THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY THE WILMER COLLECTION OF CIVIL WAR NOVELS PRESENTED BY RICHARD H. WILMER, JR. fJiLm^. ^ ^94L^^a^^^^- y ^^— - '^-^:^^:-«^^ a^^^'^^ ^ . ^i^ (T- vjnfM v«' • "^' LAND Digitized by tine Internet Arcinive in 2009 witii funding from University of Nortin Carolina at Chapel Hill JO£: R Boy ii] ttje War-tinqes BY R. W. BIGHHM, Authorof " Vinny Leal's Trip to the Golden Shore," " Wine and Blood ; or. Uncle Viv'a Story," and "California Gold-field Scenes." FOURTH THOUSAND, Sunday-school Department. Publishing House op the M. e. Church, South. Barbee & Smith, Agents, Nashville, Tenn. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in tlie year 1869, Br THE Book Agents op the Methodist Episcopal Choech, South, In the Office of ilic Librarian of Congress, at Wasliinjrton. CONTENTS. ClTAPTEPv I. PAGB Driven Awcay from Home 7 Chapter II. A Fl^me Shot up Into the Clouds 19 Chapter III. Falling in with Grateful Enemies 38 Chapter IV. Joe said, " On, Boone, on ! " 54 Chapter V. The Refugees Safe Among Friends 67 Chapter VI. A New Experience to Joe 76 Chapter VII. A Rebel Soldier Kissed the Coffin 90 Chapter VIII. Sounded from the Jungle 103 Chapter IX. Gathering of the Armies 128 (3) 602723 Contents. Chapter X. p\oe The Roar as of Many Thundere 142 Chapter XI. The Boy on the Battle-field 152 Chapter XII. A Despairing Mother's Joy 1