n Main, res Woodfin 32 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTOEY— Whites. Mann Horace, builder, res Hill st Mann Mrs Horace, millinery s Main, res Hill st Marrow J M, gardener, res Haywood st Martin Mrs Nancy, wid, res Patton av MARTIN & CHILD, Jas G Martin and W S Child Jr, real estate and ins agts, office in C H Martin Jas G, Davidson & Martin, res Cliestnut Wold Massagee J F, carpenter, res 2 m s McCarson David, gardener, res n limits McCanless D M, plasterer, res Hill st McCanless J M, carpenter and builder, res Academy st McCarthy C C, leaf-tob dlr, bds Swannanoa Hotel McConnell J H, produce dlr, res Doubfeday's addition McDonald & BRANDON, G L McDonald and J R Bran- don, grocers, s Main McDonald G L, McDonald & Brandon, res Bailey st McDowell W W, res Terrace mountain, s limits McDowell Jas A, mechanic, bds W W McDowell McDowell Geo M, civil engineer, bds W W McDowell McDowell Jno H, elks Graham & Redwood, bds C H Miller McDowell W G, grocer, s limits, res same McDowell J Hamp, wagoner, res s limits McDowell E E, carpenter, bds W W McDowell Mclntyre F R, bricklayer, res Church st Mclsaac H, corn and hominy steam-mill, Valley st McKeown H B, painter, wks R L Fitzpatrick McLoud Miss Laura E, teacher A F College, res in college McLOUD & MOORE, C M McLoud and Chas A Moore, lawyers, No 2 Legal cor McLoud C M, McLoud & Moore, res n Main McLauglin W W, city editor Asheville News, bds Eagle Hotel Mears G A, genl mdse, s Main, res Water st Merrimon J W, merchant, res Chestnut st MERRIMON EMORY H, lawyer. Legal cor, res Bailey st Merrimon The Misses, res cor Chestnut and Beaver Dam Milam Mrs, housekpr A F College ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTOKY— Whites. 33 Miller F M, elks Penniman & Co, res College st Miller F B, elks H H Lyons Miller T H, elks Powell & Snider, res s Main Miller Miss Mary, boarding, Grove st Miller C H, elks I Levy & Co, res Spruee Miller Joseph A, earpenter, res Walnut st Miller W S, earpenter Gorenflo & West, bds Mrs E S Goodlake Miller Henry, painter R L Fitzpatriek, bds W M Weaver Miller Rev G W, res Hill st Miller G F, earpenter, bds G W Miller MILLARD Dr D T, res eor Haywood and Pulliam sts Mitchell T J, saddler, wks S M Gilbert, res Camp Patton MITCHELL Rev JOHN, pastor Baptist ehureh, bds Dr D T Millard Monday A C, W O Muller & Co, res College st Moore J C, eabinetmkr J J Hill & Co, res n Main MOORE C B, ass't P M, bds Dr D T Millard MOORE JAS, carpenter and builder, res French-Broad av Moore Chas A, MeLoud & Moore, res Camp Patton Moore J L, propr Railroad Hotel Moody W W, ins agt with T S Smith, bds same Morgan Dan'l, res Patton av Morris Joel, moulder N W Girdwood Morris T C, tobacconist. Banner W H, bds R F Drummond Morris John, wks M J Fagg Morrison Rev W N, res French-Broad av MORRIS B W, propr Swannanoa Livery, Eagle st, bds Swan- nanoa Hotel MOSELEY G G, elks J D Brevard & Co, bds W T Lipscomb MOSELEY CHAS A, bkpr C E Graham, bds W T Lipscomb Moncure Dr C H, Wiseman & Moneure MOUNTAIN ISLAND MFG CO, cor Walnut and Water sts Moynihan M H, mngr Singer Mfg Go's office, bds J P Veatman Mull D H, carpenter S S Lynch, bds same MULLER W 0, retail liq dlr, s Main, res Charlotte st MULLER W & CO, wholesale liquor dlrs, Patton av 34 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTOKY— Whites. Muller J D, professor of music res with W O Muller Murphy W L, elks I Levy & Co, bds CaroHna House MURRAY J L, grocer, s Main, res same MURDOCH & COLVIN, John and David Murdoch and Jas Colvin, contractors and builders Murdoch John, Murdoch & Colvin, res w side French-Broad river Murdoch David, Murdoch & Colvin, bds John Murdoch N Neighbors John, bricklayer, res Valley st NELSON M L, physician, office at res, Woodfin st Nix A, brick moulder, res French-Broad av Noel Jonathan, butcher, res n Main Noel Wm, shoemkr, res n Main Noel Sylvester, shoemkr, res n Main NORCOP PERCY T, F R C S, physician and surgeon, office at res, Grove st Norman W F, leaf-tob dlr, bds Eagle Hotel Norvill T W. shoemkr, wks I Levy & Co, res College st O'Bryon R C, elk Grand Central Hotel Orr Thos, Teague & Orr, res n Main Osborne Mrs Joseph, wid, res French-Broad av Osborne A G, butcher and produce dlr, n Main, bds Carolina House Owenby George, wks Jas E Reed Page G W, butcher, n Main, res Sluder bldg Page A L, mechanic, res s Main Page Miss Gary, teacher in A F College, res in college Parker J H, tinner, n Main, res Doubleday's addition Parks T C, wks Weddin's livery ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. 35 Patton J A, carpenter, res Orange st Patton Jas W, res s Main Patton Thos W, res Charlotte st Patton Mont, elk Inferior Court, office in C H, res s limits Patton & Penland, W A and J R Patton and N L Penland, butchers, s Main Patton W A, Patton & Penland, bds J A Patton Patton J R, Patton & Penland, res Orange st PATTERSON J R, register of deeds, office in C li, res Col- lege st Patterson A C, carpenter, bds Grand Central Hotel Payne R L, asst bkpr Banner VV H. bds W T Lipscomb PEARSON RICHMOND, lawyer. Legal cor, res Richmond Hill, 3 m N W Penland Mrs M P, wid, res Water st Penland W J, bar-tender Hampton & Featherston Penland N L, Patton & Penland, res Orange Penland W H, mill-owner, res Haywood Penland J C, elks W O Muller & Co Penland W C, carpenter, res Academy st Penniman W R Sr, res s Main PENNIMAN & CO, VV T and W R Penniman Jr, wholesale and retail hardware, cor n Main and Pulliam Penniman W T, Penniman & Co, res s Main Penniman W R Jr, Penniman & Co, bds W R Penniman Sr Penniman Chas F, elks Penniman & Co, bds W R Penniman Sr PENLEY W P, elks J A Porter, res Doubleday's addition Penley W K, elks A C Davis, bds W P Penley Penley Joseph, wagoner, res Mountain st PELHAM W E & BRO, W E and S D, druggists, No 2 Eagle Hotel block Pelham W E, W E Pelham & Bro, res Newberry S C Pelham S D, W E Pelham & Bro, bds Swannanoa Hotel ' Pelham Chas P, elks W E Pelham & Bro, bds Eagle Hotel Perrow B M, leaf-tob dlr, bds Swannanoa Hotel Pierce R H, blacksmith, wks M L Gibbert 36 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTOKY— Whites. Pierce & Welles, Chas F Pierce and E B Welles, proprs city steam mills, s e of Pub sq Pierce Chas F, Pierce & Welles, res cor College and Valley sts Phillips Miss Ida, domestic Horace Mann Pleasant Mrs C L, wid, res French-Broad av Ponton W E, butcher A G Osborne Ponder A, carpenter, res nr n Main Porter R R, J D Brevard & Co, res Flint PORTER J A, wholesale and retail genl nidse. Main st, res Cherry st Postell H W, elks J L Murray, res Bailey st Postell T W, elks Swannanoa Hotel Postell J C, student, bds Rev D H Buel Postell J H, boarding, Orange st Pope W S & Co, butchers, Parlor market, n Main Pope W S, W S Pope & Co, res n Mam Posey Wm, wagoner, bds Mrs Josephine Bull Powell Geo S. Powell & Snider, res Haywood POWELL & SNIDER, wholesale and retail grocers, n Main Pressley Peter, wagoner, res White Pine Pressley Mrs M M, wid, res s Main Price T A, condr W N C R R, bds Eagle Hotel PuUiam R W, bds Central Hotel Pulliam Lawrence, ass't cashier Bank of Asheville, res n Main Q Quesenberry J B, shoemkr I Levy & Co, res College st R' Ramsey J F, dentist with R H Reeves, bds same Ramsey Jno N, elks J A Porter, bds Central Hotel Ramsour W S, tanner Bearden, Rankin & Co, res n Main Railroad Hotel. J L Moore propr, W N C R R depot RANEIN J E & CO, wholesale and retail genl mdse, n w cor Pub sq ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. 37 Rankin J E, J E Rankin & Co and Bearden, Rankin & Co, res cor Beaver Dam and Orange sts Rankin A, Bearden, Rankin & Co, res n Main Rankin Mrs E L, wid, res n Main Rankin Rev G C, pastor M E Church South, res cor Church and Willow Rash Mrs Jane, wid, res n w of A M Academy Rash J L, blacksmith N W Girdwood, bds Mrs Jane Rash Ray S W, elks J E Rankin & Co, res College st RAY J E, manfr smoking tobacco, sample-office w side Pub sq, res Chestnut st RAY JAS M, propr Ray's W H and Excelsior Stables, s Main, res one door south Rawls R R, bds M E Carter REDWOOD HENRY & CO, genl mdse, C H sq, res Grove st Redmon Mrs Caroline, wid, res Doubleday's addition Redmon Saml M, wagoner, res Doubleday's addition Reeves R H, dentist, office n Main, res Spruce REED JAS E, elk United States Circuit and District Courts, office in C H, res n limits REED SAM'L H, lawyer, office No i Legal cor, res Woodfin opp A F College Reed T J Jr, carpenter, bds J E Reed Revel T J, elks J E Rankin & Co, res Bridge st Revel O D, carpenter, bds T J Revel Revel Mrs W J, wid, res Bridge st REVEL A W, painter, res Doubleday's addition Reynolds W T, livery, cor Pulliam and Water, bds Mrs J C Spears Reynolds Mrs T E, wid, res n Main Reynolds Miss Caroline, domestic V S Lusk Reynolds Jesse, driver Reynolds livery, res Woodfin Reynolds W A, machinist N W Girdwood Reynolds Jas A, bds Central Hotel Reynolds Daniel L, brick manfr. Camp Patton Rhea, Chambers & Co, proprs Asheville W H Rhea H K, Rhea, Chambers & Co, proprs Western Hotel 38 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. Rich J R, butcher, s Main, res Haywood Richards Mrs Lucinda, wid, res cor Woodfin and Spruce Richardson John, carpenter, bds Mrs Josephine Bull Rice Miss Nancy, domestic Hugh Johnston Roberts M E, elks G A Mears, bds same Roberts Mrs S M, wid, bds E S Clayton ROBERTS G M, genl mdse, W N C U R depot, res Patton av Robertson J D, elks Bearden, Rankin & Co, res Beaver Dam ROBERTSON W T, photographer, bds H G Robertson Robertson J A, carpenter, res n limits Robertson H G, res Academy st Robison K W, elks Graham & Redwood, bds C H Miller Robinson John, carpenter, res cor White Pine and Woodfin sts s Sampson & Armstrong, R A Sampson and E J Armstrong, brick manfrs, White Pine Sampson R A, Sampson & Armstrong, res cor College and White Oak Sams W C, elks J O Howell, bds Western Hotel Sanders B G, carpenter, res nr W N C R R depot Sawyer Miss Mary, select private school at res, n Main Sawyer S B, painter, res n Main SAWYER JAS P, wholesale and retail genl mdse, s e cor Pub sq, res French-Broad av SGHARTLE J W, merchant tailor, e side Pub sq, res one door n Schartle F W, tailor J W Schartle, bds same Scott J C, carpenter, bds Mrs Bettie Lee Scott Jas, painter, wks W H Acker Scott Geo F, Doubleday & Scott, res nr west end Patton av Setzer J R, carpenter, bds W M Weaver Sevier E, wagoner, res Hill st Sexton Wm, farmer, res w of A M Academy Sexton J C, blacksmith, res Charlotte st Shackelford Mrs Addie, wid, res s Main ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTOEY— Whites. 39 Shackelford G N, bricklayer, bds Mrs Addie Shackelford Shackelford C D, bricklayer, res s Main Shackelford P C, bricklayer, res College st Shackelford W A, bricklayer, res s Main SHELTON, JORDAN & WORTH, S C Shelton. M I Jordan, and F A Worth, tob mnfrs, Beaver Dam st Shelton S C, Shelton, Jordan & Worth, res i ^ m E Sherrill R J, painter R L Fitzpatrick, bds S Trivett Shipman Laura, domestic J E Rankin Shipman J R, carpenter, res Sycamore st SHOPE W L, elks S Hammershlag, bds Jno A Brookshire Shroat B P, res s Main Shuford Geo A, Johnston & Shuford, bds Mrs T E Reynolds Singer mnfg Co, office n Main, M H Moynihan manager SIMMONS G H, carpenter and builder, res Patton av Skahan R C, baker A G Hallyburton, res n Main Slagle J L L, propr Slagle House, cor Patton av and Bailey st Slagle M M, carpenter, res Charlotte st SLUDER E, broker, res n Main Smith L H, mica miner, res Water st Smith Stephen, wagoner, res n Main Smith Mrs Julia, cook W C Carmichael Smith W F & Son, leaf-tob dlrs Smith Sterling, W F Smith & Son, bds J H Carter SMITH T S, insurance agt, w side Pub sq, res Butterick st Smith H M, stonemason, res Chunn's Cove Smith T M, D L Boyd & Co, res n Main Snider W F, Powell & Snider, bds Mrs T E Reynolds Sondley F A, lawyer. Legal cor, res Cherry st Sondley Mrs H E, wid, res Cherry st Sorrells A P, Jones & Sorrells, res Cherry st Southern Express Co, office Eagle Hotel block Spain Jas M, farmer, res nr W N C R R depot Spears Mrs J C, wid, res Woodfin st Spears Jas W, carpenter, bds Mrs J C Spears Sorrells L F, cooper, s of Pub sq, res Sycamore st 40 ASHEVILLE CITY DIEECTOEY— Whites. Sorrells P B, cooper L F Sorrells, bds same Starnes Jesse R, grocer, n Main, bds Central Hotel Starnes Jno W, X Brand & Co, res Cherry st Starnes Geo H, produce dlr, s Main, bds Western Hotel Starnes T F, grocer, s Main, bds Western Hotel Starnes T C, leaf tob dlr Banner W H, bds W T Lipscomb Stansill Mrs S C, wid, res College st Stansill Miss Florence, milliner Mrs Herndon.bds Mrs S C Stansill Stansill Miss Jessie, librarian Asheville Public Library, bds Mrs S C Stansill Stepp J W, ins agt with T S Smith, res s Main Steele Jno B, Edwin Bates & Co, Charleston, res White Pine st Stikeleather F, agt Southern Ex Co, bds Eagle Hotel STOCKTON J A, tailor, s Main, opp Swannanoa Hotel Stone Jordan, Furman, Stone & Cameron, res White Pine Stradley Jas, res n Main Stradley J M, wheelwright, n Main, res same Stradley Saml, res College st Stroup S T, lab, res Valley st Summey D F, physician, office at res. Walnut st Summey D F Jr, elks J M Heston, bds Dr D F Summey SUMMEY A T, justice of peace and U S commissioner, office over Van Gilder & Brown, res Haywood Summers Rev T P, prof in A F College, res in College Surcey J W, barber, s Main, res same SWANNANOA HOTEL, cor s Main and Willow, Dr W H Howerton propr Swicegood L, painter, Willow st, res s Main Swink John, wks Shelton, Jordan & Worth, res n Main Swink Mrs Mary C, wid, res with John Swink Swink Jas C, Swink & Goodlake, res s Main Swink & Goodlake, blacksmiths, s Main Swink Robt, Swink & Brown, bds L Swicegood Swink &. Brown, painters, s Main ASHEVILLE CITY DIKECTOEY— Whites. 41 Taliaferro H G, druggist with Wiseman & Moncure, bds Western Hotel Taylor John, lab, res n Main TAYLOR NAT W, photographer, s Main, res same TAYLOR S R, livery, n Main, bds Dr Nelson Teague & Orr, grocers, n Main Teague Robt, Teague & Orr, bds Thos Orr Teague Wm, carpenter, res n limits Tennent J A, architect and civil engineer, res Best Thackam J R, elks Carolina House TOPPINGS A J, dentist, s Main, bds Western Hotel Townsend Mrs Cleopatra, wid, res n Main Townsend Geo, wks Shelton, Jordan & Worth, res n Main TOWNSEND C F, res n Main Townsend W W,wks Shelton, Jordan & Worth, bds C F Townsend Townsend J C, wks Shelton, Jordan & Worth, bds C F Townsend Trader Mrs E K, res Orange Tranham Geo W, lab, res Sycamore st Trexler B C, blacksmith, res s Main Trimmier Jas W, salesman J E Rankin & Co, res Woodfin Trinks Henry, gunsmith, n side Pub sq, res same Trivett S, boarding, cor French-Broad and Roberts avs Turpin Isaac, carpenter, res s Main V Van Gilder & Brown, T I Van Gilder, L V and T E Brown, wholesale and retail hardware, cor Pub sq and s Main Van Gilder T I, Van Gilder & Brown, and Ballard & Van Gilder^ res cor College and Spruce Van Gilder S, clothing, boots, shoes, and hats, s Main, res Spruce st Venable S F, principal A M Academy and city engineer, res Academy st Vining Howard, night elk Swannanoa Hotel 42 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. WADDELL D C, cashier Bank of Asheville, res cor n Main and Woodfin sts WAGNER JOHN A, architect and builder, res Woodfin st Walker R P & Co, leaf-tob dlrs, under Farmers W H Walker R P, R P Walker & Co, bds Carolina House Walker J L, carpenter WARE A B, dentist, n Main, res French- Broad av Ware J F, grocer, n Main, bds Dr A B Ware Ward Rev Wm, res Sycamore st Weaver W T, genl mdse, n side Pub sq, bds C H Miller Weaver W M, cooper, Willow st, res Sycamore Weant H A, wagoner Van Gilder & Brown, res Spruce WEBB W A, elks J A Porter, res French-Broad av Webb D H, elks J M Alexander, bds Jas A Webb Webb H H, res Patton av WEBB JAS A, elks Van Gilder & Brown, res French-Broad av Webb Isaac, res with Jas A Webb Weddin W A, Eagle livery, s Main, res s Main Weddin E, elks Eagle Hotel Welborn Rev J M (M E), res Doubleday's addition Weldon S G, mngr W U telegraph office, res s Main Welles E B, Pierce & Welles, bds Chas F Pierce West A G, Gorenflo & West, res s Main West J S, elks S R Kepler, res French-Broad av WEST S B & CO, tob mnfrs and proprs Farmers W H ia MOUNTAIN ISLAND MANUFACTURING CO. CeleMei f esterii M\ Carolia Cliewiij & Smoiiiii Toteccos, COR. WALNUT AND WATER STREETS. FARMERS TVAREHOUSE, FOR SALE OF LEAF. DEALERS AND BROKERS IN LEAF TOBACCO, COR. NORTH MAIN AND WALNUT. S. B. '^^EST & CO. ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. 43 West S B, S B West & Co, res Water st West E R, Farmers W H, bds S B West WESTALL T C & SON, T C and J M, contractors and build- ers, Chestnut st Westall T C, T C Westall & Son, res Chestnut Westall J M, T C Westall & Son, bds T C Westall Western Hotel, Pub sq, H K Rhea, propr WHEELER & WILSON MNFG CO, office n Main, J H Herring mngr Wheeler A H, painter, wks A W Revel, res nr depot Wheeler J C, saddler, wks J M Alexander, res Church st Wheeler Wm, saddler, wks J M Alexander, res Church st WHITESIDES, J B, carpenter, res Doubleday's addition Whitesides E W, compositor Asheville Cifisen, bds W R Young Whitson G W, dentist, cor College and Spruce, res 5 m S E WHITSON W R, lawyer, office in C H Whitson Geo M, school-teacher, bds J R Patterson Whitson J J, carpenter, bds Jas W Patton Whiten Frank, carpenter, res n Main White Miss Lily, nurse S H Reed WHITLOCK S, dry goods and fancy goods, Eagle Hotel block, bds S Lipinsky Wingate T C, confectioneries at Post-Office, res n Main WILLIAMS C M, bookseller and news-dealer, Eagle-Hotel block, res Woodfin st Williams F M, elks C M Williams, res Short st Williams Miss Florence, domestic W A Holland Williams Mrs Rhoda A, wid, res s Main WILLIAMS JOHN HEY, physician, office s Main, res cor Haywood and French-Broad av Williams Harry S, elks W E Pelham & Bro, bds Dr Jno Hey Williams Williams Mrs, housekeeper Swannanoa Hotel Williams M L, carpenter, res i ^^ m N Williams J C, leaf-tob dlr, bds Dr D T Millard Williamson J F, carpenter Gorenflo & West, bds G W Goodlake 44 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. Williamson N D, carpenter Gorenflo & West, bds G W Goodlake Willfong J T, carpenter, res s Main Wilder J B, bkpr Banner W H, res s Main Wilson J W, bds W T S Deaver Wilson J C, carpenter Gorenflo & West, res n Main Wilson J A, plasterer, res 23^ m S Wilson Mrs S C, agt for " Peace in the Family " medicine, res cor College and Valley sts Wilson Mrs M J, wid, res Academy st Wilson Marion, carpenter, res Short st Wilson S W, carpenter, res Short st WILSON GEO J, propr Grand Central Hotel WISEMAN & MONCURE, F A Wiseman and C H Moncure, druggists, s Main Wiseman H A, Wiseman & Moncure, res Danville, Va Wolfe W O, marble-yard, e side Pub sq, res Woodfin Wolfe F T, wagoner, res Doubleday's addition WOLFE W E, plasterer, res w end Patton av Woodfin Miss Anna, res Woodfin st WOODY & HATCH, J H Woody and Walter Hatch, carriage- mkrs, s Main Woody J H, Woody & Hatch, res Orange Woody N J, blksmith Woody & Hatch, bds J H Woody Worth F A, Shelton, Jordan & Worth, res Orange st Worthen C S, compositor Asheville Citizen, bds S B West Wright Joseph, lab, res n Main Wright W F, lab, res n limits Wright Wm, driver Weddin's livery Wright J W, blksmith, res Carter bldg Western Union Telegraph office. Eagle Hotel Wynne L F, condr W N C R R, bds Silver Springs Hotel Yeatman J P, agt Singer Mfg Co, res Cherry st Yeatman C H, agt Singer Mfg Co, bds J P Yeatman ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Whites. 45 Yeatman T R, leaf-tob dlr, bds J P Yeatman Young B F, bar-tender W O MuUer YOUNG W R, sheriff of Buncombe co, office in C H Young Thos B, dep sheriff, bds W R Young Zachary & Jones, R H Zachary and J M Jones, grocers, n Main Zachary R H, Zachary & Jones, res Haywood co Zachary J R, elks Zachary & Jones, bds Central Hotel Zachary W J, elks Zachary & Jones, bds Central Hotel GEiNERAL DIRECTORY OF THE CITY OF ASHEYILLE COLORED. ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Colored. Adams Alfred, gardener, res Eagle st Adams Angeline, wid, res Sycamore Aiken Louvinia, cook Jas G Martin Aiken Minnie, domestic Jas G Martin Alexander Geo, farmer, res s limits Alexander Rev Jordan, A M E church Alexander Frank, lab Armstead John, shoemkr, res Valley st Avery Jason, lab, res Valley st Avery Rolla, res at Jim Moorehead's Avery Jane, domestic Jas G Martin Bailey Jas, bricklayer, res s Main Bailey Jas Jr, bricklayer, res s Main Bailey Nelson, whitewasher A.SHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Colored. 47 Baird Lee, lab, res Camp Patton Baxter Lou, tobacco stemmer C H Barksdale Beard John, head waiter Eagle Hotel Belniore Burt, wks J H Carter, res s Main Berry Jim, blacksmith, res n Main Berry Rev S V, missionary Freedman's chapel, Episcopal, res Valley st Bouldin Sam, lab, res n of A M Academy Bingham Lil, bricklayer, res rear of Eagle Hotel Boseman Bluford, lab, res Valley st Boyden Giles, lab, res Cherry st Boyce Wm, lab, res n limits Boyce Mitchell, domestic Eagle Hotel Bradley Jeff, eating-house, near depot Bradley Louisa, housemaid W W McDowell Brooks John, livery, res White Pine BROWN HARRISON, school teacher, res White Pine Brown Jim, lab, res Academy st Brown Danl, butcher, res n of A M Academy Brown John, wks Shelton, Jordan & Worth, res n of A M Academy Brown Jesse, cook W A Weddin Brown Wm, cook, res nr Cherry st Brittain Irvine, lab, res Doubleday's addition Brittain Geo, lab, res n of A M Academy Bruton Henrietta, tob stemmer C H Barksdale Bruton Aaron, wks W T Barnett, res the Acre Bryant Sam, lab, res the Acre Burgin Pinckney, porter S R Chedester & Son Burgin Jane, domestic S R Chedester Burgin Harriet, washerwoman, res Sluder bidg Burgin Gaston, wagoner W H W^ebb, res Academy st Burgin Alf, lab, res the Acre Burton Solomon, produce dlr and boarding, Pulliani st Burton Caroline, nurse, res Beaucatcher Burton Maria, nurse Walter B Gwyn 48 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTOBY— Colored. Carson Fannie, domestic the Misses Coffin Carter Joe, lab, res Sycamore st Caldwell Mary, nurse M C Klein Chambers Andrew, waiter Chambers Kate, domestic Thos W Patton Cisney Horace, wks John Brooks (col) Cisney Isaac, lab, res Patton av Clayton Lazarus, shoemkr, cor s Main and Eagle Clayton Jesse, lab, res Beaucatcher Clayton Jno C, carpenter, res White Pine Commons Hen, butcher A G Osborne, res n w of A M Academy Commons Maria, cook M J Fagg Cobb Chas, bell-boy Swannanoa Hotel Connally Vira, nurse Rev J P Gammon Connally Thad, lab, res Academy st Cope Mat, wks Bearden, Rankin & Go's tanyard, res Patton av Cope Caroline, washerwoman, res n Main Cook Martha, domestic A F College Corpening Wesley, domestic Dr Norcop Corpening Geo, waiter Eagle Hotel Corpening Laura, domestic Rev J P Gammon Crump Richd, lab, res Valley st Culbreth Privo, lab, res n Main Cummings Irvine, domestic Rev W N Morrison Cummings Sally, domestic Rev W N Morrison Davis Bob, blacksmith, res n Main Davis Delia, chambermaid Eagle Hotel Davis Tom, bricklayer Davis Harriet, tob stemmer C H Barksdale Davis Rowan, waiter Eagle Hotel Davenport ToUiver, drayman, res Hill st ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Colored. 49 Day John, carpenter, res Sycamore Day Thos, cabinetmkr, res College st Day Ann, cook J R Rich Diazud Ada, domestic B E Atkins Dickson Isaac, domestic Rev D H Buel Dobson Ben, carpenter, res Roberts av Dobson Rufe, carpenter, res Roberts av Doby Perry, lab, res nr depot Doby Amelia, domestic Mrs Despard Dooley Robt, lab, res Beaucatcher Dooley Mat, cook Drummond Perry, lab, res Valley st Duncan Robt, domestic Jas G Martin Earle Nancy, wid, res Sycamore st Eddy John, bricklayer Epps Jim, blacksmith Ervin McDuff, lab, res Valley st Erwin Eillmore, cook Wm High (col) Evans Jesse, lab, res "White Pine Farnsvvorth John, lab, res s Main Flack Wm F, wks Taylor's livery, res n limits Flack Wm Jr, wks Taylor's livery, bds Wm F Flack Flack Elias, lab, bds Wm F Flack Flack Hattie, nurse J H Carter Fletcher David, wks A G Hallyburton Fletcher Robt, hostler, res Hill st Flournoy Dock, barber W H Martin Foreman Wm, lab, res s limits Foster Sandy, drayman, res Eagle st Foster Adam, whitewasher, res rear of Eagle Hotel , Foster Geo, harnessmkr, res with Jim Moorehead 50 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTOEY— Colored. Foster Lem, res White Pine st Foster Joe, harnessmkr, wks J M Alexander, res Beaucatcher Forney Clara, cook Thos W Patton Fowler Sawney, lab, res the Acre Freeman Rose, tob stemmer C H Barksdale, res the Acre Freeman Alice, wid, res Beaucatcher Friends J H, wks H C France & Co G Gaither Pleas, lab, res Patton av Gardner Alex, lab Gash Milas, waiter Carolina House Gibbs Harvey, lab, res White Pine st Goodwin Retta, cook Solomon Burton (col) Goodwin Geo, carpenter Goodwine P J, boarding, cor Pulliam and Water Goodrum Maria, wid, res n of A M Academy Goode John, stonemason, res Doubleday's addition Goss Winslow, lab, res Church st Grant Eliphar, lab, res Beaucatcher Grant Trim, barber John Smith (col) Green J H, carpenter, res Church st Green Rev Henry, A M E church Greenlee John, lab Greenlee George, painter, wks L Swicegood Greenlee Burt, eating-house s Main, res Patton av Greenlee Ed, domestic Swannanoa Hotel Greenlee Wm, office-boy Eagle Hotel Greenlee B J, drayman, res Church st Greenlee John, gardener, res Hill st Greenlee Rachel, wid, res Hill st Greenlee Chas, drayman, res Hill st Greenlee Saml, lab, res Patton av Greenlee John P, lab GREENLEE ALFRED, blacksmith, nr W N C R R depot, res w side French-Broad river ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTOEY— Colored. 51 Greenlee Rufe, wks S R Chedester & Son Greenlee Cindy, cook Rev J P Gammon Greer Jas, lab, res Patton av Grimes Felix, carpenter, res Beaucatcher H Haines Robt, res n Main Haines Lizzie, domestic C M McLoud Haines Liddy, res Beaucatcher Hall Jno, domestic Eagle Hotel Hardy Harriet, res Beaucatcher Harris Isaac, shoemkr PuUiam st, res same Harris Mahulda, wid, res New st Harris Nelson, res Beaucatcher Harris Henry, wks Morris' livery Harris Jesse, drayman, res Patton av Hawkins Sam, R R foreman, res Academy st Hawkins Mary, domestic Eagle Hotel Hays John, barber John Smith (col) Hemphill Rufe, lab, res Sycamore Hemphill Calhoun, wks W M Cocke Jr Hemphill Tom, lab, res s Main Herren J H, lab High Wm, eating-house, s Main Hicks Wesley, eating-house, nr depot Holt Edmund, lab, res Willow Holland Burrell, mechanic, res Patton av Hooten Adolphus, domestic Swannanoa Hotel Hopkins Henry, lab, res the Acre Howard Simeon, domestic E Sluder Howell Mack, drayman, res Short st Hudson Wm, blacksmith Henry Saxton, res Church st Huggins Wm, lab, res Hill st Hudgin Hillary, barber Swannanoa Hotel Hunt Isaac, lab, res n w of A M Academy 52 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Colored. Hunt Thos, lab, res n \v of A M Academy HUMPHREY JOHNSON, barber Pulliam st, res same Hunter John, lab, res in rear J H Carter's Hunter Hannah, cook J H Carter Hunter Katie, chambermaid J H Carter Ingram Geo, wks C M McLoud Irvine Henry, shoemkr Patton av, res Patton av Irvine Adolphus, bricklayer, res nr A M Academy Irvine Nelson, lab, res Charlotte st Jackson Maria, domestic Eagle Hotel Jarnochan Mary, domestic A W Wilson Jinks Captain, office-boy Eagle Hotel Johnson Chas, farmer, res s limits Johnson T E, lab, res College st Johnson Harvey, porter S R Kepler, res n of A M Academy Johnson G W, lab, res Patton av Johnson Rev Caleb (Baptist), res White Pine Johnson Parker, wks W N C R R depot Johnson Amy, washerwoman, res Patton av Johnson Julius C, photographer, wks Natt W Taylor Johnson Isaiah, lab, res White Pine Jones Hoburn, lab, res Beaucatcher Jones Sallie, cook J M Israel Jones Haywood, wks C H Barksdale Jordan Albert, porter Penniman & Co, res Sycamore Kincaid Geo, wks Taylor's livery, res nr A M Academy Kyle Diana, res Hill st Kyle Albert, wks Jas G Martin Kyle Wm, lab, res Roberts av ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Colored. 53 Latta Thos, elks Solomon Burton, bds same Latta Hattie, nurse Dr D T Millard Ledbetter Alfred, wks Thos W Patton Ledbetter Henry, lab, res Beaucatcher Ledbetter Rufe, lab, res Valley st Ledbetter Tom, lab, res Valley st Ledbetter Campbell, blacksmith Sycamore, res same Lee Lewis, domestic A F College Lee Jane, cook Thos W Patton Letcher Rev C P (A M E church), res Beaucatcher Levi Plum, barber Grand Central Hotel, res Church st Long Robt, lab, res Eagle st Long Moses, head waiter Swannanoa Hotel Love Anderson, wks Dr Hilliard Love Ann, cook Dr Hilliard Love Robt, carpenter Love Wann, lab, res Valley st Lytle Julia, domestic Swannanoa Hotel Lytle Hattie, cook J D Robertson M Martin Angeline, cook E T Herndon Martin Frank, lab, res Doubleday's addition Martin Caler, lab, res nr Charlotte st Martin Frank, rockmason Martin W H, barber Eagle Hotel, res Mountain st Mays Robt, bricklayer, res Valley st MacCray Jas, lab, res nr Farmers W H McDowell Charley, wks M J Bearden McGimsey Demoriah, cook W W McDowell Mcllroy Charley, lab, res Hill st Mclntyre Louisa, tob stemmer C H Barksdale 54 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Colored. Mclntyre Manson, plasterer, res nr A M Academy McKinney J B, painter, wks R L Fitzpatrick McKenzie , waiter A F College McKesson Martha, domestic Swannanoa Hotel McKesson Jerry, lab, res nr s Main McLean David, blacksmith, res Beaucatcher McMahon Jas, lab, res the Acre McRea Jas, domestic Swannanoa Hotel Michael Vincent, cook, res Patton av Midgett Bannister, res the Acre Miller John, wks W W McDowell Miller Henry, whitewasher, res Hill st Mills Richd, lab, res s limits Moody Tom, plasterer, res s limits Mooney Henry, waiter Swannanoa Hotel Moore G E, wks Bearden, Rankin & Go's tanyard Moore Lizzie, domestic A D Gooper Moore Ghas, blacksmith, res Beaucatcher Moorehead Julia Ann, washerwoman, res Gollege st Moorehead GoUins, carpenter, res Gollege st Moorehead Jim, carpenter, res n w of A M Academy Moorehead Addie, nurse W T Reynolds Morris Geo, lab, res Academy st Morris Wm, wks Hampton & Featherston, res Gollege st Morris Gecilia, domestic Swannanoa Hotel Morris Susan, wid, res Sycamore st Morris Jim, lab, res yalley st Morris Louisa, washerwoman, res Patton av Morris Sophy, res Beaucatcher Murphy J G, waiter Swannanoa Hotel Murphy Geo, wks T B Lyman N Neal David, rockmason, res nr Gherry st Newland Isham, R R foreman, res Water st ASHEVILLE CITY DIKECTORY— Colored. O'Neal Henry, blacksmith, wks Alfred Greenlee OLIVER J C, baker and confectioner, Patton av Oliver Jas, bds J C Oliver Omaniel Fayette, bricklayer Opydike Canada, domestic S R Chedester Patton Mary, washerwoman, res Water st Patton Sally, cook E S Clayton Pearson Sylvia, cook A F College Penland Nellie, washerwoman, res n Main Penland Philip, lab, res nr n Main Penland Julia, cook S F Venable Perkins Plarvey, lab, res Church st Perkins Alex, wks Weddin's livery Petty Moses, livery s e of Pub sq, res s Main Petty Lucretia, cook S Van Gilder Petty Felix, wks Moses Petty Phifer Alfred, cook Solomon Burton Pierson Martha, wid, res Sycamore st Pinckney Abel, cook Swannanoa Hotel Price Chas, waiter Swannanoa Hotel Price Julia, domestic Swannanoa Hotel Porter Victoria, tob stemmer C H Barksdale Porter Frank, cook, res Eagle st Powell Robt, lab, res Sycamore Ragdale Ben, shoemaker Ragsdale Randall, lab, res Beaucatcher Rankin Dick, lab, res Valley st Ray Celia, domestic W A Weddin Ray Isaac, drayman 56 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Colored. Reddick Wm, blacksmith, res nr W N C R R depot Redmon W R, janitor Asheviile Club-Rooms, s Main Reed Nancy, wid, res n of A M Academy Reed Florence, tob stemmer C 11 Barksdale Roberts Wm, lab, res Water st Robertson Henry, whitewasher, res the Acre Robinson Frank, barber, res n of A M Academy Rogers Dinah, domestic Solomon Burton Rogers David, wks Hampton & Featherston 8 Sales Wiley, lab, res Valley st Saxton H C, blacksmith, Water st Scott Julia, waitress Dr D T Millard Shepherd Newton, street foreman, res Hill st Shuford Kate, chambermaid Dr D T Millard Sigmon Burrill, lab, res White Pine Silar John, lab, res Eagle st Sisk Sarah, res Valley st Singleton Emmanuel, produce stand, n Main Skinner Robt, blacksmith, res White Pine Slaughter Andy, lab, res the Acre Smith Charlotte, washerwoman, res nr s Main Smith Anna, washerwoman, res nr s Main Smith Comfort, cook M J Bearden Smith John, barber s Main, res Beaucatcher Smith Fred, carpenter, res Willow st Smith Silas, wks C H Barksdale Smith Ambrose, lab, res Church st Smith Robt P, porter Berry & Co Smith Si, basketmkr, res Hill st Smith Geo, lab, bds Burt Greenlee Smith Louisa, tob stemmer C H Barksdale Smith Charley, lab, res Eagle st Sowell N W, lab, bds Moses Petty ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Colored. 57 Speights Harris, wks Asheville W H Stevens Sam, lab, res Beaucatcher Stokes Jesse, lab, bds Solomon Burton Stroud Peter, lab Summey Wm, waiter Swannanoa Hotel Tate Wm, wks Weddin's livery Tate Logan, lab Taylor Elisha, lab, res Eagle st Thomas John, waiter Swannanoa Hotel Thompson Reuben, lab, res Valley st Thompson John, lab, res Eagle st Tucker Rhoda, cook S B Erwin Turner Cal, lab, res Eagle st Twitty T, wid, res Mountain st u Underwood Geo, wks Bearden, Rankin & Go's tanyard V Vandiver Daniel, tanner, res Eagle st w Wadlington John, wks Banner W H, res the Acre Warren Wm, engineman Jas Buttrick Warner Joe, lab, res Eagle st Walker Amanda, res with Edmond Holt Waters Allen, office-boy Eagle Hotel Weaver Laura, cook, res n Main Weaver Harriet, domestic Dr Gain Wells Isaac, wks Reynolds' livery Wells Ella, nurse S F Venable Wheeler Leah, domestic E Sluder 58 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY— Colored. Wheeler Alex, lab, res Beaucatcher Whittaker Mitchell, drayman, res nr A M Academy- White Hubbard, plasterer, bds P J Goodwine Whitson Jas, lab, res the Acre Whitson John, wks Jas G Martin Wingate J P, school teacher, res Beaucatcher Williams William, porter C E Graham Williams Elias, lab, res Doubleday's addition Williams Clara, wid, res Doubleday's addition Williams Geo T T, foreman, res the Acre Williams Silas, lab, res Sycamore st Williams Jas, lab, res nr A M Academy Williams Solomon, res Valley st Williams Louvinia, tob stemmer C H Barksdale Williams Belle, cook Eagle Hotel Wilson Isom, shoemkr n Main, res Camp Patton Wilson Isaac, well-digger, res Beaucatcher Wilson Laura, cook S H Reed Wilson Anna, domestic E Sluder Wilson Jackson, lab, res Beaucatcher Wilson Jas, lab, res Sycamore Wilson Wesley, lab, res Sycamore Wilson Lucy, wid, res nr A M Academy Wilson Nancy, res Sycamore st Wood Toby, waiter Dr D T Millard Wood M L, wks Dr Jno Hey Williams Wright Harriet, cook Dr Millard Wright Rev J W, pastor Zion A M E church, res Cherry st Wynne Rev M W, pastor Nazareth Baptist church, res White Pine Youno- Fannie, domestic Swannanoa Hotel Young Leroy, wks J R Rich Young Ed, carpenter, res nr A M Academy ASHEVILLE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY, -EMBRACING- A CLASSIFIED LIST OF ALL PROFESSIONS, TRADES, AND INDUSTRIES OF THE CITIZENS OF ASHEVILLE, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. Agricultural Implements. PENNIMAN & CO., n Main Van Gilder & Brown, s e cor Pub sq Architect. Tennent J A, Best Attorneys. ATKINSON NATT, Hazel Hill, w Asheville Carter E D, Legal cor CAETER & CARTER, Legal cor CARTER H B, Legal cor Cocke & Jones, w side Pub sq Craig Locke, office in C H CUSHMAN WALTER S, res 2J m N W DAVIDSON & MARTIN, C H DAVIDSON A T, office in C H GWYN WALTER B, C H HENRY & CUMMINGS, s side Pub sq JOHNSTON & SHUFORD, Johnston bldg, s w cor Pub sq LUSK VIRGIL S, office over Van Gil- der & Brown's MALONE W H, Malone bldg, n Main McLOUD & MOORE, Legal cor MERRIMON EMORY H, Legal cor PEARSON RICHMOND, Legal cor REED SAMUEL H, No 1 Legal cor Sondley F A, Legal cor WHITSON W R, C H Bakers. HALLYBURTON A G, n Main Johnson F M, n Main OLIVER J C (col), Patton av Bank. BANK OF ASHEVILLE, s Main, cor Pub sq Barbers. Hudgins Hillary (col), Swannanoa Hotel HUMPHREY JOHNSTON (col), Pul- liam st Levi Plum (col). Grand Central Hotel Martin W H (col). Eagle Hotel Sniitli John (col), s Main Surcey J W, s Main Baths. Hudgins Hillary, Swannanoa Hotel Blacksmiths. Cauble W D, n limits GREENLEE ALFRED (col), W N C R R depot 60 ASHEVILLE COMMEECIAL DIRECTOEY. Gilbert M L, s Main Ledbetter Campbell (col), Sycamore McDowell Bros, s limits Saxton H C (col), Water st Swink & Goodlake, s Main WOODY & HATCH, s Main Billiards. Eagle Hotel Acme Billiard and Pool Rooms, Eagle Hotel MULLER W O & CO, Patton av SWAKNANOA HOTEL Boardiug-Houses. Chunn A B, Patton av CoflBn the Misses, Haywood Fagg J A, cor Bridge and Qrange Goodlake Mrs E S, s Main Hunt H C, Valley st Miller Miss Mary, Grove st Postell J H, Orange Slagle House, Patton av, cor Bailey Trivett S, cor Patton and Roberts avs Weldon S G, s Main [Note. — There are many more boarding- houses in Asheville; above are given the names only of those whose proprietors wish their business announced in this book.— J. P. D.] Boarding-Houses. (colored.) Burton Solomon, Pulliam st Goodwine P J, cor Pulliam and Water Booksellers and Stationers. LYONS H H, w side Pub sq W^ILLIAMS C M, Eagle-Hotel block Book and Job Printers. ASHEVILLE "CITIZEN" ASHEVILLE "NEWS" Boot and Shoemakers. Andrew E W, w side Pub sq Clayton Lazarus (col), cor s Main and Eagle Freck A, cor s Main and Eagle Gilbert S M, Patton av Harris Isaac (col), Pulliam st Irvine Henry (col), Patton ave LEVY I & CO, n side Pub sq Wilson Isom (col), n Main Boots, Shoes, and Hats. (wholesale.) BREVARD J D & CO, w side Pub sq CHEDESTER S R & SON, Patton av GRAHAM C E, n Main LEVY I & CO, n .side Pub sq PORTER J A, Main st RANKIN J E & CO, n w cor Pub aq SAWYER JAS P, s 8 cor Pub sq Boots, Shoes, and Hats. (retail.) Bearden, Rankin & Co, s Main Berry & Co, Patton av BREVARD J D & CO, w side Sq CHEDESTER S R & SON, Patton av Hammershlag S, n Main HOWELL J O, n Main LEVY I & CO, n side Pub sq Mears G A, s Main PORTER J A, Main st RANKIN J E & CO, n w cor Pub sq REDWOOD H & CO, C H sq SAWYER JAS P, s e cor Pub sq Van Gilder S, s Main Brick Manufacturers. Dedrick J C & Co, Valley st Lyman A J, nr W N C R R depot Reynolds Daniel L, nr Camp Patton Sampson & Armstrong, White Pine ASHEVILLE C0MMP:RCIAL DIRECTORY. 61 Broker. SLUDER E, n Main Butchers. Lusk & Freeman, cor Pub sq and s Main Noel J, n Main Patton & Penland, s Main Osborne A G, n Main Rich J R, s Main Carpets. Hammershslag S, n Main HILL J J & CO, Court sq SAWYER JAS P, s e cor Sq REDWOOD H & CO, C H sq Carriage and Wagon Manfrs and Dealers. Gilbert M L, s Main Van Gilder & Brown, cor s Main and Pub sq (dealers) WOODY & HATCH, s Main China and Glassware. KEPLER S R, s Main LAW J H, opp Eagle Hotel Clothing. (wholesale.) BREVARD J D & CO, w side Sq GRAHAM C E, n Main LEVY I & CO, n side Sq RANKIN J E & CO, n w cor Sq SAWYER JAS P, s e cor Pub sq Clothing. (retail.) Bearden, Rankin & Co, s Main Berry & Co, Patton av BREVARD J D & CO, w side Pub sq CHEDESTER S R & SON, Patton av Hammershlag S, n Main LEVY I & CO, n side Sq PORTER J A, Main st RANKIN J E & CO, n w cor Sq REDWOOD H & CO, cor n Main and Sq SAWYER JAS P, s e cor Sq Van Gilder S, s Main WHITLOCK S, Eagle-Hotel block Commission Merchant. Berry W T, Berry & Co, Patton av Confectioneries, Fruits, &c. HALLYBURTON A G, n Main HESTON J M, Eagle-Hotel block Johnson F M, n Main OLIVER J C (col), Patton av Wingate T C, at P O Cabinetmakers. Brand X & Co, cor n Main and Cherry Finch R G, Haywood Hildebrand John Jr, 14 m e of C H Stradley J M, n Main Contractors and Builders. BUTTRICK JAS, west end Patton av Clayton T L, 2 m w of C H COCKRUM J W COOKE W H, s Main GORENFLO & WEST, P O box 54 HUGHES G A, res Roberts av JACKSON W W, res Bailey Lynch S S, n Main Mann Horace, res Hill st MOORE JAS, res French-Broad av MURDOCH & COLVIN McCanless J M, Academy st Shackelford Bros, s Main WAGNER JNO A, Woodfin WESTALL T C & SON, Chestnut Coopers, Sorrells L F, s e of Pub sq Weaver W M, Willow st 62 ASHEVILLE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. Dentists. DOUGLASS B H, s w cor Pub sq HILDEBRAND G A, office at res, cor College and White Pine Reeves R H, n Main TOPPINGS A J, s Main WARE A B, n Main Whitson G W, cor College and Spruce Doors, Sash, and Blinds. BETHEL R S, n Main (dlr) BUTTRICK JAS, west end Patton av (mnfr) Clayton T L, 2 m w of C H (mnfr) HILL J J & CO, C H sq (dlrs) Dressmakers. Atkin Mrs S G, s Main Justice Miss Dinah, at Jas P Sawyer's store [Note.— Above are the names only of those who gave dressmaking as their occupation ; there are, no douht, many more in Ashe- ville.-J. P. D.] Druggists. CARMICHAEL W C, s Main DeVault C W, s Main LYONS H H, w side Sq PELHAM W E & BRO, No 2 Eagle Hotel WISEMAN & MONCURE, s Main Dry Goods and Notions. (wholesale.) Bearden, Rankin & Co, s Main BREVARD J D & CO, w side Sq CHEDESTER S R & SON, Patton av GRAHAM C E, n Main PORTER J A, Main st SAWYER JAS P, s e cor C H sq Dry Goods and Notions. (retail.) Bearden, Rankin & Co, s Main Berry & Co, Patton av BREVARD J D & CO, west side Sq CHEDESTER S R & SON, Patton av Hammershlag S, n Main HOWELL J O, n Main LEVY I & CO, n side Pub sq Mears G A, s Main PORTER J A, Main st RANKIN J E & CO, n w cor Sq REDWOOD H & CO, n side Sq ROBERTS G M, nr W N C R R depot SAWYER JAS P, s e cor Pub sq Weaver W T, n side Pub sq WHITLOCK S, Eagle-Hotel block Express Go. Southern, Eagle Hotel Fertilizers. Barnard W W, office at Powell & Snider's Barnett W S, office Central Hotel PORTER J A, Main st Florists. ASHEVILLE GREENHOUSES, White Oak, opp A F College PARKER H M, 3 m S E. (See Best P O) Flouring Mills. Hazel-Green Mills, R O Patterson, 2 m W Patton's Mill, Cocke & Roberts, 5 m S E. (See Best P O) Van Gilder T I, 2 m N Foundry and Machine Shop. GIRDWOOD N W, W N C R R depot Furniture Dealers. BETHEL R S, n Main HILL J J & CO, n side C H sq ASHEVILLE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. 63 Grist Mills. City Steam Mills, Pierce & Welles, s e of CH Hildebrand Jno Jr, li m E Mclsaacs H, Valley st Grocers. (wholesale.) Bearden, Rankin & Co, s Main CHEDESTER S R & SON, Fatten av PORTER J A, Main st POWELL & SNIDER, n Main KANKIN J E & CO, n Main SAWYER JAS P, s e cor Pub sq Grocers. (retail.) Alexander J M, w side Sq Bearden, Rankin & Co, s Main Berry & Co, Patton ay Boyd D L & Co, n Main BREVARD J D & CO, w side Pub sq Burnett J H, n Main CHEDESTER S R & SON, Patton av Davis A C, n Main Goodlake G W, s Main HALLYBURTON A G, n Main Hammersblag S, n Main HESTON J M, Eagle Hotel HOWELL J O, n Main Johnson F M, n Main KEPLER S R, s Main LEE & CHILDS, n Main Mears G A, s Main McDonald & BRANDON, s Main McDowell Bros, s limits MURRAY J L, s Main PORTER J A, Main st POWELL & SNIDER, n Main RANKIN J E & CO, n w cor Sq REDWOOD H & CO, C H sq ROBERTS G M, W N C R R depot SAWYER JAS P, s e cor C H sq Starnes Jesse R, n Main Starnes Geo H, s Main Starnes T F, s Main Teague & Orr, n Main Ware J F, n Main Weaver W T, n side Sq Zachary & Jones, n Main Grain Dealers. Boyd D L & Co, n Main Gun and Locksmith. Trinks Henry, C H sq Hardware. (wholesale and retail.) PENNIMAN & CO, n Main Van Gilder & Brown, cor Public sq and s Main Harness and Saddle Manfrs. Alexander J M, w side Public sq Gilbert S M, Patton av CAMPBELL & HARKEY, s Main Hotels. Central, W P Blair, n Main CAROLINA HOUSE, A J DODA- MEAD, n Main GRAND CENTRAL, S R CHEDES- TER & SON, Patton av, Water and Pulliam sts Eagle, E T Clemmons, s Main, Eagle and Sycamore sts SWANNANOA, Dr W H HOWER- TON, s Main and WiUow Western, H K Rhea, Pub sq Ice. CARMICHAEL W C, s Main 64 ASHEVILLE COMMERCIAL DIRECTOEY. Insurance Agents and Com- panies. ASTON EDWARD J, Aston Court, s Main — representing the City of London Commercial Union Fire Association, of Philadelphia Georgia Home, of Columbus, Ga German American, of New York Hartford, of Hartford Home, New York Ins Co of North America Liverpool and London and Globe London and Lancashire Lancashire North British and Mercantile Phojnix, of Hartford Royal Travelers, Life and Accident, Hart- ford Underwriters Agency, New York BRANCH THOS W, s Main senting the Hartford Life and Annuity Co Valley Mutual Life Association Rochester German — Fire Virginia Fire and Marine Virginia Home — Fire Phoenix Assurance Co, of London GWYN WALTER B, C H-represent- ing the Agricultural, of Watertown W S CHILD Jr, C H— representing the Lancashire Ins Co London Assurance Corporation Scottish Union and National Western Assurance Co SMITH THOS S, w side Pub sq— repre- senting the Great Eastern Mutual Life, Balti- more -repre- WEST S B— representing the Life Insurance Co, of Va Jeweler. COWAN CANADA, Patton av Liquors and Wines. (wholesale.) HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON, w side Sq MULLER W O & CO, Patton av Liquors and Wines. (retail.) DEAVER & CO, n Main, opp P O Eagle-Hotel Bar HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON, w side Sq Jones & Sorrells, s Main MULLER W O, s Main SWANNANOA-HOTEL BAR Livery. Eagle Stables, W A Weddin, s Main EXCELSIOR STABLES, Jas M Ray, s Main Reynolds W T, cor Water and Pulliam SWANNANOA STABLE, B W Morris, Eagle St TAYLOR S R, n Main Lumber Dealers. Arthur T S Jr, bds Carolina House BUTTRICK JAS, west end Patton av Campbell Jas E, res Haywood st DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, Patton av Gilmore J R & Co, office in C H Marble Yard. Wolfe W O, e side Pub sq Merchant Tailor. SCHARTLE J W, e side Pub sq ASHEVILLE COMMEECIAL DIEECTOEY. 65 Millinery. Herndon Mrs H M, s Main Mann Mrs Horace, s Main SAWYEE JAS P, Pub sq WHITLOCK S, s Main Newsdealers. LYONS H H, Pub sq WILLIAMS C M, Eagle Hotel Newspapers. ASHEVILLE "CITIZEN," weekly and semi-weekly, s e cor Pub sq ASHEVILLE "NEWS," weekly, n Main Notaries Public. ASTON E J, Aston Court, s Main HEENDON E W, C H WADDELL D C, Bank of Aslieville Painters. Acker "VV H, Pub sq FITZPATEICK E L, n Main,opp P O EEVEL A W, res Doubleday's addition Swicegood L, Willow st Swink & Brown, s Main Paints and Oils. BALLAED & VAN GILDEE, Pub sq CAEMICHAEL W C, s Main SAWYEE JAS P, Pub sq Photographers. EOBEETSON W T (stereoscopic views) TAYLOE & FOLSOM, s Main Physicians. Burroughs J A, s w cor Pub sq CAIN D J, at res, s Main Hale Amie M, at res, Patton av HAEDY J G, at res, Church st HILLIAED W L, s Main Kennedy S D, over Kepler's store NELSON M L, at res, Woodfin st NOECOP PEECY T, F E C S, at res. Grove st Sunjmey D F, at res. Walnut st WILLIAMS JNO HEY, s Main Planing Mills, BUTTEICK JAS, w end Patton av Clayton T L, 2 m w of C H Railroads. Western North Carolina, from Salisbury to Paint Eock ; and Ducktown branch of same, from Asheville to Pigeon Eiver. Freight and passenger depots at foot of Patton av, on French-Broad river Real Estate Agents. ASTON EDWAED J, Aston Court, s Main ATKINSON NATT, at res. Hazel Hill, w Asheville GWYN WALTEE B, office in C H Jones B M, at Bethel's store CHILD W S Jr, office in C H Sewing Machines. "AMEEICAN" and "DAVIS," J A Porter, Main st DOMESTIC, S E Chedester & Son, Pat- ton av Singer Mfg Co, n Main, M H Moynihan, mngr WHEELEE & WILSON MFG CO, n Main, J H Herring, mngr Stoves and Tinware. (wholesale and retail.) BALLAED & VAN GILDEE, Pub sq PENNIMAN & CO, n Main Silverware. COWAN CANADA, Patton av 66 ASHEVILLE COMMEECIAL DIRECTOEY. LAW J H, s Main, opp Eagle Hotel Tanyard. BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO, n Main Telegraph Companies. Asheville and Hendersonville, office Eagle Hotel Western Union, office Eagle Hotel Leaf-Tobacco Dealers. Barnard W W, Farmers W H BARKSDALE C H, Walnut BRANCH THOS W, s Main CARTER J H, Willow st CARTER J D, Asheville W H DRUMMOND J A, Banner W H France H C & Co, under Asheville W H France W S, bds H C France HENDERSON BROS, Walnut st Jordan J F, bds C E Lee McCarthy C C, bds Swannanoa Hotel Norman W F, bds Eagle Hotel Perrow B M, bds Swannanoa Hotel Smith W F & Son Starnes T C, Banner W H Walker R P & Co, under Farmers W H Williams J C, bds Dr D T Millard Yeatman T R, bds J P Yeatman Tobacco Manufacturers. (chewing and smoking.) MOUNTAIN ISLAND MFG CO, cor Walnut and Water sts SHELTON, JORDAN & WORTH, Beaver Dam (smoking.) HOLMES E I & CO, Church st RAY J E, sample-office Pub sq Tobacco Stripper. BARKSDALE C H, Walnut st Tobacco Warehouses. Asheville, s Main BANNER, cor Walnut and Water FARMERS, cor n Main and Walnut RAY'S, s Main Tinners. BALLARD & VAN GILDER, Pub sq LINDSEY & BRO, Patton av Parker J H, n Main Undertaker. Brand X & Co, cor u Main and Cherry ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY. City Government. Mayor — Virgil S Lusk, ofifice cor Pub sq and s Main Treasurer — F M Miller, office at Penniman & Go's Chief of Police — H S Harkins Marshal, and City Tax-Collector — A H Baird City Engineer — S F Venable Aldermen— F M Miller, Jno Hey Williams, Thos W Patton, H C Hunt, Newton Shepherd Fire Department. Jas P Sawyer, Fire Marshal J R Rich, Captain Volunteer Fire Company Educational. ASHEVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE, \ College, Woodfin, and White Oak sts Faculty — Rev J Atkins Jr, President ; Rev T P Summers, B E Atkins, C Falk, Misses Laura E McLoud, M Love Branner, Cary Page, and Mary F Hawley. J A Branner, Business Supt ASHEVILLE MALE ACADEMY, Academy st S F Venable, Principal ; H L King, Assistant NEWTON ACADEMY. G W Snelson, Principal, xyi m s of C H RAVENSCROFT DIOCESAN TRAINING SCHOOL. Rev D H Buel, Principal, Church st PRIVATE SCHOOL. Miss Mary Sawyer, n Main, opp Woodfin 68 ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY. Churches. Baptist — Cor Woodfin and Spruce, Rev John Mitchell, pastor. Episcopal (Trinity) — Cor Church and Willow, Rev Jarvis Buxton, rector. Methodist Episcopal (South) — Church st. Rev G C Rankin, pastor Methodist Episcopal — Corner Patton av and Bailey st, Rev W M Bagby, pastor Presbyterian — Church st, Rev J P Gammon, pastor Roman Catholic — Valley st. Rev Mark S Gross, pastor COLORED. Baptist (Nazareth) — White Pine, Rev M W Wynne, pastor A M E (Zion)— College st. Rev J W Wright, pastor Episcopal (Freedman's chapel) — Cor Valley and Sycamore, Rev S V Berry, missionary CHURCHES IN VICINITY OF ASHEVILLE. M E South (Bethesda)— 3^ m E Methodist Episcopal (South) — 3 m N Episcopal — 3 m N Episcopal (Trinity) — 3^ m E Secret, Benevolent, and other Societies and Associations. Cyrene Commandery, No. 5. — A J Blair, Eminent Commander; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets first Wednesday night in each month in hall of Mt Hermon Lodge Asheville Chapter, R A M. — A J Blair, High Priest; Jordan Stone, Secretarf. Meets the second Wednesday night in each month in hall of Mt Hermon Lodge Mt Hermon Lodge, No 118, A F and A M.— J H Carter, W M; Saml H Reed, Secretary. Meets the first Friday night in each month in their hall over W T Weaver's, Pub sq Swannanoa Lodge, K of H, No 646. — G L McDonald, Dictator ; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets the first and third Monday nights in each month. Hall in Sluder building, n Main French-Broad Council, No. 701, R A.— John Hey Williams, Regent ; ASHEVILLE CITY DIRECTORY. 69 Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets in the hall of Knights of Honor on the second and fourth Monday nights in each month PiSGAH Castle, K G R. — J R Brandon, Commander; JWTrimmier, Secretary. Meets first Wednesday of each month at hall of Knights of Honor YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Waldo H Ballard, President ; Henry M Parker, Secretary. Rooms on Patton av ASHEVILLE DIVISION SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Officers elected quarterly. Meets every Tuesday night in hall of Knights of Honor ASHEVILLE CLUB. Walter B Gvvyn, President ; Thos W Patton, Secretary and Treasurer. Rooms over Carmichael's drugstore BOARD OF TRADE. Richmond Pearson, President ; J E Rankin and T I Van Gilder, Vice- Presidents ; Jas P Sawyer, Treasurer ; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets monthly at rooms of Asheville Club. ASHEVILLE TOBACCO ASSOCIATION. J H Carter, President ; M I Jordan, Vice-President ; E I Holmes, Secretary and Treasurer. Meets first Monday in each month. ASHEVILLE LIGHT INFANTRY. W T Weaver, Captain ; S Whitlock, First Lieutenant ; Chas A Mosely, Second Lieutenant. Armory, third floor of court-house. ASHEVILLE THESPIAN CLUB. W R Bearden, President ; W C Ballard, Vice-President ; E E Heston, Secretary and Treasurer. Rooms, s Main st. ASHEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND FREE READING-ROOM. Open every day, except Sunday, from 9 a M to 6 p m. Rooms over De Vault's drugstore, s Main 10 Gazetteer of Buncombe County, CONTAINING A FULL LIST OF CHURCHES, HIGH SCHOOLS, SOCIETIES, &C. ; THE NAMES OF ALL MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, MILL-OWNERS, MANUFACTURERS, AND PROFESSIONAL MEN IN BUNCOMBE COUNTY, OUTSIDE OF ASHEVILLE— ARRANGED BY POST-OFFICES; THE NAMES OF NEARLY 1,000 FARMERS, GIVING THE NUMBER OF ACRES OWNED BY EACH, WITH DISTANCE AND DIRECTION OF RESIDENCE FROM NEAREST POST-OFFICE. NOTE. When no distance is given after a name, it will be understood that the party lives either immediately at the post-office, or less than one mile distant from same— excepting, in a few cases, where it was impossible to get the correct location. The names of county subscribers are in no instance printed in capitals. But few efforts were made to dispose of books in the county, the publisher relying on selling most of this edition after publication; in such a case, it would be obviously unfair to discriminate. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN BUNCOMBE-COUNTY GAZETTEER. A, acres; col, colored; m, miles; N, north; P M postmaster; S, south; E, east; W, west. t ALEXANDER. Ten miles N by W of Aslieville, on W N C R R and French-Broad river ; the village being built on both side.s of the stream, and connected by a substantial wooden bridge. Contains a first-rate hotel, several stores and mechanics' shops, and from 50 to 75 inhabitants. Is the point for shipment of the tobacco, produce, and lumber of a considerable section. A warehouse for the sale of leaf tobacco and farming produce is now in contemplation, and is designed to be ready for the crop of 1883. Alexander has long been a celebrated summer resort, and now, with railroad facilities and large additions to the already com- modious hotel, it is certain to become more popular than ever. A Farmers' Club and a Literary Society lend addi- tional attractions to the social pleasures of the place ; while boating, fishing, and ten-pin rolling can be indulged in by the lovers of more active amusements. Mails daily— S H Liles, P M Baird R, fancy groceries, produce, and fertilizers Blackwell D A, livery GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 71 Blackwell's "White Sulphur Springs, 4 m W. Daily stages and mails. W L McDowell, propr Canby Wm, grist mill Clontz J C, physician Gettys J W, blacksmith Liles S H, depot and express agt McLellan D J, saw and grist mill, 4J m W Morrison T S & Co, genl mdse. Nova Scotia plaster, and guano Peace Jas, shoemaker Eeese A P, carpenter and builder Robertson M W, bds Alexander's Hotel Rudd Geo, carpenter Shepherd J H, saw mill, 2 m E Summer H A, carpenter Smith B J, propr Alexander's Hotel Wise Henry,wheeh\Tight and blacksmith Churches. French-Broad (union), li m W French-Broad chapel (union) Societies. French-Broad Farmers' Club — N R Blackwell, Pres ; F R Curtis, Secy and Treas French -Broad Literary Society — J C Baird, Pres; M W Robertson, Secy and Treas Mag^istrates. Peake Geo W Revis Thos, 3 m N E Rogers J E Principal Farmers. Alexander A M, 1140 A Allman Lewis, 109 A, 3h m N Barrett Wm, 45 A, 3 m N Bassett W P, 100 A, 3 m N Blackwell D A, 500 A Brown Wm I, 79 A, 3 m W Brown C C, 40 A Euckner J R, 259 A Clontz John, 110 A, 2i m N Clontz Ged, 120 A, 2\ m N Cole W O, 93 A, 4 m N E Coleman Isaac (col), 157 A, 1 m E Curtis F R, 500 A Candler C G, 150 A, 4 m W Embler F E, 109 A, 2 m S Ensley Alfred, 75 A, 3 m S Garrison W C, 275 A, 2 m N Gwaltney J A, 300 A, 2 m S Hughey J P, 94 A, 3 m N Hunter R A, 350 A, 2A m N Hunter W C, 42 A, 5 m N E Hunter W H, 284 A, 21 m N Ingram W T, 55 A, 2* m N Martin A H, 97 A, 1| m E Martin W Erwin, 128 A, 3J m W Miles John, 120 A, 1 m w" Paris Wm F, 88 A, 2 m W Paris David, 130 A, 2 m S Rector J P, 43 A, 3 m N Revis Thos, 155 A, 3 m N E Roberts J M F, 121 A, IJ m S Rogers B F, 130 A, 2 m S Rogers J N W, 114 A, 2i m S Shepherd Henry, 1156 A, 3 m N E Sluder Merritt, 161 A, 3 m S W Sluder W J, 128 A, 3mS Sluder Geo M, 26 A, 2 m W Smith B J, 76 A Sprouse Elias, 76 A, 1 m E Sprouse E L, 127 A, 1} m E Sprouse John, 160 A, 1 m N Sprouse Y A, 109 A, IJ m N Waggoner W M, 100 A, 2 J m E White R W, 92 A, 5 m n" White G M, 400 A, 5 m N E White W H, 126 A, 3 m N Woodson T S, 185 A, 3 m N ALTO. A farmers post-office, on S Turkey creek, 15 m N W of Asheville. Stock- 72 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. raising is the principal industry of the surrounding community. Alexander is the nearest shipping point. Mails weekly from Leicester — D B Ford, P M Rogers P A, grist mill, Ih m W Trij^ett Elias, blacksmith, 1 m E Churches. Reynolds' chapel (M E South), 1 m E Methodist Episcopal, 1 m S Principal Farmers. Culbertson M L, 116 A, 1 m E Ford D B, 2iS A Gillaspie J F, IGO A, 1 m E Robertson RDF, 525 A Robertson W L, 587 A Swain AE, 195 A,lJmSW Triplett T S, 229 A, 1 m E ARDEN. An incorporated village of about 100 inhabitants, on the proposed line of the S and A R R, which is graded from this place to Asheville Junction. The stage- road between Aslieville and Henderson- ville also passes through the village ; the former town being 10 miles N and the latter 11 miles S. Asheville Junction, 8 miles N, is the nearest shipping point. Mails daily by stage — T L Rickman, Mayor and P M Arden-Park Hotel, Rev T A Morris, propr, h m N Clayton Robt, grist mill and blacksmith shop, 2i m N W Carland F B, shoemaker Frady Silas, gunsmith, 2 m N E Ford J M, carpenter, 2 m N Fisher Squire, flouring mill, li m N W Green Wm, blacksmith Hill Wm (col), brickyard Lance Bros, genl mdse, Ij m N W Lance F A, saw mill, 2 m S W Lance F A, magistrate, 2 m W Pinner A W, carpenter, 1 m E Rickman T L, genl mdse Rickman Jolin, carpenter Washington Amos (col), blacksmith West .J T, carpenter Churches. Arden (Baptist) (col) Mt Zion (Methodist), 2 m N Principal Farmers. Beale C W, 350 A, Arden Park Brown W J, 500 A, 2 m N Fisher Squire, 106 A, 1 J m N W Frady N L, 184 A, 3 m N Glenn E R, 132 A, 3 m N Glenn R B, 74 A, 3 m N Johnston T F, 50 A, IJ m N W Johnston J V, 92 A, 3 m N W Johnston W F, 250 A, 3 m North Lance F A, 350 A, 3h m W Lance J A, 350 A, ^ m W Pinner Ben, 107 A, 2J m W Powers W R, 180 A, 1 m N W Rice Marion, 303 A, 3 m N W Robertson J H, 490 A, 1^ m N Robertson A, 1312 A, 2 m E Robinson Thos, 150 A, 2 m E Shuford M L, 259 A Stroup Silas, 250 A Sumner S L, 108 A, 2 m N W Simmer J B, 150 A Willis D S R, 90 A, 2J m W Willis T L, 75 A Asheville Farmers. [Note. — In all eases the distance and direc- tion is from the court-house square.] Aiken J W, 421 A, 5 m N GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 73 Baird E, 300 A, 3^ m N Keenan Hugh, 250 A, 2 ra N E Baird J S T, 240 A, 4 m N Killian C M, 260 A, 3 m N E Baird I V, 206 A, 3 m N Kimberley T M, 225 A, 3 m N Baird Zeb, 280 A Lange J H, 560 A Ballard G W, 880 A Lance P L, 90 A Barnard J H, 100 A Lindsey G W, 88 A, 3 m E Barnard H E, 58 A, 1 ni N Lusk Virgil S, 100,000 A Bell J M, 104 A Lyman T B, 170 A Brookshire Jas M, 115 A Martin Jas G, 286 A Brookshire Jno A, 57 A McCape E L, 450 A, 7 m E Brand X, 400 A McDowell W W, 175 A Bryson J W, 78 A McLoud C M, 180 A Burnett J S, 70 A, 2 m N Murphy Jno H, 200 A, 3 m S E Buttrick Jas, 120 A Orr Mrs M M, 200 A, 5 m S W Chambers N T, 750 A Orr Mrs S L, 150 A, 5 m S W Cheesborough John, 5000 A, 3J m S E Owenby Robt, 92 A Clark J A, 100 A Patton Mrs H K, 205 A Connally J K, 1^ m S W Penland J A, 116 A Cocke W M Jr, 332 A Pehland W H, 326 A Cooper AD, 112 A Pearson Richmond, 574 A, Richmond Cordell Alsey, 150 A, U m E Hill, 3 m N W Cordell D L, 200 A, 4J m E Reynolds Mrs S A, 140 A, 3 m N Cowan Canada, 360 A Reynolds W T, 242 A Cusbman Walter S, 146 A, 2 J m N W Rossell W H, 200 A, 2 m S Corpening W G, 125 A Reed Jas E, 775 A Davis G W, 76 A Sigglekow A W, 100 A, 5 m S W Davis Asbury, 225 A, 6 m S W Shelton S C, 150 A, U m N E Falls of the Neuse Mfg Co, Sulphur Sluder E, 1500 A Springs, 967 A, 4 m W Smith H B, 171 A, 2 m N Fagg M J, 2000 A Smith L H, 151 A Franks Jas, 154 A, 3| m E Smith W Marion, 182 A, 5 m W Garrett A, 179 A, li m S W Smith D V, 205 A, 4 m N Greenlee Alfred (col), 190 A Sondley Mrs H E, 385 A Hardy Dr J G, 112 A Starnes J H, 123 A Hawley Mrs J E, 130 A Stradley Rev Thos, 740 A, 5 m N Hildebrand Mrs M A, 145 A, 2 m E Stradley Joseph H, 350 A, 4| m N Billiard Dr W L, 145 A Tennent Mrs M J, 216 A, 6 m S W Howell J L, 572 A, 2h m N Vance R B, 750 A, 5 m N Israel W A, 156 A Van Gilder T I, 100 A Johnston R B, 10,000 A Way Mrs M H, 230 A, 3 m N Johnston Thos D, 210 A Wilson John W, 73 A Jones J M, 157 A, 4 m S W Webb Jas A, 250 A Jones J A, 43 A, 5 m N Whitson G W, 250 A, 6 m S E Jones Stephen, 850 A Young W R, 180 A 74 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. AVERY'S CREEK. Farmers post-office on creek of same name, 10 miles S W of Asheville. The principal crops cultivated in this section are corn, wheat, oats, and potatoes. Ashe- ville Junction, Best F O, 8 m N E, is the nearest shipping point. Mails tri-weekly from Asheville by horseback — Joel Ingram, P M Cockrum Moses, saw and grist mill, 2 mW Collins Tom, blacksmith Ducker Wm, lawyer, 3 m W Graham Milas (col), blacksmith, 3 m "\V Glencoe Mills, saw, grist, and furniture mfg, L M Hatch, propr, 4 m N W Ledbetter Z T, genl mdse Church. Avery's Creek (union) Magistrates. Israel P J, 1 m S Ledbetter R, 1 m N Principal Farmers. Bird T J, 126 A, 6 m N E Cockrum Moses, 660 A, 2 m W Cole Joel, 79 A, IJ m S Creasman Wm, 125 A, 4 m N Creasman N B, 60 A, 5 m N Graham M W, 92 A, 2 m E Glenn M S, 623 A, 3 m N Israel P J, 238 A, 1 m S Jones Thos, 563 A, 5 m N Jones Russell, 225 A, 4J m N E Lance M K, 178 A, 3 m W Lance J R, 242 A, 3 m W Ledbetter Richd, 480 A, 1 m N Ledbetter Z T, 125 A Ledbetter C W, 125 A, 1^ m S Morris Wm, 500 A, 6 m N Shipman W P, 239 A, 2^ m N ►Springs W T, 100 A, 4i m N E Walker J W, 281 A, 3 m W BARNARDSVILLE. A farmers post-office on Big Ivy creek, 20 m N E of Asheville. Wheat, corn, oats, and tobacco are cultivated in the surrounding country, but the latter crop leads all others. Alexander, 15 m dis- tant, is the nearest shipping point Mails semi-weekly— J D Barnard, P M Barnard J D, mill and tanyard Roberts J H & Co, genl mdse Churches. Big Ivy (M E South) Big Ivy (Baptist) Principal Farmers. Anders Jno G, 200 A, 1 m S Anderson A G, 800 A Barnard J D, 223 A Brigman Joel, 1350 A, 3 m S Burlison J M, 225 A, 2 m S E Burlison A J, 120 A, 5 m E Burlison Jas W^ 300 A, 2 m E Burlison J E, 125 A, 2 m E Burlison A, 60 A, 2 m E Burlison A W, 50 A, 2 m E Buckner N T, 150 A, 2 m S Carson N F, 75 A, 2 m E Carter Jno H, 500 A, 1 J m S Cole J R, 116 A, 1 m E Cole G W, 292 A, 2 m N E Cole A J, 442 A, 2 m E Dewees Mrs Eliza, 325 A, 2 m N E Dillingham T J, 716 A, 5 m E Dillingham A B, 3000 A, 2 m E Dillingham E F, 1325 A, 4 m E Dillingham A G, 655 A, 4 m E Dillingham W G, 1246 A, 5 m E Harrall Martin, 748 A, 6 ra E Hensley Jas A, 450 A, 6 m E GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 75 Hurst W H, 2290 A, 2^ m N E Hurst Jno M, 485 A, 1 m S Hurst J E, 140 A, 1 ni S W Hurst J C, 1200 A, 2^ m N E Plyder W D, 70 A, 1 m N Ingle A E, 200 A Ingle A Erwin, 250 A, 3 m S Liltlejolin E F, 200 A, 3 m N E Maney J J, 665 A McKinney J H, 50 A Russell Mrs Jane, 387 A Whittimore Martin, 450 A, 1 m N Whittimore C C, 250 A, 2 m N Williams S F, 500 A, 2i m S Williams C F, 100 A BEST. Called Asheville Junction by the R R Co and Swannanoa Bridge by nearly everybody else, but Best by the Post- Office Department. A station on West- ern North Carolina R R, at the pro- posed junction of tlie Spartanburg and Asheville R R, 2 m S of Asheville C H. Is the shipping point for a con- siderable region to the S, S E and S W. Extensive improvements in the shape of new buildings, and the filling up of Blowgun Gulch, long a dangerous pitfall for the inebriated pilgrim — have lately been originated. The Swannanoa here runs through wide and fertile bottoms, upon which almost any crop can be grown with profit. The Post-Ofiice pays more than any other in the county, Asheville excepted Mails daily— T M Porter, P M Alexander B J, grist and saw mills, 3 m SW Alexander W J, grist and saw mills, 4i m S W Currie J H, division master W N C R R Cocke & Roberts, flouring mill, 3 m E Davison J P, publisher "Asheville City Directory and Buncombe Co Gazet- teer," res 18,231 Hash av Neal T D, plasterer Neal J R, plasterer Pressley Jas, blacksmith Parker H M, florist and market garden- er, 1 m E Patton H C, elks T M Porter Penland N A, carpenter, 2 m S Porter T M, genl mdse and livery Reed Joseph, genl mdse, saw and grist mill Sales W C, saw and grist mill, 4 m E Sigmon A Y, lumberyard Smith A M, section master W N C. R R Smith Mrs M A, hotel Stevens D M, saw and grist mill, 3 ra S Swannanoa Dairy, 1 m W Tennent J A, architect and civil engineer Tennent G B, summer boarding. Antler Hall, 2^ m W Webb Cha<, depot agent W N C R R, res 211 Hash av West Alex, carpenter, 2 m S E Whitson G W, saw and grist mills, 3 m E Wilson J C, plasterer Worley Geo W, carpenter, 3 m S E Churches. Gashes Creek (union), 3 m E Shiloh (A M E), UmS Swannanoa Hill (Baptist), 2 m S W West's Meeting House (M E South), 2^ mSE Magistrate. Penland N A, 2 m S Principal Farmers. x\.lexander B J, 307 A, 3 m S W Alexander W J, 400 A, 4 m S W Bailey J N, 81 A, lA m S Brookshire Mrs Mary, 30 A, 2 m E Brookshire Thos J, 68 A, 2\ m E 76 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Cheesborough W P, 105 A Cordell J H, 158 A, 5 m S E Creasman L, 97 A, 1 m S Davidson J C, 300 A, IJ m S E Davis T K, 50 A, 1 m S McDowell Mrs Julia A, 75 A, 1 m S Patton T T, 128 A, 2 m E Patton F P, 715 A, res 11 m S' Parker H M, 40 A, 1 m E Penland Harvey H, 113 A, 2i m S E Penland N A, 190 A, 2 m S Eandall F, 90 A Reed Joseph, 1250 A Reed M L, 470 A, 2^ m E Reed T J, 100 A Roberts Thos T, 150 A, 2 m S E Sales Mrs Margaret, 250 A, 5 m S E Sales W B, 44 A, 3J m E Sales W H, 455 A, 5 m E Sales Theo, 112 A, 3 m E Smith Moses, 140 A, 4^ m E Sievens R M, 254 A, 2 m E Stevens Mrs Nancy, 126 A, 2 m S Stevens D M, 117 A, 3 m S Stevens F M, 384 A, 4 m S Stevens T N, 275 A Tennent Mrs E H, 120 A, 2^ m W Weaver Dr J B, 224 A, 1 m E West Geo W, 550 A, 2 m W West Alex, 210 A, 2 m S E Williams Robt, 300 A, 3 ra S E Wilson T F, 440 A, U m S E Worley G W, 114 A, 3 m S E Worley R F, 325 A, 3 m E Worley W C, 170 A, 3J m E BLACK-MOUNTAIN TION. STA- A station on W N C R R, 18 m E of Asheville. Surrounded by a small area of fine bottom lands, drained by the waters of Flat creek. Is a point for the shipment of considerable lumber. Mails daily— J M Stepp, P M Aldrich L S, engineer W N C R R Bobbitt Jno W, depot and express agt Brown T K, flouring mill, 1 m S W Burnett M L, saw and grist mill, 4 m N Burnett W H, hotel Daugherty S F, genl mdse and boarding Daugherty J W, grist mill Daugherty J W, carpenter Daugherty Nelson (col), blksmith, 1 m W Kerlee C P, blacksmith Kerlee E B & E R, carpenters Kerlee Mrs L J, boarding Knupp Wiley, carpenter McKoy J M, genl mdse and boarding Rymer T B, carjienter Watkins J M, carpenter Churches. Tabernacle (M E South), Rev S S Weth- erly, pastor, 2^ m W North Fork (Baptist), Rev T K Brown, pastor, 4 m N W Magistrates. Daugherty J W McNair Jas, 1 m S Stepp John, 1 m W Principal Farmers. Burnett M L, 300 A, 4 m N Burnett Mrs Ann, 120 A, 4 m N W Burnett T L, 191 A, 4 m N Daugherty Lemuel, 543 A, li m S Daugherty L L, 107 A, 1 m W Daugherty S F, 260 A Fortune Geo M, 219 "A, 2^ m S W Fortune Thos A, 200 A, 3 m W Goodson W E, 270 A, 2-1 m S E Gragg W A Jr, 180 A, 3 m N Gragg Allen, 50 A, 2 m W Hamby A B, 130 A, 2 m W Hemphill Mrs Lou, 150 A, 1 m W Jones M, 112 A, 2 m W GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 77 Kelly Wm, 230 A, 2 m N Kerlee L J, 154 A Kerlee E B & E E, 811 A Lytle Geo L, 182 A, 2 m W Lytle T L, 186 A, 2 m W McNair Jas, 494 A, 1 m S Mitchell S W, 167 A, 2i m W Morris A F, 100 A, 2J m W Padgett Jas M, 135 A, li m N E Porter Mrs S M, 65 A, 3 m W Stepp Mrs I A, 228 A, 4 m W Stepp John, 880 A, 1 m W Stepp J M, 285 A Stepp A H, 250 A, IJ m N Walker J H, 150 A, 3 m N Walker J W, 125 A, IJ m N W Walker Jas W Sr, 150 A, 4 m N Watkins J M, 68 A BUSBEE. A farmers post-office, 7 m S of Ashe- ville, on Heudersonville stage road, and near the proposed line of S & A R E. Wheat, rye, and corn are the principal productions of the vicinity. On Squire Murray's farm are found three distinct varieties of mineral waters — chalybeate, yellow sulphur, and a mixture of both. Asheville Junction (Best P O), 5 m N, is the nearest shipping point Mails daily by stage— W R Murray P M Churches. New Salem (Baptist), 1 m S Mt Zion (Methodist), 1 m W Magistrates. Eice J S, 3 m W Johnston F M, 3J m W Principal Farmers. Bell G W, 150 A, 1 m S Brown Burton, 160 A, li m N W Bro^vn Nathan, 148 A, li m N W Case A E, 105 A, 1^ m S 11 Hampton C E, 147 A, 2 m S W Lance M A, 125 A, 1 m S W Merrill A, 552 A, 3 m N E Merrill D, 820 A, 2 m E Murray W E, 551 A Murray S L, 100 A, 2^ m N Murray U D, 50 A, 1 m N Pinner Miss A, 233 A, 1 m S E Pinner Leander, 1246 A, li m N E Pinner Mrs Martha, 370 A, L] m N E Pinner Monroe, 50 A, 1^ m E Pressly W H, 122 A, 2 m W Shroat P J, 206 A, 2^ m S E Sumner J H, 125 A, 2 m N W COOPER'S. A station on W N C E E, 13 m E of Asheville, close to Swannanoa river, in the centre of a rich farming district ; is the shipping point for a large sec- tion of country. Contains a hotel, three stores, several mechanics' shops, &c Mails daily— Mrs A L Gladwell, P M Clift Chas, physician, IJ m E Cooper A D (Asheville), saw and grist mill Coggins J W, saw rnill, 5 m N Denny J H, blacksmith Daugherty Tom (col), blacksmith Gladwell Mrs A L, genl mdse and hotel Maynard John M, carpenter Melton Berry, saw and grist mill Muller W O (Asheville), distillery, 1 m SE Patterson R H, carpenter, 1 m N Patton John M, carpenter, 2 m N W Porter W Y, genl mdse White J R & J J, carpenters Wilson W H, genl mdse Wilson R I, physician Magistrates. Patterson R H, 1 m N Mitchell S W 78 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Churches. Cooper's (Baptist) Pine Grove (Presbyterian), Rev J P Gammon, pastor, IJ m N W Principal Farmers. Alexander G N Jr, 421 A, 1 m E Alexander J H, 100 A Coggins J W, 1031 A, 5 m N Davidson S W Jr, 174 A, 1 m N Davidson S W Sr, 192 A, 1 m N W Davidson J H, 80 A, IJ m N W Davidson W F Jr, 80 A, U m N W Hemphill W Mc, 872 A Hemphill W C, 500 A Patton Jas L Sr, 500 A, 1 ra N Patton J M, 193 A, 2 m N W Polk Thos J, 100 A Porter W Y, 85 A Smith Murray, 180 A Sorrell M W, 215 A Wilson R I, 425 A Wilson J M, 300 A, 1 m E White T L, 95 A, 1 m E DEMOCRAT. Farmers post-office 18 m N E of Ashe- ville, on the Burnsville road. Wheat corn, and tobacco are extensively culti- vated in the neighborhood, but tobacco is the leading crop ; as, indeed, it is of this entire section of the county. Alex- ander, 14 m distant, is the nearest ship ping point Mails daily from Asheville and Burns- ville — Jno A Carter, P M Carter's Mills, saw and grist, 1 m S E Woodward Jas H, genl mdse, 1 m S E Churches. Pleasant Gap (Methodist Protestant), 1 mN Antioch (Baptist), 1 m S Principal Farmers. Buckner J A Jr, 190 A, 1 m S Carson M H, 90 A Carter J S, 420 A, 1 m S E Carter D W, 312 A, 1 m S Carter Mrs Elvira, 290 A, 1 m S Carter S P, 912 A Carter Z J, 514 A, 1 m S Carter Jno A, 1000 A Dula Rev T M, 92 A, 1 m S Forrester M O, 120 A, 1 m S E Garrison T J, 560 A, 2 m S Greenwood W, 1373 A, 1 m S McKinney C W, 70 A, 1 m S W McLean B J S, 188 A Metcalf Q S, 130 A, 1 m S Woodward J H, 98 A, 1 m S E FAIRVIEW. A farmers post-office in the beautiful and fertile valley of Cane creek, 12 m S E of Asheville, on the Rutherfordton road. Asheville Junction (Best), 10 m N E, is the nearest shipping point Mails tri-weekly — Jason Ashworth,P M Ashworth Jason, genl mdse Callahan J H, cabinetmkr Cooper R W, physician, 1 m W Dalton Jas, blacksmith Jay Mrs M J, grist and saw mill, 2 m W .Jones Mrs M J, flour, grist, and saw mills Merrill Saml, genl mdse Miller J, grist and saw mill, 3 m N Mitchell J W, saw mill, 2 m N Pinkerton A H, saw mill, 3 m N Sherrill Mrs, hotel, Hickorynut Gap, 3 mSW Stroup W H, saw mill, 2^^ m W Whittaker D F, saw and grist mill, 3J SW Magistrates. Lanning L A, 3 m N W Young T J, 3 m S W V^/v GAZETTEEK OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 79 Churches. Cane Creek (Baptist), Eev J M Hilliard, pastor Concord (Baptist), 5 m W Dry Pond (Baptist), (col), 4 m W Methodist (col), 4 m W Tweed's chapel (M E South), Eev S S Wetherley, pastor, 4J m S W Sharon (M E South), Eev S S Wetherley, pastor, li m W Principal Farmers. Alexander Jno B, 225 A, 1 m S W Ashworth Johnson, 355 A Ashworth Jason, 408 A Ashworth Eufus, 110 A, 1 m E Brank Eobt W, 500 A, 3 m S Casey Henry, 928 A, 2^ m E Clayton Eobt C, 125 A, 2^- m W Clayton E, 70 A, 3 m N E Cooper Alex, 361 A, 2 m W Cooper Adam J, 175 A, 1 m W Cooper Dr E W, 57 A, 1 m W Ear wood Thos Sr, 1050 A, 4 m N W Freeman Jerome B, 107 A Garren Eiley, 258 A, 31 m S W Garren Jesse, 196 A, 3 m E Grant Henry, 229 A Harper Peter, 196 A Hambey Mrs L L, 188 A, 2 m N W Jenkins Mrs Naomi, 150 A, 3 m W Jenkins Julius L, 132 A, 3 m W Jenkins Henry, 335 A, 2 m N W Jones Mrs Mary J, 154 A Lanning Jas, 135 A Lanning J M, 312 A Lynch Geo W, 371 A, 2 ra S E Lytle Alberto, 710 A, 5 m S W Lytle Littleton, 375 A, 2| m W Merrill Saml, 165 A Merrill Wm A, 150 A, 1 m E Merrill Jno Mc, 141 A, 1^ m S Miller Thos J, 1060 A, 2 m N W MitcheU Jno C, 124 A, 1 m N McBrayer Jno F, 260 A, 2i m E Nesbitt Thos L, 575 A, 4 m N Owenby Oliver D, 325 A, 2 m W Patton Aaron F, 154 A, 3 m S Pinkerton Jas, 1014 A, 3 m N Pinkerton Alf H, 400 A, 2 m N Eedmond Thos B, 240 A, 2 m N W Eeed Mrs Mary, 462 A, 2 m E Eight Eobt P, 355 A, 5i m N E Eight Jno E, 235 A, 4 m N W Sherrill John J, 130 A, 2 m E Sherrill Jas B, 424 A, 3 m S E Smart Thos L, 240 A, 1 m N W Spivey Ben F, 439 A, 4 m N W Toms Jas F, 628 A, 2 m S E Trantham Jas, 231 A, 2 m N W Whittaker Mrs Margaret, 200 A, 1^ m NE Whittaker Henry, 900 A, 1§ m N Whittaker David F, 234 A, 4 m S W Williams Sarah, 416 A, 3 m S Williams Jesse, 60 A, 3 m S W Young Mrs Eebecca, 207 A, 3J m S W FLAT CREEK. A farmers post-office, on creek of same name, 11 m N of Asheville, on Burns- ville road. Wheat, corn, oats, and to- bacco are cultivated extensively in the neighborhood. Alexander is the nearest shipping point, 6 m distant Mails daily— J E Brigman, P M Anderson , blacksmith Brigman Solomon, genl mdse and tanyard Filer J C, blacksmith Eller W C, magistrate Watson S A, physician Church. Flat Creek (Baptist) Principal Farmers. Brank A M, 425 A, li m E Chambers AV K, 392 A, 2 m E 80 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Cole M C, 250 A, 3 m E Cole J M, 87 A, 2^ in E Eller J C, 163 A Eller J P, 202 A, 1 m W Eller W C, 117 A Fox J J, 154 A, 3 m N W Fox J D, 79 A, 3 m N Garrison W J M, 93 A, IJ m N Garrison J W, 56 A, 1^ m N Gentry J R, 46 A, 1 m W Penland B F, 150 A Penland T B, 75 A, 1 m W Pickens R H, 127 A, 3 m N W Ramsey Mrs Rena, 190 A, IJ m N E Roberts Mrs Mary E, 157 A, IJ m W Roberts H C, 120 A, 1 m E Roberts J H, 158 A, IJ m W Roberts W S, 215 A, 1 m E FOXVILLE. A farmers post-office on S fork of Reems' creek, 12 m N E of Aslieville Mails semi-weekly by liorseback from Asheville— E M Jones, P M Church- South Fork Principal Farmers. Ballard David, 250 A Ballard Jno H, 125 A Jones E M, 180 A GRANTVILLE. A farmers post-office, 15 m N of Asheville, at Forks of Ivy. Tobacco and wheat are the leading crops raised in the vicinity Mails semi-weekly from Marshall, Madison co, 10 m distant, the nearest shipping point — A L Logan, P M Buckner B F, genl mdse, blacksmith and wagon shop Deaver W H, flour, saw, and grist mills Church. Forks of Ivy (Baptist) Principal Farmers. Beachboard Jas, 51 A, 1 m S Buckner B F, 100 A, 1^ m S Davis W M, 61 A, 1 m S Logan A L, 413 A Sams L W, 250 A, 1 m S W HAREINS. A "catch" office on Ducktown Branch of W N C R R, 6.] m W by S of Ashe- ville. Situated on Ragsdale creek, a branch of Hominy, in the centre of an industrious farming community Mails daily— T J Harkins, P M Gudger David, physician, 2 m S Harkins T J, carpenter Hawkins Joseph, wagon shop Norman S S, magistrate Stevens S N, flouring mills, 2 m S E Church. Sand Hill (Presbyterian), 1 m S Principal Farmers. Candler T J, 270 A Harkins T J, 83 A Henry Mrs C C, 601 A Hyatt Mrs M L, 150 A, 1^ m N Jones Mrs M E, 127 A, 1 m N W Lorick M C, 76 A Nichols Jas, 81 A, 2 m S Starnes A H, 280 A, 2 m N Starnes J R, 210 A, 2 m N Starnes C N, 154 A, 2 m N Stevens S N, 220 A, 2 m S E HIGH ENOB. A farmers post-office on Turkey creek, 11 m N W of Asheville. In the sur- GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 81 rounding neigliborhood tobacco planting is extensively pursued, and wheat, corn, and oats are also cultivated to a consid- erable extent. Alexander, 6 m E, is the nearest shipping point Mails semi-weekly from Marshall, Madison co, by horseback — Miss M E Hawkins, P M Gudger A M, saw and grist mills, 1 m N Ingle J P, carpenter Ingle A M, carpenter Teague & Hawkins, genl mdse, 1 m N Churches. Turkey Creek (Baptist), 1 m N Penland's chapel (M E South), 1^1 m N W Principal Farmers. Filmot L D, 144 A, U m W Hawkins T N, 165 A Hawkins Ben J, 137 A Hawkins J C, 167 A Hawkins A B, 172 A Hawkins Eobt, 155 A HOMINY CREEK. A station on Ducktown Branch of W N C E R, 10 m W by S from Asheville, on creek of same name. Is a place of great resort for summer tourists, who find here the very spot in which to re- cuperate from the turmoil of city and business life. Mt Pisgah, towering to an altitude of nearly 6,000 ft, is a striking object in the landscape ; the summit being 12 m S W from here Hominy Creek contains a good hotel, a store, a mill and tanyard, several me- chanics' shops, &c. Is the principal trading and shipping point for a large section of fine farming country; the leading crops cultivated being wheat, corn, potatoes, and fruits ; stock raising to a considerable extent is also indus- triously pursued Mails daily— J M Thrash, P M and depot agent Boyd Wilson, steam saw mill, 2^ m S Candler W G, saw mill, 1 m W Cathey J L, shoemkr, 4 m N W Courtney J H, shoemkr, 1 m N E Dryman & Netherton, saw mill, 5 m S Herren H L, nursery, 4 m N Jones R L, grist and saw mill, IJ m E .Justice G B, wagonmkr, 1 m W Justice & Co, saw mill, 3 m S W Lindsey N F & Son, blacksmiths Luther Solomon, hotel Merrill A J, genl mdse, 1 m W Sharp Elijah, grist and saw mill, 2 m N Thrash J M & Co, genl mdse, flouring mill, and tanyard Thrash G H, physician, 1 m E Thrash A B, nursery, 1^ m N E Warren J M, saw mill, 6 ra S W Warren R P, chairmkr, 1 m W Warren Uriah, chairmkr, 3 m W Warren Andrew, saw and grist mill, 4 m SW Young W H, painter, 2 m W Churches. Hice Hill (union), 2 m N Hominy (Baptist), Rev W W Wells, pastor, 2 m W Montmorency (M E South), Rev W D Akers, pastor, 1 m W Pisgah (M E South), Rev W D Akers, pastor, 6 m S W Snow Hill (M E South), Rev W D Akers, pastor, 3 m N Stony Fork (Baptist), Rev E J Morgan, pastor, 8 m S W Trull's chapel (M E), 4 m N W Zion (A M E), 2 m N E 82 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Magistrates. Cole W V, 4 m N Green W H, 2 m S W Howell G W, 4 m S W Morgan Jesse AV, H m S Penley W D, 2 m N Principal Farmers. Alexander H N, 100 A, 4 m E Boyd Wilson, 50 A, 6 m S W Ballard T A, 400 A, 6 m S W Brooks Chas, 500 A, 3 m N Brooks Mrs Elizabeth, 175 A, 3 m S W Brooks David, 115 A, 2 m N Brittain T D, 352 A, 3J m S E Candler W G, 1250 A, 1 m W Clark W F, 112 A, 2^ m S W Clark W P, 85 A, 1 m N W Cathey J L, 145 A, 4 m N W Cole J J, 150 A, 4 m N Cole E C, 315 A, 4 m N Crowell W W, 455 A, 2J m S E Culbertson W H Sr, 45 A, 4 m N Culbertson W H Jr, 100 A, 4 m N Curtis G W, 174 A, 6 m S W Curtis W H, 119 A, 4 m N W Daves H W, 300 A, 5 m S Davis J B, 358 A, 6 m S W Davis H J, 1000 A, 8 m S W Davis U W, 250 A, 7 m S W Foster E C, 30 A, 6 m S W Gaston J P, 883 A, 3 m S E Green White H, 130 A, 1 m N Green Williams, 327 A, 2 m S W Gudger D M, 135 A, 4 m E Gudger D F, 193 A, 2^ m W Henry R N, 94 A, 1^ m N W Herren H L, 150 A, 4 m N Howell F B, 100 A, 1 m N Howell G W, 325 A, 4 m S W Holcome J H, 400 A, 3 m N Hyatt R H, 260 A, 4^ m N W Israel J T, 327 A, 4 m S W Israel W L, 110 A, 6 m S W Israel L Y, 100 A, 6J m S W Jones R LaF, 600 A, 2^ m S E Jones J R, 157 A, 3 m E Jones W H, 112 A, 3 m W Justice W T, 355 A, 2 m N W Luther Solomon, 900 A Luther H A, 273 A, 3 m N W Merrill A J, 108 A, 1 m W McAfee Ambrose, 100 A, 2 m N W Miller J I, 195 A, 4 m S W Miller Misses P A & E C, 120 A, 4 m S W Miller Jacob M, 192 A, 3J m S W Morgan J L, 140 A, 3 m N W Morgan B L, 191 A, IJ m S Morgan Wm, 200 A, 4 m W Morgan E J, 69 A, 6 m S W Morgan Rev E, 240 A, 4 m W Morgan Jones H, 400 A, 5 m N W Morgan W Y, 100 A, 2h m W Morgan Jas M, 185 A, 6 m S W Morgan A B, 690 A, li m S Morgan S M, 1019 A, 2J m S E Morgan J W, 215 A, IJ m S Neal Thos, 95 A, 3 m S W Penland G W, 183 A, 1 m E Penley W D, 100 A, 2 m W Peeples Wash, 265 A, 5 m S W Peeples W L, 215 A, 6 m S W Reeves T C, 125 A, 4 m S E Reeves Larkin, 128 A, 2 m S Rice Jas W, 200 A, 2^ m W Robertson W J, 153 A, 8 m S W Sharp J P, 132 A, 2J m N Starnes T A, 214 A, 2 m S E Smathers N A, 193 A, 4 m S W Thrash G H, 200 A, 1 m E Thrash J M, 106 A Thrash D V, 172 A, 2 m N Thrash A B, 169 A, IJ m S E Trull B R, 103 A, 4 m N W Warren Andrew, 253 A, 4 m S W Warren W B, 188 A, 4 m S W Warren J S, 45 A Warren Uriah, 213 A, 4 m S W Wolfe J P & Co, 175 A, li m N W GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 83 Wright Wm, 227 A, 4 ra N Young J L, 227 A, 2 ni W Young S F, 200 A, 3i ra W LEICESTER. An incorporated village of about 200 inhabitants, 10 m W by N from Ashe- ville. Situated on the waters of New Found creek, in the midst of a fertile country, which produces largely of wheat, corn, and tobacco. The town was founded about the beginning of the late war, and is named in honor of Leicester Chapman, who was the first to open business in the place. It now contains seven stores, one hotel, several mechanics' shops (all doing a thriving business), a seminary, two churches, &c. Leicester is very pleas- antly located in a narrow valley, from whose sides springs of living water gush in great abundance. Turkey-Creek camp-ground, 1 m W, is the scene of an immense gathering an- nually, in August, when a " camp-meet- ing " is held under the auspices of the M E Church South. Thousands of peo- ple, including many of the summer vis- itors, flock here on these occasions. Leicester is remarkable from the fact that it is the only town or village in all Western North Carolina that doesn't trouble itself about summer visitors and has no hopes of a railroad. Alexander, 7 m distant, is the nearest shipping point, but most of the wagoning is done by way of Asheville Mails daily from the latter place by horseback — F F Brown, P M B A Lowrance, Mayor Alexander J F & Bro, genl mdse Alexander J F, constable Ball W W, carpenter Brown & Hampton, genl mdse Brown T C & Gudger, genl mdse Brown T C »& Bro, family groceries Brown T C, hotel Brown T C, saw mill, 2 m W Buckner Hiram, grist and saw mill, 5 m E Candler C N, physician Carpenter J C, drugs and groceries Cassidy G D, blacksmith Curtis B W, shoemaker Embler John, distillery, 2 m E Frisbee & Hampton, flour and grist mill, 3m E Gilbert C F & H W, genl mdse Lowrance B A, harnessmkr Nelson H N, carpenter Penland & Sluder, genl mdse Penland W H (Asheville), flour and grist mill and tanyard, 3 m E Reynolds D W & J P, grist and saw mill, 3mN W Shell Geo, painter, 2 m W Skinner & IJobo (col), blacksmiths Stevens J M, physician Stevens J F, nursery Sluder F, magistrate, 1 m E Sumner Jas, carpenter Churches. Leicester (M E South), Rev D M Clayton, pastor Leicester (Episcopal) New Found ( Baptist), Rev Joseph Miller, pastor, 1 m E Turkey Creek (M E South), Rev A W Curtis, pastor, 2 m W School. Leicester Seminary, Prof H F Ketron, principal Principal Farmers. Alexander J F, 244 A Alexander M S, 95 A Boyd R F, 240 A, 4 m E 84 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Brown John S, 291 A, 1 m N Meadows Cyrus, 460 A, 5 J m W Brown T C, 825 A Hears J H, 150 A Brown J E, 284 A, 2 m N E Mears Wm G, 150 A Brown Wiley B, 162 A, 3 m E Moore E P, 200 A, 21 m W Bridges Calvin W, 251 A, 3 m S W Parham W H, 202 A, 2 m N E Candler C N, 130 A Patton W D, 100 A, 2 m W Clark J M, 425 A Penland E P, 225 A, 2 m S Embler John, 309 A, 2 m E Penland W M, 58 A, 3 m N Embler Joseph, 137 A, 4 m E Penland A M, 151 A, 3 m N Erwin W T, 350 A, 3 m W Plemmons J H, 292 A, 3 m E Foster J M, 50 A, 1 m E Plemmons Mitchell, 165 A, 1 m E Foster J H, 113 A, 1 m S Plemmons Mrs M C, 200 A, 3 m N Frisbee J Marion, 270 A, 4 m N Plemmons Mrs Mary, 124 A, 3 m N Frisbee Mrs J A, 184 A, 5 m N Plemmons J J, 100 A, 3 m N Frisbee Wm, 349 A, 3 m S E Plemmons J C, 121 A, 3 m N Gilbert Henry W, 183 A Pownders W E, 95 A, 21 m E Gillaspie J A, 230 A, 5^ m W Eandall J W, 192 A, 2 m W Gillaspie Jno D, 450 A, 3J m W Eatcliffe A, 360 A, 3 m E Gillaspie W A, 81 A, 2 m W Eatcliffe M I, 104 A, 2 m W Gillaspie T F, 425 A, 6 m W Eeynolds A A, 1591 A, li m W Gillaspie J A, 309 A, 5J m W Eeynolds B Wash, 491 A, 3 m W Glance T C, 50 A, 1 m E Eeynolds E Harley, 200 A Gudger A M, 1793 A, 3 m N Sluder Jas, 366 A, 3 m E Gudger B G, 160 A, 2 m W Sluder F, 900 A, 1 m E Hampton G W, 589 A, 1^ m S Sluder Jas E, 170 A, 3 m N E Hampton Solomon, 230 A, 3 m E Sluder Carr, 150 A, 3 m E Hampton M F, 196 A, 2 m S Sluder Jas E Jr, 178 A, 3 m E Hawkins J F, 205 A, 3 m E Sluder F Jr, 190 A, 3| m S E Hawkins J Marion, 152 A, 4 m S Sluder Merritt Jr, 141 A, 4 m S E Hayes J Madison, 154 A, 3 m E Sluder Wm, 265 A, 3J m S E Hayes J M Jr, 165 A, 2i m N Sluder Jno, 132 A, 3i m N Hayes Kansom, 90 A, 4 m N Sluder B E, 112 A, 1 m E Hayes Jno N, 67 A, 3J m E Sluder Levi, 141 A, 5 m N E Ingle Frank P, 147 A, 4 m S E Smith W D, 190 A Ingle E S, 130 A, 4 m S E Smith Andrew, 170 A Ingle A A, 174 A, 3 m S E Snelson Thos E, 100 A, 4 m N Israel P, 318 A, 3 m S E Snelson D H, 117 A, 4 m N James T E, 313 A, 3 m W Snelson N, 247 A, 4 m N Jones E, 200 A, li m S Swaim Jas, 106 A, 4 m S Jones M M, 100 A, 1^ m S Wells Jackson E, 200 A, 2 m W Lee W I, 55 A, 4 m W Wells WF, 220A, IJmW Lunsford Amos, 173 A Wells Lon, 87 A Martin Jolin, 180 A, 5 m N Wells J F, 700 A, 4 m W Martin J B, 206 A, 6 m N West E, 140 A, 3 m N Martin L M, 132 A, 2 m N Wild Morgan B, 120 A GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 85 LONGS. A flag station on W N C R R, 8 m E of Asheville. Tlie fertile bottoms of the Swannanoa at this point are extensively cultivated in cabbages and watermelons ; many car loads of the former "fruit" being annually shipped to the Southern markets, where " Buncombe cabbage " is preferred over all competitors Mails daily — Alex'r Colvin, P M Church. Brush Hill (Methodist Protestant), 2J mN Principal Farmers. Gash B S, 175 A, 1 m S W Gudger J S, 138 A Gudger W M, 155 A, 1 m N W Hemphill J H, 365 A, 1 m W Kimmell Wm Lambell, 1100 A Long T B, 250 A Moflatt G M, 98 A, 1 m N Shope L E, 148 A, U m N W MITCHELL. A farmers post-office at the foot of Black Mountain, 18 m E of Asheville, and 10 m from the summit of Mitchell's Peak. A hotel is kept here for the ac- commodation of mountain tourists Mails weekly from Black Mountain station, onWNCRR,8mS, the nearest shipping point — Miss Lizzie Patton, P M Allison J E, magistrate, 1 m S Daugherty, Burnett & Co, saw mill Patton Mrs Sophronia, hotel Principal Farmers. Allison J E, 441 A, 1 m S Burnett Danl, 100 A, 1 m S 12 Cordell W R, 200 A, 3 m S Patton Mrs Sophronia, 230 A Stephens F M, 1000 A MORGAN HILL. A farmers- post-office, 15 m N by E of Asheville, on Burnsville road. An excel- lent school and several churches are in close vicinity. Tobacco planting is the Ijrincipal industry of the community. Alexander, 8 m distant, is the nearest shipping point Mails daily— F M Stockton, P M Lewellyn R P, cabinetmkr f Morgan Jonathan, blacksmith Church. Morgan Hill (Baptist) School. Morgan Hill High School, Rev W C McCarthy, principal Principal Farmers. Bell O T, 75 A, 1 m S Buckner J .J, 90 A Buckner J M, 50 A Morgan T C, 825 A Morgan J P, 75 A, 1 m S Morgan S J, 112 A, 1 m N E Morgan Stephen, 220 A, 1 m E Sams J C, 340 A, 1 m S Smith D L, 140 A / Stockton F M, 60 A Williams L .J, 40 A, 1 m E Williams S R, 80 A, 2 m W NEW FOUND. A farmers post-office on creek of same name, 11^ m W by N from Asheville, the nearest shipping point. The people of New Found section are noted alike for industry and intelligence. The prin- 86 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. cipal crops cultivated in the neighbor- hood are hay and wheat ; stock raising is also actively pursued, the animals being of a superior grade ; and in dairy pro- ducts the butter of New Found is quite celebrated. Mails four times a week from Marshall and Pigeon river— Laura L Green, P M Green J M, magistrate Hutchison C P, blacksmith, I5 m S Rhodes Abner, carpenter and propr saw and grist mill Wells T M, nursery, li m N Church. Zion Hill (union M E South and Bap- tist) Principal Farmers. Brown J Lowry, 200 A, 1 m N Coffee Mrs Em, 136 A, V^ m W Cole G Wash, 333 A, 2 m S W Cole Jesse H, 160 A, 1 m N Cole W P, 135 A Cole Joseph H, 231 A, 3 m N W Cole J Valentine, 97 A, 3 m E Cole David V, 104 A, 2 m N W Green J M, 400 A Herren E, 358 A Jones A M, 206 A, 2 m W Plemmons Levi, 547 A Rhodes Abner, 110 A Shook D H, 673 A, 1 m N W Wells Gid C, 100 A, 2 m N RAMSEY. A "catch" office on W N CR R and French-Broad river, 5 m N of Asheville Mails daily— J E Ramsey P M Church. Macedonia (Baptist) Principal Farmers. Brookshire B F, 150 A Fore Lewis P, 106 A Gosnell G W, 222 A Ramsey A G, 222 A Ramsey J E, 54 A REFUGE. A farmers post-office, 13 m N by W from Asheville, close to Madison county line. Tobacco and wheat are raised ex- tensively in the vicinity. Alexander, 3 m distant, is the nearest shipping point Mails semi-weekly from Marshall — Philip Hunter, P M Churches. Refuge (Christian) Red Oak (Presbyterian), 1 m E Principal Farmers. Davis M C, 376 A, 1 m E Draper M A, 108 A, 1 m S Smith W B, 260 A RICEVILLE. A farmers post-office on the waters of Bull creek, in a fertile valley, 7 m E by N of Asheville Mails semi-weekly by horseback — J C Stevenson, P M Burnett G W, genl mdse Clark J C, saw and grist mill Reed J A, gunsmith, 2 m S W Principal Farmers. Clark J C, 88 A Glass J A, 100 A, 2 m N Gragg C P, 125 A, 2 m N E Hughey Saml, 183 A, 1| m N Reed J A, 175 A, 2m SW Rice A J, 100 A GAZETTEEE OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 87 Shope W E, 350 A, 2 ni N Shope B G, 130 A, 2 m N Shope J M, loO A, 1 m N Stroup S A, 85 A, 1 m W Stroup S F, 100 A, 2 m N Stevenson D C, 97 A SANDY MUSH. A farmers post-office on creek of same name, 18 m \V by N from Asheville. Tobacco planting and stock raising are the leading industries in the country around this office. Alexander, 14 m distant, is the nearest shipping point Mails tri-weekly by horseback from Leicester — John Beeves, P M Brown Frank, carpenter, 1 m S Childs L L (Lee & Childs, Asheville), genl mdse, 1 m W Davis John, blacksmith, 1 m W Furgusson Thos J, floui-ing mills, 3.} m W Presswood J S, carpenter, 22 m S W Reeves John, flouring and saw mills Reynolds J H, physician, 1 m W Sprinkles & De Board, genl mdse and harnessmkrs, 1 m W Wells A B, saw and grist mill, 4 m S W Wilson J B, genl mdse, 1 m E Magistrates. Nash Wilson, 6 m S W Wells Jno W, 3 m S West Henry, 5 m S Churches. Big Sandy (union), 1 m W Ebenezer (Baptist), 4 m S W Principal Farmers. Boyd E M, 300 A, 4 m W Childs L L, 50 A, 1 m W DeBoard T C, 60 A, 2^ m S W Duckett D M, 230 A, 5 m S Furguson T J, 250 A, 3J m W Garrett John, 700 A, 3^ m W Jones J F, 587 A, 3 m S King M A, 200 A, 4 m S King V T, G5 A, 3i m S King J M, 160 A, 1 m E Lowry J M, 40 A, 2 m W Lunsford Henry, 200 A, 1^ m S Payne W E, 200 A, 1 m E Presswood I S, 66 A, 1 m S Randall J L, 660 A, 2 m E Eandall W E, 375 A, 1 m S Reeves John, 250 A Reynolds J H, 200 A, 1 m W Robinson M L, 330 A, 3 m W Robinson J D, 42D A, 3 m W Robinson A C, 500 A, 3 m W Surratt O W, 180 A, 4 m W Wells J W T, 205 A, 3h m S W Wells M C, 125 A Wells Jno, 80 A, 4 m S E Wells Jno W, 350 A, 3 m S Wells A B, 300 A, 4 m S W Wells D M, 270 A, 1 m W Wells R C, 400 A, 4 m S E Worley Henry, 56 A, 5 m S Worley E J, 160 A, 2 m E Worley W J, 1600 A, IJ m S SILVER SPRINGS. A suburb of Asheville, beautifully situated on the W bank of French-Broad river, which is here crossed by a fine iron bridge. Contains a good hotel, two stores, and several other industries Mails daily— J B Cole, P M Cole J B, grower of small fruits Henry J L (Henry & Cummings, Ashe- ville), attorney at law Hughes & Collins, genl mdse Knight St Clair, genl mdse Lambert Thos, boarding Silver-Springs Hotel, A A Banks, propr GAZETTEEE OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Churches. Bethel (Baptist), 3^- m N W Balm Grove (M E South), 1 m W Episcopal (St Andrew's) Methodist (col), 2 m W Principal Farmers. Brandt Jas, 96 A, 2 m W Clayton E, 340 A, 1 m N Collins T C, 61 A Corn Wm, 67 A, 3 m W Cowan Jas, 300 A, 4 ni N W Henry J L, 300 A Jarrett Jas M, 141 A, 2 m W Ledford J M, 70 A, l.} m W Loniinac Wm, 180 A Owenby W N, 100 A, 3 m N Parham A K, 212 A, 3 m W Eeynolds Mrs D M, 116 A, 1 m W Eeynolds F S H, 129 A Eedmond Morgan, 181A, 3mNW Eobertson M N, 350 A Smith E S, 140 A Taylor G N, 100 A, 3 m W SHUFORDSVILLE. In Henderson county, close to the Bun- combe line, and is introduced here be- cause it is the office where several farmers, &c., of the latter county receive their mail. Is situated 13 m S of Asheville and 8 N of Hendersonville, the nearest shipping point Mails daily by stage— G W Fletcher, PM Garren J E, flouring mill, 3 m N E Young J E, saw and grist mill, 3 m N E Magistrate. Garren J E, 3 m N E Principal Farmers. Garren D Sr, 260 A, 3| m N E Garren J E, 162 A, 3 m N E Gibson M A, 395 A, 4 m N E Suttles J N, 135 A, 1 m N E Tow E T, 135 A, 2 ra E Tweed Jno F, 231 A, 4J m N E Tweed Jas H. 233 A, 4^ m N E Tweed Thos AV, 213 A,''4J m N E Tweed Mrs Jane, 180 A, 4 m N E Young J E, 250 A, 3 m N E STOCKSVILLE. A farmers post-office, 13 m N of Ashe- ville, on the Burnsville road. Tobacco and wheat are the leading crops culti- vated in the vicinity. Alexander, 8 m distant, is the nearest shipping point Mails daily— H C Blackstocks, P M Lockhart A, genl mdse Eoberts, Blackstocks & Co, genl mdse Church. Sugar-Camp Branch (Baptist), 4 m W Principal Farmers. Bell J G, 65 A Blackstocks E V, 1250 A Blackstocks H C, 97 A Brank J Phil, 120 A Brown J Y, 60 A, 1 m N Buckner J H, 113 A Chandler Timothy, 76 A, Zi m N Clinton M F, 143 A, 1 m N Cole J D, 90 A Dula T B, 88 A, li m N Gentry G W T, 95 A, 1 m N Gentry J H, 110 A, 1^ m N Gentry E Y, 55 A, 1^ m N Langford G W, 109 A, 1 m S Langford E W, 71 A, 1 m S Langford P, 43 A, 1 m S Lockhart A, 80 A Eoberts W J, 179 A, 3J m N Eoberts A P, 123 A, 3^ m N GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 89 Eoberts T O, 143 A Sams J H, 222 A, 1 m W Sprinkle Wm, 283 A Sprinkle W M, 287 A, 24 m W Sprinkle H, 120 A, 2 m W Wild J G, 135 A, Um W SWANNANOA. A "catch " office on W N C R R, 10 m E of Asheville. About 1 m S of the most beautiful and fertile portion of the Swannanoa valley Mails daily— J F Pickens, P M Burgin Butler (col), blacksmith, IJ m N Creasman Abraham, magistrate, 2 m N W Fortune A B, saw and grist mill, li m N Hall Thos, blacksmith, 4 m N W Pickens Bros, genl mdse Pickens W C, blacksmith Pitman John, blacksmith, 4 m N Wilfong Danl, grist and saw mill Churches. Berea (Baptist), Rev J M Hilliard, pas- tor, 3J m N Davidson's chapel (M E South), Rev S S Wetherley, pastor, 2 m N Principal Farmers. Alexander W E, 231 A, 3 m N Alexander G N Sr, 300 A, 3i m N Alexander A N, 170 A, 3 m N Alexander P B, 150 A, 4 m N Burgin B I, 150 A, 1 m N Brevard Z B, 160 A, 2i m N W Craig J A, 126 A, 4 m N W Creighton Alex, 440 A, 3 m N W Davidson W F Sr, 410 A, 2 m N Davidson T F, 150 A, 1^ m N E Fortune A B, 450 A, 1 m E Fortune W P, 115 A Fortune B F, 100 A, 1^ m N W Harris T L, 225 A, 2^ m N Merrill S A, 160 A Patton E C, 177 A Pickens J T, 170 A Pitman Lot, 175 A, 4| m N Porter W M, 250 A, 1* m S E Redmond Taylor, 284 A, 2h m S E Sherrill C L, 90 A, 1 m N W Shope D V, 485 A, 4 m N Shope H F, 160 A, 4 m N Watkins Chas, 200 A, 1 m N Wilson Joe Sr, 185 A, 1 m S E Wilson J P, 400 A, 1 m S TURNPIKE. A station on Ducktown branch of W N C R R, 15 m W by S of Asheville, at the Haywood county line. Contains a good hotel, store, several mechanics' shops, &c. Is much frequented by vis- itors in summer, and is certainly a very desirable place to linger at during the heated term. A fine spring of mineral water, recently discovered, adds to its many attractive features. Thompson's Knob, the singular looking summit of which is about three miles distant, affords a delightful and extensive view, and is, itself, a prominent feature of the land- scape, being visible for 30 miles to the eastward Mails daily — J C Smathers, P M Cui'tis J C, magistrate, 1^ m E Miller W H, saw and grist mill, 2 m E Smathers J C, hotel, genl mdse, black- smith shop, &c Smathers G H, lawyer Church. Pleasant Hill (M E South), 2 m N E Principal Farmers. Curtis J C, 218 A, 1^ m E Joyce J P, 300 A, 2 m E 90 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Joyce Robt, 347 A, 2h ra S E Miller W H, 144 A, 2 m E Morgan P P, 295 A Smathers J C, 190 A Wilson F S, 124 A, 1 m E VANCEVILLE. Farmers post-office on Eeeras creek, 10 m N E of Asheville. The post-office is kept in the house in which General K B and ex-Governor Z B Vance were born. Tobacco and wheat are the main products of this section. The nearest shipping point is Alexander, 8 m distant Mails semi-weekly from Asheville — Mrs S E Hemphill, P M Ray Joseph, genl mdse Church. Hemphill (union) Principal Farmers. Arrowood S E, 94 A, 1 m E Chambers J B, 475 A, 1 m E Chambers J G, 725 A, 1 m N Hemphill Jas, 300 A Hemphill Mrs E W, 365 A Hemphill J R, 100 A Monday S M, 435 A, 1| m W Penland S E, 150 A Sawyer Jas, 260 A, 2i m E WEAVERVILLE. An incorporated village of about 200 inhabitants, situated on a plateau slightly elevated above Reems creek, whose waters wash its base ; 8 m N by E of Asheville, on the Burnsville road, and 4 m E of Alexander, the nearest shipping point. Weaverville is very pleasantly located for summer residences, and many fine views of the surrounding mountains are found within easy distance. The town contains a hotel, several stores, and mechanics' shops, «&c. Several flouring, grist, and saw mills and a woolen factory are in close vicinity. Mails daily from Asheville and Burns- ville by liorseback — J. W. Vandiver, Mayor and P. M. Brittain R P, carpenter Branks R J, flour, saw, and grist mills, 2\ m E Byerly E, genl mdse and blacksmith shop Callaway J W, shoemaker Coleman's Mills (flouring), W H Penland (Asheville), propr Eller W P, grist mill, U m N Goolsby E M, lawyer Joiner Jas, carpenter McClure R H, agt W & W Mfg Co Reagan House, D II Reagan, propr Reagan J A, physician Reems Creek Woolen Mills, Jno Cairns, supt Roberts, Blackstocks & Co, genl mdse Vandiver J W, seed farm Vandiver E F, genl mdse Weaver W E, lawyer Weaver H B, physician Weaver W E, grist mill, 2 m N Wing W W, physician Churches. Alexander's chapel (union), 3 m S W Johnson's chapel (union), col, 2^ m W Long's chapel (M E), IJ m S E Pleasant Grove (union), 2 m S E Union church, 1^ m N Educational. Weaverville College, Rev David Atkins, prest Masonic. Blackmore Lodge, A F and A M— T H Weaver, W M; John Cairns, S W; Robert Weaver, J W^ ; J L Weaver, secretary Meets monthly GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 91 Sons of Temperance. Weaverville Division. Officers elected quarterly Meets weekly Principal Farmers. Baird W R, 600 A, 2 m S Baird W A, 282 A, 3 m N W Baird Z H, 300 A, 2 m S Baird Miss Mary J, 103 A, 2 m S Baird Miss M K, 300 A, 2 m S Baker T W, 140 A, 2 m W Brank R J, 200 A, 2 m E Brank A M, 350 A, 3 m N Brittain G W, 425 A, 2 m N E Cairns John, 180 A Chambers J K, 75 A, 3 m N Chambers W R, 375 A, 2 m N Coleman R L, 140 A, 1 m S W , Cole T M, 240 A, 3 m N * Davis J N, 200 A. 2 m E Davis O F, 100 A, 2 m N E DuBose J R, 308 A, 2J m S Filer A F, 162 A, Im N Garrison J W, 210 A, 2i m N Garrison J B, 172 A, 2J m N Garrison T M, 240 A, 1^ m N Garrison Mrs Matilda, 100 A, 2^ m N Gill J W, 100 A, 1| m W Harris I A, 340 A, 5 m N W Lyda W B, 139 A Parker G A, 110 A Parker J T, 300 A, 2 m S E Parker J M, 247 A, 2 m E Pickens R W, 160 A, 1 m W Reagan J A, 210 A Roberts F P, 97 A Roberts J Wesley, 75 A, 3 m N E Vandiver J W, 225 A Waggoner W A, 1100 A, 1 m E Weaver Mrs M M, 1000 A Weaver H B, 250 A Weaver T H, 245 A, 2 m N Weaver W M, 320 A, 2 in N Weaver R H, 100 A Weaver T L, 135 A, 1^ m N Weaver W E, 292 A Weaver J L, 275 A, 2 m W Weaver Rufus, 163 A, 1 m E Weaver C P, 190 A, 2 m W Weaver A S, 156 A, 1^ m W Whitehead J A, 350 A, 2 m N E A Classified Directory of Buncombe County, EMBRACIXG A LIST OF CHURCHES AND HIGH-SCHOOLS, MILLS, STORES, PHYSICIANS, &c., IN THE COUNTY OUTSIDE OF ASHE VILLE; ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY POST-OFFICES, WITH DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM SAME. Churches. BAPTIST. Best— Bwannanoa Hill, 2 m S W Black Mountain— North Fork, 4 mN W Busbee^New Salem, 1 m S Cooper's— Cooper's Democrat — Antioch, 1 m S Fairview — Cane Creek " Concord, 5 m W Flat Creek— Flat Creek Grantville— Forks of Ivy High Knob— Turkey Creek, 1 m N Hominy Creek— Hominy, 2 m W Stony Fork, 8 m S W Leicester — New Found, 1 m E Morgan Hill— Morgan Hill Sandy Mush— Ebenezer, 4 m S W Silver Springs— Bethel, 3^ m N W Stocksville— Sugar-Camp Branch, 4 m "\V Swannanoa— Berea, 3^ m N Ramsey — Macedonia CHRISTIAN. Refuge— Refuge EPISCOPAL. Leicester — Leicester Asheville— Beaver Dam, 3 m N " Trinhy, 3J m E Silver Springs — St Andrew's METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Alto— 1 m S Hominy Creek— Trull's chapel, 4 m N W Weaverville — Long's chapel, U m S E METHODIST EPISCOPAL, SOUTH. Alto — Reynolds' chapel, 1 m E Asheville — 3 m N " Bethesda, 3^ m E Arden— Mt Zion, 2 m N Barnardsville — Big Ivy Best — West's meeting-house, 2j m S E Black Mountain — Tabernacle, 2^ m W Fairview — Sharon, IJ m W Tweed's chapel, 4i m S W High Knob— Penland's chapel, Ij m NW Hominy Creek — Montmorency, 1 m W " Pisgah, 6 m S W " Snow Hill, 3 m N Leicester — Leicester Turkey Creek, 2 m W Silver Springs — Balm Grove, 1 m W Swannanoa — Davidson's chapel, 2 m N Turnpike— Pleasant Hill, 2 m N E METHODIST PROTESANT. Democrat — Pleasant Gap, 1 m N Long's— Brush Hill, 2^ m N GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 93 PRESBYTERIAN. Cooper's — Pine Grove, l^ m N W Harkins — Sand Hill, 1 m S Refuge — Red Oak, 1 m E UNION. Alexander— French Broad, Ij m W " French Broad chapel Avery's Creek — Avery's Creek Barnardsville — Big Ivy Best — Gashe's Creek, 3 m F, Hominy Creek— Hice Hill, 2 m N New Found — Zion Hill Sandy Mush - Big Sandy, 1 m W Vanceville — Hemphill Weaverville — Pleasant Grove, 2 m S E "VVeaverville — Alexander's chapel, 3 m S W Weaverville — Union church, Ij m N COLORED. Arden — Baptist Best-Shiloh (A M E), U m S Fairview — Dry Pond (Baptist), 4 m W " A M E, 1 m W Hominy Creek— Zion (A M E), 2 m N E Silver Springs— A M E, 2 m W Weaverville —Johnson's chapel (union), 2im W Educational. Leicester — Leicester Seminary Morgan Hill— Morgan Hill High-School Weaverville — Weaverville College General Merchandise. Alexander — Baird R '•• Morrison T S & Co Arden — Lance Bros, li m W " Eickman T L Avery's Creek — Ledbetter Z T Barnardsville — Roberts J H & Co Black Mountain— Daugherty S F McKoy J M Best— Porter T M " Reed Joseph Cooper's— Gladwell Mrs A L " Porter W Y Wilson W H Democrat — Woodward Jas H, 1 m S E Fairview— Ashworth Jason " Merrill Saml Flat Creek — Brigman Solomon Grantville— Buckner B F High Knob— Teague & Hawkins, 1 m N W Hominy Creek— Thrash J M & Co " Merrill A J, 1 m W Leicester — Alexander J F & Bro " Brown & Hampton " Brown T C & Gudger " Brown T C & Bro " Carpenter J C " Gilbert C F & H W " Penland & Sluder Riceville— Burnett G W Sandy Mush— Childs L L, 1 m W Sandy Mush— Sprinkles & De Board, 1 m W Sandy Mush— Wilson J B, 1 m E Silver Springs— Hughes & Collins " Knight St Clair Stocksville — Lockhart A " Roberts, Blackstocks & Co Swannanoa — Pickens Bros Turnpike — Smathers J C Vanceville— Ray Joseph Weaverville — Byerley E " Vandiver E F " Roberts, Blackstocks & Co Flouring Mills. Asheville— Patterson R O, 2 m W Van Gilder T I, 2 m N Arden — Fisher Squire, l.]m N W^ Begt- Cocke & Roberts, 3 m E 13 94 GAZETTEEE OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Black Mountain— T K Brown, 1 m S W Fairview — Jones Mrs M J Grantville — Deaver W H Hominy Creek — J M Thrash & Co Harkins— Stevens S N, 2 m S E Leicester — Frisbee & Hampton, 3 m E " Penlaud W H (Asheville), 3 mE Sandy Mush — Beeves John " Furgusson Thos J, 3 J m W Shufordsville — Garren J N, 3 m N E Weaverville — Branks K J, 2J m E " Penland W H "(Asheville) Corn Mills. Alexander — Canby Wm Alto— Rogers P A, IJ m W Arden— Clayton Robt, 2^ m N W Asheville — Hildebrand Jno Jr, Ih m E Avery's Creek — Cockrum Moses, 2 m W Glencoe Mills, 4 m N W Barnardsville — Barnard J D Best— Alexander B J, 3 m S W " Alexander W J, 4 m S W " Reed Joseph " Sales W C, 4 m E " Stevens D M, 3 m S " Whitson G W, 3 m E Black Mountain — Burnett M L, 4 m N " Dougherty J W Cooper's — Cooper A D, (Asheville) " Melton Berry Democrat — Carter's Mills, 1 m S E Fairview— Jay Mrs M J, 2 m N " Jones Mrs M J " Miller J, 3 m N " Whittaker D F, 3* m S W Grantville — Deaver W H High Knob— Gudger A M, 1 m N Hominy Creek — Jones R L, IJ m E " Sharp Elijah, 2 m N Hominy Creek — Warren Andrew, 4 m sw Leicester — Buckner Hiram, 5 m E " Frisbee & Hampton, 3 m E Penland W H, 3 m E Reynolds D W & J P, 3 m N W New Found — Rhodes Abner Riceville— Clark J C Sandy Mush— Wells A B, 4 m S W Shufordsville— Young J E, 3 m N E Swannanoa — Fortune A B, 1^ m N " Willfong Dan'l Turnpike— Miller W H, 2 m E Weaverville— Branks R J, 2J m E Filer W P, 1^ m N Weaver W E, 2 m N Saw Mills. Alexander —Shepherd J H, 2 m E McLellan D J, 4 m S W Asheville — Hildebrand Jno Jr, li m E Arden— Lance F A, 2 m S W Avery's Creek — Cockrum Moses, 2 m W " Glencoe Mills,'4 m N W Barnardsville — Barnard J D Best— Alexander B J, 3 m S W " Alexander W J, 4 m S W " Reed Joseph " Sales W C, 4 m E " Stevens D M, 3 m S " Whitson G W, 3 m E Black Mountain— Burnett M L, 4 m N Cooper's — Coggins J W, 5 m N " Cooper A D (Asheville), " Melton Berry Democrat — Carter's Mills, 1 m S E Fairview — Jay Mrs M J, 2 m N " Jones Mrs M J " Miller J, 3 m N " Mitchell J W, 2 m N " Pinkerton A H, 3 m N " Whittaker D F, 3J m S W Grantville— Deaver W H High Knob — Gudger A M, 1 m N GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 95 Hominy Creek — Boyd Wilson, 2^ m S " Candler W G, 1 m W " Dry man & Netherton, 5 m S " Jones R L, H m E " Justice & Co, 3 m S W " Sharp Elijah, 2 m N " Warren J M, 6 m S W " Warren Andrew, 4 m S W Leicester — Brown T C, 2 m W " Buckner Hiram, 5 m E Reynolds DW&JP,3mNW Mitchell — Daugherty, Burnett & Co New Found — Rhodes Abner Riceville— Clark J C Sandy Mush — Reeves John Wells A B, 4 m S W Swannanoa — Fortune A B, 1^ m N " Willfong Daniel Turnpike— Miller W H, 2 m E Weaverville — Branks R J, 2J m E Furniture Manufacturers. Asheville — Hildebrand John Jr, IJ m E Avery's Creek — Glencoe Mills, 4 m N W Tanyards. Barnardsville — Barnard J D Flat Creek — Brigman Solomon, Hominy Creek — J M Thrash & Co Leicester — Penland W H (Asheville), 3 mE Woolen Mill. Weaverville — Reems Creek Woolen Mills. Hotels and Boarding Houses. Alexander — Alexander's Hotel Alexander — Blackwell's White Sulphur Springs, 4 m W Arden — Arden Park Hotel Best— Smith Mrs A M Best— Tennent G B, 2^ m W Black Mountain— Burnett W H " Daugherty S F " Kerlee Mrs L J " McKoy J M Cooper's— Gladwell Mrs A L Fairview — Hickorynut Gap Hotel, 3 m S W Hominy — Luther's Hotel Leicester — Brown T C Mitchell— Patton Mrs S Silver Springs— Silver Springs Hotel Turnpike — Smather's Hotel Weaverville — Reagan Hou|e Physicians. Alexander — Clontz J C Cooper's — Clift Chas, IJ m E Wilson R I Fairview — Cooper R W, 1 m W Flat Creek— Watson S A Harkins — Gudger David, 2 m S Hominy Creek— Thrash G H, 1 m E Leicester — Candler C N " Stevens J M Sandy Mush— Reynolds J H, 1 m W Weaverville — Reagan J A Weaver H B Wing W W E.F.VANDIVER, WEAVERVILLE, B. C, DEALER IN L BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c., P. 0. BUILDING. 96 GAZETTEER OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Jason Ashworth, FAIRVIEW, N. C, DEALER IN GROCERIES, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, <£c. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. T. L. RICKMAN, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, iLTOTioisrs, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Sec. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB PRODUCE. D?. W. W. Wljl^, WEAVERVILLE, N. C. LIMESTONE J. R. GARREN, Proprietor. MANUFACTURES FIRST-CLASS BRANDS FAMILY FLOUR. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT. FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND FOB SALE. SHUFORDSVILLE P. 0. BUNCOMBE COUNTY OFFICERS. CLERK SUPERIOR COURT, - - E W HERNDON CLERK INFERIOR COURT, - - MONT PATTON SHERIFF, W R YOUNG REGISTER OF DEEDS, - - - J R PATTERSON TREASURER, J W HEMBREE COUNTY SURVEYOR, , - - - AH STARNES CORONER, - - - - - Dr J M STEVENS TREASURER PUBLIC BUILDINGS, - W R WHITSON SUP'T PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, - JNO W STARNES SOLICITOR INFERIOR COURT, - H B CARTER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. J. E. RANKIN, Chairman; THOS W PATTON, T D BRITTAIN, J G CHAMBERS, W F JOHNSTON MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. STATE GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Executive Department. Governor, Thos J Jarvis Lieutenant-Governor, Jas L Robinson Secretary of State, Wm L Saunders Auditor, ------- W P Roberts Treasurer, John M Worth Superintendent of Public Instruction, - - Jno C Scarborough Attorney-General, Thos S Kenan Adjutant-General, Johnstone Jones Supreme Court. W N H Smith, Chief Justice Thos Ruffin and Thos S Ashe, - - - Associate Judges Thos S Kenan, Reporter W H Bagley, .----- Clerk Meets at Raleigh, the first Mondays in February and October Superior Courts. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. J C L Gudger, G S Furgeson, Times of sessions, as fixed by act of General Assembly of 1882-83, are as follows: Judge Solicitor MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. 99 Buncombe county — 13th Monday after ist Monday in March and August, and 3d Monday in November, to continue 4 weeks E W Herndon, clerk Cherokee — 9th Monday after ist Monday in March and August, 2 weeks Clay — 8th Monday after ist Monday in March and August, i week Graham — nth Monday after ist Monday in March and August, i week Haywood — 5th Monday after ist Monday in March and August, 2 weeks Henderson — 3d Mondays in March and August, 2 weeks Jackson — 6th Monday after ist Monday in March and August, i week Macon — 7th Monday after ist Monday in March and August, i week Madison — First Mondays in March and August, 2 weeks Swain — 12th Monday after ist Monday in March and August, i week Transylvania 4th Monday after ist Monday in March and August, I week Inferior Court. BUNCOMBE COUNTY. T F Davidson, - . . . . J M Green and C B Way, Mont Patton, - - . _ . H B Carter, - - . . . Meets quarterly Chairman Associate Justices Clerk Solicitor Federal Court. WESTERN DISTRICT. RPDick, James E Boyd, --.... Jno B Keogh, Jas E Reed, Meets semi-annually, at Charlotte, Greensboro', Statesville, and Ashe- ville — at the latter place in May and November Judge District Attorney Marshal Clerk at Asheville 100 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. Legislative. 4OTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT COMPRISING THE COUNTIES OF BUN- COMBE AND MADISON. I N Ebbs, of Madison, Senator C M McLoud and B G Gudger, E.epresentatives from Buncombe co North Carolina Representatives in Gongress. SENATORS, Matt W Ransom, Weldon Z B Vance, REPRESENTATIVES. Charlotte, ist district. Lewis C Latham, Greenville, Pitt co 2d Orlando Hubbs, Newbern 3d " W J Green, Fayetteville 4th " W R Cox, Raleigh 5th - A M Scales, Greensboro' 6th C Dowd, Charlotte 7th Tyre York, Gap Civil, Wilkes co 8th R B Vance, Asheville R T Bennett, Congressman at large. HISTORICAL SKETCH BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. INTRODUCTORY. In the prospectus issued by tlie compiler of this vohime, he did not promise to give anything but a " sketch " of the history of Asheville and Buncombe county. It would not be in keeping with a work of this character to attempt more ; but he leaves to abler hands the task of collecting the abundant materials, and compiling a history which shall be worthy of the tlieme. The present imperfect sketch, however, will be, the author trusts, of some interest and value to the citizens of his adopted county. GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. ^II^SJUNCOMBE County, the richest and most populous of ^JKjp]i| the counties in the western division of the State of ^^^ North Carolina, contains 620 square miles, or 400,000 acres. It is situated on the Southern Plateau of the Alleghanies, and has a mean altitude of about 2,200 feet; the greatest eleva- tion, Big Craggy, is 6,100, and only in the bed of the French- Broad river does it fall so low as 2,000 feet above the tide. The county was formed from Burke and Rutherford in 1791, and was named in honor of Edward Buncombe, a gallant officer in the war of the Revolution. Colonel Buncombe was 14 102 HISTOEICAL SKETCH. distinguished for his manly appearance, bravery, patriotism, and hospitality. Over the door of his mansion, in Tyrrell county, was inscribed the now celebrated couplet : "To Buncombe Hall, Welcome all ! " The county which bears his name has never disgraced it, and has always been renowned for the courtesy of her citizens to the stranger and pilgrim ; like her illustrious god-father, Buncombe county "always keeps the latch-string on the outside." At the date of its formation the county included nearly all that portion of North Carolina lying west of the Blue Ridge, now embraced in thirteen counties, with an area of almost 6,000 square miles. At this time all the present State of Tennessee was included within the boundary of North Carolina; and a few years pre- vious to the foundation of Buncombe county some daring spirits, with Colonel John Sevier (afterwards elected first Governor of Tennessee) at their head, organized a " State," composed of about equal portions of North Carolina and what is now Tennes- see, and named it Franklin, in honor of the distinguished American philosopher — the North Carolina portion comprising a territory almost identical with that which was soon to become Bun- combe county. For four years there was contention between the " government " of the new State and the authorities of North Carolina ; Governor Sevier was arrested and brought to trial, charged with " high treason," but was never punished. The new State soon perished, and even its existence is now hardly a memory. The erection of the " State of Franklin " is a subject upon which historians are almost silent; but to the student it would, no doubt, present an interesting theme, and its annals should be preserved before it becomes too late, by the destruc- tion of the few records which remain of a very interesting event in our early history. The first settlers of Buncombe countj^ were mostly of the Scotch-Irish race ; sturdy, industrious, independent, and fearless. BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 103 The latter qualification was needed most of all, for in those try- ing times a frontiersman lived in constant danger from the Indians, who gave him a world of trouble ; and woe unto the unhappy pioneer who was caught napping by the ruthless Cherokees. Often did the settler return from a hunt to find his cabin a heap of smouldering ruins and his loved wife and chil- dren murdered — their ghastly forms making a mute appeal for vengeance. Hunting was, of course, the principal, and indeed almost the only, occupation of the early settlers. The woods abounded in game of all sizes, and the rivers and creeks teemed with fish. A little patch of corn and a few vegetables were cultivated in the clearing around the cabin, but for sustenance the settler relied chiefly on the chase. His clothing often was composed of the skins of the animals which he trapped or shot, and happy his wife if she could boast a calico dress. As time went on, a little flax was grown, which, spun by hand and woven by the wife on a rude loom of home construction, gave him the luxury of a shirt. The wool of a few sheep, by the same process of manu- facture, furnished all the garments which were required in the primitive simplicity of these children of the forest. For many years the progress made by this people was very slow. The difficulties attendant on reaching the mountains retarded immigration, notwithstanding the fascinating reports which had gone abroad of the fertility and healthfulness of the region. After 1820, when the attention of the Charlestonians was first directed to the southern plateau of the Alleghanies as a health and summer resort, more permanent settlers began to arrive, numbers being from East Tennessee. The completion of the Buncombe turnpike, in 1827, gave a fresh impetus to immi- gration, and from that period to the present, notably since the completion of the Western North Carolina railroad to Asheville in 1880, the county has rapidly increased in wealth and popula- tion. To give an idea of the growth of population: In 1836 Bun- combe county included, besides its present limits, territory which 104 HISTORICAL SKETCH. now comprises the counties of Henderson, Transylvania, Madi- son, and a portion of Yancey. Owing to considerable politi- cal excitement a very full vote was polled in the elections of that year, and yet only i,8oo ballots were cast in the county. This would indicate a population of about 10,000 ; the same district to-day contains not less than 60,000 people. In 1850, before Madison, her last child, was taken from her, Bun- combe county, according to the United States census returns, contained a population, including 1,825 ^^'^^ negroes and slaves, of 12,738. At the census of 1880, 21,909 inhabitants were enu- merated in this county alone, and to-day not less than 25,000 peo- ple (21,000 whites and 4,000 negroes) call Buncombe " home." The increase in wealth has been still more strongly marked. In 1870 the assessed value of real and personal property in the county was ;^ 1,687,092 ; in 1882, ^3,333,305; and the present year (1883), with a slightly higher ratio of valuation, it is esti- mated at ;$4,750,ooo — an increase of 180 per cent, in thirteen years. Of the present industries of the county it is unnecessary to speak here, as a perusal of the " Commercial Directory of Ashe- ville " and the " Buncombe County Gazeteer," in other portions of this volume, will give all needful information on the subject. The county is drained by many creeks and rivers, which, with the single exception of the French-Broad, are short and rapid, and subject, like all mountain streams, to sudden rises, which sometimes damage growing crops and wash off a few fences and haystacks ; but no devastating floods, like those we read of visit- ing other portions of the country, are recorded in the annals 01 this county. The only river of importance is the French-Broad, which, rising in the Blue Ridge on the borders of South Carolina, flows through Transylvania and Henderson counties, and reach- ing Buncombe county, it cuts it into two almost equal parts, pre- serving throughout a nearly northward course. For thirty miles above Asheville this stream is, with the exception of a few unim- portant shoals, as placid as a mill-pond, and is navigable, in high water, for small steamboats, of which there are two now plying BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 105 its bosom. The French-Broad fell in for a very small share of the " river and harbor " appropriation ; but a force is now at work deepening the channel, and it is expected in a few years that enough work will be done to render the river navigable, at all seasons, between Asheville and Brevard. Below the former place, for fifty miles and more, this stream well earns the title of " Racing River " given it by the Indians, its course being a constant succession of rapids ; the fall is nearly one thousand feet in the fifty miles intervening between this city and Paint Rock, while in the same distance above Asheville it is only one hundred feet. The Western North Carolina railroad follows the French-Broad, in all its wanderings, from Asheville to Paint Rock, crossing it three times in forty miles, and gives the traveller an opportunity for enjoying some of the finest river scenery in America. The Swannanoa is the next stream in importance. Finding its source amid the rugged cliffs of the Black mountains, this lovely river flows through a region of unsurpassed beauty and fertility, and reaches the French-Broad at a point near Asheville, forming at its mouth a portion of the foreground of one of the grandest views on the continent. Cane Creek, Hominy, Sandy Mush, Big Ivy, Reems' Creek, Beaver Dam, and several other streams of lesser note, with innumerable " branches," serve to make Buncombe well watered and rich in fine bottom-lands. Springs of the purest water are found on every hand, and no farm can be found without one or more. Sometimes, when it is not convenient to the house, the water is conveyed in "pump-logs" to the very door-step at a small expense. 106 HISTORICAL SKETCH. FARMING-THE CULTURE AND MAN- UFACTURE OF TOBACCO. OTHER INDUSTRIES. §HE Farmers of Buncombe county, although but few of them are rich, few are very poor, and they are, without *'^''™^^^ doubt, thankful to that providence which has cast their lot in a land so highly favored by nature. Though, as we have said, not rich, they are. as a class, happy and independent. They all live well, dress well, and, if there is any virtue in big feather- beds, sleep well. What more, on earth, could man desire ! In this county can be grown all the cereals with the exception of rice, and of vegetables and fruits an immense variety. The apples of this and adjoining counties are unequalled in America ; and peaches, though a somewhat uncertain crop, are very fine. Potatoes and cabbages are now cultivated for the Southern mar- ket, an industry which the advent of railroads has made profitable. Although cotton cannot be grown, the climate is admirably adapted for flax, a much more profitable crop ; however, little or none is raised. The main products of the county are corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, and tobacco. The latter is now very exten.sively cultivated, some portions of the county having a larger acreage than others, but the soil of nearly all the uplands is well adapted to its growth. " Bright yellows," which rival the famous Virginia leaf, is the leading variety ; and very fancy prices, sometimes over one dollar a pound, are often obtained for superior grades in the markets of Asheville and other cities. In 1882, 500,000 pounds of tobacco were raised in the county, and the estimate for the present year is 700,000 pounds. Conjecture is lost in the contemplation of what the tobacco industry will do for this county in a few years, at the present rate of increase. The culture on a large scale was only intro- duced in 1869, by S. C. Shelton, a Virginian, and the first factory (plug) was opened by the same gentleman the following year — BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 107 associating himself with Messrs. Hunt and Buchanan in 1871. Mr. Shelton, who is still engaged in the manufacture in Ashe- ville, in connection with Messrs. Jordan and Worth, has been identified with the tobacco interests of Asheville and Buncombe county from the beginning; he was the first to introduce the tobacco of this county into Europe, when, at the Vienna Expo- sition of 1873, he received a medal. W. T. Dickinson, also a Virginian, and R. V. Blackstocks cultivated some tobacco for market as long ago as 1856 or '57, and manufactured a small quantity of" smoking," sifted through a riddle, at the same time. Some years still earlier, in 1 850, as found from the United States census returns, 8,619 pounds of tobacco were given as the product of Buncombe county ; this might, it is true, have been raised within the present limits of Madison. Very little, however, was done in the tobacco industry till within the last few years. Captain M. J. Fagg began manufacturing smoking tobacco in 1 871, on Valley street, and continued in the business till 1874, when he abandoned the enterprise, to (as he says) his everlasting regret. He received a handsome silver medal at the State Fair, in 1872, over " Blackwell's Durham " and several com- petitors from Virginia. Asheville now manufactures celebrated and superior brands of smoking tobacco. In fact, the best judges say that Buncombe smoking tobacco leads the world. The first warehouse for the sale of leaf was opened, in 1879, t>y J. D. Wilder and J. H. Carter, both Virginians. " The Pioneer " was a frame building, 50 x 100, and handled its first season 600,000 pounds of tobacco. The present floor area of Asheville's four brick warehouses is about 25,000 square feet, and the sales during the last season (i882-'83) aggregated 1,500,000 pounds, at an aver- age price of ^11.75 per cwt. The coming year it is anticipated that not less than 2,000,000 pounds will pass under the hammers of Asheville's glib-tongued auctioneers. Many buyers from Winston, Durham, Danville, Richmond, and Lynchburg attend the market, while the home dealers amount, in themselves, to a considerable, force. What is needed most, however, to gain for Asheville her proper rank as a tobacco centre is larger factories, 108 HISTOEICAL SKETCH. or more of them ; not over one- thirtieth part of the tobacco pass- ing through the hands of her warehousemen being now manu- factured in the city. Indeed, the manufacturing interests of Asheville and Buncombe county, in spite of almost inimitable water-power, cheap labor, and convenient raw material, are still in their tnfancy ; but a new era is dawning, and soon we hope to see this most important interest to the success of a people receive from our capitalists the atten- tion which it deserves. The continued prosperity of our city and county chiefly depends on a vigorous move in this direction. The timber lands of Buncombe compose over one half the area of the county ; an almost endless variety is produced, and many of the woods, notably walnut and cherry, find a ready mar- ket in the manufacturing centres of the North and of Europe. It is a pity, too, that we should send our lumbef to Cincinnati or Philadelphia, and have it returned to us, slightly increased in value, in the shape of bedsteads and coffins, when those useful articles might as well be made at home ! There are thousands of dollars sent out of our county every year to purchase car- riages and wagons, when there is timber enough in our own mountains to furnish two or three States the size of this with materials for vehicles and farming implements. Labor is abun- dant and cheap, living is cheap, and all that is wanting is capital and energy, and the "right men," to make " Buncombe wagons" or "Buncombe plows" known all over the country. The num- ber of carriages, wagons, and buggies annually purchased by citizens of this county amounts to several hundreds, and why should they not be made in Asheville? A finer opportunity does not exist, in the opinion of the writer, for making a small fortune than by the establishment of a manufactory of this descrip- tion in our midst. BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 109 INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. RAILROADS, &c. pHE Buncombe Turnpike was begun in February, 1826, [^ and the first toll-gate opened in October of the year following. This, the best pass of the mountains before the advent of railroads, entered North Carolina over Saluda mountain, and passing where Flat Rock and Hendersonville now stand, reached Asheville, and thence wound its way, with the tortuous course of the French-Broad, to Warm Springs, where, leaving the river, it took a northerly route to Greeneville, Tenn. Along the river bank it was constructed with great difficulty and expense. The blasting of the solid rock, forming one side of the French-Broad canon, saved the Western North Carolina rail- road, which now occupies the bed of the old turnpike from Marshall to Warm Springs, many a dollar in later years. The wealthy residents of Charleston and other South Carolina cities used this road in their annual pilgrimages to the Warm Springs and other popular resorts of the mountains, driving in their own carriages, generally in great state, followed by outriders and baggage- wagons. The coast residents of South Carolina had, however, discovered the attractions of our mountains, as a cool and healthy summer resort, several 3^ears before the Buncombe turnpike was built. To them, as well as to the wagoners who spent weeks on the way between Asheville and Augusta with their immense vehicles, drawn by six-horse teams, the comple- tion of this undertaking was a god-send, indeed. But those days are gone forever; the last toll-gate, which, after a checkered 15 110 HISTOEICAL SKETCH. career, signalized by many a tumult towards the close, had hung on to the last, was abolished a year or two ago, and soon the very name of this celebrated road will be forgotten. ' As long ago as 1835 a charter was granted to a company, with General Robt. Y. Hayne, of South Carolina, at its head, to build a railroad from Charleston to Cincinnati, by way of the French- Broad valley and Cumberland Gap. The death of General Hayne on the threshold of the enterprise threw the project into confusion, and it was soon abandoned. Had not this unlucky event taken place at such an inopportune moment, it is possible that the railroad would have been completed at the time. Just imagine what a city Asheville would have been by now had this design been carried out ! With the completion of the Spar- tanburg and Asheville railroad between the latter place and Hen- dersonville, (twenty miles.) and the gap between Morristown, Tenn., and London, Ky., (eighty-five miles,) filled out, the origi- nal project would be a fact It is to be devoutly hoped that the recent change in the control of the Western North Carolina rail- road may quickly tend to this desirable consummation. The Western North Carolina railroad was first projected more than thirty years ago ; its inceptors embracing, amongst other well-known gentlemen. Dr. Caldwell and Governor Moorehead. The State authorized the issue of bonds for three-fourths the stock, the remainder to be made up by private subscription. A charter was granted in 1854, the first ground being broken the same year. At the beginning of the late war Icard station had been reached. After many halts by the way, Morganton in 1866, Old Fort in 1871, Henry's in 1876, and Asheville in Sep- tember, 1880, successively heard the shriek of the " iron-horse " for the first time. But a year and a half more elapsed before connection was made at Paint Rock, the boundary line of Ten- nessee and North Carolina, with the East Tennessee, Virginia, and Georgia system of railroads ; and now, by the recent com- pletion of the Knoxville and Ohio railroad, Asheville is only twenty-one hours from Louisville. Eight years ago the writer travelled one thousand miles, ahd consumed four days' time in BUNCOMBE CODNTY. Ill making the same trip by railroad and steamboat, with twenty-five miles staging from Old Fort at the latter end. BUNCOMBE COUNTY COURT-HOUSE, ASHEYILLE. [from a photograph by w. t. robkrtson.] The main stem of the Western North Carolina railroad, 190 miles in length, was completed in the face of many difficulties incident to want of capital and harmonious organization. The original issue of bonds was for ^4,000,000, but ^^ 12,000,000 have been spent so far in the work, with a great portion of the western branch to a junction with the Knoxville and Augusta railroad, still to be built. 112 HISTOEICAL SKETCH. "THE PIONEERS." I^N compiling this sketch, it is proper that the names of a few of those hardy pioneers who began the work of redeeming our county from a wilderness, and who laid the foundation of its present substantial prosperity, should not be omitted. More names would be given had it not been impossible to obtain the requisite data, although considerable trouble was taken with that purpose. Daniel Smith, who settled afthe mouth of Swannanoa in 1785, was one of the first white men to press the soil of the present limits of Buncombe county. He maintained a warfare, generally single-handed, against the Cherokee Indians for many years, and not less than one hundred are said to have " bitten the dust " from the effects of his unerring rifle. The red-men firmly believed that Smith bore a charmed life, and that it was impossi- ble to kill him. Many a *' brave " has been heard to tell of the number of times he had taken fair and careful aim, at short range, with no effect, at the devoted form of the undaunted hun- ter. That superstition which is characteristic of all savage peoples, invested this wonderful man with a thousand traits which he did not possess, and stories innumerable were related 'round the fire of the Council Lodge, of the marvellous deeds of prowess and cunning which he had performed. Traps were laid for him ; parties were made up, sworn to take him alive or dead ; but, though sometimes captured, he always made good his escape, and lived to see the county of his adoption cleared of his natural enemy. His son, the late Colonel James M. Smith (born 1787, died 1856), was the first child born of white parents west of the Blue Ridge, in the present limits of North Carolina. Another son, Moses, is still living, at an advanced age, near Asheville, and is celebrated for his remarkable skill as an angler. John Patton, father of Montraville Patton, was born in BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 113 Ireland ; he came to the United States about the close of the Revolution, and settled within the present limits of this county in 1790. He made his first clearing on the Swannanoa, near where " Patton's mill " now stands. ' It is related that the river on one occasion rose so rapidly that his wife, who was preparing dinner, was obliged to flee from the cabin, leaving the partly-cooked victuals to the mercy of the flood. The Swan- nanoa sometimes goes on "a boom" even to this day; but there is no instance recorded in its later history of its having been in such a hurry about it. Colonel Patton purchased a tract of 300 acres near the mouth of the river, in 1795, from "Buncombe Bill Davidson," (the first senator from the county,) and removed to his new home the same year. A portion of this property is ^still in the possession of his descendants. The first court held in the county met in a building on his place, still standing, and now used as a stable. "To what base uses," &c. Colonel Patton was the first county surveyor of Buncombe, to which office he was elected at its organization ; he and his son, Fidelio, who suc- ceeded him, filled the position for fifty years. Samuel W. Davidson, another Scotch-Irishman, the ancestor of a numerous body still living in this county, removed from near Morganton, to the place now owned by A. B. Fortune, on the Swannanoa, in 1786. His brother, James, whose lonely grave, near the line of the Western North Carolina railroad, is still pointed out to the traveller, was killed by the Indians soon afterwards. James Patton, many of whose descendants yet live in Bun- combe county, was born in Ireland, and emigrated to the United States in 1783, first settling in Virginia. He removed to this county in 1792, and died in 1845, at the age of 90. He pur- chased nearly all the ground upon which Asheville now stands from James M. Smith for a small sum, little thinking how valua- ble the investment would prove in after years to his children. John Young, grandfather of Sheriff Young, settled on Cane Creek, where he purchased 600 acres of land, about the year 1800. He afterwards bought i,6oo acres on the Swannanoa, 114 HISTOEICAL SKETCH. where many of his descendants now live. He was a sturdy type of the American pioneer, and died universally beloved and respected, in 1845, at the age of 80. His mother lived to see her 113th year. Zebulon Baird, father of " Uncle Joe " Baird, and maternal grandfather of General R. B. and Senator Z. B. Vance, was born in New Jersey. He came to Buncombe county in 1795 from Augusta, Ga., in the first four-wheeled wagon to cross the moun- tains. Cutting his way through the forests, he made a track which was soon to become the main thoroughfare between Tennessee and Augusta, from which city most of the merchandise sold in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina was hauled for the next sixty years. This pioneer wagon was loaded with a stock of goods, including the first Jews-harps seen in Buncombe. Mr. Baird built and occupied the first storehouse on the present site of Asheville ; he also built the first court-house, the first jail, and, indeed, made the first clearing where the city now stands. His original grant of land, embracing fourteen square miles, extended north to the mouth of Beaver Dam. Mr. Baird rep- resented this county in both branches of the State Legislature for many successive terms. Colonel David Vance, grandfather of General R. B. and Senator Vance, came from Virginia, and settled on Reems' Creek, this county, very soon after the close of the Revo- lution. His house, the same in which the post-office of Vance- ville is now kept, was built by him nearly one hundred years ago, and it is said that the covering has not been renewed to this time. Previous to his settlement in Buncombe county, Colonel Vance was present at, and took an active part in, the battle of King's Mountain, October 7, 1780. He was a brave soldier and a talented man. His sons — David, who married a daughter of Zebulon Baird, and Robert, who represented the Western District in Congress one term, and was killed in a duel with Samuel Carson, of Burke county, in 1827 — lie buried with him, in the family graveyard, on a hill overlooking the old homestead, on Reems' Creek. BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 115 It is related that his daughter, Miss Celia, who afterwards married Colonel Ben Brittain, on one occasion having seen a "muster," was so much taken with the warlike motions of the troops going through their exercises, that she determined, on reaching home, to try the "manual" herself An old shot-gun entitled " Billy Craig," with a barrel six feet long, was procured, and the young girl went through the manual of arms to the best of her ability. When the command to "fire!" was given (by herself), she pulled the trigger, when bang ! went the old gun, (which, of course, " wasn't loaded,") tearing a hole in the corner of the house large enough to put one's arm through. This hap- pened eighty years ago, but the hole has never been repaired, and can be seen to this day. David L. Swain was born in Buncombe county in 1801, his father having emigrated from Massachusetts a few years pre- viously. The son of a poor frontiersman, by the exercise of native talent and perseverance he elevated himself to the highest rank as a statesman. His early education was received at New- ton Academy, Asheville, since the alma mater of many distin- guished North Carolinians. Afterwards graduating at Chapel Hill, he lived to become Governor of the State, and closed- his brilliant career as President of the University where he had achieved distinction in his youth. Governor Swain built the first brick house west of the Blue Ridge in North Carolina. The building is still standing on south Main street, Asheville, and is now, with a m(^dern fiont, occupied by S. R. Kepler as a store. James Alexander was born in the north of Ireland. He settled on Bee-Tree creek, a branch of Swannanoa, about ij^G. His descendants at this day outnumber the scions of any other " first family" in the county. His wife was also an Irish woman, and was noted, like her husband, for many sterhng qualities of head and heart. James Weaver settled in this county very early in its history. He entered a large body of land on Reems' Creek, near the present site of Weaverville. His descendants, a numerous and respectable body, still live in the vicinity. 116 HISTOEICAL SKETCH. Wm. Whitson, grandfather of Dr. G. W. Whitson, was one of the very earliest colonists of Buncombe county. Emigrating from Virginia, he first pitched his tent near Morganton, where he married. His father-in-law, a member of the McDowell family, had entered land on the Swannanoa ; and long before any permanent settlements had been made there, he was in the habit of paying occasional visits to his property to enjoy the fine hunt- ing and fishing which it afforded. On returning to his home he would give such glowing accounts of the beauties of the Swan- nanoa valley that Whitson at last determined to try his luck in the wilderness. He built his cabin on the banks of the river, (then rolling through a dense cane-brake,) near where John H. Murphy now lives, and had many trials with his neighbors, the Indians, before his life was made comfortable by their removal further west. Samuel Chunn, some of whose descendants are now living in Asheville, came to this county in 1797. His house, one of the first erected in the town, occupied the ground where the Brand building, on south Main street, now stands. Mr. Chunn was one of Asheville's first merchants, and was k very successful business man. James Brevard, grandfather of J. D. Brevard, came from Mecklenburg county, and settled on Cane creek, at the place now called Fairview, about the year 1800. The county seat of Transylvania is named in his honor, and not, as is often sup- posed, after Ephraim Brevard, his near relative, one of the signers of the " Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence." Mr. Brevard represented Buncombe county in the State Legisla- ture several terms. He was a man possessed of many of the highest qualities, and was renowned, like most of his fellow- pioneers, for nobility and purity of character. Indeed, if any of the early settlers of this county were possessed of traits which their children do not delight to record, tradition fails to give the particulars. Their vices must have been few and their virtues many ; for it is a noteworthy fact that the men who first broke ground in the wilderness, and laid the foundation of the great- BUNCOMBE COUNTY. 117 ness and prosperity of our country, were invariably of simple and religious natures. To this the pioneers of Buncombe county were no exception — " Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife, Their sober wishes never learned to stray." EMINENT SONS OF BUNCOMBE. Si^^UNCOMBE County has produced, in addition to many ^M^al "°^^ dead, several men, yet living, who have achieved <3^^^ national reputations. Senator Z. B. Vance was Governor of the State both during and since the war, and is now a Senator of the United States, and one of the most brilliant members of the Upper House. He is the author of the celebrated' expression, " What the Governor of North Carolina said to the Governor of South Carolina." His brother, Gen. Robt. B. Vance, was a distinguished Confed- erate officer, and has represented the Eighth District in Congress several successive terms. He is now an eminent member of that body, and is always one of the few sober men in the House when Congress adjourns. General Thomas L. Clingman, though not a native of this county, has made it his home for over forty years, and can, therefore, justly be claimed as a Buncombe man. He first represented the Western District in the lower house of Congress forty years ago, and served several terms with distinction. He was also a United States Senator for one term. As a scholar and scientist, he has few superiors in this country; and his invention of an electric light is said to be superior to that of Edison. During the late war General Clingman served gallantly, and was wounded severely on the field of battle. Judge A, S. Merrimon was born in Asheville, where several of 15 118 HISTORICAL SKETCH. his brothers and sisters are now living. He has filled many offices of trust in the gift of the people, and was United States Senator from 1871 to 1877. He has been lately appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court bench, caused by the resignation of Judge Thos. Ruffin. ANTLER HALL, ON FRENCH-BROAD RIVER, NEAR ASHEVILLE, RESIDENCE OF G. B. TENNENT. Several others, of more or less distinction in " field " or "forum," have honored this county with their birth; but space forbids a mention of their deeds and virtues here. Their memo- ries live in the hearts of their children, who, we hope, will strive to emulate the actions of their fathers. ASHEVILLE. 119 HISTORICAL SKETCH ASHEVILLE, BUNCOMBE CO., NORTH CAROLINA.=^= GEOGRAPHICAL. _lS!\^jSHEVILLE, the seat of justice for Buncombe county, W^ the metropolis of Western North Carolina, and justly- styled the " Queen City of the Mountains," is situated near the confluence of the French-Broad and Swannanoa rivers ; 272 miles west of Raleigh, 495 southwest of Washington, and 297 miles northeast of Charleston. The city, built at the edge of an extensive basin, on a series of undulating hills running back eastwardly from the French-Broad, is about two miles long by the same distance in width, and contains a population of over 4,000 souls. Its mean elevation above the river-bed is 300 feet, and above sea-level 2,360 feet, which insures a dry and bracing atmosphere, extremely favorable to health. The mean annual temperature of Asheville, from observations conducted during six and one-half years by the State Geological Survey, is found to be 54° 3'; ranging from a minimum of 7° above zero in win- ter to a maximum of 86° in summer ; the average spring temperature is 53°; summer 72°, autumn 54°, and winter 38°. The extremes of heat and cold are never oppressive, and even in the warmest part of summer the nights are delightfully cool. * For description of other post-offices and towns of Buncombe county, see "The Gazetteer," beginning on page 70 of this volume. 120 HISTORICAL SKETCH. Asheville received its charter as a city from the General As- sembly of i882-'83, under the auspices of C. M. McLoud, Esq., one of the present members of the House from this county. The Western North Carolina raih-oad passes through the city, giving it unbroken communication with Eastern and Western points ; and with the completion of the Spartanburg and Ashe- ville railroad, which now lacks but twenty miles (ten of them being graded) of reaching Asheville, a near outlet to the South will also be secured. A branch of the Western North Carolina railroad is graded for seventy miles due west of Asheville, twenty miles of this distance being open for traffic, and is designed to connect with the Knoxville and Aug-usta railroad. HISTORICAL-1798-1865. ,Ti^^^|t^fSHEVILLE came very near not being built where it 4a|(j^g now stands. It seems the commissioners appointed to 6^L-e/.. select a location for a county-seat had agreed upon a spot about three miles south of the present site of the city; but were afterwards so well treated to " mountain dew " by the proprietor of a tavern and store, which stood near what is now the court- house square, that, mellowed by the soothing influences of the liquor, they unanimously changed their minds, and, acceding to the wishes of the tavern-keeper, decided " the best place for a town to be, was where good whiskey was plenty." This event took place about 85 years ago. The town was at first called Mor- ristown, but the name was afterwards changed to its present title in compliment to Governor Samuel Ashe. It remained but a small and straggling village for a long period ; and sixty years ago most of the ground on which the city is now built was in a chinquapin thicket. At this time three or four stores, a hotel, (still standing, and but little changed in outward appearance.) the offices of a few lawyers and physicians, a blacksmith and carpen- ter-shop, and about a score of dwellings, composed the town. H W w w SFIEVILLE was at one time the centre of one of the JjR^ife most extensive systems of stage routes east of the Rocky 6^^T^^ Mountains. Valentine Ripley, of Hendersonville, was a famous "stage-man" between the years 1840 and 1865. His lines branched from Asheville in every direction : To Mt. Ster- ling, Ky., through Cumberland Gap, 245 miles ; to Greeneville, Tenn., and Greenville, S. C., each 60 miles, making a continuous route of 120 miles; to Warm Springs, 37 miles; to Salisbury, 140 miles, and to other points. To operate the business required an army of men and horses, from 100 to 150 of the lat- ter being about the average number in use, with from 15 to 20 coaches ; but in some busy summer-seasons 300 to 400 horses, 100 to 150 men, and from 50 to 60 coaches, were necessary to accommodate the travelling public. As railroads approached nearer to Asheville the staging inter- est grew less year by year. On the retirement of Mr. Ripley, Blair & Hankins ran the lines from Greeneville, Tenn., to Green- ville, S. C., via Asheville ; from the latter place to Morganton, (then the terminus of the Western North Carolina railroad ;) to Warm Springs, and to several other points, for some years. In 1 87 1 E. T. Clemmons began running sundry lines radiating from Asheville : To Wolf Creek, Tenn., via Warm Springs ; to Old Fort (the terminus of the Western North Carolina railroad from 1 87 1 to 1876); to Greenville, S. C, and many other places. He was succeeded by Weddin & Bailey in 1876, who ran but a few routes in comparison with their predecessors ; for, by this time, the railroads were closing in on every side. At present the only stage-line entering this city (once such a celebrated " staging centre," but now soon to become a railroad centre instead,) is that from Hendersonville, 20 miles distant. Even this solitary relic of the past will soon follow its companions into oblivion ; when the Spartanburg and Asheville railroad is com- pleted, its days of usefulness, too, will have been numbered. 13d -THE- (Jsf(QVtfrQ witi^en WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY, As:ti:E:MT.j^j^iE:, n. c. FURMAN, STONE & CAMERON, EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS. A larger doua fide circulation In the transmon- tane district of North Carolina than any other three papers combined. Reaching all class'es of business, It is the BesI lldveflising Medium fof ^^eslern North Carolina. FOR SPECIMEN COPIES AND RATES, APPLY TO THE PUBLISHERS. 140 H ml '•'f PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA C. T C. DEAKE, Editor. J. W. C. DEAKE, Publisher. TERMS: $1.50 per year, in advance. THE NEWS IS A FOUR-PAGE PAPER, IN ITS FOURTH VOLUME ; WELL'^PRINTED, ABLY EDITED, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. HAS AN INCREASING CIRCULATION. REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS. J41 JNO. A. WACNER, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, Residence, Woodfin St., PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. T. C. WESTALL & SOI, contractors:ai^builders, ASHEVILLE, N. C. ALL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PERSONAL AND PROMPT ATTENTION. M SOUTH MAIN ST., THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE AND REPAIR CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, &c., IN A WORKMANLIKE MANNER, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. HORSE-SHOEINC IN GOOD STYLE. J. C. OLIVER, BAKER & CONFECTIONER, PATTON AVENUE, FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIES, &c., ALWAYS ON HAND. 19 142 S. R. CHEDESTER & SON, PATTON AVE, - ASHEVILLE, N. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL General Merchandise AGENTS DOMESTIC SE"WING-MACHINB. OWNERS CHEAPEST STORE IN THE \yORLI), AND BEST HOTEL IN THE STATE. TIMMlia ROOFING, GUTTERING, AND ALL KINDS OF WORK DONE ON MOST REASONABLE TERMS AND AT SHORT NOTICE. Patton Avenue, ASHEVILLE, N. C. HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Fine fm, Whiskiss, Srasiies, Cigars Si Urn:, WEST SIDE PUBLIC SaUAEB, FOR FINE STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE "LAND OF THE SKY," OR THE BEAUTIES OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA SCENERY, SEND TO T.A."Y"I_.OI^ & iFOLSOIM:, ASHEVILLE N. C,, P^otogiiapIiBrg and pablighei'^ of ^tei'Bo^copic IfieWg. One dozen mailed to any address for $1.50, post-paid. Send for Catalogue. 143 mw, M» ©e walmi^, GOOD WORK AT LOW RATES. Office in Van Gilder Block, North Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. HOUSE PAINTER, KALSOMINEE, AND GLAZIER. All orders promptly attended to. ASHEVILLE, N. C. JOHNSTON & SHUFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Practice in the courts of Bun- combe, Madison, Henderson, Tran- sylvania, and Haywood counties. Office, Johnston Buil(lin»r, S. W. Cor. Public Square, ASHEVILLE, N. C. WM. H. WHITSON, attorney at Jjaw, Office in Court-House, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Special attention to practice in the Probate Court, and collections. M. E. CARTER, E! IT UW, ASHEVILLE, N. C. CARTER & CARTER, .UTORNEYS AUAW. ASHEVILLE, N. C. n. p. WALKER Si CO., [ fTOBACCO e'BRQKERS^ ASHEVILLE, X. C. CALL AT BALLARD'S (\ SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. AND BUY A PRESENT FOR THOSE AT HOME. 144 'ill, ill '®l» J. E. RANKIN, (of J. E. Rankin and Bearden, Rankin & Co., Asheville.) JAS. M. BROOKSHIRE. RANKIN & CO. HAVING LEASED FOR A TERM OF YEARS THE ELEGANT AND COMMODIOUS NEW BRICK STORE AT SWANNANOA BRIDGE (BEST P. 0.), WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW THEIR FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c.. AND ALL VARIETIES OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARMING PRODUCE. The business will be under the management of Jas. M. Brookshire, assisted by Chas. Webb. R. L. riTZPATRICK, KALSOMINER AND GLAZIER. FIKST-CLASS WORK AT LOW RATES. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. North Main St., opp. Post-Office, J^SHIYILLE, M, €, h le Heart of the Allegliaiiies; or, Western North Carolina. By W. C. ZEICLER and b. s. crosscup. 4 Graplnc Book, Descriptive of tlie Scenery, Treating of the Resources, and Narrating the History of the Mountain Region of North Carolina. 380 Pages— 22 Illustrations and Map. " There is a welcome, therefore, for the book called the ' Heart of the Alleghanies.' * * * It is a guide- )ook. It is a book of travel. It is also a book of legends and information abont natural resources. Besides, it is a valuable and pleasant contribution to the history of one of the earlicst-inliabited parts of the Union. Few narratives are fresher tlian the author's description of a bear hunt and his narrative of the history of the peaceful Indians who still inhabit these mountain recesses. In every chapter the appreciative reader gets hints of moun- tain air and feels the pleasure of a lioliday jaunt." The Charleston News and Courier says: " The book is indeed an interesting record of travel and adventure, and a useful guide-book to a most beautiful and attractive region. The climate is delightful and invigorating, and in short, is a country which needs only to be known to rival any other as a health and pleasure resort." American News Co., Kew Torlc; A. Williams & Co., Raleigh, N. C; 'T. Hammond, Charleston, S, C, D.IVID MURDOCH. JOHN MURDOCH. JAS. COLVIN. MURDOCH & COLVIN, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, Will contract for any size of job. ASHEVILLE, - - NORTH CAROLINA. T. is/di. :poi?.tei?,. -DEALER IN- Family Groceries and General fflerctandise. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. BEST, KT. C. -DEALER IN- PRODUCE, I FERTILIZERS, ALEXANDER, N. C. SWANNANOA HOTEL, , THE LEON HOTEL, y TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA. Dr. Wm. H. Hoiftrerton, Proprietor. Dn Wm. H.^i J. D. bJE VARD &; CO., ^)WKCLESALi: AHI SETAIL BEALESS IlTd T BOOTS, SHOES, | HATS; — A SUPERIOR LINE OF — Pry Goods, J^otions, press Goods, &c. A SELECT STOCK OF Coffees, Sugars, Tobacco, and Cigars A Full Assortment of Gents' Furnishings, including Diamond Shirts, Collars, and Cuffs. Agents for T. Miles <2f Son's Celebrated Hand and Custom- Made Sho^s. Cof, Cmirt-Hoise Spare anil Pattoa Ave.. ASHE? ILLE. N. C. I. LB'V^'y