stem: logging machinery ~?£-. •&*<*?- y (JO. ^ ,V:»-*^ 7 """ L - *•.. Nf L ^\ . — ?\\ \>- **%\ i/V ~ * ■ ■ ' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA l'< '■} Vt '■'- SURRY PARKER '■3 PINE TOWN, NORTH CAROLINA a Designer and Builder of LABOR-SAVING MACHINERY a V V V a a a a v a a a For Handling a a a a LOGS a a a a a Excavating and Dredging Machinery a a Hoisting Machinery a a Vl a a a a 1 a a a MANUFACTURER OF LOGGING TOOLS a a a a a a a Works: PINE TOWN, N. C. Main Office: PINE TOWN, N. C. a a a a a I Copyright, 1912 a a V §j ........ i,: ,." ,r- Engines for Driving Piles, Cranes, a a a a Derricks, Winches a 1 a s a & it. M ..-; .."; .."; By Surry Parker, Pine Town, N. C. ..'. :''.'•'.'.'.*": '.''.'•'.'''.'' '.'>'.*' , :>':>'. '>•.'! ■;>•.'''.''';•'.*•'.*•'.*> '.'i •:'■:< ';*'!. ■:.■;. •;!•;. '.*.';>'.'>'.'. '.'■■; ■;.■.'.'.'.•; •;>•;. ■;>■; . ■ .'<■;,';,. ;,.;, •;,•;.»;, ';,<;t .;..;,.;, .;,»;,.;. ':t'.'i>_'< '.->':. ■.-.•;. ':.'.-■ ..-,.*,.;.•;,. .*i >_<,._'. «i ' ' ' ' « ..: _ fit Steam Logging Machinery operation. I"N presenting this catalog we desire to thank our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and trust that our constant efforts to improve our machines, and thereby make them cheapen the cost of logging operations, may incline them to favor us with all the business they may have in our line, and the patronage of those who have not used our machinery. In these days of close competition, independent labor, and high price of stumpage, efficient labor- saving machinery constitutes a most important factor, and can not be ignored by the management of any concern who have any idea of manufacturing their output upon a profit carrying basis. We have had an extensive experience in Logging and Steam Logging Machinery, covering a period of twenty-five years, and desire to call particular attention to our STEAM LOGGING MACHINES for woods work; and for those who may have to load standard gauge cars to their full capacity, we would ask you to look into the merits of our Steam Logging Transfer Machine. Both of these machines are the direct outcome of our needs in logging as brought out by practical experience in getting logs out of bad places, and at a contract price at which other loggers, using crude methods, soon went out of business, and a great many times carried their lumber companies with them. The writer of this book has the very satisfactory experience to know that the plan of logging, as invented and carried out by him, proved not only profitable to himself, but the logs were delivered with such regularity and at such price as to make the company for whom the logs were gotten out, one of the very wealthiest companies now in the lumber business, though the territory from which the logs come has always been considered of the worst possible character for successful logging, and was turned down by several expert log and mill men fifteen years ago. Our method made the logs come regularly for them, and will do so for you if added to your logging IS In the following pages we have shown a few cuts of our machines in operation and described their usefulness. We have shown only a few of the different classes or types of our machines. To show all we have in operation would require a catalog far exceeding the limits of a trade circular. We have built Logging Machines for all sorts of timber and all sorts of track, from 36" wooden track to standark 60-lb. rail, and we have had all sorts of experience in logging in our own work for one of the largest lumber companies, covering six counties, and logging almost all the logs for sawing one hundred and seventy-five thousand feet of boards each day for a great many years. We are in a position, with our wide experience, to finish the complete plans for the equipment of a logging outfit suitable for any size operations, and we are equipped to furnish machinery in our line of any special design and capacity. In our endeavor to meet increasing demands and to maintain the high reputation of our machinery, it has been necessary from year to year to increase the capacity of our works. Our draughting department is under our personal supervision. We proportion every piece of machinery that enters into our machines, each piece being made to meet the maximum strain and of ample size to allow for wear and durability. We have in mind that our machines are to be and are being successfully handled with cheap labor, and have succeeded in getting out a machine that does not require expert men nor expert prices. It is a thoroughly practical, strong, easily-kept-going machine. We study the requirements of our customers, and put forth our best efforts to furnish each the machine exactly suited to his requirements, and we have the very satisfactory knowledge that we have pleased all of our customers well, as attested by the great number of duplicate orders we have received and are receiving all the time. We invite correspondence, and will cheerfully answer any inquiry regarding any machine we build, and will be glad to give intending purchasers the benefit of our experience to obtain the best results. Very respectfully, SURRY PARKER. IN it Is' 1 1 a 11. " I ^$a ^i a • a w S a S U R R Y P A R K E R , PIN E T W X , N . C . a V a a a a a a a a a a § a a a a a a a a 1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a i a a a a a a a a a a a a a a -." a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 5? Copyright, 1908, by Surry Parker, Pine Town, N. C. This shows our machine ready for work at a new set-up. When locomotive returns they will back whole string of cars under and load the car next to locomotive first, from bed of logs on either or both sides of the track, which the machine has skidded while train has been gone to landing or mill. Vie guarantee this machine can be moved from one set-up to another and made ready to skid and load logs inside of five minutes. This extreme simplicity in moving reduces your logging (after logs have been cut) to very little more cost than loading them. It is simply Cutting Logs — Loading Logs — Train Expense. It is the "Simple Life" in logging, and has been reduced to this by a practical log man with over twenty years experience in all sorts of lands. V a a a a a a a a a « ..: ..: ••; ..; .f- $ I In '■:■ ■;< S g :i i 8 3 I I .:- •5 55 Vi ■it ..; (S ..: 1 "-* ;i .,; .,t S- ..t ..: ..- ■\ % g :? -:- I If 1 ;.t I '.t SS 1 ..t ..: '•5 ..I ..: •5 '.; S5 ..*: ■•'• I i •a •■: -.; ..": ..: | -.I i .,t *s SURE Y P ARKES, PI N E T W X , X . C . •■:■ -. v :•• V -.'■ v •J' Copyright, 190S, by Surry Parker. Pine Town, X. C. This shows our machine getting good logs out of very bad places, loading logs as fast as she skids them, working five men — full crew. In such places and with timber like this, the cost of skidding logs and loading them on the cars is less than it used to cost on the very best high open land, before we invented this machine. This means that you can log any sort of land in any sort of weather with this machine. See next page for sort of wood tracks used for economical logging. >.; '.; '.: '.: '.X i.-. ..: '■} ..: ..t ■."t ■\ in ■:■ '-: <.T ..: ..: ■ ■ ..; >.; .."t in i '■X ..; r ^ 1 w,..,.^.. l( . t .;p; t .;,.;p^.; l M 1 i^.^.^Mp^'^^^<^>^^>^'^'^^'j»'^^ SURRY PARKER, PINE TOWN, N . C .,,;,..,,;,..,,.,._.( iff ■a •a v V! V 1'* V' « 5S -J! V a -.■■ i" v v -J -J' v v- Copyright, 190S, by Surry Parker, Pine Town, X. C. This shows how we build woods track — how they look when first built; after they have been in use six to twelve months they look quite different. These sort of tracks will last a great deal longer than when built with ties — at least two to five times as long, because the motion of the wheels passing over does not rock the pole as it would a flat tie. Try this plan in one of your softest spots; for 36 inch gauge use poles S to 12 feet long — you will find it very economical. For standard gauge road use poles _10 to 16 feet long. i ,r- .ff iff .ff iff '.: I s ; ■•;• ■•- : 85 ..: ■ff iff iff 5 85 iff iff « iff iff .ff i .ff g 1 85 ..; iff iff iff .ff iff iff' 85 '5 -5 ..t iff | ..t iff iff iff iff iff iff iff .ff iff ..". iff ■ff iff .." .'■• iff •h iff iff -ff ..; iff iff .ff i/iVt*M>;*tMtM*;<ir;^ . ;.i;;tr.';.<:T ',.';i '.••;■';; 'T.i;i«;i«;.Ci ';.' ;.'*:.';•■" i S U H H V 1' A K K E H , 1' I X E T AV N , X . C -." ■ ■a v V.' a -- ■' v v a L -J' s -J! * V V V -:■ • • ■ -. -." -. V! V V -." V V V V •^ x „ v. a -■- 2 c- o e p- i» ~ O o a> p^+a ;> ^- — 0)10 - 43 |j > a° 52 » J .= = o °> ° ° * C r-. c 'A O : — — p ^ I IS ft ft ft ft ft s ft ft ft ft a _r-« 8 3 ft 3 £ « o — ft — C £ 00 % ft SrG 1— 1 ft ft JP 3 ■ ° ft _■= S o f ~ ~" r- — ft enoi like ain 1 up has ft ft ~~<^ M ft -•sa "BJ3 ft ft O 3" c3 o ft > — O > - logco ft ft ft ft +j fctf)'^ W £ 'E |.2 ft » fl-S.15 .:- o S 3 =~ £fS 2~.5 ft 7 > 5 - 7 ft ft C -^ > "* — ft ft ft ft ft !°£g*fl1 ft ft S-fi^Sa ft ■o g« 5H ° c „ " c — § 0"0"S P C; ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft s ft ft -^ -^ " (D 5* & ft ft — o m £ 0-- ..; K =~ 03 E. ft This er 100 woods ing loc x 16 1 era go ft ft ft >k«i > ft o o - — s « « ft ft ft si « is ft ft r,%,?(,%?(,j(,f(<%ft&Xx%Tt^ a a 5fi V V V! a V V! a a a a a v a V a a a a a a a -J! a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1 a a a a a a a a a a S U R R V P A R K EH, FIN E TOWN, N . C a a a a a a a a -a a a a a a a a a a a a i " »»-A. J>, US»--*« -aE*' ■• ' " a .2 ft _ g ■3 ~ E- 1 § c -^ ° B z i- ri'.?,*i?.'.?.',rfi?.',?.',=?,?.',?.',?.-.?.-.='i=^.^?-.^-.^ -••"x,?,\tt^^ IS IS IS | I IS ■it « .7; „t IS Ss IS IS IS | ■:-, % Cx r-. ■5 "X s 1 I S IS IS .ft ,-x S; ,-t if: s •it .it ^•<^^,^.t?,'^^^^, : ~^T-r: 7-'~>y^>^T^*^y;7 .;,.-,.;.;,» ' SURRY P A R K E K , PINE T W N , N . C in •<< I" :•• •-■■ -:■■ « V V V si V -J' V :." V V a -J! V ■-'• V -." V V' V! V --■• V Copyright, 1908, by^Surry Parker, Pine Town, N. C. This is the way the track looks after long service, but if this same track had been built on ties, we would have had to rebuild two or three times, and our engines and cars would have been off a great deal, whereas, with this pole construction, you will note the track remains fairly level, even when worn down as this is. This is also 25-lb. rail, 36 inch gauge, 9x16 locomotive, and this section has been logged out clean. Track has been used to carry out several million feet, and is perfectly safe now. ■:• i.f.vF.i?,!;.';.^';*';. •;<';; r.«;.i;i«;i<;i';i»;i -i.t .:-. IS IS IS IS '._; IS '."; IS IS IS IS IS ••3 IS IS IS IS IS ,: IS s ■.: IS IS s IS IS IS 1 IS IS IS ••; >■:■ IS •i I IS IS IS ?s IS 1 '■:- IS s lit •s /it IS 3 IS IS IS S >.; IS 8 « IS IS *.: iVtWt^il/tVil V •■:■ '■:■ ..,.;,>.,,.,..^,,.,.!,.;,,;,.!..i^..-,^,W^^^ SURRY PARKER, PINE TO W N , N . C "J )?. in ..: r.t i 5K V V! 1" 1 V' -." V a a a V V V a V' - J3k ~ ^o H -C CM T^SI 9 o p — s TjS ™ a +j C3 11 *-' >Vv, jjiM £o W^^S- w «^o fe.r. £ 5 3 - ~ ~ '■-. S5 — * S +j '-3 •*> SJD ».: 1 a — < '.; 13 -,- "^ -T •g I O C3 — P a '-w >~ *~ o ? c C r- 3 w u.S c o >i-S a" ! H.g5 "cc fl ' e 3 1 : £ x H ; °§? ' o a K : ~ s >- | .2 MH.i sir 3 a CD £i &>> a « 3^ ° : m . C W] i 8 SlE-2 s^.-S o ! -^ — 5— ' -3.2 ?'- "•" o.2 .*m Q, ad O c — =3T3 H ■Sq I a J.S Si .it .T: Sj -:,>^.?; «;«<;/t;Vt;ii;V>;/c,«;,-;r';rc.t;.^%';/';.';H;/';.';o;.';.w%<;.';.<;/i;i«r.t;Vt;.';.«;V«r.<;it;i<;i^ SURRY PARKER, TINE TOWN, N . C . MS Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms MS Ms MS MS MS :■* Id V' 511 V' w v V -J! IV :•■ V' i'f -_■< -j ; IV •J! -J! -J! -i< -■! -.V iv -.v -." -J! V -.V V --" V V v- ;■- V' IV V iv v; V' V: -J! ;i'»;,'t;,i;;i^'i; Copyright, 1908, by Surry Parker, Pine Town, N. C. This shows same class machine just after train has arrived and with first car nearly loaded. This machine was working with three men for a crew when picture was made. .Five men is a full crew any time; have worked these machines often with two men, and in thick timber they will load from ten to fifteen cars per day with two or three men to work them. The swing of the boom is automatic from either side, and the men have very little heavy woik to do, hence it is perfectly practical to operate with small crew if men are scarce. ?:'7,<^y;,<7i<:,;i\;;';(';{'?;tt Ms ».: MS -,: Ms IS MS IS IS >.": Ms IS Ms MS Ms Ms Ms MS Ms MS MS is tit MS MS MS MS MS MS :i I « MS Ms "5 g "J MS 8 IS * 1 1 Ms g MS IS MS MS IS Ms MS -5 MS MS ms I 1 IS IS IS ms IS MS •5 ..; •5 5 '.; 1 IS SURRY R A R K E R , P I N E T OWN, N . C :-. St a a a i i a a i a a i I a § a a i i ii a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I V' a a a a a a a a a v a a a a a a a a I* a S~. « o ^ c • _ rfl m • — > O ^ ^ "-■OSes -" J 9 - = S" go? ~ ^ ^ s ^ " : 2 c- = H 9 «) 6D 9) ~ i— i o /: £ c - > ^_, 03 '=£— '"3 > c r~\~ c o 5 ^ 03 (fi rb ^.2 A o3 &D m I ^.i: bi-jE C ^ BO s >- ^ •_ — "J 2; 3 -( ;o j.. Q y. y. -. r -.- f"f J ^ — /. X p 2 -r ~zz — _ s r. - — o l_ 1 — ' o o> 7 -1 bl O fat •B l/J 3 t-l o _z: O ^ tn o bC cd .; — £ z r faO fat > ^* _ O n _ — ^ _z of — * J n :_ - -^ - > i — c* a> _ ': >£ — JLI ~T - T 43 bC — J - _ o bJL) _z z 2 -G ^ "5 >> - a £ ■>* a _, bl fit St fit St St fit fit fit St • ;t St IS St fit ..: St fit Si St St St St St ■3 St St St fit St St St - St St St St St fit St St St St fit St fit ■% .it fit fit 'r St St St i St St -ft ■'- s» I - •Tx Ss St ■'- ■3 ■•t ■- : tM';i'^««^•'^^*;i'^/^^/•;il;i'^'';il;i^^^T'^.'|;il^i^V^*/l^/>^M^.'lf/'^^lf^'fH S r R I! V P A R K E R , I' 1 N E T W N , N . C •-' :'■ :"■• V' :■- :■. ■ v ■■-■ -:■ Mi;.t; t i;,i;i';»Ct';ii;tt;ii;i cj n ^ , w C O (Li C .-> . 2 ^^6~ = '•J '•'- "E -4_> ^_ro c p ».V '.i H B lal? -.t '5 *ii .S,BgS|.g '•3 8 M Si s» ;» 5*5 " 5-c Jj n O K ^ C *. s -2 i?£ • '•5 <-t g e-2-;=2 c _o_£ & cj g'S '■} '.; o s 2 S"»' a '.j u} gja fclrJ^ '.; " 1 -a e<- o '.X £ ]., C . O -Q i.t :~'^ 2 is fe ..'; ^ .— n o o s n o +j -»^ ».; '■5 SjS !?| I * M "- ~ P 2 '.: irt K ^, • -•— -»— i— I >> B C— c '.; S-=o *■ c ».t c — o _- o '"; ■a otjo-ScC c __: ^ co-3 - ~ > ^i^j "^ WJ '.: si *" fcLn >~ o c ° ~ ~ c — 5=— S 8 « g a g c £-<= 'v >'x ".gJa^.-JiTS >\ £ p 5 « a '■5 '.; y\ 2 a £ £ c 5 .bp E a £ c" _:— o u uj.2 is £ « >2 ^ '•J c ^-^ ^ o ^ '.I £ '5 ^ 0---U— & >-" »,^ +J -t- c« ^~ _- o i§ ^ 3 Q"" o a — '•5 X ■g-g8ig-g ,222 go - = OC* git§ £E '.X '■-• 5 ~gog,iJg f ; "SO * «j * J,_ c .- ■H « oT3 c « c 2 o c c c; ..: U i,i « Hi ..; ..; ■.t ..; ir. -.-. ..': ".>r.«r.t;i'fi«;i«;i'r<«fi'tfiifi StJiSSiMiSr ................^.j,!..;,:,:,:.^^^ SURRY PARKER, I N E TO \V N , X . < ' fi V ■■ V -:• v V V a Mi Si •u ■:■ '■:■ v 5H 5' v •1' V — o a g O Go " SJC ■& ^ £b 8-2 >> o in "~ ' > .« -* fe-Si fe o _ m >» '5 £' - > o ;&■§ 2 ~ '.J 3 o "3 ~C " C|H n o S "" o .X ~ ,s '■i o r. 03 5<£ &3.s"^ •n ~ bD "T -s — — c J 1*^ c ..• § — H5 s «s 3 > V. r.t *r« , ;» , ;> , ;t*r> , ;i'--;'';'*;» t f i*;»*;«*r«';' , ;i , ;» , ;t*:fc*;»*;t*;» , rt , r>'*« , ;»*;> i ;**:»*;» , -:> , ;"'r>' SURRY PARKER, PINE TOWN, N . C - z o - — p § N C3 02 O o Oi be - - / i M — - 7 3 6 03 o o 44 c r c / >> — — - Ti 0) in ri bJ — — ■i -i c 1. - > 3 = >> — > -J — P -.1 m o ? ~ & 3 > c ■— p. 1 - _ — /. a C/J P 31 - - U CJ — o CO — C w - t>5 CJ r- — fn _ f2 r O =3 — — c — rt n V- 0* o - O o coS-8 C) ; tH o _ o ce - o LO >o N — rH rt n S w as> to ! do from in Ibs_ _ lfor___ >i g o o ! ~ .s '5 T CJ C (o t : 03 o £ J o | a octagon too glit of tongs Logs tongs 1 £ o N « N M ic 02 ^ X « ..1 is « R R s IS ig v. i .7- R R ii; R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R ..-. R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R .,- R R R R R R R R § '■:- !5 i .* R i^^^s^^jVin.fiis^^^^^^S'fr^friS'^'.^fr'frir.'iSc.^s^ a is SURRY PARKER, PINE TOWN, N . C a a a a a a a a a a a a l< a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1 I a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 02 O o - < > -- X S S O C hi «£ 9*0 73 ■"« t- o o 5 a 2 ■3 ^ OJ 03 y a xi § n _C - 1+3 ~*~* .s ■388 S-s~ 3 > 3 ^ O >> ti i; - CO S--S « H Win O "5 >i 03 J- g . MO "ja o moo: « I s si o X « oa eel _ o a §,.2 -£ ? o -S > ~ ~ — ■S- S2 S O CJ ° o .9 5- g- w "^ a OSS ..: .:- >« ■"; '.: '.I <.: IK '5 '.: i.t IB l£ ■ ,t m s Ss i •.; ..; St S '5 5 '-• -.- S 85 ■Tt fit Hi fit 18 .r. Hi i.t r.t fit fit 1 fit i.t fit I :l fit ,.t -:« '.X ;ii^^^^S^S^^w^fri^^^^^.^^?.S1^^^^aiS1S'>^^ivfi'.f,w?.5S'^ ,.;,.•,..,..,■_.,.-,.;,.*,._',.;,._•,.;,■;,._•..;,.;,»; :«*:-^'*;k';'*;''r' , :''-''r'';' , r* , i» , r'*r»*-*'rt , :«»rt , :>"r" , r'*r* , .''';i*:' 1 :» , r'vr''rt , ;«':»*rt*r»'r'*'»':»*:' , r'*:»'r'"r' , :* 4 r» , r' , - ;' , - :'*. ■:■ ■■:■ ■-■■ SURRY PARKER, PI N E T OWN, N . C IB - v v V ■:■ -:■ V' V' V' V •: V =£ ''5 r ** '.: 00 *.t -a '.* a - y£ — '.* Bj o '.j - »■; 49 '.; : '■t r *.; '5 '%■ '.t — '.: ~ tn ~ — >~- CO — -.-. 15 '.: X — ».; '■5 '•^ r c M o™ ',1 <<. 3, & '5 \ T — '.; j5 - _; U P- '.i z >£ ■ '■ - Eh -*» - ■— O X <•; ^ «* m O x - - - 8 gjs - > _ 5- *s o '.; c — — tu C ».t ? u "*^ Ul '•J 5 - c u '■; r\ "3 ti- n -.t es X o g a fe > — >ig c — '■3 a &-a >> f "* O u tH '■J' oj > 03 <.; in x £ be-*- 3 *5 '•J 3 O >,t ^_£~ / iti BO >~l 'b£ > 5 '•t C -u x to '.I -* S x '•3 .*_ O-S — t,~ c3 C EC o a « O M * « £ '•j c3 on "3 "5 <.t — P *c j3 O d > '•j '.X — x <— '•j. ™ X X -.: co^S 2 c ^HH CJ — '•; o '.; I.'t ..; r.ijti;- 1 ;.!;. 1 ;;"^ ,..«;.' :■';•' M«;i**»'?t*?t»M'M'MC«7.'rT';i'; ;Vw ;*»;«* m>?»<* «M\»*'*"«i\«*)i\)Mi>)ly)g)i>&)t^ -1' -J' SURRY PARKER, PINE TOWN, N . C . ■> 01 a-* = a _. to .9 o — - " bC j*p — - ^ O O (3 = 1 — X o c ■_ o C o c ^ b bl l o C3 <- > ■~ ,-. o *] -* s ~ £ o "* w > p o — n ■ji o =C^ u — ;- 6 /. £ Cj fi Eh .5 "55 o ** a> 43 a cC ~ ~ - z ~ +3 o) 2 | bX 3 c — .-J is -. p |- X ■ _* >. u c - - s CO a s 1-1 "-3 O J5 jZ "- c •*^ ^ '£ ■■_:_; '1 '.X i(fit?.''fHM'ifi»fi'fH^^ :/ 1 '^*^'^ •i* t i* , :> t :' > :* t ii > it t i*>:\ , .:t , i* , i*'i* , ^i t i* t i* t :* t it •_;'•;*'.'•';> ':>':' •;»»- S l " R R Y PARKER, PINE TOWN, N . C V' V -:■ -:■ to O OJ 23 - ; - :l Z - — o -tJ _ - is - _C : a: LU - > g O - E _ — 03 - a 0J = Z >> = - o — < 3 — ^: "o — — o 1 - —I a _ — - c - g UJ a rv _ hi — - 3 — < K c3 : bl r CQ ~ i i-l — -J < ' z :. CD -— — o ■ — i = / 1 o LU CL. 1. o 1 - 0J — 5 c/1 - CO . — — / r ■ — z s J3. o GJ =1 - 0> - --I — ^ & - — ~ = Qj CD : C-4 W DO d a c o >, nj V3 CV-- u DO £ C 'oo DO a! o -J 2 5 o -o -O «s as N 4; > a! I HI ■ •- JJ.^SijfiSiS -.'.?-.-"■•.='. (^y%%%^\^^\f(\^\^\^\^%t('^^^^^^\%^\%%^\%^\%^\\^(\^ fit ,.,,.,..,..,..,..,.. ,,.,.;,,;,.;,, ;,.;,.;,. ^t.,.-,^,,-,.',^,,-^,^,!-,^-!)-,^,--,^,^^ I a a a a V.' a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a vj a 1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a' I a a' a a a a V' a a a a a SURRY PARKER, PINE TOWN, N . C. ..-: Fiq. i. FM3.4- Fiq.fc FOR UR-Ar-UTlON Sit NE.H.T PAGE. OR*R\TE_To iofW PftRKtR , PiHt-YottK, I* Q. DIRECTIONS FOR SPLICING WIRE ROPE. A better splice can be made in wire rope than you can make in hemp rope, and it is just as easy to do; in fact, it is easier, except that the rope requires more force exerted to put the ends under. All the ropes we send out with our Log- ging Machines have six strands and a hemp core. The hemp core provides a place for fastening the ends, as it squeezes out of the way and lets the end that has been pushed between the other strands flatten itself down so that in a few days you can not tell where the splice has been put in. It is a plain, simple process and any one can learn to splice wire rope in thirty minutes by seeing some one else do it, and you can take these directions and two ends of rope and learn yourself in two hours. To make it perfectly plain to you, we have made a sketch here showing several positions and several of the operations in making the splice. We have taken a short piece of rope and laid it over two wheels and brought the ends together, and in this cut we show the ends drawn together with a small block and fall, but for ordinary splicing, with all the rope slack, it is not necessary to use a block and fall. At Fig. 2 we show the beginning of the operation with two ends of rope just after you have unraveled them about 7} o or 8 feet back. The ropes must be wrapped so they will not unravel any further back than you intend them to. When you have brought the two ends of the rope together after unraveling them 7}'2 feet back, cut off the hemp core of each rope close up as shown in figure 2 and bring the bunches of strands together so that the opposite strands will inter- lock regularly with each other. See figure 3. Then unwind the strand "A" in one rope and lay the opposite strand No. 1 in the other rope in the groove just as fast as you unwind, and continue to unwind one strand and lay this in, until you have laid in, say 7 feet, or until you have only about 6 inches of strand "A", the first one you unwind and the first one you lay in, left. Then cut off the 7 feet of the one you have just unwound, leaving the end 6 inches long. Then unwind strand No. 4 in the cut, say of the opposite end, and fill up this groove with strand "D" from the opposite side and treat this in the same manner. Next, pursue the same course with "B" and 2, stopping 3 feet from where the first set was stopped. Next, pursue the same course with No. 5 and "C", stopping as before, that is, about 3 feet from where the first set ran out on this side, then with "C" and 3, and lastly with No. 6 and "F". This will complete the unwinding and laying-in process. You will notice in the cut that each pair of strands has been stopped 3 feet shorter than the pair before. This leaves you a pair of ends at each 3 feet each way of the rope. Now comes the last operation of splicing. The ends must be secured without enlarging the rope. Take two rope clamps, see figure 5, and fasten them to the rope as shown in figure 6, twist them in opposite direc- tions, thus opening the lay of the rope. See figure 6. This has to be done at each pair ends. Then with a knife, cut out the hemp core about 6 inches on each side of where the ends come together. In other words, take out just a little more of the hemp core than you have of the wire end to stick in there. Now straighten the ends, and slip them into the place formerly occupied by the hemp cores you have just cut out. Then twist the clamps together, closing up the rope and taking out any slight bumps with a wooden mallet. By pounding the rope with the mallet you can bring it very nearly the same size as the other part of the rope, if you have taken out the right amount of core. Then follow this operation with each of the six pair ends, thus sliding each of the ends inside of the rope, putting them in place of the hemp cores at each place. It is a great deal easier to do the splicing than it is to read these directions over intelligently. Two good men, one to read the directions and one to handle the rope and another man to help as a laborer, and with the help of these direc- tions, quickly learn to splice wire rope. It is good to have a sharp cold chisel made about 1 inch across on the face for cutting off ends of the strands, a ham- mer and a piece of ?4-ineh round iron or steel about 12 inches long, one end brought to a point like a needle with a long slim taper, say of 5 or 6 inches. This is useful to force in between the strands of the rope to pry it open; also two pieces of heavy tarred rope, such as is used for bundling lath, which you can use double in connection with the sticks for un- twisting and twisting the wire rope, as shown in figure 6; a good pocket knife for cutting out the hemp core; a wooden mallet of ordinary size and :i Murk of wood or siU or something to lay the rope on to pound it. We shall be glad to answer any question in regard to this that is not perfectly clear to vou, from this description, at any time. SURRY PARKER, Pine Town, N. C. :.V. ?.'. ^"i ^ \ ?. i ?. i f". i ?. . f . . T. i : . i T. i r.'i r?\ rTt r.'t z\\ «r.*n«r.'r.ri«ri'M'Mtri"r.'rf»^'^»r.'ri«r.«;i'rt'r.'r r.i^.4r.t*'.ir.i , *'.t"".ir < ~: >"". < ~: < *.«".>*".[*. i ' . : T. »?. r ? \~ .>' . i "". i '!"'. i ".', i Z - 1 . ■ iTI* ?>t .** Ti ,iT:ir,iT:i*.i"".ir;r: uritrtirtiriT.trttr.'r.'ri ,,.,..,..,, ......i,,.,..,,.,,;,,.,.;,,;,..,..,^,,;. SURRY PARKER, PINE TO \Y N , X . C ..: < --= Z - ' _j ;- "- d > £ >. = •< - s r- 1 fe « E CO o t, a o x C°5? _- — — = 2 it i t»C3 a; !> (-j w >^z ■ <;,•;. •;.';.<;.";*':;',.»;,<;*•;. ■;,<:, i;, <;,•;," ■J' v a V :■' V' a ';>*^ , ^ , r'*;' l ;» , ;| , ^ , ;»^'>*^^'»^'|^'' , ;» , :''^ , r•^'^^^ , r«^'> , ^ , rt'^»^'^'^•;l^*l^^•^^'^'^'^»;H^'rl^'^^'^ , ^ , ^'^'^';i^^'^^'l•^'ft':l'^•^'^•^'^^^•^^'l'^^*t^'. •;.'.'!•.'. •;.'.'!'.'.• SURRY P A R KEE, PINE T OWN, N . C . ;,..,..,..,,.,..,,.,.,,..,..,,.,.- ■•': 5S V V V V V V I V a V V V I I a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I a a a a a a a I | a a a a a a a a' I a a 02 O > c « a -3 '5 I § °£ s _a g "H. '5 2 3 .2 1 ,-,.;,._.,._.,._.,.-,.;,.<,.;,.;,.;,.;, ...i.,. ',.;,.;,.«,.;,.;,. •,!;,.;,. ',.;,.;,.;,■;!.; ,..,..,.*,..,._',.;,..,.',._.,.;,..,.;,..,._.,.;,. SURRY PARKER, PINE TOWN', N . C .."; o CO ■ CO * J - --I — — c (- ~ X ^ bi a .- c — ~£ o a « cj alSs °.-gg| g X ;>■& = = •>• = o a o ._ — K >-2 ° ■go 'si! jg'S.S 2 £ 8 oJ= Efg * - o O m I g 8 I § .£f b- §i - r >. o so H «s >. >. c; O t m 5 "~. *-r " ^ bt a* SB r! W - a <» S .2-3 "2-= > 9^ — o o 02 5 sS is »5 Sc St SJ ir. ffs Sj Ss ..: •.; « s- ft; ffs 1 St | -.■; ..: ■': St m Ss Si ,'t S5 St Ss :;;-,.:,^,r,r T,t;,«;.';t';.';.';i*;i'; ( ' t*M*#<<>*l*i*7* *?•*#< '#i ^g,&)ii,%>%\%%yi\)i'£%<^ SURRY PARKER, PINE TOWN, N.C. a V % a V V V I" V ■:• a a V ■:: a a v i" a a a a a a a v a a a V.' a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I a v a V a a a a a a a a I a a a i a a a a a i; a V gi S a a V. a a a a a a — r. > - _ >> 03 c =1 II — to 2: o •-: Ir. IB )r. a 1 a « • .X >B ■ .: '•X -.x '■X m i ■:-. •5 "I ■.x ■i ..X ;.x ..X ir. IS ,'.x 1 ■ ,.x .-; >r. ir. ,r. >,x ^?.^ = ,"';T'f.''?,i;V.,^,Vi;V';T>;Vi^?fi.^ iJSiSSJKWW* SURRY PARKER, PINE TO W -X , N . C Plan, of Yot,rd. for. Transfer i* j £-°f s , & c Copyright, 190S, by Surry Parker, Pine Town, X. C. The above enslaving gives an idea of a suitable plan of tracks at the log yard to use with these machines. We have also had yards built where both tracks were fifty feet from the transfer track, enabling the logs to he tumbled off the cars quickly, and we have also had yards built where both tracks were right alongside of the transfer track and one train of loaded cars is left on one side or the other of the machine to be trans- ferred while locomotive is gone into the woods with the light cars— the other tram. This plan is the very- best way where you have a sufficient number of cars. The surplus log supply can be on the off side ol each of the tracks when a yard is built this way. The machine will easily pick up logs within a hundred feet of the road and make good time reloading. ..t '■X ..-, iWUi* W«lf Jjf • !J«8f 4*f jW»*J*#f »JJiJ?r i »r » »* • ^i »^» • ** ^it «i » rr* tf t ^ t »J » *r t ^ • ^ t »r » »;* t; i ti* ^ * tr ' j * *J itr ' tr * lr ' tr ' j * j ! -j * 'J '-tr ' -c * I? 'tr * ^ * tr ' tr --" *-tr '- -c * *J '. *J * ir *-tr '■ -i *V * t= ' c**- t ir'tr*U ,t -** : **- 1? -if- t?-t?i ,! -!^-*ri5S- J??»W«*i*J- * * *t?f *Ji»> ' SURRY PARKER, PINE TOWN, N . C ni ..: ..: ~l % V ii -J' -'' V' :-' -J* -." -J- v v- i-' --■• V V V' --' I V! -J! -:■ -." -:■ I I'! -." -." V 1 V V •:■■ V V -." V' .re (§ i.i •" a ~> i.i . ° ro O a m "3 £ a .B-S'S °Si3 PS Q 3 ° big u tf ■Si- &<= a ** «° Y. Ja]§ o « .a-g PT3 C3 a S *F si -^ o ojjr - ^ bC t< — *— -a 5*. ^ % O- =3 ■.I J^C M H-g^ ■ '.I o ca a ..I re -X Si S5 I" V! J" -',■;, i f/i fii f, t f^fo fit ft tfi i f.<;V« "if '■:■ SURRY PARKER, P I X E TOWN, X . C . ; . : V 1' -:■ - : V V » I" ill Si V ill v IN - o — ft .2 B ..: c ',: - Hd / ^ ri s - a ~ ..; 7 - t C > >_= '>: © *- -.: >>.£ ».: — "3 ,**2 ..': '.; ~ ft o 3 m ~ « >> 3H ..': s? - i- . « >i ~ s - '.; g. ^ • .20 ..'; O y ..-. ED -1 >.: CD . 3 — -r =5 3 gjs > — 15 '.1 >. '■3 &.£ » ~z - '.-. T 3 £* : is. = ~~ — >a ..: / 5 h— c ft c ^ "** c — 1.1 tf — "S & - 1.-. >. rt .~ ^ '.-. — — — S-sa - -; -f >, 3 1.-. 'i w -§ n > _ 1.: IS *)1 - — - _« x^=r bl > 1,1 - 3 ° O - 1 <,\ - o |h U & '.: u _ ^ & 15 : O '.: r.: .7: IK 3 i't.v?.''fi'ri*r''r.'f<'fi'? ;.i;,i;.>;.i;,<;,';, V V a a S U R R V PARKER, PI N E T O W N , N . C a a a v V a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ft a a a a a m - ' « $^ : : 5g -• - -'r2* r T*S - '*a _- •■<■ v ■■- *•-■■■■ '• Copyright, 1912, by Surry Parker, Pine Town, X, C. We build powerful Engines mounted on Wide Tread Steel Wheels, to get logs out of bad swamps, to be handled by team to mill or railroad ears. This shows Machine working in edge of swamp pulling out large Gum timber. Wheels 10-inch wide on face or tire, 54 inches high. This machine can be moved about in almost any woods with four team. Copyright, 1912. by Surry Parker, Pine Town, X. C. This shows same Machine after it has been at work one hour. We send them out equipped with all rope and guy lines needed, heavy skidding blocks, tongs to suit size of timber, and small tools needed around the engine. We make the drums large enough to wind 1,000 feet rope or 1,500 feet when needed. .!*■»**:■*. i'Ii T"_ i T: i?-iT.»T.i~n*: i«;ii;Mri«;.i;ti;.>r.tri^^";.';t'r«';i«r<';r*;ii;i«M'rt';<';i';itri«r.';.«7it;i'7itrit;»<^«;i'ri«».»»»»*«vi»»i**»'#i*»i' ~~.< T-.tT.'i:. ■'.<'. t'.iT-.'i'. :.-..':. r.^.': '•;.■:. ';.>;.'r-'r.';. • :.•;,'.- '-: .,': ..: ..: .,: ..: •.: ..t 5 8 I I "- 1 ..; I .:• ..t | .it ih 1 Si 5 s s IS I ■.; Ss R •5 M .,'. ..t ..: .,t *^ 5: Ss I :: BE ..-; •3 ~ Ms '•J- SURRY PARKER, P I X E T W X , X . C . V V ;■» ■:■ o.H ^ C — .5 c as tC ri — ~ w "~' '.; ° 3 u '-; O 7- ft ^- *"' !-, '.; - i- - '•5 — S 3 ^ - — <.: *w~ o '.; Ms _L- -*- 2.-H -.; X o u '•} 1—1 .§©« i'x _ bH 1 >.t X '.; — >.i s3 o o >.\ <1 03 P. S ''} ^ - __ i£ .- — c ^r< / is ^ 'z '.; . 2 O ■ r- o - as a sk custom a hea\ in - ° - > •/. ~ S i— " o^= '=- ■- SC = — - !=£_= B '- _; S i£ - << 7 ''.- o-5 T '.t ^H S fn > o '.t 3 =f >> '3 ';.i;.«;ii;.<;i«7i'Ti<;ii:. ',.<;.i;.»r.';~.',v;. S D R R Y PARKER, PINE T W X , N . C . "^ ^ Jz, -B — ^ S DO m °°l F O «j M t ~ =i I ■g CO P 3 M > (l £ 5>NJl b « rS sT -+323 ■X o CO C O „Q • — > — I> O ^ ■ — C O m . o o o Z us C 0) O 2. Id [g 3 o c M _ X ~ C ~ ^ :- <^ Ph --S 3 u _ o - - * T-H rf fac = .— ■_; > — — bn ... CO - ■ — — j_ T z - a ■4-3 ., o H p, O IS « 1 | ■■; <■: ..'. .."- ..-; ;»^^^S^^^^5S^^S^^Si^^^^^S^^^^fS^t^iSS^^w^J»^^^^S^5S^SJi^i^^^iSK^^S^Si ■\ •■X V --■' -- ■■:• v V 1" V •• ■-•• V.' V •■:■ ■:■ -. -:• v v -•- '^^^'^':^^ , ^ l r'^^•:»^^ , ^'i' , ^ l ^^^^^•^ , ^^^■^ l ^ , i''^'^;^'^'^'^'^ , ^ , :'^^':'':l^'' , ^'^•^ l ^'^;^'^'^•^';'^'' l ^^ S I" R R Y I' A R K E R , PI X E To \Y X . X . C . Two views of machine which is used to transfer gum, cypress, pine, and juniper to Norfolk & Southern standard Hat cars. Machine located in the center of Dismal Swamp, North Carolina. .. STEAM BARGE LOADER. Self-propelling, self- swinging, adjustable boom. Barges 110 ft. long, 24 ft. beam, 8 ft. deep, loaded with five lengths of 16 ft. logs. This is an economical way to handle heavy sap timber, espe- cially where the average size of the log is small. TREE RIG SKIDDERS AXD LOADERS. We build these machines in all sizes, on heavily constructed platforms with two four-wheel trucks under them, and also on our Patent Platform, so that they can be moved on any car of the train. There is no logging proposition where this machine will compete with our Boom Skidder and Loader in price per thousand feet from stump to top of cars. We furnish these to some people who want this class of machinery, and we are prepared to furnish machines suitable for any size timber. Prices quoted upon application. ■C- uX ,;- ■ ft •■: ■.: ..; ..: ill .,; ..t '■X '.t -. '■<7<''?7*7-*^7<^>;><:<>7-^?'^ nX •'I ■ SURRY PARKER, PI X E T O W X , X . C . V.' V' a a a a a a a V.' a v S V' V a a ?" a a a a a a a a V a a a a a a a a a a a a a •a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a i;< a a a i' a a a a to - H o / o - r/) ™ p3 ,,_j £, K _ y =1 = — O ™ k - ^ p — a 'a "7 o ;( ;.. o - •~ 03 js / rt IQ .- 0) / 1 — ' bJ o u ^ jij _z: — - -r o ^ O vj - y. o M O ■I .,; 55 -5 '.X S5 y&5ffi5(3KSffii}ftSifr56fffiffi${*5(\%%%3S%%>tt?^^ •*M#tW#ft?S'#it»i»7t' fiS 5; ■- ^,^,.^.J,.J,.J 1 .J,^,.J,.J.^ 1 .J,^,„,^,^^^^ SURRY PARKER, PINE TOWN, N . C . -. - :\,m fiffe. -.■■■'■■-> Hubs m " .' '. ' ; ' ^*-f This machine has a heavy double cylinder double drum engine handling the two main pulling or skid- ding lines and a separate single drum double cylinder loading engine, using my automatic loading boom. This is complete logging plant, in itself, and when properly handled in good timber can easily be counted to give you forty thousand feet per day of ten hours work. It will pull with ease any timber that grows in the Southern States in whole trees. Eight men stumping, 4 men sawing up, skid engineer, loader man, 2 yard men, and fireman. Total 17 men make a full crew for this machine. They will average 40,000 feet in good timber and can get 75,000 in extra good timber such as is common in som" sections in the South. S V R R V P A R K E R , P ] N E T W N , N . C ' , '. : ''J^.-'- r ^'c , '- r, V' , '. ;, ^'- :, - ; ^i M c , 'i , 'iV^''J'^' l -' , - : ''. ; '~ : '- :, '. ;,, - r ' , . ; ''. : ''-' ..: a -J! » -J' a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a v.' a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a v a a a a a a a a v. a v a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a A Parker combination skidder and loader and a Shay locomotive. The strongest possible team for lugging in the hills. SKIDDING AND LOADING HARDWOOD IN THE .MOUNTAINS OF KENTUCKY. This is one of our six No. 4 combination skidders and loaders, and has been found to be a most satis- factory machine for the heaviest mountain timber. There is no timber that crows that this machine will not handle with ease. We build them very heavy and strong. A crew of only three men will do good work with one of these machines. The saving over ordinary methods of logging is so great that it is hard to get one to believe the figures. We have letters showing a saving of from SI. 50 to 82.00 per thousand feet. This means 81,000.00 per month for a single band mill. Have you read what we say on page two? S5 ■.T |ferai@KsK8«8l8K8©l8^^ ■1st air =! j 1 c' j 'J 'J ' 'J ' '.- ' '-- '.•''.•*'.• 'j''.-' '.- 'J''.*".-''. r ''. : j 1 '^''^''-"- , '- , '- , '' , '' ,, *' , : ,, '"; , ';''; i ';>':<':'':''*i';*';i , ii';''^»'^ SURRY PARKER. P I X E TO W X . N . C . 3 a "O CO _~ o s?i bi 5 QJ 3° ' o -^ s ::■ o |e= s o > 5 p ■■. ,.;,.;,^;,.;,\f;i; "ri.ri •?■."?.•?."'?."