DIOCESE OF EAST CAROLINA AMIJAL REPORT OP THE V/OMAN»S AUXILIARY 1909 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA Cp283 P96e 1908-09 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/annualreportofjuOOepis 1^-CAhtO d'^Cri^^^ ^iocc^c ot East Carolina. Twenty-Second Annual Report WOMAN'S AUXILIARY, BOARD OF cTVlISSIONS Second Report PAROCHIAL SOCIETY OF THE Diocese §f East Carolina, 1908-1909. 9C>'^-0' NASH BKOTHERS, BOOK AND COMMERCIAL PKINTEKS GOLDSBORO, N. C. E)toce6e of lEast Carolina Twenty-Second Annual Report WOMAN'S AUXILIARY, TO THE BOARD OF cTWISSIONS Second Report OF THE PAROCHIAL SOCIETY OF THE Diocese gf East Carolina, 1908--1909. NASH BROTHERS, BOOK AND COMMERCIAL, PRINTERS, GOLDSBORO, N. C. Diocesan Officers. President: MRS. NATHANIEL HARDING, Washington, N. C. Convocation of Edenton: Vice-President, MRS. JAMES G. STATON, Williamston, N. C. Convocation of New Bern: Vice-President, MRS. C. B. WOODLEY, Kinston, N. C. Convocation of Wilmington: Vice-President, MRS. WILLIAM CALDER, Wilmington, N. C. Secretary: MISS SUE E. COLLIER, Goldsboro, N. C. Treasurer: MRS. GEORGE H. ROBERTS, New Bern, N. C. Treasurer for the United Offering MRS. L0SS5E deR. MYERS, Wilmington, N. C. BABIES' BRANCH. Secretary: MRS. J. H. ANDERSON, Fayetteville, N. C. Prayers for Use in Auxiliary Meetings* O LORD JESUS CHRIST, who in the day of Thy flesh didst ac- cept the services of faithful women, who administered unto Thee in their substance; Be pleased, we humbly ask, to bless our endeavors to aid and encourage missionaries. Put into our hearts the things we should do and say to promote Thy glory. Grant that we may never be discouraged under difliculties, but go forward with faith and hope looking unto Thee. Have pity on those who know Thee not, on those who are far from the Church of their fathers in a strange land; visit them with Thy salvation and grant that they may be speedily brought to acknowledge Thee as their Lord and Master Christ. Hear us, and answer this our prayer, for Thine own name's sake. AMEN. * * * O GOD, who hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the whole earth, and didst send Thy blessed Son to preach peace to them that are far off and to them that are nigh; Grant that all men everywhere may seek after Thee and find Thee. Bring all nations into Thy fold, and add the heathen to Thine inheritance. And we pray Thee to shortly accomplish the number of Thine elect, and hasten Thy kingdom, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN. * * * O LORD JESUS CHRIST, who didst charge Thine Apostles that they should preach the gospel to every nation; Make us to show our gratitude for Thy benefits by earnestness in fulfilling Thy com- mand. Prosper all missions, both at home and abroad, with an in- crease of sanctity, that they may win many to the acknowledg- ment of Thy truth (especially those in ), and give them all things needful for their work, making them to' be centers of spirit- ual life, to the quickening of many souls and the glory of Thy Holy Name, our only Mediator and Advocate. AMEN. * * * HEAVENLY FATHER, we pray Thee to bless us and all mem- bers of the Junior Auxiliary, with wisdom, zeal and constancy, in our work for Thee. Prosper the Missions of Thy Holy Church, and strengthen with the Holy Spirit all who are engaged in missionary work; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN. DIRECT us, O Lord, in all our doings with Thy gracious favour, and further us with Thy continued help that in our works begun, continued and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally by Thy mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN. WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. IN MEMORIAM, St. Martin's, Hamilton: MRS. J. B. CHERRY, MRS. W. P. JONES, MRS. JOHN H. MARTIN. Good Shepherd, Wilmington: MRS. GEORGIA NEWBON. St. Thomas', Windsor: MRS. JAMES B. GRAY, MRS. MAUDE ASHBURN SMITH. St. Mary's, Gatesville: MRS. LIZZIE E. BRADY. Grace Church, Woodville: MRS. PERRY ^^.ENFROWT St. Paul's, Edenton: MRS. T. A. RIGHTON. Gant them, O Lord, eternal rest. GEORGE C. THOMAS, Born 1839, Died April 21, 19d9. Impelled by our feeling of bereavement and realization of tbe great loss the whole Church has sustained in the death of Mr. George C. Thomas, Treasurer of the General Board of Missions, we the Woman's Auxiliary of East Carolina, assembled in Council' in St. Peter's Parish, Washington, North Carolina, Do Resolve, That we express at this time our deep regret at- 6 Diocese of East Carolina. the loss to our Church and to the world; of one whose broad charity and unselfish devotion of himself and his all to the loyal service of the Master proved how much a busy man can do in carrying forward the work with which his heart and will are filled. We personally feel bereft of a guide and incentive which has been a great help to us and the Church. Resolved, That we tender our deepest sympathy to the Board of Missions, and also to the family of Mr. Thomas in the loss sus- tained by them and that this preamble and resolution be spread upon the minutes and a copy be sent to his family and also pub- lished in the Mission Herald. MRS. WILLIAM M. PARSLEY, MRS. JOHN B. GIBBLE, MISS MARY ROBERTS, Committee. MINUTES OF THE Twenty-Second Annual Meeting* The second annual meeting of the Woman's Parochial and. Missionary Society of the Diocese of East Carolina, including also the 22nd annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of this Diocese, met in St. Peter's Parish, Washington, IvT. C, on May 25, 1909. Corporate Communion was had at 7 :30 a. m., the Bishop celebrating, assisted by the Rev. Messrs. Gibble and Huske, when the annual United Offering for Diocesan Missions was placed on the altar. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. ISTathaniel Harding, at the Elks' Hall at 10 A. M. After the singing of hymn 252, the Chaplain, Rev. B. F. Huske, of Greenville, made the address of welcome, ending in a power- ful appeal to every woman present to give of her time and effort to carry out the Master's work. Mrs. IN". S. Fulford, President of the Rector's Aid Society of St. Peter's Parish, made an address of welcome in her usual charming manner, and Mrs. Isaac Hughes responded for the visitors with a cor- dial invitation to those present to visit Eayetteville next year, should that city be fortunate enough to secure the Coun- cil for its guest. The President then called the meeting to order for busi- ness, and roll-call by the Secretary showed 90 delegates and visitors present, representing 81 societies; this not including the Juniors. Mrs. J. G. Staton, Vice-President of the Con- vocation of Edenton, then read her report, showing an in- crease both in number of organizations and contributions. Mrs. C. B. Woodley, Vice-President of the Convocation of ISlew Bern, reported having visited seven out of the twelve Parishes in her Convocation and made, a good showing of work well done. Mrs. Calder, Vice-President of Wilmington Convocation, being absent, her report was read to the meeting, and here again was recorded work well done and enthusiasm aroused. Miss Sue Collier, Secretary, next read her report, summing up the work done by the whole organization. Report was then heard from the Diocesan Secretary of the 8 Diocese of East Caeolina. Juniors, and great interest was aroused by the splendid show- ing made by the Juniors, they having an increase of $340.48 over last year's work, with a total of $910.84. The Babies' Branch report sent in by the Secretar}\ Mrs. Anderson, was read, the babies sharing in the advance of the older ones. The Treasurer of the United Offering submitted a report, read by Mrs. Jane DeRossette, showing amount on hand, including St. James' Fund placed at interest, to be $489.27. A report was called for from the Church Periodical Club, but none was presented. The President then read her address, including a letter from Miss Emery and a letter from the Church Alissions House from the workers there. On motion, all reports as read were adopted, and will, as far as possible, be printed in full in the report of the Society and in ^'The Mission Herald." On motion, the annual Council Offering, made at the Cor- porate Communion by all women societies in the Diocese, was given the specific name of the "Bishop's Fund", and shall be so named on the blank reports. Pause was made here for noon-day prayer followed by the Bishop's annual address in which he requested that the wo- men should give him $500.00 towards building a church at Warsaw. The President asked permission to interrupt him to say to the Bishop that the Council Offering amounted to $188.00, and with the $50.00 in the hands of the Treasurer for Diocesan Missions the total amount ready to be placed in his hands for the work mentioned is $238.00, leaving only $262.00 to be raised to complete the amount asked for. After thanking the ladies, the Bishop presented Rev. W. R. IN^oe, who talked of his work in the field extending from War- saw to Fremont. The Bishop then introduced to the meeting the Rev. Robt. W. Patton, Secretary of the Fourth Missionary Department, who prefaced his talk by saying that our meeting was the larg- est of its kind, in proportion to the size of the Diocese, of any that he had seen in the 28 Dioceses through which he has traveled in the past three years. He then made a missionary talk so powerful and convincing and interesting as to rouse those present to the highest pitch of enthusiasm, urging ever and again the idea that lack of interest in missions means, always, lack of knowledge, and pleading for the dissemina- tion of knowledge on this all-important subject. WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 9 After Mr. Patton's talk, business was again taken up and unfinished business received the attention of the meeting. It was reported to the meeting that the Board of Managers, in executive session, had decided upon five years as the length of term of the officers appointed, and it was further reported that the Board of Managers had changed the name of the organiza- tion to read as follows : ''The Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions and Parochial Society of the Diocese of East Carolina." On motion of Mrs. Wm. Parsley, of St. John's, Wilming- ton, a committee was appointed to draft resolutions on the death of our Treasurer, Mr. Geo. C. Thomas. Mrs. Wm. Pars- ley, Mrs. Jno. B. Gibble and Miss Mary C. Koberts were named for this committee. .Rev. T. P. ^N^oe was recognized and made a warm appeal for a more thorough co-operation between the people of the Diocese and ''The Mission Herald," and suggested that the different delegates present pledge themselves for their so- cieties to secure ten subscriptions, each, for the coining year. Prompt response was made to this appeal — 195 subscriptions being pledged by those present. Parish reports were then read by the delegates, and at 2 o'clock the meeting was adjourned for the lunch served the Council delegates and visitors by the ladies of St. Peter's Parish. At 3 o'clock the afternoon session was called to order by the President, and after the singing of hymn 249 and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Gibble, an address was made to the Juniors by the Rev. Mr. Gordon, of Williamston. The subject chosen was that of the Boys' Mission School at Hang Kow, China, for which the Juniors have worked this year. Rev. Mr. Patten then talked of the great success of mis- sions in China, following the small and discouraging begin- ning made many years ago. Mrs. Gibble called the roll of branches and a goodly number responded. She then talked to the little folks in an encouraging and interesting fashion, and after singing a hymn the Juniors' hour was closed. At this point the President called for pledges for the Bishop's Fund for Warsaw and $76.00 was pledged by delegates. On motion of Miss Norcom, a vote of thanks was offered to the people of Washington, and upon suggestion of Mrs. McMillan to that effect, the vote was made a rising vote for the hosipitality extended. 10 Diocese of East Carolina. Rev. Isaac Hughes spoke to the meeting for a few minutes on the subject of the work of the Daughters of the King, recommending the forming of a local Council. At the clos- ing of his remarks the meeting was declared adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. a. T. B. Meeick, Miss Marcia R. Myers. The President's Address* It gives me much pleasure to meet you all here to-day and wel- come you to my home parish and town. This is our first Annual meeting since the Woman's Auxiliary was included with all Parish Societies, under a new name, with a greater number of officers and new Constitution. Now let us see what has been accomplished. Two meetings of the Board of Managers have been held, two meet- ings of the women of the Convocation of Bdenton, two of the wo- men of the Convocation of New Bern, and two in the Convocation of Wilmington. The Vice-Presidents of these Convocations at- tended these meetings with one exception, when I was present at Aurora, and found five Parish Societies represented. Now as to the results of these six meetings. Our contributions for Missions have been larger than ever before. Many Parish Guilds and Societies having helped in this world wide work, besides doing their usual Parish work; and while talking of Parish work or that which is nearest to us, I will call your atten- tion to a letter from Miss Emery, our General Secretary, sent to me a few days ago from Honolulu, which you will find printed in the Mission Herald, she calls our attention to those who live side by side with us. I have also a letter from our fellow workers at the Church Mis- sions House, who wish to ask us, that as our meetings come to an end and the active and united work ceases, to resolve to have no vacation in our interest and activity, but take our spirit of Mis- sions with us to the summer resorts and try to follow our Mis- sionaries in their task, using our infiuence in the holiday places to which we go. They also remind us of our great loss in the death of the Treasurer of the Missionary Society, "Yet we have not lost his example. Mr. Thomas never forgot, but whether in country or city, at home or abroad, his heart was always with the Missions WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 11 of the Church to which he gave time, thought and money un- stintingly." Our Secretary reports a great increase in number of Societies and Guilds and of their work, and we see here to-day a great in- crease in the number of delegates and visitors. All this means in- terest. Now what will these delegates do when they go home? Talk of the pleasant time they have had and the people they have met? Likely it is too late for another meeting this summer and soon all will be scattered. At the first meeting in the fall many are still absent from home. The Mission Herald with an account of the meeting and our printed report which has taken so much work to get out, have been lost or misplaced and nothing remains of the big meeting to remind us of our work for the new year. Let me beg of you to make this different. First select your dele- gates with great care from among those who have attended the meetings regularly through the year and know something of the work, meaning to take in and bring back all the interest and en- thusiasm possible, while at the meeting make a note of what is going on, and upon your return while it is fresh in your minds,, ask your President to call a meeting, tell them of the work re- ported, and of the new work for another year, and believe, as Miss Emery says in her letter, "that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak, if we lay aside the false shame that besets some, the inertness that enslaves others, and the heedlessness that loses opportunity for us." I am delighted to hear of the activity in the Junior Branches. The message of the Bishop to the Diocesan officers at the beginning of the year was to urge us to pay particu- lar attention to this branch of our work. I am glad to hear reported that our apportionment for General Missions has more than been met; and that the $50.00 asked for by the Bishop for the Priory School at Honolulu, has also run over that amount. In the last two months we have lost two of our faithful workers, both from St. Martin's Parish, Hamilton, Mrs. W. P. Jones and Mrs. John H. Martin, these with Mrs. T. E. Darden who was called to her rest nearly two years ago, have left vacant a place, not only in their Parish but in our Society which will not be easily filled. As the Vice-Presidents have already given an account of the work and its conditions in their several Convocations, and the Secretary has called your attention to the work as a whole I deem it unnecessary to make a repetition. Asking God's blessing upon our united efforts I bid you be mindful of the blessings, privileges and responsibilities, of our common heritage. MRS. M. B. HARDING, President. 12 Diocese of East Carolina. CONVOCATION OF EDENTON. When made Vice-President of the Convocation of Edenton at the Council last year I found I had 16 auxiliaries, 16 guilds or pa- rochial societies, and 3 chapters of the Daughters of the King. This year I have reports from 17 auxiliaries, 20 parochial societies, and 3 chapters of the Daughters of the King. Last year all the societies reported $3,784.83 and this year I can show a gain of $625.09, making a grand total of $4,409.92 for the Convocation of Edenton. Belhaven, Columbia and Murfreesboro have come to the front and sent in reports. I visited Washington and Hamilton in June. I attended the Board of Managers meeting and visited Plymouth in November. Two Convocations were held during the year. The first in Hertford in November. The attendance was rather small but all present were deeply interested. The second Convocation was held in Ply- mouth in January. This was a large meeting. Reports were re- ceived from 14 parishes and nine delegates were present. I formed the Murfreesboro Branch of Auxiliary by letter and ob- tained reports from Belhaven and Columbia in the same way. I also, formed a Baby Branch at Edenton and at Plymouth and have the promise of one at Hertford. The Convocation of Edenton was asked to give $72.00 to General Missions and has given $87.25. Priory School, Honolulu, has been given $21.50 towards the $50.00 asked from the entire Diocese. In the financial report for this Convocation sums are reported as cash on hand. Of course, these sums can not be reported again next year. I have met with the hearty cooperation from all the Auxiliaries - and societies in my Convocation, and feel that as time goes on we will do better work. Respectfully submitted, MRS. JAMES G. STATON. KEPORT OF VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE CONVOCATION OF NEW BERN. During this first year of my work as Vice-President or "Traveling Secretary" for the Convocation of New Bern, I have visited seven of the twelve Parishes in this Convocation and attended a meet- ing of the Board of Managers in New Bern in November. At Trenton we re-organized their Auxiliary and left them with the promise of new and continued interest in their work. I regretted my inability to attend Convocation at Aurora, but Mrs. Harding kindly met in my place. At Beaufort I met with the Parish organizations in the church, during Saturday afternoon, and at Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 13 night organized in St. Paul's School, a new Auxiliary, giving it the name of "St. Paul's School Auxiliary," an organization separate and distinct from the Parish societies — this at the earnest solicitation of Mrs. Geffroy and with the permission and approval of the Bishop. They have done work and are fully interested and enthused with the Missionary spirit. They have a study class, write papers, and gain knowledge and help from each meeting held. In Goldsboro I found a live and enthusiastic body of women, in- terested and at work along all lines of Parochial and Missionary- work. I visited Vanceboro during the winter and since my visit have heard no news of their re-organized Society. They have a small congregation, and as in many other and larger ones two or three women are doing all the work. This is a condition much to be deplored and one which we should make it our special study and care to prevent. Unless our members take a personal and intelli- gent interest in the Avork our Auxiliaries will not grow nor thrive. In February I attended the Convocation at Winterville, and felt much encouraged at the interest shown. At Ayden I re-organized the Auxiliary and have since had excel- lent report of the continued interest. A leader was appointed for a Babies' Branch, and we are hoping for good results in the near future. At St. John's, Pitt County, we organized an Auxiliary and Pa- rochial Society, the men of the congregation being associate mem- bers. Parmville, Greenville, New Bern and Chocowinity I have been in correspondence with, and as all except Farmville have sent dele- gates and excellent reports, it is evident that the year's work is not altogether without results. In my home town Kinston, we have had more meetings, better attended and bearing greater results than ever before. It has given me great pleasure to meet and know the people in this work so dear to us, and I wish to thank them all for generous hospitality and their hearty co-operation. There are five Babies' Branches, and six Junior Auxiliaries in; the Convocation of New Bern. Respectfully submitted, MRS. GHAS. B. WOODLEY. Wilmington, N. C, May 20th, 1909. In the Convocation of Wilmington there are nine Parishes and' t,en Mission Stations. The largest Parishes are in Wilmington and Fayetteville. St. Paul's, Clinton, and St. Phillip's Southport, are among the oldest, but the former has, until lately, been without a- 14 Diocese of East Carolijsta. rector for some time, and the latter has shown no life for a number of years. There are two parishes of colored people, St. Mark's, Wilmington, and St. Joseph's, Fayetteville, both progressing finely. The Missions along the railroad between Wilmington and Golds- boro are very encouraging. There will soon be a fine Church build- ing completed at Burgaw. The women there are well organized, and I hope for a delegate and report from them at this Council. Wallace is beginning to have quite a large congregation, and War- saw hopes to have a Church in the near future. At Faison they are greatly interested. The smaller Missions are discouraging — only a few scattered individuals being unable to pay even the traveling expenses of the Evangelist. I have distributed report blanks to all, however, and hope you may hear from most of them. The apportionment was placed early in November, just after the meeting of the officers in New Bern, and I am sure that the Treas- urer's report will show that the amounts have been more than paid. There have been two meetings of the Convocation during the winter, one in St. John's, Fayetteville, where I met the women and talked to them about the Women's Parochial and Missionary Society, the other in Wilmington in the Church of the Good Shep- herd, when we had quite a large and enthusiastic meeting. There are a few matters of interest to which I wish simply to call your attention: The organization in St. John's, Fayetteville, of a new branch of the Girls' Friendly Society, with Miss Alice Mallett as Director, this being the second in this Convocation; and a large organization of the Babies Branch of the Women's Auxil iary in St. James, Wilmington, with Mrs. E. A. Metts in charge, numbering more than eighty members. There has also been quite a large branch of the "Church League of the Baptized" organized in St. James, Wilmington, and by the untiring efforts of Mrs. Jane DeRosset quite a gratifying amount was collected in a few months which, by the advice of the Bishop, was sent to the General Clergy Relief Fund. In concluding this first annual report for the Convocation of Wil- mington, I wish to acknowledge gratefully the co-operation of the several Parochial Associations. With a little further effort all will be brought to see the value of organization and united effort in making effective the work of women in the Church. With affectionate greetings to my honored President and fellow- members, I am, Faithfully yours, etc., MRS. WILLIAM C ALDER. Meeting of the Board of Officers* On Monday, May 24, the Board of Officers of the Parochial and Missionary Society met at the home of the President, Mrs. JSTathaniel Harding, three members were absent, Mrs. AVilliam Calder, Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs. Lossie deE. Myers. The meeting was opened with prayer by the President. Secretary giving the minutes of the meeting held last 'No- vember in ^N^ew Bern. Question of kind of reports expected from delegates was discussed, also change of the name of the organization. Programme for Tuesday's meeting was made and approved. Adjourned, to meet at ten o'clock Tuesday morning. Report of Diocesan Secretary. The Right Rev. Robert Strange and Madam President: Passing time has quickly taken us to the period for rendering an account of the year's work, which in all of its branches is most satisfactory, the Convocation Vice Presidents have accomplished much by their earnest efforts to arouse interest in Parochial as well as in Missionary work. The fifty dollars the Bishop asked to be given to St. Andrews Priory School, Honolulu, has been forwarded to that school. The sum for apportionment far exceeds the amount $275.00 asked for by Board of Missions, Annual reports, 225 have been distributed and many have been received from Northern, Southern and Western Diocese. Two packages of leaflets have been received from the Mis- sions Home. The most important letters coming from China, telling of the good and great hospital work Dr. Mary L. Glenden is doing, from the Secretary of the Diocese of Nftrth Carolina, asking that we should become more interested in the school at Valla Crucis, very appreciative letters from Mr. Parke to whom boxes were sent from the Convocation of Edenton and New Bern for Waynesville Missions, value amounting to $327.05. Also a letter from the General Secretary Dr. Lloyd, asking the readers of the Spirit of Missions to be more earnest in their efforts for General missions, "in some way to avail themselves of the opportunities this work affords for effectual service of men; what one man, Mr. George C. Thomas did, giving loving service and gen- 16 Diocese of East CAEOLiiq^A. erously of his wealth to make good that lost, resulting from some to meet their share in the common expense; what he did can be continued if divided among many." Will not East Carolina be among the many? Received from Mrs. George Roberts $ 9 . 67 Received from St. Stephen's Woman's Auxiliary.. 1.00 — $10.67 EXPENDED. Mailing Annual Reports $ 1.75 Miss Emery, for Leaflets 1.00 Miss Emery for Reports 40 Printing Report Blanks 4.90 Mailing Blanks 55 Freight and drayage on Waynesville Missions boxes 1 . 10 Stationery and stamps 2 . 75 — $12 . 45 Respectfully submitted, MISS SUE E. COLLIER, Diocesan Secretary. REPORT OF TREASURER. Receipts. From Chapel of the Cross, Aurora $ 6 . 70 From St. James, Ayden 1.50 From St. Paul's, Beaufort, Girls Friendly 5.00 From St. Paul's, Beaufort, School Auxiliary 20.50 From St. Thomas', Bath 2.35 From St. David's, Creswell 8.00 From Trinity, Chocowinity 2.00 From St. Agnes' Guild, Columbia 3 . 00 From »St. Paul's Edenton 72 . 25 From St. John Evangelist, Edenton 1.00 From Christ Church, Elizabeth City 38.00 From Christ Church, St. Catherine's Guild 25.00 From Christ Church, Ladies' Guild '25.00 From St. John's Fayetteville 54 . 30 From St. Stephens', Goldsboro 15 . 60 From St. Mary's Gatesville 2 . 00 From St. Martin's Hamilton 8 . 00 From Holy Trinity, Hertford 29 . 00 From Holy Trinity, St. Catherine's Guild 1.00 From Holy Trinity, Parish Guild 1 . 00 From St. Mary's, Kinston 25.27 From St. Barnabas', Murf reesboro 1 . 00 From Christ Church, New Bern 56.50 From St. Cyprian's, New Bern 3 . 00 From St. Cyprian's, Rector's Aid 1 . 00 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 17 From Grace Church, Plymouth $ 6.00 Prom St. Mark's, Roxobel 2.85 From St. Luke's, Roper 11.00 From Grace Church, Trenton 5.00 From St, Paul's, Vanceboro 1.50 From St. Peter's, Washington 47.20 From St. Peter's, Daughters of the King 1 . 00 Prom Church of the Advent, Williamston 40.50 From Grace Church, Woodville 6.00 From St. James', Wilmington 118 . 67 From St. James', St. Mary's Guild 31.00 From St. James', St. Agnes Guild 45 . 00 From St. James', St. Cecilia's Guild 22 .50 From St. James', Young Woman's Auxiliary 38.00 From St. John's, Wilmington 41.50 From St. Paul's, Wilmington 30.00 From Good Shepherd, Wilmington 20 . 00 From Good Shepherd, Wilmington, Guild 10. 00 From Good Shepherd, Wilmington, Girls Friendly 5.00 From St. Thomas', Windsor 6.50 Prom St. Thomas', Woman's Auxiliary 50 Prom St. John's, Winton 2.00 From Church at Red Springs 5.00 From Officers Woman's Auxiliary 8.00 From Mrs. A. A. Watson 5.00 $ 917.39 MRS. GEORGE H. ROBERTS. UNITED OFFERING REPORT. To the President of the Parochial and Missionary Society of Eastern Carolina Diocese. Dear Madam: — I have the pleasure of reporting $489.27 in banks to the credit of our Woman's Offering Fund. The Wilmington St. James' fund for the same purpose amounts to $337.74, which is at interest also, and as heretofore will be handed to your Treas- urer in 1910. I am glad to tell you that the contributions — especially from the smaller parishes have been very generous. I trust our offering will be larger than in 1907, for letters from the Mission Houses urge it as necessary for the extended work dependent on that fund. Yours faithfully, MRS. L. deR. MYERS, Treasurer United Offering Fund for Diocese of East Carolina. May 21st, 1909. 18 Diocese of East Carolina. BABIES' BRANCH. The work of the Babies' Branch is steadily moving forward, eight new Branches were formed this year. Three have not been able to send in their reports. The main idea of the Babies' Branch is to teach systematic giving and the offering is the penny a Sun- day from each "little Helper." The children enjoy the meetings. There they listen to missionary stories and their little voices are raised most earnestly in the hymns. I wish there could be a Branch in every Parish, however small. This is the first step of the Auxiliary and it is a most important one for "train up a child in the way he should go," and then have our Woman's Auxiliary stronger and more earnest. The offering goes to General Missions and also Home Missions and helps support the Memorial kinder- garten at Akitu, Japan, in memory of the little boy who started the Babies' Branch, Taylor Hart Mitchell. MRS. JOHN A. ANDERSON, Secretary Babies' Branch, East Carolina. REPORT OF SECRETARY OF BABIES' BRANCH. Convocation of Edenton: Edenton $ 3.00 Elizabeth City 18.00 Gatesville 4 . 00 Hamilton 1.00 Hertford no report Plymouth 1.40 Roxobel 1.25 Roper 5.00 Washington 9.27 Windsor 5.30 Winton 55 Williamston 13 . 92— $63 . 69 Convocation of New Bern: Goldsboro $ 6.64 Kinston 3.57 Winterville 73 Beaufort 2.00 New Bern no report Ayden no report Greenville no report — $12 . 94 WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Boakd of Missions. 19 Convocation of Wilmington: Wilmington, St. James' $ 24 . 36 Wilmington, St. John's 8.00 Wilmington, Good Shepherd 1 . 56 Fayetteville, St. John's 14 . 00— $47 . 92 Total $124 . 55 Interest to June, 1909 1 . 36 To hand $125.91 CONVOCATION OF EDENTON. Vice-President Mrs. James G. Staton. BATH, St. Thomas' Parish Guild, Miss Julia Rae Marsh, Secretary. No. members 9. Covering Church $ 110 . 33 Lenten Offering 2 . 40 Mr. C. D. Malone 10 . 00—$ 122 . 73" BELHAVEN, St. James' Parish Guild, Miss Myr- tle Swindell, Secretary, No, members 35. Enlarging Church $114.20 Christmas Box 10 . 00 On hand (about) 300 . 00—$ 424 . 20 COLUMBIA, St. Agnes Guild, Mrs, R. A. Kohloss, Secretary. No. members 10. Organ Fund $ 80.10 Towards moving Church 1.00 Alms Basins 6 . 00 On hand 3.10 General Missions 1.50 Diocesan Missions 1.50 Moving Church 25 . 00—$ 118 . 20 CRESWELL, St. David's Woman's Parochial and Missionary Society, Miss Myra Hardison, Secretary. No. members 16. Payment on organ $ 110 . 00 Central Fund 25 St. Paul's School 1.00 Thompson Orphanage 1.00 Diocesan Missions 2.00 General Missions 2.75 General Clergy Relief Fund 2 . 00—$ 119 . OO 20 Diocese of East Carolina. CRESWELL, Junior Branch, Woman's Parochial and Missionary Society. Miss Elsie Swain, Secretary. No. members 10. Diocesan Missions $ 1.00 China 5.00—$ 6.00 EDENTON, St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary, Miss M. F. Skinner, Secretary. No. members 19. Chapel at Grifton, N. C $ 1.00 Central Fund 1.00 St. Paul's School 20 . 00 United Offering 4.25 General Missions 30 . 00 Diocesan Missions 13 . 75 General Clergy Retiring Fund 5.00 China 1.75 Japan 2.00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 2.00 Waynesville Box 25 . 85—$ 106 . 60 EDENTON, Dime Society, Mrs. James Warren, Secretary. No. members 32. Laundering Surplices, etc $ 1 . 45 Painting Rectory 27 . 30 Repairing Rectory 47.20 Tuning and repairing organ 25.00 Matting for robing room 2.10 Diocesan Missions 16 . 30—$ 119 . 35 EDENTON, St. Mary's Guild, Miss Sallie Warren, Secretary. No. members 33. Charity $ 18.00 Church Furnishings 23.10 Wiring Rectory 53.05 Diocesan Missions 5.00 — $ 99.15 EDENTON, St. John Evangelist, Woman's Auxil- iary, Mrs. Nellie E. Jones, Secretary. No. members 9. St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu $ 1.00 Poor of the Mission (Edenton) 3.00 Meeting held at Brooklyn 1 . 00—$ 5 . 00 EDENTON, St. John Evangelist Parish Guild. No. members 10. Packages given sick $ 1 . 00 Lot for Rectory 13.47—$ 14.47 WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 21 ELIZABETH CITY, Christ Church, Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. T. Selby Harney, Secretary. No. members 34. Central Fund $ 1.00 St. Paul's School 6.00 Red Springs Church 5.00 United Offering 50.00 General Missions 10 . 00 Diocesan Missions 27 . 00 Rectory at Harvard, 111 1.00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 2.00 Waynesville Box 60.00—$ 162.00 ELIZABETH CITY, Ladies' Guild, Miss Ella John, Secretary. No. members 29. Church debt $ 130 . 00 Reredos and chair for Church 10.50 Rectory Yard 10 . 00 Material for sewing 10 . 36 Mr. Malone's salary 8.00 Labor, postage and incidentals 12 . 97 Bishop's Missionary work in Diocese 25.00—$ 206.83 ELIZABETH CITY, St. Catherine's Guild, Miss Mattie Griffin, Secretary. No. members 29. Thanksgiving offering $ 204 . 00 Delegates' expense to convocation 2.60 Rector's Emergency Fund 50.25 Surplice 12 . 50 Council Expenses 21 . 74 Diocesan Missions 25 . 00—$ 316 . 09 GATESVILLE, St. Mary's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. George D. Williams, Secretary. No. members 8. United Offering $ 14 . 57 General Missions 2.00 Diocesan Missions 5 . 00 — $ 21 . 57 GATESVILLE, St. Mary's Guild, Miss J. Louise Parker, Secretary. No. members 8. . Tuning Church Organ $ 4.00 Diocesan Missions 10 . 00 Cash on hand 323 . 52 — $ 337 . 52 HAMILTON, St. Martin's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. W. T. Grimes, Secretary. No. mem- bers 15. Spirit of Missions $ 1 . 00 Grifton Church 1.00 22 Diocese of East Carolina. General Missions through Parish treasurer..? 2.44 Central Fund 1,00 St. Paul's School 1 . 00 United Offering 8.92 General Missions 2.00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 1.00 Harvard, Illinois, Rectory 1.00 Chatham, Va 1.00 Apron, Arizona 35 Waynesville Box 15 . 00 — $ 36 . 71 HAMILTON, St. Martin's Guild, Mrs. W. T. Grimes, Secretary. No. members 15. Miscellaneous $ 5.51 Thompson Orphanage 20.00—$ 25.51 HERTFORD, Holy Trinity Woman's Auxiliary, Miss P. C. Norcom, Sec'y. No. members 28. Church Building Fund $ 1.00 Central Fund 50 St. Paul's School 2 . 00 Thompson Orphanage 1.00 Red Springs Church 1.00 Articles for Bazaar (Beaufort) 2 .00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 6.50 United Offering 4.00 General Missions 3 . 00 Diocesan Missions 1.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 1.00 Alaska 1 . 00 Cuba 1.00 China 1.00 Japan 1.00 Indian Missions 1.00 Domestic Missions 1.00 Foreign Missions 1 . 00 Waynesville Box 50.00 Thompson Orphanage Box 20 . 00—$ 100 . 00 HERTFORD, Woman's Parish Guild, Mrs. W. F. Babb, Secretary. No. members 20. Cleared at Christmas sale $ 17.35 Church yard work 13 . 75 Work at Rectory 3.00 Paid on church organ 5.00 Rector's Christmas gift 3.00 Painting Church Fence 1 . 75 Chairs for Rectory 5 . 00 Amount in treasury 17 . 60 — $ 66 . 45' WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 23^ HERTFORD, St. Catherine's Guild, Miss Mae Wood Winston, Sec'y. No. members 12. Necessary expenditure for Church $ 14.50 Charitable purposes 17 . 00 St. Paul's School 5.00—$ 36.5a MURFREESBORO, St. Barnabas' Woman's Auxil- iary, Miss Sarah L. Barnes, Secretary. No. members 8. United offering $ 2.50 Priory School, Honolulu 1.00—$ 3.50 PLYMOUTH, Grace Church, Woman's Auxiliary. Mrs. John D. Burrall, Secretary. No. mem- bers 21. Central Fund $ 1 . 00 St. Paul's School 1.00 United Offering 6.60 General Missions 1.00 Alaska (Mrs. Burgess) 4 . 00 Rockford, 111., Church 1 . 00 St. Andrews' Priory School, Honolulu 1.00 Waynesville Box 4.00 Thompson Orphanage 10 . 00 — $ 29 . 60' PLYMOUTH, Woman's Guild, Mrs. John D. Bur- rall, Secretary. No. members 21. Painting interior of Church $ 11.00 Cleaning Church yard 16.00 Gift of Stole to Rector 15.00 Other objects 30 . 00—$ 72 . 00 PLYMOUTH, Daughters of the King, Miss Lula Ambrose, Secretary. No. members 7. Flowers for altar $ 1.26 Other objects 1.45 Self Denial Fund 1.75 Dues 1 . 75—$ 6 , 21 ROPER, St. Luke's Woman's Auxiliary, Miss Agnes Speight, Secretary. No. members 16. Thompson's Orphanage $ 5 . 00 Box of clothing to Orphanage 6.00 United offering 6 . 92 General Missions 10 . 00 Grifton, N. C 1 . 00 Rectory in Illinois 1.00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 1.00 — $ 30.92 24 Diocese of East Carolina. ROPER, Woman's Guild, Miss Agnes Speight, Secretary. No. members 16. Electric Light bill for Church $ 5 . 00 Gift to Rector at Christmas 10 . 00 Books for Play 1.77 Hangings and Fringe 20.00 • Money made at Bazaar 20.00—$ 56.77 ROXOBEL, St. Mark's Woman's Auxiliary, Miss Annie J. Norfleet, Secretary. No. members 9. Church Building Fund $ 1.35 Central Fund 50 Diocesan Missions 5 . 00 United Offering 10.92 General Missions 1 . 00 — $ 18 . 77 ROXOBEL, Parochial Society, Mrs. R. E. Shoul- ders, Secretary. No. members 9. Diocesan Missions $ 5.00 On hand for Church repairs 12 . 21 — $ 17 . 21 ROXOBEL, Junior Guild, Miss Eliza Mason Cape- hart, Secretary. No. members 10. Bishop's House $ 7 . 50 On hand for Altar Hangings and Church Furniture 44.75—$ 52.25 WASHINGTON, St. Peter's Woman's Auxiliary, Miss E. M. B. Hoyt, Sec'y. No. members 48. Central Fund $ 1.00 St. Paul's School 10.00 Mr. Malone's Salary 5 . 00 Red Springs 2 . 50 United Offering 52 . 00 General Missions 10 . 00 Diocesan Missions 5.00 Alaska 3 . 70 Robert E. Joyner 5.00 Mr. Harding 2.50 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 2.00 Spirit of Missions and books for study days 2.65 Waynesville and Valla Crucis Boxes 65.60—$ 166.95 WASHINGTON, St. Peter's Parochial Society. Mrs. Bonner, Secretary. No. members 35. Wood distributed $ 33 . 50 Groceries distributed 10.00 Clothing distributed 5.00 Cash distributed 57 . 80—$ 106 . 30 WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 25 WASHINGTON, Rector's Aid Society, Mrs. Chas. E, Hussey, Secretary. No. members 29. Cash in Bank for Church wall $ 456.31—$ 456.31 WASHINGTON, Daughters of the King, Miss Jane Myers, Secretary. No. members 17. Laundering Altar Linen $ 1.00 Dues and Central fund, Royal Cross 5.50 Lot in Cemetery .' 8.00 Ticket for Hospital patient 1.10 Vestibule floor covering and sexton 14.75 — $ 30.35. WILLIAMSTON, Church of the Advent Woman's Auxiliary, Miss Hattie Thrower, Secretary. No. members 26. Central Fund $ 1.00 St. Paul's School 5 . 00 Thompson Orphanage 2.00 Rev. N. C. Hughes 1.00 Mr. Malone's Salary 1.00 Mission Herald 2.00 Red Springs 6.00 Miss Mann's expenses 2.00 Grifton 2.00 United Offering 46.70 General Missions 10.00 Diocesan Missions 1 . 50 General Clergy Relief Fund 1.00 Alaska 2.00 Cuba 1.00 China 2.00 Japan 1 . 00 Indian Missions 1.00 Rev. Bobb White, Philippines 5.00 St. Andrew's Priory School 2.00 Apron to Oklahoma, Chickasha 1.00 Thompson Orphanage Box 29 . 00 Waynesville Box 10 . 70 — $ 135 . 90~ WILLIAMSTON, Parish Guild, Miss Hattie Thrower, Secretary. No. members 26. Cleaning Church yard $ 1.00 Luncheon at Ordination 4.50 Rectory Debt 200 . 00 Christmas Gift to Rector 2.50 Contribution to sick lady 2 . 00 — $ 210 . 00' :26 Diocese of East Caeoeina. WILLIAMS TON, Daughters of the King, Miss Emily Whitley, Secretary. No. members 8. Brass Cross, memorial to Rev. Mr. Wingate.$ 31.00 Flowers for Altar 10.75 Relacquering, Altar vases and two dosals.. 7.93 Linen Surplice and three linen altar cloths 12.30 Annual per cap. tax, Royal Cross and Badges 4.75 Charity 214.71 China, the Order's Missionary 6.50 — $ 287.94 WINDSOR, St. Thomas' Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. Sol Cherry, Secretary. No. members 21. Central Fund $ 50 Cross at Manteo 1.80 Diocesan Missions 6 . 00 Grif ton, N. C 1 . 00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 1.00 Thompson Orphanage Box 9.00 United Offering 20.32 General Missions 1.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 2 . 00—$ 42 . 62 WINDSOR, Woman's Guild, Mrs. R. M. Askew, Jr., Secretary. No. members 20. Christmas Present to Rector and wife $ 6 . 50 Cleaning Church 1.95 Funds for building and remodeling Church. . 123.25 Towards cleaning cemetery 40.00 Central Fund 50 Diocesan Missions 3 0.00 Rectory debt, Harvard, 111 1.00—$ 183.20 WINTON, St. John's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. M. C. Matthews, Secretary. No. members 7. Central Fund $ 50 Diocesan Missions 5.00 United Offering 3 . 95 General Missions 1 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 50 Thompson Orphanage 2 . 00 Box to St. Paul's School 1 . 60 Boxes to Thompson Orphanage and Waynes- ville 23.50 Miss Mann's expenses (extra expense) 5.28 — $ 43.33 WINTON, Woman's Guild of St. John's Parish, Miss Jessie Cowper, Secretary. No. mem- bers 8. Miss Mann's expense $ 50 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 27 Printing Minutes in Mission Herald $ 50 Incidental Church expense 10.27 Diocesan Missions 10 . 00 Church Organ 74 . 35—$ 95 . 62 WOODVILLE, Grace Church Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. M. B. Urquhart, Secretary. No. mem- bers 7. Central Fund $ 1.00 Diocesan Missions 15.00 Mr. Malone's Salary 2.00 United Offering 22.52 General Missions 2 . 00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 1.00 Thompson Orphanage 4 . 50—$ 48 . 02 Grand total, Convocation of Edenton $4,773.61 CONVOCATION OF NEW BERN. Vice-President iVIrs. C. B. Woodley. AURORA, Chapel of the Cross Woman's Auxil- iary, Mrs. F. F. Cherry,. Secretary. No. mem- bers 17. Stoles for Rector $ 10.00 Sunday School 75 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 5.00 Christ Church Parish Home, 111 1 . 00 United Offering 1 . 50 General Missions .' 2.00 Honolulu, St. Andrew's Priory School 70—$ 21.95 AYDEN, St. James' Parish Guild, Mrs. F. G. Beih- mann. Secretary. No. members 8. Carpet for Church $ 30.00 Towards bell for Church 23 . 00 General Missions 1 . 50 Diocesan Missions 2 . 50 — $ 57 . 00 AYDEN, St. James' Junior Guild, Miss Sallie Bet Quinerly, Secretary. Towards Church carpet $ 5.00—$ 5.00 BEAUFORT, St. Paul's School Auxiliary, Miss Susan D. Well, Secretary. Central Fund $ 1.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 86 . 71 28 Diocese of East Caeolii^a. Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C $ 5.00 United Offering 10.00 Diocesan Missions 4 . 50 — $ 107 . 21 BEAUFORT, St. Paul's Aid Society, Mrs. N. L. Carrow, Secretary. No. members 46. Rebuilding Rectory $ 189 . 11—$ 189 . 11 BEAUFORT, St. Paul's Girls' Friendly Society, Mrs. F. N. Skinner, Secretary. No. mem- bers 19. Thompson's Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C $ 1.25 General Clergy Relief Fund 1.25 Alaska 1.25 Valla Crucis 1 . 25 — $ 5 . 00 CHOCOWINITY, Trinity Parish Guild, Miss Mae Blount, Secretary. No. members 12. ' Memorial window $ 17.92 United Offering 1.00 General Missions 2 . 00 Mission Box, Waynesville, N. C 1.00—$ 21.92 FARMVILLE, Emanuel Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. Minnie Warren, Secretary. United Offering $ 10.00 Diocesan Missions 5 . 00 Chapel Hill, N. C 1.75 Lewanee, Tenn 1.75 Bishop's House 5.00 Mission Box, Waynesville, N. C 10.00—$ 33.50 GOLDSBORO, St. Stephen's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. E. C. Vitou, Secretary. No. members 22. Central Fund $ 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 1.00 United Offering 2.65 Honolulu, St. Andrew's Priory School 2.00 General Missions 5.00 Diocesan Missions 5.00 Printing minutes in Mission Herald 1.00 Expenses 2.95 Mission Box, Waynesville N. C 17.00 Box, Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C. . 15.00—$ 52.60 GOLDSBORO, St. Stephen's Parish Guild, Mrs. A. L. Bell, Secretary. No. members 32. Church organ $ 410 . 00—$ 410 . 00 WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 29 GOLDSBORO, St. Stephen's Sanctuary Guild, Mrs. H, M. Humphrey, Secretary. No. mem- bers 9. Expended $ 42.13—$ 42.13 GREENVILLE, St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. E, B. Picklin, Sec'y. No. members 22. United Offering $ 7.50 Mission Box, Waynesville, N. C 8 . 00—$ 15 . 50 KINSTON, St. Mary's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. James Vaughn, Secretary. No. members 26. Parish work $ 85 . 00 Other objects 75 Central Fund 1.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 7 .50 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 25.00 United Offering 5 . 00 General Missions 5 . 00 Diocesan Missions 3.80 General Clergy Relief Fund 2 . 00 St. Mary's, Shanghai, China 2.22 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 1 .00 Box, Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C. . 50.00 Mission Box, Waynesville, N. C 40.00—$ 228.27 NEW BERN, Christ Church Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. R. DuVal Jones, Secretary. No. mem- bers, 25. Central Fund $ 1.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 10 . 00 United Offering 20.00 General Missions 10 . 00 Diocesan Missions 4 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 3.00 Japan 10.00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 2.00 Red Springs Church 2.00 Miss Collier 50 Special Offering 217 . 50 Mission Box, Waynesville, N. C 20.00—$ 300.00 NEW BERN, Christ Church Parish Guild, Miss Dita Roberts, Secretary. No. members 63. Altar Guild $ 20.00 Vested choir 20.85 Parish Guild 53.60 Parish House debt 200 . 00 To be used by Vestry or Guild 100 . 00—$ 394 . 45 30 Diocese of East CAEOLiiq-A, NEW BERN, Christ Church Relief Society, Capt. W. T. Simmons, Secretary, Helped the needy with wood, clothing and medicine. Received and expended $ 244 . 78 — $ 244 . 7S NEW BERN, Christ Church Girl's Friendly So- ciety, Miss Mary Roberts, Secretary. No. members 70. Branch expenses, cards, badges, calendars..? 22.77 Entertainment and cooking class 2 .83 Freight 90 Debt on Parish House and door 21 , 50 Light and fire 10.25 Central Fund 18.21 Other work 56.25—$ 132.71 NEW BERN, St. Cyprian's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. M. Thompson, Secretary. Parish work $ 70.00 United Offering 1.00 General Missions 1 . 00 Diocesan Missions 1 . 00—$ 73 . OO NEW BERN, St. Cyprian's Aid Society, Miss Fel- tie Castine, Secretary. Repair on Rectory $ 16 . 50 Present for Rector 5.00 Church Building Fund 25 Central Fund 25 St. Paul's School, Beaufort N. C 25 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 25—$ 22.50 TRENTON, Grace Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. Fur- ney Brock, Secretary. No. members 6. Central Fund $ 1.00 United Offering 1.00 General Missions 1.00 Diocesan Missions 1.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 1.00 Box, St. Paul's, Beaufort 1.00 Mission Box, Waynesville, N. C 10.00—$ 16.00 VANCEBORO, St. Paul's Parish Guild, Miss Ethel Wooten, Secretary. No. members 10. Repairing Church $ 50.00 Vice President's visit 2 . 70 Central Fund 50 United Offering 3.50 General Missions 1.00—$ 57.70 WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 31 WINTERVILLE, St. Luke's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. E. E. Core, Secretary. No. members 9. Improvements on Church $ 31.50 Diocesan Missions 1.00 Chapel Hill, N. C 2 . 00 Divinity Student 2 . 50 Mission Box, Waynesville, N. C 10.00—$ 47.00 Grand total, Convocation of New Bern $2,477.33 CONVOCATION OF WILMINGTON. Vice-President Mrs. William Calder. ATKINSON, St. Thomas, Miss Jennie Hawes, Secretary. No report. BOARDMAN, St. Jude, Mrs. A. D. Turner, Secretary. No report. BURGAW, St. Mary's Parish Guild, Mrs. H. B. Thomas, Secretary. No. members 8. For Church building $ 135.00—$ 135.00 CLINTON, St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary and Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. M. A. Moseley, Secretary. No. members 19. Incidentals for Church $ 7.15 Sexton 8.00 Christmas party for Sunday School 2.90 Church Linen 2.80 Lamps 4.50 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 15.00 Christ Church, Parish Home, 111 1 . 00—$ 41 . 35 FAYETTEVILLE, St. John's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. E. J. Hale, Secretary. No. members 40. Parochial work $ 18.00 Central Fund 2.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 13.00 Gastonia Rectory 5.00 Church Building Grifton 1.00 United Offering 13.30 General Missions 10 . 00 Diocesan Missions 10 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 5.00 Africa, J. C. Huske Scholarship 25 . 00 Porto Rica 5.00 S2 Diocese of East Carolina. Valla Crucis $ 5 . 00 Japan 5 . 00 Indian Missions 10 . 00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 2.00 Box, Thompson Orphange, Charlotte, N. C. 49.60—$ 178.90 PAYETTEVILLE, St. Joseph's, Mrs. E. E. Lenear Secretary. No report. WILMINGTON, St. James Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. H. C. Prince, Sec'y. No. members 58. Church Building Fund $ 64.00 Central Fund 1 . 00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 30 .00 United Offering 310.00 General Missions 75.00 Diocesan Missions 25 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 10 . 00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 5.00 St. Andrew's Seminary, Mexico City 12.25 Box, Florida Seminole Indians 15.00 — $ 537.25 W^ILMINGTON, St. James', St. Agnes Guild, Mrs. W. G. Pulliam, Secretary. No. members 35. For the support of an aged communicant. . .$ 225.00 Rector's Fund 48 . 00 Miss Price at Good Shepherd 25 . 00 Mr. Noe, industrial work, Good Shepherd... 25.00 Church at Burgaw 75.00 Central Fund 1.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 10.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte 10.00 United Offering 35 .00 General Missions 25 . 00 Foreign Missions 50 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 20 . 00 Indian Missions 3.00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 5.00 Box, Parochial 20 . 00—$ 577 . 00 WILMINGTON, St. James', St. Cecilia's Guild, Mrs. W. F. Robertson, Secretary. No. mem- bers 16. Chapel of the Good Shepherd $ 40 . 00 Central Fund 50 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 30 . 00 Church at Burgaw 15 . 00 General Missions 10 . 00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 2.00—$ 97.50 WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 3a WILMINGTON, St. James', St. Mary's Guild, Miss Junie Murchison, Secretary. No. mem- bers 30. Church of the Good Shepherd $ 41 . 00 Central Fund 1.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 24 . 00 General Missions 135 . 00 Diocesan Missions 100 . 00 Japan 5 . 00 Florida, Seminole Indians 5.00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 5.00 Black Mountain Mission 25 . 00—$ 341 . 00 WILMINGTON, St. James' Young Woman's Aux- iliary, Miss Fannie Murchison, Secretary. No. members 22. Assistance to those in need $ 12.00 Easter Offering 50.49 Church at Burgaw 10.00 Central Fund 1.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 10 . 00 Mayodan Mission 25.00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 1.00 General Missions 25 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 1 . 00—$ 135 . 49 WILMINGTON, St. John's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. I. Hicks Bunting, Secretary. No. mem- bers 25. Central Fund $ 2.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 5.00 Church at Red Springs 1 . 00 Printing Minutes in Mission Herald 1.00 Rev. Brady's Memorial, St. Mark's, Wilming- ton 1 . 00 United Offering 20.18 General Missions 15.50 General Clergy Relief Fund 5.00 Diocesan Missions 5.00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 5,00 Box, Florida Seminole Indians 45 . 65 — $ 106 . 33 WILMINGTON, St. John's Parish Guild, Mrs. W. E. Core, Secretary. No. members 40. Furnishing room in Parish house $ 110.63 Paid towards building choir room 323 .75 Christ Church, Parish House, 111 1.00 On hand 4 . 04—$ 439 . 42 34 Diocese of East Carolina. WILMINGTON, St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. G. P. Howey, Secretary. No. mem- bers 13. Central Fund $ 2.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 10.00 United Offering 7.50 General Missions 8.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 2.00 Diocesan Missions 8.00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 2.00 Church building. Griffon, N. C 2.00 Red Springs Church 5.00 Box 45.00—$ 91.50 WILMINGTON, St. Paul's Aid Society, Mrs. Fel- ger, Secretary. Debt on Rectory $ 135 . 00 — $ 135 . 00 WILMINGTON, Good Shepherd, Woman's Auxil- iary, Miss Carrie Price, Secretary. No. members 28. Church expenses $ 24.00 Central Fund 1.00 Church at Burgaw 7.75 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 3.00 Rev. Brady Memorial, St. Mark's, Wil 1.00 Red Springs Church 5 . 00 Florida Seminole Indians 1 . 00 St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu 1.00 Mission, Glendale Springs, N. C 2 .00 United Offering 5.00 General Missions 5.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 2 . 00—$ 57 . 75 WILMINGTON, Good Shepherd, Parish Guild, Miss Gertrude Lewis, Secretary. No. mem- bers 16. Church expenses $ 14.40 Guild expenses 75 Basket for needy woman 84 Church at Burgaw, N. C 10.00—$ 25.99 WILMINGTON, Good Shepherd, Girls' Friendly Society, Miss Susie A, Price, Secretary. No. members 61. Good Shepherd Hall $ 131.36 Vacation House 25 . 00 Branch expenses 18 . 11 WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 35 Charity Basket $ 6.85 Red Springs Church 5.00 Virginia Dare Memorial Cross 1 . 00 St. Philip's Church, Fayetteville, N. C 5.00 G. F. S. Central Council, N. J 3 . 89 Box, Saluda Mission 1 . 78 Box, Fairbanks, Alaska 6 . 46—$ 204 . 45 WILMINGTON, St. Mark's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. John E. Thomas, Secretary. No. mem- bers 41. Charity to Poor $ 15.12 Visits to Poor House 5.00 Memorial Pulpit 393 . 43 United Offering 5 . 00 Africa, Bishop Ferguson 5 . 00 Box 23.95— $ 447.50 Mrs. A. A. Watson, Church Building Fund $4.00; Central $1.00 $ 5.00—$ 5.00 Grand total, Convocation of Wilmington. . . . $3,651.43 36 Diocese of East Carolina. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. The name of this Society shall be "The Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions and Parochial Society of the Diocese of East Carolina." ART. XL The object of this Society is, by means of united and systematic effort, to arouse greater interest in Parochial work, and especially to diffuse Missionary intelligence, to increase Mis- sionary activity among the women of the Diocese, to unite pre- viously existing Societies and to encourage the formation of So- cieties where there are none. ART. III. The Church itself is the Missionary Society, and every person by baptism becomes a member of this Society; therefore, every baptized woman in this Diocese is a member of this So- ciety. ART. IV. The officers of this Society shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary and such other officers as may be needed; all of whom shall be appointed by the Bishop, and shall constitute the Board of Managers. The Board of Managers shall meet from time to time at the call of the President. The Secretary of the Junior Auxiliary shall be a member of the Board of Managers. ART. V. The President shall call meetings together, and shall preside over them and shall also do whatever in her judgment is best to advance the work of the Society. ART. VI. The Senior Vice-President shall preside over the meetings during the absence of the President. Each Vice-President shall be President of the Society in her Convocation. If the Vice- President or Secretary of a Convocation, shall be invited to visit a Branch, said Branch shall pay her traveling expenses. If the Vice-President or Secretary goes into a Parish or Mission to establish a new Branch her expenses shall be paid by the Con- vocation which she represents. ART. VII. The duty of the Secretary is to prepare an annual report for circulation in the Diocese and to conduct the correspond- ence of the Society with Missionaries, and with the Secretary of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions. She shall give notice of all meetings, keep record of such meetings and prepare an abstract of the minutes to be read at the annual meeting. ART. VIII. The duty of the Treasurer is to take charge of all money sent to her for Missionary purposes and to disburse the same, as directed by the Parish or Mission sending or by the Board of Managers. She shall prepare a report at the annual L WoMAN^s Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 37 meeting of all money which has passed through her hands during the preceding year. ART. IX. All Parochial Branches of the Woman's Auxiliary, the Junior Department and Babies' Branch, together with all Wo- man's Parochial organizations shall be entitled to one representa- tive; except when such Branches or organizations shall be com- posed of twenty or more members they shall then be entitled to two representatives. And all Diocesan officers of this organization shall be ex-officio representatives. ART. X. The Annual Meeting shall be held at each Council of the Diocese, and general meetings may be held at such other times and places as may be designated by the Bishop of the Diocese and the President of the Society. ART. XI. The Society shall be divided into three sections ac- cording to the territory comprised in the three Convocations of the Diocese. Each section shall meet at least once a year in con- nection with the regular meetings of the Convocation. ART. XJI. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of those present at the general meeting. Q i Annual S^jtnrt nf tfjr Jitntor 2Srattd] ^^f ti\s Wnmati's Au^iltarti Sutrfsf of Kafit Olarnlina I f ** O/ God, our loving Father, let the heathen know that thou art not far from every one of them. We pray that they may feel after Thee and find Thee. Help us, by Thy Spirit, to pray and give and worl^ for others whose prayers are Wrong; and bless those who go to tell them of Thy love in sending Jesus Christ. We ask. ii in His Nam^. Amen." Report of the Junior A uxiliary Secretary to the Woman s A uxiliary and Parochial Society of the Diocese of East Carolina from May 1st, 1908, to May 1st, 1909. Looking back a little our hearts rejoice at the splendid development of the Junior Auxiliary. It is not a far cry from l9u5-'06 to 1908-'09 and yet, in this short period of three years, we find a remarkable growth of branches and wonderful increase in offerings and interest. In 1905-'06 there wei-e fourteen active branches with a total in money and boxes of $361.40. In 1908-'09 there are twenty- five active branches, vvith a total in money and boxes of $910.84, an increase of $340.48 over last year. Of this splendid total, parish work has only had $248.45. Last year the Juniors gave $32.81 to General Missions and $48.00 to Foreign Missions. This year they have given $57.40 to General and $78.85 to Fo'-eign— $74.60 of the latter amount being the "Juniors' United Gift to Chin a." In addition to this they have given $19.50 to the United Offering. Our contrast surely gives hope for wonderful things in the near future. The secretary urges the study of China in each branch this year, and recommends the "Overcoming of ^he Dragon" as an easy and very fascinating text-book. We should study China on account of the vast possibilities in the awakening of that nation, and because of a very personal reason, the fact that East Carolina is to give one of her young and beloved priests to the very field, Hankow District, in which we are all interested through our gifts and prayers. Some of the branches are already interested in this study — To quote the VVilliamston Leader, — "We are earnestly thankful to note the great interest shown in the study of Missions by the members — China pi-oving a inost absorbing study." Branches in Windsor, Roxobel, Gatesville and St. James', Wilmington, have used "The Overcoming of the Dragon" with marked success. Attached is a compiled report of the year's work. Earnestly praying that each delegate may go home from this Council fired with the zeal that i-ecognizes no defeat in well doing, and that some of the Juniors may hear and heed the urgent call for "More laborers in the Vineyard." Respectfully submitted, Augusta Moore Gibble, Secretary. Financial Report of the Junior Auxiliary, for the year 1908--'09. Wilmington— St. John's : Diocesan Missions | 3.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort 4.75 Subscription to "Mission Herald" .50 Two Scholarships, St. Paul's School 20.00 General Missions 10.00 South Florida Mission Church 1.50 Thompson Orphanage 5.00 Subscription to "Chronicle" .25 China — Hankow District 5.00 Central Fund .50 United Offering 3.00 Box for Christmas Sale, Beaufori , 1.25 Box for Church Sale in Alaska 2.50 Box for poor 2.50 Poor at Christmas 1.00 Total .7|60/75 Wilmington — St. James' : St. Paul's School, Beaufort $10.00 BurgawChurch 23.63 General Missions 9 00 China, Work in Hankow District 28.53 Black Mountain Church . 25.00 Total $95.16 Hamilton — St. Martin's: Lectern Bible $10.00 Sewing teacher's salary 1.50 General Missions 1.50 China, Hankow District 1.50 Subscription to "Young Christian Soldier" 80 Parochial box 5.00 Total $20.30 Washington — St! Peter's: Central Fund $ 1.00 St. Paul's School Beaufort 2.00 Thompson Orphanage, support of a girl 22.00 Sewing teacher's salary 3.25 United Offering \ 2.00 Gen.ral Missions 5.00 Diocesan Missions 7.25 China, Hankow District 5.00 Priory School, Honolula 2.00 iSubscription to "Young Christian Soldier" .80 Box to 'Thompson Orphanage 1.25 Total : $51.65 New Bern — Giul's Friendly : Edson Memorial $ .50 Memoiial Scholarship 45.50 8t. Paul's School Christmas Sale 1.00 Thompson Orphanage 5.17 Total ...$52.17 WiNTERViLLE— St. Luke's : St. Luke's Hospital, Shanghai | 2.00 Bov's Scliot)! in Hankow District 3.00 St." I^uil's School, Beaufort 5.00 Hymn beard for parish chui'ch 2.50 Thompson Orphanage 10.00 Sewing teachei's salary -4.00 Easter Offering ' 30.00 Charity 1.50 'I'nning Church Organ 3.50 Work on interior of Church 43.50 Box to Thompson Orphanage 15.00 Total ..^$12000 Be.vufort — St. Paul's: Kebuilding Rectory ^91.81 Central Fund .50 United Offering .50 Total ...$92.81 WiLLiAMSTON— Advent : Rectory Fund $39.95 Miscellaiieous 3.25 St. Paul's School, Beaufort 2.00 Thompson Orphanage 1.00 ('hurch in Burgaw 2.00 Boy's School, Hankow, China 5.50 General Missions 4.00 Alaska 2.00 Japan 1.00 Philippines— Easter School 2.00 Diocesan box 4.10 Total ...$66.80 KoxoBEL — St. Mark's: Central Fund .50 Diocesan Missions 2.00 General Missions 1.00 United Offering 2.00 China, Hankow District 1.12 Total |6.62 Elizabeth City — Christ Church: Thompson Orphanage $ 7.00 •]3iocesan Missions 2.00 Archdeacon Webber 1.00 Offering to Foreign Clergyman .25 Box to Thompson Orphanage 26.55 To Laura Hunt, Thompson Orphanage 14.80 Total ...$51.60 Belhaven — St. James': General Missions f 2.00 Two boxes 10.00 Total $12.00 WooDViLLE — Grace : (General Missions $1.07 United Offering / .75 China, Hankow District .57 Quilt to Thompson Orphanage.. 3.00 Scrap-books for Africa 1.00 Total , ,...$6T39 Fayettville — St. John's No. 2: St. Paul's School, Beaufort $14.00 United Offering 1.00 Diocesan Missions 2.00 China— Boy's School 3 00 Box to a Mission 5.00 Total $25.00 Plymouth — Grace : Parochial purposes $27.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort 1.00 Sewing teacher's salary 1.00 United Offering ' 3.00 General Missions 2.00 Boy's School, Hankow District 3.00 China — Special Offering 1.10 Total .7$38ri0 Edenton— St. Paul's: Church Building Fund | .25 Thompson Orphanage 7.50 Associate Mission — Morganton 5.00 Diocesan Missions 2.00 United Offering „. 2.00 General Missions 6.90 St. Mary's-on-the-Mountain, Tenn 5.00 Box to Tryon, N. 8.00 Box to Thompson Orphanage 7.70 Total 7^4435 Chocowinity — Trinity : General Missions | .75 Boy's School, China 75 Total $1.50 New Bern — Christ Church: Central i^^ind | .25 St. Paul's School, Beaufort 10.00 United Offering 1.25 General Missions 3.00 Diocesan Missions .'. 1.50 General Clergy Relief Fund 1.00 Boy's School, Hankow District 5.00 Priory School, Honolulu 1.00 Box, St. Paul's School for sale 5.25 Box, Thompson Orphanage 3.50 Total .$31.75. Elizabeth City — St. Philip's : St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh $1.00 Diocesan Missions 1.00 Charity 3.00 Total $5.00 WiNTON— St. John's : Central Fund $ .25 St. Paul's School, Beaufort .55 General Missions 1.20 China — Hankow District 1.00 Thompson Orphanage ; 1.00 Total $4.00 Windsor — 8t. Thomas': Central Fund $ 1.00 Sewing teacher's salary 8.00 United Offering \ 2.00 General Missions 3.00 Diocesan Missions 4.00 China, Hankow District 3.55 Priory School, Honolulu ' 1 00 Bqx Thompson Orphanage 9.50 Total ...127705 Hertford — Holy Trinity: Church Building Fund • $ 1.00 Central Fund .50 St. Paul's School, Beaufort 4.00 Thompson Orphanage 1.00 United Offering 2.00 General Missions 4.00 Diocesan Missions • 3.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 1.00 Alaska 2.50 Cuba 1.00 China, Hankow District 2.00 Japati 1 . Oq Indian Missions ■, 1.00 Eastei- gifts to poor • — 2.00 Christmas gifts to poor 3.00 Box to Waynesville 10.00 Box to Thompson Orphanage 5.00 Total 7:f4400 Aurora — Chapel of the Cross: — (New.) Creswell — St. David's : Diocesan Missions $1.00 China, Hankow District 5.00 Total , . .TT.|6.00 8 Edenton— St. John Evangelist: Thanksgiving dinner fund $ 1.00 For Council held in Brooklyn 1.00 Recto'7 26.94 Poor of the parish 6.00 Box for Children's Home, Baltimore 6.00 Box to Waynesville Mission 2.00 Total • _.... . 142.94 GoLDSBORO — St. Stephen's : — (No Report.) Fayetteville — St. John's No. L: Diocesan Missions $2.50 Genera! Missions 2.50 Total ..-15.00 Total Junior Work $910.84 Augusta Moore Gibble, Secretary "All things come of Th9e,0! Lord, and of Thine own have we given Thee.'' \r UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00034015002 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION