iistrated by M. T. ftos THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL ENDOWED BY THE DIALECTIC AND PHIIANTHROPIC Schoororfnrofmation & Library Science Librairy UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00022245955 - : ~y^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL Fran the collection of Alfred Garvin Ehgstrom and Pfary Claire Randolph Engstrom Flower Children The Little Cousins of the Field and Garden Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/flowerchildrenliOgordo Flower Childre The Little ^VP Cousins of ike Field arid Qurden Ad B Elizabeth Gordon brawings by M.T.Ross U Published by P.F.Volland & Company Chicago Copyright 1910 P. F. Volland & Company- All Rights Reserved c lo every (Shdd^f lower iked Blooms jVnikin me Qlorious (jaraert^ lnai "wb Gall Home This Little Book^ is Lovinaly T)ediealed. FOREWORD A flotver, a child, and a mother s heart — These three are never so far apart. A child, a flozuer, and a mothers love — This world's best gifts from the world above. QLL children are flowers in the garden of God's love. A flower is the mystical coun- terpart of a child. To the understand- ing heart a child is a flower and a flower is a child. God made flowers on the day that He made the world beautiful. Then He gave the world children to play amid the flowers. God has implanted in the breasts of children a natural love for flowers — - and no one who keeps that love in his heart has entirely forsaken the land of childhood. In preparing this book the author and the artist have attempted to show the kinship of children and flowers, and it is their hope that the little ones into whose hands this volume comes will find herein the proof that their knowledge of what flowers really are is true and that their love for the friendly blossoms is returned many-fold. To you, then, little child-flowers, this book is lovingly offered as an expression of thankfulness to chil- dren for the joy and sweetness with which they have filled my life. — ELIZABETH GORDON FLOWER. CfflLbRENgM-. i AID CROCUS: "My! this wind is cold! Most wish I had not been so bold; Here the fields are still all brown; Glad I wore my eider-down." FLOWER. CHILDREN T RAILING ARBUTUS, you know, Loves to grow beneath the snow. Other folks would find it chilly, She says that 's absurdly silly. FLOWER. CHILDREN E AGER little Daffodil Came too soon and got a chill; Jack Frost pinched her ear and said, "Silly child, go back to bed." FLOWER. CHILDREN H YACINTH, the pretty thing, Comes to us in early spring; Says she always loves to hear Easter bells a-ringing clear. FLOWER. CHILDREN L ADY TULIP, stately dame, From across the ocean came; Liked this country very much, Although she only spoke in Dutch. FLOWER, CHILDREN L ILY-OF-THE-VALLEY said She guessed she was a sleepy-head; But she got up and dressed for town In her new green tailored gown. FLOWER. CHILDREN p USSY WILLOW said, "Meow! Wish some one would tell me how Other kittens get around And roll and frolic on the ground." FLOWER. CHILbkENliP p RIMROSE is the dearest thing. — She loves to play out doors in spring; But if a little child is ill, She 's happy on the window sill. FLOWER, CHILbREN€S- G RANDFATHER Dandelion had such pretty hair, Along came a gust of wind and left his head quite bare; Young Dandelion generously offered him some gold, To buy a cap to keep his dear old head from being cold. FLOWER, CHILDREN w fIND-FLOWER on an April day, Came along and said she'd stay; Wore her furs snug as you please, Said she liked the nice, cool breeze. 'FLOWER. CHILDREN A NEMONES and Bluets grew, All the woodland pathway through; Came along one day together, Did n't mind the April weather. FLOWER. CHILDREN L ILAC wears a purple plume, Scented with a sweet perfume; Very high-born lady she, Quite proud of her family tree. FLOWER, CHILDREN T RILLIUM said "Why, deary me, I 'm just as freckled as can be," Her cousin Tiger-Lily said, "Well, look at me, I 'm almost red." FLOWER. CHILDREN jANSIES like the shaded places; With their little friendly faces, Always seem to smile and say : "How are all the folks to-day?" FLOWER. CHILfckENfS&' OHNNIE-JUMP-UP made a bet, That he could pass for Violet. What spoiled the little rascal's game? The scent he used was not the same. 'FLOWER. CHILDREN L ADY'S-SLIPPER in the wood, Said she really wished she could Have a pretty dress and go With sister to the flower show. 'FLOWER, CHILDREN M ODEST little Violet Was her loving Mother's pet; Did n't care to go and play, Rather stay at home all day. FLOWER. CHILDREN c OWSLIP dearly loves to romp Around the bottom of the swamp ; She comes along in early spring, Before the grass, or anything. FLOWER. CHILDREN FRAGRANT little Mignonette, In a shower got quite wet; Laughed and said she did n't care — It looked like jewels in her hair. FLOWER. CHILbRENf^i A PPLE BLOSSOM is a fairy, •*■ *■ Swinging in a tree so airy; By and by the little sprite Sprinkles the ground with pink and white. FLOWER. CHILbRENfli L ITTLE golden-hearted Daisy Told the sun that she felt lazy; Said the earth was quite too wet, She thought she would n't open yet. FLOWER. CHILDREN L AUGHING, lucky Four-Leafed Clover Is a most atrocious rover; Does n't stay long in one place, Goes and never leaves a trace. FLOWER. CHILDREN T HIRSTY little Buttercup Caught the dew and drank it up, Said cool water was so good, She did n't seem to care for food. FLOWER. CHILbkEN iWEET little maid Forget-Me-Not, She 's such a darling little tot; A blue-eyed child with modest ways, She 's never spoiled a bit by praise. FLOWER. CHILDREN c OMMON little Garden Pink, Went away to school — just think! When she came home for vacation, Made them call her Rose Carnation. FLOWER CHILDREN ^S-" &m, B OUNCING BETTY stood all day In the hedge row by the way; By-and-by she crept outside, And got so scared she nearly cried. FLOWER. CHILDREN M ORNING-GLORY thought she 'd look Through the window at the cook; Did n't know 't was impolite To give a body such a fright. FLOWER. CHILDREN H ONEYSUCKLE, pretty vine, Loved about the porch to twine. Thought 't was just too sweet for words To visit with the humming-birds. 'FLOWER. CHILbELEHim- w ILD ROSE runs round everywhere, Likes to breathe the nice fresh air; Even her high-bred connection Cannot match her pink complexion. FLOWER. CHILDREN §£&-' c OLUMBINE 's a happy sprite, Dances with fairies every night; She feeds them honey when they go, That 's why the fairies love her so. FLOWER. CHIL&RENfSp c UNNING LITTLE Blue-eyed Grass, Smiles up at you as you pass; Looks as if a bit of sky, Had fallen down from 'way up high. FLOWER. CHILDREN X TASTURTIUM grew so big and tall, ■^ ^ He climbed up on the garden wall ; His little sister could n't go — Dear child, she never seemed to grow. FLOWER, CHILDREN lANSY SAID she wished she knew What made Lark-spur look so blue; Larkspur smiled and said 't was only 'Cause she felt a little lonely. 'FLOWER. CHILDREN o H, HAVE you seen the sweet Briar-Rose? She wears the very dearest clothes, A hat the sweetest ever seen, And dainty frock all shades of green. FLOWER. CHILDREN B LUEBELL softly, gently sways Through the long hot summer days; Lives where nothing else can grow,- That 's why we all love her so. FLOWER. CHILbkENill: G ERANIUM wears a scarlet gown, With trimmings shading into brown ; Her cousin is a dainty sprite, She dresses modestly in white. FLOWER. CHILDREN iWEET ALYSSUM plays around On any little piece of ground; Takes up hardly any room, And sheds a very sweet perfume, 'FLOWER. CHILDREN JMPLE LOOKING Blue-eyed Flax Helped the farmer pay his tax; Was busy all the season through; Said it was n't hard to do. FLOWER. CHILDREN B LEEDING-HEART, against the wall, Told her woes to one and all. Live-Forever said, "Forget it; Life treats you the way you let it." FLOWER CHILDREN iWEET PEA said she thought they might Give her a dress that was n't white ; So Mother Nature chose for her All the colors that there were. FLOWER, CHILMLENf3§£ NAP-DRAGON is so very bold, He plays his tricks on young and old; Hides behind the old stone wall, And shoots his pop-gun at us all. 'FLOWER. CHILDRENggfe R AGGED ROBIN on a lark Stole inside of Central Park; There they treated her so well, She soon looked like a city Belle. FLOWER. CHILDREN i^. ••\/ii.V-. v'.fS, Y <^ ARROW PINK and Yarrow White, Stole in on the lawn one night; Gardener said they had no sense, But they did n't take offense. 'FLOWER. CHILDREN i RIS in a country garden, Politely said, "I beg your pardon, But I'm from sunny France you see, And my real name is Fleur-de-Lis." FLOWER, CHILDREN p EONY 'S a charming lady, She does n't like a spot too shady; Likes to live out in the light, Dressed in red or pink or white. FLOWER. CHILDREN *fe#%a o NCE THEY LOST sweet Babe Verbena, Mother said, "Oh, have you seen her?" But pretty soon the dear was found Creeping on the nice soft ground. 'FLOWER. CHILDR-ENSM: D AINTY LITTLE Maidenhair Lost her way and did n't care; Played all day, the naughty child, With common ferns, who run quite wild. FLOWER. CHILDREN Y OUNG Sweet William, sad to tell, Rang the Canterbury's Bell, "Just for that," his father said, "William, come out in the shed!" FLOWER. CHILDkEN|Si)$ X TAUGHTY little Four-O'Clock ■*■ Gave her mother quite a shock; Stayed awake till nearly six, Oh, she 's always up to tricks. 'FLOWER CHILDRENtaS- i F YOU 'RE very, very good When you 're walking in the wood, Twin- Flower babies you may see, Sheltered by some old pine tree. FLOWER CHILDREN A LL THE SUMMER, Milkweed played, Like a dear, good little maid; But on a bright October day, She found some wings and flew away. FLOWER, CHILDREN c ANDYTUFT and Marigold Live outdoors until it's cold ; Sturdy maids with glowing faces Blooming in the bleakest places. FLOWER. CHILDREN|E3&- "ACK ROSE said, ambitiously, He would grow to be a tree ; But his Dad said, "Better far Be contented as you are." FLOWER. CHILDREN w 7ATER-LILY is very fond Of floating in a sunny pond. Tantalizing little creature, Likes to grow where one can't reach her. 'FLOWER. CHILDREN Y OUNG COCKS-COMB was so very vain, Hated to stay out in the rain; Said he would n't so much care, If he had other clothes to wear. FLOWER. CHILDREN o N THE BORDER of the wood All alone the Ghost-Flower stood, Like a moonbeam dressed in white, Such a very pretty sight. 'FLOWER. CHILDREN ^ *v G OLDEN-ROD, the lucky chappy, Grew up strong and tall and happy. Slept out doors, if you '11 remember, All those cold nights in September. 'FLOWER. CHILDREN M ADAME DAHLIA, like her name, Is a very stately dame ; Her family is so polite, It is a joy to meet them, quite. FLOWER. CHILDREN M ISS California Poppy said She liked the sunshine on her head, Though her friends might think her foolish, Thought this country rather coolish. FLOWER. CHILDREN c ORN FLOWER, Bachelor Button's sister Gay young dog, he never missed her — Went to live with Mrs. Corn, So she would not be forlorn. FLOWER. CHILDRENill- c AT-TAIL, growing in the marsh, Thought his Mother very harsh, Because she wouldn't let him play With Blue Flag-lilies all the day. FLOWER. CHILDREN i*3- iRINCE'S FEATHER, straight and tall, Grew against the garden wall; Did n't care to play, said he Came of a royal family. 'FLOWER, CHILDREN c RIMSON RAMBLER one day said, He did n't like the old homestead; Thought he 'd travel, so he went Over the wall on mischief bent. FLOWER. CHILDREN G RANDDAD SAGE, the dear old man, Says it is a splendid plan For all young children to obey; Says they did so in his day. "FLOWER. CHILDREN N OW LET the banners be unfurled, To greet the fairest of the world; Come Roses all, and pay your duty: Madame the Queen, American Beauty! FLOWER. CHILDREN G OLDEN-GLOW said "Well, I know I 'm just going to start and grow." Liked it 'way up in the air — Sent back word he 'd stay up there. FLOWER. CHILDREN^:-: B ACHELOR BUTTON, O, most shocking Found a hole in his silk stocking; But he mended it so neatly, Covered up the place completely. 'FLOWER CHILDREN!^} OLLY SUNFLOWER, big and yellow, Said : " I 'm sure a lucky fellow. To be small must seem so queer — I get a splendid view from here. 1 ' FLOWER, CHILimENf3i iTATELY Lady Hollyhock, In a lovely colored frock, Taught her children every day Precisely what to do and say. FLOWER, CHILbkENlSS: z INNIA stands so very straight Just inside the garden gate; Sometimes single, sometimes double. Never gives a bit of trouble. 'FLOWER. CHILDREN^- B ITTER-SWEET concluded she Would live with some good, friendly tree ; Went to visit Madame Oak, Stayed all winter, for a joke. FLOWER. CHILDREN s AUCY LITTLE Black-eyed Susan, When her mother caught her snoozin', Rubbed her sleepy eyes and said She guessed she 'd toddle off to bed. 'FLOWER CHILbRENf»': N IGHTSHADE has a purple berry, But he is very naughty, very; Little children never should Play with one who isn't good. FLOWER CHILbRENiSi-) G ENTIAN growing by the brook, Bending low to get a look At her pretty face so sweet, Stepped too near and wet her feet. FLOWED CHILDREN CARLET POPPY in the wheat, Said she 'd like some grains to eat, But when Head Wheat gave her some She made believe 't was chewing-gum. FLOWER, CHILDREN M ULLEIN grew up rough-and-tumble. He was Irish, very humble ; Still he was a jolly fellow, With his funny head all yellow. FLOWER. CHILDREN ilR THISTLE is a Scotchman bluff, His manners are a trifle rough; You find him everywhere you go ; He travels on the wind, vou know. FLOWER. CHILbREN^E' w ILD CUCUMBER said he guessed, He 'd take a little trip out West, Thought he 'd stay a year or two, And maybe he 'd see something new. FLOWER. CHILDREN B URDOCK and his family, With the gardener don't agree; But Burdock says if he 's your friend, He '11 stick to you until the end. FLOWER, CHILDREN c HINA ASTER thought he 'd do The proper thing, and wear a queue; But all his brothers laughed and said He 'd better cut his hair instead. FLOWER. CHILDREN c HRYSANTHEMUM is Japanese, She 's a fine lady, if you please; She comes to see us once a year, About the time Thanksgiving 's here. FLOWER, CHILDREN (OISON IVY did n't know Why every one disliked her so; Made her feel so very sad When people said she was so bad. 'FLOWER. CHILDREN i N A SWEET velvet dress of red,- On Christmas Eve, Poinsettia said: "I '11 hang my stocking up because This is the night for Santa Claus." FLOWED CHILDREN E VER SEE a plant so jolly, And good fellow-ish as Holly? Makes no difference what 's the weather, He and Christmas come together. COVER BOOK SYSTEM vr ■ I ■ '•■. 7i CrO) don Illustrate' I/. T. Ross,