W$t Hibrarp of rite Umbersttpof iSortf) Carolina Cttbotoeb by Wi)t dialectic anil pfjtlantfjropic g>ocietie£ C &gl-.Di4-e. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00043130496 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Form No. A -368 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/extractsfromorigOOdowl EXTRACTS FROM ORIGINAL LETTERS, TO THE #let&otutt ^Sityops, MOSTLY FROM THEIR PREACHERS AND MEMBERS, IN JfOBTM AMEBIC A: GIVING AN l|^ Account of the Work of God, SINCE THE YEAR 1800. Prefaced with a Jkort' Tlijlory of the fpread and increafe of the Methodists; WITH A SKETCH OF THE Camp Meetings. By LORENZO DOW. The profits, ariftng from this Publication, are intended to aid in building 3 Meeting Houfe, in the Mississippi Territory. PRINTED BY H. FORSHAW, EDMUND STREET. 1806. ? CI .'-'• . ) h 1 il •. . -I - ■ ' • • ■ : I . . . • j .■■,■.". B f»i • A cone if e Sketch of ihe Rife and Progrefs of the Methodiflsy in America, . j ■ . I ; ,. < . I . '■:<.■ - i • ■ • ■ ■ i : i i , = | .'■-.'! .... .: :'r.] I THE firft Methodift Meeting Houfe built in New York in 17G8 ;• or Ity&SPi I ■•: - J : ■ ■ ■ ■ 1773---if60 members in and about New York city, arid' in" New Jerfev', Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, and Petersburg; which may be divided thus : New York, 1 80 ; Philadelphia, 180; Newjeriey, 200 ; Maryland, 500 ; and Virginia, 100; ( a lmali-part of five ttates ) arid ten travelling preachers. ; T 774-- 1 7 preachers in all ; 2013 members. State of Delaware ' >i taken irt this vear. ! ■ .. ■ ; 1 775-^20 preachers in all ; 3148 members; North Carolina JE ' - taken in this year. - Members. 1776---9 preachers admitted on trial ; 4921. ■J 7 77 — 14 preachers. received on trial ; 6968. J 778—9 appear to be admitted on trial : 6095. 1779^7 >.y- . v 8577 . [7*0 WS. ( ( 8504. • illl~l~ 8 7 /admitted on trial ; J K)539. - 1784-11 y ': M498S ' ■"' J785---Thi8 year the Methodift epilcopal government was form-" m ed ; ^and Dr. Coke and Mr. Afbury were the two bifhops and there were twenty elders, and thirty-five deacons. South 'Jg Carolina and Georgia were vjfited this year. 1 8000 in fbcietv. 178S.>- 1 here whereabout 120 travelling preachers. Kentucky was y,fited this year, and Mr. Garettfon, &c. vifited Nova I Scotia.- 18791 whites and 1890 blacks. * 8 fc 35 -A° U , ng L preachers admitted on trial. TennafTee and lOhio vifited this year. 21949 whites and 3893 blacks! 1-788- . IV. 1 788—48 admitted on trial. Vermont and Connecticut vifited this year. 30809 whites and 6545 blacks. 1789— 42 admitted on trial. 35019 whites and 8243 blacks. 1790---47 admitted on trial. Bofton, in Maffachufetts, vifited this year. 45949 whites and 1 1682 blacks. 1791— -50 admitted on trial. Upper Canada vifited this year. 63269 whites and 12884 blacks. J792---39 admitted on trial. 52109 whites and 1387/1 blacks — 1 his ye;r 1 firft law the Methodifts, as they vifited my olace ot nativity; and, glory be to Wefley's GOD ! Rhode iiland was vifited by them. 1793—44 admitted on trial. Province of Main vifited this year. 51416 whites and 16227 blacks. 1 794—40 admitted on trial. New Hampfhire vifited this year.— 52794 whites and 13814 blacks. 1797— ^bout 300 travelling preachers. 46445 whites and 12218 blacks. 1800--- This year Mr. Richard Whatcoat was ordained bifhop, which makes the third. 1801 ---55 young preachers were received or admitted on trial.— 51186 .whites and 15688 blacks. : jrp 1802—61 admitted on trial. 68015 whites and 186 59: bJacksJL 1803 — 60 admitted on trial; 81611 whites and 22453 blacks.- . 1805— about 440 travelling preachers, and about 200Qlocai ones. Including 31 diftri&s. 95629 whites and 243 16 blacks. There are leven annual Conferences held in America. The bi- ihops appoint the times, andjiave the iplp power of ftatroning the preachers ; and are accountable to the general conference for their moral conduct, &c. which is held once in four years. Mr. Afbtfry generally attends all the conferences'; -but if noibiihop attend", a chairman is choVen for fh.it tiine. '■-■ In each diftrict there, is a'pretiding elder, who is i chofen. -by the bifhop, who h:.th power to alter the liations, or remove the preachers as of en .as he pleafes, and to take out youns'm'eH-to tra- vel in the interval of the conference. He generally ar\era.ls-all the quarterly meetings. gt| h -j fiiftrift. A young preacher firft is recommended by afociety.to a garter meeting; 2dl>. , from the ^quarter meeting to Jhe di&ri& confer- ence, where he is. examined bv the bifhop before the'^cohfer-erice ; and bv a mi'-pnty. received or i ejected accordingly^ Afteritwoyeaite trials, h'c .s admitted into fuJ connexion., and ordained. deacon, find fiith power to marry people; and after iwto years more, ordain- ed I.ei, and c.m admimi'ter the Lord's iuppex; Eighty dollars is a pre. cher's f da.iy , and his .travelling expences. A preacher" fcSm receive hSemJiets mto, focielv, but cannot. turn any out vvifefecmt the content of the majority of thole members the ttftende't is. tri^d be- fore. , They do not wear thfc gown and .hand. Thus V. Thus the Methodjfts, in the courfcof a few years, have fpread from Nova Scotia to the Natchez, on the Miffiffippi river; which the following Letters will' {hew, (as it relpects the jurifdidion of the •United .states) how the work of God hath flourilhed in all direc- tions, particularly within about four or five years part. And, as the reader will fee the name of Camp Meetings frequently men- tioned, 1 think it will not be difagreeable, to be informed of their origin, &c. which 1 will preface with a few reflections. The Gofpel, which began in the Eafi (where turkifh darknefs.or heathemfh idolatry • now prevails, and liberty of confeience too much prohibited) came as far Weft as ''it could, and find civilized informed people, viz. the moft wefterly village of Kentucky, where the pre'i'ent revival of religion, which now extends over the United States, firrt began ; and from thence fpread abroad. The gofpel put down its foot as on the day of Pentecoft, where the Methodilts and Prefbyteriatas communed together as united" breth- **?!' :1 J elatter of which, at their " facramental meetings," £> called, had a day for examination, and another for communion • and though the meeting would be intended to laft only two days' yet, beyond- fheir expectation, they would get detained all night ■ and on Monday the congregation would become larger than either •tft the preceding days, from the following circumftances : Perhaps f ffnan \ vho had brought his family in a waggon, a number of miles to meeting, and would be taken under convi&ion, and his wounds rokeen, that he would be conftrained to cry aloud for mercv. i r "™ ou l d be feized with the Power, and fall, and appear life- lets. 1 he former brought through happy ; and more would be taken in a fimilar way, and thus would be detained ; and after a ihort ipace find peace with God ; and fome Would lie for hours • l°,t ie W ^ U1 he E? t0 A el ,, th . e P , OWer > and though ftame or alarm attempt to go off, and fall by the way, or in the woods, and cry out ; even profefFed deifts were not exempt. ■1 hefeftninge things brought out f'uch flocks of people from the - adjacent places, that no building would contain them ; fo thev *vould be neceffitated to go to the neighbouring foreft ; and as the circumftances were luch, it was found neceffary to carry provifions. lo as not .to burthen the vicinity too much ; and alfo to make nre^ paration agamft the;inelemency of the weather, by fewing coverlets together or blankets, and preparing tents or markees ; and fome won Id ma ke (mall wooden tents or bowers, &c. 1 hus the name of Camp Meetmg was firrt derived from the neceffitated order of the meeting by the providence of God, (beyond man's expec- tation) inftead of human Wifdom. Thofe companies which came from a diftance by curiofity or lome other motive, would return home, fome mourning under conviction, and iome would find peace by the way ; whilft others would be^rejoicing in God, fd the furprize and alarm of their friends and neighbours ; and this would be the beginning of good timet times in their vicinities. When facramental osccafions would be there, it would be found equally expedient to prepare for encamp- ment, Co the' Camp Meetings (bread abroad into the.three eaftcrn and Southern '/fates. Rumours reuched the North, but, people confidered the reports 'as.. vague and falle. Many and various v* ere the ftories about this new religion, (b cilled, as I patted from 'New Jeri'ey to Georgia, .but particularly when 1 got t^ Virginia ; but I was determined not to form • rny judgment pro or con too qu ; ck ; and in the Carolines, j law tn'any' 'who had. at tended them, and acknowledged , that many of their'bad neighbour were altered for the better; yet that the •meetings were productive of much evil, which I cpu'ld not then '■contradict; but the accounts to me appeared. contradictory,; as -though the fame fountain would, lend forth 'Weet and ibitter ■water.- However, I was^determined to fee for. myfelf ; and accordmg-ly^ on my arrival in Georgia, 1 attended one, in February, 1303, on •Shoulder bone Creek. I- walked the camp at alb feafons of the •night, but law no fuel: improper conduct as yuas frequently : all edged, but to the reverie ;. fhouling and ., pr-ajling, hinging and praver; which convinced me that through the enemies of the gofpel of Chrift thofe falfe re'ports w'eie a ailed, to bring a itigma on t e cauie of religion. Here judge Stiih, who once was as. noted a deilt as was ever in the itate ; and being one day provoked, made, a rath promife, that he would not go to meeting again until his wife got converted; "which term of time was about four years, when the attended one of the Camp Meetings, and found a happy confequence to refult : to her foul ; and writing home to her hufband that the had now got converted, and he .could'come without breaking bis promile. He knowing her l'enfe and veracity, was convinced it was no im- pofition, and came without delay. Hisdeifm fled, and conviction leized on his mind, that there was a reality in the Chriftian Reli- gion. Some rn6n' v hs pafTed away, a,nd though he was one of the great ones of the earth ; yet, at this cold leafon of the year came, and pitched his tent on the ground, and before the meeting broke up, found peace to his weary foul, . and came forward with two of his adopted daughters, and publicly teftified what God had done for his foul. After attending fome other meetings, and feeing the happy confequences that had refulted in the weftern country, \ felt it in 'my -heart to introduce them into the centre of Virginia, and ac- cordingly made the appointment in Bedford County, in the woods, on the ground of a man of no religion, in a Calvinift fettlement ; and ro methodiHs nearer than fix or eight miles, and but few families 'fhor't of twenty. However, at the time appointed, a number of pre ichers fell in, though my difcouragements were great, as 1 previouily had engaged no help ; the weather appeared ■ " threatening, Vll. threatening* but in the morning God lent off the clouds, and a beautiful tun appeared, and many came out, and God gave us a token for good the ruff day'; and from thence the work i'pread_ abroad ; and as prejudice from the minds of the people againft Camp Meetings, which had been great, after this were off, 1 held four more in other parts of Virginia ; and fince they have become more frequent, and a glorious work is now.almoft oyer 5 the ^tate, more than was ever known before.' Thence I introduced them firft into New York State, then into Connecticut, and after jhatv into MaflachufettS ; and^f u'nder- 8™ * they imce h * ve mafie their wa r through the Province of Main and Vermont ; and from the beft judgment lean form, 1 it is my opinion that thole meetings, a* means 1 imder God, have been the caufe of the awakeriing- and conversion of more louls to God than all the other means' befide's in North America., for the time thefe have been in vogue ; and this flame which once was at old Jeruialemy and again broke 'out in, the wilds' of- America, in] the #^>, and is rdrrning^Eaft ward i$ &f fu}fii,rhent of the prophely. of Daniel ; and of Courle'., ' thejfJam'e'/.mu^C^ve?: faleftine again t- and it any one fhould a'fk me AvKa.t I think.of the figns of the- tunes, 1 antwer,, that Qpd hath a controverly with Zion, and is 1 weeping oft : the widked,. by fword, famine, and pettilence, and will not withdrawals, judgments, bnt rather increafe themj until' the wickedne!s : of the wicked comes to an end, and the kingdoms' of this world become the kingdom of God, and of Ch rift, and the nations learn warno more ;-*And ahb, ! 'I'believe that Buonaparte istheiecond beaft- ip-iakeri of^the Revelation, * which came up' out of the earth. - ( God with their whole heart* that it may be well with them in the da y° fevi1 - | .. i rl i, Ml ,./ m ■ , .i : ,oii - ' LtvtR^bbj,, 2d January, 'MW'!"" ?^?™ d T ■ • * ■ h ? ff, ond ^ot of Efdras, J 1th and 12th Chapters ; and Rev. 13th; chapter, and tit], verfe ; and the 1.4th chapter^ fei,d 6th and 7th verfes, I think *re * explanatory of each other* •&<:. ■ I i TO fj *- r d i i rnid (J; i b o . 9 '; W^u Rome, or Babylon, in fcrrpture,iis r fevy, in the trem^irdoumhour of ■•cteath,''. were* hop«ff<*[ii* fist at liberty, to prasi'e the God of their fal'vat-ion ■:■ finally, Wheni i thmk of the teltimony of fome, that 1 was iervicea'ble to th'dir b x'ies, as well as their fouls, when they were delerted by their . d:areft friends, in that dreadful hour; I do not regret that I ftaved in the city, but fee! thankful to God that infpired me with the rel'olut'on. I'he moil moderate eltimate, from the firlt to the laft of the ficknef?, will allow us to calculate upon the death of fifteen hundred, but the returns:fiom the 18th of Auguit to the 26th of October, were twelve hundred* and eleven i W e have lolt veiy few of our fociety; Perhaps you have heard of the deathjOt aged brother Andrews, and brother Tolliton, the former died with the bilious, and the latter with the yellow fever ; and both, I understand, died very happy. In Phdapclphia, it is laid, there, is a very great revival of reli- gion, and that ne^r one hundred have been added to the lbciety in two weeks, — We have a considerable ingathering in this lbciety, and more or leis are hopefully converted evcrv. wjeek. GEORGE ROBERTS. New- London, December 10th, 1709. THE Lord has honoured us with fome of the mod glorious times fince conference, that 1 have leen in New-r* ngl -mi! ! At our Middle Hu'.d::m quarterly meeting, which was the firft for thi? circuit this year, the Lord came down in mighty power! "Mar.y were Itruck and fell from they feats prottrate. upon the 'floor, cr> mg in bitter agonies, ,1'orr.e Jp-r converting, and others fofjlandtifviipg ara.ee ! |t hspDened/ we!l:thvit-brQihe>fi vviviy ;r . North-Carolina, Gates county, Knotty-pine chapel, March 17th, 17,99. WHEN you were with me I alt, 'you detired I would give you an account of the dear faints who are fallen afleep in Je'us, .in this place. 1 will give you a lift of their names, with u.iketch' ot tome of their characters. ., Elizaheth-Norfleet, one of the firft that embraced religion after I w fSi el ^^ re; : ch y ' h "I ; A e was one of themeekelt women, h'pattWriholf fmf to the end of her days. 1 i™i pi-pion, converted from the height of pride. and vanitv to a hu'mble lover of God and man ; full of good works. ™ ? ' ry $&$ d dear fim P.^» humble, tender, affectionate woman; Motes hit.trell, a man of great ftabilitv ; when living he kept up Jofhua's ref'olution ; his wife, children and fervants bade fair tor the kingdom of heaven, fome are faithful yet, and fome have turned out of the way. Mary Parjcer, who had much forgiven, and loved rnu'eb. • mm Rrchardlon, a good young woman, J-'ufanhah Bentbn, an honeft hearted chriftian, 1 bdieve j me went through the water and fire of affliction unhurt! fuch (he continued unto her end. Mary Haflett, a faithful follower of the meek and lowly Jems. Sophia Hunter, former wife of brother Jfaac Hunter ; a very pious precious woman. Mary 1 ugwell, her, life was upright, if be felt the neceffity of giving his heart to God : his anfwer was, that he was one of the wotft offinners, he immediately a-rol'e, and turned his face towards roe, and in hafte put one of his hands into one of his pockets ; and to my furpfize drew out a piltol, and held it in his hand for a {hort time : then laid it down upon the feat, on which he had been fitting ; and putting his other hand into another pocket, drew out a tecond piftol, and as he laid that down, 1 believe the Lord bleffed his foul. He then cried out, " O the goodnefs/of the Lord, in f paring' my life, and bringing me to this place, and bleffing my foul." He alio declared when he left home he had no intention of coming to this meeting ; but faid, " I came filled "with the devil and malice in my heart ; for 1 had loaded my piitols and was determined to kill a man, and if I had laid my eyes upon him, I would have taken his life, if 1 had been lure of going to hell for it the next morning." He then praifed God that he had filled his heart with love, and laid, "I now love every body." And notwithftanding his former prejudices, as foon as the Lord had bleffed his foul, he went to the mourners, exhorting and praying to God for them : at this meeting I think there were five or fix profeffed to find the Lord, and feveral went away greatly diftreffed. The laft time 1 was there, the congregation was large and we had much of the prefence of the Lord, both in preaching, and the adminiftration of the facrament. 1 believe at this meet- ing, four or five were converted, and many others wept much. One thing is very obiervable in this place, there is no oppo- fition ; the people, (if we may judge by their countenance) think it to be the work of God, and what they muff, experience in their own fouls. In this circuit, in many places, finners are awakened and converted. The Lord hears our prayers forfome who will not come to hear preaching.; at one prayer-meeting, they were earneftly pleading for their neighbours, and the Lord granted them their requeff, and lent conviction to a finner's heart, at his own houfe, and he began and continued praying till the Lord bleffed his foul : and when fome of the brethren were going home from prayer-meeting, they, h^ard him praiting God, and laying, who has been praying for me; as if .he had a witneis in his own foul that prayer had been made and anfwered for him. Another man of the wprld,- that would not go to hear the word, as he was lying upon his work-bench, conviction i'eized him in i'o powerful a manner, that he was conftrained to come to the people he once defpifed, to take count el of them. I have the happinefs to inform you, that within about ten months pait, my eyes have been bleffed with the fight of as many ae thirty i'ouls who pioleffed to find the Lord at one meeting. 1 am yours, C. WILLIAMS. North 23 North Carolina, June 1ft, 1802. ON the fecond Sabbath in September, after preaching at South-Kiver, I rode. to lawyer Sharp's, to attend prayer-meeting in the evening ; many appeared to be deeply affected and cried for mercy ; and 1 luppole there were about a dozen deeply wounded,; and Monday evening, at family prayer at my father's houie, there was a ferious cry for mercy, until twelve o'clock. On Tuelday evening a number of the neighbours collected : Immediately as meeting commenced, the cry. of diftrels arofe in every part of the houie. In this meeting two gave glory to God for redemption in Jel'us. The Saturday evening following, I vifited the Snow-Creek neighbourhood again, and a large congregation attended ; And in •the courfe of the meeting, eight or ten profeffed deliverance from the guilt and burden of fin. 1 held meeting as often as my ftrength would admit: the pre- fence and power of God attended the meetings, and from three to four, and from (even to eight, were brought to the glorious liber- ty of the children of Godj at each meeting. 1 formed a fociety of about fifty members, at my father's houfe ; on Snow-Creek near about the fame number joined in fociety. Numbers of the awakened and converted continued in the focieties where they held their birth-right and education. The preibyterian preachers in Iredel county, were in favour of the work, and invited me to affift them at a facramental occafion, to be held by encampment, near Statetville, adout the middle of February, 1802. They met at the time and place appointed. On Friday there were prefent teven or eight preibyterian minifters. From Saturday till Tuetaay teno*clock, the cries of the wound- ed, prayers, shouting exhortation, and ringing continued without intermiifion : near one hundred were apparently under the oper- ations' of grace at a time. But it was not poffible toafcertain the number that found peace and deliverance ; the probabilty is, if the meeting had continued longer, the confequence would have been wonderful. The public congregation was difmiffed at ten o'clock on Tuef- day. It was a common circumftance for companies to retire from the camp for private devotion, and ibme of them to be if ruck down in the woods, and for iingle perfons when thus retired to alarm their friends in campwith their cries. On Monday evening num- bers left the camp, and 1 fuppofe not more three or four hundred remained. I agreed to continue with them as did two or three other mini- vers; 1 told fome of the mourners if they would come to the tent where 1 was, 1 would fpend the whole night with them in prayer. $oon' after they came together, a young man told us, he, with his companions,, had left the camp in the morning and went to a whif- ky -houfe, and while one o'f the company was blafpheming, he Tfras ftruck with inch dread and horror, that .he quit his wicked " '" companions., 24 companions, and returned to the camp, and joined In with the firft praying company he met with, and the Lord maniftfted his pardoning love to his foul. This fimple relation had the moft Cur- prizing effect on the congregation. A young woman who was taking tome refrefhment cried out that fhe was feafiing her body, and her poor foul was in danger of perifliing to all eternity. The cry for mercy became general throughout our large tent, and fif- teen orfixteen rofe before morning, fhouting, praifing, and giving glory to God for pardoning mercy : at the fame time the work was carrying on in the other tents. Through the courfe of the meet- ing, many old profefiers who had been in full communion for years in the regular congregations, were ftripped of the garments of their own making, and caff, away their old religion, as it was termed, and, with repenting publicans, began to cry aloud for mercy, until they; had found the tinner's Friend. After this meet- ing was difmilsed, fome were found by the way -fide, others were ftruck in the waggons ; fome returned home praifing and fhouting, others crying for mercy. This may ferve as afample oflhe work that God is carrying on in this once abandoned part of the country : where thirty years ago, a living minifter and a living christian could fcarcely be found, now there are fcorefs of minifters and hundreds of chriftians. I am yours, In the gofpelof our Lord Jefus Chrift. PHILIP BRUCE. July 13th, 1802. AT the quarterly meeting in Swannino, May 1ft, and 2nd, Mr. Newton, a preibyterian attended, and affifted me in the adminiftration of the word, and the ordinance of the Lord's fup- per. It was afolemntime ; thought by fome to be the greateft meeting ever held in Buncombe county. At the quarterly meet- ing in Morganton the 8th and 9th of May, we had a very large, congregation, a folemn time, and fome very powerful convictions. At the Yadkin quarterly meeting, the 1 5th and 1 6th of May, we had alfo a gracious feafon. At the quarterly meeting in Guil- ford, which began on Friday the 2lft, and continued until Mon- day the 24th of May, we had the greateft time, and the moft powerful work that 1 ever faw. The work broke out on Saturday, about four o'clock in the afternoon, and there was no intermiffion till after two o'clock in the afternoon on Monday. 1 think there ■were ^at times) during this meeting, upwards of an hundred fouls down at one time crying for mercy ; between forty and fifty? profeffed to be converted. At the quarterly meeting in Cafwell, at Edmund Taylor's. junj f brother Jackfon met me. "">n 25 On Sabbath-day under preaching, the work broke out ; per- haps five profeffed faith, while f'everal others were ft ruck to the earth, and cried aloud for mercy. At the quarterly meeting in Haw-River circuit, held at the Hickory mountain meeting-houfe, which began on Friday the 11 th of Jurie, and continued until Monday The 14th. We had the greatest time thai, had ever been i'een there : The power of the Lord came down on Saturday like a mighty rulhing wind", and appeared to reft on the congregation; during the meeting. The number of converted could not be af- certaine'd. The work of the Lord at this time is reviving in a mod plealing manner in all the circuits in the diftrict except Franklin. 1 pray God to fend it there, and every where till the* earth is filled with the knowledge and glory of God. The preach- ers in the diftricVare all able to travel and preach, although ibme of them complain, and are greatly weakened by exceffive labours. i am your ion and fervant, '' in the gofpel of Chrift,. , . JAMES DOUTHLT. ■ ; . •' Oftober 10th, 1802. THROUGH mercy my life is yet {'pared, and notwithstand- ing the labours 1 have to perform, and the ficklinefs of Ibme part of my diftrict, 1 enjoy almoft uninterrupted health, for which 1 defire to be profoundly thankful. To give you' a particular account of the work of God in the weftern country, would exceed the bounds of a letter, and i'well into a pamphlet, I can therefore give you but a general view of what God is in mercy doing for this people. My Sprijig vifit ended at our old friend Phillip Gatche's, Little Miami, on the third Sunday irt June, which was the thirteenth Sabbath in continuity that 1 attended meetings from two to four days each. Our congregations were generally large (in places} where fifty formerly made a rel'peciable congregation, a thoufand; is now a tolerable gathering) and blefTed be God we were gener- ally favotired with diftinguithing marks of the divine pretence. I introduced the lime-ftone quarterly meeting with Rom. i. I 6. The Lord was prelent indeed ; we had a moft iblemn meeting time.-- At the Sacrament on the Lord's day ( which was administered out of doors of neceffity ). the Lord was powerfully prefent ; the place was ib awful, that the looks of the bye-ftanders vifibly prpclaim-y ed, lt God is here, and we are afraid."— — — Pt'alm Ixxxiv. II. was the i'ubjeel on Monday : The iermon that day imperceptibly led my niind back to the day of Pentecoft ; for truly, the burft of joy, when it could be restrained no longer, was as the^voi.ce of a iufhing wind, . A few appeared to be angry and withdrew, but D the 2d . • ■ - ■ . . . . .. , , - - the work continued till near {unlet. It would be mere conjecture to give the number converted. People came from far to the Miami quarterly meeting. I heard of women that walked thirty miles to it, tbthat our congregation was very large for that new country. On the firffc day we were favoured with the presence of the Lord in a lingular manner, and I think 1 may fafely lay it increaled throughout the meeting. On Sunday two young women of genteel appearance fell not far from the Irand, but were prel'ently taken off by fome men, (their bro- thers as 1 was informed) The Spirit of God, like a iword, pierced one of the men, and about ten Iteps from the Itand, he fuddenly fell to the earth, together with his weeping charge, and • cried aloud for mercy ! The other was gracioully vivited in like manner ; thus were four inltead of two deeply engaged ; this at- tracted the attention of many, lb that there were many convicted through their means, and 1 am informed they never refted until they found peace; by which means religion was carried into other paf*ts and the work of God continued to fpread. 1'he lalt thing relpecting this meeting, which 1 fhall mention, is a cafe of natural fimplicity which deeply affected my mind. An old woman, fitting juft behind me, while brother Smith was ipeaking, began in a low and mournful manner, and expreffed herleU to the following purport : ' " Lord, 1 have heard about thel'e people, and walked a long way to hear them. Yefterday while the man was fpeaking J felt very bad, and thought l'lhould fall down, but Lord I was afha- med that the people (hould lee me cry and fall down, lb 1 was about to get into the woods and hide myielf, for 1 did not know that it was the Lord. But 1 could not walk, i fell down among all the people, and all my fhame went away ! and now I am happy ! bids the Lord he has converted my foul ! Oh how light my heart is now, Glory! Glory to King Jelus! but oh Lord my hulband is wicked, my children are wicked! and they muff be converted, and there is no religion in the neighbourhood. No one to tell them how to get converted ! Lord lend ibme of thele preachers that have the Spirit of God in their hearts, into our neighbourhood, to my houfe, to tell the people the way to heaven'" This prayer lb affected me, that, at that time, I felt willing to preach the goi'pel to the poor in every dilconlblate corner. Our Fall-quarterly meetings for certain reafons, have uniformly commenced on Friday, and continued until Monday. The con- gregations have been large, and 1 truft the meetings truly profi- table to many. We have an addition of three thoul'and two hundred and fifty; thus we find that our labours in the weftern conference have been, in lbme degree blelled this year. The travelling and located preachers are fweetly united, and in the i'i irit fHphe work. In the judgment of many, methodifm. never was^rlo good aftate in the weftem country as it is atpreleht. There 27 . There is ftiU a very encouraging pfofped of religion in fome of the prefbvterian congregations. Some of the miniiters and mem- hets of this order are i'weetly united to us in heart and affection, fome are friendly, others keep at a diftance "- anjj we move on iri our order, glad to meet them at all times on proper ground of frienufhip, but when this is denied! us, we commit the ark to, God, and ftill drive on. About two years ago, -there was a great ingathering among the baptirts : but they are a ftrange people. When there was a work among them it was of the Lord, when it is with the methodilts and preibyterians, it is of the devir, in the judgment of tome of them. They unchurch all others, coniider them as unbaptizecl heathens, refufe communion with them, andftill if they can get oneofthefe into the water, upon bis prefent experience, they roundly affert he is as lure of heaven as the happy angels are, and thus make a Saviour of water. There is one thing more which I think deferves a thought. According to the reports, there is a great revival of religion in this country ; and we are great enemies to,flavery, but alas ! as vet their united ftrength is utterly too weak to abolifh it in Kentucky and Cumberland. Yours, in much love. W. M. KENDREE. Cafwell,' North-Carolina, June 5th, 1802. IN Roanoak circuit there is a glorious revival : there have been additions to the iocieties, and tome have profeffed converting grace. We had great congregations when 1 vifited the circuits. At a quarterly meeting at Malory's meeting-houle, it was the rno'i awfully glorious i'eafon that 1 ever taw among iinners, I judged the congregation was about fifteen hundred. There were few (inners but what were ftricken with the power of God ; and; many of the faints of the Moll High fhouted as if they had taken the kingdom. Tar River quarterly meeting alio was attended? with the power and prefence of the Moft High God. JONATHAN JACKSON. Iredell, North-Carolina, September 8th, 1802. SOMETIME paft, 1 gave you an accotirit of the work of God in this circuit: Jehovah is ftill working in great power: finners are coming home to Jefus day and night. 1 believe that iince the formation of the Yadkin circuit, there has not been fuch D 2 a glorious -28 a glorious reyiyal, and fo great a cry for mercy among finriers. Glory ! glory ! glory to the God of all grace for the many fouls that have been born of God this year. Now we reap the fruits of bur hard labours, our former prayers and fupplications. I am nearly broken down: my breaft is weak, but my faith and love are ftrong. 1 want to do good, and receive more grace. 1 am thine in love, till death . DANIEL ASBURY. ■ Baltimore, Novembe r 14th, 1802. AFTER 1 had the pleafure of feeing you at Henry Willis's, I was" confined for near three weeks with' a fever. The firffc quar- terly meeting 1 attended,, after, my recovery, was on the Federal circuit. We had a glorious feafon of'refreihing from the prefence of the Lord : fix fouls profefled to be converted. 1 have been able to vifit my whole charge, and to preach as much, or rather more* than common upon my quarterly vifitatiori. It has been one^of the greateft feaions of grace to my own, and the fouls of the preatJhers, and ancient members of the church. We appear to" have taken a new ftart for the kingdom : finners are coming bow- ing and kneeling to Jefus. In Little York they have now one hundred in fellowfhip, and the workftill profpers'. In Carlifle we had the greatefl. quarterly meeting, the people of God ever knew in that town. We went out into an adjoining lot, wliere I felt a heart to preach to the people, as if it was my iaft, like' a dying man to dying men. The God of matchlefs power came dawn : finners fell to the earth, and the taints of the Moft High fliouted like men -Taking, the kingdom of God. The whole town appeared to be : -'alarmed at the loud found of prail'e and prayer. 1 am not able to tell how many were juftified or landtified. Numbers were down, crying to the Lord for thefe bleflings. 1 have made it a point to preach perfect love and hoi neis every Saturday 'of cur quarterly meeting'; and the Lord hoth blefied this word of his grace, with the witnefies of it. I hope to write mere fully in my next letter. Prefent my chiiitian falutations to the rAmiftry, and believe me to be your's ijn the bonds of a pure gofpel. WILSON LEE.- - Iredell, December 12th, 1802. AS I think, it probable that you may. not have had any accurate account from Virginia fince'Yve parted, I' give you the folio-win The w The meeting we bad the pleafure of opening' at Rockingham, continued nine days, that is, until the Sunday week after it began. During that memorable week, bufinefe was wholly fufpended, both merchants and mechanics fhut up mop, and nothing- was attended to but waiting on the Lord ; and there wag alio a conltant crowd from the country round about. On Sunday, the latt day of the meeting, the door of admiffion was opened, and one hundred and ieven joined the church, of the new converts who lived in and near the town. The number of thofe who lived at a diftance, and fhared in that gracious vifitation, has not heeh afcertained ; but it is probable it bore a full proportion to thole in the town. -The pottman carried the news to New-Town, while brother Samuel Mitchell was there, and it gave them fuch a fpririg in that barren placed that when my information came away, about fifty fouls had happily found redemption in the blood of Jel'us ; and the prOfpcct was growing in that quarter of thfc vineyard, as ouv old Steadys had caught the flame. But trS return to Rock-ToWn ; there were ibme particular cafes that deferve a place in : my letter, especially the work among the pro- fefled deifts, among whom was young Mr. Cocran, merchant. Major Harrifon, and a companion of theirs. >'Cocran, on the Thurfday, determined to fatisfy himfelf as to the work ; took his ftand in the gallery, where he could have the whole Icene under his. eye. He felt unufual and concluding it was from the heat of the crowded houfe, determined to walk out and take the air. As he flipt out of the houfe, he felt an impreflion like a voice fpeak- ing to him——" Turn and feek the Lord," he turned, but con- cluded it was the force of imagination. He went to the door a feeond time and the imprefllon came more powerfully than at ftrff , " Turn and feek the Lord." He turned ipto the congregation, and foon fell helplefs on the floor ; he continued in that helplels ftate until next morning : while prayer was making for him, the Lord fet his foul at liberty ; his companions as mentioned above, were ftruck about the fame time. And next morning, Cocran's friend at his requeft fupported him to meeting, that he might tell the people what God had done for his foul, he met the Major and their companions, witneffes of the fame falvation. They rufhed to each others arms, and fuch a fliout of Glory ! Glory ! was feldom heard. PHILIP BRUCE. Albany Diftrid, November "26th, 1802. AT our firft quarterly meeting on Albany circuit, three profeffed to experience fanctification, and two to be juftified, and 1 believe'a number convicfed that we have no account of. i • On Harkermer- circuit on Sunday, mornjng, a little heaven was I : opened 30 opened in rove-feaft, after which we were enabled to (peak with a degree of life and power: but at the cloi'e of the administration of the lacrament, the Lord made bare his arm, and tinners were convicted, backfliders were reclaimed, mourners Avere convei ted, and many brought to ftruggle for full redemption in the blood of JjeitJS. The meeting began at eight o'clock in the morning, and luch was the engagednels of the people, that it did not end until the letting of thei'un on the 20th. Aarkermer and Mohawk being a (ix weeks circuit, we held another quartet ly meeting in it at Salilbury. there was nothing •very remarkable at the time, hut (Ince, the preachers have told me that they believe it has been a means of an hundred fouls being converted. From Salisbury I advanced toward the head- waters of the Mo- hawk river to Floyd weitern circuits, and here (glory to the Moft High) many could fay, " This is none other but the houle of God and this is the gate of heaven. The congregation being large, •we repaired to the lovely (hades of the towering tops and Cpreading branches of the beach and maple, where from a waggon, to a fattening multitude, Ceated on chairs, benches, logs, (tumps, &c. we proclaimed falvation in the name of a Saviour who died for all : the Lord owned his word, and many were brought on their knees to cry tor mercy. Wsi. COLBERT. Bethel, December 28th, 1802. I shall, in compliance with your requeft make an attempt to give you Come accounts of the inttances of divine power which were dilplayed more immediately under my own observation du- ring the laft Summer and Fall. It may not be amii's, however, to "begin farther back, in order to (et things in a clearer point of view. At the time when 1 came to Bethel in 1 799, religion was in general very languid. We had indeed ibme refreihing CeaCons, but awakenings were rare,— Lalt winter (1801,) when you came through this neighbourhood, the account you brought us, together with various circulating ones, revived our hopes, and we waited with anxious expectation of having ? gracious violation. About the fecond Sabbath in July, the prefbyteriaos appointed a camp-meeting at the Grafly Spring* upon Tygcr River, to which the methodifts were invited and made welcome. The people collected on Friday, and formed a fVnall (quare camp, in a well covered foreit : here wehad a fealbn of mercy indeed. On Friday afternoon there were Come tokens of the divine pretence. On Saturday afternoon feveral were (truck to the ground and made to cry bitterly fotmercy. Sabbath after- noon 1 I 31 noon was alfo a gracious feafon, Some were lahllow by the power of God, and Several profeffed juftification. The old methodilt's children fhared largely in the bleffings of this meeting. About this time our quarterly meeting was appointed to commence on Friday 17th of September near Hendrick's mill, (now Herndon's) upon Enoree- River. We had however, Several intermediate meetings of lets importance, particularly at Bethel and Tranquil ; theie were Solemn SeaSons ; many will ling of them 1 truft in the day of eternity. The work was pretty general through the cir- cuit,- by the time the quarterly meeting commenced. On the day appointed, 1 was on the ground by ten o'clock ; the people were then colledling and forming camps. The plot of ground was ge- nerally deScending and in Some places rather fteep, which render- ed it fomewhst difagreeable, however it was more than filled-. By ten o'clock we repaired to the lower ftand, making only one con^- gregation, as the concourl'e of people was not fa large aS to make it neceffary to divide : The camp encloSed about five acre, and there were about one hundred and forty waggons, &c. During the firft Service there were two fell to the ground ; the day was hot and clouds were gathering : the rain came on and the people fled to their tents ; the itorm was heavy and lafted a considerable time. It ceaSed towards evening, and I was Surpri- fed to fee with what alacrity all descriptions of people attended the evening Service. The. congregation was now divided, and the work was considerable at the lower ftand. On Saturday morning •we began early, and presently the facred flame, which had Seemed fufpended for a while, was rekindled and burned with increaiing ftrcngth. This was the r moft awful day my eyes ever faw : there ■was but little intermiflion through the day. In the afternoon we returned to ibme diftance from the camp, to do the buiineis of quarterly conference, leaving Mr. Canady a preSbyterian minifter and Several of our preachers to attend the ftand. The work now became very general at the upper ftand. The evening was calm, the horizon free from clouds, but rather dufky, which gave additional Solemnity to the Scene. The fhrieks of the diftrefled, the fhouts of thole who were juft railed from the depth of milery, together with the animated exhortations of the preachers rent the air, and was reverberated by the lurrounding hiUs. During the afternoon and night, it is laid, about one hundred and four were ftruck down at the upper ftand, and more than forty at the lower. The number converted could not be ascertained. On Sabbath 1 think there were about two thoufand fouls collected, Ibme thought a much larger number. The various lervices were lively, and many- through the day were ftripken, and many 1 fuppole quickened. It rained in^ the afternoon,- but did not detain us long from public devotion. This evening was attended with Some peculiar circum- fltanees'. There was much noile in the forepart of the night, in the latter, much Silence, I went through the camp late,' antf truly* truly it was' am? iritetfeftrng fcehe ; here and there were candles burning ; upon going to one of thofe companies you would find,. perhaps ievefal lying iilent as death and their friends wailing round them withfolemn care depicted in their countenances. This night- late, a man who had caff himfclf away in a, manner, as a repro- bate, requeued our old brother Crowther, to explain the potter and clay % he accordingly did, and fome time after the poor del- pairing (inner was delivered from the load of guilt, but ib excef- iive wais his joy that he brake forth in loud longs ofpraile; he leaped, he fhouted free grace, free grace ; he went round the camp ft ill Tpreading the fweet found of free grace. It was now near the break of day, and though few had taken much refrelh- me'nt by ilee'p, the greater part of the people left their tents to participate in the joys of feveral juft now lhatched from the gates of hell. More inftances I need not relate ; it may fuffice to lay that this alio was a day long to be remembered. We have l'een smd felt the blefied effects of this meeting, and 1 truft, when the ipring fhall:open fo that it will be practicable to meet in large nurhhersy to lee great things. I remain, as ever, your fincere though unworthy friend, MARK MOORE. Alexandria,. February 7th, 180S. THE Lord hath heard prayer, and we have felt the benign influences of a glorious Redeemer. Sinners have cried aloud for mercy, and have not cried in vain : for he that wounds, heals; and he that kills, alio makes alive. From the time I took my appointment, till Ghriftmas, (which time I laboured under fore exerciies) there were about thirty joined lbciety, and fifteen converted to' God. The profpeft was lbmetimes pleating, andatf other times very difcouraging. At Chriftmas our quarterly meeting began. We commenced the liege, which lafted iixteen days, during which time one hun- dred and' ten joined lbciety, and, on a moderate calculation, one hundred found the Lord precious to their fouls. Since that time, there have been one hundred joined, and I calculate leventy con- verted to God. This work of God has been principally among the 'young men and women. The children have wonderful difplaiys of the power of God among them : upwards of thirty have joined the fociety, between the years ofl'even and fourteen, and the fourth part hopefully converted to God. The Lord has paid me a thoufand times for all my bufferings in this work— —Glory be to his-n.ame t The 33 The profpecr. now before, us is very pleating, and the greater part of our friends are in the ipirit of the work. We have but little oppolition from the world. Your unworthy Ion in the gofpel of Chrift, JOSEPH ROWEN. Yadkin Circuit, North Carolina, Aug. 20th,. 1802; A great and glorious work has taken place in this circuit fince conference. The number converted 1 cannot tell. 1 have feen and felt more fince 1 law you, than ever I did before. Many ftout- hearted finners have turned to the Lord : and at our com- mon meetings, loud cries and fliouts of praii'e are heard. It is not uncommon for meetings to laft from twelve o'clock in the day to twelve at' night. At a quarterly meeting held in Iredell county, which began the 30th of July, and continued four days, the pow- er of the Lord began on Friday .about fun-let, under an exhorta- tion, and continued till Monday twelve o'clock, without inter- miffion. The groans of the diftrefled went up on Friday night from all parts of the camp, and increafed till ten o'clock the next day, when many found the Lord precious in the pardon of their iins. On Saturday afternoon, while brother Douthit was at prayer, the mighty power of the Lord came down : many hard-hearted finners fell to the ground, and cried to the Lord for mercy, as from. the belly of hell. The flain of the Lord were many, and. numbers that fell, role again with the new long. The next morn- ing was an awful time— -fome fhouting praife to God, others cry- ing for mercy, and the whole congregation teemed thunder-ftruck. On Sunday evening, after brother Ormond's fermon, under prayer, the Lord diiplayed his power in an increafing manner.— The heavens were black with clouds ; the thunder and lightning was awful, and the ground teemed covered with finners. The wounded were taken to the tents, but fome ftayed at the ftand in the harder!, rain, and pleaded with the Lord, and about midnight they were delivered. The ftorm of rain was lb powerful, that the wicked were obliged to keep clofe to the tents, and the Lord mowed them down on every hand. Mr. JHall, Mr. King, and my felf continued the whole night in prayer, for the mourners.— Next morning 1 preached, and notwithftanding the rain, they heard with the greatelt attention. Among the fubjects of this work was a doctor, who came with the falts of heartlhorn to ap- ply to thofe who fell : but the Lord brought him down, and ma- ny others with him, who went home praifing God. This is a little of what 1 have feen in Yadkin circuit. 1 am more than ever bound for glory. Your's, DANIEL ASBURY. E Fells 3*4 Fells Point, January 6th, 1803. IN the Baltimore circuit we have had one or two that pro- feffed to be converted at quarterly meeting. In Baltimore town we had a good meeting upon the whole, and fome profeffed to find peace with God. At Fells Point we had a glorious time, it was thought as many as eight or ten were brought to the knowledge of religion. At quarterly meeting in the federal circuit, five tinners came down to cry for mercy. Three of them found peace ; and we had a fhout among the children of the Lord. In Pfince George's circuit we had one powerfully converted in the time of family prayer, on Sunday evening, after we doled our quarterly meeting. At quarterly meeting in Calvert circuit, we had a very great and good feafon, the meeting lafted three days ; nine or more pro- feffed to find the Lord. I am, as ever, thine, &c. WILSON LEE. March 12th, 1803. WE have at prefent fome little revivals in feveral places.— Bofton, Lynn, and Marblehead have been favourably vhited. At Bofton, 1 think, there have been eighty added to the fociety— about forty at Lynn, and about thirty at Marblehead. This teems to us great doings in this part of the country ; but to you, who are accuftomed to greater things, it muft feem as nothing. Convictions among us, in fome inftances, have been lively and affecting: but in general, we are pretty ft ill. May the time come quickly in which we mall fee and feel more power. I went once round the diftrict of Maine, as you directed me, and I faw feveral conversions at quarterly-meetings. Since I came from thence, I have been informed that the work is proipering. In Briftol, on Union circuit, brother Baker informs, that one hundred and forty have been converted in lels than three months. The work in Briftol has perhaps been more powerful than any heretofore experienced in the eaft. They have frequent inftances of perfons, after groaning for fome time, under the power of con- viction, to rile in the congregation and give glory to God foi pardoning love. Brother Baker writes, " Laft Tuefday evening 1 had an ap- pointment to preach in the fchobl-houfe, but was agreeably difap- pointed. When 1 entered the houfe, it teemed like the gate of heaven. I never felt fuch power, fuch an awful, folemn fenfe of God before. A crowded affembly all deeply engaged. 1 began to pray, and felt my ibul drawn almoft to the third heaven. As foon 35 foon as 1 had ended, one, who for fome days had been on her knees almoft half the time, arofe, and fhouted Glory to God. Many cried aloud for pardon : and it was not long before another praifed the Lord for pardoning love. Our meeting continued till late, and 1 fuppofe nine or ten were converted that happy night. From Briftol the fire appears to have fpread into different parts of the circuit, lb that backfliders are reclaimed, lukewarm pro- fe'fors quickened, and hardened iinners, in ibme mftances, have fallen under the word, as if they had been fhot Could 1 once fee fuch a work as this, become general in New- England, like Simeon of old, I could depart in peace. I remain, as ever, _ JOSHUA TAYLOR. Fredericks urg, March 15th, 1803.' SINCE my latt to you^ we have had glorious times in truth. On.Chriftlmas day we began our meeting in Alexandria ; we had crowded congregations ; there were a few converted on Saturday night and Sunday night ; this, with the folicitations of the friends, induced me to ftay longer in town than I intended. We went on, and continued to have meeting every evening for fixteen rights, at which time, there muft, at a moderate calculation, have been from eighty to one hundred happily converted to God. and more than one hundred added to the ibciety, The work frill goes on there. The other day, I was in, and preached to them, when brother Rowen told me, that, including what I admitted when there before, they had taken in upwards of three hundred, far the greater part of whom profefs to be converted ; among which number there are between forty and fifty children, from the age of feven to fourteen years ; many of whom will give a very ratio- nal account of the work of grace upon their ibuls : the others appear to be thoroughly convinced of their loft and undone fitu- ation by (in, and earneftly engaged for redemption in the blood of the Lamb. On the fifth of February the quarterly meeting for Rockingham circuit began in Harrifonburg, which continued for four days and nights, with but little intermiflion. It was impoffible correctly to afcertain the number converted, but I think there muft have been thirty or upwards, with a number of (ancf ifications. I was very much pleafed to find in the friends, fuch a hungering and thirfting for the mind which was in Chrift Jefus. I think there are no furer marks of a genuine work, than to fee them eager to be made perfect in love. From what the preachers tell me, i fuppofe they have added between three and four hundred fince the conference, E2 In * > • 36 In Pendleton circuit, the Lord gave us five or fix fouls happily converted to himt'elf. At laft there is a very good move in part of Alleghany circuit. Br. Jacobs wrote me, that about the mouth of the t'outh branch, and Pool's neighbourhood, they have added from fixty to eighty members ? and the work goes on (till. At Shepherd's Town quarterly meeting for Berkeley circuit, the Lord gave us twelve or fifteen {puis. At Leefbutg, the Lord was with us of a truth. Glory to his dear name. Both on Satur- day and Sunday, fome profefTed to be converted— —Monday and Tuefday, brother Stier and myfelf ftaid in town, and went about to different houies, to talk, fing and pray with the diftrefied. It was only to begin finging and praying, and you would foon have the room crowded with people. On Tuefday and Tuefday night, ve were finging, praying, and exhorting for fixteen hours, and the Lord gave us fifteen converfions. This more than makes amends for all our labour. It was pretty correctly afcertained, that in the courfe of this meeting, there were forty or upwards converted. Yours, in the Lord* DANIEL HITT. Hampfliire County, (Virginia.) March 21ft, 1803. ON Saturday, December 19th, we had preaching at Old town, but no move ; but in the clafs, the Lord was powerfully and gracioufly prefent. Tuesday night, prayer meeting at Crefap's; we had life and power and fome awakenings. Wednelday night at '(quire Martin's, four or five were converted, and many awa-f kened. On Sunday, at 'fquire Martin's, we had a great day. There was trembling and quaking among finners on every fide, and hurtling praifes from the chriftians. On Tuefday night, we Bad meeting at fifter Breeze's, there wasa goodly company, much •weeping, fome rejoxing— -many awakened; and four or five pro- fcfied&ifh. On Wednelday, prayer meeting at 1. Crefap's. We had a gracious .feafon on Thu,rfday night, at. Luther Martin's— a time of great awakening among finners, and much rejoicing among chriftians, On Friday we refted ; but two or three got together at 'fquire Martin's, and one foul was let at liberty. On Saturday, January the lit, 1803, we had meeting at bro- ther Mc Laughlin's, a crowded houle, and much of the fweet pretence of Jefus ; we Continued the meeting at night, the flame rofe higher and higher — about nine o'clock, I invited the weary and heavy laden to come home to the Redeemer and join the fold of Chrift ; they did not want much inviting, but came forward boldly to the number of twelve. "They all came and kneeled at the table. On Sunday, we ha$ meeting at William Pool's s the new, 37 new converts carried the flame with them. Perhaps it was the greateft day 1 ever (aw, the Lord was of a truth in the midft, the iblemn air that l'at on all faces— the floods of tears and lamen- tations, the (houts of praife, and almoit general fpirit of prayer among all forts of people, made this a day never to be forgotten. This day twenty-one new members were added to the church. The meeting, with fmall intermiffiorr, continued till paft nine o'clock at night, when brother Martin and myfelf, having no help, were obliged to lend the people home, being quite exhausted. From what has been laid, you have had a view of the beginning of this glorious work, I ihall now confine mylelf chiefly to thofe times.when new members were added, as this will give you an idea of its progress. The Sunday night following, we had prayer meeting at 'l'quire Martin's ; one converted, and nine added. The next night we had two converted. The Thursday week after, two were added : on Saturday one was converted in my own houfe, and many awakened. On Sunday, at Mc. Laughlin's, the largeft congregation by far that ever was teen here. Sinners trembled on every fide. It was a day of remarkable power, and nine were added ; On Monday, January 31ft, we had alove-feaft. It is impofil- ble to defcribe the inexpreflible fweetnefs of that day. # The young converts fpoke to admiration ; two or three were juftified by faith this day. At night we had prayer meeting at T. Crelap's ; and two were added. Sunday, February 13th. Preached at Mc Laughlin's, and feven were added. Sunday 20th, meeting at Old town, we had a gracious day, four were added. On Thurfday, at Luther Mart'm ? s, one was added. On Sunday 27th, at Pool's, we had a glorious day, nine were added here, and three at Old town. . Thurlday, March 3d, in my own houi'e ; we had fuch a time in family worfhip, as I never law before. The next Wednesday night, at the widow Breeze's, two were added. Saturday, we had meeting at Mc Laughlin's, in the day, and at S. Taylor's, at night, five were added this day and night. Thurfday, March 17th, we had meeting at brother Martin's, two were added. Thus I have given you in as few words as poffible a lketch of the beginning and progrels of.the moft remarkably gracious work among us. It has not reached far as yet, but appears to be ip reading. Yours, I. I. JACOB. Extracl of a Letter from a little boy t to Bishop Asbury. March 20th, 1803. Dear Pappa Asbury , , 1 take the opportunity by Mr. Matthews, to let you know that 1 am bountl for heaven and glory : and inform you of the bleffed 38 Weffed treafure I have found fince I faw you ; that is, the love of God :n ray foul ; Glory ! glory to my blciVed Jelus ! that he gave me to iee that I was a firmer, and that 1 now feel his love in my fbu) ; and by his grace, 1 am determined to l'erve and prai.fe him wh ie he gives me breath. — There is a great revival of religion in and about New-Town, fince you paffed this way. Jt commenced about that time and ftill goes on ; finners are coming home to GOD. J mould be very happy to fee you, this Summer: we have kappy times, my dear Pappa. Preaching, praying, finging and Shouting ; ray foul is filled with joy, efpecially at thefe rcfrefhing feaibns ; hoping that one day 1 {hall meet my dear Pappa in hea- ven, who is gone before me. i hope you will excufe my liberty in writing, for I love you, and 1 want you to know how good the Lord is to poor unworthy me. Pleafe to remember me in your prayers, that 1 may be faithful unto the end. 1 remain, your unworthy bo v. JOHN TALBUTT. Georgia. April 21ft, 1803; TO give you a narrative of the work of God, in its remark- able occurrences, fince my letter to you, cannot be done with cafe; it may fuffice to fay, that the firft general camp-meeting that 1 attended, in the Georgia difiri6t was at a quarterly meeting Iteld for Little River circuit, and commenced on Friday the 8th, and doted on Tuelday 12th of October, 1802, at Rehoboth Cha- pel, Warren county. The ground was opened at the meeting koule in an oblong of near a quarter of a mile, with two ftages at lint able diftances, having the meeting houl'e in the midft ; the people began to pitch their tents as early as Thurlday night : by Sunday the carriages were computed at upwards of one hundred ; the number of people at feven thoufand ; the Communicants at fix hundred; Preachers at twenty-fix. Viz. eighteen Methodifts, three Prefbyterians, and five Baptifts. Preaching at the ibund of a trumpet at the hours of eight, twelve, three; and at night, the exereife of finging, and prayer; in the intervals pointing fouls to Chrift through faith. Family worihip alio attended by the preach- ers, night and morning, at fuch tents as were molt convenient, where feveral families might unite. Souls were converted on this kcond day. On Sabbath a'maiterly difcourfe by Hull, prepara- tory to the faerament. The two crowds from each ftage marched to the houfc, which was like the meeting of two armies, and the &outs of the redeemed were heard in the midft. At the table my aw foul feafted on the riches of Paradife : ray cup was filled, yea . " it 39 it ran over, while I proclaimed aloud, and concealed not the truth, no, not in the great congregation. On Monday the exercife increafed greatly, and Monday night was the greatelt I ever law. The engagement was general. 1 laboured by moon-fhine, under the trees, wet with fweat, and with the dew of the night until two 'clock. On Tuefday before the dole, the wife of Col .William. Stith, judge of civil law, being powerfully converted, lifted up her voice with ftrength, and ihouting among the thoufands, came hear the ftage (himfelf prefent,) to render thanks to God for con- verting her foul at that meeting. This made way for one to pro- pose that all remaining on the ground (for numbers had gone away | who had attained the like bleffing, during the fame period, would ftand forth with Mrs. Stith : a cloud of witnefles flood forth ; t iuppofe above fifty. I have concluded on a modeate leak there might have b°en one hundred converted during the meeting. Thurfday and Friday 14fh and 15th of October, I attended a prefbvterian camp- meeting, with Robert Cunningham, and had the pleafure to hear feveral openly teftify, they had obtained a laving religion at the Warren meeting, feveral 1 truft at this meeting obtained religion. From thence I palled on and attended a quarterly meeting for Appalatche circuit, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, 23d, 24th, 25th of October, at Pentecoft meeting houfe, and although we were 1 urrounded with meetings by other denomi- nations, yet the Lord gave us a large audience, and a great time, with faints and linhers,- ten converted and nine joined: from thence 1 attended a quarterly meeting at Cold* Water meeting houte ia Broad River circuit, where your appointments entered on the diftiift, your being hindered from us through affliction, brother N, Snethen came and we had a good meeting, four were convert- ed. From thence we proceeded to the place where your appoint- ments weteformedinto a jointcamp meeting with the Prefbyterians^ which commenced on Thurfday the 1 1th, and clofed on Monday, November 14th, near Lexington Ogle-Thorp county. The out- lines of this encampment were near a mile round. The firft day was moftly taken up in pitching the tents, lb me cutting down trees, lb me carrying off, others riling boards. About noon I was directed to open meeting, which 1 endeavoured to do from Rev. xiv. 6, 7. at one ftage, and Henry Mols at the other. Friday night the bounds of the ground was thickly flowed with camps- The number that attended on this occafion is computed from eight to ten thoufand ; the number of carriages at two hundred and fifty: Preachers twenty-five, Methodifts fifteen, Itinerants five, Local ten, Prefbyterians four, Epilcopalians one, Baptifis five ; the cpnverfion'of fouls began on Friday night, and the exercife increafed day and night, during our flay on the ground. It is impoffible to afcertain with any degree of prefcifion the number converted On this occafion ; but 1 Fuppofe from one to one hundred and fifty. During this cxercife ; Gen. James Steward difcovered a mark of general fhip, 40 generalfhip, in the converfion of his brother-in-law, Capt. J. .Floyd. Some time previous Capt. Floyd appeared under the alarms of a guilty confcience, but threw off his conviction, and came to this meeting, only to gratify the wifhes of his wife. Gen. Steward watching an opportunity, invited Mr. Floyd apart, telling him, he believed him to be a man of honour, candour, and truth* and that what he undertook he was faithful to perform, therefore defired he would then give him his hand in confirmation, that he would pray to God with him during life, for falvation, and if they went to hell to go with a prayer in their mouths : which pTopofal Capt. Floyd acceded to, and after brother N. Snethen had preached a fermon, and brother Hull had exhorted, from the Valley of dry bones j (or rather under the adminiftration of the word) in the prefence of thousands, Capt. F. fell among others, into an agony of convictions: 1 ftepped to him in full faith, for 1 felt the lanftifying power of the Spirit in foul and body, and while 1 was praying, and pointing him to Jei'us, he was vifi- bly delivered, and praifed God in an extacy of joy. He called for his wife, the partner of his boibm, who came weeping and fell into his arms, laying, are you going to leave me? after this, palling through the crowd he cried out to Gen. Steward, don't you remember the bargain we made this morning (being the Sab- bath). Many at the cloi'e, unable to help themielves, were put into waggons, and carried home. At the time of the appointment at Washington, we had a warm time in the academy, and I received thirteen members intofociety. At the quarterly meeting, in your appointment at Augufta^ we had a profitable time—one converted. I attended a temporary camp-meeting in Handcock county, at a prefbyterian meeting-houfe, called Ebenezer, which commenced on Friday the llth, and doled Tuefday the 15th of February, J 803. This being a vacated congregation, the meeting was ap- pointed and directed by brother Hull and myielf. Brother Hull not attending, nor any p.efbyterian minifters, the management fell on me ; and, notwithstanding the weather was wet and cold, we had about three thouland hearers. Our firft general camp-meeting, for the year 1803, was at our quarterly meeting for Little River circuit, at James Chaple's, near Scotts, on Little River, Columbia County, which commenced on Friday the 25th, and doled on Tuefday the 29th of March, 2 803— fix thoufand were fuppofed to be preient. The exercife quickly began by the happy falutation of the Stith family, this being the firft camp-meeting fince feveral of them were converted. The converfion of fouls began on the firft day, which continued, I believe, every day and night, during our ftay. The great utility of this meeting, was, in brightening the evidences of the young converts ; for many had become flat and dull in the interval of conference, for want of religious exercises, Our meeting doled by 41 by having a love-feaft at fun-rife at the ftage, in the open field, under the trees, in pretence of about five hundred people, chiefly prot'effors— a glorious time we had — the chriftians fpake with life, while ftout-hearted finners were melted into tears, 1 do aflure you, the. fweet union contracted at fuch meetings, and enjoyed for days together, like a heaven upon earth, makes folemn im- preflions on parting with each other. On the Sabbath of this meeting we had atrial of our faith, by a thunder ftorm, wind and rain, which appeared to threaten, and, for a fmall fp'ace, excited the fears of fome, as we were dwelling in tents : but he that laid to the lea, when troubled, ' peace, be ftill, and there was a calm* quietly broke the clouds, which paffed by with very little rain,, confidering what clouds attend on thefe occafions. We have very little diibrder ; but it is owing to Ariel: and good economy. I have confined my defcriptions principally to great meetings, and have omitted a number of remarkable occurences which have ap- peared at the intermediate meetings, clais meetings, love feafts, prayer meetings, &c. There had been feveral camp-meetings in Georgia, that I was not at, previous to thofe mentioned, where Jehovah prefided iri majefty and power, and many were brought to God. The profpect of union between the prefbyterians and metho- difts, ftill bears a pleating afpect, as you may fee by the copy of a letter at our laft camp- meeting, from one of their principal minifters. Ogechee, March 2Gth, 1803. I received your friendly epiftle, requefting my attendance at the camp-meeting : I hope you are fatisfied that I have mani- fefted a with from principle and praclice^ to cultivate a friendly intercourfe between the two focieties, and unite our ftrength againffc the common enemv. It is providentially out of my power to attend your meeting, for fome of the following reafons : firft, family inconveniences ; fecond, congregational inconveniences J have not been a fabbath at home, fince January, and mutt ibon leave home to attend a Prefbytery. Thefe two reafons, with others I could mention, will ftand with you, as a fufficient apology. It has been,^ and is my prayer, that God may make your meeting- the occaiion of much good to Zion, &c. Your friend and brother In the gofpel of our Lord, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. Your brother, friend, and Well wither in Jefus Chrift, STJLTH MEAD. Alexandria Diftridt, September 1ft, 1803. AT Berkeley we had a large concourie of x "ople ; the power F of 42 of the Lord was prefent : believers were much refrefhcd and quickened; ten or twelve pro fiefled to find him of whom Moles in the law and the prophets did write. Here we meai'urably loft our conqueft, by ending the meeting on the Sabbath afternoon. In Fairfex. the quarterly meeting was held at Rector-town, a place famous for wickednefs and the neglect of religious duties. On Saturday and the Sabbath, we had a powerful'time. Five or fix proferTed, thele were all from a diftance. We continued the meeting Monday and Tuefday, when the Lord gave us five or fix more, thele were people of the neighbourhood. When I returned to the neighbourhood of R.ecl:or-town, 1 found the good feed fown lpringing up, and bearing the precious fruits of repentance, faith and holinels, i'everal more were converted, and many others were under good impreilions when 1 was lait there: the work appears ltill to be going on, the fociety had increafed nearly three times the number it had been formerly. On the 20th of Auguft;, 1 met the preachers and people in quarterly meeting at BulPs-Skin in Winchefter circuit, here we had a kind of camp -meeting which lafted four days; numbers ftayed on the ground Saturday and Sabbath night, the Lord was with us of a truth, at a moderate calculation we think there mult have been from forty to fifty converted, and a number profeffed to be renewed in love. The week following I went on to the Alleghany quarterly meeting, here we continued three days and the Lord greatly blefled us with iuccefs, there were from twelve to fifteen who profefied to be converted. DANIEL HITT. Auguft 22nd, 1803. 1 am happy to inform you that the Lord is doing wonders in Limeftone circuit. We have added near three hundred, about fifty of which number, have come in within a few weeks paft. This is the laft day of the quarterly meeting in Limeftone circuit. Our meeting has continued day and night with buj: little inter- miffton. Sinners are flocking home to God by hundreds : Glory ! Glory to God, my foul is on the wing ! WILLIAM BURKE. State of Tenneffee, Summer circuit, September, 1803. UNTIL now, 1 never had a convenient opportunity of fending you a line fince your departure from the country. At that tirac our prefbytery fat. A vote was carried by a majority of the members 43 members for the » . of three unlearned men to preach the gof- pel The Lord has graciouily owned thel'e licenciates by making them initruments in the converfion of many. The Lord's gracious work goes on amon^ft us, though i'ometimes apparently at a ftand. Lait fpring it teemed tomewhat to increafe, and is now glorioufly leviving. In a frontier ibciety fouth of Cumberland River (a fettlement little moie than two years old) the Lord's {'upper was adminiitered a few weeks pait, fourteen profeifed during the meeting, and feveral immediately after. At the Ridge l'acrament upwards of twenty profeffed. Lait Sabbath at Goofe-Creek we had as great a meeting for the number of people as we have ever had in this country ; many think it was the greateft. There were between thirty and forty profeiTed. One fiubborn infidel was made to own the Lord who bought him. The Lord remarkably fmiles upon the feafon of giving and receiving the elements in all our lacramental and quarterly meet- ings. The gracious reviving influences of the holy Spirit flow lb copioufly, that there is frequently a general Ihout among the communicants from one end of our long-tables to the other. With Unutterable pleafure i can aflure you, our blefled union increafes, Glory to God! there is not jar, a word, nor look unkind among us, but the molt fincere and growing affection : Minifiers and people l'peak the lame things, and act towards each other as chil- dren of the lame family. When a gale from the heavenly hills blows on the great aiTembly, O how delightful to lee preachers and people fly into each others arms with tranl ports of joy and affection. WILLIAM HODGE. Cumberland, September 6th, 1303. 1 am happy to inform you that we are in common health : thanks be to God, he is yet carrying on his work. Sinners are yet coming home. 1 believe we have not had one lacramental meeting fince you was here, but what has been crowned with the converfion of fouls , and of late we have had three powerful meet- ings. The firff, about twenty, the lecond, upwards of thirty ptofefTed to find Jems. The laft, a goodly number, we cannot tell how many. Glory to God for ever, he works wonders ! JOHN Mc GEE. Winchefter circuit, Auguft 18th, 1803. SUNDAY, April 17th, I preached at Davenport's chapel, F2 the 44 the Lord was prefent in public, and we had alio a precious time in cla'fs-meeting ; four joined fociety. Tuefday, May 3rd, 1 preached at brother Scarp's, a few miles below Battletown, where fatan long had his feat. My congregation was fmall, but ferious, one of the congregation came to lpend the evening with me ; at the time of family prayer, the power of God came down upon us. The man cried out for mercy and in a very little time the Lord bleffed him. He {touted glory, glory to God, for nearly four hours with very little intermiffion. Next a little girl (brother ScarfFs daughter,) cried out, " what fhall I do, Oh what ihall t do," 1 exhorted her to give her heart to Jelus, fhe then cried, Lord here is my heart ! O Lord take it, and fo continued till the Lord bleffed her alto. She then ran to her mother and fillers, fhouting and praiiing the Lord. Not long after three of her fillers, all older than herfelf were brought to the floor and cried aloud for mercy, 1 can truly fay I never law pe'rlors in deeper diftrels About twelve o'clock the el deft rofe with a bright evidence that God had forgiven all her fins, and then another, and then the fourth ; lb that before iwo o'clock in the morning they were all rejoicing in the Lord A greater time of powei 1 have feldom felt. Wednefday 4th, we had prayer meeting in the lame neighbourhood. In the evening the news fpread, lb that a whole houfe- full came out to fee the wonder. The power of the 1 ord came down upon us again. Two young men, a lad, and four or five women appeared to be in deep diftrefs. Some ran away, others flood amazed. One wo- man continued to cry for mercy till after midnight. Her cry was, *' Can you all go away and leave a poor firmer in diftrefs ? O friends pray for me a poor finner. Jelus died for poor finners, and he died forme." 1 was fo exhaufted that 1 could fcarcely fpeak to be heard, but my heart was moved at fuch a cry of diftrefs, and I feit a degree of faith. 1 went to her and afked what do you want the Lord to do for you ? her anfwer was, to fancfify, to juftify me. I tO'd her 1 hoped the Lord had juftified her if fhe could but believe it, and 1 exhorted her to prail'e the Lord for what he had already done for her. That moment fhe role and mouted giory to God ! glory to God ! fhe ftill retains a firm confidence that God has juftified her foul. The lad got converted lince, and four of the above mentioned women, a month after, in the fame houle. The work is ftill going on in that neighbourhood, the place is greatly reformed. Saturday the 7th, our quarterly meeting began at Front-royal, that afternoon the work broke out in a private houfe under ringing and prayer, "the houfe was foon filled with people, when four were converted. Next morning the work went on glovioufly in love-feaft, feveral more were converted, and the Lord's faints, ihouted aloud for joy. Sunday the 29th., I preached at Front-royal, It being a rainy day. 45 day, our congregation was but (mail, we had a veryfolemn time. Ten or twelve who were not members ftaid in clafs. I opened a door to receive members, but none feemed dif poled to join. On which 1 propoied to pray for them, if they would come forward, eight or ten came and fell upon their knees, we joined in prayer for them, and the Lord's converting power came down, and ihe one that came up firft, rote prailing God, and then another. I turned to the men, four or five of whom were down, and exhorted them to look to the Lord. One of our friends obferved another man in another corner of the houl'e, wreftling in prayer, he got him to come up to the reif, he came, fell down on his knees and cried aloud for mercy. In a few moments one of them afoie and ihouted glory, and then another, and then the one that came up lalt. One poor young man remained in diftrefs. L do not recol- 1 eel ever being at a meeting where lb many got converted info ihort a time, fix prolefTed to find the Lord, nine joined fociety. who alio were much refreftied on this occafion. The work haS fince gone on molt glorioufly in that place, &c. &rc. At our quarterly meeting which began lalt Saturday, we had a glorious time — many finners were awakened, and at lealt twenty converted. We added to the lbciety about one hundred and twenty or thirty the lalt quarter. HENRY SMITH. Georgia Diftria, November 1 lth, 1803. AT Broad River and Apalachie quarterly meetings, about thirtv or forty were converted at each. The quarterly meeting for Oconee circuit was at Harris's cha- pel : about two or three hundred lbuls aflembled : fourteen methodift preachers, and a number of lively exhorters : about thirty waggons, and many other carriages, and ab'.ut thirty tents. Converfions at this meeting were clear and powerful,;, and as to numbers, not many fhort of one hundred profefled converting grace: among thefe was a poor Indian. The flame. fpread in different directions ; fome were converted in their waggons, and Others after they returned home. At the camp-meeting in Stenchecombs chapel, forty or fifty found the Lord. At the camp -meeting near Liberty chapel, many were awakened and fifty converted. 1 am, &c. STITll MEAD. Alexandria Diftrift, near Frederickiburg, Dec. 6tft, 1803, THkquarterly meeting at Leefburg continued until Tuef- day 46 day between two and three o'clock in the morning, in which time, at a moderate calculation, there rauft have been forty converted, and about four bleit with ianctifying love. I am, Your's in the Lord, DANIEL H1TT. Oftober 25th, 1803. I SUPPOSE you with to hear of our camp-meeting which be- gan on Friday, and as particulars may be agreeable, 1 will give you them. From Friday evening till Saturday morning there ■were ten converted — from Saturday morning till Sunday, morning there were twenty — from Sunday morning til! Monday morning there were twenty — from Monday morning till Tuetday evening, *\vhen we were obliged to break up, there were forty or upward. Upon the whole, 1 think there were about one hundred and ten torofefled faith ; though ibme would place the number at one hundred and fifty. One circumftance took place on Monday afternoon at four o'clock, which I mult particularly mention— After fermon, one of the preachers gave a Ibort exhortation, and called upon the members to be prayed for ; twenty or thirty came running to the ftand, like fouls running from the jaws of death. Without any intermiffion, the cries continued till dark, and then we had to move them off to another part of the encampment, where others were crying for mercy. Few, 1 fuppoie, ever law fuch a light as was then to be feen. The mighty fell — the cries increafed — and about twenty were railed to the liberty of God's children. Nor is this the onlv meeting that has been thus remarkably nbticed by the Lord. We held a camp-meeting at Pike-run laft Auguft, at which many, very many fouls were let at liberty. J was told by one of the preachers, that in his circuit he had found fifty who were converted at it ; and another preacher, that he found in his circuit twenty. At love-feaiis or clals-meetings, in that part of the country, it is no uncommon thing to hear them bleffing God for Pike-run meeting. The change that has taken place in thefe parts, is pleating. J can pals through this country and fee what a rapid progrels the gofpel has made in two or three years, in fpite of all enemies. O ! may it go on and profper more abundantly, is my prayer. THORNTON FLEMING. Newbern diftrict, December, 16th, 1803 THE greateft times we have had, have been at our camp- meetings. Great pains have been uied to prevent irregularities and diforder, 47 diforder, which has fo far won the hearts of the people to them th;it they want eamp-rneetings almoii every where. Jt is impofli- hle to tell the good which has been done at them ; for while fbme have been crying for mercy others have been ihouting the praiies of the Moll Highi there would not be a linner found who would open his mouth againvfc the work. At the firft camp-meeting, 1 luppole there were twenty-leven converted. Several at the lecond and third, about ten at the fourth, and about fixty-ieven at the laft, which was held in my ditrridt. Jn the lower part of the district, we have had the greateft l'eafons that have been ever teen ; and 1 hope the Work will go on and profper. 1 am, &c. JONATHAN JACKSON. Baltimore diflrid, December 6th, 1803. 1 have been confined by ficknefs for many days, but am now in a way of recovery. The work in the city and circuits has been moving on in power. In the Federal City and George-town a goodly number have joined fociety. In Prince George and Calvert circuits, feven hundred and feventy-two joined in the firft, fix months after conference ; and from the information I received, in two rounds afterwards, upwards of one thoufand joined, in other places the work has been going forward, without any vifible de- clcnlion. 1 am thine in the Lord. WILSON LEE. Baltimore, December 8th, 1803. THE aufpicious twenty-fourth of September at length ar- rived; the ground was cleared, the ftand was erected, &c. for we had lpent three days in the work, On Saturday, about fifteen miles from Baltimore, a little to the eaft of Reiftortown road, we commenced public exercife, on as handfbme a piece of ground, as perhaps, you ever law for the purpofe. Several converts hail- ed the beams of the Sabbath morning, and the brighter beams of the Sun of Righteoulhels. The congregation on Sunday was vaft indeed. About noon, the work became vifible, and general, in that part of the crowd where the christians flood. Three o'clock on Monday morning, put a period to the public exerciles. But we all welcomed the firft dawn of the day, with joyful hearts. O ! Happy day ! O day of mercy and lalvation, never to be for- gotten ! Twice 1 fell proftrate upon the ftand, beneath the over- whelming power of laving grace,* The day is canonized — it is memprable in the church, to numbers, as the happy Monday, the blefled 26th of September, 1803. The number converted * This man had been oppofed to a noife before, cannot 48 cannot be afcertalned ; but all will agree that there were an hun- dred or upwards, who were fubjects of an extraordinary work, either of conviction, converfion, or fanctification. The Sunday following 1 took my leave of Baltimore ; having deferred my de- parture lb long on account of the camp-meeting. On my way to the Potowmac, I attended Montgomery and .Frederick quarterly meetings. :The former was a glorious feafon. Saturday, Sunday and Monday were days of the Son of Man. — Hallelujah ! O glory I I am, &c. NICHOLAS SNETHEN. Camden Diftria, July 28th, 1803. AFTER attending feveral camp-meetings, the particluars of which 1 will not detail ; but contenting mytelf with faying the Lord was with us at every one, I will proceed to give you an ac- count of one held in Sandy-River circuit, which began the firft day of July. 1 have feen, in my travels many good and great times ; but among finners, I think this was the greateft I ever law. On Saturday, the Lord began to {hake fatan's kingdom in a glorious manner. On this day, a man was ft ruck with the power of God, who tried to get oft the ground, but got only about three hundred yards, when he fell and cried for mercy. Another fuch cafe happened on Sunday. One of the brethren and mytelf retired into the bufhes for private devotion ; fcarcely were we there, when a man came along, lamenting his wretched cafe ; two men following him, with whom he pleaded, to ftay behind, while he mould go and pour out his foul to God. We flood and liftened at him ; it was truly affecting ; he confeffed his fins in thefe words, " O God, I have finned againft thee, and dared thee to thy face ; and I defer ve nothing but hell ; yet J plead for mer- cy !" And I have no doubt but he obtained that mercy he pleaded for. On Sunday, and Sunday night, the power of darknels gave back. Many finners were on the ground crying for mercy, and many believers crying for perfect love. About twenty found re- demption in the blood of Jefus at that time. I next 'attended a camp-meeting in Union circuit; the Lord was with us indeed ; many were convicted, and feveral converted, and the fhouts of his people were heard afar off. At the VVaxaws alio 1 had a very remarkable and gracious time ; though this was chiefly among believers Several fpoke in love-feaft and teftified that the blood of Chrift had cleanted them from all fin. Eight more profefled to have received the fame bleffing and the fame witnefs at this meeting. Thus the work goes on. May it fpread more rapidly is my fervent prayer, 1 am &c. JAMES JENKIN. New- 49 New-London diftrift, December 5th, 1803. THERE has been ya. extraordinary work in the city of Middleton. It began at a kind of field-meeting ^hey had in that circuit in September l.a it is iuppoied, werebrouaht to the faving knowledge of the Lord in about fix .weeks. The fpirit of persecution is much awake. The houfes where they affembje are frequently ftoned, and the windows broke to pieces, but all this does not move the young converts, who are as bold, as lions. DANIEL OSTRANDER, Baltimore difirid, February <)th, 1804. IN anfwer to yourV which came laft night to hand, I will give you Come account of the ftate of my diftri6r, and of the work in pther parts. The work ftill goes on in almoft all the circuits and towns in the diftrid. There was a glorious i'eafbn at the camp-meeting at Reifter's Town, and there are great times at molt or all the quarterly meetings. Brother Rowen informs me that at a quarterly meeting at Leefburg, about fifty fouls found peace with God. And brother Ward had a camp-meeting in his diftrift, which lafted nine days, at which two hundred were converted to Gx)d. Brother Hitt informs me that the quarterly meeting in Alexandria, lafted a week. All glory be to God for what he is doing for faints and finners. I am kc. , ■ WILSON LEE. ■ - ■ s } Baltimore, Odober, 1803, I hasten to give you fome account of our glorious camp- meeting; . but al^s ! ,all defcription fails. It would take an Addjfon or a Pope to give you even an idea of the lovely grove, particularly in the night, when the moon glimmered through the trees, and all was love and harmony* The ftand was placed at the bottom of fever al fmall hills, on which our tents an,d waggons were placed. The meeting began on Saturday, and was very lively. On Sunday morning, Mr. S— — called his family to prayer- meeting. At ten o'clock public preaching began, and great was the power of God. .There were lcarcely any intermiffion day or night. It .looked awf^L, and folemn to fee a number of fires G burning 50 burning before the tents, and the trees with lanterns and candles fut'pended to them. No found was heard, except Glory to God in the highefl ! or, mercy! mercy! Such a night, my father, I never faw or felt before. Many fouls were converted, and many witnefled that God was able to cleanfe from all tin. On Monday morning there was fuch aguft of the power of God, that it appeared to me, the very gates of hell would give way. All the people were filled with wonder, love and praife. Mr. S— -came and threw himielf in our tent, crying, " Glory ! glory ! this is the happieft day 1 ever faw/' He fays he never knew fuch a continual power and in create of the love of God for three days and nights. We call it " the happy Monday." Yes, it was a happy, happy Monday ! a day long to be remembered, and a night never to be forgotten. O ! how 1 longed for you, that you might fhare in the happinefs of your unworthy child. Nor was our parting lels glorious than our meeting ; for feveral received perfect love after the congregation broke up. They 'were under the necerTity of difmiffing. the people for want pf preachers ; all that were prefent were worn out. Truly the harveft was great, but the labourers were few. Thole who were abfent, know not what they have loft ; nor can they form any idea of what we enjoyed ; It was none other than the gate of heaven. Where ! O ! where fhall we begin to praife redeeming love, for the peace and comfort and affurance our fouls felt in realizing the promifesof an unchangeable Jehovah. Camp-meeting! why the very name thrills through every nerve ! and almofl makes me think I am in the charming woods. Every foot of ground teemed to me facred. I faw nothing, heard nothing to-moleft my peace : Not one jarring firing. Every thing feemed to combine together to promote the glory of God, and his gofpel. Such indeed, my dear father, was our meeting ; and 1 can but lament my inability to give you an. account of it ; but it was better felt than expreffed. Sometimes you would fee more than one hundred hands railed in triumphant praife with united voices, giving glory to God, for more than one hour together, with eyery mark of unfeigned humility and reverence. The time between lervices was not taken up with " what fhall we eat, or what fhall we drink ; " but in weeping with thofe'that wept, and rejoicing with thofe that rejoiced, and that had found the pearl of great price. The preachers all feemed as men filled with new wine. Some itanding crying, others pToTrrate on the ground, as infenfible to every earthly object ; while the Mafter of afTemblies was lpeaking to the hearts of poor finners, who flood trembling under afenle of the power and prefence of a fin-^avenging God. They feemed unwilling to move from the f'pot where they flood, with their eyes fixed on them that were rejoicing in God their Saviour. After 51 After all was over, I walked over the ground by moon-light— the l'cene was i'olemn and delightful. When I left the place, I cannot defcribe the emotion 1 felt. It was l'omething like parting with all that was dear to me. My foolilh heart kept laying, adieu ye lacred groves, adieu— never, never fhall I lee you more. . I am your .dutiful And affectionate daughter, FANNY LEWIS. Lexington circuit, Kentucky, March 20th, 18041 1 have feen fome very wonderful dilplays of divine power in this circuit lince conference. About twenty joined fociety at Mount Gerizzim, the firft time 1 was there, great part of whom profeffed to he converted. About the third time I was round the circuit, 1 held a watch-night at brother G— — 's, in Scott County, near George-Town, where the Lord poured out his Spirit in a very pleating manner ; moftly among the young people ; the flain of the Lord were many, and two or three children, about ten or twelve years of age, appeared to be converted. . The work i'pread from that meeting all through the neighbour, hood. Prayer meetings were kept up, and by the time 1 came round to that place again, numbers more were convidted and converted. 1 now had a gracious time in preaching, the fire was kindled, finners wept, faints rejoiced. 1 then propoted to join thole in fociety that delired to flee from the wrath to come ; and fourteen came forward and joined that day, a great part of whom 1 believe enjoy religion. The work is ftill threading in that part of the circuit. The old profeflbrs in general are ftirred up to leek for perfect love, 1 have frequently tried to preach on it latterly. Numbers have obtained it, and are-no w flaming in religion, while others are preffing after it. LAUNER BLACKMAN. Limeftone, April 13th, 1804. > AS 1 cannot attend the general conference, I think it my duty to oblerve to you, that the Weftern conference is, in my judgment, of much more importance- than many think it to be. Methodil'm appears to be eftablifhed in the hearts of our people throughout our diftricT:. We enjoy confidence, peace, and love. And while the neighbouring churches experience fome ferious diitrefles, church bulinels goes on 1'mooth and agreeably with us. r O that it may ever continue lb ! the work is extending from the centre to the circumference, in almoft every dsre&ion. Wm, M'KENDREE. G 2 Cumberland 52 Cumberland Diltria, March 27th, 18(M. THERE has been and ft ill is a pleating union between the metbodiffs and prefbyterians, in Cumberland. It has been eftablifhed on chriftian principles, and ffands on good ground. There is a wonderful famenefs of fentiment, together with a firm- neis and integrity on both fides to fupport the union, and to pieis after vital holinefs. It has been productive of great good. Where they are thus united, pure religion is attended with ardent defires for Zion's profperity, and the falvation of tinners, (without the leaft degree of party zeal) While brotherly love reciprocally glows in their hearts, every thing muft give way. — Infidels are confound- ed — the mouths of gainfayers flopped— the work proipers, and 1 hope will profper. LEWIS GARRETT. Portland, Auguft 2d, 1804. THE fubjects of the great work which you witrieffed, lived chiefly at a diftance from the place of our conference ; and of confequence when they were to ieparate with the rifing of the conference, ft was like pulling apart the fuel of a large fire. The heat abates upon the i'pot, where it had been kindled ; but I hope in this inftance the feveral brands will be a means of kindling fires in various parts of the country. 1 have not ascertained the exact number who were converted in the time of the conference, but from the belt account that 1 could get, it appears that between forty and fifty profeffed to find peace with God ; befides a number who were awakened. It was, I believe,, the greateft time that •we have ever leen in New -England. Every day was interefting and powerful, as there were mOreor lei's awakened, or converted every day. But among all the days, Monday appears to have been the molt coni'picuous for the dilplays of divine power: feveral ■who fell to the ground on that day under the power of the word, appear now to be mining .lights. 1 will mention one inftance of ■which 1 did not know the circumftance fully 'till after your de- parture. Mr. Roberts of Gorham, who had led a very wicked life, and from the diftiel's which he had accafioned his father, was called " trial Roberts" came from home on Monday morning in a very high mood, as if he had been going to a frolick. When the work began to be powerful, be oppoled it, and having a fifter in the crowd, he attempted to go in. to bring her out : he had but taken a few fteps before he fell to the earth, and began to cry for mercy. Otheis united in prayer for him, and before he left the place he found fbme comfort. He was, however in great diftreis afterward, but was delivered in anCwer to prayer, when ■with two of h;s neighbours in a field of corn. After which he ■went round amone his acquaintances and connections, conferring his 33. his former fin?, and proclaiming what great things God had done for him. At this, the people have been {truck with affomfhment, (for all, 1 believe, acknowledge it to be the power of God in him) and ibme have been awakened through his means. JOSHUA TAYLOR^ ■ ■• Miffifiippi Territory, March" 20th, 180 4. THROUGH divine mercy my life has been preferved* I have enjoyed my health this winter rather better than uiual. Praiie the Lord, O my foul, and forget not all his favours. It was not convenient for us to come here by water ; therefore we let off through the wildernels on the laft day of October, and, after thirteen days and twelve nights toil, we came fafe to this place. 1 have formed a four weeks circuit and called it Wafhing- ton. A revival has taken place among the poor black people, and it increafes every round : About thirty of them have .joined the fociety, and the greater part of them are, I believe, happy in the Lord. In various places our white congregations are ferious and attentive. Some are like Agrippa, almoft perfuaded to be chui£« tians ; but pride, and the honour of the world, have hitherto hindered them. Thank the Lord, I have, however, feen bioflbms and a little fruit in this remote part of the vineyard of the Lord. Our brethren ieem ftirred up to feek their firii love, and tinners. weep before the Lord. O that God would turn our captivity as the ftreams of thefouth. Brother Gibfon was lick when we came here, and (till continues fo .: his legs are fwelled up to his knees, and he has alfp a violent cough. He has not preached more than feven or eight times in nine or ten months. He told me, a little while paft, that he was willing to meet with death. He and other friends urge me to ftay in this place a year or more ; and, from the fituation of things, 1 fuppofe it will be belt for me to continue. Tell my dear brethren (the young preachers) not t «*> «^» i Alexandria diftrift, Fredericks urg, December 3rd, 1804.'' SOON afteri the general conference, 1 commenced my firft rout of quarterly meetings, at Fort-Royal, in Winchefter circuit, on the 2nd and 3rd of June ; where we had a very gracious vifita- tion from above ; and the Lord fhewed his approbation by the renewal of nine precious fouls, transforming them into his own image and likenefs. From thence the week following we were at a place called Hedges chapel, in Berkley circuit : here we had a fweet and precious time among profeffors, and about fix or feven profeffed to find the pearl of great price : praifed be the name of the Lord. . # 1 commenced my fecond rout of quarterly meetings with a regu- lar camp-meeting, on Bull-fkin, near the white houfe in JefFertbn county; this began on 11th of Auguft, and continued till the morning of the 20th, and was conducted under the following regulations: at fun-rife, each day, at the blowing of the trumpet, the people affembled at the Hand for morning prayer : after morn- ing prayers, I detained all the official characters in council : the dciign of this council was_to correct any improprieties that might appear, and fuggeft any thing that might be adopted to the advan. tage and prosperity of the meeting. From morning prayer till 1 Q o'clock, we got breakfavr. ; at ten o'clock there was preaching ; at 3 o'clock we took a cold cut ; then fang, prayed, and preached again. As foon as evening preaching began, certain men, before apr pointed for the purpole, took their ftatiori, lome round and through the congregation, and forne others about the tents and waggons ; the former of thofe continued their ftation during public exercife*. The latter, with fubftitutes, continued (generally) through the whole night. The bufinels of thole men, was to detect any and all mifconduct in their power ; by this means we kept very good order : and thus we continued ( with but ljttle variation) from the 1 lth to the morning of the ^Oth day, when we (truck tents, blew the trumpets and journeyed ; in which time, we calculated on a- bout fixty-four or fixty-five ocnverted. Hallelujah, prajfe the Lord. It feemed as if 1 could live and die at fuch a place and ij, i'uch exercile. . . •, • On the 13th of October, we had another camp-meeting at Pipe- Creek in Maryland ; here we were fruihated with rain, early m Monday morning, lb that we were obliged to end the meeting that day : notwithstanding it ended fo foon, it is thought, at a mode- '-■ ' H-> >r .. • rate 58 rate calculation, we had from twenty-five to thirty converts • witfreightyten, or twelve fanctifications : Hallelujah, again arid again ! ! ! I think a well regulated camp-meeting, is one of the belt inftitutions in the world, to quicken and ftir up believers, and to get fouls converted. 1 would give it as my opinion, not to continue nor have a i'abbath day in the time of a camp-meeting. Whenever 1 have attended, there has been more mifchief on that day, than in a whole week befides, and generally lefs good done. At all events, the conductors of thole meetings (houid be very ftriet, and keep the greateft decency and order poffible. DANIEL HITT. Baltimore, Odober 10th, 1804. I have nothing to inform you of that will be Co pleating and interefting to you as the camp-meeting we lately held on Hamp- ton ground, near General Ridgley's ; the fpot of ground was fur- riifhed us by the General. The meeting was held, September 20th, 21ft, 22nd, and 23rd, about ten miles from this city. JU commenced on Thurfday about ten o'clock : We had not more than about five hundred hearers. Our commencement gave us !brae encouragement of the futurefucccfs of the meeting. The Lord was preient with us, and his children were uncommonly happy. : Some were awakened, and 1 believe, through the night, a few" converted. By ten o'clock, on Friday, our congregation had increafed to about one thoufand. No fboner had our exercifes began, than the Lord was in the midft of the aflembly : many fell to the ground and cried aloud fqr mercy. I never law chriftians appear more fervent and interefted for mourners ; their prayers and llipplication were almoft without intermiffion throughout the whole day and night : Numbers found the Lord. Saturday was, if poffible, a more happy day than thepreceeding. Our congre- gation amounted to fifteen hundred at leaft, all appeared ferious and attentive, the word of the Lord had free courle, it ran and was glorified in the conviction of many, and in the conversion of ibme, while numbers profefied to experience a deeper work of grac=. Through the night numbers were brought into the happy liberty of the children of God But the Sabbath, I believe, was g«rerally considered as the greateft day. We met the rifing fun by adminiftering the iacrament to about one thoufand communi- cants, all of whom were in extacies of joy. By ten o'clock, we had at! the loweft calculation, eight thoufand fouls on the camp- ground AH the minifters of God, of whom there were thirty, local and travelling, appeared to fee eye to eye, and lifted up each other's hands. While our hands were conftahtly held up by the prayers of thoulands. 59 thoufands, the raoft unexampled iblemnity refted on the whole congregation, and every countenance appeared to exp'rei's thete wor.'.s, *• All that the Lord hath done, frill we do." Our ftrong lunged men exerted themielves until the whole forreft echoed, and. all the trees of the woods clapped fheir hands. God came near, finners fell in abundance, chriftians rejoiced and fhouted, and a glorious facrifice of praife al'cended to God. 1 am confident there were not lefs than fifty converted through the courfe of the meet- ing, though fome fuppofe more. Often did 1 think of your words, *' lixtraordinary exertions muft be ufed to call up the attention and awaken the minds of men in extraordinary times." 1 am recon- ciled to camp-meetings fully ; but it was what 1 law and felt of the great things of God's power that reconciled me, I have not been fo happy for five years paft, to God be all the praife. On the Monday morning we ft ruck our tents and departed. Yours, in much love, THOMAS SARGENT. Miffiffippi Territory, December 17th, 1804, BROTHER Barnes and myfelf left Kentucky conference,, the 4th of October, and arrived at this territory the 4th of No- vember. We had appointments given out, &c. We have vifited the circuit, and have found ibme kind friends and very attentive congregations, and numbers have wept under the word. The Lord was with us at our quarterly meeting. Numbers 1 believe were powerfully awakened. realbn to believe that five were converted, and twenty or thirty powerfully awakened at this camp-meeting. Methodifm is in its infancy in this country; but 1 have no doubt that it will prevail in this, as well as in the other parts of America. The language of my foul is, Victory on Death. 1 had rather die than go to a circuit and not fee fouls converted to God. 1 can lay, here is my time, my talents, my life, and all a facrifice to promote the caufe of religion. In coming to this country, we had to endure hardships. We Uept nine nights in the open air. I am, yours, &c. . LAUNER BLACKMAN. Richmond diftrid, April 4th, 1805. ^orJ w AVE bcen tn the , ha , bit * of communicating to vou, the re- markable occurrences which have fallen in my way from time to H % time : 60 .time : but your being kept from us in tbe fouth by ficknefs, 1 have been at a. lots where to direct my intelligence. Being informed you will fhortly be in Baltimore. I mall endeavour to throw the .following narrative in your way ; but paffing over a great number of pleating l'cenes which might be noticed, for brevity lake, 1 thall confine myfelf to the giving you a lift of the camp and other meet- ings of magnitude, with their immediate eflefts, and then, in an aggregate, the contequences of the meetings will be teen on a more enlarged ibale ; though ftill much of their fruit will be unnoticed, being (tattered generally over the circuits. Dates of meetings. 1804. March 23— -27 Aprii 21- 23 c - «v' s^ Places. 3 c> 55 S' ■■ ' 8»c ?- Befljord County,* 50 Campbell County, 24 40 Gool'e Creek, lei Lynchburg, 16 Tabernacle, 100 New- Hope Chapel, 100 40 Tabernacle, 150 140 Flat Rock, 20 Lynchburg, 50 New-Hope Chapel, 40 49 Tabernacle, Charity Chapel, Pouhatau, .48 100 60 Bethel Chapel, 50 Leftwich's Chapel, Bedford c ircuit, 100 60 New-Hope, 30 19 BottetQurt, 50 Fincaitle, 20 7 Lbenezer Chapel, Bedford, 50 17 Tabernacle, 20 Oaks, Amherft, 40 13 Brown's Chapel, Campbell, 30 12 Chelhut Chape!, Frankly n, 10 11 Oarley's Chapel, Bedford, 20 13 1036 538 May 5 1 I 12... | 5 — --17—21 30 51 June 1 June 3 -_8 — 12 July 20— -24 2S---29 Aug.. 3 7 3 17—21 31 Sept. 3 — — 7 — 1 1 — --21 — 23 Sept. 23 Oct. 1 1805. March 29 April 2 Jn this great and glorious work, it may be obferved, that at the clofe. of two months, 1 numbered Itx hundred converted, and five hundred and twenty added to the church : and in the lix months, and that principally at the meeting?, the number converted amounted to eleven hundred and ieventy-iix, and eight hundtetland * Referred to in- the Preface, fifty fifty ioincd the methodift epifcopal church. With the preachers in the five circuits, Bedford, Bottetourt, Amherft, Cumberland and Franklin, each having one or more camp-meetings, hundreds are brought to God,, and into his militant church ; and other denominations have ihared largely the fruits of our labours. Jn this Work it may be remarked, that 1 have baptize near one hundred adult believers, from ten to twenty at a tirrie ; and after giving them the choice of the mode, there has not been one in- itance wherein they have chofeh immerfion ; and the bleffing of God has vivibly attended the ordinance by effufiori : and there are but a few who have joined, but what profefled faring religic% previous to their joining. Perleeution has raged in proportion to the revival ; but hitherto the Lord has helped us— and we can fay with the apoftle, 2 Cor. vi. 8. "By honour and difhonour, bjr evil report and good report : as deceivers and yet true : as unknown and yet well known : as dying and behold we live : as chaftened and not killed : as fbrrowful yet always rejoicing : as poor yet making many rich : as having nothing, yet poffeffifig all things.'* 8T1TH MEAD. Baltimore, December 4th, 1803. THIS letter is chiefly intended, to give you an account of a camp-meeting recently helH about fifteen miles from Baltimore. It began on the 24th of September, ami continued three days arid nights with fcarcely an hour's intermiflion. In order to give you a proper narration, we lhall divide it into parts. It was held in a grove or foreft in a very retired fituation, with only one blind road leading to it. There was a ftand erected in the midft of a piece of ground containing three or four acres ; and round this, the tents, waggons, carts, coaches, ftages, and the like were arranged in a circular form ; and fires were kindled at the front of the tents to accommodate thole who lodged in therh'.— The number who encamped on the ground, were not more than two or three hun- dred : this was owing partly to a fear of catching cold, and partly to a prejudice they had taken againft camp-meetings. Fjdrri theft considerations (it is poflible) we had not as many preachers as we otherwile mould have had : But there wete twenty 6r riiore, tra- velling and local. Our number of people on the week days, were from one thouland, to fifteen hundred ; and about five thoufand or upwards on the Sabbath. And although there were fo many, I never law better order in a crowded concourle in any place. Jt appeared thnt they were awed into reverence ; for although there was a great fhout of a king in the camp, 1 turned my eyes in every direction over the whole multitude, and could lcarcely perceive a fmile upon one countenance, The order of our religious exercifes- was 62 .was as follows. A horn was blown in the morning to colled the people to a general pra?er-meeting at eight o'clock. After this was ended, preaching at ten o'clock, in the afternoon, and at night. One f'ermon was preached at each time, and two- or three exhortations were delivered: during which time, the Lord in a inoft extraordinary manner was working with the people ; many fell down (lain with the f'word of theSpirit, and groaned like men dying in the field of battle, while rivers of tears ran down their cheeks: we had a number of fouls blefied on Satuulay and through the Sabbath. But on the evening of the Sabbath, and the Mon- day following, were the mod glorious times my eyes ever faw. If we (poke to any of the bye-ttanders, they were melted down like wax before the fire. It teemed that all their oppofition fled, and their fouls were ftripped of every plea, but, God be merciful to us finners. 1 feldom or ever taw a more remarkable hungering and thirfiing after hoi inefs of heart among the profeflors. They ■were deeply and powerfully convinced of the neceffity of lanctifi- cation. And this greatly increafed the convictions among finners. O my brother, if you had been there, you would have been pleaf- ingly aftonifhed 1 On the one hand, you would have feen a poor firmer leaning with his head againft a tree, with tears running from his eyes like drops of rain upon the ground, and lbmebod - going and pointing him away to the bleeding Lamb of God upon the crofs. And on the other hand, you would have feen a whole group of people, and from the midft of them, you would have heard the piercing out-cries of the broken-hearted penitent. And to turn your eyes in another direction, you would iee a grey-headed" father and his children, crying to God to have mercy on their fouls. And in the mean time, you would have feen lbme groan- ing under as deep diftrefs and agony of heart, to be cleanled from all unrighteoufnefs, as ever you law any under the guilt of unpar- doned (in. 1 could have led you from that, to a place where the divine blefling was manifeiled fimilar to the glory which appeared in the tabernacle of the congregation, when the wandering ii'rael- ites fell down upon their faces and fliouted : it was a tent filled with happy fouls, to the number of fourteen or fifteen, who had either been converted, fandlified, or had received ibme remarkable blefling that day. And while (landing near that favoured (pot, you would have beheld a fight enough to tranfport the mind of an angel. The crowd parting, you would have feen three or four perfons advancing towards you, bearing along a poor heavy-ladened firmer,' who had been lying helplefs upon the ground, groaning bitterly to heaven, being overwhelmed with grief and forrow of heart, and the dreadful onfets of guilt and fear. You would have feen him or her with the head hanging upon one ihoulder, -borne along by the arms, with the tears ftjeaming copioufly, crying, V Lord, fave, or J perifh— lave or 1 fink into hell ! " At length in one. of thofe highly favoured tents, where the glory of God was manifefted, 63 manifested, God would break the bars of iron, and cut in funder the gates of brafs, and let their louls at liberty from every bond and letter, and fill them with a holy triumph : and in the mean' time, the long of the Lord would be railed, in Such melodious melting ftrains, from every glad heart and tongue, that for a few minutes, you would be lb abforbed in contemplation, and loft in the villon of God's prelence, that you would imagine yourlelf already in I'aradiie. Hofanthib in the bigbeft ! Hofannab in tbe higbefi I " Prayer ardent, opens heaven, lets down a ftream " Of glory, on the confecrated hour " Of man, in audience with the Deity." No human language is Sufficient to defcribe the joyful emotions that were railed on that occafion, and the glorious dilplays of the power of laving grace. 1 was informed that there were not three minutes for one whole night, but what they were jn the exercifes of ringing or prayer. So it continued nearly through the whole meeting, except in time of preaching. But as to the number that were convicted, converted and Sanctified, we cannot certainly determine ; but we may be Safe in conjecturing, that there were as many as one hundred or upwards. Thefe camp- meetings are the belt calculated to rid the mind of the world, to ftrip the foul of pride, and to work upon the tender feelings of the heart, of any thing 1 ever law in the whole courfe of my' observation and expe- rience. The appearance of the place, at night, was truly "Solemn, and at the lame time romantic. While going to it, along a meandering path through a thick wood, you would hear the preaching, Singing, and other exerciies, Some diftance off : but at length, all of a Sudden, you would be ftruck with the fight of a large congregation of people, a whole train of fires around, candles and lanterns hanging to the trees in every direction, and the lofty oaks, with their (breading boughs, forming a canopy over your head, and every thing confpiring with the Solemnity of the- night to make the place truly awful. . j This is but a faint description, th* reft I leave to your own imagination, to paint out in livelier colours. 1 remain yours, aitectionately, SAMUEL COATE. n ' New-Jerfey, June 7th, 1802. me d to tell them what God was doing to the South, where 1 had ncing tvhich could IN order to raile the people from their Laodicean ftaie; 1 jned to tell them what God was doing to the South, where 1 had peen travelling, and telling them the neceffity of experiencing lomething of the kind among themfelves, and that a religion which 64., could not be felt fo as to make the foul happy, would not fupport us in death. I found the people began to give a ferious attention tp the word, and one here and another there, would be cut to the' heart, and added to the ibciety. r , ,, God attended the word with power— about fix fell. I he peo- ple icemed rtricken with great amazement at this new work as thev called it ; and many continued in the houie and prevented me "from meeting the fociety, with any regularity. This being the cafe, I fpoke to the members generally, that if there were any witneffes for Jefus, they would come forth ; they arofe and fpoke, and Chrift fealed the teftimony by a manifeftation of his power, cutting down upon the right hand and on the left. 1 fang and prayed, and difmiffed the congregation : there was a finall fpace of filence, but God did not difmifs them, but laid to his mighty hand, and continued to kill, and make alive through the whole night, till breakfaft time next day. , Since this time, the work of God continues to attend our feeble performances, both at preaching, clafs and prayer meetings, and a general alarm has taken place. B'leffed be God, notwithftanding, fome have been expelled, and otheis have died, and a confidcrable number have moved to the weftern country, we have nearly doubled the number of mem- bers this year. But ftill it may not be amils to obferve, latan ran- ges, finners and formal profeffors oppofe the work, but God s power is evidently manifetted. The work of God itdl proipers in this place, and alio commu- nicates to different focieties in the circuit.. In Rookaway Valley, the work is powerful, and many are added to the church. I he- Lord is thrafhing the mountains, and driving finners from their lurking places to feek a fhelter ; in the Rock ot eternal Ages. At fitter Meads, near Pumpton in our clafs room, the power of the Lord fell on about ten profeffors, and the mott of them profeffed fan&ifying faith. I am now impreffing the neceflity of holmels ot heart upon thofe that profefs juftify ,ng gr^ce. ^ ^ jv-g June 2nd, 1802. AT Harford quarterly meeting, three were converted. At Little York, we had a gracious time : the Lord was with us m- love and power. On Saturday our meeting concluded with a Ihout for joy. On Sabbath morning we had as great a time at the Lord's fupper, as 1 have feen for the number, lhe aged men fell from their knees proftrate on the floor, and gave glory toGodi for what their eyes had feen, and their hearts had felt. In Hun , ( , tingdon circuit there is a great and good work. J he preachers u 65 and people are happily united. In Frederick circuit, finners are converted. In Montgomery circuit, I was not able to attend the quarterly meeting, but I am told they have a growing work of God.. In the city of Baltimore, they have had Ibme ingathering of lbu!s iince conference, and many quickening feal'ons. WILSON LEE. Baltimore city, Auguft 10th, 1802. THE pari th church at Chefter town, eaft fhore, is under the care of the Rev. Mr. Dulhields. Their parlor has introduced, in addition to the ufual eftabliftied forms of the epifcopal church, prayer-meetings, and an aflbciation meeting for thole who feel dif poled to join in a more clofe union and fellowihip. £eirig_at Chefter on '■Friday night, the Qth ult. (the night of their attoeiation meeting) obferving their meeting- continued unulually long, and hearing them fing and pray alternately, I went to the- church between nine and ten o'clock— finding the door open, went in— two women were in diftfefs, crying to God for mercy : the Rev. Mr. Dulhields, and the members of the aflbci- ation, alternately exhorted them, prayed for and with them, and SHEETS y ? nS 3 ? d \ Uti l* S c "r" Ujr (. un * at our Places of worfhip, *£? ■? ^ alons of refreihings from the pretence of the Lord While 1, waspreient, one of the women, Mrs. N , nuhlirlir proclaimed that the Lord had lpoken peace to her foul-fhe reioiced fnTvi'f dec ' ann g. that f e canrie there in diftrefs-was then happy in the Ljord :• a long of prade immediately was lung, ddcriDtive of the pleafing change. They continued 'praying- withy and ex- horting the otifer woman in diftrefs, to believe in the Lord Jdus Chrift and the Lord would convert her alfo : (he did not profefs ten o'clock 6 m 6 ht - th « meeting was difmifled about half paft ,-n Sf hat G °?' S m L ni ? er £ and P e °P le mav fee eye to eye, and unite of he kin e m d om of th, he Redeemer ' s kingdom/and the deftruK oi rne Kingdom ot the grand enemy of man. ISAAC BURNISTON. K Hartford circuit, July 15th, 1802. vifif^ H P *i? wrote to you laft from Baltimore circuit, 1 have ful tfe Z f ? T °l^i ha T» and can inform vou w 'th Plea- favoured places^ " ltretchln S «* M*K&Q lave in lome, 1 In 66 In George town and Federal city, we have had a gracious fea- fon ; three fanners cryed for mercy. The love-feaft was one of the belt leafons I have had at any of the quarterly meetings. On the Wednesday night following, we had a ihout in the city : one of the three that had been in diftrefs found peace with God. The meeting continued till twelve o'clock at night. In Calvert, the preachers have joined one hundred and fifty in the iociety, fince the conference held in April, and Come are con- verted every vifit the preachers make. Ten or twelve whites found peace at the quarterly meeting, and about twenty blacks. The preachers are upon the mountain top. At the Annapolis quar- terly meeting, we had three or four converted. WILSON LEE, Rhinebeck, July 26th, 1802. IN the morning our love-feaft began, and God was with us : the fire burnt higher and higher,' till it burft forth in a flame, i'o that the rejoicing and prayers of many were heard through the town. The church windows were open— many fpe&ators were around, and many, who were not members, within. The power was fo great and genuine, that the whole itemed to be awed : I do not recoiled: to have feen a 1'mlle oh one face. This power continued through the love-feaft and facrament. - At eleven o'clock, preaching began — we had a good time, though the power was not lb apparent. I cannot teftify that any were born again ; but I have reafbn to believe fanners were awakened : and we are under lively hopes that we have feen the beginning of glo- rious times in Rhinebeck, for which bleffing we have been pray- ing upwards of eight years. FREEBORN GARRETSON. I bless God for the glorious difplay of his power, which I have felt and feen. Many fervent prayers have been put up for Rhinebeck ; God has heard and is anfwering them. Four per- sons in our houle on the Flats are under powerful awakenings. The face of the chriftians fhine, and their hearts are full of ex- pectation .that this is only .the beginning of good days. Sunday was a day of power. A little boy in love-feaft ipake like a man of forty : and t'uch a power attended every word, that there was a general move among the whole congregation. I am, dear fir, your friend and fifter, CATHARINE GARRETSON. Pittfburg, 67 Pittfourg, Auguft 10th, 1802. I bless the Lord, his work continues to (bread and grow with very pleafing profpeds, but in Come circuits more extraordinary than others. Our congregations are larger this iumrner than the laft, particularly io at our quarterly meetings. .Prejudice tails, yea, melts like the Ihow in the opening fpnng. 1 he : congrega- tions are deeply affeded-— whilft many cry out, What mall 1 do to be laved ?" ' ■„ . . 1 aim exceedingly pleafed with the profpeds on the welt ot the Ohio. On a late vifit to that country, my tbul was exceedingly comforted with the young converts : love and union rule ml he hearts of preachers and people* We have had a confiderable addi- tion of members, this laft quarter, and tome very glorious and profitable quarterly meetings. 1 am your's, in the gofpel of Chrift, r ,,-, X7 ,„ THORNTON FLEMING. September 16th, 1802. I received yours from Philadelphia, and was made glad to hear of the great things that God was doing in the north. You can recoiled: with pleafure, the glorious things that are wrought in this diftri***fg** o'clock it night ; the power of the Lord was pretent to hea L The° C next at da n ; g at four o'Sock, we met again and , continued till ten at night, which was truly a great time. The next day, Friday" we met at eleven o'clock, in order to receive • mcmbere we read and enlarged upon the rules, then gave liberty to thole who deiired to join, to come forward, and*fifty-two were ad- mitted, the moft of whom profeffed converfion at ^ m ee\.ng we then had a powerful time, and meeting lafted. till four a clock. wVmet again at candle-light, at which time 1 intended to have preached in defence of the work, but the Lord came down .in nn-hty power, and defended his own work. In the time of the firft prnfer, the work broke out, and many of the Lord s people became prophets, and a number of new ones were railed up ; Meeting continued till next morning. This was thought to be the molt powerful time, and thegreatert number converted, that had been, for the time, through the meeting. We had intended th,.t this night mould dole the meeting, but feeing tuch mighty works were done through the name of Jefus, we were contained to continue on Saturday and Sunday. We began on Saturday at four o'clock, by finging and prayer and admitting members, and con- tinue tin a™ Vu^Tk at night. Sunday at eight was our love feaft, at eleven was public meeting; and continued till eleven at night. And this truly was a great day, a memorable time, thefe two laft days we joined fifty-five perfons, lb that the whole number admitted was one hundred and {"even, the moft of whom profeffed juttifying grace ; befides the number converted, that were in fociety before, and numbers that did not join, being, members of other l'ocieties. During the courie of the meeting, f'uch power attended, that numbers were ftruck down quite in- active, and fome in a rneafure convulfed ; one lay more than fix hours before he arofe ; a number of others not lb long. It is remarkable, that there were many more men than women, thus ftruck down, Ibrriebfwhom came, as they laid ; to make fport ; and one, lent as a (py, became the lubject of this work. 1 hardly- need to tell you, that generally when they role, it was with a new long in their mouths, even praile to the Lord, with clapping of hands, leaping and fhouting aloud ; and exhorting others to turn to the Lord, who had (hewed mercy unto them. Bleffed be the Lord, the work ttill goes on in ieveral parts of the circuit, and is fpreading more generally. ; Our quarterly meeting, which was nnce, was held in the woods, ievepl.eame in waggons : it lafted three days, and the laft day and night was the greateft time ; great good was done— —Ieveral profefled julti- , ficatioti, At our common preaching, prayex and clais meetings, the 72 . the Lord pours out his Spirit, fo that we have manv times of re- frefliing from the pretence of the Lord From what has been done and is:ffcill doing, we are i encouraged to hope for great times ftill, and have therefore appointed a meeting at Chriftmas for three days. Your's, in much love, JAMES WARD. Mayfield, December 11th, 1802. I had, for a confiderable time before you were here, been under deep convi&ion of fin, and was made deeply ienfible of my fallen condition, and of the neceflity of the merits of a Saviour. The obiervation which you made when you left us, expretfing your fears that I fiiould haltat being analmoj} cbrijtian t made.a deepand lafting impreflion on my mind. I was made to double my dili- gence, and cry continually to God for his redeeming love, thro' the ali-atoning blood of the Lamb. On the firft day of Oclober laft, it pleafed God in his great mercy, in a confiderable degree, to manifeit himt'elf to me, and to relieve me from the load of fin under which fny tbul had been ib long opprefled ; and on the eighth of the fame month, at the camp-meeting at Rehoboth, it pleafed God, in his infinite mercy, and all-redeeming love, to give me a el»«««*a mcwiifcaation b£dm£ love and power, that my fi "S were forgiven, through the merits and blood of the dear- Redeemer. O help me to praiie and mag- nify the holy King of Righteouinefs, for his great and unmerited goodneis. 1 have great reafon to thank the Lord that I have continued to feel much of the power of his love. J every day experience more of his loving kindnefs and fee new beauties, and feel new plea- fures in a religious life. 1 pray to be humble, and'to leek con- tinually to pofiels the meek and lowly fpirit which characterized our great Mafter. Remember me, dear and reverend fii, in your prayers, that 1 faint not. We have abundant reafon to praife and glorify God for the great and wonderful revival of religion in our neighbourhood and coun- ty. The Lord has been pleated to pour out his Spirit in an extra- ■ ordinary and wonderful manner, fince your laft vifit to this part of the world. Many have come to God and been made happy in having the witneis?of his holy Spirit, and very many are ftrongly convinced of fin, and are crying to God for the faith that is in Jetus. May the Lord mightily pour out his Spirit on all who teek I his love to know. Indeed Georgia appears to be alive to God. Accounts from almoft every part of the ftate, bring the glad ti- dings of the manifeftations of his love to tinners. May his gofpel run and-be glorified until it fhall cover the whole earth, as the; waters cover th« great deep. The 73 The Lord has begun a glorious work in our family, and I have much reafon to hope, through divine mercy, that the time is not far diftant when we mall praife and adore his hely name with one heart and with one voice. O may God in his infinite mercy and goodnefs, haften the happy; period. Dear fir, affilt my feeble prayers for myfelf and them ; believe me your obliged and affectionate fervant, M^LLY STlTH. WE enjoy great peace and harmony through the circuits, and the work of the Lord profpers. We have had ibme of the greateft meetings of late that I have leen in the weftern country. At the facrament in Limeftone and the quarterly meeting in Miami circuit, the power of God was awfully manifested among the people. Some of the worft finners and mofr. violent oppofers to religion, were fubjecfs of the work, and we hopej were happily converted from the error of their ways. Wm. Mc KEN DREE, Greenbrier circuit, April 2nd, 1804. IN June, 1803, brother w.^rritl^ brother L. C. vifited my fchool, and glory to God, many both old and young felt the power of convicting grace. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, they held quarterly meeting: on Friday, many concerted ;.on Saturday, ibme ; Sunday 1 , the way feemed open for the work to goon. And in September, brother J. W. with brother W. C. came again— at my fchool, ibme converted ; on Friday, at Gilboa, many converted ; on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, at Mount- Tabor, fourteen or more profefled faith. From this time, the work went on with and without preachers. From September, to the l§th of November, we fuppofed one iundred were converted, in the big and little levels. On the 19th of November, our camp-meeting began at Giiboa, which lafted nine days and nights, with very little if any intermiflion. The number attended was from five to fifteen hundred. The number converted* fuppofed from one hundred and eighty to two hundred. JOHN P1NNEL. **- «** *■ ■*- -*■ *** Extrac? of a Letter from William Heath, to Ezekiel Cooper. Lynchburg, July 25th, 1804. / TO you, I fuppofe, it will be matter of joy, to hear of the gtoipenty of Zion in thefe parts of the Lord's vineyard. K The I 74 The camp-meetings, which have been ufual, in the fouth and weft, for fpme years, never began with us, till the laft ipritig. On the 23rd of March, a camp-meeting was held by Lorenzo Dow,* in junction with a number of other preachers and minifters ; at winch, fifty fouls profefTed to find peace with God ; from this, the work 6f God fpread, in almoft every diredtion ; for many were awakened at this meeting, who, afterwards found the peari of great price. At the feveral meetings, which were held at Flat- .Creek meeting-houfe, by the 16th of April, twenty-four fouls profefTed converting grace ; and the work has continued more rap-d it that place ever tince : forty have joined the church there ; and fixteen in the neighbourhood above that, have profefTed con- venor: and planted a ibciety among us. In the town and vicinity, from the beginning of the work, in April, until nbw, from fix, to twelve, and fixteen, at a meeting, have profefTed to find the pearl of great price ; fb that from a clals of twenty members, we have now one hundred and fixty. — Blefs the Lord, O my foul! and let all the people magnify his holy name ! On the 5th of May, a meeting was appointed at a place, fifteen miles above us, called the Tabernacle, to be held three days ; but the work was ib great, that it continued five days, day and night, ■with very little intermiflicm : in which time, nnp Hundred were thought to obtain true confc.fiun. from the 12th to the 15th of May, at a place called New-hope, five miles from town, we had another meeting, which continued alio day and night, at which, there were about one hundred profefTed to get converted ; and many are daily added to our numbers. From the 1 7th to the 22nd of May, meeting again, at Tabernacle meeting-houie, at which place the people encamped on the ground, and continued preaching, praying, and other godly exercifes, night and day, for the five days, in which time, one hundred and fifty were thought to be favinglv converted ; and one hundred and forty joined the methodift church at that time and place. From the 8th to the a 2th of June, another camp-meeting was held at Charity, Chapel, Powatan, at which, one hundred ibuls were thought to obtain laving converfion ; and fixty joined the methbdift church. From the 20th to the 24th of this month, we had a camp-meeting in Bedford, at Leftwitch's meeting-houfe, at which, one hundred and ten came forward, and gave teftimony of their faith, that God had converged their fouls. Very many are the prayer, clais, and preaching meetings, not mentioned here, at which the Lord pours out his Spirit in a wonderful manner. Confidering -the low ebb of religion among us, before the revival began, 1 can truly fay, that 1 never law or read of greater times: true, the times mentioned by brother Cox, in his letter to bilhop Coke, in 1737, were great j but 1 was in the whole of that revival, as well as this, and it is my opinion, that this revival far exceeds that. The glorious work isfpreading in various dire&ions, and exten- fivelv. 75 lively. It is chiefly among the methodiits ; though our prefbyterian brethren are very friendly, and labour mightily with and among us. Indeed my brother, we hope, t and, at times, are clmoft led to believe, that the glorious millenium is ufliering on ! Proclaim at your pleafure the contents of this, or any part. I am, in the belt of bonds, Thine, &c. WILLIAM HEATH. The Experience of Richard Greaves, of Dinwiddle County, fate of Virginia, who departed this life in the month of May, 1 800. Transcribed fr obi his own writing, IT has been about twenty years lince I have been acquainted with the goodnei's of God, and nearly the fame time fince J had realbn to believe that I ftood in a ftate of acceptance with God, Still 1 have felt the war between nature and grace lb itrong, that 1 was afraid, many times, 1 Ihould fall by the hand of my enemies, without lbme greater deliverance, i have many times had a pleafing view of a field of religion before. me, of loving God with all my Tieart, but wnen I o-ttpmnted to come to God for it, that T might rejoice ever more, pray without sealing, and in every thing give thanks, it appeared to be fbmething at a diftance that 1 could not lay hold of. So 1 have been for leven or eight years praying for a clean heart, and power over my- enemies ; i'ometimes hoping, fometimes delpairing, till about the firli of laft June, when I Was well Convinced that 1 did not fully believe the doctrine of ianctification, for 1 thought, if 1 believed that there was luch a bleffing for me, and it was ablblutely necelTary for rne to prepare for heaven, 1 could not relt without it ; that 1 Ihould go into del- pair if I did not receive it, and now I began to pray in earneit, that God would open my underltanding, and give me to lee and feel the need of pure love, and dil'cover to me, as 1 could bear, the depth of inbred fin, that I might not relt tatisfied with any- thing '{hort of that perfect love that calf eth out fear. God did ibon dilcover to me, as 1 had never leen before, the depth of my corruptions, and gave an inward hungering and thirlting after full falyation : 1 faw luch a fulnefs in God's word, and luch a willing* nefs in him to give his love, that one evening after 1 had been pleading his promiles, I felt a peace and Itrong confidence in him ; £n hope iprungup in, my heart that God would cleanle me from my fins, and give me power over my enemies : In this hope 1 went to bed and felt my heart ftill breathing after full falvation, where he poured down luch love as I never felt before. In an cxtacv^f joy, the language of my heart was, Is God come to cleanle we frpm, fin ? The impreffion was i*o great, that it affected my body 76 as I lay. The next day I felt fiich joy and peace, yet I wag not allured that the work was wrought ; only one text ran greatly in my mind ; I did not know where to find it, till one told me that it was in the t "th chapter of John—" t'anclify them through thy truth — thy word is truth.'-' 1 read the chapter, and found fuch a fulneis in it of what my heart defired, that if ever I felt hunger for food, or thlrit for water,, 1 now truly hungered and thirfted after full ialvation ; my faith was ftrong : but though 1 law believingly iuch a fulneis in God's word, and had fuch a tafte and relifh for fpiritual things, yet 1 was not ettabliflied in the faith. The lan- guage of my heart was, "give me love or elle 1 die." Indeed God did create in me fuch a hungering and thirfting after perfect love, that nothing could fatisfy but God himielf. For near four weeks 1 felt iuch keen pain within, that 1 could al moil fay, I prayed without ceafing, but with little joy, only fometimes 1 re- joiced in hope, that God was near to cleanfe me from my tins ; it appeared to me worfe than death, my God to love, and not my God alone. 1 thought my ftate was lingular ; 1 had iuch confi- dence in God : 1 believe, I never had fuch power over fin nor lived 18 near to God, for the time before. The things that 1 i'aw and had to do with in the world, had no weight at all upon my mind, yet fomething kept me from ftepping into the full liberty of God's children, till I was brought into £"**> *»atyeiB as I never had felt : it was. on Monday, the end day of July, 1799, the Lord poured down hisbleffing into my heart. In the evening, my happinei's increafed till I went to bed, with raptures of joy unknown, by an hearing my prayer and filling' my heart with pure truly fay, that Jefus was mine in all his offices, and I was his : in n few days my rapture of joy abated, and 1 had fome temptation -andJ-h ; .;ggle ; not that 1 had any reafon to doubt of the work being -wrought, but if it was coniiftent with fuch a work of grace for me tohave fuch feelings ; but I foon discovered the device of the enemy to rob me of my confidence, and the Lord multiplied my peace. 1 now, notwithttanding temptations, feel the abiding witneis: my mind is flayed on God: Chriit is my objetSt : 1 am willing to take him for my portion, he is the faireft among ten thoui'and, he is altogether lovely. f FINIS. 1-wH. Forihav Printer. ••►«*