./ ■^ Certificate JVo. 1365 ' / ^£:^^c^^^&=- / x g^E /O/^t^i^^^^ ^^^f^LcASA^^ Sultan to Sultan. Adventures among the Masai and other Tribes ot East Africa. M. FRENCH-SHELDON, " Bebe Bwana." BOSTON, MASS.: A.RENA PUBLISHING COMI^A^NY Copley Sciuare. 1892. London: SAXON & CO., 23 Bouverie St., Fleet St., E. C. Coi'VRuniTEii 1S92. By M. French-Sheldon. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ^Rren^Pre^^^ (j/ic/'e are -a'er. ^yjoi^^try a.^.^^ a(^1^ ^ y^ FOREWORD. From the public I crave indulgence for all shortcomuigs, with the assurance that under the crushing weight of a supreme sorrow which has overtaken me whilst " Sultan to Sultan" has been in press, it has been with an aching heart I have com- pleted the work, endeavoring with fortitude to do my best to make my readers better acquainted with the possibilities ot the natural primitives whom I am proud to call my iriends an be called friend by, and to demonstrate that if a woman coul journey a thousand and more miles in East Africa, amon some hostile tribes, unattended by other than Zanzibaris mer- cenaries, without bloodshed, the extreme measures employed by some would-be colonizers is unnecessary, atrocious, and with- out the pale of humanity. To the indefatigable efforts of m)- publishers, especially to Mr. 11. H. lioyce, who, with s)mpa- thy and consideration, has personally spared me the countless detail of the work ; to the artists who have entered into the spirit of the illustrations, and actually reproduced the photo- graphs and the curios, waiving artistic desire to make alter- ations ; to the printers, and the Victorians of Manchester, England, for the sketch map of m)- route ; and finally to Iriends who have seen me bravely through, I owe un- qualified thanks. Author. BosiON, Mass., U. S. A.; August 20, 1S92. TABLE OF FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER I. opiosiTE PACE Bridge built by Native Engineers . . . . . . 22 CHAPTER n. The Treacherous Guide ........ 46 CHAPTER VI. Plodding through an .African Boulevard . . . . . 146 CHAPTER Vni. Natives coming to see Bebe Bwana . . . . . . 184 CHAPTER IX. On a Secret Mission ......... 200 CHAPTER X. Map ............ 214 CHAPTER XI. A Pause for Breath . . . . . . . . . 238 Natives and Ostrich afjout my Kitchen . . . . . 254 CHAPTER XII. AflO-AT on Lake Chala, May 9, 1S91 . . . . . . 270 CHAPTER XIII. Tall Grass ........... 288 Natives near Kildi.anjaro ........ 298 TARLE OF FULI.-PAGE ILLUSTRATIOXS. chaptf:r XIV. Entering thk Forest Natives crowding around Car.-wan CHAPTER XV. Part of an Encampment Group of Ta\'eta Natin'es OPPOSITE PAGE 306 316 322 CHAPTER XVI. Hamidi, Caravan and Natives ..... Poor Bebe, no Rings ....... Stream forded by Caravan ...... CHAPTER XVII. KiLAME N.ATIVF.S BRINGING PeaCF, OFFERING CHAPTER XVIII. Sultan Mireali's Subjects attend iiy Full-dress Reception Sultan Mireali's Boma with some of his Wives and Surias 334 342 350 356 378 3S6 Contemplative Natives . Cow sent by Mireali CHAPTER XIX. CHAPTER XX. African Stream swum by Carav.an . Photographic Fiction ..... CHAPTER XXI. M. French-Sheldon in Court Dress 392 402 40S 414 418 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Ho ! FOR East Africa starting from London. — Adieu to Friends. — First Obstacle. — Palanquin and All safely on Board Steamship "Madura." — .\t Naples. — Heartbreaking Farewell. — Reviewing the Situation. — Life on Ship- board. — Port Said. — Suez Canal. — Sights on Vnyage. — Aden. CHAPTER H. Aden to Momi;asa PAGE 13 34 Sights about Aden — Local Color. — Saffron Woman. — Palanquin on View. — Captain's Brutality turns to my Disadvantage. — Lamu. — My Great Obstacle. — Rumored Disturbances in German Occupancy. — Nearing Mombasa. CH.APTER in. Mombasa to Zanzibar ......... 63 Approaching Moml^asa. — My Obstacle protests. — Silence a Virtue. — Frere Town Mission. — Impractical Christianity, Industrial Mission. — Native Drink. — .-V Desultory Glance. — The White Men in the English <.)ccupancy. CHAPTER IV. Forming my Caravan ......... 83 My Undertaking scouted. — L)i!ticulty in recruiting Porters. — Gaining the Auspices of the Sultan of Zanzibar. — Visits to the Harem. — Behind Closed Doors. — Sultan's Letter. — Caravan sworn in. — Malignant Fever. — Back to Mombasa. — My Obstacle converted. — Mr. Mackenzie's Letter. — Everything in Train. — Native's Quaint Ex- pression. — No Cripples. — Twins tabooed. — Stigmatized Bits of Metal. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. PAOE The First March io8 Rain. — A First Start. — My Host. — \ariety uf Supplies. — Routine of Dailv Life. — Patience and Other Traits of my Contingents. — Tan- genizing, the African .Synonyme of the American Fixing. — Natives' Quaint Acts, Sign Language. — No Intirm, no Cripples. — Twins. — Treachery punished. CHAPTER VI. First Al.\r.m. Excitable Porters 130 Masai .Scare. — Products. — Flogging Porters to protect themselves and the Natives. — Methods of Discipline. — Kara, the Samson of the Caravan. — Ants. — Jiggers and C)ther Pests. — Pink Locusts. — Horal Colors. — Turtles. — Helices. — Name King. CHAPTER Vn. ^\'A-NvIKA AND Wa-Duruma 1 53 Thorny March. — Homage commanded from Natives. — Christened as Bebe Bwana. — Directness of Language. — Buss concludes a Bargain. — Wa-Duruma. — Wa-Shenzie. — Slaves own Slaves. — Foot-sore. — Making Camp. — Comforts of my Itinerary. — Tooth-Sticks. — Capt. .Stairs's Hints for Camps, etc. CHAPTER Vni. Re\ OI.T AND De.ath . . . . . . . . . • I 73 First and Last Revolt. — Severe Measures necessary. — Rock Reservoirs. — Yellow Birds. — Medical Duties. — Nightly Horrors. — Marching in the Storm. — .\ Sentimental if not Faithful Wife. — • Porter de- voured by Lions. — An Invalid. — Deserted Villages. — Primitive Methods of tilling the Ground. CHAPTER IX. nEPRA\ED Wa-TeITA . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 7 Difficult March. — -Accident to my Eye. — Sagalia Mission deserted. — Depravity of the Wa-Teita. — Decoration the Religion of Dress. — .Vrrow Poison. — Polygamy climatic. — Kilimanjaro seen in Distance. — Palanquin pursued by Native Gamins. — The Ceremonious Art of spitting. — Whilst eating, viewed in Wonderment. — A Ducking. — Noli Me Tiutgerf. — -Device appreciated. — Dying by the Wayside. — "Buck Fever." — A Happy Shot. — Big Game. — Birds. — Plea for Methods of Transportation. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. PAGE Ox TO Taveta ........... 208 Lake Jipo. — Kilimanjaro. — Another Masai Scare. — A Test of \alor. — Taveta Gates. — A Cloud-Burst. — ■ Bribery in Africa. — Welcomed by Wa-Taveta. — Habits, Costumes, and Industries. — The Woman of Taveta. — Funeral Rites. — Worship. — Secretiveness respecting the Dead. — Pombe Cups. — Dubious Origin of Designs. — Medical Prac- tices. — Dancing. — Decorations affected by the Men. — Trving to amuse Natives. — Singular Armlets. — King Ja-Ja Ring. — Articles craved by Natives. — Confidence in Author. CH.\PTER XI. Arcadian T.aveta . . . . . . . . . .238 Attributes of Character. — Farm Products. — Rotten Egg. — Fanning Leather. — Clannish Selection of (.'rnament. — Sumptuous Display of Native Jewelry. — Marriage Customs. — Mixed Family Relations. — Native Medical Clinic. — Childhood's Limits. — Education by Observa- tion. — Circumscribed Language. — Fire-Sticks. — Shooting Fish. — Universal Kindness to Children. — Harmless Freedom in the Inter- mingling of the Sexes. CHAPTER XII. CIRCUMNAVIG.A.T10N OF LaKE ChaLA ....... 260 My Expedition to Lake Chala. — English Officer and Mission. — Doctor's Ivindness. — .'Vdventurous Descent to and Circumnavigation of Lake Chala. — My Friends, the Hostile Rombos, subsequently Dr. Peters's X'ictims. CHAPTER XIII. VuLC.«JS OF Chaga .......... 284 Fundis Craftsmen or Blacksmiths of Chaga Land. — Experts, among which are Sultans Mandara and Mireali. — Mandara's Disablement. — Simplicity of Native Tools. — Forging Spears out of Iron Wire. — Methods used. — Charcoal Making. — High Rank of a Fundi. — A Fundi's Pride. — Jewellers who make Delicate Chains, Beads, Brace- lets, Armlets, Necklaces, Ear-Rings, and Bells. — Variety of Orna- ments. — Burnishing. — Religion of Ornamentation. — Men indulge in \'anities. — Do the Fancy Beadwork, leaving the Women to till the Ground and care for Cattle. — Following Fashion.' — , Various Significance of Bells. — Masai Women's Ornaments. — Patterns used for Spears. — Mark of the Maker. — Rombo Small Spears. — Using all Bits of Metal for Ornaments. — Adaptation of Bottles. — Native Unconscious Nudity. — Story of a Masai Spear. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIV. PAGE Primitive Kimangelia 301 Forest Village never before visited by a White Person. — Debatable Territorial Lines. — Native Guides. — Passing through Useri. — Women's Decorations. — Uncivil Sultan receives a Rebuff. — Wild Animals. — A Masai Woman's Corpse stripped of its Ornaments. — .Sudden Change of Temperature. — All suffer from the nightly Cold. — Trying Route. — -Sweet Odors of Veget.ition induce Asthma. — Phos- phorescent Mists. — Revelations of the Night. — Nocturnal Attack of a Python. — Snakes and Serpents. — Cutting Way through Forest. — Habits and Customs. — Called Author God. — Stone Spear. — Dis- covery of a Cave. CHAPTER XV. Masai 319 Blustering Masai. — Attacks upon Taveta make a Trade of War. — The Wandurobo Dwarfish if not Dwarfs. — Forbidding Passage through Country. — Women's Privileges. — Grass as an Emblem of Truce. — Salt Stone Analysis, by the Royal College of Science, London. — Women's Regulation Garb. — Men's Theatrical Get-up and Actions. — Meat-Eaters. — One Thousand ready for Battle. — " Wow," a Threat met by Threat. — Blind Zeal in Photography. — Spitting an Urbane Civility. — Values of Women and Cattle. — Full-dress Reception. - — Picturesque Phrases. CHAPTER XVI. Heroic Hamidi and Others ........ 334 Hamidi, Author's Headman of Headmen. — Refusing to conduct .Author. — Heroic .Action. — Final Consent. — His Devotion to his Leader. — ■ Woman's Loin-Cloth. — Wa-Kahe Belief in Transmigration of the Spirits of their .Ancestors. — Wa-Kahe Industries. — Native Thief captured. — -Tempted by Desire to possess a Waterproof Cloth. — A Little Maid of Kilema's Generosity. — Establishing a Code of Prestige. — Latent Fun of the Natives. — ^To wish for was to possess. — Josefe dubbed as the Trumpet of Bi'bc. — .-Vnswering me as Sir. — Members of my Migrating Household. — Washing Days. — Women Porters. — Porters secreting Articles in their Wool. — Daily Life among Porters. — Cutting out Thorns. — Caravan .Anchor. CHAPTER XVII. Sultan Mikeali .......... 356 Mireali, Sultan of Marungu, dressed as a Guy. — His Warm Welcome and Generosity. — Resumption of Native Costume. — Coveted Music Box. — His Wives, Surias, and Household. — Mireali's Talks. — His TABLE OF CONTENTS. 5 Contentions uitli Mandara. — His Ambition to become enlightened. paok — Sultan Mariama and the Saw. — Native Fabrics. — Native-made Candles. — Stuff of Court Gown called Queens' Cloth. — Sunglass. — Mireali dances the Moon Dance. — A Deputation of his Subjects en- treating the Author to stay. — Happy Chance for a Photograph. — The Perished Umbrella. — Messenger from .Sultan to .Sultan. — How to check Interpreter. CH.\PTER XVIII. Characters . . . . . . . . . -377 Musical Instruments. — Sultan Fumbo. — Rame/an's Artitice. — Baraka, my Steward. — Estabhshment of Discipline. — Porter Francez. — Roll Call. CHAPTER XIX. Sultan Mandara of Mo.schi . . . . . . . . 39* His Crafty, L'nscrui)ulous Ways. — Visit to his Boma. — Caves at the Foot of the Hill of the Site of his Village. — Fiction with Germans. — Story of a Little Native Child. CHAPTER XX. Fleeting Sights .......... 406 Albinos. — Meeting Elephants. — Big Game. — Water Incident. — Women classed by Garments. — Offering a Head of Hair for Sale. — Effect of Climate on Photography. — A Photographic Fiction. CHAPTER XXI. Homeward Bound . . . . . . . . . .416 Through the German Territory. — Palanijuin Accident. — Meeting Capt. Stairs. — Care on Steamship '-Madura." — Familiar Scenes. — Arrival at Naples. — Home again. CHAPTER XXII. Afterilath ........... 428 Medical and SurijIcal .\ppLLA.NCEi . . . . . . .431 TABLE OF TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER I. Initial Letter H, Two Native Water-Carriers joined by Rubber Plant. — H. S. Wellcome. — E. L. Sheldon. — Surgeon T. H. Parke. — Naples. — Aden. — Capt. Avern. — Steamship "Madura." — Dredge on Suez Canal. — Port Said Jetty. — Entrance to Suez Canal. — Bedouin .\rab Chief. — .Arab Camel Caravan. — Water Caravan. — Suez. — Native Dobe or Washerwoman. — Tailpiece, Cas- solet used on Coaling Barges. CH.APTER II. Initial Letter A, Tiger. — Mosque at .\den. — Masai Head-Dress, Red and White Painted Leather Face Piece, Ostrich Plumes. — Abyssinian Warrior. — Water Tanks at .Aden. — Son of the Mahadi. — Delight of a Cordo- fan, Negro on a Chicken Coop. — Fellah Water-Carrier. — Abyssinian Slave Children. — Egyptian Scissors-Grinders. — Native Types of Porters. — Bushiri, the Slave Raider. — Somali Family. — Queen of Somali. — The Queen's Slave Woman. — Chaga Car\'ed Snuff-Box, Egyptian Design. — .Author's Sun Protect- ors. — Slave Dhow, built without Metal Spikes or Cleats. — Varbon Lelli, one of my Faithfuls. — George S. Mackenzie, my Great Obstacle. — Mombasa Fort, built by \'asco da Gama in Si.\teenth Century. — Tailpiece, Ostrich Boa and Feathers bought at Aden. CHAPTER III. Initial Letter W, Lemur. — Cocoanut Plantation, Mombasa. — .Author's Hand, showing Rings and Bracelets for Gifts. — .Arab Quarters, Mom- basa. — Date Palm. — Soudanese Warriors. — Snuff-Box, studded Silver, Metal Chain, Chaga make. — .Arab Woman selling Bananas to Porter. — Gourd Snuff-Box, studded Silver and Carved Patterns, Chaga make. — .Arab Blind Beggar. — Snuff-Box, studded Silver, Metal Chain, Chaga make. — Rescued Slave Girls, Various Tribes. — .Abyssinian Slave Girl. — Native Warriors. — TABLE OF TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS. 7 Somali Warriors. — Ear Stretcher worn by Missionary Girls, Mombasa. — Tail- piece, Eland Bull. CHAPTER IV. Initial Letter F, African Monkey and Grass. — Mombasa from English Point. — M. French-Sheldon, Bebe Bwana, in Travelling Costume. — Sultan of Zanzibar, Autographed Photograph. — Ivory Market at Bagamoyo. • — Sultan's Three Henchmen. — Woman of Sultan's Harem. — Woman of Sultan's Harem. — Sultan's Letter. — Arab Letter- Writer. — Arabian Musician. — Arab Sugar- Cane Seller and Porters. — Dervish Musician. — Mombasa. — Harbor Zanzibar and Sultan's Palace. — George S. Mackenzie's Letter. — Black Ivory, or Slaves at Bagamoyo. — Tailpiece, Hunteri. CHAPTER V. Initial Letter M, African Elephant's Head and Moss. — Josefe and Natives. — Arabs Resting. — A Study of Pombe Cups, .Author's Collection. — Buffalo Bull's Head. — Masai Flag of Truce, a Song 'of Peaceful Intentions, carried by Author's Caravan. — Khartoum Negro before Barber's Day. — Vv'hirling and Howling Dervishes seen at Zanzibar. — Type Native Soldier. — Type Native Soldier. — Type Native Soldier. — Native Women Water-Carriers. — Small Game ; a daily Scene on Safari. — Masai Spear. — Colored Trade Cloths. — Second Study of Pombe Cups in Author's Collection. — Gourd Water Bottle or Calabash, ornamented with Beads and Metal Chains. — Brass Chain Necklace, Chaga make. — Ear Ornament made of Wart Hog Tusks united with Braided Fibre, ornamented with Chains. — Tailpiece, Bush Buck. CHAPTER VI. Initial Letter S, Giraffe and Native Grasses. — Wait-a-Bit Tree. — Brass Bead Necklace, Chaga make. — Luncheon in the Open. — Inlaid Wooden Bowl stained Brown. — Wooden Pot, stained Brown, dug out of a solid Piece with Knives or Flints. — Inlaid Wooden Bowl. — Egg-shaped and Venetian Trade Beads. — Dawa, or Medicine Beads, made of Black Beans. — Jewelled Swords given to Sultan Mandara. — Knob Kerry Sticks made variously of Ebony, Rhinoceros Horn, and Ivory. — Author's Rifle and Gun Case first made by Natives East Africa. — Portrait of Headman Hamidi. — Native Knives of all kinds, and Sheaths. — Kara, Samson of the Caravan. — Native Banana Knife taken from the Forge, unpolished. — Native Wooden Pot. — Third Study of Pombe Cups, showing first Attempt of Figure Drawing, and a Wooden Pan Pipe. — Twin Meal Pots. — Helices found from Coast to Highest Point travelled on Kilimanjaro by Author. — French-Sheldon Name Rings. — Tailpiece, Hunteri. TAllLE OF TEXT II.I.USTKATK 'NS. CHAPTER VII. Initial Letter T, African Lion and Palm-Tree. — Study Pombe Cups. — M'toto Bunduki, Author's Revolvers. — Egyptian Musician. — Women of tlie Harem. — Egyptian Couriers. — Native Gossips. — Loads for Four Porters. — Grass Mat for Porter's Bed. — Sandal, Bottom and Top. — Pombe Cup. — Wooden Pipe. — Wooden Ear Stretcher. — Capt. Wm. E. Stairs, R. E. — Native Wooden Basin. — The M. French-Sheldon Medicine Belt. — Chart of Camp. — Tailpiece, Eland Cow. CHAPTER VHI. Initial Letter P, Masai Donkeys' Heads and Cacti. — Wait-a-Bit Thorn. Raconta Beads. — Native Wooden Combs. — Native Medicine Box. — Trade Beads. — Metal Necklaces for Gifts. — Masai Long Spear. — Kanzu worn by Headman. — Copper Bead Kibosho Necklace. — Wooden Meal Dish. — Sweet Grass Bead Necklace. — Bead-inlaid Bowl. — Native Four-legged Dish, made of one Piece of Wood. — Spiral Metal Necklace, Native Work. — Native Wooden Spoon. — Hide and Bead Cap worn by Sultans. — Tailpiece, Head of Gazella Walleri. . CHAPTER IX. Initial Letter D, Native Goat with Black Face, and Fohage. — Wa-Teita Hut and Banana-Tree. — Poisoned Arrows and Fire Arrows. — Native Metal Rings and Goatskin Brotherhood Rings. — Snuff- Box made Gazelle's Horn, and ornamented. — Brass and Iron Beads, Native make. — Goatskin Flap, orna- mented with Beads and Chains, worn by many Tribes. — Wa-Teita Bead and Metal Ear-Rings, Twenty-four worn at a Time. — Wa-Teita Ear-Rings, made of Masai Beads. — Wa-Teita Bead Hoop Ear-Rings, Twenty-four and more worn in One Ear. — Wa-Teita Sem-Sem, small Blue and Red Bead Necklace, pon- derous. — Caravan Path. — Beaded African Fig Leaf, called by other Travellers Tassels. — Two Beaded Girdles. — Pigeon-Egg shaped Beads, and Pinhead Beads. — Bead-inlaid Dish. — Wooden Basin. — Rhinoceros Head. — Jewelled Presents given Sultans. — Tailpiece, Gazella Walleri. CHAPITER X. Initial Letter W, Fat-tailed Sheep, with Giant Ferns. — Lake Jipo. — A Test of Valor. — Living Tree Gates of Taveta. — Wild Cotton Pod, unnamed. — Taveta White and Pink Girdle. — Study of Four Pombe Cups. — Taveta Bead Collar and Necklace. — The Woman of Taveta. — Bead Belt presented to Author by the Woman of Taveta. — Calf s Stomach Head-Dress, ornamented with Beads and Chains. — Snuff-Box, ornamented with Beads and Chains. — TABLE OF TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS. 9 Brass \Vire Spring Necklace, Native make. — Cotton Cap made by Porters on Safari. — Cotton Cap made on Safari, from which Natives copy Designs for Pombe Cups. — Silver-inlaid Wooden Bowl. — Dawa Necklace. — Taveta Bead Belts, Pink and White, Red and Blue. — Taveta Four-legged Stool, made out of One Piece of Wood, Top of Stool Designs burned in. — Child's Bead Fringe Girdle. — Fine Chain Girdle, Bone Armlet. — Silver Ring of King Ja-Ja, similar in Design to Bone Armlet. — Josefe, the Interpreter, Wag of the Caravan. — Tailpiece, Male Water Buck. CHAPTER XI. Initial Letter G, Ostrich and African Papyrus. — Wa-Teita Sweet Grass Necklace. — View of Kilimanjaro. — Author's Alpine Stock with Noli Mc Tangere Pennant. — Taveta People. — B^be Bwana's Canvas Villa. — A ()uiet Siesta in my Palanquin. — Bead and Chain Embroidered Loin-Cloth of Sultana. — Snuff- Box. — Native Mail Carriers with Despatches from Home. — Porters coaxing a Fire during a Cold Day. — Bearded Masai Warrior's Collar, won when Twelve Foes have been killed. — Bead-inlaid Gourd. — Warrior's Spear. — Catherine Wheel Double Brass Ear- Ring. — A Future Warrior. — Tailpiece, Brindled Wildebeest Bull. CHAPTER XII. Initial Letter W, Vultures and Foliage. — Lake Chala, Southwestern View. — Lake Chala, Northeastern View. — Phalacrocorax .^fricanus, shot on Lake Chala. — Phalacrocorax Carbo, shot on Lake Chala. — View Kilimanjaro. — Rombo Spear. — Rombo Hippopotamus Hide Shield, embossed Designs, Outside. — Rombo Shield, Inside. — Toy Bird Cause of a Panic. — Hostile Rombos. — Rombo Mctims of German Guns. — Tailpiece, Bush Buck. CHAPTER XIII. Initial Letter V, Turtle and Maize. — Brass and Iron Bell Ear-Rings. — Native Calfskin Bellows. — Native Calfskin Bellows. — Masai Spear. — Group Metal Chain Ear-Rings, Brass, Copper, and Iron, and Glass Beads. — Real Size Smallest Chaga Brass Beads. — Metal Ear-Rings. — Native Seme and Scabbard. — Iron Bell worn by Woman during First Pregnancy. — Bells worn by Infants. — Medicine Man's Knife and Poison Tubes. — Set of Orna- ments worn by Masai Woman. Iron Coils finished with Brass and Copper. — Warrior's Bell with Beaded Leg- Band. — Dancing Bell. — Native Vulcan's make of Bracelets and Goatskin Bracelet. — Tailpiece. Brindled Wildebeest Bull. lO TAllLE OF TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER XIV. Initial Letter K, Elephants and Hippopotamus and Palm-Tree. — Masai Colobus-skin Leglet. — Ostrich Feather Masai Mask. — Useri Head Orna- ment. — Masai El-Moran. — Masai El-Moran. — Buffalo Bull. — Palanquin and Python. — Chaga Chain Filet. — Camping Ground, Kimangelia. — Chaga Snuff- PJox, ornamented Copper Wire Chains and Beads. — Chain and Bead Ciirdle. — Metal Bead Necklace. — Tailpiece, Male Water Buck, or Kobus Sing-.Sing. CHAPTER XV. Initial Letter B, Striped Mouse, Balsams, and Heliotrope. — Masai Woman's Neck .-^rmor of Metal Coils. — Masai Brass Picked-out Bracelet. — Masai Women Callers. — Masai War Mask, Ostrich Feathers and Lion's Mane. — Split Vulture Feather Ruff, Part of Masai War Uniform. — Masai Necklace, Metal Chains and Spring. — Masai Nebara, White and Red Cotton sewn to- gether in Strips. — Wow, Masai \\'arrior threatening. — Masai Women with Neck .Armor and Catherine Wheel Ear- Rings and Hide Helmet. — Masai Brass Picked-out Collar. — Tailpiece, Male M'pallah. CHAPTER XVI. Initial Letter X, Zebra and Huge Maidenhair Fern. — Masai Ostrich Mask. — Masai Spears and Shields, with .Archaic Designs. — Chaga Metal Chain (iirdle. — Large Masai Nebara, Brilliant Red and White Cotton. — Leather Beaded Loin-Cloth with a Histor)'. — Portraits of Four Headmen. — Head of Oryx Beisa Bull. — Colobus Monkey-Skins. — .An old Masai warning .Author. — Tailpiece. CHAPTER XVII. Initial Letter A, with Humming-Bird and Convolvulus. — Delicate Chain Necklace, with Spiral Brass Pendants. — Sultan Mireali in Native .Attire. — Presentation Jewelled Belt, Dagger, and Ornaments. — Bead Girdles worn solely as .Attire by Mireali Surias (\\'omen). — Beaded Fig Leaf, sometimes called a Tassel. — Beaded Fig Leaf, Metal Fringed. — -Agary Beads and Dawa Chains, rare. — Candle made by Sultan Mireali. — Sultan Mireali and Courtiers. — Dancing Wig, Front View, made of Colobus Monkey Hair. — Dancing Wig, Hack Mew, made of Colobus Monkey White Fur. — Delicate Chain Necklace. — I'seri Bone ICar-Rings. — Long Chain Necklaces, reach to the Wearer's Waist. — Moschi Carved Wooden Staff. — Masai Dancing Wand. — Staff covered with Iron Rings, to conserve for Various Uses. — Tailjiiece, Head Male M'pallah (Melampus pallah). TABLE OF TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS. I I CHAPTER XVIII. Initial Letter L, Gazelles and Papyrus. — Ramezan. — Baraka. — Sultan Fumba's Crown. — Sultan Fumba and Suite. — Tailpiece, Kudu. CHAPTER XIX. Initial Letter I, Hippopotamus and Palm. — Sultan Mandara of Moschi. — African Spear. — Held in Bondage. — Study of Native-made Spoons. — .Arab Flags of Welcome. — Blue Cotton Bead and Chain Embroidered Woman's Cloth. — Out of the Forest. — Tailpiece, Eland Bull. CHAPTER XX. Initial Letter M, Gazella Walleri Buck and Giant Ferns. — Tailpiece, Eland Cow. CHAPTER XXI. Initial Letter O, African Baboon, Serpent, and Vine. — Porters testing the Bridge. — A Clandestine Meeting. — A Repast of Arab Family. — .Arab Musicians. — Fellah Woman Water-Carrier. — " Does She Live ? " CHAPTER XXII. Initial Letter Q, Humming- Bird, Pepper Plant. — Tailpiece, Jacques Sheldon. SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTPZR I. HO! FOR EAST AFRICA. /"^ For East Africa ! possessed my brain when all the prep- arations possible to make before reaching Aden were completed, and a myriad of boxes and a bewilderment of non- descript packages — my tent, gun, table, chairs, pistols, photo- graphic apparatus, and personal effects — had been sent by steamer to meet me at Naples, _ •'-^^ and for the first time I felt I was without doubt actually bound for East Africa. A hundred or more s)mpathetic friends and acquaintances, 14 SULTAN TO SUI.TAN. HENRV S. WELLCOME. throncring the Charing Cross Station, albeit London was be- nighted in a pea-soup fog, thick, black, damp, and chilly, I was thrilled with ineliable delight. Gruesome remarks were intermingled with inspiring words of faith in my success: " Well, }OU have my prayers for safe return." " If you return alive, what a story you'll have to tell ! " " Do be reason- able, and abandon this mad, useless scheme." " Brave woman, you'll ac- complish all 3'ou aim to ; we owe you a vote of thanks tor )-our cour- age and self-sacrifice." "Be cau- tious, vigilant, ready for any surprise, careful of your health, and you'll win," said .Surgeon T. H. Parke. And A. Bruce, the sturd)- son-in-law of the great Livingstone, thrust into my hands a long-range field glass, as if to bid me be far-sipfhted. "Remember, nothino- is accomplished without giving )our- self up to the work at whatever sac- rifice, and that honest failure is not defeat. We believe )oii will suc- ceed." His true words were branded on my brain indelibl)-, and echoed e- l. .sheldon. through my thoughts time out of number. Around me pressed lovely girl friends, sentimental hero-worshippers, who set the RBC HO ! I'( iR EAST AFRICA. 15 seal of admiration upon my lips by their farewell kiss, and whispered, " Hoiv I wish I could go ivith you!" Sedate man friends looked compassionately at my husband, and involun- taril)- calculated that the time would be brief ere he should regret his consent, which I had flouted widel)', as evidence that when he sanctioned my undertaking, it was not irra- tional. We were off midst cheers, pelting of flowers, and the usual half-hysterical, frantic commotion attending a de- parture where a friend's life seemed at stake. At last the cars were speeding away from Lon- don town, and my husband and two friends, H. S. Wellcome, Surgeon T. H. Parke, and myself were the sole occupants of the railway carriage, destined for Dover. The conversation was somewhat constrained; however, the good doctor heaped upon me a host ot practical advice, the outcome surgeon 1. h. parkk. of his expansive experience respecting the preservation of my own health, and the amelioration of probable sufferings from the ine\itable African fever ; as well as how to ad- minister the contents of my extensive medical kit in behalf of my caravan. He had taken pains to write out minute directions, and so plainly that a child could follow such in fullest detail. At Dover w^e parted from our two friends. Arriving at Calais, we hastil)' counted up the luggage and met the first difficult)-. The railroad officials had not prop- 1 6 SULTAN TO SILTAX. erly notified the manager of rolling stock of the dimen- sions of my Palanquin, which proved too large to get into the luggage vans. Cables were flashed back to London. We implored the officials, at our risk of damage, to place the bo.x containing it upon a coal truck, or even to rip off the casing, all to no purpose : red tape prevailed to such a degree not one official on the spot had authority to make the slightest innovation. The station master waved the detested green signal flag, then came the demon screech of the unthrottled engine, and away we whisked out of the station, yelling out of the window, until beyond hearing, messages to the officials, finally to relapse in silence, and deliberate as to what should be our next move. Considering we had paid over ninety-five dollars (eighteen guineas) to register the Palanquin as personal luggage, we felt duped. Personally, I secretly thought it was rather absurd to think of trying to take the luxurious article with me, when it was next to impossible to have it transported from England to the coast of Italy after every care, forethought, and prearrangement had been devoted to make it absolutely sure that it would go on the same train with us. At every station we raided the telegraph offices, made supervisory arrangements with station masters, saw various American consuls, in the hope of more effectually engaging the atten- tion of railroad officials. Everything was being done at both ends. Unluckily, the luggage we had with us was left in charge of a dazed servant, who sat calmly by and HO! FOR EAST AFRICA. 17 allowed part of it to be carried away from our train. This then had to be sent back for. Then on reaching the Italian frontier the cases containing my medicines were suspected, but fortunately I was provided with a certified inventory furnished by the Italian consul at London, so this was soon adjusted. On reaching Naples, the steamship "Madura" had not been sighted, but was expected hourly, and would not remain in port but a few hours. News also came that the Palanquin had reached Rome, and would arrive next morning ; alas! in the usual course of things this would be too late for the ship, and hence, as a last resort, it would have to be taken to Brindisi, and shipped on the French Line to meet my ship at Aden. However, through the courtesy of the directors of the British East India Steamship Company, the agent was au- thorized to detain the steamer one day for the Palanquin. i8 SULTAN TO SULTAX. I\ly "white elephant" arrived, and was held in durance at the bonded warehouse. The entire day we passed going from office to office showing my passports, testifying as to who I was, and what I proposed to do, and having the cased mys- tery in all of its grandeur unboxed, examined, commented upon, explained; finally the next day — the ship had been swinging at anchor for my benefit for twenty-four hours — the Palanquin was sent in charge of custom-house officials to be delivered personally by them upon the ship, so that it could not be tampered with ; one might have supposed it was a portable article I could pocket and surreptitiously sell to defraud the government. HO ! FOR EAST AFRICA. 19 The heat was torrid. Worry and our unflagging efforts had occupied our minds to the exchision of the diresome thoughts of parting which would otherwise have made those last hours painful and melancholy. My husband accompanied me to the steamship and placed me in charge of Capt. James Avern. Striving to keep my courage up, I took snap- shots of the harbor and finally of the one whose devoted heart was aching with apprehension. The time to haul up the anchor came. Then the signal "all ashore," we parted, and the boatmen, awaiting the last passenger, pulled the oars with sone, the last ineffable look was interchansred, the handkerchief that had defiantly fluttered farewell was soon saturated in tears. A res- olution to acquit myself bravely occupied my thoughts as I watched the one dear to me fade from the horizon, and pondered, half oblivious to my immediate surroundings, when suddenly I became conscious that I was the cynosure of strange eyes. A firm step sounded on the deck behind me, and a voice gently said, — "So you are ho! for East Africa, madam?" " If the steamer does not go to the bottom, yes," I snapped out with acrimony, to the amusement of the inopportune, cu- rious interloper. Poor fellow, he had an objectionable, obtru- sive nose for news, and was my constant tormentor throughout CAPT. JAMES AVERN. 20 SULTAN TO SULTAN. the voyage. Alas ! he died after a brief fortnight's residence at Zanzibar, a victim to the indiscretion so many strangers are guilty of upon going to the tropics, which is too often fatal. Reckless exposure to the sun and violent exercise, which produces excessive heat, so intolerable to the impatient novice that the dripping clothing is inconsequently stripped off, a cold bath indulged in, which results in a sudden chill, and mischief sets in usually with gravity. Capt. Avern, an expert seaman and an unfailing com- mander, as well as a man of varied experience, I found rich in expedients, and an invaluable counsellor and instructor for me upon almost all matters. My East African project was a theme of unremitting conversation. Everything was done for TV / \ / r'-' -_L ' 1 /' mi ,^^ JH^ Lit ~ sfc te jl^l^ a^B^ Hjjy/ _l'^ l-V^P WSk frJJt^ fliiik- :^^6^ Sfeasi - fr-^Ha! £; — -- WBM mRn RSR? fl^SH ^TBl ■UJWLlUmiB ■Ek STEAMSHIP "MADURA. my personal comfort, amusement, and contentment, from the commander down to the lowest menial of the steamer's crew. There were beside myselt only two first-class passengers, — men, — and soon the steamship " Madura" assumed the aspect HO FOR EAST AFRICA. 21 of a private steam yacht. The captain, a most agreeable host, took apparently great delight in contributing to our individual tastes and entertainment. The " Madura " has its own his- tory, is most famous, every timber athrill with the recollec- tion of the tread of celebrated travellers and explorers, animated by every imaginable motive, who have trod her decks going to, or returning triumphant, or left as prey of death THE DREDGE, SUEZ CANAL. in Africa. The reminiscences ot this vessel would comprise not only a graphic story, but give a history of startling events and tell of leaders who have acted as great discoverers and civllizers ; of brave people, who knew how to be faithful to their leaders or the reverse, — a story of misguided infatu- ates, of honest workers, of benefactors, of selfish worldlings, of ambition's votaries, of despair's victims ; yet with all, she floats on serenely, unruffled, steadfast to her course, making 2 2 SULTAN TO SULTAN. no visible sign of her invested greatness or reflected honors, unstained, excepting possibly the ink splashes with which I carelessly defaced her spotless decks, and for which I was more than once gently but severely reprimanded by the deck master. Lovely mornings, bright, sparkling, clear as a crystal, with the unabashed moon hanging resplendent in the blue sky as if loitering to feel the full embrace of the uprising sun. As we passed through the Straits of Messina, in full view of the Apennine Mountains, then came Sicily and Mount Etna, the last sight of land until we reached the Egyptian coast, — a most felicitous contrast to the London foof, and conducive to mental exhilaration and physical exuberance. just the thing to sweep the cobwebs out of one's brain and allow the mind to adjust itself to a proper focus, as well as to rest the body, and impart that order of courage belonging to physical well-being. Then came fickle weather, the Ides of March were hav- ing a jubilee, — sunbursts, rain, even hail, — an ideal time to read, ponder, rearrange boxes, study photographic apparatus, etc. A ship's rat established my reputation as a " brave lady." The impudent rodent explored my legs and testeel my nerves! For some unknown reason, I was not in the least excited, only surprised and anxious to know how to rout the enemy. A sneeze did it ! Throughout the voyage this rat was a constant visitor to me, and I became attached to the Q 5 HO FOR EAST AFRICA. little four-footed friend, nightly placing in a convenient spot a tidbit for his refreshment. He never molested me only to manifest his presence by passing his rough, coarse, hairy paw over my lace. I would not consent to have a trap set to capture him. I'uKi SAID jF/rrv. The atmosphere was particularly clear ; and although the stars were peerlessly brilliant, they seemed but few. Orion shone marvellously, and one began to mark the course of the vessel by the starry atlas. Sighting Dainietta Light, in a little over an hour we dropped anchor at Port Said, a coal- ing station, before entering the Suez Canal. Filled with an.xiety to hear news, we all hung over the side of the vessel watching 24 SUI.TAX TO SULTAN. the boats pull up from shore, when a messenger brought me a cable from the gallant Capt. Nelson bidding me God- speed, and other lightning flashes from beloved friends that were like heart-throbs. Port Said Jetty, so picturesque, seemed all too beautiful as the first impression of the strange Arabic town. The tendency of invariably overcharging for an\- little article one desires to purchase impressed me with the idea that there prevails a strong Semitic strain, and unless a voyager holds out for fairness, he is sure to be the victim of extortion. During the progress of some purchases the proprietor of the quaint shop ordered a pot of Arabic coffee, served piping hot in dainty cups, thick as pea soup, but most aromatic and delicious. The Arabic quarters have a most villanous aspect ; not a place one would select to promenade alone during hours the shops might be closed. To all appearances the old gambling dens, wherein so many outrages were committed in former times, have been shut, but there is always some underhand round-the-corner avenue to gain access thereto. Nights when the mail steamers are expected, even though they arrive at two a. >r., the entire town is ablaze, and every shop or, strictly speaking, bazaar is open wide to display within and without the attractive goods. Accompanied by some one who is well up in the little commercial arts and tricks, the cost of local specialties is far below English and French charges for the same articles. no! FOR EAST AFRICA. Lack of confidence prevails to such an extent that even the sheiks in charge of boats, unless paid in ailvance by the passengers, accompany them to see that the boatmen do not filch the fees or pocket gratuities. The coaling barges stations are brilliantly lighted bv cassolets, blazing with their oil or resinous beacons. Each steamship company's agent ._ jiiii. ENTRANCE TO SUEZ CANAL. arranges before the arrival oi anj' steamer belonging to his particular line for the required supply of coal, and on its arrival a coal barge is moored alongside, and Egyptian coal heavers and carriers, wearing only a meagre loin-cloth and head-pad, carry the coal in baskets up a slanting plank, with such systematic regularit)- and rapidity they reminded me of a well-chain. 26 SUI.TAN TO SUl.TAN. There is a total absence of women everywhere. The long, sjDOtless, flowing white and sombre black robes of the men, their picturesque turbans and elaborate sandals, and their infinite grace while walking, make them noticeably effeminate; but there is an air of repression or secretiveness in their mien, a seeming lack of honest frankness, which forced upon me the conviction that I should much prefer to face these Arabs rather than to have them follow behind me. Egyptian and native laborers make the line of distinction between master and servants unmistakable. If a steamer is not fitted with electric lights before being permitted to enter the .Suez Canal, the requisite apparatus must be hired at a fixed sum, with an e.xpert engineer in attendance. The canal is a marvel, especially when one considers that it was projected under the reign of Pharaoh Necho, 600 r>. C, whereas De Les- s e p s made himself famous by renewing the original plan in an extensive wa)-, and by this water-way be- tween the Mediterra- nean and Red Seas he BEnOUIX CHTEF. HO I FOR EAST AFRICA. 2"] has given a boon to the commercial world almost without parallel ; reducing the distance from London to India from 11,397 miles to 7,628, thereby shortening the voyage by the Cape thirty-six days. The extreme narrowness of the canal, most of its length of ninety-nine miles, makes the traffic somewhat congested, and the nearness to the white sand banks at times painfully glaring, and the far-away mountains cut across the sky in ragged peaks, limiting the lateral horizon. The electric lights, displayed on the ilotilla of steamers, lends to a night transit a weird splendor. The rule of navigation, which is strictly enforced the length of the canal, obliges steamers in sioht and all following farthest away from the station, when two or more approach in oppo- site directions, to tie up until the other passes. This is a great trial to pilots, as it exhausts time and greatly retards progress. However, it is an absolute law, violation of which inflicts a heavy penalty upon the culprit, and is impartially applied to all. A signal from the station approached deter- mines the right of way for all vessels. At Ismailia we saw how the dredging macliines excavated the bottom sand from the channel, carried it in a long trench and heaped it upon the banks, strengthening and increasing the levees. At this point, scarcely visible in the distance, is the chalet, built for the Empress Eugenie's re- ception when the inaugural Junctions attending the opening of the canal were celebrated. The sight provokes the thought of the downfall of an Empire, and later the downfall of a 28 SULTAX TO SULTAN. man who, at one time, was on the pinnacle of fame as an engineer. It again suggests scenes far away beyond the BibHcal days, until the mind loses itself in contemplating the wondrous changfes that time has wrought. We pass an Arab camel caravan, and for the first time saw women unveiled. One woman, whom I was scanning^ ARAB CAMF.I. CARAVAN. through my field glasses, prior to taking a snap-shot, glared at me, and with precipitation jerked up from the banks in her arms a quaint-looking little dog, cast a defiant glance towards me, as she discovered that she was the object of m)- obser- vation, and tossed the little pet upon a camel's back into a saddle made like a nest with rugs and blankets, and no I FOR EAST AFRICA. covered it from my evil eye. This act accomplished, she rushed to the water's edge and followed the course of the slowly moving steamer, imprecated and railed at me in the most vehement manner — about what? — ah! ask the Arabs who heard. This cara\-an was bound for the Holy Land, and a set of more villanous-appcaring land sharks I never be- held. Unclean, utterly miserable, degraded beings, knowing only a migratory life, in common with their camels and their vermin, devoid of principle, eking out a questionable exist- ence by cunning, extortion, and mendicancy. Successions of caravans of similar character occupied the foreground of the panoramic scenes ; some were laden with two great, square WATER CARAVAN. 30 SULTAN TO SULTAN. boxes, balancinsf each other on either side, containing- or beine filled with soft, fresh water, for which the Arabs would demand from pilgrims or travellers a fabulous sum during transit across the sandy deserts en route to or from the Holy Land. .Suez presents an architectural appearance of a substantial shipping and commerical city. The background of mountain ranges breaks the monotony of its riatness, and lends a pleas- ing perspective. From this point the days were glorious, and the choppy sea, with white crests, truly grand. A hot sun, but sprightly fanning breezes, a steady double-awning ship, were winsome enough to make the Red Sea delightful. A greater portion of the time was employed in overhauling boxes and cases, separating and distributing in different boxes my goods for barter and personal chattel to provide in case of loss or acci- dent. All this required an arduous amount of labor, and HO ! FOR EAST AFRICA. 3 1 cost an expenditure of thought and foresight in arranging and inventorying; however, it was by far tlie safest plan, and I was well pleased in the end to have had the opportunity to act upon the piteous experiences of many of my predecessors in the African fields. To be stripped of all articles of barter, of food, medicine, wearing apparel, and photographic appa- ratus, might leave me stranded at a moment of real peril, necessity, or importance, most significant to the accomplish- ment of my prime object. Somehow the more I dispassion- ately contemplated my venture, reviewing the pros and cons, the more I was convinced that I should accomplish something worth the greatest hardships and indefatigable output of force and endeavor requisite. The vo)-age yielded an oppor- tunity to acquaint myself with weak points, which had pre- viously escaped me. I could composedly formulate vague ideas into distinct shape, and prepare for possible emergencies, and fortify my health and strength. It was like gathering one's self up to enter an arena as a combatant. In making classifications for my future work, writing out leading ques- tions, jotting down points for anthropological and ethnological observation in order to lose no opportunity, when once in the field, of probing every topic to the heart and thrashing out the subjects thoroughly, gradually I discovered in myself a latent eift for organization. Self- amazement awaited each effort in this direction, for every diverse avenue of thought revealed fresh tributaries, until the responsibilities of my project aggrandized beyond all the limits of original conception. 32 SUL1-A\ TO SLT.TAX. After all, g-ood work is an accretion of ideas put into effect. It is the experience of every thoughtful, earnest person in quest of knowledge in new fields where there is no pre- cedent to follow. The sea gradually assumed the color of a lovely t u r cj u o i s e ith thousands green, w of gleaming, glitter- NATivE DOBE WOMAN. ing whitccaps, and the far-reaching horizon at the rim ot the peerless, spotless blue-giay dome. Porpoises seemed scarce, although certain darting, phosphorescent streaks at night betokened their rol- licking presence. Increased heat made a diminution of, and thinner clothing necessar)' lor comlort. Mountain ranges loom up on the African and Aral)ian coasts; Babel-Mambed is sighted, and the Straits of Aden, called by the sailors Hell's Gate. Aden is calletl Hell's Ilarl)or; one can scarcely tell why, unless it is because of the biuTiing sands and the treacherous coast. It was night when we dropped anchor in the Gulf of Aden. .Sjjectacular wrecks of vessels loom HO ! FOR EAST AFRICA. 33 up out of the water, suggestive of a fierce struggle with the elements, and as a phantom warning to those who course that way, against the high winds and insetting sea which prevail. ^'iB.m ^r^^mm^ 34 SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTER 11. ADEN TO MOMBASA. tDEN'S racrored stone cliffs and starinof, burn- ing white sands, unrelieved by vegetation, and the low-built tropical stuccoed houses, the mosque, the Parsee temple, the English church, the hospitals, *'■" combine to make a singular but not ^'JK'»K— ■^*'- attractive picture. Somali boys are naked, except an excuse for a loin-cloth, and sometimes a long piece of white sheeting, which they utilize for all manner of things, — a head-wrap, a general covering when they lie down on shore or curl up in their boats, or wind about their black shiny bodies as they pull their oars, or even fasten to a pole in lieu of a sail to catch the fitful breezes. Somali men are frequently fine, hardy fellows, and move about with a native dignity which is most impressive; the few women to be seen are not as a rule fine, excepting the young queen of Somali, who rules by her beauty and overbearing tyranny one of the most desperate tribes of Africa ; she is certainh* fair to gaze upon. A marked difference in the shades of color of their ADEX TO MOMBASA. 33 skins provokes the query as to the cause. Well-to-do .Somali men ^vear a leathern band passed through the centre of two valuable, large, knob -shaped pieces of amber around their necks. One purchased by me from the neck of the wearer cost ten dollars (two pounds). The same price is demanded for a new one at the shops. Others wear leather armlets, through MOSQUE .AT ADEN. which their knives are thrust, and plain leather collars, and even long strands of beads interspersed with a few red and yellow ones to brighten up the others. Native boy divers swim out from shore and float about the anchored vessels, soliciting a coin to dive for, and utter in a comical shrill way a few pigeon English words: " Laidee, swimmee bottom SULTAN TO SULTAN. littee monee." They dive and gambol in the water like porpoises. When Somali boatmen pull their oars, it is to the time of a strange, measured plaint in a falsetto tone, whereas, when they rest on their oars, drifting or tied up, they laugh and chatter incessantly in a loud voice, repeating over and over the same words, and clapping their hands on their bare thighs. As the captain's gig, with its Indian crew„ pulled us to shore, the amphibious Somali boys surrounded the boat and bore us company all the way, entreating us for coin. A few whites, Arabs, Parsees, Egyptians, and Africans from every quarter of the coast and islands, Berber, Nubia, Dinkili, Galla, Karthoum, Soudan, Congo, and Somali men move about in these seaports, a motley throng, adding a quaint interest to all strangers. Once settled in a rickety two-seated cariole, drawn by a well-cared-for, fat, tiny little horse, we were driven by an old Arab who disported an abundant pale-green muslin turban sur- mounted by a plaited straw crown cap, a long striped kansor trailing to his feet and a bright yellow cloth sleeveless jacket braided with gold, his hands covered with rings of strange devices ; he was fat, sleek, odoriferous with a blend of spices and uncleanliness, utterly indifferent to the comfort of his passengers, his sandals occupying the front seat beside him. MASAI HEAD-DRESS. ADEN' TO MO^nUSA. Z7 The heat and flies and merciless glare of sun on barren landscape, to say nothing ot the swirls ot dust and furnace- like air, which brought whiffs of unknown odors, and the stench of camels, of donkeys, ot sheep, ot people, and of towns, made the outing certain!)- unpleasant, if a novelty. The principal street was very tiny creatures, laden panniers and enormous at a very quick pace, here little buffaloes, b u r den, Said ; the most re- transport, and with their gallop at an admirable with bkick faces ; sheep tails clumped upon their / plume, — the duced b\' cut- fleshy part ot crowded with donkeys, with tremendous double packs travelling j4 There were tawn -colored used as beasts of as well as at Port camel seems the liable means of hea\-y loads awkwardly rate of speed; goats with heavy fat backs like a result pro- ■.' ' ting the the tail and t r a i n i n 1/ the ABYSSINIAN WARRIOR. clumsy ap- pendage up at the crup, to keep it from trailing on the ground ; the fleece is short and not abundant. A most extraordinary apparition of a human creature loomed upon my vision, and proved to be a woman, the 38 SULTA>f TO Sri^TAX. first of my own sex I had beheld in the town. She presented one complete, unvaried mass of saffron color. Every tone about her was saffron ; her body was tinged saffron, even to her feet in her saffron-colored sandals ; her gown was saffron ; her hair saffron ; she wore quantities of amber beads, and promenaded the streets unveiled. This fact and her oddity incited my curiosity. I did not rest until I gleaned the reason for her pronounced jaundiced appearance. Briefly, the government regulations provide quarters for a certain debased class of women, as a sanitary protection to the soldiers there stationed, and this saffron color is enforced upon the women habitants of these quarters as an insignia of her nefarious but authorized calling. As we were driving away from the commercial town centre towards the steep hills upon which the marvellous tanks and gardens are situated, built by the English, we passed the fort built on the steep side of the hill, which was approached by almost perpendicular stone stairways, most difficult of ascent. The architectural formation of the tanks, or water reservoirs, is most eccentric and picturesque, quarried out of the hard gran- ite-like stone structure of the hills, and walled up by similar cut slabs, cemented so as to make the tanks water-tight, ranged at different degrees up and about the hills in the most irregular manner. The bald rock surfaces, denuded ot soil, ol the declivities make the downpouring ot water comparatively free from earthy particles or other debris; nevertheless every stray atom accumulated from time to time is carefully collected and ADEX TO MOMBASA. 39 removed from the basins of the tanks, and used to improve the made gardens. It was interesting to watch corps of small boys, under the direction of an Arab headman, supplied with small baskets which they carry on their heads, filled with the scant debris that they industriously collect out of the empty tanks, and WATER TANKS, ADEN. transported b)' them up ladders and stairways, to deposit upon the artificially made flower beds. Although the work certainly is not arduous, yet it showed that the children are not idle ; and the)- were as happy as possible while at their work, full of childish nonsense, giving vent to volleys of gleeful laughter. 40 SULTAN TO SULTAN. -^^ssmm: The water is all sold, and doled out with great economy to the purchasers ; there are some private tanks, and some leased by the government to indi\iduals or companies. Eleven months had transpired, at the time of my visit, since the last rainfall had filled the tanks, yet there was abundant water to last until the rainy season, and longer in case of drought. It 7 ^. 35^ ■i4 '^ 'SMMH-^ SON OF THE MAHADI. is a current story that Aden has been frequently as long as five years without rain. I was surprised to see that the water showed no signs of stagna- tion; possibly the clever man- ner of cementing every crevice, and keeping the tanks free from vegetation, combined with the daily evaporation and the nightly heavy dewfall, may account for this. The almost per- pendicular steps leading to the various serpentine galleries bordering the tanks were difficult to ascend and descend, for the bluff walls of the aerial narrow passages, with a narrow foot tread, and the; tiny bridges with unrailed platforms, make one's head swim. I found mysell involuntaril)' stretching out my hands into space, eager to grasp something tangible to keep me from losing my balance and being dashed below. Seeing my predicament, my clear-headed escort bade me close my eyes and rest my hands upon his shoulders whilst we slowly ADEN TO MOMBASA. 4I descended ; this I did witli ease and safety, pausing to reassure myself whenever we attained a more spacious platform. Dotted here and there, in sequestered nooks, had been planted a few acacia and other trees, vines and flowers, giving a welcome shade. Here were usual))- situated water wells, with quaint sweeps to u[jlift the water, or an old-fashioned bucket and rope. One felt inclined to peer in the deep shadows for a Rebecca. Cooing pigeons, affrighted by our presence from their resting- places, with swelled throats and ruffled feathers, uttered a strange noise and flew wildly across the open space ; strange bulbous flowering plants grew out from little crevices almost devoid of soil. They appeared like wooden vv'ater-jugs, or water-skins at the base, then abruptly branched out, and with- out supplementary foliage blossomed into one or two waxy flowers, pink or white, which emitted a subtle, almost sickening perfume. The prevailing drought naturally reduces the soil to a parched state of barrenness; not a fruit, nor a vegetable, nor flower grows throughout the town in the open. In the suburbs there are many very lovely villas facing the Gulf of Aden, occu- pied by the prosperous merchants and professional residents, where they seek respite from the heat and moil of the town, and where fishing, yachting, and sea bathing are the principal attractions and divertisements. Driving back to town, I noticed children on the roadside making mud cakes and mud houses, whilst others engaged in a game with stones, something like draughts. Somali and 42 SULTAN TO SULTAN. pedlers of other nations circulate about tlie streets, offering for sale shiekls, seme, or swords, ostrich feathers single or in lonor tin cases, and longr feather boas and little baskets; however, they always ask strangers double price, and dog- the steps of those who refuse to be imposed upon, lessening the price, until they voluntarily accept what they can get from the customer. Aden's market place was diseustine- Arabs and Somali venders squatting on their filthy mats, with their vegetables DELIGHT OF A coRDOFAN. aud Iruits all about them, their bare, dirty feet indiscriminatel)- thrust among their wares ; some crouched in front of iron pans placed over a few smouldering twigs, or over smudgy oil lamps in which they cooked poor, meagre, dry ears of corn and bananas. The quality of the fruit offered for sale was wretched ; bananas and apples ab- solutely rotten, yet they found purchasers. Wood, camel, sheep, ami goat markets presented a thoroughly Oriental aspect. The wood on sale consisted of great scraggy loads of branchiuij faTOts borne on camels or mules, which would seem to be on the verge of toppling over. When the loads were sold, the camels were driven into the camel market, there to lie down or feed, whilst their drivers sprawled about. *■» .rr-» T ■ i« » ■■ *?i ADEN TO MOMBASA. 43 smoking, eating, or sleeping, awaiting some chance to reload and return to the country, or an opportunity to sell the animals. The live stock seemed well fed and well condi- tioned, as in fact do the people. I only observed a few miserable, crippled, or blind mendicants, sitting in full view at the entrance of the markets or tunnels, displaying to the very best advantage their hideous diseased bodies, covered with tlies and vermin, to which they seemed insensible, emitting liorrible odors, which fill with discrust the nostrils of those who mieht be charitably in- clined. Fellah woman wa t er-carriers, and Arab women sellinof suijar-cane and corn, gave a decided local color here and there. The tunnels. cut through the hills, connect the east and west side of the peninsula, saving considera- ble distance in the travel across fellah water-carrier. 44 SULTAN TO SULTAN. or around the steep hills, and are fine pieces of engineering- ; however, so low studded, they are scarcely better than passage- ways. Strong, sickening odor ot camels and goats passing through Hnger a long time after their exit. The neck of land which makes Aden a peninsula Lit r. / L J^tiaaw"' AUVSjIXIAX M,A\E CHILlJl: is remarkably slender, and almost obliterated when the tide is flush. Many of the Arab houses are strikingly quaint, covered Wk. ' ;T T with a latticework of split bamboo; occasionally there is a rude attempt at exterior dec- oration, arabesques daubed on in the crudest red, yellow, blue, black, and green, without any attempt to blend the colors, and it produces a start- ling effect. The l^arsee temple, the Hindoo mosque, the Christian churches, are picturescjue edifices. An obscure path leading to the Parsee Tower ot .Silence, which is erected on the top of a steep pinnacleil hill, filled me with gruesome awe. Xo one but a Parsee is ever permitted to visit this spot. Debarred as 1 was, I could not help thinking, and depicting to myself the spectacle; there on the top, an open tower serried with stoni? stretchers, upon which were laid the dead, exposed to the ravages of the elements, and ulti- mately to be devoured by filthy carnixorous birds, it seemed ADEN TO MOMBASA. 45 repulsively uncanny. Hindoo burial places were indicated by heaps of stones hardly worthy the dignity of the name Tumuli. I^aubed with round red spots at the corner of the heaps of stones, fagots were planted in the ground, from which floated small red cotton flags, imparting a weird and barbaric impression on lirst sight. I naively queried, when seeing the flags from afar, "Are they holding an auction?" My escort bluntly responded, " Yes, a devil's auction." The Mohammed burial ground is made noticeable by the low, arched tombstones upon which are inscribed a quotation from the Koran, whereas the English " God's acre," a very unpretentious and meagrely occupied spot, had wooden and stone head and foot monuments. Along the roads appear enclosed stone and wooden laniriiii, lor the accommodation of the people as they journey to and fro, for they have a decided delicacy, or superstition, or something else which makes them reluctant to befoul the earth on a thoroughfare. We saw enormous fish, a species of ray, being packed on donkeys, fairly sizzling beneath the direct rays of the sun. Arabs carry with them on a journey a cliarpoy, or a portable folding bamboo latticed straight cot, as well as large square chairs, upon which they curl up to sleep, and use for stands to display their goods. Arabs, .Somalis, and Indians when weary will roll themselves up in their cloths and lie down amid stones or on the hot .sands, and sleep peacefully under the blazing sun at mid-day, indifferent to human comfort. 46 SULTAN TO SULTAN. The blacks will stretch themselves out naked, with only a loin-cloth when the sun is hottest, their black skins shining and ^listening as the heat causes the palm and cocoanut oil, with which they are rubbed, to ooze out at everj- pore. Whereas the white man avoids the direct rays of the sun when suffering from fexer, the black men lose no opportunity in submitting to such as a curative agency. The primitive .simplicity of these tropical people is largely due to climate; they get along with so little, and seem in admirable condi- tion and happ)- as the da)- is long. ]\Iy stay on shore did not permit me time to look into the methods of education, although I was subsequently informed, on reliable authority, that there exists a governmental supervision over the chil- dren and a compulsory educational law. Native blacksmiths work on the roadsides, making a tem- porary forge wherever their work happens to be. The)- handle their tools with considerable adroitness. Egyptian scissors- grinders and knife-sharpeners form a very picturesque grouping. If only the people are disposed, they can get plenty of work at Aden, for it is such a great shipping port. How- ever, there seems to exist a great aversion to manual labor. Unless absolutely driven to do so by pressing need, the labor- ing classes are not possessed with an idea of bettering their position or of a thrifty provision for the future. They seem content to live and die in the circumstances and station of life to which they have been born. It is climatic as much as aught else. w Q 3 o D O a u X u < ADEN TO MOMBASA. 47 Er.VPTrAN SCISSORS-GRIXDERS. After the drive we were the guests of Cowerjie Dinshaws, the celebrated wealthy Parsee merchants, whose commercial house is the rendezvous for every one coming to Aden. A delightful breakfast, with a strange and varied menu, was pre- pared, awaiting our arrival ; and singularly enough, the host did not sit down at table with us, but said, after seating us and about to retire himself, " I trust you will do justice to our house by making yourselves at home." A Mussulman served us. He was a fat, wabbly, bow-legged, much-turbaned, and scant-begowned soul, who might have stepped out of the 48 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Arabian Niehts. Parsees wear the most delicate and sheer Indian mull oarments, lonor and flowin*'' to their heels, fastened with gold buttons. Their under apparel is not discernible beneath the shirt-shaped overdress. Their feet are sandalled. Indoors they wear a silk skullcap, which they surmount by NA'rivF. iNris oi-' nikTERS. a strange black enamelled pot hat for outdoor wear. Some of the enterprising young men, who travel on business in other countries, adopt, when abroad, European costumes, all but the hat. Every person seemed to be well acqu.ainted with m)' plan to visit East Africa, although wide of the mark ADEN TO MOMBASA. 49 <>,, m as to my legitimate motive, and, naturally, had many comments to make and much gratuitous advice to give. Sir Francis de Winton, who had been stationed at Mombasa, was at Aden, awaiting the steamer for England. He considerately sent me word to prepare against rain if I was going to the interior, for it had been an unusually dry season, and it was more than likel)- to be followed by excessive rain. He also marvelled wh)' I did not select the German route instead of attempting the English. Then I did not comprehend why, but it subsequently became obvious that he was cognizant of the decided opposition that awaited me on the part of a certain official in the English Company. At Aden all the current gossip and news of the iishiki. world was buzzed about, as all the different lines of steamers bound for India, Ceylon, Malta, and Africa anchored in the port, and passengers ha\-e time to visit the town and exchange news. After making extensive supplementar)- purchases, I was quite content to board the steamer. My Palanquin was much admired by Messrs. Dinshaw. The senior member of the firm had an Indian one for his wife, which weighed two hun- dred pounds ; whereas mine onl)' weighed seventj-, being made ^4 ^ \ 5° SULTAN TO SULTAN. of rattan, all the metal mountings of aluminium, the linings and fittings yellow India silk, the cushions of down, and the awnines ereen canvas. Had it been more cumbersome, it would have been impossible to have transported it on the '\1 M I IAMII.\. heads or shoulders of men through African jungles, swamps, over mountains, and across plains. In reviewing my purchases, arranging and familiarizing myself with what my possessions consisted in, and what their uses, and where they were, and in making triplicate in\en- tories, I discovered myself to be a very busy indi\idLial, with an increased realization of cares antl responsibility, which I ADEN TO MOMBASA. 5 1 was not willing to shirk, or relegate to hirelings. Undeniably the heat gradually increased, but the double ship awnings and prevailing tranquillity prevented great discomfort. When we were at table, one of the deck hands, standing out of sight, pulled a rope through the sk\ light by which he swung the punkah, keeping the flies from harassing us, as it put the air in gentle motion. Afternoon naps were in order, as we lolled in long chairs on deck, and the lazy languor of the tropics no amount of inherent energy could overcome. At night when I elected to write in the cabin, one of the ship's hands, usually a Malay boy, would be sent to fan me. He would scan me with curious eyes, but never say a word, nor would he leave his post unless I bade him do so. I would frequently leave the table and go to my own cabin to get some necessary article, and return in a few moments ; meantime the faithful fellow would await my return. One nieht I left the table to retire, never thinking of m\- faithful comfort-maker, when, two or three hours afterwards, I chanced to open my door and found him standing fast asleep, with the fan grasped in his hand, awaiting my appearance. One morning at the breakfast-table, where we were all convened, the chief engineer addressed the captain, — "Captain, I don't know what we'll do about that drunken rascal ; he seems to be quite beyond my control." The captain looked up with a degree of surprise, and answered brusquely, " I'll take that in hand after breakfast." The whole thing struck those present as being in 52 SULTAN TO SULTAN. violation of all ship discipline, but of course none of us made any comment, and the general chatter resumed its usual frivolity until the meal was at an end. After getting settled in ni}- long chair on deck prepared for a comfortable read, the captain, considerably flustered, followed by the chief engineer, who spoke in a low, though excited tone, rushed into his cabin and seized a rattan walking stick, and after hastily rushing half-way down the deck to the hatch- way, he abruptly turned around and came towards me, looking the very picture of suppressed anger, and burst out with, — "Mrs. Sheldon, look here a moment; I would like to show to you a living example of the ingratitude of the fellows we captains try to benefit. For example, we have on the ship a stowawa)', whom I thought an honest sort of a chap when he was discovered, and he gave something of a plausible reason for his trick in trying to get a free passage, so said, ' Very well, m\" good fellow, we will give you employment as a stoker.' To this he consented, and went on all right for some days, but was found beastly drunk last night while on duty, and do or say what the engineer might, he has kept up his org)- until we will have to take stringent measures." I protested that I did not care to see a drunken man, nor be a witness to any chastisement. However, the captain persisted, — " You will do me a favor by coming with me." So I followed him along to the hatchwa)', where were collected all the other passengers, the chief engineer, and ADEN TO MOMBASA. 53 several of the crew, hot and breathless, appearing as if they had had a tussle, and curled up on one side was the most dejected -looking specimen of hu- manity one could possibly conceive of. His limp fig- ure was drawn up into a little heap, his head hidden from view by his arms; a large pail of water, with tow- els and sponges, stood hard by, and the deck all about was com- pletely deluged with water. Upon the appearance of siimali ijieen. the captain and myself, with great excitement the engineer exclaimed, — "There's no use, sir, I've tried everything to sober him up, he's a cure. I've thrown eight or ten pails of water over him, all to no purpose, and the men have put him on his feet a dozen times, and he has as often dropped in the helpless state you see him." 54 SULTAX T(J SULTAN. The captain exclaimed, " I'll make short work ot this business "; and his cane went whistling through the air and unmercifully fell on the shoulders of the poor wretch. Involuntarily I exclaimed, " Oh, don't, Captain! don't!" The captain glared at me and said, " Mrs. Sheldon, I re- quire no advice in carr)ing out discipline on this ship." After this snubbing, I was about turning to leave, feeling it was an outrage to have invited me to be a spectator to such a scene. With that the captain raised his foot and kicked the powerless fellow four or five times in succession, all the while .saying, "Get up! get up!" and I was tempted to return and offer one more protest in behalf of the poor wretch, when the captain's heel came down upon the man's head with a sickening thud, and the skull fairly crushed beneath the violence used. With uncontrollable horror and indignation I screamed out to the captain, as I started to lly from the spot, "You brute! you brute ! Don't ever dare to speak to me on this \-oyage ; I shall make a report to the ship's compan)' ! ^'ou are not fit to command a vessel ! " Convulsed with laughter, he sprang round and seized me by the arm, and all the others THl- QUF.KN'S SLAVE WUMAX. ^^''^'"'^ silUply bcUt doublc with ADEN TO MOMBASA. 55 their merriment, and to my humiliation, I saw the drunken man's head fly through the air, detached from his body, a bloodless, lifeless, empty tomato tin ! This effigy of a man, after having served to tool all the other passengers, who had with consistent silence kept me from the knowledge of their betrayment in order to witness the effect upon me, had gulled me completely. It can well be imagined, after having left no loophole by which to escape in my crazy denun- ciation of the captain, what a pleasant day I had. However, some time later, when we were swinging at anchor in a certain port, and the captain had given on shipboard a dinner to the English residents, whilst the even- ing's enjoyment was at its height, the chief engineer put in an appearance and said with professed concern, — " A boatman belonoino- to one of the o-entleman guests is lying in a perilous position on the ship's rail, and I am afraid to approach him lest he rolls off into the water." Aha, Air. Engineer, my time had come, so I sang out in a loud tone of voice, " Mr. Engineer, had you not better take a tin-opener to rescue that man ? " and he disappeared from sight. This time the laugh was on him. At Lamu the ship's local cargo was discharged by lighters. There was a heavy tide sweeping into the narrow channel, and the rocky and sandy coast looked most treacherous. CHAGA SNUFF-BOX. 56 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Lamu itself was not an inviting spot from the water ap- proaches. The scraggy, gnarled bushes in view might have been dead scrub-oak, whilst others resembled cacti. This is the site of an English station, and at this time quite a bevy of important men connected with the English Company, who were preparing to make an official tour up country. Here, too, is stationed the original of Rider Haggard's " Captain Good." He is a noted sportsman, bird and butterfly collec- tor, as well as treaty maker and treaty enforcer for the English Company. He still wears the storied monocle, and is most helplessly near-sighted if by any circum- stance he is deprived of his ocular crutch. Rider Haggard, during his sojourn at Lamu, made the studies for " .She," and obtained the local color with which his African • romances glow. There has been foimil, in making some excavations from time to time, a considerable quantity ot hand-painted pottery, cer- tainly not of African origin, probably of Portuguese or other, which ma)' ha\'e been looted or brought thither b)- voyagers, buried, as everything is, for safe-keeping in Africa, subsequently forgotten, or for divers reasons not reclaimed bv the owners, but now excavated, to the SUN PROTECTORS. ADEN TO MOMBASA. 57 THE SLAVE DHOW. bewilderment of curio collectors. The o-overnment's attention has been called to the fact that these relics were being carried out of the country, and it has prohibited further removal by the passage of a law. Some of the native iron workers in this vicinity manufac- ture knives, and daggers, with ivory handles inlaid with gold and silver that are really beautiful from an artistic point of view, although it is with great difficulty examples can be procured in any number, as the workers are most unreliable, and dilatory beyond the limits of patience. The long stretch of sandy coast and narrow waterway, scarcely more than a creek, leading to the island of Seychelee 58 SULTAN TO SULTAN. and Lainu, are not in the least imposing or attractive. Seychelee has affixed to it the extraordinary tradition of being the refuge of Adam and Eve. Here, too, grows a variety of cocoanut, rare and higlily vakicd. Its beach is strewn witli bleached human skulls and bones, to mark the ghastly tale of a deadly encounter between two hostile tribes who about exterminated each other. Some time since a French sailing vessel collected a cargo of these bones for commercial purposes ! So much for national utilitarianism and economy ! Very quaint dugouts dotted the harbor, equipped with long, awkward outriooers of enormous blades like sculls which bal- ance the crafts as the natives fish. Such black fellows, swathed about with what was once white sheeting, cast about Avith eel-jigs, baited with pieces of quivering fresh fish. There can be no sport in hauling them so caught out of the water. These fish were a species of silver perch marked with coral stripes all over the body, whilst the gills were tinted red. Similar st\"le of boats put out from shore with their lilack- skinned native crew in quest of a silver bittin from unwary passengers who might be tempted to trust themselves to voyage with them to \isit the shore. When the captain's gig returned from delivering the mail, although not disconcerted, I was far from being pleased \vith a very unsatisfactory letter from Mr. George S. Mackenzie. Despite the assurances I had had in London from important men in the directorship of the Imiierial British East African ADEN TO MOMBASA. 59 Company that everything 230ssible uould be done for me, and even that they had taken the trouble to cable to their representative to use his best endeavor to procure porters for me, this gentleman evidently was neitlier interested in nor in sympathy -with my " novel enterprise," but, to the contrar\-, absolutely prejudiced against it. Like a flash I realized that without doubt he would, if he could, put a stop to the affair, believing, as he did, that my advent among the natives in the English occupation of East Africa would Incur altogether too much risk upon the overburdened company. \Vh)', I could not imagine, as I did not ask, nor had I any intention of so doincj, the company to act as my sponsor, or to con- tribute in any substantial way to my personal un- dertaking beyond giving me full permission to traverse their posses- sions, and possibly assist vaki;u.\ lllli. and advise me how to recruit a caravan. Henceforward I regarded Mr. G. S. Mackenzie as my Obstacle, silently bear- ing my chagrin, determined to quietly make my own 6o SULTAN TO SULTAN. GKURGK .s. llACKKNZIi:. arrangements, in so far as I could, without his knowledge or counsel, and when perfected, proceed with or without his permission, let the issue be what it might. Strange para- dox, in the end matters culminated so that to this same Obstacle I owe a debt of gratitude. His maddening opposition developed and tried my metal, at the same time prepared me to encounter serious difficulties. I was convinced that it would be imcompati- ble with prudence to attempt to start interior with a caravan until the rain came. Enforced patience held in check my impetuosity, awarding me ample time to perfect and mature my mode of procedure once I should start. From all communicated to me, it was an open secret that the Germans were carrying everything by force of arms and exercising strict military discipline, which they were enforcing with tyranny upon the natives, who were submitted to a kind of military servility they had no prior knowledge of, nor any disposition to accept. The contrast between their national ways and means of civilizing and colonizing natives and that generally maintained by the English is extremely obvious and certainly reprehensible. Throughout the German occupation of East Africa on all sides there is a tooting of horns, the rat- tling of guns, the salute of cannons, all that belongs to the display and announcement of military despotism and rule ; ADEN TO MOMBASA. 6i liiKl 1:111.1 l:V VASCO DA f;AMA, SIXTEENTH CENTURY. whereas the English have no army, no naval force backing' them to liold their sway over the natives in tlicir occupation of East Africa, and it is but a question of time when the natives will voluntarily yield a willing homage and fealty to the English government which the Germans aim to procure, and only exact by great stringency of measures. They even conscript, from native tribes, soldiers to battle against their recreant neighbor.'* The atmosphere was rife with general discontent on this score. It may possibly be that some of the statements have only a figment of truth, they may be all true. In any event it is as the clown from a ripe thistle, * Since this went to press, h.ive been received the rumors of English disturbances at Witu and Uganda. 62 SULTAN TO SULTAN. and was flying about in the air on all sides. My ears were filled with the unpleasant statement that for divers reasons, in harmony with the arbitrary policy of the Germans' reign and rule, they would not permit any alien Europeans to trav- erse their East African occupation. Alas ! these rumors have a mysterious " they " that no one can give individuality, or name, or place to, and this " they," during my sojourn in East Africa, I discovered had no recognized parentage, no local habitation or home, but was a bastard, double-headed monster, most ubiquitous and slippery, and not above the most petty spites and jealousies. Every one who felt uncertain as to the origin of an assertion dodged behind " they said." I had to be patient until the good time arrived when occa- sion was given to test the veracity of the distracting hearsays, and discovered them as a whole distorted, and too often worthless. The picturesque Fort of Mombasa, built in the sixteenth century by Vasco da Gama, loomed in sight. MOMBASA TO ZANZIBAR. 63 CHAPTER III. MOMBASA TO ZANZIBAR. E approached Mombasa in the sparkling rays of a tropical sun. It seemed most strange and o unlike any harbor I had ever seen. It was very diffi- cult to navigate, not being properly marked \ by buoys, but in a most ;, idiotic way the pilot must steer in line of a pole no thicker than a bean stalk to get a course between two pillars no larger than a good-sized oar planted on shore. The channel is at best narrow and interspersed with sand bars, consequently nearly every steamer going into this port runs aground. There was a great commotion ; all the everybodies and nobodies, white and black, hallooing, gesticulating in an e.xcited manner, while rushing along the shore, leaping from rock to rock, the natives, of course, in such a majority that the white men appeared most conspicuous. The old Porta- 64 SULTAN TO SULTAW. cocoAxrr flantaiion, m(>m}:asa. guese fort and the low native huts, thatched with cocoanut leaves, and huddled together, were more interesting than attractive places of abode. Certain landmarks are conspic- uous. At last the Imperial British East Africa Co.'s agent, the ship's agent, and all the usual crowd which throng an incom- ing steamer in these ports, pushed off in boats and came on board ; and one who for the moment, in the absence of Mr. G. S. Mackenzie, was the representative of the I. B. E. A. Co.'s interest, came on board to see me, and commenced a long harangue about the impossibility of the company's officers procuring for me even one porter for my inland journey; and MOMBASA TO ZANZIBAR. 65 in the course of his conversation he revealed to me the one prevaihng fact that my Obstacle, Mr. G. S. Mackenzie, did not approve of my presence, and denounced my undertaking. Then followed a long dissertation as to the popular idea of ni)- insane undertaking. This courteous, much-hampered envoy appeared completely cut up when I calmly inquired, — " What do the officers of the I. R. E. A. Co. suppose I want of them, that I am not prepared to get without their assistance? I require no financial aid, and I have already obtained permission from those in authority in England to pass through the English territory." He looked perfectly abashed for a moment, then graciously put himself at my disposal in so far as lay in his power as a gentleman, although as an officer he was utterly powerless to act. Many of the posts occupied b\- white men in the English and German possessions are too insignificant to be deemed desirable, unless through ^---li^ — ~^^ .^ ""^ i some concealed or some (_ ,- W^^ V,;!* ulterior end or aim they ^^ i^-^ .jj. . / -^L^.^ .^— are sought as a matter of h.\nd showing rings for gifis. personal eccentricity. It can be imagined that a man of activi- ties, who enjoys freedom, and possesses a natural propensity for leadership, should desire to break awa)' from the narrow, cloying environments of civilized society, with all of its set rules, conventionalities, shams, and cant, for just such a life as one might find in Africa. Had I visited East Africa to 66 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Study the anthropology and ethnology of the white man, in- stead of the native races, I have no doubt the research would have afforded novel results. However, my curiosity became keener and keener to study the native Africans, and I was most eager to get fairl\' at m\' work. All the volun- teered advice and hints proffered on all sides I was quite prepared to accept as stock in trade, which might redound, by judicious application, to my ultimate success. In such a country as Africa one must have physical force, health, and endurance, as well as strong mentality, in order to get and hold control over the natives, in order to command with the power to govern one's porters. Better mysterious silence when one is in doubt, than awkward indecision or a displaj* of blunders and a confession of deficient knowledge. It is not a country for half-tones or vacillation, at least not while the natives are in their present state of civilization. The fact was, it was feared that the consequences of a woman's leading a caravan might throw the natives into a frcnz)-, bring difficulties about which would involve the I. B. E. A. Co. in trouble and expense to come to my rescue. The Frere Town mission people came to take me to the lovely spot which overlooks the entire Bay of Mombasa, on which is erected their mission houses. The native crew were dressed in the usual length of unbleached body-cloth, bor- dered with a red stripe and a loose woven shirt. The gen- tleman who escorted me quite agreed with me that it would be a mistake to replace the natives' present style of dress MOMllASA TO ZANZIBAR. 67 .ARAB OIARTF.RS, Mn.MBASA. by European iashions, and }et he confessed it would be most difficult to check the tendenc)', as the home societies were all the time sending out made-up articles of clothing, especially for the girls and women, that Avere totally unsuit- able for their position or the climate ; and the good creatures, zealously devoted to the propagation of the gospel among the heathen, were constantly making requests that the con- verts in the mission should be clothed with Christian decency. He frankly averred that no one could possibly know without living in the climate, studying the necessities of it, and looking into the habits of the people, how utterly pre- 68 SULTAN TO SULTAN. posterous are these modern innovations. However, he made an exception in the case of the best educated native men who were teachers, saying that " European clothing seemed to set well upon them." After landing- I was taken up to what was called the Ladies' House, Bishop Hannington's old residence, and here was DATE PALM. MOMBASA TO ZANZIBAR. 69 cordially received and entertained by the ladies of the mission, shown about their institution, allowed to inspect the work taught to the girls, visited the school, and was presented to the leading man in the work, Mr. Binns. Having been told that Mr. Mackenzie had incidentally said that Mr. Binns's opinion of my expedition might lie considered with gravit)-, my desire was to convince Mr. Binns of the plausibility of my plans. He perfectly agreed with me that success would attend my efforts, if I set to work properly. After explaining my aim to mingle much with the native women and children, I asked, in order to facilitate the work, if he could supply me with woman interpreters. .Such a thing had never been thought of, nor ever before required, and he evinced great astonish- ment and was decidedly disconcerted when I persisted, saying, "Certainly, in an old-established mission like this, there must be among the pupils women or girls capable of interpreting." Finally he imparted, in an evasive way, his opinion that the mission girls would have a disinclination to go on safari (journey), and mix with the rest of the caravan, besides they would not e.xpect to carry even their own budget ; further- more, that their education was directed towards making them teachers in behalf of the mission, and not to acquire money in secular service. This revealed to me the utter impracti- cability of their methods of religious training. Such edu- cational discipline must necessarily undermine their self-reliance and leave the imprint of irresponsibility upon the native pupils. The woman missionary workers happily are not so 70 SULTAN TO SULTAN. much swaged by supercilious sentiments, and with an amount of practical common-sense seem to realize that all natives rescued from slavery by the mission have not b )• nature the a 1 1 1 i t u d e -which makes them eliofi- ble for teachers. These women are tr\-ino- to in- troduce simple, useful industries, such as Zanzibar mat braiding, and have taken contracts from a com m e r c i a 1 house for strine- SOUDANESF, WARRIORS. ing barter beads, besides teaching them to sew. The boys are mainly instructed in Arabic, Ki-.S\vahali, and English; whicli tits them as porters and interpreters, but so inefficiently that the mission boys are the horror of most caravans, and they apply the precepts of their religious training as a cloak for all their shortcomings. If a lamp is broken by one of ihem, or anything is lost, or a misdemeanor committed, when taxed as to wlio did it, with nai've sacrilege, not knowing what MOMBASA TO ZANZIliAr<. 71 it means, it is common to hear them exclaim, "Jesus chd it." And, if reprimanded, the)' reiterate \vith some degree of logic, " Dio Bwana, Jesus did it. jesus died to save sinners — me mission boy — Jesus did it." This does not represent an isolated circumstance, but accords with the experience of numerous travellers. .Since my visit to East Africa, Rev. Dr. Stewart, celebrated as the founder of the Livingstone mission, assisted by Dr. Moffat (Livingstone's nephew), through the instrumentality of half a dozen .Scotch philanthropists, has established, about two hundred and fitly miles from the east coast, an industrial mission on the most practical lines. He aims to teach the natives some craft or avocation, according to the trend of their minds and physical capabilities, which will fit them to fill the existing demands, or those which may be created, of the country, and not such as will have no outlet. It is but just to declare in favor of the medical men who go out to uncivilized lands, either under secular or religious auspices, that they are truly the most devoted, abnegating adjuncts to class or church, and ^^^ if so disposed, can ex- ercise the most bene- SNUFF-BOX, STUDDED SILVER, MEIAL CHAIN, WA-CHAGA. ficial influence towards the amelioration and 72 SULTAN TO SULTAN. progress of the natives. The women and girls are clothed in white cotton dresses, made like a chemise, bedecked with a T 11 r k e )' - r e d stripe around the skirt, low neck and short sleeves. Most of them have their ear lobes distended to an accepted size by a paint id method of intro- ducincr graduated plugs ; then they wear as an orna- ment leaves of )• o u n g pal m s coiled very tight- 1\- and trimmed AkAl'. WClMW 1,1 m; i;an'axas lo porter. so as to display the white veining that runs through the centre of the leaf, which makes a spiral and looks very pretty. Some of the grander natives disport fine brass ear ornaments. They are permitted to wear their bead neck- laces and bracelets. The girls who have not their hair shaven tight to their head coiffure it in an elaborate and intricate fashion. It is impossible to comprehend how they can braid it in such an endless variety of patterns, so MOMBASA TO ZANZIHAR. 73 O O Q '=y. « f=^=P neatly and closely to their heads, in tiny flat plaits, each strand pressing close against the scalp at ever)' turn, and not in long pendent strands. All of the girls and women are splendid boat-women, and manceiure their ugly, heavy, awkward canoes with a skill equal to the boat- men. They eat squatting" on the ground or at a long table with their wooden or metal basins before them filled with por- ridge, which they gather up with their fingers and roll into a ball and stuff into their mouths in the most piggish way. Not only does this habit obtain with the children, but adults eat in the same manner. It seems to afford an imfaxorable commentary on the methods of education employed. Their dormito- ries are of the rudest kind, — a long shanty or room, where a certain number of eirls and women are alloted a lone trestled couch, the spaces divided for each occupant by mats ; but there is no attempt to provide that order of privacy which develops the refinement of civil- ized decency. As a rule they eat one meal daily, when they stuff themselves gourd sxuff-bo.k, stud- . ,• .• 1 ^- TTTi , DED SILVER AND CARVED to disgustmg repletion. Whenever they p^^-terns, wa-chaga. 1 o C o'cO o " J * '0 SC 74 SULTAN TO SULTAN. can o-et fruit they munch it at all times, and drink to their detriment fermented cocoanut milk, called tembo, upon which they frequently become intoxicated. This does not so often occur in the mission as in the freer life outside. The bread, alike for the whites and blacks, is raised with tembo yeast. The mission people, being c o n - vinced that it creates an appetite for drink, try to supply for their own followers, as well as those in the vicini- t)-, bread raised with other yeast. The women pound the corn and millet in stone and wooden mortars, with a c ] u m s )• \v o o d e n or stone pestle. Mothers bear their babes suspended in a cloth upon their backs whilst pounding the grain, without evincing any fatigue. I asked one woman why she did not put the little one down whilst at work. She looked puzzled for a moment, then smiled, and pointed to an ant hill, thrust her fingers into her mouth and caressingly touched her baby. ARAB I'.LIN'II REGGAR. MOMIiASA Tn ZANZIBAR. 75 Inspired by a secondary thought, she swayed her body in a rocking manner and ciooned out, "La-la." Her first pan- tomime simply indicated that she feared her babe might be eaten by the voracious ants ; the second, that the monoto- nous rocking motion whilst she pounded the grain put her infant to sleep. Soon as the children are weaned, they are placed in a special house, to which is attached a circular cemented playground, where they are daily amused, cared for, and taught by a native woman until able to attend the schools. The maternal wisdom displayed by the lad)' mis- sionaries in the employment of a native mother teacher is beyond question, for she could know at once the little one's ailments and administer some simple native medicine ; she could learn better than a white woman its little grievances and soothe them. Then, too, she is infinitely better adapted to under- stantl what would best amuse the little ones. The custom should be emulated. On the ^Mombasa wharf and shore, hosts of nude boys and girls were plunging into the water irom the framework of a pier over seventy feet high, giving vent to hilarious shouts of de- SNT'FF-l'.OX, ST'JDDED SILVER, MEFAL CHAIN, WA-CAHGA. lieht and vving^ with 76 SULTAN TO SULTAN. each other. They dive feet down, and are most expert swim- mers. Respecting the amphibious traits of the natives in Africa, an English officer exploits the fiction that some ante- cedent of tlie African race was crowded off the ark and had to swim or drown. Noticeable on the shore were women and boys of the Wanyki tribe, presenting the most extraordinary distortion of the abdomen, which they esteem a great beauty. The abdo- men is bulging and rotund and like a lesser dome upon a larger dome ; the umbilicus has been distended by artificial in- flation during infancy to the size of a tennis ball. I was per- mitted to witness the abnormal operation. Many of the women MOMBASA TO ZAiNZIBAR. n wear kilted skirts of common dark blue muslin, seldom over a foot long. Such a jumble of white men and total absence of white women can hardly be conceived of; no man seemed to be in the place that he was fitted to occupy, yet he had signed a three years' iron-bound contract. Some of these men were refined and highly educated, from the great centres of the world ; fired by ambition, stimulated by a desire to enlarge their horizon, they had sought these openings, scarcely realizing the deprivations incumbent upon their posts and the monotony thereof. Others were volunteers from the humblest ranks of life. Unfortunately there are no white women, apart irom the tew woman missionaries ; hence these men are thrown promiscuously together and too much upon their owm re- sources, and the customary habit of taking " pegs " — brandy and soda or whiskey — in the course of time, in too many instances, enervates alike the constitution and character, although many of the men become so inured to the habit they never are the slightest bit maudlin. Of those eentlemen whom I met on the coast and elsewhere in ABVSSIN'UX SL.-iVE GIRL. 78 SULTAN TO SULTAN. East Africa, I must proclaim that, with few exceptions, they acquitted themselves in a most manly way, and extended to me upon every occasion offered the greatest courtesy. It was touching to witness their efforts to entertain me under trying conditions, so devoid of outside resources, far away from marts, and how they ransacked their meagre stores to get little deli- cacies, and how earnestly they hunted to bring in a bit of choice game. They were to a man on their best behavior, and put their best foot forward in extending the amenities refinement prompted. They did all they could for my com- fort and convenience. Men never could have been more charming nor more circumspect in their deportment. Occa- sionally, when as my guests on safari, they would accompany me for a day or so, their good-natured acceptance of my leadership and willingness to accede to my arbitrary rule of camp, and order of march, proved them to be well-bred men and admirable disciplinarians. To these gentlemen, none of them I regret to say of my own nationality, I desire to make public acknowledgment of heartfelt appreciation. There were the usual friction and dissension belonging to occupants of newly defined posts in a new enterprise, with the tendency to revolt against conditions. In due course, with experience gained by the directors as well as the men, these crossgrained things will modify themselves. I went on shore to visit the quaint old fort, which is a superb ruin, and has a fine outlook towartl the sea, and gives one a bird's-eye view of Mombasa, with the native huts huddled MOMllASA TO ZANZIBAR. 79 NATIVK WARRICJRS. as close together as possible, with their quaint cocoanut roof thatchings. Here I had pointed out to me my first line of march away from the English settlement that I should take if I went away from the coast. The fort was occupied by Capt. Rogers, who commands a troop of sepoys loaned by 8o SULTAN TO SULTAN. the government to the British East African Company. In the fort quarters there were some Arabs stationed, who disported magnificent studded cutlasses and belts, as valuable as they are beautiful. They are worn thrust into the belt in front. Leaving the fort, my attention was called to the superbly carved doors and lintels, which are evidently of Portuguese and Persian origin, forming the entrances to tumble- down buildings. The streets were quaint, circuitous passage- ways. The ivor)' custom house possessed considerable interest to me, as the bids were given and accepted by a Parsee commissioner, in order to appraise the value of the tusks, and assess duties. A scribe cut little Arabic l1 e s i g n s upon each tusk valued and passed. An excursion was arranged, to my delight, to take me over the seven miles and a half tem- poraril)' laid of the Victoria Nyanza Railroad, SOMALI wAKRioKs. mooted as the MOMBASA TO ZANZIBAR. 8i greatest of all benefactions for East Africa when once completed. I was greatly chagrined to be informed that there was not to be hired a single porter at Mombasa ; so, after meeting and discussing my open plans with my Obstacle, whom I finally succeeded, by diligent argument, in convincing that, despite his intense prejudice to my j^roposed undertaking, at least I very decidedly had considered its magnitude, the personal risk involved, and the immense liability incurred, he seemingly became my advocate, and so far consented to my application for permission to go through Eng- lish territory as to say, "If you can form a caravan at Zanzibar, I will put no barriers in )-our way." I mistrusted it mig-ht be a o;enteel evasion on his part to checkmate EAR STRETCHER WORN BY MIS- me, and yet avert the disagreeable- sionary girls, mombasa. ness of out-and-out opposition. With propitiatory gallantry he even proffered for my use when, if I should return from Zanzibar, his fine, airy bungalow at Kilandini, a suburb of Mombasa; although unfurnished, he urged it would be a cool and airy place of refuge, much better than to camp in the open, although I was quite prepared to do that if necessary. In passing, I would say my Obstacle had advanced the objection to me that Mombasa was an unfit place for a lady, because there were no hotel accommodations. 82 SULTAN TO SL'LTAN. So by this gentleman's recommendation, with all my goods and chattels, which I had largely Increased by additions in the different ports, I betook myself to Zanzibar on the " Madura," full of apprehension, but determined to turn over every stone before admitting I was frustrated, and try what skill I had at recruiting and organizing a caravan. FORMI^G MV CARAVAN. 83 CHAPTER IV. FORMING MY CARAVAN. 'ORMING my caravan — how to do it, and how long it would take me — monopolized my entire thoughts, to the exclusion of all others, in the short voyage to Zanzi- bar. Notwithstanding that practical obsta- jfei- cles had arisen, and rebuffs whistled like V/i\ small shot on all sides, I never quaked even secretly beneath a vague forecast of '■-' * defeat. Alas! at Zanzibar I found that my world-renowned reputa- tion of mad woman had preceded me, to my prejudice. In America, England, Aden, and Mombasa, and now here, I had to listen to and confront as best I could public censure. The bare idea that a woman should be foolhardy or ignorant enough to dare to enter Africa from the east coast and at- tempt to penetrate interior as far as the Kilimanjaro district of the late Masai raids, at a time when great disturbances had been provoked by the Germans and a revolt was brew- ing, and essaying thus to do as the sole leader and com- 84 SULTAN TO SULTAN. mander of her own caravan, — the thing was preposterous, and the woman boldly denounced as viad, mad, principally be- cause there was no precedent for such a venture ; it was a thorough innovation of accepted proprieties. It never had been done, never even suggested, hence it must be im- possible, or at least utterly impracticable, and certainly out- side a woman's province. MOMBASA FROM ENGLISH I'OINT. Zanzibaris porters could never be induced to go into a district terrorized over by bloodthirsty, buccaneering Masai on safari (journey) led solely by a woman. Any woman with such intentions, whoever she might be, must take no offence when set down as a reckless fool. The movement ought to be first scoffed, then, if necessary, obstructed, and finally, if need be, prohibited by the authorities. Despite her intrepidity, or her attributes for leadership, or her ability to spurn hardships as she might dangers, she must be irra- FORMINC; MV CARAVAN. 85 tional in attempting such a liazardous vindertaking, and doubt- less would gladly abandon not only an ambitious but impracti- cal and suicidal plan when once she was properl)' informed of the clangers, and convinced of the uncontrollable odds against her. Having listened to these same sort of protests and persuasions until my ears were dulled to their unsavory repetitions, — aye, in truth, I think I knew the formula of every objection by rote and rule, and could ring the changes as deftly as my opponents, — did these gentlemen know that my empire of folly was not ostracized, and that I had received over two thousand applications from both men and women, as a rule accredited with unusual sense, occupying almost every rank in life, and the majority of them professional and scientific men, entreating me to allow them to accompany my free and independent expedition ? The most insuperable difficulty urged upon me was the fact that there were no porters to be had, even at Zanzibar, so manj' caravans had been equipped for the Germans as well as for the I. B. E. A. Co., and for some private expeditions that had combined to drain the country oi available porters. After much persuasion, Mr. Boustead, one of a firm for equipping caravans, agreed to constitute himself my agent, if I so desired, and endeavor to obtain fifty men to go with me to the interior, without any masculine European to aid me. This, however, he did in a very discouraging way. " If it were a feasible scheme, even then there are not fifty men to be had," he urged. " Besides, Zanzibaris would not 86 SULTAN TO SULl'AiN. manner, succeed. consent to go in such a small number into hostile Masai land, and cer- tainly not with- out being prop- perl)' armed." I protested, urged, argued, and finally got him to consent to try. I wanted to start from jMombasa within a fortnight; hence he must work sharp to collect the men and to provide the necessary supplies. My urgency for speed was met M. FRENCH-SHELDON. BEHi; r.WANA. in a d U D I O U S He would try, but he had no hope he should Then cropped up another vital reason for delay. FORMING MY CARAVAN. 87 There was no water in the interior, and would be none until the rains. Very well, then, I would wait until there was rain, if he would set to work about the caravan, in order that I should not be detained when the auspicious time came. That very day the rain fell in torrents. I asked him if influence with the Sultan would aid him in any wa)'. " Certainly it would." So I proceeded to use my diplo- matic passport, and, through the courtesy of Ameri- can Consul-Gen- eral Ropes at Zan- zibar, arranged for an early audience with the Sultan. There were cer- tain difficulties herc:; again to be encountered. It was unusual for his Highness to ti^ffr^^(2i^?^'^ v-A.\ SULTAN OF ZANZIBAR. 8S SULTAN TO SULTAN. receive a lady, but, in consideration of Consul-General Ropes's persuasive arguments in my behalf, — that I was the first lady to attempt to lead a caravan that history had ever known, and various flattering claims he made for my personal im- portance, — a message came to say the next day at four he would receive me, but I must come alone, conducted to his Highness by two dragomen, who would attend me from the consul's residence to the palace. As I walked through the narrow, dirty apologies for streets, sandwiched between these two marked dragomen, with all the black people gazing at me as they deferentially drew aside to let me pass, and squatted on their heels in lieu of bowing, the thought came flashing into my brain that even these wretched blacks, in their debasement, imagined the very worst thing possible about the white woman, and I felt choked with self-indigna- tion that a freeborn American woman should have sought the opportunit)' to conspicuously place herself in such a ques- tionable position ; then the absolutism of my one determina- tion asserted itself, and the humiliation was from thence a mere detail, albeit keen and uncomfortable. Arriving at the palace, which is a most unpretentious structure, I was conducted up a flight of long stairs and was met by the Sultan on the landing. The few words of salutation in Ki-Swahali I had mastered came tripping off my tongue in response to the Sultan's jajiibos, obsequious smiles, and bows of welcome. After these ceremonious pre- liminaries were over, one of the dragomen was commanded FORMING MV CARAVAN. 89 by the Sultan to act as interpreter. The walls of the large, showy saloon were hung with red panels embellished with quotations from the Koran in embossed gilt characters ; great showy crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling; tables WHITE IVORV. of beautiful inlaid workmanship were ranged through the centre of the room, and tall-backed gilt chairs with crimson satin cushions were arrano-ed in a stilted fashion througfhout the long saloon. The floor had a crimson velvet carpet with such thick pile the tread of feet became noiseless. Once seated at one of the tables, feeling flushed by the curious scrutiny of all the attendants who hovered about, I was gratified when the Sultan ordered a particularly staring 90 SULTAN TO SULTAN. oleaginous creature to serve coffee. This I drank witli relish; l)ut no sooner was my cup partially empty than there was a quick succession of various sorts of sherbets paraded for my refreshment; trul)' they were marvellous concoctions of all colors, beginning with brown, closely followed b)' red, green, and white syrupdike fluids in the daintiest glasses imaginable ; but, with suspicion, I avoided the strange, spicy, honeyed beverages ; only touching the rim ot each glass with my forefinger, then, out of courtesy, pressing my finger to my lips in sign of satiety, to excuse my declining such choice nectars. Subsequent to these delicate civilities, the .Sultan explained, with evident embarrassment, that it was not his custom to cere- moniously receive ladies, nevertheless he was quite desirous to be of service to me in every possible way. This was my chance to tell him of my proposed expedition to Kilimanjaro and Masai land. Pulling his joho (long loose embroidered coat) around him, e.xposing his bare feet encased in sandals, he expressed regret that I should desire to go to such a danger- ous, wild section of Africa, and wished I might be dissuaded. "Is not Zanzibar charming? Why not linger here as the friend of the Sultan ? " "No, not dissuaded," I firmly rejoined: "however, his Majesty could make It far easier and safer for me, it he telt inclined." Again he wrapped his splendid gold-embroidered jolio about him with a certain majesty and said Imperiously, "Com- mand us and it shall be done." FORMING MV CARAVAN'. 91 Explaining the difficulties my agent experienced in pro- curing porters, I urged that he would aid me b_\- having all slaves volunteering speedily sworn in on the followino- Satur- day ; and when masters interfered with their slaves, or mid- dlemen objected, to declare him- self my friend, and command it otherwise. "It shall be done." He ordered his band to play some special pieces in m )• honor, which, as usual, wound up the performance by the national anthem, an ex- plosive pot- pojirri. When I was on the point of leaving, after drenching me with otter of rose, he invited me, with great effusiveness, to return on the following Friday with a woman interpreter, to visit his harem ; he also placed a carriage at my disposal during the entire time I remained in port, — I will not mar the lustre SULTAN S -IHREE HKN'CH.MKN. 92 SULTAN TO SULTAN. of his gallantry by describing the Sultan's vehicles and horses, — and he offered to take out his war ship "Glasgow" for my pleasure. This war ship, by the by, it is satirically said, was presented to the Sultan by a celebrated shipbuilder for the paltry sum of $200,- 000 (/40,000). Friday's arrangements, owing to the difficulties of procuring a woman interpreter, either from the mission people or through my agents, seemed to be una\oida- bly cancelled when I re- woMAN OF THE HAREM. celved a message from the .Sultan summoning me to come, as he had himself se- cured the services of a woman interpreter. So I went, and received a most friendly reception. Through locked and barred doors I was conducted from one of the palaces — there are three in a row — to the other; and finally reaching a large saloon, the place where the interpreter was dismissed, that was in wild disorder, like the show-room of a barbaric merchant prince, — a dazzling variety and array of valuable gifts, curios, all sorts of purchasable splendors heaped incon- gruously one upon another upon tables, on the floor, and nothing showing to any advantage, the only impression given was of quantity and enormous value. FORMING MV CARAVAN. The Sultan's eldest daughter was brousfht !n In' a black woman slave, attended by two little black slave boys. With a flash of pride the Sultan exclaimed, " See how a Sultan dresses his daughter! Look well, and tell to other Europeans how splendid are her jewels." The heavy gold anklets worn by this little child, but five years of age, impeded her moving with any freedom. Her crown, studded with jewels, must ha\'e pained her tender brow ; and the gorgeous as well as curious necklaces suspended one upon another to the number of a dozen, and numerous bracelets and fineer rings, certainlv must have been burdensome. The Sultan's lament is that he is unfortunate in having three dauo'hters and no sons. He o was curious to know if I had children, and when the nega- tive response was conveyed to him, he asked boldly, " Has your husband many wives?" He smiled in a cynical way. " Certainly not," I re- torted with some contempt, vexed by his effrontery. At this juncture a heavy embroidered portiere was drawn aside by two Malay eunuchs, whose tongues were cut out to limit their power of disclosing secrets, and there appeared a hauo-hty woman, gorgeously attired. Possessed with all the WOMA>f OF THI5 HXREM. 94 SUI.TAX TO SULTAN. Imperious disdain of an empress, she approached me, and rudely threw out her hand to me, at the same time ungra- ciously darting a glance of outraged feeling upon me. This then was the Sultana ! Poor woman, did she presume I was another usurper of her legitimate place? Only a few moments expired when she was ushered out by two gross, horrid, greasy eunuchs, and the portiere was drawn over the closing door. Within ten minutes after her Highness's exit, through another door entered in Indian file woman after woman of the Sultan's harem, to a number most amaz- ing. Each one In turn approached me, extending her hand. To the first, who was a fine, frank-looking creature, I arose to respond to her greeting, when the Sultan waved me down, — " Do not trouble )-ourself lor them. There are too man\-, all alike, and not worth it." Some of these poor, degraded concubines were sad-eyed and full of sorrow, others seemed defiant and triumphant, and yet others looked envious. Comparing the vast difter- ence in the costliness and quantity of their jewels and dresses, it flashed across my mind that these distinctions were marks of favoritism. Each and every one of these royal concubines, at the command of the Sultan, bathed my right foot in rose-water, and In recognition of my superi- ority and evidence ol their humlllt)-, each ga\e me one of her jewelled rings. The sum total was one hundred and fort)- two. FORMING MV CARAVAN. M^. 95 I \VA c)^-^vv SULTAN S PASSPORT. TRAXSLATIOX OF SULTAN'S LETTER. In the name of God the meyoiful, the eo/fipassionate. From Ali Bin Sa'iij. To nil who may see it, and to proceed : This respected American lady is one of those arriving here and travelling into the region of Kilimanjaro; and I command that everv one who meets her, or with whom she puts up, shall receive her with absolute regard and attention, and shall restrain any one who interferes with her; for she is one of those who are much esteemed by us. This is fur the information of those whom she may meet. And peace be with you. Written on the seventeenth of the month Sha'han. in the year 13US 4 (March 2, ISDl). I>y the order of ABDAL AZIZ BINf MOHAMMED. 96 SUITAN TO SULTAN. The Sultan, after sliowing me about through the private rooms, as he professed he had never previously shown any one, queried what I thought of it all. With true American frankness, I declared it atrocious. He said he would gladly renounce his harem, " But I should lose my Arab constitu- ency." Most cautious man as this .Sultan is respecting signing papers, always suspicious of some governmental policy that will in\-olve him, he offered to vise my passport. This I declined, desirous that he should give me a special letter to any Arab caravans 1 might encounter on my route up country. This he did. He also gave me his autographed photograph ; and I had the Sultan's word he would always be more than pleased to serve me in an\' possible way as his friend. His gifts were most lavish ; a pair of Muscat dogs, and four Muscat donkeys, which policy dictated it was best to decline. .Saturday my men were sworn in without the usual difficulty, and when the steamship "Madura" sailed out of port I had the satisfaction of knowing that in six days the so-called impossible had been accomplished, and by a woman. Eight of my people were on the ship. My headman of headmen, Hamidi, one of the best known and most reliable of Zanzibaris, had come to pledge to me perfect faithfulness. I had started out with the idea of ha\-ing plenty of women as j)orters, and to have a native woman interpreter. I saw only one native woman who could in any way fill the recjuirements of the latter [jost, and ni)* conscience would FORMING MV CARAVAN. 97 not allow me to employ her, much as I desired, as she had started for the mission a children's school, which would have come to a standstill if she was taken away. As a slave, when a child, she had been rescued from her cruel captivity and be- friended by the mission people, educated and s u p p o r t e ci b)' ^ them during her helpless child- hood; although she had been in akai; i.i.hek-writer. other employ since, until the school was inaugurated, she scrupulously owned that the mission had a first claim upon her services, — a sentiment in which I accorded. We steamed back to Mombasa. There, for the first time, my freight and luggage, which were far from being modest, were disembarked, for I had taken everything with me to Zanzibar in case I should be compelled to go to Kilimanjaro through German territory, via Bagamoyo or Pangania. Malignant fever was raging at Zanzibar, and a general ^gr 98 SULTAN TO SULTAN. panic possessed nearly every European resident. Clinical thermometers flourished, and a friend's or an acquaintance's temperature was a theme for open discussion on the high- ways and byways. It was and is the universal practice dur- ing an epidemic for every one to test his or her own tem- perature several times daily. A friend meets a friend ; the daily bulletin of their respective temperatures is discussed. " INI )' temperature is I o 2 , what is y o u r s?" " Mine is 103, and I'm going to get a chance to go on board of one of the war ships." " Poor So-and-So's temperature was 107 this morning, they have him in an ice bath. He'll ARABIAN MUSICIAN. pass in his chips ! " This habit is one of the most ridicu- lous and pernicious, rendering many a person liable to fever, and should be tabooed. Zanzibar to a stranger presents the guise of a pest-ridden FORMING MV CARAVAN. 99 SUGAR-CANE SEI.I.F.R. lOO SULTAN TO SULTAN. land. No sewerage, and all the fikh pitched into the sea to ebb and How with the tides, polluting the atmosphere and stinking in one's nostrils. The streets are narrow, crooked, and dirty. Bazaars are everywhere, and bedecked with all sorts of articles. I took oreat delight in watching an Arab family at table, also an Arab woman selling sugar-cane. Oranges of the most luscious variety and .sweet limes and mangoes were extremely cheap and plenty. There are two very good clubs, and nothing else but dinner parties and a montonous drive of seven miles for recreation. A .Sunday spent with a friend at his sJunnba (country place) is always enjoyable. There are never but a very few white women, the wives or relations of the consuls. When a war ship or a steamer is in port, the residents are permitted an oppor- tunity to go on board, and the commanders frequently inaugurate a series of little dinners or luncheons ; but at best the outlook is very circumscribed, and a man's ambition must, in the end, be downed. Girl water-carriers made a pretty picture going in bevies to and from the wells, carry- ing their hammered copper, brass, and earthen pots upon their heads ; one girl always supplied with a long-handled ladle, the dipper part made of a calabash. Upon return to Mombasa, Mr. Mackenzie, no longer my Obstacle, but my converted friend, with kind courtesy ten- dered me the use of his large, airy, two-storied bungalow, most picturesquely surrounded at Kilindini, during my sojourn, while awaiting the balance of my caravan. FORMINC; -MY CARAVAN. lOI The scenery and lov^ely climate made the nine ilays of my tarriance well worth I'emembering. The principal men associated with the difierent departments ot the I. 15. E. A. Co. called upon me. One can but be amazed at the kind of men that have taken up their work so far away from all that civilization means to men of education and ability. There are but few coun- terfeits of houses. Every one must live in a struc- ture of four corrugated zinc walls, with a tuakota (cocoanut leat ) plaited thatching placed over a zinc roof. Most ot the dwellings are constructec right upon the ground, okkvish musician. and the best of them have only a cemented floor and out- sheds. There is a slanting makota-pent forming the cover- ing to a rude veranda, beneath which it is the custom to lie and sit during the hot noonda)-, as well as during moments of leisure, where long chairs are ever in view, and dripping calabashes of water hanging to cool where the air freel)- circulates. I02 SULTAN TO SULTAN. MOJIBASA. Tlierc are no luxuries, not even proper comforts in this new countr)-, where young men have rushed with the love of adventure and the hope ot making a mark for themselves and achieving a future. .Somehow there seems to be a fas- cination enshrininof adventurous Africa for fine, eneryfetic men who are fired with ambition. Alas I I greatly fear all is not as they pictured it in their tar-away homes. There is no royal road in this new El Dorado. Ability, steadfast work, patience, abnegation, and time are the only stepping stones. One week alter leaving Zanzibar my entire caravan arrived at Mombasa, and in the late afternoon, with songs of salutation and general yells resounding through the shaniba of Kilindini bungalow, there came ninety-five porters, askari. KORMIXi; MV (/ARAVAN. 103 palanquin bearers, headmen, and interpreters, making my little army of Zanzibaris up to the g-oodly number of one hundred and three. Seventy ot these men were to be armed with guns. The balance carried knives. It was only under this condition porters could be induced to go into the Masai countr\-. They camped as they could until Monda\, when all my loads woukl bj delivered from the dhow. I gave the porters one and all a general address as to ni)' retjuire- ments from them, and what to expect if they were unfaithful. To all I said they replied, " Dio " (yes), and " Inshallah" (God willing). The same shuffling irresponsibility as with whites. HARBOR OF ZAN'ZIliAR. SULTAN S PALACE. I04 SULTAN TO SULTAN SfSj^'—J FORMING MV CAKAVAX. TRAVSLATION. To all Arabs and Siualiilis travelling in ike interior : This is to inform you that this lady, to whom I have given this letter, is my friend, and I wish every one who meets her caravan to be kind to herself and her porters, and to do everything to help her safari. Any one who does this, and brings a letter from her to say she is pleased with what has been dune for her, will receive thanks on arrival at Muml^asa. Should any one interfere with her caravan, annoy her in any way, and do any act of disrespect to her, will be considered to have offentled the company, and will be treated and punished accordingly. (Signed) GEORGE S. MACKENZIE. Mombasa, 4th April, ISOl. In my caravan I found I had men who had been with several great explorers, and with some of the big game hunters who had memorialized Cha^a land as the Hunters' Paradise. I looked with amazement over all these strange black and every shade of brown faces, with much brutality imprinted thereupon, and marvelled if I should always be able to control them and make them subservient to my com- mands. After a moment's contemplation I felt somehow that I should, and would not have hesitated to have started at once with the lot as they stood, for a three years' journey The work in providing the right and infinite variety of beads and wire and cloths for barter to procure food for all this body of men, for no longer a period even than three months, was a great anxiety, and, when properly clone, 1 had more loads than men, and was forced to telegraph to my agent to get for me thirty more porters and have them follow me to Taveta. \Mien the)', with the headman and two soldiers {askari), arrived, I had one hundred and thirty-eight men. Usually many desert, for they receive so much of their wages in advance ; in this instance, three months'. However, io6 SULTAN 'R) SULTAN. BLAi_ K l\iiRV. the Fates were in my favor, for, upon calling the roll, there were only a few who had remained at Zanzibar, and these were replaced by \nlunteers. When Monday came, and the guns, which were brought to me b)' a chain gang, were distributed, Mr. Mac- kenzie harangued the people, telling them if the)- deserted and were found by him or his agents, they should be con- demned to serve a )ear in the chain gang. The Sultan had promised any miscreant far v.orse punishment, — to cut their throats if black-listed. Then there was a heavy penalty put upon the whole caravan, and for that matter upon me too, respecting the firearms. No one could sell, or lose, or FORMING MY CARAVAN. 107 break his gun without a fine of about forty dollars, — double the value of the gun when new. All this, I was assured, was in my behalf, and doubtless proved a great protection to me, although I could not refrain from expressing temporary indignation at what seemed extortion. So, gathering up all the loads, carefully numbered, embarking my Palanquin and all the people in a large dhow, and some in smaller boats, the I. B. E. A.'s steam launch, for a given sum of rupees towed us across to Railroad Point, and from there we were reall)- to make the first start the next morning. io8 SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTER V. THE FIRST ^L\RCH. H-COVETED rain. with its heralded season of benefits, propitiated us, and the entire cara- van was atlirill with de- Hght, knowing" how the liardships and fatigues of the safari (journey) they liad enlisted for would be ameliorated now that they could anticipate plenty of water. Having put out from Kilidini at a late hour, although our point of landing was a short distance abo\e and across the narrow stream, in consequence of the weight of loads, the throng of people, and the swift current, we reached Railroad Point, after considerable delay, too near night to make any progress on our journey. Persuaded by the officers of the I. B. E. A. Co. stationed here, I consented with pleasure to remain over nifjht as the cri-iest of mv friend, Mr. C. Mac- donnell Lemmi, who most graciously vacated his premises for THE FIRST MARCH. 109 my personal accommodation, whereas my men camped in the adjacent open. If so inclined, my friend could have boasted of being the possessor of the most tasteful dwelling there- abouts. Instead of giving wa)' to the uninviting barrenness and uncon- geniality of his sur- roundings, he had with self-respect exerted himself to make the best of con- d it ion s in his endeav- or to main- tain a sem- blance of his inbred JOSEFE AND NATIVES. home refinement. The interior of his tin\- corrugated abode was daintily hung with bright trade cottons, and photographs were grouped about on the walls and tables ; his toilet arti- cles were arrayed in such a fashion as to betray his fondness for elegance ; the floor was covered with prett)' Zanzibar mats, upon which were spread lion and leopard skins, and over the chair backs were draped bits of bright cotton stuffs ; a large I lO SLl.TAX Til SUI.TAN. ARAI'.S RKSTIXn. THE FIRST MARCH. I I I Milan plush rug answered for a bedspread. Everything, with- out being costly, was most decorative, and presented a vivid contrast to the heedless don't-care manner most men permit themselves to lapse into when isolated from home tics. Some wa)' it was ineHaljl)- touching to witness these evi- dences of this great stalwart man's clinging to the artistic conventions of his far-away Italian home lite. He was one of the "wise men" who, according to Shakespeare, "make every port a happy ha\en," antl never made a display ot his disappointments when his dreams were discounted by stern reality, but, to the contrary, tried to infuse fact with fancy. Denied the refined companionship of white women for a long time, this man was most charmed to have the lleeting oppor- tunity to converse with mc ; and I have thought, since my return, if for no other result than the undisguised pleasure afforded to lone, forlorn white men I encountered in East Africa, by my presence and society, my expedition would, even so, not have been made in vain. The Indian bullocks and their drivers interested me very much. These expensive, handsome little animals had been importeci to send to Victoria Nyanza, but during the wait were employed on the railroad construction works. How- ever, they were finally shipped as accessories to Capt. Rodgers, and his troop of sepoy soldiers loaned b)- the government to I. B. E. A. Co. in his expedition to W'itu. A camel caravan had gone up countrj' a few weeks prior to my appearance, and bad news came back to the effect that I 12 SULTAN TO SULTAN. the camels were coming to grief and dying. This portion of Africa does not conduce to the use of camels for trans- portation. Donkeys die off very speedily, and horses are impossible ; therefore there remains no relief to the poor Zanzibar porters, nor immunity for the natives from slavery until a railroad is constructed. POMRE CUPS. Unfortunately, the recent rain had washed out the tem- porary roadbed of the railroad and undermined the rails so that they were not safe to drive the heavy engine ov'er ; therefore the seven miles I had anticipated to have conveyed my carax'an b\' rail was now impossible. During the evening and night some straggling porters came into camp, reducing the list of deserters materially. My friend kindly gave me a lesson in roll calling, as well as how to quickly inspect loads, count the rifles, and set my tents. For the last time everything was overhauled. When it is recognized that a caravan going into the in- THE FIRST MARCH. 113 terior or up country in Africa is like a migratory community, and must be provisioned and armed for the entire expedition, take sufficient goods for barter to insure immunity from hunger, and be enabled to give tribute to purchase from the natives a right of way i^hongo^ , if required, as well as a variety of presents for the natives one wishes to negotiate with, and that it is essential to provide for necessities and all likely emergencies during periods of health as well as during sickness, that precaution must be taken against tropical heat as well as against the bitter cold trade winds, which at certain seasons blow up during the afternoon or night, and for dry as well as for rainy weather, living as one must in the open, tlie incongruity and variety ot an African outfit is beyond conception of any one who has not had experience therewith. Not onl)- must one prepare against the elements, but against ferocious wild beasts, as well as the invidious attacks of creatures no larger than white ants, which are perfect vandals in the wa)' they carry out their work of rapid destruction upon all wooden objects. Precious or valuable articles must be kept, to insure them against damage, in air-tieht and water-tight tin cases : the coils of metal wire BUFFALO BULL. 114 SL'I.TAX TO SULTAN. {senenge) are sacked in round packages ; the beads (^skanga ) are carried in boxes or canvas sacking ; the cloth in long bales, covered with makota (cocoanut) matting; the rice in strange, trumpet-shaped bags; the provisions in boxes; pots, pans, and kettles upon poles exposed to view, and a certain I, ^ \ X ^ t -^^ h ^^ //l/^o/' "^ MASAI FLAG OF 1 RUCE. number of iron pots, in which the porters and men cook ; calabashes with water, tents and poles, chairs, folding tables, large waterproof canvases enveloping cork ground beds ; large piecec of waterproof cloth, the ground cloth with which the tent is carpeted to keep the damp from rising from the earth ; boxes of candles, soap, cartridges in boxes, matches. Hints and steel, cotton waste to clean the guns, cocoanut oil, kero- TIIK FIRST MARCH. I I sene in large square tin cans, when emptied used for water cans, or bartered to the natives; coffee in sacks; lanterns, by night swung on poles, carried by a porter, with a light load; water bottles; photographic apparatus and instruments for observation; tools; medicine cases; largfe tin buckets lor water; bath tub, hammock for the sick, and all manner of trilling accessories, and luxuries, and endless et ceteras. Then come the men's mats, upon which they sleep ; the cloth, of which they make their little tents, used as a turban (vituniha^ during the day to ease up their loads from their heads, and kept by them to the last as a means of barter with natives. In the selection of the beads, the quality and size of the metal wires, the cloths, the silks and velvets, gold-lace, and other pres- ents which one takes for chiefs, of all kinds and sizes, the most valued among which will be British soldier coats, flaunting red, with gaud\- gold-lace and plenty ot brass buttons : European hats, and red umbrellas, tooting horns, music boxes, clocks, matches, razors, knives, bells, rings, bracelets, metal belts and jewelled weapons, needles, sewing KHARTOUM NKGRO. Il6 SULTAN TO SUITAN. thread, pins, fishhooks, tops, kites, dolls, picture books, clay pipes, tobacco, snuff, tea, sugar, silverware, china cups, knives, spoons and forks, paint boxes, mirrors, sewing machines, tools. Needless to say, great thought and attention are required, and one must profit b)' the experience of other travellers in order to avoitl falling into mistakes which it is impossible to rectify after once leaving the coast, if indeed one can rectify them at the coast. All of these loads must be weighed, numbered, and allotted to the men and rear- ranged, or as they sa\- in Africa, tangeiiezcd, from time to time, as one journeys on, according as articles are taken from different packages, in order to fairly distribute the work upon all of the porters throughout the caravan ; then, too, as illness alwaj-s ensues after one has been out on safari a few days, the sick must be relieved of the burden of full loads, if not, indeed, relieved altogether, and they themselves carried in hammocks. This unloading, tangenezing , as it were, as one j^roceeds, is both advanta- geous and necessary. Almost daily can be gauged the depletion of supplies, and extravagance checked ; it also affords an opportunity to detect pilfering, and discover if loads have been discarded, sometimes in time to recover them. One possessed ot a spark of humanity will not leave a sick man by the roadside to die of starvation, and even become, alive or dead, food for the vultures and prowling animals ; hence, if the afflicted is too ill to walk, two of his com- THE FIRSl' MARCH. 117 \VH1ULL\(.; DLRVI.ilIKS slilvN AT ZANZIBAR. panions are obliged to be relieved of their loads and carry him ; in order to do this the contents of these loads must be distributed to the other porters. They have no objection^ to carrying a inzimga (white man), but they very nuich object to carrying a {&\\o\\ pagazi (porter). However, I found it an admirable method to quietly say to an objecting porter, " Look here, my man, to-mor- row )ou ma)- be ill, and if )ou object to carrj- )our companion to-day, who will then be willing to carry you when you are stricken ? We will leave you to your fate, the prey to the wild beasts ! Come, come, fall in line ! " ii8 SULTAN TO Sri.TAN. This usually ended all grumbling ; for the dissenter, seeing there was no chance to shirk, would assume his part of the burden. The end was accomplished ; he did his duty, although too often with ill grace. The method of dealing out rice, which is carried for poslio or rations during the first eight or nine days from the coast in bulk of sixty pounds in a kaiida, — a long and narrow matting bag, broadest at the bottom, — is somewhat peculiar. A brass measure, like a straight tumbler, called a kababa, which should legiti- mately bear upon it the offiical im- print of the Sultan, resembling the figure "8," holding about a pint of rice, is the accepted dole ; but in lieu of this, the headman of head- men will deal out the portions by putting his two hands together and allowing the orain to rest within NATIVE SOLDIER. SO that none of it falls over when he shakes his hands. The amount eiven to the men varies accordino- to the rank of eacii man. Porters, carrying the heavy loads, are paid the least and receive the smallest poslio; the headmen, who are paid the largest price ami never carry even their own mats, receive THE KIRST MARCH. 119 four to five times the amount of food or allowance, and their wages are in proportion larger. However, I was obliged to submit to the usage of the country, believing it must have virtue from its time-honored existence. The small (quantity of food that each man eats daily would seem hardly to suffice for the maintenance of his strencrth, but the\- as a whole are comparatively hearty and, as a rule, thrive when on safari, and if treated fairl)-, seldom are sullen or murmur, unless it is very cold ; then they begin to ask for meat, and for more cloth, as they huddle, utterly misera- ble, with teeth chatterinof, round their fires in the open, sometimes the rain pelting furiously down upon their half-naked bodies. During a noonday halt or a tew min- utes' rest to catch breath after a stiffish climb, it is verv amusing to see the porters making cigarettes, or extract from their turbans, where they were placed for safety and con- venience, little pipes, draw a few whiffs, then pass them on to their less fortunate comrades, and in five or ten minutes be ready and content to start again, apparentl)' thoroughly refreshed, if not docile and obedient to the demand of their bwana (master). XAIIVE SOLDIER. I20 SULTAN TO SULTAN. They carry water in calabashes until they get in the mooted vicinity of pools or streams, when they hastily empty them, averse to carry the additional weight. This frequently causes great distress among the men, for water too often fails, or is unfit to drink in welhknown localities ; then their rashness becomes obvious, too late to remed)-, yet they never profit by expe- rience. W'hen a ilifficult journey is being maele and the men are fagged, there is always one man near the head of the carax'an who starts up in a loud \'oice a song of encouragement ; the drift of it is that tliej' are paid for work and that they must be faithful, and when the j(iiu'ne)' is finished or the day is done, they may rest and sing, dance and eat, and all this for their bra\'e Invaiia. Then the)' have songs of emulation, which are directed, with caressing policy, toward their leader, the Invajia ; the rhythm is very (juaint, and the terminal chorus resembles a hunter's call, with a succession of long-drawn sounds. As far as I could ascertain, these sounds did not represent articulations, but were a spe- cies of rally whoops and yells, as well as a tone pledge of ac- quiescence in a crude way very much esembling Tyrolean trills. NATI\E SIILDIER. THE FIRST MARCH. 121 Swahali porters, collectiv^ely called Zanzibaris, natives of almost every different African province, reveal their nativity by the manner in which they naturally carry their loads. A Zanzibari proper never carries a load on his sliouldcrs, and his head seems provided with a thick- ness of scalp for his accustomed duty ; just as the Wa-mawenzi ha\"e a muscular de- velopment on their shoulders in cons e- quence of their habit of carrying loads upon them ; and if on safari there is to be taken a palanquin or a hammock, which re- quires the services of \^ two or more bearers, nati\ k wan r-i akkii ks. the leader should alwa)-s aim to provide himself with Wa-mawenzi pagazi, otherwise he will be made very uncom- fortable, thrust upon the heads of the others, swinging mid-air in a craz)' way. The Zanzibaris carry their loads sometimes balanced with their hands extendecl overhead, on either side of the load, but with their bodies and heads perfectly erect, never looking at the immediate footpath, 122 SULTAN TO SULTAN. avoiding with deftness the overhanging branches or side projections. They put one foot cHrectly in line of the other, without turning the toes out, making a very f narrow tread. f This is a most difficult wa)' for a European to walk, antl I experienced great awkwardness in trying to stride , from side to side of paths that we followed, or across the tiny water beds of mountain rills, because it was impossible to walk without stumbline, or stepping on m)- | own heels, in a four-inch track. The)' univer- sall)' carry long stout staffs, cut by the way in an ad- jacent bosk, which they thrust ahead of them, and bear upon when ascend- -MAi.r, c;\ME. mountains, and employ to sound streams when fording, in order to find and avoid water-holes. The staff at night serves as one of the props on which they stretch their tent cloth. MASAI SPEAR. THE FIRST MARCH. 123 The Wa-mawenzi thrust a pole through the cords of their packs which they stick in the eartli and prop against a tree to support them, and never place the loads on the ground when on the march. Frequently, when the roads are \-ery muddy and slippery, the mud, being of a sticky clay con- sistency, adheres to their feet, and accumulates all the particles of erass and stones until they are obliged to stop and scrape it off, the weieht be- TRAliF. CLOTHS. comes such a great hindrance to their progress. The tenacity of this mud and its depth at times, in consequence of the pre- vailing rains, caused me great personal difficulty. I was obliged to have one of my porters, with his bayonet, excavate places for me to thrust my toes, in order that I could walk up- right instead of going on all fours or falling backward. The refracted heat and glare, which most travellers com- plain bitterly of, reflected from the red and white sand, I was 124 SULTAN TO SULTAN. fortunate in being spared, as the season was auspicious and vegetation very abundant. But even the blaze of the sun, as it bursts suddenly from behind lugubrious clouds, will affect the eyes of one unused to it, and bring about serious affec- tion of the vision. By using colored glasses with side pro- POMI'.E CUPS. tectors, this is easily mitigated. When approaching the na- tives I was always obliged to remove my goggles ; for they were terrified whenever the)- caught sight of them, and would run away, screaming in fright. This calls to mind an incident which occurred on the plains of Taro. After having thoughtlessly kept my goggles on, and the natives had experienced the usual scare, I endeavored to coax them back, trying to amuse them by THE FIRST MARCH. showing them some pictures, which they chci not comprehend, and finally started my music box to play. This delighted them so that they forgot all about the spectacles, which I had in the mean while cautiously removed. When a large throng of natives was about me, feeling thirsty, I ate an orange, and the idea popped into my head that one of the pranks of my childhood might amuse them. So I cut a quarter section of the orange skin into points in imita- tion of teeth, and pressed them over my own teeth, operating them by opening and closing my mouth. This delighted the natives beyond expression, and an old chief besought me for the coveted sham ; in his de- light at procuring the trophy, he started off in great haste, soon returning with the blood streaming from his mouth, and] a great splendid tooth, which | he had just extracted, as a eift to me. He sat down when I had inspected it, and commenced to puncture a hole through it in order that I might string it round my neck as a charm against hunger. He indicated this to me by saying, " Chukula," which GOURD WATER BOTTLE. 126 SULTAN TO SULTAN. means " food," and then touching his stomach with his hands, took the tooth and pressed it over his stomach, saying, " A-i-e, la-la," which meant that hunger would sleep. Their gestures are so very significant that any one who pays heed must understand what they desire to indicate, without being able to comprehend a single word of their language. I have thought, since returning from Africa, that a clever and thoroughly good-natured pantomimist might be able to reach the intelligence of the natives more effectually than any other person. A native desiring to tell me he had plenty of bananas on his plantation, which he; was cai^rr 1 should visit, took a bunch of bananas, put it down in front of me, pulled several of the bana- nas off, surrounded me by placing one after the other in a circular row, then lifted up the bunch and placed it succes- sively beside each one of the distributed bananas. The whole BRASS t HAIN' NF.CKI,ACE. thing revealed so clearly what he meant, that when m\- inter- preter interrogated him on the point, it corroborated my idea ; for it transpired that he owned a plantation which he averred THE FIRST MARCH. 12/ was fruitful enough to provide the whole caravan ; and as iny porters wanted the fruit and he wanted to barter it for their beads and cloth, a bargain was at once struck. Many of their antics in their sign language are not only grotesque, but childish. I was remarking to an elder in a cer- tain tribe upon the fact that I saw very few deformed people, and none lame, when a native doubled himself up in a sitting posture and commenced to hop before me. When he con- cluded this little performance and again stood erect, he pointed with his tongue to his village, and made me under- stand that in it there was a man in this condition, and he wanted some da^ucx, or medicine, for him. This was verified when I accompanied him to his village. He took me forth- with to a hut where a lame man sat upon a long wooden framework which he used for his bed as well as his work- table, — a cripple from some accident which had occurred in his early youth ; however, he was so useful to his people, even as a boy, — he is a clever craftsman now, — that he had not died young ; like true Spartans, these natives adhere to the idea that if nature has frowned upon a human being, it is their duty to see that he does not eke out a life of misery or dependence. Whatever they may resort to I am not able to state, but it is an exceptional thing to find adult cripples in Africa. This idea may also explain the fact that there are no de- crepit old people ; but as they do not allow even outside tribes to know of the deaths that occur among them, I think 128 SULTAN TO SULTAN. it would be very difficult to trace the time and method used to put . away those who promise to be either imbecile or helpless. If a woman gives birth to twins, one of these sio-nificantly dies ; if an animal has twins, not only are the twins slaughtered, but the mother is slaughtered also, for her prolificness is regarded as an omen of bad luck. There is something mnre subtle than I could discover actuating them in these seem- ingly senseless deeds, based un- Idoubtedly upon some long-abiding supersti- Ition. I was informed o f seve ral cases of women being EAR ORNAMENT MADE OF WART HOG TUSKS. killed who had been considered traitors by taking lovers in a tribe hostile to their own, to whom they confessed having revealed the secrets of their own people. Without loss of time they were summarily killed, in accordance with an arbitrary law among themselves. A Masai woman of considerable importance, trusted as a pur- veyor between her own and hostile tribes, was discovered false to her tribal allegiance, having formed a liason with an enemy. She was thrown, so goes the story, with her abundant adorn- ments of metal coils incasing her legs, arms, and neck, into a smelting furnace to be consumed by fierce flames. Her forty or fifty pounds of metal ornaments in due time melted into a mass. THE FIRST MARCH. " I 29 Little chunks of iron alloyed with copper and brass, dis- playing tiny glints of colored glass, all fused together and reputed to be of the unfortunate woman's worldly splendors, are given to or forced upon an enemy as a token of bad luck. .Surreptitiously, at my solicitation, my headman procured for me a bit of the stigmatized metal. Men who are traitors are punished with more rigor, and with an idea of spectacu- ular example. The man is tied to a tree, and all the men in the tribe will come and stick him with their knives, at first just enough to make the blood flow; then these stabs are given with increasing violence until the knives enter deep into the flesh, and the culprit quivers from head to foot in supreme agony ; never, however, uttering a sound, but stoically endur- ing the punishment as his life ebbs out. His body is then allowed to remain the prey of rapacious vultures and hyenas, until there is nothing but a few bones and the ropes left. The name of the traitor is never mentioned, and should one of his children — it he have an)' — bear his tabooed name, the child receives a new name ; and in speaking of this man, his widow or family say, " He who has gone to the black world," evidencing that they have an idea of purgatory or of the more enlightened, dogmatic, fiery regions. I30 SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTER VI. FIRST ALAR\L EXCITABLE PORTERS. IMAMA! simama! Bebe! (Stop! stop! lady!) suddenly yelled my askari, " Masai ! Masai ! " This was cer- tainly a trying moment. The por- ters at once launched forth into a voluble, rapid gibberish, out of I which I could barely distinguish here and there a word I could comprehend. But " Masai ! Masai ! " predomi- nated, and every man was pointing to certain vague objects far away in advance on our line of march, and manifested unfeigned alarm and fear. The result was wild confusion, which I realized would lead on to a decided panic, if not promptly checked. My field glasses revealed the cause to be the presence of several almost nude natives armed only with bows and arrows, and carrying a few calabashes and water-skins, who were dodg- ing through the long grass and thick undergrowth in a coy, timid fashion, far from indicating hostility or aggressiveness. FIRST ALARM. EXCITAliI.E PORTERS. I U Quickly halting iny men, I proceeded to meet these natives, accompanied by an interpreter and two askari, who carried our Masai flag of truce and my little American mas- cot. Seeing us advance without fear or threats, they squatted abjectly upon the ground, their long bows and arrows planted straight up and down in front of them, their startled coun- tenances, with ej-es opened wide in amazement, speechless to see such a strano; apparition of a mziinga (whit(> man) as I pre- sented. To remove! their lurking ap- prehension as to our actual inten- tion, I gave them several name rings, and Josete imparted to them the elaborated statement that Bebe was a white queen of limitless power coming to make triends with them and to bring them many beautiful tokens of peace. To all of which they quizzically ejaculated, " A-i-e ! a-i-e ! " more amazed than before. Finally among themselves they talked in a subdued tone, casting inquisitive glances at me, evi- dently stud)ing my attire, and christened me " Bebe Bwana" WAIT-A-BIT TREE. 132 SULTAN TO SULTAN. (woman master); a sobriquet that was spon- taneously and universally bestowed upon me as a satisfactory and all-sufficient appellation b)- all natives whom I met in East Africa ; and this too with a certain directness and aptness that surprised me, not only in this title, but respect- ing the full meaning of all of their nouns. Sometimes they were no other than adjecti\'al substantives in their cogent expressiveness of a like thing and kind combined. These natives were stray sellers of cala- bashes, and gee, a substitute for butter made from goat's milk, strong smelling and rancid llavored, )'et prized highly by natives and Zanzi- baris and even white men on safari. They had meandered three days away from their settle- ment of Teita, in hopes to dispose of their produce and wares. They maintain themselves by their bows and arrows and the wild fruits found on all sides, carrying a small supply of maize, sugar-cane, and bananas, and sleeping under the shadow of the trees. As fine, fearless children of either forest, plain, or mountain, these specimens could not be regarded as types. After the scare had subsided and we had resumed our march, meditating over the alarm exhibited by my valiant little army on such slight provocation, I could not but expe- BRASS BEADS. FIRST ALARM. EXCITABLE PORTERS. 'OJ LUNCHEON IN THE OPEN. rience a qualm of insecurity, and for tlie first time fully real- ized the terror the African bogy-man — the Masai — struck to the Zanzibaris heart. It was too late to repent, there was no chance for me to abandon the venture I had so confidently embarked upon, if I had so desired ; therefore with a more serious sense of personal responsibility, and an awakening to the necessary requirement of self-govern- 134 SULTAN TO SULTAN. ment, in order to hold indubitable sway over my men, I bent my every thought, with more absolute determination to accomplish my aims at every sacrifice apart from relinquish- ment of personal dignity, and by the enforcement of disci- pline and exaction of duty and obedience by any means short of inhumanity. Bravery and fearlessness have nothing akin to reckless- ness or heedless disregard of consequences. This statement is made in the full consciousness of the fact that during moments of sudden emergency, action must be taken with- out tardy deliberation at the time. However, previous train- ing and consideration of possi- ble peril, and general adapta- tion of wa}'s and means, with a cool, well-balanced head, nerve, and tact, stand in the gap as a bulwark of power and unfaltering wisdom. My constant study was to know my porters, to learn their personal characteristics, and to put each man at his best. The tax upon my judgment was great, tor these untutored fellows are creatures of ungovernable passion. If one porter calls another " a goat," like a flash the affronted man whips out his knife and makes a vicious lunge at the gross insulter; unless authorized interference puts a stop to these accessions of murderous passion, the result is likely to be a tragedy. Nothing is so effectual as the INLAID WOODEN FOWL. FIRST ALARM. EXCITAllLE PORTERS. 135 time-honored stick, the kibosh. I have been much maligned, and accused of ruthlessly Hogging the iiaik'es/ I do not feel called upon to explain on this score, yet will state the facts, so as to prevent misunderstanding in the minds of truth seekers. One day a porter in anger stabbed one of his comrades through and through his body, imperilling his life. He was floo-oed. Another porter violently pitched upon and brutally hurled to the ground the daughter of a chief, for no greater offence than that she persistently offered some sweet corn for sale, after he had or- dered her to quit the encampment, which, by the wa)', was occupy- ing the grounds of the native market place. This act came very near em- broiling- me with the natives. The man was flogged. Another hot-headed porter, maddened out of his reason, if he ever had any, wrested a rifle from a comrade's hands and shot at the headman, who had enraged him by assigning WOODEN POT. n6 SULTAN TO SULTAN. 'O to him a load he objected to carry, missing' his victim b\' a hair's breadth. He was flogged. In glancing over my black list and counting the men who were flogged during my entire safari, the actual nimiber does not exceed, in fact does not attain, the fingers of my two hands. Starting out on my expedi- jtion, I fondly nursed the idea that the porters could be gov- iNLAiD \vooDE^f BOWL. emcd by kindness and moral suasion, and that the discipline so necessary to their own individual safety, as well as the safety of the expedition, could be consistently maintained without resorting" to the usual punishment with the stick. This cherished belief was soon modified by actual experience. I found that discipline could only be maintained by chastising serious oftenders in the accepted way, — a method familiar to them and approved by the sentiments of their comrades. Coaxing arguments and persuasive talks were disregarded and sneeringly laughed at, probably the more so because /, flicii- leader, was a woman. As time wore on, they found that I was always at the head of my caravan, and if there was any danger to be encountered that they could rely upon me ; soon they were imbued with confidence and respect. They found, also, that wilful offenders would suffer just punishment, that orders must be obeyed without demur, that no idle threats were used, that promises FIRST ALARM. FACITABI.E PORTERS. |J7 were cautiously given but religiously kept, that yes meant yes, and no, no ; that if any of them fell ill, I personally attended them daily, setting their broken bones, dressing their wounds or administering needed medicines, and having them carried when disabled. The result was that I soon obtained complete control over every man. I do not think I could have succeeded in this if I had not most unwillingly changed my lifelong ideas about whipping. An appeal to physical force has always seemed to me to be brutal, and degrad- ing alike to victim and adminis- trator. However, circumstances alter cases. A caravan on safari as a travelling community must have order and laws of its own for the safety of the whole ; it must, in itself, form a body politic to enforce these laws and assist in the preservation of order and discipline. The only thing when a man has committed an offence, and his punishment has been agreed ixig-shaitd beads. upon by having his fault submitted to a jury of five or six of his comrades, is to have the headman execute it promptly, and if the culprit shows signs of atonement, never to permit 138 SULTAN TO SULTAN. him to be nagged or twitted ; instead, to accept his good behavior for all it would seem to indicate. Other methods of punishment are particularl)- cruel, and disable the men. There is, without exaggeration, more real good than in- tended evil in the Zanzibaris, if they are properly and judi- ciously treated. They have patience, obedi- ence, devotion, and above all, pride. A circumstance revealing the pride ani- mating them to excel each other and win some meed of praise may be best illustrated by the following story connected with one of my porters, known as the "strong man" in the caravan : — Among the baggage was a long tin uniform case, which, because of its weight, was a double load ; I fully e.xpected to have had it carried between two men, but after a few marches this plan was found to be exceeding!)- awkward, owing to the steep, rugged country we traversed, so, with discontent, the porters put down the load upon the ground after a difficult day's march. My attention was drawn to them b_\- the confusion that ensued. Getting at the true inwardness ot the commotion, I called all the porters together, and stepped before them to tr)' ni)- art in soothing their fretted tempers. " Here is a box which is a double load ; I have heard a great deal concerning the renown of a strong pagazi in this DAWA BEADS. FIRST ALARM. EXCITABLE I'ORTERS. 139 caravan. Now, where is that strong pagazi? A man who earns double money and double poslio, because he does the work of two men ? " There was a de- cided rustle, then a jostling and parting >^ ^.^^ ' ^ at the back of the throng of porters, and forcing his way through there came forward a tall, stal- wart fellow, with a beaminor face, his smiling open mouth jewelled sword give.n' sultan ^LA^'DAR.A. revealing his glittering teeth. He stood out conspicuously apart irom the others, and announced proudly, " Bebe, I am that strong man." Then whirling himself like a spinning top round on his heels to display his muscular superiority, he stretched out both his arms, clinched his fists and forcibly drew them tightly up to show off his pronoimced biceps, saying, " Bebe, command me." Indicating the box with my staff to him, he salaamed, and grasped the handle of the great tin box, and with one single swing lifted it clean and imfalteringl)' from the ground onto his, I presume, thick head, balanced it there, and walked oft triumphantly, sending a song of defiance and rally to the other porters, who gave vent to their adulations by slapping I40 SULTAN TO SULTAN. their naked thighs, by nods, and a general hubbub such as only a Zanzibari cara\'an can make. This same porter had as tremendous a voice as he had a body, and was always talking garrulously, and roaring out in thunderous tones when we were on the march ; and as he had naturally taken his post, as a man of entitled honor, in close proximity to my ears, frequently I thought he would drive me distracted. No sooner was one story finished than this inexhaustible narrator com- menced another, and no com- rade dared interrupt or gainsay him. One day, when my nerves were particularly rasped by his continual loud-voiced chatter, I summoned him during the noon- day halt to my pre.sence. " Kara, you are a very fine fellow ; you do your work well ; you are always thoughtful of Bebe ; you bring me beautiful grasses and flowers ; no fire is so bright as the one you build for me ; nevertheless I cannot have you screaming as you do behind my ears, and if it con- tinues I shall be obliged to order you to the rear." He made me profuse, emphatic promises to correct his KNOB KERRY STICKS. FIRST ALARM. EXCITAHI.K PORTERS. 141 error, saying, as he again .struck his Ijreast with his sledge- hammer fist, " Bebc Bwana, you .see I am so big in the lungs, and my voice is as big as I am strong." To this 1 quite agreed, assur- ing him, whereas, I did not wish to diminish his strength, I did care to silence his lusty voice. That day things went on very peacefully. There was not the slightest occasion to complain of my Samson, and, in good truth, during the entire day he took it upon himself to cry out indignantly, " Kallela," to silence his fellow-porters in the rear when they, forgettid of my' wishes, began to talk in a loud tone of voice. At night 1 called him up to me and complimented him on his effort to be quiet, telling; him how well he had pleased me. With a burst of enthusiasm he exclaimed, " Ah, Bebe Bwana, I am so happ)' ! because I have sweat prickles from my marrow all day tr)-ing to be quiet." The quaintness of the remark and the knowledge of the MV UUN. KIR.ST GUN CASE MADE BV NATIVES. 14- SULT.W Ti 1 SILTAX. severity with which the prickly heat attacks these men, sufficed for me, and caused me to think him not inept in simile. This same man was a great gormand, and the prepara- tion of the food in the little knot of men with whom he messed was a work of art, and almost a work of devotion. He tasted the pot, when the chicken stew with vegetables of various kinds had reached the point when it required to be seasoned, and if the flavor was not up to the mark, he carefully added the deficient condiments. Before eating he always bathed himself and put on his spotless, clean kanzu, a long, white garment like a nightdress, fancifully stitched or embroidered about the neck ; and if there was something ])articularly dainty, according to his idea, a choice portion of it was brought with great flourish to my tent, and cere- monioush' proffered to me. He was always the first to establish his own tent and get everything shipshape and comfortable at the time of our encamp- ment; and when his day's work was done, he would change his attire, and seemctl to "^"joy with sensuous delight the comfort with which he had so deftly surrounded him- self. Unfortunately, pot)r Kara, whilst trudging up the foot- hills of Kilimanjaro, was sunstruck; he was not only inca- pacitated from carrying a loatl, but was in a serious plight ♦or some days; yet he would not surrender his place of III'.AIiMAX. FIRST ALARM. EXCITABLE I'ORTERS. 143 honor, or give the load to one of his companions, but, with great fortitude, struggled beneath it until I personally ob- served his flagging condition, and was compelled to authori- tatively interfere. I had him come to me, apart from the others, and told him he must surrender his load, and possi- bly be carried himself until we reached a proper resting NAT1\"E KNIVES. place, and his acute agony should yield to medication. He protested with great vehemence, exclaiming, — "What! 1, the strong man of every safari I have ever undertaken, give up my chosen load to one of those goats? Oh, no!" ■ Then I said, " Kara, my good fellow, I will tell you what I will do. Your box is known as the heavy load. Come, now, I will empty it, and you will only have the weight of the box on your head — just seventeen pounds — and no man 144 SULTAN TO SULTAN. in the caravan will know but what you are still carrying your heavy weight." This artifice delighted him, and he fairly howled in barbaric glee when I dismissed him, to think he was going to get the best of his comrades by this subterfuge, yet maintain inviolable his prestige. So it was that Kara, the proud porter, carried, with comparative ease, dur- ing the period of his indisposition, for seven da)-s, the empty box, no one in the caravan, not e\-cn mv headmen, knowing that I had extracted its contents, and had, unsuspected, KARA, siRON-G MAN. (.Hstribu ted the same among other loads without perceptible increase ot weight. As Kara recovered his strength, he voluntarily sought me and suCTcrested that the lesfitimate contents of his box mis-dit be replaced, saying he was feeling so well and strong and full of life that if he did not have a heavy weight upon his head as a sort of safety valve, he should fly from the top of one of the mountains and be dashed to atoms, so he needed the load to hold him down and exhaust his superlkious force. FIRST ALARM. EXCITAIILE PoRTERS. I45 Inadvertently I was just in the act of putting my foot upon an ants' nest, concealed from my sight by overgrowing grass, when, like a whirlwind, something suddenly grasped me about the waist, lifting me up from the ground, and seemed to dart on the wings of the air, away be)ond on the open plain, when I was as suddenly dropped, and then dis- covered m)- captor to have been Kara, my strong man, as he prostrated him- self, his fac (■ pressed close on the ground in the dust, pleading pa- native haxana knife, unpolished. thetically, "Btbc Bwana; siafiif siafu!" (ants, ants;) so it was that this ever-watchful porter, seeing me unwittingly about to step upon the vicious ants, himself knowing from sad experience what a terror the)- are to man and beast, had dropped his load and, unceremoniously seizing me, had carried me beyond the danger. In narrating this and similar incidents I must aver that these half-civilized porters, although deficient in many advantages that modern education brings, are far from being devoid of the highest chivalry. Apropos of these ants, they attack human beings in great droves, and have frequently been known to compel every man in an encampment to turn out, in the middle of the night, and seek refuge at some distance away from the original camp ; it is no uncommon thing to hear the men grumbling and growling at night, followed by the flapping of 146 SULTAN TO SUI.TAN. their mats, when trying to sliake off these invasive insects. Their bite is painful, and poisonous to some people. They have periods of migration, when they make long journeys in vast armies, devastating a tract of country by cropping a noticeable swath where they have traversed. The other ants, which build the strange red-sand structures, looking like broken battlements on the top of a palace or bastion, are perhaps more interesting to study. Then come the termites, or white ants, which seem bent on destruction ; not only do they attack splendid forest trees at the roots and work up, devouring as they proceed the body of the trees, leaving nothing but the outer bark, in perfect semblance of solidity, but which will topple over and fall into fragments at the slightest push, they will also attack the foundations of any wooden structure, however massive ; frequently wooden bo.xes that are put upon the ground for one night will be simply riddled by them, leaving only a mere veneering of the wood itself, however solid, which crumbles into dust when touched. Travellers and inhabitants of Africa find these destructive creatures a great pest, and the wooden mountings of man\- fine instruments, to the sorrow of explorers, are totally destroyed without warning. The native woman invariably carries her infant slung upon her back in hides or cloth while at work pounding corn or millet, or when tilling the .soil, fearful of allowing the child to remain on the ground lest it become a prey to the ants. Mosquitoes and stinging flies Infest Africa In vast swarms J O O 3 FIRST ALARM. EXCITABLE PORTERS. 147 during particular seasons, especially towards and on the coast. One of the essential articles for comfort in personal outfit is a large, sound mosquito net, anil large squares of gauze or netting to wear over the sun hat, and enclose snugl)' the head and neck; otherwise the flies dart into the travel- ler's eyes, which is even more painful than their sting. Then, too, the tlesh-bur- rowing jiggers and grass ticks cause much distress; the jig- gers usually burrow under the toe and finger nails, whereas the ticks work head first into the flesh, and breed therein in a prodigious manner it not dug out. Every one caught by the porters is cut in two. The poor, faithful fox terriers which adopted me from Taveta until the)- reached Moschi were simpl)- besieged with these pests, and out of sheer mercy every day I would pick and dig their tormentors out of their flesh. The dogs' ears and groins were the favorite spots of attack. The poor little animals would be maddened in their helplessness to free themselves. I was told of se\-eral fine docs havincr been made blind, and finally succumbing, p(;stered to death by ticks, and carelessly WOODEN' POT. 148 SULTAN TO SULTAN. neglected by those who were caring for them in their masters' absence. Old camping grounds are to be consistently avoided, as they are more than likely to be infested with jiggers, ticks, lice, antl a nameless host of other \'ermin. POMP.E CURS AM) PAN PU'E. A singular thing occurs respecting the animals ami color of the sand ; the tones all seem to marry one with the other ; and when you chance to see a nimiber of haj'tebeest, or deer, against one of these ant structures, — for such they are, — you cannot distinguish between the two until you see some movement on the part of the animals ; and so it is with most of the creeping things, especially the mantis, the " praying mantis," which appear like the bark and twigs of trees, and \\Vv moving leaves which the}' so illusively simulate ; even the butterflies look like winged flowers, and will, by some strange attraction, settle on llowers their own counterfeits in color and varif^gated condition, and when they rise and take wing, disturbed b\' some passing thing, th(i first impression FIRST ALARM. EXCITAIJLE PORTERS. 149 to the vision is tliat a mysterious phantom breeze has blown the petals of the flower off the parent stem. The variety and gorgeousness of these butterflies are beyond description, but the choicest species, according to collectors, are the white. ■IWIX MKAl, POTS. mottled with brilliant crimson spots, bright blue, pale green, yellow, and violet. Pink locusts, clapping their wings and harshly chirping, swarmed in millions over our heads like a floatine cloud all through one morning. Another noticeable thing in the physical aspect was the prevalence of all shades of heliotrope, violet, and purple ISO SULTAN TO SULTAN. in the flowers ; and whereas pink would prevail in England or temperate zones, this tropical East African nature seemed to be more fashionable, and dispense with the old-time beauties for some new diversity in the floral world. Clematis is very profuse, and a species of white, pink, and crimson magnolia, with oreat waxen buds and enormous frasjrant flowers, with laree, thick, smooth leaves ; rhododendrons are gorgeous ; balsams, narcissus, buttercups, asters, and poppies star the erass-lands, and milkweed ^alore and o^ladiolus, wild heliotrope, geranium, and orchids of the rarest, but no roses, not even a sweetbrier, to greet the eye. Every shady nook is a superb fernery of every variety. Maidenhair fern trails and twines to the top of high trees in a prodigal manner. We constantly met myriads of land turtles of rather a small variety, and the porters would never pass one without taking their staves and turning it over on its back ; and many of the shells that were brought to me for inspection bore upon their carapace Arabic characters, showing that some previous traveller or porter in a caravan had captured the little thing and carved a device upon its back, whether as a message to other caravans or merely out of personal amusement I am unable to say, for the natural tracings ot the mottles of the shell and the characters were so intermiuCTled that it was FIRST AI.AKM. EXCITAIil.E I'OKTERS. I5I impossible to separate one from the other. I picked up from Teita throughout my entire journey, on the foothills of Kilimanjaro and even so high up as Kimangelia, beauti- ful pure white and delicate brown and buff helices, some very small and others enormous. Unwilling to travel among these natives with- out leavingr some evidence of my presence, I had taken the precaution to have several thousand rings, on which were engraved m)' name, and to every native with whom I personally came in contact in the course of time I presented one of these souvenirs ; they were also most useful to tie round a package of letters or send as an earnest, affixed to a seal, to a mission station, or when I required to send a messenger to a sultan whose country I desired to pass through or had already traversed. These little souvenirs became heralded from native to native, and tribe to tribe, and I was alwaj's asked for a pctc Jint, which meant a " name ring." Whilst fitting rings upon their fingers I was enabled to observe how small as a rule FRENCH-SHELDOX RINGS. 152 SULTAN TO SUI.TAX. their hands were, and out of upwards of five hundred clay impressions on paper I took of feet and hands of natives of various tribes, it was exceptional to find a very large hand or foot. WA-NVIKA AND WA-DURUMA. '5o CHAPTER VII. WA-NYIKA AND WA-DURUMA. HE tract of plain skirting the Shimba or Lion Mountains, where meander vagrant W'a-Nyil^a and Wa-Duruma, spread out before us as we started exactly at five o'cloclc at sun up, witli rain-laden clouds overhead rapidly coalescing into dense, ominous masses, was certainly most uninviting and well entitled to its name of the wilder- E\'er)'\vhere the tropical vegetation seemed to offer a bristling jsrotest to intrusion, — euphorbias, mimosa, acacia, wait-a-bits, cacti, and nettles of endless variety ; the most lovel)' foliage to my sorrow I too often found hispid b)- a nap of infinitesimal needle-points ; the very grasses were spiked and saw or blade edged, tearing, pricking, and gash- ing alike the flesh and garb, causing no end of discomfort, if not actual pain. Sudden!)' a great cackling of poultry was heard, which answered well as a sounded tocsin to announce the appear- 154 SULTAN TO SULTAN. ance of a party of unseemly Wa-Nyika who were issuing from the woodlands to engage in trade with the mzunga caravan they had heard was coming. A pariah dog flew at me, and to ward off his attack I lifted my Alpine stock, and POMBE CUPS. at the same time discharged a pistol over his head. The dismayed natives were thrown into a wild state, and angrily rushed forward, flourishinff their bows and arrows in a threaten- ing manner, when my alert askari pointed his gun at them, shouting, "Stop ! speak! salaam Bebe." When they discovered they were in the presence of a white woman, in consternation they kept ejaculating, '" Javibo ! Javibo ! Bcbe viztmga?" (How do you do, lady white man ?) and dropped down upon the ground in a squatting position, staring me quite out of countenance, now and then chatted among themselves as though marvelling what it meant. Soon they queried the porters to know if there was a bivana mzunga (a white man-leader) of the safari. When the negative response was given, their amazement did not abate ; indeed, they were thrown into a deeper quandary and exclaimed, " Aief Aie! WA-NVIKA AM) \VA-1)LMU:MA. 155 Aie /" as they wagged their heads and riveted their eyes with fixity upon me, forgetting their feathered, fhittering, squawking merchandise, which, tethered to walking poles, had been heedlessly pitched upon the ground when they had rushed upon me. Then surged around me women and children, with equal amazement ami more audacit)- than evinced by the men. They curiously commented upon my color, hair, hat, costume, shoes, gloves, crooked staff, and pistols ; and in glee yclept, the latter, ni '(0/0 hundiiki (baby guns). Language with all" these tribes has a full- fraught meaning, making clear the thing they desire to com- municate. Phrase harlequinade with its quips and pranks and abstrusely in- volved sense is re- served for enligrht- enecl supereducated races ; barring- their quaint poetic similes, — and these too are marvels of e.xpletives, — the natives aptly short cut word and sense. So these grovelling, intimidated, unclean creatures were the men of the wilderness ! Their bodies tattooed indis- criminately without significance, and smeared with umber- colored clay and rancid grease, emitting an odor far from M nni) BiiNPUKr. (]iAi:v GUNS.) '56 SULTAN TU SULTAN. EOYPTIAX Ml'SICIAN. agreeable to civilized nostrils. Their teeth filed and dis- colored, hair bushy and rather animated. The men, when not naked, wore a bit of hide about them, or a filthy fragment of cloth ; whereas the married women disported a miserable blue calico kilted skirt, reaching half- WA-NVIKA AND WA-DURUMA. 1 57 way from their waist to their knees, and some indifferent beads and rough wire necklets and bracelets. Trade was sharp for a brief time, and the general hubbub of the porters and angry protests of the natives squabbling over the chickens became deafening ; the natives grew uproar- ious when a burly porter would cut a chicken trom its tether and put down, in exchange, a string of red beads called scm- scm, and cry out " Buss." finished as a finale to the trans- action, which was not satisfactory to the- crafty, avaricious native. It always ended in the porter being compelled to relinquish the poor, thin ku-kn (chicken), and commence a new deal. At first these proceedings interested me ex- ceedingly, but in the end I was obliged to take a firm stand to escape being fleeced beyond reason by the extortion of my long-sought ideal primitives, and found a magic in that same word biiss that ended all dickering and disputes. Fives seemed to be the span of enumeration, and they use as an' abacus, sticks, and in trade place one down, cry out moja (one), and follow it up with another and another, pili, latu, 21IIC, tano (two, three, four, five) ; gather them up and go over the same again, if the trade exceeds five. And when they want to enumerate one half, a stick is broken in two ; then they are thrown into a dilemma by possessing two half-sticks instead of one whole one. One hand doubled up stands also for five, two hands for ten, when sticks are not con- venient. If two bunches of bananas or other produce are offered 158 SULTAN TO SUL'IAN. WOMEN' OF THE HAREM. for barter at the same price, the simple native will not sell both together, but one at a time. Exacting the fee agreed upon, he hands over the article and closes the sale by saying buss, which the purchaser repeats, then goes through the same detailed performance again. Should a dispute arise, as WA-NVIKA AND WA-DUKUMA. 1 59 it generally does, between customer and trader, the latter will dog the former and by degrees accept the proffered stipend,' after which a host of his tribe, finding the market price broken, will solicit barter on the same diminished terms. Yet the tenacity with which they hold fast to their first price, until they must own defeat or conform to a lesser ofter, is admirable. Leaders of expeditions narrate, with striking unanimity, instances where their barter and the native's prod- ucts have been placed in full view on the camp grounds for mutual consideration, and the natives could not be induced for days and days to yield, until time and patience failed, and an order was given by the leader to gather up the barter, and even then often the natives would permit the mzunga to depart without budging from their origuial demands. Ex- tortion seems a latent trait with all African tribes ; this properly directed in connection with their trading propensities may in good time result in converting them to thrifty com- mercial peoples, and in uplifting them bejond dependence upon philanthropic indulgence and helpless subserviency. Wa-Duruma kept sneaking out from their thorn-hedged seclusions all day as we proceeded on our march, and pre- sented a strange appearance, some few with their wool bleached yellow with unslacked lime, which is found here- abouts, and bushed out like Somali men, into which were thrust porcupine quills and short lengths of reeds and fish- bones. Their ear ornaments consisted mainly of tiger and other i6o SULTAN TO SULTAN. animals' teeth, and striped quills of vulture's feathers with a tiny tuft of feather at the end. A few slender strings of blue beads, a groatskin ank- let, a meagre strip of clay-stained, coarse cotton cloth tied over their shoulders hanging scarcely to their hips, constituted their dress. Hardship and thriftless- ness, if not jsoverty, seemed written on their lineaments. They suffer so from famine that they gladly sell themselves into bond- age. This brings me to the statement that KGVPIIAN COrRIERS. many Wa-shenzie, — which is an African equivalent for back- woodsmen, — when once enslaved and taken to the coast, are unwilling to be liberated, and have no desire to return to their former haunts or lives. A master must provide food and shelter for his slaves when they are not hired out. Then the slaves are obliged to give half, if not all, of their earn- ings to their master. A peculiar African institution is that of slaves owning slaves, and in my caravan there were men, not in my employ, but the slaves of some of m\- porters, who \VA-N\IKA AMI W A-HURLMA. i6i were themselves slaves, and were taken on safari to relieve their slave masters of their packs, and to do odd jobs for the headmen and others, remunerated by a mere stipend given to their owners, or remnants of food that would otherwise be thrown away. They seemed merry and contented to lead the nomadic life of a safari in companionship of the regular porters. When not living in the open, they huddle with their families and their goats in dome-shaped huts no better than pig-pens, ver\' low, made of branches and sticks plastered over w 1 th m ud a n ti dung, entered by a tiny aperture on hands and knees; the interior filth)- and stifling with the dense smoke from an e \' e r - smouldering firt/, without a vent tor its escape or for ventilation. They practise polygamy when they can ; sell their female children and wives NATIVE GOSSIPS. to the Masai or Arab traders ; are a wretchetl, ill-favored people, debased even in the eyes of other African natives, 1 62 SULTAN TO SULTAN. living not so far from the coast as to deter them from going tliither, yet in their indolence preferring to skulk about, get- ting a precarious livelihood as they may. Their worship is fetich. As a whole, they have nothing to recommend them. They are stunted in growth, imhealthy in appearance, victims to skin affections, and look thoroughly degenerated and are of low-grade mentality. My feet began to blister, and the men showed evidences of lameness from the same cause. To overcome the pre- vailing- distress I issued an order to give to each man a cer- ts <^ tain allowance of carbolized grease to apply daily to his feet. This would naturally make ruinous inroads upon my stock of luiguents, and it was necessary at the outset to think from what source to replenish. All goat and sheep and beef fat from thenceforth was understood to belong to me, no matter from where or by whom procured, and my bounti- ful viafuta (grease) supply was the unfailing comfort of every one in ni)' caravan to the finish of my safari. We passed several pairs of comparatively good sandals, discarded or lost bj' others who had travelled the same way. I fully e.xpected to see my porters make a grab for them. To my surprise, not one man even touched them. It appears that some porters have a foot disease which is dreaded so intensely, in consequence of its infectious nature, that they one and all avoid any sandals not their own. When a goat, sheep, cow, or game is slaughtered, the porters beg for pieces of the raw hides, out of which they roughly cut soles WA-KVIKA AM) WA-UUKL'.MA. 10: -,>>".»' --^-.^i LOADS FOR FOUR PORTERS. which the)' strap to their feet with a leather thong, and wear occasionalh" when traversing stony roads, and swing from their gun-stocks when not in use. When we camped lor the night we were obhged to form a hedge ot thorn-bushes and circle the encampment with huge bonfires to keep the wild beasts from attacking us. It was terrifying to hear the continuous roar of lions resound- ing on all sides, and the scurrying feet of panting jackals, and to see the glare of hyenas' e)-es in the darkness of the umbrageous surroundings. A sense of abiect helplessness momentaril)' possessed me, \anquished b}- a courage that had onl\- been dormant. 1 64 SULTAN TO SL'LTAN. Orders were issued to have the camp doubly guarded and the men well armed and allotted extra ammunition. My gun and pistols were my close companions during a sleepless night. I felt I should have at least thirty-one chances before reloading if attacked. The night was particularly black and the growling, rumbling thunder was in unison with the mun- dane horrors. Day dispersed the impending storm-clouds, as well as silenced the nocturnal voices. The experience was beneficial, insomuch as the happy, safe denouement dissipated all future cause for a similar scare during the entire safari. Unfortunately I had no Wa-shenzie hunters, and the majority of my men knew nothing about the use of firearms except GRASS MAT FOR I'dRTKR S BED. what hail been drilled into them since enlisting for my ex- pedition, and were clumsy at best. Nothing contributed more to my personal comfort than the numbers of lamps scattered about, four always outside of my tent, and the huge fires my askari (sentinels) kept up nightly. \VA-N'VIKA AND WA-DURUMA. >65 Daily, hour!)', I may aver the uniqueness of my position grew upon me ; in truth, the farther away from toucli with the coast we journeyed the more my personal responsibility and cares and anxieties, for nameless reasons, increased. A chronic insomnia gained upon me at such a pace I scarcely ever slept over two hours out of twenty-four ; this, too, with- out a sequel of ill effects upon my health, although every nerve was strained to its higfhest tension. Walkine conduced to my general well-being, and I am constrained to admit proved invaluable, with other rational hygienic observances, in giving me an entire immunity from fever. I never drank water that had not been first boiled and filtered, refrained from all stimulants excepting coffee, indulged daily in hot- water baths, cautiously avoided the sun's ra\s upon my head and spine, put on an additional garment when hottest, if not on the move ; changed wet clothing as soon as convenient. A small bathing tent proved of the greatest use and comfort ; it was always set just outside of the back flap of my tent, in close proximity, so I could step from one to the other with ease and privacy. Not least in sanitary consideration was my Palanquin, in which I slept, elevated at least two and a half feet from the ground, above the strata of miasmatic mists. One of my black women had a natural gift ot massage ; and whenever we TOP OF SANDAL. 1 66 SULTAN TO SULTAN. POMBE CUP. paused for a noonday's rest, I made a habit of standing or moving- about to avoid stiffness ; and Suzani always came, despite lier own fatigues, and if tlie seclusion of tlie trees or bushes was opportune, otherwise she called one of the other women, who would plank her- self back towards me in front of me, and spread out her body-cloth to screen me ; then Suzani rubbed me as a jockey might have rubbed a favorite horse between races. .Abdullah, my civilian cook, likewise proved an excel- lent accessory to my migrating establishment. He was also a capital interpreter, not only of words, but alack ! of my goods and chattels. Many and many a chicken was carried off by the hyenas that by natural assimilation was translated into his well-conditioned .sell. For general convenience I was provided with a huge waterproof, padlocked dobe, or wash-bag, into which was stuffed, protected and separated in lesser bags, immediately necessary articles, for example, a change of costume, extra shoes, toilet '^♦itW articles, and a small suppl>- of wooden pipe. soap, matches, candles, fhnt and steel, coffee, biscuits, as well as a small quantity of barter articles, and close at hand, as another pack, a cork ground bed. Through this precaution, WA-NVIKA AND WA-DURUMA. 167 an emergency retarding the bearers of my tent or special loads never left me in the lurch for ordinary comforts and essentials. Every night or morning my women washed every travel- soiled article, snatching the opportunity to dry them as they could on the bushes or guys of my tent. When a dress or other articles of wearing apparel became useless through shrinkage or damage, they were carefully washed and placed in a load of utility oddments to await a time when they were worth their weight in gold for bandages, or to repair other garments. Every article of my clothing was light, durable, and as dainty as possible ; in fact, everything had been done to minimize weight, in order to maximize quantity, in every department of my personal effects and caravan supplies. There were men scattered throughout the caravan who could turn a hand at almost every trade, or do a bit of jobbery, and even barbers and/ " leeches " were to be found when wanted ; and I had taken a large supply of tools and articles to meet almost wdoden ear strktcher. every conceivable demand, — rope, canvas, nails, sail needles, and great hanks of linen thread, as well as considerable aluminium wire, solder, and irons. The indigenous products of the country offered all that could be desired in the way of fibrous plants and trees, and i68 SULTAN TO SULTAN. ^-.-*-«¥^^:S^:^^^N _— ,^^^^^^^:f- all the timber we could possibly require. A saponaceous shrub from which the natives and Zanzibaris cut their tooth-sticks was very prolific. One of the porter's attendants would be sent to cut an armful of this wood and dis- tribute it right and left until his supply would be e.x- hausted. *Capt.Wm. E. Stairs, care- fully prepared the subjoined rules for camp making for me, supple- menting them with a score of practical counsel, i n - CAPT. \VM. E. STAIRS, R. E. valuable as the thoughtful outcome of his vast experience as an officer of famous repute in African exploration, for which I shall ever be grateful. * Since the above went to press, the direful newt of Capt. W. E. Stairs's death near Zambezi has made all solemnly grieve who knew the loyal, gallant, high-spirited soldier, the refined gentleman, and unselfish, lov- able friend. His untimely death is an irreparable less. M. F, S. WA-NVIKA AND WA-DURUMA. 169 Although I found it expedient to deviate from the letter in some of the minuti.x, as he would have advised had he been on the field cognizant of the situation. His watchword, " Discipline for yourself and for your subordi- nates," was "'WI^K NATIVE WOOnEN- BASIN. never forgotten, 'wmm In proof of his own acceptance of this axiom was '"liiili' his trite expression, " Never question a duty to be executed, do if quickly and leave it accomplished behind \ou, or face it like a Briton a /'ouirancc. HINTS FOR CAMPS, ETC., .« REGARDS DEFENCE. I. Choose commanding position, one not near long grass or bush, if hostile natives are about. II. Beware of long, dry grass near camp ; natives may set fire to it and burn you out. So clear a space round your goods of twenty to thirty yards diameter. III. Cover up your goods with tarpaulins, and place sentries, and as a general order let this be the rallying point in the night or when danger appears imminent. IV. Place sentries (black) in groups of not less than three men each at exit and ingress of camp, seventy yards from centre, and in great danger, groups to right and left. \'. In an attack on camp at night the first notice will be some arrows falling in the camp. At once order silence, smother down the fires, as the SULTAN TO SULTAN. natives invariably fire at these in hopes of hitting men lying about them, and rally near the centre pile of goods, and store of ammunition ; then send out some of your most reliable men, but you yourself keep in camp and direct matters. VI. Never move a step in .Africa without two or three attendants with rifles. Make this a maxim, for one day it may save your life ; and remember there are maniacs in .Africa as well as elsewhere. VII. Your column organize as follows: * first, your riflemen, without loads ; then the carriers, then a small force under a chief in rear, and for this pick your very best man. VIII. Insist on your personal baggage, tents, and blankets being near your person, and always up in front, other- wise you may arrive in camp and your things be hours be- M. FRENCH-SHELDON'S MEDICINE BELT. "*^ hind. IX. Number every bale, box, load, or bundle, and enter in a book against the name of its carrier, and endeavor to give same loads to same men each day. X. Fall the men in each morning, call the roll, and give out their loads in person. This keeps up the discipline and prevents favoritism, as the best black chief will give his friends light loads if left to himself. XI. .Always try to keep near you quinine, carbonate of ammonia, and one or two other standard medicines. XII. Natives as a rule prefer day to night for attack ; a night march may often put you out of a difficulty. XIII. Go slowly at first, with frequent halts till the men and women get strong ; allow as many women as possible to accompany you, as it shows peaceful intentions.! *This was impossible, as my loaded porters carried rifles. t The few women in my caravan were a decided detriment, and caused me unceasing anxiety and chagrin. WA-NVIKA AND WA-DUKUMA. 171 XIV. Do all the palavering yourself if jiossible. Swahali will carry you far along your journey. XV. You as a woman possess many points that no man would have in dealing with Africans. You therefore should find an t-n/rl-e easy anywhere. General principle of a camp in danger : — -^??1|%'V^ii'^4ife, ^5, m^^ , '^m.,% * • -mi %^ + -^ TV>' : : Sentries. A. Stores and rallying point. B. Tent. XXX. Men sleeping. Never put your tent on the edge of the camp, and always have trusty ones sleeping near you. When no immediate danger is apprehended, the sentries should be outside the camp, fifty yards, which is about bow-shot. In conclusion, I feel sure that your invaluable tact and perception will pull you through much that a man would fail at. i;: SULTAN TO SULTAN. In danger or in safety, do not forget to have always in camp some watchers, or sentries, with their rifles handy. You can never be safe till this is done, and the men know what to do in an emergency. Yours sincerely, . O- J^^^^ , To Mrs. French-Sheldon. REVOLT AND DEATH. ^72> CHAPTER YIII. REVOLT AND DEATH. LAINS of Taro stretched out in vast, ^sloping, sandy lengths, defined by the (clusters of hills on either side, and an isolated sand mound now and again looming up like a dome with- ^ |^"^^ri'^'''^^^^^^'^^0'^'t apparent connection with the .,..,^r=' °'y;Wvf -^^ _■■'■- hills. An occasional length of thorny ,«4i,«^ vines and trees, gray, spectre-like, gaunt, 'gnarled, bare of leaves but clad in cruel re- pellent thorns, were made more conspicuous by the luxuri- ous wide-spreading branches of a baobab, or a mango, inter- spersed with brilliant flowers, prolific, delicate ferns, and marvellous cacti. The rain had imparted an agreeable, smiling freshness to nature, veiling the burning red sands and tufted stubble with a generous verdure, which spared us all much discomfort. This portion of the route, however, is generally conceded to be full of hardships, especially as the porters are scarcely broken in to their work, and their feet are soft and easily burnt. In making such a detour as the wait-a-bits and 174 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Other natural obstacles provokingly compel in Africa, length- enino- the journey to a given point at times immeasurably, my men became surly, evincing symp- toms of insubordination. Suddenly the leaders wheeled around, halted the line of porters following, pitched their loads in wild disorder upon the groimd, saying Bebe did not know the road, and refused to budge, and as the porters in the rear kept coming up they were incited to manifest the same spirit. The minor headmen made futile attempts to rally the men, and beat about in a lusty man- ner with their kibosh, all to no effect. Hamidi, m\' factotum, was in the rear, far away ; and Josefe, my interpreter, was simply guyed and scofted at for every order he issued from me. Then or never I realized I must demonstrate to these mutinous, half- savage men that I would be obeyed, and that discipline should be enforced at any cost. Only for one instant in perplexity I paused, a vulture flew overhead, 1 drew my pistols and .sent a bullet whizzing after it, and brought it surely down at my feet, to the astonishment of the revolting men. With both pistols cocked, suddenly I became eloquent in the smattering of the Swahali which I knew, without interpre- ter, inspired with fearlessness and strength I started through WArr-A-Brr 'ihorn REVOLT AND DEATH. 175 the centre of the rebelHous throng, pointing first one, then the other pistol in quick succession at the lieads of the men, threatening, and fully prepared, determined, and justified to shoot the first dissenter. As with unrtinching, angry eyes fixed upon them, I exclaimed, " Get up ! take your load ! One! two! th !" and before the three was pro- nounced the man addressed was on his feet, grasping" his discarded load. After half a dozen men were thus warned, and the entire throng re- vealed uneasiness and were stirring-, I turned upon them and said, " Every man who is not on his feet with his load on his head, when I have counted three, I will shoot ! " They knew I woidd, and knew I had been empowered to do so by the Sultan of Zanzibar. RACONTA Then I had no fear : now I marvel how ever beads. I had the temerity to take such extreme measures. I halted my caravan, and through the pelting rain, attended by Josefe and two askari, retraced my steps to meet Hamidi, who had been de- layed by the accidental disablement of two porters, who were being slowly carried. He returned with me, and the men were harangued in such plain language there could be no future misunderstanding. The two NATIVE WOODEN COMBS. 1/6 SULTAN TO SULTAN. ringleaders were flogged, order restored, and that march resumed. This was the first and last revolt during my safari, and if it had not been promptly and fearlessly quelled, my life would not have been safe, and the entire caravan would have been in constant danger from similar outbreaks. Although it rained daily, many well-known pools, or ziivi, were filled with mud and slime, and the porters would drink the loathsome '^"^d"-'''^'^ ^'^'^■ "^ fluid, heedless of resultant ill- ness. On the hill of Taro are famous water-holes, or small cisterns, which irregularly honeycomb masses of flat rocks, called ungurunga. These are remarkable natural formations, cupped into and channelline a short distance beneath the surface of granite-like rocks. Many theories are offered to explain their existence. Some sug- gest that they have been \ carefully enlarged by the TRADE DEADS. \,:^v\y\^ of thc wild uicu from time to time, when they have traversed the plains. Slight REVOLT AND DEATH. ^n depressions in a soft portion of tlie rocks, where water was observed to accumulate, liave been scooped out by travellers, and increased by the decomposition of decayed vegetation. Many of the holes are mere pockets ; whereas others I dis- covered were connected beneath the surface of the rock, some two to four feet in diameter and ten to twelve feet deep. Here every kibiiyu or cala- bash or bottle or kerosene tin was filled, to meet the requirements of one of the most difficult marches through an up-hill coun- try. As we were about to move I on, I observed a tree covered with what seemed to be yellow blossoms, so thickly set that the color of the bark from root, branch to top could not be discerned. Casting my eyes up, and lost in wonder, my Masai interpreter, who was something of an African cicerone, pushed forward, and tossed his turban into the tree. The jellow rose on wings, and proved to be the tiniest birds imiaginable, in size between a humming-bird and METAI. NKCKLACES FOR GIFTS. I 178 SULTAN TO SULTAN. an ordinary butterHy. Not one twitter, only the rustle and whir of thousands of wings, as the yellow graduall)' coalesced into an airy cloud overhead, and was gently wafted far away out of sight. Useless to narrate day by day the routine and de- tail of marching, or to make much ado about hardships and trials, which were the consistent outcome of such a journey. We met only a few straggling natives. Fever I began to be manifest among the men. Warburgh's solu- ' tion was promptly and lavishly administered ; their feet and legs swelled, and great gaping ulcers appeared. These were most miraculously healed, through a simple treatment. First, the ulcers were washed out, and the cavity was filled with powder iodoform ; then bandaged with a strip of antiseptic gauze, over which was tightly tied a piece of goat's or sheep's hide, and left without redressing for several days, when the ulcer would ha\e healed and present a wholesome surface. This simplified and minimized the medical labors which were incumbent upon me. The swelled and blistered feet were relieved by hot water when available, and constant use of grease, which I provided in almost limitless quantities. With considerable horror I discovered that two of ni)- I men were afflicted with a malady simulating, if not ^•'^' actualK', leprosy. They were kept isolated as much as si'KAR. possible, to await developments, and in a few da)s when tlie toes on the foot of one man dropped off, and MAS, LONt REVOLT ANU HEATH. 179 the other case became an aggravated form of leprosy, there was nothing left for me to do but arrange to provide for them and lea\'e them with some kind natives, until they could join a coast-bound Arab caravan, or b}' degrees work back to Zanzibar. Ever\' man in the caravan who had not had smallpox, or had not been recently vaccinated, I vaccinated, and strangely not one man was disabled thereby, although every case "took"; this may be attributed to the excellency and purity of the vaccine and certain h)-gienic laws I unremittingly per- sisted in having the men observe. When encamped the temporarj' invalids were assigned the duty of camp scavengers, swept with besoms of their own make-up all the litter, and burned all rubbish, and it was forbidden that anj- one should in any way befoul the camp or its immediate vicinity. The nights were made hideous with the roars, howls, grunts, chatter, yappings, and croakings of wild beasts and frogs, crickets and cicadc-e. Our camp was always surrounded by a thick thorn hedge, and camp-fires blazed on all sides. Through the interstices of the hedge could be seen the red glaring eyes of the prowlers, and when the animals became too intrusive, a random shot sent them helter-skelter to a safe distance. We intercepted a caravan, and I sent a |3ackage of letters KAUZU WORN BY HEADMAN. I So SULTAN TO SULTAN. to the coast, sealed and tied, with a name ring- affixed. There was a thrill of delight in being able to communicate with the world of civilization through this means of mail carriers not included in any zone sys- tem. After marching during a perfect hurricane, with the rain pelting and soaking us, the van of the caravan led as ever by me, we arrived at the camp- ing ground at the foot of Mungu to, await the wear)' stragglers. As filthy and disgusting a spot as can be ima- gined, infested with vermin and cluttered with all manner of discarded rubbish, provision tins, bits of garments, old sandals, rinds of fruit, the chewed pith of sugar- cane, bones, fragments of rope, broken bottles, and ash heaps. The storm increased with such violence there was no choice ; the camp must be made there, until we could get a supply of water from the quenchless well at the top of the mountain. Two thousand feet of rocks to scale by the footsore and weary men, and jackals and lions in hazardous pro.ximit)'. Every one was irritable and fractious, their din grew unbearable, when REVOLT AND DEATH. l8l suddenly the storm abated and the sun burst out dazzling, shedding a good-night radiance over all. Good-nature was restored, the men began to sing, and each one eagerly performed his task ; those detailed to bring water started swiftly with their utensils and their guns up the steep mountain ^^a"'^'^^ ^^^^^^5^^^ to the well, in order to re- jjT ,.,a«s,AsaaiBfc,^f;;^^r ~ "^ turn before the sim should vanish and night set in. A warn- WOODEN MEAL DISH. ing charge was given to a young porter not to tarry, and above all not to wander away from the others, knowing full well he might be enticed by the sight of the wild pepper and berries that there abound. Awaiting the return of porters sent for water and watch- ing the laggards of the rear come into camp, my attention was attracted by seeing upon the arms of a Wa-Duruma woman a curious pair of pink and white bead armlets. I tried to purchase them from her. .She wa.xed \-ery angry at the mere suggestion, her eyes flashed indignantly as she lS2 SULTAN TO SUI.TAX. gathered herself up on her feet, and placed her back against a tree as if to defy me. "No! Bebe Bwana, no! no! no! My man has h gone to Chaga land, and these he placed on m\' arms \ to prove my faithfulness to him. They \vere his mar- 3 riage gifts to me. No ! no ! no ! I will not ! " Nor could she be induced to part with her bridal bawbles, although I made her tempting oft'ers of cloth and beads she much coveted. However, her protest and sentimental indignation were worth tenfold the value of the armlets as a revelation of character ; and yet these natives are reputed by white men to possess no idea of nor disposition to faithfulness in their marital relations. They may be inconstant, but GRASS {ii^gy g^j-g faithful in a way. BEAD •' -^ NECKLACE. Night fell ; the moonless darkness was so intense it seemed palpable. Every man was in camp but one. The roll was called. Alas! no answer came to "Ferusa bin Sura," the boy who went with the others to bring water. Every man was questioned concerning him. Yes, the)- had filled their vessels all together ; he was there with them, and they had all started down to- BKAD-ixLAin bo\\x. gather; no one had noticed that he loitered, although the Avild pepper was plenty and they all had gathered some as REVOLT AND DEATH. iS: they came leaping down the rugged mountain, but driven by hunger, fatigue, and the fear that night might overtalce them, tliey had not tarried. Hamidi organized a search party with torches and guns to search for Ferusa bin Sura. Kerosene cans were opened and great bonfires made. The relief party shouted, yelled, and sung. A protest re- sounded on all sides from the wild beasts. Presently an unearthl)- shriek overrode all other noise ; my heart fairly choked me in its agonized plunges and curdled my blood, for I realized that poor Ferusa was being devoured by the lions. Nothing could now restrain me. With a well- armed body guard and torches I made them conduct me up the mountain path and fire volley after volley, trying to frighten the animals; all to no purpose. We finally dis- covered that he had fallen into a gully, and there had been pounced upon by lions he had disturbed. Nothing was left but to retreat, and in the morning search for his remains. We found a bone or two, and the water pail ominously marked with my name. Sometimes in the night my memory NAIIVE DISH MADE OF OXE PIECE OF WOOD. 1 84 SULTAN TO SULTAN. SPIRAL METAL NECKLACE. NATIVE WORK. vividly brings back those ear-splitting shrieks, and the vhole scene, with its spectacular horrors, parades through my brain. This was the only human creature I left dead in Africa; although later on I had an attendant so violently ill with fever, so mad in delirium, forcing upon me great per- sonal solicitude and requiring hourly vigilance on my part, and a total surrender of all other special attend- ants to the invalid's care, in order to prevent another tragedy. The caravan ambulance of this one inva- lid required the service of eighteen during four fifths of my safari, but reached home comparatively well. During the day I visited some villages we passed, where there was scarcely any sign of habitation ; the huts wide open, the fires burning, completely deserted, with the exception of a few old men and women lolling about ; for every one else had gone to work on the shambas, or jjlantations, which the auspi- cious rains had made fertile, or had followed those who did work in order to secure to themselves companionship. But when the sun was about to set, surging from all directions came the natives, the women bearing upon their heads long loads of grass or wood, happy and joyful as if the day had just begun and they were anticipating some fete, rather than having just finished their labor and returning home for rest and refreshment. < t o s o o > H REVOLT AND DEATH. 185 WOODEN SPOON. Methods of working the plantations seem rather hard upon the women, because the few tools they use are without handles, and the Zanzibar hoe is a bastard pick and hoe com- bined, something like an adze. The shortness of the metal haft, which is projected from the tool itself, compels the women to bend almost double as they break up the ground. Fortunately the rare fertility of the soil lessens the necessity of much work of this kind. They cut the grain with curved .. ,.,.1..^ _ knives sharpened on the .,eil^^1M^li'^C¥k'>^>WO^f%^j inner edge, HIDE ASl> BE,\D CAP WORN P.V SULTANS something- like a modified sickle, as well as with long straight knives looking like dirks. The curved knives are principally used for cutting banana stalks and grass. The women resort to a rather singular artifice in case the bunch of bananas they essay to 1 86 SULTAN TO SULTAN. cut happens to be very heavy ; they manage to stand up directly beneath it upon a stone or log, and by throwing their heads back and a peculiar curving of the spine, ma- noeuvre until they make platforms of their necks and breasts, upon which they ease up the heavy bunch, while they reach overhead to the extreme limit of their arms, grasp and hack it off by a sweeping motion of their curved knives ; and I have seen a woman supporting a bunch of such ponderous weight that when it was liberated from its parent stem she would fairly reel backward, stagger a moment to recover her- self, and with difficulty keep from dropping her precious burden until she was able to place it carefully on the ground. Finally she would, with regathered force, firmly lift it on her head and walk away with her burden, displaying the light- ness and agility of a gazelle. The women never seem to shirk carrying a load, however hea\'y it may be, if they can once manage to get it settled and balanced upon their heads. DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. 187 CHAPTER IX. DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. IFFICULTIES and hardships were steadily in the ascendency trom the n moment we left the sycamores at Maungu, and struck the steppes to the west. The mountains of Ndara, presenting their rugged gneiss wall, stand out boldly, and beyond the mountains of Teita haz)' like a half-tone. Nature became more „__ •/;:,'■- "erratic, vegetation more varied; the breccia rocks were full of bits of glittering quartz and mica, thorns and angular branches made phantom-like profiles, grasses of a height exceeding ten feet hid the glaring red sand, and brilliant odoriferous flowers attracted swarms of honey bees. Our march in the broiling sun, up the rising ground, fatigued us considerably. Unfortunately, my advance askari, whose business it was to lop oft the intrusive branches and vines to make a wa)- for me, allowed a branch of a thorn-tree to escape his grasp, which flew back and struck me in the left eye, leaving a thorn thrust in my i88 SULTAN TO SULTAN. TEllA HUT. eyeball. Such agony I never previously experienced, and the attendant horror that, in removing the thorn, the eye might possibly be destroyed, disquieted me to the degree when all knowledge of expedients was vanished for a time. Terror reigned supreme over every member of the caravan, and the poor unhappy culprit supplicated me for mercy, fearful that the penalt)' for his fault would be nothing short of death. Although sorry for myself because of the seriousness of the accident, there was certainly no wrath in my heart for him. A singular coincidence occurred which I feel justified in narrating, as it impressed the Zanzibaris as to the actuality of the superhuman powers they heretofore DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. 189 POISONED ARROWS. had supposed were enthralled in mj- being. The same askari met with a similar accident to his left eye thirty- six hours after my misfortune, and gradually his eye ran out, so that when we reached the coast, at the finish of the sajari, the empty socket tortured my conscience, knowing that he believed it was a retribution I had called down upon him. He was a Roman Catholic convert, and during the remainder of the safari, after his own injury, he addressed orisons first to God, then to me. He fully ac- cepted his affliction from the beginning as a righteous punish- ment I had called down upon him, and nothing could eradi- cate this idea from his mind. He would pathetically and without cant say, " Bebe is merciful, kind, and good; a Inoana would have shot me." After the shock had abated, my eye was bandaged, and on we marched. One does not stop for an eye or a limb or a life in Africa ; one is ever impelled to proceed, per augusta ad aiigiista. With one eye I saw more than I can ever hope to recount of the grandeur of Kilimanjaro, and am repaid tenfold for all I suffered in Africa by the possession of the confidence and friendship bestowed upon me by the African primitives. 190 SULTAN TO SULTAN. At the foot of the Ndara Mountain we halted just below the Sagalia mission station, at least six hundred feet above. This camping ground, so well known to all caravans traversing that resfion, contains a number of uninviting straw and banana- leaf thatched sheds, filthy with the indescribable debris of many caravans, and giving out a strong odor of chickens, goats, cattle, and, at this particular time, also of camels, for the I. B. E. A. caravan taking camels up country had only a few days before passed that way. Some of the tired porters hastily put down their loads, and threw themselves upon the litter, heedless of the filth and stench, in their eager- ness to avail themselves of the dubious shelter. \ pool of water fed from the moun- tain rills, if not NATIVE MF.TAL RINGS AND GOATSKIN BROTHERHOOD RINGS. iudccd frOITl a living wellspring, a dark, dank home for wriggling, loath- some creatures, silently rested beneath outspreading sycamore and baobab trees. Here the men scrambled and threw them- selves flat on the ground, plunged their heads into the water and drank until they had quenched their inordinate thirst. DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. I9I In quick response to our signal shots tlie natives dis- charged two rifles, and men, women, and children, the young and the old, began to swarm down the rugged escarpment with amazing precipitation, bearing on their heads all sorts of salable green stuff, and chickens, eggs, butter, gee, milk curds, honey, and what other articles of barter their meagre stock in hand warranted. A great hubbub ensued, to which the porters largely contributed, as there would be a mutual recognition of an old acquaintance. Mr. Wray, the former resident of the Sagalia mission, also the agent of Ibea, had resigned their posts 1 in consequence of the dissatisfaction mani- snuff-box. fested by the natiyes in a series of unbearable jaersecution. Their absence deprived me of an opportunit)' I had largely counted upon whereby to obtain some interesting data. Whilst the men of the caravan were bartering, cooking, bathing, and filling their calabashes, attended by Josefe and three askari, I climbed over six hundred feet up to the top of the hill to take a bird's-eye view of the surrounding country and visit the people. Depravity seems to be an eminent characteristic of natives in easy touch to coast traders and caravan traffic. The Wa-Teita, especially that branch of the tribe known as the Wa-Sagalia, who inhabit this portion of the mountain in the province of Teita, situated as it is at the four corners of caravan routes leadino- to and from the coast in various ig2 SULTAN TO SULTAN. directions, present a glaring example of the statement. They are grovellers, devoid of self-respect, and evince a shameless state of beggary; although they possess a most fertile tract of country, pro- tected by its eminence from surprises by hostile tribes, their indolence and the prevailing demoralization of the women too often reduce this tribe to a sad plight of penury. The flagrancy of the • women is most disgusting, from all accounts given by reliable travellers who have been forced to camp here for a few days. Food was too high priced to entice my porters to tarry long, there- fore during the few hours we halted I was spared the humiliation of being an involuntary witness to their degra- dation. Neither the men nor women are comely of feature or fme in figure. Their color is brown rather than black; they file and discolor their teeth and tattoo their bodies in a rudimentary way, without motive or any conventional fashion. The women artificially make their breasts pendulous, and shave their heads, all but a circular crown patch, which BRASS AND IRON 1;EAUS. DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. 193 they strand and string beads upon ; the prosperous or favor- ite women attach a number of strands of beads around their heads, in addition to the crown of beaded hair, and per- mit several strings to hang down over their ears and shoulders; they wear high masses of dark blue and red small beads, called lar^e sail -SCI) I, to d is- tinguish such from seed-beads, around their necks, until their chins are awkwardly thrown up anc pressed backwards; also a bead girdle, or smiply more goatskin ki,ap worn by many tribes, strands of beads roped ornamented with beads and chains. about the waist ; then a dark blue or brown — clay stained — cotton loin-cloth or kilt skirt, very short, coming only half- way between hip and knee, or a tiny scrap of cloth or goat- skin hanging in front, or a small triangular flap of goatskin dangling behind from their waists ; large pewter and bead armlets and upwards of twenty-four wire hoops two and one half inches in diameter, on which are strung all sorts of small beads, in one ear, and in the other a few hoops of large green and blue glass rings of the sort that are 194 SULTAN TO SULTAN. prized by the Masai. In various punctures around the rim and in the lobes of their ears they thrust bits of sweet grass, circular pieces of ivory or bone, porcupine quills, brass, iron, and copper danglers orna- .mented with a few large showy beads. All these beads represent accuniu- \VA-TE!TA BEAD AND METAL EAR-RINGS. TWENTY-FOUR WORN AT A TIME. lated wcalth. OccasioU" ally women had followed the fashion of the Zanzibaris slave women, and wore little studs of various materials put through holes bored into their nostrils and lips and cheeks. When they are fortunate enough to possess a bright variegated bandana or handkerchief, they delight to display it on their person. Horn, metal, and goatskin rings bedeck their hands. Although their hands and feet are broad and thick, they are not long, and cannot fairly be called large. They, as other natives, detest ablutions, and use quantities of animal and cocoanut oil overlaid with yellow clay and accumulated dirt. The men wear odd bits of all sorts of calico, deck out their persons in ivory and bone and metal armlets and leg- lets, wear similar ear ornaments, arm themselves with bows and arrows, carry a hide quiver filled with poisoned arrows; the poison they use, and many other tribes in East Africa, is a vegetable product from the province of Gyriama, which DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. 195 WA-TEl'lA EAR-RINGS. they procure from the Arab traders, or direct through their own envoys from the people of the country. Polygamy exists, and a degenerate outcome of the men's thriftlessness leads them to marr)- their own mothers and sisters and even their own children, because they are too improvident or actually in some cases too poor to purchase an unrelated wife ; hence the offspring of these consanguin- which enervate alike their mental and physical forces, must retrograde and develop vicious tendencies in their degenerate progeny, if they do not in time happily become sterile. Their religion, such as it is, may be safely called fetich. As they depend largely, as one of their most profitable products, upon the yield of the calabash, which is the fruit of the baobab-tree, when a famine threatens they plant numbers of this tree to propitiate the elements, and regard as a bad oinen the destruction of a baobab-tree if through accident or intention. All the hair, as a rule, is shaved close to the skin. Magic doctors are held in high repute. Women are the accoiiclicurs and specialists for women. Puberty is attained at an early age, as in all tropical countries. The v^'omen ma)' marry 196 SULTAN TO SULTAN. at the age of ten, and the youths at fifteen. The families are not large. Virtue here has no place. Men and women antl children drink pombc, and smoke long wooden or iron pipes, and use snuff. The inevitable snuff-box dangles In sight, for every tribe in East Africa indulge in the habit. Plenty of game could be discerned ambling away on the outstretch of steppes beyond. A sudden mist shrouded the distant sight of Kilimanjaro, which deprived us of seeing the grand moun- tain's peaks. Rain portended, and despite the protest the natives made, we soon were in train to march. The natives were struck with amaze- ment to see the loliitc won/an, and several stood as if riveted to the ground, with their loads on their heads, staring at me for hours. Men squatted about with their bows and arrows clutched in their hands, mutely watching every move- ment I made. The Palanquin was a veritable surprise to adults and children. All wanted to see it carried ; and when the bearers lifted it up to proceed on WA-TEITA BEAD HOOP EAR-RINGS. our safai-!. they ran m droves after DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. 197 them, shouting and screaming with dehght, exactly as do street gamins pursue a circus caravan going through a town. Shaba, tlie old chief of Sagalia, had presented me with a few of his ear ornaments, for which I had gi\'en in return an ample amount of beads ; however, he expressed great dissatisfaction, and demanded some Americana, white cotton sheeting, which Hamidi peremptorily refused. He planted ■Cuo* WA-TEHA NECKLACE. himself close beside me wherever I chanced to move, and commenced a nagging grumble, about being so poor and that I was so rich, and what the other travellers had given him. A more abject-looking creature can scarcely be de- picted. His wives sallied about him to lend their voices to his bewailings, until for peace and quiet I came very near acquiescing to their demands. The women, to incite my pity, igS SULTAN TO SULTAN. carried their wretched-looking babies shing over their backs in a hide or length of cloth, but Hamidi protested that he would satisfy and silence the "beggars." Rather a sprightly bronze beauty — a beauty according to the accepted rule of that country — came racing up to me, repeating over and over again, " Bebe, Bebe," extending her arms, holding in her hands a sweet grass bead necklace, and a round bone ornament pierced in the centre, which she had worn on her own neck. 1 ;pted her proffered curious to know hat she would demand in return. To my astonish- ment, she spit at me. In my dis- gust and indigna- tion, I was about to return her pres- Mits, when Josefe ;hecked me by saying is merry way, " Quite right, Bebe, it is their way of paying you a compliment; they all do it in this part." So they do, as we shall see later on. Rather pleased at the little maiden's evidence of generous friendliness, I drifted into quite a revery, from CARAVAN I'ATH. DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. 1 99 which I was disturbed, some miles from the place of the scene, by her voice and her presence. She had repented of her free gift, and had pursued us to exact adequate pay- ment for, or the return of, the trifles. She was pacified with the glitter of a few pice and a name ring. Whilst I partook of my luncheon, sitting in my Palanquin, I confess experiencing great embarrassment in the presence of the large audience of natives who thronged about to gaze and comment upon the performance, wherever we chanced to halt, from beginning to finish of our safai-i. The observances of little ceremonies and indulgence in certain refinements, as well as some few luxuries, conduced not only to my prestige in the natives' eyes, but to my personal comfort and self-respect. Requisite accessories add but little to the expense of a safari, and bring a threefold result : namely, in appearance, in instructiveness as to the white people's customs, and not the least, to personal conven- ience and comfort. All talk explanatory of such, not illus- trated by actual representation, could not do half the service of certain observances adhered to consistently by a leader. It is not foolish. It is essential in studying traits of native people, and to provoke and develop the play of their intel- lect when brought face to face with strange manners and customs. On we pushed, trying to reach a suitable camping ground for the night, despite the sharp showers that fitfully swept down upon us. Suddenly, as the sun neared the horizon, a 200 SULTAN TO SULTAN. BEAIlED FIGLEAF. violent outbursts ot bow of promise, with tliree reflected glories of its radiant self, made the heavens magnificent, and the storm ceased. Alas! photographs taken of this and similar manifestations of the elements proved utterly worthless, — vagfue, meaningless, and black be- es ' o yond the recognition of a single out- line or effect. Encased in a waterproof coat, rubber boots, and a cover over my topcc (pith hat), I defied every storm, and marched with ease through wind-driven rains. My head askari shouldered me to convey me across a muddy, leech-infested stream, swollen by the recent downpourings, and in his effort to obtain a foothold on the slimy, somewhat abrupt, yielding bank, slipped, and dumped me into the turgid waters. When fished out I certainly was a bedraggled-look- ing object, both e)es closed with mud which trickled down from head to feet, my mouth, nostrils, anci ears resembling overflowing phials of pea soup. Witnessing the event, Hamidi's kibosh ( rhinoceros-hide stick) went whistling through the air as he impulsively plunged throueh the stream to chastise the frightened askari. How- ever, in justice I signed him oft', and made merry of the incident, protesting it was not the man's lault through any carelessness. Quietly I resolved never again to trust myself to the hazard of a similar ducking, and thereafter swam or 2 O o o DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. 20I ^^rw^^rv^^V" -w ^^i forded the streams, only making exceptions when we had to plod through short spaces of muddy, swampy ground, and there was no sense in making myself uncomfortable or hideous for hours by loading down my clothing and feet with tenacious clay and slime. Straggling natives at first were very shy and half sus- picious, although never hostile or reluctant to supply us with food when we would reach their settlements, although at Matata the prices were even more exhorbitant than at Teita. This can be accounted for from the fact that our reputation had preceded us, and we were heralded as a /)/£' and ricJi safari, and that Bebe Bwana was a white queen. The plantations were very fertile, and the women, who are the legitimate agriculturists of East Africa, bediz- ened with Qrlisteninof beads and shinino- metal, tilled the ground, without apparently deeming their task to be any hardship. Somehow the natives' acceptance of the inevitable is very fine. Knowing that we were to traverse their country, they were evidently on the alert to see me, and were disporting their splendors in honor of the event. They were not surprised, and passed upon m)' anomalous appearance without hesitancy. My long hair was an unremitting source of amazement to all the tribes I met. They queried why I TWO EKADED CaRDLE.^. 202 SULTAN TO SULTAN. did not shave it off, lilce theirs. My crooked Alpine stock, with its blue pennant emblazoned with the magic device, noli J71C tanzci'c, was much admired and I tear coveted. They innocently deemed it to be a badge of high rank, never havine seen one before, hence inferred that I must be of supreme importance and possessed of limitless power, to pass over their idea of the inexhaustibility of my material resources. On all sides I was besought for razors and clasp-knives, which I bestowed freely. An explorer's knife, worn attached to my belt, delighted them with its iintltuiu in parvo contents. They would peer around and into my tent if the flaps were fastened ^ '^ back to the guys, when fitted up ^. -V with all of its paraphernalia, and - ) stand, eyes wide open, fixed with V -amazement at the mysterious ap- 'jpointments thereof, for hours, with- out becoming weary. At night I would set alight mag- nesium wire, red and green Greek powder, or send up rockets, antl EGG-SHAPED BEADS. somctlmcs fire a voile)' for their amusement when they were bold enough to venture to defy the dark, of which they have an inherent fear, measurably shared b)' all African tribes. DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. 203 On our route at Ruru we found, curled up tinder the meagre cover ot a tew branches overspread with palm leaves and grasses, a poor, ill wretch dying- frc^m neglect and hunger, who hail been discharged, it was said through his |:)hysical inability to proceed with head-inlaio dish. a cara\an destined to a certain station, and turned adrift, without adequate means to reach the coast as best he could or drop dead in the bush. Poor fellow, he managed to drag himself several days on his homeward journey, antl then col- lapsed in his utter helple.ssness at this point. Although I was carrying a document from an authoritative officer to various subofficers, occup)'ing stations in East Africa, ordering them not to deplete their stores, nor to provide me with sup- plies of barter goods, ami under no circumstances to assume any e.xpense in my behalt, or enlist in any of my undertak- ings other than to warn me of ilanger and if possible prevent me from incurring risk of lite, coinmon humanity asserted itself, and I provided one of their adandoned wretches with a tempo- rary abiding place in the care of a native family well known to my headman Hamidi, and left him trade goods sufficient to get him to the coast when he should be able to travel. Three weeks afterwards, three natives from this village presented themselves in my camp to demand further payment ior the maintenance of the fever-stricken waif. Their claim I promptly repudiated, as it could only be regarded in the light of sharp practice, for the man had died, by their own confession. 204 SULTAN TO SULTAN. We were constantly coming across the fresh spoor of buffa- loes and rhinoceros, and the bush was trampled significantly. The rear part of the caravan was put to rout by the dash of a herd of zvilde bccsfc which had been disturbed by the noise whilst grazing, but after the panic subsided it was found that no one had been hurt; then the)' all boasted how they could have brought down the en- tire herd if Bebe B w a n a had only r^^^ given them per- mission to shoot. D u r i n o- the WOODEN PASIN. course of the day I was fortunate in bringing down a lovely gazelle at two hundred and forty yards, — a random shot 1 sent from my Winchester into a herd. This bit of luck was hailed with great acclamation by my men, and they boasted about it with as much fervency as if they, each one, had individually bet;n the marksman. Several porters started on a gallop to bring in the game. It was soon flayed, and the meagre portion of meat it afforded was dressed and sent to my cook tent. Selectino- a few steaks, the balance was eiven to Hamidi, to distribute to the sick, after reserving the liver and kidneys for his own mess pot. Although quantities of big game abounded, after a few DEI'KAVEI) WA-I'EITA. 205 experiments it became obvious to me that it would throw my caravan into wild confusion to engage in sport which would not have had a brilliant result, as my men were not expert in the use of rifles. However, when we could not procure meat, and the men seemed to require a more generous diet than fruits, corn, bananas, and yams, I would try my hand. Partridges and Guinea fowls were plenty, and flew up from the bush when we were right upon them. One morn- ing, in less than an hour, with my revolver, I shot for the pot nineteen, without the slightest tax of skill. The inflam- mation that had set up in my injured eye behooved me to avoid long-range sights. However, after my minor successes, I fully comprehend why it is that f\ great sportsmen like Sir John \VilIoughb\-, » Jackson, have expressed them- selves with so much en- thusiasm about this " hunter's Paradise." A deplorable species of " buck fever," belonainc: ex- clusively to no particular country, experienced b\" me when in too close proximit)' to the ivories of elephants encountered on my sajari, pre- vented me taking photographs of the admitted greatest source of commerce in Central, East, and West Africa, — a commerce which lias a nefarious significance when one Chanler, and others. kHINoi. KROP. 206 SULTAN TO SL'LTAN. speaks of black ivory, or slaves; for It is the white ivory yield which is the very key-note of slavery for the ill-favored blacks who are captured and impressed into service by the Arab i\ory traffickers to transport their hauls to marketable points, and then sold when their task is accomplished. Another plea for proper and humane trans- portation, to which obviou si y Chris- tians, hu m a n i t a- rians, commercial promoters, coloniz- ers, should lend unanimous voice. Our caravan was constantly be- ing joined by small Arab caravans, who were bound jKWFi.i.r.D pRFSKNis FOR sui.TANP. '^ luterioT to the elephant regions, expecting to be absent from the coast for one, two, and three years. The paucity of their numbers, and seeming inefficiency of their barter goods, provoked me to make many inciuiries which resulted in certain revelations as to luno it is dow. A few Arab merchants, none of the number particularly wealthy, form a little band and pool their money to venture themselves or employ available men to go interior for ivory, DEPRAVED WA-TEITA. 20'/ and with combined forces procure the smallest possible number of porters requisite to carry their wares, and forth- with proceed. They do not hesitate to plunder the natives of their accumulated ivory, which they usually bury for safe keeping ; or purchase at a rate barely removed from actual looting, or even employ native hunters to bring down the elephants and secure for them live ivory tcmbo. When they have collected sufficient, without hesitation, in the name of the Sultan, they capture strong natives to carr\' their ill-gotten gains to the coast marts, The surveillance of the European officers over the posts and stations of their respective governments, in order to collect the duties of the incoming ivory caravans, has a judicial tendency to check the intlux of slaves. The Eng- lish, Germans, French, and Belgians, as well as the .Sultan of Zanzibar and some others, have united and pledged themselves by the passage of a law to suppress slave raiding and to free newly made sla\es. 208 SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTER X. ON TO '1"A V KTA. SELESS to mark day by day our progress over a most variable, inter- esting route known to all caravans who hail for Taveta. The scenery at times was superb, Lake fipo shone like a copper „/ mirror, and now and ao;ain we :_^^ caught a transitory view oi the snow-capped peak of Kilimanjaro, only to lose it in the great sweeping shoals of Huctuating mists. Excitement reigned every time there was a rift in the flufly thick mantle, which would part like a curtain drawn back from the centre, in consequence of the saddle- like cut between the illustrious Ivibo and Mawenzi ; porters shrieked, " Kilimanjaro ! Kilimanjaro ! " Erom van to rear the call would leap from their lusty throats in quick succession. The incomparable grandeur ami limitless expanse offered the fiekl of vision put my heart athrill, and I felt if only for this glorious sight I was more than amply rewarded for all the hardships incumbent upon the undertaking from ON TO 'lAX'lClA. 209 beo-innine to those lurkine alontr the line to the finish. Mountain ranges on both sides of us, behind us, and Kili- manjaro facing us, spaced and frontiered b\- long stretches of plains over which bounded magnificent wild beasts, varied by LAKE JIPO. ravines, sloping hills, silver lakes, and gushing streams turbu- lent!)' rushing seaward. A defined tree line, the point where vegetation about ceases, the cloud line, and far, far above it all the peerless domain of sun and moon and stars! That picture can never be reproduced b)' word or color. Again the Masai scare stirred m)' cowardly Zanzibaris. We reached a point by a dismal pool overshadowed with enormous trees, called Little Lanjaro, where the embers of the fires were still smouldering, and the remnants of a meat feed all 2IO SULTAN 'r(J SULTAN. betokened the recent presence of the bogy-men, so the por- ters acceded with a degree of alacrity to my command to go a few hours further on to Big Lanjaro, where we could comfortably rest during a day in camp to make a becoming entrance into the forest-locked arcadian Taveta. Rain, rain, pelted down upon us with unlooked-for fury. With a howling gasp of wind that drove the rain into our ~~ faces, all was o\'er, the sun jjcered out behind the clouds and ^J soon j)ut the storm to light. I'^verything fumed and steamed, and the sultriness became almost lui- bearable. The men rushed and )lunged into the stream, -which ;oursed below our encampment, to cool iselves. .ere ascending a hill, A 'JEST OF VALOR. trjiug to liold OUT tootlug on a slippery goat-path, w-hen, without a loud spoken word, a dozen porters dashed down their loads, crowded by me, com- pelling me to halt, and at stated distances ahead each man grasped a sapling from the side of the hill above the path ON TO TA\ETA. 2 I I and stood on die very edge of the path overlooknig' a wild, dangerous ravine, muttered a prayer from the Koran, and closed his eyes. A strange rattling of stones, crushing of bushes, and clumps of flying earth came from above, followed by an enormous bowlder, which in the serpentine trend of the path, although I had not seen it, the porters on the out- ward curve of the hill had, and voluntarily were standing awaiting a doom that seemed inevitable to try and sheer the bowlder off of its destructive course, and save me. One instant, and the first man must be crushed. He never winced, but stood his ground with feet firmly planted, and his sinews and veins standing out over his entire body like whipcords. My heart sank. I felt I could not endure the sight, and closed my eyes. The ground crunched, some- thing gave way, a man screamed, and there was a new crashing. My eyes flew open in terror, but were greeted with the une.x- pected. Just as the bowlder reached within one foot of the first man, the earth crumbled, and it went swirling to the bottom, and the brave porter lost his footing and was clutch- ing the shrubbery right and left as he rolled down to save himself, which he did, and all the other brave porters went to his assistance. I made a detour to photograph that bowl- der as it lay innocently at the bottom, by the side of which a mountain stream went purling by as if nothing hatl hap- pened. I christened the stone "A Test ot Valor." During the da)- I was more than astounded suddenly to e.xperience several shocks of trembling ot the earth, and upon 2 I 2 SULTAN TO SULTAN. inqiiirj' was informetl these manifestations of suppressed earthquake were far from being unusal in the vicinit\- of /eta ; and although then; arc no ■idences ot a recent eruption, tlie volcanic character of the countr\' just bej'onti and the extinct craters of the Kiliman- jaro range would seem to be- token that at some future da\' an eruption might recur, brom those who are learnetl as to the geological character LiviNc; iRF.ii GATES OF -lAVF.iA. of this regiou, I coukl obtain no knowledge as to the existence of any fumaroles which might indicate smouldering or latent \-olcanic action. Natives are ver\- superstitious about these tremblings, and are always thrown into a panic during their mild manilesta- tions, and seek the shelter of their huts, close the entrances, and revive the fires, as they huddle together in their apprehen- sion. The thunder rumbled in the distance, and the black clouds were cut xiu/asf across the dark heavens b\- blinding lightning dashes, until the cataclysm seems to relieve the surcharged heavens, at the same time gorging the throat of every ra\'ine and water-wa)-. These fierce outlireaks ot the elements fortunately are of short duration, and immediately afterwards the country is smiling and fresh as possible, and t'.ie water has become absorbed by the porous earth and ON TO TAVETA. 21' rocks ; if storms have not been continuous, soon the earth is dry again, and the sands and rocks have been greatly cooled. Haniidi, my headman, came rushing to me one day, pointing to a swirling black cloud in the heavens which seemed to be a centre of magnetic attraction, drawing impetu- ously to itself all other clouds until they rapidly coalesced as one mass, yet the greater part of the heavens was cerulean, fair, and simn\'. He exclaimed with considerable agita- tion, " Bebe Bwana, we must set the tent for you; that is a cloud-burst, you'll get drowned with the rain shortl)'." W'ith con- siderable curiosity, I queried what he meant. " That cloud will wing its ^j^ \\a.\ tlirecth' over where we are now marching and then fall to earth, a solid sheet of water." _ As we were just about to Cr v_>' r^' leave a valley, and I saw on all Iv -(2! ^- ■^■ sides the natives lleeing to (f^^'^fdT the hills, and my porters all ^^ • ' ^ - edging up towards the de- clivities, I concluded I should like to experience a cloud-burst, hence refused to have my tent set. In a "•"•" L'-nox i-oii, rxxAMF.n. moment the cloud did burst, and we were standinsr enfrulfed by the downpoiiring to our armpits in water in less than 2 14 SULTAN TO SULTAN. three minutes, and in less than ten minutes we were able to proceed on our march with no evidence of the transi- tory deluge, save the moist, glossy appearance of the stones and foliage, and the balmy freshness of the atmosphere. This manifestation of the elements is not peculiar to Africa ; but since my return one or two Peruvian travellers have im- parted to me a similar experience. I felt well repaid for my obstinacy, and thoroughly enjoyed the adventure. Hamidi informed me, with some hesitation, that it would be impossible to get my Palanquin through the forest gates of Taveta, as they were so low the men would have to push their ordinary compact loads through, then crawl in after them. Here was a dilemma. However, " the Palanquin must go where I 20," that settled it, and it did enter Taveta more than once, despite the gates ; twenty yards of unbleached calico paved the way. Wa-Taveta men, women, and children came far on the road as we approached Taveta to bid me welcome, to bring me tributes of all kinds, to say to the ivliiic queen, as they persisted in calling me, that they had looked for me for two moons, and almost despaired that 1 would ever arrive. Then they asked about bioaiia this, and that, and the other who had visited them in years agone. Presently we met, at the confines of the forest environing Taveta, a sentinel from the English post, who fired at least a dozen shots in salutation, and informed me that the officer in charge was absent, but had made preparations to entertain o^ a; z o in *^^*. ON TO TAVETA. 2I5 m(; in his boiua. How strange this sounded, after haxing, hved in the open under canvas ! We began to \\end our waj- through the densest of forest, gloomy, dark, difficult to advance rapidly with the f a 1 1 e n giant trees,' o\'erhanging \ines, and ceneral tano"le 'iaveta i'ink ami whim. liEAu uirdi.e. obstructing the wa)', antl in places sogg)' and hideously muddy, after crawling through gates constructed out of living trees which evidently had been trained from their stripling period until their tall, thick, raddled branches and huge trunks in course of years constitute formidable barriers. There are, I was told, thirteen such gates, makino- Taveta impregnable to the attack ol an enemy. The tiny cone- shaped entrance, not three feet high, and about the same in width at the bottom, is blocked b)' rolling huge logs against the gap. Not only is Taveta stockaded thus, but the tortuous maze-like paths diverging in all ways leading up to a stream to be resumed on the other bank, and the scatteretl boiiias, instead of congregations of huts, would perplex, def\-, and frustrate an)- strange invader. An awe crept over me. The porters were hushed, as we struggled to threail our wa)-, imtil we attained the splendid plantations of bananas, corn, sugar-cane, and tobacco. Arrayed in brave splendors, the belles and beau.x, the husbands and wives, crowded about us. The porters greeted old acquaint- ances, and were welcomed in return with unmistakable fervor. 2l6 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Almost all the huts and officers' quarters of the English post, which is the market place of the Wa-Taveta, were placed at my service. Great and many preparations had been made by the resident officer, who had sent a letter to await me, sa\ing that he was on the road to Taveta, and would hasten if I sent him word. He arrived, with his assistant and posse of men, in a few hours. My caravan was installed under cover, but I declined to accept any shelter apart from my canvas dwelling, although I found the new house of the assistant a convenient storehouse and agreeable to retire to and put up my personal attendants. I was deeply touched at the efforts made in my behalf to beautify and make convenient this little hut. It means more in East Africa than in great centres of civilization, where the refinements and accessories of comfort are easy to obtain. Never was woman more indulged and feted than was I during my sojourn. My eye had become greatl)- inflamed, and I was tenderly ministered to by men who did not hesi- tate to administer personally the kibosh to any wayward fellow imder his command, and this care for me was delicate, sympathetic, almost reverential. Gentlemen, I publicly thank you now ; you had not to do with an mgrate. Caravans always make a habit of halting at Taveta sufficient time to string their barter beads, in consequence of the abundant growth of rapliia ]>alm, generally known as niioliala ; its fibre is stranded into threads of various thick- ON TO TAVETA. 2 17 nesses. These incomings and outgoings keep the natives in a perpetual state of expectancy and fete, as it were. The market place and camping ground is within the homa of the English post, and in order to collect the duties upon the ivory there existed the somewhat arbitrary and uncomfortable law, when I halted at Taveta, enforcing all caravans bound FOUR PO^rBE CUPS. for the coast, no matter what their destination or purpose, to camp within the bonia under the immediate inspection of the resident officer and his askari. Wa-Taveta raise an excellent quality of tobacco, although a trifle coarse through lack of proper cultivation, which they do not habitually either chew or smoke, but use lavishly as snuff, and the habit is prevalent among the women as well as the men. This is universal among all tribes in East Africa. Their snuff-boxes are most varied and highly decorated, often most beautiful. The ceremony of snuff taking quite 2l8 SULTAN TO SULTAN. outrivals the former court etiquette respecting the same in France and other countries of the last century. When the compliments of the clay and polite salutations are at an end, snuff is proffered and taken all aroiunl. Having been informed of this custom, I had taken a large supply of snuff and tobacco with me. Whenever a snuff-box was presented to me by m}' request or \olimtaril\' by an)' native ot any tribe, every atom of the snuff was patient))' extracted with jealous care before the donor surrendered it to me. Their plantations are fertile, owing to the fact that their district never suffers from prolonged droughts. In good truth water can be obtained anywhere in this village by using an Abys- sinian pipe, and the stream which cuts through in the woodland part of the settle- ment is reputed always to contain abimdant water. On all sides could be seen in thrift)' condition quantities of sweet corn, — -maize, — wimbe, or millet, pumpkins, tomatoes, sugar-cane, several varieties of bananas, a number TAVETA BEAD COLLAR AND NECKLACE. of edible vlues wliicli arc cooked as greens or eaten as salad, and sweet potatoes that were somewhat fibrous. The English officers have placet! a haml-mill within their ON TO TAVKTA. 2I9 boma for their own use, but generously accord to the natives the privilege of using it to grind their corn and banana Hour ; this relieves them of the tedious process of pounding the grain and dried fruit in a wooden or stone mortar, with a heavy wooden pestle, — an advantage they evidently seem to highly appreciate, for the mill is never idle all day long. Heretofore the women were allotted the task of pulverizing the corn and bananas to an impalpable flour, and with ma- ternal solicitude strapped their babes upon their l^acks, afraid to put the little ones on the ground on account of the rav- ages of the white ants, and they would be quieted and rocked to sleep by the swaying motion of the mother's body as she monotonously wielded the heavy pestle. Honey bees thrive, and the Wa-Taveta manufacture quantities of beehives out of logs ; they are cylindrical in shape, three to four feet long, and a foot and a half in diam- eter, hollowed out and then closed at one end, with a punc- ture at the other to admit the ingress and egress of the bees. The honey is rather dark in color, but most delicious in flavor and plentitul. It is put in hide boxes or calabashes. We several times came across dead hollow tree-trunks, branches lopped, standing erect, covered over with a removable piece of hide, punctured to admit the bees, which were used for hives. These primitives are utilitarians by nature. Made hives are hung in the trees on the track of the bee ranges, where honey flowers are most abundant. A similar 220 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Utensil to the made beehives is used in which to brew their pombc\ a concoction of sugar-cane, bananas, or cocoanut, wimbe, and corn. When the masli is fresli tlie beverage tastes very much like unfermented mead or beer, but in the course of three days fermentation has reached a point when the brew becomes a subtle intoxicant ; and as it is profusely ^J brewed by al- most every na- tive of the tribe, they are during liarvest times in a perpetual state of jollification, and all the un- amiable qualities and propensities I if their natures seem to be strangely affect- ed by this in- toxicant. It is a mistake to say that the Africans have been pollu- ted in this respect by the invasion of white men, because they have always, as far as one can ascertain, used potnbe and tcmbo or other native drinks. TIIK WdMAX I IF TAVETA. ON TO TAVETA. 2 2 I At Taveta I met a woman, whom I please to call " The Woman of Taveta," who was in sore trouble. Immediately upon seeing me, if I may use the expression, she adopted me into her confidence, and all her troubles were poured into my ears, and by her earnestness she so engaged my interest BEAD KELT PRESENTED KY THE WOMAN OF TAVETA. and sympathy it was a delight to try and assist her to some better state of daily existence, which would preclude certain trials she was subjected to. She was a woman of intense feeling, a lover of power, indeed was a leader among women, and the wife of one of the elders. Her word seemed to be beyond dispute with them all. She was eager that I should be a friendly witness to all of the strange customs and habits of her tribe, and she had the power as well as willingness to give me the open sesame to them all. Twice at midnight, when the moon dances of the cl-nioraii, from which women of the tribe are excluded, were in lull swing, she stole to my tent, mysteriously signed me to follow, and silently led me through the forest to a seques- tered spot to be an unseen spectator to the wild, riotous performance of the utterly nude fellows, who were unaware 222 SULTAN Tf) SULTAN. of the presence of an interloper. Thus I was enabled to become familiar with customs forbidden to the presence of white men. How they pranced, gyrated, leaped in the air, squatted on the ground and hooted, shook their long hair and waved branches or brushes made of zebra tails, their faces daubed, Masai fashion, with white chalk and red paint, splotches on their cheeks, chins, and their eyes encircled with broad bantls of color, their bodies shinine with erease under the rays of the moon as the perspiration started from every pore ! riirnugh the Woman of Taveta's instru- mentalit}', I saw a funeral ceremony in which the stift corpse of a chikl was fixed in a sitting posture amidst blazing fagots, until all the flesh was burnt off from the bones. Meanwhile the men formed an inner circle arouml the funeral pyre, and p^ave vent in a lusjubrious voice to a mo- notonous chant, slowly moving in an unbroken img round and romiil, whilst the women, form- mg an outer circle, moved in a reverse direction, and as if in response to the threnody of the men, at stated intervals they would make a calf's stom.'^ch . , 1 1 -1 1 • 1 1 sweepmo" salaam, and while; then- heads HEAD-DRESS, ORNA- ' =• MENTED WITH READS wcre Still bowecl, utter a piercing wail. AND CHAINS. ,p, ,. , • n I 1 1 he little ones tiesh was soon consumed; only the bones remained; the skull was taken and reposed ox TO TAVETA. in a rude pottery urn, then carried to some distance and lowered into a hollow tree containing the skulls of the de- ceased members of the family. The bones were gathered up by several men bedecked in flowing red and white cloths and interspersed through the forest, evidently in places which were already consecrated for the deposition of such revered remnants of the dead, amid the exposed tree-trunks. but not under the ground. The)' have a strange idea that the cadaver pollutes the soil, and de- ters the fertility of crops. This habit of disposing of the bones of those who have died normal deaths, and the arboreal vaults with their accumulation of bones, account for the suppositions that there have been massacres committed, or that disease has ravaged the land when found by caravans. There exists another burial custom much more obnoxious. In a selected cleared spot not very remote from their boiuas, well surrounded and hidden by thorn-bushes and trees with dense foliage, beyond the obser- vation of casual passers-by, if it were not for the foul, fetid stench, in rude pottery urns turned up sidewajs are deposited certain parts of the viscera, the heart and the head, and there allowed to fester and decay, until in time nothing is lett but the whitened skull. These burial places are not infre- quently met with in all the villages I \'isited ; they are entered 2 24 SULTAN TO SULTAN. by a very low squatty opening through the thorn-bushes, compelling those who seek to effect an entrance to get down and crawl through on their hands and knees. The idea prevails that by the preservation of the skull the spirit of the departed is saved, and that the congregation in one place of the skulls of a family or tribe guarantees a future reunion. Superstitions concerning death are decidedly obscure and extremely heterogeneous in East Africa, and yet there are little threads which have various origins, running through the tissue of what may be called their religion. They worship the moon and the sun, and revel in sonofs or chants addressed to the rain during planting seasons. The Wa-Duruma near the coast beat drums, but they are the only tribe in the part of East Africa I visited where BRASS WIRE SPRING NECKLACE, they use clrums. A decided aversion among all tribes exists in respect to permitting an outsider to know of the death of one of their number ; if a familiar is missed, and an inquiry made concerning the absence of such a one, an answer promptly comes, "He has gone on a safari" — doubtless to the great hereafter. Among the Masai the corpses are often tossed into the open, where vultures or wild beasts soon devour them. The birth of a first child is quite an event, but not so subsequent births. Children are not numerous in any one family or sections of families. ON TO TAVETA. 225 Elders, or the oldish men who formerly, before the occupancy of the English, exercised a dictatorship over their tribe, strut about in a majestic way, with as much sheeting as they can afford, ten, twelve, or fifteen yards of Americana or white or unbleached or clay-stained drill or cotton cloth, varied occasionally by Turkey red, or lasso bandana handkerchiefs, — which trail behind them, fastened over the shoulder, much like a Roman toga ; and they have infinite grace both in manner and speech, which seems '■ COTTON CAP MADE to marry well with their surroundings. on safari. Many wear slung over their shoulders, attached to a leather strap or chain, a little three or four legged stool, which they carry, as they do their bows and arrows, wherever they go, and, when paying a call or chatting in the open with their comrades, they plant it on the ground to comfort- ably sit upon, and take out from the knotted corner of a bit of cloth their bead work, just as might a young white girl engage in fancy work; these effeminate warriors leave the toilsome avocations of tilling the ground, and caring for the cattle, COTTON CAP MADE and packing loads, and the duties of the ON SAFARI. 1-^1 1 kitchen to the women. Almost every individual, man, woman, and child, in the Taveta community or tribe, carries a pombe cup, made from a gourd, to which is affixed a long handle, sometimes beaded or ornamented with metal rings ; the bowl of the cup usually 226 SULTAN TO SULTAN. bears numerous effective devices, which make an interesting study to trace their origin. Many ot the designs have been adapted with more or less variation, prompted by the taste of the copyist, from the scroll work on the little cotton caps which porters delight in making and wearing when on safari ; sometimes too they were of Turkish, again even Persian or Egyptian origin. I consider as a great acquisition the pos- session of a pombe cup which bears upon obverse and reverse sides the first attempt I found or heard of to repre- sent the human form divine ; and quaintly enough, the white man is distintjuishable bv his feet, > . . . ^- which are indicated by awkward lines to ounterfeit shoes, and a school-child's slate and pencil angular lines to represent European clothing ; whereas, the native iNLAin WOODEN BOWL. Is reprcseutecl with bare feet, and ears stretched out of shape by heavy ear-rings. Strange as it niay seem, when shown photographs, natives have as a rule no real conception or appreciation of the photographic semblance of human beings or animals. Sul- tans Mireali, Mandara, and a few others are notable excep- tions to this obtuseness. Photography is regarded as a species of witchcraft or black magic. There are certain beans and some sweet grasses made into beads, and bits of horn, amber, iron, wood, animals' teeth and glass beads, musk and xanilla, which are universally worn as charms, alike to ward off evil as for dazva, or medicine, for ON TO TA\ETA. 2 2 7 all maladies. Their possessors are very reluctant to part with these charms, or (^a7va. However, the)' will lend them one to another, when suffering, but always reclaim them when the recipient has been alleviated, or before if personally needed. With some difficulty I procured a string of these beads from a magic doctor who had lost caste, in consequence of his mis- fortune in permitting a man of importance to die during his DAWA NECKL.-iCE. ministrations, hence he desired to capitalize his stock of charms and bad dazoa, and make haste to the coast, knowing that his own life was in imminent jeopard)-. Peculiar black pine-like needles obtained from a huge forest tree, the name of which I could not ascertain, these are punctured, and when strung resemble the coarse teeth of a large rubber comb, and are much-prized dauia for enceinte women. Strange native medical practices were revealed to me 228 SULTAN TO SULTAN. through the auspices of the Woman of Taveta. The old women are all skilled midwives. Mothers suffer ver)' little during the period of gestation or in the throes ot childbirth. A girl reaches puberty at the infantile age of ten. Youths are circumicised by their own election when they no longer wish to be children, but aspire to the station of cl-moran, as early often as the age of twelve. The custom of circum- cision must have maintained for many decades, for nature frequently simulates it, and the parents boast of an offspring m ■liii TAVATA BEAD BELTS. SO pre-eminendy destined to be a warrior, and the favored boy is pointed out as one elect. All the natives are most delicate about alluding to any complaints of \h»~^ child's bead fringe after another, with their hands upon girdle. each other's shoulders or hips, beating their feet in time, and singing a strange, monotonous plaint, now and then inter- spersed with shouts of laughter when they resume their measured processional steps, jingling all the bells they have about them with a peculiar jerk and lling of their hips and shoulders as they go round and round, threading their way through the forest, back again to the />omc7 of the host of ceremony, drinking and carousing quite as much as the young fellows. A certain amount of dignity is put upon these gayeties by the presence of the elders; however, there seems no viciousness in any of their games and pleasures. 232 SULTAN TO SULTAN. They have a certain amount of animation and youthful ex- hilaration, which expresses and expends itself in an abandon to muscular exhibits and jocose explosiveness. They are very jealous of each other in their attentions to the uiziingu (white man), and seemed especially so respect- ing m)'self; one family would briny me milk and eggs, but seeing that somebod)- had superseded them, would im- mediately commence a tirade as to the bad quality ot the other's eifts, and recommend- j) ing their own with great vivacit)-. However, they were so pleased to have the "white queen" with them, there was \\ nothing among their posses- ja sions which I really craved in the end they did not give me. FINE CHAIN GIRDLE. Qf coursc, it is wcll uudet- stood that these gifts were alwajs reciprocated by me, it not in kind, certainly in excess of value, but that does not in an)' way detract from the fact that they were willing gifts, and i)resented with a free, open hand, without expectation of return, as a tribute to the " white queen." Poinding the children very merry, I endeavored to amuse them in every conceivable way. Soap bubbles were failures, tops successful, and huge colored balls great favorites. Masks of animals' heads and grotesque human faces simply threw children and adults into jjaroxysms ot glee, until the fun became rather too boisterous, and my porters overstepped ON TO TAVETA. 233 the mark. As it was a gala day, and my four music boxes were playing, it occurred to me a fine opportunity to let fly some large Japanese paper kites, imitating birds and fish, iVom which floated long streamers of bright-colored taes. Takino- the end of the strings of several at once, the brisk breeze inflated and carried them on their aerial flight far and swiftlv into the air. True, the children were attracted, but lo I instead of inspiring the delight I had expected, quick as a flash the alert little chaps whipped their bows from ofi their shoulders, at the same time jerked their arrows from their quivers, and with deadly aim shot my poor kites, with imminent danger to me, as their arrows spattered about very freel}-. The voile)' was not discon- tinued until every winged bird and r 1 1 ,1 111 I!ONE .ARMLET. nsh was brought low, the breath knocked out of it, falling vanquished to the ground, a shabby, shapeless thing, for the youngsters were animated more by the inborn traits of hunter than juvenile play. Not so with the adults. The)- queried with deep concern what kept the aerials mid-air, and with much e.xcitement ex- claimed and pointed to them as they floated serenely sky- ward when 1 ran out in the open, free from trees, with my arms outstretched over my head, manoeuvring to keep the strings from becoming entangled. The vandal youngsters were summarily waved away irom my encampment by the 234 SULTAN TO SULTAN. elders, who evidently thought it the most natural thing- that I would eive vent to g^reat ancer at the wilful destruction of my air birds and fish. The children amuse themselves, as do other children, vying with each other shooting at a mark and at birds on wing with their bows and arrows, which they succeed in doing with great dexterity. They have some idea of forming companies and drilling, and accept a leader whom they are disposed to follow. Their education is a rudimentary one of imitation, and not of instruction. They are impressionable and observing. Their reasoning faculties naturally would be quickened and vivified by attrition and calling them into play, although at present they are, at times, somewhat slow to comprehend innovations to their old habits and customs. They are afraid of monkeys, and the lemur makes frequent nocturnal visitations to the settle- ments, to the distress of the people. There are, in parts of these woods, the most beautiful butterflies, and some bright-plumaged birds and marvellous beetles. Many of the men wear upon their arms jaw-shaped armlets, which are placed upon the arm in )outh before the muscles are developed, and become imbedded in the expanded flesh to such an extent that removal is almost like amputation, so painful and difficult is the operation. Upon the three arms from which I took the armlets I have in my possession, the scars were so pronounceil and disfiguring that the owners of the surrendered ornaments insisted that they should have a substitute of suffi- ON TO TAVETA. 235 cient metal armlets to entirely cover the scars. There may be traced a great significance and analogy between these bracelets with the thyrsus of old. I was told by a very intelligent elder that the figures graven on the reverse side of these armlets rep- resented the male and female organs of generation, and the armlet itself was of moon origin; and this was all I could de- duce from them. But considering that the moon — Astaroth — ■ was the goddess of the Phcenicians, and many of the mercenary soldiers who served the Phcjenicians were reputed to be of East African origin, there seems some- thing at least to investigate, wherein a close student may possibly draw some conclusive analogy. Since ofl'ering this idea, I have received from an ^^'^'^ American traveller a silver ring, presented to him by the late King Ja-Ja, of Opobo, West Africa, representing, as he was told, a shark's jaw, which is identical in shape with the East African armlet, however, displaying no distinctive ornamentation device, apart from a little rosette or flower form on the articulation of the jaw, with no motive other than decoration; yet it is African. With other tribes, they also have a great horror of insects and all creeping things ; and there are constantly being met many small vipers, puff adders, and a few pythons. One of the porters of my own caravan was viciously bitten in the foot by a viper, while cutting grass on the plain. They detest rain falling upon their bodies, and use three or 236 SULTAN TO SULTAN. four broad banana leaves spread out over their heads as arca- dian umbrellas. I found they were very eager to possess needles and reels of bright-colored cotton thrcail, which I had liberall)- provided myself with. They had never seen a thimble, and when I showed them those I had brought with me, the)' exclaimed almost immediately, "Finger hives," quick to recognize an analogy between the thimble and their hives. Then upon discovering the little indentations, the)' tiu'ned and said, "They have had small- po.x." Scissors and ra- zors and claspd<;nives they were delighted to receive, and hand- mir- rors. In this there was quite a difference be- tween tribes, for I found some who considered the possession of a mir- ror as an ill omen, and woidd retuse to receive jnsKii:, ]]\K iNii.i;i>KF.TKR. them, or if in a moment of temptation they had accepted one, lost no time in returning it with some apt excuse. I was taken to their bonias in sickness and in their joy, and ON TO TAVETA. 237 although I found it most difficult to breathe witliin these chim- neyless inclosures, with a fire always burning in the centre of the room and their cattle stalled in one part, yet I never refused to enter, in order to show them that I did not spurn becoming acquainted with their habits and customs, and was most inter- ested in everything they did. 238 SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTER XI. ARCADIAN TAVETA. LINTS of the daily existence of the arcadian Wa-Taveta reveal many charming attri- butes of character, so untrammelled, so natural, that the town dwellers of other countries can but sigh over their own remo\al from a free pastoral life, ^. apart from the perpetual worry and "u labor of money getting, or even bread nning. Although the Taveta dam- sels are very fine in figure, their faces are not so attractive as some of the highland tribes. I came very near being betrayed into supposing that certain scars upon their bodies were the result of tattooing, but after close inspection found that they resulted from cupping, which they resort to ior their headaches and stomach difficulties ; in fact, no matter what malad)- afflicts them, they are great blood letters, and the simple methods the)- employ I adopted with great ser- vice during my caravan clinic. After excoriating the surface with a little knife or a piece of Hint or a piece of wire, they place over it a gazelle horn, with the pointed end cut off, a; m O ARCADIAiN TAVETA. 239 when they apply suction by holding the horn, first wet, firmly against the part to be cupped, and then drawing with their lips the blood; and if the malady is serious, they make several applications, on difterent places, drawing as much as an ounce and a half of blood from the sufferer. Some Taveta wives file their teeth ; however, this is not a tribal custom with the Wa-Taveta, but it indicates that the women who do so ha v e been married from other provinces, and the casual observer is often WA-IEITA SWEET GRASS NECKLACE. misled in supposing it to be such. They also often color their teeth, finger nails, and palms of their hands and occasionally their faces with a red stain procured from the dracaene or she- dragon shrub ; but as a rule the pure-blood Tavetas keep their teeth beautifully white and polished with tooth-sticks. These tooth-sticks are cuttings from small branches of a saponaceous shrub, and are al.so universally used by Arabs and Swahali. Caravans bring up froni the coast nutmegs, which are disposed of to the natives by the porters as charms against disease, and taken internally to allay fever ; they form one of the important stock medicines every ncpara, or headman, carries. Natives eat as a medicine, as a condiment, and as a stomachic great quantities of red peppers, which grow indi- 240 SULTAN TO SULTAN. genously and abundantly. They are fond of raw plum tomatoes, which I discovered to be delicious, and identical in flavor to the cultivated tomato, perhaps a trifle more tart. Ears of corn or maize are spiked about their fireplaces, which consist of three stones canted inward so as to touch at the top, or placed upright, under which the fire is built, where they roast, bake, or boil the maize, which is most lus- cious. They also eat maize raw, and so did we before too ripe, when it is palatable and nutritious, full of sweet milky VIEW OF KILIMANJARO. juice which slakes the thirst. When they cannot obtain pure salt, which tliey always crave, and is an appreciated article of barter, they use chumvi-stone, which has a brackish, alka- line flavor, and answers ver\^ well as a substitute. Salt is found in great abundance in some of these highland districts, according to good authority. Butter they churn by rolling across their boma grounds or by shaking large calabashes, or oblong wooden dug-out cylinders, like their honey boxes, filled with milk. Rutter made of cow's milk is very white ARCADIAN TAVETA. 241 and waxy in appearance, strongly flavored with banana, for the, cattle are fed during the rainy season on banana leaves and the fruit that is unfit to keep or exceeds the native's wants. The taste for this butter I fancy must be acquired by a foreigner. They also make goat's butter, called gee, oily, strongly fla\'ored, erous as the goat itself. This product is in the cookery of native gormands, and caravans, but to my taste it was decidedly Mutton obtained from sheep of the fat- is very strong, as is also that of the beef is more or less tough. The chickens, enough called kii-kus, are very tiny and tives frequently sell a hen that is laying, viso that the eggs laid for four days, or arrangement, should be theirs. It is a custom to string these chickens upon the by the cook's mate, with pots and pans, pouch is kept fastened under the hen, so on the march, the egg is preserved; and make sure that the purchaser will not seller, the latter sends some boy of the the caravan three or four days, in order product on the spot. milk and odorif- used largely adopted b }' obnoxious, tailed species goats. The ij strangely sinew)'. Na- with the pro- acco rdinc to ver)' quaint pole carried and a cloth that if she lays in order to defraud the li tribe to follow to take the r. 242 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Africans all have a particular taste and decided prefer- ence for rotten eggs. It has been often cited that as a reward for some act of l-^X. »■>>. * ,, ,S. m tS*" A FUTURE WARRUlR. The children are very skillul in the use of bows and arrows, and when I presented them with fish-hooks and lines, to please me they would use them at the end of a reed pole ; but no sooner was m)- back turned than they would resume their old practice of obtaining fish by shoot- ing them with wooden arrows in the water, or by using weirs. ARCADIAN TAVETA. 257 Taveta's grand forest as well as its mountain, and its reatl)' access to the plain, or hara, give the Wa-Taveta ample security from invaders and scope for their plantations and orass land for fodder for their stall-fed cattle, making theirs almost an independent province ; and altliough it is said they are of Masai origin, they are so gentle, pastoral, and peace- loving I could but doubt the supposition, always going back to the fact that their environment showed a long line ot an- tecedents of like ilk. During the period of my sojourn in East Africa there was considerable friction between the young dandies, or cl-inoraii, and the elders, in Taveta, on the matter of lumgo, or tribute exacted trom caravans passing through their country. This has been abolished by the English gov- ernment throughout in their protectorate, also by the Germans in theirs, but it is evaded in an ingenious manner by the natives, -who impress the newcomer with the Idea that they will receive certain advantages and suret}' from moles- tations in giving them presents ; and in former days the elders received this toll, and made distribution as it suited them. Now the young men personall)' desire to receive this tribute, whenever they are able to e.xact it, and they are continually holding palavers between themselves to determine what effectual course to pursue. However, this exaction must be short-lived ; the government will doubtless succeed in totally abolishing it as an imposition and an indignity. However, I did not pay Iioiigo to any tribe during m)' safari. When approached respecting this, I said, " I am jour 258 SUl.TAN TO SUl.TAN. guest ; I am as a white queen coming to you. Would you ask lioneo of the sultan of such and such a tribe should he visit you?" and it successfully relieved me from further parley or exaction. They are very tenacious as to the qLiality of the cloths the)- receive ; and although they are verj' much attracted by bright colors, you will see them take a piece ot cloth and hold it up to the light, to test its texture, and if it is too thin they do not want it ; and the old habit of forcing upon the native any trash as good enough for the negro, at least in East Africa, does not at present answer. They are kind to their children ; however, I found no children in act or intention in any tribe I \isited in East Africa, after the age of six ; they were little men and little women, who, of their own accord, daily trudged to the noonday market with a load upon their heads, happy and delighted to be in the swim with their parents ; and the only child I heard cry during my expedition, who was not an ill bab)', was a little one who was restrained from going to market, and he howled, and kicked, and yelled in such a fashion, alarmed, 1 paused to inquire the cause of his uproarious distress. The utter freedom with which the men and women mix together, and the homely intercourse between parents and children, reveal a trait of their social life that is most eenial and certainly not looked for. Possibly this leads to a certain amount ot familiarit)' with matters and things in ci\'ilization removed from the knowledge of the youth and the maid; ARCADIAN TAVETA. 259 but then one must admit that natives are naturals, and that ignorance with them concerning natural things is as much of a crime as innocence is a virtue in civilization. Although they are not purists by any manner of means, let me sa)' I savi^ in Taveta no manifestation of licentiousness, excepting the matter of their dances. In talking with them as to the English occupancy in their country and the benefits to accrue therefrom, they would answer rather dubiously, " Aie, aie ; yoh, yoh," and I fain discovered a tinge of regret, and in their hearts I believe they would be content to go on in their happy, pastoral wa)', without bothering their brains about education, government, and all the confusing principles of civilization. They live to enjoy, and enjoy to live, and are as idyllic in their native waj-s as any people I ever encountered. 26o SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTER XII. CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF LAKE CHALA. ^jpt. HILST thti majority of my JjvM- caravan were busy stringing barter beads for poslio at Ta- veta, I sought the opportunity ot starting" on a little tour. .Ac- companied by the resident Eng- ih officer, Mr. Anstruther, but at y own expense exclusively, with my own selected corps of fifty porters, solely as m\' own prixate expedition, the last ot .\pril, 1S91, I made my first visit to the crater Lake Chala, and descended to the water's edge. Under the .same circumstances, en route to Kimangelia, a fortnight later, with my entire caravan, we returned, and on May g, 1891, circumna\igatcd this lake. Through the courtesy of the Germans, Mr. .\. was the lortimate possessor ot two sections of a copper pontoon, which were the original prop- erty ot Count Teleke, and abandoned by him as cumbersome iinpcclhiicnla. These were conveyed between ten and twelve CIRCUiMNAVKiATION OK LAKE CHALA. 261 miles on the shoulders of ni)- porters, the distance from Taveta to Lake Chala, in order to make the venture. I feel prompted to offer an explicit statement of certain facts, to exonerate Mr. Anstruther from criticism of having- in l.AKK (JHALA. SOU'I HWKSTF.RN VIEW. an)' way violated the covenants of his legal and moral f)bli- gations imder his iron-clad official commission with the Ibea Compan) . Finally, it will be well to state that absolutely in no in- stance was m\' rule and order of command relinquished to 262 SULTAN TO SULTAN. any temporary guest or friendly escort iluring m\' entire ex- pedition, nor in any way have I to acknowledge the success- ful carrying forward or completion of my expedition to the auspices or patronage of an\' European resident in East Africa, however grateful I may be for certain courtesies. At this period I owe to Dr. Baxter, formerly of Moschi, hearty thanks for surgical care given to my eye, and tor the medical supervision he bestowed upon the unfortunate fever-stricken invalid of the caravan. Every time a white man chanced to be with us, my porters were discontented and at times positively sullen ; they seemed somewhat apprehensive lest the white men might be installed in my place as leader. Like children they would tlock about me to express their delight over the departure of a guest. This spirit of displeasure was likewi.se evinced by many natives, who seemed to have a latent sus- picion that the white man would make some demands upon them, or might be desirous of subjugating them, or fighting with them. .So it was proved disadvantageous for me to entertain or to be joined, when on the march, b;,' white men, no matter who they might be. Leaving Taveta during a great downpour about three r. m., the ten or twelve miles' march was a great hardship to all of the men, who were more or less demoralized and out of condition in consequence of the long encampment. Night overtook those who were in tlie rear, and after delays and tumbles into animal pits, tliose belated straggled in camp at all hours until after davlight. Wood for fuel was scarce, as CTRri'MNAVICATION OF LAKE CHAI.A. 263 there was nothing growing immediately about the ston)' place of our encampment, close beside the rim of the lake, but thorn-bushes, and the rain had soaked everything. It was a night of discomfort ami anxiety, for we were in the immediate haunts ot wild animals and the so-called fierce Rombos. The gradual ascent from Taveta to the rim of th(- crater lake on the western side is only a little above the level of the plain, and on the southwestern end there are abrupt peaks two himdred to four hundred feet high ; the level of the water, as shown by our aneroid, attained a level of one hundred and ninety-five feet below the encampment, and about tour hundred and forty-seven feet above Taveta. And the temperature of the water near the surface was only one and one half degrees lower than the atmosphere registration. The lake is near the western side of the stream Mfuro, or, in the Masai lano^uagfe, Naromosha, but accordin"' to some travellers misnamed the Lumi. We find Lake Chala north ol Taveta on the northeastern side oi Kilimanjaro, about 3'-"' 22' south latitude, 37° 17' east longitude, over three thousand feet abo\-e the sea level. The crater's crest rises above the surface of the lake eight hundred feet at its highest point, and at its lowest two hundred and fifty feet. The lake, roughly estimated, is two and one half miles across at its widest point, and from si.x and a halt to eight miles in circumference. It is environed by massive blocks ot perpendicular rough rocks, which e.xtend like a subterranean wall far beneath the level of the water. 264 SUI.TAN TO SULTAX. Interminable vines and thickl\- gnnvn forest trees present a forbidding appearance on all sides. The late missionar\' New \vas the first white person to give an account of this lake and ot his difficult descent to the water's edge in 1S71. Ho\ve\'er, the explorer Thompson writes of this lake with reference to its inaccessibility: "1 went all around it; and although I am not deficient in enter- prise or nerve, I saw no place that I dared descend, not even if I could ha\'e swung trom creeper to creeper like a monkey." .Standing on the crest of the rim of this crater, looking down upon tlie cr\stal water which was cupped therein, at first 1 \vas well impressed with the impossibility of descending to the water's edge, unless some means could be devised as a substitute for fl\ ing. Nevertheless, on the assurance of Mr. A. of Ta\'eta, who had some months pre\-iously descended to the lake edge, nothing tlaunted, 1 determined to make the venture. There was a Aveirtl attractiveness overhanging tliis place that overawetl even the natives. All accounts I could glean about it were so vague that I wanted to taste ot the forbitlden irult m\sell. With an ach'ance guard of onh" two men, alone, for Mr. A. remained at the top to direct the pontoon bearers, I fouml myself attempting to j)enetrate through a girdle of primexal forest trees, tossed, as it were, b\' some \-olcanic action against the rock base, and seemingly as impenetrable as any stockade. With bill-hooks and knixcs they cleared a slight opening through which I managed to squeeze, on emerging to fintl mjself standing on a bowlder, CIKCl'MXAXK. \IIoN I )F LAKE CHALA. 265 \vhicli was balancetl upon another bowlder, antl ever)' mo- ment's tarriance seemed U> imperil m\' ecjuilibrium ; antl as I dared to Aentiire on other uncertain surlaces which presented a footin;^-, it n'ljuired cat-like ag'ilit\" to crawl or slide down, LAKE CHALA. NORTHF.ASTF.RN VIEW. sometimes landing' in a bed of lea\'es, which must have been the accumulations of centuries, and into which I lre(}uentl\' .sank up to m)- armpits, and had to be hauled out b\' niain force by m\' men; and then bv clinoim'' and clutching to the branches of overhanging trees, after great eftort and consid- 266 SULTAN TO SULTAN. erable peril, succeeded in laboriously attainintr some odier foothold, step by step advancing, again and again to be opposed by gigantic trunks of trees, which, lightning-smitten, had fallen as a barricade, or through some potent eruptive force had been uprooted and turned themselves top down in solemn humiliation. .Anon, a bowlder, loosened from its scant earth)- holdings, would come crashing matlly down from the top and shiver into fragments the white skeletons of these trees. The weirdness of the scene was intensified by the strange whirring of birds frightened unceremoniously from their hitherto undesecrated homes, and the whisking ot myr- iads of monkeys as the)' leaped from branch to branch with- out emitting a chatter in their fright. A whistling eagle beat the air with its wings directly over my head, scattering its feathers like storm-flawn flowers in its wild flight, and white- hooded owls peered out from sequestered nooks and twoo- hooed in solemn amazement. The e.vtreme sheerness of the rocks made the descent hazardous, tortuous, and very tedious. Constantly obliged to turn back on my path, searching and groping, creeping on my hands and knees through tangles ot interwoven tissues of rubber-vines, and so was compelled to cautiousl)- feel with m\- feet, and be content with the greatest slowness. The danger attending e\-er)- movement and the spectral weirdness of the place inspired me and even affected my men with awe. M)' advance guard woidtl sometimes whisper words of warning, afraid to utter a sound, and e.x- tended his hand (jr arm to prevent my plunging headlong to CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF LAKE CHALA. 267 thi! bottom. All this filled me with an excitement and imparted fresh courage, anci re-enforced my determination to overcome the difficulties of the uncann\- spot, cost what it might, so long as 1 shoukl be able to climb, or crawl, or slide, or step, or simply let myself go with utter blindness, and risk the incumbent results; for the goal bewitched me in anticipation. Through gaps in the massed trees, through which the sun could scarcely filter, the arboreal darkness was pierced b}- a radiant gleam of light, and the flashing lake greeted my e.xpectant eyes. There arose a general shout from the men, "Chala!" " Chala ! " and behold! I found my- self rewarded by being upon a rugged, rough tangle of prostrate trees and wild tumble of white and gray rocks, whilst the limpid, restless waters were laughing and dashing themselves into a jubilant foam at my feet. The scene was one of which I became enamoured. It was truly overcast with a sublime sense of a holy sanctuary. Losing myself in the spectacle, I forgot that Mr. A. and porters, with the two sections of pontoons we had taken the precaution to bring, were waiting eagerly for me to give the signal agreed upon when once I should be safe at the bottom on the lake shore. After a moment's revery, recovering myself, I sounded the whistle. Then the deafening crash and )ell and rush commenced, as the porters struggled valorously with their precious burden down the narrow, serpentine, rugged figment of a path, which we in the van had essayed to make. 268 SULTAN TO SUI.TAN. The marvellous ingenuity whh which these porters manoeu- vred their metal loads, and the stoical way, when they would slip and their burden fall upon their shoulders, and cruelly dig out chunks of flesh, the blood trickling from their wounds, they would struggle to their feet and go on without com- plaint, called forth from their comrades screams of applause, whilst the leaders sung a wild, weird strain full of rhythm, just as we find men who are moving heavy loads always instinc- tively do in order to keep time with each other's movements. Finally the two copper sections of the pontoon were in the water. The)' were immediatel)' e.xamined to see if there had been any puncture made through the thin metal sides in their difficult transit. They were scarcely large enough, when lashed together and covered with a vizvhala door, which had been converted into a platform, to hold m\self and men, and presented to the onlooker a most un- safe maritime structure. The moment came to embark, and on demanding, "Where are the men who are to accompany us?" not one would respond ior the first excursion; subse- quently Joseie and a headman were perfectl)' willing if not eager to distinguish themselves by going. Pre.sently they murmured amonp- themselves, " No, no ; we will not eo on Devil's water. Just see the crocodiles, and hear the monkeys, and look at the breath of the devil. luslialla (God willing), we will remain with our feet under us on shore," as they pointeLl to the water which was in some considerable com- motion, revealing here and there its amphibious denizens. CIRCUMNAVIGAriON OF LAKE CHAI.A. 269 After going through tlie usual process ot calling them goats, and cowards, and jungle-men, m\' interpreter, [osele, who was somewhat of a darede\il, and ready for an adven- ture, stepped torwanl, saluted me, antl saitl (juite gallantly, " Bebe Bwana, at your service." So Mr. A., Josefe, and myself, with our giuis and photographic instruments, em- barked upon the bobbing pontoon with two long improviseil paddles. We pushed carefully out from the shore, amid the shouts ot the bewildered porters, who eagerly watched the performance, fully persuaded in their own minds that it must end disastrously, having taken the precaution to attach a haw.ser several hundred feet in length to the uncouth craft in case of accident. The crocodiles were very curious, not knowing w-hat to make o( the invasion of their haunt, and came in close proximity to our uderpinnings, as with one paddle I man(cuvreil to guide the craft and Josefe awkwardly propelled with the other, whilst my guest kept a sharp look- out for the obtrusive aquatic creatures. After moving the lencrth of the hawser, we found the craft was manageable, and cut loose, to the horror ol the men grouped on the rocks. At ever)- turn there arose from the midst of the crater forest great flocks of birds, which had all the appearance of being ducks, but which have since been named by the late Mr. Bates, Plialacrocorax Africauus and Phalacrocorax carho, a species of cormorant but edible. They cawed and screamed and whirred about, making a great commotion, and, u[)on our ajDproach, would dive into the water, when the crocodiles 270 SULTAN TO SULTAN. would immediately give them chase, which was obvious on account of the extreme limpidness of the lake. I was enabled to bring back several specimens, shot from my craft on the lake, as well as a specimen of monkey which has as yet not been named. Gazing up at the steep cliffs on all sides, the vines hang- ing In theatrical festoons, and the weird, weird beauty of the various foliaije contrasting- with the grand trunks of whited trees, the strange murmur of the waters, the remarkable out- PHALACROCORAX "£>■ AFRicANus. _»w»»*^ break of waves crested with foam, the small circle of sky as I looked up, and the mad tumble of rocks, all contributed to make it seem as though I was in some phantom land. Everything was most eldritch and immense. At the firing of a gun the reverberations came back like a thunder-clap — sharp, crashing. I should not have been surprised to have seen the whole lake covered with some imcanny creatures, or to have seen the apparition of some mammoth forest king issue forth and assert himself as monarch of all we surveyed, and crush us out of existence as invaders. The hours spent upon this lake at different times held me in a thraldom of wonder. There was little said, very much thought, and imagination thrilled my brain with the ineffable pleasure which 1 had craved and sought for years, of being the first to visit a place undefiled by the presence of man before. 1 CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF LAKE CHALA. 27 1 The thing which surprised me most was the fact that when I pkinged my paddle two or three feet imder the water at various points, the suction was so great it would be drawn away from me, and only with difficulty could I recover it and resume control ; and at other points it would be drawn beneath the float, and again I would have to tug lustily to pull it back. At the same time the entire lake was in agitation ; it was bubbling almost like a hot spring, and yet there was no rift in the rim of the crest through which currents of wind could sweep down and cause this commotion. After trying to make a sounding with a plummet and line ol two hundred and^^ fifty feet, without success, I determined that it PHALACROCORAX was the reservoir for the meltings of the snow carbo. from Kilimanjaro, and that these under-currents and counter- currents were due to subterranean in-takes and outlets, and that this body of water fed the streams of the plains, and was a water- shed subsidiary to Kibo and Alawenzi. Another remarkable thing, although the dashing of the water at different times must have reached a greater height than its level when I was afloat thereon, as shown by the moisture upon the boundary rocks, they were unstained by decayed vegetation and uncolored by mineral deposit. It was perfectly clear and clean, as evidenced by the specimens of rock I took the pains to bring home for analysis. The water to the taste was not disagreeable, but was sott and sweet, a trifle warm, 72°, whereas the atmospheric mean temperature was 74°. As we cast about the margin of 272 SULTAN TO SULTAN. this lake, with its seductive little insects making unrevealed bays, until one was fairly upon the turn of the margin, it was so exquisite and beautiful ! and as far as the water scene and the surrounding forest of vegetation, I could scarcely believe it pos- sible such beauty could be encompassed within the precincts of the crater lake, nor have I ever heard or read of a parallel crater. Although this is doubtless one of the last evidences of a volcanic eruption in this region, it has survived the memory of the people. The fabulous tradition concerning it is that KILIMANJARO. when the sun sank into the mouth of Mawenzi, the Masai village which was located upon the site of the lake when Chala was a mountain was tossed into the air, and crreat rush of water rose, filling up the .space and making the present lake, and hatl swallowetl the i)eop]e ; and that the strange murmur, which is almost unaccountable, is caused by the spirits of those unhappy wretches, and the soughing of the trees is the lowing of the cattle and bleating of the sheep, and the clapping of the CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF LAKE CIIALA. 273 reeds is the cackling of the fowl. Another version of this tradition is that the people of the Ma?ai village that was once located here had committed so many depredations against other tribes, became arrogant and ungrateful, and refused to pay tribute for years to Kibo and Mawenzi ; so the angry God of the Mountains inundated their village, and swept them far away out of existence. "What length of far-famed ages, billowed high \\'ith human agitation, roll along In unsubstantial images of air !" Capt. Sir John C. Willoughby says : " Making a slight detour, by climbing the lower slopes of Kilimanjaro, which enabled us to visit the curious Lake Cala [Chala], no sooner had we ascended the low hills encircling its eastern shore than we were rewarded b)- a glorious view. At least a thousand feet below us nestled the lovely lake, somewhat triangular in shape, and from one to two and a half miles in its widest diameter, completely embedded among hills and cliffs, — a basin in which the great Masai Mountain God could always wash his hands. From our position its shores appeared inaccessible, but the natives declared a descent was practi- cable." Notwithstanding this statement, I was not enabled to find that any of my porters had heard of any one descending to the surface of the lake, or to meet any native who had gone to the water's edee or who could be induced to descend " thereto ; and instead of being the subject of curiosity, which I had apprehended and was desirous to avoid, when the natives 2 74 SULTAN TO SULTAN. knew I intended to descend, and witnessed my preparations, they flew back, terror stricken, into their mountain villages, and not one intrusive eye would gaze upon the white woman on the Devil's water. Bewitched by Lake Chala, I made several descents at different times, and floated my little American flag from the pontoon craft during its circumnavigation. To facilitate matters at some future day, when I hoped to return, the historic little craft named for me was buried in a bed of leaves, and I re- tained a key describing its secret hiding-place. Several slabs loom up at various intersections of the lake margin, defiled by red paint, which emblazon my name and the date of this exploit. Having completed for the time being my explorations of Lake Chala, I turned my attention to the people who inhabit that section of Africa. My ears had been filled with warning as to the hostilities of the Rombos, consisting, in four or five provincial divisions, of a tribe known respectively under the names of Rombo, Rombo Chini, Rombo of the Bara, Rombo Colis, inhabiting the plain and hills between Lake Chala and Kilimanjaro ; so with justifiable precaution my men were well armed, albeit I was fully determined, unless the most desperate events should compel defence, under no pretext to use firearms, and had impressed this upon my porters before making the venture, giving strict orders to my headman to punish any porter severely who violated my command, and under no circumstances to fire at natives, or even the wild animals haunting this region,^ CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF LAKE CHALA. 2/5 without word of command from either myself or himself. My first impression of the physical aspect of their domain environ- ing Lake Chala was most inauspicious, presenting great gloomy hill slopes, with basaltic formation and rotted lava stones inter- spersed with thorn-bushes, although overshadowed by the majes- tic twin peaks of Kilimanjaro, — snow-capped Kibo, crenelated Mawenzi, — which certainly lent a scenic splendor to the horizon. The plantations, which are unquestionably fertile, were so far re- moved from my line of march that they were scarcely discernible. A succession of animal pits ranged immediately below the point where we were to encamp, which were set by the Rombo ROlMBO SPEAR. people, who are trap hunters rather than hunters of chase. The curious construction of these animal pits is worthy a word. The Rombos and other native trap hunters dig a pit of about four feet wide, six to ten feet longf, si.\ to eigfht or ten feet deep. This is covered over with brush, and presents no appearance of a trap to the casual eye. They are spaced at the distance of say a foot between, ten or twelve in a row, so as to intersect a path to a water course or water pool. These traps are baited or not, and the Rombos beat the bush and jungle thereabouts, and drive the animals who are seeking water or prowling for food into them, and afterwards kill their prey with spears or arrows. However, they frequently leave the traps undisturbed, and withdraw to their hillside 276 SULTAN TO SULTAN. bomas, and await the chance of the animals straying unto- wardly into them. These are used for elephants, lions, and all other big game. Mischief not infrequently befalls an unwary traveller or a caravan passing through the country during the night, who may fall into these pits and become seriously injured; and there are credible accounts that men have tum- bled into the very jaws of lions which had already become victims. Another method ot making a trap, especially for elephants, is by excavating a large pit on the usual caravan route, covered with an ingenious intertwining of vines, upon the top of which is placed a covering of sod and sand, to all appearances no different from the rest of the path. These are excessively dangerous, because interspersed beneath the outer covering are sharp spikes, made of tusks or spear-heads, or even giant thorns, to step upon which is most injurious and painful. These are incidental disadvantages to pleasant promenades, and can be warded against b)' the judicious em- ployment of native guides, when one desires to jaass through regions known to be habited by natix'e hunters. To reiterate, the Rombos living in this region have ever been deemed a very ferocious people, tricky in their dealings with other natives, and the marauders of passing caravans. Some of their villages have been closed even against the Arabs, and they bring their products to barter down upon the hara, or plain, rather than admit strangers into their kraals. With the warnings which I had received, I felt imbued with a sense of precaution and unwillingness to enter their villages CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF LAKE CIIALA. 277 until I could decide from their manifest attitude likelihood of their looting my caravan and probably murdering me. He ever, after being beset with ear nestness by the prime minister ot one of the sultans, I concluded to go and see for myself; and at an hour when the men were all resting and I could safely leave the camp without obser- vation, I selected four of m\ most trusty headmen and an interpreter, and visited one of the Rombo villages, to find the delighted people most civil, and eager to do Bebe Bwana hom- age. They were neither un- couth nor unkind nor ungen- erous, and certainly far from being hostile. They loaded me with gifts of beautiful furs and such other of their worldly pos- sessions that I chanced to admire. Although, with few exceptions, men, women, and children were in an absolute, state of nudity, the men carr>-ing shields romb^ as to BO SHIELD. OUTSIDE. 278 SULTAN TO SULTAN. made of hippopotamus hide three feet long and a foot wide, bossed and with pressed designs, they brandished spears, the blade end not a foot loner and narrow, carried bows and arrows, their deportment was as manly as one would naturally expect from civilized people. When they were presented b}- me with cloth (and this I wish to explain fully, because I have been very much misquoted on the subject), they looked about and saw in what manner my porters were bedecked. However, instead of putting their cloth on from a sense of prudery or ''^ shame, they were as likely to hang a piece of four or five yards trailing from their shoulder, or try to twist it about their heads as a turban, or tie it on to their arm or leg, as much so as they were disposed to use it as loin-cloths or surround their bodies. The idea which evidently prevailed with them, as in lact it I does the world over, was simply to follow i .1 fashion, and to imitate what they thought was fine in some one else. They have no consciousness of their nakedness. They bore themselves with so much dignity, and 1 o-rew to regard their color as abundant ROMBo sHiKi.ii. INSIDE, clothing for them in their primitive simpli- city. Truly they were clothed with io^-a virilis, a robe of manhood unfashioned by any mode of civilization, but inborn. In passing, as an illustration of the effect of superstition CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF LAKE CHALA. 279 upon these people, which reduces them to a timorous, suspi- cious state, the following may be interesting. By the suggestion of a man who had gone from coast to coast of Africa, subsequently spending a year in East Africa, holding a position which should have given hini full insight, one would suppose, into the habits and tastes of the natives, and who should have known what would have .^s? amused them, I took a dozen bright feather toy birds, which, by means of a rubber bulb and x^ t,.,. — -v- tube, are made to hop about with great anima- toy bird. tion. The dull day came when, quite at my wit's ends to amuse some visitors from one of the tribes of Rombo, suddenly I recol- lected the birds. The case containing them was opened, and with great flourish I wound up my music box and set the birds to gambol before the wide-open-eyed guests, as they squatted expectant on their heels around my tent. Presto ! in two seconds that robust vision of dusky war- riors, yelling at the top of their voices, presented nothing but heels. They ran like the rushing wind, terrified by the innocent toys, and as il pursued by his Satanic majesty. The next morning, through the prime minister of the tribe, they indignantly requested us to leave their sultanate. Unwittingl)' I had actually betrayed my entire caravan to imminent peril, as the performance was looked upon as black art. Nothing more of these natives was seen ; and after exhausting every resource in my efforts to induce them to 2 8o SULTAN TO SULTAN. return and accept of our amity, they persistently refused, and I was unable to procure food for my men. This threw us into a very sorry dilemma ; for we were quite depending upon reprovisioning the caravan at this village, for food was scarce and cattle d)ing off rapidly several marches beyond this point of our journc\-. HOSTILE ROMBOS. Having to submit to the folly of my experiment, so inno- cently made, it opened up a new field of consideration as to a characteristic in their nature of which I had previously been entirely ignorant. This recalls another incident which shows the importance of striving to understand the peculiar characteristics of different tribes, in order to know what impression they are likely to receive when experimented upon. CIRCUMNAVIGATION OK LAKE CIIALA. 281 ROMBOS. VICTIMS OF GERMAN GUNS. 282 SULTAN TO SUI.TAN. Observing a bevy of young warriors and girls hovering about one of my tents, I took a hand-mirror and through the ventilator of my personal tent, unseen by them, I caught the sun's rays and threw the reflection upon the group, never for a moment thinking of the cross-lacing in front ot the opening. This made the reflection fall in checkers or squares. An instant sufficed. They scrambled pellmell away, thinking it was a devil's tattoo that I was directing against them, to enslave or put them under a magic spell. In connection with this I must add, these little traits of character, based upon superstition, are like stepping-stones to the index of their character ; and one who is careless in the study of what may on the surface appear to be frivolous and unimportant, will miss the finest points in the individu- ality of any people. Whereas these natives, with the cited exception, treated me with so much courtesy and gentleness, I still recall the circumstance which has been blazoned throughout the world, that when six weeks after I had safely traversed that coun- try as a lone woman, the celebrated Dr. Carl Peters, in order to pass safely with himself and armed soldiers through this district, felt obliged to turn his guns on these Rombos, armed in their simple fashion, and kill a hundred and twenty before breakfast one morning. It makes one's blood boil with indignation ! This, then, is how Germany proposes to civilize and colonize Africa. I am constrained to say either there must have been some CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF LAKE CHALA. 283 peculiar power vested in me of a quality almost superhuman to have enabled me to subdue these so-called hostile Rombos, or else Dr. Peters's methods are simply brutal, atrocious, and unnecessary. This distinguished man reveals his belief in despotic measures throughout Africa. The following citation from his " New Light on Dark Africa," respecting his manner of pro- ceeding in Uganda, is a satire on the title: "As I well knew that in case of possible Arab enterprise I should have to rely principally on moral impressions, I had taken care that our reputation should precede us, and had been careful, above all, to bring with me from Usoga a band of war drums, which should send the signal of war resounding before us over the far- spreading heights. Three drums tuned in fifths on which the roll was beaten, and the bigf drum coming in between, the whole produced a solemn and threatening effect." If an alien provokes by coercive measures the native in his own land and develops all of the worst propensities latent in his nature, it is not fair to lay the blame upon the poor untutored native and call him " savage." >S4 SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTER XI 11. VULCANS OF CHAGA. ULCANS, fiiiidis, or craftsmen in metal work, have attained a great degree of skill and perfection ,. througliout Cha^a land. The re- \ i ( 1/ nowned blacksmiths all have been [i]"/ or are celebrated chiefs or sultans, whose deftness In the forging of spears, knives, pipes, agricultural imple- ments, tools, bells and most delicate little charms, necklaces, armlets and leglets, as well as various metal ornaments, has given them a distinctive prestige in other spheres of tribal significance. Mireali of Marungu, and Mandara of MoschI, have held their own, generally speaking, with the belligerent Masai in consideration of the fact that, although great warriors, they are dependent upon the skill of these two sultans for their spears. Mandara does not now personally forge any weapons, in consequence of his physical disablement ; those made in his sultanate, however, are practically his ware, and bear the stamp VULCANS OF CHAGA. 285 of his original skill, temper, and patterns. He has rendered the metal work ol Chaga land the envy of other districts, as well as the wonder of white men. The simplicity and poverty of the native tools make their skill all the more remarkable. One of their finest spears, with its blade three and a half feet long and four inches wide at the broadest point, and an inch-square metal pike about four feet long joined with a wooden rod from one to three feet long, requires forty rings of iron the thickness of telegraph wire. The texture of the metal becomes fine and durable as it is heated, in order to weld, in charcoal fires, and neces- sarily wrought very slowl)', hence it is the gradual process, coalescing the iron wire into a mass, and its carbonizing- makes the temper very fine, and converts the metal into ■ an admirable semblance of steel. In lieu of an anvil, the metal is forged upon a piece of . . BRASS AND IRON BELL close-gramed ironstone by a heavy stone or ear-rings. iron hammer. The hot iron is grasped and manipulated with a rude pair of long-handled pincers ; the fire is kept alive by a pair of native bellows alternately inflated with and expressing the air as operated by a man sitting between them on the ground opposite the fire. The nozzles of the bel- lows are made of pottery, and are plunged into a small clay oven ; the charcoal is doled out in small quantities, and treated 286 SULTAN TO SULTAN. sparingly as something- precious ; in lact, a long roll of grass, neatly disposed, contains the fuel, opened at one end, from which an attendant picks out with his hands, lump by lump, or in handfuls the black diamonds to revive the fire ; his miserly care impresses the onlooker with the idea that he is dealing with an article oi great price, as in fact it in consequence of the primitive man- ner it is charred on the mountain. A tree is fired about si.\ feet from the ground, and wet grass plastered in a hummock over the l)urning portion to smother the flames. When the smoul- dering trunk is charred, the tree topples over, and when a fresh supply of charcoal was required, the body and branches were treated in the same method. A ptndi is an autocrat, accounted and recognized to be a great man ; he bears an imperious mien, and is always attended b}' a coterie of followers and henchmen who do his slightest biddine, as he bends over his work and fashions the articles of his craft ; thirsty, some one gives him a drink oi pombc ; tired or hungry, he pauses, even betakes himself away for refresh- ment. No one presumes to suggest aught to him ; no one dares to gainsay him. He is master of his craft ; he realizes NATIVE CALFSKIN BELLOWS. VULCANS OF CHAGA. 287 his own power ; he exercises his prerogative of superiority upon every trivial occasion. Tlien, too, he has certain privi- leges and perquisites not accorded even to the chiefs who are not also fiutdis. During an evening's chat a fundi said to one of my interpreters, " Come now, good man, where would the war- riors be, if it were not for / the spears and knives that \\\Q. fundi make ? ' The interpre- ter queried, " Do you fight?" " Fight, boy? Me fight? No, I make spears, so that cl-viorau (warriors) native calfskin bellows. fight in the right waj- ; fight to kill." At this he seized by the middle the wooden part of a spear which he had stuck in the ground erect in front of himself when he had squatted down before the crackling camp-fire to chat. " See ! see, boy ! " He cleverly balanced the double weapon, spear-head one end, pike the other, plunging for- ward with an upward sweep the fire-flashed metal, describing a broad arc, yet he did not let go of the wooden centre, but rushed ahead until it had reached its limit, then whirled 288 SULTAX TO SULTAN. A the weapon out, and vaulting backward forcibly drove the pike into the ground behind him, when, with a glow of satisfaction over his own prank, he exclaimed, " See, boy ! see ! " quickly uprooting the quivering weapon, again vio- lently swirling it from right to left in the same wild manner, leaping sideways with agility as if parrying a blow; "this, boy, this is the way I, the great fundi ot Fimbosa, teach the warriors ; they may kill a foe in an eye-look with my beautiful spears." Poising the heavy weapon on the fore- finger of his right hand until it gently swung like a pendu- lum, he sauntered away, evidently loath to remain in the presence of Zanzibari who was ignorant of his noble calling and of the brave fabrications thereof. In good truth, to be a spear or sword fujidi requires admirable skill and practice alike of eye and hand, in order to shape, balance, set, edge, and polish the blades, much more so certainly than is required to make their agricultural implements and small knives, although they are more or less all made according to tribal conventional shapes, gauged by the recjuirements ot utilit)'. Still more delicate and nimble, but not so masterful, must be the fingers of those who are the jewellers among.st the fundi s, for the fine wire the)- make by repeatedly and laboriously drawing when heated with long, slender pincers through the cJiambiwo or perforated metal or stone screens of various sizes in order to reduce to a delicate size to make MASAI SPEAK, the slender link chains which are so pliant and marvellously 3.- ' ^ ■~'^". < O VULCANS OF CHAGA. 289 dainty, and the many sizes of metal beads they manufacture by cutting from a wire cubes of certain length, then, by beating them thin and flat, turn them into little cylinders, pressing the edges so close the union is scarcely noticea- ble, at the same time keeping them round. Some square dice- shaped metal beads are also made by them. It occurs to me that if cara- vans would carr)- for barter suitable tubings of differ- ent metal and different sizes, it would vastly re- duce the labor of the native metal workers; although it is questionable if more accurate and symmetrical forms of machine-made tubing would lend beauty to their present fabrications. They have METAL CHAIN EAR-RINGS, BRASS, COPPER, AND IRUX HEADS. 290 SULTAN TO SULTAN. an odd habit of placing around a staff rings of iron wire, and stringing together links of chains to be used when required. The only crucibles I could discover in the regions I visited were stones hollowed out and a fire built all around them, inside and out, until they became white hot, when the inside was brushed out and iron, brass, copper, and solder put in, then kept hot by the surrounding fire until it melted, when they would pour the liquefied metal into a wooden mould the shape of the bracelet or necklet required, which they had previously soaked until thoroughly saturated, first in grease, then in water ; but this method is not held desira- ble. The native connoisseurs prefer the hand-forged articles of jewelry, in the same manner as do civilized folk prefer anything hand wrought to that which is cast or machine made. I am not speaking of the people far up on the mountain, who use great furnaces and smelt native iron, but of the people of Chaga land, whom I was privileged to see at work. Hence I hope I will not be understood as assuming there are no furnaces in East .Africa. Their graving tools are very primitive, REAL SIZE SMALLEST CHAGA BRASS BEADS. generally consisting of a piece of iron they VULCANS OF CHAGA. 291 have welded, having a narrow chisel edge with which they cut into the articles, much as do the artisans in civilized countries, by tapping the instrument with a metal or stone hammer when held on the article to be embellished, and follow the pattern, thus graving out the design intended. All of their processes are slow, requiring great patience, — a quality patent to native peoples the world over. They insert or incn bits of silver, gold, and other metals, bits of ivory, bone, beads, into wooden vessels and gourds most cleverly. This is done in a style durable, finished, and artistic, far from being trumpery, and certainly not slipshod. They finish off with spiral rings of fine copper or brass wire or dainty rows of beads the ends of all objects, or where there are two parts joined, or one material used for embellish- ment or it merges into another for lack of quantity, or prompted by the selection of taste, displays the trait of perfection which is the acme of all crafts. Ear-rings five inches in diameter, of double circles of brass wire, like Catharine rings, are most perfectly shaped and highly polished ; and this without any tools except pincers or hammers, pieces of flint and pumice stone, and perchance when they are fortunate enough to possess a file procured trom some Arab caravan. The art of buffing or polishing, smoothing oft and brightening, is effectually done in the ME'lAL EAR-R1N(;S. 292 SULTAN TO SULTAN. first place with pumice stone, in which this volcanic region abounds, wood ashes, using as buffers goat, sheep, and cow skins, as well as the palms of the hands well moistened. If you will take the trouble to watch a group of this dusky people before a fire which has burned long and the ashes accumulated, you may .see some of their number spitting into the palms of their hands, which they dip into the ashes and afterwards vigorously rub their bracelets or anklets, and the brightness and glitter which their orna- ments preserve, although coated with grease and clay, I have never been able to procure with- out using burnishing irons and pumice powder mi.xed with kerosene or lye. Ornamentation appears as a species of religion with them, and they never seem to be content with their possessions to the point that they cease to strive to accumu- late more. Vanity and love of finery, in Africa at least, are free from being exclusively feminine, for the men are quite as prone to indulge in personal bedeckment as the women, if not more so, and amongst some tribes the warriors and patcrfamtlias do all the strutting about and fancy work, whilst the women toil, till the plantations, carry wood, carry the fodder for the cattle, care for the stall-fed creatures. They stick with marked tenacity to a mode in decorations, and seemingly avoid exer- cising originality in design, in order to follow a fashion. Very NATIVE SEME AND SCABBARD. VUI.CANS OF CHAGA. 293 true, this fashion may change or become diversified when the people of various tribes mingle in friendly association, and possibly exchange, present, or barter their trinkets to some •enterprising youth or girl. Anon, frequently when they can- not get what they crave in gewgaws, they will not refuse what is proffered, unless it is in lieu of a purchase; then they will not as a rule be swayed, save by their own will. To their native metal work they frequently subjoin charms, c/awa, or medicine beads, animals' teeth, which are worn for various complaints, and frequently loaned by members of a family one to the other. Their bells have various uses and various significance, beside that of ornamenta- tion. A warrior's bell, six inches long, turned over in shape, with a metal bullet or metal piece within, is attached to a leather beaded band, which is worn below the knee by the Masai during times of war. A little iron bell, IKON BELL WORN three inches long and two in diameter, with by a woman. a long bar-shaped tongue, constructed somewhat after the pattern of a lily, is worn by a woman during her first preg- nancy. It serves as a warning to those who approach her : the herders driving home the cattle, and youths dancing, and all those who might suddenly frighten her, take heed of the warning tinkle, are silenced, and let her pass unmolested. Then the majority if not all of the people in most of the tribes wear little jingling bells, affixed to thongs strapped around 294 SULTAN TO SULTAN. their ankles or arms ; and in the tribes on the mountain, if a woman or man is found at night outside the boiiia without these bells, they are supposed to be on some evil errand, and must suffer accordingly. Then they wear little bells, like turnover pies, in their ears, around their arms, around their dancing wands. They put bells around the necks of one or two of their cattle in a herd, when they are grazing in the open, and hang them about the fringes of their bead orna- ments ; and they all have a peculiar sound of their own. They use a circlet of bells to teach the children how to walk. Catching sight of and hearing the %/ jingle of a string of cowrie-shaped small -*\ iron bells attached to a leather strap around the ankles of a mere toddler, and observing the little one constantly looking down to her feet striving to see them, apparently to the great danger of her equilibrium every time they tinkled, I asked her mother why she allowed the child to wear them, at the risk of having her fall. "To make her walk," was her prompt reply. Then she pointed to the little feet, and 1 watched the child's performance only a minute to be convinced of the cleverness of the maternal trick. The little one would move a foot In an undecided, unsteady way to put It to the ground, when the bells would tinkle, and with frantic efforts she would wriggle her body in every direction to see where BELLS WORN BY INFA.NIS. VULCANS OF CHAGA. 295 the noise came from, and half losing her equipoise, up would fly the other foot, then she would hear another sound of bells ; and so on indefinitely going through with the same performance, one foot and the other alternately, until she had crossed the broad ground of the boma. By a happy chance I had a large supply of table and call bells and small sleigh bells, which were received with delicjht as shifts, and the natives were even o o anxious to barter for. Their knives are sometimes oddly shaped, some- times rude enough, again works of artistic cutlery. / / /\ Frequently they wear them on their arms in /^4^ a leather band, with little tubes of arrow / poison strung on to them by delicate metal chains or strips of leather ; they also thrust them into their belts for convenience in MEDICINE MAN'S KNIFE case of defence, as well as to be able on and poison tubes. the instant to cut the thorns, bananas, corn, grass, and to dig out their wooden utensils. Banana knives are rough, heavy blades, set in short, straight wooden handles, sharpened on the inner groove, so that they hook them around the stalk of a bunch of bananas and deftly with one sweep detach it from the main branch. Rings and bracelets, leglets and neck ornaments, in the case of the Masai women, consist of great coils like ex- aggerated multifold continuous bangles or car springs, finished off with other metals; the body of the ornament, which is 296 SULTAN TO SULTAN. usually iron, garnished with copper and brass by way of con- trast, always with the idea of accentuating display. Almost every man understands in an amateurish way something of metal work. He makes for himself, his sweetheart, or wives rings and bracelets and anklets, but he is not a master, not a fundi. They showed me the source from which they pattern the splendid Masai spears, and I was delighted to find it was the ORNAMENTS WORN BY A MASAI WOMAN. IRON COILS FINISHED WITH BR.4SS AND COPPER. leaf of the same species of cactus as the Spanish sword bayonet, indigenous to various tropical regions, and when a leaf of this cactus was held beside their implement, the accuracy of their eyes and gift of reproduction were evidenced, for the shape was a complete copy, even as to the little peculiar roundness of the point, and the ridge running through the centre of the spear, which puts the stamp of grace upon a master- piece ; and their smaller spears, that are used by the Rombo VULCANS OF CHAGA. 297 and other tribes, are imitations of rubber and magnolia leaves. They make crude bullets and spoons, arrowheads, rude razors. This latter is not to be wondered at, as it seems to be one of the traditional coat-of-arms of all negroes. How- ever, their razors have no wings; they do notj fly, as in America. The way in which they turn to account every bit of shining metal is some- times amusing. Ever) tin can, when emptied, is carefully pre- served to pre- sent to them by the porters, who make efforts to win a smile, obtain a favor, or procure a tidbit for their pot they could not otherwise afford. One day after dis- carding the metal tube upon which had been rolled surgical plaster, spindle shaped, with circular ends colored bright red, I was pleased to see a pretentious young warrior sally about the camp with the article thrust into his ears. The tops of the cans they would convert into dangling dice, scalloped, diamond shaped, round, square, to add a lustre to their own finery. Watch and clock wheels are likewise e.xtracted from timekeepers to mark the rapid pace of fashion in ornamen- tation. warrior's bell. 298 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Soda-water bottles were pounced on with avidity, and the men would squabble until blows ensued for their possession. They liked to have the bottles to carry water or milk for their own use, as well as to barter with the natives. In sauntered on a village palaver ground a native, in truth a so- called crown prince, with twelve soda-water bottles attached to a leather girdle ; the dozen represented his accumulation of possibly years, but this moment in my presence he thought the proper occa- L sion to disport his soi- 1 i^isan/ treasure. For this delicate tribute I held a full-dress reception, attired in my court gown and all the splendors of my jewel box and portable wardrobe. As usual, the function was a very dis- tinguished social success, and exalted me far above mortals of common clay in the estimation of sultan, crown prince, courtiers, and ple- beians. All the world over tailors and dressmakers hold a rule and reign wherever civilization dares stride. Decency and style with the enlightened, the spirit of monkey-like imitation with the untutored primitives, make votaries to the tyrant Fashion. Soon after a splendid Masai spear had been received by me, the chief of camp story-telling made it the occasion to DANCING BELL. VULCANS OF CHAGA. 299 flourish before his comrades, after scornfully listening to a green porter's yarn about some cruelty practised by the Somali, burst out vehemently : — "What! you call that worth the telling, man? Come now, listen to a true story. It will put warmth into your blood, and make you sleep with your e\'es open. When I first NATIVE VULCAN S BRACELETS. came to Masai country, aye, before you had stopped tugging at your mother's breasts, coming from the winter's sun-bed, we saw two men carrying — " He turned and darted a fierce glance of defiance on the group of porters certainly uncalled for, as they sat mutely engrossed in the progress of his story, never vouchsafing to lisp one word. "Do you know what?" he said to one; ?oo SULTAX TO SULTAN. "or you? or you? or you?" and he pointed with his knob Kerry stick rapidly from one of his followers to another, never expecting an answer. "Ha! ha! I might have known you couldn't guess. Well, mark you! keep your ears open as the day. Upon a spear — a spear like this!" — and he took up a large Masai spear — "two Masai carried between them, upon which swung the bodies of three Rombos, spitted like fish to bake ! rigfht throuoh the middle, on the same haft ! Hey ! who dares gainsay that ? Vou see, lads, I have travelled. A man must travel to see and to tell." And he swaggered on down through the camp, quite satisfied with the horror he had inspired ; and it occurred to me that a white woman must travel at the head of a caravan to hear such yarns. PRIMITIVE KI.MANGEUA. ;oi <.\>; \ CHAPTER XIV. ; PRIMITIVE KIMANGELIA. IMANGELIA, at the height of four thou- sand seven hundred feet above the sea level, in the mountain forests on the ortheastern slope of Kilimanjaro, be- tween the second and third decree south of the equator, forms the frontier of Masai land, was the objec- tive point of a two or more days' ■■■*-' march. It became necessary to re- pose considerable confidence in a native guide bearing the geographical appellation of Mombasa of Taveta, — a perfect dandy in his make up, handsome and self-conscious, faithful and inoffensive. He had been born at Useri, but lived at Taveta. The hue of his complexion betokened the inter- mingling of w'hite blood in his veins. Mombasa of Taveta insisted, and was riofht, too, that the forest village was above Useri on the mountain, whereas an English official, desirous of floating the English flag and enter a first claim in behalf of the English, recognizing the established fact that all terri- tory above the plains must be German, and having sited in 302 SULTAN TO SULTAN. the distance from Lake Chala the jjlantations of Kimangelia, had concluded that it must be below the lake region, uhich was a theme of dispute then, but since has been admitted to be German. He had laid out another route, by following which, in spite of Mombasa's protests, the caravan was com- pelled to make a long tedious detour. Lake Chala was then debatable grounds in consequence of the gradual slope of the plain from Taveta to the lake ^ which is so gentle that the rim of the crater ap- proached from Taveta seems almost on a level with the plain. Dr. Myer has expressed an opinion that even Taveta should legitimately belong to the Germans. There is much striving to encroach on all sides in the establishment of territorial lines throughout Africa, which demonstrates the importance attached to Afri- can possessions, especially in this particular section Y of East Africa. The Chaga language is almost uni- versally spoken after leaving Taveta on the slopes of LEGLET. Kilimanjaro, and I was informed throughout Masai country. The agreed governmental plan of allotting the highlands and mountain of Kilimanjaro to the Germans, and the plains and all territory to the east to the English, it would seem cannot be consistently adhered to, for the reasons that the highland habitants must have access to the grassy plains for fodder and to hunt, whereas the habitants of the plains should have recourse to the highlands for their planta- tions, hence with strictly maintained dividing lines there must PRIMITIVE KIMANGELIA. 303 constantly arise friction and worse ; for it can hardly be ex- pected that either the English or the Germans will complacently submit to the rigid enforcement of territorial lines, or the collection of imposts in these primitne re ■^jsj^, gions, with mainly a native constitu- .^ ,\ .^mtmwi^^^r ency to levy upon. ^.^H' * W^^'',- ^« 1' rrni ftj. . --Si From this point I took guides from the tribes, with the idea that I would hold these ouides, in case of attack -> V^% ^ or hostility, as hostages, and the instant the first tribe made an assault on me or my caravan, I i//-*^^ would punish these guides in ,.-'-'-y ■. some unmistakable manner that would stand as a warning to all further aggressors. They were also useful to point out difficulties, #/■, '■• avoid traps, and show the most acces- ^i'''-^ sible paths. Before I got through with OSIRICH KEAIHER m)- journe\-, I had attached to ni)' little masai mask. army forty of these half-prisoner guides, who were perfectly happy, in their unconsciousness of the motive which actuated me, to jog along day after day enjoying the fellowship of the porters. The people of Useri were somewhat disturbed in their minds upon the appearance of the white woman's caravan. They were under German protection, flying the German flag, 304 SULTAN TO SULTAN. and hesitated in giving to me the welcome othet" tribes had extended. I sent two messengers to the Sultan Malimia's boma, saying we would await him half an hour, or, as they quaintly say, " until the sun is there," pointing to a special place in the heavens; and while I was waiting it gave me a little opportunity to study the people. The women were decorated very much after the fashion of the Wa-Taveta, with the exception that they wore from a clumped piece of hair on the centre of their forehead little circular bone ornaments, terminating in metal fringes, which hung down over the nose; and some of them wore metal chains around their heads, which hung lil- > ■ the flesh and muscles ot her legs, amputation was necessary. Josefe only was ready ,,' to assist me to perform the un- pleasant business. Certainly I could have commanded any of ■^^: my porters to attend to this matter, but they were possessed by nameless superstitions; and such an exaction on my part would ha\e put a damper on their exalted estimation of me ,' for so outraging their senti- ments. I endeavored to main- tain a policy of harmony when consistent. M\ \i II MMi.'Ax. Dail)' the temperature was so alterable that it was with difficulty the porters could keep warm at night, although sweltering under the direct tropical rays of the sun in the noonda)-. Towards three or four o'clock 1'. M. the hot air would suddenly ascend to the moun- tain region, and be displaced by a rush of cold air, and a constant atmospheric current swept over the country. The w a; p u o z 2 w H Z w PRIMITIVE KIMANGELIA. j^/ regularity of these breezes suggested the idea that windmills might be profitably established, which could be used for irri- gation and cistern purposes. Although the natives have ingeniously and methodically constructed ditches and erected irrigation troughs, made by digging out tree trunks, with which they surround their plantations on the top of some of the mountains, and on all sides could be heard the purling of the water, sometimes hidden beneath the vines or by the dracaena hedges that divided the plantations by lanes. The recent downfall of rain had converted the ground of these lanes into very tenacious, slippery mud, and often we would sink up to our knees in a black, pudding-like mixture, and the suction offered great resistance to rapid progress; or in descending a slight slant with feet together every one would slide down, or in ascending we were forced to cut foot-holes and clutch frantically to the shrubbery to ward against backsliding, and avoid being washed along in the resistless current of an unspent swift gush of gurgling water that would bound down over rocky beds, seeking the bottom of the cations, or leap and tumble into cascades to join swirling rapids seaward bent. Tlie moisture which rises from the oround at nieht makes a singular phosphorescent mist, which carries sufficient dew to bathe and nourish all vegetation and, in fact, the land around, to bring about certain results which are almost phenomenal considered from an agricultural point of view. It is from these heavy dews that most of the nous-iiiioas, or ;o8 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Stone reservoirs, are kept supplied. It is one of the great dis- advantages to the traveller in Africa, subjecting him to much discomfort and rendering him liable to fevers, if the greatest care is not observed to ward against the insidious dampness. The moisture causes to exhale from the shrubs, flowers, and grasses a sweetish odor, which at times becomes stifling, and it is no uncommon thing to find almost every man in a caravan afflicted with asthma, and as he marches along his snorting, wheezino breath is very perceptible. In countries of such a cli- mate the usual practice sug- gested by all good military B tacticians, of surrounding a tent with a ditch, in case of rain, MASAI i:l-moka\. is a great mistake, excepting when absolutely necessary. Making personal observations on this point, in the hope of ameliorating my personal condi- tion, — being a victim to chronic asthma, — I fountl that the newly upturned earth at night would emit a phosphorescent p^low which would hano- and hover about the little trench as it reluctant to part from its maternal source ; and all sorts of crawling things would issue forth and revel in the un- healthy place. Another strange manifestation of these mists was evidenced in passing my hands through the thick, wavy veil PRIMITIVE KIMANGELIA. 3O9 and rubbing the palms together in a dark spot removed from the trench, they would glow with phosphorus as if I had dipped them in fire ; and when one of the porters stepped out of these trenches he would leave his fiery footprint on the solid ground for some minutes after walking thereon. Such a miasmatic condition certainly cannot be conducive to the well- being of human creatures. I have also seen mists in Africa which were luminous and had certain powers of refracting the rays of the moon, which became iridescent and full of prismatic sheets and gleams. The effect was very much like a terres- trial aurora borealis, and the foliage would stand out bright, glistening, and green, as if the sunlight had fallen upon them after a rain. The appearance is very weird, and I inferred of common occurrence, as none of the men in the caravan noted it with any degree of surprise, which would indicate that they were accustomed to it. It had a very strange effect upon my eyesight, and I discovered that the porters in moving about at night would always hold their hands over their eyes, as one naturally does to avoid the sun's glare. A certain amount of superstition affixes to this strange mani- festation, which perhaps may account for the porters reluctance to speak of it, and I only noticed it in Chaga land, and not on the plains or in the jungle. Sometimes when a man would come rapidly through the mist, which would float and settle down in a vacillating way without any apparent reason, here and there his garments would be illumed with spots and flecks of the phosphorescent particles, making him look as lO SULTAN TO SULTAN. if clad in spangled armor ; upon observing the effect upon his own garment, he would shake his cloths and kanzii, causing the particles to dart off in globules, leaving behind them streaks of shimmering light through the air. This same mist betrayed me into numerous absurdities ; for at first, not realizing how vagrant was its course, and seeing strange lights in the woods, I would insist on one of my guards accompanying me ither to make closer observation, id althougrh I would find something similar to a will-o'-the-wisp, it was different, inasmuch as the light would be in sheets. Josefe, who BUFFALO BULL. '^^ was always ready for a game, once placed around his staff a wad of cotton, which he took the precaution to wet, sallied into the midst of one of these mists, twirled his staff about as if to accumulate the phospho- rescent qualities, and stood out in the clear, dark atmosphere whirling his staff rapidly around until it displayed a succession of fiery circles that lasted for an instant, then faded into nothingness. Observations made by me in East Africa at night were most unusual it not unique, and made me acquainted with certain peculiar revelations which nature seems to keep mysteriously concealed during the day. Creeping things, prowling animals, were ever on the alert just outside of the encampment, deterred from coming in by the numerous fires PRIMITIVE KI.MANGELIA. 3II and the sentinels on watch. One night, experiencing great fatigue, I fell in a profound slumber lying in my Palanquin within my tent, when suddenly I awoke with a shuddering apprehension of danger, and possessed by an instinctive feel- ing of the presence of some harmful thing ; involuntarily seizing my knife and pistol I cried out, "Who is there?" No answer. Then I called out for the askaid on guard, at the same time tried to penetrate the darkness surrounding me, when I became aware, through the atmospheric conditions, that a cold, clammy, moving object was above me, in truth almost touching me, on the top of my Palanquin, the rattans of which were cracking as if under the pressure of a mangle. I was struggling to slide out of the Palanquin without rising from my recumbent position to avoid touching the thing, when the alarmed askari entered, carrying a lantern, to my abject horror revealing to me the object I had intuitively dreaded. My blood fairly seemed to congeal in my veins at the spectacle : it was an enormous python, about fifteen feet long, which had coiled around the top of the Palanquin, and at that moment was ramping and thrusting its head out, searching for some attainable projection around which to coil its great, shiny, loathsome length of body. Seeing the python, the askari immediately yelled wildly out for help, and in a moment, a dozen stalwart porters pitched in a merciless way with their knives upon the reptile, slashing and cutting its writhing body into inch bits. I am not ashamed to confess it was the supreme fear of my life, and almost paralyzed me. I 312 SULTAN TO SULTAN. came very near collapsing- and relinquishing myself to the nervous shock; but there was no time for such an indulgence PALANQUIN AND PYTHON. of weakness ; there were other sequences to be considered. However, during my safari in East Africa, I only saw one other live python, wrestling inconsequently with all of its might PRIMITI\'E KIMANGEI.IA. with one of the invincible dead giants of the forest, without any visible success, as the majestic, unyielding tree gave no evidence of weakness under the pressing coils of the mad- dened monster, which was being overtaken by the realization that all was futile, and in the end it must be thwarted and admit defeat. We encountered some small water and , land serpents, a few puff adders, but with ^'gV^Sp few exceptions were never molested, barring ^v' -^|* the fact that occasionally we missed a goat ^f&Up.&'A or sheep, and they might have been the prey of audacious hyenas and jackals, onl)' for the reason that we heard no commo- tion in the temporary sheds where the animals were stalled, which indicated the work of reptile garroters. Reaching Klmangelia on the plains, ' the natives swarmed down from the moun- tain fastness and urged us to visit their mountain village, previously never entered by niziuiga. Difficulties arose ; there was no cut or road through the forest environments ; the porters could not force a way through. This was soon overcome, the)' assisted cutting a way through the gigantic trees, and as we plunged into the depths of a foliage-twilighted thicket, the hippopotamuses grunted and shambled awa)\ disturbed for the first time by a paleface or the commotion of a caravan. CHACA CHAIN FILET. 314 SULTAN TO SULTAN. The sultan was a victim to his own debaucheries, and was paralyzed and unable to meet or personally welcome Bebe Bwana, but he had placed at my disposal his great circular palaver grounds cleared in the centre of a primeval forest, and overlooking Masai land on the north and the lonof stretch of CAMPING GROUND, KIMANGELIA. country we had passed over, and beyond, overhead, grand Kilimanjaro. Their habits and customs, in matters of dress, superstition, marriage, rites, fetes, and pursuits were a cross between the Chaga people and the Masai. At that particular time they were disturbed, not knowing whether the Germans or Encrlish PRIMITIVE KIMANGELIA. 3 I 5 were going to claim them, and inclined towards the English, having been prejudiced against the Germans by the accounts given by the Masai. In consequence of the cold blasts which swept down from Kilimanjaro, the women wore, as do the Masai women, cow- hides around their waists and over their shoulders, and the great masses of iron and brass coils about their necks, arms, and legs that the Masai do. Their plantations are thrifty, and their /u/idi's do splendid chain work ; live stock ' was kept very scarce by the Masai. Honey anc poinbc were almost poured down upon us ; and the heads of the tribe chaga snuff box. ordered dances, and as the moon shone, ventured to sally from their huts and pay nighdy visits to the encampment. Greek fire delighted them, and a volley of musketry gave them a foretaste of real paradise. As usual, a full-dress reception was in vogue ; their admiration surpassed anything of the kind I had ever been the recipient of. And as for the itiusic box, they wagged their heads and addressed barbaric prayers, called it n^^ai, and called me ugai, their equivalant for God, as in fact everything mysterious is to them, ngai. Masai women flocked to see me, and secret messengers were sent to ask Bebe Bwana to visit a certain village not remote. The import cf this was to say that I would accom- i6 SULTAN TO SULTAN. pany them alone about a distance not exceeding five miles, I would be shown something that no 7nztcnga had ever seen. These envoys were not of Kimangelia, but from another tribe. W^hilst a couple of guests I had for a short time with me were indulging in an afternoon nap, I accompanied the natives, escorted by Josefe and Hamidi. Arriving at the place of destination, with a display of great secrecy I was shown by the chief, after all but two of his own attendants had been dis- missed, a stone spear-head, the ex- act size and shape of a Masai spear, which was kejDt secretly buried and unknown CHAIN AND BEAD GIRDLE. ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^J^^ ^l^J^f ^^J two or three of his confidants, including his prime minister, and which he told me passed in line of descent from chief to son for decades. I asked him how long it had been in the possession of his tribe. " Since the sun made day and the moon lig-hted the nigrht." "Was it before Kilimanjaro spit fire?" " Oh, long before that," he replied, " when the streams run fire." He begged me not to reveal the place of concealment, or the name of his province or his tribe, as he said the " Dutch" Q Z D O < O u PRIMITIVE KIMAXGELIA. 3 I 7 would take it from him. It illustrated a very important point in the history of the origin of these people. Another day, quite inadvertentl)', while my men were halted eating, smoking, singing, and talking at the top of their voices, according to ni)' habit I was strolling about hard by to get away from the din and confusion, seeing what I could discover or taking photographs ; after reaching a point about half a mile from my caravan, I stepped what seemed a firm surface and tumbled amidst a perfect screen of vines and shrubbery into a cave. I brought away pieces of the stone which made the body of the cave, and a small piece of a stone mortar which I unearthed, fo it stood in one corner concealed by cover of moss and lichens, so long had metal bead necklace. it been undisturbed. The cave was an irregular oven shape ; part had been artificially made and part was a natural cave, and it undermined the surface of the earth above it, which came over sharp to the edge, wherefrom the vines fell as a pent and down to the ground, trailing in long lengths be)-ond and obscuring the entrance. It was about four feet square and five and a half in height, and evidently had been a smith's workshop, a primitive vulcan's forge. There were several stones standing up against the wall, upon the floor, which seemed to have served as forms to work upon, and what must have been used i8 SULTAN TO SULTAN. as an an\il bore the abrasions caused by wieldincr heavy blows that spent their extra force upon the stone and -was much discolored with smoke. jealous of my discovery, and eager not to be surprised by my porters in this cave, I hastily with- drew, fully intending some clay to make fuller investigation, as well as to search elsewhere for similar evidences of the Stone Age or of the Cave Dwellers. Just here allow me to digress and call attention to the excavations at the foot of the hill upon which Mandara's boma is founded, and which I subsequently entered only to be summoned back without time to make a full investigation by the warning of my headman who stated it was a death's trap to be shunned. MASAI. 319 CHAPTER XV. MASAI. LUSTERERS that the Masai are, they cannot be seriously looked upon as true warriors, or as possessing real bravery ; but rather as African Jack Shepherds. Their vocation is cattle stealine, freebootine, and raid- er o %^ ing their neighbors, after terrorizing y, them by their merciless onslaught. With theatrical make-up and hostile manner, they succeed in creating a panic wherever they list to carry a high hand, not only in the hearts of natives, but by compelling Germans and English to defence, and are soon put to rout by gunpowder. They recognize no law but capture and victory. They have frequently attacked the arcadian Wa-Taveta with a fierce hatred, although the W^a-Taveta are deputed to have descended from the Masai. They will not work; they have not the pride of tlie Wa- Chaga in forging their own spears, but depend upon the vulcans of Chaga for their fine Aveapons and almost all of their 320 SULTAN TO SULTAN. metal work. Donkey breeding seems to be their only legiti- mate labor. They make demands upon the services of the Wandurobo, a semi-subject nomadic tribe, which, although servile and subjugated by the Masai, is not actually in slavery. They hunt and engage in agricultural pursuits only to the extent of barely supplying necessities which the Masai cannot loot from other tribes, who, in return, give the Wandurobo their protection, and secure to them an immunity from their own persecution. These people are most insignificant in appear- ance, low of stature, almost dwarf. " Du- robo" signifies stumpy. Among those we met there was no man who attained a height of over four feet and a few inches, and some were considerably shorter. ARMOR FOR NECK. Jl^^ ^J^^^j j^^^.g ^ ^^,^;^^ ^^.^^. of forbidding passage through their territory. They place in the middle of a path likely to be traversed by an individual or a caravan, a bullet, over which they cross two twigs stripped of foliage, with the exception of a tassellccl brush at the top. The first person trespassing beyond this barrier is usually speared or shot without hesitation by some warder who is in ambush. Not knowing of this custom, inadver- tently coming to such a forbiddance, I kicked it aside. In consternation one oi my headmen sprang forward, urging me to pause if I valued my life, for the moment I put foot beyond that point 1 most likely would be assassinated. MASAI. 321 Before he had conckided his words of warPxing, about thirty Masai warriors abruptly made their appearance in a great state of agitation, with uphfted spears, frantically gesticulating, as they ordered us to halt, and demanded from me the payment of a large amount of hongo for the depredation committed. Every porter in my caravan was terror-stricken and quite ready to drop his load and take to his heels. However, the fierce Masai were soon appeased with a few lumps of bluestone, which they prize as highly as they do donkeys or cattle. These were given as a present, and not admittedly as a penalty, for I felt to recognize, even in such a slight matter, their arbitrary right in prohibiting a passage through a tract of country not actually theirs, might in the end result disastrously not only to myself, but to other caravan leaders who might follow. Their costumes and habits have the most distinctive personality of all the tribes I met. The women paint their faces with white and red splotches, and often wear a close- fitting cowhide hood, embellished on the margins with iron and blue or green glass rings, which covers their foreheads and chins, exposing their ears with their heavy brass Catherine wheel ear rings, and falls down over the back ot their heads upon their necks and shoulders, beneath their ponderous MASAI BRASS BRACELET. 322 SULTAN TO SULTAN. brass or iron coil collars. They present a most hideous appearance. The men, also, indulge, upon occasions more or less frivolous, in paint, decorating their bodies by daubing on masses of color. The women are not well made, and are far from being up to the standard of physical comeliness of the women of other tribes, but rather taller, even more so than the men. They wear quantities of ponderous iron coils like greaves about their legs and also their arms, weighing as much as fifty pounds. These are placed on before the bones and muscles have attained full growth, and naturally the enormous weight and constant pressure of the ponderous metal orna- ments retard the normal development alike of bones, muscles, and flesh, hence the women are angular, lank, sinewy, and yet fleet as deer, and very strong. Grass used as a truce with the Masai is more general than with other tribes, possibly on account of the exigencies which are the outcome of their belligerent habits ; and an essential part of the attire of the Masai women, who act as purveyors between tribes, and move about generally unmolested among even hostile tribes, seems to be a bunch of grass, which they fasten to their cowhide belts, or tie to some of their iron coils, in order to have convenient when as occasion arises, wherewith to manifest amity. It is one of the most significant and delicate symbols univer- sally recognized through Chaga land, to ignore which must naturally curtail any traveller's opportunities to see and to be < u MASAI. trustingly welcomed ; the adoption of which proved most serviceable to me at almost every turn, for frequently I stepped apart from my caravan to parley with natives, holding in my hands and extending towards them a bunch of grass without any flowers intermingled, always to meet with a genuine wel- come, albeit the natives might have at first evinced a measure of suspicion and over-caution, if indeed they were not abso- lutely inimical. When several Masai women approached me with their upheld hands f u 1 1 of grass, clutching in the middle the stems, which were turned from both sides tow- ard the centre, and the heads MASAI WOMEN CALLERS. of the g^rass wav- es ing outward, I thought it one of the daintiest exhibitions of symbolical friendliness I had ever witnessed. Grass is like- wise used as a prayer for mercy when an offence has been committed. Anon, when the cross-paths are perplexing and a leader desires to forfend against the chance of his caravan going astray, grass is thrown across the divergent path. The Masai also use salt stone, cliumvi, and tobacco stone as peace offerings. I brought back with me quite a quantity of both sorts, which had been presented to me at various times, 324 SULTAN TO SULTAN. and have had diem analyzed at the Royal College of Science, London, through the joint courtesy of Professor Judd and Professor T. E. Thorpe, February 22, 1S92. Analysis of Salt Stone. Carbon dioxide 3947 Soda (Nag.°) 39.95 Ferric oxide 1.59 Common salt A trace. Water 18.99 100.00 Salt stone is simply a hydrated sesquicarbonate of soda or fona (2 Na, O3W3432 O), containing a trace of common salt and oxide of iron. (Signed) T. E. Thorpe. Analysis of Tobacco Stone. Soda (Nag.°) 29.92 Carbon dioxide 30.48 Magnesia 2.28 Lime 1.52 Alumina and ferric oxide 1.97 Chlorine 1.S3 Water 15 -3' Clay 16.69 100.00 The substance is mainly fona, or hydrated sesquicarbonate of soda mixed with the carbonate of lime and magnesia, a trace of common salt and clay. (Signed) T. E. Thorpe. MASAI. 325 Tobacco stone they mix with tlieir tobacco and snuft ; it is also ad\antageously bartered to caravans for the same purpose. Salt stone, called c/iituii'i, is not a bad substitute for pure salt ; however, pure salt is abundant throughout portions of Masai land, and man)' contests and battles have grown out of the fact that various other tribes have been dis covered by the Masai in the act of looting their salt fields. Some of the lagoons or pools are decid edlv brackish, and an incrustation \ , _ ^"^' \\ of salt, caused by evaporation ^^* forms on the surface of the stones V^-*^- about the water's edge. Th 1 .1 . f ^ renders the water 01 numerous -^^ -. pools unfit to drink. The wild ^'^ animals naturally seek the water '^^^ ways and the salt fields, and can be readily tracked by hunters to theii lairs, as well as reveal to the observ- "'''' "'^^ "'''''• ant individual where to find both water and salt. A Masai woman's regulation dress consists of four metal spiral coils for the legs, four similar coils for the arms, and a metal coil collar supplemented by brass and pewter collars or necklets representing an average weight of forty to fifty pounds, to which is added several pounds in metal and other beads. Usually they wear a cowhide as a skirt, 326 SULTAN TO SULTAN. and a second one as a cloak over their shoulders ; even some- times disport for this purpose fine Hyrax furs, monkey and goat skins, and sheep fleeces to protect themselves against the diurnal winds. Their shrewdness has been developed VULTURE FEATHER KL'FF, PART OF MASAI WAR UNIFORM. in a marked degree. Doubtless this is due to the fact that the men, with their freebooter propensities, are constantly embroiled with other tribes and luiropeans. However, whilst war is proceeding, the women have free, unmolested access be- MASAI. 327 tween the combatants, and constitute the bearers of despatches as well as are the purveyors, unless the attack is to capture women and children to sell to slave dealers to transport to the coast, when the traditional neutrality for woman is totally disregarded. And I heard many pitiful tales of such captures. The Masai men frequently sell their own women into captivity, or barter them awa)-, which is the equivalent. The men are exceedingly crafty and are great braggarts, indulging in bluster and threats that can be put to rout by fearless use of the same measures by one conversant with their characteristics ; totally deficient in any tender traits, never exhibiting any signs of affection, and keep their women under foot. They are laugh- terless, mirthless, having no songs but those of war. They are die heavy tragedians of Africa, full of theatrical display in manner and personal get up. When a plain intervenes between the Masai occupancy and other provinces, contention occurs over the pasturage nature so abundantly provides, which is above the necessity ot cultivation, and coveted by those who are too indolent or possess no ambition to indulge in a pastoral, peaceful lite. For some unknown reason the Masai lay claim upon all the land and all of its products, wherever they list to set foot. They are most brutal and more licentious than the Chaga mountaineers. Prompted by sheer wantonness, they capture women from tribes the)- have accepted truce with, to bestow as a mark of favoritism if not to sell as slaves upon some of their comrades or subjects when they have personally wearied of the poor creatures. SULTAN TO SULTAN. Their numbers and overruling spirit of despotism and cruelty put fear into the hearts of all lesser tribes within the radius of their excursive periodic raids. However, the)- have met their match in the Germans, and must either accept subjugation or stand a chance of being annihilated. Contrary to most of the other tribes I met, who live as a rule upon vegetable and fish diet, the Masai are meat eaters, and will pounce upon an animal yet in the throes of leath when being slaughtered, and hack chunks of flesh out of its quivering bod)-, and devour raw, or cut the throats of cattle and drink the hot flowine blood. When meat is scarce and the)- are about to enter battle, they go so far as to make an incision in their own arms and suck the blood. With all this there is no trace, no tradition, that they have ever been addicted to cannibalism pure and simple. I partook ot blood brotherhood with them when a white goat was the sacrificed bond. The)' engage in no industries, have no avocation but fighting. Masai warriors were sent in deputations to MASAI NECKLACE, wam me of the belligerent, disturbed condition of their territor)', and I was afforded the extraordinary oppor- tunity of seeing over one thousand Masai armed and ready to enter battle, having as an objective point Arusha-jue in MASAI. 329 the German territory which they had but recently been forced to evacuate by the Germans. The sight was certainly a magnificent spectacle, equipped, armed, and adorned with their picturesque paraphernalia, faces daubed with paint, splendid masks matle of masses of ostrich and vulture feathers, plumed at the top with fine sweeping feathers, lions' manes, and white bits of Colobus monkey hair; huge vulture feather rufis about their necks, and even encircling their faces, and enormous feather panniers around their thighs; here and there a warrior with an entire Colobus monkey-skin, slit in the centre, through which he had thrust his head, and the tail and long hair blow- ing- straight out in the wind; from his shoulders wildly floated in the breezes a ncbara made ^'asai nebara, white and red cotton. of stripes or figured red and white cotton cloth, and a long hyena tail decorated with a lion's mane, and Colobus monkey tails swinging from his shoulders as an emblem of war, — forsooth the African shoulder chip ! About the warriors waists was strapped goats' hides, into which they thrust their knives ; below their knees, and over long oval iron bells a strip of Colobus monkey-skin, with the long white hair stand- ing straight out like a pennant, and similar adornments on their ankles ; and the leaders wore strapped across their SULTAN TO SULTAN. shoulders a leather quiver, containing a supply of ostrich feathers to refurbish their masks : they all carried a long fine Masai spear, which they never throw like Asagai, but run antl thrust at their victims, always retaining the weapon in their gras]) ; and use to parr)' blows splendid cowhide elliptical shields from three to four feet high and a foot and a half broad, embellished with archaic designs ■ some- what varied, but the colors em- ployed are invariably white, ^T dark red, and black. The bells jangle as the yelling, fierce men dash and manoeuvre. With all their ferocity there is, as I hax^e said, a great deal of sham and bluster about the Masai. Al- though considered the bog)-men of Africa, I am of the opinion that any leader of nerve and self-possession need have no fear when the)' threaten an immediate attack. A warrior, hideously bedecked in his war paint and war tog- gery, having heard that I refused to pa\' Invigo to the Masai who tried to e.xact it from me whilst at Kimangelia, and not in Masai land, came rushing up to me brandish- ing his spear violently, then uplifted It as though he aimed to cleave me in two, plantetl it into the ground before me, < MASAI. 331 yelled in a deafening tone as he bounded high in the air, "Wow! wow! wow!" Quick as a llash, I reached behind me and seized my gun, rushed forward with it, pointing the muzzle towards him, and in tium j-elled, "Wow! wow! wow!" discharging it in the air. Suffice it to contess, [ own that spear. It was never called for. It cannot be denomi- nated as either a gift, or a find, or a cap- ture. At this moment 1 became greatly excited in my desire to take photo- graphs, and betrayed myself into a ridiculous situation. From a lurking place where I sought to evade observa- tion, for more than all other tribes the Masai have a dread of a camera, sud- denly a large body of warriors, all accoutred, passed in full view. Impulsively I turned, seized what I presumed was my camera, pulled oft the supposed cap, and lo and behold ! it was tlie stopper of my water bottle ! I was per- fectly deluged with the contents, and the only picture I could claim was an aquarelle. So much for blind zeal ! Spitting on gifts and upon faces and at people is carried to a great pass among the jNIasai. They are polygamists ; their religion is fetish. They indulge copiously in the wassail MASAI WO^rEN. SULTAN TO SULTAN. bowl, however; intoxicated or otherwise they are aggressive, quarrelsome belligerents, quite in contrast to their arcadian neighbors. Their leatures m-e not specially negroid, and their color is variable ; hands and feet small. But on the ■whole rather an impossible, barbaric people to effect mucii b)' way of civilization upon, for a long time to come, meanwhile they may be annihilated. Masai women have not the privileges or rights that exist among the more pas- toral tribes, ex- cept as spies and purveyors. They own no proj^ert)' what- ever, where- MASAi liiiAss COLLAR. as the Chaga and Taveta women hold and keep their own propert)' ami may acquire more. So disregarded are women, that in some Masai districts five large pigeon eggs, blue or white, green or amber colored glass beads will purchase a woman, whereas it takes ten of the same beads to purchase a cow ! They milk cows and goats in the dark. They avoid catching the last glance of a dying person's eye, alleging that, it they do, after death the spirit of the departed will hold the un- fortunate victim under a spell for evermore. My full-dress reception, among the Masai, came very near attaining the proportions of a calamity, as it incited some of the MASAI. 333 audacious young- warriors with a desire to carry me off, and they had made a plan which was secretly imparted to me by a Masai woman, who hail taken a ijreat likinsf to me. Hence the little unpleasantness was averted in good time. The annexation was not effected. The greetings and salutations are somewhat more poetic than that of other tribes. A niziinga is met, a woman cries out, " Good morninor, son of a good mother, father ol orood sons"; and to me they said, " Good morning, mother of good sons." All the Wa-Chaga have a poetic way of measuring time. When they speak of noon it is, " When the sun is as a brother," meaning thera is no shadow ; morningr is, " when sun flies as an arrow to there," pointing over head, and when the sun is sinkin"' and one walks towards it, it is designated as " an enemy skulking at one's heels." All tribes mark time by pointing when the sun shall have or has reached a certain part oi the heaven. A messenger replied to mj' demand to know how soon we should reach a certain point, " To-morrow and the to-morrow of to-morrow and the night of another morrow you will get there." 334 SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTER XVI. HEROIC HAMIDI AND OTHERS. ^EPARA HAMIDI BIN ALI, my head- man of headmen, a freeman, born, I believe, at Pemba Island, near Zanzibar, a Mohammedan, endowed with amaz- ing attributes of refinement and in- telligence, upright, strict, possessed of just the right order of qualities to manage the affairs reposed in him, a man who never shirked duty or dan- ger, whereas he never injudiciously courted the latter. The Sultan of Zanzibar particularly recom- mended this man to me as faithful anel far above the averagfe headmen. He had by his thrift accumulated considerable wealth, and was generally accounted to be among the Zanzi- baris a mzai, or wise man, a hiur^ia, or master. Although I made a rule not to commit even to Hamidi my real object in visiting Africa, other than the safari was destined for Masai land, I was obliged every night or every morning to inform him what I aimed to accomplish during the next twenty-four hours, in order to secure harmony in the caravan and have -f-»s,-." - HEROIC IIAMIDI AND OTHERS. 335 him second my orders, and he could distribute these orders as he saw fit to the subordinate headmen and all of the porters. I had many evidences of his pronounced tact ami admirable manaeement of Zanzibaris, and found him most obedient to my slightest wish, until we were in Masai land, when, to my sur- prise, after saying, " Hamidi, to-morrow we will make such and such a safari beyond the frontier," in a measure simply to feel m)' wa\- and see if he had heeded certain rumors bruited about respecting the turbulent state '^ in which the Masai then were, he turned and said, " Bebe Bwana, I will not conduct you thither ; the danger is too great." " Then, Hamidi, do )-ou mean to say that ^^ you disobey my orders ? " He turned round and faced me, looking square into my eyes without hesitation, and .masai mask. replied, " Bebe Bwana, I swore to the Sultan of Zanzibar and to Bwana Mackenzie to protect )'ou as far as I could from all danger, and to pive you m\- life rather than harm should come to you. Bebe P>wana, take these pistols," and he drew his revolvers from his belt; "kill me, but I will not go." There was a heroic majesty about the man ; I took the proffered pistols, and whether he misinterpreted ni)- movement I know not ; he opened his kaiisic without demur, and stood stoically with his breast bared before me. " I am ready, Bebe Bwana." " Hamidi, go, or I shall be tempted to do something rash. 336 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Let me think it over, and whether yon go or not I yo into Masai land, ^'on and the rest of )our goats ma)' stay behind. I go into Masai land at sun-up to-morrow morning." Before da)break I heard Hamidi's voice without ni)- tent, saying pathet- ically, " Bebe Bwana, I must speak to you." " Well, Hamidi, what is it?" " I am sorr)' to have ve.xed }'ou, Bebe Bwana; if you go into Masai land, I will go too. I might as well be killed one place as another." And this fine man, as heroic ,' and chivalrous and loyal as any white defender of a leader could possibly have MASAI SPEAKS AND SHIELDS, been uudcr the cir- cumstances, succeeded in dissuading me from what wcnild have been not onl)' a most hazardous undertaking, HEROIC HA.MIDI AND OTHERS. 00/ but wcnikl tloiibtlt'ss havt; rcsultccl in the entire lootiny of m)' caraxan and annihilation of the Zanzibaris, no matter what might have happened to me. Another word about this noble fellow. \\'ht;n I would have the men ranged in line and file, assorted in groups, such and such men with ulcers, those with stomachic difficulties, those affected with sunstroke, etc., in making my daily round to ad- minister to their maladies, Hamidi would walk beside me, and when he came to a man who care- /sf^. lessly extended \,(^" a dirt)' loot cov- ered with mud, he "^«->''jSm would seize him by the neck and exclaim, «»; " You toad ! o'o to the water; o don't )ou know better than to put a foot like that before Bebe Bwana ? " He always evinced the desire to compel, when necessary, certain respectful hom- age from the porters, which proved most grateful to me. Hamidi called my attention to the fact that many of the married women of Chaga and Ta\eta wear a leather loin- cloth which covers the hips antl falls half-way to the knees, with a long, sash-like pendant at the side, embroidered and loaded down with glass and metal beads and chains, the leather colored with yellow clays, avowing he could not pro- cure one. There is a certain superstition connected with these CHAGA MEIAL CHAIN UIRDLE. 33S SULTAN TO SULTAN. leather cloths which has a very strange import as revealing an innate idea of faithfulness, if not of tenderness, according to their conception of such a quality on the part of the women for the men w'ith whom they are associated by marriage. The)' have never been known to sell, give, or barter one of these cloths after having worn it, until I procured the one in my posses- sion. The reason for this is very rational from their stand- point, considering the people from whom it emanates ; the idea that if they should give to anj- mzunga such a cloth, or he should obtain it in any way, the woman would be under some sexual subjection to this man ; that he could throw over her a spell at any time, wherever she might be, however unwilling the woman should feel ; he could take her from her husband and tribe to the ends of the earth. When 1 argued with the women that 1 was a woman, a bcbc like themselves, that I could not possibl)- work such magic over them, and that it would be a graceful thing for one woman to give to another woman such an evidence of her friendship, they argued and protested at first, always refusing to comply with my request ; then as I made firmer friendship with them, bestowing gifts and kindnesses upon them, possibly administering to them medically if they chanced to be overtaken with illness, the heart of one woman softened towards me and she professed that she was willing to give me her cloth if her husband would only con- sent, for which fa\or 1 avowed my willingness to give her sufficient material and beads to make two others. Yet she HEROIC HAMIDI AND OTHERS. 339 kept settling back in wonderment over the peculiarity of my request, and that I, a woman, and the master of a great caravan, could possess her cloth and yet not care to possess her. However, after the lapse of many clays and recurrent consultations with her husband, and all manner of blandish- ments on m}- part, she followed my safari over fifty miles, LARGE MASAI NEBARA. and finally came and tossed it into my tent, exclaiming, " Bebe Bwana, take it, take it; you are my sister, take it!" This episode goes far to evidence how much superior in some ways is the position of a woman going among this tribe over that of any man, however crafty and savant he might be, and it is only illustrative of many other occur- rences during my safari, revealing to me the habits and 340 SULTAN TO SULTAN. customs and the family life and relationships of the natives. These leather cloths once worn never change ownership, even amongf women of the same tribe, but are burned or buried with the wearer upon death. As have other travellers, so have I two or more perfectly new samples of these cloths. The Wa-Kahe cling with great fidelity to a marvellous superstition quite Egyptian in its doctrine of transmigration in connection with the Colobus monkey which inhabits their forests, to which, however, no other tribe gives credence. They believe that the spirits of their ancestors transmigrate and possess the bodies of these white and sable creatures, hence, under no circumstances whatever, will a native of Kahe kill or consciously permit one of these beautiful sim- ians to be killed, and on approaching the forest where they abide in great numbers, the WaT ■' m" ^ » ^ '1 r A' ^Wm T^^^^^^^^^^M t ^J^tmmmm^sit'' -...!,-*' f^^i| \ ^Ir., . . .. -m^Mk 1 i ofl i^mamt^^ r 1 1 1 A ^ms^^- ^ { m^^^r'^^^L ^??^Sf c i •*» / nm^ L ; . - ( i Ll^"-i^'^^ m '^H it-A o H w o Q J D D CHARACTERS. 379 KAMEZAN, GUN BEARER. upon one another, and sat upon one, the dainty cloth was spread, the napkin placed, and the usual array of knives, n forks, and spoons, and the enamelled dishes changed for each course. Ramezan had for an assistant a young fellow of most J general accomplishments as a body servant and steward, called Baraka. These two at- tended to my personal requirements, and were pretentiouslj' dubbed stewards, looked after my tent when once set, and, in fact, Baraka assisted the headmen and askai-i in putting it up and taking it down, as well as in arranfrino; and collectinp- small luggage and all articles appertaining to my personal household. Neither of these servants were expected to carry loads, and were ever close upon my heels ready to serve me. Ramezan carried my gun and cartridge belt, and a bottle of L coffee to quench my thirst, his own um- baraka, mv shward. brella, and sandals and calabash. Baraka carried one of my cameras, a small medicine case, my rain cloak, a silk gown, extra wraps, and my umbrella when not in use. Certainly my gun bearer had something of a load with the gun, and thirty rounds of cartridges in his belt, besides his own personal effects, which he would string about him. They always dressed in pure white, with little white caps, and did not carry their own mats. 380 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Put my head outside of my tent flap any hour of the day or night and call " Boy ! " instantly back would come the answer, " Sabe ! " (sir) ; and to the very last of my safari not one of my men ever learned to answer me other than " Sir." Even my intelligent interpreter Josefe would reply from the distance when I would signal to him by sounding my whistle, "Aye, aye, sir!" and he never approached me without touching his hand to his head and presenting arms, extem- porizing for a weapon his walking staff. The natives and general porters had encompassed th'e bizarre situation by calling me Bebe Bwana. My fine head- SULTAN FUMI3A S CROWN. men, with an assumption to show their superiority upon occasions, would struggle to say " Bebe Bwana Sheldune." They never could seem to reconcile my sex with my post, which, in their eyes, indubitably belonged to a man, and I CHARACTERS. 38 I was at first abashed to realize that their natural protest kept inadvertently cropping out in one way or another, despite their obvious efibrt to conceal their preconceived idea of common propriety according to the only usage they knew. It is, therefore, with a sense of personal pride during my trying expedition, surrounded constantly by these black porters, the majority of them culled from the roughest specimens of natives, deficient in intellect, devoid of any certain knowledge as to the proper attitude that men should assume to a white woman, and many of them full of brutish instincts, that they uni- versally treated me with deference and obedience. Never dur- ing my safari did I see an indecent action on the part of my porters, who were, of course, more or less subservient to my commands, but on the part of the natives, who were unre- strained and free to do as they listed. All this I firmly hold was due to a certain rcgitnc I adopted, based upon the combined experience of many wise explorers, and an innate conviction that individual prestige, consisting in personal dignity and self-respect on the part of a leader, must be maintained wherever you may be, if you expect to inspire those whom you aim to guide and command with your personal importance and might. Nothing careless is admissible ; no slur of words ; no meaningless threat ; no hesitanc)' ; no shirking ; above all, a certain amount of silence which the natives and the ignorant regard as reser\'e force. A leader is a target of observation and unmeasured criticism from the lowest to the highest in the caravan ; and unless on guard at all times, 382 SULTAN TO SULTAN. Striving to consistently bear out the ideas porters, askari, headmen, and body servants adhere to as becoming a mas- ter, in some guileless moment a single heedless action may cause the leader the chagrin of witnessing throughout the caravan a state of demoralizing insubordination. Insubordina- tion in East Africa means a very hazardous thing — possible dissolution of the entire caravan, and ruination to one's plans, SULTAN FUiMHA AND SUITE. if not much bloodshed. Inflexible strength of will is requisite. Courage, knowledge, dignity, directness of purpose, resolu- tion, justice, and that most trying of all qualities, patience, and consideration for the condition of minds of those whose training and capacity are in contradistinction to your own. CHARACTERS. 383 Although allowing yourself to be swayed by reason, you must never vacillate or flinch when a difficult thing should be done. Scout hardships by sharing them, however ; show appreciation when irksome service is rendered. Never brow- beat and sneer at shortcominos, but encourage and stimulate your men to their best, even if it is done by inciting a spirit of rivalry. When punishment is deserved, calmly order it quickly administered, however, not without premeditation, then afterwards do not persist in holding the culprit under the yoke of ignominy if he evinces a disposition to redeem his fault by good behavior. Zanzibaris hate to be kicked and cuffed about, any time preferring to stand up and take ten " sticks " to one kick or blow with the fist. When hardships and utter fatigue pressed heavily upon all, yet it was necessary to proceed to some known spot where water could be had, I have said, "Where are the faithful men in my caravan, where are the brave, strong men who serve me day and night, among my tired, my thirsty, my hungry, my sick men, who will march all night to find water and rest to-morrow ?" Every man able to stand would push forward to the front and signify his willingness to continue the march. For a long time I was unable to comprehend, when a long day's march was at an end, according to my judgment, if there chanced to be a stream fronting us or a hill just ahead, the men invariably manifested a disposition to cross the stream or ascend the hill. It proved to be from some notion of theirs to start fair 384 SULTAN TO SULTAN. in the morning, and in case of streams to avoid the discomfort of marching after an early soaking, for, as they quaintly say, " Better a stone for a pillow than for a burden next sun-up." The philosophy of this was beyond question soon, as the rains came tumblingr down durinor the nicjht, making^ the streams swollen, and torrential and difficult to ford or swim. The hill- tops were chosen simply to give to the entire caravan a vantage ground from whence to reconnoitre the country from all points, enabling them to descry attempted invasion of wild beasts, or frustrate the stealthy surprises of hostile natives. Francez, a porter, who spoke English admirably, a fact I did not discover for a long time, used to eye me constantly and ever sought to pitch his little tent near mine. Notwithstanding his lips might be swollen and cracking and his throat burning with thirst, when we would reach a stream he never quenched his own thirst until he had proffered to me a gourd full of the sparkling water. So unremitting was his scrutiny of me and my every move, that, I confess, it at times became most embarrass- ing. Through his vigilance, one of my askari was discovered in the very act of stealing from my tent while he was on duty. Through his lynx eyes I was saved being assassinated, one night, when a thief crept into my tent to steal my gun, and was about to stab me, when he found I was awake and saw him. Francez was in my tent, like a Hash, and almost strangled the poor wretch. He called my attention to various things, and brought me two prismatic caterpillars ; their bodies were five inches long, white, and the nodules were prismatic, but the CHARACTERS. 385 colors not very vivid. Unfortunately, I had no means of pre- serving them, nor, in truth, any other specimens. Another day he brought me a bird's-nest, like a tailor bird, and anon pointed out a lot of brilliant red crabs.. He was also quite as much of a dabster in making fire with fire sticks as the natives. A native chanced to pass, the lobes of whose ears had been torn out by weighty ear-rings, and had been mended by cutting- off from the ragged fracture a tiny slice of the flesh and joined with porcu- pine quills, and bidding fair to heal by "first intention"; this poor native was lured by Francez into my presence, and wheedled to taking out the quills and separate the broken parts to show " Bebe Bwana how it was done." He quaintly called my attention to some native women inebriated, and said, "They are black women ; the white women never forget themselves any more than the black sultans." It is a singular thing that the native women, when into.xicated, reveal a certain lack of dignity and helpless inebriation that the men escape. They seem thoroughly brutalized and helpless to maintain anything like personal dignity or self-respect ; whereas a chief drunk is always a chief, he never loses the conscious- ness of his own greatness. I have seen a man, who appeared almost an imbecile under the influence of liquor, shake himself out of it all, roused into a sudden consciousness by some one exclaiming that another chief he was unfriendly to had greater powers than himself, and, with his returned rationality, condign the promulgator of such an idea to some great task, or e.xact a tribute of cows as punishment for his indiscretion. This pecul- 386 SULTAN TO SULTAN. iarity may be accounted for from the fact that the women let themselves go when they commence to drink, having no pres- tige to maintain, with no desire to overcome the intoxication, but rather to assist its progress. However, the next morning, after a nightly bout, they appear as fresh and sober as if they had never tasted their poinhc cups. However, drunk or sober, profanity is unknown, although they have a qualified equivalent in "you goat," "you cow," "you son of no man's virility." This, however, is the same among all peoples without a God, or a settled idol, or any idea of his Satanic highness. It is the privileged vice of those who know Christianity. Strange to relate, the natives never kiss, moved by tender sentiment. In lieu of kissing, they may be observed to clasp the palms of their hands spasmodically, and impetuously unclasp and press them wide open over the shoulders, across the knees, or upon the breast of the person they yearn to manifest their affection for. Francez brought me, sewed up in a bit of snake-skin, a per- fumed charm to hang on a tree facing my tent, to ward off an impending storm, and circled my tent several times, mumbling some invocation, scattering grass as he walked. This struck me as being very like the Japanese custom of hanging little paper messages, variously addressed, upon trees. My regular caravan numbered one hundred and fifty- three persons, all told. The official roll call and pay list may not be entirely uninteresting to my readers; the names are phonetically spelled. D Q < o o 3 ►J < H D CHARACTERS. 387 1 Hassan Hamis. 2 Tunda Yadi. ^ Oomara Mzuana. 4 Demas. 5 Hamis bin Afman. 6 All bin Hamad. 7 Semba bin Seligman. 8 Sadi bin Seligman. 9 Yabon Lelli. 10 Sadi Wadyuma. 1 1 Meni Youma Kebanda. 12 Suadi bin Youma. 13 Soda Wadiherie. 14 Hamis Wadi .Suroro. 15 Baraka Montonana. 16 Hanna Amore Kombo. 17 Sadi Wadi Farodi. 18 Dosere Wampere. 19 Marico. 20 Unledi. 21 Munombe bin Kombo. 22 Hamid Unquezilla. 23 Selligman Mamwiina. 24 Baraka bin Seligman. 25 Furiozo Wadehaha. ROLL CALL. PORTERS. 26 Abdallah bin .Selim. 27 Mabruka Imperia. 28 Kara (Samson of caravan). 29 Franczes bin Sadi. 30 Munisa bin Muita. 3 1 Mari Marabo. 32 Zied bin Yuma. 2)2, Songoro Maneyega. 34 Sali bin Massib. 35 Usofo bin Umari. 36 Hassand Ballonza. 37 Fernza Mardaneff. 38 Safi Mhezila. 39 Wadzuna. 40 Farnza bin Sorora. 41 Ebosie. 42 Sali M'gazilia. 43 Manboy Wah ! Shehongo. 44 Sadi bin Hamid. 45 Hamid bin Hamid. 46 Hamis Wadzied. 47 Francez (spoke English well). 48 Uled bin Yuma. 49 Hanamoura. i88 SULTAN TO SULTAN. 50 James. 51 Bryan bin Mousa. 52 Hassan bin Mufta. 53 Seru. 54 Sucl Balleous. 55 Dahoma bin Sellim. 56 Munynamyezia. 57 Yana Hairy. 58 Yuma Wad La Edie. 59 M'Guya. 60 Marbruka Wadzie. 61 Magaza. 62 Hamis Sali. 63 Sadalla bin Seligman. 64 Yacont Samacie. 6s Yuma. 66 Fernza bin Muguro INlari. 67 Hamis Kombo. 68 Umari bin Abdallali. 69 Usinga bin Sali. 70 Usinga. 7 1 Winecomdo. 72 Feruse Ballons. 73 Min bin Gainie. 74 M'Selliam. 75 Uman bif Tuffick. 76 Sehaba. ■]■] Abad. 78 Umanie Wad Suboro. 79 Adie bin Hamis. 80 Hamad. 81 Abdallah bin Yuma. 82 Songoro (prey of lions). 83 Hamis Impera. 84 Wadyuma. 85 Kamonice bin Unsa. 86 Yuma Wad -Sadi. 87 Nasib bin Ulali. 88 Mabruka Nufta. 89 AUamao Muongo. 90 Muntozo. 9 1 Kerv Voto. 92 Menahadi. 93 Sodie. 94 Menahazy. 95 Sali Mohozo. 96 Mugumbo Murarba. 97 Munya Shumarie. 98 Hassand bin Abdalla. 99 Hamis bin Adie. 100 Ferusa Surmari. loi Alrnass. 102 Umari. 103 Simba Madmamba. CHARACTERS. 389 04 Abdallah bin Abdad. 05 Minvv Hat-tib. 06 Mabruka Wad Hat-tib. 07 Ali bin Hassan. 08 Kermut (Clement, cook's boy). 09 Abdallah (cook). 10 Baraka (steward). 11 Ramezan (steward). 12 Lidia (woman). 13 Beda (woman). 14 Suzzan (woman). 15 Burt Hamis (woman). 16 Burt Hamis Mzuria (wo- man). 17 Abdallah. 18 Hamis bin Barcada. 19 Nedia Hamis. 20 Hamadia. 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 ^33 134 135 136 137 138 Songora bin Hamis. Wadeyuma. Demodio Sadi. Almass. Morboro du Kombo. Sali bin Yongo. Winum Shumaro. Sani bin Abdulla. Marbruki Wadi Haftu. Hamis bin Adie. Fenesa de Sumara. Ali bin Hassand. Simba Vidi Mombo. Darfurf Wad Ballouse. Gomorez. Wadicu bin Huma. Abdalla bin Hamis. Winy Hastibu. ASKARI. Hamis bin Abdallah. Hassan. Adie. Winikondo. Safe. Sumallie. 3 go SULTAN TO SULTAN. ASKARi {continued I. Maza bin Kombo. Hamidi. Hamis bin Baraca (Pagaiza). (Took the place of the thief.) NEPARA. Hamidi bin Ali (headman of headmen). Mabruka Keseysah. Bin Allah. Ali. Josefe (chief interpreter). Umbi Bwana (Masai interpreter). In addition to these men there were usually forty others, comprised of volunteers and guides, and porters' slaves. SULTAN jMANDARA OF MOSCHl. 391 CHAPTER XIX. Sin,TAN MANDARA OF MOSCHl. would be impossible to narrate half of rumors current as to the extremely crafty and atrocious deeds of the am- bitious, brutish, and abominable Sul- tan Mandara ; but without doubt he is much feared for his cleverness and duplicity. He is a keen, intel- igent observer, and a deep student yf.:i*in his wa)-, despite his marked deficiency in uprightness, justice, mercy, or morality. Proficiency in crafts and general knowl- edge in many diverse avenues have been and ever will be during his life the keynote of his power among the Chaga tribes. In the old feudal da}'s of his tyrannical sway he was a treasonable disturber of all covenants between these tribes, carrying whatever he listed by force of arms, united with chicanery, and was seldom defeated. When he wanted war- riors he levied on some minor tribe, who dare not refuse his mandates as they valued their freedom or their lives. He exercised his rights as potentate of Moschi with an imperious, 392 SULTAN TO SULTAN. overbearing despotism which has about come to an end. Dur- ing my sojourn at Moschi he set a trap into which he liimself untowardly fell, in order to possess a ([uantity of ivor)- he had received information of, through the good offices of some of his spies, certain minor sultan possessed and had buried, as is the African custom when treasure is to be safe gruarded, awaitine an opportunity to dispose of it to a coast-bound caravan, and MANDAKA, SULIAN OK MOSCHI. who had injudiciously discovered its hiding-place to prying eyes in his eagerness to sell it to one of my headmen. Mandara's avarice set him to intriguing in a hazardous fashion. He sent his prime minister and other important head- men of his court to the unfortunate betrayed sultan to inform him that the Germans were now, as he knew, the rulers of Chaga land, and that he must pay a tribute of fort)'-five tusks SULTAN MANDARA OF MOSCHI. 393 of pcmba (elephant ivory) not under two fasilla (seventy pounds) in weight each antl every tusk. Howeve ■, as he, Mandara, was ivcll with the Germans, he would graciously undertake to oblige the sultan, who was his blood-brother as well as his old friend, b)' convej'ing the ivory by his safari to the Germans. In a purely confidential way the prime minister was charged to convey to the si.ltan further information of the Germans' dealing with their t\rann\', and that they were about to descend upon him ai.d his tribe without merc)', because he had been tardy in sending this tribute, exactl}' as the)* had descended upon the Masai, "with their big guns that killed a thousand men at one boom." It sufficed. The ivory was immediately committed to Man- dara's cara\an, and the terrorized sultan entreated the prime minister to enjoin upon the great and powerful Mandara the necessit)- of using his influence to stave oft the wrath of the Germans in his behalf, and he would send as a reward four fine milch cows. A few da)'s after this occurrence, Mandara sent to the German station, saying such a sultan had sent through him a tribute to them of twenty tusks of fine ivory. They were received, but in a brief time the (~)fificer in command, Baron von Witzslaben, learned the true inwardness of the transaction through hearing of a document written by Mandara, — who is one of the few natix'es who write, — and demanded the instant disgorgement of his ill-gotten plunder. Seeing that he had overreached himself, Mandara feigned a severe attack of fever, — fever is always an excuse in Africa for disinclination. 394 Sn.'l'AN TO SIT.TAN. rA disabilit)-, and failure, — and pretended he coultl not then attend to tlie dcMnantl. P'our Gern^an as/car/ were sent with the officer's compliments, and the kind conso- lation that if his Highness was so ill and ditl not see his \va\' to make speedy reco\er\- before sundown, if the: balance of the pcinba was not forthcoming, it would not matter much, gimpowder tea would be ser\ed ; and the German batteries were, with much parade, conspicuously turneil in readiness upon Mandara's homa during the passage of the official message. Of course, his life would be worthless to him if he was so pros- trated ; death woukl be a relief to him. An answer came speedily back to the station from Mandara: — "Bwana Deitch, wait till noon, soon "Cne pciiiha will be sent, and two cows as well. " Meanwhile Mandara's eldest son living — he is re- puted to have murdered several of his sons, fearful that in order tf) g^tin accession to his possessions and sultanate they might be tempted to kill him — was enticed into the German bonia and genteelly held as hostaee for anotlier ofience committetl b\- liis tricky father, that the officer in charge likewise determined should be adjusted without evasion or delay. Intrigue seems one of Mandara's fundamental traits of character, and if not already will very .soon attain jfa 1 a climax the Germans will not tolerate. Either Sina AFRICAN SPEAR, of Kiboso, or Mireali of Murungu, are destined in the SUI.TAN MANDAKA OF MOSCHI. 395 course of events to depose this arrant knave, if forsooth the inexorable Germans do not annihilate him and his tribe. Presumably he thinks, with his civilized brothers, "The king can do no wrong. " However, the man is not totally bad, and should be judged in accordance with his environments morally and physicall)-, and in a manner from his own stand- point, and the ethics ol the code of the natives as they seem to be, and not from the remote standpoint of European enlightenment or by European sentiment or conventions. Mandara had been exceedingly curious to see a white woman, and he had offered a gratuity of forty, eighty, and even one himdred cows if some Arab caravan would fetch him a white wife. This fact, which was patent to everybody in East Africa who knew aught of Mandara, had filled the white men whom 1 met with considerable apprehension lest I should be detained by him at Moschi or waylaid by his orders. I was very glad to be forewarned, and determined, in my own mind, to e.xercise every possible precaution and be more than guarded when I visited this sultan. At Moschi I was the CTuest of the German commander, and he was very averse to my crossing the ravine separating his station from Mandara's hoina, unless I went under the pro- tection of the German soldiers. As my policy had been to go solus to \'isit sultans of importance, without the protection of any outside power, without government headiuen or soldiers, I declined this proposition ; and after much solicitation and man\' presents from Mandara, consisting of cows, goats. 596 SUI.TAN Tl ) SULTAN. sheep, beautiful furs, I determined to visit him, and did so, attended by twelve soldiers and an interpreter of my own caravan. Baron Von Witzslaben said before I left the en- cam])ment. "Mark you, I have my cannon set; it )ou do not return within the two hours, I shall send a squad ot soldiers to demand your delivery, and will throw Mandara in chains. If he refuses, I shall forcibly liberate you, bombard his honia, annihilate him and his iniquitous subjects. I consider it at best most rash that )'ou are going with your paltry corps of askari and few at- tendants, but do not ha\e an)' fear. I will protect you if occa- sion arises." I thought, as I was struoolino- down the m o u n t a i n - s i d e picking ni)' way over HELD IX i;omd.v;e. thc strcaui at the bot- tom ot the ravine, and struggling up the path leading to Mandara's boma, with the natives of his tribe Hanking the pathway in droves, that jierhaps it zvas rash, and alter a few words of caution given to headman and interpreter as to what I expected them to ilo in case we were tlebarred retin'n, we had attained the gateway of Mandara's honia and found a hearty welcome awaiting us. All the important men of his tribe were arra)ed in state finery, and they conducted SULTAN MANDARA OF MOSCHI. 397 me, with considerable pomp and many salaams, to Man- dara, who was prostrate by paralysis, unable to move his boil)- below his waist, excepting through the assistance ot his attendants, in a tlark, gruesome hut, — his Swahali liouse had been destroyed by Sultan Sina, o[ Kiboso, — stutt)- and malodorous, as are all native habitations ; he was 1) ing on a lono- Arab kitanda (bed), co\'ered with animal hides tor warmth, and a smoky fire in the centre of the room. In his helplessness and emaciation, one could scarcely believe this man possessed the power to terrorize all the lesser chiefs of the Kilimanjaro district, and from recent ac- counts cause the Germans a large expenditure of gun- powder. He has lost one eye, but the other is so bright and alert, with such a strange furtive olance in it, whilst a sinister smile always discloses his teeth, with an amount of nervous energy and crafty look about his mouth, that one cannot help but feel that he is in the presence of a man of prowess and full ot trickery and cunning, and capable of cruel subtertuges and brutal treacher)-. He was fairly jubilant on seeing me, extemled his hand, but in a piteous voice said, "Ah, now I have lived to see a white woman, and here I am so helpless." He immedi- ately asked me to take off mj- gloves. He examined my fincrers, and a sinoujar coincidence occurred in the fact that I wore an old-fashioned seal ring surrounded with diamonds, which seemed on a casual glance to be a counterpart of the signet ring presented to him b) Emperor William ; and he 398 SULTAN TO SULTAN. ■^aid at once, "Ah, you are the friend of the kino." I said, " Cer- tainl)', 1 am the friend of many Icings, and I trust I may call Mandara my friend." And, a thing most peculiar, he seized both my hands and spat upon them. The blood flushed to m)- cheek, and in a moment ot anger I rose to my feet and took my pistol from my belt, when my head- man .said, "Re content, Bebe Bwana; Mandara never was known to spit on any one's hands before in that manner; it is an evidences ot hom- age; do not be angry." I will have more to say of this custom later on, but it was ilecmed the greatest evidence of humiliation and homage that this chief i\\\j could hax^e ])Ossibl\' paid me, loathsome as it seemed to me. After resuming m\' self- possession, he turned to me / and said, would the white ' (jueen let him see her hair. NAIIVE-M.MIE WOODEN SPOON.S. SLM.TAN MANDAKA OI-' MdSlHI. 399 I let it down and pullfd it well about me, and he said, "Ngai, Ngai I it is the threads of the sun's light"; and he said, "May I touch it?" And waiving- for once my rule of noli nic taiigcrc, 1 answered, " Certainly." He stroked it in a strange, caressing way, and called out to summon his wives to come and look at the white woman's tresses. When I gathered them loosely up antl replaced the pins, he indulged in an undertone conversation with these Avomen, who, over- come by curiosity, ventured to ask why I did not shave off my hair, as they did theirs ; and IMandara sneeringly retorted, "It is too mziiria sana (it is too beautiful); why should she cut it oft?" And then he continued in an incisive tone, " She is a white queen, and you are all slaves and black." He quaintl)- drew himself up in a helpless way on his elbows, turned towards me, and said, " I have expected \'ou for many moons. The last moon, when it kissetl Kibo, brought a message to me and said, 'The white queen is coming.'" I stopped him and queried, " Mandara, was the message not brought b)' one of )our runners?" And he laughed and said, "Perhaps, perhaps. ISut the message came, Bebe Bwana ; I knew that \'ou were to pay me a visit." To this I protested that, had he not been elisabletl. I should never have condescended to take the trouble to visit him. It was his place to have |jaid me a state visit, with pomp and ceremony, and I should have received him in court dress, such as white queens wear. " Ah, ah," he dolorously replied, " to show you how much 1, 400 SULTAN TO SUI.TAN. Mandara, the greatest sultan of Chaga, care for this honor, I will give )'ou the last piece of work I shall ever execute." It was a bracelet cut into diagonal strands on the surface, made of an amalgam of sih-er and pewter, which he placed himself upon my arm, and, assisted by one of his attendants, bent with long, slender pincers so that it clasped close, and said, '' Wear this until Mandara follows the sun home, and nobody in his province will ever dare to do you harm." He possessed many strange jewels, contained in a little casket he fingered over, that had been given to him by Euro- pean officers, hunters, Arabs, and from various other sources, including the princely gifts sent b)- the Emperor William. After pre.senting Mandara with a jewelled sword and a ring \ut coveted, and I was on the eve ot leaving, he requested me to give him m)' picture to put with a collection of prints he pos- sessed ol white women. " Yes, )ou shall have m\- photograph if )ou let me take )oiu's." In a tone ot injured \'anit)', he said, " But see, Bebe Bwana, I cannot stand, I cannot hold m\- spear, I cannot aim m)' bitudiiki" (gun); and he signed one ot his wives to cast aside the large Hyrax fur robes that covered him, exposing his mere skeletons of legs. " Once I was the deer ot the mountain; animal nf)r bird could go where I could not. I have stood on out; mountain and killetl ni)* enem)' who stood opposing me on another mountain. I, Mandara, am the great- est finidi living! I, Mandara, am the greatest warrior and fear not Sina, and fear not Masai I I, Mandara, am the great- est sultan." SULTAN MAXHAkA OF MdSCHl. 4OI He tried to get me to consent to take a photograph of his eldest son, tlie scion of his Highness, protesting that he had looked like the crown prince when he was his age. After much parley, I procured a sketch which is a ver)' good counterpart of Mandara, the egotistical invalid, stripped of the glory of his own opinion. I sent him m)' promised photograph, accom- panied b)' five hundred grains of quinine, and tea, sugar, and blankets and cloths he coveted ver)- much, and received in re- turn many additional beautiful presents, among which was his own personal fine spear, many goats, sheep, and tusks of i\-or\'. Mandara is very boastful of a num- ^ ,.^^^ /^ ber ot connectingr natiu'al caves be- -v •-.> jx's neath the hill he occupies. I was ^^k^i^f^A /^ not permitted to pass the entrance of the first. The story runs that during an attack by his enemies, he has had them allured into these ca\-es where arab flags of welcome. a large posse of his warriors, there lying in ambush, charged upon them and killed several hundred. These caves recall the following circumstance : Mandara is the most dissolute sultan I met. He respects nobody's rights, and does whatever he lists ; frequently has raided adjacent tribes, and captured the )'oung girls and women, driving them into his harem like cattle, and when he has wearied of his captives he would mag- nanimously bestow them upon his favorites, who are debased enough to consider it a great favor and a decidedly economical plan in comparison to procuring wives by purchase. 402 SL'I.TAN TO Si: I, TAN. The women were not fine, and looked dejected. The beads and other gifts I bestowed upon them were accepted with avidity. I was able to procure a woman's ample kaniki (blue cotton), beautifully embroidered with multicolored beads in Turkish designs. In consequence ot the sudden cold winds that sweep over this district, men and women wear furs or hides as do the Masai, quantities of Chaga chains, and lustre beads, pew- ter and brass ornaments. Their burial customs are the same as all throuo'h Chatia land. The) all seemed uneasy and ilubious what attitude the Ger- mans would take towards them ; and well the)' might. I was able to procun; a pair of native-made goat-skin bellows from Manclara's chief fiuidi, some fine bows and arrows, and several Colobus white and sable monkey- skins. I made blood-brotherhood with Mandara's son, which was the same as though the ceremony had been between the sultan and myselt. The invalid of my cara\an was much terrified b)' a native woman's constant ai)i)arition before her tent during the night marches. This poor .soul had lost her reason during a tragic encounter with lions in the jungles, whilst she ami her son were in flight from slave raiders, I believe, and they were picked up by an English caravan and turned over to the l^iSiL i:lue cotton bead and chain EMIlROIDF.RKn WOMAN'S CL01H. SULTAN MANDARA OF MOSCHI. 403 Germans. This mad woman, although harmless, had some vague idea coursing through her disordered brain to carry off the invalid to some sequestered place. Indeed several attempts were made during my safari, by natives, to kidnap this same fever-stricken one ; augmenting my vigilance as well as my apprehensions and cares. Dr. Baxter had assisted me by medical attendance from Taveta to Moschi when the case had reached its crisis ; however, the necessities of ambulance care could not be relinquished in this case until Pangani was reached when homeward bound. One of the most touching incidents came under my per- sonal observation whilst at Moschi, respecting a little native child, who had been captured by a slave-raider with other unfortunates, and freed by the German government. The missionaries are generally made custodians of the freed slaves, and receive from the government a pittance of not over five dollars (one pound), I believe, to take, educate, rear, clothe, and feed them. In this way it happened that the celebrated mission doctor, Wm. Baxter, who has spent the best part of his adult life in Africa, during a professional visit to the station where the little child, not over six years of age, had been placed, noticed him, and the child was immediately drawn by the doctor's kindliness and evinced love for chil- dren, and became deeply attached to him. When the doctor had finished the duties of his profes- sional visit, and returned to his own post, distant from the place where he met the child something like twelve or fifteen 404 SULTAN TO SULTAN. miles, and over a very difficult range of rugged steep foot- hills of Kilimanjaro, intersected by deep ravines, gulleys, and water courses, as well as being infested by wild animals, a day or so elapsed when one night he was aroused by his attendants, who brought a little native waif utterly worn OITT OF THF. FOREST. out by fatigue and hunger. It was his little friend, who, unattended, had braved the terrors of night and prowling animals, and the hardships of a perilous journey, as he followed the tracks of the good doctor, guided only by his child's affection and innate instinct of trapper. Touched as the doctor was by compassion for the devoted brave little soul, after the child had recuperated it was neces- SULTAN MANDARA OF MOSCHI. 405 sary that he should return him to his legitimate protectors. With much grief and disappointment to the child, and reluc- tance on the part of the doctor, this was done. Before a fortnight had elapsed, again during the blackest hours of night the child put in an appearance at Moschi, the doctor's station,* having eluded the vigilance of his warders, and ignoring the terrors he had encountered during his former es- capade. Heroic little chap ! The doctor could no longer resist his pleading words of love and desire to be his mioto (little boy), and took measures to secure the right of guardianship. When I saw this child he was trudging up a steep hill, bearing on his staff just like a little old man, his face radiant with a welcome for the doctor, who had been on a long journey. What will the future of this child be, I wonder! ♦Since this went to press Ibe Germans have expelled the English missionaries from the German Kili- manjaro district- 4o6 SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTER XX. FLEETING SIGHTS. , ARCHING over the southeastern foot- hill of Kilimanjaro, after leaving Moschi, towards evening, there was an ominous rustle of the leaves and movement of the branches in a shady bosk, which seemed to indicate the presence of a skulking animal or ser- pent. Investigation revealed three albi- nos who, in terror, were striving- to gain concealment. Their hair was not the yellow-white discolor- ation found throughout Africa, prompted by individual fancy, although not tribal, produced by bleaching with lime, but it was pure dazzling white, soft and flossy; and their eyes were a very pale pink, the iris dilating and contracting with (jLiick, nervous snap, resembling the action of those of white rabbits ; eyelashes white and coarse like spun silver, and in striking contrast to the sickly unprepossessing ashy black of their complexions, which has no given place in the scale of colors. They looked dejected and debased, were quite deficient in the allure and elasticity presented by FLEETING SIGHTS. 407 most of the East Africans. They were shy, and refused to hold comnuinication with any of my interpreters or per- sonally with me. I proffered to them tempting gifts, which they would not accept ; finally, as they became over-embar- rassed b)- our friendl)- overtures, they ran away and again hid in the adjacent bushes. Their teeth were filed in points and stained brown with nut-juice. Low of stature, and craniums sloping from the forehead to the apex, thick protruding lips and jaws, they resembled Aztecs ; and certainly, from all physical indices as well as their deportment, seemed to rank as the lowest intellectually, if not the most degraded Africans met. What their tribe could not be ascertained ; and from information subsequently gleaned, naturally leads to the con- clusion that albinos are simply freaks of nature liable to occur in any tribe, yet tabooed by their own families and tribes, and by all other tribes. Per force of circumstances, based upon the stigma of nature, they become the denizens of sequestered places, pursuing a migratory and precarious ex- istence. Marvels trooped on all sides calling for attention and too often provoking alarm. It had, up to this period, been a keen disappointment that we had not seen, even at a dis- tance, elephants. Struggling down the deep dip of the hills into a ravine, when the van of my little army was in the bottom, which made the crotch between the hills, and the line of men extended over a mile behind, so that the last man's head had not been seen over the brow of the hill, 408 SULTAN TO SULTAN. elephants' fresh tracks were before me. My first thought was to get a photograph, if they should put in an appearance; then with a sportswoman's pricle my heart swelled with the idea I could possibly get a shot at them ; this was absurd, with only rifles of small calibre. A crush and crash and heavy thud of the ground put my Zanzibaris' hearts and mine too in pawn. The quadrupedal earthquakes were emerging from the trees and about to cross our path. In wild dismay I cast a hasty backward glance to see how the Zanzibaris were going to behave, and there was not one single human creature in sight; it seemed as though the earth had swallowed the entire caravan, not even a human sound. I stood alone in my glory! My knees relaxed, my spine gave way, and down I sank amid the tall grasses, terror-stricken. Elephant number one came in full view and beat about to the right and left, with his trunk in close proximity to me, evidently aware of the presence of aliens, but never paused, when snivelling and puffing hot breaths of inlantile complaints came trotting after a baby elephant reluctantly following its sire, then came the ungainly mother, lashing the youngster into a quicker trot by slapping it on one side of its haunches, then on the other, with her trunk. They all three sniffed about and tossed their trunks into the air, and the male returned to round his small family up, but trotted off without desire to molest us. After a few minutes had elapsed, soot-balls began to blossom amid the foliage, and presently my loyal, leal, brave fellows emerged 2 > < OS < o D 2 3 FLEETING SIGHTS. 409 smiling, chattering at the top of their voices about the tcnibo (elephants). A wandering band of hunters, evi- dently on the trail of these elephants, passed us during the day ; they carried loaded spears with huge barbed poisoned arrowheads, which they throw at the elephants, but always strive to get back the loaded shafts when the elephants are brought low, as they are difficult to make and invaluable. The keen sight of the natives is astounding as exemplified by native guides. A guide would say, pointing, " Bebe Bwana, very soon comes such or such a mountain, or vine, or plain, or village." And I would strain my eyes striving to penetrate the limitless spaces, unable to descry the slightest indication of the aforesaid, or the slightest premonition of the appearance of a caravan he might aver was coming ; neither could I with my field glasses espy a single object to verify his assertion. However, in due course of a day or two's march we would be in lull view of the announced object, or within shouting range of the caravan. There is just one cogent objection to offer on this point: may the natives not be so well posted as to the physical aspect of the country, and familiarized with such by constantly traversing it; and may they possibly not have learned from experience that the mzimgus caravans march at a certain rate of speed and are most likely in a given time to reach a point they know as a fixed fact, or that a caravan, rumor has bruited is en route, will be met ? or can it be that these naturals actually have that same keenness of vision peculiar to birds and some wild 4IO SULTAN TO SULTAN. animals, and in some marked individual cases extremely acute? Another remarkable trait, or gift, which it would seem is an attribute possessed by all native peoples, is their acute faculty of hearing. The native guides, like the North American Indians, would sprawl flat on the ground and press their ears close upon it, then announce with a degree of accuracy certain discoveries: "a herd of buffalo," "simba," "zebra." "elephants," "a saftiri" "natives," "water." At Lake Jipo, and, in fact, on the banks of various streams, personally I distinctly heard men talking in a low voice over the water from the opposite bank, by sending the voice close to the water's surface, and even heard them speak across ravines from the edge of one precipice to the other. The latter denotes some peculiar vibrant qualities of the at- mosphere, whatever may be the secret of the former. On all sides could be heard th(; laughter of merry girls and Icon (lads), and the voices of men and women from distances which would prove a rarity or peculiarity in the carrying properties of the atmosphere. Water seemed to be my African ordeal. Shouts and yells are always in order with Zanzibaris on safari, and only when particularly vociferous does a leader heed them, although there is usually an intonation that is significant when prompted through peril. A great shout of warning from my followers rang up from the valley to me, as I was cautiously picking my steps along a customary goat-path on the mountain-side. Although not FLEETING SIGHTS. 4I I easily flustered, their repeated yells and wild, significant ges- tures, I must confess, slightly alarmed me. The thought flashed through my brain that possibly I might be on the eve of stepping into some gorge or trap unseen by me but discern- ible to my followers from below. As their yells continued, I deemed it wise to pause and ascertain the cause of the augmenting commotion, so I wheeled around, and planted my back against the craggy mountain-side. At this act their yells redoubled. I demanded an explanation. No answer came, none was needed. The rains of the nieht before had gorged the usual water courses and, as an overflow, rushed in a perfect deluge down upon me where unwittingly I stood. It was only by crouching upon the ground and clutching the scant shrubbery that I kept from being swept over the steep side to the bottom of the ravine in the belching waters. It was over in a momeni. My sense of the ridiculous, together with thankfulness for my escape, put me in such good humor that even the terrified porters seemed to catch the contagion of my merry mood, and were never so light-hearted as during the remainder of the day after this incident which threatened danger to their leader. Although drenched to the skin, an hour's march in the sun made my clothing as dry as usual. Each da)' every garment became saturated with perspiration, the heat was so intense, and great caution was required to avoid sudden chill. When we halted I always put on an additional garment, a long silk gown which was carried by Baraka or Ramezan. Another thing I must confess, that I 412 SULTAN TO SULTAN. was just feminine enough to feel more comfortable to have my short travel-stained frock well covered down to my feet when standing about among my porters. My woman's cos- tume was never a hindrance to my progress, and I cannot conceive how masculine attire would have in an)' wa)' been an advantage to me. This brings me to state that there is a certain recognized distinction in the native women's costumes, which has as subtle and significant an import as the sleeves of the Japanese women's kiinonas. A Taveta or Chaga woman who is dissolute with Swahali caravans usually wears the cloths of the coast tribes, and is more or less stigmatized by the more conventional of her own tribe. This, too, from no high sense of virtue, but from tribal prejudice, based on the fact that the woman has bartered her favors to porters or to aliens ; hence therein resides the secret of her diserace. Ideas of hospitality among natives are of a very singular strain. If one sultan visits another sultan, or a man of importance another, or even friend visits friend, the host puts at his guest's disposal one or more of his own wives, and allows him general freedom throughout his home. These civilities are commonly interchanged throughout Chaga land as well as at Faveta. A quaint sight presented itself during a little call upon a chief's family. A she-goat with her kids bleating about her as she stood over a native baby who was laid comfortably upon a sheaf of grass suckling it, letting- her own )oung await FLEETING SIGHTS. 4I3 their turn, when the adopted baby should be satisfied ; presently the child slept, and the goat cautiously picked up her feet and backed away without disturbing its slumbers. This goat returned at regular intervals to see if all was well with her charge, and was ready to answer its demands when hunger's cry called to her. A native promenaded before me, shaking his head in order to display his elaborately dressed hair, plastered with grease and red clay. He expressed entire willingness to dispose of it for a stipulated amount of beads, wire, and cloth. Whilst awaiting the tonsorial preparations, it occurred to me to in- spect the man's head ; the revelation of its animated con- dition compelled me with regret to refuse to carry out the bargain. o The difficulties of photography in a tropical country like Atrica, during the rainy season, when 1 visited it, are obviously great. Negatives become affected by the heat and the moisture, and a fungus growth will develop upon them which, it not entirely effacing the picture, certainly produces regretable blemishes. However, there is nothing which puts a traveller's narration so much in evidence, or constitutes so admirable a syllabus to refresh the memory of passing events, as photog- raphy, good or bad. The place one visits for the first time, for example, my circumnavigation of Lake Chala, and the pho- tographs taken, cannot be discounted by any contradictory statement prompted by jealousy or incredulity. It is to be regretted that the glowing colors of the foliage, which is so 414 SULTAN TO SULTAN. multifold, and the gorgeous floral effects, as well as atmospheric effects, cannot be reproduced ; and then, too, the lack of artistic focus, unavoidable in instantaneous pictures, deprives the view of perspective, and when a representation of grass over ten feet high is in the foreground, looking across a plain fifty to one hundred miles wide, with a mountain several thousand feet high as a far-away background, or rather the central point, the effect is somewhat distorted and disappointing. Nevertheless, it serves a purpose far transcending the force of mere description. The natives' horror of being photographed makes it most difficult to obtain satisfactory portraits of them. Once, and only once, with their knowledge I held up my camera before a group of natives, employing the photographer's fiction to attract their attention, " Look here and you will see a bird fly out." The result justified the deception. Their good- natured, laughing phsiognomies depict anything but brutality or sa\agery. Glass negatives are constantly in peril of damage, gelatine is liable to melt or mildew, and the necessary chemicals to develop at once the negatives are too frequently utterly spoiled by the atmospheric conditions. There is much to be accom- plished in perfecting photographic paraphernalia ibr tropical use. It had fully been my intention to take a phonograph, despite its unwieldiness, but at that time there was no guaranteed surety that the wax cylinders would withstand the climate, and the project was wisely abandoned on the o p X < Di o o H o X FLEETING SIGHTS. 415 advice of skilled electricians. The Sultan of Zanzibar was the possessor of a phonograph which he kindly proffered for my use, but this instrument was not in working order ; more- over, I naturally declined the responsibility entailed, fearful it should be damaged. Now I am quite convinced it would have been worse than useless, terrifying the natives to such an e.xtent they would have stigmatized me as a mistress of black art. 4i6 SULTAN TO SULTAN. CHAPTER XXI. HOMEWARD BOUND. UT of the German fort at Panoani, the moment the first sun was fired and the reveille beat, I ordered my porters to carry me, only too ;lad that the night of dread and suffering had at last ended, and eager to outdistance the com- -mander's limit of power before he could prohibit my egress. \v^ ^ The mosquitoes had mart\Ted me; my entire body was mottled and burning from their merciless stings. In my utter helplessness, for the first time I relinquished a thought or a care as to my personal effects; in consequence, for the first time, articles disappeared. Alack ! when within a few daj's' march of Pangani, I met with the unfortunate accident which so nearly cost me my life. At the time there were nothing but German swamps and unplcturesque stretches of valley country elongated be- tween distant mountains, and, as I experienced a slight degree of fatigue and natural reaction, deemed it a sensible thing HOMEWARD BOUND. 41 to husband my strength, betook myself to my Palanquin, and allowed myself to be carried. Bent upon accomplishing some detailed work and arran- ging botanical specimens, I paid too little heed to the con- struction of an extemporized tree bridge. As it was the rainy season, the sap was well up in the trees ; those PORTERS TESTING THE BRIDGE. selected on both brinks, and felled ior our purpose, looked fair and sturdy ; and when duly strapped together in the middle, and all was ready, a number of porters were sent ahead to test the structure ; they crossed safely. I should have walked across, however, without a thought of danger. I allowed myself to be carried in ni)- Palanquin ; the bark proved to be unsound and slippery ; my bearers maintained their footing with difficulty ; when in the middle of the 41 8 SULTAN TO SULTAN. bridge, over the swollen torrent which noisily tumbled in its stony bed twenty or more feet below us, the bark peeled off from the logs, and the usually sure-footed porters were hurled with me down into the rushing waters, whereas they at their peril were dashed headlong into the dubious channel, and compelled to struggle for their lives. For a ■hazardous moment, only a moment, although time and space are so immeasurably elongated into eternities during like terrors, I was whirled about, protected from injury by my Palanquin, but with mj' head down and completely submerged in thick yellow water, in jeopardy of drowning. Several addi- tional porters — for my bearers, poor fellows, had all they could do to save themselves — precipitously descended the bank and plunged into the seething waters and extricated me with great difficulty from the Palanquin in which I was helplessly buried beneath a confused mass of cushions, besides being under water. Poor, affrighted fellows, in their wild efforts to carry me out of the water, up the steep rugged bank, hopelessly slipped and dropped me a second time, with serious injury to my spine, where I had struck the rocks. A second rescue, and I was carried, limp and helpless, as I thought per- manently disabled, up the bank. When 1 had somewhat recovered from the shock, I realized that ni)' life depended upon reaching the coast at the earliest possible moment. Meeting the German officer at Masslndi, where he had preceded me, I did not mention the fact of the disaster to him, although my helplessness was not possible to conceal. ^'V %// # THE COURT DRESS. HOMEWARD BOUND. 4I9 He took it for granted I had the fever, a very natural conclu- sion, as he was then stricken with the malady, yet proposed to extend his official journey back to a mountain village where the natives were rebellious ; hence it did not excite his suspicion to know, notwithstanding illness, that I would, that I must, proceed on my journey. To this point coin had been useless to me, and the re- mainder of my rupees seemed too small to meet the demands for the balance of the journey. I was given an order on the officer- in-chief at Pangani to refund me for the surplus loads I had gladly transferred to the officer then at INIoschi, at coast rates, deducting the fifteen rupees a load for transportation, when I found coin would be required at the fag end of the journey. That claim has never been settled. However, another officer at a station later on answered my request sent by a messenger at night for one hundred rupees, which have been refunded. By instituting frequent relays of sturdy carriers, — for many of my porters were without loads, who were induced by promises of extra reward to carry me in a light hammock, marching day and night, — one clay they made the extraor- dinary distance of forty miles through the swampy country of Rufa. The German surgeons at the various stations were horrified that I should proceed in the dying condition they deemed me to be in. However, after using every effort short of force, and having- exhausted all arguments to induce me to tarry and recuperate at Bomo and Lewa, the gentlemen were more than hospitable, and went so far as to compassionately 420 SULTAN TO SULTAN. tender to me personal care, cooking with their own hands delica- cies, proffering and even loading me down with the choicest arti- cles they had in store when I would depart. Some few of these German stations were comfortable habitations, though not quite finished, and the saw and hammer of the carpenters could be heard. It must be remembered that I was utterly power- less, and had to lie just where placed, dying, it seemed, by degrees, my poor brain half delirious ; but the rule of my camp life had become so indelibly stamped that I knew enough to be silent unless sure of the words I was to utter. Nervous dysentery had several times assailed me after leaving Chaga land, and now it caused serious havoc, and it was impossible to eat a bit of solid lood, or taste beef tea or beef extract. Every day my distress and emaciation grew more apparent, and Hamidi and Josefe were constantly by my side, if, indeed, not assisting my carriers. They would lift me ten- derly in and out of the hammock, fan me, carry an umbrella over me, try in every possible way to tempt me to eat, and encourage me when my vitality was about to ebb out. The tenderness and delicacy of these two men, as well as that of Ramezan and Baraka, I can never praise too highly. In fact, every man in the caravan developed unexpected traits of devotion and gentleness. My big man Kara was ever eager to serve, when a single-handed aid was required in carrying me through the swamps; and others, too numerous to mention, expressed in deeds their solicitude, and were fired with the desire to bring me alive back to the coast. HOMEWARD HOUND. 421 The vague remembrance of the salutes fired in my honor by the Germans still affects me in a strange manner — the country, the natives, the intermingling of so much military displa}', primitives and rattle ot guns, my des- perate condition, the deed accomplished, the narrow- ing down of my soul's desire only to return alive and receive the adulation of the one whose mortal liiiS lips are now silenced by a journey to that bourne where one goes, but nevermore returns to ter- restrial haunts. To the officers and even to the good doctor ^ clandestine meeting. I was so very uncivil. When proffered courtesies and medical attention, I was at once apprehensive that if I became either their guest or patient they could e.xercise in the name of human- ity a warrantable edict based upon the fact that my condition was altogether too precarious to admit of my being removed from their hospital or fort. One thought possessed me, namely, to catch the steamer at Zanzibar and start home ; the one boon I yearned for was to live at least until I should once more see my husband and reach my home. 42 2 SULTAN TO SULTAN. All the chances seemed against me ; the doom of death seemed upon me. Having hired Moias to transport us to the anchored ship off Zanzibar, although there was little wind, by employing sixty oarsmen the Mo7u I had embarked upon with about fifty selected porters, headmen, interpreters, arrived at the steamer in the unusual time durino; monsoons of twenty-eight hours ; the rest of my caravan and imple- ments followed a day later. With difficulty I was carried on board of the " Madura." Capt. Avern and all on board were shocked at my ghastly apparition. I was laid upon the sky- light ; all .sorts ot arrangements had been made to secure for me every comfort, and contribute to my well-being. Friends came to see me; doctors were consulted; and the late Capt. W. E. Stairs, who was just forming his caravan, full of compassion for his own expedition, which proved fatal to him, implored me to execute certain documents as he ven- tured to whisper to me his solemn conviction, shared by all, that I would die on the voyage. Upon my emaciated upper arms he slipped a pair of silver bracelets which only measured six inches in circumference. He exclaimed, "I never beheld such an object of physical ravages at Nelson's starvation camp!" In truth, I seemed to be surely dying Irom the sequences of the injury to my spine, starvation, and dysentery. After having escaped African fever — no, not actually escapctl, for I find that I too have become a victim to that insidious African complaint — fever, what you will — from which seldom, if ever, any traveller in Africa escapes — HOMEWARD BOUND. 423 the craving to return. Africa is a hard but irresistibly fascinating mistress, holcling fast with magnetic swa}' lier votaries. After a safe, altliough thrilHng, venture among hostile and peaceful tribes, and a safe march through a difficult country, with only one dead and one thief left behind me, my heart REPAST OF ARAI! FAMILY. bounding with delight born of success, it seemed a cruel fate to be thus disabled. Despite my serious illness, so exhausted I could not articulate an audible sound, sufferingr excruciatine aeony, I feel a glow of pardonable pride, in which my friends and my sex must join me, in the fact that I personally discharged all of my men, and saw them disband, and that I made full 424 SULTAN TO SULTAN. settlement of every payable obligation connected with my caravan, as completely as though in the possession of my normal health. My misfortunes were not to end when embarked on the dear old " Madura," although every profes- sional care and personal consideration were extended to me, and the after deck of the ship fitted up for my occupancy like a private yacht; reposing. In order to breathe, on the sky- light day after day, semidelirious, one day a sudden gust of the monsoon lifted ni)- mattresses with me upon them and hurled me against the iron stanchions of the ship's railings, and, but for the canvas sides, would have carried me into the ocean. My skull was fractured. The captain, surgeon, and officers at first thought it must result seriously, but the cap- tain had personally provided for my use a couple of tons of ice, and its constant applications to my head kept down in- flammation. Strange fact, I shall always regard this calamity in the light of a benefit, for it aroused me from a subtle coma- tose condition, which was gradually enshrouding my sentient being and chaining my will. Day and night through my distracted brain passed in review all of the incidents and the solicitudes of camj) life. A little concert-hall song one of the porters used to drone out in broken English, in wliich the refrain was " Lady Locket lost her pocket," would come mumbling from ni)- lips; anon some order would be cried out, and the personages haunting m\- delirium were the phantoms of those who had served me with such marked patience and loyalty during my safari of over a thousand HOMF.WAKD HOUND. 425 oeling of lile's course, occurred: awaiting miles. Various gifts ami jirayer symbols were brought to mc by the headmen and principals of m\- caravan from their wives or from themselves. A curious incident, revealing the chance and odd ju^^, my arrival was a Zanzibaris servant, known to many as Saala bin Osman, who desired to ac- compan)' me back to England, al- though he had but just returned to Zanzibar. He nar- rated with consid- erable pathos that he had become a Christian bo\-, and that his father and \f\r. ml-siciaxs. brother were dead, and that his iMohammcdan friends would no lono-er tolerate him ; in tact, that his lile was in dano^er. Whilst his story was in progress, Hamidi, m\' headman, dressed like a satrap, in spotless white and crimson velvet and gold-lace, came with a troup of magnificent personages, who proved to be my working porters, transformed into Zanzibaris gentlemen of color. .Saala and Hamidi exchanged glances, surprise broke over both faces, and they e.xclaimed 426 SULTAN TO SULTAN. in concert, "This is my brother!" And so it proved Saala's supposed dead brother was my trusted Hamidi. Had I ever dreamed I should have lived to reach Engrland, I should cer- WOMAX WATER-CARRIER. tainly have brought Hamidi with me. Suffice it my voyage of horrors progressed ; once more we were at Aden, then Port Said, and the local color changed ; the sights and HOMEWARD BOUND. 427 .-v^"-vi^^?:?^-^'^\H;,. ^*^-f.^ scenes assumed the guise of familiarity, and my condition was even more deplorable, and we sighted Naples. With all the reserve force I could command I eathcred myself together for the shocking ordeal of meeting my husband. A voice, that set my heart thumping, tremulously asked, "Does she live?" Ah, yes, she did live, and felt that from henceforth protectetl and safe, she would surely recover, proud and happy in the thought to be at last in shelter- ing, loving arms; and, more than all, success was im- bued with a new glamour, for he smiled and in well-measured adulation approved. Friends and the dear faithful Jacques overwhelmed me with such a welcome. The y..-\ . il 1 J 1 "DOES SHE LIVE?" little town, the loved home, was redolent with a greeting, and brilliant with llags, among which conspicuously floated my own American flag, which had acted as a talisman throughout my safari. Weeks of suspense and agony, then my constitutional vitality asserted itself under the auspices of skilled medical care and un- abated nursing of devoted friends and faithful servants, and once more I was well and strong. The rest has no place here in this volume, save in the few words in the dedication. 428 SULTAN '1"0 SULTAN. CHAPTER XXII. AFTERMATH. »UERYING was it worth while? After serious retrospection over the pros and cons, tlie expenditure of time, money, personal force, hazards, loss and gain, and finally facing as best I may the irrefutable sorrow which is upon me, requiring more courage to bear up under than all else which has befallen me, or can befall me, I am prepared to answer the quer)- provisionally, without a tinge of cant. Yes, it was worth while, if it lies in my feeble power after the quest I ventured to make to contribute something substantial towards the betterment and enlightenment of the natives, as well as to be instrumental in convincing their future rulers and teachers that more humanity and practical common-sense will be more fruitful. If the time, money, personal force, hardships, and ethnological researches result in putting into my hands useful productive work to do in behall of the primitives, if in ni)* future work I may dexx'lop AFFERMATH. 429 those rare attributes of nobility and meritorious character which shall make me a worthy exponent of the philosophy and example oi him whose name I proudl)- bear, then, I reiterate, it was worth while. Jaui(^yPL tS ^/zl£^9C(rt^ MEDICAL AND SITRGICAL APPLIANCES. Two large-sized pigskin cases, filled. Two small leather emergency cases, surgical fittings. One French-Sheldon medicine belt, filled. Fever thermometers, hypodermic cases. Lymph and lancets for vaccination. \'ariou5 splints, carbolized gau/e, bandages. Hazehne, ether, chloroform, soda, liorax. Eno fruit salts, violet water, toilet soap. Traveller's Surgical and Medical C.uide. GENER.\L MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DIRECTIONS AND HINTS. FROM SURGEON T. II. PARKE. SAI.OL •] AHI.oIIiS. One or two for dose, three times ilaily in cholera, dysentery, or diseases of the bladder attended with discharge of pus. PEPTONIC TABLOIDS. One or two taken immediately after eating to relieve indigestion, and to assist the diges- tion. One or two taken with meals, during convalescence from malarial fevers, beneficial. SILPHONAI, TABLOIDS. Taken according to direction on labels to induce sleep, during period of insomnia. (.IITN'INE TABLOIDS (plX'Ii GRAINS). One or two taken immediately after the first symptoms of malarial fe\er are experienced, to aliort an attack of ague. c.ilININE TABLOIDS (TWO OKAINs). .Small doses of quinine beneficial as a tonic and antimalarial. ( >ne or t\\rt a colfl, or as a sedative. SMELLING SALTS FOR HEADACHE. ELLIMAN'S EMBROCATION. For strains and inflammatory condition of the joints. CI.VCERINE. L'sed as an aijplication for the skin. Also, w ill allay intense thirst caused by fevers by moistening a liit of cotton wool or small piece of cloth and applying to the tongue as required. ESSENCE OF GINGER TABLOIDS. Kach tabloid containing ten minims of essence of ginger. One to l)e taken mixed with \\ater as a stomachic. IPECAC AND SglTLL TABLOIDS. One or two three times daily, to promote diuresis in bladder affections. TANNIC GLYCEROL. -Apply with camel's-hair brush for ulceration or relaxation of the throat. It may be taken in doses of half a teaspoonful, mixed with water, to check hemorrhages of the lungs. SUN CHOLERA MIXTURE. l)ose as per label for cholera, dysentery, persistent diarrhcea. ANTI PYRIN E TAllLOir^S. lUiring the delirious period of lever and for intense sun headaches, as required. KEATINC'S INSECT POWDER FOR \KRMIN. POWDERED BARKS. A small quantity dusted in the shoes, if the feet are sore, while marching, or may lie dis- solved in hazeline or water as a lotion for bleeding wounds or as a gargle for sore throat. VACCINE. Twelve tubes of vaccine in metal cases with the hyjioderniic syringes and lancets. TAPE IT.ASTKK. Used as ordinary adhesive plaster, but not necessary to heat it. CARIKILIZED C.AUZE. Antiseptic dressing for wounds. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL APPIJANCES. 435 TRIANGt'I.AR liANDAr.ES. Complete illustrations as to their varied use printed on bandages. They may be used in conjunction with web l:)andages or with a piece of calico sheeting. I.I NT bllKKTINn. A superior suiistitute for lint. CATIIIiTERS. Before using cover with carljolized oil, — one part carbolic acid to forty parts any licjuid oil. TOOTH FORCi;i>S. It is a good plan to carefully separate the gum from the tooth with a gum lance, then crowd the blades of the forceps as far down as possible to the base of the tooth, firmly attach, then draw the tooth. SURGICAL SCISSORS. To be used only for surgical cases. RAIT AN SPLINTS. For fractures or dislocali'ins. KIKFOLLT'S .MUSI'ARI) lkavks. Invaluable, as they can be used w'hile on the march. LINSEED POULTICES. I'repared on cloth, ret]uiring only to be moistened through with hot water. OIL SILK rKOTECTIXE. Covering for compressors and other bandages. I'UMP ENEMA. ONE SURGICAL POCKET CASE. NOTES ON OPENING AN ABSCESS. It is advisable to cut in the form of a cross (+), seeing, of course, that no blood-vessels are in the way of the operation. After all the pus has been extracted, iodoform may be dusted in, and the part covered with a piece of bandage or carbolic gauze. [I found strips of hide admi- rable, and never disturb the dressing, only leaving an outlet for the pus.] Silk to be used for sewing up incised wounds by meins of the needles in same packet. The scarifier intended for vaccination purposes. In case of wounds in the neighborhood of an important artery, if spurting blood is ob- served, the artery must be carefully searched out and clasped by means of the forceps, which can be locked after drawing them a slight distance away from the edge of the wound; the artery may then be ligatured at lioth ends, and the wound is then ready to be sewn up. FLAX LINT FOR DRESSING. Camel's-hair brushes for eyes and throat application. INK PELLET.S. Compressed ink pellets stand the tropical climate. One pellet mixed with a tablespoonful of water makes clean, fadeless, free-flowing ink, invaluable if notes and sketches are to be preserved; non-breakable, and of scarcely any weight, taking up but small space. Note. — In fitting up my expedition. I constantly aimed at minimum of weight, getting a maximum of results and economy in space, whenever possible substituting all lireakable and fluid articles. — AUTHOR. RARE BOOK COLLECTION THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL Travel DT361 .S54