Off TO NEW YORK •:• CINCINNATI •:• CHICAGO AME1IGAN BOOK COM?,* Tir $fe 5« «hiir** THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL PRESENTED BY Richard J. Richardson Provost 1996-2000 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill THE GRADED SPELLER. ARRANGED IN SIX STEP8. BY E. A. SHELDON, A. M., Ph. D., PRINCIPAL OF OSWEGO STATE NORMAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL, AUTHOR OP " SHELDON'S READERS,"' "READING CHARTS," " PRIMARY SPELLER," "TEACHER'S MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION IN READING," " MANUAL OF ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION," AND "LESSONS ON OBJECTS." NEW YORK ■ : • CINCINNATI • : ■ CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Copyright, 1877, By SCRIBNER ARMSTRONG, AND COMPANY W. P. 6 PEEFAOE. If teachers will follow the instructions given in the Manual, I shall have no occasion to regret the prepara- tion of this book ; but if it is used as such books may be used, it would have been better not to add another to the many facilities now afforded teachers for tne thought- less oral spelling of columns of words. It is a great convenience to the teacher to have groups- of words arranged with reference to their orthographical peculiarities; but the teacher who simply pronounces these words, with no discussion or application of theii meaning or use, comes very far short of his duty in the spelling recitation. The pupil should first get the idea which the word represents, then associate the idea with the word, and lastly, write the word. This requires the most careful and critical examination of the spelling lesson on the part of the teacher, without which, it is not possible to attain the highest success in teaching children to spell. I have not attempted to indicate the number of words, that shall be taken up at a lesson. No one can know this so well as the teacher. The words are arranged in long columns as a matter of economy. They are first grouped with reference to the vowel element in the accented syllable. In the re- views, a different classification is adopted, still based on iv PREFACE. orthographical peculiarities, but the words are so ar- ranged as to break up the former association, and thus test the pupil's ability to spell them, independent of their classification. I have omitted all rules for spelling as being cumber- some, confusing, and unreliable. Any person who would spell well, must form the habit of spelling correctly, so that, without reflection, he will be able to write rapidly and correctly. This can only be acquired by writing words over and over again, until, from mere habit, he writes them correctly. With this view, it is important that the words should be correctly written from the very first. The proper pronunciation of the words is determined, for the most part, by the accent and the classification. If the accent is on any other than the first syllable it is indicated by the usual mark. In the more advanced review lessons, the ability to syllabicate and pronounce correctly is tested, — a point to which the teacher should give careful attention. It will be observed that the book is arranged in six parts, and, in a graded school, may cover as many years, beginning with the intermediate department. With rare exceptions, I have taken Webster as au- thority in spelling, syllabication, and pronunciation. In a few instances, however, I have adopted the preference of Worcester rather than that of Webster, where it is plainly more in accordance with general usage. E. A. S. Oswego, September, 1877. GRADED SPELLER. FIRST STEP. The sound represented by e as heard in mete, expressed by e breach heat peat team cede cease heath plea tweak de ist cheat heave plead veal eke clean heaves reach weal ne gro cleat knead ream wean scheme cleave leach rear wreak sphere creak leak screak wreath theme cream lean seal wreathe ve to crease lease seam zeal ze bra drear least sear ee ea ease leaves seat beech beach eaves mead sheaf beef beam feat mean sheath beer bean flea meat squeak beet bleach freak neap steal breech bleak gear neat steam breed blear heal peak streak breeze bleat heap peal teal cheer GRADED SPELLER. creed lees sheer veer grieve creep leech sleek weed mien deer leek sleeve ween pier fee leer speech weep pierce flee meed spleen wheel shriek fleece need y squeeze wheeze thieve fleet peel steep ei tierce greens peer street ceil i greet queer teem seize pique jeer reel teens weird ey keel screech tee ter ie key keen seethe thee bier uay knee sheen tweeds chief quay The sound represented by a as heard in pale, expressed by a brace craze grade ma pie a ere brake dace hale nape a gue braze dame haste nave ale ca ble date hate pace a pex ca lyx fade haze page bale cape fame jade pale bane cave fane knave paste base crane fate la bel pave baste crape flake la die phrase bate crate flame lathe place bathe crave gage mace plague FIRST STEP. m ra cer ail pail vail feint rage aim pains wail neigh rake bail paint waive reign raze bait plait ay rein sage baize quail bray reins sale blain quaint clay skein sane braid sail flay sleigh scales brain saint fray veil shave flail slain gay vein space frail sprain jay weight stale gait staid nay ao swale hail strait ray gaol vague maid strain spray ey vane mail swain sway bey wane maim taint tray ea waste main trail ei break ai maize trait eight jean aid paid twain feign yea The sc »und represented by a as heard in last. expressed by a branch chant flask hasp aft cast clasp gasp lass blast chaff draft glance mask The sound represented by a as heard in bare, 1 expressed by a care fare glare pare bare \ dare flare hare share 1 For a discussion of this sound see Manual of Reading, GRADED SPELLER. The sound represen ted by a as heard in far, expressed by a baa carve mar ea a jar' bar char march heart alms barb chart marl hearth arc bard farce marsh au arch barge garb mart flaunt arched ark barque bath harp harsh parch parse gaunt haunt arms card hart psalm launch ar my car go carp jar larch sparse wrath staunch vaunt The sound represented by u as heard in furl, expressed by U curd pur surf blur cur ry scurf y surge worm bur hur ry slur sur ly worst cur curb knurl lurch spurn spurt tur nip urge wort worth The sound represented by e as heard in term, 1 expressed bj e berth her merge sperm stern ea dearth i birch clerk pert swerve earth birth err serf verb hearse fir fern serge verge learn flirt germ serve yerk yearn gird 1 See Manual of Reading for discussion of this sound. FIRST STEP. %j kirk quirk shirt squirm twirl mirth shirk smirk squirt whir The sound represented by a as heard in fall, expressed by a waltz pause flaw yawl al so wharf sauce hawk yawn al ter au taut jaw on balk au ger aw law be sought' calk aught awe lawn wrought dwarf cause awl maw halt daub awn pawn chord mall faun bawl pshaw corpse pall fraud brawl scrawl form scald gauze caw spawn gorge sward laud craw sprawl scorn swath maul dawn squaw shorts thwart naught fawn thaw thorn The sound represented by 5 as heard in lone. expressed by choke dole fort host bo a chore dome ghost joke bole chose dose gore jolt boll clothe doze grope knoll bolt code drone gross lobe bo ny core folks hone loth bore cove force horde mo lar borne cozy ford hose mole 10 GRADED SPELLER. mope shote boar loaves roe mote sloth cloak moan throe node so da coarse moat woe ode so fa coax oar ou o dor sol foal oath bourn o men spoke foam roach court o ral ston y goad roam moult ore sword goal roan mourn o val throne groan roar ow po et troll hoar roast flown po ker vot er hoard shoal growth poll yolk hoarse soak known porch yore hoax oe row pore zone loam doe sow probe oa loan floe stow scope bloat loathe foe tow The sound represented by do as heard in food, expressed by 00 groom moose snooze woof bloom hoop moot soothe ou boon hoot noose stoop route boor loom ooze swoon sou booth loon rood swoop soup broom loop roof troop ew coop loose shoo whoop brew doom moor sloop woo crew FIRST STEP. drew strew fruit drupe truce grew ui u prune tru ly screw bruise crude ruse ue shrew cruise cruse tru ant true The sound represen ted by i as heard in pin, e? [pressed by i diz zy grit ty lim ber prince bilge fifth hilly lin en prism blink fig ure hilt lisp pris on brig filch hinge lit ter quid brim fill hiss liv er quilt chill y film hitch miff quince chintz filth in let milch rich es cin der finch in ner milk rick cliff flinch in sist' mince ridge clinch fling in step mist riv er clip per flint itch niche riv et crimp gild jib nit scrimp cringe gill jig o mit' scrip crisp gimp kick phiz script clif fer gin kim bo pick le shift din giv er kin pill shiv er clip per grim kin die pis til shrill disk grin kink pis tol shrimp dit to grip knit pith shrink dit ty grit lily pity sin ew 11 12 GRADED SPELLER. singe squill switch twinge wrist sin gle squint thills twist writ skid stick y thrill twitch y skiff stilt tick le whiff lymph skill stin gy tinge width lynx skil let stint tin gle wince myth sliv er stitch tink le winch nymph sphinx strict tip pie witch rhythm sqnib Swiss trill withe sylph The sound represented by e as heard in met, e •^pressed by e chest elf hedge mel on a bed' clef ell helm mesh ac cept' cleft else hemp nest le a men' cress emp ty hence ob ject' beg gar crest en try ho tel' peb ble belch debt e rect' J el iy ped al bel fry dense ev er jest ped die belle dredge ex pect' knell pelf blend du et' ex pel' leg gin pelt blest dwell fence length pence eel lar ebb fend lens pest Celt ech o fes ter lent pet al check ed dy fet ter lep er pet ty cher ry Qcrcr fleck lev el phlegm chess el bow gem mel low pledge FIRST STEP. quell sedge tense wren cleanse quench sev er tenth wrench deaf quest shelve thence wrest dread re cess' shred tress wretch health re gret' sketch twelfth yelk stead rel ic sledge wedge yell threat retch smelt whelm yelp tread scent steppe whence ea ei sect tempt wreck breast heif er The sound represent ;ed by a as heard in mat, expressed by a at tic ca naf cramp gnat add ax le can cer dank hack ad der badge can die dash hash adz bang cash drab hatch al um bans cat tie fact have an gry batch champ fag jack an tic bat tie chap fang jamb apt bland clad flange knack ar row blank clamp flank lack ash es bract clan flash lag as brad clank g&g lamb asp brag clap gang lank as ter brand clash gas lash at las cab in crab gash latch at om cac tus crack gnash lax 13 14 GRADED SPELLER. manse pang scrag tack thwack mash plash shank tact twang match rash slack tax valve nab sac slash thatch wax pack samp spasm thrash wrap The sound represented by 6 as heard in not, expressed by com et fox loll slop blotch cop y grog mosque sol id bond cop per grot notch solve bon net copse hob ble odd stock botch cos set hob by pock et strop both er crock hock pop py top pie bots crop hov el prompt tot ter bot tie crotch job rhomb a box er dock j°g rob ber quash chop dodge jog gle rock er squab clod dol lar j°l ly rock et squad clot don jos tie rock y squash cob ble drop sy jot ros in squat cod fob knob rot ten swab cogs folly knot Scotch yacht col ic font lock shock ou col lar fop lodge shop lough The sound represented by u as heard in nut, expressed by U blunt brunt buck et budg et bluff blush brush buck le buff FIRST STEP. 15 bulb bulge bulk bump bunch bung bunk bus tie butt but ter club clum sy clung clutch crush crust y cut let cut ter drudge duct dumps flush fund fuss y fuzz gruff grum grunt gulf gully gush gut ter huff hush husk y judge junk luck y lunge muck mulch mumps munch null numb pluck plush pulse punch puppy rub ber rud der ruf fle rus set shrub shrug shuck skulk skull slump snuff stunt thrum thrush truck trudge truss tusk tus sle ul cer wrung o bomb cov er dove monk month on ion ov en slov en oo blood y flood ou slough The sound represented by 6 as heard in cross, 1 expressed by o cof fin flor id log: wood off set ac cost' cor al a loft' cost ly be gone' doff be troth 7 dog ged hor rid boss dross lof ty 1 For discussion of this sound, see Manual of Reading. for age for est fosse mor al soft en mor row sor rel moss y thong of fer tor rent of flee tor rid 16 GRADED SPELLER. The soi ind represent ed by i as ] leard in pine, expressed by i five pike stride ie Bible gi ant plight strife be lie' bight gibe price swine fie bile grime quire thigh hie bind high rice thrice vie blight icy rife thrive y blithe idly right tidy lyre bribe idol rime ti ger rhyme bride ire rind tine scythe bri er i ron ri ot tiny spry brine ivy rite tithe sty chide knife rise trice style chine knight shire tri o thyme choir li ar shrine tripe try ci der lights sigh trite type cite li on sight vi al wry climb lithe sign vice ye crime lives sire vi ol dye dice might site vi per lye di et mire slice vise rye dine mite slight wight uy dire nice spile wile buy diver nigh splice wine guy fif er night sprite wright ai fight ninth squire writhe aisle &E VIEW LESSONS. 17 The sound represented by ou as heard in out, expressed by Oil douse lounge scout trout blouse drought mouse shroud vouch bough flounce mouth slouch ow bounce flour noun slough bow bound flout pouch souse browse bout foul pounce spouse drowse clout grouse pout spout mow couch hound rouse touse prow doubt hour rout trounce sow REVIEW LESSONS. Words Beginning with Two Consonants. bl blotch brawl brine clash blain blues bray brink clasp bleach bluff braze brogue clay bleak blur breast bruise clean blear blurt breach brunt cleanse blend br breed brush cleat blight brace breeze el cleave blink bract brew claim clef blithe braid bribe clamp clerk bloat brain bride clank cliff bloom brave brig clap clinch 18 GRADED SPELLER. cloak crisp fleck gross sparse clod crotch fleece grot spasm clot dr fleet grouse spawn clothe drab fling grown speech cloy draft flint gruff sperm clump drape flirt grum spew clung dread flood sc spile clutch drear flout scald spouse cr dredge flown scape spout crack drew fluke scorn spurn cram drift flume Scotch spurt cramp drone flush scout spy crape drought gr scurf sw crate drowse grade scythe swab crave drudge greens si swap craw fi greet slack sward craze flail grew slain swath creak flake grim slake swine cream flame grime slash swipe crease flange grin sledge St creeds flank grip sloth staid creep flare grit slouch stale crew flash groan slump stead crime flask grog slur steam crimp flaw groove sp steep cringe flay grope space stilt REVIEW LESSONS. 19 stint tr trance tripe trout stitch trail tray trite truce stoat traipse tread troll trudge stunt trait trick troop true sty tramp triU trounce truss Words Beginning with Three Consonants. scr shr shroud spray stride scrag shred shrub spring strife scrawl shrew shrug sprite strut screak shriek spl sprout thr screech shrift spleen spry threat screw shrill splice str thrill scrimp shrimp S p T streak thrive scrip shrine sprain strew thrum script shrink sprawl strict thrush Words Ending ivith Three Consonants. Ich haunch birch tch latch milch launch church batch match mulch munch larch botch notch nch punch lurch fetch sketch blanch staunch march fitch switch bunch winch parch hatch thatch finch rch porch hitch twitch flinch arch starch itch witch 20 GRADED SPELLER. rsh lih nth rth hearth harsh filth ninth birth mirth marsh health tenth dearth worth Words ending with Silent e. a gue dire hoarse pounce souse badge dodge huge prate squeeze bane douse judge probe swerve base duke lease prune swore baste eke lithe pulse tense bathe else lodge quake tierce be lie' farce lure quire tinge bilge fence lute ridge tithe bounce fie lyre rife touse bulge fosse manse rouse twinge cause fuse merge route type cease gauze mince sauce urge cede glance moose sedge valve coarse glare mouse seethe verge copse gorge niche serve vie corpse have noose singe wedge cure hearse parse sire wheeze dace heave pence sleeve wile dense hedge pierce snooze wince dice hence pike solve withe dine hinge poise soothe wreathe REVIEW LESSONS. 21 Words Liable to be Misspelled not included in previous Mevietv Lists, aught knurl plight sheath whelm bomb lamb prompt sigh wren chief mosque psalm sphere wrench chintz naught pshaw sphinx wright chord neigh quash sylph wrist debt numb quirk theirs writ doubt nymph queen thief writhe gnash phiz quoit thwack wrought gnat phlegm rhomb thwart yacht gnu phrase rhyme twelfth yawl knack plague rogue vague yawn knob plea ruse view yearn know pledge rhythm weird yield Words pronounced alike but spelled differently. ail, to be ill. ale, strong beer. ail*, the atmosphere. lieir, one who inherits. aisle, a passage in a chnrch. isle, an island. all, the whole. awl, a shoemaker's tool. arc, part of a circle. ark, a boat ; a chest. aught, anything. Ollg'llt, in duty bound. hail, surety for another. hale, a bundle of goods. ha it, a lure for fish. hate, to lessen. hall, any round body. hawl, to cry aloud. hare, not covered. hear, a quadruped. hark, the noise made by a dog. barone* a three-masted ship. 22 GRADED SPELLER. beat, to strike. beet, a vegetable. beach, a shore. beech, a kind of tree. beer, malt liquor. bier, a frame for carrying the dead. bell, for ringing. belle, a gay young lady. bight, a coil of rope ; a bay. bite, to seize with the teeth. berth, a sleeping-place in a ship or car. birth, being born. boar, a male swine. bore, to make holes. bole, the stem of a tree. boll, the pod of some plants. bowl, a kind of dish. borne, carried. bonril, a bound or limit. bough, a branch. bow, an act of courtesy. brake, an instrument. break, to sever. bruise, to hurt. brews, does brew. but, except. butt, a large cask. buy, to purchase. by, near. bye, a station in certain games. cede, to give up. seed, grain. ceil, to cover the upper part of a room. seal, an engraved stamp. Cent, a coin. SCent, to chase by smell. Sent, did send. Choir, a company of singers. quire, twenty-four sheets of paper. Cite, to summon. Sight, vision. site, a situation. Core, the inner part. Corps, a body of men. Creak, to make a noise. Creek, a small stream. dear, of great value. deer, an animal. dye, to change color. die, to become lifeless. doe, a female deer. dough, paste for baking. done, finished. dun, a color. draft, a bill of exchange. draught, a drink. drupe, a kind of fruit. droop, to hang down. REVIEW LESSONS. 23 eight, a number. ate, did eat. fane, a temple. fain, eager, gladly. feign, to pretend. faint, feeble. feint, pretense. fare, food ; price of convey- ance. fair, beautiful ; an exhibit. fawn, a young deer. faun, a fabled god. feet, parts of the body. feat, an exploit. flea, an insect. flee, to escape. floe, a field of floating ice. flow, to glide smoothly. flour, finely ground meal. flower, a blossom. foul, not clean. fowl, a bird. gait, manner of walking. gate, a means of entrance. gibe, to speak sneeringly. jibe, to shift a sail. gild, to cover with gold. guild, a society. gnu, an animal. new, not old. hail, frozen rain. hale, strong, healthy. hair, of the head. hare, an animal. hart, an animal. heart, the seat of life. hie, to hasten. high, elevated. hoard, a store ; to gather. horde, a wandering tribe. hoek, a light wine. hough, a part of the leg. hour, sixty minutes. Our, belonging to us. jam, preserved fruit. jamb, the side piece of a door. knead, to work dough. need, want ; to require. knight, title of honor. night, time of darkness. knit, to weave with needles. nit, the egg of an insect. knot, a tie. not, a word expressing denial. lac, a kind of gum. lack, to want. leak, to let through, as water. leek, a plant like an onion. leave, to depart from. lieve, willingly. links, parts of a chain. lynx, a wild animal. 24 GRADED SPELLER. loan, anything lent. lone, solitary. lock, anything that fastens. locll, a lake. made, finished. maid, an unmarried woman. mail, a bag of letters. male, the masculine kind. main, principal, chief. mane, a part of some animals. maize, Indian corn. maze, an intricate place. mead, a drink made of honey. meed, reward. mean, low ; to intend. mien, look ; manner. meat, animal food. meet, to come together. might, strength ; power, mite, a small sum ; an insect moat, a deep ditch. mote, a small particle. nave, middle part of a wheel. knave, a rogue. nay, no ; not. neigh, sound made by a horse. oar, for rowing. ore, unrefined metal. ode, a short poem. owed, did owe. pains, aches. panes, squares of glass. pale, white ; wan. pail, a wooden vessel. pair, a couple. pare, to cut thinly. pear, a fruit. pause, to stop ; a cessation. paws, feet of an animal. peak, a point ; the top. pique, to give offence. peal, a loud sound. • peel, rind or skin of fruit. peer, an equal ; a nobleman. pier, the support of a bridge. plait, to fold ; to braid. plate, a shallow dish. pore, an opening; to study closely. pour, to turn out, as water. rain, water from the clouds. reign, to rule, as a king. rein, part of a harness. raise, to lift up. raze, to level with the ground rajS, beams of light. rap, to strike quickly. wrap, to fold around. rest, quiet, cessation. wrest, to take away violently. retch, to strain, as in vomiting, wretch, a miserable person. REVIEW LESSONS. 25 rice, a kind of grain. rise, the act of rising. right, not wrong. rite, a ceremony. Wright, a workman. write, to express by letters. roe, a female deer. TOW, to move with oars. rung*, did ring. wrung, extorted. rye, a kind of grain. wry, crooked. Sail, of a ship. sale, act of selling. scene, a view. Seine, a fishing net. seen, beheld, observed. SCUll, a small boat or oar. Skull, the bone of the head. senm, a line of sewing. Seem, to appear. Sear, dry ; withered. Seer, a prophet. Sees, does see. Seize, to lay hold of. Serf, a kind of slave. Surf, swell of the sea. serge, a kind of cloth. Surge, to swell, as waves. shear, to clip or cut. Sheer, pure ; unmixed. shoe, a covering for the foot. shoo, begone ; away. sign, a token. sine, a line in geometry. Sleigh, a vehicle on runners. slay, to kill. Sley, a weaver's reed. Slew, did slay. Slue, to turn about. Slow, not swift. Sloe, a berry ; a wild plum. Sole, the bottom of the foot SOl, name of a note in music. SOUl, the immortal part of man. Steal, to take by theft. Steel, refined and hardened iron. Steppe, an elevated plain. Step, a pace. Stile, steps over a fence. Style, manner of writing. Straight, right ; direct. Strait, a narrow passage. tact, skill. tacked, fastened by tacks. taut, tightly drawn. taught, did teach. team, a span, as of horses. teem, to be full of. time, a measure of duration. thyme, a kind of plant. 26 GRADED SPELLER. throe, extreme pain. throw, to cast ; to fling. throne, a royal seat. thrown, hurled ; flung. toe, a part of the foot. tow, the coarse part of flax. vale, a valley. veil, a covering for the face. Vain, conceited, false. Vane, a weathercock. vein, a blood-vessel. Vice, a defect ; a fault. vise, an instrument for griping things. Words spelled alike but a buse', bad treatment. a DUSe' (z), to injure. browse, shrubs or twigs. browse (z), to feed on twigs. Close, shut fast. close (z), to shut. cruise, a small bottle. cruise (z), to sail ; a voyage. does (duz), Ann does well. does (dos), plural of doe. gill, the fourth of a pint. gill, as of a fish. live, to have life. live, having life. wail, to lament. wale, part of a ship Wain, a kind of wagon, wane, to grow less. waist, the middle part of the body. waste, to destroy. waive, to relinquish. wave, of the sea. way, a road ; a manner. weigh, to find the weight. wait, to stay. Weight, that which anything weighs. pronounced differently. niOUSe, a small quadruped. mouse (z), to catch mice. mouth, the opening between the lips. mouth, to speak affectedly. Object', to oppose in words. object, the thing sought. Off set, a sprout. off set', to set off. rise, an ascent. rise fz), to get up. SlOUgh, a miry place. SlOUgh (sluf), to cast off % skin. REVIEW LESSONS. 27 Different modes of spelling the same words. chops gage moult stent chaps gauge molt stoop choir gaol nought stoup quire jail naught straight cleft gear pleat strait clift geer plait strap cloak hock pur strop k cloke hough purr swap copse hoop sac swop ue cop pice whoop sack swol len ;ed co sy keg sacque swol en ; co zy cag shoat thresh se cur ry key shote thrash se cur rie quay skain troop ue dent leech skein troupe n dint leach smelt vail r disk loth srnelled veil x disc loath spright whir draft lye sprite whur draught ley spirt woe elf mall spurt wo k elve maul staunch yelk font mold stanch yolk fount mould stint 28 NAMES OF PERSONS. NAMES OF PERSONS. Males. Da vid Jes se Females. Eve Aa ron Den nis Jo ab A da Fan ny Abel Dex ter Job Agnes Flora Ab ner Ed gar Jo el Al ice Grace A bram Ed raund Jo nah Amy Hel en Ad am Ed win Jo nas Ann Ida A din Eg bert Ju dah An na Inez Albert El bert Levi Blanch I re' ne Al fred Enos Lew is Bridg et Jane Allen Esau Luke Celi a Ja net' Al mon Ezra Lu ther Clar a Jean Al vah Frank Mark Co ra Jo an Al vin Giles Mar tin Deli a Joyce A mos Guy Miles Di nah Lau ra An drew He man Neal Do ra Lilly Ar thur Hen ry Os car Dor cas Lo is A sa Her bert Ow en E clith Lou ise' Aus tin Hugh Paul Edna Lu cy Caleb Hu go Pe ter Ella Mabel Cecil Isaac Phil ip Ellen Ma ry Clar ence Ja bez Ralph Em ma Maud Claude Ja cob Saul Es ther May Cy rus Ja red Seth E va Sa ra SECOND STEP. 29 SECOND STEP. The sound represented by i ? as heard in mete, expressed b e be reave' fear ful year ly be som be speak' greas y ee com plete' bo hea' hea then bee-bread de cent breach y in crease' beech en ex treme' breath ing leaf let beef steak fe male cheap en league bees-wax fre quent cheap ness leaky bee tie le ver clear ing me a ger be seech' ne gress cleav er mean ness boot ee' que ry creak ing me a sles can teen' ra ceme' cream y neat ness cheer ful re gion . creat ure peace ful cheer y re tail dea con reap er de gree' spe cie dis ease' re treat' deep en ea ea gle sea son fee ble ap pear' ea glet teach er flee cy bea con ear-ring tea sel fleet ness beard ed ea sel trea ty free dom beast ly east ern we a ry greed y beat en en treat' wea sel keep sake 30 GRADED SPELLER. knee pan seedy steel yard trust ee' nee die set tee' stee pie twee zers need less sheep ish sweet ish weed y The sound represented by ( 7 as heard in pale, expressed by a brake man em brace' la ver a bate' bra sier en rage' major ach ing bra vo en slave' mak er a corn bra zen es cape' man ger a gent cam brie ex change' ma tron April cane brake fac ing ma zy a wake' ca per fatal na bob ba con ca ret fa vor na dir bak ing case ment flam ing na ked base less case mate fla vor na sal base ment cas ing for gave' na tion ba sis ca ter for sake' na tive be came' chas ten ga ble nat ure be have' era ter glaz ing o paque' be late' era ven gravy pa cer be rate' crazy has ten pa gan be take' de face' hate ful pa rade' blame less de range' ha zel pas try bla zon dis grace' ha zy pa tient block ade' dis place' la bor pro fane' brace let dra per la va Quak er SECOND STEP. ra tion ai dai sy paint er ra ven ab stain' de claim' prai rie ra zor aim less de tain' prais es sa ble at tain' ex plain' rai ment sa go a vail' faint ness rain y scrap er a wait' faith ful rai sin Shak er be wail' gai ter re tail' shav er com plain' jail er re tain' sta men con tain' maid en strain er ta per daily main sail tai lor va cant dain ty ob tain' trai tor 31 The sound represented by a as heard in last, expressed by a branch y caste cast or advance' brassy casting chaffy a las' cask et cas tie raft er The sound represented by a as heard in bare, 1 expressed by a be ware' glar ing scarce ly a ware' care ful par ent spare-rib bare foot dar ing pre pare' spar ing The sound represented by a as heard in far, expressed by a ar gue balm y ba zaar' arch er ar mor bar ber be half arc tic art ful bar ley calm ly 1 For a discussion of this sound see Manual of Reading. 32 GRADED SPELLER. car bon farm er har ness mar vel car cass fath er hur ra' pars nip car mine fore-arm 7 jar gon par ty car nal gar gle jar ring re gard' cart age gar lie lard er scar let cart er gar ner mar gin sharp en charg er gar ter mar shal spark le char ter har bor mar ten star ry ci gar' hard y mar tin start le dark en harm ful mar tyr tar get The sound represented by u as heard in furl, expressed bj u burn ish hurt ful sur geon bur dock cur die knurl y sur name bur gess fur long mur der Thurs day bur glar fur nace oc cur' tur ban bur ly fur ry sur face tur key burn ing fur ther sur feit tur nip The sound represented by e as heard in term, 1 expressed b e cer tain di vert' nerv ous as sert' cler gy ex ert' ob serve' a stern' con verse 7 her mit pre serve' a ver' con vert' ker chief re fer' a verse' de fer' ker nel ser mon a vert' des sert' mer cy ser pent 1 For a discussion of this sound see Manual of Reading. SECOND STEP. i The sound represented by a as heard in fall, expressed by a au haugh ty horn y al tar auc tion lau rel lord ly ap pall 7 au dit pau per morn ing a ward' Au gust sau cer mor sel bal sam au thor sau sage mor tal be fair cau cus mor tar ealk er cau dal ab sorb' or chard chalk y cau tion a dorn' or gan palsy daub er cor set per form' pal try fau cet for ty tor pid quar ter gaudy frost y tort ure The sound represented by 5 as heard in lone, expressed by cho rus dole ful ghost ly a bode' chos en do nate glory a dore' clos ing do nor gro cer afford' co Ion drov er hoi lo' a tone 7 col ter en close' host ess bold ness con trol' en roll' im port' bol ster co ny ex port' lo cal bolt er cro cus flo ral lo cate bo nus cro ny fold er lo cust bo rax- de pot' fore-arm lone some bo vine de vote' fore man mop ish bro ker dis pose' fore noon mo tion 33 34 GRADED SPELLER. no bly port al ro dent stor age not ed por tion ropy stroll er no tice port ly smok er to ken no tion pos er smok y to per op pose' post age sol dier to tal port age pro file stol en to wards The sound represented by oo as heard in fo~od, expressed b 00 booty hal loo' poo die bam boo' cool er loose ly roost er booby coop er loos en sa loon' boom ing fes toon' moor ing spit toon' boot less gal loon' pon toon' woo er The sound represented by i as heard in pin, , expressed by i bick er brick bat chris ten a bridge' bid den brick-kiln Chris tian affix' bid ding brim ful Christ mas afflict' big ness brim ming clink er akin' billet brim stone clip ping a miss' bill ion brin died com mit' as sist' bis cuit bris tie con vince' be dim' bish op Brit ish crink le befit' bit ten Brit on dib ble be think' bit tern chil blain dick y be witch' bit ters chir rup die tate bib ber bliss ful chit chat dig it • SECOND STEP. dim ness gin ger lin net nim ble dis cord giz zard lin seed nin ny dis mal glim mer lin tel nip pers dis miss' glit ter liq uid per mit' dis tant gris tie liq uor per sist' dis trict griz zly list en pick et ditty hie cough list less pig eon drib blet hill ock liv ing pil fer drink er In dian mid dling pil lar drip pings in mate mid land pirn pie driz zle in most mid night pinch ers driz zly in stant mid riff pip pin dwin die in suit mil dew pis ton e clipse' isth mus mill-dam piv ot en list' jin gle mill er prick le en rich' kid nap mil let prig gish fiddle kin dred mimic prim er fifteen king dom min gle prim ly fil bert kins man min now prim rose flinty kip skin mis tress prince ly for bid' lim it misty prin cess for give' lim pid mit ten print er frit ter limp sy mixt ure priv et gib bet linch pin miz zen quib ble gig gle linden nick name quiv er gild ing lin ger nig gard re sist' 35 36 GRADED SPELLER. rib aid sig nal stil ly trig ger rib bon silk en sub mit' trip le rid die sil van swim mer trip ping rig or sim mer swin dler twink le rig ging sim per thick en twit ter rigid sin ew thim ble twit ting rins; let sin ful think er vig il rip pie six pence thin ner vil la rip pling six teenth this tly wins key risen skil let thrift less whis tie scis sors skillful thrill ing whit tie scrimp ing skim mer tick et wil low shift less slip per till age win ner shil ling sniv el tim brel win now shim mer spin die tin gling win try shin gle spin et tink er with er ship ping spin ning tink ling wit ness ship wreck spin ster tin ner wit ty shriv el spir it tin ny wrig gle sibyl spit tie tin sel wring er sick le sprink le tip pier wrink le sift er stig ma trick le writ ten The sound represented by e as heard in met , expressed b; e ac cent' a dept' a mend' ab sent' . ad dress' af feet' an nex' SECOND STEP. ap pend' blem ish crest ed ex pense' ar rest' bless ed crev ice ex press' as cencT bless ing debt or ex tend' as cent' breth ren de fense' fer ment' as sent' bru nette' de fend' fore tell' at tempt' ca det' den tal freck le a venge' ce ment' den tist fresh et beck on cen ser de pend' hem lock bed ding cen sure des ert in tend' be deck' cen sus di rect' in tent' bed lam cen tral dis pel' in vent' bed quilt check er dress y jen ny bed rid cher ub dwell ing ken nel bed room chess-board edg ing la ment' bed side chest nut edge wise la pel' bed stead clev er ef fort lect ure be get' clev is e lect' leg ume beheld' col lect' else where lem on bell man com mence' em bers length en bel low com mend' en ter med al bel lows con fess' en trance med dler ber ry con nect' en vy med ley be set' con sent' es cort mel on bet ters con tend' e vent' melt ing bev el cor rect' ex ile mem ber bev y cred it ex pend' men tion 37 38 GRADED SPELLER. mer it mesh y mes sage met al meth od met tie mo lest' my self neck lace nee tar neg lect' neph ew neth er net ting net tie offend' of fense' op press' pel let pel vis pend ant pend ent pen knife pep per per il per ish pes ter pes tie pet rel pet tish phlegm pres ence pre sent' press ure pre tense' pro fess' pro gress' pro ject' pro pel' quar tet' reb el re bel' reck less reck on red dish spell er ref uge step ping re ject' swell ing rel ish tell er rep tile tern per re sent' tern pest res in tern pie rest less tep id rev el tes ty sell er treb le sel vage trel lis sen na trem ble sense less trench er sen tence tres tie set ter web bing set tier wed ding sev enth wed lock shel ter Wednes dav shep herd west ern sher ry wreck er sled ding wres tie speck led yel low The sound represented by a as heard in mat, expressed by a ab sence ac cent ac tion a back' ab sent act ing act ive SECOND STEP. actor back side bat ter cap stan act ress back ward bat ting cap sule a dapt' bad ger black ball cap tion ad die baffle black board cap tive ag ate bag gage black en cap tor album bag pipe black ish capt ure am pie bal lad black ness car ol amply bal last black smith catch ing an chor bal lot blad der catch up an ger band age blank et cat gut an gle band box brack et cat kin an gling ban dy brack ish cat nip an guish bank-bill brag gart cav ern an them bank ing bram ble chal lenge an ther ban ner bran dish chan nel ant ler ban quet bran dy chap el anvil ban tam cab bage chap ter aptly ban ter cal lus chat ty Arab bap tism cam phor clan nish Ar a bic Bap tist can eel clap board ar id bar on can did clap per at tach' bar rack can dor clar et at tack' bar rel can ker clash ing axis bar ren can on clat ter bab ble bar row can ton crab bed bab bier bash ful can vas crack er 39 40 GRADED SPELLER. crack le fac tion hand cuff latch et crag gy fag ot hand ful lath er era vat' fam ine hand y Lat in dab ble fath om har row lat ter dab ster fat ling hatch el lat tice dag ger fat ty hatch et lav ish dal ly flan nel hatch way mad den dam age flash y hat ter mad der damp er flat ten jab ber mag got damp ness flax en jack al mag pie dam sel frac tion jack daw mal ice dam son frank ly jack knife mal let dan die flashy J a g gy mal low dan druff gab ble jan gle mam mal dan dy gal lant ja pan' mam mon dan gle gal Ion jave lin mam moth dap pie gal lop knap sack man gle das tard gal lows lack ey man go daz zle gam bier lad der man hood de camp' gam bol lamb kin man na drab ble gan der Ian cet man ner drag gle gar ret land mark man sion drag on gi raffe' Ian guage man tie en trap' glad den Ian guid mar riage ex act' grav el Ian tern mar row ex tract' nab it las so mar ry SECOND STEP. 4] mas tic mas tiff match lock mat ting mat tress mo rass' nap kin nappy nar rate nar row pad die pad lock pal ace pal ate pal lid pam phlet pan el panic pan ther pan sy par rot par ry pas sage pat ter pat tern plant ain plat ter prac tice prat tie quag gy rab ble rack et rad ish rag ged rap id ras cal rat tan' rat tling rav el rav en Sab bath sad dler sal ad salm on sam pie san dal sand wich sap id sap ling sappy satch el sav age scab bard scab by scaf fold scam per scant y scat ter scrab ble shad ow shan ty smat ter snap pish stad die stag ger stam mer stat ure strad die strag gle sub tract'' swag ger tack le tal ly tal on tar ry tat ter tat tier tav ern tramp er val ley val or val ue wrap per Yan kee The sound represented by 6 as heard in not, expressed by o block head bod kin bond age a dopt' be got' blot ter bod ice bog gle boggy bonds man bon fire 42 GRADED SPELLER. bon ny cot ton hos tile pol ish cob bier crotch ed host ler prod uct cob web dol phin jock ey profit cock le don key lob by prog ress col lege flog ging lob ster proj ect col umn folly lock et prompt er com bat fond le loz enge proph et com ma fore head mod ern rhom bic com mon fos sil mon arch rhom boid com mons gob ble mon ster ros trum con duct gob bier nod die Scot tish con fine gob let nod dy shop ping con gress gob lin non sense slob ber con quer gog gles nos tril slop py con quest gos ling nov el soggy con stant gos sip nov ice sol der con tract grot to nox ious sot tish con trast grov el noz zle spot ted con vict hog gish offal stop per cos tume holly olive trod den cot tage hoi low os trich trot ter cot ter hon or ot ter vom it The sound represented by u as heard in nut, expressed bj u ab rapt' au gust' blub ber adult' adjust' benumb' bludgeon SECOND STEP. A blun der crum pie gum my mum ble blunt ly cud die hub bub mum my blush ing cud gel hud die mump ish blus ter cup ping huffy mus cle brush j cus tard hum bly mush room bub ble cus torn hum bug musk y buck wheat cut ler hun ger mus lin buffet cut throat hunt er mus ter bug bear cut ting hus band must y bulb ous dis gust 7 in trust' mut ter bulky dis trust' judg ment mut ton bum per drug get jug gler muz zle bump kin drug gist jum ble num. skull bung hole drum mer junc tion nut shell bun gle drunk ard jun gle ob struct' bun gler dull ness jus tice plun der bun ion dump y just ly pub lie bunt ing dun geon lub ber pub lish bus tard flut ter lum ber puck er but ler fum ble lumpy pud die but ment fun gus lusty pum ice buz zard fun nel mis trust' pump kin chuck le fur row mud dy put ty clut ter gruffly muffin puz zle con suit 7 grum ble muf fler rud dy crum ble gul let muggy ruf fi an 43 44 GRADED SPELLER. rug ged shud der stub ble sul tan rum bling shuffle stub born sum mit rum mage shut ter stub by truck le run ner slug gard stud y turn bier Rus sian snuf fers subject tun nel rus tie snuf fle sue cor ud der scuffle sput ter suck le umber The sound represented by i as heard in pint ;, expressed by i bap tize' cap size' fil ings a bide' be side' ci on fine ness ac quire' be stride' ci pher fir ing ad mire' be time' cli mate Fri day ad vice' bi as com bine' grind er ad vise' bind er cri er grind stone a light' bind ing de file' hind er ap prise' bi ped de fine' i bex a rise' bi son de ride' i bis ar rive' bi valve de sign' ice berg as cribe' blind fold di vide' ice-cream as pire' blind ness di vine' ire ful as sign' brid al driv er i ris a stride' bride maid en quire' i tern at tire' bright ness en tire' li cense a while' bri ny en twine' mi ca back slide' ca nine' ex pire' mi grate REVIEW LESSONS. 45 min er pil ing ris ing time ly mi nor prim ing ri val tri al mi nus pri or sa line' trifle nine teen re cite' shin y twi light nine ty re cline' smil ing vile ly o blige' re sign' spi cy viny phi al ri fle swin ish writ ing The sound represented by u as heard in mute, expressed 1 U cu bic ju ror ob tuse' a buse' du el jury plu ral ac cuse' ex cuse' ma nure' pu pil a cute' fluid ma ture' sa lute' a muse' fuel mi nute' se cure' as sume' fury mu cus stu dent blu ish fu ture mul ish stu pid bu gle hu man mu sic tu ber REVIEW LESSONS. Words pronounced nearly or quite alike but spelled differently, al ter, to change. al tar, a place for sacrifices. as Cent', motion upward. as Sent', agreement. au ger, an instrument. ail gur, to foretell. Cal lllS, hardness of the skin. Cal lous, hardened. Can did, frank, op % en. can died, changed to sugar. 46 GRADED SPELLER. Can non, a large gun. Call on, a rule of doctrine. Can vas, a coarse cloth. Can vaSS, to search out. Cast, to throw. Caste, separate class of society. Cast or, a genus of animals. Cast er, a small wheel. Cau (lal, pertaining to a tail. cau (He, a kind of warm drink. Caul, a covering for the head. Call, to invite to come. Cens er, a pan in which in- cense is burned. cen SOr, one who censures. COUrs er, a racer. COars er, more coarse. CUll er, one who culls. COl Or, as red, blue, yellow, etc. Colonel, a commander of a regiment. ker nel, as of grain. Cur rent, a running stream. cur rant, a small fruit. die in»', ceasing to live. dye ing, staining. gro cer, a dealer in articles of food. gross er, coarser. man tie, a cloak. man tel, an ornamental shelf. med al, a coin given as a re- ward of merit. med die, to interfere officiously. met al, gold, silver, iron, etc. met tie, spirit, courage. min er, one who digs for metal. mi nor, one under a certain age. mu CUS, an animal fluid. mu COUS, slimy and lubricous. pan el, as of a door. pan nel, a kind of saddle. ped al, part of a musical in- strument. ped die, to carry about to sell. sell er, one who sells. Cel lar, an underground room. SUCk er, offshoot from a tree. SUC COr, to aid one in dis- tress. ta per, to grow smaller toward the end. ta pir, an animal. REVIEW LESSONS. 47 Words spelled alike but ab sent, not present. ab sent', to withdraw. ac cent', to express accent. ac cent, marked force of voice. Au gust, the eighth month. au gUSt', grand. bel lows (lus), an instrument for driving air through a tube. bel lows, bawls, clamors. COl lecf, to accumulate. COl lect, a short prayer for a particular day. COn duct, behavior. Con duct', to lead. COn fine', to keep close. COn fine, a bound, a border. COn tract', to draw together. COn tract, a formal bargain. COn trast, opposition of quali- ties. Con trast', to compare by dif- ference of qualities. COn verse', to talk familiarly. COn verse, familiar talk. COn vert', to turn from one state to another. COn Vert, one who is converted. COn Vict', to prove guilty. pronounced differently, COn Vict, one who is convicted. des ert, a wilderness. de Serf, to forsake. es COrt, an attendant, a guard. es COI't', to attend. ex CUSe'(z), to free from blame. ex CUSe', an apology. ex port', to carry out of a country. ex port, that which is exported. ex tract', to draw out. ex tract, that which is take\ out. fer ment, that which causes fermentation. fer ment' , to undergo fermen- tation. fore-arm', to prepare for an attack before the time of need. fore-arm, the part of the arm between the elbow and wrist. fre quenf, to visit often. fre quent, occurring often. gal lant, brave, gay. gal lanf , polite to ladies. kin der, to prevent; to check. hind er, relating to the rear o/ anything. 48 GRADED SPELLER. im port, that which is brought from another country. im port', to bring in from abroad. ill Crease, a gain ; an addition. ill Crease', to become greater. in suit', to treat with insolence. in Suit, gross abuse. low er (o), to let down. low er (ou), to threaten a storm = min Ute, the sixtieth of an hour. mi nute', a very slight portion. object', to oppose with words. ob ject, that to which the mind directs itself. pres ent, a gift. pre sent', to give ; to show. pro gress', to go forward. prog reSS, motion onwards. project', to throw forward; to plan. proj CCt, a plan. rS veil, a kind of bird. rav ell, to eat greedily. re bel', to resist lawful author- ity. reb el, one who rebels. re tail, sale by small quanti- ties. re tail', to sell in small quanti- ties. Sew er, a drain. Sew er (o),one who sews. SllOW er (o), one who shows. Sbow er, a fall of rain of short duration. SUb ject, a citizen ; a theme. Subject', to bring under rule. Different ways of spelling the same word. bau ble cast er clev is cosy baw ble catch up clevy cosey bowl der cat sup col ter hie cough boul der cen ter coul ter hie cup calk er cen tre ci on hoi loa' caulk er check er sci on hoi lo' cast or cheq uer co zy hur ra' REVIEW LESSONS. 49 hur rah' mold pre tence' skill ful jail or mus cle quar tet' skil ful gaol er mus sel quar tette' sol der jan ty of fense' rib bon sod er jaun ty of fence' rib and sur name mea gre pars nip rib band sir name mea ger pars nep sel vage whis ky mould pre tense' sel vedge whis key Words containing Silent Letters. e final as pire' be have' bu gle a bate 7 as siime' be late' bung hole a bide' a stride' be rate' bun gle a bode' a tone' be reave' car mine ab sence at tire' be stride' com mence' ac quire' a venge' be take' com plete' act ive a verse' be time' con vince' a cute' a ware' bi valve creat ure ad die a while' bog gle crev ice ad mire' bab ble bond age crink le a dore' bag gage bon fire crum pie ag ate bag pipe bo vine cur die am pie band age bram ble dab ble an gle bap tize' brim stone dan die ar gue be came' bru nette' dap pie v ar rive' bed side bub ble daz zle 50 GRADED SPELLER. de file' ex treme' jum ble ol ive de fine' fam ine jun gle pad die de range' fee ble lect ure pal ate de ride' fe male lone some pa rade' de vote' fid die loz enge pas sage dib ble fond le mag pie pen knife die tate for gave' man gle pes tie dis pose' for give' ma nure' pirn pie di vide' for sake' mar riage port age di vine' freck le ma ture' post age do nate fam ble mes sage prac tice drab ble fut ure mi grate prai rie drag gle gab ble min gle prat tie driz zle ga ble mixt ure press ure dwin die gar gle mum ble pre tense' e clipse' gig gle muz zle pro file else where gi raffe' nar rate pud die en quire' gob ble na tive puz zle en rage' grind stone nat ure quib ble en slave' gris tie nee die rab ble en tire' gram ble net tie ref uge en twine' hos tile nim ble rep tile es cape' hud die non sense rid die ex ile in mate noz zle ri tie ex pense' jan gle o blige' rip pie ex pire' jin gle ob tuse' rum mage REVIEW LESSONS. 51 rus tie trem ble bad ger bris tie sa ble tres tie balm y buck wheat sa line' trifle bare foot bump kin sa lute' trip le bar rack cack le sau sage twink le base less calm ly sav age wrink le base ment cane brake scuf fle Initial. beck on care ful shin gle hon or be deck' care less shuf fle hos tier be half case mate snuf fle knap sack bick er crack er spark le knurl y black ball crack le spit tie scis sors black board debt or sprink le wrap per black en dick y stad die wreck er black ish de sign' start le wres tie black ness edg ing stat ure wrig gle black smith fine ness stee pie wring er blame less fore head stor age wrink le block ade' for eign strad die writ ing block head fore man strag gle writ ten brack et fore noon stub ble Intermediate, brack ish fore tell' sur name a light' brake man ghost ly tern pie as sign' brick bat gog gles thim ble back side brick-kiln has ten tort ure back slide' bride -maid hate ful treb le back ward bright ness haugh ty 52 GRADED SPELLER hem lock lack ey prick le ship wreck hill ock lamb kin puck er sick le ice berg list en rack et speck led ire ful lock et reck less tack le isth mus loose ly reck on time ly jack al mid night re sign 7 trick le jack daw nick name rhom bic twi light jack knife nine teen rhom boid vile ly jave lin nine ty salm on vine yard jock ey pad lock sense less wed lock judg ment pick et shep herd Wednes day Equivalent Consonants, c like k ca det' cap tor ca ter a corn cam brie car bon cat kin ac tion can dor car cass cat nip act or ca nine 7 ca ret cau cus act ress can ker car nal cau tion af feet' can ton car ol cav ern afflict' can vass cart age clap board Ar a bic ca per cart er clap per arc tic cap size 7 cas ing clash ing as cribe' cap stan cask et clan nish bea con cap sule case ment clat ter bis cuit cap tion cast ing cler gy cab bage cap tive cas tie cli mate REVIEW LESSONS. 53 clink er co ny cus torn pan ic clip ping cool er cut ler prod uct clut ter coop er cut throat pub lie cob bier cor rect' cut ting ras cal cob web cor set dea con re cline' col lege cot tage de claim' re ject' co Ion cot ter di rect' scab bard col umn cot ton dis cord scab by com bat crab bed dis trict scaf fold com bine' crag gy e lect' scam per com ma era ter ex act' scant y com mend' era vat' fac tion scar let com mit' era ven frac tion Scot tish com mon era zy gar lie scrap er com plain' cred it hand cuff scrib ble con fess' crest ed hie cough se cure' con gress cri er junc tion sub tract' con nect' crink le lo cal sue cor con quer cro cus lo cate traffic con quest cro ny lo cust va cant con sent' crum ble mas tic c like s con stant cu bic mim ic ad vance' con suit' cud die mi ca ad vice' con tain' cud gel nee tar as cend' con tend' cup ping neg lect' bod ice con trol' cus tard oc cur' brace let 54 GRADED SPELLER. ce merit 7 mer cy an chor clos ing cens er no tice cho rus dam sel cen sure nov ice chris ten dam son cen sus pa cer Chris tian des sert' cen tral pal ace Christ mas dis ease' cer tain peace ful mon arch dis mal ci gar' pinch ers ph like f drip pings dan cer pum ice cam phor ea sel de cent quin ces ci pher edge wise de face' ra ceme' dol phin em bers de fence' re cite' neph ew en close' dis grace' sau cer pam phlet ex cuse' dis place' sen tence phi al gos ling em brace' spicy phlegm greas y en trance sur face proph et hus band fac ing tch like eh s like z kins man fau cet catch ing ac cuse' mea sles flee cy catch up ad vise' mu sic fur nace crotched a muse' mus lin gro cer hatched a rise' na sal ice berg hatch et ap prise' nip pers jus tice latch et bap tism ob serve' Ian cet match lock bees-wax op pose' lat tice satch el be som palsy li cense eh like k bit ters pan sy mal ice ach ing bonds man po ser NAMES OF PERSONS. 55 pres ence pre serve' pre sent 7 prim rose Males Al van Bald win Bap tist Cal vin Ce phas Clem ent Con rad Con stant Den nis Don aid Dun can Eben Ellis E noch Eric Er nest Ethan Eu gene 7 prism rai sin res in re sent' re sign re sist' ris en ris ing tea sel Thurs day to wards wea sel NAMES Felix Fes tus Fran cis Frank lin Ga ius Gar ret Ger aid Ger man Gil bert Giv en God win Har old Her man Hi ram Ho mer Hor ace How ell Hu bert In crease OF PERSONS. Ja son Jas per Ja van Jus tin Jus tus La ban Lam bert Law rence Li nus Lou is Mar cus Mer rick Micah Mor gan Na hum Na than Noah Noel Nor man Or in Pome roy Ran dal Ray mond Reu ben Reyn old Rich ard Rog er Ro land Ru dolph Ru fus Sal mon Sam son Si las Si mon Ste phen Stew art Wal ter War ren 56 GRADED SPELLER. Females An nette' Ber tha Chloe Con stance Eu nice Flor ence Fran ces Ger trude Han nah Hes ter Hul dah Jeanne Ju dith Mar tha Mer cy My ra Nan cy No ra Olive Pa tience Phebe Polly Ra chel Sun day . . Mon day Tues day Wednes day Thurs day . Friday . . Sat ur day . Jan u a ry February . ABBREVIATIONS. Days and Months. Sun. Mon. Tu. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Jan. Feb. March April June . July' . Au gust Sep tem' ber Oc to' ber No vem' ber De cem' ber . Names of Persons. Mar. Apr. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Charles Chas. Dan iel Dan. Edward Edw. E HV a beth .... Eliz. James Jas. Jo seph Jos. Josh u a Josh. John Jno. Rob ert Robt. Sam u el Sam. Thorn as Thos. Virgil Vi r g- Will iam Wm. George Geo. Mat thew Mat. Pe ter Pet. Patrick Pat. Julia Jul. THIRD STEP, 57 THIRD STEP. The sound represented by e as heard in mete !, expressed by e per se vere' hea then ish lei sure ad here' pre mi um peace a ble re ceipt' ad he' sive re al ly wea ri some re ceive' a re' na seen er y spear mint ie bias pheme' schem er ee a piece' ca the' dral se cret ly a gree' ment be lief con ven' ient the a tre auc tion eer' be liev' er ere o sote tor pe' do can non eer' be siege' de cent ly ze nith ca reen' chief ly de i fy ea dis a gree' chief tain de i ty ap peal' gen teel' ly re lief 7 fe ver ish ap pease' greed i ly i fre quent ly be smear' pi o neer' fa tigue' i de' a east er ly sleep i ness ma rine' in ter fere' eat a ble ei ob lique' me di um en treat' y ceil ing ra vine' mu se' um fear ful ly de ceit' ui pe ri od greas i ness de ceit' ful mos qui' to The sound represented by a as heard in pclle, expressed by a an cient ly a re a a wak' en a gen cy an cient a pri cot ar cade' ar range' a the ist ba by ish bak er y 58 GRADED SPELLER. bass-vi ol e qua' tor ra di ance bay o net be hav' ior flir ta' tion sal a ble be tray' al be lat/ ed for ma' tion ser e nade' de cay' blam a ble for sak' en tarn a ble dis may' blaz ing foun da' tion to ma' to dis play' bra va' do fra grant va can cy gay ly brav er y grace ful ly va ca' tion hay-mow bri gade' gran ger vo ca' tion hay-rick bro cade' grap er y vol ca' no lay man can non ade' has ti ly ai may or ca pa ble ha zi ness ar raign' pay a ble car Da' tion hu mane' as cer tain' play ful ca ter er knav ish bail a ble slay er change a ble la bor er com plaint' slay ing change ful la zi ness dain ti ly ei cha rade' lem on ade' en ter tain' eight een con ta' gious lo ca' tion faith ful ly eighth ly cour a' geous mi gra' tion main mast neigh bor era ni um nar ra' tion pro claim' rein deer era zi ness no ta' tion re frain' ey ere a' tor oc ca' sion re tail' er dis o bey' dan ger ous o ra' tion re tain' er o bey' die ta' tion pa tri ot straight en ea die ta' tor pave ment ay break age do na' tion po ta' to ar ray' ue du ra' tion pri va' tion a stray' bou quet' The sound represented by a as heard in fast, expressed by a branch let mo las' ses pass o ver aft er ward cast a way pass a ble vast ness THIRD STEP. 59 The sound represented by a as heard in far, expressed by "" ar ti choke car bine hard ware a alms house arch way ant arc' tic arch er y ard u ous ar gu ment ar se nal ar se nic ar ti fice ar ti san art less ness ba na' na bar ber ry bar na cle bar ter er blar ney car nage car ni val car pet ing car ti lage ca tarrh' char coal de part' ure dis charge' harts horn mar tin gal mar vel ous mus tache' par son age par ti cle par ti san zou ave' The sound represented by u as heard in furl, expressed by u fur ri er ou scourge ab surd' ness hurt ful ly ad journ' ment bur den some mur der er cour te sy at tor' ney burg la ry mur mur er jour nal ist bor ough fur ni ture sur cin gle jour ney word y The sound i represented by e as heard in term ,* expressed e in ter' ment ver te bra birth place al ter' nate in ter' nal ea birth right as ser' tion mer chant earn est cir clet a ver' sion mer ci ful earth en cir cu lar ber ga mot ob serv' er pearl ash cir cus cer tain ly per fume search ing gird le cler gy man per se cute i girl hood clerk ship pre serv' er af firm' irk some con ver' sion sub mer' sion be stir 1 thir ti eth de sert' er ter mi nate birch en vir gin 1 See Manual of Reading for a discussion of this sound. 60 GRADED SPELLER. The sound represented by a as heard in fall, expressed by a as sault' brawn y all spice au di ble craw fish a dorn' ment al der man au di tor law ful as sort' ment al ma nac au thor ess law ful ly dis or' der bald ness au to graph law suit dor mant balk y au tumn law yer form al ist cal dron cause way saw yer fort night call ing fault less oa for ward dwarf ish aw a broad' im por' tant squall y aw ful broad ax or gan ist stalk ing awk ward broad cast or na ment war ri or awn ing broad cloth por cu pine au baw ble broad en re cord' er ap plaud' bawl ing broad side vor tex ap plause' brawl er broad sword wrong ly The sound represented by o as heard in tone , expressed by de vot' ed lone li ness quo ta a dor' er di plo' ma not a ble quo tient a tone' ment do zi ness no ta ry rogu ish au ro' ra en no' ble no ti fy ro sa ry be fore' hand ex pos' ure o a sis so no' rous be hold' er fo li age Oc to' ber oa be to' ken fore fin ger o di ous a board' bon y glo ri ous o dor ous a float' Bo re as gro cer y o pi urn ap proach' bro ker age he ro' ic po e try be moan' de com pose' ho li ness por trait bloat ed de co' rum im pose' pro noun board er de port' ment jo vi al quo rum boast ful THIRD STEP. 61 boat swain coach man coarse ness coast er coat ing croak ing foam y hoar y hoi loa' loaf er loath some soap y ow be low' be stow'' be stow' al blow er bow ie-knife bowl der bow-legged bow line bow man bow sprit bow string bow-win dow crow-bar low er low ly mow ing ow ing show y snow ball snow y ou cours er fourth ly mould y poul tice poul try re source' shoul der ew sew sew er The sound represented by oo as heard in food, expressed by oo bab oon' bal loon' boot-jack broom stick ca boose' coop er age gloom y har poon' kan ga roo' pan ta loons' pap poose' rac coon' sa loon' schoon er tooth ache o a do' ap prove' ap prov' al do er mov a ble mov ing un do' u bru in cru ci fix cru ci form cru ci fy in sur' ance pru dent rhu barb rul a ble rul er ru mor ru ral ui bruis er cruis er fruit ful ew brew er y oe ca noe' The sound represented by i as heard in pin, expressed by ad mit' tance af flic' tion a kim' bo am bi' tion ar tist' ic as crip' tion as sist' ance as sist' ant bap tis' mal be fit' ting be gin' ner be gin' ning be wil' der be witch' ing bib li cal bick er ing big a my big ot ry bil low y 62 GRADED SPELLER. bin na cle fa mil' iar lin i ment sil li ness bit ter ness fif ti eth liv er y sil ver y brick-lay er fish er y man til' la sim i lar cin na mon fla min' go mil li ner slip per y cit i zen for give' ness min er al stick i ness com mit/ tee frisk i ness min is ter sub mis' sion con di' tion grid i ron min u end sub scrip' tion con sid' er hin der ance mir a cle swim ming ly con sist' ent his to ry mis er y trim ming con tin' ue id i ot mu si' cian vin e gar con tra diet' ig no rant of fi' cious vis i ble con trib' ute im i tate o mis' sion wid ow er con vie' tion im pu dent o pin' ion wil der ness crim i nal in dus try pa cif ic win ter y crit i cise in fan cy par ti' tion y de cis' ion in no cent pe ti' tion cyl in der de liv' er in stant ly pin cush ion mys ter y de ris' ion in stru ment po si' tion syc a more de scrip' tion in te ger prin ci pal ee dif fi cult in ter est prin ci pie been dif fi dent in ter val priv i lege breech es dil i gent in va lid priv i ly breech ing dis miss' al king fish er pro vis' ion div i dend lib er al re lig' ion women di vis' ion lib er ate rick et y u e pis' tie lie o rice rid i cule bu sy The sound represented by e as heard in met, expressed by e ag gres' sion an gel' ic as cen' sion af feet' ed ag gress' or ap pend' age as sem' ble af fee' tion a mend' ment ap pren' tice as sem' bly THIRD STEP. 63 as sess' or at tend' ance at tent' ive a veng' er bed cham ber bed fel low bed lam ite beg gar ly ben e fit be set' ting bev er age bi sec' tion bom ba zette' brev i ty eel e brate eel e ry cen ti ped cent u ry col lee' tion com plex' ion con fes' sion con nee' tion con nect' ive con tend' er con tent' ed con ten' tion con ven' tion cor rec' tion cred it or De cem' ber de cep' tion dec o rate de crep' it ded i cate de fend' ant de fense' less def er ence defi nite dem o crat den tist ry de pend' ence des ig nate des per ate de tec' tion de ten' tion di rec' tion ed i ble ed i fice ed it or ed u cate eld er ly e lee' tion el e phant el e vate e met' ic em i grant em i grate em pha size emp ti ness en e my en er gy en mi ty en vel' op ev er green ev i dence ex er cise ex eel lent ex pect' ant ex pen' sive ex pres' sion ex ten' sive fes ti val flex i ble fret ful ness gen er al hem i sphere hes i tate in cor rect' in ten' tion in ven' tion lect ur er leg i ble lep ro sy lev i.ty lex i con ma jes' tic med die some med ic al med i cine med i tate mem o ry mes sen ger nee tar ine neg a tive neg Ii gent No vem' ber ob jec' tion pa rent' al pen ni less pep per mint pep per y per fee' tion pet i ole pet u lant prem is es pres i dent pret ti ly pro fes' sion pro gress' ive pro pel' ler re cep' tion rec om mend' rec re ate rel a tive re pent' ance re sem' ble re spect' ful sed i ment Sep tern' ber sev er al skel e ton spec i men sue cess' ful sus pend' er 64 GRADED SPELLER. tel e gram tel e graph tern per ate ten e ment ter ri ble tes ta merit tes ti fy um brel' la vel vet y ven ti late The sound a a ban' don ab sti nence a can' thus ac ci dent ac cu rate act ive ly ad vo cate agony al co hoi al ge bra al pac' a al pha bet am a zon am i ty am nes ty am pu tate an ces tor an ces try vet er an ves ti bule yes ter day ea a breast' al read' y be head' breast pin breast plate clean li ness represented by a and i ron an ec dote an gri ly an gu lar an nu al an nu lar an swer er ant-eat er an te lope an te room anx ious ly ap er ture ap par' el ap pe tite ap pe tize ap pie-pie ap pli cant a quat' ic Ar a bic dead en deafness dread ful head ache health ful heav en heav i ly jeal ous leath ern leath er y as heard in mat, ar a ble ar ro gance ar ro gant as pi rate as sas' sin as ter isk At Ian' tic at mos phere at tach' ment at ti tude at trac' tion at tract' ive av a rice av e nue av er age ax le-tree bach e lor back gam' mon back ward ness leav en peas ant sweat y tread le treas ure wealth y weap on ie be friend' friend less expressed by bal co ny bal lot-box bal us ter ban dy-leg ban ish ment ban is ter bank a ble bar on ess bar o ny bar ren ness bar ri er bar ris ter bash ful ness bat tal' ion bat ter y bat tle-ax bat tie ment be dab' ble be drag' gle THIRD STEP. 65 black ber ry black guard bland ish ment bias phe my bom bast ic bo tan' ic cab i net cal cu late cal en dar cal i ber cal i co cal o mel can cer ous can di date can die-light can die stick can is ter can ni bal can o py can ti cle cap i tal cap i tol cap ti vate car a van car a way car ri er car ri on car ry-all cas ti gate cat a mount cat a ract cat e chism cath o lie cav ern ous cav i ty char ac ter chant i cleer chat ter box chat ter ing clas si fy con tract' or cran ber ry daf fo dil em bank' ment en tan' gle fac to ry fam i ly fan ci ful gal lant ly gal ler y gar ri son grad u al grat i tude hand i ly hand ker chief hand some ly im ag' ine in hab' it in val' id I tal' ian jan i tor lat i tude lav en der mack er el mag ni fy mag ni tude man di ble man u script mar i gold mar i ner mas cu line me chan' ic me tal' lie mu lat' to na tion al nat u ral par a ble par a dise par a graph par al lei pas sen ger pi az' za rasp ber ry sal a ry sas sa fras sat is fy Sat ur day sav age ly scant i ly shab bi ly shad ow y shag gr ness smat ter ing tarn a rind tan ner y to bac' co trav el er vac ci nate val en tine ve ran' da The sound represented by o as heard in not, expressed by o a pos' tate bot an ist com mon ly a bol' ish a pos' tie bot a ny com pli ment ac com' plice as ton' ish bot torn less con fer ence ac com' plish bod i ly col ick y con fi dence 06 GRADED SPELLER. con fi dent con quer or con se quence con stant ly con tra ry cop i er cop per y cop y ist crock er y croc o dile de mol' ish de pos' it dom i no fos ter ing frol ic some hoi i day hoi low ness hoi ly hock horn i ny hon est y hos pi tal im pos' tor im prop' er ion gi tude mon i tor mon u ment ob sta cle ob vi ous oc u list odd i ty om e let om ni bus op er ate op po nent o pos' sum pos si bly pop u lar pot ter y pot ting prompt ness prop er ty proph e sy rob ber y sol u ble tol er ate a hal i but quad ru ped quan ti ty squab ble squal id squan der squat ter swal low wad die wal let wal rus wat ties ow knowl edge The sound represented by u u cul ti vate a bun' dance cur ren cy ac cus' torn cur ri er ad just' ment cut ler y a sun' der drunk en ness au turn' nal dump ling blus ter ing hus band man buf fa loes in suit' ing but ter y in ter rupt' but ton-hole lub ber ly con duct' or lust i ly con struc' tion lux u ry con sump' tion mul ber ry cul len der mul ti pie as heard in nut, expressed by sue co tash sud den ly sun shin y ug li ness ul cer ate mul ti ply mul ti tude mus cu lar mus ket ry musk-mel on must i ness num ber less nun ner y ob struc' tion pro due' tion punct u ate put ter ing sub sti tute sub tra hend ou coup le coup let coup ling cour age doub le doub let nour ish rough en THIRD STEP. south em bom bast dis col' or monk ish tough en bor ough dis cov' er month ly broth er ly glov er moth er less be com' ing com pa ny gov ern smoth er be loved' cov er let hover som er set The sound represented by do as heard in wood, expressed 1 00 cooky bull-frog cuck oo a foot' rook bull ock cush ion be took' soot bul rush full er book-bind er wool en bull-finch pul let book-case u bul wark pul ley book ish bull-dog bush el pul pit book-keep er bul let butch er y book-sell er bul le tin crup per bo som The sound represented by l as heard in pine , expressed by i de fi' ant Mes si' ah cle ny' ac quire' ment de ni' al night in gale defy' ad mir' er di a logue nine ti eth hy a cinth ad ver tise' diary o blig' ing hy phen ad vis' er di vid' er piony July' al might' y di vine' ly pli a ble rely' ar riv' al di vi' sor right eous sly ness as pir' ing en tire' ly sa li' va ui as sign' ment ho ri' zon spright ly guide bap tiz' er i ci cle y guile bind er y im po lite' ap ply' ay brib er y i ron-clad a sy' lum bay ou con fine' ment li a ble awry' ye de cid' ed li bra ry com ply' dye ing 67 68 GRADED SPELLER. The sound represented by ou as heard in out, expressed by ou cloud less mous er cow hide a bound' cloud y mouth ful cow slip ac count' coun ter pro nounce' down ward a ground' count less scoun drel drow sy a mount' coun ty sur round' fowl er a rouse' dis mount' ow low er be cloud' floun der bow els pow der bound less fount ain bow er row el boun ty loung er brow beat show er ca rouse' mount ain brown ish trow el The sound represented by u as heard in mule, expressed by u in hu' man cube ew a bu' sive ju bi lee cure a new' ac cus' er ju ni per duke chew a cute' ness lu di crous dupe dew y a muse' ment mi nute' ly fluke ewer as sum' ing mu ci lage flume few con fu' sion mu sic al flute hew cu cum ber mu ti late fume Jew cu po la mut u al fuse jew el cur a ble nu mer al gnu jews-harp cur a tive nu mer ous huge news cu ti cle pe cul' iar June newt du el ist pro due' er mule pew ter du ra ble re fus' al muse re new' du ti .ful so lu' tion nude sew er fu ner al stu di ous su et spew fu ri ous u sual u nit yew THIRD STEP. eau suit or hue eu beau ti ful ue slue feud beau ti fy blues Tues day neu ter ui cue ewe iew jui ci ness due ewe re view 69 REVIEW LESSONS. Words pronounced alike but spelled differently, fowl er, a sportsman who pur- Cal eil dar, an almanac. cal en der, a hot press. Cap i tal, a chief city. Cap i tol, a government house. Ceil ing, the upper wall of a room. Seal ing, closing with a seal. COUrs er, a swift horse. COarS er, rougher. Words spelled alike but al ter nate, to act by turns. al ter' nate, happening by turn with something else. bra VO, a daring villain. bra VO, well done ! in Val' id, of no force. in va lid, a sickly person. min Ute ly, happening every minute. mi nnte r ly, exactly, nicely. sues wild fowl. foul er, more soiled. receipt', a written acknowl- edgment. re seat', to seat again. Slay ing, the act of killing. Sleigh ing, the act of riding in a sleigh. pronounced differently. not a ble, remarkable, worthy of notice. not a ble, thrifty, smart, distin- guished for good manage- ment. per fume', to fill with a sweet odor. per fume, a sweet odor. rec re ate, to amuse. re ere ate', to form anew. 70 GRADED SPELLER. Different ways of spelling the same word. base vi ol cen ti ped horn o ny mus tache' bass vi ol cen ti pede horn i ny mo us tache' ber ga mot cray fish lie o rice piony bur ga mot craw fish liq uor ice pe o ny cal i bre cul len der mo las' ses the a tre cal i ber col an der me las' ses the a ter can nou eer' found er y mus qui' to win try can non ier' found ry mos qui' to win ter y Words Liable to be Misspelled not contained in o\ Review Lists. 1 admittance charade eighthly omelet avenue convenient familiar piazza axle-tree diffident fiftieth reindeer baptizer diligent halibut straighten bayou dismissal horizon toughen beautify dyeing Messiah Tuesday bruiser eighteen officious vaccinate Equivalent Consonants. c like k acuteness angelic auctioneer acanthus advocate antarctic balcony accomplish affected applicant barnacle account affection aquatic becoming acquirement alcohol Arabic biblical accurate almanac arsenic binnacle accustom alpaca Atlantic bombastic actively anecdote attractive bookcase 1 Hereafter, the review lists will be left,for the most part, for the pu- pils to syllabicate and give the right accentuation. REVIEW LESSONS. 71 botanic cleanliness couplet educate brocade cloudless coupling emetic cabinet cloudy courage expectant calculate collection courageous factory caliber committee courtesy heroic calomel complexion coverlet hurricane candidate comply cowslip incorrect canister conductor cranberry iron-clad cannibal confession cranium lecturer cannonade confident craziness lexicon canoe connection creditor ludicrous canopy connective criminal majestic canticle conqueror crockery manuscript capable consider crocodile masculine captivate consistent cruiser mechanic caravan constantly cucumber medical caraway contagious cultivate metallic careen contented currier miracle carrier continue cutlery muscular carrion contractor cupola nectarine carry-all contradict curable obstacle castigate contrary curative occasion catamount contribute cuticle oculist cataract copier decorate peculiar caterer coppery decrepit perfection catholic copyist dedicate persecute cavernous coroner democrat porcupine character cottager dictator proclaim chanticleer counter difficult productive classify countless discolor punctuate clattering couple discover raccoon 72 GRADED SPELLER. recommend dependence connection privation recreate edifice construction production respectful evidence consumption reception ridicule exercise contention solution scantily fanciful convention subscription scoundrel hinderance conviction vacation secretly hyacinth correction vocation succotash innocent deception si like sh sycamore insurance description aggression tobacco juiciness detection ascension c like s medicine detention aversion abstinence merciful dictation conversion abundance mucilage direction expression ancestor offices duration omission ancestry peaceable election profession apprentice porcelain exertion submersion arrogance producer flirtation submission ascension pronounce foundation si like zh ascertain resource intention confusion assistance specimen invention decision avarice surcingle location provision celebrate ulcerate migration s like z celery ti like sh narration accuser century affliction national adviser cinnamon ambition notation appease citizen ascription objection arouse cylinder assertion obstruction artisan December attraction oration baptismal decently bisection partition bosom decided carnation petition bowels deference condition position busy REVIEW LESSONS. 73 carouse mouser resemble atmosphere criticise museum visible autograph deserter musician ch like k blaspheme divisor observer catechism elephant drowsy pantaloons headache emphasis exercise partisan schemer hemisphere greasiness peasant schooner hyphen hesitate preserver toothache paragraph impose president ph like/ prophesy misery reprisal alphabet telegraph Silent Letters, e final attendance burdensome eatable addible attentive button-hole edible adhere audible caboose elevate adhesive average carbine emigrate allspice bailable carnage ennoble amputate bawble cartilage entangle aperture bedabble conference expensive apostle bedlamite consequence extensive appendage bedraggle continue flexible appetite beverage cooperage furniture appetize birthplace creosote girdle approve blamable decompose hardware arable bombazette definite humane artichoke bowline designate imitate artifice breakage desperate interfere aspirate breastplate dialogue irksome assemble brigade discharge latitude attitude brokerage double legible 74 GRADED SPELLER. lemonade relative battle-ax fortnight liberate rulable battlement gracefully licorice salable beforehand hay-rick loathsome scourge bereavement hollyhock mandible serenade bickering mackerel meditate squabble birthright meddlesome movable substitute blackberry naughtiness multiple tamable blackguard nightingale multitude terminate boot-jack ninetieth negative terrible bowie-knife pavement notable treadle bricklayer rickety owe ventilate broomstick righteous pajDOOse vestibule bullock roguish parable wearisome candle-light savagely parentage zouave candlestick scenery parsonage Intermediate causeway stickiness particle acknowledge changeable Terminal passable advancement changeful autumn payable almighty coarseness borough perfume amusement confinement catarrh persevere answerer cuckoo curry-comb petiole arraign derangement Initial poultice assignment divinely honesty privilege atonement entirely knavish progressive backgammon epistle knowledge radiance backwardness forgiveness wrathful Form the Plurals of the following ivords. adding appeal arena auditor awning beginner bouquet NAMES OF PERSONS. 75 period omnibus company portrait potato cooky premium tomato fishery quota torpedo gallery quotient volcano grapery sawyer vortex industry traveler y changed mulberry adding es to ies nunnery bravado agony oddity broad-ax assembly raspberry calico battery robbery circus bindery rookery crucifix brewery rosary domino bribery strawberry flamingo cavity tannery NAMES OF PERSONS. E ne' as Nich o las Vic tor Ger aid 01 i ver Vin cent Ger shorn Or Ian' do Win fred Je rome' Os wald Zac che' us Jo si' ah Pliny Zach a ry Jo tham Row land Zadok Le an' der The ron Zeb e dee Lem u el Tim o thy Ze lo' tes Leon ard Titus Females Lo ren' zo To bi' as Ach sa Lu ci us Tris tarn Ad a line Na a man U ri' ah Ad e laide 76 GRADED SPELLER. A de' li a Char lotte Is a bel Me lis' sa Ad e line Cla ris' sa Je mi' ma liv' i a Al her' ta Cyn thi a Je ru' sha Pau line' Al mi' ra Di an' a Jo an' na Phebe Al the' a Di an' tha Ju li et Rhoda A man' da Dor o thy Lo rin' da Ro sa A me' li a El i nor Lou i' sa Sa lo' me Au gus' ta E li' za Lu ci a Sarah Au ro' ra El vi' ra Lyd i a Sibyl Bar ba ra Em ily Mar ci a So phi' a Be a trice Ev e line Ma ri' a Stel la Car o line Har ri et Mar i on Su san Cath a rine Hel e na Ma til' da Ur su' la NAMES OF STATES AND THEIR ABI JREVIATION5 Al a ba' ma . . Al. or Ala. New Hamp' shire N. H. Ar kan' sas . . Ark. New York' . . N.Y. Cal i for' ni a . Cal. North Car o li' na N. C. Del a ware . Del. hi' o . . . 0. Flor i da . . Flor. Or e gon . . . Or. Geor gi a . Ga. Penn syl va' ni a Pa. or Penn 11 li nois' . . . m. Rhode Isl' and . R.I. I o wa . Io. South Car o li' na S. C. Kan sas . Kan. Ten nes see' . Tenn. Ken tuck' y . Ken. Tex as . . . Tex. Maine . Me. U tah . . . Uh. Ma ry land . . Md. Ver mont' . . Vt. Ne bras' ka . . Neb. Vir gin' i a . . Va. New Jer' sey . N.J, Wis con' sin . Wis. FOURTH STEP. 11 FOURTH STEP. The sound represented by e as heard in mete , expressed by e fe ver-few re cede' ter rene' ac cede' ge nus re cent ly te trarch ad her' ent Gre cian re gent the ism ad he' sive He brew re plete' the o rem au stere' helot re vere' the o ry cam phene' il le' gal sea lene' the sis co here' im pede' se cant tre mor com pete' in here' se cede' ve hi cle con cede' le gion sen ior ve nal con crete' mere ly se poy ve ni al con vene' me ter se quel ve nous ere dence ob scene' se quence ea Cre ole pe an se rene' ar rears' de ism penal se ri al be queath' de tail pe nult se ries cease less e diet pe on se ri ous clear ance effete' peo ny se rous cleav age e go tist phe'nix se rum con ceal' e gress pre cede' sin cere' con geal' e quine pre cept spe cious de cease' era pre feet sphe roid de crease' e ther pre lude stam pede' de feat' fe brile pre vi.ous su preme' de mean' fe line que rist te di ous dis please' 78 GRADED SPELLER. feat ure es teem' tu reen' ie im peach' ex ceed' vend ee' a chieve' im plead' fleet ness ve neer' a field' leak age freed man wee vil ag grieve' re lease' free hold whee die cash ier' re peal' fu see' i fief re peat' er gen teel' an tique' fiend stream er keen ly bas tile' fierce ness trea cle les see' bom ba zine' frieze trea son mo reen' ca price' griev ous trea tise nan keen' cri tique' liege wea zen o gee' in trigue' priest craft ee peer less pas tille' re prieve' be seem' pee vish pe lisse' re trieve' ca reer' pro ceed' po lice' ei cheer less re deem' re gime' con ceit' com peer' ru pee' rou tine' con ceive' de cree' seem ing souve nir' per ceive' deem sha green' suite seiz ure dev o tee' sheep ish u nique' ey dis creet' steer age va lise' key stone The sound represented by a as heard in pale, expressed by ca ri ous cu ra' tor chafe da ta change ling de base' cha os de fame' cock ade' de grade' col late' de prave' ere a' tion di late' cru sade' dis a' ble a a the ism a base' a vi a ry al ien be la' bor a maze' bla tant a maz' ing bla zon ry a mi a ble ca dence A ri an ca liph as suage' ca pa bly FOURTH STEP. 79 halo ra tio va por hames re bate' va ri ous ha rem re late' wa ger ha ven saber wary im pale' sa cred ai in case' safe guard ac claim' in flame' sav a ble ac quaint' in flate' sav ior ail ment in hale' sa vor ap per tain' in nate' seal y ap praise' in sane' scale less ar raign' in state' scathe as sail' in vade' slav er y at tain' a ble lai ty spa cious at tain' ment la tent spec ta' tor a vail' a ble magi squa lor bail iff naiad sta pie bail er natal stat ed cai tiff naval sta tion cam paign' navy stock ade' claim ant ob late' stra ta con strain' pa thos stra turn con straint' pa tron sua sion cur tail' per suade' tes ta' tor de main' per vade' ti rade' drain age pha e ton tor na' do en tail' phase tra cer y ex claim' pre sage' tra che a fail ure ra cy va ga' ry fain ra di us va grant faint rak ish vague ly faint ly 80 GRADED SPELLER. faith less waist coat re lay' ey rie frail ty ay ei pur vey' ordain' affray' deign survey' per tain' al lay' freight e plain tiff be tray' hei nous fete pre vail' clay ey in veigh' ee re claim' de fray' weight y soi ree' re strain' fo ray' ey au straight way in lay' con vey' gaug er The sound represented by a as heard in fast, expressed by a craft y fast ness re past' a mass' en chant' ghast ly sur pass' casque en hance' mas ter y au chand ler en trance' pass port draught The sound represented by a as heard in bare, 1 expressed by a far o ai lair char y in snare' air y ei com pare' scar ei ty cairn heir ess de clare' square ly fair ly heir loom The sound represented by a as heard in far, expressed by a dah lia gar bage im par' tial a gape' de bark' gar ble lar gess al mond dis card' gnarled marl y ar chi tect e clat' (kla) gua no marque be calm' em balm' gui tar' mar quis car tridge far thing halves mar tial czar fi na' le har py nar whal 1 For a discussion of this sound see Manual of Reading. FOURTH STEP. palm y sar casm gaunt let ua par ley sa vant (vong) jaun dice guard par tial starve ling laugh a ble guard i an partridge au laundry ea placard' dauntless saunter hearken 81 The sound represented by u as heard in furl, expressed by u dis burse/ per turb' sur plice con cur' fur lough pur chase tur gid cur few gur gle scur vy tur moil stur geon u surp' er The sound represented by e as heard in term, 1 expressed by ad vert' a lert' as perse' cer ti fy co erce' con cern' con fer' con serve' con verge' con vert' de serve' des sert' de ter' mine dis cern' dis perse' i For di \erge f e merge' er mine fer ment fer tile fer vent fer vid fer vor herb age im merge' im merse' in ert' in fer' in sert' in verse ker sey mer maid nerv ine per fi dy per jure per verse' per vert' re fer' re serve' re verse' re vert' serv ile ster ling sub merge' sub serve' sub vert' su perb' ter mite terse ness ter tian ther mal trans fer' trans verse' ver dant ver diet verd ure ver min ver nal ver sion ver tex i bird-lime in vert' a discussion of this sound see Manual of Reading. 82 GRADED SPELLER. cir cuit firm ness skir mish re hearse' con firm' gird er squirm er re search' dirge in firm' virt ue y dirk mirth ful ea myrrh firkin sir loin earl dom myr tie The sound represented by a as heard in fall, expressed by a cork screw orbit dan phin al der cor net or chis de bauch' ba salt' cor nice or der de fault' ex alt' cor sair ord nance de fraud' fal con corse por poise ex haust' false ly corse let re cord' fauna fal ter cor tege (tazh) re morse' fraught fore stall' de form' re tort' ma raud' pal sied de tort' sor cer y maud lin pa sha' dis gorge' sub orn' nau seous psal' ter dis tort' tor por plaud it quar to dor sal tort u ous slaugh ter salt-rheum en dorse' au vault ed thrall dom es cort' au burn aw ex hort' au di ble aw ful ness ab hor' ex tort' au di to ry dawdle a bor' tive for tress au gur gawky ab sorb' ent gor geous au ri cle haw ser ac cord' in dorse' au thor ize haw thorn a or' ta in form' au to crat ma caw' con form' mor bid be daub' pawn er con tort' mort gage caus tic scraw ny cord age mor tise cau tious taw dry cor date nor mal clause tawny FOURTH STEP. 83 The sound represented by o as heard in lone, expressed dis robe' hoi ster po rous ore' di vorce' home ly por ter jole' do tage home stead post script 'o rine do tard ho sier po tent ven e lope' ig nore' po tion bait en core' im plore' pro bate coa en force' im pos' ing pro gramm gent en gross' in close' pro logue hort en throne' in voke' quo ta n port' e voke' i o' ta re voke' n pose' ex plode' Ko ran Rom ish i dole' ex plore' lore re volt' i sole' ex pose' lo tion sco ri a l voke' fe ro' cious mo hair smol der pal flo rist molt en so cial )e fo cal mo rose' so lar )ing fo cus mo tive sol dier y ps fogy mo tor sto ic ■ rode' for borne' o cher tee to' tal ne fore bode' o di um tho rax i sier fore close' o nyx To phet note' fore taste o ri ent tory plore' forge o sier to tal ly port 7 for ger o va ry trans pose' pose' forte o vate tro phy throne' fo rum pa rol' ver bose' vo' tion fro ward pa trol' vo ta ry close' gar rote' po e sy whol ly port' glo ri fy polka woful 84 GRADED SPELLER. zo di ac gourd pla teau' oa ou mould 00 en croach' court ier re course' floor ing oakum court Jy eau eo au dis course' beau yeo man haut boy The sound represented by oo as heard in fool, expressed t 00 pon toon' ob trude' sur tout' a loof sham poo' pe ruse' tour ist bas soon' si moom' pru dence un couth' bloom er ta boo' prud ish youth ful buf foon' tat too' ruble car toon' ty phoon' ru brie dis prove' co coon' u ru fous en tomb' cool ly ab struse' ru mi nant im prove' coo ly as sur' ance scru pie ew doub loon' as sure' truly crew el dra goon' cru cial ou ue gal loon' crude ness ac cou' tre con strue mon soon' Druid ba rouche' im brue' mood y en sure' car touch' ui moor ings fru gal cou pon fruit age pla toon' im brute' gour mand fruit ful ness pol troon' in trude' rouge re cruit' The sound represented by i as heard in pin, expressed by i ad mis' sion bigot brig and a bil' i ty a drift' big ot ed brill iant ab o li' tion am bi' tious bil ious bris tly ac tiv' i ty ar til' ler y bill iards cha grin' ad diet' big a mist bish op ric cit a del FOURTH STEP. 85 cit ron e quip' giddy in road civ et e vince' ging ham in sight civ ic ex ist' gin seng in stance civ il ize ex tinct' gris ly in still' civ il ly fickle hig gle in ter im clin ic fie tion ill-bred in voice com mix' fidget ill ness ir ri tate con di' tioned filial im pact is sue con flict' fillet im pinge' kiln-dry con sist' fillip im port kins man con strict' filter im post limn con tin' gent filthy im po tent lim pet con vict' fil trate im press lin gual crib bage fin ish im print lin guist crick et finny im pulse livid crit ic fis cal in cense mil i tate de pict' fis sile in come mi li' tia de sist' fis sure in dex min ion die tion fitful in fant min strel die turn fitly in fi del mis le dig ni fy fixt ure in flict' mis sile dig ni ty fiz zle in flux mis sion di min' ish flick er in fringe' mis sive din gle Aim sy ingot phthis ic dis count flip pant in grain pig ment discus fric tion in grate pil lage dis taff frig ate in gress pill ion dis till' frisk y in ju ry pin ion dis tinct' frith ink ling piq uant el lipse' ful fill' ink stand pit e ous e mit' gib ber in quest pit tance 86 GRADED SPELLER. pre diet' sin ew y tinct ure vis ion pris tine sin gly tin der vis or pro lix' sin ner tip pier vis ta qua drille' sin u ous tipsy vis u al quib bier sirup tis sue vi ti ate quin sy skin ny tit tie viv id quint al skip per tit u lar viv i fy re miss' skit tish trib une vixen re scind' smith er y trib ute viz ier rib aid smit ten trin i ty wid geon rid dance snick er triph thong whiffle riffraff so lie' it trip let wind lass rigor spin ach triv i al win ning ris i ble spin ster vie ar wiz zard rit u al spir a cle vi cious wrig gler schism splin ter vie tim zig zag scir rhous sprink ling vie tor y scis sion stick ler vict uals a byss' Script ure stim u lus vigil crys tal ship ping strict ure vig i lant cyg net ship wright strin gent vig or cym bal shiv er y strip ling vil i fy cyn ic shrink age sub sist' villa gyp sum sib i lant sue cinct' vil lage gypsy sib yl swin die vil lain hys sop sid er al swiv el vil lous mys tic sig ni fy ter rif ' ic vint age phys ic signet tick lish vis age pygmy sil i ca tid bit vis ce ra strych nine sim i le till age vis cid Styg i an sim pli fy till er vis cous syl la ble FOURTH STEP. 87 syl la bus syl van sym bol symp torn syn od syn tax Syr i ac syr inge sys tern tym pan typ ic al typ i fy The sound represented by bre vet' car tel' e abet' ac a dem' ic ac cept' a ble ac cept' ance ac cess' ac ces' sion ac ci dent 7 al a fresh' ag gress' ive al pha bet' ic a mends' an ten' na ap pen' dix ap pre hend' as sess' at tend' ant at tent' ive aug ment' au then' tic beryl bes tial bi sect' cay enne' Celt ic cen taur cer e bral ces sion check mate chem ist cher ish clar i o net 7 com pel' com press' con demn' con dense' con fess' or cor rect' ly cres cent debit dec ade de cep' tive de feet' de fend' er tyr an ny ui ac quit' built guild guilt e as heard in met, de fense' de fleet' de ject' delf den i zen de press' depth der o gate der rick de scend' de scent' des pot des tine de test' devil di gress' di rect' or dis pense' dis sect' dis sent' dis tend' dis tress' di vest' guild er guin ea e Eng lish ie sieve expressed by ec sta sy edit effect' efflux e ject' e lect' or el e gy el o quent em bed' em blem em met em pire em press em u late en gine en sign en trails en voy ephod ep ic ep och er rant es sence 88 GRADED SPELLER. ex eel' hec tor men tal pre vent' ive ex cess' hel met neb u la pro fess' or ex empt' help mate no blesse' project' or exit her aid ped ant rec i pe ex port her o ism ped i gree ref use ex tant her on ped i ment reg i ment ex tent' her ring pel i can rem e dy ex tract im mense' pel li cle ren net felly im pel' pell-mell' res i due fen cing im pend' pen ance res o lute fen nel im press' pen e trate res pite fen ny in cense' pen guin ret i cule fer ret in dent' pen i tence re trench' fer rule in feet' pen nant rev e nue fes tal in fest' pen sile rhet o ric fes tive in fleet' pen sion ro sette' fetid in her' it pen sive seen ic fet lock in spect' pen u ry seep ter fi nesse' in tense' per i gee sched ule fledge ling in trench' per il ous seek el flex ion in vest' per plex' sec tion fo ment' ledg er pet ri fy sect or French leg ate pho net' ic sec u lar fren zy len til por tend' sed a tive fre quent' lep rous por tent' sem blance fres co les sor pos sess' sen ate gen der lev ee pre cious sen night gen tile mem brane preface sen si ble gest ure mem oir pre ten' sion sen si tive gro tesque' mem o rize pre text' sen ti ent hec tic men ace prev a lent sen try FOURTH STEP.' 89 ser aph sub ject' teth er ves try ser rate sub tend' text ile vest ure ses sion sup press' text u al vign ette' sex tant sus pense' text ure wel ter shek el swel ter tran scend' wher ry shell-fish teg u ment trans gress' whet stone shelv y tempt er tres pass zeph yr sher iff ten a ble u ten' sil ea si es' ta ten ant veg e tate breast work skep tic tend er vel lum clean ly spe cial ten don . vend er head long spec i fy ten dril ven geance health y spec ta cle ten et venge ful meas ure spec ter ten on ven i son pheas ant spec trum ten or ven om zeal ot spec u lar ten sion vent ure zeal ous spec u late ten ta cle ver i fy ue spec u lum ten ure ver i ly be quest' splen dor ter race ver i ty co quet' stel lar ter ri er very co quette' sten cil ter ri fy ves i cle par quet' ster ile ter ror ves tal eo stretch er tes tate ves tige leop ard The sound represented by u as heard in nut, expressed by u buck thorn cor rupt' cut lass a but' bun gling cult ure de duct' an nul' busk in cul vert de funct' be grudge' but tress cum brous dis cuss' buck ler bux om cum in di vulge' buck ram con junct' cus torn er due at 90 GRADED SPELLER. duch ess duch y due tile dud geon dul cet dumb-bell dump ish en gulf ex punge' ex ult/ flur ry flus ter flux ion frus trate frus trum fud die M crum ful some func tion fun gous fus tian grudge gud geon gump tion gun ning gus set gus to gust y guz zle huck ster hun dredth in crust' in duct' in dulge' in gulf in jus' tice in struct' junct ure lus cious lus ter lus trous mud die muffle mulct mull ion mun dane mur rain nug get nul li ty nun cio nup tial oc cult' plumb er plum met pulp ous pul sate punct ure pun gent re buff' re pulse' rupt ure scrub by scull ion sculp tor sculpt ure scum my scutch eon shrub by shuf fling slug gish slut tish smug gle smut ty snug gle sput ter struct ure stuc CO stul ti fy sub si dy sub soil, sub stance sub tile sub tie sub urb sue cor sue cumb' sue tion suf fer er suffix suf frage sulk y sul len sul ly sul phur sum mon sun dries sup pie sut ler trump er y trunc ate trun cheon trun die tur ret ul tra um ber um brage um pire unc tion un du late un guent ut ter vul ture ou flour ish touch y young ster o af front' com frey com pass con front' con jure con sta ble cov ert FOURTH STEP. 91 cov et dove tail mon grel pom mel cov ey front let plov er spong y coz en mon eyed pom ace ton nage The sound represented by a as heard in mat, expressed a al i ment asp en cal low ab a cus aloe as sets cal um ny a ban' doned alpha asth ma Cal vin ist a bash' Al pine as tral cam e o ab ba al to ath lete cam let ab di cate am ber av a lanche' can did ly ab ject amble ax i om can kered ab so lute am bush az ure ca pac' i ty ab sti nent am pli fy back bit er cap su lar ab stract am u let back ground cap tious a cad' e my an a gram bal us trade car at accu'rate a nal' y sis bank rupt cash mere acid an a lyze bank rupt cy cas sia acme an arch y bank-stock cas u al acrid a nat' o my ban yan cat a logue act u al anch or age bar bar' ic cat e chism adage an i mate bar on et cav al cade ad i pose an nals bar y tone cav al ry ad junct an nu let bas tion cav il ad mi ral an te date bias phe mous chal dron ad vent an thra cite ca bal' chal ice ad verse an ti pode ca lam' i ty cham ois af flu ence ap a thy ca lash' chan eel ag o nize ar rant cal cu la tor chap lain al cove as pect cal lous chap let 92 GRADED SPELLER. char i ot en act' gam mon Ian dau char i ty en camp' gam ut land lord chat ter ex pand' gang way land scape clam my ex pause' gant let Ian guor clan gor fab ric gas trie lap pet clar et fac ile gav el lar ynx clar i on fac tious gram mar Le vant' clas sic fac tor grand eur magic col lapse' fal low gran ite mag nate com pact' fam ish grap pie mag net con tract' far row hack le mal a dy con trac' tion fash ion hack neyed man date cran ny fi nance' had dock man grove cui rass' flab by hag gard man or dac tyl flac cid hag gle mass ive dam ask flag on hal low matin dap per flam beau ham let mat tock de camp' flap per ham mock max im de cant' for bade' ham per maz zard des cant' frac tious ha rangue' naph tha de spatch' fract ure har ass nas cent de tach' frag ile has sock pac i fy de tract' frag ment hav oc pag eant di am' e ter franc haz ard pal ette dis band' fran chise im plant' pal let dis patch' fran tic in apt' pam per dis tract' gal lant' jal ap pan der di van' gal ley Jan u a ry pan nier drachm Gal lie jas per par a lyze e lapse' gam ble lac quer par a site em bank' gam brel lam prey par ish FOURTH STEP. 93 rar i ty shack le tarn per re lapse' shal lop tan dem ro mance' sham ble tan gent sack cloth shat ter tan gi ble sad den slat tern tan nin saf fron snag gy tan sy sal i fy Span iard tar iff sal i vate span iel tract ile sal low spav in traf fie sal ly stag nant trag e dy sal vage stan chion tram mel sal ver stan za tran quil sam phire stat ics tran script san a tive stat ue tran sept sane tion stat ute tran sient sane turn strap ping tran sit san guine strat e gy tran som san i ty strat i fy trap pings San skrit suav i ty tre pan' sap phire sup plant' vac cine sar cas' tic syl lab' ic vac u um sat ire tabby val ance Sat urn tab let val et scall ion tac it val iant seal pel tack ling val id scan dal tac tics val ue less scan ning tact u al vamp ing scap u la taf fe ta vam pire scrag gy tal ent van dal se dan' tarn a rind van guard shab by tarn bour van ish 94 GRADED SPELLER. van i ty Vat i can wran gler ua van quish wag ger y wrap ping guar an ty vap id wag on er yar row ai vas sal wran gle Yan kee rail ler y The sound represented by o as heard in not. i expressed by cock swain con scious doc trine a bom' i na ble cod ger con script e volve' ab scond' cod die con se quent ex tol' ab solve' cog nate con sols flor in ac com' plished [ colleague con so nant fod der ad mon' ish coll ier con sort foggy al co hoi' ic com ment con sul folly al lot' com merce con tact fond.ling a pol' o gy com pend con test fop pish a pos' ta tize com pe tent con text fos sil ize as tron' o my com plex con trite fos ter ba rom' e ter com post con vent frontier bob bin et com pound con verse glos sa ry bot a nize com rade con vex hogs head cha ot' ic con cave con volve' hollo choc o late con cert cox comb hoi land chol er con clave crotch et hoi o caust chol er a con coct' de coct' horn age chron i cle con cord de spond' horn i ly chron ic con course de volve' horn mock clog ging con dor dis lodge' hop pie cock ney con duit dis solve' hos tage cock pit con feet doc ile im mod' est cock roach con ic dock age in volve' cocks' comb con science doc tress job ber FOURTH STEP. 95 joc und os tra cize prov en der tod dy la con' ic pa tri ot' ic prov ince tol er ance lock er plot ter prox y torn a hawk logic pol i cy re sponse' ton ic mod er ate pol i tic rot ting ton sil mod est y pol i ty schol ar ton sure mod i fy pol y glot sconce tot ter ing mon strous pol y gon si roc' co trop ic mo roc' co polyp snob bish vol a tile mot ley pol y pus sol ace vol ley nod ule pomp ous sol e cism vol ume Dom ad pon iard sol id ly a non suit pon tiff sol emn quad rant ob e lisk pop lin sol stice quad ru pie ob sti nate pos i tive solv a ble qual i fy ob vi ate post ure solv ent seal lop oc cu py pot ash som ber squad ron oc ta gon pot tage soph ist stal wart oc tave pot ter sot tish twad die oc u lar prob a ble sou chong' wad ded ope ra prob i ty spon dee wad ding o pos' sum proc ess spon sor waffle op po site prod i gal stol id warn pum op tics prod i gy sym bol' ic war rant op tion prof fer throt tie watch ful os prey proph e cy toe sin wat tie os si fy pros o dy tod die yacht ing The sound represented by i as heard in pine , expressed bj i anx i' e ty as size' be nign' af fright' as pir' aut be grime' be tide' 96 GRADED SPELLER. cli ent en shrine' in twine' si lex cli max es quire' is let si phon col lide' ex cise' li bel si ren com pile' ex cite' ma lign' siz a ble com prise' fi at mile age slight ly ion cise' fi ber mi ter slim y con dign' fi brous nic e ty spike nard con fide' fight er ni ter spi ral con nive' fi nal ri' on sti fie con sign' fin er per spire' sti pend con spire' fi nis phthi sis sub scribe' con trive' fi nite pi ca sub side' cri sis flight y pi e ty suffice' (ze) de cline' fri ar pi rate su pine' de mise' gripe pli ant sur mise' de prive' high-priest pli ers sur viv' or de rive' hind most pre cise' tidal de scribe' ides pre mise' ti gress de sign' er i dol ize pre scribe' ti tie de sire' idyl pre side' tran scribe ! de spise' ig nite' pri va cy tri ad de spite' im bibe' pro vi' so tri dent de vice' in ci' sive qui nine' tri graph de vise' in ci' sor re cit' al tri pod di a gram in cite' re pine' tri umph dial in cline' re vise' tri une di gest in diet' re viv' al vi ands di graph in dite' rip en vi brate dire ful in quire' sci ence vice roy di vers in scribe' sci on vi nous di verse in spire' sign er vi o let FOURTH STEP. 97 vi rus cy press hy men ui vis count de cry' hy son be guile' vi tal de scry' im ply' dis guise' wir y espy' shy ly guise y gy ral ty phoid uy ally' gyve ty phus guy chyle hy brid ty rant ei chyme hy dra ty ro gneiss cy cle hy drant van dyke' height en The sound represented by ou as heard in ou\ f, expressed by ou count ess mouth-piece cow ard ice ac count' able de nounce' pound age cow ard ly ac count' ant de vour' pro found' dow dy an nounce' de vout' re nounce' dow el as tound' dough ty spous al dow er bound en es pouse' sur mount' drow si ness boun te ous ex pound' ow flow er y boun ti ful flounc es al low' a ble frow zy ca rous' al foul ness al low' ance low er y con found' found er a vow' al pow der y coun cil or found er y a vow' er prow ess coun sel or found ling bow er y re nown' coun ter feit gouge chow der show er y coun ter pane moun tain ous clown ish vow el The sound represented by oi as heard in point, expressed by an noint' ben zoin' coin age ap point' boil er con join' a void' clois ter de spoil' oi ad join' a droit' 98 GRADED SPELLER. de void' hoist poise al loy' dis join' joist poi son cloy dis joint' loin quoit con voy' em broil' loi ter re joice' coy ness en join' moist en toil some de coy' ex ploit/ noise less tur quoise' de ploy' foi ble noi some void ance joy ous foil oil y oy loy al foist oint ment an noy' voy age The sound represented by u as heard in mute, expressed u con fute' clu te ous in fu' sion ab jure' con jure' e duce' in ure' ad duce' con sume' e lude' jun ior ad jure' cu bit ex elude' ju ry man al bu' men cu rate ex hume' lu cid al lude' de but' (da bu') ex ude' lu ere al lure' de duce' flu ent lu nar as tute' de lude' fu sion lu rid at tune' de mure' fu tile mu cous bi tu' men de nude' glu ten mu ral bu reau de plume' hu mid mu ti ny col lude' de pute' hu mor nu tri tive com mune' dif fuse' il lude' ob scure' com mun' ion di lute' im mure' pel lu' cid com mute' dis pute' im pugn' pol lute' com pute' dis use' im pure' pre elude' con elude' du al im pute' pre sume' con clu' sion du ly in elude' pro fuse' con duce' dur ance in duce' pu er ile con fuse' du ress in fuse' pu tre fy REVIEW LESSONS. 99 re cluse' sut ure ue ieu re duce' tra duce' en due' a dieu' re pute' trans fuse' en sue' lieu se elude' tu me fy im bue' eu se duce' tu mor in due' eu lo gize stu di o tu nic pur sue' feud al stu pe fy u ni corn sub due' neu tral stu pid ly u ni form ven due' pleu ra su et u ni verse ew ui suf fuse' us age es chew' juicy su i cide u su rer skew er nui sance su pine u su ry stew ard pur suit' REVIEW LESSONS. Words pronounced nearly or quite alike but spelled differently. Cask, a barrel. Casque, a helmet. CCS sioil, the act of ceding. Ses Sion, the sitting of a court, or other assembly. Choi er, anger ; wrath. COl lar, dress for the neck. Clause, part of a sentence. Claws, the hooked nails of an animal. COUU Cil or, a member of a council. COUU sel or, an adviser. Crew el, worsted yarn. Cm el, savage ; barbarous. Cyg' liet, a young swan. Sig net, a seal. Cym bal, a musical instru- ment. Sym bol, a type ; a sign. (lis COUS, like a disk. (lis CUS, a quoit. fer ule, an instrument of cor- rection. 100 GRADED SPELLER. fer rule, a ring of metal. fate, inevitable necessity. fete, a festival. fllll gOUS, excrescent ; spongy. fun gUS, an order of plants. grat er, that which grates. great er, larger. guild er, a Dutch coin. gild er, one who gilds. gilt, a thin covering of gold. guilt, a crime ; an offense. in diet', to accuse. in dite', to compose ; to write. limn, to draw or paint. limb, a part of a body. Words spelled alike but ab Stract, a concise statement; separated from. ab Stract', to take from. Clean ly, in a clean manner. Clean ly, clean ; neat. COlll pound, a mixture. COlll pound', to mix different ingredients. COm press, a pad of soft cloth. Com press', to press together. COll Crete, a composition of lime, sand, and pebbles. COn Crete', to unite in one mass. marque, a license to make re- prisals. mark, a line drawn, or a point made. pal let, a small, rude bed. pal ette, a painter's board. psal ter, the book of Psalms. Salt er, one who salts ; more salt. Se ri al, appearing in succes- sive parts. Ce re al, an edible grain. ve nous, pertaining to the veins. Ve nus, a fabled goddess. pronounced differently, con jure, to bewitch. conjure', to summon by a sa- cred name. COn flict', to contend. COn flict, a strife. de tail', to relate particular- de tail, minute particulars. di gest, a code of laws. di gest', to dissolve in the stomach. en trance, a passage for enter- ing. en trance', to charm. REVIEW LESSONS. 101 CS COrt, a guard from place to place. es Corf, to accompany. iill press', to fix deeply. fill press, a mark made by pressure. ill cense', to enrage. ill cense, perfume burned in worship. ill! print', that which is printed on the title-page of a book. illl print, to stamp with types. pre lude, an introductory per- formance. pre lude', to play an introduc- tion. pre mise', to explain previ- ously. prem ise, a statement made beforehand. rec ord, a written statement of facts. re COl'd', to make a written statement of facts. ref use, worthless material. re fuse', to decline to do or grant. SU pine', leaning backward ; careless. SU pine, a part of speech in Latin. Different ways of bar i tone im pale' bar y tone fel ly ca liph fel loe ca lif found er y clar i net found ry clar i o net' gip sy coo ly gyp sy coo lie hom mock cocks comb hum mock cox comb i dyl de main' i dyll de mesne' ledg er em pale' leg er spelling the same word, lus ter pa cha' lus tre pa shaw' me ter ba shaw' me tre pig my mis le pyg my miz zle sa ber mort gage or' sa bre mort ga ger sa vior nar whal sa viour nar wal sa vor os pray sa vour os prey sil van pa sha' syl van 102 GRADED SPELLER. sir up sur loin sub tile su mach syr up spin ach sub tie wo ful sir loin spin age su mac woe ful Silent Letters, Initial. cockroach high-priest slightly gnarled cockswain huckster snicker gneiss corselet impugn spikenard heiress deign islet starveling heirloom descend kiln-dry stickler herbage descent malign stockade phthisic dislodge merely tackling phthisis drachm moisten terseness wholly dudgeon molten transcend wrangle dumb-bell mortgage vaguely wrapping fidget palmy vengeful wrathful fierceness partridge victuals wriggler fighter piquant vignette Intermediate. fledgling plumber yachting affright flicker rhetoric Terminal. arraign flighty safeguard condemn asthma forebode salt-rheum debut begrudge forestall scene entomb buckler fraught schism harangue buckram ghastly scirrhous limn buckthorn gingham seckel solemn campaign grudge sennight e final. changeling hackle shackle abortive cloven haddock shipwright abstruse cockade hautboy signer accede cockney heighten slaughter achieve REVIEW LESSONS. 103 adduce endue intrude revenue adhesive ensure inverse revere aggrieve enthrone issue reverse asperse equine liege rosette assuage ermine missile ruble assure evasive mortise salvage austere febrile nervine sanguine avalanche fertile noblesse savable bamboozle finesse noisome sequence bastille fissile nuisance serene bombazine fissure nutritive serate chafe fixture pellicle servile clearance fizzle pensile shrinkage concede forborne persuade stampede condense forecaste perverse submerge collapse foreclose pillage suicide compare forte pottage surmise cordage fruitage presume suspense dawdle gangrene pristine suture defense garbage programme syllable despise garrote puerile syringe disgorge germane quadrille terene dispense granite realize termite disperse higgle rehearse toilsome displease imbrute rejoice transcribe dissuade imbue remorse vendue diverge immerge replete verdure dotage immerse reprieve vestige durance impede reserve village effete indorse respite waffle ellipse inhere reticule wattle emerge innate retrieve whiffle 104 GRADED SPELLER. Substitutes. c like s finance prudence accord acid fragrance racy accoutre anthracite grimace rancid accurate assurance incisive recede acquaint ceaseless incite recently addict centaur jaundice recipe alcoholic cerebral justice recital auricle certify lucid renounce bishopric chalice menace riddance cairn chancel nascent romance cajole citadel nicety secede carrier citron ordnance seduce cashier civet pacify semblance casque civilize pellucid sincere caustic civilly penance solicit claimant cypress penitence solstice classic decease perceive sorcery clayey device pittance specify cleavage divorce placid stencil clinic docile police surplice cobalt dulcet pomace tacit cocoa efface precede terrace cocoon enhance precept tracery codger essence precise valance cohere exceed preface viscera collate excel privacy viscid colleague excite proceed c like k collier evince process abscond commix facile province acclaim compeer REVIEW LESSONS. 105 compete decrease postscript subject concur decree predict succor confer deduct priestcraft succumb confirm defunct rancor syllabic congeal discourse recluse tactics conserve discreet recourse traffic constrain discuss recruit treacle convene ducat rubric typical converge ductile sarcasm uncouth convey edict scalene vacuum coquette extinct scallion vehicle corrode fabric scaly vesicle corsair falcon scathe vicar corse franc scoria c like s and k coupon frantic scrawny acceptable construe fulcrum scripture cadence Creole gastric scrofula calcine cribbage hectic scruple capacity cricket incase scurvy caprice critic incrust secant circuit critique jocund sector civic croue lacquer secular coerce crudeness lucre silica commerce crusade morocco skeptic conceal crystal mulct spectacle conceit curator mystic specter conceive curfew obscure spectrum concern cursive occult specular concert curtail optics spiracle conduce dactyl placard statics cornice decade plastic stucco cowardice 106 GRADED SPELLER. credence tetrarch proviso mountainous crescent trachea quinsy perilous cycle s like z refuse piteous cynic appraise residue pompous ecstacy arrears resolute porous flaccid atheism revise previous scarcity billiards risible pulpous scenic deism tansy rufous sconce demise theism serous succint deserve trappings sinuous vaccine designer treason tedious ch like k dessert treatise tortuous anarchy devise turquoise touchy anchorage diffuse usurper various catechism divers venison villous chaos excise viands vinous chaotic flimsy visage viscous chemist franchise ou like u youngster chloroform fusee bilious ti like sh choler grisly carious abolition cholera guise cumbrous ambitious chronic names duteous captious chronicle imposing famous cautious chyle incisor fibrous conditioned chyme inclose flourish creation epoch moorings grievous devotion ochre palsied heinous diction orchis peruse joyous factious paschal poise leprous fiction schedule poison lustrous fractious strychnine preside monstrous function REVIEW LESSONS 107 gumption ci like sh digraph samphire impartial crucial ephod seraph lotion facial naphtha siphon militia ferocious phaeton sophist nuptial Grecian phalanx spheroid option nuncio phantom sulphur partial social Pharisee Tophet potion spacious pharynx trigraph ratio special phase triumph sanction specious pheasant triphthong section ph like f phenix trophy suction blasphemous phlegm typhoid tertian caliph phonetic typhoon unction camphene physic typhus vitiate dauphin prophecy zephyr Words Liable to be Misspelled not included in previous Review Lists, accession beryl colonel debris adieu becalm conduit discern alien bestial conscience disguise analysis brilliant corps doughty antenna buoy cortege elect antique buoyant counterfeit embalm anxiety caitiff courtier eulogize artillery cartouch crosier eyrie bailiff cassia crochet fief barouche cayenne cuirass filial bastion chamois dahlia finny beau chocolate daunt forfeit 108 GRADED SPELLER. freight lamprey pleura suction frieze landau poniard suavity frontier larynx prologue suffice (ze) furlough lien raillery suite fusion luscious rescind sybil fustian mattock routine tableau gauger measure sapphire taffeta glacier moneyed scanning tannin glazier mullion scepter tariff gorgeous myrrh scission teetotal grandeur naiad scullion tonnage grotesque nauseous seizure transient grazier onyx senior unique guard osier sentient valiant guano pageant series valise gudgeon pannier shampoo vandyke hassock paralyze soiree vengeance hoosier parterre soldiery version hyssop pastille souchong viscount infusion pelisse souvenir vision intrigue pillion spaniel visual inveigh pinion stanchion vizier jalap plantain straightway weazen juicy plateau sturgeon weighty Form the Plurals of the following Words, adding s distaff fillip gyve adherent doubloon frigate halo bureau dragoon guitar leakage devotee fillet guy lessee NAMES OF PERSONS. 109 fortress flurry polity parish fogy prodigy potash folly rally skirmish frailty rarity suffix gawky remedy tornado glossary sally trespass guaranty sentry windlass harpy strategy changing y to ies homily study academy injury subsidy ally laundry theory aviary malady tory calamity mutiny tragedy calumny navy trinity charity nullity trumpery cranny ovary tyranny dignity parody vagary duchy peony verity elegy perfidy vestry fairy policy votary NAMES OF PERSONS. Males Al phon' so Ar chi bald Ben ja min A bra ham Am a sa A ri el Ben o' ni Ab sa lorn Am brose Ar te mas Ber nard A dolph' An tho ny Ash bel Bar nard A dol' phus An to ny Bar na bas Be thu' el Al phe us A pol' los Ben e diet Bon i face 110 GRADED SPELLER. Chris to pher Con stan tine E li' ab E phra ini E ras' mus E ras' tus Fer di nand Fer nan' do Fred er ic Ga bri el Geof frey Gid e on Greg o ry Han ni bal Her cu les Ho se' a Humph rey Ich a bod I sa' iah Is ra el Ja i rus Ja pheth Jer e my Ju li an Laz a rus Lew el' lyn Ly cur' gus Mai a chi Ma nas' seh Mar eel' lus Mi chael Or Ian' do Phi Ian' der Pe leg Per e grine Phi le' mon Phin e as Ptol e my Raph a el Rod er ic Ru dol' phus Se bas' tian Se re' nus Sil va' nus Sil ves' ter Sim e on Sol o mon Syl ves' ter Thad de us The o dore Val en tine Females Ab i gail An toi nette' Ca mil' la Cas san' dra Chris ti' na Em e line Er nes tine Eu do' ra Fe lie' i a Jo seph ine Jus ti' na Lau rin' da La vin' i a Le ti' ti a Lil i an Lu cin' da Mad e line Mar ga ret Mel i cent Re bee' ca Ros a mond Try phe' na Try pho' sa Viola COMMON ABBREVIATIONS. Account Acct. Amount Amt. Answer Ans. Arithmetic .... Arith. Barrel Bbl. Brother Bro. Bushels Bush. Captain Capt. Cents Cts. Chapter Chap. College Coll. Company .... Co. COMMON ABBREVIATIONS* 111 Congress . . . . Cong. North . . . N. District . . . . . Dist. North-east . . N. E. Doctor . . . . Dr. November . . Nov. Dollars . . . . . Dols. Numbers . . Nos. Dozen . . . . . Doz. Ounce . . Oz. Debtor . . . . Dr. Page . . . . P. East .... . . E. Peck . . . . Pk. Editor . . . . . Ed. Pecks . . Pks. Example . . . . . Ex. Post-master . P.M. Figure . . • • Fi g- Post office . . P. 0. Foot, feet . . . . Ft. Pint . . . . Pt. Furlong . . . . . Fur. Quarter - . . Qr. Gallon . . . . . Gal. Quarts . . Qts. General . . . . . Gen. Question . • • Q- or Qfiea Gill, gills . . . . Gi. Railroad . . R. R. Grain, grains . . . Gr. Receipt . . Recpt. Hundred . . . . . Hund. Received . Reed. Instant . . . . . Inst. Reverend . Rev. Interest . . . . . Int. Right . Rt. Island . . . . . Isl. River . . . Riv. Junior . . . . . Jr. Saint . . - St. Liquor . . . . . Liq. South . . . s. Magazine . . . . Mag. South-west . . s. w Major . . . . . Maj. Square . Sq. Manuscripts . . MSS. Street . St. March . . . . . Mar. Volume . . Vol. Master . . . . . Mr. Volumes . . Vols. Mistress . . . . . Mrs. Weight . . . Wt. Mountain . . . . Mt. West . . . w. Mountains . . . . Mts. Yard . . Yd. Music . . . . . Mus. Yards . Yds. 112 GRADED SPELLER. FIFTH STEP. The sound represented by e as heard ab bre' vi ate ab ste' mi ous ad her' ence ad he' sive ness al le' giance al le' vi ate a mel' io rate a me' na ble an te ced' ent an te' ri or ap pre' ci ate ar te' ri al be he' moth car nel' ian cha me' le on chi me' ra co e' val co her' ence col le' gi ate com plete' ly com pie' tion con ere' tion con ge' ni al con tra vene' con ven' ience cot y le' don cri te' ri on de cen cy de pie' tion de pre' ci ate de vi ate de vi ous di ar rhe' a dis o be' di ent e go tism e gre' gious e qua ble e qual ize e qui nox e qui poise ex ere' tion ex pe' di ent ex pe' ri ence ex te' ri or ex treme' ly in mete, expressed by fa ce' tious fe al ty fre quen cy fu ne' re al ge ni al gen ius here a bouts hy e' na hy men e' al il le' gal ly im me' di ate in com plete' in e' bri ate in fe' ri or in gen' ious in her' ent in ter cede' in ter fer' ence in te' ri or in ter vene' le ni ent ly ce' um ma te' ri al FIFTH STEP. 113 me di a tor mel ior ate me ni al me te or mys te' ri ous ne o phyte o be' di ent ob se' qui ous o me' ga Pan the' on per se ver' ance pie be' ian pre am ble pre ced' ent pre mi er pre sci ence pri me' val pro ced' ure re gen cy re me' di al re pie' tion re qui em se ced' er se ere cy se ere' tion sper ma ce' ti ste re o type su pe' ri or su per sede' su per vene' tra pe' zi um tri he' dron va le' ri an ve he' mence vice ge' rent ea ar rear' age bleach er y con ceal' ment con geaT ment de mean' or dis ap pear' en dear' ment fea si ble im peach' ment ee ab sen tee' a gree' a ble ap point ee' as sign ee' char i ot eer' con sign ee' deb au chee' dis a gree' ment dom i neer' en fee' ble en gi neer' fee ble ness free boot er fric as see' gaz et teer' guar an tee' in dis creet' mort ga gee' mu le teer' mu ti neer' nom i nee' pri va teer' ref er ee' ref u gee' rep ar tee' sha green' vel vet een' vol un teer' war ran tee' The sound represented by a as heard m pale, expressed by a a bate' ment ac cent u a' tion ab di ca' tion a bat' a ble ab bre vi a' tion a be ce da' ri an ac cep ta' tion ac cla ma' tion 114 GRADED SPELLER. ac com mo da' tion ac cu mu la' tion ac cu sa' tion ad ap ta' tion adja' cent ad mi ra' tion ad o ra' tion ad u la' tion ad van ta' geous af fee ta' tion af fi da' vit af fir ma' tion ag i ta' tion ag gra va' tion al ien ate al li ga' tion al ter a' tion a maze' ment am bus cade' a mi a bly am pli fi ca' tion an i ma' tion an nex a' tion an ni hi la' tion an no ta' tion an tic i pa' tion an ti qua' ri an an ti slav' er y a' pi a ry ap pa ra' tus ap pli ca' tion ap pre ci a' tion ap pro ba' tion A ra' bi an arch an' gel ar gu men ta' tion ar tic u la' tion as pi ra' tion as sas si na' tion as so ci a' tion au da' cious aug men ta' tion av o ca' tion bar ri cade' bas ti na' do bur gla' ri ous cal cu la' tion can eel la' tion cap ti va' tion cas ti ga' tion cau sa' tion eel e bra' tion ces sa' tion ce ta' ceous cham ber lain cham pagne' chas ten ing chi can' er y cir cu la' tion ci ta' tion civ il i za' tion clas si fi ca' tion co ag u la' tion col la' tion col on nade' com pi la' tion com pla' cent com pu ta' tion con clem na' tion con den sa' tion con fir ma' tion con for ma' tion con gre ga' tion con ser va' tor con so la' tion con stel la' tion con ster na' tion con sul ta' tion cou ta' gion con ver sa' tion con vo ca' tion co-op er a' tion cor o na' tion cou ra' geous ly ere a' tive ere ta' ceous cru sad' er crus ta' cean cle bat' a ble de ca' dence dec la ma' tion dec la ra' tion dec o ra' tion FIFTH STEP. 115 ded i ca' tion de face' ment def a ma' tion deg ra da' tion dep u ta' tion de range' ment der o ga' tion des ig na' tion des per a' do des per a' tion die ta' tor ship di la' tion dis ar range' dis en gage' dis grace' ful dis sua' sion dis taste' fill efface' ment e la' tion el e va' tion e ma' ci ate em bla' zon em bra' sure em pale' ment em u la' tion en dan' ger en gage' ment en grav' er en grav' ing en slave' ment e qua' tion e ras ure es trange' e va sion ex hor ta' tion ex pa' tri ate ex pec ta' tion ex pla na' tion far ra' go fil tra' tion fla gran cy fra ter nize frus tra' tion gas con ade' ge ra' ni um grad u a' tion gram ma' ri an gre ga' ri ous gy ra' tion her ba' ceous her ba' ri um im i ta' tion im pa' tience in ca' pa ble in fla' tion in for ma' tion in ter change' in ter lace' in to na' tion in va ; sion ir ra' di ate ir ri ta' tion la bi al le ga' tion li ba' tion lib er a' tion li bra' ri an lo qua' cious lum ba go ma la' ri a man da' mus ma ni a ma son ry mas quer ade' med i ta' tion mo sa' ic mu ta' tion ne ga' tion ob la' tion oc ta' vo op er a' tion out ra' geous o va' tion pa la' tial pal i sade' pa tri arch pa tri ot ism pen e tra' tion per sua' sion pla ca ble pla gia rism pla gia ry plan ta' tion 116 GRADED SPELLER. plum ba' go po ma' turn pop u la' tion po ta' tion pre ca' ri ous prep a ra' tion pres er va' tion prom e nade' pro sa' ic pug na' cious pul sa' tion quo ta' tion ra di a tor ra pa' cious rec i ta' tion rec re a' tion re ga' li a rep a ra' tion rep u ta' tion res ig na' tion res pi ra' tion rev e la' tion sa ga' cious sal e ra' tus sa li ent sal va' tiou sa pi ent sa ti ate sa vor y sea li ness sec ta' ri an sen sa' tion sep a ra' tion se ta' ceous sit u a' tion so lie it a' tion stag na' tion sta tion er sta tion er y sub stra' turn sul ta' na temp ta' tion te na' cious tes ta' cean trace a ble trans lat' or um bra' geous va por y va ri e gate ve ra' cious ver ba' tim vex a' tious vi va' cious vo ra' cious The sound represented by u as heard in furl, expressed by burg o mas ter churl ish cur so ry cur va ture dis burse' ment dis cur' sive dis turb' auce di ur' nal ex cur' sion ex pur' gate fur ther ance in cur' sion in sur' gent pre cur' sor pur ga tive re im burse' sub urb' an sur ger y tur bu lent tur mer ic tur pen tme tur pi tude ur gen cy FIFTH STEP. 117 The sound represented by e as heard e e ner' vate ad ver' si ty ad ver' tise ment al ter' na tive an ni ver' sa ry as per' sion as sert' or a ver' ment co er' cion com mer' cial con cern' ing con cert' ed con ver' gence con vert' i ble de ser' tion de serv' ing de ter' mined dis cern' i ble dis cern' ment dis con cert' dis per' sion di ver' gence di ver' sion di vert' ing e mer' gent e mer' sion e ter' nal ex ter' nal fer til ize fer ven cy fra ter' nal ger mi nate her mit age im mer' sion im per' feet in ad vert' ent in fer' nal in ser' tion in ter' pret in ter sperse' in tro vert' in verse' ly mer can tile mer chan dise mer cu ry ob serv' ance pa ter' nal per co late per ju ry per ma nence per me ate 1 For a discussion of this sound, see in term, 1 expressed by per pe trate per qui site per se cu tor per ti nence per ver' sion per vi ous pre serv' a tive re ver' ber ate re ver' sion ser pen tine serv i tor sub serv' i ent sub ver' sion su per' la tive ter ma gant ter ti a ry ver bal ly ver bi age ver dan cy ver di gris ver mi fuge ver sa tile ver te brate ver ti go ea re hears' al Manual of Reading. 118 GRADED SPELLER. The sound a ba salt' ic dis in thrall' ex alt' ed fal chion fal con er fals i ty in stall' ment sub al' tern au au di to ry au gu ry au spi ces au thor ship cau li flow er cau ter ize de fault' er ex haust' ion fraud u lent haugh ti ly hy draul' ics lau da num lau re ate nau se a nau tic al nau ti lus pau ci ty plau si ble pre cau' tion represented by a as heard sau ci ly sau ri an tar pau' lin o ab sorp' tion ac cord' ing ly ac cor' di on con cord' ance con cord' ant con form' a ble con tor' tion cord ial cor du roy cor mo rant cor ne a cor po ral cor po rate cor pu lent cor pus cle de form' i ty de tor' tion dis cord' ant dis or' gan ize dis tor' tion e nor' mous ex or' bi tant ex tor' tion for feit ure form al ly in fall, expressed by form a tive for mi da ble for mu la for ti fy for ti tude fort u nate gor mand ize hence for' ward hor ta tive im mor' tal in dors' er in or' di nate mis fort' une mor tal ly mort gage or mor ti fy or ches tra or de al or di nal or di nance or di na ry or gan ize or tho dox or tho e py por phy ry re morse' less scor pi on sor cer er sub or' di nate FIFTH STEP. 119 The sound represented by o as heard a dor' able am mo' ni a ap por' tion ment ap pro' pri ate ar mo' ri al a ro' ma as so' ci ate a tro' cious au ro' ral ca jol' er y cer e mo' ni al co di fy co gen cy col lo' qui al co lo' ni al com mo' di ous com mo' tion com po' nent com pos' er com pos' ure comp trol' ler con do' lence con dol' er con sol' a ble con trol' ler co pi ous cor po' re al de co' rous de mo' ni ac de plor' a ble de po' nent de throne' ment de vot' ed ness de vo' tion al dis clos' ure dis com mode' dis com pose' dis pos' al dis pro por' tion droll er y e lope' ment em bold' en e mo' tion en co' mi urn en force' ment en gross' er en rol' ment en throne' ment e qua to' ri al er ro' ne ous ex plo' sive ex po' nent ex port' er fac to' turn fo li ate foli o for ci bly in lone, expressed by ford a ble fore bod' ing fore clos' ure for ger y glo ri ous ly his to' ri an ho sier y ig no' ble in clos' ure in com mode' in de co' rum in dis pose' in dis posed' in ter pose' la bo' ri ous lo cal ly lo co mo' tion me lo' di ous me mo' ri al mis no' mer mo ment a ry ne go' ti ate no tice a ble no to' ri ous ob o' vate o pi ate op pro' bri um o vert ure pa go' da 120 GRADED SPELLER. pe tro' le um pho to graph po lar ize port a ble port fol' io por ti co post-of fice po ta ble po ten cy po tent ate pre co' cious pro mo' tion pro por' tion pro pos' al pro to type rogu er y rose ma ry ro ta ry scho li um so cia ble sto i cism sup pos' a ble The sound represented by i as heard ab o li' tion ist ab o rig' i nes a bridg' ment ac quit' tal ac quit' tance a dapt a bil' i ty ad di' tion al ad min' is ter ad mis' si ble ad mo ni' tion affin'ity am big' u ous a mi a bil' i ty am mu ni' tion am phib' i ous an tic' i pate an tip' a thy an tiq' ui ty an tith' e sis ap po si' tion arch bish' op a ris' to crat a rith' me tic Ar min' ian ar tic' u late ar tif ' i cer ar ti fi' cial ar til' ler ist as sid' u ous as trin' gent a the ist' ic al at trib' ute at tri' tion aux il' ia ry av a ri' cious tap i o' ca up hoi' ster y vo cal ize zo o phyte ou court li ness mourn ful ly ow dis own' fore know' glow-worm in pin, expressed by a vid' i ty ben e die' tion ben e fi' cial be nig' nant bib u lous biv ouac brill ian cy ca pa bil' i ty ca pit' u late cap tW i ty car niv' o rous cer tif i cate char ac ter is' tic chiv al ric chiv al ry Chris ten dom ci vil' ian ci vil' i ty FIFTH STEP. 121 co a li' tion co-ef fi' cient cog ni' tion col lis' ion com min' gle com mis' sion com mis' sion er com mit' tal com mixt' ure com pe ti' tion com po si' tion con cil' i ate con cis' ion con di' tion al con fis' cate con scrip' tion con sid' er a ble con sist' ence con sist' ent ly con sis' to ry con spic' u ous con spir' a tor con stit' u ent con stric' tion con strin' gent con tig 7 u ous con tin' gence con tin' u al con tin' u ous con tra die' tion con trib' u tor con tri' tion con viv' i al co til' Ion crim i nal ly crit ic al cru ci fix' ion cu pid' i ty cu tic' u lar cy lin' dric al de bil' i ty de cid' u ous de cliv' i ty de fi' cient def i ni' tion de fin' i tive de ist' ic de lib' er ate de li' cious de lin' e ate de lin' quent de liv' er er den ti' tion de riv 7 a tive de scrip' tive des ha bille' de tri' tion dif fi cult dif fi dence dig ni fied dig ni ta ry dil i gence di min' u tive din gi ness dis a bil' i ty dis ci pline dis crim' i nate dis fig' ure dis lo cate dis mis' sion dis pir' it dis po si' tion dis pu ta ble dis pu tant dis si pate dis so lute dis till' er dis tine' tion dis tin' guish dis trib' ute di vin' i ty di vis' i ble diz zi ness do min' ion driv el er e clip' tic e di' tion ef fi' cient e lie' it e lis' ion e lix' ir el lip' sis e mis' sion 122 GRADED SPELLER. e nig ma en kin' die en list' ment en rich' ment em pir' ic e pis' co pal e pit' o me e quiv' a lent e quiv' o cal ex cis' ion ex hib' it ex hil' a rate ex ist' ence ex pe di' tion ex plic' it ex po si' tion ex tine' tion fa cil' i ty fac ti' tious fe lie' i ty fes tiv' i ty fick le ness fie ti' tious fid get y fig ment fig u ra tive fil a ment fil i gree filth i ness fin i cal fix i ty fla gi' tious Aim si ness flip pan cy flo til' la for bid' ding frank in' cense friv o lous fru i' tion ful fill' ment fu til' i ty ges tic' u late gib ber ish gid di ness gil ly flow er go ril' la guer ril' la hid e ous hip po drome hith er to hos til' i ty hu mil' i ate id i om ig ne ous ig ni' tion ig no ranee il lie' it il lit' er ate ill-na tured im age ry im be cile im bit' ter im bri cate im i ta ti^e im ma nent im mi grant im mi nent im mo late im pe tus im pi ous im pie ment im pli cate im plic' it im po tence im pre cate im pris' on im pu dence in ci dent in cip' i ent in cis' ion in ere ment in cu bate in cu bus in di cate in di gence in dig' nant in dis tinct' in di vid' u al in do lence in du rate in fa mous in fan tine in fant ry FIFTH STEP. 123 iD fe lie' i ty in fer ence in fi nite in fin' i tive in fin' i tude in flic' tion in flu ence in fringe' ment in im' i cal in iq' ui ty in i' tial in i' ti ate in no cence in no vate in quis' i tive in scrip' tion in sin' u ate in sip' id in so lence in sti gate in sti tute in su lar in su late in te gral in te grate in tel lect in ter course in ter diet' in ter lude in ter mit' in ter stice in ter view in ti mate in tri cate in trin' sic in vis' i ble ir ri gate ir ri ta ble is o late i tin' er ant ju di' cial ju di' cious le git' i mate li a bil' i ty lib er al ly lig a ture lig ne ous lin e age lin e ar lin guist' ic liq ue fy liq ui date lit a ny lit er al lit er a ry lith o graph lit i gate lit ur gy ma gi' cian mag nif ' ic ma li' cious ma lis' nant me die' i nal me phit' ic me rid' i an mil i tant mil i ta ry min a ret min i mum min is try min strel sy mis an thrope mis eel la ny mis chiev ous mis ere ant mis er a bly mis sion a ry mis tie toe mit i gate mo bil' i ty mo ni' tion mu nic' i pal mu nif i cent mu ni' tion no bil' i ty nu tri' tion ob lit' er ate ob liv' i on oc cip' i tal of fi' cial om nip' o tent om nis' cience om niv' o rous 124 GRADED SPELLER. op po si' tion op ti' cian o rig' i nal pa rish' ion er par tic' i pate par tic' u lar pa tri' cian pen in' su la per di' tion per fid' i ous pe rim' e ter per mis' sion per ni' cious per sist' ence phi lip' pic phy si' cian pil lo ry pin a fore pin na cle piq uan cy pis ca to ry pit i a ble pit i ful ly po lit' ic al pol i ti' cian pos til' ion pre cip' i tant pre die' tion prep o si' tion prim i tive prin ci pal ly pro cliv' i ty pro dig' ious pro fi' cient pro hib' it pro lif ic pro mis' cu ous pro pi' ti ate pro pi' tious prop o si' tion pro vin' cial prox im' i ty pub lie' i ty quad rill' ion quin tu pie ra pid' i ty re cip' i ent re cip' ro cal rec og ni' tion re frig' er ate re it' er ate re lig' ious re lin' quish re mis' sion re mit' tal re mit' tance re mit' tent ren di' tion rep e ti' tion re sid' u al re sid' u um re sist' ance re trib' u tive re vis' ion re viv' i fy ri die' u Ious ri gid' i ty rig or ous ris i bil' i ty sa pid' i ty sa tir' ic scin til late script ur al se di' tion ser vil' i ty sib yl line sig nal ly sig na ture sig nif ' i cant sim plic' i ty sin gu lar sin is ter So cin' i an so lie' it ous so lil' o quy sop o rif ' ic spe cif ' ic spic u lar spin ner et sta bil' i ty sta tis' tics ste ril' i ty stig ma tize FIFTH STEP. 125 stim u lant 8tin gi ness stip u late stu pid' i ty sub lim' i ty sub mis' sion sub sist' ence sue cinct' ly suf fi' cient su per fi' cial su per sti' tion sus pi' cion sus pi' cious sy rin' ga tac ti' cian tim o rous tit il late tra di' tion tran scrip' tion trans fig' ure tran si' tion trans mis' sion trib u ta ry trick er y trip ar tite *rip li cate u til' i ty va nil' la ven di' tion ver mil' ion vie' i nage vi cin' i ty vie to ry vil i fi er vil la ger vil lain y vin die' tive vir u lence vis ion a ry vit re ous vit ri fy vo cif ' er ate vo li' tion whif fle tree whim si cal whip-poor-will wit ti cism y chrys a lis crys tal lize cyn o sure E gyp' tian e lys' ian hyp o crite lyr ic al met a phys' ics myr i ad mys ti cism lym' pic par a lyt' ic phys ic al po lyg' a my pyr a mid syc o phant syl lo gism sym bol ize syn co pe sym me try sym pa thize sym pho ny syn a gogue syn o nym syn the sis sys tern a tize tym pa num tyr an nize . ui guilt i ness The sound represented by e as heard in met, expressed by e ab sent' er ac cent' u ate a bet' tor ac a dem' ic al ac cept' a ble ness ab ject' ness ac eel' er ate ac cess' i ble 126 GRADED SPELLER. ac ci dent' al ly ac qui esce' ad vent' ur er af fee' tion ate al i ment' a ry al lege' al pha bet' ic al ly al to geth' er A mer' i can ize an ces' tral a nem' o ne ap pel' la tive ap pre hen' si ble ap pre hen' sion ap pren' tice ship ar chi pel' a go ar gu ment' a tive ar ith met' ic al as cend' en cy as cet' ic as sem' blage as sent' ing as sess' ment ath let' ic at mos pher' ic at ten' u ate at test' or au ster' i ty au then' ti cate bag a telle' be nef ' i cent be nev' o lence bet ter ment bi en' ni al bi seg' ment cal is then' ics ca mel' o pard cat e chet' ic eel e bra ted ce leb' ri ty ce ler' i ty ce les' tial eel i ba cy eel lu lar cem e ter y cen sur a ble cen ten' ni al cen ti grade cen tral ize cen tu pie cer e mo ny chem ic al chem is try cir cum vent' clan des' tine clem en cy cler ic al co a lesce' col lect' ive col lect' or com mem' o rate com mence' ment com mend' a ble com men' su rate com pend' i um com pen' sate com pet' i tor com pre hend' com press' i ble com pres' sion con cen' trate con cep' tion con ces' sion con dens' er con de scend' con fee' tion con fee' tion er con fed' er ate con fes' sion al con fi den' tial con ges' tion con gres' sion al con ject' ure con sci en' tious con sec' u tive con se quen' tial con tern' ner con tern' plate con tempt' i ble con tent' ed ness con ten' tious con ti nent' al con va les' cent FIFTH STEP. 127 con ven' tion al cor rect' ive cos met' ic co tern' po ra ry ere den' tials cred it a ble crep i tate de bent' ure dec a gon dec a logue dec i mal dec i mate de clen' sion dec re ment de crep' i tude de fee' tion def i cit de flee' tion de gen' er ate de jec' tion del e gate del i ca cy dem a gogue de ment' ed de mer' it dem i John den si ty dep re cate dep re date de pres' sion der e lict de scend' ant des e crate des o late des pi ca ble des pot ism des ti ny des ti tute de test' a ble det ri ment de vel' op dev il ish dex ter' i ty di ges' tion di gres' sion di lem' ma di men' sion dis affect' dis con tent' dis cred' it dis ere' tion di shev' el dis in feet' dis in her' it dis pen' sa ble dis pos sess' dis re spect' dis sec' tion dis sem' ble dis sen' sion dis sent' er dis sev' er dis tern' per dis ten' tion di vest' ure do mes' tic dys pep' sia eb on y ec cen' trie ec lee' tic edify ed u ca tor effect' ive ef fer vesce' ef fi ca cy effigy ef flo resce ef flu ence eg Ian tine e jec' tion e lee' trie al el e gance el e ment' al el e va tor el i gi ble el o quence em a nate em bas sy em bel' lish em bez' zle em bry o em er aid em erjr 128 GRADED SPELLER. em i nence em per' il em per or em pha sis en er gize en gen' der en gine ry en ter prise en ti ty en vi ous ep au let ep i cure ep i dem' ic ep i gram ep i lep sy ep i logue ep i sode ep i taph ep i thet eq ui page eq ui ty e rec' tion er u dite es cu lent es pe' cial es say ist es sen' tial es ti mate et i quette ev a nes' cen* e vent' ful e vent' u al ex ca vate ex eel lence ex cep' tion ex cess' ive ex ere ment ex cres' cence ex e crate ex e cute ex ec' u tor ex ec' u trix ex emp' tion ex e quies m ex l gence ex o dus ex or cise ex pec' to rate ex pe dite ex per' i ment ex pi ate ex pie tive ex pli cate ex press' ive ex qui site ex tern' po re ex ten' si ble ex ten' u ate ex tri cate fal set' to Feb ru a ry fee u lence fed er ai fel o ny fern i nine fer ri age fer ry man flex u ous fo ren' sic gel a tine gen er a gen er al ize gen er ate ge ner' ic gen e sis gen u ine hec a tomb hem or rhage hep ta gon her aid ry he red' i ta ry her e sy her e tic her it age her met' ic her o ine hex a gon hys ter' ic il leg' i ble im mense' ly im ped' i ment im pend' ing im per' a tive FIFTH STEP. 129 im per' il im preg 7 nate im pres' sion im press' ment in cen' tive in cep' tion in ces' sant in clem' ent in del' i cate in di rect' in fee' tious in fee' tion in gen' u ous injec' tion in sen' si ble in spec' tion in teg' ri ty in tel' li gent in tense' ly b ten' tion m ter cept' in ter ces' sor in ter jec' tion in ter' ro gate in ter sect' in tes' tate in tes' tine in trench' ment in trep' id in vec' tive in ves' ti gate in vest' ment ir rel' e vant jes sa mine leg a cy leg er-line leg is late len i ty leth ar gy li cen' tious lieu ten' ant mech au ism med i cate med i ta tive mel o dy mem bra nous me men' to mem o ra ble men di cant mer ri ment mes mer' ic mes mer ism met a phor me theg' lin Meth od ist met ric al mign on ette' mil len' ni um mo ment' ous mo men' turn neb u lous nee es sa ries ne ces' si ty nee ta ry non sens' ic al nu mer' ic al ob ject' ive ob seen' i ty of fen' sive op pres' sion o ri ent' al or na ment' al pal met' to pa ren' the sis pa thet' ic pec u late ped a gogue ped ant ry ped es tal pen al ty pend u lous pen i ten' tial pen ta gon Pen ta teuch Pen te cost per ad vent' ure per cent' age per cep' tion per emp' to ry per en' ni al per i carp per i phrase per ish a ble 130 GRADED SPELLER. per pet' u al per plex' i ty per spec' tive pes ti lence plen i tude pleth o ra por tent' ous pos ses' sion pos ter' i ty po ten' tial prec e dent pre cen' tor pre cep' tor prec i pice pred a to ry pred i cate pre emp' tion pref er a ble pre hen' sile prej u dice pre req' ui site pres by ter pres i den cy pre ten' tious pret er it prev a lence pre ven' tion pro ces' sion pro gres' sion pro ject' ile pro jec' tion pro spect' ive pros per' i ty pru den' tial pu tres' cence quer u lous qui es' cent quin tes' sence re bell' ious rec og nize rec ol lect' rec on cile rec on dite rect an gle rec ti tude red o lent ref er ence re fleet' or reg i cide reg i men reg is ter reg is trar reg u la tor rel e vant ren dez vous ren e gade ren o vate re pel' lent re pent' ant rep e tend' re plev' in rep re hend' re pres sion rep ri mand rep ro bate req ui site re sem' blance res i dence res o nance re spect' a ble re splen' dent re ten' tive ret i nue ret ro grade ret ro spect rev el ry rev er ence rev er y rev o ca ble sat i net' se ces' sion sec re ta ry sec u lar ize sed en ta ry sed u lous sem i na ry sen a tor sen su al sen ten' tial sen ti nel sep a ra ble sep ul cher se ques' ter FIFTH STEP. 131 sev er al ly tern po ral ver i ta ble sev er ance tern po ra ry ea sever' i ty tern po rize com mon wealth' sex tu pie tend en cy dis pleas' ure sin cer' i ty ten der loin dread ful ly skep ti cism ter a phim en deav' or spe cial ty ter ra pin head stall spec u la tor ter ri to ry jeal ous ly spher ic al tes ti ly meas ur a ble steth o scope tran scend' ent read i ly sti let' to tre men' dous treach er y stu pen' dous trem u lous treas ur er sue ces' sion trench' ant ie sue ces' sor tri en' ni al friend li ness sup pres' sion veg e ta ble ue sus cep' ti ble veg e ta tive co quet' ry sus pen' sion ven ti duct ei tech nic al ven ti la tor non pa reil' tel e scope ven tri cle eo tern per ance vent ur ous jeop ard y The sound represented by a as heard in mat, expressed by a ac cu ra cy af fa bly ab la tive ad a mant ag gran dize ab ro gate ad e quate ag gra vate ab scess ad jec tive ag gre gate ab so lute ly ad mi ra ble ag ile ab s tract ad mi ra bly ag i tate ab stract ly ad verb ag i ta tor a cad' e mist ad verse ly al a bas ter act u al ly af fa ble al mon er 132 GRADED SPELLER. al ter cate al ti tude a mal' gam am a teur am bas' sa dor am bier am bro type am bu lance am e thyst am i ca ble an a bap' tist a nal' o gy an a lyst a nath' e ma a nat' o mist An gli can an gli cize an i mal' cule an i mal' cu la an nu al ly an o dyne an swer a ble an tag' o nist an ti christ ap o gee ap o plex y ap po site ap ter ous apt i tude ar is to crat' ic ar ro gate as sas sin ate at tract' ive ness au dac' i ty au to crat' ic au to graph' ic al ax il la ry bac cha nal bap tis ter y bar on age bas i lisk be at' i tude ben e fac' tress bi valv' u lar bri tan' ni a bru tal' i ty ca dav' er ous cal a bash ca lam' i tous cal cu la tive cal cu lus cal u met can ni bal ism can on ize ca par' i son cap il la ry cap i tal ist cap tain cy car i ca ture cas si mere cas so wa ry cas u al ty cat a comb ca tas' tro phe cat e chist cat e go ry cat er waul cav al cade cham o mile cham pi on chap lain cy char ac ter ize chas tise ment chas ti ty Chris tian' i ty chro mat' ic cis al' pine cis at Ian' tic clam mi ness clam or ous clar i fy co ag' u lum com pan' ion com par' a tive com par' i son com pas' sion com pat' i ble con grat' u late con tarn' i nate con tract' ed co ri an' der coun ter act' dal li ance FIFTH STEP. 133 das tard ly de cant' er de cap' i tate de praV i ty de tach' ment de trac' tion de vas' tate di ag' o nal di dac' tic di lap' i date dip lo mat' ic dis ad van' tage dis as' ter dis as' trous dis fran' chise dis man' tie dis par' age dis trac' tion dram a tize du al' i ty ec stat' ic e jac' u late e lab' o rate e las' tic e man' ci pate em bar' rass em phat' ic al en act' ment en am' el en am' or en camp' ment en fran' chise en rapt' ure en sam' pie en tan' gle ment es pal' ier es tab' lish e vac' u ate e van' gel ize e vap' o rate ex ag' ger ate ex am' ine ex am' pie ex pan' sion ex trac' tion ex trav' a gant fab ri cate fab u lous fac ul ty fal la cy fal li ble fa nat' ic fan dan' go fan tas' tic far ri er fas ci cle fas ci nate fash ion a ble fa tal' i ty fat u ous fl nan' cial flab bi ness flag el late flag eo let flat ter er flat u lence fran chise ment fran gi ble frat ri cide gal ax y gal lant ly gal li pot gal van ize gan gli on gar ru lous gas e ous gen e al' o gy gen er al' i ty gi gan' tic grad u al ly gran u lar grat i fy grav i tate gym nas' tics hab it a ble hal cy on hand i craft haz ard ous hi lar' i ty ho san' na im pan' el im pas' sion im pas' sive 134 GRADED SPELLER. in ac' cu rate in ad' e quate in fal' li ble in fat' u ate in flam' ma ble in frac' tion in hab' it ant in san' i ty in stan' ter in val' i date i ras' ci ble i tal' ics Jac o bin lab y rinth lac er ate lac te al lam ent a ble lam i na las si tude lat er al le gal' i ty lib er al' i ty lo cal' i ty mac er ate mag ic al mag is trate mag net ism mag ni fi er maj es ty mal le a ble man a cles man age ment man i fest man i kin man ner ism man tu a man u al man u fact' ure mar i time mas ti cate mas to don math e mat' ics mat ri cide mat ri mo ny mat u rate max il lar max i mum me an' der me chan' ics me dall' ion min er al' o gy mis an' thro py mis un der stand' mo nas' tic mor tal' i ty mu ri at' ic mul ti pli cand' nar ra tive nat u ral ist nav i gate neu tral' i ty no mad' ic op er at' ic o rac' u lar or gan' ic pal a ta ble pal li ate pal ma ted pal pa ble pal pi tate pan ere as pan o ply pan the ism pan to mime pa rab' o la par a chute par a digm par a dox pa ral' y sis par a mount par a pet par a phrase par o quet par ox ysm par ri cide pas sion ate pat ri mo ny pat ron age pe dant' ic pen tag' o nal per am' bu late phleg mat' ic pi las' ter FIFTH STEP. 135 plant i grade plat i tude plu ral' i ty pneu mat' ics po lar' i ty pome gran' ate port man' teau prac ti ca ble pre par' a to ry pre var' i cate pris mat' ic pro eras' ti nate pro fan' i ty quack er y quad rat' ic ran cor ous ra pac' i ty rapt ur ous ras cal 7 i ty ra tion al rav en ous re fract' o ry re gat' ta re tal' i ate re tract' ile re trac' tion rhap so dy rheu mat' ic ro man' cer Sab a oth Sab bat' ic sac cha rine sac ra ment sac ri fice sac ri lege Sad du cee sa gac' i ty sal a ried sal i va ry sal u ta ry sane ti fy San he drim san i ta ry sat el lite sat ir ist sat u rate sat ur nine sa van' na scan dal ous scap u lar scho las' tic se ragl' io se raph' ic stag nan cy sta lac' tite sta lag' mite stat u a ry stat u to ry strat a gem strat e gist sub stan' tial tab la ture tac i turn tal is man tan ta lize tan ta mount tap es try tax i der my to bac' co nist tract a ble traf fick er tran quil ly trans fer ence tran si tive trans mi grate trav es ty ty ran' nic u nan' i mous ur ban' i ty vac il late val or ous van dal ism vas cu lar vi vac' i ty vo rac' i ty ua guar an tor 136 GRADED SPELLER. The sound represented by 6 as heard o bel la don' na a bom' i nate ab scond' er ac com' mo date ac com' mo da ting a crop' o lis ad mon' ish er a dop' tion al lot' ment an a con' da an i mos' i ty a nom' a lous a nom' a ly a non' y mous a pol' o gist a pol' o gize ap os tol' ic al a pos' tro phe a poth' e ca ry ap prox' i mate ar is toe' ra cy as ton' ish ment as trol' o ger as trol' o gy as tron' o mer a torn' ic a troc' i ty au to bi og' ra phy au torn' a ton bib li og' ra pher bi og' ra phy bi ol' o gy bron chi al car bon' ic ca rot' id ca thol' i cism chol er ic chron i cler chro nol' o gy clod hop per coch i neal cock a trice cod i cil cog i tate cog ni zance coll ier y col lo cate col lo quy col o nist col o nize col o ny co los' sal com bat ant com e dy com ic al com i ty com men ta ry in not, expressed by com mod' i ty com mo dore com mon er com pe teuce com pie ment com pli cate com pos' ite com pos' i tor com pro mise con chol' o gy con coc' tion con cu bine con di ment con fi dant con flu ence con gre gate conjugal con ju gate con quer a ble con scious ness con se crate con se quent ly con sol' i date con so nance con stan cy con sti tute con su lar con su late con tra band FIFTH STEP. 137 con tra ries con tro ver sy con tu ma cy con tu me ly con ver sant con verse ly co-op' er ate cop per as cop per plate cop y right cor re spond' cor rob' o rate cos mol' o gy cos mop' o lite cot ta ger cot ton y crotch et y cu ri os' i ty de coc' tion de moc' ra cy de mon' strate de nom' i nate de pop' u late de pos' i tor de spond' ent des pot' ic dis con' so late dis hon' est dis hon' or dis solv' ent doc tor ate doc tri nal doc u ment dol o rous dom i cil dom i nant drop sic al e con' o mize e con' o my em bod' y e mol' li ate en to mol' o gist ex on' er ate ex ot' ic ex post' u late fe roc' i ty fog gi ness fop per y fos sil ize front is piece gas om' e ter ge og' ra pher ge ol' o gist ge om' e ter glob u lar gon do la gos sa mer har mon' ic hob gob lin horn i cide hon or a ble hos pi ta ble hos pi ta bly hy poth' e sis id i ot' ic i dol' a ter im mod' er ate im post' ure im promp' tu in com' pe tence in con' stant in solv' ent in tol' er ant joe u lar log ic al lot ter y ma don' na ma son' ic me thod' ic me trop' o lis mne mon' ics moc ca sin mod i cum mod i fi er mod u late mol e cule mol li fy mon arch ist mon o gram mo nop' o ly mon o tone mo not' o ny mon strous lv 138 GRADED SPELLER. my thol' o gy nar cot' ic nom i nal ob du rate ob du ra cy ob li gate ob lo quy ob nox' ious ob se quies ob so lete ob sti na cy oc ci dent oc ci put oc cu pant om i nous on er ous op er a tive op ti mist op u lence os cil late os se ous os te ol' o gy os tra cism ox y gen pa rot' id phe nom' e non phi lol' o gy phi los' o pher phos phor us Pla ton' ic po mol' o gy pom pos' i ty pon der ous pop u lace po ros' i ty por rin ger post u late pre coc' i ty pre pon' der ate pre pos' ter ous pre rog' a tive pro bos' cis profitable prof li gate prog e ny prom i nence prom is so ry prom on to ry prop a gate pros e cute pros e lyte Prot est ant prov i dence prox i mate psy chol' o gy re mon' strance re solv' a ble re solv' ent re spond' ent re spon' si ble rhi noc' e ros schol ar ship scle rot' ic sol em nize sol i ta ry solv en cy som no lence soph ist ry soph o more ste nog' ra phy syn op' sis tau tol' o gy Teu ton' ic the oc' ra cy the ol' o gy ther mom' e ter tol er a bly to pog' ra phy ty pog' ra phy ve loc' i ty ver bos' i ty zo ol' o gy a e qual' i ty quad ran gle quar an tine war ran ty ow ac knowl' edg ment fore knowl' edge FIFTH STEP. 139 The sound represented by u as heard cul uii nate u ab rup' tion ab rupt/ ness a but' ment ad due' tion adjunct' ive a dul' ter ate ag ri cult' ur ist a lum' nus an nul' ment as sump' tion blun der buss ca lum' ni a tor cir cum' fer ence cir cum' flu ence com bus' tion com pul' sion com pul' sive com punc' tion con cur' rence con cus' sion con June' tion con struct' er con sum' mate con sump' tive co nun' drum con vul' sion cor rupt' i ble co rus' cate cul pa ble cul ti vat ed cul ti va tor cum ber some cur rent Ij cus pi date cus to dy cus torn a ry de cum' bent de due' tion de nun' ci a tor de struc' tion dis an nul' dis cus' sion dis rup' tion dis trust' ful drudg er y dul ci mer ef ful' gent en cum' ber e nun' ci ate e rup' tion ex cul' pate ex pul' sion ex ult' ant fluct u ate . flum mer y for as much' in nut, expressed by fore run' ner fruc ti fy ful mi nate func tion al glut ton ous gun ner y gun stock gut tur al husk i ness il lus' trate im pul' sive in as much' in cor rupt' in cul' cate in cul' pate in cum' bent in cum' brance in due' tion in dul' gence in dus' tri ous in June' tion in struc' tion in ter rup' tion in tro due' tion in un' date ir rup' tion jus ti fy lull a by mul ti form 140 GRADED SPELLER. mul ti ped mul ti pli er mum mer y nul li fy pe dun' cle pe nurn' bra per cus' sion pre sump' tion pre sumpt' u ous pro pul' sion pul ver ize punct u al pun gen cy re cum' bent re due' tion re dun' dant re fid' gence re luc' tant re pug' nance re pul' sion re sump' tion re sus' ci tate re vul' sion ro tun' da rud di ness rus tic ate scur ril ous se due' tion se pul' chral shrub ber y smut ti ness sub li mate sub se quent sub si dize sub stan tive sub ter fuge sub tie ty sue cu lence suffer ance suf fo cate sulk i ly sum ma ry sumpt u ous sup pie ness sup pli ant sup pli cate sup pu rate sur ro gate sus te nance tri cus' pid tri umph' ant tri um' vir ul cer ous unct u ous up per most o ac com' pa ny col an der com fort er cov e nant cov ert ly cov et ous dis com' fit dis com' fort en com' pass gov em ment som er set sov er eign ou dis cour' age en cour' age touch i ness The sound represented by i as heard in pine, expressed by ac cli' mate ac quir' a ble ad ver tis' er ad vis' a ble ad vi' so ry af fi' ance Al bi' no al li' ance an ni' hi late as crib' a ble as sign' a ble FIFTH STEP. 141 as sign er blithe some bron chi' tis co in cide' com bin' ing com pil' er com pli' ance com pli' ant con cise' ly con niv' ance con sign' ment con triv' ance de cid' ed ly de ci' pher de ci' sive de clin' a ble de cri' al de fi' ance de file' ment de fin' a ble de ri' sive de riv' a ble de sir' ous de vis' or di a dem di a lect di a phragm di et a ry di 6 cese dis ci' pie dis in cline' dis o blige' di verse ly en light' en en liv' en en tice' ment en tire' ty en ti' tie en vi' ron ex cit' a ble fa ri' na fi nal ly fin er y fri a ble fright ful ly hi e rarch y high land im pi' e ty im pro vise' in cite' ment in diet' ment in qnir' y in ter line' in vi' o late iron y i sin glass le vi' a than li bel ous mi cro cosm mi cro scope might i ly mi ser ly ni tro gen pi ra cy pli an cy pri ma ri ly pro pri' e ty re fine' ment re fin' er re pris' al re vi' so ry ri ot ous sa ti' e ty si ne cure so bri' e ty so ci' e ty stri a ted sub sid' ence su i cid' al su per scribe' su per vise' su pine' ly sur pris' al sur viv' al trans pire' va ri' e ty vi a duct vi o la ble vi o lence vi tal ly y hy dro gen pa py' rus 142 GRADED SPELLER. The sound represented by u as heard ab lu' tion ac cu' mu late a cu' men a cu' mi nate af fu' sion al lure' ment am bi gu' i ty an te di lu' vi al bi tu' mi nous ca3 su' ra cen tu' ri on cir cu' i tous co ad ju' tor co ad ju' trix col lu' sion com mu' ni cant com mu' ni cate com mu' ni ty com put' er con clu' sive con du' cive con jur' er con sti tu' tion con tri bu' tion con tu' sion ere du' li ty cu li na ry cu mu late de du' ci ble de lu' sion dif fuse' ly dif fu' sion di lu' tion di lu' vi al dis a buse' dis re pute' dis un' ion du bi ous du pli cate ef fu' sion el o cu' tion e lu' ci date en dur' ance en thu' si ast e nu' mer ate ex clu' sion ex cus' a ble ex u' ber ant fa tu' i ty flu en cy flu ent ly for tu' i ty fu gi tive fu mi gate fu si ble hu man ize hu mor ous in mute, expressed by il lu' mine il lu' sion il lu' sive im ma ture' im mut' a ble im por tune' im pu' ri ty in clu' sive in cur' a ble in duce' ment in fu' ri ate in fu' si ble in ge nu' i ty in ju' ri ous in tro duce' ju bi lant ju ve nile lu cu brate lu mi nous lu na cy lu na tic lux u' ri ant ma tu' ri ty mu ta ble mu ti nous mut u al ly nu cle us nu tri ment op por tune' REVIEW LESSONS. 143 pe cul' iar ly pe cun' ia ry per fum' er y per se cu' tion pol lu' tion pre clu' sion pre ma ture' pre suni' a ble pro due' er pro fu' sion pu ber ty pu gil ist pu is sant Pu ri tan pur su' ance re cu' per ate re du' ci ble re mu' ner ate re pu' di ate rev o lu' tion sa lu' bri ty se clu' sion se cu' ri ty spu ri ous trans fu' sion trans lu' cent tri bu' nal tu ber cle tu ber ous tu te lage tu tor age u su' ri ous va cu' i ty REVIEW LESSONS. Words containing Silent Letters, Initial. chastening exhaustion honorable chastisement exhibit mnemonics Christendom exhilarate pneumatics condescend exhortation psychology consignee extremely Intermediate. copyright falconer abscess corpuscle fickleness acknowledgment demijohn foreknowledge adhesiveness descendant forerunner adversely diarrhea frightfully aggrandizement dishonest ghastliness answerable drudgery guarantee assignable enginery gunstock assignee enlighten haughtily 144 GRADED SPELLER. hemorrhage aggravate illegible highland aggregate innocence imagery allege intercourse immensely alternative intersperse indictment anodyne jessamine infringement ascribable malleable inversely bagatelle maritime manacles cassimere mercantile masquerade cauterize narrative mightily colonnade oscillate mignonette connivance palisade mistletoe contemptible pinnacle mortgagee convertible placable obscenity corruptible promenade paradigm crystallize propagate piquancy dishabille proselyte pomegranate discursive recondite rhapsody dispensable reference rheumatic dissipate respectable rhinoceros dissolute retinue rosemary effluence sacrifice scintillate eligible separable seraglio emolliate serpentine sovereign equipage sibylline subtlety extensible subsidence suppleness fallible supposable trafficker fashionable titillate transcendent forfeiture tripartite whiffle tree frontispiece turpitude e final furtherance tutelage admissible hippodrome tyrannize REVIEW LESSONS. 145 variegate vegetable versatile ti like sh abolitionist absorption additional admonition aggravation alligation ammunition animation annexation annihilation annotation anticipation application apportionment apposition appropriation argumentation articulation aspiration assassination association attention augmentation avocation benediction ue final decalogue demagogue Substitutes. calculation celebration civilization coagulation coalition concretion constellation consternation constriction contention contortion contradiction contrition credentials declamation dentition depletion desertion detrition devotional dilution disproportion distention edition Egyptian elocution epilogue pedagogue synagogue excretion facetious factitious fictitious flagitious gyration ignition impatience initial initiation licentious locomotion munition nutrition palatial perception potation potential precaution preemption preparation pretentious promotion propitious prudential recitation 146 GRADED SPELLER. rendition reparation repletion respiration retraction sentential separation stationery substantial superstition tradition ci like sh artificial atrocious audacious avaricious beneficial co-efficient coercion commercial deficient delicious efficient judicial judicious loquacious magician malicious official omniscience optician patrician pernicious physician politician precocious proficient provincial pugnacious rapacious sagacious sociable specialty sufficient superficial suspicion suspicious tactician tenacious veracious vivacious voracious ce like sh cetaceous cretaceous crustacean herbaceous testacean ch like sh champagne chicanery chivalric debauchee falchion parachute t like sh initiate negotiate propitiate satiate tertiary c like sh appreciate associate depreciate emaciate si like sh. apprehension aspersion commission confessional depression digression dismission dispersion dissension diversion emersion emission excursion immersion missionary REVIEW LESSONS. 147 oppression revision disown passionate seclusion divisible permission s like zh egotism perversion disclosure elysian procession displeasure equipoise repression embrasure excusable reversion erasure exequies submission inclosure exquisite subversion measurable feasible suppression treasurer flimsiness transmission usurious franchisement si like zh s like z fusible adhesion aborigines hosanna affusion advertisement improvise cohesion advertiser inquisitive collusion advisable magnetism contusion advisory mannerism delusion apposite merchandise diffusion casualty microcosm dissuasion Catholicism miserly- effusion causation mosaic elision composite observance evasion compositor paroxysm excision compromise patriotism exclusion contraries perquisite hosiery- cosmetic plagiarism illusion cosmology- plausible invasion cosmopolite preposition persuasion depositor presbyter preclusion devisor preservation profusion discernible presidency 148 GRADED SPELLER. presumable epitaph ch like k prismatic geographical antichrist proposal lithograph archangel prosaic mephitic archipelago reprisal metaphor bacchanal resemblance metaphysics bronchial residence neophyte bronchitis residual paraphrase catechetic resolvable periphrase catechist resolvent phenomenon chameleon resonance philippic chamomile revisory philology characteristic risibility philosopher characterize supervise phlegmatic chemical talisman phosphoric chemistry vandalism photograph chimera whimsical physical choleric ph like f porphyry Christendom alphabetically seraphic Christianity amphibious seraphim chromatic apostrophe sophistry chronicler atmospheric sophomore chronology autobiography spherical chrysalis autographical stenography conchology bibliographer sycophant hierarchy biographer symphony mechanics catastrophe teraphim mechanism decipher topography monarchist diaphragm triumphant orchestra emphasis typography patriarch emphatical zoophyte Pentateuch REVIEW LESSONS. 149 saccharine domestic promiscuous scholarship eclectic recollect scholastic ecliptic recreation scholium ecstatic satiric sepulcher electrical scaliness sepulchral empirical sclerotic technical executrix scorpion c like k extinction scrofulous accommodate foreclosure stalactite acquittal forensic syncope arithmetic fricassee tapioca barricade heretic Teutonic basaltic hermetic tobacconist bivouac hydraulics turmeric calisthenics hypocrite tyrannic capillary- hysteric ventiduct catacomb inaccurate c like s cauliflower inflections adherence coeval locally adjacent collegiate magnific allegiance collocate mercury antecedent completely mesmeric anticipate concoction metrical artificer concubine microscope atrocity congenial moccasin auspices contravene Olympic beneficent copperas pancreas celibacy cotyledon paralytic cellular criterion pathetic cemetery discretion percolate censurable distinction projection centennial 150 GRADED SPELLER. ceremonial fervency noticeable cessation flagrancy ostracism cesura flippancy parricide Cisalpine forcibly participate citation frankincense paucity civilian frequency percentage cynosure halcyon permanence dalliance henceforward pertinence decency illicit pestilence decently imbecile post-office deducible implicit potency defacement impotence precedent deficit inception precentor diffidence incessant precipice diligence indecent prejudice diocese infelicity prevalence discipline intercede proboscis divergence intercessor procedure domicil interference putrescence dulcimer interlace quiescent effacement interstice quintessence elicit irascible rapacity evanescent legacy reducible excellence lyceum regency exigence "macerate regicide exorcise medicinal remittance experience miscellany resuscitate explicit municipal reverence fallacy munificent sagacity fascinate necessaries seceder ferocity necessity simplicity REVIEW LESSONS. 151 Socinian aristocracy decadence solicitation ascetic delicacy solicitous cancellation democracy sorcerer captaincy disconcert spermaceti certificate eccentric stoicism circumvent efficacy subsistence clemency excrescence sufferance codicil fascicle susceptible cognizance feculence taciturn coherence incumbrance tendency coincide Occident traceable commencement occipital translucent competence occiput urgency complacent precocity vacillate conception reciprocal velocity concerning reconcile verdancy concerted secrecy vicinage concession specific vicinity conciliate successor vociferate concisely succinctly voracity concision succulence witticism concurrence theocracy c like s and k confluence ou like u accelerate consistence abstemious accentuate constancy ambiguous accentuation contingence anomalous acceptableness convalescent anonymous accessible convenience apterous accidentally convergence assiduous acquittance crucifixion bibulous accuracy cylindrical bituminous 152 GRADED SPELLER. burglarious carnivorous circuitous clamorous consciousness conspicuous contiguous continuous copious courageously courteous courtesy covetous deciduous decorous desirous devious dolorous enormous envious erroneous fabulous flexuous frivolous garrulous gaseous gloriously gluttonous gregarious hazardous hideous igneous impious jealously laborious libelous ligneous luminous melodious membranous mischievous mutinous mysterious nebulous notorious obsequious omnivorous perfidious pervious portentous precarious prodigious querulous rapturous ravenous religious rigorous scurrilous sedulous stupendous sumptuous timorous tremendous tremulous ulcerous unanimous unctuous valorous vexatious vitreous i like y alienate ameliorate Arminian auxiliary brilliancy carnelian colliery companion dominion espalier genius ingenious medallion peculiarly pecuniary plebeian portfolio postilion quadrillion rebellious seniority vermilion REVIEW LESSONS. 153 Words Liable to be Misspelled not included in pr Review Lists. accordion flageolet promissory amateur fidgety protege amethyst forbidding pugilist anniversary gazetteer puissant antiquity gibberish pyramid antithesis guarantor regalia artillerist guerrilla rehearsal belladonna hymeneal remittent biennial jeopardy rendezvous britannia labyrinth requiem cassowary lieutenant roguery caterwaul linguistic Sadducee chivalry liquefy salaried coalesce lyrical shrubbery cochineal minstrelsy somerset colonial mortgageor stereotype comptroller myriad stethoscope conscientious nonpareil stiletto coquetry obsequies symmetry corduroy oxygen synonym dishevel paralysis syringe dizziness parishioner termagant dyspepsia paroquet verdigris effervesce plagiary villager effloresce polygamy villainy elixir portmanteau vilifier empiric premier persistence farrago prescience whip-poor-will 154 GRADED SPELLER. NAMES OF PERSONS. Males. Females. Hen ri et' ta Al ex an' der Ar a bel' la Mag da lene A Ion' zo Cor de' li a Me het' a be Au gus' tin Cor ne' li £ i Mi ran' da Bar tkol' o mew Deb o rah Mir i am Cor ne' li us Eu ge' ni a Oc ta' vi a El e a' zar Eu phe' mi a So phro' ni a E ze' ki el E van' ge ] ine The re' sa Hez e ki' ah Fred er i' ca Vic to' ri a Ho ra' tio Geor gi an a Vir gin' i a Common Abbreviations. Adverb . . . Ad., or adv. Grammar .... Gram Agent . . . Agt. Hebrews Heb. Alderman . Aid. Hogshead . . . Hhd. Assistant . . Asst. History . . . . Hist, Average . . Av. Honorable . Hon. Bushel . . Bu. or bush. Interjection . . Interj. Catalogue . Cat. Librarian . Lib. Clergyman . . CI. Longitude . Long. Clerk . . . . Clk. Mathematics . Math. Corinthians . Cor. Matthew . . . Matt. Credit . . . . Cr. Preposition Prep. Esquire . . . Esq. President . Pres. Galatians . . Gal. Professor . . Prof. Genesis . . . Gen. Romans . . Rom. Gentleman . Gent, Secretary . . Sec. Geography . . Geog. Senior . . Sen. Governor . . . Gov. Superintendent . Supt. SIXTH STEP. 155 SIXTH STEP. The sound represented by e as heard e do dec a he' dron ab ste' mi ous ness ac ere' tion a ce' tous a e' ri al al the' a am phi the' a ter an te ced' ence a phel' ion ap o the' o sis ap pre' ci a ble Ath e ne' um bre vi a ry col le' gi an con ge' ri es con tu me' 1 li ous cor po re' i ty cu ne' i form Cy clo pe' an del e te'-ri ous de te' ri o rate diph the' ri a dis o be' di ence du o de' num e gre' gious ly en cy clo pe' di a e the' re al Eu ro pe' an ex e ge' sis ex pe' di en cy he li o trope het e ro ge' ne ous ho mo ge' ne al hys te' ri a im ma te' ri al im me' di ate ly im pe' ri al in ap pre' ci a ble in co her' ent in con ven' ient in de' cen cy in gen' ious ly in gre' di ent in ter me' di ate ir re me' di a ble in mete, expressed by le ni en cy mag is te' ri al man ga nese' mau so le' um me di e' val min is te' ri al ob se' qui ous ly oc ta he' dron pan a ce' a per i hel' ion pol y he' dron pos te' ri or Pres by te' ri an sac ri le' gious si de' re al spon ta ne' i ty ste re o scope tet ra he' dron tra ge' di an nl te' ri or un de' vi at ing un e' qual ly un e' ven ness 156 GRADED SPELLER. ea an neal' arch dea' con be lea' guer con geal' a ble dis ap pear' ance im peach' a ble in de fea' si ble mal fea' sance sea son a ble buc ca neer' dis a gree' a ble e lee tion eer' en fee' ble raent en gi neer' ing ex ceed' ing ly ei con ceiv' a ble de ceit' ful ly in vei' gle lei sure ly Ma dei' ra per ceiv' a ble pre con ceive' re ceiv' a ble seign ior seign ior al ty ie a chiev' a ble ag griev' ance brig a dier' bom bar dier' cap-a-pie' cav a lier' chan de lier' chev a lier' co te rie' dis be liev' er dis be lieve' fin an cier' gren a dier' griev ance ir re triev' a ble un wield' y i cap u chili' guil lo tine' ma chin' er y ma chin' ist mag a zine' man da rin' me ri' no scar la ti' na tarn bo rine' trans ma rine* oe sub po3 r na ui pal an quin' The sound represented by a as heard in pale, expressed by ab er ra' tion ab ju ra' tion a bom i na' tion a bra' sion ab ro ga' tion ac eel er a' tion ac cli ma' tion ad ju di ca' tion ad ju ra' tion ad min is tra' tion ad min is tra' tor a dul ter a' tion ag glom er a' tion ag gre ga' tion al ge bra' ic al ien a' tion ad van ta' geous ly al le ga' tion a er i form al le vi a' tion a er o naut al ter ca' tion af fil i a' tion a mal ga ma' tion af fla' tus am bu la' tion SIXTH STEP. 157 a mel io ra' tion am pu ta' tion an nun ci a' tion ap pro pri a' tion ap prox i ma' tion a que ous A ra' bi an ar bi tra' tion ar gil la' ceous ar ma' da as simila' tion at ten u a' tion at tes ta' tion au then ti ca' tion bac cha na' li an cal ca' re ous cal ci na' tion can de la' brum can on i za' tion cap i ta' tion ca pit u la' tion car bo na' ceous cen tral i za' tion ce ta' ceous cir cum ja' cent co di li ca' tion cog i ta' tion col lo ca' tion col o ni za' tion com mem o ra' tion com men su ra' tion com mis er a tion com mu ni ca' tion com mu ta' tion com pa' tri ot com pen sa' tion com pla' cence com pli ca' tion con cat e na' tion con cen tra' tion con cil i a' tion con fab u la' tion con fed er a' tion con fig u ra' tion con fis ca' tion con fla gra' tion con fu ta' tion con ge la' tion con grat u la' tion Con gre ga' tion al Con gre ga' tion al ist con ju ga' tion con ju ra' tion con se era' tion con ser va' tion con sid er a' tion con so ci a' tion con sol i da' tion con sti pa' tion con sub stan ti a' tion con sum ma' tion con tarn i na' tion con tin u a tion con tu ma' cious con ver sa' tion al co ri a' ceous cor po ra' tion cor rob o ra' tion cor ru ga' tion cor us ca' tion co tern po ra' ne ous crystal li za' tion cul mi na' tion cu mu la' tion cu ta' ne ous de can ta' tion de cap i ta' tion dec i ma' tion dec li na' tion de crep i ta' tion de fal ca' tion de fo li a' tion de i fi ca' tion del e ga' tion de lin e a' tion de mar ca' tion de mor al i za' tion de nom i na' tion den u da' tion de nun ci a' tion de pop u la' tion de por ta' tion dep ra va' tion 158 GRADED SPELLER. de pre ci a' tion dep re da' tion dep ri va' tion der i va' tion des e era' tion des ic ca' tion de sid e ra' turn des o la' tion des ti na' tion de ter mi na' tion det es ta' tion dev as ta' tion de vi a' tion di a pa' son di lap i da' tion di o ra' ma dis ad van ta' geous dis ap pro ba' tion dis ar range' ment dis col or a' tion dis crim i na' tion dis fig u ra' tion dis in cli na' tion dis or gan i za' tion dis pen sa' tion dis pu ta' tion dis sem i na' tion dis ser ta' tion dis sim u la' tion dis si pa' tion dis til la' tion div i na' tion dom i na' tion du pli ca' tion ed i fi ca' tion ed u ca' tion al ef fi ca' cious e jac u la' tion e lab o ra' tion el e cam pane' e Ion ga' tion e lu ci da' tion e ma ci a' tion em a na' tion e man ci pa' tion em bar ka' tion em bla' zon ry em i gra' tion en er va' tion en gag' ing e nu mer a' tion e nun ci a' tion E pis co pa' li an e qual i za' tion e quiv o ca' tion e ras' a ble es ti ma' tion e vac u a' tion e vap o ra' tion ex ag ger a' tion ex al ta' tion ex am i na' tion ex ca va' tion ex em pli fi ca' tion ex fo li a' tion ex ha la' tion ex hil a ra' tion ex on er a' tion ex pa' ti ate ex pa tri a' tion ex pec to ra' tion ex pi ra' tion ex por ta' tion ex post u la' tion ex pur ga' tion ex tern po ra' ne ous ex ten u a' tion ex ter mi na' tion ex tir pa' tion ex tra' ne ous ex tri ca' tion ex ul ta' tion fab ri ca' tion fal si fi ca' tion far i na' ceous fas ci na' tion fa vor it ism fed er a' tion fer men ta' tion flag el la' tion fluct u a' tion fo li a' ceous fo li a' tion SIXTH STEP. 159 fo men xa' tion fore-or di na' tion for ti fi ca' tion fruc ti fi ca' tion ful mi na' tion fu mi ga' tion gal li na' ceous gen er al i za' tion gen er a' tion ger mi na' tion ges tic u la' tion gran u la' tion grat i fi ca' tion grav i ta' tion gym na' si urn hal lu ci na' tion lies i ta' tion hi ber na' tion hi la' ri ous hu mil i a' tion i den ti fi ca' tion ig no ra' mus il lu mi na' tion il lus tra' tion im ag i na' tion im bri ca' tion im mi gra' tion im mo la' tion im pa' tient ly im pla' ca ble im pli ca' tion im por ta' tion im pre ca' tion im preg na' tion im pu ta' tion in al' ien a ble in au gu ra' tion in can ta' tion in car cer a' tion in car na' tion in cli na' tion in cor po ra' tion in crus ta' tion in cu ba' tion in cul ca' tion in den ta' tion in di ca' tion in dig na' tion in efface' a ble in fat u a' tion in flam ma' tion in gra' ti ate in ha la' tion in i ti a' tion in no va' tion in sa' ti a ble in sin u a' tion in spi ra' tion in stal la' tion in stan ta' ne ous in sti ga' tion in sub or di na' tion in su la' tion in ter change' a ble in ter lin e a' tion in ter ro ga' tion in ti ma' tion in tox i ca' tion in va' ri a ble in ves ti ga' tion in vi ta' tion in vo ca' tion ir ra di a' tion jus ti fi ca' tion lac er a' tion lam en ta' tion leg is la' tion le ga' tion lim it a' tion liq ui da' tion lit er a' ti lit i ga' tion mach i na' tion ma ni ac man i fes ta' tion ma nip u la' tion mas ti ca' tion mat u ra' tion me di a' tion mel ior a' tion men da' cious men su ra' tion min is tra' tion 160 GRADED SPELLER. mis eel la' ne ous mod i fi ca' tion mod u la' tion mol es ta' tion mol li fi ca' tion mon o ma' ni a mor ti fi ca' tion mul ti fa' ri ous mul ti pli ca' tion mus co va' do mu ti la' tion nat u ral i za' tion nav i ga' tion ne fa' ri ous ne go ti a' tion neu tral i za' tion no men clat' ure no ti fi ca' tion nul li fi ca' tion ob li ga' tion ob lit er a' tion ob scu ra' tion ob ser va' tion oc cu pa' tion oc to ge na' ri an or di na' tion or gan i za' tion os cil la' tion os si fi ca' tion os ten ta' tious pal la' di um pal pi ta' tion par a pher na' li a par tic i pa' tion pec u la' tion per co la' tion per e gri na' tion per fo ra' tion per mu ta' tion per o ra' tion per pe tra' tion per pet u a' tion per son i fi ca' tion per spi ra' tion per ti na' cious per tur ba' tion Phar i sa' ic al po lar i za' tion pre des ti na' tion pre var i ca' tion pro ba' tion a ry proc la ma' tion pro eras ti na' tion prof a na' tion pro nun ci a' tion prop a ga' tion pro pi ti a' tion prot es ta' tion punct u a' tion ram i fi ca' tion ra ti oc i na' tion ra tion a' le rec on cil i a' tion re mu ner a' tion re nun ci a' tion res er va' tion res to ra' tion re sus ci ta' tion re tal i a' tion rev o ca' tion Sab ba ta' ri an sap o na' ceous sat u ra' tion Sat ur na' li a scin til la' tion seq ues tra' tion sig ni fi ca' tion sim pli fi ca' tion sim u la' tion si mul ta' ne ous sol em ni za' tion so lie i ta' tion spec i fi ca' tion spec u la' tion spo li a' tion spon ta' ne ous sta tion a ry stip u la' tion strat i fi ca' tion sub or di na' tion sub ter ra' ne ous su per er o ga' tion sup pli ca' tion SIXTH STEP. 161 sup pu ra' tion syl lab i ca' tion Tar ta' re an ter gi ver sa' tion ter ra' que ous tes ta' ceous tit il la' tion trans fig u ra' tion trans mi gra' tion trans mu ta' tion tran sub stan ti a' tion Trin i ta' ri an trit u ra' tion ul ti ma' turn u ni fi ca' tion U ni ta' ri an u sur pa' tion u til i ta' ri an vac il la' tion val u a' tion va ri a ble va ri e ga' tion va ri o loid veg e ta tion ver i fi ca' tion ver si fi ca' tion ves i ca' tion vet er i na' ri an vi ca' m ous vi o la' ceous vi ti a' tion vi tu per a' tion vo cif er a' tion ai ac quaint' ance aid-de-camp ap prais' al ap prais' er ar raign' ment as sail' a ble as sail' ant at tain' der cham paign' com plain' ant con strain' er con tain' a ble coun ter vail' dain ti ness clis dain' ful en tail' ment en ter tain' ment faith ful ness fore-or dain' leg er de main' mail a ble main te uance ob tain' a ble ey con vey' ance pur vey' or sur vey' or ay as say' er be tray' gay e ty may or al ty e pro te ge f tete-a-tete The sound represented by a as heard in craft, expressed h/ a mass' ment chan eel lor chan cer y chand ler y com mand' er craft i ness de mand' ant en chant' ment en hance' ment ev er last' ing im pass' a ble mass lve ness mas ter piece pass a bly pas tor al pas tor ate past ur age 162 GRADED SPELLER. The sound represented by a as heard in care, expressed by e mill ion aire' dar ing ly par terre' stair-way trans par' ent ly ai a ea chair man ap par' ent ly for bear' ance hair i ness care ful ness wear a ble The sound repr a a ghast' ar bi tra ry ar bi tra tor ar bi tress ar che type ar chi tect ar chi trave ar chives ar gen tine ar mis tice bar ba rous bar be cue bom bard' ment can ta r ta car bun cle car bu ret car di ac car di nal car nal ly cart wright ca thar' tic esented by a as heard charge a ble char la tan char nel-house com man dant' com part' ment co part' ner ship dis em bark' em balm' er en large' ment far ci cal har biu ger hard i hood har le quin har mo nize harp si chord im par' tial ly in car' cer ate lar' ce ny mar gin al mar jo ram mar ket a ble mar ma lade in -far, expressed hy mar quet ry mar tyr dom mo narch' ic pa la' ver pan o ra' ma par lia ment par si mo ny par tial ly par ti ci pie par ti tive per i car' di um phar ma cy psalm o dist sar do nyx so pra' no tar la tan ea dis heart' en hearth-stone au daunt less ly laugh a ble SIXTH STEP. 163 The sound represented by u as heard in furl, expressed by u iin per tur' ba ble ou ac curs' ed pur ga to ry court e ous ly al bur' num re gur' gi tate tour na rnent ap pur' te nance tac i turn' i ty o cur so ri ly tur bu lence whort le ber ry The sound represented by e as heard in term, 1 expressed by a cerb' i ty ad verb' i al ly ad ver' sa tive ad vert' ence an i mad ver' sion con serv' a to ry con tro ver' sial con tro vert' i ble con verg' ent con vers' a ble dis cern' i ble di ver' si fy di ver' si ty e mer' gen cy e ter' nal ly e ter' ni ty ex ter' mi nate fra ter' ni ty ■ gut ta per' cha hy per' bo la hy per' bo le im per' ti neuce im per' vi ous in de ter' mi nate in er' ti a in ter' po late in ver' sion i so therm' al ma ter' ni ty mer ce na ry mer chant a ble ob serv' a ble ob serv' a to ry per me a ble per ver' si ty re fer' ri ble re ver' ber a to ry re vers' i ble serv ice a ble sub serv' i ence su per' flu ous ter ma gan cy ter mi na ble trans fer' a ble tu ber' cu lar U ni ver' sal ist u ni ver' si ty ver ti cal ver si fy ver si fi er i af firm' ant cir cu late cir cum flex cir cum spect cir cum stance con firm' a tive en cir' cle ex tir' pate firm a ment in firm' a ry whirl i gig y myr mi don myr tie ber ry 1 For a discussion of this sound see Manual of Readina 164 GRADED SPELLER. The sound repr esented by a as heard in fall, expressed by ex tor' tion er re form' a to ry ab nor' mal form al ly u ni form' i ty ab sorp' tive for mu la ry au ac cord' ant hor ta to ry bac ca lau' re ate a qua-for' tis hor ti cul ture de bauch' er y con form' a bly im mor' tal ize fraud u lence con form' i ty im port' u nate in aud' i ble co-or' di nate in cor' po ral in au' gu rate cord wain er in cor' po rate laud a to ry dis or' der ly in dorse' ment naught i ness dor mi to ry in or' di nate ly aw e nor' mi ty met a mor' phose awk ward ness ex hor' ta to ry or di na ri ]y taw dri ly ex or' bi tance or tho e pist ao ex or' di um pri mor' di al ex traor' di na ry The sound represented by o as heard in lone, expressed by bro mine di plo' ma cy ac ri mo' ni ous cen so' ri ous dis com pos' ure ae o' li an cer e mo' ni ous dis pro por' tion al al a mode' col lo' qui al ism ed i to' ri al am bro' sia com port' a ble em po' ri um am bro' sial con sis to' ri al en co' mi ast an cho' vy co pi ous ly en gross' ment An ti no' mi an cor po' re al ly er ro' ne ous ly ap ro pos' cor ro' sive E thi o' pi an ba ro' ni al cus to' di an eu lo' gi um bi no' mi al de co' rous ly ex co' ri ate brag ga do' ci o die ta to' ri al ex fo' li ate SIXTH STEP. 165 fe lo' ni ous gu ber na to' ri al liar mo' ni ous by dro pho' bi a im me mo' ri al im port' a ble in com mo' di ous in con sol' a ble in de co' rous in har mo' ni ous in sup port' a ble in ter lop' er lo co mo' tion mac ca ro' ni mag no' li a mat ri mo' ni al me di a to' ri al me mo' ri al ize mer i to' ri ous mo ment a ri ly mon i to' ri al ne go' ti a ble op pro' bri ous ly o ra to' ri o pan de mo' ni um pa ro' chi al par si mo' ni ous pis ca to' ri al pneu mo' ni a pol y no' mi al ro se ate sac er do' tal sa lu ta to' ri an sane ti mo' ni ous sen a to' ri al sten to' ri an sym pho' ni ous ter ri to' ri al the o lo' gi an tri fo' li ate tri no' mi al up hoi' ster er U to' pi an vie to' ri ous vir tu o' so oa en croach' ment hoar i ness ir re proach' a ble eau cha teau' The sound represented by oo as heard in fool, expressed by oo buf foon' er y mood i ness noon tide o dis ap prov' al im mov' a ble im prov' a ble im prove' ment u ab struse' ly ce ru' le an con gru' i ty cru ci ble cru ci form cru ci fi er cru di ty ex cru' ci at ing fer ru' gi nous fru gal ly gar ru' li ty im pru' dence im pru' dent ly in scru' ta ble in tru' sion ju ris pru' dence ob tru' sive pe ru' sal ru bri cate ru di ment scru pu louc scru ti nize ou ac cou' ter ments bou doir cou ri er 166 GRADED SPELLER. aou caout chouc eu rheu ma tism uo buoy an cy The sound represented by i as heard in pin, expressed by ab o li' tion hm ab o rig' i nal ab scind' ab scis' sion ac cept a bil' i ty ac cliv' i ty a cid' i ty ac count a bil' i ty ac quis' i tive ad mis si bil' i ty ad ven ti' tious affabil' i ty af fil' i ate a gil' i ty al tis' si mo am phib' i an ap pa ri' tion ar bit' ra ment arch bish' op ric a rid' i ty as sim' i late as trin' gen cy at trib' u ta ble au ric' u lar au rif er ous au spi' cious au then tic' i ty bel lig' er ent ben e fi' ci a ry be nig' ni ty bis muth cal lig' ra phy capil'lament ca pri' cious cath o lie' i ty cen fcrif ' u gal cen trip' e tal chiv al rous cic a trice cic a trize cil ia ry cir cum scrip' tion co-ef fi' cien cy co in' ci dence com mis' er ate com pat i bil' i ty con spir a cy con stit' u en cy con tin' u al ly con tra die' to ry con tra dis tine' tion con trib' u to ry con vert i bil' i ty cor rupt i bil' i ty cred i bil' i ty crit ic al ly cul pa bil' i ty curv i lin' e ar de bil' i tate de com po si' tion de fi' cien cy de fin' i tive ly de lib' er ate ly de lin' quen cy de lir' i ous de lir' i um com press i bil' i ty dem o li' tion con cil' i a to ry co nif ' er ous con san guin' e ous con san guin' i ty con sid' er ate ly den tic' u la ted dep o si' tion der e lie' tion di a crit' ic al dil a to ry con spic' u ous ness dil i gent ly SIXTH STEP. 167 dis con tin' u ance dis ha bille' dis in' te grate dis in' ter est ed dis qui si' tion dis so nance dis till' er y dis tin' guish a ble di vis i bil' i ty do cil' i ty do min' ic al due til' i ty du plic' i ty du ra bil' i ty eb ul li' tion ec cen trie' i ty ef fi' cien cy e go tist' ic al e las tic' i ty e lee trie' i ty el i gi bil' i ty e lim' i nate el lip' tic al em pir' i cism E piph' a ny e pis' co pa cy e pis' to la ry e pit' o mist e qua bil' i ty e qua nim' i ty e qui lib' ri ty e qui lib' ri um e quiv' o cal ly er u di' tion er y sip' e las eu lo gis' tic e vis' cer ate ex cit a bil' i ty ex hi bi' tion ex pan si bil' i ty ex pe di' tious ly ex plic' it ly ex ten si bil' i ty ex tin' guish a ble fal li bil' i ty fas tid' i ous fea si bil' i ty fe lie' i tous fer til' i ty flac cid' i ty flex i bil' i ty no rid' i ty flu id' i ty fos sil if er ous fra gil' i ty fri gid' i ty fu si bil' i ty gen er al is' si mo gen til' i ty ge om e tri' cian gram i niv' o rous gran dil' o quent gra niv' o rous gul li bil' i ty ha bil' i ment ha bit' u al ly her biv' o rous her e dit' a ment hu mid' i ty hy per crit' ic al hyp o crit' ic al id i o cy ig no min' i ous ig no min y il le git' i mate il lib' er al il lim' it a ble il lit' er a cy im be cil' i ty im mo bil' i ty im mu ta bil' i ty im pas si bil' i ty im pen e tra bil' 1 ty im pla ca bil' i ty im plic' it ly im po si' tion im pos si bil' i ty im po ten cy im prac ti ca bil' i ty im pris' on ment im prob a bil' i ty im pu dent ly in a bil' i ty 168 GRADED SPELLER. in ac tiv' i ty n ad mis' si ble 11 ar tic' u late n au spi' cious n ca pa bil' i ty n cip' i en cy n ci vil' i ty n com pat i bil' i ty n con sid/ er ate n con sist' ent n cred i bil' i ty n cur a bil' i ty n de cis' ion n die' a tive n dif ' fer ent n dig' e nous n dig' ni ty n dis crim' i nate ly in dis po si' tion n dis' pu ta ble n dis' so lu ble n dis tinct' ly n dis tin' guish a ble n fal li bil' i ty n fe lie' i tous n flam ma bil' i ty in flex i bil' i ty n fu si bil' i ty n im' i ta ble n iq' ui tous n i' ti a to ry n ju di' cious n qui si' tion n quis' i tive ness n sec tiv' o rous n sen si bil' i ty n sid' i ous n sig' ni a n sig nif ' i cance n so lent ly n sta bil' i ty n stinct' ive ly n suf fi' cien cy n ter mis' sion n ter mit' tent n ti ma cy n tim' i date n tre pid' i ty n tri ca cy n trin' sic al ly n tu i' tion n va lid' i ty n ven to ry n vid' i ous n vig' or ate n vin' ci ble n vis i bil' i ty r re sist' i ble r ri ta bil' i ty Is ra el ite i tin' er ate ju di' ci a ry ju di' cious ly ju ris die' tion jux ta po si' tion leg i bil' i ty le git' i ma cy lig a ment lin e a ment lit er al ly lit er a ture li tig' ious lo gi' cian mag na nim' i ty mag nif' i cence mag nil' o quent ma li' cious ly ma lig' ni ty mal le a bil' i ty man u mis' sion math e ma ti' cian ma trie' u late mech a ni' cian me die' i nal ly met a phy si' cian mil li ner y min i a ture mul ti plic' i ty mu nif i cence mu ta bil' i ty na tiv' i ty no vi' ci ate o bit' u a ry SIXTH STEP. 169 ob liq' ui ty ob liv' i ous oc cip' i tal o dor if er ous of fi' cial ly om nip' o tence o pin' ion a ted or bic' u lar o vip' a rous pa cif ' i ca tor par ti cip' i al pec ca dil' lo per cip' i ent pe riph' er y per mis' si ble per pen die' u lar per spic' u ous pes tif er ous pla ca bil' i ty pi a cid' i ty plas tic' i ty plau si bil' i ty pli a bil' i ty pol y the ist' ic pon tif ic al pos si bil' i ty prac ti' tion er pre cip' i tan cy pre cip' i tate pre cip' i tous pre cis' ion pre die' a ment prej u di' cial pre mo ni' tion prob a bil' i ty pro fi' cien cy pro hi bi' tion pro lix' i ty pro pi' ti a to ry punc til' ious rab bin' ic al re cip' ro cal ly re frig' er a tor rem i nis' cence req ui si' tion re sid' u a ry re spect a bil' i ty re spon si bil' i ty rhet o ri' cian ris i bil' i ty rus tic' i ty sac ri fi' cial san guin' e ous sar sa pa ril' la sa tir' ic al ly sci en tif ic al scur ril' i ty sen si bil' i ty shib bo leth sig nif i cance si li' cious si mil' i tude so cia bil' i ty so lid' i ty so lil' o quize sol u bil' i ty som nif er ous som nil' o quist so phist' ic al ly sop o rif er ous spe cif ic al ly sphe ric' i ty sto lid' i ty sub sid' i a ry suf fi' cien cy su per cil' i ous sa per fi' cial ly su per fi' cies su per scrip' tion su per sti' tious ly su per vis' ion sup po si' tion sur rep ti' tious ly sus cep ti bil' i ty sus pi' cious ly syl lo gist' ic tan gi bil' i ty the ist' ic al tract a bil' i ty trac til' i ty tra di' tion a ry tran quil' li ty trans mis' si ble 170 GRADED SPELLER. trans po si' tion trit u rate u biq' ui ty um bel lif er ous una nim' i ty val e die' to ry ven fcril' o quisin ver mic' u lar ver mip' a rous ver niiv' o rous ver sa til' i ty vi cis' si tude vin di cate vin di ca to ry vir u lence vis cid' i ty vis i bil' i ty vi vip' a rous vo cif ' er ous vol u bil' i ty y an a lyt' ic al a poc a lyp' tic dis syl' la ble dys en ter y E lys' i um glyc er ine hi er o glyph' ic id i o syn' era sy met a phys' ic al mon o syl' la bie o lym' pi ad pan e gyr' ic po ]yg' a mist po lyg' o nal pol y syl' la ble syc o phan cy syn chro nism tri syl' la ble typ ic al ly typ i fy tyr an nous The sound represented by e as heard e a men' i ty A mer' i can ism ap pel' lant ap pel' late ar bo res' cent as a fet' i da as bes' tos as cet' i cism as sev' er ate at mos pher' ic al aug meat' a tive belles-let' tres be nef ' i cence ben i son bi ceph' a lous ab er' rant ac cent' u al ac ces' sa ry ac ces' so ry ac cred' it a ceph' a lous ac qui es' cence ad den' dum ad o les' cence aes thet' ics al i ment' ive ness a man u en' sis am bi dex' ter am bi dex' trous in met, expressed by bis sex' tile cat e chet' ic al cen o taph chal ced' o ny chi mer' ic al cir cum ven' tion co a les' cence com mend' a to ry com men' su ra ble com pend' i ous com plex' i ty com pli ment' al com pre hen' sive con cen' trie con dem' na to ry SIXTH STEP. 171 con de seen' sion con fee' tion a ry con fed' er a cy con gen' i tal con ject' ur al con sci en' tious ness con sec' u tive ly con se quen' tial ly con tern' pla tive con tern' po ra ry con tempt' u ous con tra ven' tion con va les' cence con vent' i cle con ven' tion al ism con vex' i ty cor rel' a tive cot y led' o nous cred u lous de cen' ni al ded i ca to ry de feet' ive ly def er en' tial de gen' er a cy de lect' a ble dep re ca to ry de press' ive des ue tude des ul to ry det ri ment' al de vel' op ment dex ter ous ly di a met' ric al di e tet' ics di gest' i ble dis af fee' tion dis con tent' ed dis cred' it a ble dis crep' an cy dis ere' tion a ry dis in fee' tion dis in gen' u ous dis pen' sa ry dis rep' u ta ble dis re spect' ful dis sem' i nate dis sen' tient dis sev' er ance doc u ment' a ry do mes' ti cate du o dec' i mal du o dec' i mo dys pep' tic ef feet' u al ly ef fern' i na cy ef fer ves' cence ef flo res' cence e lect' o ral e lee' tro type el e ment' a ry em bel' lish ment em bez' zle ment e mend' a to ry em i nent ly em is sa ry em u la tive en er get' ic en ter pris ing en vi a ble e phem' e ral e ques' tri an eq ui ta ble es pe' cial ly es pi on age es sen' tial ly es ti ma ble est u a ry ev a nes' cence e van gel' ic al e vent' u ate ex eel len cy ex cep' tion a ble ex cess' ive ly ex cheq' uer ex ere to ry ex e era ble ex ec' u tive ex e get' ic al ex em' pla ry ex i gen cy ex pect' an cy ex pend' i ture ex per i ment' al 172 GRADED SPELLER. ex pi a to ry ex pli ca ble ex pli ca tive ex press' ive ly ex qui site ly ex treni' i ty ex tri ca ble fi del' i ty fil a merit' ous fun da ment' al gen er a tor gen u ine ness hem i spher' ic al hep tarch y he ret' ic al her it a ble her met' ic al ly hes i tan cy het er o dox y hy po thet' ic al il leg' i bly im men' si ty im pen' e tra ble im pen' i tence im per' a tive ly im per cept' i ble im per fee' tion im per' ish a ble im pet' u ous im preg' na ble im press' i ble in ac cess' i ble in at ten' tion in can cles' cence in cen' di a ry in ces' sant ly in ci dent' al ly in clem' en cy in com men' su rate in com pre hen' si ble in com press' i ble in con test' a ble in cred' i ble in cred' u lous in de fen' si ble in def ' i nite in del' i ble in del' i ca cy in dem' ni fy in dem' ni ty in de pend' ent in di gest' i ble in di rect' ly in dis ere' tion in dis pen' sa ble in ef ' fa ble in ev' i ta ble in ex' o ra ble in ex' pi a ble in ex' pli ca ble in ex' tri ca ble in fer en' tial n fl del' i ty n fin i tes' i mal n flo res' cence n flu en' tial n flu en' za n gen' u ous ness n her' it ance nnu en' do n sur rec' tion n tel lect' u al ly n tel' li gence n ten' si ty n ten' tion al ly n ter ces' sion n ter reg' num n ter ven' tion n tro spec' tion n vet' er ate r ref ' ra ga ble r rel' e van cy r rep' a ra ble r re press' i ble r re spect' ive r rev' er ent r rev' o ca ble leg is la ture li cen' ti ate lieu ten' an cy Ion gev' i ty mag net' ic al ma lev' o lent SIXTH STEP. 173 man i fes' to med ic al ly mel an chol y men su ra ble met al lur gy mil len' ni al mo lee' u lar nee es sa ri ly ne ces' si tate nee ro man cer non en' ti ty ob jec' tion a ble ob so les' cent ob strep' er ous oc ci dent' al om ni pres' ence o po del' doc os ten' si ble par al lei' o gram par en thet' ic al par lia ment' a ry pe des' tri an pen i ten' tia ry per cep' ti ble per emp' to ri ly pes ti len' tial pet ti fog ger phos pho res' cence plen i po ten' ti a ry po et' ic al yol y tech' nic po ten' tial ly pred e ces' sor pre des' ti nate pre di lee' tion pre-em' i nent pref a to ry pre med' i tate pre pos sess' ing pres by ter y pre sent' a ble pre sent' i ment pres i den' tial pri mo gen' i ture pro fes' sion al pro gen' i tor pro pen' si ty prov i den' tial pyr o tech' nics quad ren' ni al re fee' tion re gen' er ate rel e van cy re med' i less re pel' len cy re plen' ish rep re hen' si ble rep u ta ble res tau rant res ur rec' tion ret i na ret ro spec' tion rev er en' tial seg re gate Sep tu a gint se ren' i ty sti pend' i a ry sue cess' ful ly sue ces' sive ly su per in tend' ent sup pie ment' a ry su prem' a cy sym met' ric al ly sym pa thet' ic syn ec' do che syn thet' ic al ly tern per a ment tern per a ture tern pest' u ous tern po ra ri ly ter res' tri al the o ret' ic al tran scend ent' al tran scend' ent ly ver mi eel' li vet er i na ry ue co quet' ish da guer' re an da guerre' o type ea health ful ness im nieas' ur a ble 174 GRADED SPELLER. The sound represented by a as heard a al ka li al ka line al le go ry a inal' ga mate am a ranth am a tive ness am ber gris am bi ent am bu la to ry am pli tude a nal' o gous a nath' e ma tize anch o rite an i mal' cu lar an i mal ize an i mate an nal ist an nu lose an tag' o nism ab so lute ness ab so lu tism ab strac' tion ab s tract' ive ac ci dence ac clam' a to ry ac cu rate ness ach ro mat' ic ac ri mo ny ac ro bat act u a ry act u ate ad a man' tine a dapt' ed ness «*d e a"* cy ad i^c tive ly au mi ral ty ad u la to ry ad vo ca cy af flu ent af flux ag gran diz er a lac' ri ty al che mist al che my al ge bra ist al i bi al i quot an tag' o nize an ti mo ny aph o rism ap o logue ap o thegm ap pe ten cy aq ui line ar a besque as phalt' um as so nant in mat, expressed by as ter oid au to bi o graph' ic au to mat' ic ax i o mat' ic ben e fac' tion bib li o graph' ic al bi o graph' ic al car a van' sa ry car i ole car nal' i ty car ti lag' i nous cas tel la ted cat a lep sy cau sal' i ty cir cu lar' i ty cir cum am' bi ent cir cum am' bu late cir cum nav' i gate cir cum stan' tial col lat' er al con pan' ion a ble com par' a tive ly com pas' sion ate con cat' e nate con cav' i ty con fab' u late con ge ni al' i ty con grat' u la to ry con stab' u la ry SIXTH STEP. 175 con tract' ile con tral' to con viv i al' i ty cor di al' i ty coun ter bal' ance crim i nal' i ty de clam' a to ry de fam' a to ry dem o crat' ic di ag' o nal ly dis fran' chise ment dis par' age ment dis par' i ty dis sat is fac' tion dog mat' ic al dra mat' ic al dy nam' ics ec cle si as' tic e jac' u la to ry em bar' rass ment em bas' sa dor em blem at' ic em phat' ic al ly en fran' chise ment e nig mat' ic al en thu si ast' ic ep i gram mat' ic e qui lat' er al e rad' i cate es tab' lish ment ex as' per ate ex clam' a to ry ex plan' a to ry ex trav' a gant fa mil iar' i ty fa nat' i cism fan tas' tic al fash ion a bly frag ment a ry fru gal' i ty ge lat' i nous ge o graph' ic al glad i a tor gram mat' ic al ly hep tag' o nal her maph' ro dite hex ag' o nal hex am' e ter ho me o path' ic hos pi tal' i ty hu man' i ty hy dro stat' ics id i o mat' ic il le gal' i ty il lib er al' i ty im ag / i na ry im mac' u late im mo ral' i ty im mor tal' i ty im pal' pa ble im par ti al' i ty im prac' ti ca ble m ac' cu ra cy in ad' e qua cy in an' i mate in an' i ty in ap' pli ca ble in apt' i tude in cal' cu la ble in ca pac' i ty in com pat' i ble in di vid u al' i ty in fant' i cide in flam' ma to ry in for mal' i ty in fran' gi ble in grat' i tude in hab' it a ble in hu man' i ty in stru men tal' i ty in tan' gi ble in tract' a ble in tran' si tive i tal' i cize lab o ra to ry lach ry mal lam i na ted lap i da ry liq ue fac' tion lith o graph' ic lo quae' i ty lym phat' ic mac ad' am ize 176 GRADED SPELLER mad re pore mad ri gal mag is tra cy mag nan' i mous mal a chite man age a ble man da to ry man « fac' to ry mar riage a ble math e mat' ic al me chan' ic al ly men ag' e rie men dac' i ty mi as' ma min er al' o gist mi rac' u lous mis an' thro pist Mo ham' med an mo nas' ti cism mon o syl lab' ic mo ral' i ty mu ci lag' i nous mu nic i pal' i ty na tion al' i ty nat u ral ly nav i ga ble neu ral' gi a o ce an' ic oc tag' o n al oc tan' gu lar o le ag' i nous ol fac' to ry o pac' i ty oph thai' mi a o rang'-ou tang o rig i nal' i ty pan ere at' ic par ti al' i ty pe cul iar' i ty per i phras' tic per ti nac' i ty pet ri fac' tion Phar i sa ism phi Ian' thro pist phy lac' ter y pi rat' ic al plan et a ry po et as' ter pol y an' thus prin ci pal' i ty prob lem at' ic al prod i gal' i ty pug nac' i ty punct u al' i ty pu tre fac' tion py ram' i dal quad ran' gu lar quad ri lat' er al quad ri valv' u lar rar e fac' tion ra tion al ist re fran' gi ble re tal' i a to ry sal a man der sal ta to ry sanct u a ry san gui na ry sat is fac' to ri ly schis mat' ic al scho las' ti cism sen su al' i ty sin gu lar' i ty som nam' bu lism spec tac' u lar spir it u al' i ty sten o graph' ic stu pe fac' tion sub stan' ti ate su per an' nu at ed sys tern at' ic al ly tab er na cle ta ran' tu la tech ni cal' i ty te nac' i ty the at' ric al top o graph' ic al tran si to ry typo graph' ic al u ni ver sal' i ty ve nal' i ty ve rac' i ty ver nac' u lar vo cab' u la ry SIXTH STEP. 177 The sound represented by 6 as heard o con com' i tant con glom' er ate ag glom' er ate an a torn' ic al a nom' a lism an tho log' ic al an thol' o gy an thro pol' o gy a poc' a lypse A poc' ry pha ar chae ol' o gy as tro log' ic al as tro nom' ic al a torn' ic al au to bi og' ra pher de mon ol' o gy an toe' ra cy de mon' stra ble con gru ous con sol' a to ry con vo lu ted co-op' er a tive cor re spond' ence cor rob' o rant cos mog' o ny cos mog' ra pher cos mop' o lite era ni ol' o gy crys tal log' ra phy ca non' ic al chi rog' ra phy chi rop' o dist cho rog' ra phy chro nol' o ger chron o log' ic al chro nom' e ter cog ni za ble com men ta tor com mis sa ry com pa ra ble com plai sance com plai sant con chol' o gist de pos' i ta ry de rog' a to ry dis em bod' ied di a bol' ic al di a ton' ic dis hon' est y dis hon' or a ble dox ol' o gy e co nom' ic al e con' o mist el ee mos' y na ry e mol' u meut en to mol' o gist ep i glot' tis in not, expressed by e qui noc' tial eth nol' o gy et y mol' o gy ex pos' i to ry fri vol' i ty gen e a log' ic al gen er os' i ty ge o log' ic al har mon' ic al hip po pot' a mus his tri on' ic ho me op' a thy hon or a ry hy drop' a thy hy per bol' ic al hyp o chon' dri a hy poc' ri sy hy pot' e nuse hy poth' e cate ich thy ol' o gy i dol' a trous il log' ic al im mod' est y im pet u os' i ty im pol' i tic im pon' der a ble im pos' si ble im pov' er ish im prob' a ble 178 GRADED SPELLER. im prov' i dent in cog' ni to in com' pa ra ble in com' pe tent in con' gru ous in con' stan cy in doc' tri nate in dom' i ta ble in hos' pi ta ble in nox' ious in oc' u late in sol' u ble in solv' en cy in ter rog' a tive in tol' er a ble in vol' un ta ri ly i ron' ic al ir re spon' si ble v lex i cog' ra pher li thog' ra phy log ic al ly ma hog' a ny Ma horn' ed an me di oc' ri ty me te or ol' o gy me thod' ic al ly me ton' y my met ro pol' i tan mi cro scop' ic mis an throp' ic mod er a tor mon as ter y mon i to ry mon o gram mon o graph mon o logue mo nop' o lize mon o the ism mo not' o nous mon stros' i ty myth o log' ic al my thol' o gist neb u los' i ty ne crol' o gy nom i nal ly nom i na tive ob li ga to ry oc cu pan cy ol i garch y on er a ry or ni thol' o gist or thog' ra phy os te ol' o gist pa le on tol' o gy par a bol' ic al par a dox' ic al pa thol' o gy ped a gog' ic pe ri od' ic al phil an throp' ic phil o log' ic al phil o soph' ic al ly phi los' o phize pho nog' ra phy pho tog' ra pby phra se ol' o gy phre nol' o gist phys i og' no mist phys i o log' ic al phys i ol' o gist po mol' o gist post hu mous pre dom' i nant pre mon' i to ry pre pon' der ance prof li ga cy prog nos' tic ate rec i proc' i ty re cog' ni zance re con' nais sance re pos' i to ry sar coph' a gus scru pu los' i ty sin u os' i ty sol i ta ri ness ste nog' ra pher ste re o scop' ic sym bol' ic al ly syn on' y mous tau to log' ic al tech no log' ic al tech nol' o gy tel e scop' ic al SIXTH STEP. 179 ter mi nol' o gy ter ra-cot/ ta the od' o lite the o log' ic al to pog' ra pher tox i col' o gy trig o nom' e try ty pog' ra pher The sound represented by u as heard u hort i cult' ur al ab rupt' ness ac cum' bent adjudge' an nun' ci ate an te pe nult' arch duch' ess ca lum' ni ate cir cum' flu ent com bus' ti ble com pul' sa to ry conjunct' ure con struct' ive con vul' sive cor pus' cu lar cul ti va ble cur mud' geon cus torn a ri ly de struc' ti ble ef ful' gence es cutch' eon ex cul' pa to ry fe cun' di ty func tion a ry hort i cult' ur ist il lus' tra tive il lus' tri ous in com bus' ti ble in cor rupt' i ble in cul' pa ble in duct' ive ly in dus' tri ous ly in suf fer a ble in tro due' to ry in vul' ner a ble jus ti ft a ble op pug' nant pe nult' i mate pub lish er pul mo na ry pulp ous ness pun ish ment ro tund' i ty subju gate sub lu na ry suffer a ble sumpt u a ry ul tra mon' tane ve loc' i pede vol un ta ri ly zo o log' ic al in nut, expressed by su per struct' ure tri urn' vi rate ul tra mun' dane un du la to ry un luck' i ly vo lupt' u a ry vo lupt' u ous vul ner a ble o ac com' pa ni ment ac com' pa nist cov e nant er cov et ous ness dis com' fit ure dis cov' er er drom e da ry ef front' er y mon et a ry mon ey less slov en li ness spon gi ness ou dis cour' age ment en cour' age ment 180 GRADED SPELLER. The sound represented by 6 as heard ab hor' rence ac cost' a ble a cros' tic al le gor' ic al au thor' i ta tive au thor' i ty be troth' al ca lor' ic cat e gor' ic al chor is ter cor al line cor o nal cor o ner cor o net cor ri dor cor ru gate cos tal diph thon' gal dog ger el dog ma tism Dor ic em boss' flor id for age for eign er for ester froth y gloss a ry his tor' ic hor o scope hor ri ble hor ror in fe ri or' i ty log a rithm log ger head in cross} expressed by ma jor' i ty mi nor' i ty or a cle or a tor' i cal or a to ry or i fice or i gin or i son or re ry par e gor' ic phos phor' ic por ridge pri or' i ty rhe tor' ic al su pe ri or' i ty triph thon' gal tor re fy wrong ly The sound represented by i as heard in pine, expressed by ad vis' ed ly ad vise' ment ap pli' ance cir cum scribe' ci ta to ry con tra ri' e ty de ci' sive ly de sir' a ble dis o blig' ing dis qui' e tude di vid' a ble en vi' ron ment fi er i ness hi e rarch hi e ro glyph lm pro pri' e ty in de clin' a ble in de scrib' a ble in diet' a ble in e bri' e ty in qui' e tude in vi' o la ble liof num-vi' tse 1 For a discussion of this sound see Manual of Reading. SIXTH STEP. mi gra to ry right eous ness hy gi ene no to ri' e ty spright li ness ly rate par ri cid' al vi bra to ry ei ' pro pri' e ta ry y ei der-down re spir' a to ry dy nas ty ka leid' o scope 18J The sound represented by ou as heard in out, expressed by en coun' ter dis al low' es pous' al dis al low' ance in sur mount' a ble dis a vow' ou a cous' tic an nounce' ment coun te nance coun ter feit er coun ter poise de nounce' ment de vout' ly dis coun' te nance mount e bank re doubt' a ble round e lay ow a vow' ed ly cow ard li ness dis a vow' al em bow' el em bow' er em pow' er en dow' ment how itz er The sound represented by oi as heard in point, expressed by loi ter er moi e ty moist en ing nois i ly poign ant poign an cy poi son ous re con noi' ter sphe roi' dal spoil er un a void' a ble oi a droit' ness an noint' ed ap point' ment a void' ance av oir du pois' bois ter ous con joint' ly de spoil' er dis ap point' em broid' er oy an noy' ance clair voy' ance Coy ness dis loy' al ty em ploy' er en joy' ment loy al ty roy al ty eoi bour geois' \82 GRADED SPELLER. The sound represented by u as heard in mute, expressed by u dim i nu' tion in vo lu' tion dis so lu' tion ju di ca to ry dis tri bu' tion le gu' mi nous ef flu' vi um Ion gi tu' di nal el o cu' tion a ry lu di crous ly en dur' a ble lu gu' bri ous ab so lu' tion &c cu' mu la tive ac cus' ant ac cu' sa tive ad du' ci ble ad ju' di cate al le lu' ia al lur' ing al lu' sion al lu' vi al an nu' i ty as si du' i ty at tri bu' tion cat e chu' men ce su' ra en thu' si asm lux u' ri ous ly ep i cu' re an ob scu' ri ty ev o lu' tion op por tune' ly ex clu' sive ly op por tu' ni ty ex com mu' ni cate per pe tu' i ty ex e cu' tion er ex u' ber ant ly for tu' i tous fu tu' ri ty gra tu' i tous hal le lu' jah Her cu' le an cir cum lo cu' tion com mu' ni ca ble com mu' ni ca tive hu mor ous ly com put' a ble il lu' mi nate con clu' sive ly con cu' bi nage con nu' bi al con sti tu' tion al con ti gu' i ty con ti nu' i ty con vo lu' tion des ti tu' tion di lu' vi um il lu' so ry im ma tu' ri ty im mu' ni ty in con gru' i ty in ere du' li ty in du' bi ta ble in ju' ri ous ly in su' per a ble in tu' i tive ly per spi cu' l ty re cu' per a tive re ju' ven ate res ti tu' tion ret ri bu' tion sa lu' bri ous sa lu' ta to ry sub sti tu' tion sul phu' re ous su per flu' i ty vo lu' mi nous eu eu cha rist eu lo gist eu pho ny feud al ism ich neu' mon pleu ri sy REVIEW* LESSONS. 183 REVIEW LESSONS. ti like sh aberration abstraction amelioration apparition attribution benefaction circumstantial consequentially consubstantiation coruscation deferential demolition depravation discretionary dissentient ebullition electioneer equinoctial essentially exceptionable exhilaratiou exoneration extirpation flagellation fluctuation functionary Substitutes. hallucination immigration impartially impatiently inflammation innovation insulation interrogation irradiation jurisdiction liquefaction liquidation naturalization penitentiary peregrination peroration perturbation practitioner putrefaction rationale rationalist stationary substantially superstitiously suppuration surreptitiously tergiversation titillation t like sh expatiate impartiality inertia ingratiate initiatory insatiable licentiate negotiable novitiate partiality plenipotentiary propitiatory substantiate t and ti like sh initiation negotiation propitiation ratiocination transubstantiation vitiation c like sh annunciate appreciable beneficiary braggadocio 184 GRADED SPELLER. excruciating inappreciable judiciary c and ti like sh denunciation depreciation emaciation enunciation pronunciation renunciation ce like sh argillaceous carbonaceous cetaceous coriaceous farinaceous foliaceous gallinaceous saponaceous testaceous violaceous ci like sh auspicious capricious co-efficiency contumacious deficiency efficacious efficiency especially geometrician inauspicious injudicious insufficiency judiciously logician maliciously mathematician mendacious officially pertinacious prejudicial proficiency sacrificial siliciuus sociability sufficiency superficially superficies suspiciously ch like sh capuchin champaign chandelier charlatan chateau chevalier chivalrous machinery machinist marchioness meerschaum si like sh animadversion compassionate condescension controversial intercession intermission inversion manumission s like z abolitionism absolutism accusant accusative acquisitive advisedly advisement Americanism anomalism antagonism appraise avoirdupois benison bismuth causality colloquialism commiserate complaisant congeries conventionalism cosmogony REVIEW LESSONS. 185 cosmopolite counterpoise decomposition deposition discernible disdainful divisibility dogmatism empiricism enfranchisement enterprising enthusiasm expository exquisitely fanaticism favoritism feasibility feudalism fusibility gymnasium imposition imprisonment indefeasible indivisible infusibility inquisition inquisitiveness invisibility Israelite juxtaposition leisurely malfeasance manganese miasma monotheism noisily observable omnipresence orison perusal plausibility polytheism presbytery presidential repository requisition reservation residuary resurrection risibility roseate usurpation ventriloquism visibility s like zh abscission elysium immeasurable indecision pleasurable precision supervision si like zh abrasion allusion ambrosia ambrosial intrusion c like s acerbity adequacy adolescence advertence antecedence appurtenance arborescent armistice asceticism askance astringency authenticity centrifugal censorious centripetal cerulean chancellor chancery deceitfully decimation degeneracy delinquency diplomacy docility 186 GRADED SPELLER. duodecimal duplicity effeminacy effervescence effulgence elasticity emergency enhancement exceedingly excellency excessively exigency evanescence eviscerate explicitly fascination financier forbearance fraudulence glycerine grievance idiocy illiteracy imbecility impenitence imperceptible impertinence inadvertence incendiary incipiency indecency ineffaceable inflorescence irrelevancy jurisprudence laceration larceny legitimacy leniency lieutenancy loquacity magnificence maintenance mendacity mercenary monasticism multiplicity munificence necessitate obsolescent opacity oscillation panacea parricidal participial perceivable perceptible plasticity precipitancy predecessor reciprocity relevancy reminiscence repellency resuscitation sacerdotal serviceable taciturnity termagancy turbulence vacillation variance velocipede vermicelli vicissitude virulence viscidity c like k acclamatory acclivity accompaniment accoutrements accurateness accursed acoustic acrostic adjectively aesthetics aid-de-camp allegorical analytical apocalypse apocalyptic REVIEW LESSONS. 187 automatic hydrostatics supplication barbecue hypercritical syllabication buccaneer hypocrisy symmetrically calcareous hypothecate sympathetic carbuncle hypothetical synthetically cardiac incombustible telescopical commandant incompressible tubercular conformably inconsistent turmeric conjecturally incurability typically containable inductively valedictory cordwainer inexplicable vermicular coterie inscrutable versification courteously maccaroni vertical cursorily medically vesication curvilinear molecular c like s and 1c custodian mollification acceleration denticulated muscovado accessary desiccation mythological accidence diacritical nomenclature acquiescence diametrical obscuration advocacy discouragement opodeldoc autocracy discourteous ossification calcination dominical panegyric catholicity ecclesiastic pedagogic cicatrix elecampane polytheistic cicatrize encomiast proclamation circumlocutior equivocate rubricate circumscribe escutcheon satirically clairvoyance heretical scrutinize coalescence homeopathic scurrility coincidence horoscope stereoscopic complacence 188 GRADED SPELLER. complaisance conceivable concentric conciliation conciliatory confederacy consociation convalescence crucible crucifier Cyclopean cyclopedia discrepancy eccentricity electricity episcopacy flaccidity inaccessible inaccuracy incandescence incapacity incarcerate inclemency intricacy necromancer occipital recognizance reconciliation specifically specification successively ch like k achromatic alchemist alchemy anchorite anchovy archaeology archetype architect architrave archives bacchanalian catechetical catechumen chalcedony chimerical chirography ■ chiropodist chorister chorography chronologer chronometer conchologist eucharist harpsichord heptarchy hierarch ichneumon ichthyology lachrymal machination malachite mechanically mechanician melancholy monarchic oligarchy parochial polytechnic pyrotechnic scholasticism synecdoche synchronism technicality technology ph like f acephalous amphibian amphitheater aphelion aphorism Apocrypha asphaltum atmospherical autobiographer bibliographical caligraphy cenotaph cosmographer crystallography emphatically ephemeral REVIEW LESSONS. 189 Epiphany euphony geographical hemispherical hermaphrodite hieroglyph hydrophobia lexicographer lithographer lithographic lymphatic metamorphose metaphorically metaphysical metaphysician monograph ophthalmia orthography paraphernalia periphery periphrastic Pharisaical pharmacy philanthropic philological philosophical phonography phosphorescence photography phraseology phrenologist phylactery physiognomist physiological sarcophagus sophistically sphericity spheroidal stenographic stenographer sulphurous sycophancy symphonious topographer typographer ou like u acetous acrimonious adventitious ambidextrous analogous auriferous beauteous boisterous cartilaginous ceremonious compendious congruous coniferous contemptuous cotyledonous covetousness. decorously deleteriously delirious disingenuous expeditiously felicitous ferruginous filamentous fortuitous fossiliferous gelatinous graminivorous grauivorous herbivorous hilarious humorously idolatrous ignominious illustrious incredulous indigenous industriously infelicitous ingenuousness iniquitous innoxious insectivorous insidious invidious leguminous ludicrously 190 GRADED SPELLER. miscellaneous monotonous mucilaginous oblivious obstreperous odoriferous oleaginous oviparous poisonous posthumous precipitous scrupulous subterraneous supercilious synonymous tempestuous terraqueous umbelliferous vermiparous viviparous voluptuous i like y alienation alleluia ciliary companionable familiarity inalienable ingeniously melioration millionaire opinionated peculiarity perihelion punctilious 9 like j advantageously algebraic collegian congeniality etymology eulogistic eulogium exaggeration generalization gesticulation heterogeneous magistracy metallurgy neuralgia panegyric porridge sacrilegious Septuagint syllogistic tautological technological theological toxicology zoological Words Liable to be Misspelled not included in any previous Review List. abscind amanuensis arabesque :colian amaranth arraignment aerie apologue baccalaureate aeronaut apothegm beleaguer achievable apotheosis belles-lettres alchemist apropos boudoir aliquot aquiline bourgeois REVIEW LESSONS. 191 breviary- guillotine orang-outang brigadier gutta-percha palanquin buoyancy hallelujah parallelogram caoutchouc harlequin parliament cap-a-pie howitzer pleurisy connoisseur hygiene pneumonia conscientiousness hyperbole poignant counterfeiter hypothenuse polygamist daguerrean hysteria polygonal daguerreotype idiosyncrasy polysyllable desuetude inconvenient psalmodist diphtheria indictable reconnaissance diphthongal innuendo reconnoiter dishabille inveigle restaurant dishonesty isothermal rhetorician dissyllable kaleidoscope rheumatism dysentery lachrymatory sanguinary dyspeptic lignuni-vitae sardonyx egregiously litigious sarsaparilla eider-down logarithm scientifical eleemosynary Madeira schismatical electrotype madrepore seignior epiglottis marriageable sequestration equestrian martyrdom soliloquize equitable menagerie subpoena erysipelas metonymy somniloquist espionage monologue symbolically eulogist myrmidon tournament exchequer neutralization triphthongal foreigner obliquity ubiquity generalissimo Olympiad whortleberry 192 GRADED SPELLER. LATIN ABBREVIATIONS. A. B. (Artium Baccalaureus.) Bachelor of Arts. A. D. {Anno Domini.) In the year of our Lord. A. M. (Artium Magister.) Master of Arts. (Ante Meridiem.) Before noon. (Anno Mundi.) In the year of the world. Con. (Contra.) Against; in opposition. D. D. (Divinitatis Doctor.) Doctor of Divinity. D. V. (Deo volente.) God willing, e. g. (exempli gratia.) For example. Etc., etc., or &c. (Et ccefera.) And others ; and so forth, lb., ib., Ibd., or ibd. (Ibidem.) In the same place. Id., or id. (Idem.) The same. I. e., or i. e. (Id est.) That is. I. H. S. (Iesus [or Jesus'] Hominum Salvator.) Jesus the Sa- viour of men. incog. (Incognito.) Unknown. In trans., or intrans. (In transitu.) On the passage. LL. B. (Legum Baccalaureus.) Bachelor of Laws. LL. D. (Legum Doctor.) Doctor of Laws. L. S. (Locus Sigilli.) Place of the Seal. M. D. (Medicinoe Doctor.) Doctor of Medicine. N. B. (JVota bene.) Note well, or take notice. Per cent. (Per centum.) By the hundred. Ph. D. (Philosophice Doctor.) Doctor of Philosophy. P. M. (Post Meridiem.) Afternoon. Pro tern., or pro tern. (Pro tempore.) For the time being. Prox. (Proximo.) Next, or of the next month. Ult., or ult. ( Ultimo.) Last, or of the last month. Viz. (Videlicet.) To wit; Namely. ir^7 * * p^ 4 i < /3 .tymology and Orthography ANDERSO I'S f/rUDY OF ENGLISH WORDS By j. to. \\r>ERSON 40 cen % A summary of the most important facts of the English languag- , inch special reference to the growth and change of English word >, r iapted for schools and private study. JOHNSON'S ENGLISH WORDS By Charlie 1 . Johnson, Professor of English Literature in Trinity College, Hartford 84 cen s An elementary study of derivations designed for use in high schoo s and colleges. The elem arts of the subject are presented in such a form, as to stimulate further investigation and lead to a correct and literal'/ use of words. KENNEDYS WHAT WORDS SAY By John K> 45 cents A pr ctii , ce. 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