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In giving the main facts and incidents relative to my last wife, I do so in a spirit of regret, rather than with a feeling of malice; and while I cannot hope to remove or lessen the great sorrow which has overtaken me in my old age, I trust that what I say in this book is enough to vindicate me in the eyes of the world, and justify my conduct before men. The Lord has spared me to this time of life, and for his goodness and mercy to me, I feel that it is my duty to give to the world some record of a life that has not been without incident, as it has also been full of trial and tribulation, but not without the great blessing of much pleasure, and a share of worldly prosperity to reward my many days of honest toil. Affection has been mine too, for I have known the love of two faithful wives and twelve children. I have long felt that I was called to come out from the world and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and I now feel that I am commanded to do this work, and I should never be content to live, or die satisfied if I did not perform it to the best of my ability. L So in a spirit of Christian love I enter upon this task, dedicating my ^work to all such as fear the Lord and love one another. V MICAJAH ANDERSON. n3 Edgecombe County, N. C, June, 1870. • THLE T^IFE OF MICAJAH ANDERSON. -^ WAS born in Edfi;e combe county, October, 1803, of very poor and ->)-• humble parents. Indeed, I sup- pose I came into the world as poor as any one who ever lived in it. My first recollection of my mother (my father died when I was quite young) was that she was toiling day and night for the support of myself and broth- ers and sisters, of which there were two girls older, and two boys and a girl younger than myself ; and the first work I ever did was on the spin- ning-wheel, assisting my mother, "when I could not have been more than five or six years old. One day, when I was about six or seven years old, my mother went out to carry home some work she had done for a neighbor, leaving me at home with my baby brother, who was just able to sit alone. We were k living in a log house with a dirt floor, ^and a few boards across the joists ^■diich was called a loft. We were ^Both crying of hunger, as we had I often cried before, when I heard a voice, which seemed to come throuo^h the opening of the loft, saying : — *'Watch the world and strive, and you shall live !" Startled by this unexpected voice in so strange a place, I looked up to see if there was not somebody in the loft, but finding no one, my young heart became filled with wonder, and as young as I was I thought it must be the voice of the Lord God, and I hushed my baby brother — and from that day I bore my lot uncomplainingly, and became a dutiful child, working faithfully for my mother until I was twenty- one years old, a period of unceasing toil with me, but not remarkable for any incident worthy of mention here. On the twenty-first day of Octo- ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, I became twenty- one years of age, and on the night of the twenty- fifth, following, I was mar- ried to my first wife, Nancy Newsom. At this time I had not so much as a bed of my own, nor anything to live on only as I earned it, but we both want to vfork, and we lived in love, peace and prosperity seventeen years, three months and ten days, when it was God's will to part us. My earthly substance at her death was, I suppose, about two thousand five hundred dollars, that we had together accumulated. About two years before the death of my wife, I was brought to see my lost condition, and to know that 6 THE LIFE OF MICAJAII AXBERSOK where God and Christ was, I could notgo. This disturbed me so I could take no rest, and I thought I would try and pray, but it appeared to me that the more I tried to pray the worse I got, and in September that mv wife died in January, following, I lay down one night but could not close my eyes in sleep for fear that I should never wake again. I was living at the Avington place on Fishing Creek, and on the occasion here alluded to, my wife was sitting up before the fire. Pretty soon after laying down I heard music like a fiddle playing up stairs, and I thou'^ht some one asked me who is that playing the fiddle, and I re- plied that it was James Avington, and immediately I saw a flame of fire in the east, and as I saw it I jumped up out of bed and ran to shut the door to keep the fire out of the house. As I was going I saw four men com- ing down stairs but I did not know any of them except James Avington, and I had never had any ac- quaintance with him. xis I reached the door my wife rose from the fire place, and laying hold of me, asked what was the matter with me, I re- plied nothing. She answered : "Yes there is, and has been for some time, and I want you to tell me what it is." But I insisted that there vras nothing:, and went and laid down amy second wife, I married her own cousin, widow of Edward Fountain — maiden name Mary Eliza Pittman. She had one child, a girl, named Mary Williford Fountain. It is now six years since I last married, and althou2:h I have been married three times, I have had but two wives, for the last woman I married' never has been any wife to me at all. She was the worst enemy, and most bit- ter foe to me I have ever had in all the days of my life. She is a mem- ber of the Old School Baptist Church, and belongs to the church at Williams' meeting house. I had been acquainted with her for several years, knew her as a member of the church and regarded her as a christian woman, so I went to see her. thinkinn; that she would make a good wife to me, and I told her that I had loved her as a chris- tian and felt that I vrould love her as a wife. We were married, and on our way home she said there was j one request she had to make, that I never would prevent her from going ' to preaching. I assured her that I I never would, and that it was the very last thing I could think of do- ing ; further told her that I hoped it would not be long before I should go into the church with her. She Seemed satisfied, and expressed the I hope that I might soon become a [ member. I On the morning of the sixth day I after we were married, I went into ! the garden to prepare a place for ; bedding potatoes, which I selected, I and by the time we had got it ready breakfast was announced, after fin- ishing which I remarked to her that i I had put some eating potatoes in { the hill with the plantings, and wanted her and the children to come i into the garden and pick them out ; and take care of them. With her little girl and my two little daugh- ters she came after a w^hile, but had not been there long before I had occasion to scold the boj's at work, both white and black, for playing around the bed and idling their time; when she flew into a nassion i and said if there was to be a fuss on ['the plantation about work, she would I leave, but I paid no attention to whj I she said, and went on to comph my work. When she first came to my houso^ she told my two little girls that si vras going to learn them to card and spin. But she had no time to do 1 so, and I did not expect her to do ! it, but her daughter was old enough THE LIFE OF MICAJAU ANDERSON. and larire cnou^li to learn them ; but she would neither work herself or show the others how, nor her mother never tried to make her do anything. One day I reminded my wife that she had promised to teach my girls how to work, and she re- plied in a violent fit of anger that she would when she got a chance ; and so for a month, and better,things went on, and I named to her again that I thought she was going to put the children to work, and that I could not stand their idleness any longer. She then affirmed that the children should not have her cards to abuse and wear out, and I told her there were some cards in the press, I thought, and if there was not, why 1 would get some, and then she took the cards and set my oldg esu daughter to spinning and her's to cardinn;. When she first becran I suppose she carded about one ounce a day, and from that she got down to a quill a day, and from that to nothing. Finding that my wife would do nothing for the instruction of my little girls, but en the contrary en- couraged her daughter to idleness, thereby laying a bad example for my children whom I was anxious should be raised to habits of. indus- try I one evenino;, weisrhed me out two ounces of cotton and that night carded it myself. The next \ morning I took the rolls to the wheel, fixed one on, and called my little girl to come and let me learn her how to spin. She began to cry, but I hushed her, and then her step- mother fell into one of her violent fits of anger, and said that the child would not be put on in this way if her mother had lived, that putting her to work this way would not have been thought of in her life time. I ' reasoned with her calmly that she ought not to set such examples be- : fore the children, that she knew ^ they ought to be at work, and that I their mother had several months ago I spoken to William Weeks for a lit- I t]e wheel for them, which was done at her death. But she would not hear to reason, became more vio- lent and declared that I was only pursuing this course to make little of her before the children and the servants on the place. I told her I did it that mv children mi^ht be taught to work, and that as no one else would I must teach them my- self. With that her dauorhter de- o clared she would not work, that there were negroob enough on the plantation to do all the work ; and her mother ripped out that she should not work, that she did not come there to work but to live a fine lady, and she intended that she should be raised one. From anything I may say in this book of another, the reader must I not infer that I claim perfection for I myself. On the contrary, it must i be remembered that I have been a. bad man — as far from perfection as it was possible for most men to be, and I could not consent to speak of I the faults of another, without mak- 10 THE LIFE OF 21LCAJAU AXBEllHON. ing full acknowledgments of my own short-comings. And I also make the further acknowledgement, that in the differences and difficul- ties between my last wife and my- self, I was often as much in fault as she was, but I desired to do right, and tried to live in peace and har- mony Avith her, and would have done so, had she been as ready to overlook my faults as I was to ac- knowledge them ; as ready to own herself in the wrong, as I was to for- give her. And I owe it to the sacred mem- ory of my two first companions to say here that, my conduct, often in their life-time, was enough to have tried a saint, and but for their kind and forgiving natures, under the severest trials and provocations, I must have fallen, long ago, beneath the weight of wrongs wrought by my own hands ; and in recognizing the sorrow that has overtaken me in my old age, the hand of God laid upon me for the offences of my earlier years, wdth an humble and contrite spirit, I acknowledge His great goodness. His perfect justice and loving kindness to the way- ward sinner, among whom, as St. Paul says, " I am chief. " God grant the tears of grief that water eyes already dimmed by years, that flow from a heart withered by time and bowed beneath a load of sorrow, may atone for misspent years ; and may my afflictions final- ly prove my salvation ; for the Lord is good, and " hath no pleasure in the death of him that dies. " And when our pilgrimage on earth is ended, may we, who have been so rudely separated on earth, so un- happily mated in this life, meet in Heaven to share the joys of eternal life; and may they who have been so ready to magnify the differences, and widen the breach between my- self and her whom I solemnly vowed to love, honor and protect, find that forgiveness in Heaven which I shall leave them here. For, " with malice for none and charity for all, " I shall leave this world, cherishing for mankind feelings of the most perfect love and friendship. The next night I weighed me out some more cotton, and went in one of the rooms of the house to card it, leavincr her in the other room. Pat- o rick Lawrence was there that night, and heard everything that passed between us. Eliza began to talk in great wrath, and said, among other things, that she did not intend to re- main with me any longer, for what I was then doing w^as only to make little of her ; that the work I was about would not pay for the wear- ing out of my breeches. I told her that if I wore out my breeches, they^ cost her nothing; and I kept oi until I had carded upwards of five^ pounds of cotton, and by this time the oldest of the tv>-o girls had learned how, and I then told her she must learn her sister to card and spin, which she did, keeping their woric separate, which I locked up to show how much each one did. In THE LIFE OF MIC AJAR ANDERSON. 11 the meantime, Eliza's daughter was | and when he was killed in the war, doing nothing but idling about, | he had by both of his wives seven studying to make mischief between ' children, and five of these, with her mother, myself and the rest of their grandmother, Mrs. Pittman, I the family. I have known this daughter to misplace some article of settled on my premises to take care of. The house in which Mrs. Pitt- her own or her mother's, thimble or i man and her and my grandchildren scissors, for instance, and declare, in I lived, was about one hundred and the most innocent yet earnest manner fifty yards from my residence, and that they were lost, or that some , there Eliza spent most of her time, mem^ber of the family had had them, : preferring the company of her step- and after pretending to look every- ; mother to mine. If anyone came to where in the most anxious manner ■ visit at my house, Eliza would take imaginable, and after making all the | them to Mrs. Pittman's, hardly al- disturbance she could in this way, I lowing them to spend any time at she would find the missing article, all with me, and if she did not re- when she and her mother would ' main away all night, she would re- both declare that some one about [ turn home at a late hour, going to the house was always interfering ■ bed as softly as she could ; never with their work, hiding their things j speaking to me if she could help it. and trying to tease the life out of | On the morninc; succeedino; these ^^^^'^' I visits, she would rise early, with When I would be called off from one of her fits of passion on her, home, to town for instance, this girl and you might hear her tongue all was busy the live long day to invent I over the plantation. She has been some story to tell her mother ! heard in one of these outbreaks of against my return, and the moment anger at Mrs. Lane's which is more she would see me coming home, she than a quarter of a mile from my would run to her mother saying, j house, and she scandalized the " mother, papa is drunk ; papa is ! neighborhood, and alarmed every drunk. moth er. body with the tormenting noise of ^ They would then take themselves I her fiery tongue. Both off to old aunt Polly Pittman's, \ \ have tried to talk to her, and ^ho was Eliza's step-mother, widow j prevail on her to control her tem- of her father, and there they would generally remain all night, telling everybody they saw, that I was at home dead drunk. My son, Micajah, first married a daughter of this Mrs. Pittman, but she died, and he was married again, per; that my feelings were hurt to the shedding of tears by such con- duct, and that I could not stand it; and when I would attempt to rea- son with her thus, she would place her hands on her hips and walk ofi', uttering no word but " pshaw, 12 TEi: LIFE OF MICAJAJI AXDEBSOX. pshaw; " and instead of trying to improve, she seemed to get many times worse. At my meals I had no peace, she was forever flinging out some sharp words at meal time, to wound mv feelings, make me mad, and keep me away from the table. When, on occasions of this kind I reproved her, the best I knew how, and vrith as little show of anger as possible, she would turn her back on me, lean her head on her arms up against the mantel piece, and speak not a word as long as I remained in the house, but the moment I was gone, she would begin to scold and quarrel after me. One day after dinner, I took a seat near the kitchen door, and her daughter came and sprung on the kitchen door and slammed the milk house door four times. One of my grand-daughters came and did the same thing, when I remarked to them, it was a pity they could not break it down, and then the door would be already open, for I had never seen a door opened and shut so much in my life. Eliza hearing me, came to the door and said she could never send to look for any- thing without a fuss ; and I repb'ed that she did not stay at home long enough to look for anything. — Whereupon, she flew up and said if she had ever eaten any stolen meat, she had eaten it at my house. I jumped up, angry myself now, and went into the kitchen, and asked her if she had ever eaten any stolen meat, or anvthinc: else stolen at my house. She said she had not, and the reason she spoke as she did, was because some one had said that two very larse hojrs I had were stolen. Had she intimated again that I had stolen anything, I will confess here, that I should have struck her, though I did not tlireaten anything of the kind on the occasion. After this, it was four weeks that we never spoke to each other, and I never intended to speak again un- less she asked my pardon. This was about the second week in iSTovember, and she and her daufjhter be^ran to carrv her thini^s to Betsey Pittman's, unknown to me, but I found out what they were doing, but did not let them know that I suspected anything of the kind. One morning early, after a cold rain the niofht before, she started off with a turn, barefooted. After going about a quarter of a mile, she came back, and went into the kitchen, shivering with cold and took a seat before the fire. The cook told her that she would kill herself; and she replied she did not care if she did. In about five min- utes r>fter she had thus spoken, they had to take her up and put her to bed. I was sent for to come to the house, that Eliza was dying, and I opened my mouth to tell the boy not to go for the doctor, but let her die, but my conscience rebuked me, and I felt that I ought to return good for evil, and I sent for the doctor in great haste. In the mean- i THi: Life of micajaji axijFIison'. 13 time, I went to her and found that she was as cold as ice, and the only way I could discover she had any life in her, was bj placing my hand on her heart. I had some hot As soon MS she got up again, Charlotte Pittman asked her if she was going to leave. She said she was not ; that I had asked her to forgive me, and she had done so, bricks placed around her, and get- and I had forgiven her. But this ting some brandy, opened her mouth did not last long. The first out- and gave her about half of a large | break after our reconciliation was glass full. She remained speech- j about «oap. less and insensible for some time longer, when I gave her some more of the brandy, and in a little while she began to revive, and by the time the doctor got there she could talk. o The doctor advised me to con- When I first carried her home, I had a barrel, holding some thirty- two or three gallons, that had been, as was my custom once a year, filled with soap made at home. — But by lending and giving as she did, the soap was out before it should tinue giving her stimulants, and \ have been half gone, and then she left some medicine for her. I was \ informed me of the fact by telling just as attentive as I knew how to j me that I must get some concen- be, and she felt it, for in helping , trated lye. I told her that I never her to turn over one day, she threw i had bought any soap or concen- her arms around my neck, and begged m^e to forgive her. I told her I should forgive her, but I could trated lye, and never should ; and if the soap had been properly taken care of, there would be plenty still \ not forget her; and I asked hereon hand. She declared that our why she said what she did the last ; clothes might drop off us then, for time we had spoken, and she re- ! she would not wash any more until plied that she did not believe that I I got some soap or some concen- had stolen anything, but that she trated lye. But she managed to said so because she was angry at wash through the balance of the having heard that I accused her of year, when I had ashes prepared stealing from me. I assured her j for another year's supply of soap, that I never had thought of such a ■ Now, my wife began to worry me thing, for what was mine was hers, and it would be impossible for her to steal from herself. I then begged her not to let anything so unplea- sant take place between us again. She said it should not, but from that day we would live as a dutiful and loving man and wife should. by the mcinner in which she man- aged the table. When anything was cooked she would select the most choice pieces of whatever was prepared, and lock it up in the milk house, and neither I or my little girls could get anything out of there, but her daughter could go when 14 TEE LIFE OF MICAJAH AXDEBSOX, and as often as she pleased, but if i must never use any rails of mine mine came round they were driven j again that came on his land, even if off, and told that there was nothing the water should carry off every for them. Visitors were treated to the best from the milk house or dairy, but me and my children were refused everything but such as we could get. None of the negroes were fed from the kitchen but the cook, and she was given or took just what she wanted. She had a son living about a mile from my house, named Lewis Hines, the same that was hung in Tarboro last January for committing a rape on a young lady in the county. He came to my rail he had on his plantation. My wife, Eliza, was Kcdding Pittman's own aunt, and when I happened to mention that Redding had taken my rails and left me with- out any, and I thought it very mean in him, she bursted out that it would never have been done, had I been a man of my word ; and when I asked what she meant, she replied that I did not let Redding have that land as I promised.. I admitted that I did not let him have the land, because he did not come house almost every night with his ; up to his promise, and he did not tin bucket to be filled with provi- \ come to me about it afterwards as a sions, and when his mother did not have anything to give him, he would corae up to the yard fence, and Eliza would go out to him and tak- ing his bucket to the milk house, fill and return it to him. I after- wards learned that the year, before he lived so near me, lie used to come man should. He approached me on the streets of Tarboro, in company with his cousin Joseph Pittman, but I did not consider that he had com- plied with the contract, nor did I be- lieve he would, so I refused to have anything to do further in the mat- ter, for which he abused me very with his bucket from Mr. David i much. BuUuck's, but at the time all this | WhenEliza found that I would was going on I had no idea of such j not let Redding have the land, she a thing. I began to kick up a great dust. — During a heavy freshet in the ; She said her first husband was a i creek, considerable of my fence was | sm.art man, and a man of his word, " washed away, and the rails were and so was her father. She went carried on the land of Betsey Pitt- on in this way at great length, until I ordered her to shut up, and went and laid down, as it was getting late in the night, but she kept on in her usual style for sometime. After awhile she came to bed, but had scarcely laid down, before she man, and her son. Redding, took my rails out of his field, and used them on his own fence. I knew the rails when I saw them, for they were new ones. I saw him about the matter, and told him that he THE LIFE OF MICAJAIi A XI) ER 8 OX. 15 opened on me again bj saying she and hers, had never stole a pocket handkerchief, and I said to her, in great anger, I admit, that if she did not stop going on in that way, I should certainly punish her, and as I moved on the bed, she jumped out, declaring that I had struck her. I asked her then if she, ever knew me or mine to steal a handkerchief, and she replied it had been done ; and upon further questioning, she said that one of my little girls had stolen Betsey Pittman's handker- chief. Upon inquiry, I ascertained that my little girl had found a handker- chief belonging to some one, and put it in a pocket of one of her dresses that hung up in her room; that she told her step-mother about it, and Betsey Pittman afterwards claimed it. Some time before this, I discov- ered that some one had been going in my chest, and I could not account for it, as I had the keys in my pocket. I then counted my money, which I kept in there. One Satur- day morning, I returned from feed- ing my hcgs, and found Eliza and her daughter gone to preaching at William's meeting house, and going to my chest found it unlocked, and taking out my pocketbook, I found that one five dollar note was miss- ing. I could not think how this was, for I always carried the keys in my pocket, and it occurred tome that there were a great many small keys about the house, and that some of the children had got one that fitted to the lock, bui I could find no key anywhere that would open the chest. I remembered that Eliza had lately been to the store and got a new trunk, and I went to the trunk and with my chest key, un- locked it. I locked the trunk again, and said nothing about my discov- ery. I thought I vrould hold the knowled2;e I had o;ained over Eliza as a sort of check to her conduct, if I found it necessary to mention it, but I wished to keep the matter a, secret, never to go beyond us two. So when she began to accuse my child of stealing, I asked her who it was that went into my chest and took out five dollars of my money. She stoutly denied any knowledge , of the circumstance, and affirmed that it was neither she nor hers. I told her that I was not so sure about that, and here the matter ended for that night ; and I indulged the hope that I should have peace and quiet at home thereafter. But the next day, as I was box- ing up some meat I had promised Eider Robert Hart, Betsey Pitt- man with Joe Pittman's wife, I think, came to my house, and walked into the kitchen where Eliza was. I could not understand what Eliza was saying in the conversation they carried on, but I distinctly heard Betsey say, " Lord, aunt Eliza, how do you stand it ? " Dinner was pretty soon an- nounced, and I was called to go in, but I did not go, for my heart and 16 THE LIFE OF MICAJAJI AXLEESOK stomach was full enough without line about the size of a man's fin- eating dinner. ger, and she looked rather frighten- After a little, Betsey and Joe's i ed, but I told her not to be scared, wife came out in the yard where I ^oi" I ^^^ not mean to hurt a hair on was, and asked me how I did. I j lier head. There was a pole resting told them I did not do welL That 1 in some forks in the yard, and over I was not so well in body, and my | this 1 threw the rope telling her to mind was terribly upset, for her come where I wa?, but she would aunt Eliza's conduct was such that | not, and I went to her, and holding I should never bo able to live with 1 one end of the rope in my hands, her ; that we should be bound to \ the other I dropped on the ground, part. They both went back into j asking her as I did so to pick it up, the kitchen where Elisa was, and \ ^vhich she did. Then 1 told her to having finished my work, I took a pull, saying : *' You know, Eliza, seat at the foot of an oak in the \ that if we put this rope over any- yard. Soon after Betsey and her , thing and pull upon it, after awhile, aunt Eliza came out to where I was, | it vriU wear in two and drop us and Betsey said, '^ Mr. Anderson, down. The end I have is the part what are you going to do with aunt you ought to have hold of and pull Eliza ? " I replied that I should ! ^ith me. " try to live with her the balance of i She then told me she was coming the year if I could, after which I ; for her things in the morning, and should put her into a house off to j I promised her I would carry them herself, or I proposed to do so. — ; for her, and the next morning she Eliza spoke up and said she could came sure enough. get her a place, and asked me if 1 1 ^^^^^,^ beginning to move, I said would move her things. I answered her that I would. Betsey Pittman and Joe's wife, or whoever it was, then went off home, and Eliza went witb them. to her that I wanted her trunk key a moment, and she gave it to me. — - I took it, and going with her to my chest, I put the trunk key into my lock, and unlocked it, the same a& She remained away twelve or ! ^y own key, but it would not lock thirteen days, when she returned again. I said, you see that, don't and sent for me down in the plan- you. She said she knew it was not tation. When I got to the house, | her child, for she never let her have I found her sitting down between \ the key, which was not the truth, as the two houses, and when I spoke , i knew, and she was well aware to her she snapped me up, and ap- ! that I knew it too, for ever since peared to be very mad, but said she had got her a place. I then went and got me a small she had been at my house, the daughter had keys and everything else she wanted, and did as she THE LIFE OF MICAJAII AXDEF.SOJ'r, 17 pleased with everything, and went when and where she pleased. For, It seemed sinful to me then, to bear malice, and I felt that I never although not more than nine years could come to strike a woman, so I old when I married Eliza, the made up my mind to go and see her daun;hter had always been ahead of the mother and had to be mistress brother, for I could take no rest of m}- life, under such a load of trouble. she said so, and whatever she said she must have, she had,- and master of the plantation when I got ud to the door without beino- seen hj anyone; and I thought they all appeared frightened Avhen they The morning I moved her to her ' saw me so suddenly at the door. brother's, Wesley Pittnian, I sent I spoke to Mrs. Pittman, and asked some support for her, »nd thought her to come out to me a moment, I would continue to feed her, but a second thought took me, that I would be doing wrong to make my motherless children work for another ! Elira and not be afraid, for I did not come there to hurt anyone, but to- talk quietly and peacefully with and she doing neither they or my- self any good, and after she found thai I y»'ould do nothins: more for her, she boasted that she would Vv'hen I looked in at the door again, Elisa y,'as gone. I asked the girls where she was, and they said they did not know — that she had make me do it, and she actually be- ! j'JSt that minute stepped out. Going lieved she could compel me by law I to the other door, I saw Eliza going to support her. I wrote her that I should not give her any further sup- plies so long as she remained away from me ; that when she had eaten what I had given her, she would have eaten the last provisions of mine she ever would, unless she came home to live. In the letter of reply, she stated that she was entitled to a support from me, and she w^ould make me support her. This made me so mad that I determined to go over to her brothers and whip her, and I got as down a lane, towards the woods. I called after her to come back ; that I did not v/ant to hurt a hair of her head, but I had eome to talk with her. She turned 'round and came- back, and as she walked up to the door, I called her hj name, and told hei; never to turn her back on me again; that when she did, she turned her b:ick on the best friend she ever had, except her poor old father. I told her if she was what she pro- fessed to be, and I what I had hope to believe I was, I knew we could far as my daughter's, Lucy Pitt- '^ive together, and I wanted her to- man, who married another brother g^ »3fick home with me, and let u& of Eliza's. Lucy persuaded me not to go about her — to let her alone ; and she knew quite as much about Eliza and her child as I did. try to live the way we ought to live the fe\^ days we had on ecrth, in peace and happiness, as man and wife should. 18 THE LIFE OF^ICAJAU AXLERSOX. She answered that if she went ' had no time for such work, there back, it would be the same case over \ ^vere children enough on the place f +1.^ .i^,,-i 1. ,.1 r>,,^,,^v.f „o i to do it ; and you know I have often asain, tor the devil had broujzht us ' ^ j together ; and I said, on my part he did not. Then she went on to say told you if 3"ou could not churn, to pour the milk in a trough for the ^, ^ • ,1 11^. AA ' do^irs and thereby save bread, that no woman in the world coind ° -^ Buit me ; that I was always going I ^ S'-^i^ to her then let bygones be on about her wastefalness. Then I ^Jgo^es, and now I want you to go told her that if she would hear to ; ^^o^^ig ^^^ ^^T to listen to me, and me, I would go to the smoke house j ^^^^^ things I tell you to go by, go and barn myself, and then there ' ^7 ^^^^^' ^^'^ ^^^'s both see if we would be no\vastefulness, and no : can't both do better hereafter, room for any dissatisfaction on that i then left for home, saying what score. She then charged that I had ruined the character of her child. — I reasoned that I had not — that if day I would be there again, and I wanted her brother to be at home. I went at the appointed time, and ruined at all, it had teen done be- j going with her brother and his wife fore I had anything to do with her, j into the house where Eliza was I for, assheknew, I daresn't speakto ' told her howd'ye, and asked her or correct her in anything from the ! bow^ she came on. I told them all day she came to my house; that if I I wanted to give them a history of reproached her, she would fly into a \ my life, and what I had experienced, passion, and thus she had always \ I hoped the Lord had done for my upheld the child in everything, poor soul ; and I said pray for me whether right or wrong. all of you ; and if you see any wrong I said to her you have not treated | in what I have done, please let me me with proper respect — not with i know it. I then gave in my experi- the respect you have shown the ne- ence to them ; and after getting groes on the plantation ; for you know I don't drink sweet milk,*but through, I asked them for the Lord's sake, if you see any wrong in it, let I love butter milk just as well as me knoAV it, and straighten me if I anything I can get hold of, and I have not had any this whole year am wron-g. AYesley and his wife both said they saw no wrong; and I but twice, for instead of your churn- | said to Eliza, if you are what you ing the milk, you gave it to Betty, profess to be, and I am what I pro- and it was carried down among the fess to be, I know we can live to- negroes, and what they could not ' gether, because we are both one, drink was given to the hogs. She just like Christ Jesas ; and she said she had no time to churn, was agreed to go back home again ; and the reason she had never done any it seemed to me that I loved her ten more of it. I said if you found you i times better than I ever had loved THE LIFE OF MICAJAII AXBEBSOy'. 19 her in my life. IVIj love fcr her was so great I could not help kiss- ing her on the spot. I sent for her, and she came back home, and I says to her, now, Eliza, I want you to take my ad- vice and not 2:0 to flvinor into those pets, when I go to say anything to }'0u or I speak to your child to cor- rect her, for I don't do it out of any harm to the child, but for her own good, and your benefit, as well as mine. She spoke and said she would not, and she knew she had done wrono-, for she never suffered so much trou- ble before in her life as she had since she had left me. I told her she had not suffered a grain more than I, for I had been suffering a long time before she left me. And I said, now, Eliza, I'll tell you what I wish you to do. I have got a cook hired here for you. Let her do your cooking, washing and scouring, and you have nothing to do but give out provisions and at- tend to things about the house, for cooking and washing is something you never done for yourself or the rest of the family, and I want you to take your sewing and come and sit with me under the oaks, where I can see you and talk with you ; and she said she would. I said to ber, I hoped and trusted in the Almighty ! God that it would never be the case again that she would turn her back on me, for to me it always seemed the most sinful thing in the world \ for a man and his wife to come to- gether and then have to part, be- cause they are then not only apart in this Avorld but in the world to come, for in the world to come, where God and Christ is, they can- not meet to dwell together. She said to me it should never be the case again ; and she took her chair and went and sat under the oaks with me every chance she could get. And poor old aunt Polly Pittman, she would come down there and sit witii us and talk with us and hear us talk, and she seemed to be just as glad of our being together again, and as happy with us as she could be, for it seemed to me she loved to hear us talk, I believe the poor old woman was a christian woman, and is, I hope, this day in Heaven at rest. Just before she died, she desired to hear preaching, and Jor- dan Johnson, he came to my house and preached, and that day she gave in her experience to him and some other members of the church who were present. Just before that time Eliza had got into one of her tantrums, and the old lady must have died very much dissatisfied about it, from the con- versation she had with me, for she had heard the promises Eliza made me, some of which I will repeat. I told her that I would give her the same chance that I had given my two poor wives before her ; that she might have all the butter she made ; all the chickens she raised, and all the tallow that came out of the cattle we killed, except so much 20 TRE LIFE OF MICAJJJI AXDEFSOX. of each as was necessary for our own family purposes. At the same time I observed to her that, being a wo- man, I supposed she had feeling enough to give a portion of these things to mj poor little children, and she remarked that she would do so, but that my grand-daughter being older than they, she must be given thus and so. But she couldn't think for a moment that I had any faith in her statement, for she was perfectly aware that I knew my grand-daughter would never get it, for she had already given every- thing to her own daughter. How- ever, I told her that it was mj de- sire to divide those things among all the children equally, and not that one should have all and the remain- der get none ; and she faithfully promised me that my wishes should be carried out — that she was really ■willing to do so, and that her own views upon the point fully accoided with my own. But the sequel proved that she falsified every promise she ever made me, and for cause that will ex- plain itself to the reader, I will now refer to her • conduct immediately after our marriage. Scon after that event we commenced attending church together. I went with her four times, but she behaved so out- rageously on these occasions that it ■was no pleasure to me to accompany her. It was no satisfaction to leave home quarreling and return in the same manner — I couldn't bear it — so after awhile I quit going to church with her. Some time after this, I asked her which she had rather do, " Take a cart and go to meetin', or ride horseback ? " She snapped me up and replied, that she'd rather ride horseback ; so she went in that manner twice, and then took to ;2;oin;^ afoot with her dau^ and certainly ought to have been, for the rent of the land itself, would have been a plenty of support for herself and daughter — more than thcj had ever had before in their lives. When I married Eliza, her chi'd was a county charge, and its mother was receiving two dollars from the county for its support. Of course I meant to help her maintain her child, and our neighbors all around were contributing to its support, although at that very time her child was large enough to earn a liveli- hood for itself. When Eliza came back from her brother's and made me such fair promises, I began to go to meetin' with her again, and went alone with her four times. I never in all my life had so much confidence in Eliza as I did at this time, and it was all owing to the many fair promises she made me. I loved her greatly and felt like I could eat her up from affection, if I knew it wouldn't hurt her. For the four months following I had all the plea- sure I ever saw with her. In this time we went to hear Jordan Johnson preach once, and I never heard a sermon in my life before that did me so much good. It lifted up my faith and hope so much that I felt like I had been changed from na- ture to grace, and told Eliza so.- - While I was telling her of it, Jor- dan Johnson rode up, and coming to my right, I told him he had done me more good that day, than ever before in his life, and he said he was glad of it, and I told him 1 would 2!;o to see him before raanv davs. That was on Saturday. The following morning I arose from bed, dressed, went out and fed my stock, returned and ate mv breakfast. I intended to go to preaching that day, and see- ing no preparations that way on Eliza's part, I asked her if she wasn't goinn; to meetin'. She re- plied that she felt so sore and bad that she couldn't go. I said, " Oh, do go with me, Eliza ; after start- ing, you will feel better, I hope ; now you'd better come and go." — She replied that as long as I wanted her to go she would. So we both went to meetin' tosrether. On Monday morning she arose, went into the kitchen and began to fuss and rail. She said before she would stay in such a mess as was there (at my house) she would go into the woods, and remain there till she died, because I had only brought her there to make a wait-, ing-girl of her. This language filled my heart so full that I thought it would break. Breakfast was now ready and I went in to eat. As I sat down to the table she was leaning over the fire place, with her back to me. I drank a cup of tea, but ate not a mouthful. I then went out of the house, and her tongue streightway bec'an a^-ain. I now sot a chair THE LIFE OF mCAJAlI AXBFRSOX. Z6 and went off in the yard about sixty feet from tin kitchen and sat down. While sitting there, I sai.l, "Lord, is it possible that Eliza has begun her old sinful wa^^s again. 0, Lord, stand by me, and b'e with me, and help me to stand the hard trials and persecutions in this unfriendly world. " Soon I went off to the plantation, and remamed there, I suppose, about two hours, when be- cominfr very ^veak and weary I re- turned to the house, took my chair and aiiain sat down near where I sat two hours before. [She was still rantins:.! Eliza had a rooster that she called "Pete," and the very moment I sat down, that rooster came to me, stared me in the face and crowed. I shoo-ed at him — he ran off a little wav, and for awhile I thought nothing of it. But soon he came back, stared at me asiain, and becjan to walk arcund me, and crowing all the time. — While Pete w^as crow-crowing, Eliza was ran-insr and rantins;. One day in the kitchen she began her railing, and said before she would stay there, and cook and do, , and do and cook for such a parcel of hound-dogs as we, she would go in the woods and live under a pine- bark shelter, for if she stayed there she knew she would die and go to hell. A few days after this as she was passing by me, I said to her, " Eliza, the way 3'ou are going on on this plantation surely will kill me, for my poor heart must break from trouble. " She made no re- ply, but simply turned her back on me, saying " pish, pish, " In January I went to Whitaker's turnout, leaving her at home in her tantrums, and being greatly dis- tiGssed in my mind, at the moment of starting I took a pretty good drink, and arriving at "Whitaker's I took a little more. I drank too much, I confess, but going back home that evening I pestered, no one, but after sitting up awhile, went to bed. I had no sooner struck the bed than Eliza said that I her first husband was a smart man, I and so, too, was her father, and that ' she wouldn't stay there any longer. I tokl her to go then ; and she threw open the door and darted out. It made me so angry that I arose from the bed, put on my clothes, and put out after her. On the way to aunt Polly Pittman's, where I found her, ^ I got me a cotton stalk, with which ' I struck Eliza twice when I came I up with her. As soon as I struck I my wife she broke away, and I then told her- to go home, but instead of obeying my orders, what does she do but goes to Betsey Pittman's. — Now the folks over there had been threatening pretty heavily what they w^ere going to do if I didn't mind, so there was a piece of iron that we had for a fire-stick at our house, so I just took that along ' with me as 1 went out to seek Eliza * over at Betsey Pittman's, with the determination that if anybody else interfered in this (strictly family) ' matter between me and my wife, I 24 TUB LIFE OF MICAJAII AXLEnsOS •would wear 'em out to a frazzle. I ' ried mo, she never sa\Y the time didn't find her there, however, but when she didn't have shoes to put if I had, would have punished her i on — shoes good enough to keep her severely. She remained away sev- ! feet from the ground ; and what in eral days, and I advertised her. — | the world she meant by leaving The day after the advertisement ap- them off so much, I couldn't for peared she returned home. While | inj li^'-' tell. Sometimes when I she was absent, same mysterious | would tell Eliza she ought to put power seemed to say to me that it j lier shoes on, she would reply that was my duty to hold devotional ex- I she v/ould when cold weather came. ercises in the presence and hearing of my family every nip^ht, and upon and maybe at that very time the weather was as cold as it ever gets Eliza's return home, the same power i to be. told me that I should not only do I hired my daughter, Susan Den- her no harm, but sboull pray for \ ton, to weave two webs of cloth that her instead. I followed the advice ' ^1 little motherJess children had of the mysterious power. spun (I think she told me there One nio-ht as I sat before the fire were forty-eight yards in tie two she came in and sat down facing j pieces), and after she had finished it me, and said to me that I was al- ' Eliza cut off eleven yards. Where ways going down on my knees to the balance went, the reader can pray, but as fo-r herself, she never i guess (?) after awhile. Eliza's before heard anybody pray for any- } daughter then takes the cotton that one except the elect. I .did not re- 1 old aunt Polly Pittman and my little ply to her, and she jumped up and ran out of the house. After this I did not practice my devotions in her presence. motherless children had spun, and wave her a web of cloth of eleven yards. Next she takes ever so much butter — I can't begin to say My wife would go out barefooted i how much : over fifty pounds of tal- and barelegged (her fi'ock tucked | low, and my children's cloth, and away up above her knees) to milk | goes with them — the two lots of the cows, a quarter of a mile from j cloth, butter, tallow and all — to the house, and the neighbors seeinej Mr. Robert Austin's, to trade, her in this unseemly condition, would enquire why in the world she went without shoes, and she would | such things as she wanted, and she reply that she had no shoes— that | put oS" for some other store. She I neither would give her any shoes | came back soon, however, and I nor go to preaching with her. All asked her if she had done her busi But she pretended that she couldn't get there, for my little girls' cloth, of which mas just as arrant a 1 — fib as ever was told. After she mar- ness, and she said she had. I en- ' 4 quired how much she received for TEE LIFE OF MICAJAE ANDEBSOK 25 inv little girls' cloth, and she said she got thirty cents a yard. Very well. I had, sometime before this, dis- covered that my children and I were getting very bare as to shirts, and I told them that if they would spin the cotton, I would buy a bunch of warp, and we could all have shirts. This day I bought a bunch of cotton, and Eliza bought one, too. When we returned home, the finery Eliza's daughter had purchased had to be shown aU around, of course. Among the articles were two yards of calico at fifteen cents a yard, two Shaker bonnets at forty cents each, and two belts at ten cents each^ and these were the goods, wares and merchandise, all told, that she gave my little girls in exchange for their eleven yards of cloth ; keep- ing the entire proceeds of the other cloth, butter, tallow, &c., for her- self and her daughter. The bunch of cotton she bouo;ht that day she sent away, and where her's went there went mine, and I have not seen or heard of it to this day. Two or three days from that time, I asked Eliza if she supposed that I was such a fool that I couldn't see throuo;h her doinojs. I told her that she had been robbing my poor little children, and that she had never been the woman to give them even the wrappings of her finger in all her life. Lady of the plantation, and both master and mistress of the premises, as she was, she bought for herself a fine worsted dress, a very fine hoop skirt (the one she had was not big enough — it wouldn't spread out enough for her), a pair of fine shoes, and other gay riggin' to match her dress. Off the balance of the web of cloth remaining, she would slip a piece at a time, until she made way with all of it, except enough for three pairs of pants, and lining for a coat and waistcoat. One piece of it she took, she said, to make her daughter a jacket, but afterwards thought to make it for herself, but I don't believe she did it, for I never saw her have it on. A great (?) legacy fell to Eliza from her grandmother Pittman's es- tate, of which her brother Wesley was administrator. When Wesley paid over to Eliza her full share of the estate, he gave her the full sum of two dollars. Well, when the great legacy was received, Eliza and her'n had to go to the store to spend it. Among the things she bought was a fine dress and a right smart of other riggin', and all of it with those two dollars. [Of course she had been robbing Peter to pay Paul — and you may guess who Peter was.] The legacy having all gone, they took up another plan of operations. My little girls were spinning cotton for our shirts, as I have mentioned before, and just as fast as they could spin it, Eliza and her daughter would slip it ofi" and make way with it. In the meantime, my children and I were getting almost naked, 26 rUE LIFE' OF ?dICAJAU AXIJEESOX. so much so that Eliza had to turn in to mending our ragged garments. While so employed, she Avas ever- lastingly complaining that she had to be m.ending and patching old dirty rags all the time. Yes, she said, it's patch and do, and do and patch; cook and do, and do and cook ; patch and cook, cook and patch ; patch, cook — cook, patch — patch — pacch ; and, she added, I am not agoing to do it any longer, for he just brought me here anyhow to make a niircrer of me. "CO While my "svife was thus fuming, her lady daughter would strut around the house savino;, *' Me and mother are agoing away after this year ; after this here year, me and mother are agoing away ; and I don't know what in the world you Avill all do then — that I don't. "We will now enter upon the chicken question for the purpose of showing up her daughter's charac- ter in that line. Liza and her girl had their chicken coops three or four steps from my meal house, and jier j?irl she v/ould mix up vrater and meal and throw in the coops — and keep throwing in— until ihe whole yard would be just as sour. — And sometimes when the dough in the chicken coop would be fully an inch thick, she would go into the house and te:l her mother that she must go and feed the chickens for she knew they were hungry. And Liza would always tell her daugh- ter to go and feed the chickens. I ijtood this thin;:^ as lon^r as I could. so one day, in a very friendly sort of way, I told Liza there wasn't any use in throwin2!; thinn;s away in \ that sort of a style. I told lier just to go and look in the coop and see how much meal was wastinir. — t o ■ I told her we couldn't sret alonfj; : and live, and things going on so. She replied very snappishly that I there was nothing in the coops but I meal bran, and that I couldn't ex- ! pect little chickens to eat meal bran, \ for they couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand this wasting of meal in such a fashion, and I resolved that I wouldn't. But to the chicken question acrain. When Liza first; came to my house, she brought with her I three hens, one ot which they called j the ^' Old Blue Hen. " [Xow I candidly believe that I had two blue hens when Liza first came to my house.] W^ell, her daughter could set the old blue hen whenever she pleased — provided she could get eggs to put under her. ^Vhen the old blue was sittin^f the dau";hter would not let her come off her nest j to be fed, but she would pile up the ' feed around htr — as much bread, : (fcc, as a man could eat. When she ! would hatch, and come off her nest I with her little chicks, her brood would be^-in to increase in numbers every day, and it happened in this T^-ay. When any other hen on the place would hatch, this daughter would inform her mother of the fact, and declare that this ether hen was killing her chickens, and that they ought to be taken away from THi: LIFE OF 3IICAJAJI AXDFRSOX. Ti 1 5 J her and put "with " old blue's chicks, and — it was done. And that's the -way Liza and her lady daughter got all the chickens. In the spring of '67, I asked mj Tvife not to try to raise many chick- ens, for corn was so high and scarce that the fowl business wouldn't pay. I was then paying seven and a half and eight dollars a barrel for all the corn consumed in my family, and of course I wanted to live as savincrlv as possible. But she continued to let" the hens set and hatch chickens, but not only that she trained them to go into the meal-house, where they would scratch and wallow in the meal until it was not really fit to be eaten. Besides the meal- house got to smelling so badly that it could be scented over the whole yard ; indeed it smelled as badly as carrion, from bad eggs and such. — But enough on this point until we reach '' Pete " again. I was so much upset in mind about these things that I went to Cotton's meet- ing house on the following Sunday to see William Bell, and get him to talk to Liza. I told him I wished him to come to my house on Friday before the third Sunday in April, but did not let him know what I wanted with him. He promised to come, and did so, but found my wife so sick that he did not stay with me that night ; and I did not see him again until after Liza left me. I saw him next at brother John's, where I spoke to him about her leaving me, and about her conduct generally, and told him that it was •on account of these matters that I had desired to see him when I in- vited him to my house. I wanted him to remonstrate with her upon j her behaviour, and thought that a I round lecture from him might do her fTOod. The Friday before the third Sun- day in April, my daughter had sent me a mess of fresh fish, and on Sat- urday morning, while my two little girls were in the kitchen helping to get breakfast, I saw Liza's ladv daughter in the house, and I .told her to go in the kitchen and assist the girls in preparing breakfast, so that they could get through quickly and go to their work. I was sitting on one side of the door at the time, and jumping up she passed by me, remarking as she passed that she wasn't going to run her legs ofi" for anybody. I quietly retorted that there wasn't the least danger of her losing her lower limbs in that way. But she went on to the kitchen, and placing some of the fish in the fry- ing pan she put the pan on the fire, and there let it remain until the fish were completely burned up, and she then threw them away. I told her to put away two of the fish until her mother was well enough to eat them. Divers times Eliza would set her lady daughter to mind what was cooking, but instead of attending to her business she would take her seat, and sit still until everythino- was burned up, and then whatever it was, Eliza would carry it ofi' to the 1^ TEE LIFE OF JIICAJAH AXLEIiSOS gardcD, throw it away, and then get and leave vou here. Upon this her more. I frequently talked to them , daughter went oft', remained away about such wastefulness, but they about four days, and then came always replied that they didn't care ^ back. The morning after her re- — they didn't have to provide for our common wants. I never said more to them, because I knew if I did that it would only make matters worse. The following Sunday morning — the morning after the fish were burnt up — Eliza filled the dinner- pot with water, placed it on the fire, and then went out to milk the cows. "When she returned to the house. turn she came walking up to the kitchen where her mother was, and I asked her (I was sitting in the door of my dwellingj if she had come back t3 run her legs o^. She made no repl}'. I then remarked to her that it had been reported by her mother, and her relatives gen- erally, that I had not treated her as a member of the family. Such was the fact I said, but shall not be her daughter met her at the door | so in future, and now, says I, if you and informed her that some one had j don't go to work and behave your- been taking her water from the pot. I self, I will give you one of the . 1st whippings that ever a girl My wife grew wrathy then, and said d — sure enough somebody had taken wore. Her mother then began to her water. She further said that I rail terribly, but I said nothing to had just carried here there to make her — not a single word, a waitin^l-frirlof her. I said nothing But I told Mary Williford, her to this, but told her girl that she lady daughter, that if her mother ouo^ht to have gone after water for j was to die that she had not a single her poor old mother, instead of per- ! relative with whom she could find mitting her poor old mother to do | a home, for they all knew her too so. I told her that she had not only | well. That day, after our talk, she not done as she ouo^ht to have done, j took to work, and spun about four but that she was forever trying to \ ounces of cotton. She commenced make a disturbance en the planta- tion. I further remarked to her that I spinning again the next morning, but left ofi" at twelve o'clock, and went over to my son John's, who was firmly resolved to put a stop to i married her cousin, and there she such conduct. Hereupon Liza be- remained, I think, until the follow- gan to storm and said to her daugh- ter that she bad better go right off and find another home for herself ; that she knew she could do it, and she wanted her to do it, for said Liza, I should never die satisfied ing morning, when she came back. She brought with her a web of cloth of fourteen yards, which she was to weave for her cousin, and she did weave it in just fourteen days — I know for I took note of the Xni: LIFJE OF MICAJAII AXLERSOls 29 time. When she finished the web ' sheet she got for her own bed by of cloth, Eliza took down the loom, and removed it to a small house weaving. She Avould never put a mouthful of butter on the table un- about an hundred yards distant i til it was so rank that vou could from m}^ dwsHing. Upon getting | gcent it the moment you entered into their new quarters, they got in the house. fine humor, andbeirau to talk about About twelve months before she the lads and young men, and must i went away, she began to give me have been greatly pleased with their own remarks, for -I could hear an allowance of butter. She would pla?c a lump about the size of a them laugh clear to m}^ house. But hen's egg by my plate. This rather as soon as ever she went to the vexed m^e, and I asked her what in kitchen her afriZ^'avatino; tonofue \ the name of common sense went would begin. Once she said that I ' with all the butter, and she replied was watching her lest she might ' that it all went to pay for washing steal something, I replied that I the old dirty rags. But that wasn't was not watching her particularly, : so, for aicer she went away the at the same time reminded her that j same colored woman who had been no honest woman would use such i wasliino; for us all the time, and who lancruao-e to her husband, and that i used to belono; to me, told me that I had seen enough of her to know I Eliza had never given her a thing in that the charge of honesty was the ! the world for washing, except one ver}^ last one to which she was lia^ I old frock. ble. I will now endeavor to show ' Liza was forever annoying me by up another trait in her character : ' talking about our nakedness, and I Before the provisions were placed generally retorted that it was very on the table at meal times, she true that we were inclined that way, would cut up all the meat, pick out I but she must remember that she all the choice bits for herself and \ had never put anything on us. — daughter, and send the refuse to I The clothes that my little girls wore the tible for me and my little chil- i were made of cotton that they them- dren. From the time that I talked ^ selves had carded and spun, — no with Jordan Johnson until she went i thanks to Liza. As for her own away /or good^ I never saw a whole lady daughter, Mary Williford, she piece of meat on my table, and dur- never did a thing in the blessed ing that time she never spoke cne world but stuff her insides, lie abed, friendly word to me. Liza staid with me about tour lounge around and make fusses. One day I went to Whitaker's years and four months, and in that j turn-out, and coming back, I called whole time she never got a rag of bed clothes, if you except one little at "Wesley Fountain's (whose own aunt Eliza \ras, and her first bus- 30 THE LIFE OF MlCAJAIt AKLF^RSON: I band was Wesley's cousin), to see : hov,- he was &€.. and wliilc there he told me that he would have to buy meat for the next year, and tliat he would have to buv it on time, as he didn't have the cash to pay down for it. He said he thought it would be better to buy bacon as it "Was cheaper than pork, and asked what I thought o: it. I gave it as my opinion that if he could get old meat that was free of worms, he had bet- ter do so,becanse it was the cheapest. He didn't ask whether I had any to sell, although I had let him have seventy-five pounds the same year, so I went home. But knowinir that be had no one to help him, I felt for his condition, and sent him word by his sister Martha that I would let him have all I could spare. So the next day jNIartha and his sister came with a cart, and said that Wes- ley wanted me to send him all the meat I could spare, and to let him know my price for it. [I had al- ready told him the price.] The next morning, which was the last day of November, they drove the cart up ^0 my smoke-house door, and took jon two hundred and fifty-four pounds of bacon. I then made a calcula- tion in my head, what the meat would come to, and told Martha to iell her brother to make me a note for the amount as quick as ever he could, and send it to me. In a few days Patrick Lawrence came to my house, and I got him to make a cal- culation about the bacon, and to enter the account in a book, in order that there mis^ht be no mistake about it. On the first day of January, Henry Fountain came to my house and paid me for some meat tliat he had bought of me, and paid me some money also from his brother Wes- ley for the seventy-five pounds that he had got some time before. Ire- quested Hezrj to say to Vv'esley that I wanted him to fix up that note and send it to me. About the middle of January, lleddin;z Pitt^ man came over to my house, and as he walked up to the fire-place (I was sitting on one siie of the room and Liza on the other), he said :-^ " Here, uncle Cnjah, is the note that Wesley has sent you. " I sup- pose he had the note in his hand, as I never saw him take it from his pocket ; at any rate, I did not take it but told him to read over to mCj and he did so. The note was for one hundred and fifty-four pounds of meat, only, and I told him I would not receive it, because it was not right. Then Liza, with her wicked, deceitful, untruthful tongue, spoke up and said, *' Lord, how I hate that. " From the manner in which she spoke, one who didn't know her, would have thought that butter wouldn't have melted in her mouth at the time. And she went on to say that it would kill poor Wesley, as bad ofi" as he was. I said I didn't know why it should kill him, as it was merely a mistake on his part, or that Martha misrht have made a mis- take, and told him I sent him one THE LIFE OF MICAJAII ANDEllSOX o 1 liundrcil and fiftj-fonr pounds, Avlien it ou^lit to have hQentwo hun- drcd and fift\^-four pounds; or that and her ladv dau<]^hter were, and I did not see her any more. Thus the matter of the meat rested for she mii^ht not have been present about a month, or six weeks. One when the note Avas drawn. Liza re- I day I had to look up some old papers, plied that ^Martha was not at all fn- i and I had engaged Hias Dickson getful, but that I was mighty for- ! and my son Tom to assist me in getful. I told her that I was not , finding them. They had examined altogether so forgetful as she might all my papers, except some that suppose ; that I knew my business, I were in a band-box, which had been and knew, too, that there were two hundred and fifty-four pounds of the placed over the foot of the bed on which Martha lay the night she bacon. Here the bacon question ! staid with us, and taking that down was dropped, and nothing more was I they began to examine it, and said about it for a month. But one ; the first thing they found was' a Monday evening Martha came over i note. Ilias Dickson was the first to my house and brought it up again I to discover it, and as he did so he in this way : When she first came I exclaimed, "Here is a note against over she went to the kitchen, where j Wesley Fountain. " " A note Liza and her lady daughter were, I against Wesley Fountain?" said L and remaining in there awhile, all i Yes, he said it was against Wesley three came in the house where I ; Fountain. I then requested him to was. After the usual salutation, ' I'^a^ it over to me. He read it^and she says to me, "Uncle Cajah, ! -t saw at once that it was the same- aren't you mistaken about that mat- ; old note that had been presented to^ ter (of the meat) ? " I told her I ; nie for the one hundred and fifty- was not; that I remembered all i four pounds of bacon. And I re- about it, just as well as if it had ; marked that I would not submit to transpired only yesterday. Shede- j such injustice and rascality ; that I clared that I was, but did not think ; would have justice or die in the at- that I intended to do wron^. I . tempt to get it. I then took the then asked Martha if she weighed i note and tore it up. Ilias and my the meat when she reached home | son Tom soon left for their homes, with it, and she said she did, but | when I went over to Redding Pitt- had forgotten how many pounds man's to enquire of him how that there were. Ithen remarked to her j note had been carried to Wesley that I wished to be correct about it, Fountain's. He told me that he but,underthecircumstances,couldn't j gave it to Henry Fountain. I then see how I would be likely to realize I informed him how the note had been my wish. Here she jumped up and ■ found in my possession, and gave it ran out to the kitchen where Liza \ as my opinion that anybody who 32 TUE LIFE OF 2IICAJAU AXLERSOX. could be guilty of such a " trick *' -was capable of anything dishonest and villainous. I then started for home. AVhen I arrived there Liza's lying, deceitful tongue >vas wagging away as usual, and coming out to- wards me with her hands on her hips, she squalled out and wanted to know why I had not gone to her about the note. I couldn't see why 1 ought to have gone to her about thj matter, and so expressed myself. She then said that Martha had given her the note, telling her to give it to me, and that she had put it in my band-box, and then forgotten to in- form me. I asked her if she wasn't ashamed to tell me such a falsehood. I then told her that the manner in which she had endeavored to put the note on me was worse than steal- inor. I observed that if I cculd not get what belonged to me I would ac- cept nothing ; but that it was the last time Wesley Fountain would get anything from me. I now de- termined to let the whole thing drop — say nothing about it — in the hope that Liza would do better, but in- stead of improving she went "beyan't" herself. She went around among her folks telling them that I was slanderino; her, and she charoied her own mean acts upon me. When she left me the last time, I resolved to keep her sinful acts from the world no lono-er. As soon as she left me, I warranted Weslev for that meat, and at the trial she appeared as witness against me. The case came up for trial at Tarboro, before squire James IL }iL Jackson, colored. After beinfij sworn, I bcfran to tell something about the matter, but had not proceeded far, when Liza dis- puted my word. I had not known before that she was present, but re- coirnizini!: her well-known voice, I said, " Liza, is this you; is it possi- ble this is you ? " She opened her mouth not at all. so I began to talk to her, and asked her several ques- tions pertinent to the case on trial. She denied everything — things that I knew to be facts — and losing all patience with the wicked woman, I called her, to her face, a dirty, lying strumpet. She said she could prove her character, and was going to do it. I said I thought she had already proved it. After the trial she went to Squire Jackson and desired to make oath as to the weight of the bacon, but the '' Squire " would not permit her to do so. The case was finally continued to Fountain's house. When the tr'al came oif at Fountain's, she was not present. — She knew that 1 was pretty wrathy on account of her course before Squire Jackson, and thought it best to leave before I arrived upon the irround. And I reckon she acted wisely in keeping out of my sight, for her course about the meat had made me so mad that I don't know that I would not have beaten her some. The fact was, she didn't know any more about that meat than one of my dogs, for when the meat was weighed ati the smoke- THE LIFE OF AlICAJAR AXBEBSOK 33 house, she was ia the kitchen, Y>'hich "ft-as twenty or tvrentj-five yards (list an ti Some time after this she had me hound over to keep the peace, and her reason for doing so v;a3, so she said, that she was afraid I wouhl kill her; that she had heard I said if ever I caught her bv herself I would beat her almost to death ; all of which was false, of course, be- cause if I had ever desired to take the life of the poor creature, I could very easily have done so on divers occasions, (and once vrhen I drench- ed her for some ailment,) for I kept strychnine in my house for eighteen years. When I laid my hand on Liza at the church, I did so with the reso- lution of taking her home and giv- ing her a genteel whipping at first, .hen locking her up every night and take her out by dav, and never once permitting her to go out of my sight until she got perfectly cool and learned how to behave herself. I killed three hogs that weighed one thousand and seventv-five pounds, and put all of them in pickle except one shoulder and the hams. I put them up in a hogshead and barrel ; the barrel was about the size of a brandy bar- rel. One day I vrent in the barrel to weigh out rations for my colored laborers, and discovered that two pieces had been removed from the top. Liza told me that they had been taken for the use cf the white family, and I suppose they had. ,Another time I went into the ho^'s- I head to get out rations for my la- ; borers, and weie;hed out seventr- \ five pounds. The next ration time I weighed out seventy-five pounds, , which makes in all one hundred and ] fifty pounds that I had taken out. I When I wanted some of it the third ' time, I sent a boy to get it, and he was so long about it that I asked why he didn't get it and bring it along, that I was tired of waiting. I He observed that there were only two pieces in the hogshead. I told him there was bound to be more meat than that in there, and that ; he would find it under the brine. — ' Still he was unable to find any, so i examined the honrshead mvself. To m.y utter surprise I found no meat, whereupon 1 exclaimed, " Lord have mercy upon me, who ever knew the likes of this ; it surely must have gone out of the door, for I have not heard of the smioke-house having been broken open. " Hearing this exclamation of surprise, Liza walked out, put her hands on her hips and screamed out, " I reckon I stole it. " Any^ hovY^, says I, it is not here. She then said it had been eaten. " Not here, " says I ; and it would have j taken some time to have eaten it I anywhere else. At th:it time I I thought maybe some of the negroes I had taken the key, entered the I smoke-house, and carred ofi* the I meat, and did not suspect Liza of i making way with it. But the mys- I tery of the thing caused me to watch^ I and I soon discovered that Liza had ; two keys to the milk house. The b 84r TIIE LIFE OF MICAJAII AXhERSON. way I found it out was that when she would be passing about, with- out having the right key, she would run her hand in her pocket and get another one out, with which she would unlock the door and go in. I could hardly think there was anything wrong, though it ail seemed a little strange to me. In a short time she went away one Saturday on a visit. Usually when she went off she left out ■enough provisions to last until her return, and on this particular eve- ning, between sunset and dark, I went to see about it. I went to the place where the keys always hung, when she did not have them in her pocket, but they were not there. I enquired of my children about the smoke-house key, but they knew nothing about it, unless it was hang- ing up in the house, but finding it was nowhere in the house, she said that her mother sometimes put the smoke-house key in the milk house. I took a key and vrent and unlocked the milk-house, and there I found over behind abo wl of milk the smoke- house key, and it struck me right off where my meat went to. I got so mad I determined to let the key stay, and watch the door, and if anyone came to go in, I would kill them, and I went and took a seat to w^atch and study about it. After about an hour it came to me that I should be doing wrong, for Liza was the cause of it all. So I went and took the kcvs and carried them all in the house, thinking that when she found them moved, she would know that I had my suspicions, and that it would alter her. When she came home Sunday af- ternoon, I got near the milk-house, and after changing her clothes, she went to the milk-house door, and taking the little extra key ou': of her pocket, she opened the door, but not finding the smoke-house key, she turned and passed me, and as she did, I looked her straight in the face, and she turned as pale as a corpse. She went in the house, took the key, and went and got meat for supper, all the while as pale as she could be ; but she said not a word to me, or I to her about it, and I don't know how long it had been since she had spoke a pleasant word to me. I said nothing about the matter, but I never missed the keys from the usual place any more, .nor my meat never went away so fast after that. The winter before the time I am speaking about, I killed and put up fourteen thousand pounds of as fine pork as ever was raised in the county, and had several beeves in the fall. I never sold but little over twenty-five hundred pounds, and though I had only twenty-seven in family, I had but a few pieces in my smoke-house at the end of the year. I want anyone who has been in the habit of feeding families, to make a calculation of how much meat it required for mine of twenty- seven souls; seven thousand pounds of bacon with the beeves ought to have done me,leaving seven thousand t:iie life of MICAJAK axdfesox. 85 to sell, and bacon that year was worth twenty cents. One Sunday afternoon in July, to get out of a fuss, I went off to mv son Thomas Anderson's. Vv hen I got home it was getting darkish, and seeing some one sitting in the yard, I asked my son, who came to take my horse, who it was, and he told me Robert Ha,rt. It seemed that ^•hen I heard that^ a great burden was lifted off from my heart, and 1 1 hoped to the Lord that his coming! would cause Liza to do better than ' she had been doing for a lono- time. 'just a little grain, and so she went en until dinner was over. AVhen we went in to eat supper, I found her barefooted and barelegged, with her dress tucked up to her knees, and that hurt my feelings, for she had shoes and stockings, and she ought to have had them on. That night old aunt Polly Pitt- man made out to get down to our house ; and Robert Hart sang and prayed for us that night. In the morning, Liza arose and went about getting breakfast, with- out a sign of anything on her feet, and her coat tucked up as high as she dared to raise it. She killed some chickens after breakfast, and had them at the well cleaning them, and in stooping about, you could see just as high up her clothes as you had a mind to, and there was Robert Hart, the preacher. It hurt my feelings. I was ashamed for her, and I passed by where she was, and said, Liza, do pray let your coat down a little lower. She said not a word, but did drop her dress ' After eating dinner, Robert and ' I went out and took some chairs I under the trees in the yard, and : afti3r getting her table cleared away, I Liza she came out to where we were, with old Satan in her, and says : " I'll come and set down with you all awhile now, if I am allowed to do it. " Robert Hart observed to her she could, if she would behave herself, with her silver slippers on. . She sat down a little while, when I irp she jumps and off she goes. I Mr. Hart then, pretty soon, went ' off to John W. Johnson's. He had I not more than got out of sight be- fore she began her fuss again. In the course of the week, she got j so high that she moved off again, ; going to her brother Wesley'^s.— ^ I While she was there, I sent her I two letters, stating in them as we I could not live together, I wanted to I be divorced, but she said she would j do no such thing, unless I would ' build a nice house, give her fifty ' acres of land, four barrels of corn, four hundred pounds of bacon, a barrel of flour, and a large amount j of sugar and €offee; a great quantity,! . thought, for one person to use, as I stated in one of my letters to her. She was always complaining that I never gave her anything, and made this an excuse for the way in which she neglected and mistreated my daughters, but it was no excuse j for allowing her child to go on all ! sorts of nasty talk before them, as 36 TUH LIFE OF JUCAJAIf AXUFPcSOy. she did, -wiienever she got a chance. I^or did I think there was any use in my getting her anything, con- sidering tlie things she had from the plantation to buy with — butter, tal- low, eggs, cloth, kc. And I did not dress myself fine enough for her, and she came right out flat and said she had married two husbands, Dut both together did not have pride enough to make one decent man. I thought she knew me well enoueh before she married me to tell how much pride I had. As she was always a flinging it in my teeth that I got her nothing, I said to her one day, as I was going to Tarboro, that I meant to get her a dress, and I wanted to know what she thought of a vrorsted one ? And I got her as fine a dress as any lady need to wear, trimmings, and a shawl, for all of which I paid thirty- five dollars and some cents. I thought I would try her with these presents, and hoped that some good would come of them, but it did no good. I had not given her any- thing yet. In awhile after I got the fine dress, she said she wanted to get me a suit of yarn clothes, but had no wool. I said I had no money then, but should have in a few days, and I would get her some wool. In a few nights, however, she had some wool, and was engaged in picking it to pieces to card. She said she got it from Lawrence Lyons, and paid for it with cloth that had been grot to make me two pair of breeches. !• At that time she carried off cloth, I I rags, and eggs enough to get her a : dress and one for her daui^hter. — i The wool she put in my clothes, she I carded and spun at ni^ht?, and she j made warp of the bunch of cotton I got for my tv»'0 little girls. After getting these clothes, she took the ; greatest pride in hitting me in the teeth about it, saying that vrhen she came there, I was naked; and she kept on in this vfay until I swore I never would put them on my back again, and as she vras going away, I told her to carry them with her. I She said she would not, and if I put I them on the cart, she would throw I them out. I declared they should I not stay in my house, and she said I give them to John. I said they were not mine, and I told my little girl to tell John to take them but he said he did not want them — that I had better wer.ir them myself; bat I said I'd be d d if I did, and if ; he did not take them away I should ! bury them in the branch, the woods, or in the ditch, for they should not stay about me ; and he took them and carried them off. Before I would have put them clothes on any . more, I would have wrapped myself f in a sheet and gone to Tarboro, and I bouf;ht clothes, after I had been made to swear about them as I had. She left me but one pair of breeches, and they were so tight that I called them skin-flints, and but one w^hole shirt to my back,' and that she got just before she left. That was one thread in the reed, and coarse enough for a meal-bag. And there THE LIFE OF MICAJAH AXBERSOX. 37 was enou!2;h of tha cloth when it was wove for another shirt for me and one apiece for mj boys, for they did not have a shirt that you couhl have told what they Vv'ere made of but one piece, and that was tacked on, not sewed — -nor a whole pair of breeches to their nam'es. Yf hen she was about to leave she put out the fine dress I had bought for her, and threw it on i\\e bed, and told Ann to take it, for she would never wear it ac^ain. I told her Ann should not have it, for when I gave anything to abody, I gave it to them, and they were wel- come to it, and I was not alwavs a talking about it ; she had to carry it away from there, and I took it and threw it in her trunk. She never said anything about the nine dollar shawl — as big as a bed-spread nearly — that I bought at the same time, and I said I thought she kept that back to wrap herself and rich loafers in when she went out niiihts "bushwhacking" of it. But she sold her dress and bought her an- other, so I was told, with what she got for the one I gave her; and had she got for it what I gave, it would have got a dress for her daughter and one for herself. She was a great housekeeper ; when she moved the loom out of the kitchen, she stood the table in the middle of the room, and left everything on it from one day's end to another, and the cats got on the table every night, and tore the ta- ble-cloth, and gnawed, and scratch- ed, and eat,and mousled the victuals, until nothing was fit to eat, as ray grandson declared when he found a piece of meat on the table that he had seen one of the cats draiijxiii"" round a good part of the morning. We had five cats, and Liza said she they were tearing up all the table- cloths, and she wished they would. I told her I did not know how she could expect anythinsr else, for the cats were not to blame fot eat- ing anything they could get. But I reckon she killed the cats, for all of them but one were found dead round about the garden. Not long before she left she went off to the store with two or three pair of pants and a web of cloth, with Vi'hich she bought her lady a dress and some more rigging, but she brought back one pair of the pants ; and the dress she got that day was not fine enough for her daughter, and she took it herself. — ■ But the dau2:hter had to have a finer one, so as I was going to town one day, Liza asked if she might go with me, and I told her she could. She took along with her a quantity of tallow, some butter and the pair of pants she had not sold, with which she boufrht another dress for o her fine lady, a pair of shoes, and a heap of fine rigging, but not the wrappings of a finger for my chil- dren, as I had hoped and thought she would, as she had never given them anything from the time she came there ; but I said nothing about it. 38 rEE LIFE OF 3110 AJAR ANDEJtSOX. When we got home, her brother and his wife were there and Liza got after Wesley's wife to send her some help to make up the fine dress for her daughter, and Wesley's wife sent her daua'hter, Liza. My boys wanted some jackets made by Sunday preaching, and in the room of making their jackets, she turns in on the drosses, and never touched a hand to the jackets, the time Liza Pittman v/as there helping to sew. Mary Vrilliford, the pet of our house, in all this time was lying and sitting about — never so much as turnini^ her hand to a thing, while her mother was in the kitchen. Liza would, after getting breakfast over, go in and make up her bed and clean up her room, and my girls would make up the balance of the beds and clean up the rest of the house; and there was that strapping Mary Williford doing nothing in the world ; and when Liza left, their jackets had not been touched. On Sunday morn- inor tliat this dress was made in the week, 1 went to the cow- pen where Liza was milking, and told her to turn the cows and calves together, for she had milked the last cow for me she ever should ; and she blazed out that she did not care, for it only took another trouble off of her. I told her she had had all the benefit, if she had all the trouble, for my children had had no benefit since there she had been. No more had she ever paid old aunt Polly Pitt- man for milking for her, for the old lady scid so just before she died. When she was milking, she and her dauf^hter would aiO and stand in the cow-pen while my chiklren had to go through the de\v and drive up the cows, and when they asked Mary Williford to go with them, she wouM not ; and when my daugh- ters got the chills, they said they believed it was because their step- mother drove them through the dew so much after the cows. One of them got so bad I had to send for the doctor ; and I told them if they ever got up ngain, never to go throur^h the jrrass and weeds after the cows again. Once when Wesley Pittman's daughter was sick, Liza went to stay there some, and as my girls were picking out cotton, Liza's daughter had to cook. And one night Liza came home in a pet, and my grandson, E-uffin, who was about as ready for a fuss as she was, said at the table, that the victuals tasted like they had turpentine in them. — Liza bursted out that she had staid there and done mighty nigh as long as she was ao-oinn; to. I was sitting in the shed door, and I told Ruflin if he did not shut his mouth, I would come in there and stamp him ; and I said to Liza that if I lived and she lived, I would rid her of the troubles she liad on my plantation, for I had stood it as long as I could and as long as I would. And she out with her old song that I had her tnere for a waiting girl for me and my children, and I told her she had waited on!me about as long as she ever would. I remind- TEE LIFE OF MICAJAU AXDEESOX. 39 ed her of the faithful promises she she was pursuing, and hovr I wished had made that she would divide ^ that she could see it as plain as I with my poor motherless children, | and others saw it. She said she did and be a mother to them as I could . nothing wrong to anyone or any- prove by old aunt Polly Pittman, thing; any of us could do wrong or and she need not deny it. And I let it alone, but she let all wrono- asked her what was anybody's word things alone. I told her she was by worth who falsified their promises, this as she was by saying that there She denied ever makin.s; me any \ was no appointed time to die, or ap- pointed time for anything else, and I says if you are right, Liza, you promises, and said she never had done anything in her life that she was ashamed of, and I declared to can live as long as you please, and her that she had spoken the truth, i die when you cret ready, and if your ft/ C5 •/ ' ft/ though it was seldom she ever did i doctrine is true, we have no use for speak it. She went on to say that | a Saviour, and you are no hard-shell she and her child had no more than ! Baptist, but a free-wilier. She said when she came here, though she had , I had boasted thati would not swap striven ever so hard. But she knew \ chances with her, and I re-affirmed better, and all the neighbors knew i that I would not ; nor would I with better, as I told her. She then hit | anybody else, for I have faith and ne in the teeth about writing to her i hope that I have been changed from ibout a divorce, and said now she ; nature to grace, and I might swap vas willing to a divorce, but I was j it away and get nothing, as I would aot. I says if you are willing now, | do if I swapped with you. it shall be done. Then she raged ' About a fortnight"' before this out that the devil was in me— that there came to my house a lousy the devil had fooled me mighty bad, | loafer, by the name of James Dor- but I told her she was the one the : man, and the very moment Liza devil had fooled ; that he had her on ! saw him, she fell in love with him, the back track then. She declared , and I never could tell which loved that she was not like other people ; \ him the best, she or her daughter, that she had never done anything ; He came about a couple of hours by that was wrong in her life, and I sun in the afternoon, and made out says you must have been born per- ; that he was agoing about at work on feet, and are a saint from Heaven, | clocks. I had one that had been and then you have none of old | stopped a long time. Some of the Adam's seed in you ; but 1 am de- j neighbors had told him about it, and ceived if you are not as much struciv [,. wanted to go to work on it. But with it as anybody I ever saw. j tokl him I did not want the clock I told her how deeply I regretted worked on, but he would take it her conduct ; how it grieved me to down ; took it all to pieces, and find her bent on the wicked course ruined it, as he had done all the- 40 THE LIFE OF 2IWAJA1L AXhEUSON. neifrbbor's clocks he had touched. o That r.ight, at f^npper, he told Liza v.'ho he was, and she said she had heard old aunt PoUv Pittman speak of the Dormans, and he began to tell that he was raised over there among the Mabrjs ; and right straight Liza claimed kin with him, and it was " cousin James," with her and i\Iary "Williford. So right after supper, the}^ cut out with him off to old aunt Polly Pittman's, to make lier acquainted with him, and let her know that one of her relations had come. Bat thej never came in the house where I was. The next day after dinner, the daughter took him over to make him acquainted with the rest of his kin. But he was a picture for anyone to look at, wa'n't he though ? His shirt was the color of Roanoke mud, as stiff as it could be, and rattled the same as if it had been paper ; his old shoes were the color of a fox skin, and all to pieces at that; his stockings were as black as they could be, out at the heel, and toes gone, and the man fairly stunk. Instead of cousin'ncr him, I called him, in my mind, " stink- ing Jeems. " Liza wanted him to pull off that old louse case of a shirt, and put on one of mine, but he would not, and it was well he did not, and let me know it. This newly found and dearly be- loved cousin of my wife's came again the following Saturday night, and atter supper they all cut out again to their old aunt Polly Pittman's. — Ke began to show his great exploits, dealing with the devil like Liza and her daughter. lie would take a stick, give cnc end to one to hold, and the other to somebody else, and be would put a ring on the stick, or take it off and they holding fast to both ends of the stick. He wouhl take a piece of money, (if he could get one) and putting it in a tumbler of water, make it dance, by sing- ing to it and patting his feet. He told them he could take a chicken rooster, cut his head off, clean him, pui him in a pot and boil him, and take him out, turn him loose and he would crow. Liza came home that Saturday nio-ht about midnisjht, easing herself down in the bed, as shough she was afraid of touching me, and lay down with her back to me, without saying a word. Cousin James he got up in the mornins: and took himself off down to old aunt Polly Pittman's, where the lady Mary Williford was. After breakfast awhile, Fred. Whitehead came in, my two little daughters and two grand-daughters were in the house, and the lady, ^lary, sat down on the bed, and her cousin James beside her. Pretty soon she fell ricjht down on the bed flat of her back, and cousin James he fell down on top of her, with that miserable shirt ohj and I had just as lief had a dooj risht out of a dead horse on me as he, with that stink- ing shirt. On Monday, Mary Williford told one of my children that she and her cousin James Dorman were going THE LIFE OF ^dlCAJAR ANDERSON. 41 to marrj ; that she loved him so she could not sleep for thinking of him, and that he was coming again the next Saturday night and was going to sleep in her bed, for if no one else would lie with him, she would. In the meantime Liza had gone off to the store and got some stuff to make cousin James a shirt, and on Saturday evening he slipped up the back way, and went out under my gin-house and shedded his old lousy skin, and took the nasty thino; and carried it to old aunt Polly Pitt- man's. During the week, while Liza was making the shirt, one of my little girls asked who it was for, but she said that was best known to herself. On Thursday night following this w^e had our big fuss that made the separation : Insteai of sleeping with me, Liza, as I found out after- wards, had her a pallet under the bed where cousin James slept — right at the head of mine — in the next room. She thought that I would think she was staying at old aunt Polly Pittman's, but I knew she was up and in the kitchen too early to have slept there. I asked my daughters where their mother slept. They did not know, but asked her ; she said that was best known to her. She asked them if they knew, and they said they did not ; and she would not tell them. I asked the boys, but they said she did not sleep up stairs. Feeling certain that she did not go out of the house, 6 I looked under the bed, and I found her pallet under the bed where Dor- man lay. At first it struck me that she got under there to eavesdrop me ; then I became satisfied from her manner, that she got uiider there so she could creep out and go on tho bed to her James Dorman. I took the pallet and threw it under my bed, and said nothing cibout it. — • After dinner, I gave out provisions to last my children until Sunday night, telling them I was going away to be gone until Sunday eve- ning. Liza said she wished I would go awaj and never come back again. I said I knew that. I expected that when I went off that mornincr, that I might not come back before Sunday evening, but I returned about an hour in the night, Satur- day ; and when I got there, Liza had her cousin James in my room, and she and her daughter were keeping up such a whickering and whinnying over him, that I could make no one hear me until I had called four or five times. As I went in, who should jump out first but James Dorman, and then Liza and her daughter followed. She could stay in my room with James Dorman, but not with me. — They all put off to old aunt Polly Pittman's again. Next morning, which was Sun- day, she came home, leaving her daughter and ccusin James at old aunt Polly's. I went in to break- fast after awhile, saying as I went in, " after all the rest of the dogs, 42 TUB LIFE OF 211CAJAJI AXDFESOK in comes old Lubj. " Liza turned her back to mc as I went in and stood there in her old place until I ■went out again. Iler daughter had come home, and was fixed up to go off among her kindred to show them i her cousin James Dorman, now \ that the lice were taken off of him. Liza had to fix up a lie to get my two little girls off with them ; and "when the largest of my children asked me if they might go to their sister Lucy's, I asked who was going to get dinner, and she said mother says she will get dinner, and I let them go. I said I thought her mother had quit doing anything,she said ^'no, she helps me cook. " So they went off, but never stopped at their sisters, but kept on to Wesley Pittman's instead. The lady Mary, in the room of going through the field, the usual foot way, Yrent round through the woods along the cut path. When they came back, I asked Ann why they did not stop at Lucy's ? Sbe said that her mother said they must go on with Mary Williford to Wesley's ; that if any body saw Mary and James Dorman going alone, they would talk about it. But my grand-daughter came back, and said that Liza tried to get her off to her uncle Wesley's, but they talked about me so bad she got mad and would not go with them ; that she despised them in her sight. I asked her what they said. She told me that x\[a,i'y "Willi- ford told James Dorman a great mess, how I had mistreated her and her mother, and James he said if he had a step-mother or a step-father like that, he would knock their heads off; and she said if I did not believe her, to go and ask her grand- mother. I asked her grand-mother, and she said that he did say it. — Then I said, I'll be d doireed if CO they ever come on my plantation again, if I don't kill James Dorman, sure ; and I'll whip Liza till she can't stand. I told old aunt Polly to tell her that if she was ixoinor [q sign that instrument of writing, as she promised, she might go off at once and find a home for herself, and be back to my house on Mon- day, as I would have the documents all ready for signing by Tuesday. !Now for a few words morCf sug- gested by that pallet. I first thought they would return that Sunday night, but somehow Liza had got wind of my expressed intention to kill Dorman, and " wear " her girl out, and they came not ; and it's well enough they didn't, for I took my double-barreled gun, loaded both barrels, and took a position where I knew they would pass in returning, resolved at the moment, that if Dorman put his foot over the fence, I would shoot him down; and as for Liza and her girl, I meant to whip them as long as they could stand the punishment. One night, about a week before she went away, Liza came into the room where I lay, undressed and got in bed. When she was fairly in, I raised my right arm and threw it over her ; and as I did so, she THE LIFE OF MICAJAK AKDERSOX. 43 suddenly jumped up in bed, and began to reel and catch her breath. I spoke to her and asked her what the matter was. As she made me no answer, I took hold of her, led her to the fire-place and put her down by the fire. I then spoke to her again, saying, " Liza, v/hat in \ the name of God is the matter with yon ? " She replied that she was dying, I begged her not to talk that way, as it hurt my feelings, but she still protested she was dying. I immediately caUed up one of my sons and bade him go for Dr. Strickland as fast as his horse j oould carry him. In the meantime I bathed her with camphor and pain- killer, and administered some of the latter internally. In a very short time the doctor came. He examin- ed her and prescribed something which he left in a vial. I think the i vial held about four table-spoonfuls. •. On the third day after this, the doc- ! tor again visited my house, this ; time to see my daughter, vrho wr.3 | very sick. The doctor and I were ; •sitting in the room with my daugh- ; ter, when Eliza came in and handed | the doctor the vial of medicine he had prescribed for herself three [ days before, and said, '■' Here, doc- ' tor, take this vial of stuff. " He ; asked her if she had taken any of it. She replied that she had once or twice. He enquired whether it did her any good, and she replied that she did not know, but anyway she wanted him to take it back, as it wouJd be to pay for. But the dector told her to keep it and take it,' and I suppose it did her good for she carried it with her when she left me. After that. Dr. Strickland told three or four persons that my wife was causing me to lead a very wretched life, and that he was very sorry for me, because I was " a fine old gentleman. " After advising Liza of the in- strument that I desired her to sign, she went ofi" and remained away from me seventeen days. In this time old aunt Polly Pittman died. — After old aunt Polly's death, there were found under her bed three or four armfuls of things that Liza and her daughter had toted over there from my house. And Ruffia said that the things fo'jnd under the bed were not all they had taken, for Liza had also carried off a bas- ket of blue cotton. L^pon this, I went right off to see Betsey Pitt- man about the blue cotton. She said the children told her that Liza had carried a basket of cotton there on Sunday evening,and put it under her bed, but as she was not there at the time, I ought not to blame her about it. I didn't tell her at the time whether I blamed her or not, but from what I am now going to say, I reckon she can guess my opinion of her : She had that cot- ton at her house ; she never told me it was there, she therefore concealed it from me as she had other rob- beries of Liza's. She was a con- cealer, and in my opinion, there's no difference between a concealer and a thief. As to Wesley Pitt- man and his family, I attach no 44 TEE lifj: of micajah AXDznsoy blame to them on account of Liza's conduct, for I believe they tried as hard as I did to check her in her villainous career. Now for what transpired during her seventeen days' absence. After she had been gone many days, I be- came so angry about her conduct generally, that I determined to lock my house against her, and that she should never enter it again, unless I was present to watch her. I did not intend to let her rob me and my poor motherless children any longer. On Saturday, when I went to Whitaker's turn-out, where I ad- vertised her, I stopped at the gate of Betsey Fountain, my wife's sis- ter, and called her to me. AVhen she came, I asked if she knew any-, thing of Liz 1 ; she replied in a very angry manner that she was there, and said she had heard that I had been talkins^ a sfreat deal about her. I told her I had said very much about her, but nothing that was not strictly true. I furcher told her that her sister was a thief and a robber, and said no more. The next day, Sunday, Liza went to Wesley Pittman's. Two of my grand-children were over there that day, and when they came home they told me who they had seen. I en- quired if they asked Liza when she was coming home. They said Liza told them that she was coming by home. I enquired who was with her, and they said Gus Parks. I took it for granted that she was coming by that evening, so taking a chair and my double-barreled gun I sought the shade of one of the oaks, about eight steps distant from ft'here I supposed they would drive up to, and waited events. My gun contained the very same charge I put in it to sho^t Dorman with, and I was r3Solved that when Parks drove up to forewarn him as to what the consequences would be, in the event he attempted to carry my wife from ray premises, and then if he did attempt to take her off, to kill him. I never was so angry in all my life. Thank the Lord they didn't come that night. But the next morning, Liza and Parks come walking up to the gate, which is. about three hundred yards from my house. Upon reaching the gate, Parks stopped, but she came on to- wards the house, and just before reaching it, halted and screamed out, *'I have come, ready to do whatever we are sjoinn; to do. " I then in- vited her into the house to the fire. She was bloated, and I told her that she looked like a stuffed frog, swollen up as she was with the devil in her. I then called for one of the boys and told him to go for La- fayette Legget to do the writing for us. Eliza here spoke up and said " that Gus Parks was out at the gate ; that he could write, and if he wasn't too big a loafer to be allowed in the house, he would do all the writing that was necessary." I told her that I didn't send for Gus Parks to do any business for me, and that so far as I was concerned, he might remain at the gate. She said the reason she had not come back home sooner, was be- THE LIFE OF MICAJAH AXDEESOy 45 cause when she got there, Gus Park's wife was dying, and after she was dead, her sister Betsey und Wesley Fountain were taken down sick, and she remained to wa't on i them. I then said to her, •' Sup- pose I had been down sick, who i was here to wait on me?" She! made no reply, and I observed to her that she had not half so much i respect for me as she had for my | old dog. I further remarked thiit I I had intended to give her a good whipping when she returned, but was out of that notion now. I \ rather thousjht she would ask what ; had put me out of this notion, but j she didn't. I told her there was one thing I wished her to do, name- ly : when she went to l]er church again to have my name taken from the church books, and substitute "whatever name she wanted. I didn't "want her to go there in my name any longer, for if she was right I was wrong, and vice vei^sa ; but I was just as sure that there was wrong in Liza as that there was a God in Heaven, and I prayed to the Lord, in her presence, that she might see the sin in her sinful self before it was too late. In a little while we separated, and now, before God, who knows ! the truth in our hearts, I would not have had the separation to occur for ten thousand worlds like this. Time and again, before she left me, I had determined to go to the church and narrate my troubles, but as often would my heart? fail me. — The last time she went to meetins: from my house, I was almost per- suaded to go with her, and acquaint the church wich her wicked con- duct, but somehow my resolution failed me, and I didn't go that time. However, I did go finally. When 1 went, I informed the church that my wife had never treated me as a wife ousiht to have treated her bus- band. When I made this state- ment ill the church, my wife got up to leave, I suppose, but some one caught hold of her and kept her in the church. In a short time after this, I saw the old man Jack-y Stamps, and narrated to him some of the difficulties between Liza and myself, and he advised me to see her and have a talk with her. Fol- lowing his advice, I called at Wes- ley Fountain's, where she lived, to see her. I first saw Betsey Foun** tain and told ter to tell Liza that I had come to have a talk with her. In a few minutes she came to me. I spoke to her in the most friendly manner in the world, but she, on her part, barel}^ took hold ot my hand. Her coldness so much affected me that I could not, for my life, keep from crying, and as the tears coursed down my furrowed cheeks, 1 said to her, " Liza, Lord bless your poor soul, — Lord bless your poor soul, Liza. '' I then told her that I had called for a friendly chat and not for a quarrel. I told her also that the doors of my house were open to her whenever she choose to return. To this, she re- plied, in a loud angry manner, that she would never live with me anoth- 46 TIlJ^ LIFE OF 2IICAJAU AXDFBSOX. er day of her life, because I had been saying hard tilings about her. She said that I had accused her of following Jiin Dorman off. I re- plied that if she didn't follow Jim Dorman, she vfent off with him to the same place and by the same road. I then asked her hovv' many shirts she had ever washed for me. She replied that she had w^ashed many a one. I exclaimed, *' What a pity 'tis, Liza, that you will tell such 1 fibs. " I said to her that when she left me, she turned her back on the best friend she ever had in her life. She proudly retorted that I was not the richest man in the world; that she had a man to stand to her back who had more money than I ever had. I replied that if she couldn't talk to me in peace and friendship, just as a wife oufrht to talk to her husband, I frished her never to speak to me airain. Here our conversation ended. I will now relate somethins: about an interview I had with Mr. John Purvis, on the fourth Sunday in April, at Cotton's meeting-house. After a little joking and bantering between us, Purvis observed that some people he knew reminded him pf a certain gentleman's dog. The gentleman was fond of bathing, and frequently when going into the water, w'ould try to coax his dog in with him ; but instead of following his master, this perverse canine would generally remain on the banks of the water, barking and howling for some time, and maybe at last — go in. Ju-^ so with certain human canines in regard to the church. — They stand off for a long time, and at last, perhaps, go in. To this I replied that as for myself, I had been kept out of the still waters of the church the past six years by a snapping slut ; bat that the wicked creature had not deprived me of my faith in the Lord, who was the foun- tain of livinn; waters. Now I must say soraethin;: as to my treatment at the hands of the church. In the lifetime of my second wife, long before I married Liza, I had been deeply concerned about the salvation of my poor soul, and felt the same concern up to the time of my marriage with Liza. — When that event occurred, I verily believed that I had secured a help- meet both as to worldly andspiritual concerns, but the sequal proves that I was fearfallv mistaken. But to the church. Well, I went there and gave in my experience, but without avail, being rejected on account of that deceitful and des- perately wicked woman. To-day I stand precisely w*here I did when I was rejected by the church. Poor, wretched, sinful Liza is afloat in the world, and never thinks of attend- ing church ; and I am not permitted to attend, and all on her account. Maj the God of all grace, for Christ's sake, pardon and forgive us all for our many misdeeds, is my humble and heartfelt prayer. I will now make some observa- tions on Liza's conduct after she left me : When she left my house, she went first to the neighborhood THE LIFE OF MICAJAH AXBEESOX, 47 that she had frequently visited be- fore I married her, and lived there about twelve months. On the eve of her departure thence, she told some of her neighbors that she was ; going away in order to get out of i hearing of me. And here I must I remark, with much heartfelt reluc- i tance, that when she left there, she j took all ot her meanness with her. She has forsaken her church, or I I suppose she has, as I am informed I that she has not been there since | last August. She couldn't go to meeting, but could go up to Rocky Mount, join the Union League, and put herself in the keeping of Spen- cer Fountain, chief cook and botile- washer, head and tail of the league in that section. And, by the way. Fountain makes a good thing of his connection with the league. I hear that he gets fifty cents a month from each colored member of his league, which, he says, is necessary to de- fray the expenses of burying the poor, and so forth. I thank the Lord that some of the colored peo- ple are beginning to find out this old wolf in sheep's clothing. As for Liza, she has found a master and mistress in this man Fountain. — Now she can "cook and do, " and they do say she can even wash, too. Methinks she acquired the latter accomplishment during her manipu- lations of her cousin Jim Dorman's • lousy shirt. Most of Fountain's visitors are negroes ; wherefore Liza's social enjoyments must be pe- culiarly pleasing to herself, for she always had a hankering for colored folks. In the life-time of her first husband, who was brother to Spen- cer Fountain, Liza and her husband lived with Spencer for a season, and of course had the best oppor- tunities for finding out the charac- ter of this great leaguer ; and I have heard her say that he cheated his own brother out of a whole year's work and fifry dollars, too, which he had loaned him. Her statement may be true, or it may not be true ; the fact is there's no telling any- thing in the world about it, lor be- twixt Liza snd Spencer Fountain, there's precious little difference, and I should say it is pull Dick, pull devil with them, as to which is the meanest, for they both belong to the L'nion League, which evidently comes from the devil ; and what comes from his satanic majesty must at some time return to that indi- vidual. I have now done. In this book I have been compelled to make known many things I could have wished to keep within the sacred precincts of my family circle, but no. other course has been left me, and repeat-* ins; the assertion that I have not been moved to this by any other feeling than a deep sense of justice to myself and children, I give this much of my life's history to the pub- lic, praying the indulgence of men wherein I have overstepped the bounds of propriety ; and freely ac- knowledging the many errors and sins of my life, I rest my case with justice, and resign myself to my i God, -who must at last judge and re- ward me according to my deeds and ' deserts. 1 THE END. ■'«*^' mj ■'[.^ W:- ■y¥; % THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLIND^A VCC6 • ; CS.' , •^ * *•• wiiiit -. .' . V 'iJ v',''--' "'■.'> ''''»4^' '' 5 u>.