>, * e&tEN0£8 # DAYS AND DAILY LESSONS OF THE YEAR A CATALOGUE OF THE OLER&Y %ii , t . immm CONFEDERATE STATES OE AMERICA, MONTGOMERY^ ADVERTtSEK BOOK AND JOU OFFICE. 1SG1. f s !■;& BAYS AND DAILY LESSONS OF THE YEAR A CATALOGUE OF THE CLERGY if CONFEDERATE STATES OE AMERICA. MONTGOMERY : ADYERTISER BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. 1861. This little pamphlet is sent to the Clergy of the C. S. A. by the Secretary of the P. E. Convention, held in October, at Columbia, S. C. The catalogue would have been an Appendix to the Journal of that Con" vention, if the Clergy-list of all the Dioceses had been obtained earlier. It is imperfect, but it is believed that it will be a convenience to the Clergy. 1862] JANUARY, XXXI DAYS. w r' o w FEASTS AND FASTS. MORNING LESSONS. EVENING LESSONS. 1 Feast. Cir. of our Lord Gen 17 1-15* Rom. 2 Deu. 10 v. 12 Col. 2 *■ 2 T Gen.l Matt. 1 Gen. 2 Roml 3 P Fast Friday. 3 2 4 2 4 5 3 6 3 Feast. 2d S. af. Christ. Isa. 41 Mark 1 1-16 Isa. 42 Heb 2 6 M Feast. Epiphany. Isa. 60 Rom 11 Isa. 49 John 2 1-12 7 T Gen. 9 Matt. 5 1-21 Genii Rom 5 8 W 12 5 v. 21 13 6 9 T 14 6 1-16 15 7 10 F Fast. Fr.day. 16 6v. 16 17 8 11 18 1-17 • 7 Matt. 2 v. 13 18 v. 17 9 12 Feast. 1st S. af. Epiph Isa. 44 Isa. 45 ICorS 13 M Gen. 21 1-22 8 v. 18 Gen 21 v. 22 Ro 11 14 T 22 91-18 23 12 15 W 24 1-32 9 v. 18 24 v. 32 13 16 T 25 1-19 10 25 v. 19 14 17 F Fast. Friday. 26 1-17 11 26 v. 17 15 18 a 27 1-30 12 1-22 27 v. 30 16 19 # Fea3t. 2d S. af. Epiph. Isa. 51 John 1 v. 29 Isa. 52 1-13 1 Cor 13 20 M Gen. 29 v. 15 Matt 13 1-31 Gen 30 1-25 1 Cor 2 21 r 30 v. 25 13 v. 31 31 1-25 3 '22 w 31 v. 25 14 32 1-24 4 23 T 32 v. 24 151-21 33 5 24 F Fast. Friday. [Apos. 34 15 v. 21 35 6 25 S Feast. Conv. St. Paul. Wis. 5 Acts 22 1-22 Wis. 6 Acts26 1-24 26 E Feast. 3d S. af. Epiph. Isa. 54 Matt. 4v. 12 Isa. 55 2 Cor. 4 27 M Gen. 40 17 Gen41 1-37 1 Cor. 8 28 T 41 v. 37 18 1-21 42 1-25 9 29 W 42 v. 25 18 v. 21 43 1-15 10 30 T 43 v. 16 19 44 1-14 11 31JF Fast. Friday. 44v.l4 201-17 45 1-16 12 * 1-15 indicates that the first 14 verses are to be read. All similar abbrevia- tions are to be interpreted in like manner. When a Sunday aud a Holy-day concur, if the Holy-day be the Superior Day, the Lessons for that day are given in the Table, except when they are taken from the Apocrypha ; in that case, the First Lessons for the Sunday are given in the Table, and the First Lessons for the Holy-day in a note at the foot of the page. FEBRUARY, XXVIII DAYS. [1862 The next Animal Convention of the Diocese of South Carolina meets in Charles- ton, the 2d Wednesday in February. McU 1862] MARCH, DAYS. p FEASTS AND FASTS. MORNING LESSONS. EVENING LESSONS. l S E M T W T F S Numll 1-24 Markl0v32 ! Num 11 v 24 Eph. 6 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 Feast Quinquagesima [of Lent. (1) Fast. Ash Wed. 1st d. Fast. 2d d. of Lent. (9.) Fast. 3d d. of Lent. Fast 4th d. of Lent. Lam. 1 ISTum 1.4 1-26 16 1-36 Isa. 59 Num 21 23 25 Jer. 7 Num 31 v25 35 Deu. 1 1-19 2 1-26 3 4 v 35 Mark 61-30 121-28 1 12 v28 Luke 6 v20' Mark 14 1-26 14v26 15 Lam. 3 1-37 Num. 14 v 26 16 v 36 Jonah 3 Num 22 24 27 Eph. 3 Phil. 2 2 Pet. 3 Col. 1 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 B M T W T F S Feast. 1st S. Lent. (3) Fast. 5th day of Lent. Fast. 6th day of Lent. Fast. Ember day. Fast. 8th day of Lent. Fast. Ember Day. Fast. Ember Day. Matt 10 Luke 1 1-39; 1 v39; 2 1-40 2 v40j 3 4 Jer. 9 Num. 32 36 Deu. 1 y 19 2 v 26 4 1-25 5 1-22 Eph. 4 1 Th. 1 2 3 4 5 2 Th. 1 16 17 18 19 * 20 21 22 B If T W T F S E M T W T F S 1 Feast. 2d S. in Lent. Last. 11th day of Lent. Fast. 12th day of Lent. Fast. 13th day of Lent. Fast. 14th day of Lent Fast. 15th day of Ledt. Fast. 16th day of Lent. Eze. 14 Deu. 7 9 11 13 15 17 LukelOl 2o' 6 1-20 6 y 20 7 1-36 7 v 36. 8 1 26 ! 8 v 26 Eze. 18 Deu. 8 10 12 14 16 18 Eph. 5 2 Th. 3 1 Timl 2, 3 4 5 6 23 24 25 26 i27 28 29 Feast. 3d S. in Lent Fast. 17th day of Lent Fast. An B. V. M. Fast, 19th day of Lent. Fast. 20th day of Lent.! Fast. 21st day of Lent. Fast. 22d day of Lent. Eze. 201-27 Deu 21 Ecu. 2 Deu. 24 26 28 1-15 29 Mark 9 1-30 Luke 9 v37 101-25 10v-25 i 11 1-29;| 11 y 29 12 Eze. 20 v 27 Deu. 22 Ecu. 3 Deu. 25 27 28 vl5 30 Eph. 6 2 Tim 2 3 4 Titus 1 2, 3 Philemon 30 31 M Feast. 4th S. in Lent. Fast. 23d day of Lent. Mic. 6 Deu. 33 Lukel9v28 !l Hab. 3 14 llDeu. 34 Phil. 1 Heb. 2 (1.) Ash "Wednesday. — Proper Psaljis, a. m., 6, 32, 38 ; p. m., 102, 130, 143. Special Praters before the General Thanksgiying. (2.) Lent. — The Collect for Ash Wednesday is said every day, after the Ccllec for the day. (3.) Ember Week. — One of the t\vo prayers " for those who are to be admitted into Holy Orders " is to be used daily during this week. APRIL, DAYS. [1862 FEASTS AND FASTS. MORNING LESSONS. EVENING LESSONS. 1 2 3 4 5 T W T F S E M T W T F S El M T W T F S E M T W T F S E M T W Fast. 24th day of Lent Fast. 25th day of Lent Fast. 26 tb day of Lent Fast. 27th day of Lent Fast. 28th day of Lent| Josh. 1 3 5 6 vl2 7 vl6 Luke 15 16 17 1-12 17 v20 18 1-31 Josh 2 4 61-20 7 1-16 8 1-14 Heb. 3 4 5 6 7 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 Feast. 5th S. in Lent Fast. 29 th day of Lent' Fast. 30rh day of Lent Fast. 31st day of Lent Fast. 32d day of Lent Fast. 33d day of Lent Fast. 34th day of Lent Hag. 2 1-10 Josh 10 1-15 10 v 28 22 v21 241-19 Jud. 1 1-22 2 1-11 Luke 21 191-28 19 v28 20 21 221-31 22v31 Zee. 13 Josh 10 15-28 22 1-21 23 24 v 19 Jud. 1 v 22 2 v 11 Phil. 3 Heb. 9 10 11 12 13 Jas. 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Feast. S. bef Easter. Fast. M. bef. Easter. Fast. Tu. bef. Easter. Fast. W. bef. Easter. Fast. Th. bef. Easter. Fast. Good Friday (1) Fast East. Ev. 40 d L Dan. 9 Dan. 10 111-30 11 v30 12 . Gen. 22 1-20 Zee. 9 Matt 26 John 14 15 llv45 13 10 Luke 23 v 50 Mai. 3 & 4 Hos. 11 12 13 Jer. 31 Isa 52 13 & 53 Exo. 13 Heb. 5 1-1 1 Jas. 3 4 5 IPetl Phil. 2 Heb. 4 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Feast. Easter D. (2) Feast. M. iu East, w Feast. Tu. in East. w. Feast of St. Mark Ev. [Fast Friday. Exo. 12 1-37 16 Isa. 261-20 Jud. 16 1-21 17 Ecu. 4 Jud. 19 1-22 Rom. 6 Matt 28 Luke 241-13 John 6v22 71-32 7v32 8 1-21 Exo. 12 v 37 Job 19 Isa. 12 Jud. 16 18 Ecu. 5 Jud. 19 v 22 Acts 2 v 22 3 2 Cor 5 2 Pet 2 3 1 Jno 1 2 27 2S 29 30 Feast. 1st S.af. Easter Isa. 43 Jud. 211-16 Ruth 1 3 1 Acts 1 John 9 10 1-22 10v22 Isa. 48 Jud. 21 v 16 Ruth 2 4 1 Cor 15 1 Jno 4 5 2, 3 John (1.) Good Friday.— PROrER Psalms, a. m., 22, 40, 54 ; p. m., 64, 88. (2.) Easter Day.— Anthems instead of the Venite. Proper Psalms, a. m., 2, 57, 111 ; p. m., 113, 114, 118. Proper Preface in the Communion Office. The Nicene Creed may with great propriety be said, at least, on this and the other high festivals, and on all holy days which relate to the Blessed Saviour. The next Annual Convention of the Diocese of Mississippi meets at Jackson, the 4th Thursday in April. 1862] MAY, XXXI DAYS. a fe & A T FEASTS AND PASTS. MORNING LESSONS. EVENING ] WESSONS. 1 Feast. St. Ph. & St. Ja. Ecu. 7 John 1 v 43 Ecu. 9 Jude 2 F Fast. Friday. [Apos. lSaml 11 1-301 1 Sam 2 1-22 Rom 1 8 S 2 v22 11 v30 3 2 4 Feast. 2d S af. Easter Hos. 13 Acts 3 Hos. 14 Col 1 6 M lSam6 John 12 v 20 1 Sam 7 Rom 4 6 1 8 13 9 5 'I W 10 14 11 6 8 T 12 15 13 7 9 1' Fast. Friday. 14 1-24 16 14 v 24 8 10 S s 15 17 16 9 11 Feast. 3d S. af. Easter Joel 3v 9 Acts 5 Mic. 4 Col 3 12 M 1 Sa. 18 John 19 1 Sa. 19 Ro. 11 13 L' 20 20 21 12 14 W 22 21 23 13 15 T 24 Acts 1 25 14 16 F Fast. Friday. 26 2 27 15 17 28 3 29 16 18 Feast. 4th S.af. Easter Mic. 5 Acts 6 Nab. 1 ITh. 3 19 M 2 Sam 1 4v23 2 Sa. 2 lCor2 20 T 3 5 1-17: 4 3 21 W 5 5 vl7 6 4 22 T 7 6 8 5 23 1' Fast. Friday. 9 71-30 10 6 24 E 11 7v 30 12 7 25 Feast. 5th S.af. Easter Zee. 8 Acts 8 v 5 Zee. 10 1 Th 4 26 M Fast. Rogation Day. 2 Sa.. 14 8v26 2 Sa. 15 lCor9 27 T Fast. Bogation Day. 16 9 1-23 1 17 10 28 W Fast. Rogation Day. 18 9 v23 19 1-16 11 29 T Feast. Ascension. (1.) 2 Ki. 2 Luke24v44;Deu 10 Eph 4 1-17 30 F Fast. Friday. 2Sa. 21 Acts 10 v 34' 2 Sa. 22 1 Cor 13 31 S 23 11 1-19J 24 14 (1.) Ascension Day. — Proper Psalms, a. m., 8, 15, 21 ; p. m., 24, 47, 103. Proper Preface in the Communion Office. The next Annual Convention of the Diocese of Louisiana meets in New Orleans, the 1st Wednesday in May ; of Alabama, at Mobile, the 1st Thursday in May ; of Georgia, at Atlanta, the Thursday after the 1st Sunday in May ; of Virginia, the 3d Wednesday in May. JUNE, XXX DAYS. [1862 A a E FEASTS AND FASTS. MORNING LESSONS. EVENING LESSONS 1 Feast. Saf Ascension Joel 2 Jbhn 17 (iZeph 3 |2 Th 31-17 2 M IE 2 1-26 Acts 12 1 Ki 2v 26 1 Cor 16 '6 T 3 13 1-14 4 |2 Cor 1 4 W 5 13 vl4 6 2 b T 7 14 1-19 8 3 6 F Fast. Friday. 9 14 v 19 10 4 '/ E 11 1-26 15 11 v26 5 8 Feast. Whit-Sun (1) Deu 161-18 Acts 4 1-36 Isa 11 Acts 19 1-21 9 M Feast. M. in Whit. w. Gen 11 1-10 1 Co 12 N T um 11 1 Cor 14 1-26 10 'i 1 Feast. T. in Whit. w. 1 Sa 19 v 18 1 Th 5 Den 30 Gal 5 11 w Feast. St. Barnabas. Ecu 10 Acts 14 Ecu 12 Acts 15 1-36 12 .1 Fast. Ember Day. 1 Ki 18 Acts 17 1-16 1 Ki 19 2 Cor 9 13 F Fast. Ember Day. 201-22 18 1-18 20 t 22 10 14 s Fast. Ember Day. 21 18 v 18 22 1-29 11 15 # (Feast. Trinity S. (2) Gen 1 Matt 3 Gen 2 1 Jno 5 lb Ml 2Ki 2 Acts 19 v 21 2Ki 3 2 Cor 13 L'-t T • 4 20 1-17 5 Gal 1 18 W 6 S 20 v 17 7 2 iy T 8 # 21 9 3 20 F Fast. Friday. 10 22 11 4 2 J S E 12 23 13 5 22 Feast 1st S af Trinity Gen 3 Acts 9 1-32 Gen 6 lTim6 2a M 2 Ki 16 25 2 Ki 17 1-24 Eph 1 24 T Feast Nativ St John Mai 3 Matt 3 Mai 4 Matt 14 1-13 25 W [Baptist 2 K 17 v 24 Acts 26 2Ki 18 Eph 2 •26 T !>-, 19 1-20 27 1-21 19 v 20 3 27 F Fast Friday 20 27 v 21 21 4 28 S 22 28 1-17 23 5 29 Feast St Peter, Ap (3) Gen 9 1-20 Acts 3 Gen 15 1-19 Acts 4 SO M [2d S af Trinity 2Ki 24 28 vl7 2Ki 25 Eph 6 (1) Whit-Sunday. — Proper Psalms, a. m., 48, 68; p. m., 104, 145. Proper Preface in the Communion Office. One of the two prayers "For those who are to be admitted into Holy Orders," is to be used daily during this week. (2) Trinity Sunday. — Proper Preface in the Communion Office. ,(3) The Second Lessons for the Sunday are, a. m., Acts 10, p. M., 2 Tim. 2. The Feast of St. Peter is the Superior Day. The next Annual Convention of the Diocese of Texas meets at Houston, the 1st Thursday in June. 1862] JULY, XXXI DAYS. a" B ' FEASTS AND FASTS. MOKNIK& LESSONS. EVENING LESSONS. l T Ezra 1 Matt 1 Ezra 3 Phil. 1 2 W 4 2 5 2 3 T 6 3 7 3 4 F Fast. Friday. 8v21 41-17 9 4 5 S Neh. 1 4vl7 Neb. 2 Col. 1 6 Feast. 3d S af Trinity Gen. 31 Acts 11 Gen. 42 2T3&4 1-9 'rf M Neh. 5 Matt 5 v 21 Neh. 6 Col. 3 8 T 8 6 1-16 9 4 y W 10 6 v 16 13 1-15 1 Th 1 Hi T 13 vlS 7 Esth. 1 o u F Fast. Friday. Esth 2 8 1-18 3 3 12 S 4 8vl8 5 4 IP, B Feast. 4th S af Trinity Gen-43 Es#. 8 Acts 14 Gen. 45 Tit 2&3 1-10 14 M Matt 9 vl8 Esth. 9 1-20 2Th 1 15 T 9 v20 10 Job 1 2 16 W JoW 2 W 4 11 3 3 17 T 12 1-22 5 1 Tim 1 18 b' Fast. Friday. 6 12 v 22 h 2, 3 19 S 8 131-31 9 4 20 Feast. 5th Saf Trinity. Gen. 49 Acts 15 Gen. 50 HeblO 21 M Job 12 Matt 14 1-22 Job 13 1 Tim 6 22 T 14 14v22 15 2 Tim 1 2y W 16 15 1-21 17 2 24 T 18 15 v21 19 3 25 F Feast. St. James, Ap. Ecu. 21 16 Ecu. 22 4 26 S E [Fast. Friday. Job 20 17 Job 21 Titus 1 27 Feast. 6th S af Trinity Exo. 3 Acts 17 Exo. 5 Hebll 28 M Job 24&25 Matt 18 v21 Job 26 Philemon 29 T • 27 19 1-16 28 Heb 1 yo W 29 19vl6 30 2 81 T 31 20 1-17 32 3 10 AUGUST DAYS. [1862 fi i p FEASTS AND FASTS. MORNING LESSONS. EVENING LESSON3. 1 Fast. Friday. Job 33 Matt 20 v 17 Job 34 Heb 4 2 s 35 21 1-23 36 5 3 E Feast. 7th S af Trinity Exo. 9 Acts 20 Exo 10 Heb 12 4 M Job 39 Matt 22 1-23 Job 40 7 5 T 41 22 v23 42 8 6 W Prov. 1 1-20 23 1-25 Prov lv 20 9 n T 1 2 23v25 3 10 8 F Fast. Friday. 4 24 1-29 5 11 y S 75 6 1-20 24 v 29 6 v20 12 10 Feast. 8 th Saf Trinity Exo 14 Acts 24 Exo 15 Heb 13 n M Prov 9 Matt 25 v 31 Prov 10 Jas 1 12 T 11 26 1-36 12 2 13 W 13 26 v36 141-16 3 il- T 14 v 16 m 15 1-21 4 ls F Fast. Friday. 15 v 21 28 16 5 16 S E 17 1-15 Mark 1 V 17 vl5 1 Pet 1 17 Feast. 9th S af Trinity Xum 16 Acts 26 Num 22 Jas 1 18 M Prov 20 Mark 3 Prov 21 1-17 1 Pet 3 19 T 21vl7 41-26 22 1-17 4 2 w 22vl7 4 v26 23 1-22 5 21 T 23v22 5 1-21 24 2 Pet 1 22 F Fast. Friday. 25 5 v 21 26 2 23 S 77 27 6 1-30 28 3 24 Feast of St. Bart, Ap Num 23 Acts 28 Num. 24 Jas 2 25 M [10th S af Trinity Prov 29 Mark 7 1-24 rov 31 1 Jno 2 26 T Ecc 1 7 v24 Ece 2 3 27 W 3 8 1-27 4 4 28 T 5 8 v27 6 5 29 V Fast. Friday. 1 9 1-30 8 2, 3, John 30 S A' 9 9 v30 10 Jude 31 Feast. llthS af TrinJ Deu. 4 1-14 Matt 18 Deu. 5 Jas 3 1862] SEPTEMBER, XXX DAYS. II J3 n M FEASTS AND FAST;?. MORNING LESSONS. EVENING LESSONS. 1 Jer 1 Mark 10 v 32 Jer £ 1-20 Rom 2 2 T 2 v20 11 3 3 3 W 41-19 12 1-28 4 v 19 4 4 T 5 12 v 28 6 5 5 F Fast. Friday. 7121 J IS 7 v21 6 6 S 8 141-26 9 7 7 E Feast. 12th Saf Triii. Deu. 6 Matt 20 Deu 7 Jas 4 8 M Jer 12 Marls 15 Jer 13 Rom 9 y T 14 16 15 10 iu W 16 Luke 11-39 17 11 11 T 18 lv 39 19 12 12 1?' Fast Friday. 20 2 1-40; 21 13 IS 22 2 v 40! Deu 23 9 14 14 Feast. 13th S afT.(l) !Deu 8 Matt 23 Jas 5 15 M Jer 26 Luke 4 Jer 27 Ro 16 16 T 28 5 29 1 Cor 1 17 W Fast. Ember Day. 30 61-20 31 o 18 T 32 6 v20 33 3 19 F Fast. Ember Day. 34 71-36 35 4 20 S E Fast. Ember Day. 36 7v36 37 5 21 Feast of St. Matt. Ap Deu 33 Matt 25 Deu 34 1 Pet 4 a*2 M [14th Saf Trinity Jer 38 Luke 8v26 Jer 39 1 Cor 7 1 23 T 40 9 1-37 41 8 24 W 42 9 v37 43 9 345 T 44 10 1-25 45 &46 10 26 F Fast. Fridav. 47 10 v25 48 1-25 11 2'i S 4Sv25 11 1-29 49 1-23 12 28 E Feast. 15th S afTrin Jos 23 Mark 4 Jos 24 |l Pet 2 29 M Feast of St. Mic'land Gen 32 Acts 121-20 Dau 10 v 5 Jude 5-16 30 T [All Angels Jer 50 v 21 Luke 13 Jer 1-35 1 Cor 15 (1.) Ember Week. — One of the two prayers " For those who are, to be admitted infed Holy Orders " is to be used daily during this week. 12 OCTOBER, XXXI DAYS. [1862 H >. P p W FEASTS AND FASTS. MORNING LESSONS. EVENING LESSONS. 1 « Jer 51 v 35 Luke 14 Jer 52 1 Cor 16 '1' Lam 1 15 Lam 2 2 tori 3 F Fast: Friday., 3 1-37 16 3v 37 2 4 8 4 17 1-20 5 3 5 E Feast. 16 tli S. af Trin. Judg 4 Mark 13 Judg 5 1 Pet 3 b &1 Eze 3 La. 18 1-31 Eze 6 2 Cor 5 'I T 7 18v31 13 6 8 W 14 19 1-28 18 1-19 7 y 'V 18 v 19 19v28 33 1-21 8 iu F Fast. Friday. 33 v 21 20 34 9 n 8 Dan 1 21 Dan 2 1-24 10 12 Zi Feast. 11th S af Trin. 1 Sa 12 Luke 13 1 Sa 17 1 Pet 4 18 M Dan 4 22 v 31 Dan 5 2 Cor 12 14 T 6 23 7 13 15 W 8 27 9 Gal 1 16 T 10 John 1 1-29 11 2 17 F Fast. Friday. 12 1 v29 Hos 1 3 18 S Ecu 51 2 Job 1 4 19. Feast. 18th S af. Trin 2Sal2 Lu. 15 2Sa 19 1 Pet 5 20 M Hos 5 John 3v22 Hos 6 Gal 6 21 T 7 4 8 Eph 1 Tl YV 9 5 10 2 23 T 11 6 1-22 12 3 24 M Fast. Friday. 13 6v22 14 4 25 S Joel 1 71-32 Joel 2 1-15 5 20 /•; Feast. 19th S. af Trin 1 Ki 8 1- -22 Lu 20 1 Ki 8 22-62 2 Pet 1 27 M Amos 1 John S 1-21 Amos 2 Phil 1 28 T Feast of St. Sim. & St Job 24 & 25 8 v 21 Job 42 2 29 W [Jude Amos 3 9 Amos 4 3 30 T 5 10 1-22 6 4 31 P Fast. Friday. 7 10 v 22 8 Col 1 [1862 NOVEMBER, DAYS. 13 w |s a S FEASTS AND FASTS. MORNING LESSONS. EVENING LESSONS. 1 Feast. All Saints. Wis. 3 1-10 H. 11,32-12,1-7 Wi|\j^tf ^8W »1-17 2 E Feast. 20th S af Trin. 1 Ki 17 John 3 ^IjK^J» *£ftl c 3 M Jonah 1 llv30 J7>nah2 Col. 1 4 T O 12 1 2» 4 4 5 rt Mic 1 12v20 Mic 2 1 Th 1 6 r (1) 3 13 4 2 7 F Fast. Friday. o 14 6 3 8 S 7 15 ] Nah 1 4 9 Feast. 21st S. af Trin 2Ki 5 Jot a 7 2 Ki 19 2 Pet o to M Hab 1 17 !Hab 2 2 Th 1 11 T S 18 Zep 1 2 12 M Zep 2 19 3 3 13 J' Hag 1 20 Hag 2 1 Tim 1 14 F Fast. Friday. Zee 1 21 Z?c 2 2 &3 15 3 Acts 1 4 4 16 Feast. 22d S. af. Trin Dan 6 John 8 Dan 7 1 John 1 17 M Zee 7 Acts 3 Zee 8 lTira 6 18 T 9 4 1-23 10 2 Tim 1 19 W 11 ' 4v 23 12 o 20 'I' 13 5 1-17 14 3 21 F Fast. Friday. Mai 1 5 vl7 Mai 2 4 22 11 3 6 4 Titus 1 23 Feast. 23d S. af Trin Prov 1 John 9 Prov 2 1 John 2 24 M Isa 3 Acts 7 v 30 Isa 4 Philemon 25 T 5 8 1-26; 6 Heb 1 26 W 7 8 v 26 8 2 27 T 9 9 1-23 10 1-20 o 28 F Fast. Friday. 10 v 20 9 v 23 11 4 29 S 12 10 1-34 13 5 SO 81 M Feast. Advent S. (2) Isa 1 [St. And., Apos | Luke 1 1-39 Isa 2 Rom (1„) Thanksgiving Day, unless some other day be appointed by the Civil Au- thority. Special Sentences : Psalm instead of Venite : One of the Selections ; Lessons, Deuteronomy 8 ; 1 Thessalonians 5, 12 to 24. Special Thanksgiving, after the General Thanksgiving ; Collect, Epistle and Gospel. (2.) Advent— The Collect for the first Sunday in Advent is repeated daily in Advent after the Collect for the day. 14 DECEMBER, XXXI DAYS. [1862 e M T FEASTS AND FASTS. MORNING LESSONS. EVENING LESSONS 1 2 K^W ^^^Vls^ Isa 14 16 Acts 111-19 11 v 19 Isa 15 17 Heb 7 8 6 4 >.V T f*++* &+£ > 18 20&21 12 13 1-14 19 22 9 10 b [•' Fast. Friday. 23 13 v 14 24 11 6 s 25 14 1-19 26 12 7 E Feast. Sd S in Adv. Isa 5 Luke 1 v 39 Isa 24 Rom 12 8 M 29 Acts 15 30 J.mes 1 y T 31 16 1-14 32 2 10 ii W T 3£*^ 33 35 16 v 14 17 1-16 34 36 3 4 12 1?' Fast, Friday. 37 17 v 16 38 5 IS S J2 39 18 1-18 40 1 Pet 1 14 Feast 3d SafAdv (1) Isi 25 Luke 3 1-19 Isa 28 l-23|Rom 14 15 M 43 Acts 19 1-21 44 1 Pet 3 16 T 45 19v21 46 4 1*7 W Fast. Ember Day. 47 20 1-17 48 5 18 T 49 20 v 17 50 2 Pet 1 19 F Fast. Ember Day. 51 21 52 2 20 S Fast. Ember Day 53 22 54 3 21 E Feast. 4th S in Adv! Isa 30 Matt 3 1-13 |Isa 82 1 Cor 1 22 M [St. Thos. Ap 55 Acts 24 56 1 Jno 2 23 T 57 24 58 3 24 W 59 26 60 4 25 T Feast. Christmas (3) 9 1-8 Luke 2 1-15 7 10-17 Tit 3 4-9 26 F Feast. St Steph M (3) Pro 7 28 Ac 6 v 8, 7 L30 Ecc 4 Acts7 30-55 27 S E Fe. St. John Ev. Ecc 5 Rev 1 6 Rev 22 28 Feast. Holy Innocents Isa 35 Luke 2 v 25 Isa 40 1 Cor 2 29 M [1st S af Christ. 61 Acts 27 1-21 62 2 John SO T 63 28 1 17 64 3 John 31 W 65 28 v 17 66 Juie (1.) Ember Week. — One of the two prayers " For those who are to be admitted into Holy Orders," is to be used daily during this week. (2.) Christmas Day.— Proper Psalms, a.m., 19, 45, 85; p. m , 89, 110, 132- Proper Preface in the Communiou Office. (3.) Christmas Week. — The Collect for the Nativity is saiQ daily until New Year's Eve, after the Collect for the day. 15 CATALOGUE AND P. 0. ADDRESS — OF THE — Clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church, C, S. A. a/zq/zA. it Consecrated. : Wm. Meade, DD., of Virginia Millwood. 1829 James H. Otey, DD., LLD., of Tennessee.. Memphis. 1834 Leonidas Polk, of Louisiana New Orleans. 1838 Stephen Elliott, DD., of Georgia Savannah. 1841 John Johns, DD., Ass't of Virginia Theo. Sem. 1842 Wm. M. Green, DD. of Mississippi Jackson. 1858 Francis H. Rutledge, DD., of Florida Tallahassee. 1851 Thomas F. Davis, DD., of S. C Camden. 1853 Thomas Atkinson, DD., of North Garolina. ."Wilmington. 1353 Alexander Gregg, DD., of Texas Austin. 1859 Renvj C. Lay, DD., of Southwest. , Ft. Smith, Ark 1859 16 JfeA%fe<£A and (BeaconA. Postoffice, Adams, John C, Deacon Carrollton, Miss. Adams, Wm. F ."Woodville, Miss. Ambler, C E Charlestown, Va Ambler, T M Williamsburg, Va Andrews, C W, DD Soepherdstown, Va Applegate, Thomas, (absent on leave). . . .Scotland. Arthur, Thomas S Greenville, S C Anderson, X. G Clarendon, S. C. Bacon, Thomas S Nachitoches, "La Baker, Francis M. Bichmond, Va. Bannister, John M •. .Huntsville, Ala. Barber, R. W., Miss Wilkesboro', N. C. Barber, Samuel S Mocksville, M C Barnard, F A P, LL.D Oxford, Miss Barnwell, R W, Jr Columbia, S C Barr, D E Bartley, William M Winchester, Tenn Barton, OS Warrenton, Va Barton, Theodore B Georgia Beard, Thomas J .Demopolis, Ala Beckwlth, Jr ■. Greenville, Miss Bellinger, E E Waltsboro', S C Belmond, R S Helena, Ark Benedict, Samuel .Marietta, Ga Benton, A Marlboro', 1ST C Berkley, F F Winterham, Va Binet, William . . „ Bland, Charles T Lincolnton, N C Boyd, Frederick W Natchez, Msss Boyden, E Cobham Deput, Va Brown, E P St Simon's Island, Ga Brown, R T Brown, R T, Cheraw, S C Brown, F R Austin. Texas Butler, William C Richmond, Va Burton, William H Corinth, Miss Buxton, Jarvis Asheville, N C Campbell, J B , Charleston, S C Cannon, J P Clarksville, Tenn Carraway, OS Old Church, Va Castleman, R A Sturgeonville, Va Christian, William D Carrolton, Pickens Co, A Cheshire, Joseph B, DD. Tarboro' N C 17 . Chevers, ML Old Point Comfort, Va Clarke, William H Augusta, Ga Clarke, John T Talcott, Va Clark, George H Oholnia, Miss Clute, RF. , Cobbs, R A Union Town, Ala Cobbs, RH Greensboro', Ala Cofer, James M. . . „ Foust Depot, Va Cole, John Culpepper C. H., Va Coleman, John, DD Columbus, Miss Coley Charles H Savannah, Ga ^^-Colhoun, J B Oxford, N C Collins, C F Sharon, Tenn Colton, Chauncey, DD Eastville, Va Cook, Thomas A Talladega, Ala Cooke, John JEtna, Va Cornish, A. H • Pendleton, S C Cornish, John H Aiken, S C Cosby, John Boydton, Va — Crane, W. C Jackson, Miss, — -Cushman,G.F., D.D Cahaba, Ala. Curtis, J. M Camden, Ark. Curtis, M. A., D. D Hillsboro', N. C. Dalzell, W. T. D Houston, Texas. Dame, G. W Danville, Va Damus, F. W Vicksburg, Miss Dana,C.B., D. D Port Gibson, Miss Dashiell, T. G Richmond, Va Davenport, S. D Corpus Christi, Texas Davis, D. 0. T Charlottesville, Va Davis, R. T .Orange C't House, Va Davis, Tho's F. Jr Camden, S C Dehon, Wm Charleston, S C Denniston, Ed Chattanooga, Tenn Derby, Charles A Benton, Ala Dobb, Alexander F Eutaw, Ala Doughen, Jas Lynchburg, Va Douglas, W. K "Washington, Miss Dowe, Caleb Alexandria, La Downing, EH Kirkwood, Miss ""Drane, R B, D D Wilmington, N C Drayton, John G , Charleston, S C Duncan, Tho's Markham, Va Dunn, BS N Orleans, La Dunn, J Wood Franklin, La Easter, Jno D, Ph D Rome, Ga — -Eaton, Benjamin Galveston, Texas Ebham, Luther Bath, N C Elliott, Jas H Charleston, S C Elliott, John H Wilton, SC Elliott, Stephen Pocotaligo, S C Ellis, W J Tallahassee, Fla Elwell, Fred Brandon, Miss Eppes, Wm E Clarkesville, Ga Everhart, G M Charlotte, N C Fell, John R Charleston, S C Fielding, John Beaufort, N C Fisher, Andrew ." Durottsville, Va ■-.-Fitzgerald, Fred Raleigh, N C 18 Fontaine, Ed Jackson, Miss Forbes. E M Elizabeth City, N C Ford, E E.DD Augusta, Ga Fox, Jas A Bovina, Miss Freeman, A F Atlanta, Ga Friend, Win Port Royal, Ya Fulton, John N Orleans, La Gadsden, Philip Summerville, S C Gadsden, CP.. Charleston, S C Galusha M H Poplar M't, Va Garfield, N L Bay oh Sara, La Gatewood, R Richmond, Va **"Geer, Edwin Washington. N C Gallagher, Peyton NC George, Jas H Griffin, Ga Gholson, John Y .Union Town, Ala Gib-on, C J \ Petersburg, Va Gibson, Jas D Bovina, Miss Gierlow, John Baton Rouge, La Gillette, Charles Austin, Texas Gilliam, E W Leaksville, N C Girardeau, Tho's J N Santee, S C Girault, J F N Orleans, La Glennie, Alex Georgetown, SC Goodrich, Charles, DD N Orleans. La Goodwin, F D Wytheville, Va Goshorn, J M Columbus, Texas Grammar, John, D D .Halifax C House, Va Gray, John B Elyton, Ala Gray, W C .Bolivar, Teim Green, J M Charleston, S C Greene, Jas S. ..... . Fayette, Miss Greene, Wm W „ . . . .Drapersville, Va Griffin John Amherst, Va Guerry, L F Pineville. S C Guiou, E N Orleans, La Habersham, BE Clarnedon, S C Hackett Otis Lake Village, Ark Hains, C J; Saluda, Va Halste , Benjamin Lexington, Miss Hanckel, Christian, DD Charleston, S C Hanckel, J S Camden, S C Hanckel, Wm H Gadsden, S C HansbSrough, J. S Gareysville, Va Hanson, F R Macon, Ala Hanson, Win D Harding, Israel Bath, N C HaughtO'-., Thomas J Salisbury, N C Harison, Wm H Augusta, Ga Harlow, WD Nashville, Tenn Harris, G C Harrison, John A Jackson, Tenn — -Hawks, Wm N Columbus, Ga Hawley , F J, D D N Orleans, La Hedges, C S, D D N Jrleans, La Henderson, M H, D D Athens, Ga Herrick, Osgood E Key West, Florida — ^Hewitt, Horatio H Jacksonville, Fla Hildebrand, Jas S, DD Ashwood 19 Billiard, Francis TV Chapel Hill, N C ---Hines, Richard Memphis, Tenn Hodges, Wm. D D , Warrenton, N C Holmes, Lucian Asheville, N C Howard. R T Georgetown, S C Howe, Wm B Charleston, S C —Hubbard, FM.DD Chapel Hill, N C - -—Hughes, N Collin Hendersonviile, N C Humes, TW Knoxville, Tenn Hunt, G H : . Nashville, Tena Hunt, John J Marie ta, Ga Hunter, Joseph Peedee, S C Hunter, Wm C ' Goldsbo.o', N C Hudson, A J M Co > Ismouth, Va Huske, J C Fayetteville, N C Hutchinson, J T Fairfield, S C Hyatt, Nat South Santee, S C Hyland, W L Parkersburg, Va Jacobs, Wm F M Hampton, Va Jarratt, James S Montgomery, Ala Jenkins, P G Rentowles, S C Jessup, L Y Jefferson City, La Johnson, Benj Abbeville C II, S C Johnson, Richard Rol>er sville, 8 C Johnson. Wm Edisto Island, S C Johnston, James T Alexandria, Va .— -nJohnslon, Samuel J, D D Edenton, N C Jones, Clement F, D D Glenn Springs, S C Jones, Jos R Millwood, Va Jones, L H San Antonio, Texas Keith, P Trapier Charleston, S C Kennedy, S W Belleyue, N C Keppler. Henry S Richmond, Va -'Kerr, David Arkacb Iphia, Ark Kidney, John S Society Hill. SC Kinckle, Wm H , Lynchburg, Va Kinsolving, A Middlebuig, Va Lacey. Wm B, D D Okoloua. Miss Lance^ L C Charleston, S C Lance, M H Georgetown, S C Laney, S D Columbus, Ga Latane, J A Staunton, Va Lawson, T B Bastrop. La Leacock, W T, D D New Orleans. La Leavell, Wm T Kabletown, Va Lee, F B Carlowville, Ala Lee, Hemy T Livonia, La Lee, John R Martinsville, Va Leverett, Charles E Beaufort, S C Lewis, D S, D D St. Francisville, La Lightbourne, F J Jackson, N C Lippitt, E R Alexandria, Va Locke, Thomas E Oak-Grove, Va Logan, EC Charleston, S C Lord, W W, D D Vicksburg, Miss Lucas, Thomas N Maclure, Edward Memphis, Tenn McCollough, J D Unionville, S C McCoy, A D New Orleans, La 20 McElheran, David. . Charleston, S MeGuire, E B . Loretto, Va MeGuire, F H Boydtown, Va MeGuire, John P Theo. Sem., Va MeGuire, VVm Macauley, Geo . , Albany, Ga ' McRae, C F Savannah, Ga Mackenheimer, G L Fredericksburg, Va McManus, B Fayetteville, Ark Mann, Charles Gloucester C H, Va Marshall, AW Charleston, S C Martin, T F Tye River Warehouse, Va Mason, R H Raleigh, N C -Mason, R S, D D ,. . .Raleigh, N C Mason, R R Columbia, Va Massey, J A Mobile, Ala May, James, DD Theo. Sem., Va Mayer, G W . .. Poplar Mount, Va Meade, R K Charlottesville. Va Mellichamp, Stiles. James Island, S C Menseos, A Greensboro', Ala Meredith, W C Curdsville, Va Meredith, Jaquelin M. Darien, Ga Michell, T H Fort Chadbourne, Texas Miles, James W Charleston, S C Miller, A A.- St. Augustine, Fla Miller, B M Church Hill, Miss Miller, Win „ Bastrop, La Minnegerode, C,DD Richmond, Va Mitchell, Jno M Montgomery, Ala Monges, H B Seguin, Texas Moore. Augustus Mar's Bluff S C Moore, James Lewisbnrg, N C Morrelle, Daniel Wilmington, N C Morris; Thomas A. . . Winchester, Tean Morrison, James H,DD Lawrenceville, Va •Mott, T S W Raleigh, N C Mowbray, W , Greenville. Tenn Mower B F Cheney ville, La Murdaugh EC Cabin Point, Va Murphy, Jos W Scuppernoug, N C Neely, John Augusta, Ga Nelson. Win M Charlottesville, Va Nevins, R D Tuscaloosa, Ala Nichols, E A Pilatka, Fla Nicholson, J J „ .Mobile, Ala Norton, Geo H Alexandria, Va Norwood, W, DD Obear, Josiah Winnsboro,' S C Okeson, N A Norfolk, Va Olmstead, AF Chester, SC Owen, John San Augustine, Texas Ozanne, Thomas D Shieldsboro', Miss Packard, Joseph, DD Theo. Sem., Va Patterson, George Lake Scuppernong, N C Pendleton, W H Forest Depot, Va Pendleton, WN, DD Lexington, Va Perdue, Wm J Camden, Ala Perkins, E T Wheeling, Va ?e 21 5 erry, G B, D D. LL D. Natchez, Miss Peterkin, Joshua, D D Richmond Va Phillips, HL ....Charleston, S Phillips, R H Staunton, Va Phillips, S F Ala Phillips, WE Donaldsonville, La Philson, James Bayou Goula, La Philson, John Rosedale, La Pickett, J T Pierce, Henry N. Mobile, Ala Pinckney, C C, Jr Charleston, S C Pinkerton, S J Darien, Ga Pise, David, D D Coumbia, Tenn Piatt, fm H Petersburg, Va Porter, M Toomer Charleston, S C Potter, W T Beaufort, S C Powell, John D Jefferson, Va Prentiss, Wm Charleston, S C Presbury, Willard . . Earley Grove, Miss Pringle, J M Columbia, S C Prout, H H Williamsboro', N C Pryse, JT , Savannah, Ga Purdy, E J Washington, Ark Quinby, J H Charleston, S C Quintard, C T ... Nashville, Tenn Randolph, AM Fredricksburg, Va Ranney, EH Seguin, Texas Reed, Edward Flat Rock, N C Rees, Henry K Macon, Ga ,-Ridley, J J, D D .. . .. .Knoxville, Tenn Ridout, Samuel Scottsville, Va Robert, P G Smithfield, Va Roberts, J J Stateburg, S C Roberts, S C .' . "Morganton, N C Robertson, J M Huntsville, Ala Rodman, E M Norfolk, Va Rogers, JW LaGrange, Tenn Rottenstein, George Port Gibson, Miss Rowland, John Williamsport, La Royce. Moses S Franklin, Tenn Rucker, LP Texas Russell, A B Shreveport, La Sams, B B .'.'.. Charleston, S C Sams, J J " " Sandels, John Fort Smith, Ark Sansom, Henry, DD Mobile, Ala Saul, James Richmond, Va Saunders, WT Apalachicola, Fla Savage, T S Livingston, Miss Scott, H R , Hampstead, Va Scott, J J, D D Pensacola, Fla Scott, W Parker Zazoo City, Miss .^Scull, WD Marianna, Fla Seabrook, JJR Adams' Run, S C Seely, R S Washington, Texaa Shand, P J Columbia, S C Shaver, D Breham, Texas Shepherd, J A Montgomery, Ala Shindler, R D .Ripley, Miss 22 Sill-, Grfeorge W . . Pass Christian, Miss -""Skiles, AV W Valle Crucis, N C Skinner, H A Edenton, N C Slaughter, Phillip , Mitchell's StatioD, Va ""-Smedes, Aldert, D D Raleigh, N C Smedes, J E Clinton, La Smith, A 8 Norfolk, Va Smith , G A Alexandria, Va Smith, J BT Florence, Ala Smith, James F .Lowndesboro', Ala Smith, L L Nashville, Term Smith, S.tf. .„ Livingston, Ala Smith, T L . Kanawha, Va Smyth, Tfl Weston, Va Smythe, W H Phillips Co, Ark Snowden, WE . . Hertford, N C Sparrow, Wm, D D Theo. Sera., Va Spencer, Joseph, D D Jackson, Miss Sprigg, D Francis Alexandria, Va Staley, T J Savannah, Ga Standenmayer, L R „ St. Augustine, Fla Stevens, P F . . Black Oak, S C Stewart, George Enterprise, Miss Stickney, W A Marion, Ala .,^-«-"Stickney, George W Houma, La Stoney, James. Yorkville, S C Stout, W C Hawkstown, Ark Stringfellow, Horace Verdon, Va Suter, Henderson Berry ville, Va Sutton, R B , Pittsburg, N C Taylor, J W. Orangeburg C H, S C -"■Taylor, Lewis , Oxford, N C Temple, H W L Miller's Tavern, Va "'Thackara. P Fernandina, Fla Ticknor, Jame^ H Selma, Ala Tillinghast, J* H Rutherfordton, N C Tizzard, A B. Winterpeck, Va Thomas, CW. Ga . TowL s, John. Goliad, Texas, Trader, TRB .Thibordeaux. La Trapier, Paul Camden, S C Trapier, R S. Johns' Island, S C Treadway, Amos C Lake Washington, Miss Trimble, R W Pine Bluff, Ark Vallas, Anthony, Ph D .Alexandria, La „_-Van Antwerp, Daniel D .Beaufort, N C Vaux, Wm „ Loudon, Teun Vaughan, Maurice H Elizabeth City, N C Vaulx, J LaGrange, Tenn Voigt, L N Athens, Miss Wade, Anderson. Charles City C H, Va Waddill, J Cooper Pushmataha, Ala Wagner, E A .Marshall, Texas Wainwright, J A Wilmington, N C Walker, Lewis Sublett's Tavern, Va Walker, Cornelius, D D .Alexandria, Va Walker, C Bruce Columbia, S C Walker, E T .Beaufort or Charleston.SC Walker, J R, D D.. Fort Motte, S C 23 Wall, Henry „ Portsmouth, Va Ward, Wm N Rappahanock. Va Walters, Cyrus Windsor, N C Watson, A A Newberu, 2s C Welch, J V Grahamville, S Weller, M L Hernando, Miss Wei more, George B Mocksville, N C We „ruore, WE Newberne, N C Whar.on, D M Westmoreland C H, Va Wharton, John A Liberty, Va Wharton, L B. Drake's Branch Depot, Va —Wheat, J C Staunton, Va _~Wheat, J T, D D Little Rock, Ark Wheelock, John A Gainesville, Ala White, George, D D Memphis, Tenn Wigfall, Arthur Grahamville, S C Williams, George T Suffolk. Va WilLams, Wm C Savannah, Ga Williams, WW Leesburg, Va Wilmer, George T, D D Pittsylvania C H, Va Wilmer, R H, D D Richmond, Va Wingfield, J H Portsmouth, Va Wingfield, J H, Jr Withers, Edmund Lancaster C H, Va Woodbridge, George Richmond, Va Diocesan Officers. ALABAMA. — Standing Committee. — Rev. J. M. Mitchell, President : Rev. Geo. F. Cashman, DD., Secretary; Rev. J. H. Ticknor, and Messrs. J. D. Phelan, A. R. Bell, and Samuel G.Jones. Secretary and Treasurer of Convention. — Henry A. Tayloe, Macon, Marengo County. Treasurer of Diocesan Missions. — Thomas W. McCoy, Mobile. FLORIDA — Standing Committee. — Rev. Messrs. A. A. Miller, J. J. Scott, DD., W. J. Ellis, and W. E. Eppes, and Messrs. J. Beard, F. Eppes, R. Gam- ble, T. Hayward, and J. H. Randolph, Secretary of Convention, — F. Eppes, Esq., Tallahassee. Treasurer of the Diocese. — T. Hayward, Esq., Tallahassee. GEORGIA — Standing Committee. — Rev. W. H. Harison, President ; Rev. W. C. Williams, Rev. Samuel Benedict, Messrs. E. F. Campbell, B. Conley, C. Dwelle. ecretary of the Convention. — Rev. W. C. Williams. pcasurer of the Diocese. — J. M. Guerard, Esq., Savannah. LOUISIANA— Standing Committee.— Rev . Drs. W. T. Leacock, C. S. Hed£.e3, C. Goodrich, and Messrs. J. Grimshaw and T. I. Dix. Secretary of the Convention. — Rev. John Fulton. Treasurer of the Convention. — Thomas I. Dix, New Orleans. 24 MISSISSIPPI— Standing Committee.— Rev. W. W. Lord, DD., Rev.C. W. Crane, and Messrs. W. C. Smedes and John Duncan. Secretary atid Treasurer of Ike Convention. — Rev. W. C. Crane. Treasurer of the Diocese. — Col. John Duncan, Jackson. NORTH CAROLINA.— Standing Committee.— Rev. Drs. R. S. Mason, F. M. , Hubbard, Aldert Smedes, Hon. JohnM. Bryan and Geo. W. Mordecai. Secretary of the Convention. — Edward L. Winslow, Fayetteville. Treasurer. — Charles T. Haigh, Fayetteville. SOUTH CAROLINA.— Standing Committee.— Rev. C. Hanckel, DD., President; Rev. C. P. Gadsden, Secretary ; Rev. Messrs. P. T. Keith, J. B. Campbell, ¥m, Dehon, Dr. J. M. Campbell, and Messrs. J. H. Ladson, H. D. Lesesne, Edward McCrady, W. E. Martin. Secretary of Conve>itio?u-~Gen. W. E. Martin, Charleston. Treasurer. — C. E. B. Flagg. TENNESSEE— Standing Committee.— Rev. D. Pise, DD., President; Rev. C T. Quintard, Secretary ; Rev. W. H. Harlow and Messrs. F. B. Fogg and J. B. Craighead. Secretar/i of Convention. — Rev. Richard Hines. Treasurer. — Win. B. Richmond, Memphis. TEXAS—Standmg Committee,— Rev. B. Eaton, President; Rev. Messrs. W. T. D. Dalzell and Chas. Gillette, and Messrs. W. J. Hutchings and Farris, Secretary, Galveston. Secretary of Convention, — Rev. L. H. Jones. Treasurer. — S. M. Swenson, Austin. VIRGINIA— Standing Committee.— Rev. Drs. C. Walker, Wm. Sparrow, Rev- D. F. Sprigg, C. F. Lee, Dr. 0. Fairfax and A. Herbert. Secretary of Convention. — John W. Atkinson, Richmond. Treasurer, — John Stewart, Richmond. V. O. ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDING BISHOP. RIGHT REV. WM. MEADE, D. D. MILLWOOD, TA. IQEXT FOR DOMESTIC MISSIONS IX THE CONFEDERATE STATE,* J. K. SASS, Esq., « CHARLESTON, S. C. AGENT FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. MR. HENRY TRESCOTT, CHARLESTON. S. C. The first General Council of the Protestant Episcopal Chn'rch in the Confederate States of America wjill meet in Augusta, Ga., tlxe second Wednesday of November. 1862.