OVN 5T CUm,rcU loLrish t\at,leicrU . M*C Cfce Lifirarp of ti)t 23niticr0itp of iSortt) Carolina Collection of j@ott& Catoliniana ^gi0 booh toag presented Co 3.83.69 ^Ocome let us worship and fall down and kneel before the Lord our Maker." Cbriet Cburcb ffmrieb. IRev. /lib. /fib. /Hbarsbail, 2>.B., IRector. CHRIST CHURCH CHAPEL OF CHRIST CHURCH, CHAPEL OF ST. SAVIOUR. . . Frank P. Haywood, Treasurer. wardens: Dr. R. H. Lewis Senior. Dr. V. E. Turner Junior. vestry: Dr. P. E. Hines, Jas. I. Johnson, M. Busbee, John C. Drewry. Chas. McKimmon, Wm. B. Grimes, F. P. Haywood, W. H. Williamson, Chas. Root, John Ward. 1 Services CHRIST CHURCH. Seats free. Holy Communion at eleven o'clock a. m. on the first Sunday of every month and at eight o'clock a. m. on other Sundays. Morning Prayer and Sermon every Sunday at eleven o'clock. Evening Prayer Advent and Epiphany Sun- days at half after four o'clock. During Lent at five o'clock. Easter and Sundays following at half after five o'clock. Trinity Sundays at six o'clock. Services CHAPEL OF CHRIST CHURCH. Seats free. Morning Prayer and Litany every Friday morning at ten o'clock. Evening Prayer every Wednesday same hours as on Sundays. Sunday-school at ten o'clock every Sunday morning. Saints Days at ten o'clock a. m. Special Missionary service at ten o'clock on Friday after first Sunday. 2 Seevices CHAPEL OF ST. SAVIOUR. Seats free. Evening Prayer and Sermon — Autumn, at eight o'clock; Winter, at half after seven o'clock ; Spring, at quarter after eight o'clock ; Summer, at half after eight o'clock. Sunday-school at ten o'clock every Sunday morning. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY TO THE BOARD OF MISSIONS. President Mrs. R. H. Lewis. Time of Meeting — After service on Friday after first Sunday. RELIEF SOCIETY. President Mrs. J. F. Ferrall. Time of Meeting — After service on Wednes- day after first Sunday. DAUGHTERS OF THE KING. President Mrs-. F. H. Busbee. Time of Meeting — After service on Wednes- day after second Sunday. 3 o xr+«C ST. AGNES GUILD. ■ President Mrs. L. G. Capehart. Time of Meeting — Friday after first Sun- day and third Sunday. DIOCESAN MISSIONS. Treasurer Mrs. R. G. Badger. Time of Meeting— Called. ALTAR GUILD. President Mrs. R. B. Raney. Time of Meeting— Called. BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW. Director Dr. V. E. Turner. Time of Meeting — At eight o'clock on third Wednesday evening at Chapel of Christ Church. " Grace be with you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ." Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN 21, 1908 '•'■"■'•>•■■■'■.■.. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00034020746 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Form No. A-368, Rev. 8/95